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Jesse Terris

Employee Schedule

System/Software Used

For a hospital of this size, I was surprised to learn that they don’t use a specific system or

software to make scheduling easier. In the food system department, there are 34 people on the

schedule and excel is used to make the schedule. To make the schedule they pull up the schedule

from the previous two weeks and delete all the requested time off and out in the new requested

time off. Once all the requested time off is in he goes through to see what positions are still

needed; here they have positions 0-20. Positions that still need to be filled are listed on the top

and he tries to fill these positions the best he can, positions that can’t be filled at put on the

premium sign-up sheet.

Employee Scheduling Requests

If an employee needs time off a paper form is filled out. These forms ask for the days the

employee needs off, the date the filled out the request, and the reasoning they need time off.

These forms are turned into Vernon the food service manager and he manually put requests in

when the corresponding schedule comes up.

Functions in addition to scheduling

Due to schedules being done on excel there are no additional functions that the software

does. Chronos is the programs that tracks hours when an employee clocks in and out, but it does

not interface with excel.

Trading Shifts

If employees need to trade shifts, they fill out a paper form that says what shift is being

traded and who they are trading the shift with. This form then gets turned into the food service

manager with both employees present and all three of them sign in to ensure everyone agrees to

the swap. During my eight weeks here, I only saw one trading of shifts as it doesn’t happen too


Call Ins

Due to employees coming in as early as 5am they have a number employees call when

they need to call in. When they leave a message on this phone it forwards an email to the

supervisors, so they know someone called in. Employees must call in 2 hours prior to their shift

starting. A form is filled out when an employee calls in that must be sign as a call-in count

against the employee. Each employee has a file in the filing cabinet that they keep records of all

call ins and write ups nothing is tracked electronically. During my eight weeks we had two call

ins one for illness and one due to a car not starting.

No Shows

If an employee no call no shows this is recorded and placed in their paper file. A manager

is required to call the employee to ensure that they are okay, this is the hospitals policy. An

employee is allowed two no call no shows and is then terminated on the third no call no show.

We had zero no call no shows during my eight weeks.

Peaks and Valleys

As far as peaks and valleys in the schedule. They are currently short four employees,

causing them to be short on hosts to run trays and retail cooks. Due to staffing issues, they have a

premium shift sign up sheet that is posted with each schedule. These are shifts that need to be

filled, employees can pick up these shifts and get paid a higher rate for doing so. Once an

employee picks up a shift on the premium list, they are responsible for it and failure to show up

will be counted against them.


When a new employee is hired there is a four-hour orientation that they must attend at the

main hospital campus. Once this is completed, they spend the next two days completing

mandatories which are online learnings that go through things like HIPPA and the RED RULE.

When these are completed and only when they are completed are we allowed to place them on

the schedule for training. New hires spend the first two days in the call center to get an idea of

the different diets and understanding what they can and can’t have. From here they learn expo

which helps them become familiar with the food and then two days training on hosting. After

these six days of training the new employee with be placed on the schedule for their own shifts.

We hired three new people during my eight weeks, and they all completed training on one



Employees are not scheduled overtime; everyone is schedule either full or part time

hours. The premium shift sign up is how employees gain overtime. If an employee picks up a

weekday shift from the premium shift, they get an extra $6.00 an hour and if they pick up a
weekend premium shift, they get an extra $24.00 an hour. Due to the wage increases on these

shifts there usually is not an issue getting them covered. Chronos tracks the employees’ overtime

but excel does not.

On Call

There are no employees on call here.

Summary and Conclusion

I noticed that making schedules here takes a very long time due to everything having to

be entered by hand. I think they could really benefit from using a software to help with time off

requests and seeing what shifts need to be filled. This could save the supervisors time and

decrease the chances of time off requests being missed or lost.

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