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A CEHRD Report on the state of Human Rights Abuse And Violence in the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria

Written By: Mr. Patrick Naagbanton Mr. Chamberlain Amadi Ms. Jereoma Ikomi

Published By: Centre for Environment, Human Rights and Development, (CEHRD) 6, Obo Nwanke Street, Post Office Building, Ogale-Nchia, Eleme, Rivers State, Nigeria, West Africa. Tel; + 234 (0) 82557893, 082557885, 082557083 Email; [email protected] Website;


Centre for Environment, Human Rights and Development, (CEHRD) 6, Obo Nwanke Street, Post Office Building, Ogale-Nchia, Eleme, Rivers State, Nigeria WestAfrica.

Copyright @ Centre for Environment, Human Rights and Development, (CEHRD), 2009

ISBN NO: 978-073-400-7 The Centre for Environment, Human Rights and Development, (CEHRD) asserts its copyrights to this report, it allows reproduction or photocopying of extracts from this report provided that acknowledgement is given and a copy of the publication carrying the extract is sent to the address above.


he Centre for Environment, Human Rights and Development, (CEHRD) is indeed, very grateful for the kind support of the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), Washington, DC, USA. NED supported CEHRD throughout 2009, to do the field investigation of human rights abuses, documenting, reporting and campaigning on the subject matter. Two years back, 2007 and 2008, NED also supported CEHRD to do the same work. Without NEDs generous support, CEHRD wouldnt have been able to do this work. Again we thank NED. Secondly, we also wish to express our sincere thanks to several rural community folks, groups, families of victims of human rights abuses, relatives etc who confided in us and gave us regular reports about their situations. We cherish their confidence, passion and conspiracy with CEHRD, to create a just society with an enabling environment for the realization of the people's fundamental human rights. We are also indebted to local journalists and NGOs etc with whom we share information about human rights abuses.



his project of investigating, documenting, reporting and campaigning about human rights abuses and violence in the core states of the Niger Delta region, started in 2007, but this is the second annual report, tagged, Scorecard. The report thematic focus is the Niger Delta. The scorecard covers the three (3) core state of the region such as Bayelsa (central delta), Delta (western delta) and Rivers (eastern delta). The first one was Scorecard for 2008. While this, Scorecard for 2009, is the second annual report, It is a continuous project. On daily basis CEHRD monitors and volunteers are sent to the field to gather details about rape, violence, human rights abuses either by state agents or non-state agents, extra-judicial killings, arrests, detention and harassment. Apart from focusing on these violations by the police and others, we also beam our searchlight on the unlawful behavior and activities of the Niger Delta military task force code-name Joint Task Force (JTF), etc. Even issues of environmental pollution by the Transnational Corporations (TNCs) and their negative consequences are also investigated, documented and campaigned against. Investigating and documenting the abuse have been quite challenging and frustrating. Because there is a general atmosphere of suspicion, distrust and fear, it really takes time to gain the confidence of people before they can open up and give information about rights abuse. These challenges are not peculiar to the Niger Delta. The problems of suspicion, distrust and fear associated with human rights documentation are also experienced through the country. These are major threats to the realization of citizens' rights. In 2008, the situation was appalling and hopeless as we noted in the Scorecard for 2008, and in 2009, there was no improvement in the situation. We noticed that from early August, 2009, with granting of

amnesty to the gangs and militants in the region, there was some drastic reduction in the way and manner non-state armed groups were operating in the region with impunity. Though, kidnapping, and isolated attacks etc still continued. In this report, we publish a lengthy article on the amnesty deal, the Amnesty Contract and the Future of the Niger Delta region In spite of Civil rule since 1999 in Nigeria, in 2009, illegal arrests, detentions, disappearances, extra-judicial killings, extortions and enactment of a general atmosphere of terror by armed agents of the Nigerian state like the police, the State Security Services (SSS), Nigeria's secret police, the soldiers and others under the delta task force Joint Task Force (JTF) continued unabated. There is no improvement. Apart from lawless behaviour of the Nigerian security agents, there are also isolated incidents of rights abuses by individuals against one another. All these were thoroughly researched and documented in this report. As part of the project we give information to the media about these abuses for it to be reported and let the world be aware. A lot of incidents reported here can't be found in conventional media space. As noted above, we share information with the media, local and international groups to spotlighting them, with a primary aim of correcting them. We do this with deep concern, commitment and passion. As we have always maintained that the violence, insecurity and abuses witnessed in 2009 in the Niger Delta region, are not peculiar to the region. They also happen in other parts but the on going mindless and unsustainable exploitation of oil and gas resources has worsened the situation. The incidents in this report are manifestations of a sick and kleptomaniac society like Nigeria. There is the urgent need for a genuine and true democracy in place. Good governance, a free and open society can't come through folding


of arms and waiting for some divine intervention. It won't come! The people must mobilize and organize around the issues of human rights, good governance. These rights must be defended, protected and advocated for in a non-violent, honest and consistent manner. We must network around these issues. If we work together sincerely we will achieve them. Patrick B. Naagbanton January, 2010 Ogale-Nchia, Eleme, Rivers State


part from the three essential officials of the Centre for Environment, Human Rights and Development, (CEHRD) such as Patrick Naagbanton, coordinator of CEHRD, Ms. Jereoma Ikomi, board member of CEHRD and Chamberlain Amadi, project officer, Human Rights. There are a lot of CEHRD staff and volunteers who made this report possible. Stevyvn Obodoekwe, head of the Human Rights Programme worked on this project in the early part of 2009, he is still with CEHRD directing from the background. In 2008, Sebastian Kpalap, CEHRD's Special Project Officer was a human rights monitor, he worked on the project early part of 2009, he has been moved to work on the Strengthening Transparency and Accountability in the Niger Delta (STAND) project with Samuel Otikor, who was initially employed to work as a human rights monitor. STAND is supported by the Department for International Development (DFID), a UK development agency. To us in CEHRD, we are driven by mission and not profit. Other CEHRD officials not directly working on the project also contributed to this report, Mr. Zabbey, Nenibarini, the head of the Conservation and Environment Programme of the organization also shared his technical environmental reports with us, while Naabulobari Naazigba Lue, a Port Harcourt - based human rights attorney and CEHRD consultant on the Legal Empowerment for the Niger Delta (LEND) Project and Anthony Aalo, a CEHRD project officer, Conflicts and Peace Building project working with Naazigba- Lue on the LEND shared their prison reports with us too. LEND is implemented by CEHRD with the Stakeholder Democracy Network (SDN), Also, Justine C. Ijeomah, the Rivers State Secretary of the Civil Liberties Organization (CLO) and Mr. Michael Gbarale, an activist and the south-south chairman of the People's Action for Democracy (PAD), a new coalition of Pro-democracy groups headquartered in Lagos are reliable volunteers of CEHD. They also helped CEHRD in investigating some cases reported here. So, a whole lot


of people apart from the 3 persons above are involved in the investigation, documentation and report for scorecard 2009. The human rights news for 2009 was really horrible. The report is divided into five sections and under each section, are cases of abuses reported under its sub-headings. This report is CEHRDs report, we take full responsibility for them Scorecard 2009 and the reported incidents therein. We stand by these reports. One, section I, deals with the abuses by the police, whether special police force like the Mobile Police (MOPOL) also called kill and go because of its horrible record of violence and extrajudicial killings. Or, the recent Anti-terrorist police also called 'red cap' police. By virtue of section 214(1) of the 1999 constitution and section 3 of the police Act, the Nigeria police is supposed to maintain law and order, protect lives and properties throughout the country, but the police is a problem in this society. They are the worst violators of the law, they receive bribe from poor citizens and residents at gunpoint, frame up people, kill and commit other atrocities. Read this section of the report and see the Nigeria police in their elements. Section 2, talks about the Joint Task Force (JTF) sometimes called Operation Restore Hope (ORH) formed in 2003, as a joint task force comprising the soldiers, navy, SSS and police, to tackle the spate of violence and insecurity in the Niger Delta. But, soldiers seem to monopolize the JTF now. CEHRD in this report documented massive and terrible abuses and atrocities the JTF commit in the region. Like the Nigeria Police Force (NPF), the JTF is now a problem. CEHRD report has implicated the JTF in not only extra-judicial killings and violence in the region, but also cases of proliferation of Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) and arms trafficking, crude oil theft and other atrocities in collaboration with scores of gangs in the region. Section 3, reports about the violent activities of the gangs, warlords and


militants. The various coordinated attacks on crude oil pipelines, etc. In this section, we publish a detailed article on the federal government amnesty Programme, The Amnesty Contract and The future of the Niger Delta Region. The aim is to make people have a true picture of the situation and the challenges ahead. Also, in this section, we report about violations by individuals etc. This section is very crucial to the understanding of the problems and how to resolve them. Section 4 This section deals with horrible prison conditions in Bayelsa, Delta and Rivers State. While section 5 exposes the environmental Pollutions unleashed on the environment of the peoples. Poor rural villagers have lost their sources of livelihood, their rivers, streams, creeks etc to the environment malpractices of the TNCs. The situation looks hopeless. This is what we capture here. We encourage you to read it and act. We are not entertaining anybody with our reports, CEHRD is a serious organization and we want change now or never. The Human Rights Programme, Centre for Environment, Human Rights and Development (CEHRD) January, 2010 Ogale-Nchia, Eleme, Rivers State, Nigeria.

Table of Contents
Acknowledgements Forward Preface (1) THE POLICE: EXTRA-JUDICIAL KILLINGS AND LAWLESSNESS Police Murder Webara Paba for Not Being Able to Pay Additional N50, 000 Bribe 1-2 Mobile Police Shot Dead a Peace Maker, Tagged Him Kidnapper 2-3 Chika Ibeku, 4 Others Killed in Police Custody 3-5 Police Revenge; Ken Niweigha Executed in Bayelsa State. 5-7 Inhuman and Degrading Torture by Police 7-9 Police Torture LawyerAdekilekun in Bayelsa State 9-11 Police Rescue Kidnapped Medical Doctor in Port Harcourt 11-12 SSSArrest Orinaemi Hart 12-13 PoliceArrest Son for Killing Father 13-14 Police Tortured Kalu to Death in Port Harcourt 14-15 UNIUYO Student Killed in Rivers 15 Police TortureLebari Sunday, others in Deeyor, Ogoni, Rivers State 15-18 Special Police Squads Invade Teyork, Kaani 1 Communities, Ogoni, Stole Money,Arrest Poor Villagers - 18-20 Ellah Simeon Tortured, Detained by Police 20-21 Rivers Government Clamps Down On Local Press 21-22 Female Cops Torture 15-year-old Girl in Rivers 23 Police Raid National Network newspaper,Attack Two staff in Port Harcourt 24-25 Police Torture Nwenenda to Death 25-26 Policemen Shoot Madam Ekaette in Her Shop in Diobu, Port Harcourt 26-27 Police Torture Nimi, loses tooth 27


PoliceArrest, Torture LuckyAhamefule in Diobu, Port Harcourt Policemen Kill GuestAtAWedding in Delta State Journalist OrimoladeAbducted By Bayelsa Governor's Security Officials PoliceArrest Journalist, others. Mobile Policemen Brutalise Ambrose Basikoro, Motorcyclist Police, Soldier Kill Unarmed Protesting Ubeji Youths Police Torture Osigwe for Belonging toA Human Rights Group Police Murder Victor Obrijie Over Failure to Pay N15,000 ($100) Bribe (2)

27-30 30-31 31-33 33 - 34 34-35 35-37 37-38 38-40

MILITARYTASK FORCEAND STATE VIOLENCE JTF Soldiers Extort Bribes, Torture Joseph Agoriwe in Warri 98-year-old PaAri Died of Shock from JTF Explosives in Gbaramatu JTFArrest Egberi Papa, Torture Soboma George Diepiriye George, Lolo Ekine Held in Commicado by JTF in Rivers State JTFAbducted Sunny Bekanwah, Tortured Him at Midnight In Kpean, Ogoni Frank Nna Osimiri Disappears in JTF Custody? Naval Officer Destroys Leonard Nwokejiobi's Commercial Truck. Waterfront Demolition; Soldiers Shoot Scores of Bundu Residents in Port Harcourt, Rivers State Shell's Soldiers Torture Dimkpa Nkoo, Wife, Others at K-Dere, Ogoni Soldiers kill Two ofAsari's Supporters Soldiers Shot two Peaceful Protesters in Warri, Delta State Soldiers Torture Three Corpers in Bayelsa. -

41-42 42-44 44-46 46-47 47-50 50-51 51-52 52-54 54-55 55-56 56 56-57


Soldiers Storm PHCN Station, Brutalize Officials over Power Outage. (3)


VIOLENCE, INSECURITY AND NON-STATE ARMED GROUPS Amnesty Special Report: TheAmnesty Contract and The Future of the Niger Delta Region 59 TheAmnesty Largesse59-61 Roll Call; Those behind the Masquerades 61-63 Uncertainty Over Amnesty Contract 63 Fear of the Unknown 63-65 Cocktail of Violent Protests By Ex-Militants 65 MEND Launches Deadly Attacks on Oil Facilities from May July, 2009 65-67 Total ELF Staff Kidnapped in Port Harcourt 67 Adiele Nwaeze Kidnapped JosephAllagoa 67-69 Dr. Namene Lolo Kidnapped, Paid N10million to Gain Freedom 69-70 Festus Koremene, Militant Leader Killed in Otu-Jeremi, Delta State 70 Godwin Ejinyere's Thugs Tortured Ejiro Edeminaha in Delta 70-71 Juju Worshippers Exile JacksonAnthony for defiling the gods of Ubeji 71-72 Police Sergeant Kennedy Torture Kelly Itobere for Refusing to Pay Bribe 72 Task Force KillAdeoye in Oshimili, Delta State 73 Ibuya, Delta Lawmaker Kidnapped in Sapele, Delta State 73-74 Vigilante Kills Innocent Youth in Port Harcourt 74-75 Gunmen Kidnap 85-Year-Old Community Leader 75 Ohonda Kidnapped in Port Harcourt, Rivers Government Paid N2 Million for his Release 76 Governor Uduagan Supporters Threaten Casley Omon-Irobor, Dele Fasan 76-77 Atusiaka Died in Kidnapers Den, Buried in Shallow


Grave in Delta State Violence Soaks Effurun, Kidnapers Had Field Day in Delta State Wikina's Domestic Worker Kidnapped in Kono, Ogoni, Rivers State Job Seeker Murdered ComfortAgene, Pamela Markpa at Etegwe, Bayelsa State Kidnappers in Police UniformAbduct Madam Eruan, Bayelsa Commissioner's Mother Kitikata, Dreaded Militant Leader Killed By JTF in Nembe, Bayelsa State Catherine Onyeme Bought her Freedom with N3million in Delta State 62-year-old Madam Week Kidnapped in Bayelsa State Kidnappers on The Prowl in Omuma, Rivers State Journalist Threatened Over Rivers State Sustainable DevelopmentAgency (RSDA) Report Repentant Militants Rape Students, Loot Properties in Rivers WaliAmadi, Uniport CSO Murdered Charles Nsiegbe, Ex-LawmakerAssasinated in Port Harcourt Protesting students of University of Science and Technology ejected from school, some arrested Man Murders Brother's Wife, in Port Harcourt, of Rivers State Gunman Kills Eze Onwuna in Ozuoba, Rivers State NwandikeAchalugo Kidnapped By Gunmen in Illoabuchi, Port Harcourt Land Dispute Claims Innocent Nkana's Life 81-Year-Old Nnordee Nkuedam Tortured to Death Over Land Govt Impostors Clamp Down on Innocent Commuter Chinonyerenkalu Set Housemaid on Fire Family Members Torture Innocent Sampson, Wife,

77-78 78-79 79-80 80-81 81-82 82-83 83-84 84 84-85 85-86 87-88 88 88-89 89-90 90-91 91-92 92 92-93 93-94 94-95 95-96


Child Over Property Inheritance Celestine KekiriAmputated by Dangote Bail Machine Michael Wonah Beaten to Death by His Brothers, Others in Umuagwor, Ikwerre Rivers State Harvests of Violence in the Creeks as Militants, Military clash GunmenAbduct Mother, 3 Children, VPS Ex-Campaign Director in Bayelsa Gunmen Kidnap Briton, Kill Two Policemen. Bayelsa Governor'sAides Beat Up Journalist. Armed Gangs hijack Boats, Force Passengers to Have Sex with OneAnother Scores Killed as Hostility Resumes Between Deebam, Deewell Cults in Port Harcourt. Lawmaker's Son Kidnapped in Rivers, Banker's Mother in Delta Nine Killed InAmai, Umuebu Clash Six Year-Old Boy, Female Judge's Daughter Kidnapped inAsaba Gunmen Kidnap Lebanese Construction Worker Adiele, Ex-RiversAttorney-General, Dedua Kidnapped Militants ShotAero Contractor's Helicopter, Wound One on Board Gunmen Shot Dead This Day's Security Man Cult Violence in Bayelsa, Delta States, 15 Killed GunmenAbduct Daukoru's Wife, Igoni Shell's Utorogu Gas PlantAttacked Sunny Opuambe, Bush Boys Commander Killed Abductors of Pentecostal Pastor Demand N8 Million Ransom Kitikata and his Fighters Storm Shell Facility in Nembe -

96-97 97-99 99-101 101-102 102-103 103-104 105 105-107 107-108 108-109 109-110 110 110-111 111-112 112-113 113 114 114-115 115-116 117-118 118-119 119-120



STATE OF NIGERIA`S PRISONS IN THE REGION Background: The state of Nigeria's Prisons in the Niger Delta region Armed Robbery Detainees and under-age in Port Harcourt Prison Between Port Harcourt and other Prisons More tales of woes from Warri Prison Insanitary condition, abuse in Warri Prison -

121-125 125-127 127-130 130-132 132-134 135-136 136-137 137 137-144 145-152 153


ADEAD ENVIRONMENTANDAFINISHED PEOPLE Agip Oil Spill Ravages Okpoama Community Fisher-folks Cry over NNPC Spill Ogonis Protest Devastation of Farmland Deepening Understanding of Oil Pollution Complications in the Niger Delta: The Case of Bodo Oil Spills The JK 4 Oil Spill Appendix 1 -


The Police: Extra-Judicial Killings and Lawlessness

(1) The Police: Extra-Judicial Killings and Lawlessness

Everyone has the right to life, liberty and Security of person - Article 3, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights Police Murder Webara Paba for Not Being Able to Pay Additional N50,000 Bribe On June 29, 2009, the police at the State Criminal and Investigation Department (SCID) in Port Harcourt tortured 28-year-old Webara Peba to death. The victim was arrested on June 25, 2009 by Ibe at the behest of Mr. Barinada Mitete who had dispute with the deceased over land ownership. According to the account of Leyiga Peba, an elder sister of the victim who spoke to CEHRD in English, On June 25, 2009, the police at SCID invited my brother (Webara Peba) to come to the station. He honoured the police invitation, and when he got there the police officer in charge of the case did not allow him to go. He called us and when we got there, we were arrested too. On the whole, we were 4 arrested. Each of us (Webara's siblings) paid N50, 000 for bail, three of us were released, but Webara was still held. He was asked to pay additional N50,000, there was no where we could get the money immediately. We said the N50, 000 so far taken from us should take care of four of us. Ibe, the Investigating Police Officer (IPO) refused. What he did later was to torture him so that he will bring the money. Webara later died and Ibe and his men went and secretly dumped his corpse at the mortuary at Braithwaite memorial Hospital. This is what happened, please call Ibe and others and ask them whether I am lying, Peba said. CEHRD visited the SCID and met some senior officers there, but none of them commented on the matter. The SCID is notorious for several cases of torture and extra-judicial executions. CEHRD demands immediately for the

The Police: Extra-Judicial Killings and Lawlessness

refund of the N150, 000 earlier extorted from the family of the deceased, and the prosecution of all the culprits in the matter without exception. And without delay, there should be a transparent investigation into the murder, involving the family representatives and an independent autopsy and inquest devoid of any influence. Mobile Police Shot Dead a Peace Maker, Tagged Him Kidnapper In spite of Nigeria's return to civil rule, the atmosphere of state violence continued unabated. On Saturday, June 20, 2009, at about 8:30am (in the morning) heavily armed mobile policemen stormed the ever-busy Effurun market in Warri, Delta State and shot dead David Robinson Ukpokpo, a father of a 2-year-old boy. CEHRD gathered that on the above day, there was a minor misunderstanding between a market woman and Mr. Felix, resident of No. 11, PTI Road, Efurrun, Warri. Felix had accused the market woman of blocking the entrance to his house with her goods she was selling at the market. As the quarrel deepens, David Robinson Ukpokpo who CEHRD learnt is not related to either the woman or Felix intervened and settled the dispute. Unknown to anybody before the quarrel was settled the woman had telephoned her husband, Mr. Odeghogho, popularly called Captain who in turn alerted some mobile policemen on duty at the Jakpa junction, Effurun, Warri. The police later arrived the scene when the quarrel was resolved. Without warning, they shot Ukpokpo who was not armed with anything, and fled the scene leaving the deceased in a pool of his blood until sympathizers and eye witnesses took the deceased to General Hospital, Ekpan, where he died due to excessive bleeding. Mrs. Vivian Ukpokpo, wife of the deceased later in company of other witnesses went to the nearby Divisional Police Headquarters at Ekpan, Warri to lodge a complaint of the above incident, but Jimoh, a police officer there refused to take statements from eyewitnesses and members of the deceased family. One of the eye-witnesses told CEHRD, Jimoh refused to take our

The Police: Extra-Judicial Killings and Lawlessness

true account; he told us that he doesn't need our report that he had one from mobile at the Jakpa junction, Effurun, Warri. He also claimed that the man (the deceased) wanted to disarm his men and kidnap the woman trader. When he said this, the members of the family of the man and wife wanted to beat him. They wept and rolled on the floor. I was there. That is not what happened. This police people I fear them. They tell a lot of lies in this case She spoke to CEHRD in Pidgin English, above is the translated version. Ukpokpo was shot in the presence of his wife, Vivian and his two-year-old son, Praise. CEHRD visited the police station in Ekpan and a police officer there said they were not aware of such case. Meanwhile, CEHRD also contacted the Delta state branch of the Committee for the Defense of Human Rights (CDHR) and encouraged them to take up the matter which they are doing. Citizen David Robinson Ukpokpo's case is just one of those numerous cases of police extra-judicial killings. CEHRD calls for a comprehensive investigation into the matter in a bid to doing justice and bringing the culprits to book. Chika Ibeku, 4 Others Killed in Police Custody On Tuesday, April 7, 2009, a security official called an official of the Centre for Environment, Human Rights and Development (CEHRD) and informed him about the arrest of Chika Ibeku, Gabriel Ejoor Owoicho, 27 years old; John Nnaemeka, 30 years Precious Odua, 29 years and Ochomma Candle, 25 years, in Omoku town in the Ogba/Egbema/Ndoni local government area of Rivers State. They were held briefly at the Omoku police station before being transferred to the Swift Operation Squad (SOS), a special security unit of the police noted for its records of extra-judicial executions, torture, ill-treatment etc in Port Harcourt, Rivers State. On the morning of Wednesday, April 8, 2009, some of the parents of the victims had access to their children before they were taken to the SOS torture chambers.

The Police: Extra-Judicial Killings and Lawlessness

CEHRD called the mobile phone of CSP Johnson Oni Olaminde, but when Johnson answered, he said that is a wrong number and that this is not Johnson's number. CEHRD also contacted local journalists who spoke with Johnson on the same line, but was said to have denied knowledge of Ibeku and 4 others case. CEHRD confirmed that Ibeku and 4 others were in CSP Olaminde's cell undergoing inhuman torture and denigrating treatment. CEHRD also informed the London based Amnesty International (AI) about it, who on April 9, 2009 wrote a letter to the Rivers State police boss. The letter which was titled, Chika Ibeku; ill Treatment By The Police, Risk of Torture and Extrajudicial Execution was signed by Veronique Aubert, deputy director of AI, Africa progrmme, The document reads in part, Amnesty International is concerned for the safety of Mr. Chika Ibeku, currently detained at the Swift Operation Squad (SOS) centered in old GRA, Port Harcourt. The organization believes him to be in need of medical attention and at risk of further ill-treatment or torture and extra-judicial execution. According to reports received by Amnesty International, Mr. Chika Ibeku has not been seeing a doctor or been granted access to a lawyer. CEHRD also sent a letter to the same police commissioner, but sadly, the police never acknowledged the letters or respond to the allegations therein. Ibeku is an ex-chief of Deewell, a street cult group, who prior to his arrest and following the recent amnesty to militants in the Niger Delta, had surrendered his guns to the police. The SOS had earlier told the families of Ibeku and others that they were held on suspicion of the murder of police men last year in Port Harcourt, the capital of Rivers State. On Sunday, November 16, 2008 at about 11:00pm gunmen dressed in police uniforms shot dead 3 mobile policemen at the popular Kaduna street junction opposite the Corpus Christi Cathedral of the Roman Catholic Church and took their AK 47 assault riffles away. The names of the policemen are Mr. Ogidi Linus, Constable Yinka Tidinkpa and Sergeant Sunday Okon, they were of the Squadron 48 of the Mobile Police Force (MPF) base in Ahoada in the Ahoada-East Local Government Area of Rivers State (Read The

The Police: Extra-Judicial Killings and Lawlessness

SCORECARD for 2008 a CEHRD report, page 132 - 133). CEHRD is worried at how the police know that Ibeku and co. were responsible for the killings of the policemen. CEHRD did a thorough investigation into the killing of the policemen and wonders how the police arrived at the point of arresting Ibeku on such suspicion. CEHRD also gathered that the police tortured Ibeku and co. to death in their custody. Police Revenge; Ken Niweigha Executed in Bayelsa State. On Tuesday May 27, 2009, Ken Niweigha, coordinator of the Bayelsa Volunteers, a Bayelsa State government special security outfit who also doubles as a militant leader in the state was extra-judicially killed by the police. Ken hailed from the Niweigha family in Odi in the Kolokuma/Opokuma Local Government Area of Bayelsa State. The community was razed down and scores of poor Odi villagers killed in 1999 as General Olusegun Obasanjo, President of Nigeria then, arbitrarily sent soldiers to the rural community. Apart from destroying houses in the community and killing residents, Obasanjo's soldiers had a field day looting properties from the Odi community and raped scores of both married and unmarried women. Ken Niweigha was accused of being responsible for the killing of 12 policemen who were harassing members of the Odi community. Before the killing of policemen in Odi, Ken as he was popularly called started as a political thug. Ken had admitted to a CEHRD monitor that he worked for Diepreye Solomon Alamieseigha, the ex-governor of Bayelsa State who was deposed as governor following corruption charges. He said he was one of those who visibly rigged the 1999 election in favour of Alamieseigha of the People's Democracy Party (PDP) and that after the 1999 election the governor (Alamieseigha) didn't settle them meaning paying them a fee for their thuggery services.

The Police: Extra-Judicial Killings and Lawlessness

According to what Ken confided in CEHRD, the governor (Alamieseigha) started using the police to harass him and members of his gangs who worked for him. He said they were chased away from one of the slums of Yenagoa called Black Market where they had camped. And that they moved to his Odi community and the same police came there to harass them, there was a bloody encounter and some of his boys were killed and 12 policemen were also killed. In reprisal, the Obasanjo regime sent in troops and they razed Odi, killed scores of poor villages, stole their properties and raped both married and unmarried women. The late Niweigha was arrested later, and held in solitary confinement at the insanitary Port Harcourt prisons in Rivers State. On June 17, 2005, at about 11:00pm, some of Ken's comrade-in-arms broke into the prisons and rescued him and 127 prisoners standing trials also escaped, Soboma George, the leader of the Outlaws, a notorious street gang (cult) who was there for a different reason murder, was also freed. CEHRD investigations revealed that Farah Dagogo Ipallibo, leader of the Niger Delta Strike Force (NDSF) also commander of the eastern division (Rivers State) of the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND) and others led the rescue mission which freed Ken, Soboma and others. Since the jail break, Ken returned to Odi and set up a militant camp where he continued rendering his services to politicians and those who need it.Apolice officer at the police headquarters confided in CEHRD that since the killing of the police in Odi in 1999, the police have been keeping watchful eyes on Ken. The police after arresting Ken issued a public statement admitting that they arrested Ken Niweigha, and that the state police boss, Udeka Onuoha interrogated him, A day after the police arrested him they shot him dead and displayed his lifeless body in the open as a public spectacle. Some Odi gleefully locals who spoke to CEHRD said the presence of Ken and his boys in the community posed a threat because the police and the Joint Task Force (JTF) were threatening to attack the community if Ken didn't move from there, and the memories of the invasion of 1999 was still fresh in

The Police: Extra-Judicial Killings and Lawlessness

the minds of the villagers, they were terribly frightened. Though, CEHRD contacted the military authorities to find out their comment on the Ken matter, the military told CEHRD that they don't have any hand in Ken's plight and that it is purely a police affair. Inhuman and Degrading Torture by Police; CourtAwards Nayen N200, 000 Last year, December 26, 2008, Sergeant Patrick Ebokan and his notorious gang of police from B. Division, in Warri, Delta State arrested 36-year-old Mr. Emmanuel Nayen at Mr. Tadafe's store around Bazunu plaza in Warri, the slummy metropolis of Delta State and tortured him there. The police officer, Patrick Ebokan and his men who arrested Emmanuel demanded five thousand naira (N5, 000) only from him and alleged that he was at Tadafe's store to buy stolen goods. This is a common tactic by the Nigerian police to extort money from unsuspecting Nigerians. Nayen who is a glass fibre laminator/boat fibre manufacturer told the police he won't pay the bribe that he has not committed any offence, and that he does legitimate business. The victim was there to buy calibrated resin chemical which he uses for his boat fabrication. Because the victim refused to pay the N5, 000 bribe to the police he was tortured and detained, and in spite of the inhuman torture and degrading treatment meted out to the victim, like insult upon injury, the police hit him violently with an iron rod on the head and in the process Nayen sustained a deep cut and he became unconscious. The same policemen who tortured him brought an unconscious Emmanuel Nayen to VICAH CLINIC, a private hospital in Warri. When the victim regained consciousness, the victim told CEHRD how nurses on duty recounted how he was brought to the hospital. On December 27, 2008, he went to the notorious police station B Division, to demand for the following items N70, 000, mobile phone, slippers, wrist watch and necklace that were on him when the police arrested him and he couldn't get

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them again. CEHRD investigations revealed that the above items were stolen by the police. Again, he was detained by the police for false information, and released on December 28, 2008 after paying N5, 000, 00. CEHRD visited the police station and met some police officers there, one of the police officers lied to CEHRD monitor that they never tortured Emmanuel and that he suffers from epilepsy, and they were just interrogating him when he fell down. And when CEHRD asked the police officer, Are you a medical doctor? How do you know the man is suffering from epilepsy. The police officer got angry and said, When you can do what you (CEHRD) want to do we have done it if that is what you want to hear. We don't owe anybody any apology, after God is the police, the police officer boasted and walked out on CEHRD monitor. CEHRD is in possession of a medical report on the victim conducted by FRAMAH CLINIC, a popular private hospital based in Ovwian, Udu Local Government Area of Delta State near Warri. The report which was signed by Dr. Frank N. Ofili dated 12th, January, 2009, entitled MEDICAL REPORT:- RE; MR. Emmanuel Nayen, Male 36 Years. Reads, Examination revealed a healthy looking man, very articulate in his speech and well-oriented in time and space. There is a Linear scar on the Vortex of his head (scalp) 4 inches long (Healed). This scar is consistent with a direct strike or hit on the head with a hard object with a straight shape, like wood or metal. Very, very unlikely to be from a fall. I confirm this is the case of assault. Poor Nayen, the brutalized fiber Glass worker told CEHRD that Any time I bend down to do any work I have eye pains, headaches and pains, he broke down and wept profusely while narrating his ordeals in the hands of the Sergeant Patrick Ebokan and his gang. Appalled by the life threatening injuries inflicted on the victim, on 18th February, 2009, Ikimi Oghenejabor, a popular human rights lawyer and the chairman of the Delta State branch of the Committee for the Defense of Human Rights (CDHR) filled a suit with No. FHC/B/CS/25/2009, seeking for the enforcement of the fundamental human rights of Nayen. Justice M.B. Idris of Federal High Court 3 in Benin,

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Edo State later gave an order that a sum of N200, 000 be paid to the victim as damages against the police and also asked the police to make a public apology to the victim of their lawless behaviour. Sadly, the police didn't pay or contribute to the medical bills of the victims. The police in their usual disdainful and contemptuous manner, throughout the duration of the case, did not enter appearance by a lawyer of their choice, neither did they file any document or court process in response to those filled and served on them by Nayen's attorney, Ikimi. Nayen is a father of 2 children. Following the judgment, the National Human Rights Commission (NHRC), Nigerian government human rights body through its executive secretary, Mr. Roland Ewubare issued a public statement, The police officer (Patrick Ebokan), who was implicated in Nayen's plight, should be punished. The NHRC hails this judgment as it is in accord with the Federal Government of Nigeria's policy against, and denunciation of torture by law enforcement agent. I therefore, write to urge the Inspector General of Police not to appeal against this judgment but rather punish the over-zealous and obviously unfit public officer. In spite of all, the police recently went to Magistrate Court 1, Warri and filled 2 suits with numbers NW/58C/2009 and NW/18C/2009 respectively, against the victim. One that Emmanuel Nayen bought stolen calibrated resin chemical and the second charge, is that Nayen gave false information that his head is injured. The legal battle continues while the police still harass the victim and members of his family. Sergeant Owebo from the B Division is spearheading the suits against Nayen. CEHRD joins others to call for the prosecution of the lawless police officers. The time has come for him to face justice so that it will serve as a deterrent to others. Police Torture LawyerAdekilekun in Bayelsa State On April 22, 2009, a team of police officers tortured Kamal Adekilekun, a

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lawyer over a minor accident involving his car and a motorbike carrying a passenger at the Azikoro Road junction of the Mbiama/Yenogoa Road where a police woman was on duty as a traffic warden What led to the minor accident in which no body was injured was attributed to traffic misdirection and a clear case of incompetence on the part of the traffic officer identified as Ms. Amaka Eze, CEHRD was told in an interview with a motorbike driver who pleaded anonymity. CEHRD further gathered that as light argument ensued shortly over the incident between Adekilekun and Eze, a 7-man police patrol team seeing the lawyer arguing with a police officer didn't want to know what happed they descended on Kamal Adekilekun and gave him the beating of his life with gun butts and fists. The victim managed to escape to the nearby Ekeki police station, to report the matter, but unluckily for him, the same set of police who tortured him intercepted him and beat him up again at the police station. The police officers who tortured lawyer Kamal Adekilekun are Dickson Anthony, James Egba, Ishaya John, James Egba Obot and 3 others that CEHRD can't obtain their names. At the Ekeki police station, a superior police officer who was said to have ordered the beating of the lawyer, also asked one of the police officers above accused of torturing Kamal to investigate the case. What a contradiction? The Nigeria Bar Association (NBA), Yenagoa branch protested and the matter was transferred to the police headquarters in Yenogoa. Sadly too, even at the police headquarters Kamal was given another beating of his life by police officers there. I can't really say why I was given this kind of treatment. I can't really explain. I don't think I have offended any body. I am a law abiding person KamalAdekilekun lamented to a CEHRD official. Angered by the merciless maltreatment meted out to their colleague, the


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NBA officials led by its branch chairman, Ukari Oduma and others such as S.I. Damabide, S.B. Egberipou, S.F. Algebe and A.K. Adewusi on Monday, April 20, 2009, held a press briefing at the Nigerian Union of Journalist (NUJ) secretariat and demanded for an apology from the police. CEHRD gathered that the police didn't apologize to either the victim of their brutality or the NBA. The case of Kamal is just one of the numerous cases of police lawlessness in Nigeria, if a high profile lawyer like Kamal Adekilekun can be treated that way. What about millions of poor and helpless Nigerians all over the country? Police Rescue Kidnapped Medical Doctor in Port Harcourt On 22 June, 2009, the Medical Director of Sovereign Life Hospital, a private clinic located at 96 Ojoto Street by Wokoma Junction in Mile III area of Diobu, Port Harcourt who was kidnapped on Friday, June 19, 2009 in his clinic was rescued by men of the Nigeria Police Force barely after three days with the kidnappers. He was set free by security agents when his abductors made an attempt to escape with him through the Njemanze Waterfront in Port Harcourt. In a fierce gun battle that ensued between the kidnappers and the police, three of the abductors fell to the bullets of the security personnel. The Rivers State Police Command foiled the kidnap bid and rescued the medical doctor unhurt. The director of the private clinic was whisked away from his office by persons who disguised themselves as relatives of a lady that pretended to be sick and needed medical attention. CEHRD gathered that two men brought the lady, each at her side. On reaching the hospital from a waiting vehicle, they sought for the doctor's immediate intervention. Contrary to the expectation of having a patient, the kidnappers brought out guns from a sack they were carrying with which they surrendered everyone in the clinic and escaped with the doctor. Nurses and workers in the clinic turned down numerous requests by CEHRD monitor to see their director after his rescue. In one of the visits, they said that


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Police asked them not to talk to anybody concerning the foiled abduction. It was, therefore, impossible to hear from the freed doctor and to know the possible reason behind the kidnap. The Rivers State Police Public Relations Officers, DSP Rita Inoma-Abbey only confirmed the rescue of the medical doctor to CEHRD official in her office at Moscow Road in Port Harcourt. SSSArrest Orinaemi Hart On 15 May, 2009, Mr. Orinaemi Hart alleged to be the leader of a notorious armed group alleged to have been responsible for several attack along the Bonny waterways was among the group of seven suspects that were arrested and paraded by the State Security Service in Port Harcourt, the capital of Rivers State. The Director of State Security Service, Toyin Williams said that the gang leader who was arrested by the Police at Iwofe in Obio/Akpor local government was the founder of Okoloma Ikpangi, a dreaded cult group in the Bonny Island. The group, according to the SSS Director was behind several attacks on passenger boats and vessels on the Bonny waterways. He said that the group also led other crimes within the Bonny area and raped several women. The leader of the notorious gang, the SSS said has confessed under interrogation of being behind the attacks on the palace of Amanyanabo of Grand Bonny, King Edward Asimini Dappa Pepple and the Bonny Marine Police post in March last year - 2008. SSS further revealed that the armed group robbed Ecobank in Bonny on August 8, 2008 and also attacked soldiers at Bonny waterfront beach and NPA Jetty in April 2008, attacked soldiers on patrol which led to the death of some soldiers and several others including the offensive launched on MV Lannalco Waxbill leading to the abduction of one Charles Omagbemi on January 21, 2009 and the kidnap of Popa Nicholas. The SSS Director said the suspect has equally confessed to the ownership and possession of several categories of firearms including 15 General Multi-Purpose Machine Guns (GMPMGS), seventyAK47 assault rifles and several pistols.


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Responding to questions, Mr. Orinaemi Hart confessed to have taken part in several criminal cases and has had over 100 fighters in his camp. Another armed youth also paraded by SSS was Mr. Elliot John who hails from Unyeada Community in Andoni local government area but Thompson Williamson, said to be a member of the gang was at large when his members were apprehended. Others caught by security agents were: Damiete ThankGod, Opiritei Horsfall, Bobo Orubo, Tito Horsfall, Boma Nicholas Horsfall andAsitoa Sokair Chima. PoliceArrest Son for Killing Father On May 18, 2009, a young man, Mr. Oye Moses Oleh reportedly murdered his 70-year-old father, late Elder Moses Oleh for not yielding to his demand. CEHRD which has been monitoring closely the murder of the septuagenarian gathered that the suspect was accosted by concerned persons in Elelenwo Community and taken to the State Criminal Investigation Department (SCID), Port Harcourt for further investigation. The deceased who was a retired staff of Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC), was murdered by his son in his residence at Mangrove Estate in Elelenwo Town in Obio/Akpor local government area of Rivers State. Late Elder Oleh, a native of Ogbema Town in Abua/Odual was killed shortly after he had taken his breakfast. The accused was said to have demanded money for feeding from the deceased who gave him only N1, 000.00 on the excuse that he had earlier given him money. The suspect refused to collect the money, from what CEHRD gathered but asked for huge sum in addition to an earlier N20, 000.00 reportedly given to him by his father on May 4, 2009. Angered by his father's refusal to give him more money than the N1, 000, Oye Moses Oleh dragged his aged father down and used hard object on his head before finally hitting him with a generator set which sent the man to the grave. CEHRD monitor rushed to the scene but learnt that family of the deceased had taken the corpse to Braithwaite Memorial Specialist Hospital in Port Harcourt. Mr. Obalologhe Moses Oleh, another son of the deceased


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confirmed the story and added that he had tried all he could do in an effort to save the life of his father but lamented that the septuagenarian did not survive the attack. Patricidal cases are becoming rampant in Rivers State. In February 3, 2009, a young man identified as Paul Woko also hit his father, Elder Owen Woko to death. The elder brother who reported the incident to police told CEHRD that his brother killed their father who was in his 80s with an iron rod with which he hit the deceased at the neck. According to Obalologhe, the deceased was rushed immediately after the attack to the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital (UPTH) where he later gave up the ghost at about 1:00pm when medical personnel were battling to revive him. Mr. Obalologhe added that his brother may have unconsciously carried out the crime as he was suffering from mental illness. The corpse of the deceased was deposited at the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital. A source told CEHRD official that cases of children particularly male children killing their fathers is rampant. Police Tortured Kalu to Death in Port Harcourt On 28 June, 2009 at about 5:00pm, men of the Special Anti-Robbery Squad of the Rivers State Police Command swooped on some innocent youths, got them arrested and tagged them as cultists. One of those arrested named Joseph Okoyi Kalu, 32 years old who was residing at No. 1 Okohia streets, Mile II Diobu unfortunately, died in course of the tortures. Late Kalu must have died of serious internal injury he sustained when the heartless officers allegedly led by one CSP Ogunsola hit the deceased's head on the wall. He was said to have started vomiting blood and died later. Eze Aniele and Nnaemeka Aniele were arrested alongside with the deceased. When the officers found out that their football object was dead, one Sergeant Frank was detailed to take the corpse to mortuary. When CEHRD official visited the Braithwaite Memorial Specialist Hospital, he found out that the corpse of the deceased was deposited at the morgue by Sergeant Frank on 1st July, 2009. CEHRD further found out that


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the said officer signed in two corpses that same date, which means that police had not ceased from unreasonable extra-judicial killings. Investigation into SARS activities in Rivers State revealed that the squad which is located at Borikiri in Port Harcourt on same 28/06/2009 arrested no fewer than nine people on frivolous grounds and made each of them to pay heavily to bail themselves. UNIUYO Student Killed in Rivers On 24th July, 2009, one Chibuike Anans, 23, identified as a student of University of Uyo, Akwa Ibom State was killed by men of the Nigeria Police from Elimgbu Divisional Police Headquarters. The victim of Police extra-judicial killing was with his friends at a relaxation spot, Timi Guest House in Umuebulu in Etche local government when men in uniform, ironically said to be the people's friend surrendered the building. They shot indiscriminately and fell the innocent student on the excuse that a vehicle parked at the premises of the hotel is suspected to be stolen. As at the time of this report, the three friends of the deceased arrested by Police were still at the Elimgbu Police Station. The Divisional Police Officer (DPO) in charge of the division told the father of the deceased that his son was mistakenly killed but he later told the father when the corpse was requested for burial that he would write to the Commissioner of Police for approval to release the corpse. The father of the slain Chibuike Annas is demanding for justice and also calling for the release of his son's corpse.

Special Police Squads Invade Teyork, Kaani 1 Communities, Ogoni, Stole Money,Arrest Poor Villagers On December 7, 2009, at about 8:00pm, about 18 Police trucks invaded the Teyork, formerly called Kaani 2 and Kaani 1 communities in the Khana Local Government Area of Ogoni, Rivers State. The community folks who


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had benefitted from non-violent trainings from CEHRD in the above communities earlier had called and sent sms to CEHRD officials, informing her that theAnti- Terrorist Police squads attacked them. Recently, Governor Rotimi Chibuike Amaechi of Rivers State at his Town Hall meeting in Bori, the headquarters of the Khana Local Government Area of Rivers State had threatened to arrest Goodluck Diigbo, a factional president/spokesperson of the Movement for the Survival of the Ogoni People (MOSOP), on accusation that Diigbo threatened peace in Ogoniland. The Governor's statement heightened tension in the area. Diigbo hails from the Kaani 2 community now called Teyork. On Monday, November 30, 2009, Goodluck Diigbo wrote a strong worded letter to Governor Amaechi. Part of the letter reads, On November 27, 2009, at a town hall in Bori you interfered in MOSOP affairs attempting to impose your old time friend, Ledum Mitee to work with UNEP clean-up team on behalf of Ogoni. You went ahead further to issue a hostile threat that you will arrest me for preventing UNEP Ogoniland clean-up project. There is no need to abuse your potent power (security forces) by using them against me or any other innocent person. The world will be watching. For the avoidance of doubt, neither MOSOP as an organization, nor I as the MOSOP president will stand against proper cleanup of the more than 300 oil devastated sites in Ogoniland. The commando-style invasion of these two rural communities of Kani 1 and Kaani 2 (Teyork) was led by Habila Joshak, a Deputy Commissioner of Police and Mrs. Ireju Barasua, the former Rivers State Police Public Relations Officer (PRO) and currently a Deputy Superintendent of Police. In the wake of the Police invasion and looting, CEHRD visited the communities. The police had stormed Teyork and Kaani 1, burning the house of late Chief John Nkeeh where they made away with money, breaking doors and looting drinks and money of other residents, then adding it beating. A victim, Nna an elderly man who could not read and write, narrated his ordeal in pidgin but translated in English We were walking in our compound, the soldier just saw me... another one pursued after me. He kicked at me that if I talk he will shoot at me. I defecated Mrs. Love Nmanu a 45-year-old mother, with four children in her shocks told CEHRD, The tree (3) of them (police)


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beat me. A local bear seller, Barisua a 20-year-old, who is also a cyclist popularly called Okada-rider in Nigeria narrated, I sell bear... I was taking my bath in the stream. I saw a troop of police (soldiers) that stormed my compound. They kicked my door, packed my drinks and removed twenty (20) crates that their big man (leader) said they should bring them. They carried my CD (compact Disc), all my things, my two hundred thousand. In Kaani 1, at the burnt house of late Chief John Nkeeh, CEHRD heard from a victim tenant, Barilee Kpobi, of 52-years -old and late Chief John Nkeeh's son as Barilee lamented, Since I live in this place since 2003, I have never seen any problem come to this place. I saw a troop of army coming from the back yard...they arrested some of us. I have never seen anywhere that Police or military men came and burn everywhere to ashes. There is an organization we use to form here, all the documents burnt. They went away with such amount, all the money...including my property. The son of late chief John Nkeeh proceeded this is my father's compound and I don't have money to build house. Mrs. Esther Penu whose door was broken and her one hundred thousand naira which she kept that belongs to her meeting group was also looted. The police had been unable to make public their purpose of invasion in Teyork and Kaani 1 communities, the said kidnapped woman Mrs. Precious Ngalali was kidnapped in Eleme and allegedly released in Eleme also which makes people raise eyebrows of the invasion, why should the two Ogoni communities located very far from Eleme where the kidnapping occurred be put to such torture, harassment, humiliation and brutality. In quest to fathoming the purpose of the police invasion, His Royal Highness Mene Dr. F.N Apere had written to the Area Commander, Bori Police Sation, Bori Ogoni which reads in part When the Police Force came to my town yesterday 7th December, 2009. I was not there and upto this moment I do not know the reason behind their coming even to an extent of burning down houses and breaking into peoples' houses yet there had been no reply. CEHRD briefed Amnesty International on the situation and called for urgent intervention even from other human rights organizations. Following the incident and the arrest, Amnesty International intervened in the situation by the new police commissioner, Suleiman Abba, who promised to intervene. The Civil Liberties Organisation (CLO) intervened at Criminal Investigative Bureau (CIB) where the IPO in charge attempted taking bribe of thirty


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thousand naira (N30,000.00) for bail from each of the victim, but for the uncompromising intervention of CLO. However, later, the arrested victims amongst the nine were released on 17th December, by 12: 56pm. Their names were given as follows: Friday Boy (male) 32years, Baride Ndisan (male) 35 years, Layii Nundo (female) 19 years, Ledee Diigbo (male) 34 years, Sunday Ntugha (male) 24 years and Elder Godwin Nwiado (male) 60 years. On their release one of them stated, They (police) arrested me that I am one of the kidnappers. Some of the victims after their release stated that there were other detainees who were allegedly detained from some other places for one kidnap case or the other. Police Torture Lebari Sunday, Others in Deeyor, Ogoni, Rivers State On 7th October, 2009, a detachment of policemen from Kpor Police Division, on the patrol van : NPF 916 B, with some policemen identified as Mr. Clatus and Mr. Amos and some others who were on mufti allegedly tortured, looted, extorted money and ransacked the house of Apostle Sunday Lebari and others in Deeyor community. On the above mentioned date, as gathered by CEHRD from Apostle Sunday, that the said policemen and their detachment, had come to him for an invitation from the DPO, Kpor Police Division, Gokana over Church matter Apostle Lebari requested for letter of invitation, where is the invitation letter? and when there was none, the policemen left and later came back with violence rather than the invitation letter. They used machete on him, which gave him some swollen; a medical report from Dr Ogum E.I reads, He sustained laceration injury to the neck and multiple cuts to the back. Worsening the case, they ransacked his house, allegedly looted huge sum of money, destroyed his door and window glasses, CEHRD gathered. On further investigation, CEHRD gathered from witnesses, that the police went ahead to loot the property of Abari and arrested Tombari and Kabari( a mechanic), only to extort 25,000.00 naira from the latter, before charging him and Tombari to court as the victim, Kabari also stated the extortion of money from him. A teenage girl of about 17- year-old, called Gift also


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testified that she was also flogged with machete by the policemen who threw tear gas and gritted the place with tension and made people to run helter skelter. The economic plants of Mr. Christian and others were not spared as the policemen went ahead and destroyed them. On understating what would have related to such arrest of violence, over Church matter as Apostle Lebari informed, CEHRD had to visit Apostle Lekie Baovi , of the New Apostolic Church with whom Apostle Lebari had been in church controversy for times, in fathoming the whys behind the actions. He stated that he never called the police to arrest Lebari; which pondered CEHRD on what really brought the police and who called them, but he further explains: Is the police that he (Apostle Lebari) has invited, he arrested us... and the police he used in arresting us want him to come and close his file... that is the issue. CEHRD contacted the DPO, who stated that he was not around at the time the policemen (P & G) went for the arrest. The facilitator of the Ogoni Youth for Christ lamented over the violence by police which had left the Lebaris on the run for dear life. He also thanked CEHRD for taking the pains in coming into their situation. And CEHRD has encouraged Apostle Lebari to litigate the case; which currently has an order with the charge number: FHC/PH/CS/14330/09. Nevertheless, on 6th Nov, 2009, at about 2:30pm, CEHRD received an urgent call from Confidence Lebari, the son of Apostle Lebari that the same P&G police officers had stormed their compound, and shot at his brother, Dennis Lebari's car back tyres. Abari explained, I went to pump water in the generator room as I was just coming back, I saw the police man Cletus he was holding a gun and asked where is Apostle that drove in now and parked the car? As he saw me, consequence upon that, he asked where is your father? he moved towards me and pointed his gun at me so I jumped and ran so he fired a bullet in my direction. They pushed the car to where the steering locked and entered into it to pack my school document, national I.D Card, A.T.M cards FIDELITY / FIN banks, Drivers license, my bag with four hundred and twenty thousand naira, one torch light, and also went away with my father's one hundred and


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fifty thousand naira which was in the car that we want to use for buying of GMP windows.CEHRD immediately called the DPO Kpor Police Station again, who stated that he was not aware of the incident, because he was in Port Harcourt. CEHRD uses this opportunity to opine that the police stop all violent actions against Apostle Lebari or any member of Deeyor community, in order not to carry out actions that may degenerate into violence.Again, that the police should realize that humiliation, torture and harassment is a violation of human right- such any arrest must be conformed to constitutional standards. Ellah Simeon Tortured, Detained by Police On Saturday, 26th September, 2009, at about 12: noon, a said Chief's driver, two others and the brother, punched and beat Ellah after which Chief invited the police from Mile 1 Police station (Divisional Headquarters Diobu); the Surveillance Unit, who arrested Mr Ellah Simeon and detained him in the cell. Mr. Ellah Simeon was working as a gate-keeper at Amaigbo Primary School, formerly a dilapidated school and a den of cultists, popularly called Aso Rock now under the rehabilitation by the Rivers State government. He Ellah was watching over the materials provided for the building, since the suspension of the building had lingered. An eyewitness Uche ( alias Oshman) told CEHRD that Ellah had a problem with a man, whose name it was difficult to confirm but simply addressed as Chief. The witness went further to explain that Ellah asked the Chief to pay the usual N200 every car owner who parked his car pay to him (Ellah) for watching over the car in the compound he was a gate- keeper. He the said Chief refused to pay on the stance that he hailed from Ikwerre serious misunderstanding ensued that led the chief's driver, brother and two others in the Chief's car, to unleash terror on Ellah. The Chief invited the police and Ellah was arrested, detained and charged with Attempt to take life by violence, as CEHRD gathered from Ellah after his release.


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On hearing the report of Ellah's case, CEHRD contacted the Mile 1 Police station. The D.P.O who heard the issue instructed an inspector to look into the case. Later, CEHRD gathered that Ellah had been released; in a brief statement he narrated with joy to CEHRD, In less than ten minutes of your intervention I was released. He and an eyewitness thanked CEHRD for the quick intervention. Rivers Government Clamps Down On Local Press On the 18th November, 2009, Chief Owei Kobina Sikpi, an activist, Publisher and Editor-in-Chief, of the Weekly Star newspaper, located at 6 Ibadan Street, New Layout Township, Port Harcourt, Rivers State, was arrested by two police officers from the State Criminal and Investigation Department (SCID), where he was detained and humiliated, CEHRD gathered. The publisher of the Weekly Star Newspaper had published several publications on the Bundu waterfront demolition, which made his paper vocal on the issue. His publication of 20th-26th October, 2009, in particular where two corpses were published as the corpses of the Bundu mayhem seemed to be the beginning of his journalism battle in the present government of Rt. Hon. Rotimi Ameachi. The arrest which was an order as he stated, that when he asked the police officers to leave he would report at the police station later, the officers refused stating, The Deputy Commissioner of Police... said anybody they meet here they should bring everybody down, he further explained that even his driver would have been arrested. In his statement, he lamented over the level of his victimization at the station, the Deputy Commissioner of Police didn't want to hear anything from me. The publisher who spoke confidently on his publication, in spite of his detention at the Port Harcourt prison stated, This paper has been vocal, we don't compromise... they felt this is the only way...they have been looking for a way to suppress me. However, the case had been adjourned to 2 December, 2009 for hearing.


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In the same vein, Prince Okparanta and Magnus Nwagha both editors of The Verite newspaper were also arrested over a similar publication. On a publication dated 19th-25th October, 2009, the newspaper displayed photographs of victims of military invasion of Bundu waterfront. On the 19th November, the editors, Prince Okparanta and Mr. Magnus were arrested and detained at the State CID. Hear the victim, Okparanta said, On that fateful day...very early hours of the day... I parked my car and decided to go to the news stand to take a look at some of the dailies, so on my way I didn't know that I was already under surveillance so I was rounded up by the security officers... from the State CID, so they were dragging me as a common criminal the editor continued his ordeal , On arrival at the State CID...we were shown a petition written against the Verite newspaper by the State Attorney General and Commissioner for Justice, Mr. Ken Chikere accusing us of publishing false information capable of inciting the public against the Rivers State Government. The experience sounded like a hype-up as the editor proceeded, they insisted I should include in my statement that the publication was capable of inciting the public against the Rivers State Government. The circumstances bred from the Bundu waterfront demolition posed a great challenge to journalism, on the freedom of the press. It could be recalled that a publication dated August 25-31, 2009, from The Moon Light newspaper, which may be seen as prophetic, reads, Indications are that hard time awaits any person, groups or ethnic minority nationalities in Rivers State, which might have the intention to disrupt the proposed waterfronts demolition exercise by Rivers State government, generating clear evidence of the casualties at Bundu and the arrest of newspaper editors. The action of the government would only be described as antagonistic and one that unleashed the omen of fear to writers even in future; if not, the government would not have used the police to humiliate the situations, rather it would have used all possible media within its reach to refute the publication, CEHRD condemns the resort to repressive measures as option to fetter press freedom. In fact, the organization joins the call for immediate passage of the Freedom of Information Bill so as the enable media practitioners carry out their work effectively, without molestation, humiliation or harassment.


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Female Cops Torture 15-year-old Girl in Rivers On the 2nd of Nov, 2009, some female police officers at Nkpolu Divisional Headquarters, arrested one Wasila Usman, 15 years old girl, a junior secondary student (female), slapped and accused her of seizing one Chiamaka her peer. The said Usman's elder sister Jumai approached the CEHRD monitor and explained the case of her younger sister Usman, who Chiamaka of 51 National Street, Mile 3 Diobu, ran over to for accommodation, on the 31st October, 2009, about because her anty's husband had tried to sexually abuse her (Chiamaka). Jumai the elder sister to Usman was not around the said day, but had arrived on Sunday night and asked Chiamaka to leave her house for safety the following day. Soon, two police officers had come to invite the younger sister for explanation on why she harboured Chiamaka. Not yet heard from her the cops descended on the poor girl slapped her while explaining and got her detained in the cell for 'seizing' Chiamaka. However, CEHRD monitor had to intervene, in finding out the purpose of her detention but one of the female police officers was unable to explain asking, Is the girl's house a safe place?, which was after they had asked the elder sister of Usman to bring some money to release her sister, which she objected because she had none. Hear the statement of usman: She (Chiamaka) came to our house on Saturday evening I now asked her why did you come? She told me that her aunty husband wanted to sleep with her. Which was how the poor girl tried to help that landed her in the police station, she further explained, the yellow woman (officer Blessing) slapped me... she tell me say which punishment she will now give me? My sister now begging her tell am (her) say make she no give me say I no do anything, she (officer Blessing) na (then) say (said) no! Say (that) she go (will) give me they now carry me enter counter. I sit there later the police man carry me entre the cell. Nevertheless, Usman after the intervention of the CEHRD monitor was released, which Jumai was grateful to CEHRD.


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Police Raid National Network newspaper, Attack Two staff in Port Harcourt th On 28 August, 2009, some police officers from the Police Divisional Headquarters, Diobu, stormed a local publication, National Network newspaper, located at 6 Kalabari (former Udi) Street, Mile 1 Diobu, and attacked two staff members of the newspaper for no explicit reasons. The victims are Samuel Briggs and ThankGod Nagbara. CEHRD gathered that one of the police officers from the Divisional Headquarters Diobu (Mile one Police Station), had invaded the office without proper introduction of himself, but was intercepted by Samuel, a staff of the publication, who enquired to know who the police officer was looking for. The officer picked offence at Samuel's response and demanded he and ThankGod produce their I.D cards too. Samuel was unable to produce his due to the fact that he was just employed. The officer ordered them to follow him, which Samuel protested not until the said officer allegedly cocked his gun to fire, did the two armless men follow along with him. On approaching the down floor, the officer started beating Samuel and invited other police officers in the beating. The officers dragged him to the vehicle which they came with and gave him the beating of his life, in spite of the plea and attempts of some persons to save the situation. However, CEHRD had gathered that the matter had been reported to the State Police PRO, Rita Inoma- Abbey, State Police Commissioner and the DPO, Mile one Police Station. In response, the DPO had just called the victims for treatment. The violent attack of journalists and press workers at large by police officers and some persons in society is rampant and occurring unchecked to a great level. The situation in Rivers State like other states in Nigeria calls for concern. It was a reaction to these acts on the harassment of journalists that the NUJ placed a ban that there should be no publication of the police activities, although it has been lifted after the police had made an apology. In a publication made 16-22, 2009 by the National Network, the NUJ chairman, Mr. Opaka Dokubo was reported to have disclosed that the Rivers State Police Commissioner, Bala Hassan had on behalf of the command assured in an apology that the police will not brutalize the men of the pen profession any


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longer. It is most appealing as one who visits the local newspapers would always find it under lock and key because these journalists and publishers are afraid of practising a profession such as theirs in a society that has no value for them where each publication they made put their heart on tension because the truth said may have hurt somebody who may be after them. CEHRD had some views and this statement from an editor, I am afraid of continuing this journalism. I have children and I don't want to loose them. From a worker at a local newspaper that had published report on some prostitutes, we hear this, We published about this Ashawo people (prostitutes) them come pull our sign post. The light and substance of true democracy is amongst others the freedom of the press, for it is the voice and light at the end of the tunnel in a society where democracy is tenably sustained. CEHRD makes it clear to state that our environment should be conducive for the press and to all extent they should be protected in their profession.

Police Torture Nwenenda to Death On 13th August 2009, Mr. Nwenenda Eyinda, a 33-year-old mechanic, was arrested by some Police officers from the Choba Police station where one officer known as Oyibo, tortured and humiliated Nwnenda that led to his death on the 16th August, CEHRD gathered. Mr. Nwenenda was a native of the Choba community in Obio/Akpor Local Government Area of Rivers State. CEHRD gathered that the arrest of Nwenenda had only resulted in his misunderstanding with one Mr. Godspower Igwe who was encouraged by Nwanele to invite the police who arrested and tortured the victim to death. The parent of the victim explained to CEHRD, He had a problem with Godspower Samuel Igwe, he ( Nwenenda ) reported Godspower to the traditional ruler. Nwanele the Choba park chairman called Godspower and encouraged Godspower to call the police and Nwenenda was arrested. They paid the police to torture Nwenenda. The corpse of Nwenenda was not brought to the family; rather the police went and deposited it in the mortuary.


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The parent, who sounded determined to face the case legally. It was quite pitiful that after the mighty police had tortured their prey to death, the family only heard about the death of their son on the 17th of August- it is traditional that in Ikwerre culture before a corpse is deposited in the mortuary, that the family see the body. In pursuit for justice, the family had ensured an autopsy test was conducted which was conducted by one doctor Fugbara. The parent to the victim stated, Fugbara confirmed that he was tortured dead. Luck may run out of the culprits as the case had been reported to police Zone 6 Calaber and the officers involved had been put to detention. The family calls on human right organizations to help in monitoring the case to ensure that justice is granted to the victim, whose life had been snuffed out leaving his family- a wife and a child behind. CEHRD encourages victims of human rights violations to stand up and defend their rights. Policemen Shoot Madam Ekaette in Her Shop in Diobu, Port Harcourt Two policemen attached to the Police Divisional Headquarters, Diobu (Mile 1 Police Station) Port Harcourt, the capital of Rivers State shot Madam Ekaette a woman roasting plantain, yam and fish in her shop in Nsukka Street by Udi junction, off Education Bus Stop, Mile 1 Diobu, in Port Harcourt Local GovernmentArea of Rivers State, near a police check point. The incident occurred on Thursday, December 24, 2009 when policemen at the above illegal check point extorting money from commercial motorists, had flagged down a commercial bus to give them the usual fifty naira (N50) bribe, but the driver refused and said he had paid earlier. This stirred the policemen who shot indiscriminately and a stray bullet hit the left knee of poor Madam Ekaette. Amidst the stampede arising from the shooting of Madam Ekaette, those sympathic to the plight of the victim took her to Teme Clinic a trauma centre located at No. 10, New Hospital Close, Mile 1 Diobu, Port Harcourt of Rivers State. The Hospital is operated by Medecins Sans Frontieres (Doctors


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without Borders) where she is currently receiving treatment from the gun injuries. When CEHRD contacted Mrs. Rita Inoma-Abbey she said, she was not aware of the incident. Police Torture Nimi, loses tooth On the 7th December, 2009, a detachment of 'ruthless police officers from Olu-Obasanjo police station stormed Ohaeto Street and arrested armless civilians and Street members numbering about eleven victims for no explicit reasons and humiliated them, using their fist and bat on one Mr. Nimi who they beat to the extent of forcefully beating a tooth out of his mouth and using spray tear-gas in his eyes. At 7:30pm the police officers who had stormed the street, with three trucks and a red car stopped some street members, who were passing along and some who were taking rest harassed and humiliated them. I was just going out to buy something and some people were walking before I was arrested, Mirilla told CERHD. The ordeal of Nimi, a 37- year-old law abiding citizen, in their hands was most heart-breaking to hear and here is his side of the story, We were all going out, they came down and said nobody should move that we are under arrest. I asked, what was the reason for my arrest? The officer said I shouldn't say anything that I was resisting arrest. They started beating me. Nimi went ahead, even shy opening his teeth to CEHRD monitor, they beat me...look at my teeth...look at my eye, they used spray tear-gas on my eye The officers ruthlessly gave Nimi the beating of his life using their fist and bat, then they handcuffed him, put all their preys (the victims) in their trucks and taking them to the police station. However, CEHRD was contacted immediately and the organization intervened before they were released without paying any money which had been an unusual way of bail release by the Police. PoliceArrest, Torture LuckyAhamefule in Diobu, Port Harcourt Justine Ijeomah is the Rivers State secretary of the Civil Liberties


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Organization (CLO). As part of effort to address human rights violation cases, he narrated the ordeal of Mr. Ahamefule in the hands of the police. Below is Ijeomah's account, Mr. Lucky Ahamefule, 36 years old lives at 26 Ekwueme Street, Mile 2 Diobu, Port Harcourt. He was arrested on the 14th August, 2009, at 9.45pm, Mr. Ijeomah said, adding that on hearing the report, through the telephone call, an eyewitness named: Ike informed him that some team of police men from Azikiwe Divisional Police Headquarters, Mile 2 Diobu arrested Mr. Lucky Ahamefule by breaking his door and got him seriously beaten and tortured. I had to go to the scene of the incident and on reaching there, I saw crowd of people shouting, release the boy, the boy is innocent, this activity is getting too much; some of the police men were not putting on uniform and I saw the victim being handcuffed and with some bruise over his body and some trace of blood on his body and his clothes torn. Then, I identified myself to one police officer and I asked him, What did the young man do? He answered by saying that the young man obstructed the police from doing their job, as said by the police, that he blocked them from entering the area to arrest people. Then, I asked the officer, How did he obstruct the police from doing their work?, the police said that, he blocked them from entering the area to arrest people, on the ground that they are coming to arrest innocent people. And the crowd shouted, It is a lie, it is a lie, he is innocent. The police said that, not only did he block them, but he also beat them up. And the crowd shouted again, you have seen it yourself, how can the boy fight them. Continuing his narration, the Rivers State CLO's scribe said: So, I asked the victim, Lucky Ahamefule, What happened? He said that he was eating in a restaurant in front of his yard, 26 Ekwueme Street, the restaurant is popularly called, Mama Egima Restaurant. There were other people also eating along with him in that restaurant, as heard. One of the young men that just finished eating, not up to ten minutes, I don't know his name, but can recognize him facially, was arrested by one Corporal Josy Jones, who is serving at the Azikiwe Divisional Police Headquarters. And was later brought back by the same Corporal Josy. And the people around said, is this not the boy that just


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finished eating now? And the police officer asked the young man is this the place you just finished eating now? The young man answered, Yes, you can ask the people around and the woman that own the restaurant, which the people also testified. As gathered, the police took the boy back to their van along Ikwerre road, within some few minutes, the police men came back to the front of 26 Ekwueme Street. Mr. Lucky who had finished eating in the restaurant was about entering his room. He heard one of the police officers asking him, did you not hear when I was calling you? And Mr. Lucky said no, I didn't know that I was the one, you are calling. He (Lucky) had already put his key into the key-bolt, to open his door, when the police man told him, he was under arrest. The police man asked him, who amongst you in the restaurant that said that this police incessant arrest is becoming too much? And Mr. Lucky answered him that he was not the one that said so, that he didn't know the one that said so either. So, the police officer told him that he was under arrest. He asked the police officer what he did that warranted him to be arrested. The police told him that they called him and he refused to answer. The young man told him that you called me and you are not putting on police uniform, how I know that you are a police officer. Then, Mr. Jones started slapping and beating him with bat and the others with Jones who were without uniform joined and started beating him with police bat and one police officer collected an umbrella in front of his room and join in the beating. In the process, the police officer used the umbrella and hit his door glass and broke the handle of his door and when their commander came in as they were beating him, he asked them to stop beating him, but handcuff him. After narrating this to me, the team leader, who was on uniform ordered them to put the man in a Parado black-Jeep they, came with. I asked them, Where are you taking him to? And the commander said, if I was interested in this case, I should come to their station that night. Then, as they drove away, I called the DPO of the station and informed him of what I heard the men, police officers did and they were coming to the station with the victim. The


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DPO asked me to come over to the police station that night so he can hear me clearly on what I was saying. So, I had to trek that night about 11pm. When I arrived at the station, about entering the DPO's office, I saw the victim, Mr. Lucky and the team of police officers in the DPO'S office. Immediately the DPO saw me, he asked me, Are you the one that called me on the phone? I said yes. He said that his men told him that the young man stopped them from arresting suspects. That Mr. Lucky fought his officer; there and then, Mr. Lucky told him that it was his men that beat him up. Then also, the previous man arrested was brought into the D.P.Os office. And the D.P.O asked him what happened; he explained to the D.P.O how he finished eating his food in the above restaurant and on his way out, his men arrested him.And the D.P.O ordered the police officers to take the man's phone number, his address and release him to go that night. Then, I told the D.P.O that I came for Mr. Ahamaefule's release. Then, the D.P.O ordered his men to take Ahamaefule's statement and release him to me. And the officers did so, and he was released to me that night 11:50pm on the 14thAugust, 2009. CEHRD visited the victim, and hear was his statement, the officer hit me hand for back... he went further, For the station, then say make I write apology say I assaulted and fight police, I no agree. Policemen Kill GuestAtAWedding in Delta State On Saturday, May 9, 2009, a wedding ceremony suddenly ended on a tragic note as one of the mobile policemen hired to provide security there opened fire sporadically into the air. A stray bullet from the gunshots hit one of the guests, a young man called Paul. The unfortunate incident took place at Okpanam Town in the Oshimili North Local Government Area of Delta State. The victim, Paul, just graduated from the university and was billed to proceed on his compulsory National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) scheme. As the tragedy occurred, the wedding ended abruptly as guests ran for safety while others summoned courage and beat up the two policemen there to a pulp.


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A guest who gave her name as Sarah Sumaina told CEHRD, it is like the Mobile Policemen were drunk. I don't think they really wanted to kill anybody. It was an accident. But, it is wrong to bring people with guns into a gathering of that nature. It is so sad. The Police Public Relations Officer (PPRO) of the Delta Police Command, Charles Muka, said that the policemen were on lawful duty, and that the two Police officers are already in custody, and that the Police is still investigating the incident. Journalist Orimolade Abducted By Bayelsa Governor's Security Officials On Tuesday, March 17, 2009, plain-clothes detectives from Yenagoa, the capital of Bayelsa State lured Akin Orimolade, the Abuja reporter of the National Life newspaper to the city plaza in Abuja, and abducted him away to a dirty Police cell in Yenagoa where he was held for a week. The security-men who kidnapped the journalist lied to him that they work for Silver Bird Cinema, and told him to come and pick up an advertorial to be placed in his National Life newspaper. Little did the reporter realize that it was a plot to punish him. As Akin, the Abuja bureau chief of the paper arrived for the transaction, rampaging security officials sent lurking around by Chief Timipre Sylva, the governor of Bayelsa state swooped on him, and took him to Bayelsa State where he was detained. When condemnations trailed the kidnap of the journalist, the government rather defended the incident and said the security officials had a warrant of arrest. On Monday, March 23, 2009, the lawyer to the governor, A.P Egbegi took a full page advertorial in the National newspaper, to defend his client (Sylva). The document reads in part, As solicitors to his Excellency, Chief Timipre Sylva, the executive governor of Bayelsa state, we are constrained to make this response by way of clarification of the recent arrest of Mr. Akin


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Orimolade following certain incorrect versions being circulated in various newspapers about the incident. On the 5th day of February, 2009, a Chief Magistrate Court sitting in Yenezue-Gene, Bayelsa state in charge No. YMC/MISC/08/2009, granted an order in favour of His Excellency, Chief Timipre Stlva, as complainant/Applicant in his private capacity as a citizen of Nigeria, for the issuance of a warrant of arrest against the named respondents therein, namely, Messrs Louis Odion, Waheed Odusile, Akin. Orimolade and Layoon Press Limited, to appear before the court to answer to a charge of criminal defamation made against them. The gravity of the complaint against the suspects bothers on a publication in National Life newspaper of 31st January- 6th February, 2009 captioned in the front page thereof Governor Sylva Tyson, Drama as Chief Exec beats up PDP Chief, with a bold contrived photograph of the complainant in boxer shorts, bare- chested, with red boxer gloves. The complainant considers this and the story contained in the said newspaper defamatory. Criminal defamation is an offence punishable under section 302 of the criminal code law, cap C14, laws of Bayelsa state 2006, civil consequences as well flow from same. Accordingly, a warrant of arrest was duly issued by the Chief magistrate court for execution against the said respondents CEHRD can confirm that Sylva actually exchanged fisticuffs with Mr. Fred Agbedi, a former chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) at an Abuja hotel, and the reporter,Akin, was merely doing his job as a journalist. Agbedi had a brawl with the governor at the lobby of the luxury hotel in Abuja. The incident had caused such an ugly scene that employees of the hotel had moved in to separate them. Agbedi, while as the state PDP chairman, had presided over the unfair election that brought Sylva to power. Of late, he has been one of the most caustic critics of the governor. He accused the governor of mindless looting of the state treasury and challenged him to make public his expenditure notes. Akin told CEHRD monitor that They locked me up with armed robbers in a police cell. Contrary to government's claim that the security operatives acted on the orders of a Magistrate's court, we didn't appear in any magistrate court. I was arrested at


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city plaza, Abuja. They used tear gas on me, and bundled me into their bus, even in the bus, they held me as if I was about to abscond. He was arrested on Thursday, March 17, 2007, and on Friday, March 20, 2009, Akin Orimolade was brought to the court on a motorcycle popularly called Okada by the police, but the court did not seat so he was returned to the dirty police cell. CEHRD, as well as other concerned groups and citizens, publicly condemned the detention of the reporter. The Paris, France-based World Association of Newspapers (WAN) through Karen Pong expressed deep concern on the continued incarceration of the journalist, urging the Bayelsa State Government to release him immediately. Also, World Editors Forum (WEF) condemned the abduction and detention of Mr. Akin Orimolade. The Nigerian Bar Association (NBA) through its president, Chief Rotimi Akeredolu (SAN) condemned the Tuesday's abduction. Nigerian Union of Journalists (NUJ) through its national secretary, Leman Shuai'bu decried the way and manner government is going about intimidating media practitioners. While, Nigerian Guild of Editors (NGE) president described the action as unacceptable. On Wednesday, March 25, 2009, Akin regained his freedom after the governor withdrew the case of alleged criminal defamation. He spent a week in detention. Sadly, on four occasions the senior magistrate billed to handle the matter was said to be indisposed. Cases of harassment of journalists abound in Nigeria. Last year, Governor GodswillAkpabio, the governor ofAkwa Ibom state did the same thing Sylva did. He also sent his police to kidnap Sam Asowata of the Fresh Facts newspaper from Abuja and detained him in Uyo, the Akwa Ibom state capital for writing an unpalatable story about him. PoliceArrest Journalist, others. On Thursday, February 19, 2009, a team of Policemen from the Rivers State Police headquarters in Moscow, Port Harcourt invaded the office of Weekly


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Watch, a weekly local newspaper, and arrested Augustine Tanee, the Editorin-Chief of the paper, Lekie Christian, the chairman of the newspaper and two other administrative staff of the media establishment. A staff of the newspaper had called CEHRD to report about the arrest of the newspaper officials. The organization in turn mobilized local human rights and media groups to press for the release of the victims. A Police officer who was part of the team confided in a CEHRD monitor, we are only doing our job (by arresting the journalists), our superior officer asked us to do so. I don't really know the crime they have committed. Jerry Needam, the Public Relations Officer (PRO) of the Rivers State Independent Publishers Association (RIVPA) told CEHRD, we call on the police hierarchy to warn their men and officers from further harassment of publishers (of newspapers) and journalists at the instance of politicians as this will be met with stiff resistance from the media which may not be the best considering the cordial relationship already existing between the two organizations, he said. The victims were released later. CEHRD investigations revealed that Augustine Tanee had previously carried in the previous edition of his paper, a full page advertorial placed by a group of aggrieved persons from the Andoni Local Government Area of Rivers State accusing the chairman of the council of funding cult groups in the Andoni area, and squandering council funds. Instead of arresting those who placed the paid advertorial, the newspaper publisher and his employees were victimized. Needam of RIVPA later told CEHRD monitor that the matter has been settled. Mobile Policemen BrutaliseAmbrose Basikoro, Motorcyclist On February 2, 2009, at about 10:00am, two mobile policemen armed with AK47 rifles at Ojikpata layout junction, Railway Area, Orhuwhorun in Delta State intercepted a commercial motorcyclist popularly called Okada and


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tortured them seriously. Few minutes after the incident, Oghenejabor Ikimi, the Delta State chairman of the Committee for the Defense of Human Rights (CDHR) had contacted CEHRD office over the Police brutality. The victims recounted their ordeal to CEHRD. My name is Ambrose Basikoro, I am a businessman, on February 2, 2009, at 10:00am, I boarded the Okada at Usiefurunn Junction in Orhuwhorun, and when we got to Ojikpata layout, we saw two policemen who stopped us. We stopped, I identified myself, I was surprised that what the Policemen did shortly, was to bring out horsewhips and started flogging us until blood started gushing from our body and my left eye, the Okadaman same thing. I don't know what I have done.Ambrose lamented in English to CEHRD. CEHRD contacted Ovwian/Aladja Divisional Police headquarters, where the officers were suspected to have been deployed from. The Police there referred CEHRD to the Police Area Command Office in Warri, Delta State, which claimed not to be aware of the incident. CEHRD gathered that the Mobile Policemen who tortured Ambrose Basikoro and his co-travelers always guard the Ojikpata layout. They were contracted to do so by one Chief Etoh Amos. We further gathered that motorbikes are not allowed into the area, and the Okada driver was not aware. While, pouncing on Ambrose and co, the mobile policemen never told them their crime in spite of their protests. The mobile Police are special security unit of the regular Nigeria Police Force (NPF). The mobile Police is also called kill and go because of their penchant for extra-judicial killings, torture and violence. Police, Soldier Kill Unarmed Protesting Ubeji Youths No fewer than three persons were killed while scores wounded by Police and Soldiers on Monday, February 24, 2009, at about 7.30 am, the ugly event took place in warri, the metropolis of Delta State. Hordes of locals from the Ubeji


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community in the Warri South-West Local Government Area of Delta State, angered by the devastation of their land and sources of drinking water, had staged a peaceful demonstration against the Nigeria Gas Company (NGC). At about 7.30am, the poor villagers carrying leaves and placards, (CEHRD confirmed authoritatively that none of the villagers was armed with any weapon) stormed the premises of the gas company. As the protesters arrived, heavily armed mobile policemen, a special police security force also code named kill and go as a result of its record of extra-judicial killings, opened fired and shot one of the protesters in the hand. The situation caused panic and stampede. The shooting was gradually dying down when five Hilux vans loaded with soldiers from the Joint Task Force (JTF) arrived in combat mood and started shooting live bullets at the unarmed protesters. Three of the protesters were shot dead while scores of others wounded. CEHRD tried frantically to contact Col. Rabe Abubakar, the Coordinator of the Joint Media Campaign Centre (JMCC) of the JTF, but Abubakar didn't pick his call. He was later quoted in the Nigeria media as saying that his men (JTF Soldiers) should not have deliberately shot at the protesters. It could have been a mistake or they could have done that for self-defense but assured that the issues would be looked into and appropriate actions taken he said. Mr Samuel Tare, a youth activist who participated in the peaceful protest spoke to CEHRD: I participated in the protest. We didn't carry any weapon. We carried placards with inscription like NGC give us employment stop polluting our landetc we never insulted anybody we didn't course anybody, these people (referring to the soldiers, mobile police) just killed us and wounded us. Is this good? Before the protest, soldiers will just come to our village and arrest people and you won't see them again. CEHRD is extremely worried at the use of extreme force by the security force


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in the delta and other parts of Nigeria, against peaceful protesters like the Ubeji folks and others. Police Torture Osigwe for Belonging toAHuman Rights Group On Wednesday, February 18, 2009, Chibuike Osigwe, a member of the Civil Liberties Organization (CLO), Nigeria's First Human Rights Group Founded in 1987, was tortured and one of his eyes terribly injured on allegations of filming Policemen while dragging a driver out of a car. Osigwe was in front of his shop at No.15 Ikwere Road in Port Harcourt, the capital of Rivers State. Shortly after the incident, Osigwe, the victim called a CEHRD monitor on phone, hear the sad tale of a victim of Police lawlessness: It was on Wednesday, the 18th of February, I was standing in front of my shop arranging my goods, and there was a red Mercedes car parked in front of my shop. I saw two mobile Policemen dragging a driver from the car. I was not actually interested in what was happening because it is a regular occurrence along our street Immediately I turned my back to see what was happening, a Police officer gripped me from the back and asked me why I was filming what they were doing with the Mercedes Benz driver, and forcefully cut the camera from my neck. When I asked what I have done to warrant such harassment, the Police officer said he knows me as a member of the CLO and that I was filming them. By this time, neighbours around came out of their shops and intervened, but they refused. They started pounding me. After that, the Policemen removed the camera from me and seized it. At this point, I asked him to open the camera and see if I had taken snap shots of them, but they refused, but rather pushed me inside their vehicle. When they forced me into the vehicle, they continued to beat me and telephoned team 6 from Mile 1 and when the team arrived, they transferred me into their own truck,. On the way, I picked my phone to call my wife to inform her of my arrest, one of the Policemen started hitting me on the face again, saying that I am making calls, he also took my mobile phone set and


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destroyed it. I was taken to Mile 1 Police station by this time, I was already bleeding all through. At the Mile 1 Police station, the police asked me why I was filming the police, I responded that I was not filming anybody and told him all that transpired. The digital camera was opened and there was no trace of any filming of any sort. The Police there demanded to see the two policemen who beat me up. Even the Police there, discovered that there was nothing incriminating on me, they later gave me a letter to go to Teme Hospital for medical attention. I was asked to return to the Police station on February 20, 2009, but due to terrible pains as a result of injuries on my eyes, I couldn't return to the police station. The following day I return there, the head of the traffic session at the Mile 1 Police station started to beg me that I should not take up the matter again. The Police is committing serious atrocities against the citizens of this country, while the police was beating me they said one of (the reason for) their anger is that when they arrest some body, CLO officials go to the station to secure the release of the person without paying bribe to the police. The reason why the police from this notorious team 6 did what they did against me, is that some days ago, policemen from that team 6 had beaten up a little boy who was hawking water in bags and broke the head of this minor, leaving the boy in the pool of his blood. I pursued the matter to the extent that the Police Officers who committed the act were exposed. They were not happy with me and since then, I have been a point of target. Police Murder Victor Obrijie Over Failure to Pay N15,000 ($100) Bribe Just as the Amnesty International (A1), a global human rights movement headquartered in London, United Kingdom (UK) issued a daming report of the terrible accounts of extra-judicial executions and other unlawful killings in its new document, Killing At Will (December, 2009) by the Nigeria's Police, the Police at the Omoku Divisional Police Station in the Ogba/Egbema/Ndoni Local Government Area of Rivers State, Nigeria had just tortured a student to death in their custody. Mr. Victor Chuks Obrijie, a


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29-year-old second year student of the Chemical/Petrochemical Engineering Department of the Rivers State Government owned University of Science and Technology (UST) was tortured to death by Fidelis Aluoma Migoye, a Police Investigating Officer (IPO) and Mr. Michael Ukpabi, the Officer Crime Surveillance (OCS) at the station. CEHRD gathered that on the 28th November, 2009, Victor Chuks Obrijie, 29, was arrested around the vicinity of FREDERA Hotels in the Omuku town.APolice Officer at the Omoku Police Station told CEHRD monitor that the deceased Victor Obrijie made suspicious movement around the hotel. When the CEHRD monitor asked the police officer who pleaded not to be mentioned, what constitutes suspicious movement, he explained that when the management of the hotel saw the victim they reported to the police about such movement and that they acted on report to arrest Victor. CEHRD couldn't establish whether the late Victor Obrijie was party to the crisis between Mr. Felix Obuah, a former Chairman of the Ogba/Egbema/Ndoni Local Government Council and some politicians in the area over allegation of Obuah embezzlement of Council funds during his tenure and alleged petition to the supposedly anti-graft body, Economic and Financial Crime Commission (EFCC). Felix Obuah is accused of looting council funds and relocated his family to SouthAfrica. CEHRD was told by the police there that the late Victor Obrijie was not armed with neither gun nor any dangerous thing. The Police said they investigated the matter and didn't found the Victor guilty of any crime and ordered for his release. But as the police in Nigeria do, when such person is ordered to be released in spite of the bold inscription at the various police stations across the country that Bail is Free, the police officers in charge of such matter in collaboration with the Divisional Police Officer (DPO) will still extort money from either the victim or families of the victim. In Chuks case, the bail bond was signed and the deceased family members gave Fidelis Aluoma Migoye and Michael Ukpabi N2,000 (about $13) as a form of appreciation, but the two notorious police officers refused to accept it, that is very small and rather demanded for a N15,000 ($100). CEHRD was told that anytime, any of Victor Chuks Obrijie family come to


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the Omoku Police Station to take him home, the two Police Officers will refuse and continue to lie that the DPO is not around to effect the release. While, this was going on, the Police was busy torturing Victor Chuks Obrijie so that his family will cough the amount for Police. The victim was tortured until he died in the hands of the Police on December 4, 2009. They took his lifeless body to ESPITAL Clinic. A doctor at the clinic confided in CEHRD that at the time the victim was deposited at the hospital, he was already dead. The hospital conducted a clinical examination which confirmed him dead. CEHRD had access to the examination report which indicates that there was no gun shot injuries on the victim rather there were severe bruises on his body which shows the intense level of torture. Poor Chuks is gone because of his inability to pay N15,000 ($100) bribe. Life is so cheap in Nigeria. Hundreds of people are unlawfully killed by the Police in Nigeria every year. Some people die because they fail to pay Police Officers a bribe. Others are killed because the Police use excessive force during arrest. Some are simply in the wrong place at the wrong time The A1 reported revealed.


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Every person has a right to life, and so one shall be reprieved intentionally of his life, save in execution of the sentence of a court in respect of a criminal offence of which he has been found guilty in Nigeria Section 33 (1) of the 1999 Nigerian constitution, chapter IV JTF Soldiers Extort Bribes, Torture Joseph Agoriwe in Warri On June 27, 2009, Joseph Ogheneruona Agoriwe, a Nigerian from Delta State who resides in the United States of America (USA) was tortured by 10 soldiers of the Joint Task Force (JTF). Agoriwe who was on holiday met the hell of his life according to eye-witnesses who spoke to CEHRD. On that day which was declared Environmental Sanitation Day a day the state government had ordered that for 4 hours (7:00am 10:00am) all residents should clean their gutters, keep the environment clean. People's movements are always restricted except those on essential duty like doctors, journalists, nurses etc. Violators are always arrested and made to pay some fines. During such period desperate security officials use it to extort money from defaulters. CEHRD was told by an eye-witness that 10 JTF soldiers heavily armed with assault riffles moved from the Uti junction where they were stationed to guard a power station, to the near by streets to extort money from people who came out of their houses to observe the environmental sanitation Day. Joseph Ogheneruona Ogoriwe, who was on a summer holiday in Warri, took a walk round his house and little did he know that JTF soldiers were rampaging his neighbourhood extorting bribes from unsuspecting residents. Ogoriwe was assaulted too, and when he protested in his heavily Americanised ascent the soldiers went wild. They tore the T-shirt on him with the bold inscription I love Nigeria. An eye-witness told CEHRD that when Ogoriwe demanded to know his offence his 'I love Nigeria' T-shirt was torn


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into shreds and inflicted injuries on him with the butts of their guns. The victim, Joseph was hospitalized at a private clinic in Warri, Delta State. When Joseph recovered from the hospital he returned to his base in the USA. The Delta state branch of the Committee for the Defense of Human Rights (CDHR) and CEHRD wrote letters separately to the JTF unit in Warri over the incident, but the soldiers did not respond to the letters until the time of this report. 98-year-old PaAri Died of Shock from JTF Explosives in Gbaramatu On Monday, May 25, 2009, Pa Stephen Ari, a 98-year-old chief from Oporoza community in the Gbaramatu Kingdom of the Ijaw, Administratively located in the Warri South-West Local Government Area of Delta State died in a forest near the community as combat soldiers of the Joint Task Force (JTF) came by air, land and water to his community. Pa Ari was among other Oporoza natives who ran to bush to take refuge as JTF bombardment continued. Before his death, he had spent 4 days in the forest without food. Mr. Patrick Ari, son of the deceased revealed to CEHRD in Warri On May 13, 2009, the relationship between the JTF and Chief Government Ekpemupolo popularly called Tompolo went sour. While, Colonel Rabe Abubakar, coordinator of the Joint Media Campaign Centre (JMCC) said that 12 of its soldiers comprising a lieutenant Colonel, a major and other ranks on their way to free a vessel seized by militants called MV spirit around the Oporoza area were killed. A militant told CEHRD that, I have read a lot of things JTF said in the newspapers. They lie a lot about what led to the conflict. On that day was the coronation of Godwin K. Bebeni Mbo, a retired deputy supritendent of Police as the king Ogeh Gbarun III, the Aketeke of Gbaramatu. We had a ceremony. The soldiers were over-zealous. They just invaded our creek route and started shooting guns indiscriminately and our boys got angry and attacked them


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Angered by the killings of the soldiers, the JTF deployed its extreme force on helpless communities as well as militant camps. As early as May 15, 2009, by 10:00am, JTF condoned off the entire Gbaranatu kingdom. CEHRD checks revealed that the following military hard wares were deployed in the attacks 3 Nigerian air force jets, 2 war ships, 20 gun boats, 5 Agusta helicopters filled with high caliber weapons. The bombardment was intense from what victims told CEHRD monitors, many were killed, maimed and many fled their homes. In spite of the killing of innocent civilians in their villages; The JTF spokesman, Rabe claimed in a public statement that they never attacked civilians or civilian communities. How can a military operation of such magnitude be launched and innocent civilian population and communities would be affected: the military operation was massive. Worried by the abuses in the wake of the JTF operation, the London based Amnesty International (AI) warned against human rights violations of the civilian population. On May 20, 2009, the JTF extended the operation from Oporoza to Okerenkoko, Opuedebabor, Kurutie, Benikukukuru, Dabriye, camp 5, and other places in the Gbaramatu kingdom. Chevron Nigeria Limited (CNL), the American oil mogul also offered its Tank Farm facility in the Escravos area to be used for launching devastating military onslaught against the poor Ijaw communities. CEHRD condemns this, and urges concerned groups to commence litigation against Chevron for doing this. Shell did this against poor and defenceless Ogoni people, and it was made to pay compensation for this in a New York USA court in 2009. It paid $15 million dollars in compensation. On Thursday, May 21, 2009, National Union of Izon-Ebu students (NIUS), National Association of Gbaramatu Students (NAGS) dressed in black attires staged a peaceful protest in the Warri metropolis condemning the attacks and called for ceasation of the hostilities. Groups such as: Ohaneze Ndigbo, Yoruba groups opposed the military operations, but the Arewa Consultative Forum (ACF) gave their support to the military operation, in a public statement said, No responsible government will fold its hands to watch a few misguided elements of its citizens hold the nation, including


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their own people to ransom. Some federal legislators also gave their support to the military operation, Dimeji Bankole, the speaker of the Federal House of Representatives in Abuja Nigeria's capital urged the military to intensify the campaign, while some of his counterparts (legislators) from the Niger Delta area opposed it. The military operation later stopped, but the JTF soldiers still occupy the various communities in the Gbaramatu kingdom. CEHRD gathered that the JTF soldiers looted massively the properties of the locals. Properties looted by JTF soldiers from the Gbaramatu communities were sold in Warri. Locals spoke to CEHRD monitor in Warri, the slummy metropolis of Delta State about this, and cited several cases where they discovered their properties sold to others by soldiers. JTFArrest Egberi Papa, Torture Soboma George Ex- militant and leader of the defunct Niger Delta Liberation Force (NDLF), Soboma Jackreece popularly called Egberi Papa was in early December, 2009 arrested by a heavily armed team from the sector 3 headquarters of the Joint Task Force (JTF) located at Obuama town in the Degema Local GovernmentArea of Rivers State. CEHRD gathered that about 20 soldiers from the JTF had invaded the private home Egberi Papa in Buguma in the Asari Toru Local Government Area of Rivers State and ordered the ex-warlord from his room upstairs where he was relaxing, pointing gun menacingly amidst threat from the Irate soldiers. He was arrested and taken to the sector 3 headquarters of the JTF at Obuama also called Harry's town in the Degema Local Government Area of Rivers State. Egberi Papa's family members protested and wanted to know what the crime of their son was, but the soldiers refused and took a surprised ex-militant away from the Jackreece compound. A member of the Kackreece compound who hinted CEHRD about the latest ordeal of Soboma Kackreece alias Egberi Papa said that, Soboma has


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accepted amnesty and disarmed. He no longer gets involved in any crime. This is really a violation of his nights. We will challenge this in a court of law. CEHRD lament that Hon. Paul Awoyesuku the chairman of Akuku Toru Local Government Area, where Egberi Papa hails from, had petitioned against the ex-warlord to the JTF that he (Egberi Papa) threatened some chiefs from the area. CEHRD tried to contact Paul Awoyesuku, the council boss to find out more details, but he never picked his calls. Soboma Jackreece said Is it funny, I was surprised to be dragged to the JTF headquarters there. I swear. I never threatened anybody. I won't do it. This was to the same way they laid against me and I was arrested. The only thing I can remember I have said to journalist, whom I can stand by it, is that the council chairman should wake up to the task of developing the Asari Tou Local Government Area. They should bring any document I have written threatening any body or they should bring any evidence. Egberi Papa, CEHRD learnt was later released by the soldiers and asked to sign an undertaking. The JTF has become a political tool. Politicians and council bosses in the Delta region place them on monthly payment and often times can use them to intimidate and harass their opponent. 3 days after the ordeal of Egberi Papa in the hands of the JTF, Soboma George, the repentant leader of the Outlaws, a notorious secret gang on Saturday, December 5, 2009 was tortured with the butt of the guns by JTF soldiers in same Bugum,a in the Asari- Toru Local Government Area of Rivers State. CEHRD was told that at about 9:00am (in the morning hours), Soboma George, the ex-dreaded warlord had gone to one of the JTF units there, he was not armed with gun, a soldier there confirmed to CEHRD that Soboma George was not armed with any gun and that was peaceful and orderly. He went there to plead for the release of two of his loyalist that the soldier detained for unruly behavious As Soboma George stepped into the military area in Buguma, they pounced on him and beat him thorough with the butt of their guns. He secured injuries on his head. Later in the day, Soboma George and 30 of his followers


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marched round the Buguma area, chanting was songs. There was tension that the repentant were lord and cultist might return to the creeks and flare violence, commercial activities on the Buguma Island were paralyzed. Soboma George and his supporters also moved to the palace of the Amanyanabo of Kalabari, Prof. T.J. T. Princewill and lodged their formal grievances. The Kalabari monarch thanked Soboma for choosing the path of peace, stating that those days of violence are over. At the palace, responding Soboma promised to keep the on-going peace agreement, but expressed dismay over the way and manner he was tortured by the soldiers. Diepiriye George, Lolo Ekine Held in Commicado by JTF in Rivers State On May 30, 2009, Mr. Diepriye Agi George and his driver, Lolo Ekine while returning from a funeral at Abonma town in the Akuku-Toru Local Government Area of Rivers State in a personal Mercedes Benz car was intercepted by a checkpoint called TEMA junction there by hordes of heavily armed soldiers of the Joint Task Force (JTF). George's car was thoroughly searched as they do to most vehicles going in or coming out of the area. CEHRD was told by a security official that nothing incriminating was fund in his possession. At about 5:00pm of that day after the search, the soldiers stationed there got a telephone call directing his arrest. Eventually, the military boss who directed the arrest of Diepiriye Agi George and Lolo Ekine arrived and affected the arrest. They were handcuffed and taken to the JTF headquarters in Abommema, and detained. According to Elder Ayibo George, the father of Diepiriye, Since then all visits to the JTF offices at Abonnema Town was met with total disappointment as I was unable to see my son and the driver, however, on each occasion I dropped feeding, money without seeing them. On one occasion my son did speak to me on phone from his detention I also went to Buguma town, met the JTF officers, asked the reason for the continuing detention of my son and his driver since May 3d, 2009 and I was told that they


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are militants. I was almost arrested. Up till date the JTF officers who claimed earlier that they are still investigating are now surprisingly saying they don't now the where about of my son and his drive even though they last received feeding money from our family on the 8th of July, 2009. Sadly, up till date both my son, Mr. DiepiriyeAgi George and his driver Lolo Ekine could not be seen and nor traced. Also my son's Mercedes Benz 190 car was also seized by the JTF officers at TEMA junction and could not be traced till date Diepiriye Agi George was a Revenue collector with the Port Harcourt city Local Government Area until his arrest and detention. The continued detention of Diepiriye is causing serious health problem for his 70-year-old Elder Ayibo George. CEHRD is also gravely worried, and had written a letter to the JTF requesting them to make known the crime Diepiriye Agi George and his driver, Lolo Ekine had committed if any, charge them to court for trial. Sadly, the military authority never responded to the letter. JTF Abducted Sunny Bekanwah, Tortured Him At Midnight In Kpean, Ogoni On Tuesday 24th November 2009, Sunny Bekanwah was at was at his compound at Kpean community in the Khana Local Government Area of Rivers State sleeping unknown to him, his freedom will soon be determined by his uninvited guests, a detachment of the Joint Task Force (JTF) who came in three (3) trucks accompanied by the Bori Divisional Police Officer in the Khana Local Government Area of Ogoni, Rivers State stormed his home at midnight to arrest him. Comrade Sunny Bekanwah as he is popularly called by his peers, a 34-years man father of two children work as a non-academic staff with Rivers State Polytechnic Bori. He also owns a popular hotel known as the Bobby in Kpean, his home town. CEHRD gathered from Sunny Bekanwah, that his assailants came at midnight and surrounded his home and forced his relatives to produce him which one of his aid Daddy Ike obliged. When Sunny


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Bekanwah requested to known the reason he was been arrested, the Bori D.P.O detailed him, that Greg Barile Nwiadam, the Khana Local Government Chairman sent them. He was taking to Bori Police Station at midnight where he was allegedly tortured before being transferred by 2:00am to the notoriousSwift Operation Squad (S.O.S) in Port Harcourt. Sunny Bekanwah revealed to CEHRD monitor that while on transit from Bori to S.O.S, Port Harcourt, the Bori D.P.O Stopped several times to receive phone calls and deliberately misinformed the callers to come to Police Force Headquarters, Moscow Road Port Harcourt, rather than to S.O.S Office in Port Harcourt, Rivers State. According to Sunny Behanwah he was humiliated at S.O.S Port Harcourt, where he was hand-cuffed from behind and tortured by three Police Officers. When he demanded the reason he was been treated such way, his torturers asked him if the Bori D.P.O that brought him did not explain to him. He was handed over a prepared statement to sign but Sunny pleaded to volunteer his own statement and should be given the opportunity to do so but was denied and compelled to sign their own written statement. He also requested to read the statement which he was forced to sign, but was also denied of it. The matter was charged to Magistrate Court 7 in Port Harcourt Rivers State capital the following day before Magistrate, Chinda Sam Wobo Adele, after Sunny had requested for it to be charged to court. Sunny Bekanwah is allegedly charged for 'cultism and threat to live'. The court did not sit to entertain his case; since Thursday and Friday of that week were public holidays. He was taking to a court cell and some moments later, he was transferred to Port Harcourt prison custody. Sunny Bekanwah counsels went to court on Monday 30th November, 2009 and applied for bail but such was not granted and the matter was adjourned to December 9th 2009. Even when the magistrate of the court ordered the Directorate of Public Prosecution (D.P.P) to produce Sunny Bekanwah's file for advice, they were yet to do so. He revealed to CEHRD that his arrest was politically motivated by Chairman


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of Khanan Council, Mr. Greg Barile Nwiadam. According to Lekia Edoo, a relative to Sunny Bekanwah who was witnessed the arrest said Sunny was arrested at midnight and taken away by the JTF comprising of police and army, who were stationed all around the compound. Chief Donatus Bekanwah is the elder brother of Sunny, he narrated to CEHRD that prior to Sunny Bekanwah's arrest, his younger brother Sunny informed him that Greg Barile Nwiadam, the Khana council boss had made it a point of duty in every gathering, to inform his audience that he will reduce Sunny Bekanwah to nothing. That Sunny Bekanwah filed a suit against him, Greg Barile Nwiadam, Khana Council Boss for 'defamation of Character' in Bori High Court. He also stated that Sunny told him, that the elder brother of Greg Barile Nwiadam came appealing that he (Sunny) should withdraw the suit. That the chairman was been misinformed by people around him. Chief Donatus Bekanwah said this was confirmed during the book presentation by Sunny Bekanwah at Suanu Finimale Hall, Bori. The Khana Local Government Chairman Greg Barile Nwiadam, who also was a guest, told his audience that Sunny Bekanwah should know that before now he was not in his good book. That he was reliably informed, during his election, that Sunny Bekanwah killed a cow for people not to support him, and that he decided to attend the book presentation because of his relationship with Sunny right from his days as a student at the Rivers State Polytechnic, Bori. Chief Donatus Bekanwah stated further that before his arrest, his younger brother received a call from Senator Lee Mueba to make preparation at the venue of an event organized by MOSOP. That Sunny was traveling back to the village when he received another phone call from the senator and decided to return back to the venue to be on the grounds but on getting close to the council there was traffic jam and he decided to make a 'U-turn' to another route. Moment later, he received a phone call from the Bori Divisional Police Officer (DPO) that the chairman had reported a case of threat against him. Sunny Bekanwah explained to the D.P.O who enquired if he was at the council, he explained that he did not get there because of the traffic situation.


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Minutes later, he received another call from the Head of Internal Security in Bori and he explained the same to him. Chief Donatus Bekanwah who said he was not a politician but a public servant and a community Chief, lamented over his younger brother ordeal in the hands of the police, the whereabouts of his younger brother Sunny was not disclosed to them. They were visiting several police stations for his whereabouts, until finally he received a call from court premises. CEHRD also gathered from Chief Donatus Bekanwah, that Sunny Bekanwah instituted a suit against Greg Barile Nwiadam the Khana Local Government Chairman, early this year and the matter had also been adjourned to 11th January 2010. Frank Nna Osimiri Disappears in JTF Custody On 20thAugust, 2007, Frank Nna Osimiri, a 23-year-old boy, was arrested by some soldiers from the Joint Task Force (JTF) at Ukwuato Street, Mile II Diobu, Port Harcourt, where he stayed with some friends. CEHRD gathered that on the said day, the soldiers stormed the residence where Frank stayed. The rampaging JTF soldiers on getting into the house went straight into the room where they met Frank with two of his friends and enquired to know who was Frank. They tortured him with their gun butts when they saw a mark on his face. Frank Nna had been known for acts of cultism and popularly called Ninja-man, Ninja-man was a member of Deebam cult group. Ukwuato is a Street located in mile II at Rumuobiekwe community in Port Harcourt, it leads down to the waterfront called Timber waterside. To a great extent it harboured some hoodlums and became a breeding ground for petty crimes. It could be recalled that it was the street where Charles Amadi, the exprincipal of Government Comprehensive Secondary School, Alesa-Nchia in the Eleme Local Government Area of Rivers State was kidnaped by unknown gunmen, taken to initially, before he was released after paying a whopping sum of two million naira (N2,000,000.00), in 2008. In the awake of the deterioration in the security situation, the government had deployed soldiers in the area, and some cultists were taking a new leaf, the militarization was coming at the time when Nna was arrested. Since the arrest of Nna Osimiri, the family had tried to know his whereabouts, but to no


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avail. A neighbour told CEHRD monitor rhetorically, You sure that they have not killed him? A source narrated to CEHRD, I was told he was at Ukwuato Street at his friends house... on a good day like this on the 20th of August some troop of soldiers came in with vehicles...they walked straight to the room and when they got to the room... they asked three of them who is Nna. And one of them had to kick him maybe because of the mark on him. So they took three of them away they brought them back that same day... and since then we have not seen him. However, in the struggle for his release, the family had visited the SSS, and hear as the source continued, they (SSS) said he was alive and there are so many petition written against him from the Timber marketers, some of the Street members... even from the king of Opobo. CEHRD gathered that amongst the two arrested, it was only Nna Osimiri that never came back home to see his family and friends. The family although afraid to talk due to security reasons, but still lived with the tears of their son feared dead. The source pleaded onAmnesty International and other Human Rights Organizations to look about if he is still alive. On further investigation, an eyewitness briefed CEHRD, They (JTF) covered their faces only three of them that were unmasked. The cases of arrest-disappearance to solitary confinement and extra-judicial killings etc are gradually becoming rampant in our society, those who become the victims never find justice. CEHRD maintains the voice that no matter the crime of an individual, no one subjects another to humiliation and harassment or to forceful arrest. In some cases, even the innocent are subjected to such arrest and branded criminals. Naval Officer Destroys Leonard Nwokejiobi's Commercial Truck. On 29th September, 2009, a Naval officer who was on a commercial bus had a engaged one Mr. Leonard Nwokejiobi, a commercial truck-driver in a trade of words for allegedly cause traffic jam at Mile 1 close to Rumuwoji market, Port Harcourt, Rivers State; as a result, the Naval officer exercised the other side of his military power on him- destroying the motor-truck's tyres, windscreens and side-glass as gathered by CEHRD. Mr. Leonard narrated to CEHRD, that on the day, he having seen the outrage


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of anger and violence in the Naval officer, despite his plea to the Naval officer, who was destroying his motor truck, he ( Leonard) ran for help from the Divisional Police Headquarters, Diobu(Mile 1 police station), where he went to report the case immediately. Ironically, the officers he met at the counter, who would have to intervene in the issue refused. The inspector amongst the officers told him this, as Leonard quoted the officer's statement: Is it not you people that are using us to do yeye now you have gone to find trouble with a Naval man you want us to come and rescue you.. The response from the police officer, made Leonard to call his brother in despair, who on his arrival also witnessed such display of violence by the naval officer on the truck, who after his violent act left with impunity because the inspector or others never intervened.... As gathered again by CEHRD, the case has been reported to the Police PRO who told Leonard to also keep watch to call if the Naval officer is found, since he was unable to identify the Naval officer. Waterfront Demolition; Soldiers Shoot Scores of Bundu Residents in Port Harcourt, Rivers State The issue of waterfront demolition has given birth to cases of different nature. In so many communities, where the demolition exercise is to be carried out, the communities had one objection, lamentation or the other, echoed through demonstration and so on. The issue that had breached the success of the development between the state government and communities was that government has failed to give proper evaluation, compensation and relocation. In a public statement, by Amnesty International, on 13th October, 2009, it has been cited that Governor Ameachi has announced he will compensate only the owners and not the tenants or owners of buildings constructed without permission. CEHRD had gathered that the residents were impelled by government without the residents' involvement in the evaluation of their property by themselves in a mutual way with government, to enter into signing and filling the government enumeration forms. As well as, some issues that a community struggles to gain access into the


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negotiation, evaluation and development process- Rumuobiekwe in Port Harcourt City Local Government Area as a case study that also a near participatory and integration syndrome in the development process. A member of the community, Hon. Amadi had hinted CEHRD that, although, the community had visited the Special Adviser to the Governor, on waterfront project, we are yet to have a stance in the government development project on our land, which we find developmental and acceptable, only for the fact that we need proper negotiation, hearing and compensation. The tenants on the other hand, had expressed pains of suffering should they not be relocated to avert unemployment crisis, as they showed CEHRD monitor, some economic productive machines used for felling wood which is manned by about six able-bodied youths each. The demolition exercise is quite controversial, as some communities' waterfront will be demolished willy-nilly, amidst the improper evaluation in the process. Njemanze waterfront in August 2009 had only become a history that had given way to the government development that cost the residents lost of property to thieves and rain with no adequate housing. On the other hand, the issue of Bundu waterfront had only given birth to violence, casualties, national and international attentions, investigation and reports. The incident was just after the concluded amnesty granted under the Umaru Musa Yar'Aduas administration to repentant militants who had surrendered their arms and ammunition and met up the official closing date of 4th October, 2009. Following the incident, many Rivers people had displayed concern over the action of the military such day, 12th October, 2009. Waterfront demolition is the state's ambition to sanitize the state of criminal and militancy acts, however, the rights of existing communities should be recognized. CEHRD gathered that on 12th October, some government enumerators with military men had gone into the Bundu waterfront to enumerate it for the subsequent demolition which numbers amongst others for demolition in the state for social development. However, that the community had protested against the process, which the military responded by shooting indiscriminately and turning the community into a war zone, resulting into


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casualties. The soldiers who were shooting put the community on the run that persons jumped into the river for survival, following the arrest of a good number of persons. A female victim, a 17-year-old Joy Williams, who was shot in the leg narrated, I saw people running and I told my mother that we should cross the road for safety. Later, we saw some boys soaked with water because they swam the river to our side. My mum asked one of them what is happening? he said the soldiers are shooting in Bundu I never had it in mind that the bullets may reach our place. I was closing the back gate and the bullet of the soldiers from beyond the river boundary reached me and I fell. In search of other victims of the Bundu-Ama waterfront disaster, CEHRD came across one other victim, Napoleon Tokuibiye 23- year- old who was shot in the abdomen, his intestine out, he had been incapacitated that he defecated through the pipe from his abdomen; he narrated his story On that day... I came down from my vehicle, I want to ease myself (urinate) I saw an army man he called me kai (exclaimed) at close range the gun name is AK47 rapping 3 magazine on the gun body and he shot at me the gun lifted me to a very far distance all my eyes turn... the boy that ran pass my front he (the soldier) shot at him instantly he dropped (fell). In considering his plight he lamented, Personal I am a damaged man as for me I can't work out CEHRD maintains the voice that the government in carrying out its development plan should acknowledge the rights of communities involved and ensure a peaceful interaction with them in maintaining peace. Shell's Soldiers Torture Dimkpa Nkoo, Wife, Other at K-Dere, Ogoni On Saturday, December 26, 2009, two heavily armed soldiers stationed at a manifold owned by the Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC) in the K-Dere community in Gokana Local Government Area, of Rivers State tortured Mr. Baridi William Dimkpa Nkoo 36, and his wife, Mrs. Priscillia Nkoo, a 33-year-old seamstress. The Shell's soldiers tortured the couple with their gun butts and horse whips. Mr. Baridi and his wife, Priscillia had injuries on their backs and the chests and they also vomit blood. Baridi called CEHRD staff on the phone, the two victims spoke to CEHRD after the incident. About 9:45 pm on that Saturday night as I and my wife, went to the nearby bush to defecate, as we


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finished and came out from the bush after defecating. The soldiers accosted us and asked us what we went doing in the bush. I told them we went to defecate and that she (Priscillia) is my wife we have been married for a long time. I led them into the bush and showed them where we defecated and they saw it. I even don't know why they beat us. One of them said I talked like somebody who claims to know so much and I deserve to be beaten. I didn't even know that that same night they also tortured Mr. John Badom, a 29year-old poultry farmer. His case was the worst. His face and eyes were swollen up. He can't see well. This is bad Shell should call them (Shell soldiers) to order. Baridi spoke to CEHRD in good English. Having heard the ordeal of the two victims, CEHRD staff later spread the sad news to journalists, human rights groups and activists. Soldiers kill Two ofAsari's Supporters On Monday, April 20, 2009, Harry Ibinabo and Soberekon Tyger, both members of Alhaji Mujahid Dokubo-Asari's Niger Delta Peoples' Volunteer Force (NDPVF) were killed by soldiers of the Joint Task Force (JTF). Following the incident, Dokubo-Asari issued a press statement which reads in part as follows: We are so ashamed that the military command could try to belatedly justify the killings of our men and also brand them militants when we have made it known to the whole world that the military will as it is customary with them brand the innocent persons they kill in the region as militants. We wish to make it known that there were no such clashes on Tuesday as Harry Ibinabo was killed on Saturday. When Alhaji Dokubo Asari and the Niger Delta Peoples Volunteer Force (NDPVF) were engaged in arm struggle, we did not lose a man to the Nigerian army. Having suspended arm struggle, some people in the army now wish to call us militants and claim to have fought our men in a gun battle, they were murdered defenselessly and in cold blood CEHRD gathered that Soberekon Tyger was killed in JTF camp cell in Port Harcourt, Rivers State capital; While Harry Ibinabo was shot dead by JTF. Colonel Rabe Abubakar, coordinator of the Joint Media Campaign Centre of


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the JTF confirmed the incidents, but however, claimed that the JTF operatives do not engage in extra-judicial killings and that they will investigate it. Dokubo-Asari visited the JTF to seek explanation from the task force over the extra-judicial killing. Dokubo-Asari further told CEHRD monitor, Ibinabo Harry that was killed and thrown into the forest is not and cannot be a robber or a militant, he was a hard working, responsible and respectable young man doing legitimate job in Port Harcourt City. We therefore will reject any attempt by the military to portray him in bad light to justify their act of animosity; it is an awful halo of mischief. Harry Ibinabo was killed around Buguma in theAsari Toru Local GovernmentArea of Rivers State. Soldiers Shot two Peaceful Protesters in Warri, Delta State. On February 17, 2009, scores of youths armed with placards protesting the non employment of their folks by Globe Star Company Limited along MacDermott Road in Warri, Delta State were shot at by soldiers. Those shot are Bernard Efeajebre, a 42-year-old father of four children and Omoefe Dada, 32 years old. CEHRD visited both victims at Syracus Hospital in Warri who were lying critically ill with gun wounds at the hospital. Soldiers Torture Three Corpers in Bayelsa. In spite of heavy presence of soldiers under the aegis of the Joint Task Force (JTF) also called Operation Restore Hope (ORH) in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria, violence, insecurity and militancy continued unabated. CEHRD is worried that the military option as a way of resolving the Niger Delta crisis is not working, rather the soldiers under the JTF command have resorted to abusing the rights of poor unarmed civilians in the region. On Friday, March 13, 2009, soldiers at the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) Orientation Camp at Kaiama in the Kolokuma, Opokuma Local Government Area of Bayelsa State tortured three youth corps members at the


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camp. The Corps members were said to have led a peaceful protest over lack of water supply and food items. The victimized 'corpers' were taken to the Federal Medical Centre (FMC) Yenagoa, the capital of Bayelsa state where they were treated. An eyewitness who helped to take the victims to the hospital told CEHRD, The soldiers said the three corpers they injured were not disciplined, what is discipline if I may ask? There is no water no food in the camp and you want us not to talk. For Christ's sake we are educated and there is limit to how we can tolerate nonsense. We must make sure that the indisciplined soldiers are disciplined so that they won't do that again. In a separate incident, worried baout its inefficiency in bringing about security and peace to the troubled Niger Delta region, the Nigerian Navy acquired two new warships code-named the Manta 38 metres off-shore patrol craft. The two vessels were supplied to the Navy by Sun-Craft international, a South East Asian company. Meanwhile, Air Chief Marshal Paul Dike, the then Nigeria's Chief of Defense Staff who also doubles as the head of the West African Committee of Chiefs has ordered the merger of all JTF formations into a unified command to be headquartered in Yenagoa. Prior to the amalgamation, in Rivers State JTF had Operation Flush Out III headquartered in Port Harcourt, Operation Restore Hope in Warri, Delta and Yenagoa, Bayelsa states respectively. The recent unification of the three commands into one in Yenagoa, Bayelsa State, is headed by Major-general Yakin Bello. Also in April, 2009, the Nigeria Air Force sent 60 of its combatants to China to be trained as pilots, engineers and ground crew personnel to man the Chinese multi-role combat F-7NI and FT-7NI trainer aircraft. The Chinese aircraft will replace the Soviet era built MiG (Mikoyan-Guverich) 21s delivered to Nigeria since 1980s. Soldiers Storm PHCN Station, Brutalize Officials over Power Outage. On Thursday, January 9 , 2009, a team of soldiers from the 2nd Amphibious


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Brigade also called Bori Camp led by Major Suleman Ibrahim stormed the Rumuola station of the Power Holding Company of Nigeria (PHCN) and used their horsewhips and gun butts to torture PHCN officials at the station. An official of the National Union of Electricity Employees (NUEE) who pleaded anonymity visited CEHRD office to report the incident. He told CEHRD that when Major Suleman Ibrahim and his soldiers came to the station, they didn't bother to ask what caused the power outage. We tried to explain to them, but they refused to listen to us. They ordered every body there to sit in a pool of stagnant water there. They flogged everybody including women. CEHRD called the mobile phone of the Military Public Relations Officer (PRO) but nobody picked the call. CEHRD further gathered that what caused the power outage was as a result of the Rivers State Government relocating poles to run gas turbines. The PRO of PHCN, Ms . Chiwe Nwamuru confirmed the incident. She expressed surprise at what happened that day, The army like any other security agency is supposed to protect us, but you can see what they did. She said.


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(3) Violence, Insecurity and Non-State Armed Groups

Every individual is entitled to respect for the dignity of his person, and accordingly, no person shall be subjected to torture or inhuman or degrading treatment - Section 34 (Right to Dignity of Human persons), chapter iv of the 1999 Nigerian constitution Amnesty Special Report The Amnesty Contract and The Future of the Niger Delta Region Introduction: The Nigeria President Umaru Musa Yar' Adua as he had once promised at a special Council of States meeting at the Presidential Villa in Abuja, Nigeria's capital on Thursday, June 25, 2009 signed the amnesty deal. Sandwiched by his Justice Minister and Attorney- General, Michael Aondoakaa, MajorGeneral Godwin Abbe, Rtd, then Minister of Interior and chairman of the Federal Government Panel on Amnesty, (now Minister of Defense) and Chief of Defense Staff,Air Marshall Paul Duke. The Then Inspector- General of Police, Mike Okiro and others witnessed the signing of the amnesty package for all militants in the Niger Delta region. According to the president, the amnesty would last for 60 days, This proclamation shall seize to have effect from Sunday, October 4th, 2009, YarAdua declared. The government said it was granting amnesty to the deltaic militants based on Section 175 of the Nigerian constitution. The amnesty covers militants in Rivers, Bayelsa, Delta, Edo, Akwa-Ibom, Cross River, Abia, Imo and Edo states. In all the states above arms collection centres were established and later amnesty rehabilitation camps. TheAmnesty Largesse Forty eight hours (48hrs) after the Presidential Proclamation of the amnesty deal, the Yar' Adua's government announced a whopping sum of N50 billon


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package. Apart from the N50 billion, the government also approved another N4 billion for the amnesty camps. CEHRD was reliably told that the N50 billion was not initially made public, but some members of the committee had leaked the information about the N50 billion which compelled the government to disclose the information for public notice. The Presidential Panel on amnesty started her work by establishing contacts with militant luminaries and gang leaders, making all sorts of empty promises to them, to come out of the creeks and surrender their arms. Some aggrieved militant leaders who spoke to CEHRD said that the committee members promised them houses, cash and contracts. They surrendered their weapons and came out of the creeks. Some also said that Major- General Abbe, Rtd, Head of the Federal Government Amnesty Panel was virtually threatening to attack them if they didn't surrender. The committee adopted the carrot and stick approach to make the militants surrender some of their weapons. In spite of the strong assurances by the government, that they were sincere about the amnesty deal, many of the militant leaders were still doubtful about the entire process. In the early part of August, 2009 Col. Rabe Abubakar, the coordinator of the Joint Military Media Campaign (JMMC) told CEHRD that No militant or their leaders will be arrested during or after the amnesty period as long as they surrender their arms and renounce militancy, this we are assuring you The militant assurance was beginning to come at a time south-south governors and lawmakers threatened to pull out of the amnesty process. And some of the militant leaders were asking the federal government to pay N300, 000 (about $2, 000) per AK 47 and 2 magazines, and also construct 3 bedroom flat for each of them at a place of their choices within the Niger Delta region. But MEND through Jomo Gbomo said that the former MEND commanders should be empowered with skills and education rather than material things. On July 13, 2009, Henry Okah, the leader of the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND) who was arrested in Angola, sent to Nigeria, and was standing a secret trial on 62 count charges of


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terrorism, treason, illegal possession of firm arms, arms trafficking amongst other things, was released. He benefited from Yar Adua's amnesty programme which provided for unconditional pardon for all persons who have directly or indirectly participated in militant struggles or commission of offense in the course of militant activities in the Niger Delta region. On August 5, 2009, Dr. Imiebi Koripamo- Agary, an ex-Permanent Secretary in the Federal Ministry of Information and media co-coordinator of the Presidential Committee on Amnesty issued a public statement that was made available to CEHRD, it reads in part: To take advantage of the amnesty, all such persons covered should go to the nearest screaning centre, turn in their arms, register, take the oath of renunciation and receive the presidential amnesty and unconditional pardon. Thereafter, these persons are to register for the reintegration programme. As the Joint Task Force (JTF) was openly expressing its worries with the way militants were submitting arms at the various designated centres in Bayelsa State, the Governor Timipre Slyva led Bikabowei Ben Victor, a.k.a, General Bayloaf and 31 other militant leaders from his state to the presidential villa, also calledAso Rock, to meet with Yar'Adua. Roll Call; Those behind the Masquerades In early August, 2009, the police in Rivers State said they acted on a tip-off, recovered 4, 000 brand new AK- 47s, 47 GPMGS and several grenades reportedly imported by Mujahid Asari Dokubo and stocked in a cold room in Rumuji in the Emuoha Local Government Area of Rivers State. Prince Wisdom Amachree, a.k.a General Adekunle, once Asari's ally leaked details about the arms trafficking to the security officials. On August 6, 2009, at about 2:00pm, six members of a gang that were carrying out attacks at the Opouko area in the Khana Local Government Area of Rivers State visited the police headquarters at Moscow Road in Port Harcourt, Rivers State capital and surrendered two Ak-47 rifles, one pump action rifle, one G3 rifle and a locally made pistol called Akwa. The gang


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members who surrendered the above weapons are Menaya Chinyere, Dennis Rago Mina, Bigi Nne, Asi Loolo and Great Nelson. Mr. Azubuko Udah, a Assistant Inspector- General of Police confirmed the arms surrender to CEHRD monitor. The Opouko militants above were the first to surrender arms. The visit of Boyloaf to the Presidential Villa (Aso Rock) with other 31 militant leaders and the Bayelsa State Governor, Slyva deepened the crisis in MEND. On Thursday, August 6, 2009 Jomo Gbomo's MEND in an online statement made available to CEHRD, disowned its commanders in charge of the Bayelsa axis. In response, General Boyloaf attacked Henry Okah, saying that he is owing him N170 million. Boyloaf told CEHRD on the phone, I was not forced by any body to accept amnesty. I told myself that immediately Okah is released I will quit arms struggle. He (Okah) is owing me N170 million and he should pay me. I knew him through Asari in those days of the Niger Delta Volunteer Force (NDPVF). In Rivers State, General Nwaeze Adiele, a notorious kidnapper and gun dealer, who was used by the ex-Governor of Rivers State, Dr. Peter Otunaya Odili led 20 of his boys and surrendered his weapons. Farah Dagogo, the head of the Niger Delta Strike Force (NDSF) and leader of MEND in charge of the eastern delta (Rivers State), Soboma George, leader of the Outlaws, Tom Ateke, leader of the Niger Delta Vigilante Movement (NDVM) Solomon Ndigbera (Osama Bin Laden), Nwogu Justice Chisom (Gen. JJ), Even Kula community in the Akuku Toru Local Government Area, also surrendered arms and ammunition. In Bayelsa, Ebi Kabowei Ben Victor, aka, General Boyloaf commander, Kile Selky Torughedi, aka the Young Shall Grow, accepted amnesty and surrendered arms. Others areAfrica Uparasia, Commander Joshua Macaiver, Ezizi Ogbunbos, also known as General Ogbunbos, the former second-incommand to the late General Prince Igodo of Bayelsa, who Ogbunbos and his allies killed and took over his camp, Commander Toruma Ngogolo, the second-in-command to Commander Woki Godwill Ibralaf popularly called Kitikata, General Karikoro, Commander Emikor Bonny Don, General


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Reuben Wilson popularly known as Pastor among the militants in the Bayelsa area. Edward Youdiowei, second-in-command to the slain Odi militant leader, Daddy Ken, Douglas Otoloko, the farmer turned militant, Gilbert Isobo, Wisdom Fiebor, Areama Olali a.k.a Commander Areama, and Inilo Sinte. In Delta State, Chief Government Ekpemopolo popularly called Tompolo, the most visible militant leader there surrendered his cache of arms. Uncertainty OverAmnesty Contract The amnesty deadline expired on Sunday, October 4, 2009, and the government refused to extend it in spite of pleas that it should be extended. On October 8, 2009, Air Vice Marshall, Lucky Araeile, Coordinator of the Federal Government amnesty panel issued a public statement and said that so far 8, 299 militants have surrendered arms and accepted amnesty excluding the followers of Tompolo, Dagogo Fara and Ateke, and that the number could rise to between 14, 000 to 15, 000. Ararile has also told CEHRD that his committee never received the N50 billion which the presidency announced. That his committee budget was N10 billion, but the committee had only received N9, 858.7 million. CEHRD reliably gathered that most of the committee members were deeply frustrated due to lack of funds and lack of direction by the amnesty panel. The enthusiasm displayed by members of the panel had faded away due to the above syndromes. What happened to the N50 billion and the other N4 billion? Why is the committee complaining of fund? Are the monies embezzled by the leaders of the panel? Fear of the Unknown The Niger Delta region like other parts of Nigeria is riddled with poverty, unemployment and other social vices, worsened by corruption and a fragile security situation. Some of the militants had confided in CEHRD that they never surrendered all their arms. When they need money they sell some of


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their arms to politicians or to other colleagues. The dangerous small arms and light weapons are still in circulation. The government of the day is just interested in the flow of crude oil and its accruable profits rather than resolving some issues that gave rise to the militancy and violence in the region! This strategy amounts to only postponing the evil days. With the acceptance of the amnesty by the militant leader the militant coordinating body, MEND has lost its key fighters, and can't bite hard as it used to. However, with the presence of the guns and availability of a large army of armless, frustrated and unemployed youths, they are susceptible to another round of possible recruitment and influence. The government strategy of doling out huge amount of money to the various militant leaders under the guise of contract award through the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC) won't solve the problem. The last former Obasanjo's government tried that with Dokubo-Asari but it did not bring about peace, rather it deepened the violence fueled partly by greed. Inspite of the amnesty, Jomo Gbomo MEND believed to be the Okah faction was still issuing threats. In a news report, back page of The Nigeria's Guardian newspaper, entitled, We won't surrender arms, MEND Spokesman insists, the report quoted Gbomo as saying, Dr. Agary (amnesty committee media coordinator) may have said that for talking sake. I do not believe she is serious. There has been no serious effort to reach us. We have refused to be compromised with monetary inducement. We will exchange our arms with justice. He continued, pride and arrogance on the part of government is standing in the way of such a dialogue. The attitude of General Godwin Abbe (rtd) who represented the government during a meeting with Tompolo gives a clear example of the government's thinking. I can assure you that their price is a prelude to the disgrace and downfall of the government Gbomo said. On Thursday, August 13, 2009, suspected militants blew up the Utorogu gas pipeline in Delta State. The affected facility is owned by the Nigeria gas company (NGC). Following the above attack, the plant was shut down. On Wednesday, October 7, 2009, MEND threatened via an issued public statement saying that it will resume fresh attacks October 16, 2009, In this


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next phase, we will burn down all attacked installations and no longer limit our attacks to the destruction of pipelines. We will fight for our land with the last drop of our blood regardless of how many people the government of Nigeria and oil companies are successfully bribing Gbomo said. Just as MEND was also calling for the release of Mr. Soboma Jackreece a.k.a Igberipapa, who was arrested December 2008 by JTF after he honuored an invitation by the Amayanabo of Kalabari, Prof. Princewill. He was later released. The governor of Bayelsa State, Slyva said that the Government should disregard Okah's threat through MEND. In early December, 2009, CEHRD gathered that teams of JTF soldiers raided the Kula community that had surrendered arms in search of weapons and targeted the home of one of its former commanders Christian Don Pedro. Pedro accepted amnesty and surrendered guns. On Saturday, December 19, 2009, MEND breached the ceasefire by attacking a major Shell/Chevron Crude oil pipeline in Abonnema in the Akuku Toru Local Government Area of Rivers State. Cocktail of Violent Protests By Ex-Militants At the various rehabilitation centres where the militants are kept, there were complaints of poor living conditions, acute hunger and poor payment. In Bayelsa State on Friday, September 4, 2009, over 50 ex-militants stormed part of Yenagoa, the Bayelsa State capital, and attacked motorists and other road users with sticks and bottles. They accused their former commander Boyloaf of embezzling their allowances. The aggrieved militants issued a 24hour ultimatum for the money to be paid or they will start attacking policemen and soldiers before returning to the creeks. The protest swept through Edo, Rivers, Delta etc over non-payment of allowances. Many of the ex-militants have left the camps, and now they can't account for what they do now. The future over the delta is uncertain. Amnesty and amnesia. MEND Launches DeadlyAttacks on Oil Facilities from May July, 2009. From the middle of May, 2009 until early July, the Movement for the


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Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND) had launched series of wellcoordinated and deadly attacks on oil facilities under its armed campaign code-named Hurricane Piper Alpha which it later renamed, Hurricane Moses. The militant campaigns, MEND said, will combine dialogue in tandem with phased attacks that increase intensity until its goal has been achieved. MEND amongst other things demanded for the release of Henry Okah, its leader. On May 16, 2009, MEND attacked Nigeria Gas Company pipeline. The next day May 17, 2009, it destroyed Escravos Warri Petroleum Products Marketing Company Pipeline Delta State. On May 24, 2009, it attacked the Abiteye Escravos 12-inches pipeline (Delta State). On June 10, 2009, it set the Utonna flow station ablaze. On June 13, 2009, Makaraba 5 and Abiteye wells were damaged (Delta State). On June 14, 2009, heavily armed fighters blew up the Christmas tree at Abiteye jacket I with explosives. On June 25, the Shell pipeline conveying crude oil from Bille/Krama to Bonny Export terminal was attacked (Rivers State). On June 29, the Shell's forcados offshore platform was hit, while on July 5, 2009, Chevron's Okan manifold was attacked in Delta State. On July 8, 2009, MEND fighters blew up pipelines jointly owned by Shell and Agip. The damaged pipeline connected the Agip terminal in Brass in the Nembe creek in Bayelsa State. On July 10, 2009, MEND fighters revisited the recently-repaired Chevron pipeline linkingAlero creek throughAbiteye to the Chevron export terminal. On Sunday, July 12, MEND left the Niger Delta territory for Lagos, where it attacked the Atlas cove jetty, the facility is a major source of petroleum products supply, scores of security officials and civilians were killed in the attack. On Friday, June 19, 2009, MEND again attacked a major pipeline around the Nembe creek Area of Bayelsa State which is owned by Nigerian Agip Oil Campany (NAOC), a subsidiary of the Italian giant, ENI Group which has a production capacity of over 47, 000 barrels of crude oil per day. Though, in this attack, JTF claimed that it foiled the attack, but Agip confirmed a devastating attack by MEND. This series of attacks affected the Nigerian economy adversely as major oil


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moguls like Chevron shut down production, price of oil fell etc. CEHRD gathered that the Hurricane Moses campaigns which virtually paralyzed the Nigerian economy was a strategy by some militants who wanted to quit militancy and join normal civilian life, to gain a better bargaining position with the government and the amnesty committee. They escalated the conflict to put government in a situation where offers to the militants will reduce the level of violence. Total ELF Staff Kidnapped in Port Harcourt On Tuesday, July 7, 2009, about 8:00am Engr. Onu, a staff member of Total Elf, the French oil giant, was kidnapped from his home at Elimnigwe Estate at the Elelenwo area of Port Harcourt by three gunmen who had been trailing him. Onu had arrived at his new home to inspect the pace of work there when gunmen who had been loitering about pretending to be fixing a bad car, pounced on him and took him away in the car. CEHRD learnt that Onu was taken through Eliminigwe water front where a boat was waiting. They later burnt the car before escaping with their victim into the swamp. The Rivers State police Public Relations Officer (PRO), Rita Inoma-Abbey, confirmed the incident to CEHRD on the phone. Adiele Nwaeze Kidnapped JosephAllagoa, -- pays Rivers police Boss N5 million monthly --Bought car for him, In-law arrested In February, 2009, Joseph Allagoa, a business tycoon was kidnapped at the Roman Catholic Church Corpus Christi Cathedral at Kaduna Street in Port Harcourt, Rivers State and taken to a camp in Bakama in Degema Local Government Area, of Rivers State. He was released after payment of 20 million naira ransom. The kidnappers traveled to the church in a Jetta car and an 18-seater


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Mitsubishi bus. They drove into the church and abducted Allagoa there, who they have been monitoring for a very long time without resistance from security officials. Adiele Nwaeze, the notorious kidnapper who hails from Abia state told CEHRD monitor, that Joseph Allagoa who hails from Nembe in Bayelsa State co-operated with them, He co-operated with us and we treated him fine and he paid us N20 million he spoke to CEHRD in pidgin English. I was paying Bala Hassan, the Rivers State commissioner of police, N5 million monthly. I bought a Honda car for him. And when I didn't pay him the monthly N5million even when he knows that I was a known kidnapper he went and destroyed my house, took another of my car away which he gave to his mother. The politicians bought guns for me to do work for them during election and after they got to power abandoned me. How do you think I will survive? I must use the guns for other things. Almost 90% of kidnapping in Rivers State the security people, especially the police have their shares from the business Nwaeze told CEHRD. The lawyer to the kidnapper also corroborated the story and said that they are in court against the police. Nwaeze said because he didn't pay the money to the police again, they declared him wanted. And that he had problems with the police over Joseph Allagoa's case; because when the police heard about the amount he collected they wanted money and he refused to pay them. That is the beginning of Nwaeze's problem with the police. In March, 2009, 23-year-old David Ofeume, one of the boys (kidnappers) was arrested from his house, in Woji and shot dead at the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) in Port Harcourt. On April 4th, 2009, Nwaeze's father-in-law, Etim Udo, 70 years old, said to be suffering from cardiac complication had paid a visit to Nwaeze at Prince Ogele Igba Estate off Eliowhani town in the Obio/Akpor Local Government Area of Rivers State, and was arrested, tortured and currently held at the ATM section of the Port Harcourt prison. The police is accusing him of kidnap. Nwaeze's wife, children and domestic worker were also arrested, but released after paying N1.8million to the police. In the same month, the police raided Nwaeze's bungalow and said they discovered arms and ammunition;


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they later destroyed the house. Nwaeze said he accepts the recent amnesty and had surrendered guns to the committee. Nwaeze was trained as a motor mechanic, later, he abandoned his trade to assist politicians rig elections. He has worked for Tom Ateke, Boyloaf and others in the delta region. Before the amnesty deal, he ran his own kidnapping gang. He has been involved in several kidnapping cases the Julius Berger case of 2008 along Rumuji Road in the Emuoha Local Government Area of Rivers State, kidnapped some politicians in Abia State etc. Joseph Allagoa was held at a camp in Bakana in the Degema Local Government Area of Rivers State operated by Bosti, a leader of The Greenlanders, a notorious cult group that spilt from Tom Ateke's Icelander in 2003. The driver of Joseph Allogoa, Mr. Tonye Jaja, supplied information to Adiele Nwaeze; CEHRD was told by one of Nwaeze's boys. Jaja was arrested by soldiers from the Joint Task Force (JTF) and CEHRD feared that he may have been killed in their cell, because when CEHRD visited the JTF they said they don't have anybody like that. Dr. Namene Lolo Kidnapped, Paid N10million To Gain Freedom In July, 2009, gun wielding commercial kidnappers abducted Dr. Namene Koloo, the medical director of Pearl Clinic, a well-known private hospital in the D/line area of Port Harcourt, Rivers State. Lolo spent a week with the kidnappers in a hideout. Though, Lolo kept sealed-lips on his ordeals, and the ransom paid to the kidnappers, yet a security officer who was involved in the hostage negotiation revealed to CEHRD monitor that Dr. Lolo bought his freedom with a whooping N10 million naira ransom fee. The police in the state confirmed the kidnap of the medical doctor, but


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claimed that no ransom was paid. CEHRD later interviewed one of those who kidnapped Lolo. The young man in his late 20s said that ransom was paid to them and that the reason why they kidnapped him is to get their own share of what Shell had just paid him(Lolo) from the landmark law suit settlement in the New York, USAcourt. Festus Koremene, Militant Leader Killed in Otu-Jeremi, Delta State In early May, 2009, Festus Koremene, well-known militant leader in the service of Chief Government Ekpemupolo popularly called Tompolo was beaten to death at Otu-Jeremi community in the Ughelli South Local GovernmentArea of Delta State. Koremene, is a cousin of Tompolo; CEHRD was told by one of his close aides that he (Koremene) mistakenly knocked down a motor bike fondly called Okada in Nigeria. As the Okada man died instantly, angry villagers descended on him (Koremene) and beat him to death. The police in Delta State confirmed the incident. Koremene was in his 30s, father of three children, hailed from the Ogbe-Ijoh community in the Warri South West Local GovernmentArea of Delta State. He had since been buried. Godwin Ejinyere's Thugs Tortured Ejiro Edeminaha in Delta On July 18, 2009, murderous thugs acting on the orders of Chief Godwin Ejinyere, the special assistant on youth Development to Dr. Emmanuel Uduanghan, the governor of Delta State, tortured Ejiro Edeminaha for not supporting him politically. Ejinyere's thugs numbering about four had abducted the victim, Edeminaha and tied him with a rope and dumped him into the boot of a Government House vehicle with registration number DT 495A01, and drove him from Ovie palace Road in Effrurun town to Orerokpe town which is about thirty minutes away, and brutalized him seriously for always opposing their boss (Chief Godwin Ejinyere). Both the Ejinyere and Edeminaha hail from the Oha village in the Okpe Local


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Government Area of Delta. The only sin that Ejiro Edeminaha had committed against Chief Godwin Ejinyere is that he never supported him, and had been very vocal in criticizing the government in the state which Ejinyere serves. The police in Delta state confirmed to CEHRD receiving petition about the torture of Ejiro Edeminaha, and promised to act on it. CEHRD also called Chief Godwin Ejinyere, but he refused to pick his call nor respond to the text message from CEHRD monitor. In the wake of the torture met out to the victim, CEHRD is worried that in spite of the campaigns generated by local human rights groups in Delta State around the issue, the newspapers refused to report it. Various governments whether at state or local government level, in the Niger Delta region and beyond, spend huge amount of money bribing the newspapers, television stations etc, so as to always get good publicity. When news worthy incidents like this the abduction and torture of a citizen, the media refuse to report it media corruption. Juju Worshippers Exile JacksonAnthony for defiling the gods of Ubeji On May 21, 2009, Mr. Jackson O. Anthony, an indigene of the Ubeji Area of Delta State and his family of eight were expelled from his Ubeji home by a group of juju worshippers led by Michael Jala, the Chief priest of the community. Anthony, the victim who resides at No. 20, Ubeji main town, Ubeji, was chased out of the community by the juju men on the above date, because, when the jujumen were doing their rituals they usually force members of the Ubeji community to remain indoors through the duration of the voodoo practice. CEHRD spoke to both the victim and the juju men. I am a Christian and I am not in anyway part of their fetish things. I was in my compound which is fenced round I didn't see what they were doing. They just came and dropped


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their juju material on my property and later exiled me. Their action violates my rights to private and family life and my freedom to live in the Ubeji community.Anthony Jackson said. It is our tradition, we have been performing our tradition right from ancient times. A member of the Ubeji community told CEHRD there. Jackson had taken the Chief priest and six others to court. He is praying a magistrate court to stop Jala and six others from further barring or ex- communicating him and members of his immediate family, from his residence in Ubeji community. Ubeji is a semi-urban area with several religious organizations and people. Police Sergeant Kennedy Torture Kelly Itobere for Refusing to Pay Bribe On March 11, 2009 at about 7:00am, Sergeant Kennedy and three other policemen seized a Passat Saloon car with registration number SA140 TDU belonging to 46-year-old Kelly Itobere, dragged the owner (Itobere) out violently without disclosing what crime he has committed. Kennedy took over the driver's seat with other three policemen inside and violently knocked down Kelly who was standing nearby and in the process sustained serious injuries over his body, his left foot was hard hit. Sergeant Kennedy for fear of being manhandled by an angry mob that had gathered took Kelly who was in the pool of his blood to a nearby clinic where Sergeant Kennedy and his cohorts abandoned the victim after releasing his said car to him. CEHRD gathered that before March 11, 2009, Sergeant Kennedy and his rampaging police gang stationed at the MCC junction, Enehen had stopped Kelly and as usual with them, demanded for bribe, but Kelly refused. So, the opportunity came when at the same junction, Kelly's same Passat saloon car broke down. CEHRD visited the family of the victim and encouraged them to take Sergeant Kennedy and his gang to court to enforce Kelly's fundamental human rights to his dignity as enshrined in the Nigerian Constitution and others.


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Task Force KillAdeoye in Oshimili, Delta State In the afternoon of Monday, May 4, 2009, task force officials from the Oshimili South Local Government Area of Delta State beat Mr. Johnson Adeoye, a commercial bus driver to death. The deceased who hails from Osun State and a father of 5 children was said to have committed traffic offence around the Ogbeogonogo market on Nnebisi Road in the area. The late Johnson was given a hot chase by three motorbikes by men of the local government Task force on traffic control, who when they got him, pounded him until he slumped and died. CEHRD contacted the wife of the deceased who lamented, Though, I was not there but I can tell you that from those who told me what happened my husband saw others passing the traffic point so he followed and look at what they did to him, how will I feed 5 children? CEHRD gathered that the deceased's car with registration number EDO XG 303 BEN is parked temporarily following the owners death, while his corpse has been deposited at the Federal Medical Centre (FMC) morgue in Asaba, the capital of Delta state. Charles Muka, the police spokesman in the state said one person has been arrested in conjunction with the incident. CEHRD can not confirm whether an innocent person is arrested, since oftentimes when things of this nature happen; the police normally make indiscriminate arrest and in the process arrest innocent person, to demonstrate that they are working. Ibuya, Delta Lawmaker Kidnapped in Sapele, Delta State On Thursday, May 21, 2009 in the night, Chief Monday Igbuya, the ex-leader of the Sapele Local GovernmentArea of Delta State legislative assembly was abducted by gunmen who stormed there and took him away. The lawmaker of the ruling People's Democratic Party (PDP) was kidnapped from his Sapele home in the night and whisked away to the neigbouring Bayelsa State. The victim spent 6 days with his kidnappers and was released


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after payment of a whopping Twenty million naira (20 million) contrary to Ibuya's claim that he never paid a dime to his kidnappers. He was released on Wednesday, May 27, 2009 at about 1:00am. Ibuya spoke to CEHRD after his release, I was kidnapped on Thursday, May 21, 2009, I spent 6 days with them (his kidnappers). I was released on Wednesday. The kidnappers dropped me off at about 1:30am at a village called Aroune, near Koko. The militants were quite good and receptive. They initially demanded N100 million from me, but I ended up not paying anything. Though, we initially had a scuffle with the boys but they would have killed me. The experience was quite bad. He lamented. CEHRD was told by a reliable family member that Chief Monday Ibuya's family paid a ransom of N20 million before he was released contrary to his claim that he never paid a Kobo. Even when victims of kidnapping pay ransom they always deny not paying any dime. Vigilante Kills Innocent Youth in Port Harcourt On 19th June, 2009, vigilante group set up to checkmate criminal activities at Ibiapu Polo and Yikabo Polo in the Okrika Waterfront area, off Aggrey Road, Port Harcourt, Capital of Rivers State, turned out to put on a posture likened to JTF deadly operation of maiming and killing of innocent and defenceless citizens in the Niger Delta as the group did not leave their innocent captive. Ntoro Tom was not just left with minor injury but a very serious one that unfortunately caused his death after three days, by the vigilante group. CEHRD gathered that there was a case of mobile phone theft for which the vigilante chased the suspects. The information with the vigilante was that a certain Mfon, fromAkwa lbom led the handset snatchers. And so, when the vigilante in the process of chasing the suspects ran into the victim, Ntoro Tom, who was also from Akwa lbom, there was case of mistaken identity. He was said to have been dragged out of the meal before him, taken to the Polo Chairman who allegedly denied knowing him. But rather than to carry out independent and thorough investigation to get the true identity of their suspect the vigilante inflicted him with injuries mostly


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through machete cut. He was rushed later to Teme Clinic where doctors battled to save his life but to no avail. The vigilante took the laws into their hands and assumed the place of law enforcement and law adjudication agency by engaging in an act which eventually led to the death of Tom who was later found to be innocent. He was later identified as a chemist in a pharmaceutical store located in Moore House Street in the Old Port Harcourt Township of the state capital. Some of the persons whose romance has facilitated the killing of the innocent young man were arrested by the police though CEHRD's investigation revealed that they may likely be left off the hook because of the intervention of some influential citizens and the penurious state of the victim's family. Gunmen Kidnap 85-Year-Old Community Leader On Friday 8 may, 2009, a gang of about five armed youths abducted 85-yearold former President-General of Isoko Development Union (IDU), Chief Oghalee Oneneme at his residence located at 16 Jones Street Oleh in Isoko South local government area of Delta State. The Community Leader who was also a Permanent Secretary in the defunct Bendel State was seized by the kidnappers at about 7:30pm. Valuable items mostly mobile phones were forcefully taken from the helpless occupants of the house and some persons brutalized by the invaders. His abduction came on the eve of the inauguration of a new executive committee of Isoko Development Union at Oleh, the heightened tension and aroused concern of the citizens. The Divisional Police Officer, DPO in charge of Oleh Police Division, Mr. GbalagadeAdedokun confirmed the abduction. The trade in the exchange of ransom on captives in the name of kidnapping or abduction has been severally condemned as not only inhuman, and illegal but an abuse of the fundamental human rights of the captives. Those who resorted to criminal kidnapping are warned to desist forthwith as such does not only violate the right to freedom of the victim, but bring a lawless atmosphere.


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Ohonda Kidnapped in Port Harcourt, Rivers Government Paid N2 Million for his Release In early April, 2009, four gunmen dressed in mobile police uniform armed with AK47 assault riffles traveling in a brand new V-boot car, intercepted Okechukwu Ohonda, a popular Port Harcourt based lawyer, seized him and tied his hands and mouth with ropes and dumped him in the boot of their car and drove off. The kidnap incident occured around a popular estate in Port Harcourt, the capital of Rivers State, called Cocaine Village near Aba Road. CEHRD learnt about the incident from a lawyer who revealed that the Rivers state government kept sealed-lips over the matter. A security official told CEHRD that the Rivers Government paid Two Million Naira (N2m) before Ohonda was released. The victim works for the government to review ownership of Rivers State Properties under its Ministry of Lands and Housing. CEHRD reliably gathered that the victim was kidnapped around 9:00 pm, and taken to the Obehie community in the Ukwa West Local Government Area of Abia State. Sources close to the gang said that the kidnapped Barrister Okechukwu Obonda, popularly called Oke, for short, confirmed to CEHRD that the state government agent traveled to a rendezvous in Abia State and gave the kidnappers the ransom money. The sources said that Ohonda shortly after his kidnap reportedly told his captors that he will not pay any ransom, and they started maltreating him. He was said to have been tied to a tree in a compound there exposed to sun shine and rainfall, and after 4 days of that savage ordeal told the government official who spoke with him on the phone to pay any ransom for his release that was how the kidnappers earned the whooping N2m for his ransom. Governor Uduagan Supporters Threaten Casley Omon- Irobor, Dele Fasan In spite of the return to civil rule since in Nigeria since 1999, certain fundamental human rights such as speech etc are still not guaranteed. On August 23, 2009, Casley Omon- Irabor, a human rights lawyer and president


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of Human Rights Defenders Organization of Nigeria (HRDON) based in Warri, the slummy metropolis of Delta state had appeared on a live program on the Galaxy Television, and was interviewed by Dele Fasan, the Delta State correspondent of the independent Television Station. Onon- Irabor during the interview anchored by Fasan criticized the policies and programs of Dr. Emmanuel Uduaghan, the Government of Delta State. No Sooner after the Omon- Irabor's criticism of the delta state governor than torrents of threats from persons and group suspected to be supported of the governor started pouring in. CEHRD investigation revealed that one of the threats comes from faceless persons who called them, CONCERNED DELTANS FOR UDUAGHAN. An sms that came into the lawyer's mobile phone from the concerned Delta for Uduaghan warned Omon- Irabor that if he values his life he should desist from criticizing the Uduaghan led administration in the state and from hence forth says only good things of the state governor. Another caller also asked Omon- Irabor to go ahead and criticized the governor again, if he is a courage man, that they know everything about him, including the road he uses travel to his Benin, Edo State home. The anonymous caller said if he and the Galaxy Television journalist don't take time, they will be buried in one grave. Omon- Irabor reacting to the threats said, I have no cause to fear anybody, but I must tell you that I will continuously say the truth and elect the poor in the country. Nobody should forget that the government in power today has no legitimacy but we are only trying to give them credulity to that there will be stability and peace on governance. The threatened lawyer has been very vocal in criticizing policies and programs of various governments in Nigeria. CEHRD urges the Delta State Government to protect Casley Omon- Irabor from any harm especially now that cases of assassination abound. Atusiaka Died in Kidnapers Den, Buried in Shallow Grave in Delta State In early October, 209, Mr. Nze Jerome Atusiaka,, a private business was


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kidnapped by four men gang. The victim, a 66-year-old man was travelling with his 2 children and a business associate along Memeh/Convent street junction in Boji Boji Owa in the Ika North East Local Government Area of Delta State. The gun wielding kidnappers travelling in a Toyota Camry Saloon car at about 6:55pm had trailed Atusiaka from his business premises on the Lagos/Asaba Road, Agbor when the gun men intercepted his Toyota van, and took him away. Few hours after Nze Jereome Atusiaka was abducted, the kidnapper called the families of the victim and demanded for N50 million naira. They later reduced it ti 3 million, but eventually collected N300, 000. CEHRD was told that shortly after the kidnapers pocketed N300, 000, Atusiaka died in their hands. He was buried in a shallow grave inAgbor, a nearby community. CEHRD also gathered that the police have arrested a suspected kidnapper of the 66-year-old Atusiaka who they killed in their custody. CEHRD is worried that the police immediately killed the suspect without allowing him to make confession statement. We suspect that the police have something to hide and that is why they killed the suspect. Police bosses in some states of the delta have been linked to the kidnapping business. The police command in Delta State spoke to CEHRD monitor, We have three suspects of the kidnap and murder of one Jerome Atusiaka; the body of the victim was recovered in a shallow grave in Aghor. During our investigation we recovered a barrette pistol from one of the suspects who made confessional statements. Investigation is still on; immediately we finish it we will charge the matter to court Charles Muka, that Delta State police commissioner said. Violence Soaks Effurun, Kidnapers Had Field Day in Delta State Just as in an rival youth gangs flared violence with their automatic riffles and other dangerous weapons on the streets Effurun, near Warri, Delta State leading to the death of 3 persons on Wednesday, October 14, 2009,


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commercial kidnappers in Asaba, the Delta State capital had a field day. Around same period, Murphy Madubu, Ike the director of GBC was kidnapped opposite MTN centre inAsaba, near his company premises. The wife of the owner of Agofure motors and her driver were kidnapped at Agbarho, few meters before Warri. The where about both Ike and Agofure wife and her driver who were kidnapped separately in Delta state. In a separate incident, Helen Diden, wife of Hon. Michael, a special adviser to Governor Emmanuel Uduaghan of Delta State who was kidnapped on Tuesday, August 18, 2009, was released on Friday August 21, 2009, when troops of the Joint Task Force (JTF) stormed the kidnapper's hideout at Ugbukurusu community in the Okpe Local Government Area of Delta state. In spite of the amnesty deal, gun related violence and organized crime associated with the deltaic militancy still continues. Also, Mrs. HelenAwala, a staff nurse at the Primary Health Care Centre at the warri South Council Delta State and wife of Hon. Justice A.P.E. Awala of the Federal Court of Appeal, Enugu was kidnapped on Wednesday, August 5, 2009, her kidnappers are demanding for a whopping N50 million ransom. Her where about still remain unknown. The kidnapers also scaled down the sun to N1 million naira. The police had arrest wives and brothers of the suspected kidnappers. Also arrests are the driver, cook and security of the victim who exposed the connection between the kidnappers and them. In spite of the amnesty deal, gun related violence and organized crime associated with the militancy in the delta region still centimes. Wikina's Domestic Worker Kidnapped in Kono, Ogoni, Rivers State In August, 2009, a band of heavily armed commercial kidnappers stormed the residence of Mrs. Winfrey Ifeoma Wikina, the 85-year-old mother of about 42-year-old Engineer Ema Gbole Wikina, a senior staff of Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC), and kidnapped a 13-year-old (name with held), domestic worker of the wikinas in the Kono community in the Khana Local Government Area of Ogoni, Rivers State. Villagers told CEHRD investigator in Kono that the kidnappers stormed the Wikina's


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country home at about 10:14pm, and invaded the residence of the 85-yearold Mrs. Winifrey Ifeoma Wikina, in to get ransom from her top SPDC staff son. As the kidnappers struck, Mrs. Wikina took refuge in a ward-rope in the house, the kidnappers didn't see her. They kidnapped her 13-year-old domestic worker instead, took her to their hideout for 3 weeks. They (kidnappers) came in a taxi cab, and broke the iron protector to the house. Though, Wikina family members continue to deny that they ever paid any ransom to the kidnappers before the victim was released. But, two security officials told CEHRD separately, that the Wikina's family paid a whooping two million naira (N2 million) only to the kidnappers before the victim (13year-old) was released. CEHRD also gathered that a member of Kono community who is a member of the Deebam, one of the Nigeria's notorious street gangs led the kidnappers. He is currently in detention in the Port Harcourt prisons. Job Seeker Murdered Comfort Agene, Pamela Markpa at Etegwe, Bayelsa State On Tuesday, July 21, 2009, in the evening hours, a security job seeker whose name is given as Ibrahim Usman invaded the private residence of Mrs. Comfort Kuvokigba Agene, wife of Mr. Ezekiel Agene a chief superintendent of police (CSP), killing her and her mother, Mrs. Pamela Naigba nee Markpa, while their cousin, Ms. Boniegba Jairus who would have been the third victim narrowly escaped. One of the deceased, Comfort Kurokigba Agene, a mother of 4 children and staff of the College of Medical sciences at the Niger Delta University (NDU), Amassoma, Bayelsa State and only serving child of Mrs. Pamela Naigba nee Markpa, had also killed, contacted a family frond of hers to look for her a security guard due to several cases of robberies and burglary in the Etegwe surburb near Yenogoa, the Bayelsa State capital.


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The security job seeker, was contacted and brought to the Agene compound, and they negotiated the monthly salary, while, the deceased Agene wants to pay fifteen thousand naira (N15, 000) only, the said Ibrahim Usman, said to be a middle-aged man and who hails from one of the northern states in Nigeria insisted that he will collect Twenty thousand naira (N20, 000) only, since they couldn't agree the Usman left. So, when on that Tuesday, July 21, 2009, Usman returned to the house of Agene, the young woman thought he has changed his mind to accept the N15, 000 proposals, little did she realized that the man was on a different mission. As Usman, Ibrahim came into the compound, he pounded on helpless Comfort Kurokigba Agene raped her first before, before starling her severally and she died. Her cry attracted her mother, Mrs. Pamela Naigba nee Markpa, a 63-year-old woman who hailed from Adule-ama community in Amassoma in the Southern Ijaw Local Government Area of Bayelsa State, as she came out of her room, she was also killed by the blood thirsty Ibrahim Usman. Bomiegha Jairus, a cousin of the deceased managed to escape. The Bayelsa State police command confirmed the Ugly incident to CEHRD and said had launched an intense manhunt for the alleged assailant. In response to the killing, the Ijaw Youth Council (IYC), central zone issued a 72-hour ultimatum to the Hausa (northern community) to produce the man who carried out the most heartening and gruesome rape and murder of a daughter and mother. Jonathan Lokpobiri and Douye Amusu, chairman and secretary of the zone respectively who signed the 4-point resolution (ultimatum) document said the perpetrator of this dastardly act must be produced by the Hausa community. Tension pilled up, but the security officials in the state government and its security officials intervened. Kidnappers in Police Uniform Abduct Madam Eruan, Bayelsa Commissioner's Mother On August 4, 2009, Madam Racheal Eruani, the mother of Dr. Azibapu Godbless Eruani, the Bayelsa state commissioner of Health was kidnapped by kidnappers. The commercial kidnappers who wore police uniform arrived


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the Opolo market where the victim do petty trading, and told madam Eruani that her husband made a complain against her, and that she should follow them to the police station. A bewildered Eruani followed the kidnappers posing as policemen. Madam Eruani initially argued with the policemen, sorry kidnappers that she left her husband in the early hours of that day and that she doesn't have any problem with the husband. She insisted that she must call her husband and son, but the kidnappers told her that she should obey the call of the police commissioner being the mother of a government functionary. She later followed them when other traders in the market pretended with her to respect law enforcement. She was later taken to unknown destination. The Bayelsa Police command confirmed the incident to CEHRD on phone but claimed were on the trail of the kidnappers. Kitikata, Dreaded Militant Leader Killed By JTF in Nembe, Bayelsa State On Sunday, August 9, 2009, Commander Woki Godwill Ibralafu popularly called Kitikata was shot dead by soldiers of the Joint Task Force (JTF) while traveling along the Obioku waterways in the Nembe Local Government Area of Bayelsa State. Contrary to the JTF statement which the Nigerian media report from, that kitikata was killed in a shoot-out with JTF while launching an attack on the Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC) Santa Babara flow station there. CEHRD investigations revealed that since Saturday July 2, 2008, when Kitikata and hordes of his fighters attacked a passengers boat travelling along the Obioku waterways in the Neme Local GovernmentArea of Bayelsa State and killed 3 soldiers and 4 civilians the military intelligence had placed Commander Woki Godwill Ibralafu aka Kitikata on their radar. Woki and his body guards were travelling along the Obioku waterways to honour an appointment with Farah Dagogo, leader of the Niger Delta Strike Force (NDSF) and commander of the eastern (Rivers State) wing of the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND). Farah who was


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a trusted ally of Woki has disarmed and accepted amnesty offer by the government, CEHRD exclusively gathered from both Kitikata and Farah fighters. And that Woki was not armed, because they know that if you pass that route the JTF searches one's boat. Woki thought naively that the soldiers won't recognize him, one of his body guards said. Kitikata was 31-year-old, hailed from Opoama community in the Brass Local Government Area of Bayelsa State. Around 1999, the Youth crisis in the community deepened, and Woki who was one of the factional members left the community to Odioma community in the Nembe Local Government Areas of Bayelsa State. Katakiti was a member of the notorious Isine cult. In 2005, Woki was alleged to have spearheaded the killing of some councilors after a peace meeting between Obioku and Odioma. In reprisal, soldiers invaded the Odioma and razed down the community after killing a handful of people. Katakiti again, was exiled. The dreaded armed leader didn't leave the area, he built his cantonment along the Obioku area where he coordinated his activities from. Locals from the area who spoke to CEHRD monitors said that the water ways was quite unsafe due to Katakiti armed campaigns. Catherine Onyeme Bought her Freedom with N3million in Delta State On September 6th, 2009, Catherine Onyeme, the director in charge of works service at the Federal College of Education (Technical), located in Asaba, the capital of Delta State was abducted by a gang of 6 commercial kidnappers at her residence at Ezenei inAsaba at about 8:00pm. Of late, Asaba, the seat of the government of Delta state has become a major field for the kidnapping business. The Delta state commissioner of police. Yakubu Alkali later claimed that the police tracked down two of the kidnapers, and that on September 21, 2009, the kidnappers were bashing in the success of their operation, a good spirited individual gave the police information that led to the arrest of the first suspect. He confessed of being member of the kidnap gang that abducted Catherine and that he got the sun of N200, 000 which he used to buy tools for his vulcanizing trade


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Alkali further said Also through his confession, the second suspect (all names withheld) was arrested and he too confessed involvement and that he used his share of the ransom to buy electronics CEHRD wants the process to be transparent so that the police don't arrest innocent persons and tag them kidnappers like what the police has done severally in other situation. Initially, the kidnappers were demanding N10 million before the woman will be left off the kidnappers hook, but the family of Catherine Onyeme later paid N3 million and she was released. 62-year-old Madam Week Kidnapped in Bayelsa State On September 19, 2009, 62-year-old madam Sinima Week was kidnapped from her residence at Ayama Community near Yenogoa, the capital of Bayelsa State at about 7:00pm by 5 gunmen. An Ayama villager told CEHRD on phone that the commercial kidnappers fired guns in the air before disappearing with the woman into unknown destination. The victim is the mother of an assistant director of the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC). Mr. Doddei Week, her son spoke to CEHRD on phone, saying that N20million has been demanded as ransom by the kidnappers. CEHRD gathered that a combined team of JTF and some ex-militants had been involved in effort to rescue the victim, but has not been successful. As at the time of this report, the victim is still with her captors. CEHRD calls for an end to kidnapping and ransom collection, because it violates the fundamental rights of the victim. This should stop. Kidnappers on The Prowl in Omuma, Rivers State - Women Victims The month of December, 2009 particularly, has been traumatic for the women folks of Omuma Local Government Area of Rivers State. Women after one another become victims of the rampaging kidnapping gangs.


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One, Mrs. Violent Onyebuenyi, while having her bath at her house at Umueze, Umuogba in the Omuma Local Government Area was kidnapped and taken to an unknown destination. The poor woman was kidnapped eleven months after her husband was abducted by unknown commercial kidnappers. CEHRD can't confirm whether ransom was paid or not. The first woman that was kidnapped in the area was the mother of John Anucha, the chairman of the Omuma council. The kidnappers demanded for hundred of millions of naira. However, some youths from the area were arrested. CEHRD can't also confirm whether the have some link with the gang that kidnapped Mrs.Anucha. Two, Mrs. Florence Nwaeke, another woman from Omuma narrowly escaped the kidnapper's dragnet. There, on December 14, 2009, at about 1:30am, at Umuugwu, Umuajuloke village community in same Omuma Local Government Area, a bunch of desperate kidnapers abducted Mrs. Comfort Onyenma. CEHRD spoke with the kidnapper, and can authoritatively reports that one million six hundred thousand naira (N1, 600, 000) was paid as ransom. First, a eight hundred thousand naira (800, 000) was paid, later the balance of N800, 000 was paid to the kidnappers. Four, in same December, 2009, Mrs. Comfort Nwoju was kidnapped on her way to theAfor-Ogwe market, along Umueze- Ogwe road in Omuma. Journalist Threatened Over Rivers State Sustainable Development Agency (RSDA) Report In Spite of Nigeria's return to civil rule, the atmosphere of intolerance for press freedom which characterized the military juntas of the past years still exist. On October 29, 2009, Mr. John Amaowoh, the 32-year-old journalist and publisher of The National Forerunner, a Port Harcourt based weekly tabloid was threatened by persons suspected to be loyal to Dr. Bolaji Ogunsaye, the executive director of his Rivers State Sustainable DevelopmentAgency (RSSDA). The young newspaper publisher had in one of its November, 2009 edition vol. 2, No. 9, ran a story, RSSDA in N147 Million Scandal. CEHRD was


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told that the report angerd Ogunsaye and his RSSDA officials. Amaowoh based his report on the text of a press statement write by a section of the 147 trainees drawn from the 23 Local Government Area of Rivers State who were trained in entrepreneurial skills and development. And that after the training, RSSDA asked them to register their independent enterprises and that after then, the RSSDA would give them One million naira (N1, 000, 000) each to start their businesses. The trainees were angry that since November, 2008 they underwent the training, the Rivers State government agency, RSSDA had not fulfill their part of the agreement by providing the N1 million take off grant. So, the aggrieved RSSA trainees went round the media houses in Port Harcourt, to let the world know their plight. Sadly, the newspapers didn't report the matter. JohnAmaowh was courageous to report it. According to John Amaowoh, who spoke exhaustively to CEHRD, said, Immediately, the story appeared in my National Forerunner newspaper, on October 28, 2009, I had a call from some one claimed to be one Barrister Emenike with phone number- 0805-559 6622 representing the 147 aggrieved trainees and that he was eager to see me. However, I told him, that was not in office and we later scheduled to see on that following day been Thursday, October 29, 2009. I got to my office shortly after, I met two persons sitting in my office, waiting for me. I inquired who they were, it turned out to be that neither of them was a Barrister, as the caller had claimed. The two of them sprang up, threatening me to reveal my source of information in respect of my report, but I did not, but they threatened again to deal with me. Though, I am a human being I should be afraid, but I won't stop doing my job. CEHRD contacted Bolaji on phone over the allegation, and he said he was in a meeting and that the CEHRD monitor who called him or should send him an sms which was done, but there was no response. CEHRD is gravely concerned about the threat.


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Repentant Militants Rape Students, Loot Properties in Rivers On the 16th of November, 2009, a large number of ex-militants who were aggrieved over the non-payment of their allowances stormed the University of Port Harcourt, in Rivers State, raped female students, looted anything at sight within and outside the university's campus, even continued to the Choba motor park where they embarked on robbing poor traders. The University of Port Harcourt had been a victim of several attacks ranging from cult attacks on the campus to that of unknown gunmen; Then, the aftermaths of another attack by unknown gunmen who stole the life of Wali Amadi on the campus, which the school was yet to recover from the insecurity, before the torrents of attacks by the ex-militants on the campus. CEHRD gathered that on the 16th November, 2009, the ex-militants camped at Aluu, just close to the University Campus who were on a protest over delay of their allowances stormed the campus and its environs looting property, raping girls and putting the school on under tension as they even continued to the Choba Motor Park and robbed the marketers, CEHRD gathered. Astudent told CEHRD on the phone, We were all running. On an interview with a prominent Professor of the University, the Director of Centre for Ethnic and Conflict Studies, Prof. Mark Anikpo, the academic vehemently addressed the situation as, Totally absurd and unacceptable, he stressfully pointed again, ... and there is no way those people (ex-militants) can be there and the university can function well and the only way is to get the people out. CEHRD had gathered that the school authorities had kicked against such act vehemently as some departments on compus even withdrew their services from the school of which the Academic Staff Union of University (ASUU), was involved. On a visit to the school, CEHRD monitor observed that the state government had deployed military detachment on the Delta Campus for security. A victim, Chidinma who trades at the Choba Park told CEHRD, people were running and they came to us and collected my three thousand six hundred naira (N3,600). if not I would have bought some things for my business... look at my table. The victim lamented. Considering the level of insecurity that now permeates the University of Port


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Harcourt, those who spoke to CEHRD want the ex-militants relocated to somewhere else for the safety of the school. The school is an academic environment and should not be marred or disrupted by any outrageous activity, which may mar the vision of the school. WaliAmadi, Uniport CSO Murdered On 24th October, 2009, the Chief Security Officer (CSO), Mr. Wali Amadi of the University of Port Harcourt was murdered while intervening over the attack by unknown gunmen at the home of Prof. Mekuri Ndimele, a lecturer at the Department of Linguistics and Communications at the University's campus. As gathered by CEHRD, the gunmen had been on a raid at the home of Prof. Mekuri Ndimele for a long period without the intervention of the police in spite of a distress call sent by residents of the flat. The late chief Security Officer was shot dead at the Delta Campus of the university, where an AK47 rifle was found by his side. Investigation by CEHRD proved that the late CSO, Mr. Wali Amadi had in last year, June 3, 2008, escaped the terror of death by the Supreme Vikings Confraternity (SVC), a notorious campus cult, which resulted in the death of a lecturer at the university, Mr. Charles Ozuru of Curriculum Studies Department. A student told CEHRD that Prof. Mekuri Ndimele was under security interrogation after the incident. CEHRD paid a condolence visit to the family at Rumuosi in Obio/Akpor Local Government Area of Rivers State; however when requested to hear from the wife, she said I was not there when he was killed so I can't say anything. It bewildered CEHRD that nobody who was spoken to from the family of late Wali Amadi was able to disclose anything deeply pertaining the death of the CSO, maybe, due to security reasons. On a visit to a relative to the CSO, Mr. Julius at the English Department of the University of Port Harcourt, he expressed his pains over the sudden death, My brother it was shocking he went further, My brother we managed to console the wife that day. Charles Nsiegbe, Ex-LawmakerAssasinated in Port Harcourt On the 19th of November, 2009, yet-to-be identified gunmen attacked the former Rivers State House of Assembly member, of Port Harcourt


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constituency III, under the former government of Dr. Peter Odili and before his death, board member of Rivers Public Procurement Bureau in the present government of Rt. Hon. Chibuike Rotimi Amaechi,; Hon. Charles Nsiegbe was shot two times in the leg around Civic Centre, Mile 4 in Obio/Akpor Local Government Area of Rivers State, when he was on his way to his house at Rumuolumeni, CEHRD gathered. Charles, a politician and film producer was returning from a meeting at Sapphire Hotel, a popular hotel and a rendezvous for most public servants owned by Chief Azubuike Nmerukini, the current chairman of the Port Harcourt city Local Government Council, Rivers State. He was shot around 12:00 noon, some one kilometre away from the hotel. The death of the politician who was a pillar of PDP in the Port Harcourt Local Government Area, threw mostly the communities of Nkpolu Oroworukwo, Nkpolu Orugbum and Nkpolu Abali which are within the Port Harcourt Constituency III, into shock. CEHRD gathered that Hon Charles Nsiegbe was on his way to his residence at Rumuolumeni, in his Range Over- Jeep with one Mr. Freeman, a politician and friend of the deceased when he was attacked by unknown gunmen one of who was in police uniform. He was shot at the leg and was rushed to Teme Clinic but died later of the gun injuries on 21st November, 2009. CEHRD gathered that the police are in serious investigation as even close person to the deceased were interrogated. This is like a time bomb, which diffuses fear, tension, insecurity and uncertainty in the state. It adds to the continued crime perpetrated by unknown gunmen that commit crimes and go with impunity. Nsiegbe was born in 1965 into the family of Franklin Nyeche Nsiegbe at Rumuwoji community. He read Philosophy at the University of Port Harcourt, where he bagged a Bachelor of Arts degree. He was buried on 4th December, 2009. Protesting students of University of Science and Technology ejected from school, some arrested On 20th October, 2009, a large number of students from the Rivers State


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University of Science and Technology, RSUST protesting against the administration of Professor Barineme Fakae as the Vice Chancellor of the institution. They demanded for a change of university administration. The students had protested on the account that Prof. Fakae's administration, had introduced systems that are quite unacceptable to them. The protest had been that the introduction of result publication on internet gives no accuracy of results grades; the late registration scratch cards for students who were unable to pay fees on time, was economically reaping the students of N5,000. Again, that the ICT programme (computer programme) for students was compulsory and students pay a compulsory fee of 6,000 naira, which should be a personal choice, since some may have done the programme elsewhere or may not wish running it in the school. Furthermore, that some batch of students for NYSC mobilization were delayed for service. On investigating, CEHRD gathered that the students started protest peacefully without destruction, only for the burning of waste tyre until the military forcefully gained entrance into the school- shooting guns and tear gas. There was the announcement that students should evacuate the school. The students who were preparing for their examination, just after the long period of strike in the country, never took it seriously, but were forced out by the military force. CEHRD gathered that the tear gas and shooting put the students into helter skelter, as some went on rampage. A student, Azubuike told CEHRD reporter that he was whipped by a soldier while trying to park his luggage and from some students, that there were several arrest of protesting students; and it was rumoured that there were casualties which CEHRD was yet to confirm. A student of the Engineering department stated that the police forcefully gained entrance into the University pulling down the main gate of the school. CEHRD was denied access to the detained persons. Man Murders Brother's Wife, in Port Harcourt, of Rivers State On 25th December, 2009, at about 4:pm Mr Nnamdi Obia, 47years-old, a chronic drunk murdered Mrs. Gladys Olukpe, a mother, who runs a beer


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restaurant at 1 Anozie Street, MileII Diobu in Obia family compound of Rumuobiekwe in Nkpolu Orugbum in Port Harcourt City Local Government Area, of Rivers State. CEHRD gathered that on 25th December, 2009, while Christians were celebrating the birth of Christ, there was another death roll in Rumuobiekwe community. The children of Mr. Nnamdi Obia went to visit Mrs. Gladys Obia who gave them some food to eat as Christmas visit. Mrs. Gladys Olukpe after feeding the children of her husband's brother, decided to take them to their house. On arrival, the wife of Nnamdi Obia went to buy Mrs. Gladys a bottle of Maltina, but before she could arrive her husband Nnamdi Obia had left Mrs Gladys with deep machete cuts on the neck from her back. Mrs. Gladys who sustained serious injuries and was bleeding profusely was rushed to the hospital but could not survive, so she died on her way. Some youths who reacted angrily to the ugly development attempted burning the house of Nnamdi Obia at 7 Anozie Street in Mile II Diobu Port Harcourt, Rivers State, not until the Police from the Police Divisional Headquarters, Diobu (Mile II Police Station) with van written Anti-Crime Patrol(5) and another with the number plate NPF intervened. Most shops owners were afraid and decided to pack their motor tyres from their shops to save their goods from any fire disaster should any occur. The opinion of many locals in the community was that Nnamdi should be killed like-wise, but the police arrested Nnamdi immediately and kept him in detention. Gunman Kills Eze Onwuna in Ozuoba, Rivers State On the 26th September, 2009, Eze Badumerum Onwuna, the paramount ruler of Akpor kingdom in Obio/Akpor Local Government Area of Rivers State, was assassinated by an unknown gunman at his residence at Ozuoba, Obio/Akpor Local Government Area. The 81-year-old Eze was preparing to go to the farm at about 7:30am, before he met his death in the hand of the murderer.


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CEHRD gathered that some Ozuoba locals have been arrested by the Police in connection with the murder; however, the police had only placed a rewarding offer to anyone who would give relevant information that could lead to the apprehension of the murderer. On the other hand, the family demands for proper investigations to bring the culprit to book. Nwandike Achalugo Kidnapped By Gunmen in Illoabuchi, Port Harcourt On the 25th August 2009, CEHRD was told that Mr. Nwandike Achalugo , an electronic business man was abducted by unknown gunmen, who stormed his shop and abducted him at Illoabuchi in the Mile 1 Area of Diobu, in the Port Harcourt City, Rivers State capital. The gunmen, according to report invaded the ever-busy area by shooting sporadically in a way that put customers and other business people on the run. CHERD gathered that when shooting died down, there was casualty as a worker to Achalugo was shot. The perpetrators left with impunity without police interception. CEHRD revisited the place on the 9th December, 2009 and gathered that Achalugo had been released from his abductors. CEHRD spoke to those close to the victim (Mr. Nwandike Achalugo) about whether ransom was paid before the victim was released or not, but those contacted refused to disclose it. CEHRD gathered that ransom was paid, but can not determine the amount. Land Dispute Claims Innocent Nkana's Life On the 22, September, 2009 at about 4: am, the policemen from Bori Police Station, among who were Sergeant David Kinanee and some others, in the company of Mr Godwin Nlenee and his sons went with the intention to arrest one Mrs. Grace Akperekpe, but she resisted the arrest. For her resistance, the sons of Mr. Godwin who were with cutlasses attacked and deeply cut Mr. Innocent Nkana, a 22-year-old, secondary school leaver and gave cuts to his mother sister's head, which resulted in the death of Innocent Nkana on the 22nd October, 2009, CERHD gathered. Hearing from a source, who demanded anonymity, CEHRD gathered that


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Mr. Godwin Nlenee had a land dispute with Mrs. Grace Akperekpe and that Mr. Godwin and his sons with some police officers as named above, had gone to Mrs Grace Akperekpe's house to institute arrest which she resisted and the sons of Mr. Godwin applied violence, the source stated, they knock the door of the lady when she opened, the said police officer (David) wanted to institute an arrest, she refused. The sons of Godwin Nlenee, then apply their cutlasses. The source also goes further to explaining, that after these injuries were inflicted on the persons, The chiefs of the Luusue- Sogho summoned Mr. Godwin Nlenee to the town square on three occasions he refused to show up until the late Innocent Nkana died on the 22/10/2009. CEHRD also gathered from another source that when Innocent Nkana died the youths of the community reacted and burnt the house of Godwin Nlenee. CEHRD had to visit the mother of the deceased and the feeling she expressed over the situation was so touching. In an interview with His Majesty, Menee W.Z.P Nzidee, he vehemently lamented over the attitude of the Police. CEHRD wonders why should an arrest such early in the morning give birth to violence resulting in the death of Innocent Nkana even when the police had been there. 81-Year-Old Nnordee Nkuedam Tortured to Death Over Land On the 7th May, 2009, Nnordee an 81-year-old farmer who hailed from Kaani 1 in the Khana Local Government Area of Rivers State was brutally beaten by one Doole Adoonam from Teyork formerly called Kaani 2 all in Ogoni land. Nnordee had had farm boundary problem with Doole, which the latter warned the octogenarian's son, Udoji to tell his father. This warning triggered a scuffle between the two men, that Doole damaged the electronic property of Udoji . Doole left after the fracas and came back only to attack the hapless old man who was alone at home, beating him and leaving him crippled. Augustine the son of Nnordee told CEHRD, He used rod and hit his legs, he could no longer walk. Medical attempts to revive and restore the poor farmer failed because the family never had money to keep any medical bills. Today, in Nigeria it is difficult for the poor to keep patients in hospital because bills are expensive to pay and the economy is harsh. The only hope


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they had was to report it the police station. The son continued, Since we don't have money we didn't have any lawyer, we just reported to government. The case which was filed in court had no light of justice because Doole and his lawyer Mr. Gbaragbo pleaded with the magistrate of the Bori Magistrate Court to leave the case for family settlement. The withdrawal of the case was only a deadlock, there was no adequate settlement or compensation to this poor farmer until his death on 1st November, 2009, as a result of the pains and poor heart condition. The family chiefs had called on Doole for the compensation but there was nothing of such nature, not until his death that the suspect brought some sum a drip that can never be equated to his crime. Only hundred thousand naira has been paid to the family for the damages. The chiefs said the victim should be compensated with five hundred and fifty thousand,Augustine said. The family of this late poor farmer had become despaired. CEHRD monitor captured the small room where Nnordee was beaten and tortured. The faces of the widows, the two wives of the victim may make a conscience-minded man to shed tears. The little children who watched the CEHRD Official with an expectation of justice and help for their education brings to mind justice. Augustine an adult citizen who looks economically handicapped pleads, If Human Right organizations go fit help this children train them. Nnordee's family can only find justice on their situation if all authorities concerned can fight for them today.

Govt Impostors Clamp Down on Innocent Commuter On the 17th July 2009, at about 10am a group of task force members reportedly attached to the Rivers State Environmental Sanitation doublecrossed one Mr. Thaddeus Ogaadinma who was driving in his Peaugeot 504 Wagon with registration number: BM 776PHC along Aba Road near Abali Park and impounded his car. Two of the task force workers pounced on him and dragged him out of the car and when he requested to know his offence, the workers told him they were taking the car to Marine Base. At the office,


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they demanded he should settle them, but unfortunately Mr. Thaddeus had no money on him. The workers now gave him a bill of twenty five thousand naira (N25,000.00), In spite of the fact that Mr. Thaddeus had explained that his car was not registered for commercial purpose but registered as a private vehicle and was exempted from the purchase of stickers but refused and impounded his car at Rivers State Environmental Sanitation. Civil Liberties Organization (CLO) wrote to the Commissioner of Environment, who ordered for the Chairman of Environmental Sanitation Authority to explain the position and why should a private car be impounded for sticker. The Chairman of Environmental Sanitation Authority denied not knowing anything about the said sanitation workers who impounded the car. However, CEHRD reported the issue to the Central Police Station Port Harcourt where the same workers of the Environmental SanitationAuthority were arrested and the car released. Chinonyerenkalu Set Housemaid on Fire --- Prophetess Uduak Kill 7-Year-old Girl with Strange Oily Substance Children in Nigeria have been victims of several rights violations ranging from parental negligence to humiliation, child labour, and abandonment, hunger punishment, rape and torture. Unfortunately, in spite of the fact that Nigeria had long implemented the Child Rights Legislation, some states are yet to adopt it and this leads to more violations against the Nigerian child. In line with the battle against child abuses, the Rivers State Government was in the process of passing Child Rights Bill, yet the plight continues. Little Eunice, a 11-year-old child had been a victim of such humiliation and torture by a heartless aunty who poured her kerosene and set her ablaze on the 22nd August, 2009 just few days after the International Youth Day(12th August) at Nweke Street, Umusaya Road,Oyigbo town in Oyigbo Local Government. CEHRD gathered that on the fateful day Eunice had returned home after selling some snacks with some lost rather than profits. This triggered the situation that Mrs. Kalu gave her the beating of her life, and later poured kerosene on little Eunice and lit the poor girl on fire. The case had been filed at the Oyigbo Magistrate Court and the culprit remanded at the


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prison custody, however, there is fear that justice may not be granted little Eunice. A concerned community member told CEHRD, Because of money she lit fire on the girl and the case went to court, I think she was granted bail. Furthermore, another source told CEHRD, The case is a deadlock, she had been granted bail. CEHRD gathered that the defendant had enlisted the legal service of one Uba, and she had been granted bail, the future of little Eunice and her justice will only be fought and brought to her by the constitutional, collective, and unrelenting voice of all in demanding for them. Violations of the child rights are increasingly rampant in society. In such similar case with little Eunice, CEHRD gathered again that On 30th October, 2009, one prophetess Uduak of the Royal Covenant Ministry Church located at Ekara, Onne Community in Eleme Local Government Area of Rivers State, had in quest of exorcising demons and administering spiritual prayers to another little Miss Saviour, 7-years-old. Prophetess Uduak reportedly administered some oily substance to her. The little girl fell sick and was taken to Onne Medical Centre, but she could not survive it, so she died. CEHRD visited the environment at Ekara Eleme but could not find the Church, a source stated to CEHRD on the phone, She (Uduak) is at the police cell. Family Members Torture Innocent Sampson, Wife, Child Over Property Inheritance On the 24th September, 2009, CEHRD received a report, on the continued harassment of Mr. Innocent Sampson, 45-years-old, is a native of Rumuekini community in Obio/Akpor Local Government Area. The need to hear from the victim was quite necessary, so CEHRD contacted him. On his account, Mr. Innocent Sampson narrated that the issue centred on family affairs of property inheritance which had been lingering. And from what CEHRD gathered, Mr. Innocent Sampson, his daughter and wife had been humiliated, attacked in several occasions. Prior to the current situation that resulted in the family attacking him CEHRD gathered from Innocent that he had been flogged in a public place as he narrated Okwudiri went and report me to the family that I poisoned the wife, I said I did not poison anybody that I am a Christian I don't believe in all those things. They take me to the hall, all of them they gathered their youths and flogged me Innocent lamented further,


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They (his immediate family) wanted Okwudiri to share equal property with me, pointing his fingers at Augustina Job and some family members; continuing that in spite of the reports of his case to the police, there has been no much significant action from the police Mr. Innocent had had medical reports of past years stressing the level of harassment and life threatening attempts still carried out by his family members, who in one of such cases, as informed, Okwudiri gave him a machete cut. A medical report dated 23/5/2004, from The Nigerian Police states that Jeradi Sampson (the daughter of Innocent) a nine year old, was assaulted, and that the mother Stella Sampson of 30 years was also assaulted.. Another letter dated 25TH May, 2004, Mr. Innocent wrote to the Area Commander, Nigeria Police, Port Harcourt and it reads, on the 23rd May, 2004 at about 8am, I had confrontation with one Chidiadi Sampson 'f' over the opening and closing of the window to my apartment, while the argument lasted, Okwudili Sampson 'm' (2) Mr.s Blessing Sampson (3) Monica Sampson 'f' (4) Miss Blessing Sampson came out of their houses and bounced on me and started beating me with their fist and iron rod. My wife on hearing the noise came out to enquire what happened... my little daughter was hit on the head with a plank and she collapsed and was unconscious... I reported the case at Rumuokoro Police but no appropriate action was taken. Then another medical report dated 15/12/2006, from the same Nigeria Police reports that Mr. Innocent Sampson of 42 years, (male) had another assault.

Celestine KekiriAmputated by Dangote Bail Machine CEHRD Fund Legal Action Against Dangote The life of Mr. Celestine Kekiri is a resonant picture of the fear, agony and negligence the poor face in the hands of companies in an industrialized society such as Nigeria. He was even at such determined to defy poverty, which made him embark on a journey the search for a job, where he met his fate in the hands of Dangote Bail Limited owned by one of the wealthiest industrialists in Nigeria,AlhajiAliko Dangote.


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Celestine Kekiri, 28 years old, is a trained carpenter who hails from Bodo City in Rivers State and was employed in Dangote Bail Limited into the Carpentry division as a full fledged carpenter early 2004, where he worked with woodwork machines, without protective gloves and other protective gears by his employer. On 26th November, 2006, Celestine met his fate as a cycling saw chopped off his hand, leaving him in his pool of blood. He was rushed to hospital and a medical statement from Rehoboth Specialist Hospital reads, ... patient was rushed to our Hospital from Onne Medical Centre on the 27th of November 2006 with a case of Industrial Accident, sustained severe/deep laceration on the left palm resulting to partial amputation and loss of function of the left index finger. The pains of his health made Celestine to spend six (6) months in two (2) different hospitalsRehoboth Hospital and Onne Medical Centre. It was only expected that such accident and damages leading to excruciating pains be compensated dearly in the favour of the victim, but the well-doing and prosperous company whose name anchors as a leading industrial company in Nigeria never did any such, rather the victim was left in the darkest world of loneliness, pain, negligence and frustration. In his quest for justice, Celestine called on CEHRD lamentably. CEHRD intervened by writing to the company in a letter dated July 25, 2007, an excerpt of it reads, CEHRD is extremely worried at your belligerence and fragrant violation of the victim's civil liberties with impunity. This act of cruelty and degradation towards him can't go unchallenged. We advise you to trek the path of sustainable peace by opening up a channel for dialogue between us in order to get justice for the victim. The intervention and Celestine's persistence only drew little water from the ocean, after two years of his incident. In a letter dated 25th August, 2008, Celestine was given an appointment by the Dangote Bail Limited as Yard Maintenance on salary Grade Level 4.1, following the empty-lip promise of a permanent job for the victim. Celestine's name was published among those shortlisted for redundancy in the company, leaving him a beggar whose life has been shattered in fragments. He stated in Niger Delta Standard in a publication made October 10-11, 2009, I just dey like that. I beg for money to carry on. However, CEHRD is on such path of challenging the inhumane treatment


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meted against Celestine as an action has been made with the Suit No: NHC/47/2009. This is the only time we as people of conscience have to stand up and demand for justice on behalf of Celestine Kekiri, whose life has been shattered, leaving him economically impotent. Today, Celestine whose occupation is carpentry is no longer fit for any such services because it demands totally physical fitness to saw, chop, and nail woods for furniture. As a human would you fold your arms and watch this degradation and the family of Celestine take to the streets as beggars who constitute nuisance? No indefinitely, because justice must prevail. Michael Wonah Beaten to Death by His Brothers, Others in Umuagwor, Ikwerre Rivers State CEHRD investigated the untimely death of Michael Wonah, a former civil servant, father of one and aged 42years allegedly carried out by chief Michael Didia Wisu, his son, Nnana; (Michael Didia Wisu(jnr)(opara-ibe) his brothers son, Nna Igwe, Job Chukwu, Geoffery Igwe, Ben Chidi Igwe and few others who tortured and beat him to death on the 2nd October, 2009, at Umuagwor Omerelu in the Ikwerre Local Government Area of Rivers State. Chief Michael Wonah had accused late Michael Wonah of stealing his plantain, without proper investigation or applying the legal means, took the law into his hands, such that he reportedly ordered his thugs, son and others to beat and torture late Michael Wonah, who died as a result of the torture. As gathered from the family head, of the family meeting, who stated based on the information that reached him on the 2nd October, 2009, told CEHRD that the Late Michael Wonah had received some bunches of plantain from his step-mother for sale, but was intercepted by some boys who accused him of stealing the said Chief's plantain- hence, the boys apprehended him and locked him up in one of Chief Michael Wisu's compound until the said chief who was in Port Harcourt was informed. Chief Michael Wisu on his arrival with his son and others ordered that the late Michael Wonah be taken to his (chief) mansion where he was beaten and tortured resulting in his death.


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On seeing the condition of the victim, the said Chief Michael Wisu then realized that there was a police station, so, he took the victim to Elele Police Station. The police having seen the condition of the victim, managed to take a dying statement from the victim. The police asked Chief Michael Wisu to take the victim, to a hospital for treatment. On the chief's arrival with the victim at the Madona Teaching Hospital along Elele Road in the Ikwerre Local Government Area, the victim could not survive to receive medical attention, so he died and Chief Michael Wonah deposited his body about 7:00 pm to the mortuary without prior information to the deceased family. On CEHRD'S further investigation, from the deceased elder brother Albert, it was gathered, that the chief had accused the late Michael Wonah of stealing his plantain earlier but without proof, however, that they enquired from the deceased who stated that he never stole any plantain. Little did they know that the chief had been trailing the late Michael Wonah, until the fateful day he was caught going to sell the three bunches of plantain at Umuapu market, giving to him by his step-mother. He explained that the fateful day was a market day, so there were no many people around. The little children, who had seen the house detention on Michael Wonah by his detainers, were unable to find an adult other than the deceased old step-mother, who they informed but she was unable to intervene. From the investigation conducted by CEHRD, the deceased had some bruises, swollen, and torture marks on his face, hand, shoulder and leg. An autopsy test had been conducted by one Dr. Amachere on the 15th October, 2009, as gathered. The case which has been charged to court CEHRD gathered, still leaves the family of the deceased under fears of insecurity as it is rumoured that the chief's son at large may storm the community with his gang. The brother of the deceased Albert had told CEHRD that the chief had proudly stated that it was only going to take money for the case to close, as he quoted, The chief said the three of us now that are the immediate relations of the deceased make we come now oh!... make in settle us... make we close this matter It was this also, that made CEHRD to monitor the progress of the case. On the 28th October, 2009, the Magistrate had declared as CEHRD gathered, that the culprits be remanded in the prison


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custody- being chief Michael Wisu and one other Geoffery Igwe. While investigating the murder case, CEHRD monitoring official was threatened by a daughter of the chief called Loyce, as CEHRD gathered to know her name and who was with someone else. A reliable source told CEHRD that the case is now between the Commissioner of Police and the two culprits, being Chief Michael Wisu and Geoffery Igwe, with charge No. PMC 1670C/2009. The case had been slated for 26th November, 2009. Harvests of Violence in the Creeks as Militants, Military clash On Monday, April 6, 2009, heavily armed militants attacked the Daewoo Nigeria Limited in Ogbomotoru Community in the Southern Ijaw Local Government Area of Bayelsa State, destroying a boat housing some of the company's workers and security officials attached to the company. The attack was coming barely a week after the Federal Government announced amnesty for militants in the Niger Delta. Before the attack, some of the militants had expressed doubts over the sincerity of the government with respect to the amnesty. Daewoo is a South-Korean company handling the pipeline laying project belonging to the Nigerian Agip Oil Company (NAOC), a subsidiary of the Italian oil mogul, ENI Group. The militants struck at the house boat which houses over 80 security officials and many Daewoo workers at about 01:30am. General Ogbunbos, a militant leader, coordinated the attack. Colonel Rabe Abubakar, Coordinator of the Joint Media Centre of the Joint Task Force (JTF) confirmed the attack and vowed to apprehend the attackers. Rocket Propelled Grenade (RPG) and other explosives were used in the attack. A militant who CEHRD contacted on phone said they launched the attack to make the government sincere about the amnesty deal for Henry Okah. On Sunday, April 13, 2009, in the night, militants and soldiers of the JTF


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clashed along the Okilo creek near Igbomotoru Rivers, Tebideba Route in Bayelsa State. CEHRD gathered that General Ogbunbos was returning from their hideout in the creeks when they ran into an ambush set by the JTF. Scores of the militants were killed and their boats sank. The Ogbunbos incident occurred in Southern Ijaw Local Government Area of Bayelsa State. Later Ogbunbos contacted his comrades-in-arms like Farah Dagogo and Kitikata to launch retaliatory attack. During the attack on Ogbunbos men, the militants fought back. CEHRD was reliably told that both soldiers and militants loyal to Ogbunbos died in the process, but when CEHRD called Ogbunbos on phone, he said that one of the military gunboats exploded, and that they wangled their way out of the JTF onslaught, but refused to disclose the number of his fighters killed. The JTF also kept mute over the incident. On Monday, April 12, 2009, after the Igbomotoru River attack, in retaliation, Farah Dagogo, leader of the Niger Delta Strike Force (NDSF) and Kitikata, both daring militants on the JTF wanted list launched a devastating attack at the Nembe creek flow station in Bayelsa state. The militants killed scores of military officials guarding the Shell facility there and took away some gunboats. The Shell facility was destroyed, while Shell had disclosed that as a result of the Nembe attack, it had lost about 70, 000 barels per day of crude oil. On Friday, April 13, 2009, militants used dynamites and blew up the 16 - inch Makaraba-Utonana pipelines of the American oil giant, Chevron Nigeria Limited in the Warri South Local Government of Delta State. Gunmen Abduct Mother, 3 Children, VPS Ex-Campaign Director in Bayelsa On Sunday April 26, 2009, at about 8:00am, while Mrs. Grace Olobio and her three children, including a one-year-old baby were going to church, some heavily armed gunmen railroaded them into a waiting vehicle and sped off, taking them to an unknown destination. The victim is the wife of Mr. Felix


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Olobio, an accountant in the office of theAuditor-General of Bayelsa State. Bayelsa State Police spokesman refused to say whether the ransom the abductors are demanding from the Olobios were paid, but claimed in a statement, investigation into the matter is in progress. On the same Sunday, April 26, 2009, hours after the kidnap of Grace Olobio and her children, Chief Fyneman Wilson, the Director-General of Yar'Adua Jonathan Campaign Organization in Bayelsa State was kidnapped by heavily armed gunmen. CEHRD gathered that Wilson was kidnapped at Sagbama, headquarters of the Sagbama Local Government Area of Bayelsa State. His abductors came through Sagbama creek. Shortly after the incident, they demanded a whopping N50 million ransom which was later reduced to N15 million. Wilson was a former PDP state deputy chairman and ex-commissioner in the state. A native of the community who spoke with CEHRD said that, the boys arrived the Sagbama waterside in two speedboats, firing their guns in all directions and in the process went straight to his house and seized him. He was later released, but CEHRD could not ascertain whether compensation was paid or not. Gunmen Kidnap Briton, Kill Two Policemen. The Foreign and Common Wealth Office (FCO) of the Government of the United Kingdom (UK) has repeatedly warned its citizens against travelling to the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. In the travel advice, the British Government is more particular about the core states of the Delta region like Bayelsa, Delta and Rivers States. Port Harcourt, the capital of Rivers state is specifically mentioned, and those British nationals in these states have been advised to leave because of the violence and crime raging in the region. On Sunday, April 5, 2009, heavily armed gunmen abducted 60 year old Briton, Allan Priston and killed his security guards (two mobile policemen) in Port Harcourt, the capital of Rivers State.


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On arrival, the kidnappers went straight to Edosa Hotel located on the EastWest Road in the city where the victim, Priston was drinking. It was gathered that they pretended to be customers and like other clienteles there, ordered some drinks. But minutes later, they swooped on their target, shooting and killing the two mobile policemen attached to the Briton. The gunmen swiftly dragged the expatriate into one of their cars and took him away. The victim works with ADAMAC, an indigenous oil servicing firm headquartered in Port Harcourt. No group claimed responsibility. Rivers State Police Command spokesperson, Mrs. Rita Inoma-Abbey confirmed the incident and claimed that the police were investigating it. On Sunday, April 19, 2009, Robin Barry Hughes, who was kidnapped since early September, 2008 was released. Hughes was among more than 20 people taken hostage when a vessel was attacked and hijacked on Rivers State waters. Few weeks after the kidnap of the vessel, Robin Barry Hughes and others were travelling on, the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND) claimed that it rescued all the victims from its original captors and freed all hostages except two Britons on board- Mr. Robin Barry Hughes and Mathew John Maguire. MEND had said it would keep the two Britons until the Federal Government of Nigeria under Yar Adua freed one of their leaders, Henry Okah, who then was undergoing secret trial in Jos, Plateau State for alleged treason and gunrunning. MEND later said it freed Hughes after Okah requested it on compassionate grounds While, Hughes was released, Maguire was still held in its custody until further notice. MEND later claimed that few months after that, it released Mathew John Maguire and that he was appalled by the poverty and injustice in the region and decided to join the ranks of its fighters. CEHRD cannot confirm this independently. Both Hughes and Maguire are employees of the Lagos-based oil services company, Hydro Dive.


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Bayelsa Governor'sAides Beat Up Journalist. Less than a week after Akin Orimolade, the Abuja Bureau Chief of The National Life newspaper was kidnapped by security agents allegedly acting on the orders of the governor of Bayelsa state, Chief Timipre Sylva and later released after spending one week in a dirty police cell, another journalist was assaulted by the governor's security officials. Mr. Francis Dufugha, a journalist and publisher of the the Yenogoa, Bayelsa State based Niger Delta Herald, a local tabloid, was beaten up by two plain clothes security operatives, a soldier and a Mobile Police Officer attached to the governor. The crime of the journalist, CEHRD gathered, was that he was taking snap shots of the governor, Sylva and other dignitaries at an open event at the Gloryland Cultural Centre in Yenagoa, Bayelsa State capital. There were other journalists there taking pictures. CEHRD investigation revealed that The Niger Delta Herald newspaper has been critical of the government of Sylva; which had made journalists in the newspaper establishment targets for attacks by the state and its agents. It is however not certain whether the security operatives who assaulted the journalist acted on their own, or whether they carried out an order from e above. CEHRD condemns the attack on the journalist and wants this atmosphere of intolerance to stop. It is unhealthy and savagery. Armed Gangs hijack Boats, Force Passengers to Have Sex with One Another Insecurity of the inhabitants of the Niger Delta is one of the negative consequences of the existence of several armed gangs in the region. On January 13, 2009, a passenger boat was hijacked by gun-wielding youngmen travelling in two speedboats, along the Elem-Sangama route in the AkukuToru Local Government Area of Rivers State. The boat was travelling to Abonnema, the headquarters of Akuku-Toru. The civilian boat carrying men and women to their Abonnema destination was intercepted by gunmen in two


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speed boats. Sexual orgy ensued as the passengers, both males and females, were stripped naked and forced at gunpoint to have sex with one another under the watchful eyes of the gunmen who laughed gleefully as the forced sex went on. After the sexual orgy, the gunmen took the boat ashore, took their properties and the speedboat, leaving the passengers stranded. A victim who did not want us to mention her name told CEHRD monitor in Abonnema, That was the most horrible day in my life. The young man forced to have sex with me was reluctant to do it, he was beaten with gun butt by the beasts (referring to the gunmen), he was threatened, so he did it. I was also reluctant, and you can imagine the pains, I cried. That was what they did to every body, and you can imagine this era of HIV/AIDS pandemic. What kind of society is this? She spoke to CEHRD in flawless English. CEHRD further gathered that a traditional ruler from the area was a victim too, Another passenger boat later rescued the stranded and abused civilians. CEHRD was also told that same day, two persons said to be engineers working with a dredging site in Abonnema, were kidnapped and a speedboat driver was killed for failing to comply with the order of the kidnapper and his lifeless body thrown into the sea. The Police in Abonnema confirmed the incident to our monitor, but CEHRD could not confirm whether it was the same gang which committed the above abuse that was also responsible for the latter. In a related development, on March 4, 2009 at about 1:30am, another commercial boat travelling to Bonny Island, the home of the Nigerian's Liquefied Natural Gas (NLNG) along the Port Harcourt-Bonny water ways was hijacked by gunmen and taken away to an unknown destination. Female passengers on board the boat were raped mercilessly, while the men on board were beaten and all their belongings taken away by the gunmen. The incident occurred at the Dutch Island Creek along the Port Harcourt-Bonny water ways CEHRD later visited one of the rape victims in the hospital. She spoke in


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pidgin English to CEHRD. This is a translated version in English, I saw death and I refused to die in the hand of those Satan. When I get better I will speak to you in full. Col. Sagir Musa, then the JTF spokesman confirmed the ugly incident and said there was no contact with the boat or passengers and said we don't know the intention of the hijackers but we will update you. He stated that the details were still scanty. CEHRD later learnt that one of the rape victims was pregnant and she died few days after her release. Her boat was with 22 passengers including the driver. The 5-menber gang which seized the boat dressed in military camouflage with masked faces. Scores Killed as Hostility Resumes Between Deebam, Deewell Cults in Port Harcourt. On Sunday May 3, 2009, the renewed gang violence between the Deebam and Deewell, both secret street cults (gangs) started again along the everbusyAzikiwe Street which houses a lot of brothels in the Mile III, Diobu area (south-east) Port Harcourt, the capital of Rivers State. The later cult violence led to the shooting of two persons. CEHRD could not determine whether the two shot dead were members of either group. One of them died at Teme Hospital, where Doctors Without Borders (DWB), the international humanitarian body, run their free medical services. Both gangs used the locally fabricated guns calledAwka made. On May 6, 2009, the violence recurred as both fighters of the Deebam and Deewell cult groups heavily armed with locally made Awka pistols clashed again at same Azikiwe Street. At the end of the gun battle that ensued, one man called Paul, who is said to hail from the neighboring Akwa Ibom State, was killed. The victim, Paul was shot dead in front of the brothel by the Deewell group. Those who shot him, waited to confirm he was dead before they left. The Deewell cultists, numbering about 12, after shooting him dead sang their war songs and moved freely through Ojoto by Echue Street to the waterfront jubilating while firing several shots of the gun into the air.


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CEHRD was able to confirm that the man is a member of the rival Deebam. Paul was killed in the night and around 7:00am when CEHRD visited the scene, the corpse was still there. The businesses of the brothel stopped as the entire area became empty. CEHRD spoke to the Area commander in charge of Diobu Police station who said they were aware of the incident and had stepped into the matter. CEHRD later learnt that the police visited the scene of the bloody incident and arrested some innocent persons passing by on the road. Lawmaker's Son Kidnapped in Rivers, Banker's Mother in Delta On Thursday, March 12, 2009, Ossa Uchendu, son of Chief Andrew Uchendu, a member of the House of Representatives representing Ikwerre/Emohua Federal Constituency was kidnapped by gunmen. Ossa was kidnapped just a day before Chief Andrew Uchendu was to launch a project for widows in Emohua and Ikwerre Local GovernmentAreas of Rivers State. He was kidnapped in the Emohua area. Emohua, like other areas in Rivers State, is infested with several scores of guns and armed gangs who emerged as fallout of the criminal elections that have been taking place in the area. CEHRD had monitored election there, and Chief Uchendu as a PDP chieftain had benefited from such violent elections. His son, Ossa was later released, but CEHRD can not confirm whether ransom was paid or not. In a separate incident, Madam Adigwe, an Octogenarian mother of Mr. Sebastine Adigwe, Managing Director of Afribank Nig Plc, was, on Saturday March 28, 2009, abducted by five gunmen who besieged her residence at Ibusa in the Oshimilli North Local Government Area of Delta State, and taken to an unknown hideout. The gunmen came in an unmarked Toyota Corolla vehicle. The victim was forced into a waiting vehicle and zoomed off. CEHRD spoke with leaders of the Ibusa community over the incident who


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said they had contacted the Police. Spokesman for the Delta State Police Command, Charles Moka, said when contacted on phone that investigations into the matter had already commenced. He, however, added that the Police were yet to establish contact with the abductors. He said the kidnappers must have carried out the act for ransom. The kidnappers of the banker's mother later called the phone number of Sebastine Adigwe and demanded N100 million, as ransom. They reduced it to N50 million, then N20million and later N5million. CEHRD could not confirm whether the N5 million was paid before she was released. Though, the Police claimed that no ransom was paid, but sometimes the Police make such claims even when ransom is paid. Nine Killed InAmai, Umuebu Clash On Thursday, March 19, 2009, youths numbering over one hundred, armed with Ak47 assault rifles, machetes, dynamites, charms and amulets from Amai community in the Ukwani Local Government Area of Delta State invaded the neighbouring Umuebu community as early as 6:20am and during the attack killed nine villagers while several houses were razed down by irate Amai youths. A member of the Amai Community spoke to CEHRD in Warri in good English, hear him, The land the Umuebu community is fighting us over is our land right from ages. I don't know why the Umuebu people are always provoking us. The bloody incident which claimed the lives of poor community folks is over an age-long land dispute between Amai and Umuebu, both neighbouring communities in Ukwani Local GovernmentArea of Delta State. Among those killed, CEHRD was able to identify Mr. Otuya Omega, who hailed from Cross River State, who was beheaded and his heart taken away by the rampaging warlords. The deceased's wife was shot on the buttocks. She survived.Among the deceased was also a traditional ruler and others.


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In the wake of the communal violence, five persons were arrested by a combined team of the Police and the Joint Task Force (JTF), while a dusk-todawn curfew imposed on Umuebu andAmai communities. Six Year-Old Boy, Female Judge's Daughter Kidnapped inAsaba Asaba, the capital of Delta State is gradually becoming a flash point of kidnapping by rampaging gunmen seeking for ransom. On Sunday, March 8, 2009, gunmen in an unidentified car kidnapped six years old Master Chukwubike who was returning from school in company of a relative. The poor boy was snatched and pushed into the kidnapper's and taken away. Thirty four minutes later, CEHRD learnt, the commercial kidnappers called the father of the boy and demanded a whopping sum of N100 million as ransom. A member of the victim's family told CEHRD on phone that members of the State Security Services (SSS), Nigeria's secret Police, rescued the boy from the Awada area of Onitsha in Amambra State where the victim was held for six days. In a similar incident, a seven years old daughter of Justice Ifeoma Okogwu, a female Judge in Asaba, Delta State capital same day was kidnapped. The commercial kidnappers broke into the Judge's compound at about 9:00pm and took the girl away. Charles Muka, the Delta State Police image maker, confirmed both incidents. Muka claimed that the State Criminal Investigation Department (SCID) has arrested two persons in connection with the kidnap of the six-year-old Chukwubuike, and that they were on top of the girl's case. A Police officer confirmed that the girl was later released and that one Charles and Christopher Oyama were arrested by the SSS in connection with the incident. Gunmen Kidnap Lebanese Construction Worker On Wednesday, March 4, 2009, a group of young men, armed with Russian-


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type AK47, abducted Mr. David in Sabagitia Community in the Kolokuma/Opokuma Local GovernmentArea of Bayelsa State. The victim is an official of Elite Construction Company Limited which is handling the Palaku/Sabageria road project being executed by the Niger Delta Development Commission (NDDC). He was whisked into the creeks of the area by his abductors. Col. Rabe Abubakar, coordinator of the Joint Media Campaign Centre of the Joint Task Force (JTF) confirmed the incident to our monitor. I wish to assure the public and families of the kidnapped person that we are going to work tirelessly, in collaboration with other security agencies, to uncover those responsible for the shameful act and bring them to justice. We will secure the victim's release within the shortest possible time he said. David, the victim, CEHRD gathered, was released after payment of some ransom, but his employer denied ever paying any ransom. The Delta region, like other parts of the country, is infested with several gangs resorting to all forms of organized crimes as a way of survival. Adiele, Ex-RiversAttorney-General, Dedua Kidnapped In early February, heavily armed gunmen kidnapped Chief Orabule Adiele, former Attorney-General and Commissioner for Justice under the Alfred Diette Spiff administration in the 1970s in the old Rivers State. He was abducted from his residence in the Rumuolumeni community in the Obio/Apkor Local GovernmentArea of Rivers State. In a separate incident, gunmen also kidnapped Mr. Barikpen Dedua, the father of Rev. Fr. Stephen Dedua, a Catholic priest, from his home town, Bodo-City in the Gokana Local governmentArea of Rivers State. Bodo villagers who informed CEHRD via phone calls said that the gunmen seized the victim and whisked him into the Bodo creeks. Police


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spokeswoman, Mrs. Rita Inoma-Abbey confirmed both incidents to a CEHRD monitor, and said they have unleashed their men on the trail of the kidnappers. CEHRD further gathered that the duo were later released and ransom paid, though the victims denied that ransoms were ever paid. This incident also occurred in early February. CEHRD gathered that it was few days after the governor of Rivers State, Rotimi Chibuike Amaechi had visited the Dedua's family in Bodo, on a condolence visit over the death of one of their family members. The kidnappers thought the governor had dropped money there. The victims were later released. Militants ShotAero Contractor's Helicopter, Wound One on Board On Wednesday, February 25, 2009, suspected militants fired at an helicopter operated by Aero contractor injuring one person and damaging the aircraft. CEHRD was told that the affected plane was working for the Nigerian Agip Oil Company (NAOC) and came under attack while flying over the Tebidaba flow station in the Southern Ijaw Local GovernmentArea of Bayelsa State. The Aero Contractor's chopper which was on routine service had 11passengers including Agip engineers and contractor staff as well as two crew members on board. One passenger was wounded during the attack but the helicopter was said to have returned to its base in Port Harcourt, Rivers State as a result of the gun attack. The air transport company later issued a press statement which was forwarded to CEHRD, it reads in part, Today, 25th February, an Aero contractors Sikorsky 76 helicopter operating a contract service, was damaged by gun fire while on a routine work in the Tebidaba area in the Niger Delta. ---Further flights to this area have been suspended whilst we work with the local authorities to investigate the source of the attack. The Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND) later issued an online statement through its spokesperson, Jomo Gbomo claiming responsibility for the attack. Gbomo accused Aero contractor of transporting military officials to fight them; and warned of further attacks on the Italian firms includingAgip because of what it said was an Italian offer to supply two


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attack boats to the military. Italy had said it had offered co-operation and assistance to the Nigerian government in fighting drug trafficking and crime but that there had been no specific offer of military vessels. CEHRD got through to Lt. Col. Nkana Efik, Commander of the Joint Task Force (JTF) in the state on phone who confirmed the attack. CEHRD investigations revealed that the MEND camp that attacked the aircraft is manned by General Africa, and the weapon used was a General Purpose Machine Gun (GPMG). Gunmen Shot Dead This Day's Security Man In late February, 2009, at about 8:45pm, three gunmen in a V-booth Mercedes Benz car stormed Owa village community in the Ika North East Local Government Area of Delta State and shot dead Mr. Sylvester Okpambor, a 65-year-old man who worked as a security guard at This day newspaper office in same Owa. CEHRD gathered from the Divisional Police in Owa-Oyibu that the threemember gang stormed the Owa residence of the deceased Okpambor and met Onyekachukwu, the wife of the deceased in the living room, who requested to see Mr. Sylvester. The deceased wife told them (3 assassins) that her husband (Mr. Sylvester) was not in the house. The discussion between the woman and the assassins was loud, the Police revealed, and Sylvester who was in his bed room came out and as he appeared, one of the gunmen pointed the gun at him and said, This is the man, and fired the gun at his chest at close range. They were said to have waited for some minutes in ensuring that the victim died before jumping into their car and driving off. The Divisional Police Officer, DPO, in charge of the Owa-Oyibu police station, Mr. Stephen Musa said, we are making frantic efforts to track down the perpetrators of the crime. We have spread our dragnets to trace the owner of the car used during the operation, because we already have the registration number of the car.


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Cult Violence in Bayelsa, Delta States, 15 Killed On Friday, February 20, 2009, gunmen operating in a black jeep invaded Vegas, a popular night club located in Yenagoa, the Bayelsa State capital, killing two persons and injuring several others at the night club. Somebody who witnessed the night club violence who does not want to be mentioned, informed CEHRD that, It was at about 11:00pm when the club was at the height of its life, and you know it was a weekend and the place was filled up. The gunmen from the Icelander cult struck there, and shot dead two persons and wounded others at the nightclub. CEHRD gathered that what led to the squabble and the shooting was a battle for supremacy amongst the Icelander and the Greelenders, the twosome cult groups. On Saturday, February 21, 2009, members of the Greenlanders on revenge mission over the death of two of their members at the Vegas Night club traveling in a Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV) attacked a Mitsubishi bus marked Lagos XT 78 APP. The Greenlander cultists trailed the bus carrying supporters of the Bayelsa United Football Club of Bayelsa State who were on their way to Ughelli township stadium, to play with their rival team, Ocean Boys. As the Greenlander jeep overtook the Mitsubishi bus carrying supporters at Uwheru town in Ughelli North Local Government Area of Delta State, and opened fire on them (the supporters) killing 10 of them instantly, while three died in the hospital later. A source told CEHRD in Yenagoa, Bayelsa State capital three days after the shooting that many of the Bayelsa United Foot ball Club of Yenagoa were members of the dreaded Icelander cult. The Police Commands in Bayelsa and Delta States confirmed the attacks and said they were doing their best to arrest those involved. GunmenAbduct Daukoru's Wife, Igoni In the night of Tuesday, February 3, 2009, Mrs. Gladys Iniette Daukoru, the wife of Chief Edmound Daukoru, ex-Minister of State for Petroleum and current Amayanabo of Nembe in the Brass Local Government Area of


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Bayelsa State was kidnapped by a six-man gang. Mrs. Gladys was abducted from her restaurant, near her home in Agudama Street in D/Line area of Port Harcourt, the capital of Rivers State. The kidnappers who stormed the area in a vehicle, CEHRD learnt were six in number, seized Mrs. Gladys and took her to an unknown destination. They (the abductors) called Daukoru, the Mingi XII, and demanded a N500 million ransom. They also called for the withdrawal of the JTF from the Nembe area. CEHRD spoke to the Rivers State Police Command which confirmed the incident. Also, Mr. Afinyetogha Igoni, the commissioner in charge of works at the Rivers State Independent Election Commission (RSIEC) was also kidnapped on his way home along Iwofe Road in Port Harcourt on the same day. Few minutes after the kidnap of the ex-minister's wife, when MEND was contacted to assist in the release of the victim, MEND said, His (Daukoru's) comments during the travails of Chief Diepreye Solomon Peter Alamieyeseigha and that of the freedom fighters when he was Minister of State for Petroleum, is coming back to hunt him. We pray she (the victim) will be released unhurt by her captors. Monitors from CEHRD spoke to officials of the Bayelsa State governmentinitiated Conflict Resolution Committee (CRC) who were said to be involved in the ransom negotiation towards the release of Mrs. Gladdys Iniette Daukoru. CEHRD reliably gathered that money was paid before the victim was released. Shell's Utorogu Gas PlantAttacked Just as oil workers working with the French oil giant, Total under the aegis of the Petroleum and Natural Gas Senior Staff Association of Nigeria (PENGASSAN), the oil workers union had on Tuesday, February 10, 2009, protested the violence and insecurity in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria,


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heavily armed militants in the early hours of February 7, 2009, attacked the Utorogu gas plant. The Otorogu gas plant located in Ughelli in Delta State (western Niger Delta) is the largest of its kind in West Africa, Operated by Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC). The gas plant, following the attack, was shut down. The Movement for Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND), the mainstream deltaic armed group claimed responsibility for the attack. MEND fighters based inside Delta State of Nigeria, today February 7, 2009 at about 3:30am attacked the Utorogu Gas plant operated by Shell. Precious Okolobo, Shell's spokesman confirmed the attack to the media Shell is carrying out checks on the plant he said. The spokesman for the Joint Task Force (JTF), Col. Rabe Abubakar confirmed the clash to CEHRD when contacted on phone, and said his men guarding the gas plant returned fire, The Gas plant was not affected by the incident; one of our soldiers and two of the company staff sustained wounds. They are also receiving treatment. Abubakar said. JTF speaking further also claimed that three of the attackers were killed, while one wounded was captured alive by his soldiers. MEND said in January, 2009, it was calling off a four-month-old truce after the JTF attacked one of its camps, and warned of hurricane attacks. This attack and many smaller ones to come are like the rains and wind heralding the arrival of the hurricane Jomo Gbomo, MEND's spokesperson said. MEND, however, denied loss of any of its men in the attack. A community activist from one the villages in the area told CEHRD in Warri, Delta State that, I was in my village during the attack. We heard several sound of gun shots. I don't think they (JTF) arrested any of the persons who attacked the gas facility. It is like the attackers don't live in the area they take every body by surprise. I am worried because JTF is just arresting any person in our area.


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Sunny Opuambe, Bush Boys Commander Killed On Sunday, February 1, 2009, at about 10:00pm, Sunny Opuambe, commander of the Bush Boys also called peacemakers was shot dead at a popular restaurant called Blink Blink Restaurant located along Abuloma Road in Port Harcourt, the capital of Rivers State. CEHRD was informed about the incident by a Police officer at the nearby Amadi-Ama Police station. Opuambe was said to have been killed by a young man who wore a T-shirt and a baggy jean trousers who stormed the eatery and pulled out a short stainless pistol from his waist and shot him four times on the head. Sunny Opuambe slumped and died instantly. CEHRD reliably gathered that a first batch of assassins who were sent to eliminate Sunny called him on his mobile phone and informed him about the plot. He (Sunny) later raised alarm about the plot. The first batch of assassins who were said to have been sent by Tom Ateke, the leader of the Niger Delta Vigilante Movement (NDVM) and the Icelander confraternity was reportedly killed for betrayal. Opuambe since he got the information about attempt on his life was always going about with his boys as guards and were said to be armed with pistols too. However, he could not survive the second attempt. He was shot dead and his followers ran away. The killing of Theophilus, leader of the Greenlander, a cult group that broke away from Ateke's Icelander in 2003 by men of the Joint Task Force (JTF), the Nigeria military task force provoked the assassination of Sunny Opuambe. CEHRD gathered that Theophilus who later reconciled with his rival, Tom Ateke of the Icelander/NDVM had paid a visit to Ateke in his camp in the creek. And when Sunny Opuambe and his Bush Boys learnt about the visit of Theophilus to Ateke, they informed the JTF who laid ambush, as Theophilus and his men were traveling along the Isaka waterways back to their base in Okrika, they killed him. The news of the death angered Ateke who investigated and found Sunny's hand in the death of his comrade-in-arms.


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Okrika, an Ijaw clan located on the South-east of Port Harcourt in Rivers State has been a major midpoint of bloody chieftaincy and political violence in recent years. The Bush Boys was founded in 1998 as the Okrika community defense group/vigilante during the communal conflict between the Eleme and Okrika over ownership of the Port Harcourt Refinery. They were heavily armed. With the advent of partisan party politics, politicians like Chief RufusAda George, the former Governor of Rivers State and others hijacked the Bush Boys for their political and chieftaincy supremacy battle in Okrika enclave. George was of the All People's Party (APP) laterAll Nigerian People's Party (ANPP). In rather another desperate struggle for power, Dr. Peter Otunaya Odili, the deputy to Ada George and Dr. Abiye Precious Sekibo, a medical doctor and erstwhile aide to Ada-Goerge too, armed and supported Tom Ateke and his Icelander cult to eliminate any opponent they would have in Okrika and Rivers State. Both groups (Icelander and Bush Boys) soaked the Okrika area and beyond in blood. Sunny Opuambe was in his late 40s. In retaliation to Sunny's death, his followers also shot dead Agiji, a renegade member of the Bush Boys who later teamed up withAteke. The hostility has continued until date. Abductors of Pentecostal Pastor Demand N8 Million Ransom On Tuesday, February 10, 2009, at about 10:35pm heavily armed gunmen invaded the residence of Dr. Mike Ifijeh, the General Overseer of the Covenant Faith Assembly at Okocha Road, Mgbuoshinmini area of Rumuolumeni in the Obio/Akpor Local Government Area of Rivers State and kidnapped him. Col. Sagir Musa, the spokesperson of the Joint Task Force (JTF) and army in Rivers State issued a public statement and said the kidnappers did it for purely commercial purpose. CEHRD further gathered in the early hours of Wednesday, February 11, 2009 the kidnappers contacted the family of the


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victim and demanded for a whopping Eight Million Naira (N8million). CEHRD gathered that some amount of money, not the initial N8million demand, was paid and the clergyman released. However, some family members that CEHRD contacted denied ever paying ransom to kidnappers. It could be recalled that few clergymen have been kidnapped. Rev. Fr. Pius Kii, a Catholic Priest was among them. Also, on Wednesday, February 11, 2009, at about 9:25pm, gunmen kidnapped Apostle Captain Ileru of the People's Mission Incorporated, in the Eleme Local Government Area of Rivers State. The victim was driving home in his dark green Honda accord car after a Church service. The JTF spokesperson also confirmed it. Kitikata and his Fighters Storm Shell Facility in Nembe On Tuesday, February 18, 2009, Woki Abralafu popularly called Kitikata led his fighters, heavily armed with AK47s and Rocket Propelled Grenades (RPGs) travelling in five speed boats invaded the facilities belonging to the Anglo-Dutch oil mogul, Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC) in the Nembe community in Bayelsa State. During the invasion, a private security guard had a minor injury. Kitikata, a well-known militant leader, told CEHRD monitor that he didn't go to the facility to attack, We went there to drop a letter that Shell should recognize us and pay us N3 million naira monthly. If they fail, it is then they will see us. He spoke to CEHRD in Pidgin English on phone. CEHRD could not confirm independently whether after the attack by the militant leader, Shell commenced paying him. Woki Abralafu a.k.a. Kitikata hails from Odioma, a riverine community in the Nembe Local Government Area of Bayelsa State. His Odioma village was razed by soldiers in 2005 over the killing of some councilors after a peace meeting between Obioku and Odioma communities. Woki was accused of killing the councilors.


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On Saturday, July 10, 2009, suspected Kitikata fighters attacked a commercial boat travelling along the Obioku waterways in the Nembe area, three unarmed soldiers in mufti and four civilians were shot dead. Since then, the military authorities declared him wanted. Woki holds-Sway in the Nembe axis. He is a close comrade of Farah Dagogo, the leader of the Niger Delta Strike Force (NDSF) and commander of MEND in-charge of its eastern Niger Delta command. On Friday, February 6, 2009, the Ijaw Youth Council (IYC) led by Dr. Chris Ekiyor held a summit in Yenagoa, the Bayelsa State capital and urged all militant camps in the Niger Delta to shut down, but the Jomo Gbomo's Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND) dared IYC. MEND supersedes the IYC because we are made up of all the ethnic groups in the Niger Delta and the call to close camps must come from all the ethnic nationalities in the region from whose sacred mandate MEND was formed, Gbomo said in an online statement. At same IYC forum in Yenagoa, Chief Edwin Clark, the ex-Federal Commissioner of Information under the General Yakubu Gowon's government in the 1970s described Ijaw youths as freedom fighters.


State of Nigeria`s Prisons in the Region

(4) State of Nigeria`s Prisons in the Region

No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, in human Or degrading treatment or punishment. Article 5, Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

(1) Background: The state of Nigeria's Prisons in the Niger Delta region Prison is an institution designed to securely house people who have been convicted of crimes. These individuals known as prisoners or inmates are kept in continuous custody on a long-term basis depending on the nature of their crime. Imprisonment serves several universal functions including the protection of society, the prevention of crime, retribution against criminals and the rehabilitation of inmates. Additional goals of imprisonment may include the assurance of justice based on a philosophy of just deserts (getting what one deserves) and the reintegration of inmates into the community following their sentences. Nigeria prison like other institutions has a leadership and authority structure responsible for governance and operations of the prison. At the top of the hierarchy is the Controller General in charge of the Nigeria Prisons. At the state level, a Controller oversees the affairs of the state prisons while the Deputy Controller typically assist in administrative duties of particular prisons. Administratively, the prisons consist of departments namely, Administration, Welfare and Library, Records, Infirmary and Store. The human rights awareness and documentation project tag prison watch distils the real and perceived impacts of human rights abuse and misuse of power and negligence over sensitive issues by the prison authorities and the government in power. Centre for Environment, Human Rights and Development (CEHRD) has taken it upon itself to research into the abuse of human rights and corrupt activities of the Nigerian prisons authorities in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. The research focuses on three prisons: Port Harcourt, Ahoada and Warri. It


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considers the role of the prison authorities and the government in power towards the welfare as well as revealing the regular abuse and predatory tendencies on the inmate. The research is guided by the conviction that if the abuse of human rights in our society are properly reported and documented, it will promote a sense of collective responsibility vital to the struggle of eradicating human rights abuses in our society. The Port Harcourt Prison is located in the old Port Harcourt Township; about three minutes drive away from the state seat of power, the multi-billion naira Government Brick House and the State Secretariat Complex. Rivers State has three prisons located in Port Harcourt City, Degema Town and Ahoada Town. Each of the Prisons is been control administratively by a Deputy Controller (DC) who report to the State Controller of Prisons. Port Harcourt. Prison capacity is about 804 but as of the time of filing this report there is about 2,479 inmates male and female in the prison. The Port Harcourt prison consist of five inmates categories namely convicted inmate with about 125 inmates all male, awaiting trial (ATM) 2,188 male and 23 female inmates, 11 male lifer (lifers are those serving life imprisonment) and 5 male lodgers (lodgers are those on transfer without their warrant in the same prison with them). 121 male and 1 female as condemned convicted inmates are on the death roll. The only female inmate on the death roll is Rene Nyoma Rene Oko with charge no. HOW/51c/99 was charge for Armed Robbery and sentence to death alongside with Leonard Oko on the same charge in Owerri High Court on the 27 February, 2007. She was later transferred to Port Harcourt Prison. For 45 persons out of the 121 male on the death roll, their cases are still pending in the appeal court. 189 males' inmates await trial for murder while 991 are languishing in the prison for armed robbery charges without trial. The Warri Prison nicknamed Okere High College is located on the popular Okere Street in the heart of the oil rich and underdeveloped Warri city. The city host one of the Nigerian oil refineries, Nigeria Port Authority (NPA) and so many oil companies with less than 3 percent of the it citizen working in any of these companies. Warri prison capacity is 307, but as the


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time of filing this report its population was about 542 inmates. About 456 male and female await trial for murder, armed robbery and non capital offences, while 61 male on the death roll are condemned convicts. Others are 14 lifer and 11 detainees. The Ahoada prison capacity is about 200; the prison is located in Ahoada town in the Ahoada east local government area of Rivers State. The prison present inmates are about 264; it is over populated by about 64 inmates. The prison yard is without a school or workshop where the inmates can have a vocational education. The government has been promising the prison authority over the years of building vocational school and renovation of some of the dilapidated buildings in the yard which has not come to reality. The infirmary is in a very bad shape as there is only one nurse and a health worker. The roof of infirmary and some cells buildings are also linking whenever there is rainfall. Abuse of Rights in the Prisons Human rights violations as one of the main challenges faced by the inmates in every prison within the Niger Delta region need serious attention. Many have died as a result of poor quality of food giving to them by the prison authorities and outbreaks of diseases among the inmates, inmate in each of the prisons are dying daily. Throughout the prisons, the infirmary responsible for the administration of drugs to inmates when sick are so poor and getting worse that the inmate no longer find any help. These tend to be as a result of the attitudes or negligence of the prison authorities and the government on the welfare of the inmates. All over the prisons in the Niger Delta region, torture and maltreatment becomes the rule rather than the exception. The inmates are forced to scoop out waste from the toilet septic tank with bucket, a job that is supposed to be done by expert with the sewage equipment. In all these issues, continuation of abuse of power and disdain for human rights by prison authorities and the government will increase if not giving the needed attention.


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Within the three prisons there are lots of human rights abuses committed either by the prison authority or the government on a daily basis. The inmates are been neglected by those who are responsible for providing basic necessity for a better living condition in the prison. Prisons are suppose to be reformation centre were the criminals will be transformed and become useful to the society but the condition in these prisons are frequently poor and is getting worse. The conditions tend to harden the attitudes of the criminals towards crime. In the prison, inmates are not having access to bathing soap yet they are been used by the authority to scoop out waste from the toilet septic tank and there are few beddings and foams for inmates. In some of the cells the inmates slept on bear springs without foams with linking roof over their heads and over populated in the cells. Inmates are not having access to good food, the food eating by them are worse than what refugees will eat in war time. The workshops for vocational education for inmates like tailoring, shoe making and carpentering are without tools and materials, these make them non-functional. Some of the prisons are even without such workshop structure. The prison infirmaries are like mortuary, apart from Port Harcourt prison with one doctor, there is no doctor in the other two prisons visited. In Warri prison, there are only three nurses and Ahoada prison has one nurse and a health worker. Inmates are asked by the nurses in the infirmary to buy drugs from a specified warder in the prison at five times the price outside. In Port Harcourt prison the warders who smuggle cell phone in to the yard charge N200 for one minute call made by inmates and the money giving to inmates by relations who visit them are not allowed in the cell they are all kept by the warders. The above situation has resulted in an increase in human rights abuses and in the number of citizens whose political, civil, economic, social and cultural rights have been violated. A senior Prison official in Warri prison told CEHRD that apart from feeding the inmates there is no welfare for the inmates in the prison. The inmates are lacking virtually everything. There is no provision for toiletries, lack of classrooms and workshops for inmates. He further said that we has complain to the State Controller of Prison, the CP said that the head office in


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Abuja asked him to come and carry some of the needed items but the cost of transporting them from Abuja to Delta was too much for him to bear as there is no provision for that in his office. The inmates are staying under leaking roof with inadequate medication when they are sick. Some weeks there will be no light in the cells because there is no money for kerosene for lantern provided by some churches. We need help from voluntary organizations for the inmates, he concluded. A warder in the Port Harcourt prison in a discussion with CEHRD team said that I am happy when I see volunteers coming to the prison inquiring about the living condition of the prison inmates. I also appreciate all the little support, be it legal, financial and material to the inmates. He went further to say that Port Harcourt prison authority is willing to partner with any organization to improve upon the living condition in the prison. The inmate are humans so they deserve a better living condition. A nurse in the Warri prison infirmary told CEHRD that we have about ten psychiatric patients and there is no psychiatrist. Last week, we have a serious psychiatric situation and the authority could not raise money for drugs to calm down the patients, it was one of the warders who raise money from somewhere for us to buy the drugs. A 25 years old woman and a relation of one of the detainees in Port Harcourt Prison told CEHRD team that I have been paying N200 to N300 every day to the warders before I will be allowed to feed my brother, how long should I be paying money to the warders on the food I brought for my brother to eat when they are not even feeding them in the cell? (2) Armed Robbery Detainees and under-age in Port Harcourt Prison: CEHRD visit to this Prison, and report that the poor state of medical infrastructure in the larger Nigerian society was worse in the prisons. The infirmary has about 9 beds space. There were three nurses, one laboratory technician on duty with one resident doctor. The stock of medicine and other tools were inadequate considering the number of inmates earlier stated above.


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Remarkably, there were some patients in the infirmary waiting to be attended to by the resident doctor. The team learnt that inmates most time are been starve of food and even when there is something to eat it will not be enough or hygienic for them, this led to most of the prevalent ailment among the inmates like malaria, typhoid fever, tuberculosis, ring worm and anaemia. CEHRD observed that the political detainees were high in the prison. Our check through the records and discussion with the inmates showed that between one and two inmates in most of the cells were brought on charges of conspiracy, robbery and drug related offences. Some of these charges, we discovered were actually put in by the Police at the point of their arrest when political disagreement with the complainants in their matters could not be resolved, and when such detention on purely political grounds could warrant their early release. Armed robbery, murder, robbery, stealing and attempted murder in that order ranked as the most prevalent offences from the records shown to us. We also discovered that the issue of Awaiting Trial has the highest percent of the total number of inmates, more than any other prevailed as human rights abuse among the inmates. There were cases of inmates who told us of their stay or detention for between 1 to 4 years without been taken to court at all. Most of the inmates do not have any lawyer to handle their matters, mostly due to financial difficulty. One of the arm security guides at the Port Harcourt maximum prison told CEHRD team that some of the inmates in this yard are here because of the attitude of the Nigerian Police Force (NPF) towards the citizen of this country. Some of them are arrested and will just be charge for murder or armed robbery in a magistrate court and while the court has no jurisdiction over such matters they will be remind in the prison custody. These also contribute to the congestion of the prison.


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The team observed that out of the 868 male's detainees for armed robbery, 17 of them are under aged and 3 are old aged. 6 persons out of the total of 868 male's detainees have escape and recaptured, this make their cases more difficult to handle. Our check through the records and discussion with the inmates showed that most of the people have lasted in prison custody more than the official years(s) attached to their crimes. Some of these people have spent about 9 score years without trials and have no hope for their release. In our discussion with the detainees, it was discovered that some of the charges were actually put in by the complainant or Police at the point of their arrest when political disagreement with the complainants in their matters could not be resolved, and when such detention on purely political grounds could warrant their early release. Human rights abuses experienced by detainees in the awaiting trial It was revealed to the team that the issue of Awaiting Trial has the highest percent of the total number of inmates, more than any other prevailed as human rights abuse among the inmates. A record available to CEHRD team shows that there are inmates who have stayed in detention ranging from 9 years to less than 1 month without trial or even been taken to court at all. Most of the inmates do not have any lawyer to handle their matters, mostly due to financial difficulties. A prisoner who has been in the prison custody since 9th November, 2007 on the charge of armed robbery told CEHRD that I have appeared before a court in Port Harcourt once in November, 2007 and now my case seems to be a forgetting case. I need help from anyone who can help me; I don't want to stay here for the rest of my life. I have lost almost a year and half now, will I be able to meet up my friends in life, education and everything? (3) Between Port Harcourt and other Prisons Considering the fact that most of our laws are borrowed from our British colonial background, it is mostly taking that the provisions in most of our


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statute books meets the requirements in other international settings. It is against this backdrop that the general conditions obtainable in the Prison are examined in the light of the Nigerian PrisonAct and Regulations. Accommodation or custody of inmates Taking Port Harcourt Prison as a case study, the Prison was built to accommodate 805 inmates, however as at present there are over 2,565 inmates in the Prison, which is well over 250 percent increase. On the average within each of the cells, our investigations reveal well over 400 percent increase. Feeding (diet): Section 22 of the Prison Act (Prisons Regulations CAP P29) of 2004 LFN makes elaborate provisions for the quantity of food required for the upkeep of the Prisoners. However, our investigation also revealed that majority of the inmates opt for self feeding either by themselves or through relations due mainly to breach in which the provision above is observed. The same thing applies to issues of clothing, bedding and general health and cleanliness of the inmates as provided for be Sections 24 - 32 of the same Prison Regulations. Above all, the most fragrantly violated is the issue of separation of prisoners as provided under sections 16 and 17 of the regulations. Specifically, the two sections provide as follows (16) the prisoners of each sex shall, as far as the prison accommodation renders it practicable, be divided into distinct classes, namely: (a) Prisoners before trail shall be kept apart from convicted prisoners; (b) Juveniles under sixteen years of age, from adults; (c) Debtors and other non-criminal prisoners, from criminal prisoners. (17) Prisoners for whom separate cells are not provided shall be associated in the room with not less than three prisoners in each room. We noted as in other issues above that the inmates are mostly mixed up in violation of the above provision.


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Examining the rights of the prisoners in terms of elections Our research within the prison revealed that the prisoners were registered to vote for the 2007 general election but during the elections, the prisoners were generally disenfranchised. Our investigation revealed among other things that, (a) inmates were denied access to party programmes and candidates with a view to making a choice (b) election officials did not visit the Prison, (c) the Prison was not registered as a voting unit (d) politicians and candidates neglected the Prisons as unimportant to the electoral process (e) inmates, (mostly awaiting trial) did not exercise their rights to vote on all the voting days. Legal opinions on the indigent cases The following indigent cases were identified for immediate legal action:
S/N 1 2 3 4 Name of Accused Person Simeon Kpenu Maxwell Beate Godknows Akpan
Paulinus Onwuchuruba

Date brought to prison 03/08/1998 28/03/2003 12/03/2008 02/12/2009


Court of Trial or Arraignment

Conspiracy/Stealing Mag. Court Kpor Armed Robbery Armed Robbery Mag. Court 6 P.H Mag. Court 4 P.H

Stealing/W.damage Mag. Court 7 P.H

The remarkable aspect of all the above listed cases is the fact that none of them can afford the services of a lawyer nor do they have any assistance from legalAid. In the case of Simeon Kpenu, he was convicted on the 3rd of August, 1998 by Chief Magistrate Court Kpor, per James Elenwo, Esq. and sentenced to 33 calendar years for an offence of stealing. His case requires and Appeal to quash the said sentence as the magistrate did not have the jurisdiction to sentence him to that number of years and for that charge. Maxwell Beate has spend the past six years in custody without trial for a


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charge of armed robbery which the Police tagged on him and others after they were casually raided from Feed-Well Hotel Bori, where he had gone to eat on the 20 March, 2003 under the pretext that robbers usually lodge at the hotel. When he could not bail himself after a week in Police detention, he was arraigned at the magistrate court for armed robbery. From then till date he had not been tried for a day. Godknows Akpan, an applicant is a victim of the usual mass raids by the Police from the Port Harcourt water front settlements. First detained as a militant, he ended in court charge for armed robbery when he could not afford a fee for Police bail. He had since not been tried. Paulinus Onwuchuruba, a 72 years old man, though had been granted bail by the court though our legal intervention, had not been able to perfect the said bail due to extreme poverty. Still standing trial for a charge of stealing and wilful damage, he is currently very ill and demands urgent medical attention. A 27years old man currently standing trial for armed robbery at the Bori magistrate court, told the team that he has been in prison custody since 2003. He told CEHRD that they came once with a machine and asked us to thumbprint and also snap us with the same machine, the machine print out a paper with our names and pictures and they gave it to us. When they came with the machine to the yard, the inmates never wanted to be part of that process but the warders told us that the process will facilitate our release from prison so we all partake in the process. Thereafter, we never saw or heard from them and we have never voted in the prison. (4) More tales of woes from Warri Prison CEHRD observed that the political detainees were less than 5 person of the total population in the prisons. Our check though the records and discussion with the inmates showed that between one and two inmates in most of the cells were brought on charges of conspiracy, robbery and drug related offences. Some of these charges, we discovered were actually put in by the


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Police at the point of their arrest when political disagreement with the complainants in their matters cold not be resolved, and when such detention on purely political grounds could warrant their early release. We also noticed a similar percentage of under aged persons in the prison even though available records showed otherwise. Armed robbery, murder, robbery, stealing and attempted murder in that order ranked as the most prevalent offences from the records shown to us. Human rights abuses experienced by the prisoners CEHRD also notice that the issue of Awaiting Trail which is over 95 percent of the total number, more than any other prevailed as human rights abuse among the inmates. There were cases of inmates who told us of their stay or detention for between 2 or 3 years without been taken to court at all. Two inmates specifically said that they do not have any lawyer to handle their matter, due mostly to financial handicap. Access to medical care came second in terms of abuse of the inmates. While the infirmary has little or no recommended drugs adequate for the noticeable ailments, relations are hardly allowed to bring in drugs to inmates. The general sickly physical condition of most of the inmates showed that they are poorly fed by the authorities, accounting mostly for much of the illnesses among them. From the prison capacity and the total population then on record, we discovered that there were between 2 to 3 additional inmates in almost all the cells, thus making the communicable diseases like tuberculosis easily transferable. A senior Prison Official in Warri prison told CEHRD that the prison lacks almost all the social amenities. There is no provision for toiletries, lack of classrooms and workshops for inmates. He further said that the Delta


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State government has started construction of a three classrooms block and when completed, one will be used as library. However he appeal to CEHRD that your support is seriously needed in the process of equipping the library in terms of books supply and shelves. He spoke on the general condition of inmates in the yard and said that, in spite of our reports to government on pressing issues like inmates staying under leaking roof, inadequate medication for inmates when sick, the government kept promising to do something about the issues but they are not keeping up to their promise. Another told CEHRD team that other organizations had been coming promising to help inmates especially the indigent ones among them by providing legal assistance, unknown to us that the people have an ulterior motive or plans of taking pictures and writing negative report about the prison. A nurse in charge of the prison infirmary, lamented on the health condition of inmates in the yard, saying some of the sicknesses or diseases that are prevalent among the inmates are sickness that can be handled but because there are no drugs. (5) Insanitary condition, abuse in Warri Prison In Warri prison, 95% of the inmates are on awaiting trial leading to serious congestion of the cells, it was discovered that some of them are political detainees, since many were wrongly accused of criminal offences. It is also necessary to state that a percentage of under aged was discovered in the cells even though the record shows otherwise. During the visit the team donated some books to enrich the library and drugs to the infirmary with a view to improving the general literacy and health conditions of the prisoners. Warri prison Okere High College as one out of the 5 prisons spread over Delta state is located in the popular Warri city. The prison's building capacity is about 307, but as at the time of the visit, its population was over 586


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inmates. From the above number, 411 male and 12 female inmates awaits trial for murder, armed robbery and non capital offences, while 68 inmates are condemned convicts. Others are 16 lifers, 2 lodgers and 77 convicted inmates. From the above figure, CEHRD observed that the prison is over populated with about 276 inmates which contribute greatly to the congestion of the prisons. Findings on Health Condition of the inmates CEHRD team noted that the prison infirmary was in no better condition than the hospitals in the larger Nigerian society in terms of poor state of medical infrastructure. The infirmary has about 12 beds space. There was only one nurse and on duty with no resident doctor. The stocks of medicine available in the infirmary are inadequate considering the number of inmates earlier stated above. In fact, the stock available was just arranged on a 2 by 2 feet's table in front of the nurse. Surprising, there is no functional laboratory in the prison infirmary due to lack of equipment and personnel. The nurse, find it difficult to diagnose any illness before treatment in the infirmary. The team leant from discussion with the nurse that the most prevalent ailment among the inmates includes malaria, typhoid fever, tuberculosis, ring worm and anaemia and psychiatric disorders. The nurse made available to CEHRD the list of some drugs that can help in the cases of some of the noticeable ailment that are more prevalent in the prison. The team were able to donate about 20 packets of general purpose drugs to the infirmary. Human rights abuses experienced by the prisoners There is a total breach or none observance of the rights of accused persons mostly awaiting trial in the prisons. It was observed that there is no separate habitation or treatment for those awaiting trial as distinct from convicted persons as required by law. Also juvenile offenders are equally kept with


State of Nigeria`s Prisons in the Region

adult prisoners instead of remand homes as provided under the Child Rights Act. One of the senior Prison official in a chat with CEHRD team during the presentation of books and drugs thanked CEHRD team for our efforts and contributions towards the building of the library though donation of books and improving the health conditions of the inmates. According to him, knowledge and health is very important in human life. As you people are donating all this items to the inmates, it will be remarkable in the life of the beneficiaries. One can gives you a cloth which will get old and fade away but knowledge and good health is something that will forever remain with you. AWarden told the CEHRD team that most of the inmates under the awaiting trial who claimed not to have any defence counsel do have lawyers who defend them in court but we discovered that some are having and still claimed that they do not have. According to him, this is as a result of their inability to fulfil the financial obligation required of them by their lawyers. A nurse in the prison infirmary told CEHRD that we have three nurses posted to the prison but as you can see the other two are on the verge of transfer due to their marital engagements. She further lamented on the lack of health personnel and facilities in the infirmary, which as she explained, There is only one Doctor for the state, and the Doctor travels round the 5 prisons in Delta state making it extremely difficult to meet up emergency situations in Warri, Agbor, Kwale, Sapele, Ugwashiuku and Asaba prisons. She also decried the situation whereby the prison does not have any ambulance for emergency evacuation of sick inmates in any of those 5 persons. The warden in charge of Welfare department happily told CEHRD that the school section of the prison will do better now than before. He said that before now, there were no books for either the teacher or the learner in the prison school but with the little that you people have given us there will be a lot of improvement in the school.


A Dead Environment and a Finished People

(5) A Dead Environment and a Finished People

All peoples shall have the right to a general satisfactory environment favourable to their development Article 24 (Right to safe Environment) Of the African Charter on Human and Peoples Rights Agip Oil Spill Ravages Okpoama Community A native of the Okpoama community in the Brass Local Government Area of Bayelsa State who does not want his name to be mentioned because of fear of reprisal around mid May, 2009, called the office of the Centre for Environment, Human Rights and Development (CEHRD), My brothers, this spill is the worst in the history of spills of the Okpoama people. There is nothing we can do again. Life in Okpoama and other neighbouring communities is finished, please, came and see with your eyes. Soon afterwards, CEHRD visited the affected site. The spill occurred from an old pipeline operated by the Nigerian Agip Oil Company (NAOC). The pipeline passes through our community to other parts of the Brass Area. The pipeline is called Brass/Ogoda pipeline. But, what I am not sure is whether the crude oil is coming from the Brass/Ogoda or the Tebedaba pipelines at the Eku-eku creek. In the next six months no fishing activities can be carried out with what I saw. The volume of crude oil on the water table is thicker than the water. Mr. Ebi, 37 a community activist told CEHRD there. What will the people eat? This incident is the worst in the history of the area. The fishing camps are no more. This is bad Chief Paul Briggs OmuboSuobagha, chairman of the Okpoama council of chiefs told CEHRD. Above are angry voices of the community people, the spill occurred in mid May, 2009, and around early June, 2009, NAOC said to have spread its boom around the affected area, and also said it has repaired the affected facility; Most community folks CEHRD spoke to admitted the deployment of the


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boom and repairs on the facility, but said that the boom couldn't effectively stop the off site migration and spread of the hazardous product. Okpoama is the native home of Timipre Sylva, the governor of Bayelsa State. The community is a coastal one which perches on the fringes of the Atlantic Ocean. The natives are predominantly fishermen and women. The spill threatens their major source of livelihood and income. Fisher-folks Cry over NNPC Spill On June 6, 2009, at about 1:00am, an oil tanker called J.S. Amazing vessel capsized at the Ijalla Jetty near the Warri metropolis in the Warri South Local Government Area of Delta State and spread fast thus destroying the river systems of the area where fisher folks eke out a living. A resident from one of the communities in the Warri North Local Government area in the state had called a CEHRD official and lamented about the oil spill, Throughout the night of June 6, 2009, we can't go for our fishing business again, the entire river is smelling of crude oil and we can't see any fish to catch. I heard that an NNPC vessel leaked the oil. The 53year-community member spoke to CEHRD in Pidgin English, above is a translated version. On June 7, 2009, CEHRD visited the site of the incident. The entire water table at the Iyalla river was covered with crude oil and the area release bad odour from the site. Daniel Reyenieju, a member of the Federal House of Representative from the area at a briefing at his office in Warri said, The spill spread fast due to the tidal movement of the rivers to different part of the three local government areas of Warri South, Warri South West and Warri North. The waters, the land are all polluted CEHRD visited the Office of the Oil Spill Detection and Response Agency (NOSDRA) in Warri and met a young man who said he was not aware of an oil spill from a capsized vessel, but promised to find out. When CEHRD called his mobile phone, he never picked his calls. The spilling vessel


A Dead Environment and a Finished People

belongs to the Pipelines and Products Marketing Company (PPMC), a subsidiary of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation (NNPC) Ogonis Protest Devastation of Farmland On May 9, 2009, Ogonis mostly from the Bodo extraction in Gokana local government area of Rivers State protested the devastation of their farmland, waterways and streams by the activities of Gitto Construzioni Generali, an Italian construction firm which among other projects is handling the Federal Government's multi-billion naira Bodo-Bonny road project. The protesters said they had severally made fruitless attempts to persuade the firm to desist from destroying their farmlands by their on-going activities geared towards the construction of roads and bridges through Bodo across the coast to the Bonny Island. They argued that the construction firm refused to conduct an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) before commencing the road construction. The Bodo protesters who are predominantly farmers and fishermen/women also complained that the firm did not follow the original plan from the Federal Ministry of Works and also accused the ministry of not strictly monitoring the activities of the construction firm which pace of work has been abysmally slow since the administration of Olusegun Obasanjo awarded the contract about three years ago. DEEPENING UNDERSTANDING OF OIL POLLUTION COMPLICATIONS IN THE NIGER DELTA: THE CASE OF BODO OIL SPILLS. Introduction It is no news that Nigeria is one of the leading oil producers in the world (currently the 9th), and that the fragile Niger Delta region is the seat-bench or hub of oil and gas production in the country. The wide variety of exploration, production and transport facilities provide a constant threat of oil pollution in the delta which has resulted in both small- and large-scale oil spillages. Available records indicate that from 1976 - 2001 the Niger Delta suffered yearly average of 273 oil spills resulting to the release of 115, 000 barrels of


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crude oil into the environment annually, making the region most vulnerable to oil spill than anywhere else in the world. One uncomplimentary value shared by the transnational oil corporations (TNCs) operating in the Niger Delta is the deliberate underreporting of the volume of oil spilt into the environment and the actual impacts of such spills on the people's livelihood and on the fragile, overstretched ecosystems1. Government and operating companies maintain their own data on spills but these cannot be considered reliable as both government and the oil operators seek to limit their legal liability for commensurate claims and compensations from oil spill damage2. In worst cases, oil spillages in the delta are never reported or merely branded minor without minimum post spill containment, recovery and remediation responses. Aside pipe leakages, other sources of oil in the environment include accidental spills during loading, oil well blowouts, ship mishap and wreckages, ballast discharges, and sabotage. Though the latter is a recent cause of spillage in the delta, the oil companies now cash-in on the abnormality to designate over 90% of oil spillages in the region to it (sabotage)3. Worse still, oftentimes, communities are not allowed to participate in joint investigation of oil spillage. And Joint Investigation Team (JIT) report forms are seldom filled at site and counter-sign by all parties. Even completed JIT reports are vulnerable to post-field modifications done without the knowledge of impacted communities. Before now, the civil society working in the area had relied on questionable JITs which greatly undermine the intensity of agitation for the rights of communities by the former. Further, TNCs were accused of cheat by civil society organizations by mere speculations, with little or no firsthand, cogent field data. It is against the above background that Stakeholders Democracy Network (SDN), with support from the Dutch Government, assisted the Centre for Environment, Human Rights and Development (CEHRD) to investigate, document and follow-up cases of oil spillage in two communities in the Niger Delta. This report is on oil spillages at Bodo, one of the focused communities.


A Dead Environment and a Finished People

Description of StudyArea Bodo is one of the seventeen communities administratively located in Gokana Local Government Area of Rivers State. It occupies the southern end of Ogoni jutting out into theAtlantic Ocean. Bodo is bounded on the North by her neighbouring communities of Gokana, on the East by the Andonis, on the West by the Bolo (Okrika) people and on the Southern end by the Ibanis (Bonny people) and the Atlantic Ocean. Interspersed between Bodo mainland and the Bonny River is a network of salt water (brackish water) creeks and creeklets collectively known as Bodo Creek. Bodo, like most other Ogoni communities, seats on huge oil and gas deposits, and is host to several oil facilities operated by the Shell Petroleum and Development Company of Nigeria Limited (SPDC). These include oil wells, Trans-Niger pipelines, a manifold and a flow station, code-named Bodo West flow-station situated in the mangrove heartland of Bodo Creek. Oiling of Bodo Creek Oil production was suspended in Ogoni (with the exception of Eleme) in the 1990s, following landmark non-violent protests against SPDC by the Ogoni people. The suspension notwithstanding, Ogoni communities are still vulnerable to oil pollution. This is due mainly to leakages along trans-Niger pipelines that traverse Ogoni communities to Bonny terminal for shipment. According to local sources, the Bodo Creek oil spills investigated and herein reported started August 28, 2008, and continued unimpeded and without containment till November 7 , 2008 when the leakage was clamped. The oil spill resulted from a weld defect along SPDC 24'' Bomu-Bonny pipeline. The pipeline is a trans-Niger trunk-line running from the hinterlands through Gokana, having interconnections with the Bodo Manifold ashore and Bodo West flow-station in the mangrove swampland of Bodo Creek, and finally links Bonny terminal. Instead of deploying counter-spill personnel and other contingency machineries to minimize the magnitude of the spill and its resultant ecological and livelihood impacts, SPDC decided to embark on media


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exoneration campaign. SPDC had not visited the spill site when its spokesperson reportedly attributed the spillage to sabotage4. However, contrary to SPDC sabotage claims, JIT led by the company's officials confirmed on November 7, 2008 that the spill was caused by equipment failure, and the ruptured spot was clamped. Three months afterward (2 February 2009), another spill occurred at Bodo Creek. This time, the oil spewed from SPDC 28 Bomu-Bonny pipeline. The leaked trunk-lines (24'' and 28) lay parallel to each other, traversing Bodo Creek to Bonny terminal. Again, JIT investigation of February 21, 2009 designated the second spill to equipment failure. Ecological and Livelihood Costs! Tidal fluxes distributed the oil widely to the entire creek basin, and even beyond to other neighbouring coastal communities. More over, tidal pumping enhanced the permeation of oil deep-down into sediments, having long-term consequences for biodiversity and ecosystem health. Crude oil is adjudged one of earth's most complicated natural mixtures with inherent cocktail of toxins. Toxicity of the spilt oil has resulted in incalculable elimination of local fish species that support the protein needs of the people. Sedentary species, especially shellfishes, were the worst impacted. These include mangrove oyster (Crassostrea gasar), bloody cockle (Anadara senilis), razor clam (Tagelus adansonii) dog whelk (Thais coronata), periwinkle (Pachymelania sp, Tympanotonus fuscata) etc. Of apparent concern is the decimation of bloody cockle and periwinkles. Both shellfishes had hitherto been a major source of income to women collectors at Bodo. While periwinkle is a common occupier in the estuaries of the Niger Delta, bloody cockle is selectively distributed at limited cockle beds at Bodo, Andoni and Okrika, etc, where requisite substrate and water quality conditions for the survival of the cockle exist. Crabs were not speared of the mortal damages. Edible crabs impacted include swimming crab (Callinectis spp), fiddler crab (Uca tangeri), mangrove hairy crab (Gionopsis pelli) and land crab (Cardisoma armatum). Carcasses of some commercial fin-fishes trapped in the oil scum were visibly washed ashore or seen floating in the


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creek waters. The creek vegetation is predominantly mangroves, characteristics of such environment in a tropical setting. Both red mangroves (Rhizophora spp) and white mangrove (Avicennia germinas) which dominate the swampscape succumbed to the oil toxicity. The entire creek floristic community is gone; with the leaves completely defoliated, and only dead stems depict the prespill mangrove community. The actual short- and long-term impact of the Bodo oil spillages cannot be estimated unless a comprehensive post impact assessment survey is conducted. Nevertheless, SPDC is yet to commission such fact finding study! Bodo people are predominantly farmers and fishers. The rich alluvial soil coupled with the resource-rich Bodo Creek are excellent incentives supporting the above occupations. With the fish and fisheries gone, both the creek resource exploiters and dependent consumers are disempowered economically, and of their protein supplies. Stripped of their traditional animal protein and revenue base, the people eventually face serious food insecurity and time-sliding poverty. Regardless of the conditions that tend to limit the socio-economic opportunities available to a large proportion of the population, people will, out of necessity, look for means to ensure their survival needs are met5. Thus survival instinct compels some of the fisher folks to continually strain through the polluted waters in search of moribund fishes. The catches are tainted with oil, having long-term health implications for the consumers. if you want to go fishing, you have to paddle for about four hours through several rivers before you can get to where you can catch fish and the spill is lesser .some of the fishes we catch, when you open the stomach, it smells of crude oil, laments Kpandee, a local fisherman at Bodo. During and immediately after the two oil spillages that impacted Bodo Creek, all notable fisheries within the creek basin collapsed and were reluctantly abandoned. However, as at the time of reporting (May 2009), swimming crab fishery has started recovering, amidst the heavy presence of


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oil. When relentless fishers started catching the crabs, the crabs were considered God-sent to quench our hunger. I tried to eat the crabs once but the inside smells oil, and I stop eating -unlike others. Now, I only buy iced fish, Remarks Mrs. Koova Monsi. In addition, the pollution has resulted in the emergence of tiger shrimp fishery at Bodo Creek. The tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) is an alien species that invaded Nigerian waters around 2000; hence nick-named 2000 by artisanal fishers. CEHRD has earlier raised concern about the invasion of tiger shrimp, particularly with regard to the survival of indigenous shrimp species and other biotas6. The fact that the invasive tiger shrimp proliferates at Bodo Creek, at least for now, in the face of intense elimination of indigenous shrimps and other fish stocks vindicates CEHRD's anticipated likelihood of biological pollution by the species (tiger shrimp), and reinforces the need for urgent research investment to unravel what the species entrenchment portend for the wellbeing of aquatic animal biodiversity! There is also the fuel energy problem. Mangroves serve as the main source of fuel wood for the people of the affected area. Naturally, mangroves take very long time to re-establish and mature; replanted mangroves take between 25 50 years to mature7. The second tragedy is that crude oil pumped into sediments remains buried for ages -protracting the toxicity and delays recovery process. Scarcity of mangrove fuel wood is already felt, and will worsen over time as the dead woods dwindle without the usual natural replenishment. Tran-boundary wood exploitation by the impacted communities (that is, one community pushing into another community mangrove area) seems inevitable, and certainly has the potential to trigger inter-communal conflict(s). Interventions and Follow-Up Six months later (i.e. after the first spill), apart from clamping the defective spots on the pipeline which was grossly delayed, SPDC claims it is still


A Dead Environment and a Finished People

planning the process of initiating clean-up of Bodo Creek8. Whether or not clean-up shall be done is left to providence, or at best at the mercy of SPDC, and the adequacy of the cleaning exercise is doubtful; and an issue for close monitoring. This presumption is based on the fact that clean-up and remediation contracts are usually awarded to quacks under the guise of local content patronage. Best practice and international standards have been consistently relegated to the background in the 'rehabilitation' of oil impacted sites in Nigeria. On 2nd May 2009, eight months after the spill, SPDC staff reportedly brought 'food relief' to the community which they rejected as wholly inadequate. On the said date, SPDC officials presented as relief materials to the Bodo people 50 bags of rice, 50 bags of beans, 50 bags of rice, 50 cartons of sugar, 50 cartons of dry peak milk, 50 cartons of milo tea, 50 cartons of tomatoes and 50 tins of groundnut oil. The population of Bodo is above 69, 000. Given the population figure, the Bodo people consider the offer by SPDC as insulting, provocative and beggarly and unanimously rejected the items3,9. Besides creating intense public awareness and engaging stakeholders, CEHRD has been monitoring closely events relating to the Bodo oil spills as they unfold. Within the framework of groundwork, post impact assessment study shall be commissioned in due course. Lessons Learned The process of designating causes of oil spills in Nigeria is not transparent and highly questionable. It is an unacceptable scenario of one being a judge in its case, since it is often the liable company (the polluter) that designates spill causality, and there is no means to challenge their assessment. However, CEHRD's experience on this project indicates that the civil society can, to some extent, check the excessive abuse of the investigation (JIT) process through spotlighting, awareness raising and keen monitoring. References 1. Zabbey, N. (2008). Impacts of oil pollution on livelihoods in Nigeria. Paper presented at the conference on Petroleum and Pollution how does that impact human rights? co-organized by Amnesty


A Dead Environment and a Finished People

International, Forum Syd and Friends of the Earth, Sweden, at Kulturhuset, Stockholm, Sweden, 27thApril, 2009. 2. Steiner, R. (2008). Double standards? International Standards to prevent and control pipeline oil spills, compared with Shell practices in Nigeria.Areport submitted to Frends of the Earth, Netherlands. Amnesty International (2009). Nigeria: Petroleum, Pollution and Poverty in the Niger Delta. A report by Amnesty International Secretariat, London. The Nation Newspaper (2008). Group criticizes Shell over oil spill; Firm blames'third party interference'. Wednesday, October 15,2008, Page 9. Olawoye, J.E. (2000). Making extension relevant to sustainable livelihoods for poverty alleviation. Proceedings of Agricultural Extension Society of Nigeria (AESON). CEHRD (2007). Smallscale Shrimp Fisheries in Nigeria. CEHRD Tech. Report (CEHRD/TECH./CONSERV./01/2007). CEHRD Centre for Environment, Human Rights and Development. Lewis, R. R. and R.G. Gilmore (2007). Important considerations to achieve successful mangrove forest restoration with optimum fish habitat. Bulletin of Marine Science 80(3)823837. Vanguard Newspaper (2009). Bodo oil spill site cleaned up. Vanguard, TuesdayApril 7.2009, Page 20. The Nation Newspaper (2009). Ogoni in fresh row over oil spill. The Nation, Wednesday May 13, 2009, Page 4.






8. 9.


A Dead Environment and a Finished People

THE JK 4 OIL SPILL Introduction As part of activities under Environmental Rights subunit of Groundwork, field investigators from the Centre for Environment, Human Rights and Development (CEHRD) visited Edagberi (Joinkrama 4) community on July 18, 2009, to confirm a reported oil spill incident. The spill had occurred along a 12'' delivery pipeline linking Okodia manifold to Adibawa flowstation. Having confirmed the spillage, identified the site and a community contact person/informer, CEHRD embarked on another visit for detailed documentation of the above spill. The succeeding visit dubbed 'first visit' was effected on August 15, 2009. Surprisingly, between the interval of the initial confirmation visit and the first visit, another oil spill had occurred on the same delivery pipeline along Taylor Creek. This report covers both spillages. It highlights the frequency of oil spill at Edagberi community; the lack of transparency in oil spill Joint inspection reporting; and the increasing frustration suffered by the community in the face of eroding livelihood structures. Edagberi Community Edagberi is also called Joinkrama 4 (or simply JK4). The community is in Egenni clan in Ahoada West Local Government Area of Rivers State. JK4 is abnormally sandwiched by two Bayelsa State communities. According to the Edagberi/Betterland Central Youth Leader, Famous Inivie, Edagberi is a victim of the politics of oil. He noted that Edagberi was skillfully skipped and retained in Rivers State when Bayelsa was carved out of the old Rivers State because the community is rich in oil deposit. ''Ordinarily, remarks Famous, my people would have preferred to be part of Bayelsa State because of our nearness to Yenagoa, the state capital''. JK4 has 44 oil wells and the Adibawa field operated by the Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria Limited (SPDC). Frequency of Oil Spillage in Edagberi The incidence of oil leakages in Edagberi is increasingly degenerating to a deliberate policy of the oil giant. Based on a chronological list of oil spills given to CEHRD at the community, between 2006 2009, Edagberi suffered


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no fewer than 16 oil spillages (see Appendix 1), making it one of the worst oil impacted communities in the Niger Delta. For instance, in 2009 alone, six spillages had occurred already, and more might occur before the end of the year. CEHRD's prediction is premised on the aged nature of the delivery truckling, and the ease at which the pipes succumb to pressure related explosions. It's more like a weekly occurrence. The 3 spills that occurred recently were at an average interval of 2 weeks, comments highly disturbed Famous lnivie. Moreover, the two most recent spills (herein reported) occurred in two weeks succession (see introduction above). In June this year, SPDC carried out sectional replacement on the spill vulnerable pipeline. Partial replacement is neither a palliative nor the solution! In less than two months post-replacement the two spills herein discussed occurred. The Spills in Focus On Thursday, 16 July, 2009, SPDC 12 delivery pipeline (connecting Okodia manifold to Adibawa field) ruptured at about 400m away from the Adibawa flow-station. The leaked spot is at the heart of a freshwater swamp. The swamp is a thickly forested floodplain conspicuously fragmented by the delivery pipeline. The swamp vegetation is diverse which characterize such transitional marshland in the rain forest belt (see plate 1). Identifiable economic trees at the impacted area include raphia palm (Raphia hookeri), oil palm (Elaeis guineensis), etc. The second spill in focus (hereinafter called Taylor spill) happened on August 2, 2009 along the same Okordia-Adibawa delivery trunckline, but at a different section flanking Taylor Creek. At this area, the delivery line lay approximately 50m parallel to the creek channel. Taylor Creek originates as an adjunct of Ndoni creek, and flows SouthWestward and finally debouches into the Nun River before Yenagoa in the lower Niger Delta. Ndoni Creek, the source of Taylor Creek, is an obsolete creek that drains part of the waters of the upper Niger River system into the


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Orashi River. The marginal vegetation of Taylor Creek around the impacted area is predominated by water hyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes.

Plate 1: Edagberi oil polluted swamp Luxuriant cassavas planted in alluvial farmlands on the upper creek extend to the lower edges (see plate 2). From the ruptured spot, oil flowed down gradient into Taylor Creek untilAugust 11, 2009, when it was clamped.

Plate 2: shows cultivated cassava at the edges of the oil polluted Taylor Creek.


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Impacts of the Spills Detailed short and long-term impact of the spills can only be ascertain if an independent Post Impact Assessment (PIA) study is commissioned; PIA is rarely carried out in Nigeria. The swamp spill affects the swamp fish and fisheries, especially hook and line fishing. The swamp vegetation and resident animal diversity are heavily impacted already plants have started showing signs of withering. Some heavy metals are known to be constituents of crude oil. Given the incessant spills at the swamp, acute heavy metal pollution might be a nagging issue. The likelihood of bioaccumulation of heavy metals and other crude oil associated toxins in fish caught from the impacted swamp basin constitutes potential health risks to consumers. It was also gathered that some years ago the impacted swamp had been used for paddy rice production which had to stop because of previous oil spills at the swamp. Taylor spill causes severe mortal damage to cultivated cassava within the area covered by oil. As an emergency response, owners of impacted farmlands embarked on inevitable emergency harvest of their cassavas along the contaminated creek edges. Such unplanned harvest will likely cause potential food insecurity overtime. Cassava is a root and tuber crop that tolerates poor soil conditions, and can be left in the soil for as long as the farmer desire. Besides multiple food derivatives, non-seasonality confers on cassava a readily available food source at any time of the year. Thus the affected farmers that are compelled by the spill to harvest massively their cassava plantations, would overtime, certainly have problem of lack of selfgrown cassava for internal consumption; would have to buy from others. Fisheries of Taylor Creek are seriously hampered by the oiling as most fishes (except poor oxygen tolerant and air breathing species) had either migrated or get killed by the oil toxicity. Fishing is my only means of living. I have nowhere to go for help. My family is in trouble because these days, I hardly catch fish that will feed me alone, not to talk of my entire family, laments a fisherman in his late 60s whom CEHRD team encountered on the Taylor channel (plate 3).


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Plate 3: Fisherman removing entrapped fish at a less oily section of Taylor Creek JIT Scam Joint Inspection Team (JIT) report is expected to be completed in the field by all stakeholders once the cause of a spillage has been detected and agreed upon. It also behooves on the liable company to make available carbonated copies of the report to other stakeholders including the affected community. Unfortunately JITs involving Edagberi, though not a strange experience in the delta, do not conform to minimum standards of transparent reporting. The community narrated their JIT ordeals thus: In virtually every spill cases, our community (referring to Edagberi) representative has been either trickily or forcefully asked to countersign the signature page of a blank JIT report form and promised to be given a copy of the completed report later on. SPDC usually go away with the report forms under the watchful eyes of representatives of government regulatory agencies and security operatives with the promise that the report will be completed at their office. Occasionally, JIT reports have been given to us days after the joint inspection had been done, usually undated, having no


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useful tracking information but the signature page is duly signed by all parties. I think my community has been too insensitive and weak to have been gambled all the while'' narrated Henry Luke Inyene, an irate young graduate of Petroleum Engineering from JK4. Amnesty International has questioned the authenticity of JIT reports on spills in the delta and reviewed the lack thereof in their recent report ''Nigeria: Petroleum, Pollution and Livelihoods in the Niger Delta''. Moreover, the community substantiates the above JIT cheat claim by given CEHRD a copy of previously signed but blank JIT report! CEHRD also gathered that joint inspection team in conjunction with the community representatives had designated equipment failure as cause of oil spills in the community for almost two decades now. But SPDC only pays meager compensation certain times, while some spills remain uncompensated for. ''Why won't they pay (referring to SPDC) what they like when my community does not have properly filled JIT report as evidence and a tool to demand for adequate reparation'', commented Henry. The fact that oil spillages at Edagberi have been consistently caused by equipment failure is not unconnected with the community-company understanding to curb sabotage. Contract for surveillance of oil facilities within the community is overseen by trustees. Proceeds from the contract jobs are use for minor community development projects. With this kind of arrangement, virtually everybody in the community partakes in the monitoring scheme. Containment, Clean-up and Remediation Both spills (herein reported) are yet to be cleaned, if at all they would? As at the time of the visit, only quasi containment was ongoing. At the swamp site, storage (Geepee) tanks for mopped surface oil were seen ashore. On one side of the impacted flooded swamp, Foss boom is used to confine the oil. However, thick oil sleek is sighted behind the boom (the area intended to be foreclosed) which indicates that either the boom is inefficient for containment or contingency response was late or most likely due to leakages through spaces between palm fronds used to augment the boom. On the other flank of same floodplain, SPDC unsightly used palm fronds tied to pegged


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stakes for containment in place of conventional boom. CEHRD investigators were stunned by the sight of the 'SPDC ''innovative'' palm leaves boom'. Of course, oil leaked through the leaves interspaces to the supposedly protected areas (see plates 4, 5, and 6). If containment is grossly inadequate and clean-up is doubtful, then rehabilitation and restoration of the site is not anticipated! The case of Taylor Creek is not different from the swamp site in terms of containment, clean-up and remediation. Boom is used to enclose the oil scum at the point of discharge on the creek channel. However, the fisherman quoted earlier informed CEHRD team that initially SPDC had crossed the channel transversely to prevent downstream oil spreading by water current, but the combined strength of the river current and stranded mass of water hyacinth overpowered and broke open the boom.

Plate 4: Parallel technologies; SPDC palm leaves boom + conventional boom at work.


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Plate 5: Sunken boom at Edagberi swamp.

Plate 6: Oil scum behind SPDC palm leaves boom.


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Appendix 1 Chronology of oil spills in Edagberi community between 2007 and 2009. Year 2007 2008 Specific date* 11 April, 2007 6 August, 2007 9 January, 2008 27 June, 2008 8 July, 2008 30 October, 2008 17 November, 2008 24 February, 2009 13 March, 2009 6 May, 2009 16 July, 2009 2 August, 2009


Source: Edagberi community databank *Refers to date the spillage began; the duration of each spill is not mentioned.


The Centre for Environment, Human Rights and Development (CEHRD) is a non-profit organization based in the Ogale-Nchia community in the Eleme Local Government Area of Rivers State in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria. It was founded on August 15, 1999 as the Niger Delta Project for Environment, Human Rights and Development (NDPEHRD) and re-incorporated under its new name CEHRD in 2005 following its board decision. CEHRD's work is to forge a common link with the rural Niger Delta communities primarily, through research, outreaches participatory trainings, campaigns and advocacy on the problems confronting them. Equipping them with the basic knowledge of their situation and encouraging them to non-violently address the issues themselves. ADVISORY BOARD Judith Robinson Director, Environmental Health fund EHF , USA Scott Pegg Associate Professor, Indiana UniversityPurdue University' Indianapolis USA. Scott H. Baker, Ms FacultyAssociate Professor, Champlain College, USA. Gary Foxcroft Programme Director, Stepping Stones Nigeria, Lancaster, UK


BOARD OF DIRECTORS Ms. Jereoma Ikomi Member Ms. Constance Meju Member Mr. Patrick Naagbanton Member Ms. Ibiba Donpedro Member Mrs. Caroline Obediah Member Mr. Styvn Obodokwe Member Mr. Zabbey, Nenibarini Member Mrs. LindaAkinsaya Member SECRETARIATE Mr. Patrick Naagbanton Coordinator Styvn Obodoekwe Human Rights Mrs. Caroline Obediah Rural Health & Population


Mr. Zabbey, Nenibarini Conservation and Environment Ms. Nnenna Okoroafor Accountant/Head ofAdmin Mr. Sebastian Kpalap Special Project Officer Michael Gbarabe Project Officer, HSICE/Finance Ms. Comfort Phillip Project Officer, Rural Health and Population Mr.AnthonyAalo Project Officer, Conflict and Peace Building Otikor Samuel Project Officer, STAND Chamberlain K.Amadi Project Officer, Human Rights Miss. Rhoda Shelly Viyone Admin Officer Miss. Nwawuru Ugochi G Admin Officer Alexander Wikina Transport Officer David Barine Sunday AdminAssistant


Some Other Reports by CEHRD (They are on the organization's website AHarvest of Guns - August, 2004

Impacts of Extractive Industries on the Biodiversity of the Niger Delta Region of Nigeria - September, 2004 The Big Disarmament Gamble; The Comeback of the Small Arm and Light Weapon (SALW) - September, 2005 Report of the training of rural conservations to carry out Revegetation of mangrove forest in a crude oil pollute swamp in BaraNwezor village, Bodo, Ogoni, Rivers State - December, 2005 Bodo War ofAttrition a briefing paper on the Bodo, Ogoni Crisis - July 31, 2006 Scooping Oil for Survival; NNPC Celebrates Ecosystem Hazards in the Niger Delta - August, 2006 Militant's Action, Military Rage in Nigeria's Niger Delta; over 3, 00 urban Poor Rendered Homeless - August, 2006 Small Scale Shrimp Fisheries in Nigeria - February, 2007

The Challenges of Sustainable Shrimp Fisheries in Nigeria. - May, 2007 Climate Change & Flooding; Fate of Riverine Communities in the Niger Delta - 2007 Conflicts Resolution and Peace Building in the Niger Delta; The Role of government institution & Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) - 2007


Trust Betrayed; a report of the Rivers State Local Government Council Elections - Monday,April 21, 2008 CEHRD'S Report on theApril 2007 Nigeria Elections Report on the Bodo Oil Spill Exporting Shrimp Farming to Nigeria - 2008 - 2008

The proliferation of Small Arms, Armed Groups and violent conflicts in the Niger Delta region of Nigeria - 2008 Scorecard for 2008 - 2008




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