Fantastic Lairs

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Fantasti C
air S L


James Introcaso, Michael E. Shea, Scott Fitzgerald Gray
Scott Fitzgerald Gray
Tanya DePass
Jack Kaiser
Xavier Beaudlet, Allie Briggs, Nikki Dawes, Jack Kaiser,
Enmanuel Martinez, Victor Leza Moreno, Thomas Perkins
Elven Tower, Diana Muñoz, Alex VanDerAa
Marc Radle
Scott Fitzgerald Gray

Thanks to our amazing playtesters and Kickstarter backers

Copyright © 2020 by James Introcaso, Michael E. Shea, and Scott Fitzgerald Gray
CAVES OF THE COCKATRICE (1st Level).................................................5
TEMPLE OF THE CENTIPEDE CULT (2nd Level)....................................10
THE LAIR OF LORD WHISKERS (3rd Level)..........................................15
LAST CALL AT NEVERMIND (3rd Level)................................................20
NATURE’S RAGE (4th Level)..................................................................25
ASHSNARL’S SECRETS (5th Level).........................................................30
STICKY TOFFEE (5th Level)....................................................................36
BUMPY RIDE (6th Level).......................................................................41
THE LAMIA JOB (6th Level)..................................................................47
ITHRIX BLACKBILE (7th Level)..............................................................53
THOSE WHO ARE ABOUT TO DIE (7th Level)......................................59
ZENGRAN’S GAME (7th Level).............................................................66
THE BLOOD PALACE (8th Level)..........................................................74
CURSE OF BLACK ICE (8th Level).........................................................80
KORRINGTON ACADEMY (9th Level)...................................................85
THE REMEMBERED GOD (10th Level)..................................................92
DRAGON MUMMY’S RAGE (12th Level)..............................................97
VALENTYNE’S LEGACY (14th Level)....................................................102
THE WORLD EATER (14th Level).........................................................108
THE FORGE OF SIZZLE DEATH (16th Level).......................................115
BLADE QUEEN’S THRONE (17th Level)..............................................121
HELLS’ HEART (20th Level).................................................................127
PUT THE MONSTER BACK (20th Level)..............................................133
BUILDING A BOSS LAIR....................................................................140
oss battles are hard. Although many GMs Each lair is designed to be a unique experience
are able to get away with improvising much against a dastardly foe, and yet be universal enough
of their RPG campaigns—even combat to plug into your home campaign. Not every lair will
encounters—running climactic battles against fit perfectly into the adventures you want to run. But
powerful villains almost always requires a good deal of hopefully even those lairs can be used for ideas and
preparation. inspiration, fueling your creativity and giving you what
Most of the time, our games don’t need to be filled you need to build exciting adventures and campaigns.
with complicated tactical battles featuring three or
more types of opponents, a half-dozen ways to modify HOW TO USE THIS BOOK
a battlefield, some major environmental shift, and a Skim through this book. Enjoy the art and maps, and
detailed map full of interesting nooks and crannies. If note the lairs that capture your interest. Hopefully
all our encounters are this complicated, our prep work you’re running an existing campaign or have one in the
can often end up thrown away as characters find the planning stages, allowing you to mix and match these
means to circumvent obstacles or challenge their foes in lairs with your own ideas. Mark and note the locations,
unexpected ways. Simple battles work great most of the boss monsters, and fights that catch your eye. Later on,
time, and can be built around scenarios as simple as a when your campaign shifts gears or it’s time to start up
single monster guarding a valuable treasure in a cave. a new campaign, pick the book up again and see what
But sometimes we want something special. catches your eye the second time around. Fantastic
The characters come face to face with a powerful Lairs is a book you can come back to often, grabbing
bandit captain in her private tavern—built within new locations and boss battles each time you need one.
a titan’s skull. A local village comes under attack With some reskinning, you might even find yourself
by a deadly war machine, driven by a villain bent using the same lairs over and over again, making them
on murder and destruction. A forgotten evil lures your own each time you run them.
adventurers into an ancient temple, intent on feeding Though each entry in Fantastic Lairs has been built as
the heroes to a monster hidden away for long years. a climactic encounter that can be dropped into a longer
Although we can improvise many parts of our RPGs adventure or campaign, that isn’t the only way you
as GMs, improvising these kinds of complex, climactic can use this book. All of these boss battles also make
boss battles is a lot harder to do. excellent one-shot adventures. If you’re looking to play
This book is here to help you carry the load. a quick game focused on exciting combat, just select a
Fantastic Lairs: Boss Battles and Climactic Encounters lair, have the players grab some pregenerated characters,
features a full range of deadly battlegrounds, drop in one of the hooks provided with each encounter
secret sanctums, and villainous hideouts built for (or use those hooks to inspire your own), and have fun.
confrontations with powerful boss monsters. This book
is your catalog of boss battles, ready for you to choose, LAIR DESIGN
pilfer, customize, and drop into your own fifth edition This book uses a common design for each of its lairs
game. You want an amazing climax to an adventure or and climactic encounters. Each lair begins with a short
a campaign? A crescendo that builds the excitement description that sets up the action to come, then is
of your game to its peak, and where the thrill of total broken down into the following sections.
victory or the agony of defeat lies along a razor’s edge?
These lairs are designed to give you just that. BACKGROUND
The background section talks about what came before.
UNIQUE YET USABLE Depending on the encounter, this might include the
All of the lairs in this book are designed to be history of the lair, the plots of the boss, and how the
interesting on their own, but also to be usable in a wide boss’s forces have been gathered. The background also
variety of situations. They span the full level range for includes plenty of ideas that can help you connect the
a fifth edition campaign, from a 1st-level adventure in encounter to the backstory of your own campaign.
which the characters come up against a fey-touched
cockatrice, to 20th-level showdowns against a corrupted INTEGRATING THIS LAIR
gold dragon and the legendary tarrasque. This section describes how you might fit the lair into
an existing adventure or campaign. It gives sample
hooks that can bring the characters to the lair, or play, so that a 3rd-level face-off with a bandit gang can
advice on how they might approach it. It’s not expected be easily scaled up into a 6th- or 7th-level showdown.
that these suggestions will be used as-is when running The “Encounter Difficulty” section often makes use
a lair as part of your game. Rather, you can use them as of four simple and powerful ways to tune an encounter
starting points, fueling your creativity to build hooks to fit the power of the characters: modifying the
customized for your players and their characters. number of monsters, modifying the hit points of those
And while each of these lairs has been designed as a monsters, adjusting the number of attacks monsters
climactic boss battle, you’re totally free to use them can make, and adjusting the damage of those attacks.
as one-shot adventures, or even as exciting starting TUNING HIT POINTS AND DAMAGE
encounters for a longer adventure arc or campaign. In general, as a GM, you can keep your hands on two
APPROACHING THE LAIR dials when tuning encounters: one dial for monster hit
points and one for monster damage. This lets you make
This section describes the different ways the characters
changes to the hit points of monsters and the damage
might approach and get inside a lair. For many lairs, the
those monsters deal either before you run a lair or
initial approach is straightforward. For others, different
while the lair adventure plays out.
setups and entry points might bring the characters into
If the characters are killing monsters too easily, feel
the lair in very different ways. Though all the lairs in
free to increase those monsters’ hit points up to the
this book are built around exciting combat options,
maximum based on their hit dice—or even higher if
most also feature lots of options for roleplaying,
you don’t mind bending the rules. If the characters
sneaking in unnoticed by the villains, and so forth.
aren’t suitably threatened in these lairs, you can
LAIR FEATURES increase monster damage by adding more dice to the
roll, bumping average damage, or giving monsters
This section describes the overall characteristics of
additional attacks when they use the Attack action.
a lair, including its construction, lighting, and other
Even if you’re playing a lair at its optimal level, if a
notable features.
battle becomes too hard and hopeless, you can turn
LAIR AREAS the dials the other way, reducing hit points and letting
monsters hit less hard as needed. Alternatively, if what
Each lair includes descriptions of the notable locations
should be an optimized battle feels too easy and the
found within it. All of these locations include
players are getting bored, increase the monsters’ hit
descriptions of features and information to be revealed
points and damage output to dial up the danger.
to the players, plus notes just for the GM’s knowledge
and use. The initial entry points and most important TREASURE
areas of a lair might include text meant to be read
Treasure found in the lair is summarized in this
aloud or paraphrased to the players, to help them
section. Many lairs present a number of different
visualize what their characters are seeing.
options for how treasure can be found or awarded, to
CREATURES make it easier for you to work the encounter into your
ongoing campaign.
Throughout the lair, you’ll find references to
the monsters and NPCs meant to challenge the EXPANDING THIS LAIR
characters—including the encounter’s boss monster.
This final section helps you think about how you might
Where you’re meant to refer to a creature’s combat
expand the story and the situation set up in a specific
statistics, you’ll see that creature’s name in bold text.
lair to drive future adventures in your campaign. Lairs
Sometimes, this tells you to look to your monster
can introduce new villains, new magic, new secrets,
reference book for a creature’s default stat block.
and many other adventure elements that you can use as
Other times, the encounter explains how to make new
your own. If you and your group enjoyed the outcome
monster using modifications to an existing stat block.
of a particular lair, use this section as inspiration for
ENCOUNTER DIFFICULTY continuing the threads of that lair beyond what you
find in these pages.
Though each lair is tuned for a particular level of
play, this section offers easy and straightforward
suggestions for scaling encounters for lower- or
Our goal with this book is to make it easy for you to run
higher-level characters, or for a party with fewer or
fantastic boss battles. These lairs are yours now. Take
more characters. In some cases, the advice given in this
from them what you will, and let these boss battles help
section can bring a lair into an entirely different tier of
you build fantastic stories of high adventure.


Allie Briggs
cockatrice and her twisted offspring have remnants of the Shadow King’s power did not wholly
long laired in a cavern complex rumored pass from the world.
to be a site of ancient fey magic. Treasure Decades ago, a wandering cockatrice found the
hunters, explorers, and underground abandoned cave and made it her lair. Over long years,
wanderers are drawn to seek this mysterious site—and the descendants of this cockatrice became twisted by
are never seen again. the unseelie magic of the cave, which they continue to
This lair is optimized for four to five 1st-level inhabit to this day.
BACKGROUND You can use the following hooks to integrate this
Many centuries ago, creatures from the Feywild lair into your campaign, whether as part of a longer
crossed over from their world into the Material Plane. adventure or as the focus of a single play session:
A cave that bordered those two realms became the • The lair might be a location the characters stumble
sanctum of druids and wizards of the unseelie fey, who upon or which they’ve been sent to in order to
followed a powerful fey lord known as the Shadow recover an item, a person, or information. The
King. They built a doorway between worlds through cockatrice caves might be a contained site, or could
which they and other servants of the Shadow King be just one part of a larger underground complex
could travel. It was even said that the Shadow King of natural caverns, perhaps with some other
would step through the gateway from time to time, connections to the fey.
enjoying the pleasures of the natural world before • This location might be a section of a larger
returning to his dark court. underground complex avoided by intelligent
But over centuries, the Shadow King and his court humanoids. Evil dwarves who live in a nearby city
turned their attentions elsewhere. The magic of the might shun these haunted caverns. The petrified
gateway faded and the doorway closed, though the humanoids in the lair might be bandits, orcs, or
hobgoblins who wandered away from their more Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +0 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature.
secure lairs and ended up here. The characters might Hit: 1 piercing damage, and the target must succeed on a DC
8 Constitution saving throw against being magically petrified.
also stumble upon these caves while seeking an On a failed save, the creature begins to turn to stone and
alternative secret entrance into an underground city. is restrained. It must repeat the saving throw at the end of
• As an encounter intended for 1st-level characters, its next turn. On a success, the effect ends. On a failure, the
this lair might stand as its own full adventure. creature is petrified for 1 minute.
Characters of 1st level need little more than a • It has a challenge rating of 1/8 (25 XP).
battle against some cockatrices and their offspring
to bring them up to 2nd level and get them ready COCKATRICE CAVES
to adventure onward. Setting the lair up as a one- The following encounter areas are keyed to the map of
shot adventure could involve a local settlement the cockatrice lair.
sending the characters out to investigate the recent
disappearances of farmers or hunters who veered too C1. CAVERN ENTRANCE
near the haunted cavern. A statue of a dwarf stands at this junction of four
rough-walled natural tunnels, its face staring
APPROACHING THE COCKATRICE down toward its two broken arms on the ground.
LAIR A successful DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check
This lair can be set up as a deep underground cavern, made to inspect the statue confirms that it is very
or might be found close to the surface world with a lifelike—and most likely a petrified humanoid. (This
tunnel entrance leading directly into the cockatrice’s unfortunate explorer is dead and cannot be restored
caves. When the characters approach the lair of the from their petrified state. See area C5 for more
cockatrice, read or paraphrase the following to set the information.)
scene: Any character inspecting the cracked tunnel walls to
the north notices gentle wisps of wind blowing through
The rough-walled tunnel opens up to a series of the cracks, through which can be heard the faint sound
of running water. A character who succeeds on a DC
larger caverns ahead. Numerous pieces of broken
13 Wisdom (Perception) check to search the tunnel
stone lie on the ground, many appearing to be
walls notices an Elven glyph on the cracked stone of
finely carved. One piece is recognizable as a stone the north wall.
humanoid hand, broken off at the wrist. With the glyph spotted, a successful DC 14
Intelligence (Arcana or History) check recognizes it as
the mark of the Shadow King, a dark lord of the fey. If
COCKATRICE CAVES FEATURES an elf or half-elf touches the glyph, the wall around it
The areas of the cockatrice’s lair have the following fades into shadow for 1 minute, revealing a tunnel into
general features: area C2.
• Tunnels in the lair are 6 feet high. The cracked wall can also be broken through with a
• Larger caverns have ceilings rising to 12 feet high. successful DC 14 Strength (Athletics) check. The noise
• All areas of the lair are unlit. of doing so alerts the cockatrice and her hatchlings in
area C4 to the presence of intruders.
Throughout the lair lurk the cockatrice’s hatchlings.
These hatchlings might be indifferent to the characters Mike’s Thoughts: Be Nice at 1st Level
or hostile toward them, as you desire. This lair has been designed for 1st-level characters, who
Whenever you see a bold reference to a cockatrice are much more fragile than characters of any other level
hatchling, use the lizard stat block with the following in the game. Be nice to 1st-level characters, who are weak
changes: enough that death can come as an unwelcome surprise
• It has a Constitution of 6 (−2), and 1 (1d4 − 2) hit to the whole table at once. Though the cockatrice and
points. her hatchlings in this encounter are dangerous, they don’t
• Its lack of object permanence grants it disadvantage necessarily need to fight optimally if the characters are
having too tough a time. Go easy on the characters at 1st
on Wisdom (Perception) checks and a −5 penalty to
level. You can always dial up the danger later on. When
its passive Wisdom (Perception) score.
they hit 7th level and above? That’s the time to bring on the
• The hatchling has the following attack instead of the
lizard’s bite attack:

Alex VanDerAa
C2. THRONE OF THE SHADOW KING When the characters first approach this area, they
see a statue of a dwarf against the far wall turn from
A large sinkhole in the center of this cavern leads to an
stone back to flesh and curse loudly. The dwarf is then
underground stream flowing west to east, 20 feet below
swarmed by the hatchlings, who quickly turn it back to
the cavern floor. The western branch of the stream
stone again.
is fed by the waterfall in area C3. The eastern branch
Any creature that enters the hot mud for the first
leads out to beyond these caverns.
time on a turn or starts its turn there takes 3 (1d6) fire
A cracked statue of an elf sits atop an ornate stone
throne in the northwest corner of the cavern. A
successful DC 12 Intelligence (History or Nature) C5. CAVERN OF FROZEN FEAR
check reveals that this is not a petrified creature, but a
This rough-walled cavern is the main lair of the
centuries-old statue depicting the Shadow King, a dark
cockatrice, which feeds on ever-present insects and
lord of the fey.
other vermin when not hunting the humanoids that
A glyph-marked darkwood bracelet rests in one
wander into this cavern. As the characters approach
hand of the statue of the Shadow King. The bracelet
this area, the cockatrice lurks amid the broken statues
is an uncommon magic item whose wearer can cast
of its previous victims, hoping to catch them unawares
the dimension door spell, but who has the poisoned
while they investigate the unseelie pull of the ancient
condition while in contact with iron or other metal.
fey gate.
Once its spell is cast, the bracelet crumbles into ash.
This bracelet is attuned to the fey gate in area C4,
as are the cockatrice and her offspring. As such, the A dozen humanoid statues, many of them broken,
wearer of the bracelet has advantage on Wisdom decorate this broad cavern. Tall columns of stone rise
(Perception) checks made to notice those creatures. to the rough ceiling, and a rune-decorated gateway
of worked stone stands before the rock wall to the
C3. WATERFALL north, swirling with magical energy.
A narrow waterfall flows down from the upper Two podiums flank the gateway, holding glowing
reaches of this 20-foot-high cavern into a 20-foot- crystals of violet and green. The green crystal has
deep sinkhole in the floor, then out through a tunnel a large crack in it, and sends intermittent pulses of
connecting area C3 to area C2. A single cockatrice arcane energy arcing into the stone of the wall and
hatchling wanders around in here, looks curiously floor.
at the characters, and attempts to nibble on one
character’s foot.
C4. HATCHERY The fey-touched cockatrice, the central boss of this
A bubbling pool of hot mud fills this small cavern with lair, resides here. Its proximity to the unseelie gate
humidity. Piles of cockatrice eggs lie along the edges of has twisted the creature’s nature, so that it uses the
the cave, which is home to two cockatrice hatchlings cockatrice stat block with the following changes:
per character.
• It has proficiency in the Stealth skill, giving it a +3 knocked prone and restrained under the statue (escape
modifier on Dexterity (Stealth) checks. DC 12).
• It can cast the misty step spell as a bonus action, no NATURAL COLUMNS
components required. The two natural columns of stone within the cavern
• It has a challenge rating of 1 (200 XP). can be used as cover. Because the cockatrice hatchlings
TACTICS have trouble maintaining focus on other creatures,
If it becomes aware of intruders, the cockatrice whenever a character goes out of sight behind a pillar,
attempts to hide among the statues, flies out to attack any hatchlings aware of the character immediately
its foes, and then uses misty step to return to the forget about them, and go off in search of other targets.
shadows. If the characters manage to sneak up on it, FEY GATE
the cockatrice is pecking at the leg of an undamaged The fey gate here was once a portal to the unseelie
statue of an elf (see the section on Celestria Avondel realms of the Feywild, but has become unstable over
for details). long centuries. The nearby podiums, which once
The cockatrice is accompanied by two cockatrice powered the gate, now send chaotic energy arcing into
hatchlings for each character in the party above two. nearby objects and creatures.
The cockatrice and the hatchlings all have darkvision Any creature that moves within 15 feet of the gate
and prefer to fight in the dark. They first attack any for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there must
character holding a light, attempting to extinguish it so succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or take 3
they have an easier time hunting their prey. (1d6) lightning damage.
The cockatrice’s petrification ability normally does REANIMATED STATUES
not petrify creatures permanently. However, the Once the threat of the cockatrices is removed, each
proximity of the chaotic magic of the fey gate means intact and still-living statue reanimates within 1d12
that creatures that suffer mortal wounds while petrified hours. Depending on how you’ve set up this lair and
in this area die and become mundane statues. Roughly the scope of the adventure around the encounter, these
half the statues in this area have suffered this fate, petrified NPCs might include any of the following:
and are missing arms, legs, or heads. Other statues, Dawson the Gray Hunter. An elf assassin who
however, have been petrified more recently and are decided to lie low in this “harmless” cave while
still alive. These statues take the forms of wandering hunting for a noble lord.
villagers, hapless explorers, or other NPCs specific to Myla Rosewood. A young halfling commoner whose
your adventure, all of whom have become trapped in far-ranging explorations have taken her to this
this cavern and repeatedly petrified by the cockatrice cavern.
and her brood. Alec Thornripple. A human scout whose quarry fled
A character or a cockatrice can attempt to topple a into the cave.
statue onto a creature within 5 feet of the statue. Doing Gundra Blackboot. A dwarf bandit following rumors
so requires an action and a successful DC 12 Strength of a cave full of treasure.
(Athletics) check, and forces the targeted creature to Lord Marvell Thoroughgood. A human noble who
make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, planned to impress his love interest by cutting off the
the target takes 7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage and is head of a mystical monstrosity.
Sevel Grayblossom. An elf cultist who came to the
cave to find the Shadow King’s throne and bracelet in
James’s Thoughts: Let the Dice Decide area C2.
The lower levels of the game, especially 1st level, are
meant to be deadly. While I don’t (usually) endorse an CELESTRIA AVONDEL
adversarial style of running games, character death is part The final statue is that of an elf mage named Celestria
of the game—and in most cases, is only really meaningful Avondel. Celestria arrived here from the Feywild more
at lower levels. Starting at 5th level, characters get access to
than 150 years ago, and was caught unawares by the
magic that can bring them back from the dead with a single
first cockatrice to make its lair in this cavern. She has
spell slot. If your group is okay with it and it won’t wreck
since remained permanently trapped in the cave, living
anyone’s enjoyment, don’t pull any punches. Roll out in the
open, and let the dice and the characters fall where they
for only seconds each day as generations of cockatrices

or higher, Windharrow becomes a very rare +2 scimitar
Scott’s Thoughts: Where’s the Fun? whose wielder can use an action to cast the ice storm
The question, “How lethal should 1st level be?” is best spell. If attuned by a character of 15th level or higher,
answered with another question: “Who are your players, Windharrow becomes a legendary +3 scimitar whose
and how will character death affect them?” For experienced wielder can take 1 minute to cast the wind walk spell.
players, the fragility of starting characters can be one of the Once the scimitar’s spell is cast, it can’t be cast again
best parts of the game, and countless players have shared in until the next dawn.
the hilarious collective memory of 1st-level would-be heroes
dying spectacularly. But newer players—and especially ENCOUNTER DIFFICULTY
young players—are often in a different head space than
You can adjust the difficulty of this lair in a number of
tabletop veterans in terms of their relationships with their
different ways. For more difficult encounters, consider
Newer players can invest a lot of time and emotional any of the following options:
energy in their characters, and even more so in their very • Add one or more additional fey-touched cockatrices
first characters. Likewise, a player’s very first game often with the modifications described in area C5.
establishes the baseline of what RPGs mean to them, for • Add more cockatrice hatchlings.
good or for bad. As such, nothing can turn a new player • Give one or more cockatrices maximum hit points.
away from the tabletop RPG experience faster than having • Increase the damage dealt by the fey gate and any
their very first character die like a mook.
toppled statues.
The goal of every GM is to make sure that everyone at
• Replace the cockatrice and her hatchlings with
the table has fun. So try to judge how character death at
other monsters known for their petrification attacks,
1st level is likely to affect the fun, based on the players’
relationships with their characters, or on your own
including basilisks, medusas, or gorgons.
conversations with the players. If character death and having To reduce the difficulty of the lair, consider any of the
fun are at odds for a particular group, don’t be afraid to give following options:
the 1st-level characters a break. But if the players are ready • Reduce the hit points of the cockatrice
and willing? Well, no one said this hero thing was going to • Remove the cockatrice hatchlings, or make them
be easy.
strictly noncombatants, or both.

and their offspring continually repetrify her each time EXPANDING THIS LAIR
she returns to life and tries to flee. You can expand this lair by building on or modifying
Celestria is overjoyed at finally being freed from any number of the hooks found within it:
her captivity, though she is dismayed at the amount of • Rescuing Celestria can introduce a new NPC to the
time she has lost in her petrified state. She is equally campaign who might offer the characters quests
dismayed at the state of the fey gate. She thanks the meant to help her return to her Feywild home.
characters, gifting them the sword she carries (see • You might put the characters in charge of figuring
below), and then spends her days researching how out whether the fey gate is still active, or how it might
to repair the fey gate and return to her home in the be activated after a search for special components or
Feywild. rituals.
• The Shadow King might become a prominent part of
TREASURE your adventure or campaign, having felt the presence
If rescued, Celestria rewards the characters with the of the characters as they approached his throne or
magic scimitar she carries. She was never particularly came near his gate.
good with the blade, she explains, and feels that its • If the fey gate is ever opened, it can become a
story will take a brighter turn in the hands of such connection point between your world and the
valiant adventurers. unseelie world of the Feywild, offering all kinds of
The blade is an uncommon magic scimitar that possibility for adventure.
requires attunement, called Windharrow. A wielder
attuned to Windharrow can use an action to cast the
gust of wind spell. When attuned by a character of
5th level or higher, Windharrow becomes a rare +1
scimitar whose wielder can use an action to cast the
invisibility spell. If attuned by a character of 10th level

Jack Kaiser

deranged group of cultists believe that the then nearly killed when a giant centipede attacked and
giant centipedes infesting a ruined temple are poisoned him with its bite. Managing to hide from the
beings that can grant them eternal life. With creature before it killed him, Glynt fell into a fugue
their minds broken by the centipedes’ poison, state in which he came to believe that the centipedes
the cultists worship these creatures and regularly bring were divine beings, and that he had been spared to
them sacrifices, working to repurpose a sinister hidden worship them. Sensing that the creatures called to
temple built by devil-worshiping duergar for their evil him for sacrifices, Glynt began to lure victims to the
deeds. centipede lair, maiming them with his dagger, then
This lair is optimized for four to five 2nd-level dragging them screaming to the altar in front of the
characters. arthropod monsters. The centipedes have long since
grown used to this treatment, instinctively sparing
BACKGROUND those who feed them raw meat.
Centuries ago, a group of duergar dwarves built Glynt’s ravings soon brought more broken-minded
a temple to Asmodeus, Lord of the Nine Hells. cultists to his side, each poisoned into madness by the
Long wars with the drow and nameless tentacled centipede’s sting. Calling themselves the Children of
abominations saw the duergar slain or enslaved in a Thousand Legs, the cultists have recently begun to
the end, leaving the temple to fall to ruin and decay ramp up their kidnapping and sacrifice to the giant
for more than a thousand years. The ruins have long centipedes in the unholy temple.
since been claimed by the beasts of the underworld,
including a pack of giant centipedes that wormed their INTEGRATING THIS LAIR
way into the duergar’s vaults. You can use the following hooks to integrate this
A few years ago, a starving human named Connerath lair into your campaign, whether as part of a longer
Glynt stumbled into the centipede lair. Overcome by adventure or as the focus of a single play session:
the fiendish imagery within the temple, Glynt was
• The cult kidnaps an NPC dear to the characters, T1. UNHOLY NARTHEX
and the carapace of a giant centipede’s head is left
Having passed through whatever entryway to the
behind in the NPC’s place. An investigation leads the
temple you set up, the characters arrive in the narthex.
party to the lost temple, where they face the cult and
Grim statues of oversized duergar dwarves stand in
recover their friend.
each corner of the chamber, and a stone rack stands
• A dwarf associate of the characters tells them about
against the east wall.
the mysterious fiendish temple of the duergar who
A rune-scribed circle is set into the floor around a
once harried this region. Talk of treasure supposedly
large glowing symbol. A character who speaks Infernal
remaining in the temple’s halls draws the characters
or who succeeds on a DC 13 Intelligence (Religion)
to the site, but they discover the cultists when they
check recognizes that the symbol and the runes around
it are related to that fiendish language.
• A cultist is killed during a botched kidnapping
Ceramic cylinders sit within the stone rack, many of
operation. The characters find a jeweled centipede
which have broken to deposit ash onto the floor. These
ring on the body, along with a map depicting the
urns hold the remains of long-dead cremated duergar
location of the fiendish temple.
priests. Some of the urns have been replaced with the
• A young hawker sells the characters a map to a
dead carapaces of giant centipedes, carefully pieced
treasure vault supposedly found in the nearby
together and etched with Infernal glyphs.
mountains—but the hawker is secretly working the
cult by luring victims to the lair. If found out, the ANCIENT GUARDIANS
hawker divulges that many other map-sellers can be When the characters first arrive here, the spirit of a
found in nearby towns, plotting to send hundreds duergar dwarf named Kaxon Ironspine rises from the
of would-be adventurers to fall under the holy scattered ashes. Kaxon uses the specter stat block but
centipedes’ poisoned stingers. The characters must can speak Common, Dwarvish, and Undercommon.
root out the cult if they wish to save all those who When he appears, Kaxon asks the characters in
might be lured to the lair. Common to name the one true god. If they fail to say
“Asmodeus,” the specter laughs and disappears as the
APPROACHING THE TEMPLE statues in the room begin to animate—one statue for
The temple of the centipede cult can be set in any every two characters in the party. Each statue uses
remote location. You might place it in a lost valley deep the animated armor stat block but has AC 16. All
within the mountains, have natural caverns lead down animated statues fight until destroyed. The noise of this
from the surface to the forgotten ruins, or establish the combat alerts the cultists in area T2, who prepare for
temple as one part of a large underground complex of the characters’ arrival.
worked stone construction. If any character says “Asmodeus” in response to
Though the cultists spend much of their time Kaxon’s question, the specter begrudgingly lets them
working with new sacrifices and worshiping the pass, muttering about them potentially “lying like the
centipedes in the main temple described in this others.” A character who attempts to speak to Kaxon
lair, you can establish living quarters for them in and succeeds on a DC 12 Charisma (Persuasion) check
neighboring caves or adjacent duergar ruins. convinces the specter to open up to them. Though the
centipede cultists were able to guess the correct answer
TEMPLE FEATURES to Kaxon’s question, the specter is angry that they are
The areas of the temple have the following general worshiping a false god in the temple. Assuming the
features: characters treat Kaxon with respect, he describes the
• All areas are made of worked stone that is crumbling secret hallway of area T3 and how to bypass the poison
in spots. gas trap within it, so that the characters can bring
• Hallways are 12 feet high. vengeful death to the cultists.
• Rooms have ceilings 20 feet high. BRACELET OF PAIN
• Rooms and halls are all dimly lit by guttering torches Any search of the stone rack turns up an urn that
set into sconces along the walls. conceals a cold-iron bracelet with spikes on the inside.
The bracelet radiates evocation magic to a detect magic
TEMPLE OF THE CENTIPEDE CULT spell. When a creature dons the bracelet, the spikes dig
The following encounter areas are keyed to the map of in to deal 2 (1d4) piercing damage, and the creature’s
the cult’s lair. hit point maximum is reduced by this same amount
until the bracelet is removed. While wearing the
bracelet, a creature can cast the scorching ray spell with

a +7 bonus to the ranged spell attack roll. The bracelet’s (Perception) score of 16 or higher, or who succeeds
magic fades and it shatters once the spell is cast. on a DC 16 Wisdom (Perception) check. Even if the
characters have been made aware of the door, they
The doorway to area T4 is locked. Kathera in area must still locate its mechanism to open it. When a
T2 and Connerath Glynt in area T4 both carry keys specific brick is pulled out, turned 90 degrees, and
that can unlock it. The lock can also be picked with a pushed back in, it activates counterweights in the
successful DC 16 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools, walls that draw the door up into the ceiling. The door
but the door is too strong to be forced. A character descends and the mechanism resets after 1 minute.
who listens at the door and succeeds on a DC 16 T3. FORGOTTEN HALLWAY
Wisdom (Perception) check hears Connerath Glynt
Thick dust and cobwebs fill this hallway, which is
preaching to the cultists in area T4, describing his own
unknown to the cultists and has been undisturbed
version of the events detailed in the “Background”
since the time of the duergar. The walls depict scenes
of battle and conquest by the duergar, led by powerful
T2. GRIM SACRISTY devils of the Nine Hells.
A large stone table stands at the center of this chamber, TRAPPED FLOOR
while an iron-barred cage is set in the northeast corner. Two-thirds of the way down the hallway, a 10-foot
Relief carvings on the walls depict a hellish world of section of trapped floor tiles triggers the release of
fire and iron ruled over by devils and their duergar poison gas through small valves in the wall, filling an
servants. area 40 feet long and centered on the trap. A creature
that succeeds on a DC 16 Wisdom (Perception) check
A number of centipede cultists are at work in this made to search the hallway can see that the section of
chamber, cutting up the body of a dead prisoner to floor tiles has a deep groove around it. A character who
feed the centipedes in area T4. If they are aware of the succeeds on a DC 14 Intelligence (Investigation) check
characters, they cannot be surprised and attack at once. made to search the hallway recognizes that the section
Kathera the Stinger is a chaotic evil human cultist of the floor is connected to intricate mechanisms
with 20 hit points. She leads a group consisting of one that run beneath it and into the walls. The triggering
cultist for every two characters. Kathera has a giant section of tiles can be jumped over, or the trap can
centipede she calls Kaliv wrapped around her waist, be disarmed with a successful DC 16 Dexterity check
which moves and attacks with her. using thieves’ tools.
If the trap is not detected, the first creature walking
THE PRISONER down the hall sets it off. Each creature caught in the gas
Wilma DeGray, a neutral good human commoner, is must succeed on a DC 12 Constitution saving throw or
imprisoned in the iron cage. Kathera and Connerath take 7 (2d6) poison damage.
Glynt in area T4 carry the keys for the cage, which can
be picked with a successful DC 13 Dexterity check
using thieves’ tools or broken open with a successful Where the hallway turns to the northeast, it dead-ends
DC 16 Strength (Athletics) check. at a wall, with a peephole looking into area T4. Hinges
The cultists grabbed up Wilma and three of her on the far side of a narrow gap in the wall identify the
companions a few days earlier, all of whom have end of the corridor as a hidden door that moves the
already been murdered and fed to the centipedes in statue on the other side of it, opening up into area T4.
area T4. Wilma has been poisoned by the cultists and A character listening at the door can hear Connerath
remembers little of her captivity. If a character succeeds Glynt praying to the cultists’ dark god, describing some
on a DC 14 Charisma (Persuasion) check, Wilma can of the history detailed in the “Background” section.
describe her capture and the fate of her companions. A character can push the statue door open wide
She also remembers seeing a ghostly dwarf entering enough for Medium creatures to squeeze through
this area and passing through the wall to the north. into area T4, but it takes a successful DC 11 Dexterity
(This was Kaxon wandering through from area T1, and (Stealth) check to do so without alerting the
hinting at the location of the secret door to area T3.) distracted cultists in the temple. This check is made
with disadvantage unless the hinges of the door are
SECRET DOOR oiled first. If the characters go unnoticed and attack
A well-hidden secret door leads from this room to the immediately, the cultists are surprised.
hallway of area T3. The door and its mechanism can
be spotted by any character with a passive Wisdom

When the characters arrive in this area, read or
paraphrase the following:

Four burning braziers bathe this vaulted temple in

flickering green light. A wide pit opens up at the
center of the chamber, with a stone-slab altar covered
in blood and gore to the north of it. Deep cracks cut
through two large pillars standing south of the pit.
Three statues of devils stand against the north, east,
and west walls. The central devil has a humanoid
body, four clawed arms, great bat-like wings, and
goat-like legs. The west statue depicts a horned
lizard-like devil, while the east statue depicts a large
insect-like devil holding a glaive. However, each
statue’s head has been broken off and replaced with
the twisted carapace of a dead giant centipede. The
dead heads of four giant centipedes are held in the
hands of the central statue.

If the characters come through the south door, the

cultists are immediately alerted to their presence. If
they successfully sneak in through the hidden west
secret entrance, they might catch the cultists unaware
(see area T3 for information).
Cult leader Connerath Glynt is here, conducting a
ceremony before the four-armed statue to the north—a
representation of Asmodeus. The eviscerated body
of a captured victim lies on the altar, their blood
flowing down the slab and across the floor into the
central pit. Glynt uses the cult fanatic stat block and is
accompanied by one cultist for each character in the
Glynt begins the battle between the altar and the
north statue, casting spiritual weapon, which appears

Alex VanDerAa
as a twisting ethereal centipede burrowing out of the CENTIPEDE PILLARS
ground, and sacred flame, which bathes its victim in a The two pillars on the south side of the chamber are
sickly green light. He then casts inflict wounds using a hollow. As the battle begins, one giant centipede for
2nd-level spell slot on any character who gets within every two characters in the party crawls out from the
5 feet of him, or casts command on an enemy in a pillars and attacks.
position to be attacked by other cultists, ordering that
enemy to lay prone before their skittering god. If Glynt CHILD OF THE CENTIPEDE GOD
is cornered by enemies, he uses a bracelet he wears to On the second round of combat, Glynt calls out to
summon a giant centipede to his aid (see “Treasure” something called “the Child of a Thousand Legs.”
below for more information). In response, a massive giant centipede crawls out
The cultists begin spaced out around the pit. They of the central pit and attacks the characters, acting
draw their scimitars and attack as soon as they are immediately after Glynt in the initiative order. This
aware of the characters, focusing on defending Glynt or creature uses the giant centipede stat block with the
slashing those with lighter armor. following changes:
• Its size is Large.

• It has 30 hit points. bracelet becomes a giant centipede under the wearer’s
• It has a challenge rating of 1 (200 XP). control that acts on its own initiative count. After 1
hour or when it is reduced to 0 hit points, the giant
The altar in the north part of the chamber fills centipede returns to its bracelet form. The bracelet can’t
Connerath Glynt with unholy energy. While he is be used again this way until the next dawn.
within 5 feet of the altar, Glynt is surrounded by a
green glow clearly emanating from the altar, granting
him advantage on spell attack rolls, and imposing You can adjust the difficulty of this lair in a number of
disadvantage on saving throws against any spells he different ways. For more difficult encounters, consider
casts. A detect magic spell reveals that the altar radiates any of the following options:
necromancy magic. • Increase the number of cultists and giant centipedes.
A creature can disrupt the altar’s magic by calling • Add spies, berserkers, or veterans to the final
down divine wrath upon it with a successful DC 13 encounter. These brutal killers call themselves the
Intelligence (Religion) check, or by casting any spell Black Spines, and might be cannibalistic guardians of
upon it that deals radiant damage. The altar can also the cultists.
be attacked (it has AC 14, 20 hit points, and resistance • Make Connerath Glynt a priest or a mage.
to poison and psychic damage), or shattered with a • Use the cult fanatic stat block for Glynt’s followers.
successful DC 13 Strength (Athletics) check. To reduce the difficulty of the lair, consider any of the
following options:
The central pit is 20 feet wide and 20 feet deep. In • Make Connerath Glynt a cultist or an acolyte.
addition to being the lair of the Child of a Thousand • Decrease Glynt’s hit points.
Legs, the pit is filled with two swarms of insects • Reduce the number of cultists and giant centipedes.
(centipedes). Any creature that falls into the pit
takes 2d6 bludgeoning damage and is attacked by the EXPANDING THIS LAIR
swarms, which take the Ready action and wait for prey You can expand this lair by building on or modifying
to come to them. The pit’s slimy walls mean that it any number of the hooks found within it:
takes a successful DC 14 Strength (Athletics) check to • This lair might be just one part of a larger ruined
climb out of it. duergar city, and Connerath and the centipede
cultists might be just one of the many sinister groups
that have taken root in the place.
Each of the braziers in the four corners of the temple
• Rather than worshiping centipedes, the cultists might
can be tipped over with a successful DC 14 Strength
engage in their own twisted interpretation of the
(Athletics) check. When tipped, a brazier sends out hot
duergar’s devil worship.
coals and ash in a 15-foot cone. Any creature in the
• The cult might have already progressed past
area of the coals and ash must make a DC 12 Dexterity
kidnapping individual sacrifices to engage in evil
saving throw, taking 10 (3d6) fire damage on a failed
plots that pose a threat to all civilized folk in the
save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
surrounding areas.
TREASURE • The temple might be just one part of a much larger
Cult of a Thousand Legs, whose agents use distilled
When the characters have overcome the cultists, any
giant centipede poison to twist the minds of those
search of Connerath Glynt reveals that he wears a
who ingest it, converting them to the cult’s cause.
magic bracelet shaped like a golden centipede. This is
an uncommon magic item that requires attunement.
A creature attuned to the bracelet can use an action to
speak its command word and throw it on the ground
within 10 feet of them. When thrown this way, the


Allie Briggs
ll lycanthropes fear and despise silver, but Lord Whiskers believes that if he can rid the city
the wererat crime boss known as Lord of all silver, he can rule over it. The blades of rival
Whiskers nurtures a hatred for this metal that gangs, the arrows of archers, the longswords of the city
is legendary. He wants to be rid of the stuff. watch—nothing can threaten him if he can control
All of it. Forever. So having recently found the perfect the supply of silver, allowing him to become king of
lair down in the city sewers, Lord Whiskers has set a the city. For months now, people have been robbed
master plan in motion. First, he’ll steal all the silver he by Longwhiskers enforcers stealing only silver. Gold,
can. Second, he’ll feed it to his new favorite friend, an jewels, and the rest have been thrown back at victims,
otyugh named Angoq. That glutton will eat anything. while less valuable silver necklaces, earrings, and coins
This lair is optimized for four to five 3rd-level are bagged up and taken away. Silversmiths have been
characters. murdered, their shops stripped of all their wares, even
as other shops nearby were left untouched.
Since the fall of Abrim Grayheart, boss of the Seven INTEGRATING THIS LAIR
Knives—the most powerful criminal enterprise in You can use the following hooks to integrate this
the city—dozens of gangs having been vying for lair into your campaign, whether as part of a longer
power, each aiming to take their slice of the pie. After adventure or as the focus of a single play session:
serving Grayheart as a low-level spy and enforcer, • A relic made of silver that is dear to the characters
Vayshe Whiskers took on a new title after the boss’s or an NPC acquaintance has been stolen by one of
death. Now Lord Whiskers, the wererat has built up Lord Whiskers’s thieves. Clues, interrogations or
a criminal gang known as the Longwhiskers, and has eyewitness reports direct the characters to Lord
hatched a plot to destroy the weapons that might harm Whiskers’s lair in the depths of the sewers beneath
him. the city.

• A laborer of modest means comes to the characters
The main part of this chamber is dominated by a
and explains that her grandmother’s silver earrings
deep cistern set with a rusted ladder, half-filled with
were taken from her by Longwhiskers enforcers.
She begs the characters to hunt down the missing fetid water. Barely visible within the murky pool,
earrings, speaking of their great sentimental a wide drainpipe runs to the west. An iron door is
value. After learning that the enforcers left gold presently slid into the wall to the southwest, leaving
coins behind and took only the silver earrings, the its doorway open.
characters learn of other similar robberies. Their
investigation ultimately leads them to the lair of Lord LONGWHISKERS BRIGANDS
Whiskers. A human Longwhiskers enforcer named Jack the
• During another adventure, the characters find Spike (use the berserker stat block) watches over this
themselves in the sewers underneath a major city. area, along with one bandit for each character in the
Fighting the Longwhiskers gang within the lair leads party. When the characters arrive, these brigands are
to the discovery of Lord Whiskers’s plots. tormenting a half-elf silversmith commoner named
Tristan Garvukan.
APPROACHING THE LAIR OF LORD Jack has a rope tied around Tristan’s feet and is
WHISKERS dunking him into the fetid water of the cistern while
The characters are most likely to enter the lair of Lord the other bandits egg him on. Each time he pulls
Whiskers from the northeast stairwell of area W1. Tristan up, Jack asks where the silversmith has stashed
However, they might also reach area W3 through the the rest of his loot. “Instead of just your silver, we’ll
sewer channel to the north. The lair might be part of be feeding you to Angoq!” the enforcer roars. Any
a complex sewer system under a large city, the central character can tell that one or two more dunkings into
junction of a smaller city’s sewers, or even a forgotten the foul water might prove fatal to the prisoner.
grotto beneath a town or village. If the characters get the drop on the villains here,
If you decide to locate the lair outside of a city, you they can loot them for their valuables. See “Treasure” at
might modify it to feature natural walls and tunnels as the end of the lair.
part of a cave complex instead of a sewer system.
The cistern is 20 feet deep and half-filled with foul
runoff from the larger fetid pit in area W3. A creature
The areas of the lair of Lord Whiskers have the
that enters the water of the cistern for the first time on
following general features:
a turn or starts its turn there must succeed on a DC 12
• Rooms and chambers are 10 feet high. Constitution saving throw or become poisoned for 10
• The caverns are lit with torches set in iron sconces for minutes.
those members of Lord Whiskers’s band that cannot A large pipe half-submerged and 10 feet down from
see in the dark. the top of the cistern leads west into Angoq’s lair in
• The walls and floors of the lair are old, wet worked area W3.
• The noise of water flowing through the area masks IRON DOOR
the sound of combat in areas W1 and W3. The iron door leading into area W2 is presently slid
• The whole place smells of sewage and rot. into the wall to leave the doorway open. If the battle
turns against them, Jack and the bandits run through
LAIR OF LORD WHISKERS the doorway to warn Lord Whiskers of the attack, and
The following encounter areas are keyed to the map of to prepare the traps in area W2.
Lord Whiskers’s sewer lair. W2. KILLING ROOM
W1. FLOODWATER CISTERN This hallway protects Lord Whiskers’s sanctuary in
This cavern serves as the primary entrance into area W3 from intruders. Depending on whether Jack
Lord Whiskers’s lair, with characters descending the the Spike or any of the bandits ran through here, Lord
northeast staircase to the room’s higher eastern side, Whiskers might be aware of and prepared for the
then climbing down the ladder to the lower west side characters’ imminent arrival.
of the room. The ceiling here is stepped to match the Two large iron pipes cross the ceiling of this area,
floor. running north to south. Each features a large valve that
Read or paraphrase the following to set the scene is currently closed, and which is controlled from area
when the characters arrive:
Elven Tower
W3. Two narrow slits open up in the north wall, and W2 while sewage rains down must succeed on a DC
the doorway leading to area W3 is open. 13 Constitution saving throw or take 3 (1d6) poison
damage and become poisoned for 10 minutes. A
When Lord Whiskers or his minions become aware of creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each
the characters, they attempt to trap them in this area. of its turns, ending the poisoned condition on itself on
Lord Whiskers’s bandits pull the lever in the section of a success.
area W3 immediately north of this chamber when they W3. SANCTUM OF LORD WHISKERS
believe they can trap the most characters here. Doing
When the characters arrive in this room, read or
so is intended to slam both of the iron doors shut, lock
paraphrase the following:
them, open the valves in the ceiling, and rain sewage
down upon the intruders. The trap doesn’t work as
intended, however, and though the east door slams Wind whistles from deep cracks in the south and
shut and locks, the west door remains open. west walls of this worked-stone chamber, which
When the east door between area W1 and area W2 features a huge channel opening up in the north wall
is closed, the characters can see no obvious sign of that feeds a steady stream of sewage into a large pit. A
how to open it. It takes a successful DC 12 Intelligence makeshift crane made of wood, leather, and iron juts
(Investigation) check to discover the door’s latch, out over the pit, a large leather bag hanging from it. A
which can be unlocked with a successful DC 14 slow trickle of silver coins spills from the bag where
Dexterity check using thieves’ tools, or forced with a the silver tip of a sword has cut out through one side.
successful DC 14 Strength (Athletics) check.
Characters stuck in area W1 when the door slams A throne built of warped wood rests atop a stone
and locks, and who are unable to pick the door’s lock platform in the northwest corner of the room. A dirty
or force it open, can use the pipe in the cistern in area tarp covers a large object in the southwest corner.
W1 to enter area W3 through Angoq’s lair.
ARROW SLITS This room is the central lair of Lord Whiskers, a
Once the east door is shut, bandits in the section of wererat who commands one Longwhiskers spy for
area W3 north of this area fire crossbows through the every two characters. Lord Whiskers sits atop his
arrow slits. The angular cut of the arrow slits gives the throne with his weapons close at hand. If alerted, two
bandits advantage on their attack rolls, and imposes of his spies are in the narrow area north of area W2.
disadvantage on attacks made through the arrow slits Otherwise, only one of them is stationed there.
against them. The cracks in the south and west walls conceal one
SEWAGE TRAP swarm of rats for every two characters. If pressed,
When the valves in the ceiling pipes are opened by Lord Whiskers can use a bonus action to call the rat
the bandits, raw sewage rains down upon all creatures
in this area. Any creature that ends its turn in area

swarms into action and draw them out from the cracks.
If he isn’t having too hard a time, he’ll let the rats sleep. Stages of a Boss Battle
Lord Whiskers’s pet otyugh, Angoq, is in the central Using the advice in the “Tactics” section, you can think of
pit awaiting a feast of tasty silver. this battle as a multistage affair. In stage one, Lord Whiskers
fires his crossbow while his spies attack. In stage two, Lord
Whiskers activates the porcupine. In stage three, Lord
Lord Whiskers relies on his minions as his front-line Whiskers transforms into a rat and calls his rat swarms to
defenders, staying away from melee and using his defend him. You are free to activate these stages in order
magic crossbow, Twitch, to pepper his foes. Twitch or use only some of them, depending on how the battle
allows him to cast expeditious retreat on himself before is going. Put yourself in the mind of Lord Whiskers, and
the characters enter this area, allowing him to take the ask yourself how you would act in his place given the
Dash action as a bonus action. (See “Treasure” below circumstances.
for full statistics on Twitch.) Above all else, though, you want to give the players a
If his defenders begin to fall, Lord Whiskers good time, and stomping an evil wererat is often a good
activates the porcupine (see that section below) as a time. Don’t play Lord Whiskers so smart that the characters
final defense. If he finds himself in further trouble, he never have the chance to pummel the crime boss.
transforms into a rat and scurries into one of the cracks
in the walls (see below), dragging Twitch with him. He
Angoq the otyugh uses its bite attack to devour all the
calls his rat swarms to defend him before he pops back
silver items except the sword, using its tentacle attacks
out and starts firing on the characters again.
against any characters who fall into the pit.
CENTRAL PIT A creature next to the crane can use an action to
The central pit is 20 feet deep and filled with sewage swing it at a creature within 5 feet of the edge of the pit.
and refuse. Angoq the otyugh rests in one of the The target creature must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity
deeper areas of the pit, mostly submerged beneath the saving throw or take 7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage and
foul water, but awakens and becomes agitated at the fall into the pit.
sound of combat above. The otyugh climbs up a refuse
pile so that it can reach the top of the pit, then takes
Small creatures, including Lord Whiskers in giant rat
the Ready action to make tentacle attacks against any
form, can crawl through the cracks in the walls and use
creature that comes within 5 feet of the edge.
them to reposition themselves in the room. However,
Angoq has been trained to eat silver, not people, so it
the cracks are too confined to allow for combat, and
holds and shakes anyone it grapples, hoping to devour
sewage constantly leaking from the walls makes them
the creature’s loose change. If it takes 10 or more
unsuitable for use as a long-term hiding place.
damage on a turn, the otyugh uses its reaction to drop
anyone it’s holding and slips back down to the bottom PORCUPINE
of the pit. Lord Whiskers’s secret weapon in this area is a
If the characters sneak into this area through the porcupine—a large multidirectional, area-effect siege
sewer pipe leading in from the cistern in area W1, they crossbow—hidden under the tarp, which he uses as
arrive in the pit to find the otyugh sleeping. With a a last resort. His wererat immunity to damage from
successful group Dexterity (Stealth) check contested nonmagical weapons means that Lord Whiskers
by the otyugh’s passive Wisdom (Perception) score of doesn’t fear the weapon, and his megalomania means
11, the creature remains asleep. On a failed check, the he doesn’t care if it hurts his allies.
otyugh wakes up and attacks, attempting to grapple As an action, Lord Whiskers fires his crossbow at the
and shake down characters for silver. porcupine to trigger it. The weapon then fires crossbow
bolts outward in all directions, initially shredding
the tarp, and covering the full area of the room. Each
The rickety crane holds a large bag filled with silver
creature in the room must make a DC 12 Dexterity
coins, tableware, jewelry, and a silvered shortsword.
saving throw, taking 7 (2d6) piercing damage on a
A character can climb up the crane and along its
failed save, or half as much damage on a successful
swing arm to reach the bag with a successful DC 13
one. The porcupine requires 10 minutes to reload, and
Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check.
thus can be used only once in this battle.
Failure results in the crane breaking and sending the
character and the contents of the bag into the pit below.

TREASURE • Give Lord Whiskers the veteran or assassin stat
block, with the wererat’s senses, damage immunities,
As the foes in the lair are defeated, the characters
and Shapechanger trait.
can claim their treasure. The minions serving Lord
Whiskers carry loot they’ve liberated before sending it To reduce the difficulty of the lair, consider any of the
to the otyugh pit—a total of 34 sp, a silver candelabra following options:
(worth 20 gp), two silver-plated dining plates (10 gp • Use the bandit stat block for Lord Whiskers’s
each), and a jeweled silvered dagger (50 gp). defenders.
Lord Whiskers carries a +1 crossbow called • Remove Angoq’s Multiattack action.
Twitch—a rare magic item that requires attunement. • Reduce the damage of Lord Whiskers’s porcupine,
As an action, a character attuned to Twitch can cast or have it malfunction and fall apart when he tries to
the expeditious retreat spell. The crossbow can’t be used trigger it.
again in this way until the next dawn.
If the characters save the bag hanging from the crane, EXPANDING THIS LAIR
the coins, tableware, and jewelry are worth a total of 70 You can expand this lair by building on or modifying
gp. The silvered shortsword is worth 50 gp. any number of the hooks found within it:
Any search of the throne reveals a small cache of • Lord Whiskers might have more complicated reasons
treasure hidden by Lord Whiskers—62 gp and five for wanting to get rid of the city’s silver, perhaps
gemstones worth 10 gp each. working under the orders of an alchemist mage. This
The characters can claim the porcupine crossbow if mysterious figure plans on using purified digested
you want to allow them to use it. If you don’t, you can silver excreted by Angoq to build a magically
describe the porcupine as badly constructed and have empowered silver golem (a reskinned iron golem) or
it fall apart when the characters try to move it. shield guardian.
• Lord Whiskers might still be part of a larger criminal
ENCOUNTER DIFFICULTY syndicate led by a noble and assassin who moves
You can adjust the difficulty of this lair in a number of between the political sphere and the criminal
different ways. For more difficult encounters, consider underworld. This noble might use Lord Whiskers’s
any of the following options: strange obsession to create the sense of a sinister
• Replace the spies with wererats, berserkers, or threat in the city, bolstering their own protection
veterans. racket.
• Give Lord Whiskers 66 hit points.
• Give Angoq the otyugh a climbing speed equal to its
speed, allowing it to crawl out of the pit and attack
creatures throughout area W2.

Reusing Material for Other Encounters

We’ve designed every part of Fantastic Lairs to be modular.
There’s no wrong way to use this book. Do you like one of
the bosses more than their sanctum? Grab that boss and
throw them into your own lair. Do you want a small location
for a quick game? Pick out a map that grabs you and reflavor
it to suit your needs. Does a particular piece of art fill your
mind with your own story? Take it and run with it.
Though all of these fantastic lairs can be run as short
adventures if you want, they’re primarily designed so you
can expand, contract, raise, lower, repurpose, and reskin
them however they might best fit into your own campaign.
There is no “being true” to these lairs. They’re yours to
change as you see fit. So take them and make them your

Xavier Beaudlet

unique roadhouse constructed within the known seedy dive in the realm, overseen by the gang’s
skull of a fallen titan, the tavern called leader, Adelia Rose, and known as Nevermind.
Nevermind serves as the headquarters of the
Dead Roses, a notorious gang of cutthroat INTEGRATING THIS LAIR
bandits. Members of the violent gang can always be You can use the following hooks to integrate this
found in Nevermind, gambling, drinking, preparing lair into your campaign, whether as part of a longer
for their next big score—and waiting for the characters adventure or as the focus of a single play session:
as they arrive to either take on or do business with the • The characters might have a connection to or
bandits. be hired to retrieve an NPC kidnapped by the
This lair is optimized for four to five 3rd-level Dead Roses or a valuable relic stolen by the gang.
characters. Gathering intelligence on the Dead Roses suggests
that going in with swords drawn might not be the
BACKGROUND best option, so sneaking in or bargaining with the
Millennia ago, a being of great size, great age, and great bandits might be the only way to make it out alive.
power laid down and died. For centuries, its remains • An evil group the characters have been pursuing
rotted away deep in the wilds, until the skull of the during the campaign are revealed to have been
massive titan eventually became the cavernous den courting the Dead Roses to join their side. The
of beasts and monsters alike. As civilization began to characters might come to Nevermind to see
encroach on the site, the hollowed-out skull became if their enemies’ overtures were successful, or
a hideout for brigands, murderers, and cultists. Then, to attempt to steer the Dead Roses in another
two decades ago, the most notorious of those brigands direction. The villainous ambassador might be the
claimed the site and took it public. Within the titan’s dead necromancer in area N2 or tied to the lost
skull, the Dead Roses bandit gang has set up the best- communication crystal in area N3.

• A spy named Blink (see area N4) has come across • The larger underground caverns have 12-foot-high
documents that prove that a local lord’s heir is ceilings and are unlit.
illegitimate. The lord has hired the characters to • The tavern has a 30-foot-high ceiling and is brightly
hunt down this spy, which has brought them to lit by skull-shaped lanterns.
Nevermind where the Dead Roses protect him. To
make matters more complicated, Blink has hidden NEVERMIND
the documents, promising that they’ll be publicly The following encounter areas are keyed to the map of
released if he’s imprisoned or killed. the Dead Roses’ tavern lair.
• Adelia Rose’s blade might have found the throat of an
NPC loved by one of the characters. The pure need N1. GHOUL PITS
for revenge thus brings the characters to the doors of A series of tunnels beneath Nevermind have been
Nevermind, where only blood and steel can end this taken over by a pack of ghouls that the Dead Roses
unfinished business. use to get rid of bodies. A network of natural tunnels
connects the ghoul pit with the outside world. A
APPROACHING NEVERMIND 20-foot-deep well in the northwest corner of the main
Nevermind might be located in a swamp or forest cut tavern (area N4) connects the pit to Nevermind.
off from nearby or surrounding settlements, or it might As the characters approach this area, they hear a
be set right in the middle of a city or village that’s crunching sound echoing from the caves ahead, as the
grown up around the legendary titan’s skull. It might ghouls gnaw on the remains of the most recent victims
be a well-known landmark in the seedier side of town, discarded down the well. The air here smells of rot
or it could be hidden away in a secluded wood, known and decay, and the bones of beasts and humanoids lie
only to the Dead Roses and those they trust with the scattered about.
information. CLIFF WALL
Making changes as necessary for the tavern’s ultimate The cliff on the west side of the main cavern is 15 feet
location, read or paraphrase the following to set the high. The Dead Roses have covered the wall with mud
scene when the characters first see Nevermind: and oil rendered from decayed animal fat to prevent
the ghouls from escaping. The slickness of the wall
The huge bleached skull of some sort of enormous makes it impossible for a single creature to climb
titan lies embedded in the ground, its sightless eye without special equipment, but two Medium creatures
sockets staring up at the sky above. Firelight can or three Small creatures working together can climb
be seen flickering in those hollow pits, and loud out by boosting one creature up, then having that
conversation and drunken laughter rises from within. creature help lift creatures below. With their lack of
The skull’s lower jaw is missing, while its upper jaw intelligence, and with a steady food supply coming
forms an archway that opens up to a set of large down from the tavern, the ghouls have long since given
ironbound doors flanked by skull-shaped lanterns. up their own attempts to climb up the wall and escape
from the pit.
The characters have three potential ways to enter HUNGRY GHOUL
Nevermind, with the front door being the most A ghoul sits in the center of this area’s main cavern
obvious. A natural cave entrance found nearby leads when the characters first arrive, devouring a humanoid
down into the ghoul pits in area N1. This route is arm. Its lack of attention gives it a passive Wisdom
dangerous, but it can allow the characters to enter (Perception) score of 5 if any characters attack from
Nevermind without being noticed. or attempt to sneak down from the clifftop. If attacked
A secret entrance near the outhouse of area N3 is from the clifftop, the ghoul flees into area N2. If the
barred from the inside of the tavern. Aside from noisily characters make it down into the main cave before
forcing it open (see that area for details), the characters attacking, the ghoul howls to call the other ghouls
might wait for someone to come out, or they could try from area N2, which race in and attack. If the ghouls
to bribe someone to leave the secret door unbarred, in area N2 are aware of the characters, they watch from
allowing them to sneak in through the back. the corridor and attack when two or more characters
descend into the cave, as they are cunning enough to
NEVERMIND FEATURES avoid an ambush from the clifftop.
The areas of Nevermind and the adjacent caverns have WELL
the following general features: The well shaft leading up to the tavern (area N4) is 20
• The tunnels are 6 feet high and unlit. feet high and opens up within the ceiling of the rough

Diana Muñoz

tunnel leading up to it. Muted voices and drunken vampiric touch spell (+6 spell attack). The necklace’s
laughter can be heard filtering down from above. The magic fades once the spell is cast.
bandits in area N4 throw food scraps, bones, and the
occasional body down this shaft to the ghouls below. N3. OUTHOUSE
The walls of the shaft are covered with the same mix This is the private outhouse for Adelia Rose, her
of mud and oil that covers the western cliff, making lieutenants, and special guests of the Dead Roses. It is
it impossible to climb without teamwork or special accessed through a hidden doorway in the northeast
equipment. corner of the tavern (area N4). The secret door is
Because the Dead Roses bandits don’t worry about barred from the inside, but can be broken down with a
the ghouls climbing up, the grate is not secured. At lot of noise and a successful DC 16 Strength (Athletics)
some point when the characters are investigating the check. The outhouse holds only a tattered and dirty
well, a bandit in area N4 opens up the grate and dumps chapbook (left here for multiple purposes)—and a gray
a large amount of trash down on whoever happens to ooze lurking down in the bottom of the cesspit.
be below. Unless the character makes a loud response, The ooze is currently attempting to devour a
the bandit doesn’t notice them. five-inch piece of magical glyph-marked crystal. A
A character who reaches the top of the well and creature that looks down into the cesspit with any light
pushes open the grate must succeed on a DC 11 can easily see the crystal, even as the ooze remains
Dexterity (Stealth) check to avoid the notice of Blink, indistinguishable from its foul surroundings. The
the spy sitting on the stage in area N4. If he notices character feels a weak telepathic connection from the
the grate moving, Blink hops down from the stage to crystal that calls out, “Hello? Who’s there?”, but cannot
investigate, believing that the ghouls have managed to make any reply.
somehow climb up to the grate. If a character attempts to lasso the crystal or seize
it with a grappling hook, the hook or the rope is
N2. FEEDING CHAMBER immediately destroyed by the gray ooze. Attempting
Three ghouls sit in this room, devouring the body of to use a mage hand cantrip or similar magic to pull
an elf in torn red-and-black robes. Add one additional up the crystal suggests that it is somehow stuck and
ghoul if the party contains five characters, or two
additional ghouls if there are six characters in the
party. Who’s This?
The body was once an elf apprentice necromancer A character who holds the telepathy crystal found in the
who threatened Adelia Rose and was summarily outhouse immediately establishes telepathic contact with
thrown down into the well. It wears a grimy silver skull an NPC of your choice. This NPC might be an important
necklace that radiates necromancy magic to a detect villain, a powerful archmage wondering what happened to
magic spell. The necklace is a rare magic item that the apprentice who lost the crystal, an assassin eager to hear
allows a creature wearing it to use an action to cast the about a recent hit, or any other character connected to the
story hooks for this lair or to your wider campaign.

impossible to move (the gray ooze has a strong hold
on it). Repeated attempts to claim the crystal, or any Running a Bar Brawl
character starting to descend into the cesspit, results This encounter has a lot of combatants, and if all those foes
in the gray ooze climbing up into the outhouse and act optimally, it could be real trouble for the characters. It’s
attacking. important to remember that the bandits have been drinking
TELEPATHY CRYSTAL beforehand, and might not be ready for a fight.
This encounter is a great opportunity to show the chaos
The crystal held by the gray ooze is one of a matched
of battle. Steins of ale might become improvised weapons.
pair, both of which radiate evocation magic and which
Tables can be flipped over. Bandits who are tossed around
make up a single rare magic item. A creature holding might fall onto the skull fire pit and run out the door in
one of the crystals can communicate telepathically with flames. Embrace chaos.
a creature holding the other crystal for 1 minute. The
crystals can’t be used again in this way until the next
dawn. the balconies take advantage of their position to rain
ranged attacks down on the characters, while bandits
N4. TAVERN on the floor press into melee.
When the characters arrive in this area, read or If the bandits can’t cope with the characters, Adelia
paraphrase the following, making adjustments as attacks, along with Kora and Blink. If things go badly
necessary if the characters don’t arrive through the for Adelia, she attempts to flee out the secret door to
main doors to the south: the northeast.
A half-dozen round tables surround a large black The balconies stand 15 feet above the main floor. The
skull staring up at the domed ceiling that is the top of railings of the balconies are reinforced with thick
the titan’s skull. Fire burns within the mouth and eyes wooden slats, offering three-quarters cover against
of the skull, which matches another skull set into a attacks from opponents on the main floor.
fireplace on a raised stage across the room. A wooden
throne sits behind a long table atop the stage, while Each of the tables in the room can be flipped over as an
twin staircases rise fifteen feet to balconies set along action to grant half cover from ranged attacks.
the east and west walls.
The blackened skulls in the central fire pit and the
THE DEAD ROSES fireplace on the stage were claimed from fallen fire
Adelia Rose and the members of the Dead Roses giants, and each absorbs and radiates great heat. Any
bandit gang spend most of their downtime in the creature that comes into contact with a skull for the
tavern, laughing, gambling, and tormenting prisoners. first time on a turn or starts its turn touching a skull
Adelia Rose is a neutral evil bandit captain, and must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking
is seen sitting in her throne on the stage when the 10 (3d6) fire damage on a failed save, or half as much
characters enter. Her two lieutenants sit at her side— damage on a successful one.
Blink, a one-eyed neutral evil dwarf spy, and Kora, a A character who wants to smash a skull must succeed
half-elf enforcer (use the berserker stat block). Two on a DC 14 Strength (Athletics) check as an action—
Dead Roses bandits per character are also here when whereupon the skull explodes. Each creature within 10
the characters arrive, sitting at the tables across the feet of the skull must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving
floor, and with one or two up in each of the balconies. throw, taking 14 (4d6) fire damage on a failed save, or
TACTICS half as much damage on a successful one.
Adelia doesn’t order her followers to attack until WELL GRATE
she feels as though she has the upper hand. Instead, The grate covering the well leading to area N1 sits
she waits for the characters to fully enter the tavern, in the floor west of the stage, and is unlatched and
whether they appear intent on attack or detente. Even unlocked. See area N1 for more information on the
if the characters challenge her immediately, she might well.
invite them in to have a drink before suddenly calling
for combat.
A character with a passive Wisdom (Perception) score
When the fight begins, Adelia sends in her bandits
of 12 or higher, or who succeeds on a DC 12 Wisdom
first to test the mettle of her assailants. The bandits on

(Perception) check, notices a secret door hidden
behind a tapestry along the northeast wall of the Nevermind the Vampires
tavern. The door is barred from the inside, and is used You can double down on the unnerving look of a tavern
by Adelia Rose, Blink, Kora, and special guests to reach built within a titanic skull by building a vampire-themed
the private outhouse at area N3. See that area for more version of this lair for characters of 11th level or higher. Just
information. make the following changes:
• Turn Adelia and Blink into vampires. Only Adelia has the
use of her legendary actions.
A character who succeeds on a DC 14 Wisdom
• Replace the bandits with vampire spawn.
(Perception) or Intelligence (Investigation) check made • Increase the number of ghouls in area N2 to five per
to search the stage area finds a secret drawer under character.
Adelia’s wooden throne. The drawer is protected by a
poison dart trap that can be spotted with a successful
DC 16 Intelligence (Investigation) check. If the check To reduce the difficulty of the lair, consider any of the
is 18 or higher, a character also notes a tiny lever following options:
underneath the throne. The trap can be disarmed with • Use the bandit stat block for Adelia, giving her 20 or
a successful DC 14 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools, more hit points.
or by turning the tiny lever. • Use the bandit stat block for Blink or Kora.
If a character opens the drawer without disarming • Reduce the number of bandits.
the trap, or if the check to disarm the trap fails, the trap • Replace the ghouls with zombies.
fires out a cloud of poison darts in a 5-foot radius. Each
creature within the area is struck by 1d4 darts, each EXPANDING THIS LAIR
of which deals 2 (1d4) piercing damage and 3 (1d6) You can expand this lair by building on or modifying
poison damage. any number of the hooks found within it:
See below for information on what the drawer holds. • Depending on their reasons for coming to
Nevermind, the characters could become allies of
TREASURE the Dead Roses, using them as muscle or a dark
In addition to the telepathy crystal that can be found in intelligence-gathering operation during their own
the outhouse, the drawer beneath Adelia’s throne holds adventures.
a bag of ten mixed gemstones (worth 10 gp each), a • Making contact with the characters through the lost
jeweled hairbrush (50 gp), a potion of gaseous form, and sending crystal in the outhouse might lead the NPC
a potion of clairvoyance. holding the other crystal to assume that the party
is responsible for the disappearance of the NPC’s
ENCOUNTER DIFFICULTY associate. Fearing that the characters have learned
You can adjust the difficulty of this lair in a number of all about their secret plots, the NPC sends a band of
different ways. For more difficult encounters, consider spies or assassins after the characters.
any of the following options: • Once Adelia and the Dead Roses are defeated, the
• Turn Blink into a mage. characters might claim Nevermind as their own
• Double Adelia’s hit points. private headquarters.
• Use the berserker or veteran stat block for Kora.
• Replace one or more bandits with spies.
• Increase the number of ghouls in area N2 to one per


Xavier Beaudlet
urder most foul comes to a noble’s estate INTEGRATING THIS LAIR
when a druid takes over a menagerie of
Gilfred Manor’s zoo is a walled compound on the
exotic animals—and sets in motion a plan
same property as the now-deserted nobles’ house. The
to take revenge on the enemies of nature.
encounter areas presented here could be the entire zoo,
This lair is optimized for four to five 4th-level
or simply part of a much larger area.
If you want to set up an initial exploration of the
estate as a precursor to the encounter with Carese,
BACKGROUND the house contains several active constructs, as well
The druid Carese Itel abhors the nobles whose business
as magical and mechanical traps that the reclusive
interests cut down forests and carve mines into the
Gilfreds used to guard their valuables.
earth, and who hunt animals for sport. She believes
You can use the following hooks to integrate this
that these so-called rulers are a poison slowly killing
lair into your campaign, whether as part of a longer
the world—and that she is the antidote.
adventure or as the focus of a single play session:
Recently, Carese took over Gilfred Manor, home
• The characters investigate the disappearances and
of a reclusive noble family. After slaying the family
murders of a number of nobles with ties to successful
members and their servants, she fed their remains to
lumber and mining businesses. All the evidence
the fantastic menagerie of animals the Gilfreds kept
points toward exotic animals being involved. In time,
in the private zoo on their estate. During the day, the
the characters catch one of these beasts in the act and
druid and her animal companions live in the zoo. By
chase it back to Gilfred Manor.
night, they sneak out to murder other nobles whose
• The characters are asked to deliver a message or
avarice causes the land to bleed, with those victims
package to Gilfred Manor, making sure that Lyla
ending up as meals for Carese’s pets.
Gilfred, the matriarch of the family, receives it
personally. After exploring the house and surviving

its threats, they meet Lyla’s ghost, who promises to (Athletics) check to climb. The iron gate that leads into
reveal the location of her family’s secret treasure the zoo is unlocked.
rooms if the characters avenge her murder. At your discretion, the area between the outer estate
• The characters are asked to guard a traveling noble walls and the zoo walls is patrolled by two giant
who runs a lumber or mining company. Their scorpions that Carese has brought with her to the
caravan is attacked several times by animals, not estate. See “Zoo Animals” for more information.
all of which are native to the region the caravan
is moving through. The group also comes across ZOO ANIMALS
the aftermath of other attacks along the road, with Carese has used her magic and natural leadership
survivors reporting exotic animals killing and abilities to convince the animals in the zoo to join
capturing nobles before fleeing. The noble who hired her cause. The beasts attack any humanoid other than
the characters offers them more money to look into the druid that they see. If an animal can see Carese,
the attacks. Pursuing the fleeing animals leads the it fights to the death or until she flees. If an animal
characters to Gilfred Manor. cannot see Carese, it fights until reduced to half its hit
points or fewer, then flees.
APPROACHING THE ZOO If Carese is not present when a beast attacks, a
As the characters approach Gilfred Manor’s zoo, read character can attempt a DC 15 Wisdom (Animal
or paraphrase the following to set the scene: Handling) check as an action to convince the beast to
stand down. Offering the beast food grants advantage
There is no mistaking the smell of large animals on the check.
coming from ahead. Set within the black stone walls Once a beast has been convinced to stand down, a
that edge the estate, a second set of higher white character can attempt another DC 15 Wisdom (Animal
marble walls mark the location of the zoo. Handling) check to control it in combat. On a success,
the animal attacks a target the character indicates,
fighting to the death. However, the animals cannot be
ENTERING THE ESTATE persuaded to attack Carese, and immediately return to
The black walls that enclose the Gilfred estate are ill her control if ordered to do so.
maintained and 10 feet high, requiring a successful A ritual Carese performs in the zoo (see “Zoo
DC 12 Strength (Athletics) check to climb. This outer Features”) has given all the animals darkvision out
wall’s only gate is barred from inside, and requires a to a range of 60 feet. Unless otherwise noted, all the
successful DC 22 Strength check to force open. The animals in the zoo leave their pens to attack.
wooden gate has AC 17, 50 hit points, and immunity
to poison and psychic damage. However, any attack
made to smash the gate alerts the creatures in areas R3 If combat breaks out in the zoo, the lion and the
and R4 that trouble is coming. These creatures hide rhinoceros in areas R3 and R4 attack during the first
in their pens, wait for the characters to enter the zoo, round of combat. During the third round of combat,
then attack in the hope of surprising the intruders. A the crocodile and the apes in areas R1 and R2 join the
character looking for trouble who succeeds on a DC 15 fray. If the elephant in area R5 has not already been
Wisdom (Perception) check notices the hidden beasts woken up, she wakes and joins the fray during the fifth
before they attack. round of combat.
If you don’t want to develop the abandoned house If Carese is not in the fight already, she emerges from
as part of the adventure, the druid Carese eventually area R7 during the eighth round of combat, having
comes to greet any characters who knock on the doors taken beast form and ready for battle. The druid brings
or call out to see if anyone is around. Worried that the her swarm of poisonous snakes with her. See area R7
characters could ruin her plots, Carese pretends to be and the “Carese Itel” section for more information.
a member of the Gilfred family, invites them to see the
zoo, then attacks with her animal allies. See “Carese GILFRED MANOR ZOO FEATURES
Itel” at the end of the lair for more information on The areas of the Gilfred Manor zoo have the following
roleplaying the druid. general features:
• The latches and locks on all the doors are broken.
ENTERING THE ZOO • There are no light sources in the zoo.
The smooth marble walls that enclose the zoo are 20 • Trees in the zoo are 10 feet high and can be climbed
feet high and require a successful DC 15 Strength with a successful DC 10 Strength (Athletics) check.

Elven Tower
• Humanoid body parts and bones litter the animal R2. PRIMATE CAGE
pens. All the animals have been corrupted by Carese
This 15-foot-high enclosed iron cage is home to
to eat humanoids, and have gained darkvision out
Bananas and Mango, two apes. Four trees stand within
to a range of 60 feet through a nightly ritual Carese
the cage, connected by crisscrossing ropes set 10 feet
performs with the blood of her victims.
off the ground. Unless they flee or are ordered to leave
• The grass in the zoo is animated and has turned
the cage by Carese, the apes stay within the trees and
blood red thanks to Carese’s ritual. A detect magic
hurl rocks through the bars of the cage at intruders.
spell reveals that the grass radiates an aura of
Whenever an ape hurls a rock at the characters, roll a
transmutation magic. Whenever a creature that is
d6. On a 6, the ape instead hurls a poisonous snake it
not Carese, a beast, or a plant starts its turn touching
finds in the trees, using the same attack bonus as for its
the blood-red grass, that creature must succeed on
rock attack. If the attack hits, the snake automatically
a DC 12 Dexterity saving throw or be restrained by
bites its target.
the grass until the start of its next turn. A creature
can use its action to make a DC 12 Strength check, CAGE
freeing itself or another creature restrained by the The bars of the cage are set four inches apart. A
grass within its reach on a success. A patch of grass creature inside the cage has half cover against attacks
holding a creature has AC 12. Dealing 5 slashing made against it by creatures outside, and vice versa.
damage to the grass frees a restrained creature ROPES
without harming it. A creature without a climbing speed must make a DC
15 Strength (Athletics) check to move along the ropes.
GILFRED MANOR ZOO With a success, the creature moves at half its speed. If
The following encounter areas are keyed to the map of the check fails by 5 or more, the creature falls off the
Carese’s lair. ropes.
A thin border of rubble around this area is all that A lion named Tyrus lives in this pen, which is mostly
remains of a low stone wall that once surrounded enclosed by a 3-foot-high stone wall. A 15-foot-high
a muddy, 10-foot-deep pond. A crocodile named iron gate leads into a den built to give Tyrus privacy, or
Chompers lurks in the pond, along with a swarm of to hold him while the rest of the pen is being cleaned.
quippers. In battle, Chompers attempts to bite and A second 15-foot-high iron gate at the north end of
drag a character back into the water so he and the the privacy area opens onto the top of a grassy hill that
quippers can finish them off. leads 10 feet down to the pen’s main living area, which
includes a 10-foot-deep pond.
Tyrus uses his Pounce trait whenever possible,
preferring to target creatures restrained by the blood-

red grass, or creatures engaged with his allies to make If the characters have not already encountered Carese
use of his Pack Tactics trait. Itel (see “Entering the Estate” and “Attack Waves”
above), she is here feeding a swarm of poisonous
R4. RHINOCEROS PEN snakes that once lived in the terrariums. Add the
A rhinoceros named Stomp lives in this pen, which following if so:
is surrounded by a 3-foot-high stone wall. The pen
contains a 2-foot-deep watering hole and a 15-foot- At the center of the room, a human in her twenties
high stone enclosure with a hay-covered floor and a stands over a wriggling mass of serpents. Her
10-foot-high open doorway, where Stomp sleeps. bloodstained hands throw severed fingers and toes
Stomp prefers to use her Charge trait to knock her toward the snapping snakes, and she sings a lullaby as
enemies prone into the grasping grass, so she can
she drops each morsel into venomous jaws.
continually gore them while they are restrained.

R5. ELEPHANT PEN If the characters met Carese at the gate and defeated
her there, the snakes are here alone.
Trumpet, an elephant, lives in this pen, which is
surrounded by a 3-foot-high stone wall. The pen
contains a 5-foot-deep pool and a 20-foot-high stone
Carese Itel has little patience for the characters
enclosure with a hay-covered floor and a 15-foot-high
however she meets them. She is suspicious of other
open doorway, where Trumpet sleeps.
humanoids who are not druids, and immediately
Trumpet is an elderly elephant, and spends most of
attacks if the characters harm her beast allies or act
her time sleeping. Unless a battle has roused her (see
hostile toward her in any way. The druid fights until
“Attack Waves”), she remains asleep unless a creature
reduced to 10 hit points or fewer, then flees with any
attacks her or uses an action to shake her awake.
surviving animal allies as long as the animals are free
Flashy magic enrages Trumpet, so she focuses
to do so. If any of the animals are captured or cornered
her attacks on anyone she recognizes as a sorcerer,
by the characters, Carese refuses to leave until her pets
a warlock, or a wizard. She uses her Trampling
are also safe.
Charge trait whenever she can, attempting to knock
Carese uses the druid stat block with the following
spellcasters prone, then stomp them.
R6. STORAGE ROOM • Her alignment is neutral evil.
This 10-foot-high storage room contains hay and • She has 100 hit points.
crates of animal feed, along with mops, lawn scythes, • She can speak and understand Common, Druidic,
ladders, and other tools used by the Gilfred’s servants and Sylvan.
to maintain the zoo. • She has the Change Shape action option, which she
can use as a bonus action in the zoo as a result of the
blood-fueled ritual she performs here.
Any character who investigates the crates and succeeds
Change Shape (2/Day). Carese magically polymorphs into
on a DC 10 Wisdom (Perception) check notices that a beast with a challenge rating of 1 or less, and can remain
one particularly heavy crate jingles when handled. This in this form for up to 2 hours. She can choose whether her
crate contains a swarm of insects (spiders) that attacks equipment falls to the ground, melds with her new form, or is
any creature other than Carese that opens the crate. It worn by the new form. She reverts to her true form if she dies
or falls unconscious. Carese can revert to her true form using a
also holds coins and gems stolen from nobles the druid bonus action on her turn.
has murdered (see “Treasure” below). While in a new form, Carese retains her game statistics and
her ability to speak, but her AC, movement modes, Strength
R7. REPTILE HOUSE and Dexterity are replaced by those of the new form, and
she gains any special senses, proficiencies, traits, actions,
The ceiling in the reptile house is 10 feet high. When
and reactions (except class features, legendary actions, and
the characters enter this area, read or paraphrase the lair actions) that the new form has but that she lacks. She
following to set the scene: cannot cast spells with verbal or somatic components in
her new form.
Shelves on the walls of this one-room stone building • She has a challenge rating of 4 (1,100 XP).
are covered with broken glass and withered grass Carese makes use of her Change Shape action as
where a number of terrariums have been smashed. early and as often as she can. Her favorite forms are
the brown bear, dire wolf, giant eagle, and giant

hyena. She also favors becoming a giant octopus if any • Replace the rhinoceros with a black bear or a giant
characters end up in the ponds during the battle. toad.
If captured, Carese has no qualms admitting to the • Replace the elephant with a giant boar.
murders. She believes that her cause is righteous, and • Replace the swarm of poisonous snakes with a
that all who harm the earth must die. swarm of bats.
If you swap any animals at the zoo, change up the
TREASURE details of the pens and the animals’ tactics accordingly.
The following treasure can be found in the treasure For instance, the Gilfreds would have built a higher
crate in area R6: stone wall to contain a giant scorpion, and hawks can
• Coins worth 200 gp. zoom in and out of their cage to attack, then retreat
• Seven gems—a carnelian, three citrines, and three behind cover.
zircons—each worth 50 gp.
• A silver crown bearing symbols from the Common, EXPANDING THIS LAIR
Draconic, Dwarvish, Elvish, Gnomish, Halfling, and You can expand this lair by building on or modifying
Orc alphabets, which acts as a helm of comprehending any number of the hooks found within it:
languages. • If Carese gets away, she gathers more beasts,
monstrosities, plants, and druids to her cause. While
ENCOUNTER DIFFICULTY she establishes a new lair, she makes a point of
You can adjust the difficulty of this lair in a number of sending these creatures after the characters as well as
different ways. For more difficult encounters, consider the nobles she hates.
any of the following options: • Carese could be the disciple of an archdruid with the
• Carese has 180 hit points and can use her Change same goal. This archdruid leads cells of murderous
Shape action to become a beast with a challenge druids hidden around the world, all of which are
rating of 3 or less. plotting a night of havoc and simultaneous murders.
• Replace the crocodile with a giant constrictor snake • A larger zoo (expanded beyond the area detailed as
or a giant crocodile. the lair) or the Gilfred house holds nobles kidnapped
• Replace the apes with giant spiders. by Carese. These victims have been left alive so that
• Replace the lion with a saber-toothed tiger. she can question them regarding new victims to
• Replace the rhinoceros with a giant scorpion or a murder. To rescue the nobles, the characters need
triceratops. to contend with more of Carese’s guardians and a
• Add a second elephant, or replace the elephant with a number of devious traps she’s devised.
To reduce the difficulty of the lair, consider any of the
following options:
• Use the normal druid stat block for Carese with no
• Replace the crocodile with a giant frog.
• Replace the apes with baboons or hawks.
• Replace the lion with a panther.

Enmanuel Martinez

nside a cunningly lifelike mechanical dragon, for Tharandra, called Ashsnarl, which the half-dragon
Lady Tharandra Everflame commands her now uses to burn and plunder Filton and the lands
kobold servants to raze the settlements and roast around it.
the people of the realm that once shunned her
chromatic dragon heritage. INTEGRATING THIS ENCOUNTER
This lair is optimized for four to five 5th-level Deciding what sort of settlement or realm Filton is (or
characters. replacing it with an existing location in your campaign)
can help establish the characters’ connection to this
BACKGROUND encounter.
The half-dragon Tharandra Everkind’s mother was You can use the following hooks to integrate this
the brave knight Lady Rahinda Everkind of Filton. lair into your campaign, whether as part of a longer
While pregnant, Lady Rahinda killed the great red adventure or as the focus of a single play session:
wyrm Cinderfall, whose blood mingled with that of • The characters find out about Ashsnarl by seeing the
the wounded knight to create Tharandra’s draconic aftermath of the dragon’s destruction first hand. The
heritage. leaders of Filton offer them a reward (see “Treasure”)
As a child, Tharandra trained hard for knighthood, for the head of the dragon (which all believe to
but her fire breath accidentally killed her mother. The be a living creature), and the characters set out to
people of Filton shunned the half-dragon thereafter, follow Ashsnarl’s destructive trail. In every ruined
and Tharandra desired revenge. She trained for battle settlement, they find Fire Smelter kobolds and their
and gave herself a knight’s title and a new name—Lady construct creations, left behind to deter would-be
Tharandra Everflame. The half-dragon conquered a heroes from tracking the dragon.
warren of kobold inventors known as the Fire Smelters, • One or more of the characters knew Tharandra
who now follow her. The kobold inventors’ greatest as a child, and returns home to Filton just after
achievement is the mechanical red dragon they built Ashsnarl attacks. Surviving witnesses know that the
dragon carried off captives in the direction of the hurled to the ground within 10 feet of the machine
nearby mountains where the Fire Smelters dwell. and knocked prone.
The characters confront the Fire Smelters in their • Ashsnarl spews fire in a 30-foot cone. Each creature
caves to free the captives, but Ashsnarl is already in that area must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving
out destroying the next settlement. The characters throw, taking 24 (7d6) fire damage on a failed save,
must race to battle the dragon if they hope to end its or half as much damage on a successful one. Once
destruction. this option is used, the machine cannot spew fire
• If you prefer to build a single-session adventure again for 5 minutes.
around this lair, the characters are visiting Filton
when Tharandra attacks, and are drawn into the fray REALIZING THE TRUTH
by bystanders screaming for help. The characters can recognize Ashsnarl’s true nature in
a number of ways:
APPROACHING ASHSNARL • Any character who can see Ashsnarl, is within 10 feet
The machine that Lady Tharandra Everflame uses of it, and has either proficiency with tinker’s tools
to raid settlements looks exactly like an ancient red or a passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 15 or
dragon. When the characters first notice Ashsnarl, higher notices the bolts that hold the dragon’s joints
they should think that they face a dragon rather than a together.
mobile lair. Read or paraphrase the following to set the • A character who succeeds on a DC 12 Intelligence
scene: (Arcana or Nature) check or who has interacted
with a true dragon before notices that Ashsnarl acts
An enormous red dragon shoots jets of flame from unnaturally. The creature’s movements and attacks
its mouth and nostrils as it crawls steadily forward, are slower and more stilted than those of a typical
marring and shaking the earth with its giant claws. dragon, and its breath weapon is too small for a
Its massive wings are furled, the dragon seemingly dragon of its size.
content to plod along at a casual speed. • A character who hears the pilot’s voice come through
the machine and succeeds on a DC 13 Wisdom
Wherever you set up the start of this lair, give the party (Insight) check recognizes that some other creature is
appropriate cover. If the characters succeed on a DC speaking through Ashsnarl.
10 group Dexterity (Stealth) check, the creatures inside • Any character who touches Ashsnarl notices that the
Ashsnarl do not notice them as they approach. dragon feels surprisingly oily and metallic.


Tharandra and the Fire Smelter kobolds control While Ashsnarl is being piloted, a creature can
Ashsnarl from inside the dragon’s head (area A3), climb onto and up the outside of the machine with a
looking out through one-way window eyes. A creature successful DC 13 Strength (Athletics) check. A creature
piloting Ashsnarl can speak into a tube to make their on top of Ashsnarl can lower a rope to grant other
voice sound monstrous and send it out through the creatures advantage on this check. If the machine is
machine’s mouth, making it sound as if the dragon is inactive, no check is required to climb it.
speaking. Once on top of Ashsnarl, the characters can enter the
Ashsnarl is 20 feet high, 130 feet long from head to machine in the following ways:
tail, and 30 feet across the widest part of its body. The • An easily noticeable 5-foot-square hatch on top
machine has AC 19, 250 hit points, a damage threshold of the dragon’s back is locked by a wheel from the
of 10, and immunity to fire, poison, and psychic inside. The hatch has AC 19, 18 hit points, and
damage. Each round, Tharandra or a kobold piloting immunity to fire, poison, and psychic damage. A
the machine can use an action to make use of one of successful DC 17 Strength (Athletics) check forces
the following options: the hatch open, and a successful DC 15 Dexterity
• Ashsnarl moves 40 feet. check using thieves’ tools or tinker’s tools unlocks it
• Ashsnarl attacks one creature within 5 feet of it with from the outside. The hatch leads to area A1.
a claw. The machine has a +6 bonus to the attack roll • Particularly crafty characters (especially those who
and deals 11 (2d6 + 4) slashing damage on a hit. have fought Fire Smelter kobolds in the lead-up
• Ashsnarl shakes from side to side. Each creature to this encounter) might attempt to convince the
climbing or riding the outside of the machine must kobolds inside Ashsnarl to open the top hatch. With
succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or be suitable roleplaying or a successful DC 14 Charisma

(Deception) check, one of the kobolds in area A1 can The kobolds know all the information contained
be duped into letting the characters inside. in the “Background” and “Tharandra’s Death”
• Ashsnarl’s eyes are 2-foot-diameter windows with sections, and additional information about Ashsnarl’s
AC 13, 4 hit points, and immunity to fire, poison, mechanical workings at your discretion. A kobold
and psychic damage. Breaking through the windows reveals what they know with a successful DC 10
brings characters into area A3. Medium and Small Charisma (Intimidation) check.
creatures must squeeze to pass through the windows. At your discretion, some of the Fire Smelters might
Large and larger creatures cannot enter the machine not be completely loyal to Tharandra, having grown
this way. tired of her bullying ways. Such kobolds might be
convinced to aid the characters in some way with a
ASHSNARL FEATURES successful DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) check.
The interior areas of Ashsnarl have the following
general features: ASHSNARL
• Ceilings in the machine are 8 feet high. The following encounter areas are keyed to the map of
• Small jets of flaming gas shooting from metal pipes the mechanical dragon.
along the walls fill all areas of the interior with bright
light. A creature that touches these flames for the first
time on a turn or starts its turn in contact with them A narrow ladder built into a freestanding wall near the
takes 2 (1d4) fire damage. center of this area leads up to a wheel-locking hatch
• While Ashsnarl is active, its engine and gears clank in the ceiling. Large mechanical elements, including
and whir loudly, making it difficult to hear anything many fast-moving gears and blisteringly hot coils, take
else. Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on up much of this area. Many iron crates are haphazardly
hearing are made with disadvantage. piled up around the area, some of which might contain
• The metal walls of Ashsnarl are covered in pipes, treasure (see below).
pistons, gears, switches, levers, and other mechanical HEATING COILS
parts. The critical components of the machine The four coils at the center of this area generate the
are behind the walls, so damaging the external heat that fuels the dragon and its breath weapon. Any
components doesn’t hinder Ashsnarl’s operation. creature that touches a coil for the first time on a turn
However, if any character interacts with the external or starts its turn in contact with one takes 7 (2d6) fire
components, a Fire Smelter kobold from area A3 damage.
comes to investigate.
• The metal interior of Ashsnarl is hot enough to fill
Large gears raised two feet off the ground spin and
the air with a shimmering haze. Creatures that do not
grind along the edges of this area. A creature that is
have resistance or immunity to fire damage cannot
pushed into the gears must make a DC 15 Strength
rest while within the machine.
saving throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 11
FIRE SMELTER KOBOLDS (2d10) bludgeoning damage and is restrained. On a
successful save, it takes half as much damage and is not
The tough, red-scaled kobolds inside Ashsnarl attack
restrained. A restrained creature must repeat the saving
intruders as soon as they notice them. The kobolds
throw at the start of each of its turns, ending the effect
fight fiercely, but flee when there are fewer of them
on itself on a success and taking the damage again on a
than there are characters, or if Tharandra falls.
Whenever you see a bold reference to a Fire Smelter
A creature that is not restrained can use its action to
kobold, use the lizardfolk stat block with the following
attempt to free a creature it can reach that is restrained
by the gears. Freeing a creature requires a successful
• A Fire Smelter kobold is Small and has resistance to DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check, or a successful DC
fire damage. 15 Intelligence check using tinkers’ tools.
• They have 22 (5d6 + 5) hit points.
• They have an Intelligence score of 12 (+1). GUARDIANS
• A kobold can climb on the gear-covered walls and One Fire Smelter kobold per character works in
ceiling of Ashsnarl’s interior with a climbing speed this area, monitoring and adjusting the mechanical
equal to their walking speed. elements of Ashsnarl. The kobolds are accompanied by
• They do not have the lizardfolk’s swimming speed or a mechanical dog that uses the hell hound stat block
Hold Breath trait. with the following changes:
• It is an unaligned construct.

• It doesn’t have the Keen Hearing and Smell trait.
• It can understand Draconic but can’t speak it.
• It is immune to fire and poison damage and the
poisoned condition.


Small and smaller creatures can move down these
narrow halls without any problem. Medium creatures
must squeeze to move through, and Large and larger
creatures cannot move through these areas.
While Ashsnarl is active, both halls become
dangerously hazardous. The creatures in areas A1 and
A3 have worked inside the machine long enough to
learn the timing of the hazards, and can avoid them
without having to make saving throws.
Giant iron pistons regularly slam down from the
ceiling to the floor of this hall. Each creature that enters
this area for the first time on a turn or starts its turn
there must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw
or take 5 (1d10) bludgeoning damage and be knocked
This hall intermittently fills with a giant cloud of flame
that quickly dissipates. Each creature that enters this
area for the first time on a turn or starts its turn here
must succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or
take 11 (2d10) fire damage.


Two round windows hang above a large, curving

console covered in switches and levers. A huge
pendulum set into the ceiling swings back and forth
across this chamber, narrowly missing a low table
set with maps each time it descends. Gears, pipes,

Elven Tower
pistons, and other mechanical features cover the
The main control panel at the front of the head
controls Ashsnarl’s movements and the traps in this
Unless the characters have managed to draw them out,
area (see below). A detect magic spell reveals an aura
Lady Tharandra Everflame and a number of kobolds
of transmutation magic that connects the panel to
are also here, controlling Ashsnarl on its path of
Tharandra’s necklace (see “Tharandra’s Death” below).
A creature that can reach the control panel can use
an action to attempt a DC 12 Intelligence (Arcana)
A snarling draconic humanoid with red scales check. (Tharandra and her kobolds automatically
exhales a puff of flame as she barks orders in succeed on this check.) On a successful check, one of
Draconic to a number of red-scaled kobolds working the following events occurs of the creature’s choice:
this area’s controls and clambering along the walls. • The creature can use any of the options noted in
Around the half-dragon’s neck, a glowing red ruby “Outside Ashsnarl.”
pulses on a chain. • Ashsnarl’s head shakes. Each creature in this area
must succeed on a DC 13 Strength saving throw or
be knocked prone.

• Jets of flame shoot down from the ceiling. Two KOBOLDS
creatures of the triggering creature’s choice must each This area contains two Fire Smelter kobolds for every
succeed on a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw or take character.
11 (2d10) fire damage.
Each event can occur only once per round. Each time a creature crosses the center of this area, it
Tharandra orders her minions to make full use of the must make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw to avoid
control panel’s flame jets to attack the characters. the pendulum. On a failed save, the creature takes
The control panel also has a tube that allows a 10 (3d6) bludgeoning damage and is knocked prone.
creature to speak as Ashsnarl (see “Outside Ashsnarl”). Tharandra and her minions automatically succeed on
this saving throw.
The pendulum has AC 19, 27 hit points, and
Scott’s Thoughts: The Heroes’ Dilemma immunity to fire, poison, and psychic damage. A
Whether a fight is a straight-up brawl from the first moment character who is proficient with tinker’s tools and
the enemies are seen, or the final result of a failed attempt to succeeds on a DC 15 Intelligence check determines
prevent violence with diplomacy or negotiation, it’s always
that the pendulum helps Ashsnarl maintain balance.
possible to raise the stakes beyond the broadest strokes
If the pendulum is destroyed, Ashsnarl careens over
of victory or defeat by turning a victory condition into a
onto its side and stops moving. Each creature inside
In general terms, a dilemma is any situation where one Ashsnarl when this happens must make a DC 13
is forced to choose between two undesirable alternatives, Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature
rather than pushing for a clearly positive outcome. In fiction takes 7 (2d6) bludgeoning damage and falls prone. On
and film, dilemma is often modeled as, “Damned if they do; a successful save, the creature takes half the damage
damned if they don’t”—the idea that no matter what choice and does not fall prone.
a character makes, something bad will happen as a result.
And this model of dilemma works great in RPGs. LADY THARANDRA EVERFLAME
Consider a scenario in which the characters have Lady Tharandra Everflame enjoys taking revenge on
Tharandra on the ropes in this lair encounter—but they the people who wronged her. To the half-dragon,
know that the magic of the exploding Ashsnarl might kill
this gruesome work is cathartic, and a deserved
innocent bystanders around the mechanical dragon. Or
punishment for her former neighbors. When she first
what happens if Ashsnarl’s destruction takes place while
other groups of Fire Smelter kobolds are on a rampage, and
sees the characters, she tells them to beg for mercy
the characters only have time to end one threat? Anytime before ordering her kobolds to attack.
the characters are set on a clear victory over a boss, you can A character can try to stay the attack by begging for
ask yourself, “What’s the worst thing that could happen as a mercy, apologizing to Tharandra for the wrongs done
result?”, then make sure the players understand those stakes. to her as a child, offering to join her, or otherwise
Playing with dilemma this way can raise the emotional treating her with respect. Tharandra can be swayed by
tone of your game, by letting the characters engage in anyone using her proper knight title and succeeding
victories that aren’t always clear-cut. However, the biggest on a DC 17 Charisma (Deception or Persuasion)
difference between fiction and RPGs is that in a campaign, check. She is not completely heartless, and might keep
the characters are the avatars of real people—the players the characters tied up in area A1 or let them work
who bring those characters and the story of the campaign
alongside her as long as they agree to help purge the
to life. In fiction, it’s possible to engage at the highest
land of her former bullies. Unfortunately, nothing can
level of interest with a character who faces dilemma after
dilemma, constantly being pushed back before making a
change the vengeful half-dragon’s mind about burning
final victorious surge forward. But in an RPG campaign, that down her former home, meaning that the characters
kind of structure can easily lead to disillusioned players who will eventually have to face Tharandra in combat if they
quickly lose interest in continuing. wish to stop her.
So use dilemma to heighten the tension in key Tharandra uses the knight stat block with the
encounters and adventures, marking points at which you following changes:
want to challenge the players as much as the characters. • Her alignment is chaotic evil.
But make sure those dilemmas lead quickly to more
• She has resistance to fire damage.
straightforward victories and consistent forward movement
• She has blindsight with a radius of 10 feet and
in the campaign—even as they remind the players and the
darkvision with a radius of 60 feet, and can speak
characters alike that the stakes of the campaign can be
quickly raised in the most challenging ways.
Common and Draconic.

• She gains the following action option: ASHSNARL AS TREASURE
Fire Breath (Recharge 5–6). Tharandra exhales fire in a
15-foot cone. Each creature in that area must make a DC 15
If the characters are clever, they might try to claim
Dexterity saving throw, taking 24 (7d6) fire damage on a failed Ashsnarl as a prize. If you don’t want to have the party
save, or half as much damage on a successful one. riding around in a mobile fortress, you can decide that
• She has a challenge rating of 5 (1,800 XP) the battle with Tharandra left the machine damaged
Tharandra fights to the death, since she knows that beyond repair. But you might alternatively decide
her demise results in Ashsnarl exploding—a secret she that the characters driving around in a giant dragon
does not willingly reveal. machine is the fun way to go. Ashsnarl is not a subtle
ride, though. The attention the characters will draw to
THARANDRA’S DEATH themselves as the machine’s new owners could lead to
A character who succeeds on a DC 15 Intelligence all sorts of adventures as the authorities, criminals, and
(Arcana) check made to examine Tharandra’s necklace monsters attempt to steal Ashsnarl.
senses the magic within it that connects her life force
to Ashsnarl. A dispel magic spell cast on the necklace ENCOUNTER DIFFICULTY
removes this enchantment. A character can snatch You can adjust the difficulty of this lair in a number of
Tharandra’s necklace from her with a successful DC 18 different ways. For more difficult encounters, consider
Strength (Athletics) check made as an action. any of the following options:
If Tharandra dies while wearing the necklace or if • Make Tharandra a gladiator or assassin, with the
her necklace is removed, the machine’s controls stop half-dragon changes noted above.
working, and its mechanical works begin to tick loudly, • Give some or all of the Fire Smelter kobolds their
vibrate, and become even hotter. Ashsnarl explodes maximum 35 hit points.
30 seconds (5 rounds) later. Each creature inside the To reduce the difficulty of the lair, consider any of the
machine when it explodes automatically takes 33 following options:
(6d10) fire damage. Creatures outside the machine • Make Tharandra a bandit captain, berserker, or spy.
but within 60 feet of it must make a DC 15 Dexterity Use the half-dragon changes noted above, but reduce
saving throw, taking 33 (6d10) fire damage on a failed the damage dealt by her breath weapon.
save, or half the damage on a successful one. • Reduce the number of Fire Smelter kobolds in areas
Because the kobolds know what causes Ashsnarl A1 and A3, or have some of the kobolds flee the fight.
to explode, they flee the moment the machine starts • Use the wolf or worg stat block for the mechanical
ticking. Tharandra does not fear a little fire damage, dog.
and stays to hinder the characters if she is alive. Fleeing
kobolds attempt to kick out the windows in area A3 or EXPANDING THIS LAIR
open the hatch out of area A1, and will scream at the You can expand this lair by building on or modifying
characters that the machine is going to explode if they any number of the hooks found within it:
cannot otherwise get away.
• The Fire Smelter kobolds could be a thorn in the
TREASURE characters’ side long before this climactic encounter.
The characters might continually find the kobolds
Treasure for this lair might come in the form of
harassing survivors and picking over the burned
a reward for slaying Ashsnarl, given by grateful
remains of settlements after Ashsnarl has passed
settlements in the region. Alternatively, the crates
in area A1 might hold loot that Tharandra and her
• A red dragon named Sulfinox—Cinderfall’s daughter,
kobolds stole during previous raids. Either way, the
who sees Tharandra as a sister—aided in Ashsnarl’s
characters earn the following:
construction. With Ashsnarl destroyed, Sulfinox
• Coins worth 2,000 gp vows to continue her sister’s work and take revenge
• A ruby shaped like a red dragon’s head, set on a gold on the characters.
chain (worth 500 gp) • Ashsnarl is merely the first in a long line of terrible
• One potion of climbing war machines built by the Fire Smelters. Their
• One potion of healing ultimate plan is to create a five-headed mechanical
• A flame tongue greatsword with a hilt made of dragon dragon with multiple breath weapons.
bone, which roars when swung
If you use the flame tongue greatsword as treasure, it
can be the weapon Tharandra uses.

Allie Briggs

charming candy shop has a sweet reputation. Auntie Blistermouth doesn’t work alone. Like
But unknown to all who purchase the shop’s most hags, she cuts deals with mortals in need of
wares, those sweets have a sinister secret her magic—often to help right a wrong the person
ingredient—courtesy of the night hag who committed after eating the hag’s candy. These deals
runs the shop in the guise of an elderly matron. always end poorly for the mortals, who wind up as
Characters who investigate the hag’s activities are in candy constructs that serve the hag.
for a number of surprises—and might meet a sticky
This lair is optimized for four to five 5th-level Auntie Bea’s Sweet Treats could be a candy shop in a
characters. small village or a busy city, or a cozy shack hidden in a
forest. You can use the following hooks to integrate this
BACKGROUND lair into your campaign, whether as part of a longer
Auntie Bea’s Sweet Treats is a cozy little candy shop adventure or as the focus of a single play session:
run by its namesake proprietor. The public has no idea • The characters visit several settlements near Auntie
that the seemingly innocent elderly woman whose Bea’s, with each visit featuring an encounter with
sweets are in such high demand is actually Auntie someone engaged in evil behavior thanks to the hag’s
Blistermouth, an evil night hag. The fiend weaves treats (see the “Auntie’s Candies” section). Some of
mind-warping enchantments into her candies, causing these settlements might be in ruins as a result of the
her customers to engage in despicable acts. However, candy’s evil influence. If the characters investigate,
such magic requires a powerful ritual with a secret they discover that the trouble began after someone
ingredient: fragments of humanoid souls. To keep consumed a treat from Auntie Bea’s. The characters
her supply fresh, Auntie Blistermouth captures the might even be offered some of the candies themselves
occasional visitor in her shop, keeping them encased in as a way to put the mystery together.
toffee as she slowly drains their life essence away.
• A friend of the characters goes missing, and that who succeeds on a DC 17 Wisdom (Insight) check
person’s loved ones contact the party asking for knows that Auntie Blistermouth is lying.
help with the search. As the characters investigate, Whenever Auntie Blistermouth reverts to her true
they learn of other people who have mysteriously form, read or paraphrase the following:
vanished, and that all the missing folk spoke of plans
to stop at Auntie Bea’s. (Some of these missing people A horrid hag with gnarled, purple skin, small black
could be the toffee statues in area S2.) ram’s horns, and chapped lips covered in blisters
• The characters hear word of the amazing candy at unfurls her long claws, a devious look in her wicked
Auntie Bea’s, and are told they simply must try it. yellow eyes.
Alternatively, they are asked to purchase some of the
candies for an NPC.
APPROACHING THE SHOP During her first encounter with the characters, the
Auntie Bea’s Sweet Treats is a two-story building with hag’s goal is to entice them to eat or purchase her
a basement. Since the shop can be located in almost treats, hoping to see what havoc adventurers might
any setting, the following description focuses on the cause while under the influence of her magic. If the
building and not its surroundings. Depending on the characters return a second time after buying the
location and context, the shop might seem a bright, treats, or if they continually accuse her of wrongdoing
friendly place, or it could feel horribly sinister in or attack right from the start, she tries to lead them
comparison to its surroundings. Feel free to pepper to area S2. There, the hag attacks with her candy
in descriptions of a busy street, a dirt path, or a quiet constructs, hoping that the characters end up in the
forest, and embellish the shop’s details as you read or toffee pool.
paraphrase the following to set the scene: Auntie Blistermouth uses the night hag stat block
with the following changes:
The sweet smell of sugar wafts from a bright blue • She has 165 hit points.
house with a pink roof and shutters. A large glass • She wears an apron that functions as a cape of the
window shows the inside of a clean candy shop, mountebank.
stocked with brightly colored chocolates, taffies, If she is reduced to 30 hit points or fewer, Auntie
brittles, peppermint wheels, and more. A wooden Blistermouth uses her apron to teleport to area S3, then
sign above the door reads: “Auntie Bea’s Sweet Treats.” drinks one of the potions of greater healing there. If she
is reduced to 30 hit points or fewer again, she casts the
plane shift spell to flee.
Auntie Blistermouth is always in her humanoid form WHERE’S AUNTIE?
when she encounters customers, maintaining that The area of the shop in which the characters encounter
form constantly during the day when the shop is open. Auntie Blistermouth depends on when they arrive.
She is also quick to don it after hours if she receives During the day, the hag is in area S1 in her humanoid
unexpected visitors. If the characters meet the hag in form, working behind the counter to greet customers
her humanoid form, read or paraphrase the following: and sell candy. At your discretion, there might be 1d4
commoners in the shop buying treats from the hag.
A cherubic old human woman with her hair in a bun If the characters enter the shop at night, Auntie
and a pink apron over her blue dress gently hums a Blistermouth is in area S2, making more candy and
merry tune to herself, a twinkle showing in her green harvesting soul fragments from her toffee-transformed
eyes. captives.

If Auntie Blistermouth meets the characters in human AUNTIE’S CANDIES

form, she plays the part of a sweet old lady, calling Auntie Blistermouth has a wide array of candies
herself Auntie Bea and offering samples of her candy. If available for sale: toffees, brittles, chocolate-dipped
the characters ask her about her wares or any missing fruit, truffles, taffies, peppermints, candied apples,
persons tied to the encounter setup, she maintains buttercreams, and other similar sweets. She sells the
that her treats are entirely normal and claims to know candies for 1 cp each, wrapping them up in pink heart-
nothing about any mysterious business. A character shaped boxes or colorful bags.
A detect magic spell reveals nothing unusual about
the candy while it is inside the shop (courtesy of the
magic of the counter in area S1). Outside the shop, S1. MAIN SHOP
detect magic reveals that all the candy radiates an
An L-shaped counter and display case show off the
aura of enchantment magic. If a creature eats a piece
treats Auntie Blistermouth has to offer (see “Auntie’s
of candy, it suffers no immediate effect. However,
Candies”). Behind the counter, a table holds wax paper,
10 minutes later, the creature must make a DC 13
boxes, bags, and ribbons for wrapping candies, next to
Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature
a vat of what appears to be bubbling chocolate. The vat
gains a flaw chosen from or rolled on the Hag Candy
is actually built into the floor and extends beneath it,
Flaws table, which lasts for 1 hour. A lesser restoration
and can hold a volume of 10 cubic feet. The chocolate
spell ends the effect early.
is a black pudding with 130 hit points, which follows
A creature can gain only one flaw at a time from
Auntie Blistermouth’s commands. The ooze guards the
eating the magic candy. A creature that succeeds on the
shop from intruders at night, fighting until destroyed.
saving throw is immune to the effects of the candy for
It is trained to not damage the shop or any of the hag’s
24 hours.
Any loud commotion in this room, such as forcing or
attacking the door, or combat with the black pudding,
The areas of Auntie Bea’s Sweet Treats have the
draws the attention of Auntie Blistermouth from any
following general features:
area of the shop.
• Fireplaces on all three floors provide bright light. A
creature that enters a fireplace for the first time on a NONDETECTION COUNTER
turn or starts its turn there takes 5 (2d4) fire damage. The counter and display case are imbued with powerful
• The ceilings in the shop are 9 feet high. The doorways magic, which places all the candy in the shop under
are 7 feet high. the effect of a continuous nondetection spell. The
• Doors in the shop are made of wood and have AC 15, abjuration aura of this effect can itself be detected with
18 hit points, and immunity to poison and psychic a detect magic spell. If questioned about the magic,
damage. The inside doors are locked at all times, and Auntie Blistermouth claims that it is there to keep her
the outside door is locked at night. A door’s lock can treats fresh.
be picked with a successful DC 15 Dexterity check S2. CELLAR
using thieves’ tools, or the door can be forced open
with a successful DC 18 Strength (Athletics) check. The door to the basement has a magic mouth spell
Auntie Blistermouth carries a master key that opens cast upon it. When a creature other than Auntie
all the doors in the shop. Blistermouth opens the door, the message of her voice
• Climbing the outside walls of the shop requires a saying, “Hello, dearie!” can be heard throughout the
successful DC 13 Strength (Athletics) check. shop. This message alerts Auntie Blistermouth to
• Windows in the shop have AC 13, 3 hit points, and intruders, giving her time to change into humanoid
immunity to poison and psychic damage. form or prepare for a fight.
When the characters first descend the stairs to enter
AUNTIE BEA’S SWEET TREATS this area, read or paraphrase the following to set the
The following encounter areas are keyed to the map of
Auntie Blistermouth’s lair.
A sickeningly sweet aroma and wet bubbling sounds
Hag Candy Flaws rise off a giant pool of toffee set at the center of the
d8 Flaw floor. Several bins for sorting candy stand on the west
1 I compulsively expose the secrets of other people. side of the basement. On the south wall, two tables
hold utensils, bowls, and molds for making candy.
2 I am always sad, and if you try to cheer me up, I will
find a way to hurt you. Three statues of humanoids stand near the tables.
3 I constantly make negative comments to others about All are seemingly made of toffee, and have horrified
their appearance and attitude. screaming expressions on their faces.
4 I crave sugar, and will do anything to have more.
5 I care only for myself.
6 If I want something, I take it. A golem made of toffee is always on guard in this area,
7 If I see someone who looks tougher than me, I have and rushes to the bottom of the basement stairs the
to pick a fight with them. moment the magic mouth spell is triggered. It uses the
8 Violence is the only way to solve problems.

flesh golem stat block with the following trait in place
of the golem’s Aversion of Fire trait:
Aversion of Cold. If the golem takes cold damage, it has
disadvantage on attack rolls and ability checks until the end of
its next turn.
The golem attacks intruders, attempting to push
creatures into the toffee pool during combat. Unless
the hag orders it to stand down, it fights until
The toffee pool is 3 feet deep. A detect magic spell
reveals that the toffee radiates an aura of transmutation
A creature that enters the pool for the first time on a
turn or starts its turn there takes 7 (2d6) fire damage. If
the creature is a humanoid, they must also succeed on
a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw or become restrained
as the scalding toffee binds their legs. A creature that
is not restrained can use its action to make a DC 14
Strength check, freeing a restrained creature within its
reach on a success.
A humanoid restrained by the toffee that starts their
turn in the pool must repeat the Dexterity saving
throw, ending the restrained condition on a success.
On a failure, the creature is petrified, becoming a
hardened toffee statue that can no longer be damaged
by the toffee pool. See “Toffee Statues” below.
Toffee Imps. If Auntie Blistermouth is in the cellar,
she can use a bonus action on her turn to conjure an
imp made of toffee from the pool. Each imp is loyal to
the hag and uses the magma mephit stat block with
the following changes:
• A toffee imp is a construct.
• It collapses back to harmless toffee if Auntie
Blistermouth is destroyed.
Auntie Blistermouth can summon three imps at a
time this way.

Elven Tower
TOFFEE STATUES or similar magic, and ends for all statues if Auntie
Each statue is a petrified humanoid who fell into the Blistermouth is destroyed.
toffee pool. The petrified condition for any toffee When the three existing toffee statues are restored,
statues can be ended with a greater restoration spell they are revealed to be the following:
Marjorie Wiselyn. Marjorie is a chaotic good human
veteran in her fifties who discovered that the hag’s
Toffee Statues and Soul-Sucking candies were driving others to commit evil acts. If
When a humanoid is turned into a toffee statue, Auntie she is freed, she commits to finding and destroying
Blistermouth hauls the statue out of the pool, then all of Auntie Blistermouth’s candies still in the
continually harvests small pieces of its soul for use in her
possession of the hag’s former customers (or assists
candy making. Each day at midnight, the hag harvests a
the characters in doing so).
piece of each petrified creature’s soul, and each creature
gains one level of exhaustion. If a petrified creature gains
Ogden Mirrow. Ogden is a neutral evil bandit in his
enough levels of exhaustion to kill it, the statue collapses to twenties who broke into the shop to steal, but was
toffee shards and is destroyed. caught by Auntie Blistermouth. If freed, he flees as
fast as he can, stopping only to stuff his pockets with
candies that he hopes to sell at a premium.
Terrence Fiddlefop. This neutral lightfoot halfling TREASURE
noble in his forties insisted on seeing Auntie Bea’s
Auntie Blistermouth’s shop holds the following treasure
operation because he wanted to invest. Now all he
that the characters can claim:
wants to do is return home as quickly as possible.
• The hag’s lacy pink apron functions as a cape of the
CANDY BINS mountebank.
The bins on the west side of the room contain sorted • The box under Auntie Blistermouth’s bed contains
and unsorted enchanted candies (see “Auntie’s two potions of greater healing, a collection of gold and
Candies” above). silver teeth (worth 1,000 gp total), a black pearl (500
gp), and coins worth 1,000 gp.
The door at the top of the stairs radiates an aura ENCOUNTER DIFFICULTY
of evocation magic to a detect magic spell. When a You can adjust the difficulty of this lair in a number of
creature damages the door, forces it open, or fails a different ways. For more difficult encounters, consider
check made to pick its lock, the door explodes in a any of the following options:
burst of magical energy. Each creature within 10 feet of • Make Auntie Blistermouth an oni, or give her one or
the door must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, more additional night hag sisters.
taking 28 (8d6) force damage on a failed save, or half • Replace the toffee imps with toffee oozes that use the
as much damage on a successful one. The explosion ochre jelly stat block.
destroys the door. • Use the clay golem stat block for the toffee golem.
A character on the outside of the door who succeeds
To reduce the difficulty of the lair, consider any of the
on a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check notices
following options:
that it has a small glyph carved into its bottom corner.
A character who then succeeds on a successful DC • Reduce Auntie Blistermouth’s hit points to 80, or
15 Intelligence (Arcana) check made to inspect the make her a green hag.
glyph knows that it is the source of the door’s magic. • Remove Auntie Blistermouth’s ability to conjure
A creature can deactivate this magic by succeeding on toffee imps.
a DC 15 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools, or any • Use the ochre jelly stat block for the boiling
other sharpened tool or weapon. A failed check causes chocolate in area S1 and the lump of taffies in area
the door to explode. S3.
When the characters first enter this room, read or
paraphrase the following:
You can expand this lair by building on or modifying
any number of the hooks found within it:
A musty odor hangs in the air of this small room,
whose windows are covered with dirty, ragged • If Auntie Blistermouth gets away, she torments the
characters, intruding upon their dreams. She hopes
curtains. An unmade bed sits along the far wall,
to fill their heads with doubt and fear so that they
behind a massive lump of stuck-together, brightly
perform evil acts in the world. The hag makes this
colored, chewed taffies. The door of an empty
a nightly ritual, targeting a different character each
wardrobe on the west wall is partially open, and a time they take a long rest, until she is destroyed.
dusty desk and chair sit to the northeast. • Auntie Blistermouth was part of a night hag coven
that seeks revenge for her destruction. These hags
When a creature that is not Auntie Blistermouth enters each specialize in a different food service of your
this room, the lump of taffies comes to life and attacks. determination, so that one might be a butcher,
The lump uses the shambling mound stat block but is another might tend to an apple orchard, and so
a construct. It fights until destroyed. on. They send a succession of twisted food-based
AUNTIE’S TREASURES constructs after the characters and attempt to poison
Any search under the bed locates a small black iron their meals.
chest that contains Auntie Blistermouth’s treasure (see • Though Auntie Blistermouth is gone, her candies and
below). evil deals are still out in the world. The characters
must hunt down her former customers and destroy
what remains of the hag’s product to avoid more


Xavier Beaudlet
n arrogant wizard has taken to destroying his INTEGRATING THIS LAIR
competition with explosives dropped from
These encounters take place on Ezzinal’s airship, which
an airship laboratory called Bomb Justice.
you can place anywhere that suits your story needs.
His murderous rampage has already killed
Though the locations detailed as part of the encounter
more than one wizard, and every mage in the land is a
are set up as the entirety of the ship, you could make
potential target—unless the characters can stop him.
use of a different map to make them part of a much
This lair is optimized for four to five 6th-level
larger ship. You could also establish that Ezzinal has a
fleet of numerous identical airships, turning this lair
into a number of related encounters.
BACKGROUND You can use the following hooks to integrate this
The wizard Ezzinal de Karabas believes that magic is
lair into your campaign, whether as part of a longer
dangerous, and must be relegated into the hands of
adventure or as the focus of a single play session:
those intelligent and powerful enough to control its
• A friendly wizard asks the characters to look
chaotic forces. And according to him, only his hands
into whatever is blowing up the homes of other
and the hands of mages who swear fealty to him are up
mages. The characters investigate the ruins of each
to the task.
explosion, which are being picked over by treasure-
When previous attempts at subjugating other magic
hunting monsters that don’t want to share. At each
users to his will failed, Ezzinal built an airship called
site, the remains of letters indicate that all the dead
Bomb Justice, which features a lab within it for the
mages were contacted by Ezzinal with an offer: Serve
creation of explosive devices. From the safety of this
him, or die for the good of the world and magic.
mobile fortress, the wizard drops those devices onto
• Ezzinal’s dropped explosives kill an NPC mage the
the homes and towers of those mages who refuse to
characters know. When the characters investigate the
serve him, reducing them and all their achievements to
site, they find a clue that leads them to Ezzinal’s old
laboratory—a sunken tower protected by many traps
and construct guardians. The old laboratory yields Airship Combat
plans for the airship, as well as a magic compass that Though this lair isn’t designed to be a battle where one
points in the vehicle’s direction. airship takes on another, your players might have other
• While the characters are visiting an NPC wizard on ideas. If the characters obtain an airship of their own to
other business, a magic note is dropped from on high battle Bomb Justice, use your own favorite rules for aerial
that reads: “Submit or die! Last chance.—Ezzinal.” combat while the characters get in close to board Ezzinal’s
The NPC explains Ezzinal’s radical philosophy of craft and take the wizard on.
magic while the airship circles overhead, and it’s up
to the characters to stop the coming attack.
• The decks and walls are made of iron. Climbing
• If one of the characters is a sorcerer or a wizard,
the exterior of the ship requires a successful DC 15
Ezzinal approaches them and demands fealty. By
Strength (Athletics) check.
refusing, the character becomes Ezzinal’s next target.
• Lanterns hanging on the walls have had the continual
Or by pretending to agree, the character might gain
flame spell cast on them, filling areas with bright
easy access to Bomb Justice so that the party can end
Ezzinal’s threat.
• The windows on the ship are one-way glass, allowing
characters to see out but not in. Each window has AC
APPROACHING THE AIRSHIP 13, 5 hit points, and immunity to poison and psychic
Ezzinal typically keeps Bomb Justice five thousand feet damage.
in the air, which makes the party’s approach far more • The airship has a speed of 8 miles per hour, AC
difficult than for most lairs. Characters might get to the 17, 500 hit points, a damage threshold of 10, and
airship in any of the following ways: immunity to poison and psychic damage.
• An NPC wizard ally casts the fly or teleport spell so
the characters can reach the deck of the ship (area BOMB JUSTICE
J1). If casting teleport, the NPC might know the deck The following encounter areas are keyed to the map of
of the ship well because they are a former apprentice Ezzinal’s lair.
of Ezzinal who was fired and replaced by the wizard’s
flesh golems. J1. DECK
• An NPC with an airship allows the characters to When the characters get onto the deck, read or
borrow it so they can board Bomb Justice. paraphrase the following to set the scene:
• An NPC inventor with a magic catapult launches the
characters from the ground onto area J1 of the ship. The broad iron deck of the airship is surrounded by
Each character must succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity a low wall, and is set with a number of large crates
(Acrobatics) check or take 10 (3d6) bludgeoning
strapped down with cable restraints. At the aft of the
damage and land prone when they hit the deck.
deck stands an iron ship wheel and a spiral staircase
When the characters first see the airship, read or
leading below decks. A thirty-foot-high mast carved
paraphrase the following:
with runes rises at the center of the deck, despite the
fact that the airship has no sails.
A long, black iron warship without masts or sails
moves through the sky, clearly propelled by powerful
magic. Giant red letters printed on the side of the FLESH GOLEMS
vessel read: “Bomb Justice.” The deck of the ship is patrolled by a number of flesh
golems serving Ezzinal (one golem per two characters,
A character who examines the underside of Bomb rounded up). Each golem uses the flesh golem stat
Justice from a reasonably close distance and succeeds block, but has the power to hurl thunder that grants it
on a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check notes the the following action option:
secret hatch that leads to area J3. Thunder Javelin. Ranged Spell Attack: +7 to hit, range 120 ft., one
target. Hit: 22 (4d10) thunder damage.

AIRSHIP FEATURES Ezzinal built the golems, which attack any intruders
The areas of Bomb Justice have the following general they notice and fight until destroyed. If they have the
features: opportunity, the golems attempt to push the characters
into the lightning rod, or to use the ship’s wheel to
• The ceilings below decks are 15 feet high.
pitch the ship (see below for more information). The
constructs have magnets bolted to the bottoms of their
Mike’s Thoughts: Flying and Falling
Depending on the capabilities of the characters, being
thrown over the edge of a lair high above the ground
might be just a minor setback—or it could be a complete
catastrophe. Any time you’re playing out a climactic
encounter in midair, you’ll want to gauge how well the
characters can handle a long-distance fall, no matter
whether they’ve been knocked off an airship or a flying
castle, or been seized by a flying monster and dropped. If
they aren’t already prepared with appropriate magic, a max-
damage fall can turn any encounter into a lethal encounter
quickly. As such, feel free to pull your punches and avoid
sending characters into free fall if you don’t think it will be

feet, which allows them to automatically succeed on

saving throws when the ship pitches. They likewise
have advantage on saving throws made to avoid being
knocked prone.
The golems have a set patrol route, which a character
can learn by observing the group for 1 minute. Once
the route is known, any character can move their speed
along the deck without being noticed by the constructs
with a successful DC 12 Dexterity (Stealth) check.
The iron crates contain alchemist’s supplies, plate
armor, rations, and the volatile components Ezzinal
uses in his laboratory experiments and in his bombs.
As an action, a character can loosen a crate’s restraints
to allow it to slide around the deck when the ship
pitches, just as a creature does that fails its saving throw
(see “Ship’s Wheel” below).
Any crate that takes 10 or more fire damage
explodes. Each creature within 10 feet of the crate must
make a DC 13 Dexterity saving throw, taking 16 (3d10)
fire damage on a failed save, or half as much damage
on a successful one. Other crates within 10 feet of an

Elven Tower
exploding crate take full damage automatically, which SHIP’S WHEEL
can cause them to explode as well. The aft wheel is used to steer the ship, but its altitude
LIGHTNING ROD and velocity are controlled below deck in area J2.
What appears to be a mast at the center of the deck is A creature that is proficient with air vehicles or water
actually a magic lightning rod, which radiates an aura vehicles can steer the ship as long as it is moving. (This
of abjuration magic to a detect magic spell. A creature includes the flesh golems, who have been trained to
that can read Draconic recognizes the runes inscribed steer by Ezzinal.) If any creature steers the ship toward
into the rod, and understands that the rod protects a collision or some other danger, Ezzinal and the air
the ship by absorbing any lightning strikes, and that elementals in area J2 come to investigate.
it stores the energy of those strikes. Any creature that While at the wheel, a creature able to steer the ship
touches the rod for the first time on a turn or starts can use its action to pitch the vessel to one side: fore,
its turn in contact with it takes 22 (4d10) lightning aft, port, or starboard. When the ship pitches, each
damage. The golems don’t initially know that touching creature on the deck must succeed on a DC 10 Strength
the lightning rod can heal them, but all of them learn saving throw or slide 10 feet in the direction that the
this if a character pushes any of the golems against the ship is pitching. A creature that slides over the edge
rod. of the deck can make a DC 10 Dexterity saving throw
with advantage. On a success, the character grabs
onto the 4-foot-high wall surrounding the deck and James’s Thoughts: Fair Warning is Your
stops their slide. The ship can be pitched only once per Only Job
round, and has magic stabilizers that prevent it from First, let me state that I agree with Mike’s overall point about
being turned upside down. falling and flying in adventures: You should do what is most
fun for your group. My preference is to give my players a
J2. LABORATORY warning, usually via a wise NPC, that their characters are
When the characters enter this room, read or going into combat high into the air, and that guaranteed
paraphrase the following: death from falling out of the sky is a real possibility. So if
the wizard subsequently chooses to prepare magic missile
and fireball over feather fall and fly, or if the rogue decides
A humming purple column set at the center of
to hide by hanging over the side of an airship by their
this area is carved with runes, and has a thick base fingertips, that’s on the players. If they fall, they fall.
covered in buttons. Four metal tables set around the This approach might sound harsh, but I like it because it
column hold numerous bubbling bottles connected makes the players’ choices meaningful. It lets them decide
by glass tubes. On the port wall, steel canisters how lucky the characters are feeling. Yes, fireball ends the
are strapped into two floor-to-ceiling shelves, and fight sooner—but fly makes sure the wizard stays alive if
everything goes poorly. As long as the players have the
separated by a large red lever. An opaque cascade of
knowledge of what could happen, a flesh golem shoving
sizzling blue lightning arcs across the starboard wall. them off the side of an airship is fair game.
At the end of the day, it’s all about fun. So when
If Ezzinal and the elementals have not been characters do find themselves in free fall, I also allow them
encountered already, they are in the laboratory. If to try whatever they like to prevent taking damage. I favor
Ezzinal is not invisible (see his tactics below), add the what I call “action-movie physics” over the real thing, as
following: I find it fits with the core rules of the game. Want to try to
grab a passing giant eagle, swan dive perfectly into a lake, or
grab a hanging branch just before you hit the ground? Let’s
A bald human with a wild beard is working at the
roll some dice to see if it works! This also gives a character
bubbling laboratory equipment, a jubilant grin who spends a round or more falling from a great height
spread across his face. Standing sentry at his side is something to do on their turn.
an almost formless creature made of thick vapor. Maximum falling damage is 20d6 bludgeoning damage,
which seems like a lot. But on average, this translates to 70
damage—enough to knock out most characters between
5th and 10th level (depending on how beat up they are)
The laboratory is defended by one air elemental but not necessarily kill them outright. This can create an
for every two characters in the party, which attack exciting scenario as the one character who does have access
as soon as intruders are seen. The elementals use to feather fall jumps off the side of a cliff with a potion
their Whirlwind action as often as possible to hurl of healing to save their unconscious friend. And many
characters into the various hazards of the lab. You can characters over 10th level can actually get up and walk
pick a hazard, or roll a d6 to select one at random: away to tell the tale from a maximum-damage fall! So don’t
1–2. A creature is thrown into one of the tables and be afraid to shove those characters to their doom!

takes 3 (1d6) piercing damage from broken glass.

There is a 30 percent chance that an unstable
compound being created on the table explodes,
Ezzinal is a lawful evil human who uses the mage stat
dealing an additional 10 (3d6) fire damage to the
block with the following changes:
3. A creature is thrown into the red lever, flipping it to • He has 72 hit points.
the opposite position (see “Lightning Cage” below). • He can speak and understand Auran, Common,
4. A creature is thrown into the port shelf closest to the Draconic, and Elvish.
front of the ship. There is a 10 percent chance that • He knows the shocking grasp cantrip instead of the
the canisters explode (see “Canisters” below). light cantrip, and has the thunderwave, lightning bolt,
5. A creature is thrown into the engine column (see and blight spells prepared instead of detect magic,
“Engine Column” below). fireball, and ice storm.
6. A creature is thrown through the lightning cage and Ezzinal also wears a pair of magnetic boots that allow
into the gelatinous cube lurking there (see “Lightning him to automatically succeed on saving throws when
Cage” below).

the ship pitches, and which grant him advantage on hole in the port wall and destroys the engine column
saving throws made to avoid being knocked prone. (see below).
Ezzinal casts the mage armor spell at the start of ENGINE COLUMN
every day, and refreshes it as needed. When he first A detect magic spell reveals that the purple column in
notices intruders, he casts greater invisibility on the center of this area radiates an aura of transmutation
himself. He then casts area attack spells such as cone magic. Any creature that can read Draconic recognizes
of cold and lightning bolt, wanting to harm as many the runes scribed into the column, and understands
enemies as possible while taking care to not detonate that it is used to control the altitude and speed of
his canisters (see below). If Ezzinal can target only one Bomb Justice. Ezzinal knows how to use the control
enemy effectively, he uses the blight spell. The mage panel beneath the column, as does any creature that
prefers to damage spellcasters while scolding them for is proficient with air vehicles or that succeeds on a
their irresponsible use of magic. He uses his reaction to DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check made to assess the
cast the counterspell and shield spells as needed. controls.
When Ezzinal has been reduced to half his hit points Any creature that touches the column above its
or fewer, or if the ship begins to crash, he flees to area control panel base takes 11 (2d10) lightning damage.
J3 and attempts to escape out the secret hatch, casting The engine column has AC 17, 50 hit points, and
the fly spell on himself to get away. If the ship isn’t immunity to lightning, poison, and psychic damage. If
already crashing and the gelatinous cube has not been the column is destroyed, the airship begins to crash. Its
freed when Ezzinal flees, he takes the opportunity to magical flight systems struggle to stop it from falling
destroy the engine column and flip the red lever down at a fatal rate, holding it to a descent of 250 feet per
if he can. round. When the ship crashes, each creature aboard
CANISTERS must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 35
The 5-foot-long, 2-foot-diameter iron canisters on the (10d6) bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half as
port shelves are used to make the explosive devices much damage on a successful one.
Ezzinal drops on his enemies. The shelf toward the LIGHTNING CAGE
stern of the ship holds ten empty canisters, which A detect magic spell reveals that the wall of lightning
weigh 20 pounds each. The shelf toward the front along the starboard side of the lab radiates an aura of
of the ship holds ten full canisters, which weigh 50 evocation magic. A creature that touches the lightning
pounds each and are completed explosive devices. cage for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there
The canisters have AC 17 and immunity to poison takes 5 (1d10) lightning damage. A creature can pass
and psychic damage. Each time a full canister takes any through the cage after touching it, taking another 5
damage, there is a 50 percent chance that it explodes. If (1d10) lightning damage to do so. Flipping the lever on
a full canister explodes on its own, each creature within the port wall to the down position causes the lightning
10 feet of it must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, cage to disappear, while flipping it back up activates the
taking 22 (4d10) fire damage on a failed save, or half as cage.
much damage on a successful one. An enormous transparent ooze that is one of
If a canister explodes within 10 feet of the shelf of Ezzinal’s experiments is kept in the cage. The ooze
full canisters, all the canisters on that shelf explode. uses the gelatinous cube stat block with the following
Each creature in the laboratory must make a DC changes:
15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 44 (8d10) fire
• It is immune to lightning damage.
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
• It has the following trait:
successful one. The explosion rips a 10-foot-diameter
Amorphous. The ooze can move through a space as narrow as
1 inch wide without squeezing.
The Amorphous trait allows the ooze to stretch
Blown Up!
out across the interior of the cage, so that a creature
If you’re worried that an air elemental hurling a character
entering the cage anywhere along its length enters the
into the canisters and causing the ship to explode will
ooze’s space and is subjected to its Engulf action. If the
take this encounter in the wrong direction, you can simply
decide that it doesn’t happen. Likewise, if you really want
cage is shut down, the ooze reverts to its normal cube
the canisters to explode, you can choose that hazard shape, keeping any creatures it has engulfed within its
specifically, ignore the percentage chance, and blow Bomb body.
Justice out of the sky!

J3. EZZINAL’S BEDCHAMBER • Add more flesh golems to serve Ezzinal, or make
them clay golems with the noted changes.
A bed made up with fine silk sheets, a wardrobe,
• Make Ezzinal an archmage.
a wooden desk, and a steel chest mark this area as
• Replace one or more of the air elementals with
Ezzinal’s quarters.
invisible stalkers.
A secret trapdoor that opens to the air beneath Bomb
• Replace the gelatinous cube with a shambling
Justice is hidden in the floor. It can be found with a
mound that has the Amorphous trait.
careful search of the chamber and a successful DC 15
Intelligence (Investigation) check. To reduce the difficulty of the lair, consider any of the
following options:
TREASURE • Reduce the number of flesh golems, or swap them for
Treasure for this lair could come as a combination of suits of animated armor.
a reward for stopping Ezzinal’s plots, and items the • Give Ezzinal 40 hit points, and set up that he has
mage stores in his lab or bedchamber. Either way, the already used his 3rd- and 4th-level spell slots.
characters earn the following: • Replace the air elementals with minotaur skeletons.
• Coins worth 3,000 gp
• A diamond-tipped solid gold wand (worth 1,000 gp) EXPANDING THIS LAIR
• Two potions of gaseous form You can expand this lair by building on or modifying
• A bag of devouring any number of the hooks found within it:
• Ezzinal led several other mages who believed that
AIRSHIP AND EXPLOSIVES AS TREASURE magic should be tightly controlled. This group
If the characters are clever or lucky, they might secure continues his work by recruiting and killing other
the airship and its explosives without destroying them. spellcasters, and its members make a point of
If you don’t want the characters to have their own avenging their leader’s defeat.
airship, you can decide that Bomb Justice becomes • If Ezzinal escapes, he comes to the conclusion that no
unusable after Ezzinal dies, because the wizard created humanoid mages can be trusted with magic—except
a special ritual to recharge the ship’s engine that only for him, of course. He thus turns to some of the
he knows. Alternatively, you might decide that giving oldest practitioners of magic, recruiting dragons to
the characters an airship is a fun idea and allow them help him kill humanoid mages, and starting with any
to keep it. However, their new ride definitely attracts wizard or sorcerer characters in the party.
the attention of dragons, rocs, and other formidable • If Bomb Justice crashes, it releases a burst of chaotic
flying creatures as it moves through the sky. magical energy that kills many people in nearby
If you don’t want the characters to have a trove of settlements. The corpses become infused with magic,
explosives, you can decide that after seven days, the and soon rise as undead that plague the land.
magic of the canisters wears off to turn each bomb into
a dud. Alternatively, the characters could realize that
the explosives become unstable after seven days, and
might explode any time the ship is jostled if they aren’t
disposed of.

You can adjust the difficulty of this lair in a number of
different ways. For more difficult encounters, consider
any of the following options:


Enmanuel Martinez
lamia with a love of finery and riches has hit before decay and looters stripped away the bank’s
upon the perfect scheme. After charming a beautiful appearance and gilded filigree.
brass dragon and taking over the creature’s Lascal reopened the bank, renaming it the Gilded
ruined bank lair as her own, the lamia taps Vault and advertising it as a place for wealthy patrons
into ancient magic to restore the splendor of the Gilded to store their most prized possessions. The lamia
Vault with illusion. She then hatches a plot to collect particularly values paintings, sculptures, and other
the fine art of unwitting nobles wanting to store their beautiful art objects—which she keeps for herself after
valuables securely—and to murder those nobles once ordering her thralls to kill the bank’s patrons after
their riches have been claimed. their deposits are made. In the aftermath, she eagerly
This lair is optimized for four to five 6th-level devours the corpses of her former clients, as she does
characters. for anyone foolish to ask questions regarding the
whereabouts of her victims.
A lamia named Lascal has recruited quite the band INTEGRATING THIS LAIR
of soldiers using her supernatural charms. The crown The Gilded Vault can be set up in any remote area,
jewel in her collection of brainwashed servants is from an underground cavern complex to a desert
Ignatior, a young brass dragon held under the sway wasteland. There should be a road leading to the site
of the lamia’s geas spell. When Lascal took over the so nobles can easily travel to it, but there should be no
dragon’s mind, she also took up residence in his lair—a settlement around it.
ruined bank built by dwarves. Using the power of a The bank might be represented mostly by the
pair of magic gloves known as the magician’s fingers, mapped area, or you could expand the encounter to
Lascal taps into the residual magic used to construct fill a much larger complex that includes proper living
the bank, creating illusions that seemingly restore the quarters for Lascal’s thralls. Either way, though, the
site to a state before the dwarves abandoned it, and north end of the vault should butt up against another
stone structure with no doors or windows, so that the LASCAL’S THRALLS
characters can’t easily recognize the setup of the false
The creatures that serve Lascal are all under the effect
door in area L1.
of her geas spell, whose casting she staggers to allow
You can use the following hooks to integrate this
her to regularly refresh the enchantment. To gain the
lair into your campaign, whether as part of a longer
maximum effectiveness from the spell, she gives each
adventure or as the focus of a single play session:
creature affected by it a slightly different command of
• Several brass dragon wyrmlings start running servitude. These creatures are devoted to her because
amok in settlements near the Gilded Vault. The of the spell’s charm effect, and fear the lamia because
characters are hired to deal with the problem, of the psychic pain the spell brings if they disobey her
and learn after questioning the wyrmlings that orders.
their father, a young brass dragon named Ignatior, If the characters enter the bank posing as customers,
suddenly disappeared—along with their secret lair. the thralls treat them with kindness and exemplary
The dragons describe the ruined bank where they customer service. They refuse to show the characters
once lived, and talk of how they went out hunting to any area of the bank other than area L1 “for security
on their own and came back to find a shiny new reasons.” Bank employees also eagerly share the history
bank where the old one was, and their father gone. of the bank, saying that until recently, a brass dragon
The wyrmlings think the humanoids living nearby named Ignatior occupied the building. They claim the
must somehow be responsible for this, but agree to dragon left just before the renovation, a lie that can be
stop punishing people if the characters find out what detected with a successful DC 15 Wisdom (Insight)
happened to their father and their home. check.
• Earlier in their adventuring careers, have the If the characters have nothing to deposit or are
characters face Vaxila (see area L2). Having taunted caught sneaking around in places they shouldn’t be,
and tormented the characters, this villain suddenly the thralls ask them to leave. If the characters refuse,
disappears just before a final showdown. After Lascal’s thralls attack, shouting to raise the alarm. They
searching extensively for Vaxila, the characters learn might also attack if the characters have a magic item
that she is working for an unknown master at the or art object Lascal would like, if the characters reveal
Gilded Vault. that they know illusion magic covers the bank, or if any
• This lair could take a heist setup. The characters character tries to steal from or harm the bank or any
might find an incomplete map of the Gilded Vault, thralls. Compelled to sacrifice themselves for Lascal, all
and find out more about the creatures inside as they thralls fight to the death.
plan to steal a particular treasure known to have been
recently deposited at the bank. NOTING A THRALL
• The odd setup of the Gilded Vault might attract the A character who succeeds on a DC 15 Wisdom
characters’ attention. Seeing a well-guarded delivery (Insight) check can tell that a thrall is affected by
wagon heading out along a road to nowhere might some sort of magical enchantment. With a subsequent
make clever characters suspect that something is successful DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check, a
amiss. character knows that the spell affecting the thralls is
geas. A thrall freed from its geas spell understands what
APPROACHING THE BANK has happened to it, and tries to flee. With a successful
The Gilded Vault is a two-story windowless building. DC 15 Charisma (Persuasion) check, the characters
Since it might be found in almost any setting, include can instead convince the creature to help them. Each
additional descriptions of dark caverns, giant desert thrall knows the layout of the bank, how to open the
dunes, or any other details of what’s around the bank as vault door (see area L2), and the history of Lascal
you read or paraphrase the following to set the scene: contained in the “Background” section.

The entire outside of this building, from the great LOYAL EMPLOYEES
steps leading to its front entrance, to the massive Mazzik the doppelganger (in area L1) and Melmarc
columns surrounding it, is covered in shiny gold. A Snurr the werebear (in area L2) are not Lascal’s
carved inscription above massive double doors reads, thralls. They simply serve the lamia because she
“Welcome to the Gilded Vault!” is a charismatic leader who pays them well. If the
characters have noted that some sort of magical
The fine look of the bank’s exterior and the welcoming enchantment affects the other employees of the bank,
inscription are actually part of a spell cast by Lascal they can immediately tell that these two are not
(see “Lascal’s Illusion” below). under any magical sway. However, a successful DC 20
Charisma (Intimidation) check or a bribe of 500 gp or
more convinces Mazzik or Melmarc to betray Lascal
and side with the characters.

The areas of the Gilded Vault have the following
general features:
• Ceilings in the bank are 20 feet high, with 10-foot-
high doorways connecting chambers.
• Lanterns with the continual flame spell cast inside
them hang by chains from the ceiling, filling the bank
with bright light.
• Climbing the inside walls requires a successful DC 15
Strength (Athletics) check.
• Though they appear to be solid stone, the walls of
the bank are actually stone-clad steel reinforced by
abjuration magic imbued into them by the dwarves
who built the vault. Each 5-foot section of wall has
AC 20; 100 hit points; immunity to fire, poison, and
psychic damage; and a damage threshold of 20.
• The entirety of the bank is affected by powerful
illusion magic (see “Lascal’s Illusion”).

The Gilded Vault appears to be a magnificent, well-
maintained building, but is in reality a cracked and
crumbling ruin. Lascal has cast the major image spell
multiple times to make the bank look richly renovated,
enhancing the spell’s duration and potency thanks to
her magician’s fingers (see “Treasure” at the end of the
lair) and the residual magic lingering within the vault.
A creature that touches a wall, a column, or any
other architecture of the bank notices that the surface
feels different than it looks. However, the creature must
then succeed on a DC 14 Intelligence (Investigation)
check as an action to confirm the feature’s illusory
nature. Even when a creature recognizes the illusion for

Diana Muñoz
what it is, they still cannot see through it.
One human veteran for every two characters (rounded
up) roam this area of the bank as security. At your
determination, another 1d4 nobles are also present,
The following encounter areas are keyed to the map of
looking to deposit or withdraw items.
Lascal’s lair.
Mazzik, a doppelganger who willingly serves
L1. MAIN BANK Lascal and takes the form of an elderly human named
Chalmers, stands behind the 3-foot-high marble
When the characters enter the bank, read or
counter, waiting to serve customers. Chalmers greets
paraphrase the following:
the characters with a bow and tends to their every
whim, even as he uses his Read Thoughts action to see
Two rows of huge columns hold up the ceiling of if the characters have come to the bank for any reason
this arched hall, leading to a long marble counter. beyond what they say. If the doppelganger uncovers
A massive, closed iron vault door is built into the a lie, the creature attacks and calls the veterans to
stone wall behind the counter, alongside an ornate join the fight. If the characters have a complaint, the
spiral staircase leading up. Around the columns and doppelganger asks them to have a seat, then goes to
along the walls, plush cushioned chairs are set up for fetch Vaxila in area L2, who comes down to meet with
waiting customers. them.
If combat occurs in this area, the veterans or Mazzik when it slams out in either direction must make a DC
activate the false door (see below) if they can hit one or 15 Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, a creature
more characters with it. At the start of the fourth round takes 22 (4d10) bludgeoning damage and is knocked
of combat, the creatures in area L2 come to investigate. prone. On a successful save, a creature takes half as
much damage and is not knocked prone.
The 20-foot-square iron vault door to the north of L2. MANAGER’S OFFICE
this area actually leads nowhere, opening up to a dead
Characters who ascend the spiral staircase arrive in a
space and a solid wall. (The dead space ensures that if
second-floor office containing a stone desk built into
the door is struck, it sounds as though an open room
the floor, a 20-foot-square tapestry hanging on the
is behind it.) A detect magic spell reveals that the door
south wall that depicts a group of laughing jackals, and
radiates an aura of transmutation magic.
a 15-foot-tall gilded statue of a bull leaning forward
When any creature touches the door, its magic
as if ready to charge. (The statue and tapestry are both
causes it to slam outward in a straight line, crashing
recent deposits that Lascal claimed for herself.)
through the counter and straight into the south wall
of the chamber. On the next initiative count 0 (losing LASCAL’S SERVANTS
initiative ties), the door flies along the same path back Two of Lascal’s servants work here—Vaxila and
to its original position. Each creature in the door’s path Melmarc Snurr. Vaxila is a neutral evil human mage
and thrall of Lascal, who can speak, write, and
understand Abyssal and Common. She stays in the
Tracking Suspicion office unless she is called upon by Chalmers, playing
Though this lair is set in a single small location, it’s still the role of bank manager, meeting with important
set up to play to all the strengths of the game: combat, nobles, and assuring and persuading them that the
exploration, and interaction scenarios. Some groups will Gilded Vault can take on all their problems.
treat these encounters as a traditional heist, looking forward Melmarc Snurr is a lawful evil human werebear
to using deception and stealth to get to the vault, rather in his forties, and a willing follower of Lascal. He is
than hacking their way through the guards. If this is the case Vaxila’s bodyguard, following her wherever she goes.
with your group, give the characters time to research, stake Melmarc enjoys singing to himself at all times, even
out, and plan before entering the lair, and consider tracking
in battle, though he cannot carry a tune. When not
suspicion points during the encounter.
dealing with clients, he and Vaxila play cards to pass
Suspicion points are a new resource you can use
when the characters enter enemy territory in disguise, or
the time.
while hidden or appearing inconspicuous. Each time a If the characters make it this far without a fight and
character does something that would arouse their enemies’ combat then breaks out in this area, two veterans from
suspicion—typically failing an ability check related to area L1 come to investigate, while the other creatures
staying in disguise or keeping a low profile—rather than in area L1 prepare to ambush the characters when they
having the villains immediately draw steel, secretly give the come back down.
party 1 suspicion point. As they build up, these suspicion Melmarc keeps a key on his belt that opens the
points represent the growing wariness of the characters’ hidden vault door (see that section below). The key
enemies. Whenever one or more characters make an ability is easily spotted, and can be stolen without Melmarc
check to influence or sneak by an enemy, add the party’s noticing with a successful DC 17 Dexterity (Sleight of
total number of suspicion points to the check’s DC. And
Hand) check.
even if they make these increasingly difficult checks, when
the characters earn 5 suspicion points, the jig is up! Their DESK
enemies now see them for what they are and attack. A character who searches the stone desk finds that
If you use suspicion points, not all of the characters’ all of its many drawers are empty except one. That
mistakes should be equal. For instance, if a character is drawer holds a note written in Abyssal on a piece of
seen dropping a vial of poison into an enemy’s drink, this old parchment, which reads: “My key, then a malleable
hostile act could add more than 1 suspicion point to the hand, then bear’s voice. That order!” This note was
total, or immediately cause the villains to attack. It is up to
written by Lascal as instructions for the enthralled
you to decide how many points such big mistakes are worth.
Vaxila on how to open the hidden vault door without
Likewise, you might decide that some enemies (such as
Lascal in this lair) immediately see through the characters’
activating the gorgon statue.
deceptions and attack, no matter the number of suspicion The drawer also holds a bottle of salve that radiates
points. This lair is about the lead-up to a climactic boss an aura of abjuration magic to a detect magic spell.
battle after all!

A character who examines the salve and is proficient
with alchemist’s supplies or succeeds on a DC 15
Intelligence (Arcana) check knows that if a creature James’s Thoughts: Hard Choices
uses an action to pour the entire contents of the bottle When the characters want to parlay with an enemy, I
onto a petrified creature, the petrified condition ends typically allow it as long as the villain has the capacity
to do so. The characters saying, “Let’s talk this out,” is a
for that creature.
signal to you that the players will have more fun talking
GORGON STATUE than fighting—or at least that they’ll have fun talking before
A character who examines the bull statue and succeeds fighting.
on a DC 15 Intelligence (Nature) check recognizes That said, just because a villain is willing to talk doesn’t
that the statue is not of a bull but a monstrous gorgon. mean that a single Charisma (Persuasion) check is going
A detect magic spell reveals that the statue radiates an to suddenly make a chaotic evil marilith act like someone
aura of transmutation magic. with a lawful good agenda. Diplomacy and detente are all
about quid pro quo. The characters want something, which
If any creature attacks or otherwise harms the statue,
the villain might be willing to give for a price. So when the
it comes to life and attacks all creatures in the room,
characters negotiate, think about putting a hard choice in
fighting until destroyed. (Lascal’s servants all know to front of them. Are they willing to compromise their morals
flee in this event.) When it comes to life, the statue uses or do a favor for the villain if it means a village is saved?
the gorgon stat block with the following changes: What about to get a rare item they need, or to have an NPC
• Its size is Huge. friend freed from prison? Such choices add drama to your
• It has 147 hit points (14d12 + 56). story, allowing your characters to wrestle with their own
morality. And if the deal doesn’t work out, it also lets them
stand up righteously, deny the offer, and draw steel in the
The tapestry to the south covers a 20-foot-diameter face of villainy!
iron door built into the wall. A keyhole is set into the
front of the door alongside the graven image of a hand
and an ear, each 5 feet above the floor. • Melmarc must sing or speak into the ear on the door
The door is locked. It has AC 19, 150 hit points, and to unlock the third lock. A creature that has heard
immunity to poison and psychic damage. A detect Melmarc speak and succeeds on a DC 15 Charisma
magic spell reveals that the door radiates an aura of (Deception or Performance) check can mimic the
abjuration magic. werebear’s voice well enough to unlock the lock. A
If a creature damages the door, fails one of the checks minor illusion spell or similar effect employed by a
related to unlocking it (see below), or works the door’s creature that has heard Melmarc’s voice also does the
three locks in the incorrect order, the gorgon statue trick.
roars, then breathes its Petrifying Breath to target as A note in the desk offers a hint for how to unlock the
many creatures in front of the door as it can. That door.
attack automatically recharges as the gorgon becomes
inert again. The gorgon’s roar brings all the servants of L3. VAULT CHAMBER
Lascal in area L1 to investigate. This area is entirely soundproof, so that the noise
Unlocking the Door. The locks on the vault door of combat in area L2 can’t be heard here. Read or
were broken when Lascal claimed the bank, so new paraphrase the following when the characters enter:
ones were created with the help of Ignatior. To unlock
the door, its three locks must be opened in order, as A creature with a lion’s body and the torso and
follows: head of a dark-haired human woman reclines on a
• Melmarc’s key can be used in the keyhole to unlock long purple chair, examining a gaudy gold necklace
the first lock. This lock can also be opened with a held in white-gloved hands. Sprawled on the floor
successful DC 20 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools. alongside hanging paintings and pedestals displaying
• The appendage of any creature with the
jeweled artwork, a dragon with gleaming brass scales
Shapechanger trait or Change Shape action must be
prattles on endlessly about how beautiful all the art is.
placed on the hand carving to unlock the second
lock. The creature need not be alive. Mazzik (in area
L1) or Melmarc fit the bill, as does an imp or quasit LASCAL AND IGNATIOR
familiar. Ignatior is a young brass dragon and a prized thrall
of Lascal. The dragon has lived in the bank for more
than ninety years, and can access the residual magic

still lingering here to create one of the following effects ENCOUNTER DIFFICULTY
each round on initiative count 20 (losing initiative
You can adjust the difficulty of this lair in a number of
different ways. For more difficult encounters, consider
• A strong wind blows around Ignatior. Each creature any of the following options:
within 60 feet of the dragon must succeed on a DC
• Use the archmage stat block for Vaxila.
13 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
• Use the gladiator stat block for the guards.
• A cloud of sand swirls in a 10-foot-radius sphere
• Give Lascal the ability to cast the fireball spell three
centered on a point the dragon can see within 60
times per day.
feet of him. The cloud spreads around corners. Each
• Give Ignatior 169 hit points, or make him an adult
creature in the cloud must succeed on a DC 15
brass dragon or an ancient brass dragon.
Constitution saving throw or be blinded until the
• Especially if the characters deal with all the foes
start of initiative count 20 of the following round.
outside the vault before entering, give Lascal and
Lascal is a lamia with 120 hit points, and who wears Ignatior more veteran thralls in area L3 to aid them
a set of magic gloves called magician’s fingers (see in battle.
“Treasure” below). She has a weakness for works of art,
To reduce the difficulty of the lair, consider any of the
particularly those incorporating gold and jewels—the
following options:
flashier and more outlandish, the better. The lamia
does not care about the lives of her thralls as long as • Use the priest stat block for Vaxila.
she continues to live and be surrounded by beauty. • Use the weretiger or doppelganger stat block for
When the characters enter the vault, Lascal screeches Melmarc.
that they have come to steal her jewels, then attacks • Use the guard stat block for the guards.
using the pedestals for cover. She casts the suggestion • Give Lascal 97 hit points.
spell from behind Ignatior to make the characters • Reduce Ignatior’s hit points to 90 or fewer, or make
battle each other, while the dragon burns and tears him a brass dragon wyrmling.
intruders to pieces. If the geas spell that affects Ignatior
ends, he immediately sides with the characters to
attack Lascal. You can expand this lair by building on or modifying
The lamia prefers to play it safe behind the dragon, any number of the hooks found within it:
but if the characters steal or damage one of her works • Benevolent characters might wish to return the art
of art, she becomes enraged and charges into melee, objects Lascal stole to the nobles who own them (or
fighting to the death. their heirs). Characters who do so receive a monetary
reward, and might be asked to undertake other
TREASURE adventures by grateful nobles.
All the art objects in the vault are worth a total of 6,000 • Ignatior worries that his lair is no longer secret and
gp. Many of the nobles who own these objects were safe, and asks the characters to help him find a new
killed by Lascal and her thralls, but a few are still alive one. The dragon wishes to stay in the vault and
(either ignored by the lamia or having sent couriers defend his treasures while the characters search for a
or agents who were killed in their stead). If Ignatior remote desert ruin to clear out. More of the dragon’s
survives the encounter, he allows the characters to hoard is the reward for such a task!
take some of these art objects as thanks, as well as the • One of Lascal’s freed thralls continues the lamia’s
magician’s fingers. mission of taking beautiful objects and murdering
The magician’s fingers are a set of magic gloves—a their owners. The characters might hear about these
rare magic item that requires attunement by a crimes and recognize the pattern, or might be asked
spellcaster. A creature wearing the gloves can cast a to deal with the problem if their success in ending
spell as if it had been cast with a spell slot three levels the lamia’s plots is well known.
higher than the slot actually used (to a maximum of a
9th-level slot). This property of the gloves can’t be used
again until the next dawn.


Enmanuel Martinez
thrix Blackbile, a young black dragon, has bound souls damned as they turned their blades upon the
a small band of trolls to his service by using his helpless.
acidic breath as a weapon of terror and control. Over time, the world swallowed the remains of the
After subjugating the trolls, Ithrix then took over empire, with festering swamps spreading to consume
their lair, a ruined fortress of a long-fallen kingdom, what had stood for centuries. Then, in more recent
sunken and long-forgotten in a dismal swamp. Now, as years, a band of trolls set their lair within one such
the dragon’s power grows, so too do the numbers of his imperial ruin—a fortress carved out within a remote
followers—and his potential for evil. mountain, known as the Sentinel. For years, the trolls
This lair is optimized for four to five 7th-level ruled over this new domain, until they caught the eye
characters. of Ithrix the black dragon. Melting the trolls’ mightiest
warriors with his acidic breath, Ithrix convinced those
BACKGROUND who remained that he was a god manifested—vengeful,
Centuries past, a mighty empire spread across these merciless, and demanding fealty.
lands, pushing back the dangers of the wilds and Horrified by the dragon’s power, the trolls swore to
bringing peace and prosperity to all. A band of knights serve him, and now use his acidic breath to ritually scar
known as the Swords of the Lily served this empire, their own skin in worship. The trolls continually battle
traveling across it to help citizens in need. But in the and enslave other denizens of the swamps, including
end, the empire fell not from enemies outside but from goblins and lizardfolk, even as they lay claim to relics
corruption within. The last emperor, wanting to rule retrieved from old imperial battlegrounds. At the same
forever, approved terrible experiments and pacts with time, a troll priest of Ithrix named Garesh the Flayed
fiends to extend his life unnaturally. Many Swords of has begun to learn the ways of dark divine magic—but
the Lily fell in battle against the emperor or fled, while has begun to suspect that the dragon is not the true
others became corrupted along with their king, their source of his power.

You can use the following hooks to integrate this The areas of the Sentinel have the following general
lair into your campaign, whether as part of a longer features:
adventure or as the focus of a single play session: • The chambers and passageways of the lair are built of
• The characters might come across Ithrix’s lair old and crumbling worked stone.
during their travels through a vast swamp, first • All areas are unlit. By day, the open cleft of area X4 is
running into victims of Ithrix and his trolls, then dimly lit by sunlight filtering down from above.
meeting lizardfolk loyal to the black dragon, before • Chambers have 15-foot ceilings, and hallways are 10
encountering Ithrix’s fanatical troll servants. Ithrix feet high.
might first bring the fight to the characters outside
the lair, hoping to soften them up before they finally SENTINEL RUINS
face the dragon and his troll guardians within. The following encounter areas are keyed to the map of
• Ithrix’s lair might be set underground in a swampy Ithrix’s lair.
cavern shaped of both natural and worked stone. The
lair could be part of a vast underground grove, or X1. HALL OF DEAD KINGS
part of an abandoned city filled with strange sentient
creatures that worship the dragon as a god. Three statues sit atop large stone thrones along
• Ithrix’s treasure hoard might be known to include a the north wall and in the southeast and southwest
magic item or other relic crucial to the characters’ corners of this chamber, each set with a bundle of
plans. You might set up a number of adventures in rotted meat bound with thorns wrapped around
which the characters travel through the ruins of its head. Murky brown water is puddled within a
the empire before reaching the lair and facing the
large stone fountain along the east wall, and a heavy
ironbound door is set into the west wall.
• Ithrix’s lair might be just one part of a vast ancient
city half-buried in the swamps. Huge stone towers
Three former lords of the empire are depicted by the
rise among the surrounding trees and marshes,
statues atop the thrones—an armored warrior, a young
while waterfalls flow into vast networks of sunken
person in royal dress, and a robed elderly figure.
chambers and catacombs below. The characters
could engage in numerous adventures in the city, TROLLS
locating ancient magic and facing foes both living Two trolls occupy this room when the characters
and undead. enter—one binding a head’s statue with rotten meat
and thorny vines while the other critiques their
APPROACHING THE SENTINEL binding technique. If the party approaches this
The imperial ruin known as the Sentinel is set within area quietly, a character who speaks Giant and who
a cleft opening up in a sheer mountainside, but the succeeds on a DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check hears
dangerous slopes of the mountain make an approach the trolls talking about trying to channel the strange
from above almost impossible for anyone unable to power within the statues (see the “Thrones” section
fly. If the characters want to attempt such an approach, below). The trolls attack any intruders, pursuing them
Ithrix tries to make short work of them, targeting the out of the room if necessary.
weakest character first with hit-and-run tactics, and Once the trolls are dealt with, a character who speaks
using his breath weapon, reach, and flying speed to giant and who listens at the west door with a successful
keep away from attackers. DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check overhears Garesh
When the characters first approach the entrance to in area X2 questioning whether Ithrix really is the god
the ruins, read or paraphrase the following to set the he was supposed to be, or if another god is bringing
scene: Garesh his power.
Ruined statues depicting knights and nobles jut up at If a character removes the rotten meat binding the
odd angles from the swampy ground. The bodies of a warrior’s head, then cleans the statue of gore, a pulse of
half-dozen lizardfolk are impaled on wooden spears light flows from the statue into the character, who gains
set before a rough wall of worked stone. A large door the benefit of the bless spell for 1 minute. Cleaning up
stands closed, and is the only obvious entrance to the other statues offers no benefit.
whatever lies beyond.

A character who succeeds on a DC 13 Wisdom
(Perception) check made to inspect the fountain can
hear the sound of its murky brown water trickling
out. A grate at the bottom of the fountain is covered
in bones and slime, and can be lifted with a successful
DC 14 Strength (Athletics) check. A character who
fails this check slices open their hand, taking 3 (1d6)
slashing damage. The character must then make a DC
11 Constitution saving throw, taking 10 (3d6) poison
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
successful one.
When open, the grate leads down into the tunnel of
area X3.


The walls of this room are covered in diagrams and

strange writing. A draconic effigy built of wood,
bone, and leather stands ten feet high atop a cracked
stone altar on the south side of this chamber,
opposite a door to the north. The wreckage of a statue
depicting a robed figure lies in the corner next to the

This chamber is the lair of Garesh, Ithrix’s high priest.

Garesh has recently begun to receive spells through a
divine source, and has come to believe that this source
isn’t Ithrix. The priest has covered the walls in notes
as he tries to understand what is happening to him. A
character who reads Giant and who succeeds on a DC
14 Intelligence (Religion) check made to scan the notes
recognizes that Garesh isn’t getting his power from
Ithrix, but from an evil draconic deity.
When the characters enter, Garesh is kneeling in prayer
to the effigy on the south wall. The priest uses the troll

Diana Muñoz
stat block with the following changes: DIVINE INSIGHT
Garesh does not attack the characters on sight if
• He has 120 (11d10 + 55) hit points.
he is not attacked first. Instead, he questions their
• He has a Wisdom of 16 (+3) and a passive Wisdom
motivations for coming to the lair and proselytizes
(Perception) score of 16.
about his draconic deity, though he appears confused
• Garesh speaks Common and Giant.
as to which deity he actually worships. Any character
• He has the following trait:
who succeeds on a DC 14 Wisdom (Insight) check
Spellcasting. Garesh is a 5th-level spellcaster. His spellcasting
ability is Wisdom (spell save DC 14, +6 to hit with spell attacks).
can see that the troll’s faith is wavering. A character
He has the following cleric spells prepared: who succeeds on a DC 16 Charisma (Deception or
Cantrips (at will): light, sacred flame, thaumaturgy Persuasion) check convinces Garesh that his powers
1st level (4 slots): guiding bolt, inflict wounds don’t come from the dragon at all. In response, Garesh
2nd level (3 slots): lesser restoration, spiritual weapon can pass on useful information to the characters of
3rd level (2 slots): branding smite, dispel magic, spirit guardians
your determination (the overall layout of the lair, the
• He has a challenge rating of 8 (3,900 XP). number of trolls on guard in area X4, some of Ithrix
Blackbile’s combat tactics, and so forth). The troll priest
then leaves the lair to seek his own path toward further
TACTICS The undead knight wields a magic longsword that
If the characters do not convince Garesh of the truth can be claimed as treasure. See that section below.
behind his divine power, or if they attack the troll, he
begins combat by casting spiritual weapon and sacred
flame. In the second round, he casts spirit guardians,
with those guardians appearing as wrathful dragons. A huge statue of a knight carved of crumbling stone
If engaged in melee, Garesh casts branding smite to dominates the northeast wall of this natural-stone
augment his claw attack, or uses his action to cast cleft, whose sheer sides rise more than a hundred
inflict wounds. feet to the open sky above. Pools of green liquid are
DRACONIC EFFIGY set into the ground between the statue and a narrow
While Garesh fights within 30 feet of the effigy, tendrils path leading up to a twenty-foot-high cliff to the
of black energy flow out from it to surround him, southeast. Shadowy caves open up like alcoves to
granting him advantage on attack rolls and saving the southwest and northeast, and atop the cliff path.
throws. The source of this power is clearly visible A large pile of treasure lies at the base of the statue,
to the characters. A character can use an action to including a gleaming gold-and-blue shield.
attempt to physically destroy the effigy with a DC 14
Strength (Athletics) check, to sanctify it with a DC This open cavern is the lair of Ithrix Blackbile. The
14 Intelligence (Religion) check, or to draw out its dragon’s treasure lies at the feet of the towering
negative energy with a DC 14 Intelligence (Arcana) statue, including a gleaming gold-and-blue kite shield
check. A success with any of these checks disrupts emblazoned with the image of a white lily. The treasure
the power of the altar, as does destroying the effigy serves as bait to draw intruders into the cavern before
in combat. The effigy has AC 12, 40 hit points, and Ithrix and his trolls attack.
immunity to poison and psychic damage.
X3. FORGOTTEN SEWERS Ithrix is guarded by one or more trolls—a single
The drain beneath the fountain in area X1 leads into an guardian if the party has four characters, two trolls
ancient sewer tunnel with a 6-foot-high arched ceiling for five characters, and three trolls for six characters.
and a heavily cracked floor covered with muddy water. These trolls lurk in the alcove caverns to the northwest,
Halfway down the tunnel, a body in heavily corroded southeast, and southwest, covered in mud for
black armor sprawls across the floor, a black sword camouflage and pressed back against the walls. With
driven through its chest. A character who succeeds on a successful DC 16 Wisdom (Perception) check,
a DC 16 Wisdom (Perception) check notices that the a character spots the hidden trolls or hears them
armor bears the symbol of a lily. slathering on more mud.
Ithrix’s guardians use the troll stat block with the
following changes:
If the characters pass by, attack, or investigate the body,
• A troll gains the following action option:
it suddenly tears the blade free from its chest and rises
to attack. The undead knight uses the wight stat block
with the following changes:
Mike’s Dirty Trick: Adding Ranged
• It has AC 18. Attacks
• It has 90 (12d8 + 36) hit points.
Trolls are one of a number of monsters that have no ranged
• It has advantage on saving throws against spells and
attacks in their standard stat block. Encounter design often
other magical effects. expects that creatures with ranged attacks will back up
• It is protected by a permanent fire shield spell that creatures without them, so when a group of creatures
deals necrotic damage instead of fire or cold damage. without ranged attacks fight together, it can limit your
• Its Multiattack action is replaced by the following: options for running combat. Sometimes the lack of a ranged
Multiattack. The undead knight makes three longsword attack makes sense for a monster. But in other cases, as with
attacks or three longbow attacks. It can use its Life Drain in the troll, there’s no reason that it wouldn’t be smart enough
place of one longsword attack. to pick up some rocks or equip some javelins to hurl at
• Its longbow and Life Drain attacks are +7 to hit. faraway enemies. You can keep these kinds of ranged attacks
• Its longsword attack is +7 to hit and deals an extra 10 in your back pocket, improvising them during the game
(3d6) necrotic damage on a hit. whenever it makes sense for a monster to pick up something
and hurl it at a character trying to stay out of melee.
• It has a challenge rating of 9 (5,000 XP).

Javelin. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, reach
10 ft. or range 60/240 ft., one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) Mike’s Thoughts: Running Dragons
piercing damage.
Dragons are the most iconic monster in fantasy RPGs,
• Their Multiattack action is replaced by the following: and they deserve special attention when they swoop into
Multiattack. The troll makes one attack with its bite and two our games. A dragon’s best defense is their ability to fly.
with its claws, or it makes two javelin attacks. Even without the benefit of the Flyby trait that many aerial
If Ithrix dies during this fight, the trolls lose all predators have, a dragon’s reach with at least some of their
desire for further combat, and either surrender to the attacks lets them fly in, bite a character, and fly out without
characters or flee. risking an opportunity attack. If able to, a young black
dragon can even fly into the midst of characters with weak
ITHRIX BLACKBILE opportunity attacks, using their claws and bite before flying
When the characters come into view, Ithrix Blackbile, a away again.
young black dragon, flies down from where he perches Use flying as a central part of a dragon’s tactics when
on the cliffs above the statue. He tries to line up as running them in your game. But don’t just leave them in the
many characters as he can with his Acid Breath attack, air all the time to steal the characters’ ability to finally pin
then targets any characters who are flying or who have the creature down and drive a sword through its skull. When
separated themselves from the party. As he does, his it comes to the big finish, be a fan of the characters.
trolls move in to engage with any melee attackers,
throwing javelins as they close the distance.
get airborne. He ends up prone on the ground in the
Ithrix specializes in hit-and-run attacks while he
center of the cavern, pinned underneath rubble. Ithrix
waits to recharge his breath weapon, landing on the
must use an action to dig himself out before he can
statue at the end of his turn. The dragon hurls rocks at
stand or fly away.
his enemies while on the statue, making the following
changes to his stat block: ELEVATED PATH
• Ithrix gains the following action option: A path leads up from the floor of the cavern to a
Rock. Ranged Weapon Attack: +7 to hit, range 60/240 ft., one
20-foot-high overlook to the southeast. A creature on
target. Hit: 15 (2d10 + 4) bludgeoning damage. the overlook has partial cover from attackers on the
cavern floor below.
• His Multiattack action is replaced by the following:
Multiattack. Ithrix makes one attack with his bite and two ACID POOLS
with his claws, or he makes two rock attacks. Ithrix uses his acidic breath to strike fear into his troll
followers. Over long years, the dragon has carved three
shallow pools into the floor of the cavern, all of which
The statue of the heroic knight stands nearly 60 feet tall
remain filled with acid. Any creature that enters a pool
and is crumbling badly with age. A dwarf, a character
for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there takes
who has proficiency with mason’s tools, or a character
14 (4d6) acid damage.
who succeeds on a DC 14 Wisdom (Perception) check
can see that the cracks shot through the surface of the DRAGON HOARD
statue run deep, and understands that with careful Ithrix’s treasure hoard contains a wealth of valuables,
planning, the statue will fall. The statue’s base has AC detailed below.
16, 30 hit points, and immunity to poison and psychic
damage. If the base is reduced to 0 hit points, the statue TREASURE
goes off balance and topples. A character can also Ithrix Blackbile’s hoard includes 423 cp, 4,927 sp, 2,110
attempt to topple the statue by forcing open one of the gp, 141 pp, ten gemstones worth 100 gp each, and a
cracks in its legs, requiring a successful DC 18 Strength brooch of shielding.
(Athletics) check. The hoard also includes the Shield of the Lily, a rare
When the statue collapses, it shatters to send rubble magic item that requires attunement. The Shield of the
flying out across the cavern. Each creature in the lower Lily is a +1 shield imbued with the spirit of its previous
part of the cave and not in one of the alcove caverns wielder, a lawful good human knight named Andrena
must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw, taking 22 Donnovil. A creature attuned to the shield can use an
(4d10) bludgeoning damage on a failed save, or half action to cast the charm person spell. Once the shield’s
as much damage on a successful one. The entire lower spell is cast, it can’t be cast again until the next dawn.
part of the cave also becomes difficult terrain. The magic longsword carried by the knight in area
If Ithrix is on the statue when it collapses, the dragon X3 is called Blackpetal, and is a rare +1 longsword that
automatically fails this saving throw as he tries to

• Reduce the number of trolls, remove them
Scott’s Thoughts: In the Spotlight completely, or halve their hit points from the scarring
Mike offers great advice in the previous sidebar for making Ithrix has inflicted upon them.
the most of a dragon in a fight. But even as you’re focusing • Replace the trolls with orcs, bugbears, or lizardfolk.
on the combat abilities of those powerful bosses, don’t
forget the fun that can come from roleplaying a dragon to EXPANDING THIS LAIR
the hilt. These great creatures have an ancient history and a You can expand this lair by building on or modifying
grand sense of their own place in the world, and they’re not any number of the hooks found within it:
shy about making those things known to adventurers.
Many dragons have an advanced intellect, especially
• You might decide that Ithrix flees if he is badly
as adults and ancient dragons, fueling an innate sense wounded, taking flight to fight another day. The
of superiority. So use this mindset to go even more over- dragon might begin to stalk the characters as they
the-top with roleplaying a dragon than you do with most adventure in the wilds, set on revenge.
monsters and NPCs. Think about how a particular dragon • Ithrix might instead flee the fight with his tail
comes off when talking to the characters. Dismissive? between his legs, making his way back to his mother,
Megalomaniacal? Do they treat humanoids as irritating Aundarax the Blood of the Abyss. For having
insects, or as children needing to be taught or punished? humiliated her son in his attempt to make his way in
Even good dragons might look down on humanoids, the world, this adult or ancient black dragon might
growing impatient or acting perpetually irritated when
seek bloody revenge.
having to explain their plans and their view of the world.
• You can expand the sewers beneath the lair to lead
If you sometimes have trouble improvising memorable
to other ruins sunken beneath the ground. These
dialogue (especially in the middle of tracking combat),
you can have a few pithy phrases or caustic insults written
ancient imperial sites might contain lost treasure,
down for a dragon—or any other intelligent, haughty powerful undead knights, and the wrathful spirits of
boss—beforehand. Some of these might be keyed to specific corrupted nobles who wish for their empire to rise
events—one for the first time a character disagrees with the again.
boss, one for the first time the boss takes damage, one for • Andrena Donnovil, the knight whose spirit is bound
the first time the boss kills a character, and so forth. into the Shield of the Lily, might become a catalyst
for further quests. This lair could be the starting
point for a long campaign in which the characters
requires attunement. A creature attuned to Blackpetal seek out the greatest mysteries of a fallen empire.
can use a bonus action to cast the branding smite spell.
Once the sword’s spell is cast, it can’t be cast again until
the next dawn.

You can adjust the difficulty of this lair in a number of
different ways. For more difficult encounters, consider
any of the following options:
• Replace Ithrix with an adult black dragon or an
ancient black dragon.
• Replace the trolls with hill giants or corrupted stone
To reduce the difficulty of the lair, consider any of the
following options:


Jack Kaiser
n a night of deadly fighting, the characters watch from the stands. For this is not simply violence
stand in the Arena of Blood to perform for the sake of violence. This is a show.
three acts of a deadly performance. The
trappings of these battles span the planes, INTEGRATING THIS LAIR
beginning in the chaotic Abyss, then traveling to the You can use the following hooks to integrate this
dark forests of the Shadowfell, and finally into the lair into your campaign, whether as part of a longer
cleansing fires of the Nine Hells. Whatever brought our adventure or as the focus of a single play session:
heroes to this deadly battleground, only their strength • After being defeated by powerful foes, the characters
and their wits will allow them to walk free once again. awaken in the cells in area D1, still equipped with
This lair is optimized for four to five 7th-level their weapons and armor. This encounter makes
characters. a great response to a total-party-kill scenario in a
previous adventure that you didn’t expect.
BACKGROUND • At some point during an urban campaign, the
For over a thousand years, violence and entertainment characters enter the arena while searching for an
have been brought together in the Arena of Blood, built NPC or clues to a mystery. Little do they know that
and rebuilt over the centuries for the single purpose of their presence was expected, and the city’s gladiators
entertaining the masses. Here, the city’s most corrupt are ready for the challenge.
criminals and most destructive villains can become • In the course of another adventure, the characters
veritable kings through strength of arms or the might must prove themselves to local lords who prize
of magic. But it is not enough for combatants to smash combat prowess above all else. Only by defeating
each other into so much gruesome gristle. Rather, powerful foes in the arena will the characters be
combat in the arena must be conducted with style and granted audience or favor by these lords.
panache. It must bring a fever to the audience who • A devastating war unfolds outside the city gates,
which can be ended by combat between the
characters and the champions of the opposing • The main area of the arena is open to the sky. Magic
armies. By achieving victory in the Arena of Blood, lamps cover the battlefield with bright light during
the characters can end the conflict and save countless nighttime combat.
lives. • The rooms below the arena have 15-foot-high
ceilings, while the tunnels connecting them have
APPROACHING THE ARENA 10-foot-high ceilings.
The Arena of Blood can be set in many different • The rooms and tunnels below the arena are brightly
locations. It could be a central auditorium in a lit by torches in iron sconces.
sprawling and violent city, or a freestanding site in a
relatively uninhabited location. It might be part of an THE ARENA OF BLOOD
underground settlement or on another plane. The size The following encounter areas are keyed to the map of
and scope of the area around the parts of the arena the arena lair.
shown on the map, including the size of the stands and
the type of audience that fills them, are left for you to D1. GRIM CELLS
define as you place the arena in your campaign. If the characters arrive here when the arena is not
The area descriptions below assume that the already filled with people, adjust the text below as you
characters begin outside the cells in area D1, and that read or paraphrase it to set the scene:
the arena’s operators and overseers are prepared for the
characters’ participation in the games. If the characters The stench of death and the roar of the crowd above
are entering the arena clandestinely before the show, fills this morbid chamber. Racks holding weapons
they might find workers preparing for the games to and armor are set within locked iron cages on the
come, seeing statues moved into position, and caged north wall of the room, flanking the walled ramp
owlbears and other beasts being readied for battle. leading up and out of the arena. A heavy iron
portcullis at the end of the ramp seals it off from the
rest of the room.
The areas of the arena have the following general
Iron cages stand along the east and west walls, and
a large iron sewer grate is set into the floor to the
• The arena floor consists of six inches of packed
sand and clay over reinforced wood. The tops of the
elevators that rise up from the tunnels below the
arena are flush with the top of the sandy floor. This staging area is set up to hold prisoners before
their battles in the arena. Most are brought here against
their will and kept in the iron cages. The ramp leads
Getting Around up and outside of the arena, and is usually barred by
the portcullis. That barrier is raised by a winch in a
The most straightforward setup for the arena lair is to
have the characters come here as combatants, willing or
guardroom beyond the top edge of the map.
otherwise. But you can hack that scenario in any number GUARDS
of ways to give the characters free run of all areas of the Four human guards watch over the prisoners in this
arena. The drain in area D1 allows access to the tunnels of area from behind the safety of the portcullis. Each has
area D3, which in turn give potential access to the arena a set of keys that unlocks the cells and the weapon
platforms from underneath. The characters might also get
racks. If the characters are here as combatants, the
into the access tunnels from the arena floor when the guards
guards goad them to head into the arena when it’s time.
raise or lower the statues or release the owlbears (see area
D4 for information).
The guards here also notify the characters of the
The weak floor on the east side of the arena is another rules of the Arena of Blood:
potential way down into the access tunnels of area D3. And • Combatants cannot leave the arena. Doing so brings
any characters who reach area D3 can pass through area down the ire of four mages who watch over the
D2 while the owlbears and wolves are caged up before proceedings (see “Referees” in area D4 below).
the fight, then release them into the tunnels. If the players • Combatants are not allowed to levitate or fly during
are having a great time subverting expectations, you might a battle.
even have them face the Angels of Blood (see area D4)
• Teleportation is allowed, but only between points
without ever reaching the arena floor. All the spaces below
in the arena. Magical wards in place along the arena
the arena—including any additional spaces you want to set
walls prevent anyone in the arena from teleporting
up there—can provide numerous options for creating an
exciting story.
outside of it.

If the characters balk or cause trouble, these sentries
shout out to the north, calling out for “the red guard”
to teach the prisoners some manners. The red guard
consists of six veterans and two mages who are
stationed in a guard post beyond the edge of the map.
They appear when called, ready to “persuade” the
characters to enter the arena.
Two prisoners reside in the cells in addition to (or
instead of) the characters, awaiting their turn in the
arena. Granduk Halfiron, a chaotic neutral half-orc
berserker, is a recent arrival. Tivon Kace, a neutral evil
human spy, is a longtime resident, too skinny to put
on enough of a show—and thus awaiting his turn to be
eaten by owlbears.
Tivon knows many secrets of the arena, and might
impart them to the characters if properly convinced.
However, because he expects anyone he meets to
be dead in a few hours, he has little initial desire to
share what he knows. Promising him freedom and
succeeding on a DC 13 Charisma (Persuasion) check
might loosen his tongue. If so, Tivon can tell the
characters about the connection between the sewer
drain in this chamber and the tunnels of area D3. He
also knows about the weak spot in the arena floor, on
the east side of area D4.
The cages are built of sturdy iron bars and feature
strong locking doors. A character can unlock a cage
with a successful DC 14 Dexterity check using thieves’
tools, or can bend the bars with a successful DC 20
Strength (Athletics) check. Prisoners and troublesome
combatants are kept in the cages until it is time for
them to enter the arena. The guards all carry keys that
can open the cages.
The guards hold the keys to these locked racks, and

Alex VanDerAa
open them for combatants when it is time for them attempting to pull up the grate, they threaten to call the
to prepare for battle. For characters who don’t have red guard—and do so if they are unheeded.
their own gear, the racks contain a wide assortment of Characters who escape down the drainpipe end up in
nonmagical melee weapons, ranged weapons, shields, area D3. You might decide to have them first face some
and armor, excluding the most expensive options of of the threats of the arena in those tunnels, including
breastplate, half plate, and plate armor. veterans, owlbears, ogres, and gladiators.
If the characters have been captured and brought to
the arena to fight, their equipment is kept safe in the D2. DREAD MENAGERIE
weapon and armor racks for their use. The arena masters keep beasts and monsters intended
DRAIN to battle prisoners in this area. When it’s time for them
A 3-foot-wide iron grate sits atop a 10-foot-high to fight, the creatures here are sent up the ramp to
drainpipe that leads down into the bloodstained the north of the room and into the arena, or driven
sewers beneath the arena. Breaking the grate free of through the tunnels of area D3 to the elevators and
the mortar that holds it requires a successful DC 14 trap doors leading up through the arena floor. If the
Strength (Athletics) check. If the guards see anyone characters arrive here before the arena events begin,
the large cages hold owlbears and wolves.
To the south, a barred door leads out and away from
At the four corners of the arena, platforms rise
the arena. The monsters held in this area are brought in
bearing four statues of blade-wielding demons.
through this door, and the Angels of Blood enter this
way before they begin the third wave of the arena battle As the gate closes behind you, another gate at the
(see area D4). opposite end of the arena opens up. Four ogres
dressed in demonic armor and bearing horrid
D3. ACCESS TUNNELS weapons step forth, roar, and charge toward you.
A network of access tunnels runs under the arena.
Fourteen armed humans (use the bandit stat block) When the characters enter the arena, the battles
use these tunnels to move monsters and set up begin. As written, this arena battle takes place in three
obstacles and hazards in the arena. The tunnels are 10 phases, each of which has its own theme, creatures, and
feet wide and 10 feet high, and extend under the arena hazards. See “Customizing the Arena” at the end of the
floor where indicated. lair for guidance on modifying and personalizing these
If the characters make their way into these tunnels, encounter scenarios.
they might gain access to some of the traps, hazards, WAVE 1: RAGE OF DEMONS
and monsters mentioned in area D4 before they enter During the first wave, one ogre per character enters
the arena. While exploring these tunnels, a character from the south door. The ogres spread out to avoid area
can notice the weakened floor (see that section in area attacks as they move up, throwing javelins as they close
D4) with a successful DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) the distance to the characters.
check. Each ogre wears gladiatorial armor that is the
The arena has five elevators, one in each corner and equivalent of ring mail (AC 14), and which features
a larger elevator at the center of the floor. Each elevator a helm shaped like a demonic dog, bull, frog, or ram.
rises 15 feet from the tunnel floor to the arena floor. The ogres wield a wide range of strange gladiatorial
Throughout the three waves of battles detailed below, weapons, including balls on spiked chains, large
arena workers use wheeled dollies to move statues, spiked clubs, bladed gauntlets, and iron mauls. Use the
hazards, and other equipment into position on the greatclub attack from the ogre stat block for all these
elevators. They then slide open the trap doors and use weapons, but change the damage type as appropriate.
winches to raise the elevators. The elevators are used If the opportunity presents itself, the ogres shove
the same way to release creatures driven onto them or grapple characters, pushing them into the range
into the arena. of the bladed statues (described below). If an ogre
If any arena workers are attacked by combatants can successfully grapple an opponent, they hold that
in the arena, they flee into the tunnels, releasing any character within the area of the blades to be cut to
convenient monsters as they do so, and calling for the pieces. An ogre can attack with their other hand even if
red guard (see area D1). they have a character grappled.
D4. ARENA OF BLOOD Bladed Demon Statues. The statues on the corner
platforms depict marilith demons, each of which
When the characters arrive in the arena proper, read
wields six sharp blades. When the battle begins,
or paraphrase the following, making adjustments as
the statues begin to magically spin. A creature that
necessary if a crowd is not yet present:
moves within 5 feet of a statue or starts its turn there
must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw, taking
The roar of the crowd fills the arena—a huge open 13 (3d8) slashing damage on a failed save, or half as
space whose sand-covered floor features occasional much damage on a successful one. A statue can be
patches of soaked blood. The magically enhanced disabled with a successful DC 16 Dexterity check using
voice of an announcer echoes across the stands as it thieves’ tools, broken with a successful DC 18 Strength
calls out: (Athletics) check, or attacked. Each statue has AC 15,
“Down in the depths of the Abyss, demons tear 40 hit points, and immunity to poison and psychic
across a broken land of blood and steel seeking damage.
mortal flesh! Behold the rage of demons!” At the start of each round, the blades of one random
statue fly out on chains, so that they deal damage to
each creature within 10 feet of the statue. The blades
retract the following round, and another statue’s blades

When the characters have defeated all but one of the Mike’s Thoughts: Running Lots of
ogres, the next wave begins. Monsters
Sometimes you’ll find yourself in the position of running a
The announcer calls out once more: “Far from the lot of monsters. A couple of wolves per character doesn’t
depths of the Abyss, a dark forest blooms in a realm seem like a huge number, but it’s enough that rolling a
bunch of attacks (with advantage for Pack Tactics) and
of shadow. Twisted creatures of nightmare walk the
tracking all their hit points can be a pain. So here are a
land, and howling wolves follow the scent of mortal couple of tricks that can save you time when running packs
blood!” of monsters—even a hundred or more.
First, tally the damage done to the whole group of
The trap door in the center of the arena slides open, monsters instead of each one of them. Let’s say you have
and a large tree rises on the elevator platform. A twelve wolves. Instead of tracking the damage done to each
wooden statue of a satyr sits in the tree, with a magical wolf individually, add up the damage done to any wolf as an
wind blowing through a flute it holds to its lips. In ongoing tally. When that tally gets higher than the hit points
of one wolf, the most recent wolf to take damage dies. Then
response to the sound of the flute, the tree and the
drop the tally back down to 0 and carry over any extra
ground within 15 feet of it becomes affected by a spike
damage. This way, big melee attacks can take out whole
growth spell.
swathes of wolves.
The four bladed demon statues then recede into the Second, instead of rolling a lot of attack rolls or saving
arena floor. The following round, one angry owlbear throws for a large number of the same creature, assume
per two characters leaps up from the shafts where the that one quarter of such rolls succeed (or one half if all
statues descended, racing in to attack as the trap doors the creatures have advantage.) If your twelve wolves take
are closed again. At the same time, the south doors damage from an area effect such as a fireball spell, this
open and two wolves per character rush forth. The means three will succeed on their saving throws while nine
wolves spread out to avoid area attacks as they charge fail. Just like before, you can tally up the total damage done,
the characters, then come together to take advantage of then remove a number of wolves whose hit points total up
their Pack Tactics trait. to that number. Even easier, just assume they all fail their
saves and remove them all from the battle.
If the wolves and the owlbears have no suitable
You can adjust these guidelines up or down depending
targets outside the spike growth area at the central tree,
on circumstances, making the monsters in a mob easier or
they attempt to make running long jumps across the
tougher. But either way, these quick and dirty tricks will save
spikes and thorns to reach their prey. To do so, each you time when a monster mob enters the fray.
creature must succeed on a DC 10 Strength (Athletics)
check or land short and be forced to move through the
spike growth area. Four statues shaped like bat-winged devils rise from
A character can climb the tree and reach the flute the four trap doors at the corner of the arena, then
with a successful DC 13 Strength (Athletics) or begin to rotate as they breathe out gouts of flame. Each
Dexterity (Acrobatics) check. The satyr statue must be creature that moves within 15 feet of a statue or starts
attacked to be destroyed, and has AC 16, 45 hit points, its turn there must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving
and immunity to poison and psychic damage. If the throw, taking 21 (6d6) fire damage on a failed save, or
statue is destroyed, the whistling of the flute stops. In half as much damage on a successful one.
addition to the spike growth effect ending, the owlbears Sava and Karsa, two tiefling warriors known as the
and wolves grow suddenly calm, losing interest in Angels of Blood, step out of the south door dressed
fighting the characters unless they are attacked. in black and red armor, sporting decorative black-
WAVE 3: ANGELS OF BLOOD feathered wings, and wearing flaming haloes above
When the owlbears have been defeated or when the their heads. The two gladiators play to the crowd,
characters have stopped the flute and the action dies holding their spears and shields to the sky before they
down, wave 3 begins as the announcer calls out again. attack.
Sava and Karsa use the gladiator stat block with the
following changes:
“Corruption flows through the depths of the Nine
Hells like poison! Only the blades of the angels of • Both are neutral.
• Tiefling racial traits: They have darkvision out to 60
heaven can purify the sins of mortals! Behold Sava
feet and resistance to fire damage. They can cast the
and Karsa, the Angels of Blood!”
spells hellish rebuke (save DC 13, 3d10 fire damage)

and darkness. Once cast, each spell can’t be cast again within 30 feet of the weakened floor can notice it
until Sava or Karsa finishes a long rest. with a successful DC 12 Wisdom (Perception) check.
• Twice per day, each gladiator can reroll a failed Breaking through the floor requires a successful DC 13
saving throw. They must use the new roll. Strength (Athletics) check, and drops all creatures in
If circumstances allow, Sava and Karsa each use the area 15 feet down into the east tunnel of area D3.
one of their attacks to push characters into the flames If an owlbear or an ogre steps into the area, the floor
erupting from the statues. They might also grab a collapses automatically.
character and drag them into the flames, hoping that THE ANNOUNCER
their resistance and their ability to reroll a saving throw In addition to what’s spoken in the read-aloud text, the
lets them avoid the worst of the damage. booming voice of the announcer echoes throughout
REFEREES the arena during the fight, describing the battle and
Four mages watch the battle from front-row seats, working up the crowd. The announcer celebrates gore
one at each corner of the arena. Each has dispel magic and entertainment above careful tactics, hoping to bait
memorized instead of ice storm, and all are here to the characters into rash and bold attacks.
ensure that no one cheats. In particular, if a character PLAYING TO THE CROWD
attempts to fly or levitate out of the arena, a mage casts Any character can choose to play to the crowd of
either counterspell or dispel magic. The mages do not the arena by making a show of their actions and
engage in direct combat, preferring to focus on keeping succeeding on a DC 14 Charisma (Performance) check.
the energy of the show as high as possible. A character who attempts this check after having
WEAKENED FLOOR dispatched an opponent or performing some other
A section of the floor in the middle of the east side significant feat of battle has advantage on the check.
of the arena has become weak over time. A character On a success, someone in the crowd throws a potion
toward the character, rolled for or chosen from the
following table.
Scott’s Thoughts: Moral Imperative d6 Potion
Fantasy RPG adventures are often framed as a clash of good 1 Potion of frost giant strength
versus evil, drawing on the tropes of epic fantasy to create 2 Potion of greater healing
a clear vision of heroism opposing villainy. But even in a 3 Potion of growth
staunchly epic fantasy campaign, don’t be afraid to mix 4 Potion of invisibility
things up by focusing on power rather than morality for key 5 Potion of poison
villains. 6 Potion of speed
Having a typically good creature corrupted to evil is a
classic fantasy trope. And having a normally evil creature Only one such potion appears per round, and the
come over to the light side can make a nice twist in an crowd expects it to be used. They begin to boo if it is
adventure narrative. But players and characters alike might stored or held back.
be even more surprised to face off against a nominally good Sava and Karsa can also make these checks in the
boss with an agenda that puts them at odds with the party. third wave, with the crowd throwing potions their way
The desires of celestials and good dragons to drive evil from as well.
the world can make them surprisingly indifferent to the fates
of adventurers who get in their way. And characters who stir ENCOUNTER DIFFICULTY
up trouble, intentionally or otherwise, might easily run afoul
Nearly any type of creature can work well in this
of enemies less powerful but no less virtuous.
arena setting, and you can easily modify the effects or
In this lair, the Arena of Blood might be controlled by
a staunchly good faction of leaders, who understand that
damage of the statues used in these encounters. Spell
sending criminals and beasts to a violent and public end is a effects of an appropriate level also work well when
small price to pay to keep the city’s working classes happy. centered on the platforms during the fight.
Or the arena might end up a place the characters are sent You can adjust the difficulty of this lair in a number
to after an even more-powerful good sovereign decides that of different ways. For more difficult encounters,
money-grubbing adventurers running around digging up consider any of the following options:
ancient evil are a risk to the public weal. Always remember • In wave 1, let the ogres use the gladiator stat block.
that even the most lawful good creatures and NPCs can be
• In wave 2, have the characters face wyverns and dire
driven to anger—and there’s no anger quite like a righteous
• In wave 3, use the fire giant stat block for Sava and

To reduce the difficulty of the lair, consider any of the CREATURES
following options:
Opponents for the three waves can be just about any
• In wave 1, let the ogres use the orc stat block. monster or NPC. Ideally, it’s best to pace the fights
• In wave 2, replace the owlbears with death dogs. with increasingly smaller numbers of higher-challenge
• In wave 3, use the berserker or veteran stat block for creatures, culminating with a big climactic monster at
Sava and Karsa. the end.


You can expand this lair by building on or modifying The entire environment of the arena can be customized
any number of the hooks found within it: in different ways. Alternative arena environments
• Characters who defeat their foes in the Arena of might include the following:
Blood become immediate celebrities in the city. You 1. Flooded, with battles taking place on boats
can decide whether this makes them heroes to the 2. Shrouded in fog
common folk, or targets for retribution from the 3. Weakened gravity
shadowy figures who use their control of the arena to 4. Filled with a bloody magical mist that induces rage
shore up their own power in the city. in all combatants
• Characters who prove themselves in the arena might 5. Set up with areas that provide arcane enhancements
be called upon by victims of injustice or powerful to combatants or result in wild magic
nobles, all of them seeking high-profile heroes to take 6. Containing shifting holy and unholy auras
up some dangerous challenge.
• Those who run the Arena of Blood might try to take SMALL PLATFORM OPTIONS
advantage of the characters’ victory by hiring them During the battle, you might add additional magical or
to perform in the arena for vast sums of money, or mechanical effects to the four platforms at the corners
to take on some of the responsibility for running of the arena. These effects might include any of the
it. Working for the Arena of Blood might see the following:
characters undertaking quests in search of rare 1. Arcane crossbows
monstrosities or magic to be used in arena battles, 2. Swinging axes
or even shifting the focus away from blood sport to 3. Statues that compel combatants to perform certain
more humane challenges. actions
4. Turrets firing the magic missile spell
CUSTOMIZING THE ARENA 5. Iron coils that erupt with the lightning bolt spell
The setup of this lair can be customized in many 6. Random castings of the thunderwave spell to force
different ways, offering great flexibility for how you run creatures back from the platforms
it. These customizable options include the following:
• The goal of the battle CENTRAL PLATFORM OPTIONS
• Environmental effects The central platform is a place for a single large object,
• Options for the four small platforms effect, or monster, including any of the following
• Options for the larger central platform options:
• Wave 1 opponents 1. A large statue that blasts combatants with psychic
• Wave 2 opponents damage
• Wave 3 opponents 2. A spiked ziggurat that must be climbed
3. A mage or archmage warded by magical protections
but able to attack combatants
At different points in the fight, the characters and the 4. A spiral staircase that is dangerous to climb but
monsters might have goals other than simply defeating allows combatants to gain advantageous position
their opponents. These goals might include the 5. A monument imbued with unholy power
following: 6. A dragon statue that spits out the fireball spell
1. Defending the central platform
2. Defeating a single powerful opponent
3. Destroying four statues on the four small platforms
4. Surviving an onslaught of magic
5. Protecting a delicate object
6. Destroying a huge single object

Xavier Beaudlet

rom a lair in an extradimensional emporium goals. Played as a traditional rakshasa, Zengran is evil
of games, puzzles, and other wondrous through and through, with long-term plans involving
entertainments, a rakshasa seeks out a group of all manner of oppression and depravity. If not trying
adventurers destined for greatness. But whether to kill the characters, the fiend might try to manipulate
the fiend’s interest lies in helping the characters fulfill them, perhaps granting them something they want in
their destiny, or in destroying them before they have exchange for favors.
a chance to end the rakshasa’s plans for domination, Alternatively, Zengran might be a rare neutral or
remains to be seen. good rakshasa, having drifted away from their evil
This lair is optimized for four to five 7th-level origin over thousands of years in the mortal realm. As


For more than three thousand years, the rakshasa The rakshasa is a CR 13 creature, nominally making an
Zengran has been the proprietor of Zengran’s encounter with this fiend a likely lethal affair for 7th-level
Emporium, a small game and curio shop that conceals characters. But much of the rakshasa’s potency in combat
an extradimensional lair. With the help of Merlyn, derives from their powerful immunity to magic and their
an unusually intelligent owlbear, the rakshasa scries ability to use plane shift to escape a fight—then to catch
an endless succession of heroes in countless worlds, characters unawares as they set up combat on their own
terms. Thanks to some special setup in the final encounter,
seeking those who attract their interest—and either
this lair makes a nice but not overwhelming challenge for
aiding, using, or destroying them.
any party within the upper levels of tier 2, and shows the
SOME GOOD, SOME BAD kind of fun that can be had with higher-challenge creatures
when the point of the encounter is more about story than
You have the choice of playing this lair in a number of about the fight to the finish.
different ways, depending on Zengran’s moral bent and
a collector of curios from dozens of worlds, any version
The clean, finely painted establishment features
of Zengran could be seeking a relic the characters
two windows whose shelves are filled with colorful
carry, or looking for agents to take on a challenging
heist. And as a good rakshasa, Zengran could be intent toys, puzzles, puppets, and figurines, and which
on undoing the evil done by others of their kind, or obscure the view of the shop beyond. A brightly
simply aiding adventurers who have dedicated their painted sign curving above the bright-red door
lives to good. reads: “Zengran’s Emporium—Games, Puzzles,
Conundrums, Diversions, and Other Probable
A nondescript establishment hidden away from prying
eyes, Zengran’s Emporium can be placed in any city or The building features no other doors or windows,
smaller settlement. Because of its extraplanar nature, and radiates faint illusion and abjuration magic to a
you could also have the emporium appear in a middle- detect magic spell. The illusion obscures the facade
of-nowhere location for maximum mystery. of the shop for characters outside it, redirecting the
You can use the following hooks to integrate this gaze of anyone not consciously or subconsciously
lair into your campaign, whether as part of a longer looking for it. The abjuration seals the building against
adventure or as the focus of a single play session: teleportation and divination magic, and any attempt
• A mysterious benefactor has been helping the to teleport, see, or hear inside by magical means
characters with resources that have proved automatically fails. (Other magic protects the shop
instrumental in their adventuring success. A long from the inside, as noted below.)
investigation has linked the benefactor to the With a successful DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check,
emporium, and the characters are set on meeting the character casting detect magic senses that the
this mysterious figure. (Depending on their bent, building’s magic is much more potent than the faint
Zengran might be helping the characters to advance baseline detected by the spell, and is being obscured by
the cause of good, or to quietly eliminate the equally powerful means.
rakshasa’s own evil enemies.) With a successful DC 12 Intelligence (Arcana or
• The powerful planar magic that imbues the Religion) check, a character who can read Infernal
emporium has been bleeding out into the local confirms that the delicate stenciling that covers the
area, summoning strange creatures and manifesting building is a derivation of that script, though it has no
unusual effects. Called in to deal with these effects, specific meaning.
the characters determine that the emporium is the
source of the magic. EMPORIUM FEATURES
• While searching for a magic item or unique ritual The areas of the rakshasa’s lair have the following
components, the characters are incorrectly told that general features:
Zengran’s Emporium secretly sells what they need, • The front door and windows cannot be broken or
and the rakshasa assumes they have come to make opened unless Zengran wills it so.
trouble. • The shop is brightly lit by magic lanterns. All other
areas, including the extradimensional corridors, are
APPROACHING THE EMPORIUM dimly lit by magic candles.
Whatever reason brings the characters to the • Ceilings are 10 feet high unless otherwise indicated.
emporium, they are drawn in by an unusual feature of • The antimagic field spell fails if cast within the
its distinctive facade. Read or paraphrase the following emporium. Magic that allows a character to teleport
to set the scene:

A small one-story shop catches your eye—quite Playing the Game

literally. At first glance, the place seemed entirely
Whatever hooks you use to integrate this lair into your
innocuous, and you might well have passed it by. campaign, think about using games to connect to Zengran’s
But as you focus on it, the remarkable quality of plots. Whether the rakshasa is wicked or benevolent, the
its engraved woodwork and delicate stenciling are game emporium is a metaphor for Zengran’s relationship
suddenly apparent, becoming clear to your eye in a with the world, and exemplifies their view of mortal lives as
way that suggests they were obscured before. game pieces to be played with.

functions if used to teleport within an area, but fails chess, card games, books of story games, puzzles,
if a character attempts to teleport beyond an area. A articulated figures, hand puppets and marionettes,
character can assess these magical wards from inside clockwork toys, and much more. Zengran encourages
the emporium with a successful DC 15 Intelligence everyone to inspect and test the emporium’s games and
(Arcana) check. toys. All the wares here are immaculately made and
• Each area in the lair is its own demiplane, and can be bear a tiny maker’s signature: “Merlyn.” Nothing except
noted as such with a successful DC 14 Intelligence Zengran’s disguise self illusion radiates magic.
(Arcana) check. Only Zengran can successfully cast FIENDISH DETENTE
the plane shift spell to move between areas of the The initial conversation with Zengran can take any
emporium. form consistent with the hook that brought the
characters here. If Zengran is evil or otherwise has no
ZENGRAN’S EMPORIUM interest in working with the party, they quickly tire of
The following encounter areas are keyed to the map of any questioning or subterfuge on the characters’ part.
the rakshasa’s lair. If Zengran is good or otherwise wishes to bind or bend
Z1. SHOPFRONT the characters to service, they eventually decide that
the time has come to test the characters.
A bell above the red door tinkles as the characters step
inside the shop.
“Look at you all. So sure of yourselves. So keen to
play the game.” So saying, the elf ’s illusory body
The interior of the emporium is as bright as the
dissolves, revealing the tiger form of a fiendish
exterior, and features the same finely engraved
rakshasa holding an ornate twenty-sided die in their
woodwork and stenciling. Shelves and tables line
hand. “But this game is one you don’t know. And the
the walls and fill the floor space, covered with every
board is mine.”
imaginable manner of game, toy, curio, and figurine.
Zengran immediately uses plane shift to slip to the
When the characters enter, Zengran is using disguise
meditation chamber (area Z4) as the walls of the shop
self to take on the appearance of an elegant elf, and
begin to unfold (see area Z2 below). You can assume
speaks to the characters even before looking at them.
that the rakshasa has been using the Delay action
each round to be ready to act before the characters
“And what entertainments do you come in search of can attack them. Alternatively, allow the characters
today, friends? Games of chance or skill? Challenges to roll for initiative, but the surge of planar magic
for the body or mind? The beauty of sculpture or as the emporium unfolds imposes disadvantage on
clockwork? Dioramas of creation or destruction? the characters’ roll and grants Zengran advantage on
Tales of the past that’s gone, or of worlds not yet theirs.
seen? Tell Zengran, and what you seek will be found.”
Zengran knows that their low-level illusion can be As the shop unfolds, the floor shakes as shelves ripple
easily seen through, and they have no qualms about and collapse outward. Magic keeps the wares of the
being recognized for what they are. A character who emporium from spilling as openings appear in the
keeps an eye on Zengran in elf disguise and succeeds walls, revealing the nexus of corridors and doors
on a DC 13 Wisdom (Perception) check notes seen on the map. The walls, ceilings, and floors of the
something odd about the shopkeeper’s hands—a glitch
where the illusion tries to cover for the rakshasa’s
hands being attached backward, as is normal for their What are We Playing Tonight?
fiendish kind. For an even more immersive experience, think about setting
(The characters do not get to fight Zengran in this up actual games for the players, in lieu of their characters
area, so see area Z4 for the rakshasa’s statistics.) rolling dice to determine the outcome of the emporium’s
challenges. For players who enjoy mixing things up, a game
JUST BROWSING of time-limited checkers or chess, a tournament on a kid-
Characters who look around the shop while other sized billiards set, or a session of Nerf volleyball over the
characters are talking to Zengran notice that the front gaming table can add a fun component to this part of the
door has locked behind them. Characters who inspect adventure.
the contents of the shelves discover an astonishing
selection of board games, war games, variations of
Games Galore
d6 Game
1 Beach Volleyball. Characters compete with contests
of Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics). Each
winning player regains 3d4 hit points, or each losing
player takes 7 (3d4) psychic damage.
2 Full-Contact Chess. Characters compete with contests
of Intelligence (Arcana) to telekinetically hurl hu-
man-sized chess pieces at each other. Each winning
player has advantage on their next initiative roll, or
each losing player has disadvantage on their next
initiative roll.
3 Capture the Flag. Characters compete with contests
of Intelligence (Investigation) or Wisdom (Perception).
A winning character gains a fine silk flag that can be
used as a scroll of protection (roll randomly for type),
or a losing player has a silk flag tied around their
wrist that imposes disadvantage on weapon attack
rolls and can be removed only with a remove curse
4 Blind Folks’ Bluff. Each character who starts their turn
in this area is blinded. Characters must attack each
other with unarmed strikes or bludgeoning weapons
until one character has taken 10 damage, whereupon
the blinded condition ends for all characters. The
most damaged character regains full hit points, or all
the other characters gain one level of exhaustion.
5 Axe Throwing. Characters hurl an assortment of fine
throwing axes in a contest of attack rolls (if they have
proficiency with the handaxe) or Dexterity (Acrobat-
ics) checks. A winning character gains a +3 handaxe
that loses its magic after the first hit made with it, or a
losing character has one of their magic weapons lose
its magic until targeted by a remove curse spell.
6 Big Billiards. A flat green expanse is covered with
10-foot-high smooth, colored stone spheres that erupt
into random motion for 5 rounds. Each character
must succeed on a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw
each round or be run over by a giant billiard ball that
deals 3 (1d6) bludgeoning damage and knocks the
character prone. A character knocked prone on their
previous turn makes their next save with disadvan-
A character who attacks their ball with a melee
weapon and hits AC 15, or who casts any spell at
their ball that deals force or thunder damage, can par-
tially deflect that ball to gain advantage on their save.

Diana Muñoz
A character who deals 10 or more damage to their
domed ceiling—which suddenly expands and fades
ball with this attack or spell knocks it into a pocket
that suddenly appears on the ground, and does not away to reveal a game play environment of a size you
need to make the saving throw. determine, or an otherworldly planar landscape of your
When the game ends, each character who took choice.
damage gains one level of exhaustion, or the charac-
ter who took the least damage is gifted a normal-sized The number of extradimensional chambers in the
billiard ball that can be used to cast the restoration lair is up to you, and you can extend the map along the
spell. The ball’s magic fades once the spell is cast. dotted lines as you like. However, unless you want to
take the characters through an entire mini-campaign
corridors appear to be made of wood paneling, and are
while within the emporium, the planar portals are
set with built-in shelves identical to those seen in the
presently locked down to the area of the round room,
shop, all covered with more games and toys.
allowing the characters to see where they lead but not
The wooden doors of the nexus open easily. Each
to travel there.
chamber that’s part of the nexus offers either a game-
based challenge for the characters, or is a portal to PLAYING THE GAME
another plane, as you determine. Characters who Unless you want to run this lair as a short encounter
open any door see a round white chamber with a (or you suspect the players won’t enjoy themselves),

have the characters try out two or three of the game
chambers, rolling on the Games Galore table or using Scott’s Thoughts: Keeping Busy
the table to inspire game challenges of your own. One of the challenges of running a regular monster as a solo
Knowledge of a specific game and its rules is imparted boss is that the actions available to a group of characters
to characters when entering a game area. For games quickly outstrip even a creature with a healthy Multiattack
requiring ability checks, you decide how many checks action. Especially in a scenario in which most of the
determine a winner. You likewise determine how many characters act before the boss in the first round, the fight can
winners there are, whether or not characters can leave end up almost over before it begins.
Adding legendary actions to a creature can help offset this
a chamber before a game is won, and the positive or
imbalance, but legendary actions won’t feel right for every
negative effects of a game, depending on whether
boss. So instead, think about adding minions to distract the
Zengran wants to kill or test the characters. (If you characters and eat up some of their action economy. The
decide that characters who enter a game area can’t leave animated armor in this encounter and the flying swords in
until the game is played and won, characters who enter area Z4 work perfectly well as threats in their own right.
the area disappear to the sight of those in the corridor But their main purpose in these encounters is to prevent the
behind them. Characters in the room likewise see the entire party from focusing on Merlyn and Zengran, so those
door disappear until the area’s game is completed.) foes aren’t too quickly overwhelmed.

The emporium’s workshop is found behind one of the She doesn’t have a lot of patience, however, and quickly
doors of the nexus, whenever you determine that it’s rolls her eyes at the characters’ prattling.
time for the characters to arrive here. A wire basket on one table holds a number of black,
blue, and yellow clockwork spheres. Glaring at the
This room is a high-ceilinged cube, and some sort characters, Merlyn upends the basket to swallow a
dozen spheres (see “Clockwork Loogie” below). She
of workshop. A pair of semicircular tables along the
then gives an outraged “Hoooo!!!” and attacks.
walls are covered with tools, knives, materials, paint
pots, spools of thread, rolls of fabric, and a dozen TOY MONSTERS
other kinds of craft materials. The walls and ceiling As the fight begins, the characters see clockwork toys
are piled up with crates, barrels, boxes, rolls of cloth, begin to fly off the tables and out of crates and boxes
along the walls and ceiling. Each round on initiative
and wooden blocks, with no sign of what holds them
count 0 (losing initiative ties), these toys magically
assemble themselves into clockwork constructs
resembling fantastic beasts, each of which has the
The crafter working here is, inexplicably, an owlbear
statistics of animated armor. Two constructs assemble
named Merlyn, who stands on her hind legs at one
themselves each round, to a maximum of four. If
table, looming above an elaborate three-tiered board
Merlyn is of good or neutral alignment (see below),
game under construction. The owlbear wears a set of
have one or more constructs use their attacks to
strange gauntlets on her massive front paws, with each
attempt to shove characters toward the door.
of the gloves’ eight fingers extending to become its
own small clockwork hand. Those mechanical hands OMNIDIRECTIONAL GRAVITY
hold chisels, knives, paintbrushes, and other tools, The walls and ceiling of this area are its storage space,
the owlbear shifting her paws in subtle patterns as she taking advantage of how gravity magically pulls into
works—at least until she notices the characters. each surface. Whatever surface a creature or object
has most recently touched determines gravitational
The owlbear’s black eyes go wide as she swivels precedence, so that a character who touches a wall is
toward you. Deftly, the creature flicks the gauntlets suddenly wrenched off the floor and slammed into that
wall. Any creature except Merlyn moving from surface
off, stepping back from the table, then dropping
to surface (intentionally or otherwise) must succeed on
down to all fours. In a forceful voice, she demands:
a DC 13 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check or fall prone.
“Who?!” The clutter of the six navigable surfaces of the room
is difficult terrain.
Merlyn (see below for her statistics) can’t speak, and
is simply making an owlbear call. She can understand MERLYN
Common, and listens to anything the characters say. Zengran found Merlyn as a cub centuries ago, and took
a liking to the owlbear. The rakshasa has given her
infusions of specially treated fiendish ichor to extend

her life span, and she uses the owlbear stat block with Dexterity saving throw. The target takes 16 (3d10) lightning
the following changes: damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
successful one.
• She has 95 (11d10 + 33) hit points.
• She has an Armor Class of 15. LOOTING THE ROOM
• Her Dexterity is 18 (+4) and her Intelligence is 12 The materials here are all of fine quality, and many of
(+1). the crates and boxes show signs of having originated in
• She understands Common and Infernal but can’t far-off lands—and other worlds. You can use the value
speak. of these goods as treasure if the characters loot the
• She has advantage on saving throws against spells emporium before it is destroyed (see the end of the lair
and other magical effects. for more information).
• She has the Clockwork Loogie attack (see below). The characters can also claim one of each type of
• Her Multiattack action allows her to make three clockwork loogie from the basket, but Merlyn’s magic
attacks with any combination of her beak, claws, gauntlets function only for her.
or Clockwork Loogie, including three Clockwork
Loogie attacks. Z4. MEDITATION CHAMBER
• She has a Challenge Rating of 6 (2,300 XP).
Merlyn is the same alignment as Zengran. If you’ve This broad, square chamber features a twenty-foot-
set the rakshasa up as good or neutral, the owlbear high cathedral ceiling whose arches are carved with
simply wants the characters out of her workshop, the same engraved and stenciled woodwork seen
and continually shoos them toward the door while outside and within the shop. Niches set into the walls
she fights. If she’s evil, Merlyn wants to drink the are occupied by hundreds of art objects, including a
characters’ blood while the last life fades from their number of finely made weapons. The tile floor is set
terrified eyes. She uses Clockwork Loogie to tie down in a pattern of red and white squares, and is spread
characters attacking her at range, and takes to the walls
with blankets and scattered cushions. A circular
and the ceiling to prevent characters from surrounding
mirror is embedded in the center of the floor, before
which Zengran the rakshasa sits on a cushion, eyes
If Merlyn is reduced to 20 hit points or fewer, she
bolts out the door in search of Zengran. Characters can closed as if in meditation.
follow her to area Z4.
If Merlyn escaped from the characters, the wounded
CLOCKWORK LOOGIE owlbear is here as well, restored to half her hit points,
For centuries, Merlyn has honed her skills as a sitting against the far wall, and using her claws to flip
master toymaker, providing her with a unique ranged carefully through a large book taken from a wall niche.
attack. Like owls, owlbears cannot chew their food, The owlbear glances from Zengran to the characters,
and automatically regurgitate bones, hair, and other giving them very dark looks, then goes back to her
indigestible parts of their prey. Merlyn uses this ability reading, content to wait for the rakshasa to notice the
to first consume, then hawk up small spheres of magic intrusion.
clockwork, granting her the following action option. Either assuming that the challenges of the emporium
Clockwork Loogie. Merlyn hawks up a clockwork sphere that would keep the characters busy for a longer time, or
targets one creature within 30 feet of her that she can see. The
sphere delivers one of the following effects, chosen by Merlyn.
awaiting their arrival as part of a test, Zengran is in a
When its magic is delivered, a sphere collapses into a heap of deep trance, meditating on visions seen in the mirror.
metal filings and worthless clockwork components. The characters have a chance to enter the room,
Binding Sphere. This black sphere explodes into strands of fine discover the nasty magical side effect of the floor,
wire that wrap around the target, which must succeed on a DC
and investigate the items along the walls (including
14 Strength saving throw or be restrained until the end of its
next turn. The target can also be freed if it or another creature some that are potentially valuable in the fight; see
succeeds on a DC 14 Strength (Athletics) check as an action to “Zengran’s Collection” below) without worrying about
burst the binding wires. being attacked. But Zengran’s eyes flick open and the
Dozing Sphere. This blue sphere releases a burst of sweet-
rakshasa comes fully awake in response to anyone
smelling gas around the target, which must succeed on a DC 14
Constitution saving throw or fall asleep until the end of its next preparing to attack the rakshasa or Merlyn. Characters
turn. The target also wakes if it takes damage or another creature trying to get the jump on these foes might gain
takes an action to wake it. The sphere has no effect on constructs initiative over them, but Zengran cannot be surprised
and undead. here.
Shocking Sphere. This yellow sphere erupts in a shower of
sparks surrounding the target, which must make a DC 14

The items set into the wall niches are mementos The colored pattern of the floor tiles lets you trot
Zengran has collected from dozens of worlds. Most are out the time-honored tradition of the chess-board
simply fine art objects, but the collection includes the dungeon! Except the players will probably expect that,
following magic items: so you’ll make it checkers instead to trip them up.
• Mace of smiting The color of the first square a creature steps on at
• Horn of blasting the doors determines which squares they can safely
• Bracers of archery step on thereafter, constraining them to diagonal
The magic in this room causes these items to glow movement or jumping square to square. (If a player has
when any creature passes within 10 feet of them, and their character jump onto both door squares at once,
grants any character touching an item the knowledge decide randomly which square the character’s first foot
of what it is and what it does, as if the character hits. Their second foot touching down in the opposite
had focused on the item during a short rest. (This square then triggers the effect.)
includes learning the command word for the horn of A creature that steps into one or more opposite-
blasting.) These items conveniently allow one or more color squares while moving must succeed on a DC
spellcasting characters a chance to get fully into the 15 Charisma saving throw at the end of its turn or be
fight against Zengran, since the rakshasa’s Limited racked with pain that deals 13 (3d8) psychic damage
Magic Immunity trait nullifies a 7th-level character’s and knocks them prone. A character forced into a
combat spells. (If enough other characters don’t wrong-colored square suffers no effect immediately,
possess magic weapons to make any headway against but must make the saving throw with disadvantage if
the rakshasa’s damage immunity, feel free to add a +1 they then move into a wrong square intentionally.
weapon or two to Zengran’s collection.) Zengran and Merlyn are immune to the floor’s effect.
If the characters wake Zengran before noticing If you are not playing combat on a grid, a character
and assessing the items, allow characters Wisdom who moves no more than half their speed while in
(Perception) checks to notice potentially useful items this area avoids the saving throw as they pick their
along the wall during the fight. way carefully from square to square. A character who
moves more than half their speed must make the
GAME ON! saving throw at the end of their turn.
Zengran monologues during the battle, challenging or
goading the characters as appropriate to the setup of I’M FINE!
the encounter. They use the rakshasa stat block, and If the characters are being tested by Zengran,
have the following additional trait while within the anyone who fails a third death saving throw here is
emporium: automatically stabilized but remains at 0 hit points.
(If none of the other characters investigate to see that
• When Zengran is reduced to 0 hit points but not
the character is still breathing, you can decide whether
killed outright, they drop to 1 hit point instead.
to announce this or just alert the character’s player in
Zengran can’t use this feature again until they finish
a long rest.
On initiative count 0 each round (losing initiative IMAGES OF OTHER WORLDS
ties), one weapon per character comes flying off the The mirror set into the floor is used by Zengran when
shelves of the room to independently attack. Each they scry creatures across other planes and worlds.
weapon uses the flying sword stat block but can Characters who look into it see wisps of shadow
deal bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage as obscuring a slow-shifting view of strange landscapes,
you determine. The weapons focus their attacks on but the mirror can be used only by Zengran.
any character wielding a weapon that deals piercing EVIL END
damage, as Zengran has no intention of succumbing to
that vulnerability shared by all rakshasas. If Zengran is an evil fiend, they might use plane shift
Even if Zengran is testing the characters, the to escape a fight they can’t win, swearing vengeance on
rakshasa cuts loose during the fight, using dominate the characters and setting up a rematch for the future.
person to bring a warrior under control. They then If the characters can prevent Zengran from fleeing,
send that character against ranged attackers while they can finish this lair by destroying the rakshasa and
carving through other characters with claws attacks. sending their spirit on the harrowing journey back
If Merlyn is here and is badly wounded, she falls back to the Nine Hells. Either way, when Zengran departs,
into a corner behind a phalanx of flying weapons and
uses the Dodge action each round.

the emporium’s planar magic collapses in on itself, • Increase the number of constructs that fight
dumping the characters prone on the floor of the shop, alongside Merlyn or Zengran.
returned to its original appearance. • Give Merlyn a twin brother named Berlyn, who acts
The shop is shaking, games and toys tumbling from as Zengran’s bodyguard and takes part in the fight
the shelves. The characters have 1 round to get out with Zengran even if Merlyn is slain.
the now-open door before the emporium implodes, • Give Merlyn, Zengran, or both the Regeneration
dealing 27 (5d10) force damage to each creature still trait, allowing each to regain 10 hit points at the start
inside and shunting them out. The emporium then of their turn unless they’ve taken radiant damage.
vanishes and is never seen again—but a beautifully To reduce the difficulty of the lair, consider any of the
carved, six-inch-tall, articulated figure of Zengran sits following options:
in meditation pose at the center of the vacant lot where • Make Zengran a mage using illusion magic to
the building once stood. pretend to be a rakshasa.
The figure is a rare magic item that radiates an aura • Decrease the number of constructs that fight
of transmutation to a detect magic spell. A creature alongside Merlyn or Zengran.
with the figure in its possession can choose to have
advantage on its initiative roll at the beginning of a EXPANDING THIS LAIR
combat, but then must reroll one attack roll or saving You can expand this lair by building on or modifying
throw of the GM’s choice made within the next minute any number of the hooks found within it:
of game time. The figure has no ongoing connection to
• If a good Zengran has been aiding the characters or
Zengran unless you wish it otherwise.
recruits them as troubleshooters, the missions the
GOOD GAME rakshasa sets for the party from the emporium can
If Zengran is merely testing the characters, the fuel a long campaign arc across the planes.
rakshasa stops the fight when reduced to 10 hit points • The planar portals in the emporium nexus might
or fewer, when the last character has been dropped to 0 summon numerous unusual creatures when the
hit points, or if challenged with evidence that the fight emporium is destroyed, which the characters must
is not real. (Noting a character failing a third death now hunt down.
save and automatically stabilizing is likely to do this.) • The emporium’s magic is failing, and Zengran
Zengran takes a potion of superior healing and offers recruits the characters to track down the means to
one to each of the characters, then invites them to chat. repair the magical site—whether the rakshasa shares
the characters’ morality or not.
TREASURE • An evil Zengran fixates on revenge against those who
destroyed their material form to send them back to
If the emporium is destroyed, you can have valuable
the Nine Hells. The characters might endure attacks
crafting materials, relics, books, games, and clockwork
by the rakshasa’s allies or servants while Zengran
devices left behind for the characters to claim, totaling
regains material form over months or years—or they
2,700 gp. If the characters loot the workshop before
might decide to journey to the Nine Hells to end the
facing Zengran, their swag plus any loot left behind
rakshasa’s threat permanently.
totals 3,000 gp. You can also have any magic items
the characters didn’t grab in the meditation chamber
tossed out during the emporium’s destruction.
If the characters end up working for Zengran, the
rakshasa bequeaths the party 3,000 gp in coins and
gems, plus the magic items in the meditation chamber,
as a retainer.

You can adjust the difficulty of this lair in a number of
different ways. For more difficult encounters, consider
any of the following options:

Jack Kaiser

he spirit naga Lacris lairs in a ziggurat hidden the naga spends their days counting treasure, reading
deep within a swamp. Among other thralls spellbooks, experimenting with magic—and looting
and deadly traps, the naga hides their greatest the corpses of the adventurers they despise.
guardian and executioner: a ravenous hydra
ready to consume all those who try to infiltrate the INTEGRATING THIS LAIR
Blood Palace. Though this lair is written to take place in a
This lair is optimized for four to five 8th-level swamp ziggurat, you can place its chambers in an
characters. underground temple, a mountain ruin, or any other
enclosed space of your choosing. The areas detailed
BACKGROUND here could be the entirety of the naga’s lair, or just one
For long years, the spirit naga Lacris has obsessed part of a much larger building.
over one goal: killing humanoids with the audacity to You can use the following hooks to integrate this
adventure. When Lacris first formed, adventurers slew lair into your campaign, whether as part of a longer
the naga over and over again to get at the treasures they adventure or as the focus of a single play session:
were sworn to protect. So after their original masters • The gnolls known as the Bite of Lacris attack the
died, Lacris took charge. characters repeatedly, perhaps stealing one or more
The naga traveled to the Blood Palace, a ziggurat magic items from them, or eventually becoming
inhabited by a community of demon-worshiping enough of a nuisance that the characters decide to
gnolls. Harnessing the abyssal magic within the bring the fight to the Blood Palace.
temple, Lacris enthralled those evil humanoids, who • NPC adventurers who are friends, family, or mentors
are now known as the Bite of Lacris. The gnolls serve to the characters go missing. A trail of evidence leads
as the naga’s hunters, drawing adventurers into the to the Blood Palace.
Blood Palace, which Lacris has outfitted with magic • Rumors of the treasure-filled Blood Palace keep
traps and a hidden hydra guardian. Inside this lair, coming up in conversations with NPCs. Unknown to
the characters, these rumors have been spread by the B1. ENTRANCE HALL
Bite of Lacris to tempt others into the naga’s deadly
Carvings on the walls, floor, and ceiling depict gnolls
bowing down before giant hideous balor demons
holding up severed humanoid heads.
A swamp filled with twisted trees, stagnant water, COMPRESSING ROOM TRAP
and deep muck surrounds the Blood Palace. As the A character who succeeds on a DC 20 Wisdom
characters approach the structure, read or paraphrase (Perception) check made to scan the entrance hall
the following to set the scene: notices a 10-foot-square pressure plate built into the
floor at the center of the hall. With a successful DC 20
Huge red stones form a massive three-tiered ziggurat Intelligence (Investigation) check, a character notices
atop a mound of earth thrust up above the swamp. a thin copper wire made to look like part of the west
wall’s carvings that connects the pressure plate to the
Buzzing insects swarm across the building’s wall
door to area B2.
carvings, all depicting demons devouring humanoid
When more than 20 pounds of weight is placed on
sacrifices. A high, straight stair leads up the south
the pressure plate or when a creature opens the door
side of the ziggurat to a set of closed stone doors. to area B2, the hall begins to rumble. Each round on
initiative count 10 (losing initiative ties), the east and
west wall of this area move 2 feet toward each other.
THE BITE OF LACRIS After the walls move once, the hall is 6 feet wide,
The gnolls in the ziggurat are fully under Lacris’s and Large or larger creatures must squeeze to move
magical sway. They attack intruders with blank through it. After the walls move twice, the hall is 2 feet
expressions and mechanical efficiency, fighting to wide, and Medium or larger creatures must squeeze to
the death. It is obvious that something controls the move through it. If the walls move a third time, they
emotionless creatures. Lacris’s gnolls labor hard for grind into each other, and each creature in the entrance
the naga, giving them an improved musculature. hall takes 55 (10d10) bludgeoning damage. The walls
Whenever you see a bold reference to a Bite of Lacris then retract and the trap is ready to be triggered again.
gnoll, use the gnoll stat block with the following If the trap is triggered, a creature that can reach both
changes: walls can brace its body between the walls as an action
• The gnoll has a Strength of 18 (+4). and make a DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check. On a
• They have proficiency in the Athletics skill, giving success, the walls are held in place and do not move
them a +6 bonus to Strength (Athletics) checks. that round.
• They have a +6 bonus to attack rolls and +4 bonus to Characters can jump over the pressure plate to avoid
damage rolls with their bite and spear attacks. triggering the trap (as do the gnolls). Wedging an iron
If Lacris dies, the gnolls become free of the naga’s spike or similar object under the pressure plate allows
control. They flee the ziggurat, hoping to get as far a creature to walk over it without triggering the trap.
from the place as possible before Lacris reforms (as all With a successful DC 18 Dexterity check using thieves’
nagas do). tools, a character can safely cut the copper wire,
allowing the door to be opened without triggering the
BLOOD PALACE FEATURES trap. A failed check triggers the trap.
The interior areas of the Blood Palace have the GLYPH OF WARDING
following general features: A glyph of warding (save DC 14) is inscribed on the
• Ceilings are 20 feet high. ceiling above the pressure plate. If any creature other
• The continual flame spell is cast onto torches in wall than a gnoll or Lacris moves along the floor through
sconces, filling all areas with bright light.
• The entire place reeks like a charnel house, with
the scent of blood, rot, and decay permeating the Keep It Moving
building. If the characters move quickly after triggering the
compressing room trap, they don’t need to worry about
THE BLOOD PALACE getting crushed, even if affected by the slow spell. The point
The following encounter areas are keyed to the map of of the trap is to force them into facing the gnolls in area
Lacris’s lair. B2, and to prevent them from standing in the entrance hall
and fighting from around the corner to gain cover from the

the 10-foot-wide area under the glyph, it casts the slow
spell (save DC 14) in an area centered on the glyph. Two Fronts
A creature that succeeds on a DC 15 Strength The idea of this encounter is that the trapdoor can force the
(Athletics) check can climb the walls to avoid characters to battle the naga and the hydra at the same time,
triggering the glyph, and might be able to chisel a effectively splitting the party. If the characters are smart or
section of the ceiling free to disable the glyph, as you lucky (or both), they might take on the naga and the hydra
determine. If the check fails by 5 or more, the creature as separate encounters. If this is the case, use the advice in
falls, triggers the glyph, and lands on the pressure plate the “Encounter Difficulty” section to increase the difficulty
of both battles.
to trigger the compressing room trap.


door can be forced with a successful DC 21 Strength
(Athletics) check, or it can be attacked and destroyed.
Gnawed humanoid bones and blood-soaked rags The door has AC 17, 27 hit points, and immunity to
formed into foul beds are spread across the floor of poison and psychic damage.
this gnoll den. The entirety of the ceiling is taken up
by a massive glyph carved into the stonework. Next
The Bite of Lacris gnolls guarding the chamber
to a closed door on the west side of the room, a statue consist of two gnolls plus one gnoll per character. In
of a massive coiled serpent rises from the floor, its addition, an enormous two-headed gnoll who Lacris
mouth hanging open. calls Gervin watches over this area. Gervin is the result
of Lacris’s magical experiments, and uses the ettin stat
The smell of rot in this chamber is far worse than in the block with the following changes:
other areas of the lair. When a creature other than the • Gervin can speak and understand Gnoll instead of
gnolls, the hydra in area B4, or Lacris enters this area, Common and Orc.
it must succeed on a DC 13 Constitution saving throw • Gervin has the Rampage trait from the gnoll stat
or be poisoned for as long as it remains in the area. A block, which he can use to make any of his melee
creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each attacks.
of its turns, ending the effect on itself on a success.
If the characters stand in the doorway to area B1,
ABYSSAL GLYPH the gnolls assault them with ranged attacks rather
A creature that understands Abyssal knows that the than charging into melee. They might also move into
glyph on the ceiling is related to the word for “blood” the northeast corner of the room to try to force the
in that demonic tongue. A detect magic spell reveals characters to enter.
that the glyph radiates auras of conjuration and
enchantment magic.
The statue of the coiled serpent against the west
The first time a creature takes damage in this area,
wall stands 10 feet high and radiates an aura of
the glyph begins to glow red, then rains blood into the
transmutation magic to a detect magic spell. A dwarf
chamber for 10 minutes. Any creature that ends its
character or a character proficient with mason’s tools
turn in the area during this time becomes soaked in the
can tell that the statue was built much more recently
blood, which imposes disadvantage on saving throws
than the ziggurat.
against Lacris’s spells and against the poison from the
When any creature gets within 5 feet of the door to
naga’s bite attack. A creature soaked by the blood can
area B3, the statue animates. Its eyes glow red and its
remove it and end this effect by bathing in a clean
massive mouth moves as it asks in a sinister, hissing
water source for 10 minutes.
voice (actually Lacris’s voice): “What baubles have you
The glyph can be nullified only by attacking it, and
brought me?” If a creature presents something of value
becomes permanently inactive if destroyed. It has AC
to the statue—either coins or objects worth at least 50
17, 36 hit points, and immunity to poison and psychic
gp, or a magic item—the animated statue gobbles up
damage. A creature that succeeds on a DC 15 Strength
the offering and the lock on the door deactivates for 10
(Athletics) check can climb the walls and reach the
If a creature makes no offering and moves closer to
SOUTH DOOR the door, the statue attacks that creature: +8 to hit, 10
The door to area B3 is locked, but can be opened by (1d10 + 5) piercing damage, and the target is grappled
interacting with the serpent statue (see that section by the statue (escape DC 13). While grappled this way,
below). The lock can also be picked with a successful a creature is restrained. The statue makes one attack
DC 15 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools. The per round on initiative count 20 (losing initiative
ties). If the statue is grappling a creature on its turn,
it repeats the attack against the grappled target. On
a hit against a Medium or smaller grappled creature,
the statue unhinges its jaws and swallows the creature,
sending it down its hollow gullet. The creature falls
30 feet to the hydra den (area B4), landing prone and
taking 3d6 bludgeoning damage.
A dispel magic spell or similar effect renders the
statue inert for 1 hour. The statue has AC 17, 75 hit
points, and immunity to poison and psychic damage. If
the statue is destroyed, its hollow interior is revealed, as
well as a hole in the floor that leads to area B4.


The bright sound of chisels on stone fills this

chamber, as gnolls with blank expressions work on
a half-completed relief carving of a giant serpent
that extends across all the walls. Near the back wall,
a long, black-scaled serpent with great bat wings is
spread out over a cushioned dais, while a slack-jawed
gnoll holds up a book for the serpent to read.

One Bite of Lacris gnoll per character is hard at work

here. When the gnolls notice the characters, they put
down their chisels and draw weapons, stepping up
to the dais between the characters and Lacris as they
await the naga’s orders. If combat breaks out and the
trapdoor is opened (see that section below), the gnolls
use their actions to try to push the characters into the
open pit leading to area B4, making use of their +6
bonus to Strength (Athletics) checks.
The spirit naga Lacris is poring over a spellbook taken
from a recent victim of the gnolls when the characters
enter. Lacris feigns treating the characters kindly at
first, stopping the gnolls from attacking and asking
innocently why they have come to the ziggurat. The

Elven Tower
naga hopes to catch the characters off guard with the make quick work of the characters, or casts hold person
trapdoor, sending them to face the hydra below. and thunderwave to help the gnolls push characters
Lacris uses the spirit naga stat block with the into area B4.
following changes: If more than half the gnolls are taken out of the
• They have 121 hit points. fight, or if Lacris is reduced to 70 hit points or fewer,
• They wear wings of flying, giving them a flying speed the naga flies down into the hydra’s den for extra
of 60 feet. protection. If reduced to 20 hit points or fewer, the
• They have the thunderwave spell prepared instead of naga casts dimension door to flee the ziggurat, vowing
detect magic. revenge against the characters.
When combat breaks out, Lacris takes to the air and A spring-loaded, 10-foot-wide, 20-foot-long trapdoor
keeps their distance from the characters. They cast is concealed in the floor just in front of the dais.
dominate person on a character who hasn’t fallen A character who succeeds on a DC 17 Wisdom
through the open trapdoor, forcing them to act as a (Perception) check made to carefully check the floor
bodyguard. Lacris then casts blight and lightning bolt to notices the faint outline of the door against the stones.
A hidden button beneath a cushion on the dais The hydra waits until a creature gets within 10 feet of
controls the trapdoor, and can be found with a a pool, then pops up to attack. It then submerges and
successful DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check. swims to a new pool to set up its next attack, possibly
When the button is pushed, the trapdoor swings open making the characters believe they face multiple
and each creature standing on it must make a DC 15 hydras. If the hydra can’t reach the creatures attacking
Dexterity saving throw. On a success, a creature is able it (for instance, if characters in this area are all flying),
to leap off the falling trapdoor into an unoccupied it submerges and waits. If reduced to 45 hit points or
space next to the door. On a failure, a creature falls 30 fewer, the hydra emerges from the pools and fights to
feet down to area B4, landing prone and taking 3d6 the death.
bludgeoning damage. Because the hydra was captured and trained by
If the button is pushed again, the trapdoor swings Lacris, it does not harm the naga. However, it does
closed. While closed, the door can be forced open with attack any gnolls who enter its den.
a successful DC 22 Strength check or attacked to break
through it. It has AC 17, 50 hit points, and immunity to TREASURE
poison and psychic damage. The following items found in the encounter might all
be claimed as treasure by the characters:
• Lacris wears wings of flying. However, if you do not
wish to make these useful to the characters, the wings
The skulls and bones of gnolls and other humanoids are sized for a Large serpent and cannot be altered.
litter the ground of a filthy chamber set with • Lacris is reading a spellbook when the characters
staggered stone columns. Dancing torchlight reflects arrive, and could have others in the treasure hoard in
off neatly organized piles of gold, silver, copper, and area B4. The following spells are contained in these
other treasures, set alongside six murky brown pools tomes: alarm, blight, burning hands, charm person,
of stinking swamp water that cover the floor. counterspell, detect magic, detect thoughts, dimension
door, dominate person, expeditious retreat, false life,
The red outline to the northwest of the map marks the feather fall, hold person, identify, knock, lightning
location of the ceiling hole beneath the serpent statue bolt, mage armor, mage hand, minor illusion, mislead,
in area B2. The red outline to the south marks the protection from energy, ray of frost, rope trick, sleep,
location of the trapdoor in area B3. thunderwave, and water breathing.
• The piles of treasure in the hydra den (area B4)
COLUMNS contain a potion of hill giant strength, a potion of
Each of the room’s stone columns extends from floor water breathing, five obsidians (worth 10 gp each),
to ceiling, and can be climbed with a successful DC 15 two zircons (50 gp each), four spinels (100 gp each),
Strength (Athletics) check. A creature that climbs the one black pearl (500 gp), 95 pp, 2,214 gp, 7,432 sp,
column next to the area of the trapdoor can return to and 11,857 cp.
area B3 when the trapdoor is open.
Beneath the floor, the murky pools are all connected You can adjust the difficulty of this lair in a number of
as one 30-foot-deep body of water. A 5-foot-wide, different ways. For more difficult encounters, consider
200-foot-long tunnel at the very bottom of the pool any of the following options:
leads to the swamp outside the ziggurat, but is too
small for the hydra to swim through. A creature in the
pool can find the tunnel exit with a successful DC 14 Whack-A-Hydra
Intelligence (Investigation) check made as an action. The hydra’s hit-and-run tactics might make play frustrating
HYDRA for some groups, especially if the characters have already
The hungry hydra that Lacris has placed as a guardian defeated all the other monsters in the ziggurat. If those
tactics are dragging on your fun, have the creature emerge
in this area hides in the interconnected murky pools.
from a pool immediately to stand toe-to-toe with the
A character with a passive Wisdom (Perception)
characters. And if you think the characters need a more
score of 14 or higher notices one of the hydra’s heads difficult challenge to offset the lack of whack-a-mole tactics,
occasionally popping its eyes above the water before throw a second hydra at them that was lurking in the water
slipping back down. the whole time!

• Replace the gnolls with goblins or any humanoid
James’s Thoughts: Tracking a Split Party bandits.
There’s a good chance that this lair splits the characters up, • Use the ogre stat block for Gervin.
and many GMs find that tracking two groups of characters • Make it so Lacris has already expended their 4th-
can be a daunting task. In addition to presenting a difficult and 5th-level spell slots.
tactical challenge for players and characters alike, splitting • Replace the hydra with a gorgon that has the hydra’s
the party causes stress if one group of characters gets more swimming speed and Hold Breath trait.
time and attention than the other, or if the GM keeps the
information known by one group separate from the other. EXPANDING THIS LAIR
If you’re worried about making sure everyone gets an
You can expand this lair by building on or modifying
equal amount of time playing, roll initiative as soon as the
group is split, even if no one is engaged in combat. When a
any number of the hooks found within it:
character who is not engaged in combat takes their turn, set • If Lacris gets away, the naga tries to find a new,
a timer for 1 or 2 minutes. This is how long the player has to more powerful group of humanoid servants (such
describe what the character is doing. Let the players know as bugbears) and monstrous guardians (such as rocs
you’re doing this to keep the game moving, and make sure and purple worms) to destroy the characters. The
everyone gets equal time in the spotlight. It’s up to you how naga wants to make them suffer, and so might begin
strict you are with the timer, so if everyone is engaged and by attacking people and places the characters love.
having fun listening to the player whose turn it is when time
• If Lacris is slain, the characters might learn (if they
runs out, just encourage the player to wrap it up rather than
don’t know already) that nagas eventually come
cutting them off before moving on.
back to life unless their spirit is somehow stopped
When a party is split, the different groups of characters
experience separate events. They learn different things! But
from entering a new body. You might build a new
even though it can feel less realistic, you don’t need to keep adventure around the search for a ritual that can stop
the information one group of characters knows restricted to Lacris from rising again, even as cultists dedicated to
only those characters’ players. It saves a lot of time if you the naga try to stop the characters.
aren’t running back and forth between different rooms (real • The characters might want to return some or all
or virtual) and sending separate notes to each group, then of the items Lacris stole to the next of kin of the
saves even more time when the players come together again naga’s victims. Finding those relatives and delivering
and you don’t need to recap information to bring everyone the news of their loved ones’ demise would be an
up to speed. emotional adventure indeed!
Save moving players into separate spaces and passing
notes for information that should be truly secret. When a
party splits up, keep the players together. Let them know that
the barbarian and rogue face a hydra alone while the rest
take on a naga and a group of gnoll thralls! Sometimes the
game is less about realism and more about everyone having
fun by telling and listening to the story.

• Replace the Bite of Lacris gnolls with bugbears or

humanoid berserkers.
• Use the troll stat block for Gervin.
• Make Lacris a chaotic evil guardian naga.
• Replace the hydra with a behir.
• Have the hydra start with more than five heads, or
give it the Poison Breath action of a young green
To reduce the difficulty of the lair, consider any of the
following options:

Victor Leza Moreno

riven from his clan, a frost giant warrior drank deep. His body twisted and convulsed. His bones
drank from an ancient pool that twisted him broke and reformed. And he became something else.
into a creature of fangs and claws. But after Fueled by the bestial power in the blood, Eldrek
hunting in the icy wastes for decades, the returned to his clan and faced his brother once again.
frost giant werewolf has begun to expand his killing Transforming into a towering white-furred wolf, he
ground into civilized lands. Now the adventurers hunt ripped his brother in half in front of his father and the
the monstrous frost giant to his lair of frozen ice, and rest of the clan. Then he did the same to them. Turning
face his bloodthirsty followers. his back on the past with every one of his former folk
This lair is optimized for four to five 8th-level slaughtered, Eldrek returned to the mammoth cave and
characters. took on a new name—Eldrek the Black Tusk.
Decades later, four dozen members of the Green
BACKGROUND Sky clan of ice hunters found the cave and entered it.
The frost giant Eldrek Graytusk was second-in-line to Eldrek the Black Tusk devoured many of them, then
become the jarl of the Graytusk clan, but a failure to forced a horrid transformation upon the survivors.
defeat his older brother, Rokkuna, in combat resulted Feeding on the blood from the pool, they too grew
in his exile. All his folk expected him to perish in the into bestial lupine humanoids. Now, Eldrek and
frozen wastes, but die he did not. Instead, called by the Black Tusks have come out from their cave and
primordial dreams and visions, Eldrek found a cave begun to prey upon the hunters and settlers of the icy
deep in the mountains, formed within the skull of tundra, slowly making their way toward ever-larger
a gargantuan mammoth—an ancient creature once settlements.
touched by fiendish power. Within the depths of the
cave, Eldrek found a pool of blood surrounded by the
bones of malformed beasts. Desperately hungry, he

You can use the following hooks to integrate this The map of the mammoth cave shows side passages
lair into your campaign, whether as part of a longer that lead off into the ice. You can add your own caverns
adventure or as the focus of a single play session: to the ends of these passages, block them off with fallen
• As the characters spend time in the frozen north, rocks, or have them lead out to other exits from the
they hear reports of beasts and humanoids hunting lair.
down settlers and travelers, led by a brutal giant.
The characters can learn more of Black Tusk’s origin MAMMOTH CAVE
through whispered rumors of a huge frost giant The following encounter areas are keyed to the map of
who transforms into a winter wolf. After tracking Eldrek’s lair.
the giant and facing the werewolves serving him,
the characters come to the mammoth cave and face
Eldrek himself. Freezing, snow-filled wind continually swirls around
• A larger quest could bring the characters to the the entrance to the lair, limiting visibility to 50 feet.
mammoth cave in search of the ancient blood When the characters get within that distance, they can
the Black Tusk drank to become a creature of just make out the sinister silhouette of the entrance.
nightmares. Eldrek protects the blood at all costs, Read or paraphrase the following to set the scene:
cutting down any who dare to drink it except by his
command. However, additional healing properties A pair of titanic tusks are thrust up from the snow
of the blood (as you determine; see area I3) might before a blue glacial cliff rising hundreds of feet
be the only thing the characters can use to save a into the air. The gargantuan skull of some sort of
friendly NPC, or even one of their own, from a vile mammoth is set with a ridge of bone, and with spikes
curse. jutting out at odd angles. The lower jaw of the skull is
• Warring factions of frost giants have suddenly united buried in the ice, so that the upper jaw creates a dark
under a single legendary leader, said to be filled passage leading into the cliff. A pair of skull-topped
with the blood of both giant and beast. Directed by
totems stand to either side of the entrance.
this powerful new jarl, the frost giants have begun
attacking frontier settlements, and are amassing
A character who succeeds on a DC 12 Wisdom
forces for an attack against larger towns and cities.
(Medicine) check can tell that the gargantuan skull
Before the giants start an all-out war, the characters
belongs to some kind of fiendish giant mammoth of
have one chance to slip into this jarl’s lair and take
unknown origin. When the characters get within 30
him out, shattering the alliance and ending the
feet of the entrance, the character with the highest
passive Wisdom (Perception) score notices that a
number of figures have come out of the blizzard to
surround the party.
The mammoth cave is cut into ancient glacial ice as
deep blue as the sea, and extends into the rock the WEREWOLVES
glacier buries. It is an old and secluded place, seen One werewolf per character moves in from the
by very few creatures in the inhospitable frozen surrounding blizzard, having caught the characters’
wastelands. scent as they approached the cave. The werewolves are
little more than black silhouettes in the storm, their
MAMMOTH CAVE FEATURES eyes glowing blue-white as they attack.
The areas of the mammoth cave have the following The werewolves start 30 feet from the characters, and
general features: are in a mixture of humanoid, hybrid, and wolf forms.
• The caves are dimly lit by permanently glowing blue In wolf form, each has white fur with a gray stripe
stones embedded in the ice. These strange stones down the middle of their back.
continue to glow if dug out. TOTEMS
• Caves and tunnels are 25 feet high. The two totems in front of the skull fill the werewolves
• The walls of the cave are a mixture of rock and with a terrible bloodlust. Any werewolf within 60 feet
ice, and frequently show the frozen corpses of of a totem has advantage on attack rolls and deals an
humanoids and beasts buried within them. extra 7 (2d6) necrotic damage with each hit.
The eyes in the skulls on the totems glow with
the same blue-white light seen in the eyes of the

Whenever two or more characters move more
than 20 feet beyond the end of the switchback path,
echoing roars rise from the east and west tunnels as the
followers of Eldrek attack.
Two mammoths, each ridden by a Black Tusk
werewolf, race into the cavern. If the party contains
six or more characters, add one additional mammoth
and rider. The mammoths initially attempt a Trampling
Charge against intruders, then gore or stomp anyone
they can reach. Once the mammoths have charged, the
werewolves jump from the backs of their mounts and
Each of the great ribs rising up from the ice of the floor
has AC 12, 20 hit points, and immunity to psychic,
poison, and necrotic damage. As an action, a rib can
be broken and knocked over with a successful DC 16
Strength (Athletics) check. When knocked over, a rib
shatters into multiple pieces, and each creature in a 15-
foot cone facing away from the creature knocking over
the rib must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw.
On a failure, the target takes 22 (4d10) bludgeoning
damage and is knocked prone. On a successful save,
the creature takes half as much damage and is not
knocked prone.
Each vertebra and standing rib offers partial cover to
creatures behind it.


A pool of black liquid bubbles in the center of this

cavern, fed from a rivulet flowing from the skeletal
remains of a huge lupine monstrosity frozen into the
wall. Piles of bones, both bestial and humanoid, lie
along the walls. Three frost giants are barely visible
where they are frozen into the north wall, their
Alex VanDerAa

werewolves. A character who succeeds on a DC helmets jutting out from the ice above them like
12 Wisdom (Insight) check recognizes that the tombstones.
lycanthropes’ ferocity and the totems are connected,
and that destroying the totems can disrupt the By day, this cavern is brightly lit by sunlight filtering
connection. Each totem has AC 12, 15 hit points, and through the ice ceiling above. As the characters enter,
immunity to necrotic, poison, and psychic damage. Eldrek the Black Tusk enters through a tunnel opposite
their position. In his hybrid werewolf form, Eldrek has
I2. PILLARS OF THE DEAD a huge gray-white wolf ’s head atop the torso of a frost
A switchback path leads down to the center of this giant.
massive cavern, which is dominated by the ribcage of
the gargantuan mammoth, lying half-buried in the ice.
Eldrek is accompanied by two dire wolves when facing
The vertebrae of the great beast rise in the middle of
up to five characters, or four dire wolves when facing
the cavern as large lumps of bone. Six tunnels lead out
six or more characters. The dire wolves stay close to
of this cavern.
each other, making optimal use of their Pack Tactics

trait. If blocked from attacking the characters directly, at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. Eldrek
Eldrek and his dire wolves use the side tunnels to get regains spent legendary actions at the start of his turn.
around behind the characters. Bite (Hybrid Form Only). Eldrek makes one bite attack.
Move. Eldrek moves up to his speed.
Eldrek the Black Tusk uses the frost giant stat block
Greataxe (Costs 2 Actions). Eldrek makes one
with the following changes: greataxe attack.
• He has immunity to bludgeoning, piercing, and • He has a challenge rating of 12 (8,400 XP).
slashing damage from nonmagical attacks not made
When Eldrek is reduced to 0 hit points but not killed
with silvered weapons.
outright, he does not fall unconscious, but instead
• Three times per day, if Eldrek fails a saving throw
transforms into a winter wolf with the following
in his true form or in hybrid form, he can choose to
succeed instead.
• He has the following trait: • His size is Huge.
• He has 150 (17d12 + 34) hit points.
Shapechanger. Eldrek can use his action to polymorph into a
wolf-frost giant hybrid or into a special wolf form, or back into • He has immunity to bludgeoning, piercing, and
his true form. His statistics are the same in his true form and slashing damage from nonmagical attacks not made
his hybrid form. Any equipment he is wearing or carrying isn’t with silvered weapons.
transformed. Eldrek reverts to his true form if he dies.
• His only language is Giant.
• Eldrek has the following additional attack: • Three times per day, if Eldrek fails a saving throw in
Bite (Hybrid Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, wolf form, he can choose to succeed instead.
reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: 19 (3d8 + 6) piercing damage. If • The wolf ’s Strength is 23 (+6), adjusting his bite
the target is a humanoid or a giant, it must succeed on a DC
16 Constitution saving throw or be cursed with werewolf
attack as follows:
lycanthropy. Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 19 (3d8 + 6) piercing damage. If the target is a creature, it
• Eldrek has legendary actions: must succeed on a DC 16 Strength saving throw or be knocked
Eldrek can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the prone. If the target is a humanoid or a giant, it must succeed
options below. Only one legendary action option can be used on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or be cursed with
werewolf lycanthropy.
• He has the following action option:
Mike’s Thoughts: On Multistage Multiattack. Eldrek makes two bite attacks.
Monsters • His Cold Breath attack deals 36 (8d8) cold damage.
As of the writing of this book, multistage monsters • In wolf form, Eldrek has legendary actions:
aren’t exactly a standard concept in fifth edition fantasy Eldrek can take 3 legendary actions in wolf form, choosing
roleplaying games. But we found this idea to be a great from the options below. Only one legendary action option
design for some of the bosses in Fantastic Lairs, particularly can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s
higher-level combat encounters where monsters are turn. Eldrek regains spent legendary actions at the start
typically killed far too easily. of his turn.
The design of a multistage boss monster is pretty Bite. Eldrek can make a bite attack.
straightforward. The first time it crosses some hit point Move. Eldrek moves up to his speed.
threshold (typically half its hit points or 0 hit points), it Cold Breath (Costs 2 Actions). Eldrek can use his Cold
Breath action.
refreshes itself into something new. If dropped to 0 hit
points, it comes back fighting, either with temporary hit • Eldrek’s wolf form has a challenge rating of 12 (8,400
points or with its regular hit points restored. In this second XP).
stage of the fight, a boss does something different. It might This winter wolf is the special wolf form Eldrek can
gain new abilities, have its existing abilities powered up change into with his Shapechanger trait.
in some way, or even take on a whole new form. Just
remember that as always, the story should drive these BLACK POOL
mechanical changes as much as possible. The pool in the center of this cavern is filled with a
The concept of a multistage boss isn’t part of the regular necrotic liquid flowing from the entombed remains of
fifth edition rules, so it’s possible that you’ll discover some the lupine creature in the ice. A character who spends
weird edge cases when running them. What happens when an action to study the pool and succeeds on a DC 14
a character casts power word kill on a monster in its first Wisdom (Medicine) check recognizes that the blood
form? I would usually rule that such a move drops the boss carries dangerous yet potent healing power. A creature
to 0 hit points and triggers its final form. But if the battle is
that ingests the blood must make a DC 16 Constitution
going long and the players have given it their all, maybe it
saving throw. On a success, the creature regains 4d8
just works!

hit points but is cursed with werewolf lycanthropy. On EXPANDING THIS LAIR
a failure, the creature takes 18 (4d8) necrotic damage
You can expand this lair by building on or modifying
and is poisoned for 24 hours.
any number of the hooks found within it:
TREASURE • The skeletal lupine creature in the innermost cavern
might be just one of a number of ancient and unholy
Mixed in with the bones of the creatures Eldrek
beasts, the rest of which are still alive. The characters
has slain over long years in area I3 is the treasure of
must hunt down and destroy these creatures before
numerous dead adventurers. This totals 512 cp, 6,127
their evil spreads.
sp, 1,622 gp, 90 pp, and ten gemstones of mixed types
• The blood flowing from the creature’s remains might
(each worth 100 gp). A set of gauntlets of ogre power
have some connection not just to lycanthropic power,
and a potion of resistance (necrotic) can also be found
but to a legendary vampire.
with a search of the cavern.
• Eldrek’s preparations for war might be a sign of the
ENCOUNTER DIFFICULTY rise of the Ice Queen, a fey monarch who yearns to
blot out the sun and freeze the entire world. Eldrek is
You can adjust the difficulty of this lair in a number of
only the first champion of the Ice Queen, and it’s up
different ways. For more difficult encounters, consider
to the characters to find and defeat the others.
any of the following options:
• The creature whose remains fueled Eldrek’s
• Replace the werewolves with lesser frost giant transformation might be one of many such creatures
werewolves, using the frost giant stat block with the that once ruled the desolate northern wastes.
immunities of the werewolf stat block. These frost Elaborate labyrinths and forgotten cities created by
giants can use the Shapechanger trait of the werewolf these beings might still exist deep within the earth.
to transform into winter wolves with the same The curse of lycanthropy might have been the end of
immunities as the werewolf. this mighty civilization, whose treasures are waiting
• Replace the dire wolves in area I3 with winter to be discovered by enterprising adventurers.
• Increase Eldrek’s hit points and give him additional
frost giant companions.
• For the winter wolf that Eldrek transforms into, start
with the stat block of a young white dragon or an
adult white dragon.
To reduce the difficulty of the lair, consider any of the
following options:
• Remove Eldrek’s ability to take on his winter wolf
form automatically.
• Have him take on his winter wolf form when he is
reduced to half his hit points or fewer.
• Reduce or remove Eldrek’s legendary actions.


Thomas Perkins
aving assumed the identity of the kindly guild. Posing as Professor Korrington using his Change
dean of an academy for sorcerers, a Shape action, Nash is actively recruiting older evil
malevolent oni has been murdering the students to become the new Bonegnaw assassins. At
academy’s most powerful faculty members, the same time, he captures the academy’s most disliked
and absorbing their power as he attempts to rebuild his professors and murders them, as part of a dark ritual
guild of assassins. that grants the oni enhanced magical power.
This lair is optimized for four to five 9th-level
Nash’s cottage stands on the grounds of the Korrington
BACKGROUND Sorcerer Academy, which could be sequestered within
Professor Liben Korrington is a kindly, middle-aged high walls in a city, hidden deep in a forest, nestled
halfling sorcerer of celestial heritage—or so most of in a secluded valley among high mountains, or in any
the students of Korrington Sorcerer Academy think. other location that suits your needs. You can expand
But in actual fact, Liben is dead, and has been replaced the adventure around this lair and its encounters by
by the infamous Nash Bonegnaw, an oni who once led building out the rest of the campus with classrooms,
a crew of murderers for hire known as the Bonegnaw laboratories, and places where students can safely
Assassins Guild. After losing all his lackeys to do- practice magic and engage in mock duels.
gooder adventurers, Nash went into hiding at the You can use the following hooks to integrate this
academy, killing and taking the place of the school’s lair into your campaign, whether as part of a longer
founder and dean. adventure or as the focus of a single play session:
Korrington Sorcerer Academy is a secluded • The characters foil an assassination attempt by a
compound where young sorcerers learn to control their Bonegnaw guild member. After capturing the culprit,
often-wild magic. The dean’s cozy house is now the they learn the location of a guild stronghold, which
headquarters for Nash Bonegnaw’s revived criminal leads them to another stronghold, and so on. The
characters clear out each stronghold until the only • The exterior walls of the cottage are smooth marble,
one left is Nash’s secret lair in Korrington’s cottage. and cannot be climbed without the aid of equipment
(In this setup, the characters are the adventurers who or magic.
drove Nash into hiding.) • The wooden doors of the cottage have AC 15, 18 hit
• The friend of a professor at the academy asks the points, and immunity to poison and psychic damage.
characters to check in with the academic, who has A locked door can be picked with a successful DC 15
suddenly stopped sending letters. At the academy, Dexterity check using thieves’ tools, or forced open
Nash as Professor Korrington tells the characters with a successful DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check.
that the professor went missing some time ago, but • The windows of the cottage do not open, and are
clues found during the characters’ investigation made of opaque frosted glass. Each window has AC
indicate that the faculty member got mixed up with 11, 3 hit points, and immunity to poison and psychic
the Bloodhand Assassins, a rival guild and enemy of damage. Breaking a window draws the attention of
the Bonegnaws. In the stronghold of the Bloodhand any creatures on the same floor of the cottage, and
Assassins, the characters find no sign of the missing could draw the attention of any number of guards
professor, but learn that the Bonegnaws operate out from the academy grounds.
of the academy. The characters find enough evidence
to piece together that Nash misled them to harm his BONEGNAW SORCERERS
enemy, and that the missing teacher died at the oni’s The students in the cottage when the characters arrive
hands. are all young adults with darkness in their souls, who
• The characters come to the academy hoping to visit Nash has recruited to rebuild his assassins’ guild. In
an NPC teacher friend. But the teacher is missing, addition to their spellcasting talents, these students
and the characters learn that their friend was have been trained by the oni in the arts of stealth and
supposed to meet with Professor Korrington at the deception. Whenever you see a bold reference to a
cottage shortly after the last time they were seen. Bonegnaw sorcerer, use the spy stat block with the
following changes:
APPROACHING THE COTTAGE • The Bonegnaw sorcerer’s alignment is neutral evil,
As the characters approach Korrington’s cottage, read and they can speak, write, and understand Common.
or paraphrase the following to set the scene: • They gain the following trait:
Spellcasting. The Bonegnaw sorcerer is a 5th-level spellcaster.
The cottage residence of Korrington Sorcerer Their spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 13, +5
to hit with spell attacks). They have the following sorcerer
Academy’s founder, Professor Liben Korrington, is
spells prepared:
a circular building with a domed top. Two towers
At will: mage hand, minor illusion, ray of frost, shocking grasp
poke out of the top of the dome, with the south spire 1st level (4 slots): disguise self, expeditious retreat, mage armor
standing one story taller than the north spire. 2nd level (3 slots): invisibility, suggestion
3rd level (2 slots): lightning bolt

The characters can enter the cottage through its front • A Bonegnaw sorcerer has a challenge rating of 2 (450
door, by breaking its windows, or by climbing 20 XP).
feet up the side of the building and entering area K6 As long as Nash maintains his cover and the
through the canvas-covered hole in the ceiling. See characters remain in areas K1 or K3, the Bonegnaw
“Cottage Features” below for information on all those sorcerer students working for the oni treat the
approaches. characters with respect, answering questions about
the school and its staff with polite disinterest. With a
COTTAGE FEATURES successful DC 15 Wisdom (Insight) check, a character
The areas of the cottage have the following general can tell that the students are hiding something.
features: A successful DC 17 Charisma (Deception or
• Rooms in the cottage are 10 feet high, with 8-foot-
high doorways connecting them. Though a halfling
lived here, Liben Korrington often entertained larger Nash’s Cover
visitors. The setup of the initial encounters assumes that the
• Unless otherwise noted, all areas are brightly lit by characters do not already know that Nash masquerades as
magically glowing glass angel ornaments that hang Liben. If the characters already know the oni’s true identity
from the ceiling on wires. and come in spoiling for a fight, Nash’s allies immediately

Diana Muñoz
Intimidation) check can force a student to reveal the invites the characters into his office (area K2) and acts
true identity of the oni, the truth behind the missing as described in the “Nash Bonegnaw” section.
professors, and information about the cottage’s layout. If combat breaks out in this area, the invisible stalker
If the students realize the characters mean to do and the Bonegnaw sorcerers in areas K2 and K3 come
Nash harm, or if they catch the characters in the to investigate.
cottage outside of areas K1 or K3, they attack. Each
Bonegnaw sorcerer fights until reduced to 10 hit points K2. KORRINGTON’S OFFICE
or fewer, then flees. While they fight, the Bonegnaw The door to Korrington’s office is locked (see “Cottage
sorcerers cast suggestion to turn characters against their Features” above). Characters who enter see a stone
friends, and stay close in melee to take advantage of desk with multiple drawers at the center of the room,
their Sneak Attack trait. A successful DC 19 Charisma set with an overstuffed chair sized for a halfling,
(Intimidation or Persuasion) check made as an action and with two green couches facing it. A marble bust
convinces one student to stand down for 1 round. A depicting an angelic face sits on the desk, and a closet
second successful check made as an action convinces door stands closed in the northwest corner of the
the student to flee. room.
In addition to what can be seen, an invisible stalker
KORRINGTON’S COTTAGE keeps watch in the office. If any creature except Nash
The following encounter areas are keyed to the map of Bonegnaw or any of the Bonegnaw sorcerers touches
Nash Bonegnaw’s lair. the bust or the desk, this guardian immediately attacks.
The invisible stalker fights until destroyed.
K1. ENTRANCE FOYER If a fight breaks out in this room, the Bonegnaw
Stone benches sitting beneath iron cloak hooks sorcerers in areas K1 and K3 come to investigate.
line the walls of this chamber. A portrait depicting ANGEL BUST
Professor Korrington in a cap and gown hangs on A detect magic spell reveals that the angel bust radiates
the west wall, beneath which sit Elith and Terwa, two an aura of divination magic. Any creature that touches
human Bonegnaw sorcerers posing as the professor’s the bust must make a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw,
The pair greet the characters and tell them that
Professor Korrington is busy at the moment. The James’s Thoughts: Invisible Frustration
students then invite the characters to wait in the
A lot of groups enjoy encounters with creatures such as
foyer. If they wait, have each character make a DC 22 invisible stalkers, and with spellcasters who make use of
Wisdom (Perception) check every 10 minutes. On a the greater invisibility spell. But if characters lack the ability
success, a character hears muffled screaming coming to counter the invisible condition, a battle against always-
from above (see area K7). If the characters wait for an invisible foes can quickly slog to the point of tedium. If your
hour, Nash Bonegnaw enters the room disguised as group isn’t enjoying a battle with an invisible enemy, have
Professor Korrington. Having just absorbed Marcus the next hit kill the creature or cause a spellcaster to lose
Vergenbliss’s life essence, Nash is empowered (see concentration to speed things up.
area K8 and the “Nash Bonegnaw” section below). He
taking 22 (4d10) psychic damage on a failed save.
On a success, the creature establishes a telepathic Protective Wards on Students
connection to a deva named Elissias, who lives on one Although the Bonegnaw sorcerers are all adults, they
of the celestial planes. A creature that can speak and are on the younger side, and some players might feel
understand Celestial automatically succeeds on the uncomfortable engaging in lethal combat against them. At
saving throw. (Nash knows what the bust does but has your discretion, while on the school grounds, all students
never touched it, as celestials disgust him.) of Korrington Academy have a protective ward placed on
Elissias is surprised when contacted through the them, preventing them from dying in case their spells get out
of control and they harm themselves or other students.
bust, saying that she has not heard from her friend
Whenever a Bonegnaw sorcerer is reduced to 0 hit points,
Professor Korrington in months. The angel gave the
they are knocked unconscious and automatically stabilized.
professor the bust years before, as a reward for freeing Under the scrutiny of the detect magic spell, each warded
her from imprisonment at the hands of a devil named student radiates an aura of abjuration magic. The magical
Zeezilbub. She tells the characters that Korrington used resources needed to maintain this protective ward mean
to check in every day, and she is worried about him. He that faculty and visitors are not under its protection. School
mostly asked her questions about the Outer Planes, but budgets are tough!
would also talk about how proud of his students and
staff he was.
The 10-foot-high closet to the northwest is empty, but The cottage’s immaculate kitchen features a large island
a successful DC 13 Intelligence (Investigation) check counter, an oven, a stove, and cabinets lining the walls.
made to inspect the interior notes a secret trapdoor One of the cabinets radiates an aura of transmutation
that swings down from the ceiling. A successful DC 17 magic to a detect magic spell, and has an interior kept
Intelligence (Investigation) check made to inspect the magically cold to preserve food. Opening the cupboard
trapdoor can tell that a heavy object is set on its top reveals the heads of the three human cooks who once
side. worked in the kitchen, staring out. (Nash killed and
That object is a lead bucket filled with acid. A butchered the unfortunate cooks, then stored their
creature that opens the secret door without being remains here to snack on.)
aware of the bucket must make a DC 15 Dexterity A trapdoor in the north part of the room opens to
saving throw, taking 33 (6d10) acid damage on a failed reveal a ladder leading down to area K5.
save, or half as much damage on a successful one. A
10-foot-long folding ladder built into the top of the
secret trapdoor lowers when it is opened, leading up Characters coming through the trapdoor in area K4
into area K7. descend a ladder into this cellar. Wine racks filled
with bottles line the walls of this room. Tellar Flegon,
K3. DINING ROOM a drunk Bonegnaw sorcerer is asleep on the dirt floor
A rectangular table made of dark wood stands at when the characters arrive here, hugging an empty
the center of the room, surrounded by twelve plush bottle.
chairs. Group portraits of various Korrington Sorcerer If woken from his slumber by a gentle shake or a
Academy staff throughout the years hang on the walls, loud noise, Tellar doesn’t react like other students. His
and a spiral staircase to the south leads up. first response is to yell for help, but the students in area
One Bonegnaw sorcerer per character sits at the K3 know that he’s been drinking and ignore his initial
table, all talking in hushed tones as they pretend to cries. If he continues shouting for 2 or more rounds,
study magic theory. In truth, they are whispering about the students come running. A successful DC 17
the latest victim captured by Nash Bonegnaw (see area Charisma (Deception or Persuasion) check gets Tellar
K8), which can be overheard by any character who to stop shouting for help and causes him to break down
succeeds on a DC 17 Wisdom (Perception) check. crying.
If combat breaks out in this room, the Bonegnaw The drunk student (treat him as poisoned) regrets
sorcerers and the invisible stalker in areas K1 and K2 taking part in capturing faculty members for Nash, and
come to investigate. a follow-up successful DC 17 Charisma (Deception
The spiral staircase leads up to a closed door and area or Persuasion) check convinces him to spill what he
K6. knows. Tellar is aware of who Nash is, what the oni’s
plans are, and the layout of the cottage. He is too
scared to stand against the oni, though, and begs the

characters to let him hide out in the cellar if they talk K7. READING ROOM
about moving against Nash.
A trapdoor in the closet ceiling of area K2 leads to
K6. OBSERVATORY what was once Professor Korrington’s reading room.
The place is now a grim repository for the bodies of
This tower room features a domed ceiling with a
Nash Bonegnaw’s victims.
10-foot-radius opening covered by a canvas attached
to iron hooks. A door set into what appears to be a
freestanding closet opens to a spiral staircase that leads A stench of rot permeates this library. Ten humanoid
down to area K3. corpses, all missing their eyes and showing gray,
A 15-foot-long brass telescope on a gimbal stands shriveled skin, are propped up against the book-
tilted at the center of the room, set next to four plush laden shelves that line the walls. Muffled moans come
chairs (one sized for a halfling). Professor Korrington from a well-dressed middle-aged human lying at
once used the telescope to observe the heavens by the bottom of the room’s spiral staircase, gagged and
night, employing the mage hand spell to pull the canvas bound.
back. Nash has since turned the telescope into an
instrument of destruction. The corpses are the professorial victims of Nash
DANGEROUS MAGES Bonegnaw’s power-absorbing ritual. A character
Venica Tellwith and Mortia Gonish, two human who examines the bodies and succeeds on a DC 15
teaching assistants working for Nash, are sitting in Intelligence (Arcana) or Wisdom (Medicine) check
the chairs when the characters arrive, debating which determines that the corpses have been magically
faculty member to abduct for the oni next. If they drained of their life essence.
notice the characters, they activate the telescope (see The spiral staircase in this room leads up to area K8.
“Telescope Trap” below) and flee to the first floor of THE PROFESSOR’S STORY
the cottage, casting the arcane lock spell on the door The captive on the floor is Professor Horace
behind them. They then attempt to rally any allies they Vergenbliss, a lawful good human who uses the mage
can to area K2, where they prepare to make a final stat block with the following changes:
stand against the characters. • He has 5 hit points remaining.
Venica and Mortia use the mage stat block with the • He has an Intelligence score of 12 (+1).
following changes: • He has a Charisma score of 17 (+3), and Charisma is
• Their alignment is chaotic evil, and they can speak, his spellcasting modifier.
write, and understand Common. • He has no spell slots remaining.
• Each has the arcane lock spell prepared instead of the Horace is restrained by two pairs of manacles, each
suggestion spell. of which can be unlocked with a key Nash carries
• Each has an Intelligence score of 12 (+1). or a successful DC 20 Dexterity check using thieves’
• Each has a Charisma score of 17 (+3), and Charisma tools. However, if any character approaches Horace,
is their spellcasting modifier. he shakes his head frantically and thrusts his bound
TELESCOPE TRAP hands forward. The professor knows Nash cast the
A detect magic spell reveals that the telescope radiates glyph of warding spell on the cloth gag in his mouth.
an aura of transmutation magic. When any creature If a creature other than Nash or Horace touches the
touches the telescope, it spins in a wild blur in its gag, the glyph triggers an explosive runes effect that
gimbal for 1 round and turns red hot. The following deals thunder damage (save DC 15). The sound of the
round on initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), explosion draws the attention of Nash if he is in area
the telescope flies off the gimbal and bounces around K8, inspiring the oni to turn invisible but remain in
the chamber. Each creature in the room must succeed that area.
on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or take 16 (3d10) If Horace’s hands are freed, he removes the gag safely
bludgeoning damage and 16 (3d10) fire damage. The himself, thanks the characters, and shakily tells what he
telescope repeats this action for a total of 3 rounds. knows:
On its initiative in the fourth round after it was • Professor Korrington is actually an oni in disguise,
activated, the telescope explodes in a burst of fiery who has been kidnapping and draining the power
brass shards. Each creature in the chamber must make from sorcerer professors through a dark ritual.
a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 22 (4d10) • Horace learned this after the oni and several of the
piercing damage and 22 (4d10) fire damage on a failed academy’s students broke into the professor’s campus
save, or half as much damage on a successful one. cottage and captured him and his husband, Marcus.

After dragging both to this area, the oni took great professor’s life essence has already begun. Each round
delight in telling Marcus and Horace how he had on initiative count 0 (losing initiative ties), the runes
already drained several other members of the faculty, drawn in blood on the walls flare with light, and
while showing off their corpses. each humanoid in the chamber must make a DC 15
• If the characters waited for Professor Korrington Constitution saving throw, taking 5 (1d10) necrotic
and have already met Nash (see area K1), Horace damage per active symbol on a failed save, or half as
tearfully tells them that Marcus is dead. If the much damage on a successful one. If a creature dies as
characters did not wait, Horace tells them that the a result of taking this damage, Nash regains hit points
oni took Marcus upstairs to perform the ritual, and up to his hit point maximum and becomes empowered
begs the characters to rescue his husband. (see below).
If Horace regains at least 20 hit points and is given a Each symbol radiates an aura of necromancy magic
dagger, a quarterstaff, a light crossbow, or a magic item under the scrutiny of a detect magic spell. A creature
he can use, he joins the characters to try to get Marcus that assesses the symbols with a successful DC 15
back (or to take revenge). Intelligence (Arcana) check knows that a symbol can
be destroyed with a dispel magic spell or by dealing 15
K8. BEDROOM radiant damage to it.
The spiral staircase in area K7 leads up to this room. If Marcus dies, the ritual continues as Nash tries to
Nash Bonegnaw has converted Professor Liben draw the life essence from one of the characters.
Korrington’s sunny bedchamber into a dark place of
grisly sacrifice. NASH BONEGNAW
Nash Bonegnaw uses the oni stat block with the
A red glow pulses from six arcane symbols drawn on following changes:
the walls in blood, lighting this grim bedchamber. • He has 169 (19d10 + 57) hit points.
The air smells of iron, and heavy black curtains are • His Charisma score is 18 (+4), giving him a +7 bonus
pulled across the room’s windows to blot out the sky to Charisma saving throws, a +10 bonus to Charisma
beyond. Across from the staircase, a bed fixed with (Deception) checks, and making his spell save DC 15
for his Innate Spellcasting trait.
chains stands in shadow.
• Three times per day, when Nash fails a saving throw,
he can choose to succeed instead.
Unless the characters waited to talk to Professor
• He deals an extra 7 (2d6) necrotic damage when he
Korrington (see area K1), Nash Bonegnaw is here. If
hits with a melee weapon attack.
the characters waited for the oni or took a short or long
• He has a challenge rating of 8 (3,900 XP).
rest while exploring the cottage and before coming to
this room, the corpse of Marcus Vergenbliss is chained How Nash reacts to the characters depends on
to the bed, and Nash has drained Marcus’ life essence how they meet him. If they wait for him in area
(see “Nash Empowered” below). If they did not, then K1, he enters in the guise of the cheerful Professor
Marcus is alive. He is a neutral good human who uses Korrington. He invites them into his office and talks
the mage stat block with the following changes: with them for a few minutes while his followers in
areas K1, K3, and K6 gather outside the door. They
• He has an Intelligence score of 12 (+1).
then storm inside, battling the characters en masse
• He has a Charisma score of 17 (+3), and Charisma is
alongside the oni.
his spellcasting modifier.
If Nash encounters the characters in area K8, he is in
• He has no spell slots remaining.
his oni form. Read the following when the characters
Marcus is restrained by the manacles chained to the first see him:
bed. The manacles can be unlocked with a key Nash
carries or a successful DC 20 Dexterity check using
A creature with thin, greasy white hair, unnatural
thieves’ tools. If freed, Marcus stands against the oni
blue skin, sickly yellow eyes, and stubby horns grins
with the characters, making use of any weapons or
magic items that can be offered to him (see the note for at you. This monster is the size of an ogre and reeks
Horace in area K7). of rot, muscles rippling as it flexes clawed hands.

If Nash is in the bedroom and Marcus is alive when FIGHTING NASH
the characters enter, the oni’s ritual to consume the While battling the characters, Nash laughs, telling them
that their power will be his—“Just like Korrington and

the rest.” The oni fights until reduced to 30 hit points or • Give Nash’s teaching assistants 72 hit points, or let
fewer, then attempts to flee. them use the archmage stat block.
Nash holds a special magic item—a sparkling blue • Make Nash a powerful dragon or a fiend of your
celestial gem stolen from Professor Korrington. Any choice, with the oni’s Change Shape action.
character who holds the gem can use a bonus action • Use the planetar or solar stat block for Ariscrissem.
to break it, causing a deva named Ariscrissem to To reduce the difficulty of the lair, consider any of the
appear. The deva serves the creature that broke the following options:
gem faithfully for 1 hour or until that creature dies. • Give Nash’s Bonegnaw sorcerers the acolyte stat
Ariscrissem gave the gem to Professor Korrington as block, or set up that they have already expended their
thanks for his aid on a quest, and Nash uses it as soon 3rd-level spell slots.
as a battle starts. • Use the druid or priest stat block for Nash’s teaching
Ariscrissem does as the oni orders, but any character assistants.
who succeeds on a DC 13 Wisdom (Insight) check can • Give Nash 110 hit points, or use the doppelganger or
tell that the deva abhors following Nash’s commands. If night hag stat block for him.
the characters kill Nash before defeating Ariscrissem, • Make Ariscrissem a couatl or a unicorn.
the deva helps them rout any other servants of Nash
from the cottage, then rewards them with treasure (see EXPANDING THIS LAIR
below). You can expand this lair by building on or modifying
NASH EMPOWERED any number of the hooks found within it:
If Nash successfully absorbed Marcus Vergenbliss’s life • Nash didn’t kill Professor Liben Korrington, instead
essence because the characters waited before facing trading the sorcerer to devils in exchange for a pile of
him (see area K1), or if any character is reduced to 0 hit gold. The professor is now trapped on another plane,
points by Nash’s ritual (see area K8), Nash undergoes but the characters can follow a contract Nash left
the following changes: behind to find Korrington’s fiendish jailers.
• Impressed by the characters’ defeat of Nash, Elissias
• His Regeneration trait allows him to regain 20 hit
or Ariscrissem ask them to serve as agents of the
points at the start of each of his turns if he has at least
celestials in the Material Plane. Either deva can
1 hit point.
give the characters quests hunting fiends, rescuing
• The extra damage he deals with his melee weapon
celestials, and protecting the innocent.
attacks increases to 14 (4d6) necrotic damage.
• With Professor Korrington and many other
• He has a challenge rating of 9 (5,000 XP).
educators gone from the academy, the remaining
staff members ask the characters to travel to distant
lands and recruit other sorcerers to come work at the
Nash keeps a purse on his belt holding 5,000 gp. If
school. Alternatively, the characters might be tasked
Ariscrissem is not destroyed by the characters, the deva
with recovering diamonds of suitable value to be
gives them a ring of shooting stars and a tiny unicorn
used as spell components for the resurrection spell,
statuette carved of diamond (worth 1,250 gp) for
allowing the murdered staff members to be brought
destroying Nash.
back to life.
You can adjust the difficulty of this lair in a number of
different ways. For more difficult encounters, consider
any of the following options:
• Give Nash’s Bonegnaw sorcerers the mage stat block,
letting them focus on magic rather than melee.

Victor Leza Moreno

alathorr, a mighty aboleth once worshiped as sea cave. All was a tireless limbo for the kraken until
a god, has begun to rebuild their humanoid Calathorr found Xarsilthaal’s prison.
cult thanks to clever planning and a stroke of The amber encasing Xarsilthaal draws off the kraken’s
luck. If all goes well, the aboleth will enslave energy, keeping the titan weak—but serving as a source
an army of followers even grander than their previous of power that Calathorr has learned to tap into. The
cult—by drawing on the energy of a captive kraken. aboleth uses the stored energy to broadcast psychic
This lair is optimized for four to five 10th-level messages to nearby humanoids, drawing victims to the
characters. sea cave with empty promises of treasure and power.
When the humanoids arrive, the aboleth enslaves them,
BACKGROUND then sends them out to capture more thralls.
Millennia ago, humanoids bowed to the aboleth
Calathorr, believing the alien aberration to be their god INTEGRATING THIS LAIR
and creator. Then the true gods revealed themselves The sea cave that serves as Calathorr’s lair and
and drove the aboleth into the depths. Calathorr Xarsilthaal’s prison can be in any ocean environment
wandered the seas, ruling small islands and enslaving you choose. It might be just off the coast or hundreds
sailors on passing ships. But always, these new subjects of miles out to sea, hidden in the depths. The water’s
would eventually bore the aberration, who wanted to surface above the cave entrance could be home
wield the full power of a god once more. to dozens or even hundreds of ships—both those
Recently, luck delivered Calathorr exactly what they abandoned by the humanoids drawn to the aboleth’s
needed to build a new thrall legion. When the gods service, and those used by the aberration’s now-loyal
revealed themselves, the aboleth wasn’t the only being forces to make their raids.
chased into the deep. The great kraken Xarsilthaal You can use the following hooks to integrate this
refused to be cowed, so the gods imprisoned the titan lair into your campaign, whether as part of a longer
in an enormous amber gem hidden at the bottom of a adventure or as the focus of a single play session:
• The aboleth’s humanoid servants raid seaside
settlements, hauling off victims to join their ranks. Greatest Desires
The characters get caught up in stopping these raids, The aboleth’s Probing Telepathy trait allows the aberration
and eventually track down Calathorr to the sea cave. to learn a creature’s greatest desires. Before running this lair,
• Calathorr’s use of Xarsilthaal’s energy to widely have each player write down their character’s greatest desire
transmit telepathic messages allows the kraken to slip on a piece of paper or in a text message, and send it to you
a secret message to the characters, taking the form in secret. You will use these desires when the characters face
of prophetic dreams that tell when and where the Calathorr in area G3.
aboleth’s thralls will attack. If the characters fight the
aboleth’s forces, Xarsilthaal reaches out again to give
The heavy boulder blocks the entrance to area G1. A
them clues about the aboleth’s location.
character who examines the boulder and succeeds on
• Mik Turmley (see area G2) could be set up as a
a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check notices that its
friend to the characters, or his family or friends
stony surface is actually gray, and that its black color
could beseech the characters to help search for him.
comes from a fungus that grows over it. A character
The characters learn that Mik talked about hearing
who succeeds on a DC 15 Intelligence (Nature) check
voices telling him to sail to the sea cave, before taking
knows that the fungus is called sea bile, that it is
his keelboat, the Lollygagger, and going missing. The
poisonous to the touch, and that lightning instantly
characters find the Lollygagger anchored near the site
kills it.
of the cave.
Any creature that touches the fungus with bare skin
BREATHING AND MOVING (including creatures that touch the boulder before the
fungus is cleared from it) must succeed on a DC 15
The design of this lair assumes that the characters have
Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1 hour.
ways to breathe and move freely underwater. If they
While poisoned this way, the creature is also blinded.
don’t, the players should be made aware that surviving
Fungus covers the boulder on all sides except its
the lair will be far more difficult.
bottom, which is how Calathorr and their forces move
If you’re using this lair as part of a longer adventure,
the boulder while within the lair. If the boulder takes
make sure the characters understand that the lair
any lightning damage, all of the fungus instantly dies.
is beneath the waves, and that they have a chance
to prepare the proper spells and equipment before CALATHORR’S FORCES
diving into danger. If you’re using this lair as a surprise
Calathorr’s servants are all under the effect of the
development or for a single session of play, consider
aboleth’s Enslave action (which the aberration can
giving the characters a spell scroll of water breathing or
use at will in the lair). As such, none of those servants
a few potions of water breathing.
can take reactions. Each also suffers from a disease
A swimming speed isn’t necessary to navigate the
that allows them to breathe underwater, thanks to the
lair, but it makes doing so easier. Any characters
aboleth’s tentacle attack (see the aboleth stat block
without a swimming speed move more slowly and
for more details). Since Calathorr is empowered by a
have disadvantage on most weapon attacks, as per
kraken’s energy, they are also able to give each enslaved
the game’s core rules. Magic items such as the cloak of
creature in the lair a swimming speed equal to its
the manta ray or the ring of swimming can counteract
walking speed if they do not already have a swimming
these penalties, and might be obtained from NPC allies
speed. Unless otherwise noted, the aboleth’s servants
who are willing to trade or lend what they have, or as
never show any emotion and rarely speak.
advance rewards from NPCs who have an interest in
Thanks to Calathorr’s enhanced power, the aboleth’s
the characters undertaking this dangerous quest.
forces do not get to make a saving throw against the
charmed condition of the aberration’s Enslave action
when they take the damage. The charmed condition
No matter where you place the sea cave, the characters
can be removed only by magic such as the lesser
should have undertaken some amount of swimming,
restoration spell, or by killing the aboleth or breaking
diving, or traversing undersea tunnels to get there. As
Xarsilthaal’s prison. If the characters end the charmed
the characters approach the cave, read or paraphrase
condition on a servant, that servant tells the characters
the following:
what they know of the lair, then flees. Humanoid
creatures can be convinced to stay and battle the
Dim green light leaks out around a black boulder in aboleth with a successful DC 17 Charisma (Persuasion)
the stone floor, as if the heavy stone covers a hole that check.
leads to an illuminated chamber below.

A creature diseased by Calathorr’s tentacle attack characters first enter this area. The lever controls the
doesn’t gain slimy, translucent skin, thanks to the turbine, which was built by the aboleth’s thralls. As
aberration’s connection to the kraken. (This has part of its movement, a creature can move the lever up,
allowed the aboleth’s forces to go largely unnoticed as down, or back into the middle position.
they travel far and wide in search of new recruits.) When the lever is up, the turbine blades spin in a
Calathorr directs their forces telepathically to rapid blur, drawing water through them. Any creature
attack intruders, and all their servants battle to the that starts its turn in the cavern and has a swimming
death. Thanks to the energy drawn from the kraken, speed of 30 feet or less, or that is not mounted on
the aboleth can telepathically communicate with such a creature, must make a DC 13 Strength saving
more than one creature at a time. Under the aboleth’s throw. On a failure, the creature is pulled into the
direction, their servants make smart tactical choices, turbine’s blades, takes 22 (4d10) slashing damage, and
and are willing to sacrifice themselves to do as much is restrained until the start of its next turn.
damage to the characters as possible. If the turbine lever is in the middle position, the
blades don’t spin fast enough to pull creatures toward
SEA CAVE FEATURES them, but any creature that comes into contact with the
The areas of the sea cave have the following general blades for the first time on a turn, or that starts its turn
features: in contact with them, takes 11 (2d10) slashing damage.
• Cavern ceilings are 20 feet high. If the lever is down, the turbine’s blades stop
• Phosphorescent algae on the walls lights all areas spinning and can be disengaged and lifted up, allowing
with a green glow. creatures to safely pass into area G2.
• The cave is wholly underwater.
SEA CAVE This cavern features a number of 6-inch-diameter
The following encounter areas are keyed to the map of holes drilled scattershot across the floor. (These are cut
Calathorr’s lair. through the stone to connect to area G3.)
The center of the cavern floor is set with a 10-foot-wide
G1. ENTRANCE CAVE circular brass door, currently closed.
When the characters have moved the boulder and can This area is guarded by several humans in splint
see into this area, read or paraphrase the following to mail—one veteran per character—who stand near an
set the scene: enormous gray giant shark covered in battle scars.
Once the characters are in this area, they can also spot
This cavern would appear to be a natural sea cave, a tall, thin human standing against the east wall of the
its walls lined with plant life and glowing algae. room (see “Prisoner” below).
Except that its rough stone floor is dominated by an TACTICS
enormous turbine embedded into it, set with huge, The aboleth’s servants attack intruders at once. As they
slowly spinning blades. do, a mage hidden in the giant shark’s throat casts
spells against any characters it can see whenever the
shark opens its maw to attack. (The characters cannot
SHARK RIDERS see the mage initially and might think the shark is
When the characters first enter this area, the cavern is casting spells!) Each time a spell is cast, a character can
home to a number of glassy-eyed humans in leather make a DC 15 Wisdom (Perception) check, noticing
armor, who spar with each other while riding saddled the mage on a success. If the shark dies, the mage
sharks. There is one gladiator riding a hunter shark crawls from its throat and continues fighting. If the
for every two characters in the party (rounded up). mage dies, the shark swallows her.
Because all these creatures are controlled by the When this encounter begins, roll initiative for
aboleth, the sharks don’t follow the normal rules for Calathorr in area G3. If any characters move within 5
mounts, and each can take any action on its turn. feet of the floor of this chamber, the aboleth reaches up
When combat begins in this area, one of the through the holes with tentacle attacks.
gladiators pushes the turbine lever up (see below)
before joining the fray. BRASS DOOR
The door in the floor is locked by a wheel underneath
TURBINE it, accessible from area G3. A creature can force the
A lever on the east wall is automatically noticed by door open with a successful DC 20 Strength (Athletics)
any character who enters the cavern. It moves up and check made as an action. The door has AC 19, 50 hit
down, and is placed in the middle position when the points, and immunity to poison and psychic damage.
While a character tries to open the door, Calathorr
attacks from below.
Mik Turmley, a human assassin, is bound to the cavern
wall by magically hardened coral chains. Calathorr’s
thralls bound him there with his equipment at hand
after capture, and the aboleth has already used their
Enslave action to make Mik charmed. Under the
aboleth’s direction, Mik plays the part of a prisoner,
begging the characters to free him, and offering to help
them battle Calathorr.
A mundane lock on the chains can be picked with a
successful DC 15 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools,
or the chains can be broken with a successful DC 17
Strength (Athletics) check. A chain has AC 15, 27 hit
points, and immunity to poison and psychic damage.
The key to the lock is found in Calathorr’s hoard in
area G3.
Mik feigns loyalty to the party during combat, but
intentionally misses his attacks against other thralls. A
character who succeeds on a DC 18 Wisdom (Insight)
check made while watching Mik in combat knows that
the prisoner is actually under the aboleth’s control.
If not dealt with before the characters finally face the
aboleth in area G3, Mik turns against them at the start
of that fight.


Jagged, broken coral lines the walls of this cavern,

whose floor is covered with scattered piles of coins.
An enormous yellow crystal juts up from the stone
near the center of the cavern, the shadowy figure of a
horrid behemoth trapped within it.

The aboleth Calathorr dwells and plots in this chamber,

Diana Muñoz
defended by one knight in shining plate armor for
At first, Calathorr speaks with the characters, using
every two characters (rounded up). Calathorr uses the
the Probing Telepathy feature to learn each character’s
aboleth stat block with the following changes:
greatest desire. The aberration entreats the characters
• They have 216 (28d10 + 56) hit points. to help them conquer the land and sea, promising each
• A creature diseased by Calathorr’s tentacle attack character their greatest desire in return. If a desire is
doesn’t gain slimy, translucent skin, thanks to the something the aboleth is able to offer right away, such
aberration’s connection to the kraken. as the gold from their hoard (see “Treasure” below),
• Calathorr can use their Enslave action at will. they do so. Calathorr immediately uses the Enslave
The charmed condition imposed by Calathorr action on characters who accept their offer (allow
can be removed only by magic such as a lesser characters to intentionally fail the saving throw if
restoration spell, or by killing the aboleth or breaking they so choose). Characters who refuse the offer are
Xarsilthaal’s prison. Calathorr can also willingly end attacked.
the charmed condition the aboleth has imposed on
any creature. TACTICS
• Calathorr can speak telepathically to more than one If a fight breaks out, the knights try to keep the
creature at a time. characters at bay while the aboleth uses Enslave to

get as many characters to fight for them as possible, TREASURE
starting with characters focused on weapon attacks.
Calathorr’s hoard contains 3,000 gp. The fragments
If all the knights are killed and Calathorr is reduced
of amber once used to contain Xarsilthaal are worth
to 50 hit points or fewer, or if Xarsilthaal is freed (see
a total of 4,000 gp. The rod the kraken gives the
“Xarsilthaal’s Prison” below), the aboleth flees, heading
characters as a reward is a rod of lordly might.
for the open ocean.
At your discretion, Xarsilthaal can reach out ENCOUNTER DIFFICULTY
telepathically to one of the characters during this fight,
You can adjust the difficulty of this lair in a number of
promising a magic item of legendary power if the
different ways. For more difficult encounters, consider
character breaks the gem.
any of the following options:
PSYCHIC CORAL • Replace any of the human thralls with humanoids or
The coral on the walls in this area is psychically NPCs of a greater challenge rating.
connected to Calathorr’s mind. Any creature that • Replace the hunter sharks with killer whales or
touches the cavern wall for the first time on a turn, or chuuls.
that starts its turn in contact with the wall, takes 33 • Replace the giant shark with a hydra.
(6d10) psychic damage. • Replace the aboleth with a psychic storm giant,
Each round on initiative count 0 during combat a dragon turtle, or a kraken, giving any of those
(losing initiative ties), Calathorr picks one creature that creatures the aboleth’s Enslave action and the ability
isn’t charmed by the aboleth, and has the psychic coral to disease creatures with a melee attack.
create a momentary illusion of the creature’s greatest
To reduce the difficulty of the lair, consider any of the
desire. The creature must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom
following options:
saving throw or immediately move its speed into the
• Replace any of the human thralls with humanoids or
coral closest to it.
NPCs of a lower challenge rating.
XARSILTHAAL’S PRISON • Replace the hunter sharks with reef sharks and the
The amber gem holds Xarsilthaal, recognizable giant shark with a hunter shark. (In the latter event,
as a kraken with a successful DC 20 Intelligence make the mage in the shark’s mouth a halfling or
(Nature) check. A creature that touches the gem can gnome under the reduce effect of the enlarge/reduce
communicate telepathically with Xarsilthaal, and hears spell.)
the titan demand their freedom. • Replace the aboleth with a sea hag or a psychic
The gem has AC 19, 100 hit points, and immunity young green dragon, giving either creature the
to poison and psychic damage. It radiates an aura of aboleth’s Enslave action and ability to disease
abjuration magic to a detect magic spell. If the gem creatures with a melee attack.
is destroyed, it explodes outward, and all creatures
in this area except for Xarsilthaal must make a DC EXPANDING THIS LAIR
15 Dexterity saving throw, taking 33 (6d10) piercing You can expand this lair by building on or modifying
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a any number of the hooks found within it:
successful one. If the kraken is freed, the monstrosity • If the characters freed Xarsilthaal, the kraken begins
attacks Calathorr, fighting until the aboleth is killed. gathering aberration and giant allies, plotting to take
The kraken chases the aboleth through the cave, over the land and sea. As the attacks of the kraken’s
breaking apart walls and doors with ease where servants increase, people learn that the characters are
necessary. responsible for the titan’s release, and call on them to
After Calathorr dies, Xarsilthaal thanks the fix their error.
characters. The kraken then vomits forth a magical rod • Calathorr had thralls raiding seaside towns
they swallowed long ago (see “Treasure”) as a reward throughout the world. Though they are likely no
before departing for the depths. longer dominated by the aboleth, these diseased
CALATHORR’S HOARD humanoids need help if they ever want to live outside
The coins scattered across this area can be claimed the water. The characters can take to the seas to find
as treasure (see below). While scooping them up, a and heal them.
character automatically finds the key to the lock in area • If Calathorr escapes, the aboleth searches for other
G2. aboleths exiled by the gods. Instead of gathering an
army of humanoids, the aboleths raise a massive
army of chuuls that raid the land for magic items to
take back to their masters.


Victor Leza Moreno

or thousands of years, Ashtox the Howling Rage The laborers wrapped Ashtox in magic cloth that
has screamed in his sealed tomb at the former gave him an eternal undead existence as a mummy,
subjects who betrayed and imprisoned him. But then sealed the tyrant within his tomb. For thousands
the gold dragonborn mummy lord is finally free, of years, the obsidian vault stood undisturbed, but
and has begun to build an undead army that will win dragonborn local to the area would claim that if
back his lost lands and power—unless the characters one put an ear to the wall, they would hear Ashtox
can stop him. screaming in anger and pounding his fists against the
This lair is optimized for four to five 12th-level stones of the tomb. In time, Ashtox broke through
characters. those walls, and the undead tyrant’s servants now
abduct dragonborn in the night, turning them into
BACKGROUND lesser mummies as punishment for their sin of not
The despotic gold dragonborn warlord known freeing him. With plans afoot to build an undead army,
as Ashtox the Howling Rage yearned for a grand Ashtox is ready to resume conquering the world.
monument honoring him to be constructed during
his lifetime, forcing his subjects to build a massive INTEGRATING THIS LAIR
obsidian tomb that would eventually house his You can place Ashtox’s tomb near any settlement of
remains. The dragonborn cared little for the safety of dragonborn in your campaign world, and can decide
the laborers, pushing them to build ever faster, and whether the mummy lord breached the tomb with
the construction of the grand wonder cost the lives of his own power, or as the result of natural disaster or
hundreds. When the tomb was completed, the laborers outside intervention. By the time the characters travel
rioted, killing Ashtox and his army. But for those who to the tomb to face the mummy lord, they might
overthrew him, death was not enough punishment for find nearby settlements destroyed, and crawling with
the warlord. dragonborn mummies and other undead that serve
You can use the following hooks to integrate this The Draconic carving on the stone block reads: “Here
lair into your campaign, whether as part of a longer screams the restless form of Ashtox the Howling Rage,
adventure or as the focus of a single play session: a cruel tyrant who deserves a fate worse than death.”
• Ashtox has already built a significant army, and If the characters haven’t already learned the history
his mummy-led forces have conquered numerous of Ashtox from another source, a successful DC 15
settlements. The characters have fought against those Intelligence (History) check allows a character to recall
undead, routing them out of every location and the lore.
driving them back to the tomb, where the warlord
prepares to make his final stand. TOMB MUMMIES
• The characters are friends with the members of an Ashtox is served by dragonborn mummies within
elite unit of dragonborn soldiers. When a number the tomb, which inherit some of the traits of their
of those soldiers begin to go missing one by one, the living forms. Whenever you see a bold reference to a
survivors ask the characters for protection. After dragonborn mummy, use the mummy stat block with
a series of encounters defending the troops from the following change: A dragonborn mummy does
dragonborn mummies, the characters track the not have vulnerability to fire damage, but instead has
undead back to the tomb. resistance to fire damage.
• A dragonborn NPC the characters know asks them
to investigate the disappearance of several friends TOMB FEATURES
from a settlement close to the tomb. Clues lead the The areas of the tomb have the following general
characters to the site, and the revelation that the features:
tomb has been opened. • Ceilings in the tomb are 15 feet high, with 8-foot-
• Venotriss, a young green dragon, has been attacking high doorways connecting areas.
elven settlements in a forest near the tomb. After • The interior doors are well-hinged stone slabs that
fighting the servants of the green dragon, the open easily.
characters track Venotriss but discover only an • The interior is dark.
empty lair. However, clues point toward the tomb as • A horrible stench of death and decay fills the tomb.
the place where the dragon might be found. Each time a creature enters a new area of the tomb, it
must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw
APPROACHING THE TOMB or be poisoned for 1 minute. A creature that succeeds
As the characters approach the tomb, read or on this saving throw does not need to make it again
paraphrase the following to set the scene: for another 24 hours.

A weathered, twenty-foot-tall obsidian statue of a ASHTOX’S TOMB

screaming dragonborn swinging a massive sword The following encounter areas are keyed to the map of
stands atop a beveled building shaped of the same the mummy lord’s lair.
shining black stone. The only doorway into the M1. FALSE CRYPT
structure is sealed by a slab carved with faded
This chamber was originally built to deter grave
Draconic runes. However, a chill wind howls across
robbers, and is Ashtox’s first line of defense against
a hole punched through the wall on the east side intruders.
of the tomb, which is large enough for a human to
comfortably stride through. Twelve heavy stone sarcophagi, each carved with the
visage of a gold dragonborn knight, stand upright
A glyph of warding spell is placed on the wall of the
along the walls of this chamber. An octagonal dais at
tomb just north of the hole leading to area M1, and
center holds up a gold coffin with a lid carved to look
can be noticed with a successful DC 17 Intelligence
(Investigation) check. The first non-undead creature like a resting, regal dragonborn with ruby gemstones
that moves past the glyph triggers it, casting the harm for eyes.
spell (save DC 17) on that creature.
The stone block that seals the entrance to area M2 MUMMY GUARDIANS
has AC 17, 300 hit points, a damage threshold of When any character enters this area, the sarcophagi
30, and immunity to necrotic, poison, and psychic along the walls open magically, and two dragonborn
damage. It can be pulled or pushed from the entrance mummies for every member of the party emerge to
with a successful DC 30 Strength (Athletics) check. attack. When enough mummies have been destroyed

that the characters outnumber the mummies, the
mummy closest to the gold coffin tries to open it.
A character proficient with jeweler’s tools or who
succeeds on a DC 15 Intelligence (Investigation) check
recognizes that the coffin is not actually gold but pyrite,
a mineral that looks like gold but is worth far less. The
detect magic spell reveals that the ruby eyes in the lid
radiate auras of evocation magic, and that the base of
the coffin radiates an aura of conjuration magic. When
a non-undead creature touches one of the rubies, it
explodes to create the effect of a fireball spell (save DC
17) centered on itself.
A creature that can reach the coffin can lift its
lightweight lid as an action. When the coffin opens, the
magic in its base creates the effect of an insect plague
spell (save DC 17), conjuring a locust swarm that
erupts from inside the coffin. This swarm centers on
the nearest non-undead creature.


Covered in faded gold paint, the enormous stone head
of a gold dragon is built into the north wall of this hall.
A detect magic spell reveals that the head radiates an
aura of illusion magic.
When any non-undead creature enters this area, the
head magically animates to speak in Draconic, calling
out, “You dare enter the tomb of Ashtox the Howling
Rage? Violators! Robbers! Unworthy! May your senses
betray you, just as you have forsaken the demigod
Each non-undead creature in the chamber when
the dragon speaks must succeed on a DC 13 Wisdom
saving throw or be cursed. While cursed in this way,
the creature’s eyes constantly weep blood. Whenever
a cursed creature targets an enemy with an attack and
that enemy is within 5 feet of one or more of the cursed
creature’s allies, roll any die. If the number rolled is

Elven Tower
odd, the cursed creature targets one of its allies with surgical tools. The cage holds four bruised and gagged
the attack instead, as chosen by the GM. gold dragonborn, while a screaming gold dragonborn
The curse can be removed with the remove curse spell is strapped to the table, their body scoured by green,
or similar magic. crackling energy.
Ashtox turned this area into a prison and a mummy- When Ashtox was finally freed from his tomb, he
making workshop. Shelves and racks along the walls raised the spirit of one of his advisors, Malish Kanda,
hold equipment and surgical tools. A table set with from the dead. Now a wraith, she oversees undead
leather binding straps stands to the north, and a servants consisting of two dragonborn mummies plus
10-foot-square iron cage stands in the southwest one more dragonborn mummy per character.
When the characters first enter this area, an Malish and the mummies are performing a ritual to
incorporeal dragonborn spirit made of black shadow turn Furigon, the gold dragonborn commoner on the
floats about the chamber, giving orders to several table, into a mummy. If the ritual is not interrupted,
chanting mummies that hold scalpels, hooks, and other Furigon rises from the table as a dragonborn mummy
at the start of the third round of combat. A character When any creature enters slide A, B, C, or D, the
who uses an action to unstrap Furigon from the table slide targets them with a dispel magic spell as if cast
takes 21 (6d6) necrotic damage and interrupts the with a 5th-level spell slot, a precaution meant to strip
ritual. Destroying Malish also interrupts the ritual. magical defenses from intruders. Casting dispel magic
on one of the slides suppresses its own dispel magic
The iron cage’s locked door can be picked with a effect for 1 hour. Each slide ends in area M5, with the
successful DC 15 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools, ends of slides A through D blocked off by bars that
or forced open with a successful DC 20 Strength check. turn the slides into cages set within the walls. See that
The cage has AC 19, 27 hit points, and immunity area for more details.
to poison and psychic damage. A character who From below, a creature can climb up a slide with a
succeeds on a DC 14 Wisdom (Perception) check while successful DC 15 Strength (Athletics) check.
searching the room notices the key to the cage hanging M5. MUMMY LORD’S CRYPT
on a hook on the underside of the table to the north.
PRISONERS A raised dais at the center of this area holds a golden
The prisoners, named Olvis, Tubin, Usco, and Zonks, sarcophagus whose lid has been removed and lies
are all neutral gold dragonborn commoners who were
to one side. The floor of the chamber is covered by
captured by Ashtox’s forces. Several other dragonborn
uncountable numbers of beetles, crawling over one
who were captured alongside them have already been
another to form an undulating carpet of chitin, their
turned into mummies. The dragonborn are terrified
and wish to leave the tomb immediately. horrid chittering filling the rot-pungent air.


Ashtox the Howling Rage lairs in this chamber, plotting
Five stone dragon heads jut out from the walls of his next moves under the protection of Venotriss, a
this chamber. Each head’s mouth is open as if in a green dragon Ashtox recently killed and mummified.
horrifying roar, revealing a tunnel in the wall that The gold dragonborn mummy wears shining plate
leads down into darkness. armor, his bandages falling asunder in places to reveal
shriveled, gold-scaled skin.
The stone dragon heads are carved of the same Ashtox uses the mummy lord stat block with the
obsidian as the rest of the tomb, and open up to following changes:
tunnels 3 feet wide. A detect magic spell reveals that • He has 143 (19d8 + 57) hit points.
each head except for E radiates auras of abjuration and • He speaks Common and Draconic.
necromancy magic. • Ashtox does not have vulnerability to fire damage,
When the first character enters this area, roll for but instead has resistance to fire damage.
initiative. Each round on initiative count 0 (losing • He wears a suit of +3 plate armor, giving him AC 21.
initiative ties), all the dragon heads except for E emit Venotriss uses the young green dragon stat block
a pulse of necrotic energy. Each creature in the area with the following changes:
must make a DC 17 Constitution saving throw, taking • She is undead.
44 (8d10) necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as • She has 208 hit points.
much damage on a successful one. A creature with a • She is immune to necrotic and poison damage, and
passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 15 or higher to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from
notices that head E emits no pulse of energy. nonmagical attacks.
TUNNEL SLIDES • She is immune to the charmed, frightened, paralyzed,
The 3-foot-wide tunnel in each dragon mouth and poisoned conditions, and immune to exhaustion.
opens into a long, twisting tunnel that descends into TACTICS
darkness and leads to area M5 below this chamber. A Venotriss puts herself between Ashtox and the
creature examining the slides who succeeds on a DC characters, defending her master against all threats. She
17 Intelligence (Investigation) check can tell that the uses her Poison Breath as often as possible, knowing
north slide (E) is more worn than the others, as if many that even if Ashtox is in the line of fire, he is immune
creatures have been sliding down or climbing up it. to its effect.

Ashtox starts combat casting his highest-level • For the dragonborn mummies, use the vampire
spells that deal damage at a distance, including harm, spawn or wraith stat block.
contagion, and insect plague. If any characters are • Make Malish Kanda a vampire.
trapped at the bottom of the slides, he focuses his • Have Venotriss use any adult or ancient dragon stat
efforts on them as Venotriss deals with attackers. If block.
a character enters melee with Ashtox, the mummy • Use the lich stat block for Ashtox the Howling Rage.
lord uses Multiattack to attack with his Rotting Fist To reduce the difficulty of the lair, consider any of the
and Dreadful Glare. If Ashtox cannot escape melee, following options:
he climbs on Venotriss’s back, riding the dragon like a • Use the ghoul or zombie stat block for the
mount to try to keep himself out of characters’ melee dragonborn mummies.
reach. Both mummies fight until destroyed. • Make Malish Kanda a ghast or specter.
BARRED SLIDES • Have Venotriss use the stat block of a young black
If the characters come down to this area from area M4 dragon, a young white dragon, or any dragon
by way of slides A through D, a hinged grate of bars wyrmling.
at the end of each of those slides leaves them caged. • Use the mummy, vampire, wight, or wraith stat
Creatures on one side of the bars have half cover from block for Ashtox.
attacks made from the opposite side.
Each set of bars has AC 19, 50 hit points, and EXPANDING THIS LAIR
immunity to necrotic, poison, and psychic damage. The You can expand this lair by building on or modifying
bars are locked but can be opened with a successful DC any number of the hooks found within it:
17 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools, or forced open • Ashtox wasn’t working alone, having courted the
with a successful DC 22 Strength check. favor of a dragonborn lich named Korixas. With
BEETLE SWARM Ashtox’s destruction, Korixas absorbs the rest of
Whenever a non-undead creature starts its turn Ashtox’s army into her own and plans to continue the
touching the floor in this area (but not while standing mummy lord’s work.
on the dais that holds the sarcophagus), it must • A group of people who celebrated the return of
succeed on a DC 14 Dexterity (Acrobatics) check Ashtox and a renewed call to conquer take up the
or take 22 (4d10) piercing damage from the beetles mummy’s cause after he dies. This band begins
covering the floor, which crawl up and into clothes and building an army to take over the land, and plots
armor to bite characters. to make an example of the characters for the sin of
The massive beetle swarm has AC 12 and 150 hit destroying Ashtox.
points. If the swarm is reduced to 75 hit points or • Tollicas, an adult green dragon and the father of
fewer, the piercing damage taken by a creature that Venotriss, seeks vengeance for his daughter’s death.
fails its Dexterity (Acrobatics) check is reduced to 11 With Ashtox dead, Tollicas takes his anger out on
(2d10). When Ashtox dies, the beetles disperse. the settlements nearest the tomb, and it is up to the
characters to stop the dragon.
Ashtox wears a suit of +3 plate armor. His sarcophagus
contains six diamonds (worth 1,000 gp each) and
16,000 gp.

You can adjust the difficulty of this lair in a number of
different ways. For more difficult encounters, consider
any of the following options:

Nikki Dawes

hen the clouds darken and blood For hundreds of years, Delekan and Valentyne
rains down from the sky, villagers scoured the land, feeding off entire kingdoms. Delekan
and townsfolk flee, for they know that loved his patron, serving them unquestioningly. Thus,
Delekan the Bloodbathed is coming. his despair was endless when a group of adventurers
Yet they are already too late. An army of undead has stole into Valentyne’s citadel and murdered the
circled them, driving them under Delekan’s floating vampire, scattering their undead armies and bathing
black citadel, Bloodstorm. From above, the tolling of a the land in sunlight once again.
terrible bell rings out as folk are exsanguinated, their Freed from his bond to Valentyne and yet ravaged by
blood drawn up into the citadel for its terrible lord. heartbreak, Delekan surrendered himself to his own
Then the dead rise, joining Delekan’s army as they sarcophagus, hiding himself away in the mountains
march to the next town. for nearly a millennium. Then recently, a group of
This lair is optimized for four to five 14th-level tomb robbers broke into Delekan’s vault and opened
characters. his sarcophagus. A single drop of blood was enough to
awaken the husk of the giant vampire, whose rage was
BACKGROUND swift and merciless as he devoured the tomb robbers to
Delekan the Bloodbathed was once a cloud giant let their blood course through him.
warrior of the Highwinds, a formidable cloud giant Filled again with an unending hunger, Delekan called
clan. The Highwinds battled against Valentyne in favors from three liches indebted to his master,
Nightwind, an elf vampire and emperor of an undead known as the Twilight Council. With their spellcraft,
army that controlled a vast territory. Seeing Delekan’s the liches cut the giant’s citadel, known as Bloodstorm,
strength during the battles in which the giant’s clan free of the mountainside. And so Bloodstorm began
was destroyed, Valentyne spent months converting the its dark journey soaring across the land, a blood-red
cloud giant into their vampire thrall—and eventually, haze falling constantly beneath it. But when the citadel
their staunchest ally. passes over a settlement, the flow of that rain reverses
as the tolling of its dread bell cracks bodies like eggs. a setup creates a potentially expansive campaign, as
With their blood drawn up and into the citadel, the the characters must seek out and find each of these
desiccated dead rise as hungering zombie husks. Some locations if they hope to truly stop Delekan.
claim to have seen a huge bloody bird flying around If you do place the different areas of the lair in
Bloodstorm, screeching as the citadel’s death rain rises. far-flung or extraplanar locations, you’ll need to set
Then Bloodstorm and its ever-growing zombie army up—and make the players aware—that the characters
move onward, pushing toward the next settlement as will need to make use of magic to quickly travel to
the cycle continues. Delekan’s tomb after destroying the vampire’s physical
form, or risk his return.
You can use the following hooks to integrate this CITADEL FEATURES
lair into your campaign, whether as part of a longer Bloodstorm Citadel is an ancient castle set atop a
adventure or as the focus of a single play session: rock mote floating high above the ground. The rock
• Delekan’s rise might be a recent historical ­is saturated with the blood of those exsanguinated by
development as the characters reach higher the citadel’s magic, with that blood constantly raining
levels in your campaign. The characters might down again where the citadel flies. Each creature
learn that whole towns and villages are suddenly that is not undead or a construct that starts its turn
emptying, their residents vanished and never seen underneath the citadel and makes contact with the
again. Rumors speak of a storm flowing over the blood rain must make a DC 14 Constitution saving
countryside, devouring settlements in its wake. throw, taking 14 (4d6) necrotic damage on a failed
Prophecies speak of a newly risen horror—a blood- save, or half as much damage on a successful one. A
soaked cloud giant awakened from eternal slumber. creature killed by this damage rises as a zombie after
• Delekan’s citadel might be on another plane, a 1d4 rounds.
shadowy image of the mortal world into which the Regardless of their location, the three areas of the lair
characters step. These high-level adventurers could share the following general features:
learn that Delekan’s assault is taking place in this • Halls and chambers are ornately carved from black
other world, but they are obliged to stop it if they are granite.
to receive the item or information they require for • All areas are dimly lit by ruby gemstones set into the
a larger quest. It is also possible that Delekan plans walls, shedding red light.
to bring his citadel between dimensions, ready to • The halls are 20 feet wide and 25 feet tall to
devour the people of the world once he has finished accommodate Delekan’s size.
with the souls of those in the shadow realm. The citadel proper is always surrounded by black
• As part of a larger campaign, Delekan the storm clouds, and is under the effect of a permanent
Bloodbathed might be a main villain the characters forbiddance spell targeting celestial creatures (another
hope to defeat. The characters could start their gift of the liches of the Twilight Council). This prevents
adventures fighting off small groups of the undead another forbiddance spell from being cast in the lair.
formed by Delekan’s bloody citadel. Bloodstorm’s
passage could be slow, moving across the countryside FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS
to destroy a town every few months as its shambling When the citadel is over a village, Delekan rings the
zombie army grows. After fighting powerful undead dark bell in area V2 to forcefully exsanguinate all living
captains and cultists of Delekan who inspire folk to creatures underneath and around the citadel. When
give themselves willingly to death, the characters can the bell is rung, each creature that is not a construct,
travel to Delekan’s citadel and face off against the elemental, or undead within 360 feet of the floating
cloud giant vampire in his lair. castle must make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw.
On a failure, a creature takes 28 (8d6) necrotic damage
APPROACHING THE CITADEL and its hit point maximum is reduced by an amount
The three locations set up in this lair are purposefully equal to the damage taken. On a success, the creature
separated. You can join all three together as the main takes half as much damage and its hit point maximum
areas of a small dungeon by simply adding a T-shaped is not reduced. A creature killed by this damage rises
hallway between them. Or you might split them out as an undead after 1d4 rounds—either a zombie (if
in any number of ways. Each area might be part of a the creature’s hit point maximum was 20 or lower) or a
much larger Bloodstorm citadel that you fill out with wight.
numerous other chambers. Or they might be separate
locations scattered across the world or the planes. Such

BLOODSTORM CITADEL away from melee attackers. A vampire mage uses the
vampire spawn stat block with the following changes:
The following encounter areas are keyed to the map of
Delekan’s lair. • They have an Intelligence score of 18 (+4).
• They have the Spellcasting trait:
V1. OSSUARY OF VALENTYNE NIGHTWIND The vampire mage is a 9th-level spellcaster. Their spellcasting
ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 15, +7 to hit with spell
This chamber is the private ossuary of Valentyne
attacks). The mage has the following wizard spells prepared:
Nightwind, the vampire lord who created Delekan.
Cantrips (at will): fire bolt, chill touch, mage hand,
When the characters enter this area, read or paraphrase prestidigitation
the following to set the scene: 1st level (4 slots): charm person, magic missile, shield
2nd level (3 slots): misty step, scorching ray
3rd level (3 slots): counterspell, fireball, fly, lightning bolt
Ten iron-walled tombs, each decorated with the
4th level (3 slots): greater invisibility, ice storm
images of armored humanoids, line this chamber’s 5th level (1 slot): cone of cold
circular wall. A moat of flowing red blood surrounds • They have the vampire’s Misty Escape trait.
a large stepped platform in the middle of the area. On • A vampire mage has a challenge rating of 8 (3,900
a podium at the center of the platform sits a fanged XP).
humanoid skull. Any vampire knight or vampire mage reduced to 0
hit points transforms into a bloody mist and flows back
Valentyne’s spirit still lingers in the fanged skull on into their empty tomb, whose door magically closes
the podium, and the vampire’s greatest knights remain behind them. They then take their material form and
ready to defend him even in death. begin to regenerate unless destroyed.
The doors to all the iron tombs are closed. A door can The moat surrounding the central platform is filled
be opened only by forcing it with a successful DC 20 with necrotic blood. Any non-undead creature that
Strength check, revealing a vampire knight or vampire enters the blood moat for the first time on a turn or
mage within the tomb—and opening the other tombs starts its turn there must make a DC 18 Constitution
(see below). saving throw, taking 21 (6d6) necrotic damage on a
VAMPIRE KNIGHTS AND VAMPIRE MAGES failed save, or half as much damage on a successful
If any tomb is forced open, if any creature crosses the one. A vampire knight or vampire mage that starts
blood moat (including by flying or teleporting), or if their turn in the blood moat regains 20 hit points with
the skull is touched or moved, multiple tomb doors its Regeneration trait, and that trait functions even if
magically open up. From the tombs closest to the the creature took radiant damage or damage from holy
entrance, one vampire knight per character emerges to water on their previous turn.
attack. Each vampire knight uses the vampire spawn SKULL OF VALENTYNE NIGHTWIND
stat block with the following changes: During the battle with the vampire spawn, any
• They wear plate armor and have AC 18. character with a passive Wisdom (Perception)
• Each wields a blood-covered greatsword and gains score of 16 or higher notices a ghostly elven form
the following attack, which can be made as part of standing atop the stepped platform near the skull,
the vampire knight’s Multiattack action. wearing white robes, and with pale skin, black eyes,
Greatsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., and short black hair. The spirit observes the battle
one creature. Hit: 10 (2d6 + 3) slashing damage and 7 (2d6) but does not react and cannot be interacted with. If
necrotic damage.
a character approaches the skull while the vampire
• They can cast the misty step and hold person spells at knights and vampire mages still fight, those creatures
will (save DC 12). rush to defend the skull, screaming at the characters’
• A vampire knight has a challenge rating of 7 (2,900 sacrilegious actions.
XP). Valentyne Nightwind is the neutral spirit of the
At the same time the knights appear near the entrance, former elf vampire, and is immune to all damage and
the tombs farthest from the entrance open up and two effects. Though Valentyne once scoured the land killing
vampire mages emerge, attacking from range. (Use thousands of people, centuries of isolation within this
only one vampire mage if there are three or fewer vault have forced the vampire to reckon the weight of
characters in the party.) The mages use their Spider their past actions. Valentyne’s spirit has tried sharing
Climb trait to ascend the wall of the ossuary and stay their insights with Delekan when the cloud giant visits
his former master’s crypt, imploring him to give up his

Elven Tower
evil ways. However, Delekan has assumed each time characters arrive. Delekan uses the vampire stat block
that Valentyne’s spirit is his own doubt and weakness with the following changes:
speaking to him, and he pushes the idea away. • Delekan is Huge.
Valentyne’s spirit understands that Delekan must • He has 144 (13d12 + 52) hit points.
be stopped, as Valentyne was stopped, and the spirit • He has a flying speed of 60 feet.
lets the characters know of the locations of Delekan’s • He has a Strength of 27 (+8).
throne room (area V2), where the vampire giant can be • He can read, speak, and write Giant.
found, and his sarcophagus (area V3), where he can be • He has the following attacks, replacing the vampire
destroyed permanently and given peace. Valentyne can attacks of the same name:
also tell the characters about the black iron bell in area Unarmed Strike. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 10 ft.,
V2. one target. Hit: 21 (3d8 + 8) bludgeoning damage and 10 (3d6)
Valentyne’s spirit permanently haunts their skull on necrotic damage. Instead of dealing the bludgeoning damage,
the center platform, which reforms if it is destroyed. Delekan can grapple the target (escape DC 21). A grappled
target is also restrained until this grapple ends.
Eternity trapped within the skull is Valentyne’s cursed
fate for their foul deeds. Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +13 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
willing creature, or a creature that is grappled by Delekan,
V2. BLOODFOUNTAIN THRONE incapacitated, or restrained. Hit: 18 (3d6 + 8) piercing damage
and 14 (4d6) necrotic damage. The target’s hit point maximum
Even if the three parts of the lair are in different is reduced by an amount equal to the necrotic damage
locations, this part of the lair is in Delekan’s floating taken, and Delekan regains hit points equal to that amount.
sky castle. The reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest.
The target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum
to 0. A humanoid slain in this way and then buried in the
Black storm clouds rage in the open sky above this ground rises the following night as a vampire spawn under
chamber. Three areas of the floor end in a sheer drop Delekan’s control.
down to the ground, hundreds of feet below the • Delekan has the Innate Spellcasting trait:
castle. A huge throne shaped of black stone sits atop a Innate Spellcasting. Delekan’s spellcasting ability is Charisma
stepped platform on the far side of the area. (spell save DC 17, +9 to spell attacks). He can innately cast the
following spells, requiring no material components:
A central fountain is filled with blood, and
At will: detect magic, fog cloud, light, misty step
channels that foul liquid to pools at the four corners 3/day each: lightning bolt, telekinesis
of the chamber. At the center of the pool stands the 1/day each: chain lightning, control weather
statue of a giant, blood flowing from her eyes and a • Delekan does not have the vampire’s Children of
black-iron bell held in her hand. the Night action or Shapechanger trait, but has a
modified Shapechanger trait detailed below.
DELEKAN THE BLOODBATHED • He has a challenge rating of 18 (20,000 XP).
The cloud giant vampire directs the movement of DELEKAN’S END
Bloodstorm and commands his undead armies from As an action or when he drops to 0 hit points, Delekan
this chamber, and is sitting on his throne when the uses a modified vampire Shapechanger trait to
transform into a blood-dripping roc. In this form, he BELL OF THE BLACK STORM
uses the roc stat block with the following changes: The statue at the center of this area depicts Delekan’s
• He is undead. cloud giant wife before his transformation into a
• He has resistance to necrotic damage, and to vampire. The bell held by the statue is a magic relic that
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from fuels the citadel’s power to draw blood out of creatures
nonmagical attacks. on the ground below.
• Three times per day, if Delekan in roc form fails a The bell of the black storm is a legendary magic item
saving throw, he can choose to succeed instead. that requires attunement by an evil creature. When an
• In his roc form, Delekan has legendary actions: attuned creature is in the throne room and the bell is
Delekan can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the rung as an action, each creature that is not a construct,
options below. Only one legendary action option can be elemental, or undead within 360 feet of the bell has the
used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s blood drawn from its body as it flows up toward the
turn. Delekan regains spent legendary actions at the start
of his turn.
citadel. Each such creature is affected as noted in “For
Whom the Bell Tolls” above. This feature of the bell
Talons. Delekan in roc form makes one talons attack.
Fly. Delekan flies up to his speed. cannot be used again until the next dawn.
Beak (Costs 2 Actions). Delekan makes one beak attack. During the fight, Delekan rings the bell if the
• Delekan in roc form has a challenge rating of 14 characters appear to be getting the upper hand, either
(11,500 XP). manually or with his telekinesis spell. A character can
remove the bell from the statue without ringing it by
When Delekan is reduced to 0 hit points in his roc
succeeding on a DC 18 Dexterity (Sleight of Hand)
form, he turns into a bloody mist and is magically
check. A failure results in the bell ringing. If the bell
teleported to his sarcophagus in area V3. The
is successfully removed from the statue, the blood
characters must get to his sarcophagus and kill him
elementals are destroyed.
before he can regenerate.
Unless you wish it otherwise, the bell’s magic
BLOOD ELEMENTALS becomes inert when it is removed from the statue or
While in his throne room, Delekan is protected by taken from the citadel.
one blood elemental for every two characters. A blood
elemental uses the air elemental stat block, but its slam V3. DELEKAN’S TOMB
and Whirlwind attacks deal necrotic damage instead of This chamber contains Delekan’s sarcophagus, and is
bludgeoning damage. the place where the cloud giant vampire rests when not
FLOOR OPENINGS in his throne room.
The three openings around this area have no railings
or other protections, and any creature that goes over A column of blue-black smoke twists and turns in
the edge and can’t fly drops hundreds of feet to the the center of this huge chamber. Stone statues stand
ground below. If the castle is 500 feet or more in the in alcoves ahead of you, and twin stairwells lead up
air, you can give a character 1 round to attempt to to a platform on the far side of the room. Atop the
save themselves by activating any magic or ability that platform sits a huge stone sarcophagus.
might help. Otherwise, anyone falling from the castle
takes 20d6 bludgeoning damage when they hit the It is most likely that the characters arrive here shortly
ground below. after having defeated Delekan in area V2. If all three
BLOOD FOUNTAIN areas of Delekan’s lair are in one location, this chamber
Blood from Delekan’s exsanguinated victims flows might be directly adjacent to the throne room or some
up through the rock beneath the castle to pool in this distance away within a larger castle complex. If set
fountain. Delekan drinks deeply here, for the vampire’s up as a hidden vault far from the citadel, remember
great size gives him an equally great appetite. Any that the characters will need some way to reach this
creature that enters the fountain, the blood channels, location soon after Delekan is destroyed in area V2.
or the pools in the four corners of this area for the first DELEKAN’S DEFENDERS
time on a turn, or which starts its turn there, must When the characters enter this area, a number of the
make a DC 16 Constitution saving throw, taking 21 statues animate as stone golems—one for every two
(6d6) necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much characters. One wraith per character also flows out
damage on a successful one. from the column of smoke, and all these creatures
attack together.

• Increase the necrotic damage of Delekan’s unarmed
Tuning Hit Points for Pacing strike and bite attacks to 21 (6d6) and 28 (8d6)
At higher levels, it becomes increasingly difficult to properly respectively.
tune monsters to fit the pace of the game running at your • Increase the amount of necrotic damage the vampire
table. As such, feel free to change up Delekan’s hit points knights deal with their greatsword attacks to 21
to suit the feel of the encounter. If things are turning into (6d6).
a slog, lower hit points lets you speed up the cloud giant • Adjust the vampire knights’ Multiattack action to
vampire’s transformation into the blood roc. On the other give them three attacks with their greatswords.
hand, if Delekan is being too-easily destroyed by a paladin
• When Delekan transforms into a roc, use the adult
with multiple smites, feel free to increase his hit points to
red dragon stat block instead of the roc stat block,
keep him around longer. That said, change things up in this
way only when it better suits the feel of the game, not just to
replacing any fire damage dealt by the dragon with
prevent a particular character from using abilities you find necrotic damage.
frustrating. To reduce the difficulty of the lair, consider any of the
following options:
• Reduce the number of vampire knights who appear
Delekan’s massive sarcophagus sits on the platform • For the vampire knights, use the standard vampire
on the far side of the chamber. Pushing off the lid spawn stat block with no changes.
requires a successful DC 20 Strength (Athletics) check. • Remove Delekan’s ability to transform into a roc.
If defeated in area V2, Delekan is recuperating in the • Reduce the damage dealt to creatures in the throne
coffin, tight ropes of muscle rebuilding themselves room by ringing the black-iron bell, or assume that
across his huge skeleton. Unless enough time has Delekan has used it recently and cannot use it again
passed that he has recovered completely, he is in no during the fight.
shape to fight, and a stake through his heart ends the • Reduce the number of blood elementals, or remove
cloud giant vampire’s threat. If he manages to recover them.
completely, Delekan has the same statistics he had in • Remove the wraiths in area V3.
area V2, but cannot transform into a roc. • Reduce the number of stone golems in area V3.
Delekan keeps his treasure in his sarcophagus vault, You can expand this lair by building on or modifying
all of which represents some sort of connection to his any number of the hooks found within it:
past. The hoard includes the following:
• Splitting up Delekan’s tomb from the floating citadel
• 12,962 gp and 2,072 pp means that the characters must find the cloud giant
• A fine cloth tabard trimmed with sable (worth 250 vampire’s sarcophagus and defeat him quickly after
gp), a dragon-scale talisman inlaid with platinum defeating him the first time in his throne room. By
(250 gp), an ornate silver mirror set with moss agates forcing the characters to search for the vampire’s
(250 gp), a tooled leather pouch set with quartz (250 tomb, you can expand the campaign to include
gp), a set of gem-encrusted leather bracers (250 gp), multiple encounters with Delekan instead of just the
and a pair of platinum bracers (250 gp) one in his throne room.
• A +2 wand of the war mage • Valentyne Nightwind asks the characters to help
• A shortsword of sharpness known as Serpent’s Caress, undo the horrors the vampire inflicted in years
once carried by Delekan’s favored vampire assassin, past. Souls trapped by the ancient vampire must be
Olivia Serpentfang. recovered and put right, inspiring the characters
to explore old tombs and hunt for ancient artifacts
ENCOUNTER DIFFICULTY across the world, or perhaps across the planes.
You can adjust the difficulty of this lair in a number of • With Delekan destroyed, the power of the flying
different ways. For more difficult encounters, consider citadel of Bloodstorm must be undone before
any of the following options: another evil creature can claim it. Learning how
• Give the vampire knights the Pack Tactics trait of to control the citadel so it can be smashed into the
the wolf stat block and advantage on saving throws ground, or seeking out ancient lore detailing how to
against effects that turn undead. unmake its magic, might take the characters on any
number of new quests.

Jack Kaiser

emna the World Eater, a gnome lich turning the thing she loved most in the world into the
obsessed with uncovering the secrets of the vessel of her undead being—a single particle of matter
multiverse, has pierced the world with huge whose depths she hoped to fully explore. Within that
life-draining spikes that draw energy into particle, the lich discovered an unearthly power—and
her astral sanctum. Set within a floating mote of rock understood that when fed the energy of harvested
and iron, the unearthly citadel known as the Dread souls, the particle and its power would grow.
Nexus is the site of Gemna’s dark experiments, where Using her extensive knowledge of engineering,
the lich works within the protection of an arachnoid Gemna built massive spikes of black iron which she
iron golem. To stop Gemna from draining the life called dreadtowers, and which she implanted into
energy of even more worlds, the characters must work mortal worlds. Bursts of necrotic energy pulsing out
their way to the heart of the lich’s lair—where a magical from each tower would harvest the life around it
mote is the hiding place for her soul, and the receptacle and channel the energy of that life to Gemna’s soul
into which the power she steals is poured. vessel, withering vegetation and seeking the souls of
This lair is optimized for four to five 14th-level the living. Those mortals who dared get too close to
characters. any of Gemna’s dreadtowers became the lich’s undead
servants—a slowly building army dedicated to feeding
BACKGROUND still more mortals to the dreadtowers’ endless hunger.
The gnome wizard Gemna sought knowledge her In the deepest reaches of the Astral Plane, Gemna’s
whole life. She became addicted to it. But studying the lair of rock and iron is masterfully hidden away from
ways of arcane magic wasn’t enough for her. Achieving the eyes of mortals and gods alike. Known as the Dread
the rank of archmage wasn’t enough for her. Gemna Nexus, the lair is connected by dozens of portals to the
wanted it all, and no one life would be long enough different worlds where the lich harvests the life energy
to learn it. So after 160 years, the gnome archmage that fuels her dark experiments. The dreadtowers that
completed the ritual that transformed her into a lich,
plague those worlds are the only signs of her existence, Longsword. Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one
and of her limitless hunger for life and knowledge. target. Hit: 8 (1d8 + 4) slashing damage, or 9 (1d10 + 4) slashing
damage if used with two hands.
THE DREADTOWERS • Necrotic energy drawn from a dreadtower flows
Gemna’s dreadtowers are giant spires of organically from a wight’s blades and arrows. Their successful
shaped black iron. Each tower stands hundreds of feet longsword and longbow attacks each deal an extra 10
tall, and is inscribed with the visages of skulls, demons, (3d6) necrotic damage.
and spiders below Gemna’s own stern, skull-like • They have a challenge rating of 6 (2,300 XP).
visage at the top. The dreadtowers are hurled across
the multiverse from the lich’s lair in the Astral Plane, APPROACHING THE DREAD NEXUS
targeting the countless worlds of the Material Plane. The Dread Nexus is hidden away in the outer reaches
On each such world, towers tear through the sky and of the Astral Plane, connected to the Material Plane
slam into the ground, drilling in to a depth of some only through the portals by which the dreadtowers
one hundred feet. Beams of wavering green energy conduct their energy. The characters might travel to
arc out from each tower, connected to planar portals the Dread Nexus on a ship traversing extradimensional
within the dreadtower that channel the life energy it space, or they might enter a dreadtower of your own
steals to Gemna’s lair on the other side. design as part of your campaign, shutting off the
A tower ceases its operations when it has drained all tower’s deadly necrotic energy and leaping through the
life energy within ten miles of it, or when it is forcefully portal before it closes. Alternatively, they might learn
disconnected from its planar links. of the location of the Dread Nexus, perhaps through
a relic left behind by Gemna’s agents, and travel there
INTEGRATING THIS LAIR using a plane shift spell.
You can use the following hooks to integrate this
lair into your campaign, whether as part of a longer DREAD NEXUS FEATURES
adventure or as the focus of a single play session: The inner chambers of the Dread Nexus are
• The characters might learn of Gemna early on in the otherworldly but strangely utilitarian. Gemna’s lair
campaign, discovering dead dreadtowers and hearing is built from a natural mote of stone and black iron
of the destructive blight they inflict on the lands carved out with disintegrate spells. The interior areas of
around them. the Dread Nexus have the following general features:
• The characters could be sought out by terrified local • Chambers and corridors have 20-foot ceilings unless
leaders who have seen a dreadtower slam down near otherwise noted.
a town or city, and who have no idea how to shut • Areas are dimly lit by the phosphorescent light of
down its destructive power. strange chemicals flowing through glass tubes along
• The characters might witness a dreadtower slamming the walls. Breaking any of these tubes results in acidic
into the ground and sending out its pulse of necrotic fluid spraying out in a 15-foot cone. Each creature in
energy, forcing them to deal with twisted, corrupted the area must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving throw,
foliage, the many beasts and humanoids killed and taking 21 (6d6) acid damage on a failed save, or half
reanimated by the dreadtower, and the dreadtower as much damage on a successful one.
wights who hope to draw even more mortals into the • All of the Dread Nexus is protected by a permanent
death zone. forbiddance spell targeting celestial creatures.


Gemna has an army of wights who emerge from and The following encounter areas are keyed to the map of
are empowered by each dreadtower. These wights Gemna’s lair.
are raised from the dead of peoples from across the
multiverse, many of which have likely never been seen
on the world they invade. Whenever you see a bold Unlike areas E2 and E3, the map of this area shows a
reference to a dreadtower wight, use the wight stat side view, rather than a top-down view, of the 100-foot
block with the following changes: vertical circular shaft leading up to the dreadsphere
• A dreadtower wight wears scale mail and carries a chamber of area E3. Characters can either use magic to
shield, giving them AC 18. traverse the shaft, or can climb it with successful DC
• They have a Strength of 18 (+4). 13 Strength (Athletics) checks made to move through
• Their Life Drain attack is +6 to hit. each section. On a failed check a character falls to the
• Their longsword attack improves as follows: floor of the current section, taking 2d6 falling damage.

The shaft is broken up into three sections: the entry
area at the bottom, the midpoint, and the dreadsphere Mike’s Thoughts: Punishing Door
entryway at the top. These areas are connected by holes Huggers
in the floor, but each also features sets of four 10-foot- Experienced GMs all have stories of characters who hug
high doorways spaced around the circular shaft along the doorway to a big room full of baddies. It’s the safe
the floors and ceilings (except in the top section). The move. If you can stay at the door and away from heavy
vertical presentation of the map shows just one portal hitters on the other side of it, you’re certainly better off.
from each set. This tactic generally doesn’t feel like high-action heroic
fantasy, though, so as a GM, you sometimes need to give the
ENTRY AREA characters a shove.
This area is 30 feet high, and has a circular hole in the The unstable necrotic crystals in area E1 of this lair
floor in addition to the holes in the ceiling leading are designed to do just that. If characters choose to hug
upward. The doorways in this area are inert portals the “doorway” (the circular hole in the ceiling) instead of
to other worlds. The circular hole in the floor of this leaping in to face Gemna in area E3, they can do so—but
chamber leads into the void of the Astral Plane. If they’ll have to eat blasts of necrotic damage and might
the characters traveled here by way of the planar have to battle more wraiths coming out of the portals. You
connections within any of Gemna’s dreadtowers, this is can look for similar approaches in any encounters with
a bottleneck to movement that can also serve as cover,
their arrival point.
creating hazards to complicate the threat ahead with a threat
Four brass arms jut out halfway up the wall (not
from behind. Smart characters will move into the next room
shown on the map) to anchor a purple-pink crystal at
under such duress, taking on the role of heroic adventurers
the center of the area. This crystal was once one of the one way or another.
conduits for the necrotic energy flowing through this
shaft, but has become inert.
MIDPOINT they can attempt to redirect that energy into a radiant
The middle section of the vertical shaft contains blast—though at potential risk. With an action and
another crystal anchored by brass arms at the center of a successful DC 16 Intelligence (Religion) check, a
the area. The doorways in this area are swirling planar character sends a blast of radiant energy from the
gates that each depict an alien world connected to the crystal toward an undead creature within 50 feet
nexus by Gemna’s dreadtowers. Unless you wish the of the crystal. The target creature must make a DC
characters to make use of them, these gates are locked 16 Dexterity saving throw, taking 35 (10d6) radiant
down. damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
Wraith Attack. When the characters arrive in the successful one. If the character attempting to channel
midpoint section, two wraiths per character flow the energy fails the check, they take 35 (10d6) necrotic
out from the gates and attack. Their proximity to the damage as a blast of energy arcs from the crystal back
necrotic energy of the dreadsphere gives each wraith to them.
advantage on saving throws against effects that turn Destroying the crystal ends its chaotic bursts of
undead. After they defeat the wraiths, power pulsing energy. It has AC 18, 50 hit points, and immunity to
from the portals suggests to the characters that more poison and psychic damage.
wraiths will come through soon. Every 10 minutes Cracked Wall. The bolts of necrotic energy coursing
after the first wave is defeated, two more wraiths per through the conduit shaft have previously cracked
character emerge from the gates, attacking creatures in the wall at the midpoint of this area. A character who
any part of area E1. The wraiths do not enter area E2 or succeeds on a DC 16 Wisdom (Perception) check or
E3. who has a passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 16
Unstable Necrotic Crystal. The necrotic crystal in or higher feels air flowing through the cracks, which
this area is unstable, and triggers in response to the reveal a chamber on the other side to any character
presence of any creatures here. On initiative count 10 looking through them. A character can break through
(losing initiative ties), the crystal fires a bolt of necrotic the weakened wall with a successful DC 16 Strength
energy toward one random non-undead creature (Athletics) check, opening a passage to area E2.
within 30 feet of it. A creature struck by this bolt must DREADSPHERE ENTRY
make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw, taking 35 (10d6) Another damaged necrotic crystal is held in place by
necrotic damage on a failed save or half as much brass arms in the uppermost section of this area, and
damage on a successful one. erupts with power as soon as the characters arrive here.
After the crystal’s first pulse of energy, a character On initiative count 10 (losing initiative ties), bolts of
with proficiency in the Religion skill recognizes that necrotic energy arc out from the crystal to two random

non-undead creatures within 50 feet of it. A creature
struck by this energy must make a DC 16 Dexterity
saving throw, taking 35 (10d6) necrotic damage on a
failed save or half as much damage on a successful one.
Unlike the crystal in the middle section of the area, this
crystal cannot be destroyed. Any attempt to damage it
results in the attacker being hit by a bolt.
The doorways in this area can lead to other areas of
the Dread Nexus, or can show more views through the
planar portals connecting Gemna’s lair to the many
worlds whose life she is draining, as you determine. A
circular hole in the ceiling of this area leads into the
chamber of the dreadsphere.


This chamber is filled with a number of shattered relics
Gemna has claimed from the worlds she has assaulted,
then cast away when their power and knowledge
was hers. This includes a massive broken stone face,
shattered temple columns and huge crystals, and the
shattered remains of an ancient stone planar gateway.
A deceptively deep pool of necrotic liquid covers
the floor of this area, dripping from a pipe running
beneath the ceiling.
This gateway is all that remains of a haunted castle
known as Moonless, once the lair of the necromancer
Aion Damion. Gemna faced and defeated Aion
centuries ago, and has since then incorporated the
necromancer’s magic and the artifacts of their castle
into the Dread Nexus. Moved to the Dread Nexus so
Gemna could study the borders between the worlds of
the living and the dead, the gateway’s secrets were soon
uncovered, after which the lich stored its remains in
this chamber of dead monuments.
The spirit of Aion Damion remains stuck in a state
between life and death, manifesting from the gateway

Elven Tower
as a chaotic evil elf ghost. During their battle in the check, Aion gifts them a magic necklace (see
deepest reaches under Moonless, Gemna tore Aion’s “Treasure”).
soul from their body and hurled it into the gateway,
trapping them between worlds. During her research,
Where the dreadsphere in area E3 produces corrupted
Gemna used the gate to speak to Aion, drawing forth
runoff from the necromantic energy it absorbs, that
the necromancer’s secrets before disposing of them.
runoff is magically shunted into reservoirs connected
Aion appears as a long-haired elf, with tattoos and
by a network of pipes running throughout the lair.
sigils sourced from many different languages covering
One of those pipes passes through this area, and drips
their skin. Their soul has been trapped for so long
endlessly to fill a 20-foot-deep pool formed where the
that Aion’s hold on reality has cracked. But though
floor has collapsed. Any creature that enters the pool
their thoughts often meander, Aion can share their
for the first time on a turn or starts its turn there must
knowledge of Gemna’s origins, her plots, and the fact
make a Constitution saving throw, taking 22 (4d10)
that the dreadsphere in area E3 holds her soul.
necrotic damage on a failed save, or half as much
If the characters convince Aion that they are
damage on a successful one.
planning to destroy Gemna and one character succeeds
on a DC 18 Charisma (Intimidation or Persuasion)
If you want to expand the lair, you can establish that
the spaces through which this network of pipes runs Mike’s Thoughts: Take Inspiration from
are navigable, allowing the characters to follow the Everywhere
pipes to an access point of your determination in area Good ideas can come from any source, and the best RPG
E3. stories can borrow and take inspiration from any number
of places. Villains and NPCs, guilds and monarchs, magic
E3. DREADSPHERE CHAMBER items, curses, and monsters—all of these adventure elements
When the characters enter the chamber of the and more might be inspired by the stories we love.
dreadsphere, read or paraphrase the following: The concept of the dreadtowers in “The World Eater” was
inspired by the movie The Chronicles of Riddick. It’s not the
best science fiction movie in the world, but it’s one I love,
A webwork of black iron makes up the ceiling of
and the imagery in it is great. The Necromongers always
this domed chamber, rising over a twenty-foot-high grabbed me with their scope and scale, traveling from world
pillar and a sphere of pure blackness that floats above to world, enslaving entire civilizations into their half-undead
it. Beams of black-and-violet energy arc in from state, and leaving massive death-dealing monuments in
two complex pylons set along the walls. Two similar their wake. So now the inspiration that film gave me will
pylons are dark. hopefully inspire you to build an even more amazing story
of your own.
Huge glass vats fed by a complicated array of
brass and iron pipes stand around the room. The
hulking figures of armored knights float in two vats targeted with spells or attacks. She cannot be forced
on opposite sides of the area, both of which are filled out of the iron golem until it is reduced to 0 hit points.
with amber liquid. A third vat swirls with a mist She can use her Legendary Resistance trait on saving
arcing thin bolts of lightning, and a fourth is made throws made either by herself or the golem. The lich is
up of three large vertical cylinders holding red, blue, untouched if the golem is disintegrated.
and green liquid. While within the golem, Gemna is able to use her
action and her legendary actions to fire her ray of frost
The characters arrive through a hole in the wall cantrip through the golem’s eyes, or to attack with
beneath the pylon on the lower-left side of area E3 on shocking grasp through its forelegs. If the iron golem
the map. Gravity shifts when they enter this area, so is badly damaged, Gemna casts greater invisibility on
that moving up through the hole in the ceiling in area herself before escaping from it. If the golem has no
E1 brings them into this area from the side, and they options for getting into melee with the characters,
must drop to the floor. it can give up its action to allow Gemna to pop out
Gemna is too busy in this area to notice any battles through the hatch in its back, cast a spell, then go back
taking place in area E1, but she senses any characters inside.
entering the dreadsphere chamber. When the When the iron golem is defeated, Gemna flies out of
characters arrive, Gemna is crawling around on the the hatch and continues her attack. She uses the lich
gridwork ceiling inside her iron golem spider, twisting stat block with the following changes:
various knobs and manipulating levers as she modifies • She has a flying speed of 30 feet.
the two beams of necrotic energy pouring into the • She has replaced the following spells in her list of
dreadsphere. prepared spells:
• Prestidigitation with shocking grasp
• Animate dead with lightning bolt
Gemna the World Eater is a chaotic evil gnome lich.
• Globe of invulnerability with greater invisibility
Within the Dread Nexus, she rides inside an iron
• Plane shift with circle of death
golem spider that uses the iron golem stat block and
• Dominate monster with feeblemind
has a climbing speed of 30 feet. The iron golem acts
• Scrying with cone of cold
on Gemna’s initiative. Two dreadtower wights per
character stand along the wall of this area. When she Gemna is able to use the lich’s lair actions from
notices the characters, Gemna commands the wights to anywhere in the nexus, either in or out of the iron
attack. golem.
Gemna enters and exits the golem through a hatch GEMNA’S EXPERIMENTS
in its back that cannot be opened unless she wills Gemna has a number of experiments surrounding the
it. While within the iron golem, Gemna cannot be inner wall of this chamber, three of which could cause
complications during the battle—two knights held in

amber liquid, and a vat filled with mist. Each vat has originally used to store Gemna’s soul, and which has
AC 16, 15 hit points, and immunity to poison, psychic, since become a black hole of negative energy fed by
and necrotic damage. A vat can also be shattered with the lich’s dreadtowers. By feeding the dreadsphere life
a successful DC 16 Strength (Athletics) check. Gemna energy syphoned from new worlds, Gemna hopes to
attempts to shatter a vat with a ray of frost cantrip if a grow it into an unlimited source of eldritch power.
character is standing near it. Climbing the pillar requires a successful DC 14
Each vat has a control panel set into its side. A Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check.
creature that uses an action to inspect a control panel, Any creature that makes contact with the dreadsphere
and that succeeds on a DC 16 Intelligence (Arcana) for the first time on a turn, or which starts its turn
check, recognizes that the four vats are experiments in in contact with it, must make a DC 20 Constitution
an incomplete state. saving throw, taking 110 (20d10) force damage on a
Pudding Knight. Where the hulking figure of an failed save, or half as much damage on a successful
armored knight floats in a vat of amber liquid, a one. If a creature is reduced to 0 hit points by this
character with a passive Wisdom (Perception) score damage, the creature and everything it is wearing and
of 16 or higher, or who succeeds on a DC 16 Wisdom carrying, except magic items, are reduced to a pile of
(Perception) check, sees that the body appears to fine gray dust. The creature can be restored to life only
ripple. If the vat is shattered, the knight melts down by means of a true resurrection or a wish spell.
into a black pudding that attacks the nearest creature. A character who uses an action to study the
Death Beetles. The second vat holding a floating dreadsphere and who succeeds on a DC 18 Intelligence
knight appears identical to the first, but a character (Arcana) check intuits that there are three ways to
with a passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 16
or higher, or who succeeds on a DC 16 Wisdom
(Perception) check, notices the armored figure Mike’s Thoughts: Lich Tactics
twitching strangely. If the vat is broken, four swarms Liches are difficult monsters to run. They have a huge range
of insects (beetles) pour forth from the armor as it of things they can do, but not a lot of actions with which to
collapses. Arcs of necrotic energy flow around these do them. Though they have a great arsenal of spells, they
beetles, so that each creature that starts its turn within are probably able to cast only four of them in a fight. The
5 feet of a swarm takes 7 (2d6) necrotic damage. The lich’s legendary actions and lair actions can help to keep the
beetles ignore the golem and Gemna as they attack. players on their toes. But there are also a few other tricks to
Raging Storm. This vat filled with mist holds a
Improved invisibility is very powerful. It gives a lich
raging air elemental. If the vat is broken, the elemental
advantage on attack rolls, imposes disadvantage on attacks
randomly attacks the closest creatures to it.
against them, and effectively negates any spell or ability that
Strange Brews. The fourth vat is segmented into requires seeing a target. This stops one of the true banes of
three vertical cylinders, each set with a spigot and the lich—counterspell.
holding magical liquid with effects similar to a Don’t discount the use of cantrips with legendary actions.
particular potion. The red cylinder contains liquid A lich’s cantrips deal roughly 18 damage per hit, and can do
that produces the effect of a potion of greater healing. so three times per round. Mix this in with lair actions, and
The blue cylinder contains liquid that produces the the lich can deal a lot of damage even before taking their
effect of a potion of growth. The green cylinder contains own turn.
liquid equivalent to a potion of poison. A character who Choosing which spell to cast as an action on the lich’s
succeeds on a DC 16 Intelligence (Arcana) check made turn is critical. The lich isn’t likely to get a lot of those
spells off, so it’s easy to choose big powerhouse magic such
to assess the three liquids can determine what each
as power word kill, disintegrate, and finger of death. But
instead of those single-target spells, a multiple-target spell
Drinking from any of the cylinders requires an
such as circle of death might have a bigger impact on the
action. Even if a cylinder is broken, liquid remains in overall fight, especially if cast with a higher-level spell slot.
the bottom of it that can be scooped up. A character As a final trick, remember that a lich can prepare any
can make use of the effect of each liquid only once. The wizard spells, and likely has access to any spell it wants to
magic of each liquid fades if it is removed from this use. So ignore what spells the stat block says are prepared
area. and let the lich cast what makes sense for the moment.
Though they still have limited spell slots, you can trust that
the lich is smarter than you, and that they’ll have maze
Above the 20-foot-high pillar at the center of this
memorized if that’s the most effective way to deal with a
chamber floats the dreadsphere—the mote of matter pesky adventurer.

destroy the sphere—and to thus permanently destroy • Increase the number of dreadtower wights to four
Gemna the World Eater: per character.
• A creature can hurl a legendary magic item or an • Give Gemna the ability to cast lightning bolt at will as
artifact into the dreadsphere, overloading its magic a legendary action. She can do so through the eyes of
and causing it to collapse. The item thrown into the the golem while riding inside it.
sphere is likewise destroyed. • Let Gemna maximize the damage of some or all of
• The sphere can be sent to another plane by targeting her spells. Boom.
it with a gate spell or similar magic, causing both To reduce the difficulty of the lair, consider any of the
the gate and the sphere to collapse. There is a 50 following options:
percent chance that, instead of being destroyed, the • Remove Gemna’s iron golem spider or replace it with
dreadsphere is teleported to a random spot on a a shield guardian. In this case, Gemna is not riding
random plane. inside the shield guardian, and holds the shield
• A creature can throw a rod of absorption or a portable guardian’s amulet.
hole into the dreadsphere, destroying both the magic • Turn the dreadtower wights into normal wights.
item and the sphere. Each creature within 50 feet • Have all the creatures spawned from the
of the sphere must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving experimental vats drawn to attack Gemna or her
throw, taking 70 (20d6) force damage on a failed wights.
save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
If the characters destroy Gemna but then don’t EXPANDING THIS LAIR
destroy the dreadsphere (for example, if they need to You can expand this lair by building on or modifying
leave the Dread Nexus to obtain one of the magic items any number of the hooks found within it:
that can destroy the sphere), you can decide how long • Even after Gemna is destroyed, the lich’s dreadtowers
it takes the lich to be remade by her Rejuvenation trait. remain scattered across multiple worlds. The
characters can hunt down and destroy these towers
TREASURE before some other evil villain learns how to channel
The necklace the characters might receive from Aion their magic.
in area E2 is a very rare magic item. As an action, • Instead of being destroyed, the dreadsphere might
the wearer of the necklace can envelop themself with teleport to another plane. Gemna eventually reforms
spectral energy, giving them resistance to bludgeoning, there with her Rejuvenation trait, and starts to build
piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical an eldritch machine designed to take revenge against
attacks, and resistance to necrotic damage, all for the characters.
1 hour. Once used, the necklace fades away into • Gemna might be just one of a cabal of powerful
nothingness. liches, all of whom are dedicated to harvesting all life
In a single-session game, consider also having a from the multiverse.
portable hole found as treasure in area E1 or area E2, to
help the characters destroy the dreadsphere.

You can adjust the difficulty of this lair in a number of
different ways. For more difficult encounters, consider
any of the following options:
• Increase the hit points of the iron golem, Gemna, or


Victor Leza Moreno

murderous blue dragon has taken over the number of gem and ore mines in the desert, then
cavern-based forge of a group of artisan fire laying waste to them. Each time Sizzle Death’s fire
giants. By forcing the captive giants to forge giants run out of materials, he heads out on another
magic items for him, the dragon plans to murderous expedition—and when the treasures of the
build up a magnificent hoard in his hidden desert lair. desert run dry, the cities beyond will become his next
But the need for gems to fuel the production of his target.
magical swag brings the dragon to the attention of the
characters, who must end his plots. INTEGRATING THIS LAIR
This lair is optimized for four to five 16th-level The Burning Plateau and the Karam Desert can be
characters. placed anywhere that is convenient for your story.
You can replace this desert locale with any hot, arid
BACKGROUND environment, and the caves within the Burning Plateau
The adult blue dragon Sizzlexitrox, known to all in could be part of a larger underground complex at your
the Karam Desert as “Sizzle Death,” covets gem- discretion.
encrusted magic items over all other forms of wealth. You can use the following hooks to integrate this
For centuries, Sizzle Death attempted to craft items of lair into your campaign, whether as part of a longer
his own, but the work was slow and often resulted in adventure or as the focus of a single play session:
failure. Deciding he needed expert artisans to serve • The characters head deep into an adamantine
him, the dragon invaded the caves of the Burning mine to take care of a purple worm that has eaten
Plateau, enslaved the fire giant smiths and artisans several miners. While they battle the worm, they
within, and now forces them to craft his treasures. hear roaring and the crack of thunder from above.
However, even with master artisans working for him, As they exit the mine, the characters see that many
Sizzle Death requires raw materials for his treasures. of the tunnels have collapsed, and the remains of
The dragon has thus begun stealing the wealth of a slaughtered miners are everywhere. Survivors tell the
characters that a blue dragon attacked, then carried this check by 5 or more falls down the shaft, taking
away carts full of ore in the direction of the Burning 20d6 bludgeoning damage and landing prone in area
Plateau. F2. There is a 20 percent chance that any creature that
• Fire giants who have escaped from servitude in the falls lands in the lava flow.
Burning Plateau begin raiding nearby settlements,
looking to acquire food and materials to build a new CAVERN ENTRANCE
home. The characters are tasked with dealing with The 20-foot-high cave opening on the north side of
the giants, who tell the tale of Sizzle Death and his the plateau is filled with sand that Sizzle Death easily
plans. The giants are too scared to face the dragon, piles up, then packs in with his tremendous girth. This
but promise to return all that they’ve stolen if the entrance leads to area F1. One character shifting sand
characters can rout the dragon from their home. for 1 hour can open up a gap wide enough to push
• Sizzle Death attacks the characters several times through the entrance. Multiple characters working
throughout their adventuring careers, attempting to together reduce the time proportionately. Each
steal magic items or gems from them before flying character who participates in this grueling work must
away. When word comes to the characters that the succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or gain
dragon has become more active recently, destroying one level of exhaustion. Clearing the sand also draws
gem and precious metal mines, they are able to the attention of the hell hounds in area F1, which lie
finally trace him back to his lair, ready to end Sizzle in wait and ready their Fire Breath to use on the first
Death’s threat once and for all. creature that passes through the entrance.


PLATEAU The chambers within the Burning Plateau were carved
As the characters approach the Burning Plateau, read out by the fire giants, and have the following general
or paraphrase the following to set the scene: features:
• Ceilings are 50 feet high, with 20-foot-high doorways
A wavy haze of heat rises from a tall plateau of brown connecting each chamber.
stone in the distance. As you draw ever closer to • Doors within the plateau are 20 feet tall, made of
the landmark, the muted sound of steel ringing out iron, and have handles 9 feet above the floor. Any
creature can attempt to open a door, provided that
on steel becomes clearer to your ears, even as the
it or some other creature can reach the handle and
incredible heat of the desert increases. Clearly, the
unlatch it. An unlatched door can be pushed or
Burning Plateau is true to its name. pulled opened with an action and a successful DC 15
Strength (Athletics) check.
The characters are free to survey the plateau, which • The west wall of each chamber is inscribed with a
has no guards or other creatures around it. Doing 10-foot-diameter Giant rune that translates to “light,”
so reveals only one obvious entrance—a yawning and which fills the area around it with bright light.
cave carved into the foot of the plateau’s north side. A detect magic spell reveals that the runes radiate
However, this entrance is presently filled by a mound evocation magic. A dispel magic spell disables a rune’s
of sand. light for 24 hours.
A character with a passive Wisdom (Perception) • Chambers in the Burning Plateau are connected
score of 20 or higher notices wisps of steam mixed in by 2-foot-diameter airflow tunnels, created by the
with the heat haze coming off the top of the plateau. giants on Sizzle Death’s orders to help disperse heat
The plateau is 600 feet high, and its rough craggy and make the lair more comfortable for the dragon.
exterior can be easily climbed. However, each creature Large and larger creatures cannot fit through these
doing so must succeed on a DC 15 Strength (Athletics) tunnels. Medium and Small creatures must squeeze
check or gain one level of exhaustion. to move through them. If intruders squeeze into
ATOP THE PLATEAU these areas and the giants notice them, they jab their
greatswords within to attack. At every opportunity,
Characters on the top of the plateau can see ten 5-foot-
Sizzle Death breathes lightning at any intruders it is
diameter holes bored down into its stone surface, each
aware of in the tunnels.
venting steam and hot air. These holes lead straight
down 550 feet, opening up to area F2. Climbing down BURNING PLATEAU
one of these shafts requires a successful DC 15 Strength
The following encounter areas are keyed to the map of
(Athletics) check, and brings a character to the ceiling
Sizzle Death’s lair.
of area F2, 50 feet above the floor. A character who fails
This cavern has rough-hewn walls and is occupied
by hell hounds that consider the area their lair. They
attack any intruders they notice, fighting to the death.
They don’t pursue creatures outside the cavern.
The cavern is home to one hell hound plus one more
hell hound per character in the party. These hounds are
led by an alpha hell hound, which uses the young red
dragon stat block with the following changes:
• The hound is a fiend, and its alignment is lawful evil.
• Its walking speed is 60 feet, and it doesn’t have a
climbing or flying speed.
• The hound understands Giant and Infernal but can’t
If combat breaks out in this area, Sizzle Death
takes note and watches through the airflow tunnels
connecting to area F4. If he has the opportunity to use
his Lightning Breath against any characters, he does so
even if it means potentially harming one of the hounds.

An intense heat and the ringing of hammers striking
iron fill this room, which is filled with giant-sized
anvils and other metalworking gear set along a slow-
flowing river of lava. A copper conduit extending out
of the west wall leads to a 15-foot-diameter copper ball
that hangs from the center of the ceiling (not shown
on the map). A 40-foot-square mirror in a gold frame
dominates the south wall.
Red-haired giants wearing black plate armor are hard
at work in this area—and are clearly chained to their
equipment to prevent escape. One fire giant works
here for every two characters in the party (rounded
up). Their chains have enough slack that they can move
anywhere in this chamber, but they cannot leave it.
The giants know that Sizzle Death watches them
through the mirror (see below). Fearing the dragon’s

Diana Muñoz
wrath, they attack if they notice intruders. A character • The giants are forced to work long hours for Sizzle
with a passive Wisdom (Insight) score of 15 or higher Death, leading to the creation of a number of fragile
notices that the giants are only reluctantly attacking the and unstable magic items now part of the dragon’s
characters, and that they keep looking fearfully at the hoard.
mirror during the battle. If the characters free the giants in this area,
If the characters destroy the mirror, the giants a successful DC 17 Charisma (Intimidation or
cease attacking and plead for mercy. If the characters Persuasion) check convinces them to stand against the
agree to help them, the giants provide the following traitors in area F3. Given how much they fear Sizzle
information: Death, the giants cannot be convinced to fight the
• Sizzle Death conquered the giants’ home and now dragon.
forces them to craft gem-encrusted magic items. If combat breaks out in this area and the characters
• The giants in this room hate the dragon, but the then decide to rest here before proceeding, the giants
giants currently in area F3 have sworn fealty to Sizzle in area F3 come to investigate before the rest can be
Death, and are working hard to craft magic items for completed.
poison, and psychic damage. The conduit has the same
James’s Thoughts: Describing AC and immunities, but it has no damage threshold
Environments and only 30 hit points. Destroying either the ball or the
As the GM, it’s your job to set the scene each time the conduit prevents Sizzle Death from sending lightning
characters enter a new area. When an area doesn’t provide into this area.
read-aloud text, remember to always think about not just
what the characters see, but also what they can hear, smell,
Any creature that enters the lava for the first time on a
taste, and feel when you create description.
Describing small details like the bone-rattling ringing of
turn or starts its turn there takes 22 (4d10) fire damage.
a giant’s hammer striking an anvil, the sweat-inducing heat MIRROR
of a river of lava, and the smell of molten iron on the air can The large mirror on the south wall has the phrase, “I
help immerse the players in the world. Don’t feel like you am always watching,” written on its frame in three
need to hit every sense with your descriptions, but picking
different languages: Common, Draconic, and Giant.
two beyond sight goes a long way in helping transport your
Under scrutiny of a detect magic spell, the mirror
players into any environment or lair. In the same way, when
radiates an aura of divination magic.
an area does provide text for you to read aloud, make it
your own. Cut lines you don’t like, rephrase things in your
The mirror is magically connected to a similar
own voice, and add your own words to focus on the sensory mirror on the wall in area F4. When Sizzle Death
details you think are significant. speaks a special Draconic command word, the mirror
Just as important as what you say when describing an area in area F4 shows what the mirror in area F2 currently
is how you say it. Even if an area description is short, it can reflects. A character who studies the mirror and
cause players to tune out if it is not delivered in an exciting succeeds on a DC 20 Intelligence (Arcana) check
and dramatic way. If you’re able to, stand up or speak with understands how it works, and intuits that it must have
big arm movements as you deliver important description, a connected twin mirror nearby. If this check succeeds
both to grab your players’ attention and to keep from by 5 or more, the character can use an action to reverse
sounding like a teacher giving a lecture. Better to be overly
the magic of the mirrors, allowing any creature in this
dramatic and corny than boring. If your players are laughing,
area to view what the mirror in area F4 reflects.
they’re paying attention—and having fun.
The mirror has AC 15, 20 hit points, and immunity
to lightning, poison, and psychic damage.
Each of the chains binding the fire giants features a
built-in lock and radiates an aura of abjuration magic Several beds sized for giants are set up in the southwest
to a detect magic spell. Each chain has AC 20, 50 corner of this room, while a number of 9-foot-tall
hit points, and immunity to fire, lightning, poison, wooden worktables stand to the north. An unadorned,
psychic, bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. 15-foot-tall straw-stuffed dummy in the shape of a
A successful DC 25 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools dragon dominates the center of the room.
picks a chain’s lock. A key that unlocks all the chains is Unless they have been encountered already, a
held within Sizzle Death’s hoard in area F4. number of fire giants work at the tables here when the
characters arrive, cutting gems and carving runes into
COPPER BALL them—one fire giant for every two characters in the
The conduit connecting to the copper ball runs party (rounded up). In addition, Novas Flamebound,
through the walls of the cavern, connecting to a a hulking fire giant with Giant runes tattooed on her
copper plate in area F4. As Sizzle Death watches the face, leads the work being done here. Novas uses the
forge through the mirror (see below), if he sees the fire giant stat block with the following changes:
characters trying to free the giants or if the giants
• She has an Intelligence score of 20 (+5)
appear to obviously be losing the battle, he uses his
• She has the Spellcasting trait from the archmage stat
Lightning Breath on the copper plate. The lightning
instantly travels along the conduit to reach the copper
• Her challenge rating is 12 (8,400 XP).
ball, and is then dispersed throughout this room. Each
creature in area F2 must make a DC 19 Dexterity TACTICS
saving throw, taking 49 (9d10) lightning damage on Novas casts the mind blank and stoneskin spells on
a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful herself before combat, casting time stop first to do so
one. if caught off guard. If combat occurred in area F2, the
The copper ball has AC 18, 100 hit points, a damage giants in this area have used the Ready action, with
threshold of 10, and immunity to fire, lightning,

Novas casting cone of cold and the other giants making Sizzle Death waits here for the first character to fully
rock attacks as soon as the characters enter. enter the room before breaking his elemental gems (see
These fire giants are loyal to Sizzle Death, and fight below). He then erupts from the ground and attacks.
to the death against any intruders—including the fire When the characters first see Sizzle Death, read:
giants from area F2. Sizzle Death hears any fight that
takes place here, and watches the battle from area F4 An acrid smell ignites the air as a dragon covered in
through the airflow tunnels. If he has the opportunity massive iron plates studded with glowing gems lets
to use his Lightning Breath through an airflow tunnel, lose a bone-shaking roar. Its exposed claws and wings
he does so, even if it means potentially harming one of show dull blue scales, while its yellow eyes blaze with
his giant servants.
rage within the monster’s gem-studded helm.
The straw dragon at the center of the room is easily
recognized as a sturdy armorer’s dummy. It was used to
Sizzle Death uses the adult blue dragon stat block with
create the armor Sizzle Death now wears.
the following changes:
GEMS • He has 324 (25d12 + 150) hit points.
Any character with proficiency in the Arcana skill • His magic armor gives him AC 21.
recognizes that the gems on the worktables are being • The armor functions as a helm of brilliance, and has
prepared to be used in magic item creation. The gems two special corundum gems embedded into it. These
can form part of the treasure for this lair (see below). gems function as elemental gems that conjure fire
The blue dragon battles the characters head-on, using
When he first took over the Burning Plateau, Sizzle
his Lightning Breath action as often as possible. Each
Death tore up the floor of this chamber to take full
time he does so, unstable magic items in his hoard
advantage of his ability to burrow. If he knows the
explode in bursts of brilliant light, and each creature
characters are about to enter, he digs down below
that fails its saving throw against Lightning Breath is
the ground to hide beneath the dirt and his scattered
also blinded until the end of Sizzle Death’s next turn.
treasure, hoping to surprise them.
Sizzle Death fights until reduced to 80 hit points
When the characters first enter this area, read:
or fewer, then flees. If the dragon dies, the gems on
his armor begin to glow red-hot unless the armor is
Piles of coins, gems, wands, arrows, and other targeted by a dispel magic spell, rendering this effect
glittering items cover the dirt floor of this chamber, inert. Otherwise, after glowing for 1 minute, the
whose air is filled with an earthy smell. A large armor explodes. Each creature within 100 feet of the
copper plate is mounted on the north wall here, while exploding armor must make a DC 18 Dexterity saving
an enormous mirror hangs to the west. throw, taking 55 (10d10) fire damage on a failed save,
or half as much damage on a successful one.
The function of the mirror and the copper plate in this
area are described in area F2.
As an action, a creature can root around in Sizzle
Death’s treasure hoard and pull out a magic item. Roll
on the Sizzle Death Magic Items table to determine
Mike’s Thoughts: Timing High-Level Lairs
what they find.
High-level encounters are just plain harder to run.
Each magic item on the table functions normally but
Characters have a lot of capabilities. They can do more in a
has the following additional features:
turn than lower-level characters. They have many more class
options to choose from, and most of those choices are more • The item doesn’t require attunement to be used.
complex. As a result, running high-level encounters will • Whenever the item is activated or used to make an
push even the most advanced Gamemasters—and most if attack or cast a spell, the GM rolls a d10. On a result
not all high-level combat encounters will take a lot of time. of 1–3, the item explodes, dealing 16 (3d10) fire
When you’re planning to run any of these lairs of 12th level damage to the wielder. On a 4–6, the item vaporizes
or higher, be aware of how long their boss encounters might in a burst of light, blinding the wielder until the end
run. Plan accordingly, including making preparations for a of their next turn. On a 7–9, the item crumbles to
break point in case you start a combat late in a game session dust. On a 10, the item remains intact.
and need to split it over the next session as well.

Sizzle Death Magic Items • Use the ancient blue dragon stat block for Sizzle
d100 Item Death.
01–09 Flame tongue greatsword To reduce the difficulty of the lair, consider any of the
10–19 Hammer of thunderbolts following options:
20–29 Horn of blasting • Give the hell hounds the dire wolf stat block with
30–39 Pipes of the sewers immunity to fire damage.
40–49 Wand of lightning bolts • Remove the alpha hell hound, or use the red dragon
50–59 Wand of magic missiles wyrmling stat block for it.
60–69 Wand of polymorph • Use the hill giant, stone giant, or frost giant stat
70–79 Wand of web block for the fire giants, giving them immunity to fire
80–89 Wand of wonder damage.
90–99 Vorpal longsword • Use the behir or young blue dragon stat block for
100 A permanent magic item from the “Treasure” Sizzle Death. Alternatively, you could use the young
section below. black dragon or young white dragon stat block for
Sizzle Death, but his breath attack deals lightning
Twenty of these magic items can be found in Sizzle damage instead of acid or cold damage, and he is
Death’s hoard, in addition to the magic items noted immune to lightning damage instead of acid or cold
under “Treasure” below. Characters who search for and damage.
find any magic items also find the key that unlocks the
chains in area F2. EXPANDING THIS LAIR
You can expand this lair by building on or modifying
TREASURE any number of the hooks found within it:
If you’re planning to build up to this lair as part of • Sizzle Death was collecting magic items to prepare
a longer campaign, consider having the characters for an approaching war of dragons. The world’s most
find fewer magic item rewards until they battle Sizzle powerful ancient wyrms are gearing up to duke it
Death. Then you can reward them with the items out to the death, with the victor gaining the others’
below, and even add a few of your own to the hoard. hoards and the scorched world where the battles took
The characters can find the following rewards in areas place. If the characters don’t stop the other dragons
F3 and F4: before the war begins, thousands of humanoids will
• Coins and gems worth a total of 34,000 gp. perish.
• A staff of fire, a suit of adamantine plate armor, a +3 • Many of the gems in Sizzle Death’s hoard were stolen
shield, and a luck blade. from powerful metallic dragons, who are now tearing
• If Sizzle Death’s armor is recovered, a master smith up the countryside looking for them. The characters
(including a grateful fire giant from area F2) can must return the gems to their rightful owners before
reforge the pieces into a helm of brilliance sized for a the good dragons do something bad.
Medium or Small character with 2d10 days of work. • If Sizzle Death escapes, he goes crying to his
mother, Explirasana the Blue Horror. If he dies,
ENCOUNTER DIFFICULTY Explirasana learns of it and seeks revenge. In either
You can adjust the difficulty of this lair in a number of case, the dragon is also a powerful necromancer
different ways. For more difficult encounters, consider who sends armies of undead to destroy everything
any of the following options: the characters ever loved until they return her son’s
• For the hell hounds, use the red dragon wyrmling hoard.
stat block with the same adjustments as the hell
hound alpha. For the alpha, use the adult red dragon
stat block.
• Use the cloud giant or storm giant stat block for the
fire giants, giving them immunity to fire damage.


Xavier Beaudlet
n a layer of the Abyss known as the Ocean layer of the Abyss, hundreds of sages, priests, and
of Blood, a mountain of iron juts out of wizards used dark and terrible magic to hunt for the
a boiling red maelstrom like an infected Word—until after thousands of years, they found its
splinter. Carved into this island is the Keep location, and Garvesch waged a war to claim it.
of the Virulent Blade, where the marilith Blade Queen The celestials known as the Keepers of the Word
Karethe guards a Word of ancient power for her demon were few in number, but powerful. Their silvery blades
prince master—a Word that can either save the world cut through hundreds of Garvesch’s demonic invaders,
or destroy it. but those forces eventually cut down the sacred
This lair is optimized for four to five 17th-level beings, broke into the Keepers’ inner vaults, and took
characters. possession of the Word.
However, when Garvesch’s claws first caressed the
BACKGROUND amber crystal containing the golden plate upon which
A power exists in the multiverse that allows life to the Word was written, the demon prince felt only fear.
bloom across countless worlds. But that power can just What was this thing he possessed? What power did it
as easily snuff life out. For millions of years, an ancient truly hold? What might be done with it—and could its
sect of celestials protected the Word, as this power was power be unleashed accidentally? For having claimed
known, hiding it even from the gods, who could not be the Word, Garvesch realized that he did not want it.
trusted with it. Feeling himself cursed to possess such power,
Hearing faint whispers of this Word and the power Garvesch buried the Word in the remotest part of his
behind it, the demon prince Garvesch Bloodletter realm, then put his most trusted lieutenant in charge of
spent hundreds of years hunting it down. His armies of protecting it. Since then, the Word has been kept safe
demons and cultists scoured the multiverse for every by the marilith Blade Queen Karethe, who waits for her
shred of evidence of the Word’s existence and location. master to choose that power’s fate.
In an obsidian tower in the Ocean of Blood, Garvesch’s
INTEGRATING THIS LAIR by a contingent of the Blade Queen’s retinue, including
vrock, hezrou, and glabrezu followers.
Though this lair is intended as an extraplanar setting,
However you set up the surroundings of the Blade
you can easily choose to set the Keep of the Virulent
Queen’s lair, the doors to the north of area Q1 should
Blade in a fantastic location in the Material Plane,
appear to be the proper entrance into the Keep of the
perhaps deep in the depths of an ancient mountain or
Virulent Blade. You might have the doors set into a
at the center of a hidden citadel. You can also decide
wall of stone with no sense of what lies beyond, or
that the Word represents a more specific source of
part of an angled structure suggesting that the doors
supernatural power in your campaign.
conceal a flight of stairs leading down.
You can use the following hooks to integrate this
lair into your campaign, whether as part of a longer
adventure or as the focus of a single play session:
The areas of the Blade Queen’s lair have the following
• The Word is the only force capable of stopping a
general features:
huge planetary object from smashing into the world
• The whole lair has been magically shaped from black
and destroying it. This object might be a comet or
some other natural phenomenon. Or it could be a
• Interior areas are brightly lit by red and orange
planet-sized elder evil whose malevolence is beyond
glowing gemstones.
understanding, but whose threat grows ever clearer
• Ceilings range from 25 to 50 feet high.
in the night sky.
• The Blade Queen’s citadel is under the effect of a
• A group of villains plans to acquire the Word, having
forbiddance spell that targets celestial creatures, and
struck a deal with the Blade Queen. It’s up to the
which prevents any creature from teleporting into the
characters to defeat her and claim the Word before
lair. This effect ends when Karethe is killed.
she can pass it off.
• One of the characters or an NPC they care for has
fallen under an ancient demonic curse that no
known magic can remove—but which the Word The following encounter areas are keyed to the map of
holds the power to undo. However, wishing to have the Blade Queen’s lair.
his own cure for the curse on hand, Garvesch has Q1. FOUNTAIN OF WAR
sequestered the Word away in a hidden vault and has
bound the Blade Queen to protect it.
• Garvesch has learned that the characters hunt for the A cracked stone bridge stands twenty feet above
Word, and has decided that the time to use it is now. a roiling river of blood flowing to the ocean that
With the power of the Word, the demon prince plans surrounds the island. More blood drips down from
to shatter the multiverse, leaving his Ocean of Blood underneath the bridge, with the river sending up
as the only realm of existence—unless the characters writhing tendrils to reach for each drop like grasping
can stop him. hands.
• In a low-magic campaign, you could establish that Across the bridge, a grim sculpture depicts four
the Word is the origin of the wish spell, which is figures impaled by fiendish weapons. A huge iron
as yet unknown in the world. By capturing the door sits against the natural rock wall west of the
Word and scribing it into spell form, the characters fountain.
can help set the magical destiny of the world.
Alternatively, the Word could be an even more A creature that succeeds on a DC 14 Wisdom
powerful version of the wish spell, whose parameters (Perception) check before stepping onto the bridge
you determine. spots the large bulbous pods of blood (see below) that
are moving back and forth underneath it.
The Blade Queen’s throne stands within a citadel RED-BLACK PUDDINGS
shaped from the black iron of a claw-like island jutting If any character comes into contact with the river
out of the Ocean of Blood, the layer of the Abyss or attempts to cross the bridge, one red-hued black
controlled by Garvesch. This ocean extends throughout pudding per character flows up from underneath the
Garvesch’s realm, marked by other black iron islands bridge or climbs up the cliffs from the river below.
carved into towers and fortresses by his followers. RIVER OF BLOOD
You can create a more expansive version of Karethe’s Any creature that enters the river of blood or starts
lair by having the inner chambers detailed here its turn there must make a DC 16 Constitution saving
protected by a larger keep. That larger fortress is filled
Alex VanDerAa
throw, taking 28 (8d6) necrotic damage on a failed The fountain’s magic resets 1 minute after being
save, or half as much damage on a successful one. used. Any portal created by the fountain vanishes, the
blade used to activate the fountain slides out, and the
The sculpture on the far side of the bridge is a fountain fountain can be activated again.
of stone and iron depicting four different creatures Havar the Solar (“The Defeated”). This statue of
impaled by fiendish-looking weapons. The sculpture a kneeling winged solar has an ornate longsword
radiates necromancy and conjuration magic to a detect piercing its chest. A character who succeeds on a DC
magic spell. 18 Intelligence (History or Religion) check recognizes
The fountain teleports creatures into Karethe’s the statue as that of Havar, one of the Keepers of the
lair if properly activated—or into peril if activated Word defeated by the Blade Queen. If the blade is
incorrectly. A character who examines the fountain can pressed in, an opaque portal resembling shimmering
see that the weapons stabbing into the statues are real, quicksilver forms next to the right-hand door beyond
and that the statues are slotted to allow the weapons the fountain. Stepping through this portal takes the
to pass through them. The weapons cannot be pulled characters to the quicksilver mosaic in Karethe’s throne
free, but each one can be easily pushed inward to stab room (area Q3).
deeper into its statue. Shrouded Devil (“The Prisoner”). A long spear
Abyssal words have been carved into the base of the impales the statue of an erinyes devil with its face
sculpture underneath each of the statues (described covered by a shroud. If the spear is pressed down,
in parentheses below). When a blade is pushed into an opaque portal resembling a shimmering cloth
its statue, a magical effect activates as described shroud appears next to the left-hand door beyond
below. Only one blade can be pushed in at a time. If the fountain. Stepping through this portal takes the
the characters attempt to push two or more blades in characters to the grim cells of area Q2.
simultaneously, choose one effect randomly. Bloody Skeleton (“The Screaming Dead”). A
skeleton covered in flowing blood is impaled by a
bone-hilted greatsword. A creature that presses the
Mike’s Thoughts: Running Easy sword farther into the statue is teleported into the
Encounters at High Levels blood river below the bridge.
Iron Knight (“The Guardian”). A huge, heavy-
GMs often face a temptation to make every battle a
bladed sword is thrust through the body of a kneeling
challenge for the characters, particularly at high levels. But
players often enjoy watching their high-level characters
armored knight. The statue and the blade are cold to
defeat challenges that would have once proved difficult. In the touch. A creature that presses the sword farther
this lair, a battle against black puddings provides one such into the statue is teleported into the false entrance in
challenge, giving 17th-level characters a chance to defeat this area (see below).
easy foes and have some fun doing it. The best stories often FALSE ENTRANCE
come from easy encounters, so never worry about pitting the
The double doors beyond the fountain are a false
characters against easily defeated foes.
entrance to Karethe’s lair. Each is a smooth slab of

stone set with no obvious lock. The doors can be forced (Medicine) check reveals that the archmage’s mind has
open with a successful DC 18 Strength (Athletics) been broken from his torment.
check. Each door has AC 18, 40 hit points, and Varre. This erinyes was captured by Karethe in a
immunity to poison, necrotic, and psychic damage. battle during the Blood War. Varre’s nightmares have
Beyond the false doors stands an ice-touched iron her continually reliving her life as a lemure, crawling
golem that attacks if the doors are opened or if a through the primordial soup of the first layer of the
creature is teleported into this chamber. A blue crystal Nine Hells. Varre has knowledge of the Blade Queen
on the golem’s chest envelops it in frost. The ice- and the defenses in the throne room (area Q3), and
touched iron golem uses the iron golem stat block with shares this knowledge with the characters if they
the following changes: promise to kill her. Doing so sets her free from this
• It is immune to cold damage, in addition to its other prison and returns her to the Nine Hells as a lemure
immunities. (but only once this time).
• Its slam and sword attacks deal an extra 14 (4d6) cold Orum. A deva gifted to Karethe by Garvesch, Orum
damage on a hit. was a witness to the demon prince’s attack on the
• Whenever a creature within 10 feet of the golem citadel of the Keepers of the Word. Little is left of their
hits it with a melee attack, the frost covering the mind after centuries under Karethe’s shroud, but they
construct erupts as a freezing blast that deals 18 remember the slaying of their master, the solar Havar,
(4d8) cold damage to the attacker. and how his soul was trapped within the mosaic in
• The golem’s Poison Breath deals cold damage instead front of Karethe’s throne (see area Q3). After offering
of poison damage. Whenever the golem uses its this information to characters who free them from the
Poison Breath, it can make one slam or sword attack shroud, Orum sighs as their body flows into quicksilver
as a bonus action. and they return to their home plane.
• It has a challenge rating of 20 (25,000 XP). TUNNEL TO THE THRONE ROOM
A 20-foot-diameter round tunnel leads out of this
area, then angles toward a circular set of black-iron
This chamber holds the Blade Queen’s favorite doors. The doors are unlocked and open into the Blade
prisoners in eternal torment. Each lies upon a stone Queen’s throne room (area Q3).
slab, and is covered from head to toe with a magic
shroud that restrains a creature and fills its mind with Q3. THRONE OF THE BLADE QUEEN
its own worst nightmares. Some of these prisoners have
been here for years. Others have been held by the Blade The graven images of demons tearing angels apart
Queen for centuries. adorn the walls of this chamber, with the weapons of
If a shroud is removed from any of the victims, that
the fiends seemingly plated in real steel. The room is
victim’s nightmares cease. A shroud loses its magical
divided into a lower section whose floor is inscribed
properties if removed from the chamber.
with the silver image of an angel, and an upper
PRISONERS section set with a large throne made of iron and
Each of the four prisoners currently on the slabs has obsidian. A pair of curved ramps connect the two
four levels of exhaustion, 10 hit points, and no will to
sides of the chamber.
face Karethe. Use these prisoners to relay information
An armored marilith sits upon the throne, her
regarding the lair and its backstory as needed.
Yrric. This withered vrock displeased Karethe when serpentine lower body curled at its base. With each of
they let one of the Blade Queen’s prisoners escape from her arms, she draws six blades from the fan of swords
this citadel two centuries past. The vrock’s nightmares that make up the throne’s back. Behind her, a large
are of endless pain and violence, and they attack the yellow crystal floats within a swirling black mist, with
first person they see if freed. a shining plate of gold held within the crystal’s heart.
Zephyrus Flamecloak. A lawful evil human
archmage (with no prepared spells), Zephyrus was To lend power to his greatest general and guardian,
marked for retribution when he summoned and bound Garvesch has granted Karethe items and magic that
Karethe centuries ago. The Blade Queen imprisoned make her far more powerful than a normal marilith.
the archmage here, breaking his mind with the She uses the marilith stat block with the following
eternal death screams of his younger brother. If freed, changes:
Zephyrus’s torment ends, but he does not respond • Karethe wears a belt of fire giant strength, giving her a
to those around him. A successful DC 16 Wisdom Strength of 25 (+7). This gives her +12 to hit for her

initiative count 10 (losing initiative ties), potentially
Turning the Dials giving the characters time to neutralize them before
Running high-level encounters that maintain the balance they attack. Karethe can summon new swords each
between making a fight challenging but not overwhelming round to replace swords neutralized by the characters,
is notoriously difficult. For this reason, always be thinking but only to a maximum of one flying sword per
about the dials you can adjust to affect the difficulty of the character at any time.
encounter on the fly. For this lair, the dials you can turn to If Karethe has temporary hit points from having
increase or decrease the threat level include: been reduced to 0 hit points and the mosaic in the floor
• The number of swords Karethe can summon each round.
is disabled, she can summon two flying swords per
• The extra radiant damage dealt by Karethe’s longsword
character each round, to a total of two per character.
attack and by her flying swords, granted by the mosaic.
• The damage dealt by Karethe’s sword aura after she gains
When she initially summons her flying swords,
her temporary hit points. Karethe can choose to have one or more of the swords
• Whether Karethe calls in her clay golem guardians. immediately hurl themselves toward a creature within
All these options add a bit of potential complexity to the 50 feet of the sword. A sword hurled this way makes
main encounter in this lair, but their ultimate goal is to make one melee attack against its target and is destroyed.
the fight easier to run. Feel free to turn any of these dials up When Karethe is killed, any remaining flying swords
or down during the battle to keep the challenge high but not clatter to the ground.
make the fight impossible.
Guardian clay golems stand along the side walls of
longsword and tail attacks, and increases her damage the elevated half of the chamber—two golems for four
for those attacks by 3. characters, three golems for five characters, or four
• Three times per day, when Karethe fails a saving golems for six characters. Karethe activates the golems
throw, she can choose to succeed instead. as a bonus action under the following circumstances:
• While the mosaic in Karethe’s throne room is active, • The battle is going particularly poorly for her.
the marilith’s longsword attacks and the attacks of her • The characters try to bypass her and go straight for
flying swords (see “Quicksilver Mosaic” below) each the crystal containing the Word.
deal an extra 10 (3d6) radiant damage. • The characters have found a way to consistently
• Karethe can use a bonus action to teleport to the neutralize her summoned swords.
location of any one of her flying swords (see “Flying • The quicksilver mosaic is deactivated soon after the
Swords”). start of the fight.
• When Karethe takes damage that would reduce her QUICKSILVER MOSAIC
to 0 hit points, she instead gains temporary hit points A huge mosaic, its tiled lines filled with angelic
equal to her normal hit point maximum and removes quicksilver blood, covers the floor below Karethe’s
any ongoing conditions or effects on her. While she throne. The image continually shifts and moves,
has these temporary hit points, she is surrounded by showing the serrated blade of the demon prince
an aura of swirling swords that extend 20 feet from Garvesch piercing the heart of the solar Havar, who
her. A creature hostile to Karethe that enters the area led the Keepers of the Word. The mosaic has trapped
of the swords for the first time on a turn or starts Havar’s soul at the moment of his murder, and will
its turn there must succeed on a DC 20 Dexterity continually recreate that moment throughout eternity.
saving throw, taking 27 (6d8) slashing damage on a While active, the mosaic infuses Karethe’s blades
failed save, or half as much damage on a successful with radiant energy, so that her longsword attacks
one. Karethe can’t use this ability again until she and the attacks of her flying swords each deal an extra
completes a long rest. 10 (3d6) radiant damage. A character with a passive
FLYING SWORDS Wisdom (Perception) score of 16 or higher, or who
Each round on initiative count 20 (losing initiative succeeds on a DC 16 Wisdom (Perception) check,
ties), Karethe can summon one flying sword per sees that the swirling radiant energy in the mosaic
character in an unoccupied space she can see within resembles the radiant energy of Karethe’s swords.
60 feet of her, with the swords appearing to fly out of A character who uses an action to study the mosaic
the hands of the demons engraved on the walls. Each can attempt a DC 16 Intelligence (Arcana or Religion)
flying sword uses the flying sword stat block, but uses check. On a success, the character recognizes that the
the attack and damage statistics of Karethe’s longsword mosaic contains the trapped soul of the solar Havar,
attack (including the extra radiant damage of the and that the mosaic can be deactivated by drawing
quicksilver mosaic; see below). These swords act on Havar’s soul out of it. Doing so requires two successful

DC 18 Intelligence (Arcana or Religion) checks made ENCOUNTER DIFFICULTY
as an action, two castings of greater restoration, or two
You can adjust the difficulty of this lair in a number of
castings of dispel magic (DC 18). If drawn out of the
different ways. For more difficult encounters, consider
mosaic, Havar’s freed soul returns to his home plane.
any of the following options:
THE WORD • Increase the number of flying swords to two per
The Word is written upon a plate of gold surrounded character instead of one.
by a rough-faceted amber crystal, floating in what • Let the swords act immediately when summoned
appears to be a black mist. A character who succeeds instead of on initiative count 10.
on a DC 16 Intelligence (Arcana) check recognizes • Add more clay golems to Karethe’s lair, and let her
that the mist is, in fact, a pocket of pure destructive activate these golems earlier.
planar energy used as a protective barrier around the • Increase the amount of extra damage granted by the
crystal. Any creature that touches the swirling planar quicksilver mosaic to 21 (6d6) or 28 (8d6).
energy for the first time on a turn, or that starts its turn • Increase the damage dealt by Karethe’s sword aura to
in contact with it, must make a DC 22 Constitution 45 (10d8) slashing damage.
saving throw, taking 90 (20d8) force damage on a failed To reduce the difficulty of the lair, consider any of the
save, or half as much damage on a successful one. If following options:
this damage reduces a creature to 0 hit points, it is
• Decrease or remove the extra damage granted by the
destroyed. The creature and everything it is wearing
quicksilver mosaic.
and carrying, except magic items, are vaporized and
• Remove the clay golems or replace them with flesh
drawn into the mist. The creature can be restored to
life only by means of a true resurrection or a wish spell.
• Remove Karethe’s ability to gain temporary hit points
Constructs and undead are immune to this damage.
when she is reduced to 0 hit points.
The crystal cannot be touched by anything other than
• Run Karethe using the default marilith stat block.
a creature.
Work with the players as they determine how to
acquire the crystal. If they come up with a creative
You can expand this lair by building on or modifying
solution, give characters advantage on their saving
any number of the hooks found within it:
throws as they interact with the planar energy. If they
come up with an approach that appears as though • If the demon prince Garvesch becomes aware that
it should work without difficulty, let them succeed the characters have recovered the Word, he stops at
automatically. nothing to get it back. Demons loyal to Garvesch and
Some possible approaches to claiming the crystal mercenaries of all kinds hunt the characters down,
include: attempting to recover the Word. The only way to stop
the assault might be for the characters to face the
• Using the dismembered hand of one of the golems to
demon prince in his floating citadel above the Ocean
acquire the crystal.
of Blood.
• Summoning a monster with enough hit points
• A number of solars once allied with the Keepers of
to survive entering the area of planar energy and
the Word eventually learn that the Word has been
pulling the crystal out.
claimed, and hunt down those who recovered it.
• Creating or summoning an undead creature to
They do not look kindly on any mortals who dare to
acquire it.
meddle in the Keepers’ work. They might demand
Once the characters have the Word in hand, it’s up to
the cleansing of any humanoid who dared to touch
you to determine its effects—or whether they can use
the Word, becoming foes just as dangerous as the
it at all. Unless you choose to customize its effect, the
Word’s former demonic guardians.
characters can determine that the Word is a powerful
• Using or protecting the Word might become its own
wish spell with no restrictions. Alternatively, you can
adventure. Supposing that the Word is a powerful
limit this by establishing that mere mortals such as the
wish spell with no limitations, figuring out the
characters can’t invoke the Word’s full power, but can
correct incantation to properly use that power for a
use it as a normal wish spell.
specific goal might take time, effort, and consultation
with the right sages across the multiverse.
TREASURE Alternatively, like Garvesch, the characters might
Along with her belt of fire giant strength, Karethe find that recovering the Word causes all kinds of
wears a jeweled crown of gold and platinum depicting problems, inspiring them to find another secure
interlocked swords (worth 50,000 gp) and two hiding place for it.
bracelets of interlocked serpents (25,000 gp each).

Jack Kaiser
n ancient gold dragon has long suffered their deaths as quick as possible. But their leader, an
under a curse imposed by a powerful fiend. unholy paladin named Muriel Northbound, stabbed
Now, the once-noble creature has become Veragon in the chest with a fiend-possessed spear
convinced that the only possible end to its called Gloomtooth before she fell. The stone-shard
millennia-long torment is the destruction of the entire tip of the spear broke off in the dragon’s chest before
multiverse. The characters must face the tormented Veragon summarily bit the paladin in half.
dragon at the heart of the Vault of Creation to prevent Though his armored skin healed over the wound,
the end of all. the shard of the spear tip stayed in the dragon’s chest,
This lair is optimized for four to five 20th-level sending tendrils of its evil sentience throughout
characters. Veragon’s body, infecting his heart and mind. The
dragon’s days began to fill with unimaginable pain
BACKGROUND and torment brought by the corrupted shard’s fiendish
Veragon the Shining Star knows only pain. For his power—even as that power brought Veragon an
first two thousand years of life, the gold dragon spent immortality he did not want.
his days in pursuit of knowledge and discovery. Working against the pain, Veragon desperately
Traveling across the mortal realm, he passed lifetimes sought ways to cure himself of his curse, but in vain.
in humanoid forms, struggling to better understand Not even the mightiest wish spells could rid him of
the existence of the peoples of the world. He then spent the plague that racked his body and mind. And so
further centuries traveling across the planes, seeking to the shard’s influence inevitably pushed him toward a
understand the magic that permeates every aspect of single conclusion: if Veragon could not die, his pain
existence. would end only when the multiverse no longer existed.
Then one day, a band of evil dragon hunters broke Driven to this dramatic end, Veragon has sought the
into one of Veragon’s many lairs, hoping to loot one of location of the legendary Pillar of Creation, secured
his vast magical stores. Pitying them, the dragon made within the celestial fortress known as the Vault of
Creation. For the chaotic sentience of the cursed shard
A great domed structure shaped of marble sits atop
wishes an end to all things, and has turned Veragon
impossibly high celestial mountains. Clouds obscure
into the instrument that might complete its goal.
the landscape below as it reaches out into infinity. But
INTEGRATING THIS LAIR this serene landscape is marred by the smoke pouring
Depending on how you set up the lead-in adventures out of the doorway of the celestial vault. The broken
to this lair, Veragon’s corruption and descent into forms of dead angels lie around the entrance, their
madness might be known to the characters before they bodies scorched and twisted.
face the dragon. Alternatively, they might discover the
dragon’s true nature only when they face him, learning When Veragon appeared at the Vault of Creation, the
in the heat of battle that this powerful being is seeking fiendish curse consuming the dragon drew forth the
the end of the multiverse. If your campaign involves a vault’s celestial defenders. Unfortunately, the evil of
long-term hunt for Veragon, make sure the characters that curse also attracted fiends from across the planes,
discover that the dragon has taken on a fiendish who took on the celestials in a bloody fight. With those
essence, to prevent them seeking weapons or magic two sides having destroyed each other, Veragon has
specifically effective against dragons. been left alone to seek the Pillar of Creation and shatter
You can use the following hooks to integrate this it.
lair into your campaign, whether as part of a longer
adventure or as the focus of a single play session: VAULT OF CREATION FEATURES
• The fiendish influence cursing Veragon could come The areas of the Vault of Creation have the following
from a powerful archdevil or demon prince who the general features:
characters have faced throughout their high-level • Halls and chambers are formed of white-and-gold
adventures. This fiend might be able to influence marble, and carved with ornate reliefs of celestials
Veragon through the shard lodged in the dragon’s protecting mortals from demons and devils.
chest, causing him to seek out the Vault of Creation • All areas are well lit by blue-and-white glowing
as a distraction. While the characters chase down gemstones embedded in the walls.
Veragon, the true villain might then bring their own • Hallways have 40-foot-high ceilings.
plots to fulfillment. • Chambers have 80-foot-high ceilings.
• The characters might have heard of Veragon’s plight
and followed the dragon’s trail of destruction as he VAULT OF CREATION
hunts for the Vault of Creation. Throughout their The following encounter areas are keyed to the map of
adventures, they run into apocalyptic cultists and Veragon’s lair.
fiends who wish to see Veragon succeed. Veragon’s
corruption might also have spread to a number of H1. FOUNTAIN OF LIFE
celestials, who hunt down the characters to stop Once a place of pure celestial beauty, this area has been
them from interrupting the dragon’s plans. corrupted by Veragon’s arrival and the battle that has
• This lair might be part of a series of quests that a followed the dragon here.
god or celestial entity gives to high-level characters.
Veragon’s destructive wrath might have surprised the A statue of a weeping angel kneels in the middle of
gods, forcing them to call upon the mightiest mortal a large marble fountain. The body of a deva and a
heroes to stop the dragon from destroying all of glabrezu demon both sprawl within the fountain,
creation. their ichor swirling black and silver within the deep
blue of its water. Two shattered doors across the
chamber lead into a hallway filled with jagged bolts
CREATION of blue-and-black lightning, while a marble door
The Vault of Creation is a domed marble structure stands closed upon the nearer wall. The corpses of
sitting atop impossibly high mountains in a beautiful
numerous fiends litter the floor in front of this door,
celestial domain. It sits outside the view of gods and
which is carved to depict a blindfolded humanoid,
mortals alike, protecting a magical pillar whose power
holds the multiverse together. her arms held out as if in welcome.
However the characters seek out and travel to the
vault, they arrive just in the aftermath of an unexpected FIENDISH FORCES
attack. Read or paraphrase the following to set the As the characters enter the chamber, dimensional gates
scene: suddenly open up around them, disgorging two balors
Diana Muñoz
into the room. Add a third balor if the party has five or that fills itself with the door’s radiant energy with a
more characters. The balors speak of the joy of being successful DC 20 Intelligence (Religion) check. On
able to witness the end of creation as they attack the a failed check to draw on the door’s energy, or if an
characters. unsuitable creature attempts to open the door, beams
of radiant energy erupt from the blindfolded carving
The mixture of demonic and celestial blood in the on the door. The creature triggering the beams must
fountain has caused it to become hideously corrupted. succeed on a DC 22 Dexterity saving throw or take 70
A character with a passive Wisdom (Perception) score (20d6) radiant damage and be stunned for 1 minute.
of 14 or higher, or who succeeds on a DC 14 Wisdom H2. ARMORY OF LIGHT
(Perception) check, notices a foul odor of death
This small chamber holds the armory of the celestial
coming from the pool.
warriors charged with protecting the Vault of Creation.
A creature that enters the fountain for the first time
Veragon’s attack on the vault came so quickly that none
on a turn or starts its turn there must make a DC 20
of the guardians had time to come here before the
Constitution saving throw, taking 35 (10d6) radiant
damage and 35 (10d6) necrotic damage on a failed
save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
A ten-foot-high statue of an armored angel stands
against the far wall, her face covered by a full helm
Cracks in the Pillar of Creation in area H3 have caused
and her hands extended, palms up. A glowing white-
unstable energy to tear through the hallway leading to
and-silver sword lies across the statue’s upturned
that area. Any creature that starts its turn in the hall
must succeed on a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw or
take 75 (10d6 + 40) force damage. If this damage leaves
the creature with 0 hit points, it and everything it’s A character who succeeds on a DC 20 Intelligence
wearing and carrying, except magic items, are reduced (Arcana or Religion) check senses the tremendous
to a pile of fine gray dust. The creature can be restored arcane energy coming off the blade, as well as a
to life only by means of a true resurrection or a wish powerful intelligence within it. The sword is a
spell. The characters can avoid this danger by moving luck blade with one charge remaining. Choose the
through the hallway and fully into area H3 without sword’s type based on what will be of most use to the
stopping. characters.
A wish spell cast by the blade channels celestial
ARMORY DOORWAY power designed to preserve the sanctity of the Vault
This doorway into area H2 is imbued with dangerous of Creation. As such, it can be used to undo Veragon’s
radiant energy, which can be felt by a character who curse and destroy the shard in the dragon. But
studies the door and succeeds on a DC 16 Intelligence although a character can attune to the luck blade here,
(Arcana, Investigation, or Religion) check. A character the blade will not let the possessor cast wish until after
who senses the energy understands that the door can
be opened only by a celestial creature, or by a creature
Veragon has already begun to smash at the crystal,
Mike’s Thoughts: Running 20th-Level tearing at it with his claws and casting destructive
Encounters spells upon it. The dragon becomes aware of the
Running encounters at high levels is fraught with characters as soon as they enter this area, telling them
complications at the best of times. Challenging experienced that destroying the crystal is the only way he can be
players with well-tuned high-level threats can be… well, free of his torment.
challenging, for any number of reasons: The characters can easily see that a great wound cuts
• Challenge rating math assumes that the characters have across the dragon’s chest, set with motes of blue-white
fewer magic items than they actually do. light. If the characters speak to Veragon and one of
• Character synergy is particularly good at higher levels. them succeeds on a DC 18 Charisma (Persuasion)
• High-level characters have many ways to mitigate or check, the dragon is suddenly racked with pain, and
eliminate damage, and often have substantial hit point
takes 8d6 psychic damage from the shard embedded
into his chest. A different voice with a fiendish tone
• Certain classes have excellent ways to reduce the
then speaks through the dragon, telling the characters
effectiveness of monsters, while others can deal
tremendous amounts of damage. This combination can
that they have failed and will die here—whereupon
finish off even the toughest foes quickly. Veragon attacks.
This lair shows off some of the ways you can bring a
A character who succeeds on a DC 18 Wisdom
strong challenge to 20th-level characters, by allowing (Insight) check during any conversation with the
Veragon to avoid many of the typical ways 20th-level dragon recognizes that Veragon’s wound is the source
characters can pin down high-challenge monsters. Still, no of the curse driving his actions. A character with a
encounter can account for every strange combination of passive Wisdom (Perception) score of 18 or higher, or
features and magic the characters can bring to the table at who succeeds on a DC 18 Wisdom (Perception) check,
such a high level. Because you know the capabilities of your can see that one of the motes of light in the dragon’s
campaign’s characters better than anyone else, always feel wound is actually the end of a stone shard lodged deep
free to fine-tune your encounters and your boss monsters’ within Veragon’s chest. The character can tell that the
abilities even further to bring the greatest excitement to your shard cannot be removed without subduing or killing
the dragon.
Veragon has been defeated (see “Killing Veragon” Veragon uses the ancient gold dragon stat block with
below). the following changes:
RESTING UP • Veragon is a fiend.
This secure chamber is a good place for the characters • He is immune to fire, necrotic, and poison damage;
to take a short rest and allow one of them to attune to and to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage
the sword. If they tarry any longer, however, Veragon from nonmagical attacks.
will succeed in shattering the Pillar of Creation and • He is immune to the blinded, charmed, deafened,
destroying the multiverse. Characters who use magic frightened, poisoned, and stunned conditions.
or stealth to get a look into area H3 see the dragon • Veragon has advantage on saving throws against
pacing restlessly in that area, and can intuit that a short spells and other magical effects.
rest will not hinder their quest. • Veragon regains 30 hit points at the start of his
turn. If the fiendish shard in his chest is targeted
H3. PILLAR OF CREATION with a spell or attack that deals radiant damage, this
This chamber houses the Pillar of Creation, a huge regeneration doesn’t function at the start of Veragon’s
white crystal floating within the domed well of the next turn. The shard has Veragon’s AC and saving
chamber’s ceiling. When the characters can see into throws but takes no damage directly. Veragon dies
this area, read or paraphrase the following to set the only if he starts his turn with 0 hit points and doesn’t
scene: regenerate.
• Veragon has an Intelligence of 28 (+9).
A jagged white crystal floats beneath the domed • He has the Innate Spellcasting trait:
center of this chamber, watched over by thirty- Innate Spellcasting. Veragon’s innate spellcasting ability is
Intelligence (spell save DC 26; +18 to hit with spell attacks). He
foot-high statues of angels standing against the can innately cast the following spells, requiring no material
great pillars that line the walls. Bolts of blue-white components:
lightning periodically erupt from the crystal to arc At will: counterspell, dispel magic, fireball, lightning bolt, misty
out across the room. step, shatter, shield

1/day each: circle of death, disintegrate, maze, meteor swarm, he is overcome by the fiendish presence in the shard.
prismatic spray While Veragon is below half his full hit points, his
• Veragon has the following additional legendary statistics have the following additional changes:
actions: • He is surrounded by an aura of black fire. Any
Cast Spell. Veragon casts an at-will spell. creature that moves within 30 feet of Veragon for the
Fire Breath (Costs 3 Actions). Veragon uses his Fire Breath.
first time on a turn or starts its turn there must make
• His Multiattack action is replaced by the following: a DC 26 Constitution saving throw, taking 18 (4d8)
Multiattack. Veragon can use his Frightful Presence. He then fire damage and 18 (4d8) necrotic damage on a failed
makes one bite attack and two claw attacks; or he makes one
save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
bite attack, one claw attack, and casts any innate spell that can
normally be cast as an action. • He loses his Innate Spellcasting trait.
• He loses his previous additional legendary actions
• Veragon’s Frightful Presence has a save DC of 26.
and gains the following legendary action:
• His fire breath has a save DC of 26 and deals 55
Finger of Death (Costs 3 Actions). Veragon casts the finger of
(10d10) fire damage and 55 (10d10) necrotic damage. death spell (save DC 26), but can target two creatures instead
• His Weakening Breath has a save DC of 26. of just one.
• He has a challenge rating of 30 (155,000 XP).
VERAGON’S END When facing more than five characters, Veragon is
If Veragon drops to fewer than half his full hit points, accompanied by one planetar for each character above
the shard in his chest flares brightly. His breath weapon five. These celestials have been twisted by Veragon’s
recharges, and he is enveloped in black and red fire as own corruption, their alignment shifting to lawful
evil. They now serve the dragon and fight to the death
against his foes.
Scott’s Thoughts: Avoiding Lost TACTICS
Victories Veragon holds nothing back when fighting the
Mike talks in the “Curse of Black Ice” lair about the use of characters. He begins by using three legendary actions
multistage monsters in this book, and this design does a to use Fire Breath, then takes flight and casts meteor
great job of putting a unique spin on some already powerful
swarm on his turn. When he does so, the meteors
creatures. Experienced players might well have faced off
shatter the domed ceiling and smash down into the
against an ancient dragon before, but having that dragon
refresh halfway through the fight with a 30-foot aura of
chamber. The characters can use this rubble for half
necrotic fire and a multitarget finger of death legendary cover.
action will keep them on their toes. However, there’s one The dragon typically uses his legendary actions to
area where players of all levels of experience can have a cast fireball, lightning bolt, or shatter. He uses misty step
consistently bad time in a game, and that’s feeling as though if pinned down, counterspell and dispel magic if he faces
a victory has no value because it’s been arbitrarily snatched troublesome spellcasters, and shield if facing powerful
away. melee or ranged attackers. He saves disintegrate in case
When playing a multistage monster, try to read the table wall of force is used to pen him in.
to get a sense of how the players might react to putting Veragon uses his mobility to his advantage, staying
down the boss through valiant effort, only to have the boss in flight and staying out of range of counterspell when
laugh maniacally as they power up again. You want this
casting his spells.
to be a moment of peak “What? Wow!”, rather than one
of “What? Ugh.” If you feel like your players are up for the PILLAR OF CREATION
reveal as much as their characters are up for the challenge, A crack in the Pillar of Creation caused by Veragon’s
let the multistage boss surprise them. But if you’re worried earlier attacks causes pure energy to arc around the
about accidentally undercutting their sense of victory, don’t chamber. Once per round on initiative count 0 (losing
be afraid to tease a boss’s multistage setup ahead of time. initiative ties), a bolt of this energy strikes a random
Whispered rumors can speak of how the corrupted gold creature in the room, which must succeed on a DC 22
dragon is unkillable, or about another group of heroes who
Dexterity saving throw or take 75 (10d6 + 40) force
thought they’d vanquished the frost giant werewolf only to
damage. If this damage leaves the creature with 0 hit
be torn limb from limb by the wolf that rose from the giant’s
points, it and everything it’s wearing and carrying,
corpse. In a pinch, you can even set up what’s coming with
the ever-popular, “If you strike me down…” monologue.
except magic items, are reduced to a pile of fine gray
After all, a multistage boss who’s on the ropes in their first dust. The creature can be restored to life only by means
form has plenty of reasons to be confident that they’ve still of a true resurrection or a wish spell.
got the upper hand in the fight. To add more urgency to the battle, Veragon can use
his Tail Attack legendary action to continue smashing

the pillar, sending more cracks through it. This has no • Add cone of cold to Veragon’s list of at-will spells.
effect on the timeline of the pillar’s destruction, but you • In the second part of the fight, let Veragon target
can use it to heighten the tension. three or more creatures with finger of death as a
legendary action.
When Veragon drops to 0 hit points, the dragon falls To reduce the difficulty of the lair, consider any of the
down, defeated. But unless the shard is removed from following options:
his chest, he immediately begins to regenerate from the • Have Veragon’s breath weapon deal 35 (10d6) fire
vast amount of damage he has taken. Even if Veragon damage and 35 (10d6) necrotic damage.
is disintegrated, the shard lies intact among his ashen • Avoid using Veragon’s more powerful spells.
remains—and begins to rebuild the dragon piece by • Run Veragon as a standard adult gold dragon or
piece. ancient gold dragon with no changes to his stat
When he first regains consciousness, Veragon block.
remains outside the shard’s influence. With his mind • Have Veragon not overcome by the shard when he
freed, the dragon understands something that the drops to below half his full hit points, finishing the
shard’s curse has previously prevented him from fight using his original statistics.
knowing, and he explains to the characters that the
shard can be destroyed by using a wish spell, the cleric’s EXPANDING THIS LAIR
Divine Intervention feature, or similarly powerful You can expand this lair by building on or modifying
magic to make it vulnerable, and then to sunder it any number of the hooks found within it:
with a powerful weapon. Veragon also shares that • If a fiendish villain orchestrated the dragon’s attack
destroying the shard will destroy him as well. on the Vault of Creation, that villain’s true agenda
As Veragon foretold, using wish or Divine still stands. After defeating Veragon, the characters
Intervention allows a character to use a rare or must travel quickly to the realm of the fiendish
legendary weapon (including the luck blade found lord to try to stop a plot that might already be well
in area H2), to destroy the shard. Doing so likewise underway.
destroys Veragon, whose essence has been thoroughly • If this quest was one of many the gods or their
taken over by the shard. The dragon thanks the celestial agents have given to the characters, other
characters before he dies. quests might remain to be performed. Perhaps a
If the characters do not have access to the necessary rift to a planet populated by tarrasques has formed
magic or weapon, Veragon can tell them that he senses within a populated city, whose folk need the
one nearby, directing them to area H2. (The shard’s characters’ aid.
curse previously prevented him from seeking the • After defeating Veragon, the characters might decide
weapon himself.) to take on the quest to cure the poor dragon before
he is taken over again by the curse. Not even a wish
TREASURE spell can destroy the shard on its own, but you can
In addition to the luck blade claimed in area H2, the have the characters search for and destroy the source
vault contains numerous other treasures. These include of the shard’s dark influence to end its power.
a mixture of celestial-forged idols and artifacts worth a • Even if the characters are successful in destroying the
total of 100,000 gp, and a suit of golden +3 plate armor shard, the guardians of the Pillar of Creation might
forged for a mortal hero of the gods. not take kindly to mortals stepping into the vault
even with the best of intentions. The lawful attitudes
ENCOUNTER DIFFICULTY of the celestials who guard the Vault of Creation
You can adjust the difficulty of this lair in a number of might drive them to hunt down and destroy the
different ways. For more difficult encounters, consider characters, so that word of the vault’s location never
any of the following options: reaches the mortal world.
• Add one or more planetars to the fight, all corrupted
by Veragon’s curse and serving the dragon.
• Have Veragon’s breath weapon deal 71 (13d10) fire
damage and 71 (13d10) necrotic damage.


Jack Kaiser
group of mages known as the Magus conclave have been able to safely interact with the
Conclave have succeeded in neutralizing tarrasque as they observed and unraveled its secrets.
the most powerful monster in existence, But they didn’t count on a powerful necromancer,
creating a prison island specially built to Lacarek the Oblivion, infiltrating their group. When
hold the tarrasque. And when a devious necromancer Lacarek was ready to make her move, she seized
attempts to break that legendary creature out of the control of the construct tarrasque to slaughter the
secure facility so as to raise it as an undead, only the mages of the conclave, then freed the tarrasque from
characters can stop her. its cell—only to have Adamantine Island’s automated
This lair is optimized for four to five 20th-level defenses kick in and lock the facility down.
characters. With the mages on guard at the prison all eaten by
the tarrasque, Lacarek has been busy preparing to
BACKGROUND enact her ultimate plan: kill the tarrasque, then bring
Adamantine Island Prison was built for one purpose: to the titan’s body back as an undead thrall under her
contain the legendary creature known as the tarrasque. control.
For years before that titan monstrosity’s capture,
a group of wizards known as the Magus Conclave INTEGRATING THIS LAIR
worked on transmuting the island and its surrounding Adamantine Island Prison can be placed in any sea or
waters, creating a magically fortified, seamless other large body of water, as you desire. The prison
adamantine structure that floats in a sea of acid. The might be a remote island set on its own, or part of a
conclave then hired a crew of renowned adventurers to larger group of islands all built to contain legendary
capture the tarrasque and bring it to the island. monsters.
If all had gone according to plan, the prison You can use the following hooks to integrate this
would have held the monstrosity indefinitely. Using lair into your campaign, whether as part of a longer
a construct version of the titan, the mages of the adventure or as the focus of a single play session:
• The characters were the adventurers who helped UNEXPECTED GUESTS
the Magus Conclave imprison the tarrasque, after
When the characters arrive at the island, a group of
having been approached and trained by members of
Lacarek’s disciples are already there, pacing around the
the conclave early in their careers. Earlier adventures
prison and trying to figure out how to enter without
might include the characters being sent out hunting
triggering more of its defenses. The following creatures
monsters for practice, seeking ancient books for
make up this force:
research, and helping gather the materials necessary
to build the prison. Then, just a few months after • Mavis Sol, Lacarek’s best apprentice and a chaotic evil
finally capturing the monster, the characters receive human archmage
a dying message by way of a sending spell from a • Two clay golems
member of the Magus Conclave they know, which • One mage loyal to Lacarek for every two characters
says, “The tarrasque is freed, but contained on the in the party (rounded down)
island. We cannot say for how long. A traitor works If the characters are noticed, Mavis approaches
against us. Please come help immediately!” them, acting concerned for the people within the
• Lacarek’s unique undead creations have been a prison. She asks for the party’s help in entering and
thorn in the characters’ sides for a long time. The aiding her friends trapped inside. She knows much
necromancer has unleashed zombie owlbears, night about the Magus Conclave thanks to reports from
hag vampires, behir skeletons, dragon mummies, and Lacarek, and casts the detect thoughts spell to try to
more onto the world, whose threats the characters obtain any information from the characters that might
have stopped every time. Ready to end things once convince them she is on their side. She focuses only on
and for all, the characters plan to take the fight to a character’s surface thoughts, so as to not give away
Lacarek, and learn by interrogating her apprentices her probing. A character who succeeds on a DC 18
that she has infiltrated the Magus Conclave and is Wisdom (Insight) check can tell that Mavis is lying,
staying at Adamantine Island Prison. and that the archmage wants to use the characters to
• The characters use Adamantine Island as a base get inside the prison before she disposes of them.
of operations, in exchange for performing the If the characters refuse to help, Mavis and her forces
occasional quest in search of rare books and items for attack, fighting to the death. If any of the mages are
the Magus Conclave. The tarrasque has been safely captured, a successful DC 18 Charisma (Intimidation)
imprisoned there since the characters moved in. check inspires them to relay the information found in
But when they return one day from a quest for the the “Background” section.
conclave, they find the prison in lockdown and the
tarrasque on the loose.
James’s Thoughts: Let Them Feel Epic
APPROACHING THE PRISON It is hard to write encounters that work for every high-level
The best ways to reach Adamantine Island Prison are party. A group of 20th-level characters that includes a
to teleport onto its shores or to fly to it. Boat access is barbarian, a bard, a druid, and a ranger handles problems
possible, but the sea within one mile of the island is a with vastly different resources than a group composed of
a cleric, a fighter, a monk, and a warlock. And either way,
caustic current that deals 66 (12d10) acid damage to
high-level characters have a lot of resources that can make a
each creature or object that starts its turn in the area.
battle a cakewalk. One good meteor swarm spell can end a
Any vessel approaching the island must be magically fight before it really starts.
treated or otherwise immune to such damage. With this in mind, we’ve made sure to put smaller combat
When the characters first see the prison, read or encounters in the lead-up to the boss battles in higher-level
paraphrase the following to set the scene: lairs. If the characters don’t appear fully challenged by these
encounters because of their combination of incredible class
An imposing black fortress rises up from an equally features, magic items, and spells, that’s okay! These battles
dark island floating in a green sea that sizzles and are not meant to push the characters to their limits, but
rather to drain some of their many resources. A few rounds
pops. The building and the island appear to be a
spent trouncing a golem and a group of mages lets epic
continuous, smooth adamantine structure, as if the characters feel epic. It also gives them the courage to stare
citadel was grown from the metal ground rather than down a tarrasque and its construct twin—even while making
being assembled piece by piece atop it. A rage-filled, that climactic encounter a little more difficult.
bestial howl comes from within, seeming to shake the
entire island with its power.

The only way into the prison is through a massive
set of 30-foot-high double doors on the structure’s
north side. Magic woven into the doors and walls of
the prison radiates abjuration to a detect magic spell.
These wards block magic that would allow a creature
to teleport into or out of the structure, including
magic that transports a creature to another plane
(banishment, plane shift, and the like). They also block
creatures outside the prison from using magic such as
the scrying spell to sense within it.
In addition to their abjuration aura, the doors
radiate an aura of evocation magic to a detect magic
spell. The doors automatically locked and had a magic
trap activated on them when the tarrasque was freed
from its cell (see below). The lock can be picked with a
successful DC 30 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools,
or the door can be forced open with a successful DC 31
Strength (Athletics) check.
Each of the prison’s doors and 5-foot-cubic sections
of wall has AC 23, 300 hit points, a damage threshold
of 100, and immunity to acid, fire, lightning, poison,
psychic, and thunder damage. Left unchecked, the
tarrasque can use its Siege Monster trait to deal enough
damage to eventually break out through the prison
If any creature damages the doors, forces them open,
or fails in an attempt to pick their lock, a magic trap
activates to unleash a 60-foot cube of thunderous
energy that extends out from the doors. Each creature
in the area must make a DC 20 Constitution saving
throw. On a failed save, the creature takes 44 (8d10)
thunder damage and is pushed 60 feet way from
the doors (likely ending up in the acid sea). On a
successful save, it takes half as much damage and is not
pushed. A successful casting of dispel magic (DC 19)

Elven Tower
renders the trap inert for 5 minutes.
PRISON FEATURES The following encounter areas are keyed to the map of
The areas of the prison have the following general the tarrasque’s prison.
• The ceilings are 60 feet high, with 30-foot-high
doorways connecting rooms. This living area for the mages of the Magus Conclave
• The prison is in lockdown when the characters enter contains ten sets of bunk beds along the walls and two
because the tarrasque is out of its cell. This activates long tables set with benches standing at the center of
several defenses in the prison, which are specifically the room. Between the two tables, a 10-foot-tall statue
called out in each area’s description. See area P2 of an angel holding out a sword and spreading its wings
for information on how the characters can end the levitates 15 feet above the floor.
lockdown. A character who succeeds on a DC 22 Wisdom
• The prison is brightly lit by magic globes embedded (Perception) check notices that the eyes of the angel
into the ceiling. While the prison is in lockdown, the statue appear to follow all the characters around the
globes shed red light. room as they move. The statue is actually a guardian
creature normally held in stasis, and which wakes
when the prison goes into lockdown. The statue uses
A bone-rattling roar rises from across this devastated
the solar stat block with the following changes:
chamber. Few creatures in the multiverse could leave
• The statue is an unaligned construct.
such deep gouges in the adamantine walls enclosing
• Its Intelligence score is 3 (−4) and its Charisma score
you, but this prison appears to be home to two of
is 1 (−5).
• It does not have proficiency with Intelligence or them! The towering terror known as the tarrasque
Charisma saving throws. paces around the room in rage, as a mechanical
• The statue understands Common but can’t speak, version of the titan, just as enormous and made
and it doesn’t have the Divine Awareness or Innate of adamantine, moves beside it. Neither the real
Spellcasting traits, or the Healing Touch action. tarrasque nor the metal one attacks the other, with
When the statue notices any creature move within both appearing to be allies.
10 feet of the door to area P2, or if it takes any damage The floor the monsters stalk across is carved with
while the prison is in lockdown, it erupts into motion. arcane sigils that glow purple, and which are set
This causes a magic wall of blades 20 feet wide, 10 feet around three giant metal grates through which the
thick, and 30 feet high to appear in front of the door noxious mist of the acid sea rises. Above it all, two
that leads outside. At the same time, the ceiling begins observation balconies run along the sides of the
to drop (see below). chamber, some forty feet off the floor.
Any creature that touches the blade wall for the first
time on a turn or starts its turn there takes 33 (6d10) As the characters have a chance to fully observe the
slashing damage. Once in motion, the statue attacks all room, they note a 3-foot-high red lever jutting out of
creatures in the room, fighting until destroyed or until the floor next to each floor grate. Toward the south end
the prison is no longer in lockdown. However, it does of the room, one of the balconies holds a small ballista
not follow characters who flee into area P2. that juts over its edge. A large crystal swirling with the
DROPPING CEILING colors of the rainbow is embedded low into the west
The 60-foot-high ceiling drops down 10 feet each wall, and three greatswords with sapphire blades are
round on initiative count 0 (losing initiative ties). The stabbed into the ceiling at the center of the room. A
ceiling is a solid slab of magically elongating stone trio of sapphire pillars stand across from an area that
that eventually fills the entire room. A creature that was clearly the tarrasque’s cell.
can reach the ceiling can make a DC 25 Strength TARRASQUE!
(Athletics) check as an action, holding it in place with a As soon as the tarrasque notices the characters, it
successful check and preventing it from dropping that attacks, fighting to the death. The creature has the
same round. This check must be repeated each round following additional action, which it can use in place of
to keep the ceiling in place. one or both claw attacks when it takes the Multiattack
When the ceiling drops all the way to the floor, each action:
creature in the room is immediately reduced to 0 hit Hurl Debris. Ranged Weapon Attack: +19 to hit, range
points and crushed to death—including the tarrasque 600/2,400 ft., one target. Hit: 24 (4d6 + 10) bludgeoning
if the characters manage to lure it inside this room. The damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 20
room remains filled by the expanding ceiling until the Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
prison is no longer in lockdown. The tarrasque prefers to use its mighty melee
attacks to destroy its foes. It attacks whichever
P2. PRISON CENTER creature it perceives as the biggest threat—typically
The 30-foot-high double doors that lead to this the creature that dealt the most damage to the titan
chamber from area P1 are locked. The lock can be in the previous round. Cunning characters can use
picked with a successful DC 30 Dexterity check these straightforward tactics to lure the tarrasque back
using thieves’ tools, or the door can be forced with a into its cell in the southwest corner of the room. The
successful DC 31 Strength (Athletics) check. The doors tarrasque doesn’t attack Lacarek as long she remains
have AC 23, 300 hit points, a damage threshold of 100, inside the metal tarrasque (see below), but that ends if
and immunity to acid, fire, lightning, poison, psychic, she is forced out of the construct.
and thunder damage.
When the characters first enter this area, read or
Lacarek the Oblivion is inside the metal tarrasque,
paraphrase the following:
controlling the construct from within. The

A creature inside the compartment with the door
James’s Thoughts: Description and closed has total cover against attacks and other effects
Movement originating outside the metal tarrasque. In addition, a
Long combats can be a real drag, especially when every creature in the compartment can see through the door
turn feels like one player adding up numbers on dice when it is closed, can spend all its movement to move
followed by another player subtracting that number from a the machine 40 feet, and can spend an action to use
creature’s hit point total. To get your players invested, lead
one of the machine’s action options.
with enthusiasm and energy. Stand up if it helps you, and
The metal tarrasque has the following statistics:
go beyond the dice. Describe the actions and reactions of
your monsters with glee and drama, and invite your players • It has AC 25; 676 hit points; immunity to fire, poison,
to do the same with their characters by asking questions and psychic damage; and immunity to bludgeoning,
about what their actions feel, look, and sound like. Award piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical
inspiration for great descriptions, to encourage your players attacks.
to stay engaged with the story beyond the mechanics. • It has immunity to the poisoned condition.
Combat is boring when everyone stands in one place • It has the tarrasque’s Reflective Carapace trait, and
attacking each other. So to help keep combat exciting, all the tarrasque’s action options except for Frightful
have the monsters move around. Better positioning is Presence, Swallow, and legendary actions.
often worth the risk of an opportunity attack, and many
• The metal tarrasque automatically succeeds on
creatures—especially those of low Intelligence or with a
Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws.
sense of invulnerability—lack the capacity to think about the
consequences of charging through a line of enemies to get
While being piloted, it has a +10 bonus to Strength
to the wizard harassing them with long-range spells. Plus, and Constitution saving throws and a +0 bonus to
giving the characters a few extra attacks can help end a long Dexterity saving throws.
combat a little sooner! • Despite its Siege Monster trait, the real tarrasque
does not deal double damage to the metal tarrasque,
which is specially designed to stand toe-to-toe with
necromancer uses the archmage stat block with the the titan monstrosity.
following changes:
• She is chaotic evil. The 40-foot-high balcony extending around the room
• She has 162 hit points. has a 3-foot-high railing along its outside edge. The
• Her Spellcasting trait has been replaced with the tarrasque or a creature piloting the metal tarrasque can
Spellcasting trait from the lich stat block. tear down a 10-foot-square section of balcony in place
Lacarek initially focuses on harming the characters, of making a claw attack. Any creature standing on that
softening them up because she knows she needs to section of balcony must succeed on a DC 20 Dexterity
kill them only after the undead tarrasque rises. The saving throw to jump to a safe section of balcony. On a
necromancer casts power word kill when the tarrasque failed save, or if there is no safe place within jumping
drops below 100 hit points, targeting the monstrosity distance, the creature falls 40 feet to the floor, landing
so she can control its undead form (see “Necromantic prone and taking 4d6 bludgeoning damage.
Sigils” below). If the metal tarrasque is destroyed or she
is removed from it, Lacarek continues to fight, hoping
The ballista along the balcony is loaded with three glue
to bring down the tarrasque as quickly as possible so
bombs. As an action, a creature at the ballista can fire
she can compel it to defend her in its undead form.
it at any point it can see in the room, causing glue to
Lacarek knows how all of the defenses in the prison
explode in a 10-foot-radius sphere centered on that
work, and uses them to bring her plans to fruition.
point. Each creature in the area must succeed on a
METAL TARRASQUE DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or become restrained.
A detect magic spell reveals that the metal tarrasque A restrained target can repeat this saving throw at
radiates an aura of abjuration magic. A successful DC the end of each of its turns, ending the restrained
23 Wisdom (Perception) check made as an action condition on itself on a success.
reveals the outline of a door on the machine’s chest,
which leads to a hidden compartment 5 feet on a side
Each lever next to the grate is engraved with the words:
filled with switches and levers. This door locks from
“ACID RELEASE.” As an action, a creature can pull the
the inside when closed, and can be unlocked from
red lever to cause the acidic water of the sea below to
outside with a successful DC 25 Dexterity check using
shoot up through the grate, creating a 30-foot-diameter
thieves’ tools, or forced open with a successful DC 25
caustic column that reaches the ceiling. Each creature
Strength (Athletics) check.

in the area must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw, If the tarrasque dies in this room and any of the
taking 66 (12d10) acid damage on a failed save, or half sigils are active, it rises as an undead creature under
as much damage on a successful one. Lacarek’s control at the start of Lacarek’s next turn. As
an undead creature, the tarrasque has the following
A detect magic spell reveals that the rainbow-colored changes to its stat block:
crystal embedded in the west wall radiates an aura • It is an undead with 676 hit points, minus 45 hit
of abjuration magic. The crystal is engraved with the points for each sigil that was destroyed or dispelled
phrase: “Speak the order of the rainbow’s colors to before the tarrasque died.
activate.” If a creature in the room uses an action to say, • All uses of the tarrasque’s Legendary Resistance
“Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet,” aloud refresh.
in any language, the crystal activates (or deactivates • A creature swallowed by the undead tarrasque takes
if it is already active). Speaking the words in reverse necrotic damage instead of acid damage.
order is also acceptable. If none of the players knows • The tarrasque is immune to any effect that turns
the colors of the rainbow and the order in which they undead.
appear, a successful DC 10 Intelligence check allows a • Any creature killed by the tarrasque rises as a wraith
character to remember that information. controlled by Lacarek at the start of the creature’s
When the crystal activates, it produces a 60-foot- next turn.
high, 10-foot wide, 90-foot-long rainbow wall that • The undead tarrasque can take the Hurl Debris
stretches between the west and east walls of the prison action as described above.
and extends from floor to ceiling. This wall functions When the undead tarrasque rises, Lacarek orders it
like the one created by the prismatic wall spell (save to kill the characters, and fights to the death alongside
DC 19), with the following changes: her creation. If the necromancer dies, the tarrasque
• The wall can form in a space occupied by a creature, destroys the characters if it can, then goes berserk and
immediately affecting that creature. destroys everything in sight.
• Creatures within 20 feet of the wall do not need to SAPPHIRE SWORDS AND PEDESTALS
make Constitution saving throws to avoid becoming A character who observes the sapphire swords in the
blinded by it. ceiling and the sapphire pedestals knows they are
• All creatures are affected by the wall, including the connected and intuits their purpose with a successful
creature that activates the crystal. DC 15 Intelligence (Arcana) check. A detect magic spell
The crystal has AC 19, 50 hit points, and immunity reveals that the swords and pedestals radiate auras of
to poison and psychic damage. abjuration magic. The swords and the pedestals are
indestructible and immune to all damage.
A detect magic spell reveals that each of the glowing A character who examines the pedestals sees
purple sigils scribed into the floor radiates an aura of that each has a slot in its top side large enough to
necromancy magic. A character proficient with mason’s accommodate the blade of a greatsword. The sapphire
tools notes that the sigils are freshly carved, and do not swords were flung into the ceiling by Lacarek using the
appear to be part of the prison’s defenses. Lacarek has metal tarrasque. Removing a sword from the ceiling
just completed carving the sigils into the floor using requires an action and a successful DC 18 Strength
the metal tarrasque. (Athletics) check. Sliding a sword into or removing it
A character who succeeds on a DC 18 Intelligence from a pedestal requires an action. When each pedestal
(Arcana) check made to study the sigils knows that has had a sapphire sword placed into it, a cube of
they are part of a necromancy ritual meant to bring magical force 40 feet wide, 30 feet long, and 60 feet
the tarrasque back from the dead. Each sigil has AC high appears, surrounding the tarrasque’s cell in the
20, 18 hit points, and immunity to poison and psychic southwest corner of the room. The walls of this field are
damage. Destroying a sigil or casting the dispel magic paper thin and immune to all damage. The field cannot
spell on it drains its magic. be dispelled, and nothing except air can pass through
Whenever a creature that isn’t Lacarek or the it. If a sword is removed from any pedestal, the force
tarrasque ends its turn touching one of the sigils, it field disappears.
must succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or If the tarrasque is inside its cell when the force field
gain one level of exhaustion. is activated, the prison goes out of lockdown. If the
characters kill the tarrasque, members of the Magus
Conclave arrive 1d10 days later and can magically
override the lockdown of the prison from outside it.

TARRASQUE’S CELL To reduce the difficulty of the lair, consider any of the
A 30-foot-square steel plate sits on the floor of the following options:
tarrasque’s cell. A detect magic spell reveals that this • Mavis Sol is a mage instead of an archmage, and
plate radiates an aura of evocation magic. A creature her retinue travels with flesh golems instead of clay
that touches the plate for the first time on a turn must golems.
succeed on a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw or have an • The angel statue uses the deva or planetar stat block
enormous spectral hand erupt from the plate, grab the instead of the solar stat block.
creature, and pull it to an unoccupied space as close • Lacarek uses the unmodified archmage stat block.
to the plate’s center as possible. The creature is then • The tarrasque and the metal tarrasque each have AC
restrained by the hand until the start of its next turn. 20 and 363 hit points.


If the characters slice the belly of the tarrasque open, You can expand this lair by building on or modifying
they discover that it swallowed an Orb of Dragonkind. any number of the hooks found within it:
Lacarek carries ten flawless diamonds (worth 10,000 • If the characters manage to put the tarrasque back
gp each) and a wand of ultimate power. This very rare into its cell, the grateful remaining members of
magic item requires attunement by a spellcaster, and the Magus Conclave ask the characters to find new
grants its wielder a +3 bonus to spell attack rolls and to archmages to join the ranks of those who were killed.
the saving throw DCs of the wielder’s spells. They give the characters a list of mages around the
METAL TARRASQUE AS TREASURE world to approach in person. Each mage is willing to
join, provided the characters can perform a favor or
Clever characters might decide to claim the metal two.
tarrasque for themselves, including finding a way to • The tarrasque is actually just the last in a long line of
move it off an island surrounded by acid. If you don’t dragons, krakens, giants, and other titanic creatures
want the characters to have the device, the Magus Lacarek has turned into undead servants. Now with
Conclave asks for it back after recovering from the the necromancer dead, these creatures run amok and
disaster, or the characters determine that keeping it rampage across the land. Only a group of powerful
operational requires special magic known only to the adventurers like the characters can stop them.
members of the conclave. • If the characters killed the tarrasque, a cult that
If you want the characters to keep the metal worships the titan monstrosity seeks vengeance.
tarrasque, remember that the enormous device can The cult’s leaders open up a portal to another world
hold only one character within it, and that it lacks full of tarrasque-like creatures, which come into the
subtlety. Moreover, creatures that collect unique magic Material Plane with an appetite for destruction.
items, including dragons, will quickly come to covet
the device, and might plot to steal it.

You can adjust the difficulty of this lair in a number of
different ways. For more difficult encounters, consider
any of the following options:
• All of Lacarek’s followers outside the prison are
archmages, and work with iron golems instead of
clay golems.
• Lacarek is a lich instead of an archmage.
• The tarrasque has 990 hit points and regains 30 hit
points at the start of its turn as long as it has at least 1
hit point.

his book provides a wide range of villainous it a challenging combatant and lacks the intelligence to
lairs for your fifth edition fantasy games. But use dynamic tactics or traps during a battle.
you can also use it as inspiration for building Bosses are special. They should have memorable,
your own fantastic lairs and boss monster deadly features to unleash upon the characters during
encounters. Having spent a fair bit of time creating a dramatic showdown. This could be as simple as a
the lairs and encounters for this book (as well as other standard night hag’s combination of spellcasting,
books), we thought we’d share some of the tips and strength, and toughness, or it could involve modifying
tricks we’ve learned for building great boss lairs. a creature’s stat block to make it unique.
A quick way to modify a creature is to pull traits
WHO’S THE BOSS? and action options from one stat block to add to
Every lair needs a good boss monster running the another. Think about that poor owlbear boss being
show. When creating a new boss lair, it’s often best to laughed at by a party of 5th-level characters. Then
start with this head villain, as doing so helps to shape imagine if the monstrosity’s Intelligence and Charisma
the story and the features for the lair. scores increased to 18, it could speak and understand
Common, and it gained the Spellcasting trait from the
PICK A CREATURE mage stat block. That is one surprising and competent
Your fifth edition game gives you hundreds of creatures boss monster! Just be aware that making adjustments
to choose from, but not all of those make good boss like this can increase a creature’s challenge rating, even
monsters. To start with, bandits, cultists, goblins, as it increases the fun of your game.
kobolds, and other creatures with a challenge rating Some creatures are obviously special and made to
below 1 are usually better suited to accomplice or be bosses. Monsters with legendary actions or lair
minion roles with their lower hit points and weaker actions, monsters that cast lots of spells, and monsters
attacks. This same idea continues to hold true for any of Huge or Gargantuan size typically need little or
creature whose challenge rating is equal to or lower no modification to be good boss monsters. Other
than the party’s level, unless that creature has a lot of creatures might benefit from a little modification just
interesting features. At challenge rating 3, a standard to keep the characters and players on their toes, like the
owlbear might be a great boss for a group of 2nd-level titular foe in “Caves of the Cockatrice.”
characters. But it quickly becomes less interesting at
higher levels, as it has no mechanical traits that make
Some lairs might have more than one boss, allowing
you to use creatures with lower challenge ratings to
still create an effective battle. The gladiator duo in
Modifying Lairs “Those Who Are About to Die” or the lamia and the
You can use the lairs in this book as is, or you can create young brass dragon in “The Lamia Job” are good
your own boss lairs—but you also have a middle option.
examples of two boss creatures working together to
Take this book’s lairs and encounters, and overhaul them
challenge the characters. This also eliminates the risk of
to suit your needs. Want to have a sinister oni that runs a
having a lone boss facing the characters—and getting
produce store? Just take the “Sticky Toffee” encounter and
swap out your chosen baddie for the night hag. You can
stunned, incapacitated, or killed before finishing their
then reskin the taffy mound and golem to be produce- evil opening monologue. You could have a lair run
themed enemies, describe the vats of chocolate and toffee by a circle of archmages or several bandit captains,
as salad dressing, and make all the candy into fresh fruits depending on the party’s level. It’s up to you whether
and vegetables. Suddenly, you’ve got a totally new lair with the bosses have equal say in running the lair and
a unique boss monster! In most cases, swapping the villain work together as partners, or if one boss is in charge
and underlings and reflavoring features is all you need to do (sometimes called the big boss).
to make these lairs your own.

Why Do Bosses Stay in their Lairs?
Each boss should have a unique quality that makes the
Before the players can ask why the boss monster doesn’t
creature memorable. What makes one black dragon
come out of their lair to kill their pesky characters when
different from all the others? Is it a personality trait or
they first appear, it’s important that you answer the question,
flaw? A special hatred for a particular school of magic? because all bosses should have a reason.
An odd hobby such as collecting humanoid skulls? Is The most common answer is simple security. A boss
it the fact that the creature has a blue dragon ancestor monster picks their lair because it provides a defensible
that gives it resistance to lightning damage, and that it position. Even an owlbear knows that living in a cave is
sometimes breathes lightning instead of acid? Decide better than sleeping outside in a field. A boss most likely
what makes your boss really stand out even among also puts themself and their most prized possessions in an
creatures with the same base stat block. area of their lair that is most difficult to reach. The characters
might first encounter a boss somewhere other than this
PICK THE PLOTS remote chamber, but the boss is smart enough to retreat to
Every villain has at least one good plot that the their best defensive position, putting as many underlings
and traps between themself and the adventurers as possible.
characters can get wrapped up in. A creature with a low
This strategy gives a boss time to prepare and plan for the
Intelligence score likely has a single straightforward
oncoming fight, like any good foe.
plot, while smarter creatures use subterfuge and guile
Beyond security, a boss might keep to a single chamber
to conceal their complicated plans. A hill giant might in their lair for practical reasons. They might be performing
lead raids from a cave complex where it stockpiles a magic ritual that requires their undivided attention,
grain and livestock, but a cloud giant flies through the interrogating a prisoner with time-sensitive information, or
air in a castle made of cloudstuff, spying on nobles and meeting with an important visitor. Just give your boss a good
using the information gleaned to blackmail the wealthy reason to stay inside their awesome lair, and your players
into handing over riches. will have an equally good reason to explore it.

Once the boss monster’s plots are established, ask what volcanoes, and if this specific monster has a vendetta
motivation they have to accomplish these plots? This against the denizens of a port city for stealing some of
could be simple. Devils, demons, and other fiends are its hoard, you might decide that the dragon lairs on a
simply pure evil. It’s in their nature to corrupt, murder, nearby island formed by a volcano.
and destroy. Other creatures have more complex
motivations rooted in past events. One assassin might
kill for excitement and wealth, enjoying holding the Much like the bosses that live in them, lairs should be
power of life and death, and coveting the finery their unique. There’s nothing wrong with finding yourself
fees can purchase. But another assassin might have drawn to create an underground ruin. So just ask
turned to a life of murder after being imprisoned for yourself what you can do to make it a fantastic,
a crime she didn’t commit, then deciding that the law memorable location for the characters and players
doesn’t deserve to be followed. alike.
You can tweak any or all of a lair’s elements to make
MAKE A LAIR them fantastic. A goblin boss in a cave is an encounter
Once you have a boss monster selected, it’s time to that most players have experienced more than once.
create a lair. A good boss lair should have the following But if the cave is carved out within the body of a dead
qualities: titan, with arteries for tunnels and a calcified-heart
throne room, you’ve got a location that’s unique.
• It makes sense for the story and the plots of the boss.
• It has a unique history. LOCATION HISTORY
• It supports your villain’s mechanical strengths.
Did the villain build their lair? How long have they
• It has sidekicks, minions, traps, hazards, and
lived there, and what effect has their presence had on
the place? If the boss monster was not the lair’s original
• It’s a fantastic, memorable location.
inhabitant, who was? And what have they left behind?
FIT WITH THE STORY By thinking about the above questions, you’ll start to
get an idea of the history of the lair, which should be as
Your lair should fit with the story of the boss you
dynamic as the history of any important NPC. Having
created. Consider where such creatures typically lair.
a solid backstory for a location then helps you fill it
Then ask how your villain’s plots might change this
with details such as hazards, treasure, and terrain.
location. For instance, red dragons typically live in
Finding Lair Maps
Bosses lair in defensible locations that suit their tastes
While you can certainly draw your own lair maps, you can
and needs. For instance, many amphibious creatures
also find thousands of exciting fantasy maps online, as well
lair underwater because they can breathe in such
as several incredible map generators, by searching for your
environments but their enemies can’t. Take a look favorite cartographers’ websites. Many cartographers and
at the boss’s damage immunities, traits, and action artists sell their work from their websites or offer hundreds
options to get a sense of how their lair might work to of maps through services such as Patreon. Some might also
those strengths. A creature immune to fire damage offer selections of their maps for free, but if you can support
has no problem hanging out in a shallow pool of lava, their work with your money, we encourage you to do so.
while a white dragon’s Ice Walk trait grants it an edge And if you’re not sure where to look for great cartographers,
over intruders in a lair with floors, walls, and ceilings start by checking out the credits of this book.
covered in slippery ice.

SIDEKICKS AND MINIONS matches the dragon’s plot to poison the wells of local
No boss lair is complete without a few lieutenants, humanoid settlements, and also does not risk harming
lackeys, bodyguards, and servants. NPCs and lesser the dragon, with its potent poison immunity.
monsters that possess similar mechanics to the boss are The creatures inhabiting a lair usually know the
always a good choice, as they get the same advantages locations of traps and hazards, and know how to avoid
from the lair as the boss does. You can also pick them. Environmental effects under a boss’s control are
sidekick creatures that shore up a boss’s weaknesses. often engineered to not be harmful to the boss and
For instance, veterans make great bodyguards for a their servants, such as a lich and its undead minions
mage, since the spellcaster can attack at a distance taking advantage of their poison immunity to lair in a
while the warriors engage enemies in melee, preventing cave filled with toxic gas.
them from reaching their employer.
You can always reskin a monster, or simply add a
damage immunity or a trait to a creature, to make its No lair is complete without a bit of treasure! Smart
story and mechanics better suited to a specific lair. For villains use magic items, like the spirit naga wearing
instance, kobolds that can breathe underwater and that wings of flying in “The Blood Palace” lair. Consider
are immune to acid damage make great minions for a giving your villain a magic item to wield against the
black dragon. characters, especially if it takes advantage of the lair’s
It’s a good idea to have at least one or two secondary features. A unique magic ring that allows a creature to
bosses among a boss’s sidekicks. Those might be take on the black pudding’s Amorphous trait makes
trained animals, warrior captains, spellcasters, or any a great item for a boss lairing in a cave full of narrow
other creatures that are stronger than the average tunnels. Just remember that most magic items you
servant in the lair. For instance, a hill giant might have give to the boss should be things you won’t mind the
an ettin leading its gnoll followers, while a bugbear characters using later. Otherwise, think about giving
warlord might keep a hobgoblin mage as an advisor. the boss unique powers that are effects tied to the lair,
or the product of special rituals that only the boss
Though most boss lairs have natural defensive features,
even reasonably intelligent creatures can enhance
those defenses with traps and hazards to delay and
destroy intruders. Traps placed within a lair should
make thematic sense. For example, a green dragon
in a swamp might fill their lair with poisoned pools
that it knocks intruders into. The poison thematically

Scott Fitzgerald Gray (9th-level layabout, vindictive
good) is a writer of fantasy and speculative fiction, a
fiction editor, a story editor, and an editor and designer
of roleplaying games—all of which means he finally
has the job he really wanted when he was sixteen. His
work in gaming covers three editions of the Dungeons
& Dragons RPG, including working as an editor on all
three core rulebooks for fifth edition D&D.
Scott shares his life in the Western Canadian
hinterland with a schoolteacher named Colleen,
two itinerant daughters, and a number of animal
companions. More info on him and his work (some of
it even occasionally truthful) can be found by reading
between the lines at

James Introcaso is the lead designer of Roll20’s
Burn Bryte RPG, writer of the Gold-ENnie-winning
blog World Builder Blog, author of multiple best-
selling products for the Dungeon Masters Guild and
DriveThruRPG (including My Dad’s Monster Manual
and Invasion from the Planet of Tarrasques), and
coauthor of seven official Dungeons & Dragons books.
He has worked with MCDM, Wizards of the Coast,
Roll20, D&D Beyond, Kobold Press, and many other
great game companies.
James lives in New Jersey with his wife, Bonnie, and
their dog, Lilo.

Mike Shea is the writer for the website Sly Flourish and
the author of Return of the Lazy Dungeon Master, the
Lazy DM’s Workbook, Fantastic Adventures, Fantastic
Adventures: Ruins of the Grendleroot, and a number of
other books. Mike has freelanced for a bunch of RPG
companies, including Wizards of the Coast, Kobold
Press, Pelgrane Press, and Sasquatch Games. He’s been
playing RPGs since the mid ’80s, and writing for and
about RPGs since 2008.
Mike also happens to be the son of Robert J. Shea,
author of the ’70s cult science fiction novel Illuminatus!
He lives with his wife Michelle in Northern Virginia,

Chani Kapustik, Dmitry (Dimdim) Katz, Dina Katz, Eugene
Katz, Jason Katz, John Kealy, Christopher Kearney, Melody
Huge thanks to the following players and GMs for helping us
Keating, Sean Keating, Kex, Dan Keyser, Maria Keyser,
make Fantastic Lairs the best book it could be!
Katie the Killer, Ian King, Michael Kinzler, Daniel Knena,
6lordapophis6, Willy Abeel, Justin Aion, Alianbow, Bryan Chaka Konig, Scott Konig, Kozzak, Kraig, Koen Kukken,
Alexander, Fernando Alves, Amo, Ryan Amely, Millie Evan Kunze, Joe Kupsky, Jen Kwiatek, Vince Kwiatek,
Amy, Eddy Anderson, Thomas Anderson, Archer, Bill Stephanie Kwik, Rebecca L, Jeff Lai, Vegas Lancaster, Andrew
Arnold, Jeff B, BabyDM, John Baccaro, Bachy, Bre Baltaxe- Laufman, Laurel, Leslie Laws, Robert Laws, Legass, Joshua
Admony, Leon Barillaro, Rudy Basso, S John Bateman, Leland, Chloe Lindgren, Michael “Miracle Whip” Lison,
Alex Baur, Amanda Baur, Arktorin, Erin Beall, Jeff Beltran, Chelsea Livingstone, Jason Logsdon, Kyra Logsdon, Jerry
Lydia Bender, François Bertrand, Gregory Blair, BluDevil, Lorengo, Phillip Lovas, John Lowe, Mairead Lyons, Kyle
BobbyCobb, Burt Bonebreaker, Tim Boothroyd, Gui Bordin, M, Rebecca M, Sarah M. and the Test Marchers, Tim M,
Ethan Boyle, Bread, Matt Briddell, Rhys Bridgeashwell, Bonnie MacDonald, Margaret Mae, Maersh, Zaria “Anakis”
Stuart Brockbank, Anthony Brown, Amberle ‘Doc’ Browne, Malindi, John Mallette, Katie Mallette, Jessica Marcrum, Jay
Daniel Bruchhausen, Sarah Bruchhausen, Brutkó, Lexie Marland, Jared Marks, Mark McConville, Kyle McCordic,
Bryan, John Bryant, Kathy Randall Bryant aka Xyra Rebecca McCordic, Timothy McCown Reynolds, Kyleen
Skylark, Tony Byrne, Douglas “Should be Scotty Salami” “Cedric” McKinley, Michael McLawhorn, Rich McNeill, The
Bubbletrousers, Lewis Butler, Butters, Ryleigh “Bedlam” Mean Janine Machine, Derek Mears, Mark Meer, Melestrua,
Cameron, Brian Canty, Michael Capraro, Carlos Jr, Chris Daniel Mensel, Justin Mercer, Matt Mercer, Laura Mickey,
Cecchini, Lee-Anne Cecchini, Dave Charette, Tim Chawaga,, Midgardia RPG, Bernie Monsanto, Eric
Sharon Cheng, Matthew Christ, Andrew Cholewa, Zachary Moore, Daniel Morris, Dylan Morris, Joe Morris, Justin
Clark (LAG), JC Clarke, Sarah Clarke, Declan Clifford, Jay Morris, John Mustard,, Rachael N, Nalin,
Colburn, John Colgan, Shane “Honey” Combs, Connn, W. James Nash, Thomas Neal, Terese Nelson, Nemo, Nerds
Damien Conoly, Simon Cooper, Shvaugn Craig, Cranky of the Roundtable, Martin Nicholls, Noah, Randi Ocena,
Old Mage, Casey Creech, Gabrielle Cummings, Cylvre, Samantha Ocena, Dave O’Connor, Brian O’Farrell, The OG
Daddi, Chris David, Melody David, Jesse Davidson, Phil TPK, Hades Oineroi, Opal, Jorge Ortiz, David Otterson,
Davidson, Anson Davis, Christina Davis, Trevor Davis, Rob Rebekah P, Ruber Ironshield Pallbearer, Tom Partington,
Davoust, The Dawnguard, Colin Dawson, Dean, Julien del Pat Paulson, Pebble, Pelky, Grayson Phelps, Alex “Atlas”
Rosario, Patrick Dennis, Christopher Diggins, Jeff Dillema, Pipes, Joe Plemmons, Rachel Plemmons, Jono Price, Mark
Sam “DMSamuel” Dillon, The DM, Calum Dobson, Ian Price, Luc Princen, The Procrastinationers, El Quarantino,
Donaldson, Adam Donnelly, Michael Dorrill, Liam Doran, Kyle Rath, Rejuvn, Rinat, RIP Magogo, Anna Roguski, The
Loes Doup, Eric Draper, DraugShade, Chris Dudley, Sharon Rollerblading Wizard, Evan Ross, The Rousseau-Keepin
Dudley, Dvirankis, Aaron Dye, Sam Ellis, Erijah, The Eternal Crew, Kirstie Ruffatto, Joel Russ, Faith S, Juliet Sabol, Sacks,
Servants of the Great Lascal, Erica “The Great Pumpernickel” Brandon Paul Salinas, Drew Saltzgaber, Savinothesavino,
Etson, Latoyia Everett, Raymond Fallon, Chelsea Fankhauser, James Scriven, Mike Schiller, Sande Scott, Chuck Sexton,
John Fischer, Eric Fisette, Marco “Hot Mustard” Flores, Michelle Shea, TJ Sheff, Jake Shelton, Chris Shortt, Lauren
Whitlus Flynn, Geoffrey Fortier, Garret Forrester, Foxhound, Shows, Aras Sivad, Asim Skeete, Oisín Smith, OsterMax,
Wexler Frak, Jobe Fredericksen, David Friant, Jeremy Percyell Smith, Tre Smith, Ryan Solava, Song, Andrew
Fuhst, J.L. Frye, Dan G., Mickey Galbraith, Paul Ganter, Spencer-Lee, Erica Spencer-Lee, Vincent St. John, StabyStab,
Garmbreak1, Jesse Gehman, Luke Gilbert, Collier Gladin, The Steelheart Guild, Steve, Petra Stickrod, Stragulus,
Kelly Gladin, Daniel Godwin, Renato Goldael, Erin Goldin, Sublover, James Sullivan IV, Josh Sunday, Eric T, Lynn T,
Fabio Gomes, Goose, Dennis Gottschalk, Bridger Grantham, Chris Tallman, Sally Tamarkin, Ellen Tausch, Steve Tausch,
David Grantham, Phoenix Grantham, Sequoia Grantham, Max Tavares, Team den store los, Team Sandwich, Kensie
Isabella “Ellyria” Graves, Ron Graves, Jay Greck, Kyle Greck, Terrill, Terry, ThatRadioGeek, Theo, Andrew Timmes,
Jon Green, Jeff, Jeff Greiner, Sir Greg, Alexander “DM - Lilianne Timmes, Titch, Michele Titolo, Brian Tobin,
Hestir” Grinton, Pat Grogan, Ashen Grove, James Grummell, Trigogh, Paul Turner, Twenty Three One Dee, Holly Van
Lisajo Grummell, Carl H, Alex Hancock, Greg Hannah, Erin Der Poel, Stephanie van Wissen, Eric Vaessen, Eugenio
Harrelson, Jasper Harris, Amalia Hawkins, Ian Hawthorne, Vargas, Varis, Kirti Vekaria, Joe Veneracion, Jip Vogels, Dave
Kenny “Revelry” Hayter, Gavin Heckel, Luke Henley, W, Rupert Wainwright, Warblejay, Kateri Warnick, Jenny
Leigh “A Brave Potato” Hermon, The Hierophant, Chelsey Wertenberger, Marc Wertenberger, Cindy Webb, Jake Webb,
“Mereille” Higgins, Chris “Bast” Higgins, Matt “Zosimos” Patrick Webb, Joshua Wells, Ian Werth, Josh Whelen, Wiccy,
Higgins, Hikaru, Rich Hirsch, Alan Hong, Mr. Hushbrown, Wili, Allan Williams, Belle Williams, Donna Williams, Ian
Megan Isaac, Steaphon Isaac, Andrew Introcaso, Cristin Winchester, Lyndsay Winchester, Josh Windsor, Bryan Wire,
Introcaso, Black Jack, Brent Jans, Clifford Jenkins, Jeratrend, Witinho, xBabyHadesx, Xellarant (Rallante Hunt), Chris Y,
James K, Kyra Johnson, Noah Johnson, Netanel K, Andrew Matt Young
Kane, Garrison Kane, Jeroen Kanters, Brian Kapustik,

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3. Offer and Acceptance: By Using the Open Game Content Chris Perkins, Rodney Thompson, Peter Lee, James Wyatt,
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4. Grant and Consideration: In consideration for agreeing Townshend, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and
to use this License, the Contributors grant You a perpetual, Dave Arneson.
worldwide, royalty free, nonexclusive license with the exact Fantastic Lairs. Copyright 2020, Scott Fitzgerald Gray, James
terms of this License to Use, the Open Game Content. Introcaso, Michael E. Shea; Authors Scott Fitzgerald Gray,
5. Representation of Authority to Contribute: If You are James Introcaso, Michael E. Shea.
contributing original material as Open Game Content, You
represent that Your Contributions are Your original creation

Fantastic Lairs is a book of twenty-three

capstone boss encounters for the fifth
edition of the world’s most popular
fantasy roleplaying game. Featuring
challenges for characters from 1st to
20th level, these lair encounters give
you everything you need to fit them into
your own campaign, including evocative
artwork, beautiful full-color maps,
memorable monsters, guidelines for
world-building, inspiration for lead-in and
follow-up adventures, and fully playtested
boss encounters.

Whether you’re looking for a unique boss

monster and a climactic encounter to run
as a fun, high-stakes one-shot adventure,
or as a point of inspiration around which
to build a longer adventure—or even an
entire campaign—Fantastic Lairs is an
indispensable resource for any GM.

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