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Oracle Approvals Management (AME) Case Studies for AP, PO and HR

Susan Behn Gerald Jones Solution Beacon

AME Product Overview AME and Approval Workflow Sample Business Case Scenarios
Payables Purchase Requisitions Human Resources iRecruitment Vacancy Approval

Copyright 2010 Solution Beacon, LLC All Rights Reserved Any other commercial product names herein are trademark, registered trademarks or service marks of their respective owners.

What is AME?
Purpose is to find approvers based on business rules
AME generates approver list AME returns next approver to calling application Request for next approver re-generates approver list to return next approver to calling application

Integrated with multiple E-Business applications such as HR, PO and AP APIs allow integration with 3rd party apps
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Advantages of AME
Approval Rules can be developed by business users with minimal development assistance Approver Lists leverage off existing Oracle hierarchies (e.g. HR supervisor, HR position) Approver Lists can also leverage off custom hierarchies AME responds to changes such as organization hierarchies or rule changes Alternative is workflow customization
Requires significant development expertise

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R11i vs R12
Features available to more transactions in R12
Parallel Approvals Position Hierarchy FYI Notifications Not available for all transaction types MetaLink Id: 338508.1
Product teams for each module develop integration to AME

Integrated with more applications in R12 R11i 178 transaction types; R12 258 types
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AME Access
AME uses Oracle Role Based Access Model (RBAC) to access AME components Functional Administrator Responsibility
Grant access to data (who can see what transaction type)

User Management Responsibility

Login in as the SYADMIN user Grant access to roles Approvals Management Business Analyst - define business cases Approvals Management Administrator - add transaction types, add
approver types and view logs

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Business Analyst Dashboard

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Administrator Dashboard

Users Employees Positions TCA Parties Etc

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AME Building Blocks

Configuration Variables Transaction Types Attributes Conditions Actions/Action Types Approver Groups Rules

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Configuration Variables
Control runtime behavior Default applies to all transaction types

Change for specific trans. type

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Transaction Types
What will be approved
Invoice, requisition, salary change

Custom transaction types can be created

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Variables used to build rules (e.g. invoice amount, supplier, etc.) Basic attributes seeded for all transaction types
Existing attributes can be modified
SUPERVISORY_NON_DEFAULT_STARTING_POINT_PER SON_ID Update to start with a different person

Can be static (constant value) or dynamically retrieved at runtime (SQL query)

Create additional attributes for anything linked to transaction id for header (invoice id, requisition id)

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Seeded Attributes
Examples from the Payables Invoice Approval transaction type

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Create Attribute for Sales Tax Approval Rule

Attribute to return the number of sales tax lines that exist

Lookup code = TAX Tax code name = SALES TAX

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Represent the IF part of an approval rule Attributes are evaluated runtime
This is why AME adjusts immediately to changes

Result can either be true or false

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Actions/Action Types
Represent the Then part of an approval rule Provide instruction to AME when an approval rule has been satisfied Determine the approvers and number of approvers Action Types are grouping of actions

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Actions/Action Types

Action Type for Rule Type

Actions for Action Type

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Actions/Action Types
Action Type

~Ascends HR supervisor hierarchy ~Based on specific job level ~Ascends HR supervisor hierarchy ~Based on job level relative to requesters job level

Require approvals up to at least job level six Specific purchase types Require approvals at least four levels up Pay changes


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Actions/Action Types
Action Type

~Ascends HR supervisor hierarchy ~Supervisor and final approver are required to approve

Require approval up to first supervisor and level six final approver Capital with CFO approval


Ascends HR Require approvals up supervisor hierarchy a to three supervisors specified number of Expenses levels

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Actions/Action Types
Action Type

Ascends HR position hierarchy up to a specified position ~Ascends custom approver hierarchy ~Builds chain-ofauthority type approver list

Require approvals up to Accounting Manager HR approvals If transaction item is related to a project Approver groups based on project roles

Approver-Group Chain-of-Authority

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Actions/Action Types
Action Type

Grants final authority to an approver by ending the approval chain when target approver is reached Approvers are added before or after normal chain-of-authority list build for a transaction

If Approver is Susan Behn, allow final approval VP Approval

Pre and Post ChainOf-Authority

Require IT preapproval for hardware purchase Accounting and Technical

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Static Approver Group

Approver Types User, Employee, Position
Try to avoid too many static approvers due to maintenance

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Dynamic Approver Group

Get key members with role Project Manager for each project on invoice distributions

Will return multiple project managers if more than one project referenced in dist lines
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Represent the translation of an organization business approval rule in AME Associate one or more conditions to a rule
When the rule applies

Select an action type to build approver list

What to do when the conditions are met

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Rule Types
List Creation

Generate Chain-of-Authority Approver Lists

List-Creation Exceptions


Uses one ordinary condition and one exception condition



Combination of actions

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Rule Types
Used to extend or reduce final approver authority



Allows an approver on approver list to be substituted for another person Alternative for vacation rules

Pre- and Post-List

Approvers are inserted either before or after the normal chain-ofauthority approver list


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Testing Workbench
11i.AME.B provides a testing workbench to allow defined business rules to be evaluated and tested against transactions Testing workbench allows user to verify various aspects of setups
Are attribute values, particularly custom attributes, retrieving values correctly? Does the invoice satisfy the appropriate rule? Is the proper approver chain being generated for the transaction based on the rule chosen?

Examples will be shown in Business Cases later in this presentation

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AME and Approval Workflows

Approval routing is controlled by AME rules via workflow Approval workflow sends request to AME to find approvers AME sends person_id, user_id, position_id, etc back to workflow Workflow sends notification to person or user identified by AME
ID sent is based on approver type

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AME and Approval Workflow

Invoice Approval Workflow Identify Approver node calls the AME API to identify next approver Workflow sends the notification


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Planning for AME

Plan for all corporate rules using flow charts or decision trees
Gain support from the management team and users Provides basis for testing Improves overall logic by identifying combinations Identify alternatives Speeds implementation process Identifies potential problems

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Payables Expense Reports Setup for AME

Setup requirements vary by transaction type
Refer to the user guide for the application

Options required for Payables Expense Reports

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Payables Invoices Setup for AME Payables Options

Options required for Payables Invoices

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Purchasing Setup for AME Document Types

Options required for Requisitions Enter the approval transaction type for the document type to use AME.
PURCHASE_REQ for Purchase Requisition Approval INTERNAL_REQ for Internal Requisition Approval

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iRecruitment Vacancy Approval Setup for AME Step 1 Profile Option

iRecruitment Vacancy Approval is delivered with seeded rules If different rules are needed, create a custom transaction type for iRecruitment Change the profile option IRC: Vacancy Approval Transaction Type to the new transaction type name

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iRecruitment Vacancy Approval Setup for AME Step 2 Form Parameters

Go to Application Developer Responsibility Application Function Search for IRC_VAC_DETS_NET Go to the Form tab and change the value for the AMETranType to the new transaction type name in the Parameters

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Business Case 1- Payables

For project related invoices, require pre-approval from key project members in the following roles:
Project Manager Director

Require approval for project related invoices as follows:

500 - 10K >10K Go up supervisor hierarchy 1 level Go up supervisor hierarchy 2 levels

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Business Case 1 AME Components

Transaction Type = Payables Invoice Approval New Conditions

Actions/Action Types use existing action types not new


New Dynamic Approver Groups to find employee in key role New Rules

Supervisory Level Require approvals up to the 1st, 2nd or 3rd supervisor Pre-chain-of-authority approvals pre-approval from approver groups

Option 1 ***This options shown in example on following slides Option 2

Combination Rule for $500 to $10,000 Combination Rule > $10,000 Pre-Approval Rule Supervisor Rule
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Business Case 1 - Conditions



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Business Case 1 Approver Groups

Create SB_PROJECT_MANAGER approver group as shown Also Create SB_PROJECT_DIRECTOR approver group with Director as role

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Business Case 1 - Actions

Use existing actions and select pre-chain-ofauthority-approvals

Approval Groups will be available as actions

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Business Case 1 - Rules

Combination Rule for Project Invoices 500 10K

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Business Case 1 - Rules

Combination Rule for Project Invoices > 10K

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Business Case 1 - Test

Create Invoice with Project on distribution line Invoice Amount $6000 related to Project Susan Behn is Requester, Pat Stock is Susans Supervisor Pat Stock is also Project Manager for FP201

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Testing Workbench
Get the ID of the transaction Run real transaction test Enter transaction id and click GO

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Testing Workbench
Scroll down to view values of all attributes Click Run Test Case to see test results

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Testing Workbench
Use + to show details for rules and approvers View Approval Process Stages to view additional details such as repeated approvers Displays Final approver list - Note there are only two approvers View Approval Process Stages for more details
Expected three approvers - Project Manager, Project Director, Supervisor

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Testing Workbench Expand Rule Details

Rule details expanded
Shows rule applied, applicable conditions met and resulting actions

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Testing Workbench Expand Approver List Details

Approver List Details Expanded
Shows why this approver, Pat Stock, was selected

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Testing Workbench Suppress Repeated Approvers

Pat Stock is repeated (Supervisor and Project Manger) Repeated approvers are suppressed - Pat will only get approval request once

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View Approval History from Invoice

After initiation of approval

After Pat Stock approves

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Business Case 2 - Purchasing

Requisition approvals are based on supervisor level approvals based on total requisition amount
0 to 25K 25K to 50K 50K to 100K > 100K 1 Supervisor 2 Supervisors 3 Supervisors 4 Supervisors

New vehicle purchases must be approved by a director level Pre-approvals are required for some requisitions based on item category
Computer PC and Server purchases must be pre-approved by the IT manager
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Directors have an approval authority job level = 5

Business Case 2 AME Components

Transaction Type = Purchase Requisition Approval Attributes New Conditions

None attributes used in this rule are seeded ITEM_CATEGORY = AUTOMOTIVE.VEHICLE ITEM_CATEGORY in COMPUTER.{PC, SERVER} REQUISTION_TOTAL Create conditions for each range IT Approver - approval group for IT purchases Supervisor rules based on requisition total Pre-Approval rule for computer purchases Absolute Job Level rule for vehicle purchases
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Approval Groups New Rules

Business Case 2 - Conditions

Item Category Conditions
Vehicle Computer Equipment

Requisition Total Conditions

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Business Case 2 Approval Group

Approval Group for IT Purchases

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Business Case 2 Rules

Requisition Total Rules
Rule 1 shown Rules 2-4 similar with different ranges and action

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Business Case 2 Rules

Pre-Approval Rule for Computer Purchases

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Business Case 2 Rules

Set the Approval Authority Setup Personnel Jobs Absolute Job Level Rule for Vehicle Purchases

Business Case 2 Test 1

Create Requisition for New Car

Category = AUTOMOTIVE.VEHICLE (need job level 5 or above approval) Amount = $32K (need approval from 2 supervisors)

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Business Case 2 Test 1

Susans Supervisor is Pat Stock
Pat Stocks Authority

Pat Stocks Supervisor is Casey Brown

Casey Browns Authority

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Business Case 2 Test 1

Vehicle Purchase Rule and Amount Based Rule 2 apply Repeated Supervisors are suppressed

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Business Case 2 Test 2

Create Requisition for Computer Purchase
Category = COMPUTER.PC (need IT pre-approval) Amount = $3K (need approval from 1 supervisor)

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Business Case 2 Test 2

Computer Purchase Rule applies Amount Based Rule 1 applies
Pat Stockman from approver group Pat Stock (Susan Behns supervisor)

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Business Case 3 iRecruitment Vacancy Approval

A FYI Notification should be sent to the hiring manager when a requisition has been created on their behalf (i.e. Recruiter) Requisition is sent to the hiring managers VP for approval

If VP approves requisition it goes to the Controller for this hiring manager If Division Controller approves it goes to the Hiring Managers SVP which is based on the people group

If there is no VP then it should go to the Division Controller

If SVP approves it goes to the Hiring Managers EVP or CFO, COO or President also identified by the people group

There may not be a SVP. If not, go to the next level

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Business Case 3 iRecruitment Vacancy Approval

In the Approvals Management Administrator Responsibility, create a new transaction type

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Business Case 3 iRecruitment Vacancy Approval

Create the transaction type with a unique key and name and go to the next page

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Business Case 3 iRecruitment Vacancy Approval

Accept the defaults on Step 2 and go to page 3

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Business Case 3 iRecruitment Vacancy Approval

Enter the following values
Workflow Item Key: select item_key from hr_api_transactions where transaction_id = :transactionId Workflow Item Type: HRSSA

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Business Case 3 iRecruitment Vacancy Approval

Review and finish

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Business Case 3 iRecruitment Vacancy Approval

Go to the Approvals Management Business Analyst Responsibility Query the new transaction type

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Business Case 3 iRecruitment Vacancy Approval

Define the components needed attributes, conditions, action types, approver groups, rules
Custom approver groups were used to determine the various VPs and controllers

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Business Case 3 iRecruitment Vacancy Approval

Custom approver groups

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Advanced Options Custom Signing Limits

All purchase requisitions must be approved by each employee in the supervisor chain until an employee is found with sufficient signing limit for the total requisition amount
Create an attribute to call a pl/sql function to return the number of levels from custom table Create conditions for each level Create rules for each condition create
SB_CUSTOM_APPRVAL_LEVEL = 1, 2, 3, If SB_CUSTOM_APPROVAL_LEVEL = 1, then require approval from 1 supervisor level
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Advanced Options Custom Signing Limits

Create an attribute to call a pl/sql function to traverse the hierarchy and return the number of approval levels

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Advanced Options Custom Signing Limits

Create conditions for each approval level

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Advanced Options Custom Signing Limits

Create rules for each approval level
If SB_CUSTOM_APPROVAL_LEVEL = 1, then require approval from 1 supervisor level

Copyright 2010 Solution Beacon, LLC All Rights Reserved Any other commercial product names herein are trademark, registered trademarks or service marks of their respective owners.

No. B25324-01, MetaLink Note 336901.1 MetaLink Note 289927.1 269057.1

Oracle Approvals Management Implementation Guide Rel 11i Part Oracle Approvals Management Developers Guide Release AME.B, How to Implement the Invoice Approval Workflow, MetaLink Note

Oracle Payables Users Guide 11i Part No. A81180-07 Oracle Approvals Management Not Enabled? What does it take to Enabled It?, MetaLink Note 413300.1 About Oracle Approvals Management Minipack B, MetaLink Note

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Ranked Scorecard Free Consultation

How Does The Scorecard Work Answer multiple-choice questions Identify areas of risk (business and IT) Ranked score helps measure your status on issues Provides recommendations for next steps Feedback on issues that concern steering committees and ROI
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Scorecard Focus Areas Competitive Optimization Functional and Process Issues Project Approach and Complex Issues Workflow Issues Customization Reduction Database Data Integrity System Optimization Business Intelligence

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Got Oracle?

Installing, Upgrading and Maintaining Oracle E-Business Suite Applications

The ABCs of Workflow for Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i and Release 12

The Release 12 Primer Shining a Light on the Release 12 World

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Questions and Answers

Thank You! Susan Behn [email protected] Gerald Jones [email protected]
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