Translational Precision Medicine: An Industry Perspective

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et al. J Transl Med (2021) 19:245 Journal of
Translational Medicine

REVIEW Open Access

Translational precision medicine: an industry

Dominik Hartl1,2*, Valeria de Luca1, Anna Kostikova1, Jason Laramie3, Scott Kennedy3, Enrico Ferrero1,
Richard Siegel1, Martin Fink1, Sohail Ahmed4, John Millholland5, Alexander Schuhmacher6, Markus Hinder1,
Luca Piali7 and Adrian Roth7 

In the era of precision medicine, digital technologies and artificial intelligence, drug discovery and development face
unprecedented opportunities for product and business model innovation, fundamentally changing the traditional
approach of how drugs are discovered, developed and marketed. Critical to this transformation is the adoption of
new technologies in the drug development process, catalyzing the transition from serendipity-driven to data-driven
medicine. This paradigm shift comes with a need for both translation and precision, leading to a modern Translational
Precision Medicine approach to drug discovery and development. Key components of Translational Precision Medicine
are multi-omics profiling, digital biomarkers, model-based data integration, artificial intelligence, biomarker-guided
trial designs and patient-centric companion diagnostics. In this review, we summarize and critically discuss the poten-
tial and challenges of Translational Precision Medicine from a cross-industry perspective.
Keywords:  Translational medicine, Precision medicine, Drug development, Biomarkers, Multi-omics, Modeling,
Artificial intelligence, Pharmaceutical industry, Digital biomarkers, Companion diagnostics

Background to a broader paradigm shift from one-size-fits-all medi-

Traditionally, drug development in large pharmaceuti- cine towards precision medicine (the right medicine, for
cal companies is regarded as a conservative and risk- the right patient, at the right dose, at the right time) [3, 4].
averse discipline with highly regulated processes and While precision medicine is an appealing concept, there
slow adaptation to external innovation. However, in a are several core challenges for implementation from
rapidly evolving healthcare ecosystem, new technolo- bench to the bedside, as discussed previously [5–7].
gies and innovative concepts of how to leverage them are One of the major bottlenecks for drug development
needed to accelerate clinical trials, lower attrition rates, is translation [8], particularly at the interface of drug
mitigate research and development (R&D)-related risks discovery and early clinical development, referred to
and overall improve pharmaceutical R&D productiv- as the Translational Gap [8–10]. To close this gap and
ity [1, 2]. Critical for future R&D success is the combi- foster translational science, the National Institutes of
nation of transformative therapeutic concepts and drug Health (NIH) has established the National Center for
targets with first-in-class potential, tailored digital tech- Advancing Translational Sciences, a core hub to drive
nologies and patient-centric drug development, linked and integrate innovative translational activities across
academia, industry and non-profit organizations [11].
Translational medicine as defined by the European
*Correspondence: [email protected]; [email protected] Society for Translational Medicine [12] integrates sev-
eral R&D tools to bridge the translational gap and guide
Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research, Basel, Switzerland
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article
early drug development. Since translational medicine

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Hartl et al. J Transl Med (2021) 19:245 Page 2 of 14

and precision medicine approaches in drug develop- Multi‑omics profiling

ment are overlapping and intertwined, we use here the Clinical data can be classified as phenotypic (such as
term Translational Precision Medicine to refer to this demographics, physiologic assessments, disease scor-
emerging discipline. ings, imaging, health questionnaires, digital patient
The Translational Precision Medicine concept inte- assessments) or molecular (such as genomics, transcrip-
grates core components from both translational medi- tomics, proteomics, metabolomics). Capturing com-
cine (mechanism-based early drug development) and prehensive phenotypic data associated with a certain
precision medicine (patient-centric late drug devel- disease can be referred to as phenotyping (or phenomics),
opment) into an end-to-end biomarker-guided drug which is the traditional and most common approach to
development cycle. Critical success factors for Trans- classify diseases irrespective of the biological origins of
lational Precision Medicine are (i) the translation of disease. Utilizing datasets to define disease subtypes at
mechanisms from research to early clinical devel- the molecular level can be referred to as endotyping, as
opment (forward translation/bench-to-bedside), (ii) exemplified in respiratory medicine [16, 17] or oncol-
the back-translation from late clinical development ogy [18]. The National Academy of Sciences of the USA
insights to drug discovery (reverse translation/back- campaigned for a new, molecularly-informed taxonomy
translation/bedside-to-bench) [13], (iii) data-driven to define diseases based on molecular endotypes rather
mechanism-indication pairing [14], (iv) the translation than traditional clinical symptoms [19]. However, endo-
of omics signatures into clinically-relevant biomark- typing requires deep pathophysiological disease insights
ers and endotypes [15] and (v) the development of and large molecular datasets to be successful. Within the
patient-tailored companion diagnostics and precision last two decades, high-throughput omics technologies
medicines [3]. Here we focus on the following key com- have provided the basis for endotyping and data-driven
ponents of Translational Precision Medicine (Fig. 1): medicine [20, 21]. With the rapid advances of sequenc-
ing technology, genetics has revolutionized our under-
• Multi-omics profiling standing of monogenic diseases, such as cystic fibrosis
• Biomarker-guided trial designs [22] or mutation-driven cancers [23], but most human
• Model-based data integration diseases are polygenic and consequently more complex
• Artificial Intelligence (AI) to dissect. To approach these diseases at the genetic level,
• Digital biomarkers polygenic risk scores hold promise to predict genetic
• Patient engagement. predisposition to disease or therapeutics [24], particu-
larly if combined with electronic health records (EHRs)
[25]. Translational genomics aims to combine genetic
and clinical data as a foundation for precision medicine
approaches [7]. Besides genetics, particularly proteomics
Translational Medicine Precision Medicine [26, 27] are gaining momentum for clinical biomarkers
Early Development Late Development
and drug development [28]. Unlike mass spectrometry,
Disease Real-world next-generation proteomic detection principles, such as
models Model-based Evidence
Data integration aptamer-based technologies [29], typically require lower
Multi-omics Multi-omics amounts of material (down to 1ul/sample) and can be
Biomarker-guided more readily applied to large patient cohorts to identify
Biomarkers Trial Designs Biomarkers
Molecular Digital / Molecular
causal proteins as candidates for therapeutic targeting
Artificial [28, 30–33]. Compared to more established omics lay-
Disease Intelligence Companion ers, such as transcriptomics, proteomics offer the benefit
Endotypes Diagnostics
of measuring protein levels directly, thus facilitating the
Translational Precision Medicine translation to the clinic where protein biomarkers are
Fig. 1  Interface position of Translational Precision Medicine in most commonly used.
bridging translational medicine (early development) and precision Beyond single omics technologies, multi-omics pro-
medicine (late development). Disease models, multi-omics and filing platforms are emerging, including genomics,
molecular biomarkers are used to define disease endotypes. epigenomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, lipidom-
Real-world evidence, multi-omics, biomarkers (digital and
ics, metabolomics, microbiomics and others [34, 35].
molecular) and companion diagnostics are instrumental for
the implementation of precision medicine. Model-based data Multi-omics profiling integrates several biological lay-
integration, biomarker-guided trial designs and artificial intelligence ers, allowing researchers to fully appreciate the interplay
are key data-driven tools for the integration of mechanism-centric between genetics, gene regulation and proteins, and to
translational medicine and patient-centric precision medicine obtain a more complete picture of the molecular patterns
Hartl et al. J Transl Med (2021) 19:245 Page 3 of 14

underpinning complex diseases. Thus, multi-omics are or pharmacologic responses to a therapeutic intervention”
well positioned to enable the identification of key dis- [51]. In drug development, biomarkers are broadly used
ease nodes where multiple layers converge, maximizing to inform on target engagement, pathway activation,
the chances to identify novel drug targets, endotypes or pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) modeling
biomarkers. Networks offer an effective way to integrate and dosing rationales, diagnosis/patient selection, disease
and visualize the output of multi-omics analyses, particu- stratification, prognosis and prediction as well as moni-
larly when the evidence does not converge at the level of toring disease, safety and treatment efficacy. Biomarkers
a single gene, but within a biological pathway [36], and are classified into molecular, cellular, physiological, imag-
network propagation approaches can be applied to lever- ing and digital modalities. As clinical trial endpoints,
age network topology for the identification of key nodes biomarkers provide the advantage of being quantitative
[37]. Multi-omics are further essential for N-of-1 trials and objective measures of (patho)biology in contrast to
[38], for understanding drug-drug interactions and for physician-based assessments which tend to be subjec-
the design of therapeutic drug combinations [39–41]. tive and variable. Biomarkers are key to translate PD
Despite this potential, there are several caveats and limi- responses across species and to bridge the translational
tations of multi-omics when applied to clinical drug gap in early drug development [9, 10, 52], particularly
development: for multifactorial systemic diseases [53] such as systemic
immune-mediated diseases. From a drug development
• Omics technologies assess large numbers of genes/ perspective, the longitudinal analysis of the AstraZeneca
proteins, often in a semi-quantitative manner, and are small molecule portfolio (five-dimensional (5R) frame-
highly sensitive to pre-analytical processes [42] such work) demonstrated that the inclusion of biomarkers
as batch effects [43]. Consequently, to build robust into early drug development (Ph2 studies) was associated
cases for clinical adoption, it is essential to include with active or successful projects in contrast to compara-
appropriate controls in the experimental design and ble projects without biomarkers [2].
to validate top hits by orthogonal quantitative meth- The development of a new biomarker is a complex,
ods [43, 44]. multistep and iterative process, including biomarker dis-
• Merging different multi-omics datasets [45] into covery (often based on omics data), pre-analytical valida-
a single data repository poses challenges to data tion, assessing different biofluids (best proximal to the
transfer, integration and harmonization given differ- disease), analytical validation and finally clinical valida-
ent data formats and data fragmentation. Moreover, tion and utility [48]. For each new drug target and disease
analyzing large complex datasets, such as single-cell indication, several biomarker modalities and candidates
multi-omics [46], increases the chance for false posi- are usually explored to narrow-down on the drug target-
tives and necessitates appropriate data processing, and indication-relevant ones, as discussed here for auto-
normalization and analysis with appropriate statisti- immune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis [54]. For
cal methods [44, 47]. biomarker use in clinical trials it is critical to define the
• Clinical trial feasibility [15, 48], especially for multi- context-of-use (CoU) [15, 55, 56]. CoU range from diag-
center and tissue-derived omics, remains a challenge. nostic, safety monitoring, PD response, to predictive and
Restricting the number of well-selected clinical sites, prognostic biomarker applications. For a detailed list of
strict standard operating procedures (SOPs), cross- biomarker CoU, the reader is referred to the FDA-NIH
site controls and qualified analytical core facilities biomarker working group and its related online resource
are essential for robust data generation. Well-curated BEST (Biomarkers, Endpoints and other Tools) [51].
biobanks [49] are further pivotal to link multi-omics Prognostic and predictive CoU are essential for clinical
data to disease characteristics and clinical trial out- drug development: prognostic biomarkers at baseline are
comes. Alignment on human biosample accessibility, indicative of disease outcome independent from inter-
FAIR data principles [50] and dissemination policies ventions (important to identify patients on high-risk
are also key for successful multi-omics collaboration for trial enrichment), whereas predictive biomarkers at
networks. baseline are indicative of response to a specific treatment
(response prediction).
There are two basic paths how to integrate biomark-
Biomarker‑guided trial designs ers in drug development: (1) within the context of a
Biomarkers are defined by the Biomarkers Definitions specific drug development program or (2) the official
Working Group of the NIH/FDA, as “a characteristic FDA biomarker qualification program (BQP). The spe-
that is objectively measured and evaluated as an indica- cific drug development program path is the most com-
tor of normal biological processes, pathogenic processes, mon strategy pursued in pharmaceutical industry,
Hartl et al. J Transl Med (2021) 19:245 Page 4 of 14

where the drug developer / sponsor includes selected To actively guide clinical trial flows, biomarker-guided
biomarkers in clinical trials, mainly for internal deci- trial designs are the method of choice [62, 63], which are
sion-making and is responsible for all aspects of the particularly useful for novel clinical trial designs using
biomarker development. The FDA BQP is required to master protocols (basket, umbrella and adaptive platform
qualify biomarkers as general drug development tools trials) [64]. For a comprehensive overview on biomarker-
[57] to make them applicable for multiple drug devel- guided trial designs, the reader is referred to the BiGTeD
opment programs and to qualify them as regulatory online resource [65]. For biomarker-guided trial designs,
drug approval tools, which is a formal and lengthy pro- biomarkers should be analyzed in Clinical  Labora-
cess usually involving consortia composed of multi- tory Improvement Amendments (CLIA) certified (for US)
ple academic and industry partners. In the FDA BQP, or equivalent (non-US) labs. The two most commonly
the candidate biomarker is qualified for a pre-speci- applied biomarker-guided trial designs are stratification
fied CoU. The FDA provides an updated online list of [66] and enrichment [67]. Biomarker-based stratification,
BQP-qualified biomarkers [58]. Of note, qualifying a or stratified randomization, means that biomarkers are
biomarker for a CoU via the BQP or qualifying a spe- measured in all patients prior to randomization and are
cific test measuring a biomarker are two different and used to proportionally/equally balance treatment vs pla-
independent approaches. For biomarker test/assay cebo arms with respect to biomarker status. Biomarker-
qualification, e.g. to develop a companion diagnostic stratified designs have the advantage that patients are
assay (see below), pre-analytical and assay performance not excluded if they are biomarker-negative. The next
characteristics  are key. Beyond the US/FDA, other more stringent level of biomarker trial design is enrich-
regional/national biomarker guidances and regulatory ment. For that design, inclusion of the individual patient
frameworks, such as guidances from European Medi- into the clinical trial is depending on a defined biomarker
cines Agency (EMA), Asian-Pacific (APAC) regulators, assessment. Quality requirements for biomarkers and
National  Medical  Products Administration (NMPA) analytical labs are higher when using this approach, as
and/or Pharmaceuticals and  Medical  Devices Agency protocol-defined treatment decisions depend directly
(PDMA), have to be taken into account for biomarker on the biomarker. Enrichment designs can be especially
qualification and clinical implementation. useful for situations when it is not ethically justified to
In general, the level of impact that biomarkers can have treat biomarker-negative patients based on biomarker-
depends on three key factors: (i) the validation and quali- response and/or biomarker-safety relationships, such as
fication status of the biomarker, (ii) the CoU and (iii) the CYP metabolism. The recent FDA guidance on enrich-
scientific evidence linking the biomarker with the CoU. ment [68] should be taken into account that recommends
Biomarkers in clinical trials are mostly used as explora- smart enrichment, adaptive enrichment and the inclu-
tory endpoints to explore new mechanistic hypothesis sion of a biomarker-negative population in at least one
and inform internal decision making. If biomarkers are trial before NDA/MAA submission (with defined excep-
deemed more impactful and clinically relevant, biomark- tions). Besides stratification and enrichment designs,
ers are used as secondary or primary clinical endpoints. other more complex biomarker-guided trials designs
Typical examples here are physiological biomarkers like are summarized as biomarker-strategy designs [65]. All
blood pressure, clinically-established protein biomarkers biomarker-guided trial designs can be implemented in
such as C-reactive protein, or imaging readouts. If there non-adaptive or adaptive settings. The latter provides
is convincing evidence from independent epidemiologi- more flexibility for the trial, yet is also more challeng-
cal studies and clinical trials that biomarkers correlate ing to implement. Apart from interventional biomarker-
closely with clinical outcome assessments, biomarkers guided trial designs, non-interventional (observational)
can be considered to substitute for a clinical endpoint as biomarker-guided trial designs using master protocols
surrogate endpoints, which have a major relevance for have been proposed recently in the oncology field (Mas-
diseases with outcomes that take a long time to capture ter observational trials) [69].
using traditional clinical endpoints. Examples here are Biomarker-guided trial designs ultimately pave the
systolic blood pressure for occurrence of stroke or low- way towards precision medicine, i.e. tailoring drug
density lipoprotein cholesterol levels for occurrence of development to specific patient characteristics [3, 70].
heart attacks. For implementation of biomarkers in phar- In 2015, the US government launched a Precision Medi-
maceutical industry trials, several drug development cine Initiative [71, 72]. Precision medicine focuses on
aspects have to be further taken into account, including individual rather than average responses to therapy and
informed consent/data protection considerations, clinical led to the concept of N-of-1 trials [38], ideally based on
trial logistics/feasibility, impact on clinical decision-mak- longitudinal multi-omics data. While precision medi-
ing and cost-effectiveness [48, 59–61]. cine approaches are already widely implemented in
Hartl et al. J Transl Med (2021) 19:245 Page 5 of 14

oncology and rare genetic diseases, other therapeutic from complementary diagnostics [82, 83] as they are
areas have just begun to tailor drug development based essential for treatment decisions, whereas comple-
on these principles [3]. Biomarkers can enable precision mentary diagnostics just support treatment decisions.
medicine through the development of companion diag- As biopsy-derived tissue is often challenging to obtain
nostics [73–75], mainly established in oncology [76]. from non-oncology patients, “liquid biopsies” (derived
Companion diagnostics are classified as in  vitro diag- from peripheral blood/serum/plasma) are a major
nostic (IVD) medical devices (IVD class I, II or III) and domain of companion diagnostics, yet assay perfor-
are typically co-developed with the drug to increase mance characteristics, such as sensitivity and specific-
response rates by lowering the numbers-needed-to- ity, are key for success in that area. Figure 2 illustrates
treat and/or to spare patients exposure to drugs that the flow from multi-omics-based endotyping, over bio-
have a high probability to fail or even cause harm. The marker-guided trial designs to companion diagnostics-
development path for an exploratory biomarker to a full based precision medicine approaches.
IVD companion diagnostic is complex, requires at-risk To increase the benefit-risk ratio of drug candidates,
investments and should start early in drug development safety aspects are increasingly becoming an integral part
in close alignment with health authorities [74, 75, 77, of biomarker-guided precision medicine approaches. For
78]. Companion diagnostics should be broadly avail- example, the observation that patients receiving check-
able and accessible to relevant healthcare profession- point inhibitor therapy experiencing immune-related
als for clinical routine use. A list of cleared or approved adverse events also exhibit an improved treatment
companion diagnostic devices is provided by FDA response was recently shown to be related to a polygenic
[79]. Companion diagnostics [80] are strictly regulated risk score [84]. Furthermore, for the first time, a poly-
by health authorities/FDA [81] and are differentiated genic risk score could be established for the prediction of

Clinical Trials Multi-omics

Interventional Genomics Transcriptomics Proteomics

Non-interventional Metabolomics Microbiomics Radiomics

Disease Endotypes

Biomarker-guided Clinical Trial Designs

Enrichment Stratification Strategy

Companion Diagnostics

Precision Medicine
Tailored Treatments Personalized Healthcare

Fig. 2  Flow of clinical trials (interventional or non-interventional) integrating multi-omics approaches to identify disease endotypes, which enables
biomarker-guided trials designs (adaptive or non-adaptive) and paves the way towards precision medicine approaches (tailoring treatments for
personalised healthcare)
Hartl et al. J Transl Med (2021) 19:245 Page 6 of 14

drug-induced liver injury, a common and very difficult to using power functions with fixed exponents. This works
predict adverse event in the clinic [85]. well for PK parameters [93], yet can be challenging for
When viewed in combination, biomarker-guided trial biomarkers due to inter-species differences of pathway
designs provide ideal tools to catalyze the transition from expression, production rates or whole physiological net-
an empirical and physician-centric to a data-driven and works. These approaches have gained more traction by
patient-centric precision medicine approach [70, 86, 87]. integrating systems biology and quantitative systems
However, technical (companion diagnostic assay develop- pharmacology [95]. A third concept is to apply physical
ment), clinical (complex biomarker-guided trial designs, and biological assumptions, such as monotonous expo-
master protocols) and regulatory (requirements for com- sure–response, continuity/smoothness of underlying sig-
panion diagnostics as medical devices) hurdles have to be nals or allometric scaling. These models can be used for
tackled, particularly in non-oncology indications [83, 88]. high-dimensional data (like multi-omics) to reduce noise
when multiple sampling time points are available per
Model‑based data integration individual.
Given the small size and low number of samples per Finally, the FDA has established a new framework for
subject in pre-clinical experiments as well as early clini- model-informed drug development [96]: “FDA is con-
cal trials, analyzing and leveraging biomarker data in ducting a Model-Informed Drug Development (MIDD)
translational medicine remains challenging. One way for Pilot Program to facilitate the development and applica-
improving the statistical power for detecting signals is to tion of exposure-based, biological, and statistical mod-
use longitudinal (i.e. time-dependent) model-based data els derived from preclinical and clinical data sources,
integration. Mathematical models are used to describe referred to as MIDD approaches. MIDD approaches use
the time course of PK and PD/biomarker results for a variety of quantitative methods to help balance the risks
better understanding of the pharmacology and to pre- and benefits of drug products in development. When suc-
dict future experimental outcomes [89]. Already in the cessfully applied, MIDD approaches can improve clini-
1930s, mathematical equations were used to describe PK cal trial efficiency, increase the probability of regulatory
data [90], but the start of more extensive model-based success, and optimize drug dosing/therapeutic individu-
approaches took off with the development of computers alization in the absence of dedicated trials.” This MIDD
and was brought into drug-development in the 1970s– pilot program is based on joint discussions between
80s. The need has been highest for compounds with a the pharmaceutical industry and the European health
small therapeutic window where dose-individualization authorities/EMA, which led to a paper in 2016 on good
was needed. This was especially challenging for com- modeling practices [97]. The latter includes the concept
pounds with a substantial delay between the exposure of the learning-and-confirming circle of modeling as well
and the biomarker PD response. Therefore, the initial as drug development, where model-based predictions
approaches for describing inter-subject variability (popu- inform the next study design, e.g., predictions of PK and
lation “PopPKPD” models) were developed in anesthesi- efficacy or safety biomarkers from animal data into first-
ology [91] and for anticoagulants (e.g. warfarin [92]). in-man studies. The acceptance or even push from health
Population models most often use simplified model authorities for MIDD approaches [98] indicates the high
structures to model the observed data (i.e. mainly meas- value of model-based data integration.
ured in plasma/blood or ex-vivo). When considering
chemotherapies, like methotrexate, questions arose Artificial Intelligence
about the tumor-relevant tissue distribution of the com- The amount of data generated and collected in pharma-
pound [93]. Thus, a second class of models, i.e., physio- ceutical R&D is increasing at an unprecedented pace.
logically-based, were developed to describe the whole Combined with improvements in information process-
Liberation, Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, Excre- ing and more powerful hardware, machine learning, deep
tion (LADME) processes in more detail for small mol- learning and AI in general are positioned to disrupt drug
ecules, where these processes are heavily dependent on discovery and development towards an algorithm-based
their physico-chemical properties [94]. This approach is R&D [99]. Deep learning has already revolutionized sev-
used to predict drug-drug interactions, but also for scal- eral industries, particularly in the area of image analysis
ing from animals to humans in the translational medicine and recognition, while its impact in biomedical R&D
realm – alternatively to PopPK models. remains to be fully embraced [100]. High-dimensional
Scaling PK parameters across species is mainly based multi-omics datasets derived from large longitudinal
on allometric scaling, which describes the weight- clinical studies provide an ideal ground for the applica-
dependence of physiological aspects (volumes, meta- tion of machine learning [101] and AI [99]. Examples
bolic rates, clearance, etc.) within and between species with an impact on drug discovery and development
Hartl et al. J Transl Med (2021) 19:245 Page 7 of 14

include: target identification [102–104], biomarker dis- clinical datasets, key limitations and challenges that need
covery [105, 106] and patient endotyping [107, 108]. to be overcome in the future.
Machine learning and deep learning algorithms are also The near future will show whether and how these
powerful analytical methods when applied to digital bio- emerging AI algorithms will help scientists to (i) identify
markers data, allowing to transform longitudinal, multi- novel targets or new indications for existing drugs, (ii)
modal and complex raw data from sensors and connected uncover latent factors that can inform on disease patho-
digital devices into endpoints and clinically-relevant genesis or drug response, (iii) discover predictive bio-
measures [109, 110]. markers enabling patient stratification strategies that can
Given the rigidity of traditional serendipity- and for- optimize clinical trial designs, and (iv) ultimately impact
ward translation-based drug development frameworks, the drug development value chain. For more detailed
shifting to a new mindset embracing the use of AI for the overviews of AI in drug discovery and development, we
discovery and development of drugs is a critical success refer the reader to dedicated reviews in this field [87, 101,
factor for Translational Precision Medicine [111]. A com- 111, 118].
prehensive cross-industry analysis recently mapped out
AI-related activities across major pharmaceutical compa- Digital biomarkers
nies [112], coming to the conclusion that, compared with The recent evolution of sensor technologies and the
leading technology companies (e.g., Microsoft, Google), widespread use of smartphones and other connected
most pharmaceutical organizations are still in an early digital products are enabling the comprehensive col-
mature phase of using AI in R&D. However, an increas- lection and analysis of health-related data [119–121].
ing number of healthcare companies have now started Progress in algorithms and analytical methodologies to
their digital journey, building up AI competencies and transform sensor data into clinical insights have facili-
data literacy across many areas of R&D [112]. For exam- tated the rapid development of digital biomarkers [122,
ple, Johnson & Johnson and Novartis have started to 123]. Digital biomarkers are defined as physiological and
commercialize AI-based products and services in health- behavioral measures collected via digital devices (such
care. Medical AI application focused so far mainly on the as portables, wearables, implantables and digestables)
diagnosis of disease conditions based on EHRs, digital that characterize, influence or predict health-related
pathology and biomarkers [113, 114]. To go beyond and outcomes [124, 125]. Digital biomarkers offer several
fully leverage AI technologies for clinical drug develop- potential advantages compared to traditional clinical
ment, it is essential to optimize and validate AI algo- assessments. Objective data can be collected in real-life
rithms for use in clinical trials and outcome prediction. settings, in a quantitative and unbiased way and on a
AI-powered approaches have the potential to enable frequent or continuous basis, resulting in increased sta-
precision medicine, particularly in chronic disease con- tistical power, and enhanced sensitivity and specificity
ditions, by dissecting complex high-dimensional patient [122, 126]. In clinical trials, these characteristics allow for
datasets and tailoring drug development [115]. While lower sample size, fewer study visits, shorter study dura-
traditionally regulatory authorities might not have been tion and real-time feedback for early decision-making
perceived as enthusiastic about advanced AI models in [120, 122, 126, 127]. Longitudinal digital patient data can
biomedical R&D, the landscape is evolving rapidly, exem- be leveraged to advance precision/personalized medicine
plified by recent developments in the AI-based medical approaches. Furthermore, the use of digital biomarkers
device space [116, 117] and the recent FDA pilot program in drug development enables patient centricity, integra-
Innovative Science and Technology Approaches for New tion of real-world evidence, reduced patient burden of
Drugs (ISTAND) that incentivizes the use of AI-based trial participation, increased inclusivity in patient enroll-
algorithms to evaluate patients, develop novel endpoints, ment [121], decentralized trials [128] and better prod-
or inform study designs. Moving forward, it will be criti- uct differentiation [129]. Despite being a promising new
cal that pharmaceutical organizations continue to con- technology, a major requirement and challenge for digital
structively engage early on with regulatory authorities biomarkers is to ensure protection of relevant sensitive
on innovative ways to design and assess clinical trials, patient data in the whole process.
including a more widespread use of AI technologies in Successful examples of digital biomarkers are in the
drug development. field of neurodegenerative diseases, where traditional
Overall, the impact of AI in drug discovery and clini- clinical outcome measures are sparse, highly variable
cal development will largely depend on the underlying and rater-dependent [130]. Smartphone-based meas-
data, and its intrinsic limitations. AI-based analysis of urements have been developed and deployed in clini-
both multi-omics as well as EHRs depends critically on cal trials to monitor signs of Parkinson’s disease [131,
the quality and quantity of the provided molecular and 132]; while features from inertial measurement unit
Hartl et al. J Transl Med (2021) 19:245 Page 8 of 14

features have been recently benchmarked to predict Patient engagement

Parkinson’s disease severity [133]. Susceptibility/risk Since the AIDS pandemic in the 1980s, the way indus-
biomarkers from computerized cognitive testing are try interacts with patients has changed fundamentally,
in use to classify adults at high risk of late-onset of from passive recipients to active contributors along the
Alzheimer’s disease [134, 135]. Clinically relevant gait whole drug development value chain. This has been par-
parameters from inertial wearable sensor were identi- ticularly evident in the last decade, where most phar-
fied to assess gait impairment in Huntington disease maceutical companies have started patient engagement
[136]. groups to actively listen to the patient voice [150, 151].
While the number of studies involving digital tech- Industry has finally realized that patient engagement is
nologies is growing and extending to more technolo- not an additional burden, but can improve and actually
gies, biomarker categories and therapeutic areas [119, accelerate drug development. Similarly, health authorities
121], the use of digital biomarkers as clinical endpoints increasingly incorporate the patient voice into their regu-
is today still in an early research phase due to several latory guidance [152]. For example, The FDA’s Patient-
layers of complexity. Digital biomarker products are Focused Drug Development initiative led to the guidance
usually the result of the combination of multiple indi- for industry on how to best identify what is important to
vidual hardware (sensors) and software (operating patients. In Europe, the EMA formed its Patients’ and
systems and algorithms) components [123]. Hence is Consumers’ Working Party. Engagement with patients,
it vital to thoroughly verify technology and analyti- their caregivers, patient experts and patient advocacy
cal solutions and clinically validate digital biomark- groups have been shown to yield benefit for both patients
ers in the desired cohorts and context of use, prior to and the industry [153, 154]. Increased patient involve-
their adoption as clinical endpoints [123, 127, 137]. ment in the process ensures that industry focuses on
The majority of current efforts still have an engineer- the real medical needs, that study protocols are patient-
ing focus and address algorithm development and sen- centric and that new treatments become available faster.
sor performance [120]. So far, very limited solutions are Conversely, industry benefits from a more robust identifi-
undergoing clinical validation. cation of patients` needs, faster conduct of clinical trials,
Transforming digital device data into validated clini- a quicker path to market and overall higher credibility
cal endpoints is a lengthy process, which involves the and sustainability [155]. Patients not only have increased
collaboration of multiple disciplines, from engineering, their involvement with industry, but likewise with regula-
machine learning, data science, clinical research and tory authorities and sit in governing bodies. Major mile-
regulatory interactions. An open validation framework stones are the foundation of the International Alliance
based on transparency, metadata standards, external of Patient’s Organizations, the Patient-Centered Out-
validation and data sharing is necessary to harmonize comes Research Institute [156] and the Patient-focused
approaches and evaluate and improve digital biomark- Medicines Development [157] among several other
ers in clinical settings [123]. Recently, multiple concrete patient-centric initiatives. In fact, the impact of patient
efforts have emerged and are shaping and accelerating engagement throughout the healthcare ecosystem is driv-
the development of validated digital biomarkers: (i) ing change at various levels: becoming a credible source
guidelines from the Clinical Trials Transformation Ini- for patients themselves, improving access and care, driv-
tiative (CTTI) [138], the Digital Medicine Society [139] ing R&D and advocating for policy changes in collabora-
and the EMA [140]; (ii) pragmatic fit-for-purpose vali- tion with governments.
dation frameworks [137, 141]; (iii) open-source plat- Traditionally, patient engagement has been mainly con-
forms such as the Digital Biomarker Discovery Pipeline sidered once a new drug is already on the market. The
[142]; (iv) open benchmarking challenges [143]; (v) and majority of decisions about the molecule and its clini-
several Innovative Medicine Initiative (IMI) programs, cal development path, including unmet medical needs,
such as MOBILISE-D [144], IDEA-FAST [145] and have then already been taken by the company. Studies,
RADAR-AD [146]. however, demonstrated that the early integration of the
Future opportunities for digital biomarkers towards patient perspective, particularly in preclinical research
patient-centric precision medicine are (i) algorithms and early development, has the biggest impact on value
based on longitudinal/real-time composite biomarkers creation for patients, business and society [158]. As
from multiple connected technologies and contextual preclinical research is a discipline that usually does not
information in real-world settings [123], (ii) integra- collaborate directly with patients, a change of mind-
tion of molecular/multi-omics and digital biomarkers, set to include the patient voice already at this stage can
and (iii) digital phenotyping for patient stratification be challenging, yet represents the clear future towards
[147–149]. patient-led research [159]. A recent paper identified
Hartl et al. J Transl Med (2021) 19:245 Page 9 of 14

key challenges of implementing patient engagement AI- and algorithm-based R&D concepts, the implemen-
in preclinical research and provided possible solutions tation of digital biomarkers as clinical endpoints and the
to overcome current barriers [160]. In interviews with development of companion diagnostics. The rise of data-
patient groups, industry and academia conducted by driven and algorithm-based R&D necessitates the estab-
the CTTI, patient representatives identified engagement lishment of a new mindset of how data mining and AI
with research partners as having particularly great ben- tools can be used effectively to discover and develop new
efit. Patient-led organizations are keen to learn more drugs [111]. The near future will show whether and how
about their diseases and are highly interested to collabo- these emerging AI-based digital tools will reveal new
rate in research projects and willing to provide their data targets, pathogenic disease signatures, optimize clinical
(anonymized and under strict data protection policies) trial designs and overall impact drug development across
for research and clinical development [161]. A key rec- pharmaceutical industries. Convergence of patient-cen-
ommendation for industry is to engage the patient voice tric real-world evidence (RWE) tools, EHRs, multi-omics
as early as possible from the beginning of the R&D pro- profiling, digital biomarkers and AI-based data analysis
gram to improve trial design and clinical execution [162]. will pave the way towards biomarker-enabled algorithm-
Personalised healthcare (PHC), precision medicine based precision R&D.
and stratified medicine have been used interchangeably
to describe the concept of tailoring treatment to patients Outlook
based on their individual pathology. With the rise of new The Translational Precision Medicine evolution comes
diagnostic and data-driven approaches that deepen our with distinct challenges: (i) multi-omics data are mainly
understanding of the molecular basis of disease, this cen- useful to drug discovery and development if they reveal
turies-old dream has come closer to reality. Nowadays, new drug targets or biomarker signatures that correlate
the awareness of the potential of PHC is also emerging in with disease outcome and/or treatment response [61];
the patient community and its meaning goes far beyond (ii) multi-omics-based patient and disease stratification
precision medicine. PHC comprises everything that requires accurate diagnoses and detailed clinical annota-
allows to tailor treatment and medical care by combining tions/EHRs; (iii) digital biomarkers as clinical endpoints
conventional clinical datasets, molecular signatures (such provide objective and quantitative measures yet still
as genetics), environment, lifestyle and personal needs. require broader clinical use and health authority accept-
Some of the key innovations in that area include digital ance; (iv) biomarker-guided trial designs and precision
healthcare solutions with technologies connecting digital medicine approaches are already widely implemented in
patient information/EHRs with wearable devices, mobile oncology and rare diseases, while other non-oncology
Apps, telehealth and digital assistants using AI [163], see areas have just started to pursue these concepts and (v)
also the respective chapters above. A major requirement precision medicine/companion diagnostics approaches
and challenge for that field is to protect relevant sensi- come with substantial development costs and reimburse-
tive patient data and patient rights in that whole pro- ment hurdles. One important question is how these novel
cess. Patients, caregivers and healthcare providers are technologies and assessments are perceived by patients,
acknowledging the utility and advancement offered by as acceptance and adherence to clinical read-outs is key
these approaches in key domains, such as patient edu- for patient trial recruitment and long-term engagement.
cation, accurate diagnosis, patient outcomes, quality of Novel patient-centric interaction approaches are cur-
life, disease prevention and health care value [164], more rently implemented to engage patients more pro-actively
recently underscored by different initiatives, such as the in R&D, RWE networks and clinical trials. New cloud-
EU Health Data Space race [165] or the US Precision based data systems and platforms for interactions with
Medicine initiative [166]. The overall goal in all of this regulatory agencies [167], for sharing datasets between
is to make healthcare decisions jointly together with the industry and academia, for public–private partnerships
patient as an integrated R&D partner. or for managing cross-industry partnerships and multi-
disciplinary initiatives like the Information Exchange and
Conclusions Data Transformation (INFORMED) initiative of the FDA
Translational Precision Medicine comes with a para- [168] will further shape the way towards data-driven
digm shift from a one-size-fits-all to a biomarker-guided medicine.
patient-centric medicine. Key success factors for adop- The COVID-19 era substantially disrupted the tradi-
tion of this principle in pharmaceutical drug develop- tional pharmaceutical R&D approach at several layers
ment include the combination of forward and reverse [169–172]: (i) virtual, data-based, data-sharing (includ-
translation, the classification of disease conditions ing open repositories such as bioRxiv and medRxiv)
as multi-omics-defined endotypes, the integration of and collaborative research and drug discovery/
Hartl et al. J Transl Med (2021) 19:245 Page 10 of 14

development concepts are getting higher traction; (ii) Declarations

large longitudinal datasets collected from COVID-
Ethics approval and consent to participate
19 patients are systematically analyzed and offer great Not applicable.
potential for multi-omics [173–175] and AI-based
analyses [169, 176–178], supporting diagnosis, basic Consent for publication
Not applicable.
disease understanding, endotyping, image analysis,
drug target identification and drug repurposing [169, Competing interests
179]; (iii) clinical trials are accelerated, decentralized The authors declare that there are no competing interests. DH, VdL, AK, JL, SC,
EF, RS, MF and MH work for Novartis, LP and AR work for Roche.
and increasingly include digital endpoints, biosensors,
home nursing, patient-centric sampling and remote Author details
clinical trial recruitment and monitoring strategies  Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research, Basel, Switzerland. 2 Department
of Pediatrics I, University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Germany. 3 Novartis Institutes
[171, 180], accompanied by a FDA guidance on conduct for BioMedical Research, Cambridge, MA, USA. 4 Basel, Switzerland. 5 Novartis
of clinical crials during COVID-19 [181]. In combina- Precision Medicine, Cambridge, MA, USA. 6 Reutlingen University, Reutlingen,
tion, these emerging concepts rapidly and successfully Germany. 7 Roche Innovation Center Basel, Basel, Switzerland.

implemented during the COVID-19 outbreak hold Received: 2 February 2021 Accepted: 25 May 2021
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