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Cover design by Lorena Molinari
Edited by Lauren McCafferty
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or
transmi ed in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying, recording or by any information storage
and retrieval system, without wri en permission from the publisher,
except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review.
The author and publisher have taken care in the preparation of this
book, but make no expressed or implied warranty of any kind and
assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. No liability is
assumed for incidental or consequential damages in connection with
or arising out of the use of the information or programs contained
All trade and product names are trademarks, registered trademarks,
or service marks of their respective companies and are the property
of their respective holders and should be treated as such.
First Edition
First Printing 2019
Copyright © 2019 John Giles.
ISBN, print ed. 9781634624893
ISBN, Kindle ed. 9781634624909
ISBN, PDF ed. 9781634624923
Library of Congress Control Number: 2019930218
Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Se ing the Scene
An “owner’s manual” is a good start, but …
Did I hear a warning?
A vital context
Chapter 2 A Data Vault Primer
A bit of data warehouse history
Data Vault made (too) easy
Untangling “raw” and “business” Data Vault
Chapter 3 Task #1: Form the Enterprise View
Se ing our compass bearing
Before we go any further, what is an ‘enterprise data model’?
Where can we find an enterprise data model?
How to build a “sufficient” enterprise data model yourself
Chapter 4 Task #2: Apply the Enterprise View to Design a Data
The important bit: Ge ing business data out
Well-formed Hubs: Ge ing the right foundations
Well-formed Links versus “ugly” Links
What if we get it wrong?
Chapter 5 Task #3: Map Your Source Systems to the Data Vault
Understanding Data Vault by understanding data loading
Doing the source-to-Data Vault mapping
Chapter 6 Task #4: Using Business Rules to Close the Top-Down /
Bo om-Up Gap
Business rules, and the “Transformation” bit
Applying business rules to “close the gap”
Chapter 7 Tying Off a Few Data Vault Loose Ends
A quick glance at some more advanced topics
Using a Data Vault to Shine Some Light on the “Process” World
A bit on projects
A few controversies
More uses for top-down models
In conclusion
Appendix Common Data Model Pa erns – An Introduction
Pa ern: Party & Party Role
Pa ern: Position
Pa ern: Agreement
Pa ern: Resource
Pa ern: Event
Pa ern: Task
Pa ern: Product (tangible goods, intangible services)
Pa ern: Location
Pa ern: Document
Pa ern: Account
Pa ern: Classification
Table of Figures

Figure 1: Data Vault 2.0 components

Figure 2: Collecting background knowledge
Figure 3: Building the “enterprise ontology”
Figure 4: Design a business-centric Data Vault
Figure 5: Source system mapping to Data Vault Hubs
Figure 6: Source system mapping to Data Vault Links
Figure 7: Source-to-Business transformation rules
Figure 8: The Data Vault design roadmap
Figure 9: Ralph Kimball schematic
Figure 10: Bill Inmon schematic
Figure 11: An interpretation of Dan’s Data Vault schematic
Figure 12: “Fire” data model – Operational source system
Figure 13: “Fire” data model – Data Vault
Figure 14: Marriage scenario #1
Figure 15: Man-&-Woman Marriage in a Data Vault
Figure 16: Marriage scenario #2
Figure 17: Marriage scenario #3 (many-to-many)
Figure 18: Marriage scenario #3 (resolved)
Figure 19: Person-to-Person Marriage in a Data Vault
Figure 20: Customer Hub design, iteration #1
Figure 21: Customer Hub design, iteration #2
Figure 22: Customer Hub design, iteration #3
Figure 23: Customer Hub design, iteration #4
Figure 24: Customer Hub design, iteration #5
Figure 25: Relative data volumes across the architecture
Figure 26: Schematic (overview model) for the land transaction
Figure 27: Schematic (overview model) for the health practitioner
regulation scenario
Figure 28: Subtype drill-down for health practitioner regulation
Figure 29: Resource and Event subtypes and relationships
Figure 30: Building the “enterprise ontology”
Figure 31: Party pa ern core
Figure 32: Party pa ern classification
Figure 33: Party pa ern names
Figure 34: Party pa ern addresses
Figure 35: Party pa ern identifiers
Figure 36: Party pa ern inter-relationships
Figure 37: Party Role pa ern
Figure 38: Pale e of pa erns
Figure 39: Schematic for the mineral resources scenario
Figure 40: A pa ern of pa erns
Figure 41: Pale e of pa erns
Figure 42: Fire Party and Roles
Figure 43: Pa ern of pa erns
Figure 44: Fire Agreements
Figure 45: Fire Documents
Figure 46: Schematic for the Fire emergency response scenario
Figure 47: Common subtypes for Resource and Party
Figure 48: Capacity and Competency
Figure 49: Person as a Resource
Figure 50: Person as a Resource and a Party
Figure 51: Resource and Event subtypes and relationships
Figure 52: T-model
Figure 53: Design a business-centric Data Vault
Figure 54: Event inheritance hierarchy
Figure 55: Business Key scenario – State government employees
Figure 56: Source system DV for identical key values
Figure 57: Passive integration for identical key values
Figure 58: Source system DV for different but non-overlapping key
Figure 59: Shared Hub with non-overlapping key values
Figure 60: Source system DV for different but overlapping key values
Figure 61: Shared Hub to manage overlapping key values
Figure 62: Business Key scenario – Volunteer fire fighters
Figure 63: Source system DV for multi-part key values
Figure 64: Shared Hub to manage multi-part key values
Figure 65: Hubs for a “Vehicle”
Figure 66: Business Satellite for the Fire Truck Hub
Figure 67: Business Satellite for the Employee Hub
Figure 68: Fire Truck Hub (again)
Figure 69: Resource Hub, plus common-a ribute Satellite
Figure 70: Business Hub for the (raw) Employee Hub
Figure 71: Releasing an employee for fire duty
Figure 72: Requesting an employee for fire duty
Figure 73: Resource assignment logical data model
Figure 74: Resource assignment Data Vault model
Figure 75: Enterprise logical view of timesheet transactions
Figure 76: Sample timesheet transactions
Figure 77: Raw transaction data storage in a Link & Satellite
Figure 78: Emergency Event initial subtypes
Figure 79: Emergency Event revised subtypes
Figure 80: Overlapping data – Fire Trucks
Figure 81: Fire Truck Hub
Figure 82: Fire Truck Satellite for Fleet data
Figure 83: Fire Truck Satellite for Fleet and Pool data
Figure 84: “Fire” data model - Data Vault Hubs and Links
Figure 85: Resource Acquisition screen
Figure 86: Resource Release function
Figure 87: Resource assignment Satellites
Figure 88: A Purchaser and their Loan
Figure 89: Loan Management source data
Figure 90: Loan Management data, with Business Keys identified
Figure 91: Mapping raw data to (business-centric) Hubs
Figure 92: Mapping raw data to a (business-centric) Link
Figure 93: Mapping raw data to a Satellite
Figure 94: Complex source data feed
Figure 95: Complex source feed requiring a source-centric Link
Figure 96: Bank source-centric Hubs, Links, and Satellites
Figure 97: Bank PIT, Bridge, and Conformed Satellites
Figure 98: Bank “risk” Satellites
Figure 99: Using business rules to populate a Satellite and a Link
Figure 100: Employee hierarchy - operational
Figure 101: Employee Hierarchy – Data Vault
Figure 102: Customer Same-As Link
Figure 103: Customer Type - no history
Figure 104: Customer Type - slowly changing history
Figure 105: Reference data in a Data Vault
Figure 106: Point-In-Time (PIT) sample data
Figure 107: Point-In-Time = end June 2009
Figure 108: Bridge table
Figure 109: Data Vault objects for a water utility
Figure 110: Data Vault and water utility processes
Figure 111: Example of normalization for Links
Figure 112: Simple employee-to-manager relationship
Figure 113: Position pa ern
Figure 114: Agreement pa ern core
Figure 115: Agreements pa ern and associated Parties
Figure 116: Agreement pa ern inter-relationships
Figure 117: Resource (also known as Asset) pa ern
Figure 118: Event pa ern
Figure 119: Event pa ern & Task pa ern synergy
Figure 120: Task pa ern
Figure 121: Objects assigned to a Task
Figure 122: Object Types assigned to a Task
Figure 123: Product pa ern core
Figure 124: Pa ern for Products as goods or services
Figure 125: Pa ern for Complex products comprising goods and/or
Figure 126: Location pa ern
Figure 127: Document pa ern
Figure 128: Account pa ern core
Figure 129: Account pa ern and associated Parties
Figure 130: Classification pa ern
Table of Tables

Table 1: 9-Pillar descriptions

Table 2: Fleet Management source data January 1st
Table 3: Fire Truck Hub January 1st
Table 4: Fleet Management source data January 2nd
Table 5: Fire Truck Hub January 2nd at 1:00am
Table 6: Shared Resource Pool source data January 2nd
Table 7: Fire Truck Hub January 2nd at 2:00am
Table 8: Fire Truck Hub (reversed load sequence)
Table 9: Fleet Management source data January 1st
Table 10: Fire Truck Satellite for Fleet Management, after load on
January 1st
Table 11: Fleet Management source data January 2nd
Table 12: Fire Truck Satellite for Fleet Management, after load on
January 2nd
Table 13: Shared Resource Pool source data January 2nd
Table 14: Fire Truck Satellite for Shared Resource Pool, after load on
January 2nd
Table 15: Fire-Truck-Assigned-To-Fire Link February 2nd
Table 16: Assignment Effectivity Satellite for Emergency Response,
after load on February 2nd
Table 17: Assignment Effectivity Satellite for Shared Resource Pool,
after load on February 2nd
Table 18: Assignment Effectivity Satellite for Shared Resource Pool,
March 3rd
Table 19: Tracking Satellite after HR load on January 2nd
Table 20: Tracking Satellite after Building Access load on January 5th
Table 21: Tracking Satellite after Payroll load on January 10th
Table 22: Tracking Satellite after HR load on February 5th
Table 23: Tracking Satellite after HR load in July
Table 24: Tracking Satellite after Payroll load in July
Table 25: Tracking Satellite after Building Access load in July

It was one year ago this month that I first met John Giles. I knew
almost immediately that I had met a kindred spirit—a lover of
nature and of data. I was in Canberra, Australia to participate in
Steve Hoberman’s Data Modeling Zone conference and had the
pleasure of visiting the Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve with John, Steve,
and Andrew Smailes. Even in the midst of a unique nature
experience (we saw wallabies, koalas, platypus, many colorful birds,
and much more) we slipped into data discussions. That’s the mark
of true data geeks!

Later in the week I a ended a session presented by John and based

on his first book, The Nimble Elephant. Here I saw the innovative
style with which John approaches data management. Systematically
applying data model pa erns and commercially available data
models within a defined process, he makes a compelling case that
enterprise modeling and agility are not at odds, and illustrates how
agile enterprise data modeling really is possible. The real magic,
however, is his ability to clearly explain a complex topic in a way that
makes it easy to understand and apply.
Now John has done it again. This time the complex topic is Data
Vault modeling. I first learned about Data Vault from its inventor,
Dan Linstedt, several years ago. Data Vault is a powerful way to
design adaptable and highly resilient data structures. But with
power comes complexity. Building a Data Vault isn’t easy and there
are many ways to get it wrong. Linstedt routinely warns about the
pitfalls and common mistakes, and John revisits some of those
warnings in this book.
But the book doesn’t focus on warnings, pitfalls, and mistakes.
Instead it provides a step-by-step approach to ge ing it right where
enterprise view and business-centric design are critical elements.
Along with a four-step design process, John describes Data Vault
with easily understood explanations and examples. With a look
inside the architecture you’ll understand the roles and relationships
of hubs, links, and satellites. You’ll see the difference between a raw
data vault and a business data vault and fully grasp the importance
of business-oriented design and business-centric models.
Business orientation is a recurring theme throughout the book with
discussion of enterprise views, enterprise models, ontologies,
taxonomies, etc. Reading between the lines, it seems that the
implicit message is “Business before Data.” This is an especially
important message about the design process: start with business
needs, not with the data that you have. Working from the business
focus, you’ll get in depth explanation of how to go from enterprise
view to Data Vault design, with details and examples of modeling
hubs, links, and satellites. All of the business modeling takes place
first, driven by enterprise perspective. Then it is time to turn
a ention to the data that you have, mapping sources to the data
model and reconciling gaps and conflicts.
The weird title notwithstanding (what is it about John Giles and
elephants?), I’m happy that this book is not called Data Vaults Made
Easy because they are not easy. I’m glad it isn’t called Data Vault for
Dummies because they are too vital a part of data management
ecosystems to be built by dummies. The book is just exactly what we
need—Guided Steps to Data Vault Success—with careful a ention
to data modeling for the vault.
For data management professionals, Data Vault is an important tool
in the toolbox. In this age of data lakes, many pundits are quick to
declare the data warehouse dead. But we practitioners know be er.
The data warehouse is not dead. My recent research shows a
majority of companies (approximately 90%) operating multiple data
warehouses. Today’s focus is on data warehouse modernization—
improved scalability, cloud migration, and handling of non-
relational data—and Data Vault is a practical solution to these
For data architects and data engineers, data modeling is an essential
skill. NoSQL technology gave rise to a mistaken belief that data
modeling is obsolete. Nothing could be further from the truth. Data
models are needed initially to support the basic principle of design
before you build. They continue to be necessary throughout the data
lifecycle, providing essential metadata and mapping for
maintenance, troubleshooting, change management, and impact
In a nutshell, we need Data Vaults, we need data models, and we
need them to work together. Thank you, John Giles, for showing us
how to meet those needs.

Dave Wells
Director, Data Management Practice
Eckerson Group
Sea le, WA, March 2019

Why “The Elephant in the Fridge“?

The “Elephant …” bit ties back to my previous book, “The Nimble
Elephant: Agile Delivery of Data Models using a Pa ern-Based
Approach”. The theme of “Agile” development of pa ern-based
models most certainly has applicability when generating Data Vault
But why “… in the Fridge”? It’s got nothing to do with the rather
lame jokes from the middle of last century (Question: “How do you
know there’s an elephant in the fridge?” Answer: “Elephant
footprints in the bu er”). Rather, it’s an alternative to the word
A bank vault is something that is relatively easy to put things in. You
want to store your jewelry there? Fine. Leave it with us, says the
bank. But you want to get it out again? Sorry, that’s harder. Forms to
be filled in, identification to be performed, permission to be
granted, and declarations of consent to be made.
Unfortunately, that’s how some people have mistakenly portrayed
Data Vault – easy to get data in, harder to get it out. It shouldn’t be
like that, and it doesn’t have to be that way. Instead, what if we
portray an image of a fridge? Easy to put food in, easy to get it out,
even at midnight when hunger pangs strike. Pity about the diet.
So my light-hearted joke is to refer to a Data Fridge instead of a Data
Vault. I’m not being critical of the correct phrase – I just want to be a
li le cheeky and suggest there may be some ways to make it easier
for the business to get out what they want, when they want it. Even
at midnight!

Rob Barnard is a good friend and mentor. He was the first to

introduce me to the wonderful world of Data Vault, and has
continued to expand my horizons. Without him, this book would not
have happened.
Later on my journey I had the privilege of working with Natalia
Bulashenko and Emma Farrow. They brought their own distinctive
enrichment to my journey.
Roelant Vos is a fellow Aussie, but is respected internationally, both
for his pragmatic approach and for his delightful personality. His
generosity in sharing with the world-wide community, and with me,
is gratefully noted. His detailed review of my “top down” papers on helped shape many of the ideas in this book.
There are many front-line developers whose support has been
appreciated, but I wish to spotlight Johnny Mackle and Peter
Dudley. It is wonderful when work colleagues become trusted
Then there is the huge circle of friends from the wider data
modeling community, including the quiet behind-the-scenes
encouragement from Larry Burns. And then there’s Steve
Hoberman who is not only the publisher of this book, but a massive
supporter of all things “data”.
Last but not least, I am sure I am one of many who recognize the
impossibility of tackling projects such as writing a book were it not
for the loving support of their family. My wife is the hidden gem
behind this book.
Chapter 1
Setting the Scene

The core aspects of Data Vault 2.0 are depicted in Figure 1. Perhaps
you already have a good grasp of these Data Vault fundamentals. If
so, I am genuinely pleased because it is essential to have these
foundations. If not, don’t despair – this book includes an optional
primer for those new to the wonderful world of Data Vault, though
as the picture suggests, the focus for this book is on how to shape
the model for overall Data Vault success.
Whether you come to this book with a commendable prior
knowledge, or if you are on a steep learning curve and about to
acquire foundational knowledge, the fundamentals are essential.
However, there’s a serious warning: Data Vault project experience
suggests that just understanding the basics will most likely not be
sufficient to drive a project to success.
Data Vault projects can have the methodology and architecture
topics well covered, but they can run aground nonetheless due to
modeling challenges. Modeling can sound so easy – there are only
three components (Hubs, Links, and Satellites), and they can be
learned relatively quickly. They’re not the problem.
Dan Linstedt, the founder of Data Vault, has clearly warned of some
of the danger zones, yet there are still shipwrecks, which is really
sad, given the enormous potential of the Data Vault approach.
This book intends to assist in achieving Data Vault success by
erecting a few lighthouses around the Data Vault modeling shoals,
and by providing a few navigation maps (to push the sailing analogy
a bit harder). By avoiding some of the known dangers, it is my
sincere desire that you get to deliver measurable business value
from your Data Vault investment.

An “owner’s manual” is a good start, but …

There’s a story of a good-hearted country lad who lived in isolation
from the so-called modern world. One of his jobs was to cut
firewood, using a cross-cut saw and an axe. On one of his rare visits
to the big smoke, a salesman convinces him that buying a chainsaw
will massively increase his productivity. The salesman is willing to
lend him a chainsaw to try it out.
On the next visit to town, the country lad returns the chainsaw. He
got nothing like the productivity promised. The salesman notices
that the chain is blunt, and asks how often he sharpened it. The
answer? “Never.” OK, please try it again, this time performing
regular sharpening.
Next visit, the disappointed lad’s had enough, but the salesman is
persistent. He takes the lad out the back to see if they can work out
what the problem is. The salesman fires up the chainsaw, and is
stunned by the lad’s question, “What’s that funny noise?” The kid
had been using this modern contraption as a hand-saw, not realizing
it had an engine!
OK, that’s a bit of a tall story. Now I’ll make it a bit more personal.
In the 1990s I bought a four-wheel drive (4WD) for ge ing to some
out-of-the-way places. It came with an owner’s manual, and that was
a good start. For a bit extra money, I also got a workshop manual so
that if I broke down in a remote place, my more mechanically
minded friends had a be er chance of ge ing me going again.
But all of these manuals still made one assumption – that I knew
how to drive the vehicle in off-road conditions.

I still remember the tragedy of a tourist who hired a 4WD here in

Australia and headed out to see Lake Eyre, which is a massive salt
lake below sea level.
He got bogged in sand, and couldn’t get his vehicle moving again.
He died of thirst. When his vehicle was later found, the recovery
crew simply let some air out of the tires to allow them to spread the
vehicle’s load over a wider area of sand, and drove straight out.
Simple if you know that trick, and dangerous if you don’t.
It’s a crude analogy, but Data Vaults are a bit like a chainsaw or a
4WD. They’re very capable, and designed beautifully for a purpose.
And yes, you can buy technical manuals or a end training on some
aspects (and I would encourage you to do just that), but if you don’t
know how best to “drive” your lovely new Data Vault, you may be
sadly disappointed.

Did I hear a warning?

I also love driving my four-wheel drive in the Aussie outback –
somewhere that’s flat, dry, hot, and remote – which is most of
Australia! One of our desert areas is called the Nullarbor. For the IT
types reading this, the “Null” in Nullarbor means the absence of
things, and the “arbor” bit tells the careful map reader what this
area is missing – trees (an arborist is a person who works with

So imagine one of the world’s longest straight roads, with not a tree
in sight. The drive might be boring, but at least you’re pre y safe, as
there is plenty of traffic to help you if you get in trouble. (“Plenty” is
a relative term.)
I’ve driven the Nullarbor, but I’ve also ventured well off the beaten
track, and you need to heed the warnings as there’s no-one likely to
come your way for a long time if you’re stuck. Such as the time my
wife and I and some friends were heading along one of my infamous
“shortcuts”. We could have gone the long way round, but why tackle
dirt roads that are corrugated from all of the traffic (at least one car a
day, apart from the wet season when the roads are totally
impassable)? So we tackled my shortcut.
It was really nothing more than a disused track in the middle of
nowhere. There were two major problems. Some of the time we
couldn’t even find the track, so we had to stop the cars and fan out
looking for the next visible hint of where it might be. And when we
did find it, it was obviously a number of years since anyone last
came along, as there were small trees that had grown between the
wheel ruts – we had to push them over just to get through. One
stretch of 70 kilometers (40 miles) took a full two days. My shortcuts
haven’t made me popular with most of my travelling companions.
Finally we got to the end of the track and pulled up on a picture
perfect beach that I’d assured my friends would be wonderful. What
could be be er than sun, surf, sand, and the whole beach to
ourselves – apart from the resident salt-water crocodiles. I wasn’t
popular. Again.
Here’s the message. Australia has some great places, and many
visitors who have ventured beyond the cities have loved the
experience. But there are very real dangers. Heed the warnings, and
you’ll have a great time. Ignore the warnings, and things can go
badly wrong.
Dan Linstedt, the founder of Data Vault, has also issued a number of
warnings. Not about the Aussie outback, but about how to build a
Data Vault. Some people ignore travel warnings about the Aussie
outback, and come unstuck (or stuck as the case may be). Some
people ignore Dan’s warnings, too, and wonder why things don’t go
so well.

So what does Dan say? Amongst other things, he’s said[1]:

“Data Vault modeling was, is, and always will be ABOUT THE
BUSINESS. And if the Data Vault you have in place today is not
currently about the business, then unfortunately you’ve hired the
wrong people, and those people need to go back to school and re-learn
what Data Vault really means. OR you’ve built the wrong solution,
and you need to fix it – immediately.”
“Ontologies are a very very important asset to the corporation – if built
at the enterprise level, you must focus on ontologies while you are
building the Data Vault solution, or the full value of the … Data Vault
cannot be realized.”
To put it in my own words, Dan’s saying that the model behind the
Data Vault design must be business-centric, and the way to achieve
this is to start with an enterprise ontology. The term “enterprise
ontology” may be a frighteningly unfamiliar phrase for some, but
please don’t shy away, as it’s really not that complicated. One way of
seeing an enterprise ontology is that it can be represented as a data
model that describes business concepts, their inter-relationships,
and their major a ributes. For practical purposes in this book, I
suggest that an enterprise ontology is pre y much the same as a
top-down, big-picture enterprise data model. I go into more detail
on this topic later in “Before we go any further, what is an
‘enterprise data model’?“, but for now, that might be enough.
And it is important.
OK, so an enterprise ontology appears to be central to success.
We’re hearing your warning loud and clear, Dan, and unlike some
travellers in outback Australia, we want to heed your warning, but:
What on earth is an “enterprise ontology”, ‘cause I won’t know if
I’ve got one if I don’t know what I’m looking for.
If I can’t find one, and Dan says I need one, how do I get my
hands on one, or create one?
And even if I have one of these wonderful things, how do I apply
it to get the sort of Data Vault that Dan recommends?
We’re going to be answering those questions in this book.

A vital context
It’s easy to get lost in the detail of any book, and wonder how all the
pieces are going to fit together. To maximize your pleasure, and the
value you get from reading this book, I want to quickly lay out the
roadmap. It’s not too hard, really. Perform 4 tasks and you are on
your way to Data Vault success. Well, at least that’s the goal.
Seeding the Data Vault project
We start by collecting knowledge that hopefully is freely available
within our organization.

I suggest we start with defining the target of our project? Or to put it

another way, if we talk to the stakeholder who is funding our
project, what does he or she want to get for their money? Behind
broad-brush statements of intent, we might also collect some details
of the intended data marts and the like that will require our new
Data Vault to feed them.
Next we act like sponges. We can seed our knowledge base from all
sorts of sources of information. We can chat to the subject ma er
experts (SMEs) across the business. We can collect and analyze
business process documentation. We can go through business
glossaries to find definitions for business object such as Customers,
Assets and so much more.
Last but not least in preparing to launch out, I encourage
participants to gain familiarity with data model pa erns. Len
Silverston calls his pa erns “universal” data model pa erns for a
very good reason. They provide proven, generic ways of structuring
data, and fit most situations – hence the “universal” title. Yes, you
will need to specialize them to tune them for your particular needs,
but that’s what we will look at in “Step #5: Assemble a lightweight
Enterprise Framework (in days)” later in this book.
OK, we’re on the starting blocks. What’s the first task?

Task #1: Define how the business sees their data

This is at the heart of top-down design for a Data Vault. Dan quite
correctly says we need an “enterprise ontology” to shape the design.
Many data model professionals will talk of enterprise (or
“business”) data models, enterprise conceptual models, or
enterprise logical models. David Hay, in “Achieving Buzzword
Compliance”, provides precise definitions, and even goes so far as to
identify three types of conceptual models! Here, I am going for
something simpler. And for the sake of this book, I am pre y
flexible as to what we call this thing. Yes, it has an enterprise-wide
view, and it’s a model of the data we’re interested in. I guess that
makes it an enterprise data model.

But what does it look like? For us, it’s got two simple parts.
I like to start with a one-page diagram identifying the major data
subject areas of the enterprise, with an icon for each, typically
based on generic data model pa erns.
I then do a drill-down from the generic data model pa erns into
the specifics of the organization. This includes what some will
refer to as the “taxonomy” – the hierarchy, from supertypes (that
represent the pa erns but often are too generic to represent the
business directly) down to subtypes (that do represent the
It’s a light-weight framework, and it can be assembled in weeks (or
even days), assuming you’ve got a working familiarity with the
pa erns.
Task #2: Design the Data Vault, based on the business view

We’ve now got a light-weight view of how the business sees their
data. Next we want to map that into our Data Vault design. Again,
it’s top-down.
Hubs are selected from a sweet-spot on the supertype / subtype
hierarchy – the taxonomy
Links are constructed based on business Links between business
Business Satellites specify how the business wants to see their
data a ributes, not how the source systems name and hold the
data items. These business-centric Satellites are likely to become
conformed Satellites, used to drive Data Marts a bit later. At this
stage, they are a first-cut capture of the target information the
business wants.
Please note something very important. For these two tasks, we
haven’t even spoken about source systems. We don’t want to build a
“source system Data Vault”. We want to deliver tangible value to the
business, and we want the Data Vault to reflect their business view,
not a technology-based view, so we start with the business, then of
course we must move to the hard reality of what data is available to
us – the next task.
Task #3: Bo om-up Source-to-Data Vault mapping
We’ve already got business-centric Hubs, Links and Satellites
defined. This is where business-centric Data Vault design
distinguishes itself from source-centric Data Vault design – we want
to map to the business objects, not to source-centric Hubs or Links
unless we absolutely have to. Satellites are a li le different.
We will go into a lot more detail later, but let’s look quickly at this
If we’ve got 50 source data feeds with Customer data, we don’t want
50 Customer Hubs, one per source, with one Satellite each! Instead,
we can create Source-specific Satellites, a ached to just one
business-centric Hub. You’ll notice that I’ve crossed-out the Hub in
the source-centric box. It’s something we rarely if ever want.
Links can be a bit more tricky. The short story version is that if the
source feed has Links that map neatly to the business-centric Links
that have already been identified, that’s where they map. However,
you will often encounter Links that represent transactions / events
as presented by source system data feeds, and these may require
construction of their own Links. (And these Links may require
Satellites, too, but that’s a separate and sometimes contentious
At this point we’ve done the mapping to populate probably all we
can from direct source feeds. I say “probably”, because, for example,
we might have a source-system feed whose data a ributes match
directly to the business-centric Satellite design the information
consumers want. If that’s true, you should consider yourself lucky.
Most of the time, we need a li le bit of data transformation to shape
our data ready for consumption, and that’s the next task.
Task #4: Define business rules
We’ve designed the business-centric Hubs, Links and Satellites as
our targets in Task #2, and we’ve done mapping to populate the Data
Vault in Task #3, but not all of the target objects have been included.
There are some gaps, and we need business rules to fill them.
The two most common forms of business rules are:

Rules to map multiple source-specific Satellites into one

consumption-ready “conformed” Satellite
Rules to map source-specific “Event / Transaction” Links to their
Hubs, Links &/or Satellites
There are other types of business rules, and one example relates to
de-duplication of instances in a Hub. Maybe you’ve got 1,000
Customer instances, but you’ve identified some duplicates. In such
cases, the business may want the duplicates consolidated so as to
present a de-duplicated view ready for consumption.
In summary
If we pull those four tasks together we have a roadmap for end-to-
end design of a Data Vault.
The diagram presents the essence of sound Data Vault design. With
that preparation as a foundation, the book now presents:
A primer on the Data Vault elements.
Details on the four tasks introduced above.
A deeper dive into some details of Data Vault.
An appendix to introduce you to several common data model
pa erns that may help you perform Task #1.
Chapter 2
A Data Vault Primer

For those not yet familiar with the marvelous world of Data Vaults,
first let’s kick off with a Data Vault primer. For those already well
acquainted with where Data Vault fits in relation to the other data
warehousing approaches of Ralph Kimball and Bill Inmon, and who
are comfortable with the Data Vault modeling fundamentals, you
may prefer to go straight past this entire Data Vault primer and get
your teeth into Dan’s “ontology” stuff in the next major section,
“Task #1 – Form the Enterprise View”.

A bit of data warehouse history

What follows is a massive oversimplification of what’s happened in
the data warehouse world, but it might do to set Data Vault in
First, we look at Ralph Kimball’s work. You may hear people talk of
Dimensional Modeling, Star Schemas, Cubes, and Data Marts. If we
take a registry of health practitioners (doctors, nurses, chemists …)
as a case study example, we can look at the essence of how Kimball’s
approach works.
Transaction-processing systems run the day-to-day operations of the
business – they’re shown on the left. They may be well designed for
operational purposes, but often struggle to support business
On the right-hand side of the diagram are purpose-built data marts.
Each has a focus on just one set of “facts”, such as complaints made
against medical practitioners, classified by “dimensions” such as the
practitioner, the type of complaint, and dates. A level of enterprise-
wide integration can be achieved by using common, shared
dimensions across multiple data marts, known as “conformed
dimensions”. These data marts are very well suited for slicing-and-
dicing the data in a multiplicity of ways.
An advantage of this approach is the ability of the first data mart to
relatively quickly and easily be built. Also, there is a good choice of
tools for non-technical people to visualize the data.
One perceived disadvantage may emerge over time – as more and
more operational systems source data for more and more data
marts, and as existing data marts and their conformed dimensions
are extended to meet new demands, complexity can increase.
Enter Bill Inmon and his Third Normal Form (3NF) Data
Warehouse, a centralized approach for supporting organization-
wide reporting:

The same operation systems all feed into one central “normalized”
repository. Data from there is then pushed out in forms ready for
easy consumption, including, of course, Data Marts.
One advantage of this approach is consistency – all reports are
sourced from one, clean, uniform version of the “truth”. Another
advantage appears over time – the data supplied from each single
source feed can potentially be reused to support multiple Data
Marts. But this approach does have a price tag. The first Data Mart to
be supported has an overhead not needed by the Kimball approach.
Then along comes Dan Linstedt with his Data Vault architecture.
Some may say, “We’ve already got turf wars between the followers
of the Kimball versus Inmon approaches, so why on earth do we
need a new player in the field?” Perhaps we can answer that by
looking at the origins of Data Vault.
They say that necessity is the mother of invention. Dan had a client
in the 1990s whose demands pushed the boundaries of Data
Warehousing. I understand that they wanted to store petabytes of
data. That’s thousands of gigabytes if you’re not familiar with the
term. Storing that much data is one thing; ge ing timely results
from queries is another. Hence, Data Vault was born.
A more recent Data Vault implementation is at Micron, the
computer chip manufacturer. They add billions of rows to their Data
Vault each day. It’s probably fair to say that the title of the book by
Dan Linstedt and Michael Olschimke highlights one of the many
reasons people adapt Data Vault – they’re in the business of
“Building a Scalable Data Warehouse …”
But scale is only one reason for looking at Data Vaults. Frankly, most
of my clients have very modest requirements if judged by “big data”
considerations such as volume and velocity, but they may be
interested in another of the big data V’s - variability. When you’re
required to ingest not just predictable structured data, but also
unstructured and semi-structured data, Data Vaults’ ability to
accommodate all such forms is impressive.
Then there’s agility and extensibility. Wouldn’t we all love it if we
could quickly incorporate changes, or even be er, if we got things
“right” the very first time? Data Vault isn’t some silver bullet that
solves all problems, but it certainly eases the pain we will all face.
For example, the philosophy that we always insert new stuff and
never update what’s gone before is a breath of fresh air, avoiding
tedious reloading.
The “sales pitch” for Data Vault goes on and on, and reflects the ever
changing demands. Some want real-time feeds. No problem. Some
want a service-oriented architecture that interacts dynamically with
operational systems and the Data Warehouse. Data Vaults can
accommodate that. Many people want full traceability of the data
lineage, going from the view presented to data consumers, right
back to the operational systems that sourced the data. And again,
Data Vault supports this need.
Some batch processing approaches are based on ETL (extract-
transform-load), while others adopt ELT (extract-load-transform).
The ETL approach often aims to clean up the data on the way into
their data repository. In contrast, Data Vault has the goal to load “all
the data, all the time” into the Data Vault, and then apply business
rules to clean it up. If we later decide we got the rules wrong, we can
change them and regenerate the derived Data Vault artifacts. We
hadn’t discarded the “dirty” data on the way in. What’s more, the
dirty data often is very instructive.
Enough of the “sales pitch”. Let’s take a very brief look at some of
the Data Vault architectural components and their context:

Across the middle, we’ve got something that looks somewhat

similar to Inmon’s style. We’ve got operational systems feeding data
via a staging area into the centralized Data Warehouse, which in
turn feeds Data Marts, flat extracts, and so on.
A few things are worth noting:
The staging area does not need to persist (store) all the data that
ever goes through it. The Data Vault is capable of recording these
details (though if your organization already has persistent staging
area mechanisms in place, some people argue that this role can
The one Data Vault holds data from two distinct sources. It has
“raw” data that faithfully captures all of the data as it was
presented from operational source systems. Some of this “raw”
data is ready to go for direct consumption by end users, while
other data needs a bit of transformation. This transformation,
such as renaming a ributes or computing derivable values, is
accomplished by executing explicitly declared business rules,
generating “business” data in Data Vault.
The consumption layer can be virtual, as can the objects in the
Data Vault generated by business rules. This enables fast
construction, and reconstruction, as needs change.
Technologies such as NoSQL databases can be an integral part of
the Data Vault. In fact, the Data Vault can be constructed in a
platform such as Hadoop. And though not shown above, cloud
solutions such as Snowflake are increasingly playing an exciting
role in Data Vault deployment.
Last but not least, you can have a services layer in two-way
communication with both the operational systems and the Data
Vault. For example, a data load into the Data Vault may trigger an
alert to be managed by an operational system.
Now time for me to declare that my passion is about the modeling
part of Data Vault. A bit like my story of buying a workshop manual
for my 4WD, if you want to get into the detail of the inner workings
of these technology aspects of Data Vault, there are people with far
more knowledge than me. I have only included the above to try and
set Data Vault in context.
So now let’s swing our focus to the data model components inside a
Data Vault.

Data Vault made (too) easy

One position on Data Vault standards
Before we launch into modeling a Data Vault, I probably need to
comment on Data Vault standards.
These standards, like any standards, can and do change over time.
Perhaps the most notable change was when Dan Linstedt introduced
Data Vault 2.0 as an upgrade to the original Data Vault. Of course,
over time I expect Dan and others will refine these, too.
Others in the wider community have their own adaptations for Data
Vault modeling standards. One light-hearted joker once said to me,
“That’s what I love about standards – there’s so many to choose
from!” But all jokes aside, it can get confusing.
This book is arguably not the best platform for resolving any
differences between the voices across the Data Vault community.
Dan encourages people to challenge his standards, but he does
suggest that any proposed variation be thoroughly and objectively
debated before being adopted. This book is but one voice, and
delivery of objective evaluation involving multiple parties is not
possible with my one-way-only conversation.
I recognize the existence of alternative views, and each variation may
have strengths and weaknesses in certain circumstances, but for the
sake of simplicity and consistency, I will seek to follow the modeling
standards as published in “Building a Scalable Data Warehouse with
Data Vault 2.0”.[2] I may also from time to time make some passing
comments on some of the other variations I have encountered.
Towards the end of the book, I will also explicitly present some
aspects of alternative views. But until then, can I please suggest that
for the sake of progressing the wider discussion on how an
enterprise view can (and should) contribute to a Data Vault design,
we all might find it simpler to assume Dan’s perspective, at least for
now? Thanks.

A case study
I talk of “hypothetical” scenarios such as emergency response to
fires, floods, earthquakes and the like, but unfortunately in many
parts of the world these scenarios are far from hypothetical.

It still raises deep emotions in me when I recall the day I knew my

children were threatened by a severe firestorm and there was
nothing I could do. This was before mobile phones, and the
telephone land lines were down. I was at work, safely in the city, and
they were possibly trapped at school and under threat, or maybe the
school had shut down and they were at home and even more
threatened, or worse still, they didn’t make it home, and never
would. I simply didn’t know. Thankfully, as it turned out, all was OK
for them, but not so for many others that day.
I have worked on IT solutions for emergency response
organizations, and believe me, I am passionate about using
technology to protect the community. A tiny subset of some data
involved in managing wildfires is shown below:
Using one form of Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) notation, this
portrays information such as:
Each fire is uniquely identified by a business key known as the
Fire Reference Number.
Each fire truck is uniquely identified by a business key known as
the Registration Number.
At any given point in time, each fire truck may be assigned to
only one fire, while each fire may have zero, one or more fire
trucks assigned to it.
I highlight the phrase “point in time”, because many operational
systems hold the current values, but not history. Keeping a record of
past data values is one of the reasons people consider a Data
Warehouse, of which Data Vault is one more modern form. If the
only data ever to be loaded to our Data Vault was sourced from
those two tables, we could do a fairly mechanistic transformation of
the data and end up with a Data Vault structure something like this:

We start with Hubs. Like the name suggests, they are at the center of
data structures in a Data Vault. They are based on business
concepts, and hold business keys. The word that appeared twice in
the previous sentence was “business”. More on that later, but I do
want to draw your a ention to the fact that building a Data Vault is
not just a technical exercise; it must involve the business.
For the sake of simplicity, we will assume that a Fire is a recognized
business concept, with a business key of Fire Reference Number.
Likewise, let’s assume that a Fire Truck is a recognized business
concept, with a business key of Registration Number.
So now we’ve got two Hubs, and they’ve both got a unique index for
the nominated business key. Relational databases typically expect a
single key to be nominated as their “primary key”. Every row in the
table must have a unique value for its primary key. We could
obviously make the business key the primary key for the table. After
all, it is unique. However, in Data Vault, we may choose to use
another mechanism, often called a “surrogate key”. We probably
don’t need to go into details of this style here. Sufficient to say that
it’s typically a unique but meaningless number generated by some
software. Here, in a Data Vault, one reason for using a surrogate is to
improve performance.
In Data Vault 2.0 (again, I am using the standard as published in
“Building a Scalable Data Warehouse with Data Vault 2.0”, and I
recognize that standards may be challenged and changed over time),
this “surrogate primary key” is a hash key – another technical
artifact. Put simply, the text string value of the natural business key
is thrown into a mathematical algorithm, and out pops some
number. The important thing is that the same text string will always
produce the same hash key value. The previous version of Data Vault
had a sequence number that served a similar purpose. But please
note that whether your Data Vault is Data Vault 1.0 or 2.0, the Hub’s
surrogate key is for Data Vault internal use only. It should not be
used as an alternative business key. In reality, I doubt that anyone
looking at the big, ugly structure of the value generated for a hash
key would want to use it that way!
Some may ask why we might use a hash key, and there may be
several good reasons. Put simply, this approach helps deliver good
performance in several situations. It may help for loading data
(including facilitating massive parallel processing if we need to go
that far), or with relational join performance on data retrieval, and,
as a bonus, assist with the joining of relational and non-relational
data. The last point on non-relational data is all a bit technical, and
not my area of strength, so I am happy to accept that there are
sound computer science reasons for this stuff, and then get back to
my modeling!
We’ve still got two more columns in the Hub tables. The Record
Source column notes the source system that first presented the
business key value to the Data Vault, and the Load Date / Time notes
the precise date and time that this occurred. These columns may
prove useful for audit and diagnostics purposes, but please don’t
get side-tracked; a Hub table fundamentally exists to hold the set of
business keys for a given business concept, and nothing more.
Let’s look at the a ributes and their values that one instance in the
Fire Hub table (as shown in Figure 13) might have:
Fire Reference Number: “WF2018-123” (Wild Fire number 123 in
the year 2018).
Fire Hash Key: “27a3f042…”, being a hexadecimal representation
of the hash key generated by presenting the text string “WF2018-
123” to some hashing algorithm.
Load Date / Time: “10/10/2018 12:34:56.789” being the very
moment (to a nominated level of precision) the row was loaded
into the Data Vault table, not the moment when the row was
created in some source operational system.
Record Source: “ER/RA”, being an acronym (“ER” for the
Emergency Response IT operational system, and “RA” for
Resource Acquisition, the data feed providing load data for the
Data Vault). Note that the “source” can be a multi-level hierarchy,
and is typically finer-grained than just the IT system.
Instances in the Fire Hub never change after they are created. No
ma er how many of the fire’s descriptive a ributes such as Fire
Type (grass fire, forest fire …), Fire Name, Fire Severity, and so on
change, the Hub instance is rock solid. The Hub instance says that
the Data Vault first saw Fire “WF2018-123” on 10/10/2018, and that
this visibility of the nominated fire was provided by the Resource
Acquisition data feed from the Emergency Response IT operational
system. These facts will never change, nor will the instance in the
Fire Hub table. So where do we hold the Fire Type, Fire Severity and
other a ributes? In a Satellite!
Satellites (on a Hub)
While most people think of satellites as things that zoom around in
the sky, the term is used in Data Vault for a very different purpose.
Typically, at the same time a Hub instance is created, we want to
capture the related a ribute values as they existed at that first-seen
point in time for the business key. The first instance in the Fire
Satellite table (refer to Figure 13) might have values such as:
Fire Hash Key: “27a3f042…”. This is the Foreign Key, relating the
Satellite to its “parent” Hub for Fire Reference Number “WF2018-
123”. Of course, we could have designed the Hub to have the
natural business key (the Fire Reference Number) as its Primary
Key, and simply used that natural business key value here in the
Satellite as the Foreign Key. That might be easier to understand,
but it’s not the Data Vault 2.0 standard, and there are reasons for
using the hash key construct.
Load Date / Time: “10/10/2018 12:34:55.555” being the very
moment (to a nominated level of precision) the row was loaded to
the Data Vault table. Note that the load time for the Satellite is
not the same as the load time for its “parent” Hub. While as
human beings we might think that a Hub and its Satellite values
are loaded together, particularly as they may come from exactly
the same data feed, there might be one code module for loading
Hubs, and a separate code module for loading Satellites. If one
load succeeds and the other fails until a restart the next day, the
time difference can be significant, and that’s OK – the Load Date /
Time provides an audit of when the load actually occurred, not
when we might have expected it to occur. In this example, the
load time for the “child” Satellite is actually before the load time
for its “parent” Hub. For the more technically minded raised with
relational databases, they might have expected to have referential
integrity enforced between the Hub and its Satellite, meaning
that the “parent” Hub had to be created first. On the entity-
relationship diagram I have presented in Figure 13 above, we
could quite rightly state that is in fact what I am implying, but in
the Data Vault world, we can have a “child” Satellite created
before its “parent”. It is to be noted, however, that when the
entire data load is completed, there should be no “children”
without “parents”. This approach may be a real bonus if we want
to perform Massive Parallel Processing (MPP) to handle vast
volumes of data.
Record Source: “ER/RA” as an acronym, with “ER” for Emergency
Response (the IT operational system) and “RA” for Resource
Acquisition. In this example, this value is the same as the Record
Source value in the related Hub, as one source feed of data
provides data for the Fire Hub and the Fire Satellite, though they
may be processed in separate load modules as noted above.
Satellites primarily exist to hold a copy of data values for the
Hub’s non-business-key values. In this example, the data values at
the time of initial creation of the Hub could be:
Fire Type: “Forest Fire”
Fire Name: “Black Stump”
Fire Severity: “2”
Incident Controller: “Alex Anderson”
Planned Start Date of “NULL” in this case, as we didn’t plan to
have this fire. Where I live in Australia, we do have deliberate
burns in the cooler weather to reduce the fuel load, but this
hypothetical fire might have been started by a lightning strike.
Planned End Date is also “NULL” at this stage, but will later be
set to a target date once we’ve worked out how big the fire is
and what our plan of a ack is to be.
Actual Start Date: “10/10/2018”
Actual End Date is also “NULL” at this stage.
The example above follows the Data Vault 2.0 standard, with its use
of hash keys. In contrast to Data Vault 2.0 where the “child” Satellite
can be created before its “parent” Hub, in Data Vault 1.0, the
Satellite load program might have to look up the “parent” Hub table
by doing a search against the natural business key and then find the
sequence number before the Satellite instance can be created.
OK, so our Satellite now has the snapshot of values for the fire at the
time of creating the matching Hub instance. That’s great, but values
change over time. A few hours after first reporting the fire, its Fire
Severity drops to “1”, and the Incident Controller is now “Brooke
Brown”. These new values are presented to the Data Vault. What
It’s simple, really. A new instance in the Fire Satellite is created for
the same “parent” Hub, but with a different Load Date / Time, and
of course the data values as they now apply. We’re starting to build
up the history we need.
Note that each instance in the Satellite is a complete snapshot of all
data values active at the time. Even if the Fire Type and Fire Name
haven’t changed, the new Satellite instance will hold their
(unchanged) values, alongside the changed values for Fire Severity
and Incident Controller.
[One li le side note: In the above example, all the a ributes from the
source were held in one Satellite. It is possible to split a Satellite so
that, for example, a ributes whose values frequently change can go in
one Satellite, and a ributes with relatively static values can go in

Hubs represent business concepts, such as a Fire and a Fire Truck. One
of the roles of a Link is to represent business relationships such as the
assignment of a Fire Truck to a Fire.
Hub instances are identified by a business key, such as the
Registration Number of a Fire Truck or the Fire Reference Number
for a Fire. Link instances are identified by sets of business keys, such
as the combination of a Fire Truck’s Registration Number and the
Fire’s Fire Reference Number.
If we look at the Entity-Relationship Diagram for the Data Vault in
Figure 13, we see that there is a table named Fire-Truck-Assigned-
To-Fire Link, which is the short-hand way of saying we’ve got a Link
table that associates a Fire Truck with the Fire to which it is
Assigned. Taking just the association between Fire Truck “ABC-123”
and the Fire “WF2018-123” to which it is assigned as an example, the
instance in the Link table might have a ribute values such as:
Fire Truck Hash Key: “f0983ba7…”. This is a Foreign Key, relating
the Link to one of the Hubs that participate in the Link’s
relationship. In this scenario, the Foreign Key points to Hub for a
Fire Truck with Registration Number “ABC-123”.
Fire Hash Key: “27a3f042…”. This is a Foreign Key, relating the
Link to one of the Hubs that participate in the Link’s relationship.
In this scenario, the Foreign Key points to Hub for a Fire with Fire
Reference Number “WF2018-123”.
Load Date / Time: “10/10/2018 12:44:55.555” being the very
moment (to a nominated level of precision) the row was loaded to
the Data Vault table, not the moment when the row was created in
some source operational system.
Record Source: As we continue with this example, we are
assuming that the data feed is the same as that of the two Hub
instances that are participating in this Link instance. The value is,
again, “ER/RA”.
Fire-Truck-Assigned-To-Fire Hash Key: “12ab34cd…”, being a
hexadecimal representation of the hash key generated by
presenting a text string that is itself formed by concatenating the
business keys of the participating Hubs (Fire Truck and Fire). The
text string to be hashed might, in this example, be “ABC-
123|WF2018-123”. Note that it is recommended that the text
string formed by concatenation of the Hub’s business keys have a
separator (such as the so-called pipe symbol, “|”) between the
component parts. Consider a Fire Truck with Registration
number “ABC-432” and a Fire with a Fire Reference Number “10-
Black Stump”. Without a separator, the concatenated string
would be “ABC-43210-Black Stump”. If we then consider the
admi edly unlikely scenario of a Fire Truck with Registration
number “ABC-43” and a Fire with a Fire Reference Number “210-
Black Stump”, then concatenate them without a separator, we
would get the same result as a text string, and hence exactly the
same hash key, which we don’t want – the same identifier for two
distinct relationships. Conversely, with a separator, the first
string would be “ABC-432|10-Black Stump”, and the second
“ABC-43|210-Black Stump”. To the human eye, they look almost
the same; to a hashing algorithm they are totally different and
will produce totally different hash results. Job done.
The formation of the text string combining the Hub’s business keys
must always follow the same order of concatenation. If one time, for
the relationships between a given Fire Truck and a Fire, we put the
Fire Truck business key first, then later for the exact same intended
relationship we reverse the order, we will not get a matching hash
In a similar manner to Hubs, instances in the Fire-Truck-Assigned-
To-Fire Link never change after they are created. The Link instance
we’ve been studying says that the Data Vault first saw the
relationships between Fire Truck “ABC-123” and Fire “WF2018-123”
on 10/10/2018, and that this visibility of the nominated relationship
was provided by the Acquisition data feed from the Emergency
Response IT operational system. These facts will never change, nor
will the instance in the Fire-Truck-Assigned-To-Fire Link table.
Also like Hubs, a Link can have associated information that does
change over time, and again this can be stored in a Satellite
belonging to the Link. This requirement is not shown in the
diagram, but it’s not uncommon for Links to have a ributes such as
the relationship start date-&-time and the relationship end date-&-
time. By now we’re unfortunately ge ing into some territory where
there are differing views on Data Vault modeling approaches. Just
for a moment, let’s stick with Dan’s Data Vault 2.0 standard, and
later we’ll discuss some other opinions.
Please note that in this very simple example of a Fire Truck assigned
to a Fire, there are only two Hubs involved. However, life isn’t
always that simple. Maybe the assignment transaction also required
nomination of the Employee authorizing the assignment. In such a
case, the Link may involve the Fire Truck Hub, the Fire Hub, and an
Employee Hub. A Link can have as many participating Hubs as are
required, but must always have at least two (or in the case of self-
referencing relationships, two or more Foreign Keys can point to the
same Hub table).
A drill-down into cardinality on Links
If we look back to Figure 12 at the Entity-Relationship Diagram for
the operational system that is the source for this hypothetical Data
Vault, at any point in time a Fire Truck can only ever be at one Fire.
That makes a lot of sense in this case study example. However, over
time, the same Fire Truck, say Registration Number “ABC-123”, can
be assigned to many Fires. At some time in the past it was at Fire
“PB2018-012” – a “Prescribed Burn” fire deliberately lit to reduce
fuel load. Today it’s at the Fire “WF2018-123” and in the future it
may be assigned to Fire “WF2018-456”.
Now if we look back at Figure 13 for the Entity-Relationship
Diagram for the Data Vault, those of us with a data modeling
background may notice that the structure for the Link is a many-to-
many resolution entity – that’s a technical term that says this
particular Link entity can accommodate the Fire Truck Hub and the
Fire Hub being in a many-to-many relationship. The Data Vault can
record all of the relationships over time, which is what we want.
This flexibility has another important feature; the ability of the Data
Vault to absorb changes in the cardinality in the operational systems
without having to have the Data Vault reconstructed. Let’s say we
want to record marriage relationships between people. I recognize
there are diverse and changing views about what constitutes a
“marriage”, but let’s look at a hypothetical country that has some
interesting twists and turns in the a itudes of its people and the
law-makers. I also recognize that there may be a difference between
what the medical profession records as a child’s sex at birth
compared to the gender an individual may later nominate for
themselves, but for the sake of simplicity, this hypothetical country
only recognizes males and females as declared at birth. My simple
request is that we put aside personal views as to what relationships
should or should not be recognized, and please let’s inspect the
hypothetical as that country’s views change over time (maybe too
much for some, and too li le for others).
In this made-up scenario, the laws of this country originally defined
marriage as not only being between one man and one woman at any
point in time, but they went one step further. In their country, each
individual could only be married once in their entire lifetime. If your
partner left you, or even died, sorry, but you could not enter into
another legally recognized marriage. If this “business rule” was
enforced in the operational system, you would have a one-to-one
relationship between a man and a woman. Using the UML notation
so we don’t have to get into debates on primary keys and foreign
keys, the operational system might be represented as below.

Again using the UML notation, and suppressing all of the Data
Vault a ributes (Load Date Time, Record Source, and keys), we
might have a Data Vault model as shown in Figure 15. We’ve got a
“Man” Hub and a “Woman” Hub in the Data Vault. And at this
point, the “Marriage” Link between these two Hubs only needs to
handle a one-to-one cardinality, even though the Data Vault can
happily cope with many-to-many.
Let’s pretend the country’s rules are loosened a li le. Remarriage
after death of a spouse is now permi ed. The operational system
might not need any change if it only records current status (still one-
to-one), but the Data Vault needs to accommodate many-to-many
over time. But it already can, so no change there either.
Have you ever seen the film, “Paint your Wagon”? There was a man
with multiple wives who passed through a gold-mining frontier
town. If this hypothetical country likewise allowed a man to have
more than one wife, the UML representation changes in the
operational system.

It’s only a subtle change with the asterisk representing “many”.

Think of it a bit like a crows foot in an entity-relationship diagram if
you prefer. The operational system changes, but again, the Data
Vault model remains unchanged.
Back to “Paint your Wagon”. There was a shortage of wives for the
miners. Some figured that if one man can have more than one wife,
why can’t a woman have more than one husband? And that was the
eventual outcome. If we stretch our hypothetical scenario this li le
bit further, we’ve now got a many-to-many relationship on the point-
in-time view of the operational system. It requires changes. Again!
We’ve now got a many-to-many relationship in the operational
system. In a relational implementation, this is likely to become a
resolution entity as follows.

The core message is that the Data Vault implementation hasn’t

changed across any of these scenarios. It continues without a glitch.
But now we challenge the Data Vault model.
The Link is robust as long as the Hubs are stable, too. But if we
introduce same-sex marriage, we might need some Data Vault
changes. One option is to add a self-referencing Link for the Man
Hub, and another for the Woman Hub. Another is to challenge the
Hubs themselves. Maybe we could have started with a Person Hub
with a self-referencing Link?
If that’s the model we had used from the outset, all of the
incremental changes in the country’s laws would have been
absorbed in the initial Data Vault model. We will spend a lot more
time on Hub design in “Well-formed Hubs: Ge ing the right
foundations“, but for now, the focus is on Links. This example was a
bit artificial. Now I’ll take a real-life story from my own experience
on the changing cardinality of relationships.

Wind the clock back to the late 1970s. Projects were run using
waterfall approaches. Find the requirements, document them, and
get them signed off. Do a solution design, and get it signed off. Do
development, and document it. Do testing and write up the results.
Finally, put the system into production and train the users. Of
course, if any mistakes were made in analyzing the requirements,
but they weren’t detected until the solution was in production, there
can be costly rework.
I’m the project lead, and in those days, that meant being a jack-of-all
trades – OK, I know how that phrase finishes! I’m the analyst, the
solution designer, a programmer, the lead tester, the trainer, and I
could make coffee for the team when needed. But here’s the first
problem. The client is sited at the other side of Australia. If I had my
own private jet, it might be a quicker trip, but on commercial routes
hopping around the coast, it’s nearly 4,000 kilometers (well over
2,000 miles), and with poorly connecting flights, it took the best part
of a day.
Now here’s the next problem. There’s no Internet, and no such
thing as video conferencing. If I want to do waterfall-style analysis, I
have to fly up to the remote mine site. If I want to do further
interviews, or present the solution for sign-off, I have to fly up again.
So during the analysis stage, I try really hard to absolutely pin down
cardinality. Each mine-site project has only one prime supplier.
Sure, that same supplier can be the successful bidder for several
projects, but each project must have one and only one supplier that
takes overall responsibility.
We designed it that way, and at the end of the project, I fly up again
to do the training and handover. Thankfully, I take one of my best
developers, Dianne, with me. That’s a story in its own right. When
we got to the mine site, Di stayed in the single women’s quarters –
she was single. She temporarily raised the population of single
women by 33% - from three women to four. And single men? A few
thousand. Needless to say, her presence was noticed. But back to the
project. I start training, and one of the students says our system will
never work. Great! What’s the problem? I’m now told that there are
plenty of projects where the prime responsibility is shared. Each
project can have more than one “prime” supplier. Thankfully Di was
a brilliant developer. We paused the training, and she made the
changes over a couple of days, at the mine site. A bit of testing, and
it’s back in production and we are ready to go again.
The point is that the tightest of specifications on cardinality can
prove to be false. Changes can be challenging in the operational
system, especially if you don’t have a Di on the team. But a Data
Vault doesn’t flinch as it’s always capable of handling all
Satellites (on a Link)

Some people in the Data Vault community advise against having

Satellites on Links. They typically concede that maybe holding
effective-from and effective-to dates for the relationship are a valid
use of Link Satellites, but beyond that, they shy away from this
construct. We will look at the relative merits of such alternative
modeling approaches in “Modeling a Satellite on a Link?“, but for
now I suggest we get a shared common understanding of just one
position, namely that represented as the Data Vault 2.0 standard.
From that foundation we might be be er able to evaluate other
The good news is that a Satellite on a Link is just a normal Satellite.
It is the same as a Satellite on a Hub, other than the Foreign Key to a
Link Satellite’s “parent” points to a Link instead of a Hub. And the
other bit of good news is that there’s no bad news.
While not shown in this hypothetical example, if the assignment
transaction between a Fire Truck and a Fire recorded the
assignment-from-date, and the assignment-to-date, the a ributes of
the Satellite might look something like this:
Fire-Truck-Assigned-To-Fire Hash Key: “12ab34cd…” This is a
Foreign Key, relating the Satellite to its “parent” Link for the text
string “ABC-123|WF2018-123”, being the concatenation of the Fire
Truck and Fire business keys.
Load Date / Time: “10/10/2018 12:44:32.100” being the very
moment (to a nominated level of precision) the row was loaded to
the Data Vault table.
Record Source: “ER/RA” as an acronym, with “ER” for Emergency
Response (the IT operational system) and “RA” for Resource
Acquisition. In this example, this value is the same as the Record
Source value in the related Hubs, as one source feed of data
provides data for the Fire Hub, the Fire Truck Hub, the Link
between them, and the Fire Satellite, though they may be
processed in separate load modules as noted above.
Data values at the time of initial creation of the Link could be as
Assignment Start Date: “10/10/2018”
Assignment End Date: “11/11/2018”

Untangling “raw” and “business” Data Vault

You may encounter people talking about “raw Data Vault” (RDV)
and “business Data Vault” (BDV), the la er sometimes shortened to
“Business Vault”. Unfortunately, some think these are physically
separate databases, and that’s what they actually build. At best, they
are logical parts of the one Data Vault.
I say “at best” because there are two somewhat interrelated
concepts at play here – data structures that reflect raw source system
thinking versus data structures that reflect business thinking, and
data instances that were sourced from raw source systems versus
data instances that were sourced as the result of applying business
rules. Confused? You’re not alone, but I think we can untangle the
confusion. And I think it’s important. Let’s take these two concepts
one at a time.
Firstly, a central theme in this book focuses on whether the Data
Vault objects have their data structures designed to reflect business-
centric thinking or source-centric thinking. A simple example can be
seen in Satellites. Good practice suggests that each source data feed
maps to its own source-centric Satellite structure. Additionally there
is likely to be a business-centric “conformed” Satellite structure,
holding data ready for consumption by the business users. Maybe I
might have an Employee Hub with data for it and its Satellites
sourced from a Payroll system and a Human Resource (HR) system.
In this case, we might have one Employee Payroll Satellite whose
structure is shaped by the raw source feed from the Payroll system
source, one Employee HR Satellite shaped by the raw source feed
from the HR system, then finally a “conformed” Satellite whose
structure is shaped by how business sees their world.
The second consideration as to what’s “business” and what’s not
relates to the sourcing of every instance of data in the Data Vault.
Every Hub, Link and Satellite has a “Record Source” a ribute that
tells us where a given instance (e.g. one row in a relational database
table) came from. For example, you might pick up just one instance
in the Employee Hub, inspect its “Record Source” a ribute, and
determine that this discrete Employee’s business key data came
from the nightly batch extract from the Payroll system. The very next
instance (another Employee) might have as its source a Change-
Data-Capture (CDC) feed from the Human Resource system. In both
of those cases, the source of that data is a “raw” data feed, coming
from some operational source system.
Now let’s look a bit further. Let’s say we’ve got some business rule
that looks at raw source transactions containing timesheets for
contractors who never appear in either the Payroll system or the HR
system. If the business deems them to be “employees”, it is possible
that a business rule may be applied to transform data in the raw
timesheet transaction and add contractors to the Employee Hub.
These instances would then have an entry in the “Record Source”
a ribute that claims their source is a business rule.
The Employee Hub itself isn’t a “raw Data Vault” Hub, nor a
“business Data Vault” Hub. It has instances that are “raw”, and
instances that are “business”!
The conclusion? I suggest we try and avoid the phrase “raw Data
Vault” or “business Data Vault”, and instead note whether:
the structure of a Hub, Link or Satellite reflects a business view or
a raw source system view, and
the “Record Source” for an instance stored within a Hub, Link or
Satellite claims it was sourced from a raw source-system data feed
or from the execution of a business rule.
With that as a foundation, let’s work our way through 4 Tasks that
(1) articulate the business view, (2) use it to define the structure of
our business-centric Data Vault objects, (3) map raw source data
feeds to this framework, and (4) use business rules to close any
Chapter 3
Task #1: Form the Enterprise View

Or “When things look be er top-down instead of bo om-up”

Setting our compass bearing

Is the enterprise view really that important?

Data Vault 2.0 most certainly has technical components, especially in
its architecture dimension. It has to. Data Vault is pressed into
service by some of its adherents to handle massive volumes
(petabytes of stored data), with billions of new rows arriving each
day to add to that base. The relatively frequent introduction of new
technologies is also a challenge, too; big data, columnar data stores,
schema-on-read ... The list goes on and on, and parts of today’s list
may be old hat by tomorrow.
There is absolutely no doubt that we need really sharp technical
people to be able spot the trends and enable their prudent inclusion
in Data Vault. The good news is that not every Data Vault client has
to reinvent the wheel. I love it that those behind the Data Vault 2.0
architecture, including the technical vendors who’ve come on board,
can do the hard yards and allow us to plug-&-play, at least to some
extent. But even then, anybody implementing a Data Vault solution
will need some technical expertise, be it internal or external. We sure
need techos.
But I’m hearing people say that Data Vault isn’t just about
technology, that it also must focus on the business.
I remember cha ing to Mike Magalsky from the massive computer
chip manufacturer, Micron. He a ributed one of the major reasons
for a successful Data Vault implementation as being their creation of
its foundational design based solidly on core business concepts.
Roelant Vos, a fellow Aussie, has earned an international reputation
for his thoughtful and practical views on Data Vault. In a posting on
his blog,[3] he states that the Data Vault approach supports “…
incremental, business focused and tightly scoped information delivery”
[emphasis mine].

Hans Hultgren’s book on Data Vault modeling[4] has a section on his

recommended steps involved in developing the Data Vault model,
starting with identifying business concepts and business keys, then
moving on to modeling the natural business relationships.
Again, the emphasis is mine. But the message is clear. Data Vault is
about the business. Just in case we’re still in any doubt, we return to
Dan Linstedt, and look again some of his quotes[5] presented earlier
in this book.
“Data Vault modeling was, is and always will be ABOUT THE
BUSINESS. And if the Data Vault you have in place today is not
currently about the business, then unfortunately you’ve hired the
wrong people, and those people need to go back to school and re-learn
what Data Vault really means. OR you’ve built the wrong solution,
and you need to fix it – immediately.”
“Ontologies are a very very important asset to the corporation – if built
at the enterprise level, you must focus on ontologies while you are
building the Data Vault solution, or the full value of the … Data Vault
cannot be realized.”
By the way, I have encountered some confusion as to what an
ontology is, so I will briefly look at some definitions, then replace
them with what I think may be a simpler term. Then we can leave
the word “ontology” behind for most if not all of this book!

The Oxford dictionary[6] gives two definitions for the word

“ontology”. The first is its traditional, historical meaning: “a branch
of metaphysics dealing with the nature of being.” I’m not sure about
you, but the first time I read that, I didn’t feel overly enlightened.
Thankfully, the second definition is closer to what we need if we
want to build an enterprise view of an organization’s data. An
ontology is “a set of concepts and categories in a subject area or domain
that shows their properties and the relations between them.”
[underlining mine]
Apologies to the Oxford Dictionary folk, but I am going to do a
simple mapping of their second definition to an enterprise data
model. Let’s say that we’ve talked to the business and come up with
a conceptual data model that has entities that represent the
business concepts, major a ributes (also known as properties) for
each of the entities, and using an entity-relationship diagram (ERD)
notation, we also have relationships between the entities. It looks
like we’ve got ourselves an ontology.
Too easy! It may not be precise, and I am sure some may wish to
debate with me, but when Dan asks for an “enterprise ontology”, I
am suggesting we can deliver an enterprise data model, and that will
do the trick.
Tool vendors, and “source system Data Vault”
I don’t know if you’ve come across Data Vault tool vendors who
point their product at a source system, press what I call “the big
green Go bu on”, and automatically generate a Data Vault model,
and populate it with data from the source? It’s pre y impressive
stuff, and many of these tools are wonderful. I do, however, have a
serious caution.
Please hear me clearly. I’m not in any way challenging the quality of
their products. Rather, my concern relates to the message these
product demonstrations may convey.
Dan Linstedt directly warns against what he calls “source system
Data Vault”. However, in these tool demonstrations, instead of the
Data Vault model being shaped by the business, the raw source data
feeds are loaded to Hubs, Links and Satellites that are nothing more
than simplistic reflections of the data structures in the source
systems. Warts and all.
Let’s say we’ve got a package for handling our customer details, and
the central customer table is called Party Of Interest Object. That
sounds pre y horrible, but I’ve seen worse, such as TABLE_00123.
And while it’s got a true Customer Number business key as a
unique index somewhere in one of its columns, for possibly quite
valid operational reasons, it uses a surrogate as the primary key, and
it’s called the Party Of Interest Object ID.
Now let’s look at what an automated tool might generate. For
starters, a Hub called PARTY_OF_INTEREST_HUB to represent the
business concept of a Customer, with what pretends to be a
“business key” of PARTY_OF_INTEREST_HUB_ID. Perhaps the
business people simply wanted a Customer Hub, with a Customer
Number as the recognized business key. It gets worse. Another
operational system has a table named TABLE_PROSPECTS, with a
PROSPECT_ID as its identifier. In this hypothetical, independent of
how the source systems might see the world, the business sees
prospects as no more than early-stage customers, and they want all
of the customer data integrated, especially as the data values
assigned to a PROSPECT_ID eventually become their Customer
Numbers. But no, this source system Data Vault approach generates
a TABLE_PROSPECTS_HUB (another horrible name), with its
“business key”.
If we see a product demonstration, the sample source data set
probably won’t include TABLE_00123 as one of the source tables. It
will be cleaner. The source system table name is likely to be named
Customer, and the primary key is probably Customer Number.
Careful selection (or artificial creation) of a source system that aligns
with what is wanted in the automatically-generated Data Vault more
nicely show the tools’ potential to operate with no human
I will say it again. I think we should all appreciate the fact that
vendors are investing time and money bringing tools onto the
market, but we shouldn’t unquestioningly embrace the simplistic
messages implied in some of their product demonstrations.

Consultants, and “source system Data Vault”

There are very good reasons why a tool vendor may choose to
demonstrate some lovely features in an easy-to-understand way. But
do Data Vault practitioners ever build source system Data Vaults, or
even anything close to them? Unfortunately, yes.
I don’t want to focus on the problems. Solutions are much more
valuable! But maybe an awareness of how good people fall into traps
can serve as a warning. It’s be er to have warning signs at the top of
a cliff than have excellent paramedics at the bo om treating those
who have fallen. And we must heed Dan’s warnings when he says,
“If you build a source system Data Vault Model, the value of the
solution drops to one tenth of one percent overall.”[7]
So why on earth would some people, if not building full-blown
“source system Data Vault”, walk so dangerously close to it?
One reason, I suggest, is an honorable desire to deliver value to the
business quickly. These practitioners load data into source-centric
Data Vault structures as hastily as possible, and have good
intentions that at some time in the future they will worry about who
will consume it, and what business rules need to be applied so the
business can consume it. The business may admire these people for
today’s visible progress in ge ing data into the Data Vault, but may
be bi erly disappointed when they try to get integrated, enterprise-
wide information out of the Data Vault.
Another reason I suspect perhaps relates to their background and
training. Some may have solid experience in other forms of data
warehousing. They may have finely tuned expertise in extract /
transform / load (ETL) techniques, and they want to hit the ground
However, they may not have been trained in the necessity of
building an enterprise view before they just throw lots of source
data into a source-centric Data Vault structure that doesn’t yet have
a vision for the end game. Or maybe they agree with the ideals of
having an enterprise view, but they can’t find one that already exists,
or worse yet, the organization does have an enterprise model (or
several versions, each claiming to be the single, unifying view!), but
these models have a bad smell and the management explicitly
mandate that these models must not be used to shape any design
going forward! Have you encountered such scenarios? I have, several
So if we believe in the value of founding our Data Vault solution on
the enterprise view, we may feel trapped unless we build a suitable
enterprise data model ourself. Many fear that will take months or
years, and to be fair, I have observed such mammoth projects. But it
doesn’t have to be that way, and I will shortly show you how we can
build a framework that delivers “sufficient” quality, at the speed
demanded by agile projects. So instead of asking if we can afford to
assemble an enterprise view, I like to ask the question the other way
around. Can we afford to not reflect the enterprise view?
I’ve seen first-hand the outworking of tensions over source-driven
Data Vault design versus enterprise-centric design. I share some
experiences from a particular client site to help turn the spotlight on
how these tensions can adversely impact the overall Data Vault
project. There were some great people involved at various times of
the project, and some had impressive resumes with lots of
experience. So why did the project flounder? This real-life case study
highlights some of the undesirable side-effects of the Data Vault
team having the wrong emphasis. Firstly, a number of the
consultants erroneously focused on source systems, leaving
business integration for another day.
And secondly, some of them were willing to accommodate ugly Data
Vault designs because they just couldn’t agree on a way to handle
the diversity of business key structures. This is a technical issue, not
a business issue, but it threatened the entire Data Vault initiative.
It’s a key issue in Data Vault (pun intended), and is tackled in quite
a bit of detail in the section titled “Not only Semantics & Grain –
now there’s Key Values“ later in this book.
For now, please join me in a quick look at some of the twists and
turns experienced on this project so that you can feel some of the
pain of a misguided approach. Hopefully it will provide you with
sufficient incentive to avoid repeating these mistakes!
A case study in conflicting designs
There was one consultant who had started the Data Vault build. In
my opinion, he’d done a brilliant job. He understood the importance
of the business view, and welcomed me aboard to assist. Things
began well.
There were many business-level Hubs required – Customers,
Products, Accounts, Assets and more. Some of these high-level
concepts needed breaking down into finer-grained business
concepts, but the discussion had been held, and agreement reached,
that “Customer” had the right semantics (meaning) and grain
(subtype level) to be one Hub. For the sake of the following example,
can we please assume that position was correct? Thanks.
The “Iteration #1” design was business-centric, simple, and elegant.
In essence, this design incorporated:
One Customer Hub, reflecting what the enterprise saw as a
Multiple source-related Satellites hanging off this one central
Customer Hub.
One conformed Satellite to hold the business view that
consolidated selectively from the source-related Satellites. The
arrow pointing to the conformed Satellite denotes the fact that it
is a Data Vault object that is generated by the application of
business rules to the myriad of source-centric Data Vault
Satellites and their a ributes.
It was what the business wanted, and it all looked rosy.
The diagram actually represents a subset. It displays only four
source systems. One employee informed me that there were more
like 50 source systems, but the approach portrayed remains stable,
just with more Satellites, all hanging off one central Customer Hub.
By default, each source system will be allocated its own Satellite, so
this case study assumes that if there are 50 source systems, there
will be at least 50 Satellites. That’s not the problem; the issue which
we will see shortly is more focused on whether there is one
Customer Hub, or 50, or more!
The next notable milestone was the engagement of another
consultancy. They had some really good people, but the team leader
had a different approach to doing Data Vault than the preceding
team. The client temporarily assigned responsibility for this project
to the new consultancy, as the original team had some other
pressing demands.
Iteration #2 was born, driven by the new team (Figure 21).
This design incorporated:
Multiple Customer Hubs, and their matching Satellites, for every
source. There was one exception. If any source system had the
same key value for a customer (for example Customer Number
123 should be Alex Anderson in both systems), then the two
source system Satellites shared one common Hub, as shown for
sources “C” and “D”. This is known as “passive integration”, and
it’s a good thing. The rest of the design was straight “source
system Data Vault”.
One enterprise level Customer Hub, and its conformed Satellite,
was vaguely recognized as needing to exist, but most certainly was
not designed. The enterprise-level objects are portrayed in do ed
lines to communicate that they had a nominal place-holder, but
li le more. The whole idea of the business consuming the Data
Vault’s content was left to another day.
The argument for this approach was that it was really easy to load
the source-centric Data Vault structures and that we didn’t need to
be held up by debates on what source systems would map to a
common business Hub later. For now, just get the data in. It was
arguable that even the business keys weren’t necessarily business
keys as some of them had names that suggested they were possibly
li le more than source system identifiers.
Further, the solution had lots of Customer Hubs, but the business
wanted just one. Was this necessarily a problem? Possibly not, it was
argued, as the multiple source-centric Data Vault Hubs could be
consolidated into one enterprise-level Customer Hub later. But was
it the best way?
The design was challenged as being too close to “source system Data
Vault”. The lead designer sought to rename source-specific
Customer Hubs by removing the source system name and replacing
it with something more generic. For example, if one source system
was known by the acronym “CMS” for Customer Management
System, instead of calling the Hub “CMS Customer Hub”, he called
it something like the “Managed Customer Hub”.
Many in the business saw this renaming as li le more than a thin
veneer. There was still one Hub and one Satellite mapping to one
source system. Worse, people looked at the new names and had to
scratch their heads to work out what on earth this Hub represented.
At least if they unashamedly had source system names, there was
one less area of confusion. Many were not convinced it wasn’t source
system Data Vault behind a smoke-&-mirrors veil. If something
walks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it
probably is a duck. If something looks like a source system Data
Vault solution …
The business was persistent. They wanted one Customer Hub, and
they wanted it now, not as some vague, promised feature for some
distant future delivery. There were other Data Vault projects
happening in parallel that also wanted to share a single Customer
Hub. But some of the leading decision makers in this specific Data
Vault project didn’t want to wait for enterprise-wide consensus,
especially as they had observed the difficulty in ge ing agreement
between Iteration #1 and Iteration #2 within just one project team.
How hard would it be to herd all of the cats across multiple teams?
Frankly, with the right approach, I contend it’s actually not too
difficult, and we will get to that. But let’s see this story to its bi er
A compromise was made. This project team had an appetite for
what approximated the source system Data Vault style, and they
were allowed to retain that. What would be added, though, was an
immediate inclusion of a partial, project-centric integration layer.
Not quite the enterprise-wide Customer Hub everyone wanted, but a
step in that direction. There would be one project-centric Customer
Hub, not one enterprise-centric Hub – that would have to wait to
some date in the distant future. Iteration #3 was about to appear!
This iteration was basically a repeat of Iteration #2, but with the
insertion of yet another layer between the source-system Hubs and
the desired enterprise-level Hub:
There were still the same multiple source-driven Hubs and
There were now multiple project-based Customer Hubs, with one
per project. Each of these was intended to consolidate the
multiple source feeds from one project, just like an enterprise-
level Hub would, but it was seen as “insulating” each Data Vault
project from the other projects. These multiple consolidation
Hubs were to be later consolidated to populate the enterprise
level Customer Hub.
There was still one enterprise level Customer Hub, and its
conformed Satellite, but put in the too-hard basket, to be resolved
(much) later.
Ge ing ugly?
Yet another consultancy now comes on board, and challenges the
underlying Hub-&-Satellite raw data that looks amazingly close to
source system Data Vault. They want the source-system Hubs
consolidated. Sounded good to me – at first.
But yet another compromise appeared. The business had
consistently been asking for one Customer Hub, but now the
technical people got in the way. Though not explicitly declared as a
compromise on what the business wanted, the new team argued that
if consolidation around business keys was too hard for technical
reasons, business-centered consolidation would be avoided.
Customer Hub design was now driven by technical aspects of
customer business keys.
In the later section “Not only Semantics & Grain – now there’s Key
Values“ we will look at different types of business keys, and how
they can be handled elegantly, but for now it’s enough to say the
proposal was for each project to have one Customer Hub for each of
the data structures for business keys. So now we’ve got Iteration #4
(Figure 23).
The bullet points below note focus of this design. For each project, it
One Hub as the “master” Hub for passive integration, based on
the customer business key set seen as being the most widely
recognized “master” keys.
One Hub for all non-master sources where their Customer
Number was a single a ribute, and where the values used in each
system never overlapped.
One Hub for all non-master sources where their Customer
Number was a single a ribute, but where the values used in each
system did (or might) overlap.
One Hub for all source systems that had two a ributes
combining to form a business key. For example, if the unique
business key required a Country Code plus a Customer ID
a ribute, this could go in the 2-part Hub.
Another Hub for source systems with a 3-part business key, and
another for source systems with a 4-part business key, and so on.
It was actually worse than that for multi-part business key Hubs. If
one 2-part business key involved Country Code plus a Customer ID
a ribute, and another involved two a ributes but they were
different, separate Hubs were mandated by this design.
… and then there was another complication. There’s a certain
bri leness between the Hub for non-overlapping business keys, and
the Hub for overlapping business keys. What if we thought there
would never be overlaps, but later discovered overlaps are now
occurring? We have to move the mapping from the “non-
overlapping” Hub to the “overlapping” Hub.
We were told that the client organization had many dozens of source
systems involving customer data, so to get the Data Vault design
down to perhaps half a dozen Customer Hubs (per project!) was an
improvement. But the main concern was that the Data Vault
“integration” solution was being driven by technical considerations
around key structures, not by business considerations as reflected in
the enterprise data model that presented Customer as a unifying
Are you still with me? It may be painful to read, but believe me, it
was even more painful to be there. But we’ve got one more design,
Iteration #5 (Figure 24).
This was a massive improvement on Iteration #4:
Instead of several Customer Hubs for each project (each one
being based around business key structures), the proposal was
for one Customer Hub per project, accommodating all types of
business keys.
… but it still required the consolidation Hub at the enterprise

To me, the really sad thing was that after much time and money
being spent, the project-level solution was technically the same as
the enterprise-level design presented in the first iteration, just
replicated by project. If the decision makers had simply applied the
mantra of using an enterprise data model to shape the Data Vault
design, and not let technical issues relating to business key
structures get in the way of what the business said they wanted,
Iteration #1 could have been the final, and successful, solution.
Instead, those who wanted the simple elegance of a business-centric
view were moved off the project. The subsequent word on the street
was that not only was the project a failure, some without deep
knowledge also unjustly classified Data Vault itself as being a
I saw the whole saga as a missed opportunity. The project should
have succeeded.
Please let’s focus on the bit that gives the most leverage, and leads
to success
There’s a diagram I want to share that I think provides some hints
about a framework for understanding the moving parts, and for
allowing us to focus on the one bit that really simplifies the whole
job of building a Data Vault, and makes it much more manageable:

IT manages multiple source systems, some possibly with hundreds

of tables. At the other end of the food chain, if business people are
given self-service data analysis and reporting tools, they will happily
produce myriads of reports, graphs, spreadsheets, flat file extracts
and more. We could start to feel like the meat in the sandwich,
caught between a potentially massive pale e of data sources, and
massive demands and expectations from the business.
There’s a way to reduce the complexity. And it involves the elegance
of the Data Vault architecture, combined with the sharp, business-
centric focus of an enterprise ontology. Sorry, I used that “ontology”
word again. I really meant we want to focus on the “enterprise data
model”! Let’s look again at the egg-timer in the diagram above.
We’ve noted that the amount of data held in source systems is
relatively high. The source-centric Data Vault structures can be
typically expected to hold less data as not all source data sets are
nominated for loading to the Data Vault. (I do concede that the
volumes can creep up again if the source systems only hold current
values but the source-centric Data Vault structures hold full history.)
The business-centric Data Vault structures ideally will have
relatively li le data – for example, multiple conflicting source-centric
Satellites for a common parent may be resolved into a single,
conformed business-centric Satellite.

Then the data volumes are likely to start increasing if the

presentation layer is physically stored rather than being a virtual
layer. Data Vault practitioners seem to be moving towards virtual
layers, but sometimes performance considerations may require
physical persistence.
And finally, the number of reports or extracts produced by
consumers could potentially be huge.
The business-centric Data Vault structures are the heart of a Data
Vault. They are the core because they represent the desired business
information, and are founded on the business data model. Yes, you
can expect some source-centric Data Vault structures such as
Satellites from multiple sources, but even they should hang off
Hubs (or Links) that are business-centric.
An investment in a well-considered design of business-centric Data
Vault objects can pay huge dividends. That’s where the data
volumes (and data structures) are less, and where the business value
is derived. All we need now is a well-formed enterprise data model.

Before we go any further, what is an ‘enterprise data


In the heading for this part of the book I have referred to an
enterprise view, implying an “enterprise data model”. That’s one of
many common phrases, and you may see it in the DMBOK (Data
Management Body of Knowledge) book. I like the phrase, but over
the years, there have been many classifications of types of layers in
data models. Some may remember talk coming out of the 1970s
about a three-schema model, comprising an External Schema, a
Conceptual Schema, and an Internal (or Physical) Schema.
Then there’s John Zachman’s six layers for the data area.
Another common classification scheme is to label a data model as
Conceptual, Logical, or Physical. Seeing a Data Vault design is
meant to be centered on business concepts, a Conceptual model
looks like it might meet our requirements. OK, so we might just
focus on Conceptual models.
But then there’s debate about what constitutes a “Conceptual”
Steve Hoberman, Donna Burbank, and Chris Bradley in Data
Modeling for the Business[8] have two levels above the Logical and
Physical models – Very High-level data models, and High-level data
models. I actually like these classifications as they make sense to the
Then along comes David Hay in his solidly founded and well-
researched book “Achieving Buzzword Compliance”[9] which tackles
head-on the whole topic of buzzwords in our industry, including
terms such as a “Conceptual” model. Steve and his friends had two
types of what some may call Conceptual models. David breaks
Conceptual models into three types. I can’t do his book justice in a
few bullet points, but my simplification of his three Conceptual
models goes something like this:
1. At the top (the most broad-brush view), he has Overview
Models. They’re great in giving the big picture to non-technical
audiences, and helping us understand the scope of the
following, more detailed, models.
2. Next come Semantic Models. While an enterprise may have
one Overview Model, it may have multiple Semantic Models,
each one describing a view of the enterprise from within one
work group, using their language. David labels these as
“divergent” models – each view may diverge from the
apparently simple, single, united Overview Model.
3. Finally we’ve got an Essential Model. Yes, just one of them. It is
“convergent” because it pulls together the diverse views from
the Semantic Models to create a new single, unified view.
I suggest that it is this single “Essential” enterprise view that should
contribute to the design of the business-centric Data Vault objects.
But didn’t Dan say what we need for that purpose is an “enterprise
ontology”? Here comes Wikipedia to the rescue. (OK, I know some
treat Wikipedia as providing less than the ultimate, authoritative
word on ma ers, but let’s accept that it is a great resource if used
with a touch of caution.) Under the topic of data models, Wikipedia
suggests (emphasis mine):
“In the 1970s entity relationship modeling emerged as a new type of
conceptual data modeling … This technique can describe any ontology, i.e.,
an overview and classification of concepts and their relationships, for a
certain area of interest.”[10]
So at last we’ve got it. We can do a Conceptual data model for the
enterprise, call it an ontology if we like, and we’ve got the
foundation for a business-centric Data Vault solution. [As a side note,
the Wikipedia quotation above seems to imply that a data model will use
one of the forms of an Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) notation, but I
suggest that use of the Unified Modeling Language (UML) notation may
also serve you well as an alternative.]
But what does one of these things really look like?
Sample snippets from enterprise data models
Given that there are so many definitions of what an enterprise
(Conceptual) data model might look like, I will share a few examples
that might give you a feel for their shape. Of course, others may
provide other examples that are quite different, and their samples
may well fit the definition, too.
David Hay’s definition of types of Conceptual models starts with an
Overview Model. I often work with the business people to assemble
a single-page schematic. I have created a pictorial overview which
many have found helpful. An example of it follows, showing people
involved with the buying and selling of houses and land, placing
mortgages, and the like.
We will go into the details behind each icon in the Appendix when
we look at the technical details behind the pa erns they represent,
but for now, in this se ing:
Parties and their roles could include vendors (the sellers of
houses and land), the buyers, their solicitors, involved real estate
agents, banks and more.
Agreements could include the most obvious one – a contract
between the buyer(s) and seller(s) – but also the contract to
engage a real estate agent, the bank loan contract, and maybe a
guarantee agreement provided by loving parents to a young
couple who can’t quite borrow enough money in their own right.
Important Agreements such as the loan contract typically require
documentary evidence, managed by the Document icon. Note
that sometimes an agreement is nothing more than a handshake
and has no documentary evidence, or conversely, some of the
documents such as photographs of the property are not tied
directly to an Agreement.
Resources (also known as Assets), are likely to include houses
and land but also money.
Some of the Resources such as land have a Location (a position on
a map), while other Resources (such as money) don’t have a
Just to demonstrate the flexibility of these simple icons, let’s look at
one more enterprise-level schematic. This time, it’s for an
organization that is responsible for the registration of health
practitioners (doctors, nurses, chemists …), and for oversight of
their on-going work.

If, for example, a practitioner has been found to have a personal

problem with drugs or alcohol, the oversight might include
managing an agreement between the parties to perform random
testing as a condition for permission to continue practice. Some of
the pictures for the icons are a li le different (chosen by my client),
but the themes are the same.
Let’s quickly look at the details behind the icons:

Parties and their roles this time include health practitioners,

members of boards (the dentist board, the chiropractor board …),
students, hospitals, assessors, and so on.
Agreements could include the foundational registration permit to
allow the practitioner to work, but could, for example, include an
agreement by a practitioner to allow random blood and urine
testing for drugs. As for the previous scenario, some Agreements
will have their details recorded in Documents.
Events include calendar-based events such as annual renewals
and reviews, or incident-based events such as the receipt of a
complaint from a patient.
Tasks represent work done by or on behalf of the regulation
agency, such as the processing of a new application for
registration, or the processing of a complaint.
We can see a lovely “triggers / generates” synergy between Events
and Tasks. An example follows:
A patient-initiated complaint (Event) occurs over apparent
drug-impaired behavior by the health practitioner.
The complaint Event triggers initiation of whole series of Tasks
to evaluate the complaint.
The outcome of the evaluation is another Event – the noting of
an abuse of prescription drugs by the practitioner.
This Event of recording an adverse finding in the investigation
triggers further Tasks, including the establishment of an
Agreement for random testing.
One of the random test results (themselves further Events)
indicate a breach of conditions, which in turn triggers more
Tasks to bar the practitioner from further practice.
Finally, Accounts are involved in managing finances, for example
the recording of payment of annual fees.
Notice that the use of these building blocks (Agreement, Party &
Role, or whatever) vary massively between enterprises, but the
concepts behind each of them are remarkably similar. David Hay
and Len Silverston have published profound insights in their books
on data model pa erns. I love the fact that Len calls the pa erns
“universal” data model pa erns, because they are so often easily
applied to a huge variety of situations.
Drill down
These one-page schematics provide what David Hay rightly calls an
“Overview” model, but we need more. Let’s look at how we can drill
down into greater detail.
Each of the icons in the schematic has standard pa ern details. For
example, the Party and Party Role icon has lots of entity types, and
many authors present many variations on the theme.

Some people love the Party and Party Role pa ern, some don’t, but
before you write it off, I really do recommend you first read the book
co-authored by Len Silverston and Paul Agnew[11] on the different
levels for each pa ern. Some levels are great for communicating
with non-technical people, other levels are more aimed at technical
implementation. David Hay[12] has a similar number of levels. Len
and Paul refer to their levels as spanning from specialized through
to generalized, while David talks of his levels as spanning from
concrete through to abstract. I think there is much in common.
The full Party pa ern defines entities for things such as name,
address, phone number and so on.
A Party can play multiple roles. For example, an Employee of a
company may also be a Customer of the same company.
We have just looked at the health practitioner regulation scenario,
presented above as an overview schematic. Let’s now look at it in a
bit more detail.

The clear boxes at the top of the diagram represent a tiny fragment
of a somewhat standard pa ern for Party and Party Role pa ern. The
shaded boxes represent a few sample subtypes of “Party Role” in the
health practitioner scenario, and show how we can do some simple
drill-down into subtypes, and their subtypes, as deep as is helpful.

I strongly encourage not only doing pre y pictures of the subtype

hierarchy, but also describing each subtype. In text, let’s define what
a thing such as “Dentist” means. Let’s also describe what it doesn’t
mean. Is the full definition for a dentist a “dental surgeon”? Are
“prosthodontists” included, or are they a separate category?
I also recommend the documentation of at least the major a ributes
expected in an entity. Add them, and document them, too.
I remember working with one individual who argued strongly that a
conceptual model should have entity names only, and nothing else.
In one of his models, he had “Product” as an entity, and strongly
resisted supplying a description let alone indicative a ributes. I
suggested that if I saw a ributes such as Recommended Retail Price,
and Stock On Hand Quantity, each instance in a “Product” table was
likely to represent one item in the company’s product catalogue. On
the other hand, if I saw a ributes such as Serial Number and Date
Purchased, each instance in a “Product” table was likely to represent
one specific real-world instance that might be purchased by a
specific customer on a specific date. That’s a massive difference in
meaning. Which leads me to the next point.
You may ask why do all this documentation of some enterprise
model when what we’re really after is a Data Vault model? One of
many reasons is that Dan Linstedt, when we get to finding Hubs for
the Data Vault, encourages all data feeds that load to a common Hub
to have the same “semantics and grain”. If we have clear definitions
for what each entity in the enterprise data model means, we’ve got
the “semantics” (meaning) bit covered. And I suggest we can use
the supertype / subtype hierarchy to guide in our thinking about
“grain”. In the diagram above, a Nursing Practitioner has a courser
grain than a midwife, and a finer grain than a Health Practitioner.
That’s a bit on drill-down into subtypes of entities, but what about
drilling down into finding more specific relationships? The
following diagram depicts some of the many subtypes of Resource
that may be used in an emergency response to Events such as Fires
and Floods. Please don’t get overwhelmed by the number of
subtypes shown (and believe me, that’s a tiny sliver of reality), but
instead note the three heavy-lined “assignment” relationships.
At the top of the diagram there is an assignment between the
Resource supertype and the Event supertype. It is a generalized
relationship, saying that one or many of any type of Resource can be
assigned to one or many of any type of Event. This is the sort of
relationship the business might identify when it is assembling the
top-down enterprise data model schematic.

At the bo om-left there is a very specific assignment relationship

between a Slip On Unit (an assembly consisting of a relatively small
water tank and a water pump) and a Slip On Vehicle (a cab-chassis
tray Four-Wheel-Drive that is used during the year for general work,
but during the fire season is paired with the Slip On Unit to create a
light-weight fire truck). This relationship is between a pair of
subtypes of the Resource superclass.
At the bo om right there is another very specific assignment
relationship, this time between a FLIR Plane (a Forward Looking
Infra-Red plane used to spot heat that is otherwise hidden from
human sight by smoke) and a Fire. We don’t look for heat in a Flood,
and there’s not much smoke to get in the way even if a flood caught
on fire! This relationship is between a pair of subtypes across
different superclasses. It is a specialization of the first, generalized
relationship described.
One model, many views?
David Hay talks of three types of conceptual models – the Overview
Models, the Semantic Models, and the Essential Models. But for a
given enterprise, are the three model types just views of one
underlying model, or do they require separate models?
A very good friend of mine, Rob Barnard, is of the opinion that we
should aim for managing just one model where possible. That’s the
target. I believe he would argue that instead of having multiple
separately maintained sets of enterprise models, why not have just
one, albeit with different views. Similarly, if I was designing a Data
Vault, I expect he would encourage me to try to have one model
capturing all aspects, from logical through to the physical models.
Having less models, and therefore avoiding issues with keeping
them aligned, seems an obvious goal, but is it possible? The answer
is one of the favorite responses from a consultant – “It depends.” I
am not trying to avoid a direct response, but at least in part it can
depend on the tooling at our disposal. I will share two quick
At one of my client sites, I used a UML Class modeling tool. They
wanted the three types of conceptual models David Hay encourages,
and I was easily able to deliver all views via one tool, with one
underlying model. I had one diagram providing the overall
contextual view – the “Overview” model. It selectively presented the
superclasses (supertype entities if we prefer), and the generalized
relationships between them.
Then I had a series of views that reflected the scope of various
diverse groups within the organization. Each group got to see
“their” view of the world. Typically these views included carefully
targeted subtypes and specific relationships. The subtypes didn’t
even need to declare what their supertypes were. I believe that these
views at least in part reflected in what David Hay calls “Semantic”
Finally, I had a set of views of the one “Essential”, consolidated
model. It worked well, and it was just one model.
I did something similar at another client site, but they wanted the
top-level overview model to be presented with lovely graphics that
just weren’t available in the modeling tool. Solution? Two model
files, one using a graphics tool, and one using a serious modeling
tool. Yes, it required manual synchronization, but seeing there were
less than a dozen high-level concepts shared between one model’s
icons and another model’s supertypes, and at that level there was
massive stability, synchronization wasn’t onerous.

Where can we find an enterprise data model?

Maybe you’re saying, “OK, John. I’m hearing you. The folks at my
place should base their Data Vault design on the model for our
enterprise. But where do we look for one if it’s not staring us in the
face? And if we can’t easily find such a beast, do we put everything
on hold until one is delivered? Mightn’t that take months or years?”
Yes, it could take ages – if we do it the hard way – but that’s not what
I am proposing.
Commercially available industry models
One apparently obvious solution is just to fork out a wad of money
and buy a so-called industry model. If that works for you, well done,
but I do want to offer a caution. At a few sites where I have worked,
industry models have been seen as unwieldy, complicated, abstract,
and basically a poor fit for use, at least as a driver for a Data Vault
design. In fact, sometimes the Data Vault team has been explicitly
banned from using the industry model. If you’ve got an industry
model, it’s prudent to consider its usefulness, but please don’t just
assume it’s going to suit without some modification.
Industry models by their very nature are pre y generalized, and for
some purposes, that’s a real strength. For Data Vault, not always.
Existing, home-grown models
Another option might be to see if your organization has already
built its own enterprise model, tailored for their precise view of the
world. Ideally, they might deliver what David Hay calls the
“Essential” model – a single, consistent view. But I’ve come across
too many organizations which have multiple, conflicting,
inconsistent versions of what each claims to represent – the single,
harmonized, consistent view. Spot the problem?
These home-grown enterprise models are built for a purpose
(hopefully more than just because someone said we should have
one). If we’re half lucky, the model built for someone else may also
suit our needs. Just check that the reason for the original
construction wasn’t part of ancient history, with the model never
being maintained since. We want a model that reflects the current
organization, and be er, even takes into account likely future
Is “agile evolution” an option?
There are some in the “agile” world who reject any idea of having
architectural ideas forced upon them from outsiders. They want to
be totally free to come up with any architecture they like. I do
understand their point of view. Sometimes the lack of “head office”
constraints can be a fertile ground for innovation. Over a few
iterations, they may come up with a be er architecture than those
who do “big design up front” could ever imagine. That view has
some merit.
Conversely, I take serious note of the messages in the book
beautifully named “Balancing Agility and Discipline” by Boehm &
Turner. I can’t do justice to an entire book in a few words, but one of
the messages is that the theory that:
“… constant refactoring yields constant improvement [is a] fragile
proposition [and that sometimes] architectural breakers … cause
breakage in the design beyond the ability of refactoring to handle.”[13]
I got to know a great “agile” practitioner. He told the confronting
story of one of his projects that kept slowing down. He would track
the team’s “velocity” (the metric to gauge progress), and one could
expect and hope that as the team worked together more and more,
the velocity would increase. But on this project, in each iteration
things got worse.
The observation was that rather than minor refactoring of the
underlying database, changes were more like a total rebuild,
impacting the majority of the code that had already been delivered.
He made a brave call. He approached the product owner, and
requested one entire iteration be set aside to ge ing the data
architecture sorted out. The aim was to have a bit of a look ahead,
and see if they were able to sketch out a data model that could
reasonably be expected to hold good for the longer term. They lost
one iteration, but the actual, measured velocity after that one “lost”
iteration increased 12-fold!
So what might that mean for a Data Vault project? Put simply, by
assembling the business view at the outset, we are less likely to be
doing costly rework. Instead of using the Data Vault project to
iteratively generate the enterprise view, my suggestion is that we
start with an enterprise view first that can then guide the Data Vault
Pa erns to the rescue?
If we can’t find a suitable existing enterprise data model, and if we
agree that it’s risky to try growing the enterprise model bo om-up
almost as an incidental outcome of building a Data Vault, what
options might we have left?

The first option I would encourage is to look at the pa ern-based

industry-specific models of David Hay and Len Silverston. These
pa ern-based models aren’t “industry” models as we may expect. I
see them as being more like a high-level framework to guide us.
With a li le shaping to suit the specifics of our organization, we just
might find them to be the affordable kick-start we need.

In David’s book, Enterprise Model Pa erns,[14] he has a chapter for

each of the following – criminal justice, microbiology, banking, oil
field production and highway maintenance. Then we’ve got Len who
has dedicated an entire book, the second volume of his 3-volume
series, to models for specific industries, covering manufacturing,
telecommunications, health care, insurance, financial services,
professional services, travel and e-commerce.[15]
And if our organization isn’t in the list, all is not lost. Firstly, Len
notes that by grabbing bits and pieces of the models, we may be
able to adapt appropriate components to our situation. And
secondly, if that isn’t going to work for us, don’t despair. Their
pa erns are, as Len calls them, “universal”. It is pleasantly
surprising to discover how quickly we can use their pa erns to
assemble a “sufficient” framework to successfully drive our Data
Vault project forward.

How to build a “sufficient” enterprise data model

Dan and others are clearly saying that it is an ill-advised strategy to
race ahead and build a Data Vault that reflects source system
thinking. Many may hear the call to start their Data Vault design
based on an enterprise view. However, if they can’t find an existing
one, some may also fear that the building of one before they start
their Data Vault project may introduce an unworkable delay.
I can empathize with such sentiments; I understand those who feel
that their job is hard enough without introducing the requirement
to align their Data Vault initiative with an enterprise data model, let
alone first build one from scratch!
When the idea of “instant cakes, just add water” was first
introduced, my mum gave a black-&-white set of two choices. I could
either have good, or I could have fast. Good meant fresh eggs, fresh
milk, and fresh bu er. But good wasn’t fast. Cake lovers had a
binary “good or fast” choice. Now here’s where we get some really
good news. We can have “good” (in this context, a Data Vault
designed on a solid enterprise view), and it can be surprisingly
“fast”, even if we have to build the enterprise data model from
scratch. In the foreword to Len’s second volume,[16] John Zachman
says, “By starting with an enterprise-wide universal model, you will save
yourself one heck of a lot of work–that is, time and money–trying to create
the model yourself. What’s more, you’re more likely to produce a higher
quality model than if you started from scratch, since you can be assured
that you won’t overlook key components of the model.”
There are a few caveats, though:
John Zachman, while applauding Len’s work, also suggests that
“Starting with a universal model does not absolve anyone of the
responsibility of knowing his or her own enterprise intimately … Nor
does it absolve anyone from the responsibility of learning how to build
data models! What you have to do is start with the universal model
and then, understanding data modeling and understanding your own
enterprise, make the necessary modifications to make the universal
model your own.”
Build for a purpose, not just because some data management
guru said we should have one. Yes, these models can be used for
many purposes, but have at least one use in mind! In the context
of this book, designing a Data Vault is an excellent reason.
Having identified our goal, we shouldn’t feel we have to construct
the entire enterprise model before we can start using it.
I am suggesting that a “sufficient” enterprise view can be assembled
that is fast-&-good, but we may ask, “How fast?” If, as John
Zachman noted, we understand the pa erns, and if we have an
understanding of the enterprise (or at least have access to people
who do), we’ve got the foundation for constructing an excellent
framework of the enterprise. My experience has shown that this can
be accomplished in weeks, with the highest level assembled in just
days. This book, including its supplementary material in pa erns,
shows how. And the approach works!
The heart of success is assembly of a team involving technical and
non-technical people. In spite of what some may say about never
presenting a data model to business people, if the engagement is
done using light-weight data modeling concepts with a few pictures
and a few gently introduced data model diagrams, business people
“get it”. After a 2-day workshop at one client site where I introduced
business people to modeling concepts and got them to do some
light-weight enterprise data modeling, I remember walking into a
conversation in a kitchen where a very senior executive was sharing
enthusiastically with a colleague about the enterprise data model
he’d help develop the previous week. How’s that for ownership from
the business and the data folk!
The biggest benefit I’ve observed for these high-level conceptual
schematics (in addition to ownership) is the way a common
information model facilitates communication, between (1) business
people from different siloes in the organization, and (2) between
business people and data people. That’s quite an outcome, and
assuming the facilitator has read and absorbed the pa erns from
Hay and Silverston, all that can be achieved in a few weeks, if not
days. Not a bad investment.
Step #0: Challenge anyone who says “Follow Step #1, Step #2 …”!
I hope this first step has made you smile. It’s taking a cheeky swipe
at my own following suggestions. But behind the joke is a more
serious message: Use the steps as an outline, but don’t be rigid.
Sure, try a first pass through the steps, but don’t be surprised if you
don’t hit perfection first time. Be comfortable iterating a few more
times. I encourage “T-model” thinking, and I am not referring to the
Ford motor company’s famous early model. Rather, think of the
le er “T”. It’s got width at the top, then it’s narrow underneath.
Start constructing your enterprise model as a mile-wide, inch-deep
skeleton, then drill down to flesh out the detail, and apply it
progressively. Build “sufficient” detail to keep momentum. And
even on any one pass through, don’t feel bad at returning a few
steps. You picked the team (Step #1), and started defining the
enterprise (Step#2), and with hindsight you want to change the team
a li le. That’s OK.

Step #1: Pick the team

Here’s a foundational message. Downstream, we want a Data Vault
that delivers value to the business, and that reflects business
thinking. So if the Data Vault is going to be business-centric, and if
it’s based on the view of the business that’s been encapsulated in an
enterprise data model, I suggest we’d be well advised to engage
business people in shaping the enterprise model. Sure, we need the
technical people too, but I’ll be a li le blunt here. If the a itude of
the techos is that the business people should be grateful that
they’ve been invited as passive observers who are there to be wowed
by the geeky skills of the techo-nurds, something’s wrong. Instead,
the business people are front and center.

Now I’ll perhaps surprise you with another suggestion. I was

recently interacting with a dozen or so other “data” folk, and one
asked me how I select the team. You might think we want a
collection of people who share a common vision, but instead I told
my friend that I often seek a widely divergent bunch of people. The
main thing they have in common is passion and vision, not
necessarily lock-step uniformity of opinion.
I don’t care too much about job titles or seniority. If one of the team
is a front-line worker who is seen by some as a trouble-maker for his
open challenging of management decisions, and another is one of
the management team he criticizes, that’s OK. Surprised? Let me
tell you a story.
The brother of one of my good friends formed a circle of five. If
we’re going to classify him, he was a Christian of the Protestant
variety, and one of the other four was also a Christian, but was a
Catholic Priest. In some situations, even that might be enough for a
bit of tension.
Now add to the mix two more people with a “faith” – one Jewish
Rabbi, and one a Muslim Imam. And to round it out, not just an
atheist, but one of Australia’s most vocal left-winger people. We’ve
got one political party that’s a bit left of center, but he was active in
the Communist Party of Australia when it existed. The communists
were more than a li le left of the lefties!
And they were close friends, able to openly discuss widely divergent
views, but to do so with respect for each other. As Jonathan Sacks, a
Jewish Rabbi, puts it in the title of one of his books, it’s all about
“The Dignity of Difference”.
Surely a li le diversity within the teams you and I form to construct
an enterprise data model can accommodate, and even encourage,
differences? I think so, and I believe we are the richer for the
experience, as long as the participants are guided to express their
views with respect for others.
Be realistic. Sometimes this just isn’t going to work – there’s too
much “history” to ignore - but let’s at least consider forming a team
with a variety of perspectives.
The bo om line I would like you to consider is forming a team with
representation from the technology ranks, and the business ranks.
And even within the technology group, it’s OK to have some
tensions sometimes between the “data” people and “process”
people. Let’s use this as an opportunity to lessen the gaps.
Once the team is nominated, there’s one more task. I encourage all
of the team members to prepare for the rest of the journey together
by collecting and collating “Pain Points” from their corner of the
enterprise. OK, not all pain points. If the cheap coffee tastes lousy,
that’s not something the data people are likely to be able to fix. But
if there are pain points relating to data (integration challenges,
quality, accessibility, or whatever), they are prime candidates for
triggering discussion. Also I want to hear about “process” pain
points, not just the “data” ones. Any data people reading this might
be surprised how often some creative minds applied to solving
“process” problems can identify ways we “data” people can assist.
Step #2: Define the “enterprise”
As addressed earlier, Dan suggests we start our Data Vault journey
with an “enterprise ontology”. We’ve already looked at what the
“ontology” bit of his phrase might mean, but you might be
surprised that I question the “enterprise” bit. Let me share a story.
A government department in my corner of the world is jokingly
referred to as the Department of Changing Names. It can’t seem to
se le on a name that will stick. When I first did work for them, they
were known as the Department of Natural Resources and
Environment. In the se ing of the story I am about to share, it was
the Department of Sustainability and Environment. As I write this,
it’s currently the Department of Environment, Land, Water and
Planning. And the word on the street is that in the next few weeks
it’s going to change again. I’ve got a theory that the name changes
have a hidden agenda – to stimulate the local economy by keeping
printers in business with new le erheads! (Just joking.)
Within the department, there was a group responsible for
responding to the serious wildfires we get most years in our state
parks and the like. Sure, this department is officially the lead agency
for fires that start on government land, but it is heartening to see the
massive response from others in the community. There’s the police
force and ambulance folk, the State Emergency Services team, and
many more. I saw a list of 31 organizations that join in, and one of
them in particular deserves mention. It’s the Country Fire
Authority, a volunteer-based organization with tens of thousands of
members who risk their lives, and sometimes lose their lives, to
protect the rest of us. In my opinion, the word “hero” can be
overused and hence devalued, but firefighters are true heroes.
So here’s the question. I was asked to assemble an enterprise model
for this wildfire response scenario, but what’s the scope of the
“enterprise”? Was it the entire Department of Sustainability and
Environment? Probably not – they were too big, too diverse
(handling lots more than fires), and too changeable. I was being paid
by the fire group within the department, so maybe the “enterprise”
was just this focused group? That seemed a be er answer. But the
third option was the collection of enterprises that came together as
needed to form a virtual, single emergency response “enterprise”?
All 31 of them!
Another client of mine was a church-based organization with a
massive social welfare arm. Were the church bits and the welfare
bits separate “enterprises”? To their credit, when it came to money,
they most certainly were. Anyone donating to their welfare work
could rest assured that their donations simply would never fund
church-related expenses. So some might say the welfare ministry
was its own enterprise, but should the scope be stretched to include
other welfare groups and government departments that worked
cooperatively to assist the less fortunate members of our society?
I could share many more such stories, but the real point is to
encourage you to question your colleagues. Someone may have told
you that they want a Data Vault to integrate that data of the
enterprise, but has anyone consciously challenged the boundaries of
the so-called enterprise? It may be obvious, with everyone in
agreement. If so, that’s great. If not, please consider taking a
moment to check expectations.
You might also choose to consider the possibility that the answer
may change over time. For me in the wildfire emergency response
situation, the initial enterprise model was for the department’s fire
group. A later iteration was for a larger group of fire-related
organizations. And the last iteration was for the collective of
“emergency response” organizations involved in not just fires, but
other natural (and man-made) emergencies.
For you, the scope of the “enterprise” changing over time may not
necessarily really be a problem. However, I do suggest that not
knowing your scope expectations at any given point in time may be a
problem. Worth checking?

Step #3: Get a feel for the enterprise

I’m often called in to help organizations that, before the
engagement, I know very li le about other than what I might find
on the Internet. I recall being asked to assemble an enterprise data
model for a sizable bank. They wanted an overall model as a
framework, with drill down into details on a thing called

There were two challenges.

First, there’s a reason my wife looks after the accounts – I am pre y
careful with money, but keeping records is simply not an area I have
an interest in, nor would I go close to claiming a good
understanding of the world of accounts. I empathize with a country
bloke I knew years ago. He had been told by his accountant about
there being two sides to the ledger. His response? “Listen, mate. I’ve
got ca le, and if they’re on my side of the fence, they’re mine, and if
their on the other side, they’re not. That’s what I know. I don’t get
this thing about two sides to the ledger.”
The next problem for me was that I had never heard of
“securitization”. Not only had I never heard of it, I wasn’t even sure
how to spell it. In my line of work, I have to learn fast. But for
constructing an enterprise data model, it’s not just the lead
consultant who has to get an understanding of the organization. The
whole team, especially any IT members who may be a bit insulated,
have to come up to speed.
But how do we gather the required perspective?
There’s the low-hanging fruit. Company organization charts,
statements of vision, marketing brochures, websites, and more.
Gather what we can, and act like a sponge. Ask questions. Talk to
… and “ride the truck”. What do I mean by that? Get out of the
office and watch how the front-line workers operate. It’s great to
gather head knowledge second-hand, but first hand observation can
be very informative.
I remember one time when I was at a telco. My colleague, Bill, told
me to wear old clothes to work the next day. He wanted us to “ride
the truck”. We’d heard how telephone exchanges work, but he’d
arranged for us to go and literally crawl around amongst the wires
and cables. What Bill and I found by front-line observation, there
and at other places, was invaluable.
Having encouraged you to get close to the action, I will confess I
don’t always go all of the way. I recently started working with
forensic people who deal with autopsies of the deceased. I am sure
you’d understand why I choose to draw a line at ge ing up too close
to the front-line workers!
Then there’s learning from the “process” people. Sadly, there are
some who can’t see how “process” people and “data” people can get
along. Sure, we may have a different perspective and focus, but I
really encourage data practitioners (including myself!) to be open to
learning from those who have studied, mapped, and documented
business processes. As Dan Linstedt explains, there can be a gap
between how the business thinks its processes work, and the reality.
Down the track, after we’ve built a Data Vault, it can shed some light
on these gaps. But for now, let’s absorb the theory of how things
should work, supplemented by “riding the truck” and seeing the
processes in action.
Another tack to get an idea where to focus our learning is to
explicitly ask participants to collect what I call “pain points”. I ask
them, “Where are things broken right now, and if you had the
money, resources and backing, what would the replacement future
look like?”
I don’t get stressed if the information I am gathering is sometimes
inconsistent. For example, I have recently heard people from the
same organization say:
1. We want a work flow management system that directs workers
what to do next. If they don’t have to think about the overall
set of tasks and tomorrow’s problems, they can put their
energy and focus into doing the current task.
2. We don’t want a work flow management system that tells us
what to do next. We’ve got experienced, creative individuals.
They know what to do, so let them work out the order they
want to do things in.
Do I have a problem here? Not really. I call it creative tension. My
friend, Roelant Vos, likewise refers to “embracing the ambiguity”.
The divergent views are a reality. Let’s not hide them, because if we
suppress one group of workers, there’s a really good chance the
underlying issues will fester rather than going away. I remember a
time when I had identified 27 topics where there was clear
disagreement. A well intentioned employee had organized a series
of one-on-one interviews over a number of days. The opinions
simply didn’t stack up to create a nice, enterprise-wide, holistic
At the end of these formal fact gathering meetings, I asked if I could
have all of the stakeholders in a room at the same time. One by one,
I asked my 27 questions. At the end, one burly engineer came up to
me and said he’d worked for the company for years, and didn’t even
realize some people saw things differently from the way he viewed
the world. All parted with a new respect and appreciation for the
larger team of which they were part, and always had been, though
they didn’t know it!
Finally, as I go through these exercises, I informally map what I am
hearing to the data model pa erns in my kit-bag. I can do that on
the fly because I have already encountered so many of these pa erns
again and again. But for you, now might be a good time to get at
least a high-level understanding of pa erns.

Step #4: Facilitator learns the pa ern basics

If we’re going to build an enterprise data model using pa erns, as
John Zachman noted, we’d be er learn about them!
Introducing data model pa erns
There’s plenty of praise for what data model pa erns can do for us.
Richard Barker, in his foreword to David Hay’s first data model
pa erns book,[17] says “… using simpler and more generic models, we
will find they stand the test of time be er, are cheaper to implement and
maintain, and often cater to changes in the business not known about

Then there’s Martin Fowler in Analysis Pa erns[18] who states,

“People often react to a simple model by saying ‘Oh yes, that’s obvious’
and thinking ‘So why did it take so long to come up with it?’ But simple
models are always worth the effort. Not only do they make things easier to
build, but more importantly they make them easier to maintain and
extend in the future. That’s why it’s worth replacing software that works
with simpler software that also works.”
Finally, I end with a quote from Design Pa erns[19] that I feel carries
the message that top-down modeling delivers greater flexibility for
the future than the strict disciplines of bo om-up modeling of
today’s perceived realities. The authors proclaim that “Strict
modeling of the real world leads to a system that reflects today’s realities
but not necessarily tomorrow’s. The abstractions that emerge during
design are key to making a design flexible.”
Ah, does this quotation ring warning bells for you? There is mention
of “abstractions”, and for some, this sounds potentially problematic.
To put you at rest, I will mention again the books by David Hay,[20]
and by Len Silverston and Paul Agnew[21] that skillfully demonstrate
how one pa ern can be presented in a number of ways, ranging
from abstract/generalized through to more concrete/specialized. The
sample provided below is at the more generalized / abstract level,
but other more targeted levels exist for the exact same published
pa erns.
Could I see an example, please?
So what does one of these “pa ern” things look like? In “Figure 28:
Subtype drill-down for health practitioner regulation scenario“, I
briefly touched on one pa ern, the Party pa ern. It is one of the best
known pa erns. Some love it, and others not so much, but it’s a
good way to get an idea of what a pa ern might look like. We will
build up parts of the pa ern, piece by piece. This introduction goes
for several pages, but I’d encourage you to make the investment. It’s
a great pa ern for starting conversations with the business folk.
As an example of using this pa ern, when people sell their home to
others, the solicitors may talk of the “parties” involved in the
transaction. The sellers (vendors) and buyers (purchasers) can be
one or several individual people, or they can be “organizations”
(limited liability companies, trusts, partnerships, and so on).
At its most basic, “Party” is a collective term for individual people
and organizations. In data modeling terms, Party is the supertype,
and Person and Organization are subtypes. Using the UML notation,
the arrows point from the subtypes (the UML calls them subclasses)
of person and organization, to the supertype (superclass) of Party.
One subtype a ribute is noted for Person (gender). It is just an
example, demonstrating that the subtype a ribute applies to Person
only, and not to the subtype Organization.

The Party supertype has an a ribute called effective period. Note:

In the object-oriented world shown here using the UML, the data
type of an a ribute can be a user-defined extension to the base
data types. For example, the data type of a “period” can be a pair
of dates, such as the ‘from’ date and the ‘to’ date.
This a ribute on the supertype applies to all subtypes. For
example, the start of the effective period for a Person might be
their date of birth, and the start of the effective period for an
Organization might be their date of incorporation.
The model below introduces a simple reference table to classify
Parties. Most if not all of the types will relate to classification of
Organizations rather than Persons. Types of Organization
classifications may include government versus private, local versus
overseas, or perhaps the type of industry (manufacturing, retail,
hospitality, and so on) with their own hierarchy of subtypes. It’s up
to you and your needs.
This first model is fine as an introduction, but it is insufficient. For
example, it does not provide the expected structures for party names
and addresses. Richer models follow.
A Party may have several names. For example, an Organization may
have a registered name and a trading name, and a Person may have
their birth name, a preferred name, and if they are an author, they
may have a pen name, and so on.
This model accommodates each party having several names of
different types, and for recording the period they during which they
were effective.
An Organization Name is pre y straightforward, reflected here as a
simple a ribute. Person Names are a li le more complicated,
possibly including:
Salutation, for example “Mr.”, “Ms.”, “Sir”. This a ribute can
include concatenation of multiple salutations such as “Prof. Sir”.
Family Name (also known as Surname).
Multiple Given Names (shown on the diagram via a separate
Person Given Name class).
Post Nominal, for example “FRACS” for Fellow of the Royal
Australasian College of Surgeons. Like with Salutation, this
a ribute can include concatenation of multiple post nominal
This model’s structure for person names can be seen as reflecting
“western” thinking. Not all names across all cultures neatly fit such
a model. For example, I encountered a scenario where names of a
people group in northern Africa reflected a much richer construct.
The “full name” formally included the job title, perhaps a bit like
early English people had surnames such as Cook, Baker, Tailor, and
Farmer. In this particular culture, the name also included such
declarations as the name of the individual’s father and grandfather,
and sons and grandsons if applicable – a paternalistic view. It also
added the form of Islam followed by the individual, and a statement
as to whether the pilgrimage to Mecca had been performed or not.
And on and on.
The conclusion? An Australian / western standard may not work for
you! Use it if it fits, but adapt and extend it to meet your needs.
You thought names were complicated? Addresses can be much
worse. Sorry.
Just like Parties can have multiple names, they can have multiple
addresses. For example, an Organization can have its physical
business address plus a postal address. A Person can have their
home address, their work address, one or several email addresses,
and one or several mobile phones (in this model, a phone number is
a subtype of address, along with email address and other subtypes).
Not only can each Party have multiple addresses, but each Address
can be shared by many parties. The address “1 Main Street” may be
the home address for two or more people.
Now here’s a point that needs to be considered. I have worked for
several organizations where a physical street address is an entity in
its own right. That’s true for our state’s land titles register. It’s also
true of water utilities that record addresses where water meters are
installed even if the property has nobody living there. Each address
has its own identifier, and can be created without any need to be
associated with its residents or owners. It is its own primary thing.

Conversely, I have consulted to organizations where addresses are

just a ributes in a customer record or an employee record. If two
employees (or customers) live at the same address, the text string is
simply replicated in each employee (or customer) record. There is
no desire to match addresses. In such cases, the Party model shown
above is unnecessarily complicated and can be pruned back, moving
the address details directly under Party, or maybe to the relevant
subtypes of the Party Role pa ern including Employee and
Customer. But just in case we want to use some of the richness of
this model, let’s look a bit deeper.
The Address class is a generic superclass, representing physical
addresses, postal addresses, email addresses, and yes, phone
numbers! In this pa ern, any point of contact with a person or
organization is an “address”. This is extensible – if we want to
add Twi er or Facebook addresses, they’re just another form of
The Address Service is a many-to-many resolution entity between
Parties and their Addresses. The usage by one party of one
Address is typed – perhaps Alex, who works from home, uses 1
Main Street as both a residential address and a work address. The
model presents two reference entities. The Address Service Type
approximates the subtyping structure of the Address class
(though potentially with finer grain such as distinguishing
between a fixed phone and a mobile phone), and the Address
Usage Type classifies the way the address is used by the related
Party (for home use, for business use, as a fax …).
As noted, I have refined this pa ern to in part reflect an
Australian standard. For you, “Postcode” may be known as Zip
Code, the “DPID” is the Australian “Deliver Point Identifier” for
addresses, and “DX” is the Document eXchange number.
Apologies for any confusion caused for my international friends.
Now let’s look at identifiers for a Party.
In Australia, two of the common identifiers for a company are an
Australian Company Number (ACN), and a Tax File Number (TFN).
The candidate identifiers for people are even more diverse – Tax File
Numbers again, but also passport numbers, drivers’ license
numbers, plus role-based identifiers such as employee numbers or
customer numbers.
Now here’s where the model may surprise you, especially if you
have a relational modeling background. As traditional data
modelers, we’re used to scenarios where the initial design for an
entity might start with multiple candidate identifiers. We
subsequently pick one as the primary key (assuming we don’t use
surrogates). However, the model above simply records that a Party
can have multiple identifiers, and doesn’t go out of its way to
nominate the “primary” identifier. If we’re assembling a big-picture
view of the data to drive conversations amongst non-technical
people at the enterprise level, and if we’re not even sure how it’s
going to be implemented (maybe as an operational system in a
relational database, maybe as a Data Vault, or …), that really
shouldn’t be a problem for a conceptual/logical model. Of course,
the physical implementation can vary from the platform
independent view. That’s fine.
So far, the Party pa ern looks a li le bit like the address book in our
phone or computer. I wish my “smart” phone also included the
ability to record rich interrelationships between address book

We can have Organization-to-Organization relationships such as one

company owning another (the Participant 1 Role in the Party To
Party Relationships Type class might be “Holding Company”, and
Participant 2 Role might be “Subsidiary”). We can have
Organization-to-Person relationships such as an organization
employing an individual. And we can have Person-to-Person
relationships. Two people can marry (well, at least in Australia,
marriage involves only two people – polygamy is illegal here). The
model above accommodates all of these, and more.
The preceding Party model holds data for a Party (an Organization
or a Person) such as their name and address details. These Parties
can also play one or several roles. For example, an individual named
Alex might be an employee of Acme, but might also be a customer
of Acme, and we might want to record the multiple roles played by
The Party / Party Role pa ern is described in many information
modeling “pa erns” books – Hay’s “Data Model Pa erns”,[22]
Silverston & Agnew’s “The Data Model Resource Book, Volume 3”,[23]
and Fowler’s “Analysis Pa erns”[24] to mention just a few. The core
concept is to separate a Party from its Party Role(s), and to allow
specialization of the data structure of the Party Role class. For
example, employees have a salary, but that a ribute is not
applicable to customers.
There’s one interesting twist to the Party Role scenario. Len
Silverston’s book differentiates between “declarative” roles and
“contextual” roles. Someone declares Alex to be an employee, or a
customer, or whatever. They are “declarative” roles, and the above
pa ern caters for this.
However, some roles are more transient. If we think back to the
scenario presented at the start of this introduction to the Party
pa ern, we spoke of the types of roles played by Parties involved in
a transfer of land transaction. These included the vendor, the
purchaser, real estate agents, lenders, and so on.
Perhaps roles such as real estate agent and lender are “declarative”
roles – the signs outside their offices “declare” them to be a real
estate agent or a bank. But perhaps the roles of vendor and
purchaser are transactional roles, in the context of the sale. These
can be handled by a simple classification a ribute on an appropriate
resolution entity, for example, the Contextual Role Type a ribute on
the Agreement Participation class as shown later in “Figure 115:
Agreements pa ern and associated Parties“.
A pale e of pa erns
We’ve just looked at the Party (and Party Role) pa ern. It’s just one
of the more common pa erns that gets talked about. The diagram
below portrays the suite of “9 pillars” I often use.
The Party / Party Role pa ern has already been described in some
detail, but here’s a summary of the set of pa erns.
That’s a very brief introduction to common pa erns. A more
detailed description of the pa erns (other than Party, which has
already been described above) is in the Appendix.
No pa ern is an island
There is a phrase “no man is an island”. Well, pa erns don’t reach
their full potential in isolation either. They need to achieve a value-
add by having inter-relationships.
Earlier we looked at some real-world examples of organizations
stitching the pa erns together to represent a pictorial view of their
data. In Figure 26 we looked at a land titles office responsible for
recording things like sales of land or registration of mortgages. In
Figure 27 we looked at a totally different organization, this time a
government agency responsible for oversight of health practitioners
across an entire nation. And below, we take another organization,
this time a centralized register of exploration and extraction of
mineral licenses.
At first glance, it looks a li le like the schematic for the land
transaction scenario in Figure 26.

They both have parties, but the roles for the land transaction involve
roles such as the sellers, the buyers, their solicitors, involved real
estate agents, banks and so on, whereas the roles for the mineral
resources scenario involve roles for exploration and mining
companies, the owners of the land, the government and more.
They both have agreements. The first scenario has mortgages,
caveats, easements, and loans. The second scenario has exploration
licenses and extraction licenses.
They both have resources, be it money and land in the first case and
gold and oil in the second.
Not only are their similarities between the chosen pa erns (Party,
Agreement …), but there are some similarities between
associations. Both have parties acting as signatories to agreements,
and both have constraints on the use of resources defined in related
agreements. Yes, there are differences, but there are also similarities.
Over the development of many such high-level frameworks, a few
relationships begin to reappear. The following diagram captures
some of the most common reusable relationships.
There’s a point to these comparisons. The same components get
used again and again, though in different ways and different
configurations. I see an analogy with a car. I’ve got a simple 2-wheel
drive vehicle with one differential and one gearbox. I also used to
own a 4-wheel-drive with two differentials, one for the front axle and
the rear axle. And I currently own a 4-wheel-drive with three
differentials, one at the front, one at the back, and one in the middle.
The role of a differential is the same in all cases. A single drive shaft
comes in, and two drive shafts come out that can turn at slightly
different speeds. It’s just the way the differentials are placed in a
vehicle that changes.
In a similar way, the land titles office and the centralized register of
exploration and extraction of mineral licenses use a number of
common components, and it won’t surprise me if your organization
might reuse some of these pa erns and their interrelationships,
though in a way that’s unique to you.
Sharing the understanding
I’ve introduced data model pa erns to you, and thanks for hanging
in there with me. But if you’re using the list of Steps as a guide to
developing your own enterprise data model, please make sure the
whole team (the business folk and the technical team members) all
have a level of comfort with the ideas behind these pa erns. I
suggest you go through the material above, and gently introduce the
ideas behind the pa erns in the Appendix.

Step #5: Assemble a lightweight Enterprise Framework (in days)

We’ve seen some examples of what I call an enterprise model
framework, to be used as a basis for our Data Vault. In its initial,
formative stage, it can be as simple as a one-page diagram with
icons for each pa ern, labeled relationships between them, and
supplementary notes on subtypes for involved pa erns. Examples
(though not showing the supplementary subtypes) have been
presented earlier in Figure 26, Figure 27, and Figure 39.
So how do we go about ge ing the business people, and the
technical people, to join together to produce one of these things?
A number of times, I have run two-day workshops. On the first day,
I take the participants through a pre-packaged set of material and
exercises, set in the scene of emergency response to wildfires. They
get hands-on familiarity with the pa erns, in a se ing that
deliberately takes them outside of their own organization so that
they can get a perspective that’s not clu ered by their own issues.
Then on the second day, they revisit the pa erns, this time applying
them to their home turf.
Alternatively, I just jump straight into their world, introducing the
pa erns as we go.
Let’s look at how this can work. I’m taking the essence from my one-
day course on wildfire emergency response, and pretending that
we’re doing it for real with your home state’s emergency services
folk, as if we’re looking over the shoulders of their workshop
participants. This way you can get a feel for how you might run a
similar session in your organization.
I’ve picked the team (Step #1).
I’ve defined the “enterprise” (Step #2) as being the emergency
response’s own organization, plus the associated agencies that come
together during a wildfire emergency.
I, and maybe a number of the team, have done some background
research and looked at how the frontline workers do their job (Step
#3). For some of the jobs I’ve done, I actually don’t want to get too
close to the action. I remember one time a fire team member took a
carload of us IT people out into the country to meet the workers at a
rural control center. During the trip, I pointed out a thin sliver of
smoke rising from a nearby hill. The driver immediately swung into
his professional role, radioed the control center, and sped to the
location. Quite an impressive demonstration of emergency response
in action, especially as it was anything but planned. But I was glad
that it wasn’t a full emergency.
And finally, the nominated workshop facilitator (me, in this case)
made sure that they’d got a comfortable grasp of the foundational
data model pa erns (Step#4).
Now it’s time to prepare for the actual workshop. The sorts of things
I try to consider include:
Checking availability of the participants on the proposed days,
and booking a room with a projector and screen for showing the
pa erns, sample enterprise schematics, and the like.
Acquiring a whiteboard for the facilitator plus another couple of
whiteboards for workshop exercises.
Photocopying the pale e of pa erns (please use a cropped and
enlarged copy of Figure 38) and the pa ern of pa erns (from
Figure 40). I’ll tell you more about how these get used as we
continue to work through this section.
Meet and greet
Like any workshop, there’s always the kick-off bits such as pointing
out the locations of kitchens, toilets, and safety exists. Importantly,
it’s now time for the participants to describe their role, and the
particular perspective they bring to the table, including gripes about
how things are today, and dreams of how they might be tomorrow.
Introduction to pa erns
Perhaps half of the group doesn’t have an IT background, and the
idea of data models might sound frightening. And some of the other
half (the IT professionals) might be comfortable with data models,
but not have had much exposure to data model pa erns.
I like to drill down into one pa ern, usually starting with the Party /
Party Role pa ern as described earlier in “Could I see an example,
please?“ That gives an introduction to what a “pa ern” looks like.
For the Party / Party Role pa ern, I liken it to an extension of the
address book they’ve got in their phone – people and organizations,
their names, addresses and contact details for phone numbers, and
email addresses. Sure, the pa ern offers some additional features,
most notably the ability to record interrelationships, but that’s not
too hard to explain.

Already we’ve got comfort with one pa ern.

Now I typically drill down into two more pa erns, the Agreement
pa ern and the Document pa ern. Both are relatively
straightforward, and just as importantly, the Agreement pa erns
ties to the Party / Party Role pa ern, and the Document pa ern ties
to the Agreement pa ern.
The description of the Agreement pa ern can be found in the
section of the Appendix titled “Pa ern: Agreement“. “Figure 115:
Agreements pa ern and associated Parties“ shows how the Party /
Party Role pa ern often Links to the Agreement pa ern. Likewise,
the section of the Appendix titled “Pa ern: Document“ describes
the Document pa ern and how it typically fits into the emerging
Now it’s time to hand out the copies of the “Pale e of Pa erns” (see
Figure 38, also repeated, for convenience, in Figure 41 below), and
talk through the broad concepts of each of the remaining icons – it
might be helpful to take a moment and refer back to Table 1 to see
how I describe each of the nine foundational pa erns.
To round out the introduction to pa erns, I like to introduce how
the pa erns can join together in real-life situations. I present and
explain a few enterprise data model schematics. The samples in
Figure 26 and Figure 27, including the explanatory text, are great
conversation starters.
Now they’ve drilled down into a few pa erns, have been introduced
to the larger pale e, and seen some samples of enterprise
It’s time to let them loose to have some fun and apply what they’ve
Starting the model
I like to break the workshop participants up into at least a few
groups so that we can get some differing views. Please note that each
group is to be made up of some business people, and some IT
people. Too often there is an unhelpful divide between the business
folk and the IT folk. Both views are important, and we all need to
hear conversations from the other side.
In the earlier section titled “Terminology“, I mentioned that David
Hay talks of three types of conceptual models. At the top of the
stack is an Overview model that facilitates conversation between
business people and IT. That’s why I recommend the groups include
technical and non-technical people – to get the conversation going.
An overview is where we start, using pa erns to represent the
important objects in the enterprise.
Next David has multiple Semantic models, each representing the
diverse views of different parts of the enterprise. That’s why I
suggest we break the workshop participants into groups, to actually
encourage formation of different perspectives.
Finally David has one Essential model that brings the divergent
views together. That’s where we will end, grappling with
consolidation of potentially conflicting views.
Everyone now gets a printed copy of the “Pale e of pa erns” for
their own reference, plus an extra copy for each group to write on.
You saw it earlier in Figure 38, but it is repeated below for your
What happens now is really straightforward. I typically start with
the Party / Party Role pa ern. Its implementation, and the pa ern
details, might have some underlying complexity, but everyone can
understand an address book of parties (people and organizations),
and the types of roles some of them may play. I ask them to simply
start writing some of the important roles beside the Party icon. For
the fires scenario, the first cut might look something like this:
For this government organization, some of the full-time employees
have what I call their “day job”, but during the fire season, they are
on call for fire duties.
In my home state, we’ve also got a community organization called
the Country Fire Authority (CFA), with tens of thousands of
volunteers. These people are highly respected by everyone.
Then we’ve got the front-line fire fighters, out there squirting water,
and the back-room incident management team (incident controllers,
logistics officers, planning officers, and more).
If you look critically at the role classifications, you might be able to
poke holes in them. Aren’t the CFA volunteers also the fire fighters?
Should the incident management role be broken down into its
specializations (incident controller, logistics officer, planning officer
…)? Isn’t the list incomplete? The answer is that it may not be a
perfect list, but we’ve made a start, and got the conversation going
between the business and IT. Please don’t underestimate the value
of that.
OK, so we’ve drilled down into subtypes for one pa ern. What’s
This is when I hand out printed copies of the “Pa ern of pa erns”
diagram. Again, you’ve seen it before (Figure 40) but another copy is
shown below for your convenience.
This diagram displays some of the more common interrelationships
between the pa erns. The reason for introducing it at this point in
the workshop is to use it as a checklist to see if some of these
relationships might apply as we progressively introduce more
pa erns. After starting with the Party / Party Role pa ern, I often go
next to the Agreement pa ern. It is very common for Parties to get
involved in Agreements, and also to sign formal contracts. The
business people can very easily understand this association between
Parties and Agreements. It will probably come as no surprise that
this relationship applies in the fires scenario. For example, an
Agreement may be signed between some Aussie emergency
response representatives and an American company that leases
water bombing aircraft.

We not only recorded the relationship between parties and

agreements, we also hand wrote some of the discovered agreement
types on the diagram:
In Australia, we often lease aircraft from the United States. The
US is in the northern hemisphere, and we’re in the southern
hemisphere, so our fire seasons are generally six months offset. It
works well for us to use their firefighting aircraft during our
While the government department responsible for fires on park
land can redeploy some of its employees from their regular jobs,
they also hire “seasonal firefighters” such as university students
on summer vacation who want a bit of extra pocket money.
Outside the peak fire season, we do “planned burns” to reduce
vegetation in a safer way. Formal burn plans are prepared,
documented, and signed off before they are acted on.
You might have spo ed the additional role of “Supplier”, added
below the earlier list of Party roles. When we looked at types of
agreements, we discovered that some parties played the role of
supplier for the leased aircraft. Simple. In the actual workshop, it’s
all hand-wri en on the “Pale e of pa erns” sheet; we just change
the working copy. The way I’m telling the story in this book, it
sounds pre y straightforward. In reality, the changes can seem
rather chaotic; as more and more pa erns are introduced, there’s
more and more extension and reworking of what’s come before. I
call it “ordered chaos”. Yes, the changes come thick and fast, but
they are all bounded by the framework of proven pa erns.
Not all agreements have related documents (or at least they may not
have them available for central fling). Maybe the lease contracts have
commercial-in-confidence elements, and the seasonal fire fighter
contracts have personal privacy aspects, so are held safely in paper
files somewhere. However, the burn plans are of vital interest to a
wider audience, and we want their contents easily viewable. They
will be filed electronically.
Not all documents relate to agreements. Sure, the burn plan
agreement and its associated document are a matched pair, but
evidence collected about suspected arson activity causing the fire
might come in the form of smart phone photos and videos from the
public. We want that filed, but there most certainly wasn’t a formal
agreement for some ratbag to set the forest alight.
The evolving schematic now looks like:
Bit by bit we introduce the remaining pa erns, and incorporate
them into each group’s diagram, adding (1) hand-wri en subtypes
and (2) the interrelationships between the pa erns. As we iterate to
include new pa erns, each group presents their work-in-progress
model. The other groups should feel free to take on board any ideas
they like, but at this stage the workshop is still encouraging
diversity of opinion. Consolidation will come shortly.
Even though the emerging model can often fit on one sheet of paper
or a whiteboard, it starts to get too big to fit easily on a page in this
book, so let’s look at the subtypes as a list, then we’ll look at the
discovered interrelationships between the pa erns. We continue to
use the fire scenario as we flesh out the enterprise view.
The Location pa ern is typically implemented as a Geographic
Information System (GIS). The subtypes can be thought of as
“layers” that could be turned on or off from display, including:
Roads, used to assist in finding the best route to the fire.
Water points for collecting water.
Airports for use by fire response aircraft.
National and State Parks – these are important as in my part of
the world, fires in parks are managed by government agencies but
fires on private land are managed by volunteer agencies.
Fire ignition points, fire line, and fire burn area.
Conservation Zones within a park that have been set aside to
study the ecology when it’s not interrupted by man, including
planned burns.
The Resource (also known as Asset) pa ern has vast amounts of
subtypes, arranged in a hierarchy. For example, Figure 117 in the
Appendix shows a Fire Tanker as a type of Fire Truck which is a type
of Land Vehicle which is a Vehicle which is a Resource! In reality,
this pa ern may have between 100 and 200 subtypes! They won’t fit
on a small diagram, but in the workshop the participants can
include some representative types.
Next we look at the Event pa ern. The workshop participants might
identify types of events, including:
Fire Detection, when a person in a fire tower, or a member of the
public, notify the central team that a new fire has been spo ed.
Fire Cause Allegation event, where an individual reports reasons
that suggest the fire might have been deliberately lit by an
arsonist, lightning, a campfire, or whatever.
Fire Status event, when a fire has its official status changed, for
example from “Going” to “Contained” to “Out”.
Safety Incident, for example when a firefighter is hurt while
performing their duties.
Communication event, for example a public SMS message
broadcast warning of a recommendation to evacuate.
As noted when the pa erns were first introduced, there is a two-way
relationship between Events and Tasks. For example, the Fire
Detection event occurs, and Tasks are put in place to assemble and
send a first-response team. The team arrives, and as one of their
Tasks, they make a preliminary assessment of likely fire cause, and
they suggest arson, hence creating an Event of type Fire Cause
Allegation. This new Event then triggers tasks for forensic
specialists to do a more detailed evaluation of the fire cause. Back
and forth the Events and Tasks go. Within this context, the Tasks the
workshop participants identify might include:
First Response.
Fire Cause Forensic Analysis.
Fire Line Suppression.
These are some of the more obvious Tasks. But there are more, for
Tasks such as Training and Fitness Assessment to prepare people
for the upcoming season.
For rostering purposes, not only is “work” on the front line
treated as a type of Task, but “non-work” such as enforced Rest,
Rostered Days Off, and Leave can be entered as types of “Tasks”
in that they are entered into the calendar for consideration on
There are two more of the nine common pa ern pillars that have not
been mentioned. The first is Product. In my interaction with the fire
people, “Product” simply was not seen as being relevant. The one
that might surprise you is that “Account” was also seen as being
irrelevant! Sure, finances come into the larger picture, but the
people I worked with to assemble the initial enterprise data model
simply did not see money as being that important. Saving people’s
lives was.
That’s the nine pillars, but the workshop participants added another
pa ern, especially suited to the recording of the analysis performed
by the forensic team. David Hay calls it the Laboratory pa ern,[25] as
it commonly used for recording the analysis of diagnosis activities in
laboratories. I recently worked in an organization performing
forensics analysis such as tests for alcohol or drugs in blood and
saliva, and determining the DNA from skin samples. Their
operational system used the Laboratory pa ern.
The emergency response team also did analysis, for example to
determine the cause of a fire. The business wanted to call it the
Observation pa ern, and that raises an important point. It’s a
business-centric model, and they can assign names to the pa erns
that make sense to them. In a similar manner, some businesses like
the word “Task”, and others like “Activity”. Let’s be sensitive to
their perspective.
The teams have been writing their subtypes on the “Pale e of
Pa erns” sheet, but they have also been adding the
interrelationships between the pa erns. The final result has
subtypes and relationships. A cleaned up version of one team’s
hand-wri en schematic follows, showing relationships but
suppressing the subtypes:
That’s the output from one team. The other team’s models are likely
to be a li le bit different. Now we want a single enterprise model,
somewhat aligned to David Hay’s Essential model, but still at the
high level of his Overview model.
A consolidated enterprise model
We’ve deliberately encouraged diversity across the models produced
by each group. That’s one way to discover subtle but important
differences. But now it’s time for each group to present their model,
and for all participants to collectively work towards creating the one
enterprise view.
If you’ve ever had to consolidate data from multiple sources, you
will understand that merging models can be painful. Let me tell a
story. It goes something like this.
During my home state’s last major wildfire, a person seeking all
available resources asked one organization how many fire trucks
they had in the area. The answer was, “We don’t have fire trucks, but
we do have appliances – is that what you want?” This particular
organization called their fire trucks “appliances” for years, and
that’s how they see the world. And they are completely entitled to
that view.
The person asking the initial question then turned to the
representative of another organization, and asked, “So how many
fire trucks, or ‘appliances’ if you prefer, do you have?” The answer?
“We don’t have fire trucks, or appliances, but we do have Slip-ons
and Tankers. Which do you mean?”
According to the way the story was told to me, the frustrated
enquirer yelled, “I don’t care what you call them, just tell me how
many vehicles you have that can squirt water!”
I was subsequently engaged to create a Common Information Model
(CIM) to facilitate data sharing amongst emergency response
organizations. I suggested we model fire trucks as “Big Red Water-
Squirting Vehicles”. That got a few laughs, broke the tension, and
we were able to reach consensus.
All jokes aside, I have found that having people work with the
common pa erns creates an environment where differences are
lessened, and can often be relatively easily resolved. Often different
people contribute different subtypes of the same pa ern, and they
can co-exist side-by-side. And if they actually represent the same
thing, the participants can often agree on a name (other than Big
Red Water-Squirting Vehicles), or simply use aliases. Too easy?
Unfortunately, there are times when the resolution can be a bit more
challenging. It’s time for another story.
We start with a fairly expectable snippet from the subtyping of
Resource and Party.
People have competencies (a license to drive a heavy vehicle, first aid
training, ability to operate a chainsaw …). Resources have capacities.
A water tank can hold up to 1,500 liters, a crane can lift five tons, a
fire truck has a driving range of 500 kilometers, and a chain saw can
cut up to 500 mm/20 inches depth in a single cut. We add a person’s
competencies, and a resource’s capacities, to the model.

Here’s the twist. One of the groups suggested an alternative, based

on one of their member’s perspective as a Logistics Officer. To them,
there’s li le difference between a person and a fire truck. Both need
refueling (hamburgers in one case, diesel in another). Both need
regular servicing (8 hours sleep for one, a grease and oil change for
the other). Both can be requested to be sent to the fire. Both can be
deployed to front line duties. He saw the similarities going further.
He suggested that we could say that competencies and capacities
can be generalized and called “capabilities”. His model for
Resources was interesting.

I called his model “interesting”. The human resources (HR) people

found it confronting. How dare someone liken a human being to a
fire truck?!
We reached some sort of a compromise.

For those of you familiar with the UML, it’s called multiple
inheritance. A Person is a Resource, and a Person is also a Party.
Would we directly implement something like this? Possibly not,
especially as some object-oriented languages don’t seem to be too
comfortable with multiple inheritance.
But here’s an important message. This is a model about business
concepts, and at this level, some people see a person as a type of
party, and others see them as a resource. The model captures both
views, and if nothing else, will generate discussion when
implementation has to be faced, be it for a Data Vault or something
else that requires an enterprise view.
After a few twists and turns, we end up with a very high level
schematic that looked a bit like the group model presented in Figure
Next steps
Assuming prior familiarity with the pa erns, and a good selection of
creative participants, it is possible to assemble this framework in
just days. It’s helpful, it gives the business and the technical people
a common vocabulary, it is pa ern based and hence likely to be able
to be extended as new aspects are discovered. That’s all good news.
But it is only a schematic, and for many purposes, we are going to
need a bit more detail, though not so much that we drown in a never
ending search for the last a ribute, so we want to target our drill-
down efforts to where we will get the most value. Before I end the
workshop, I seek feedback on “data” problems that have caused
pain in the past. That can serve as a checklist for focus as we seek to
flesh out the model where it can first deliver value.

Step #6: “Pain Point” & “Process” drill-down (in weeks)

We’ve got a great start. We’ve built a foundational framework that
the business and IT folk are happy with, but it’s li le more than a
skeleton. While it may be sufficient for some purposes, we probably
want to go into a bit more detail before we launch into constructing
our Data Vault. The good news, though, is it should take a few
weeks, not months. And again, as for the construction of the
lightweight enterprise framework, it doesn’t have to be hard labor; it
can be fun.
I’ve already suggested that looking at “Pain Points” – where data
problems are hurting the business – can provide real focus. But can
looking at business processes help, too? The answer is yes,
sometimes! Let’s look at both of these sources of insight.
Using “Pain Points” to drive the drill-down
If you recall, in Step #1 above, we encouraged team members to
collect and collate their pain points. Now we use them to drive the
drill-down. As a team, we look at the collection of pain points, and
prioritize what we’re going to tackle. Then we grab the first one,
decide who is best to work on it (some members from the original
team, plus others from across the business), and get to work.
The good news is that the technical and non-technical people now
have a common language for grappling with the problem, based on
the mutually agreed concepts from the high level enterprise data
model schema.
The initial focus is to understand the pain rather than too quickly
jumping into solution mode; solutions will come soon enough. It
reminds me of a time my lovely wife was upset. Being the sort of
bloke I am, I immediately tabled a perceived solution. The
response? “I don’t want a solution, I want to know you’ve heard
me.” There’s a time for solutions, and there’s a time for simply
understanding the problems.
So what does a drill-down involve? It’s not too hard, really.
We’ve already got the high level schematic, showing core concepts
and their interrelationships. We’ve also identified a sma ering of
subtypes under the core building blocks. A sample of our starting
point was presented in Figure 29, and is repeated here for your

Some of the subtypes may have been identified in the initial

workshop to create the schematic. “Figure 47: Common subtypes for
Resource and Party“ shows some of the Resource pa ern’s high-
level subtypes (Vehicle, Equipment, and Consumable). The diagram
above drills down a lot deeper, showing some of the additional fine-
grained subtypes that might be discovered progressively as pain
points (and processes) are analyzed in detail.
It is important to note that the subtypes are represented in a multi-
level hierarchy. When it comes to physical implementation, the
hierarchies may be simplified / fla ened — for a relational
implementation or for a Data Vault design. But for the business data
model, multiple levels are fine if they aid in communication.

In addition to identifying the subtypes of the pa erns, we also

recorded our discovered specializations of inter-relationships. These
could have been relationships between subtypes in one hierarchy,
such as between a Slip On Unit and a Slip On Vehicle. They may also
have been relationships across domains, such as between a Forward-
Looking Infra-Red (FLIR) Plane as a subtype of Resource, and the
Fire it is monitoring.
So in this Step, we discover and document new subtypes and new
relationships. Additionally, as we go I encourage documentation of
major a ributes. And seeing we are intending to use the resultant
model to help us shape our Data Vault design, I most certainly
would like participants to identify which ones of those a ributes
represent business keys.
It’s important to note that I don’t try to boil the ocean. Only those
pa ern stubs that need further investigation to address the pain
points prioritized by the business need to be worked through to
discover more detail.
Can “Process” help, too?
I have encountered debates over the role of business processes
when it comes to a Data Vault.
Two of the best-known spokespeople in the Data Vault world, while
not agreeing on everything, both emphasize the centrality of
“business concepts” to a Data Vault. In Dan’s first Data Vault book,
[26] he states “Data Vault models are built based on the conceptual

understanding of the business.” Similarly, Hans’ book[27] notes that the

Hubs hold business keys for “…the core business concept.” These
central business concepts appear in the enterprise data model,
which in turn shapes the Data Vault design. But where does
“process” fit in?
Some have argued that a Data Vault is process-centric, even going so
far as to claim that there is no such thing as a business concept in
Data Vault, but instead claiming a Data Vault’s reason for existence
is to show how business processes relate to each other. Taken at face
value, this claim suggests we should focus our Data Vault design on
business processes, and ignore the business concepts we’ve worked
so hard to capture in our emerging enterprise data model. Quotes
earlier in this book, in “Is the enterprise view really that
important?“ demonstrate clearly that Dan and Hans place a
foundational, primary emphasis on business concepts and business
Others have argued it’s all about the data. After all it’s a Data Vault,
intended amongst other things to integrate data, highlight data
inconsistencies, and repackage data in the business-centric Data
Vault structures ready for those people hungry to consume
meaningful data. OK, in some of those places where I emphasized
the word “data” I could have (should have?) spoken of
“information”, but you get the point that there seems to be a lot
about data in their conversation. And not much about process.
I did say, in the previous paragraph, that a Data Vault was “…
intended amongst other things …” to do some data stuff. That
phrase was deliberate, because one of the things that Data Vault is
known for is what Dan calls “gap analysis”, which is all about using
the Data Vault to get insight into gaps between the perception about
how business processes work in theory versus the reality of what’s
actually happening. So Dan has been noted as saying the business
concepts in the enterprise ontology (which I see as a data construct)
are foundational, and he also says that a really valuable use of a Data
Vault can be this process-centered gap analysis. Is there some data
versus process confusion here? I think not. Here’s my summary:
1. Initiate the design of the Data Vault model by first discovering
or building our enterprise data model. That’s what Steps #1 to
#7 are all about.
2. Enrich, challenge, refine our enterprise data model by
throwing scenarios at it, whether these scenarios are based on
pain points, or business process analysis, or anything else of
importance to our business. That’s part of this Step #6.
3. Apply our enterprise data model to the job of assembling our
Data Vault model. That’s the focus of the next major part of
this book.
4. … and after we’ve built and deployed our shiny new Data
Vault, don’t forget that one of its valuable uses is “gap
analysis” on the processes.
Instead of data versus process competition, there’s a lovely synergy.
Points 1 and 3 above happen to be a bit more about “data” than
“process”, and points 2 and 4 swing the emphasis around the other
way. But they’re intertwingled. That’s another synergy – a
combination of intertwined and intermingled!
With some of the misunderstanding I have observed hopefully
cleared up for you, let’s see if we can use a process view as an
insightful way to discover fresh, new underlying data. The business
people will be comfortable with analyzing processes, and later we
can expect a feed-back loop from using our Data Vault to look for
gaps between process theory and process reality. Just as we did for
pain points, we start as a team to collectively identify some core
processes, then we selectively revisit the growing enterprise data
model to see if we can use some of the insights for data discovery.
For fire management, we had several processes articulated. Below I
share an outline of just one of them to give you an idea of how we
can look at processes as a means to refining the data model. The
process is presented as a hypothetical scenario for initial response to
a fire. It’s a bit lengthy, but it serves a purpose – as you read through
it, I would ask you to consider the work-in-progress schematic from
Figure 46, and the preceding supplementary subtypes for each of the
selected pa erns, to see if you can spot some missing bits in the
enterprise model one group has already drafted.
A member of the public reports the outbreak of a fire and, thanks to mobile
phone technology, the position is also known. Details of the reported fire
outbreak are recorded (who reported it, their contact details, the time of the
reporting, comments, any sighting of suspicious activity, etc.).
Based on the fire location (state boundaries, public or private land, etc.),
the authority responsible for managing the response is identified.
An estimate of the likely rate of spread of the fire is calculated. Variables
to be considered include:
The current and forecast weather in the vicinity of the fire (temperature,
humidity, wind strength and wind direction).
Known vegetation type in the area (forest, wheat crops, …).
Contours. (Fires burn more quickly when going uphill, especially if
pushed from behind by a hot, strong wind).
Based on expected spread, threatened assets are identified, including:
Community assets (residences, schools, hospitals, farmland, etc.).
Natural assets (conservation zones, threated species, etc.).
Access options to the fire are determined (sealed roads, 4WD tracks,
airstrips in the area, etc.).
The target profiles of suitable first-a ack teams are chosen from a list of
templates (for example a team in a 4WD fire truck, or a rappel team for
delivery by helicopter in a remote location).
Candidate resources for formation of the first-a ack team are identified
based on:
People who:
Have suitable competencies to perform the roles identified in the
Are in the right location.
Are available for deployment (for example not already assigned to
another task).
Equipment that:
Has suitable characteristics to perform the roles identified in the
templates (adequate water-carrying capacity for water bombers, 4WD
ability for fire trucks, etc.).
Is in the right location.
Is available for deployment.
Based on the available information, a single crew (typically one crew
leader and four general fire-fighters) and their resources are selected.
A request for assignment is made.
The request is confirmed as being authorized by the proposed crew leader’s
manager, and the person responsible for the required physical resources.
The assigned people are notified and dispatched.
Records are kept for each person involved, including hours worked and the
role played, for payroll and experience tracking purposes.
Wow, these process scenarios can certainly be rich, and they can
highlight missing bits in the data model! Here’s just a handful of
possible topics arising from just that one process scenario. As you
read the scenario description, you probably identified others.
Is a helicopter with a rappel crew on board a different type of
We’ve got subtypes of Party as people and organizations (and
organization units such as departments and divisions), but is a
“fire crew” a type of organization, even though it is formed on the
fly and may disappear just as quickly?
The workshop had identified the Observation pa ern for use by
the arson forensics specialists, so might the same pa ern be
useful for holding weather observations?
It looks like we need to seriously consider rostering and
timesheet recording. Where do these things fit in? Are they part
of the existing pa erns, or do we need more?
It’s clear that a process perspective can really help us refine the
enterprise data model. But here’s a strong warning. Please don’t try
to analyze every possible business process and cross check it. That
runs the risk of being a long project, with diminishing returns over
time. You’re doing this modeling for a purpose, and I encourage you
to do enough to make good progress. Earlier I have referred to a “T-
model” approach. The following diagram and subsequent
discussion helps explain it.

Like the le er “T”, we can use the lightweight pa erns to represent

the width of the enterprise, and then selectively consider business
processes to discover areas of the data model where we want to
perform drill down into detail to add value. The high level subject
areas are likely to often align with our common pa erns. For a given
focus, we might have decided that the Party / Party Role need a bit
more detail, and the Agreement needed a lot more. So what’s my
conclusion on the role of “process” in forming a Data Vault? That
while the focus of the data model is on data (a self-evident fact?),
considering business processes often adds value, but not always. My
recommendation is pre y simple: drive the drill down into data
model detail based on business “pain points”, and supplement that
discovery by process analysis when it is likely to add value.

Step #7: Cast the net wider

OK, we’ve finished the drill-down on prioritized pain points, and
selectively applied a bit of a “process” perspective. The core team
has been involved, along with hand-picked people from across the
organization. That’s great, but it’s an enterprise data model, and
there are others who are likely to be interested and who may give
valuable feedback on areas for extension or refinement. It’s time to
share the model with a wider audience.
Some say that a data model can’t be understood by non-technical
people. I remember a particularly challenging model I had
developed, and that absolutely needed sign-off from the most senior
members of the organization. A challenge?
I roped in some business people to work with me to hone a few
business scenarios that would grab the a ention of the executives. I
then created and printed two piles of paper. The first pile had one
major supertype per page. Prior to the presentation in the board
room, I posted the supertypes on the wall. The second set was much
richer. For each business scenario I had multiple pages mapping
hypothetical values to the supertypes. Let me explain by a massively
simplified example.
The scenario starts by declaring that “Customer Sam Samuels
contacts our organization”. I have one page that is headed “Sam
Samuels”, with a few details such as address and contact phone
number. I a ach this sheet to the wall, directly under the
Customer subtype of Party Role.
The scenario continues that “Sam enquires on our Acme Eco
product”. I a ach my second sheet of paper headed “Contact
Event” under the Event supertype, with details such as contact
date. I also a ach a third sheet, this time headed “Acme Eco”,
under the Product supertype, with details such as stock-on-hand
quantity and recommended retail price.
Sam places an Order, and up goes the Order sheet under the
Agreement supertype, with details of delivery address, etc.
And on and on …
Get the picture? These non-technical decision makers see the data
model populated before their eyes. Well, actually they see their
business stories unfold, and bits of paper a ached to the wall. They
don’t even care that the emerging scenario maps to a data model,
because they don’t really care about data models.
The actual model was much more complicated than Customer,
Product, and Order, but I am just telling my story. What’s important
is that I didn’t call what I had on the wall a data model. I didn’t call
it a database. I just told some stories, in their language. They loved
it, and signed it off.
As it turned out, there was no feedback warranting change to the
data model, but if it had occurred, in the words of my agile friends,
it is good to “fail fast”. If there is need for change, let’s hear about it
early. In a few weeks, we’ve assembled a “sufficient” enterprise data
model. Now it’s time to apply it to designing our Data Vault.
… but before we leave this neat 7-step process, can I please remind
you about “Step 0”? The steps are guidelines only, and it’s OK to
iterate, to go back and refine something you did earlier. You might
finish the first pass in a few weeks, but the enterprise data model is
be er seen as a living document that can change over time.
Chapter 4
Task #2: Apply the Enterprise View to Design a
Data Vault

The important bit: Getting business data out

At one of my client sites, the CEO wanted to know how many people
worked for the organization. It took too long for IT to answer his
question, and he wasn’t happy. In part, the challenge for IT was that
source systems didn’t think in terms of people who were “workers”.
The payroll system understood about salaried staff. The contract
management system knew about long term contractors /
consultants. Another system knew about short term or casual
contractors. And what about the person who mowed the lawns each
fortnight and submi ed an invoice – why shouldn’t that individual
be considered as a “worker”?
The underlying problem was that the business saw things one way,
and many IT operational systems saw things differently. At the
extreme, if we build our Data Vault to blindly follow the views of the
source systems, we’ve missed the mark badly. Dan says, “If you build
a source system Data Vault Model, the value of the solution drops to
one tenth of one percent overall.”[28]
The business wants access to their data, seen their way.

Well-formed Hubs: Getting the right foundations

Confusion over “Semantics & Grain”?

[or, “We might look a bit different, but surely we belong together”]

I’ve heard a number of long and sometimes unresolved discussions

about what should be chosen as a Hub. One of the arguments put
forward for se ing a boundary around what constitutes a Hub is
that all of the objects in one Hub should share the same “semantics
and grain”. I actually have no fundamental problem with that
principle. It’s just that the interpretation of that phrase seems at
times to be imprecise and contradictory. I will share some of the
views I have encountered in case you, too, come across them, and
then propose what I think are some simple and very workable
solutions to close the gap around unnecessary tensions and debates.
I’ve heard the claim that if two types of things are in a one-to-many
relationship, they cannot have the same grain and therefore must be
in separate Hubs. That may be true sometimes, but not always. In
Dan and Michael’s explanation of hierarchical Links,[29] they use the
example of aircraft parts. An aircraft is made up of many parts (such
as a tail rudder, two wings, one or several engines, landing gear …),
and each of those parts can be made up of many parts – for example,
the engine is a complex thing, itself made up of parts that are made
up of parts. And all of these things that have one-to-many
relationships can happily be held in the one “Part” Hub.
Another scenario on this “one-to-many means different grain” topic
can be seen when we look at customers. I’ve got customers A, B and
C, all stored in a Customer Hub. Then Customer A acquires
companies B and C, but B and C continue trading in their own
names. So I’ve still got three customers, but A has a one-to-many
relationship between the holding company and its subsidiaries. I
most certainly don’t want to create a Hub called “Subsidiary
Customer” just because of the “one-to-many” rule.
So now let’s look at how we might use the enterprise data model to
defuse this “semantics and grain” discussion. First let’s look at
semantics, or the “meaning” of something. For example, does this
source system’s “client” mean the same thing (have the same
semantics) as this second system’s “customer”?
Why might I have observed lengthy debates on such ma ers? I
suggest that doing Data Vault design bo om up, starting with
source systems without the context provided by the enterprise data
model, is at the heart of the problem. If we do bo om-up discovery,
we’re going to be trying to derive enterprise meaning on the fly as
we pick up one source system after another.
Conversely, if we’ve already built an enterprise data model, it turns
out these “semantics” issues may be delightfully simple to resolve.
We’ve already had many conversations with the business, including
the difference (if any) between one system’s “client” and another’s
“customer”. Instead of arguing about it again, we can go to the
enterprise data model. Every entity type in the model should be
fully described as to what it is, what it is not, and have examples
provided also in the documentation.
We know what each entity type means; now all we have to do is map
source system data to the existing entity type that matches. Of
course, this mapping may uncover some holes in the top-down
model, but that’s just part of proving any top-down model by cross-
checking against bo om-up details.
Grain should be relatively simple, too. Taking the example shown
earlier in “Figure 51: Resource and Event subtypes and
relationships“, Resource is a coarse-grained supertype, with
Equipment, Consumable, and Vehicle as finer-grained subtypes, and
under Consumable, Fuel and Fire Suppressant are even finer-
The conclusion is simple – each entity type in the enterprise data
model identifies one class of thing that has a consistent “semantics
and grain”.
Finding the sweet spot
A Hub is a collection of unique business keys, but it’s not just any
old collection. For example, it wouldn’t make sense to have a
collection of customer numbers, car registration numbers, and case
file numbers all in one Hub. That might fit the “unique collection”
expectation, but the business keys must all belong to one core
business concept, such as a Customer.
It sounds easy to find a business concept, and its business key; but
it’s not always that straightforward. If we’ve successfully assembled
an enterprise data model, with a nested level of supertypes and
subtypes, should we have a Hub for just the supertype, or just the
most atomic leaf nodes of the hierarchy, or all of them, or what?
Let’s return to a simplified version of the Event supertype hierarchy
for fire emergency response.
In this diagram, Emergency Events are a supertype (superclass) with
a ributes that are common to all subtypes (subclasses). The
diagram is far from comprehensive – for example it doesn’t include
earthquakes and tornados – but it may be sufficient for our
discussion here.
The business recognizes the hierarchy of types (we could call it a
taxonomy if we like), and they have identified major a ributes for
each entity type. Now what they want is the Data Vault to reflect
their view of the world.
One design option might be to define a Hub called Emergency
Event, and implement at that level, but supertype Hubs are not
generally recommended. At the other extreme, we could implement
a Hub for atomic subtypes (forest fire, grass fire, river flood, and
tsunami). Or, heaven help us, we could have a Hub for every entity
type (class) across the entire hierarchy, with Data Vault “Same-As”
Links (described later) between them.
So what do we do to resolve the best approach? We talk to the
business. The example above has only three levels in the
supertype/subtype hierarchy, but in our real world there may be
more. If we listen to how people talk about the things in their
business, we won’t be surprised if they only sometimes talk about
the highest levels of generalization or at the lowest levels of
specialization, but more frequently chat about the middle layers. In
our example, that translates to lots of folk cha ing about fires and
floods, but less frequently discussing emergency events at one
extreme, or forest fires, grass fires, river floods, or tsunamis at the
other extreme. Listen to the business, and try to find the “sweet
spot” that seems to most commonly reflect their conversations,[30]
then nominate that as the default level for the design of our
business-centered Data Vault Hubs.
The next step is to check against business processes. If the subtypes
of wildfire in the enterprise data model (forest fire and grass fire)
follow the same or similar processes, and use the same or similar
data, then a Wildfire Hub is looking good. Note that the logical
subtypes of the Wildfire Hub may require a “Wildfire Type Code”
a ribute to distinguish between forest fire and grass fire instances
in the common Hub. It is quite likely that this is really simple –
source systems may well provide just what we need as a “type”
a ribute to be stored in their Satellite.
Conversely, when we look at floods and their subtypes, if we
discover that river floods and tsunami’s are processed in a totally
different manner, we might decide to have a River Flood Hub and a
Tsunami Hub. It may not be black-&-white, but use the enterprise
data model to guide the conversation.
Not only Semantics & Grain – now there’s Key Values
One of the goals for Data Vault is to achieve integration of data
around business keys. We will often find multiple sources offer data
feeds for what has been determined should belong to the same Hub
– remember, a common “semantics and grain” – but the business
key structures can be problematic. At the heart of the issue is a very
simple question – what are the business key values for what is in
reality one real-world entity? Assume that there’s a real-world
employee, Alex Anderson. (Please also note that where people’s
names are given such as Alex, Brook, Chris, Dan etc., I have sought
to have gender neutral names – is “Chris” a Christopher or a
Christine?) What Employee Numbers does he or she have in
different IT systems? If they don’t have the same value, should they?
Let’s take a simple hypothetical for employees from the fire
emergency response scenario. It’s quite a long and detailed analysis
we’re about to launch into, but believe me, unless this topic is neatly
nailed down, it can cause massive pain. Please hang in with me.

Alex and Chris, are salaried employees, managed in the Payroll

system. Brook and Dan are contractors, managed in the Contract
Management system. All four employees are also recorded in the
central Human Resource (HR) system. In addition, Alex, Brook, and
Dan have been issued with cards to get access to the head office
building (Chris doesn’t need one for his/her line of work out in the
field because he/she rarely if ever visits the head office).
In the diagram, we also have arrows. These denote one system’s
knowledge about the business keys of another system. The first row,
for Alex, indicates that the Building Access Control system
obviously knows about its own keys, but also knows the Payroll
system’s Employee Number for Alex.
In this hypothetical, the HR system generates its own employee
numbers, which are the “business keys”, used and known by each
employee as their identifier. They enter it on timesheets, and quote
it if they ever have to record other activities. Yes, it is internally
generated by the HR system, and some may argue it’s a surrogate,
but it is externally visible, and it is used by the business as the
identifier for employees.
The Payroll system also has employee numbers, but it doesn’t
generate its own. It simply reuses the employee number as
generated by the HR system.
The Contract Management system is a li le different. When
someone is added as a new contractor, the Contract Management
System generates its own key which is issued to the contractor – it’s
another business key! But what’s more, the Contract Management
System also records the HR system’s employee number. Please note
that while both systems use integer numbers for their keys, they are
generated independently. As it turns out, the number “2” appears in
both systems, but Employee Number 2 is for Brook (whose
Contractor Number is 1), and Contractor Number 2 is for Dan
(whose Employee Number is 4). Confused?
Finally, we’ve got the Building Access Control systems’ Card Holder
Numbers. Again, these can be used as “business keys”, as they
appear on the card itself, and can be recorded by people at the front
office desk. Thankfully, these business keys are alphabetic, and
cannot be confused with any of the other business keys for
employees. Please note than when a card is issued (and its Card
Holder ID generated), the system also records
the Payroll system’s employee number for salaried employees,
the Contract Management system’s Contractor Number for
contract employees.
That’s provided a baseline sample data set. Let’s look at how the
data might be stored if loaded into a Data Vault.
Passive Integration: Same “semantics-&-grain”, same key value for
the same real-world object
Let’s just look at loading data from the HR system and the Payroll
system. If (heaven help us) we chose to apply the dreaded “source
system Data Vault” approach, we would have one Hub for the HR
system, and one Hub for the Payroll system. We might try to
improve things a li le bit by creating a “Same-As” Link (shown as
arrows in the following diagram) between the Hubs to explicitly
record that Employee Number 1 in the HR Hub was the same as
Employee Number 1 in the Payroll system, though the value of
creating this Link is questionable seeing a simple relational join
could achieve a simpler outcome.

Now let’s look at how this might look if we applied “passive

Now we’ve got one Hub. It has the total set of employee numbers
for both systems. It doesn’t ma er which source system is the first
to load any given Hub instance. The important fact is that the same
business key value across both systems is expected to represent the
same real-world employee, and only one Hub instance is created for
each real-world entity. Alex is employee number “1” in both
systems, and the same Hub instance can be shared, with one
Satellite being populated with the HR system as its source, and
another Satellite managing data sourced from the Payroll system.
Their values can be compared because they “passively” integrate by
sharing the same Hub instance with the business key of “1”.
Different, non-overlapping business key values
In the previous example, we clearly had two sources that fed data
into the Data Vault where both:
had the same semantics (they agreed on the meaning of an
had the same grain (both mapped to the same entry in our
business-driven enterprise data model, rather than mapping to
different subtypes or supertypes), and
had the same business key value (an employee number of “1”) for
the same real-world entity (Alex).
Now we look at another source system. This time it’s the system that
records employees and the building access cards that were issued.

Let’s look at “semantics”. In our example shown in Figure 55, we

have business keys A, B, and C. If the business key is a code for the
employee, but identified by the card they have been issued, maybe
A, B, and C are business keys for employees. Alternatively, if A, B,
and C are really business keys for the physical cards themselves,
then the meaning is very different. If “A” represents an access card,
and Employee Number “1” represents a flesh-&-blood employee
named Alex, the semantics are different and we could argue that
they each deserve their own Hub. I look in more detail at this topic
in the section titled “Hubs with more than one business key“, but
for now, for the sake of the example, I will ask you to cut me some
slack and accept that business key “A” represents an employee
identified by an access card rather than representing the card itself.
With that as a basis, we’ve now got a third feed, but it has totally
different business keys for employees. If we lean a bit towards the
source system Data Vault way of modeling, we might represent the
Data Vault design as below.
If we refer back to the scenario presented in Figure 55 and the
supporting text, we will see that the Access Card system knows its
own card number but also knows the Payroll system’s employee
number. This explicit knowledge can be used to create a Same-As
Link between employee Alex with Card Holder ID “A” and the same
employee with employee number 1, as represented by the arrow on
the diagram above.
We’ve still got the passively integrated Hub for HR and Payroll, but
we can’t use passive integration for the Access Holder system,
because the real-world entity Alex has a business key of “A” instead
of “1”. Assuming the same semantics-&-grain, could we hold all
source fees in the same “Employee” Hub? Most definitely.
In this scenario, the business keys can never clash. One set are
numbers, and the other set consists of alphabetic characters. We
simply hold all of the employee business keys in the one Hub. (OK,
the numbers are going to have to be recast as text strings so they can
fit into the same column for the Employee ID business key, but we
have to do that for hashing anyway.) Though not shown on the
diagram, two of the Satellites will always relate to the Hub instances
with numbers, and the other Satellite will always relate to the Hub
instances with alphabetic business keys. The data contents between
the two diagrams (Figure 58 and Figure 59) above are the same, but
we’ve got all of the data for employees (remember, the same
“semantics and grain”) in the one Hub.
I know this example is about employees, but if we move the
conversation to customers, an observation from a recent client site
was that the business was most emphatic that it wanted all customer
data in the same Hub, no ma er what the key values or structures.
At least then they would only have one place to go to as they worked
towards untangling the mess that reflected the reality of their source
Different, overlapping key values
In the previous example, we had the same real-world object (for
example, Alex the employee) with different key values in different
systems – employee number “1”, or Card Hold ID “A”. The business
keys could happily coexist in the same Hub because they could
never overlap. If we look back to the sample data set presented in
Figure 55, and look at the Contract Management system, we see a
new problem. The HR and Payroll systems use numbers 1, 2, and so
on for their employee numbers, and the Contract Management
system uses numbers 1, 2, and so on for their contractor numbers. If
employee number 1 and contractor number 1 represented the same
real-world instance, we could have passive integration, but we don’t
have this simplicity. Employee number 1 represents Alex, but
contractor number 1 represents Brook (who has employee number 2,
not to be confused with contractor number 2 for Dan)!
It’s OK. Each system knows their own numbers, and thankfully the
Contract Management system not only manages its contractor
numbers but also records the associated HR system’s employee
numbers – the foundation for another Same-As Link. (And by the
way, the Access Card system also knows about contractor IDs, too.)
That’s good news, but how do we store this data in our Data Vault?
If we use one Hub with a generic business key of “1”, it’s going to
get ugly if we hang Alex’s HR and Payroll Satellites off business key
“1”, and Brook’s Contractor Satellite off the same Hub instance.
Sure, all three sources that use numbers for their business keys may
share the same “semantics and grain”, but identical key values don’t
represent the same real-world entity, and that’s not a good design.
One horrible solution (that leans towards source system Data Vault)
is to have a new Hub and Satellite just for the one source.

We’re progressively building on the emerging solution. We’ve still

got one Hub for the passively integrated HR and Payroll employee
numbers, and it also manages the non-overlapping alphabetic
business key values for the Access Card system. But we want to keep
the overlapping key values (for example, a business key of “1”)
separate so that we don’t confuse employee number “1” with
contractor ID “1”. We’ve successfully avoided confusion over what
business key “1” means, so that’s good. But again assuming the
business has agreed that contractors and salaried employees mean
the same thing and have the same grain, the business still wants one
employee Hub, so how might we deliver that?
The solution is pre y simple, really. We can add a new column to
the business key to act as a discriminator to identify the source of
the code set, and concatenate it with the raw business key value,
using a separator such as the “|” character. Note that this new
column can be a separate column in the Hub table, with the
concatenation only occurring when we want to hash the business
So now Alex has a business key in the Data Vault for an employee
number of “HR|1” which won’t have a clash of values with Brook’s
contractor ID of “Contractor|1”, and Brook will also have an
employee number of “HR|2”, not to be confused with Dan’s
contractor ID of “Contractor|2”. How easy is that!
Note that I mentioned this new column being the “key source”. In
the introduction to the sample data set, I noted that the HR system
generates its own employee numbers, and that other systems such
as the Payroll system don’t generate their own business key, but
simply reuse the employee number as generated by the HR system.
So even if an instance in the Employee Hub is sourced by a data feed
from the Payroll system, the Payroll system’s key source is the HR
system. If this sounds a bit confusing, let me take another example.
If multiple IT systems use Country Code as a business key, if the
key source for those codes is the United Nations, then that’s the key
source for the country codes, no ma er which source system loaded
countries to the Country Hub.
Multi-part keys
We’re nearly there on ge ing a design to hold all objects of the same
grain and semantics in a single Hub. But there’s one more challenge.
In Figure 55, we introduced Alex, Brook, Chris and Dan as
employees of a state government department. We’ve often referred
to the fire emergency response scenario, so here we go again. The
first four are more traditional “employees”. But in my home state,
we’ve also got a massive volunteer fire brigade. Let’s look at another
four people, this time as volunteers.
Sure, they’re volunteers, but from the perspective of the overarching
organization, they can be seen to be as much “employees” as people
who get paid for the job. For the sake of this exercise, I am going to
presume that they share the same “semantics and grain” criteria
and should belong to the same Hub. But there’s a problem. Their
business key is a multi-part key, made up of four columns – each
volunteer is identified by a Member Number within their local
Brigade, within a District, within a State (we have volunteer fire
fighters across the borders – a wildfire doesn’t politely stop and ask
permission to jump state boundaries). So Dan is member number 1
in the ABC brigade of East Gippsland, Victoria.
If we build a new Hub for the volunteers (for the moment, separated
from what we’ve already constructed because volunteers have a
multi-part key), our Data Vault could look like this:
There is another twist to this story. The person named Dan has a
“day job” within the state government, but the same Dan is also a
weekend volunteer. If we have some soft business rules to identify
that match, we can have a business-rule-generated Same-As Link,
shown here with a do ed line to reflect that it’s not a hard Link
created from raw source data. As in the other cases, the business
wants all “employees” to be held together, so we restructure our
Data Vault.
The Employee ID component of the business keys for the new Hub
instances are a concatenation of the parts of the multi-part key. To
fit in with what we did in the “Different, overlapping key values“
section above, we’ve also still got a key source, nominally
represented as “Volunteer-HR” to suggest the source is the
volunteer organization’s HR system.
Some people have quite valid hesitations about a business key that
holds a concatenation of the parts that make it unique. The major
concern I have heard is the requirement for downstream business
consumers to be able to see each element, clearly and separately
labeled. In the above example, let’s say a query is required to select
all volunteers from East Gippsland (“EGIPPS”)? Sure, we can do
substring stuff, but I agree that it’s easier if each part of the
business key is in its own, named column.
So where do we go from here? First, I like to recognize that in Data
Vault 2.0 where the business key is hashed, there has to be a text
string that concatenates the parts. We have to store the result of the
hashing algorithm, and I feel comfortable also holding the
concatenated text string as well. But that doesn’t solve the issue of
downstream data analysts wanting to see the component parts.
One option I saw proposed was to have the multi-part business keys
held in separate Hubs, as shown in Figure 63, where the Employee
Volunteer HR Hub held details of Volunteer Employees with their
State, District, Brigade, and Member Number key as distinct
columns. To reduce proliferation of Hubs, if another source system
data feed for Employees was discovered to also have a 4-part key, the
idea was that it could also load data into the same 4-part key Hub.
To make it generalized, rather than calling it “Employee Volunteer
HR Hub”, it was suggested it could be named something like
“Employee Hub for 4-Part Business Keys” (or something a bit more
The benefit of this approach was that we had four explicitly named
columns, being State, District, Brigade, and Member Number. But
what if the state police force had a data feed from its Payroll system
with employees identified by (say) Region, District, Station, and
Police Member Number. The meaning of some of the four columns
was different. The suggestion was that it would require its own Hub.
Then we ended up with a Hub called:
“Employee Hub for 4-Part Business Keys – sourced from
Volunteer / HR”
… and a Hub called …
“Employee Hub for 4-Part Business Keys – sourced from Police /
Note that this is starting to look suspiciously like source system
Data Vault for everything but single-part business keys.
And it got worse. So far we’ve got a core, single-part business key
Hub, plus two 4-part business key Hubs (assuming that we don’t
find more 4-part business keys with different meaning for their
columns). But we might also need one or several 2-part business key
Hubs, one or several 3-part business key Hubs, and heaven help us
if we find business keys with more than four parts.
Other options thankfully exist, based around having just one,
central Hub with a concatenated business key, supplemented by
mechanisms to facilitate presentation of their component parts.
Some of the alternatives I have heard discussed include:
Generalized key components in Hubs: This can be as simple as
having columns called Part1, Part2, Part3 … in the Hub. It does
mean queries can be run against the discrete elements of the
business keys, but it doesn’t overcome the problem of different
meaning for each of the columns – for the volunteers, the first
column is State, but for the police force members it is Region.
Specific key components in Hubs: This is a variation on the above,
with hard-coded names for every possible meaning. The benefit is
that we can see exactly the column we need (State, Region, or
whatever), but there is no end to the number of columns that
might be required, with Nulls allowed for all of them.
Key components in Satellites: If we consider a relational table, all
data is held in columns whether it is part of the table’s primary
key or it’s just changeable data. The data values for business keys
could be held in source-specific Satellites. Sure, the business key
values don’t change over time like other Satellite values, but it’s a
place to store the data.
Leave the business key in the foundational Employee Hub as a
single column with concatenated values, but deconstruct the
concatenated business key, using some business rules, and store
the results in a business-centric Data Vault structure.
Whatever approach we choose (including options not listed above), I
highly recommend that we don’t let technical implementation
issues budge us from the business-driven requirement of having
one Hub for any given “semantics and grain” identification, no
ma er what the constructs of the business keys are, or what their
values might be, or how many parts they have in a given business
key. We may need some metadata defined to support our
implementation, but that’s OK. My recommendation, however, is
that whatever approach we choose, we mustn’t compromise the
business fidelity and have multiple Hubs just to try to work around
technical implementation issues. Stay true to the business!
Hubs with more than one business key
In traditional data modeling for a relational database, it’s not
uncommon to identify several candidate keys, where an entity can
be uniquely identified by more than one key. For example, a person
might get identified by their birth certificate number, their passport
number, their tax file number, or possibly one of several other
identifiers. Similarly, a car might be identified by its registration
plate number, it Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), or the engine
number on the engine block. A story challenges some easily made
My wife and I were travelling in the Aussie outback. We were on a
remote track when the engine died. We were carrying enough food
and water to keep us alive for a very boring few weeks, and we also
had an EPIRB – an Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon – so
if we got close to the end of the food supplies and nobody had
wandered down the track, we could press the bu on and wait for a
rescue. Thankfully, it didn’t take too long for Angelo, a worker from
a nearby mine who was checking the water bores in the area, to
discover us. He kindly arranged for our retrieval and transport to the
nearest (!!!) mechanic. That’s the rescue team below. Including the
friendly police:

We had a few days in the mining town, and learned an interesting

fact about their vehicles. The underground vehicles drove on wet-
down surfaces and got caked in slush full of salt and other
chemicals. Their bodies rusted out amazingly quickly – often in less
than one year – but the engines were nearly new, having done very
few kilometers. Vehicles such as Angelo’s were the opposite. They
drove amazingly long distances on the dry, desert tracks. There was
li le if any moisture to cause the body to rust in the dry desert air,
but the engines were old before their time as the vehicles covered
enormous distances. The solution? We grab good engines from the
underground mine vehicles and good bodies from the surface
vehicles, and we’ve got a new car.
But here’s the catch. If we have a Data Vault Hub called Vehicle,
what’s the business key? We can’t use the Registration Number,
because many vehicles at the massive mine aren’t registered for
public road use. So we’re left with Engine Number, or the body’s
VIN. But no ma er which one we pick, what happens when
engine/body swaps occur? If there are a ributes such as number of
cylinders and fuel type, they presumably belong to the engine, and
body color and number of seats belong to the body.
There’s a simple solution that works well for this scenario.
We can have a Hub for the body, with the VIN as the business key.
Its Satellite (not shown here) can record body a ributes such as
color (which can change over time). Similarly we can have a Hub for
the engine, and a Satellite for its a ributes. We complete the design
by having a Link that records the association of a body and an
engine, and if the Link has a Satellite recording the effectivity dates
for the association, we can record when an engine and a body were
“amalgamated” to form a vehicle.

I encountered a similar situation when working on a Data Vault for a

water utility. A water meter has a meter number stamped on it.
Sometimes there are remote read devices a ached to the meter to
allow the meter reader to electronically get a reading without having
to enter a property with a vicious dog guarding the meter! The
remote read device also has a number, which it transits
electronically along with the usage reading.
The one device (a physical meter with an a ached remote read
device) could be seen as having two business keys – the stamped
meter number on the meter, and the electronically visible identifier
for the remote read device. But like with the mine vehicles, the
meter and the remote read device can be separated and paired up in
new combinations. The physical meter can get old and worn out,
and get replaced at the property, but the remote read device is still
at the property. Or the vicious dog can get old and worn out and no
p p y g g
longer be a threat, and the remote read device can be moved to
another meter.
I did initially try to see if I could twist Data Vault a li le to allow one
Hub to have multiple business keys. With the help of a very friendly
and very competent programmer visiting from Ireland, we actually
forced Data Vault to accommodate multiple business keys (well
done, Johnny). But the side effects of my suggested design were not
good, and we returned to tried and true Data Vault standards. We
had a separate Hub for the physical water meter, and another
separate Hub for its associated remote read device, each with one
business key, and associated by a Link.
The conclusion is straightforward. If we have a business entity with
multiple business keys, and especially if the business keys represent
changeable components of the whole, it can be simpler to have
Hubs for each of the component parts. It’s just a pa ern for us to
One final comment. We may encounter literature that is less than
precise on differentiating between a Hub with multiple business
keys, and a Hub where one of its business keys has multiple parts.
Please take care when reading design comments to make sure which
of the two situations the author is referring to.
Business-sourced Hub and Satellite instances
The distinction between Data Vault structures that are raw source-
centric versus business-centric was introduced earlier, as was the
distinction between instances in these Hubs, Links and Satellites
that are sourced from loading of raw data versus being sourced from
the execution of business rules. A few key reminders might be
helpful, though:
The so-called “raw Data Vault” and the “business Data Vault” are
not separate databases, or even physically separate parts of one
Data Vault. The distinction is simple. If the source of an object’s
data is raw data from an operational system, that instance has a
“Record Source” a ribute that references a raw source data feed.
Conversely, if the source of an object’s data is computation
according to a business rule, that instance has a “Record Source”
a ribute that references a business rule.
It is important to note that I said that a Data Vault instance can
have its data come from a raw source or a business rule. I did
not say that a Data Vault table (a Hub, a Link or a Satellite) will
necessarily have all its instances come from just one source
(raw or business). That is likely to be true for Satellites, but not
always for Hubs (or Links). For example, some instances in the
same Hub can come from raw source “A”, others from raw
source “B”, and yes, some instances might be generated by a
business rule. It is the individual instances (or rows if you like)
that get classified as raw or business. Of course, if all of the
instances can only ever come from one of these sources, you
may choose to classify the whole Hub, Link or Satellite as raw
or business, but that is a derived classification.
Business-sourced instances can be physically stored (for example,
as a table in a relational database), or they can be virtual (such as
a view).
By default, the design structure of Hubs in a Data Vault should be
based on a business perceptions (from the enterprise data model,
or an “enterprise ontology” if we prefer). This is true whether the
instances in the Hub are created from raw source system data or
from business rules.
Using business rules to populate instances in Satellites
Some of the most common business-centric structures in a Data
Vault are “conformed” Satellites that hold values constructed
selectively from several other Satellites from disparate sources
and/or from derived values. We might remember the Data Vault
Hub and Satellites we looked at earlier for Fire Trucks? Let’s look at
how we can use source-centric data to assemble some computed
values be er suited for downstream consumption.
On the left, we’ve got the source-centric Data Vault Satellites for Fire
Trucks – one Satellite populated from the Fleet Management source
system, and the other populated from the Shared Resource Pool
system. Some people may classify them as being part of the “raw”
Data Vault because (1) they are structured to reflect source-system
a ributes, and (2) they are populated from source system feeds,
with the Record Source recording the precise source feed.
On the right, we’ve got a new Satellite that I have called the Fire
Truck “Business” Satellite. Its structure is business-centric - the
names of the a ributes reflect what the business wants to call them,
not necessarily what they were named in source systems. It also is
populated based on business rules, and hence many might label it
as being part of the “business” Data Vault. Again please note that it
is not in a separate database – it is just another artefact in the Data
Vault that just happens to be business-centric in its structure, and
with the Record Source a ribute holding something like “System
Generated” (or even the specific Business Rule used to generate the
Remember that for any given Fire Truck in the Hub, there may be:
values for that fire truck in only the Fleet Management Satellite,
values for that fire truck in only the Shared Resource Pool
Satellite, or
values for that fire truck presented by both source systems.
Let’s look at some of the a ributes in the “Business” Satellite above,
and consider how we might populate those “business” a ributes:
Vehicle Type: There is a matching a ribute in the Fleet
Management system’s Satellite. It can be used directly if the fire
truck has values in the Fleet Management Satellite.
Body Type: There is a matching a ribute in the Shared Resource
Pool system’s Satellite. It can be used directly if the fire truck has
values in the Shared Resource Pool Satellite. This is exactly the
same logic as for the Vehicle Type a ribute above, other than the
values come from the other source-centric Satellite.
Liters (of) Water: This one’s a bit more interesting.
Firstly, there is no a ribute of the same name in either source-
centric Satellite, but the good news is that the business
confirms that the Water Tank Capacity and Water Tank Size in
the respective source-centric Satellites both carry values related
to how much water the fire truck carries.
There’s a minor issue, though. While the value from the Water
Tank Capacity a ribute can be used directly because its unit-of-
measure is liters, the value from the Water Tank Size a ribute
is recorded in imperial (UK) gallons and must be converted by
multiplying its value by the constant “4.55”.
There’s one more consideration. For any given fire truck, there
might be values in both source-centric Satellites. If so, which
one is to be used, especially if they disagree? Again, the
business provides guidance, directing that they trust the Fleet
Management system’s values more, and they are to be used if
there is a clash. If we look back to the sample data provided for
Fire Truck CCC-333 in the tables earlier in this chapter, they
appear to hold contradictory values. But as a light-hearted
comment, perhaps they do mean the same thing - a measure of
450 Liters (roughly) equates to 100 imperial (UK) Gallons!
Liters (of) Fuel: This is relatively simple. The values exist in the
Fleet Management system’s Fuel Tank Capacity a ribute, even
though it uses a different a ribute name.
Fuel Efficiency, in Liters per 100 kilometers: This is another
simple mapping from the Shared Resource Pool system’s
a ribute of the same name.
Range: Ah, now, here’s a challenge. We can’t find any a ributes,
even with a different name, that look like what we want. Again
the business comes to our rescue. From the Liters (of) Fuel
a ribute above and the Fuel Efficiency a ribute above, we can
compute the vehicle’s theoretical driving range; the larger the
tank size, and the be er the fuel efficiency, the greater the
vehicle’s range.
Source-centric Satellite instances are created every time a source
system feed presents different values to the Data Vault. The triggers
for creation of business-centric Satellite instances may, for example,
be based on either the creation of a relevant source-centric Data
Vault Satellite instance, or perhaps computed nightly to see what
has changed.
That’s a bit of a worked example from an earlier scenario on Fire
Trucks. If we apply the same principles to the more recent scenario
for Employees, we might end up with the model in Figure 67.
The comments are similar. We’ve got a business-centric Data Vault
Satellite, generated from business rules such as renaming Salary to
Pay Rate, selectively grabbing Name from whatever Satellite is more
trusted, and so on.
Using business rules to populate instances in Hubs
Many people who have developed data warehouses will be familiar
with the idea of “conformed” data. I suspect some will more quickly
feel comfortable with a conformed Satellite, where a melting pot of
data from all sorts of sources is pulled together to create a single,
consistent business-centric view. But now let’s add a “conformed
Hub” to our Employee scenario, where likewise we have Hub
instances from several sources but we want to pull the melting pot
of instance data together in a more consumable form.
Hub instances can be created not only as a result of loading data
from raw source, but also as a result of the execution of business
rules. Let’s start with the fire truck example from earlier in this
Instances in the Fire Truck Hub had been created as the result of
processing source system feeds from the Fleet Management system
and the Shared Resource Pool system. The “grain” of the involved
parts is the same – Fire Truck. The business concept is a Fire Truck,
the business key is a Fire Truck Number, and the two source system
feeds provide data about Fire Trucks. Life’s simple.

Along comes another source data feed, this time from the Resource
Management system. It handles a whole heap of Resources that can
be deployed to an emergency event such as a fire. This might
include water pumps, generators, bull dozers, chainsaws, and lots
more, including fire trucks! This means that (logically) the Resource
entity is a supertype, and Fire Truck is one of its subtypes. As a
source system data feed, it has a different grain. If we follow the
pa ern we used for Fire Trucks, we might end up with a Hub and
Satellite like that below.
The Satellite has been included in part to represent those more-
common a ributes such as Make, Model, and Year of Manufacture,
but the important reason for including it is to show the “Resource
Type” a ribute that classifies Resource instances as a Generator, a
Bulldozer, or whatever. There may also be other Satellites (not
shown) that may hold specialized a ributes peculiar to very specific
types of assets.
Now the challenge. We’ve got Fire Truck instances in the Fire Truck
Hub, and also in the Resource Hub. What do we do? Here’s one
approach, and it’s pre y simple:
1. We continue to load data into the Fire Truck Hub from source
system feeds at the grain of Fire Truck – these are the Fleet
Management system, and the Shared Resource Pool system
feed. This is a load of raw source data.
2. We also load data into the Resource Hub from the source
system that feeds at the grain of Resource – the Resource
Management system feed. This also is a load of raw source
3. We then have a business rule whose pseudo code is something
a. If the Resource Type in the Resource Hub’s Common
a ributes Satellite is “FT” for Fire Truck, present the
Resource Hub’s Resource Code (for example, “CCC-333”) to
the Fire Truck Hub as a Registration Number.
b. If the presented Registration Number hasn’t yet been
loaded to the Fire Truck Hub, it is loaded as we would for
any Hub load!
Note: Just to reiterate, this is a load where the Record Source
records a business rule as the source, not a raw source system. Now
we have instances in the Fire Truck Hub that are “raw”, and some
instances in the same Hub that are “business”! We can’t say that the
Fire Truck Hub itself is a “raw Data Vault” table, nor can we say it is
a “business Data Vault” table. Instead, we note that instances in the
Fire Truck Hub can be either raw or business.
Of course, there may be business rules to get Satellite data across
from the Asset to the Fire Truck as well, but those principles have
been covered in the preceding section.
That’s one example of having business rules relating to Hub
instances, where there are conflicting levels of “grain” (supertype /
subtype) across different source feeds. Another common example
relates to consolidation of Same-As Links. Sometimes Same-As
Links identify accidental duplicates in the same source – one of my
clients had customers who deliberately tried to have new customer
records created so they could avoid the consequences of unpaid
debts under their earlier customer identity! Other times, different
source systems create instances using different business keys, but
the Same-As Links record that the same real-world entity is known
by different key values across multiple systems.
Whatever the reason for ending up with multiple Hub instances that
represent the same real-world entity, the business may well ask that
the duplicates be logically consolidated before being consumed.
Please note that I stress the consolidation is logical, not physical.
The duplicates, with all of their history, are still retained as raw
source loads to the Data Vault. It’s just that business rules are used
to give the impression that there is only one Hub instance for every
real-world employee (or customer, or …).
Our data is now much be er prepared for consumption by the end
users, which after all is our primary goal.

Well-formed Links versus “ugly” Links

When we set out to design Hubs, we wanted to hear from the
business about their business concepts, their business keys, and
their hierarchies of types. When designing Links, we are again well
advised to go to the business and ask them about the relationships
between their core concepts, rather than having our thinking
constrained by constructs in the source systems.
The Links the business wants to see for downstream analysis are
typically founded on these fundamental business-centric
relationships. If we’re half lucky, the raw data as supplied to the
Data Vault may directly reflect those business object relationships.
For example, we might get a data feed that is a simple declaration
that a certain employee is the account manager for a certain
customer. There are two Hubs (employee and customer), and a
simple Link. However, it’s more than likely we will get plenty of data
feeds that capture complex events or transactions, and the data may
be far from normalized. Before it can be consumed by end users, it
may need quite a bit of transformation, including untangling the
implied relationships. It’s interesting that some end users of this
data may also want to see the raw transactions as posted. Either way,
we simply can’t tackle mapping from the raw source data to any
enterprise view without having first defined the enterprise view, and
thought about how it might map to Hubs, and Links!
When the business and systems views happen to align
We’ve had a few scenarios to look at so far for the design of Hubs.
We’ve looked at Resources, especially Fire Trucks. We’ve also looked
at Emergency Events, including Fires and Floods. And we’ve spent
quite a bit of time looking at Employees. In one form or another,
we’ve designed Hubs for all of those subject areas, solidly founded
on what the business had decided is the right level. That’s a really
good start. Next we need to “link” them together, starting with Fires
and Employees.
When we talked to the business people about assigning employees
to emergencies, we heard two things. Firstly, the Human Resources
(HR) department can be approached to release employees into a
pool of available resources for a particular fire. Maybe they’ve been
asked for one logistics officer, two bulldozer drivers, and three
firefighters. They talk to candidate employees, and one by one
release them to the fire. The screen they use in the HR operational
system might look something like this:
I call this the “push” scenario. A resource from head office is
pushed out into the front line’s resource pool.
Now we look at a second scenario. Instead of pushing resources into
the pool, an administrative officer working on the wildfire response
thinks of particular people he/she would like assigned, and uses
his/her screen to log specific requests to pull the nominated people
from head office into the wildfire’s resource pool.

Interestingly, it’s really the same data structure in both cases, even
though sourced from two separate operational systems. Nominate
an employee (one Hub), nominate a wildfire (another Hub), provide
some date and percent assignment details, and the transaction is
completed. The enterprise data model takes a holistic view, not a
source system view, and represents both source-centric scenarios as
one Resource Pool Assignment relationship:
If you recall, we chose to design the Data Vault Hubs at the Wildfire
and Flood level of granularity rather than at the Emergency Event
supertype level. We have taken the relationship that an Employee
can be assigned to an Emergency Event, and pushed that supertype
relationship down to become a more specialized relationship
involving the Wildfire subtype as a Hub. Leaving aside the Data
Vault a ributes for things like load dates, source systems, and hash
keys, a Data Vault model, including Satellites on the Links, might
look like this:

Note that the Hubs are a direct reflection of how the business sees
their core concepts, and that this particular Link is likewise aligned
to how the business sees their core data relationships. If only it were
always that easy!
When life is a bit more complex
In the real world, and in operation systems, events occur and
transactions are executed. Each event or transaction can involve
many business objects. Something as common as a sales transaction
can involve the customer, the store, the employee, and of course,
If the source system is nicely normalized, and if we have Change
Data Capture (CDC) turned on in the source system’s database, we
might be presented with lots of tight li le feeds to represent the one
sales transaction. For example, the allocation of a salesperson to a
store might be triggered by a Human Resources event, and only
refer to two Hubs – the salesperson (an employee), and the store
(another Hub). A totally separate feed might associate the order to
the customer, and yet another set of individual feeds might
associate individual line items to products. That simplicity,
especially if each part aligns with agreed business relationships
between business objects, was presented in the section above.
Now the harsh reality. Many data feeds triggered by events or
transactions in the operational systems deliver data that is not
“normalized”. Each data feed can reference many Hubs (Customer,
Store, Employee, and Product). That’s just one example. Another
typical example might be an extract from a source system where
multiple joins across multiple tables have been performed to get a
flat extract file. Let’s work through an example related to the
Resource Pool Assignment scenario presented in the “When the
business and systems views happen to align“ section above, but
taken from the view of timesheet transactions.
Let’s start with the nice, clean enterprise data model view.
We’ve already seen the assignment of Employees to Emergency
Events. Now we can see the idea that large chunks of work called
Jobs are done in response to an emergency. These Jobs are broken
down into smaller pieces of work, known as Tasks. Timesheets are
filled in for Employees working on the Tasks, and signed by other
Employees to authorize payment for work done. Each Timesheet
Entry (a line on the timesheet) refers to a specific Task the Employee
worked on at the nominated time.
An extract from a hypothetical timesheet transaction file follows.
We could try to “normalize” the input on the way into the Data Vault,
breaking it into the relationships represented by the enterprise data
model. There are implied relationships between emergency events
and their jobs, between those jobs and the smaller tasks they
contain, and so on. But notice the highlighted bits of the third row.
Maybe these implied relationships may contain bad data. Does the
Emergency Event Wildfire WF111 really contain tasks prefixed with
Job WF222?
This overly simple example carries a message. If we’ve got
transactions coming into the Data Vault that are not normalized
(and hence may reference lots of Hubs), it might be be er to create a
Link & Link Satellite for storing a faithful, auditable copy of the
incoming raw transaction.
The model below holds source-centric Data Vault values. From there
we can generate more information as business-centric Data Vault
objects – read on.
Business-sourced Data Vault Link and Satellite instances
For the baseline shown in Figure 77 above, we can go on to use
business rules to populate business-structured Data Vault Links that
represent the enterprise data model’s fundamental business
relationships, as shown (logically) in Figure 75. These might include
the Wildfire-to-Job Link and the Job-to-Task Link, with Satellites as
appropriate. We might also be able to imply the Employee-Assigned
To-Wildfire Link? And could we (should we) create a Timesheet
Hub, implied by all of the timesheet transactions sharing common
All of these are possibilities we might want to discuss with the
business. Here’s another one: what if the business later decides that
Jobs and Tasks are really the same thing, a bit like Dan Linstedt and
Michael Olschimke’s example of an aircraft engine,[31] and the
engine’s parts (turbine, compressor …) all being just items in the
Part Hub. Now we would have one consolidated Hub. Can we
populate that Hub from this data? Of course we can. Change the
business rules and we’re off and running.

What if we get it wrong?

We have been advocating that we design our Data Vault based
around the enterprise data model. We want a single cohesive view.
That’s a great theory, but what if we get the enterprise data model
design wrong? Isn’t that a serious risk? Aren’t we pu ing all our
eggs in one basket? The answer is that the risk is not as high as it
may appear.
1. The fundamentals of an enterprise data model are unlikely to
radically change unless the business profoundly changes, as
may be true when companies merge. By designing the Data
Vault around the business rather than around technology, we
start with greater stability. Sure, there will be some business
changes, but when they do happen, there are two more saving
2. If the enterprise data model upon which the Data Vault is
based is itself constructed using data model pa erns, these
pa erns have been proven again and again to be resilient to
change. Len Silverston calls them “universal” data model
pa erns because of their ability to be applied widely. If you
want to read more about data model pa erns, David Hay’s
books[32] [33] and Len Silverston’s books[34] [35] [36] are on my
recommendation shortlist.
3. Data Vault, by its very nature, is more adaptable to change. I
recommend reading Dan Linstedt and Michael Olschimke’s
book, “Building a Scalable Data Warehouse with Data Vault
2.0”[37] for hints on accommodating change.
Designing and building a Data Vault is a process. A business-centric
design, based on pa erns, can reasonably be expected to be closer to
the mark from the outset, but it won’t be perfect, and even it if was,
we need a process for when things in the real world change. Let’s
look deeper at the last bullet point above on the inherent
adaptability of Data Vault, starting with a business view of
Emergency Events.
The hierarchy shows a snippet from the enterprise data model, with
Emergency Event having subtypes of Wildfire (further subtyped into
Forest Fire and Grass Fire), and Flood (with River Flood and
Tsunami as its subtypes). As described in “Finding the sweet spot“,
discussions are held with the business, and the circled subtypes are
chosen for implementation as Data Vault Hubs.
That decision stands for quite some time, but a subsequent decision
is made that the two Hubs, River Flood and Tsunami, were too fine
grained and should now be just one Flood Hub. And while we’re at
it, our decision on the Wildfire Hub has gone the other way. We now
want to abandon it and instead have two Hubs, one for Forest Fire
and one for Grass Fire.
What do we do? Let’s start with the combining of the River Flood
and Tsunami:
Create the one new Flood Hub.
Redefine the mapping of the incoming data feeds to point to the
new Hub rather than the old pair of Hubs, and start loading to it
from now on.
We actually don’t need to do anything with the historic data
against the old pair of Hubs. Their Satellites won’t change in the
future as the mapping now directs future feeds to the single
Flood Hub.
Using business rules, we can consolidate the data from the two
old Hubs (and their Satellites), merging their two historically
separated views with the new single Hub and its Satellites.
The important thing to note is we don’t try to change history. We
used to load to the River Flood and Tsunami Hubs; now we leave
them untouched as a faithful record of the past. All we do is present
a new business-centered view of the data as if for all time it had
been loaded to the Flood Hub.
Now let’s consider the spli ing of the Wildfire Hub to create a
Forest Fire Hub and a Grass Fire Hub. Our actions follow a similar
pa ern. Our tasks are:
Create the two new Forest Fire and Grass Fire Hubs.
Redefine the mapping of the incoming data feeds to point to the
two new Hubs rather than the one old Hub, and start loading to
them from now on.
In a manner similar to the combining of the River Flood and
Tsunami Hubs, for spli ing the Wildfire Hub we again don’t need
to do anything to the historic data historically held against the old
single of Wildfire Hub; its Satellite won’t change as the mapping
now directs future feeds to the pair of Forest Fire and Grass Fire
Using business rules, we can split data from the single old
Wildfire Hub (and its Satellites), merging its historically single
view with the two new Hubs (& their Satellites).
Too easy! But remember, while Data Vault is architected to be
flexible, taking such changes on board is made easier by having the
design conversations based around the overarching enterprise data
Chapter 5
Task #3: Map Your Source Systems to the Data
Vault Design

We’ve looked at a case study involving Fire Trucks assigned to Fires.

That nice li le example may be helpful as an introduction to Data
Vault, but it has two huge, gaping holes:
1. It looks at sourcing data for the Data Vault from a single
operational system. Arguably one of the most important duties
for a Data Vault is to facilitate integration of data from
multiple sources. This chapter presents the mechanics of
loading data into a Data Vault, and then describes “Task #3” by
presenting guidelines for mapping raw source data into the
Data Vault.
2. It talks of ge ing data into a Data Vault, but ignores an
essential aspect behind the existence of a Data Vault – ge ing
data assembled for easy consumption by business people,
which is where the Data Vault needs to focus if it’s going to be
applauded for delivery of tangible value to the business. The
mechanisms for using “business rules” to transform data are
addressed as part of the next chapter, “Task #4”.

Understanding Data Vault by understanding data

Perhaps it’s a bit like peeling an onion – we can learn about how
Data Vault works one layer at a time. We’ve looked at the raw
building blocks of Data Vault. We now will reinforce that earlier
learning, but importantly we will go further and look at the
interaction of multiple sources of potentially conflicting data,
considering how data from multiple sources gets stored in the raw
Data Vault, and how the sometimes inconsistent values are resolved
by applying business rules to generate new instances in the Data
This section is a bit labored. It aims to offer a view into the internal
workings of the Data Vault engine, and to do so takes a scenario and
simulates the resultant database contents. If that’s the way you like
to learn, by lifting the lid and seeing what’s happing under the
bonnet, please read on. For others, this might be something you are
happy to skip. I simply want to give you a choice for a deeper dive if
it will assist.
The case study expanded
This time, we’ve got two operational source systems that provide
source data feeds to the Data Vault, and we’re going to walk through
some explicit source data samples, simulating the act of loading
them to the Hubs, Links, and Satellites.
The first source is the Fleet Management system. It records the
vehicles owned or leased by the emergency response organization.
These vehicles include fire trucks, of course, but also included are
vehicles such as the company cars driven by senior management.
The second source system is the Shared Resource Pool system. In
my home state, we have government funded emergency response
organizations. We also have a volunteer fire brigade, resourced by
magnificent men and women who not only freely give their time to
protect the community, but they also put their lives at risk, for us.
When it comes to responding to a wildfire, it’s all hands to the
pumps (literally sometimes). For accountability and decision-
making purposes, there are clear lines as to which organization is in
charge of the emergency response, but for the sake of this example,
resources such as fire trucks can be seen as belonging to a shared
pool of resources, available for deployment to the most needy
Then there are other companies who have their own localized fire
response resources. For example, out in our west we have massive
plantations of pine forests. These forestry companies may choose to
make their limited resources available for the common good. It is
be er for the community to have a fire stopped 20 kilometers from
the plantation, and believe me, it’s be er for the plantation
company to stop the fire well before it gets to the edge of their land.
And finally, there are private individuals who sign up to have their
equipment made available if required. Yes, that may include fire
trucks from individual farmers, but it goes much further than just
fire trucks. I had a fire escape route cut through trees on my own
place. Phil, the bulldozer driver, has often made his dozer available
for emergency response support, but it can get pre y scary. One
time winds changed suddenly, and he had to quickly clear away
flammable vegetation on a tiny patch of land, then hide behind the
dozer’s massive blade to protect himself from being killed. He
survived, but this is just one of many stories I could share of the
brave people behind the simple concept of a Shared Resource Pool
The Fleet Management system includes more than just Fire Trucks,
as does the Shared Resource Pool, but we will limit the scenario
below just to Fire Trucks for simplicity.
Figure 80 above highlights how separate source system data feeds
can share data subject areas, but not necessarily with a 100%
overlap; if we’ve got two systems holding information about fire
trucks, not all fire trucks known in one system will necessarily be
known in the other. The Fleet Management system might include
fire trucks that, at a point in time, aren’t also in the Shared Resource
Pool system because they’re not yet ready for deployment at a fire.
Maybe they still need to be fi ed with special purpose radios, and
have their roof numbers painted. Or maybe they are actually ready
for deployment, and the Fleet Management system fire trucks should
have also been loaded into the Shared Resource Pool system, but the
process to synchronize the systems has failed and certain fire trucks
are only known in the Fleet Management system.
Conversely, the Shared Resource Pool system will have fire trucks
that have been loaded but that are not known in the Fleet
Management system, if for no other reason than these shared
resource fire trucks are owned by another organization and will
never be entered into the prime organization’s Fleet Management
That’s set the scene. Now let’s carefully go through some
hypothetical data that will expose the next layer of understanding
behind a Data Vault solution, by simulating the code for loading the
data, and looking at the tables’ contents after the load.
Populating Hubs
We go back to where we started, with a Hub for Fire Trucks.

Now we’ve also got some sample data we want to load to the Fire
Truck Hub. We begin with sample data from the Fleet Management
system. It is a simple extract of all of the rows in the source system’s
table. On January 1st, there are only two fire trucks in the entire Fleet
Management system. The extract looks like this:

The logic, or pseudo code, for loading any Hub goes something like
this for each consecutive row read from the source:
If the Business Key (in this case, the Registration Number of the
Fire Truck) does not already exist in the target Hub, create an
instance in the Hub with the sourced Business Key
Else (if the Business Key already exists in the target Hub), do
nothing with this row
Note that for loading the Fire Truck Hub, only the Registration
Number is considered; the other data a ributes will come into play
when we consider Satellites, but for now we can ignore them.
Pre y simple?
Additional data is provided during the load, such as:
A computed Hash Key, using the Business Key as input to the
hashing algorithm (for the sake of simplicity in this case study,
the source text string is shown instead of the long and complex
hash result).
Load Date / Time (again for the sake of simplicity, the values only
capture hours and minutes, but not seconds, let alone decimal
parts of seconds).
A code to represent the Record Source (again simplified in this
example to the code FM/FT to represent the Fleet Management
system’s Fire Truck extract).
In this case study hypothetical, the Data Vault (and hence the Fire
Truck Hub table) was empty before the load process was run,
therefore every Registration Number in the source system must
cause the creation of a new instance in the Hub table. The resultant
contents in the Fire Truck Hub might now look as follows:

Easy so far? Now we come to the second day. The full extract from
the source data feed looks like the following (with some of the more
interesting entries highlighted):

Fire Truck AAA-111 has had no changes; the pseudo code will say
that the Business Key already exists in the Hub, so there is no
action required.
Fire Truck BBB-222 has had its Fuel Tank Capacity changed from
55 to 60. This can be expected to result in some action in a related
Satellite, but the pseudo code for the Hub only looks at the
Business Key, BBB-222, which already exists in the Hub, so again
there is no action required.
Fire Truck CCC-333 is new. The pseudo code notes that the
Business Key does not exist, so will add it.
The resultant contents in the Fire Truck Hub might now look as
follows, with the entry for Fire Truck CCC-333 showing it was loaded
to the Data Vault on January 2nd at 1:00am:

Note that the Load Date / Time for Fire Truck AAA-111 records the
“first seen” timestamp of January 1st; it is not updated to record the
fact it was later seen again on January 2nd.
OK, so we’ve performed a few Hub loads from one source system.
How do things change when we introduce a second source? Let’s
look at a data feed from the Shared Resource Pool system we spoke
about earlier. A full extract on January 2nd holds the following

Let’s note that, as described in the case study introduction, there are
partial overlaps in the Fire Trucks represented by the two systems.
Fire Trucks AAA-111 and BBB-222 are in the Fleet Management
system, but have not (yet) been made available for deployment
via the Shared Resource Pool system.
Fire Truck CCC-333 is in the Fleet Management system and in the
Shared Resource Pool system.
Fire Truck DDD-444 may be a privately owned farmer’s fire truck.
It is available in the Shared Resource Pool system, but because it
is not owned or leased by the corporation, it will never appear in
the Fleet Management system.
Let’s think back to the pseudo code for loading a Hub. Even though
Fire Truck CCC-333 is presented to the Data Vault by a different
system, the Business Key already exists and no action is required.
Fire Truck DDD-444 has not yet been seen by the Data Vault, and it
is loaded. If the load time on January 2nd was 1:00am for the Fleet
Management system, and 2:00am for the Shared Resource Pool
system, the Fire Truck Hub might now look like:
Note that the Record Source for the Fire Truck DDD-444 is “POOL”
(a code for the Shared Resource Pool system).
Now here’s a trick question. What difference, if any, might be
observed if the load sequence on January 2nd was reversed, with the
Shared Resource Pool loading first at 1:00am and the Fleet
Management system loading afterwards at 2:00am? The answer is

When the Shared Resource Pool load was executed at 1:00am, Fire
Truck CCC-333 did not exist, so would have been created. In this
variation, the “First Seen” information for Fire Truck CCC-333 would
note that the “First Seen” Record Source was “POOL” rather than
Populating a Hub’s Satellites
Hubs are at the very heart of business-centric integration. If
multiple sources hold data about the same “thing”, all of their data
values are held in Satellites that hang off the one central, shared
The “good practice” default design is to have (at least) one separate
Satellite for each source data feed. I say “at least one” because
sometimes a Satellite is split further, for example to move a ributes
with frequently changing values into their own Satellite. But for the
sake of simplicity, we will look a bit deeper into how population of
Satellites works with one Satellite per source.
We’ve already seen some sample data, but it’s repeated here for
convenience, starting with the data that was used to commence the
population of the Fire Truck Hub.

When we used this data to create rows in the Fire Truck Hub, we
were only interested in the business key values from the
Registration Number column. Now the focus shifts to the current
values for the Fire Truck’s other a ributes. We need a Satellite to
hold them.
The logic, or pseudo code, for loading any Satellite against a Hub
goes something like this for each consecutive row read from the
If a ribute values in the source load are different from what’s
already on file for the Business Key (either because the values
have changed since the last load, or because it’s the first load and
there’s nothing there yet!), create a row in the Satellite.
Else (if the same data values as are found in the source load
already exist in the Satellite for the current Business Key), do
nothing with this row
Again, the logic is pre y simple, and as for Hubs, we record the
Load Date / Time and the Record Source to aid in auditing. Note
that the Load Date / Time is part of the Satellite’s Primary Key, so
we end up with snapshots of the data values each time any of the
values presented to the Data Vault change.
Though not shown here, one of the optional extras for a Satellite
table is a Hash Difference a ribute. The pre-processing in the
Staging Area can calculate a hash value across the entire
combination of values (in this case, the Vehicle Type plus the Fuel
Tank Capacity plus the Water Tank Capacity as a single text string). If
this is stored in the Satellite, next time a new source row comes in
(also with its hash value), instead of comparing every a ribute to see
if anything has changed, comparing the hash value as a single
a ribute achieves the same result.
The Fire Truck Satellite for data sourced from the Fleet Management
system was empty before the first day’s processing began, but will
now look like this:
That was not too challenging – no data existed prior to the load, so
the “first seen” values are simply created. Now things get a li le bit
more interesting as we load the second day’s data. Again for
convenience, the second day’s data from the Fleet Management
system is repeated here:

Let’s think through the logic of the pseudo code for each row.
Fire Truck AAA-111 has had no changes. The pseudo code will
conclude that all of the data a ribute values for Business Key
AAA-111 already exist in the Satellite, so no action is required.
Fire Truck BBB-222 has had its Fuel Tank Capacity changed from
55 to 60. The pseudo code will note that at least one value has
changed, so will write a new row to the Satellite table.
Fire Truck CCC-333 is new. The pseudo code notes that the data
a ribute values have changed (because none existed before!), so
will create a new Satellite row.
The resultant contents in the Fire Truck Satellite for data sourced
from the Fleet Management system might now look as follows. Note
that there are two rows for Fire Truck BBB-222, one being the initial
snapshot on January 1st, the other being the more recent snapshot
on January 2nd, with one data value (Fuel Tank Capacity) changed
from 55 to 60.

When we looked at loading Hubs, we deliberately introduced a data

feed from a second source. A repeated copy of the sample data

When we load Hubs, the data instances can overlap. For example,
Fire Truck CCC-333 is known in both systems. However, when we
load Satellites, if we follow the guidelines and we define a separate
Satellite for each source data feed, life is simpler. Our data model
might look like the model in Figure 83.
Loading the data sourced from the Shared Resource Pool system to
its Fire Truck Satellite would result in the following:
It is worth noting that the types of a ributes held about fire trucks
are different between the two systems, and even where they appear
to be the same, they can have different names for the a ributes.
Many practitioners suggest that the a ributes in a Satellite loaded
from a raw source data feed should align with data structures in the
source systems rather than use the more business-friendly names
we would hope to see in business-centric Data Vault Satellite
structures. Two arguments I have encountered for this approach
that I think have real merit are:
1. Easier traceability of data back to the source systems (though
this should also be achievable by other data mapping
2. Support for data consumers who already have familiarity with
source system data structures.
Populating Links
You might remember the skeleton Data Vault model we presented
earlier for the introductory case study? When the Satellites are
removed, it looked like:

We’ve been loading Hubs and their Satellites for Fire Trucks. Let’s
assume we have likewise been loading Hubs and their Satellites for
Fires. To bring the two Hubs together, we now need to load the Fire-
Truck-Assigned-To-Fire Link.
In the hypothetical case study, there are two ways an assignment of
a Fire Truck to a Fire can occur.
The first method is driven by a logistics officer at the Fire itself. He
or she sees a need, and submits a request to acquire a Fire Truck
from the shared resource pool. They try to “pull” a resource from
the pool so that they can put the fire truck under their direct control.
Their data entry screen might look something like:
In this case, the logistic officer has requested the assignment of Fire
Truck CCC-333 to the Fire WF123, starting from February 2nd, with
the assignment to be indefinite.
(For my northern hemisphere friends, please remember that February is in
our Australian summertime. The most recent fire that put my own house
at risk was one February when it reached 46 degrees Celsius, or 115
degrees Fahrenheit. And that was in the shade!)
You may remember that the source data for populating the Fire
Truck’s Hub had lots of data in addition to the Registration Number
business key, but for a Hub, we were only interested in the business
key, because the a ribute values were managed by the Hub’s
Satellites. We’ve got a similar scenario here. The assignment
transaction provides two business keys (Fire Truck CCC-333 and Fire
WF123), and also two contextual data a ributes (a “From” date and
a “To” date), but for populating the Link, we only need the
participating business keys; the a ribute values are managed by the
Link’s Satellites.
To spotlight some of the flexibility of a Data Vault, while we had
nightly batch loads populating the Fire Truck Hub, let’s assume the
resource assignment function needs to be much more dynamic. The
sample screen above could be a web-based screen, with the service
running on top of an enterprise service bus, in real time. If the
operation represented by Figure 85 were to execute at 12:33 on
February 2nd, with an almost immediate load into the Data Vault, the
resultant Fire-Truck-Assigned-To-Fire Link could look like:

Just as a refresher on the use of hash keys:

Instead of storing the actual business key of “CCC-333” for the
Fire Truck participating in this Link, we store its hash key value.
This is a Foreign Key that points directly to the Fire Truck Hub
that contains a row for Fire Truck CCC-333, identified via
whatever is its long hashed value.
Similarly, instead of storing “WF123” for the participating Fire,
we store its Foreign Key which is also a hash value.
Last but not least, we have the Primary Key for the Link itself. In
business terms, the Link is identified by combining the business
keys of all participating Hubs. We could represent the Fire Truck
+ Fire resultant text string as “CCC-333|WF123”. We then pretend
the hashing algorithm takes this text string and spits out some
meaningless hash value, which we use as the internal
representation of the Primary Key for the Link.
Now to finish off commenting on the contents of this Link instance:
The hypothetical that says that the Record Source for this Link is
code ER/RA, representing the Emergency Response system’s
Resource Acquisition function.
The real-time transaction occurred at 12:33, and the Load Date
Time for the arrival of this data into the Data Vault was one
minute later, at 12:34. In reality, the latency can be mere seconds.
We’ve looked at one of the real-time functions. It “pulls” resources
from the Shared Resource Pool into the control of those managing
the fire. Our second hypothetical method for resource acquisition is
driven by a resource manager responsible for the shared resource
pool. He or she hears of a Fire that’s escalating, and sometimes
proactively releases one of the Fire Trucks for use by the fire crew.
He or she “pushes” one of their nominated resources out to the Fire.
A possible representation of their screen follows:

In this hypothetical, the resource manager has assigned Fire Truck

CCC-333 to the Fire WF123, starting from February 2nd, but with a
maximum assignment period, ending on April 4th. This action is
performed at 13:57, a bit over an hour after the request had come
from the logistics officer belonging to the fire management team.
One thing you may have picked up from the two screen snapshots in
Figure 85 and Figure 86 is that they both refer to exactly the same
business keys. Maybe the Fire Truck and the Fire a ributes appear
in a different order on the screen, and the person doing the data
entry has a very different “push” versus “pull” view of their world,
but at the end of the day, either way Fire Truck CCC-333 gets
assigned to a Fire WF123.
You may recall that for Hubs, each Hub instance stores details of
“first seen” information; it records the Record Source of the first
source to present the business key to the Hub, and any other
subsequent sources presenting the same business key are ignored.
In this scenario, the Link instance likewise stores details of “first
seen” information; it records the Record Source of the first source to
present the set of business keys to the Link, and any other
subsequent sources presenting the same set of business key are
ignored. The pseudo code for loading Links is very similar to the
pseudo code for Hubs. It goes something like this:
If the set of Business Keys (in this case, the Registration Number
of the Fire Truck plus the Fire Reference Number for the Fire),
represented by a hash key computation, does not already exist in
the target Link, create an instance in the Link with the sourced set
of Business Keys
Else (if the set of Business Keys already exists in the target Link),
do nothing with this row.
It follows that if the operation represented by Figure 85 were to
execute first (and also at the same time of 12:34), the results would
be the same other than with a Record Source code of (say) POOL/RR,
representing the Shared Resource Pool system’s Resource Request
Populating a Link’s Satellites
There are some differences of opinion within the Data Vault
community on the topic of Satellites for Links, but most if not all
accept at least the use of Satellites that record effective periods for
the relationship, and for now we will restrict discussions on Link
Satellites to this safer ground. Remembering that Satellites, whether
for a Hub or a Link, are typically split by source system data feed, we
want one Fire-Truck-Assigned-To-Fire Link for the relationship
between Fire Trucks and Fires, plus one Satellite for the assignment
details when sourced from the Shared Resource Pool’s Resource
Release function, and another Satellite for the assignment details
when sourced from the Emergency Response system’s Resource
Acquisition function.
We’ve already looked at the first assignment transaction, depicted in
Figure 85. It resulted in the creation of the Link instance as shown in
Figure 87. What we now need is a snapshot of the data values at a
point in time captured in the Satellite.
The Satellite we want to populate as shown on the Data Vault model
in Figure 87 above is the Satellite whose name includes “ERRA”, a
short-form code indicating its data values are sourced from the
Emergency Response system’s Resource Acquisition function. As
part of the loading of this very first assignment transaction, we end
up with the following:
An hour later, we also add the first row to the Satellite whose name
includes “Pool RR”, a short-form code indicating it data values are
sourced from the Shared Resource Pool system’s Resource Release
function. It is for the same Link, but has different values in its
a ributes – the requestor wanted an indefinite assignment, but the
Resource Pool’s manager said they could have it from today, but
only until April 4th rather than indefinitely.

The two Satellites hold different data that reflects what may be a
conflict in the real world as to when the Fire Truck’s assignment
ends, but they faithfully hold the facts as presented by the source
system. That’s good. The Data Vault is now positioned to expose any
apparent inconsistencies, and action can be taken to resolve the
disagreements if required.
We now roll the clock forward. A month later, on March 3rd there’s a
new fire, WF456. In response, the manager responsible for the
Shared Resource Pool makes several decisions:
1. The large Fire Truck, CCC-333, with a highly experienced crew,
is reassigned from Fire WF123 and handed over to the new
threat, WF456. This action has two parts:
a. The assignment of Fire Truck CCC-333 to WF123 was
intended to be up until April 4th, but the assignment is cut
short, effective immediately.
b. The formal assignment of Fire Truck CCC-333 to WF456 is
also made.
2. To backfill at the mopping up action for the original Fire,
WF123, a smaller Fire Truck, DDD-444 is assigned to that Fire.
The resultant assignment transactions are loaded to the Data Vault:

Note that the first row is an historic record of the original

assignment of CCC-333 to WF123, and that the second row
effectively replaces it with updated information. Also note that, over
time, Fire WF123 has more than one Fire Truck assigned to it, and
likewise, the one Fire Truck CCC-333 is, over time, assigned to more
than one Fire. This is a simple example of the many-to-many nature
of Links.

Some other data load considerations

Extracts versus Change Data Capture (CDC)
Many of the above examples were based on a full extract of all of the
data from the nominated source system, every time. That’s safe and
simple, but it’s not necessarily efficient. Some organizations I have
consulted to have had more than ten million customers. If one
hundred new customers have been added today, we’re processing
10,000,100 rows just to add 100 in the Customer Hub. Data Vault is
robust, and doesn’t care if we present information it already knows
about; it just ignores us! But are there more efficient ways?
Without going into lots of technical details, I will briefly explain two
common approaches we may consider.
One approach is to play spot-the-difference in the staging area
(“delta” processing), and only pass on to the Data Vault load
whatever has changed. The staging area still has to process large
volumes, but at least the Data Vault load job is smaller. And we can
possibly share the Staging Area workload around a few servers.
Another approach is to turn on Change Data Capture (CDC), or
similar, in our source system’s database. The database engine can
observe inserts, updates, and deletes of rows in nominated tables,
and inform the Staging Area of just things that have really changed.
That can work well if our relational database management system
supports CDC, if it’s an affordable feature (some database vendors
charge extra for CDC), and if the data we want to present to our Data
Vault maps nicely to just one source system table. If not, we may go
back to full snapshots, maybe with some pre-processing in the
Staging Area.
Restarting the load
Finally, before leaving the topic of loading data into a Data Vault,
there’s the topic of restarting a load job that has failed to finish
successfully. If none of the data presented to the Data Vault for
processing was successfully loaded, it’s like running the load job for
the first time. If all of the data was actually successfully processed,
but we just think the job failed, re-running the load will see no
changes needing to be applied, and the a empted re-load will do no
harm, even if we run it a hundred times! And if some data had been
processed and some hadn’t been, the bits that were processed will
be ignored the second time through, and the bits that got missed
will get successfully applied. Data Vault really is robust.
Doing the source-to-Data Vault mapping
Now we’ve had a closer look at the internal mechanics of a Data
Vault as it loads raw data from a source system feed, let’s look at the
essence of Task #3 – mapping source data to the Data Vault.
We start by taking a snippet from the example of conveyancing
(buying and selling of properties). A purchaser need to borrow
some money, and the business view of the Data Vault design looks
something like the following.

Now let’s assume we have a source data feed from the Loan
Management operational system. It might look something like the

If we mentally identify the business concepts and business keys, we

can mark up the source data feed with “BK” (business key) tags.
Before we go any further, we can map the source feed to the Data
Vault Hubs. Assuming we’ve got some tools to take our mapping
and generate code, we’ve already got enough to drive the population
of Hub instances.

Next we note that the two Hubs identified by the business also have
a Link identified by the business as a fundamental “business
relationship”. We are in luck. The raw source has the same level of
“grain” – the business-centric Link relates to two Hubs, and the raw
source data feed also relates to the same two Hubs. It is not always
so, but in this hand-picked example, we can map the raw source feed
directly to a business-centric Link.

Now we’ve got some data in the raw source that needs to go in a
Satellite somewhere. We’ve already designed a “business-centric”
Satellite for the Loan Hub, called the Loan Conformed Satellite. If
we could guarantee that the Loan Hub was only ever going to be fed
from one source, maybe we could treat the Conformed Satellite as if
it were the Satellite from a single source. However, we expect that
the Loan Hub will have data coming in from multiple sources, with
each source being given its own source-specific Satellite, so we
design a new Satellite just for the “LMgt” (Loan Management)
source, as shown in “Figure 93: Mapping raw data to a Satellite”.
Though not shown in Figure 93, we would do likewise for a Satellite
holding the Credit Rating a ribute, hanging off the Purchase Hub.
It’s nice when life is simple, but it’s not always that way. If you’ve
ever bought or sold a house, there’s the exciting day when
“se lement” occurs (see Figure 94). And it can be pre y
complicated. Behind the scenes, you’ve got the buyer (“Purchaser”)
and the seller (“Vendor”). At the table, you might have the legal
representatives for each of these two parties, and maybe their two
banks. The vendor might reference a mortgage to be discharged,
and the purchaser might reference a new mortgage to be registered.
Then at the center is the land title being transferred. And maybe the
purchaser’s mum and dad as guarantors for the loan, and on and on.

It’s no wonder that there are times se lements “fall over” on the
day because some small but vital part doesn’t line up. A subset of
this complexity is presented below, where a source system data feed
has been marked up with Business Key (BK) tags.
In this feed alone, there are nine business keys identified. If we try
to find a Link to match, you may hear people refer to a Link with a
“grain” of nine. Realistically, the chances of finding a business-
centric Link that perfectly matches are low. The solution? One
approach we can adopt is to create a source-centric Link (with a
Satellite) that matches the event / transaction being presented to us
for mapping.
The diagram is detailed, ugly, and hard to read. But the message is
simple. If the business had already identified the Se lement
transaction as a business concept with its own business key, it may
have modelled Se lement as a Hub. But in this scenario, we have no
such luck. Se lement is merely a transaction with no business key,
and so it’s a Link, tied to a multitude of Hubs.
We’ve captured the data, and that’s good. But we may want to map
some of the data to objects that are more business centric. For
example, maybe the Loan Amount should be in a Satellite hanging
off the Loan Hub, and maybe we want to record the business
relationship between the Loan and the Purchaser in the business-
centric Loan Customer Link. How do we do this? By using business
rules to do some transformation of data. Please read on.
Chapter 6
Task #4: Using Business Rules to Close the Top-
Down / Bottom-Up Gap

Business rules, and the “Transformation” bit

You may well be familiar with the concept of ETL – Extract,
Transform, Load. In the introductory section of this book titled “A
bit of data warehouse history”, there was a very brief mention that in
the Data Vault world, we flip the order around and do ELT – Extract,
Load (into the so-called “raw Data Vault”), then Transform (by
applying soft business rules to create business-centric Data Vault
The business-centric Data Vault objects require business rules that
are tailored according to the mandate of the business people. Some
simple examples were provided in “Business-sourced Hub and
Satellite instances“, especially in the text following “Figure 66:
Business Satellite for the Fire Truck Hub“. Examples shown there
included renaming a ributes, choosing between two candidate
sources for a value, and computing derived values (converting
gallons of water to liters of water, and computing how far a fire truck
can travel based on its fuel efficiency and the size of its fuel tank). A
wider use of the concept of business rules includes things like
decision tables, and this approach may also be required in some
The business rules are often first expressed in natural language
(English for many I interact with) by people from the business
themselves, and then turned into executable code. The code will
often be SQL operating against a relational database, so the natural
language expression might be interpreted by SQL developers; this
interpretation has the possibility of things being lost in the
Be er still is if the business folk can enter the rules directly
themselves. I’ve encountered “business” people whose skill with
SQL outshines the capabilities of many IT professionals. They could
happily express their business rules directly in code.
A half-way house might be a tool that offers click-&-point facilities
something like the ability within Microsoft Access to create a query
visually, while at the same time, under the covers, formulating SQL.
Failing that, it’s probably back to swivel-chair translation of free text
business rules into executable code, based on the best efforts of
programmers to interpret the sometimes imprecise expressions by
the business.
One comment here that’s vital. If we want end-to-end traceability of
data lineage, from business query results right back through the
Data Vault to source systems, we need to manage these business
rules. And that includes keeping history of past rules that produced
past results.
The business-rule sourced Data Vault instances can include data in
Hubs, Links, and Satellites (plus things like Point-In-Time tables
and Bridge tables that are explained in the section aptly titled
“Point-In-Time (PIT) and Bridge tables”). Let’s look at a scenario we
can use to show how these various elements can interact.
We take a hypothetical bank, and look at how it manages risk.
We start with something that might surprise you – a “country” is a
Hub, not a reference data set. There’s a separate section on
modelling “Reference data” a bit later, but for now we want to
model country as its own regular Hub. This is because it’s got a lot
more data than just a “code-&-description” reference construct. In
particular, it has a number of a ributes that record aspects of
perceived “risk” against that country. For example, right now there
are some countries where the geo-political situation is more than a
li le shaky. Lending money secured by housing in such countries
certainly carries risk.
The hypothetical presents two source systems that provide customer
data for loading into the Customer Hub, and its Satellites – a Billing
system, and a Marketing system. One would expect the Satellites
against the Customer Hub to be split by system, and they are.
We also have a Hub for Loan (sourced from a Contract system and a
Billing system), and a Hub for Account (sourced from a Finance
system and a Billing system). In this model, a Loan is the agreement
(a “contract” entered into by the participating parties), and the
Account is the mechanism for holding the current balance of money
owed. And of course, we have appropriate Links between these
Hubs. Now let’s add some Point-In-Time (PIT) and Bridge tables,
plus some simple “conformed” Satellites.
The samples for the Point-In-Time (PIT) tables and the Bridge table
are pre y straightforward. Note that the lines with arrow-heads
show how data that already exists in one or several Data Vault
objects is used as input in building new Data Vault instances. For
example, the time-stamps on instances in the Customer Billing
Satellite and the Customer Marketing Satellite are essential input
into creating the Customer Point-In-Time (PIT) table’s instances.
Similarly, the hash key values in the Customer, Loan and Account
Hubs, plus their associated Links, are essential data values in
building the Customer-to-Loan-to-Account Bridge.
The conformed Satellites are also quite simple – some business rules
might, for example, rename some a ributes, and consolidate values
when two source systems provide conflicting perspectives. Note:
The Country Hub has only one Satellite, and the decision was
made that a PIT table wasn’t warranted.
The Bridge table spans the relationships between three Hubs –
the Customers, Loans, and Accounts.
The Loan and Account Hubs each have a simple PIT table and a
Conformed Satellite.
The Customer Hub has two conformed Satellites, one focusing on
a ributes related to the customer’s address, and another focused
on personal a ributes.
These first four conformed Satellites “belong” to their parent Hubs.
Lines to show the relationship to their “parents” are not shown.
Instead, arrowheads are shown to demonstrate how, in this case, the
PIT tables are used to efficiently identify the Satellites that need to
be consolidated (“conformed”) at a point-in-time.
Now let’s look at some additional layers in the business-rule
sourced Data Vault.
We want to assemble a Satellite that evaluates information about the
loan risk for a customer, based on a combination of factors relating
to the customer themselves and their country of residence. We
create a new Customer Address Risk Satellite for this purpose. The
business rules look at data from the customer’s Address Conformed
Satellite, and using the Customer-To-Country Link to locate the
associated Country Hub, the business rules also look at a ributes in
the Country Risk Management Satellite. Some complex algorithms
are applied to the collected data, and new a ributes such as an
address-based risk score are computed.
Likewise, we want to assemble a new Customer Personal Risk
Satellite for information that looks at the loan’s risk from the
perspective of the individual customer, separate from the address-
based considerations mentioned in the preceding paragraph. This
time, the Customer Personal Conformed Satellite has all of the
information needed for the algorithms.
Now we want to focus just on the customer’s loan and account
information. We are grateful that the Customer-to-Loan-to-Account
Bridge has provided the associations we need between customers,
their accounts, and their loans. Using that Bridge for navigation, and
then using the Loan Conformed and Account Conformed Satellites,
we again apply some fancy algorithms to compute values for the
Customer Credit Risk Satellite.
It’s interesting to note that Data Vault instances created by business
rules can have the business rules operate directly on raw sourced-
generated Data Vault instances, but can also use the results from
other business-rule generated Data Vault instances. In this scenario,
the bank wants an overall customer risk computation, and it uses
the three other risk computations (as held in the Customer Address
Risk Satellite, the Customer Personal Risk Satellite, and the
Customer Credit Risk Satellite) to generate values in the Customer
Overall Risk Satellite!
The computation of this final score may be hugely complex, but I
have simplified it for this scenario by making baby-steps in the
business-rule generated Data Vault instances. Though not shown, I
have ensured traceability via the data lineage. The final twist in this
scenario is that some algorithms in end-user analytics tools may
execute using the rich data from the Data Vault, and store their
results which can then become another raw source system for
feeding back into the Data Vault!

Applying business rules to “close the gap”

If we think back to the example in Task #3’s description on “Doing
the source-to-Data Vault mapping”, you may recall that we had
loaded a complex “Se lement” transaction. To hold the data, we had
created a Se lement Link with its associated Se lement Satellite.
We may want to create a simple Satellite directly on the Loan Hub to
hold the Loan Amount a ribute as recorded in the Se lement
transaction. Likewise, we may want to untangle the complex Link
and simply record the Loan-to-Customer Link. Let’s look at the
diagram below.
The diagram has the original source data objects circled.
The business rules really aren’t that complicated.
For the Loan Se lement Satellite, we take the instance in the
Se lement Satellite, grab its Loan Amount value, and populate the
Loan Se lement Satellite that belongs to the Loan Hub related to
the Se lement Link.
For the population of the Loan-to-Customer Link, we go to the
Se lement Link, determine its associated Loan Hub and Purchaser
Hub, and use this data to populate the Loan Customer Link.
Too easy?
The point is that if we’ve designed the Data Vault in a top-down
manner, the final closing-the-gaps tasks can be relatively simple.
Compare this to a bo om-up approach where maybe 50 Purchaser
Hubs exist, one per source, each with one Satellite. Let’s say we’ve
then got 40 Loan Hubs. And then goodness knows how many Loan-
to-Customer links spanning all sorts of relationships between 50
Purchaser Hubs and 40 Loan Hubs. Then you need business rules to
consolidate all of this. That’s hard. And that’s why I strongly
endorse Dan’s position to drive the Data Vault design from the
perspective of the enterprise ontology!
Chapter 7
Tying Off a Few Data Vault Loose Ends

A quick glance at some more advanced topics

The basic building blocks for a Data Vault have a delightful elegance
– there are just Hubs, Links, and Satellites. I love the pa ern. But
within this simplicity there are many variations. Perhaps one could
compare Data Vault to Lego® bricks. The Lego I first encountered
some years ago had a few limited sizes, and a few colors, and that
was it, yet there was enormous potential to create all sorts of
Data Vault, too, has several recognized ways of pu ing together the
basic building blocks. A few are mentioned below, but there are
more. I do encourage you to buy the books, a end the courses and
conferences, and participate in forums. This Data Vault primer is
most definitely not intended to replace any such formal knowledge
acquisition. But the following topics may prove to be helpful in
building your foundations for Data Vault success.
Hierarchical Links
In traditional data modeling, we encounter self-referencing
relationships, where a Foreign Key points to the Primary Key of
another row in the same table.
A simple example might be a table of Employees, with Employee
Number as the Primary Key. Each Employee (other than the most
senior “boss”) may identify their manager by using their manager’s
Employee Number in a Foreign Key relationship. [Some might
argue that the employment hierarchy should involve an Employee
table and a Position table, but that’s a separate topic. For the sake of
introducing Hierarchical Links in Data Vault, I am choosing to
present a simpler model.]
Another example might be an Organization Unit table, where
individual Organization Units reference another Organization Unit
to which it “belongs”.
The Data Vault equivalent of these operational system self-
referencing relationships is a Link known commonly as a
“hierarchical” Link. In almost every aspect it really is just an
ordinary Link, but with each instance in a hierarchical Link pointing
to two Hub instances in the same Hub table, for example an
Employee Hub instance for a subordinate and an Employee Hub
instance for the related manager.

Same-As Links
One commonly quoted usage of a Same-As Link is to associate
multiple customer instances in a Customer Hub that actually
represent the same real-world customer. Maybe a few years ago Sam
Smith dealt with the company, using Customer Number Cust123.
Now, some years later, Sam turns up again and starts buying. The
“correct” process may be to recognize Sam as the same person, and
get them to use the old Customer Number, but the process breaks
and Sam gets a new Customer Number Cust456.
The Data Vault ends up with history for purportedly two separate
customers. Subsequently, a cleanup initiative involving the source
systems spots the duplication, or maybe an operator identifies and
records the duplication. We don’t want to rewrite history by merging
data in the Data Vault. That breaks the trust in its audit trail. So
what do we do? It’s simple. We create a Same-As Link that has two
Foreign Key relationships, one to point to the “old” Customer
Number, and one to point to the “new” Customer Number.

Reference data
Often our IT systems have what many call “reference data”.
Examples could include a collection of country codes and names, a
collection of order status codes and names, or a collection of
employee gender codes and names. There are a variety of ways to
manage reference data within a Data Vault. Let’s begin the
discussion by looking at an example from a banking scenario. In the
operational system, we’ve got Customers, and they are classified
according to some Customer Type reference data. A simple
reference table could look like this:
We’ve already decided that the Customer from the operational
system is to be loaded to a Data Vault Hub. But where do we load
the Customer Type reference data?
One of the first questions to ask is whether or not the history of
changes is to be kept. We could use the data structure from the
above operational table structure directly in our Data Vault if we
only want the current values for a given code. As an alternative, if we
want our Data Vault to hold the history of slowly changing values in
our reference table, the following table structure might do the trick.
Each time a Customer Type Name or Description changes, we can
add a new row holding a snapshot of the new values, while retaining
the previous values, too.

Maybe Country is another reference set for customers, recording

their country of residence. In this scenario for the bank, let’s assume
that Country is not just a simple code-&-description reference data
set. Instead, it is its own business concept with a recognized
business key, and its own rich set of a ributes, including recording
the currency for each country, a geopolitical classification, a
perceived risk of lending to customers in that country, whether or
not the bank’s head office recognizes political sanctions on trading
with that country, and more. In such a case, maybe “country” could
be seen as a Hub in its own right, especially if it has its own rich set
of relationships with other Hubs.
The below diagram shows both scenarios. Country is modeled as a
completely standard Data Vault Hub-&-Satellite structure, with a
Link associating it to the Customer Hub. In contrast, the Customer
Type Code a ribute in the Customer’s Satellite holds just the code,
and this can be joined to the identical code in the Customer Type

Two things are to be noted:

1. The Customer Type table can be assumed to be a table within
the database that also holds the Data Vault Hub, Link and
Satellite tables, even though it does not follow the Data Vault
2. The do ed line does not represent a Foreign Key relationship
defined within the database. It is a logical construct – the codes
can be joined, and perhaps we may wish to create a relational
view involving these codes, but in a Data Vault’s Satellite we
most definitely do not want a Foreign Key definition, let alone
a empt to enforce referential integrity. The reason for this is
we don’t want to have expectations on what codes are “valid”,
and have “invalid” codes rejected. Let’s take an example. Let’s
say we have Customer Types of Manufacturer, Bank, and
Retailer defined in our reference table. If we load a customer
nominated as having a Customer Type of Primary Producer, if
we enforced rejection of invalid records, that one would not get
through. We don’t want the record rejected (in this case
because our reference data is incomplete). Codes can arrive in
the Satellite that don’t have a matching code in the reference
table, and that’s OK – it is just a representation of reality.
There’s another variation that is commonly practiced. The Customer
Type table can be replaced by a Hub-&-Satellite pair. As shown in
the diagram, it is not connected by a formal Data Vault Link (it’s
now become an “unconnected” Hub) but it has the advantage of
having all the standard Data Vault mechanisms for data loading and
recording audit trails.
The baseline functionality of a Data Vault is great for capturing
inserts into source system databases. A new Fire Truck is created,
and it goes into a Hub. A new relationship between Fire Truck and a
Fire is created, and it gets loaded into a Link, and any a ributes
describing these new instances get loaded into appropriate
The baseline functionality of a Data Vault is also great for capturing
updates as they occur in source system databases. The changes are
reflected by new rows in the affected Satellites.
But deletions? If a Fire Truck is deleted in an operational system, how
does a Data Vault respond? A bare-bones, minimalistic Data Vault
will do nothing, but don’t get concerned – there are features within
Data Vault for recording such activities if we need them.
Before we go any further, let’s see if we can get some clarity about
so-called “deletions”. Some of the variations that may be of interest
to us are listed below.
1. There can be physical deletions at a database level. We’ve got a
Fire Truck table, and one of the Fire Trucks has been sold, so
perhaps we simply delete its record.
2. There can be logical deletions within an application. If an
Employee terminates, we are unlikely to physically delete their
record straight away, but instead we might record their
Termination Date.
3. Within a Data Vault environment, the Staging Area can be set
up to keep a record of what things were seen at the time of the
previous full-snapshot load, and what things are seen in the
latest full-snapshot load. For example, yesterday’s batch load
of Employees had 10,000 rows. Today’s load has 10,005 rows. At
first glance, that looks like we’ve got five new employees, but
instead maybe we’ve got seven new employees, and two that
we saw yesterday weren’t included in today’s extract. They are
“No Longer Seen” – a form of implied deletion.
Now let’s immediately get one misconception out of the way. If we
know something has been deleted in a source, we don’t try to mimic
that action in our Data Vault. Data Vault architecture is intended to
be “insert only”. We insert new Hub and Link instances to represent
new business objects and new business relationships or new
transactions. We insert new Satellite rows to represent observed
updates. But if a deletion occurs back in the source system, we don’t
delete the history for those things from the Data Vault. What we can
do is insert some data so that we can keep a record of the fact that a
“deletion” has been occurred.
There’s one other foundational ma er regarding “deletions” that
needs to be communicated. Any perceived “deletion” is a
perception told to the Data Vault from a nominated source.
Independent of the type of deletion (logical, physical, no longer
seen), each and every source system can inform us of their different
perceptions, at different times. The Human Resources system can,
for example, tell us that an employee has been logically deleted on
Monday by se ing a termination date for last Friday. The Payroll
system might inform us a year later of the termination, after the
lucky ex-employee has received a year’s pay without doing any work!
Then the source system for managing building access to employees
has a different view, as does the system for managing computer
network logins.
How is this separation of perceptions managed in the Data Vault?
It’s simple, really, and it’s handled by Satellites. The recommended
practice for Satellites hanging off a Hub (or Link) is that each source
has its own Satellite. If we’ve got four sources of Employee
information, we can expect at least four Satellites to be hanging off
the Employee Hub. Let’s look quickly at the three types of
“deletions” noted in the bullet list above.
Logical deletions such as an employee’s termination date are
recorded in data, along with all sorts of other a ributes. The dates
can be put in an ordinary Satellite along with the other a ributes, or
if we like, we can split the Satellite out to create a so-called
“Effectivity Satellite”. Either way, it’s just data from a source system
feed ending up in a regular Satellite.
Physical deletions can be identified by mechanisms such as Change
Data Capture (CDC) on a source system’s relational table. If we
physically delete a row for an Employee from a system responsible
for recording building access permissions, that action may be
captured by the database CDC mechanism. If we subsequently
expose the CDC results to the Data Vault, we can record the precise
moment in time when the deletion occurred. Data Vaults can use
what is called a “Status Tracking Satellite” to capture not only
physical deletes, but also physical inserts and updates. Some CDC
mechanisms even offer the ability to capture the details for each
time a row is read!
No-Longer-Seen observations also have a standard Data Vault
mechanism, known as a “Record Tracking Satellite”.
Status Tracking Satellites, Record Tracking Satellites, and Effectivity
Satellites all have different structures. Some people may prefer a
single structure to record “deletions”. This can be achieved as
Instead of Status Tracking Satellites, a simple solution is to let the
Staging Area do some pre-processing to change the structure (not
the content) of the incoming data feed, and flip it around so that a
Status Code and a Status Date are supplied as simple data to be
loaded into a Satellite just like any other Satellite.
Instead of Record Tracking Satellites, the Staging Area which is
already responsible for detecting changes between successive full
extracts, can go one step further and create a Status Code and a
Status Date in a similar structure to that used by the replacement
for Status Tracking Satellites above.
For Effectivity Satellites, we keep the standard Data Vault
mechanism for handing the effective-from and effective to dates.
If we make the Staging Area work a bit harder, as described above,
we could present different types of “deletions” in one standard data
structure. We could go one step further and put all these “deletion”
tracking milestones into one physical Satellite, even if they come
from different sources. If we actually implemented the Tracking
Satellites this way, there would problems. Standard Satellite update
mechanisms simply wouldn’t work with (1) multiple source data
feeds populating the one Satellite, and (2) even for one source data
feed, having the data presented in a Name/Value Pair construct. It is
not what I am suggesting. (Instead, I recommend one Tracking
Satellite per source, with appropriately named specific columns.)
However, for the sake of simple presentation in the worked example
that follows, the data is presented as if all new data is added to the
single, shared Tracking Satellite. Let’s look at an example.
There are only perhaps a dozen single-row data feeds, so the
scenario isn’t too vast, but it has some interesting and subtle twists
and turns. I encourage you to carefully follow the story as it unfolds.
The details are a bit technical. If you are happy with the standard
Data Vault mechanisms of Status Tracking Satellites, Record
Tracking Satellites, and Effectivity Satellites, please read up on them
in Dan and Michael’s book.[38] However, if you have struggled with
these basic building blocks and are looking for another way, there’s
an alternative presented below. Either way, the following scenario
will still be helpful to understand how these things fit together, even
though the data structure presented below is the simplified one
used to hold all types of deletions in a single form.
Also note that while the focus of this section is on capturing
“deletions”, we could use the same mechanism to capture
“insertions” by source system (as compared to the single-source
“first seen” Data Vault dates and times). This can assist in
constructing a whole-of-life view for nominated objects (Hubs or
Links) in the Data Vault. Like with “deletions”, these “insertions”
can capture logical insertions (via an Effective Start Date a ribute),
physical insertions (by using CDC records), and First-Seen
insertions based on comparison of consecutive full batch extracts as
seen in the Staging Area.
The worked example starts with a person successfully being
accepted for a 9-month engagement. Some hard-working individual
in the Human Resources (HR) department comes in on New Years’
Day (Monday January 1st), and loads the details for the expected new
employee into their HR system. Employee Number 111 is assigned,
and an intended start date of Monday January 8th is entered.
The Data Vault Satellite to capture this new employee’s dates is
shown below, followed by an explanation of how the data got
assembled. For the sake of brevity, date-&-time stamps are
abbreviated to just month and day.

A batch job fires up a bit after midnight each night to take a full
snapshot extract from the HR system. The Staging Area persists a
copy of “active last time” Employee Numbers. Its pre-processing
function for this batch noted that Employee 111 wasn’t in the last
extract, but is now. It generated a row of data for loading to the Data
Vault with a Status Code of “First Seen Date”, and its own Staging
Area run date-&-time to declare that Employee 111 was first seen by
the Staging Area at 1:00am on Tuesday January 2nd.
The intended Start Date for Employee 111 is just a piece of data that
can be mapped to a Satellite. The Staging Area’s pre-processing
simply assigns a Status Code of “Effective Start Date”. No End Date
is nominated for the Employee, so the logic simply ignores a NULL
value and does nothing in the way of generating an “Effective End
Date” row.
After loading a new instance in the Employee Hub (a given), we also
added rows to our special shared-records Satellite.
Now we swing our a ention to the source system that issues passes
to permit access to buildings. Instead of using a batch job for a full
extract, this system runs on a database with the ability to generated
Change Data Capture rows. The HR system had created a record for
the new employee a week ahead of the expected start date. The
person responsible for creating new building access passes normally
waits until a new employee actually turns up on their first day. The
source system then, by default, issues cards for six months from the
actual date of the card’s creation. The Effective From and Effective
To dates are generated and stored.
However, the person who issues cards is taking Monday off, so
instead creates the access card ahead of time, on the Friday, and
forgets to override the Effective From date, giving the impression
that the new employee actually commenced on Friday the 5th. It’s a
data quality mistake, but one that the Data Vault will faithfully
record. On Friday January 5th, a new row is created in the Building
Access system, and a CDC “insert” row is automatically generated
by the CDC mechanism. Again we look at the Data Vault results,
and then discuss them in more detail.
The Staging Area pre-processing function generates a row of data
for loading to the Data Vault with a Status Code of “CDC Physical
Insert”, and the precise date and time, to a fraction of a second (not
shown), when the physical insert actually took place in the source
system. The Staging Area pre-processing also generates rows for the
Effective From and Effective To dates.
Most employees like to get paid, but that doesn’t usually happen on
day 1 of their employment. While company policy is to get the HR
records loaded before the new employee arrives, and to create the
building access card on their arrival, creation of the Payroll records
can wait a bit. On Tuesday January 9th, the Payroll records are
created, and exposed to the Staging Area early the next morning,
Wednesday January 10th. Just like the HR system, a full extract is
provided as a batch job. Like the HR system, the “First Seen Date” is
generated, as is the “Effective Start Date”, matching that of the HR
system. The Payroll worker also provided an “Effective To Date” of
Monday October 8th to reflect the 9-month employment contract.

Now the drama begins. Things haven’t worked out as expected in

the relationship between the organization and the worker. The
planned 9-month contract is being cut short. On Friday February
2nd, notice is given of premature termination, with an end date in a
few weeks (February 23rd). This information is loaded into the HR
system, which in turn is loaded to the Data Vault on Monday
February 5th.

In the turmoil of the unexpected departure, nobody thought to tell

Payroll what was happening. The employee may no longer be active
in the HR system, but is very much active in the Payroll system!
They have continued to pay the ex-employee. It’s now July, in the
new financial year.
The logic in the “full” batch extract of HR records isn’t actually a full
extract. The extraction code says that if we’re in a new financial year,
and an ex-employee was terminated in the previous financial year,
exclude them from the extract. This is a beautiful example of one of
the differences between a physical delete and “no longer seen”. As
of the first working day in the new financial year (Monday July 2nd),
Employee 111 is still in the HR system, but not in the extract file.
When the file hits the Staging Areas and the business key
comparison is performed, 111 is “no longer seen”, with the
implication it may have been deleted.

A Data Vault is capable of executing business rules. Let’s assume

that one very valuable rule is to generate an alert when a person has
disappeared from view in the HR system but appears to be still
active in the Payroll system. It is discovered on Tuesday 3rd July that
in fact the ex-employee has continued to be paid since termination
in February. Oops! Amongst other things, their Termination Date in
the Payroll system is set after-the-fact back to February 23rd, and this
information is loaded into the Data Vault early the following

Another belated action is taken, this time by the Building Access

system. The record for Employee 111 is physically deleted on Friday
July 6th. They could have first updated the End Date, but if the
record is being deleted, who cares.

If the scenario above seems a bit complicated, sadly it is a direct

reflection of the complexity that sometimes occurs in the real world.
So here’s a bit of good news. When the real-world systems disagree
as to the “facts”, the Data Vault is well positioned to contribute to
the resolution of data quality problems observed in source systems.
There’s another bit of good news. As noted earlier, the mechanisms
put in place for tracking “deletions” can also track “insertions”,
contributing to the building up of a picture of entity life cycle, as
seen by multiple source systems with sometimes conflicting
perspectives. This feature hasn’t been shown in the example, but it
would be easy to add.
And the last bit of good news is that the three pa erns described in
this section (logical inserts/deletes, physical inserts/deletes, and
first-seen/no-longer-seen), while requiring three separate bits of
code, are a pa ern for reuse across all Hub and Links, not just
Employees as highlighted in this scenario.
Point-In-Time (PIT) and Bridge tables
Dan Linstedt has commented that Point-In-Time (PIT) tables and
Bridge tables are “… the two most misunderstood, and misused, and
misapplied modeling techniques in the Data Vault landscape today.”[39]
He elsewhere also stresses the value of these artifacts, especially to
assist with simplicity and response time performance of queries for
downstream users. So they’re important, but what do they look like?
Let’s start with PIT tables. I’ve come across people who really
struggle to understand or explain them, but the fundamentals really
aren’t that hard to grasp.
We’ll paint a hypothetical picture. Chris is an employee of Acme.
The Data Vault has an Employee Hub, with two of the source
systems being the Payroll system and the Human Resources (HR)
system. The Hub has Satellites not only split by source system, but
also by general topic and/or expected rate of change for the a ribute
values. A snippet of the Satellites and their values over time for
Chris follows.
The first Satellite is from the Payroll system, and holds “Personal”
slowly changing a ributes such as Date-Of-Birth, Gender, Country-
Of-Birth, and Name. Date-Of-Birth may never change unless a data
entry mistake was made. Gender may change, but the Data Vault
modeler does not expected this to be a frequent change. Country-Of-
Birth may possibly change if the country itself changes name, but
again this won’t be frequent. Finally, the Name a ribute is expected
to have occasional but infrequent changes for some employees. For
the sake of simplicity, it is assumed that the only a ribute in this set
that changes for Chris is the Name, and this is the only a ribute
shown in the sample for the Payroll-sourced “Personal” Satellite.
The other Payroll Satellite holds many payroll “Rate” a ributes such
as frequency of pay (weekly or fortnightly), bank account details,
grade and weekly pay rate. Chris, and all of the employees, hope
that the pay rate is a frequently changing a ribute! Again, only a
subset of these a ributes are shown in the table above.
Similarly, the Human Resource system’s data feed is split, this time
into three Satellites, with some of the a ributes shown.
Let’s walk through the timeline.
At the start of 2001, Chris joins Acme. On his first day (1/1/2001),
the Hub instance is created, along with values in all of the HR and
Payroll Satellites.
In February 2002, Chris gets a new mobile phone, and instead of
transferring the old number to the new phone, gets a new mobile
phone number. A new row is created in the HR / Phone Satellite.
Note that, as is true of all Satellites, the unchanged values (in this
case, the Home phone number for Chris) are captured in the new
March 2003 brings some good news – Chris gets a pay rise,
moving from $1,111 per week to $1,222 per week. Only the Payroll-
sourced “Rate” Satellite is needed to record this change.
April 2004 comes around – time for another new mobile!
May 2005 is another milestone for Chris, with completion of the
Masters’ degree in Engineering, recorded in the HR-sourced
“Personal” Satellite.
… and the new qualification pays off. In June 2006 Chris gets a
promotion from General Maintenance work to a Consultant
Engineering role. This also means a regrading from 2 to 3, and a
pay rise to $1,333. And to celebrate, why not get a brand new
mobile phone? Several Satellites capture this happy scenario.
July 2007 brings another major change, this time personal. Chris
gets married and chooses to take the spouse’ family name,
recorded in both the Payroll system and the HR system. The new
matrimonial arrangement means Chris has shifted, and has a new
Home phone number.
August 2008 brings another pay rise.
Unfortunately, the marriage doesn’t work out. Chis moves out
(resulting in a new Home phone number), and reverts to the birth
family name, which is recorded in the Payroll system but not
updated in the HR system.
Now we get downstream users who want to submit queries.
Someone wants to compare the situation as at end of June this year
(2009), for all employees. But focusing just on Chris, what is Chris’
Name (according to both systems), Grade, Weekly Pay, Education,
Job Title, Home phone and Mobile phone as at that date?
When we look at the point-in-time line through the Satellite values,
we can easily see the answer. But the code for finding the active
Satellites at a given point-in-time can be a li le trickier. So what if
we construct that code, execute it, and store the results? We could
hold all of the actual a ribute values (Name = C. Jones, Grade = 3
…), but to avoid a bloated data set, a baseline Point-In-Time table
instead holds the set of foreign keys that point to the Satellites that
were active at the point-in-time.
That’s one example, based on a query for end of June, 2009. Maybe
we might want to keep PIT rows for the end of every financial year,
or for every month, or for every time any values changes in any of
the Satellites. That’s fine. We can do that, too.
That’s the good news, but there’s a caution. The “point-in-time”
relates to timestamps in the Data Vault recording when the data was
loaded. These are technical dates, and shouldn’t be used for
constructing a business view of when things happened. For that
perspective, we need to look at dates in the Satellites’ data.
Now let’s talk about Bridge tables.
Earlier in our fire truck example, we saw a pair of Hubs, and one
associated Link. It is copied below, with a “Bridge” table added.

In its simplest form, a Bridge table holds a set of foreign keys

pointing to related Hubs and their Links, plus a date that records
when the associations were applicable. The example shows two
Hubs and one Link; the scope of a Bridge table can be much wider,
involving lots of Hubs and Links.
Like for Point-In-Time tables, they exist primarily to improve
performance. The heavy lifting for complex joins is resolved in a set
of keys, ready to be used to support end-user queries.
There’s a bit more to PIT and Bridge tables, but for the Data Vault
modeler, it might be enough to have a broad understanding of what
they are and where they fit. If you want to read more, Chapter 6 in
Dan Linstedt and Michael Olschimke’s book[40] goes into greater
(and more technical) detail.
Using a Data Vault to Shine Some Light on the
“Process” World

Gap analysis using a Data Vault

We’ve already recognized the role of processes to assist in
understanding, challenging, and extending the enterprise model.
That’s an example of a process view of the world making a
contribution to the Data Vault world. But can a Data Vault pay back
the favor by making a contribution to the “process” world?
The answer is a resounding, “Yes”, and one way it does this is by
giving us a measured and reliable view into the process world. Dan
says, “Data Vault models are representative of business processes and are
tied to the business through the business keys.”[41] So how does this
work, and how can we leverage Data Vault to deliver value?
I did some work at a water utility. At first glance, the business was
so very simple. One way we could look at it was that they had two
products. First, they sold clean water for drinking, cooking, and
bathing. Second, they charged, in one way or another, for taking
away less-than-clean water, including after people pressed the flush
bu on. But they did have some problems they wanted help with,
and water meters were at the heart of their issues.
Sometimes data people and process people don’t see eye to eye.
Tommy was different. He’s a really nice bloke, and he’s great at his
process stuff. Importantly, he understands “data” as well, and
welcomed the opportunity for the two of us to work together. He
asked if the Data Vault could provide some metrics to help track
actual progress through a number of business processes.
Data Vaults are great at seeing when business keys (in Hubs) are
created, when the relationships between them (in Links) are created,
and when the Satellites that hold data about them reflect an update.
They also have mechanisms for recording when things are deleted
(logically or physically) in a source database. Let’s take an example
of how we might use a Data Vault to inspect some business

We start by looking at the Data Vault model. We’ve got a couple of

Hubs (shown as boxes):
Meter: This is a physical device, installed at a customer’s
premises, to measure the amount of clean water consumed, or
waste water taken away.
Remote Read Device (RRD): An a achment to a meter to allow
electronic reading of the meter when we can’t safely get in to read
the meter.
I’ve got lines representing relationships between the Hubs, and
these would be implemented as Links in the Data Vault.
One is for a connection between major and minor water meters as
might occur in a block of flats. The major meter measures total flow
for the overall property, and the minor meters measure flow for
individual houses. The difference between the sum of the minor
meters and the total flow for the major meter records “property”
use, perhaps for watering of the common garden.
The other relationship, shown as a do ed line between the Meter
and the Remote Read Device (RRD), is for the relationship between
a water meter and the remote read device. Please refer to the notes
in “Hubs with more than one business key“ for further details of
this relationship.
Now let’s look at a selected subset of business processes related to

The sunny-day picture goes something like this.

The water utility holds a number of spare meters, and spare remote
read devices, in stock. When the levels start to get low, the Order
Placement process kicks in. The thing that’s unusual about this
process is that the water utility orders ahead of time what the meter
numbers are to be for the yet-to-be-manufactured meters. Most
manufacturers deliver products with their own serial numbers
assigned; here, the manufacturer delivers products with the
customer’s serial numbers physically stamped on the meters. So the
water utility’s internal records in the operational system (and in the
Meter Hub in the Data Vault) can record meter instances before they
are even manufactured!
If all goes according to plan, two weeks later the Order Fulfilment
process records the delivery of the ordered meters and remote read
devices, and they go into the warehouse. Almost immediately, the
Asset Management system updates its records. This IT system is
responsible for all corporate assets (company cars, laptop
computers, … and yes, water meters and remote read devices). Even
though it uses its own Asset Number business key for all assets, it
also records the Meter Number for water meters and Remote Read
Device Number for the RRDs. That’s taken care of the incoming
assets. Now we engage with water utility customers. An order comes
in for a Meter Installation. After the Meter Installation process is
completed, additional details about the meter (in Satellites) and
additional Links (for example, to the Customer) can be added.
If the meter is a simple, single meter for a residential customer,
there is no need for a Customer Audit. However, if it’s for a large
block of units, a factory, or a hospital, where there are multiple
meters involved in the installation, an audit will be performed,
amongst other things to make sure that the records are correct as to
what meter number is connected where. Now the customer has
connections, the schedule for meter readers is updated to include
the new meters, and in due course, either Physical Reads or Remote
Reads are performed.
That’s the sunny day scenario. But what might happen in reality?
Orders can get placed, but the delivery can be way beyond the
expected two weeks. Deliveries can be made, but the Asset
Management system fails to “almost immediately” record the new
assets (or maybe it never gets around to recording the new arrivals).
Meters can be installed, but in situations where an audit is
mandated, the audit process slips through the cracks. And though it
may sound impossible, a customer can be connected, but the bills
for usage never arrive because the meter is never read.

So how might a Data Vault help? In a blog,[42] Dan Linstedt shares

the following glimpse of hope: “The original Data Vault model
provides pure business value by demonstrating the gaps between the
business perception (of the way they THINK their business is running)
and the reality (the way the data is actually captured and processed
through business processes and systems).”
Dan and Michael go into more detail in their book, in the section
titled “The value of bad data”.[43] My a empt at summarizing their
position goes like this:
The business has a belief, and expectation, as to what is happening
within their organization.
IT systems record the data actually captured as business
processes interact with those systems.
A bit of analysis of the captured data might reveal that there is a
gap between the business belief and the reality of what the IT
systems reveal.
A Data Vault can be used to track what’s happening in source
systems, facilitate comparison around business keys, and offer the
results for downstream analysis. For the water utility, some simple
examples follow:
The Order Placement process records the creation of a Hub for
meter 123 on the first of the month, some time last year. The
Order Fulfilment process adds a Satellite for that Hub on the 22nd
of the same month, three weeks later. A simple comparison of the
dates recorded in the Data Vault indicate that the expectation of a
2-week turnaround from order placement to order fulfilment was
not met.
A Satellite (and associated Links) indicate that in January of this
year Meter 123 was installed at a customer’s premises. Six months
later, there are still no readings for use related to the meter.
Seeing bills are meant to be produced quarterly, something looks
wrong. A process somewhere seems to be broken.
They may be examples of pre y obvious sorts of analytics we could
perform. A bit of good old fashioned detective work by Tommy
found some more anomalies.
My first story relates to changes in subdivision plans. Maybe a
property developer originally intended to build five houses on a
large block of land, and to assist the builders, five water meters and
taps were installed. Subsequently, the developer decided to build
four larger houses instead of five crammed shoe-box dwellings.
Permission was given for the changes, and the titles office and the
local shire council knew about the new plans, but the water utility
was not informed. We’ve got five meters now on four blocks, and
one is never going to be connected.
Now the twist that will make you smile. The five meters get
scheduled for reading. In due course, readings are taken, and of
course, the one that’s not connected has a reading of zero usage.
There’s another process that kicks in at this time. Sometimes meters
get stuck and won’t turn. Water is still being delivered, but not
billed, so there’s a targeted process to replace faulty or blocked
meters with a brand new ones. The field worker does his or her job,
and replaces the zero-read meter, but no one wakes up to the fact
that it’s not turning because it’s not connected. And in due course,
the new meter that also records zero usage is also replaced. And the
new one also reports a zero read …!
To understand “Process”, we need more than a Data Vault
For us to deliver the full potential of performing analysis on
processes, I suggest we need at least three things. The first is to see
raw data in all of its glory. Some other approaches to data
warehousing aim to clean up the data on the way in. In contrast, I’ve
heard Dan talk about capturing “all the data, all the time”. Warts
and all, the whole philosophy behind loading source-centric raw
data into the Data Vault is to not hide perceived anomalies from
view. That’s a tick for the first of my three requirements. Next, we
want to perform analytics by source. The bare minimum of Data
Vault capture of dates does provide some insight, but it might not
be enough. For example, the Meter Hub will record the source of the
first data feed to present Meter Number 123 to the Data Vault, and
the date it was loaded, but it doesn’t record what other sources have
also had visibility of Meter 123, or when. More advanced aspects of
Data Vault, such as Status Tracking Satellites or Record Tracking
Satellites, can provide insight into business keys, and their creation
dates and even “deletion” dates, by source. This is what I wanted.
Lastly, we need to recognize that IT systems, the data they capture,
and this data that then gets moved to a Data Vault, is only part of
the picture. Yes, it’s important that a Data Vault is capable of
faithfully capturing what’s being entered into the source systems.
But things can happen in the business that are not even visible in
the source systems. People do work-arounds. They capture stuff in
spreadsheets. They have totally manual processes that breach the
rules. This is the reality.
Dan and Michael are very precise when we look closely at what they
say on this topic. They claim (emphasis mine) that, “… source systems
provide the truth about the data being collected and what is really
happening from a data perspective”.[44] In this quote, Dan and
Michael are not claiming that the source systems represent the
truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth for processes that
occur outside the view of the source systems.
I remember doing some data quality work for one of Australia’s
largest telecommunications companies. The lead consultant, Bill,
had a PhD in mathematics. He held the view that we could get some
insight by looking at the data in IT systems, and comparing them. If
two systems disagreed on a person’s date of birth, he concluded that
at least one was wrong, but maybe both were wrong. The way to
check was to go back to the real world. I remember a comparison
across four systems, three of which agreed. One person at the
company concluded that the three must be correct, and the fourth
wrong. Bill challenged this assumption, and went on to prove that
three were wrong, and one right. Bill had a sense of humor. He got a
coffee cup made that portrayed him being at the company’s
reception desk, with the receptionist saying something like, “Bill,
you can’t be you – three out of four of our systems record the fact
that you’re dead!”

Two more stories from my time working with Bill. The first was
where a data analysis showed a spike in errors for the IT systems’
data from one phone exchange. Bill dug a bit deeper, and uncovered
the fact that the staff at that particular exchange never updated the
central records because they had all of the information they needed
on a spreadsheet. Then there was the time when Bill’s dogged
pursuit of the truth uncovered an illegal hard-wired patch between
two telephone exchanges.
A number of us have seen less dramatic examples of where the IT
systems don’t capture the facts. Maybe a “standard” process doesn’t
work in fringe cases, so people “break the rules” to get the job done.
A recent client is involved in forensic analysis related to deaths that
the coroner wants investigated. I won’t confront you with the sad
background, but sufficient to say that the central IT system simply
can’t cope with some of the tragic real-world scenarios. To do their
job, workarounds are absolutely essential, and totally ethical. But
the key message is that if we were to load the data from operational
systems into a Data Vault and then analyze it in isolation from the
“real world”, we could come to some dangerously wrong
conclusions. To try to protect the community by learning from the
past, we must have solid analysis. In this forensics se ing, lives
depend on it.
What’s the key message from all of this? That while the Data Vault
can facilitate data analytics by triggering lines of investigation, or
providing detailed insight as the analyst drills down, we need to
have a healthy skepticism and challenge what the data is telling us.
A capable human being is required to drive what Dan and Michael
call “gap analysis”. Don’t underestimate the value that the Data
Vault can add to the equation in providing an integrated view, and
dates that challenge how processes are really working, but I do
encourage you to dig deeper. Bill used to require his team to “ride
the trucks”, even if that meant crawling around a dirty, dusty phone
exchange to understand what was really happening.

A bit on projects

Data Vault has the potential to be “agile”, but agility doesn’t just
happen because someone thinks it’s a good idea. There’s a lot of
stuff that needs to be in place for agile to succeed. Just some of the
things we might need for any agile software development project
Some idea of the goals. No, not hundreds of pages of
excruciatingly detailed requirements’ specifications, but a broad
idea of what success might look like.
Some tooling. What’s the development environment (Java, .NET
…)? Have we got an interactive development environment? What
about automated / regression testing tools? Can we easily do
DevOps rapid promotion to production? Have we got something
as fundamental as a database to store our data! And on and on.
A team. Pre y obvious? But in agile, it’s not about having a
bunch of technical propeller-heads locked away. The business
needs to be on board, too. And agile projects recommend the
team be co-located, which leads to …
Facilities – a work area, probably a whiteboard, some
collaboration tools (even if they’re Post-it notes), computers
already loaded with required software, … And a good coffee
Training. Sure we can learn on the job, but if we want to hit the
ground running, have at least some of the team proficient in the
languages, tools, and processes.
Permission. You might wonder why I raise this, but I’ve seen
projects threatened by people who say things like “You can’t have
access to that data” or “You can’t use those tools” (because
they’re not authorized by head office, so the resultant code will
not be permi ed to be moved to production) or “You can’t have
Sam on the project because something more important has just
come up”.
Much of the list above applies to any agile project, whether it is for a
Data Vault build or not.
Platform & tooling projects versus the Data Vault project
There are two threats to Data Vault projects I’ve observed that relate
to muddying the waters on project scope.
The first threat is confusing the project to build required
infrastructure with the project to build a Data Vault. Maybe we want
Hadoop as part of our architecture? Fine. And we need a project to
get it in place in our organization? Fine again. And we want to fund
and manage the Hadoop implementation as part of the Data Vault
project? That’s where I see red lights and hear warning bells
No ma er what the new software components might be (Hadoop as
described above, or real-time mechanisms, or service-oriented
architectures, or …), if they’re part of our strategy, identify the
interdependences, but consider funding and managing them
There’s an option we might want to consider: perhaps we can at
least start the Data Vault project on an interim platform, deliver
tangible value to the business, and accept we may have some
technical debt to pay back when the other projects catch up with us.
After all, much of the metadata we need (including for the design of
Hubs, Links, and Satellites, and source-to-target mapping) should
turn out to be relatively stable even if the underlying technology
The second threat is similar, but closer to home for the Data Vault
project, and it’s about confusing the Data Vault delivery project with
the tool evaluation / acquisition / build project. Sooner or later
(probably sooner), we will want to use a tool for moving the data
from layer to layer, doing extract/transform/load, though not
necessarily in that order!
We may choose to buy a tool, and that strategy has lots of merits. I
encourage you to check out what’s on the market. Evaluate the
candidates. Do we need to specifically model columns such as
Source and Load Date-&-Time stamps, or is the tool smart enough to
know these are part of the Data Vault package? Can we define,
manage, and execute business rules? Do they integrate with our
testing tools and DevOps strategies, or maybe they even include
them? Lots of questions. And if we can find a tool that meets our
requirements, or is at least “sufficient”, that’s great.
Alternatively, we might decide to build our own tool, or at least
hard-code some bits while we do a Data Vault proof-of-concept.
I consulted to one organization that was very altruistic. It wanted to
gift its entire Data Vault (less the data) to others in the same
industry, and not have them need to get a license for the Data Vault
toolset. They chose to develop the tools in-house so they could give
them away. I take my hat off for their generosity. But I simply want
to warn that building you own toolset does come at a price. And like
with establishing other software infrastructure, I recommend that
the build of a tool be separately funded and managed.
A few hints
OK, we’ve got everything in place. We’ve got the team, they’re
trained, we’ve got the complementary software, a tool, and we’re
ready to go. I’ve got a few final hints for us to consider as we build
our Data Vault:
At the very outset, check out the infrastructure bits we’ve been
given to work with by creating a “walking skeleton” – some tiny
bits of code that exercise the architecture, end-to-end. Yes, agile is
meant to deliver business value as part of each iteration, but treat
this as a technical spike to try to eliminate the possibility of
architectural show-stoppers.
Next, do something similar to give end-to-end visibility of some
business data. Pump a tiny bit in from a source, and push it all of
the way through to end-user consumption. Again, perhaps this
might provide minimal business value, but it shows the business
how the whole thing works. More importantly, it provides a
baseline on which we can build to progressively deliver
incremental business value.
Now for the remaining iterations, keep delivering end-to-end,
focused on tangible business value.
There’s one phrase that appeared in all of the above bullet points.
It’s “end-to-end”. Why do I see this as being important? I’ve
unfortunately seen tool vendors, and Data Vault consultants, who
impress with how quickly they can load data into the Data Vault, but
fail to give enough focus on actually delivering against business
expectations. The good will that might be won by demonstrating a
speedy load will sooner or later evaporate unless business value
pops out the other end of the sausage machine.
One more suggestion. In the earlier section titled “Is “agile
evolution” an option?“, I shared a confronting story. The lack of a
data model hampered an agile project. The team took one iteration
to assemble a relatively stable data model. Subsequent iterations
resulted in a 12-fold increase in productivity.
My conclusion? For a Data Vault project, I suggest that the data
modeler(s) on the team try to think about what’s coming up, at least
one sprint ahead of the development.

A few controversies
There are a number of well-recognized voices in the Data Vault
community in addition to that of Dan Linstedt, the founder of Data
Vault. I’ve heard a joke that goes something like this: “If you’ve got
three data modelers in a room, you’ll get at least four opinions.”
I take heart from the PhD of Graeme Simsion on a related ma er, as
adapted for publication in his book, “Data Modeling Theory and
Practice”.[45] I can’t do an entire book justice in a few sentences, but
here’s my take-away from his work. If we’ve got a bunch of data
modelers, and each one thinks there can only be one “correct”
solution for a given problem, don’t be surprised if there is heated
disagreement. Conversely, if all accept that several variations may
actually “work”, a more balanced consideration of alternatives and
their relative merits is possible.
I think it is healthy if there is room for respectful discussion on
alternatives to Data Vault modeling standards. For me, my baseline
is the Data Vault 2.0 standard, but I welcome objective consideration
of variations, especially as they may suit specific circumstances. Dan
Linstedt also welcomes the standards being challenged. He just,
quite rightly, warns against changes without due consideration as to
unwelcome side effects.
Modeling a Link or a Hub?
We may encounter debates as to when something could or should
be modeled as a Hub versus modeling it as a Link. I know this is
contentious in some quarters. Part of me would prefer to not even
raise the topic, as whatever position I take, I suspect someone will
disagree. Nonetheless, avoidance of the issue won’t make it go away,
so I will stick my neck out, hopefully in a manner that is respectful
of the views of others.
I would like to share two scenarios that might help shed some light
on this topic.
In the first scenario, there is an accident on a highway. Cars are
damaged, drivers are upset, insurance companies may be faced with
claims, but thankfully no one has died. From the perspective of one
of my clients, there may be a police report with “links” to cars and
their registration numbers, drivers and their driver’s license
numbers, health practitioners who may assist, police force members
identified by their member number, and so on. The “key” message
(pun intended) is that there is no business key for the accident itself.
However, in our Data Vault, we can create a Link (and maybe a
Satellite – see the next “controversy” for comments on Links with
Satellites) to associate the accident with the cars, drivers, health
practitioners, police members, and more.
In the second scenario, a fatality occurs and forensic examination of
the deceased is required. A “Case Number” business key is
assigned. In the Data Vault, there is a Case Hub. We can create an
instance in the Case Hub, populate its Satellite, and also populate
Links to the cars, drivers, health practitioners, police members, and
so on.
Which model is correct, or are both models OK? Here are my
starting-point rule-of-thumb guidelines for choosing Hubs versus
Links, at least as they relate to business views of the world:
If the thing to be modeled is recognized by the business as a
tangible concept, with an identifiable business key, it’s a Hub.
If the thing to be modeled looks like an “event” or a “transaction”
that references several Hubs via their business keys, but doesn’t
have its own independent business key, it’s a Link.
There we are. Some nice, clean guidelines.
But what about an event or transaction that also has a clearly
recognized business key? It seems to span my two definitions; it’s
an event so it’s a Link, but it has an independent business key so it’s
a Hub! For example, maybe an engineering workshop has
“transactions” that are work orders, with a Work Order Number.
If the work orders are “recognized by the business as a tangible
concept, with an identifiable business key” (such as a Work Order
Number given to the customer so he/she can enquire on progress),
then to me, the work orders look like they belong to a Hub. (If
something walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and swims like a
duck, maybe it is a duck.) But if the transaction didn’t have a Work
Order Number and was identified by nothing more than the
collection of business keys in related Hubs, the work orders look
like they belong to a Link.
Even if my guidelines are helpful, please recognize that, as noted by
Graeme Simsion’s research, there might still be times when
experienced modelers may have to agree to disagree, take a position,
and see how it works.
Roelant Vos also adds a valuable perspective. We can start by
modeling at a higher level of abstraction, capturing how the
business sees their world. From this position, if we have flexible
tools, we may be able to generate variations of the physical Data
Vault tables while having a single, agreed logical view. That
approach may actually defuse some of the tension in the following
topics. Thanks, Roelant!
Modeling a Satellite on a Link?
I’ve got another controversy to share at this point. Some suggest
that a Link should never have a Satellite, apart from maybe an
“Effectivity Satellite” that has a From Date and a To Date to record
the period the relationship was active. Those who hold this view
seem to suggest that if a “thing” has a ributes, it has to be a Hub.
Conversely, others happily model Satellites against Links.
For a moment, I want to step back to traditional data modeling, then
to the Unified Modeling Language (UML) to see if we can get some
clues to help us decide which way to go.
In a traditional data model, we have relationships, and these
somewhat approximate a point-in-time equivalent of a Data Vault
Link. If an operational system has a one-to-one or one-to-many
relationship, the relationship itself is represented by the presence of
a Foreign Key in one entity. This type of relationship is unlikely to
have associated a ributes, and if it does, they will be mixed in with
other a ributes in the entity holding the Foreign Key. If data from
this operational system maps to a Data Vault Link, there is probably
no data to even put in a Satellite off the Link.
Conversely, if the relationship is a many-to-many relationship,
modeled as a resolution entity, it can have a ributes in addition to
the Foreign Keys that point to the participating “parent” entities.
When we map this resolution entity into a Data Vault, I think most if
not all people are happy that the additional a ributes go into a
Satellite. But is it a Satellite hanging off a Link, or a Satellite hanging
off a Hub?
Before we make a decision, let’s quickly look at the UML Class
Diagram notation – a modeling style with some correlation to a data
modeler’s Entity-Relationship Diagram. A UML class approximates
an ERD entity, and a UML association approximates an ERD
relationship. Now if the association has its own a ributes, a new
type of object appears – an “association class”. It’s an association (a
relationship) that can have its own a ributes in a dedicated class
(entity). It looks something like a data modeler’s resolution entity,
but can hold a ributes for an association (relationship) even if the
cardinality is not many-to-many.
So where does all of this lead us? One answer is that there are many
answers! Dan Linstedt’s Data Vault 2.0 standard of allowing
Satellites to hang off a Link looks like it’s got good company with
data modeling resolution entities, and with UML association classes.
Others may argue that the UML association class gives us a hint that
the moment an association / relationship has a ributes, it needs a
class, and does that hint at a Hub in the Data Vault world?
OK, I will share my opinion; for me, I like to start by considering
whether a “thing” looks like a Hub or a Link (see the section
immediately above), independent of whether it has its own a ributes
or not. And if it turns out to look like a good Link, and it has
a ributes, I am happy to create a Satellite on the Link. I think this
approach is clean, simple, consistent, and it aligns with much of
what I observe in both data modeling and class modeling (UML)
Having said that, you may reach a different conclusion, and
hopefully we can still be friends!
Normalization for Links, and Links-on-Links
We may encounter guidelines on Links that encourage the structure
to be “de-normalized”. A purist data modeler may look at the
examples, and suggest that in fact the structures are being
In some ways, it’s simply not worth the debate. Very few can quote
precise definitions for first, second and third normal form, let alone
Boyce-Codd normal form, or fourth or fifth normal form. And I
suspect few care about such abstract terminology anyhow. It is
arguable that a working knowledge of these levels of normalization
is more important than their definitions. In another way, precision
as to whether something is normalized or not does ma er. But
before we get to that, let me note that the examples I’ve seen on
Data Vault modeling sometimes touch on the more advanced levels
of normalization, such as 5th Normal Form (5NF). That may sound
scary to some, so let me please share a very simple example from a
cut-down model for the airline industry. The examples given in the
text below the diagram are not meant to be necessarily correct, but
just indicative of the types of information that could be held.
The large circles represent core business concepts for airlines. They
could be relational tables in an operational source system, or Hubs
in a Data Vault.
The Airport table/Hub holds instances for the airports of interest
– Melbourne, in Australia (MEL), Los Angeles in the USA (LAX),
Heathrow in the UK (LHR), and even the tiny airport I’ve used in
a remote part of Australia, the Olympic Dam airport (OLP).
The Airline table/Hub holds instances for participating airlines
such as Qantas, United, and British.
The Aircraft Type table/Hub holds instances for types of aircraft
such as Airbus A380, Boeing 747, Being 767, and maybe the
Cessna 172.
Forming an outer ring are three boxes with arrows to the core
entities. They could be many-to-many resolution entities in the
operational system’s relational database, or Links in a Data Vault.
The Terminal Rights table/Link holds pairs of codes from the
Airport and Airline entities, defining which Airlines have
terminal rights at which Airports. Examples might include that
Qantas has landing rights in Melbourne and Los Angeles, United
has rights in Los Angeles, and British Airways has rights in
Heathrow and Melbourne.
The Landing Authorization table/Link holds pairs of codes from
the Airport and Aircraft Type entities, defining which Aircraft
Types are authorized to land at which Airports. Examples might
include that Airbus A380s and Boeing 747s are authorized to land
at Melbourne airport. Not in the list might be Cessna 172s at
Heathrow (emergencies aside, it’s too busy to permit regular use
by light aircraft), and Boeing 767s at Olympic Dam (it’s just a dirt
airstrip next to an outback mine).
The Ownership table/Link holds pairs of codes from the Airline
and Aircraft Type entities, defining which Aircraft Types are
owned by nominated Airlines. Qantas owns A380s, …
Each of the above three tables relates to just two “parent” tables.
They are normalized. If we tried to have a single three-way table that
held the Cartesian product of all combinations from the three
separate tables, it would not only cease to be normalized, but it may
hold combinations that are not valid. For example:
Maybe Qantas has landing rights in Melbourne (MEL), Los
Angeles (LAX), and Heathrow (LHR).
Maybe Qantas owns Boeing 747s, 767s and Airbus A380s.
Maybe Melbourne (MEL), Los Angeles (LAX), and Heathrow
(LHR) can handle Boeing 747s, 767s and Airbus A380s.
But a Cartesian product of all of these data sets may be misleading.
Perhaps Qantas chooses to only operate its A380s between
Melbourne and Los Angeles (not its 767s). Maybe it operates 767s
between Melbourne and Heathrow (not its A380s). It is misleading
to create a 3-way Link between the three Hubs, based on possible
combinations; retaining the set of three 2-way Links is actually
holding the relationships in a normalized form.
Now we turn the example on its head.
The single 3-way Operations table/Link holds triplets of codes from
the Airport, Aircraft Type, and Airline entities, defining which
Airlines actually operate which Aircraft Types out of which
Airports. One of the examples above was Qantas operating its A380s
into and out of Los Angeles.
It was dangerous to assume we could take all combinations of the
three 2-way Links to generate a single 3-way Link to represent which
airline flew what aircraft types in and out of what airports. Likewise,
we can’t simply take the single 3-way Link and assume it represents
all combinations for the other 2-way Links. Maybe no airlines
actually operate out of Roxby Down with a Cessna 172, but the
Airport is capable of handling them. This time, retaining the single
3-way Link is actually holding the relationships in a normalized
We could have included another Link on the diagram, showing
Flights. It would be a 4-way Link, involving the Airport table/Hub
twice (From, and To), plus the Airline and the Aircraft Type. It too
would be normalized for this purpose. So what are the take-away
1. The logical model of the business concepts and the business
relationships should be assembled as a normalized view.
2. The Data Vault model can have multiple Links that in part
share common “parent” Hubs, and that’s fine. There is no need
to have Link-to-Link relationships – keep them separate, just
like the 3-way Link and the set of 2-way Links have
independent lives as shown in the diagram.
Closing comments on controversies
I’ve seen divisive debates on alternative approaches. My own
opinion is that while the differences are important, there is much in
common. Let’s leverage off what is truly common, and respectfully
and objectively evaluate the differences.
More uses for top-down models
Remember that Dan Linstedt said that if we have an enterprise
ontology, we should use it? That’s great if we have one. But what if
we don’t? The section of this book titled “Task #1: Form the
Enterprise View” was wri en to help people who didn’t already have
an enterprise data model to create it quickly, without comprising the
But can the same enterprise data model be used for other purposes?
The good news is there may be many initiatives within an
organization where an enterprise data model can potentially make a
contribution. Some of these are listed below.
Strategic planning: I’ve participated in several projects where
strategic planning, for the entire enterprise or just for the IT
department, was assisted by the development and application of
an enterprise data model. In each case, a “sufficient” enterprise
(top-down) model was developed in a few weeks.
Enterprise data integration: One of my clients was involved in the
merging of 83 separate organizations. The management did an
amazing job given the pressing time frames mandated by an act
of parliament. But after the dust se led, an enterprise data model
gave them a long-term framework for integrating the multitude of
data to provide a single, consistent view.
Master Data Management (MDM) and Reference Data
Management (RDM): It’s probably a self-evident fact to say that
management of data as a corporate asset requires a corporate
vision! An enterprise data model can provide the consistent
framework for Master Data Management and Reference Data
Management initiatives.
Benchmarking candidate IT package solutions: A company
engaged me to develop an independent view of their data. They
didn’t want their target model to be influenced by assumptions
consciously or unconsciously incorporated in any vendor software
packages that had been shortlisted for selection. The top-of-the-
list package was ruled out when compared to the essential
features of the benchmark model. It was estimated that the cost
savings from this insight could be measured in millions of
Facilitating IT in-house development solutions: One client wanted
an enterprise data model to drive the design for their service-
oriented architecture, particularly the data structure of the data
payloads in XML. Another wanted a UML class model to drive a
Java development, and the enterprise model (using the UML
notation), was the kick-start they needed.
Facilitating communication: Most if not all of the above uses have
a technical aspect. What I have seen again and again is the
participation of business and IT people in the development of an
enterprise data model delivering a massive beneficial side effect –
the two sides now talk the same language!
Process modeling: Further to the above, the existence of a
common language can facilitate the development of process
… and last but not least, we return to the catalyst for this book –
using the enterprise data model to shape a Data Vault design.
So an enterprise data model can be used for many purposes. But
what happens when it is used for more than one of these reasons, in
a single organization?
Even if our motivation for pursuing top-down big-picture enterprise
modeling had been for only one of the above reasons, that’s enough.
But if the model is used across two or more such initiatives, the
multiplier effect kicks in as the investment in one area contributes
to another related area. For example, if several agile in-house
development projects also produce source data that will be required
in a Data Vault, why not base all such projects on a common data
architecture? Everybody wins.

In conclusion
Australia has some cities that grew somewhat organically, and their
origin is reflected in some chaotic aspects! Australia also has some
major cities that were planned from the outset, where the designers
articulated a vision for the end-state, and the authorities defined a
clear path to get there.
Some Data Vault practitioners appear to follow a simplistic bo om-
up raw source-centric Data Vault design and hope the business-
centric Data Vault solution will magically appear. Like the source-
driven tool vendors, they can impress with their speedy delivery of
something, but subsequent delivery of tangible business value may
be much slower, and the project, and therefore the Data Vault
initiative, may fail.
Of course, the Data Vault is flexible, adaptive, and agile. You can
create source specific Hubs and Links, and later create business-
centric Data Vault artifacts to prepare the raw data for business
consumption. But if you head down this route, don’t be surprised if
you experience an explosion of source-specific Hubs, followed by a
matching explosion of source-specific Links.
Data Vault is about integration. Just because Data Vault can use the
business rules layer to untangle a messy gap between source-
specific Hubs and Links, and ready-for-consumption artifacts, why
should it? Why not create a small number of clean, agreed, business-
centric Hubs, and then define business-centric Links around them to
represent the more stable business relationships? If you take this
approach of identifying business-centric Hubs and Links, the
source-specific Data Vault Satellites can now be loaded happily
against this framework, immediately providing a useful level of
The good news is that this can be done. By properly designing the
Data Vault, from the very outset, based on an enterprise data model,
you can expect to reduce “business debt”. And hopefully this book
will help you achieve tangible business value both initially and in
the longer term.
And now a parting thought. While Data Vault is capable of
contributing to the cleaning up problems in the source operational
systems, let’s not forget the role of data governance in moving
resolutions back to the source where reasonably possible.
Operational staff who use these source systems will thank you. But
to guide such an endeavor, you’ll benefit if you start with a top-down
enterprise model.
Common Data Model Patterns – An Introduction

Below is a collection of light-weight data model pa erns that can be

used as a jump-start for modeling. For some, they may be sufficient,
and no further details may be necessary. Some others may need to
drill down a bit deeper, and for them I highly recommend the
publications of David Hay and Len Silverston that have been
mentioned several times in this book.
The Unified Modeling Language (UML) notation has been used, in
part because of its increasing use for a wide variety of purposes. If
we use the pa erns to drive (say) a physical implementation in a
relational database, some logical-to-physical adaptations may be
required. An example relates to my direct representations of many-
to-many associations which, in a relational world, would need to be
converted to resolution entities.
Please note that these pa erns represent a logical view of data,
typically implemented in an operational system, and typically
representing a single point in time. This is in direct contrast to a
Data Vault model that represents data changes over time.
Nonetheless, these pa erns can be used effectively for shaping a
Data Vault, starting with Task #1 to assemble the enterprise view,
and continuing onto Task #2 as they contribute to shaping the Data
Vault model.

Pattern: Party & Party Role

Please note that this appendix does not include many aspects of the
Party pa ern as it has already been presented in the “Could I see an
example, please?“ section earlier.

Pattern: Position
Some simplistic models for reporting hierarchies within
organizations depict employees reporting to employees. For
example, if Alex is the manager of Brooke, an Employee class can
have a simple self-referencing relationship from the subordinate
employee’s record to that of their manager.

A widely recognized improvement on this model is to explicitly

model a Position class.

Organizations have structure. They may have departments, sections,

divisions, and so on, relating to each other in a hierarchy. Positions
also have structures. One Position reports to another, which in turn
reports to an even higher Position. And Positions are created within
Rather than trying to accommodate both hierarchies in one
structure, the model intends to allow both to coexist. For example:
There may be a hierarchy of Positions, all within one
Organization unit.
A Position “belonging” to one Organization unit may report to a
Position “belonging” to another Organization unit.
Within this framework, employees can then be assigned to these
Positions. In this model, rather than a Person reporting to their
manager (as portrayed in Figure 112), a Person is assigned to a
Position that reports to a Position to which their manager is
This may appear to be a bit more abstract and difficult to grasp, but
arguably it has greater flexibility. For example, one Person may fill
multiple Positions at the same point in time. Similarly, at a given
point in time, a Position may be vacant because it has no employee
assigned, while at another point in time, it may have more than one
Person assigned.

Recording the management hierarchy via its Positions typically

provides greater stability. The incumbents of a Position may change
relatively frequently, but it might be reasonable to expect that the
Position relationships are relatively stable.
These assignments are managed via the Position Assignment class.
Its a ributes include the following:
The Incumbency Type, such as “Acting in role” during the
absence of the primary person, or “Shared” for a job-sharing
The Percent Allocation, which defaults to 100%, but could record,
for example, one Person being allocated for 60% of the time and
another Person allocated for 40% of the time.
The effective period, for example used to record a short-term
allocation while the primary incumbent is on leave.
Note also that the common Employee / Position pa ern assumes
that people assigned to positions are actually employees. However,
it is possible to have people assigned to positions that are not
necessarily considered “employees” in the traditional sense. That is
why the above model associates the Person class to the Position
Assignment class rather than a more specific employee class.

Pattern: Agreement
An Agreement (or “contract”) represents some formal or informal
arrangement between parties. Examples of formal Agreements
might include lease contracts for vehicles, or employment contracts.
An example of an informal Agreement might be the recording of
Dan’s willingness to chair tomorrow’s design review meeting.
An Agreement may be “typed” via the Agreement Type class, or if
specific a ributes are required, it may be typed as a subclass, such
as the Employment Contract shown as an example.
An Agreement may be further detailed through its Agreement Item
class. For example, an Agreement to purchase some products may
have items to detail each intended product purchase.
Agreements have an interesting relationship with the Document
class, which is responsible for managing instances of hard-copy or
electronic documents. Not all Agreements require collection of
“documentary evidence” for the Agreement, but where they do, the
Document class comes into play. The Document class has its own
pa ern, and is described separately. This Agreement class is
responsible for managing the structured data related to Agreements.
Examples of a ributes recorded might include date signed, status,
reference number, and the involved parties and their roles.
As shown in Figure 115, Agreements are typically associated with
the Party class or the Party Role class that records the parties
involved in the Agreement, and their roles. For example, an
employment contract could be expected to have the employer and
the employee involved. A transfer-of-land agreement might involve
the vendor(s), the buyer(s), solicitors for both sides, banks for both
sides, perhaps a guarantor, a witness, and so on.
As explained in the Party Role pa ern (refer to “Figure 37: Party Role
pa ern“, and its supplementary text), the participants in the
Agreement can have declared roles such as the role of the real estate
agent, or contextual roles such as the witness to the signature.
Agreements can be associated to other associated Agreements. For
example, a subcontract may be associated with the larger,
overarching contract, or one Agreement may be the updated
replacement for the now-obsolete version.
The Agreement To Agreement Type class defines allowable types of
interrelationships, and the roles of each participant. For example, if
the type of relationship between Agreements is a “Replacement”
relationship (one Agreement is the replacement for another), the
Participant 1 Role might be defined as “Obsolete Version” and the
Participant 2 Role might be defined as “Replacement Version”.

Pattern: Resource
The concept of a Resource is sometimes also known as an asset.
Examples could include buildings, computers, company cars,
consumables, and much more. The model below gives several
examples from a wildfire emergency response scenario. It is
interesting to note that from a wildfire logistic officer’s perspective,
people could be seen as “just” resources! The Human Resources
people might disagree.
Typically, the Resource class is subclassed when there is a
requirement for specific a ributes and/or associations. It must be
noted that some Resources do not require any specialization and
hence may be treated using the generic Resource class (with a
resource type – see the associated Resource Type class).
The concept of a Resource may be relatively straightforward, but its
relationships may be more complex. One of the inter-relationships
between types of Resources is shown below, where there is a
relationship between a slip-on four-wheel-drive tray vehicle and the
slip-on tank-&-pump unit that is a ached to the vehicle in summer.
Other types of relationships for a Resource might include a number
of types of objects, all of which are pa erns in their own right:
An association with its geospatial Location.
Its association with Events, such as a fire truck involved in an
Its involvement with Agreements, Accounts, and Parties (e.g. the
association of a helicopter leased from a United States supplier).
Its assignment to certain Tasks, such as a fire truck assigned to a
work on firefighting activities.
Pattern: Event
The idea behind an Event is “something noteworthy” that happens
at a point in time. Maybe going for a cup of coffee is an event of
importance to me, but it is probably not considered to be
noteworthy from a corporate perspective. In an emergency response
se ing for wildfires, the outbreak of a fire is a major event. A
hopefully infrequent but still vitally important event is an
occupational health and safety “personal injury” event if a
firefighter is hurt.
When something happens that the business deems to be
“noteworthy”, a record of that business event is created.

An Event may be “typed” via the Event Type class, or if specific

a ributes are required, it may be typed as a subclass, such as the
Communication Event shown as an example.
Sometimes Events are related to each other. Maybe a customer
phone call to make a product enquiry may be a considered
noteworthy. This enquiry Event could be followed by another Event
y q y y
such as an on-site product demonstration. These two Events could
be associated with each other. Such associations can be managed via
the associated Event To Event Relationship class.
The Event To Event Relationship Type class defines allowable types
of interrelationships, and the roles of each participant. For example,
if the type of relationship between Events is a “Succession”
relationship (one Event is succeeded by another), the Participant 1
Role might be defined as “Predecessor” and the Participant 2 Role
might be defined as “Successor”.
Within computer science there is the concept of event-driven
architectures. A gross simplification suggests that the occurrence of
an event such as the clicking of the “Commit” bu on is observed
and published by one piece of software, and separate pieces of
software consume this knowledge and react accordingly.
Somewhat similar relationships can be observed in the business
world. Business events occur, they are noted, and appropriate
business responses follow, which may be recorded as “tasks” (work
done). Often a series of tasks triggered by an event reach a
milestone that can be recorded as a noteworthy event. There is an
elegant bi-directional relationship between the business events and
the corresponding business responses. Let’s take a look at a model
of this synergy.

An example of this synergy between Events and Tasks follows.

Someone reports smoke – that’s a noteworthy Event. One of the two
types of relationships between Events and Tasks is an Event acting
as a trigger for a Task. The “smoke reported” Event triggers Tasks
relating to the deployment of the initial response team.
The team arrives and evaluates the situation. This may be where the
“task start or end treated as a noteworthy event” relationship may
come into play. If it’s a smoky barbeque and all is under control, the
completion of the evaluation Task may be treated as a noteworthy
Event of type “false alarm”, and it’s all over. However, if it’s a
genuine wildfire which is already running fast, the evaluation Task
may result in recording of a “fire confirmation” Event. The
evaluation team may sometimes also record a “suspicious cause”
Event if it looks like the fire was deliberately lit.
Now the two-part cycle really kicks in. The “fire confirmation” Event
may trigger a whole series of response Tasks, and the “suspicious
cause” Event may trigger separate forensic investigation Tasks. And
each of these sets of Tasks may have subsequent Events that in turn
trigger more Tasks!

Pattern: Task
The idea behind a Task is typically some work to be done. A Task can
represent a small unit of work. An example might be a simple
checklist item (“make sure that someone rings the client back to
notify them of a delay”, “perform a credit check on the prospect”
…). A Task can also represent a large and complex unit of work such
as a major project or even an entire program of work. Of course,
some of these may require specialized a ributes. For example, a
project may have a budget and a project manager. Nonetheless, they
are all represented by a generic Task, which can be extended by
appropriate subclassing.
The Task class has two subclasses, namely the Specific Task class and
the Template Task class:
Template Tasks define an overall profile of Tasks that occur
frequently. For example, it would be reasonable to expect that a
template would be defined that describes a profile for day-to-day
responsibilities such as responding to a product enquiry.
Templates have a profile, but are not related to any calendar dates
/ times, and may describe generic deployment of types of
resources, but will not typically nominate specific resources.

Specific Tasks are instances of Tasks that have been “a ached” to

a Calendar. [A placeholder class is modeled for the Calendar
class, but details are not modeled.] Whereas there might be a
generic template for responding to a product enquiry, each
planned and/or actual enquiry would be one specific Task (“At
9:17 am today we commenced processing a product enquiry
initiated by Dan Daniels”). The Specific Task class typically
records details either for some work to be done in the future – a
Planned Task – or some work already started if not yet already
completed – an Actual Task.
As part of a business process, a Template Task can be identified as
being applicable, and then cloned to create a Specific Task.

The first volume[46] of Len Silverston’s series represents many of

these concepts within the “Work Effort” set of pa erns.
Some features of Tasks are listed below:
Tasks may be components in larger Tasks and/or may be broken
down into finer-grained Tasks – refer to the “composition”
relationships in the model.
Tasks may have dependencies on other tasks, perhaps the most
common being a “finish-to-start” dependency. That is, the first
task must finish before the second task can start. A ributes of the
Task Dependency class include:
The Dependency Type: Typically “FS” (finish-to-start), but may
be “FF”, “SF”, or “SS”.
Lag: Gap between two activities with a dependency. For
example Task 2 is to start when Task 1 finishes, but with a delay
of four days. (Note that the lag can be negative e.g. Task 2 is to
start two days before the expected finish of Task 1.)
Guard Condition: Boolean condition on the commencement of
the successor task.
Tasks have durations, and this model separates the metric, for
example a duration of “3.5”, from the unit-of-measure (UOM), for
example “Hours”.
Some Tasks require the specification of recurring tasks entries, for
example a task that occurs on the “First Tuesday each month,
starting next January, and going until June”. The Schedule Entry
Recurrence Specification class is a place-holder for this
functionality, but full details of this structure are not included
here. However, details may be inferred from similar functionality
in desktop or smartphone applications.
We have introduced pa erns for Tasks. Now we look at what we
need to do to assign “resources” to Tasks.

Those familiar with project management tools such as Microsoft

Project will be aware that, in that context, the term “resource” is
inclusive of physical resources (such as cars and computers) and
human resources. In the model displayed above, a subtle distinction
is made between the resources represented by the “Resource” class,
and what we have modeled as Parties and their Party Roles.
As an example, a specific task for firefighting commencing
tomorrow at 9:00am might have assignments that include:
The fire truck with registration ABC-123 (from the “Resource”
Acme Catering (an organization, a subtype of “Party”).
Dan in the role of Driver (a party in a “Party Role”).
This example relates to assignment of resources to a Specific Task.
The diagram does also permit assignment of resources to Template
Tasks, for example Acme Catering may be the catering company
nominated in a Template Task as the default organization for every
Specific Task instance created from the Template.
Not only can instances of resources (a specific fire truck, a specific
organization, a specific driver) be assigned to Tasks, but resource
types can also be assigned rather than resources instances, party
types rather than party instances, and party role types rather than
party role instances.

Note: Typically, Template Tasks will have Object Types assigned

(for example “I want two Firefighters and one 4WD fire truck”).
Conversely, Specific Tasks will typically have specific Objects
assigned (for example “I want Alex, Brooke and that fire truck over
there”). However, a Template Task can nominate that a specific
Object is by default to be used, and a Specific Task can nominate the
assignment of an Object Type.

Pattern: Product (tangible goods, intangible services)

Products are the things sold by companies. Pre y simple?
Unfortunately there is some inconsistent usage of the word
“product”, even amongst data modelers.
Let’s take an example. Acme Air sells three types of air conditioners;
one model of evaporative cooler (model number “EC”), a small
reverse-cycle model (model number “SRC”), and a large reverse-
cycle model (model number “LRC”). When we speak to some
modelers (and assuming a relational implementation), they will say
Acme Air will have three rows in the “Product” table.
Acme Air is a pre y small outfit, and so far it has sold 100
evaporative coolers, 300 small reverse cycle air conditioners, and 500
large reverse cycle air conditioners. Every one of those 900 products
sold has a unique serial number. Some modelers will say Acme Air
will have 900 rows in the “Product” table. So, does the “Product”
table have three rows, or 900?

David Hay, in his book “Data Model Pa erns”[47] differentiates

between these scenarios by calling the catalogue of product types
“Product Type”. That’s pre y sensible, in my opinion. So in the
above example, the catalogue of Product Types would have three
entries. David also has an entry for product instances, which he
simply calls “Product”. I have no problem with that name as, within
the context of David’s pa erns, he is crystal clear about the
Then we have Len Silverston, another of my favorite data model
pa ern authors. He names the entity defining product types as
simply “Product”. Oops. That’s different than David’s use of the
word “Product”. Within Len’s books on pa erns, he, like David, is
consistent and clear. Both are great resources, but they do have
slight differences.
I’ve worked in the telecommunications industry, and years ago came
across the TM Forum’s standard information / data model (SID).
They also were very clear and precise, but called the entity
representing product types the “Product Specification” entity. So
who is right? All models arguably have merit, and I don’t want to
make a ruling, but to differentiate, my light-weight model is as

For Acme Air, Product Type would have three entries, each instance
representing one of the company’s product types as clients might
expect to find in the company’s product catalogue. And Acme’s
Product Item would have 900 entries, each instance representing
one product instance as it relates to one customer, for example
Alex’s Acme “evaporative cooler” model air conditioner with the
serial number 12-34-56.
Len’s Product model distinguishes between tangible (physical)
goods such as an air conditioner, and intangible services such as the
installation, or servicing, of the air conditioner. The extended model
now looks like:
If we look at Acme Air, we started with three Product Types, but
Acme Air also sells two services – the installation of their air
conditioners, and the servicing of those air conditioners. We now
have five Product Types.
What the above model is saying is that one Product Type can be
either one Goods Type (such as Acme Air’s evaporative cooler), or
one Services Type (such as servicing). That might be enough for
some scenarios, but what if we want a more flexible model? If we
look at a more complex scenario, we need more flexibility. For
example, a telecommunications company might have the following
amongst its range of product types:
Mobile Phone XYZ: Comprised of one mobile phone handset (a
goods type), a ba ery charger (another goods type), a missed-call
answering facility (a service type), and 12 months international
roaming (another service type).
Basic Home Entertainment Pack: Comprised of one set-top-box (a
goods type), and access to a library of golden-oldies movies (a
service type).
New Home Starters Pack: Comprised of two Mobile Phone XYZ
product types plus one Basic Home Entertainment Pack product
The first two Product Types are each made up from multiple Goods
Types and Services Types. The third Product Type is a package made
up of other Product Types. A model to support this diversity
A Product Item can be made up from one or more tangible Goods
Items and/or one or more intangible Services Items and/or one or
more other Product Items.
Similarly, a Product Type can be made up from one or more
tangible Goods Types (as specified via the Product Goods
Component many-to-many resolution class) and/or one or more
intangible Services Types (as specified via the Product Services
Component many-to-many resolution class) and/or one or more
other Product Types (as specified via the Product Sub-product
Component many-to-many resolution class).
It is to be noted that one Goods Type (such as a type of set-top-
box) can be included in the construction of multiple Product
Types. Similarly, Service Types can be used again and again in the
construction of varying Product Types. And of course, these
flexibly constructed Product Types can themselves be re-packaged
again and again to create bundled Product Types.
That’s a lot of flexibility for constructing a product catalogue.

Pattern: Location
This data model pa ern represents data constructs typically found
in a Geographic Information System (GIS) for mapping items to a
position on the earth’s surface. Such software is typically purchased
as an off-the-shelf software component. We could develop our own
GIS, but for most of us, this facility would be purchased rather than
home-built. Nonetheless, this pa ern is useful for inclusion in a
high-level enterprise model as it represents concepts the business
may need, even if its physical implementation is via a purchased
In the wildfire emergency response scenario, recording data about
locations is vital. What is the point at which a fire started? What line
on a map represents the current fire front? What area has already
been burned, and based on fire behavior predictions, what are is
likely to be burned in the near future?
The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) has rich definitions for the
structuring of data about geospatial locations. However, the
following model may be a sufficient approximation of location data
structures for top-down enterprise modeling.
There is a separation of concerns between the Geometry class which
manages positioning of the location on a map (for example, the
boundary of a shire council’s area of responsibility), and the
Geospatial Object class which records structured data (a ributes
and relationships) for the various types of mapped objects (for
example, the shire council’s name of the Council, a list of all
contacts within the Council, statements on intended zoning
changes, and so on).
The Geometry class is subclassed into Point (for example, the
position where an event occurred), Line (for example, the position of
a road or a river), and Polygon (for example, the area covered by the
base of a building or defined by a land title). This can be extended to
include 3-dimensional shapes also.
The model diagrams in this book use the UML notation, but usually
only show the class and its a ributes. For the Geometry class, the
Get Implicit Proximity operation is included. This operation is noted
to highlight the fact that a Geometry within a Geographic
Information System (GIS) will have functions to determine one
geospatial object’s proximity in relation to other geospatial objects.
Examples include determination of what it is contained within it,
what it contains, what it shares a partial boundary with, and what it
partially overlaps.
The Geospatial Object class captures structured data (for the shapes
that can be presented on a map via the Geometry class). These
Geospatial Objects are classified according to entries in the
Geospatial Object Type class, which approximates the classification
of “layers” on a map (the “roads” layer, the “rivers” layer, and so
on). Where these different types of Geospatial Objects require their
own a ributes and/or associations, the Geospatial Object class may
be subclassed – National Park and Geopolitical Zone are shown as
The Geometry class had the Get Implicit Proximity operation to
dynamically compute the proximity of one shape to another. In
contrast, the Geospatial Object class delegates this responsibility to
the associated Geospatial Explicit Geometry class to record manually
determined proximities between a pair of Geospatial Objects. The
Proximity Type a ribute can record classifications such as
“Complete containment”, “Partial overlap”, “Sharing of a partial
boundary”, or “Close”. These are not necessarily precise, and these
classifications may be supplemented by a Proximity Description
such as “Proceed from the first object in a northerly direction until
you encounter the black stump, then turn left for another 50 metres

Pattern: Document
This data model pa ern represents data constructs typically found
in a document / records management system, used to safely store
and retrieve important documents. Even though such software is
typically purchased as an off-the-shelf software component, this
pa ern is useful for inclusion in a high-level enterprise model as it
represents concepts the business may need, even if its physical
implementation is via a purchased solution.
Chapter 11 of Hay’s “Data Model Pa erns” book elaborates on the
concept. My simplified version follows.
The Document class is responsible for managing storage of
documents, be they paper-based Physical Documents, or Electronic
Documents. Electronic Documents in turn may be Unstructured
Electronic Documents (such as a smart phone video clip) or they can
be Structured Electronic Documents that contain structured,
machine-readable information (for example, in an XML document).
The Document Format class records the type of storage form, and
for some forms may correlate to typical file extensions (“doc”, “jpg”,
“xls”, etc.).

For Electronic Documents, they can either be stored in an Electronic

Document Location (such as a URL, a drive and folder specification,
…), or they can be directly held as an Embedded Object, somewhat
like an email can hold a achments. For Physical Documents, their
storage location may optionally be defined via an associated Physical
Address object.

The Document Type class classifies Documents according to their

business role, for example an “Employment Contract”, and another
as a “Service Agreement”.
Documents can be associated with other Documents, using the
Document To Document Relationship class. Examples of the types
of relationships can include Containment (where one Document
contains another Document), Succession (where one now-obsolete
version of a Document is replaced by a newer version Document),
and Cross-Reference (where one Document simply notes the
existence of a related Document). These allowable types of
interrelationships are managed by the Document To Document
Relationship Type class, which also specifies the role of each
Document (for example, in the “Composition” relationship, the first
participant may be labeled as the “Container” and the second the

Pattern: Account
This data model pa ern represents data constructs typically found
in an accounting package. Even though such software is typically
purchased as an off-the-shelf software component, this pa ern is
useful for inclusion in a high-level enterprise model as it represents
concepts the business may need, even if its physical implementation
is via a purchased solution.
David Hay and Len Silverston offer multiple versions across their
books. My model below is intended to present an easy-to-
understand, light-weight simplification that may be a sufficient
framework for high-level modeling.
Each instance in the Account class represents one account within
one of the company’s financial ledgers.
Subclasses of Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable are shown
as examples of “typing” of Accounts. Alternatively, the Account
Type class can be used to logically represent types, and subtypes of
The Account class has a self-referencing hierarchical relationship to
enable Accounts to be defined as sub-Accounts of other
consolidation Accounts.
Each instance in the Accounting Transaction class represents one
accounting transaction such as an invoice issued or a payment
received. Some of these types of Accounting Transactions may
contain many “items”. For example, an accounting transaction for a
customer invoice may contain many invoice lines, each being an
itemized charge as it relates to a discrete product purchase.
Similarly, a payment might itemize the particulars of what is being
paid. Each instance in the Accounting Transaction Item class
represents one such item.

The Accounting Transaction class a ributes include:

The Transaction Reference which optionally could record
something such as an invoice number.
The Transaction Recorded Date is the date the transaction was
actually entered into a computer system.
The Transaction Effective Date is the date that the transaction is
deemed to be effective, not necessarily the date the transaction
was recorded in a computer system.
Note that the single amount from an Accounting Transaction may
be broken down into one or a set of debit amounts, and one or a set
of credit amounts, for posting to Accounts, as defined via the
associated Accounting Entry class. For example, an Accounting
Transaction for $100.00 would have (for double entry accounting) at
least two Accounting Entries, one as a debit and one as a credit.
Further, these debit and/or credit Accounting Entries could be more
fine-grained, for example allocating $60.00 to one Account and
$40.00 to another.
There is a self-referencing relationship between Account Entries.
This can be used, for example, to associate one Accounting Entry
relating to an invoice to a matching payment Accounting Entry.
As shown below, by associating the Account pa ern with the Party
& Party Role pa erns, we can incorporate a record of the parties, or
parties in specific roles, involved with an account. For example, we
could record who is the “Primary” account holder, the “Secondary”
account holder, and maybe the “Guarantor” for a loan account,
using the Participation Type a ribute in the Account Participation
Pattern: Classification
The preceding pa erns focus on what I have labeled the nine pillars
of top-down big-picture modeling. They represent business concepts
that non-technical people frequently speak about, so they are
business-centric. It is important to note that they are also IT-centric
in that they can certainly be implemented. These data model
pa erns are very effective at bridging the two worlds of business and
There are also what I call “Utility” pa erns. One example is for
Units-of-Measure measure (kilometers and miles, kilograms and
tons, liters and gallons …), and their conversion routines. The
business may want to know we can handle units-of-measure, but
probably don’t care how we do it.
One pa ern that does get the a ention of the business is the
“Classification” pa ern, which represents the code-&-description
reference data sets typically encountered in Reference Data
Management practices. Believe me, the business is interested in its
code sets. It is just typically less interested in some of the elegant
implementation aspects of this pa ern. Often it is enough to let
them know of the flexibility offered by this pa ern, and they are
satisfied. Nonetheless, a somewhat technical explanation of this
pa ern follows.
The “Classification” class is used to provide a generic and very
flexible way of classifying “types” of things. For example, a
commercial customer might be classified according to Australian &
New Zealand Standard Industry Codes, some wildfires may be
classified according to size and severity, employees may be classified
according to formal competencies, and so on.
Silverston & Agnew’s “The Data Model Resource Book, Volume 3:
Universal Pa erns For Data Modeling” presents a number of pa ern
variations in the chapter titled, “Types and Categories: The
Classification of Data”. The model below is a light-weight
simplification that also reflects some of my own adaptations. It may
be a sufficient framework for high-level modeling.
The pa ern starts with the Classification Scheme class. Across the
enterprise, many classification schemes may exist. Examples could
possibly include:
Classification of customers by industry code (retail,
manufacturing, …)
Classification of customers by sales area
Classification of meters and valves on a factory floor by size, flow
rate ranges, etc.
Classification of vehicles by make, model, etc.
In the above list, “Industry Code”, “Sales Area”, the factory
equipment’s “Size” and “Flow Rate”, and the vehicle’s “Make” and
“Model” are examples of Classification Schemes. Each instance in
this class represents one such scheme.
For each Classification Scheme, the allowable codes need to be
enumerated. For example, for the “Country” Classification Scheme
there may be Classification Codes of “AUS” for Australia, not to be
confused with “AUT” for Austria. This particular Classification
Scheme may have its enumerations managed by one Party, in this
case, the United Nations.
Two more examples of Classification Codes might be “Ford” and
“Toyota” within the “Make” Classification Scheme, and “Mustang”,
“LandCruiser” and “Corolla” within the “Model” Classification
Scheme. Here we have an interesting extension. “Mustang” is a
Model for the “Ford” Make, and “Corolla” belongs to “Toyota”. Here
we have examples of where Classification Schemes may be sub-
classified by yet other schemes.
To define these interrelationships, we begin with the Classification
Scheme Allowable Hierarchy class. In the above example, it would
identify the Classification Scheme of Make as an allowable “parent”
to the “child” Classification Scheme of Model.
Sometimes there can be a sub-classification hierarchy within one
code set. For example, in Australia the “Model” Classification
Scheme may have “Commodore” as a model, but sub-classify this
into “Commodore Executive”, “Commodore Vacationer”, etc. In this
case, an instance in this Classification Scheme Allowable Hierarchy
class would define the Classification Scheme of “Model” as an
allowable “parent” to the “child” Classification Scheme of “Model” –
a self-referencing relationship pointing back to the same
Classification Scheme.
Once the allowable relationships between Classification Schemes
are defined (for example, Make as parent of Model), instances of
actual relationships (such as the “Ford” Make and the “Mustang”
Model as its child) can be recorded in the Classification Code
Hierarchy class.
The Classification Code class can record not only “code-&-
description” data, but also specific values (refer to the Discrete
Value Classification class), or ranges (refer to the Range
Classification class). One example of use of such a feature might be
the rating of cyclones / hurricanes / tornadoes where a level “3”
might represent one range of wind speeds, and a level “4” another
range. Where ranges are adjacent, the specification needs to
nominate whether a boundary value belongs to one range or
another. For example, if one wind speed is in the range of 50 to 100
kilometers per hour, and the adjacent range covers 100 to 150
kilometers per hour, which range does a speed of exactly 100 belong
to? The a ributes Range End Break Rule (for example, “less than”)
and Range Start Break Rule (for example, “greater than or equal to”)
clarify this detail.

Boehm B. & Turner T. (2003): “Balancing Agility and Discipline”

Fowler M. (1997): “Analysis Pa erns: Reusable Object Models”
Gamma E., Helm R., Johnson R. & Vlissides J. (1995): “Design
Pa erns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software”
Hay D. (1996): “Data Model Pa erns: Conventions of Thought”
Hay D. (2011): “Enterprise Model Pa erns: Describing the World”
Hay D. (2018): “Achieving Buzzword Compliance”
Hultgren H (2012): “Modeling the Agile Data Warehouse with Data
Hoberman S., Burbank D., & Bradley C. (2009): “Data Modeling for
the Business”
Linstedt D. (2011): “Super Charge your Data Warehouse: Invaluable
Data Modeling Rules to Implement Your Data Vault”
Linstedt D. & Olschimke O. (2016): “Building a Scalable Data
Warehouse with Data Vault 2.0”
Silverston L. (2001) “The Data Model Resource Book, Volume 1: A
library of Universal Data Models for All Enterprises”
Silverston L. (2001): “The Data Model Resource Book, Volume 2: A
Library of Universal Data Models by Industry Types”
Silverston L. & Agnew P. (2009): “The Data Model Resource Book,
Volume 3: Universal Pa erns for Data Modeling”
Simsion G. (2007): “Data Modeling Theory and Practice”

Account Pa ern
and associated parties, 279
Account pa ern core, 278
Account, Pa ern, 277–79
Achieving Buzzword Compliance (Hay), 66
Agility, 26
Agreement, 257–60
Agreement pa ern core, 258
Agreement pa ern inter-relationships, 259
Agreements pa ern and associated Parties, 259
associated Parties, and Account Pa ern, 279
Bill Inmon schematic of, 25
Bradley, Chris, 66
Bridge tables, 230
Building a Scalable Data Warehouse with Data Vault 2.0, 29
Burbank, Donna, 66
business key, 34
child Satellite, 36
load time for, 35
Classification Codes, 282
Classification of Data, 280
Classification pa ern, 281
Classification Scheme class, 281
Classification, Pa ern, 280–83
conflicting designs, case study, 55–59
and source system Data Vault, 53–55
Customer Hub design, iteration, 56, 57, 59, 61, 63
Customer Same-As-Link, 215
Customer Type
no history, 215
slowly changing history, 216
Dan Linstedt schematic, 27
Data Marts, 25
data model pa erns, 253
Pa ern Account, 277–79
Pa ern Agreement, 257–60
Pa ern Classification, 280–83
Pa ern Document, 275–77
Pa ern Event, 262–64
Pa ern Location, 272–75
Pa ern Position, 253–83
Pa ern Product, 269–72
Pa ern Resource, 260–61
Pa ern Task, 264–69
Pa ern, party and party roles, 254
Data Model Pa erns (Hay), 269, 275
Data Model Resource Book, The (Silverston & Agnew), 280
Data Modeling for the Business (Hoberman, Burbank & Bradley), 66
Data Vault
business, 26
Hubs in, 32–34
origins of, 26
raw, 26, 27
source system, 52–53
source system and consultants, 53–55
Data Vault 2.0 components, 9
Data Vault modeling, 13, 51
Data Vault schematic, 27
Data Vault standards, 28–29
Data Warehouse, 31
data warehouse, history, 23–28
David Hay
Achieving Buzzword Compliance, 66
Document pa ern, 276
document storage, 276
Electronic Document Location, 276
ELT (extract-load-transform), 26
Emergency Response (ER), 35, 45
Employee Hierarchy
Data Vault, 214
operational, 214
enterprise data model, 65–67, 65–67
enterprise ontology, 14, 52
Entity-Relationship Diagram, 39
Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD) notation, 31, 51
ER/RA, 35
ETL (extract-transform-load), 26
Event pa ern, 262
Event pa ern & Task pa ern synergy, 263
Extensibility, 26
Fire data model, Data Vault, 31
Fire Hash Key, 34
Fire Hub, 34
Fire Reference Number, 34
Fire Truck Hub, 178, 180, 181, 182
Fire Truck Satellite, 184, 185, 186, 187
Fire” data model, 188
Operational source system, 30
Fire-Truck-Assigned-To-Fire Link, 190
Fleet Management, 180, 183, 185
Fleet Management source data, 179
Foreign Key, 34, 37
Geographic Information System (GIS), 272, 273
Geospatial Object class, 274
Get Implicit Proximity operation, 273, 275
hash keys, 32, 36
purpose of, 33
Hay, David, 68, 75, 277
Data Model Pa erns, 269, 275
Hoberman, Steve et al
Data Modeling for the Business, 66
Hub table, purpose of, 33
Hub, and Satellites, 34–36
Hubs, 32–34
Hultgren, Hans, 50
Inmon, Bill, 24
Kimball, Ralph, 23
Link Satellites, 44
Links, 37–39
cardinality on, 39–44
Same-As, 214
Satellites on, 44–47
Linstedt, Dan, 25–26, 29, 226
Load Date / Time, 33, 34
load job, restarting, 196
Location pa ern, 274
Man-&-Woman Marriage, 41
marriage scenario, 40, 41, 42
Massive Parallel Processing (MPP), 35
natural business key, 32, 34
nominated business key, 32
Object Types
types and, 268
Olschimke, Michael, 26
ontology, 13–14, 51, 67
enterprise, 14
Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), 273
overlapping data
fire trucks and, 177
parent Hub, 36
load time for, 35
Pa ern
Classification, 280–83
Pa ern Account, 277–79
Pa ern Agreement, 257–60
Pa ern Document, 275–77
Pa ern Event, 262–64
Pa ern for Complex products, 272
Pa ern for Products, 270
Pa ern Location, 272–75
Pa ern Product, 269–72
Pa ern Resource, 260–61
Pa ern Task, 264–69
Pa ern, Position, 254–56
Person-to-Person Marriage, 43
Point-In-Time (PIT) sample data, 227
Point-In-Time = end, 229
Position pa ern, 255
primary key, 32
Product pa ern core, 270
Product, Pa ern, 269–72
purpose-built data marts, 24
Ralph Kimball
schematic, 24
Range End Break Rule, 283
Range Start Break Rule, 283
raw Data Vault, 26, 27
Record Source, 35, 45
Record Source column, 33
Relative data volumes, 64
reporting hierarchies, 254
Resource Acquisition, 45
Resource Acquisition screen, 189
Resource and Event subtypes relationships, 74
Resource assignment Satellites, 193
Resource pa ern, 261
Resource Release function, 191
Same-As Links, 214
Customer, 215
Satellite for Emergency Response, 194
Satellite for Shared Resource Pool, 194, 195
Satellites, 34–36
on a Link, 44–47
purpose of, 35–36, 35
Scalable Data Warehouse
and Data Vaults, 26
Shared Resource Pool, 181, 186
Silverston & Agnew
The Data Model Resource Book, 280
Silverston, Len, 269, 277
source system Data Vault, 52–53
consultants and, 53–55
standard information / data model (SID), 270
surrogate primary key, 32
Task pa ern, 265
Task, features of, 266–67
Task, Objects assigned to a, 267
Third Normal Form (3NF) Data Warehouse, 24
tool vendors, 52–53
Tracking Satellite
access load on, 223
Building Access and, 225
HR Load and, 222
HR load on, 224
Payroll load and, 225
Payroll load on, 224
transaction-processing systems, 23
Unified Modeling Language (UML) notation, 253
Utility pa erns, 280
Zachman, John, 66
[1] h ps://
[2] Linstedt D. & Olschimke O. (2016) “Building a Scalable Data
Warehouse with Data Vault 2.0”.
[3] h p://
[4] Hultgren H (2012) Modeling the Agile Data Warehouse with Data
[5] h ps://
[6] h ps://
[7] h ps://
[8] Hoberman S., Burbank D., & Bradley C. (2009) “Data Modeling for
the Business”.
[9] Hay D. (2018) “Achieving Buzzword Com pliance”.
[10] h ps://, August 2018.
[11] Silverston L. & Agnew P. (2009) “The Data Model Resource Book,
Volum e 3: Universal Pa erns for Data Modeling”.
[12] Hay D. (2011) “Enterprise Model Pa erns: Describing the World”.
[13] Boehm B. & Turner T. (2003) “Balancing Agility and Discipline”,
page 40.
[14] Hay D. (2011) “Enterprise Model Pa erns: Describing the World”.
[15] Silverston L. (2001) “The Data Model Resource Book, Volum e 2: A
Library of Universal Data Models by Industry Types”.
[16] Silverston L. (2001) “The Data Model Resource Book, Volum e 2: A
Library of Universal Data Models by Industry Types”, pages xiii to xiv.
[17] Hay D. (1996) “Data Model Pa erns: Conventions of Thought”.
[18] Fowler M. (1997) “Analysis Pa erns: Reusable Object Models”, pages
[19] Gamma E., Helm R., Johnson R. & Vlissides J. (1995) “Design
Pa erns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software”, page11.
[20] Hay D. (2011) “Enterprise Model Pa erns: Describing the World”.
[21] Silverston L. & Agnew P. (2009) “The Data Model Resource Book,
Volum e 3: Universal Pa erns for Data Modeling”.
[22] Hay D. (1996) “Data Model Pa erns: Conventions of Thought”.
[23] Silverston L. & Agnew P. (2009) “The Data Model Resource Book,
Volum e 3: Universal Pa erns for Data Modeling”.
[24] Fowler M. (1997) “Analysis Pa erns: Reusable Object Models”.
[25] Hay D. (1996) “Data Model Pa erns: Conventions of Thought”.
[26] Linstedt D. (2011) “Super Charge your Data Warehouse: Invaluable
Data Modeling Rules to Im plem ent Your Data Vault”, page 7.
[27] Hultgren H (2012) “Modeling the Agile Data Warehouse with Data
Vault”, page 60.
[28] h ps://
[29] Linstedt D. & Olschimke O. (2016) “Building a Scalable Data
Warehouse with Data Vault 2.0”.
[30] Hultgren H. (2012) Modeling the Agile Data Warehouse with Data
[31] Linstedt D. & Olschimke O. (2016) “Building a Scalable Data
Warehouse with Data Vault 2.0”, page 131.
[32] Hay D. (1996) “Data Model Pa erns: Conventions of Thought”.
[33] Hay D. (2011) “Enterprise Model Pa erns: Describing the World”.
[34] Silverston L. (2001) “The Data Model Resource Book, Volum e 1: A
library of Universal Data Models for All Enterprises”.
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