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Case: 25CI1:22-cv-00286-EFP Document #: 72 Filed: 07/11/2022 Page 1 of 29




v. CAUSE No. 22-cv-00286-EFP









COMES NOW Defendant Nancy Whitten New, through counsel, and files her Answer and

Affirmative Defenses to the Complaint filed by the Mississippi Department of Human Services



Pursuant to Mississippi Rule of Civil Procedure 8(b), Defendant generally denies each and

every averment contained in the Complaint not specifically admitted including, without limitation,

all averments contained in the initial paragraph, the headings, the numbered paragraphs and

subparts, the unnumbered paragraphs and subparts, and all tables, charts and graphs. Defendant

has no obligation to respond to Legal Conclusions, as that term is defined herein, as they are not

averments. Id. If a response is required, Defendant generally denies all legal conclusions, legal

arguments, purported statements of law, interpretations of law, and purported applications of law

to alleged facts (“Legal Conclusions”) contained in the Complaint. Defendant generally denies all
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averments based on, related to, or derived from any contract not attached to the Complaint, as

required by Miss. R. Civ. P. 10(d). Defendant generally denies that MDHS is entitled to any relief

from Defendant whatsoever, based on any legal theory, including, without limitation, the “Relief

Requested” and Paragraphs (1)-(5) on pages 66 and 67 (“Damages” or “Recovery”).

Defendant affirmatively states, generally, and incorporates into each and every paragraph

of this Answer and its Affirmative Defenses that MDHS, at all times relevant hereto, acted through

some or all of the following individuals, including, without limitation: Governor Phil Bryant,

Executive Director John Davis, Executive Director Chris Freeze, Deputy Executive Director of

Operations Jacob Black, Deputy Executive Director Garrig Shields, Deputy Executive Director of

Administration David Barton, Deputy Executive Director of Administration Chip Butler, Director

of Sustainable Change Ted “Teddy” DiBiase, Jr., Director of Transformational Change Brett

DiBiase, Director of Budgets and Accounting Chris Christmas, Director of Budgets and

Accounting Bridgette Bell, Director of Program Integrity Fredrick Ward, Director of Program

Integrity Laketha Gilmore, Director of Monitoring Win Girod, Director of Monitoring Randy

Derrick, Director of Procurement Services Nick Bridge, Director of Economic Assistance Larry

Strebeck, Director of Funding Sandra Giddy, General Counsel and Principal Deputy Executive

Director Andrea Sanders, Executive Attorney Sherry Johnson, Special Assistant Attorney General

Sara Roberts, Special Assistant Attorney General Joyce Hill Williams, Special Assistant Attorney

General Earl Scales, Executive Assistant Zola Haralson, and dozens of other MDHS executives,

attorneys and staff (collectively, “MDHS Executives”).


The Complaint fails to state a claim or cause of action against Defendant upon which relief

can be granted.

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MDHS is estopped from seeking Damages from Defendant that were caused, in whole or

in part, by acts and/or omissions of MDHS, acting through the MDHS Executives.


MDHS directed and/or approved all expenditures referenced in the Complaint, and

Defendant had a right to rely on, and did rely on, directions and/or approvals by MDHS, acting

through the MDHS Executives.


MDHS’s breach of contract claims against Defendant fail because MDHS had no contract

with Defendant.


MDHS, acting through the MDHS Executives, drafted, approved, and executed subgrant

agreements and other contracts that were ambiguous as to Permissible TANF Expenditures.


MDHS cannot ex post facto unilaterally revise the various “scopes of work” associated

with each transaction in the Complaint.


MDHS is estopped from redefining permissible TANF expenditures more narrowly under

Miss. Code Ann. §43-17-1(4), for purposes of this litigation, than applicable federal statutes, State

Plans, subgrant agreements, and MDHS’s own course of performance (“Permissible TANF

Expenditures), which were in existence and practice prior to and during the relevant time period.


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MDHS is estopped from substituting or conflating obligations arising under one subgrant

or contract with obligations arising under another subgrant or contract.


MDHS, acting through the MDHS Executives, was contributorily negligent in directing

and/or approving the expenditures described in the Complaint, to the extent these expenditures

were not Permissible TANF Expenditures.


Defendant acted under duress as a result of financial and other hardships imposed on

Defendant by MDHS, acting through MDHS Executives.


MDHS is estopped from disclaiming spending decisions made, in whole or in part, at the

direction of MDHS Executives and/or with their knowledge, approval and/or participation.


If any of the MDHS Executives acted illegally, as alleged by MDHS, Defendant is not

liable for Damages caused said illegal conduct.


If there was a civil conspiracy as alleged in the Complaint, MDHS, acting through the

MDHS Executives, was a co-conspirator and cannot recover Damages.


To the extent funds were spent outside Permissible TANF Expenditures, Defendant is

entitled to contribution from MDHS for its direction, approval and other conduct, acting through

the MDHS Executives, that resulted, in whole or in part, in any Damages.

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Defendant is entitled to setoff based on MDHS’s conduct, acting through the MDHS

Executives, which directly and proximately caused and/or contributed to any Damages.


MDHS, acting through the MDHS Executives, has waived its right to pursue Recovery

from Defendant.


MDHS has failed to plead its fraud allegations against Defendant with particularity, as

required by Mississippi Rule of Civil Procedure 9(b).


MDHS’s negligent acts, omissions, and/or intentional conduct, through the MDHS

Executives, bars Recovery from Defendant.


MDHS, acting through the MDHS Executives, was the proximate cause of any alleged

misspending; without MDHS’s conduct, through the MDHS Executives, no alleged misspending

would have occurred.


Defendant hereby answers each and every averment in the Complaint, paragraph-by-

paragraph, as follows:


1. The averments in Paragraph 1 are not directed at Defendant, and, therefore, no

response is required.

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2. The averments in Paragraph 2 are not directed at Defendant, and, therefore, no

response is required.

3. The averments in Paragraph 3 are not directed at Defendant, and, therefore, no

response is required.

4. Defendant admits that she is an adult resident of Jackson, Mississippi, who may be

served with process at her residence on Sheffield Drive, as listed in the Complaint. The remaining

averments in Paragraph 4 are denied.

5. The averments in Paragraph 5 are not directed at Defendant, and, therefore, no

response is required.

6. The averments in Paragraph 6 are not directed at Defendant, and, therefore, no

response is required.

7. The averments in Paragraph 7 are not directed at Defendant, and, therefore, no

response is required.

8. The averments in Paragraph 8 are not directed at Defendant, and, therefore, no

response is required.

9. The averments in Paragraph 9 are not directed at Defendant, and, therefore, no

response is required.

10. The averments in Paragraph 10 are not directed at Defendant, and, therefore, no

response is required.

11. The averments in Paragraph 11 are not directed at Defendant, and, therefore, no

response is required.

12. The averments in Paragraph 12 are not directed at Defendant, and, therefore, no

response is required.

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13. The averments in Paragraph 13 are not directed at Defendant, and, therefore, no

response is required.

14. The averments in Paragraph 14 are not directed at Defendant, and, therefore, no

response is required.

15. The averments in Paragraph 15 are not directed at Defendant, and, therefore, no

response is required.

16. The averments in Paragraph 16 are not directed at Defendant, and, therefore, no

response is required.

17. The averments in Paragraph 17 are not directed at Defendant, and, therefore, no

response is required.

18. The averments in Paragraph 18 are not directed at Defendant, and, therefore, no

response is required.

19. The averments in Paragraph 19 are not directed at Defendant, and, therefore, no

response is required.

20. The averments in Paragraph 20 are not directed at Defendant, and, therefore, no

response is required.

21. The averments in Paragraph 21 are not directed at Defendant, and, therefore, no

response is required.

22. The averments in Paragraph 22 are not directed at Defendant, and, therefore, no

response is required.

23. The averments in Paragraph 23 are not directed at Defendant, and, therefore, no

response is required.

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24. The averments in Paragraph 24 are not directed at Defendant, and, therefore, no

response is required.

25. The averments in Paragraph 25 are not directed at Defendant, and, therefore, no

response is required.

26. The averments in Paragraph 26 are not directed at Defendant, and, therefore, no

response is required.

27. The averments in Paragraph 27 are not directed at Defendant, and, therefore, no

response is required.

28. The averments in Paragraph 28 are not directed at Defendant, and, therefore, no

response is required.

29. The averments in Paragraph 29 are not directed at Defendant, and, therefore, no

response is required.

30. The averments in Paragraph 30 are not directed at Defendant, and, therefore, no

response is required.

31. The averments in Paragraph 31 are not directed at Defendant, and, therefore, no

response is required.

32. The averments in Paragraph 32 are not directed at Defendant, and, therefore, no

response is required.

33. The averments in Paragraph 33 are not directed at Defendant, and, therefore, no

response is required.

34. The averments in Paragraph 34 are not directed at Defendant, and, therefore, no

response is required.

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35. The averments in Paragraph 35 are not directed at Defendant, and, therefore, no

response is required.

36. The averments in Paragraph 36 are not directed at Defendant, and, therefore, no

response is required.

37. The averments in Paragraph 37 are not directed at Defendant, and, therefore, no

response is required.

38. The averments in Paragraph 38 are not directed at Defendant, and, therefore, no

response is required.

39. The averments in Paragraph 39 are not directed at Defendant, and, therefore, no

response is required.

40. Denied.

41. Denied.

42. Denied.

43. Denied.

44. Denied as stated. Any contracts, whether subgrant agreements or otherwise, speak

for themselves.

45. Paragraph 45 is not directed at Defendant. Therefore, no response is required. If a

response is required, Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as

to the truth of the averments. Therefore, they are denied.

46. Paragraph 46 is not directed at Defendant. Therefore, no response is required. If a

response is required, Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as

to the truth of the averments. Therefore, they are denied.

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47. Paragraph 47 is not directed at Defendant, and, therefore, no response is required.

If a response is required, Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief

as to the truth of the averments. Therefore, they are denied.

48. Paragraph 48 is not directed at Defendant. Therefore, no response is required. If a

response is required, Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as

to the truth of the averments. Therefore, they are denied.

49. Paragraph 49 is not directed at Defendant. Therefore, no response is required. If a

response is required, Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as

to the truth of the averments. Therefore, they are denied.

50. Paragraph 50 is not directed at Defendant. Therefore, no response is required. If a

response is required, Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as

to the truth of the averments. Therefore, they are denied.

51. Denied.

52. Denied.

53. Denied.

54. Denied.

55. Denied.

56. Paragraph 56 is not directed at Defendant. Therefore, no response is required. If a

response is required, Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as

to the truth of the averments. Therefore, they are denied.

57. Paragraph 57 is not directed at Defendant. Therefore, no response is required. If a

response is required, Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as

to the truth of the averments. Therefore, they are denied.

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58. Denied as stated. Any contracts, whether subgrant agreements or otherwise, speak

for themselves.

59. Paragraph 59 is not directed at Defendant. Therefore, no response is required. If a

response is required, Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as

to the truth of the averments. Therefore, they are denied.

60. Denied.

61. Denied.

62. Denied.

63. Denied.

64. Denied.

65. Denied.

66. Denied.

67. Denied as stated, including all averments in Paragraph 67 and Table 1.

MDHS, acting through John Davis and the MDHS Executives, instructed Defendant to

cause MCEC to hire Austin Smith, using, in whole or in part, limited purpose grant funds, to

perform computer-related services for MDHS, John Davis, and others, as an inducement or

incentive to John Davis and others.

MDHS, acting through John Davis and the MDHS Executives, instructed Defendant to

cause MCEC to contract with Priceless Ventures LLC on May 1, 2018 for a five month term; and

on October 1, 2018 for a twelve month term in the amount of $130,000 for “Law of 16 personal

development and professional leadership training and other services and activities throughout the

State of Mississippi.”

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MDHS, acting through John Davis and the MDHS Executives, instructed Defendant to

cause MCEC to contract with and/or employ Adam Such.

MDHS, acting through John Davis and the MDHS Executives, instructed Defendant to

cause MCEC to hire MDHS Director of Transformational Change Brett DiBiase in or around

September 2017 at an annual salary of $250,000 plus travel allowance.

68. Denied.

69. Denied.

70. Denied.

71. Denied.

72. Denied as stated. MDHS, acting through John Davis and the MDHS Executives,

instructed Defendant to cause MCEC to hire Austin Smith, using, in whole or in part, limited

purpose grant funds, to perform computer-related services for MDHS, John Davis, and others, as

an inducement or incentive to John Davis and others.

73. Denied as stated. MDHS, acting through John Davis and the MDHS Executives,

instructed Defendant to cause MCEC to hire Austin Smith, using, in whole or in part, limited

purpose grant funds, to perform computer-related services for MDHS, John Davis, and others, as

an inducement or incentive to John Davis and others.

74. Denied as stated. MDHS, acting through John Davis and the MDHS Executives,

instructed Defendant to cause MCEC to hire Austin Smith, using, in whole or in part, limited

purpose grant funds, to perform computer-related services for MDHS, John Davis, and others, as

an inducement or incentive to John Davis and others.

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75. Paragraph 75 is not directed at Defendant. Therefore, no response is required. If a

response is required, Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as

to the truth of the averments. Therefore, they are denied.

76. Denied as stated. MDHS, acting through John Davis and the MDHS Executives,

instructed Defendant to cause MCEC to hire Austin Smith, using, in whole or in part, limited

purpose grant funds, to perform computer-related services for MDHS, John Davis, and others, as

an inducement or incentive to John Davis and others.

77. Paragraph 77 is not directed at Defendant. Therefore, no response is required. If a

response is required, Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as

to the truth of the averments. Therefore, they are denied.

78. Denied.

79. Paragraph 79 is not directed at Defendant. Therefore, no response is required. If a

response is required, Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as

to the truth of the averments. Therefore, they are denied.

80. Paragraph 80 is not directed at Defendant. Therefore, no response is required. If a

response is required, Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as

to the truth of the averments. Therefore, they are denied.

81. Paragraph 81 is not directed at Defendant. Therefore, no response is required. If a

response is required, Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as

to the truth of the averments. Therefore, they are denied.

82. Denied as stated. MDHS, acting through John Davis and the MDHS Executives,

instructed Defendant to cause MCEC to contract with Priceless Ventures LLC on May 1, 2018 for

a five month term; and on October 1, 2018 for a twelve month term in the amount of $130,000 for

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“Law of 16 personal development and professional leadership training and other services and

activities throughout the State of Mississippi.”

83. Denied as stated. MDHS, acting through John Davis and the MDHS Executives,

instructed Defendant to cause MCEC to contract with Priceless Ventures LLC on May 1, 2018 for

a five month term; and on October 1, 2018 for a twelve month term in the amount of $130,000 for

“Law of 16 personal development and professional leadership training and other services and

activities throughout the State of Mississippi.”

84. Denied as stated. MDHS, acting through John Davis and the MDHS Executives,

instructed Defendant to cause MCEC to contract with Priceless Ventures LLC on May 1, 2018 for

a five month term; and on October 1, 2018 for a twelve month term in the amount of $130,000 for

“Law of 16 personal development and professional leadership training and other services and

activities throughout the State of Mississippi.”

85. Paragraph 85 is not directed at Defendant. Therefore, no response is required. If a

response is required, Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as

to the truth of the averments. Therefore, they are denied.

86. Paragraph 86 is not directed at Defendant. Therefore, no response is required. If a

response is required, Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as

to the truth of the averments. Therefore, they are denied.

87. Denied as stated. MDHS, acting through John Davis and the MDHS Executives,

instructed Defendant to cause MCEC to hire MDHS Director of Transformational Change Brett

DiBiase in or around September 2017 at an annual salary of $250,000 plus travel allowance.

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88. Paragraph 88 is not directed at Defendant. Therefore, no response is required. If a

response is required, Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as

to the truth of the averments. Therefore, they are denied.

89. Paragraph 89 is not directed at Defendant. Therefore, no response is required. If a

response is required, Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as

to the truth of the averments. Therefore, they are denied.

90. Denied as stated. MDHS, acting through John Davis and the MDHS Executives,

instructed Defendant to cause MCEC to hire MDHS Director of Transformational Change Brett

DiBiase in or around September 2017 at an annual salary of $250,000 plus travel allowance.

Defendant knew that MDHS Director of Transformational Change Brett DiBiase not qualified to

perform the services for which Defendant was instructed to hire him.

91. Paragraph 91 is not directed at Defendant. Therefore, no response is required. If a

response is required, Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as

to the truth of the averments. Therefore, they are denied.

92. Denied as stated. MDHS, acting through John Davis and the MDHS Executives,

instructed Defendant to cause MCEC to pay Rise in Malibu $160,000 for treatment for Brett


93. Denied as stated. MDHS, acting through John Davis and the MDHS Executives,

instructed Defendant to cause MCEC to pay, using limited purpose grant funds, American Express

charges incurred by John Davis and other MDHS Executives that included first class travel and

luxury hotel accommodations.

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94. Paragraph 94 is not directed at Defendant. Therefore, no response is required. If a

response is required, Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as

to the truth of the averments. Therefore, they are denied.

95. Paragraph 95 is not directed at Defendant. Therefore, no response is required. If a

response is required, Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as

to the truth of the averments. Therefore, they are denied.

96. Paragraph 96 is not directed at Defendant. Therefore, no response is required. If a

response is required, Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as

to the truth of the averments. Therefore, they are denied.

97. Paragraph 97 is not directed at Defendant. Therefore, no response is required. If a

response is required, Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as

to the truth of the averments. Therefore, they are denied.

98. Paragraph 98 is not directed at Defendant. Therefore, no response is required. If a

response is required, Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as

to the truth of the averments. Therefore, they are denied.

99. Paragraph 99 is not directed at Defendant. Therefore, no response is required. If a

response is required, Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as

to the truth of the averments. Therefore, they are denied.

100. Paragraph 100 is not directed at Defendant. Therefore, no response is required. If a

response is required, Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as

to the truth of the averments. Therefore, they are denied.

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101. Paragraph 101 is not directed at Defendant. Therefore, no response is required. If a

response is required, Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as

to the truth of the averments. Therefore, they are denied.

102. Paragraph 102 is not directed at Defendant. Therefore, no response is required. If a

response is required, Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as

to the truth of the averments. Therefore, they are denied.

103. Paragraph 103 is not directed at Defendant. Therefore, no response is required. If a

response is required, Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as

to the truth of the averments. Therefore, they are denied.

104. Paragraph 104 is not directed at Defendant. Therefore, no response is required. If a

response is required, Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as

to the truth of the averments. Therefore, they are denied.

105. Paragraph 105 is not directed at Defendant. Therefore, no response is required. If a

response is required, Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as

to the truth of the averments. Therefore, they are denied.

106. Paragraph 106 is not directed at Defendant. Therefore, no response is required. If a

response is required, Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as

to the truth of the averments. Therefore, they are denied.

107. Paragraph 107 is not directed at Defendant. Therefore, no response is required. If a

response is required, Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as

to the truth of the averments. Therefore, they are denied.

108. Denied as stated. MDHS, acting through John Davis and the MDHS Executives,

instructed Defendant to cause MCEC to contract with NCC Ventures, LLC for $50,000 in

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consideration generally for “Workforce Development Services” to be provided between February

1, 2018 and September 30, 2018.

109. Paragraph 109 is not directed at Defendant. Therefore, no response is required. If a

response is required, Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as

to the truth of the averments. Therefore, they are denied.

110. Denied as stated. MCEC’s contract with NCC Ventures, LLC speaks for itself

concerning the scope of work.

111. Denied.

112. Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the

truth of the averments. Therefore, they are denied.

113. Paragraph 113 is not directed at Defendant. Therefore, no response is required. If a

response is required, Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as

to the truth of the averments. Therefore, they are denied.

114. Denied.

115. Paragraph 115 and Table 2 are denied as stated.

Defendant caused MCEC to contract with Magnolia Strategies, LLC, owned by attorney

Jess New, in the amount of $100,000 per year as a flat fee for legal services relating to contracts

between MCEC and its partners around the State; lease agreements; employment agreements;

policies and procedures manuals; grant and other funding mechanisms; government relations and

legislative initiatives; creation and enhancement of programmatic partnerships, and other business

law consulting activities. Such services are Permissible TANF Expenditures.

MDHS, acting through John Davis and the MDHS Executives, instructed Defendant to

cause MCEC to fund an investment by the State of Mississippi in Prevacus, Inc. Defendant caused

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funds to be transferred to Prevacus, Inc. on at least April 8, May 10, and July 16, 2019 in the

amounts of $500,000, $250,000, and $400,000, respectively.

New Learning Resources, Inc. received grants from MCEC for programs and services that

were Permissible TANF Expenditures.

116. Paragraph 116 is not directed at Defendant. Therefore, no response is required. If a

response is required, Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as

to the truth of the averments. Therefore, they are denied.

117. Paragraph 117 is not directed at Defendant. Therefore, no response is required. If a

response is required, Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as

to the truth of the averments. Therefore, they are denied.

118. Denied.

119. Denied as stated. MDHS, acting through John Davis and the MDHS Executives,

directed Defendant to provide $5 million on behalf of the State of Mississippi to Prevacus, Inc.

during a meeting with Jake Vanlandingham at Brett Favre’s home.

120. Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the

truth of the averments. Therefore, they are denied.

121. Denied as stated. MDHS, acting through John Davis and the MDHS Executives,

directed Defendant to provide $5 million on behalf of the State of Mississippi to Prevacus, Inc.

during a meeting with Jake Vanlandingham at Brett Favre’s home.

122. Denied as stated. MDHS, acting through John Davis and the MDHS Executives,

directed Defendant to provide $5 million on behalf of the State of Mississippi to Prevacus, Inc.

Defendant knew that Prevacus, Inc. was ineligible to receive limited use public grant funds.

123. Denied.

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124. Denied as stated. MDHS, acting through John Davis and the MDHS Executives,

directed Defendant to provide $5 million on behalf of the State of Mississippi to Prevacus, Inc.

125. Denied.

126. Denied.

127. Denied.

128. Paragraph 128 is not directed at Defendant. Therefore, no response is required. If a

response is required, Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as

to the truth of the averments. Therefore, they are denied.

129. Paragraph 129 and the Table are denied as stated. MDHS, acting through John

Davis and the MDHS Executives, directed Defendant to provide $5 million on behalf of the State

of Mississippi to Prevacus, Inc. Pursuant to instructions by MDHS, acting through John Davis and

the MDHS Executives, Defendant caused funds to be transferred to Prevacus, Inc. on April 8, May

10, and July 16, 2019 in the amounts of $500,000, $250,000, and $400,000, respectively.

Defendant denies that any personal ownership interests in Prevacus, Inc. or PreSolMD were ever


130. Paragraph 130 and Table 3 are denied as stated.

MDHS, acting through John Davis and the MDHS Executives, instructed Defendant to

cause MCEC to contract with Victory Sports Foundation in the amount of $1,200,000.

Defendant caused MCEC to contract with the MD Foundation on January 1, 2018 in the

amount of $371,000 to provide services related to parenting and abstinence classes, teen pregnancy

prevention programs, healthy marriage initiatives, relationship building skills, child abuse/neglect

programs, effective fathering classes, domestic violence prevention programs, workforce

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development, educational services, and other various services. Dupree performed services

pursuant to this agreement, and payment for said services is a Permissible TANF Expenditure.

Governor Phil Bryant directed Defendant to provide funds to Brett Favre, and Defendant

caused MCEC to contract with Favre Enterprises, Inc. in the amount of $1,100,000 in

consideration for Favre speaking at events, keynote speaking, radio and promotional events, and

business partner development. Favre performed services pursuant to this agreement, and payment

for said services is a Permissible TANF Expenditure.

130. [Sic] The incorrectly numbered Paragraph 130, which follows Table 3, is not

directed at Defendant. Therefore, no response is required. If a response is required, Defendant is

without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the averments.

Therefore, they are denied.

131. Denied as stated. MDHS, acting through John Davis and other MDHS Executives,

instructed Defendant to cause MCEC to contract with Victory Sports Foundation to provide fitness

and nutrition services at several fitness boot camps in counties around the State in support of

MDHS’s Families First initiative. Victory Sports Foundation proposed and provided services

pursuant to this agreement. As to what this Co-Defendant “intended,” Defendant is without

knowledge or information sufficient to for a belief as to the truth of the averments. Therefore, they

are denied.

132. Denied as stated. MDHS, acting through John Davis and other MDHS Executives,

instructed Defendant to cause MCEC to contract with Victory Sports Foundation to provide fitness

and nutrition services at several fitness boot camps in counties around the State in support of

MDHS’s Families First initiative. Victory Sports Foundation provided services pursuant to this


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133. Paragraph 133 is not directed at Defendant. Therefore, no response is required. If a

response is required, Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as

to the truth of the averments. Therefore, they are denied.

134. Denied as stated. Defendant caused MCEC to contract with the MD Foundation

and the Marcus Dupree Foundation on January 1, 2018 and February 20, 2018, respectively, for a

variety of services relating to public appearances in support of MDHS’s Families First initiative

and lease of a Multi-Use Facility. Amounts paid to MD Foundation and Marcus Dupree

Foundation pursuant to these contracts were for services rendered, and to be rendered, including

Permissible TANF Expenditures.

135. Denied as stated. Defendant caused MCEC to contract with the MD Foundation

and the Marcus Dupree Foundation on January 1, 2018 and February 20, 2018, respectively, for a

variety of services relating to public appearances in support of MDHS’s Families First initiative

and lease of a Multi-Use Facility. Amounts paid to MD Foundation and Marcus Dupree

Foundation pursuant to these contracts were for services rendered, and to be rendered, including

Permissible TANF Expenditures.

136. Denied as stated. Defendant caused MCEC to contract with the MD Foundation

and the Marcus Dupree Foundation on January 1, 2018 and February 20, 2018, respectively, for a

variety of services relating to public appearances in support of MDHS’s Families First initiative

and lease of a Multi-Use Facility. Amounts paid to MD Foundation and Marcus Dupree

Foundation pursuant to these contracts were for services rendered, and to be rendered, including

Permissible TANF Expenditures.

137. Denied as stated. Governor Phil Bryant directed Defendant to provide funds to Brett

Favre, and Defendant caused MCEC to contract with Favre Enterprises, Inc. in the amount of

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$1,100,000 in consideration for Favre speaking at events, keynote speaking, radio and promotional

events, and business partner development. Favre performed services pursuant to this agreement,

and payment for these services is a Permissible TANF Expenditure.

138. Denied as stated. Governor Phil Bryant directed Defendant to provide funds to Brett

Favre, and Defendant caused MCEC to contract with Favre Enterprises, Inc. in the amount of

$1,100,000 in consideration for Favre speaking at events, keynote speaking, radio and promotional

events, and business partner development. Favre performed services pursuant to this agreement,

and payment for these services is a Permissible TANF Expenditure.

139. Denied.

140. Paragraph 140 is not directed at Defendant, and, therefore, no response is required.

If a response is required, Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief

as to the truth of the averments. Therefore, they are denied.

141. Denied.

142. Denied.

143. Denied.

144. Denied.

145. Denied.

146. Denied.

147. Denied.

148. Denied.

149. Paragraph 149 and the unnumbered paragraph that precedes it are not directed at

Defendant, and, therefore, no response is required. If a response is required, Defendant is without

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knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the averments. Therefore,

they are denied.

150. Paragraph 150 is not directed at Defendant, and, therefore, no response is required.

If a response is required, Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief

as to the truth of the averments. Therefore, they are denied.

151. Paragraph 151 is not directed at Defendant, and, therefore, no response is required.

If a response is required, Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief

as to the truth of the averments. Therefore, they are denied.

152. Paragraph 152 is not directed at Defendant, and, therefore, no response is required.

If a response is required, Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief

as to the truth of the averments. Therefore, they are denied.

153. Paragraph 153 is not directed at Defendant, and, therefore, no response is required.

If a response is required, Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief

as to the truth of the averments. Therefore, they are denied.

154. Paragraph 154 is not directed at Defendant, and, therefore, no response is required.

If a response is required, Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief

as to the truth of the averments. Therefore, they are denied.

155. Paragraph 155 is not directed at Defendant, and, therefore, no response is required.

If a response is required, Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief

as to the truth of the averments. Therefore, they are denied.

156. Paragraph 156 is not directed at Defendant, and, therefore, no response is required.

If a response is required, Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief

as to the truth of the averments. Therefore, they are denied.

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157. Paragraph 157 is not directed at Defendant, and, therefore, no response is required.

If a response is required, Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief

as to the truth of the averments. Therefore, they are denied.

158. Paragraph 158 is not directed at Defendant, and, therefore, no response is required.

If a response is required, Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief

as to the truth of the averments. Therefore, they are denied.

159. Paragraph 159 is not directed at Defendant, and, therefore, no response is required.

If a response is required, Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief

as to the truth of the averments. Therefore, they are denied.

160. Paragraph 160 is not directed at Defendant, and, therefore, no response is required.

If a response is required, Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief

as to the truth of the averments. Therefore, they are denied.

161. Denied as stated. MDHS, acting through John Davis and other MDHS Executives,

instructed Defendant to cause MCEC to contract with Soul City Hospitality LLC (“Soul City”) to

lease premises located at Merchants Building Store #4 at the “Old Mississippi Farmers Market,”

352 East Woodrow Wilson Boulevard, Jackson, Mississippi 39216.

162. MDHS failed to attach a copy of the “Sublease Agreement,” the alleged contract at

issue, to the Complaint, as required by Mississippi Rule of Civil Procedure 10(d). Defendant is

without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the averments.

Therefore, they are denied.

163. Defendant is without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the

truth of the averments. Therefore, they are denied.

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164. MDHS failed to attach a copy of the “Sublease Agreement,” the alleged contract at

issue, to the Complaint, as required by Mississippi Rule of Civil Procedure 10(d). Defendant is

without knowledge or information sufficient to form a belief as to the truth of the averments.

Therefore, they are denied.

165. Denied.

166. Paragraph 166 and Table 4 are denied.

167. Paragraph 167 including, without limitation, Subparts A-I are denied.

168. Denied.

169. Denied.

170. Denied.

171. Denied, including, without limitation, Subparts A-E.

172. Denied.

173. Denied.

174. Denied.

175. Paragraph 175 is not directed at Defendant, and, therefore, no response is required.

If a response is required, the averments are denied.

Defendant denies that MDHS is entitled to any relief whatsoever from Defendant,

including, without limitation, the “Relief Requested” and Paragraphs (1)-(5) on pages 66 and 67


Defendant reasonably relied on then-Governor Phil Bryant, acting within his broad

statutory authority as chief executive of the State, including authority over MDHS and TANF, and

his extensive knowledge of Permissible TANF Expenditures from 12 years as State Auditor, four

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years as Lieutenant Governor, and a number of years as Governor leading up to and including the

relevant time period.


Defendant affirmatively pleads applicable statutes of limitations and laches.


MDHS has improperly joined 38 Defendants in this action involving claims based on over

twenty different contractual agreements, most with different parties, and all covering different

times, amounts, terms, obligations, legal issues, and defenses. Defendant, therefore, moves the

Court to sever Defendants into separate actions consistent with Mississippi Rule of Civil Procedure

20 and applicable caselaw.


To the extent Defendant is held liable for the acts and/or omission of any Co-Defendants

or third parties, Defendant is entitled to, and reserves the right to seek, contribution, indemnity,

setoff, recoupment and all other forms of relief, without waiver of same.

AND NOW, having fully answered the Complaint, and having raised Affirmative

Defenses, Defendant respectfully requests dismissal of the Complaint against Defendant, with

prejudice, with all costs assessed to Plaintiff MDHS. Defendant requests all other relief the Court

may deem appropriate.

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THIS, the 11th day of July 2022.

Respectfully submitted,


/s/ Thomas G. Bufkin

Thomas G. Bufkin, MSB# 10810

On behalf of Nancy New

Of Counsel:

Thomas G. Bufkin
Luke E. Whitaker
1076 Highland Colony Parkway
600 Concourse, Suite 125
Ridgeland, MS 39157
Telephone: 601.982.5011
Facsimile: 601.853.9540
[email protected]
[email protected]

Cynthia Speetjens
100 Depot Drive, Suite B
Madison, MS 39110
T: (601) 954-1369
[email protected]

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I hereby certify that I have filed the above and foregoing via MEC, which automatically

provides a copy to all counsel of record via electronic service.

This, the 11th day of July 2022.

/s/ Thomas G. Bufkin

Thomas G. Bufkin

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v. CAUSE No. 22-cv-00286-EFP








COME NOW, Defendants Nancy Whitten New and Zachary W. New (collectively, “New

Defendants”), through counsel, and submit their Motion to Stay Discovery or, Alternatively, for

Protective Order, pursuant to Mississippi Rule of Civil Procedure 26. In support, the New

Defendants would show:

1. The Mississippi Department of Human Services (MDHS) has filed a 67-page

Complaint against 38 Defendants, including the New Defendants. [Complaint, Doc. 2]. The

Complaint alleges wrongdoing in transactions involving over twenty separate, distinct contracts. Id.

These transactions have been the subject of a criminal investigation, which is ongoing.

2. As a result of the criminal investigation, the New Defendants were indicted by the

Hinds County District Attorney. The New Defendants pleaded guilty before this Court to wrongfully

providing benefits to MDHS executives and facilitating spending directed by MDHS in order to

encourage continued funding. The New Defendants affirm their pleas and acceptance of

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responsibility for their respective roles.

3. In the instant action, MDHS purports to pursue civil remedies, but its Complaint is

rife with far-reaching criminal theories and prosecutorial invective. The Complaint’s conclusory

allegations of criminality against the New Defendants, in particular, include allegations of

“fraudulent conduct,” “numerous false pretexts,” “sham” contracts, and “diverted TANF funds”

solely to “enrich wealthy individuals.”

4. Of greater concern, the Complaint alleges criminality by the New Defendants that

both overlaps with, but also exceeds, the scope of ongoing criminal proceedings against the New

Defendants. Specifically, MDHS alleges that the New Defendants: used “TANF grant funds received

from MDHS to invest substantial funds in ownership interests in both Prevacus and PreSolMD, in

the personal names of Nancy and Zachary New;” engaged in a “false pretext” by entering into a

lease agreement with JTS Enterprises LLC for a building that did not exist; agreed “to enrich Teddy

DiBiase by paying him millions of dollars in TANF funds;” and “falsely pretended that the $1.7

million investment of MDHS-derived funds in Prevacus was for the purpose of securing ‘clinical

trial sites’ to be located within Mississippi in order to promote an experimental anti-concussion drug

being developed by Prevacus.”

5. The New Defendants categorically deny these allegations. Nevertheless, the

allegations have been made in the Complaint, and certainly will be used in discovery by parties

hoping to find a scapegoat for their own misconduct. This strategy is not novel; indeed, it already has


6. For over a quarter-century, MDHS has enjoyed being the “single State Agency” with

exclusive rule-making authority over how to spend TANF dollars in Mississippi. It has crowed in

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public filings that “Mississippi was the first to take advantage of the TANF Block Grant funds

available beginning October 1, 1996” and that its State Plans sought to “take full advantage of

TANF’s flexibility….” MDHS TANF State Plan (Effective 10/1/14 – 12/31/17), p. 3 (emphasis

added). Now, after 26 years of taking full advantage of TANF’s flexibility,” MDHS scurries to

define permissible TANF expenditures narrowly and paint itself as a victim.

7. MDHS is no victim, and the Court should be extremely skeptical of the motives

behind hyperbolic allegations of criminality in a civil pleading. The MDHS suit is not about

recovering TANF dollars; it is about MDHS trying to divest itself of civil liability for its deep

involvement in directing and approving unflattering expenditures. MDHS has doubled down on

criminal allegations against John Davis and the New Defendants, and is banking, literally, on that

doing the trick. However, John Davis is far from MDHS’s only official connection to TANF


8. MDHS is a huge bureaucracy. It acted, and still acts, systematically, through

hundreds of people. Each transaction alleged in the Complaint involved, directly or indirectly,

multiple senior officials acting on behalf of MDHS including, without limitation: Governor Phil

Bryant, Executive Director John Davis, Executive Director Chris Freeze, Deputy Executive Director

of Operations Jacob Black, Deputy Executive Director Garrig Shields, Deputy Executive Director of

Administration David Barton, Deputy Executive Director of Administration Chip Butler, Director of

Sustainable Change Ted “Teddy” DiBiase, Jr., Director of Transformational Change Brett DiBiase,

Director of Budgets and Accounting Chris Christmas, Director of Budgets and Accounting Bridgette

Bell, Director of Program Integrity Fredrick Ward, Director of Program Integrity Laketha Gilmore,

Director of Monitoring Win Girod, Director of Monitoring Randy Derrick, Director of Procurement

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Services Nick Bridge, Director of Economic Assistance Larry Strebeck, Director of Funding Sandra

Giddy, General Counsel and Principal Deputy Executive Director Andrea Sanders, Executive

Attorney Sherry Johnson, Special Assistant Attorney General Sara Roberts, Special Assistant

Attorney General Joyce Hill Williams, Special Assistant Attorney General Earl Scales, Executive

Assistant Zola Haralson, and dozens of other MDHS executives, attorneys and staff (collectively,

“MDHS Executives”).1

9. MDHS and its political masters crafted TANF State Plans to allow virtually unlimited

spending of TANF dollars in Mississippi. MDHS is married to that history, and focusing on a single

public official - among many - will not relieve MDHS of liability.

10. Regardless, the New Defendants are in the crosshairs of both overlapping and new

criminal allegations as a result of the MDHS Complaint. The New Defendants have taken

responsibility for their roles, yet they continue to be thrust into the crossfire by powerful forces

fighting over political futures and tens of millions of dollars. The State wants to avoid liability and

embarrassment, the Feds want their money back, and the public wants answers.

11. The New Defendants will be substantially and irreparably harmed if forced to

participate in discovery amidst giants poised for what promises to be a no-holds-barred death match.

In other words, the New Defendants cannot fully and freely participate in discovery with further

criminal consequences constantly waived in their faces.

12. A stay of civil proceedings in deference to parallel criminal proceedings is in the

sound discretion of the trial court and should be granted when necessary to avoid “substantial and

irreparable prejudice.” Prescott v. Leaf River Forest Prods., 740 So. 2d 301, 304 (Miss. 1999) (see

The list in Paragraph 8 includes state officials involved in directing, handling, and/or approving the subgrants,
transactions, and/or expenditures placed at issue by the MDHS Complaint.
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also United States v. Simcho, 326 Fed App'x 791, 792 (5th Cir. 2009)). United States v. Little Al, 712

F.2d 133, 136 (5th Cir. 1983) (citing SEC v. First Financial Group of Texas, Inc., 659 F.2d 660, 668

(5th Cir. 1981)).

13. In Mississippi, courts consider the following factors in determining whether a stay is

warranted: (a) the extent of overlapping issues between the civil case and the criminal case; (b)

whether the criminal defendants have been indicted and the proceedings remain ongoing; (c) the

plaintiff’s interest in proceeding versus any prejudice caused by a delay; (d) the defendant’s interest

and burden; (e) the court’s interest; and (f) the public’s interest. McCoy v. Yazoo City, 2014 U.S.

Dist. LEXIS 177646, at 3 (S.D. Miss. Dec. 29, 2014).

14. In McCoy, the District Court, interpreting Mississippi law, granted a stay after

concluding that plaintiff satisfied only four (4) of the six (6) factors. In the instant proceeding, the

New Defendants satisfy all six (6) factors:

a. MDHS’s Complaint involves the same issues present in the ongoing criminal
proceedings and investigation. They do not merely overlap, but, as in McCoy,
the issues are “seemingly identical.” However, the MDHS Complaint also
contains new allegations.

b. The New Defendants have been criminally indicted, and proceedings are
ongoing. Berman v. United States, 302 U.S. 211, 212 (1937) (a criminal
proceeding is not final until sentencing is complete).

c. MDHS’s interests will not be prejudiced unfairly by a relatively short delay,

as MDHS waited nearly three years to bring this civil action.

d. The New Defendants will be substantially and irreparably harmed by being

forced to proceed with discovery in a case where criminal allegations, both
old and new, have been made in the civil Complaint and parallel criminal
proceedings are ongoing.

e. The Court’s interests in effectively managing its resources, docket, and the
interests of judicial economy favor a stay. Concerns over self-incrimination
by the New Defendants and other Defendants will render any discovery

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incomplete, require duplication, and will be fraught with motion practice and
other delays.

f. Perhaps most importantly, the public’s interest will be served best by full,
fair, and complete discovery into all issues in this case, including MDHS’s
extensive role in the misspending alleged in the Complaint. MDHS should
not be allowed to hide behind parallel criminal proceedings that (i) hamstring
the New Defendants in their civil defense, and (ii) shield MDHS from
discovery, responsibility, and its own liability.

ACCORDINGLY, Defendants Nancy New and Zach New respectfully request that the


1. Stay this matter and all related deadlines in their entirety pending final resolution of

criminal proceedings against Nancy New and Zach New, which shall occur at their

sentencings before this Court; or, alternatively,

2. Stay this matter and all related deadlines as to the New Defendants only pending final

resolution of criminal proceedings against Nancy New and Zach New, which shall

occur at their sentencings before this Court.

Further in the alternative, if the Court chooses to deny the Motion to Stay, thereby allowing

the case to proceed, and requires the New Defendants to participate in discovery despite parallel

criminal proceedings and allegations of criminality in the Complaint, the New Defendants

respectfully request that the Court grant the motion for protective, thereby quashing MDHS’s Notice

of Depositions [Doc. 69], and order the parties to confer in good faith and attempt to agree on a

proposed scheduling order that will (i) allow reasonable time for initial motion practice related to the

procedural posture of the case, the parties, and the claims; (ii) thereafter, allow reasonable time to

conduct written discovery prior to beginning depositions, and (iii) allow reasonable time for


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Finally, Nancy and Zach New respectfully request all other relief the Court may deem


This, the 11th day of July 2022.

Respectfully Submitted,


/s/ Thomas G. Bufkin

Thomas G. Bufkin, MSB# 10810

On behalf of Nancy and Zach New

Of Counsel:

Thomas G. Bufkin
Luke E. Whitaker
1076 Highland Colony Parkway
600 Concourse, Suite 125
Ridgeland, MS 39157
Telephone: 601.982.5011
Facsimile: 601.853.9540
[email protected]
[email protected]

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I hereby certify that I have filed the above and foregoing via MEC, which automatically

provides a copy to all counsel of record via electronic service.

This, the 11th day of July 2022.

/s/ Thomas G. Bufkin

Thomas G. Bufkin

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Case: 25CI1:22-cv-00286-EFP Document #: 2 Filed: 05/09/2022 Page 66 of 67
Case: 25CI1:22-cv-00286-EFP Document #: 2 Filed: 05/09/2022 Page 67 of 67

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