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The business HOPE Homemade Online Package Enthusiast’s will be a food package of

delicacies for any types of occasion. The proposed business vision is to become a local

competitive delicacies online business of all time attuned to less human efforts. The

business provide a good quality taste of foods and our specialty is making delicacies and the

product is lumbpump and Pumpcorn with a special ingredient powdered “moringa oleiferia”

and pumpkin flour which is also rich in fiber . Moringa Oleiferia is a popular plant known for

high nutritional value as well as an herbal medicine. The leaves have 7 times more vitamins C

than bananas. It also has calcium, protein, iron, and amino acids. The business ensures that

the customers will receive a satisfying goods that will ensures wellness makes them feel less

worries and hassle free during their events or even just a simple snack.

Homemade Online Package Enthusiast will be located at Brgy. Buntay Dulag Leyte and

it is in the heart of the municipality of Dulag. It is near where the market is located. The

business is a manufacturing type of business. The business is owned by a partnership of

seven entrepreneur students who wants to engage into business while they are still


The owners are Beverly L. Osmeña, she is a former class president and also engaged

in online business and she is the General Manager of Homemade Online Package

Enthusiast, Jesseca Albesa, she is an online retailer of a different brand of clothes and

accessories and she is the Financial Manager, Juvilyn Cañas is the Sales Personnel, Gisselle

Cañas is the Production Personnel, Juvy Ann Vero is the Operation Unit, Richard Caores is the

Utilities, Darwin Cañas is the Auditor Personnel. They all came from BS Entrepreneur section

3B. A risk taker and with potential characteristics as an entrepreneur. The total equity

contributed is expected to be utilized in the business operation. Pricing varies according to

product type taking into consideration the purchasing power of buyers and competitors.

Profit and loss are to be distributed equally among the partners. All the partners have equal

capital distribution. Profit or loss will be divided equally by the partners.




HOPE is the acronym of our company for as you can see it, we will give hope for

those who are in needs. It needs enthusiasm to build a business that will drive you to success

and hopefully, we are looking forward for a greater future for our chosen business.

Across Philippines, the most in demand business nowadays is the online delivery of

food packages. Our market research has shown that 75% of people prefer to order their food

online and just wait for it to be delivered so that they cannot consume their time being

hassled on preparing foods if ever they are having an event at the moment. Here in Dulag 6

out of 10 people prefer to order online than preparing at their own so we are considering

that our chosen business is just on a right track. As we establish our business through online,

we can make advertisement and disseminate information's about our business in our own

page or website so that the customers can direct message us.

While there are a lot of businesses online here in Dulag, only few of them offers a

discount and freebies. We consider our customers as our assets and we tend to give them

the best experience of having us as their ally in preparing for their events and occasions. It’s

too often that they’ll find a service that will eventually help them minimize their budgets for

we are offering a fine budget food package of delicacies. We cannot deny the fact that most

of the customer seeks for a budget friendly and cheaper prices offered during events but

with a good quality and we are gladly introducing them our business that both of us can


Homemade Online Packages Enthusiast strategy is to offer a food package of

delicacies with fine prices, hassle free and good services. Those who does not have time to

spend in preparation for delicacies at their events can run towards us for our business is

widely open to serve them. Aside from having a budget friendly prices we are going to give

them the best accommodations that we have for we are easy to chat with and discuss with

the details of what they want us to serve. Our customer is our king and queen and we treat

them like a royalty. First come first serve and we always prioritized customers’ needs, and

their satisfactions matters the most. We recognized their needs as we are also willing to lend

them the best services that we could offer them. We are not just a businessman and woman

with an intent to gain profits, but we are also a friendly business owner who seek to offer

good services of bringing up the goods to customers to the extent of their delights. We

serve as one family together with the co-owners of the Homemade Online Packages



A business plan has to be written in a manner that will convince potential customers,

investors, banks etc. It is not an essay or apiece of English Literature. The name of the

business is HOPE which stands for homemade online package enthusiast. The main product

of our business is lumbpump and pumpcorn. The business will be located at Brgy. Buntay

Dulag, Leyte at Osmeña’s residence.

We offer delicacies with cheaper prices but with good quality for we add it another

flavor of ingredients which is the most nutritional vegetables at this moment which is the

malunggay or what they call the moringa oleiferia or horseradish and the pumpkin. All our

products will be mixed with the extract of moringa. Adding moringa and pumpkin to our

product as an organic ingredient will add flavor with beneficial effects on it. Our business

will surely be satisfactory one for it is a combination of wealth towards health.

Table 1

Business Model

Key Partners Key Activities Value Relationship Customer

Proposition Segment

Key Resources

Cost Structure Revenue Streams


The HOPE Homemade Online Package Enthusiasts the creator of delicacies, will have

the key partners that will supply the company the raw materials such as the flour, condense,

sugar, food colors and the materials for packaging that will be used for creating the finished


The key activities the business will do is the making of the product. Second, in

marketing the finish product through advertising online in social media, facebook page,

Instagram etc. Third, the selling of the product to the consumers.

In selling the finish product the business will create a good relationship to the

costumer. And in terms of distribution, the business will conduct a large-scale distribution

and manual distribution.

In costumer segmentation, the business will put the product in stall style shop. And we

aim to get an online customer and our products are also available for the health conscious.

The business cost structures will be in marketing the products through the

advertisement. In the production and distribution of the product, costs an ample amount.

Lastly the salaries, and other expenses of the company.



Nature of the Business

The business HOPE Homemade Online Package Enthusiast is a manufacturing type of

business creating an innovative delicacy, its main purpose is to give delight to customers by

offering them a delicious and nutritious delicacies and snacks. Its main objective is to provide

goods that are not only affordable but also essentials to the health of the customers and

that’s what we want to implement.

HOPE are made to offer goods like lumbpump and pumpcorn with a twist of

ingredient with so much nutrients in it and that is the moringa oleiferia or horseradish that

is rich in calcium, protein, iron, and amino acids. The leaves of moringa oleiferia have 7 times

more vitamins C than bananas. We, the entrepreneur student innovates our product from

simple into unique form by giving new twist to our products that will eventually make the

product special and extra ordinary. We relate our business HOPE because aside of it being an

acronym, its meaning stands for a fruitful future that will lead into success. Through hope we

could embrace new and source of income aside from being a student who pursue business

career in the midst of these pandemic and we all hope to surpass every circumstance during

the implementation of the business.

Company Name

The business name is the first step in building a strong identity of a company, for it is

one that should last as long as you’re in a business. In creating our business name, we use

the HOPE as an acronym for Homemade Online Package Enthusiast for it is our will to be

enthusiast in order to create a business that will uplift our being. From the real meaning

itself, HOPE gives hope for those who are dwelling to earn success in life. We fought hard for

this business that we come to think that we should proclaim the name HOPE. HOPE will

provide the delicious delicacies for all times.

Aside from the good taste there is also vitamins in the special ingredient of our

product. HOPE uses the leaves of a miracle tree scientifically named moringa oleiferia and

pumpkin to create extra ordinary flavor and taste. Its main objective is to provide a healthy,

delicious and affordable goods to offer in the region. We also provide a good relationship to

customers and that’s what we are going to implement.

Business Location

Our business will be located at Brgy. Buntay Dulag Leyte at Osmeña’s residence near
the Municipal Hall of Dulag and Police Station.
Figure 1
Business Location

This figure illustrate the location of our business. This is an excellent location to serve

our target market. The location is accessible to customer because it is in Dulag proper area

and near the municipal hall, police station, plaza, church, school and in the market.

The picture shows the map of the barangay Buntay where the stall is located, it is in

front of the former mikee’s bakeshop.

Type of Business

The business is on manufacturing type of operations. Manufacturing is any business

that uses business components, parts of raw materials to make finished goods. These

finished goods are delivered or sold directly to consumer or to other manufacturing business

that uses them for making a different product. HOPE business process variety of ingredient

to produce delicacies with special leaves or juice of moringa oleiferia or miracle tree and

turned it into nutritious delicacies. Manufacturing business in today’s world are normally

comprised of machines, computers and human skills that all work out in a specific manner to

create a product. Manufacturing is an adopted by the business, it is competent business

model, as time goes by the demand of manufactured products continuously grow.

Company’s Proposed Legal Form

The proposed legal form of this business is general partnership where two or more

people shared ownership. This partnership is formed by Beverly L. Osmeña, Jesseca Albesa,

Juvilyn Cañas, Gisselle Cañas, Juvy Ann Vero, Richard Caores, and Darwin Cañas. Each

partner contributes to all aspects of business including money, property, labor or skill. In

return, each partner shares in the profits and losses of the business.

HOPE Hyper Online Package Enthusiast is a partnership type of a business where in

there is seven proponents and each in a group considering themselves as a general partner.

This is an association of people carry on a business with a goal of earning profits. To make

the business successful, each has a designated area of responsibilities.


Business Owners

Table 2

Business Owners

Name of the Roles of the Address/ Contact Numbers Contribution

Owners Owners

Beverly L. General Manager Brgy. Buntay Dulag Leyte/ Capital and Labor
Osmeña 09277009227

Jesseca Albesa Financial Manager Brgy. Bonifacio Mayorga Leyte/ Capital and Labor

Juvilyn Cañas Sales Personnel Brgy. Highway Dulag Leyte/ Capital and Labor
Gisselle Cañas Personnel Brgy. Buntay Dulag Leyte/ Capital and Labor

Juvy Ann Vero Operation Unit Brgy. Lubi-Lubi Lapaz Leyte/ Capital and Labor

Richard Caores Utilities Unit Brgy. Buntay Tanauan Leyte/ Capital and Labor

Darwin Cañas Auditor Brgy. Combis Dulag Leyte/ Capital and Labor

The table shows the business partners, type of engagement in the partnership, their

addresses, the corresponding roles and responsibilities together with their contribution.

The business will be operated by the (7) proponents starting with the position of

General Manager, Financial Manager, Cashier, Sales personnel, Production Personnel,

Operation Unit, Utilities Unit, and Auditor. The role of the General Manager is to plan and

manage the whole business operation. Financial Manager is the responsible for budgeting

and managing activities. Sales Personnel will be responsible for sales talk and encouraging

customers to buy. Production Personnel will be responsible to perform quality control of the

finished product. Operation Unit personnel is responsible for the operation of goods. Utilities

Unit is personnel who are responsible in the operating system of utilities. Auditor is the

personnel who checks the cashers inventory.


Legal Documents

1. SEC registration - for registering as a partnership or corporation

Figure 2

2. DTI registration - for registering your business trade name.

Figure 3

3. Mayor’s business permit - for getting the license to operate in the day or

municipality and payment of your local business taxes.

Figure 4

4. BIR registration – for getting TIN , official receipts and invoices, registering your books

of accounts, and paying your national internal revenue taxes (Income tax, VAT or Percentage

Tax, Withholding Taxes, etc.,)

Figure 5

5. Ownership Certificate- This is to certify that the business clearly owned by the mentioned


Figure 6



Vision Statement

“We aim to be the leading local competitive delicacies online business of all time

attuned to less human efforts that guarantees 99.99% customer satisfaction and will

maintain the environmental standards and protocols while making the products”.

To create a product where individuals become our top priority, we will shoulder their

burdens in preparing delicacies during their occasions for we offer them convenience and we

consider their health. We rest assured them the best quality and accommodations they all


Mission of the company

“The business has a mission to provide best nutritious delicacies that is easily

accessible all over the region.”

We are striving to innovate our products as possible as we can in order for us to come

up with the best food quality that could be consider as one of the best in the local region.

We opt to provide and used natural resources in its prospective manners.


1. To make every individual learned to patronize the local delicacies and to value its

worth to increase the local economic standard.


Our business aim to prosper the development of old delicacies to a new unique

version with motivation to innovate it.

2. To established local delicacies with essential and organic ingredient in it.

To conduct our business with environmental awareness and applying the dwell to

promote the uses of natural resources.



To promote an affordable delicacy.

Filipinos are fond of buying in cheapest price that fits with their standard, so they

chose what makes them practically suitable.


To patronize our own local delicacies.

Consumers tend to buy new products with trends but with local delicacies that we are

going to make, we make sure that the innovativeness will ensure their satisfaction and lead

them back to the old delicacies.


To give a good quality services to customers.


In terms of management aspect, the head of the business will be the one to manage the

business by developing strategic plans and with the team efforts to maintain the good

production of delicacies.


To gain an exact amount of profit with an increase of sales by 10% annually.

Our business aims to receive immediate return of capitals. We the HOPE Homemade

Online Package Enthusiast will make sure to have a big amount of profit within a year of



The management conducted the business in a way that is ethical, and it means taking

justification of the social, economic and environmental impact and consideration of human

rights. It can involve a variety of activities such as working in partnership with local

communities. Socially responsible and develop a relationship with partners, employees and

customers. As the business goes on, we’ll try to minimize the negative impact on society and


Company Core Competencies

1. To access our product in a far-flung area through online and personal.

We do deliveries in a wide range of areas and it is our great honor to lift up the

convenience that the customers needed at this time of pandemic.

2. To assure that the product will meet the standard of statuses.


Since management are considering the statuses of the customers, the business assure

that the prices is budget friendly and will gradually meet their standards when it

comes to pricing.

3. To ensure viabilities towards the natural resources.

The business pursuit practicalities that’s why it uses natural resources to produce the

product to improve the environment through the help of planting raw materials such

as pumpkin, moringa oleiferia, banana tree and palm trees.

4. To patronize our own local delicacies.

The business aims to promote local delicacies with a new kind of twists that will add

flavor to the product.




Economic Environment

Fresh vegetables has been always welcomed from day-to-day. From breakfast, lunch,

snacks or dinner they can be put in the tables over meals. The variety of vegetables, flavors,

and textures make it versatile. Our products are in into any occasions nowadays. Some of

the customers are demanding of the qualities on how it is formed. Our business is very

optimistic because we aim to completely satisfy their needs. The term economic

environment refers to all the external economic factors that influences buying habits of

consumers and business and therefore affect the performance if the company.

The above statement only implies that consumer nowadays are increasingly becoming

health conscious about what they should eat. Today, the public is eager to experience more

complex flavor and different but irresistible tastes. They also demand for convenience and

affordability with high quality of satisfaction. The kind of product that we are going to offer

will meet their expectation and will surely go beyond the extent of their satisfaction.

Hence, the Dulag has a high demand for vegetables. Any variety of vegetables are sold

during market days. It is because the people here in Dulag really need to eat healthy and

nutritious snacks with affordable price. But of course, as an entrepreneur, we need to do

something with the vegetables that is in high demand at the market. We should create a

product that could satisfy customers in different taste and twist of vegetables. As we have

observed in the Super Market specially the Malls of Robinsons, Gaisano Central and Capital,

and SM Super Market, the cakes are now more patronized by the people than the other

products of the competitors’ snacks.

Technology Environment

It is the overall process of invention, innovation, and diffusion of technology. It also

recognizes the use of applied science to construct homes to achieve goals. Based on both

better and more technology. Technological progress is essential to economic growth and

development, and the more advanced the technology available, the more s quickly the local

and global economy can improve.

Technological development simply change the way people do business. Through the

uses of internet, social media has been the versatile way of introducing and dealing business.

Transactions can be easily done online.

Socio-Cultural Environment

The socio-cultural environment refers to trends and development. With the help of

sociocultural development, these tools develops human intelligence and cognition. Social

environment are the social level of individual learning through interaction in society. It

involves in the social and cultural aspects. It also have an impact to number of customers, it

also needs major concerns nowadays as most food items are rich in sugar and

carbohydrates. But as much as possible we are going to lessen the worries of customers for

having too much intake of foods with sugar.


Political/Legal Environment

Regulatory environment is often a direct consequence of the political parties in power,

which represents the popular opinion of the citizens of the region. Business owners pay

close attention to the political environment to see how government actions will affect to the

company. The rules and regulations created by the politicians have significant influence on

the cost of running a business and the way it can make products and services. There are

many laws and regulations in force for the food industry. The fast food shops have to

maintain a minimum level of proper hygiene, number of staffs, customer service, salary of

staffs and proper storage and proper waste disposal. Different governments are focus on

separate laws enforcing it will also differ to each other. At present, the enforcement on

excessive use of plastic bags is affecting the fast food industry. Shops now have to spend

more on paper bags and other recycled materials.

Natural Environment

That part of the films external marketing environment which legal and political

forces act to change regulations which affect the marketing effort, regulation changes can

rise threats or present opportunities. The regulatory environment exists to set the guards

rails for our industry to prevent those not blessed with an overabundance of scruples from

engaging in unfair of unsavory business (partially successful using the goods and services in


Competition Status

Our biggest competition is the trends of engaging into online business for there are a

lot of online businesses uprising in the community. We are not looking forward to following

others or pull them down. We’re planning to test our own boundaries. Competition is always

a good thing for it forces us to do the best that we can. A monopoly renders people

compliment and satisfied with mediocrity. Our proposed business will be the

implementation of products that will eventually provide a satisfactory level of that could

provide convenience to every customer.





We have two kinds of product which is lumbpump from the combination of lumbia

and pumpkin and pumpcorn because it is made from pumpkin and sweetcorn. Lumbpump

has a great texture, color and taste that customer would love to eat. The pumpcorn has also

a great texture, variety of colors and unique taste for its slight sweet and flavor. Our product

contains both its sweet and delicious taste and besides it has health benefits, Pumpkin

offers vitamin C, vitamin E, iron and folate which strengthen immune system. More pumpkin

in diet can help immune cells work better to ward off germs and speed healing when you get

a wound. On the other hand, moringa oleiferia help strengthen the immune system, help

restore skin, condition, controls broad pressure and relieves headache and migraine,

specially to those persons who are health conscious and health seekers.

The proponent conducted a research in order to provide and meet the demands of the

potential consumer. The proponents had agreed to have its innovative product. The concept

of the product is to innovate the old delicacies they called arasep into something new and we

give it a new name lumbpump and the other product is pumpcorn and this product suit to all

types of occasion and events.


Product Acceptability Test

The HOPE company conducted a dry run for free taste which they delivered it for free.

In that way, they can get an ideas and opinions from the consumers in order to improve their

product and to provide customer satisfaction and gather data and the.

Our product is healthy because of its ingredients and raw materials which is Moringa

Oleiferia, Pumpkin and Sweetcorn. They used safe materials and it is also well cleaned before

using it in the production of products. They used some easiest method on production to

produce product easily.

Final Product Description


Table 2

Product 1(Lumbpump)


Size (Height and weight) -The size is 5 inches length,1 ½ height

and 1 ½ width so it is (5x1 ½ x1 ½ )
Shape Cylinder shape

Taste sweet

Texture Soft, chewy and like sticky jelly

Color Light brown

Smell It smells like Choco

Design Serve with banana wrap

Functions/Features Lumbpump is a delicious snack or

delicacies in different kinds of occasions.

Chemical Contents 0% chemical content

Innovativeness Our lumbpump is unique because of our

innovative ingredient which is the
Pumpkin and Moringa oleiferia.
Table 4

Product 2(PumpCorn)


Size (Height and weight) -The Puto molder we use for our product

is medium which has this dimension:

Diameter 7.2cm and Height 2.7 cm per


Shape Circle

Taste Not too sweet

Texture Soft and fluffy

Color assorted

Smell fragrant

Design Cheese on top

Functions/Features Puto cheese is a delicious merienda snack

or dessert in different kinds of occasions.

Chemical Contents 0% chemical content

Innovativeness Our puto cheese is unique because of our

secret ingredient which is the Moringa


Product Packaging

The picture below is the sample of the product packaging. The product packaging of

HOPE Homemade Online Package Enthusiast is made of paper. The design we used for the

packaging represents the name of the business, through the abstract design they use it to

promote the product.

Figure 1

Finish Product

The picture below is a sample of HOPE finished products in which this is the kind of

packaging that the business will use. The abstract design in the packaging to make the product

attractive to the potential customer.

Figure 2

Figure 3

Product Line

The business offers Lumbpump and Pumpcorn. The customer will decide the amount

or pieces of the Lumbpump and Pumpcorn that they want to put into the bilao tampered

with clean wrap. We also offer the mixed package of lumbpump and pumpcorn with its

special ingredients Pumpkin, Sweetcorn and Moringa Oleiferia. We accept order online and

walk in.



Marketing research has an involvement of collecting, recording and making all the

available information make sense for it will help a unit of business become understandable

towards its market. This research will basically help our chosen business to go further than

to just anticipate on guessing. The questioners are easy to understand by the respondents

answering it.

Market research simply the result and analysis that can surprisingly provide a

detailed information. The conducted market research will help to reduce any uncertainties,

but on the other hand, it will never remove the though at the best. The market research will

also increase the probability that whether the decision of the management that will takes

place will help in attaining the organization objective in marketing.


In this part, it focuses on the research methodology used during the conduct of the

study which includes the following: research design, research locale, research instrument,

sampling technique, data gathering procedure and statistical treatment of data.

Research Design

This study is disputing to be a descriptive method of research, principally involves an

interview conversation and survey questionnaire in order to gather and understand their

purchasing power comportment, preferences and basis towards the product.


Research Locale

The study was conducted inside the campus of Eastern Visayas State University

Dulag Extension Campus, under the College of Business Entrepreneurship Department and

also conducted the survey outside of the school premises which is Brgy. Buntay Dulag Leyte.

the researchers have taken to hold the study for the students, faculty and people living in

Brgy. Buntay and near barangays where the location of the business to be established.

Research Instruments

The method involved in this study was the open interview and the questionnaire with

premade questions. Open interview was used to know the idea of the potential consumer

and to get the exact information about the purchasing power of the respondents.

Product Acceptability Test

The questionnaire covers the following parts such as:

Part I.

This constitutes the profile of the respondents who had given permission to share their

knowledge of our innovative product which is lumbpump and pumpcorn with the business

name of HOPE Homemade Online Package Enthusiast.

Part II.

In this part where the proponents presume to identify the potential consumer’s

reaction towards the goods they had availed and expected products they want to avail.

Part III.

This part focuses on the response of the respondents on the affordability of the

product the business is offering. On how much they can afford to buy the certain product

based on their corresponding price.

Part IV.

This part talks about the consumer’s feedback towards HOPE Homemade Online

Package Enthusiast location as to the accessibility, convenience, and the environmental

condition of the location.

Part V.

In this part it focuses on how the consumer build their awareness as to the

promotional activities of HOPE Homemade Online Package Enthusiast implemented and

what are the promotional tools that best capture the consumer’s attention.

Sampling Technique

The sampling used in this study was a purposive sampling which primarily relies on

features of the sample and generalizing the nature of each sample. Subsequently, the

sample of this study are the students and faculty of Eastern Visayas State University Dulag

Campus- College of Business and Entrepreneurship Department and the constituents of

Brgy. Buntay Dulag, Leyte. To the extent that they are more aware on their taste and


Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers personally went to their prospective respondents and distributed a

survey questionnaire and give a free taste of the product to the available respondents in

Eastern Visayas State University and in Brgy. Buntay Dulag Leyte. Subsequently, the data

gathered were assembled, counted manually and organized to pave way for its

interpretation and analysis.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The data gathered was to classified according to its predetermined factors in

relation to the needed data:

Open interview was used to question the respondents regarding to their

awareness on trends and also to their taste and preference in the product that will be

offered to them.

Questionnaire is divided into five parts and the data gathered is treated primarily

through getting the percentage of the response of the respondents.

Part 1 is about the profile of the respondents as the basis.

Part 2 request respondents to give their idea about the product that will be offered.

Part 3 request respondents to identify their purchasing power in buying the


Part 4 request respondents to answer on their opinion about the location of the


In order to determine the distribution of the respondent’s profile, the following

formula was used:



P = percentage of frequency

F = frequency items given

X = number of cases or total number of respondents

Percentage is used to determine the average number of respondents who

intentionally and correctly selected the choices provided in the survey questionnaire. Thus,

the percentage of respondents is taken through dividing the frequency of the respondents

who selected the option given in the survey and the total number of cases or respondents

then multiply the quotient to one hundred or 100% so to obtain the total and percentage of

respondents who selected such option provided in the item in the survey questionnaire

Research Result by Analysis on Product Acceptability test

The researchers conducted a survey inside the Eastern Visayas State University

Dulag Leyte Campus. There were 50 respondents who were given the survey questionnaires

and they were from College of Business and Entrepreneurship Department and Brgy. Buntay

Dulag Leyte where the company plan to be established.

Many factors that affects the willingness and capacity of the respondents to

purchase the product. The following factors that the researchers learned: the price

expectation, the location, the expectation in the effectiveness and affordability of the


In the gathered data it shows that there were 50 respondents, in which were 36

females and 14 were males. Among the respondents, 30 of the respondents are from College

of Business and Entrepreneurship and faculty and also 20 respondents are from Brgy. Buntay

Dulag Leyte. Furthermore, the results shows that the majority of the respondents likes to

buy the HOPE Homemade Online Package Enthusiasts products of delicacies.

Out of the 50 respondents


Part I. Profile Of The Respondents

Table 2

Sex of the Respondents



Male 14 %

Female 36 %

Total 100 100%

In a survey that we conducted, Female has a large number of respondents. Female got the

number of 36 out of 50 respondents with the percent of 75%, while the male respondents got

the number of 25 out of 100 respondents in Dulag, Leyte, based on the table and figures shows

above. It implies that female is more active than male.

Table 3

Age of the Respondents


15-20 18 18%
21-30 39 39%
31-50 26 26%
51 & above 17 17%
TOTAL: 100 100%

The above table shows the age of the respondents. 15-20 years old has a number of 18

(18%), 21-30 years old has 39 (39%), 31-50 years old has 26 (26%) and 51 years old and has a

number of 17 (17%). It implies that the higher number of age of respondents is 21 to 30 years


Table 4

Occupation of the Respondents


Self-Employed 20 20%

Government Employee 42 42%

Private Employee 8 8%

Student 30 30%

Total: 100% 100%

The table above shows the number and percentage of Occupation of the respondents in

the survey. In a survey that we conducted in Dulag, Leyte, self-employed has 20 (20%) number

of respondents, government employee has 42 (42%) number of respondents, private employee

has 8 (8%), and students has 30 (30%) number of respondents. It implies that the respondents

in a survey, the self employed, government employee and students are more available to

answer the survey questionnaires and most of the government employees are the consumer

for the product.


Product strategy is the process of defining what we want to achieve and how we

plan to get there. It also helps us to understand the context of the market that we operate in

and guide in the large themes of work that will helps us to accomplish our goals. Our product

strategy is to have a free taste on the first day of opening of our business for able the tasters

to taste our delicious products which is the Puto Kutsinta, Puto cheese, Creamy baked

Cassava, Leche Flan with cheese with Moringa Oleiferia Extract, so in that way customers

patronize our product. We will also gather some feedbacks from the testers so that the online

customers will see and know about our product.


Our business offers high quality products at affordable price. A consequent

price in this kind of product will completely satisfy customer. Our product is essential for it

has a health benefit. A minimum price in this kind of product will completely satisfy the

customer. Considering that the majority of our target market are students, we consider the

purchasing power of the buyers and competitors.

Table 4

Pricing and Product

Puto kutsinta
Small Php 3.00 Php 30.00 In every 1 pack of
Large Php 5.00 Php 50.00 puto kutsinta, and
Small Bilao Php 135.00 Php 125.00 a purchase of by
Medium Bilao Php 300.00 Php 285.00 bilao they will get
Large Bilao Php 500.00 Php 475.00 a 5% discount.
Puto kutsinta
Small Php 3.00 Php 30.00 In every 1 pack of
Large Php 5.00 Php 50.00 puto cheese, and
Small Bilao Php 135.00 Php 125.00 a purchase of by
Medium Bilao Php 300.00 Php 285.00 bilao they will get

Large Bilao Php 500.00 Php 475.00 a 5% discount.


The promotion strategy is the plan and tactics we implement in our marketing plan

to increase our product of service demand. The promotion strategy we plan is to have

tarpaulin outside of our business place, posters and online commercial. We also promote

our business by posting product in social media using Facebook/Messenger, and Instagram.

In with this strategy we can increase our potential buyers/customers.

Table 5




Tarpaulin Php. 380.00 Jan 2022

Posters (30 pcs) Php. 300.00 Jan 2022

Total Php. 680.00


Figure 11


Figure 12


Figure 13




The place where we are going to implement a business is at the Brgy. Buntay Dulag,

Leyte. Is it because Buntay is one of the biggest populations in Dulag and it is very near to

the proper of Dulag. Where there are many near establishments’ like Police Station,

Municipality of Dulag, Dulag Town Plaza, Dulag National High School, and Etc. They are one

of our Potential Customers because they are busy to their job, so they prefer to orders

snacks or food online. It is a kind of simple strategy where we think it will click for our

business, the reason why our business was known as the delicacies that remind us a simpler



A people strategy is our business prioritized people plan. In this way we think about and

set into motion ways to attract, develop, retain, and generally inspire our place. The first thing

we do is to hire a stuff or member of the workplace that has a good character and pleasing

personality because personality influences how a person communicates, reacts to change and

interacts with our customers. Second, we keep always building a healthy work relationship of

with our stuffs, because it will make one job enjoyable and successful.

The strategy we make is for our profit and sales but besides of an expensive way to

retain them we also do the best way to make them happy with our business by prioritize

work environment.

The employees are the principal factor to the success of our business. They are the

ones who helps in creating and improving our products and services. They deliver products

and interact with customers. They work to provide ideas and protect our assets. Without

their productive contributions and willingness to offer their services and skills, the business

will surely fail.





The method for descriptive survey is inclusive so these means that descriptive

research will gather a quantifiable reference for the target audience according to data

analysis. As a consequence, it takes a form of a closed-ended-question for the type of

research. This type of research will limit its ability to provide unique insight. However, when

it is properly used, it can help an organization to define and measure the importance of

something to a group of respondents and the population they are about to represent.

We used the common descriptive research in surveying the demographic traits in a

certain group and area ( gender, age, occupation, and so on ). This kind of information is

studied as measuring trends over time, face value, and for more advanced data analysis like

drawing correlations, segmentation, bench marking and other statistical techniques. At first,

we define the characteristics of our respondents. Second, we measure the trends in our data

gathered and lastly, we compare group of respondents and their issues. That is the following

steps of using effective descriptive research.



The proposed business location is in the town proper of Dulag, Leyte specifically at

Osmeña’s Residence in 559 Capt. Emilio Jacinto Street Brgy. Buntay Dulag Leyte. Hence, the

market research will be conducted at Brgy. Buntay and any other areas just at the proper of

Dulag which includes the following Brgy. of Sungi, Catmonan, Serrano, Highway, Market Site,

and Candao. This group of area of the market research is chosen because it is very

accessible, and the proponent choose this group as the primary target market of the



Dear Respondents,


The Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship 3 rd year college students will be

collecting data for your cooperation to answer our Market Research Questionnaire entitled

“HOPE or Hyper online package enthusiast” your knowledge, concerns and response are very

helpful for us in achieving our goals.

Rest assured that all the information what we would gather will be treated with

almost confidentially and it will be used for academic purposes only.

We are hoping that this request would merit your positive response. Thank you very

much and God Bless.


Respectfully yours,

The Researchers


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