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Design and Development Play Testers

Evan Koser Michael Arias, Liz Beatty, Trevor Cashmore, Abby Estock,
Jenielle Fay, Alex Gallery, Tim Gallery, Evan Koser, Brady
Layout and Editing Turner, Corey Vervier, Eramemilius, Knight of Mind#7978
Evan Koser
Additional Talents and Bending Rules Want to help playtest? To contribute artwork? Do you have
Evan Koser comments, questions, feedback or concerns?

Vehicles and Adversaries Email: [email protected]

Evan Koser and Noah Harbutt Reddit: /u/sehlura

Discord: MelonLord#4581
Creative Consulting
Trevor Cashmore, the Discord community Version
Version 2.2
Cover Art Released: May 17, 2022
Evan Koser
Prior Release: Version 2.1 (2/6/22)
Interior Art Changelog: on Dropbox
Alex Gallery, Lexi Höhe, Nic N.

GENESYS and its logo are trademarks of Fantasy Flight Games in the U.S.A. and other countries. All Fantasy Flight Games
characters and character names, and the distinctive likenesses thereof, are trademarks of Fantasy Flight Games. This work
contains material that is copyright Fantasy Flight Games and/or other authors.
Avatar: The Last Airbender, Avatar: The Legend of Korra, and any names, characters, logos, and images from the Avatar
series are registered trademarks of Viacom International Inc.
CREDITS ............................................................................ 1 WEAPONS .................................................................................. 100
ARMOR ..................................................................................... 106
INTRODUCTION ................................................................ 1 GEAR ........................................................................................ 107
WHAT IS THIS BOOK, AND HOW DO I USE IT? ........................................... 1 CUSTOMIZATION.......................................................................... 109
SETTING ......................................................................................... 2 CRAFTING .................................................................................. 111

I – CHARACTER CREATION ................................................ 4 VI – VEHICLES ................................................................ 112

CREATING YOUR CHARACTER .............................................................. 4 VEHICLE COMBAT ........................................................................ 114

STEP 1: DETERMINE BACKGROUND ...................................................... 6 TAKING DAMAGE ......................................................................... 115
STEP 2: SELECT A CHARACTER ARCHETYPE ............................................. 6 TRAVEL...................................................................................... 116
STEP 3: CHOOSE A CAREER AND SPECIALIZATION ................................... 11 SHIP AND VEHICLE MODIFICATIONS ................................................. 117
STEP 4: INVEST STARTING EXPERIENCE ................................................ 20 VEHICLE PROFILES ........................................................................ 117
STEP 5: DETERMINE DERIVED ATTRIBUTES ........................................... 21 VII – GAME MASTER ..................................................... 123
STEP 6: DETERMINE MOTIVATION ..................................................... 21
STEP 7: CHOOSE GEAR, APPEARANCE AND PERSONALITY ........................ 24 ADDITIONAL RULES AND OPTIONS ................................................... 123
ADVENTURES WITH THE AVATAR ..................................................... 125
II – THE BENDING ARTS ................................................... 26 ADVENTURES IN THE SPIRIT WORLD ................................................. 129
BENDING IN AVATAR: THE SECOND AGE .............................................. 26 MASTERS ................................................................................... 131
BENDING FORMS ........................................................................... 31 SKILL CHALLENGES ....................................................................... 133
FIREBENDING ................................................................................ 36 CREATING ENCOUNTERS, ADVENTURES, AND CAMPAIGNS ..................... 138
AIRBENDING ................................................................................. 44 VIII – THE AVATAR SETTING .......................................... 147
WATERBENDING ............................................................................ 52
EARTHBENDING ............................................................................. 61 THE SPIRIT WORLD ...................................................................... 147
EARTH....................................................................................... 149
III – NEW SKILLS AND RULES ........................................... 69 HISTORY .................................................................................... 155
AVATAR SETTING SKILLS ................................................................... 69 ORGANIZATIONS AND SOCIETY ........................................................ 164
ANIMAL COMPANIONS .................................................................... 73 IX – ADVERSARIES AND CREATURES ............................. 169
HEALING OPTIONS AND CONDITIONS .................................................. 74
PRO-BENDING, DUELS AND MARTIAL ARTS .......................................... 75 UNITED REPUBLIC OF NATIONS ....................................................... 169
EARTH KINGDOM ......................................................................... 174
IV – TALENTS .................................................................. 80 FIRE NATION .............................................................................. 178
TIER 1 ......................................................................................... 80 WATER TRIBES ............................................................................ 180
TIER 2 ......................................................................................... 84 OTHER FACTIONS ......................................................................... 182
TIER 3 ......................................................................................... 86 CREATURES AND SPIRITS ................................................................ 186
TIER 4 ......................................................................................... 89 X – THE GREAT UNITER ................................................. 200
TIER 5 ......................................................................................... 92
ADVENTURE SUMMARY ................................................................. 200
V – GEAR AND EQUIPMENT ............................................ 95 EPISODE I: OFF THE RAILS .............................................................. 201
ECONOMICS IN AVATAR ................................................................... 95 EPISODE II: OUT OF THE FRYING PAN… ............................................ 208
RARITY......................................................................................... 96 EPISODE III: …INTO THE FIRE.......................................................... 220
ENCUMBRANCE.............................................................................. 97
ITEM QUALITIES ............................................................................. 98
“Water. Earth. Fire. Air. Long ago, the four nations lived together in harmony. Then everything changed when
the Fire Nation attacked. Only the Avatar, master of all four elements, could stop them, but when the world
needed him most, he vanished. A hundred years passed and my brother Sokka and I discovered the new Avatar,
an airbender named Aang. Although his airbending skills were great, he had a lot to learn before he was ready
to save anyone. But from the first day I met him, I believed Aang would save the world. And you know what? I
was right. With the help of his friends, Aang defeated Fire Lord Ozai and ended the Hundred Year War. Zuko,
Ozai's son and our ally, became the new Fire Lord. Together with Earth King Kuei, Aang and Zuko promised
to return the nations to harmony." — Katara

Flameo, hotman! Welcome to Avatar: The Second Age, a information about making a character, or look at Chapter VIII:
supplement for the GENESYS game line that lets you use the The Avatar Setting to learn more about the setting.
Narrative Dice System in the Avatar setting created and Otherwise, this chapter will take some time to explain what
produced by Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko. this book is and how you can use it, and you’ll get a quick
In Avatar: The Last Airbender, and Avatar: The Legend of overview of what’s unique to this book.
Korra, characters wield the power to manipulate and move the Have you ever wanted to traipse the outer ring of Ba Sing
four classical elements through martial arts in a world Se? Looking for your chance to ride on your own, personal
inhabited by chimerical animals, spirits, and technology. sky bison? You can even go toe-to-toe with chi blocking
If you are already familiar with GENESYS and you want to Equalist grunts while navigating the underworld of Republic
get started, skip to Chapter I: Character Creation for more City!

What is this book, and how do I use it?

Character Creation
Avatar: The Second Age is a sourcebook—or expansion—
for the GENESYS Core Rulebook. This means you’ll need a
copy of the Core Rulebook as well as this book to play. You
While, much of the character creation system found in the
might need some GENESYS Roleplaying Dice as well; go buy
Core Rulebook has been left unchanged, there are some
some, download the GENESYS Dice app for free, or check
notable changes.
out RPG Sessions, an online dice roller and character sheet
(an RPG Sessions template for The Second Age can be Unlike in the GENESYS Core Rulebook, each career
found here). provides your character with a unique ability. This is not a
talent, and cannot be learned unless the career chosen is your
The Second Age serves as a setting for the game; this
character’s first career. In addition to choosing a career,
means you will use the basic rules outlined in Part I of the
players will also choose a specialization for their character.
Core Rulebook combined with the rules presented here. The
Specializations represent the different ways in which a
rules of The Second Age will supersede those in the Core
character can fine-tune their craft, and each specialization
Rulebook whenever there are contradictions.
offers a few unique benefits.
For example, the Core Rulebook has the rules for
character creation, and you’ll still follow the seven steps
presented there. However, The Second Age provides new
choices and optional rules during creation. The ability to bend the elements is a substantial departure
In short, the GENESYS Core Rulebook is the engine that from the Magic system outlined in the GENESYS Core
runs the game, and this book fleshes out the mechanics into Rulebook. Similar to magic, however, bending abilities are
an adventure that can take place in the rich world of the Avatar represented by separate maneuvers and actions with pre-
series. Aside from the fact that The Second Age takes place defined effects and improvements that can be unlocked as
in a completely different universe, there are several your character progresses through training and earned
noteworthy changes made by this author to accommodate the experience.
Avatar setting. Characters in The Second Age will have access to
bending forms and the Bending Arts skill, both of which are
described in detail later in this book.
Unless you come to a specific understanding with your
Game Master (GM), a bender Player Character (PC) is any
character who begins the game with at least one rank in
Several new skills have been introduced in this setting, and a
Bending Arts, or with Bending Arts as a career skill. Of course,
few have been renamed to help give your games that Avatar
there are exceptions to every rule, but these exceptions are
flavor. These changes are outlined in Chapter III: New Skills
subject to GM approval; a nonbender character could become
and Rules.
a bender during the campaign if, for example, that character’s
story development hinges on their bending abilities being
latent until some unforeseen circumstances. Animal Companions
Requirements, bending forms, and tables are all covered Animal companions had such a huge presence in the show
in Chapter II: The Bending Arts. and it would be a disservice not to include mechanics for such
a quintessential Avatar feature. Additional rules for pets can
be found in Chapter III: New Skills and Rules.

Air Nomads
Avatar: The Second Age takes place in a world that is home
to humans and hybrid animals, intersecting with a Spirit World.
Human civilization is divided into four mega cultures: the
The Air Nomads were a civilization composed of people who
Water Tribes, the Earth Kingdom, the Fire Nation, and the Air
practiced the art of airbending. While nomadic, Air Nomads
Nomads. Each has a distinct society, wherein people known
did inhabit four major air temples, each built on remote
as "benders" can manipulate and control the element of their
locations, only easily reachable with flying bison. The Air
nation using the physical motions of martial arts. Each region
Nomads were a highly spiritual group of people. Being that
has unique geographical layouts, civilizations, climates, and
their economy was based solely on agriculture, they were the
demography, and each one has a diverse range of landforms.
smallest of the four nations, but all of their members were
At the end of the Hundred Year War, Fire Lord Zuko and benders. In his quest for world dominance, Fire Lord Sozin
Avatar Aang transformed the Fire Nation colonies, along with launched an attack on the Air Nomads in hopes of killing the
land ceded by the Earth Kingdom, into a fifth independent reincarnated Avatar and ending the cycle. This resulted in
realm: the United Republic of Nations. Decades later, in 171 almost complete extinction of the Air Nomads with the sole
AG (After Genocide), the Harmonic Convergence occurred, survivor being Avatar Aang.
merging the Spirit World with the planet. Not only have spirits
To preserve Air Nomad culture, Aang founded the Air
been reintroduced to the world, forcing them to coexist with a
Acolytes, a group of nonbenders who volunteered to learn the
society that has largely forgot about them, but the ability to
ways of the Air Nomads. Airbending also began to slowly
airbend has been reborn among myriad random individuals
resurface through Avatar Aang's youngest son, Tenzin, and
throughout the world, all but undoing the genocide of the Air
his three eldest children. After the Harmonic Convergence of
Nomads. That is when this game takes place.
171 AG, however, airbending resurfaced across the world in
This is the second age of the Avatar. several nonbenders, and the Air Nation was formed to carry
on the Air Nomad tradition.

A Note about Eras Water Tribe

This book is written under the assumption that the players The Water Tribe is a collective term for people, some of whom
may choose to play in the ‘present day’ of Avatar, circa 173 AG, practice the art of waterbending, who follow a government
which means the Avatar is missing from the public eye. This system in the form of a tribal chiefdom.
also means brand new airbenders exist who are not relatives Although members of the Water Tribe typically inhabit the
of Avatar Aang, in addition to electricity, automobiles and polar regions, the North Pole and the South Pole, there is a
even giant robots. small population of waterbenders who inhabit the Foggy
Your GM may not use this setting, and instead choose to play Swamp in Earth Kingdom territory and others may exist
in a different era: the time of Avatar Roku, some point during elsewhere. The two main tribes are the Northern Water Tribe
at the North Pole and the Southern Water Tribe at the South
the Hundred Year War, the era of Avatar Kyoshi, or perhaps
farther back into history still! It is important for the Game
Master and players to consult together about what time
period or era their adventure will take place in. Archetypes,
Earth Kingdom
careers, specializations, talents, and even certain bending The Earth Kingdom is a massive continental nation led by an
forms in this book may not exist at your GM’s discretion. earth monarch (who was recently assassinated by the
See Chapter VIII: The Avatar Universe for more information airbender and self-proclaimed anarchist, Zaheer) and is home
about the world’s history and its fantastic locations, peoples, to people who practice the art of earthbending. Being the
largest of the four nations, it is ethnically diverse with a myriad
and culture.
of customs and cultural traditions.

2 | Introduction | The Second Age

The people of the Earth Kingdom are strong and the other four nations' cultural identities. It is run from its
persistent. The geography of the Earth Kingdom varies capital, Republic City, by a president.
tremendously, ranging from wooded forests to blazing Prior to 171 AG, the nation was led by five members of an
deserts, mountainous terrain, and grassy plains. assembly, called the United Republic Council, comprised of a

Fire Nation
single representative from each nation, except for the Water
Tribe which had a separate representative for its northern and
southern divisions.
The Fire Nation is home to people who practice the art of
firebending and is an absolute monarchy led by the Fire Lord.
Being composed of several major islands and located on the Bending Arts
equator, the nation is situated geographically across an One of the most unique features about the world of Avatar is
archipelago. the ability to bend the elements. The bending techniques,
Its economy is the largest and most powerful in the world waterbending, earthbending, firebending, and airbending,
with a strong industrial sector and advanced technological correspond with the Water Tribe, Earth Kingdom, Fire Nation,
developments. The climate is normally humid and warm which and Air Nomads, respectively.
allows for a diversity of flora and fauna to thrive. Each nation has its bending masters, who train the

United Republic of Nations

younger benders how to use their abilities and pass the
culture on through the generations. Bending abilities are
significant to all aspects of life in the World of Avatar. A more
After the Hundred Year War was over, the Fire Nation
aberrant and perilous technique is the ancient art of
colonies in the Earth Kingdom were granted independence as
energybending, which predates the other four arts, as well as
a fifth nation. Avatar Aang envisioned it as a place where
the arrival of the Avatar and the formation of the four nations.
people from all cultures, benders and nonbenders, could live
It involves bending the life energy within another being.
together in peace. As such, its culture is an amalgamation of

The Second Age | Introduction | 3

I – Character Creation
Avatar: The Second Age marks the uncertain days after the nonbenders can face discrimination in certain parts of the
assassination of the Earth Queen by the airbender Zaheer world.
whose airbending abilities were bestowed upon him (and When a group of players decides to play an Avatar: The
many others) when Avatar Korra left open the gates to the Second Age adventure, special emphasis should be placed
Spirit World. Benders and nonbenders alike must now cope on the background of their characters. Spending some time
with the stress of an empire in turmoil along with spirits before the actual act of acquiring Characteristics, talents,
tampering with the material world. Thus, in play, while some equipment, and other ‘hard’ aspects goes a long way toward
characters may attempt to recover the lost knowledge of the creating a vibrant, interesting character for everyone to enjoy.
airbenders, or master their firebending, others may instead Some groups might wish to coordinate their stories so that
choose to understand the spirits or even quell the dark spirits they all come from the same place, sharing a special bond
infecting the planet. Still others may simply want to go about that draws them together as a team. Others might wish to go
their business, hoping to transcend the greatness of even with a much more diverse approach, throwing a bunch of
Cabbage Corp. Regardless of their beliefs, the inherent disparate characters together and forcing them to forge their
abilities of benders can draw undesired attention. Even bonds in the fires of desperate conflict.

Creating Your Character

Creating a character for The Second Age is done in just a
few short steps, allowing players to get involved in the action
The Avatar
right away. To create a character, a player needs a character There are a number of reasons to avoid this mechanically and
sheet and a pencil (someone should have a copy of the socially; other players may feel impotent compared to the
rulebook handy). Additionally, the player needs access to the awesome powers of someone who can wield all four
dice pool—either their own set or shared with someone else. elements. For the Game Master, it may be unwieldy to try to
Players may also need access to ten-sided dice (d10) for narrate a story around a nearly all-powerful godlike character.
certain charts or abilities and a few sheets of scrap paper Hence these rules are filled with canon references to a
might be helpful. period where the Avatar is missing in action. Their lack of a
Character generation uses a point-buy system, meaning presence lends plausibility to a party filled with characters who
each player has a budget of experience points (XP) they can could, in time, substantially change the living world created by
invest in different aspects of their character. Characters begin the GM. Like all rules, this can be broken.
with a modest experience point budget—but there are a You can read more about including an Avatar PC or NPC
variety of ways a player may begin the game with additional in Chapter VII: Game Master.
XP; these are discussed later.
Selecting a character’s archetype and career determines The Players
the character’s starting Characteristics and skills. After those At the earliest stages of character creation, you, your fellow
initial choices, players invest their experience points to players, and your Game Master should have a detailed
improve starting Characteristics, acquire training in key skills, discussion about the types of characters you want to create.
choose starting equipment, learn special talents, and even If your GM has a specific adventure or campaign framework
unlock additional specializations. in mind, it could require the presence of specific types of skills
or even focus on a limited subset of archetypes and careers.
Character Concept Players should feel free to make requests concerning
what they would like to do and see in the adventure, as well
Before the first mark from a pencil is made on any paper, as ask questions about what to expect. After all, no one enjoys
players should put some thought into what sort of character making a PC whose skills and talents do not fit in the current
they want to play. Perhaps the character is an old hermit, adventure.
someone who was once a powerful bender who fought in a
civil war following the aftermath of the Hundred Year War, but The GM should encourage players to discuss what kind of
has retired to the country. Maybe they’re a taciturn characters might be the most useful during an adventure.
archaeologist driven to see and study everything in the world; Ideally, a group of PCs should include a mix of characters to
an aspiring diplomat eager to represent (or manipulate) an ensure they’ll survive whatever the GM comes up with,
entire nation on the United Republic Council. The character keeping the tone of the adventure in mind. Most adventures
may even be a young laborer growing up in their small village, are well-served by an effective mix of different concepts, since
unsuspecting of their newfound airbending abilities. Any most players choose to play something at least moderately
concept from the Avatar universe is possible with one key different from everyone else, if for no other reason than to look
exception: no Player Character should ever be the Avatar and feel unique as a character in the story.
(and here comes the exception to the exception). It should be noted that no character is ever a “wrong”
choice, regardless of the campaign. The GM should never
discourage a player from any character concept and should

4 | Character Creation | The Second Age

integrate all the concepts into the campaign at hand. In fact,
some GMs relish the challenge of taking a random and
Step 4: Invest Experience Points
diverse group and throwing them into adventures together. The archetype a player selects for their character also
Perhaps the group does not start out as a team, initially. establishes an initial pool of experience points (XP). These
Roleplaying games work best when everyone is willing to work points can be can be spent to improve certain aspects of the
in a collaborative fashion. Constructive criticism as well as character: to increase characteristics, purchase additional
meaningful compromises during creation can lead to a more ranks in skills, acquire talents, or to acquire and upgrade
fulfilling gameplay experience. bending forms.
Players may spend their points in any combination of
Steps for Creating these areas, meaning that two PCs with the same archetype,
career, and specialization may end up very different from one

Characters another. During gameplay, characters will earn additional XP

based on their achievements and successes, with bonuses for
roleplaying. Those points can be spent to purchase new skill
To create a character, each player follows these steps. The
ranks, talents, and bending forms.
steps are briefly explained below and then broken down into
more detail throughout the course of this chapter. Step 5: Determine Derived Attributes
Step 1: Determine Background This step should be taken only after the player completes the
previous steps, since Characteristics can be changed during
Every character starts as an idea. Does you want to play a
creation. Several attributes can only be determined after a
dashing ranger or a swashbuckling pirate? A brawny
player fully establishes a character’s starting Characteristics
earthbender? Perhaps you want to play a noble or aspiring
and talents. The derived attributes are wound threshold, strain
member of the Metalbending Police Force. Before starting,
threshold, defense, and soak value.
you should consider the character you want to build and what
you want your character’s background to be. Where did they
come from, and what happened to make him into the person
Step 6: Determine Motivations
Your character’s Motivation should derive directly from the
they is today? No one springs into being fully formed.
background you crafted for your PC. In fact, though it is
Individuals are influenced by a lifetime of decisions and
possible to roll randomly on the charts in the Motivation
circumstances, starting from birth.
section, you should seriously consider the specific
This step provides no mechanical benefit, but exists to relationship between your background, and your Motivation.
provide plenty of plot hooks for the Game Master to use, so You might find it more internally consistent to select (or invent)
that each character can be woven into a living tapestry. Motivations that best fit the story you’ve already begun to tell.
Step 2: Select a Character Archetype A character’s Motivation has four aspects: Desire, Fear,
Strength, and Flaw. Each of these Motivations has a list of
Your character’s archetype determines their starting
specific manifestations. Of course, you can always make up a
Characteristic ratings for Brawn, Agility, Intellect, Cunning,
unique Motivation for your character; the list provided is
Presence, and Willpower. It also provides default wound
threshold and strain threshold values as well as innate merely a guide.
abilities, bonuses, and starting XP. Motivations provide additional story elements for both the
Once selected, an archetype cannot be changed player and GM to draw from. Characters should gain
during gameplay. additional XP bonuses if the GM determines that a player kept
true to their character’s Motivation throughout the course of
Step 3: Choose a Career and the adventure. This is an incentive for the player to choose a
Motivation that will be comfortable to roleplay on a regular
Specialization basis. Motivations are also very important to social
Choosing a career sets the character along a certain path or encounters.
way of life, establishing the central focus of a character's
training, education, and professional experience. A career is Step 7: Choose Gear, Appearance, and
a broad template of related skills and talents. Each career
highlights three specializations representing the unique ways
Once all other characteristics are determined, the player can
in which these abilities are utilized.
then flesh out the rest of their character, such as height,
Careers don’t rigidly define what your character does, weight, build, appearance, and other cosmetic details.
however. They simply make it easier to advance into some Naturally, these aspects could relate in some way to the
skills and talents, and harder to advance into others. They character’s Motivation, background, and other key choices the
also help provide narrative depth to characters when they player makes for the PC.
start out, making starting characters more interesting to
As for starting gear, a PC begins with 500 copper pieces
which can be used to purchase equipment.
During this step, players should also designate whether
their character is a bender and if so pick one, and only one, of
the four elements (Earth, Fire, Air, or Water) to control.

The Second Age | Character Creation | 5

Step 1: Determine Background
As the players begin sketching out their character’s though all benders must be shoehorned into a background
background, they should consider the general status level of reflecting their respective nation.
the character’s previous life. Did they come from squalor and
poverty? Did they live comfortably? Was the character Background Questions
destined for a greater position? Even something as simple as Where does your character come from? What are your
“my character was a formerly rich heir to a noble family” character’s roots, and what does your character think about
provides a wealth of ideas upon which to build up their the place they grew up?
backstory and help determine their Motivation.
Who is their family? Did your character grow up with a lot
Backgrounds are thematic facets of a character that help of siblings, or were they an only child? If their parents weren’t
define them as more than a set of numbers. They help provide around, who raised them? Are they on good terms with
the players with ideas about where their characters came from family?
and what they left behind when they began their lives of
What is your character’s social standing? Is your character
adventure. Although a background has no mechanical effects
a respected member of their community and culture? Or are
for a character, they are incredibly useful to informing GM and
they simply one of the unremarkable masses? Or maybe
player decisions. Their purpose as narrative devices and plot
they’re an outcast, shunned by the members of “decent”
hooks cannot be understated.
society? What did your character do before they became an
Creating a Unique Background adventurer?

In general, most characters will be from one of the five How old is your character? Are they young and brash, or
different sovereign realms represented in the world of Avatar old and wise? (Or maybe old and brash, or young and wise.)
in 171 AG. Though players should not feel obligated to select If they’re middle-aged or older, how have they changed as
the nation that corresponds to their abilities—a waterbender they’ve aged?
need not necessarily hail from the Northern or Southern Water What does your character think about the world? Your
Tribes. Avatar: The Second Age is set during the events of answer could be very general (a cynical attitude toward
Avatar: The Legend of Korra. In this time frame, with the everyone they meet), or specific to the setting (they hated the
advent of worldwide industrialization, global travel, and the unjust rule of the Earth Queen). You could even ask and
creation of the United Republic of Nations, it is not only answer this question multiple times, picking a different aspect
believable that a firebender is born in the Earth Kingdom, but of the setting each time.
factual. Mako is one of many characters who belong to this
Why did your character leave home? Likely, your
diaspora of benders. In this way, players should not feel as
character is now an adventurer and has left part or all of their
old life behind them. Why? What happened?

Step 2: Select a Character Archetype

Whereas a character’s background is indicative of where a
character comes from, their archetype is a backstory that
Archetype Layout
indicates who a character is regardless of their occupation or An archetype can be broken into several different parts to
culture. make it easier to understand. The first part consists of the
starting characteristics and description. It’s important to note
A Player Character’s archetype is a mechanical that these are starting characteristics, which means you can
representation of their lived experiences prior to the events of improve them later on in Step 5.
the first game session and gives the GM a little insight into the
history of a PC. An archetype serves a mechanical and a The second part consists of derived attributes. The two
narrative function. It provides each Player Character with that are specifically determined by archetype are your
unique abilities, attributes, or skills independent of their career character’s wound and strain thresholds, and their starting
as well as fascinating story hooks for roleplaying and experience.
storytelling. The third is a list of any special abilities, talents, or free
Your choice among archetypes establishes your starting skills ranks your character begins the game with. Skill ranks
characteristics as well as your secondary attributes. It sets the conferred by an archetype do not make those skills career
baseline for your character and provides you with a budget of skills for the character unless explicitly stated. Your character
experience points that can be spent to improve your obtains these ranks before spending experience points, and
characteristics, rank up skills and talents, or hone your these skills may not be increased higher than rank 2 during
character’s bending forms. character creation.

Keep in mind, this choice is permanent. Your character is Remember, even though an archetype lists starting
not going to be able to adopt a new archetype in the middle of characteristics, a player can still work with their GM to use or
a game; you’d just build a new character at that point. create their own archetype. An average character starts with
2 in all characteristics. Specialized archetypes may raise one
characteristic to a 3, lower one to a 1, and have the remaining

6 | Character Creation | The Second Age

characteristics as 2s. Players should feel free to follow this  Starting Experience: 100 XP
structure to personalize their own characters.  Strain Threshold: 12 + Willpower
 Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn
Archetypes  Starting Skills: The enlightened begins the game
with one rank in Discipline or Cool.
The Aristocrat  Enlightenment: The enlightened gains Knowledge
(Spirit World) as a career skill and begins with one
Not all characters come from a background rife with lived rank in Knowledge (Spirit World).
experiences full of trials and tribulations. Some are born with
a silver spoon in their mouth and thus, have little experience
with the rest of the world. For one reason or another, they’ve
The Fool
Sometimes, a character just happens to be in the wrong place
set out for adventure—prepared, of course, with a little extra
at the wrong time. Characters who take this archetype are
coin in their pockets. This archetype represents any character
broadcasting to other players and the GM that their character
who has the gift of a silver tongue. This could be a noble of
is just going along for the ride.
some sort, a bureaucrat, a performance artist, or even a
merchant. You should pick this archetype if you want to create The GM can use this Player Character for a variety of
a character who fits one of these molds. narrative purposes and hook them into nearly any plot points
for the starting adventure.
1 2 2 3 2 2
2 2 2 2 2 2

 Starting Experience: 100 XP

 Strain Threshold: 9 + Willpower  Starting Experience: 125 XP
 Wound Threshold: 9 + Brawn  Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower
 Starting Skills: An aristocrat begins the game with  Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn
one rank in Cool or Negotiation.  Starting Skills: The fool starts the game with one
 Lap of Luxury: An aristocrat begins the game with rank in each of two non-career skills at character
an additional 2500 copper pieces and one rank of the creation.
Sound Investments talent.
The Homebody
The Diaspora Some characters have never left the village in which they’ve
After the end of the Hundred Year War, many Earth Kingdom grown up. Their worldview is usually much smaller than that
Fire Nation, and Water Tribe citizens living in the former Fire of other travelers and their understanding of world events is
Nation colonies and other territories were left to fend for even smaller. When they do decide to venture out into the
themselves. world, homebody characters are generally indistinguishable
among the throng of busy citizens going about their day.
Once the United Republic of Nations was created, those
not living in Republic City or its outskirts found themselves left 2 2 2 2 2 2
by the wayside, often fending for themselves in an BRAWN AGI INT PRE CUN WIL
increasingly globalized world. These disparate colonists are
great speakers, having to plead their case to generous
benefactors who can aid them in lieu of their deaf  Starting Experience: 110 XP
governments.  Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower
 Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn
2 1 2 3 2 2
 Starting Skills: Characters who never left home
BRAWN AGI INT PRE CUN WIL begin the game with one rank in Discipline or Charm.
 Underestimated: Whenever you make an opposed
 Starting Experience: 110 XP skill check, you add a to the result.

Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower
Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn The Intellectual
 Starting Skills: The diaspora begins the game with For some, knowledge is fulfillment. Intellectual characters
one rank in either Charm or Survival. have a background in some sort of academic pursuit. This
pursuit could be science, medicine, teaching, or even the
The Enlightened bending arts. Characters who focus on using their brains
should choose this if they have an educated background.
For some, a pursuit of spiritual knowledge is a lifelong journey.
Characters who seek enlightenment can often focus their 2 1 3 2 2 2
inner chi and spend hours a day meditating. Their sharp BRAWN AGI INT PRE CUN WIL
instinct gives them a natural edge in day-to-day survival.
2 1 2 2 2 3
 Starting Experience: 100 XP
BRAWN AGI INT PRE CUN WIL  Strain Threshold: 12 + Willpower
 Wound Threshold: 8 + Brawn

The Second Age | Character Creation | 7

 Starting Skills: An Intellectual begins with one rank  Strain Threshold: 9 + Willpower
in each of two non-career Knowledge skills of their  Wound Threshold: 12 + Brawn
choosing.  Starting Skills: The scoundrel begins the game with
 Brilliant!: Once per session, your character may one rank in Skulduggery or Coercion.
spend a Story Point as an incidental. If they do so,  Street Life: Scoundrel characters may add h to
during the next check they make during that turn, you their Streetwise skill checks.
count their ranks in the skill being used as equal to
their Intellect. The Seafarer
The Laborer Characters raised by the sea often live and die on open
waters. The seafarer is a hardy individual, capable of
The laborer is a character who has a background in some weathering hazardous conditions and hardened by the ever-
form of manual labor, and who is generally strong and tough. changing currents of life at sea. Often, these characters have
Laborers can be handy in a fight, especially melee combat. a strong background in seamanship, as evident by their skill
For these characters, every day is a test in resilience and in sailing and reading the stars to navigate themselves back
hardship. home.
3 2 1 2 2 2 3 2 2 2 2 1

 Starting Experience: 100 XP  Starting Experience: 110 XP

 Strain Threshold: 8 + Willpower  Strain Threshold: 8 + Willpower
 Wound Threshold: 12 + Brawn  Wound Threshold: 12 + Brawn
 Starting Skills: The laborer begins the game with  Starting Skills: The seafarer begins the game with
one rank in Athletics or Coordination. one rank in Sailing or Knowledge (Geography).
 Tough as Nails: Once per session, your character  By the Stars: The seafarer may add one a to all
may spend a Story Point as an out-of-turn incidental Knowledge (Geography) and Sailing skill checks
immediately after suffering a Critical Injury and they make.
determining the result. If they do so, they count the
result rolled as “01.” The Tradesperson
The Outcast Although some few are lucky enough to never work a day in
their life, the vast majority of people in the world belong to the
Some characters just don’t quite fit in with the crowd. They working class. These crafty individuals come from all walks of
may have been ostracized from their village; perhaps due to life and represent a burgeoning, ever-growing class of
some substantial past grievances. For whatever reason, this individuals who not only produce goods and services, but buy
character has been cast out from society and thus has no true them as well. These individuals are used to the stresses of
ties to any one community. Thus, outcasts are generally self- day-to-day life.
sustaining and rely heavily on what their gut tells them.
2 3 2 2 2 1
2 2 2 1 3 2

 Starting Experience: 100 XP

 Starting Experience: 105 XP
 Strain Threshold: 11 + Willpower
 Strain Threshold: 11 + Willpower
 Wound Threshold: 11 + Brawn
 Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn
 Starting Skills: The tradesperson begins the game
 Starting Skills: The outcast begins the game with with one rank in Negotiation or Leadership.
one rank in Vigilance or Survival.  Natural Merchant: The tradesperson may add a to
 Inscrutable: The outcast adds one to all Charm all Negotiation checks.
checks they make. Other characters add to all
social skill checks they make targeting the outcast. The Unfortunate
The Scoundrel Down on their luck and probably out of work, some characters
simply cannot catch a break. Life’s trials have proved to be
Ruffians and thugs, a scoundrel is a lowlife character, often too much for them to handle at this point in their life and the
with a criminal background. Scoundrels know how to survive, character is left to fend for herself.
and often how to fight. Though the means to acquire these
skills are typically shrouded in a murky history. These characters tend to be quick-witted and know how to
survive in the slums of any city, weathering the stresses of an
2 2 2 2 3 1 impoverished lifestyle.
 Starting Experience: 105 XP

8 | Character Creation | The Second Age

 Starting Experience: 110 XP Read more about bending requirements in Chapter II:
 Strain Threshold: 12 + Willpower The Bending Arts.
 Wound Threshold: 9 + Brawn
 Starting Skills: Unfortunate characters begin the The Craftsman
game with one rank in Survival or Cool. For some, the ability to bend the elements is just another fact
of life. These individuals harness their abilities to perform
The Wanderer everyday tasks. Some even exploit their talents to make a
For some, the spirit of adventure is an innate quality. Not all living, turning the mundane into extraordinary through
characters feel rooted or as though they belong to any given performance, craftsmanship, or other means.
place or time; instead, they wander the countryside, hike up 2 2 3 2 2 1
mountains, and explore relatively unknown territories. Those
with a wandering heart find themselves at the crossroads of
destiny and see every new opportunity as an adventure in
waiting.  Starting Experience: 100 XP
2 2 2 2 1 3  Strain Threshold: 12 + Willpower
 Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn
 Elemental Artificer: Instead of using a concentrate
maneuver to sustain a bending form, your character
 Starting Experience: 110 XP may instead suffer 2 strain to concentrate as an
 Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower incidental.
 Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn
 Starting Skills: The wanderer begins the game with The Disciplined
one rank in Cool, or two ranks in either Knowledge Some benders spend their entire lives perfecting their
(Geography) or Knowledge (Culture). technique and form. Perhaps a bit too straight-laced,
 Wandering Heart: The wanderer begins the game disciplined characters benefit from rigid structure, increasing
with one rank of the Outdoorsman talent. their threshold for the stresses of life. Those with such a stern
demeanor often come off as crass or unapproachable; they
The War-Scarred are usually not socialites.
Not everyone has lived a peaceful existence in the world of 2 2 2 1 2 3
Avatar. Many communities and individuals still carry with them
the traumatic memories associated with conflict and the
aggression of one authoritarian rule over another.
Though they hold on to these heavy emotions, these  Starting Experience: 100 XP
characters are resilient in the face of any would-be troubles.  Strain Threshold: 12 + Willpower
Often, perhaps despite their wishes, these characters are  Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn
familiar with the art of war.  Regimented: Your character selects on effect from
Table 2-6: Universal Form Effects. They may
3 2 2 1 2 2
always apply this effect to their forms without
BRAWN AGI INT PRE CUN WIL increasing the difficulty.

 Starting Experience: 100 XP

The Prodigy
 Strain Threshold: 11 + Willpower It isn’t every day a prodigy is born whose manipulation over
 Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn their element is a gift from birth. Many benders go their entire
 Starting Skills: War-scarred characters begin the lives without ever fully tapping into their own potential—not
game with one rank in Resilience or Vigilance. the prodigy. This character has been mastering their form
since before they could walk and are leagues beyond their
 Scars of War: The war-scarred may add one to
all Knowledge (Warfare) skill checks.
2 2 2 1 2 3
Bending Archetypes BRAWN AGI INT PRE CUN WIL
When you’re creating a new character who can bend the
elements, consider the adventure you’ll be playing and the  Starting Experience: 110 XP
way this fits into the world. How well do they know their  Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower
talents? Are they an earthbending architect who understands  Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn
their philosophy well enough to construct rigid and sturdy  Prodigy: The prodigy automatically generates a on
structures; or are they just a simple craftsmen who any Bending Arts skill checks.
supplements their blacksmithing with firebending?
A character with a bending archetype begins the game The Primal
with one rank in the Bending Arts skill, without spending They may not have the best foresight, but the style of some
XP. A bending archetype is not required to play as a bender. benders is informed by the gut, not the mind. Characters who

The Second Age | Character Creation | 9

follow their instinct tend to ‘have a feel’ for bending their a burden. Although these abilities come easy, they take a toll
element, even if they don’t always understand their on their mind. These characters generally avoid using their
methodology. abilities whenever possible, and do their best not to draw
attention to themselves, or their gifts.
3 2 1 2 2 2

 Starting Experience: 100 XP

 Strain Threshold: 11 + Willpower  Starting Experience: 100 XP
 Wound Threshold: 11 + Brawn  Strain Threshold: 11 + Willpower
 Gut Feeling: When this character makes a Bending  Wound Threshold: 12 + Brawn
Arts combat check, they can choose to add to the  Reluctant: A resigned bender may suffer 1
check to add +2 damage dealt by one hit of the additional strain to use their bending form; if so, they
attack. may decrease the difficulty by 1 (to a minimum of
The Pro-bender
Pro-benders spend months training their Brawn extensively, The Self-taught
putting it through rigorous trials of physical endurance. These Not everyone can afford or experience the opportunity to learn
athletes excel when they're a part of a cohesive team; training how to harness their abilities through a wise master. Some
sessions are usually held together. While they've got a knack benders discover their gifts entirely on their own, and see
for dishing out or soaking a few blows, their true potential is them simply as a means to an end.
achieved when they’re in synchronicity with their teammates.
2 2 2 2 2 2
The lure of the arena attracts people from all walks of life, BRAWN AGI INT PRE CUN WIL
but some pro-benders might be former triad or military while
others desire to attain peak performance. Still, some
characters might simply seek the fame and recognition.  Starting Experience: 110 XP
 Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower
2 3 2 2 1 2
 Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn
BRAWN AGI INT PRE CUN WIL  My Own Teacher: Once per encounter, a self-taught
bender can choose to add sh to any Bending Arts
 Starting Experience: 100 XP skill check they make.

Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower
Wound Threshold: 12 + Brawn The Native
 Team Player: If this character makes a successful The world is full of people who can bend the elements, but
combat check, the next ally making a combat check there are some among them whose mastery over the element
against the same target during the same round adds takes on a drastically different form. The sand tribes of Si
sa to the results. Wong, the Foggy Swamp tribe of waterbenders, the
metalbender city of Zao Fu—some benders are capable of
The Pupil grasping specialized techniques by virtue of their heritage or
other innate talent, often to the detriment of their general use.
Some individuals master the bending arts as students,
becoming apprentices or through some other form of 2 2 2 2 2 2
education from an instructor. What these characters lack in BRAWN AGI INT PRE CUN WIL
application they compensate for with thorough understanding
and manipulation of their element.
 Starting Experience: 95 XP
1 1 3 2 2 3
 Strain Threshold: 11 + Willpower
BRAWN AGI INT PRE CUN WIL  Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn
 Native Specialist: When you create your character,
 Starting Experience: 100 XP choose one specialized bending form to be this
 Strain Threshold: 12 + Willpower character’s native bending style. Your character
 Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn acquires this special technique without the usual
 Lesson from the Master: When you choose this requirements necessary.
archetype, choose one Knowledge skill. Once per
session, you may spend a Story Point to add a
The Underdog
number of equal to your ranks in that Knowledge Certain eager benders are predisposed to very potent uses of
skill to any Bending Arts skill check you make. their ability. Despite lacking a full grasp of their potential, some
characters have a vast pool of inner strength from which they
The Resigned draw to greatly enhance their form.
Born with an ability they neither asked for nor desire, the 2 2 1 2 2 3
resigned bender sees their ability as less of a gift and more of

10 | Character Creation | The Second Age

BRAWN AGI INT PRE CUN WIL  Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn
 The Strength Within: Once per session after
making a Bending Arts skill check, you may spend a
 Starting Experience: 100 XP Story Point to have your character reroll up to two
 Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower dice in the pool.

Step 3: Choose a Career and Specialization

At this stage, you choose your character’s career (which what a character does for a living—it is their goals, passions,
remains with them permanently) and their starting training, and destiny. Areas of focus may shift over time, the
specialization. Both the career and specialization are critical means to get there can alter, but a character remains who
choices made by the player to establish a character’s history they are at their core. In other words, no matter how much he
and potential future. gets caught up in politics, Sokka will always be the meat and
It is a good idea for each player to look over all the options sarcasm guy.
before deciding. The idea is not only to look at the immediate Specializations, on the other hand, represent a character’s
capabilities of a character, but to look forward to that area of interest, education, and expertise. Whereas a career
character’s growth potential. If a player imagines their expresses the nature of a character, a specialization defines
character will one day sail a small frigate into certain doom in what they do. For example, a marine-dwelling fisherman is a
a desperate battle against dark spirits, it’s a very good idea to sailor, but may not necessarily be a captain. However, both
make sure good sailing options are considered for the still have a firm understanding of life on the water.
character’s development path.
Each career has five associated career skills. These Choosing a Career
skills should be marked on the character sheet to indicate they Just looking at the mechanical advantages of each career can
are career skills. During this step of character creation, the provide a good basis for character creation, yet it won’t
player may choose three of the five starting career skills and provide as rich and rewarding an experience as possible. To
gain one rank in each of the selected skills for free (you do not get the most out of a selection, you should seriously consider
spend XP). You may not choose the same career skill more the following key questions.
than once. During play, career skills are less expensive to
train and improve than non-career skills. Which Role?
When gathering at the table to start a new adventure or
Each career has several specializations within its broader
campaign, one of the first questions that each person must
definition. Specializations are more focused and provide
answer for themselves is, “which role will my character fill?”
additional access to certain career skills and easier access
Diversity encourages creativity and excitement, and it could
to particular talents. Each character gains access to one
be a fairly limited campaign if everyone at the table chooses
specialization of their chosen career.
to be warriors or assassins.
Each specialization includes five additional career skills,
Certainly, it is possible to make stories work around such
and a choice between two Tier 1 talents (received for free).
a premise, but the variety of careers reflects the diversity of
These five skills should be marked on the character sheet as
experience found in the Avatar universe. Through a complex
career skills if they are not already marked. During this step
set of both complementary and divergent skills and talents, a
of character creation, the player may choose three of the five
group of characters wandering the Earth Kingdom can
additional career skills and gain one rank in each (without
improve their chances of success, and expect a wide array of
spending XP). You may not choose the same skill more than
stories and plots to experience.
once unless you choose a skill that was also trained during
the career selection step, allowing your character to start with A player’s two foundational choices are their archetype
a skill trained to level two. Skills may not be trained above and their career. In selecting a career, there are some
rank two during character creation. questions and answers that may help in the evaluation
What is a Career?  Should this character be a strong fighter?
Careers serve two functions. The choices made here  Should this character be able to sail a ship or handle
determine which skills are career skills; this means those a vehicle?
skills are cheaper to train with XP. Secondly, specializations  Should this character be the “face” of the group?
are tied to certain careers, and each career offers a unique  Should this character be a fountain of wisdom?
ability for a character who begins the game as that career.  Should this character be the sneaky one?

What’s the Difference? Should they be the dedicated support character?
These are also good questions to consider in choosing a
Specializations represent areas of expertise for an individual
specialization, but the career choice determines which
following a certain path. For purposes of storytelling and
specializations a character has best access to. Thus, having
roleplaying, however, it is important to more deeply consider
answers worked out at this point makes the entire process
the two distinctions of these two character elements.
much easier and more effective.
What a player chooses as a career for their character
defines their character’s way of life. A career is more than just

The Second Age | Character Creation | 11

What’s the Story? Favored Talents
The kind of story a player wants to tell goes together with their When your character would purchase talents, they receive a
character’s role. This includes everything that came before— small discount on the talents most suited for their
their backstory—and all that may develop during the game specialization. Each specialization includes a Favored
(and perhaps beyond). While a player cannot predict all that Talents table with suggested talents that this author believes
could happen in an RPG campaign, they should still have a are thematically appropriate. Similar to career skills, these
sense of the kind of story they wants to tell with their Player favored talents are discounted by 5 XP, to a minimum of 5 XP.
Character. Their background sets the stage for this tale, but If a talent has Improved and Supreme versions, the discount
all that follows is also part of the greater tapestry which is their applies to those as well. Thus, the Tier 1 talents included in
PC’s personal saga. the list are ranked talents—the discount applies to
subsequent ranks!
The iconic characters from Avatar rarely ended as they
began. Sokka, the meat and sarcasm guy, turns into a master How Did the Character Become Good
tactician and swordsman by the end of Book 3. Avatar Aang
goes from a child who shirks his responsibility to a fully- at This?
realized Avatar. Of course, Prince Zuko experiences one of Starting with the PC’s background, the player should put
the most renowned redemption arcs. Every character has a thought into the part of the story that covers what the PC has
story to tell that involves growth and change into (hopefully) done up to now. As a member of a specific nation, with a
better versions of himself. Often, the starting point for a specific career, the Player Character has made their way
character’s story can set the tone for the rest of a long life. through the world and into the foray of events immediately
Players interested in beginning the game as benders may preceding the first adventure.
want to consider the Bender career. Although there are no What did they do for a living beforehand? How did they
mechanical requirements to be a bender, this career confers learn their craft or trade? Who did they work for, or with? Did
many benefits to those who wish to specialize in the bending they go to school to learn these skills, or did they grow up
arts and utilize bending forms. learning as they went? What are they known for being good
Read more about bending requirements in Chapter II: at, and do they have a reputation built around it? How were
The Bending Arts. they brought to this place?
Making the effort to evaluate the backstory and other
Choosing a Specialization decisions for character creation should make the final
There are two important questions you want to ask about decision for a starting specialization much easier. The choice
you’re your character: how did they become good at what they is ultimately more satisfying, as well, and carries less chance
do? What kinds of tasks will they have to perform? Once of later regret.
again, looking at the PC’s background is important, as well as
evaluating the career choice process.
What Tasks Will the Character Be
When a specialization is acquired, your character gains Called Upon to Perform?
five skills as career skills. A couple of these will overlap with When the PC is called upon by their allies or others to go on
skills you gained from your career choice. You are also a mission, what will their specific tasks be? Why would they
granted the choice between two Tier 1 talents related to the be entrusted with these responsibilities? What does the PC
skills and abilities emphasized by that specialization. This do daily? Are they fixing broken things, patrolling perimeters,
talent is acquired during character creation, without spending seeking supplies, or something else entirely?
XP. Each specialization will describe which talents these are. When they get up in the morning, what do they do during
Finally, specializations also confer a discount on certain the day? How do they get paid and who pays them? If they’re
talents, known as favored talents, which are described not currently earning anything, what do they need to do to find
further below. work?

12 | Character Creation | The Second Age

Chi Channeling
Once per encounter, your character may spend a Story Point Artisans are skilled laborers, honing a tradecraft that has likely
to perform a bending arts action without suffering strain. been passed from parent to child or is an acquired trade
secret passed down from master to apprentice. Benders who
Active (Incidental) specialize in manipulating their element for fine crafts or
fanciful display are extremely common in the Avatar universe.
In the world of Avatar exist characters with the innate ability An earthbender may find no shortage of work in construction,
to bend the elements to their will. Those who can command and a waterbender has a distinct upper-hand as a fisher.
the elements are known as benders, and they are among the Some use their art for performance, while others heal.
most skilled combatants in existence. Not all benders are Artisans count the following as career skills: Bending
fighters, however. Many use their skills for everyday tasks, Arts, Knowledge (Culture), Empathy, Mechanics, and
and still others seek enlightenment through their connection Discipline. You gain a free rank in any three of these skills.
to the spirits, the natural world, and their element. At character creation, you gain a free rank in one of the
A bender’s versatility is reflected in the bending forms they following Tier 1 talents: Talk Shop or Utility Pouch.
spend time learning, practicing, and refining. Though all Artisans also receive a discount on the following talents
benders of a respective element are generally familiar with the when they are purchased with XP:
same forms and techniques, the application of these abilities
vary wildly depending on the character’s background, training, Table 1-2: Favored Artisan Talents
and experience. Tier Talent
1 Adverse Bending
A bender’s five career skills are Discipline, Bending
1 Meticulous Form
Arts, Athletics, Cool, and Knowledge (Spirit World). At
2 Controlled Bending
character creation, a bender automatically gains one rank in
2 Inventor
any three of these skills without spending experience points.
3 Well Rounded

Warrior 3
Elemental Flair
Enduring Form
4 Tinkerer
Bending Warriors set themselves apart through the constant
5 Flow of the Elements
use of their ability to fight, and to control the battlefield. A
Warrior must undergo rigorous training to hone their bending

art and to temper their body for resistance. Still, even a
Warrior who can wield the elements must acquire a basic
understanding of physical martial arts and weapons training.
The four elements are all dependent upon the flow of energy
A Warrior counts the following as career skills: Athletics, within the body known as chi, and none are more attuned to
Discipline, Martial Arts, Melee (Light), and Resilience. You that flow than the Spiritualist. These characters use their art
gain a free rank in any three of these skills. At character as channel through which they achieve enlightenment, and
creation, you gain a free rank in one of the following Tier 1 grow a closer connection to the Spirit World.
talents: Elemental Strike or Elementalist.
Spiritualist count the following skills as career skills: Cool,
Warriors gain a discount when purchasing the following Coordination, Perception, Medicine, and Knowledge
talents: (Spirit World). A free rank is gained in any three of these
skills. During character creation, you gain a free rank in one
Table 1-1: Favored Warrior Talents of the following Tier 1 talents: Attunement or Rapid Reaction.
Tier Talent
1 Meticulous Form Additionally, a Spiritualist gets a discount when learning
1 Second Wind the following talents:
2 Powerful Bending
2 Knockdown Table 1-3: Favored Spiritualist Talents
Tier Talent
3 Battle Meditation
1 Physician
3 Combat Bending
1 Signature Form
4 Reflexive Bending
2 Bending Specialist
4 Determination
2 Confidence
5 Warrior of the Elements
3 Call of the Spirit Wilds
3 Resolve
4 Secret Technique
4 True Understanding
5 Unity of Spirit

The Second Age | Character Creation | 13

Martial Artist
Sting Like a Buzzard-Wasp counter, and their martial technique too quick to discern. Many
brawlers who can’t afford formal training at a respected martial
Once per turn, on a successful Martial Arts combat check, the
arts academy instead rely on the unregulated, non-standard
martial artist can spend aaa or t to trigger a second hit
techniques they pick up off the streets.
(dealing the same damage as the first hit). This is in lieu of
increasing the difficulty outlined in Fighting with Two Pugilists count the following as career skills: Resilience,
Athletics, Discipline, Melee (Light), and Coercion. You
may choose three of these skills in which to gain a free rank.
Passive At character creation, you get a free rank in one of the
following Tier 1 talents: Brawler or Improvised.
The fact of the matter is…the world can be a dangerous place,
In addition, Pugilists gain a discount when purchasing the
especially when your enemy can hurl the force of the elements
at you. It’s no surprise that those without this gift still learn the following talents:
martial techniques necessary to protect themselves and those
Table 1-5: Favored Pugilist Talents
they care about. Although bending techniques also stem from Tier Talent
martial arts, many others who learn these techniques aren’t 1 Brace
benders at all. A talented nonbender martial artist can still go 1 Toughened
toe-to-toe against even the most formidable bender. 2 Balance
The Martial Artist’s five career skills are Athletics, Cool, 2 Stunning Blow
Discipline, Martial Arts, and Vigilance. A martial artist 3 Iron Body
automatically gains one rank in three of these skills (of their 3 Unarmed Specialist
choosing) without spending experience. 4 Enduring
4 ‘Tis but a Flesh Wound
Chi Blocker 5 Indomitable

An unknown art prior to the Hundred Year War, chi blockers

are martial artists who specialize neutralizing bender
opponents with precision and haste. Chi Blockers favor
talents which are focused on shutting down benders by using While they are trained in martial arts, Monks study techniques
their own chi against them. Their defining talent, Chi to center their minds and practice discipline above all else.
Disruption, enables them to shut off a target’s bending for They are generally more peaceful and are more attuned to the
several rounds. spiritual aspects of the physical movements. Some monks are
Chi Blockers also start with the following career skills: even said to have attained an understanding of resolving
Coordination, Vigilance, Skulduggery, Martial Arts, and conflict through sheer force of will alone.
Stealth; you may choose three of these skills in which to gain Monks count the following as career skills: Medicine,
a free rank. During character creation, you gain a free rank in Discipline, Perception, Resilience, and Cool; you may
one of the following Tier 1 talents: Duelist or Rapid Reaction. choose three of these skills in which to gain a free rank. During
Additionally, the Chi Blocker receives a discount when character creation, your character acquires a free rank in one
purchasing the following talents: of the following Tier 1 talents: Finesse or Jump Up.
Monks also gain a discount when they acquire the
Table 1-4: Favored Chi Blocker Talents following talents:
Tier Talent
1 Deflect Table 1-6: Favored Monk Talents
1 Quick Strike Tier Talent
2 Balance 1 Parry
2 Chi Disruption 1 Improvised
3 Dodge 2 Confidence
3 Pressure Point 2 Precision Strike
4 Frenzied Attack 3 Battle Meditation
4 Superior Reflexes 3 Chakras Aligned
5 Coup de Grâce 4 Determination
4 Secret Technique
5 Master
As the name implies, pugilists excel at hand-to-hand combat
and are generally resilient. Their fisticuffs can be tough to

14 | Character Creation | The Second Age

Social Network
At the beginning of each game session, the Entrepreneur
receives word from a contact of theirs about important, Singers, musicians, players, dancers, acrobats, and other
interesting, or otherwise influential goings-on of which their performers, Entertainers can be found anywhere in the world
contact would be reasonably aware. Additionally, once per bringing joy and distraction through their performance.
session, they may collect a small favor from this contact, even Entertainers are knowledgeable about the world and know
if they do not owe your character a favor. best how to connect with people or animals.

Passive Entertainers gain Deception, Coordination, Empathy,

Animal Handling, and Knowledge (Culture) as additional
Entrepreneurs are masters of negotiation, charm, and social career skills; they get a free rank in three of these skills before
intrigue. These enterprising individuals often act as the ‘face’ spending XP. During character creation, you gain a free rank
of the party, speaking for the whole the group to broker deals, in one of the following Tier 1 talents: Pep Talk or Good
negotiate terms, or convince others to lend their assistance. Company.
In a world wrought with blades and bending, Entrepreneurs In addition, an Entertainer receives a discount when they
still find ways to make their own mark through the power of learn the following talents:
persuasion. This career is an amalgamation of paths focused
on social skills; its specializations gain access to a variety of Table 1-8: Favored Entertainer Talents
abilities centered on Player Characters who prefer to talk their Tier Talent
way out of sticky situations. 1 Good Company
1 Plausible Deniability
The entrepreneur’s five career skills are Charm,
2 Empath
Empathy, Negotiation, Leadership, and Deception. An
2 Encouraging Song
entrepreneur automatically gains one rank in three of these
3 Animal Companion
skills (of their choosing) without spending experience.
3 Intense Presence

Merchant 4
Can’t We Talk About This?
Incite the Crowd
5 Biggest Fan
Furs, gems, ores, spices, fish and grain—some people love
to spend money, and others love to make it. Merchants are in
the business of making money, and having their money make
more in turn. Merchants know how to get the best deals and Diplomat
earning the most coin with the least effort, whether through a
Sabotage, intrigue and politics—while the Entertainer excels
winning smile or a smart investment.
at crowd control, the Diplomat is at their best in one-on-one
A Merchant starts with the following career skills: conversations where a specific target needs to be persuaded.
Discipline, Streetwise, Perception, Negotiation, and Diplomats are cunning, intelligent and tend to dominate
Charm. The player may choose three of these skills in which whatever room they’re in. These characters employ subtlety
to gain a free rank. At character creation, you gain a free rank and deception to convince others that it was actually their own
in one of the following Tier 1 talents: Sound Investments or plan all along.
Know Somebody.
Diplomats count the following as career skills: Deception,
Additionally, Merchants receive a discount when Discipline, Perception, Leadership, and Knowledge
purchasing the following talents: (History). You may choose three of these skills in which to
gain a free rank. During character creation, you gain a free
Table 1-7: Favored Merchant Talents rank in one of the following Tier 1 talents: Clever Retort or
Tier Talent Bought Info.
1 Sound Investments
1 Wheel and Deal A Diplomat can also purchase the following talents at a
2 Confidence discount:
2 Push Your Luck
3 Intense Presence
Table 1-9: Favored Diplomat Talents
Tier Talent
3 Well Rounded
1 Respected
4 Fortune Favors the Bold
1 Smooth Talker
4 In the Know
2 Inspiring Rhetoric
5 Mogul
2 Scathing Tirade
3 Commanding Presence
3 Nobody’s Fool
4 Discredit
4 Doublespeak
5 Altered Deal

The Second Age | Character Creation | 15

keeping teammates alive as well. Guards are often
Combat Training accompanied by a mount, draft animal, or other beast of
Once per game session, when a Soldier receives a Critical Injury
For Guards, Resilience, Animal Handling, Medicine,
and after the injury has been resolved, the character can spend
Ranged, and Athletics are all career skills. So long as this is
a Story Point to instead shrug off the injury, removing it and its
the first specialization for the PC, they gains a free rank in
three of these skills. During character creation, you may
choose a free rank in one of the following Tier 1 talents: Armor
Master or Durable.
One of the world’s oldest professions is that of the trained Additionally, guards receive a discount when spending XP
Soldier. Rigorous training leaves one with the skills and on the following talents:
abilities suited for a single purpose: besting an enemy on the
battlefield. They know everything there is to know about Table 1-11: Favored Guard Talents
surviving the horrors of combat—and making sure the Tier Talent
opponent doesn’t. Although most Soldiers are tough Guards 1 Deflect
protecting their fellow countrymen or fearsome Fighters on the 1 Hard Headed
frontlines, some manage to work their way up to the rank of 2 Balance
Commander, where they lead through their battle-hardened 2 Defensive Training
experiences. 3 Body Guard
3 Iron Body
A Soldier’s counts the following skills as career skills: 4 Adrenaline Rush
Athletics, Melee (Light), Survival, Discipline, and 4 Enduring
Resilience. A Soldier automatically gains a rank in three of 5 Indomitable
these skills without spending experience.

Fighter Commander
Fighters come alive in the chaos of combat. Their very The title of Commander comes with privilege, respect, and
appearance in the field of battle can send foes running scared. wealth, but also the responsibility for the wellbeing of those
A Fighter is capable of unleashing a flurry of blows, taking the beneath their command. Some are natural-born leaders and
brunt of an attack and then shrugging it off like water. Their others just happen to make the right call at the right time.
courage in the face of danger makes Fighters perfectly suited Whatever it is, other characters want to listen and benefit from
for any group anticipating a scuffle in the near future. doing so with abilities that support and assist allies in combat
Fighters gain Athletics, Vigilance, Coercion, Melee by providing buffs for coordination and strategic maneuvering.
(Heavy), and Melee (Light) as additional career skills, and Commanders gain Resilience, Perception, Discipline,
may receive a free rank in three of them if this is the first Leadership, and Vigilance as career skills. Three of these
specialization selected by the PC. If the fighter is your first five skills begin with a free rank each. During character
specialization, you automatically gain a free rank in one of the creation, gain a free rank in one of the following Tier 1 talents:
following Tier 1 talents: Weapon Specialist or Duelist. Rapid Reaction or Veteran.
Fighters also gain a discount when they spend XP to In addition, a Commander will receive a discount when
purchase the following talents: they spend XP on the following talents:
Table 1-10: Favored Fighter Talents Table 1-11: Favored Commander Talents
Tier Talent
Tier Talent
1 Second Wind
1 Rapid Reaction
1 Weapon Specialist
1 Respected
2 Crippling Blow
2 Command
2 Stunning Blow
2 Coordinated Assault
3 Heroic Will
3 Field Commander
3 Lethal Blows
3 Resolve
4 Favored Weapon
4 Brothers in Arms
4 Frenzied Attack
4 Trust the Captain
5 Crushing Blow
5 Inspiring Leadership

Defensive talents and abilities are a Guard’s favorite tool.
Their training is geared at staying alive during combat and

16 | Character Creation | The Second Age

Eureka Moment Physician
Once per game session, when you generate a t on an Intellect Doctors, healers, and herbalists—Physicians are Scholars
skill check, the Scholar can immediately roll another into dedicated to helping others. Their knowledge specialty gives
the pool and add its results. If that generates another t, then them insight into the medicines available in the natural world,
repeat the process. You still get to resolve and spend all t as and empower them with the tools to help themselves and
normal. others survive.
For the Physician, Cool, Medicine, Discipline, Survival
Passive and Knowledge (Nature) are all additional career skills. You
gain a free rank in three of these. During character creation,
Academics, students, professors, and other manner of
you gain a free rank in one of the following Tier 1 talents:
intellectuals who prefer learning and discovery. Scholars are
Apothecary or Deft Hands.
masters of the secrets of the natural world and the cultures
within it. Parties won’t get very far in exploring and unlocking In addition, a Physician receives a discount when they
the secrets of history, culture, and the Spirit World without a learn the following talents:
character who can decipher the clues. For them, the pen is
truly mightier than the sword. Their knowledge can provide Table 1-13: Favored Physician Talents
Tier Talent
immense aid to allies through resources, new allies, or even
1 Physician
the enemy of an enemy. There are as many kinds of scholars
1 Surgeon
are there are things to learn, and most of their own
2 Combat Medicine
2 Restoration
A Scholar’s five career skills are Discipline, Perception, 3 Natural
Medicine, Knowledge (History), and Negotiation. A 3 Resolve
Scholar automatically gains a rank in three of these skills 4 Seen Many Things
without spending experience. 4 Ingenious Solution

5 Is Anyone a Doctor?

The ancient civilizations of the world left behind their

fingerprints and the Archaeologist is adept at deciphering the
secrets and mysteries buried by earth and time. Wherever Tinkerers are just as knowledgeable as their more academic
they go, Archaeologists see the hidden histories of the Four counterparts, but usually their expertise is worldly and stems
Nations—and those which preceded them. Whether they are from their craftsmanship and resourcefulness. A keen eye and
the old markings in the Taku Ruins, the prayer stones and knack for inventiveness can carry a Tinkerer just a bit farther
road shrines of Air Nomads, or even forgotten city of lost than most.
bender tribes, an Archaeologist knows their secrets.
The additional career skills for Tinkerers are Mechanics,
Archaeologists gain five additional career skills— Coordination, Perception, Discipline, and Knowledge
Perception, Negotiation, Resilience, Knowledge (Spirit (Culture). You gain a free rank in three of these skills. During
World), and Knowledge (Geography). They gain a free rank character creation, you gain a free rank in one of the following
in three of these. During character creation, you gain a free Tier 1 talents: Salvager or Utility Pouch.
rank in one of the following Tier 1 talents: Bought Info or Relic
Tinkerers can purchase the following talents at a discount:
Additionally, Archaeologists receive a discount when Table 1-14: Favored Tinkerer Talents
purchasing the following talents: Tier Talent
1 Hidden Storage
Table 1-12: Favored Archaeologist Talents 1 Resourceful Mechanic
Tier Talent 2 Inventor
1 Know Somebody 2 Quick Fix
1 Outdoorsman 3 Contraption
2 Heightened Awareness 3 Known Blueprint
2 Researcher 4 Jury Rigged
3 Museum Curator 4 Tinkerer
3 Well Rounded 5 Dedication
4 Fortune Favors the Bold
4 In the Know
5 Professor

The Second Age | Character Creation | 17

seas. Able to cajole or coerce a noble into dumping all their
Familiar Shores pocket change, Pirates have a fearsome reputation.
Once per game session the character may make a Hard Pirates gain Vigilance, Coercion, Skulduggery,
Knowledge (Geography) check. If successful, the character is Ranged, and Resilience as additional career skills. You gain
familiar with the environment and region they find themselves a free rank in three of these skills. During character creation,
in. They know about nearby inhabitants, and where their you gain a free rank in one of the following Tier 1 talents:
settlements might be found. They also know about unusual Bribery or Shady Deal.
environmental effects, hostile predators, or sources of Additionally, a Pirate receives a discount when purchasing
potential profit. the following talents:
Active Table 1-17: Favored Pirate Talents
Tier Talent
In a world filled with more than 60% water, it will be imperative 1 Bribery
to include someone in the party who knows how to traverse 1 Hidden Storage
the seas. It’s not enough to simply know where you’re going, 2 Bad Cop
but knowing how to get there as well. A Mariner knows best 2 Rude Words
about travelling on the open ocean. 3 Animal Companion
A Mariner’s five career skills are Sailing, Vigilance, 3 Backstab
Coordination, Resilience, and Knowledge (Geography). A 4 Back-to-Back
Mariner automatically gains a rank in three of these skills 4 Menace
without spending experience. 5 Altered Deal

The Sailor excels at sailing and the sea has made them
resilient to many of life’s hardships; Sailors are a great Much like their Commander counterpart on land, the Captain
addition to any party planning to do a lot of travel across open specialization has several talents that enable a character to
waters. They are used to surviving challenging environments support allies as well as excel in ship-to-ship combat. Perhaps
whether at sea or on land, and can even handle their own in even moreso than their land counterparts, a Captain is only
a fight. as good as their knowledge of the terrain. Their unshakeable
determination in the face of even the harshest storms at sea
Not surprisingly, Sailors gain Sailing, Discipline,
speak volumes of their leadership qualities.
Survival, Melee (Light), and Vigilance as career skills, and
three of these gain a free rank. During character creation, you Captains go into the field with Discipline, Leadership,
also gain a free rank in one of the following Tier 1 talents: Let’s Knowledge (Geography), Resilience, and Survival as
Ride or One with Nature. additional career skills. You gain a free rank in three of these
skills. During character creation, you gain a free rank in one
In addition to these talents, Sailors also receive a discount
of the following Tier 1 talents: Hard Headed or Respected.
when purchasing the following talents:
Captains also receive a discount when purchasing the
Table 1-16: Favored Sailor Talents following talents with their experience points:
Tier Talent
1 Brace Table 1-18: Favored Captain Talents
1 Outdoorsman Tier Talent
2 Balance 1 Rapid Reaction
2 Side Step 1 Toughened
3 Iron Body 2 Command
3 Well Rounded 2 Brash Driving
4 Enduring 3 Commanding Presence
4 Superior Reflexes 3 Full Throttle
5 Master Operator 4 Offensive Driving
4 Trust the Captain
5 Inspiring Leadership

Cutthroat and callous, this unsavory specialization excels in
having underground connections and combat on the open

18 | Character Creation | The Second Age

I Know a Guy Assassin
Once per game session, the Mercenary may spend a Story Assassins are masters of the grim art of death. They use
Point to introduce an NPC who owes the character a small stealth and maneuverability who strive to employ quick strikes
favor. and move without being noticed. Espionage, sabotage,
infiltration, guerrilla warfare, and of course targeted killings—
Active the Assassin is master of all things underworld.
Mercenaries tend to work for the highest bidder, and rarely An Assassin gains access to Martial Arts, Stealth,
break a contract unless the price is worth the damage to their Skulduggery, Deception, and Streetwise as additional
reputation. Unsurprisingly, this career is combat-oriented, and career skills. You gain a free rank in three of these skills. At
the various specializations have evolved to suit a Mercenary’s character creation, you gain a free rank in one of the following
particular…quirks. Tier 1 talents: Deft Hands or Unremarkable.
Mercenaries tend to fall into three categories: those Assassins also receive a discount when they purchase the
looking for the next paycheck, killers-for-hire, and free-range following talents with XP:
survivalists who lend their services as guides and escorts.
With an arsenal of talents, Mercenaries are excellent at Table 1-20: Favored Assassin Talents
Tier Talent
tracking down their prey—whether they be big game, or other
1 Deflect
human beings. While some Mercenaries rely on their wit and
1 Parry
weapons to get by, others employ cunning and stealth to stalk
2 Precision Strike
their marks. Still others make use of the world around them,
2 Side Step
often using beasts of burden to snuff out a target.
3 Backstab
A Mercenary’s career skills are Coordination, 3 Disarm
Skulduggery, Stealth, Survival, and Ranged. A Mercenary 4 Superior Reflexes
automatically gains a rank in three of these skills without 4 Unrelenting
spending experience. 5 Coup de Grâce

Bounty Hunter
A wanted poster, a missing person who needs to be found, a
mysterious beast terrorizing the crops—no matter the job, Beyond the urban settings of Ba Sing Se or Republic City, in
there is a Bounty Hunter willing to take it for the right price. the vast countryside and forests dotting the Earth Kingdom,
Specialists in multiple weapon types, a Bounty Hunter always Rangers hunt down their targets with exceptional precision,
has the right tool for the job, as long as the job is to put the and act as companionable travel guides along the dangerous
nail in the coffin. routes between cities. Many Rangers spend so much time out
Bounty Hunters gain Melee (Heavy), Coercion, in the wilderness that they usually take on an animal
Vigilance, Ranged, and Survival as their additional career companion to aid them in these endeavors. The Ranger
skills. You gain a free rank in three of these skills. During excels at ranged combat and employs a variety of techniques
character creation, you also gain a free rank in one of the related to tracking and animal handling.
following Tier 1 talents: Quick Draw or Bought Info. Rangers gain Ranged, Medicine, Knowledge
When you play as a Bounty Hunter, you may also (Geography), Animal Handling, and Coordination as
purchase the following talents at a discount: career skills. You gain a free rank in three of these skills.
During character creation, you also gain a free rank in one of
Table 1-19: Favored Bounty Hunter Talents the following Tier 1 talents: Forager or Swift.
Tier Talent
Additionally, Rangers receive a discount when they learn
1 Bribery
the following talents:
1 Shady Deal
2 Hunter Table 1-21: Favored Ranger Talents
2 Crippling Blow Tier Talent
3 Easy Prey 1 Outdoorsman
3 Nobody’s Fool 1 Rapid Reaction
4 Jury Rigged 2 Heightened Awareness
4 Moving Target 2 Longshot
5 Baleful Gaze 3 Animal Companion
3 Point Blank
4 Deadeye
4 True Aim
5 Beastmaster

The Second Age | Character Creation | 19

Step 4: Invest Starting Experience
Experience is the primary means by which players customize purchased during character creation, and not at any time
their character. Each Player Character starts with a beginning during gameplay.
pool of experience points which can be used to improve
aspects of the characters. Players will receive additional Skill Training
experience to improve themselves as they progress in the Each skill has five ranks of training available. A character may
campaign. have already acquired one or more ranks of skill. Characters

Starting Experience
may train additional skills and gain additional ranks during
character creation. No skill can be raised higher than rank
2 during character creation, unless specifically stated
Characters begin with a budget of experience points otherwise by a rule or the GM.
based on their archetype. The XP used during character
creation are the same as the XP received during play. If a The player should indicate each career skill on their
player chooses to spend fewer XP during creation than their character sheet based on the choices they made when
budget permits, those points carry over into the game and can picking an archetype and a career; they are less expensive.
be used later. Additional starting XP may be handed out at the Training a career skill to the next highest rank costs five
GM’s discretion. The following section details the ways that times the rank to which it is being raised. For example, training
players can spend XP. a skill from rank 0 to rank 1 requires 5 experience points.
Improving a rank 1 skill to rank 2 would require 10 experience
Improving Characteristics points. Ranks must be purchased sequentially.
New characters begin the game with starting points in their Characters can also purchase ranks in non-career skills.
characteristics based upon their chosen character archetype. Each rank of a non-career skill costs five times the rank it is
However, characteristics can still be raised during character being raised to, plus 5 additional experience points. So raising
creation by spending XP. Raising a characteristic to the next a non-career skill to rank 1 would cost 10 XP, and rank 2
highest rating costs ten times the value it is being raised to. would cost 15 XP, and so forth.
For example, raising a character’s Brawn from 3 to 4 would
Ranks in skills may be purchased during character
require 40 experience points.
creation or later during gameplay.
Each improvement must be purchased sequentially. This
means that raising a character’s Brawn from 3 to 5 would cost Acquiring Talents
90 experience points. 40 for raising it to 4, and 50 more for
Talents are something any character may acquire by
raising to from 4 to 5. It is important to remember that during
spending XP. This book is designed to be compatible with all
creation, no characteristic can be increased to higher than 5. (or most) GENESYS materials, official and homebrew. The
Because a character’s characteristics primarily govern a talents in this book are not an exhaustive list. As always,
character’s mastery of a given skill, characteristic ratings are check with your GM to see what other options might be
crucial. Generally, characteristics affect how many are available.
rolled, while skill ranks represent how many of those are Talents are organized into tiers, with each talent costing
upgraded to . It is important to consider increasing a five XP times its tier level. Thus, Tier 1 talents cost 5 XP, but
character’s characteristics, as characteristics can only be Tier 5 talents cost 25 XP. You can buy as many Tier 1 talents
for your character as you like, but if you want to purchase
talents in higher tiers, you have to follow this rule: to buy a
talent in a higher tier, your character must have at least
Advanced Start one more talent in the tier directly below it. More on talents
These character creation rules focus on creating new and fresh is described in Chapter IV: Talents.
adventurers. However, you may want to start with characters In addition, some archetypes (and all specializations) may
who have a bit more experience. In this case, you can give your confer a free rank in a talent. These talents count for the
characters some additional XP to spend after character purpose of purchasing talents in a higher tier.
creation. Another 50 XP can help your players push their
characters deeper into their talents, and hone their skills just
a bit more.
Alternatively, consider an advanced start in which the players
receive up to 100 XP, in addition to the XP budget granted by
their archetype, which can only be spent on attributes. This
encourages players to focus on increasing attributes to further
define what their character is good (or bad) at doing. As a
result, they have that much more XP to then spend on skills
and talents.

20 | Character Creation | The Second Age

Step 5: Determine Derived Attributes
Some of a Player Character’s attributes are based on other
choices made during character creation or over the course of
a campaign. Some of these attributes may change frequently
Defense determines how difficult a character is to hit in
over the course of play or may be modified by talents,
combat situations. Characters have both a ranged defense
equipment, or various special abilities.
and a melee defense. A character’s default value in both

Wound Threshold ranged defense and melee defense is zero. If a character’s

defense value is listed simply as “Defense” and not
A character’s wound threshold represents how much physical specifically defined by a separate ranged and melee values,
damage they can withstand before they are knocked out. then the same value is applied to both.
Wounds can be serious and lead to a Critical Injury (see Core Defense is most commonly gained by wearing armor or by
Rulebook, Chapter 6: Combat Encounters). They can be adopting a defensive position in combat, such as taking cover.
treated with the Medicine skill, but it may take time to recover Some special talents may also increase a character’s defense
more serious wounds. rating.
A character’s starting wound threshold is based on their Defense is either granted or added. If an effect says ‘Gain
archetype, adding the Brawn rating. After this initial value is Defense 2’, your base Defense rating is 2 and it does not stack
determined, your character’s wound threshold can be raised with other ‘Gain Defense N’ effects. You always calculate
by purchasing certain talents or by increasing the Brawn Defense with your highest ‘Gain Defense N’ effect as your
Characteristic. base Defense. If a description states ‘Add N defense’, then it
stacks on top of the base defense with other ‘Add defense’
Strain Threshold effects.
The max Defense value for any character is 4.
A character’s strain threshold represents how much stress a
character can withstand before becoming stunned, dazed, or
otherwise incapacitated. Strain represents psychological Soak
stress, mental damage, or a blow to one’s morale. Strain is A character’s soak value determines how much incoming
more easily suffered than wounds and can even be used as a damage the PC can shrug off before taking real damage. The
resource by players to trigger certain character abilities. soak value is subtracted from any incoming damage to the
Thankfully, character’s recover from strain more quickly than character. Any damage remaining after subtracting the soak
from wounds. value becomes wounds applied to the character’s wound
A character’s starting strain threshold is determined based threshold.
upon archetype, adding the Willpower rating. After this initial Soak does not apply when you are targeted by abilities
value is determined, the strain threshold can be raised by inflicting wounds, or which cause you to suffer strain.
purchasing certain talents or by increasing the Willpower
Characteristic. Your default soak value is equal to your Brawn rating.
Increases in Brawn increase your soak value. Additional soak
value bonuses are most often gained by wearing armor. Some
talents may also increase a character’s innate soak value,
while other talents may temporarily increase the value.

Step 6: Determine Motivation

Motivation provides a means to link all the different elements In Avatar: The Second Age, your character’s motivation
of a Player Character into one coherent persona. It serves to has four facets: Desires, Fears, Strengths, and Flaws.
differentiate characters with similar classes by providing These aspects color the way your character perceives and
different reasons for their decisions. Often, Motivation also interacts with the world. Each general distinction breaks down
sets up a thread that recurs across multiple adventures as the into a range of differing motivations to give players an
character continues to work toward achieving some lofty goal. additional layer of narrative depth. The four facets of
Motivation does not typically impact gameplay, but is intended Motivation can also be leveraged by others when attempting
to add depth to the players’ roleplaying. Players should focus to persuade, coerce, or otherwise influence the character
on linking the character’s background, career, and Motivation during social encounters. Finally, a GM interested in a more
together to create a detailed persona. character-focused game can look to the player character’s
Motivations to craft compelling campaigns that include inner
Motivation includes a character’s driving forces: what emotional arcs for the characters in addition to their physical
ultimate goal is your character pursuing? What are they most journeys.
afraid of? What allows them to persevere in the face of
adversity? What flaws hinder their ability to pursue their

The Second Age | Character Creation | 21

Adaptable: No matter what life throws at your character, they always rise to the challenge. Your character is flexible and can handle
nearly every situation, no matter how grim or strange the circumstances.
Analytical: Your character’s mind is like a computer, able to absorb a barrage of information and come to a logical conclusion. Your
solutions always have the inarguable weight of reason, and you know how to pick your battles and when to bide your time.
Courageous: Fear of death has no place in your character’s heart. They laugh at danger and gladly push themselves to confront what
others flee from. Your character is probably still afraid of something, though.
Curious: Life is a million mysteries, and your character wants to learn about every one of them. Whether curiosity drives them to meet
new people, explore distant cultures, or learn fantastic new truths and ideas is up to you.
Idealistic: What ideals your character believes in are up to you, but to your character, those ideals are nothing short of sacred. They may
feel that everyone should live up to those same ideals, or simply adhere to the standards they have set for themselves.
Independent: When everyone else has failed or fallen, your character knows they can still count on themselves. Your character may get
along with others just fine but makes sure not to rely on them. Your character is always prepared to deal with the situation and isn’t
waiting for someone else to help.
Patient: Your character is always willing to wait and knows the power of being calm. By waiting for the right opportunity, they avoid all
manner of unpleasant and dangerous situations. However, your character knows when to act swift and decisively.
Spiritual: Your character is deeply spiritual and at times very knowledgeable about the goings on of the spirits. Their belief gives them a
solid mental bedrock they can always rely on.
Wise: Through years of experience and countless events, your character has developed that rare quality: wisdom. The wise understand
the truths of how their world works. Just as importantly, they know that sometimes, with the right effort, those truths can be overcome.
Witty: Your character is extremely clever, with the right joke for a friend and the perfect insult for a foe. Some may love their company,
while others loathe their cutting remarks, but none can deny that your character has the sharpest tongue around.

Motivations in Play
Motivations are merely guides for roleplaying, giving the
player a foundation from which to consider decisions as well
as determine reactions to circumstances. They can be used
Motivations exist to offer a player an additional framework for
to create or ease narrative tension, or advance character
how the PC interacts with the world. They establish the
development. Motivations should never be treated as
character’s priorities, but they need not be a restriction.
blinders, disabling a character’s ability to consider all aspects
Rather, Motivations help suggest the character’s intuitive
of a situation to make a rational decision. Plays should not feel
response to the challenges they encounters. Notably, a PC’s
that they must sacrifice the enjoyment of the game for
reactions must be colored by mitigating factors, so that a
themselves and fellow players simply because a given
response is seldom based solely on a Motivation.
Motivation would guide them away from an otherwise
reasonable decision.

Anger: Your character lashes out at themselves or others with undue cause or with extreme force. They are quick to resort to physical
force to solve their problems.
Compulsion: This could be addiction, fascination, obsession, or impulsive behavior that is self-destructive or otherwise impedes your
character’s ability to function and be healthy.
Deception: Your character may be disloyal or a compulsive liar. They are concerned with their own wellbeing first and foremost, and they
might always present themselves in the best possible light even when that isn’t the case.
Greed: Your character is never satisfied with that they have, always wanting more. They are willing to flout the law or infringe upon
others’ rights in order to get what they want.
Laziness: Your character always seeks the path of least resistance and becomes intimidated by difficult or complex tasks. They are
complacent with the status quo.
Ignorance: Your character lacks a basic knowledge or understand of society’s norms. This may be due to their upbringing or their recent
travel to another area of the world. This could be more than just being ‘uneducated’; at some level, your character may be willfully
Intolerance: For whatever reason, your character harbors some prejudices toward a group of people. These may be relatively “minor”
biases, or they may give rise to an intense emotion of hatred or revulsion. Whatever form it takes, remember that intolerance is based
more in emotion than rationality.
Pride: Pride does not always have to be a Flaw, but it can easily become one. Your character is arrogant, vain, or self-absorbed, or thinks
highly of themselves at the expense of others.
Recklessness: Your character shows little regard for how their actions may affect themselves or others, due either to low self-esteem or
lack of forethought. They are especially prone to dangerous or inconsiderate actions.
Timid: Your character is extremely risk averse, opting instead to take more thorough or tried-and-true approaches. They may take too
long to act, or may be unable to act at all in the face of new or intimidating challenges.

22 | Character Creation | The Second Age

Vengeance: At some point in the character’s past, they were brutally wronged. Now they seek vengeance and have a hard time focusing
on anything else.
Wealth: Money motivates this character. Few of their choices are based less on the consequence of right and wrong, and more on what
will be best for their pockets.
Power: The character wants to amass power and authority. Their aspiration to rule may be linked to altruism or despotic desire, but in
either case they want to control both their situation and those around them.
Enlightenment: The character seeks spiritual and intellectual enlightenment above all else. They do not seek to bring it to others, for they
realize such a goal is innately personal. A walk in the Spirit World is the ultimate existence.
Glory: Fame and the spotlight beckon to this character. They want to perform great deeds, and be celebrated for all time.
Justice: In a world full of wrongdoing, justice must be done. The character seeks to bring justice to those who deserve it.
Discovery: Seeking out and discovering new lands, information, artefacts or the wondrous secrets hidden among the landscape’s
countless ruins drives this character’s actions. They seek to be the first to discover what no one has.
Status: The character wants to elevate their social standing—gaining titles, commendations, and accolades. The character may come
from humble beginnings or otherwise strive for a higher position than where they began.
Love: Love and intimacy drive the character. They will do anything for those they care about, and may already have a true love—or may
strive to find companionship.
Redemption: The character seeks to atone for past sins or mistakes. They may have been a criminal, bounty hunter, or followed some
pursuit that caused him to act they now regrets.

Changing Motivations character with the Ambition Desire might be presented with
the opportunity to usurp some authority for himself in some
Over time, a character’s attitudes can shift. Sometimes a way; someone with the Justice Desire could stumble across
single dramatic event can force the character to reprioritize. a helpless NPC that they feels inspired to assist.
Alternatively, an extended series of minor frustrations can be
Ultimately, the GM can determine that the character’s
enough to change how the character views the world. Of
Motivation would push him to succeed in certain situations
course, if a player discovers that they does not enjoy their
and reward the player with beneficial bonuses for taking
character’s Motivation, this can also be an important reason
certain actions that are in character.
to justify the change. Ultimately, changing Motivations is
simply a matter of discussing the issue with the GM, so that
the GM can offer input, and then adjust any narrative elements
Secret Motivations
with appropriate changes. Once all the players have determined their character’s
Motivations, the GM should note them and keep them handy
Calling on Motivations as a reference as the campaign progresses. However, a
player does not have to tell the other players their character’s
If a player finds himself at a loss as to what their character
should do in each situation, the GM can look up their
Motivation and provide incentive for him to act by providing One of the joys of roleplaying with a group of players is the
‘bait’ that’s appropriate to the Motivation. For example, a opportunity to reveal a character’s story to the other players.

Change: Your character finds routine and stability comforting, and fears changes that could upend their day-to-day routine.
Commitment: The idea of making promises or being relied on scares your character, who hates the idea. This fear of commitment could
manifest in relationships, on the job, or among family.
Death: The fear of death is deep and primal, and it drives a lot of our behaviors. There are a large number of ways this could manifest in
your character.
Expression: Your character has some behavior or means of expressing themselves privately that they do not want the world to know
about. The nature of that behavior is up to you, keeping the setting in mind.
Failure: Most people dislike failure, but some actively fear it. That fear may drive them to try to become absolutely perfect, or it may
crush them into inaction. Maybe it does both.
Humiliation: Characters who are especially concerned with how others view them are particularly sensitive to potential humiliation. They
go out of their way to avoid ever appearing foolish or wrong, even if that means passing up opportunity.
Isolation: Your character fears being isolated from other people and being doomed to live and die alone. Maybe this drives them to seek
out relationships with anyone and everyone, even when a relationship is unpleasant or unhealthy.
Nemesis: Your character has a deadly foe, someone they fear. The nature of this enemy is up to you, but we suggest you consult with
your GM. After all, your GM surely wants to bring this up in the game!
Obscurity: Your character wishes to be remembered after they are gone and works tirelessly to secure this legacy.
Poverty: For your characters, it’s all about wealth and security. They fear being without, and they work hard to amass money, supplies,
or other valuable items to ensure their status.

The Second Age | Character Creation | 23

Coming right out and revealing Motivations openly may not character wants something, it’s easier for them to pursue it
always allow for such discovery, which is why players need because they’re driven—because they’re excited and
not share their Motivations. Some of the example Motivations enthusiastic.
provided might come with some inherent dangers, social Your character’s Desire does not need to be a noble or
repercussions, or chance of corruption that might run counter altruistic goal. However, as with the other facets of your
to the party’s overall goals. This is intentional, as sometimes character’s Motivation, you should discuss your choices with
keeping a character’s Motivation secret might make things the GM. Having a negative or evil Desire, such as one that is
hard for the group, but is excellent for creating tension and in conflict with the Motivations of the other PCs or the rest of
good roleplaying. society, may disrupt the party dynamics or the course of the
If a character chooses to keep their Motivation secret they adventure.
can, with the GM’s permission, provide a ‘false front.’ the
player should be encouraged to give the appearance of acting Fear
on behalf of the false Motivation, while furthering the goals of A character’s Fear represents the thing they dread. It might
their original. be the character’s deepest insecurity, their bogeyman, or a

Roleplaying Awards
deep-seated threat to their culture or life.
Acting against a character’s fears and overcoming them
Game Masters are encouraged to provide bonus experience makes for challenging encounters and rewarding moments of
points to players who do a good job of roleplaying the effects roleplaying. Fear can be leveraged against individuals to
of their Motivations on their characters’ actions and decisions. make them do terrible things, or force them to give up on their
Good roleplaying of any kind should be rewarded, of course, desires entirely. Your character may succumb by avoiding the
but the way Motivation can sometimes limit or disadvantage a thing they fear, refusing to risk confronting their fear in order
PC should certainly be considered when such rewards are to obtain their desires, or doing something terrible because
contemplated. the object of their fear compels them to.

Types of Motivation Strength

Your character’s strength is one of the best things about them.
In the following section, you have the chance to select or roll It’s the first thing you’d put on your character’s resume, the
randomly for a Desire, Fear, Strength, and a Flaw. If you do one word other people use when praising your character, and
not care for the sample motivational facets, feel free to craft the defining feature for which they’re known.
your own, unique to your character. Whichever route you
A Strength is usually a personality trait or mental quirk that
choose, you should focus on linking your character’s
your character possesses that sets them apart. Being rich,
background, archetype, career and specialization with their
athletic, or attractive are all certainly bonuses for a person, but
they’re not defining qualities of one’s persona.
Desire Flaw
This aspect of your character’s Motivation most closely tracks
Everyone has an element of themselves that they’re not proud
what we typically think of when we hear the term “motivation”:
of. Why should your character be any different? When
it’s the reason why the character acts. What, more than
someone speaks ill of your character, this is usually the first
anything else, does your character want or want to achieve?
thing they bring up. It’s also what gets mentioned when your
This is the most important element of your character in a
character’s friends say “They’re a great person, but…” that
character-driven campaign, because it is how you signal to
“but” is your character’s Flaw.
the GM the types of challenges you want your character to
face. Desire flavors the way your character approaches the Just like your Strength, your Flaw is primarily a part of your
story. character’s personality. It is a selfish Motivation, bad habit, or
element of a persona that your character wishes they didn’t
Desire represents the thing your character wants, although
they might not know what that is just yet. It provides a
roleplaying touchstone for your character to help you answer
the question “What would my character do?” When your

Step 7: Choose Gear, Appearance and Personality

Starting Gear
At this stage, the players have taken care of most of the
mechanical elements of their characters. Now each player
has the chance to consider additional details that help define
Player Characters in Avatar: The Second Age receive a
their character. These details tend to have a greater narrative
budget of copper pieces to spend on starting gear before
impact on how the characters operate and add richness and
gameplay begins. This budget is 500 copper pieces (5 silver
depth to their existence. This means, however, that players
pieces). Before their characters begin the game, players may
are able (and even encouraged) to be as creative as they like
spend this money to purchase items from Chapter V: Gear
when inventing the description of their character.
and Equipment for their character. They may not purchase

24 | Character Creation | The Second Age

Rare (R) items unless specifically given permission by their appearance, players should start by reviewing the information
GM. presented about their character during creation. With a
Characters keep any unspent coins when they start the character’s traits in mind, a player can then consider what
game. In addition, once the player has finished spending their physical details they want to embellish. Height, weight, build,
starting budget, they roll 10d10. Their character gains this hair, eyes, even scars and tattoos are all areas for a player to
many additional copper pieces as “pocket money” at the consider.

beginning of the game. This additional money may not be
spent during character creation. Characters do not start the
game with any items apart from what they purchase with their
A character’s personality is another place where players can
starting money or any miscellaneous trinkets they feel are
get creative. Traits, quirks, habits, likes and dislikes — players
appropriate for their character such as personal mementos or
can be as thorough or concise as they wish.
a journal.
Motivations make a great starting point for consideration.
Currency in The Second Age is represented in terms of
They could even be the inspiration to create someone with a
coins or pieces of copper, silver, and gold. 1 gold piece is
completely unexpected personality. An honorable, honest
equal to 10 silver pieces which equals 1000 copper pieces. In
person torn because of their obligation to underground
other words, 100 copper pieces is the same as 1 silver piece.
criminals is a classic trope.

Physical Description Alternatively, players may feel free to develop a

personality for a character overtime, letting the personality
The appearance of characters in The Second Age can vary evolve over the course of the game based on the decisions
wildly. PCs may stem from a variety of nations and the players make.
backgrounds. When determining their character's’ physical

Table 1-25: Character Creation Quick Reference

During character creation, you are required to make many choices. With the so much information available, and the
number of customizations offered, it may be helpful to use the following outline throughout the process.
You must choose one of each of the following:
 Archetype
o The archetype choice determines your character’s base rank in all characteristics, as well as your wound
and strain thresholds, and budget of experience points (XP).
o Each archetype confers a minor mechanical buff which may be one or more of the following: a free
talent rank, a free skill rank, or other unique ability.
 Career
o A career designates five skills as career skills. Your character gains a free rank in three of those five.
o A career gives you a unique career ability.
 Specialization
o A specialization designates five additional skills as career skills. A player gains a free rank in three of
o Picking a specialization confers a free rank in a Tier 1 talent, provided in the description.
o Each specialization is listed with a table of nine Favored Talents. You receive a 5 XP discount when
acquiring these talents (to a minimum of 5 XP).
After these choices are made, each player receives a minimum of 500 copper pieces to buy starting equipment (excluding
rare items; subject to the Game Master’s discretion).
Finally, players may use their starting XP (determined by archetype) to raise Characteristic scores, gain ranks in their skills,
learn bending forms, or purchase talents.

The Second Age | Character Creation | 25

II – The Bending Arts
In the world of Avatar, a person is able to bend their element
when they extend the influence of their chi beyond the body Learning the Bending Arts
to interact with the environment. In the Avatar universe’s contemporary era, each element is
also associated with a nation in the world; the Water Tribe
The four elemental bending arts are based on the four
corresponds with waterbending, the Earth Kingdom with
classical elements—water, earth, fire, and air—and each are
earthbending, the Fire Nation with firebending, and the Air
manipulated through certain martial art styles which are
Nomads with airbending. However, other bending affiliated
reminiscent of the qualities of the element itself. A more
groups exist, like the Foggy Swamp Tribe for waterbending,
aberrant and perilous technique is the ancient, fifth bending
the Sun Warriors for firebending, and the Si Wong tribes for
art of energybending, which predates the other four arts, as
earthbending. Each nation has its own revered bending
well as the arrival of the Avatar and the formation of the Four
masters, who train younger benders how to use their abilities
Nations. It involves bending the life energy within another
and pass the traditional bending culture on through the
being. Only the Avatar has ever been known to bend
energy itself.
Although such ability is not uncommon, an individual’s
Bending is a form of elemental spiritualism, allowing some
bending talents must be developed over time. In most people,
of the world’s inhabitants to manipulate the material world
the ability to manipulate the elements appears at a young age,
around them. Though some degree of talent for bending
often by puberty. Their gift often sets these individuals apart,
seems to be inborn to certain people or families, true skill in
as even untrained benders can bend the elements to their will.
bending requires a lifetime of lengthy and intensive study,
This does cause tension between benders and nonbenders.
dedication and practice.
Misunderstandings between them throughout history have
Each bending technique is largely channeled through been the primary source of conflict in the world.
patterned movements and stances that give shape and focus
Even for those with innate talent, discipline and training
to the chi that allows one to bend. As such, benders are at
are still necessary to fully realize the apex of their bending
their most vulnerable when restrained or unfocused and
abilities. Finding a master to assist in learning about the
unable to enact these motions with accuracy and clarity. Each
different techniques can be difficult, for much knowledge was
bending style is tied thematically to the style of real-world
lost during the Hundred Year War. For some benders in
martial arts that inspired it, and thus, the motions of each style
different parts of the world, using their talents is seen as taboo
are quite distinct. While bending is traditionally performed
and thus they may hide their abilities.
through the motions of one's hands and feet, certain benders
can effectively manipulate their element with only minimal Although bending permeates the world of Avatar, not
movement of their body, such as by using just their head or everyone has the ability to bend. Heritage can play a role, but
torso. In even rarer cases, benders can perform their bending spirituality can also be a factor. The most spiritual nation of
without the aid of any physical movement at all, by instead all, the Air Nomads, always had bender children while the
using sheer focus and force of will, a skill known informally as least spiritual nation, the Earth Kingdom, has the lowest
psychic bending. number of benders proportional to their population. Of course,
people of mixed heritage are liable to bend one element or the
other (never both), and sometimes none at all.

Bending in Avatar: The Second Age

Playing a Bender
In The Second Age, your character’s ability to bend the
elements is represented by their ranks in the Bending Arts
skill. Your character is considered to be a bender if they begin
Benders can control and manipulate their surroundings to
the game with Bending Arts as a career skill, or they begin
their whims, clear otherwise insurmountable obstacles,
with at least one rank in Bending Arts. Your character cannot
construct great works, and even take command of the field of
use any bending forms until they have at least one rank in the
battle. The elements can be used to inflict serious wounds or
Bending Arts skill. This skill is described in detail in Chapter
strain upon any foes. The bending arts open tactical and
III: New Skills and Rules.
strategic possibilities completely unavailable to nonbenders.
Unless otherwise directed by your GM, your character The power that bending bestows to a user can vary widely,
can master one element only! Again, this is ultimately at the and these mechanical distinctions are defined later in this
discretion of your GM, but the spirit of the Avatar series chapter.
necessitates the cultural and personal dynamics created as a
When you’re creating a new character who can bend the
result of this inherent limitation. Indeed, the central conceit of
elements, consider the adventure you’ll be playing and the
the series is that “only the Avatar can master all four
way this fits into the world. How well do they know their
talents? Are they an earthbending architect who understands
their philosophy well enough to construct rigid and sturdy
structures; or are they just a simple craftsman who
supplements their blacksmithing with firebending?

26 | The Bending Arts | The Second Age

There may be some rare instances in which a nonbender
character could learn how to control an element. There are Native Bending Specialists
many times in the Avatar universe in which a character has In the Avatar series, bending activities are confined to one of
potential yet to be unlocked; this being a core motif of the the four classical elements: air, earth, fire, and water. However,
series. Some may go their whole lives without ever realizing the series also demonstrates that characters can sometimes
they can bend the elements, or without ever learning how to manipulate various iterations of the element, whether as a
control it. In the ancient past, the Lion Turtles could grant, or different phase of matter or through a logical, or even spiritual,
take away, the ability to bend the elements—and there’s been relationship. This is most apparent in waterbenders, nearly all
at least one instance during which a spiritual-astral
of whom are shown to have masterful control over all forms of
phenomenon left individuals around the world with the ability
water; to a degree, earthbenders can also control gems,
to airbend.
crystals, coal, and other forms of earth across the spectrum.
In general, a GM should require good narrative cause for
However, specialized bending is not always readily apparent to
the sudden acquisition of these powerful abilities.
characters. Metalbending, bloodbending, lavabending, and
Using Bending Forms even lightningbending encompass techniques that had to first
be discovered, honed, and passed on. As the tradition spreads,
Bending allows someone to do things others might see as specialized bending becomes so integral to a culture, that it
fantastic or even unbelievable: levitating boulders, jumping becomes innate to a character. This is true in the case of
high into the air, lighting the candles in a room, or blocking sandbending and plantbending.
arrows with a sheet of ice. Bending is therefore a conscious
There are no rules that can encompass such a breadth of
effort on the part of your character. In The Second Age,
experience and it would do a great disservice to player
bending encompasses both broad narrative techniques and
specific, structured abilities that allow players to perform creativity to try to codify every possible avenue of a character’s
impressive and imaginative feats. Bending techniques with heritage. You should speak with your GM if you want to play a
mechanical effects are referred to in this book as bending character who inherently uses one of these styles, and what
forms (or just forms). Forms are further categorized into basic that may look like in play. Your character likely wouldn’t need
forms, and master forms. to find a master teach them, or purchase these abilities with
XP. Perhaps your character does not suffer their associated
Basic forms follow the same general rules for magic
actions (“spells”) as outlined in the GENESYS Core penalties, or finds another style harder than others. No matter
Rulebook (page 211), with exceptions noted in this book the approach, each character is going to be different and that
where appropriate. If rules come into conflict between the approach should be fun for you.
Core Rulebook and The Second Age, this book takes
precedent. The names and descriptions of basic forms follows bending effects may impose a lesser penalty of 1 strain, or
later in the Bending Forms section of this chapter. Master none at all. Some forms may specify more or less strain in
forms represent specialized techniques which require which case that value supersedes what is written here, and
additional effort (and perhaps narrative justification) to some improvements can reduce the burden on strain entirely.
achieve, and are handled differently. However, both are
considered “forms” for the purpose of any talent, ability, bonus
or penalty which interacts with forms.
In Narrative Encounters
Many bending abilities have use outside of battle. A
Forms let your character achieve amazing outcomes waterbender may create a bridge across a river out of ice
through their bending art. The Bending Arts skill is used by while an earthbender might dam up the river altogether. The
your character to accomplish those tasks. When your forms listed later in this chapter are by no means an
character performs any action that requires a Bending exhaustive list of techniques that can be performed by
Arts skill check (whether or not the check succeeds), they benders. The players should insist upon, and the GM should
suffer 2 strain after resolving the check. This limits benders encourage, improvised uses for their character’s bending
from using their abilities indiscriminately. Minor and narrative abilities. With GM guidance and the rules outlined later in this
chapter, players may even develop their own techniques.
Table 2-1: Penalties When Bending Bending Arts skill checks are functionally handled like any
Penalty Condition other skill check, and called for in the same circumstances. As
with any other skill, you should generally only require a check
The character’s actions are hindered by heavy
when there are dramatic results or consequences for failure.
armor or a cumbersome weapon.
For instance, a well-trained firebender who regularly
The character is gagged, bound, or otherwise manifests and manipulates fire should not need a check to
unable to move. light a torch or campfire.
The character is in circumstances that interfere
Since bending is an inherently open-ended concept,
with their ability to concentrate, such as trying
judging and resolving Bending Arts skill checks may seem
to bend while treading water or hanging from
→ challenging; really bending is just the means through which
a rope, being buffeted by a sandstorm, or using an end is achieved. Focus less on the “how” of the technique,
a Form that doesn’t target the character and more on what the task the form is accomplishing, or what
they’re currently engaged with. obstacle bending is used to overcome. If the technique is
basically replicating the effects of a nonbending skill, assign

The Second Age | The Bending Arts | 27

The maneuvers listed here are available to all benders,
Narrating Concentration
but each element has its own bending maneuvers as well,
Quite a few bending techniques can be maintained over detailed in the later sections.
multiple rounds to provide an ongoing effect. In structured
encounters, your character does this by performing the Counterform
concentrate maneuver. However, in narrative encounters, Many skilled benders can attempt to counter an opponent’s
tracking individual maneuvers can be unnecessarily tedious. forms if they share an elemental affinity. If the character
performs the counterform maneuver, all opponents within
Instead, consider taking a narrative approach to concentration medium range upgrade the difficulty of checks to use forms
and maintaining forms. You can decide that a character can’t once, until the end of the character’s next turn.
perform certain activities while also concentrating. A character
might also start suffering strain in they try to sustain a form for Concentrate
too long. Finally, if something happens that could interrupt a While some effects last only for the duration of the action,
character’s concentration, the player may make an Average some elemental effects might require concentration to
( ) Discipline check; failure means their character loses sustain. If a bending form can benefit from concentration, the
concentration and the form ends. form’s description will note this.
Forms that can be sustained through concentration last
until the end of the character’s next turn, or as noted in their
the difficulty correspondingly while still considering the description. If the character performs the concentrate
circumstances. Bending should not be a catch-all skill that maneuver during that next turn, the form’s effects last until the
eliminates the need for any others—indeed we see in the end of the character’s next turn instead. A form can be
Avatar universe that this is not the case. Every element has sustained indefinitely by performing the concentrate
its limits. Creating a water vortex to lift you up and cross the maneuver each turn.
river is probably more difficult than simply swimming across,
although your character might find it easier if they aren’t Contested Bending
trained in Athletics (or they don’t want to get their gear wet). If two benders of the same element are vying for control of a
Resolving a Bending Arts check is really no different from single mass of their element, they must make an opposed
any other. If the check succeeds, the character achieves what Bending Arts (WIL) check. To gain control of the element, a
they set out to do. How exactly that happens is shown by the bender must beat their opponent's skill check.
positive and negative results in the dice pool, as interpreted
by the GM and players. Players can be the ones to Cooperative Bending
conceptualize and describe how something is accomplished In certain circumstances, multiple benders can work together
(let them do this work)! to accomplish larger and more powerful feats of bending. In
any cooperative bending attempt, one bender acts as the
Generally, bending requires a character to be able to
primary bender for the attempt while any assisting characters
move freely or be in the right environment. If your character
act as secondary benders. Two earthbenders can work
can’t meet these requirements, performing the techniques
together to lift a boulder beyond either of their abilities while
becomes harder. Table 2-1: Penalties When Bending
an airbender and waterbender can harmonize their bending
suggests some potential conditions that may make it harder
to shroud the party in a thick fog, putting the enemy at a
for a character to bend.
disadvantage. For narrative reasons alone it should be
Bending is certainly powerful, but it is also inherently obvious that users of the same element can easily assist one
dangerous. Table: 2-5: Spending a/h and t/d on another in bending skill checks. This is demonstrated many
Bending Arts Skill Checks should offer additional insight times throughout the Avatar series, and should be emulated
into how to handle penalties and the consequences for these in any game session.
types of checks.
Sometimes, benders can use their different elements in
In Structured Encounters unique and collaborative ways. Benders of distinct disciplines

Structured encounters in The Second Age may rely heavily

on bending forms to attack opponents, protect allies, shape EXAMPLE: Contested Bending
the landscape, or perform other amazing feats. There are no An NPC earthbender is attempting to move the same boulder
unique or tricky caveats or requirements for Bending Arts skill under control of a PC. Before doing so, they build their pool of
checks in structured play. Bender characters must still abide dice based on their rank in Bending Arts.
by the game’s action economy of incidentals, maneuvers, and
The PC has a Chi rating of 3 and 2 ranks in Bending Arts. His 3
Chi grant him while Bending Arts 2 upgrades two of
Bending Maneuvers those dice into . His dice pool will have at least 4 dice before
Bending maneuvers are limited to characters with at least one applicable talents and abilities: .
rank in the Bending Arts skill. Like most maneuvers, these The GM will build the opposing earthbender pool in the same
don’t actually require checks, but affect your character’s manner and the two characters will make their rolls. The
options in encounters. Of course, you and your GM might also
character with the most s takes control of the boulder. On a
describe common maneuvers in terms of bending when it
tie, the character with the most a takes control.
seems appropriate. For instance, a player might describe
swimming as their character does it with their waterbending.

28 | The Bending Arts | The Second Age

Players should employ common sense when determining
Table 2-3: Bending Arts Bonuses how big an element can get. An increase of size must always
Rank Sil. Damage Mod Quality Mod be limited by the availability of the element; this is particularly
true for waterbending and earthbending, but even a firebender
1 0 +0 +0
or airbender might have a harder time when they’re indoors.
2 1 +1 +0
3 2–3 +1 +1 Bending and the Environment
A recurring theme throughout the series is that a character’s
4 4–6 +2 +2
location can dramatically impact their ability to wield and
5 7 – 10 +3 +3 control their element. Sozin’s Comet is an infamous
example—during its passing, the comet was named after Fire
can bend cooperatively together, but narratively it must be Lord Sozin after he used its influence over firebending to
something the character can feasibly manipulate with launch the Hundred Year War. The comet’s proximity gave
bending. For example, a waterbender and an earthbender can the firebenders a near-unlimited wellspring of power. As
work together to bend mud (containing both water and earth); another example, earthbending prisoners were kept in Fire
earth and airbenders might both affect the same mass of Nation prisons in the middle of the sea to deprive them of their
sand, whipping its particles around to buffet opponents with a ability to earthbend.
grainy vortex. In cases where two skilled benders cooperate
In addition to their martial combat bonuses, benders will
with different elements, upgrade one to a on a skilled
experience a distinct advantage (or disadvantage) to their
assistance check to represent potential unforeseen
bending abilities depending upon where they are, the
complications arising from mixing two elements together.
weather, even the universe around them. Each of the

Other Bending Rules elements experiences great bonuses when they perform their
techniques in synergy with their environment. Conversely, a
Already this book has outlined the general approach to bender suffers immense setback when they attempt
bending, advising you to follow the rules for magic outlined in techniques in unfavorable locations. A waterbender can
the Magic Rules section on page 210 of the GENESYS Core control the tides when they’re near a large body of water, but
Rulebook. This section offers some additional insight to help unless they bring it with them, there is no water to bend in the
guide you and your GM adjudicate your bending outcomes desert. Earthbenders can be dangerous just about
consistently and fairly.

Bending and Silhouettes Table 2-4: Environmental Effects on Bending

Bonus Conditions
Many of your character’s bending checks will be made during
combat, narrated as a quick sequence of events. Much of the Waterbending
time, the size and shape of the elements being hurled around Under the full moon; near a large body of
is of no consequence for resolving a skill check. However, we water such as an ocean or sea
often see in the Avatar series that extremely talented benders Under the moon (any other time); near a small
can perform amazing feats of bending while controlling an -1 strain to medium sized body of water; during the
immense mass of their element and no doubt you will want to rain
recreate those epic moments. The game can use silhouette
+1 strain During a new moon
as a narrative value to help represent the size of the elements
they control. In an arid or hot environment
By default, anytime a bender uses a form or manipulates No bending
Lunar eclipse
their element, the element is considered silhouette 0. You can possible
use a maneuver to increase the silhouette by one, to a Airbending
maximum determined by your rank in Bending Arts (see Table Confined, close quarters
2-3: Bending Arts Bonuses). You may choose instead to
suffer 1 strain to do this as an incidental. Larger expressions Firebending
of the form may deal more damage, or even have their No strain,
During a comet passing
qualities amplified (e.g. Blast, Stun, or Disorient). →
When you perform a Bending Arts skill check while your -1 strain In an arid or hot environment
element is above silhouette 0, you must upgrade the difficulty When the sun is at its peak
of your skill check a number of times equal to half of the
+1 strain During the rain; cold environment
silhouette of the form, rounded down. For example, a
firebending attack form with silhouette 3 would require one No bending
During a solar eclipse; holding breath
upgrade. Remember, if you’re upgrading more dice than are possible
in the pool, then you simply add another difficulty. Bending Earthbending
larger quantities of your element should not be just be a -1 strain When outdoors
given—there are severe consequences should something go
In sand; in wet environments
wrong. Even the Avatar, the most powerful bender, runs the
risk of destroying villages or hurting bystanders when they hurl No bending
No earth within Extreme range
around a rock the size of a small mountain. possible

The Second Age | The Bending Arts | 29

everywhere they go—but take the earth from beneath their exhaustive, and are inspired from events and circumstances
feet and their skills mean nothing. seen in the Avatar series. Players should feel free to consult
Table 2-4: Environmental Effects When Bending with their GM if they believe certain circumstances may
suggests many circumstances during which benders could warrant a or , more or less strain, or anything in between.
experience bonuses—or setbacks—depending upon the Bonuses can be cumulative. Players should feel free to modify
environment around them. The examples provided are not the kinds of bonuses (and under what conditions they apply).

Table 2-5: Spending a/h and t/d on Bending Arts Skill Checks
Cost Result Options
a or t Recover 1 strain per a spent in this way, up to the number of strained suffered to use the form.
Sustain a bending form through the concentrate maneuver without using a maneuver.
aa or t
Increase the silhouette of an element under your control by one.
Ignore penalizing environmental effects on bending such as inclement weather, disadvantageous location, or similar
effects until the end of your character’s next turn.
aaa or When dealing damage to a target, have the attack disable the opponent or one piece of gear rather than dealing
t wounds or strain. This could include hobbling him temporarily with a blow to the leg, or disarming him. This should be
agreed upon by the player and the GM, and the effects are up to the GM. The effects should be temporary and not too
Increase the activated quality of a successful form.
Do something vital, such as hitting the engine of a Satomobile.
When dealing damage to a target, have the attack destroy a piece of equipment the target is using, such as
disintegrating their bow, or destroying a personal shield, or completely penetrate their defense.
The technique tires the character out, and they suffer 2 strain.
h or d
The character adds to any bending attempts until the end of their next turn.
The silhouette of an element under the character’s control decreases by one.
A minor inconvenience related to the element changes the scene; erratic earthbending creates difficult terrain,
hh or d
uncontrolled firebending sets something ablaze, an electrical panel is short-circuited by splashing water, a gust blows
the MacGuffin to a farther range band.
The technique was more powerful than expected. One character engaged with the original target (chosen by the GM) is
hhh or
targeted or otherwise affected by the form as well.
The character must upgrade the difficulty of any bending attempt until the end of their next turn.
The character’s technique completely misses and hits a target of the GM’s choice.
The character adds to any bending attempts until the end of the encounter.
The character completely overexerts themselves and is unable to bend for the remainder of the encounter or scene.
The character must upgrade the difficulty of any bending attempt until the end of the encounter.

30 | The Bending Arts | The Second Age

Bending Forms They’re more like Guidelines
“Bending Forms” are specialized bending techniques with
The unique techniques of the bending arts are referred to as
specific outcomes and specific requirements for use. A
bending forms and are categorized into basic and master
forms. Mechanically, basic forms work nearly exactly as spells character will have to suffer strain, and use up their maneuver
do in the GENESYS Core Rulebook. Master forms take or action to activate predefined effects.
formatting and structural cues from talents. In effect, both From this point onward, your table can use some, all, or none
describe an action that the character may take during of the rules for forms in this book. The tools are all provided in
narrative or structured play. the narrative dice system, and each component here is layered
Your character will use their forms by rolling a skill check in such a way so that you can peel it back to reduce complexity
to determine whether the action succeeds or fails. Unlike most where desired. Play with forms, but not their upgrades. Play
skill checks, bending offers more opportunity to modify the with just the Bending Arts skill and the elemental effects tables,
dice pool and define the outcome. This section outlines how similar to GENESYS magic.
to acquire the forms generally available for The Second Age,
Whether you follow these structured definitions, or play more
and later how to improve or even create your own.
freeform, the approach is the same: does the character

Acquiring Forms succeed automatically or is there a chance for failure? If failure

can occur, it’s a skill check. If it’s not enough to warrant a full
Your character automatically gains access to their basic forms action, then is it quick enough to be an incidental or
if they have at least one rank in the Bending Arts skill. By complicated enough to require a maneuver? How much of a
default, your character has access to all basic forms available toll does the act take on the character’s body? What kind of
to their element, but your GM has the final say on how any resources does the character require to pull it off? These
forms might be acquired (or whether they’re used in your considerations and others outlined in this chapter all come
game at all; see They’re more like Guidelines in the together to bring bending to life.
Benders can acquire master forms by meeting their
suggested requirements (such as increasing their Bending
Arts skill, spending XP, or studying a scroll). When your
Basic Forms
character acquires a master form, they immediately gain This section lists the different types of basic forms. As you will
access to the base effect of the technique, listed with its note, no single element has access to every basic form by
description. default. This is done deliberately, as a balance for each
As always, your GM has the final say in how new forms element’s power and versatility. Your GM may choose to
are created or acquired. Maybe characters can acquire other waive such limitations, or employ certain Talents to help your
forms at any time simply by spending XP; maybe in your character overcome them though I do not recommend
game, new characters know these forms by default, or they disregarding this default limitation, since benders are already
are given out as adventure rewards. Master forms may require so powerful.
more effort beyond spending XP to learn. Knowledge of a Note that although each basic form includes a default
certain technique could be hidden in a bending scroll, which difficulty, some elements may vary since each element will
the character finds as treasure, containing techniques they have an easier or harder time with certain forms depending
can acquire after rigorous study and practice. Perhaps a on that element’s nature. Each element’s respective section
certain technique can only be taught by someone who already later in this chapter will highlight their form’s base difficulty.
knows it; the characters may stumble upon—or deliberately
seek out—a bending master of their element for that purpose. Afflict
You are encouraged to encounter new opportunities Elements: Fire, Air
throughout the story and develop your characters in a way that Concentration: Yes
suits your playstyle and campaign. Difficulty: Average ( )

Types of Forms Characteristic: Cunning

Firebenders and airbenders are capable of transforming the
Since the Bending Arts skill is more versatile—and far more
very air around a character to unsettle them. An afflict form
useful—than other skills, this book narrows down what is
applies a negative effect to a character, whether it's a penalty
possible to accomplish with each element by defining broad
to a combat or social check, a sudden fever, or shortness of
categories of actions, or basic forms. For structured
breath. The distinction between afflict and attack might now
encounters, possible effects are thoroughly described. For
always be clear. As a general principle, if a bending action
narrative encounters, descriptions are more flexible. As
inflicts damage or strain, it’s an attack. If it simply makes a
described earlier, master forms represent specialized
target more susceptible to damage or strain, it’s an affliction.
techniques with even more powerful outcomes; master forms
are described in detail in each element’s respective sections
later in this chapter.
Elements: Fire, Air, Water, Earth
Concentration: No

The Second Age | The Bending Arts | 31

Difficulty: Easy ( ) availability of fire is contingent upon a firebender’s own ability
Characteristic: Brawn (if melee), Agility (if ranged) to generate, and water is limited generally to rivers, lakes, and
oceans, these elements cannot access this form by default.
Attack forms include any combat check or other action that
This limitation is also done for the sake of balancing access
directly or indirectly deals damage or strain to an enemy.
to healing forms.
Examples include a fire blast, impaling a foe with an icicle,
knocking a foe around with air, or slamming into them with a
wall of earth.
Elements: Fire, Water
Augment Concentration: No
Elements: Fire, Air, Water, Earth Difficulty: Easy ( )
Concentration: Yes Characteristic: Intellect
Difficulty: Average ( ) Fire and Water sages have each practiced their own forms of
Characteristic: Cunning healing for generations. At its most basic, healing forms can
remove damage or strain from a character. More powerful
Some benders can use their bending arts to enhance
forms might even cure diseases or spiritual taint. When using
themselves (and sometimes others). Sometimes, the
this form, the additional effects listed in each element’s
distinction is mostly narrative—it may be purely a matter of
respective table should cover most of what you’d attempt in a
description. Although these effects are most often helpful in
narrative structure.
combat, such forms can be useful in non-combat encounters.

Barrier Utility
Elements: Fire, Air, Water, Earth
Elements: Fire, Air, Water, Earth
Concentration: No
Concentration: Yes
Difficulty: Easy ( )
Difficulty: Easy ( )
Characteristic: Any
Characteristic: Willpower
Utility bending covers all the minor things that we expect
Many practiced benders can use their element to protect
benders to be able to accomplish with their elements, such as
themselves and their allies. In structured encounters, the
levitating a clay cup, lighting the candles in a room, drying off
outcome is fairly straightforward: this form helps to reduce
incoming damage. However, a barrier form can take on much clothes, or juggling stones. If an Easy ( ) check seems too
variety depending on the narrative. Your character may create easy for what you want to accomplish, then consider adding
a bubble under the ocean so they can travel underwater, a + per additional desired effect. Though if you are increasing
boundary that protects them from flames as they walk through difficulty, then what you want to do is probably beyond the
a burning building, or even a barrier that deflects an onrushing scope of utility forms.

Master Forms

Construct Certain, rare forms are attainable only in unique

Elements: Water, Earth circumstances. These are not forms that your average bender
Concentration: Yes can teach themselves, but must be taught or learned through
Difficulty: Easy ( ) other means. Masters of the bending arts and bending scrolls
Characteristic: Willpower are two sources for these powerful abilities which can turn
Waterbenders and earthbenders can manipulate their benders into a formidable force of nature.
element to form objects, items, and structures. Each of these These specialized techniques are listed in each element’s
elements’ structured encounter effects present guidance for section, separate and apart from basic forms. Although the
using the construct form in narrative encounters. The most mechanical format and structure of a master form is virtually
important consideration to make when using this form is to identical to talents, master forms are not talents and do not
determine the size or complexity of the object. How elaborate count toward progress in a character’s talent progression.
the form gets should be a matter of common sense for you However, like talents, each master form thoroughly describes
and your players, as well as familiarity with the source its rules for use, and can potentially be upgraded.
Master Form Descriptions
Control Master forms generally consists of a name, a mechanical
Elements: Air, Earth profile, and a base effect. The base effect is the technique at
Concentration: Yes its simplest, and provides the foundation for any potential
Difficulty: Average ( ) improvements. The following is a breakdown of each master
Characteristic: Intellect form. Each section conveys specific information.
The control form allows a bender to affect a large area with an  Name: Every master form has a name, usually drawn
effect. Although all four elements can conceivably achieve from or inspired by the Avatar series, making it all the
this, this book chooses to limit the form to airbending and easier to remember!
earthbending. These are the two most pervasive elements,  Type: Master forms are, in essence, just specialized
and very rarely will these benders run into situations where basic forms and will be listed with the category with
they are not surrounded by their element. Since the

32 | The Bending Arts | The Second Age

which it most-closely aligns. This determines which
additional effects can be applied to the master form! EXAMPLE: Conceptualizing a Form
 Activation: Nearly all master forms are active abilities. Greg came up with the idea for spiked armor for his
This means you can choose when your character uses earthbender (“Wouldn’t that just be neat?” he says). He wants
the form (see page 97 of the GENESYS Core his character to prioritize going into melee combat while not
Rulebook for more on actions, maneuvers, and compromising his defense and asks the GM if he can use his
incidentals). existing Barrier form to gain a new ‘Spiked Armor’ effect to deal
 Requirements: Each master form has its own damage to enemies who attacked him.
requirements in the form of experience points (XP) and
a required rank in the Bending Arts skill. Your GM has “That’s a neat idea and could probably work when there’s
the final say on all requirements. Threat involved,” the GM says. “But what if it were an entirely
 Combat profile: Some forms allow you to perform new form that got progressively more bonkers?” And Greg
special combat checks with your Bending Arts skill. agreed.
These forms include information about range, damage,
and critical ratings.
 Rules: These are the rules that describe what the form whose goal is to try to invent a new form. Airbending masters,
for example, only acquire their tattoos after they innovate a
new airbending technique; Avatar Aang received his tattoos
Improving Master Forms when he created the Air Scooter form.

Just as we see in the Avatar series, your character’s forms For any reason you might want to create a new elemental
can be a reflection of their personality and life experience. form, here are some guidelines followed during the creation
Techniques can reflect their preferences, training, and even of this book which you may find useful.

Form and Function

their background. Characters in The Second Age can
customize their own bending style by modifying their forms at-
will through the use of various improvements and effects. When you set out to create a new form, consider how it will be
used and what resources the character will have to expend to
Like talents, some forms can gain new abilities through
improved versions known as Expert and Master use it. Bending abilities are primarily used for three purposes:
offense, defense, and utility.
improvements. These descriptions will be within the base form
and will follow the same formatting outlined above, with the Any time a character makes a Bending Arts skill check,
requirements and effects listed. As always, your GM has the they must suffer strain. How much strain should depend on
final decision on what is required. When acquiring new the effect of the form, but this author follows the guidance
techniques, you should discuss what kind of progression outlined in the GENESYS Core Rulebook for Magic actions
makes sense for your table and story. Players should actively that 2 strain should be suffered, at a minimum. As seen with
seek out narrative justifications to enhance their abilities. talents, more or less strain can be suffered to call upon
different feats of bending.
Using Additional Effects Forms should fulfill a unique purpose beyond simply
copying an existing one. Consider whether the ability being
Before making a check to use a basic or master form, a
created would fit more appropriately as an improvement to an
character may choose to add any number of additional effects
existing form, or simply as an additional effect for a basic form.
compatible with that form. Several effects that are universally
You should consider the following aspects when you create
applicable across all forms and elements are listed on Table:
your own form:
2-6: Universal Form Effects. Each effect will modify the skill
check by increasing or upgrading the difficulty, or increasing Concept: Determine what makes the form a unique
the amount of strain the character suffers after resolving the bending ability, and what it should do overall.
check. You may not add an effect if it would increase the Design: Decide whether the form’s purpose is offense,
difficulty of the check beyond Formidable ( ) (after defense, or utility and then pick item qualities for it.
any relevant reductions, such as from talents or abilities). An
Requirements: Select a characteristic for the Bending
effect may only be added once unless otherwise specified.
Arts skill check and a form tier.
These limitations are just guidelines. It’s possible for
Finishing Touches: Name the form, and determine
characters to surpass these limitations in exceptional
whether it has any Expert or Master improvements.
scenarios, such as learning secret techniques from a master
or through other narrative circumstances. You may decide for
your game that all effects are permanent, or all are incidental,
or that there simply is no limit! The first thing you should consider is how the ability manifests,
and what it should accomplish. Nothing mechanical is
Creating New Forms happening at this step of the process. Your goal is to describe
the form or improvement as it would apply within the narrative
While The Second Age offers a variety of unique and diverse of your story. Once you set your concept down, everything
abilities across the four elements, you may want to create your else will follow.
own. An aspiring GM may want to take the world of Avatar in A second consideration of your concept should determine
a different direction, or create abilities to represent a different whether the idea is something wholly new, or just an
style or flair of bending. Or maybe you’re playing a character improvement or modification to an existing form. Does the

The Second Age | The Bending Arts | 33

Blast qualities; the power of Air can be illustrated with its
EXAMPLE: Designing a Form ability to Disorient and Knockdown opponents; Water can
Greg came up with the idea for spiked armor for his easily represent multiple qualities depending on whether it is
liquid (Stun) or ice (Pierce); Earth can be defined by its easy
earthbender and his GM agrees it would be cool.
ability to Ensnare or Push characters. These are just some
“So every time Haru takes a hit in melee,” Greg explains, “I examples, and many forms can break this mold. You might
want him to hurt the attacker because his armor has spikes on use Burn to represent severe cold damage, or Stun to
it.” represent a quick jolt of lightning.
“Well he can’t automatically deal damage, that’s basically Because bending attacks deal damage based on their
giving you a free attack for nothing. How about activating this Characteristic rating, treat them as if they were improvised
once per turn?” weapons. Some master forms have a damage modifier (“+X”).
That means the form’s base damage is additive. Critical
They decided on a new effect for Haru’s Barrier form:
ratings should also be considered and should not go below 3,
“Once per turn after you’ve been hit by a melee attack, you can even for firebending. Base damage on top of s can add up
spend hhh or d to inflict 3 wounds on your attacker.” quickly, and each technique likely has a quality which can be
After hashing out additional details, Greg’s GM then activated with a to help deal more damage or turn the tides
realized this could be a whole new Form, unique to Haru with of battle. In generally, it is best to keep additional damage
its own path of improvement. modifiers low.

For the new Spiked Armor form, Greg and his GM decide it Additionally, the damage of a bending form, and intensity
requires Bending Arts rank. It offers less protection, but doesn’t of its effects, might be amplified by the size and force of the
element in-question. A fire blast the size of a house would hit
hinder movement. Its Expert improvement scales the wound
and explode harder than a mere fireball from the palm of one’s
infliction to the bender’s ranks in Discipline and the Master
hand. Table 2-3: Bending Arts Bonuses provides some
improvement allows the bender to cover their entire body in a
guidance to reflect these mechanical adjustments as they
spiked sphere to make a crazy melee attack bouncing between may relate to silhouette. Your GM has the final say on how to
multiple targets. represent the results of such fantastic skill checks.

Defensive Forms
form have unique requirements and does it offer a distinct Defensive bending forms naturally protect your character or
outcome from another form? If something similar exists, it may other characters from suffering damage or status effects.
be prudent to consider whether the concept is better-suited as This effect doesn’t literally mean that your character is
an improvement to an existing master form (i.e. an Expert or always just covering themselves in their element, but using it
Master improvement), or as an additional effect for a basic in clever ways to mitigate damage taken, or decrease their
form. chances of being hit altogether. Generally speaking, a
A final consideration is that nearly all active uses of defensive form will offer additional soak or bonuses to your
bending require a bender to suffer a minimum of 2 strain. An defense rating(s). You can consider item qualities for
important exception here would be made for airbending forms, defensive forms, but many qualities will not apply.
as they are generally nonlethal, and their bending art is less
strenuous on the body. Utility Forms
Any bending form with an ability that isn’t directly offensive or
Design defensive probably falls into this category.
Now that you’ve got a solid concept down, it’s time to actually The possible functions for a utility form are quite literally
apply the game’s rules to create the ability. To give you some limitless and before you set out to create one consider
ideas, forms are classified as one of three types: offense, whether the concept you’ve described is sufficiently narrow
defense, or utility. As the names imply, each of these has a enough in scope that a general Bending Arts skill check
core function: offense for dealing damage and inflicting wouldn’t apply instead. Like offensive and defensive forms,
statuses, defense for protection from these things, and utility item qualities can be applied to utility forms but keep in mind
for everything else. In addition to this basic function, bending that some qualities are only applicable to dealing damage.
forms can have one or more item qualities (see Chapter V:
Gear and Equipment). Core Ability
Once you’ve figured out what kind of role your form will serve,
Offensive Forms it’s time to define its core function. You’ll start by determining
Offensive bending forms allow your character to dish out the whether the form is an incidental, maneuver, action or even
hurt. These forms nearly always require a combat skill an incidental (out of turn). Remember, if something requires a
check, and thus an action, to determine whether the attack is skill check it is always an action.
successful. Usually, this is the Bending Arts skill keyed to a
Unless the form is specifically something meant to be
specific characteristic; you can determine which characteristic
accomplished at longer ranges, the effect of the core ability
is most appropriate based on the concept of the ability. should not go beyond short range. Try not to overload your
Offensive forms are often accompanied by one or more ability with too many features and if you have a lot of ideas for
item qualities and each element can be emphasized by mixing what you want your ability to do, consider stashing some of
a variety of qualities. Fire is easily reflected with the Burn and

34 | The Bending Arts | The Second Age

those features and functionality behind Expert and Master
A Check without Form
Inevitably, due to player inventiveness or unforeseen
Improvements should fundamentally alter the way the
core ability works in a way that encourages a character to challenges posed by the GM, a situation will arise where you
specialize. Expert improvements generally tend to expand and your GM are unsure which bending forms apply to a
upon what’s already present: manipulating existing described action. Although many actions and maneuvers are
requirements or increasing the potency of existing effects or defined in this chapter, many minor or nuanced feats of bending
qualities. Master improvements should be transformative and known from the Avatar series are not. Still, you may use the
expand upon a form’s core ability in substantial ways, alter it, forms in this book as a template for your own abilities.
or even offer a completely new way to use the form. If your character attempts something that is not described

Requirements by a form they have learned, or is explicitly a form your

character hasn’t learned yet, the GM’s job is to equivocate that
As a limiting factor to balance benders, bending needs a task with your character’s ability and set the difficult
requirement. Generally, this means voluntarily suffering strain accordingly. The check may be harder, or exert your character
to active an ability. However, if an ability only functions as part
more because it is a form untested, untrained, or simply
of a skill check, you might additionally spend the symbols from
unknown. As mentioned, your character must suffer at least 2
the check to trigger effects. In either case, the bender is giving
strain and make a Bending Arts skill check. Your GM may choose
up a resource to activate the form. Most forms should require
an action to use, either automatically creating effects or a characteristic other than Willpower if the situation seems
granting additional effects for future skill checks when active, appropriate. For example, you may use your Brawn to use your
while stronger abilities require both an action and a skill check bending to scale a cliff, but use your Intellect to heal someone.
to create an effect. Similarly, Bending Arts can effectively serve as its own
Knowledge skill. Attempts to understand, comprehend, or know
When considering the difficulty of a skill check, you should
a particular fact about the history or culture of a specific style
default to Average ( ) unless the form offers some kind of
can be rendered as a Bending Arts (INT) skill check.
utility, in which case the form should tend to be at least Hard
( ). A form should not go above Daunting ( )
because there should be room for a player to increase the
When it comes to Expert and Master form improvements,
difficulty when they want to include additional effects which
follow the standard laid out in this book by pricing them at 10
increase difficulty.
and 15 XP, respectively. You can decide whether a certain
Another limiting factor on a form should be frequency. Is Bending Arts rank or form is also required.
the form strong enough for its use to turn the entire encounter
A particularly narrative-driven campaign might decide that
in their favor? If so, it should be limited to once per encounter,
the bender has created the idea for a new form in their mind,
or even once per session if the effect is especially potent. If
or written it out on a scroll, and must pass a Bending Arts
the form doesn’t seem disruptive to be used multiple times in
check or complete a skill challenge in order to actually create
an encounter, it’s probably fine to limit it to once per round.
the form. This can provide an exciting narrative justification for
One example of this limitation is the Bloodbending form, which
a player looking to create a new form.
defines both narrative and mechanical limitations.
A final consideration is whether the character should have Finishing Touch
to spend experience points, or have attained a level of
Once you have drafted up your final form, take a moment to
understanding in their Bending Arts skill. If you require a
think about your original concept and the final result. Did
certain rank of Bending Arts, you can multiply that number by
anything change during the creation process that requires a
5 to determine the amount of XP the form should cost to
new narrative explanation?
acquire. This number is entirely up to the GM to determine
what is reasonable when it comes to a form’s requirements. Finally, the bending form will need a name which should
evoke the kind of ability the form facilitates; Earth Armor, for
example, is clear in what bonus it confers to the earthbender.

Table 2-6: Universal Form Effects

Enhance: Increase one quality of the form by one. This may be added multiple times, increasing the same or a different
quality by one each time.

Focus: Decrease the difficulty of the form by one after applying all additional modifications. This may be added multiple
times, decreasing the difficulty of the form by one additional step each time. A check may never be reduced below a +2 Strain
minimum of Easy.

Range: Increase the range of the form by one band. This may be added multiple times, increasing the range by one range
band each time.

Strength: The first quality you would activate with the form requires one fewer a instead of its usual cost. +

The Second Age | The Bending Arts | 35

Unique among the bending arts, firebending is the only
element in which the user can spontaneously generate the
Fan the Flames
element. Firebending is the most aggressive and damaging of A firebender can focus on growing the flames around
the four elements. However, it has very few defensive moves themselves. When your character performs this maneuver,
and it is also the most unwieldy of the elements as many of its until the end of their next turn, whenever they generate a t
techniques impose an inherent difficulty overcome only by while firebending, they may roll another and add its results
masters of the art. to the check. They may only do this once per skill check.

The philosophy of firebending, when it was first created, Manifest Fire

differs radically from that of the modern Fire Nation. Originally Your character can manifest a small flame within short range.
representing warmth, energy and life, the Fire Nation had If there is already a source of fire within short range, they can
become fueled by greed and rage. Firebending is not totally extinguish or move the flame. The flame lasts for the duration
devoted to unleashing the power of fire on one's enemies. In of the encounter or scene and can be extinguished as an
practice, the focus is placed upon balance. Firebending, incidental. Your character can use this maneuver to move the
however it is accomplished, is about decisively acting on one's flame to another location, or to increase its silhouette.
desires or goals. Some firebenders do so by becoming one
with the harmony of life, treating the flame as a living, Jet Stepping
breathing thing. Others use their anger as a source of By using small bursts of flames beneath their feet, a
destructive power, a crude but effective path. firebender can quickly scale buildings and cover long
Breath control is one of the first things taught to young distances. Your character may suffer 2 strain to perform this
firebenders as without control of breathing, they are more maneuver to move to any location within short range. This
prone to lose control of the fire that they are creating or includes locations that are vertically distant or have no easy
manipulating, leading to disastrous results. Firebending access route, but there must be an object to move across or
hinges on inner calm, discipline, and emotional and physical path to move along. Your GM may rule some locations cannot
stability such as a firm balanced form, rhythmic breathing and be reached (such as ones behind locked doors or walls).
good health. Unlike other benders who depend on external
sources of their elements to bend, firebenders can create fire Basic Forms
using their internal heat source in addition to controlling
already existent flames. Contrary to popular belief, Firebenders have access to the following forms: Afflict, Attack,
firebenders are not immune to their own flames, but have an Augment, Barrier, Heal, and Utility. A brief description of each
instinctual level of control to prevent harming themselves. actions’ narrative effect follows below. A table of possible
effects for each action in structured encounters can be found
Bending Fire at the end of the Firebending section.

The following section discusses special rules for how Afflict

firebenders interact with the Bending Arts skill, and offers an Concentration: Yes
overview of the basic forms (actions and maneuvers) that are Difficulty: Average ( )
typically available to all firebenders at character creation. Characteristic: Cunning
When determining the weapon’s base damage after Firebending afflictions come in many forms. Some could be
activating Burn on a successful Bending Arts combat check, annoying, such as heating the air in a room to make someone
the firebender adds their ranks in Discipline. In harsh, cold feel stuffy or lethargic. An uncomfortable flame might result in
weather your character downgrades their Bending Arts check adding a Setback or two to the target’s checks. Such minor
once. uses of affliction should be either opposed (either by the
Fire is the element of power. Once per encounter, your target's Discipline or Resilience depending on whether
character may spend a Story Point as an incidental to add affecting the mind or body), or Easy ( ) if the target is a minor
damage equal to their ranks in Discipline to one hit they make. character. Other firebending forms could be more dangerous,
such as siphoning the heat from a small space or using large
Firebending Maneuvers gouts of flame to invoke fear in a target’s heart. If it’s not an
The maneuvers listed in this section are exclusive to opposed check, it should at least be Average ( ) or Hard
firebenders. Like most maneuvers, the actions described do ( ).
not require a skill check.
A Single Spark Concentration: No
Driven through intense emotion, a firebender can get the jump Difficulty: Easy ( )
on an unsuspecting target. If your character performs this Characteristic: Brawn (if melee), Agility (if ranged)
maneuver, they suffer 3 strain and can perform any non-
Those who bend fire are no strangers to its offensive
attack form as a maneuver. This maneuver may only be used
capabilities. The attack form includes any combat check or
once per encounter.
other action that directly or indirectly deals damage or strain
to an enemy. Attack is one of the most versatile firebender

36 | The Bending Arts | The Second Age

forms. Examples include throwing a fire blast, dealing a Firebenders require at least 3 ranks in Bending Arts to
blazing kick, even shooting lightning. Since most attacks acquire these special forms, in addition to spending XP.
typically happen in structured combat encounters, use the Perhaps your character must learn the form through a
table to help determine the difficulty whenever you want your bending scroll, a master, or must otherwise be able to
character to attack someone with their bending. narratively explain how they came to hone this ability. Your
GM may waive these requirements or add others.
Concentration: Yes Combustion
Difficulty: Easy ( ) Form Type: Attack
Characteristic: Cunning Activation: Active (Action)
Requirement: 20 XP, Bending Arts 4
Firebenders are no strangers to the non-combat applications
Base Damage: WIL+4; Critical: aaa
of their bending art and often use fire to enhance their
movement, even objects. A firebender can use their fire to Some firebenders have the ability to concentrate energy
hurtle at their foe with enormous speed and force. Some are through a tattooed third eye to project a ray of heat which
even capable of charging their flames before releasing them, detonates with great force to create a precise, situated
allowing them to unleash enormous blasts of fire. Often, their explosion.
very emotions can augment the flames around them. Still Your character may suffer 2 strain to use this form to
others use fire in conjunction with traditional weapons. spend a maneuver preparing to blast a concussive force of chi

Barrier at a target.
As a follow up action, your character can attack a target
Concentration: Yes
up to long range with a Hard ( ) Bending Arts (WIL)
Difficulty: Easy ( )
check. The attack gains the Concussive 1 quality. The attack
Characteristic: Willpower
also gains the Blast and Stun qualities with a rating equal to
Although firebending is not known for its supportive and your character’s ranks in Discipline. You must have a clear
defensive techniques, fire can still be used to create an line of sight to the target.
effective boundary or temporary shield to reduce damage for
your character and their allies. In narrative encounters, your Expert
character may wrap themselves in a ball of flame to stay warm Activation: Active (Incidental)
in the cold, reduce the impact of a deluge of rain, or even Requirement: 10 XP, Bending Arts 5
vaporize an incoming projectile. Your character may upgrade the difficulty of the check by 1 to

Heal target objects or characters without direct line of sight.

Concentration: No Energy Reading

Difficulty: Average ( ) Form Type: Afflict and Heal
Characteristic: Intellect Activation: Active (Action)
Firebenders possess scarce few techniques that assist or aid Requirement: 15 XP, Bending Arts 3
their allies, but some characters can use their bending art to Attentive firebenders are capable of sensing and guiding heat
restore an ally of poor health. Fire healing concerns itself with along energy pathways within a person’s body.
sensing and guiding heat along energy pathways within a
Your character selects an engaged target and makes an
person’s body. A wise firebender is capable of helping
someone recover from even spiritual damage. When they use Average ( ) Bending Arts (Int or Cun) check. If
this form, your character can ascertain the cause of ailments successful, your character can ascertain the cause of any
afflicting the mind and body, such as stress, memory loss, or affliction, illness, or other ailment. aa may be spent to ignore
even infection by a dark spirit. the effect of a Critical Injury, or to learn one aspect about the
target character’s Motivation.
Utility This form may be used to inflict harm on the target
Concentration: No character instead. If successful, a status, ailment, illness, or
Difficulty: Easy ( ) other affliction lasts for the remainder of the encounter.
Characteristic: Any
Firebenders can use their art to achieve a number of mundane
Inner Flame
Form Type: Utility
effects such as lighting a large brazier, melting through a lock,
Activation: Passive
or heating one’s tea without being noticed.
Requirement: 15 XP, Bending Arts 3

Master Forms Your character has mastered their inner fire and is no longer
adversely affected by cold weather. Additionally, they are
Many advanced firebending abilities require a great deal of immune to the Burn quality attributed to a source of fire.
practice and commitment to form. Truly dedicated firebenders
can perfect the use of forms that capture the essence and full Fire Whip
potential of fire. Some of these abilities are rarely seen among Form Type: Construct
the bending population. Activation: Action (Maneuver)

The Second Age | The Bending Arts | 37

Concentration: Yes Your character may suffer 3 strain to perform a maneuver to
Requirement: 15 XP, Bending Arts 3 focus their inner peace, separating positive and negative
This form utilizes a continuous stream of flame with a semi- energies within, acquiring a buildup of energy which may be
tactile quality that can be utilized as a whip. discharged by using your action.
Your character may suffer 2 strain and spend a maneuver If your character has performed the lightning generation
to create a whip of flames that lasts until the end of their next maneuver, they can make a Daunting ( ) Bending
turn. The whip has the following profile: Ranged (Bending Arts Arts (WIL) check to send a bolt of lightning up to medium
[Agility]); Range (Short); Damage: +1; Crit 4; Ensnare 1, range, dealing damage to the target. The attack deals 9
Vicious 1, Burn equal to your character’s ranks in Discipline). damage, has a Crit Rating of 3, and has Pierce 2, Vicious 2,
and Concussive 1 qualities. The penalties of failing a check to
Expert discharge lightning should be severe. h might cause the
Activation: Active (lncidental) bender to suffer far more strain than usual, while d could
Requirement: 10 XP, Bending Arts 3 have disastrous consequences for your character such as
Your character may suffer 1 additional strain to create a accidentally striking an ally or a critical part of the
second Fire Whip which can be independently targeted. You environment, or even harming themselves.
must follow Two-Weapon Fighting rules to make any attacks
with both whips. Wall of Flames
Form Type: Attack
Lightning Redirection Activation: Active (Action)
Form Type: Barrier Concentration: Yes
Activation: Active (Incidental, out-of-turn) Requirement: 20 XP, Bending Arts 4
Requirement: 20 XP, Bending Arts 4 Base Damage: INT+3; Critical: aaaaa
Discovered after observing the redirection techniques of Once of the few defensive firebending techniques, this
waterbending, a firebender can redirect the course of controlled inferno acts as a significant barrier to incoming
lightning. attacks.
Once per encounter, your character may suffer 4 strain to Your character may suffer 3 strain to make a Hard
redirect electricity or lightning targeting your character away ( ) Bending Arts (INT) check to create a large column
from themselves and the source. This ability cannot be used or wall of fire at a target location up to short range until the
to directly target any specific object or character. end of your next turn. Targets engaged with Wall of Flames
when it is first created take the form’s damage, and this attack
Expert has the Burn 3 quality. For the duration of the form, when any
Activation: Passive character other than your character begins their turn within
Requirement: 10 XP, Bending Arts 5 short range of the wall of flames, they suffer 2 strain. Ranged
When your character would redirect lightning, you may specify attacks made through the wall add to the combat check.
a target within medium range. Inflict strain and wounds equal
to your ranks in Discipline on the chosen target.
Activation: Passive
Lightning Generation Requirement: 10 XP, Bending Arts 5

Form Type: Attack Wall of Flames gains the Disorient 2 and Vicious 1 qualities.
Activation: Active (Action)
Requirement: 25 XP, Bending Arts 5

38 | The Bending Arts | The Second Age

Concentration: Yes
Characteristic: Cunning
Difficulty: Average ( )
This action represents the use of firebending to debilitate or hamper others. Your character selects one target within short range,
then makes a Bending Arts skill check. If successful, until the end of the character's next turn, the target decreases the ability of
any skill checks they make by one (in effect, this means they remove one from their checks). Before making the afflict check,
choose any number of additional effects listed below.

Table 2-7: Afflict Additional Effects (Fire)

Additional Target: The form affects one additional target within range of the form. In addition, after performing the
technique, you may spend a to affect one additional target within range of the form (and may trigger this multiple times, +
spending a each time).

Empowered: Instead of the normal effect of this form, the target decreases the ability of any skill checks they make by

Enervate: If a target suffers strain for any reason, they suffer 1 additional strain. +

Haze: The target is disoriented until the end of the character’s next turn. +

Sweltering Heat: Affected targets must make a Hard ( ) Resilience check or suffer strain equal to the
character’s ranks in Discipline.

Heat Control: Instead of the usual effect of this form, the character chooses an engaged weapon, armor, or other object
and heats it such that the item is damaged one step. Alternatively, the character may instead sap all heat from a target +1 Strain
source. What effect this has should be based on the context of the scene and the object being targeted.

Ambient Temperature: The target's strain and wound thresholds are reduced by an amount equal to the character's
ranks in Discipline. This effect may not be combined with the additional target effect.

Turn Up the Heat: Affected targets must make an Average ( ) Discipline check (this can be considered a fear
check. See the GENESYS Core Rulebook, page 243) or become staggered until the end of their next turn. This effect +
may be added multiple times, increasing the difficulty of the Discipline check by one each time.

The Second Age | The Bending Arts | 39

Concentration: No
Characteristic: Brawn (if melee), Agility (if ranged)
Difficulty: Easy ( )
This action represents the use of firebending to inflict wounds and strain against a target. When making a bending arts attack,
the character must select one target at short range (but not engaged). The attack deals damage equal to the characteristic linked
to the skill used to make the attack, plus 1 damage per uncanceled success. The attack has a Critical rating of aaaaa.

Table 2-8: Attack Additional Effects (Fire)


Barrage: The attack gains the Linked quality with a rating equal to the character’s ranks in Discipline. +

Blast: The attack gains the Blast quality with a rating equal to the character’s ranks in Discipline. +

Blazing Arc: If the attack hits, the character may spend aa to send a blazing arc up to short range from the point of
origin of the target, inflicting 1 wound to characters caught in the arc. You may trigger this multiple times, spending aa +
each time. This may be added a second time, reducing the a required to trigger its effect by one to a minimum of a.

Burn: The attack gains the Burn quality with a rating equal to the character's ranks in Discipline. +

Close Combat: May select a target engaged with the character. +

Deadly: The attack gains the Vicious quality with a rating equal to the character’s ranks in Discipline. +

Ferocity: The attack’s Critical rating is reduced by one to a minimum of 2. This may be added multiple times, decreasing
the Critical rating by one each time (to a minimum of 2).

Fire Missiles: The attack gains the Guided quality with a rating equal to the character’s ranks in Discipline. +

Fire Stream: If the attack hits, you may spend aa to concentrate on the form until the end of your next turn. For the
duration of this effect, characters who begin their turn in or move through the area between you and the target take +
damage equal to you ranks in Discipline.

Haze: The attack gains the Disorient 2 quality. +

Sunder: The attack gains the Sunder quality. +

Additional Target: The form affects one additional target engaged with the original target. In addition, after performing
the technique, you may spend aa to affect one additional target also engaged with the original target (and may trigger →
this multiple times, spending aa each time).

Ignition: If the attack is successful, the character may spend t to perform an additional firebending action. This second

action cannot be another attack.

Empowered: The attack deals damage equal to twice the characteristic linked to the skill (instead of dealing damage
equal to the characteristic). If the attack has the Blast quality, it affects all characters within short range, instead of +

Searing: The attack gains the Pierce quality with a rating equal to the character’s ranks in Discipline. +

Third Degree: If the attack deals damage, the target must immediately make a Hard ( ) Resilience check or
suffer wounds and strain equal to the character's ranks in Discipline.

Backdraft: If the attack hits, the character may spend aa to create hazardous terrain with a rating equal to the
character’s ranks in Discipline.

40 | The Bending Arts | The Second Age

Concentration: Yes
Characteristic: Cunning
Difficulty: Easy ( )
This is using your firebending to enhance yourself and others. Your character selects one target they are engaged with (which
can be themself), then makes a Bending Arts skill check. If successful, until the end of your character's next turn, the target
increases the ability of any skill checks they make by one (in effect, this means they add one to their checks). A character
may not be affected by more than one Augment form at the same time.

Table 2-9: Augment Additional Effects (Fire)

Fire Strikes (self only): Instead of the usual effect of this form, the firebender adds damage equal to their ranks in
Discipline to Martial Arts combat checks, and their Critical rating for unarmed combat checks becomes 3. In addition,
such checks may be made up to short range and gain the Burn quality equal to the bender’s ranks in Discipline. For the —
duration of this form, whenever your character performs a successful Martial Arts combat check, you may spend a to
increase the base damage dealt by the Burn quality by 1 per a spent this way.

Leap: Instead of gaining the regular benefits of the form, while affected your character may use a maneuver to move
horizontally and/or vertically a number of range bands away equal to half of the character’s ranks in Discipline, rounded —

Heat Wave (self only): Instead of the usual effect of this form, the character may target themself. If successful, until the
end of their next turn, all characters suffer 1 strain at the start of each turn they begin engaged with the character. Every +
uncanceled ss increases this strain by 1.

Living Flame (self only): For the duration of the form, the character’s firebending forms automatically increase by 1
silhouette. You may add this multiple times, increasing the silhouette of the fire by 1 each time.

Empowered: Instead of the normal effect of this form, the target increases the ability of any skill checks they make by

Swift: Targets affected by the form ignore the effects of difficult terrain and cannot be immobilized. +

Additional Target: The form affects one additional target within range of the form. In addition, after performing the
technique, you may spend a to affect one additional target within range of the form (and may trigger this multiple times, +
spending a each time).
Propulsion (self only): Instead of the usual effect of this form, the character may target themself and gain flight (see
GENESYS Core Rulebook page 100). For the duration of this form, you ignore difficult terrain and add to all combat +
checks targeting your character.

The Second Age | The Bending Arts | 41

Concentration: Yes
Characteristic: Willpower
Difficulty: Easy ( )
Practiced firebenders have the power to create barriers of flame to protect themselves and their allies. The character selects
one target they are engaged with (which can be themself), then makes a Bending Arts skill check. If successful, until the end of
the character's next turn, reduce the damage of all hits the target suffers by one, and further reduce it by one for every uncanceled
ss beyond the first.

Table 2-10: Barrier Additional Effects (Fire)

Additional Target: The form affects one additional target within range of the form. In addition, after performing the
technique, you may spend a to affect one additional target within range of the form (and may trigger this multiple times, +
spending a each time).

Add Defense: Each affected target gains ranged and melee defense equal to one (does not stack with existing armor
bonuses). This may be added multiple times, increasing the defense gained in this way by one (to a maximum of four).

Empowered: The barrier reduces damage equal to the number of uncanceled s instead of the normal effect. +

Flame’s Retreat: The affected character may spend a to disengage from an opponent. +

Incineration: Once per round for the duration of the form, the character may suffer 2 strain as an out-of-turn incidental
to destroy an incoming ranged projectile.

Shield of Fire: The form inflicts 1 wound on any character who engages with or disengages from the target. +

Heat Wave: The form inflicts 1 wound and 1 strain on any character who begins their turn within short range of the
target. For the duration of the form, your character may spend hhh or d generated by opponents to redirect heat onto
a single target within short range, dealing Stun Damage equal to you ranks in Discipline plus Willpower. Doing so ends
the effect of the form.

42 | The Bending Arts | The Second Age

Concentration: No
Characteristic: Intellect
Difficulty: Average ( )
Though it is not common, fire has been used to treat wounds and illness for thousands of years. The character can use the
Bending Arts skill in place of a Medicine check in order to remove damage or heal Critical Injuries. When making the check, the
character selects one target they are engaged with who is not incapacitated. If successful, the target heals 1 wound per
uncanceled s, and 1 strain per uncanceled a.

Table 2-11: Heal Additional Effects (Fire)

Additional Target: The form affects one additional target within range of the form. In addition, after performing the
technique, you may spend a to affect one additional target within range of the form (and may trigger this multiple times, +
spending a each time).

Energy Guiding: Select one ongoing status effect the target is suffering; this effect immediately ends. Additionally, the

target immediately heals Strain equal to the character’s ranks in Discipline.

+ = to Crit
Heal Critical: Select one Critical Injury the target is suffering. If successful, the Critical Injury is also healed.

Restoration: Select one ongoing status effect (blinded, disoriented, staggered, immobilized, poisoned, etc.) the target is
suffering. If successful, this status effect immediately ends.

Empowered: The form heals 2 wounds for each uncanceled s, instead of the normal effect. +

The Second Age | The Bending Arts | 43

Airbending is the ability to control and manipulate air. manipulate the air and move it around with ease, or to
Airbending is notable for being the passive-defensive bending increase its silhouette. Your character may suffer 1 strain to
art. Maneuverability and battlefield control are the specialty of use this maneuver as an out-of-turn incidental to create an air
the airbender. cushion which protects themself or any ally up to medium
Airbenders have the ability to enhance their movements range to reduce the overall distance fallen by one range band.
during battle. They can take giant leaps into the air, move at
high speeds, run on water and vertical surfaces, glide on air
Returning Wind
currents to slow their descent and even spin around like a It is a common airbender practice to use an opponent’s own
tornado to move quickly and confuse opponents. They can force against them. If your character performs this maneuver,
also create cushions of air to soften and blunt the falls of until the end of their next turn, whenever they are hit, after the
heavy objects. Airbenders can project powerful gusts of wind damage is calculated (but before soak is applied), they may
from their mouths. Master Airbenders can create vortices to suffer 2 strain to reduce the damage dealt by that hit by a
disorient and tornadoes to attack opponents. Airbenders are number equal to 1 plus their ranks in Discipline. hhh or d
also capable of projecting solidified constructs of air to knock generated by the attack may be spent to cause the attack to
an opponent off balance or to provide defense from projectile suffer total damage dealt.
Airbending is based on using one’s own momentum as a A relatively simple technique used by airbenders to bring
weapon, constantly building up inertia for explosive people or objects toward them. Your character can use a
counterattacks that evoke the unpredictable nature and maneuver to bring a small object or single person within short
explosive force of the wind. While being the most dynamic of range into your hand. The object cannot be held by another
the bending arts, the style lacks fatal finishing moves, being character or tethered down. You cannot target an unwilling
an almost entirely defensive art. character.

Bending Air Your character can instead choose to suffer 2 strain to

perform this maneuver, and ignore its usual limitations. If the
The following section discusses special rules for how target is an unwilling character, they must roll an opposed
airbenders interact with the Bending Arts skill, and offers an Athletics versus Bending Arts check. A character who fails
overview of the basic forms (actions and maneuvers) that are either falls into your custody, or loses their grip on the object.

Basic Forms
typically available to all airbenders at character creation.
Airbenders seem to have direct control over the currents
of air surrounding them. For this reason, your character Airbenders have access to the following forms: Afflict, Attack,
ignores any imposed on skill checks as a result of Augment, Barrier, Control, and Utility. A brief description of
inclement weather. each actions’ narrative effect follows below. A table of
Air is the element of freedom. Once per encounter, your possible effects for each action in structured encounters can
character may spend a Story Point to cause a form’s duration be found at the end of the Airbending section.
to last until the end of the encounter without the use of a
concentration maneuver. The effect of the form ends if the Afflict
airbender is incapacitated or decides to end it as an incidental. Concentration: Yes
Unless otherwise specified, all airbending attacks Average ( )
inflict Stun Damage. Characteristic: Cunning

Airbending Maneuvers
Airbenders can use the air to vex their foes with a whirlwind
of annoyance, setbacks, and other discomforting afflictions. It
The maneuvers listed in this section are exclusive to could be just a small nuisance, such as perpetuating a
airbenders. Like most maneuvers, the actions described do constant breeze in a target’s face. A more powerful, swirling
not require a skill check. gust could possibly induce vertigo in a foe. These minor uses
of the form should be opposed (either by the target’s
Feather Foot Discipline or Resilience), or Easy ( ) if the target is a minor
Airbenders can be extremely agile and light on their feet. character. Still, airbending afflictions can be far more
When your character performs this maneuver, until the end of dangerous than an unsavory breeze; an airbender can
their next turn, whenever they generate a t while airbending, disperse the air around a foe and make it hard for them to
they may leap through the air and safely land in an breathe… or even siphon the air from within their very body.
unoccupied space up to medium range away. If such a check is not opposed, it should at least be Hard
( ), if not Daunting ( ).
Manipulate Air
Your character can manipulate small portions of the air within
short range. Your character’s control over the air lasts for the
duration of the encounter or scene, and can be relinquished
as an incidental. Your character can use a maneuver to

44 | The Bending Arts | The Second Age

Attack Airbenders can use their art to achieve a number of mundane
effects such as cooling off a friend, juggling stones, or rustling
Concentration: No a stack of paper.
Difficulty: Easy ( )
Characteristic: Brawn (if melee), Agility (if ranged) Master Forms
Airbending is notable for being almost purely defensive, but
Master-level airbenders can command cyclones, summon
even an air monk can be a crafty opponent. Although it is not
typhoons, and even levitate unassisted for a period of time.
airbending’s most versatile form, masters of the wind can
Only truly dedicated airbenders can master the element of
quickly overwhelm many opponents at once with powerful,
freedom, and become untethered. Some of these abilities are
sweeping attacks. Since most attacks typically happen in
rarely seen among the bending population.
structured combat encounters, use the table to help determine
the difficulty whenever you want your character to attack Airbenders require at least 3 ranks in Bending Arts to
someone with their bending. acquire these special forms, in addition to spending XP.
Perhaps the character must learn the form through a bending
Augment scroll, a master, or must otherwise be able to narratively
Concentration: Yes explain how they came to hone this ability. Your GM may
Difficulty: Average ( ) waive these requirements or add others.
Characteristic: Cunning
Air Scooter
The constant movement required by this art makes airbenders
Form Type: Construct
naturally flexible and agile. Even a simple movement can
Activation: Active (Maneuver)
create an air gust that airbenders can use to increase the
Requirement: 15 XP, Bending Arts 3
power of their moves, performing larger sweeps and wider
Concentration: Yes
spins, using their own momentum to move quicker than
before. Air currents can be used as a levitation aid, or to help This form creates a spherical ball of air that can be ridden by
an airbender jump high and far by riding the strong current. an airbender balancing on it like a top.
They can even slow or deflect falls entirely. Your character may suffer 2 strain to perform a maneuver

to create a small controllable sphere of spinning air atop of
which they can ride. The air scooter lasts until the end of your
Concentration: Yes character’s next turn. While your character is riding it, Air
Difficulty: Average ( ) Scooter grants adds 1 defense, and your character may use
Characteristic: Willpower a maneuver each turn for moment which does not count
toward the 2-per-round limit. Your character ignores difficult
Through the versatility of their movements airbending masters
are difficult to hit. The most common defensive tactic for an terrain.
airbender involves circling around enemies, but an airbender Expert
can still deflect attacks by throwing up gusts of air close to
Activation: Active (Action)
their bodies, or even around their allies. Though the air can
Requirement: 10 XP, Bending Arts 4
rarely stop an attack outright, the form is often used to
conserve energy and open a window of opportunity. Your character can instead choose to use this form by
suffering 2 strain to make an Average ( ) Bending Arts
Control (WIL) check to create a more powerful Air Scooter. If
Concentration: Yes successful, for each uncanceled s the Air Scooter lasts a
Difficulty: Easy ( ) round, and your character gains one free movement for each
Characteristic: Intellect uncanceled a during each of those rounds. In addition, your
character can use their Air Scooter to travel along any surface,
Using this forms in a narrative encounters gives the airbender including 90 degree angles, up to medium [range] height.
direct influence over a large area. They might create whirlwind
to harry foes trying to cross an open field, or perpetuate a Master
strong gale to create an impassable boundary. Typically the Activation: Active (Incidental)
effect is temporary, and often it is stationary; however, Requirement: 15 XP, Bending Arts 5
airbenders have an easier time than most in rerouting their
When your character uses this form as an action, they can
element and bending it to their whims. The Environmental
also choose to make the Air Scooter larger. Your character
Effects section on page 110 of the GENESYS Core
may spend uncanceled a to increase the silhouette of the Air
Rulebook can also offer valuable assistance in determining
Scooter by one. For each increase, you may carry two
the effects of this form.
additional characters on your Air Scooter. a spent in this way
Utility cannot be spent for extra movement.

Concentration: No Hypersensitivity
Difficulty: Easy ( )
Form Type: Augment
Characteristic: Any
Activation: Passive
Requirement: 15 XP, Bending Arts 3

The Second Age | The Bending Arts | 45

Your character’s attunement to their element makes them Requirement: 20 XP, Bending Arts 4
hypersensitive to the flow of air around them. Concentration: Yes
Your character can no longer be surprised and they add This rather sinister technique is one of the few forbidden
whenever they roll for initiative. Additionally, your character bending arts, whereby an airbender manipulates the flow of
may use their Bending Arts skill instead of Perception when air within a person’s body.
they make checks related to hearing. Your character may suffer 3 strain to use this form to make

Spiritual Projection an opposed Bending Arts (INT) versus Resilience check

against a target up to short range. If successful, the target is
Form Type: Utility considered immobilized and staggered. At the beginning of
Activation: Active (Action) their turn, the target suffers 3 strain per round for the duration
Requirement: 20 XP, Bending Arts 4 of this form. This form lasts until the end of your character’s
Concentration: Yes next turn. A target may attempt to break free from this form at
Master airbenders who have a strong connection with their the end of their turn by making a Hard ( ) Resilience
spiritual side are capable of project that spirit into other Check. If successful, the effect is removed and the form is no
locations. longer considered active.

Your character may suffer 3 strain to use this form make Expert
a Hard ( ) Bending Arts (WIL) check to enter a Activation: Active (Incidental)
meditative airbending trance and create a temporary Requirement: 10 XP, Bending Arts 5
incorporeal version of themself. This projection can be used
Your character can spend t generated by this check to
to communicate with other characters not in the same room
reduce the target’s strain threshold by half (rounded down).
as your character, and to phase through physical walls and
floors. For each uncanceled s, your character can increase
the range of this form. The Spiritual Projection lasts for as long
as the GM and players determine would be reasonably Form Type: Augment
appropriate to communicate or oversee a vital piece of Activation: Active (Action)
information, extending or shortening the duration with a or Requirement: 25 XP, Bending Arts 5
h. Concentration: Yes
The technique of this form is so rare that many consider Guru
Expert Laghima’s crowning achievement to be only the stuff of myth.
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Requirement: 10 XP, Bending Arts 4 Your character may suffer 3 strain to use this form to make
a Hard ( ) Bending Arts (WIL) check. If successful,
When they use this form, your character can choose to your character gains flight for the duration of the encounter
upgrade their skill check a number of times to communicate and does not need to spend a maneuver to concentrate on
with an agitated spirit, depending on the level of their the form, or to stay aloft as usual for flight (see GENESYS
opponent (one for Minion, two for Rival, or three for Nemesis). Core Rulebook page 100). While your character is in flight this
If they are successful, your character turns a combat way, they must upgrade the difficulty of any actions they
encounter with that spirit into a social one. attempt by one. Your character ignores difficult and
Master impassable terrain, and characters add to all combat
checks targeting your character. Your GM can cause your
Activation: Passive
character to lose concentration if they generate hhh or d
Requirement: 15 XP, Bending Arts 5
on a check they make in fight, which causes them to fall to the
When they use this form, your character can send their ground and take commensurate fall damage.
Spiritual Projection to any place in the world they have been,
or are generally aware of, with nearly-perfect precision.

Form Type: Afflict
Activation: Active (Action)

46 | The Bending Arts | The Second Age

Concentration: Yes
Characteristic: Cunning
Difficulty: Average ( )
This action represents the use of airbending to debilitate or hamper others. Your character selects one target within short range,
then makes a Bending Arts skill check. If successful, until the end of the character's next turn, the target decreases the ability of
any skill checks they make by one (in effect, this means they remove one from their checks). Before making the afflict check,
choose any number of additional effects listed below.

Table 2-12: Afflict Additional Effects (Air)

Additional Target: The form affects one additional target within range of the form. In addition, after performing the
technique, you may spend a to affect one additional target within range of the form (and may trigger this multiple times, +
spending a each time).

Blinded: The target is blinded until the end of the character’s next turn. Blinded characters cannot see and suffer
on all checks.

Empowered: Instead of the normal effect of this form, the target decreases the ability of any skill checks they make by

Enervate: If a target suffers strain for any reason, they suffer 1 additional strain. +

Slowed: Affected targets must spend an extra maneuver to advance a range band. +

Sonic Boom: Affected targets may only perform one maneuver, and lose their free maneuver until the end of their next

Suppressed: Instead of the normal effect of the form, the target adds an automatic f to any skill check they make until
the end of the character’s next turn. If the technique is successful, you may spend aa to add to all ranged attacks —
and Bending Arts skill checks within short range of you.

Winds of Fortune: After the target makes a check, you may change one to a face displaying a h. +

The Second Age | The Bending Arts | 47

Concentration: No
Characteristic: Brawn (if melee), Agility (if ranged)
Difficulty: Easy ( )
This action represents the use of airbending to inflict strain against a target. When making a bending arts attack, the character
must select one target at short range (but not engaged). The attack deals damage equal to the characteristic linked to the skill
used to make the attack, plus 1 damage per uncanceled success. The attack has a Critical rating of aaaaaa.

Table 2-13: Attack Additional Effects (Air)

Air Funnel: The attack deals damage as normal (wounds). The attack gains the Auto-fire quality. (You must increase
the difficulty by one to use the Auto-fire quality as normal.)

Barrage: The attack gains the Linked quality with a rating equal to the character’s ranks in Discipline. +

Blast: The attack gains the Blast quality with a rating equal to the character’s ranks in Discipline. +

Bombard: The attack gains the Stun quality with a rating equal to your character’s ranks in Discipline. The attack gains
the Auto-fire quality. (You must increase the difficulty by one to use the Auto-fire quality as normal.)

Close Combat: May select a target engaged with the character. +

Disarm: If the attack hits, you may spend aa to disarm the target. +

Disorient: The attack gains the Disorient quality with a rating equal to the character’s ranks in Discipline. +

Knockdown: The attack gains the Knockdown quality. +

Manipulative: The attack gains the Push quality. This may be added multiple times, increasing the quality by one each

Additional Target: The form affects one additional target engaged with the original target. In addition, after performing
the technique, you may spend aa to affect one additional target also engaged with the original target (and may trigger →
this multiple times, spending aa each time).

Air Blades: The attack gains the Pierce quality with a rating equal to the character’s ranks in Discipline. This may be
added only if the character is wielding a weapon.

Empowered: The attack deals damage equal to twice the characteristic linked to the skill (instead of dealing damage
equal to the characteristic). If the attack has the Blast quality, it affects all characters within short range, instead of +

Gale Force: The attack gains the Knockdown quality. The attack also gains the Stun quality with a rating equal to the
character’s ranks in Discipline.

48 | The Bending Arts | The Second Age

Concentration: Yes
Characteristic: Cunning
Difficulty: Average ( )
This is using your airbending to enhance yourself and others. Your character selects one target they are engaged with (which
can be themself), then makes a Bending Arts skill check. If successful, until the end of your character's next turn, the target
increases the ability of any skill checks they make by one (in effect, this means they add one to their checks). A character
may not be affected by more than one Augment form at the same time.

Table 2-14: Augment Additional Effects (Air)


Air Strikes (self only): Instead of the usual effect of this form, the character adds damage equal to their ranks in
Discipline to Martial Arts combat checks, and their Critical rating for unarmed combat checks becomes 4. In addition,
such checks may be made up to short range and gain the Push quality. For the duration of this form, whenever an attack —
misses, you may still spend aa to trigger a blast of air which deals Stun Damage equal to your character’s ranks in
Discipline to the same target.

Leap: Instead of gaining the regular benefits of the form, while affected your character may use a maneuver to move
horizontally and/or vertically a number of range bands away equal to half of the character’s ranks in Discipline, rounded —

Blur: Affected characters automatically add h to checks targeting them. This may be added multiple times, increasing
the h added to skill checks by one each time.

Breath of Wind (self only): In addition to the usual effects of this form, the character can magnify sound they create by
a whistle, instrument, or their own voice. Characters up to extreme range can hear your character without issue, and you
can make their voice boom to try to intimidate opponents (add ). For the duration of this form, the character can spend +
a maneuver to force all characters within medium range to make an Average ( ) Resilience check as an out-of-turn
incidental. Characters who fail this check suffer 1 strain.

Empowered: Instead of the normal effect of this form, the target increases the ability of any skill checks they make by

Haste: Targets affected by the form can always perform a second maneuver during their turn without spending strain
(they may still only perform two maneuvers a turn).

Propulsion (self only): Instead of the usual effect of this form, the character may target themself and gain flight (see
GENESYS Core Rulebook page 100). For the duration of this form, you ignore difficult terrain and add to all combat +
checks targeting your character.

Swift: Targets affected by the form ignore the effects of difficult terrain and cannot be immobilized. +

Twisting Wind: Targets affected by the form increase their Defense rating by 1 until the end of their next turn whenever
they perform a maneuver to move.

Winds of Fortune: After the target makes a check, you may change one to a face displaying a a. +

Additional Target: The form affects one additional target within range of the form. In addition, after performing the
technique, you may spend a to affect one additional target within range of the form (and may trigger this multiple times, +
spending a each time).

The Second Age | The Bending Arts | 49

Concentration: Yes
Characteristic: Willpower
Difficulty: Average ( )
Skilled airbenders can generate nearly-impenetrable gusts to protect themselves and their allies. The character selects one
target they are engaged with (which can be themself), then makes a Bending Arts skill check. If successful, until the end of the
character's next turn, reduce the damage of all hits the target suffers by one, and further reduce it by one for every uncanceled
ss beyond the first.

Table 2-15: Barrier Additional Effects (Air)

Additional Target: The form affects one additional target within range of the form. In addition, after performing the
technique, you may spend a to affect one additional target within range of the form (and may trigger this multiple times, +
spending a each time).

Add Defense: Each affected target gains ranged and melee defense equal to one (does not stack with existing armor
bonuses). This may be added multiple times, increasing the defense gained in this way by one (to a maximum of four).

Empowered: The barrier reduces damage equal to the number of uncanceled s instead of the normal effect. +

Scatter Before the Wind: Ranged attacks made against an affected target automatically add f to the attack. This may
be added multiple times, increasing the f automatically added by one each time.

Reflection: If an opponent makes a ranged attack against an affected target and generates hhh or d on the check,
after the check is resolved, they suffer a hit dealing damage equal to the total damage of the attack.

50 | The Bending Arts | The Second Age

Concentration: Yes
Characteristic: Intellect
Difficulty: Easy ( )
An experienced airbender can easily warp the air around an area to influence the tide of events. The character chooses a
location they can see up to medium range and rolls a Bending Arts check. If successful, the form creates a current of air causing
the area in a short range of the chosen location to become difficult terrain.

Table 2-16: Control Additional Effects (Air)

Deafen: The affected area is beset by a cacophony of noise, making it impossible for characters to hear anything that
isn’t right next to them. For the duration of the form, characters must be engaged to communicate with sound.

Ensnare: Characters within range of the form are immobilized until the end of their next turn. This may not be combined
with Hindrance.

Precision: Instead of the normal range, the form affects only a small area of terrain (large enough to encompass a
single target and any engaged characters). This may be added one more time, decreasing the area of effect down to just +
the area of a single target.

Vortex: A swirling wind twists at the point of origin, kicking up dust and debris in the affected area. The terrain becomes
hazardous and has a hazard rating of 1; characters in the affected area suffer 1 strain (instead of wounds) at the
beginning of their turn (see GENESYS Core Rulebook, page 111 for more). This may be added multiple times, +
increasing the hazard rating by one each time. For the duration of this form, your character may perform a maneuver to
move the vortex anywhere within short range of its current position.

Hindrance: For the duration of the form, targets within range of the form must suffer 1 strain to perform their first

maneuver on their turn. This may not be combined with Ensnare.

Expand: Instead of the normal range, the form affects all terrain within medium range of the point of origin. This may be
added multiple times, increasing the affected range by one range band each time.

Obscurity: The form creates concealment with a rating of one, adding the same number of or to skill checks
within the affected area, depending on the circumstances of the skill check. This may be added multiple times, +
increasing the concealment rating by one each time.

Impassable: Instead of the normal effect of the form, all affected terrain is considered impassable. +

Shockwave: Characters within the affected area must immediately make an Average ( ) Athletics, Coordination,
or Bending Arts check. Characters who fail this check are knocked prone.

Strong Winds: In addition to the effects described by the Vortex effect, a character standing in the form’s point of origin
must immediately make an Average ( ) Resilience check. Characters who fail are lifted by the vortex and +
considered staggered until the end of their next turn, at which point they must repeat the check if the form is still active.

The Second Age | The Bending Arts | 51

Waterbending is about manipulating water in its various
forms. Relying on fluid and graceful movements, this style
Manipulate Water
acts in concert with the environment around them, turning Your character can manipulate water from any nearby source
their defense into their offense and using their own opponents within short range. If they are in a dry, arid, or hot environment
force against them. Waterbenders can also manipulate the your character suffers 1 strain to do so. Your character can
molecular cohesion of water for cutting and grasping objects use a maneuver to move the water with little difficulty. As long
or running on water. Water is the most versatile of the four as there is a source of nearby water, your character can
elements. Many waterbending techniques have an ice variant increase the silhouette of water under their control by using
with varying effects and damage; waterbenders also have a only a maneuver; the size increases by one.
good variety of support techniques to defend their allies or
hamper their enemies.
Phase Change
Changing the physical state of their element between solid,
Unlike some other bending disciplines, waterbending liquid, and gas at will is something every waterbender learns
focuses on turning an opponent's own strength against to do. Your character can perform a phase change maneuver
themselves, rather than direct strikes. Since water can exist to change the physical state of a small amount of water within
in different physical states, waterbenders can freeze, melt, short range; if they suffer 1 strain, your character may perform
evaporate, sublimate or condense water. The ability to alter phase change as an incidental. For the duration of this form,
the physical state of water gives waterbenders an array of your character may spend hh generated by a combat check
defensive, evasive and offensive techniques in battle such as targeting them to knockdown the attacker with their
encasing an opponent in ice, hiding behind a wall of mist, waterbending.
surfing on bodies of water on a platform of ice, and battering
enemies with lashing whips and waves. Stream the Water
While a bender's victory in battle is usually based on skill This deceptively simple technique is a useful maneuver that
and technique, a waterbender gains a notable advantage or draws water from a source and keeps it in motion around the
disadvantage over other bending arts depending on the bender’s body. Your character may suffer 2 strain to perform
amount of water in their vicinity. Waterbenders are more this maneuver to prepare themselves. Until the end of their
powerful at night than during the day due to their spiritual next turn, whenever they generate a t while waterbending,
connection with the moon. Waterbenders are at their most they may perform a second waterbending form. This effect
powerful during the full moon, and are powerless during a may only be triggered once per turn.
lunar eclipse or when the Moon Spirit is in danger.
Waterbenders also have the added benefit of Pierce on some Basic Forms
of their attacks which negates damage resistance from armor.
However, they do rely on their element being present for their Waterbenders have access to the following forms: Attack,
attacks so it is recommended that a waterbender carry around Augment, Barrier, Construct, Control, and Utility. A brief
a flask or gourd to carry some with them. description of each actions’ narrative effect follows below. A
table of possible effects for each action in structured
Bending Water encounters can be found at the end of the Waterbending
The following section discusses special rules for how
waterbenders interact with the Bending Arts skill, and offers Attack
an overview of the basic forms (actions and maneuvers) that Concentration: No
are typically available to all airbenders at character creation. Difficulty: Easy ( )
Waterbenders have a spiritually intimate relationship with Characteristic: Brawn (if melee), Agility (if ranged)
the moon. During a full moon, your character suffers 1 fewer The fighting style of waterbending is mostly fluid and graceful,
strain to perform any waterbending form, and they upgrade balancing their energy to let their defense become their
one to a . offense. A pillar of ice may turn into a water tentacle to smash
Water is the element of change. Once per encounter, against a foe, or the waterbender can lash out with shards of
while your character is concentrating on a bending form, they ice from the start. Since most attacks typically happen in
may spend a Story Point to use one form at reduced difficulty. structured combat encounters, use the table to help determine
The difficulty is reduced by the difficulty of the concentrated the difficulty whenever you want your character to attack
form to a minimum of Easy ( ). The effect of the someone with their bending.

concentrated form immediately ends.
Unless otherwise specified, your character cannot
waterbend without a reasonable source of nearby water. Concentration: Yes
Difficulty: Average ( )
Waterbending Maneuvers Characteristic: Cunning
The maneuvers listed in this section are exclusive to The element of water is fluid and dynamic, two attributes
waterbenders. Like most maneuvers, the actions described which give waterbending some of the most bolstering forms.
do not require a skill check. A waterbender can enhance themselves to skate around an

52 | The Bending Arts | The Second Age

area on a sheet of ice, or even aid their allies in resisting the
effects of inclement weather. Though more often than not, a Bloodbending
waterbender’s augment form exists to set themselves up for Form Type: Afflict
something even greater. Action: Active (Action)
Requirement: 20 XP, Bending Arts 4, a Full Moon
Barrier Base Damage: WIL+1; Critical: aaa
Concentration: Yes Concentration: Yes
Difficulty: Easy ( ) The only bending technique to ever be outlawed, it is said that
Characteristic: Willpower those who practice this dark art open themselves up to
madness. For narrative purposes, bloodbending should be
Waterbenders can deftly use their element to soften any blow
restricted to use only during a full moon (or for practical
and reduce incoming damage for your character and their
purposes, once per game session, assuming the encounter
allies. A waterbender can use their barrier form to protect
themselves (and others) from adverse weather. They may took place during a full moon).
create a bubble under the ocean so they can travel Your character may suffer 3 strain to make an opposed
underwater, or even create a thick wall of ice to protect an ally Bending Arts (WIL) check to target one character within
from a hail of arrows. short range. If successful, the target takes Stun Damage
and is immobilized and staggered until the end of their next
Construct turn. On their next turn, as an out-of-turn incidental, your
Concentration: Yes character may suffer 1 strain to cause the target to use a
Difficulty: Easy ( ) maneuver to do simple things (such as move or open a door),
Characteristic: Intellect and they may suffer 2 strain to cause the target to perform
simple actions (such as swinging a sword). A target cannot be
Water and ice can be used to form objects and structures for forced to use their active talents, or any bending forms. For
nearly any occasion. A waterbender can make nearly any the duration of the form, on their turn, your character may use
simple object they can conceive of from daggers of ice to their maneuver to cause an affected target to use a maneuver,
entire homes made from snow. Although creating a and they may use their action to cause an affected target to
permanent structure in the wrong climate can be challenging, perform a simple action.
a practiced waterbender can even create frozen walls and
ramps which rise and fall at their whims. At the end of each of their turns, a target may repeat the
opposed check to break free from your character’s control. If
Heal they do not succeed, the target suffers 2 strain.
Concentration: Yes Expert
Difficulty: Easy ( ) Activation: Active (Incidental)
Characteristic: Intellect Requirement: 10 XP, Bending Arts 4
Perhaps the most renowned form of waterbending, the ability Your character may choose to suffer a Critical Injury to
for water to heal is a valued legacy of Water Tribe heritage. decrease the difficulty of their next Bending Arts skill check by
As with their firebending counterparts, waterbenders use three to a minimum of Easy ( ). If they do so, roll a d100 and
water as a conduit to redirect energy pathways within the body subtract 10 from the result (to a minimum of 01), suffering the
in order to expedite the body’s natural processes; many are injury specified on the Critical Injury Result table.
astonished when they see the water begin to glow a spiritual
blue. Certain highly skilled healers can even lower a person’s Master
body temperature to such a level that its processes slow down Activation: Active (Incidental)
dramatically, staving off mortal wounds. However, even Requirement: 15 XP, Bending Arts 5, Chi Disruption talent
waterbenders cannot cheat death.
When your character uses this form, they can instead choose

Master Forms to make a Bending Arts (WIL) combat check against an

engaged target. If successful, the target is ‘severed’ from their
Master waterbenders can imprison their foes in ice, maneuver bending for the remainder of the encounter. You may spend
around a battlefield with the grace and flow of water, and tt generated by this check to make the effect permanent.
unleash a torrent of destruction. The mark of a waterbending
master is the ability to swiftly change from one state of water Ice Blade
to another. Form Type: Construct
Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Waterbenders require at least 3 ranks in Bending Arts to
Requirement: 15 XP, Bending Arts 3
acquire these special forms, in addition to spending XP.
Concentrate: Yes
Perhaps the character must learn the form through a bending
scroll, a master, or must otherwise be able to narratively A pragmatic and straightforward use of their talents,
explain how they came to hone this ability. Your GM may waterbenders can create a sword-like blade of ice.
waive these requirements or add others. Your character can suffer 2 strain to use this form to create
a weapon from ice which lasts until the end of your next turn.
While this form is active, your character can use the Ice Blade
to perform melee combat checks. You may decide at its

The Second Age | The Bending Arts | 53

creation whether the Ice Blade is one or two-handed, using Before the character attempts a waterbending form, they
the appropriate combat skill to make an attack against an may choose to suffer 1 strain to draw upon the water inside
engaged target. Your Ice Blade counts as an improvised plants within medium range. If they do, increase the difficulty
melee weapon with the following weapon profile: (Melee; of the Bending Arts skill check they make by one. Additionally,
Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [Engaged]; Burn 3, Linked 1, your character can now bend the water from or within other
Defensive 1). unconventional sources such as perfume, clouds, thick mud,
polluted river systems, larges trees, or even their own sweat.
Octopus Form When a form’s quality rating is determined by your
Form Type: Augment character’s ranks in Discipline, your character may use their
Activation: Active (Action) ranks in Bending Arts or Knowledge (Nature) instead. When
Requirement: 20 XP, Bending Arts 4 your character uses a plantbending form on themself, the
Concentration: Yes effects of the form last until the end of the encounter, without
When your character uses the Water Tentacle effect of their performing concentrate maneuvers.
Augment form, the form gains the effect without increasing the Attacks made with plantbending automatically gain the
difficulty. Your character may suffer 3 strain to use this form Pierce 2 quality. Augment also adds to skill checks made
to make a Hard ( ) Bending Arts (WIL) check to by the target. Barrier gains the Empowered effect without
surround their body with a number of Water Tentacles, increasing the difficulty. Construct gains the Lasting effect
provided there is sufficient water nearby, until the end of their without increasing the difficulty. Plantbending cannot be
next turn. Your character creates a Water Tentacle for each combined with the Heal form.
uncanceled s, extending from an appendage or in an
unoccupied space next to your character. You may never Spiritbending
control more than 8 tentacles. Form Type: Heal
For the duration of the form, the area within short range of Activation: Active (Action)
you is considered difficult terrain, and your character’s ranged Requirement: 25 XP, Bending Arts 5
defense rating becomes 3 (unless it is higher). Whenever your Base Damage: WIL+3; Critical: aaaaa
character makes an attack with a Water Tentacle while this Your character may suffer 3 strain to use this form to make an
form is active, that attack gains the Linked quality equal to the opposed Bending Arts versus Discipline (WIL) check to
number of active Water Tentacles. When your character is the encircle a target within short range to create balance or
target of a successful attack, in addition to any damage your imbalance within them.
character might take, they lose control of one tentacle. The
attacker may spend a generated by their attack to destroy If the target is an enemy, this attack has the Pierce 3
additional Water Tentacles. quality and they suffer Stun Damage.
If the target is an ally, they immediately recover from one
Expert status effect and recover a number of strain equal to the
Activation: Active (Incidental) ‘damage’ this form generates.
Requirement: 10 XP, Bending Arts 4
If the target is a spirit, your character may shift the balance
When they use this form, or for its duration, your character of energy within them to either calm a non-Nemesis dark spirit,
may spend aa generated on any Bending Arts skill check to or enrage a friendly one.
create an additional Water Tentacle. Additionally, your
character increases their soak value by 1 for every two Water Spirit of the North
Tentacles. Form Type: Heal
Master Activation: Active (Incidental)
Requirement: 20 XP, Bending Arts 4
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out-of-turn)
Requirement: 15 XP, Bending Arts 5 Forbidden for generations from studying the martial ways of
water, the women of the Northern Water Tribe developed
For the duration of the form, once per round if your character
unparalleled healing techniques that can be learned by all.
has not taken their turn, when an opponent engages or
disengages your character, your character may suffer 2 strain Whenever they use the Heal form, your character can
to make a combat check with a Water Tentacle. This counts choose to suffer 3 strain. If they do so, you may add one of
as their action for their next turn, but your character can still the following effects (you may only apply one of these effects):
perform maneuvers when they take their next turn.  Allies within short area of the target immediately

Plantbending 
recover from one status effect; or
Allies within short area of the target immediately
Form Type: Attack, Augment, Barrier, Construct, Utility recover 2 strain; or
Action: Active (Incidental)  Allies within short area of the target add to the
Requirement: 20 XP, Bending Arts 4 next skill check they make.

Water Vortex
First practiced by members of the Foggy Swamp Tribe, adept
waterbenders can manipulate the water-saturated vines and
roots of plant life. Form Type: Construct
Activation: Active (Action)

54 | The Bending Arts | The Second Age

Requirement: 15 XP, Bending Arts 3 any range band using only one maneuver and their defense
Concentration: Yes rating is 3. If the character targets another character, the
A rotating spout of water shifts and coils beneath the target is lifted by the spout and considered staggered until the
character, making it easier to dodge attacks—or hurl them at end of their next turn, at which point they can perform an
foes. opposed Athletics or Acrobatics versus Bending Arts
check to escape the vortex.
Your character may suffer 3 strain to use this form to make
a Hard ( ) Bending Arts (WIL) check targeting a
character within medium range, or themselves. If successful,
the character is immediately lifted up to 30 meters (100 feet)
into the air. If your character targets themself, they may cross

The Second Age | The Bending Arts | 55

Concentration: No
Characteristic: Brawn (if melee), Agility (if ranged)
Difficulty: Easy ( )
This action represents the use of waterbending to inflict wounds or strain against a target. When making a bending arts attack,
the character must select one target at short range (but not engaged). The attack deals damage equal to the characteristic linked
to the skill used to make the attack, plus 1 damage per uncanceled s. The attack has a Critical rating of aaaaaa.

Table 2-17: Attack Additional Effects (Water)


Non-Lethal: The attack gains the Stun Damage quality. —

Water Volley: The attack gains the Auto-fire quality. (You must increase the difficulty by one to use the Auto-fire quality
+1 Strain
as normal.)

Barrage: The attack gains the Linked quality with a rating equal to the character’s ranks in Discipline. +

Blast: The attack gains the Blast quality with a rating equal to the character’s ranks in Discipline. +

Bombard: The attack gains the Stun quality with a rating equal to your character’s ranks in Discipline. The attack gains
the Auto-fire quality. (You must increase the difficulty by one to use the Auto-fire quality as normal.)

Close Combat: May select a target engaged with the character. +

Disorient: The attack gains the Disorient quality with a rating equal to the character’s ranks in Discipline. +

Frostbite: The attack gains the Burn quality with a rating equal to the character’s ranks in Discipline. +

Guided: The attack gains the Guided quality with a rating equal to the character’s ranks in Discipline. +

Ice: The attack gains the Pierce quality with a rating equal to the character’s ranks in Discipline. +

Impact: The attack gains the Knockdown quality. The attack also gains the Disorient quality with a rating equal to the
character’s ranks in Discipline.

Vine Grip (Plantbending only): The attack gains the Knockdown quality. The attack also gains the Ensnare quality
with a rating equal to the character’s ranks in Discipline.

Waterlogged: The attack gains the Sunder quality. In addition, after performing the technique, you may spend aa to
drench the target. They cannot perform more than one maneuver until the end of their next turn.

Additional Target: The form affects one additional target engaged with the original target. In addition, after performing
the technique, you may spend aa to affect one additional target also engaged with the original target (and may trigger →
this multiple times, spending aa each time).

Cutting Ice: The attack gains a critical rating of 2. The attack also gains the Vicious quality with a rating equal to your
character’s ranks in Discipline.

Empowered: The attack deals damage equal to twice the characteristic linked to the skill (instead of dealing damage
equal to the characteristic). If the attack has the Blast quality, it affects all characters within short range, instead of +

Water’s Grasp: The attack gains the Ensnare quality with a rating equal to the character’s ranks in Discipline. +

56 | The Bending Arts | The Second Age

Concentration: Yes
Characteristic: Cunning
Difficulty: Average ( )
This is using your waterbending to enhance yourself and others. Your character selects one target they are engaged with (which
can be themself), then makes a Bending Arts skill check. If successful, until the end of your character's next turn, the target
increases the ability of any skill checks they make by one (in effect, this means they add one to their checks). A character
may not be affected by more than one Augment form at the same time.

Table 2-18: Augment Additional Effects (Water)


Water Boxing (self only): Instead of the normal effect, the character adds damage equal to their ranks in Discipline to
Martial Arts combat checks, and their Critical rating for unarmed combat checks becomes 4. In addition, such checks

may be made up to short range and gain the Disorient quality with a rating equal to the character’s ranks in Discipline.
For the duration of this form, unarmed combat checks also gain the Linked 1 quality.

Leap: Instead of the normal effect, while affected your character may use a maneuver to move horizontally and/or

vertically a number of range bands away equal to half of the character’s ranks in Discipline, rounded down.

Empowered: Instead of the normal effect, the target increases the ability of any skill checks they make by two. +

Flow as Water: Instead of the normal effect, the target can immediately move up to one range band away and ignores
difficult terrain. Additionally, the target can move once per round as an incidental. This movement is not a maneuver -
does not count toward the maneuver limit per turn.

Growth (Plantbending only): The form increases the silhouette of the target by one. This may be added multiple times,
increasing the target’s silhouette by one additional step each time. Each increase in silhouette increases the target’s +
soak by one.

Soothing Waters: Targets affected by the form suffer one less strain whenever they voluntarily suffer strain. +

Swift: Targets affected by the form ignore the effects of difficult terrain and cannot be immobilized. +

Water Tentacle (self only): The form covers an entire appendage (usually an arm) with water that lasts until the end of
your next turn. The tentacle can reach up to short range and may be used as an extension of the waterbender to perform
any action as if it were the character’s own arm. This may be added multiple times, increasing the tentacle’s effective
range each time. In addition, after performing the technique, you may spend aa to create an additional water tentacle
covering the other arm. Melee combat checks made with a tentacle have the following qualities: Knockdown, Ensnare 2,
Stun 3, or Sunder.
Additional Target: The form affects one additional target within range of the form. In addition, after performing the
technique, you may spend a to affect one additional target within range of the form (and may trigger this multiple times, +
spending a each time).

The Second Age | The Bending Arts | 57

Concentration: Yes
Characteristic: Willpower
Difficulty: Easy ( )
A skilled waterbender can create barriers of ice and tide to protect themselves and their allies. The character selects one target
they are engaged with (which can be themself), then makes a Bending Arts skill check. If successful, until the end of the
character's next turn, reduce the damage of all hits the target suffers by one, and further reduce it by one for every uncanceled
ss beyond the first.

Table 2-19: Barrier Additional Effects (Water)


Additional Target: The form affects one additional target within range of the form. In addition, after performing the
technique, you may spend a to affect one additional target within range of the form (and may trigger this multiple times, +
spending a each time).

Add Defense: Each affected target gains ranged and melee defense equal to one (does not stack with existing armor
bonuses). This may be added multiple times, increasing the defense gained in this way by one (to a maximum of four).

Empowered: The barrier reduces damage equal to the number of uncanceled s instead of the normal effect. +

Water Cloak (self only): For the duration of the form, your character can spend a maneuver to increase their soak by
one until the end of their next turn. This may be added multiple times, increasing the soak bonus by one each time.

Reinforced: The barrier makes the target’s soak immune to the Pierce and Breach qualities. This cannot be combined
with Additional Target.

Deflect: For the duration of the form, whenever an affected target suffers a hit from a combat check, after damage is
calculated but before soak is applied, the character may suffer 3 strain to reduce the damage of the hit by two plus their +
ranks in Discipline. This talent can only be used once per hit and requires a free hand.

Plant Armor (Plantbending only): The barrier covers the target’s entire body with nearby plant mass until the end of
their next turn. For the duration of the form, the target’s defense rating is 2, and their soak is increased by a number
equal to the character’s ranks in Discipline. The target’s movement is hindered and must perform two maneuvers to
move between range bands. Each time the target is hit by an attack, decrease Plant Armor’s bonus soak value. The +
form does not require concentration, but the bonus soak value is reduced by one at the end of each of your next turns
without it. In addition, once per turn, your character may suffer 3 strain to increase the Plant Armor’s bonus soak value
by 2.

58 | The Bending Arts | The Second Age

Concentration: Yes
Characteristic: Willpower
Difficulty: Easy ( )
Waterbenders can use this form to animate or create objects out of water and ice. The character makes a Bending Arts skill
check. If successful, the character creates a simple object with no moving pieces (such as a container or ball), a simple one-
handed melee weapon (such as a sword or hammer), or a single structure no bigger than silhouette 1 (such as a wall, ladder,
or ramp). These appear engaged with the character and remain present until the end of the character's next turn.

Table 2-20: Construct Additional Effects (Water)

Water Whip: Instead of the normal effect, the form creates a liquid whip that lasts until the end of the character’s next
turn. The whip can be used to attack through a Bending Arts (Agility) combat check and has the following profile: Range: —
Short; Damage; +1; Crit 4; Ensnare 2, Linked 2, Stun 2.

Additional Construct: The form creates one additional item, weapon, or structure. In addition, after a successful
check, you may spend aa to create one additional item, weapon, or structure (and may trigger this multiple times, +
spending aa each time).

Ice Gauntlet: Instead of the normal effect, the form creates gauntlet of ice that lasts until the end of the character’s next
turn. The gauntlet can be used to perform a Martial Arts combat check and has the following profile: Damage: +2; Crit 3; +
Pierce and Vicious equal to the character’s ranks in Discipline.

Lasting: The object, item, or structure created by the form does not require concentration, and lasts for a number of
rounds equal to the character’s ranks in Discipline.

Size: The character may create a more complicated object with rudimentary moving parts, a two-handed melee
weapon, or an object up to silhouette 2. This may be added multiple times, increasing the silhouette of a structure by one +
each time. Additional increases have no effect on objects or weapons created by this form.

Reinforced: Objects created by the form have the Reinforced quality (immune to Pierce and Breach). +

Iceberg Spike: Instead of the normal effect, the form snap-creates a large chunk of ice from a large source of water
within medium range of the character. The spike takes up an area the size of a small vehicle (like a Satomobile).
Characters who are within range of the iceberg at the time of its creation must make an Average ( ) Athletics or
Coordination check. Your character may spend hhh or d generated to immobilize or knock a character prone.
Characters who fail take damage equal to your character’s ranks in Discipline. The area around and including the +
iceberg spike becomes difficult terrain. The iceberg does not require concentration, but will melt on its own without it,
decreasing its silhouette by 1 at the end of the character’s next turn. In addition, after they perform the technique, your
character may spend aa to increase the size of the iceberg by 1 per aa spent in this way and may do so multiple
times, spending aa each time.

Water Spout: The character creates a whirling pillar of water no larger than silhouette 2 that lasts until the end of their
next turn. Your character may perform a maneuver to move the spout anywhere within short range of its point of origin.
While they are engaged with the water spout, other characters are considered disoriented. When a character begins
their turn next to the water spout, they suffer 1 strain. Your character is immune to these effects.

The Second Age | The Bending Arts | 59

Concentration: No
Characteristic: Intellect
Difficulty: Easy ( )
Waterbenders are famed throughout the world for their healing abilities. The character can use the Bending Arts skill in place of
a Medicine check in order to remove damage or heal Critical Injuries. When making the check, the character selects one target
they are engaged with who is not incapacitated. If successful, the target heals 1 wound per uncanceled s, and 1 strain per
uncanceled a.

Table 2-21: Heal Additional Effects (Water)


Calming Mist: The form surrounds the affected target with an invigorating mist out to short range until the end of their
next turn. Each time an ally begins their turn within this form, they heal 1 strain. This form may be concentrated on.

+ = to Crit
Heal Critical: Select one Critical Injury the target is suffering. If successful, the Critical Injury is also healed.

Restoration: Select one ongoing status effect (blinded, disoriented, staggered, immobilized, poisoned, etc.) the target is
suffering. If successful, this status effect immediately ends.
Revitalize: Instead of the normal effect, the target recovers wounds equal to your character’s ranks in Discipline.
Additionally, the target ignores the effect of one Critical Injury until the end of the encounter.

Soothing Waters: Targets affected by the form recover an additional 3 strain at the start of their next turn. +

Additional Target: The form affects one additional target within range of the form. In addition, after performing the
technique, you may spend a to affect one additional target within range of the form (and may trigger this multiple times, +
spending a each time).

Empowered: The form heals 2 wounds for each uncanceled s, instead of the normal effect. +

Regeneration (Plantbending only): Targets affected by the form recover an additional 3 wounds at the start of their
next turn.

Revive Incapacitated: The character may select targets who are incapacitated. +

60 | The Bending Arts | The Second Age

Earthbending is the ability to manipulate rock and earth in its to create a small wall of earth next to them. The wall may be
various forms. Earthbending maintains a balance between used for taking cover.
offense and defense.
To be in close connection with their element, many
Ground Shift
earthbenders choose to be barefoot. Like the element of earth Earthbenders can alter the ground beneath others to move
itself, earthbenders are almost universally proud, enduring, them out of their way. If your character performs this
durable and stubborn. Still, earthbenders can pack a powerful maneuver, they may reorient one engaged target. The target
wallop. As one of the more balanced elements, it has a must be standing on something your character could bend,
healthy mix of offense and defense and many techniques and is disoriented until the end of their next turn. In addition,
have a lasting effect. However, it is not perfect. Earthbending until the end of their next turn, your character may spend hh
relies on being in contact with earth, so an earthbender is at a generated by their attacker to slide the attacker up to one
disadvantage the less earth is nearby, and practically useless range band away.
in the air or at sea.
Manifest Earth
Earthbenders use their skills to shield themselves and Your character can manipulate any small stones, rock, soil,
their allies. Many skilled Earthbenders absorb and intercept coal, gems, crystals, chalk, and even jennamite. If the earth is
attacks before overwhelming the opponent with superior waterlogged or a fine sand, your character suffers 1 additional
force. Some can tunnel through the earth to outmaneuver strain to perform this maneuver. Your character can use a
their foes. Earthbenders have been known to use objects to maneuver to manipulate or move the earth or stones as they
augment their bending. Earthbending is not limited to rock or need. As long as there are additional rocks or other sources
soil alone. A skilled earthbender can even manipulate other of earth nearby, your character can increase the silhouette the
earth-based substances including mud, slurry, sand, earth by one using a maneuver.
gemstones and coal. Refined metals, such as tempered iron
and steel, are beyond the influence of all but the most Tunneling
powerful earthbenders; however, even they are limited as Earthbenders can move through the earth to out-maneuver
highly refined metals lose their trace earth contents. their foes either by opening tunnels or by pulling the earth past

Bending Earth
them, literally swimming through the ground. Your character
may suffer 2 strain to use this maneuver to move anywhere
within medium range, ignoring difficult terrain. Your character
The following section discusses special rules for how
disappears into the earth beneath their feet and reappears
earthbenders interact with the Bending Arts skill, and offers
from below ground at the target location. The pathway the
an overview of the basic forms (actions and maneuvers) that
character follows must lay between two points connected
are typically available to all firebenders at character creation.
underground or otherwise comprised of an element they can
Earthbenders have an innate mastery over the ground bend.
beneath their feet. Your character ignores difficult terrain
when the obstacles and hazards can be attributed to the earth
(e.g. rocky ground, unstable mountain pass). In addition, your
Basic Forms
character does not need to perform the concentrate maneuver Earthbenders have access to the following forms: Attack,
for certain forms as noted. As long as they are touching the Augment, Barrier, Construct, Control, and Utility. A brief
ground, your character may always suffer 2 strain to resist description of each actions’ narrative effect follows below. A
being knocked back or knocked prone as an out-of-turn table of possible effects for each action in structured
incidental. encounters can be found at the end of the Earthbending
Earth is the element of substance. Once per encounter, section.
your character may spend a Story Point to trigger up to three
different qualities or form effects instead of one. These must
be effects that can be triggered by spending a or t. Concentration: No
Difficulty: Easy ( )
Unless otherwise noted, your character must always
Characteristic: Brawn (if melee), Agility (if ranged)
be in contact with the ground to perform a Bending Arts
skill check to use earthbending. Earthbending can be used to strike an opponent down
through overwhelming force. The attack form includes any
Earthbender Maneuvers combat check or other action that directly or indirectly deals
The maneuvers listed in this section are exclusive to damage or strain to an enemy. Offensive earthbending can
earthbenders. Like most maneuvers, the actions described do take shape in many ways. Examples include a hurling a large
not require a skill check. stone at an opponent, a punch delivered by a rock-covered
fist, slashes from metallic slivers, and even a barrage of sandy
Earth Wall bullets. Since most attacks typically happen in structured
Earthbenders can readily create small walls with no difficulty. combat encounters, use the table to help determine the
Your character may suffer 2 strain to perform this maneuver difficulty whenever you want your character to attack
someone with their bending.

The Second Age | The Bending Arts | 61

Augment can still create smaller, and more subtle, effects that the
ground to reorient a person or object. The Environmental
Concentration: Yes Effects section on page 110 of the GENESYS Core
Difficulty: Average ( ) Rulebook can also offer valuable assistance in determining
Characteristic: Cunning the effects of this form.
Earthbenders can call upon the ground beneath their feet to Because earthbenders are shaping the very earth around
enhance themselves and their allies. A practiced earthbender them when they do this, the changes can be permanent. For
can use a pillar of earth to launch themselves onto a rooftop, this reason, you do not need to perform the concentrate
or to make their weapon find purchase more easily. Some are maneuver to retain the effects or benefit of the Control form.
capable of compressing their earth before throwing it, using An earthbender can still reverse any changes, or end the
its density to debilitate a foe. The bending art can even be effects of their Control form, as an incidental.
used to temporarily repair weapons or objects made of stone
and, in some cases, metal. Earthbenders tend to remain
rooted, always with their element at the ready.
Master Forms
Earthbending is one of the most diverse of the bending arts,
Barrier and its masters employ a varied range of specialized
Concentration: Yes techniques for offense and defense. However, a true master
Difficulty: Easy ( ) is the earthbender who strikes a balance of strength and
Characteristic: Willpower resilience.

An earthbender finds little difficulty using their element to Earthbenders require at least 3 ranks in Bending Arts to
block incoming blows for your character and their allies. An acquire these special forms, in addition to spending XP.
earthbender can cover themselves in earth armor, and even Perhaps the character must learn the form through a bending
levitate a shield to defend allies from afar. Some barriers can scroll, a master, or must otherwise be able to narratively
even be strong enough to protect the earthbender from an explain how they came to hone this ability. Your GM may
onslaught of harsh elements. When you use your waive these requirements or add others.
earthbender’s Barrier form in narrative situations, define what
kind of protection you want the barrier to offer. Then set the Seismic Sense
difficulty, relying on the table of additional effects if you need Form Type: Augment
guidance or inspiration. Activation: Active (Action)
Requirement: 15 XP, Bending Arts 3
Construct As long as your character is in direct contact with the ground,
Concentration: Automatic they cannot be blinded or deafened, is unaffected by light
Difficulty: Easy ( ) conditions, and cannot be surprised by another character who
Characteristic: Intellect is in contact with the ground. Additionally, your character
Earth and stone have been used by benders and nonbenders removes from any check requiring vision or line-of-sight,
to make objects and structures since the dawn of history. An including to perceive characters obscured by cover. Your
earthbender can make the construction of a hearty earthen character adds an automatic s to Initiative checks they make.
wall look like child’s play—the great walls of Ba Sing Se are a Characters who target you with a Deception check must
monumental testament to the earthbenders’ Construct form. upgrade the difficulty once.
The corresponding table of additional Construct effects offers Once per encounter, your character may use this form to
guidance for using this form outside of structured encounters. make an Average ( ) Bending Arts (WIL) check. If
Because earthbenders are shaping the very earth around successful, they can sense the nearby vibrations of activity
them when they do this, the changes can be permanent. For and movement within short range, and can distinguish
this reason, you do not need to perform the concentrate between stationary objects and moving people.
maneuver to retain the effects or benefit of the Construct form.
An earthbender can still reverse any changes, or end the
Activation: Passive
effects of their Construct form, as an incidental.
Requirement: 10 XP, Bending Arts 4
Control Using this form, your character may substitute their Bending
Concentration: Automatic Arts skill whenever they make the following skill checks:
Difficulty: Average ( )  When they would roll Perception check while
Characteristic: Intellect searching for a person or object of which they are
This form demonstrates an earthbender’s direct control and aware, or which requires visual;
influence over a large swathe of ground. An earthbender can  When they would roll a Vigilance or Discipline
create a web-work of factures radiating out from their location check to avoid being lied to;
and cause foes to fall prone, or cover their retreat with a cloud  Or whenever you perform a Stealth skill check to
of pebbles, dust, and other loose earth debris. More advanced avoid detection.
earthbenders can turn the ground beneath their foes’ feet to
mud or sand, and the cruelest can use their bending art to
bury their foes alive completely. Of course, an earthbender Activation: Active (Action)
Requirement: 15 XP, Bending Arts 5

62 | The Bending Arts | The Second Age

Once per encounter, the character may spend a Story Point Attacks made with sandbending gain the Sunder quality.
to use Seismic Sense to make an Average ( ) Bending Augment gains the Swift effect without increasing the
Arts (WIL) check. If successful, the character knows for a fact difficulty. Barrier gains the Additional Target effect without
whether any nearby character is lying or telling the truth. They increasing the difficulty. Control gains the Ensnare effect
can sense through a character’s increased heartrate, rapid without increasing the difficulty.
breathing, or other tell whether they are being truthful. The
GM must confirm or deny whether the character spoke Separation is Illusion
truthfully. Form Type: All
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Metalbending Requirement: 15 XP, Bending Arts 3
Form Type: Attack, Augment, Barrier, Construct, and Utility Your character does not need to be in contact with the ground
Activation: Active (Incidental) to use their other earthbending forms. This form does not
Requirement: 20 XP, Bending Arts 4 apply to Seismic Sense. While they are not in contact with the
First developed by the prodigious earthbender Toph, this ground, the character may choose to suffer 1 strain to attempt
technique allows an earthbender to detect, and manipulate, an earthbending form remotely. The character must be aware
minute traces of earth still present in metal. that there is earth somewhere near.
Before the character attempts an earthbending form, they
may choose to suffer 1 strain to bend the earthen impurities
in nearby metal up to short range. If they do, increase the Form Type: Attack, Barrier, Construct, Control, Utility
difficulty of the Bending Arts skill check they make by one. Activation: Active (Incidental)
Requirement: 25 XP, Bending Arts 5
When a form’s quality rating is determined by your
characters’ ranks in Discipline, your character may use their An art known to very few, certain earthbenders can change
ranks in Bending Arts instead. Additionally, when your the phase of the earth by melting it into lava.
character attacks a target wearing metal armor, they ignore Before the character attempts an earthbending form, they
up to one imposed by the target’s defense rating. may choose to suffer 2 strain to melt earth, rock, and stone
Attacks made with metalbending automatically gain the within short range. If they do, upgrade the difficulty of the
Pierce quality with a rating equal to the character’s ranks in Bending Arts skill check twice.
Discipline. Augment forms also add to skill checks made Attacks made with lavabending gain the Burn quality with
by the target. Barrier gains the Add Defense effect without a rating equal to your character’s ranks in Discipline. Barrier
increasing the difficulty. Construct gains the Reinforced effect gains the Empowered effect without increasing the difficulty.
without increasing the difficulty. Metalbending cannot be used Construct gains the Additional Construct effect without
to manipulate platinum or other ‘pure’ or heavily refined increasing the difficulty. Control forms may include the
metals. Partition effect without increasing the difficulty.

Sandbending Your GM may choose to spend hhh or d to cause

characters engaged with a target of a Lavabending attack to
Form Type: Attack, Augment, Barrier, Control, Utility suffer 2 wounds.
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Requirement: 20 XP, Bending Arts 4 Expert
This alternative style of earthbending was first adapted for use Activation: Passive
in the Si Wong Desert by the people who live there. Requirement: 10 XP, Bending Arts 5

Before the character attempts an earthbending form, they When they use this form, the character may choose to suffer
may choose to suffer 1 strain to bend fine, particulate earth strain up to their ranks in Discipline. They downgrade per
instead up to medium range. If they do, upgrade the difficulty strain suffered in this way.
of the Bending Arts skill check once.
You may spend aaa or t on a sandbending skill check
to blind any target within short range. Blinded characters
cannot see and suffer on all checks.

The Second Age | The Bending Arts | 63

Concentration: No
Characteristic: Brawn (if melee), Agility (if ranged)
Difficulty: Easy ( )
This action represents the use of earthbending to inflict strain against a target. When making a bending arts attack, the character
must select one target at short range (but not engaged). The attack deals damage equal to the characteristic linked to the skill
used to make the attack, plus 1 damage per uncanceled s. The attack has a Critical rating of aaaaaa.

Table 2-22: Attack Additional Effects (Earth)

Breach (Lavabending only): The attack gains the Pierce quality with a rating equal to twice the character’s ranks in


Blast: The attack gains the Blast quality with a rating equal to the character’s ranks in Discipline. +

Bombard: The attack gains the Stun quality with a rating equal to your character’s ranks in Discipline. The attack gains
the Auto-fire quality. (You must increase the difficulty by one to use the Auto-fire quality as normal.)

Close Combat: May select a target engaged with the character. +

Hinder: The attack gains the Ensnare quality with a rating equal to the character’s ranks in Discipline. +

Impact: The attack gains the Knockdown quality. The attack gains the Disorient quality with a rating equal to the
character’s ranks in Discipline.

Manipulative: The attack gains the Push 1 quality. This may be added multiple times, increasing the quality by one each

Non-Lethal: The attack gains the Stun Damage quality. +

Splash (Lavabending only): If the attack hits, you may spend aa to inflict 2 wounds on another target within short

Additional Target: The form affects one additional target engaged with the original target. In addition, after performing
the technique, you may spend aa to affect one additional target also engaged with the original target (and may trigger →
this multiple times, spending aa each time).

Concussive: The attack gains the Concussive 1 quality. This may be added multiple times, increasing the quality by one

each time.

Destructive: The attack gains the Sunder quality. The attack also gains the Pierce quality with a rating equal to the
character's ranks in Discipline.

Earth Piston: The attack gains the Linked and Stun qualities with a rating equal to the character’s ranks in Discipline.
You may spend aaa to move your character up to medium range using one of the pistons to jettison the character.

Empowered: The attack deals damage equal to twice the characteristic linked to the skill (instead of dealing damage
equal to the characteristic). If the attack has the Blast quality, it affects all characters within short range, instead of +

64 | The Bending Arts | The Second Age

Concentration: Yes
Characteristic: Cunning
Difficulty: Average ( )
This is using your earthbending to enhance yourself and others. Your character selects one target they are engaged with (which
can be themself), then makes a Bending Arts skill check. If successful, until the end of your character's next turn, the target
increases the ability of any skill checks they make by one (in effect, this means they add one to their checks). A character
may not be affected by more than one Augment form at the same time.

Table 2-23: Augment Additional Effects (Earth)

Earth Gauntlet (self only): Instead of the normal effect, the earthbender adds damage equal to their ranks in Discipline
to Martial Arts combat checks, and their Critical rating for unarmed combat checks becomes 3. In addition, such checks
gain the Stun quality with a rating equal to the character’s ranks in Discipline. For the duration of this form, you increase
your character’s defense rating by 1 (to a maximum of 4). In addition, whenever the character performs a successful —
Martial Arts combat check, you may spend aa to push a target up to one range band away from the character. This
may be added multiple times, increasing the defense rating by one each time (to a max of 4), and adding one to the

Leap: Instead of gaining the regular benefits of the form, while affected your character may use a maneuver to move
horizontally and/or vertically a number of range bands away equal to half of the character’s ranks in Discipline, rounded —
Earth Wave: Instead of the normal effect, the target can immediately move up to one range band away and ignores all
difficult terrain. Additionally, the target can move once per round as an incidental. This movement is not a maneuver and
does not count toward the maneuver limit per turn. Characters in the path of the Earth Wave must make an Average
( ) Athletics or Coordination check as an out-of-turn incidental to avoid the wave. Characters who fail are knocked
prone and take Stun Damage equal to uncanceled s. You may spend aa to push affected characters up to one range
Empowered: Instead of the normal effect of this form, the target increases the ability of any skill checks they make by

Fortitude: The target increases their wound threshold by a value equal to the character's ranks in Discipline for the
duration of the form.

Swift: Targets affected by the form ignore the effects of difficult terrain and cannot be immobilized. +

Additional Target: The form affects one additional target within range of the form. In addition, after performing the
technique, you may spend a to affect one additional target within range of the form (and may trigger this multiple times, +
spending a each time).
Rock Gloves (self only): The character can move across vertical surfaces as easily as horizontal surfaces, even crawl
along ceilings. In addition, when your character attempts to reduce the damage taken from falling, reduce the difficulty of
the Athletics or Coordination check by one. For the duration of the form, the character can detach the gloves and use
them to attack, grapple, or interact with people or objects up to medium range as if they were the character’s own hands.

The Second Age | The Bending Arts | 65

Concentration: Yes
Characteristic: Willpower
Difficulty: Easy ( )
A skilled earthbender can create barriers of stone and rock to protect themselves and their allies. The character selects one
target they are engaged with (which can be themself), then makes a Bending Arts skill check. If successful, until the end of the
character's next turn, reduce the damage of all hits the target suffers by one, and further reduce it by one for every uncanceled
ss beyond the first.

Table 2-24: Barrier Additional Effects (Earth)

Earth Armor (self only): The barrier sets the target’s defense rating to 2 but reduces their maneuverability. An affected
target can only move once per turn using a maneuver. Their encased body counts as a structure which can provide
cover. This may be added up to two more times, increasing the defense rating by one each time (to a maximum of 4), —
and adding one to the check. For the duration of this form, you may spend aa generated by any Bending Arts skill
check to immobilize a target within short range; doing so ends the effect of Earth Armor.

Additional Target: The form affects one additional target within range of the form. In addition, after performing the
technique, you may spend a to affect one additional target within range of the form (and may trigger this multiple times, +
spending a each time).

Add Defense: Each affected target gains ranged and melee defense equal to one (does not stack with existing armor
bonuses). This may be added multiple times, increasing the defense gained in this way by one (to a maximum of four).

Empowered: The barrier reduces damage equal to the number of uncanceled s instead of the normal effect. This
cannot be combined with Compression.

Reinforced: The barrier makes the target’s soak immune to the Pierce and Breach qualities. This cannot be combined
with Additional Target.

Compression: The barrier confers a soak bonus equal to your ranks in Discipline instead of the normal effect. This
cannot be combined with Empowered.

Deflect: For the duration of the form, whenever an affected target suffers a hit from a combat check, after damage is
calculated but before soak is applied, the character may suffer 3 strain to reduce the damage of the hit by two plus their +
ranks in Discipline. This talent can only be used once per hit and requires a free hand.

Sand Devil (Sandbending only): For the duration of the form, whenever an affected target is targeted by a combat
check, you spend hh generated by the attack to inflict 3 strain on the attacker.

66 | The Bending Arts | The Second Age

Concentration: Automatic
Characteristic: Willpower
Difficulty: Easy ( )
Earthbenders can use this form to animate or create objects out of earth and stone. The character makes a Bending Arts skill
check. If successful, the character creates a simple object with no moving pieces (such as a container or ball), a simple one-
handed melee weapon (such as a sword or hammer), or a single structure no bigger than silhouette 1 (such as a wall, ladder,
or ramp). These appear engaged with the character and remain present until the end of the character's next turn.

Table 2-23: Construct Additional Effects (Earth)

Metal Whip (Metalbending only): Instead of the normal effect, the form creates a metal whip that lasts until the end of
the character’s next turn. The whip can be used to attack through a Bending Arts (Agility) combat check and has the
following profile: Range: Short; Damage: +1; Crit 4; Ensnare 2, Linked 2, Slash 1, Sunder. For the duration of the form,
the character may choose to make an Average ( ) Bending Arts (Brawn) check to launch the metal whip at a

stationary target up to medium range. If successful, they can use the whip to pull themselves toward the location and
you may spend aa to bring the target to you instead, if possible.

Additional Construct: The form creates one additional item, weapon, or structure. In addition, after a successful check,
you may spend aa to create one additional item, weapon, or structure (and may trigger this multiple times, spending +
aa each time).

Earth Mannequin: Instead of the normal effect, the form creates a number of humanoid mannequins. For each
uncanceled s, the character creates one mannequin within range. Mannequins are controlled as a group. The area
covered by a group of mannequins is considered difficult terrain and has a hazard rating equal to the half the number of
mannequins in the ground, rounded down (see Environmental Effects, GENESYS Core Rulebook page 110). Once +
per turn, the character may spend a maneuver to move the mannequins up to short range. For the duration of the form,
your character may suffer 2 strain to perform a maneuver to cause the group of mannequins to attack; the mannequins
attack as though they were a Minion group with the Martial Arts skill.

Lava Star (Lavabending only): Instead of the normal effect, the form creates a shuriken-like projectile that lasts until
the end of the character’s next turn. The star counts as a ranged weapon and can be used to attack through a Bending
Arts (Agility) combat check. The weapon has the following profile: Range: Short; Damage: 7; Crit 3; Breach 1, Burn
equal to the character’s ranks in Discipline, Sunder. This effect requires the earthbender to perform the concentrate +
maneuver. For the duration of the form, if an attack with a lava star misses, you may spend aaa to make another
attack against the same target at the end of the round using a number of equal to the character’s ranks in Discipline.
The second attack has the same difficulty as the first.

Size: The character may create a more complicated object with rudimentary moving parts, a two-handed melee weapon,
or an object up to silhouette 2. This may be added multiple times, increasing the silhouette of a structure by one each +
time. Additional increases have no effect on objects or weapons created by this form.

Reinforced: Objects created by the form have the Reinforced quality (immune to Pierce and Breach). +

Earth Prison: Instead of the normal effect, the form simultaneously surrounds a small area with walls on all sides,
immobilizing characters inside for the duration of the form. Characters trapped inside may attempt to break free on their +
turn with an Average ( ) Athletics, Coordination, or Bending Arts check.

Zao Fu Style (Metalbending only): Instead of the normal effect, the character may targeting a number of characters
within short range no greater than the character’s ranks in Discipline. If successful, a weapon wielded or armor worn by
an affected character is Sundered one step (to minor if undamaged, from minor to moderate, or from moderate to major;
if an item already suffering major damage is damaged again, it is destroyed). In addition, after a successful check, you +
may spend aa to Sunder each affected item one additional step (and may trigger this multiple times, spending aa
each time). You may spend t on a successful check to instead take control of an affected character’s armor or weapon,
effectively disarming the character or disrobing them of the armor and its benefits.

The Second Age | The Bending Arts | 67

Concentration: Automatic
Characteristic: Intellect
Difficulty: Average ( )
An experienced earthbender can easily warp the earth around an area to shape the landscape to their whims. The character
chooses a location they can see up to medium range and rolls a Bending Arts check. If successful, the form disrupts the ground
causing the area in a short range of the chosen location to become difficult terrain.

Table 2-24: Control Additional Effects (Earth)

Earthquake: Other characters within range of the form are disoriented until the end of their next turn. In addition, after
using this form, you may spend aa to immobilize an affected character until the end of their next turn (and may trigger
this multiple times, spending aa each time). This may be added a second time, decreasing the a required to
immobilize an affected character by one.
Earth Shackle: Instead of the normal effect, the character may select a target within short range to immobilize with
rocky manacles. The affected target may attempt to break free of Earth Shackle by making an Athletics check with a
difficulty equal to the character’s ranks in Discipline. For the duration of the form, you may perform a maneuver to lift, +
push, or pull an affected target within range up to one range band. This may be added multiple times, increasing the
number of affected targets by one each time. Earth Shackle may not be combined with any other effect.

Earth Slam: Instead of the normal effect, the form projects a silhouette 2 wall, column, or other earthen object toward or
away from a location within medium range. If successful, characters in the path of the object must immediately make an
Average ( ) Athletics or Coordination check as an out-of-turn incidental to avoid the structure. Characters who fail +
are knocked prone and take Stun Damage equal to uncanceled s. You may spend aa to push affected characters up
to one range band.

Hinder: Characters within range of the form are immobilized until the end of their next turn. +

Precision: Instead of the normal range, the form affects only a small area of terrain (large enough to encompass a
single target and any engaged characters). This may be added one more time, decreasing the area of effect down to just +
the area of a single target.

Vortex (Sandbending only): A swirling wind twists at the point of origin, kicking up dust and debris in the affected area.
The terrain becomes hazardous and has a hazard rating of 1; characters in the affected area suffer 1 strain (instead of
wounds) at the beginning of their turn (see GENESYS Core Rulebook, page 111). This may be added multiple times, +
increasing the hazard rating by one each time. For the duration of this form, your character may perform a maneuver to
move the vortex anywhere within short range of its current position.

Lava Flow (Lavabending only): Instead of the normal effect, the affected area is considered hazardous terrain and

has a hazard rating equal to twice the character’s ranks in Discipline (see GENESYS Core Rulebook, page 111).

Dust Cloud: The area offers concealment with a rating equal to half the character’s ranks in Discipline rounded up. For
the duration of the form, you may perform a maneuver to move the Dust Cloud up to one range band.

Entangle: A character who begins their turn within the affected area of the form must roll an Average ( ) Athletics
or Coordination check (as part of their maneuver) in order to move out of the affected area. Characters who fail this
check remain in place until their next turn, where they must repeat the check for the duration of the form. In addition, +
after using the form, you may spend a to add (or for allies) to the check characters must make to leave the
affected area.

Expand: Instead of the normal range, the form affects all terrain within medium range of the point of origin. This may be
added multiple times, increasing the affected range by one range band each time.

Obscurity: The form creates concealment with a rating of one, adding the same number of or to skill checks
within the affected area, depending on the circumstances of the skill check. This may be added multiple times, +
increasing the concealment rating by one each time.

Impassable: Instead of the normal effect of the form, all affected terrain is considered impassable. +

Tectonic: Characters in the affected area must immediately make a Hard ( ) Coordination check as an out-of-
turn incidental, becoming staggered on a failure. You may spend a to cause a character in the affected area to fall +
prone (and may trigger this multiple times, spending a for each character).

68 | The Bending Arts | The Second Age

III – New Skills and Rules
This chapter introduces new skills specific to roleplaying in the
world of Avatar. Table 3-1 Skills for the Avatar Setting Table 3-1: Skills for the Avatar Setting
includes both these new skills, and the skills from the NAME CHAR TYPE SOURCE
GENESYS Core Rulebook that are used in this setting. It also
Animal Handling Agility General This book
includes rules expanded rules for animal companions, duels
and tournaments, and other miscellany. Athletics Brawn General CRB (p 58)

In addition, The Second Age supports the following rules: Bending Arts Willpower* Combat* This book
Brawl* Brawn Combat CRB (p 67)
 Heroic Abilities (Realms of Terrinoth, pages 74-80);
 Favors (Shadows of the Beanstalk, pages 53-55). Charm Presence Social CRB (p 54)
Coercion Willpower Social CRB (p 55)
Avatar Setting Skills Cool Presence General CRB (p 59)
Coordination Agility General CRB (p 59)
The following sections will outline changes to existing skills,
Deception Cunning Social CRB (p 56)
and include a list of skills new to the Avatar setting.
Discipline Willpower General CRB (p 60)
General Skills Empathy Willpower Social This book
Culture Intellect Knowledge This book
Avatar: The Second Age introduces a few new skills unique
to roleplaying in the world of Avatar. A few skills from the Geography Intellect Knowledge This book
GENESYS Core Rulebook are also listed here to note some History Intellect Knowledge This book
key distinctions for the setting.
Nature Intellect Knowledge This book

Animal Handling (Agility) Spirit World Intellect Knowledge This book

Animals make up a significant presence in the landscapes, Leadership Presence Social CRB (p 56)
cities, and villages in the world of Avatar. From draft animals Mechanics Intellect General CRB (p 60)
used for the purposes of transportation or farm work, or
Medicine Intellect General CRB (p 61)
combat mounts, to the companions who assist their owners in
completing small tasks, there are many reasons a character Melee (Heavy) Brawn Combat CRB (p 68)
may interact with animals. Melee (Light) Brawn Combat CRB (p 68)
Characters who want to work animals, teach animals to do Negotiation Presence Social CRB (p 56)
tricks, get them to follow commands, or even domesticate Perception Cunning General CRB (p 62)
them must make an Animal Handling check. This skill should
Piloting Agility General CRB (p 62)
also be used for characters who want to ride anything from a
polar bear dog to a flying bison. Ranged Agility Combat CRB (p 68)

Your character should use this skill if… Resilience Brawn General CRB (p 63)

Your character flees from pursuers who are also mounted, or Sailing Intellect General This book
fast enough to potentially catch up. Skullduggery Cunning General CRB (p 64)
Your character tries to convince an approaching wolfbat to Stealth Agility General CRB (p 64)
back away by enticing it with rations. Streetwise Cunning General CRB (p 65)
Your ostrich horse panics during a parade, and your Survival Cunning General CRB (p 65)
character needs to get the creature under control.
Vigilance Willpower General CRB (p 65)
Your character shouldn’t use this skill but a wild sabretooth moose lion might be a daunting task.
if… Being a carnivore may even be cause to upgrade one or more
Your character travels by mount without any immediate into .
danger or inconvenience.
Your character makes an attack while on their mount. That
Empathy (Willpower)
would be combat check using a combat skill. Consider adding Empathetic characters can attune themselves to the thoughts
additional difficulty in the form of one or more . and feelings of other characters, even if those characters say
very little. This skill is like Perception, but strictly within a social
Setting the Difficulty context. Peering through the lies of another character or
Animal Handling checks should be more difficulty depending reading their emotions are its primary uses. While the Charm
on how wild a creature is; generally, how far removed from skill is used to influence a target to act a certain way, the
civilization and humanity is it? It’s probably easy to entice a Empathy skill gives the Player Character a better
housecat or deerdog into following you with a piece of food,

The Second Age | New Skills and Rules | 69

understanding of the target’s motivations and can provide the
PCs with better insight on how to proceed.
Setting the Difficulty
Sailing checks naturally become more difficult for larger ships
Empathy is governed by Willpower, rather than Presence, and harsher conditions. Even hoisting the colors (raising one’s
because it represents the ways in which people connect on flag) could go awry given the right circumstances. Nimbly
an interpersonal level, beyond the veneer of a personality. navigating through crushing waves and alongside rocky
Your character should use this skill if… coasts requires the highest degree of seamanship.
You want to attempt to understand one aspect of a target
character’s Motivations.
Piloting (Agility)
With the advent of technological innovation after the Hundred
You are trying to bond with a target character in order to Year War, Satomobile and airship travel has become much
woo them for a particular purpose. more commonplace. Under normal conditions and for regular
You need to appeal to the heart of a target character or an actions, a character is not required to make a Piloting check.
audience. When those actions are complicated by treacherous weather
conditions, the use of a failing vehicle, or enemy assault, then
Your character shouldn’t use this skill the character piloting the craft must demonstrate their
if… expertise and aptitude for hand-eye coordination.
Your character is attempting to persuade a character using Nothing has changed about this skill apart from to say that
any sort of logical appeal. That would be Charm or it will also cover high-speed ground vehicles, like automobiles
Negotiation. or motorcycles. In addition to the light aerial vehicles outlined
in the Core Rulebook on page 62.
Your character attempts to mentally or physically strong-
arm a target into capitulation. This is what Coercion is for.
Knowledge Skills
Setting the Difficulty Players can never be expected to know as much about life in
Empathy should be an opposed check, often against a
the game setting as the characters who have lived there.
target’s Cool.
Knowledge skills serve to bridge this gap. They enable a
Sailing (Intellect) player to make decisions about their character’s actions that
are informed by what their character might know.
The Sailing skill is simply a reskin of the Operating skill found
All dice results may be spent among the different
on page 62 of the GENESYS Core Rulebook. You should use
Knowledge skills with similar results for each. Additional s
this skill for checks that require training, a sharp mind, and the
represents the character’s recalling information or completing
ability to keep track of a lot of information. This skill should
research with remarkable haste, while a may be spent to
cover not just maritime vessels, but also sand-sailers and
learn minor but possibly useful information about the subject.
even submarines.
t may be spent to learn relevant, beneficial information
Your character should use this skill if… concerning the subject, perhaps a ship’s hull weak points in
Your character prepares a ship for its voyage, or needs to the case of Knowledge (Warfare), or information concerning
know what preparation remains. dark spirits in the case of Knowledge (Spirit World). h may
be spent by the GM to omit a vital detail about the subject at
Your character is at the helm of a ship, maneuvering it in hand, while d may be used to seed the character with
naval combat, or traversing the high seas. misinformation and outright falsehoods.
Your character attempts to tend to shore duties and
mooring of a ship. Culture
Your sand-sailer need to make a hard bend to avoid falling Art, cuisine, architecture, and even fashion are all facets of
off a cliff. the day-to-day lives of the people living in this world.
Sometimes a character needs to know what to wear to an
Your character attempts to bring an airship to port.
occasion or event; other times they may need to identify the
Your character shouldn’t use this skill make and model of an airship or seafaring vessel. A character
with a working knowledge of cultures is important to any
if… worldly party.
Your character attempts a specific action onboard a ship,
such as climbing a rope ladder or mast. That might be Your character should use this skill if…
Athletics or Coordination instead. Your character is trying to remember the food or fashion
required to blend in.
Your character is giving orders to other members of a
ship’s crew. Leadership would be a more appropriate skill Your character needs to recall the lyrics for and perform
here. their peoples’ war-chant before engaging in battle.
Your character wants to upgrade the vehicle’s hardware. Your character wants to ascertain the probable layout of a
That requires a Mechanics check. building based on its outside appearance.

70 | New Skills and Rules | The Second Age

Your character shouldn’t use this skill Your character should use this skill if…
if… Your character wants to chart a course through dangerous
wilderness to a nearby village.
Your character is trying to give directions to Chameleon Bay.
This would require a Knowledge (Geography) check. Your character attempts to locate the Misty Palms Oasis
while stranded in the Si Wong Desert.
Your character is attempting to impress a noble from the
Fire Nation. They should use the Charm skill instead. Your character wants to identify the highest peak in a
mountain range or other landmarks.
Your character needs to know who won the Hundred Year
War. That would be in the wheelhouse of Knowledge Your character needs to know what garb they should bring
(History). when setting out into the local wilderness.

Setting the Difficulty Your character shouldn’t use this skill

The more obscure or rare a piece of the information, the more if…
difficult this skill check becomes. Information that would be Your character wants to recall information about Ba Sing Se.
classified or kept secret, for example the blueprint to the This would require the Knowledge (Culture) or (History) skill.
palace of Ba Sing Se, would be very difficult to acquire and
Your character needs to set a camp or deal with other
thus out-of-reach of most player characters.
practical matters of traversing through wilderness. That would
History use Survival.

The history of the world extends tens of thousands of years Your character tries to recall the history of a ruin. They
into the past. Some scholars spend their entire lives dedicated would use Knowledge (History) for that.
to learning about just one era, sometimes even just a specific
dynasty or event or person.
Setting the Difficulty
Geography checks are generally an average difficulty and
This skill represents a character's knowledge and become more difficult the more information a character
understanding of history in all its facets. This could be purports to know. If the location or identification of a landmark
knowledge about past Avatars, kings or queens, nations, or is key to the story, a GM may raise the difficulty where it is
generally anything that isn’t covered by the other Knowledge appropriate.

Your character should use this skill if… Nature

Your character needs to recall past Avatars in the cycle, or the A vast range of flora and fauna inhabit the world of Avatar;
beginning of an historical period. most of the animals present in the world are notably chimeras
or crossbreeds of two real world animals. There are certain
Your character tries to identify the origins of an ancient exceptions though, such as Kuei's pet bear, Bosco, the
monument or statue recovered from a ruin. herbalist's cat, Miyuki, or the messenger hawk. Using the
Your character attempts to recall a figure from legend, or chimera as a jumping-off point, the GM should feel free to
the religion of a particular region. include entirely new creatures whenever it would suit the
narrative, keeping in mind that the source material is rife with
Your character shouldn’t use this skill plenty of unexplored opportunities like the buffalo-deer and
if… the wolfbat.
Your character attempts to read a map. That would use Nature also represents a character’s knowledge of local
Knowledge (Geography). flora and the understanding of some of its properties.
Characters may need to know the difference between a
Your character wants to chart a safe course through
deadly poison and a delicious tea.
ancient ruins. Once again, Geography.
Your character attempts to recall the name of a revered Your character should use this skill if…
spirit in an old city. That could be Knowledge (Spirit World) or Your character needs to determine the difference between a
Knowledge (Culture). poisonous and healing herb in each area along with
identifying unknown substances, or other natural oddities.
Setting the Difficulty
Your character wants to recognize a creature of an
History checks naturally become more difficult the more
unfamiliar species to determine its temperament.
obscure or generally unknown the information might be.
Your character needs to know which trees produce the
Geography sturdiest wood.
Prior to the Hundred Year War, the world of Avatar was rigidly Your character needs to recall climate and weather
divided between the four nations, each of which had a unique patterns in a given area.
defining landscape and geographical features; but the world
is much smaller now, and anyone may traverse the continents Your character shouldn’t use this skill
for nearly any reason (especially commerce). Knowledge if…
about the physical terrain, the landmarks, and the climate of a Your character is trying to interact with a potentially unfriendly
given region will always come in handy to travelers. creature. That would be Animal Handling.

The Second Age | New Skills and Rules | 71

Your character is trying to plot a course to avoid storms.
That would use Knowledge (Geography). Bending Arts (Willpower)
This skill represents your character’s understanding of, and
Your character wishes to know which flower is of
connection to, the natural and spiritual worlds, and their
significance to a tribe of waterbenders. This would be
element in relation to it all. Practical application of that wisdom
Knowledge (Culture).
may vary wildly. The Bending Arts skill can be used to attack
Setting the Difficulty opponents, protect allies, or when a character needs finesse
in a sticky situation. Although this skill is listed as a Combat
The difficulty for a Nature check should be based upon both
skill, it can have many pragmatic non-combat applications. By
how often the character interacts with this species as well as
default, the Bending Arts skill is governed by Willpower, but it
the relative rarity of the creature; likewise, difficulty should
may be unlinked from this skill depending on the nature of the
vary depending on the flora in question, its general rarity, the
technique being used or at your GM’s discretion.
character’s understanding of its properties and the plant’s
general utility in the story. As always, the GM has the ultimate However, the Bending Arts skill is not expressly tied to a
discretion in determining how hard it is to find, identify, or single characteristic (e.g. Martial Arts is governed by Brawn).
comprehend natural phenomena. Although each element is partial to one characteristic in
particular, not all techniques will reflect that affinity. Players
Spirit World are encouraged to spread their characteristic points out as
The Spirit World is a parallel plane of reality that coexists well as opt for flexibility from the bending archetypes, rather
alongside the mortal world, and is home to the spirits, than focusing on one specific characteristic.
immortal supernatural entities which often embody different Narratively, this represents your earthbender character
aspects of life and nature. In a time where the Spirit and relying upon their strength (Brawn) to hoist a boulder, rather
material worlds are once again merged, knowledge about than their mental discipline (Willpower) to maintain a form.
which spirits are good natured and which want to steal a More about the Bending Arts skill and characteristic
character’s face is more important than ever. decoupling is explained in Chapter II: The Bending Arts.

Your character should use this skill if… Your character should use this skill if…
Your character wants to identify a spirit, or learn about its Your character attempts to hurl a boulder through a series of
disposition particularly to avoid angering it. martial arts maneuvers.
Your character wants to know how to reach the Spirit Your character makes an attack with a blast of fire.
World or a specific place within it. Your character freezes the ice of a river to make a bridge
Your character attempts to communicate or interact with for passing.
spirit. Your character just farted and wants to cover their tracks
Your character shouldn’t use this skill by pushing the scent away from them.

if… Your character shouldn’t use this skill

Your character tries to ascertain the origin of an ancient if…
manuscript detailing spiritual knowledge. That would be Your character wants to perform some basic bending tasks,
Knowledge (History). like knocking over a clay vase from afar with earthbending or
Your character is trying to meditate or project into the Spirit lighting the candles in a room with one’s firebending. These
World. That would be Discipline or a special ability or talent. are simple maneuvers and may only inflict strain at most.
Your character wants to know the importance of a
particular spirit to a group of people. Knowledge (Culture)
Setting the Difficulty
would be more appropriate. A Bending Arts check becomes more difficult the more
complex a task becomes. Bending a rock off a table might be
Setting the Difficulty relatively easy, but opening a human-sized hole in an earthen
This check is generally difficult by default, as few individuals wall might prove a little more challenging. Look to the various
have the knowledge required to successfully understand and tables of additional effects in Chapter II: The Bending Arts
navigate the Spirit World. The check becomes more difficult for inspiration on setting the difficulty for bending activities.
per how much import the GM places on the information.
Martial Arts (Brawn)
Combat Skills This is just a reskin of the Brawl skill from the GENESYS Core
Rulebook. Why? Because setting fluff, that’s why.
In this book you’ll find one new combat skill, and a superficial
change to another.

72 | New Skills and Rules | The Second Age

Animal Companions
Several careers have the Animal Companion talent which or incapacitated is knocked prone and suffers 3 strain.
allows them to acquire a permanent creature companion for Additional circumstances may lead to further damage, or even
as long as the creature survives. becoming trapped beneath the fallen creature.
Animal Companions can be powerful allies in combat as
well as social encounters. When engaged with the character,
Mounted Maneuvers and Actions
Riding a mount is similar to piloting a vehicle. The character
the companion might grant on certain checks or impose
rolls Animal Handling instead of Piloting or Sailing for all
against opponents (or remove them from the character).
relevant skill checks. If a mount does not have the right saddle
Ultimately, a companion can be used for whatever the player
and the GM agree upon. However, some expanded guidance or riding gear, the check difficulty may be upgraded.
is provided in this section. When it comes to maneuvers and actions, a rider may
perform any maneuver or action normally available to the
Mounts character. Players and the GM should employ common sense
A mount is typically an ordinary creature trained to work as as to what can and cannot be done by a particular creature.
draft animal. All mounts are treated as animal companions, In addition to the above maneuvers and actions, rider and
but not all animal companions can be mounts. If a character mount may also perform the following actions.
loses their mount in some way, they can spend some time to Climb or Jump
befriend and train a new one, or buy an already trained mount. Mounts of silhouette 2 or less can attempt to leap or climb
Any mount the character rides can function as a pet; the GM over obstacles by making a Hard ( ) Athletics check.
should assign to Animal Handling checks to control a
mount the character has just met and attempts to ride. Push
Large animals of silhouette 2 or larger may use their weight
Mount or Dismount as a weapon. The base difficulty for a Push action is a Hard
Mounting and dismounting a domesticated animal such as a ( ) Animal Handling check for the rider if it is against
trained shirshu, komodo rhino, or ostrich horse requires a an object or creature of the same silhouette. Difficulty is
maneuver. Successfully mounting an untrained or wild animal, reduced by one for every silhouette smaller the target is when
however, requires a Hard ( ) Animal Handling check compared to the beast. The animal may attempt to move an
which may be harder depending on the animal’s disposition object only one silhouette larger by upgrading the check to
(as determined by your GM). Daunting difficulty.

Movement and Combat Wounds and Strain

Animal companions can perform maneuvers and actions of Animal Companions retain their wound and strain thresholds
their own, but when used as mounts they need to be treated as described in Chapter IX: Adversaries & Creatures. There
more like vehicles. Once mounted, the rider and animal are no special rules for animals. They may be injured and
should be treated as one character in most situations (attack healed normally.
target the rider, the mount does not act independently in
When an animal companion suffers from a Critical Injury,
structured encounters, and both act when a player chooses
it will need medical attention before it can heal the injury. If a
an initiative slot for their mounted character). Unless
mount suffers a critical injury, the difficulty of all skill checks to
otherwise stated, a mountable creature’s silhouette is
ride or control the mount is upgraded once per Critical Injury.
generally 2. Any animal with a silhouette 1 or smaller cannot
A mount that suffers a Critical Injury of Hard severity or higher
be used as a mount unless stated.
cannot function as a mount until the injury has been healed.
Some creatures are provided with stats normally reserved for
vehicles which includes values for Silhouette, Speed, and Controlling the Companion
Handling. However, riding a beast is not the same as piloting
Companions do not always possess skills like characters do.
a vehicle. The animal has its own mind, and a rider’s bond
Whenever a companion would perform a task for which they
with the animal is important. In certain situations, your GM
have no skill ranks, the character may make an Animal
may instead require the character to make an Animal
Handling skill check to have the companion perform an action.
Handling check as an action to direct and control the mount.
Creatures, unlike vehicles, can maintain their speed over Companions in Combat
most terrain, including rough and hilly landscapes. Certain
In structured play, a character may spend a maneuver to allow
mounts like caribou deer or the polar-bear dog are truly built
their companion to perform a maneuver and an action. A
for cold environments and will outperform any other animal in
companion may also gain a second maneuver on an Animal
these circumstances. Such features will be reflected in the
Handling check that generates aa or more. Regardless of
creature’s stat block.
the source, a pet may not perform more than two maneuvers
Since the mount and its rider are treated as one character, during its turn. In structured encounters, a companion will
attacks against the mount are resolved as if they are made remain engaged with the controlling character unless
against the rider, unless the attacker uses the Aim maneuver instructed otherwise.
to specify the mount. Your GM may permit larger mounts to
be attacked without penalty. A character whose mount is slain

The Second Age | New Skills and Rules | 73

Companion Commands companion can also be instructed pick up a specific item or
drop it in a location.
In addition to actions performed through the Animal Handling
skill, a character can direct their animal companion with the
following commands:
Training a Companion
Through their special bonds, animal companions in The
Assist: The pet can take the Assist maneuver and aid the Second Age may also develop new traits, abilities, and skills.
character they is engaged with. It is up to the GM and player Functionally, training can be used to provide versatility to your
to agree upon what assistance the creature can and cannot companion’s available actions and maneuvers.
When a character first receives their animal companion,
Attack: The companion will attack the targeted opponent find or create the appropriate stat block in Chapter IX:
using a weapon profile for its claws, mouth, teeth, etc. In the Adversaries & Creatures. The companion has all listed
case of a mount, its attack replaces the character’s attack skills, talents, and abilities.
while the character is mounted. If the character is not
Normally, training a companion requires approximately
mounted, the companion can make a separate attack.
four weeks of working with the animal. This might happen
Come: As an incidental, the character can instruct their during downtime and should not occur more than once per
companion to spend its maneuver to return to the character. session. The PC acting as the trainer makes an Average
Distract: The companion will perform a Distract ( ) Animal Handling check against the animal, which may
maneuver. The animal may fly around the target’s head or nip be harder depending on the animal’s intelligence or
at their ankles or otherwise distract the target. All checks the disposition (as determined by your GM). If successful, the
target makes while distracted receive an additional . creature acquires a single skill rank, a Talent, or an ability.
You should rely on a common sense approach for what is
Guard: The companion will perform the Guard action. The
possible of an animal to learn. As always, these developments
animal moves around the target and makes a threatening
are subject to your GM’s approval.
display to opponents, trying to prevent them from running
away. The controlling character must make an opposed Eligible companions can be trained to acquire the Trained
Animal Handling versus Discipline check. If successful, Mount ability; each rank of this ability confers to any Animal
the target is immobilized. On the target’s next turn, they can Handling checks made while the creature is mounted. These
try to get away by making the opposed check again. If the dice are in addition to the or indicated by the handling
animal companion performs any other action while guarding a characteristic, if any. A successful training check adds
target, the immobilized effect ends. Trained Mount 1 to the mount’s abilities. a may reduce the
Protect: While engaged with the character or an ally, the time it takes to train the mount, while h extends the time. t
can indicate a particularly successful training conferring
animal can perform the Protect maneuver. Any opponent
Trained Mount 2. d may inflict a Critical Injury on the
attacking the protected character receives on their attack
creature, the trainer, or both. A mount can never be trained
dice pool.
higher than Trained Mount 3.
Retrieve: The companion can bring an item to either the
character or an ally. A companion cannot carry an item with
an encumbrance rating larger than its silhouette plus 2. A

Healing Options and Conditions

Characters can also heal using a variety of different, yet
similar, options. The rate and type of recovery depends on the
character’s state of health as well as the type of spa treatment.
Per the GENESYS Core Rulebook (page 113), “when a
A wounded character in a hot spring heals at a rate of 1 character has suffered strain greater than their strain
wound and strain every two hours. An incapacitated character threshold, they become incapacitated until their strain is
heals at a rate of 1 wound and strain every six hours. reduced so that it no longer exceeds their threshold.” In
A character in a steam bath alleviates their stress at a Avatar: The Second Age, a character who exceeds their
rate of 2 strain every hour, but cannot heal wounds in this way. strain threshold becomes fatigued, in addition to becoming
incapacitated. A Fatigued critical injury with a ( ) rating is
Characters may also find special spirit pools which not
added to the character and may be healed per normal critical
only heal at a rate of 2 wound and strain every hour, but can
injury rules.
heal a Critical Injury as well. Once per day, after a single
session in a spirit pool, the character may attempt one A fatigued character suffers 1 strain when they perform a
Discipline check to remove one Critical Injury. The difficulty is maneuver or action, and 1 additional strain each time they
equal to the injury’s severity rating. On a successful check, voluntarily suffer strain. If a character would exceed their
the character recovers from the Critical Injury and is no longer strain threshold, or would become fatigued, while they are
affected. already fatigued, the rating of any existing Fatigue injury is
increased by ( ) to a maximum of ( ).

74 | New Skills and Rules | The Second Age

Pro-bending, Duels and Martial Arts
The Avatar series draws heavily on East Asian history,
tradition, and mythology and one key focus is on martial arts Regulations and Referees
as a storytelling device. Duels, arena matches, and even During a match, your GM assumes the role of referee and can
tournament fights are all featured throughout the series as throw out yellow and red fans if referee catches a player
distractions, opportunities for character development, and as breaking the rules or committing a foul. At the table, these
integral plotlines. matches are largely theater of the mind and so any foul play
which occurs will largely be narrative, or intentionally
Avatar: The Second Age attempts to bring this aspect of
the narrative to life through the guidelines and rules featured
in this section. This author builds upon the foundations A GM should be mindful not to penalize a PC trying to
outlined in Chapter 6: Combat Encounters (GENESYS abide by the rules; you should not force fouls if a player
Core Rulebook), including maneuvers (page 97), Range describes cautiously avoiding the line, or deliberately pulling
Bands (page 105), and Unarmed Combat (page 108). their punches. An honest mistake—generally a player’s first
foul—should be met by the referee with a yellow fan as a
Pro-bending warning.
A player who intentionally breaks a rule, or fouls a second
Pro-bending matches originated in the arenas of Republic City time, should be shown a yellow fan as a warning and suffer a
and now take place in one of the city’s architectural jewels— one-zone penalty (they move back a zone). A player who
a gilded, glass-domed arena which sits at the end of a long intentionally breaks a rule after receiving a second yellow fan
pier extending into Yue Bay. Pro-bending is a popular pastime might be shown a red fan, ejecting them from the match
for benders and nonbenders alike. Every year, the sixteen altogether. Of course, the team with the ejected player must
best teams in the league compete for the championship in the continue the match without a replacement.
elimination-style Pro-bending Tournament!
Characters take part in these sanctioned arena matches Fouls and Cheating
for a variety of reasons: there’s fame to be had, titles and Stepping over a line into the wrong zone, using an illegal form,
recognition to be obtained, and—of course—money to win! and knocking your opponent over the ropes....these are just
some examples of when a referee might call a foul, and how
Participants you might gain an edge if you don’t get caught.
Pro-bending matches involve two teams of three benders, one With fortune and fame on the line, PCs and NPCs alike
from each bending art. This excluded airbending at the time have plenty of reason to break the rules. Before the match
of the sport’s conception, since until very recently only the even begins, characters may attempt to rig the ring, fix the
Avatar’s son and grandchildren possessed the ability. match, or attempt other kinds of sabotage. The time before a
However, the world is in constant flux. Your table may decide match represents limitless opportunity for a scene involving
to include airbenders in the fun! If you do, pay close attention Coercion, Skulduggery, and Deception and also offers a
to the League Notice—it should give you a good idea as to chance for PCs who aren’t participating in the match to shine.
what airbending regulations might look like.
In the ring, h and d results could be used to represent
If your character wants to participate, they’ll need to form fouls in play. Your GM should only consider using these
a team of at least three benders from different bending arts options if at least hh or d is rolled, and should never call
(teams may have more if they need to substitute a player foul on a Player Character because the player was unaware
between matches). Your characters may also join a team with or misinformed about how the match works. Still, a bender’s
NPCs, either preexisting in the world (like the Flaming Fire poor control could lead to a foul: an earthbender might
Ferrets) or by making up their own team name. accidentally break their disk and reflexively bend the sand; a

The aim of the match is to gain as much
territory within thing ring as possible
within three minutes or, alternatively, to
cause your opponents to fall over the
ring’s edge. Although most pro-bending
matches are likely to occur within official
Republic City arenas, a match can occur
on any raised fighting ring without rails or
ropes on either team’s backside.
A single match consists of up to three
rounds. Each round is three minutes
long. More on timing later.

The Second Age | New Skills and Rules | 75

banned forms, volleys or streams) they must
make an opposed Bending Arts versus
Vigilance combat check.

League Notice An attempt to cheat while attacking should

always be harder and riskier than a normal strike
against an opponent. If the attack hits, calculate
Due to some miscreants in recent matches, the League would like damage as normal against an opponent, not the
to remind all professional benders that the following rules will be referee (unless striking them is the point). While h on
strictly enforced in the ring. these rolls may represent a yellow fan and zone
Waterbenders penalties, d can easily mean the player has been
ejected from the match—even if you roll plenty of s
 Each water blast must not exceed one second in duration. and a, hitting the referee is a sure-fire way to be
There will be no more ‘firehose’ incidents! ejected.
 Your strike must be liquid—steam, fog, and ice will result Certain fouls mentioned earlier also create
in ejection from the match. No fillings! excellent opportunities for unsportsmanlike conduct.
 No outside water! Only water provided for the match, or Big risk, bigger reward. A player can attempt any one
within the ring, from your own zone. of the examples provided, or others they devise. A few
example benefits for cheating follow.
Head Strike
 Each fire blast must not exceed one second in duration.
A player may attempt a shot at an opponent’s head.
Add to your referee-opposed combat check to
 No direct strikes to the head. add the Concussive quality to your strike. Use of the
 No lightning. Aim maneuver here removes a , rather than adding
Earthbenders a .

 Metal and sand are not permitted in the ring. Illegal Forms
Regulation. Rock Disks. ONLY! A player may attempt to use a form other than Attack,
 No direct strikes to the head. or to add prohibited effects to their Attack form. Under
the watchful eye of the referee, they must suffer 2
 You may only pull disks from your zone. You may not
strain in addition to the form’s usual cost to make a
intentionally break the disks into smaller pieces. The
referee-opposed combat check to use the form.
disks must remain solid. Obvious use of unsanctioned forms cracks open the
door to ‘prolonged and continuous bending’ fouls.
Crossing the Line
Intentionally crossing out of your zone can give you an
unfair advantage when striking at your opponents—
that’s why it’s a foul! But what the referee doesn’t
know, doesn’t hurt.
Once per turn, you may use your maneuver to
cross into an adjacent zone. Stepping toward the
waterbender could lose their cool and firehose an opponent opposing team reduces the difficulty to attack by one to a
unintentionally; and a firebender must be careful not to let their minimum of Easy ( ), but provokes an opposed Vigilance
flames linger. Your GM, with the help of the dice results, has versus Stealth check from the referee. If the ref succeeds,
the ultimate say on when a player has fouled or broken rules you’ve been spotted and a foul is called. If you would step into
in a match. Such fouls might include: the same zone as an opponent, your next combat check
 Stepping over a line into the wrong zone. against that player is upgraded once.
 Unintentionally hitting the referee stand or a referee
with an element. Injuries and Healing
 Illegal head strikes (with earth or fire). As with a normal combat encounter, characters will suffer
 Knocking a player over the ropes or sides of the ring. wounds and strain throughout the course of the match;
 Unnecessary roughness or unsportsmanlike conduct. however, a match should not end in death. Consumable
 Prolonged or continuous bending (attacking multiple items that allow a character to instantly recover wounds or
opponents, sustaining forms). strain are banned from being used during a round.
 Striking at a target outside of the ring. Characters may roll a Simple (—) Cool or Discipline
Of course, you might intentionally decide to commit a foul or check to recover strain between rounds. A player may only
otherwise play dirty. If a player wishes to cheat during a attempt to heal wounds once per match from a Medicine
match, first determine what they’re attempting. check; other forms of healing (such as bending or consumable
items) are not allowed. If no one on the player’s team or
In most instances, a player will roll an opposed Vigilance
support staff can heal, the Pro-bending League’s regulation
check (using the Referee’s Vigilance). For example, if a
player wants to make an illegal strike (e.g., head strike, physician on staff can aid with their Medicine skill ( ).

76 | New Skills and Rules | The Second Age

Talents that allow mentioned). Your GM
characters to recover has the final say on
strain or wounds, to what, if any, additional
shrug off critical effects and forms may
injuries, or even be permitted.
ignore being  Each bending Attack
incapacitated are not form gains the Push 1
only permitted, but quality.
encouraged! Such  When a PC suffers
talents include—but wounds greater than
are not limited to— their threshold, they are
Rapid Recovery, knocked out and suffer
Second Wind, Hard one critical injury per
Headed, and GENESYS Core
Indomitable. Rulebook (page 112).
When a character  Ignore the death
suffers a Critical injury results on the Critical
during a match, the Injury table unless you
match is halted and really hate your
the player is removed characters for some
from the ring; reason.
however, an injured
player may opt to Gaining
continue if they feel Territory
capable. In either
At the start of a match,
case, the match
each team must remain
resumes once the
within their starting zone
player has made their
(usually Zone 1, near the
center of the arena).
Knockouts Players from opposite teams can never occupy the same zone
at the same time.
A character can only be knocked off the back of the ring, not
A team can only move forward over a line and into a new
the sides. If a character is knocked off the back of the ring,
zone, or “gain territory,” when all three members of the
they may not return to the ring until the next round.
opposing team have been knocked backwards out of a zone.
If a player is knocked off the side of the ring, they suffer 2 Once the opposing team has been knocked backwards out of
strain from the fall, the match is halted and the player is a zone, a player may step into the next zone by spending a
permitted to rejoin the round. The offending team suffers a maneuver to do so. When a team “gains” a new zone, they
penalty of one zone and the match continues. must now play from within that new zone, not crossing back
If all three members of a team are knocked off the back of into their original zone.
a ring within one round, that team loses and the match is over.
Range Bands and the Ring
To knock a character backward into another zone, you
In Avatar, a physical arena known as the ring serves as the
may activate the Push quality on a successful hit with aa or
stage for a pro-bending match. The ring is divided into two
t. Push is a new item quality in The Second Age and is
halves and each half is divided into three zones: Zone 1, Zone
explained further in Chapter V: Gear and Equipment. A t
2, and Zone 3. Each team starts each round playing in Zone
may also be used to knock an opponent off the back of the
1 of their respective halves of the ring.
ring if, and only if, the attack successfully hits.
Each player must stay within Zone 1, without crossing the
Running a Match line at the front or back of the zone. If a player is knocked out
In The Second Age, a pro-bending match should run just of Zone 1 into Zone 2, they must now play within Zone 2. If
like a normal combat encounter. Still, there are a few they are knocked out from Zone 1 or Zone 2 into Zone 3, they
exceptions and considerations you will want to make to keep must now play within Zone 3. A player cannot advance zones
an arena match exciting: unless all of their opponents have been knocked backwards
out of their present zone.
 In addition to rolling initiative normally using
In The Second Age, each zone represents a range band.
Vigilance or Cool, consider alternating each combat
Two adjacent zones are always short range from one another.
round which team goes first in order to better capture
When there is one or more zones between two zones,
the dynamic ebb and flow of these matches.
increase the range band between those two characters by the
 Characters may only use their Attack form with the
same amount. Thus, a pro-bender striking from their own
Range and Additional Target effects. All other
Zone 1 at a target in the opposing team’s Zone 2 would
bending forms and effects are prohibited in pro-
consider that medium range, or long range if the opponent
bending matches (except in tiebreakers, as
is standing in their own Zone 3. Of course, use your best

The Second Age | New Skills and Rules | 77

judgement, keeping in mind the context of the arena and the
range between characters. Striking from your own zone 3 at Table 3-2: Suggested Skills for Duel Tactics
an opponent’s zone 3 should at least warrant a Hard ( ) Skill Opposition Example
combat check. Feints, jukes, flashy
Deception Vigilance
Scoring jewelry
Fancy footwork,
Like boxing in real life, a team wins a match by either winning
Coordination Coordination match opponent’s
the most rounds or by a “knockout,” which in this case means
knocking all of the opponents off the ring within one round.
Even if a team has won two rounds, they still must play the Analyze opponent’s
third round since a match can end from a knockout at any Cool strategies to counter
point. them

Winning a Round Medicine Resilience

Identify any physically
weak points
You win a round by gaining territory before the end of each
round. If no team has gained territory, but one team has fewer Intimidate or taunt
Coercion Discipline
players left in the ring by the end of the round, that team loses opponent
the round. If a team has fewer players, but gained more
Woo a crowd to
territory by the end of the round, that team still wins the round. Charm Cool
demoralize opponent
Match Round v Combat Round Position to hide your
Stealth/Cool Perception
A match ‘round’ should not be confused with a combat ‘round.’ moves
Each match round is essentially a combat encounter unto
itself. A single match round can last for multiple rounds of Read opponent’s
Survival Vigilance
body language
characters from each team taking turns lobbing elements at
one another. Winning a single combat round does not mean If the referee cannot determine which character landed
the players have won the match. first, there will be a second tiebreaker using a different
In a “real” pro-bending match, each round is timed for 3 element. If each team has won a round, and the third round
minutes. You can easily reflect this time limit by imposing a ends in a tie, a tiebreaker is used to determine who wins the
round-limit on the combat encounter for each round. Each third round and the match.
combat encounter should last three rounds—no more, no less
(unless there’s a total knockout, of course!). Afterward, Duels
determine which team won the round with the rules outlined
in Winning a Round. Duels are formal (or informal) bouts of combat, usually
between two opposing fighters. They can be done in less than
Tiebreaking a minute, or last for hours. Sometimes, they’re regulated and
If a round ends in a deadlock, with neither team having gained other times they only rules are those found on the streets.
territory and an equal number of players in the ring, the winner Duels can be fights to the death, like most Agni Kai, or
of the round must be decided in a tiebreaker “face off.” competitions of strength like the Lei Tai. Sometimes, it’s
simply a recreational spar or training exercise.
The referee tosses a coin (or rolls a dice) and the team
that wins the toss gets to choose which element will go into Regardless of the reason, this section offers some
the face off. Each side sends their team’s respective bender guidelines on how to bring these dramatic narrative moments
for that element. to life.
The faceoff occurs in the center of the ring (marked with a
circle) which may sometimes convert into a raised platform.
Setting the Stage
For the purposes of combat, characters in the circle are Unlike ordinary combat, a duel usually consists of only two
considered engaged and cannot leave the circle. The fighters facing off, each intending to be the last one standing.
characters can use their respective elements, as well as These two characters should set the terms, if any, for their
grappling, to try to knock or throw their opponent out of the fight: weapons or none, bending or none, armor or none, to
circle. “Empty hand” striking, such as a normal punch or kick, the death or simply to yield.
is not permitted. In addition to their Attack form, a character A duel begins when the opposing fights face off, usually at
may use their Augment form to enhance their Martial Arts short range, but possibly closer or farther depending on the
(such as Fire Strikes or Water Boxing). type of match and your GM’s discretion.
If a player falls or moves out of the circle, they lose the
tiebreaker and the opposing team wins that round. If both
Step 1: Face Off
players fall out simultaneously, the player who lands first loses During the first step of a duel, the two characters face off, each
the tiebreaker (you may render this as a contested Athletics, attempting either to intimidate the other or size them up while
Coordination, or Bending Arts check). The character who patiently waiting for their chance to make their first strike.
lands second wins the tiebreaker, and their team wins the Each character chooses one of the options available
round. during this step based on the tactics described.

78 | New Skills and Rules | The Second Age

Tactics character who rolls the lowest result tries to attack, while the
The character attempts to assess their opponent, seeking any character with the higher result maintains their composure—
clues that might give them an edge when the first move is they still take the first turn, but must attack.
made. Through anything from verbal taunts to twitching their From here, combat continues as usual, assuming either
fingers near their hilt, your character attempts to intimidate or character survives the initial attack.
fool their opponent into making the first move. They might start
bouncing on the balls of their feet, to throw off their body’s
rhythm, or try to pinpoint an opponent’s physical weak points.
During this step, your character makes an opposed skill Many duels, fights, matches, etc. occur in the public, out in the
check against their opponent’s own skill, depending on the open for all to see. Even if your character doesn’t participate
skill chosen by your character. You may use Table 3-2: in a fight, they may still be watching from the sidelines.
Suggested Skills for Duel Tactics as inspiration for your
move, or come up with your own skill (keeping in mind the
From the Sidelines
check is opposed). Then choose whether you will help Players whose characters are not participating in a match or
yourself, or hinder your opponent. duel can still have fun with it: assume the role of rowdy crowd
members or even bystanders on the opposing team. Heckle,
If you succeed and choose to help yourself, your character
howl, cheer, and holler for your favorites during the match!
upgrades their ability when determining initiative in Step 2:
Draw once, and once again per each ss on the check. You Aid
and your GM can also spend the other dice symbols as
During a duel or other match, your character can make a Hard
( ) Charm check to cheer for their favorite fighter or
If you succeed and choose to hinder your opponent, add team. If you succeed, your character adds to that
to your opponent’s check when determining initiative in character’s next skill check, and that character gains a on the
Step 2: Draw. You also add per additional ss on the check equal to each additional net s on the check past the
check, and may spend other symbols as usual. first.

Step 2: Draw Heckle

Eventually, the tension settles and nerves break. Someone During a duel or other match, your character can make an
strikes first. Observers must be on guard, because the fighters opposed Coercion versus Cool check to heckle their least
may not stick to their small area. favorite fighter or team. If you succeed, your character adds
Both characters make a competitive Cool check with a to that character’s next skill check, and that character gains
difficulty of Simple (–) to determine Initiative, modified based h on the check equal to each additional net s on the check
on the results of the checks in Step 1: Face Off. The past the first.

The Second Age | New Skills and Rules | 79

IV – Talents
Talent Entries
If you’re a Game Master, keep in mind that this list does
not have to be exhaustive for your players. Using the talents
laid out here, don’t be afraid to build your own talents for your
The following is a list of the talents that are fairly universal to
own game. You can, of course, use talents from other sources
all the different classes and characters in the world of Avatar.
you deem appropriate.
Talents are grouped by tier, and in each grouping the talents
are listed alphabetically.

Tier 1
Adverse Bending Bought Info
Tier: 1, Ranked Tier: 1
Activation: Passive Activation: Active (Action)

Your character must have at least one rank in the Bending Arts skill When making any knowledge skill check, your character can instead
to benefit from this talent. Your character removes one per rank of use this talent to spend an amount of currency equal to fifty times the
Adverse Bending when you make a Bending Arts skill check imposed difficulty of the check and automatically succeed on the knowledge
due to inclement weather, tight corridors, or other environmental check with one uncanceled s (instead of rolling). At your GM's
circumstances which might impede your character’s ability to bend. discretion, your character may not be able to use Bought Info if the
This talent does not apply to added as a result of an opponent’s information is particularly sensitive or difficult to find, or buying it
Defense rating, wearing heavy armor, or incurred through doesn't make narrative sense.
concentration. Brace
Animal Whisperer Tier: 1, Ranked
Tier: 1 Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Activation: Passive As a maneuver, your character may suffer 1 strain to Brace
Your character gains an automatic a whenever they perform a skill themselves. You remove per rank of Brace from your next skill
check to interact with animals. check based on changing conditions, inclement weather, unstable
surfaces, high winds, rocking boats, or other circumstances that
Anthem would make a skill check more difficult.
Tier: 1
Activation: Active (Maneuver) Brawler
Tier: 1
Your character may use this talent and a musical instrument to begin Activation: Passive
or continue playing an inspiring anthem. While your character is
playing the anthem, allies within short range who can hear it add Your character adds a to combat checks that are unarmed or made
to checks they make. The anthem and its effects end immediately if with an improvised weapon.
your character does not use this talent during their turn. Once the
anthem has ended, your character cannot use the talent again for the
Tier: 1, Ranked
rest of the encounter.
Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Apothecary When making any social skill check, your character can instead use
Tier: 1, Ranked this talent to spend an amount of currency equal to fifty times their
Activation: Passive ranks in Bribery to upgrade the ability of the skill check once per each
When a patient under your character’s care heals wounds from fifty currency spent this way. At your GM’s discretion, your character
natural rest, they heal additional wounds equal to twice your may not be able to use Bribery if the target is not open to accepting
character’s ranks in Apothecary. gifts, favors, or even information (like blackmail) that gives your
character the upper hand in the interaction.
Tier: 1
Clever Retort
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) Tier: 1
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
Your character must have at least one rank in the Bending Arts skill
to benefit from this talent. When your character suffers a hit from a Once per encounter, your character may use this talent to add
bending combat check that shares their element, after damage is automatic hh to another character’s social skill check.
calculated but before soak is applied, your character may suffer 3
Customer Service Experience
strain reduce the damage of the hit by two plus their ranks in Bending
Tier: 1, Ranked
Arts. This talent can only be used once per hit.
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Armor Master After your character makes a Charm check, they may suffer 1 strain
Tier: 1 to use this talent to cancel h equal to your character’s ranks in
Activation: Passive Customer Service Experience.
While wearing armor, your character increases their total soak value
by one.
Tier: 1, Ranked
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)

80 | Talents | The Second Age

When your character suffers a hit from a ranged combat check, after Good Company
damage is calculated (but before soak is applied), your character may
Tier: 1, Ranked
suffer 3 strain to use this talent to reduce the damage of the hit by two
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
plus their ranks in Deflect. This talent can only be used once per hit
when the user is wielding a melee weapon, or is a bender. When attempting a Charm or Negotiation check, your character may
suffer a number of strain to downgrade the difficulty of the check a
Deft Hands number of times equal to the strain suffered. This number cannot
Tier: 1 exceed your ranks in Good Company.
Activation: Passive
When your character is the target of a Charm or Negotiation
Your character adds an automatic aa to skill checks when they check, your character may suffer a number of strain to upgrade the
perform any non-combat activity requiring hand-eye coordination, difficulty of the check a number of times equal to the strain suffered.
such as picking a pocket, performing a magic trick, or fine-tuning an This number cannot exceed your ranks in Good Company.
Good Form
Duelist Tier: 1, Ranked
Tier: 1 Activation: Passive
Activation: Passive
Your character must have at least one rank in the Bending Arts skill
Your character adds to their melee combat checks when engaged to benefit from this talent. When your character purchases this talent,
with only a single opponent. Your character adds to their melee choose one of the forms available to your element. When your
combat checks when engaged with three or more opponents. character makes a Bending Arts skill check using this form, they suffer
one less strain after resolving the check.
Each additional time you purchase this talent for your character,
Tier: 1, Ranked
select one additional form. Your character also suffers one less strain
Activation: Passive
after resolving the Bending Arts check to use this form. You cannot
Your character reduces any Critical Injury result they suffer by 10 per select the same form more than once.
rank of Durable, to a minimum of 01.
Elemental Strike Tier: 1, Ranked
Tier: 1 Activation: Passive
Activation: Passive
Each rank of Grit increases a character’s strain threshold by one.
Your character must have at least one rank in the Bending Arts skill
to benefit from this talent. When your character purchases this talent, Hard Headed
choose one of the following attack form effects based on your Tier: 1, Ranked
element: Burn or Blast (Fire), Barrage or Disorient (Air), Guided or Ice Activation: Active (Action)
(Water), Hinder or Impact (Earth). Whenever your character uses an If your character is staggered, they may use this talent, even though
Attack form, they may always add the chosen effect without a character is normally unable to perform any actions when they are
increasing the difficulty. staggered. Your character makes a Daunting ( ) Resilience
Elementalist check. If they succeed, they are no longer staggered. The difficulty of
this check decreases by one per additional rank of Hard Headed, to
Tier: 1
a minimum of Easy ( ).
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Your character must have at least one rank in the Bending Arts skill Hidden Storage
to benefit from this talent. When your character uses a form, you may Tier: 1, Ranked
spend one Story Point to use this talent to add a equal to your Activation: Passive
character's ranks in Discipline to the results. Any large equipment, vehicle or other vessel that the character owns
Fearsome has one or more hidden compartments for smuggling appropriately-
sized gear. The number of compartments is up to the player, be
Tier: 1, Ranked
cannot be enough to hold a total encumbrance value of items more
Activation: Passive
than the character’s ranks in Hidden Storage. The size of the
When an opponent becomes engaged with your character, your compartments is proportional to the size of the vessel or storage unit
character may force the opponent to make a fear check with the in question. Any checks to detect these compartments have a
difficulty equal to your ranks in Fearsome. At the GM’s discretion, Formidable ( ) difficulty.
some rival or nemesis adversaries may be immune to this talent.
Finesse Tier: 1, Ranked
Tier: 1 Activation: Passive
Activation: Active (Incidental)
The character adds +1 damage per rank of Improvised to any
When making a Martial Arts or Melee (Light) check, your character successful attacks made using an improvised weapon.
may use Agility instead of Brawn.
Jump Up
Forager Tier: 1
Tier: 1 Activation: Active (Incidental)
Activation: Passive
Once per round on the character’s turn, your character may stand up
Your character removes up to from any skill checks they make from prone or a seated position as an incidental.
to find food, water, or shelter. Checks to forage or search the area
that your character makes take half the time they would normally. Knack for It
Tier: 1, Ranked
Activation: Passive

The Second Age | Talents | 81

When you purchase this talent for your character, select one skill. When your character suffers a hit from a melee combat check, after
Your character removes from any checks they make using this damage is calculated (but before soak is applied), your character may
skill. Each additional time you purchase this talent for your character, suffer 3 strain and reduce the damage dealt by that hit by a number
select two additional skills. Your character also removes from equal to 2 plus their ranks in Parry. This talent may only be used once
any checks they make using these skills. You cannot select combat per hit when the character is wielding a Melee weapon.
or magic skills when choosing skills for this talent.
Pep Talk
Know Somebody Tier: 1
Tier: 1, Ranked Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
Activation: Active (Incidental) Once per encounter, whenever another character makes a social skill
Once per session, when attempting to purchase a legally available check, your character may suffer one strain to use this talent to add
item, your character may use this talent to reduce its rarity by one per aa to the result of their check.
rank of Know Somebody.
Knowledge Specialization Tier: 1, Ranked
Tier: 1, Ranked Activation: Passive
Activation: Passive Whenever your character makes a Medicine skill check to help a
When your character first acquires this talent, choose one Knowledge character recover wounds, the target heals one additional strain per
skill. When making checks with that skill, you may spend t to gain rank of Physician.
additional s equal to your ranks in Intellect. This talent can be
acquired multiple times, but each Knowledge Specialization can only
Plausible Deniability
be associated with one Knowledge skill. Tier: 1, Ranked
Activation: Passive
Let’s Ride Your character removes per rank of Plausible Deniability from all
Tier: 1 Coercion and Deception checks they attempt.
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Once per round during your character’s turn, your character can use Quick Draw
this talent to mount or dismount from a vehicle or animal, or move Tier: 1
from one position in a vehicle to another as an incidental. In addition, Activation: Active (Incidental)
if your character suffers a short-range fall, from a vehicle or animal, Once per round on your character’s turn, they may use this talent to
they suffer no damage and land on their feet. draw or holster an easily accessible weapon or item as an incidental.
Quick Draw also reduces a weapon’s Prepare rating by one, to a
Martial Bender minimum of one.
Tier: 1
Activation: Passive Quick Strike
Your character must have at least one rank in the Bending Arts skill Tier: 1, Ranked
to benefit from this talent. When an effect adds a quality to your Activation: Passive
character's form with a rating determined by your character's ranks in Your character adds per rank of Quick Strike to any combat checks
Discipline, your character may use their ranks in Martial Arts instead. they make against any targets that has not yet acted in the encounter.
Meticulous Form Rapid Reaction
Tier: 1, Ranked Tier: 1, Ranked
Activation: Passive Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
Your character must have at least one rank in the Bending Arts skill Your character may suffer a number of strain to add an equal number
to benefit from this talent. Once per round, after making a successful s to any Perception or Vigilance check to determine initiative order.
Bending Arts check, your character may suffer a number of strain no The number may not exceed their ranks in Rapid Reaction.
greater than their ranks in Meticulous Form to reduce the number of
h by that amount. You cannot reduce the total number of h below Rapid Recovery
the number of a. Tier: 1, Ranked
Activation: Passive
One with Nature
Tier: 1 When your character heals strain after an encounter has concluded,
Activation: Active (Action) they heal one additional strain per rank in Rapid Recovery.

When in the wilderness, your character may make a Simple (—) Relic Hunter
Survival check, instead of Discipline, to recover strain at the end of Tier: 1
an encounter. Activation: Active (Incidental)

Outdoorsman When your character makes a skill check to appraise a single relic,
Tier: 1, Ranked lost treasure, artifact or ruin, they may introduce one fact about a
Activation: Passive piece of history somewhere in the world. The character must give a
brief explanation about the provenance and significance of the lost
Your character removes per rank of Outdoorsman from checks to treasure. Additional details, such as location or actual value, may be
move through difficulty terrain or manage terrain or environmental provided with additional aa or t, and all details are subject to GM
effects. Overland travel done with your character leading the way approval.
usually takes half the normal time (travel time does not decrease with
multiple ranks). Respected
Tier: 1, Ranked
Parry Activation: Passive
Tier: 1, Ranked
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)

82 | Talents | The Second Age

When this talent is chosen, choose one social group, or strata or class Swift
(e.g. law enforcement, academia, outcasts, the poor, nobility, etc.).
Tier: 1
Your character downgrades the difficulty of checks to interact with this
Activation: Passive
group equal to their ranks in Respected. In addition, once per session,
your character may collect a small favor from a current or former Your character does not suffer the penalties for moving through
member of a chosen social group, even if they do not owe your difficult terrain (they move through it at normal speed without
character a favor. spending additional maneuvers).

Resourceful Mechanic Talk Shop

Tier: 1, Ranked Tier: 1
Activation: Passive Activation: Active (Incidental)
When your character makes a Mechanics check to repair system Your character may use this talent when making a Charm check
strain or hull trauma on a vehicle, they repair one additional system targeting an engineer, mechanic, scientist or similar individual to
strain or hull trauma per rank of Resourceful Mechanic. count their ranks of Charm as equal to their ranks in Knowledge
(Culture) or Mechanics.
Tier: 1 Toughened
Activation: Active (Incidental) Tier: 1, Ranked
Activation: Passive
When the character makes a skill check to harvest components and
parts from a device or item, they may spend aa or t to double their The character increases their wound threshold by two per rank of
findings. Toughened.

Second Wind Torment

Tier: 1, Ranked Tier: 1
Activation: Active (Incidental) Activation: Passive
Once per encounter, your character may use this talent to heal an If their target is disoriented, staggered, or prone, your character may
amount of strain equal to their ranks in Second Wind. add to social skill checks they make to inflict strain and combat
Shady Deal
Tier: 1, Ranked Utility Pouch
Activation: Passive Tier: 1
Activation: Active (Incidental)
When looking to purchase illegal, exotic, or black market goods, your
character may decrease an item’s rarity by one level per rank in Once per encounter, your character may spend one Story Point to
Shady Deal. For each level an item’s rarity is decreased, its cost produce a previously undisclosed—but essential—small tool from
increases by 50%. their utility belt, satchel, pockets, or backpack, with a rarity no greater
than four (4). This cannot be a weapon unless the weapon has the
Signature Form Limited Ammo 1 quality.
Tier: 1
Activation: Passive Unremarkable
Tier: 1
Your character must have at least one rank in the Bending Arts skill
Activation: Passive
to benefit from this talent. When your character acquires this talent,
take note of a signature form for them, defined as a specific bending Your character’s appearance is so common that people have a hard
Form and a set of one or more of its effects. When your character time identifying distinguishing traits. Opposing characters add f to
uses their signature form (the exact noted combination of action and any checks made to identify your character once per rank of
effects), reduce the difficulty of the check by one. Unremarkable.

Smooth Talker Veteran

Tier: 1, Ranked Tier: 1
Activation: Active (Incidental) Activation: Active (Incidental)
When your character acquires this talent, choose one skill: Charm, When you take this talent, your character gains any non-bending
Negotiation, or Deception. When making checks with that skill, your combat skill or Resilience as a career skill. In addition, once per
character may spend t to gain additional s equal to their ranks in session, your character may collect a small favor from a current or
Smooth Talker. former member of their nation’s military (chosen when you take this
talent), even if they do not currently owe your character a favor.
Sound Investments
Tier: 1, Ranked Weapon Specialist
Activation: Passive Tier: 1, Ranked
Activation: Passive
At the beginning of each game session, your character gains copper
pieces equal to their ranks in Sound Investments times 100. How this When your character acquires this talent, pick a weapon type. Your
money is earned is up to the player and the GM, and could be actual character adds a on all combat checks made using that weapon. You
investments, business dealings, or even a small legal or illegal side must select a different weapon each time you acquire this talent.
business. The GM can also decide that the current events of the
adventure may make these funds temporarily unavailable. Wheel and Deal
Tier: 1, Ranked
Surgeon Activation: Passive
Tier: 1, Ranked When they sell legal goods to a reputable merchant or business, your
Activation: Passive character gains an additional 10% more coins per rank of Wheel and
When your character makes a Medicine skill check to heal wounds, Deal (based on the current value of the good or item).
the target heals one additional wound per rank of Surgeon.

The Second Age | Talents | 83

Tier 2
Your character gains when making Leadership checks (or other
Adverse Conditioning
checks to inspire, lead, or rally an audience) per rank of Command.
Tier: 2
Inspired targets also add per rank of this talent to any subsequent
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Discipline checks they make over the next 24 hours.
Once per encounter, your character may suffer 2 strain to remove
from any one skill check. Confidence
Tier: 2, Ranked
Bad Cop Activation: Active (Incidental)
Tier: 2, Ranked
Your character may suffer 2 strain to decrease the difficulty of any
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Fear checks they make by one level per rank of Confidence to a
Your character may spend aa from a Deception or Coercion check minimum of Easy ( ).
to upgrade the ability of a single ally’s subsequent social skill check a
number of times equal to your ranks in Bad Cop. The check must Controlled Bending
target the same character as your character’s initial check, and it must Tier: 2
take place during the same encounter. Activation: Passive

Balance Your character must have at least one rank in the Bending Arts skill
to benefit from this talent. When your character acquires this talent,
Tier: 2
select one of the effects from Table 2-6: Universal Form Effects.
Activation: Active (Maneuver)
You may add the chosen effect to any form without its associated
Once per turn, your character can use this talent. They cannot be modification.
knocked prone, staggered, or disoriented until the end of their next
turn. Coordinated Assault
Tier: 2, Ranked
Bending Specialist Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Tier: 2
Once per turn, your character may use this talent to have a number
Activation: Passive
of allies engaged with you equal to your ranks in Leadership add a
Ranked: Yes
to all combat checks they make until the end of your character’s next
Your character must have at least one rank in the Bending Arts skill turn. The range of this maneuver increases by one band per rank of
to benefit from this talent. When your character acquires this talent, Coordinated Assault beyond the first.
choose one Form not typically accessible to their element: Construct
or Control (Fire), Construct or Heal (Air), Afflict or Control (Water), Crippling Blow
Afflict or Heal (Earth). Your character can now use the basic effect of Tier: 2
this form. They may not add any additional effects while using this Activation: Active (Incidental)
form. Your character may voluntarily increase the difficulty of a combat
check by one to deal a crippling blow. If they succeed and deal
Brash Driving
damage, the target suffers one strain whenever they use a maneuver
Tier: 2
to move for the remainder of the encounter.
Activation: Active (Action)
Once per encounter, your character may perform Brash Driving when Daring Posture
piloting an airship or sailing at sea. Your character selects an Tier: 2, Ranked
opponent and makes an opposed Piloting or Sailing check. If you Activation: Active (Maneuver)
succeed, the opponent cannot make any attacks against your Your character must have at least one rank in the Bending Arts skill
character’s vehicle for a number of rounds equal to the number of to benefit from this talent. Before making a Bending Arts check, your
uncanceled s. character may add a number of h to the results to use this talent to
add an equal number of s. The number may not exceed your
Chi Disruption
character’s ranks in Daring Posture.
Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Action) Dazed
Your character may use this talent to make a Hard ( ) Martial Tier: 2
Arts combat check. If they succeed, deal Stun Damage instead of Activation: Passive
wounds. Additionally, if the target is a bender, the target cannot use Your character adds the Disorient quality with a rating of 2 to all
bending forms until the end of their next turn. melee combat checks they make. If they would use a weapon which
already has the Disorient quality, add 1 to its rating instead.
Combat Medicine
Tier: 2, Ranked Defensive Stance
Activation: Active (Incidental) Tier: 2, Ranked
Before making a Medicine skill check, your character may use this Activation: Active (Maneuver)
talent to add s equal to their ranks in Combat Medicine to the results. Once per round, your character may suffer a number of strain no
After the check is resolved, the target suffers 2 strain for each rank greater than their ranks in Defensive Stance to use this talent. Then,
your character has in Combat Medicine. until the end of your character's next turn, upgrade the difficulty of all
melee combat checks targeting your character a number of times
equal to the strain suffered.
Tier: 2, Ranked
Activation: Passive Distraction!
Tier: 2, Ranked
Activation: Active (Action)
84 | Talents | The Second Age
Your character may use this talent to make an Average ( ) check by 1 per rank of Implacable. Your character’s ranks in
Coordination, Deception, or Skulduggery check. For each s the Implacable cannot exceed their Presence.
check generates, one adversary of your choice within short range
becomes disoriented. Your character may spend a from the check to Inspiring Rhetoric
inflict 1 strain on an affected adversary and may spend t from the Tier: 2
check to stagger a minion or rival within short range. Activation: Active (Action)
Your character may use this talent to make an Average ( )
Dual Wielder Leadership or Empathy check. For each uncanceled s, one ally
Tier: 2
within close range recovers one strain. For each uncanceled a, one
Activation: Active (Maneuver)
ally benefiting from Inspiring Rhetoric recovers one additional strain.
Once per round, your character may use this talent to decrease the
difficulty of their next two-weapon combat check by one. Instinctive Form
Tier: 2
Empath Activation: Active (Incidental)
Tier: 2
Your character must have at least one rank in the Bending Arts skill
Activation: Passive
to benefit from this talent. When your character acquires this talent,
When your character would succeed on a social skill check to pick any one form other than Attack. Once per encounter, your
empathize, charm, or otherwise cozy up to another character, they character may suffer 2 strain to use the selected form as a maneuver,
can choose to spend aa to upgrade their next skill check targeting instead of as an action. Your character may not add any additional
the same character in the same encounter. effects to the form.

Encouraging Song Inventor

Tier: 2 Tier: 2, Ranked
Activation: Active (Action) Activation: Active (Incidental)
Your character uses their voice, instrument, or other showmanship to When your character makes a check to construct new items or modify
put on an Encouraging Song. Make an Average ( ) Charm or existing ones, use this talent to add a number of to the check equal
Empathy check. For each s, one ally within medium range adds to ranks of Inventor. In addition, your character may attempt to
to their next skill check. For each a, one ally benefiting from reconstruct devices that they have heard described but have not seen
Encouraging Song heals 1 strain. and do not have any kinds of plans or schematics for.

Good Cop Knack for Bending

Tier: 2, Ranked Tier: 2, Ranked
Activation: Active (Incidental) Activation: Passive
Your character may spend aa from a Charm or Negotiation check Your character must have at least one rank in the Bending Arts skill
to use this talent to upgrade the ability of a single ally’s subsequent to benefit from this talent. On a successful Bending Arts skill check,
social skill check a number of times equal to your character’s ranks in your character adds an automatic a per rank of Knack for Bending.
Good Cop. The check must target the same character as your
character’s initial check, and it must take place during the same Knockdown
encounter. Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Heightened Awareness After hitting with a melee attack, your character may knock the target
Tier: 2 prone by spending a t. If the target is larger than the character, it
Activation: Passive requires one additional t for each silhouette larger.
Allies within short range of your character add to their Perception
and Vigilance checks. Allies engaged with your character add
instead. Tier: 2, Ranked
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Heroic Recovery Once per round before making a non-thrown ranged attack, your
Tier: 2 character may use this talent to increase the maximum range of their
Activation: Active (Incidental) ranged weapon up to one range band per rank of Longshot. For each
When your character acquires this talent, choose one characteristic. band beyond the normal maximum range of the weapon, upgrade the
Once per encounter, you may spend one Story Point to use this talent difficulty of the check by one.
to have your character heal strain equal to the rating of the chosen
Powerful Bending
Tier: 2
Hunter Activation: Passive
Tier: 2 Your character must have at least one rank in the Bending Arts skill
Activation: Passive to benefit from this talent. When your character acquires this talent,
Knowledge (Geography), Ranged, and Survival are now career skills note a specific Form and pick one of its effects that does not increase
for your character. They add to all skill checks when interacting the difficulty by two or more. When your character uses this Form, you
with wild beasts and animals, including combat checks. In addition, may add the chosen effect without its associated modification.
they add +10 to all Critical Injury rolls against animals and beasts.
Precision Strike
Implacable Tier: 2, Ranked
Tier: 2, Ranked Activation: Active (Incidental)
Activation: Passive Once per round on your character’s turn, they may suffer a number of
When another character targets your character with a social skill strain no greater than their ranks in Precision Strike. Until your
check, your character reduces any strain they suffer as a result of that character’s next turn, they ignore their target’s defense rating (ranged
and melee) equal to strain suffered in this way.

The Second Age | Talents | 85

Push Your Luck within short range suffers 1 strain. For each uncanceled a, one
affected target suffers 1 additional strain.
Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Incidental) Side Step
Once per encounter, if your character would roll a skill check where Tier: 2, Ranked
the result generates no uncanceled s or f, you may suffer 2 strain Activation: Active (Maneuver)
to add sh to the pool. Once per round, your character suffer a number of strain no greater
Quick Fix than their ranks in Side Step to use this talent. Until the end of your
characters next turn, upgrade the difficulty of all ranged combat
Tier: 2
checks targeting the character a number of times equal to the strain
Activation: Passive
suffered by the character.
You may spend a Story Point to allow your character to use this talent
to temporarily repair one damaged item they are engaged with. For a Spirit Healer
number of rounds equal to your character’s rank in Mechanics, the Tier: 2, Ranked
item may be used without penalty, even if it would normally be Activation: Passive
unusable. When the effect ends, the item is damaged one additional Your character must have at least one rank in the Bending Arts skill
step. If this would bring the object beyond repair, it is destroyed. to benefit from this talent. Whenever your character uses their Heal
Researcher form on a character other than themselves, that character heals one
additional wound and strain per each of your character’s ranks in
Tier: 2, Ranked
Spirit Healer.
Activation: Passive
On a successful Knowledge skill check, your character gains an Strong Arm
automatic a per rank of Researcher. Researching takes half the time Tier: 2
it usually would. Additional ranks do not decrease the time it would Activation: Passive
take to research. When your character uses thrown weapons, they treat the weapon as
Restoration if it had additional range of one band per rank in Strong Arm, to a
maximum of long range.
Tier: 2
Activation: Passive Stunning Blow
Your character adds whenever they make a Medicine skill check Tier: 2
to help themselves or a patient recover from poison, venom, burns, Activation: Active (Incidental)
toxins, or other ailments. When your character makes a melee combat check, they may suffer
Rude Words 2 strain to use this talent to add the Stun quality to the attack. The
rating of the Stun quality is equal to your character’s Brawn. If their
Tier: 2
attack would already have the Stun quality, add 2 to its rating instead.
Activation: Active (Action)
Once per encounter, your character can use this talent to make an Vulgar Display
opposed Deception check against a target within medium range. If Tier: 2
successful, the target must attack your character during their next Activation: Active (Action)
turn. The character uses their voice, instrument, or other showmanship to
Scathing Tirade put on Vulgar Display. Make an Average ( ) Coercion or
Skulduggery check. For each uncanceled s, one enemy within
Tier: 2
Activation: Active (Action) medium range adds to their next skill check. For each uncanceled
a, one enemy affected by Vulgar Display suffers 1 strain.
Your character may use this talent to make an Average ( )
Coercion or Leadership check. For each uncanceled s, one enemy

Tier 3
does not contribute to the encounter. The specifics of its behavior are
Animal Companion up to you and your GM.
Tier: 3, Ranked
Activation: Passive For every additional rank of Animal Companion your character
has, increase the permitted silhouette of the companion by one; this
Your character creates a bond with a single animal approved by your means your character can get a new companion, or your companion
GM. This animal must be silhouette 0 (no larger than a dog). The bond grows in size.
persists as long as the character chooses it to, although at the GM’s
discretion, the bond may also be broken due to abusive treatment or Anthem (Improved)
other extenuating circumstances. Tier: 3
As long as the bond persists, the animal follows your character, Activation: Passive
and you dictate the animal’s overall behavior (although, since the Your character must have purchased the Anthem talent to benefit
animal is only bonded with the character, not dominated, it may still from this talent. While your character is playing their Anthem, enemies
perform certain inconvenient actions such as scratching furniture, within range of its effect who can hear it add to their checks.
consuming rations, and marking territory).
Once per round during an encounter, your character may spend
Armor Master (Improved)
one maneuver to direct their animal in performing one action and one Tier: 3
maneuver. The animal must be within hearing and visual range of the Activation: Passive
character (generally medium range) to do this. Otherwise, the animal When wearing armor with a soak value of two or higher, your
character increases their melee and ranged defense by one.

86 | Talents | The Second Age

Attunement (Improved) encounter only. The items are lost in the process. A Story Point or a
t may be spent to make the contraption permanent.
Tier: 3
Activation: Incidental (Out of Turn) Combat Bending
Your character must have purchased the Attunement talent to benefit Tier: 3
from this talent. When your character suffers a hit from a bending Activation: Passive
combat check and uses Attunement to reduce the damage from that Your character must have at least one rank in the Bending Arts skill
hit, after the attack is resolved, you may spend hhh or d generated
to benefit from this talent. Your character does not add to any
by the attack to redirect the form against the attacker as if they had
Bending Arts checks for wearing heavy armor, using a shield, or not
used the form, causing the attacker to suffer their own damage.
having at least one free hand.
Backstab Commanding Presence
Tier: 3
Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Action)
Activation: Active (Action)
Your character may use this talent to attack an unaware adversary
Your character may spend a Story Point to use this talent to make an
using a Melee (Light) weapon. A Backstab is a melee attack, and
opposed Discipline check to force a target to leave an encounter.
follows the normal rules for performing a combat check, using your
This does not work on a Nemesis-level enemy.
character’s Skullduggery skill instead of Melee (Light). If the check
succeeds, each uncanceled s adds +2 damage (instead of the Craftsman
normal +1). Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Battle Meditation
Tier: 3 When your character makes a Mechanics skill check, they may suffer
Activation: Active (Action) a number of strain no greater than their ranks in Mechanics. They may
convert that many s into a.
Once per encounter, your character use this talent to make an
Average ( ) Discipline or Cool check. If successful, they Deflect (Improved)
increase one characteristic by one for the remainder of the encounter, Tier: 3
and they suffer 3 strain. Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
Body Guard Your character must have purchased the Deflect talent to benefit from
Tier: 3, Ranked this talent. When your character suffers a hit from a ranged combat
Activation: Active (Maneuver) check and uses Deflect to reduce the damage from that hit, after the
attack is resolved, you may spend d or hhh from the attacker’s
Once per round, your character may suffer a number of strain no check to use this talent. Then, your character automatically hits one
greater than their ranks in Body Guard to use this talent. Choose one
target within short range. The hit deals the attacker’s weapon’s base
ally engaged with your character; until the end of your character’s next damage, plus any damage from applicable talents or abilities. Your
turn, upgrade the difficulty of all combat checks targeting that ally a character can’t use this talent if the original attack incapacitates them.
number of times equal to the strain suffered.
Call of the Spirit Wilds Tier: 3
Tier: 3 Activation: Active (Incidental)
Activation: Passive
After a successful combat check, your character may spend t or
Your character must have at least one rank in the Bending Arts skill aaa to disarm their foe.
to benefit from this talent. Whenever your character makes a Bending
Arts skill check to use a Form and the check generates a t, you roll Dodge
an additional and add its results to the pool in addition to its normal Tier: 3, Ranked
effect; when the check generates d, you roll an additional and add Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
its results to the pool in addition to its normal effect. Each of these can
When your character is targeted by a combat check, they may suffer
only occur once per check.
a number of strain no greater than their ranks in Dodge to use this
Chakras Aligned talent. Then, upgrade the difficulty of the combat check targeting your
Tier: 3 character a number of times equal to the strain suffered.
Activation: Passive
Easy Prey
The character adds to all skill checks based on their Willpower Tier: 3, Ranked
characteristic. Activation: Active (Maneuver)

Chi Disruption (Improved) Your character may suffer 3 strain to use this talent. Until the start of
Tier: 3 your character’s next turn, your character and allies within short range
Activation: Active (Incidental) add to combat checks against immobilized targets.

Your character must have purchased the Chi Disruption talent to Elemental Flair
benefit from this talent. Your character may spend aaa generated Tier: 3, Ranked
by Chi Disruption to immobilize the target. Activation: Active (Incidental)
Contraption Your character must have at least one rank in the Bending Arts skill
Tier: 3 to benefit from this talent. After making a successful Bending Arts
Activation: Active (Action) check, your character may choose to suffer a number of strain no
greater than their ranks in Elemental Flair to convert the same number
Once per session, your character can use this talent to make a Hard of excess s into a.
( ) Mechanics check to fashion a device to solve a current
problem using the tools and other items on hand. This device must be
approved by the GM and functions for the duration of the current

The Second Age | Talents | 87

Elementalist (Improved) check using the Presence characteristic by the number of strain
Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Incidental) Intimidating
Your character must have at least one rank in the Bending Arts skill Tier: 3, Ranked
to benefit from this talent. Whenever the item quality of a Form is Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
activated, you may spend additional aa to increase its rating by 1. When attempting a Coercion skill check, the character may suffer a
Field Commander number of strain to downgrade the difficulty of the check a number of
times equal to the strain suffered. This number cannot exceed their
Tier: 3
ranks in Intimidating. When the character is the target of a Coercion
Activation: Active (Action)
skill check, the character may suffer a number of strain to upgrade the
Your character may use this talent to make an Average ( ) difficulty of the check a number of times equal to the strain suffered.
Leadership check. If successful, a number of allies equal to your This number cannot exceed their ranks in Intimidating.
character’s Presence may immediately suffer 1 strain to perform one
maneuver (out of turn). If there are any questions as to the order in Inventor (Improved)
which allies act, your character is the final arbitrator. Tier: 3
Activation: Passive
Full Throttle
Whenever your character makes a Mechanics skill check to create,
Tier: 3
modify, or repair something that generates a t, you roll an additional
Activation: Active (Action)
and add its results to the pool in addition to spending t normally;
While driving or flying, your character may use this talent to make a additionally, when the check generates d, you roll an additional
Hard ( ) Piloting or Sailing check. If successful, the top speed and add is results to the pool in addition to spending the d normally.
of the vehicle increases by one (to a maximum of 5) for a number of Each of these can only occur once per check.
rounds equal to your character’s Cunning.
Iron Body
Hard Headed (Improved) Tier: 3, Ranked
Tier: 3 Activation: Passive
Activation: Passive
Increase the Critical Rating of all incoming attacks by 1 per rank of
Your character must have purchased the Hard Headed talent to Iron Body.
benefit from this talent. Your character may use the Hard Headed
talent to recover from being incapacitated due to exceeding their Known Blueprint
strain threshold. On their next turn after having become incapacitated, Tier: 3
they may make a Formidable ( ) Resilience check, even Activation: Active (Action)
though an incapacitated character is normally unable to perform Once per encounter, your character may use this talent to make a
actions. If they succeed, they decrease their strain to one less than Hard ( ) Mechanics check. Success means your character is
their strain threshold. The difficulty of this check decreases by 1 per intimately familiar with a building or vehicle’s design. They now know
additional rank of Hard Headed, to a minimum of Easy ( ). the location of critical components or facilities within the building or
Heroic Will vehicle as well as their own location. They can also plan
unconventional routes around obstacles.
Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) Lethal Blows
When you purchase this talent for your character, choose two Tier: 3, Ranked
characteristics. You may spend a Story Point to use this talent to have Activation: Passive
your character ignore the effects of all Critical Injuries on any skill The character adds +10 per rank of Lethal Blows to any Critical Injury
checks using those two characteristics until the end of the current rolls inflicted on opponents.
encounter. Your character still suffers the Critical Injuries, they just
ignore the effects. Museum Curator
Tier: 3
Inspiring Rhetoric (Improved) Activation: Active (Action)
Tier: 3
Activation: Passive Once per session, your character may use this talent to make an
opposed Leadership check to convince one NPC to relinquish their
Your character must have purchased the Inspiring Rhetoric talent to relic, artefact, scroll, or other item of historical value to the player
benefit from this talent. Allies affected by Inspiring Rhetoric add to character.
all skill checks for a number of rounds equal to your character’s ranks
in Leadership or Empathy (whichever was used to make the Inspiring Natural
Rhetoric check). Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Instinctive Form (Improved)
Tier: 3 When your character purchases this talent, choose two skills. Once
Activation: Passive per session, your character may use this talent to reroll one skill check
that uses one of those two skills.
Your character must have purchased the Instinctive Form talent to
benefit from this talent. When your character uses Instinctive Form Nobody’s Fool
talent, they may add any of the chosen form’s additional effects. Tier: 3, Ranked
Activation: Passive
Intense Presence
Tier: 3, Ranked The difficulty of any Charm, Coercion, or Deception checks attempted
Activation: Active (Incidental) against your character is upgraded once for each rank of Nobody’s
Your character may suffer a number of strain equal no greater than
their ranks in Intense Presence to downgrade the difficulty of any

88 | Talents | The Second Age

Parry (Improved) Your character must have purchased the Scathing Tirade talent to
benefit from this talent. Enemies affected by your character’s
Tier: 3
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) Scathing Tirade add to all skill checks they make for a number of
rounds equal to your character’s ranks in Coercion or Leadership
Your character must have purchased the Parry talent to benefit from (whichever was used to make the Scathing Tirade check).
this talent. When your character suffers a hit from a melee combat
check and uses Parry to reduce the damage from that hit, after the Signature Form (Improved)
attack is resolved, you may spend d or hhh from the attacker’s Tier: 3
check to use this talent. Then, your character automatically hits the Activation: Passive
attacker once with the weapon your character is wielding. The hit
You must have purchased the Signature Form talent to benefit from
deals the weapon’s base damage, plus any damage applicable from
this talent. When you acquire this talent, you may pick a new
talents or abilities. Your character can’t use this talent if the original
combination of bending action and effects to be your new signature
attack incapacitates them.
form (you can keep your current signature form if you prefer). When
Point Blank your character uses their signature form, reduce the difficulty of the
Tier: 3, Ranked check by two instead of one.
Activation: Passive Stunning Blow (Improved)
The character Critical rating of their by 1 (to a minimum of 1) per rank Tier: 3
of Point Blank on a ranged attack made against an engaged target. Activation: Active (Incidental)

Pressure Point Whenever your character successfully hits a target with a melee
Tier: 3 combat check, they may spend t to stagger the target one round per
Activation: Active (Incidental) t.

When your character makes an unarmed Martial Arts combat check Surgeon (Improved)
targeting a living opponent, they may use this talent to deal strain Tier: 3
damage instead of wound damage, and inflict additional strain Activation: Passive
damage equal to their ranks in Medicine.
Targets healed by this character can ignore the effect of one Critical
Rally! Injury rated ( ) or lower.
Tier: 3 Unarmed Specialist
Activation: Active (Action)
Tier: 3, Ranked
Once per encounter, your character may make a Hard ( ) Activation: Passive
Leadership check. On a success, their allies may take their turns
Reduce the Critical Rating of an unarmed combat check by one per
immediately, rather than in the current Initiative order.
rank in Unarmed Specialist. This does not apply to martial weapons.
Resolve Well Rounded
Tier: 3, Ranked
Tier: 3, Ranked
Activation: Passive
Activation: Passive
When your character involuntarily suffers strain, they suffer one less
Your character chooses any two skills other than Bending Arts. They
strain per rank of Resolve, to a minimum of one.
permanently become career skills. If you purchase this talent again,
Scathing Tirade (Improved) your character chooses a number of skills equal your ranks in Well
Tier: 3 Rounded.
Activation: Passive

Tier 4
their Battle Meditation check to Hard ( ), and suffer 2 strain
Adrenaline Rush
instead of 4.
Tier: 4
Activation: Passive Bending Specialist (Improved)
Your character adds +2 damage to any successful attacks they make Tier: 4
for each Critical Injury they are currently suffering. Activation: Passive
Your character must have purchased the Bending Specialist talent to
benefit from this talent. When your character uses the form acquired
Tier: 4 by the Bending Specialist talent, they may choose to add any of that
Activation: Passive
form’s additional effects which are available to all elements with
While engaged with one or more allies, your character and those allies access to that form.
add to combat checks. If one or more allies engaged with your
character also has Back-to-Back, the effects are cumulative to a Beyond Limits
maximum of . Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
Battle Meditation (Improved) Once per encounter, when your character would become
Tier: 4 incapacitated due to exceeding their strain threshold, you may spend
Activation: Active (Incidental) a Story Point to use this talent. Then, your character is not
Your character must have purchased the Battle Meditation talent to incapacitated and becomes Fatigued. Your character cannot use this
benefit from this talent. Your character may increase the difficulty of talent if their Fatigued rating is already . Additional details
about this condition can be found in Chapter III: New Skills and
Rules of this book.

The Second Age | Talents | 89

For the remainder of the encounter, your character may not be Discredit
incapacitated due to exceeding their strain threshold and may
Tier: 4
continue to suffer strain beyond their threshold. If your character
Activation: Active (Action)
would perform an action while they are beyond their strain threshold,
first roll a d100. If the number is less than or equal to your current Once per encounter, your character can use this talent to make a
strain, you are incapacitated and your Fatigued rating increases by Hard ( ) Deception check to upgrade one of a target’s
one (to a maximum of ). Your character cannot act again social checks until the end of the encounter. Upgrade an additional
until their current strain is less than their threshold or the injury is per aa or t.
Distraction! (Improved)
Body Guard (Improved) Tier: 4
Tier: 4 Activation: Passive
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
Your character must have purchased the Distraction! talent to benefit
Your character must have purchased the Body Guard talent to benefit from this talent. Targets affected by Distraction! add hh to checks
from this talent. Once per turn, when an ally protected by your targeting your character and their allies.
character’s Body Guard maneuver would suffer a hit from a combat
check, your character may choose to suffer that hit instead of the ally. Doublespeak
Tier: 4
Brothers in Arms Activation: Passive
Tier: 4
Your character can spend aa or t from a successful Charm or
Activation: Active (Action)
Deception check to disorient a number of opponents within short
Once per session, your character may use this talent to make a Hard range equal to your character’s Presence for the remainder of the
( ) Discipline check. If successful, your character and one ally round and the next two rounds.
per s within medium range gains +1 defense for the remainder of the
encounter. The effect ends for an ally if they are no longer within Enduring
range. Tier: 4, Ranked
Activation: Passive
Can’t We Talk About This? The character gains +1 soak per rank of Enduring.
Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Action) Enduring Form
Your character can use this talent to make an opposed Charm or Tier: 4
Deception versus Discipline check targeting a single non-Nemesis Activation: Active (Incidental)
adversary within medium range. If the check succeeds, the target Your character must have at least one rank in the Bending Arts skill
cannot make attacks (or perform hostile actions) against your to benefit from this talent. Once per encounter, whenever your
character until the end of their next turn. character rolls a successful check to use a form, you may choose to
You may spend aa to increase the length and effect by one spend aaa or t to sustain that form through the end of the
additional turn, and spend t to extend the benefits to all of their encounter without performing the concentrate maneuver.
known allies within short range of the target.
Favored Weapon
The effect ends immediately if your character or an ally attacks Tier: 4, Ranked
the target. In addition, your GM may rule that some targets are Activation: Active (Incidental)
immune to this ability. A beast-of-burden, for example, has no
capacity to resolve a conflict through talking, nor would a Dark Spirit Whenever your character acquires this talent, choose one combat
consumed by rage. skill. Once per encounter, your character may add their ranks in that
combat skill as additional a to one hit of a successful attack made
Chi Disruption (Supreme) using that skill. Each rank of Favored Weapon must be associated
Tier: 4 with a different combat skill.
Activation: Passive
Field Commander (Improved)
Your character must have purchased the Chi Disruption talent to Tier: 4
benefit from this talent. Your character may choose to suffer 1 strain Activation: Passive
when they use the Chi Disruption talent to stagger a target if the check
is successful. Your character must have purchased the Field Commander talent to
benefit from this talent. When your character uses the Field
Controlled Bending (Improved) Commander talent, your character affects a number of allies equal to
Tier: 4 twice your character’s Presence. In addition, you may spend t to
Activation: Passive allow one ally to suffer 1 strain to perform an action, rather than a
Your character must have purchased the Controlled Bending talent to
benefit from this talent. Pick another effect from Table 2-6: Universal Fortune Favors the Bold
Form Effects that you did not select with the Controlled Bending Tier: 4
talent. You may apply this effect to any form without its associated Activation: Active (Incidental)
Once per session, you may suffer 2 strain to use this talent to flip one
Deadeye GM Story Point to a Player Story Point.
Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Frenzied Attack
Tier: 4, Ranked
After your character inflicts a Critical Injury with a ranged weapon and Activation: Active (Incidental)
rolls the result, your character may suffer 2 strain to use this talent.
Then, you may select any Critical Injury of the same severity to apply When making a melee combat check, your character may suffer a
to the target instead. number of strain, then upgrade the ability of their combat check by

90 | Talents | The Second Age

that number. The number cannot exceed their ranks in Frenzied Menace
Tier: 4
Full Throttle (Improved) Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Tier: 4 Your character must have purchased the Animal Companion talent to
Activation: Active (Incidental) benefit from this talent. Once per round, your character may spend a
Your character may suffer one strain to attempt Full Throttle as a maneuver to instruct any suitably threatening creature linked through
the Animal Companion talent to perform the Menace maneuver when
maneuver and decrease its difficulty to Average ( ).
the creature is with at least short range of the enemy. The target gains
In the Know on their next combat check.
Tier: 4, Ranked
Activation: Active (Action)
Moving Target
Tier: 4, Ranked
Once per encounter, your character can use this talent to spend a Activation: Passive
Story Point to make an opposed Deception versus Discipline
check, downgrading the difficulty a number of times equal to your If your character has already moved this round, increase your ranged
defense by 1 per rank of Moving Target until the end of the round.
ranks in In the Know. The target believes one falsified fact per
uncanceled s. Offensive Driving
Incite the Crowd Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Action)
Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Action) While driving, piloting, or sailing a vehicle, your character may use
this talent to select one other vehicle within medium range and make
Once per encounter, your character can use this talent to spend a
an opposed Piloting or Sailing check targeting the other vehicle’s
Story Point to make a Hard ( ) Charm check. If successful, a
driver, pilot, or sailor. If successful, roll twice on the Critical Hit table
number of characters up to twice your ranks in Charm become moved
for vehicles. Choose one Critical Hit result to apply to your own
by your character’s words and will attempt to take action, whether
vehicle, and apply the other Critical Hit to your target’s vehicle. You
against an organization or authority, or for the benefit of the party,
may spend t to add +20 to one Critical Hit result. The GM may spend
until the end of the encounter. This may be due to something your
d to add +20 to both Critical Hit results.
character did or said, or just because of their predisposition.

Ingenious Solution Powerful Bending (Improved)

Tier: 4
Tier: 4
Activation: Passive
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Your character must have purchased the Controlled Bending talent to
Once per session, before making a check your character may use this
benefit from this talent. When your character acquires this talent, note
talent to substitute a Knowledge skill of their choice instead of the skill
a specific bending and pick any one of its effects. When your
the check would normally require. You should explain how your
character uses this bending form, you may add the chosen effect
character’s ingenious solution made this possible—in laypeople’s
without its associated modification.
terms, anyway.

Inspiring Rhetoric (Supreme) Quick Witted

Tier: 4
Activation: Active (Action)
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Once per encounter, after another character makes a social skill
Your character must have purchased the Inspiring Rhetoric talent to
check, your character may use this talent to make an Average ( )
benefit from this talent. Your character may choose to suffer 1 strain
Vigilance check. If successful, you may add a number of s or a
to perform Inspiring Rhetoric as a maneuver, instead of as an action.
(your choice) equal to your character’s ranks in Charm to the other
Instinctive Form (Supreme) character’s check. If your character fails, they suffer 3 strain.
Tier: 4
Activation: Passive
Reflexive Bending
Tier: 4
Your character must have purchased the Instinctive Form talent to Activation: Active (Incidental, Out-of-Turn)
benefit from this talent. Your character may use the Instinctive Form
talent once per turn, instead of once per encounter. Your character must have at least one rank in the Bending Arts skill
to benefit from this talent. When an enemy generates h on a combat
Jury Rigged check targeting your character, after resolving the damage, your
Tier: 4, Ranked character may use any bending maneuver they know. Your character
Activation: Passive may not use a maneuver if doing so would incapacitate them.

Your character chooses one personal weapon or piece of armor and Scathing Tirade (Supreme)
may do one of the following per rank of Jury Rigged: increase the Tier: 4
damage of the weapon by one; decrease the a cost on its Critical or Activation: Active (Incidental)
any single other effect by one to a minimum of one; or increase
armors ranged or melee defense by one. Alternatively, they can Your character must have purchased the Scathing Tirade talent to
decrease the encumbrance of the item by two to a minimum of one. benefit from this talent. Your character may choose to suffer 1 strain
to use the Scathing Tirade talent as a maneuver, instead of as an
This bonus increases the value of the item by 20% per modification.
Longshot (Improved)
Tier: 4
Secret Technique
Tier: 4
Activation: Passive
Activation: Passive
The character may perform the Longshot maneuver without
When making a check using the Martial Arts skill, the character may
upgrading the difficulty. In addition, successful ranged attacks made
using Longshot add a to the results for each rank in Longshot. use Willpower instead of Brawn. In addition, Martial Arts combat

The Second Age | Talents | 91

checks that deal damage in this way deal additional damage equal to loses, breaks, or sells a modified piece of equipment, they may apply
your character’s ranks in Discipline. Tinkerer to a new one.

Seen Many Things ‘Tis but a Flesh Wound

Tier: 4 Tier: 4
Activation: Passive Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
Whenever your character would fail a Knowledge check, they may When your character would suffer a Critical Injury, they may spend a
spend aa generated to reroll the check. This can only be done once Story Point to make a Hard ( ) Resilience check to prevent the
per check. Critical Injury and take half damage (rounded down).

Signature Style True Aim

Tier: 4, Ranked Tier: 4, Ranked
Activation: Passive Activation: Active (Maneuver)
Your character must have at least one rank in the Bending Arts skill Once per round, before your character makes a ranged attack, they
to benefit from this talent. When your character purchases this talent, may use this talent to gain all the benefit of the Aim maneuver and
choose one bending form available to them, and choose any they also upgrade one in their attack roll dice pool per rank of True
Characteristic. Your character may use the chosen Characteristic, Aim.
instead of the form’s listed Characteristic, whenever they use this
form. True Understanding
Each additional time you purchase this talent for your character, Tier: 4, Ranked
select one additional form and Characteristic. Your character may Activation: Active (Incidental)
also use these forms with the chosen Characteristic instead. You Your character must have at least one rank in the Bending Arts skill
cannot select the same form more than once. to benefit from this talent. Once per session, your character may
suffer 2 strain to lower the difficulty of any Bending Arts skill check by
Steady Aim one per rank of True Understanding to use any form.
Tier: 4
Activation: Passive Trust the Captain
Your character does not lose the benefits of the aim maneuver if they Tier: 4, Ranked
perform other maneuvers (including moving) or actions. Activation: Active (Action)
Your character may use this talent to make a Hard ( )
Superior Reflexes Leadership check. For each s, one ally within short range increases
Tier: 4, Ranked their ranks in Discipline by an amount equal to ranks in Trust the
Activation: Passive Captain.
When your character purchases this talent, choose to add +1 melee
defense or +1 ranged defense. You may purchase this talent only one
more time, choosing the other option the second time you acquire this Tier: 4
talent. Activation: Active (Incidental)
Once per round after resolving a successful melee combat check,
Tinkerer your character may suffer 4 strain to use this talent to make an
Tier: 4, Ranked additional melee attack as an incidental against the same target.
Activation: Passive Increase the difficulty of the check by one if you are using a secondary
When your character acquires this talent, choose one piece of weapon; increase the difficulty by two if you are using the same
equipment and increases its number of hard points by one. They can weapon.
only do this once per piece of equipment, but can modify a number of
pieces of equipment equal to their ranks in Tinkerer. If your character

Tier 5
Altered Deal Once per encounter, you may spend a Story Point to add t to the
results of your attack action. This does not count as s, but as a result
Tier: 5
in addition to the resolved dice roll.
Activation: Active (Action)
Your character may spend one Story Point to make a Hard ( ) Baleful Gaze
Negotiation, Charm, or Coercion check to radically change a Tier: 5
previously-made deal or bargain to your character’s advantage. Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)

Armor Master (Supreme) When your character is targeted by a combat check from within
medium range, you may spend a Story Point to upgrade the difficulty
Tier: 5
of the check a number of times equal to your ranks in the Coercion
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
Your character must have purchased the Armor Master talent to
benefit from this talent. Once per round, when your character suffers Battle Meditation (Supreme)
a Critical Injury, they may suffer 3 strain to use the Armor Master Tier: 5
talent to reduce the Critical Injury result that they suffer by 10 per point Activation: Passive
of their soak, to a minimum of 01. You must have purchased the Battle Meditation talent to benefit from
Backstab (Improved) this talent. When performing the Battle Meditation action, each t
may be spent to increase an additional Characteristic by one.
Tier: 5
Activation: Active (Incidental)

92 | Talents | The Second Age

Beastmaster Each rank permanently increases a single Characteristic of the
player’s choice by one point. This cannot bring a Characteristic above
Tier: 5
6. You cannot increase the same Characteristic with Dedication twice.
Activation: Passive
You must have purchased the Animal Companion talent to benefit Deflect (Supreme)
from this talent. Your character may have two animal companions with Tier: 5
a combined silhouette no greater than your character’s ranks in Activation: Passive
Animal Companion. Your character spends one maneuver to allow You must have purchased the Deflect talent to benefit from this talent.
both to perform an action and a maneuver and resolves each
If your character did not make a combat check during their previous
companion’s turn individually, choosing the order in which they turn, they suffers 1 strain when using the Deflect talent instead of the
activate. usual 3.
One or both of your character’s animal companions can instead
be a minion group of animals with a combined silhouette no greater Dire Animal Companion
than your character’s ranks in Animal Companion. For this purpose, Tier: 5
treat every two silhouette 0 animals as silhouette 1. Activation: Passive
You must have purchased the Animal Companion talent to benefit
Biggest Fan from this talent. If your character has at least one rank in the Animal
Tier: 5
Handling skill, the animal companion they have bonded with through
Activation: Active (Action)
the Animal Companion talent increases its Brawn by one, to a
Once per session, your character may spend a Story Point to make a maximum of 5, and its wound threshold is increased by four. If the
Hard ( ) Charm or Empathy check. If successful, one NPC of animal has a strain threshold, it is also increased by four; otherwise,
your character’s choice in the current encounter turns out to be your your animal gains a strain threshold equal to half of yours. Your
character’s self-proclaimed “biggest fan.” The exact effects of this character also chooses to increase any other characteristic, other
vary depending on the NPC and the situation. They can include than Brawn, by one to a maximum of 5. Your companion increases
drastically decreasing the difficulty of social interaction skill checks one of its existing skill ranks by one, to a maximum of 5.
the character makes targeting their biggest fan, the fan being willing
to perform minor or even significant favors for your character, or the Flow of the Elements
NPC even becoming a recurring ally in the narrative. Tier: 5
Activation: Active (Incidental)
At the GM’s discretion, this talent may not be able to target certain
NPCs whose adversarial nature is vital to the plot, or NPCs who would Your character must have at least one rank in the Bending Arts skill
be unable to appreciate the character’s work such as beasts, spirits, to benefit from this talent. Once per encounter, your character may
and enemies. perform their first bending form as a maneuver instead of an action.

Coup de Grâce Elementalist (Supreme)

Tier: 5, Ranked Tier: 5
Activation: Passive Activation: Passive

On any successful combat check, for each t your character may roll Your character must have purchased the Elementalist talent to benefit
an additional , adding its results to the pool. Your character may do from this talent. Whenever your character successfully uses a
this for any number of t rolled initially, and in addition to any t bending form, they may activate any one of that form’s qualities
generated on successive rolls. You cannot add more to the pool without spending the required a.
than you have ranks in Coup de Grâce. This effect cannot be stacked
Full Throttle (Supreme)
with the Call of the Spirit Wilds talent.
Tier: 5
Craftsman (Improved) Activation: Passive
Tier: 5 Your character must have purchased the Full Throttle talent to benefit
Activation: Active (Incidental) from this talent. When performing Full Throttle, the top speed of the
When the character makes an Mechanics check to create, modify, or vehicle increases by 2 instead of 1.
repair an existing piece of equipment or a vehicle, the character may
spend a t to add a new quality or feature to the object.
Tier: 5
Crushing Blow Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)
Tier: 5 Once per encounter, when your character would be incapacitated due
Activation: Active (Incidental) to exceeding their wound or strain threshold, you may spend a Story
After rolling a melee attack but before resolving the check, your Point to use this talent. Then, your character is not incapacitated until
character may suffer 4 strain to use this talent. Your weapon gains the end of their next turn. If your character reduces their strain or
the Breach 1 and Knockdown qualities, and destroys one item the wounds to below their threshold before the end of their next turn, they
target is wielding that does not have the Reinforced quality. are not incapacitated.

Deadeye (Improved) Inspiring Leadership

Tier: 5 Tier: 5
Activation: Passive Activation: Active (Action)

Deadeye also adds the Pierce quality to your next attack equal to Your character can use this talent to make a Hard ( )
ranks in Deadeye, in addition to the extra damage dealt by Deadeye. Leadership check. If successful, a number of allies not exceeding
your character’s Presence within medium range add s to their next
Dedication skill check.
Tier: 5, Ranked
Activation: Passive Is Anyone a Doctor?
Tier: 5
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn)

The Second Age | Talents | 93

Whenever an ally would fall below their strain or wound threshold, Discipline as your character for the next Discipline skill check that
your character may spend a Story Point to stabilize them instead, character makes.
bringing them to 1 below their threshold.
Psychic Bending
Let’s Talk This Over Tier: 5
Tier: 5 Activation: Active (Incidental)
Activation: Action (Incidental, Out of Turn)
Your character must have at least one rank in the Bending Arts skill
Once per game session, when a combat encounter against one or to benefit from this talent. You may suffer 3 strain to use a bending
more sentient beings is about to begin, the character can spend one form even if you are bound, at a disadvantage, or your appendages
Story Point to make a Daunting ( ) Charm check. If are otherwise indisposed (such as a missing leg or both hands
successful, the encounter instead becomes a social encounter, with wielding a weapon or holding onto something). Additionally, you
the PCs attempting to convince the opposition to back down, come always ignore any normally imposed in these circumstances.
around to their viewpoint, or accept a compromise.
Psychic Bending does not apply to any situation during which it
The GM is the final arbiter of how the situation resolves without would be impossible to bend; i.e. you cannot firebend during an
violence, or how the combat encounter continues if the character’s eclipse; waterbend in the middle of the desert; or earthbend on
check is unsuccessful. wooden prison in the ocean.

Master Signature Form (Supreme)

Tier: 5 Tier: 5
Activation: Active (Incidental) Activation: Passive
When you purchase this talent for your character, choose one skill. You must have purchased the Signature Form talent to benefit from
Once per round, the character may voluntarily suffer two strain to this talent. When you acquire this talent, you may pick a new
decrease the difficulty of the next check using that skill by two, to a combination of bending action and effects to be your new signature
minimum of Easy ( ). form (you can keep your current signature form if you prefer). When
your character uses their signature form, they do not suffer the strain
Master Operator normally required after resolving a Bending Arts skill check.
Tier: 5
Activation: Active (Incidental) Surgeon (Supreme)
Tier: 5
Once per round when piloting an airship, ground vehicle, or sailing a
Activation: Passive
marine vessel, the character may voluntarily suffer two strain to
perform any action as a maneuver instead. Your character must have the Surgeon talent to benefit from this
talent. Whenever this character attempts to heal any Critical Injury,
Mogul lower the difficulty of the check one per rank of Surgeon to a minimum
Tier: 5 of Easy ( ).
Activation: Active (Incidental)
Before making a check when buying or selling items, or undertaking
Unity of Spirit
Tier: 5
or paying off one’s debts, the character may choose to suffer two
Activation: Active (Incidental)
strain. If the check succeeds, they sells the item for 25% more than
base cost, buys it for 25% less, pays off additional debt, or gain aa. Your character must have at least one rank in the Bending Arts skill
to benefit from this talent. Whenever your character suffers strain in
Parry (Supreme) order to use their Attack form, they may deal the same number of
Tier: 5 strain as additional damage against the target if the attack is a
Activation: Passive success.
Your character must have purchased the Parry talent to benefit from
this talent. If your character did not make a combat check during their
Warrior of the Elements
Tier: 5
previous turn, they suffers 1 strain when using the Parry talent instead
Activation: Active (Incidental)
of the usual 3.
Your character must have at least one rank in the Bending Arts skill
Professor to benefit from this talent. Whenever your character targets an
Tier: 5 opponent with their Attack form, they may spend aaa or t
Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) generated by that check to immediately use another bending form as
Once per round, your character can suffer 2 strain to allow an ally a maneuver. Your character must have an additional maneuver, and
within short range to count as having the same number of ranks in may not perform more than two maneuvers in a turn.

94 | Talents | The Second Age

V – Gear and Equipment
Skill, intelligence, and sheer luck are certainly valuable assets In The Second Age, the most important thing for a
in the world of Avatar, but even a farmer knows not to enter character is to be prepared. Fortunately, most equipment can
the Lower Ring of Ba Sing Se or the countryside without a little be procured from innumerable vendors throughout the world.
protection. Benders know that the most powerful weapon they Potions, bandages, messenger hawks, weapons and armor,
can wield is the elements, but even their abilities can fall short even ships and Satomobiles are all for sale—provided you
of expectations in the face of an entire squad of elite warriors. have the coin. While most equipment is relatively easy to
Some of the most powerful benders of all time, even the come by, some items are exceedingly valuable and incredibly
Avatar, have still wielded weapons which helped enhance rare. Not every town will carry bending scrolls, or even high-
their natural abilities. quality weapons. Collectors, pirates, and other scoundrels
No matter who they are, characters rely on gear and may also stand in the way.
equipment to perform tasks regardless of how trivial or vital. In the following chapter, players can find information on
Smart characters prepare themselves for the situations common personal weapons, armor, and gear critical for
they’re most likely to encounter—and those unexpected. traveling the world from the Fire Nation capital to the Si Wong
You’ll never catch any decent thief without their lock picking Desert. They can also find out how coin can be earned easily,
kit. Guards and warriors know that even the best armor may and how it can be spent even easier.
not stop a determined foe, but they still know it can mean the
difference between life and death.

Economics in Avatar
The exchange of goods and services is the force that drives
the world—what characters produce and what they consume.
Some trade is local, such as the crops from the outer ring of
Goods and services are paid for with coins. This is a universal
Ba Sing Se being imported to its inner-most ring. Other trade
term for everything from local units of currency with distinctive
is transcontinental. The world’s finest iron comes from Yu
names and denominations to international standards. Coins
Dao, and it’s no surprise this is a result of the mixed
have greater or lesser value depending upon the metal from
techniques due to firebenders and earthbenders working
which they are made. Thus, no matter what region or nation
together to refine the ore. Yet the best pies come from the Air
you are in, your coins are always legal tender.
Nomads and are treasured the world over.
With the advent of the Satomobile and cross-country
The trade of these goods across the continents, islands,
transportation like airships and trains, paper currency has also
and seas requires fleets of boats, airships, pilots, sailors, and
gained a special foothold in larger cities, especially Republic
other crew members who in turn require food, fuel, and
City. Of course, these paper notes operate essentially as
navigators to track the fastest routes; they also require
I.O.Us and are ultimately redeemable for their value in copper,
weapons to protect their precious cargoes from those with
silver, or gold.
less of an interest in lawful procurement.
Currency in The Second Age is represented in terms of
Trade organizations, corporations, guilds, and
coins or pieces of copper, silver, and gold. 1 gold piece is
governments regulate and tax this commerce wherever and
equal to 10 silver pieces which equals 1000 copper pieces. In
whenever the can. Many organizations purport to use this
other words, 100 copper pieces is the same as 1 silver piece.
wealth for the common good. Local authorities, such as those
that govern Republic City in the United Republic of Nations,
employ local police forces for the protection of valuable cargo. Motivations
Naturally where there are rules, there are those who break Sadly, being a wandering adventurer doesn’t pay very well.
them; just as the Earth Kingdom levies its tariffs, so, too, does Heroes and villains alike may have strange and mysterious
the black market circumvent them. Smugglers profit greatly by powers at their disposal, but everyone is beholden to coin. Not
transporting and selling restricted or taxed goods throughout even bending can put food on the table. Still, some characters
the world’s port cities. Some of these goods are simply stolen seem to have a natural knack for earning and are interested
weapons, food or fuel. Other goods hold no use in the hands in material wealth and the easy life of luxury they think such
of street criminals, but are of great value to collectors and wealth will bring them. Others seek adventure and want
scholars. Still, some smugglers merely catch the ire of airships or boats of their own.
dastardly rulers who prevent shipments of medicine to be
Characters may approach these tasks in several different
delivered to local dissidents.
ways. Some may use the gear and coin they obtain during
Characters in Avatar: The Second Age may be their adventures to keep themselves afloat. Stolen items could
unscrupulous pirates or stalwart warriors, but ultimately the be tracked by rightful owners, however, and characters who
aim is the same: make money where you can. attempt to sell a cargo of Fire Nation weapons may find the
Fire Nation Navy not far behind.

The Second Age v2.0 | Gear and Equipment | 95

Most jobs the party takes on may have relatively low cash grants the party access to the tools they need to take on new
rewards. Commodities such as replacement parts, new adventures, but avoids stockpiles of cash that would keep
weapons, or even ships might be awarded instead. This them from taking on new jobs.

Some items are naturally more difficult to procure than others, The difficulty generally depends upon the rarity of the item,
depending on where characters find themselves at any given but the difficulty can increase based on the law enforcement
time. The world is a big place, after all, and the vagaries and capabilities of the region (as determined by the GM).
intricacies of international trade mean that some items are Selling illegal goods also requires a Streetwise check
easy to find in certain places and very difficult to find in others. and, again, can be modified. If hhh or a d are generated,
Of course, some items are rare no matter where one goes, something has gone terribly wrong; the buyer may attempt to
while other items are commonplace and inexpensive rob the characters, or the local law enforcement officials may
wherever you are. arrive to arrest everyone involved.
Rarity in Avatar: The Second Age is a simple way of Finding black market items always requires a Streetwise
measuring how difficult an item can be to find on a scale of 0- check, and the items may cost far more than the list price
10, with 0 being the easiest to track down and 10 being the depending on their scarcity within a region. This varies from
hardest. But, whether an item is available for purchase should place to place, so the GM should determine if an item is
never be solely a matter of rolling dice. Instead, the needs of restricted or not, to what degree, and what the difficulty is to
the plot make it at least partially the GM’s decision. track it down. Some items are marked with an (R) by their
Nevertheless, for simple items, rarity provides an easy way for price, which means they are restricted and always count as
the GM to determine whether something is available and to let black-market items.
the players easily track items down. Finding an item in a place
requires a successful Negotiation check (although the GM Most black market merchants have established patterns,
may allow the character to use an appropriate Knowledge skill customers, and habits that allow them to stay under the radar
check or talent instead). of the authorities and, more importantly, stay in business. The
Player Characters may not have these connections and may
This table lists the rarities, the corresponding check even be selling to a criminal who plans to turn around and
difficulty to find items with those rarities, and examples of resell the goods again. For that reason, PCs selling illegal
items with those rarities. Depending on the circumstances, items net one-quarter of the listed price with a successful
and at the GM’s discretion, the rarity of certain items may be Streetwise check, one-half with two Success, and three-
modified to reflect the market environment. For example, quarters with three Success or more.
while bandages may be a common item in nearly all markets,
they may be harder to come by in war-ravaged communities. Truly exotic and illegal items, like rare animals or stolen
Likewise, weapons may be more common than usual when bending scrolls, can be sold for higher values, but these are
being procured from a smith or near an ongoing conflict. set based on the story and the difficulty it took to find then.
The rules above present the general rules for buying and
The Black Market selling most black market items.

Not all goods are available everywhere. A city might outlaw Selling and Trading
weapons within its limits, and several regional authorities
forbid explosives outright. Selling illegal goods is dangerous, Selling legal items follows similar guidelines to selling illegal
but lucrative for those with the nerve, and finding them often ones. PCs can generally sell an item for one quarter of its
means dealing with thugs and criminals like the Triple Threat costs on a successful Negotiation check, increasing that to
Triads. one-half with ss, and three-quarters with sss or more.

Exactly what is and is not illegal in each city is up to the Trade can often be handled narratively, but if the GM
Game Master, or may be specified in that area’s description. wishes to use some mechanical guidelines for this process,
Finding an illegal item typically requires a Knowledge here are some basic rules covering trading.
(Streetwise) check and can be modified by certain talents. Whether black market items or legal items, trading works
the same. Selling the items follows the rules for selling items
listed above; however, when determining the sell price based
Table 5-1: Item Rarity on the success of the Negotiation check, first multiply the cost
Rarity Difficulty Example of the item based on the difference in the item’s rarity between
0–1 Simple (—) Food, bandages where the item was bought and where it is sold.
2–3 Potions, Jasmine tea Of course, these are merely general rules and do not
4–5 Whale-tooth scimitar, weapons account for all sorts of details, such as buying in bulk,
marketing and advertising, and a litany of other factors that
6–7 Smoke bomb, Kyoshi War Fan may affect prices and costs. Thus, all rules for buying, selling,
8–9 Air Glider, Fire Nation Uniform and trading are meant to be modifiable by the GM and players,
Bending Scroll, Spiritual and are subject to the GM’s discretion.

96 | Gear and Equipment | The Second Age

Lifting and Carrying
The Second Age is meant to be played as a fast-paced,
narrative-based game. Keeping track of the weight of every
item isn’t usually considered “fun” by many players, but it is
important to know when a character is burdened by the weight
of the very nice armor they just took from a Fire Nation armory;
Excessive Encumbrance
having an idea of how many days’ worth of rations a character Characters should not typically carry more than their
can carry as they marches across the Si Wong desert could encumbrance threshold. When necessity demands, however,
mean the difference between life and death. they can do so for a short time (suffering the effects described
Generally, players and the GM won’t always need to track above).
a character’s encumbrance (how much they is carrying on If a character needs to lift an object greater than their
their person). Occasionally, however, it may play an important threshold permits, such as an ally who has fallen, they must
part in the story, and a player needs to know if the weight, make an Athletics check. The difficulty is simple if the
mass, and collective bulk of their items impedes their actions. object’s encumbrance value is less than or equal to the
character’s threshold. Add 1 to the difficulty for every point
Encumbrance Values over, up to a maximum additional encumbrance of 4 and
difficulty of Daunting ( ). A ranger with a 2 Brawn and
Each item listed in this chapter has an encumbrance value. a threshold of 7, for example, tries to lift a rock with an
Most items that can be commonly carried have a value of 0 encumbrance value of 10. That’s 3 over, so the difficulty is
through 5—from relatively light objects (such as coins or Hard ( ). An earthbender, however, would be able to lift
clothing) to heavier items (like a bardiche or plate armor). The the rock with little to no difficulty.
encumbrance value of armor is discussed in more detail later,
and is different when it is worn, where the weight is distributed
evenly on the body, as opposed to when it’s carried, when it’s
Concealing Gear
just another item in one’s pack. Characters in The Second Age frequently carry small objects
Encumbrance doesn’t strictly represent weight. It also on their persons. Sometimes a character wants everyone to
represents mass, bulk, and how easy items are to carry to and see the massive hammer they’re carrying as well as the
fro. A fitted suit of armor isn’t much of a burden, while a bulky knives at their hips, knowing that their intimidating demeanor
crate of stink bombs is quite a haul. will let people know they won’t go down easy. Other times a
rogue character needs to slip in undetected which often
Small items like bending scrolls, shock gloves, or knives
means looking inconspicuous.
have an encumbrance value of 1 or 2. Medium items such as
bows and swords might be a 2 or a 3 in encumbrance. Larger Items with an encumbrance value of 1 or less can be
items, naturally, will have much higher values. hidden on a person easily. No checks are required for
successful concealment unless a foe inspects the target up
If it becomes critical to the story to have more detail,
close—usually with a physical pat down. In the latter case, the
encumbrance values can be assigned to multiple, identical
searcher makes an opposed Perception check against the
items in bulk, particularly if they are stored in an effective
target’s Stealth. Add to the searcher’s check for every
manner. Certain items, like quivers or pouches, can also
encumbrance point over 1 that is due to the hidden item. If
modify the encumbrance values of items. Carrying 20 loose
there are multiple items, use the highest.
arrows would be a greater burden than carrying those arrows
in a quiver, for example. The Game Master should adjust this based on the
situation. An unusually large character might be able to easily
Encumbrance Threshold conceal items with an encumbrance value of 2, for example.
Of course, their size could still draw unwanted attention. The
All characters have an encumbrance threshold of 5, plus same rules can apply to similar situations—such as hiding a
their Brawn rating, which limits how much they can carry sword in a wagon of lumber. The GM should decide what
under normal conditions and without penalty. A total value of object can be hidden without notice, and add for
encumbrance value over the threshold means that the every point over that.
character is ‘encumbered,’ or burdened, and they suffer one
to all Agility and Brawn checks for every point of Encumbrance and Vehicles
encumbrance over their threshold. This is cumulative with any
other suffered for strain or other conditions. A ship’s cargo hold can house the amount of encumbrance
listed in its profile. Smuggling compartments have varying
Encumbered characters also lose their free maneuver
limits. These small caches are usually secretly placed around
each turn they are encumbered. The character can still
the vessel to avoid detection. Most smuggling compartments
perform up to two maneuvers, but each maneuver costs 2
have an encumbrance limit between 2 and 30 depending on
strain. Certain items, like backpacks, satchels, and quivers,
their size and location.
can affect a character’s encumbrance threshold.

The Second Age | Gear and Equipment | 97

Item Qualities
Some equipment features special qualities that add variety attack is successful and Blast activates, each character
and depth to the vast array of items in the Avatar universe. (friend or foe) engaged with the original target suffers damage
Some special qualities are inherent to certain items, while equal to the Blast rating (plus an additional wound per each
others are general qualities that can be applied by the GM to Success as usual).
specifically tailor an item to the story. In a relatively small and enclosed area, the GM might
Special qualities are generally either passive or active. decide that everyone in the room suffers damage.
Passive qualities are always on and require no activation on If the Blast quality does not activate, the blast still occurs
the part of the user. Active qualities must be triggered by the narratively, but bad luck or poor aim means that the explosion
user, often by spending one or more a to activate the effect. may not catch anyone else in the radius. Even if the attack
Item qualities usually have a number associated with misses, the user may still trigger Blast if they spend aaa.
them. This is their rating. Ratings affect qualities in different In this case, the original target and everyone engaged with
ways, depending on the quality in question. them suffer damage equal to the Blast rating of the weapon.
Active qualities require aa to activate unless
otherwise stated in their description. Weapon qualities can Burn
only trigger on a successful attack, unless otherwise Active. The Burn quality inflicts damage over time. If an attack
specified. with this quality is successful, the target continues to suffer
the base damage of the weapon or attack each round for a
Accurate number of rounds equal to the Burn rating. Damage is applied
Passive. Accurate weapons are easier to aim or wield, at the start of each of the target’s turns.
whether through design or craftsmanship. For each level of A victim might be able to stop the damage by rolling
this trait, the attacker adds to their attack dice pools while around on the ground and making an Agility check as an
using this weapon. action. This is an Average ( ) Coordination check on
hard surfaces, or an Easy ( ) Coordination check on grass
Auto-Fire or soft ground. Jumping into a body of water stops the damage
Active. A weapon with Auto-Fire can be set to shoot in rapid immediately. Waterbenders can also make an Easy ( )
succession and potentially spray an area with projectiles. The Bending Arts check to put out fires or aide allies inflicted with
advantage in using Auto-fire is that it has the chance to hit Burn.
multiple targets or hit a single target multiple times.
Attacking with a weapon on Auto-fire is generally less
accurate, and the attacker must increase the difficulty of the Active. The weapon’s attack can leave the target shell-
attack check by 1. The user may choose not to use the Auto- shocked from mighty blows or punishing shockwaves, unable
Fire quality on an attack; in this case, they cannot trigger the to perform any but the most basic actions. The target is
quality, but also does not suffer the aforementioned penalty. staggered for a number of rounds equal to the weapon’s
Concussive rating. A staggered target cannot perform actions.
If the attack hits, the attack can trigger Auto-fire by
spending aa. Auto-fire can be triggered multiple times. Each
time the attack triggers Auto-fire, it deals an additional hit to
the target. Each of these counts as an additional hit from that Passive. A Cumbersome weapon is large, unwieldy,
weapon, and each hit deals base damage plus the number of awkward, or heavy. To wield a Cumbersome weapon
uncanceled Success on the check. properly, the character needs a Brawn rating equal to or
greater than the Cumbersome rating of the weapon. For each
These additional hits can be allocated to the target, or to point of Brawn by which the character is deficient, they must
other targets within range of the weapon. If the attacker increase the difficulty of all checks made while using the
wishes to hit multiple targets, they must decide to do so weapon by one.
before making the check. Furthermore, if they wishes to hit
multiple targets, their initial target must always be the target Defensive
with the highest difficulty and highest defense (if this is two
Passive. Defensive weapons are particularly good at fending
separate targets, the GM chooses which target is the initial
off incoming melee attacks. A character wielding a weapon
target). The initial hit must always be against the initial target.
with the Defensive quality increases their melee defense by
Subsequent hits generated can be allocated to any of the
the weapon’s Defensive rating.
other designated targets.
Auto-fire weapons can also activate one Critical Injury for Deflection
each hit generated on the attack per the normal cost; the
Passive. An item with the Deflection quality increases the
Critical must target the target of the specific hit.
wearer’s ranged defense equal to its Deflection rating.
Blast Disorient
Active. This weapon has a large spread, an explosive blast,
Active. A weapon with Disorient can daze an opponent. When
or a general area of effect, like the detonation of a Varrick
Disorient is triggered, the target is disoriented for a number of
Industries bomb or certain Firebending techniques. If the

98 | Gear and Equipment | The Second Age

rounds equal to the weapons’ Disorient rating. Disoriented
targets add to all skill checks they perform.
Passive. Any weapon with the Light quality can be used
Durable without incurring the additional difficulty of a two-weapon
Passive. Items crafted to last can endure damage that would combat check. Light weapons can also be thrown, if need be,
destroy less well-made works. When a Durable item would using the Ranged skill instead of the normal skill.
become damaged, it loses the Durable quality instead.
Limited Ammo
Ensnare Passive. A weapon with the Limited Ammo quality may be
Active. A weapon with Ensnare binds a foe and restricts their used to make a number of attacks equal to its Limited Ammo
rating before it must be reloaded with a maneuver. In addition,
movements. When Ensnare is triggered, the target is
each shot expends one of a limited number of rounds of ammo
immobilized for a number of rounds equal to the weapon’s
Ensnare rating. An Ensnared target may attempt a Hard which, once used, must be purchased or otherwise obtained
before firing the weapon again. This also applies to thrown
( ) Athletics check on their turn to break free from the
effect. Immobilized targets cannot perform maneuvers.

Guided Linked
Some weapons are designed to deal multiple blows with one
Active. Certain weapons, like boomerangs, and bending
strike. When a character successfully attacks a target with a
forms may benefit from have their course altered after being
linked weapon, the weapon deals one hit. The wielder may
fired. If Guided is triggered, the controlling character may
spend aa to gain an additional hit against the same target a
make a combat check at the end of the round as an out-of-
number of times equal to the weapon’s Linked rating.
turn incidental. The difficulty of the check is Average ( );
Additional hits deal the weapon’s base damage plus damage
instead of building the ability of the pool normally, add
equal to the s from the attack.
equal to the weapon’s Guided rating. If the check is
successful, the weapon strikes the target, and the attack is
resolved normally.
Passive. An attack made with this weapon ignores one point
Guided requires aaa to activate, unless otherwise of soak for each rank of Pierce. If the weapon has more ranks
specified in the weapon’s description. The Guided quality can of Pierce than the target’s total soak, it completely ignores the
activate on any subsequent combat check it makes, target’s soak. For example, Pierce 3 against a soak of 2
representing the projectile continuing to circle back to the ignores 2 points of soak, but the extra point of Pierce has no
target. further effect.

Heavy Prepare
Passive. Armor with this quality adds 1 additional soak, but Passive. Weapons with this quality require time to set up
limits the wearer to one maneuver per turn. Because this before being used. The user must perform a number of
quality limits physical movement, characters wearing such preparation maneuvers equal to the weapon’s Prepare rating
armor add to their Martial Arts or Bending Arts combat before making attacks with that weapon.
Inaccurate Active. Weapons with the Push quality cause the target to
Passive. Inaccurate weapons are weapons of a shoddy or become disengaged from the attacker. When Push is applied
inferior construction, which means they are less likely to be to a target, they are moved one range band away. Unless
accurate or precise. Alternatively, the weapon’s nature may otherwise stated, Push requires aa to trigger, plus one
inhibit accuracy. Inaccurate weapons add to the attacker’s additional a per silhouette of the target beyond silhouette 1.
dice pool, equal to their Inaccurate rating. Push can be activated multiple times, increase the range band

by one. If the target is pushed into a solid barrier, the collision
inflicts one strain for each range band they would have moved
Passive. An Inferior item is a lackluster example of its kind, had they not hit the barrier.
representing shoddy and poor craftsmanship. An Inferior
weapon generates an automatic h on all checks related to its Reach
use, and has its base damage decreased by one. Inferior Passive. Weapons with this quality allow the user to attack
armor has its encumbrance increased by one and its defense targets at Short range. Due to the unwieldy nature of these
decreased by one. If it does not have defense, decrease its weapons, melee attacks performed against an engaged target
soak value by one, to a minimum of zero. suffer which cannot be negated.

Knockdown Reinforced
Active. When Knockdown triggers, the target is knocked Passive. Items with this quality cannot be affected by Sunder.
prone. Unless otherwise specified, Knockdown requires aa Armor with this quality ignores the Pierce quality.
to trigger, plus one additional a per silhouette of the target
beyond silhouette 1.

The Second Age | Gear and Equipment | 99

Slash weapon’s Stun rating. Since this is strain, and not strain
damage, Stun is not reduced by the target’s soak.
Passive. Weapons with the Slash quality generate one
automatic a result per Slash rating. This quality should be Stun Damage
limited to a rating of one, and never above two. Passive. Some weapons deal Stun damage instead of regular

Stun damage. In this case, the weapon deals damage as strain

instead of wound. This damage is still reduced by a target’s
Active. A weapon with Stun deals strain to the target. When soak.
the Stun quality is activated, it inflicts strain equal to the
Active. When activated, the attacker chooses one item openly
wielded by the target (such as a weapon, shield, or item on a
belt). That item is damaged one step: to minor if undamaged,
from minor to moderate, or from moderate to major. If a
weapon already suffers from major damage, it is destroyed.
Sunder requires one a to activate. If activated multiple
times in the same attack, each activation can be applied
against the same weapon, potentially taking a weapon from
undamaged to destroyed in a single successful attack.

Passive. A Superior item is a sterling example of its kind,
representing masterful craftsmanship. A Superior weapon
generates an automatic a on all checks related to its use, and
has its base damage increased by one. Superior armor has
its encumbrance reduced by one and its soak value increased
by one.

Passive. An Unwieldy weapon is a weapon that can be
particularly awkward to use for those without impressive
dexterity and hand-eye coordination. To wield an Unwieldy
weapon properly, the character needs an Agility characteristic
equal to or greater than the weapon’s Unwieldy rating. For
each point of Agility by which the character is deficient, they
must increase the difficulty of all checks made while using the
weapon by one.

Passive. When this weapon scores a Critical Injury or Hit, the
character adds ten times the Vicious rating to the Critical roll.
With Vicious 3, for example, the victim adds +30 to their
Critical Hit result.

Each weapon has a variety of characteristics that define its
abilities and distinguish it from other weapons. All weapons
share several characteristics, while many feature special
qualities that add additional rules to their operation.

The general name of the weapon. This may be a broad label
that applies to several closely related weapons.

Governing Skill
The combat skill used when attacking with this weapon.

100 | Gear and Equipment | The Second Age

Base Damage Special
The base damage the weapon inflicts. This is the minimum These are the qualities or other special rules each weapon
damage inflicted if the attack with this weapon successfully possesses. More in-depth descriptions of these qualities were
hits. Each net Success generated during the attack described above, while rules specific to a certain type of
check adds one point of damage to this based damage weapon are detailed in the weapon’s description.
The range of the weapon. Range is measured in
several broad range bands. Melee weapons require
the attacker to be engaged with the target unless they Weapons will invariably begin to wear
have the Reach quality. Ranged weapons down after extended use. Rolling a d
have ranges listed as short, medium, long, result may indicate a weapon has
or extreme. broken down or is otherwise unusable
until it can be repaired.
Critical Rating Weapons can be repaired using
Indicates the number of a required to trigger the Mechanics skill depending on the
Critical Injuries using this weapon. If the complexity of the weapon. Basic
weapon’s critical rating triggers, the weapons such as blades and simple
character rolls percentile dice on the bows can be repaired with the Mechanics
corresponding Critical Injury chart to skill while more complicated weapons like
determine the effect on the target. A Critical shock gloves or crossbows require someone
Injury can only be triggered on a successful with more specialized knowledge.
hit that deals damage exceeding the
target’s soak value. Weapon repairs are generally classified as minor,
moderate, or major. The magnitude of the required
Some weapons and talents modify this repairs indicates two things: the severity of any
Critical Injury roll, potentially making a penalties applied to the user when using the defective
Critical Injury more or less effective. In weapon, and the difficulty rating of the necessary
addition, a character can only generate repairs. Repairing a weapon requires adequate time
one Critical roll per hit on a target. and tools, generally one to two hours per difficulty
However, if the roll generates enough a level. If a character attempts repairs in less time, they
to trigger the critical rating of the weapon increases the difficulty by one. Likewise, if the
more than once, the character can character lacks the proper tools, they increases the
choose to add +10 to the Critical Injury difficulty by one. These factors are cumulative.
roll for each subsequent trigger.
Repairing the item also requires some expenses be
Encumbrance incurred. Raw materials may need to be purchased, but
the GM may also opt instead to require players expend
Encumbrance is an abstract
copper pieces. This sometimes can mean that it’s easier
measurement of how heavy and
to buy a new weapon rather than fix an existing one, but
awkward something is to carry and
of course that isn’t always possible.
transport. The higher the encumbrance
value, the more difficult the item is to Weapons with minor damage require an Easy ( )
carry. check and users will incur until the weapon is
Hard Points Weapons with moderate damage require an
Many items can be customized, to an extent Average ( ) repair check and impose one
determined by the number of modification points additional until it is repaired.
they have. The vast majority of weapons have a limited
Weapons with major damage require a Hard
number of Hard Points that determine how many
( ) repair check and are unusable until they are
modifications can be made to the item.
Price Weapon Descriptions
The price of the weapon on the open market. An (R) next to
the price means the weapon is restricted and cannot be From the great forges of Yu Dao to a simple
bought on the open market, in which case the price listed is blacksmith’s forge in a tiny Earth Kingdom village, the
the closest average black market price. production of arms is one of the most lucrative
industries in the world. Every warrior who swings an
Rarity axe, archer who lets loose an arrow, or assassin
The rarity of the item, before modifiers. throwing their knives seeks the highest quality of
weapon they can afford—their life depends on it.

The Second Age | Gear and Equipment | 101

Table 5-2: Light Melee Weapons
NAME SKILL DMG CRIT Range ENC HP Price Rarity Special
Brass Knuckles Martial Arts +1 4 Engaged 1 0 75 cp 3 Disorient 3
Bo Staff Martial Arts +1 5 Engaged 2 1 275 cp 2 Disorient 2, Knockdown
Nunchaku Martial Arts +2 3 Engaged 1 0 150 cp 4 Unwieldy 3, Light, Stun 1, Linked 1
Trident Dagger Martial Arts +2 3 Engaged 1 1 300 cp 5 Pierce 1, Light
War Fans Martial Arts +2 4 Engaged 1 1 225 cp 5 Deflection 1, Light
Shock Gloves Martial Arts +2 5 Engaged 2 1 800 cp 10 Disorient 3, Stun Damage, Stun 3
Buckler Martial Arts +0 6 Engaged 1 1 100 cp 1 Light, Defensive 1, Inaccurate 1
Knife Melee (Light) +1 3 Engaged 1 0 25 cp 2
Jaw Blade Melee (Light) +2 4 Engaged 1 0 75 cp 4
Whip Melee (Light) +1 3 Short 1 0 425 cp 4 Ensnare 1, unwieldy 3
Butterfly Sword Melee (Light) +1 3 Engaged 2 1 250 cp 3 Light
Broadsword Melee (Light) +3 4 Engaged 2 1 400 cp 5 Light, Slash 1
Tiger Blade Melee (Light) +2 4 Engaged 2 1 350 cp 6 Light, Reach, Defensive 1
Hand Axe Melee (Light) +2 3 Engaged 1 0 200 cp 3 Vicious 1
Battle Club Melee (Light) +1 5 Engaged 1 0 100 cp 2 Disorient 3
Electrified Kali
Melee (Light) +3 3 Engaged 3 2 1500 cp 10 Light, Stun 2, Vicious 2, Disorient 5
Defensive 1, Deflection 2, Inaccurate 1,
Shield Melee (Light) +1 5 Engaged 2 1 200 cp 2
Knockdown, Push

The following list of weapons comprises those most

commonly found in the armories scattered around the world.
Shock glove
They are organized by the skill associated with their use. A portable weapon that releases a powerful electrical shock
capable of rendering a victim unconscious. Shock gloves can
Martial Weapons stun and disorient your opponents and can turn the tide in any
melee brawl.
Although many martial arts styles emphasize unarmed
combat, others utilize weapons as an extension of Nunchaku
the body. Martial weapons are generally light
This unwieldy weapon consists of two sticks connected at
and cover the hands. They are easy to wield in
their ends with a short chain or rope. They take some skill
close quarters and often designed with grips, or
to use, since the inexperienced often wind up hitting
attach to the forearm, to prevent them from
themselves with it.
being dropped easily in close quarters
combat. Trident Dagger
Metal claws, brass knuckles, shock This dagger comes to a fine point and is shaped like a
gloves, even rock gloves are all examples of miniature trident. Its fork-like shape can sometimes be
martial weapons, as are the various disciplines of used to catch incoming weapons and redirect their
unarmed combat and their attacks are covered by thrust.
Martial Arts as well. Martial Weapons add their
damage value to the user’s Characteristic; damage War Fans
done by Martial Weapons is thus the user’s Brawn Shanzi, or fans, are often mad e of iron and used in
Characteristic plus the weapon’s modifier. martial arts. They are used for defense and can be
A Martial Arts attack can only be performed when thrown. These shanzi are the primary weaponry of
the attacker is engaged with their target. the Kyoshi Warriors and are usually used first when
Brass Knuckles
A simple piece of metal shaped to fit around the knuckles to Light Melee Weapons
be used in hand-to-hand combat. These simply add some These weapons are generally shorter than a few feet in length
extra damage to attacks with your fists. and typically only require one hand to wield.

Buckler Hand Axe

A protective device, meant to intercept attacks. It is not as An average-sized axe that can come in all varieties. A water
sturdy as its larger cousin. It can be worn and equipped with tribe axe may come with a blue-and-white blade and a
another weapon. medium-length white handle.

102 | Gear and Equipment | The Second Age

Table 5-3: Heavy Melee Weapons
NAME SKILL DMG CRIT Range ENC HP Price Rarity Special
Spear Melee (Heavy) +3 3 Engaged 3 1 250 cp 3 Accurate 1
Polearm Melee (Heavy) +3 4 Engaged 3 0 375 cp 4 Reach
Guan Dao Melee (Heavy) +4 5 Engaged 4 1 650 cp 5 Reach, Cumbersome 2, Vicious 2
Meteor Reach, Linked 1, Disorient 4, Unwieldy 4,
Melee (Heavy) +4 4 Engaged 4 1 550 cp 6
Hammer Knockdown
Defensive 1, Deflection 1, Pierce 3,
Katana Melee (Heavy) +4 2 Engaged 2 1 650 cp 7
Unwieldy 2
Naginata Melee (Heavy) +3 2 Engaged 4 1 375 cp 6 Defensive 1, Pierce 3

Javelin Melee (Heavy) 5 5 Medium 2 0 300 cp 3 Reach, Pierce 1, Limited Ammo 1

Cumbersome 4, Defensive 2, Deflection

Tower Shield Melee (Heavy) +2 5 Engaged 3 2 1200 cp 4
3, Inaccurate 2, Knockdown, Reinforced
Concussive 3, Cumbersome 4, Inaccurate
War Hammer Melee (Heavy) +5 4 Engaged 4 2 600 cp 3
1, Knockdown

Dagger Staff
A small blade on a small hilt. This weapon comes in all A generic wooden or metal staff. The famed Air Nomad glider
varieties and is often used as a secondary weapon for close- falls into this category, as it can be used as a staff and to
quarters combat. Additionally, daggers can be concealed enhance bending abilities. Rules for use of the air glider as a
easily and many make good off-hand weapons for fighters means of transportation are covered in Chapter VI: Vehicles.
who favor dual wielding.
Tiger blade
Battle Club Three weapons in one: a long pole with a hook at the end, a
A weapon used in the Southern curved blade above the fist, and a spearhead beneath the
Water Tribe. The base is handle. An experienced user can hook the ends together
carved from a polar bear to double the reach of the weapons.
femur and has a design in
blue paint on each side of the blade. There is a heavy ball on Heavy Melee Weapons
the end and a notch for hooking opponent's weapons. As the name implies, these weapons are large enough that
A leather strap is attached for a more secure grip. they require two hands to wield. An attacker must be
Broadsword engaged with their target to attempt an attack with a
heavy melee weapon, although some weapons may
It is a category of single-edge swords primarily used for have the Reach quality. These weapons can be used
slashing and chopping (sabers). Due to its ease of use, with one hand but the wielder suffers when
this weapon can be easily dual wielded. performing an attack.
Electrified Kali Sticks Polearm
Metal prods used to stun and immobilize opponents upon A large two-handed edged weapon, usually in the form of
contact. They are powered by a generator strapped to the a long metal or wood pole slightly taller than a person, with
back of the user. an axe-like head. It has a scythe-like blade attached to a
Jaw Blade long wooden pole.

Primarily a hunting tool, made by sharpening the jawbone Guan Dao

and teeth of a large arctic wolf. One side is rigid and is A type of pole weapon. It is very large and heavy and
used as a saw, while the other is a blade side that is used typically used by a mounted soldier.
for hunting and scraping skins clean. It can be used to
amplify vibrations in the environment, allowing the Meteor Hammer
character to accurately detect intruders. A meteor hammer amounts to little more than a ball
Butterfly sword and chain. Most variations of the weapon include a
ball made entirely of metal, but Earthbenders have
This is a short dao, or single-edged blade, also taken a liking to balls made from hardened stone or
known as Wu Dip Dao or Hu Die Dao. The top of the impure metals so that the weapon itself can be used
hilt is turned up so that the fighter can flip the sword with their earthbending abilities.
around their thumb.
Shield A long, curved, slender, single-edged blade, with a circular
A protective device meant to intercept attacks. It can take a guard. It has a long grp to accommodate to hands. It is favored

The Second Age | Gear and Equipment | 103

by the Kyoshi Warriors and is one of the most effective means
of cutting through organic material.
Small arrow-like darts. They are thrown much in the same way
Naginata as throwing stars and can restrain an enemy by pinning their
A pole weapon consisting of a wooden shaft with a curved clothes to a surface behind or below t hem.
blade on the end. It has a thick, slightly curved katana-like
blade connected to a long wooden pole.
Throwing Knives
A variety of small knives can be designed so that they can be
Tower Shield thrown with varying degrees of accuracy.
A tall, broad shield meant to protect the user from incoming
ranged attacks. Its enormous size can be a burden to smaller
individuals. Just a regular net weighted down on its edges so that it can
be used for ensnaring targets.
War Hammer
Like a sledgehammer in construction and appearance, it can
Stink bomb
be used to augment the potency of earthbending attacks. A container that releases a pungent odor capable of
These hammers require two hands. disorienting an opponent.

Ranged Weapons Smoke bomb

Canisters that release a thick smoke to block an opponent's
Whether with one hand or both, ranged weapons are anything
that can deal damage from a distance such as a bow or a
bending attack. This also includes any weapon that can be Short Bow
thrown. Using a ranged weapon while engaged with an enemy
A smaller weapon that uses tension to propel arrows.
increases the difficulty of the check by one.

Spear & Javelin Longbow

A larger version of the short bow, it has a longer range and
Like the pike, this weapon is a long pole with a pointy bit at
can deal more damage.
the end. It can be used for hunting, but its primary advantage
is that it is light enough to be thrown. Crossbow
Sling A weapon consisting of a bow mounted on a stock that shoots
projectiles. Its range is significantly shorter, but the damage it
A sling is a projectile weapon
deals is greater.
typically used to throw a blunt
projectile such as a stone, clay, or
lead "sling-bullet".

A bola consists of weighted lengths of cord
which can be thrown to entangle and knock down

A small, L-shaped weapon made of metal. It is a thrown
projectile that travels in a curved path and returns to its point
of origin when thrown correctly.

A concealed weapon that can generally be used for throwing,
and sometimes stabbing or slashing.

104 | Gear and Equipment | The Second Age

Table 5-4: Ranged Weapons
Name SKILL DMG CRIT Range ENC HP Price Rarity Special
Sling Ranged 4 4 Medium 0 0 20 cp 1 Disorient 2, Prepare 1
Blow Gun Ranged 1 6 Short 1 1 175 cp 2 Stun Damage, Prepare 1, Activate ammo
Bola Ranged 5 4 Medium 1 0 225 cp 3 Ensnare 1, Linked 1, Unwieldy 2
Boomerang Ranged 4 4 Medium 1 1 500 cp 4 Disorient 2, Unwieldy 3, Guided 2
Shuriken Ranged 5 4 Short 1 1 50 cp 5 Limited Ammo 3, Pierce 1, Vicious 1
Stiletto Ranged 5 4 Short 1 1 150 cp 5 Limited Ammo 2, Pierce 2, Ensnare 1
Kunai Ranged +1 3 Short 1 1 100 cp 4 Limited Ammo 1, Accurate 1, Linked 1
Net Ranged 0 — Short 2 0 50 cp 2 Limited Ammo 1, Ensnare 2
Stink bomb Ranged 1 — Short 1 0 500 cp 7 Limited Ammo 1, Disorient 2
Smoke bomb Ranged 1 — Short 1 0 900 cp 7 Limited Ammo 1, Concussive 1
Short Bow Ranged 5 3 Medium 2 1 150 cp 2 Unwieldy 1
Longbow Ranged 8 3 Long 3 2 450 cp 4 Unwieldy 3

Crossbow Ranged 7 2 Medium 3 1 600 cp 5 Pierce 2, Prepare 1

Ranged 6 2 Short 3 2 1200 cp 8 Linked 2, Prepare 2

Ordnance Ballista
These are weapons that are necessarily wielded by an A large crossbow-like crew-served weapon that launches
individual, but are instead ammunition or too large to be heavy spear-like bolts, harpoons or explosive shells.
handled by an individual.
Blasting jelly
Tangle mine An explosive, volatile weapon used for demolition.
Weapons made with a bamboo frame and covered
with dried animal skin filled with skunk fish and
Ice torpedoes
seaweed. These mines float in the water and These are warheads full of blasting jelly with a lit fuse inside.
detonate upon contact with another object. Waterbenders can propel them because of the surrounding
They were invented by Hakoda of the ice.
Southern Water Tribe, who called the
weapon the "Stink 'n Sink".

The Second Age | Gear and Equipment | 105

The effectiveness of armor has been the subject of fierce
debate for millennia. Ask any Kyoshi Warrior or Republic City Defense
police officer, however, whether they would prefer going into The armor’s defense adds equal to the defense rating
a skirmish without some sort of protective covering. Even the directly to the attacker’s dice pool. This reflects the armor’s
world’s rogues understand the value of some simple leather ability to deflect damage away from the wearer’s body.
armor which turns aside a knife in the dark. Regardless, many Defense is a score comprised of two separate ratings and will
fighters will say that a good piece of armor can be the always be listed as #/#. This represents the ranged defense
difference between life and death. and the melee defense rating, listed in that order. For
example, if a piece of armor provides 1 melee defense and no
The type of armor any adventurer wears depends on a
ranged defense, it will read “0/1”.
variety of circumstances—what works best with their skillset,
how long they will be wearing it, how easy it is to move around,
and the intensity of combat they expect to face. Of course, a
good set of armor will require a good deal of money to finance A suit of armor’s soak is added to the wearer’s Brawn, and
it. that sum is subtracted from any incoming damage. If an attack
causes 10 damage, for example, a soak of 2 plus a Brawn of
In addition to armor, characters can also equip different
3 reduces the damage suffered by 5 to a total of 5 points of
helms which also confer some defensive benefits. Helms and
Armor together can turn even a paperweight into a formidable
punching bag. Furthermore, some helms and armors will,
when worn together, confer an additional ‘set bonus’ which
can greatly enhance the features inherent to the armor. Each full suit or discrete piece of armor has a listed
encumbrance rating. Armor encumbrance rating only comes
Generally, stronger armor tends to be heavier and more into play when the armor or piece is carried instead of worn.
difficult to maneuver in while lighter armor providers less When the armor is worn, the encumbrance rating is reduced
protection but more mobility. by 3 points, to a minimum of 1.

Armor Characteristics Armor Types

Whether it’s a simple helmet or a sophisticated suit of plate Below is a list of the most common types of armor worn by
mail, every piece of armor has the following characteristics in soldiers, warriors, and other adventurers throughout the
common. Armor also shares some characteristics with world.
weapons, notably price, encumbrance, modification points,
and rarity. The descriptions of the latter characteristics can be
found above.
Wolf Armor
Protective leather gear created from a great wolf pelt. This is
the preferred style of the Southern Water Tribe.

Table 5-5: Armor

Type R/M DEF Soak Price Encum HP Rarity Special

Brigandine 0/1 1 400 cp 2 1 5

Chainmail 0/0 2 550 cp 3 2 4

Common Military
1/1 1 400 cp 4 1 6
Fire Nation Armor 1/1 1 650 sp 4 1 7 Add to Coercion checks, add to all other social checks
Heavy Robes 1/1 0 45 cp 1 1 0
Kyoshi Armor 0/1 2 1000 cp 4 0 8 Add to Charm and Leadership checks
Leather Armor 0 1 50 cp 2 1 3
Padded Armor 0 1 35 2 0 2
Plate 1/1 2 1000 cp 4 2 6
Plate (Heavy) 1/1 3 1250 cp 5 2 6 Heavy, Durable
Scale 0/0 2 425 cp 4 1 4
Traveling Clothes 0/0 1 100 cp 1 1 4 Durable
Wolf Armor 0/0 1 225 cp 2 0 6 Gain a on Coercion checks

106 | Gear and Equipment | The Second Age

Common Clothes Table 5-6: Gear
These are just your average, everyday clothes. Worn by Item Price Encum Rarity
everyone across the world, they provide little in the way of Airbender Staff 1500 cp 2 7
protection. Backpack 100 cp +4 1

Common Military Armor Bandages (3) 25 cp — 1

A beige and green colored armor consisting of bracers, body Bean Tea 500 cp — 7 (R)
armor, shin guards and a green colored belt-hung ge xie Climbing Gear 50 cp 1 2
(protective clothing). Disguise Kit 100 cp 1 3

Fire Nation Armor Healing Draught 1000 cp 1 6

Red and black armor which may be accompanied by a helmet. Jasmine Tea 200 cp — 5
Some helmets may include a protective skull-shaped mask for Lockpick Kit 300 cp 1 5 (R)
benders. Lychee Nuts (5) 20 cp 1 2

Traveling Clothes Medical Kit 150 cp 2 4

Designed to be take a beating, these clothes provide a modest Pro-Bending Headgear 400 cp 1 5
amount of protection and can last the wearer a long time. Has Spark Rocks 10 cp 0 1
the Durable quality.
Tent 100 cp 3 2

Gear Tool Kit

Torches (3)
250 cp
5 cp

Although it may not be as exciting as a sword or as glamorous Utility Belt 250 cp — 4

as a shiny piece of armor, this basic equipment is often the Waterskin 100 cp 1 3
foundation for a successful attack or business venture, Weather Gear(Hot/Cold) 400 cp 4 3
especially when these are one and the same. Reliable tools,
Wingsuit 2000 cp 2 7 (R)
survival in inhospitable environments, repairing weapons and
armor, even keeping allies alive after things go wrong are all
impossible if no attention is paid to outfitting yourself
beforehand. After all, even the world’s best bow is useless if
Incredibly useful and comes in many styles and sizes.
you haven’t got the arrows to launch.
Backpacks increase the wearer’s encumbrance threshold
Some items provide long-term utility, and are always
by four.
considered to be in a character’s inventory. Other items are
meant to be used up and consumed, which is reflected in the
item’s description.
Bandages (3)
Bandages can be used to assist with wound recovery.
Miscellaneous Sundries A character may consume a single bandage to add sa
There are plenty of pieces of gear that characters are likely to to their subsequent Medicine check.
carry that are too mundane or inexpensive to track on their
sheets. Journals, writing implements, pocket knives, coins, Bean Tea
casual clothing, shoes, inexpensive jewelry, snacks, or even
This chi-enhancing tea is a natural stimulant. When
mementos; all of these things and more are details that can
consumed, it improves strength and increases energy tenfold,
bring a character to life, but are not important enough to track.
and is frequently consumed by military officials and soldiers,
PCs can assume that they have any number of miscellaneous
though used sparingly due to its rarity.
items on them, depending on what they feel their characters
would carry. Characters who consume bean tea gain a temporary
increase in their max Strain Threshold of one point. This effect
Airbender Staff can be stacked up to three times. Bean Tea effects last for
four hours.
An airbender staff is a wooden stave used primarily by
airbenders to augment their bending. These versatile
instruments were a major part of Air Nomad culture and used
Climbing Gear
in the execution of several complex airbending techniques. An assortment of tools used to scale steep or sheer surfaces.
Staffs were constructed to unfold into fan-like gliders, which When your character uses climbing gear, they add to
enabled airbenders to fly while manipulating the air currents any Athletics or Coordination checks they make to climb
around them. something.

Disguise Kit
When your character uses their airbending to imitate flight
while equipped with an airbender staff, they add to any
bending checks they make to do so. More of a stage acting kit, a disguise kit comes with makeup
and prosthetics to allow characters to conceal their identity
and make themselves harder to identify.

The Second Age | Gear and Equipment | 107

A successfully disguised character adds to any skill was charred and black. Legend says that the cliffs were
check made to identify the disguised character. created in an ancient battle between earthbenders and
firebenders, and that the conflict was so "awesome" that the
Jasmine Tea ground on which they fought soaked up their power and
The combination of soothing properties found in green tea and animosity.
the scent of jasmine will help you reduce stress, anxiety, and
tension effectively. Tent
Tents come in a variety of shapes and sizes and are used to
When consumed, if the character would voluntarily suffer
provide a makeshift shelter from the weather and environment
any strain, they suffer 1 fewer point of strain to a minimum of
when undisturbed rest is necessary.
one. This effect lasts one hour.
Whenever your character rests within a tent, they add
Healing Draught to any attempted strain recovery.

Tool Kit
These rare tonics are created by healers and scientists alike.
They fill the drinker with a sense of warmth and nourishment,
and can be used to ward off illness. While they do not heal A standard kit for any mechanic or engineer who needs to
physical injuries, they alleviate the pain and can stabilize the repair or make modifications to their ships, vehicles, or other
incapacitated. equipment.
A character who sips from a healing draught automatically Whenever your character attempts to craft, modify, or
heals 4 wounds. Each subsequent sip on the same day heals repair an item they remove from any Mechanics check
1 fewer wound, to a minimum of 0. The full effect of the to do so.
draught is restored on the next day. A typical healing draught
contains roughly 10 sips, but volume can certainly vary. Torches (3)
Lockpick Kit Torches are small, handheld sources of light used to
illuminate up to short range.
A lockpick kit can help a character break into almost anything.
A source of light provides light, and removes added to
You add to all checks which involve picking a lock. checks due to darkness.
Tools inside this kit may break on t or hhh and need to be
replaced at half of the item’s cost. Utility Belt
Lychee Nuts (5) Often worn in conjunction with bags and backpacks, these
belts are used to house common items for wandering
A nut in name only. This small, reddish brown fruit is notable adventurers. Can conceal any item of encumbrance 1. This
for its thick rind and its sweet taste, and is abundant does not negate the item’s encumbrance, but makes the item
throughout the Earth Kingdom and Fire Nation. harder to detect.
A character who consumes a lychee nut automatically
recovers 3 strain. Each subsequent nut eaten on the same Waterskin
day recovers 1 fewer strain, to a minimum of 0. The full effect Frequently carried by waterbenders all over the world, this
of the lychee nut is restored on the next day. leather pouch of water contains just enough fresh liquid for a
bender to use in a pinch.
Medical Kit When full, it contains enough water to use for a few ice
A handy first-aid kit. These kits commonly contain bandages, shards, or a single water whip and its encumbrance increases
salves, and other small tools necessary to heal the injured. to 2.
Your character can perform Medicine checks to heal
wounds and Critical Injuries without penalty. A medical kit may Weather Gear
only be used 5 times before its supplies must be replenished. Cold weather gear features multiple layers of fur, leather, or
thick fabric to resist wind and trap body heat. Meanwhile, hot
Pro-Bending Headgear weather gear tends to be loose, flowing, and made from light
This gaudy-looking helmet adds an extra layer of cushion fabric, to allow the skin to breathe while protecting it from the
between the wearer’s pretty face and any incoming attacks. sun.

Whenever your character has pro-bending headgear While your character is wearing cold or hot weather gear,
equipped and becomes disoriented, they are disoriented for they remove added to checks they make due to adverse
one less round. weather conditions. When worn, the gear’s encumbrance is 1.

Spark Rocks Wingsuit

Spark rocks are tools used by Earth Kingdom citizens to start A prototype created by Asami Sato of Future Industries, some
fires. They are mined from cliffs found south of Ba Sing Se, airbenders have been offered a chance to test out these
known as the Fighting Cliffs. The cliffs, one white and one red, specially-designed suits that work with airbending to allow for
face each other with a wide ravine between them, and early gliding or short-term flight.
Earth Kingdom peoples noticed that the ground of the ravine

108 | Gear and Equipment | The Second Age

Equipment and weapons in the Avatar universe are made in
every conceivable way. Some are handcrafted, others might Attachment Description
be stamped out of a Future Industries assembly line in a Each attachment entry has set information associated with the
factory somewhere outside of Republic City. Even the latter entry.
may have a drastically different look from similar products Description: This explains what the attachment is, and
made in other parts of the world. The statistics and rules for what it does.
gear in The Second Age are framed in general categories to
Compatibility: This explains what kinds of items you can
present clear, simple, and unified rules for their use, but the
put this attachment on.
look of your character’s gear can be tailored both cosmetically
and mechanically. Modifiers: This explains what the attachment does within
the mechanics of the game.
Players can purchase modifications to customize their
gear. Modifications can be inherent to the item itself, or Hard Points: This is how many hard points you need
because of using attachments. Attachments are physical empty to add this attachment.
items that attach to or are installed in items, vehicles, Price (Rarity): This is how expensive and common the
weapons and armor to add capabilities or improve or change attachment should be.
performance in some way. Attachments have a set of base
modifiers that they automatically grant when installed. Weapon Attachments
Modifications without attachments are simple changes to the
This list of basic weapon attachments is not exhaustive. You
item, weapons, and armor which can alter the existing
should use these examples to come up with your own
properties of the piece of gear. Upgrading an item with an
attachments as well.
attachment is relatively straightforward and only requires
about an hour of work. Balanced Hilt
In terms of gaming mechanics, modifications fill up the This attachment represents modifying a melee weapon’s
Hard Points listed in a piece of equipment’s qualities. Each balance (particularly around the hilt or haft) to make it easier
modification gives the item or vehicle some sort of bonus or to control.
edge (extra soak for a piece of armor, or extra damage for a
Use With: This attachment can be applied to any
weapon, for instance). In most cases, that’s as far as it goes.
weapons that use the Melee (Light) skill.
The character spends money for their new attachment or
modification and gains an improved and unique piece of Modifiers: The weapon gains the Accurate 1 quality, or
equipment specifically tailored to suit their needs. increases any existing Accurate quality by 1. If the weapon
has the Inaccurate quality, it reduces that quality by 1 to a
Attachments minimum of 0 instead.
Hard Points: 1.
Attachments are physical components that can attach to items
to improve their performance or add capabilities. Each Price (Rarity): 1000 copper (6).
attachment requires a certain number of empty hard points in
order to install it. Once you’ve installed the attachment, it now
Duelist Cross Guard
occupies those hard points, and they’re no longer considered This attachment represents modifying the cross guard of a
empty. sword to better catch and lock the blade of an opponent.
Use With: This attachment can be applied to any sword.
Installing Attachments Modifiers: When an opponent resolves a melee combat
Installing an attachment requires roughly an hour of work. The check against the wielder, if the check generated at least one
character then spends the necessary coin on materials and uncanceled h, the wielder may suffer 1 strain as an Incidental
supplies, makes sure they has a tool kit, spends a couple of (out of turn) to add hh to the results.
hours at a workbench, and makes an Average ( )
Hard Points: 1.
Mechanics check.
Price (Rarity): 800 copper (5).
If they succeeds, they successfully modifies their gear,
and the item now benefits from the bonus provided by the Razor Edge
mod. If they fails, however, the mod is not installed and the
This attachment represents sharpening a blade to a razor
materials and supplies are expended in the process. If they
edge, then reinforcing or treating that edge so that it can
failed and their check generated at least one d while adding
withstand repeated blows.
an attachment, the attachment itself is rendered useless by
their tinkering; otherwise, their toolkit could break altogether. Use With: This attachment can be applied to any close
combat weapon that has a blade.
Each additional modification made to equipment beyond
the first increases the difficulty of the Mechanics check by one. Modifiers: The weapon gains the Pierce 2 quality, or
increases any existing Pierce quality by 1. The weapon also
decreases its Crit rating by 1, to a minimum of 1.
Hard Points: 1.

The Second Age | Gear and Equipment | 109

Price (Rarity): 1250 copper (6). certainly makes the wearer seem impressive, but acts as a
lure for every bandit within eyesight.
Serrated Edge Use with: This attachment can be applied to any armor.
Adding jagged sawteeth to a bladed weapon means the
wounds it makes are particularly brutal and damaging. Modifiers: While wearing this armor, your characters
adds to Charm, Negotiation, and Leadership checks.
Use With: This attachment can be applied to any close
combat weapon that has a blade. Hard Points: 0.

Modifiers: The weapon gains the Vicious 1 quality, or Price (Rarity): 1500 copper (5).
increases any existing Vicious Quality by 1.
Intimidating Visage
Hard Points: 1.
Warriors from many cultures paint or style their armor, or wear
Price (Rarity): 75 copper (2). imposing masks or helms to intimidate opponents.

Superior Weapon Use With: This attachment can be applied to any armor.

This weapon has been modified or created by a master Modifiers: When wearing this armor, the user adds s to
craftsman and is better than other examples of its type. Coercion checks they make, and f to Charm checks they
Use With: This attachment can be applied to any weapon.
Hard Points: 0.
Modifiers: The weapon gains the Superior quality.
Price (Rarity): 125 copper (3).
Hard Points: 1.
Price (Rarity): 1000 copper (7). Lightweight Metals
This armor has been modified by a metalbending craftsman
Weapon Tassel to offer the same protection without so much extra weight.
This attachment represents adding a tassel of cloth or other Use With: This attachment can be applied to any metal
material to a weapon’s pommel, hilt, or other location to signify
rank, or other significance.
Modifiers: This armor reduces its encumbrance by 2, and
Use With: This attachment can be applied to any sword
it adds one fewer to Stealth checks.
or two-handed pole weapon such as a spear or bardiche.
Hard Points: 2.
Modifiers: The weapon gains the Disorient 1 quality, or
increases any existing Disorient quality by 1. Price (Rarity): 1000 copper (6).
Hard Points: 1. Platinum Work
Price (Rarity): 350 copper (4). This armor has been made entirely out of platinum, one of the
purest metals in the world.
Armor Attachments Use With: This attachment can be applied to any metal
This list of basic armor attachments is not exhaustive. You armor.
should use these examples to come up with your own armor
Modifiers: This armor cannot be affected by
attachments as well.
metalbending and gains the Reinforced quality. The armor
Angled Plating also increases its encumbrance by 1.
This attachment applies angled plates or mildly reflective Hard Points: 0.
surfaces to help deflect incoming ranged attacks. Price (Rarity): 8000 copper (7).
Use With: This attachment can be applied to any armor.
Modifiers: The wearer increases their ranged defense by
Reinforced Steel
This armor has been made from reinforced metals which
drastically increases its protective qualities.
Hard Points: 1.
Use With: This attachment can be applied to any metal
Price (Rarity): 450 copper (4). armor.
Gilded Modifiers: This armor gains the Reinforced quality.
Though it serves no practical purpose, many nobles like to Hard Points: 2.
adorn their armor with gold leaf or other fanciful designs. It Price (Rarity): 3400 copper (5).

110 | Gear and Equipment | The Second Age

Tinkerers, engineers, and craftsmen do more than just multiple times before wearing out, but are often quite
maintain and improve their own equipment; skilled artisans expensive due to their specialized nature.
frequently build their own devices. Whether their creations are The process of crafting an item takes one day, plus a
made from refined materials procured at great cost or thrown number of days equal to the rarity of the item. This does not
together in desperation from whatever scraps happen to be include any time spent gathering tools or suppliers. Your GM
on hand at the time, the tools and mechanisms that tinkerers may decide that some items take significantly more or less
put together are often incredibly works of ingenuity. time, depending on the nature of the item and its construction.
The rules in this section provide GMs and players with
options for crafting their weapons, armor, and other items. Crafting the Item
When a player wishes to have a character craft an item, the
player should consult with the GM. The process your To undertake the actual process of crafting the item, your
character undertakes within the narrative of the game may characters makes a Mechanics check with a difficulty based
vary greatly. Of course, your GM might modify these rules on the rarity of the item. To determine the number of in the
based on the situation and the specific item, and might impose pool, divide the rarity of the item by 2 and round up. For
additional requirements. instance, a Mechanics check to craft a dagger (rarity 2) is
Easy ( ). Your GM might further modify this difficulty or add
The Crafting Process or to represent the particular circumstances.
If the crafting check is successful, your character creates
To craft and item, your character must have the appropriate
the item. Additionally, you and the GM may spend dice
tools and components. For instance, to craft a sword, your
symbols for additional effects, as shown in the table. Of
character must have access to a forge, smiths’ tools, and a
course, these effects are only examples, and you might come
supply of iron or steel. Generally, the cost of raw materials
up with additional results.
to craft an item is equal to half of the cost of the item.
These materials are consumed in the process, whether the Particularly involved items or complex machines, like new
crafting check succeeds or fails. Tools can generally be used parts for a vehicle, might require more than a single check to
complete and could be an excellent opportunity for a Skill
Challenge (see Chapter VII: Game Master).

Table 5-7: Spending a/t and h/d on Crafting Checks

Cost Result Options
Reduce the time to craft the item by one day, to a minimum of one. You may select this option multiple times.
a or t
Your character adds to their next crafting check for this item.
Your character saves enough materials to reduce the cost of the next similar item they craft by half.
Decrease the item’s encumbrance by one, to a minimum of 0.
aa or t
If the item has the Limited Ammo 1 quality or is otherwise limited to a single use, craft one additional identical item.
You may select this option multiple times.
Increase the item’s hard points by one.
aaa or t
Reduce the difficulty of future checks to craft the same item by one (to a minimum of Simple).
The item gains the Superior quality.
Increase the value of one numerical benefit of the item by one or increase the rating of one quality the item possesses
by one.
Increase the narrative benefit of the item, or add a new narrative effect, as approved by your GM.
tt The item gains one other item quality, subject to your GM’s approval. You may only select this option once.
Increase the time to craft the item by one day. You may select this option multiple times.
h or d
Your character adds to their next crafting check for this item.
Increase the item’s encumbrance by one.
hh or d
Your character must purchase additional materials worth half of the original material cost.
If the item is a weapon, it gains the Inaccurate 1 quality.
hhh or d Decrease the item’s hard points by one, to a minimum of 0.
Your character’s tools are ruined in the process and must be replaced.
The item gains the Inferior quality.
Whenever the item is damaged, it is damaged on additional step.
There is a terrible accident, and your character suffers a Critical Injury or, at the GM’s discretion, some related narrative
event can occur of equal distress.

The Second Age | Gear and Equipment | 111

VI – Vehicles
In Avatar, there are a variety of means of transportation battleship may lumber slowly through its maneuvers, a
besides walking. Depending on where in the world you are, smaller craft (like a motorcycle) is much more likely to be
those modes may vary significantly. Agile Satomobiles choke agile. Handling is dictated by a number of factors such as
the streets of Republic City. Monorails provide a means of shape, control systems, mass, or just general awkwardness
traversing the inner and outer rings of Ba Sing Se. A wide in design.
variety of commercial and military ships cross the seas and Mechanically, a ship or vehicle’s handling characteristic
oceans between landmasses on a regular basis. Even draft
dictates the number of or it adds to a player’s dice pool
animals and other spectacular creatures can help characters
when making Piloting or Sailing checks. Baseline handling is
move from point A to point B much quicker than their own two
0, with extremely agile ships adding Bonus and slow or
prodding ships adding Setback to all checks. Characters add
In fact, the world in The Second Age is reliant on such Setback equal to a ship’s negative handling value or Bonus
transportation and is inseparable from them. Most vehicles equal to a vehicle’s positive handling value.
and mounts in the world are privately owned and operated and
are treated with the utmost respect. For nomadic caravans or Speed
even pirates, their vessel may be the only home they know. An abstraction of both speed and acceleration, a ship or
Presented in this chapter are a variety of common types vehicle’s speed characteristic dictates how fast an object
of ships and vessels found in the world, together with the moves relative to its environment and what maneuvers are
game mechanics governing them. Mechanics governing available to the driver. The listed speed is a “maximum” value
Mounts are covered in Chapter VII: Game Master under the ship or vehicle can travel. A pilot can always choose to go
Game Master Rules and Options. slower than their maximum speed. Speed 0 indicates a
stationary ship or vehicle with higher values indicated an
Vehicle Characteristics increase speed. Speed 1, for example, might be a slow-
moving carriage or a lumbering transport ship, while Speed 5
Whether it's a tiny moped or motorcycle or a massive Earth might be a nimble moped or Satomobile.
Kingdom airship, all ships and vehicles share a number of
characteristics. These characteristics delineate such Silhouette
attributes as the strength of a ship’s hull or how quickly a Much like the speed characteristic, silhouette is an abstract
motorcycle accelerates from a stop. The characteristics number used to describe a ship or vehicle’s size and mass
described here cover the bulk of important mechanical relative to other ships and vehicles. Silhouette factors heavily
information about ships and vehicles. into scale and is used to calculate the difficulty of attacking
Handling: The measure of a ship or vehicles agility and targets of different sizes. Generally, large ships are easy to
how well it responds to the driver. hit, and small ships are hard to hit. Some ships, such as the
Speed: A ship or vehicle’s raw speed and how quickly it Fire Navy battleships, are exceptions to this rule, as they are
large ships fitted with smaller cannons to fill specific roles
within a fleet.
Silhouette: An abstract representation of the general size
Silhouettes range from 0 to 10 (or even higher). Silhouette
of a vehicle.
0 is smaller than a human (such as a ship or vehicle
Defense: A ship’s first line of defense against attack and component) and silhouette 1 is about the size of an adult
accident. Representative of a vehicle’s extra plating or human. Most Satomobiles and small freighters range from
deflective attributes, defense also represents any factors, silhouette 3 to 4. Silhouette 10 and up is reserved for the very
technological or otherwise, that prevent damage from largest battleships and airships.
reaching a vehicle’s armor.
Armor: The measure of a ship or vehicle’s armor, similar Hull Trauma Threshold
to soak on the personal scale. Hull trauma threshold is the only things that stands between a
Hull Trauma Threshold: A reflection of the sturdiness of driver and untimely demise. It reflects a ship or vehicle’s
a ship or vehicle’s construction and its ability to sustain sturdiness and resistance to damage. The strength of a ship’s
damage and continue operating. keel, the sturdiness of a moped’s chassis, and the general
seaworthiness of a freighter are all measured by hull trauma
System Strain Threshold: The limit to which a ship or
threshold. Like the wound threshold of a Player Character,
vehicle can be pushed or knocked about before important
hull trauma threshold represents the amount of physical
systems overload or shut down.
damage that a ship or vehicle can suffer before it's either
Customization Hard Points: The number of spots crippled or destroyed. Hull trauma threshold is measured at a
available on a ship or vehicle for customization and upgrade. much larger scale, meaning that one point of hull trauma
equals roughly ten wounds on an individual.
Handling reflects the inherent agility and the ways in which a
vehicle responds to its pilots and crew. While a huge

112 | Vehicles | The Second Age v2.0

System Strain Threshold or lower has two defense zones: forward and aft. Ships with
silhouette 5 or above have four defense zones: forward, aft,
System strain threshold represents how well a ship or port, and starboard. Every ship comes with a pre-set defense
vehicle’s internal systems handle the workaday abuse heaped rating for each of its defense zones, dictated by its design.
on them by their owners and the world at large. It is an The maximum amount of defense a ship or vehicle can
aggregate of the efficiency and status of navigation systems, have in any of its defense zones is four points, regardless
engines, and power generating equipment, as well as a host of its size.
of other delicate systems needed to ensure peak
Most types of defense can be assigned or ‘angled’ to
performance. Once a ship or vehicle suffers strain exceeding
different zones to shore up defense where it’s needed the
its system strain threshold, its systems begin overloading and
most. Each ship and vehicle has a chart displaying its default
shutting down until they can be repaired or otherwise
defense for each of its zones.
maintained. This negatively affects a vehicle’s performance
and can even temporarily cripple it on occasion, causing Armor
larger complications for its operator and/or passengers and
Armor is a ship’s second line of defense, and the only
protection available to many ground vehicles. It soaks up
The factors that can inflict strain are numerous and varied. damage from attacks and impacts that can penetrate a ship’s
Commonly, a vehicle suffers strain due to the actions of its defense. The more passive of the two types of protection, ship
crew or operator as they push the vehicle or ship to (or and vehicle armor is made of several materials ranging from
beyond) its limits. Vehicles also suffer strain due to freak common steel to rare platinum composites and advanced
accidents caused by excess h, environmental hazards like Future Industries technology. Much like personal body armor
icebergs or rocky coasts, large storms, or even the effect of worn by PCs, a ship or vehicle’s armor soaks a number of
certain types of weapons and attacks. damage points equal to its rating. As it is based on a larger
One key difference between system strain and regular scale, one point of a ship’s armor is equivalent to ten points of
strain is that system strain cannot be recovered by soak on a personal scale.
spending a. It can only be restored through actions taken by
the crew. Vehicle Weapons
Protection Vehicle weapons range from the light ballistae found on small
frigates to the massive mines dumped by Fire Nation
To protect their passengers, crews, and precious cargos, battleships. In The Second Age, every vehicle-class weapon
ships and vehicles use a few methods to avoid or deflect shares a number of common characteristics. These weapons
damage. In general terms, a ship’s protection is an amalgam are very similar to the weapons found in Chapter VI: Gear
of its maneuverability, the durability of its hull or chassis, and and Equipment, with some noted differences.
the strength and thickness of its armor. Whatever form these Range: This is the maximum range of the weapon. Ships
protections take, The Second Age divides them into two and vehicles use a larger scale to measure ranges than
discrete statistics: defense and armor. personal scale.

Defense Damage: This number is the base damage the weapon

inflicts with a successful attack. For every success generated
Defense reflects a ship or vehicle’s ability to completely during the attack, the attacker adds +1 damage to the base
deflect or reduce the damage of incoming attacks or collisions damage.
using point defense, raw speed, or other unique abilities
Critical Hit Rating: This number is the amount of a
inherent to the design of the ship or vehicle. This is a crucial
required to trigger Critical hits with the weapon. If enough a
protective system, the first line of defense for most seafaring
is generated and a Crit is triggered, the character firing the
vessels and even some ground vehicles. Defense works the
weapon rolls 1d100 and determines their results against the
same as described earlier; each point adds to any incoming
Critical Hit Result Table for vehicles to determine the Crit’s
attack roll made against a ship or vehicle. The amount of
effect on the target.
Failure generated by the Setback added to the attacker’s dice
pool has the potential to greatly reduce or even negate any Fire Arc: The direction or directions a weapon can be
damage from the attack or collision, and the h generated also fired, based upon its mounting. Fire arcs are discussed in
lessens the chance of Critical Hits. further detail later.

Silhouette and Defense Zones Special Qualities: Many weapons have special qualities
that affect their performance. These are the same types of
Ships (and those vehicles with defense) have several defense weapon qualities enumerated in Chapter V: Gear and
zones dictated by their silhouette. Anything with a silhouette 4 Equipment.

The Second Age | Vehicles | 113

Vehicle Combat
Combat engagements between starships and vehicles—from
dogfights above Republic City to high-speed chases through
Step 5: Repeat Until Encounter Ends
its crowded streets—function using the same basic combat Once the action has been resolved, the GM ends the
rules found in GENESYS Core Rulebook, Chapter 6. Ship encounter. At this point, any character abilities that may only
and vehicle combat is not intended to be a separate rules be used “once per encounter” reset and any abilities that last
system. Instead, it is designed to be an added layer of detail “until the end of the encounter” expire. Each PC also has a
on the standard combat rules that allows players to run chance to catch their breath and recover strain, and may take
structured gameplay encounters using airships, vehicles, steps to help heal any incapacitated characters.

Small Craft Combat

characters, boats, or any combination thereof.
When running encounters using ships and vehicles, it is
important to note that ships with silhouette 5 or higher have Combat between small, one-person vehicles and ships like
some different rules governing their actions. This is because biplanes and Satomobiles is relatively straightforward. The
these ships are quite a bit larger than biplanes and small pilot, or driver, is the sole crew of the vehicle and has one
freighters, with crews of dozens or even hundreds of maneuver and one action (or two maneuvers) during their
individuals. turn. This means they can maneuver around the battlefield
and fight, or just focus on moving around and not getting hit.
Combat Overview Small craft combat is quite abstracted as vehicles are
constantly moving and striving with one another for the upper
Ship and vehicle combat in The Second Age follows the hand (thanks to high speed and agility). It would be nearly
same basic order and rules as those detailed in Core impossible to map out every move made by smaller vehicles.
Rulebook, Chapter 6. It is listed again here for ease of Instead, the GM and players describe the actions the
reference. characters and NPCs take, embellish them with narrative flair,
Step 1: Determine Initiative and then make their skill checks to resolve the actions.

At the beginning of the first round of combat, all players and

NPCs need to determine in what order the characters will take
Large Ship Combat
their turns. This is referred to as the Initiative order. To Combat in larger craft of silhouette 5 or higher is, by necessity,
determine the Initiative order, each PC and NPC generally more abstract due to the complexity of the vessels and the
makes a Simple Perception or Vigilance check, although number of crew members involved. Like combat in small craft,
the difficulty of the roll may depend upon the situation at the large ships can only perform one maneuver and one action
discretion of the GM. during their turn. This is not an inherent quality of the ship,
however; it’s based on the pilot or captain’s actions and
Step 2: Determine Turn Order maneuvers. Along with the pilot (or sailor), each additional
Once all Initiative checks have been made, the GM notes crew member aboard can use their actions and maneuvers to
down the results of each check and ranks characters in order, man weapons, operate equipment, move about the ship, and
from highest number of s to lowest number of s. If two generally engage in combat along with the pilot. This all
checks are tied, the check with more a is ranked higher. A t happens in the same round, and is subject to Initiative order
will double the results. If a PC and an NPC are tied, the PC is just like personal combat.
ranked higher. This is the Initiative order. If two or more Player
Something to remember concerning ship combat with
Characters tie, they can decide amongst themselves when
vehicles of this size is that each ship is likely to have a
they will act in turn during that round.
substantial number of crew. GMs and players should not track
Step 3: Complete a Round of Turns all their Initiative slots and actions during the encounter.
Instead, only focus on those individuals who are doing things
Beginning at the top of the Initiative order, the players and GM
pertinent to the ongoing encounter, feel free to ignore the rest.
each take turns for the respective characters in that slot.
Players and the GM follow in order of Initiative from highest
results to lowest. Combat Turns
Step 4: Round Ends Much like personal combat, combat between ships and
vehicles in The Second Age is largely an abstract, narrative-
Once all NPCs and PCs have taken a turn, the round ends. At
driven activity designed for quickness and ease of use. This
this point, certain effects that last until the “end of the round”
is meant to better reflect the frenetic, cinematic, action-
may end. The GM also determines if the ongoing encounter adventure style of Avatar and to avoid bogging down a game
warrants additional rounds or if it has been resolved. If it must
session with the minutiae of charts and grid maps. This means
continue, repeat step three using the same Initiative order
that the maneuvers a ship performs are open to narration and
generated in step 1. If the action has been resolved and the
the interpretation of both the GM and the players.
encounters is over, proceed to step 5.
Note: characters whose Initiative results were tied are not
required to act in the same turn order as the last round. PCs
tied with NPCs always take their turns first.

114 | Vehicles | The Second Age

Maneuvers Vehicle Scale Range
Less involved than actions, maneuvers are simple activities
that do not typically require a skill check. Beyond all the
maneuvers in personal combat, there are several maneuvers
Like personal combat, ship and vehicle combat utilizes broad
that apply specifically to ships and vehicles. These additional
and abstract range measurements referred to as vehicle scale
maneuvers follow the usual rules governing maneuvers. In
range bands. Vehicle scale range bands follow the same rules
addition, characters are assumed to be able to perform any
as regular range bands found in the Core Rulebook. The only
personal maneuvers such as dropping prone, managing gear,
difference is that these bands operate on a much larger scale.
or interacting with the environment (although the GM and
players should use common sense as to what a character can As stated in that chapter, close range on vehicle scale
and cannot do given the situation). This also includes picks up where personal scale leaves off. However, the scale
maneuvers such as aiming. is so much bigger that a single person could never use
maneuvers to move next to a target that’s “close” to him on a
When ships or vehicles are in encounters, they should
vehicle scale—the distance may be a kilometer and could
always track their current speed. A ship may be operating at
take an hour of walking to cover. Further range bands would
any speed from zero to its maximum; however, accelerating
be even more extreme.
and decelerating takes maneuvers to accomplish.
This isn’t to say that ships and vehicles (especially smaller
Actions craft below silhouette 4) can’t operate in standard range
bands. Any ship or vehicle able to move could cover the
In combat involving ships or vehicles, there are some distance measured by standard range bands quickly, and
additional actions characters may perform that specifically individuals would measure their range to a vehicle or ship
apply to the ship or vehicle they are operating. Some of these using standard range bands. However, because ships and
actions are labeled as Pilot (or Sailor) Only actions. A ship or vehicles can cover those distances so quickly, it makes little
vehicle may benefit from only one Pilot Only action per round, sense for them to measure distances in such (relatively) small
no matter how many crewmembers are aboard. increments.
Remember, any of the actions listed in Chapter VI can Therefore, vehicles and ships use a second set of range
also be performed in combats involving ships or vehicles bands, referred to as vehicle scale range bands. As
within the bounds of common sense. mentioned previously, the shortest range band in this scale
(‘close range’) encapsulates all range bands in personal
scale. This means a ship or vehicle able to move to a point
within close range is also covering the equivalent of all five
range bands’ worth of distance in personal scale.

Taking Damage
As is the case with Player Characters in personal combat, later in this section. Additionally, the ship’s systems shut
there are two types of damage ships and vehicles suffer in down, it reverts to emergency power (if it has any) and the
The Second Age: system strain and hull damage. System ship may even stop moving altogether. At this point, the ship
strain is similar to the strain suffered by PCs, and reflects light, is just a hulk of metal, effectively out of combat, and likely
temporary damage caused by glancing blows or pushing a being evacuated.
vehicle to the limits of its capabilities. Hull damage is more If the pilot or crew of a crippled ship is particularly
serious and, consequently, more life-threatening. This is desperate or foolish, they may attempt some temporary
actual, physical damage that makes its way past the ship’s repairs to either escape or rejoin the fray. By scavenging parts
defenses and becomes hull trauma. Hull trauma is permanent from ruined systems, raiding the hold for any spares, and
until repaired. bypassing damaged components, along with a Hard ( )

Hull Trauma
Mechanics check, the crew can bring the ship back to some
semblance of operation. The ship reduces its hull trauma to
one below its threshold but suffers the following penalties:
A ship’s hull trauma threshold is a measure of a ship or
speed is reduced to 1, handling is reduced to -3, and all
vehicle’s sturdiness and build quality. When a ship suffers
weapon systems are inoperable until fully repaired. Any attack
damage in excess of its armor, the excess converts into haul
that inflicts hull trauma against this ship immediately
trauma. When hull trauma exceeds the threshold, one of two
generates a Critical Hit, with +30 added to the roll. These
things happens. For vehicles silhouette 3 or smaller and of no
effects persist until the ship is fully repaired.
importance (a common Cabbage Car or a motorcycle driven
by nameless Equalist grunts, for example), it simply explodes,
killing the driver and any passengers. Alternatively, at the System Strain
Game Master’s discretion, the vehicle could simply be System strain works the same way as strain suffered by
disabled. For larger vehicles, such as light freighters or characters. A vehicle that suffers strain in excess of its system
airships with silhouette 4 or larger, the vehicle immediately strain threshold quickly finds itself in an untenable situation.
suffers a Critical Hit from the Vehicle Critical Hit Table found Engines overload, transmission shuts down, electrical fires

The Second Age | Vehicles | 115

Component Criticals
start, and all manner of machine mayhem occurs as one by
one, essential systems go down and the ship becomes
unresponsive. Until the crew can make repairs, the ship
Of all the Critical Hit results, these have the potential to be the
becomes helpless.
most devastating. Component Hit Criticals functionally
In game terms, when a ship or vehicle exceeds is strain disable, either temporarily or permanently, critical systems on
threshold, the ship’s speed drops to 0 during the following a target vessel and can lead to a number of complications.
round. Most its systems (such as engines and weapons) There are two charts for Component Hit Criticals, one for small
cease operating as well. This means it cannot move, its ships of silhouette 4 or lower, and one for large ships of
weapons cannot shoot, and its defense drops to 0. This might silhouette 5 or higher. The effects of most of these Crits stack,
be a relatively minor situation if this is a ship sailing across the and a ship can suffer more than one Component Hit Critical.
open ocean—or a more dangerous situation if the ship was
pulling into dock. Repairing Hull Trauma
Any crew member can aid the ship in recovering strain by
performing repairs and damage control such as restarting While system strain and the results of many Critical Hits are
systems, bypassing fried circuits, and putting out fires. This is temporary, hull trauma is more permanent. Repairing hull
accomplished through the Damage Control action. trauma requires three things—proper facilities, money, and
time—the latter two usually in abundance. Proper facilities
Ships and vehicles do recover from strain slowly over time. have enough tools, light, parts, and workspace to make the
For every full day a ship or vehicle spends without taking repairs necessary. This could be anything from a warehouse
strain, it reduces its strain by one. to a port, or simply a well-stocked garage.

Critical Hits Once a ship is in a proper facility for repairs, each point of
hull trauma restored costs roughly 500 copper pieces. This
Occasionally a lucky, well-placed shot or collision with a cost is highly variable, however, and can fluctuate
particularly large or dangerous object does more to a ship dramatically based on the PCs’ reputation, the overall
than bounce harmlessly off the armor. Lightning can short out damage to the ship, the scarcity of parts, and countless other
systems; searing fire blasts can pierce armor and hull alike to factors. The final cost for repairs, like many other aspects of
incinerate crew alive; and rogue icebergs can tear into the The Second Age, is left to the GM’s discretion. A good rule
side of any ship, leaving them powerless and adrift in the cold, of thumb is that light damage (up to a quarter of a ship’s total
murky depths. hull threshold) should take up to a few days, while any
damage over that could take weeks or even months to repair,
A number of factors can lead to a ship suffering a Critical
depending on the severity of the damage.
Hit. For example, it might suffer enough hull trauma to exceed
its hull trauma threshold, or a successful combat check could If it proves imprudent or impossible to get to a proper
generate enough a or t to trigger a weapon’s critical rating. maintenance facility, the GM might choose to allow the PCs
When an attacker generates a Critical Hit, they rolls on the to repair their vehicle using scavenged parts and their own
Crit Table and their target suffers the listed effects. Just like ingenuity. However, these repairs should be somewhat
personal combat, Critical Hits are divided into four levels. inferior to the real thing, hard to perform (requiring several
Hard [ ] or Daunting [ ] Mechanics checks)
Once a ship or vehicle suffers a Crit, it counts as suffering
and time-consuming. In short, they should be an arduous plot
that Critical Hit until it is repaired. This status counts even if
point for the PCs to overcome, not a cheapskate way to avoid
the effects of the Crit only last a single round. While a vehicle
getting work done at proper facilities.
is suffering the effects of a Crit, any additional Critical Hits
generated against it add +10 to the roll per existing Crit.

Even though the advent of world-shrinking technology has includes not just a character’s feet, but their carriages, trains,
made travel between nations much more commonplace, the monorails, mounts, and even Satomobiles.
world is still largely unindustrialized and therefore travel
across the vast continents can still take weeks depending on Sea Travel
where a character needs to go. Depending on your mode of
transportation, a weeklong journey might cover the distance Travel by sea, while common, is not a typical mode of
on foot between Omashu and Ba Sing Se whereas a week at transportation for most people. Most sea travel is the domain
sea might take you from Republic City to the Fire Nation. Air of commercial freighters and military vessels, but that does
travel, still new in the world of Avatar, can often be even not mean privately-owned ships or transport ferries cannot be
quicker and is unrestricted by difficult terrain. used to cover vast distances.

Ground Travel Air Travel

While there are a variety of means to traverse the continents, With the advent of the airship during the end of the Hundred
many people in the world must still rely upon their own two Year War, the technology has come a long way in the 70 years
feet. Ground travel is the most common form of travel and since its inception by Sokka and the mechanist at the Northern
Air Temple. Despite the many advances in airship technology,

116 | Vehicles | The Second Age

few airships are in production and few individuals have ever certainly help, a navigator still needs to enter a bearing and
flown in them. This form of travel, although rare, is one of the double-check a vehicle’s final trajectory. Under ideal
quickest means of transportation and some creatures, like the conditions, this requires an Easy ( ) Geography check. As
sky bison, are comparable in speed. conditions are rarely ideal for those racing against the clock
or charting unknown territories, the Game Master should
Navigation make heavy use of difficulty modifiers to increase the difficulty
of the Geography check to reflect the circumstances under
Although the world is growing smaller each day, even the which it is being made.
mapped terrain can be rugged and unforgiving. Although
For example, if the players were provided with false,
many routes exist between central hubs such as Ba Sing Se
incorrect, or incomplete information, that may increase the
and Republic City, there are always other ways to get where
difficulty of the check by one. If their vehicle is damaged or
one needs to be.
badly damaged, that could be another one or two difficulty
Navigating even the well-documented routes entails added to the check. Bad maps, harsh weather, or difficult
knowing where one is and where one’s going, especially at terrain might also increase the check.
sea or in the air. Although compasses, maps, and stars can

Ship and Vehicle Modifications

For those special individuals who make their living at sea or engines, more swiveling turrets, better sensors, and other,
on the road, a ship is as much their home as it is a simple more esoteric modifications are commonplace.
means of transport or a company asset. As they live aboard it Like personal equipment, ships and vehicles can benefit
and get to know a ship’s various attributes, both positive and greatly by being modified. What form those upgrades take is
negative, it is not uncommon for the crew to make various up to you and your GM. They follow the rules for attachments
modifications to the ship to better tailor it to their needs. By and mods as discussed in Chapter V: Gear and Equipment.
tinkering with existing systems, or through the purchase of The only difference is that installing ship or vehicle
new parts and modification packages, a skilled and dedicated modifications can cost up to ten times as much as they do at
crew can improve a ship’s general comfort and performance the personal level.
beyond what their designers initially imagined. More powerful

Vehicle Profiles
In this increasingly mechanized age, where whole nations are
urbanizing and massive battleships patrol the seas from the  Manufacturer: Future Industries
Fire Nation to the Water Tribes, even ground-based vehicles
 Crew: One pilot.
are becoming ubiquitous and as essential to daily life as food
 Encumbrance Capacity: 25.
and water. From the simplest, utilitarian trucks of Cabbage
 Passenger Capacity: None.
Corp to the high-performance luxury Satomobiles from Future
 Price/Rarity: 30 silver pieces/4
Industries, vehicles are becoming ever common.
 Customization Hard Points: 2
Land Vehicles  Weapons: None.

Vehicle transportation over land is not a new concept; Snowmobile [Water Tribe]
civilizations have been using carts for millennia. However, the Used by members of the Southern Water Tribe after the
mechanical revolution in Avatar has propelled development Hundred Year War to cross the snowy landscape in the south.
toward self-powered transport. Although some land vehicles
2 4 2 1 2 4
were used as far back as 100 AG, these were not
commercially available and were generally reserved for SIL SPEED HNDLNG ARMOR HULL STRAIN
wartime purposes. Now, especially in places like Republic 0 - - 0
City or Ba Sing Se, motorized transportation has become

Motorcycle  Manufacturer: Various manufacturers

Commonplace in Republic City, they are a similar shape to  Crew: One pilot.
the moped, though larger in size. Motorcycles used by the  Encumbrance Capacity: 35
Equalists are capable of releasing a smokescreen behind  Passenger Capacity: 1
them. After the Anti-bending Revolution, the Republic City  Price/Rarity: 25 silver pieces/4
Police Force integrated the motorcycle into their patrol units.  Customization Hard Points: 1
2 3 2 2 2 4  Weapons: None.


0 - - 0 The Satomobile is an automobile developed and
FORE PORT STARBRD AFT manufactured by Future Industries. As Republic City's leading

The Second Age | Vehicles | 117

auto-manufacturer, Future Industries features state-of-the-art the planet. This list is by no means exhaustive, but more of an
technology and assembly lines capable of producing over one idea of what one can expect to find in the Avatar world. For
hundred luxury Satomobiles every day. nearly every conceivable purpose, a water craft has been
3 3 1 3 2 4
0 - - 0 7 3 1 6 5 4
2 1 1 0
 Manufacturer: Future Industries FORE PORT STARBRD AFT
 Crew: One pilot.
 Encumbrance Capacity: 50
 Passenger Capacity: 1 – 3  Manufacturer: Water Tribes.
 Price/Rarity: 50 silver pieces/3  Crew: One captain, 10 sailors and crew.
 Customization Hard Points: 2  Encumbrance Capacity: 500.
 Weapons: None.  Passenger Capacity: 10 passengers.
 Price/Rarity: 10 gold pieces/5
Cabbage Car  Customization Hard Points: 3
Cabbage Corp is a rival automaking company of Future  Weapons: None.
Industries, founded by the cabbage merchant and later owned
by his son, Lau Gan-Lan. Its only current automobile model is Battleship
the Cabbage Car, a cheaper, more compact alternative to The battleships are very large ships used by the United
Future Industries' various Satomobile models. Forces, the Northern Water Tribe, as well as the Fire Nation
and Earth Kingdom navies.
3 2 2 2 2 3
8 3 2 5 5 4
0 - - 0
0 2 2 0

 Manufacturer: Cabbage Corp

 Crew: One pilot.  Manufacturer: Various manufacturers and nations.
 Encumbrance Capacity: 45  Crew: One captain, 20 sailors and crew.
 Passenger Capacity: 1 – 3  Encumbrance Capacity: 250.
 Price/Rarity: 40 silver pieces/4  Passenger Capacity: 10 passengers.
 Customization Hard Points: 1  Price/Rarity: 50 gold pieces/10
 Weapons: None.  Customization Hard Points: 4
 Weapons: To Be Determined
Sand Sailer [Earth Kingdom]
Used by the sandbenders to traverse across the Si Wong Cutter
Desert. Can also be used by airbending. They are used by Southern Water Tribe warriors as transport
ships for their small force of warriors.
5 5 2 3 3 4
5 5 3 3 3 5
0 1 1 1
1 1 1 1

 Manufacturer: Sand Tribes.

 Crew: One pilot, one co-pilot.  Manufacturer: Water Tribes.
 Encumbrance Capacity: 80.  Crew: One captain, 5 sailors and crew.
 Passenger Capacity: 5 passengers.  Encumbrance Capacity: 300.
 Price/Rarity: 12 silver pieces/7  Passenger Capacity: 15 passengers.
 Customization Hard Points: 2  Price/Rarity: 75 silver pieces/6
 Weapons: None.  Customization Hard Points: 3
 Weapons: To Be Determined
Marine Vessels
Travel by ocean and sea is ubiquitous among the peoples of
the world, and is still the most-used form of transportation on

118 | Vehicles | The Second Age

Ferry Speedboat
Ferries are employed en masse to cross bodies of water A mode of aquatic transportation powered by gasoline. It can
throughout the Earth Kingdom and can be founding traversing travel at very high speeds across water.
inland seas, lakes, and large rivers.
4 6 3 2 3 3

 Manufacturer: Future Industries, Varrick Global

 Manufacturer: Various manufacturers and nations. Industries
 Crew: One captain, 5 sailors and crew.  Crew: One pilot, one co-pilot.
 Encumbrance Capacity: 400.  Encumbrance Capacity: 40
 Passenger Capacity: 30 passengers.  Passenger Capacity: 1 – 3
 Price/Rarity: 65 silver pieces/5  Price/Rarity: 65 silver pieces/5
 Customization Hard Points: 2  Customization Hard Points: 2
 Weapons: None.  Weapons: None

Frigate Steambarge
A frigate is a universal style of ship employed by nations and A large ship used for transporting goods between various
mercenaries alike. They can be used for transportation, to locations around the world.
spearhead raiding parties, and even as light warships. Their
5 3 3 4 4 4
attributes of frigates may vary wildly depending upon its
design and manufacture. SIL SPEED HNDLNG ARMOR HULL STRAIN

6 5 3 3 5 5 2 2 2 2


1 2 2 1
 Manufacturer: Various manufacturers and nations.
 Crew: One captain, 5 – 10 sailors and crew.
 Encumbrance Capacity: 450
 Manufacturer: Various manufacturers and nations.  Passenger Capacity: 10 – 20 passengers.
 Crew: One captain, 5 – 20 sailors and crew.  Price/Rarity: 30 gold pieces/7
 Encumbrance Capacity: 350.  Customization Hard Points: 3
 Passenger Capacity: 5 passengers.  Weapons: None
 Price/Rarity: 9 gold pieces/7
 Customization Hard Points: 4 Catamaran
 Weapons: To Be Determined Catamarans are used as a means of seaborne transportation.

Jet-ski [Fire Nation]

They can vary in size, ranging from being a one-person
transport to being large enough to comfortably house a flying
A mode of aquatic transportation used for high-speed travel bison and six people.
over rivers and lakes.
5 4 3 2 3 3

 Manufacturer: Varrick Global Industries, Water

 Manufacturer: Various manufacturers and nations. Tribes.
 Crew: One pilot  Crew: One captain, 5 – 15 sailors and crew.
 Encumbrance Capacity: 15  Encumbrance Capacity: 375
 Passenger Capacity: None.  Passenger Capacity: 10 – 20 passengers.
 Price/Rarity: 20 silver pieces/5  Price/Rarity: 60 – 130 silver pieces/5
 Customization Hard Points: 1  Customization Hard Points: 3
 Weapons: None  Weapons: None

The Second Age | Vehicles | 119

Manufacturer: Fire Nation
 Crew: One captain, up to 20 crew.
Travel by air is not a new concept by any means. Airbenders  Encumbrance Capacity: 350
had been gliding for centuries before the genocide. The  Passenger Capacity: Up to 20.
means to achieve mechanical flight were first devised by the  Price/Rarity: 120 gold pieces/7
Mechanist in 100 AG. With Sokka’s help, they designed a  Customization Hard Points: 4
small balloon lifted through the energy of hot air.  Weapons: TBD
Unfortunately, the prototype was lost to the Fire Nation, who
successfully reverse-engineered the hot air balloon for war. Airship [United Republic]
Over the next 70 years, the nations and private ventures all Most airships in Republic City are used by the police. These
have sought to improve upon the designs. airships are large, metal, zeppelin-like vehicles employed by
Republic City's police force to patrol the city skyline from
Biplane above. They are manufactured by Future Industries.
A compact airplane that was manufactured by Hiroshi Sato to 9 5 4 5 8 6
be used by the Equalists. It was later repurposed by Asami,
who used Future Industries' resources to build them en SIL SPEED HNDLNG ARMOR HULL STRAIN
masse. 2 3 3 2
0 1 1 1  Manufacturer: Future Industries.
 Crew: One captain, up to 20 crew.
 Encumbrance Capacity: 3000
 Passenger Capacity: Up to 20.
 Manufacturer: Future Industries.  Price/Rarity: 100 gold pieces/5
 Crew: One pilot.  Customization Hard Points: 3
 Encumbrance Capacity: 50  Weapons: TBD
 Passenger Capacity: None
 Price/Rarity: 15 gold pieces/7 Glider [Airbending Staff]
 Customization Hard Points: 2 Air Nomads acquire their staves as a rite of passage to aid
 Weapons: TBD their bending. The staff can be opened mechanically and
unleash tight canvas-like material through which an
Airship [Cabbage Corp] experienced airbender can bend currents, allowing them to
Used by the Earth Kingdom Air Force and constructed by glide or even fly short distances.
Cabbage Corp. Cheaper and of inferior quality compared to 1 4 3 0 1 3
other contemporary airships.
10 4 3 3 7 5
0 - - 0
1 1 1 1
 Manufacturer: Various craftsmen
 Crew: One airbender
 Manufacturer: Cabbage Corp.  Encumbrance Capacity: 10
 Crew: One captain, 10 crew.  Passenger Capacity: 1.
 Encumbrance Capacity: 250  Price/Rarity: 25 silver pieces/5
 Passenger Capacity: Up to 20.  Customization Hard Points: 1
 Price/Rarity: 80 gold pieces/5  Weapons: None
 Customization Hard Points: 2
 Weapons: TBD Wingsuit [Future Industries]
The wingsuit is being developed by Future Industries to be
Airship [Fire Nation] worn by the airbenders of the Air Nation; its purpose is to
Used by the Fire Nation Air Force to transport troops and replace the need to carry around a staff for gliding. As the suit
attack enemy targets from the air. is in its experimental phase, there are few prototypes.

8 4 3 4 6 5 1 4 2 0 1 3
2 2 2 1 0 - - 0

120 | Vehicles | The Second Age

 Manufacturer: Future Industries.  Customization Hard Points: 2
 Crew: One airbender.  Weapons: None.
 Encumbrance Capacity: 10
 Passenger Capacity: None
 Price/Rarity: 50 gold pieces/10

The Second Age | Vehicles | 121

Table 6-1: Critical Hit Results for Vehicles
d100 Severity Result
01 – 09 Mechanical Stress: The ship or vehicle suffers 1 point of system strain.
Jostled: A small blast or impact rocks the vehicle. All crew members suffer 1 strain and are
10 – 18
disoriented for one round.
Broken Defenses: Decrease defense in affected defense zone by 1 until the Critical Hit is repaired. If
19 – 27
the ship or vehicle has no defense, suffer 1 point of system strain.
Knocked Off Course: A particularly strong explosion or impact sends the vessel careening off in a
28 – 36 new direction. On their next turn, the pilot or captain cannot execute any maneuvers and must
make a Piloting or Sailing check to regain control, with increasing difficulty at higher speed.
Tailspin: All firing from the ship or vehicle suffers until the end of the pilot’s next turn. All crew
37 – 45
are immobilized until the end of the pilot’s next turn.
Component Hit: One component of the attacker’s choice is rendered inoperable until the end of the
46 – 54
next round.
Defenses Failing: Reduce defense in all defense zones by 1 point until the Critical Hit is repaired. If
55 – 63
the ship or vehicle has no defense, suffer 2 points of system strain.
64 – 72 Overwhelming Strain: Increase difficulty of next check by one and suffer 2 points of system strain.
Wear & Tear: The ship or vehicle’s systems are being pushed to the limit. The pilot or captain cannot
73 – 81
voluntarily inflict system strain on the ship until this Critical Hit is repaired.
Hull Breach: Decrease defense in affected defense zone to 0 until this Critical Hit is repaired. Of the
82 – 90
ship or vehicle has no defense, suffer 4 points of system strain.
Engine Damaged: The ship or vehicle’s maximum speed is reduced by 1 point, to a minimum of 1,
91 – 99
until this Critical Hit is repaired.
Armor Overload: The ship or vehicle’s armor buckles completely. Decrease the defense of all
defense zones to 0. This Critical Hit cannot be repaired until the end of the encounter, and the ship
100 – 108
suffers 2 points of system strain. If the ship or vehicle has no defense, reduce armor by 1 until the
Critical Hit is repaired.
Power Down: The ship or vehicle’s maximum speed is reduced to 0 until the Critical Hit is repaired,
109 – 117 although it continues on its present course thanks to momentum. In addition, the vessel cannot
execute any maneuvers until the Critical Hit is repaired.
Major Malfunction: One component of the attacker’s choice is heavily damaged and is inoperable
118 – 126
until the Critical hit is repaired.
Major Hull breach: A huge, gaping tear is torn in the ship’s hull, and the ship begins to sink (into the
water or from the sky). Vehicles stop moving. For ships of silhouette 4 and smaller, the entire vessel
127 – 133
sinks om a number of rounds equal to the ship’s silhouette. Larger ships tend to be highly
compartmentalized and have safeguards against major breaches.
Destabilized: The ship or vehicle’s structural integrity is seriously damaged. Reduce the ship or
134 – 138 vehicle’s hull trauma threshold and system strain threshold to half of their original values until
Fire!: Fire rages through the ship. The ship or vehicle immediately takes 2 points of system strain,
139 – 144 and anyone caught in the fire takes damaged accordingly. A fire can be put out with quick thinking
or appropriate techniques. Larger ships take longer to put out.
Breaking Apart: The vessel has suffered so much damaged that it begins to come apart at its seams,
breaking up and disintegrating around the crew. At the end of the following round, the ship is
145 – 149 completely destroyed, and the surrounding environment is littered with debris. Anyone aboard the
ship or vehicle has one round to board a life raft, bail out, or dive for the nearest hatch before they
are lost.
Vaporized: The vessel is completely destroyed, consumed in a particularly large and dramatic
150+ —
fireball. Nothing survives.

122 | Vehicles | The Second Age

VII – Game Master
Welcome to the first step in becoming an Avatar: The the rules and run the best game possible, but it is more
Second Age Game Master. While running a roleplaying game important that everyone has a good time. When the GM hits
can be challenging, it can also be rewarding in ways different an unexpected situation, or needs a ruling on a game
from those associated with playing individual characters. This mechanic, making a quick judgement call and assessing the
chapter walks new GMs through the information needed to results later is perfectly acceptable.
become an accomplished an entertaining Avatar GM. Novice The GM’s primary goal is to create an entertaining and
and experienced GMs alike should still find useful information memorable game during which everyone has fun. There are
and advice for running this game from both a storytelling and numerous ways to achieve this end, and there can be many
mechanical point of view. challenges along the way. GM and player cooperation creates
The GM has many responsibilities when running a the best environment for an entertaining game. Great ideas
successful game session. The GM creates the overall from any of the participants should not be overlooked.
storyline for the adventure. They interacts constantly with the This chapter delves into additional rules, tools, and other
players, describing the details their characters need to considerations for GMs to run their games. It includes
understand to enjoy the game. The GM plays the part of adventure creation guidelines and mechanical advice for good
everyone the characters meet, and describes everywhere encounter design. It provides advice for dealing with players
they go. They must think on their feet, and be ready to and group dynamics in and out of the game. It gives specific
improvise with characters and changing situations on the fly. GM guidance for using Motivations in character and story
The GM must interpret the game rules and be ready to apply creation.
them in a fair and consistent manner.
Finally, this chapter includes advice on what makes an
This sounds like a lot, but fortunately, a GM need not be adventure or campaign fitting for the Avatar setting. It
perfect in every respect, especially when first starting out. discusses the story elements and types that fit into navigating
Running a roleplaying game for friends doesn’t have to be like the planet’s geography and turmoil.
refereeing a sports event. The GM should want to adjudicate

Additional Rules and Options

This section presents Game Master specific rules, such as The GM may simplify the impact of Motivations on the
fear, and possible alternate versions of some rules. In story by encouraging characters with similar or compatible
addition, it discusses the adjudication of some of the common Motivations to combine them. If the characters have divergent
gray areas in certain rules, such as those involving Motivations, the GM may minimize the story complexity by de-
Motivations. emphasizing Motivation for those players who seem less
interested in using the mechanic, or by incorporating it into
Player Motivations fewer adventures.
Characters should not change their Motivation often.
Motivations are built-in story and roleplaying hooks for both
When they do so, it should be for compelling story reasons,
the player and the GM. The player uses Motivations to inform
not because the bonus XP is too difficult to gain. Some
their character’s reactions to specific situations, offering a
Motivations may naturally end because the characters
level of thought or detail beyond simply responding to the
conclude a story integral to the Motivation. Some Motivations
situation as presented. The GM uses Motivations to link the
change slowly, as a new Motivation begins to dominate the
characters more intimately with the ongoing storyline. Players
character’s life or thinking. Change to Motivations should also
adhering to their characters’ Motivations should be rewarded
be reflected in the adventure or campaign.
with additional XP, as well as more interesting plotlines.

Managing Motivations Incorporating Motivations into

The GM should track player Motivations and how they may the Story
interact with a prepared adventure. Motivations, especially The GM should allow the player to dictate how important their
those determined randomly, may conflict with the PC goals of character’s Motivation is to their experience. Motivation
an adventure. After initial character creation, the GM should focuses on the character’s internal drive and how that
be able to better predict how their Motivations may interact influences their interaction with the world. If the player wants
with the intended plot. to focus on their personal story, or consistently gain the XP
Players may keep their Motivations secret, possibly going awards from adhering to their Motivation, the GM is
as far as establishing a decoy Motivation to cover their real encouraged to incorporate their Motivation in the adventure
one. Secret Motivations add to the depth and tension of the more often.
game, but also harbor possible story (and party) disruption Not all Motivations need to provide deep story hooks. If a
when the secret is revealed. If the party has widely divergent player is more comfortable reacting to situations as they
Motivations, the GM should be prepared to step in should unfold, rather than dealing with a super-secret background
player feelings be hurt if opposing Motivations are revealed. history with surprise appearances by past enemies or events,

The Second Age | Game Master | 123

Table 7-1: States of Fear
State of Fear Check Difficulty Example(s)
Something momentarily frightening, such as someone
Startled leaping out of a closet to surprise you, or unsettling
circumstances like being alone in a spiritual place.
Confronting something supernatural or spiritual, such as
Spooked furniture that moves when you’re not looking, or voices in
an empty place, being stalked by a dangerous animal.
Actual dark spirits and other obviously spiritual occurrences,
Frightened being hunted by a pack of wild animals or malevolent
humans, danger that appears eminent or could be mortal.
Being actively hunted by a malevolent being or creature, or
Mortally Afraid
facing a situation likely to result in your death.
A hopeless and utterly terrifying situation, combat against
Utterly Terrified
incomprehensible beings.
then the GM should allow them to play that style. Some relentlessly. Equalists, still bitter at the loss and betrayal of
players are happy to simply use their Motivation to justify their their leader Amon, use the fear of benders as a motivation and
current actions. wield it as a weapon against their enemies. War, combat,
The potential interaction of character Motivations can intimidating adversaries, and environmental hazards may
inspire the GM to weave a complex storyline, complete with instill fear in anyone, anywhere.
surprises from past or unknown connections between Within the game, fear is countered by the Discipline skill,
characters. This approach works best if the details trickle out and occasionally the Vigilance skill. Like any other skill check,
during the adventure, foreshadowing larger revelations. the GM sets the difficulty and adds the appropriate dice to the
However, an unexpected connection or reveal can add more character’s dice pool. Interpreting the dice pool results is key
tension or shock to an already climactic scene. to determining the effects of fear, even on a successful roll.
The Discipline or Vigilance skill check represents the
Rewarding Motivations character's ability to act in the face of fear, not necessarily the
Players should be rewarded for sticking to their Motivations, level of fear a character may feel.

When to Make a Fear Check

especially when circumstances in the game cause them to
stray from their ideals. Outside of the XP rewards given at the
end of a session, a player who adheres to their character’s Any time Discipline or Vigilance is used to counter fear it is
Motivation should receive some sort of in-game reward, such called a fear check. Not every frightening situation requires a
as a useful item, helpful information, or an advantageous fear check; they should be restricted to unusual
situation. This reward works best when the character circumstances or the first time a character experiences a
adamantly sticks to their Motivation, even if it runs counter to particularly frightening situation. A character fighting a pirate
the goals of the group or otherwise impacts play. probably doesn’t need to make a check. But if the pirate’s
Conversely, characters not sticking to their Motivations infamous captain turns the corner, a check may be
should not be penalized. Motivations are there to guide a appropriate.
character’s choices, not dictate them. In fact, there are many The frequency of fear checks is determined by the GM.
times in which a character must set aside their own Motivation Typically, once a fear check is rolled, the GM should not
for the betterment of the group or to move the story along. require another check for the same source of fear during the
Mechanically, the reward for adhering to a Motivation is same encounter, unless the circumstances significantly
simple: 5 XP per session, with a rare chance for a 10 XP change. The GM might require more fear checks in a story
reward for an exceptional session. Additional rewards are not where fear is a key element. A character who is constantly
usually necessary, as they become regular awards normally afraid of losing their ship or a loved one might be required to
integrated into the campaign. make more checks to reflect their ongoing concern and stress.

Motivation XP bonuses should not be automatically Typically, the effects of fear are determined by the results
achievable in every game session. If possible, the GM should of a Discipline check. However, if the character has had time
use rewards or story issues to make sticking to a Motivation a to prepare for the situation, and is not taken by surprised, the
real choice. The character gains the bonus XP, but loses out GM may allow the character to use a Vigilance check instead.
on some other reward and causes difficulty with the plot or
other characters. Sticking to a Motivation should be an Determining Fear Difficulty
interesting, and sometimes difficult, choice. Otherwise, the The difficulty of a fear check is a combination of circumstance
bonus XP is too easily achievable. and the individual experiencing the fear. No two people
respond the same way to a frightening situation. Where an
Using Fear untrained farmer might freeze in fear when a fight breaks out,
a trained soldier may act with confidence and effectiveness.
The world is filled with frightful creatures, situations, and even This is not to say that the soldier is unafraid; it means that they
people. Wild creatures like the moose lion hunt their prey are better trained to deal with the fear.

124 | Game Master | The Second Age

The initial difficulty of the situation is based on a person  Failure: The character adds to each action they
without prior experience in the events in question. The takes during the encounter.
difficulty of the check can also be upgraded depending on the  Threat: The character suffers a number of strain
circumstances at hand. Upgrades usually depend on the equal to the number of f. If the check generates
circumstances of the check or the details of the creature or hhh or more, the character can be staggered for
character causing the fear. The GM may add Setback to their first turn, instead.
represent other aspects of the situation, such as surprise. The  Despair: The character is incredible frightened and
GM may also add Bonus and other beneficial dice if the increases the difficulty of all checks by one until the
character’s resolve is supported by powerful allies or other end of the encounter.
beneficial aid.  Success: The character avoids any fear effects
except those triggered by h.
Effects of Fear  Advantage: Gain on the character’s first check. If
The GM should interpret the results of the dice pool. Some multiple a, grant to an additional player’s first
creatures or talents may dictate aspects of the results of a fear check.
check they trigger. The GM may also create additional effects.  Triumph: Can be spent to cancel all previous
h and a carry effects regardless of success and failure. If penalties from fear checks, or spent to ensure the
multiple fear checks are needed, these results may cancel out character need not make any additional fear checks
effects from earlier rolls. during the encounter, no matter the source.
Some suggested effects are as follows:

Adventures with the Avatar

What if, along the course of their adventures, the players characters who initially have no relationship to the Avatar, or
encounter the Avatar? What if your party decides to explore even one that begins as antagonistic—though it is not
another era in the Avatar saga, living among Kyoshi or Roku recommended to foster adversarial relationships within the
…or an Avatar yet-to-be-named? Perhaps the setting is made party.
up altogether, taking place in one of the many forgotten Regardless of the party’s composition, it is important to
periods of time. Who is the Avatar and what is their role in this consider that an Avatar character, NPC or PC, not dominate
world? the stage. Every player is at the table to have fun and enjoy
Whether as an NPC or as a player character, a GM should roleplaying their own hero in time.
not be without the tools necessary to facilitate a game where
the Avatar is core to the experience. The Four Elements
The Avatar’s Role Unique among the benders across the world, only the Avatar
can wield and master the use of all four elements, beginning
A central and recurring theme of Avatar: The Last Airbender with the bending art of their own birth nation. In general, this
and Avatar: The Legend of Korra is the notion that the should not impose much of a burden on the Game Master, or
Avatar—the person—is the human embodiment of the Avatar an Avatar PC.
Spirit Raava. As the only physical being capable of wielding An Avatar character may access all basic forms
all four elements, it has been the Avatar’s duty to master the accessible to the element in question. An Avatar PC may
four bending arts and use that power to maintain balance in acquire master forms as normal, according to the GM’s
the world, and to act as a mediator between spirits and discretion. In the same regard, an NPC Avatar will have
mankind. whichever basic and master forms deemed necessary for the
As a character in your game, the Avatar’s presence story, as determined by the GM. For a player whose character
necessarily carries with it much gravitas. The choices they is the Avatar, there should be some consideration as to what
make will ripple much farther and far wider than those of other elements the Avatar can wield at the start of the game, and
characters. As a Player Character, and a member of a party, how they will acquire new ones.
this can translate into dramatic turning points in the narrative,
and far too much influence given to a single player. While this Mastering the Elements
section offers advice on how to handle such a character from The traditional order in which an Avatar masters the four
a rules perspective, an approach to the Avatar’s impact on the elements is Fire, Air, Water, and Earth beginning with the
narrative falls largely on the GM’s shoulders. element of the nation or culture into which they are born.
A GM should be mindful of the Avatar’s role in the world Hence Avatar Aang was born an Air Nomad and mastered
and actively find ways to involve the Avatar’s companions; the airbending before learning and mastering waterbending, then
decisions made by PCs should carry weight regardless of earthbending, and finally firebending.
whether they are the Avatar. The simplest approach is to The Avatar begins the game with access to the basic
consider the party to be “team Avatar,” where each non- forms of their native element as usual. Generally, the Avatar
Avatar PC is one of the Avatar’s fateful companions, cannot access the other three elements without substantial
instructors, or allies. The players may instead choose to play narrative cause. They must learn the element from an

The Second Age | Game Master | 125

instructor, study it from it a scroll, attempt it on their own, or As the GM, you get to decide how this turmoil impacts the
even spend a Story Point. In each example, the specific Avatar NPC or PC. Perhaps they suffer a number of on all
approach is the discretion of the GM. Ultimately, the GM (and checks with that element, or maybe even downgrade their
perhaps the Avatar player) can decide on how the Avatar Bending Arts skill. Or, you could simply make the forms
learns and develops these abilities. It may even depend on inherently more difficult to execute for the Avatar.
the adventure’s setting.
Does the Avatar know they’re the Avatar? This can Simultaneous Bending
present a number of dramatic themes around which a GM The Avatar is capable of bending more than one element
could direct a whole campaign. Consider the journey of Aang simultaneously, though usually this mastery is seen only when
and his friends. It took Aang many adventures over the course the Avatar State has been activated. Avatar Aang first
of a year to travel the world in search of bending masters to demonstrated this ability while stranded in the desert, when
teach him the element. This same theme could be a central he bent water from a cloud into Katara's water pouch while
feature of your own campaign: seeking a teacher, mastering flying with airbending at the same time, and again in Ba Sing
the four elements, and becoming a “fully realized” Avatar— Se when he used his earthbending to recreate a zoo while
one who has mastered the four elements and the Avatar traveling on the air scooter made by his airbending.
State. Traveling the world and retracing a past Avatar’s Mechanically, a character can only perform a single action
footsteps may be enjoyable for the entire party. It gives an during their turn with few rare exceptions. In the case of the
Avatar PC some something to strive for and, when Avatar, who can perform two or more techniques
accomplished, a satisfactory gaming experience. The tension simultaneously, we recommend that the GM follow rules
and drama which inevitably arise from the conflict of crossing similar to those defined for Two Weapon Fighting. The
political borders, interfering in local affairs, and being the character should choose a primary form, and designate all
Avatar could make for a memorable campaign. others as secondary forms. As a mechanical balance, an
Since an Avatar PC will likely gain experience points at the Avatar can only attempt up to two forms at once in this way
same rate of other players, one recommendation is to permit unless they are in the Avatar State.
the Avatar PC to acquire the master forms of their native Because forms may be keyed to a different Characteristic,
element at a discount of 5 XP (to a minimum of 5 XP). This the Avatar must use whichever Characteristic is lowest to
could represent the Avatar’s inherent spirit-infused abilities, build the dice pool. Then compare the difficulty of the forms
and a native predisposition for their birth element. In this way, and selects the check with the highest base difficulty. Finally,
once an Avatar begins branching out into the other elements, upgrade the difficulty a number of times equal to the total
they will not be forced to sink all of their XP into a single number of elements being used. For example, if the Avatar is
element to feel effective. The GM should not forget the using both a firebending and waterbending Attack form, the
suggestions in the section on Masters later in this chapter difficulty will be upgraded twice.
which talk about the XP discounts toward learning and
upgrading forms with the assistance of a bending instructor. If the Avatar succeeds on their Bending Arts skill check,
This discount will greatly aide an Avatar character whose duty they hit with their primary form as normal. They may then
it is to seek out and learn the four elements from a master spend aa to activate the effect of secondary forms as well;
anyway. if there is more than one secondary form, each must be
activated separately with aa. A t can be used to activate
Inner Conflict any number of secondary forms at once.

The Avatar State

Each Avatar has a particular element with which a low affinity
is established, dictated by the personality of that Avatar. This
element can be difficult to learn, sometimes proving
The strongest and most powerful ability that the Avatar can
impossible to control until faced with a situation in which the
invoke is the Avatar State. It allows the Avatar to channel vast
Avatar is forced to reach within and manifest the power. This
cosmic energies and the knowledge of previous Avatars,
is a core concept from the series and its one we recommend
granting them increased strength and the ability to perform
the GM and players adopt into their own stories featuring the
especially powerful and extraordinary feats of bending. While
in this state, the Avatar has access to bending techniques they
Although it is often the opposing element to the one of the may not have learned in their current lifetime, but has no
Avatar's birth nation, this is not always the case. Avatar Roku conscious control over the resulting actions which can cause
found mastering waterbending particularly difficult, and great collateral damage.
earthbending was difficult for Avatar Aang. Despite being a
It is possible for an Avatar to control the Avatar State, but
native waterbender, Korra actually favored her opposite
this requires great spiritual discipline and concentration. An
element and instead found mastering airbending the most
Avatar with full mastery of the Avatar State has conscious
challenging due to her brash and direct nature, contrary to
control over the State and can enter and exit it at will—this is
airbending's philosophy of contemplation, measured action,
what is considered a “fully realized” Avatar. Indeed, gaining
and avoidance of conflict.
control over the Avatar State should be a central theme to any
This tension drives the drama of the plot. Which element campaign featuring the Avatar as a PC, as it serves as yet
does the Avatar struggle with, and what sort of self-actualizing another plothook for the player to explore the Avatar as a
journey will the character need to take in order to overcome character concept.
this mental and spiritual obstacle? The resolution to such an
inner conflict could be its own adventure.

126 | Game Master | The Second Age

Activating the Avatar State The straightforward approach would be to simply lower the
difficulty or strain requirements of any form the character uses
A fully realized Avatar is one who has mastery not only over while in the Avatar State. But what if you want to differentiate
all four elements, but over the Avatar State as well. This between the reflexive use and masterful use of this state?
means that they can enter and exit into this state at-will. After all, the PC should be rewarded with greater benefits if
Additionally, the Avatar may unconsciously enter the State in they set out to master the Avatar State; otherwise, what stops
response to perception of mortal danger, utilizing the State as them from relying on its reflexive form?
a defense mechanism, or when under emotional distress.
Unconscious activation of the state should grant the
Reflexively character access to unlearned master forms. In addition,
upgrade the character’s ability ( ) twice when making a
When the State activates without the Avatar calling on it, the
Bending Arts skill check; upgrade the difficulty ( ) twice to
Avatar's eyes glow white constantly, and Raava's spirit allows
reflect the possibility for disastrous consequences of
for active channeling of the energy, skills, and knowledge of
unleashing this raw and unchecked power.
past Avatars through the body of the current Avatar, heavily
augmenting the current incarnation's bending abilities. However, if the player activates the Avatar State at-will,
the benefit may be a decreased level of difficulty across the
The State works this way almost exclusively when it is
board, or a reduction of strain cost. You may permit upgrading
triggered as an instinctive, unconscious reaction, a 'defense
the Bending Arts skill check twice, but without the upgraded
mechanism' for when an Avatar's physical capabilities would
be insufficient to confront the current threat, or in situations of
extreme emotion, specifically rage and sorrow. When the Limitations
State is triggered this way, the current Avatar has little to no
In terms of use, the GM should impose some restrictions on
control over the performed actions and may retain little to no
the activation of this unique and godlike ability. A general
memory of what happened, though this is not always the case.
recommendation is to limit the activation of the Avatar State
If the Avatar suffers enough wounds or strain to exceed a to once per session, like a Heroic Ability. Though, perhaps the
respective threshold, the character is not incapacitated and player can always activate the Avatar state by spending a
the Avatar State is reflexively triggered and lasts until the end Story Point.
of the character’s next turn, or if they suffer damage, at which
If you decide that the Avatar suffers no strain to use
point the character is knocked out.
bending forms while in the Avatar State, then when they exit
A player or GM might use a Story Point to invoke the the state they should suffer strain equal to their threshold,
Avatar State if it has not been mastered, or the GM may representing the sheer exhaustion we see the Avatar suffer
simply ask the player to make an appropriately difficult throughout the series when this state is invoked. This
Resilience or Discipline, causing the Avatar to pass into the limitation is strongly encouraged, since no one wants to see
Avatar State if they fail. While in a reflexive Avatar State, the the only one character dominate each and every encounter;
Avatar PC has little control over their actions until the they may be central to the plot of the series, but the supporting
character can be calmed down or otherwise subdued— cast of characters should always feel like they serve a role in
typically, this means incapacitation or healing them so that the group as well.
they no longer exceed their wound or strain threshold.

Masterful Mastering the Avatar State

In the series, we see Guru Pathik attempted to teach Aang to
When the State is used intentionally, the Avatar's eyes glow
control the Avatar State by helping him clear his chakras, but
momentarily, and during that time the current Avatar stores
Aang could not let go of Katara in exchange for cosmic power.
the knowledge and energy needed so that it can be released
Fire Sage Kaja informed Roku to clear his mind, but Roku
once exiting the State, taking only the power needed for a
found emptying his mind of thoughts to be quite challenging
specific task.
and was initially unable to do so. Keep in mind, the Avatar
This reduces the danger of being killed in the Avatar State State is often activated by danger or emotional turmoil.
and enables a more willful, controlled use of the Avatar State's
Indeed, learning to control the Avatar State is a crucial rite
power. This can only be done by an Avatar who has mastered
of passage through which all avatars must prevail. The road
the State as it is a conscious use rather than an instinctual
should not be easy, even for a prodigal practitioner of the
response. Mastery of this technique is part of what
bending arts. There are countless stories about past avatars
distinguishes an Avatar as "fully realized".
who, in their attempt to master the Avatar State, caused great
A character may suffer 3 strain to activate the Avatar State destruction in their unbridled and powerful form. In his youth,
by performing a maneuver. Avatar Roku accidentally caused a volcano in the Fire Islands
to erupt leading to the creation of Crescent Island. Such risks
Using the Avatar State in Play should be present in any story you try to tell involving the
As discussed, the Avatar State can be used as a defense Avatar.
mechanism or to enhance the character’s own abilities. In Learning to control the Avatar State should be a source of
game terms, this translates to narrative and mechanical conflict for any Avatar character whether controlled by a
benefits. While this section outlines a few examples of what player or the GM. The journey to becoming a fully realized
may be possible, you may decide to implement additional Avatar should not be an easy one; the GM should challenge
features. the players, and the Avatar PC in particular, on the road to
spiritual enlightenment. The adventures and encounters

The Second Age | Game Master | 127

The Avatar Narrative
experienced by the party should include many trials targeting
the Avatar character, and encouraging the use of bending to
arrive at creative solutions to puzzles, combat, and other
With a character as powerful and near-omnipotent as the
Avatar, it can be challenging to facilitate a game where the

The Spirit World players feel like their characters’ actions carry weight; that
their choices matter. If you have an Avatar NPC, consider the
As part spirit, the Avatar possesses an innate connection to central conflict of your adventure, or your campaign overall.
the Spirit World and is at their strongest in that realm, due to Ask yourself, “Why isn’t the Avatar stopping this?” If you can’t
being surrounded by spiritual energy. The Avatar must use think of a reason, maybe it’s time the players met the Avatar,
their connection to the Spirit World to be the bridge between or try to think of a plausible scenario for the Avatar’s absence.
the two worlds in order to keep peace between them and In The Second Age, that scenario is the disappearance
ensure harmony. of Avatar Korra after she defeats Zaheer. In The Legend of
Using the Discipline skill, it should be possible for the Korra, Korra’s retreat lasts for three years and the world
Avatar character to attempt to cross into the Spirit World at- continues turning in her absence. Notably, the Earth Kingdom
will; visits to the Spirit World in this way are not physical is being reorganized after the collapse of the monarchy.
journeys, and as a result the Avatar cannot use their bending Warlords, governors, petty kings, raiders, and would-be
abilities unless they enter the Spirit World physically through emperors all are vying for control in this power vacuum. Enter:
means such as a portal. the players, stage right.
Of course you can choose to allow one of your players to
The Avatar Cycle assume the Avatar character, someone familiar or unknown.
When the human Avatar invariably dies, the Avatar Spirit You can play during any time or era in the history of Avatar—
reincarnates the Avatar into a new human child, born into the known or unknown. With named Avatars, we have some
next nation of the cycle. The Avatar Cycle is based on the context for their actions and their lives; we see the struggles
passage of the four seasons, which coincides with the order faced by Avatars Kuruk, Kyoshi, and Roku. But if you decide
in which the first Avatar, Wan, first learned the elements; fire to invent your own Avatar, in a past yet to be remembered (or
related to summer, air to autumn, water to winter, and earth a future yet to be born), you’ll have to consider how they fit in
to spring. This is also the traditional order in which any to your world. Are they a driving force, or a passive observer?

Central Tension
incarnation masters the elements, usually beginning with the
bending art of their own culture.
A key source of drama throughout the series, the cycle is Just one of the many ways a story can be told, the central
said to only be broken if the Avatar is killed in the Avatar State. tension is the main problem of the story and is often the driving
However, we see that during Harmonic Convergence, the force behind a plot. In The Last Airbender, the central tension
cycle can also be ended by destroying the bond between the is the inevitable confrontation with the Fire Lord. In The
human host and Raava. Legend of Korra, it could be argued that the central tension
across all four seasons is Korra’s internal struggle to fulfill her
Energybending duty as the Avatar in a world that felt like it no longer needed
the Avatar.
The Avatar also possesses the ability to bend energy itself, Unsurprisingly, a core tenet of the Avatar series is that the
although few Avatars have learned this technique, and even plot centers on its titular character. Thus the stories you tell
fewer have used it. may also revolve around this character and their impact on
Avatar Aang learned to bend the energy of life itself from the world.

the last living lion turtle and used it to remove Phoenix King
Ozai's firebending, ending the Hundred Year War. He later
used it to end Yakone's reign of terror in Republic City by When you include the Avatar in your narrative, you should
stripping him of his waterbending. Korra was also taught this expect the party’s actions to have potentially considerable
ability after connecting with Aang when she lost her bending. outcomes; the mere presence of the Avatar may escalate your
Aang used this ability to restore her bending and she likewise narrative to extremes—or it may serve as a counterbalance to
did the same for Lin Beifong and many other victims of Amon's the party, keeping them in check. The Avatar may even be the
unique technique. antagonist (perhaps the players threw the world out of
While the series only ever really shows energybending in balance by starting a border dispute).
its capacity to give or take away bending ability it is Whether the Avatar is an NPC or a Player Character,
reasonable to imagine that the technique may be used to consider the following questions, as the answer to each can
create a broad range of spiritual effects. It is possible that have a considerable impact on the narrative of your
spiritbending is subtype of energybending, for example. adventures.
Much like the Avatar State, the use of this ability should  About how old is the Avatar? Do they know they are
be limited to once-per-session and should be relevant to the the Avatar?
narrative circumstances leading up to its use. What the ability  What is the public opinion toward the Avatar? Are
can accomplish is entirely dependent upon the story unfolding they revered or feared? Loved or hated? Admired or
at your own table. admonished?

128 | Game Master | The Second Age

 What are the major factions in your world and who of whom is the Avatar) in the middle of a chase and tell them,
are their leaders? How might their ambitions come “The Avatar is being hunted down!” As the GM, figuring out
into conflict with the Avatar? ‘Who’ and ‘Why’ can be informed by the actions taken by the
 Does the Avatar have a specific antagonist or players.
nemesis? Are they being hunted down or otherwise Perhaps less important than who the antagonists are, you
persecuted? as the GM must know who the PCs are: what do they need?
Your answers to these questions, and countless others What would they do next? When you consider the motivations
which will arise over the course of play, will shape the world of not just the players, but their characters, you add a level of
in which the PCs are dropped. Many of these questions can emotional authenticity to the story.
be used to determine what the driving force of your adventure
even is. It would be relatively simple to start your players (one

Adventures in the Spirit World

No adventure in the Avatar world is complete without at least characters notice, and really leverage their motivations to
one encounter in the Spirit World, or with a spirit. This section highlight unusual happenings in the Spirit World. Furthermore,
comprises some suggestions and helpful tips to keep in mind use the characters’ emotional state to paint the scene. We
when trying to breathe life into such an experience. This learn from Uncle Iroh himself that “in the Spirit World, your
section does not provide a narrative description of the Spirit emotions become your reality.”
World or the names of spirits and places one might find there.
For that information, see Chapter VIII: The Avatar Setting. Inhabitants of the Spirit
The Spirit World World
The Spirit World is a parallel plane of reality that coexists
Many odd and unknowable beings call the Spirit World their
alongside the physical world inhabited by humans. It is home
home. Odder still is their tendency to feel human and familiar
to the spirits, a vast range of immortal, supernatural entities
despite their seemingly alien personalities and appearances.
that often embody different aspects of life and nature.
Just like people, not all spirits are hostile and aggressive, and
Setting the Mood not all of them are talkative and friendly. They have their own
wants, needs and desires.
Setting the stage can be challenging in an otherworldly place.
After all, ours is the only world from which we can draw Personalities and Disposition
inspiration (which, thankfully, includes every known work of
A spirits’ disposition simply describes the nature of their
fiction in existence). Still, encounters and adventures in the
relationship with the PCs, while their personality describes
Spirit World should stand apart from those the player
how they behave.
experience in the physical world.
Their dispositions are as varied as human beings. They
Describing the Atmosphere may be hostile or wary, aggressive or cautious, neutral, or
One of the Spirit World’s key features illustrated throughout even friendly and talkative. Some spirits may even have a
the series is just how alien the environment really is. It can special request or purpose to ask of you, depending on who
challenging to describe a world you’ve never experienced, they are and the nature of the spirit. Since spirits can be just
and the source material only offers a few glimpses into this as capricious as human beings, these requests could be
alternate reality. literally anything from helping the spirit protect a small flock of
creatures to escorting them to a new watering hole to helping
When describing a foreign and unusual locale, stick to the spirit destroy their rivals or find a lost city. The spirit may
what you know about your own environment; consider what it simple be sad and lonely, or nostalgic and feeling forgotten
smells like, what sounds you hear, the colors you find naturally because their villages have abandoned or forgotten them.
occurring. You might even consider the way the air tastes, or
the different tactile sensations one can experience. Think of When creating a new spirit for the party to interact with,
all the things that you may have grown blind to and then flip you should consider its Motivations. You can refer to the ones
them on their head. in the Genesys Core Rulebook, or choose your own. Use
the tables below as guidelines for making your own spirits on
You might describe a location as devoid of color and the fly, or in advance.
sound, which could heighten the sense of unease. Perhaps
the constellations on the horizon become a swirling, ever- Unique Abilities
changing display of endless fractals. Don’t be afraid to throw
Nearly all spirits possess unique characteristics and features
normal, mundane things amidst the chaos. Give the locales
that distinguish them from the animals and humans found in
specific themes: maybe a spirit’s entire domain is geometry-
the physical world. While several of these key features have
based, and everything is sharp and angular. There might be a
been codified (see Spirit Adversaries on page 196), it would
random pyramid in the players’ periphery, always out of reach
be impossible to draft rules for every possible ability a spirit
of direct sight.
might possess. When considering abilities, look to pre-
No matter the location, consider the Player Characters as published adversaries and take liberal inspiration.
well. Encourage them to describe strange sights their

The Second Age | Game Master | 129

Traveling From, To, and The Relationship between Spirits and
Within the Spirit World Spirits are often pushed into violence by the greed and damage
people do to nature. During the Winter Solstice, Hei Bei
Travel between the Spirit World and the physical world is not
attacked a village. But the greatest power that spirits have are
uncommon, and there is no one way to achieve this journey.
their abilities to affect nature and bending.
Be careful, though…something, or someone, could follow you
back. The best example of this is in the Siege of the North in Avatar:
The Last Airbender. When Admiral Zhao stabs the Moon Spirit,
Humans in the Spirit World he essentially removed the source of waterbending power. In
Travel within the spirit world can be precarious at best, and this, a direct source of bending change occurred. While other
dangerous at worst. spirits do not necessarily affect bending like that, other spiritual
Enlightened humans have and can enter the Spirit World entities (such as the spirit vines) could affect nature and even
through meditation, focus, and years of practiced discipline. It go far as to trap people and drag their souls to the Spirit World.
has been said that a person's soul can only remain in the Spirit
World for a short period of time. A prolonged absence from

Spirituality and Belief

the body causes strain that inevitably leads to an individual's
death. Thus, a person who enters the Spirit World without their
body has only a limited amount of time. You may represent
Spiritual beliefs in the world are defined mostly through
this process overall as a Discipline check to enter into the
respecting various spirits affiliated with nature, with the
Spirit World, and a Resilience check if the character remains
exception of the Air Nomads. Individual nations have regional
too long. People who enter the Spirit World in this way are
variations, as might be expected.
capable of thinking themselves into any location within the
Spirit World that they know about. All beings in the world are either mortal creatures or spirits,
but this distinction is not absolute. In rare cases, it is possible
It is also possible to enter the Spirit World physically. It is
for a spirit to relinquish its immortality and acquire physical
stated throughout the series that one’s physical body is
form to join the mortal realm or for a mortal being to transcend
necessary in order to bend in the Spirit World. As such, only
into the Spirit World upon death.
humans who enter the Spirit World through the spirit portals
will retain their bending abilities. Of course, access to this
ethereal realm is not limited to benders; any human with
Spirits Becoming Mortal
access to a spirit portal can enter the Spirit World. Spirits can transcend into the mortal realm by transforming
into a physical, mortal body, which can be an animal or a
Individuals who are physically present in the Spirit World
human. Examples of this include Tui and La, the Moon and
may find the experience jarring for reasons other than what
Ocean spirits respectively. While this allows the spirit to truly
they see and hear. Time may fluctuate here differently than it
become a part of the physical realm, they abandon their
does in the physical world. Healing and recovery may also be
immortality in doing so, which means they can be killed as
affected. You can really sell the unease and otherworldliness
easily as any other mortal creature. That being said, they may
of the Spirit World by deciding simply that a good night’s rest
still remain ageless, that is to say, not die of old age.
cannot happen in the Spirit World, and thus strain cannot be
fully healed all at once—for example.
Mortals Becoming Spirits
Of course when the PCs have decided they’ve finished A mortal can either transcend as a spirit either upon death if
with their spiritual journey, it should suffice to simply let them they so choose, if special circumstances are met, or as
return the same way they arrived. However, this, too, may punishment for trifling with other spirits by separating their
become more complicated if the PCs find their original body from their soul. Upon doing so, the mortal leaves their
passageway barred to entry. An entire adventure could spring body behind and continues as an immortal spirit, retaining
out of being trapped in the Spirit World and needing to find a their memories and personality. Over time, however, their
way home! original personalities usually change and they become more

Spirits in the Physical World detached. Some people can transcend and live in the Spirit
World, like Iroh, Hundun, and the past Avatars.
Though some spirits are intelligent and express an
understanding of human language and emotion, many spirits
are portrayed as little more than ethereal creatures not unlike
The Spirit-Touched
the birds in the sky or fish in the rivers. Spirits can and often A sadly unexplored phenomena, the series demonstrates that
do migrate into the physical world for as many reasons as it is possible for mortals and spirits to fuse beyond mere
there are spirits; migration, better food and shelter, or even possession, leaving a mortal being with spiritual
more human motivations all drive spirits to seek greener characteristics. It is possible for a spirit to absorb a human and
pastures. vice versa, and a spirit may even grant a human unique and
special abilities at the cost of their personality. Little is known
about this change, and the potential side effects on the human

130 | Game Master | The Second Age

In The Second Age, many humble heroes like General
characters are emergent in Iroh, or Toph Beifong, or even
their bending abilities, only nonbenders like Guru Pathik.
just beginning to discover Apprentices, especially the
their connection to the natural Avatar, owed their masters a
world and the spirits. Many in debt of gratitude and likely
this era are unaware of their would not have triumphed
true potential, because for without the wisdom and
modernity bending has knowledge of their teachers.
become a mundane Many would later go on to
spectacle and utilitarian become mentors to other
resource. Benders are forced young benders, as well.
to learn what they can on their Masters typically come in
own, or search for guidance in a variety of archetypes
ancient, hard-to-find throughout all kinds of media.
documents. However, a lucky You should familiarize
(and sometimes wealthy) few yourself with any number of
enjoy the guidance of a your favorite stories, as you’ll
master who teaches students be certain to find a mentoring
how to control and shape the figure. Some of those
elements. archetypes follow.
Below you will find The master was once in
guidance for using masters in the hero’s shoes. Though
The Second Age campaigns, your heroes have begun an
exploring how the master unusual journey, the master
archetype is used in Avatar to has been in exactly their
enhance a story. A suggested process is provided for creating shoes before.
master NPCs with rich histories and personalities, as well as
guidance for creating a master’s stat block. The master appears disheveled or behaves erratically.
The master’s behavior or appearance give the player’s the
Guiding Voice impression that they might be doomed right from the start.
The master is a social outcast, or misfit. Another
The master is a classic literary archetype common to heroic classic trope, the master just does not fit in to the very society
fiction throughout the ages. The primary role of masters is to they is trying to introduce the heroes to.
share their knowledge and wisdom with less experienced
The master is scornful, unreliable, or forceful. An
heroes. Avatar has many such characters throughout its
abrasive master can cast doubt on a master which can be
canon, the most iconic of whom may perhaps be the Dragon
used to amplify just how important the master’s teachings will
of the West, Uncle Iroh. However, masters can have a darker
come to be.
counterpart who tempts and lures the hero toward a less noble
path. In mythology, this is the Trickster, another timeless
archetype. This character also possesses secret knowledge Creating a Master
and experience. Avatar’s trickster would be Princess Azula,
Masters can be pivotal figures in any bender’s story (even
who tempts and taunts Prince Zuko throughout his
nonbenders can benefit from masters), making the creation of
masters an important step for any game that intends to include
Researching classic literary mentors can be helpful in them. This section helps GMs create masters with colorful
designing mast figures for The Second Age, and GMs with histories, rich personalities, and unique statistics. While this
well-designed and well-played masters can elevate a good section allows quick master generation, it is wise to carefully
game to a great one. Masters can have their own story arcs consider how a mentor figure fits into a campaign. GMs could
that allow their relationships with their students to grow and further enrich masters with Backgrounds and Motivations.
evolve over the course of a campaign. They can also have
While most masters are powerful benders, some might not
storied histories, which the GM can reveal in bits and pieces
be able to bend the elements at all. Perhaps the mentor is a
over the course of play. These elements can combine to form
master swordsman, or an eccentric inventor, or a renowned
a satisfying subplot that helps provide continuity between
martial artist. Masters might have worked closely with
adventures while also providing tangible benefits to the party.
benders, as Master Piandao did in his work with the White
Iconic Masters Lotus. A scholar who has studied the history of the Four
Nations can also be a suitable mentor. Masters who are
The Avatar universe is brimming with classic mentor figures nonbenders can still benefit substantially from the creation
from which GMs can take inspiration to craft their own, unique process.
masters and instructors. Noble rulers like King Bumi, and

The Second Age | Game Master | 131

Master History masters. To start, all Masters should be nemesis-level NPCs.
GMs should feel free to create their own nemesis-level NPCs
Masters aren’t born as such; they’re former students with a or even modify the stat blocks included in Chapter IX:
history of their own filled with adventures, mistakes, and Adversaries & Creatures to create their own masters.
lessons learned. GMs should consider three important
questions to summarize a master’s pertinent history: First, Master Skills
how did the master acquire their skills? Second, what did the When building a master for the party, the GM should look at
master do during (or after) the Hundred Year War? Finally, the master’s skill suite, choose half of the skills listed, and give
how has the master integrated to the general peacetime which the master two ranks in each of those skills. The GM should
followed? take the other half of the skills listed and give the master four
Even the most broad and basic answers to these open- ranks each in those skills.
ended questions should provide GMs with a framework of the Finally, the GM should select two skills not listed in the skill
master’s prior experiences. After each question, potential suite. The master should gain one rank each in those skills, to
answers are explored to guide and inspire GMs to create represent how diverse and well-rounded their experiences
unique histories. Even if the mentor has little interest in are.
reminiscing with the PCs, considering these questions
provides something to latch onto when playing the character. Master Talents
In addition to the talents listed for any particular nemesis
Master Personality template, GMs can select an additional five talents, ignoring
To get a sense of a master’s personality, there are some tree prerequisites. However, if a talent requires having
general mentoring styles and complications to consider as a another talent to activate (such as an Improved or Supreme
starting place. Creating a teaching style to define how the talent), the improved talent cannot function without the base
master interacts with their students can guide the GM into talent.
acting as the character.
Master Bending Forms
Teaching Style To determine what forms and improvements a master
All teachers seek to share knowledge and wisdom, but there possess, the master first gets all of the basic forms of the
are as many approaches to teaching as there are grains of appropriate element. Then, add the PCs’ collective ranks in
sand in the Si Wong Desert. When creating a master, the GM the Discipline skill. The GM can select a number of master
should carefully consider what their teaching style is meant to forms for the character equal to the party’s combined ranks.
reflect. The GM might decide that the master behaves
differently toward specific members of the party. Some Using a Master
masters might have a different style for each student, tailoring
methods to get the best from each. Once per game session, a Player Character may attempt to
learn their next skill rank, Bending Form, Form upgrade, or
Teaching Complications talent from their master at a reduced XP cost. The attempt to
Few mentors are perfect. Most have already seen war, learn is based on a skill check with a difficulty equal to the cost
experienced great loss, and endured traumatic events. Some of the Skill, Form, Talent, or upgrade divided by 5. Doing this
wear the scars of the past physically, but most carry wounds signifies that you are buying that ability during the session,
much deeper. When bending students seek instruction, they regardless of success, and requires you to have enough XP
may find their mentor needs rescuing from inner demons to buy the ability at normal XP cost.
before they can receive any instruction. This applies for any PC who knows an NPC who can teach
GMs should use complications as an opportunity to them, such as a bending Master, a war veteran, a scholar, or
explore a master’s character flaws. Complications can later anyone who has the ability and is willing to teach the PC.
the means by which PCs interact with their master, or create The check takes 24 in-game hours and represents the
new problems for the PCs that can serve as adventure hooks character investing the time and effort toward learning from
or complicate existing quests. their instructor. This amount of time can be broken up over the
Complications are also an excellent way to help the GM course of several in-game days. The PC will benefit from this
create a character arc for a master. Overcoming one once the in-game time requirement has been satisfied, or the
complication while adding more creates a sense of narrative end of the game session occurs, whichever comes first.
thrust as the mentor grows and changes. A master might Depending on how well the PC trains, they could master the
overcome a fear of the Fire Nation only to replace it with new ability quickly. Additional results can be applied
anger. The master’s actions might lead to suffering a terrible narratively and mechanically to show how well or how poorly
wound in combat. GMs can use complications like this to the training goes, whether any strain is recovered or suffered
serve as milestones for mentor development, creating during the process, etc.
memorable scenes along the way. Success on these checks represent the training going well
and allows the character to purchase the new ability for 5
NPC Masters fewer XP, to a minimum of 5 XP. Failure means the PC must
Master stat blocks should be as unique as master still purchase the ability, but at normal XP rates.
personalities, and below is some basic guidance for creating

132 | Game Master | The Second Age

Skill Challenges
Every player and Game Master can see it in their head: the explanations on how they would use these skills during the
perfect chase scene. Three Player Characters are in hot skill challenge.
pursuit of a cat burglar NPC—they’ve just escaped to the However, during a skill challenge a PC may only use
rooftops; in their dark outfit they’re hard to spot, even under skills designated as Career skills. Additionally, a player
the moonlight. If the PCs cannot catch up to them, they will cannot use the same skill twice in a row. Another PC may use
make off with the jewels with their heads on a spike. that skill instead, and the initial player can use a different skill.
The thief is several structures away, but one of the PCs, Skill challenges track the party’s overall Successes v.
the party ranger, makes a successful leap across the gap in overall Failures. Regardless of how difficult a challenge is, i.e.
the rooftops. Another uses their waterbending to form a small how many total Successes the part attains, if they accumulate
ice bridge for they and their ally to cross. 3 overall Failure results, the party fails the challenge.
With just the party ranger only one rooftop behind, they Of course, it does not have to be so black and white. As
narrowly misses the next rooftop and quickly grabs a ledge as the GM, you can easily say that that if the group fails, they
they tumbles between the buildings; as the rest of the party have to make another Skill check to escape the
worries for their ally, the thief has disappeared from sight. The consequences.
slowest among them spots a shortcut to the right leading to
an open and busy, and they risk it; the thief will want to get
lost. But the waterbender’s grasp of the bending arts allows
Challenge the Players
A typical skill challenge requires the party to accumulate three
him to swiftly glide across rooftops using a bounty of water
Successes in order to beat the challenge. Thus, the difficulty
from a nearby rooftop tank.
comes is related to how many successes the party requires to
With only meters to spare, the bender manages to cut the move beyond the challenge; more required Success means
thief off from the crowd, allowing their allies to catch up to help more risk of Failure.
subdue the thief.
When designing skill challenges, keep in mind that a

What is a Skill simple challenge may only need the party to accumulate 3
successes. A more difficult one might be 6, and a truly
impossible challenge may require 9 Success results (but the
Challenge? increment need not be in threes).
As failures accumulate, the consequences could be
A skill challenge is an attempt to capture a dramatic action
anything from taking damage to making a final encounter
sequence and boil it down into a number of skill checks. As
more difficult; say the players couldn’t navigate quietly
you can see from the encounter above, the tension came not
throughout the corridors and so the watchmen are now
from combat or social skill checks, but from whether the
reinforcing the center of the keep. It should be entirely
players were going to succeed on each successive general
dependent upon the circumstances of the challenge and
skill check.
Skill challenges are good for dramatic sequences like a
There should always be a maximum number of failures to
moonlight rooftop chase: a bad guy is getting away, trying to
fail the challenge, and not pass the test. Three is usually a
escape, maybe they knows something or is trying to do
good number.
something. Or maybe the players must make a daring escape
from a collapsing structure. You can call for a Coordination Consider what happens narratively if they fail only one or
check; a character who succeeds can leap across the gaps two skill checks during the challenge, but succeed overall.
and close the distance. An athletics check might have similar One or two failures should not necessarily impede the players
results. Perception could mean the difference between taking or making the skill checks more challenging (although h and
a shortcut or previously unnoticed path, and certain demise. d certainly might). Players should have a chance to recover
from their failures, and carry on to gain enough Successes to
Of course, not all challenges should revolve around the
pass the challenge.
physical skills. Challenges can be puzzles or social
encounters, as well.
Using the Skill Challenge
The Skill Challenge Skill challenges are a great opportunity to take something like
a montage scene, or a chase sequence, or escape a
As a non-combat experience, the skill challenge has a few
collapsing structure...they can be used to hold a powerful
differences from other types of encounters.
Nemesis at bay, perhaps someone the party could not likely
The Player Characters’ goal in a skill challenge is to defeat, until an ally NPC shows up to help them fight.
accumulate a target number of s on skill checks before they
It's not important that every character be able to
accumulate three failures. The more s you have to
participate in every skill challenge. It is sufficient to simply
accumulate, the more difficult a challenge becomes.
have just enough skill challenges that every character gets a
The Game Master’s role should be to inform the players chance to shine. Otherwise if every challenge is always a
what skills will be most useful during the challenge. Players physical challenge, only those characters will feel useful.
should be encourage to come up with other skills, and provide

The Second Age | Game Master | 133

Not every skill check needs to be turned into a skill Mechanics: A successful Average ( ) Mechanics
challenge. GMs should carefully consider when to use the Check will tell inform the players that there is an old rope and
challenge in place of a typical encounter; challenges may be pulley system which could be used to haul the treasure to the
best implemented when the stakes are high, rather than for surface.
handling mundane tasks. As important to consider as what the
 A second Mechanics check, or aa or a t on the
PCs have to gain if they succeed is what consequences they
first enables the player to deduce that the party has
face when they fail?
10 rounds to transport as many parcels as they can,
Although not everything may end in death, these may be and get themselves out, before the structure
rare opportunities the players feel that their character’s lives collapses.
(or goals) are truly on-the-line.
Geography: A successful Hard ( ) Geography

Example Skill Challenges check allows the players to locate the tunnel leading to a
network of crude stairs, possibly leading to the surface.
This section briefly describes some generic Skill Challenges
which you can use in your adventures, or as a jumping-off
Rope and Pulley
point to create your own unique challenges. If they notice this system, the PCs will deduce from its size
that it will take more than one circuit it lift all the parcels out of
A skill challenge may be a single, large hurdle designed the collapsing structure; perhaps it can only hoist 3 packages
for the players to overcome, or it may be broken up into or one PC at a time. Additionally, they will notice the system
multiple smaller challenges which the players must face in needs to be repaired before it can be used. Repairing the
succession. Many of these sub-challenges can be plucked system requires 3 Successes before 3 Failures.
one challenge or adapted for another to help you craft unique
and compelling dramatic sequences. Athletics: A Hard ( ) Athletics check can be used
to help reassemble the pulley and later to pull the parcels out
Each skill challenge is named for convenience and given of the structure. Each Success result counts as one success
a brief description of narrative circumstances precipitating the toward this aspect of the skill challenge.
Skill Challenge. Skill Challenges are then broken up into
Special Rules, Primary Skills, and sections for overall Mechanics: A successful Hard ( ) Mechanics
Success or Failure of challenge. Additionally, some check may also be used to repair the pulley system, with each
challenges may be divided into sub-challenges (also named) successful result counting as one success toward the Rope
with their own unique Special Rules, Primary Skills, or and Pulley challenge.
Success and Failure criteria.  A t result should confer to players who use the
pulley system to lift parcels out.
The Harrowing Escape Bending Arts: A successful Hard ( ) Bending Arts
The Player Characters have just defeated a large spirit or check can allow bender characters to explain how their
bandit encampment. Through whatever circumstances, the bending assisted the pulley system’s repair; this could be
PCs have only a limited amount of time to grab as much of plantbending vines as rope, or using metalbending to repair
their horde as they can; the origin of this horde of wealth can crucial parts, or whatever else the player can imagine and the
be anything as it applies to your story. There are number of GM agrees.
parcels (12 works well) that they can transport, but they are
deep beneath the earth and can only barely see the exit that Success
lies high above—or maybe they can’t see it at all. Upon completion of the rope and pulley system, the players
Special Rules can begin to transport the treasure up and out of the cavern.

Time Limit: 10 rounds until the structure collapses. Failure

Hazards: If at any point during the challenge a player Failure indicates that the players have damaged the rope and
character generates hh, ask the other players to make a pulley system in their attempt to reassemble it.

Secret Tunnel
Hard ( ) Perception check; if they succeed, they are
able to warn the character who generated the threat of a
failing rock, causing them to avoid it; if they fail, the character If the party notices the tunnel on the far wall (it may be too
receives 2 wounds and on their next check. Success and dark to see), they may instead choose to haul the loot out
Failure results do not count toward the skill challenge criteria. either by hand or through other means. They would notice that
the parcels can only be carried one at a time, unless they have
 Likewise, a d could inflict a critical injury. some kind of draft animal, a cart, or can explain some other
Primary Skills means. 1 Success for each package before 3 Failures, or until
the round limit is reached.
Perception: A successful Hard ( ) Perception check
will cause the player to notice something odd beneath the loot Geography: A Hard ( ) Geography check allows
and to see that the parcels are large enough that only one can the player to carry a container out of the complex labyrinthine
be carried by hand at a time. staircase, and to navigate their way back to the room.

 A second Perception check, or aa or a t on the  Failure here means that the PC got lost while looking
first will let the player notice the “something” beneath for the exit, and must add to their next check.
the cache is a map carved onto the floor; the PCs
gain when making Geography checks.

134 | Game Master | The Second Age

Perception or Survival: A Daunting ( ) Time limit: The party has only 3 days to acquire these
Perception or Survival check enables the players to notice successes, and must stop to rest each night.
seemingly-imperceptible shifts in the air patterns, or a faint
whiff of air, allow him to navigate himself and a package to the Primary Skills
exit, as well as navigate back to the room. Animal Handling: If the characters are using animals for
travel, and they succeed a Hard ( ) Animal Handling
 Success here should also confer to the PCs
check, it means they are able to keep their animals well-fed
Perception and Geography checks for the remainder
and in good health. They also gain on subsequent checks
of the encounter.
which would involve travel through the use of the animal
Success: The players can still overcome this challenge companion.
regardless of the number of parcels they manage to take back
 Failure here imposes on those same checks.
to the surface. If they were required for a particular reason,
perhaps the consequences for a partial delivery are Geography: If the PC succeeds on a Hard ( )
proportional to the number of packages left behind. Knowledge (Geography) check the party spots a shortcut
Failure: If the party accumulates too many Failure results through difficult and hazardous terrain.
before the round limit is reached, their spirits are broken, and  Success should allow the players to ‘buy time’ to get
the underground system begins to collapse faster. where they need to go, adding +1 to the failure
threshold of the challenge.
Run for It Nature: Similarly to Geography, the PCs may notice trails
Whether they’re ditching the loot, or they’re running out of or other natural features which present favorable travel
time, the players might choose to just run on out of the
conditions. The character must pass a Daunting ( )
collapsing system. Each failure causes the number of rounds
Knowledge (Nature) check. This skill may be used more
remaining to reduce by one.
than once.
Athletics: An Average ( ) Athletics check lets the
 A failed Nature check could mean that the party got
player escape within one round. Additionally, Athletics could
lost, costing them time. The number of successes
be used to push a small obstacle out of the way.
needed to complete this challenge increases by 1.
Coordination: A Hard ( ) Coordination check can
An Average ( ) Nature check does not count toward
be used by the player to hurdle across broken or uneven
success or failure, and allows the party to forage for food.
terrain with no additional setback, escaping within one round.
Success grants the party on other checks made that day.
Geography: A Hard ( ) Geography check allows
A Hard ( ) Nature check enables the PC to try to
the player to remember the details of the map and escape
predict the weather.
within one round.
 A success allows them to accurately predict and
Success avoid a storm system, buying them time and
The party makes it out of the collapsing structure, with or increasing the failure threshold of this skill challenge
without all of the loot. by one.
 Failure results in an inaccurate prediction, costing
Failure the party valuable time, increasing the success
Those who did not make by the last round perish under the threshold by one and imposing on all checks for
weight of the structure, unless they make a last-minute skill the remainder of the day.
check using any of the skills above, or another if they can
Athletics: Your experience traveling long distances and
make a compelling case to the GM.
your endurance allow you to guide some of your less-
On the Road Again… experienced companions. You must pass an Average (
check. This skill may be used more than once.

For one reason or another, the Player Characters need to

travel across the country as quickly as possible; travel by sea Resilience: You take on extra responsibility during your
and air is not possible. Time is of the essence. They could be travels setting up camp, cooking, guard duty, breaking
escaped convicts who stole some ostrich horses and are firewood, etc. You must succeed on a Hard ( ) check.
heading toward the border. Or maybe they were hired to This skill may be used more than once.
recapture these criminals before they escape jurisdiction.  t here might allow the party to bypass the nightly
Certain members, or all of, the party are framed for a crime rest requirement and travel through the night,
they did not commit and are to be arrested. Or maybe the PCs effectively gaining more time. Add one to the failure
receive word that they are needed urgently elsewhere, and threshold of this challenge.
immediately begin their travels.  Failure means that the character suffers on their
Special Rules next check.

This challenge requires 6 successes before acquiring 3 History: Passing a Daunting ( ) check allows
failures. Unless otherwise noted, each skill may only be used the PC to recall the location of nearby ruins used during the
to acquire 1 success toward the challenge requirements per Hundred Year War.

The Second Age | Game Master | 135

 Success means the party finds the ruins which can party. A PC may only make one Group check per round and
provide safe shelter. They receive on all checks cannot make the same group check two rounds in a row.
the next day. Stealth: At the end of every other round, beginning with
 Failure means you are unable to find the ruins, and the first, the PCs must make a Hard ( ) check to remain
have to spend the night camping in the open undetected.
exposed to the elements. PCs suffer on all checks
 Success means the party remains undetected and is
the next day.
one step closer to completing the challenge.
Perception: An Easy ( ) check lets you realize that  Failure causes the party to be detected by a local
some of the party is less experienced and you are able to resident or some form of wildlife or spirits. The
grant to their next check. This does not count toward success threshold for the skill challenge increases
success or failure of the overall challenge. The party may only by one.
make this skill check once.
Resilience: At the beginning of every other round,
A Hard ( ) check represents your attempt to find a beginning with the second, the PCs must make a Hard
short cut. This skill check may only be made once. ( ) check to stay alert.
Survival: A Hard ( ) check represents the PCs  Success means all PCs remain alert and are one
innate ability to pursue a target or outrun a pursuer. step closer to completing the challenge.
 A successful Survival check increases the failure  In addition to counting as a failure, the PCs add
threshold by one, buying the players more time to to their checks for the remainder of the skill
reach their destination. challenge.
 A failure will increase the success threshold of the
challenge by one, in addition to counting as a failure
Primary Skills
for the challenge overall. Athletics or Coordination: Climbing atop a rock or a large
tree gives you a better vantage point. You can spot
Success approaching danger and the package. A successful Average
After three days the PCs arrive at their intended destination; ( ) check also grants to any Perception check. Can
or ahead of schedule, if the party accumulates the required also be used to cover ground quickly if the party is on the
number of successful skill checks before that, allowing them move.
to establish an ambush. Charm or Intimidate: If discovered by any locals, you
Failure may attempt to persuade, bluff, or intimidate them into
keeping silent about your presence with a Hard ( )
The PCs arrive too late to accomplish their primary goal or, if check.
they reach their failure threshold before the final day, are
ambushed by their pursuers. Nature: With a Hard ( ) check you can find a
suitable place for the party to hide without disrupting the local
The Waiting Game animal population, or telegraphing your presence.
The Player Characters are to rendezvous with an escaped  The party gains until the end of the challenge on
prisoner and help him to safely cross the border, or reach a all Stealth checks.
designated safe house. This skill challenge can easily be Perception: You are able to spot potential danger or a
adapted for any scenario where the PCs need to wait in hostile really great hiding place if you can make a Hard ( )
territory for the delivery or arrival of any item or person of check.
Special Rules The prisoner, or other person or item of interest, reaches the
Whatever the circumstances may be, the target of interest PCs and they make for the border or other destination as
should become targetable at sundown. The PCs have been quickly and quietly as possible.
instructed to accomplish their task undetected by sunrise with
or without the package. This challenge requires 6 successes Failure
before 3 failures. Unless otherwise noted, each skill may only The PCs are detected before the rendezvous and they are
be used to acquire 1 success toward the challenge forced to improvise. They can travel deeper into foreign
requirements for the entire night. territory to try to intercept the target or they can retreat.
Time limit: At sundown, the GM should roll a d10 to
determine how many hours the PCs wait before the prisoner, Treasure Hunt
package, or other object of interest shows up. If the result is 1 The PCs acquire an old treasure map. They are determined
or 10, then the party was either too eager, or waited too long, to find the lost treasure. However, the map is really old and
and the rendezvous is unsuccessful. Do not inform the PCs if it’s quite difficult to read. How the characters came upon this
this happens. Let them decide what course of action to take map is entirely up to the narrative of your adventure. Perhaps
come sunrise. a retired adventurer, unable to leave home, hires the PCs to
Group checks: The PCs must complete both group skill recover a buried item depicted on their old map; or maybe the
checks as part of this skill challenge. Group checks are unique map was picked up at an antique shop or inscribed on the
from other skill checks in that the outcomes affect the entire walls of some ruins. Maybe the PCs were hired to find, or are

136 | Game Master | The Second Age

competing with another group of treasure hunters to locate, a history gives your character insight into numerous landmarks
lost artifact. and structures depicted on the map.

Special Rules Nature: With an Easy ( ) check, you are able to identify
many of the landmarks coded into the map and you gain to
This challenge requires 3 successes before 3 failures. Unless
all checks for the remainder of the challenge.
otherwise noted, each skill may only be used to acquire 1
success toward the challenge requirement. Geography: Your excellent navigational skills allow you
to pinpoint which natural landmarks represent your next step
Primary Skills by passing a Hard ( ) check.
Decipher: Some of the writing and markings on the map are
Streetwise: You can find a local expert by passing an
ancient or spiritual in nature. You are able to decipher some
Average ( ) check; the expert’s knowledge on ancient
details identifying an important landmark with a Hard ( )
maps and cartography enable him to decipher many of the
map’s symbols and details. The party gains to the next skill
Diplomacy: With an Average ( ) check you make check.
friends with some of the locals and they share stories of their
adventuring days, or about local myths and legends. Some of Success
their details provide clues to deciphering the map. The PCs decipher the map and know where the cache is
located. They arrive at the site before any other interested
 Failure here could result in when negotiating and
increase the success threshold by one, representing
the locals withholding information from you, or Failure
collaborating with rivals.
By the time the PCs decipher the map, someone else has
History: On a Hard ( ) check, you recall knowledge already beaten them to the treasure. Now they have to figure
of this geographical area in the annals of some library, and its out how to resolve this conflict and obtain the item.

The Second Age | Game Master | 137

Creating Encounters, Adventures, and Campaigns
Adventures are the core of each game session. Creating new
Table 7-2: Plot Situations adventures can be one of the most exciting and enjoyable
Plot Situation Characters Required aspects of becoming a Game Master. Creating an interesting
Abduction Abductor, Abducted, Guardian story that is also fun and mechanically balanced is
Adultery Deceived partner, Two Adulterers challenging. This section will help the GM create their own
Lover, Object of Passion, person or game using its three core elements: encounters,
All Sacrificed for Passion adventures, and campaigns.
Thing Sacrificed

Ambitious Character, Coveted
Thing, Adversary
The Second Age Adventures
Avatar: The Second Age is focused on the period of
Conflict with a Spirit Mortal, Immortal
upheaval and uncertainty after Avatar Korra let the Spirit
Crimes of Love Lover, Beloved, Separating Force
Portals remain open following the Harmonic Convergence.
Daring Enterprise Bold Leader, Goal, Adversary This time frame fits into the narrative of Season 3 of Avatar:
Deliverance Unfortunates, Threatener, Rescuer The Legend of Korra in which the Earth Queen is
Disaster Vanquished, Victor, Messenger assassinated by an airbender known as Zaheer. The world is
Discovery of Dishonor Discoverer, Guilty out of balance, with Equalists still working from the shadows,
An Enemy Loved Beloved Enemy, Lover, Hater minor Earth kings vying for the throne against the ‘Great
Enigma Interrogator, Seeker, Problem Uniter’, pirates raiding the coasts, and general unrest among
Familial Hatred Two Conflicting Family Members the nations of the world.

Familial Rivalry
Preferred Kinsman, Rejected
Kinsman, Object Building Stories
Imprudent person, Victim or Lost Georges Polti wrote a book in which he claimed there were
Fatal Imprudence
object only Thirty-Six Dramatic Situations and that all plots stem from
Mistaken One, Victim of Mistake, one of these 36, or are a combination of several. These are
Faulty Judgment
Author of Mistake, Guilty Person not a full list of the only possible plots to exist, but are merely
Involuntary Crimes of guidelines for developing plothooks and understanding crucial
Lover, Beloved, Revealer
Love narrative components.
Family or Friend slain, Witness, Along with each dramatic situation are the key elements
Loss of Loved Ones
Executioner required for each plot. For instance, in order to run an
Madness Madman, Victim abduction scenario, at the very least an abductor NPC, an
Mistaken Identity Victim, Clueless Killer, Revealer abducted NPC (alive or otherwise), and a guardian NPC (to
Jealous one, Object of Jealousy, jumpstart the party’s search) are all required. Beyond that, any
Mistaken Jealousy Supposed Accomplice, Author of additional NPCs are the result of the character’s interaction
Mistake with the world and the whims of the GM.
Murderous Adultery
Obstacles to Love
Two adulterers, the Betrayed
Two lovers, Obstacle
The 36 Writer Plots
You are probably already familiar with some, if not most of the
Two or more Opposing Parties,
Obtaining thirty-six plots outlined above; at the very least you may have
Object, Arbitrator
heard of them before. But what do you do with this information
Pursuit Fugitive from Punishment, Pursuer
now? There are nearly unlimited ways to interpret each of
Recovery of Lost Seeker, Object or Person found these plots, and a myriad of options for the structure of the
Remorse Culprit, Victim, Interrogator plots themselves. It would take a lifetime to explore them all.
Revenge Avenger, Criminal Instead, let’s look at one of the plots and devise some possible
Revolt Tyrant, Conspirator(s) options based off that template.
Rivalry Between Master Take the Revolt plot, for instance. This is not a typical
Master, Apprentice, Object
and Apprentice adventure plot, but it would allow us to build an adventure
Heroes, Beloved Victim, Need for around the entire party, not just a single character. This plot
Sacrifice of Loved Ones
Sacrifice requires two major players – a tyranny, and any number of
Hero, Messenger, Person or Thing conspirators. Giving the tyrant some Rival-level henchmen
Self-Sacrifice for Ideal won’t hurt either, but may not always be necessary for the
Persecutor, Usurper, a Power in drama. Spending just a few minutes brainstorming, we have
Usurpation the following plot possibilities:
Vengeance by Family Avenging Kinsman, Guilty In a coastal village, disparate laborers of the former Fire
upon Family Kinsman, Relative Nation colony have determined that the provincial Earth king
Victim of Cruelty or Unfortunates, Master or Unlucky has become corrupt and needs to be put down, and they enlist
Misfortune Person the aid of the PCs in their gambit.

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One of the PCs has gone too far in their dealings with modes of play: one that focuses on roleplaying and the other
others and once-loyal servants now seek to overthrow them. concerned with combat and action. Neither is better or worse,
The PCs own reputation is not well-respected, looking and most games should use a blend of the two, either within
very dishonorable to the nobility surrounding the king. If the individual encounters, or alternating intense action sequences
PCs don’t step up, it might be too late for them as well. with deep plot interaction among the characters.

An NPC leading the revolt takes matters into their own Roleplaying
hands, leading a rebellion against the king.
These types of games put the players deep in a tapestry of
One of the PCs instigates a revolt as a power grab – does characters, intrigue, and interwoven narratives. The story is
anyone know they’re behind it? the priority, as players are focused on finding out the how and
An entire region of the Earth continent is engulfed in civil why of a situation than on merely fighting their way through.
war. How is this possible? Who started this? Will other towns, This mode of play encourages dialogue between players
cities, and villages follow suit? What role do the PCs play and and the GM. Improvisation and quick thinking are critical, as
which side do they take? players tend to ask questions that are unexpected or can
As you can see, many of these plots play with the potentially derail the plot. Lots of talking takes up time as well,
traditional notion of PCs as protagonists and switch up their and particularly chatty players could keep the story moving at
roles and, by extension, the structure of the story. The fifth a very slow rate unless the GM makes a conscious effort to
plot point could open with the PCs in the middle of a riot, not move things along.
aware that one of their own has started this. This works Players who want to play a game emphasizing roleplaying
especially well in a group where private note-passing is tend to invest a great deal of time and effort into their
common, or one in which players can meet early (even on a character’s personality and backstory, so the GM should be
different day) to work out covert details. prepared to craft adventures and campaigns around the
The first plothook, by contrast, is a stereotypical, mission- players more than on providing set pieces for the PCs to
based adventure, and the fourth and sixth are most likely explore. The GM should also make it clear that all types of
combat-intensive. Thus, a good GM can come up with many characters are necessary for the game. Combat-oriented
different types of campaigns just from one basic plot thread. characters should still be given chances to use their
impressive martial skills whenever possible and not get left
Using the thirty-six plots means more than just handing
behind when dealing with NPCs.
the PCs a mission and telling them to “fetch.” It’s about
cultivating stories you normally couldn’t tell in other mediums,
and prompting the PCs to take a more personal stake in the
events of their characters’ lives. The adventure who sits in a This style of play focuses on everything combat-related. The
tavern waiting for a character to hand him something to do is Player Characters solve most of their situations with violent
less likely to be moved by the events of their life than the encounters. These encounters are built around moving from
adventure who strikes out to right the wrongs going on in their one combat to the next, with enough variety to allow
own backyard. characters with different fighting styles, such as hand-to-hand
or vehicle combat, to shine. Overall, this mode of play focuses
Setting the Stage around the mechanics of the game, letting roleplaying move
slightly further into the background.
The Second Age is built around three types of settings: This is not to say that roleplaying is not an important part
encounters, adventures, and campaigns. Encounters are of the game. It just means that the players spend their time
individual scenarios during a gaming session that together describing their actions in detail, painting a vibrant, action-
make up an adventure. Adventures are grouped together to packed scene for everyone to add to. Missions are
comprise campaigns. straightforward: go assault this compound, take out the fleet’s
Regardless of the scenario, every game of The Second flagship, and defend a merchant caravan from attack. As with
Age has fundamental building blocks that help define the roleplay-focused games, combat-oriented games still need a
mode of a game, along with the types of NPCs the Player variety of character types to move the story along. No
Characters will encounter and ways for the GM to start, character should be penalized for creating a character that
progress the story, and finish. This section describes the basic isn’t solely geared toward fighting everyone and everything.
points found in any game and how to make encounters, Following the rules and mechanics of The Second Age is
adventures, and campaigns fun and exciting. critical to keeping this mode of game moving forward. The GM

Modes of Play
should become very familiar with both the combat rules and
how talents and skills work to keep the action from losing
momentum. Stopping to read about the basics of combat is
Before the GM begins any adventure or campaign, they and guaranteed to frustrate most players who enjoy this kind of
the players should decide what mode or style of play they game.
want from the game. Are they looking for non-stop action, full
of combat and suspense? Are they more interested in role
playing, dialogue, and intrigue? Do they want to span the
Assembling the Cast
world or stick to a few key locations? Determine the mode of Every story needs a cast of memorable characters.
play goes a long way in shaping everything about any Sometimes, the major characters are outlined first, with the
encounter, adventure, or campaign. There are two main story developing around their goals and actions. Sometimes

The Second Age | Game Master | 139

Table 7-3: Personality Traits for NPCs
If you’re having trouble coming up with something unique about a Non-Player Character, roll on the table below once or twice to find
a jumping-off point for a character personality. Ignore opposing or nonsensical results—or don’t.

d100 Personality Trait d100 Personality Trait

01 – 02 Angry 51 – 52 Easily startled
03 – 04 Morose 53 – 54 Jovial
05 – 06 Perky 55 – 56 Nervous tic
07 – 08 Allergic 57 – 58 Grossly overweight
09 – 10 Suspicious 59 – 60 Aggressive
11 – 12 Fidgets 61 – 62 Bad breath
13 – 14 Bad odor 63 – 64 Flirtatious
15 – 16 Helpful 65 – 66 Condescending
17 – 18 Easily distracted 67 – 68 Missing limb
19 – 20 Vain 60 – 70 Trails off
21 – 22 Raspy voice 71 – 72 Very old
23 – 24 Silent 73 – 74 Unusual voice
25 – 26 Brown noser 75 – 76 Germophobic
27 – 28 Out of style 77 – 78 Laughs inappropriately
29 – 30 Childish 79 – 80 Clueless
31 – 32 Chatty 81 – 82 Hates benders
33 – 34 Dry-humored 83 – 84 Dim-witted
35 – 36 Absent-minded 85 – 86 Snobby
37 – 38 Gluttonous 87 – 88 Brash
39 – 40 Flamboyant 89 – 90 Gearhead
41 – 42 Bored 91 – 92 Partially deaf
43 – 44 Severe cough 93 – 94 Gruff
45 – 46 Xenophobic 95 – 96 Conniving
47 – 48 Rude 97 – 98 Missing eye
49 – 50 Walks with limp 99 – 00 Hiding something

the plot comes first, generating characters to fulfill certain NPCs don’t even need statistics, or can rely on standard stats
roles or cover aspects of the story. Usually, the characters and provided in this book. Stock NPCs usually don’t have much of
plot are developed together and complement each other. a backstory, or at least not one that directly influences the
adventure. They tend to be short-term contacts or
Creating Non-Player Characters adversaries.
The Game Master is responsible for portraying all the other
characters in the game. Populating the world with a variety of
unique characters may seem daunting, but it is simpler than it Most adventures and campaigns include one or more major
appears. There are three major types of Non-Player villain opposing the Player Characters. While the villain could
Characters in The Second Age, described below. be something generic, like the Earth Army, it is much more
effective to make them an individual person or small group
To keep things interesting, the GM should strive to inject
roughly equal in power. This puts a face on the action of which
most NPCs with a modicum of personality to make them
the villain is a part. This is especially helpful when the faction
memorable and less bland than NPCs before them.
is unlikely to be defeated by the Player Characters. The villain
Something as simple as an accent or a quirk will make even
can be defeated, even if the overall organization cannot. The
the plainest of NPCs something that the PCs will remember.
villain may be known from the beginning or revealed as the
Stock NPCs plot develops.
Stock NPCs are the unnamed masses the Player Characters Major villains must be memorable. They are most effective
encounter, negotiate with, and battle in most game sessions. if their handiwork is seen in operation, even when they are not
They are often minions or rivals. Stock NPCs in The Second around. Villains must antagonize the party at every
Age include the average cabbage merchant, chi blocking opportunity to motivate the PCs and set up a rivalry for good
henchman, foot soldier, and highway bandit. Many stock role playing. That’s not to say every villain must be

140 | Game Master | The Second Age

outlandishly evil, but major villains should be worse than the Outline how the character treats others. Plan not only how
average bad guy. the NPC will interact with the Player Characters, but how their
Villains in any adventure for The Second Age usually friends and enemies will as well. The NPC may not treat
come about as a means to an end (bringing ‘order’ to a chaotic everyone the same or fairly, and the differences can reveal
world, uniting a divided people, ravishing a countryside, etc.). more layers of the character to the players.

Playing a Character as
Contenders include very powerful benders, accomplished
pirates, mercenaries, or even a politician.

Recurring Characters the GM

Recurring characters are those whom the PCs encounter on
a regular basis. They usually have names and often the GM Like all roleplaying games, in The Second Age, each player
will create specific stats for each. Recurring characters might takes on the role of a character in the Avatar universe. It is the
be enemies or allies of the party. They can be anything from Game Master’s role to play the part for every other character
a stock NPC to a major villain. Rivals and nemeses are in the game. Breathing life into a character is one of the most
typically recurring characters. rewarding parts of the game; each player should strive to
Recurring Characters help make the world a more familiar make their character unique and memorable.
place. They also save the GM a lot of planning time. It is much
easier to rely on an old favorite character than to come up with
Giving Your Character a Voice
a new one for every session. The GM should find ways to One of the most entertaining parts of playing any roleplaying
integrate them into the storyline. Turning background game is making characters come to life through unique traits
characters into leading characters is a way to build a more or qualities. Players have the advantage of focusing on a
layered and interesting story. It may also encourage players single character at a time and may invest a significant amount
to take a greater interest in the characters overall. of time into creating a character’s backstory, personality, and
quirks. The character’s Motivation are driving forces behind
Creating Memorable NPCs their personality. The GM should encourage players to use
these tools as a skeleton on which to add interesting touches.
Creating an entertaining and memorable ally or enemy is
Many players even enjoy changing their voice, adopting an
challenging. An NPC must engage the interest of the players;
accent when their character speaks. Not everyone has such
it is usually worth the extra effort. Ideally, players should enjoy
skill, of course. For players who want to play straight, using
interacting with these characters and recall them fondly well
the player’s own voice is perfectly acceptable.
after the game is over.
There is no single formula for creating a successful Cast of Thousands
character. Books and other resources that discuss characters For some GMs, the idea of portraying every other person on
in novels and stories are equally helpful when researching the planet may seem impossible. However, the job of the GM
better character creation. However, there are character is to move the story along and let the players have fun, not
elements with which every GM can start. create an entirely unique personality and backstory for every
Select the character’s background, including their place of NPC they meet.
origin. Most locations have distinct cultural elements that The exceptions, of course, are the antagonists and
enhance or limit their role in the game. The chances of the important NPCs, who should be created using the same
PCs encountering an airbending warrior, for example, are character creation rules as those for the PCs. These NPCs
nigh impossible. Select the character’s most influential should be well-defined in both personality and purpose.
experience from home and what they learned from it. Even
For “stock” NPCs, it is sufficient to give them one particular
characters who move around the world are influenced by the
personality trait to help PCs remember them. Archetypes work
attitude or environment of their place of origin.
well here: the exceedingly bored bureaucrat, aggressively
What is the character’s current and former profession? rude bounty hunter, or naïve celebrity. However, to make
Specifically focus on how the character’s current profession even stock NPCs notable, it is fine to break from the norm.
influences their actions. Even NPCs have a past to be Not every character needs a unique voice, but small changes
exploited by the GM or other players. Flesh out the character’s in speech can help.
personality. This is a wide-open category. Personality traits
run the gamut from arrogant and overbearing to kind and wise. Improvising
Pick a few basic traits and highlight them when interacting with One of the most important skills for any GM to master is
the Player Characters. improvisation, both for dialogue and for thinking on one’s feet
Give the character a distinct physical appearance: tattoos, due to changes in the story. Even when running another a pre-
scars, distinctive armor or clothing, unusual hair, and other scripted adventure with NPC dialogue and plotted-out stories,
memorable physical attributes. Major characters should be there are still many times when the GM must react to
immediately recognizable. This is especially true of villains. unexpected questions or actions. The GM should prepare to
Develop the character’s voice. Selecting an accent, pitch, or alter the adventure based on the way the game plays out in
tone of a voice is a crucial element in differentiating them from order to keep the plot moving forward. If the players come up
other characters. If the GM is not good at or comfortable with with something for which the GM is unprepared, they must be
accents or other voices, they should at least describe the able to improvise entirely new scenes or NPCs on the fly.
character’s voice from time-to-time.

The Second Age | Game Master | 141

Creating and Running
longbow. In these types of encounters, the skills and abilities
of the characters are more important than combat skills:
Athletics to swim across a raging river, Sailing to steer the
Encounters PCs’ frigate throw dangerous waters, or Coordination to cross
a narrow ledge to get to safety.
Encounters are the building blocks of adventures, which in Environmental or situational hazards can also be added to
turn are used to assemble campaigns. Encounters represent a combat encounter to make it even more dangerous. As a
a single, notable event in the game, such as combat or a rough guide, the inclusion of some hazards, such as a blazing
roleplaying scene that involves making several skill checks to fire, should count as a single adversary in its own right when
move the story along. Depending on the group’s play style and determining the number of enemies the PCs will face in an
the amount of time available, a session typically includes encounter. Of course, if the intention for the encounter,
anywhere from two to four encounters. This section describes especially a climactic scene, is to up the risk, then additional
ways to craft fun, exciting, and interesting encounters for your dangers may simply be added to make the PCs’ task more
adventure. daunting.

Keeping Encounters Exciting Pacing in Encounters

One of the key tasks for the GM is to keep encounters exciting While most encounters will be very straightforward on the
and the players engaged. Even the most intense fight scene surface, many have their own internal pacing to allow multiple
can sometimes devolve into both sides rooting themselves events to occur. Even a ‘simple’ combat could have certain
and throwing ranged attacks in the hopes of doing some stages when things happen, such as the arrival of
damage, forcing the encounter to slow to a crawl. The best reinforcements, a countdown of turns until a bomb goes off,
way to keep combat exciting is to inject unexpected events: or until some enemy escapes during a chase. When planning
the rock the players are hidden behind suddenly disintegrates encounters, the GM should note when events occur or what
as an earthbending adversary enters the scene. Anything that conditions trigger them, in addition to creating conditions that
makes the players think on their feet in the heat of the moment end the encounter beyond the death of one side or the other.
is good for combat.
The narrative structure of the dice pool should always
During play, the GM should always watch for signs that serve as a guide for coming up with ideas to make encounters
players might be getting bored or are stuck in a rut. Are they exciting. A particularly good or bad roll should signal an abrupt
talking amongst themselves rather than focusing on the change in the dynamic. When things get slow in a scene, a
encounter? Are they distracted by something outside the classic trick from old noir novels and adventure serials is
game table? Are they lost in thought when you call their name having someone ‘kick in the door’. An unexpected event
to let them know it’s their turn? If the GM sees these signs, breaks the slow pace or even boredom of a scene by forcing
they should ramp up the action and throw something the PCs to act.
unexpected at the Player Characters.
This trick should be used sparingly and only when it makes
Controlling Encounter Difficulty sense. Doing it too often means the PCs may never get a
chance to rest, regroup, or come up with their own solutions
Building a balanced and fair encounter is an exercise in to move the story forward. Make sure it also makes sense in
controlling combat and environmental difficulties. While not the context of the situation; it would be ludicrous if the
every encounter needs to be a fair fight, most of the time, the characters’ ship was boarded when there are no nearby
player characters should have a decent chance of winning or vessels floating around.
escaping. Adversaries in combat encounters consist of
minions, rivals, and nemeses. When selecting adversaries, Producing the Plot
the GM must compare their attack skills and defense with
Creating a good adventure means concocting an entertaining
those of the Player Characters. If they use comparable dice,
and plausible plot. Adventure ideas may come from a variety
they are appropriate individual opponents. If the PCs are
of sources, but it takes the GM to weave them into a playable
outnumbered, their opponents should include more minions
game session. Complicating matters is the fact that player
and rivals, which are less of a threat individually, but are more
actions alter the plot almost immediately. Since players have
effective in numbers. Individually, their combat abilities should
a habit of moving the story in unexpected directions, it falls to
be one or two dice lower than those of the PCs.
the GM to create an adventure that can adapt to change and
Balancing narrative scenes is less of a concern. to take multiple possible outcomes into account.
Mechanically, such scenes are usually focused on skill
checks. The GM simply needs to confirm that any adversaries The Story Arc
they selects have a roughly even chance of opposing the Much like a novel or other story, an adventure story arc should
Player Characters’ skill checks. However, it is perfectly contain a beginning, middle, and a climactic end. The
acceptable for opponents to have greater skills and abilities in beginning introduces the situation and the antagonists. The
these scenes, especially when dealing with new PCs. middle develops the events and the character actions. The
end ties up the major plot points in a dramatic finish.
Using Other Dangers
Beyond the threat of adversaries, encounters might involve Building Encounters
other types of situations that prove just as dangerous. After outlining a plot and noting adversaries, the GM should
Environmental hazards, such as lava, sandstorms, or harsh divide the major plot points into encounters. Adventures
weather, pose just as much of a threat as a ranger with a usually handle encounters one of two ways. They can be

142 | Game Master | The Second Age

highly linear in nature, with one encounter leading directly into adventure is needed, the GM may adapt the specifics to the
the next, or they can be more free-form, with the next exact situation as it has developed in the game. At this point,
encounter dependent on the exact outcome of the one before the adventure concept should be outlined and developed.
it. Of the two types, the free-form variety allows for the most New locations should be mapped out and the appropriate
flexibility during the session. Highly linear adventures run the NPCs created or noted.
risk of making the players feel like they’ve been railroaded into
specific situations, with no control over their own actions. Boring Battles
Giving the players at least the illusion of free will is critical to Battle scenes and skirmishes may happen in most any locale.
maintaining the fun. However, some locations are naturally more available during
the campaign. Setting too many encounters in these locations
Adventure Pacing quickly becomes monotonous and restrictive. They should be
Avatar adventures should be fast-paced, much like the ignored or abandoned, but limited and controlled by the GM,
television show. While there is a place for investigation, spontaneous battles notwithstanding. Likewise, if PC tactics
political intrigue, or slower events, they should be become too predictable from skirmish to skirmish, the GM
interspersed among skirmishes, chase scenes, dramatic should introduce surprise elements to break the PCs out of
confrontations, and outright battles. The GM should keep the their routing.
action moving along at all times. Action does not always mean Corridor, doorway, and hallway fights should be
combat, however. The GM should dispense with any minimized or eliminated whenever possible. These battles
encounter or scene that feels overly mundane, especially if it typically discourage movement, as characters take cover or
can be explained in a narrative. clog the doorway. A better solution is to get the characters into
Adventures are often at their best if the GM keeps the the larger (and hopefully more interesting) room or space
action fast-paced and quick-moving. If the players are at a beyond the threshold before the battle begins.
loss as to how to proceed, the GM should feel free to give End boring chases quickly. Chases should be fast,
them just enough additional information to move them along exciting, dangerous, and finish quickly. If it becomes apparent
to the next scene. If the players spend too long mulling over a one side will never catch the other, the GM should find a way
certain situation or become stalled over a specific plot point, to end it and move on to the next scene. Unexpected
the GM can introduce something new to which the PCs must obstacles, a sudden burst of speed, or a mysterious
react. The other benefit of doing this is that it makes the disappearance behind a momentary impediment can halt a
players feel like they are part of a larger world that moves chase immediately.
forward even when they do not.
PCs who consistently use the same Initiative order or
Dramatic Action choices may be making good tactical moves, but might also
Not every scene or encounter must involve high drama. be irritating to those who never go first. The GM can mitigate
However, major events should have a dramatic focus. The this issue by initiating battles with those who normally act
GM should create major moments that significantly impact the later, while the rest are otherwise occupied.
overall storyline. The outcomes of these encounters should
have real consequences for the plot. The characters will lose Directing the Session
their means to escape from a villain if they don’t capture the A session of The Second Age should focus on the uncertainty
frigate. If every chi blocker isn’t detained, the Equalists will be of this familiar, but strange world where the Avatar is
alerted to the presence of the characters’ group, putting the struggling to cope with their identity and humanity must live
whole party in jeopardy. Most dramatically, some characters alongside the Spirit World once again. While the Player
may not make it through an encounter alive. If the players are Characters are free to go about their business as they wish,
truly concerned about the outcome of the encounter and its they should be driven to achieve a better understanding of the
effects on their characters, it quickly raises the level of drama spirits and a sense of personal growth. While the PCs may be
in the scene. Failure to succeed in one part of an adventure tempted and even encouraged to act heroic in these uncertain
sets up a chain of events, making it more difficult or almost times, their noteworthy and honorable (or dishonorable)
impossible to succeed as the storyline progresses. deeds should generate a reaction from the world around
them. GMs should keep this in mind when playing NPCs and
Encounter Variety improvising new characters and situations on the fly.
Each adventure includes a variety of encounter types, but The
GMs must remember that the Player Characters are the
Second Age games should feature exploration just as often
stars of the show. No matter how complex or exciting the plot,
as combat. This gives a greater opportunity for characters of
the PCs should always feel they are the center of attention.
every type to contribute significantly to the story. Most
Following this notion, each individual player should get a
adventures should be a mixture of combat, role playing,
moment to shine within an adventure. It is common for players
exploration, and confrontation encounters. Some may mix in
to create characters focused on roles they enjoy playing, often
investigation, training, and other forms of play less common
with an effort to diversify the party and make sure all potential
in typical role playing games. Encounters should also vary in
bases are covered. When crafting an adventure, the GM
location and adversaries.
should build in moments for each of those character types, or
Developing Individual Adventures specific characters, to significantly contribute to the story. In
When creating the campaign, it is not necessary to fully flesh short, give players a chance to shine both in-game and out.
out all adventures at the beginning. The GM may elect to
develop each adventure in order of play. By waiting until the

The Second Age | Game Master | 143

Prior to the Start of Play Characters may come from all walks of life. Some
characters may have a shady past, or perhaps they are
Character creation or adjustment should be completed before downright corrupt and dangerous. Other characters may
the start of play. The GM should check in with the players: did simply want to acquire wealth through legitimate means, or
they have fun? Where do they feel they are struggling most, explore the world in search of ancient relics and cultural
mechanically or in terms of the story? This is an excellent artefacts. Still others may want to hone their abilities and
opportunity to make sure everyone is on the same page. become a bending master, perhaps even attempt to discover
The Opener yet unknown techniques. Depending on the type of campaign
the GM wants to run, the PCs could find themselves on the
As the GM, it is your job to set the tone and scene at the frontlines of a war between two peoples, or amid a skirmish at
beginning of each session – set the stage. In Avatar, each sea. Alternatively, the GM could send the PCs on a hunt to
episode is specifically titled as the chapter of a book and each recover lost knowledge. Exploration of the self and of the
season represents a complete book in the series. The GM world are key to successful campaigns in The Second Age.
should strive to create this narrative backdrop for the party so
that they can become immediately familiar with the setting and
so they know what they might expect.
Outlining the Campaign
Campaigns are made of multiple adventures, usually three or
For example, the campaign included with this rulebook is more, that require multiple game sessions to complete. Some
a ‘book’ titled The Great Uniter and its constituent adventures campaigns can last weeks, months, or even years in real time.
are the episodes within that book. When creating a new campaign, the GM should outline the
Ending the Session major events, locations, and characters of the story arc. It isn't
necessary to understand every connection to every story idea
Ending a session is different than ending the adventure. from the beginning. A loose, logical progression of major
Ending a session occurs midstream, when the players do not events will form a skeletal plot that can be detailed as play
have enough time to complete the adventure in one sitting. proceeds, especially when creating individual adventures.
The players should note the status of their characters, and jot Much like adventures, campaigns usually have a beginning,
down the exact situation they left to easily remind everyone middle, and end, though it may use multiple adventures within
where the game should pick up next time. Sessions are often each act.
ended on cliffhangers, to keep the suspense and excitement
alive until the next session. The GM may decide to award XP Linear and Non-Linear Campaigns
for longer adventures. Otherwise, they may elect to award it Like adventures, campaigns may use a linear or non-linear
all at once, when the adventure is complete. progression of stories. Linear progressions allow one story to
Concluding the Adventure build directly on the events of the previous adventure.
However, they tend to restrict Player Character freedom to
An adventure is typically finished once the major plotline is take the story in unexpected directions. The GM must spend
complete. If the adventure is part of a larger campaign, some time and resources to keep the PCs on track and the players
subplots or story elements may carry over to the next might feel railroaded if it disrupts their illusion of choice too
adventure. As stated before, campaign story arcs typically much.
span multiple adventures. The GM should award XP and
A non-linear campaign takes more planning, but allows for
grant other rewards at this time. Players are free to advance
a lot more flexibility in play. In a non-linear campaign, the
their characters between adventures.
results of an adventure dictate which adventure comes next.

Running a Full Campaign When outlining the campaign, the GM can create a flowchart
or tree of adventures where a positive, negative or other
Campaigns are to adventures what the Avatar books are to outcome links up with an adventure that is based on that
individual episodes. A campaign is a long-term story arc in result. Some adventures may be skipped by the Player
which the action that occurs within the story of each adventure Characters, depending on the exact layout of the flowchart.
is just a piece of the puzzle of the overall story. Campaigns GMs that like to give the players a lot of leeway in the direction
give the players time to play, develop, and advance their of the campaign may find that the non-linear approach allows
characters. Running a highly detailed campaign is not the story arc to proceed easily, even if the circumstances or
necessary; a GM might opt to run largely unconnected specifics change.
adventures with the Player Characters as the only constant.
However, developing a larger story arc gives the players the Including a Major Villain
chance to attain a greater goal than what can be Like adventures, campaigns usually include at least on major
accomplished in a single adventure. villain opposing the Player Characters. Creating such a villain
and including them in individual adventures was described
Defining the Campaign earlier in this chapter.
Campaigns in The Second Age are an opportunity to explore The Game Master needs to keep a few factors in mind
a new world, where every character and every nation teeters when creating and using a major villain for a campaign. Like
on the edge of uncertainty due to the actions of Avatar Korra. Player Characters, major villains (or any important NPCs)
The Spirit Portals are left to remain permanently open after gain XP and increase their skills and abilities over time. As the
the Harmonic Convergence. Airbending has been PCs grow in power, so too should the villain on a one-to-one
reintroduced to the world. Spirits and mankind alike must once basis to keep them strong enough to be a threat to the PCs.
again find a way to live together in peace. Even in sessions where the PCs didn’t directly confront the

144 | Game Master | The Second Age

villain, the GM should grant XP to the villain to take into otherwise be enhanced by selecting one that complements
account training and other adventures they were engaged in the NPCs and envisioned plot. Even if a location itself isn’t
off-screen. particularly dangerous or exotic, the inhabitants might be,
Of course, a major villain could merely serve as an providing even more ideas for the GM to use in creating
‘invisible’ threat, making the PCs’ lives miserable, but rarely encounters and adventures.
appearing in person. In this scenario, the villain makes their Selecting individual encounter locations is also important.
presence known through proxy agents, distinctive messages, They should be interesting in some fashion, whether through
or even communication directly with the PCs. This saves the location, layout, environmental effects or hazards, or even the
villain for direct confrontation in later scenes. In this scenario, characters or creatures encountered. Avoid setting final
the villain may be intentionally built up with far more power battles or encounters in mundane locales and hallways.
than the PCs in early sessions, being roughly equal in abilities These should be epic locations that add greatly to the
by the time the PCs meet up face-to-face. atmosphere and actual gameplay.

Including a Master Adventures & Encounters Inspired

In The Second Age, many characters are emergent in their
bending abilities, only just beginning to discover their by Motivation
connection to the natural world and the spirits. Many in this The flexible nature of the campaign format allows GMs to
era are unaware of their true potential, because for modernity insert adventures or encounters prompted by sudden
bending has become a mundane spectacle and utilitarian character actions, which are informed by their Motivation.
resource. Benders are forced to learn what they can on their When planning a campaign, the GM should outline several
own, or search for guidance in ancient, hard-to-find encounters and a couple of adventures appropriate to the
documents. However, a lucky (and sometimes wealthy) few PCs’ Motivation incentives. Prepared encounters make these
enjoy the guidance of a master who teaches students how to spontaneous actions easier for the GM to deal with on the fly.
control and shape the elements. If the GM prefers a style of campaign that relies much

Selecting Locations
more on player decisions than on GM plotting, they should
regularly mine the PCs’ Motivation for encounter ideas. Entire
The world of Avatar is filled with fantastic locations as well as adventures and campaigns may be constructed around these
exotic, and sometimes familiar, environments. GMs should two mechanics and the situations they produce.
select spectacular locations when creating their adventures
and campaigns. For example, the harsh conditions of the Si Planning Rewards
Wong desert, the frozen tundra of the South Pole, or even the Every adventure in the campaign should have built-in
dense forests of the Foggy Swamp all offer drastically different rewards. Rewards may be money, equipment, vessels,
environments with their own flavor and hazards. While some influence, or even new skills or talents. Receiving a favor,
adventure types may be run at any of these locations, they will being introduced to an influential figure are both examples of

The Second Age | Game Master | 145

intangible, but valuable, rewards. Having a debt forgiven or players are okay with the current direction and there is little
access to a safe area are other examples. the GM can do to keep the departing players, there may not
Story rewards are also a must for adventures. Completing be much to change.
an adventure should alter the characters’ immediate situation.
Rewarded players for adhering to their characters’ Keeping the Campaign on Task
Motivations also keeps the party happy. Keeping the campaign moving forward can be challenging
when the players take the story in unexpected directions.
Rewards that occur at the end of a campaign should be
Remember, most campaign outlines can withstand a lot of
impressive and grander in scale. They should significantly
flexing and adjustment. Feel free to insert additional
improve the party’s situation, tie directly to the overall plot, and
adventures, perhaps special adventures to deal with an
be impressive enough to satisfy or impress the players. If the
unexpected twist, into the outline at any time. If the players
PCs continue in a follow-up campaign, be careful when doling
want their characters to follow a path that is completely
out the rewards and be ready for them to come into play in the
inappropriate for the campaign or create subplots along the
next campaign.
way, it is usually time to run an individual adventure or series
Dealing with Party Changes of encounters to play out the situation.

Long-running campaigns increase the likelihood that players Concluding the Campaign
must leave before the campaign is finished. Fortunately,
The conclusion of a campaign should be the highlight of the
extended storylines provide multiple situations for a character
entire story arc. Being Avatar, it should include an impressive
to leave and a new character to be introduced. GMs should
skirmish or battle, along with a dose of drama for the
look for natural opportunities to do so, such as between
characters. All major plot points should be resolved logically
adventures or when the players are in a port city or other
and satisfactorily for the players.
location where they might meet a new addition to the crew or
party. Many campaigns end early due to unforeseen
circumstances or player or GM fatigue. If interest is waning,
Usually, a player leaves due to scheduling conflicts, as
the GM should end the game in a satisfying way, rather than
other life events influence playing time. However, if one or
letting it fall apart. Concluding a long-running campaign
more players leave because they are not enjoying the game,
should be a major celebratory achievement.
the GM should get feedback from them and the remaining
players and consider altering the game. If the remaining

146 | Game Master | The Second Age

VIII – The Avatar Setting
Avatar: The Second Age takes place in a world that is home Fire Nation, and the Air Nomads. Each has a unique society,
to humans and chimerical animals, intersecting with a Spirit wherein people known as benders can manipulate and control
World. the element of their nation using the physical motions of
Power is balanced among four great Nations: Water, martial arts to channel their body’s inner chi, or spiritual
Earth, Fire, and Air. An order made up of men and women energies. Each location has diverse geographical layouts,
lead each Nation. They call themselves Waterbenders, civilizations, climates, and demography, and culture.
Earthbenders, Firebenders, and Airbenders. The most For clarity, events are dated in the Avatar universe in
powerful Bender in the world is the Avatar, the spirit of the relation to whether they occur before Fire Lord Sozin’s
planet incarnate. They alone masters all four of the elements genocide of the Airbenders (BG) or after the genocide (AG).
and maintains world order. Human civilization is divided into
distinct regions: The Water Tribes, the Earth Kingdom, the

The Spirit World

Prior to 171 AG and the opening of the spirit portals, it was
extremely difficult—indeed quite rare—for any human, other
than the Avatar, to enter the Spirit World; conversely, only a
The Spirit World is home to many entities, several of which
handful of spirits were capable of existing physically in the
have existed long before the Avatar, or humanity for that
mortal world, and doing so required them to give up their
matter, existed. Below are a few beings who have had a
immortality. The Spirit World and the physical world are
tremendous impact on the world leading up to the Harmonic
closest together during the solstices, which made it possible
Convergence of 171 AG.
for spirits to manifest in the mortal world and for humans to
pass into the Spirit World more easily. There are also certain
locations in the physical world which act as bridges to the
Spirit World; these locations are often revered by the cultures Raava is the spirit of peace and light and, after fusing with
living near them, such as the Spirit Oasis in the North Pole. Wan, the Avatar Spirit. She is one of the oldest known spirits,
having existed over ten thousand lifetimes before the
The Avatar acts as a spiritual bridge between both worlds
appearance of the first humans. She and Vaatu, the spirit of
and a fully-realized Avatar can travel between them freely.
darkness and chaos, spent much of their existence combating
Individuals who cross over to the Spirit World cannot use their
each other, at least since the Harmonic Convergence in
bending, unless they have entered physically through the
19,829 BG, with neither able to fully vanquish the other. Even
spirit portals. Despite this, the Avatar can use energybending
if Raava were to destroy Vaatu and usher in a new era of
when in the Spirit World, even when they did not enter
peace, what little darkness existed in Raava would magnify
physically, as they are connected to all the spiritual energy
until Vaatu was reborn and burst forth, beginning the cycle
when in that realm.
again. The reverse would happen to Vaatu if he were
After Avatar Wan closed the spirit portals following the victorious over Raava.
Harmonic Convergence of 9829 BG, the Spirit World and the
During the Harmonic Convergence in 9,829 BG, Raava
mortal world became two separate worlds, only connected
permanently merged her essence with Wan’s, creating the
through a few mediums scattered across the planet. As the
Avatar. However, during the next convergence in 171 AG,
bridge between the two worlds, the Avatar crossed over
Raava lost her connection to Wan and all the Avatars after
several times in a spiritual form to converse with the spirits
him, but merged again with Korra, recreating the Avatar and
and ask them for guidance.
starting the Avatar Cycle anew.
There are few known ways for a mortal to enter the Spirit
World, though humans are sometimes carried into the realm Vaatu
by a spirit as the entity shifts between planes. Enlightened Vaatu is the spirit of chaos and darkness, who briefly became
individuals can cross over to the Spirit World by meditation the Dark Avatar Spirit during the Harmonic Convergence of
and others can enter physically through one of the two spirit 171 AG. He is one of the oldest known spirits, having existed
portals situated in the north and south poles. over ten thousand lifetimes before the appearance of the first
However, after the opening of the Southern spirit portal, humans. He was the first spirit to cross over into the mortal
unenlightened humans, such as Unalaq, could physically world, breaking down the barrier that separated it from the
enter once again, and with them, they brought their inner plane of spirits and creating the Northern and Southern spirit
darkness and anger that threatened to overtake the Spirit portals in the process, enabling other spirits to do the same.
World. These negative feelings were amplified during the His essence swayed the spirits to the dark side, transforming
Harmonic Convergence of 171 AG, when Vaatu used the them into dark spirits.
increased spiritual energy to break free from his prison inside During the Harmonic Convergence in 9,829 BG, Vaatu
the Tree of Time. After the Dark Spirit was defeated, Avatar was defeated by a merger of Wan with Raava, and
Korra decided to leave the spirit portals open permanently, subsequently locked inside the Tree of Time for ten thousand
once again uniting the Spirit and the mortal world. years. During the next Harmonic Convergence in 171 AG,

The Second Age v2.0 | The Avatar Setting | 147

Vaatu permanently merged his essence with Unalaq's,
becoming the Dark Avatar Spirit. Their form, however, was The Avatar
purified through spiritbending by Avatar Korra during their The Avatar formed initially when Wan permanently fused with
battle. Thus, Vaatu receded into Raava and the Avatar, where Raava during the Harmonic Convergence of 9829 BG; it is the
he will continue to grow stronger and eventually break free. human embodiment of light and peace through the connection
with the Avatar Spirit. As the only physical being with the
Tui & La ability to bend all four elements, it is considered the Avatar's
These ancient and powerful spirits keep balance in the Water duty to master the four bending arts and use that power to
Tribe. Known as Tui and La in the spirit world, they are two of keep balance among the four nations of the world, as well as
the oldest spirits on Earth. Legend says that the Ocean and between mankind and spirits.
Moon spirits permanently crossed over from the spirit world When the Avatar dies, they are reincarnated through
into the mortal world near the beginning of time. They created Raava into the next nation, dictated by the cyclic order: fire,
the oasis in the North Pole and took the form of two koi fish. air, water, and earth. Mirroring the order in which the first
Over the ages, few have known the Ocean and Moon spirits' Avatar, Wan, learned the elements, this is also the traditional
true identities. But when a young lieutenant named Zhao order in which any one incarnation is to master the elements,
looted an underground Earth Kingdom library, he discovered beginning with the bending art of the Avatar's birth nation. The
that the Ocean and Moon were actually the two koi fish. He reincarnation cycle can only be broken if the Avatar is killed
kept this knowledge a secret for years, knowing it would while in the Avatar State, Raava is removed from the Avatar
provide him a strategic advantage if he ever invaded the North and destroyed, or the Avatar Spirit is compromised by a
Pole. spiritual infection.
Legend says that the moon was the first waterbender -- it Upon the death of an Avatar, Bending masters from the
pushed and pulled the tides and from this, waterbenders successive nation conduct a search to find the child
learned to waterbend. Waterbenders are strongest at night, reincarnate. The successor is expected to show signs of
when there is a full moon. continuity with the one who died, such as being born within a
week of the death. These Benders carefully train the new
The Painted Lady Avatar to prepare him for his high position. First, they
Known for her gentleness and healing abilities, the Painted becomes proficient with his native element. Then, when the
Lady is a powerful and benevolent spirit who watched over the Avatar reaches maturity, they travels the world and studies
river town of Jang Hui, until a Fire Nation factory moved in and with Masters from the other three Bending disciplines. Upon
began polluting the river. It was this event that drove the completion of his training, the Avatar possesses sole control
Painted Lady away, leaving the villagers to fend for of all four elements.
themselves. As is the case with many other spirits, only As part spirit, the Avatar possesses an innate connection
spiritually enlightened people can see the Painted Lady. Once to the Spirit World and is at their strongest in that realm, due
Katara helped the villagers of Jang Hui to drive away the Fire to being surrounded by spiritual energy. The Avatar used that
Nation and clean the river, the Painted Lady revealed herself connection to the Spirit World to be the bridge between the
to Katara and thanked her. two worlds to keep peace between them and ensure harmony.
After the Harmonic Convergence in 171 AG, however, Avatar
Ran & Shaw Korra left the spirit portals open and renounced her role as the
Revered by the Sun Warriors, Ran and Shaw are two bridge between the two worlds to let humans and spirits live
Firebending masters who are also ancient dragons. In order together in harmony.
to learn Firebending from them, any potential student must The Avatar is also capable of recalling memories from past
present themselves to the dragons. Ran and Shaw examine lives. This ability, however, can be injured or even completely
you and read your heart and soul. If they deem you worthy, severed. Avatar Aang unintentionally weakened his
they will teach you, if they don't, they will destroy you on the connection to all his past lives who came before Avatar Roku
spot. Many people have presented themselves to Ran and when he broke off his relationship with the Fire Nation Avatar,
Shaw over the years, but the dragons have deemed worthy though he managed to restore the connection. When Raava
only a few people, including Aang, Zuko, and General Iroh. was ripped out of Avatar Korra by Vaatu and subsequently

The Lion Turtle

destroyed, Korra's link to her past lives via Raava was
completely severed despite the light spirit's revival.
This is the oldest, most ancient creature in the Avatar world. The Avatar also possesses the ability to bend energy
Lion Turtles existed since the world began, and pre-date the itself, although few Avatars have learned this technique, and
era of the Avatar. This Lion Turtle is the last of his kind. The even fewer have used it. Avatar Aang learned it from the last
rest were hunted and killed thousands of years ago. The Lion living lion turtle and used it to remove Phoenix King Ozai's
Turtle possesses timeless wisdom and powerful, spiritual firebending, ending the Hundred Year War. He later used it to
energy. Not all Avatars have met the Lion Turtle. In fact, Aang end Yakone's reign of terror in Republic City by stripping him
was the first in many ages. of his waterbending. Korra was also taught this ability after
Because they is so old, a large, overgrown forest has connecting with Aang when she lost her bending. Aang used
sprouted on the Lion Turtle's back. The Lion Turtle stays this ability to restore her bending and she likewise did the
hidden from the world because, when submerged, they looks same for Lin Beifong and many other victims of Amon's
like an ordinary island. unique bloodbending technique. Upon mastering control of

148 | The Avatar Setting | The Second Age

the Avatar State, after having learned to bend the four
elements, an Avatar is referred to as "fully realized".

Earth, also known as the world of Avatar, the Mortal World, or Having restored the buildings to their former glory, they
the Physical World, is the world divide into the four nations occupy the air temples, along with the newfound flying bison
and home to a multitude of species. The world is a common and ring-tailed winged lemurs. Forming the new Air Nation,
name for the sum of human civilization, specifically human they also had a representative on the United Republic
experience, history, or the human condition in general. The Council, a spot held by an Air Acolyte and later Tenzin, the
World of Avatar plays home to benders and hundreds of youngest son of Avatar Aang, until 171 AG.
chimerical creatures. Earth is surrounded by a vast void After the Harmonic Convergence, nonbending individuals
known as outer space. across the world began manifesting airbending abilities.
The world of Avatar is host to four distinct megacultures, Tenzin has undertaken the task to train a group of airbender
each representative of one of four elements, as well as a volunteers into a new generation of Air Nomads, to fortify a
young, sovereign state created by Avatar Aang after the still-recovering Air Nation and to perpetuate the bending
conclusion of the Hundred Year War. The United Republic of traditions of his culture. After the insurrection of the Red Lotus,
Nations is unique in that it is a melting pot of cultures from all Tenzin decided that the Air Nation would roam the world,
over the world and is representative of all elements. helping people of all nations to stop corruption and disorder.
What follows is a brief description of the peoples and Although the Air Nation continues to prosper, citizens from all
locations which sets the tone for the adventure at the back of over the world discover their newfound airbending abilities
this book “The Great Uniter”. every day, challenging Tenzin and the Air Nation to rebuild the
culture of the Air Nomads. After the Harmonic Convergence
Locations of 171 AG, however, airbending resurfaced across the world
in several nonbenders, and the Air Nation was formed to carry
Prior to the Hundred Year War, the world was divided into four on the Air Nomad tradition.
ethnographic independent nations: The Air Nomads, the
Water Tribe, the Earth Kingdom, and the Fire Nation;
Air Temple Island
however, following the Harmony Restoration Movement, the Air Temple Island is a small isle located off the coast of
founding of the United Republic of Nations introduced a fifth Republic City in Yue Bay. Comprised of several structures,
nation. Each location has unique physical geography, the temple was built by Avatar Aang himself and is home to
landmarks, climates, and demography which conform to the Tenzin, his wife Pema, and their four children Jinora, Ikki,
quality or attributes of the nation's corresponding element. Meelo, and Rohan, as well as the Air Acolytes. Also residing
on the island are colonies of flying bison and ring-tailed
The Air Nomads have four temples located in the north,
winged lemurs.
south, east, and west of the Earth. There are two main Water
Tribes, situated north and south of the Earth Kingdom, the Eastern Air Temple
most expansive and populated state in the world. The Fire
The Eastern Air Temple was one of the two temples
Nation is an archipelago of volcanic islands west of the Earth
exclusively housing female airbenders. Like the other
continent. Each nation has a predominant season, and
temples, its population was completely exterminated during
geography has a great influence on the customs and culture
the Air Nomad Genocide.
of each country.
The Eastern Air Temple is one of the four original temples
Air Nomads of the Air Nomads and, sometime after the end of the Hundred
Year War, became inhabited by a group of Air Acolytes.
The Air Nomads were a civilization composed of people who
Before the war, it was one of the two air temples, the other
practiced the art of airbending. Although they were nomadic,
being the Western Air Temple, which exclusively housed
many did inhabit four major air temples, each built on remote
female airbenders. Guru Pathik resided here for a
locations, only easily reachable with flying bison. Air nomads
considerable amount of time, as he waited years for Aang to
were a highly spiritual group of people. With an economy was
come so he could teach the Avatar how to properly control the
based solely on agriculture, they were the smallest of the four
Avatar State. This is the temple where many avatars,
nations, but all their members were benders.
including Avatar Aang, Avatar Korra, and Avatar Kuruk, came
Before their genocide, the Air Nomads were an to train and develop a deeper connection to the Spirit World.
ecclesiastic and monastic society that lacked social strata.
The highest Air Nomad political body was the Council of Northern Air Temple
Elders until the genocide carried out by the Fire Nation. The Northern Air Temple is a temple that hosted only male
To preserve Air Nomad culture, Avatar Aang founded the monks. It is in the upper reaches of the northern Earth
Air Acolytes, a group of nonbenders who volunteered to learn Kingdom, built upon a snow-capped mountain. This temple
the ways of the Air Nomads. Airbending also began to slowly was also a victim of the Air Nomad Genocide, along with all
resurface through Aang's youngest son, Tenzin, and Tenzin’s the other air temples. By 100 AG, it had become renowned for
three eldest children. its arbitrary colonization by Earth Kingdom refugees, who
were led by the mechanist. Up to that point, the area had
undergone rapid industrialization.

The Second Age | The Avatar Setting | 149

Western Air Temple capital city prospers in its isolation. No attack from the Fire
Nation on the city during the Hundred Year War ever ended
The Western Air Temple was a counterpart of the Eastern Air in a loss for the tribe, including the tumultuous Siege of the
Temple, maintaining only female airbenders. It is situated in North. After the fall of Ba Sing Se, the Northern Water Tribe
an island mountain range due north of the Fire Nation. Unlike boasted the only major city in the world to not be under Fire
the other air temples, this one consists of multiple small Nation jurisdiction.
structures and portions versus merely a single large one. It,
too, fell victim to the Air Nomad Genocide, which decimated The Northern Tribe is an independent state ruled by a
all its population. The temple is also notable in that, contrary hereditary chiefdom. As the oldest division of the three main
to the other three temples, it is situated underneath the edge Water Tribes, the Northern Tribe culture dominated both the
of a cliff, as opposed to a mountaintop. The spires seem as North Pole as well as the South Pole for centuries.
though they were constructed upside-down, and because of The people of the Northern Water Tribe are traditionally
that, the temple is generally difficult to locate for passers-by. conservative and very spiritual, but still open to change and
The temple features some interesting recreational spots, reform. The Northern waterbending style is the most
such as a giant Pai Sho table, an all-day echo chamber, and widespread form, practiced by waterbenders at both poles
an air bison obstacle course and racetrack. Its design allows and in the United Republic of Nations, as raids on the
wind to flow into even the deepest chambers, which made the Southern Water Tribe led to the southern style becoming
Air Nomads feel quite at home. nearly extinct during the Hundred Year War.

Southern Air Temple Southern Water Tribe

The Southern Air Temple sits atop a peak in the remote Patola The Southern Water Tribe is an independent state at the
Mountain Range, and is one of the four original Air Nomad South Pole and the southern division of the Water Tribe. A
temples; when Avatar Aang was born here, it was also a federation of several smaller tribes, the South is ruled by an
dormitory for male-only airbenders. Though it remained Elder Council, who also elects the tribe's chief. The Southern
uninhabited for the duration of the Hundred Year War, the Water Tribe achieved its independence only after the Water
Southern Air Temple was restored to its former glory shortly Tribe Civil War in 171 AG; before, the tribe had been an
after the conflict's end by the Air Acolytes, who remained to autonomous tribal confederation under the Northern Water
settle in the temple grounds to preserve Air Nomad culture Tribe's jurisdiction.
through many of their observances. Before the Hundred Year War, the South was thriving and
The Southern Air Temple was another of the four had a unique culture and waterbending style. After a series of
sanctuaries owned by the Air Nomads. It is the one located brutal Fire Nation raids, however, the South Pole was left
closest to the Southern Water Tribe and exclusively housed devastated and almost without any waterbenders. Its people
male airbenders. This region is notable for being the are hardy and resilient, but intelligent enough to outlast (and
childhood home of Avatar Aang, and it was also the place outsmart) genocide.
where Avatar Roku learned airbending. Its people are scattered across various villages and
Located inside the Air Temple, this great hall is filled with settlements. Unlike its thriving sister tribe, the people of the
statues of all the previous Avatars. It is a spiritual place that Southern Water Tribe were teetering on the edge of extinction
the Avatar uses to connect with their previous lives. The only during the Hundred Year War due to Fire Nation raids.
way to open the sanctuary door is by using Airbending. And However, following the Siege of the North, several
only the elder monks and the Avatar were allowed inside the volunteers traveled from the Northern Water Tribe to help
sanctuary. rebuild their sister tribe under the auspices of bringing
“civilization” and technological development. Their true
Water Tribe purpose was to extract the wealth of oil beneath the southern
The Water Tribe is a collective term for the nation of people tribe. Through their efforts, the South underwent a major
who practice the art of waterbending. It is one of the original expansion, and by 171 AG, it had a large harbor city as its
four nations and its citizens primarily inhabit the northern and capital, along with numerous other smaller cities and villages
southernmost regions of the globe, near both poles. Many scattered around the South Pole.
people of Water Tribe ethnicity also live in the United Republic After a brief civil war, the Southern Water Tribe declared
and there is a small community of waterbenders that populate itself independent from its northern counterpart.
the Foggy Swamp in the Earth Kingdom, although they were
isolated from their sister tribes for generations and others Foggy Swamp Tribe
were largely unaware of their existence until they were The Foggy Swamp Tribe is the third and most elusive of the
stumbled upon by Avatar Aang and his friends. three Water Tribes. The tribesmen are descendants of
The people of the Water Tribe are generally peaceful, and individuals who migrated from the South Pole to the Foggy
strive to live in harmony with nature and the other nations of Swamp in the Earth Kingdom, where they established a
the world. There are two primary divisions of the Water Tribe, separate faction that eventually developed a distinct culture
the Northern Tribe and the Southern Tribe, though both were and bending style separate from those of the two polar tribes.
at least de jure governed by the Northern chief until 171 AG. Though an outlying expanse of the tribe, this vast and
mysterious wetland occupies a considerable portion of the
Northern Water Tribe southwestern Earth Kingdom. It provides an ideal residence
The Northern Water Tribe is the largest division of its nation for the Foggy Swamp Tribe, who are descended from
and is located on an island situated near the North Pole. The

150 | The Avatar Setting | The Second Age

immigrants of the Southern Water Tribe. The Swamp has an The city is by far the largest in the world, essentially being
extensive array of fauna and flora, the latter of which are just more of a small country than a mere city. As a testament to its
a series of roots connected to one central tree, the towering grandeur, the Earth Kingdom's roadway network is centered
banyan grove. on the city. During the Hundred Year War, Ba Sing Se was
Although technologically unsophisticated, the tribe the safest place for refugees displaced by the Fire Nation.
consists of clever and agile waterbenders who have Thus, a large diaspora of benders from all over the world call
developed a specialized bending style adapted for swamp the Earth Kingdom capital home.
use. Specifically, the form employed by swampbenders differs Its residents are a hardy people, coming from a lineage
significantly from conventional waterbending, as it primarily spanning over 5,000 years. In addition to their resilience,
involves rigid bending motions and the manipulation of plant many residents of Ba Sing Se are themselves charismatic to
life. the effect that it can uplift their social status. Those living in
the Lower Ring are always looking to move inward.
Earth Kingdom
The Earth Kingdom is a massive continent led by an earth
Full Moon Bay
monarch and is home to people who practice the art of Full Moon Bay is a secluded cove in East Lake, located just
earthbending. Being the largest of the four nations, it is south of Ba Sing Se. It is the location of a hidden ferry station
ethnically diverse with a variance of customs and cultural that refugees from all over the southern portion of the Earth
traditions. The people of the Earth Kingdom are strong and Kingdom come to on their way to Ba Sing Se.
persistent. The geography of the Earth Kingdom varies
tremendously, ranging from wooded forests to blazing
Great Divide
deserts, mountainous terrain, swamps, and grassy plains. This is the biggest canyon in the entire Avatar world. The
Divide was either the result of millions of years of erosion or
This vast realm spans an entire continent as well as
the actions of angry earth spirits, depending on whose history
several subsidiary islands; it is the largest and most populated
you believe. But there's no disputing the peril involved in
sovereignty in the world and encompasses much of the
crossing the Divide. There are many ways to die on the floor
eastern hemisphere. Like the Fire Nation, the Earth Kingdom
of the canyon, including by the jaws of a canyon crawler.
is ruled by a central monarchy. The people of the Earth
Kingdom are proud and strong and adhere to a philosophy of Be sure to stop at the nearest Canyon Guide Station.
peaceful coexistence and cooperation with the other nations They’re the last stop for visitors before descending into the
of the world. Earthbenders use their abilities for defense and Great Divide. And it's also the last place to ditch your food to
industry and fiercely defended their cities against Fire Nation avoid attracting canyon crawlers.
attacks during the Hundred Year War. It also has a large
economy based on agriculture and limited industry, though it
Si Wong Desert
is not as economically powerful as the Fire Nation, which The Si Wong Desert is the largest desert in the world. It is
benefits from advanced technology. almost impossible to successfully navigate. It is sparsely
inhabited by sandbender tribes—earthbenders who have
The Earth Kingdom is characterized by significant ethnic
adapted to the harsh conditions of the arid environment.
and cultural diversity, a consequence of the country's vast
territorial expanse. Thus, it suffers from high levels of local Serpent’s Pass
autonomy and ethnic conflict, both of which began
The Serpent's Pass is a narrow strip of land between the East
accelerating as the central government grew weak. Despite
and West Lakes that links the southern and northern halves
this division, the people's recognition of the Earth Kingdom as
of the Earth Kingdom. It is one of the very few direct paths to
a single political entity is largely strengthened through the
the capital, Ba Sing Se. The pathway is named after the
communal belief in a shared history and identity. However, the
serpent which guards the point at which the East and West
recent assassination at the hands of the airbender and Red
Lakes meet. Here, the Serpent's Pass dips below the lakes
Lotus member Zaheer has left the kingdom in chaos.
for a limited distance. These adversities make the Serpent's
Ba Sing Se Pass a typically avoided entryway into Ba Sing Se, and most
refugees prefer to go by ferry instead.
Ba Sing Se is the monolithic capital of the Earth Kingdom,
encompassing nearly the entire northeast corner of the Omashu
country. It was the last great Earth Kingdom stronghold after
The second largest city in the Earth Kingdom, Omashu is a
the fall of Omashu. Ba Sing Se means "impenetrable city", an
bustling metropolis whose gates are guarded by an army of
honorary reference to its two insurmountable walls, the gates
Earthbenders. It is the capital of its province. Only Ba Sing Se,
of which have no hinges and can therefore not be opened in
the titanic capital of the Earth Kingdom, is larger. It was one
any way aside from the use of earthbending.
of the last great strongholds of the Earth Kingdom before its
Within the Outer Wall lies a large expanse of farmland, fall in the months before the end of the Hundred Year War.
Lake Laogai, and several mountains. Between the Outer and Previously ruled by King Bumi, Omashu was taken over by
Inner walls of the city is the agrarian zone: a large the Fire Nation and renamed New Ozai. During the Day of
undeveloped stretch of land, used primarily for farming and Black Sun, King Bumi single-handedly liberated Omashu, and
nature walks. Although it is also a valuable wildlife refuge, the all the powerless firebenders abandoned the city.
agrarian zone's most important function is to be a massive
Inside the walled city, the unique Omashu delivery system
land buffer between the Outer Wall and the Inner Wall, where
is used to transport goods throughout the city. Earthbenders
all of the Ba Sing Se residents live.
transport goods throughout Omashu using lifts and chutes.

The Second Age | The Avatar Setting | 151

Omashu residents are crafty and ingenious, like their former oversea colonies with forcibly relocated peasants. Over time,
mad king Bumi. Navigating their city requires a level of these grievances were forgotten, and the colonies themselves
intelligence only residents could possess and the history of became prosperous, so much so that the citizens resisted
their city is shrouded in mystery and spiritual reverence. efforts to return them to the Fire Nation. Still, mainland citizens
Earthbenders built the city several centuries ago by carving it looked down upon those from the colonies, regarding them to
out of a mountain. The mountain on which it's built rises out of be uncultured.
a deep chasm and the only way to get to the gates of Omashu
is by walking a long, narrow path over the chasm.
Capital City
This city is one of the larger cities of the four nations. It has a
Zaofu distinct layout consisting of the Royal Plaza, a forum located
Zaofu is an autonomous city state, home of the Metal Clan, directly past the harbor; an industrial district surrounded by
and regarded by some as the safest city in the world. The numerous establishments and homes; and Royal Caldera
clan's matriarch, Suyin Beifong, constructed the settlement City, a residential district situated within the crater of a
entirely out of metal in the Earth Kingdom. dormant volcano hosting the Fire Nation Royal Palace and
various homes of Fire Nation elite.
Countryside Owing to its extensive defenses, the Fire Nation Capital is
Much like the outskirts of Republic City, the Earth Kingdom regarded as one of the most heavily fortified cities in the world,
countryside is dotted with innumerable smaller cities, villages, alongside Ba Sing Se. This level of protection along with the
and settlements. Millions upon millions of citizens live prowess of the Fire Nation Navy prevented capital from
throughout the largest continent on the planet, which spans becoming a major battleground during the Hundred Year War.
nearly half the circumference of the entire globe. Individuals Despite this, it came under attack on at least one occasion,
who carve out a living wherever they can must be both during the failed Invasion of the Fire Nation on the Day of
resilient yet adaptable. Black Sun.

Fire Nation Mainland

The Fire Nation is home to people who practice the art of Although the Fire Nation is truly an archipelago, its largest
firebending and is an absolute monarchy led by the Fire Lord. island is often referred to as the ‘mainland’. This island is
Being composed of several major islands and located on the home to the Fire Nation capital as well as several minor,
equator, the nation is an archipelago. Its economy is the outlying villages, cities, and settlements. Mainlanders are
largest and most powerful in the world with a strong industrial well-versed in Fire Nation history and culture and are often
sector and advanced technological developments. The connected to nobility by some degree. Mainlanders pride
climate is normally humid and warm which allows for a themselves on their physique and bending technique. Most
diversity of flora and fauna to thrive. citizens have an adept understanding of Martial Arts, if not a
master’s grasp of the skill.
The Fire Nation is the second-largest nation in terms of
area, following the Earth Kingdom, while its economy is the In addition, the Fire Nation culture is enrapt with spiritual
most powerful in the world; its strong industrial sector and performance. Although their overall connection to the Spirit
extensive technological developments not only enabled the World has dwindled, their ritualism has remained intact,
Fire Nation to create an extremely powerful military, but also leaving Mainlanders with a base connection to their inner chi.
initiated the worldwide modernization and globalization.
Before the foundation of the United Republic and the following
Ember Island
global technological revolution, it was also the strongest and Ember Island is a renowned resort area located in the outer
most advanced country in the world. islands of the northern Fire Nation. Set among palm trees and
luscious vegetation, it is home to many luxurious resorts and
Despite their ultimate loss after the Hundred Year War,
vacation homes for the wealthy and powerful. Many high-
Fire Nation culture has changed very little in 70 years. Still
ranking Fire Nation officials have vacation homes here and
proud, Fire Nation citizens hold the honor of others in the
the island is viewed as the top vacation destination in the Fire
highest regard. The nation’s capital, known simply as “The
Capital” is a monument to the storied legacy of the Fire Nation
and the nobility of its monarchy. The people of the Fire Nation The private beaches are surrounded by mountains and
have desire and will, and the energy and drive to achieve what dunes which create a private atmosphere for visitors. The
they want. Fire Nation society places a great emphasis on island is less known as being the home of Ta Min in the years
respect and honor, especially toward the nobility and elders; following Avatar Roku's death, as well as Lord Zuko's home
the concept of the famed Agni Kai stems from these beliefs. after he abdicated his throne in 167 AG.
The Fire Nation possesses an industrialized economy, Ember Island houses an open-air arcade, which features
fueled by raw resources it had extracted from its former many games and is popular with younger crowds. The
overseas colonies. They possess a robust middle class, with beaches are among the most popular in the country and host
a large degree of disposable income and liberal social many popular kuai ball games. One of the most well-known
protocols, especially among its youth. Education is small theaters in the Fire Nation, the Ember Island Theater is
widespread, though during the Hundred Year War, its primary a popular destination for anyone visiting the island.
purpose was indoctrination. During the Hundred Year War, For those who call Ember Island home, living in a vacation
the Fire Lord expanded the territory of the Fire Nation to hotspot has forced residents to adapt to reflect their divergent
access the resources of the Earth Kingdom, populating social circumstances. Many individuals are outspoken and

152 | The Avatar Setting | The Second Age

cunning which is reflected in the commercial ventures offered where benders and nonbenders were meant to live in
by Ember Island including the Ember Island playhouse, the harmony. Good intentions, however, do not always translate
open-air Arcade, and the many beaches and boardwalks. to a peaceful outcome. Thus, Republic City and its outlying
territories are awash with growing dissatisfaction of the status
Bhanti Tribe quo.
The Bhanti Tribe is an oft-forgotten sect of Fire Nation With no royalty as in other cultures, the nobility are not a
citizens, due in part to the fact that their settlement lays at the class in the United Republic because of the nation's break
southern tip of the archipelago. The tribe and its members from the traditional governing systems of the world. This
have strong spiritual connections to the world around them, makes wealth in the United Republic something that must be
and the Bhanti Tribe is the direct predecessor to the Fire Sage striven for, not something that one is simply born into. Sports
lineage. Although this village is small and isolated, several its like pro-bending have given way to high-paying jobs for
members still venture out into the world from time to time to proprietors of such businesses. The automobile industry has
bring back news of the outside world as well as to replenish also proven to be an undertaking of great profit.
food stock and to reintroduce the sky bison into its natural
habitat. Individual tribe members tend to have a very Republic City
pronounced spiritual connection and are often inclined to Republic City is the capital city of the United Republic of
intellectual studies. Nations as well as one of the largest and most modern cities
Shu Jing in the world, with a population of millions. Located on the
shores of Yue Bay, it is built upon a former Fire Nation colony
Shu Jing is a town located on one of the eastern islands of the and was founded after the conclusion of the Hundred Year
Fire Nation. Situated on a cliff that houses a system of War as a haven for immigrants and refugees from across the
waterfalls, it is one of the many small, peaceful settlements four nations. Republic City boasts significant high-rise
tucked away throughout the Fire Nation islands. The village of development as well as the widespread use of automobiles,
Shu Jing is famous for its most well-known resident, the motorcycles, and airships.
renowned sword master, Piandao, who lived above the village
in a large castle. A military deserter, he is believed to have Citizens of Republic City tend to be very outspoken. With
once fought a battle against one hundred Fire Nation soldiers a free press and constant updates on the political goings-on
and won, defeating them all. of day-to-day affairs, many citizens are well-informed and thus
inclined to voice their opinions. Living in the hustle and bustle
Shu Jing and the region that surrounds it is a renowned of several million individuals also tends to leave benders and
haven of pristine natural beauty and wildlife. The town is nonbenders alike agile enough to traverse the crowded and
located at the heart of a vast expanse of grassy hills, most of busy streets.
which are rocky and steep in terrain. Due to the rough surface
of the land, trees are only sporadically found in the area. Shu Yu Dao
Jing itself is situated at the edge of a canyon, through which The first and oldest of all Fire Nation colonies. Many of the
flows a small river. Though narrow, multiple waterfalls and Fire Nation families there emigrated from the mainland over
cataracts dot the canyon, where the rock is black in coloration. 100 years before Avatar Aang ended the Hundred Year War,
Boiling Rock when Yu Dao was only a tiny village at the bottom of a valley.
Together with Earth Kingdom settlers already living there,
The Boiling Rock is a massive Fire Nation prison. Its name is they built the magnificent city of Yu Dao, famed for its
derived from the fact that the prison is on an island in the metalworking produced using firebending and earthbending
middle of a boiling lake on a volcanic island. The Boiling Rock expertise. Yu Dao is one of the richest cities in the world.
is where the most dangerous prisoners in the Fire Nation are
held, domestic and foreign alike. Immediately after the conclusion of the Hundred Year
War, Fire Nation citizens comprised the upper classes of Yu
United Republic of Nations Dao while the Earth Kingdom subjects filled the ranks of the
merchant and lower classes. Still, everyone was better off
The youngest of all realms in the world of the Avatar, the
than they were. Despite these distinct classes, Fire and Earth
Republic has been around for less than 100 years. After the
citizens commingled and cohabitated.
Hundred Year War was over, the Fire Nation colonies in the
Earth Kingdom were granted independence as a fifth nation. After the War, Yu Dao became the boiling point of tension
and inception of the United Republic of Nations. A year after
Avatar Aang envisioned it as a place where people from
the creation of the Harmony Restoration Movement, as Fire
all cultures, benders and nonbenders, could live together in
Lord Zuko attempted to evict Fire Nation citizens, he
peace. As such, its culture is an amalgamation of the other
encountered stiff resistance from Fire and Earth citizens alike
four nations' cultural identities. It is run from its capital,
who felt their lives would be uprooted after generations of
Republic City, by a president. Prior to 171 AG, the nation was
living in Yu Dao. Together with Avatar Aang and Earth King
led by five members of an assembly, called the United
Kuei, the Fire Lord met to discuss what could become of Yu
Republic Council, comprised of a single representative from
Dao whose people seemed to identify with neither and both
each nation, except for the Water Tribe which had a separate
the Fire Nation or Earth Kingdom.
representative for its northern and southern divisions.
Although it is young, many people have come to call this Senlin Village
new nation home, and some are young enough to not Senlin Village is a small farming settlement located within a
remember a time before the foundation of the Republic. It is a dense forest in the southern United Republic of Nations. The
bustling and vibrant culture, a melting pot of the other nations

The Second Age | The Avatar Setting | 153

surrounding woodland is protected by a typically peaceful, The village was originally settled because its fertile
though occasionally enraged, spirit known as Hei Bai. volcanic soil was conducive to fruitful agriculture. Because of
The Black and White Spirit, Hei Bai, had guarded the its hidden location in the mountains, Makapu Village was
village's forest for thousands of years and remained there. Hei untouched by the Fire Nation for the duration of the Hundred
Bai, furious that his home had been burned down by the Year War. The citizens of Makapu Village are a very cunning
invading Fire Nation military, transformed into a frightening breed. Additionally, the rich volcanic soils and spiritual energy
and destructive creature. of Mt. Makapu have given Makapu villagers a keener sense
of their inner energies than most.
With the help of Avatar Aang and his friends, the village
managed to placate the ravaged spirits by offering Hei Bai a Mt. Makapu is a tall active volcano which is located near
single acorn, a symbol of hope for the return of the forests. the village. The volcanic activity in the region produces rich
soil used by the villagers for farming, yet the village lives under
Taku Ruins the constant threat of volcanic eruption and certain
Located along the western shores of the Earth Kingdom, the destruction.
once great city of Taku was an important trading post. The
town was used to move goods brought from ships to various
locations in the Earth Kingdom. The Fire Nation recognized The outskirts of Republic City are comprised of a variety of
the city's strategic location and attacked it very early on in the former Earth Kingdom villages and Fire Nation colonies.
war. It was one of the first Earth Kingdom cities destroyed. These settlements dot the countryside and are home to
Taku now lies abandoned on the shores of the United millions of citizens spanning thousands of miles.
Republic of Nations, formerly the northwestern Earth Perseverance and ingenuity are favored traits for eeking out
Kingdom. a living in these conditions. Although the city is usually within
a day or two journey, many individuals never leave home and
Makapu Village often take on the businesses and farms of their parents
Makapu Village is a small farming village located on the
slopes of Mt. Makapu in the northeastern United Republic of

154 | The Avatar Setting | The Second Age

“I think I figured out why the nations have to be separate for harmony. Whenever two nations come together, the stronger
one can’t help but hurt the weaker one. They’ll conquer or burn or, at the very least, make a joke of the weaker nation.”
“You once told me that separation is an illusion. Guru Pathik taught you that. The four nations are really one and the
“But I don’t want them to be the same, Katara! I love being an Air Nomad. I love our philosophy, our temples, our holidays,
our food—everything that makes us different from the rest of the world! And now that I’m the last one left, it’s up to me to
preserve our way of life!”
“How, Aang? Are you gonna live by yourself, like some kind of hermit? Devote your whole life to collecting and preserving
a bunch of relics?
“I don’t know… but I do know this: Air Nomad culture can’t survive in a world where the nations invade each other,
corrupt each other. I have to see the Harmony Restoration Movement through to the end.”
— Avatar Aang speaking with Katara

The Avatar world has an extensive history dating back more
than twenty thousand years. This section lists historical
Unknown date before 9,850 BG
events in a timeline. The history of this world can be roughly Humans begin to build their cities on the shells of lion turtles
divided into two parts, the time before the Avatar and the time to protect themselves from the dangers of the Spirit Wilds.
of the Avatar. Whenever the people have to venture into the wilds to collect
food, the lion turtles bestowed upon the hunters the ability to
Prior to the Avatar's creation, lion turtles served as the control one of the elements. Eventually, most the cities lost
protectors of mankind, allowing the humans to erect cities contact and knowledge of each other's existence, and
atop their shells. Whenever the inhabitants of their cities developed unique cultures.
would venture into the Spirit Wilds, the creatures would
bestow the people with the ability to bend the element the 9,850 BG — Year of the Dragon
turtle was affiliated with; the power was to be returned upon Wan is born.
their reentry to the city. However, after the creation of the
Avatar, the lion turtles denounced their roles as protectors of 9,848 BG — Year of the Horse
mankind, and the people were left to make their own homes Jaya is born.
scattered across the world, which eventually led to the division
of the world into the four nations. 9,832 BG — Year of the Dog
The Beginning (before
Wan steals the element of fire from a lion turtle to incite
rebellion and steal food from the Chou family. For his crimes,
Wan is banished into the Spirit Wilds where he befriended the
9,829 BG) spirits and learned the Dancing Dragon firebending form.

Tui and La manifest in the physical world, assuming mortal 9,830 BG — Year of the Rat
forms as koi fish. Wan severs the link connecting Raava and Vaatu, in the
process releasing chaos into the world.
The Mother of Faces gives birth to Koh, the Face Stealer;
however, they soon become separated. Wan and Raava begin their journey together to master the
other elements.
The first humans appear in the world.
Vaatu breaks through the barriers that separate humans and 9,829 BG — Year of the Ox
spirits, allowing both to travel between the spirit and mortal A large group of firebending settlers, led by Jaya, are killed by
worlds. dark spirits during a battle in the Spirit Wilds.

Era of Raava (19,829 BG — 9,829 BG) The second known Harmonic Convergence occurs. Wan and
Raava become permanently bonded, making Wan the first
c.19,829 BG — Era of Raava Avatar.
Raava, the spirit of light and peace, duels with her Wan defeats and locks away Vaatu in an elemental barrier in
counterpart, Vaatu, the spirit of darkness and chaos. the hollow of the Tree of Time. Wan orders the spirits to return
to their world and separates the two realms by sealing the
The first known Harmonic Convergence occurs.
spirit portals located at the North and South Poles.

The Second Age | The Avatar Setting | 155

In the advent of the Avatar, the lion turtles collectively decided A large group of waterbenders from the Southern Water
that their task as protectors of mankind was done and that Tribe, who are wandering through the Earth Kingdom,
they would no longer grant any more bending powers. discover the Foggy Swamp and, comfortable with the large
amount of water there, decide to stay, forming the Foggy
Unknown date before or after 9,829 BG Swamp Tribe. The Southern Water Tribe never learns of this
A group of human nomads set up camp at the coast of the offshoot and the Foggy Swamp Tribe itself later forgets its own
later Mo Ce Sea where they encounter the spirit Lady Tienhai. origins.
In contrast to other spirits, Lady Tienhai quickly becomes The Sun Warrior civilization flourishes, learning
supportive of the humans, vowing to protect them from harm. firebending from dragons. They operate under a tribal
The nomads consequently settle down and found a town. chiefdom led by a single chief. The rest of the Fire Islands
An ethnic group known as the Bhanti emerges on a remote archipelago is influenced by their culture, and the islanders
island. carry on the art of firebending.

First Age of the Avatar

Warlords battle each other for land in the disaggregated
Fire Islands. One of them, Toz, orders the abduction of all of
the children of the village that refused to provide him with
(c. 9,829 BG — 171 AG) tribute. The children are never seen again, causing their
mothers to die from sadness and become Kemurikage spirits.
The Kemurikage exact their vengeance by taking the children
Pre-Hundred Year War (9,829 BG — of the warlord and his men, leading to the collapse of Toz's

1 BG)
regime as his men abandon him out of fear of the dark spirits.
At some point, several members of the Bhanti venture
Unknown date before 3,829 BG from their island, located in the southern region of what would
later become the Fire Nation archipelago, to the other nations,
As humanity left the cities established on the lion turtles, they
where they become sages most notably the Fire Sages, Earth
begin to come in to contact with each other. The different
Sages and Northern Water Tribe sages. While the others
peoples begin to wage war against each other, forcing Wan
maintain their spiritual traditions, the Earth Sages gradually
to intervene to maintain peace. His efforts, however, are of
devolve into de facto officials. Although the exact timing of
little success. The violent conflicts continue until his death and
these migrations is unknown, the order of the Fire Sages was
believed to be "thousands" of years old by the time of Avatar
The next Avatar is born into the cycle after Wan's death. Aang.

c. 3,829 BG Unification wars of the Fire Islands

The airbending Guru Laghima achieves weightlessness and A man manages to defeat the remaining warlords and bring
lives his final forty years without touching the ground. His them to justice, thus uniting the Fire Islands into the Fire
philosophical rival, Guru Shoken, advocates that people Nation, under himself as the first Fire Lord, leader of the
should follow their own path, unburdened by morals or ideas spiritual Fire Sages. The Fire Lord and the Fire Sages lead a
of enlightenment. spiritual rule, much as the Air Nomads were led by their
At some point after Laghima's death, the four nations are monks. Over time, however, the Fire Lord accumulated
formed. political power, ruling the Fire Nation as a sovereign, and the
office became hereditary, beginning the line of Fire Lords
Sometime between 9,829 BG and 345 BG The Sun Warriors gradually fade into obscurity as their
Wan Shi Tong brings his library from the Spirit World into the civilization declines, leaving many ruins across their island
physical world. archipelago. The Sun Warriors are believed to have gone
Humanity splits into the four nations, each divided by the extinct, though in reality a handful hiding in the ruins would
respective bending arts. The Air Nomads learn the art of continue their culture for centuries. The art of firebending,
airbending from the flying bison, the Earth Kingdom learn the however, was passed on to the other inhabitants of the
art of earthbending from the badgermoles, the Sun Warriors islands. These would gradually coalesce into the "Fire
learn the art of firebending from the dragons, and the Water Nation". Originally the Fire Nation was a spiritual people ruled
Tribes learn the art of waterbending by observing the pull of by Fire Sages, much as the Air Nomads were led by their
the moon on the ocean tides. monks. Over time, however, one sage rose to prominence
above the others, ruling the Fire Nation as a sovereign, and
A group of waterbenders from the Northern Water Tribe the office became hereditary, beginning the line of Fire Lords.
construct a large city out of ice to unite the various tribes
inhabiting the North Pole region. Oma founds the city of Omashu after the death of her lover
Following a civil unrest, the Water Tribe—which was
originally centered on the North Pole—splits into two groups: An Avatar defeats Hundun and mortally wounds his
one stayed at the North Pole, while the other group went out brother, forcing the conjoined twin kings to retreat to the Spirit
to settle the South Pole. Relations with their sister tribe were World. In 171 AG, Hundun claimed that this happened
later healed, and the two tribes would gather together at thousands of years in the past, but he spent his exile in the
annual New Moon celebrations. Spirit World where time passes differently.

156 | The Avatar Setting | The Second Age

The vast Earth Kingdom is gradually united under the After Kuruk's death, the Earth Kingdom suffers from growing
political authority of the city-state of Ba Sing Se. The King of instability, as the Fifth Nation pirates under Tulok attack its
Ba Sing Se becomes Earth King, overlord of all the smaller southern coast and the Yellow Neck Uprising breaks out.
kingdoms within the Earth Kingdom, some of which retain their Rangi is born to Hei-Ran and Junsik.
own hereditary lordship.
Yun is born.
The Fire Nation's navy is forbidden to fly military colors in
the Eastern Sea during the 22nd Earth King's reign. Aoma is born to Yokoya’s village captain.

Avatar Salai is born, and is remembered as one of the Suzu is born.

greatest Avatars of their age. Jae is born.
Avatar Szeto is born in the Fire Nation. He becomes an Mirai is born.
official in the Fire Nation government, puts an end to the
conflict between the noble clans, and restores the economy Sometime between 312 BG and 296 BG
of the nation, doing so from within the system by becoming Junsik dies.
one of the most effective administrators in their history. This
Lady Wumei dies. Her husband, Lu Beifong, is devastated by
leads to an era of political stability and economic prosperity in
her death and consequently falls under the influence of
the Fire Nation.
Chamberlain Hui.
The spirit Lady Tienhai falls in love and marries the ruler
of her city. She assumes a mortal form, and eventually dies, 305 BG – Year of the Pig
rousing the anger of the spirit General Old Iron. Jianzhu defeats the Yellow Necks in the Battle of Zhulu Pass
Avatar Yangchen of the Air Nomads is born in the Western and buries about 5,000 rebels alive, ending their rebellion.
Air Temple, after the death of her predecessor. Her reign as The remaining Yellow Necks go into hiding, while their leader
Avatar is a peaceful one, due to her fierce dedication to Xu Ping An is secretly imprisoned so that the Fire Nation can
keeping balance and serving the world. On one of her earliest study his ability to generate lightning.
missions, she strikes a deal with Old Iron, stopping his
rampage by promising him that Tienhai's old city is
Sometime between 305 and 296 BG
abandoned. Later on, she signs a treaty with the Fifth Nation A large splinter fleet of the Fifth Nation is destroyed by the late
to protect the southern Earth Kingdom. Yangchen also makes Avatar Kuruk’s friend and airbending master Kelsang. Tulok
several deals with other spirits, but many of these pacts are becomes the undisputed leader of the Fifth Nation pirates.
broken by humans after her death, resulting in numerous Fifth Nation leader Tulok is succeeded by his daughter
spirits turning dark and vengeful. Tagaka. She proves to be an exceptionally capable pirate
queen, earning a fearsome reputation and making the Fifth
Sometime in the 4th century BG Nation the most powerful pirate fleet in the world. At some
The 40th Earth King is was assassinated by Tieguai the point, she defeats the Earth Kingdom's navy in battle and kills
Immortal. the last admiral of Ba Sing Se in a duel, leaving the position
345 BG – Year of the Sheep
Avatar Yangchen dies and her successor, Avatar Kuruk, is Wars of Secrets and Daggers
born in the Northern Water Tribe. Numerous princes of the Earth Kingdom royal family secretly
feuded over the throne in Ba Sing Se. Many assassins were
Jianzhu and Kelsang are born.
hired to remove potential rivals, one of them being Amak, who
Sometime between 345 BG and 312 BG killed seven prominent royal family members on the order of
a lesser Earth Kingdom prince
Avatar Kuruk accidentally destroys an entire island while
attempting to master the Avatar State for the first time. There 299 BG – Year of the Horse
are no fatal injuries.
Jesa and Hark die of a fever.
Kuruk battles several dark spirits, including the Heartwalker of
Yaoping Mountain and the phoenix-eel spirits living under 298 BG – Year of the Sheep
Ma'inka Island. These conflicts spiritually corrupt Kuruk and Jianzhu and Kelsang falsely identify Yun as the Avatar during
contribute in his lasting depression, resulting in him neglecting their trip to Makapu Village.
many of his usual duties.
Avatar Kuruk tries to kill Koh, the Face Stealer, as revenge for 296 BG – Year of the Rooster
stealing the face of his fiancée Ummi. This event is confusing Fall of the Fifth Nation. Yun and his companions, most
to place chronologically, as if Koh's description of the event is notably Kyoshi, defeat the Fifth Nation pirates. Amak is killed
taken literally, it would have happened c. 800-700 BG, over during the encounter, and Tagaka is imprisoned. The identity
three hundred years before Kuruk's death. of the Avatar is consequently cast into doubt, as Kyoshi
displayed extremely unusual bending powers.
The Era of Kyoshi (312 – 82 BG) To solve the Avatar succession crisis, Jianzhu consults Father

312 BG — Year of the Dragon

Glowworm, after which Kyoshi is revealed to be the true
Avatar. Yun is sacrificed by Jianzhu to the malevolent spirit
Avatar Kuruk dies; Avatar Kyoshi of the Earth Kingdom is born and believed to be dead. Kyoshi consequently refuses to
to Jesa and Hark. accept Jianzhu as her teacher. Kelsang is killed by Jianzhu

The Second Age | The Avatar Setting | 157

during his attempt to safeguard Kyoshi, though she manages suspicious citizens, with Captain Yong hoping that one arrest
to escape with Rangi, fleeing from Jianzhu into the inner Earth will eventually lead him to the children. The Earth King is
Kingdom, where they join the Flying Opera Company. offended that Quin deploys her personal guard, seeing it as
Xu Ping An, a firebender who controls lightning, is freed by an insult to his capabilities as a ruler.
the Autumn Bloom Society and plans to restore the Yellow Seeing the turmoil in Ba Sing Se and worrying that things will
Necks, though he is soon killed by Kyoshi in a lei tai duel. turn violent, Rangi leaves to inform Kyoshi of the situation, and
Hui calls a conclave of Earth Sages to discuss whether leaves those that she can trust to maintain peace in the Lower
Jianzhu is fit to serve as the Avatar's guardian. Many sages, Ring.
including Hui, are killed in a mass poisoning orchestrated by
Sometime between 293 and 270 BG
Avatar Kyoshi fully adopts Yokoya peninsula as her homeland
Jianzhu is killed by Yun when confronting Kyoshi in Qinchao. and trains the first Kyoshi Warriors.
Kyoshi defeats a band of daofei known as the Emerald Claws,
terrorizing Gintong Province. 270 BG — Year of the Pig
Avatar Kyoshi kills the warlord Chin and founds Kyoshi Island;
295 BG – Year of the Dog the War of Chin the Conqueror ends with the victory of the
Kyoshi takes down both the Triad of the Golden Wing and Earth Kingdom government. The 46th Earth King restores his
Captain Li's corrupt peace officers in the Lower Ring of Ba reign over the whole Earth Kingdom, though civil unrest
Sing Se. begins to spread on the continent. The day of Chin's death is
remembered as Avatar Day in Chin Village and Kyoshi Day
Lei Fang, a former bruiser of the Triad of the Golden Wing,
forms the Fanged Mercenaries with its former second-in- on Kyoshi Island.
command, Hana. Sometime after this event, a peasant uprising in Ba Sing
Se spurs Kyoshi to create the Dai Li. In the process, the Earth
Yun holds guests hostage at the Fire Nation Royal Palace,
Kingdom is turned into a constitutional monarchy.
and kills Lu Beifong and Chancellor Dairin.
Kyoshi confronts Yun in Yokoya. The Avatar mansion is 82 BG — Year of the Horse
destroyed in the ensuing battle, and Yun is killed. Avatar Kyoshi dies at age 230; Avatar Roku of the Fire Nation
Sometime after 295 AG is born. Fire Lord Sozin is born the same day as Roku.

The Air Nomads lose some of their spiritual sites due to daofei Sometime before 66 BG
attacks and the long-term consequences of Kuruk hunting The Air Nomads move past their isolationist policy of staying
dark spirits. out of the worldly affairs of other nations, and all temples begin
Monk Namthöse of the Northern Air Temple's Council of to forge ties with foreign governments, hoping that this allows
Elders tries to instate a rule allowing only Air Nomads to visit them to reach as many people as they can and provide help
the Northern Air Temple. where it is needed. Their teachings and philosophies are
popular in the Fire Nation, where they are supported by the
Many people in the Southern Water Tribe question how the
nobility. However, some are uncomfortable working with the
North can claim to govern them with the large wealth disparity
ruling classes of nations, as they are usually people with a lot
between the North and the South. With tribal chieftains at a
of worldly prosperity, which goes against their ideals of
political stalemate, the lesser chieftain organize themselves to
detachment from the world.
parlay with the North and open up new roads of
communication. The Southern Water Tribe has completely recovered from
the poverty it faced during the age of piracy. It enters an age
293 BG – Year of the Rat of prosperity and is almost on par with the North.
Kyoshi leaves Ba Sing Se to attend to business elsewhere, The world is on the brink of a technological renaissance
and leaves Rangi in the Earth Kingdom capital to keep an eye and an industrial revolution, which is made possible by
on things. Her task force is placed under the control of the international collaboration fostered by business and academia
Earth King, who reforms it as an "anti-corruption task force" to to solve the most pressing issues of the day. Technological
deal with anything perceived as a threat. institutes spring up across the world, and scholars, inventors,
The Fanged Mercenaries use the task force to their and educators directly forge ties with one another in the name
advantage, and frame their rivals for certain crimes to see of progress.
them taken down.
66 BG — Year of the Dog
The ex-daofei Mengyao discovers what the Fanged
Avatar Roku is confirmed as Avatar at his sixteenth birthday,
Mercenaries are doing, and intends to put a stop to them.
and leaves the Fire Nation to master the elements.
Hana of the Fanged Mercenaries is furious, and comes up
with a plan to frame Mengyao by kidnapping Ambassador Sometime after 66 BG
Quin's children and planting false evidence at the crime
The Night of Silenced Sages takes place. Earth King Jialun
sends the Dai Li to round up every single Earth Sage, and
The Earth King's task force and Ambassador Quin's Fire their order is abolished. The Earth Sage temples reopen as
Nation guard search the city for her children, at odds with one the Royal Learning Halls, and the few sages who remain are
another. The task force simply takes advantage of the reformed as the Grand Lectors.
situation by arresting as many criminals, daofei, and

158 | The Avatar Setting | The Second Age

In response to the purge of the sages, Queen Guo Xun of drawn up by the Air Nun Anada. Construction is sabotaged by
Omashu becomes even more fiercely opposed to the Earth the Guiding Wind, a renegade Air Nomad order who believe
King. Ba Sing Se and Omashu begin to compete for power that the Air Nomad's growing relationship with the nobility of
more than ever, and the Queen of Omashu does all she can the other nations is impeding the spiritual growth of all peoples
to undermine the Earth King short of starting an all-out war. of the world. In response, Fire Lord Sozin seizes the site from
Both monarchs send spies into each other's courts, and both the nobility, and entrenches his military guard to protect the
throne rooms become vipers' nests. local population. He has no intention of withdrawing his forces
The folk hero known as Langzi starts uncovering corrupt until the Guiding Wind leaves, but the order has no intention
people and bringing them to justice across the Earth Kingdom of stopping their plans until construction ended completely.
during the exploitative regime of Earth King Jialun. Fire Lord Sozin organizes the first Dragon Hunts to regain his
Strange spiritual activity begins at the poles, which is popularity with the nobility. Only a few dragons are killed at
speculated to be a result of nations extending their reach and first, but the nobility embraces the sport with a voracious
exploiting natural resources in an era of industrialization, and appetite, and enjoyed the prestige of the title "Dragon". This
a steep decline in spirituality across the other nations. Bands leads to ethical debates with spiritual leaders. Strange
of dark spirits rage in the wilderness of the North and South spiritual activity occurs at many dragon death sites, but Sozin
Poles. dispatches an elite taskforce to deal with this and keep it
under wraps from the general population. When a joint Water
58 BG — Year of the Horse Tribe entity comes to investigate, they are blamed for any
Fire Lord Sozin ascends the throne, following the death of his spiritual activity that leaks to the public.
father. The south of the Earth Kingdom faces a number of floods,
which devastates small towns and infrastructure. Rather than
Sometime between 58 and 55 BG sending aid, Earth King Jialun offers citizens affected military
Early in Sozin's reign, the royal government wins the last real assistance in exchange for work on the Outer Wall of Ba Sing
conflict between the throne and the noble clans, with General Se. Many are left with no choice other than to accept. The only
Oraso Eiko winning a decisive victory, finally uniting the nation group to offer selfless aid are the Air Nomads from the
under the throne. After bringing the warring families to heel, Southern Air Temple.
Sozin makes great strides towards progress, uplifting the The Fire Nation considers the previously unclaimed Natsuo
poorest of the nation. Island to be its own territory after a cache of ore is discovered
The Northern Passage conflict between the Northern Water there. Earth King Jialun wants the island for himself, and
Tribe and the Earth Kingdom state of Chenbao threatens to sends his military vessels on training excercises near the
escalate into all-out war after a massive tsunami hits island, hoping to goad Fire Lord Sozin into making the first
Chenbao's northern coast, with the Water Tribe blaming move
earthbenders, and the Earth Kingdom blaming waterbenders. The Fire Nation claims an island considered sacred to the
Avatar Roku intervenes before the conflict can escalate, Water Tribes, the halfway point between the North and the
supported by airbending masters from the Northern Air South. Chieftain Tana from the South finds Fire Nation ships
Temple. Both sides back down, but their navies remain in the docked at the island, and Chief Skiri of the North discovers
water, ready to act at the first sign of threat from the other what has happened through political channels. The chief is
side. furious, and wants to send a majority of his forces to retake
Following the conflict between the Earth Kingdom and Water the island. However, he needs the support of the Southern
Tribe, the governor of Chenbao places a tax on all Water Tribe chieftains, and many cannot come to a consensus, not
goods or merchants ships passing through the Northern wanting to risk an all-out war with the Fire Nation.
Passage. There was no practical way to enforce this, and The Four Nations Summit & Technological Symposium is held
Water Tribe ships avoided taxes with their sailing mastery, but in Hari Bulkan, with each nation due to present their new
all Water Tribe goods were subsequently considered technological advances. Diplomatic tensions rise when crates
contraband in the Earth Kingdom. The governor hoped that of valuable meteorite metal from the Fire Nation are stolen
this development would escalate the situation, petitioning the from Fire Nation warehouses. Taqukaq of the Northern Water
Earth King for military assistance in enforcing his tax. Tribe contacts some of his connections, and trusts them to
Using the inventor Nyn Chei's innovations and plans, which bring a peaceful resolution to the crisis.
use designs originally from the master Southern Water Tribe
boatwright Massak, the Fire Nation begins to design a new 55 BG — Year of the Rooster
coal-powered fleet. The construction creates hundreds of jobs Avatar Roku destroys the Crescent Island Fire Temple on the
for the poorest members of society, but materials for the fleet winter solstice while stuck in the Avatar State during his
are scarce, leading to competition over resources with other training, activating the nearby volcano. The neighboring
nations. The beginnings of anti Earth-Kingdom sentiment are islands suffer from seismic instability in the face of the
quietly stoked by the Fire Lord in the ensuing struggle over volcano, and many villages struggle in rebuilding from
resources. earthquakes, while Avatar Roku personally helps people
The Fire & Air Center of Learning begins construction, funded rebuild. Fire Lord Sozin provides some aid, but explains he
by those of the Fire Nation nobility who have embraced Air cannot resettle people in other parts of the Fire Nation, as the
Nomad teachings and wish to see this celebrated with an nation lacked excess land to grant to those affected. Locals
institute to promote Air Nomad teachings in the Fire Nation. begin to buy into anti-Earth Kingdom sentiment, resenting
This is eventually supported by all air temples, and plans are

The Second Age | The Avatar Setting | 159

their neighbor for not providing them aid or shelter, and point continent over the course of the next hundred years. The city
to their greedy claim to Natsuo Island. of Taku is destroyed during the process.

54 BG — Year of the Dog Azulon is born.

Avatar Roku returns to the Fire Nation after twelve years of 15 AG — Year of the Goat
travel and marries Ta Min, a noblewoman from the Capital. In an attempted invasion of the North, the Fire Navy and the
50 BG — Year of the Tiger Northern Water Tribe engage in battle, ending in Northern
Water Tribe victory and the capture of Fire Navy troops and
Guru Pathik is born. uniforms.
37 BG — Year of the Rabbit 20 AG — Year of the Rat
Avatar Roku discovers the first Fire Nation colonies in the Fire Lord Sozin dies at age 102; Fire Lord Azulon ascends the
Earth Kingdom and confronts Fire Lord Sozin. throne.
Roku and Sozin engage in battle, resulting in Roku destroying
part of the Fire Nation Royal Palace. 39 AG — Year of the Goat
Jeong Jeong of the Fire Nation is born.
Sometime before 12 BG
The Sun Warriors go into total isolation during an age of the Before 40 AG
world that is beginning to forget the importance of spirituality The Fire Navy destroys the navies of the Northern and
during rampant industrialization, and the Fire Nation is hunting Southern Water Tribes in a series of massive naval battles.
animals as important to firebending as dragons. The world This leaves the South unprotected, while the North retreats
believes that they completely die out, and those in the Fire behind its icy defenses.
Nation are later taught that the Sun Warriors died out c. The Fire Nation begins raids on the Southern Water Tribe,
"thousands of years" before them. destroying its city and systematically capturing its
12 BG — Year of the Dragon waterbending population.

Avatar Roku is killed while fighting a volcanic eruption at age 40 AG — Year of the Monkey
seventy; Avatar Aang of the Air Nomads is born. The Fire Nation begins raids on the Southern Water Tribe,
Bumi of Omashu is born. destroying its city and systematically capturing its
waterbending population.
2 BG Hama is taken prisoner by the Fire Nation.
Aang receives his tattoos after inventing the air scooter
technique, making him the youngest airbending master in 55 AG — Year of the Pig
recorded history. Prince Ozai is born to Fire Lord Azulon and his wife, Ilah.
1 BG 64 AG — Year of the Monkey
Aang and his eccentric childhood friend Bumi would slide Ursa is born to Jinzuk and Rina.
down the Omashu delivery system for fun. Aang played with
his friend Kuzon in the Fire Nation. 75 AG — Year of the Goat
The Hundred Year War (0 — 100 Kuei is born to the 51st Earth King, becoming heir to the
throne of the Earth Kingdom.
AG) 79 AG — Year of the Pig
0 AG — Year of the Dragon The 51st Earth King dies. Kuei becomes the 52nd Earth King.
Because of the new Earth King's youth, Long Feng is
Avatar Aang is confirmed as Avatar at the age of twelve, four
appointed Regent of Ba Sing Se, and becomes the Earth
years earlier than normal, because the monks were fearful of
King's most trusted advisor. Taking advantage of his position,
a possible war. The monks decided to send Aang to the
Long Feng suppresses knowledge of the war from the young
Eastern Air Temple to continue his training. Distraught and
prince and takes complete control of the city.
confused by his destiny, he flees from the Southern Air
Temple with his flying bison, Appa. Upon getting caught in a Before 82 AG
storm and being pulled underwater, Aang enters the Avatar
Kuei of the Earth Kingdom is born. At age four, his father dies
State and encases himself in ice near the South Pole.
and Kuei becomes the 52nd Earth King. Because of the new
Fire Lord Sozin begins what would be the Hundred Year Earth King's youth, Long Feng is appointed Regent of Ba Sing
War by attacking the other nations. He uses the power of a Se, and becomes the Earth King's most trusted advisor.
comet, later renamed Sozin's Comet in his honor, to launch a Taking advantage of his position, Long Feng suppresses
genocidal attack on the Air Nomads to kill the Avatar. This knowledge of the war from the young prince and takes
resulted in almost complete extinction of the Air Nomads with complete control of the city.
the sole survivor being Avatar Aang.
The Fire Nation launches a massive coordinated invasion
83 AG — Year of the Rabbit
of the Earth Kingdom, slowly but surely advancing across the Jet of the Earth Kingdom is born.

160 | The Avatar Setting | The Second Age

Prince Zuko is born to Prince Ozai and Princess Ursa. There is a massive jail break at a Prison rig for
Yin is born. earthbenders, and all inmates escape.
Avatar Roku informs Aang on the winter solstice that
84 AG — Year of the Dragon Sozin's Comet will arrive by summer's end, telling him that
Princess Yue is born to Chief Arnook of the Northern Water Ozai must be defeated by the time of its arrival.
Tribe and his wife. A sickly infant, Yue is healed by the Moon The Fire Sages are accused of treason and imprisoned by
Spirit, Tui, by having some of its life spirit infused within her. Admiral Zhao.
Sokka is born to Chief Hakoda and Kya of the Southern The village of Gaipan is destroyed and the villagers
Water Tribe. evacuate.
Suki is born on Kyoshi Island. Avatar Aang begins his firebending training with Jeong
85 AG — Year of the Snake Jeong, however, his training ends prematurely when Admiral
Zhao attacks Jeong Jeong's camp.
Mai of the Fire Nation is born to Ukano and Michi.
Princess Azula is born to Prince Ozai and Princess Ursa. 100 AG — Year of the Monkey
Katara is born to Chief Hakoda and Kya of the Southern The Fire Nation is repelled at the battle for the Northern Air
Water Tribe. Temple, but they acquire an experimental war balloon in the
Ty Lee and her six identical sisters are born into a noble
Fire Nation family. The Fire Nation invades the Northern Water Tribe but is
repelled by Aang after he temporarily fused with the Ocean
Ho Tun is born. Spirit, La, who was enraged with Admiral Zhao for killing the
87 AG — Year of the Goat Moon Spirit, Tui.

Toph Beifong is born to Lao Beifong and Poppy Beifong of La imprisons Admiral Zhao in the Fog of Lost Souls in
Gaoling. retaliation for Tui's death.
Princess Yue sacrifices her life to become the Moon Spirit.
92 AG — Year of the Rat This is made possible by the small bit of spirit that Tui infused
Penga is born. within her to bring her to life as a baby.

94 AG — Year of the Tiger Omashu falls to the Fire Nation.

Iroh begins his legendary Siege of Ba Sing Se. Avatar Aang begins his earthbending training with Toph.

The Southern Raiders attack the Southern Water Tribe in An attempt to break through Ba Sing Se's Outer Wall,
an attempt to kill the last Southern waterbender. Chief using a giant drill and led by Princess Azula, fails.
Hakoda's wife Kya sacrifices herself to save the eight-year- Ba Sing Se falls to the Fire Nation through an internal coup
old Katara, the true last waterbender of the Southern Water d'état led by Princess Azula and the Dai Li.
Tribe. Avatar Aang is slain by Azula, and subsequently brought
95 AG — Year of the Rabbit back to life by Katara with spirit water.

Iroh breaks through the Outer Wall of Ba Sing Se. High-security prisoner General Iroh is imprisoned by
Princess Azula and the Dai Li.
Iroh's son Lu Ten is killed in the siege of Ba Sing Se, causing
Iroh to end the operation after six hundred days. Dai Li operative Joo Dee is appointed Supreme
Bureaucratic Administrator of Ba Sing Se by Princess Azula.
Princess Ursa conspires with Prince Ozai to kill Fire Lord
Azulon to save Zuko and make Ozai Fire Lord. With Azulon's The Fire Nation establishes administrative control of the
passing at age ninety-five, Ozai succeeds him as Fire Lord Serpent's Pass by establishing a fortified bridge.
and Ursa is banished from the Fire Nation Capital. First day of the eighth month: An attack on the Fire Nation
Prince Zuko becomes Heir to the throne of the Fire Nation. Capital led by Avatar Aang during a solar eclipse in an attempt
to defeat the Fire Lord fails, leaving many of the Fire Lord's
97 AG — Year of the Snake enemies imprisoned.
Prince Zuko is banished to capture the Avatar after an Agni During the eclipse, King Bumi liberates Omashu from the
Kai with his father, Fire Lord Ozai. He is accompanied by his Fire Nation.
uncle, Iroh.
Prince Zuko betrays the Fire Nation and joins the Avatar's
99 AG — Year of the Goat quest to oust Fire Lord Ozai.
Avatar Aang is awakened from one hundred years of Avatar Aang begins his firebending training with Prince
suspended animation by Katara and Sokka and begins his Zuko.
waterbending training with Katara. General Iroh breaks free from the Fire Nation Capital City
Prince Zuko locates the Avatar and begins to hunt him Prison.
down after his first attempt to apprehend him fails and causes Sometime after the first day of the eighth month: Sozin's
much damage to the village of the Southern Water Tribe. Comet returns, enhancing the firebenders' powers one

The Second Age | The Avatar Setting | 161

Fire Lord Ozai crowns himself Phoenix King and appoints The Fire Nation gifts a large statue of Aang to Republic
Azula as Fire Lord. City as a symbol of peace and goodwill.
The Order of the White Lotus, led by General Iroh, frees Toph travels the world to teach metalbending.
Ba Sing Se from Fire Nation rule in the liberation of Ba Sing
Se, effectively liberating the entire Earth Kingdom. 119 AG — Year of the Rabbit
Aang meets an ancient lion turtle, the world's oldest living Tenzin, the youngest son of Aang and Katara and the only
being, and learns the lost art of energybending. airbender among their children, is born.

Prince Zuko and Katara defeat Azula during her Lightning Bolt Zolt is born.
coronation as Fire Lord in the Comet-Enhanced Agni Kai. This
causes Azula to lose her remaining sanity.
120 AG — Year of the Dragon
Lin Beifong is born.
Utilizing Sozin's Comet, Ozai launches a major attack on
the Earth Kingdom with his armada of Fire Nation airships to Hiroshi Sato is born.
decisively end the war with a sheer display of force and Around the same time, the cabbage merchant founds
destruction. Cabbage Corp.
An attack launched by Toph, Sokka, and Suki succeeds in
destroying the armada while Aang battles Ozai.
126 AG — Year of the Dog
Suyin Beifong is born.
Avatar Aang defeats Ozai using the Avatar State and uses
energybending to strip him of his firebending. 128 AG — Year of the Rat
Phoenix King Ozai is imprisoned for various war crimes. Yakone is placed on trial for his crimes against Republic City.
After attempting an escape, he loses his bending to Avatar
Prince Zuko ascends to the throne as Fire Lord, vowing to
the Nations that he will dedicate his rule to rebuilding the world Aang.
with the help of the Avatar. 130 AG — Year of the Tiger
Post-Hundred Year War (100 AG — Noatak, eldest son of Yakone and later known as the
revolutionary Amon, is born.
171 AG) 133 AG — Year of the Snake
100 AG — Year of the Monkey Tarrlok, youngest son of Yakone, is born.
The Harmony Restoration Movement is launched to remove
the Fire Nation colonies from the Earth Kingdom.
134 AG — Year of the Horse
Iroh, grandson of Zuko, is born.
101 AG — Year of the Rooster
Toph founds the Beifong Metalbending Academy.
135 AG — Year of the Goat
Pema is born.
In response to the Harmony Restoration Movement, Kori
Morishita creates the Yu Dao Resistance and attempts to 138 AG — Year of the Dog
assassinate Fire Lord Zuko. Hiroshi Sato founds Future Industries.
A crisis at Yu Dao causes Fire Lord Zuko to remove his
support from the Harmony Restoration Movement, 142 AG — Year of the Tiger
threatening to plunge the world into war once again. Toph resigns as Chief of Police.
Avatar Aang averts the war, with the notion that the
nations can live together in peace. He forms the Air Acolytes
144 AG — Year of the Dragon
Noatak at 14, runs away after defending Tarrlok from Yakone
from the Official Avatar Aang Fan Club.
and bloodbending them both.
102 AG — Year of the Dog 151 AG — Year of the Pig
Zuko, with the help of Team Avatar and his sister, Azula,
embark on a search for Ursa, which leads them to her new life Tonraq, heir apparent for the Northern Water Tribe chiefdom,
leads a battalion against an invasion of their home by
in Hira'a.
barbarians. He destroys a spirit forest in the process, resulting
Yu Dao and other Fire Nation colonies create a joint in his banishment by the tribal chief, his father.
government of Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom
representatives, beginning the progression toward the Unalaq takes Tonraq's position as heir apparent.
formation of the United Republic of Nations. Tonraq settles in the South Pole.

Between 102 — 119 AG 152 AG — Year of the Rat

Aang and Katara marry and have two children: Bumi, a Mako and Asami Sato are born.
nonbender, and Kya, a waterbender.
Aang and Zuko establish the United Republic of Nations,
153 AG — Year of the Ox
Avatar Aang dies; Avatar Korra of the Southern Water Tribe
a fifth nation with Republic City as its capital.
is born to Tonraq and Senna.

162 | The Avatar Setting | The Second Age

154 AG — Year of the Tiger Avatar Aang's spirit restores Avatar Korra's bending with
energybending and passes on that knowledge to her. Korra
Bolin is born. consequently restores Lin Beifong's bending, as well as the
155 AG — Year of the Rabbit bending of every other innocent person that lost it.

Desna and Eska are born. 171 AG — Year of the Sheep

157 AG — Year of the Snake Asami Sato assumes control of Future Industries as CEO.

The Order of the White Lotus visits Korra's family at the South Bumi retires from the United Forces and moves to Air
Pole and confirm Korra's claim to be the Avatar. Temple Island with Tenzin and his family.
The United Republic Council is dissolved in favor of a
158 AG — Year of the Horse democratically elected president, the nonbender Raiko.
Yasuko, Hiroshi Sato's wife, is murdered during a robbery of
Korra breaks ties with Tenzin and begins her spiritual
the Sato estate by the Agni Kai Triad.
training with Unalaq.
Zaheer, Ming-Hua, Ghazan, and P'Li attempt to kidnap
Korra journeys to the heart of the South Pole and re-opens
Korra, but are apprehended by Chief Sokka, Tenzin, Tonraq,
a dormant spirit portal on the winter solstice.
and Fire Lord Zuko. The criminals are imprisoned in different,
specialized prisons across the world. Korra finds out the truth about how Unalaq framed his
brother to become Chief of the Water Tribes.
160 AG — Year of the Monkey The Water Tribe Civil War starts.
Mako and Bolin's parents are killed by a rogue firebender.
Korra is swallowed by a dark spirit, which causes her to
Jinora, the eldest child of Tenzin and Pema, is born. temporarily lose her memory. She later reconnects with the
first Avatar, Wan, and regains most of her memories.
163 AG — Year of the Pig
Jinora leads Korra into the Spirit World.
Ikki, the youngest daughter of Tenzin and Pema, is born.
Korra reopens the Northern spirit portal after Jinora's life
165 AG — Year of the Ox is threatened by Unalaq.
Meelo, the first son of Tenzin and Pema, is born. The third known Harmonic Convergence occurs.

167 AG — Year of the Rabbit Unalaq frees Vaatu and becomes the first Dark Avatar
after fusing with the spirit of darkness. He purges Raava out
Fire Lord Zuko passes the title of Fire Lord to his daughter,
of Korra and destroys the light spirit.
Izumi, and becomes an ambassador for peace.
Unalaq perishes after Vaatu's spirit is cleansed by Korra
Mako and Bolin leave the Triple Threat Triad and decide
using Unalaq's own spiritual cleansing technique.
to live with Toza in the Pro-bending Arena.
Korra starts the Avatar Cycle anew, though she no longer
170 AG — Year of the Horse has a connection to the past Avatars.
After passing her final firebending test, Korra goes to Republic
City in order to begin her airbending training with Tenzin. Second Age of the Avatar
The Anti-Bending Revolution publicly begins with the
destruction of the Pro-bending Arena during an Equalist (171 AG — Present)
Amon removes Tarrlok's bending. 171 AG — Year of the Sheep
The Equalists launch an attack on Republic City. During Korra leaves the spirit portals open and denounces the
their attack, the insurgents occupy the capital as well as Air Avatar's role as the bridge between the two worlds, assuming
Temple Island, and overthrow the United Republic Council. a more general peacekeeper role.
Amon removes the bending of several prisoners made during The Water Tribe Civil War ends. The Southern Water
the battle, including Lin Beifong's. Tribe becomes independent with Tonraq as its new chief.
Rohan, Tenzin and Pema's second son, is born during the Desna and Eska become the new co-chiefs of the
battle. Northern Water Tribe.
The United Forces' First Division is destroyed by the After a millennium of exile in the Spirit World, Hundun
Equalists' biplane armada upon attempting to take Republic reenters the mortal world to take revenge on the Avatar and
City back. throw the world into chaos. Korra defeats and kills Hundun,
Avatar Korra's bending is taken away by Amon during the however, restoring balance in the Spirit World.
Equalist victory rally, though she manages to unlock her Many nonbenders gain airbending abilities across the four
airbending and expose Amon as a waterbender from the nations, including Bumi, Kai, and Zaheer.
Northern Water Tribe, dealing a strong blow to the support of
the Anti-Bending Revolution. Amon flees Republic City with Korra is banished from Republic City by President Raiko.
his brother Tarrlok, who kills himself and Amon while crossing The Earth Queen Hou-Ting orders the Dai Li to kidnap
the Mo Ce Sea. airbenders throughout Ba Sing Se.

The Second Age | The Avatar Setting | 163

Zaheer escapes his prison and subsequently frees his Ghazan destroys the Northern Air Temple.
teammates Ghazan, Ming-Hua, and P'Li. Zaheer becomes the second person in history to be able
Korra becomes the first metalbending Avatar. to fly.
Zaofu is attacked by the Red Lotus in search of Korra. Ming-Hua is killed by Mako.
Earth Queen Hou-Ting is assassinated by Zaheer and the Ghazan commits suicide to bury Mako and Bolin.
Inner Wall of the city is brought down by Ghazan, plunging the Zaheer is imprisoned once again.
Earth Kingdom in chaos.
Jinora receives her airbending tattoos and is anointed as
The Red Lotus attacks the Northern Air Temple and a master.
threatens to destroy the revived Air Nation if Avatar Korra
does not surrender herself. Korra is officially welcomed back to Republic City.

P'Li is killed by Suyin. The airbenders return to their nomadic roots, promoting
peace, balance, and harmony around the world while Korra
Bolin becomes the second known non-Avatar who can recuperates.

Organizations and Society

Society is well-developed in the Avatar universe. Each nation Social classes are usually based upon titles, wealth, and
possesses a distinct social structure, ranging from the power. Although people are mostly born into their social rank,
ecclesiocracy of the Air Nomads to the absolutism of the Fire there are some exceptions in which people can gain a higher
Nation. position through service, as seen with Long Feng.

Air Nomads
Air Nomad is a collective term for a nation of people who as their new homes. Aang built a fifth air temple in the newly
practice the discipline of airbending. One of the four major established fifth nation, the United Republic of Nations, called
nations, the Air Nomads were wanderers but have four air Air Temple Island. Tenzin who became the Air Nation's
temples, one at each corner of the globe, hidden away atop representative in the United Republic Council, came to reside
mountain ranges in the northern Earth Kingdom and on three on the island with his wife, Pema, and their four children, three
remote islands. The theocratic Air Nomads were home to a of whom are known airbenders.
monastic order of men and women who practiced airbending. In 171 AG, the energy shift caused by Harmonic
Unlike the other nations, the people of the Air Nomads were, Convergence bestowed countless non-benders with
without any known exception, all benders due to the high level airbending abilities, prompting Tenzin and Avatar Korra to
of spirituality of their people. recruit volunteers to be trained in the ways of the Air Nomads.
The Air Nomads made up the smallest of the four nations This was proven to be a daunting task, as most of their new
in the world. They had a small economy, based entirely on prospects rejected the idea of leaving their loved ones and
limited agriculture. The population of the Air Nomads was worldly possessions behind. However, they discovered a
small compared to even the Water Tribe and was far smaller group of airbenders captured by Earth Queen Hou-Ting, who
than either of the world's two major powers, the Fire Nation was conscripting airbenders into an army. The new
and the Earth Kingdom. airbenders were rescued and chose to hone their new powers
In 0 AG, the Air Nomads were the victims of genocide at under Tenzin's tutelage at the Northern Air Temple. Tenzin
the hands of the Fire Nation. Ironically, the sole known and the volunteers found it difficult to meet halfway due to
survivor of the massacre was the very person the Fire Nation Tenzin's expectations of them being a complete reflection of
sought to kill in its quest for supremacy: the twelve-year-old the old Air Nomads. Eventually, both parties made amends
airbender and Avatar, Aang, who had run away from the and resumed training. Following the insurrection of the Red
Southern Air Temple shortly before the Hundred Year War Lotus, the new Air Nation returned to its nomadic roots, but,
began and became trapped in suspended animation in a unlike their predecessors' reclusive nature, they instead
globe of ice along with his lifetime friend, Appa. One hundred dedicated themselves to bringing peace and balance to the
years later, he was awakened and released by Katara and world.
Sokka, who helped him succeed in his quest to restore
balance and peace to the warring nations. Council of Elders
The Council of Elders was a group consisting of the theocratic
A year after the war, Avatar Aang discovered a group of
leaders of the Air Nomads. Each of the air temples had its own
Earth Kingdom citizens who had built a fan club in his honor;
council of head monks or nuns, their members being both the
he eventually transformed them into the Air Acolytes, a
political and the religious authorities.
community of nuns and monks dedicated to upholding Air
Nomad culture. Years later, Aang's marriage to Katara The Northern and Southern councils were composed of
blessed him with an airbending son, Tenzin, who was head monks, and the Eastern and Western councils were
extensively taught by Aang in airbending and Air Nomad composed of head sisters, in accordance with the primary
culture. The population of the Air Acolytes grew, prompting gender residing in each respective temple. The Southern Air
Aang to spearhead the restoration of the air temples to serve Temple had five head monks. Members of the Council of

164 | The Avatar Setting | The Second Age

Elders were the only ones allowed to enter the air sanctuary christened them the "Air Acolytes", rather than a mere fan
in each air temple, other than the Avatar. They were also the club.
ones responsible for identifying the Avatar when they were They are an order of monks and nuns who reside on Air
born into the Air Nomads. Temple Island and in the four original air temples. Although

Air Acolytes they are not airbenders themselves, they carry on the
teachings, culture, and traditions of the Air Nomads through
The Air Acolytes were founded in 101 AG from the members practice, as taught to them by Avatar Aang.
of the Official Avatar Aang Fan Club. Aang himself taught the
members of the group the ways of the Air Nomads and Water Tribe
The Water Tribe is a collective term for the nation of people The kingdom is ruled by a monarchy which operates under
who practice the art of waterbending. It is one of the original the rule of a king or queen.
four nations and its citizens primarily inhabit the northern and
southernmost regions of the globe, near both poles. Many Five-Seven-Five Society
people of Water Tribe ethnicity also live in the United Republic The Five-Seven-Five Society is an organization of young
and there is a small community of waterbenders that populate women who specialized in the art of poetry, with a focus on
the Foggy Swamp in the Earth Kingdom, although they were traditional haiku.
isolated from their sister tribes for generations and others
were largely unaware of their existence until they were Ba Sing Se University
stumbled upon by Avatar Aang, Katara, and Sokka.
Ba Sing Se University is a major institution of thought which
The people of the Water Tribe are generally peaceful, and educates scholars throughout the Earth Kingdom. It is the
strive to live in harmony with nature and the other nations of greatest university in the world, per its enrollment materials.
the world. There are two primary divisions of the Water Tribe, The university campus is a major landmark in the Middle Ring
the Northern Tribe and the Southern Tribe, though both were of Ba Sing Se.
at least de jure governed by the Northern chief until 171 AG.
Council of Five
Military The Council of Five is a group consisting of the five highest-
The military of the Water Tribe comprises the Northern Water ranking generals in the Earth Kingdom Army. As such, it is the
Tribe's regular military, the Southern Water Tribe's militia, and highest authority in the Earth Kingdom military and oversaw
the Foggy Swamp Tribe's forces. Due to their independence the country's entire war effort against the Fire Nation during
and separate location, these forces have rarely been united, the Hundred Year War.
and the northern and southern troops were at least once
involved in a civil war. Dai Li
For a long time, the military of the Water Tribes was much The Dai Li is the secretive and elite police force of Ba Sing Se
smaller and considerably less sophisticated than that of the who work to capture, interrogate, and imprison political
heavily populated Earth Kingdom or the highly industrialized dissidents. The organization was founded by Avatar Kyoshi
Fire Nation. Each tribe had its own militia, oftentimes not well with the aim of "protecting the cultural heritage of Ba Sing Se",
equipped and outnumbered, instead relying on knowledge of effectively protecting the Earth King's interest against
the country and the deep pride and willpower typical of a subversive individuals and groups.
warrior race. Only after the Hundred Year War and the
merging of the Northern and Southern Tribe's governments, a Kyoshi Warriors
standing army and navy were formed under the North's The Kyoshi Warriors are an order of female warriors named
leadership. However, after the Southern independence, the after Avatar Kyoshi, who founded them to protect her
Southern and Northern military were divided again, now led homeland, Kyoshi Island. With their unique and individual
by their respective Chiefs. fighting style, these elite fighters ensured the safety and

Varrick Global Industries

isolationism of their homeland during the Hundred Year War.
Though their fighting style and clothing mimic those of
Varrick Global Industries is a global shipping enterprise based Avatar Kyoshi, they seemingly did not implement any of the
in the Southern Water Tribe. It was founded by Varrick from a bending arts in their physical movements. They are clad in
single canoe, and later expanded into an empire responsible ornate, armored, green kimonos, metal headdresses, and
for several consumer and technological innovations in the white-faced makeup designed to intimidate opponents. The
Avatar World. In 171 AG, it became the official shipping Kyoshi Warriors used metal fans as their main weapons like
partner of Future Industries and co-supplier to the South Avatar Kyoshi, but also implemented katanas and retractable
during the Water Tribe Civil War. shields. The warriors' most prominent fighting style was not

Earth Kingdom
about strength, but rather about using their opponent's' force
against them. Primarily, the warriors dealt with the disorderly
traders and travelers who, after a night of carousing in the port
The Earth Kingdom is one of the world's four nations.
of Kyoshi, often stumbled into the village and caused trouble.
Spanning an entire continent as well as several subsidiary
islands, it is the largest and most populated sovereignty in the
world and encompasses much of the eastern hemisphere.

The Second Age | The Avatar Setting | 165

Royal Earthbender Guards but they take themselves seriously and almost always pack
the house.
The Royal Earthbender Guards of Ba Sing Se, commonly
known as the King's Guards, are earthbending warriors within Fire Sages
the Earth Kingdom affiliated with neither the Dai Li nor the The Fire Sages are an organization that serves as the
army. They instead serve as personal protectors of the earth religious authority of the Fire Nation and is responsible for
monarch. identifying the Avatar's incarnation when they are born in the
As elite troops of Ba Sing Se, they are tasked with Fire Nation. Their additional duties include guarding the
guarding the Royal Palace, serving as gatekeepers of the temple and conducting weddings and funerals for the Royal
Outer and Inner Walls of Ba Sing Se, and acting as sub- Family and for those who seek their spiritual advice.
commanders for the Ba Sing Se army troops. They are also
responsible for the safety of any properties belonging to the Military
earth monarch, such as the royal vault. The military of the Fire Nation is the unified armed forces of

the Fire Nation. It was the world's most powerful military
during the Hundred Year War, and saw many glorious
These are Earthbenders who have adapted to life in the Si victories in battle throughout the span of the conflict.
Wong Desert. Their skills differ greatly from those of ordinary A large number of personnel comprise the Fire Nation
Earthbenders. military, of which the majority are volunteers, though in war
As their name indicates, sandbenders bend sand. They times conscription also does occur. The Fire Nation's army is
move quickly out in the desert, thanks to their specialized the second largest in the world in terms of numbers, after the
"sand-sailers". Since economic opportunities are limited in the Earth Kingdom, and it maintains the largest navy. The Fire
desert, Sandbenders get by however they can. They've been Nation military also possesses advanced and powerful
known to scavenge for dead animals, or even steal from military equipment, giving it huge military capabilities and
passing travelers at the nearby cantina. power projection solidifying itself as the most powerful military
force in the world.
Beetle-headed tribe
These desert-dwellers pre-date all other tribes in the Si Wong New Ozai Society
Desert. Legend has it that their beetle-like headpieces date The New Ozai Society was a reactionary rebel organization
back to ancient times when their ancestors lived underground founded by Ukano, which sought to restore glory to the Fire
and survived the attacks of giant gilacorns (see animals) by Nation through the reinstatement of Fire Lord Ozai.
mimicking the appearance of the nasty-tasting Sour Beetles -
- the only creatures on the desert floor not palatable to Rough Riders
gilacorns. The Rough Rhinos were an elite group of Fire Nation komodo
Their opportunistic streak and flexibility help make them rhino cavalry who worked on a freelance basis, claiming their
skillful traders -- they have an uncanny ability to see saleable loyalty to the Fire Lord during the Hundred Year War. After the
potential in almost anything presented to them. It's their rather war's end, they became mercenaries, and by 102 AG, they
easygoing nature that makes them every tribe's first choice were hired as the security detail of the Earthen Fire Refinery.
with whom to trade and swap. The original group consisted of five members, each of

Fire Nation
whom specialized in a different type of weapon or fighting
style, though their preferred weapons were not well adapted
for close-combat. After the Rough Rhinos became
The Fire Nation is one of the world's four nations and five mercenaries, they allowed former members of the army to join
sovereign states. It is an absolute monarchy led by the Fire them.
Lord and home to most firebenders. Geographically, the
nation is located along the planet's equator in the western
hemisphere and is composed of several islands. Its capital is
Yuyan Archers
The Yuyan Archers were a group of elite, highly skilled Fire
simply known as the Fire Nation Capital.
Nation archers. Since at least 91 AG, they were under Colonel
The Fire Nation is the second-largest nation in terms of Shinu's command, and used to guard the Pohuai Stronghold.
area, following the Earth Kingdom, while its economy is the The Yuyan Archers were used for very stealthy missions
most powerful in the world; its strong industrial sector and where precision and accuracy were vital for success, and they
extensive technological developments not only enabled the were one of the Fire Nation's secret weapons.
Fire Nation to create an extremely powerful military, but also
initiated the worldwide modernization and globalization. Fire Days Festival
Before the foundation of the United Republic and the following
The traveling Fire Days Festival is a Fire Nation sponsored
global technological revolution, it was also the strongest and
event that brings Fire Nation culture to its citizens forced to
most advanced country in the world.
live away from their homeland. This event travels to former
Ember Island Players Fire Nation colonies, now multicultural cities along the Earth
Kingdom’s western shores, staying for a few weeks at a time
The Ember Island Players are a local acting troupe who at each location.
perform at the Ember Island Theater, which is Ember Island's
only theater. They do not have a reputation for quality acting,

166 | The Avatar Setting | The Second Age

A variety of Fire Nation people attend the festival, from By far the largest competition to Future Industries,
soldiers on leave, to civilians. They are always happy when Cabbage Corp specializes in deploying more affordable
the festival comes to their town (though they are usually options to the Future Industries products. This often comes at
miserable the rest of the year.) The entertainment includes the expense of quality.
cultural exhibits, jugglers, puppets, fireworks, magicians,
dragon dancing and authentic Fire Nation music and food. Future Industries
United Republic of Nations
Future Industries is a large business conglomerate founded
by Hiroshi Sato and owned by his daughter, Asami Sato.
Using state-of-the-art technology and innovative ideas such
The United Republic of Nations, more commonly known as as the assembly line, the factory produces over one hundred
the United Republic, is a sovereign state created by Avatar luxury Satomobiles daily. Despite high demand, Future
Aang and Fire Lord Zuko after the end of the Hundred Year Industries' only known competitor is Cabbage Corp, which
War. It was formed from the oldest Fire Nation colonies produces the cheaper, more compact Cabbage Car.
established in the western Earth Kingdom and was created to
serve as a society where benders and nonbenders from all
four nations could live and thrive together in peace and
The Equalists are an organization of radical revolutionaries,
harmony. The United Republic is known for having a unique
formerly led by Amon, that operate within Republic City. They
culture, which was shaped by immigration and a technological
oppose the use of bending, which they see as inherently
oppressive and inequitable and seek to "equalize" society
The middle and lower classes of the United Republic can through its elimination using terrorist and tactical methods.
be described by the unintentional bias that the nation holds Because of this, the Equalist movement was occasionally
toward its bending population in terms of power and status. referred to as the "Anti-bending Revolution" before Amon's
The United Republic Council was made up solely of death.
benders in 170 AG. While the inclusion of representatives
from each continent should in theory have created an equal Triple Threat Triads
balance in power, this power was distributed among benders The Triple Threat Triad, also known as the Triple Threats, is
only. This was not always the case in the council, but the truth the largest of the triads that operate in Republic City. Led by
of bias among government officials was made an undeniable Viper, they are the only gang that consists of waterbenders,
fact when four of the five councilmen incited a curfew for earthbenders, and firebenders, as opposed to the other
nonbenders because the council suspected they were all single-element focused gangs. The Triple Threats work out of
Equalists who would attempt to overthrow the council, a the back of a restaurant near Central City Station. Downtown
decision brought on by prejudice and mass hysteria. Most Republic City is their turf; however, all the city's triads are con-
lower-class citizens appear to be nonbenders, as evidenced stantly involved in various territorial wars. Members of the
by the whole of the Triple Threats, such as
Dragon Flats borough, a Shady Shin, are known
place resembling a to solicit recruits at
ghetto for nonbenders, Central City Station.
being put under the
curfew, suggesting United
everyone there was a
nonbender. Republic
Cabbage Corp Council
Cabbage Corp is a rival The United Republic
auto manufacturing Council was the
company of Future governing body of the
Industries, founded by United Republic of
the cabbage merchant Nations until early 171
and later owned by his AG. It was a deliberative
son, Lau Gan-Lan. assembly composed of
Cabbage Corp’s only non-elected
marketable automobile representatives from the
model is the Cabbage Earth Kingdom, Fire
Car, a cheaper, more Nation, Air Nation, and
compact alternative to both the Northern and
Future Industries' Southern Water Tribes.
various Satomobile The Council discussed
models. The company is governing and political
also the airship supplier affairs inside the City
for the Earth Kingdom Air Hall, along with acting as
Force. the commanding body of
the United Forces. The

The Second Age | The Avatar Setting | 167

Council also served as judge and jury in the case of important knowledge across national and political divides, and on Avatar
trials. However, after the Anti-bending Revolution proved that Aang's request, they also concern themselves with the task of
the Council was flawed in its composition and unable to finding, training, and protecting each new Avatar.
handle the challenges of new political movements, it dissolved
itself in favor of democratic elections of the first president of Order of the Red Lotus
the United Republic. The Red Lotus is a global militant anarchist organization,

founded by Xai Bau as a splinter faction of the Order of the
White Lotus after the Hundred Year War. Until 171 AG, the
organization operated through sleeper cells, keeping their
Some organizations transcend these national boundaries. existence unknown to the world. The Red Lotus' agenda is to

Order of the White Lotus have the humans and spirits coexist again and usher in a new
world order by dismantling the established nations and their
The Order of the White Lotus, also known as the White Lotus, leaders, which they originally planned to do by releasing
is an ancient and formerly secret society that transcends the Vaatu from his prison within the Tree of Time, and later by
boundaries of the four nations, seeking philosophy, beauty, assassinating world leaders and ending the Avatar Cycle.
and truth. They are devoted to the sharing of ancient

168 | The Avatar Setting | The Second Age

IX – Adversaries and
The world is a vast, incredibly diverse place. There are
thousands upon thousands of chimerical creatures and Rivals
unique environments dotted throughout the Avatar landscape. Rivals are more dangerous than minions but still inferior to
Whether spirit or corporeal, they are all a part of the same most Player Characters. Fire Nation officers, gang
world and all contribute to its balance (or imbalance). lieutenants, cunning bounty hunters, and capable engineers
are all examples of rivals. Rivals are very like PCs in many
Generally, there are three different levels of opponents
respects, being generally more innately gifted and better
and allies that characters will readily encounter in the world,
trained than minions. They possess skills and operate
with different levels of threat posed to the average party.
individually rather than in groups. They are generally less
Although some variation is to be expected, the broad
skilled than the PCs, and seldom possess more than 2 ranks
categories are minions, rivals, and nemeses.
in any one skill.
Minions Nemeses
Minions are the most common NPCs encountered in the
The nemesis is the opposite of a Player Character. An Earth
Avatar universe. These are nameless individuals who provide
Kingdom general, the head of the Dai Li, a powerful bender,
the muscle to flesh out encounters. Squads of Equalists,
or a deadly assassin are examples of potential nemeses.
packs of Triple Threat gang members, and groups of highway
They are identical to PCs in virtually every respect, and may,
bandits flexing their muscles are all examples of minions.
in fact, be more powerful; this is necessary to ensure that they
Their only real threat is in numbers, and a minion is not
pose a threat to an entire party. Nemeses frequently possess
expected to stand toe-to-toe with a Player Character.
several talents, have high attributes and skills, and wield
equipment that rivals the gear of even the best-supplied
parties. Nemeses suffer strain and wounds normally and do
not have any special rules governing their operations.

United Republic of Nations

Though less than a century old, the United Republic of SOAK WOUND R/M DEFENSE
Nations has become a top player in the socio-economic and
political landscapes of the planet. For most of its existence,
the Republic was governed by a council comprised of five Skills (group only): Martial Arts, Ranged Weapons, and
members, one representative from each nation. Despite their Vigilance.
best efforts, however, a bustling criminal underground swelled Talents: None.
up to fill the cracks left behind or forgotten by the Republic Abilities:
 Flanking: May add to all combat checks when
The animosity between benders and non-benders is
two or more are engaged with a character.
greater here than anywhere else in the world; here, it was
benders who sat on the council while violent criminals with Equipment:
incredible bending abilities ruled over the streets. For the city’s  Bola: Ranged; Damage 5; Critical 4; Range
nonbending citizens, there seemed to be no representation or [medium]; Ensnare 1, Linked 1, Unwieldy 2.
solace until the Equalists came onto the scene promising a  Shock Glove: Martial Arts; Damage +3; Critical 2;
new way of life. Range [engaged]; Disorient 4, Stun 1, Vicious 1.

Equalist Grunt [Minion] Common clothes, propaganda pamphlets.

The rank-and-file of the Equalist revolution are not much Equalist Chi Blocker [Rival]
different from the common street thugs seen traipsing around Some members of the Equalist movement utilize chi blocking
Republic City. They receive their martial arts training from to combat benders. Equalists must train tirelessly to perfect
hidden Equalist compounds dotted throughout the city as well this art and those that do are incredibly useful tools in the fight
as its surrounding countryside. Although most Equalist Grunts against bender oppression.
fight using martial arts and have not yet learned the art of Chi
Blocking. Because of this, a Grunt may be wielding any 3 3 2 1 2 3
number of weapons from a bola to a shock glove. BR AGI INT PRE CUN WIL
2 2 2 2 2 2 4 10 0 0
2 5 0 0

The Second Age v2.0 | Adversaries and Creatures | 169

Skills: Martial Arts 2, Vigilance 1, Perception 2, Melee (Light) from applicable talents or abilities. The character
2, Medicine 1. can’t use this talent if the original attack
incapacitates them.
 Parry 3: When the character suffers a hit from a
 Adversary 1: Upgrade the difficulty of combat melee combat check, after damage is calculated,
checks targeting this character once. they may take a Parry incidental. They suffer 3 strain
 Chi Disruption: The character may make a Hard and reduce the damage dealt by that hit by five. This
( ) Martial Arts check targeting an engaged talent may only be used once per hit and when the
character. If successful, deal strain instead of character is wielding a melee or martial weapon.
wounds. If the target is a bender, they cannot use Abilities:
any forms until the end of their next turn and any form
currently sustained through concentration  Lead by Example: Add to the combat check of
immediately ends. You may spend aaa to any minions attacking a character that has already
immobilize the target and d to stagger them. been attacked by this character in the same round.
Equipment: Equipment:

 Bola: Ranged; Damage 5; Critical 4; Range  Bola: Ranged; Damage 5; Critical 4; Range
[medium]; Ensnare 1, Linked 1, Unwieldy 2. [medium]; Ensnare 1, Linked 1, Unwieldy 2.
 Shock Glove: Martial Arts; Damage +2; Critical 5;  Electrified Kali Sticks: Martial Arts; Damage +3;
Range [engaged]; Disorient 3, Stun Damage, Stun 3. Critical 2; Range [engaged]; Disorient 4, Linked 1,
 Equalist Gear: +1 soak. Stun 3, Vicious 1.
 Padded Armor: +1 soak, 1 melee defense.
Equalist Lieutenant [Nemesis]  Goggles, cool mustache.
Rarely are Equalist operatives in the field alone. After Amon,
many Equalist cells went dark, each carrying on its passive
Street Thug [Minion]
operations, led by their respective Lieutenants until the signal Skullduggery needs doing, and there are always thugs to get
finally came. Who – or what – is compelling these new it done.
Equalist leaders to act is largely unknown. 3 2 1 2 2 2
3 5 4 4 2 4 BR AGI INT PRE CUN WIL
Skills (group only): Melee (Light), Coercion.
Skills: Martial Arts 3, Vigilance 1, Perception 2, Melee (Light) Talents: None.
2, Discipline 1, Leadership 2 Abilities:
 Threatening: While providing assistance on another
 Adversary 2: Upgrade the difficulty of combat character’s Coercion checks, add s to the results for
checks targeting this character twice. each minion in the group beyond the first.
 Chi Disruption: The character may make a Hard Equipment:
( ) Martial Arts check targeting an engaged
character. If successful, deal strain instead of  Dagger: Melee [Light]; Damage +2; Critical 3; Range
wounds. If the target is a bender, they cannot use [engaged]; Accurate 1.
any forms until the end of their next turn and any form  Shuriken: Ranged; Damage 5; Critical 4; Range
currently sustained through concentration [short]; Limited Ammo 3, Pierce 1, Vicious 1.
immediately ends. You may spend aaa to
immobilize the target and d to stagger them.
Triple Threat Triad [Rival]
 Coordinated Assault 3: Once per turn, your The Triple Threats consider themselves an ‘equal opportunity’
character may use this talent to have a number of organization – all benders have an equal chance to join their
allies engaged with your character equal to your crew. People looking for a fight, the down and out, and
ranks in Leadership add a to all combat checks they orphans tend to seek out these jobs.
make until the end of your character’s next turn. The 2 3 2 2 2 3
range of this talent increases by one band per rank
of Coordinated Assault beyond the first. BR AGI INT PRE CUN WIL
 Improved Parry: When this character suffers a hit 3 12 0 0
from a melee combat check and uses Parry to SOAK WOUND R/M DEFENSE
reduce the damage from that hit, after the attack is
resolved, they may spend hhh or d from the
attacker’s check to use this talent. Then, the Skills: Bending Arts 2, Melee (Light) 2, Coercion 1,
character automatically hits the attacker with a Knowledge: Streetwise 2.
martial or melee weapon they are wielding. The hit Talents:
deals the weapon’s base damage, plus any damage

170 | Adversaries and Creatures | The Second Age

 Adversary 1: Upgrade the difficulty of combat  Adversary Bending: The character can use a
checks targeting this character once. number of forms per encounter equal to their
 Bad Cop 2: The character may spend aa from a Willpower without suffering strain.
Deception or Coercion check to upgrade the ability  Extortion: Add to any Coercion or Deception
of the next ally’s social skill check twice. The check checks to demoralize characters, or get them to do a
must target the same character as this character’s job.
initial check. Forms: Some triads can choose any bending actions allowed
Abilities: for their element, and may select additional form effects, as
normal. The forms they use most often are the following:
 Adversary Bending: The character can use a
number of forms per encounter equal to their  Elemental Strike: Choose one target engaged or at
Willpower without suffering strain. short range and make an Average ( ) Bending
 Triple Threat: May add to all combat checks Arts (Brawn or Agility) check. If successful, this
when the character is within short range of at least attack inflicts 8 damage +1 damage per uncanceled
two other Triple Threats. s, with Critical Rating 4, and with the following
qualities: Burn 3 for firebenders, Disorient 3 for
Forms: Benders can choose any bending actions allowed for
airbenders, Stun 3 for waterbenders, or Ensnare 3
their element, and may select additional form effects, as
for earthbenders.
normal. The forms they use most often are the following:
 Elemental Augment: Make a Hard ( )
 Elemental Strike: Choose one target engaged or at Bending Arts (Cun) check. If successful, until the
short range and make an Average ( ) Bending end of the bender’s next turn, they increase the
Arts (Brawn or Agility) check. If successful, this ability of any skill checks they make by one and
attack inflicts 6 damage +1 damage per uncanceled ignore the effects of difficult terrain; the character
s, with Critical Rating 4, and with the following cannot be immobilized. The bender can maintain
qualities: Burn 3 for firebenders, Disorient 3 for these effects with the concentrate maneuver.
airbenders, Stun 3 for waterbenders, or Ensnare 3 Equipment:
for earthbenders.
 Elemental Barrier: Choose one engaged target or  Trident Dagger: Martial Arts; Damage +2; Critical 3;
self and make a Hard ( ) Bending Arts (Wil) Range [engaged]; Pierce 1, Light.
check. If successful, the bender reduces the  Poison Vial (a vial may be thrown as an improvised
damage of all hits they suffer by 1 plus 1 for every ranged weapon. Make a Ranged attack. If
ss beyond the first until the end of their next turn; successful, the target and all engaged characters
in addition, if an attack targeting the bender must make a Hard ( ) Resilience check as an
generates hhh or d, the attacker suffers a hit out-of-turn incidental or suffer 3 wounds plus 1 strain
inflicting damage equal to the total damage of the per h generated on the check. The GM may spend a
attack; the bender may perform the concentrate d to cause the target to have to repeat the check at
maneuver to maintain the effects of this barrier. the beginning of their next turn.
 A small purse of silver pieces.
 Light Clothing: +1 soak. Beat Cop [Minion]
For non-benders, a job in law enforcement can be dangerous;
Triad Recruiter [Nemesis] especially when they have you running the beat in Triad
Some members of the triad are special recruiters, whose main territory.
task is to find suitable conscripts within the Triple Threat turf,
3 2 2 1 2 2
particularly young and strong benders. Recruiters generally
operate alone, as they normally do not have to fear being BR AGI INT PRE CUN WIL
attacked. 4 5 0 0
5 16 16 1 1 Skills (group only): Perception, Melee (Light), Vigilance.
Skills: Bending Arts 3, Skulduggery 1, Perception 2, Coercion  Patrol Route: All attempts to lose the tail of the Beat
2, Negotiation 1, Deception 2. Cop in their precinct of Republic City add .
Talents: Equipment:
 Adversary 1: Upgrade the difficulty of combat  Police Uniform: +1 soak.
checks targeting this character once.  Truncheon: Melee (Light); Damage +1; Critical 4;
 Lethal Blows 2: The character adds +20 to any Range [engaged]; Disorient 2.
Critical Injury rolls inflicted on opponents.

The Second Age | Adversaries and Creatures | 171

Metalbender Officer [Rival] Equipment:
 Metalbending Police Force Armor: +2 soak, the
wearer is immune to the effects of chi disruption.
 Truncheon: Melee (Light); Damage +1; Critical 4;
Range [engaged]; Disorient 2.
 Riot Shield: 1 ranged defense.
 Metal coils.

Metalbender Detective [Nemesis]

The police force operates efficiently and attempts to produce
minimal damage to the city. Detectives are only deployed
when officers fail to apprehend a suspect the first time. Most
detectives have a network of street thugs who can act as eyes
and ears, when needed.
The Metalbending Police Force is the elite division of the
3 4 4 2 3 4
Republic City Police Department, open only to earthbenders
who can manipulate the metal cables used to navigate the city BR AGI INT PRE CUN WIL
and take down criminals. The officers are deployed in small 5 14 18 1 1
groups by patrol airships that constantly circle the capital's
3 3 2 1 2 3
Skills: Perception 2, Bending Arts 3, Cool 3, Coordination 2,
BR AGI INT PRE CUN WIL Discipline 3, Martial Arts 3, Negotiate 2
5 13 1 0 Talents:
SOAK WOUND R/M DEFENSE  Adversary 2: Upgrade the difficulty of combat
checks targeting this character twice.
Skills: Martial Arts 2, Bending Arts 2, Perception 2  Field Commander: The character may use this
talent to make an Average ( ) Leadership
Talents: check. If successful, a number of allies equal to the
 Adversary 1: Upgrade the difficulty of combat character’s Presence may immediately suffer 1
checks targeting this character once. strain to perform one maneuver (out of turn). If there
are any questions as to which allies take their
maneuvers first, this character is the final arbiter.
 Adversary Bending: The character can use a
number of forms per encounter equal to their
Willpower without suffering strain.  Adversary Bending: The character can use a
 Metal-Slinging: Add to any grappling maneuvers. number of forms per encounter equal to their
Once per turn, while at short range this adversary Willpower without suffering strain.
may perform the move maneuver to engage a target  Metal-Slinging: Add to any grappling maneuvers.
as an incidental. Once per turn, while at short range this adversary
may perform the move maneuver to engage a target
Forms: Metalbender officers can choose any earthbender
as an incidental.
actions, and may select additional form effects, as normal.
 Tactical Direction: This character may spend a
The forms they use most often are the following:
maneuver to direct one friendly minion group within
 Metal Whip: The metalbender officer can use a medium range. That group may immediately perform
maneuver to summon a metal whip. The whip can be a maneuver as an out-of-turn incidental or add to
used to attack with a Bending Arts (Agility) combat the next check they make.
check and has the following profile: Range: Short;
Forms: Metalbender detectives can choose any earthbender
Damage 5; Crit 4; Ensnare 2, Linked 2, Slash 1,
Sunder. For the duration of the form, the character actions, and may select additional form effects, as normal.
The forms they use most often are the following:
may choose to make an Average ( ) Bending
Arts (Brawn) check to launch the metal whip at a  Metal Whip: The metalbender detective can use a
stationary target up to medium range. If successful, maneuver to summon a metal whip. The whip can be
they can use the whip to pull themselves toward the used to attack with a Bending Arts (Agility) combat
location and you may spend aa to bring the target check and has the following profile: Range: Short;
to you instead, if possible. Damage 5; Crit 4; Ensnare 2, Linked 2, Slash 1,
 Coiled Leap: Make an Average ( ) Bending Sunder. For the duration of the form, the character
Arts (Cun) check. If successful, the character may may choose to make an Average ( ) Bending
use a maneuver to move horizontally and/or Arts (Brawn) check to launch the metal whip at a
vertically a number of range bands away equal to stationary target up to medium range. If successful,
half of the character’s ranks in Discipline, rounded they can use the whip to pull themselves toward the
down. The bender can maintain these effects with location and you may spend aa to bring the target
the concentrate maneuver. to you instead, if possible.

172 | Adversaries and Creatures | The Second Age

 Coiled Leap: Make an Average ( ) Bending
Arts (Cun) check. If successful, the character may
use a maneuver to move horizontally and/or
vertically a number of range bands away equal to
half of the character’s ranks in Discipline, rounded
down. The bender can maintain these effects with
the concentrate maneuver.
 Metalbending Police Force Armor: +2 soak, the
wearer is immune to the effects of chi disruption.
 Truncheon: Melee (Light); Damage +1; Critical 4;
Range [engaged]; Disorient 2.
 Riot Shield: 1 ranged defense.
 Metal coils.

The Second Age | Adversaries and Creatures | 173

Earth Kingdom
The military of the Earth Kingdom is the body primarily in addition, each affected target gains one defense;
responsible for the defense of the Earth Kingdom. It consists the bender may perform the concentrate maneuver
of an army, navy, air force, and several specialized divisions. to maintain the effects of this barrier.
It is considered to be one of the most powerful armed forces Equipment:
in the world, as demonstrated by its ability to stave off assaults
from the more sophisticated Fire Nation forces for the majority  Royal Guard Uniform: +2 soak.
of the Hundred Year War.  Sword: Melee (Light); Damage 6; Critical 4; Range
[Engaged]; Defensive 1.
The Inner Ring of Ba Sing Se houses a small army unto  Warhammer: Melee (Heavy); Damage 7; Critical 3;
itself, comprised of a Royal Guard; a separate organization, Range [Engaged]; Cumbersome 3, Pierce 2, Vicious
known as the Dai Li was created by Avatar Kyoshi and exists 1.
to gather intelligence and “protect Earth Kingdom culture.”
Even earth citizens take care of themselves, demonstrating Dai Li Agent [Rival]
their hardy nature through their earthbending talents or rigid The Dai Li are highly skilled earthbending masters, whose
perseverance. talents even surpassed those of the Earthbender Guards of
the Royal Palace. They are adept at using their stone shoes
Royal Earthbender Guard [Rival] to cling to sheer rock surfaces, such as walls or ceilings.
The Royal Earthbender Guards of Ba Sing Se, commonly Mastery of this wall technique has been a part of their training
known as the King's Guards, are earthbending warriors within ever since their inception and was therefore one of their most
the Earth Kingdom affiliated with neither the Dai Li nor the used skills. Agents will usually work in pairs.
army. They instead serve as personal protectors of the earth
monarch. The Royal Earthbender Guards sport a uniform very 3 4 2 3 3 4
different from that of normal Earth Kingdom soldiers, wearing BR AGI INT PRE CUN WIL
heavier, dark green full-body armor with a green plume on top 5 15 1 1
of the helmet.
3 2 2 2 2 3
BR AGI INT PRE CUN WIL Skills: Melee (Light) 2, Bending Arts 2, Martial Arts 2, Charm
5 12 1 1 2, Deception 2.
 Adversary 1: Upgrade the difficulty of combat
Skills: Melee (Light) 2, Resilience 1, Discipline 2, Bending checks targeting this character once.
Arts 2.  Parry 3: When the character suffers a hit from a
Talents: melee combat check, after damage is calculated,
 Body Guard: Once per round, the character may they may take a Parry incidental. They suffer 3 strain
use this talent use a maneuver to upgrade the and reduce the damage dealt by that hit by five. This
difficulty of all checks targeting an ally engaged with talent may only be used once per hit and when the
this character. character is wielding a melee or martial weapon.
Abilities: Abilities:
 Adversary Bending: The character can use a  Adversary Bending: The character can use a
number of forms per encounter equal to their number of forms per encounter equal to their
Willpower without suffering strain. Willpower without suffering strain.
 Dauntless: This character upgrades the ability of  Earthen Shoes: Allows the agent to move silently,
Discipline checks they make to resist fear or scale walls, even cling to the ceiling; can be used to
intimidation once. gain on Stealth checks.
Forms: Royal earthbender guards can choose any Forms: Dai Li agents can choose any earthbending actions
earthbending actions or maneuvers, and may select and maneuvers, and may select additional form effects, as
additional form effects, as normal. The forms they use most normal. The forms they use most often are the following:
often are the following:  Tremor: Choose one target at short range and make
 Earth Piston: Choose one target at short range and an Average ( ) Bending Arts (Agility) check. If
make an Average ( ) Bending Arts (Brawn or successful, this attack inflicts 7 damage +1 damage
Agility) check. If successful, this attack inflicts 5 per uncanceled s, with Critical 5, Ensnare 3, and
damage +1 damage per uncanceled s, with Critical the target and all characters engaged with the target
Rating 6, Blast 5 and Ensnare 3. are knocked prone. The Dai Li agent can spend a
 Earth Protection: Choose one engaged target or on the check to move the target up to one range
self and make an Average ( ) Bending Arts band in any direction.
(Wil) check. If successful, the bender reduces the  Rock Gloves: Dai Li agents may use this form by
damage of all hits they suffer by 1 plus 1 for every suffering 2 strain and performing a maneuver. The
ss beyond the first until the end of their next turn; character can move across vertical surfaces as

174 | Adversaries and Creatures | The Second Age

easily as horizontal surfaces, even crawl along  Surveyor’s Chains, Sigil of the Earth Kingdom.
ceilings. In addition, when your character attempts to
reduce the damage taken from falling, reduce the Villager [Minion]
difficulty of the Athletics or Coordination check by Just your average, everyday Earth Kingdom citizen.
one. For the duration of the form, the character can
detach the gloves and use them to attack, grapple, 2 2 2 2 2 1
or interact with people or objects up to medium range BR AGI INT PRE CUN WIL
as if they were the character’s own hands). 2 3 0 0
 Dai Li Robes: +2 soak, 1 defense.
 Surveyor’s Chains, Sigil of the Earth Kingdom.
Skills Athletics, Melee, Ranged.
Dai Li Director [Nemesis] Talents: None.
A good director will operate in the open, with his target
unaware of their constant surveillance. They carry a binding
"weapon" called surveyors' chains within their robes, which  Flames of Fury: Increase the damage of a thrown
they threw from their sleeves to ensnare and hold prisoners, torch by +1 for each additional minion in this minion
particularly other earthbenders, in order to inhibit their group, to a maximum of +7.
bending. Equipment:
3 4 4 3 5 4  Pitchfork: Melee; Damage 5; Critical 4; Range
BR AGI INT PRE CUN WIL [engaged]; Pierce 2.
 Thrown torch: Ranged; Damage 3; Critical 3;
5 18 25 1 1 Range [short]; Burn 3, Limited Ammo 1.
Bandit [Minion]
Petty criminals and hired ruffians litter the countryside
Skills: Melee (Light) 3, Bending Arts 4, Discipline 4, Martial
throughout the Earth Kingdom, tending to congregate outside
Arts 3, Charm 2, Deception 2.
large cities and ports. Bandits comprise everyone from
Talents: Adversary 2, Counterstrike, Deadeye, Parry, pickpockets and muggers to gang members and killers.
Plausible Deniability.
3 2 1 1 2 1
 Adversary Bending: The character can use a
number of forms per encounter equal to their 2 7 0 0
Willpower without suffering strain. SOAK WOUND R/M DEFENSE
 Dai Li Network: Upgrades one on any Deception
or Charm checks made against a character so long
as the Dai Li is aware of them. Skills (group only): Coercion, Melee (Light), Ranged,
 Earthen Shoes: Allows the director to move silently, Skulduggery, Streetwise.
scale walls, even cling to the ceiling; can be used to Talents: None.
gain on Stealth checks.
Forms: A Dai Li director can choose any earthbending actions
 Ambush: may add to all Vigilance checks to
and maneuvers, and may select additional form effects, as
determine Initiative by characters if they were
normal. The forms they use most often are the following:
undetected before combat.
 Earth Strike: Choose one target engaged or at short
range and make an Average ( ) Bending Arts
(Brawn or Agility) check. If successful, this attack  Axe: Melee [Light]; Damage 8; Critical 3; Range
inflicts 8 damage +1 damage per uncanceled s, with [Engaged]; Vicious 1.
Critical Rating 6, and Ensnare 3.
 Rock Gloves: Dai Li agents may use this form by Earth Army Soldier [Minion]
suffering 2 strain and performing a maneuver. The Earth Kingdom soldiers, both benders and nonbenders, carry
character can move across vertical surfaces as a wide variety of weapons from spears, swords, and other
easily as horizontal surfaces, even crawl along various polearms to more unusual weapons such as
ceilings. In addition, when your character attempts to hammers, axes, and sickles. Soldiers are typically attired with
reduce the damage taken from falling, reduce the specially-armored conical helmets, which have also been
difficulty of the Athletics or Coordination check by shown to function in battle as an impromptu shield against fire
one. For the duration of the form, the character can blasts.
detach the gloves and use them to attack, grapple,
3 2 1 1 1 2
or interact with people or objects up to medium range
as if they were the character’s own hands). BR AGI INT PRE CUN WIL
Equipment: 4 8 0 0
 Dai Li Robes: +2 soak, 1 defense.

The Second Age | Adversaries and Creatures | 175

SOAK WOUND R/M DEFENSE  Earth Strike: Choose one target engaged or at short
range and make an Average ( ) Bending Arts
(Brawn or Agility) check. If successful, this attack
Skills (group only): Discipline, Ranged Weapons, Vigilance, inflicts 6 damage +1 damage per uncanceled s, with
and Bending Arts. Critical Rating 6, and Ensnare 3.
Talents: None.  Earthquake: Choose a spot up to medium range
away and make a Hard ( ) Bending Arts (Int)
Abilities: check. If successful, all terrain within short range of
 Adversary Bending: The character can use a the chosen location is considered difficult terrain.
number of forms per encounter equal to their Additional, characters within the affected area are
Willpower without suffering strain. disoriented until the end of their next turn. This
Forms: An earth army soldier can choose any earthbending character may spend aa to immobilize an effected
actions and maneuvers, and may select additional form character until the end of their next turn (and may
effects, as normal. The forms they use most often are the trigger this multiple times, spending aa each time).
following: Equipment:
 Earth Strike: Choose one target engaged or at short  Earth Kingdom Military Uniform: +1 soak.
range and make an Average ( ) Bending Arts  Pouch of Stones.
(Brawn or Agility) check. If successful, this attack  Warhammer: Melee (Heavy); Damage 7; Critical 3;
inflicts 5 damage +1 damage per uncanceled s, with Range [Engaged]; Cumbersome 3, Pierce 2, Vicious
Critical Rating 6, and Ensnare 3. 1.
Earth Army General [Nemesis]
 Earth Kingdom Military Uniform: +1 soak. Generals rarely, if ever, accompany their own men into battle
 Pouch of Stones. and thus their presence anywhere should indicate the Earth
Kingdom’s substantial vested interests. As a meritocratic
Earth Army Captain [Rival] organization, generals in the Earth Army are always vying for
Officers and captains wear yellow armor instead of the recognition, honor, and ultimately a position on the Council of
standard green variant and are often a part of a cavalry Five. Each general is in charge of bases located in the Earth
complement consisting of ostrich horses and heavier armor. Kingdom.
4 2 2 1 2 3 5 3 4 2 4 3
4 13 0 1 5 17 18 1 2

Skills: Melee (Light) 2, Martial Arts 1, Leadership 2, Bending Skills: Bending Arts 2, Vigilance 2, Leadership 2, Melee
Arts 2. (Light) 2, Discipline 2, Resilience 1.
Talents: Talents:
 Adversary 1: Upgrade the difficulty of combat  Adversary 2: Upgrade the difficulty of combat
checks targeting this character once. checks targeting this character twice.
Abilities:  Field Commander: The character may use this
talent to make an Average ( ) Leadership
 Adversary Bending: The character can use a
check. If successful, a number of allies equal to the
number of forms per encounter equal to their
character’s Presence may immediately suffer 1
Willpower without suffering strain.
strain to perform one maneuver (out of turn). If there
 Military Precision: May add to checks made to
are any questions as to which allies take their
destroy structures or use cooperative earthbending.
maneuvers first, this character is the final arbiter.
Forms: An earth army captain can choose any earthbending
actions and maneuvers, and may select additional form
effects, as normal. The forms they use most often are the  Adversary Bending: The character can use a
following: number of forms per encounter equal to their
Willpower without suffering strain.
 Earth Coin: May spend an action to hurl a silhouette
 High Command: Any Leadership check made to
2 slab of earth at a target within medium range,
causing them to make an opposed Athletics or bolster Earth Kingdom troops add to the troops
Coordination versus Bending Arts (Br) check to above any already given by the roll.
avoid the disc; targets engaged with disc either jump  Earth Coin: May use an action to hurl a silhouette 2
out of the way or take a number of damage ignoring slab of earth at the opponent, causing them to make
soak equal to the Rival’s Body rating; earthbenders an opposed Agility versus Bending Arts (Brawn)
can make a Bending Arts (br) check instead, and check to avoid the object; targets engaged with
may spend aaa or t to redirect the disc at object either jump out of the way or take a number of
another target, causing the same effect. damage ignoring soak equal to the Rival’s Brawn

176 | Adversaries and Creatures | The Second Age

rating; earthbenders can make a Bending Arts (BR) check. If successful, all terrain within short range of
check to instead redirect the disc in a different the chosen location is considered difficult terrain.
direction. Additional, characters within the affected area are
Forms: An earth army general can choose any earthbending disoriented until the end of their next turn. This
actions and maneuvers, and may select additional form character may spend aa to immobilize an effected
effects, as normal. The forms they use most often are the character until the end of their next turn (and may
following: trigger this multiple times, spending aa each time).
 Earth Strike: Choose one target engaged or at short
range and make an Average ( ) Bending Arts  Earth Kingdom General Uniform: 1 ranged, 2
(Brawn or Agility) check. If successful, this attack melee defense.
inflicts 8 damage +1 damage per uncanceled s, with  Warhammer: Melee (Heavy); Damage 7; Critical 3;
Critical Rating 6, and Ensnare 3. Range [Engaged]; Cumbersome 3, Pierce 2, Vicious
 Earthquake: Choose a spot up to medium range 1.
away and make a Hard ( ) Bending Arts (Int)  Pouch of Stones.

The Second Age | Adversaries and Creatures | 177

Fire Nation

The Fire Sages serve as the religious authority of the Fire

Nation and is responsible for identifying the Avatar's Skills (group only): Martial Arts, Melee (Light), Ranged,
incarnation when they are born in the Fire Nation. Their Discipline, and Sailing.
additional duties include guarding the temple and conducting Equipment:
coronations, weddings, and funerals for the Royal Family and
for those who seek their spiritual advice.  Sword: Melee (Light); Damage 6; Critical 2; Range
[Engaged]; Defensive 1.
2 2 3 2 3 4  Bow: Ranged; Damage 7; Critical 3; Range
BR AGI INT PRE CUN WIL [medium]; Unwieldy 2.
 Naval Uniform: +1 soak
3 13 0 0
SOAK WOUND R/M DEFENSE Fire Navy Commander [Rival]
A commander is in charge of the captains and responsible for
Skills: Bending Arts 3, Perception 2, Medicine 2, Discipline 2, carrying out an admiral's commands. They are also placed in
charge of blockades and a considerable number of ships, but
Knowledge (History) 2, Knowledge (Culture) 2.
still have nowhere near as much power as an admiral.
3 3 2 2 3 3
 Adversary 1: Upgrade the difficulty of combat
checks targeting this character once. BR AGI INT PRE CUN WIL

Abilities: 3 11 1 1
 Adversary Bending: The character can use a
number of forms per encounter equal to their
Willpower without suffering strain. Skills: Melee (Light) 2, Knowledge (Geography) 1,
 Disciple of Fire: Reduce the difficulty of Bending Leadership 2, Sailing 2.
Arts checks by one, to a minimum of Easy ( ), and
increase the base damage of Attack forms by three.
 Adversary 1: Upgrade the difficulty of combat
Forms: A fire sage can choose any firebending actions and
checks targeting this character once.
maneuvers, and may select additional form effects, as normal.
The forms they use most often are the following:  Duelist: The character adds to their melee
combat checks when engaged with only a single
 Heat Control: Select one target within short range opponent. The character adds to their melee
and make an Average ( ) Bending Arts (Cun) combat checks when engaged with three or more
check. If successful, until the end of the fire sage’s
next turn, the target decreases the ability of any skill
checks they make by one. Abilities:
 Healing Embers: Select one engaged target who is  Adversary Bending: The character can use a
not incapacitated and make an Average ( ) number of forms per encounter equal to their
Bending Arts (Int) check. If successful, the target Willpower without suffering strain.
heals 1 wound per uncanceled s, and 1 strain per  Naval Superiority: This character may add to all
uncanceled a. combat checks when engaged with any character
 Energy Reading: Select one target within short untrained in Sailing, so long as they are on a boat.
range and make a Hard Bending Arts (Cun) check.  Veteran of a Thousand Battles: When this
If successful, any condition the target is suffering character makes a check to determine initiative
lasts for the remainder of the encounter, and they order, a on the check count as s.
suffer one strain for as long as the fire sage
maintains concentration on this form. Forms: A Fire Navy commander can choose any firebending
actions and maneuvers, and may select additional form
effects, as normal. The forms they use most often are the
 Sage Robes: +1 soak. following:

Fire Navy Private [Minion] Fire Blast: Choose one target engaged or at short
range and make a Hard ( ) Bending Arts
Privates are not considered officers and are under the (Brawn or Agility) check. If successful, this attack
command of a ship's lieutenant. They are the lowest rank in inflicts 6 damage +1 damage per uncanceled s, with
the Fire Nation forces. Critical Rating 4, and Blast 5, Burn 2.
2 2 2 2 2 2  Fan the Flame: A fire navy commander may target
themselves and make an Average ( ) Bending
Arts (Cun) check. If successful, they increase the
3 5 0 0 ability of any skill checks they make by two.

178 | Adversaries and Creatures | The Second Age

Equipment: Fire Navy admiral’s Presence within medium range
 Sword: Melee (Light); Damage 6; Critical 2; Range add s to their next skill check.
[Engaged]; Defensive 1. Abilities:
 Naval Captain Military Uniform: 1 defense.  Adversary Bending: The character can use a
Fire Navy Admiral [Nemesis] number of forms per encounter equal to their
Willpower without suffering strain.
Admiral is the highest rank in the Fire Nation Navy, preceded  Fleet Tactics: When engaged in ship combat with at
by commander. The title has been used since the inception of least one allied ship present, any time that both ships
the navy and gives whoever bears the title high authority and make the same action such as firing weapons or
command over an entire fleet. Admirals are appointed directly ramming enemy ships, the each subsequent ship
by the Fire Lord. Above all else, Fire Admirals value the honor after the first gains on that action.
and respectability of their supporters.
Forms: A Fire Navy commander can choose any firebending
3 4 3 4 4 4 actions and maneuvers, and may select additional form
BR AGI INT PRE CUN WIL effects, as normal. The forms they use most often are the
3 18 18 1 1
 Fire Blast: Choose one target engaged or at short
range and make an Average ( ) Bending Arts
(Brawn or Agility) check. If successful, this attack
Skills: Bending Arts 4, Leadership 3, Melee (Light) 2, Sailing inflicts 7 damage +1 damage per uncanceled s, with
2, Knowledge (Geography) 1. Critical Rating 4, and Blast 7, Burn 3.
Talents:  Fan the Flame: A fire navy commander may target
themselves and make an Average ( ) Bending
 Adversary 2: Upgrade the difficulty of combat Arts (Cun) check. If successful, they increase the
checks targeting this character twice. ability of any skill checks they make by two.
 Inspiring Leadership: The character can use this
talent to make a Hard ( ) Leadership check.
If successful, a number of allies not exceeding the  Sword: Melee (Light); Damage 6; Critical 2; Range
[Engaged]; Defensive 1.
 Naval Captain Military Uniform: 1 defense.

The Second Age | Adversaries and Creatures | 179

Water Tribes
The chain of command is not well defined in the Water Tribe. and has the following profile: Range (Short);
There is no overall military commander of the Water Tribes Damage 4; Critical 4; Ensnare 2, Linked 2, Stun 2.
and as such, command is divided between the two polar Equipment:
factions. Any formal operations are usually spearheaded by a
tribal chieftain. In reality, only the Northern Water Tribe has  Northern Army Armor: +1 defense.
anything resembling an organized military.  Spear: Melee (Heavy); Damage 6; Critical 3; Range
(engaged); Accurate 1.
Northern Soldier [Rival]  Machete: Melee (Light); Damage 6; Critical 2;
As a result of the industrialization of the tribe after the war, the Range (engaged); Vicious 1.
Northern Water Tribe's military changed greatly. A standing  2 waterskins.
army was formed and its equipment was improved; by 151
AG, machetes and spears had become the most common Water Tribe Warrior [Minion]
weapons. Without any formal military, most warriors in the Northern or
Southern tribes tend to be able-bodied individuals who are
The standard weaponry of machetes and spears
capable of holding a weapon, or wielding their waterbending
remained largely the same for twenty years, though a new
uniform was introduced. Less thick and bulky, this new dark
blue uniform allows greater freedom of movement. It consists 3 2 3 1 2 3
of a padded jacket, a leather helmet with fabric neck guard, BR AGI INT PRE CUN WIL
lined trousers and high boots. Since at least 150 AG, the army
also makes use of pack animals and mounts, most notably the 3 5 1 1
Arctic camel and the buffalo yak. High-ranking officers wear a SOAK WOUND R/M DEFENSE
dark blue coat with a Water Tribe insignia
Skills (group only): Bending Arts, Melee (Light), Melee
3 3 3 1 2 3
(Heavy), Survival , Vigilance, Athletics.
3 12 1 1
 Hunter: This character adds to all skill checks
when interacting with wild beasts and animals,
including combat checks. In addition, they add +10
Skills: Bending Arts 2, Discipline 2, Melee (Light) 3, Melee to all Critical Injury rolls against animals and beasts.
(Heavy) 2, Perception 2, Athletics 2.
 Adversary Bending: The character can use a
 Parry 3: When the character suffers a hit from a number of forms per encounter equal to their
melee combat check, after damage is calculated but Willpower without suffering strain.
before soak is applied, the character may suffer 3  Wolf Spirit: Once per turn, the character may
strain to use this talent to reduce the damage of the perform a maneuver to add to their next melee
hit by two plus their ranks in Parry. This talent can combat check.
only be used once per hit, and your character needs
Forms: A water tribe warrior can choose any waterbending
to be a bender, or wielding a Melee weapon.
actions and maneuvers, and may select additional form
Abilities: effects, as normal. The forms they use most often are the
 Adversary Bending: The character can use a following:
number of forms per encounter equal to their  Water Blast: Choose one target engaged or at short
Willpower without suffering strain. range and make an Average ( ) Bending Arts
 Veteran of a Thousand Battles: When this (Brawn or Agility) check. If successful, this attack
character makes a check to determine initiative inflicts 5 damage +1 damage per uncanceled s, with
order, a on the check count as s. Critical Rating 6, Auto-fire and Blast 2.
Forms: A northern soldier can choose any waterbending Equipment:
actions and maneuvers, and may select additional form
 Wolf Pelt Armor: +1 defense.
effects, as normal. The forms they use most often are the
 Spear: Melee (Heavy); Damage 6; Critical 3; Range
(engaged); Accurate 1.
 Water Volley: Choose one target engaged or at  Dagger: Melee (Light); Damage +2; Critical 3;
short range and make an Average ( ) Bending Range [engaged]; Accurate 1.
Arts (Brawn or Agility) check. If successful, this  2 waterskins.
attack inflicts 6 damage +1 damage per uncanceled
s, with Critical Rating 6, Auto-fire and Guided 2. Water Tribe Chieftain [Nemesis]
 Water Whip: A northern soldier can use a maneuver Little more than the leader of a particular Water Tribe
to summon a water whip. The whip can be used to settlement, the chieftain is responsible for mustering warriors
attack with a Bending Arts (Agility) combat check

180 | Adversaries and Creatures | The Second Age

and benders together and leading them into battle or scouting and grants them on any attacks made in the first
operations. In principle, all chiefs are equal and can convene round.
together to make joint decisions. In practice, both the North  Wolf Spirit: Once per turn, the character may
and the South are ruled by Chiefs; Desna and Eska in the perform a maneuver to add to their next melee
north and Hakoda in the south. combat check.
5 3 2 3 2 4 Forms: A water tribe chieftain can choose any waterbending
BR AGI INT PRE CUN WIL actions and maneuvers, and may select additional form
effects, as normal. The forms they use most often are the
5 20 20 1 1 following:
 Icicle Barrage: Choose one target engaged or at
short range and make an Average ( ) Bending
Skills: Bending Arts 3, Discipline 3, Leadership 3, Martial Arts Arts (Brawn or Agility) check. If successful, this
2, Perception 1, Vigilance 2. attack inflicts 8 damage +1 damage per uncanceled
s, with Critical Rating 4, Auto-fire and Pierce 3.
 Octopus Form: The character makes a Hard
 Adversary 1: Upgrade the difficulty of combat ( ) Bending Arts (Wil) check. If successful,
checks targeting this character once. they create one tentacle +1 tentacle for each
 Improved Inspiring Rhetoric: Your character may uncanceled s. The character’s defense becomes 3.
use this talent to make an Average ( ) The tentacles last until the end of the character’s
Leadership check. For each s the check next turn unless the character performs the
generates, one ally within short range heals one Concentra maneuver. They may spend aa on
strain. For each a, one ally benefiting from Inspiring subsequent Bending Arts checks to create an
Rhetoric heals one additional strain. Allies affected additional tentacle. For the duration of the form, the
by your character’s Inspiring Rhetoric add to all area within short range of the character is
skill checks they make for a number of rounds equal considered difficult terrain. Whenever the character
to your character's rank in Leadership. makes an attack with a Water Tentacle while this
form is active, that attack gains the Linked quality
equal to the number of active Water Tentacles (see
 Adversary Bending: The character can use a the Water Tentacle effect on page 57).
number of forms per encounter equal to their
Willpower without suffering strain.
 Chieftain’s Vigilance: When the Water Tribe  Wolf Pelt Armor: +1 defense.
Chieftain is attacked, they add to determine  Spear: Melee (Heavy); Damage 8; Critical 3; Range
Initiative order to himself and any guards they have, (engaged); Accurate 1.
 2 waterskins.

The Second Age | Adversaries and Creatures | 181

Other Factions
The Red Lotus
The Red Lotus is a global militant anarchist organization,
founded by Xai Bau as a splinter faction of the Order of the
Red Lotus Sentry [Rival]
White Lotus after the Hundred Year War. Until 171 AG, the The Red Lotus sentries are low-ranking members of the Red
organization operated through sleeper cells, keeping their Lotus. Although they are not operatives themselves, sentries
existence unknown to the world. are the muscle of most Red Lotus operations, carrying out
many responsibilities too great to entrust to initiates, but too
The Red Lotus' agenda is to have the humans and spirits mundane to bother a Red Lotus Master.
coexist again and usher in a new world order by dismantling
the established nations and their leaders. Their first attempt 3 2 2 1 3 3
involved freeing Vaatu from his prison in the Spirit World, but BR AGI INT PRE CUN WIL
this was thwarted by Avatar Korra and her friends. A second
3 10 0 1
attempt was made by Zaheer, who assassinated Earth Queen
Hou-Ting. Although he was successful in destabilizing the SOAK WOUND R/M DEFENSE
Earth Kingdom, it came at great cost to his organization.
Skills: Martial Arts 2, Cool 1, Deception 2, Coordination 2,
Red Lotus Initiate [Minion] Streetwise 1, Bending Arts 3.
Before they can become sentries, aspiring benders of the Red Talents:
Lotus begin as initiates and must show their dedication to the  Chi Disruption: The character may make a Hard
cause. ( ) Martial Arts check targeting an engaged
2 2 2 2 3 3 character. If successful, deal strain instead of
wounds. If the target is a bender, they cannot use
BR AGI INT PRE CUN WIL any forms until the end of their next turn and any form
2 5 0 0 currently sustained through concentration
SOAK WOUND R/M DEFENSE immediately ends. You may spend aaa to
immobilize the target and d to stagger them.
Skills (group only): Martial Arts, Deception, Bending Arts, and
Coercion, Cool.  Adversary Bending: The character can use a
number of forms per encounter equal to their
Talents: None.
Willpower without suffering strain.
Abilities:  Elemental Mastery: The first effect this character
 Adversary Bending: The character can use a adds to a form does not increase the difficulty of the
number of forms per encounter equal to their Bending Arts check.
Willpower without suffering strain.  Secret Society: Automatically upgrade the difficulty
 Elemental Mastery: The first effect this character once of any social skill check to interact with or
adds to a form does not increase the difficulty of the deceive this faction member when pretending to be
Bending Arts check. a part of that faction.
Forms: Benders can choose any bending actions allowed for
Forms: Benders can choose any bending actions allowed for
their element, and may select additional form effects, as
their element, and may select additional form effects, as
normal. The forms they use most often are the following:
normal. The forms they use most often are the following:
 Elemental Strike: Choose one target engaged or at
 Elemental Strike: Choose one target engaged or at
short range and make an Average ( ) Bending
short range and make an Average ( ) Bending
Arts (Brawn or Agility) check. If successful, this
Arts (Brawn or Agility) check. If successful, this
attack inflicts 5 damage +1 damage per uncanceled
attack inflicts 4 damage +1 damage per uncanceled
s, with Critical Rating 5, and with the following
s, with Critical Rating 6, and with the following
qualities: Burn 3 for firebenders, Disorient 3 for
qualities: Burn 3 for firebenders, Disorient 3 for
airbenders, Stun 3 for waterbenders, or Ensnare 3
airbenders, Stun 3 for waterbenders, or Ensnare 3
for earthbenders.
for earthbenders.
 Elemental Augment: Make a Hard ( )
Equipment: Bending Arts (Cun) check. If successful, until the
 Dagger: Melee (Light); Damage 4; Critical 3; Range end of the bender’s next turn, they increase the
[engaged]; Accurate 1. ability of any skill checks they make by one and
 Staff: Martial Arts; Damage 4; Critical 4; Range ignore the effects of difficult terrain; the character
[engaged]; Defensive 1, Disorient 2. cannot be immobilized. The bender can maintain
these effects with the concentrate maneuver.
 Red Lotus insignia.

182 | Adversaries and Creatures | The Second Age

 Dagger: Melee (Light); Damage 4; Critical 3; Range  Dagger: Melee (Light); Damage 4; Critical 3; Range
[engaged]; Accurate 1. [engaged]; Accurate 1.
 Staff: Martial Arts; Damage 4; Critical 4; Range  Staff: Martial Arts; Damage 4; Critical 4; Range
[engaged]; Defensive 1, Disorient 2. [engaged]; Defensive 1, Disorient 2.
 Red Lotus insignia.  Red Lotus insignia, a bending scroll.

Red Lotus Master [Nemesis] Order of the White Lotus

They say when one Master falls, a Sentry rises to take their
place. With the disappearance of P’li, Ghazan, Zaheer, and The Order of the White Lotus, also known as the White Lotus,
Ming-Hua, the opportunity is ripe for four new bending is an ancient and formerly secret society that transcends the
masters to take the reins of this organization. boundaries of the four nations, seeking philosophy, beauty,
and truth. They are devoted to the sharing of ancient
4 3 2 2 3 4 knowledge across national and political divides, and on Avatar
BR AGI INT PRE CUN WIL Aang's request, they also concern themselves with the task of
4 15 18 1 1 finding, training, and protecting each new Avatar.
SOAK WOUND STRAIN R/M DEFENSE Shortly after the Hundred Year War's conclusion, the
society stopped concealing itself from the public eye and
began to serve the world and the Avatar more openly, though
Skills: Deception 2, Bending Arts 4, Martial Arts 2, Perception several aspects of their operations remained secret.
2, Spirit World 4, Survival 3, Cool 2
Talents: White Lotus Initiate [Minion]
As the White Lotus is no longer a secret society, many more
 Adversary 2: Upgrade the difficulty of combat
members are present in the Order than in the past, including
checks targeting this character twice.
multiple leaders and many sentries and initiates tasked with
Abilities: duties such as training the Avatar or guarding dangerous
 Adversary Bending: The character can use a benders.
number of forms per encounter equal to their 2 2 2 2 1 3
Willpower without suffering strain.
 Ancient Knowledge: When a form adds a quality
to this character’s form with a rating determined by 2 5 0 0
their ranks in Discipline, they may use their ranks in SOAK WOUND R/M DEFENSE
Knowledge (Spirit World) instead.
 Bending Disciple: Reduce the difficulty of Bending
Skills (group only): Bending Arts, Martial Arts, Discipline, and
Arts checks by one, to a minimum of Easy ( ), and
increase the base damage of Attack forms by three.
 Elemental Mastery: The first effect this character Talents: None.
adds to a form does not increase the difficulty of the Abilities:
Bending Arts check.
 Adversary Bending: The character can use a
Forms: Benders can choose any bending actions allowed for number of forms per encounter equal to their
their element, and may select additional form effects, as Willpower without suffering strain.
normal. The forms they use most often are the following:  Strength in Numbers: May add to all Discipline
 Elemental Strike: Choose one target engaged or at or Vigilance checks made against fear effects or
short range and make an Average ( ) Bending surprise attacks when there are more than two White
Arts (Brawn or Agility) check. If successful, this Lotus Initiates together.
attack inflicts 7 damage +1 damage per uncanceled
Forms: Benders can choose any bending actions allowed for
s, with Critical Rating 3, and with the following
their element, and may select additional form effects, as
qualities: Burn 4 for firebenders, Disorient 4 for
normal. The forms they use most often are the following:
airbenders, Stun 4 for waterbenders, or Ensnare 4
for earthbenders.  Elemental Strike: Choose one target engaged or at
 Elemental Barrier: Choose one engaged target or short range and make an Average ( ) Bending
self and make a Hard ( ) Bending Arts (Wil) Arts (Brawn or Agility) check. If successful, this
check. If successful, the bender reduces the attack inflicts 4 damage +1 damage per uncanceled
damage of all hits they suffer by 1 plus 1 for every s, with Critical Rating 6, and with the following
ss beyond the first until the end of their next turn; qualities: Burn 4 for firebenders, Disorient 4 for
in addition, if an attack targeting the bender airbenders, Stun 4 for waterbenders, or Ensnare 4
generates hhh or d, the attacker suffers a hit for earthbenders.
inflicting damage equal to the total damage of the  Elemental Barrier: Choose one engaged target or
attack; the bender may perform the concentrate self and make a Hard ( ) Bending Arts (Wil)
maneuver to maintain the effects of this barrier. check. If successful, the bender reduces the
damage of all hits they suffer by 1 plus 1 for every
ss beyond the first until the end of their next turn;
in addition, if an attack targeting the bender

The Second Age | Adversaries and Creatures | 183

generates hhh or d, the attacker suffers a hit Equipment:
inflicting damage equal to the total damage of the
 Staff: Martial Arts; Damage 4; Critical 4; Range
attack; the bender may perform the concentrate
[engaged]; Defensive 1, Disorient 2.
maneuver to maintain the effects of this barrier.
 Sword: Melee (Light); Damage 6; Critical 2; Range
Equipment: [Engaged]; Defensive 1.
 Staff: Martial Arts; Damage 4; Critical 4; Range  Spear: Melee (Heavy); Damage 6; Critical 3; Range
[engaged]; Defensive 1, Disorient 2. (engaged); Accurate 1.
 Sword: Melee (Light); Damage 6; Critical 2; Range  White Lotus robes (+1 soak), insignia.
[Engaged]; Defensive 1.
 Spear: Melee (Heavy); Damage 6; Critical 3; Range White Lotus Master [Nemesis]
(engaged); Accurate 1. Masters of the White Lotus are among the world’s wisest
 Training gi. scholars in both the bending arts and the spirit world. Only
truly enlightened individuals can ever attain the rank of
White Lotus Sentry [Rival] Master, fewer still ever go on to become a Grand Lotus. It is
Sentries of the White Lotus are stationed at various White said that an enlightened master has the ability to travel to the
Lotus bases throughout the world tasked with guarding the Spirit World through meditation, and rumors abound that
world’s most nefarious bending criminals and other tightly- those who achieve Grand Lotus status also have prolonged
guarded secrets. life.

2 3 3 2 1 3 4 3 4 3 3 5
3 14 0 1 5 18 22 1 2

Skills: Martial Arts 2, Empathy 1, Knowledge (Spirit World) 2, Skills: Empathy 2, Bending Arts 4, Martial Arts 2, Knowledge
Discipline 2, Vigilance 2, and Bending Arts 3. (Spirit World) 4, Discipline 4, Vigilance 3, Leadership 3, and
Negotiation 2.
Talents: None.
 Adversary 2: Upgrade the difficulty of combat
 Adversary Bending: The character can use a
checks targeting this character twice.
number of forms per encounter equal to their
 Inspiring Leadership: The character can use this
Willpower without suffering strain.
talent to make a Hard ( ) Leadership check.
 Elemental Mastery: The first effect this character
If successful, a number of allies not exceeding the
adds to a form does not increase the difficulty of the
White Lotus Master’s Presence within medium range
Bending Arts check.
add s to their next skill check.
 Never Alone: May spend aaa or t on checks
made by a White Lotus sentry to determine Initiative Abilities:
to have one additional sentry appear at long range;  Adversary Bending: The character can use a
this new sentry also makes a check to determine number of forms per encounter equal to their
Initiative. Willpower without suffering strain.
Forms: Benders can choose any bending actions allowed for  Ancient Order: Once per session, you may spend
their element, and may select additional form effects, as one Story Point to have one previously unknown
normal. The forms they use most often are the following: character reveal themselves in the scene as an ally
to the White Lotus Master.
 Elemental Strike: Choose one target engaged or at
 Bending Disciple: Reduce the difficulty of Bending
short range and make an Average ( ) Bending
Arts (Brawn or Agility) check. If successful, this Arts checks by one, to a minimum of Easy ( ), and
attack inflicts 4 damage +1 damage per uncanceled increase the base damage of Attack forms by three.
s, with Critical Rating 6, and with the following Forms: Benders can choose any bending actions allowed for
qualities: Burn 4 for firebenders, Disorient 4 for their element, and may select additional form effects, as
airbenders, Stun 4 for waterbenders, or Ensnare 4 normal. The forms they use most often are the following:
for earthbenders.
 Elemental Strike: Choose one target engaged or at
 Elemental Barrier: Choose one engaged target or
short range and make an Average ( ) Bending
self and make a Hard ( ) Bending Arts (Wil)
Arts (Brawn or Agility) check. If successful, this
check. If successful, the bender reduces the
attack inflicts 4 damage +1 damage per uncanceled
damage of all hits they suffer by 1 plus 1 for every
s, with Critical Rating 6, and with the following
ss beyond the first until the end of their next turn;
qualities: Burn 4 for firebenders, Disorient 4 for
in addition, if an attack targeting the bender
airbenders, Stun 4 for waterbenders, or Ensnare 4
generates hhh or d, the attacker suffers a hit
for earthbenders.
inflicting damage equal to the total damage of the
 Elemental Control: Select a location up to medium
attack; the bender may perform the concentrate
range and make an Average ( ) Bending Arts
maneuver to maintain the effects of this barrier.

184 | Adversaries and Creatures | The Second Age

(Int) check. If successful, until the end of the
bender’s next turn, the area within short range of the
selected location is considered difficult terrain. The
bender can maintain these effects with the
concentrate maneuver.
 Staff: Martial Arts; Damage 4; Critical 4; Range
[engaged]; Defensive 1, Disorient 2.
 Sword: Melee (Light); Damage 6; Critical 2; Range
[Engaged]; Defensive 1.
 Spear: Melee (Heavy); Damage 6; Critical 3; Range
(engaged); Accurate 1.
White Lotus robes (+1 soak), insignia; a bending

The Second Age | Adversaries and Creatures | 185

Creatures and Spirits
A vast range of fauna inhabit the world of Avatar; most of the
animals presented are notably chimeras or crossbreeds of
Badgermole [Rival]
two real world animals. Although not all creatures intend to
harm the players, they will defend their territory and their lives
if provoked.
Note: for simplicity, the Martial Arts skill is listed simply
as Melee for most creatures and spirits.

Armadillo Lion [Rival]

An enormous mammal, the badger mole has the shovel-

shaped claws and long tail associated with the mole and a
badger-like body. It has brown fur, a white face, and a white
stripe running down its back. The badger mole seems to be
the natural predator of the wolfbats and can earthbend by
slamming its paws into the ground and motioning with its
stance to move the dirt around. It also seems to enjoy music
and becomes tranquil when it hears music playing.
5 3 2 2 2 2
This large animal has the body and head of a lion. The fur on
its feet and lower part of its face is white. Its main trunk and 5 25 1 1
the upper parts of its legs are covered by shaggy brown hair. SOAK WOUND R/M DEFENSE
Its back is topped by an armadillo-like segmented carapace, 2 2 1
which extends to cover the top of its head. It has an armadillo-
like hairless tail. When startled, the armadillo lion can curl up
into an armored ball, much like the three-banded armadillo.
Skills: Bending Arts 3, Vigilance 2, Perception 2.
4 3 2 1 3 1

5 16 1 1 Abilities:

SOAK WOUND R/M DEFENSE  Digging Claws: A badgermole moves normally

through difficult or impassable terrain of stone, soil,
or similar materials.
Skills: Resilience 3, Coercion 3, Melee 2.  Earth Senses: When making perception checks, the
Talents: Badgermole is not hindered by darkness and can
sense things out of its line of sight within range. Any
 Swift: This creature does not spend extra
earthbending attack made against a badgermole is
maneuvers to move across difficult terrain.
upgraded twice.
Abilities:  Eyeless Sight: A badgermole does not add to
 Carapace Armor: Whenever this creature takes a checks due to darkness or concealment, and is
defensive stance maneuver, its soak is increased by immune to abilities or Critical Injuries that affect a
2 until the end of its next turn. character’s sight.
 Pounce: Once per turn, while at short range this  Silhouette 2 – 3.
creature may perform a move maneuver to engage Equipment: Sweeping claws (Melee; Damage 7; Critical 4;
a target as an incidental. Range [Engaged]; Knockdown).
 Silhouette 1.
Equipment: Claws and fangs (Melee; Damage 6; Critical 4;
Boar-q-pine [Rival]
Range [Engaged]). Native to large Earth Kingdom forests, it has the body and
general appearance of a boar, except that its body is covered

186 | Adversaries and Creatures | The Second Age

in quills like a porcupine. It has a large head compared to the Skills: Coordination 3, Melee 2, Survival 3, Vigilance 3.
rest of its body, and from it emerge a pair of sharp, white tusks. Talents: None.
However, in youth, these creatures resemble their porcupine
half more, being small, not much bigger than a hand, and also Abilities:
appearing more rodent-like rather than like a large boar. They  Flyer: This creature can fly.
also appear to be much more docile, which is to be expected  Poisonous Stinger: A character wounded by a
with young creatures. buzzard wasp’s stinger must make a Hard ( )
The boar-q-pine is known to be extremely bad tempered Resilience check as an out-of-turn incidental or
and vengeful, yet also very shy and prone to adorable suffer 4 additional wounds, and must check again on
waddling. It is carnivorous and is a predator of koala sheep; their next turn if the check generates d.
both species are some of the few that inhabit the Black Cliffs.  Swoop Attack: After making a melee combat check
while flying, the buzzard wasp can move from
3 4 3 1 1 1
engaged to short range of the target as an incidental.
BR AGI INT PRE CUN WIL  Territorial: Buzzard wasps are incredibly territorial,
5 15 0 1 and add to all combat checks made when
attacking any characters intruding on their nest.
 Silhouette 1.
Skills: Coercion 3, Survival 3, Ranged 1, Melee 2.
 Talons and beak: Melee; Damage 5; Critical 3;
Range [Engaged].
 Enduring 2: This creature’s soak value is increased  Stinger: Melee; Damage 4; Critical 3; Ranged
by two. [Engaged]; Limited Ammo 1, Disorient 3.
Canyon Crawler [Rival]
 Charge: This creature adds to its first melee
The canyon crawler is a dangerous animal that primarily
attack after performing a maneuver to engage the inhabits the canyon of the Great Divide, but its habitat is
target in the same turn. spread throughout the arid terrain of the western Earth
 Barbed Hide: When a boar-q-pine is hit by a melee Kingdom. Though the crawler prefers live meat and its various
attack, may spend hh to inflict 1 wound on the useful features make it the perfect hunter, the canyon crawler
attacker. is primarily an omnivorous scavenger that is willing to eat
 Silhouette 1. whatever it can find.
Equipment: Crawlers resemble a mix of a crocodile, an ant, and a
 Quills: Ranged; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range spider. It has four eyes on either side of its face and a forked
[Short]; Pierce 3. tongue in a sharp-toothed jaw. Much like a traditional
 Tusks: Melee; Damage 6; Critical 2; Range arachnid, the crawler retains a two-segmented body made up
[Engaged]; Vicious 1. of a cephalothorax and an abdomen, to which its four skinny
legs attach. The canyon crawler's name is derived from its
Buzzard Wasp [Rival] arachnid-like characteristics and from its ability to run up
Native to the Si Wong Desert, these creatures are six-legged sheer mountain walls. The canyon crawler also uses multiple
insects that have a vulture-like head and a bee or wasp-like sensitive nostrils with which it easily detects the scent of food.
body, hence their name. They have brown, white, and gray 3 3 2 1 3 1
stripes on their abdomen, and their necks are dark gray with
a light gray ruff at the body. These creatures also have wings BR AGI INT PRE CUN WIL
attached to their thorax and are capable of flight. Their beaks 3 13 0 0
and talons are razor sharp. SOAK WOUND R/M DEFENSE
The buzzard wasps live in caves they dug out of Si Wong 2 3 -1
Rock. The gooey substance on their cave walls is produced
by the females and has the flavor of rotten penguin meat, as
Sokka remarked when he tasted it. It is the equivalent of
honey and produced in a similar way, and fed to the young. Skills: Coordination 2, Athletics 2, Melee 3, Survival 3.
They will attack if provoked by intruders in their nest and
Talents: None.
become aggravated by loud noises. In such cases, they can
be considered dangerous. They primarily feed on carrion, but Abilities:
will hunt live game if they are desperate for food.  Improved Sweep: The creature can spend a to hit
2 4 1 1 3 3 an additional target with a successful melee check to
hit an additional target that is Engaged with the first
2 7 1 1  Skitter: A canyon crawler can move across walls,
SOAK WOUND R/M DEFENSE ceilings, and cliffs without penalty.
 Silhouette 2.

The Second Age | Adversaries and Creatures | 187

Equipment: The eel hound has a very wild nature which can make it
 Talonfeet: Melee; Damage 4; Critical 3; Range challenging to train. For this reason, very few people attempt
to do so; therefore, eel hounds are not commonly used for
mounts. Once properly trained, however, the eel hound is
 Big maw: Melee; Damage 5; Critical 3; Range
surprisingly tame and can be used to swim through water or
run on land at great speeds; it was credited by the great
Dragon [Nemesis] Swordmaster Piandao as being the fastest known animal over
land and water.
The dragons are the original practitioner of firebending,
capable of breathing fire. The species demonstrated the true 2 4 1 1 1 2
way of firebending to the Sun Warriors' civilization, a BR AGI INT PRE CUN WIL
precursor to the modern-day Fire Nation, as well as to Wan,
the first Avatar. As such, dragons are highly respected by both 2 6 0 0
the Sun Warriors and the Fire Nation. SOAK WOUND R/M DEFENSE
Dragons are intelligent creatures, capable of 2 4 2
communicating with humans. Although generally living in SILHOUETTE SPEED HANDLING
solitude, a dragon can form a tight bond with a human, even
to the point where it will protect its human partner to the death.
Skills: Athletics 3, Coordination 3, Resilience 1.
4 3 3 2 2 2
Talents: None.
6 25 25 1 1
 Agile: This creature can perform a second
maneuver to move without suffering strain. It still
2-3 4 2 cannot exceed the limit of two maneuvers per turn.
SILHOUETTE SPEED HANDLING  Ornery: Add to all attempts to handle,
domesticate, or otherwise work with this creature.
 Swift: This creature does not spend additional
Skills: Bending Arts 3, Cool 3, Melee 4, Ranged 3, Resilience
maneuvers to move through difficult terrain.
4, Vigilance 3.
 Silhouette 2.
 Adversary 2: Upgrade the difficulty of combat
 Long tail: Melee; Damage 5; Critical 5; Range
checks targeting this character twice.
[Short]; Knockdown, Linked 2.
 Swift: This creature does not spend additional
maneuvers to move through difficult terrain. Fire Ferret [Minion]
Talents: None. The fire ferret is an arboreal mammal indigenous to the
Abilities: bamboo forests of the central Earth Kingdom. The fire ferret
is a docile and friendly creature. Once tamed, it can easily be
 Flyer: This creature can fly. kept as a pet and is obedient and loyal to its owner. The fire
 Silhouette 2 – 3. ferret can also be trained to do certain stunts, and is frequently
 Eternal Flame: Any attempt to bend the fire of a seen in traveling circuses.
dragon by any non-dragon character or creature has
its difficulty upgraded with . 1 3 3 1 3 1
 Improved Sweep: The creature can spend a to hit BR AGI INT PRE CUN WIL
an additional target with a successful melee check to 1 5 0 0
hit an additional target that is Engaged with the first
Skills (group only): Charm, Coordination, Stealth, and
 Claws: Melee; Damage 8; Critical 3; Range Skulduggery.
[Engaged]; Vicious 2.
 Fiery Breath: Ranged; Damage 8; Critical 3; Range Talents: None.
[Medium]; Blast 8, Burn 2, Prepare 1. Abilities:
 A riding saddle, maybe.  Mischievous: As a maneuver, may distract one
Eel hound [Minion] character at short range; that character adds to
their next check for each fire ferret in that minion
The eel hound is a large, amphibious lizard that exhibits the group.
ability to swim and run quickly. It is at least eight feet tall and
 Silhouette 0.
roughly twenty-five to thirty feet long with dark green scales,
except along its ventral side, from its jaw to its tail. The eel Equipment:
hound is green in color with a lighter shade on its underbelly,  Bite: Melee; Damage 3; Critical 4; Range [Engaged].
and a darker shade of green on top of its body.

188 | Adversaries and Creatures | The Second Age

Flying Bison [Rival] 4 4 1 1 1 1
The flying bison, also known as sky bison and air bison, lived BR AGI INT PRE CUN WIL
in the air temples along with the Air Nomads. Some bison also 4 23 0 0
live in the Fire Nation, tended to on an island by the Bhanti
Tribe. Prior to the Hundred Year War, many flying bison lived
in the air temples. They were highly respected by the Air 2 3 2
Nomads, who regarded them as the first airbenders. SILHOUETTE SPEED HANDLING
Their pelts make sky bison high-value targets for
poachers. Rumor has it that the upper-class citizens of Ba Skills: Melee 2, Survival 3, Resilience 3, Vigilance 4.
Sing Se even view bison veal as a delicacy.
Talents: None.
All flying bison employ airbending to fly, using their wide
tails to steer through air currents and to defend themselves
from attacks. They are also able to use their mouths to  Beast of Burden 5: Add 5 to the creature’s
airbend. Since young flying bison are incapable of flight for a encumbrance threshold.
week or two after they are born, the herd will stay close to the  Spiked Carapace: When targeted by a melee
ground to protect them. Though docile, flying bison can be combat check, may spend hhh or d from the
fierce and powerful opponents if pressed or enraged, results to have the attacker suffer 3 wounds.
possessing great physical strength and airbending skills.  Silhouette 2.
4 3 3 1 2 4 Equipment: Massive Horn (Melee; Damage 8; Critical 3;
BR AGI INT PRE CUN WIL Range [Short]; Vicious 2).

5 22 1 1 Goat Gorilla [Rival]

SOAK WOUND R/M DEFENSE The goat gorilla is a large creature found typically within
3 3 1 mountainous and forested areas of the Earth Kingdom,
generally far from large settlements. Although a rather
rampant beast in the wild, the gorilla goat can be quite lovable
and docile in captivity, as well as useful in manual labor.
Skills: Bending Arts 3, Vigilance 2, Empathy 2. Goat gorillas are hostile toward intruders who trespass
Talents: None. into their territory and do not hesitate in attacking those they
identify as threats. They often initiate a confrontation,
ramming opponents repeatedly until they fall. These creatures
 Beast of Burden 10: Add 10 to the creature’s use their massive arms as weapons, raising them high to gain
encumbrance threshold. momentum before smashing them to the ground. Despite their
 Flyer: This creature can fly. violent nature, however, it is possible to coexist with goat
 Silhouette 1-3: Baby bison are about the size of a gorillas, given that passersby and co-inhabitants of the area
human child, but will grow large enough to carry maintain a respectable distance from key goat gorilla territory.
many people at once. Goat gorillas can become relatively docile in captivity.
 Wind Bellow: The flying bison may use its action to When trained, they can serve as figures of security while still
release a cacophonous bellowing, forcing all showing qualities of obedient pets. Flopsie, a goat gorilla
creatures within short range to make an opposed belonging to the eccentric King Bumi, was a perfect example
Resilience versus Bending Arts (Br) check. of this. Goat gorillas seem to be intelligent to a certain degree,
Characters who fail the check are knocked prone as Flopsie was able to recognize his owner as well as his
and disorient. h may be spent to inflict strain, as name. In addition to this, they seem to retain certain pieces of
normal and d may be spent to push all characters information, such as the layout of particular locations and the
one range band away from the flying bison. identity of previously observed figures. Flopsie exhibited
Equipment: these skills upon recognizing Aang, before taking him around
Omashu in search of Bumi.
 Huge feet: Melee; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range
[Engaged]; Knockdown. 4 3 2 3 3 1
 Airbending attack: Bending Arts; Damage 7; BR AGI INT PRE CUN WIL
Critical 6; Range [Medium]; Disorient 3, Stun 4.
5 21 0 0
Giant Rhinoceros Beetle [Rival] SOAK WOUND R/M DEFENSE
The giant rhinoceros beetle is a large insect named for its
immense size and facial prongs. Often seen in its native
Skills: Athletics 3, Coordination 2, Melee 3, Vigilance 2.
habitat, the Si Wong Desert, it is commonly used by the
beetle-headed merchants as a beast of burden. Talents:
This gargantuan insect possesses an enormous green  Enduring 1: This creature’s soak value is increased
shell that serves as protection. It exhibits prongs, small beady by one.
eyes, and six legs, as are ubiquitous in insects.  Grapple: This creature may suffer 2 strain to use this
talent. Until the start of its next turn, enemies must

The Second Age | Adversaries and Creatures | 189

spend two maneuvers to disengage from this  Silhouette 0.
creature. Equipment: Small fists (Melee; Damage 2; Critical 4; Range
Abilities: [Engaged]).
 Wild Heart: Upgrade the difficulty of checks to train
a goat gorilla by one.
Iguana Parrot [Minion]
 Pounce: Once per turn, while at short range this The iguana parrot, also known as the reptile bird, is a
hybridized creature that inhabits the Earth Kingdom. It is a
creature may perform a move maneuver to engage
favorite pet of sailors and pirates. This creature has feathers
a target as an incidental.
and is capable of flight, but also possesses several reptilian
 Silhouette 2.
characteristics as well. It has a parrot-like beak, a feathered
Equipment: Massive arms (Melee; Damage 8; Critical 3; tail, and wings ending in claws, and it moves on four limbs
Range [Engaged], Disorient 2). when it chooses not to fly. Its feet also seem to lack the

Hog Monkey [Minion] reversed toe characteristic of many modern birds, and it has
a small dorsal fin on its back.
1 4 3 1 4 1
1 5 0 0

Skills (group only): Deception, Stealth, and Vigilance.

 Heightened Awareness: Allies within short range of
this character add to their Perception and
Vigilance checks. Allies engaged with this character
add instead.
The hog monkey is a primate that inhabits the Earth Kingdom.
It is considered difficult to tame and does not take well to being  Mimic: An iguana parrot may make a Deception
ridden, though it can usually be coerced into doing so with check to mimic the sound of a human voice they
lychee nuts. have heard within the last week. The difficulty is
Easy ( ) when repeating words the parrot heard
The hog monkey has a vaguely canine face, a long tail,
said, and Hard ( ) to replicate the sound of the
and the body of a primate. It appears to run on its knuckles
voice speaking words other than those the parrot
and has a long tail. In addition, the hog monkey has reddish
heard them say.
eyes and a dog-like snout that is full of sharp teeth, including
two tusks protruding from the lower jaw. Its fur is brown on Equipment: Talons and beak (Melee; Damage 3; Critical 3;
most of its body, although the area around its face and head Range [Engaged]).
is of a much darker shade.
Komodo Rhino [Rival]
The hog monkey commonly roams in troops or small
The komodo rhino is an animal from the Fire Nation, bred both
packs, and can often be found in the outskirts of fishing
as a beast of burden and for its meat in komodo sausages.
settlements. Although it does not really resemble a hog in any
During the Hundred Year War, the Fire Nation used these
way, its noises are swine-like in nature. The hog monkey
creatures as cavalry mounts or as beasts of burden, often
tends to be a troublesome animal if it is let loose in the city.
decorating them in red.
2 4 3 1 3 1 The komodo rhino has a thick, "tough as steel" hide, which
BR AGI INT PRE CUN WIL serves as natural protection for its body. Three large, curved
2 11 0 0 horns dominate its face; two curving down from its forehead
and one curving upward from its snout.
5 1 1 2 1 2

Skills (group only): Coordination, Melee, Survival, Vigilance, BR AGI INT PRE CUN WIL
and Skulduggery. 9 20 1 1
Abilities: 2 2 1
 Mischievous: As a maneuver, may distract one SILHOUETTE SPEED HANDLING
character at short range; that character adds to
their next check for creature in that minion group. Skills: Survival 2, Athletics 2, Discipline 1, Brawling 2.
 Ornery: Add to all attempts to handle,
domesticate, or otherwise work with this creature.

190 | Adversaries and Creatures | The Second Age

 Enduring 3: This creature’s soak value is increased — — 30 3 3
 Beast of Burden 10: Add 10 to the creature’s Skills: Bending Arts 5, Knowledge (History) 4, Knowledge
encumbrance threshold. (Geography) 3, Knowledge (Spirit World) 5, Empathy 4,
 Charge: This creature adds to its first melee Negotiation 2, Discipline 4, Perception 3.
attack after performing a maneuver to engage the
target in the same turn.
 Unstoppable: Adds to any checks made to resist  Adversary 2: Upgrade the difficulty of combat
halting effects or disorientation, and imposes on checks targeting this character twice.
any attempts to stop or disorient a komodo rhino. Abilities:
Equipment:  Energy Bending: The lion turtle can use and teach
 Sometimes equipped with armor (+1 soak, 1 the art of energy bending. This allows them to make
defense), and a riding saddle. a Formidable ( ) Bending Arts (Wil)
 Horns: Melee; Damage 8; Critical 3; Range check to grant or remove the ability of target
[Engaged]; Pierce 2, Vicious 2. engaged characters’ access to Bending Arts skills.
 Impervious: Lion Turtles are, for all intents and
Lion Turtle [Nemesis] purposes, indestructible. Reduce the damage of all
The lion turtle, also called Ancient One by the spirits, is a attacks targeting them to 0. If they suffer wounds for
chimerical hybrid of a lion and a turtle and the largest known any reason, they suffer an equal amount of strain
animal in the world. In the era of Raava, lion turtles populated instead. Lion Turtles who exceed their strain
the Spirit Wilds, where they served as protectors of mankind threshold simply go to sleep right where they are.
by housing human cities on their backs. They awaken with all strain removed.
 Silhouette 10.
Lion turtles could survive for centuries if unharmed and
reach the size of a small island, developing hard shells that Equipment: Sometimes has remnants of human civilization
eventually grow plant life that can sustain several species of on its back island.
animals. This effectively creates small ecosystems on the
backs of lion turtles, which neither benefit nor harm the hosts Lion Vulture [Rival]
in question. Lion turtles were so enormous that their hearts The lion vulture is a cabbage-loving oddity native to the Fire
can weigh over 120 tons, which is comparable to the Nation. It is a large bird that has the head and wings of a
combined weight of twelve flying bison. vulture and the body of a lion. Its head and neck have no
feathers, while its wings and upper body have black feathers
Although from the same species, lion turtles had distinct
and its neck has white. Its feet and under-body are that of a
markings on their foreheads indicating the element to which
lion, with tawny colored fur. Its love of cabbages is particularly
they were attributed. Lion turtles are intelligent creatures who
odd, given the nature of the base animals forming this
demonstrate the ability to both speak and understand human
chimera. They have been featured as circus animals, but their
language, unlike many other creatures in Avatar. They are
rarity means little is known about how intelligent these
solitary creatures that disperse as much as possible and
creatures really are.
remain hidden through various means. Terrestrial lion turtles
buried themselves in the ground and did not surface unless 2 2 3 2 3 1
summoned, while aquatic lion turtles partly submerged BR AGI INT PRE CUN WIL
themselves underwater to avoid detection.
2 8 1 1

Skills: Coordination 3, Melee 3, Perception 4, Survival 2,

Stealth 3.
Talents: None.
 Flyer: This creature can fly.
 Ornery: Add to all attempts to handle,
domesticate, or otherwise work with this creature.
 Silhouette 1.
Equipment: Claws and talons (Melee; Damage 4; Critical 2;
Range [Engaged]; Pierce 2, Vicious 2).

Messenger Hawk [Rival]

6 6 6 6 6 6 The messenger hawk is a moderately-sized raptor that can be
BR AGI INT PRE CUN WIL used to transport message scrolls carried in canisters tied to

The Second Age | Adversaries and Creatures | 191

their backs, with different colored ribbons used to indicate the sides. Reliance on ostrich horses as a primary means of
importance or intended receiver. These hawks are regularly transportation is not restricted solely to the military, as they
used to deliver messages throughout the Fire Nation, its are common among civilians as well.
colonies, and the Earth Kingdom, and can be bought at post Although they have a generally calm temperament, ostrich
offices, such as the one located in Fire Fountain City, which horses have been known to buck and kick their riders as well
have large roosting towers for the birds. as nearby bystanders when startled or agitated. Wild ostrich
Tamed messenger hawks have a calm temperament, and, horses are solitary and can be found near human settlements.
if properly trained, are able to deliver messages to almost
4 3 2 1 1 1
anywhere. They are known to be loyal to their owners. They
also seem to know the importance of their jobs and are BR AGI INT PRE CUN WIL
regarded as more intelligent than other birds in the Fire 4 10 0 0
Nation. They are used by both the Fire Nation government
and ordinary civilians for their message-carrying ability.
2 3 1
1 3 1 1 2 1
1 4 1 0
Skills: Athletics 2, Melee 1, Resilience 2, Vigilance 3.
Talents: None.
Skills: Coordination 2, Melee 2, Perception 3, Vigilance 3.
 Beast of Burden 5: Add 5 to this creature’s
Abilities: encumbrance threshold.
 Flyer: This creature can fly.  Trained Mount: Add to skill checks to handle this
 Domesticated: Downgrade the difficulty once of all creature.
attempts to handle, domesticate, or otherwise work  Silhouette 2.
with this creature. Equipment:
 Silhouette 0.
 Sometimes equipped with armor (+1 soak, 1
Equipment: Talons and beak (Melee; Damage 3; Critical 3;
defense), and a riding saddle.
Range [Engaged]; Accurate 1, Vicious 1).
 Mighty kick: Melee; Damage 4; Critical 4; Range
[Engaged]; Knockdown, Stun 3.

Platypus Bear [Rival]

The platypus bear is a large mammal endemic to the forests
and valleys of the Earth Kingdom, where it typically resides
near rivers. Wild platypus bears have an aggressive nature
and are prone to accidentally laying eggs when frightened.
The platypus bear is quite vicious and is known to attack
humans; when it does attack, it uses its clawed paws and its
rudder-like tail, which also helps it swim. Platypus bear
assaults are even more likely to occur when a baby platypus
bear is involved, as a mother platypus bear is protective of her
young. However, despite its wild nature, the platypus bear can
also be trained and domesticated, having been used as both
a circus animal and a brute enforcer and having been kept as
a pet.
4 2 1 1 2 1
5 21 0 0

Skills: Athletics 4, Coercion 3, Melee 3, Perception 2,

Ostrich Horse [Rival] Resilience 2, Survival 4.
The ostrich horse is a docile creature used extensively by
people all over the world as a cavalry mount, beast of burden,
or form of transportation. Particularly, highly trained ostrich  Adversary 1: Upgrade the difficulty of combat
horses equipped with armor serve as the primary mount of the checks targeting this character once.
Earth Kingdom military and are often used in battles by Abilities:
several divisions. Ostrich horses used by the military appear
in body armor that covers their heads, necks, and parts of their

192 | Adversaries and Creatures | The Second Age

 Strong Jaw: When a Platypus Bear makes a
successful combat check, they may spend aaa to Skills (group only): Coordination, Perception, Survival, and
bite down on the opponent, preventing them from Skulduggery.
moving out of engaged range until the beginning of
Talents: None.
the creature’s next turn and imposing to their
next attack. Abilities:
 Silhouette 2.  Arboreal: Ring-tailed lemurs treat trees and
Equipment: branches as normal terrain and do not make checks
or spend extra maneuvers in order to move along
 Bite: Melee; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range [Engaged];
them vertically or horizontally.
Ensnare 1.
 Flyer: This creature can fly.
 Claws: Melee; Damage 7; Critical 4; Range
 Companion Animal: Once per encounter, the
[Engaged]; Knockdown.
creature may make an Easy ( ) Empathy check
Polar Bear Dog [Rival] targeting an engaged character; that character
The polar bear dog is a large, white-furred animal that was recovers 1 strain per success.
historically feared and hunted by members of the Water Tribe.  Understanding: Any attempts made to
The vicious behavior of polar bear dogs is like that of real polar communicate with a ring-tailed lemur add .
bears, though when properly tamed, their behavior is more Equipment: Bite (Melee; Damage 2; Critical 4; Range
akin to that of domesticated dogs. Due to their size and [Engaged]).
seemingly loyal nature, these animals can be trained as
mounts to cross the snowy plains of the polar regions. Saber-tooth Moose Lion [Nemesis]
3 4 3 1 1 2 The saber-tooth moose lion is native to the forests of the
southern Earth Kingdom. Its large teeth, long horns, and
BR AGI INT PRE CUN WIL ferocious attitude make it a formidable creature. Although it
3 14 0 0 appears intimidating, the saber-tooth moose lion is, for the
SOAK WOUND R/M DEFENSE most part, a friendly animal; however, if a mother feels
something is threatening its cub, it can become very violent.
2 3 2
The saber-tooth moose lion stands at least ten feet high,
with brown fur, a long muzzle, and a pair of palm-shaped
antlers on its head. Its body and tail are feline in appearance
Skills: Survival 3, Perception 2, Athletics 3, Vigilance 2, and its two enlarged upper fangs extend past its lower jaw. It
Melee 2. also has large clawed paws.
Talents: The moose lion cub is very small, approximately the size
of a small dog. The cub is very intelligent and friendly, and it
 Swift: This creature does not spend additional
vaguely resembles a light brown hippo with a mid-length
maneuvers to move across difficult terrain.
bushy tail and large ears. As it lacks an adult's large teeth and
Abilities: antlers, it appears harmless and playful. It is difficult to identify
 Tireless: Polar bear dogs upgrade one on any one as a moose lion until its horns and fangs have grown in.
checks involving swimming or running long 4 4 2 2 3 2
 Keen Smell: Add sa to a polar bear dog’s
Perception checks. 4 20 0 0


 Big paws: Melee; Damage 6; Critical 3; Range

[Engaged]; Knockdown. Skills: Athletics 3, Cool 3, Coordination 2, Melee 3,
 Sometimes equipped with a riding saddle. Perception 2, and Stealth 2.
Ring-Tailed Lemur [Minion]
 Swift: This creature does not spend additional
The ring-tailed winged lemur is a small animal closely related
maneuvers to move across difficult terrain.
to the winged lemur. The species was discovered after the
end of the Hundred Year War, and these creatures reside at Abilities:
the different air temples. Like their cousin, the Winged Lemur,  Ambush Predator: When attacking a target that has
Ring-Tailed Lemurs make great companions and can be not yet acted during the current encounter, this
trained to perform a variety of tasks. creature adds to its combat checks.
1 4 3 1 2 1  Pounce: Once per turn, while at short range this
BR AGI INT PRE CUN WIL creature may perform a move maneuver to engage
a target as an incidental.
1 3 0 0  Silhouette 2.

The Second Age | Adversaries and Creatures | 193

 Antlers: Melee; Damage 7; Critical 5; Range  Smashing tail: Melee; Damage 7; Critical 5; Range
[Engaged]; Disorient 3. [Medium]; Blast 8, Disorient 3, Knockdown, Prepare
 Claws and fangs: Melee; Damage 6; Critical 2; 1.
Range [Engaged]; Vicious 3.
Sea Serpent [Nemesis]
Sand Shark [Nemesis] The serpent is a large aquatic creature that inhabits the waters
The sand shark is a large carnivorous predator that lurks of the Earth Kingdom, specifically the lakes surrounding the
underneath the surface of the Si Wong Desert, searching Serpent's Pass, which was named after the creature; fear of
through the sand for mobile prey. the serpent was instilled by nearby lore, as exhibited by graffiti
reading "abandon hope" carved into one of the posts at the
The sand shark is a solitary ambush predator that
constantly moves underground in search of prey. It remains entrance of the pass.
largely inconspicuous apart from the distinct dorsal fin that This ferocious animal lives mostly on fish and other water
appears when it nears the surface and the movement of creatures, but it will attack and eat just about anything—it has
nearby dunes when it navigates through the sand. It prefers even been known to attack ships when looking for a meal. The
to leap out of the sand and launch any terrestrial organisms serpent lets out a loud, blood-curdling scream just before it
on the surface into the air while it extends its mouth, largely attacks.
preventing prey from escaping its reach. The sand shark's
3 5 1 1 2 2
body shape allows it to move through the sand with relative
ease and reach speeds that surpass that of sand-sailers, even BR AGI INT PRE CUN WIL
powered by airbending. 5 20 20 0 0
8 30 30 0 1 Skills: Athletics 4, Bending Arts 2, Stealth 3, Perception 2,
Vigilance 2.

Skills: Athletics 2, Melee 3, Perception 3, Resilience 2,  Adversary 1: Upgrade the difficulty of combat
Vigilance 3. checks targeting this character once.
 Enduring 2: This creature’s soak value is increased
by two.
 Adversary 2: Upgrade the difficulty of combat Abilities:
checks targeting this character twice.
 Enduring 3: This creature’s soak value is increased  Aquatic: This creature never treats water as difficult
by three. terrain and can breathe underwater. It cannot move
or survive on land.
 Terrifying: At the start of the encounter, all
 Ambush Predator: When attacking a target that has opponents must make a Daunting ( ) fear
not yet acted during the current encounter, this check as an out-of-turn incidental, as per page 243
creature adds to its combat checks. of the Genesys Core Rulebook. If there are multiple
 Swallow: May make an opposed Melee check to sources of fear in the encounter, the opponents only
swallow an engaged target. If the check is make one fear check against the most terrifying
successful, swallowed characters are immobilized enemy.
and suffer 6 damage at the start of each round but  Silhouette 3 – 4.
can escape if this character is killed or by making a Equipment:
successful Hard ( ) Athletics check.
 Leap: As a maneuver, may engage a target on the  Massive teeth: Melee; Damage 7; Critical 2; Range
ground from any point within medium range. [Engaged]; Pierce 3.
 Terrifying 3: At the start of the encounter, all  Smashing tail: Melee; Damage 6; Critical 5; Range
opponents must make a Hard ( ) fear check [Short]; Concussive 1, Disorient 2.
as an out-of-turn incidental, as per page 243 of the
Genesys Core Rulebook. If there are multiple
Scorpion bee [Minion]
Scorpion bees live in colonies and are not the friendliest of
sources of fear in the encounter, the opponents only
insects; they will swarm and cover a person from head to toe,
make one fear check against the most terrifying
but will not sting unless provoked by sudden movements or
loud noises, as they demonstrated while resting on Avatar
 Tremorsense: As long as the sand shark is in
Aang. Smoke proves to be helpful in getting rid of them as it
contact with the ground, it cannot be blinded or
makes the bees tired. Scorpion bees will never attack a
deafened, and is unaffected by light conditions.
character unprovoked and will always attack in swarms.
 Silhouette 4 – 5.
Equipment: 1 3 1 1 1 1
 Massive jaw: Melee; Damage 9; Critical 3; Range
[Engaged]; Pierce 2, Vicious 4. 0 3 1 1

194 | Adversaries and Creatures | The Second Age

SOAK WOUND R/M DEFENSE  On the Scent: When tracking prey by scent, shirshu
ignore all and time constraints, and can remove
one d or f from the result of a tracking attempt.
Skills (group only): Melee, Resilience, Survival, and
 Burrow: Once per turn, a shirshu may use its action
to disappear underground.
Talents: None.  Tunneling: While underground, a shirshu may
Abilities: ignore difficult terrain, and treat traveling
underground as normal. The shirshu may reemerge
 Flyer: This creature can fly
from beneath the surface as a maneuver.
 Venom: Opponents who are wounded by this
 Paralyzing Neurotoxin: If this creature inflicts
creature must make a Hard ( ) Resilience wounds with a combat check, the target must make
check as an out-of-turn incidental or suffer 3
a Hard ( ) Resilience check; upon failure, the
wounds, and must make the check again on their
target suffers 3 wounds, plus 1 strain per h; d
next turn if the check generates d.
means the target must make another Resilience
 Swarm: Halve the damage dealt to this creature check at the same difficulty at the start of their next
before applying soak, unless the attack has the Blast turn or suffer the same effects.
or Burn quality (regardless of whether the quality is  Silhouette 2.
 Silhouette 0. Equipment:

Equipment:  Claws: Melee; Damage 5; Critical 3; Range

[Engaged]; Pierce 2, Vicious 1, Linked 1.
 Stinger: Melee; Damage 3; Critical 3; Range
 Tongue: Melee; Damage 4; Critical 4; Range
[Engaged]; Pierce 1, Burn 1. [Short]; Stun Damage, Knockdown, Stun 3.
Shirshu [Rival]  Sometimes equipped with a riding saddle.
The shirshu is a large, quadrupedal creature found in the Unagi [Nemesis]
southern Earth Kingdom. Its highly developed sense of smell
The unagi is a carnivorous predator that will consume
and ability to paralyze a target make it well suited for both
anything that it encounters in the water, with a preference for
tracking and hunting respectively.
the elephant koi found in the waters surrounding Kyoshi
Tamed shirshus are mainly used for their superior tracking Island. It can launch powerful streams of water from its mouth
ability; they can detect a particular scent anywhere in the as a means of subduing prey and deterring external threats.
world, paralyze their prey from afar without doing permanent
Because of its aggressive nature, the residents of Kyoshi
damage, are extremely fast and agile, and can travel over
Island typically avoid the bay in which the unagi is found.
great distances without tiring significantly. Shirshu saliva
Despite its tendency to lash out, the unagi has an instinctive
contains powerful toxins, making it highly valuable; it is used
fear of anything that exceeds it in size, and it can be
in the production of paralyzing darts.
controlled, to some extent, by its barbels, as demonstrated by
Despite its size and weight, the shirshu has outstanding Aang when he forced the unagi to spray water over the
agility and can hold its own in close combat situations. Using burning Kyoshi Village.
its powerful claws, it can easily protect itself from most threats,
4 5 2 1 2 1
though in the majority of cases, close combat is unnecessary:
the shirshu's tongue can reach up to several meters and BR AGI INT PRE CUN WIL
incapacitate opponents before they have a chance to get 6 25 20 1 1
near. Its critical weakness is its highly sensitive sense of
smell, which can be overwhelmed by strong scents, effectively
"blinding" it and, in some cases, inducing a frenzied panic.
Skills: Athletics 3, Bending Arts 3, Stealth 2, Perception 1,
3 4 1 1 3 1
Ranged 2.
3 18 0 0
 Adversary 2: Upgrade the difficulty of combat
checks targeting this character twice.
2 3 -1  Enduring 2: This creature’s soak value is increased
Skills: Athletics 3, Coordination 2, Melee 2, Stealth 2, and  Aquatic: This creature never treats water as difficult
Survival 2. terrain and can breathe underwater. It cannot move
Talents: or survive on land.
 Water Pressure: When using a ranged attack, the
 Swift: This creature does not spend additional
Unagi may spend two strain to upgrade to a . If
maneuvers to move across difficult terrain. the attack succeeds, the target is prevented from
Abilities: closing range bands next turn and suffers one
additional strain.

The Second Age | Adversaries and Creatures | 195

 Silhouette 4 – 5. Skills (in groups): Coordination, Melee.
Equipment: Talents: None.
 Massive teeth: Melee; Damage 8; Critical 2; Range Abilities:
[Engaged]; Pierce 3.  Flyer: This creature can fly.
 Smashing tail: Melee; Damage 7; Critical 5; Range  Venom: Opponents who are wounded by this
[Short]; Concussive 1, Disorient 2. creature must make a Hard ( ) Resilience
 Waterbending attack: Bending Arts; Damage 6; check as an out-of-turn incidental or suffer 3
Critical 5; Range [Long]; Disorient 2, Stun 4. wounds, and must make the check again on their
next turn if the check generates d.
Viperbat [Minion]  Silhouette 1.
Often living in large colonies, it is known to be easily
aggravated and ill-tempered. Despite their naturally Equipment: Fangs (Melee; Damage 3; Critical 5; Range
aggressive temperament, domesticated viper bats are known [Engaged]; Pierce 1).
to exist. The viper bat primarily resembles a rattlesnake in
body, the only exceptions being the facial details and wings.
Wolfbat [Minion]
Its wings give it great speed and agility, and its fangs supply They are territorial animals so if you ever hear their distinct
a penetrating bite. The viper bat bears a dull, red marking that howl it's best to turn back and not disturb them. Wolfbats are
runs the length of its back and has a softer, sand-colored a nocturnal animal, only leaving the caves at night. They tend
underbelly. to congregate in large groups, making them even more
dangerous. Their only predator is the gigantic badgermole,
1 4 1 1 1 1 but they are also frightened by fire. The wolfbat does not build
1 7 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 2
2 5 1 1
Spirit Adversaries SOAK WOUND R/M DEFENSE
Spirits are often unknowable and mysterious, and are more
than mere mooks and fodder for Player Characters to do battle Skills (group only): Athletics, Coercion, Melee, and Survival.
of wit and sword against. In order to capture their otherworldly Talents: None.
presence, consider all spirits to have the following abilities. GMs
should feel free to add other abilities to further customize the
spirits in their game.  Flyer: This creature can fly.
 Pack Tactics: When this creature’s minion group
 Ghostly: The spirit may move over or through terrain
consists of at least two minions and is engaged with
(including doors and walls) without penalty. Halve the a target, they can spend a maneuver to prevent the
damage dealt to this adversary before applying soak, target from disengaging from the minion group until
unless the attack came from a magical or supernatural the end of their next turn, and add aa to their next
source such as a bending form, a blessed weapon, or combat check against that target.
another spirit).  Silhouette 0.
 Otherworldly: While in the Spirit World, spirits have no Equipment:
wound threshold and don’t need to eat, sleep, or breathe.  Bite: Melee; Damage 5; Critical 3; Range [Engaged];
If they suffer wounds for any reason, they suffer an equal Knockdown, Vicious 1.
amount of strain instead. Spirits who exceed their strain
threshold dissipate and simply return to an origin of their
choosing within a reasonable period of time.
Spirits are the entities which inhabit the Spirit World and the
 Shapeshifter: Once per round as an incidental, a spirit
physical world. Most spirits resemble some aspect of nature
may increase or decrease its silhouette by 1 and change
and occasionally, humans can transcend the mortal realm
its appearance to that of any character or creature of its after death and become spirits.
current silhouette.
 Possession: Once per encounter, make force a target
within short range to make an opposed Coercion versus
Discipline check. If successful, the target is immobilized
for one round per uncanceled s, and this spirit may
spend t to cause the target to perform an action of the
spirit’s choosing on the target’s next turn. (Note: this
ability should be reserved for Rivals and Nemeses).

196 | Adversaries and Creatures | The Second Age

Wan Shi Tong [Nemesis] Flyer: Wan Shi Tong can fly.
 He Who Knows Ten Thousand Things: Once per
turn, Wan Shi Tong may make an opposed
Knowledge (Spirit World versus Discipline check
targeting another character within short range to
stagger the target until the end of their next turn.
 In The Know: Whenever Wan Shi Tong learns a
Motivation of another character in the encounter, he
may have that character suffer 2 strain and may heal
2 strain.
 Powerful Certainty: Whenever Wan Shi Tong
would inflict strain as the result of a social skill check,
the target suffers 2 additional strain.
 Silhouette 2 – 3.
 Horns: Melee; Damage 8; Critical 4; Range
[Engaged]; Knockdown.
 Fangs: Melee; Damage 6; Critical 2; Range
Wan Shi Tong is an ancient, wise, and powerful spirit who
[Engaged]; Pierce 3.
collects information for his Spirit Library, and thus is the most
knowledgeable being among humans and spirits. He never Dark Spirits
misses an opportunity to learn new facts or boast about his
Dark spirits are spirits who have become unbalanced due to
vast intelligence, though he has developed an indifference for
the influence of the darkness, destruction, and chaotic energy
studying human technology since leaving the physical world.
within people. Despite Vaatu's defeat by Avatar Korra and
Although his regular shape is that of a huge black-and-white
Raava, spirits are still susceptible to turning dark depending
barn owl, when angered he can assume much more
on the state of the environments they considered important.
frightening forms.
Particularly, the Water Tribes experienced several
Long before his encounter with Team Avatar, Wan Shi
incidences of dark spirit attacks following the Hundred Year
Tong brought his library from the Spirit World to the physical
War, due to the destruction of a sacred spiritual forest in the
world. Together with his band of knowledge-seeking foxes, he
North Pole and progressive spiritual neglect in the South Pole.
collected knowledge from all over the world, which he
Dark spirits attack seemingly at random, with many lurking in
displayed in his library in hopes that humanity would use it to
sacred places, or areas with great spiritual imbalance that
better itself.
have become neglected over time.
Although he left his great collection of knowledge available
With the Spirit Portals open, dark spirits are no longer
to the mortal world for many years, he eventually became
impervious to most bending attacks, and are particularly
angry at humankind when he observed humans using the
susceptible to spiritbending. Like other spirits, they are also
library's knowledge solely for the purpose of getting an edge
capable of possessing humans, thereby subjecting the host to
on one another, such as when Admiral Zhao of the Fire Nation
mortal danger.
once stumbled upon the library and learned about Tui and
La's mortal forms, information he used to help the Fire Nation Dark Spirits [Minion]
conduct a large scale invasion of the Northern Water Tribe.
2 3 2 1 1 3
Consequently, the wronged owl spirit banned humans from
his study. Wan Shi Tong has a contentious relationship with BR AGI INT PRE CUN WIL
the Avatar, and humans in general, but on rare occasions the 2 5 1 1
great knowledge spirit will allow into his Spirit Library a true
friend to the spirits.
4 5 5 4 5 5
Skills (in groups): Coordination, Melee, Coercion, and
10 60 45 0 0 Talents: None.
 Fearless: Immune to the effects of fear.
Skills: Discipline 3, Melee 3, Knowledge (All) 5, Survival 3,  Phase Shift: Once per turn, this spirit may move to
Resilience 3, Coercion 2, and Vigilance 3. any location within short range as an incidental,
Talents: including locations that are vertically distant or have
no easy access route.
 Adversary 2: Upgrade the difficulty of combat
 Silhouette 0 – 1.
checks targeting this character twice.
 Dark Hand: Melee; Damage 3; Critical 5; Range
 Fearless: Immune to the effects of fear.
[Engaged]; Pierce 2.

The Second Age | Adversaries and Creatures | 197

Dark Spirits [Rival]  Dark Hand: Melee; Damage 7; Critical 5; Range
[Engaged]; Pierce 4.
3 4 2 2 2 4
3 10 1 1 Koh the Face Stealer is one of the most ancient and
knowledgeable spirits in all of the Spirit World. Nearly as old
as the Ocean and Moon Spirits, he is the only known
individual to remember them crossing over to the physical
Skills: Coordination 2, Melee 3, Coercion 3, and Vigilance 2. world, where they took the forms of koi fish. He is a malevolent
entity with the body of an enormous centipede-like creature
Talents: None.
and resides under an ancient tree in the Spirit World. His self-
Abilities: chosen name reflects his ability to literally steal the faces of
 Fearless: Immune to the effects of fear. other beings who express emotion and he can use them at
 Form Shift: Once per turn, as an incidental, may will by "blinking".
shift into one of the following forms: Koh is a perilous force who can be dangerous to meet. He
o Combat: The spirit can spend aaa or t has the ability to steal the face of anyone or anything that
to hit the same target or a second target shows emotion to him, which is why those who are aware of
within range of the attack. his power attempt to remain inexpressive while in his
o Defense: Add hh to all combat checks presence. He possesses a sadistic personality, constantly
targeting this spirit. trying to goad the slightest bit of emotion out of his visitors by
o Movement: The spirit may always perform frightening them with his monster-like appearance, or taunting
a second maneuver without suffering strain. them with his many faces, even if it is the Avatar.
 Phase Shift: Once per turn, this spirit may move to
However, Koh's actions suggest he is amoral rather than
any location within short range as an incidental, purely evil. He stole Ummi's face to punish Avatar Kuruk for
including locations that are vertically distant or have his arrogance, but willingly told Avatar Aang the names and
no easy access route. location of the Moon and Ocean Spirits and the danger they
 Silhouette 1 – 2. were in, and led him to his past Avatar lives. He is cryptic and
Equipment: often speaks in riddles.
 Dark Hand: Melee; Damage 5; Critical 5; Range 4 5 4 4 5 5
[Engaged]; Pierce 3. BR AGI INT PRE CUN WIL
Dark Spirits [Nemesis] 10 60 60 3 3
4 15 15 1 1 Skills: Charm 3, Cool 3, Deception 4, Discipline 3, Knowledge
SOAK WOUND STRAIN R/M DEFENSE (All) 2, Negotiation 2, Stealth 3, and Vigilance 3.

Skills: Athletics 2, Coordination 2, Cool 3, Discipline 3, Melee  Adversary 2: Upgrade the difficulty of combat
3, Coercion 3, and Vigilance 2. checks targeting this character twice.
 Clever Retort: Once per turn, Koh may add an
Talents: None.
automatic hh to another character’s social skill
Abilities: check.
 Adversary 1: Upgrade the difficulty of combat Abilities:
checks targeting this character once.
 Ominous Reputation: When an opponent targets
 Eye of the Spirit: The spirit chooses one target
Koh with a check, the opponent suffers 2 strain.
within medium range and makes an Average ( )
 Terrifying: At the start of the encounter, all
Discipline check; if the check is successful, until the
opponents must make a Daunting ( ) fear
end of the spirit’s next turn, after the target makes a
check as an out-of-turn incidental, as per page 243
check, this character may choose one type of die in
of the Genesys Core Rulebook. If there are multiple
the pool and reroll all of the dice of that type; can
sources of fear in the encounter, the opponents only
sustain the effects by performing a concentrate
make one fear check against the most terrifying
 Fearless: Immune to the effects of fear.
 The Facestealer: As an incidental, Koh may change
 Phase Shift: Once per turn, this spirit may move to
his face to that of any he has acquired. Once per
any location within short range as an incidental,
encounter, Koh may spend a Story Point to force a
including locations that are vertically distant or have
target who can see him to make an opposed Cool
no easy access route.
versus Vigilance check, or else lose their face to
 Silhouette 2 – 3.
Koh’s collection. Stealing a character’s face will not

198 | Adversaries and Creatures | The Second Age

kill them, but they may enter state between life and library patrons and provide assistance in finding books, but
death. may expect treats in return.
 Silhouette 3.
2 2 3 3 1 2
 Needle arms: Melee; Damage 9; Critical 3; Range 2 10 2 2
[Engaged], Pierce 3.
Knowledge Seeker [Rival]
Skills: Coordination 2, Perception 2, Skulduggery 2,
Streetwise 1, and Knowledge (Spirit World) 2.
Talents: None.
 Informed: When providing assistance to friendly
characters who are making a Knowledge,
Skulduggery, or Streetwise check, this character
adds sshh to the results of the check.
 Transient: A knowledge seeker can pass easily
between the Spirit World and physical world and may
do so as a maneuver.
 Silhouette 0.
 Bite: Melee; Damage 4; Critical 3; Range [Engaged],
Pierce 1.
The Knowledge Seekers are the fox-like spirit assistants of
the knowledge spirit Wan Shi Tong, traveling the world
collecting old books and parchments to contribute to the vast
archives of his library. The Knowledge Seekers also help

The Second Age | Adversaries and Creatures | 199

X – The Great Uniter
The Earth Kingdom territories are in turmoil after the This perfect storm of uncertainty has emboldened petty
assassination of Earth Queen Hou-Ting at the hands of Earth monarchs throughout the Earth Kingdom provinces to
Zaheer, a member of the Red Lotus and an airbender who lay claim to the throne while others seek to use the chaos to
sought to introduce chaos into the world. The city of Ba Sing bolster their political goals. One such aspiring leader, hailed
Se, capital of the Earth Kingdom, is in disarray without its by her followers as the ‘Great Uniter’, has used this chaos to
ruler—precisely the fire Zaheer intended to ignite. Unrest and her advantage, using nationalist rhetoric to rally Earth
uncertainty permeate through to the Lower Ring; with the Kingdom citizens to support her cause to unite the disparate
Earth Queen dead, the line of succession is unclear and many Earth Kingdom under the banner of a new Earth Empire. She
residents of the megacity have begun to question whether intends to demonstrate her conviction by quelling the unrest
they need a monarch at all. For Zaheer, once again in Ba Sing Se. To do so, the Great Uniter has established a
apprehended by the Avatar and the White Lotus, this is an network of covert and overt supporters throughout the
accomplishment. For the rest of the world, these shaky Kingdom and within Republic City to rally supporters to follow
circumstances translate to a lack of security. her.

Adventure Summary
The Great Uniter is an adventure designed to present a group arrive at its intended destination. Still, this scene can be used
of new players with a broad view of the abilities they possess liberally by the GM to invoke PC backgrounds, or Motivations
and the world they can explore. Specifically, it sets the Player as plot hooks.
Characters on the path to shaping their own story, developing When the game session begins, the PCs have only a brief
their bending techniques or investing in the world around amount of time to survey their surroundings. It is likely that the
them. It can also be used to establish the players within an PCs do not yet know one another—this is all right. In a few
alternative timeline of events from The Legend of Korra and moments, they will find themselves irrevocably woven
as the catalyst for future adventures. together in a tapestry of the antagonist’s making.
In this adventure, the Player Characters begin in media They will learn about who their captors are working for,
res as passengers on the Ba Sing Se monorail heading and meet a mysterious Nemesis NPC who gives them an
outbound from the Middle Ring to the Lower Ring. The even stranger opportunity. Finally, the adventure provides an
reason(s) for each character being aboard this train at this open-ended egress from which you can jump off into one of
particular time should be up to the Players and the Game the many adventure hooks outlined in the last section
Master, with the GM keeping in mind that the train will never Episode III: …Into the Fire.

200 | The Great Uniter | The Second Age

Episode I: Off the Rails
Scene 1: Capture
The adventure begins with the Player Characters departing
the Middle Ring of Ba Sing Se aboard the city’s world-famous
monorail. Read aloud or paraphrase the following:

You’re aboard the Ba Sing Se monorail, renowned

worldwide for being the safest and fastest way to
travel across the largest city in the world. Most of the
passengers pay you no mind and shuffle past you to
find their seats along the interior. Some of them
choose to remain standing while you [and your
cohorts] take a seat for yourself. As the day winds
down, you take stock of your surroundings and reflect
upon what brought you to the Impenetrable City, and
consider your destination ahead.

The players should be given a moment to converse

amongst themselves so that their characters can be
introduced to one another (if they are not already acquainted).
The players should be encouraged to make one of the
following skill checks: an Easy ( ) Perception check, an
Average ( ) Knowledge (Streetwise) check, or a Hard
( ) Vigilance check. No more than one check per
Player Character should transpire before the Interruption
occurs. Failure here simply means that the PCs gain no
relevant insight into what is about to happen.
If the PCs pass any of the checks, the GM can provide the
following information based upon the check:
Streetwise: You see a number of unsavory looking people,
probably laborers, aboard the train interspersed among the
passengers. This is normal, of course, for any Lower Ring-
bound train from the Middle Ring, as travel between the two
is common, especially for the poorer inhabitants of Ba Sing
Se who work in the Middle Ring but live in the Lower Ring.
 aa or a t: The PC(s) may notice that a few of the
disheveled individuals are wearing dull red scarves
or armbands which greatly contrast with the usual
greens, browns, and yellows inherent to Earth
Kingdom couture.
Perception: One individual in particular seems to stand
out among the passengers of the crowded train. He is not
dressed like other Earth Kingdom citizens and he does not
appear as though he is a Ba Sing Se native, as he cannot help
but gawk outside of the window. He sports a fancy pair of
glasses—a sign of his wealth—and is seen checking a watch
he pulls from his lapel pocket. Boost Dice and Setback Dice
 aa or t: The PC(s) recognize this gentleman from These dice are independent of the difficulty of the check, and
a recent newspaper in which it was written that Dr. represent external factors. make the check more likely to
Peng Dao, a representative of Cabbage Corp., succeed; make the check less likely to succeed. can be
traveled to Ba Sing Se University to discuss a gained by performing certain maneuvers, through talents, or
research partnership. even by the GM. can be added due to environmental
Vigilance: One of the passengers is wearing what factors, or through misfortune as determined by the GM.
appears to be a jacket with three buttons running down the

The Second Age | The Great Uniter | 201

right-face of the jacket. A black scarf covers their face up to
their nose, with only their eyes visible to onlookers. With one “I know they weren’t supposed to be brought down
hand, they are holding an overhead support bar while here…we only needed Dr. Dao, but they were injured
standing near a well-dressed man in glasses who appears to and we couldn’t just leave—”
be checking the time.
“They’re a liability, Chen. You heard what the boss
 aa or t: Any PC(s) who succeeds on this check said; we need clean up this mess!”
with this result should be given a note from the GM
alerting them [confidentially] that the figure is
attempting to discreetly hold a device in their other The PCs, along with Dr. Dao, are being held as captives
hand. in caverns near the Eastern Lake similar to those seen at Full
INTERRUPT! Moon Bay, just south of Ba Sing Se. When appropriate, say
through interrogation, the GM can reveal that the players got
The players should be given a very brief moment to digest there through earthbending and smuggler tunnels with secret
whatever they’ve learned before the quiet conversations are railways, but the GM can ad lib the details if pressed by the
brought to an abrupt end by an unintelligible shout, followed players.
by an explosion. Regardless of how much information is
learned by the PCs, knowledge alone cannot stop this Their captors are several unknown operatives who may or
particular incident; though the information they acquire can may not be the individuals responsible for the attack on the
certainly be used to help them make it through the remainder train; their intended target was Dr. Dao, the well-to-do
of this scene. gentleman who traveled from Republic City to Ba Sing Se
University to discuss a research agreement on the Spirit Vines
Direct the PCs to make a Hard ( ) Resilience overtaking Republic City. Peng Dao is seeking funding for his
check. Failure means the PCs take up to 3 points of strain. research into harnessing spiritual energies and Ba Sing Se
Any amount of s should reduce the number of strain taken University has the money. The PCs have been taken as well
by 1 per Success to a minimum of 1. The GM may handle a, as a result of being in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Disadvantage, t or d results however they feel is
appropriate, up to and including dealing wounds or a Critical In addition, alongside the Player Characters and Dr. Dao
Injury. Once the damage has been done, the GM should may be several other passengers from the monorail,
continue the session by reading the following: depending on how many NPCs you feel you need as a GM to
keep the plot moving along; these NPCs would likely be
terrified and most will mostly be unwilling to speak if the PCs
An explosion rattles the train and its passengers from attempt to strike up conversation. Some example NPCs are
the outside as the carriage careens away from the provided later.
stone railway, diving straight into the farms far The players should now have the opportunity to take in
beyond the slums of the Lower Ring. For a moment, their surroundings and formulate some course of action. If
you and everyone aboard experience a sensation of successful, an Easy ( ) Survival check will reveal to them
weightlessness as the car flies off the rails. You brace
that they are, in fact, underground. An Average ( )
for an impact that never comes. Instead, the fading
light of the setting sun instantly turns dark and you Perception check informs the players that they are clearly
feel a cool breath of air envelope you before the being held captive with the other passengers (the other PCs
shock impact knocks you out. and Dr. Dao, if not additional NPCs). The PCs will likely also
notice that all their starting gear and equipment has been
taken from them. Once they escape, they will find this
Unfortunately for them, the players are merely ‘collateral equipment being conveniently held in a separate room.
damage’ in the kidnapping attempt of Dr. Dao perpetrated by Players may attempt an Empathy check in which case
parties unknown—which organization the assailants the GM should feel free to ad-lib NPC personalities, thoughts,
represent is left open to interpretation, in order to allow you as and emotions. One or several players may also attempt a
the GM to bring the world to life as it fits the players’ interests. Skulduggery check to attempt to break free from the cuffs.
The players may be aware of Dr. Dao’s presence on the The difficulty and odds of success here are entirely up to the
train, but they should not yet have any indication about the whims of the GM; if the player can reasonably narrate how or
culprits behind the bombing (they may not even know they why their character could free themselves, the GM should play
were on the train). The carriage itself did not land on the along. The restraints here aren’t meant to hinder the players,
ground, but rather it fell into a cavern that was quickly opened but to encourage them to flex their thinking skills and give
up by an earthbender to swallow the carriage and, quite them a real opportunity to start roleplaying.
literally, cover up the disappearance of the doctor. One
possibility to explain the existence of these caverns are that
they represent smuggling tunnels into and out of Ba Sing Se. Hello Darkness, My Old Friend
The GM can use this brief pause in events to assess Being captives inside of a completely unlit cavern will not
player reactions and plan accordingly for any optional
directly harm the Player Characters, but neither will the lack of
encounters. After a few moments, read aloud the following:
light benefit them. Unless they can procure some source of
light, any PC making Brawn or Agility-based checks suffer on
those checks due to poor visibility.

202 | The Great Uniter | The Second Age

INTERRUPT! named Chen who clearly has some misgivings about what he
and his cohorts are doing. Kidnapping a foreign doctor is no
Each player should only be given the opportunity to make a
petty crime, after all, and the destruction of a monorail in
single check before the guards arrive. Just as the players
transit is considered a capital offense by laws of the Earth
complete their actions, a group of three NPCs appear; where
Kingdom (though who remains to enforce those laws is a
a wall once enclosed their holding cell, a doorway-like hole
different issue altogether).
has appeared due to Chen the guard earthbending an
entrance from the wall. While most of the adversaries in this scene are likely in it
for the money, Chen is motivated by a love for his country and
Before the PCs can react, read or paraphrase the
his people. He sincerely believes any efforts to restore Earth
following (if you are not including additional NPCs just ignore
Kingdom sovereignty are worthwhile and virtuous, but he
those bits):
doesn’t share the conviction of his fellow guards that change
should come at the expense of innocent lives. As a GM, you
have the power to determine whether this NPC remains an
Without warning, the far wall opens, and a soft green
antagonist, or can be swayed to assist the party.
light creeps into the holding cell. It becomes apparent
to you that you are not the only ones being held
captive. In fact, several other passengers, including
Chen, Earthbender [Rival]
the well-dressed gentleman from the train, are being In the event of combat, the following stat block and features
held in this dark, damp holding area. can be used directly, or as a rough template. Ultimately, an
NPC should have whatever skills they need to accomplish
One guard motions toward the bespectacled man and what they’re supposed to.
the other two aggressively rip him up off the ground
3 3 2 2 2 2
and carry him out through the threshold as he
whimpers in futile protest. Another of the guards BR AGI INT PRE CUN WIL
looks over the remaining captives saying, “The rest of 4 15 0 0
you can stay here until further notice.”

Scene 2: Escape Skills: Martial Arts 2, Bending Arts 2, Vigilance 2, Discipline

2, Resilience 1, Mechanics 1, and Perception 2.
At this point, the players have a variety of options limited only Talents: None.
by their imaginations. To get out of this predicament, the
players will have to devise an escape attempt.
 Adversary Bending: The character can use a
They can attempt to talk to the guards, inquiring after who
number of forms per encounter equal to their
they are and why they’re being held captive; they can certainly
Willpower without suffering strain.
attempt to escape right away but will likely not get very far due
to their restraints (which are made of unbendable platinum) Forms: Chen can choose any earthbending actions or
and the three guards blocking their only escape route. maneuvers, and may select additional form effects, as normal.
The forms he uses most often are the following:
The PCs can also attempt to induce the guards to fight; a
close hit or NPC Disadvantage result would certainly permit  Earth Strike: Choose one target engaged or at short
the Game Master to explain how a character then managed range and make an Average ( ) Bending Arts
to free up their arms or legs—this world is modeled after a (Brawn or Agility) check. If successful, this attack
cartoon, after all, and sometimes an outlandish escape inflicts 6 damage +1 damage per uncanceled s, with
attempt can keep the players and the GM desiring more fast- Critical Rating 6, and Ensnare 3.
paced action.  Earth Gauntlet: Chen makes an Average ( )
Bending Arts (Cun) check. If successful, he adds
Fighting their way out is not meant to be the PCs only +2 damage to successful hits made with Martial Arts,
means of escape from this particular predicament. Having the and his Critical rating for unarmed combat checks
players locked up and trapped this early in the adventure can becomes 3. In additions, such attacks gain the Stun
jumpstart the players’ creative juices and provide an incentive 2 quality. Chen’s defense is 2, and he may spend
for them to assume the roles of their characters and act as aa to push a target up to one range band away
their characters might in these sticky situations. Perhaps an from him.
aspect of the environment can help aid the players. Is one of
them a firebender, can they heat the cuffs? Maybe you decide
Other Options
the cuffs themselves are platinum, but the chain binding is of
a lesser quality. If there is a waterbender among the group, Due to their inventive nature, Player Characters have a habit of
recall that the cell was described as feeling ‘damp’ – is there coming up with plans of their own. In the event they proceed
a small puddle of water somewhere? in a direction that is unforeseen, either by this adventure or by
the Game Master, their plans should never be dismissed out of
Bandits and Bogeymen hand. If their plans are reasonable or help drive the plot, they
The players are being held by a band of hired goons led by a should be allowed to play them out. If these plans intersect
yet-unknown metalbender for a reason also unknown to the with any of the scripted options, try to weave them together.
players. Among these mercenaries is a Rival-level NPC

The Second Age | The Great Uniter | 203

Encouraging Player Ingenuity Optional Encounter: Prison Break
One of the key appeals to the Avatar setting is the ability to While the PCs are collaborating to break out of their makeshift
bend the elements. Given the chance, a bender Player prison, the GM can interject periodically from the role of the
Character will try to use their bending abilities to solve any other NPC prisoners, should you choose to include them.
problem – that’s why a player chooses to roleplay as a bender. Extra NPCs can be a great tool to keep the game moving, if
the players are at an impasse. They want to stay locked up
Don’t be afraid to let the player describe what they want just about as much as the players do. Of course, if you decide
to do with an element, even if it seems unlikely. In the not to include any additional NPCs, you can skip through the
handcuffs, each element can have a different approach. A dialogue choices here and skip to Sneaking Around
firebender may try to heat the cuffs and melt them off; an
This optional encounter gives the players a chance to
attentive waterbender might just be able to conjure up
make their first honorable choice (and possibly even make
enough water from the damp cave atmosphere; an
some new friends). Read the following out loud at some point
earthbender could attempt to pick the lock with a ‘key’ made during their escape attempt:
from the earth; even a particularly finessed airbending
attempt might just be the right move. Even if it feels goofy, it
may help the narrative and increase the drama or suspense. As you devise your escape plans, the other captives
cry out for help, begging you to unlock their shackles
and guide them through the dark corridors that await
Equipment: Light Clothing (+1 soak).

Crystal Cavern Grunts [Minion]

If the PCs choose to ignore their pleas, they hear the
3 2 2 1 1 1 following, otherwise skip this read-aloud if you have decided
BR AGI INT PRE CUN WIL not to include extra NPCs:
4 5 0 0
One of the passengers, a portly and small woman,
begins wailing loudly. “Please! Help us! You would
Skills (group only): Melee, Perception, Ranged, and really just leave us behind? With no food or water, in
Vigilance. a dark hole?”

Talents: None. She continues to sob loudly, and you suspect her
Abilities: None. cries may alert the guards to your attempt at
 Bola: Ranged; Damage 5; Critical 4; Range
[medium]; Ensnare 1, Linked 1, Unwieldy 2. If the PCs offer to help the NPCs, read the following:
 Sword: Melee (Light); Damage 6; Critical 2; Range
[Engaged]; Defensive 1.
 Regular clothing: +1 soak. One of the passengers, a young boy, thanks you
profusely and begins to remove something from his
It should be apparent to the party that Chen is hesitant about pocket.
the entire operation; he may be persuaded to help the
captives slip away. If the PCs can pass a Hard ( ) “My parents probably think I just got lost, or worse—
Charm check, Chen will mutter something about ‘keeping his that something terrible happened to me. If it weren’t
honor’ before discreetly (“accidentally”) dropping the cuff keys for you, I might never be seein’ them again. Take this,
as he and the other two guards close the “door” behind them. it’s a map of my borough in the Outer Ring. My
The players can use these to unlock their restraints, but will parents don’t trust me to travel without it, but I know
still be stuck in a doorless, windowless hole in the ground. my way around the city. That dot there is where I live.
If you ever want to visit for any reason, my father
If the party contains an earthbender, that player can makes the best Jasmine tea in the whole city!” His
attempt an Average ( ) Bending Arts check to open a excitement winds down as he motions to you to lead
hole in the wall where the guards came and went—assuming the rest of the way.
they’re no longer in restraints. Otherwise, the GM can assist
the players in their escape attempt in whatever manner fits.
Perhaps a PC’s backstory plot hook can come into play; one
of the other passengers, also being held captive, might be an Sneaking Around
untrained earthbender. With a little guidance [let’s call it an Depending on how the party escapes their confinement, their
Average ( ) Leadership check], the passenger might be presence may not be known to their unknown captors. For
encouraged enough to use their earthbending to create a instance, if Chen drops the key, or they free themselves from
doorway. restraint and escape when the NPCs are gone, no one would
be around to immediately notice their absence. However, if
they fight to get out of their holding area, the rest of the

204 | The Great Uniter | The Second Age

adversaries may now be aware of their escape attempt and As the GM, your job is to ultimately guide the players into
could be on alert. the docks.

Scene 3: Pursuit
The cavern in which the players find themselves is large,
but not overwhelming. It has a few large open spaces,
interconnected by linking tunnels. As they exit their cell, the
By now, the Player Characters should be free—whether they
party will see that the path goes in both directions to their left
escaped or were released. They may have even acquire more
and right. The cavern system is a complete circle, with three
information about their current predicament.
points of entry; two in the same, main cavern leading upstairs
to the docks, and one on the opposite side of the system Regardless of their circumstances, the PCs will ultimately
leading down. find themselves escaping the makeshift tunnels, caverns, and
holding cells in which they awoke. When they reach the docks,
As the party explores, they’ll have the opportunity to find
the GM should read or paraphrase the following:
their belongings which have been stashed away, and they
may even see some softly glowing crates emitting a green
light. The same glow is coming from the stairs which go down,
You can tell you’re nearing the end of the tunnel
and if discovered the players will see that this floor is just a
when you see a dim light at the other end coming
smaller, damper environment where larger versions of the
from the top of the stairs. Rushing to your escape, the
crystal are formed along the back wall—it looks like a smell of wet earth and salt fills the air. As you step
harvesting operation. It’s possible these captors are working through the final threshold, a great wall stands before
a second job in gathering these crystals—but who would want you emblazoned with Earth Kingdom insignia.
them, and why? Multiple watchtowers run along the wall adorned with
green and gold tiling. You can hear the soothing
Enemy Encounters rhythm of light waves crashing against the other side
of the wall.
How many NPCs are in the cavern system is up to you and
the challenge desired by the party, but too many could result
Despite these grandiose trappings, the entire facility
in a party wipe, and too few might feel like a nuisance. One
looks and feels abandoned. Moss can be seen
way to troubleshoot this problem is to start small, and add on growing along the wall in several locations, growing
more. over the stone staircases to the watchtowers. Several
For example, maybe the NPCs from earlier are just a pillars are cracked or near-collapsing, and the towers
detached patrol—another one could be on the way. If the PCs themselves look as though they have seen better
days. One of the towers has, in fact, collapsed in on
fight them, remember that the NPCs are smart human beings
itself. You can tell the Earth Kingdom has provided
and would probably retreat to their allies rather than stand and
few, if any, resources for the upkeep of this particular
die. If the PCs are overwhelming them, have them retreat and station.
the next encounter can result in an ‘increased’ number as a
result of the NPCs alerting their buddies.
At least one of these NPCs is a Nemesis-level The players might want to take a bit of time to explore their
metalbender—Shintu the Disciple—who was earlier referred surroundings; the GM should give let them [briefly] make
to as ‘the boss’ by one of the guards. some checks. A character can make an Average ( )
Several (but not most) of the other NPCs could be Rival- Knowledge (Geography or History) check to learn that this
level earthbenders (including Chen). The remaining NPCs would have been the sister port taking in refugees from the
should be Minion-level characters in groups of 3 or more. If famed Full Moon Bay, and that it was once used as a
the players encounter these adversaries during their escape, checkpoint for refugees during the Hundred Year War.
each group of minions should be accompanied by no more People, mostly refugees, traveled from all over the world to
than two Rival-level earthbenders. come to this secluded dock, hidden from the Fire Nation,
seeking haven and safe passage into Ba Sing Se.
For Player Characters who are just beginning, this is a
sufficient challenge, and much of it could be overcome If the players roll for Perception, the GM might tell the
through stealth or diplomacy, rather than fighting. Remember PCs that the center appears to have repurposed—possibly by
that these NPCs are also human—they have strengths, flaws, brigands, bandits, and pirates—as some sort of base of
desires and fears of their own. operations or hideout. As the Player Characters explore their
surroundings or deliberate among themselves on how to
The goal for the players—at this point—should be to proceed, the GM should feel at liberty to divulge (or withhold)
escape. They may want to find out why they were taken and as much information about their assailants as is necessary to
what is going on generally. As the GM, your job is to engage spark player interest.
the PCs with dialogue from the NPCs intermittently between
combat or stealth encounters where appropriate; in addition, This area contains only two obvious means through which
the GM should entice the players to go after Dr. Dao and his the players can exit the docks: they can attempt to take one
assailants. Different facts about his kidnapping can be alluded of the three boats out of the bay or they can head back into a
to (or made up) that tie-in directly with a PCs Motivation. If tunnel on the opposite wall, which leads down some stairs,
NPC enemies are left conscious, they can be interrogated back into the complex and circles back around to their cell
and, if successful, may divulge more information about who from the other side. A third, hidden option can be discovered
they are, where they are, why they are there, and what they if they can investigate the cavern to discover the hidden exit
intend to accomplish by kidnapping Dr. Dao. on the opposite side of the docks. What they’ll see is stone

The Second Age | The Great Uniter | 205

and earth—but a matter of meters
separates this spacious cavern and the
outside world.
If the players attempt to hijack a boat,
they will be confronted by its skeleton crew
(two rival earthbenders and Shintu). To
discover (and open) the hidden exit, they
will need a character to earthbend the door
open. This could be Chen the reluctant
guard, a Player Character, or one of the
other hostages which the party may or may
not have freed.
In either case, the players will
eventually be confronted by Shintu, the
metalbender in charge of this particular

Shintu the Disciple

Shintu (信徒; [SHIN-tu] “Disciple” or
"follower" in Chinese) is a metalbending
engineer with a notably-absent left arm.
What looks like melted skin covers the
shoulder, and what's left of her armpit on
that side of her body. Her arm was lost as
a result of a devastating assault by
firebending criminals in the slums of Ba
Sing Se. In its place, she has learned to
use her metalbending to control and manipulate a crude, but
dexterous prosthetic metal arm. She often transforms the arm Skills: Mechanics 3, Bending Arts 3, Martial Arts 2, Vigilance
into an array of hand tools by bending it into the desired shape 2, Discipline 3, Resilience 1, Mechanics 2, Perception 2, and
and tool for the job—even if it’s a weapon. Knowledge (Culture) 2.
She is brash and often espouses an absolutist worldview Motivation: Shintu considers herself a patriot and fights for a
(“All firebenders are imperialist scum” is something Shintu romanticized Earth Kingdom which excludes foreign
might say). Of course, she harbors great disdain not just for influence.
firebenders and the Fire Nation, but for anyone she perceives
to be an “outsider” trying to influence the Earth Kingdom or its
citizens. For that reason, she believes in Kuvira, the “Great  Adversary 1: Upgrade the difficulty of combat
Uniter,” and believes that foreigners, especially the Fire checks targeting this character once.
Nation citizens, don’t belong in the Earth Kingdom. Abilities:
Shintu is usually accompanied by two Rival-level NPC  Adversary Bending: The character can use a
earthbenders and will disengage from combat if the odds are number of forms per encounter equal to their
against her—she is smart and she should be thinking ahead. Willpower without suffering strain.
She hopes to see the United Republic of Nations territory  Metal Arm: Once per turn as a maneuver, Shintu
rightfully returned to the Earth Kingdom and she believes can suffer 1 strain to metalbend her arm into any
kidnapping Dr. Dao is the necessary “first step” toward this small tool or one-handed weapon; she gains on
reclamation; if she can frighten the doctor enough to forgo his all checks made with this tool or weapon; attacks
research aspirations with Ba Sing Se University, she hopes made in this way are made using improvised weapon
other foreigners will follow suit. rules.
What Shintu has not been told is that the kidnapping is Forms: Shintu can choose any earthbending actions or
part of a much broader stroke on a canvas behind closed maneuvers, and may select additional form effects, as normal.
doors. Thus, she knows very little of her benefactor. Shintu The forms she uses most often are the following:
has been told to capture the doctor and bring him to an
 Metal Strike: Choose one target engaged or at short
abandoned fortress near Senlin Village.
range and make an Average ( ) Bending Arts
Shintu — Metalbender [Nemesis] (Brawn or Agility) check. If successful, this attack
inflicts 5 damage +1 damage per uncanceled s, with
3 4 3 3 2 5
Critical Rating 6, Ensnare 3 and Pierce 3.
BR AGI INT PRE CUN WIL  Earth Protection: Choose one engaged target or
4 18 18 1 1 self and make an Average ( ) Bending Arts
(Wil) check. If successful, Shintu reduces the
damage of all hits they suffer by 1 plus 1 for every

206 | The Great Uniter | The Second Age

ss beyond the first until the end of their next turn; character may spend aa to immobilize an effected
in addition, each affected target gains one defense; character until the end of their next turn (and may
Shintu may perform the concentrate maneuver to trigger this multiple times, spending aa each time).
maintain the effects of this barrier. Equipment: Light Clothing (+1 soak).
Equipment: Light Clothing (+1 soak).
Bon Voyage, Au Revoir
Earthbenders [Rival] Whether they choose to commandeer a ship or they
4 2 2 1 1 3 earthbend through the main entrance, the Player Characters
BR AGI INT PRE CUN WIL will be confronted by Shintu. At the start of the encounter, the
GM should read aloud the following:
5 10 0 0
Before you stands a young dark-skinned woman,
Skills: Martial Arts 2, Bending Arts 2, Vigilance 2, Discipline perhaps no older than 20. You can see that she’s
missing an arm, but has a prosthetic arm in its place.
2, Resilience 1, Mechanics 1, Perception 2, Geography 1.
As you look her up and down, you can tell that she’s
Talents: None. in charge, despite her short stature; she is carrying
herself with a purpose that evades you.
 Adversary Bending: The character can use a She cracks a threatening smile as she eyeballs your
number of forms per encounter equal to their entire party before speaking, “My name is Shintu and
Willpower without suffering strain. you’re not supposed to be here.” She pauses before
asking, “How did you get out of your cell?”
Forms: Earthbenders can choose any earthbending actions
or maneuvers, and may select additional form effects, as
normal. The forms they use most often are the following:
If the players don’t respond, Shintu will interject:
 Earth Strike: Choose one target engaged or at short
range and make an Average ( ) Bending Arts
(Brawn or Agility) check. If successful, this attack “It doesn’t matter. Look, I’m feeling generous today.
inflicts 6 damage +1 damage per uncanceled s, with I’ll let you all walk away if you promise not to
Critical Rating 6, and Ensnare 3. interfere. Dr. Dao here has an appointment with
 Earthquake: Choose a spot up to medium range someone who very much wants to meet him to talk
away and make a Hard ( ) Bending Arts (Int) about his research. Let us take the doctor and we’ll
check. If successful, all terrain within short range of let you walk out of here—no hard feelings.”
the chosen location is considered difficult terrain.
Additional, characters within the affected area are
disoriented until the end of their next turn. This

The Second Age | The Great Uniter | 207

If the PCs headed for the ships and intend to commandeer Ultimately, the Player Characters will leave this dock with
one, Shintu will warn the party: or without Dr. Dao. Although a damsel-in-distress, the doctor’s
presence serves merely as an optional plot hook for a branch
of encounters wherein the party can fight his captors now, or
“I told you that we’d let you leave this place. I didn’t chase after them to rescue him. Doing so will put them on the
say anything about taking our boats. There’s an exit path to discovering the secrets of Dr. Dao’s research, thus
at the opposite end of the docks along that high-rising uncovering the plot (and reasoning) behind his capture.
wall of stone there. This is your last chance and my
patience is wearing thin.” The specifics of what Dr. Dao’s research is, and who
Shintu is working for, are left deliberately vague. These are
clues to be uncovered over the course of several divergent
If the party heeds her warning, they will have no trouble encounters. The missing answers are left to be filled in by you,
discovering the exit and will be able to leave. Shintu will even the GM, as your players discover who their characters are—
escort them out and open the door for them. Otherwise, their and what interests them—and what sorts of stories they want
attempts to steal a ship will begin a combat encounter with to tell.
Shintu and her companions. The idea is to draw your players in, either with this initial
Shintu will only fight the players off so she can escape with plot hook, or by opening the door for them to make their own
Dr. Dao; he is the target, and the PCs would merely be story—literally and figuratively. If they do not rescue Peng
collateral damage. She will seem reserved in fighting and try Dao, or do not care to follow up on his hooks, they’ll either
to make her way to the ships, or will do everything she can to wander off on foot in the open world, or sail away by boat into
get the PCs off her ship(s). If necessary, Shintu will sacrifice the Eastern Lake.
the other ships if she can get on a different one from the PCs For escorting the passengers, the PCs should each be
to escape out into the bay. commended. If they rescue and escort Dr. Dao, the doctor will
If the PCs first encounter Shintu at the wall, she will offer explain his recent experiments.
to earthbend a door for them to leave.

Episode II: Out of the Frying Pan…

Scene 1: Departure Modernized Ferry
Ferries are employed en masse to cross bodies of water
As the party plots their next move, the Game Master should throughout the Earth Kingdom and can be founding traversing
remind them of any obligations they took on while effecting inland seas, lakes, and large rivers. This particular ferry has
their escape. been downsized, but upgraded with an engine for additional
speed and maneuverability. It even has some modern
Did the party respond favorably to the young boy, taking
amenities including a renovated kitchen and it even has a
the map of his district in Ba Sing Se? Did they agree to help
small spa.
the other prisoners escape their cells, or did they leave them
behind to suffer in darkness? What has become of Dr. Peng 5 4 3 4 5 4
Dao, the researcher from Cabbage Corp – did the party try to
rescue him from his captors, or did they leave him to his
unknown fate? 1 1 1 1

After each encounter, you can see how every decision FORE PORT STARBRD AFT
made by the party begins to shape the outcomes which befall
them, and how their actions impact the overall narrative. Manufacturer: Unknown.
Perhaps the party rolled so particularly well that they even
Crew: One captain, 2 sailors and crew.
managed to convince Chen, the earthbending bodyguard, to
abandon his ignoble cause to aid them in their escape. Encumbrance Capacity: 400.
While Episode I was merely a brief introduction intended Passenger Capacity: 20 passengers.
to familiarize new players with the mechanics and atmosphere Price/Rarity: 85 silver pieces / 7.
of Avatar: The Second Age, from here on out the story could
go in any direction. A GM should be prepared to think of new Customization Hard Points: 2.
characters, encounters, and scenarios on the fly. When it Weapons: None.
comes to the party—you can’t plan for everything. Should the party commandeer one of the ships, they will
One important decision can help the GM guide players need to pass an Average ( ) Sailing check in order to
through “The Great Uniter” and it depends on whether the make way for whatever destination they choose; depending
players took a boat. Although the players have the opportunity on how the players acquired the vessel could change a
to (and will frequently) wander ‘off the rails’, the boat number of things. If they had to use force, perhaps their battle
specifically serves as another plothook for the party. Within, it damaged some core component of the ship, in which case a
contains the figurative and literal keys to uncovering more Mechanics check could be make the necessary repairs.
information about the party’s abductors and their plans for Dr.

208 | The Great Uniter | The Second Age

Once in possession, the opportunity to investigate the
boat and explore their immediate surroundings. [day 1] I’ve taken on another search-and-rescue with
Shintu. Bringing that father and daughter together
The players should be encouraged to make one (or more)
after the assassination really made me feel like I was
of the following skill checks: Perception, Knowledge
making a difference in peoples’ lives. Shintu gave me
(Geography), Sailing, Mechanics, or Survival. The difficulty a new bunkmate, though…Chen, I think his name
of each check should be Average but the GM may raise or was. She said he wants to use his bending to help
lower the difficulty as needed. Success or failure can mean a people.
variety of things. If the PCs pass any of the checks, the GM
can provide the following information based upon the check: [day 6] We had eggs and picken for breakfast again
Perception: A single uncanceled success is all it takes for today…Shara wouldn’t even sneak an extra slice of
bacon for me, she says “I cook it, I eat it” but I saw
the party to know that the ship has an unfamiliar layout (if any
her give some to Chen…
PC should know what to expect with a Ferry). In general there
is an upper deck, a lower deck, and a cargo hold.
[day 13] Shintu said we’ll be in Ba Sing Se by
 aa: The cargo hold is filled to about half capacity tomorrow, but she hasn’t said why.
with mostly empty crates and containers, apart from
three sealed crates. When opened, the players will [day 15] It’s been two days and she still has us
find glowing crystals from the Crystal Catacombs. looking for some sort of cabbage man, a doctor I
 t: One of the rooms is locked, and it is clearly the think?
Captain’s Quarters.
[day 16] New kid Chen found the guy we’re looking
Geography: A successful Geography check will tell the for, who is apparently not some kind of cabbage
players they’re in Full Moon Bay, leaving from the direction of spirit. Shintu wants us to keep tailing him.
the Ferry Waystation and Ba Sing Se train depot.
 aa: They realize there’s a river to the east, and [day 18] Kuvira’s really making a difference in the
Lower Ring, it’s like she was born for this. I was
where there’s a river, there are villages and towns.
terrified after Queen Hou-Ting was murdered, but
 t: They know that the Eastern Lake feeds into when Kuvira asked for the people of Ba Sing Se to
Copper Lake, which runs off into Kongulan River and help each other and help themselves, I couldn’t just
then Chameleon Bay which is connected to the sit around and do nothing. The city was tearing itself
Eastern Sea and the rest of the world. apart… I don’t know what this United Republic doctor
 aa or t: Players can choose where they want to has to do with helping rebuild the Earth Kingdom,
go next without any undue setbacks, delays, or though. Shintu says our buyer can help rebuild Ba
mishaps. Sing Se.

Survival: There’s plenty of food and other supplies in the [day 22] He does something different every night.
kitchen. He’s gone to the Jasmine Dragon in the Upper Ring a
 a: The beds are cozy and there are plenty for couple of times, but he’s also been to the Middle, and
everyone (including any other prisoners rescued). even Lower Ring. Is he sight-seeing?
 t: The ship even has several first aid kits, and plenty
[day 23] Shintu said we’re making a move on the
of tea.
doctor tomorrow. She wants Chen there, but she told
Mechanics: A successful Mechanics check is all that is me to go back to the ship and wait for her to get back.
needed for the PCs to see that this is not a standard Earth
Kingdom ferry. It has been modernized in a variety of ways.
 a: Find out the ship has been upgraded and given Smooth Sailing
an engine.
After letting the party investigate the ship, decide what to do
 t: Players are provided with the Modernized Ferry’s
next, and chatter amongst themselves, the GM will likely find
stat block.
herself being pulled in drastically different directions. Of
Sailing: Success is required to make way and to change course, if the players never took the ship and left the Full
course. Moon Bay waystation on foot, then they are probably already
 aa or t: Find out the ship has been upgraded and wandering. This section is broken down into several sections
given an engine. outlining some guidance for GMs.

As they continue to explore the ships, the players will find Set Sail
the personal effects of its former inhabitants, which will shed Assuming the players took the ship and were successful in
light on their background and their possible motivations. making way, they’ll have had the opportunity to plot a course.
Based solely on the trinkets and clothing onboard, most of They could choose to go in just about any direction, and this
them outwardly appear to be Earth Kingdom citizens. may be the moment they decide to wander off to explore areas
At least one of them was keeping a journal, and the that are not planned for The Great Uniter. This is okay! As the
following may be read aloud or otherwise provided to the players wander, the GM’s role is to build the world around
players: them, to make it come to life with NPCs and towns through
which they can travel.

The Second Age | The Great Uniter | 209

Thus, the players succeeding their Sailing and Geography bring the party on-track with the story. The GM should not feel
checks is presumed to mean that they are heading wherever obligated to do this, nor should the GM force the party to stick
they want. Within their geographic vicinity are the following to a preplanned plot. A GM should be prepared to think of new
key locations from Avatar canon: Chameleon Bay, the Si characters, encounters, and scenarios on the fly and to bring
Wong Desert, Full Moon Bay, and even the Serpent’s Pass. to life the story being told by the players.
Several optional encounters are keyed here to assist the GM Whatever path they choose, it is important to remember
in bringing the party on-track with the narrative of The Great that your role as the GM is to mediate the PCs’ actions vis-à-
Uniter. vis skill checks, and to narrate the world as it evolves from the
On Foot or Wandering consequences of those actions. Forcing the players to go
down a predetermined route could prove ineffective and
If they did not take the ferry, the players will leave the Eastern unenjoyable for everyone involved.
Waystation through the entrance which was opened through
earthbending either by Shintu, Chen, or a party member. To Still, there are times when it is appropriate for the GM to
their north, the party will find the Halan Desert and of course provide the party with a little nudge—in any direction. Having
Ba Sing Se to revisit. In the east, Copper Forest awaits the a player make a Knowledge or Perception check on the fly
party, shrouding Chameleon Bay and the thriving port-town of and feeding them important details from earlier encounters
Chameleon City. and sessions the player may have overlooked, but the
character might have remembered. You could also use a
Even further north is Chalang Forest and along that river nearby NPC, or introduce a new one, to point the PCs in the
is the undepicted Chalang City. Although only some of these right direction.
locations were ever named in the show, fewer were ever
spoken-of by characters. Thus, many of the locations Should the party venture forth with the narrative of the
available to GMs and players are sprinkled with unnamed adventure, the GM should continue to Scene 2 below.
villages, towns, forests, cities, ruins, mountains, and other Otherwise, feel free to skip ahead to the end of this chapter
features ripe for exploration. where several optional encounters have been laid out for
They party may have a clear idea on what they want to
do—they could want to spend time in iconic Ba Sing Se for
leisure, to explore, or to follow up on leads related to their
Scene 2a: Let Bygones Be
backstory (what were they doing in Ba Sing Se, anyway?); or This scene is a direct narrative continuation of The Great
they may seek out other destinations they recall from the Uniter. Players should have the option to return to this scene
Avatar universe, straying far from the scene. The alternative at any time or may be led to it after an optional encounter.
is that the PCs may feel utterly lost and directionless.
Before returning to this scene, it’s important to consider
In both cases, the GM can use the optional encounters at what the antagonists have been up to while the PCs were out
the end of this chapter (or create your own) to steer the gallivanting around. What progress have they made toward
players toward the plot of the adventure. Every new town and their goals? Have the players made any choices, friends, or
NPC presents an opportunity to introduce plot hooks for allies which could hinder those goals? Remember that the
optional encounters, which do not necessarily connect to the players are looking to feel that their choices matter, and
greater story, or they can be used to gauge the party’s reflecting those choices in the narrative as it develops is the
collective interests and formulate an entirely new plot. They way to do that.
can also serve as an introduction to a character or scenario to
If the party has been wandering by foot and cannot seem
Don’t forget the train! to find a place to go, or are perhaps lost and dwindling in
supplies, they should happen upon a small, yet bustling
It’s important to remember if the players are on foot that they
village during the next in-game day. This can be Pingdao
just narrowly eluded their captors and were on an Earth
described below. It can also be any other made up village in
Kingdom passenger transport that just…disappeared. The any location where the players happen to be (call it Laowei or
waystation to Ba Sing Se is visibly close (perhaps just on the Copper Village if you’re struggling).
horizon), and the authorities have no doubt begun to sweep
If the party fails its Sailing or Geography checks, they
the entire area looking for the missing train, passengers, and
won’t be in the Eastern Lake for very long. Through inclement
most importantly: the perpetrators. What the party does is up
weather or mechanical mishap, the ship will ultimately crash—
to them, but you should remember that they may have convenient for the party that it would land in the small clearing
information key to the investigation. that you see to the immediate south of Full Moon Bay up
Consider keeping the party on their toes, forcing them to above.
make an Average ( ) Perception check the moment they In Avatar: The Last Airbender, this was the location of the
see daylight. If they succeed, they’ll notice a few people who farm and barn where Appa stayed during his lost days. It’s
appear to be heading their way—maybe these are the Royal become a bustling, but humble village in the 70 years since.
Guard, or Kuvira’s personal security. Perhaps they’re Shintu’s The town of Pingdao.
backup. Who they are and what sort of encounter they’ll bring Merely a setting for a character introduction, the details
with them is entirely up to you as the GM; the circumstances are secondary; this could be the third among a dozen other
can fit almost any narrative, and force the players into action towns the party wanted to visit throughout their off-the-rails
if there’s a lull in gameplay. adventuring. The following example of Pingdao is simply the

210 | The Great Uniter | The Second Age

stage for the introduction of an NPC who can reel the PCs Skills: Cool 4, Coercion 3, Martial Arts 3, Melee (Light) 2,
back into the web of the narrative. Perception 3, Skulduggery 3, Stealth 4, and Streetwise 3.
Read aloud the following to the players if their Sailing and Talents:
Geography go poorly:  Adversary 2: Upgrade the difficulty of combat
checks targeting this character twice.
 Improved Chi Disruption: The character may make
As your ship tosses violently back and forth, you see
a Hard ( ) Martial Arts check targeting an
a growing coastline on the horizon. You do not see
engaged character. If successful, deal strain instead
any docks or beaches, and you yell to the others to
brace for impact against the rocks. The wreck is a of wounds. If the target is a bender, they cannot use
haze to you, but you remember being tended to by any forms until the end of their next turn and any form
several strange faces—were they on the ship? You currently sustained through concentration
fade out of consciousness and awaken many hours immediately ends. You may spend aaa to
later in a small bed. immobilize the target and d to stagger them.
 Dangerous Connections: Piànzi may spend hhh
Whether in Pingdao, Laowei, or elsewhere, the players
should eventually stumble into Piànzi and learn of his offer to or t from a social skill check they make targeting a
help find his missing parcel. PC to move one Story Point from the player pool to
the GM pool.
Mysterious Piànzi [Nemesis]  One Step Ahead: Once per round, after an
opponent performs an action or maneuver, may
Piànzi (骗子; [PEE-ahn’zuh] “Deceiver” or “Conman” in spend one Story Point to perform an action or a
Chinese) is a notably tall man with a slender profile. His skin maneuver as an out-of-turn incidental.
is much darker than most of the folks in town, which causes Equipment:
him to stand out when he’s not wearing his long-sleeve coat
and slacks; beneath his open jacket, his clothes are adorned  Dagger: Melee (Light); Damage 6; Critical 3; Range
in gold trimming, belying his noble or wealthy background. [Engaged]; Accurate 1.
The party may run into him at the local tavern, or he may catch  Light Clothing: +1 soak and 1 defense.
their interest in the town square. Piànzi will have been a few steps ahead of the party and,
3 4 3 3 5 4 when they arrive, he’ll be among the first to know about it.
Word travels fast about outsiders showing up, especially if
BR AGI INT PRE CUN WIL they’re looking for lodgings or wares. Wherever and whenever
4 20 20 1 1 Piànzi first encounters the party, the GM should roll a Stealth
SOAK WOUND STRAIN R/M DEFENSE check with a difficulty of the party’s highest rank in
Perception. A successful check means that Piànzi is able to
skulk about unnoticed by the party; if he fails describe him

The Second Age | The Great Uniter | 211

sticking out of the crowd, looking equally as displaced as they
do, to the players. Alternatively, the PCs can all make an
opposed Perception check against Piànzi’s Stealth skill.
Whatever the case may be, when the Player Characters
invariably run into Piànzi, you may alert the PCs thus:

Not for the first time you notice a very tall man who’s
been following you for some time. He seems to have
been watching you, perhaps working up the gumption
to approach, or maybe planning something a bit more

As far as the party is concerned, they don’t really know

one way or the other. Regardless, the party will deal with
Piànzi however they see fit and, if they do so diplomatically,
he will confide in them several details. As the GM you can
choose to divulge all, some, or none of this information as the
circumstances necessitate.
 He recently lost possession of an ornamental
lockbox containing what he claims is an heirloom of
great sentimental value to him.
 In addition to simply passing by, he reveals that he
was on his way to Ba Sing Se, as that is where he
was heading when he was jumped by highway
brigands and his lockbox taken from him.
 He was traveling with a friend who was supposed to
rendezvous with him a few days ago; Piànzi is visibly
disturbed by his friend’s tardiness.
 He doesn’t much care for Kuvira, her ambition, or her
visions for Ba Sing Se and the rest of the Earth
Kingdom—apart from her new railways.
 He’s from Republic City, but he was traveling to Ba
Sing Se from the Misty Palms Oasis in the Si Wong

Devising a Plan
 He explains that he travelled from Republic City to
the Misty Palms Oasis to convene with the spirits If the PCs are willing to help Piànzi, the next step will be to
who have made their home there. devise a plan for recovering his lockbox. Narratively, it does
not matter where the players find the package—it’s a
Once he’s explained himself, Piànzi will make his pitch. He
McGuffin, a literary device meant to push the plot along. The
is looking to hire the PCs to return toward Ba Sing Se to
GM should have Piànzi offer clues about where the heirloom
retrieve his missing lockbox and meet him outside of the walls
could have ended up, and these locations may be inferred
of the city. Should they ask, Piànzi offers to pay the party 2000
from the party’s interests. This could be near Serpent’s Pass,
copper pieces…per person (such a high number so very early
either waystation of Full Moon Bay, even as far as Republic
on may be an irresistible reward for new players, and it’s a
City or the Si Wong Desert. If the PCs have gone elsewhere
not-so-stealthy way for the GM to hook the players into the
and ran into Piànzi there, the GM can refer to Chapter VIII:
plot). He will also promise to put the players in contact with
The Avatar Setting for additional inspiration and details
members of his ‘organization’ which he states is highly
about other places.
influential and supports a “good cause.”
The only prerequisite factor here is that the players accept
Once they receive the package, he explains, they are to
Piànzi’s offer and set out to where they believe the lockbox
continue en route to Ba Sing Se and meet him at the Jasmine
can be found. Their goal is to get moving, because regardless
Dragon in the Upper Ring. What they will not know, nor could
of where they wind up, the encounter is designed to be
they possibly find out at this point in time, is that Piànzi is a
roughly the same. Remember: no matter where they go, the
member of a powerful shadow organization, and that he is not,
players will ambush a small courier group who have been
in fact, the legitimate owner of the contents within the lockbox.
To which organization Piànzi claims membership is up to you; tasked with delivering the lockbox to Ba Sing Se.
it could be the Equalists, or the Red Lotus, or an entirely new Of course, the players may decline the offer and instead
faction created by you. choose to wander off; if they do so, the GM should refer to the
earlier part of Episode II where guidance can be found should
the players stray away from the narrative. Optional
encounters can be found at the end of this chapter.

212 | The Great Uniter | The Second Age

Intercepting the Lockbox anything, not even Piànzi. Even if he’s coerced into giving up
details, Piànzi doesn’t actually know what’s in the box— as it
If the PCs accept Piànzi’s request, it may not matter in which was never his family heirloom. He and his missing partner
direction they choose to go. As mentioned before, the parcel were tasked by their cohorts with bringing the box to Republic
is a literary device meant to push the plot along, cajoling the City.
party into ambushing a small group of Earth Kingdom
When the party meets up with the couriers, they may very
couriers. Based upon the clues provided by Piànzi, the party
well find out what’s in the box.
might make a Hard Geography check and, if they succeed,
should be directed by the GM to head toward the Serpent’s If the party passes their Geography check and arrives
Pass. before the couriers, the GM can read the following out loud
(some or all of it may not pertain to the party if they went
Although the story has been written with the party
somewhere other than the entrance of the Serpent’s Pass):
approaching from the south and intercepting the couriers prior
to their crossing of Serpent’s Pass, it may be just as likely that
they approach the Pass from the north and are, instead,
You can smell the water from the lakes, including Full
ambushing the couriers on their approach to Ba Sing Se.
Moon Bay, the nearer you get to your destination. As
Ultimately what matters is that the party meets the couriers you cross over the next foothills, you see the
before the couriers arrive in Ba Sing Se to deliver the parcel. imposing, serpentine rock-way on the horizon. With
As the GM, you may choose to resolve this as a time-skip, the forest and towns behind you after roughly a week
overnight journey, or even a Skill Challenge centered on the of travel, you’ve found your way to the Serpent’s
hazards of overland travel (see Chapter VII: Game Master). Pass.
However, it is also possible to take your time and permit the
You quickly situate yourself on a clearing with some
party to explore their surroundings while they make the
brush cover overlooking the base entrance of the
journey. This could mean providing them with any number of
footpath. This would be a perfect spot to watch who
opportunities to flex their skills: random combat encounters comes and goes through the pass. Though many
with highway bandits, combat or social encounters with spirits seldom do, for fear of the serpent which guards the
(who have a predilection for any remaining wilderness), or route.
even puzzle encounters which require the PCs to user their
bending and nonbending skills in imaginative ways. Keep in Despite the inherent dangers, a few still choose to
mind how long it might take the couriers to reach their make the trek in the name of haste. With the
destination—what happens if the party is too late? extension of the Ba Sing Se monorail to the north of
Serpent’s Pass, travelers brave enough to cross can
Whatever the case may be, eventually the party must
find themselves in the Middle Ring by nightfall.
attempt to rendezvous with the courier in order to progress the
narrative of “The Great Uniter”. If the party passed their earlier
Geography check, the narrative turns in favor of the party: The PCs will want to settle in for just a moment.
they have the option (once they arrive) to set up camp and Encourage the players to make a few brief checks to pass the
stake out for the courier thus allowing them to ambush the time by asking them what they do now that they’ve arrived to
‘shady brigands’ and gain to their Initiative checks. their destination (Geography, History, Survival, etc.). You may
If they fail the Geography check, they will simply ‘catch use them to convey the following information:
up’ to the brigands—soon discovering that the brigands are, Geography: The Serpent's Pass is a narrow strip of land
in fact, agents of the Earth Kingdom. In either case, move on located between the East and West Lakes and serves as one
to Scene 2b: Ambush! of the few direct paths to Ba Sing Se.
Of course, the party could be too late and the couriers History: It is named after the serpent which guards it,
have already left the location and pressed onward. In this making the pass feared in the Earth Kingdom. During the
case, the GM should use this opportunity to compel the NPCs Hundred Year War, many refugees refused to use the pass,
actions forward, whether the party intervenes or not. How will opting instead to cross the lake by boat.
Piànzi feel? Why is this lock box so heavily guarded, and
where is it being taken? These are all threads which can be Survival: The Serpent's Pass is one of the few direct
explored in great detail by a curious table of players. paths to the Earth Kingdom's massive capital, Ba Sing Se.
The rocky path is treacherous and consists of dangerous
Scene 2b: Ambush! cliffs.
Perception (upon close inspection): A large sign
This scene is a direct narrative continuation of The Great bearing the name of the pass is affixed to the entrance, and
Uniter. Players will not have the option to return to this specific the words "abandon hope" are carved into one of the posts of
point-in-time in the story; if they wait too long (more than a the gateway to the pass, serving as a warning to any
week in-game), their window of opportunity to intercept the passersby and adding to the strong fear felt at the location.
Earth Kingdom couriers has likely closed, as the package
As the GM, you have the freedom here to take as long or
should have been delivered to Ba Sing Se—skip to Section
as short amount of time as you like to let the players explore
their immediate surroundings. Some may want to observe the
If the players progress further into The Great Uniter, region overlooking Serpent’s Pass; but the players might
they’ve probably already pondered aloud as to the contents of simply wish to proceed.
the mysterious lockbox. At this point, no one has told them

The Second Age | The Great Uniter | 213

Running a Social Encounter
It is important to remember that the purpose of a social encounter is not to slow the story down with unnecessary dice rolls, but to
emulate the very real potential for tense negotiations to go from smooth to sour at the drop of the wrong faux pas. Generally, a social
encounter should only occur if there are two or more parties with competing interests. Each party has an opportunity to present its
argument—their side of the story; the overall outcome is which side ‘wins’ the discussion. Whose interest takes precedent? GMs can
be very flexible as to what a success outcome can signify. The outcome of a social encounter may not effect characters in the long-
term, but they should at least have short-term consequences for the PCs and NPCs. Suffering strain, not wounds, will be a common
occurrence in a social encounter. PCs should expect to take on strain throughout the duration of the encounter. Below is a description
of social skills and what they can be used for in Social Encounters.
Charm – This means getting the target to see things from your perspective; can be useful in negotiations or situations where you need
to obtain something form the target. Can be opposed by Vigilance or Discipline.
Coercion – Physically threatening the target, even so much as simply waving their sword. Used to convince the target that you will
cause them harm if they do not capitulate. May not always coerce the target, but it should alter NPC behavior. Typically opposed by
Deception – Tell a convincing lie to the target to make them believe something untrue. Players will need to roll for Discipline to discover
if they are being lied to. Opposed by a character’s Vigilance and Discipline.
Empathy – Connecting with a character on a personal level can be challenging, but rewarding. Players can gain valuable bonuses in the
case of success, such as or learning about the NPC’s Motivations, but might acquire Setback if they fail to relate with the NPC.
Deception and Cool can oppose or trick up Empathy.
Leadership – Players may command allies and targets to perform tasks that may cause them harm; they can reassure allies, inspire
others to their cause, and convince an unwitting ally to pledge their loyalty. Only a character with Discipline can oppose Leadership.
Negotiation – Characters will often need to negotiate deals, trade items, or convince targets to compromise on a vested interest.
Negotiation should be opposed by Negotiation.

It’s up to you to alert them to the arrival of the small Earth “This is an official caravan of the Earth Kingdom on
Kingdom entourage. If the characters have a spyglass or they orders from the Provisional Chancellor. Disarm
roll exceedingly well on a Perception check, they’ll learn (at yourselves and state your business.
a distance) that these people are not, in fact, highway bandits
but are wearing Earth Kingdom uniforms. How they choose to
proceed from there is entirely up to them. Perhaps they don’t Either the players comply with the orders of the Earth
care—or perhaps they are unaware—and choose to rush in Kingdom courier—and gain an opportunity to learn valuable
head-on simply to instigate a fight and hope for the best (if information—or they refuse to disarm and instigate the fight.
there is time, maybe they jumped a party of innocent travelers If they choose the latter, skip ahead to the Fight! section.
by mistake). If they rush in, you can skip to the Fight! section Otherwise, continue on with the social aspect of the encounter
up head. Otherwise, the party may verbally interact with the outlined in the Talking section.

couriers; skip ahead to Talking, if so.
If the party failed the Geography check, they will arrive
right behind the couriers. The party cannot sneak up on the If the players are curious enough, they may take the
couriers and are caught off-guard with no plan. The following opportunity to converse with the Earth Kingdom agents and,
can be read out loud: in the process, learn more about the lockbox, Piànzi, why the
packaged is being delivered, and ultimately who the parcel is
You can smell the water from the lakes, including Full This section is a roughly-structured Social Encounter.
Moon Bay, the nearer you get to your destination. As There will be a variety of dialogue boxes that the GM can read
you cross over the next foothills, you see the aloud to inform the party (and progress the plot), or can use
imposing, jagged rock-way on the horizon. as guidelines and make up his own dialogue for the NPCs.
The party may experience all, or very few, of the options
Serpent’s Pass. You pause for a moment to breathe outlined here. Whether a certain response or piece of
in the view before quickly collecting yourself. As you information warrants a social skill check is entirely up to the
peer out beyond the foothills, you spot another party
inching toward the entrance of the walkway, much
closer to the awning than you. These could be Read aloud the following if the party indicates they want to
Piànzi’s bandits—but it’s too late, and you’ve been talk:
spotted. A small truck and an ostrich horse come to a
A stout man, presumably leading the Earth Kingdom
Before you can react, you hear an imposing “HALT!” party climbs out of the passenger side of the truck
and turns to face the player characters. He eyes your

214 | The Great Uniter | The Second Age

party up and down before uttering a very stiff “Colonel implications. At most he understands that it’s a metal
Chang”. contraption.

The men surrounding Colonel Chang are silent and Captain Kong
still as stone. The colonel takes another two steps Captain Kong is a captain of the Earth Kingdom army. As
closer toward the party, toward the back end of the such, he wears yellow armor instead of the standard green
truck. variant and per the standard operating procedure of the Earth
Kingdom army, Kong is accompanied by his trusted mount,
“These men are under orders, and you are impeding Cho, a vivacious and swift ostrich horse. The captain is smug
on our time table. You are welcome to cross
and resentful of Colonel Chang and the rest of the Royal
Serpent’s Pass with us—safety in numbers, you
Guards; he believes their failure to protect the queen is
know—but you will need to move along otherwise.”
evidence of their corruption and he fully supports Kuvira in her
endeavors, buying in to her message about the inherent
Despite his surprising cordiality, Colonel Chang is corruption of monarchies, and her vision of the future. A
particularly pointed on the word “will.” He should provide the lifelong military man, Captain Kong aspires to become a
following answers to general questions without any skill General and a member of the Council of Five—or whatever
checks: takes its place.

Who are you? My name is Colonel Chang and this is Captain Kong has little patience for non-Earth Kingdom
Captain Kong. We are servants of the Earth Kingdom. citizens and even less so for a party of multicultural bandits.
[Captain Kong would likely let out a mumble or a grunt at this He understands that more than coincidence brought the PCs
remark]. to this critical junction in his caravan’s travels. He knows only
what he needs to know, and that’s good enough for him.
What are you doing? Our business here is classified, but
we would be happy to oblige any citizen trying to cross the Negotiations
Serpent’s Pass safely.
During a social encounter, the party can (and likely will)
Tell us about Serpent’s Pass / this area / the Earth attempt to convince the Colonel to hand over possession of
Kingdom. You don’t know? If you aren’t aware of the dangers the box, but this would be incredibly unlikely. They would need
inherent to the Serpent’s Pass, then that’s all I need to know to make a Formidable ( ) Charm check to
that you shouldn’t be here. Serpent is in the name! [Brush up succeed, and should include or depending on whether
on your Earth Kingdom lore]. the Colonel is favorable to the party. A favorable Daunting
We need the lockbox. This parcel is intended for direct ( ) Coercion or Negotiation check might convince
delivery to the Provisional Chancellor herself and we are duty- the Colonel to surrender the lockbox. Deception and
bound to safeguard its transport. Anyone who gets in the way Leadership will be far less likely to return any results while
of that is an enemy of the State and will be dealt with Empathy may allow the PCs to gain the Colonel’s favor.
accordingly. Any attempts at persuading or negotiation, or gaining
Colonel Chang favor with the Colonel will be interpreted by Captain Kong as
subterfuge and he will not relinquish the lockbox without a
Colonel Chang is a member of the Royal Earthbender Guards
fight. Depending on whether he views Colonel Chang as a
of Ba Sing Se, known as the King's Guard by the commoners.
traitor, he may open his attack on the party by attacking
These guards are earthbending warriors within the Earth
Chang first, forcing Chang to choose a side.
Kingdom affiliated with neither the Dai Li nor the army. They
instead serve as personal protectors of the earth monarch. If the party pushes too hard, or especially if they fail a
Since the assassination of Queen Hou-Ting, many Royal Deception or Coercion check, they’ll be in for a fight.

Guards—particularly Chang—feel as though they have failed
at their jobs and are looking to adapt to the quickly-changing
structure of government brought about by the Provisional Perhaps the party was too stubborn, or a little headstrong, or
Chancellor Kuvira, who has brought her own personal elite maybe they were just bored…either way, there’s a fight. If the
metalbending warriors to serve as her closest guards. Feeling players arrived at Serpent’s Pass before the couriers, they
relegated to mundane tasks below his title, Colonel Chang is should get a boost to their Initiative roll. In this scenario, they
incredibly resentful of Kuvira and has little interest in her should roll Perception since they had the advantage of being
leadership. able to scope the scene. If the party arrived after the Earth
Although he seems approachable, Chang is still a Royal Kingdom couriers, they get no advantage and instead should
Guard and takes his title very seriously. He will be cordial with roll Vigilance since they’ll need to rely on their guts to gear-
the PCs, even moreso if he believes they endorse Earth up for a fight they were not likely anticipating. Ultimately, these
Kingdom tradition over Kuvira’s version of progress. He does are merely suggestions and the choice is up to the GM as to
not know the contents of the lockbox, but he believes which skill is appropriate based on the circumstances of the
whatever it is must be important. Chang met with Tien Satoru, moment.
an Earth Kingdom engineer and innovator living in Republic
City. Tien is the grandson of Earthen Fire Refinery’s own
Lieutenant Chang (Royal Earthbender
Satoru and the inventor of a device that “will change the Guard) [Rival]
course of nonbender history”. Chang listened patiently as Tien
4 2 2 2 3 3
babbled on about his prototype and understood very few of its

The Second Age | The Great Uniter | 215

BR AGI INT PRE CUN WIL  Military Precision: May add to checks made to
destroy structures or use cooperative earthbending.
6 16 0 0
Forms: Royal earthbender guards can choose any
earthbending actions or maneuvers, and may select
additional form effects, as normal. The forms they use most
Skills: Melee (Light) 2, Resilience 2, Discipline 3, Bending often are the following:
Arts 3.
Talents:  Earth Strike: Choose one target engaged or at short
range and make an Average ( ) Bending Arts
 Body Guard: Once per round, the character may (Brawn or Agility) check. If successful, this attack
use this talent use a maneuver to upgrade the
inflicts 8 damage +1 damage per uncanceled s, with
difficulty of all checks targeting an ally engaged with
Critical Rating 6, and Ensnare 3.
this character.
 Earth Coin: May spend an action to hurl a silhouette
Abilities: 2 slab of earth at a target within medium range,
 Adversary Bending: The character can use a causing them to make an opposed Athletics or
number of forms per encounter equal to their Coordination versus Bending Arts (Br) check to
Willpower without suffering strain. avoid the disc; targets engaged with disc either jump
 Dauntless: This character upgrades the ability of out of the way or take a number of damage ignoring
Discipline checks they make to resist fear or soak equal to the Rival’s Body rating; earthbenders
intimidation once. can make a Bending Arts (br) check instead, and
may spend aaa or t to redirect the disc at
Forms: Royal earthbender guards can choose any another target, causing the same effect.
earthbending actions or maneuvers, and may select Earthquake: Choose a spot up to medium range
additional form effects, as normal. The forms they use most away and make a Hard ( ) Bending Arts (Int)
often are the following:
check. If successful, all terrain within short range of
 Earth Strike: Choose one target engaged or at short the chosen location is considered difficult terrain.
range and make an Average ( ) Bending Arts Additional, characters within the affected area are
(Brawn or Agility) check. If successful, this attack disoriented until the end of their next turn. This
inflicts 6 damage +1 damage per uncanceled s, with character may spend aa to immobilize an effected
Critical Rating 6, and Ensnare 3. character until the end of their next turn (and may
 Earth Protection: Choose one engaged target or trigger this multiple times, spending aa each time).
self and make an Average ( ) Bending Arts
(Wil) check. If successful, the bender reduces the
damage of all hits they suffer by 1 plus 1 for every  Earth Kingdom Military Uniform: +1 soak, and 1
ss beyond the first until the end of their next turn; defense.
in addition, each affected target gains one defense;  Pouch of Stones
the bender may perform the concentrate maneuver  Warhammer: Melee (Heavy); Damage 7; Critical 3;
to maintain the effects of this barrier. Range [Engaged]; Cumbersome 3, Pierce 2, Vicious
Equipment: 1

 Royal Guard Uniform: +2 soak Cho the Ostrich Horse [Rival]

 Warhammer: Melee (Heavy); Damage 7; Critical 3; Captain Kong’s Ostrich Horse.
Range [Engaged]; Cumbersome 3, Pierce 2, Vicious
1 4 3 2 1 1 1
Captain Kong (Earth Army Captain) 5 10 1 1
4 4 2 1 2 3 2 3 2
6 13 1 1
SOAK WOUND R/M DEFENSE Skills: Athletics 2, Melee 2, Resilience 2, Vigilance 3.
Talents: None.
Skills: Discipline 3, Melee (Light) 2, Martial Arts 1, Leadership Abilities:
3, Bending Arts 2, Coercion 3.
 Beast of Burden 5: Add 5 to this creature’s
encumbrance threshold.
 Adversary 1: Upgrade the difficulty of combat  Trained Mount: Add to skill checks to handle this
checks targeting this character once. creature.
Abilities:  Silhouette 2.
 Adversary Bending: The character can use a Equipment:
number of forms per encounter equal to their
Willpower without suffering strain.

216 | The Great Uniter | The Second Age

 Equipped with armor (+1 soak, 1 defense), and a
riding saddle (+1 handling).
Much Ado about Nothing
 Mighty kick: Melee; Damage 4; Critical 4; Range As it was described earlier, the lockbox acts as a McGuffin—
[Engaged]; Knockdown, Stun 3. a plot device used to compel the party in reacting one way or
another. However, that does not mean that the contents of the
Earth Army Soldiers [Minion] box are irrelevant to the plot; on the contrary, the box contains
Accompanying Captain Kong and Commander Chang are a a critical piece of information and hardware that would weave
complement of four to eight Earth Army soldiers, all the players into a deeply-entwined narrative on an
nonbenders. They know absolutely nothing about their international scale.
mission other than their intended purpose to make any would- As they have already seen, at least two parties are
be bandits think twice before attacking their caravan. See the interested in this box: Piànzi and the Earth Kingdom (more
adversary stats on page 180 of this book. specifically, Provisional Chancellor Kuvira). A third, yet
unmentioned, party also desires the contents of this box: the
Interruption! Equalists of Republic City.
Whether the players obtain the lockbox or not, the encounter
Each party has an interest in acquiring the contents of this
may be interrupted by an event of some kind. Perhaps the
parcel which, as Satoru put it, will “change the course of
colonel and captain will surrender rather than give their lives
nonbender history forever.” While each party is aware that the
over an item they know nothing about. If the party is in
contents can be weaponized, few are fully aware of what the
Serpent’s Pass, it could be the serpent. If they’re in the Si
device actually is or does.
Wong Desert, it might be sandbenders or the sand shark.
Perhaps a spirit was awakened by the fighting and lashes out Fortunately, as a Game Master, you have the unique
indiscriminately at everyone. Whatever the case may be, it is position of knowing all. The contents of the box are twofold: a
important for the GM to use this as an opportunity to break up schematic for a flintlock mechanism, and the mechanism
what might be a one-sided fight, and to provide the PCs with itself. Indeed, it is a firearm. The decision to introduce firearms
one last opportunity to obtain the lockbox amidst the contrived into the Avatar universe was made with deep consideration of
chaos of the scene. the themes and motifs present in the series.

Sea Serpent [Nemesis] Enter Tien Satoru, a nonbender engineer who identified
the possibility of shrinking Fire Nation turret barrels, and using
This ferocious animal lives mostly on fish and other water natural materials to imitate the ignition of an explosive
creatures, but it will attack and eat just about anything—it has substance, propelling a small object across a great distance
even been known to attack ships when looking for a meal. The with breakneck velocity. Although not an Equalist himself,
serpent lets out a loud, blood-curdling scream just before it Satoru was inspired by the plight of nonbenders to “level out”
attacks. See the Sea Serpent entry on page 198. the playing field between those with the awe-inspiring ability
If the players are on the verge of winning, Commander to manipulate the world around them, and those who cannot;
Chang will surrender, as he values his life and freedom more the “great equalizer” as many have called it.
than he fears what the collapsing Earth Kingdom government Thus, if the party opens the box before returning it, or they
will do to him. Captain Kong will continue to fight only if he still retain the package for themselves, they will likely stumble
has Cho. If his mount goes down, he will surrender. No matter upon its contents. In-character, they will have little-to-no
what they do, this scene ends on a sort of climax. understanding of the device or the schematics. The players,

Scene 3: Critical Junction

though, will undoubtedly know what a flintlock is.

Whether they have the box or not, the party is at a crossroads,

literally and figuratively: do they go to the Jasmine Dragon and
return the box to Piànzi? Maybe the party no longer trusts
Piànzi, since they may realize that he was lying in the first
place. Do they lie and say they couldn’t acquire it (when they
did)? Do they never return to him at all, and just hope he
doesn’t find out what happened (he will know the courier was
ambushed since he knew it existed at all)? Perhaps the party Firearms? In my Avatar?
fails to capture the parcel, and decides to skip out on Piànzi’s Practically speaking, explosive materials and combustion were
errand altogether. present in The Last Airbender; and earthbending-based
If they retain the box for themselves, the party may firework projectiles are shown to be in use as well. The
become a target of the Provisional Chancellor, who may send introduction of high-grade metalworking, proliferated
Shintu after them, if they are acquainted. This could happen metalbending, and fireworks without earthbending in The
before they ever see Piànzi again. Perhaps actual bandits Legend of Korra imply that the circumstances under which such
(like Gombo) were hired to retrieve Earth Kingdom property— a mechanism could be crafted do exist.
or by Piànzi, who wanted to cover his bases and intends to
The components and theoretical understanding for such a
double-cross the party.
mechanism exist in the universe; all that is needed is a
compelling narrative to synthesize these elements together.

The Second Age | The Great Uniter | 217

Honorable Couriers: Returning to Lockbox in tow
With the package in their possession, the players not only
Piànzi have to smuggle themselves back into Ba Sing Se, but now a
Assuming the party honors their commitment to Piànzi, they royal parcel which has undoubtedly been reported missing by
will return to him in Ba Sing Se, specifically meeting him at the now. As the GM this presents an opportunity for you to
Jasmine Dragon as they requested. Hopefully with the challenge the PCs in their attempt to reach the Jasmine
package in tow, the party will need to make their way back to Dragon. Perhaps they get through the outer wall, but require
the walled city, specifically the Upper Ring. Perhaps they’ll passports to go beyond the Middle Ring—maybe they’re
traverse Serpent’s Pass, or take a ferry across Full Moon Bay recognized as passengers from the missing train and are
back to the waystation and train depot. If they have not wanted for questioning. Whatever the circumstances, the
already tried to get back into the city since the capture in party should be coming into Ba Sing Se very hot.
Episode I, the GM should see this as an opportunity to
impede the party’s progress with heightened security detail.
These could be generic Earth Kingdom soldiers, Royal Even if they fail to obtain the lockbox, the party may still honor
Guards, Kuvira’s own private security forces, or perhaps a their word and rendezvous with Piànzi, if only to report that
blend of the three. After all, a terrorist attack against one of they were overwhelmed. Although the party might still be
the Earth Kingdom monorails would certainly warrant an accosted by security at any point throughout their travel from
increased presence of military and guards. the outer wall to the Upper Ring, they’ll be much less likely to
subject themselves to heightened scrutiny without holding
Access to the city would likely be highly restricted, and the such a wanted package.
slow trickle of commuters and travelers would come to a crawl
when they are all being searched for contraband of any kind. Entering Ba Sing Se
Having just barely restored order to Ba Sing Se, the Whether it’s because the party successfully stole the
Provisional Chancellor does not want to be seen as weak and package, or because you want to introduce a little challenge,
will be fervently seeking out the perpetrators—or perhaps a getting in to Ba Sing Se can be a small task in and of itself.
scapegoat. If they’re not careful, the PCs could draw too much Perhaps one of the convoy soldiers managed to radio a
unwanted attention. message back to the capital which is now on higher alert. Or

218 | The Great Uniter | The Second Age

maybe their faces are recognized at the gate by other When the party finally approaches Piànzi, he will wait to
survivors of the train, or are plastered on Wanted posters. speak until spoken to, reacting accordingly to whether they
Whatever the case may be, you have the opportunity to deliver favorable news, and the package. If the party delivers
challenge the players to be creative about how they enter the the parcel, Piànzi will thank them, provide them with their
city. Maybe they attempt to bribe the guards blocking their reward, and invite them to meet up with his companion
way; they could make a Streetwise check, or use their (mentioned earlier).
underworld connections, to recall the existence of a nearby The party may instead attempt to betray Piànzi and retain
smuggler’s route; or perhaps they make a History or Culture possession of the parcel, in which case they will need to make
check and successfully remember the Crystal Catacombs, an opposed Deception check against Piànzi’s Discipline
and a few potential entries into these expansive underground skill. If they fail the check, Piànzi will call them out on their lie,
networks. but profess that he is outnumbered and would not want to
Does the party have a couple powerful earthbenders? It is make a scene in the Jasmine Dragon. Unbeknownst to the
possible that they could use their ability to scale the massive PCs, (they could make a Daunting Perception check),
stone Outer Wall, even one or two at a time, to get to the top. Piànzi signals to his companion, who has been playing Pai
If they do scale the wall, what do they find up top? Canonically Sho the whole time, that they have been betrayed by the party
there are many guards posted all over its perimeter, and the and that she is to follow them. Whether Piànzi ambushes the
Dai Li even ordains that posted soldiers actually live on and party the same day or not is up to the GM.
inside of the wall. This would likely be a much more dangerous Finally, the party could report of their failure to retrieve the
path to take. heirloom—whether Piànzi empathizes is up to the GM, and
These are only a few examples of what can be done. As would necessarily depend upon the impression Piànzi initially
the GM of your own game, you get to choose what sorts of received of the Player Characters; he will generally be willing
challenges the party can face, and you decide how their to overlook failure and offer a second, substantially more
actions, or reactions, have consequences for their future difficult, opportunity unless he has been slighted in some way.
To the Wind
Reporting to Piànzi It is entirely possible that the PCs, with or without the lockbox,
With or without the parcel, when the PCs arrive at the Jasmine decide to renege on their word to Piànzi and they just head off
Dragon, read the following: for new adventures. In this case, as mentioned earlier, keep
in mind the many vested interests who would actively seek the
PCs to reclaim the lockbox.
You approach the world-renown tea shop located in The party may have a clear idea on what they want to do—
the Upper Ring of Ba Sing Se, the Jasmine Dragon. they could want to spend time in iconic Ba Sing Se, follow up
Walking up the stone staircase, you enter its on their backgrounds and Motivations, or they may seek out
courtyard. A fountain decorates its center. Before you
other destinations they recall from the Avatar universe,
is a massive jade-color structure decorated with gold
and ivory trimmings. Its two front windows are straying far from the scene. The alternative is that the PCs
intricately designed with a repeating square pattern. may feel utterly lost and directionless. In both cases, the GM
During business hours, its doors remain open, and so can use optional encounters such as those at the end of this
you walk straight in. chapter to steer the players toward the plot of the adventure.
Every new town and NPC is a new opportunity to present
Immediately you see a long carpet stretching out one-off optional encounters, with seemingly no connection
before you, leading to the serving counter in the back. to the greater story, or they can be used to gauge the party’s
Two golden dragons dancing with one another
collective interests and formulate an entirely new plot. They
adorned on a jade-colored rug. On either side, you
see square and circular tables, some with ongoing can also serve as an introduction to a character or scenario to
games of Pai Sho. bring the party on-track with the story. The GM should not feel
obligated to do this, nor should the GM force the party to stick
In the far corner, you can see Piànzi already sitting to preplanned plot. A GM should be prepared to think of new
and sipping tea. It appears as though he doesn’t even characters, encounters, and scenarios on the fly.
notice that you’ve walked right in.

The Second Age | The Great Uniter | 219

Episode III: …Into the Fire
Burning Desires
This section describes a list of potential, but completely
optional, encounters that could be injected into “The Great
Uniter”, stem off of it, or run as stand-alone sessions. The list
A Fire Nation noble is throwing an extravagant party to show
is by no means exhaustive, and are merely suggested
off her prized possessions, including among them a massive
scenarios for GMs to integrate or adapt.
ruby cut by ancient earthbenders. Just three nights before the
Each scenario is sectioned off through its title, and party, she received a threat from local gang leader Gombo
describes a plot as a problem presenting itself to the party for threatening her and her estate. The noble needs the party’s
a reaction. Scenarios will also contains hooks and clues; help to super proof her property from thieves the night they
hooks will detail how to lure PCs into the plot, while clues show up.
provide insight into how the plot could be progressed. All
Antagonist: Gombo [Nemesis Fighter/Bounty Hunter], and
scenarios are prepopulated with at least one NPC described
his gang of Rival-level Rangers and Bounty Hunters.
as either a guide, antagonist, or otherwise integral figure in
the scenario. Guide: Lady Baozhai [Rival Archaeologist], a collector of fine
The Beetle King Hooks: The party might encounter Gombo and his gang
anywhere between Ba Sing Se, through the Earth Kingdom
The elusive beetle-headed merchants have been frequenting up to the United Republic of Nations borders. Lady Baozhai
the Misty Palms Oasis more often lately. Reports claim that would likely live closer to the URN, but it is possible she has
they are being driven from their underground settlements in an estate in Ba Sing Se.
the Si Wong Desert following recent attacks. While some
claim the giant gilacorn is to be blame, having returned from Clues: This story has a lot of potential for Avatar fans because
extinction, others believe that a man known as “the Beetle it presents a character from the series (Gombo) in a scenario
King” is behind the recent attacks. for players. In The Legend of Korra, we see Gombo ‘stealing’
from Queen Hou-Ting and bemoaning the Avatar’s choice to
Antagonist: Jiachong, the Beetle King help her tax the people hurting the most. Gombo could very
Hooks: After overhearing their murmurs at the Misty Palms well see Lady Baozhai as an appropriator of Earth culture and
Oasis, the party might be approached by several beetle- wealth, and this could feed into the overall theme of “The
headed merchants and offered the chance to investigate. Great Uniter” about the pitfalls of ‘us v. them’ mentality.

Festival of Masks
Clues: Per the legends, the subterranean ancestors of the
beetle-headed merchants, the first humans living in the Si
Wong Desert, were constantly attacked by giant gilacorns
During their travels, the party comes across a modest village
until they mimicked the appearance of sour beetles, the only
celebrating during the Festival of Masks. As they pass through
creatures on the desert floor not palatable to gilacorns.
town, they are encountered by a spirit disguised as an old
However, these giant gilacorns were said to have gone extinct
merchant who hands the PCs free masks of ornate quality.
by 100 AG.
The masks they receive each represent a negative human

Bending the Rules emotion and once the mask is put on, that’s all anyone sees.
The party must learn to accept their flaws or else the masks
A band of benders are poaching flying bison and cannot be removed; the PCs will need to learn to overcome
badgermoles, as well as kidnapping nonbenders. Led by a their fears, and control their negative emotions.
nonbending scientist, they are rumored to be conducting Antagonist: Longmeng the Taunting [Nemesis Spirt];
experiments on the nonbending captives to see if they can Abilities: Deep Stupor (targets make an opposed Empathy
somehow force them to learn bending from their animal Check; if they fail, they take strain per failure ignoring soak).
counterparts. Hooks: Such an encounter could occur in any obscure town,
Antagonist: Yu Wei [Nemesis Astrologer/Tinkerer], and his throughout any point in the party’s travels, or during any
Rival bender trio Barrel (Firebender), Boulder (Earthbender), excuse for a festival.
and Barney (Waterbender) Clues: Intermittent Fear checks should keep the party on
Hooks: Per the usual kidnapping scenario, the party would no their toes. Resolving this encounter could take only as long as
doubt encounter reports about missing persons. They could it takes for each player to make a successful Fear and
even receive direct pleas for assistance. Alternatively, they Empathy check in succession. This is a great opportunity to
could follow up on poaching reports, and discover the tailor the scenario toward PC motivations and other backstory
kidnappings by mistake. hooks.

Hazed and Confused

Clues: As one of the many factions trying to harness and
weaponize the new spiritual energies in the world, Yu Wei is
a scholar of the Spirit World and believes there’s more fact
On a trip through the wilderness, or sailing through a
than fiction behind the myth that these animals were the “first
particularly thick fog, the party finds themselves lost in the
Spirit World. An unassuming spirit greets them to explain that
they have only 72 hours to get back home before it’s too late.

220 | The Great Uniter | The Second Age

Nightmares and
Antagonist: Fu Shi the Hunting Spirit [Nemesis Spirit] looks
like two snakes coiling around one another in an endless loop.
Guide: Pao Shi [Rival Spirit] is a small rabbit-like spirit who
warns the party of their impending peril. With the right Dreamscapes
Knowledge or social check, Pao Shi will give the party clues
as to what happens in 72 hours (“the hunt”), and can be While resting, the party is targeted by a large trickster spirit
tricked into revealing that he is the Hunting Spirit Fu Shi. who induces nightmares, and feeds off of the party’s anxieties
and fears in their sleep. The party must repel this spirit,
Hook: At any point in the adventure, the players may find through any means necessary.
themselves instantly transported into the Spirit World.
Antagonist: Mong Shi the Dream-Eater [Nemesis Dark Spirt];
Clues: As previously mentioned, a key theme of The Second Abilities: Drowsy (Mong Shi can suffer 3 strain to force all
Age explores the tension between humans and spirits. Here enemies to roll an opposed Discipline check; failure means
is yet another opportunity to explore that tension. the target falls asleep at the beginning of their next turn until

The Lost Ways

the end of that turn); Nightmare Fuel (Ranged; DMG 9; CRIT
4; Extreme range; Pierce 3, Stun Damage) which is rolled as
an Average Perform check.
Deep in the valleys within the mountains surrounding Mt.
Makapu in the northwestern earth kingdom, a band of Hooks: This scenario could be introduced any time the party
refugees wearing traditional air nomad clothing show up is resting, perhaps in a restless inn, or near a roadside shrine.
outside of Makapu Village, and rumors begin to quickly spread The PCs may also stumble across Mong Shi in their
about ‘lost airbenders’. At the request of their elder leader, adventures if they cross a place where the natural world has
they have come out of hiding to confirm their elder’s been tarnished such that Mong Shi saw it fit to punish
suspicions: airbending has been reborn in the world. humans.
Guide: Bacha Hua (Nepali/Hindi for “Left Over”) Clues: The party could use their Perform skill to oppose
Mong Shi’s efforts, and perhaps even drive him back. If they
Hooks: The party can hear about these refugees over the
can manage to strike him in his physical form, he would leave
course of their travels, with the rumors becoming more
them alone for good.
extravagant the farther away from Makapu they are. They
should hear about airbenders performing ‘amazing feats’ not
unlike the Avatar. Martial Remedies
Clues: How did the recluse make this discovery? Who are A village herbalist is revealed to be a skilled martial artist when
these people and what are their motivations? he is witnessed stopping a thief by the party. He does not want
his secret revealed to people and will offer tea, perhaps
New Recruits wisdom if he respects the party enough.
Guide: Chen Yu (Nemesis Monk/Astrologer]
The Player Characters have been invited to join the illustrious
White Lotus organization and have been taken on by a White Hooks: This is another scenario that could play out at just
Lotus master as her initiates. Although they come from about any moment throughout the party’s adventure.
drastically different backgrounds, the PCs must work together Clues: It is also another opportunity for the party to potentially
to succeed with their initiation. On the day of their final test, a find a Master.
mysterious man shows up and attacks their master, killing her
and threatening the PCs to cease their initiation or suffer the
consequences. Before they can react, he vanishes. Who is
Mother of all Fish
this mysterious man? Is he Red Lotus, or something far more Certain interested parties in the Northern Water Tribe are
sinister? hosting a fishing competition. The contest also purports to be
Antagonist: Unnamed bender [Nemesis] a spiritual ceremony, and an observation of traditional offering
to the great Tigerswordfish spirit. The winner of the contest
Guide: Lianda, White Lotus Master [Nemesis Firebender] receives an ugly fish hat, all-you-can-eat fish, and a small
Hooks: If the party is comprised strictly of benders, this type purse of coins, as well as renown throughout all the Northern
of scenario should be made available to them after they’ve Water Tribe as a master fisherman, and appeaser of the spirit
gained some experience. Since Lianda is a member of the of the seas.
Order of the White Lotus, it’s doubtful that she would avail Antagonist: Captain Keimar [Nemesis Captain/Sailor], who
herself to inexperienced benders, or nonbenders. has been sabotaging other contestants, including the PCs. He
Clues: This premise makes for a great opening encounter for intends not only to catch the most fish, but to capture the
a new campaign. It serves the purpose of putting together a Tigerswordfish spirit itself.
party of seemingly-unrelated characters, while simultaneously Tigerswordfish; Abilities: Plunge (Tigerswordfish may
introducing them to a larger-than-life campaign setup upgrade next attack difficulty to cause enemy vessel to take
scenario. on water in). Equip: Spirit Maw (Melee; DMG 10; CRIT 4;
Hooks: Yet another example opportunity to entice players to
use vehicles and travel the seas, this scenario could be
encountered in any port city where characters might talk about

The Second Age | The Great Uniter | 221

Pirate Radio
such a venture. Captain Keimar might just happen to make a
public challenge, or declaration of intent to capture the great
spirit, in the same city through which the players are traveling.
Controversial pirate radio host “Lightning Lee” is intercepting
Clues: Once again, this is another scenario that fits in with the and brokering international political secrets, inadvertently or
overall motif of humanity learning to live in balance with the deliberatively sowing dissent in the Earth Kingdom by outing
spirits. Keimar presents an opportunity for the players to make the Upper Ring’s dirty laundry. Although many elite officials
a choice that could have significant consequences for the from all over the world want him silenced, many of the
spiritual balance of the world: do they let Keimar make an commoners look up to Lightning Lee as a hero.
attempt to capture a spirit, or do they intervene?
Guide: Lightning Lee [Nemesis Entertainer/Diplomat] whose

Mountain Labyrinth one-of-a-kind experimental radio allows him to broadcast all

over the Earth Kingdom no matter where he is.
While traveling through the mountains, the party is besieged Hooks: Most likely, the party is being offered a job by the
by a storm when they come upon an ancient temple built into Earth Kingdom (vis-à-vis Provisional Chancellor Kuvira) to
the mountainside. A monk offers them shelter, and when the hunt down Lightning Lee, but it’s possible that instead the
party accepts and is inside the temple, the doors close behind party overhears one of his broadcasts at a tavern sympathetic
them and the monk reveals himself to be a trickster spirit. to Lee’s grand plan.
Antagonist: Chenfu the Trickster [Nemesis Spirit] Clues: Lightning Lee might be in Ba Sing Se, Omashu, or
Hooks: The GM may use any mountain travel or inclement Republic City. A scenario like this could easily relate to the
weather as an opportunity to engage the players with this events of “The Great Uniter”. Even after Episode I, an
scenario. electrifying personality like Lightning Lee would be all over the
kidnapping of a foreign scientist, and would want to publicize
Clues: Since they’re not in the Spirit World, their bending this. Those responsible would certainly want Lee to shut up—
should still work. This can be an opportunity for the GM to permanently.
create unique puzzles for bender characters to encourage
them to use their abilities imaginatively.
Pirates of Mo Ce Sea
Precarious Passage Marine piracy is on the rise as water tribe outcasts, and people
struggling to survive, take to the seas in search of fortune.
The party stumbles upon a pacifist temple in the middle of the Many of those ranking among the crew are disparate or
mountains, but its residents are terrified of benders. To pass displaced waterbenders who have left the crowded Northern
through their passage, the party must subject themselves to Water tribe; using their abilities, they harness the ocean itself
be bound and gagged. While the monks are helpful, offering as a weapon against unsuspecting merchant ships.
the party food, supplies, and a place to sleep, they are
cautious. Little does the party know that bandits have taken Antagonist: Captain Himaru [Nemesis Captain/Pirate], and
up nearby to kill benders and take their belongings. his animal companion, and Rival-level crew of Pirates,
Sailors, and Waterbenders.
Antagonist: Rinzler [Nemesis Ranger/Bounty Hunter];
Animal Companion: Pacho the Goat Gorilla [Rival] Hooks: If the party has a boat and is traveling, they would
likely encounter Cpt. Himaru in the Mo Ce Sea, or the shipping
Guide: Pondo [Rival Monk], who knows where Rinzler is lanes leading to the Northern Water Tribe. Additionally, it is
hiding and would reveal that he arranged a deal with Rinzler likely that they would begin to hear rumors about pirate activity
for protection if the party guarantees to help save them from the closer they got to this part of the world. If the pirate captain
Rinzler. poses a large enough problem, the party might even be
Hook: Another great opportunity for a random encounter, this approached by the Earth Kingdom or Fire Nation
scenario could hook the player characters in at any mountain governments to put them down.
scene. Clues: Captain Himaru provides the GM with an excellent

Peace and Passivity

opportunity to give the players a taste of marine combat and
storytelling. Geography and Sailing checks would be
necessary in this scenario.
A monastery of air acolytes needs help removing an
infestation of nuisance and slightly dangerous critters. They
insist, however, that the creatures are not harmed as the party Raiders of the Lost Art
removes them. The History Department at Ba Sing Se University is hiring all
Antagonist: Hog Monkeys [Minion] willing participants to scour the globe for historical artefacts
Guide: Ren [Rival Monk], head of the monastery. regarding ancient bending societies.
Antagonist: Huu Ming [Nemesis Archaeologist/Monk], a rude
Hooks: If the party needs some extra coin, or is traveling and
playboy with dry-humor and a short temper. Huu wants to be
the GM needs another random encounter, this is a perfect
the first to uncover the secrets to benders’ history.
Guide: Tomi Lang [Rival history professor] is an adjunct
Clue: As seen in Avatar: The Last Airbender, hog monkeys
professor at Ba Sing Se University who specializes in Spirit
love lychee nuts.
World and History knowledges.

222 | The Great Uniter | The Second Age

Hook: If the party is itching for adventure and genuine Clues: One of many opportunities for PCs to explore the
exploration, this scenario presents a perfect opportunity for dynamic between spirits and humans in the second age of the
exactly that. They could conceivably hear about a job like this Avatar.
at any major trading hub
Clues: This scenario could be used by the GM to inform the Spoiled Fruit
plot of “The Great Uniter” by inserting Tomi Lang as the
A farming village has lost their livestock and crops to a strange
individual from Ba Sing Se University with which Dr. Peng Dao
affliction which seems to be attracting small spirits and
was supposed to meet. Additionally, the scenario provides a
strangers—or did the strangers bring both?
chance for players to explore several key locations from the
Avatar series including the Sun Warriors and Taku ruins. Antagonist: Senji the Masked [Nemesis Diplomat/Monk];
Senji is disfigured after a close encounter with a lion spirit. The
Spiritual Burning GM should describe him as having certain cat-like physical
qualities, but he should still be recognizably human. He leads
A platoon of firebenders in Fire Nation uniforms are burning a a group of former-monks-now-cultists trying to better
forest near Senlin village for no apparent reason. The villagers understand the spirits and the Spirit World.
are in disbelief, horror, and shock. What is the Fire Nation up Hooks: No doubt the player characters would hear rumors
to? Are the benders actually soldiers? What if Hei Bai about a ‘nearby village’ whose crops and livestock were
becomes disturbed and starts another rampage? stricken with some unknown sickness. They may even hear
Antagonist: Lieutenant Kohaku [Nemesis direct pleas from villagers in a nearby market, begging anyone
Firebender/Warrior] and his platoon of firebender and warrior to investigate.
rivals and minions. Potentially Hei Bai. Clues: Here the antagonist could be the spirits, a group of
Hooks: The party might randomly encounter these cultists, or both. The cultists might instead be benevolent,
firebenders if they were to find themselves near Senlin village. even help the party understand what is happening to the
Additionally, they would likely hear rumors about spiritual livestock and crops. Senji and his cultists should be presented
disturbances, people vanishing into the Spirit World, or about in a strange light, though, to provide the party with an incentive
uniformed Fire Nation soldiers marching through Earth to investigate. As with most other spiritually-oriented plots
Kingdom territory. presented in this section, the spiritual activities could very
Clues: One of the key themes of The Second Age is the easily lend itself to the “The Great Uniter”, where multiple
conflict between humans and spirits. This plot lends itself to factions have an interest in studying (and harnessing) spiritual
this motif, forcing the players to make a choice between energy.

Shock Collar
intervening and preserving balance, or looking away as the
firebenders torch forests to the ground. In addition, these
activities could relate to motives of any of the antagonists in
Haruto has made a name for himself, claiming he has
“The Great Uniter.”
“mastered the element of lightning” and stands accused of

Spiritual Vampires kidnapping people off the streets of Ba Sing Se and Republic
City, forcing them into silver shackles, laboring away in his
Strange things have been happening in Republic City. One of silver mines. He claims they are working off debts, but rumors
the weaker triads has amassed a lot of power in a short suggest he treats them as slaves, shocking them by the silver
amount of time, and spirits living in the city have become collars around their necks; some say this happen at the press
corrupted in their wake. The triad’s benders, once laughed at of a button, but others say it happens at the snap of finger.
for being among the weakest, are now incredibly strong. Even Can he really bend lightning? What is he doing with all that
the police seem unable to halt their progress. silver?

Antagonist: Ketsuki [Nemesis] fire bender and spiritualist Adversary: Haruto [Nemesis Firebender/Merchant]

Hooks: The Player Characters can be tasked with infiltrating Hooks: The party would likely hear rumors from mountain
the triad. villages about a cruel foreman ‘nearby’ (perhaps,
conveniently, the range of mountains nearest to the players).
Clues: The party may learn that they achieved this with the If they’re in Ba Sing Se or Republic City, they’ll no doubt come
help of someone who gave them devices that can amplify their across reports of kidnappings.
skills by siphoning the energy of surrounding spirits,
corrupting them and turning them into dark spirits. Naturally, Clues: As one of the best electrical conductors, it makes
the spirits are not happy about this. sense Haruto would use silver to facilitate his shock collars—
is that why he mines it, or does he have another level to his
Spiritual Vengeance aspirations?

A shaman requests an escort for her quest to placate a spirit Sumo Bending
that annually threatens her village.
The party stumbles across an underground wrestling ring for
Antagonist: Wei Fong the Vengeful [Nemesis Spirit] benders. Any of the four elements may participate in these
Guide: Jaya [Rival-level Waterbender herbalist] one-on-one or tag-team fights where users are handicapped
according to their element. What the players don’t know is that
someone is rigging the fight.

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Antagonist: Palak [Nemesis Entertainer/Merchant] Antagonist: Minister Popo [Rival Diplomat] is a brash,
Hooks: If the party is looking to make some extra coin, this gluttonous, and condescending man.
could be a scenario the GM can use to engage them. Terry Two-Lips [Nemesis Merchant/Pirate] is the predatory
Clues: Each element should be handicapped according to its lender after the trio.
weakness. Waterbenders should be made to stand on coals, Guides: Tai [Rival Firebender], Hank [Rival Airbender], and
while firebenders must wade in 6 inches of water at all times. Trix [Rival Waterbender]; each possess all basic forms of their
Likewise, earthbenders must balance atop pillars while respective element.
airbenders are weighted down with chains. Hooks: The PCs might encounter this trio at any time

Thunderous Applause
throughout their travels.
Clues: While Minister Popo presents a pleasant social
A huge storm is wracking the countryside, forcing the party to encounter, the loan shark angle presents both a more difficult
seek shelter. In their search for a nearby town, they come social challenge, and a potential combat encounter.
across a roadside shrine filled with other weary travelers.
They are forbidden entry by a short and frail woman who Wandering Master
demands that the PCs tell a rousing tale to appease the
shrine’s spirit, or else they will be barred from seeking shelter Along their travels, the player characters meet a nonbender
here. samurai master who harbors a deep-seated hatred for
benders; he habitually challenges them to duels to prove
Antagonists: Mun Shin [Rival] blocks the door to the shrine. himself their better. When he encounters the party, he
She’s not really the antagonist, per se, but she will give a challenges each bender PC to a one-on-one duel.
feeble attempt to stand between the party and the shrine.
Antagonist: Satoshi [Nemesis Warrior/Assassin]; Talents:
Meifen the Drama Queen [Nemesis Spirit]; Abilities: Hard to Deflect 2, Expert Deflect, Master Deflect, Parry 2, Expert
Please (add to all social checks against Meifen); General Parry, Master Parry; Equip: Samurai robes (+1 DEF), Katana
Disdain (characters suffer 1 additional strain if they try to use (Melee; DMG 6; CRIT 4; Slash 2; Defensive 1)
humor to appease Meifen)
Hooks: As with the last few scenarios, the Wandering Master
Hooks: Such a scenario could happen at any moment; as a lends itself to be a random encounter at any point in the
break in the action, or when there is a lull of activity. party’s adventure.
Clues: As a social encounter, Meifen cannot be ‘defeated’ but Clues: If any of the PCs manage to beat Satoshi, he could tag
rather appeased. The idea here is for the GM to encourage along as a Master NPC who imparts wisdom and aids on
the players to put on a small improv performance, regaling future missions.
Meifen perhaps with the drama of their own adventures so far.

‘Til Death Do Us Part Widow’s Peak

A perilous peak is said to be terrorized by an earthbender who
A grief-stricken waterbender attempts in vain to use the claims dominion over the entire mountain. A village at its base
forbidden art of bloodbending to revive their recently- feels helpless in their attempts to travel or stray up the
deceased beloved. Failure in this attempt drives them into mountain for precious resources like wood and water. The
madness. Over the next several months, they perfect their earthbender attacks those who venture too far up the
prohibited talents using recently-deceased bodies from the mountain.
cemetery. Now, even the living are among those reported
missing. Antagonist: Jinguo [Nemesis Earthbender/Commander], a
partially-deaf, very old and very chatty former commander of
Antagonist: Jaryn [Nemesis Waterbender]; Forms: the Royal Guard.
Bloodbending, all basic Forms
Hooks: Many opportunities for this encounter exist: the PCs
Hooks: Such a story could conceivable haunt the halls of any might simply stumble across the wrong mountain and be
tavern, inn, or pass-through town. The PCs would no doubt attacked; Jinguo could instead approach the party and offer
encounter stories about a village where the graves are them a job; rumors would inform the party of a real jerk of a
overturned and rumors about disappearing people. mountain hermit.
Clues: To really utilize certain narrative atmospheres, the GM Clues: Jinguo’s background leaves a lot of wiggle room for
might rely on the passage of time to tell a story like this. Such backstory. He could be a disgraced member of the Royal
a plot could be introduced piecemeal, hooking the characters Guard who faced Queen Hou-Ting’s wrath for dereliction of
over the course of several sessions. The waxing and waning duty. He might just be an old, crotchety villager with a grudge;
of the moon can serve as both a clue and a plot device. but perhaps he was wronged in some way. Is he just a

The Traveling Trio

persecuted hermit, or does he have his reasons for hiding out
on his mountain?
A traveling trio of benders (fire, water, and air) are wandering
performers looking to gain the favor of a local lord by
Zealots Amok
performing at his reception. They know the Lord needs to be A group of zealots in Gaoling are preaching about a Celestial
convinced, and the trio asks for the party’s assistance. Little Mandate—the spiritually divine right of their leader to rule the
do the PCs realize that the trio is on the run from loan sharks. city and province of Gaoling. The zealots are coercing people

224 | The Great Uniter | The Second Age

to fall in line, and to reform traditions so that they may
appease the spirits. Some spirits like this idea and are
tormenting dissenters. Now, commoners have begun to riot.
Antagonist: Tao Feng [Nemesis Diplomat/Astrologer], who
leads his Rival-level Zealots (Earthbenders, Monks,
Assassins), and his Minion-level Believers. The GM may also
refer to Chapter IX: Adversaries & Creatures for stats on
Dark Spirits or may make up their own spirit antagonist.
Hooks: As is the case with most plot hooks, the party would
likely encounter stories about Tao Feng and his followers
throughout their travels. The closer they get to Gaoling, the
more pertinent those reports could be. The party may even
stop in Gaoling along the way to some other destination,
maybe for rest and supplies, only to find out that not all is what
it seems in Gaoling.
Clues: Tao Feng is a lynchpin character, necessary to drive
the plot (which is ultimately a type of rebellion story). With the
collapsed Earth Kingdom monarchy, it makes sense that
many different factions within the Earth Kingdom would vie for
power. Book Four of The Legend of Korra confirms this when
we again meet Kuvira, who explains she spent three years
quashing rebellions and unifying the Earth Kingdom.
The spiritual presence in Gaoling can be fed into by the
events of Book Two, where Avatar Korra left open the spirit
portals; this spiritual activity, let alone the revolt, would no
doubt draw the attention of Provisional Chancellor Kuvira,
which might be used by the GM as a way to reintroduce Shintu
and the plot of “The Great Uniter”.

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