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MCL22120 3Y6 S.L.C.

S. ll

To designate June as the ‘‘Month of Life’’.


Ms. ERNST introduced the following bill; which was read twice and referred
to the Committee on llllllllll

To designate June as the ‘‘Month of Life’’.

1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representa-

2 tives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,

4 This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Month of Life Celebra-

5 tion Act’’.

7 Congress finds the following:

8 (1) The Declaration of Independence states,
9 ‘‘We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all
10 men are created equal, that they are endowed by
11 their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that
MCL22120 3Y6 S.L.C.

1 among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of
2 Happiness’’.
3 (2) The right to life is one of the founding prin-
4 ciples of our Nation.
5 (3) The Constitution does not include a right to
6 abortion.
7 (4) The rights of the States are written into the
8 Constitution and should be respected and supported.
9 (5) Federal, State, and local governments have
10 the duty to protect the life of all individuals regard-
11 less of race, national origin, sex, age, creed, or abil-
12 ity.
13 (6) The development of scientific and medical
14 technology has repeatedly demonstrated the human-
15 ity of the unborn child.
16 (7) By 15 weeks, the time at which unborn ba-
17 bies are protected by the law central to Dobbs v.
18 Jackson Women’s Health Organization, No. 19-
19 1392, 2022 WL 2276808 (U.S. June 24, 2022), ba-
20 bies have fully developed hearts, can feel pain, can
21 suck their thumbs, and will kick and jump if star-
22 tled.
23 (8) More than 63,000,000 lives have been lost
24 over the past 50 years because of the unconstitu-
MCL22120 3Y6 S.L.C.

1 tional decision in Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113
2 (1973).
3 (9) Of all pregnancies that resulted in either
4 live birth or abortion in the last reported year, about
5 1 in 5 pregnancies resulted in abortion.
6 (10) Every State and territory provides nec-
7 essary resources to help women and families with
8 unplanned pregnancies to find life-affirming alter-
9 natives to abortion.
10 (11) Faith-based organizations and churches
11 have a religious calling to love their neighbors and
12 serve those in need, especially unborn children.
13 (12) Community leaders, whether individuals,
14 families, businesses, or other organizations, play an
15 active role in upholding the dignity of life and pro-
16 viding care for children and families in their commu-
17 nities.
18 (13) No woman should stand alone during or
19 after her pregnancy.
20 (14) Local nonprofit network organizations and
21 pregnancy centers provide critical services to moth-
22 ers, children, and families in need in their commu-
23 nities.
24 (15) Adoption serves as an alternative life-af-
25 firming option for unplanned pregnancies.
MCL22120 3Y6 S.L.C.

1 (16) On June 24, 2022, the United States Su-
2 preme Court issued its decision in Dobbs v. Jackson
3 Women’s Health Organization, which overturned
4 Roe v. Wade.
5 (17) It is the responsibility of the people of the
6 United States to love their neighbors and care for
7 those in need.
8 (18) The United States Government must con-
9 tinue to protect and affirm the lives of all people of
10 the United States.

12 (a) DESIGNATION.—Chapter 1 of title 36, United

13 States Code, is amended by adding at the end the fol-
14 lowing:
15 ‘‘§ 147. Month of Life
16 ‘‘(a) DESIGNATION.—June is the Month of Life.
17 ‘‘(b) PROCLAMATION.—The President shall issue
18 each year a proclamation—
19 ‘‘(1) reaffirming the dignity of human life;
20 ‘‘(2) supporting life both inside the womb and
21 outside the womb, as well as the life of the pregnant
22 mother;
23 ‘‘(3) committing to surrounding mothers, fa-
24 thers, and children with the resources and tools they
25 need to survive and thrive; and
MCL22120 3Y6 S.L.C.

1 ‘‘(4) encouraging families and communities to
2 stand ready to assist mothers, fathers, and chil-
3 dren.’’.
4 (b) CONFORMING AMENDMENT.—The table of sec-
5 tions for chapter 1 of title 36, United States Code, is
6 amended by adding at the end the following:
‘‘147. Month of Life.’’.

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