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 

The fletcher is a skilled crafter who relies on the

quality of their work to enable their survival in the By the time you reach 7th level, you are intimately
wilderness. Even while stranded in the wilderness for familiar with the flight patterns of your projectiles.
weeks at a time, a fletcher can thrive by using elements When seeking to recover your ammunition at the end
of nature to maintain a healthy battery of ammunition. of battle, you recover all of the ammunition you fired.
Fletchers rely on specialized ammunition for hunting If the battle occurs in your favored terrain, you can
and defense. They can craft a wide variety of projectiles also assist your allies to recover all ammunition they
depending on the techniques they study. Some crafting fired in that battle.
techniques add special effects, often with a damage
increase, especially to their favored enemies. Others 
modify the fundamental ways in which ranged attacks At 11th level, your fletching skills grant you tool
work, allowing the fletcher to ignore typical drawbacks proficiencies based on your favored enemies. When
that others may suffer. you gain a new favored enemy at 14th level, you also
As skilled tool users, fletchers are oft coveted by gain the tool proficiency associated with that creature
adventuring parties and communities. type. Your DM might allow you to gain a proficiency
other than the one listed at their discretion.
Favored Enemy Tool Proficiency
When you choose this archetype at 3rd level, you gain
proficiency with Woodcarver’s tools. Aberrations Cartographer’s Tools
Masterwork Munition. During a long rest, you may Beasts Leatherworker’s Tools
spend one hour of strenuous work crafting ammunition Celestials Carpenter’s Tools
that is tailored to your shot. You produce a number of
masterwork arrows or bolts at the end of the hour Constructs Mason’s Tools
equal to five times your proficiency bonus. When you Dragons Jeweler’s Tools
fire masterwork ammunition, it is considered magical Elementals Glassblower’s Tools
for the purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity
to nonmagical damage. Fey Painter’s Supplies
This meticulous craftsmanship only lasts for the Fiends Calligrapher’s Supplies
projectile’s maiden flight. The masterwork ammunition Giants Brewer’s Supplies
is rendered mundane immediately after it hits or
misses its target. If recovered, it functions as normal Humanoids Cobbler’s Tools
ammunition of the same type. Monstrosities Alchemist’s Supplies
Arrowcraft Munition. When you gain this feature,
you learn two Arrowcraft munitions of your choice (see Oozes Potter’s Tools
“Arrowcraft Munitions” below). You gain an additional Plants Herbalism Kit
Arrowcraft munition of your choice when you reach Undead Smith’s Tools
certain levels in this class: 7th, 11th, and 15th level.
When crafting masterwork ammunition with this By working this new tool proficiency into your
feature, you may choose to apply an Arrowcraft crafting technique, your masterwork ammunition deals
munition to a number of masterwork projectiles equal an additional 2d6 damage when you hit your favored
to your proficiency bonus. You can only apply one enemy, or an additional 1d6 damage when you hit any
Arrowcraft munition to each masterwork projectile. other target.
Some Arrowcraft options call for a saving throw.
Your Arrowcraft save DC equals 8 + your proficiency 
bonus + your Wisdom modifier.
Beginning at level 15, your masterwork projectiles are
 destined to hit their target. When you make an attack
with a masterwork projectile, you may use a bonus
At 7th level, masterwork projectiles that you create action to make the attack roll with advantage, ignoring
with your Arrowcraft feature grant a +1 bonus to your half cover and three-quarters cover.
attack and damage rolls. This bonus increases to +2 at You may use this feature a number of times equal to
11th level and +3 at 15th level. your Wisdom modifier. You regain all expended uses
when you finish a long rest.
The Arrowcraft feature lets you choose options for your
masterwork ammunition at certain levels. The options
are presented here in alphabetical order.
If an munition requires a saving throw, your
Arrowcraft save DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus
+ your Wisdom modifier.
Bent. This ammunition can fire around corners. You
can cause the ammunition to make one 90 degree turn
within your weapon’s normal range.
Bladed. This ammunition deals an additional d6
damage. All damage dealt by this ammunition is
slashing damage.
Boring. This ammunition deals an additional d6
damage. All damage dealt by this ammunition is
piercing damage.
Blunt. This ammunition deals an additional d6
damage. All damage dealt by this ammunition is
bludgeoning damage.
Elemental. This ammunition deals an additional d4 Hans Leonard Schäufelein
Archer Drawing His Bow
fire, cold, or lightning damage. You must choose the c. 1510
damage type when you craft the ammunition.
Grounding. A creature hit by this attack must make
a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the Fletcher
creature loses all resistances for a number of rounds
equal to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1). This does Masterwork Magic Arrowcraft Arrowcraft
not affect damage immunities. Level Projectiles Ammunition Options Applications
Impaling. If this ammunition hits an unarmored 3 10 +0 2 2
target, you may make an additional attack roll against a
second creature within range who is granted cover by 4 10 +0 2 2
the primary target. You don't add your ability modifier 5 15 +0 2 3
to the damage against the second target, unless that 6 15 +0 2 3
modifier is negative.
Long. The attacker does not suffer disadvantage 7 15 +1 3 3
when firing this ammunition at long range. 8 15 +1 3 3
Short. The attacker does not suffer disadvantage
when firing this ammunition at an adjacent target. 9 20 +1 3 4
Snare. When a target is hit with this ammunition, 10 20 +1 3 4
they must make a Dexterity saving throw. The target’s 11 20 +2 4 4
speed is reduced to 10 on a successful save, or 0 on a
failed save. The creature may repeat the save at the end 12 20 +2 4 4
of its turn to end this effect. 13 25 +2 4 5
Splinter. This ammunition splinters upon firing. All 14 25 +2 4 5
creatures within 10 feet of a point you choose within
range of your weapon must make a Dexterity saving 15 25 +3 5 5
throw. If a creature fails the save, it takes damage equal 16 25 +3 5 5
to your Wisdom modifier (minimum 1). 17 30 +3 5 6
Split. This ammunition splits upon firing. Choose
two targets within 15 feet of each other and make a 18 30 +3 5 6
separate attack roll against each. If both attacks hit, 19 30 +3 5 6
you deal normal damage to each target. Otherwise, you 20 30 +3 5 6
miss both targets.
Quickdraw. You may fire this ammunition as a bonus

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