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ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.

4, and

ArcGIS Earth 1.4

Enterprise Deployment

An Esri® Technical Paper

March 2017
Copyright © 2017 Esri
All rights reserved.
Printed in the United States of America.

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The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice.

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ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and

ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise
An Esri Technical Paper

Contents Page

Introduction ........................................................................................... 1

Enterprise Deployment Using Active Directory—Group Policy

or SCCM ............................................................................................ 1

Planning Software Deployment ............................................................ 2

Download and Extract Setups ......................................................... 3
System Requirements...................................................................... 3
Setup Requirements ........................................................................ 3
Upgrading to 10.5 ........................................................................... 6
Licensing for 10.5 Products ............................................................ 8
Licensing for ArcGIS Pro 1.4 ........................................................ 10

Enterprise Deployment Using Active Directory and Group

Policy ................................................................................................. 14
Introduction ..................................................................................... 14
Create Software Distribution Share ................................................ 14
Create New GPO............................................................................. 15
Edit GPO ......................................................................................... 15
Enforce GPO ................................................................................... 17
Start Software Installation............................................................... 17
Upgrading to 10.5 ........................................................................... 18
Customize Group Policy Installation .............................................. 19
Creating Transforms ................................................................. 20
Applying a Transform ............................................................... 21
Deploying Localized Setups Using Group Policy .......................... 21
Create Localized Setup GPO .................................................... 22
Create Language Pack GPO...................................................... 23
GPO Link Order ........................................................................ 24
Deploying Patches and QFEs Using Group Policy......................... 24

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Contents Page

Uninstalling Setups Deployed Using Group Policy........................ 26

Enterprise Deployment Using SMS/SCCM.......................................... 26

Introduction ..................................................................................... 26
Create Software Distribution Share ................................................ 26
Create Package ................................................................................ 28
Create Program ............................................................................... 28
Create Advertisement...................................................................... 29
Start Software Installation............................................................... 29
Upgrading to 10.5 ........................................................................... 29
Deploying Localized Setups Using SCCM..................................... 29
Uninstalling Setups Using SCCM .................................................. 29

Deploying ArcGIS 10.5 Patches and QFEs Using SMS or

SCCM ................................................................................................ 30
Troubleshooting the Installation ..................................................... 31

ArcGIS Desktop 10.5 ............................................................................ 32

Setup Dependency .......................................................................... 32
Feature Dependency........................................................................ 32
Properties ........................................................................................ 33
Features Available .......................................................................... 34
Localized Setups ............................................................................. 37
Transforms ...................................................................................... 37
Uninstall .......................................................................................... 37
Existing ArcGIS for Desktop Users ................................................ 37
Additional Installation Components ............................................... 38

ArcGIS Desktop 10.5 Language Packs ................................................. 40

Setup Dependency .......................................................................... 40
Feature Dependency........................................................................ 40
Command Line Parameters ............................................................. 40
Features Available .......................................................................... 40
Transforms ...................................................................................... 40
Uninstall .......................................................................................... 41

ArcGIS Desktop Background Geoprocessing 10.5 (64 bit).................. 41

Setup Dependency .......................................................................... 41
Feature Dependency........................................................................ 41
Command Line Parameters ............................................................. 41

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ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


Contents Page

Features Available .......................................................................... 42

Localized Setups ............................................................................. 42
Transforms ...................................................................................... 42
Uninstall .......................................................................................... 42

ArcGIS License Manager 10.5 ............................................................. 42

Setup Dependency .......................................................................... 42
Feature Dependency........................................................................ 42
Command Line Parameters ............................................................. 42
Features Available .......................................................................... 43
Localized Setups ............................................................................. 43
Transforms ...................................................................................... 43
Uninstall .......................................................................................... 43

ArcGIS ArcReader 10.5 ........................................................................ 43

Setup Dependency .......................................................................... 43
Feature Dependency........................................................................ 44
Command Line Parameters ............................................................. 44
Features Available .......................................................................... 44
Localized Setups ............................................................................. 44
Transforms ...................................................................................... 44
Uninstall .......................................................................................... 45

ArcGIS ArcReader 10.5 Language Packs ............................................. 45

Setup Dependency .......................................................................... 45
Feature Dependency........................................................................ 45
Command Line Parameters ............................................................. 45
Features Available .......................................................................... 45
Transforms ...................................................................................... 45
Uninstall .......................................................................................... 45

ArcGIS Engine 10.5 .............................................................................. 46

Setup Dependency .......................................................................... 46
Feature Dependency........................................................................ 46
Command Line Parameters ............................................................. 46
Features Available .......................................................................... 47
Localized Setups ............................................................................. 47
Transforms ...................................................................................... 47
Uninstall .......................................................................................... 47

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Contents Page

ArcGIS Engine 10.5 Language Packs ................................................... 47

Setup Dependency .......................................................................... 48
Feature Dependency........................................................................ 48
Command Line Parameters ............................................................. 48
Features Available .......................................................................... 48
Transforms ...................................................................................... 48
Uninstall .......................................................................................... 48

ArcGIS Engine Background Geoprocessing 10.5 (64 bit).................... 49

Setup Dependency .......................................................................... 49
Feature Dependency........................................................................ 49
Command Line Parameters ............................................................. 49
Features Available .......................................................................... 49
Localized Setups ............................................................................. 50
Transforms ...................................................................................... 50
Uninstall .......................................................................................... 50

ArcGIS Server 10.5 ............................................................................... 50

Setup Dependency .......................................................................... 50
Feature Dependency........................................................................ 51
Command Line Parameters ............................................................. 51
ArcGIS Server 10.5 Account .......................................................... 52
Server Configuration File ............................................................... 52
Features Available .......................................................................... 52
Existing ArcGIS for Server Users................................................... 53
Localized Setups ............................................................................. 54
Transforms ...................................................................................... 55
Uninstall .......................................................................................... 55

ArcGIS Server 10.5 Language Packs.................................................... 55

Setup Dependency .......................................................................... 55
Feature Dependency........................................................................ 55
Command Line Parameters ............................................................. 55
Features Available .......................................................................... 55
Transform ........................................................................................ 55
Uninstall .......................................................................................... 56

ArcGIS Web Adaptor (IIS) 10.5 ........................................................... 56

Setup Dependency .......................................................................... 57
Feature Dependency........................................................................ 60

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Contents Page

Product Conflict .............................................................................. 60

Command Line Parameters ............................................................. 60
Installing Multiple Instances ........................................................... 61
Features Available .......................................................................... 61
Upgrade ........................................................................................... 62
Localized Setups ............................................................................. 62
Transforms ...................................................................................... 63
Uninstall .......................................................................................... 63

ArcGIS Web Adaptor (Java Platform) 10.5 .......................................... 68

Setup Dependency .......................................................................... 68
Feature Dependency........................................................................ 69
Product Conflict .............................................................................. 69
Command Line Parameters ............................................................. 69
Features Available .......................................................................... 69
Upgrade ........................................................................................... 69
Localized Setups ............................................................................. 69
Transforms ...................................................................................... 69
Uninstall .......................................................................................... 69

ArcObjects SDK for the Java Platform ................................................. 71

Setup Dependency .......................................................................... 71
Feature Dependency........................................................................ 71
Command Line Parameters ............................................................. 71
Features Available .......................................................................... 71
Localized Setups ............................................................................. 72
Transforms ...................................................................................... 72
Uninstall .......................................................................................... 72

ArcObjects SDK for the Microsoft .NET Framework .......................... 72

Setup Dependency .......................................................................... 72
Feature Dependency........................................................................ 72
Command Line Parameters ............................................................. 72
Features Available .......................................................................... 72
Localized Setups ............................................................................. 73
Transforms ...................................................................................... 73
Uninstall .......................................................................................... 73

ArcGIS Desktop 10.5 Tutorial Data ..................................................... 73

Setup Dependency .......................................................................... 73

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Contents Page

Feature Dependency........................................................................ 73
Command Line Parameters ............................................................. 73
Features Available .......................................................................... 73
Localized Setups ............................................................................. 74
Transforms ...................................................................................... 75
Uninstall .......................................................................................... 75

ArcGIS Data Interoperability 10.5 for Desktop .................................... 75

Setup Dependency .......................................................................... 75
Feature Dependency........................................................................ 75
Command Line Parameters ............................................................. 75
Features Available .......................................................................... 75
Localized Setups ............................................................................. 75
Transforms ...................................................................................... 76
Uninstall .......................................................................................... 76

ArcGIS Data Interoperability 10.5 for Server....................................... 76

Setup Dependency .......................................................................... 76
Feature Dependency........................................................................ 76
Command Line Parameters ............................................................. 76
Features Available .......................................................................... 76
Localized Setups ............................................................................. 76
Transforms ...................................................................................... 76
Uninstall .......................................................................................... 76

ArcGIS Coordinate Systems Data ........................................................ 77

Setup Dependency .......................................................................... 77
Feature Dependency........................................................................ 77
Command Line Parameters ............................................................. 77
Features Available .......................................................................... 77
Localized Setups ............................................................................. 77
Transforms ...................................................................................... 77
Uninstall .......................................................................................... 77

Portal for ArcGIS 10.5 .......................................................................... 77

Setup Dependency .......................................................................... 77
Feature Dependency........................................................................ 77
Command Line Parameters ............................................................. 77
Features Available .......................................................................... 78
Localized Setups ............................................................................. 78

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ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


Contents Page

Transforms ...................................................................................... 78
Uninstall .......................................................................................... 78

Portal for ArcGIS 10.5 Help Language Pack........................................ 78

Setup Dependency .......................................................................... 78
Feature Dependency........................................................................ 78
Command Line Parameters ............................................................. 78
Features Available .......................................................................... 79
Transforms ...................................................................................... 79
Uninstall .......................................................................................... 79

ArcGIS Data Store 10.5 ........................................................................ 79

Setup Dependency .......................................................................... 79
Feature Dependency........................................................................ 79
Command Line Parameters ............................................................. 80
Features Available .......................................................................... 80
Creating Data Store ......................................................................... 80
Localized Setups ............................................................................. 80
Transforms ...................................................................................... 80
Uninstall .......................................................................................... 80

ArcGIS Data Store 10.5 Help Language Pack ...................................... 81

Setup Dependency .......................................................................... 81
Feature Dependency........................................................................ 81
Command Line Parameters ............................................................. 81
Features Available .......................................................................... 81
Transforms ...................................................................................... 81
Uninstall .......................................................................................... 81

ArcGIS Pro............................................................................................ 82
Setup Dependency .......................................................................... 82
Feature Dependency........................................................................ 82
Properties ........................................................................................ 82
Features Available .......................................................................... 85
Localized Setups ............................................................................. 85
Transforms ...................................................................................... 85
Uninstall .......................................................................................... 87
Software Updates ............................................................................ 87

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ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


Contents Page

ArcGIS Pro Licensing Service .............................................................. 87

Setup Dependency .......................................................................... 88
Feature Dependency........................................................................ 88
Properties ........................................................................................ 88
Features Available .......................................................................... 88
Localized Setups ............................................................................. 88
Uninstall .......................................................................................... 88

ArcGIS Pro Language Packs ................................................................ 88

Setup Dependency .......................................................................... 89
Feature Dependency........................................................................ 89
Command Line Parameters ............................................................. 89
Features Available .......................................................................... 89
Transforms ...................................................................................... 89
Uninstall .......................................................................................... 89

ArcGIS Pro Help ................................................................................... 90

Setup Dependency .......................................................................... 90
Feature Dependency........................................................................ 90
Command Line Parameters ............................................................. 90
Features Available .......................................................................... 90
Localized Setups ............................................................................. 91
Transforms ...................................................................................... 91
Uninstall .......................................................................................... 91

ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET ................................................................... 91

Setup Dependency .......................................................................... 91
Feature Dependency........................................................................ 91
Properties ........................................................................................ 91
Features Available .......................................................................... 92
Localized Setups ............................................................................. 92
Transforms ...................................................................................... 92
Uninstall .......................................................................................... 93

ArcGIS Data Interoperability for Pro ................................................... 93

Setup Dependency .......................................................................... 94
Feature Dependency........................................................................ 94
Command Line Parameters ............................................................. 94
Features Available .......................................................................... 94
Localized Setups ............................................................................. 94

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ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


Contents Page

Transforms ...................................................................................... 94
Uninstall .......................................................................................... 94

ArcGIS Pro Coordinate Systems Data .................................................. 95

Setup Dependency .......................................................................... 95
Feature Dependency........................................................................ 95
Properties ........................................................................................ 95
Features Available .......................................................................... 96
Localized Setups ............................................................................. 96
Uninstall .......................................................................................... 97

ArcGIS Earth ........................................................................................ 97

Setup Dependency .......................................................................... 97
Feature Dependency........................................................................ 97
Properties ........................................................................................ 97
Features Available .......................................................................... 99
Localized Setups ............................................................................. 99
Transforms ...................................................................................... 99
Uninstall .......................................................................................... 99

Summary ............................................................................................... 100

Esri Technical Paper ix


ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and

ArcGIS Earth 1.4
Enterprise Deployment
Introduction The ability to distribute software to a number of users or computers from a
centralized location has become a requirement for many administrators. In
addition, many companies would like to lock down a user's environment
and remove the ability for a user to locally install or update existing

To solve these challenges, an administrator can use an enterprise deployment tool, such
as Microsoft® Group Policy, System Management Server (SMS), or System Center
Configuration Manager (SCCM), to manage the setups, allocating them to users or
computers based on their needs. The software, of predetermined properties, is installed
without the administrator physically visiting each machine. An administrator will also use
an enterprise deployment tool to control a user's environment. These tools enable the
administrator to prevent users from installing unauthorized software or removing files
that an installed software application still requires.

ArcGIS® 10.5 and ArcGIS Pro setups are developed with Microsoft® Windows® Installer
technology, allowing ArcGIS software products and patches to be deployed from a
central server. With enterprise deployment of ArcGIS products, geographic information
system (GIS) managers or system administrators can efficiently plan for and control
installations and updates. For example, these maintenance activities can be scheduled
when they have the least impact on users or the network. Installations can be targeted to
specific groups of users or machines. ArcGIS product version updates throughout an
organization can be synchronized. Software can be installed on computers for which
users don't have administrative privileges.

ArcGIS 10.5 and ArcGIS Pro setups can be installed on many machines by deploying the
MSI or Setup.exe file directly. Any enterprise deployment tool that supports installation
using an MSI file can be used to deploy ArcGIS 10.5 and ArcGIS Pro setups. This paper
documents the enterprise deployment of ArcGIS 10.5 and ArcGIS Pro setups using the
Active Directory® Group Policy and SCCM. The examples consider enterprise
deployment in a secure lockdown environment as well as by users with administrative
control on their machines.

Enterprise The following ArcGIS 10.5 and ArcGIS Pro setups are supported for standard Windows
Deployment Using Installer deployment in both a lockdown environment (where the user installing does not
Active Directory— have administrative privileges) and an environment where the user installing does have
Group Policy or administrative privileges. Note: If installing in a lockdown environment, Group Policy
SCCM must be set to Always install with elevated privileges for the Windows Installer.

■ ArcGIS Desktop 10.5

■ ArcGIS Desktop 10.5 Language Packs

Esri Technical Paper

ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


■ ArcGIS License Manager 10.5

■ ArcGIS Engine 10.5
■ ArcGIS Engine 10.5 Language Packs
■ ArcGIS ArcReader 10.5™
■ ArcGIS ArcReader 10.5 Language Packs
■ ArcGIS Server 10.5
■ ArcGIS Server 10.5 Language Packs
■ ArcGIS Web Adaptor (IIS) 10.5
■ ArcGIS Web Adaptor (Java Platform) 10.5
■ ArcObjects SDK for the Java Platform
■ ArcObjects SDK for the Microsoft .NET Framework
■ ArcGIS Desktop 10.5 Tutorial Data
■ ArcGIS Data Interoperability 10.5 for Desktop
■ ArcGIS Data Interoperability 10.5 for Server
■ ArcGIS Coordinate Systems Data
■ Portal for ArcGIS 10.5
■ Portal for ArcGIS 10.5 Help Language Pack
■ ArcGIS Data Store 10.5
■ ArcGIS Data Store 10.5 Help Language Pack
■ ArcGIS Pro
■ ArcGIS Pro Licensing Service
■ ArcGIS Pro Language Packs
■ ArcGIS Pro Help
■ ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET
■ ArcGIS Data Interoperability for Pro
■ ArcGIS Pro Coordinate Systems Data
■ ArcGIS Earth

Planning Software Before you deploy software, go through the following checklist:
■ Download and extract setups.

■ System requirements: Client machines should meet system requirements of the setup.

■ Setup requirements: Install any setup dependencies or feature dependencies and

remove any product conflicts. If the product has an installation guide, read that
before deploying the setup. Version 10.5 setups can upgrade the 10.1, 10.2, 10.2.1,
10.2.2, 10.3, 10.3.1, 10.4, and 10.4.1 setups.

■ Licensing: Decide on the software licensing model—single use or concurrent use for
ArcGIS 10.5 setups. ArcGIS Pro follows the named user/single use/concurrent use
licensing model.

■ Deployment method: Decide on the deployment method—Group Policy or SCCM—

and customize the setup if needed. Check the ArcGIS Resources to see if a patch has

March 2017 2
ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


been released for it. If yes, you can apply it to the administrative image before

Download and ■ Click the product's download link on Esri's Customer Care portal.
Extract Setups
■ Download and extract the setups.

■ Make sure you have write access to your download directory location, as well as
your ArcGIS installation directory location, and that no one is accessing it.

■ Recommended: Use Esri® Download Manager to manage your downloads.

● The first panel of the extraction wizard will allow you to indicate the location on
your computer to which you would like the installation files extracted. When
satisfied, click OK.

● Note: If you choose to change the destination location when starting the .exe
(either from the Launch option in Esri Download Manager or running the
downloaded self-extracting .exe manually), be sure to choose a unique location
to which you will move the files.

● You will be notified when the file extraction is complete. To install the software
at a later time, uncheck the check box.

System Requirements Every setup has system requirements that must be met before the setup can proceed with
the installation. System requirements consist of supported operating systems and
minimum hardware requirements.

■ Supported operating systems—Check the system requirements at the ArcGIS

Resources website to confirm that machines on which the software is going to be
deployed have a supported operating system. The system requirements will list the
minimum and maximum version of supported service packs, also. This will help in
knowing what platform is supported. Some setups, like ArcGIS Desktop 10.5, can be
installed on both 32-bit and 64-bit OSs, and some setups, like ArcGIS Server 10.5,
can only be installed on a 64-bit OS.

■ Hardware requirements—Check the latest hardware requirements at the ArcGIS

Resources website. Setups do not have any built-in checks for hardware

Setup Requirements Setups check for launch conditions, feature dependencies, and product conflicts.

■ Launch conditions—These are the dependencies that must be met for the setup to

Esri Technical Paper 3

ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


● Windows Installer 3.1 or higher: Windows Installer version 3.1 or higher must
be installed and running on your machine prior to the launch of any Esri setups.
The Windows Installer service installs setups with elevated privileges. After
installation, the application itself runs in user context. Some Esri programs need
administrative privileges to launch.

● System account: The machine's system account must have full control of the
system drive and the drive to which you will be installing.

● MSXML 6.0: Some setups require Microsoft XML Core Services

(MSXML) 6.0. The msxml6.msi is located in the \Support\MSXML6\32-bit and
64-bit folders. If installing on a 32-bit operating system, use the 32-bit version,
and if on the 64-bit operating system, use the 64-bit version. This Microsoft
Installer (MSI) file can be run silently using standard MSI command line
parameters; for example:

msiexec /i msxml6.msi /qb

If Setup.exe is used to start the installation, MSXML 6.0 is installed


● Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5: Some setups, like ArcGIS Desktop 10.5,
have a setup dependency on Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5. If the setup does
not find it, the following dialog box is displayed:

Note: This dialog box is not displayed if setup is being deployed completely

■ Feature dependencies—Setups are made of features that are defined based on the
functionality they provide. Feature dependencies do not prevent a setup from being
installed, unlike setup dependencies. If a prerequisite for the feature is not found on
the machine, that feature will not be available for installation on the Select Features
dialog box.

March 2017 4
ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


Unavailable features can be added at a later time by installing the prerequisite and
going to Add/Remove Programs > [Product] > Change > Modify. The feature that
had been unavailable before should now be visible and marked with a red X. Select
the feature for installation and follow the on-screen instructions until the installation
process has been successfully completed. Uninstalling and reinstalling the software
is not required.

For example, ArcGIS ArcReader 10.5 has a .NET Support feature with a dependency
on Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5. If it is not found, the .NET Support feature does
not show up on the Select Features dialog box. If ArcGIS ArcReader 10.5 has
already been installed and you need to install the .NET Support feature, install
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5, then go to Add/Remove programs, click ArcGIS
10.5 ArcReader, then click the Uninstall/Change option. This launches the
Application Maintenance dialog box. Select Modify and click Next to go to the
Select Features dialog box. The .NET Support feature will now be available for

This document lists all setup and feature dependencies for the products that are
supported for software deployment. Refer to the individual installation guides for
more detail.

■ Product conflicts—If the products listed below are installed on your machine and are
a version previous to ArcGIS 10.1, they must be uninstalled before proceeding with
the ArcGIS 10.5 setups. All ArcGIS products previous to version 10.1 must be
uninstalled before installing any ArcGIS 10.5 product.

ArcGIS Pro can be installed on the same machine as other ArcGIS Desktop releases
or on a machine without any Esri products.

Esri strongly recommends that all sample and third-party extensions or plug-ins be
uninstalled before installing a newer version of ArcGIS. Remove these from your
computer before uninstalling ArcGIS products. Contact the distributor or
manufacturer to confirm that they are supported with ArcGIS 10.5 products. If they
are, you can install them again after installing ArcGIS 10.5 products.

● ArcGIS for Desktop

● ArcInfo® Workstation

● ArcReader

● ArcIMS®

● ArcIMS Web ADF™ for the Java Platform

● ArcIMS Web ADF for the .NET Framework

● ArcGIS Server for the Microsoft .NET Framework

Esri Technical Paper 5

ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


● ArcGIS Server Web ADF Runtime for the Microsoft .NET Framework

● ArcGIS Engine Runtime

● ArcGIS Engine Developer Kits

● ArcGIS Desktop Developer Kits

● ArcGIS Image Server (including all clients)

● ArcGIS Mobile

● Python and Numerical Python (NumPy) (not required, but it is highly

recommended that you remove these)

The setup will terminate and display a dialog box if conflicting versions of these products
exist on your machine. If so, you must uninstall each of them and then run the setup again
to proceed with your installation.

Upgrading to 10.5 ArcGIS 10.5 setups have been authored as major upgrades to 10.1, 10.2, 10.2.1, 10.2.2,
10.3, 10.3.1, 10.4, and 10.4.1 setups. They are designed to detect and upgrade an existing
installation of 10.1 (including SP1), 10.2, 10.2.1, 10.2.2, 10.3, 10.3.1, 10.4, or 10.4.1
setups on the target system.

The installation location parent folder is retained, although the upgrade is installed in a
<Product>\10.5 folder. After installation, any customizations, add-ons, or third-party
applications installed for 10.1, 10.2, 10.2.1, 10.2.2, 10.3, 10.3.1, 10.4, or 10.4.1 must be
reapplied to 10.5. The settings for the installation location, license manager (for
concurrent use), or authorization information (for single use) are retained in the upgrade.

ArcGIS 10.1 (including SP1), 10.2, 10.2.1, 10.2.2, 10.3, 10.3.1, 10.4, and 10.4.1 Users

ArcGIS 10.5 is a major upgrade. If, for example, you already have ArcGIS 10.3 for
Desktop installed, the setup will automatically upgrade to ArcGIS Desktop 10.5.
Additionally, you can install ArcGIS Desktop 10.5 without having a previous version of
ArcGIS for Desktop installed on your machine. The same logic applies to other ArcGIS
10.5 setups.

If you wish to change the installation location, you will need to manually uninstall the
10.1, 10.2, 10.2.1, 10.2.2, 10.3, 10.3.1, 10.4, or 10.4.1 product before installing the 10.5
setups in the new location.

You must also uninstall your license manager and install the 10.5 license manager.
ArcGIS License Manager 10.5 can serve licenses to ArcGIS 10.x and 9.x installations.

If 10.1, 10.2, 10.2.1, 10.2.2, 10.3, 10.3.1, 10.4, or 10.4.1 setups are found on the machine
but not the product that is being upgraded, installation will not continue until all 10.1,
10.2, 10.2.1, 10.2.2, 10.3, 10.3.1, 10.4, or 10.4.1 setups have been uninstalled or

March 2017 6
ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


Note: This dialog box is not displayed if setup is being deployed completely silently.

Upgrading a Localized 10.1, 10.2, 10.2.1, 10.2.2, 10.3, 10.3.1, 10.4, or 10.4.1 Setup

Running setup.exe for a localized 10.5 setup will upgrade both the main product
installation and the language pack installation.

If you have a localized 10.1, 10.2, 10.2.1, 10.2.2, 10.3, 10.3.1, 10.4, or 10.4.1 product
installed and run the upgrade for the English 10.5 setup using setup.msi, only the core
product installation will be upgraded. The 10.1, 10.2, 10.2.1, 10.2.2, 10.3, 10.3.1, 10.4, or
10.4.1 language pack will be retained in the original installation location but will not be

When the 10.5 language pack is available, run its setup to upgrade the 10.1, 10.2, 10.2.1,
10.2.2, 10.3, 10.3.1, 10.4, or 10.4.1 language pack to 10.5. If the core 10.5 product exists,
running setup.exe for a localized installation will display the maintenance dialog box for
the core product. Cancel out of this setup to continue with the language-pack-only
installation. Installation using the language pack MSI file will not bring up the
maintenance dialog box of the core product.

Esri Technical Paper 7

ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


ArcGIS 10.0 and Prior Users

You must uninstall all ArcGIS products prior to 10.1 and any third-party extensions or
tools from your machine before proceeding with 10.5 setup installation.

Note: This dialog box is not displayed if setup is being deployed completely silently.

Licensing for 10.5 All 10.5 products can be authorized using single use files. In addition to single use
Products authorization, ArcGIS Desktop 10.5 and ArcGIS Engine 10.5 can also be authorized using
a license manager. Following is a brief overview of licensing; for comprehensive licensing
information, refer to the License Manager Reference Guide at the ArcGIS Resources

■ Concurrent Use with License Server—A concurrent use license allows you to gain
access to the software from any computer on the network on which the software is
installed. A license server manager administers a pool of licenses to be shared. The
number of concurrent licenses determines the number of users who can run the
applications concurrently. If all licenses are being used, an additional user cannot run
the application until one of the other users finishes using his or her license. When one
user finishes using the license, another user can begin using it. This configuration is
available only for ArcGIS Desktop 10.5 and ArcGIS Engine 10.5. After it is
installed, ArcGIS License Manager 10.5 keeps track of the number of copies of the
software that can be run simultaneously. A concurrent use license allows copies of
ArcGIS Desktop 10.5 and ArcGIS Engine 10.5 to be installed on numerous machines.
The number of concurrent use seats in your license file determines the number of
copies of each software product that can be run simultaneously.

March 2017 8
ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


You only need one ArcGIS License Manager per network to manage all your
concurrent use ArcGIS 10.x and 9.x software products. The license manager can be a
Windows, or Linux server and will manage Windows, and Linux ArcGIS software
products. For example, a Windows installation of ArcGIS Desktop 10.5 can obtain a
license from a Windows, or Linux license manager.

After purchasing Esri concurrent use software products, you will receive an e-mail
from Esri Customer Service containing the authorization information for your
purchased products. You will need this information to authorize licenses on your
license manager. You first need to run the license manager installer and use ArcGIS
License Server Administrator to authorize licenses.

The deployment workflow follows:

1. Log in to My Esri and generate a provisioning file (.prvs) for concurrent use. A
provisioning file allows a license administrator to quickly authorize ArcGIS
software on end-user machines. It has prepopulated information for what
features you are authorized for.

2. Install ArcGIS License Manager 10.5.

3. At the end of the installation, ArcGIS License Server Administrator appears.

Select version 10.1–10.5 from the drop-down list and click Authorize now. This
launches the Software Authorization wizard. Click I have received an
authorization file from Esri and am now ready to finish the authorization
process. Browse to the concurrent provisioning file that was created in step 1
and click Next. Click Authorize with Esri now using the Internet and continue
with the authorization process. At this stage, ArcGIS License Manager 10.5 has
connected to the Esri Customer Care portal to download authorization
information. After this is done, you will have a license manager ready to serve
concurrent use ArcGIS Desktop 10.5 and ArcGIS Engine 10.5 licenses.

4. Install the ArcGIS software on client machines and configure the machines to
ArcGIS License Manager 10.5. To enable licensing during SCCM deployment,
pass in the property ESRI_LICENSE_HOST= [your_license_server] to
Setup.exe. For Group Policy deployments, create a transform and edit the
ESRI_LICENSE_HOST property. You can also specify the software type using
the properties SOFTWARE_CLASS and SEAT_PREFERENCE. See the
Creating Transforms section of this document for more details. Client machines
no longer need to connect to the Esri customer website to obtain authorization to
use the software. You can look up how many licenses are being used in ArcGIS
10.5 License Manager.

■ Single Use—A single use license generally restricts use of a software product to one
user/machine. A single use license must be dedicated for each computer that has use
rights for the software, data, or documentation. This configuration is for all setups
including ArcGIS Desktop 10.5 and ArcGIS Engine 10.5.

Esri Technical Paper 9

ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


The deployment workflow follows:

1. Log in to My Esri and generate a client provisioning file (.prvc) for single use. If
authorizing ArcGIS Server 10.5, generate a client provisioning file for ArcGIS
Server 10.5. If, for example, you have 300 single use licenses for ArcGIS Server
10.5, you do not have to create 300 .prvc files. Just one .prvc file will have all
the licensing information and can be used to authorize on client machines.

2. On the end-user machine, after installation of the ArcGIS software is complete,

open a command prompt window. Change the path to C:\Program
Files\Common Files\ArcGIS\bin. Run the following command to authorize the
software silently:

SoftwareAuthorization.exe /LIF <Location of prvc> /s /Ver 10.5

The client machine connects to the Esri Customer Care portal during
authorization. You can look up how many licenses are being used by logging on
to the Customer Care website.

Authorizing Single Use in Group Policy/SCCM—To perform authorization of a

single use product as a user without administrative privileges, follow these steps:

1. Copy a valid authorization file (.prvc) to a shared area on your server. The
authorization file (.prvc) cannot be in a location with spaces.

2. Create a new SCCM package with a program that runs

SoftwareAuthorization.exe using Run with administrative rights.
SoftwareAuthorization.exe should be run from
%CommonProgramFiles%\ArcGIS\bin with the following command line:

%CommonProgramFiles%\ArcGIS\bin\SoftwareAuthorization.exe /LIF
<Location of prvc> /s /Ver 10.5

The /s parameter is used to run the software authorization tool silently.

When creating an SCCM package, include a .prvc file in the source. This is
because when SCCM runs with administrative rights, it does it as the system
account and not as a standard administrator account. The system account does
not have rights to network shares, so the .prvc needs to be in the package source.

For Group Policy, create a script that has the above command line.

3. In SCCM, create an advertisement for this program; it should be run after the
main setup has been installed. For Group Policy, add it as a logon script to the

Licensing for An administrator of an organization that has been provisioned for ArcGIS Pro can use
ArcGIS Pro 1.4 three licensing options to manage licenses for members. You must authorize licenses for
members before members can run ArcGIS Pro. The three options for licensing with
ArcGIS Pro are as follows:

March 2017 10
ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


■ Named user license—A named user license is the default license option for ArcGIS
Pro. Named user licenses are authorized and managed by an administrator through an
organization's ArcGIS Online website or a local instance of Portal for ArcGIS. An
administrator assigns a software level (Basic, Standard, or Advanced) and extensions
in ArcGIS Online or Portal for ArcGIS to individual users. When you start ArcGIS
Pro and sign in with a named user license, the app runs with the level and extensions
set by the administrator. If an administrator has not assigned a license to you,
ArcGIS Pro will not run when you attempt to sign in.

The advantage of a named user license is that the assigned level and extensions are
available to you at all times. With a named user license, a user can run ArcGIS Pro
on up to three machines simultaneously.

■ Concurrent use license—Concurrent use licenses are authorized and managed using
the ArcGIS License Manager just like ArcGIS Desktop. The ArcGIS License
Manager is installed on a single machine on the network and is provisioned with core
and extension licenses. With a concurrent use license, your machine points to a
License Manager Server for license authorization from a shared pool of licenses, and
you can choose your license level and extensions as long as the desired license is
available. This allows more users to have ArcGIS Pro installed on their machine than
the total number of licenses. Simultaneous use of ArcGIS Pro is limited by the total
number of available licenses in the License Manager Server.

A named user license is the default license type, so before concurrent use licenses are
stored and managed in the License Manager, an administrator must convert named
user licenses to concurrent use licenses in My Esri. After the ArcGIS License
Manager is installed and provisioned with licenses by an administrator, members can
start ArcGIS Pro and check out any available license on the Licensing dialog box.

Following properties can be used to configure licensing options for ArcGIS Pro

Parameter Value Case Required Description

ESRI_LICENSE_HOST @<License Manager> No Yes for Machine name of
concurrent license manager
SOFTWARE_CLASS Viewer Yes Yes (one of Installs ArcGIS Pro
these as Basic level
Editor values) Installs ArcGIS Pro
as Standard level
Professional Installs ArcGIS Pro
as Advanced level
these as a single use seat
CONCURRENT_USE Yes values) Installs ArcGIS Pro
as a concurrent use

Esri Technical Paper 11

ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


LOCK_AUTH_SETTINGS True No If the authorization

type is defined at
the command line,
then the registry
TTINGS is set to
True under
TTINGS is True,
the licensing
settings in the
registry apply to all
ArcGIS Pro users
on that machine--
an individual user
cannot make
changes. To allow
ArcGIS Pro users
on the machine to
define their own
settings through the
ArcGIS Pro
application, set
TTINGS to False.

If all three properties (ESRI_LICENSE_HOST, SOFTWARE_CLASS, and

AUTHORIZATION_TYPE) are used for per machine install, it creates licensing
registry keys in HKLM\Software\ESRI\ArcGISPro\Licensing hive. For per user
install, licensing registry keys are created in
HKCU\Software\ESRI\ArcGISPro\Licensing hive.

Concurrent use licensing for per machine installs.

msiexec.exe /i <Path to msi> /qb ALLUSERS=1

ESRI_LICENSE_HOST=yourlicenseserver SOFTWARE_CLASS=Professional

Concurrent use licensing for per user installs.

msiexec.exe /i <Path to msi> /qb ALLUSERS=2 MSIINSTALLPERUSER=1

ESRI_LICENSE_HOST=yourlicenseserver SOFTWARE_CLASS=Professional

Note: The ArcGIS Pro Licensing Service setup is required for a per user
installation of ArcGIS Pro to work offline with a concurrent use license.

■ Single use license—Single use licenses are managed within My Esri and authorized
on each machine. Within My Esri, a single use license contains an authorization
number for the core license level (e.g., Advanced, Standard, or Basic) and one
authorization number for every extension. Use the authorization number to authorize

March 2017 12
ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


a core license level and optional extension licenses. Single use licenses can only be
accessed on the authorized machine. Once authorized, anyone with access to that
machine can use ArcGIS Pro on or off the network.

 Named user license—The named user license is the default license type, so before a
single use license can be used to authorize ArcGIS Pro, you must convert at least one
named user license to a single use license in My Esri. Create a provisioning file
(prvc) to avoid entering the authorization numbers manually in the Software
Authorization Wizard and download the file.

Single use licensing for per machine installs

Install setup
msiexec.exe /i <Path to msi> /qb ALLUSERS=1

Authorize product
<Location of prvc> /s /Ver 10.5

Single use licensing for per user installs

Install setup
msiexec.exe /i <Path to msi> /qb ALLUSERS=2 MSIINSTALLPERUSER=1

Install ArcGIS Pro Licensing Service setup

msiexec.exe /i <Path to msi> /qb

Authorize product
<Location of prvc> /s /Ver 10.5

Installing ArcGIS Pro Licensing Service

■ The ArcGIS Pro Licensing Service setup is installed with ArcGIS Pro. It is
required for a per user installation of ArcGIS Pro to work offline with a
concurrent use license or to utilize single use licensing. The ArcGIS Pro
Licensing Service setup installs the 64-bit Flex Net service. The Flex Net
service is automatically installed by a per machine instance of ArcGIS Pro; the
Pro Licensing setup is only necessary to support per user installations.

■ To install the ArcGIS Pro Licensing Service, run ProLS.msi in "<ArcGIS Pro
installation directory>\Resources\ArcGIS Pro Licensing Service" and follow the
prompts. This requires administrative privileges.

More information regarding ArcGIS Pro licensing is available at

Esri Technical Paper 13

ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


Deployment Using
Active Directory and
Group Policy

Introduction Using Group Policy as an enterprise deployment tool requires an Active Directory
environment. The Active Directory environment consists of a domain controller with a
server operating system, like Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows
Server 2012, and Windows Server 2012 R2, to manage the domain and desktop clients,
like Windows XP Professional, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, and
Windows 10. Group Policy includes a software installation extension that enables the
domain controller to manage setups that can be assigned to users or computers or can be
published to users. These setups must be created with Microsoft Windows Installer
technology. The deployment package can be customized using a transform (.mst) file.
The transform file can be used to specify the software seat, installation directory, and
license manager as required. Once a package is deployed, either assigned or published, it
is displayed in the Add/Remove Programs dialog box. An authorized user launches the
setup from Add New Programs. Packages can be set to Always install with elevated
privileges, enabling the Windows Installer to run as the local machine's system account.
For more information on Group Policy software deployment, see

The domain controller should be used to uninstall ArcGIS. When the software is
deployed per user and many different users install it, using the Add/Remove Programs
dialog box to uninstall will remove all the files and registry keys for this product, but the
software shortcuts will remain on the machine for other users. This may confuse users
when their shortcuts fail to work because the files have been uninstalled. The
Add/Remove Programs dialog box for these users will also state that the product is still
installed on the machine. To avoid these issues, uninstall using the Group Policy's
Remove option. When the software is deployed per machine, the Control Panel's
Add/Remove Programs dialog box does not enable you to remove the software unless
you have administrative privileges; using Group Policy to manage the uninstall of the
software will uninstall with elevated privileges for all users.

If deploying the software in a lockdown environment, you will need to modify Group
Policy so that the Windows Installer is set to Always install with elevated privileges (both
user and computer configuration).

Deploying software to client machines is a multistep process involving first creating the
software distribution share followed by creating a Group Policy Object (GPO), editing
the GPO, enforcing the GPO, and finally initiating software installation on the client

Create Software Before software can be deployed, it must be copied to a network share for easy access. It
Distribution Share is recommended that an administrative installation be done first and that the network
share be used to deploy to client machines. This method supports the Group Policy
method of redeploying the setup package after a patch has been applied.

You can perform an administrative installation on the server using the standard msiexec
command line parameters:

March 2017 14
ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


msiexec /a <setup location>\setup.msi /qb TARGETDIR=<installation

directory>/10.5/<product name>

It is important to include the TARGETDIR property; otherwise, the installation directory

will default to the drive with the emptiest disk space including mapped drives. If the /qb
parameter is not included, the setup dialog will be launched, and that can be used to finish
the administrative installation. Also, remember to include the version and product name
in the TARGETDIR. This helps prevent overwriting the administrative image by mistake.

For patch deployment, you will patch the administrative installation on the server, then
redeploy the package to your clients. Do not delete this administrative installation; it is
required for modifying installation features and additional patching. See the Deploying
Patches Using Group Policy section for more information.

Some setups have files that are located in a directory structure that can potentially exceed
the Windows 256-character limit. If the Windows character limit is exceeded, you will
receive installation error 1335. There are two workarounds for this issue: you can either
perform an administrative installation to a directory structure that does not exceed the
above limits, or you can perform an administrative installation at the command line with
the additional parameter of SHORTFILENAMES=TRUE.

msiexec /a <setup location>\setup.msi /qb TARGETDIR= <installation

directory>/10.5/<product name> SHORTFILENAMES=TRUE

After the administrative or shortfile administrative installation is done, share the folder
and modify security permissions so that client machines can access the network share.

Create New GPO 1. Start Group Policy Management Console (GPMC). GPMC consists of a Microsoft
Management Console (MMC) snap-in and a set of programmable interfaces for
managing Group Policy. GPMC is included with Remote Server Administration
Tools (RSAT). Installing RSAT does not automatically install GPMC. To install
GPMC after you install RSAT, go to Server Manager and add it as a feature:

Start > Run > gpmc.msc

2. Browse to your domain and your organizational unit (OU), then right-click and click
Create a GPO in this domain, and Link it here.

Organizational units are Active Directory containers into which you can place users,
groups, computers, and other organizational units. An organizational unit is the
smallest scope or unit to which you can assign Group Policy settings or delegate
administrative authority.

3. Provide a value for the name.

Edit GPO To launch Group Policy Management Editor, right-click GPO and click Edit.

The Group Policy snap-in contains the following major branches:

Esri Technical Paper 15

ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


■ Computer Configuration: Administrators can use Computer Configuration to set

policies that are applied to a computer regardless of who logs on. Computer
Configuration typically contains sub items for software settings, Windows settings,
and administrative templates.

For all products except ArcGIS Pro, setups assign the application to a computer.
ArcGIS Pro can be assigned to either a computer or user.

In this example, GPO has been named ArcGIS Desktop 10.5.

1. Go to ArcGIS Desktop 10.5 > Computer Configuration > Policies > Software
Settings > Software Installation. Then right-click and click New Package.

2. Browse to the folder that contains the MSI and select it. Always use a UNC path
to browse to the MSI file. This share should have security rights configured so
that the client machines can also access it.

3. Choose the Advanced option and click OK. The Publish option is not available
because you will assign to Computer.

4. After the GPO Properties dialog box appears, go to the Deployment tab and
check the Uninstall this application when it falls out of the scope of management
check box. This option is needed during uninstallation.

5. After the ArcGIS Desktop 10.5 package shows up in the right pane (this takes a
minute or two), close Group Policy Management Editor.

■ User Configuration: Administrators can use User Configuration to set policies that
apply to users regardless of which computer they log on to. User Configuration
typically contains sub items for software settings, Windows settings, and
administrative templates.

It is not recommended that you assign an ArcGIS setup package except the ArcGIS
Pro setups to a user. Assigning an ArcGIS setup to a user will not successfully add a
shortcut to your desktop, and the setup will not auto install by file extension

In this example, GPO has been named ArcGIS Pro.

1. Go to ArcGIS Pro > User Configuration > Policies > Software Settings >
Software Installation. Then right-click and click New Package.

2. Browse to the folder that contains the MSI and select it. Always use a UNC path
to browse to the MSI file. This share should have security rights configured so
that the client machines can also access it.

3. Choose the Advanced option and click OK.

March 2017 16
ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


4. After the GPO Properties dialog box appears, go to the Deployment tab and
unselect the Auto install option under Deployment options. Select the Assigned
option under Deployment Type.

5. Check the Uninstall this application when it falls out of the scope of
management check box. This option is needed during uninstallation.

a. Select Install this application at logon to initiate group policy software

installation when a user logs on.

b. To prevent users from starting installation on their own, select Do not

display this package in the Add/Remove Programs control panel.

c. To prevent the user from seeing any dialog boxes during installation, select
the Basic option under the Installation interface user options.

6. Click OK and then close Group Policy Management Editor.

ArcGIS Pro setups can be assigned to a user or computer. Use the following criteria to
decide what option to choose:

 If all users on the computer need to use ArcGIS Pro, then assign to computer.
 If only a particular user needs it, then assign to user.

Enforce GPO GPO will now show up in the OU folder. Right-click GPO and click Enforced.

Start Software For computer assignment, reboot the client machine to install the software. Software
Installation installation happens before any user is logged in. This is foreground policy processing.
For software installation Group Policy, foreground processing must be running

Synchronous processes can be described as a series of processes where one process must
finish running before the next one begins. It can sometimes take two reboots for a
package to be deployed. Confirm that the software has been installed by opening
Add/Remove Programs.

On Windows Vista and higher operating systems, a generic Please wait message is
displayed while the application is being installed. To change this, enable Verbose vs.
normal status messages policy Group Policy and then link and enforce the GPO to the
relevant OU. After that, the name of the application that is being deployed is shown
during the installation process.

If the Install this application at logon option was selected for user assignment, then log
off and log on to the client machine to start the installation. Just like computer
assignment, the software installation happens before user login. For user assignment, the
application is also available to be installed in Add or Remove Programs > Install a
program from the network.

If you created a new GPO without any upgrade information for the 10.5 setups, you have
to use that to uninstall.

Esri Technical Paper 17

ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


Upgrading to 10.5 If you are upgrading from 10.1, 10.2, 10.2.1, 10.2.2, 10.3, 10.3.1, 10.4, or 10.4.1 to 10.5,
there are several options depending on how GPOs are grouped together and implemented
in your organizational unit and domain. First is to create a new GPO without an upgrade
specification. Second is to create a new 10.5 GPO and specify the 10.1, 10.2, 10.2.1,
10.2.2, 10.3, 10.3.1, 10.4, or 10.4.1 GPO and 10.1, 10.2, 10.2.1, 10.2.2, 10.3, 10.3.1, 10.4,
or 10.4.1 package. Third is to modify the existing 10.1, 10.2, 10.2.1, 10.2.2, 10.3, 10.3.1,
10.4, or 10.4.1 GPO and add the 10.5 package in it.

New 10.5 GPO with no upgrade information: The first option is what was just done in
the steps mentioned above for Create New GPO and Edit GPO. There is no requirement
to add the upgrade information because the default behavior of the 10.5 MSI setup is to
uninstall the 10.1, 10.2, 10.2.1, 10.2.2, 10.3, 10.3.1, 10.4, or 10.4.1 setup and then install
the 10.5 setup in one seamless step.

New 10.5 upgrade GPO: The second option is to create a new GPO for 10.5 and add the
10.5 package to it.

■ For example, create a new GPO named ArcGIS Desktop 10.5 using the steps
mentioned above for Create New GPO and new package in it for ArcGIS Desktop
10.5 using Edit GPO.

■ In the Group Policy Management Editor, right-click the ArcGIS Desktop 10.5
package and click Properties. After the GPO Properties dialog box appears, go to the
Upgrade tab and click the Add button.

■ In the Add Upgrade Package dialog box, click the A specific GPO button and then
click the Browse button.

■ For example, if you have an existing GPO named ArcGIS 10.1 for Desktop, select
the GPO and click OK.

■ In the Add Upgrade Package dialog box, you can choose either the Uninstall the
existing package, then install the upgrade package option or the Package can upgrade
over the existing package option. Click OK and close the Group Policy Management

March 2017 18
ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


Modify existing 10.1, 10.2, 10.2.1, 10.2.2, 10.3, 10.3.1, 10.4, or 10.4.1 GPO: The third
option is to modify the existing 10.1, 10.2, 10.2.1, 10.2.2, 10.3, 10.3.1, 10.4, or 10.4.1

■ For example, if you have an existing GPO named ArcGIS 10.1 for Desktop and there
is a package in it for ArcGIS 10.1 for Desktop, open the GPO in the GPO editor and
create a new package and select the ArcGIS Desktop 10.5 MSI file. This will create a
package named ArcGIS Desktop 10.5 and automatically add the option to upgrade
the ArcGIS 10.1 for Desktop package.

■ If the upgrade option doesn't show up, right-click the package and select Properties.
Go to the Upgrade tab and click the Add button. Click the Current Group Policy
button and then browse to the ArcGIS 10.1 for Desktop package.

Customize Group Group Policy software distribution can only deploy an MSI file. It cannot accept any
Policy Installation command line parameters. The only way to customize the setup installation is to generate
a Microsoft transform (.mst) file and link it to the MSI file while creating the software
installation GPO.

An MST file can be used to install a setup with predefined properties. The MSI file and
the MST file are then used to deploy the setup. The MST file customizations can include
the installation location, license manager, installation type, features to install, software
product type, and so forth.

Esri Technical Paper 19

ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


Transforms for setup.msi can be created using Orca, a free tool available with the
Microsoft Installer software developer kit (SDK). Install the latest version of Microsoft
SDK and then launch C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Bin\Orca.Msi.
The actual path will vary based on the version of the SDK. This will install Orca. Other
tools are available that use a wizard to create transform files, for example, Wise for
Windows Installer and InstallShield Admin Studio.

You will need to use a transform file to set the installation directory to a location other
than the default and to specify your software type.

Creating Transforms To create transforms, open setup.msi in Orca. On the main toolbar, navigate to
Transform > New Transform. Now start modifying tables to customize the setup.

■ Modify properties.

Many aspects of the installation can be modified by just changing values of

properties in the property table. A complete list of what properties can be modified is
included in the command line table of the products section of this document.
Following are some examples of how to modify properties:

1. Specify the software seat type for ArcGIS Desktop 10.5.

In the Property table, change the value of SOFTWARE_CLASS to one of the

following: Professional, Editor, or Viewer.

♦ Professional is for an Advanced seat (ArcInfo).

♦ Editor is for a Standard seat (ArcEditor™).
♦ Viewer is for a Basic seat (ArcView®).

2. Specify the seat preference for ArcGIS Desktop 10.5.

In the Property table, change the value of SEAT_PREFERENCE to one of the

following: Float or Fixed.

♦ Float is for concurrent use.

♦ Fixed is for single use.
3. Specify the license manager to use for ArcGIS Desktop 10.5.

In the Property table, change the value of ESRI_LICENSE_HOST from Not_Set

to @<the name of the ArcGIS License Manager 10.5>, for example,

4. Prevent the launch of Desktop Administrator after installation of ArcGIS

Desktop 10.5.

In the Property table, change the value of DESKTOP_CONFIG from FALSE to


March 2017 20
ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


■ Change the features selected for installation.

● To install a feature in a feature table, change the level to 1.

● To prevent features from being installed, change the level from 1 to any number
greater than 100.

The features specified using a transform should replicate the selection of features in
the Add/Remove dialog box. If you want to create a transform that adds an
installation feature to an existing setup, that transform must include the features that
are already installed on the machine and the feature you would like to add. If you do
not include the already installed features, they will be uninstalled while the added
feature and its associated features are installed.

Some setups install the Python feature, which is conditionally set to be installed in
the MSI and requires an additional step. So that the Python feature is not installed,
the feature table changes above must be made and the Python rows must be deleted
from the condition table.

■ Change the default installation location.

● Changing INSTALLDIR instructions is specific to every product. See the

Transform section of the product in this document for more details.

● For ArcGIS Desktop 10.5 in the CustomAction table, locate the custom action

● The target column for this custom action is [INSTALLDIR]. Change this to the
desired installation location, for example, C:\MyDesktop10.5\.

Applying a Transform 1. Choose the Advanced option when creating a new package.

2. After the GPO properties dialog box appears, select the Modifications tab and add
the transform file.

Now, when the application is deployed, it will have all your customizations in it.
Transforms can only be added to the GPO during the GPO creation process. It is not
possible to add a transform to an existing software installation GPO.

Deploying Localized Some Esri setups are available as localized setups, and some also come with language
Setups Using Group pack setups that localize the application. If the product being deployed has a localized
Policy setup available, you can deploy the localized version of the setup.

All localized setup data is stored in .mst files and embedded in the MSI file. To deploy
the localized setup, first check what languages are available for localized setup, extract
the .mst files, and then apply them on the MSI file while creating the GPO. You will need
WISubStg.vbs and msidb.exe to do so. Both of these utilities are available as part of
Windows Installer SDK, which can be downloaded from

Esri Technical Paper 21

ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


After the SDK is installed, these utilities will be in the following location (the actual path
will vary based on the version of the SDK and operating system):

■ C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0\Samples\sysmgmt\msi\scripts


■ C:\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\Bin\MsiDb.Exe

The deployment workflow is to create the localized setup GPO, create the language pack
GPO, and then have the correct GPO link order.

Create Localized When assigning to a computer, the application is installed silently, and no setup dialog
Setup GPO boxes are displayed on the client machine. If you open the setup via Add/Remove
Programs, the setup dialog boxes will be displayed in English. If you would like to have
these dialog boxes shown in a localized GUI, you have to deploy the localized setup,
which involves extracting the .mst file from the MSI file and then applying it during GPO
creation. If you are going to uninstall the application by Group Policy, it is uninstalled
silently, and users will not see the setup dialog boxes. So create the localized setup GPO
only if you will need to modify the installation manually on a client machine by going to
Add/Remove Programs.

■ See available transform files.

Use WISubStg.vbs to see what .mst files are embedded.

cscript WiSubStg.vbs [path to database][path to file][options]

March 2017 22
ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


For example, for ArcGIS Desktop 10.5, 11 .mst files are embedded. ArcGIS Pro has
13 .mst files. The following table shows the language code for each .mst file.

Language Language Code

Arabic 1025
Chinese_CN 2052
French 1036
German 1031
Italian 1040
Japanese 1041
Portuguese_BR 1046
Russian 1049
Spanish 1034
Turkish 1055
Finnish 1035
Korean 1042
Hebrew 1037
Czech 1029
Swedish 1053

■ Extract transform files.

Use MsiDb to extract the .mst files. This tool is used to import and export database
tables and streams, merge databases, and apply transforms.

MsiDb.Exe /d <Path to msi> /w <Language Code>.mst

In the following example, the German .mst is being extracted from setup.msi, by
extracting 1031.mst into the folder containing MsiDb.Exe.

■ Create GPO.

Apply transform during the GPO creation process.

● Choose the Advanced option when creating a new package.

● After the GPO properties dialog box appears, select the Modifications tab and
add the transform file. Now when the application is deployed, it will deploy as a
localized setup. This can be confirmed by going to Add/Remove Programs and
launching the uninstallation. Setup dialog boxes will have localized text.

Create Language If the application has a language pack setup, create a GPO for that too. For example,
Pack GPO ArcGIS Desktop 10.5 has 11 language pack setups. If you need localized German

Esri Technical Paper 23

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applications, choose the German language pack MSI while creating the language pack

While creating the GPO, go to the Deployment tab and click Advanced. Check the option
Ignore language when deploying this package.

GPO Link Order Link this GPO to the same OU that has localized setup GPO. Now this OU has two
GPOs, and they need to be ordered correctly. If a language pack GPO is installed before
the localized setup GPO, it will fail, because language packs have a setup dependency on
the ArcGIS Desktop 10.5 setup. The GPO with the lowest link order is processed last.
The correct link order will look like the following:

After both these GPOs are processed on the client machine, you will have a localized
setup and localized application.

Deploying Patches All ArcGIS 10.5 patches and QFEs are available as individual Windows Installer Patch
and QFEs Using (.msp) files that upgrade an existing installation.
Group Policy

An .msp file cannot be directly deployed as a package using Group Policy software
deployment. To deploy an .msp file, follow these steps:

■ Apply the .msp file to the administrative installation using the following command

msiexec /a <location of ArcGIS administrative installation>\setup.msi

/p <location of patch>\<patch name>.msp

For example: msiexec /a c:\admins\10.5\desktop\setup.msi /p


The image below shows the setup dialog box that is displayed when you launch the
command to apply a patch to an administrative installation location. To do this

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silently, append a /qb switch to the command line and include the TARGETDIR

Once the command is launched to apply the msp to the administrative installation,
the setup dialog box will prompt you for the network installation location. This
installation location will be prepopulated with the location of your 10.5
administrative installation. Do not change this location; you want the files in this
location to be updated with the patch changes.

Once the setup is complete, the setup.msi will have been updated with the patch
changes. The date of the setup.msi will be updated to the current date. After the
administrative image has been updated with the patch, the patch cannot be removed
from the administrative image.

■ Redeploy the ArcGIS package.

1. Select the package in the GPMC, right-click, and click Edit.

2. In Group Policy Management Editor, select GPO > Computer Configuration >
Policies > Software Settings > Software installation.

3. Right-click the package and click All tasks > Redeploy application.

4. Click Yes to the message, confirming that you want to redeploy the application.

Esri Technical Paper 25

ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


■ Redeployment of the application occurs on the next logon or reboot, depending on

how the application was deployed (user-based deployment or computer-based
deployment). For more information on applying patches to an administrative
installation, see Microsoft Knowledge Base Article 226936.

Uninstalling Setups There are two ways to uninstall setups that were deployed using Group Policy:
Deployed Using
Group Policy ■ For uninstalling on specific computers, remove the computer account from the OU
and reboot the computer. The application will be uninstalled during the boot-up

■ If you want to uninstall an application from all computers to which GPO has been
linked and enabled, follow the steps below:

1. Right-click GPO in GPMC > Edit.

2. In Group Policy Management Editor, go to Computer Configuration > Policies >

Software Settings > Software installation.

3. In the right pane, select the application and right-click it. Click All Tasks >

4. Click Immediately uninstall the software from users and computers and click

The next time the computer reboots, the product will be uninstalled.

Deployment Using

Introduction Using SMS or SCCM as an enterprise deployment tool enables software to be distributed
to all Windows operating systems using the software distribution feature. Enterprise
deployment with SMS or SCCM allows distribution of software to computers without
having to physically visit the location of the computers. Instead, a package is created that
contains the program. For ArcGIS 10.5 and ArcGIS Pro setups, the MSI file is bundled
with the msiexec command line parameters to create a package. The package is then
distributed to collections, which are computers or groups of users. Once a package has
been distributed, client machines are alerted, and the user can choose to install the
package immediately or schedule a time for installation. Packages can be run with
administrative rights even if the user who is logged on is not an administrator. Packages
can also be set to run whether or not a user is logged on to the machine. For more
information on SMS and SCCM, see

Deploying software to client machines is a multistep process involving creating the

software distribution share; creating a package, program, and advertisement; and, finally,
initiating software installation on the client machine.

Create Software Before software can be deployed, it must be copied to a network share for easy access. If

March 2017 26
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Distribution Share you are starting at a point where there are patches already available for the application
that is being deployed, you have a choice to make: create an administrative image and
apply a patch on it and then deploy, or deploy the main setup and patch separately.

■ Copy setup files to a network share.

1. Copy the entire contents of the extracted setup files folder to your server
machine for deployment. You cannot copy just the MSI file to your server
machine for deployment; other associated files are also required.

2. At the Create Program step, create different programs for the main setup and the
patch and deploy them in sequence.


■ Create an administrative image of the setup.

1. You can create an administrative installation on the server using the standard
msiexec command line parameters:

msiexec /a <setup location>\setup.msi /qb TARGETDIR=

<installation directory>/10.5/<product name>

It is important to include the TARGETDIR property; otherwise, INSTALLDIR

will default to the drive with the most empty space including mapped drives. If a
/qb parameter is not included, the setup dialog box will be launched, and that
can be used to finish the administrative installation.

Some setups have files that are located in a directory structure that would exceed
the Windows 256-character limit. If the Windows character limit is exceeded,
you will receive installation error 1335. There are two workarounds for this
issue: perform either an administrative installation to a directory structure that
does not exceed the above limits or an administrative installation at the
command line with the additional parameter of SHORTFILENAMES=TRUE:

msiexec /a <setup location>\setup.msi /qb TARGETDIR=

<installation directory>/10.5/<product name>

2. Patch the administrative installation using the following:

msiexec /a <location of the admin installation>\setup.msi /p

<location of the .msp file>\<patch name>.msp.

Do not delete this administrative installation; it is required for modifying

installation features and additional patching.

3. At the Create Program step, create one program.

The first method is more efficient in terms of network usage. While applying a patch,
only the bits for a patch are sent to the client machine.

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Create Package ■ Start Configuration Manager Console.

■ Start the New Package wizard.

1. Click System Center Configuration Manager > Site Database > Computer
Management > Software Distribution > Packages, then right-click and click
New Package.

2. Go through all dialog boxes and fill in all required information. On the Data
Source dialog box, check the This package contains source files check box and
then browse to the folder that contains Setup.exe.

■ Use the Manage Distributions Points wizard.

1. Right-click the package and click Manage Distribution Points.

2. Go through all dialog boxes and fill in all required information. Select a
distribution point.

Create Program SCCM can deploy both setup.msi and Setup.exe, but to get the most out of SCCM, it is
recommended that you deploy using Setup.exe. Setup.exe accepts standard Windows
Installer command line parameters. See
/Aa367988.aspx for Windows Installer command line options.

There is no need to create transforms. Everything that you can do with the command line
can be done in SCCM. Just pass in the same command line while creating the program in

Access the New Program wizard by doing the following:

1. Go to the package and click Programs, then right-click and click New Program.

2. Go through all dialog boxes and fill in all required information. On the General
dialog box for command line, you can type in the command line just the way you
would for msiexec, except replace msiexec /I <Path to msi> with <Path to

For example:

■ Install silently with default features to the default installation directory:

Setup.exe /qb-!

The /qb-! switch has a basic UI with no modal dialog boxes and hides the Cancel
button. Use /qn for a completely silent installation.

■ Install silently with all features to a nondefault installation directory:


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■ Install silently with custom features to a nondefault installation directory:

Setup.exe /qb-! INSTALLDIR=C:\ArcGIS

Create Advertisement Access the New Advertisement wizard by doing the following:

1. Navigate to System Center Configuration Manager > Site Database > Computer
Management > Software Distribution > Advertisement, then right-click and click
New Advertisement.

2. Go through all dialog boxes and fill in all required information. On the General
dialog box, select Package and the program in the package that you want to
advertise. Choose the collection that you want to deploy to.

Start Software Depending on your configuration in the advertisement and the command line in the
Installation program, the software will start installation after the next logon or reboot or be scheduled
to run at a certain time.

Upgrading to 10.5 If you are upgrading from 10.1, 10.2, 10.2.1, 10.2.2, 10.3, 10.3.1, 10.4, or 10.4.1 to 10.5,
create a new package, program, and advertisement to install and uninstall the 10.5 setup.

Deploying Localized Running Setup.exe provides a fully localized installation experience. Setup.exe is a
Setups Using SCCM bootstrapper executable that runs the main product localized setup.msi, then runs the
language pack setup.msi as a secondary installation. For example, if you run Setup.exe
for ArcGIS Desktop in Spanish, the mobile setup, as well as the Spanish Language Pack
setup, will be installed. If additional language packs need to be installed, copy them to the
Supplements folder prior to launching Setup.exe. All the language pack MSI files in the
Supplements folder will be installed if the installation is launched using Setup.exe. There
is no need to extract and deploy transform files.

Note: While the main product setup automatically installs the associated language pack,
an Add/Remove item exists for both setups. The main product uninstallation process does
not uninstall language packs. These will need to be manually uninstalled.

Uninstalling Setups When the software is deployed, the Control Panel's Add/Remove Programs dialog box
Using SCCM does not enable you to remove the software unless you have administrative privileges.
Use SMS or SCCM to manage uninstallation of the software when uninstalling with
elevated privileges for all users.

■ Uninstall silently using product code.

msiexec /x <{product code}> /qb

For example: To uninstall ArcGIS Desktop 10.5 silently, use the following command

msiexec /x {76B58799-3448-4DE4-BA71-0FDFAA2A2E9A} /qb

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■ Any ArcGIS product can be uninstalled silently using the product code. Knowledge
Base article 28709 is updated and available with the product codes for ArcGIS

■ Create a new program within the same package and a new advertisement using the
command line mentioned above.

Deploying All ArcGIS 10.5 patches are available as individual Windows Installer Patch (.msp) files
ArcGIS 10.5 that upgrade an existing installation. For SCCM, they have to be deployed like a regular
Patches and QFEs MSI installation. To deploy, create a new package, program, and advertisement for
Using SMS or SCCM.

There are two methods of deploying .msp files using SMS or SCCM. Select one of these
methods to deploy ArcGIS patches:

■ Apply the .msp file to an administrative installation and deploy the patched MSI file.


■ Deploy the .msp file separately from the base product setup.msi.

To Apply the .msp File to an Administrative Installation and Deploy the Patched
Windows Installer File

Applying the Windows Installer Patch to an administrative installation will update the
setup.msi with patch changes. The setup.msi can then be deployed. To apply the patch to
an administrative installation, do the following:

1. Create an administrative installation. If an administrative installation does not

already exist on your server, create one using the code below:

msiexec /a <location of setup.msi>\setup.msi

2. Patch the administrative installation using msiexec /a <location of the administrative

installation>\setup.msi /p <location of the .msp file>\<patch name>.msp.

For example: msiexec /a c:\admins\10.5\desktop\setup.msi /p


Once the command is launched to apply the patch to the administrative installation,
the setup dialog box will prompt you for the network installation location. This
installation location will be prepopulated with the location of your ArcGIS 10.5
administrative installation. Do not change this location; you want the files in this
location to be updated with the patch changes.

Once the setup is complete, the setup.msi will have been updated with any patch
changes. The date of the setup.msi will be updated to the current date.

March 2017 30
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3. Create an SMS or SCCM package using the patched MSI file and deploy it. The
following command line parameter should be used: msiexec /a <location of the
administrative installation>\setup.msi.

To Deploy the Patch .msp File Directly

The patch .msp file can be directly deployed using SMS or SCCM. The setup for the
ArcGIS product must have already been deployed and installed on the client machine.

1. Copy the .msp file to the server machine.

2. Create a package to deploy the .msp file. The following command line parameter
should be used:

msiexec /p <location of .msp file>\<patch name>.msp REINSTALL=ALL


REINSTALLMODE must always be equal to omus.

REINSTALL can be equal to ALL to reinstall all features already installed, or you
can specify individual features (same feature names as ADDLOCAL).

3. Deploy the .msp package.

Troubleshooting the ■ If you receive an "Internal error, Install aborted" or "Corrupt Install" message when
Installation starting setup, ensure that the system TEMP variable is set to a valid folder where
you have write access and space available.

■ If you receive an error message upon clicking Next on the final installation dialog
box, verify that all your system variables are set to a valid value. An empty system
variable will cause the installation to fail. To check your system variables, go to
Start > Settings > Control Panel > System and choose the Environment tab.

■ Examine the Event Viewer.

Entries are logged in the Event Viewer when the Windows Installer results in an
error or goes into repair. Examining the logs may offer insight into the solution.

1. Right-click My Computer.
2. Click Manage.
3. Expand the Event Viewer tree.
4. Click Application.
5. Search for MsiInstaller entries related to ArcGIS.

■ Capture a log of the installation.

1. From the desktop, go to Start > Run.

2. Enter the command below, modifying the setup location as necessary:

Esri Technical Paper 31

ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


msiexec.exe /i <path to setup>\setup.msi /qb /L*v


■ Capture a log of the uninstallation.

1. From the desktop, go to Start > Run.

2. Enter the command below, modifying the product code as necessary:

msiexec.exe /x <{product code}> /qb /L*v %TEMP%\Uninstall.log

ArcGIS Desktop For comprehensive information on the installation of ArcGIS Desktop 10.5, refer to the
10.5 installation guide at the ArcGIS Resources website. For a list of supported operating
systems and hardware requirements, refer to System Requirements at ArcGIS 10.5
System Requirements. This product has a Quick Start Guide at the ArcGIS Resources

ArcGIS Desktop 10.5 is available as Basic, Standard, or Advanced. Basic, Standard, and
Advanced are licensing product levels of the ArcMap™ and ArcCatalog™ applications.
Once installed, you can change product levels or switch between concurrent use and
single use versions without uninstalling or performing any installation action.

Installation Overview Steps

The installation of ArcGIS Desktop is a multistep process (with only the first three steps
required for ArcGIS Desktop applications):

1. Install the ArcGIS License Manager (if a 10.5 license manager does not already exist
for your use). If you intend to use ArcGIS Desktop for single use version only, you
do not need to install ArcGIS License Manager. For ArcGIS Desktop 10.5
applications, the ArcGIS License Manager 10.5 is required.

2. Install ArcGIS Desktop.

3. Complete the ArcGIS Administrator wizard to specify your product type, assign a
license manager (if using a concurrent-use product), or authorize your software (if
using a single-use product).

4. Install any of the optional components available for ArcGIS Desktop. These
components may be required depending on your use of ArcGIS Desktop.

Setup Dependency If the following products are not detected on the machine, setup will not proceed:

■ Microsoft .NET Framework Version 4.5

■ Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 9 or higher

■ Microsoft XML Core Services 6.0 (This is installed automatically if Setup.exe is

used to launch the installation.)

Feature Dependency There are no feature dependencies.

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Properties The following properties can be added to the msiexec command line:

Parameter Value Case Required Description

ESRI_LICENSE_HOST License No Yes for concurrent use Machine name of license
Manager manager
SOFTWARE_CLASS Viewer Yes Yes Installs ArcGIS Desktop
10.5 as ArcView (Basic)
Editor Installs ArcGIS Desktop
10.5 as ArcEditor
Professional Installs ArcGIS Desktop
10.5 as ArcInfo
SEAT_PREFERENCE Fixed Yes Yes Installs your ArcGIS
software class as a single
use seat
Float Yes Yes Installs your ArcGIS
software class as a
concurrent use seat
INSTALLDIR %System No ArcGIS Desktop 10.5
Drive% installation location
\Program Files
INSTALLDIR1 Default for No Python installation
both GUI and location
installation is
DESKTOP_CONFIG TRUE Yes Yes (if you supply Setting this parameter to
ESRI_LICENSE_HOST, TRUE will prevent the
SOFTWARE_CLASS, ArcGIS Administrator
and wizard from being
SEAT_PREFERENCE launched automatically
on the command line) at the end of the setup.
RENEWAL_CHECK TRUE Setting this to TRUE will
enable users to use the
license renewal option in
ArcGIS Administrator to
automatically update
expiring licenses instead
of browsing to new
provisioning files.
BLOCKADDINS #0 Yes No Load all add-ins
regardless of whether
they have digital
#1 Yes No Only load and use add-
ins that are digitally
signed by a trusted
certificate authority.
#2 Yes No Only load and use add-
ins that have been
published by Esri.

Esri Technical Paper 33

ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


Parameter Value Case Required Description

#3 Yes No Only load add-ins from
the administrator folders
and all add-ins published
by Esri.
#4 Yes No Do not load or execute
add-ins in this
ENABLEEUEI 0 Yes No Do not enable
participation in the Esri
User Experience
Improvement Program.
1 Yes No (1 is default) Enable participation in
the Esri User Experience
Improvement Program.
MODIFYFLEXDACL FALSE No No This is the default value.
TRUE No No Setting this property to
TRUE alters the
following permissions,
allowing management of
the FlexNet anchor
service by any user:


It is highly recommended that you include the ESRI_LICENSE_HOST,

parameters when installing silently. This will enable a user to install without user
interface interaction or having to complete the ArcGIS Administrator wizard.

Features Available The following features are available for installation. The setup can be modified to install
specific features only by appending the ADDLOCAL parameter to the msiexec command

March 2017 34
ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


Feature Feature Title Description

Applications Applications This is the ArcGIS Desktop
10.5 software.
ArcCatalog Applications ArcCatalog ArcCatalog is the
application for managing
your spatial data holdings,
for managing your database
designs, and for recording
and viewing metadata.
ArcInfoStyles Applications Styles Styles are an organized
collection of elements that
can be used to make your
ArcInfoTemplates Applications Templates Templates provide a quick
way to create a new map.
Templates can contain
data, a custom interface,
and a predefined layout
that arranges map elements
on a virtual page.
ArcMap Applications ArcMap ArcMap is used for all
mapping and editing tasks,
as well as for map-based
ArcMap_Publishing_Extension Extensions Publisher The ArcGIS Publisher
extension converts standard
ArcMap documents to a
published map format that
can be used by ArcReader.
ArcScan Extensions ArcScan The ArcGIS ArcScan™
extension provides a set of
tools for interactive and
batch raster-to-vector
conversion as well as tools
for simple raster cleanup.
CivicAndBusiness ArcInfoStyles Civic and These are the Civic and
Business Business styles.
Ext_3D_Analyst Extensions 3D Analyst The ArcGIS 3D Analyst™
extension allows 3D
visualization and analysis.
3D Analyst includes the
specialized 3D viewing
applications ArcScene™
and ArcGlobe™.
Extensions Extensions These are the optional
ArcGIS extensions that can
be installed and used with
any ArcGIS Desktop 10.5

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ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


Feature Feature Title Description

GeoStatisticalAnalyst Extensions Geostatistical The ArcGIS Geostatistical
Analyst Analyst extension provides
a set of tools for creating
surfaces to visualize and
analyze spatial phenomena
and provide error
estimation tools for
Military ArcInfoStyles Military These are the Military
NaturalResources ArcInfoStyles Natural This is the Natural
Resources Resources style.
NetworkAnalyst Extensions Network The ArcGIS Network
Analyst Analyst extension provides
functions for transportation
and logistical analysis on a
network dataset.
Python Applications Python This feature will install
Python, which is required
for some geoprocessing
Schematics Extensions Schematics The ArcGIS Schematics
extension is an effective
and innovative solution to
automate schematic and
geoschematic graphic
presentations of Esri
ArcGIS geodatabases.
SpatialAnalyst Extensions Spatial The ArcGIS Spatial
Analyst Analyst extension provides
a broad range of powerful
spatial modeling and
analysis features that allow
you to create, query, map,
and analyze vector/raster
TemplateGeneral ArcInfoTemplates General These are the general
TemplateIndustry ArcInfoTemplates Industry These are the industry
TemplateUSA ArcInfoTemplates USA This is the USA template
and data.
TemplateWorld ArcInfoTemplates World This is the world template
and data.
TrackingAnalyst Extensions Tracking The ArcGIS Tracking
Analyst Analyst extension provides
tools for real-time and
historic data display and
temporal analysis.

March 2017 36
ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


Python Requirement for Geoprocessing

ArcGIS Desktop 10.5 geoprocessing tools require that Python 2.7.12 and Numerical
Python 1.9.3 are installed. If the ArcGIS Desktop 10.5 setup does not find either
Python 2.7.12 or Numerical Python 1.9.3 (NumPy) installed on the target computer,
Python and all required components will be installed during a complete installation. You
can choose a Custom installation to unselect the Python feature and avoid installing it.
Additionally, if Python is installed during the ArcGIS Desktop 10.5 installation, you will
be provided with the opportunity to choose its installation location. The Python
installation location should not include spaces. If Python and NumPy are both found by
the ArcGIS Desktop 10.5 setup program, Python components will not be installed and, as
a result, will not be uninstalled.

Localized Setups ArcGIS Desktop 10.5 is available in Arabic, Simplified Chinese, French, German, Italian,
Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, and Finnish. Running
setup.exe provides a fully localized installation experience. Setup.exe is a bootstrapper
executable file that will run the main product setup.msi and then run the language pack
setup.msi as a secondary installation.

Transforms Changing INSTALLDIR

1. In the CustomAction table, locate the custom action GET_INST_LOC.

2. The target column for this custom action is [INSTALLDIR]. Change this to the
desired installation location, for example, C:\MyDesktop10.5\. The backslash must
be included.

Uninstall To uninstall ArcGIS Desktop 10.5 silently, use the following command line:

msiexec.exe /x {76B58799-3448-4DE4-BA71-0FDFAA2A2E9A} /qb

Existing ArcGIS for ArcGIS 10.2, 10.2.1, 10.2.2, 10.3, 10.3.1, 10.4, and 10.4.1 Users
Desktop Users
■ The ArcGIS Desktop 10.5 setup package is designed to detect and upgrade an
existing installation of ArcGIS 10.2, 10.2.1, 10.2.2, 10.3, 10.3.1, 10.4, or 10.4.1 for
Desktop on the target system. The settings for the installation location, license
manager (for concurrent use), or authorization information (for single use) are
retained in the upgrade. After installation, any customizations, add-ons, or third-
party applications installed for 10.2, 10.2.1, 10.2.2, 10.3, 10.3.1, 10.4, or 10.4.1
might need to be reapplied. The installation folder will change to %System
Drive%\Program Files\ArcGIS\Desktop10.5.

■ If you wish to change the installation location from the default %System
Drive%\Program Files\ArcGIS\Desktop<version> folder, you will need to manually
uninstall ArcGIS 10.2, 10.2.1, 10.2.2, 10.3, 10.3.1, 10.4, or 10.4.1 for Desktop
through Add/Remove from the Windows Control Panel before installing ArcGIS
Desktop 10.5 in the new location.

Esri Technical Paper 37

ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


■ Concurrent and single use users

Your current 10.2, 10.2.1, 10.2.2, 10.3, 10.3.1, 10.4, or 10.4.1 authorization will be
preserved and reconfigured for 10.5 use. For concurrent use users, ensure the license
manager you are connecting to is a 10.2, 10.2.1, 10.2.2, 10.3, 10.3.1, 10.4, 10.4.1, or
10.5 license manager. You can run the ArcGIS Administrator after installation to
change the license manager or any other required settings.

ArcGIS 10.1 Users (including SP1)

■ The ArcGIS Desktop 10.5 setup package is designed to detect and upgrade an
existing installation of ArcGIS 10.1 for Desktop (including SP1) on the target
system. The settings for the installation location, license manager (for concurrent
use), or authorization information (for single use) are retained in the upgrade. The
installation location parent folder is retained, although the upgrade is installed in an
ArcGIS Desktop 10.5 folder. After installation, any customizations, add-ons, or
third-party applications installed for 10.1 must be reapplied to 10.5.

■ If you wish to change the installation location, you will need to manually uninstall
ArcGIS 10.1 for Desktop through Add/Remove from the Windows Control Panel
before installing ArcGIS Desktop 10.5 in the new location.

■ Concurrent and single use users

Your current 10.1 authorization will be preserved and reconfigured for 10.5 use. For
concurrent use users, ensure that the license manager you are connecting to is a
10.5 license manager. You can run the ArcGIS Administrator after installation to
change the license manager or any other required settings. The ArcGIS License
Manager 10.5 also supports versions 10.1 and 10.0.

ArcGIS 10.0 and Prior Users

■ You must uninstall all ArcGIS products prior to 10.1 and any third-party extensions
or tools from your machine before proceeding with the ArcGIS Desktop 10.5
installation. You must also uninstall your license manager and install the
ArcGIS License Manager 10.5. The ArcGIS License Manager 10.5 can serve
licenses to ArcGIS 10.x and 9.x installations.

■ If you are installing ArcGIS 10.5 to the same machine, you are not required to
deauthorize your single use licenses. If you have borrowed a concurrent use license,
it is recommended that you return the license before the upgrade process.

■ You are not required to uninstall ArcView GIS 3.x to install and run ArcGIS
Desktop 10.5. ArcGIS Desktop 10.5 defaults to a different folder and will not
conflict with ArcView GIS 3.x in any way.

Additional The additional ArcGIS Desktop 10.5 components, such as ArcGIS 10.5 Desktop Tutorial
Installation Data, ArcGIS 10.5 Data Interoperability, ArcGIS VBA Compatibility, and ArcObjects
Components SDK, can be installed separately if they are required. To install a component, click the

March 2017 38
ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


download link on the My Esri site, which downloads a self-extracting .exe file. After the
download completes, you have the option of starting the setup immediately or running it
manually. To run the setup manually, browse to the downloaded folder containing the
setup and run setup.exe. The download contains a PDF version of the license agreement
displayed during each installation. The license agreement is located in the
\Desktop\Documentation folder.

ArcGIS Desktop contains the following components.

Product Product Description

ArcGIS Desktop Contains the installation for ArcGIS Desktop and its
ArcGIS License Manager Contains the license manager setup required for
ArcGIS Desktop concurrent use
ArcGIS for Desktop VBA Compatibility Installs Visual Basic for Applications (formerly
installed by the ArcGIS Desktop setup) (optional) for
enabling VBA Editor in ArcGIS
ArcGIS Data Interoperability for Desktop Provides direct data access, transformation, and
export capabilities
ArcGIS Data Reviewer for Desktop Automates and improves data quality control
ArcGIS Workflow Manager for Desktop Supports better management of GIS tasks and
Database Server Installs SQL Server Express instance to store
geodatabases. (optional)
ArcObjects Esri Developer Network Contains the resources for extending ArcGIS Desktop
(EDN™) Resources for Developers ArcObjects using the application programming
ArcObjects SDK for the Microsoft .NET interface (API) for .NET or Java (optional)
ArcObjects SDK for Java

You must install the appropriate DBMS client on your computer to connect to a database
or enterprise geodatabase from ArcGIS. You can download DBMS client files from My
Esri or obtain them from your DBMS provider.

Starting with ArcGIS 10.1, the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) runtime is installed
by Setup.exe of the ArcGIS VBA Compatibility setup program. Prior to ArcGIS 10.1, the
VBA runtime was installed by the ArcGIS for Desktop setup. The VBA setup is not an
upgrade setup. If you have the VBA setup from an earlier release installed, remove it
before installing the VBA setup released with ArcGIS Desktop 10.5.

To enable the VBA macro in the ArcGIS Desktop 10.5 applications, you must complete
the following steps:

1. Install ArcGIS Desktop 10.5.

2. Install the ArcGIS VBA Compatibility setup.

Esri Technical Paper 39

ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


3. Obtain a license for VBA. For concurrent use products, you must obtain a license for
VBA. For single use products, your authorization file contains the VBA feature.

If deploying the ArcGIS VBA Compatibility setup, the setups listed must be deployed in
the following order:

1. Setup.msi—This is the ArcGIS VBA Compatibility setup program.

2. VBAOF11.msi—This is the Visual Basic for Applications Core setup program. This
MSI file is located in the VBA folder.

3. VBAOF11I.msi—This is the Visual Basic for Applications Core English setup

program. This MSI file is located in the VBA\1033 folder.

If Setup.exe is used to launch the ArcGIS VBA Compatibility setup, Visual Basic for
Applications Core setup and Visual Basic for Applications Core English setup are
installed automatically.

ArcGIS Desktop There are 11 language packs available for ArcGIS Desktop 10.5—Arabic, Brazilian
10.5 Language Packs Portuguese, Finnish, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Simplified Chinese,
Spanish, and Turkish. Use Setup.exe to accomplish a fully localized installation
experience. Setup.exe is a bootstrapper executable file that will run the main product
setup.msi and then run the language pack MSI as a secondary installation. For example, if
you run Setup.exe for ArcGIS Desktop 10.5 in Spanish, both the desktop setup and
Spanish Language Pack setup will be installed. Additional language packs must be
installed separately.

While the ArcGIS Desktop 10.5 setup automatically installs the language pack, an
Add/Remove item will exist for both setups. The ArcGIS Desktop 10.5 uninstallation
process does not uninstall language packs, and they will need to be manually uninstalled
using the Add/Remove Programs dialog box. Running setup.exe for a localized
10.5 setup will upgrade both the main product installation and the language pack

Setup Dependency ArcGIS Desktop 10.5 must be installed on the machine.

Feature Dependency None

Command Line None


Features Available None

Transforms Changing INSTALLDIR

ArcGIS Desktop 10.5 Language Packs install to the Installation directory of

ArcGIS Desktop 10.5. It is not possible to change this with a transform.

March 2017 40
ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


Uninstall To uninstall ArcGIS Desktop 10.5 Language Packs silently, use the following command

msiexec.exe /x <Product Code> /qb

Language Pack Product Code

ArcGIS Desktop 10.5 Arabic {9822A9BA-3A1C-4ACF-AC40-E204716703CD}
Language Pack
ArcGIS Desktop 10.5 Brazilian {A248340F-EE49-4842-B133-5318D300F908}
Portuguese Language Pack
ArcGIS Desktop 10.5 Finnish {B7DFD805-33FB-4999-A975-B7033840B07F}
Language Pack
ArcGIS Desktop 10.5 French {C5746244-D127-4CE8-99F1-6AC0DB12C8EE}
Language Pack
ArcGIS Desktop 10.5 German {71CF7C84-AE4E-4CBC-B1B4-A53205A6ED12}
Language Pack
ArcGIS Desktop 10.5 Italian {8DAA5597-4337-4430-98E7-34C61BA0DAD1}
Language Pack
ArcGIS Desktop 10.5 Japanese {21A58DF9-1E15-416E-B192-80AC0590080F}
Language Pack
ArcGIS Desktop 10.5 Russian {C89A606A-F50C-46CA-9994-BAB851356BFC}
Language Pack
ArcGIS Desktop 10.5 Simplified {E122E727-80B8-49B6-9C07-166A9B750F1C}
Chinese Language Pack
ArcGIS Desktop 10.5 Spanish {CFC27E8C-E8A2-4739-95D6-FF717B67D79E}
Language Pack
ArcGIS Desktop 10.5 Turkish {197E9DE7-3450-4DC5-A3A7-616DD314BF52}
Language Pack

ArcGIS Desktop For a list of supported operating systems and hardware requirements, refer to the system
Background requirements at ArcGIS 10.5 System Requirements. If Python 64 bit is already installed,
Geoprocessing 10.5 the Python feature in the setup will be unavailable.
(64 bit)

Setup Dependency ■ 64-bit operating system.

■ ArcGIS Desktop 10.5 must be installed on the machine.

Feature Dependency None

Command Line
Parameter Default Case Required Description
Value Sensitive
MODIFYFLEXDACL FALSE No No This is the default value.

Esri Technical Paper 41

ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


MODIFYFLEXDACL TRUE No No Setting this property to TRUE alters the

following permissions, allowing management of
the FlexNet anchor service by any user:


Features Available The following features are available for installation. The setup can be modified to install
only specific features by appending the ADDLOCAL parameter to the msiexec command

Feature Feature Title Description

GP_Runtime RequiredFeature
Python GP_Runtime Python

Localized Setups ArcGIS Desktop Background Geoprocessing 10.5 (64 bit) setup is available in Arabic,
Simplified Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian,
Spanish, and Turkish. Running setup.exe provides a fully localized installation
experience. Setup.exe is a bootstrapper executable file that will run the main product
setup.msi and then run the language pack setup.msi as a secondary installation.

Transforms Changing INSTALLDIR

ArcGIS Desktop Background Geoprocessing 10.5 (64 bit) installs to the Installation
directory of ArcGIS Desktop 10.5. It is not possible to change this with a transform.

Uninstall To uninstall ArcGIS Desktop Background Geoprocessing 10.5 (64 bit) silently, use the
following command line:

msiexec.exe /x {BEA81533-2A03-48C5-B3F3-3FF44632CC6A} /qb

ArcGIS License For comprehensive information on the installation of ArcGIS License Manager 10.5,
Manager 10.5 refer to the reference guide at the ArcGIS Resources website. For a list of supported
operating systems and hardware requirements, refer to the system requirements at
ArcGIS 10.5 System Requirements. This product has a Quick Start Guide at the ArcGIS
Resources website.

Setup Dependency None

Feature Dependency None

Command Line The following property can be added to the msiexec command line:

March 2017 42
ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


Parameter Default Value Required Description
INSTALLDIR %System No No ArcGIS License Manager 10.5 installation
Drive% location
\Program Files
MODIFYFLEXDACL FALSE No No This is the default value.
MODIFYFLEXDACL TRUE No No Setting this property to TRUE alters the
following permissions, allowing
management of the FlexNet anchor service
by any user:


Features Available None

Localized Setups ArcGIS License Manager 10.5 setup is available in Arabic, Simplified Chinese, Finnish,
French, German, Italian, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Turkish.
Running setup.exe provides a fully localized installation experience. Setup.exe is a
bootstrapper executable file that will run the main product setup.msi and then run the
language pack setup.msi as a secondary installation.

Transforms Changing INSTALLDIR

1. In the CustomAction table, locate the custom action GetInstallDir.

2. The target column for this custom action is [INSTALLDIR]. Change this to the
desired installation location, for example, C:\MyLicenseManager10.5\. The
backslash must be included.

Uninstall To uninstall ArcGIS License Manager 10.5 silently, use the following command line:

msiexec.exe /x {3A024FEA-3E14-4257-87D0-8FCA03257560} /qb

ArcGIS ArcReader For a list of supported operating systems and hardware requirements, refer to the system
10.5 requirements at ArcGIS 10.5 System Requirements. This product has a Quick Start Guide
at the ArcGIS Resources website.

Setup Dependency If the following products are not detected on the machine, setup will not proceed:

■ Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 9 or higher

■ Microsoft XML Core Services 6.0 (This is installed automatically if Setup.exe is

used to launch the installation.)

Esri Technical Paper 43

ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


Feature Dependency The .NET Support feature requires Microsoft .NET 4.5. If Microsoft .NET 4.5 is not
found, the .NET Extension Support feature will not be available for installation.

Command Line The following properties can be added to the msiexec command line:

Parameter Default Value Required Description
INSTALLDIR %System No No ArcGIS ArcReader 10.5 installation
Drive% location
\Program Files
ENABLEEUEI 1 Yes No Enable participation in the Esri User
Experience Improvement Program. To
disable participation in the Esri User
Experience Improvement Program,
change the value to 0.

Features Available The following features are available for installation. The setup can be modified to install
only specific features by appending the ADDLOCAL parameter to the msiexec command

Feature Title Description
ArcReader ArcReader ArcReader is the application for viewing and
printing maps published with the Publisher
Documentation Documentation This is the ArcReader documentation.
DotNetRuntime ArcReader .NET Support Select this feature to install the ArcGIS .NET
primary interoperability assemblies into the
global assembly cache. These are required to
develop and use ArcGIS .NET customizations.
Tutorial Tutorial This is the ArcReader tutorial data.

Localized Setups ArcGIS ArcReader 10.5 setup is available in Arabic, Simplified Chinese, French,
German, Italian, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Turkish. Running
setup.exe provides a fully localized installation experience. Setup.exe is a bootstrapper
executable file that will run the main product setup.msi and then run the language pack
setup.msi as a secondary installation.

Transforms Changing INSTALLDIR

1. In the CustomAction table, locate the custom action GetInstallDir.

2. The target column for this custom action is [INSTALLDIR]. Change this to the
desired installation location, for example, C:\MyArcReader10.5\. The backslash
must be included.

March 2017 44
ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


Uninstall To uninstall ArcGIS ArcReader 10.5 silently, use the following command line:

msiexec.exe /x {BC687D0B-E635-4452-A2C3-E16A43B54303} /qb

ArcGIS ArcReader There are 10 language packs available for ArcGIS ArcReader 10.5—Arabic, Brazilian
10.5 Language Packs Portuguese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish,
and Turkish. Use Setup.exe to accomplish a fully localized installation experience.
Setup.exe is a bootstrapper executable that will run the main product setup.msi and then
run the language pack MSI as a secondary installation. For example, if you run Setup.exe
for ArcGIS ArcReader 10.5 in Spanish, both the ArcGIS ArcReader 10.5 Spanish setup
and ArcGIS ArcReader 10.5 Spanish Language Pack setup will be installed. Additional
language packs must be installed separately.

While the ArcGIS ArcReader 10.5 setup automatically installs the language pack, an
Add/Remove item will exist for both setups. The ArcGIS ArcReader 10.5 uninstallation
process does not uninstall language packs, and they will need to be manually uninstalled
using the Add/Remove Programs dialog box. Running setup.exe for a localized
10.5 setup will upgrade both the main product installation and the language pack

Setup Dependency ArcGIS ArcReader 10.5 must be installed on the machine.

Feature Dependency None

Command Line None


Features Available None

Transforms Changing INSTALLDIR

ArcGIS ArcReader 10.5 Language Packs install to the Installation directory of

ArcGIS ArcReader 10.5. It is not possible to change this with a transform.

Uninstall To uninstall ArcGIS ArcReader 10.5 Language Packs silently, use the following
command line:

msiexec.exe /x <Product Code> /qb

Language Pack Product Code

ArcGIS ArcReader 10.5 Arabic {AD92A665-F633-4276-AB8C-461730FC5B2A}
Language Pack
ArcGIS ArcReader 10.5 Brazilian {300B593A-3AAD-423C-85CD-98C2657B5D97}
Portuguese Language Pack
ArcGIS ArcReader 10.5 French {F952003E-8B19-47E3-AD53-7605E87F5A0E}
Language Pack
ArcGIS ArcReader 10.5 German {D819C93C-8701-4EA6-8F72-A9CC4A3D0C0E}
Language Pack

Esri Technical Paper 45

ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


Language Pack Product Code

ArcGIS ArcReader 10.5 Italian {102AE05E-B8B9-465C-9494-C2D050E78871}
Language Pack
ArcGIS ArcReader 10.5 Japanese {21DA37AC-AE32-4881-9080-DD31567462E9}
Language Pack
ArcGIS ArcReader 10.5 Russian {4FCF9E34-7D9C-4905-83C3-58ABB564C210}
Language Pack
ArcGIS ArcReader 10.5 Simplified {CD50A55A-C607-4A7E-AEB8-3C824B9BD4CD}
Chinese Language Pack
ArcGIS ArcReader 10.5 Spanish {E75DCC31-D3CB-444D-8380-0CF34AA1334D}
Language Pack
ArcGIS ArcReader 10.5 Turkish {5071FFDA-45D8-4288-973B-0FA01A0E98B6}
Language Pack

ArcGIS Engine 10.5 For a list of supported operating systems and hardware requirements, refer to the system
requirements at ArcGIS 10.5 System Requirements. This product has a Quick Start Guide
at the ArcGIS Resources website.

Setup Dependency If the following products are not detected on the machine, setup will not proceed:

■ Microsoft .NET 4.5

■ Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 9 or higher

■ Microsoft XML Core Services 6.0 (This is installed automatically if Setup.exe is

used to launch the installation.)

Feature Dependency None

Command Line The following properties can be added to the msiexec command line:
Parameter Default Value Required Description
INSTALLDIR %System Drive% No No Default installation location
\Program Files
INSTALLDIR1 Default for both GUI and No Python installation location
silent installation is
RENEWAL_CHECK TRUE Setting this to TRUE will
enable users to use the license
renewal option in ArcGIS
Administrator to automatically
update expiring licenses
instead of browsing to new
provisioning files.
MODIFYFLEXDACL FALSE No No This is the default value.

March 2017 46
ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


Parameter Default Value Required Description
MODIFYFLEXDACL TRUE No No Setting this property to TRUE
alters the following
permissions, allowing
management of the FlexNet
anchor service by any user:


Features Available The following features are available for installation. The setup can be modified to install
only specific features by appending the ADDLOCAL parameter to the msiexec command
line. If the ArcGIS Engine 10.5 setup does not find either Python 2.7.12 or Numerical
Python 1.9.3 (NumPy) installed on the target computer, Python and all required
components will be installed during a complete installation.

Feature Title Description
ArcEngine ArcGIS This installs the ArcGIS Engine components. These
Engine components support the creation of GIS and mapping
Python ArcEngine Python This feature will install Python, which is required for some
geoprocessing tools.

Localized Setups ArcGIS Engine 10.5 setup is available in Arabic, Simplified Chinese, French, German,
Italian, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Turkish. Running
setup.exe provides a fully localized installation experience. Setup.exe is a bootstrapper
executable file that will run the main product setup.msi and then run the language pack
setup.msi as a secondary installation.

Transforms Changing INSTALLDIR

1. In the CustomAction table, locate the custom action GetInstallDir.

2. The target column for this custom action is [INSTALLDIR]. Change this to the
desired installation location, for example, C:\MyEngine10.5\. The backslash must be

Uninstall To uninstall ArcGIS Engine 10.5 silently, use the following command line:

msiexec.exe /x {BEA73ADC-C933-49BC-BF60-3C4DD56FA506} /qb

ArcGIS Engine 10.5 There are 10 language packs available for ArcGIS Engine 10.5—Arabic, Brazilian
Language Packs Portuguese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish,
and Turkish. Use Setup.exe to accomplish a fully localized installation experience.

Esri Technical Paper 47

ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


Setup.exe is a bootstrapper executable that will run the main product setup.msi and then
run the language pack MSI as a secondary installation. For example, if you run Setup.exe
for ArcGIS Engine 10.5 in Spanish, both the ArcGIS Engine 10.5 Spanish setup and
ArcGIS Engine 10.5 Spanish Language Pack setup will be installed. Additional language
packs must be installed separately.

While the ArcGIS Engine 10.5 setup automatically installs the language pack, an
Add/Remove item will exist for both setups. The ArcGIS Engine 10.5 uninstallation
process does not uninstall language packs, and they will need to be manually uninstalled
using the Add/Remove Programs dialog box. Running setup.exe for a localized
10.5 setup will upgrade both the main product installation and the language pack

Setup Dependency ArcGIS Engine 10.5 must be installed on the machine.

Feature Dependency None

Command Line None


Features Available None

Transforms Changing INSTALLDIR

ArcGIS Engine 10.5 Language Packs install to the Installation directory of

ArcGIS Engine 10.5. It is not possible to change this with a transform.

Uninstall To uninstall ArcGIS Engine 10.5 Language Packs silently, use the following command

msiexec.exe /x <Product Code> /qb

Language Pack Product Code

ArcGIS Engine 10.5 Arabic {A4776968-F0CD-4A08-B770-03D587DAFBE9}
Language Pack
ArcGIS Engine 10.5 Brazilian {39E2000C-804A-4354-9144-7D859981AB3B}
Portuguese Language Pack
ArcGIS Engine 10.5 French {F3F94238-AA10-4A0E-9CD5-9E501DA6E219}
Language Pack
ArcGIS Engine 10.5 German {D2E39EAE-25C6-44DB-8DBE-D5FEB51FA9DB}
Language Pack
ArcGIS Engine 10.5 Italian Language {116952C0-C178-4B8D-A726-174CA8076918}
ArcGIS Engine 10.5 Japanese {2EB3E08F-0DF0-4D01-975D-88748940B65C}
Language Pack
ArcGIS Engine 10.5 Russian {4B7FD5A6-2E32-43FE-8563-E74D8922AE1E}
Language Pack

March 2017 48
ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


Language Pack Product Code

ArcGIS Engine 10.5 Simplified {C9F77D69-BF67-4507-9089-75BC2F95BD86}
Chinese Language Pack
ArcGIS Engine 10.5 Spanish {E55995BF-DEEE-4855-B1E5-79EA74170C7D}
Language Pack
ArcGIS Engine 10.5 Turkish {58F7AF87-8F35-472F-BA6E-CFE6995BB250}
Language Pack

ArcGIS Engine For a list of supported operating systems and hardware requirements, refer to the system
Background requirements at ArcGIS 10.5 System Requirements. If Python 64 bit is already installed,
Geoprocessing 10.5 the Python feature in the setup will be unavailable.
(64 bit)
Setup Dependency ■ 64-bit operating system.
■ ArcGIS Engine 10.5 must be installed on the machine.

Feature Dependency None

Command Line

Parameter Default Case Required Description

Value Sensitive
MODIFYFLEXDACL FALSE No No This is the default value.
MODIFYFLEXDACL TRUE No No Setting this property to TRUE alters
the following permissions, allowing
management of the FlexNet anchor
service by any user:


Features Available The following features are available for installation. The setup can be modified to install
only specific features by appending the ADDLOCAL parameter to the msiexec command

Esri Technical Paper 49

ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


Feature Feature Title Description

GP_Background Background
(64 bit)
Python GP_Background Python

Localized Setups ArcGIS Engine Background Geoprocessing 10.5 (64 bit) setup is available in Arabic,
Simplified Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian,
Spanish, and Turkish. Running setup.exe provides a fully localized installation
experience. Setup.exe is a bootstrapper executable file that will run the main product
setup.msi and then run the language pack setup.msi as a secondary installation.

Transforms Changing INSTALLDIR

ArcGIS Engine Background Geoprocessing 10.5 (64 bit) installs to the Installation
directory of ArcGIS Engine 10.5. It is not possible to change this with a transform.

Uninstall To uninstall ArcGIS Engine Background Geoprocessing 10.5 (64 bit) silently, use the
following command line:

msiexec.exe /x {B18DD3AD-6E3D-4C8D-BD55-E83743F52B9B} /qb

ArcGIS Server 10.5 For comprehensive information on the installation, refer to the installation guide at the
ArcGIS Resources website. For a list of supported operating systems and hardware
requirements, refer to the system requirements at ArcGIS 10.5 System Requirements.
This product has a Quick Start Guide at the ArcGIS Resources website.

After installing the GIS server, you can get started right away with publishing services. In
many cases, you should also install ArcGIS Web Adaptor. This component allows you to
integrate your enterprise web server, such as IIS, with your ArcGIS Server site.

ArcGIS Web Adaptor gives you control over your site URL if you don't want users to see
the default port 6080 or the default site name, arcgis. Using ArcGIS Web Adaptor, you
can restrict outside users from accessing ArcGIS Server Manager or the ArcGIS Server
Administrator Directory. With ArcGIS Web Adaptor in your site, you can perform
authentication at the web tier. Finally, by associating your site to an enterprise web
server, you can host web applications that use your services.

Setup Dependency If the following products are not detected on the machine, setup.msi will not proceed:

■ 64-bit operating system

■ Microsoft XML Core Services 6.0 (This is installed automatically if Setup.exe is

used to launch the installation.)

■ Machines with an underscore (_) in their names are not supported. The ArcGIS
Server 10.5 setup will not proceed if an underscore is detected in the machine name.

March 2017 50
ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


Note: ArcGIS Server is not supported on domain controllers. Installing ArcGIS Server on
a domain controller may adversely affect functionality.

Feature Dependency .NET Extension Support

The .NET Extension Support feature requires Microsoft .NET 4.5. If Microsoft .NET 4.5
is not found, the .NET Extension Support feature will not be available for installation.
The .NET Extension Support feature is required for server object extension (SOE)
development and use.

Command Line The following properties can be added to the msiexec command line:

Parameter Default Value Case Required Description

INSTALLDIR %System No No ArcGIS Server 10.5
Drive%\Program installation location
INSTALLDIR1 Default for both GUI No Python installation location
and silent installation
is %System
USER_NAME Local System Yes No Specify an existing domain or
account local account. If the specified
local account does not exist, it
will be created.
PASSWORD Yes Yes Password for the account
ACCOUNT UseConfigFile Yes No There are no other valid
values for this property.
EXPORTCONFIG Yes No Exports the account
information entered with the
PASSWORD command line
parameters to an encrypted
XML file
CONFIGPATH Yes No Full path and name of server
configuration file. Used in
conjunction with
this property specifies the
server configuration file for
configuring the ArcGIS
Server 10.5 account. Used in
conjunction with
property specifies the name of
the server configuration file
and the location where it will
be stored. The file name must
end with .xml, and the
specified folder must already

Esri Technical Paper 51

ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


ArcGIS Server 10.5 The ArcGIS Server 10.5 account must be configured when ArcGIS Server 10.5 is
Account installed silently. For production systems, it's recommended that a preexisting account be
designated that resides in your domain or Active Directory and follows your
organization's security policy. If the ArcGIS Server 10.5 account is not defined during a
silent installation, or the credentials are not valid, the ArcGIS Server 10.5 setup displays
a warning message during installation. The message can be closed by clicking OK. Under
these circumstances, the ArcGIS Server 10.5 account is set to the Local System account.

When using an existing domain account, enter the following:

msiexec /I \\machinename\ArcGIS_Server\setup.msi /qb

USER_NAME=mydomain\mydomainaccount PASSWORD=my.password

When using a new or existing local account, enter the following:

msiexec /I \\machinename\ArcGIS_Server\setup.msi /qb

USER_NAME=myaccount PASSWORD=my.password

Server Configuration A server configuration file from previous installations or from other machines can be
File used to speed up the configuration process on other ArcGIS Server 10.5 machines and
reduce the chance of inadvertently typing a wrong name or password. While the account
password is encrypted, be sure to store the configuration file in a secure location. A
server configuration file can be imported by specifying both ACCOUNT and
CONFIGPATH parameters. It can be exported by specifying both EXPORTCONFIG and
CONFIGPATH parameters.

When importing ArcGIS Server 10.5 account credentials using a server configuration
file, enter the following:

msiexec /I \\machinename\ArcGIS_Server\setup.msi /qb

ACCOUNT=UseConfigFile CONFIGPATH=\\networkmachine

When exporting ArcGIS Server 10.5 account credentials to a server configuration file,
enter the following:

msiexec /I \\machinename\ArcGIS_Server\setup.msi /qb EXPORTCONFIG=Yes

CONFIGPATH=\\networkmachine \serverconfigs\standardaccount.xml

Features Available The following features are available for installation. The setup can be modified to install
only specific features by appending the ADDLOCAL parameter to the msiexec command
line. If Python 2.7.12 and Numerical Python 1.9.3 are not detected, the ArcGIS Server
10.5 setup will automatically install them.

March 2017 52
ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


Feature Feature Title Description

DotNetSupport GIS_Server .NET The .NET Extension Support feature is for
Extension developers who want to extend ArcGIS Server 10.5
Support with .NET server object extensions. This feature is
also required for deploying .NET SOEs.
GIS_Server GIS Server The GIS server hosts GIS services that are
accessible through REST and SOAP. The GIS
server includes a default web server; it is
administered using Manager and browsed using
Services Directory.

Existing ArcGIS for When upgrading from 10.1, 10.2, 10.2.1, 10.2.2, 10.3, 10.3.1, 10.4, or 10.4.1 silently,
Server Users users must specify the ArcGIS for Server account used by the ArcGIS 10.1, 10.2, 10.2.1,
10.2.2, 10.3, 10.3.1, 10.4, or 10.4.1 for Server site. Typically, this is the account defined
when installing 10.1, 10.2, 10.2.1, 10.2.2, 10.3, 10.3.1, 10.4, or 10.4.1. If the account has
changed since 10.1, 10.2, 10.2.1, 10.2.2, 10.3, 10.3.1, 10.4, or 10.4.1 was installed, for
example, by using the Configure ArcGIS Server Account utility, the user name and
password designated when modifying the account must be entered. You can determine
the ArcGIS for Server account by accessing the Configure ArcGIS Server Account utility
from the Start menu on the machine hosting ArcGIS for Server. The ArcGIS for Server
account is listed in the dialog box.

If the ArcGIS for Server account is not specified or does not match the ArcGIS for Server
account used by the current site, the installation process will display a message indicating
the credentials could not be validated. The installation will exit as a result. In the
examples below, the ArcGIS Server account used by the 10.5 site is myaccount.

ArcGIS 10.2, 10.2.1, 10.2.2, 10.3, 10.3.1, 10.4, and 10.4.1 for Server Users

The ArcGIS Server 10.5 setup package is designed to detect and upgrade an existing
installation of ArcGIS 10.2, 10.2.1, 10.2.2, 10.3, 10.3.1, 10.4, or 10.4.1 for Server on the
target system.

To upgrade using setup.exe, follow the step below:

1. On the machine hosting ArcGIS 10.2, 10.2.1, 10.2.2, 10.3, 10.3.1, 10.4, or 10.4.1 for
Server, run the following command line. Setup.exe will call setup.msi with the
provided command line parameters.

<path to ArcGIS 10.5 Server setup download folder>\setup.exe /qb

USER_NAME=myaccount PASSWORD=mypassword

To upgrade using setup.msi, follow the step below:

1. On the machine hosting ArcGIS 10.2, 10.2.1, 10.2.2, 10.3, 10.3.1, 10.4, or 10.4.1 for
Server, run the following command to run ArcGIS Server 10.5 setup.msi.

msiexec /i <path to ArcGIS 10.5 Server setup download folder>\setup.msi

/qb USER_NAME=myaccount PASSWORD=mypassword

Esri Technical Paper 53

ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


ArcGIS 10.1 for Server Users (including SP1)

The ArcGIS Server 10.5 setup package is designed to detect and upgrade an existing
installation of ArcGIS 10.1 (including SP1) for Server on the target system.

To upgrade using setup.exe, follow the step below:

1. On the machine hosting ArcGIS 10.1 for Server, run the following command to
install. Setup.exe will apply the ArcGISServerUG.msp silently and then call
setup.msi with the provided command line parameters.

<path to ArcGIS 10.5 Server setup download folder>\setup.exe /qb

USER_NAME=myaccount PASSWORD=mypassword

To upgrade using setup.msi, follow the steps below:

1. On the machine hosting ArcGIS 10.1 for Server, run the following command to
apply the patch. This makes the machine ready to apply the setup.msi.

msiexec.exe /p <path to ArcGIS 10.5 Server setup download

folder>\Support\patch\ArcGISServerUG.msp /qb

2. On the machine hosting ArcGIS 10.1 for Server, run the following command to run
ArcGIS Server 10.5 setup.msi.

msiexec /i <path to ArcGIS 10.5 Server setup download folder>\setup.msi

/qb USER_NAME=myaccount PASSWORD=mypassword

The extra step of applying the .msp before running the .msi file is not required if
upgrading from a 10.1 SP1 installation of ArcGIS for Server.

ArcGIS 10.0 for Server Users

You must uninstall versions 10.0 and earlier of ArcGIS Server from your machine before
proceeding with the ArcGIS Server 10.5 installation.

Localized Setups ArcGIS Server 10.5 setup is available in Arabic, Simplified Chinese, French, German,
Italian, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Turkish. Running
setup.exe provides a fully localized installation experience. Setup.exe is a bootstrapper
executable file that will run the main product setup.msi and then run the language pack
setup.msi as a secondary installation.

March 2017 54
ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


Transforms Changing INSTALLDIR

1. In the InstallExecuteSequence table, add a row. The values for the fields are the

Sequence: 978

2. In the CustomAction table, add a row. The values for the fields are the following:

Type: 35
Target: C:\MyServer

Uninstall To uninstall ArcGIS Server 10.5 silently, use the following command line:

msiexec.exe /x {CD87013B-6559-4804-89F6-B6F1A7B31CBC} /qb

ArcGIS Server 10.5 There are nine language packs available for ArcGIS Server 10.5—Arabic, Brazilian
Language Packs Portuguese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish,
and Turkish. Use Setup.exe to accomplish a fully localized installation experience.
Setup.exe is a bootstrapper executable file that will run the main product setup.msi and
then run the language pack MSI as a secondary installation. For example, if you run
Setup.exe for ArcGIS Server 10.5 in Spanish, both the ArcGIS Server 10.5 Spanish setup
and ArcGIS Server 10.5 Spanish Language Pack setup will be installed. Additional
language packs must be installed separately.

While the ArcGIS Server 10.5 setup automatically installs the language pack, an
Add/Remove item will exist for both setups. The ArcGIS Server 10.5 uninstallation
process does not uninstall language packs, and they will need to be manually uninstalled
using the Add/Remove Programs dialog box. Running setup.exe for a localized 10.5
setup will upgrade both the main product installation and the language pack installation.

Setup Dependency ArcGIS Server 10.5 must be installed on the machine.

Feature Dependency None

Command Line None


Features Available None

Transform Changing INSTALLDIR

ArcGIS Server 10.5 Language Packs install to the Installation directory of

ArcGIS Server 10.5. It is not possible to change this with a transform.

Esri Technical Paper 55

ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


Uninstall To uninstall ArcGIS Server 10.5 Language Packs silently, use the following command

msiexec.exe /x <Product Code> /qb

Language Pack Product Code

ArcGIS Server 10.5 Arabic Language {A425671B-6709-4B5E-B51B-C4632BC0E4EC}
ArcGIS Server 10.5 Brazilian {76BC1674-4F24-48F8-AA04-18096C853A4B}
Portuguese Language Pack
ArcGIS Server 10.5 French Language {0CA840E7-9981-4C35-A540-8EFDAF2FEDE0}
ArcGIS Server 10.5 German {BFE6F145-4883-4E03-B5F7-95C0E27484A5}
Language Pack
ArcGIS Server 10.5 Italian Language {BD59DC90-109A-4474-BAAF-65E584B9AE9F}
ArcGIS Server 10.5 Japanese {381B0D49-DC81-4137-8479-F3DD56A9419B}
Language Pack
ArcGIS Server 10.5 Russian {3E305ECF-5233-4154-A8DC-9013995913F9}
Language Pack
ArcGIS Server 10.5 Simplified {EF793F27-46CD-4688-A735-46FDEA399779}
Chinese Language Pack
ArcGIS Server 10.5 Spanish {7CB406C1-D74B-4379-86AF-2CEECA9C89B5}
Language Pack
ArcGIS Server 10.5 Turkish {21794616-4DDD-42AF-9068-499AE0D7A17E}
Language Pack

ArcGIS Web For comprehensive information on the installation of ArcGIS Web Adaptor (IIS) 10.5,
Adaptor (IIS) 10.5 refer to the installation guide at the ArcGIS Resources website. For a list of supported
operating systems and hardware requirements, refer to the system requirements at
ArcGIS 10.5 System Requirements.

ArcGIS Web Adaptor (IIS) allows you to integrate your existing IIS web server with
ArcGIS Server and Portal for ArcGIS. You can use Web Adaptor solely with ArcGIS
Server or Portal for ArcGIS, or you can configure Web Adaptor to work with both.

Web Adaptor can be used in various ArcGIS Server site configurations. For example, in a
site with a single ArcGIS server, you can install Web Adaptor on the same machine as
the ArcGIS server or offload it to a dedicated web server. In a multiple-machine
deployment, you can have one entry point into your site by installing Web Adaptor on a
single web server, or you can establish redundancy at the web server tier by installing
Web Adaptor on multiple web servers.

If you've configured multiple Web Adaptor instances on a single web server, you can use
different version numbers for all those instances. In version 10.2 and earlier, all Web
Adaptor instances on a single web server were required to use the same version number;
running the setup upgraded all existing Web Adaptor instances to the latest version.

March 2017 56
ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


Web Adaptor is a platform independent from ArcGIS Server; therefore, the Web Adaptor
instance you deploy does not have to match the operating system platform of your
ArcGIS Server site. For example, if you have a site composed of Linux machines, you
can deploy ArcGIS Web Adaptor (IIS) to work with ArcGIS Server.

The version of ArcGIS Web Adaptor must always match the version of ArcGIS Server
you're using. You can have a 10.2.1 or later version of ArcGIS Web Adaptor installed
alongside earlier versions of ArcGIS Web Adaptor on the same machine. For example,
you can have a 10.1 SP1 version and a 10.5 version of ArcGIS Web Adaptor installed on
the same web server.

Each Web Adaptor instance must have its own unique name; you cannot have two Web
Adaptor instances with the same name on a single web server. If a naming conflict is
detected during the installation, a warning message is displayed. You need to uninstall
the earlier version with the same name to resolve the conflict. Alternatively, you can
change the name of one Web Adaptor instance to proceed with the installation.

You can add the Cross-domain Policy File feature at any time by running the
ADDLOCAL command on the existing installation.

Setup Dependency If the following products are not detected on the machine, setup will not proceed:

■ Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 or higher.

■ Internet Information Services (IIS) and specific IIS components enabled (Supported
versions are 7.0, 7.5, 8.0, 8.5, and 10)

If setup.exe is used to do a GUI installation of ArcGIS Web Adaptor (IIS) 10.5, the
missing components are installed automatically. If setup.exe is used to deploy
ArcGIS Web Adaptor (IIS) 10.5 using SCCM/SMS and IIS components are missing,
the IIS Requirements verification dialog box, which installs the required IIS
components, will pop up on the client machine. Users will have to click the I agree
button to let the setup proceed. Installation using setup.msi, whether silent or GUI,
will not proceed until the missing IIS components are installed.

If you're going to perform a silent installation of ArcGIS Web Adaptor, all required
IIS components must be enabled manually. The ArcGIS Web Adaptor setup will not
automatically enable missing IIS components when you're performing a silent

● Windows Vista and Windows 7

For installations on Windows Vista and Windows 7, the following IIS

components must be installed:

Internet Information Services

♦ Web Management Tools

Esri Technical Paper 57

ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


◊ IIS 6 Management Compatibility

– IIS Metabase and IIS 6 configuration compatibility
◊ IIS Management Console
◊ IIS Management Scripts and Tools
◊ IIS Management Service

♦ World Wide Web Services

◊ Application Development Features

– .NET Extensibility
– ISAPI Extensions
– ISAPI Filters

◊ Common HTTP Features

– Default Document
– Static Content

◊ Security
– Basic Authentication
– Request Filtering
– Windows Authentication

● Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2

For installations on Windows Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008 R2, the
following IIS components must be installed:

Web Server (IIS)

♦ Web Server

◊ Common HTTP Features

– Default Document
– Static Content

◊ Application Development
– .NET Extensibility
– ISAPI Extensions
– ISAPI Filters

◊ Security
– Basic Authentication
– Windows Authentication
– Request Filtering

March 2017 58
ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


♦ Management Tools

◊ IIS Management Console

◊ IIS Management Scripts and Tools
◊ Management Service
◊ IIS 6 Management Compatibility
◊ IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility

● Windows 8.1 and Windows 10

For installations on Windows 8.1/10, the following IIS components must be


Internet Information Services

♦ Web Management Tools

◊ IIS 6 Management Compatibility

– IIS Metabase and IIS 6 configuration compatibility

◊ IIS Management Console

◊ IIS Management Scripts and Tools
◊ IIS Management Service

♦ World Wide Web Services

◊ Application Development Features

– .NET Extensibility 3.5
– ASP.NET 3.5
– ISAPI Extensions
– ISAPI Filters

◊ Common HTTP Features

– Default Document
– Static Content

◊ Security
– Basic Authentication
– Request Filtering
– Windows Authentication

Esri Technical Paper 59

ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


● Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012 R2

For installations on Windows Server 2012 or 2012 R2, the following IIS
components must be installed:

Web Server (IIS)

♦ Web Server

◊ Common HTTP Features

– Default Document
– Static Content

◊ Application Development
– ASP.NET 3.5
– .NET Extensibility 3.5
– ISAPI Extensions
– ISAPI Filters

◊ Security
– Basic Authentication
– Windows Authentication
– Request Filtering

♦ Management Tools

◊ IIS Management Console

◊ IIS Management Scripts and Tools
◊ Management Service
◊ IIS 6 Management Compatibility
– IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility

Note: Windows 7, 8, and 8.1 are supported for basic testing and application development
use only. They are not recommended for deployment in a production environment.

Feature Dependency None

Product Conflict ArcGIS Web Adaptor (IIS) can be installed even if any other Esri product from a
previous version is installed on the client machine.

Command Line The following properties can be added to the msiexec command line:

March 2017 60
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Parameter Default Case Required Description

Value Sensitive
WEBSITE_ID 1 Yes No Numeric value of website. This is used to
determine the website where the ArcGIS Web
Adaptor instance will be created. The value for
WEBSITE_ID is a number specific to each
website on your server and assigned by IIS.
The IDs for the websites on your server can be
found in IIS Manager. The default website has
an ID of 1. By default, the WEBSITE_ID
parameter is set to the default website (even if
multiple websites exist).
VDIRNAME arcgis Yes No Name of ArcGIS Web Adaptor web
application. The instance name cannot contain
PORT Yes No If the website has multiple ports, use the
PORT parameter to install to the specified port
of the WEBSITE_ID.

To install ArcGIS Web Adaptor (IIS) silently, use the following:

<path to ArcGIS Web Adaptor (IIS) setup download>\Setup.exe /qb

VDIRNAME=arcgis_1 WEBSITE_ID=4059640

Installing Multiple Multiple instances of ArcGIS Web Adaptor (IIS) can be installed on the same machine at
Instances the same time. Each instance must have a unique website and instance name
combination. The command line for Setup.exe and setup.msi is different.

For the setup.msi command line, first extract the .mst from setup.msi using MsiDb.Exe
and use the following:

msiexec /I setup.msi /qb WEBSITE_ID=1 VDIRNAME=arcgis_1


INSTANCEID goes from 1 to 20 for all 20 transforms.

For the Setup.exe command line, use the following:

Setup.exe WEBSITE_ID=2 VDIRNAME=arcgis_1

Features Available The following features are available for installation. The setup can be modified to install
only specific features by appending the ADDLOCAL parameter to the msiexec command

Esri Technical Paper 61

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Feature Feature Parent Title Description

CrossDomainPolicyFiles WebAdaptor Cross- Installs cross-domain policy files in
domain the web server root location to enable
Policy Files access for Silverlight and Flex clients
WebAdaptor Web Allows ArcGIS Server 10.5 to
Adaptor integrate with your existing IIS web

The CrossDomainPolicyFiles feature is not installed by default. To install the feature, you
must add an additional parameter to your installation command line. The command line
parameter ADDLOCAL=ALL below installs the CrossDomainPolicyFiles feature

By default, Adobe® Flash and Microsoft Silverlight web applications are not allowed to
access web services that reside outside the domain where the application is hosted. Cross-
domain policy files enable access to web services outside the application's domain. When
the CrossDomainPolicyFiles feature is enabled, two cross-domain policy files will be
installed in the IIS web server root folder: crossdomain.xml for Adobe Flash applications
and clientaccesspolicy.xml for Microsoft Silverlight applications. These files will enable
Adobe Flash and Microsoft Silverlight applications to access feature services hosted by
ArcGIS Server 10.5.

For example:

<path to ArcGIS Web Adaptor (IIS) setup download>\Setup.exe /qb

ADDLOCAL=ALL VDIRNAME=arcgis_external WEBSITE_ID=4059640

Upgrade Staring with version 10.2.1, ArcGIS Web Adaptor can be installed side by side with other
versions of ArcGIS Web Adaptor so to upgrade an earlier version of ArcGIS Web
Adaptor to 10.5, you need to uninstall the earlier version and install the 10.5 setup.
During the 10.5 installation, you'll specify the same name as your earlier Web Adaptor
version. This guarantees your Web Adaptor URL will remain identical to the earlier

If a naming conflict is detected during the 10.5 installation, a warning message will
appear. You will need to uninstall the earlier version with the same name to perform the

After installing 10.5, you need to configure ArcGIS Web Adaptor with its corresponding
ArcGIS Server site.

At 10.2 and earlier versions, running the setup upgraded all existing Web Adaptor
instances to the latest version.

Localized Setups ArcGIS Web Adaptor (IIS) 10.5 setup is available in Arabic, Simplified Chinese, French,
German, Italian, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Turkish. Running
setup.exe provides a fully localized installation experience. Setup.exe is a bootstrapper
executable that will run the main product setup.msi and then run the language pack
setup.msi as a secondary installation.

March 2017 62
ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


Transforms Changing INSTALLDIR

ArcGIS Web Adaptor (IIS) 10.5 installs to the home directory of IIS. It is not possible to
change this with a transform.

Uninstall To uninstall ArcGIS Web Adaptor, follow the steps in the sections below.

1. Unregister Web Adaptor.

First you'll need to unregister Web Adaptor with your site using ArcGIS Server
Manager. To do so, follow the steps below:

a. Open Manager and log in as a user who has administrative access to ArcGIS
Server. If you need help with this step, see Logging in to Manager.

b. Click Site > Web Adaptor.

c. Click Unregister Web Adaptor.

d. In the Unregister Web Adaptor dialog box, click Yes.

Note: The unregistering functionality is only available starting at ArcGIS 10.1 SP1
for Server and is required beginning at 10.1 SP1. If your ArcGIS Server and Web
Adaptor product versions are out of sync, you'll need to make sure the components
are upgraded to the same product version before proceeding.

2. Uninstall Web Adaptor.

Use your operating system's tools to uninstall Web Adaptor.

To uninstall ArcGIS Web Adaptor (IIS) 10.5 silently, use the following command

msiexec.exe /x {87B4BD93-A5E5-469E-9224-8A289C6B2F10} /qb

To uninstall ArcGIS 10.4.1 Web Adaptor (IIS) silently, use the following command

msiexec.exe /x {F53FEE2B-54DD-4A6F-8545-6865F4FBF6DC} /qb

To uninstall ArcGIS 10.4 Web Adaptor (IIS) silently, use the following command

msiexec.exe /x {B83D9E06-B57C-4B26-BF7A-004BE10AB2D5} /qb

To uninstall ArcGIS 10.3.1 Web Adaptor (IIS) silently, use the following command

msiexec.exe /x {10A57135-2051-41AE-B2D3-0B10470CDB9B} /qb

Esri Technical Paper 63

ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


To uninstall ArcGIS 10.3 Web Adaptor (IIS) silently, use the following command

msiexec.exe /x {B52143C3-3085-4976-9795-ED134AEA0099} /qb

To uninstall ArcGIS 10.2.2 Web Adaptor (IIS) silently, run this command from the
command line:

msiexec /x {5D50CC1F-63E9-400E-A62C-EEAD948618EC} /qb

To uninstall ArcGIS 10.2.1 Web Adaptor (IIS) silently, run this command from the
command line:

msiexec /x {18C45289-5BB0-448E-813D-34D31DF68104} /qb

To uninstall ArcGIS 10.2 Web Adaptor (IIS) silently, run this command from the
command line:

msiexec /x {1803FE22-6164-4DC4-B14E-EBD4148A8429} /qb

To uninstall ArcGIS 10.1 SP1 Web Adaptor (IIS) silently, run this command from
the command line:

msiexec /x {0EAADB27-2BD7-4ED5-92E2-532F775BCCED} /qb

To uninstall ArcGIS 10.1 Web Adaptor (IIS) silently, run this command from the
command line:

msiexec /x {11CCA428-4679-4D79-ADC0-A13F43290ACF} /qb

To uninstall additional instances of ArcGIS Web Adaptor silently, replace the above
product code with the product code of the Web Adaptor instance to be uninstalled.
Product codes for Web Adaptor (IIS) instances are listed below. The product codes
are listed in the same order as the Web Adaptor instances installed on your system;
for example, the first Web Adaptor instance created is the first product code listed

ArcGIS Web Adaptor (IIS) 10.5 product codes


March 2017 64
ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment



ArcGIS 10.4.1 Web Adaptor (IIS) product codes


ArcGIS 10.4 Web Adaptor (IIS) product codes


Esri Technical Paper 65

ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment



ArcGIS 10.3.1 Web Adaptor (IIS) product codes


ArcGIS 10.3 Web Adaptor (IIS) product codes


ArcGIS 10.2.2 Web Adaptor (IIS) product codes


March 2017 66
ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment



ArcGIS 10.2.1 Web Adaptor (IIS) product codes


ArcGIS 10.2 Web Adaptor (IIS) product codes


ArcGIS 10.1 SP1 Web Adaptor (IIS) product codes


ArcGIS 10.1 Web Adaptor (IIS) product codes


Esri Technical Paper 67

ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment



ArcGIS Web For comprehensive information on the installation of ArcGIS Web Adaptor (Java
Adaptor (Java Platform) 10.5, refer to the installation guide at the ArcGIS Resources website. For a list
Platform) 10.5 of supported operating systems and hardware requirements, refer to the system
requirements at ArcGIS 10.5 System Requirements.

ArcGIS Web Adaptor (Java Platform) allows you to integrate your existing Java-based
web server with ArcGIS Server and Portal for ArcGIS. You can use Web Adaptor solely
with ArcGIS Server or Portal for ArcGIS, or you can configure Web Adaptor to work
with both.

The Java platform setup is compatible with Java EE servers such as WebSphere and

Web Adaptor is an application that runs in your existing website and forwards requests to
your ArcGIS servers. It polls your site at a regular interval to learn which machines have
been added or removed. It then forwards traffic to only the currently participating
machines. When you prepare to expose your ArcGIS Server site to an external audience,
you should install Web Adaptor or implement comparable request forwarding and
security technology.

Web Adaptor can be used in various ArcGIS Server site configurations. For example, in a
site with a single ArcGIS server, you can install Web Adaptor on the same machine as
the ArcGIS server or offload it to a dedicated web server. In a multiple-machine
deployment, you can have one entry point into your site by installing Web Adaptor on a
single web server, or you can establish redundancy at the web server tier by installing
Web Adaptor on multiple web servers.

Web Adaptor is a platform independent from ArcGIS Server; therefore, the Web Adaptor
instance you deploy does not have to match the operating system platform of your
ArcGIS Server site. For example, if you have a site composed of Linux machines, you
can deploy ArcGIS Web Adaptor (Java Platform) to work with ArcGIS Server.

The ArcGIS Web Adaptor version must always match the version of its registered
ArcGIS Server site. You can have a 10.2.1 or later version of ArcGIS Web Adaptor
installed alongside earlier versions of ArcGIS Web Adaptor on the same machine. For
example, you can have a 10.1 SP1 version and a 10.5 version of ArcGIS Web Adaptor
installed on the same web server.

Each ArcGIS Web Adaptor instance must have its own unique name; you cannot have
two Web Adaptor instances with the same name on a single web server.

Setup Dependency The ArcGIS Web Adaptor (Java Platform) 10.5 setup will only proceed if the operating

March 2017 68
ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


system is 64 bit.

Feature Dependency None

Product Conflict ArcGIS Web Adaptor (Java Platform) 10.5 can be installed even if any other Esri product
from a previous version is installed on the client machine.

Command Line The following property can be added to the msiexec command line:

Parameter Default Value Case Required Description

INSTALLDIR %System Drive%\Program Files No No Installation location

Features Available None

Upgrade Starting with version 10.2.1, ArcGIS Web Adaptor can be installed side by side with
other versions of ArcGIS Web Adaptor so to upgrade an earlier version of ArcGIS Web
Adaptor to 10.5, you need to uninstall the earlier version and install the 10.5 setup.
During the 10.5 installation, you'll specify the same name as your earlier Web Adaptor
version. This guarantees your Web Adaptor URL will remain identical to the earlier

After installing 10.5, you need to configure ArcGIS Web Adaptor with its corresponding
ArcGIS Server site.

At 10.2 and earlier versions, running the setup upgraded all existing Web Adaptor
instances to the latest version.

Localized Setups ArcGIS Web Adaptor (Java Platform) 10.5 setup is available in Arabic, Simplified
Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and
Turkish. Running setup.exe provides a fully localized installation experience. Setup.exe
is a bootstrapper executable file that will run the main product setup.msi and then run the
language pack setup.msi as a secondary installation.

Transforms Changing INSTALLDIR

1. In the CustomAction table, locate the custom action ESRI_SET_INSTALLDIR.

2. The target column for this custom action is [INSTALLDIR]. Change this to the
desired installation location, for example, C:\MyWebAdaptorJava10.5\. The
backslash must be included.

Uninstall To uninstall ArcGIS Web Adaptor, follow the steps in the sections below.

Esri Technical Paper 69

ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


1. Unregister Web Adaptor.

First you'll need to unregister Web Adaptor with your site using ArcGIS Server
Manager. To do so, follow the steps below:

a. Open Manager and log in as a user who has administrative access to ArcGIS
Server. If you need help with this step, see Logging in to Manager.

b. Click Site > Web Adaptor.

c. Click Unregister Web Adaptor.

d. In the Unregister Web Adaptor dialog box, click Yes.

Note: The unregistering functionality is only available starting at ArcGIS 10.1 SP1
for Server and is required beginning at 10.1 SP1. If your ArcGIS Server and Web
Adaptor product versions are out of sync, you'll need to make sure the components
are upgraded to the same product version before proceeding.

2. Uninstall Web Adaptor.

Use your operating system's tools to uninstall Web Adaptor.

To uninstall ArcGIS Web Adaptor (Java Platform) 10.5 silently, use the following
command line:

msiexec.exe /x {2A35F01C-9D46-4D2F-B29D-3B7AE6130958} /qb

To uninstall ArcGIS 10.4.1 Web Adaptor (Java Platform) silently, use the following
command line:

msiexec.exe /x {C265BE76-9463-429F-B7D4-9C4D34E9DCC2} /qb

To uninstall ArcGIS 10.4 Web Adaptor (Java Platform) silently, use the following
command line:

msiexec.exe /x {C1F0DF95-C1E2-4AF4-A4FC-223BAEAFFF3E} /qb

To uninstall ArcGIS 10.3.1 Web Adaptor (Java Platform) silently, use the following
command line:

msiexec.exe /x {65C25345-EF47-44BD-AD25-2A626F5DD305} /qb

To uninstall ArcGIS 10.3 Web Adaptor (Java Platform) silently, use the following
command line:

msiexec.exe /x {FE719171-3AED-4D9C-8DC2-FC0F1A715D62} /qb

March 2017 70
ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


To uninstall ArcGIS 10.2.2 Web Adaptor (Java Platform) silently, run this command
from the command line:

msiexec /x {DC6E3BFB-E525-473C-A139-92AD3A0E11A4} /qb

To uninstall ArcGIS 10.2.1 Web Adaptor (Java Platform) silently, run this command
from the command line:

msiexec /x {DE4AC1B6-B05A-4409-A26C-160354B72838} /qb

To uninstall ArcGIS 10.2 Web Adaptor (Java Platform) silently, run this command
from the command line:

msiexec /x {D9F0D397-64A8-494B-83CF-0A71A2751AC2} /qb

To uninstall ArcGIS 10.1 SP1 Web Adaptor (Java Platform) silently, run this
command from the command line:

msiexec /x {E511C26C-3028-48E8-AD83-A30B1A7BFAFC} /qb

To uninstall ArcGIS 10.1 Web Adaptor (Java Platform) silently, run this command
from the command line:

msiexec /x {02013567-A06D-4B27-9CDB-4777ED7473F3} /qb

Once you uninstall Web Adaptor, client applications will not be able to communicate
with ArcGIS Server. To reestablish this communication in the future, use the Web
Adaptor configuration page to register Web Adaptor with ArcGIS Server.

ArcObjects SDK for For a list of supported operating systems and hardware requirements, refer to the system
the Java Platform requirements at ArcGIS 10.5 System Requirements. This product has a Quick Start Guide
at the ArcGIS Resources website.

Setup Dependency One of the following must be installed:

■ ArcGIS Desktop 10.5

■ ArcGIS Engine 10.5
■ ArcGIS Server 10.5

Feature Dependency None

Command Line The following property can be added to the msiexec command line:
Parameter Default Value Case Sensitive Required Description
INSTALLDIR %System Drive%\Program Files No No Default installation location

Features Available None

Esri Technical Paper 71

ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


Localized Setups Setup is available in the English language only.

Transforms Changing INSTALLDIR

1. In the CustomAction table, locate the custom action GetInstallDir.

2. The target column for this custom action is [INSTALLDIR]. Change this to the
desired installation location, for example, C:\MySDKJava\. The backslash must be

Uninstall To uninstall ArcObjects SDK for the Java platform silently, use the following command

msiexec.exe /x {692F61FC-7E87-49ED-A2EB-8B80209B3F00} /qb

ArcObjects SDK for For a list of supported operating systems and hardware requirements, refer to the system
the Microsoft .NET requirements at ArcGIS 10.5 System Requirements. This product has a Quick Start Guide
Framework at the ArcGIS Resources website.

Setup Dependency If the following products are not detected on the machine, setup will not proceed:

■ One of the following:

• ArcGIS Desktop 10.5

• ArcGIS Engine 10.5
• ArcGIS Server 10.5 with the .NET Extension Support feature

■ One of Visual Studio 2013 Professional, Premium, Ultimate, Team Foundation

Server, or Test Professional or one of Visual Studio 2015 Professional, Premium,
Ultimate, Team Foundation Server, or Test Professional

Feature Dependency  Visual Studio 2013—This feature requires VS2013 Professional, Premium, Ultimate,
Team Foundation Server, or Test Professional.

■ Visual Studio 2015—This feature requires VS2015 Professional, Premium, Ultimate,

Team Foundation Server, or Test Professional.

Command Line The following property can be added to the msiexec command line:

Parameter Default Value Case Required Description

INSTALLDIR %System Drive%\Program No No Default
Files\ArcGIS\DevelopKit10.5 installation

Features Available The following features are available for installation. The setup can be modified to install
only specific features by appending the ADDLOCAL parameter to the msiexec command

March 2017 72
ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


Feature Feature Title Description

VS2013IDE Visual Studio This feature integrates ArcObjects commands,
2013 wizards and templates into supported Visual
Studio editions.
Doc2013 VS2013IDE Documentation Help contains the Object Model Diagrams, API
Reference help, and other help topics for working
with ArcObjects, packaged in the help format used
by Visual Studio 2013.
VS2015IDE Visual Studio This feature integrates ArcObjects commands,
2015 wizards and templates into supported Visual
Studio editions.
Doc2015 VS2015IDE Documentation Help contains the Object Model Diagrams, API
Reference help, and other help topics for working
with ArcObjects, packaged in the help format used
by Visual Studio 2015.
Samples Samples Samples provide the source code described in the
sample section of the Developer Help.

Localized Setups Setup is available in English only.

Transforms Changing INSTALLDIR

1. In the CustomAction table, locate the custom action GetInstallDir.

2. The target column for this custom action is [INSTALLDIR]. Change this to the
desired installation location, for example, C:\MySDKNet\. The backslash must be

Uninstall To uninstall ArcObjects SDK for the Microsoft .NET Framework silently, use the
following command line:

msiexec.exe /x {B3922343-A0AD-4C07-84B9-A27EBB0F5E5C} /qb

ArcGIS Desktop For a list of supported operating systems and hardware requirements, refer to the system
10.5 Tutorial Data requirements at ArcGIS 10.5 System Requirements.

Setup Dependency None

Feature Dependency None

Command Line The following property can be added to the msiexec command line:

Parameter Default Value Case Required Description

INSTALLDIR %System Drive%\arcgis No No Installation location

Features Available The following features are available for installation. The setup can be modified to install

Esri Technical Paper 73

ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


only specific features by appending the ADDLOCAL parameter to the msiexec command

Feature Feature Title Description

Applications Applications These are the tutorial data features
for ArcGIS Desktop applications.
ArcScan Extensions ArcScan This is the ArcScan tutorial data.
BuildingAGeodatabase Applications Building a This is the Building a Geodatabase
Geodatabase tutorial data.
CAD Extensions CAD This is the CAD tutorial data.
Data_Interoperability Extensions Data This is the Data Interoperability
Interoperability tutorial data.
Data_Reviewer Extensions Data Reviewer This is the Data Reviewer tutorial
Database_Servers Applications Database Servers This is the Database Servers tutorial
EditingWithArcGIS Applications Editing With This is the Editing with ArcGIS
ArcGIS tutorial data.
Extensions Extensions These are the tutorial data features
for ArcGIS Desktop extensions.
GP_Service_Example Applications GP Service This is the GP Service Example
Example tutorial data.
Geocoding_StreetMap Applications Geocoding This is the Geocoding tutorial data.
GeostatisticalAnalyst Extensions Geostatistical This is the Geostatistical Analyst
Analyst tutorial data.
LinearReferencing Applications Linear This is the Linear Referencing
Referencing tutorial data.
Maplex Applications Maplex This is the Maplex® tutorial data.
ModelBuilder Applications ModelBuilder This is the ModelBuilder™ tutorial
NetCDF Applications NetCDF This is the netCDF tutorial data.
NetworkAnalyst Extensions Network Analyst This is the Network Analyst tutorial
Parcel_Editing Applications Parcel Editing This is the Parcel Editing tutorial
Raster Applications Raster This is the Raster tutorial data.
Representations Applications Representations This is the Representations tutorial
SQL_Example Applications SQL Example This is the SQL Example tutorial
Schematics Extensions Schematics This is the Schematics tutorial data.
SpatialAnalyst Extensions Spatial Analyst This is the Spatial Analyst tutorial
TrackingAnalyst Extensions Tracking Analyst This is the Tracking Analyst tutorial

Localized Setups Setup is available in English only.

March 2017 74
ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


Transforms Changing INSTALLDIR

1. In the InstallExecuteSequence table, add a row. The values for the fields are the

Action: ChangeInstallDir
Condition: NOT Installed AND NOT UPGRADE_101
Sequence: 437

2. In the CustomAction table, add a row. The values for the fields are the following:

Action: ChangeInstallDir
Type: 51
Target: C:\MyTutorial

Uninstall To uninstall ArcGIS Desktop 10.5 Tutorial Data silently, use the following command

msiexec.exe /x {B36BE955-9242-4625-A67E-0A501697B04A} /qb

ArcGIS Data For a list of supported operating systems and hardware requirements, refer to the system
Interoperability 10.5 requirements at ArcGIS 10.5 System Requirements.
for Desktop

Setup Dependency If neither of the following products is detected on the machine, setup will not proceed:

ArcGIS Engine 10.5 or ArcGIS Desktop 10.5

Feature Dependency None

Command Line The following property can be added to the msiexec command line:

Parameter Default Value Case Required Description

INSTALLDIR %System Drive%\Program Files No No Default
\ESRI\Data Interoperability installation
Extension\Data Interoperability location

Features Available None

Localized Setups Setup is available in English only.

Esri Technical Paper 75

ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


Transforms Changing INSTALLDIR

1. In the CustomAction table, locate the custom action GetInstallDir.

2. The target column for this custom action is [INSTALLDIR]. Change this to the
desired installation location, for example, C:\MyDataInteroperability\. The backslash
must be included.

Uninstall To uninstall ArcGIS Data Interoperability 10.5 for Desktop silently, use the following
command line:

msiexec.exe /x {B20CFBB3-E69E-482A-9C7E-BA5E26D5A7BC} /qb

ArcGIS Data For a list of supported operating systems and hardware requirements, refer to the system
Interoperability 10.5 requirements at ArcGIS 10.5 System Requirements.
for Server

Setup Dependency If the following product is not detected on the machine, setup will not proceed:

ArcGIS Server 10.5

Feature Dependency None

Command Line The following property can be added to the msiexec command line:

Parameter Default Value Case Required Description

INSTALLDIR %System Drive%\Program Files No No Default installation
\ESRI\Data Interoperability location
Extension\Data Interoperability

Features Available None

Localized Setups Setup is available in English only.

Transforms Changing INSTALLDIR

1. In the CustomAction table, locate the custom action GetInstallDir.

2. The target column for this custom action is [INSTALLDIR]. Change this to the
desired installation location, for example, C:\MyDataInteroperability\. The backslash
must be included.

Uninstall To uninstall ArcGIS Data Interoperability 10.5 for Server silently, use the following
command line:

msiexec.exe /x {B094C7D4-EA30-4750-B201-2D084EFFF54D} /qb

March 2017 76
ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


ArcGIS Coordinate It installs the data files required for the GEOCON transformation method and vertical
Systems Data transformation files for the United States (VERTCON and GEOID12B) and the world
(EGM2008). For a list of supported operating systems and hardware requirements, refer
to the system requirements at ArcGIS 10.5 System Requirements.

Setup Dependency None

Feature Dependency None

Command Line The following property can be added to the msiexec command line:

Parameter Default Value Case Required Description

INSTALLDIR %System Drive%\Program Files No No Default installation
\ArcGIS\CoordinateSystemsData location

Features Available None

Localized Setups Setup is available in English only.

Transforms Changing INSTALLDIR

1. In the CustomAction table, locate the custom action GetInstallDir.

2. The target column for this custom action is [INSTALLDIR]. Change this to the
desired installation location, for example, C:\My CoordinateSystemsData\. The
backslash must be included.

Uninstall To uninstall ArcGIS Coordinate Systems Data silently, use the following command line:

msiexec.exe /x {BDD9BEE1-A8A8-4F03-B5C7-88E0C8A3589B} /qb

Portal for ArcGIS For a list of supported operating systems and hardware requirements, refer to the system
10.5 requirements at ArcGIS 10.5 System Requirements.

Setup Dependency The Portal for ArcGIS 10.5 setup will only proceed if the operating system is 64 bit.

Feature Dependency None

Command Line The following property can be added to the msiexec command line:

Parameter Default Value Case Required Description

INSTALLDIR %System Drive% No No Default installation location
\Program Files

Esri Technical Paper 77

ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


Parameter Default Value Case Required Description

CONTENTDIR %System Drive% No No This property allows you to specify
\arcgisportal the portal's content directory. The
location you specify must be a local
directory; you cannot choose a
shared network directory. This is
because the Portal for ArcGIS
service is configured to run under
the Windows native Local System
account by default. The Local
System account cannot access
network locations.

Features Available None

Localized Setups Setup is available in English only.

Transforms Changing INSTALLDIR

1. In the CustomAction table, locate the custom action GetInstallDir.

2. The target column for this custom action is [INSTALLDIR]. Change this to the
desired installation location, for example, C:\MyPortal\. The backslash must be

Uninstall To uninstall Portal for ArcGIS 10.5 silently, use the following command line:

msiexec.exe /x {43EF63C6-957B-4DA7-A222-6904053BF222} /qb

Portal for ArcGIS There is only one Language Pack setup for Portal for ArcGIS 10.5. The Portal for
10.5 Help Language ArcGIS 10.5 Help Language Pack setup installs localized help files for all supported
Pack languages. The language-specific help shortcut will only be created for one of the
specified languages included in the drop-down menu—Arabic, Chinese (Simplified Han),
Danish, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish,
Portuguese (Brazil), Portuguese (Portugal), Romanian, Russian, and Spanish. To change
the shortcut language, uninstall the Portal for ArcGIS 10.5 Help Language Pack, install it
again, and choose another language.

If you run Setup.exe for Portal for ArcGIS 10.5, the Portal for ArcGIS 10.5 Help
Language Pack setup will not be installed automatically. It must be installed separately.

Setup Dependency Portal for ArcGIS 10.5 must be installed on the machine.

Feature Dependency None

Command Line The following property can be added to the msiexec command line:

March 2017 78
ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


Parameter Default Case Required Description

Value Sensitive
ST_LANGUAGE ar Yes No Shortcut Language. The other languages
that can be specified at the command
prompt are given in the table below.

Language Language Code

Arabic ar
Chinese (Simplified Han) zh-CN
Danish da
Dutch nl
French fr
German de
Italian it
Japanese ja
Korean ko
Norwegian no
Polish pl
Portuguese (Brazil) pt-BR
Romanian ro
Russian ru
Spanish es

Features Available None

Transforms Changing INSTALLDIR

Portal for ArcGIS 10.5 Help Language Pack Desktop installs to the Installation directory
of Portal for ArcGIS 10.5. It is not possible to change this with a transform.

Uninstall To uninstall Portal for ArcGIS 10.5 Help Language Pack silently, use the following
command line:

msiexec.exe /x {83A812B1-41DD-4877-97A7-31578D8E8C1E} /qb

ArcGIS Data Store ArcGIS Data Store is an application used to set up a relational database management
10.5 system to store the feature data published to Portal for ArcGIS. It uses lighter-weight,
more scalable feature data layers. For a list of supported operating systems and hardware
requirements, refer to the system requirements at ArcGIS 10.5 System Requirements.

Modify the firewall of the data store computer to allow communication on ports 2443 and
9876. If the firewall on the data store computer blocks communication through these
ports, ArcGIS Server won't be able to connect to the data store.

Setup Dependency The ArcGIS Data Store 10.5 setup will only proceed if the operating system is 64 bit.

Feature Dependency None

Esri Technical Paper 79

ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


Command Line The following property can be added to the msiexec command line:

Parameter Default Value Case Required Description

INSTALLDIR %System Drive% No No Default installation location
\Program Files

Features Available None

Creating Data Store You can use the ArcGIS Data Store Configuration wizard to create a data store and join it
to your ArcGIS Server site.

Alternatively, if you do not have access to a web browser, run the configuredatastore
utility on the machine where you installed ArcGIS Data Store.

The utility is installed in <ArcGIS Data Store installation directory>/tools.

Open a command prompt using the Run as Administrator option. Run the
configuredatastore.bat file and specify the ArcGIS Server URL with which you want to
register the data store, the user name and password of an ArcGIS Server administrator,
and the path to use for the ArcGIS Data Store data directory.

In this example, the ArcGIS Server URL is, the administrator user name and
password are siteadmin and T1n@sp, and the data directory is C:\data\.

siteadmin T1n@sp c:\data\

The primary data store machine is created and registered with your ArcGIS Server site.

Localized Setups Setup is available in English only.

Transforms Changing INSTALLDIR

1. In the CustomAction table, locate the custom action GetInstallDir.

2. The target column for this custom action is [INSTALLDIR]. Change this to the
desired installation location, for example, C:\MyDataStore\. The backslash must be

Uninstall Uninstalling ArcGIS Data Store also unregisters the data store from your ArcGIS Server
site. Hosted feature layers that used the data in the data store will no longer function once
you uninstall the software. However, the data still exists because the data store directory
remains on the server after you uninstall ArcGIS Data Store. If you later decide you need
the feature layers, you can register the data store with the same ArcGIS Server site.

March 2017 80
ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


To uninstall ArcGIS Data Store 10.5 silently, use the following command line:

msiexec.exe /x {5EA81114-6FA7-4B4C-BD72-D1C882088AAC} /qb

ArcGIS Data Store There is only one Language Pack setup for ArcGIS Data Store 10.5. The ArcGIS Data
10.5 Help Language Store 10.5 Help Language Pack setup installs localized help files for all supported
Pack languages. The language-specific help shortcut will only be created for one of the
languages specified in the drop-down menu—Chinese (Simplified Han), French, German,
Japanese, Russian, and Spanish. To change the shortcut language, uninstall the
ArcGIS Data Store 10.5 Help Language Pack, install it again, and choose another

If you run Setup.exe for ArcGIS Data Store 10.5, the ArcGIS Data Store 10.5 Help
Language Pack setup will not be installed automatically. It must be installed separately.

Setup Dependency ArcGIS Data Store 10.5 must be installed on the machine.

Feature Dependency None

Command Line The following property can be added to the msiexec command line:

Parameter Default Case Required Description

Value Sensitive
ST_LANGUAGE zh-CN Yes No Shortcut Language—The other languages
that can be specified at the command
prompt are given in the table below.

Language Language Code

Chinese (Simplified Han) zh-CN
French fr
German de
Japanese ja
Russian ru
Spanish es

Features Available None

Transforms Changing INSTALLDIR

ArcGIS Data Store 10.5 Help Language Pack installs to the Installation directory of
ArcGIS Data Store 10.5. It is not possible to change this with a transform.

Uninstall To uninstall ArcGIS Data Store 10.5 Help Language Pack silently, use the following
command line:

Esri Technical Paper 81

ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


msiexec.exe /x {EECAEE40-5902-40ED-BB3F-9297A0B8C954} /qb

ArcGIS Pro For comprehensive information on the installation of ArcGIS Pro, refer to the installation
guide at the ArcGIS Resources website. For a list of supported operating systems and
hardware requirements, refer to System Requirements at ArcGIS Pro System
Requirements. This product has a Quick Start Guide at the ArcGIS Resources website.

ArcGIS Pro can be installed on the same machine as other ArcGIS Desktop releases or on
a machine without any Esri products. ArcGIS Pro is part of ArcGIS Desktop, and
customers who are entitled (current on maintenance) to ArcGIS Desktop can install
ArcGIS Pro.

ArcGIS Pro setups can be deployed to a user or computer. Use the following criteria to
decide what option to choose:

■ If all users on the computer need to use ArcGIS Pro, then assign to computer.
■ If only a particular user needs it, then assign to user.

Installing ArcGIS Pro Licensing Service

The ArcGIS Pro Licensing Service setup is installed with ArcGIS Pro. It is required for a
per user installation of ArcGIS Pro to work offline with a concurrent use license or to
utilize single use licensing.

To install the ArcGIS Pro Licensing Service, run ProLS.msi in "<ArcGIS Pro installation
directory>\Resources\ArcGIS Pro Licensing Service" and follow the prompts. This
requires administrative privileges. The ArcGIS Pro Licensing Service setup installs the
64-bit Flex Net service. The Flex Net service is automatically installed by a per machine
instance of ArcGIS Pro; the Pro Licensing setup is only necessary to support per user

Setup Dependency If the following products are not detected on the machine, setup will not proceed:

■ Microsoft .NET Framework Version 4.6.1

■ Microsoft Internet Explorer Version 10 or higher

■ For ArcGIS Pro to be installed per user on supported Windows Server operating
systems, the registry key
must contain the REG_DWORD data type DisableMSI, with a value of 0. For more
information, see MSDN's topic, DisableMSI.

Feature Dependency There are no feature dependencies.

Properties The following properties can be added to the msiexec command line:

March 2017 82
ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


Parameter Value Case Required Description

INSTALLDIR %System No No ArcGIS Pro installation
Drive%\Program location
Files\ArcGIS\Pro in
the case of a per
machine installation
and %System
\ArcGIS\Pro in the
case of a current user
ALLUSERS 1 No No Defines the installation
context of the setup.
ALLUSERS=1 specifies a
per machine installation. If
a user without
administrative privileges
attempts to set this to 1,
the installation fails.
2 No No ALLUSERS=2 specifies a
per user installation If this
parameter is not specified,
the silent installation
defaults to per user.
MSIINSTALLPERUSER 1 No No To do a per user
installation, specify both
=1. This property is
ignored if ALLUSERS=1
is specified.
ENABLEEUEI 0 Yes No Do not enable
participation in the Esri
User Experience
Improvement Program.
1 Yes No (1 is Enable participation in the
default) Esri User Experience
Improvement Program.
BLOCKADDINS #0 (default) Yes No If specified, the
BlockAddins registry
value allows system
administrators to
configure the types of
Add-ins that ArcGIS Pro
will load. Created under
GISPro\Settings. Note that
this property is only read
during a per machine
installation; it is ignored if
specified for a per user
setup. Setting the property
to #0 will load all add-ins
regardless of whether they
have digital signatures.

Esri Technical Paper 83

ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


Parameter Value Case Required Description

#1 Load and use only add-ins
that are digitally signed by
a trusted certificate
#2 Load and use only add-ins
that have been published
by Esri.
#3 Load add-ins only from
the administrator folders
and all add-ins published
by Esri.
#4 Do not load or execute
add-ins in this application.
ESRI_LICENSE_HOST @<License Manager> No Yes for Machine name of license
concurrent manager
SOFTWARE_CLASS Viewer Yes Yes Installs ArcGIS Pro as
Basic level
Editor Installs ArcGIS Pro as
Standard level
Professional Installs ArcGIS Pro as
Advanced level
single use seat
CONCURRENT_USE Yes Yes Installs ArcGIS Pro as a
concurrent use seat
LOCK_AUTH_SETTINGS True No If the authorization type is
defined at the command
line, then the registry
S is set to True under
GISPro\Licensing. When
S is True, the licensing
settings in the registry
apply to all ArcGIS Pro
users on that machine—an
individual user cannot
make changes. To allow
ArcGIS Pro users on the
machine to define their
own authorization settings
through the ArcGIS Pro
application, set
S to False.

March 2017 84
ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


Parameter Value Case Required Description

CHECKFORUPDATESAT 0 No No For system administrators
STARTUP (per-machine who wish to disable
only) automatic update
notifications for a per-
machine installation of
ArcGIS Pro, set this
property to 0.
Alternatively, browse to
the registry key
GISPro\Settings after
installation to manually
p to 0.
1 (default)

To install to per machine, use the following command line:

msiexec.exe /i <setup location>\ArcGISPro.msi /qb ALLUSERS=1

To install to per user, use the following command line:

msiexec.exe /i <setup location>\ArcGISPro.msi /qb ALLUSERS=2


If ALLUSERS and MSIINSTALLPERUSER are not specified on the command line for a
silent installation, it will default to per user installation.

Features Available None

Localized Setups ArcGIS Pro is available in Simplified Chinese, French, German, Japanese, Brazilian
Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, Czech, Swedish, Korean, Hebrew, and Finnish.
Running setup.exe provides a fully localized installation experience. Setup.exe is a
bootstrapper executable file that will run the main product setup.msi and then run the
language pack setup.msi as a secondary installation.

When running a localized ArcGIS Pro installation, the option to Run ArcGIS Pro when
the setup completes appears on the Ready to Install dialog box. If the option is left
selected, ArcGIS Pro starts after the installation of the core product and its corresponding
language pack. ArcGIS Pro does not start automatically after a silent installation.

Transforms Changing INSTALLDIR

For per machine installation

Esri Technical Paper 85

ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


1. In the CustomAction table, add a new row with the following values:


2. In the InstallExecuteSequence table, add a new row with the following values:


For per user installation

1. In the CustomAction table, add a new row with the following values:

Target= [TempFolder]MyPro

2. In the InstallExecuteSequence table, add a new row with the following values:


3. In the Property table, change the following properties:


Specify License Server for Concurrent Use

In the Property table, modify the ESRI_LICENSE_HOST value to your license server:


Specify Authorization Type

March 2017 86
ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


Concurrent Use Licensing:

In the Property table, add a new row with the following values:


Single Use Licensing:

In the Property table, add a new row with the following values:


Specify Authorization Level

In the Property table, add a new row with the following values:


For installing ArcGIS Pro as Basic level use value "Viewer," for standard level use
"Editor," and for Advanced level use "Professional."

Uninstall To uninstall ArcGIS Pro silently, use the following command line:

msiexec.exe /x {05090170-8969-44EB-906D-65909345664F} /qb

The product code changes with every update of ArcGIS Pro. The product code for
ArcGIS Pro is found in the registry at either
\Uninstall\ArcGISPro (for a per machine installation) or
\Uninstall\ArcGISPro (for a per user installation) in the string value UninstallString.

Software Updates When Esri releases an update for the application, by default, a notification appears when
you start ArcGIS Pro. You can click the notification message to start the software update
process. To check for updates in the middle of a session, click the Project tab and click
About. If updates are available, you can run the update process. You can also turn off the
option to check for updates when starting ArcGIS Pro.

To disable automatic update notifications for a per machine installation of ArcGIS Pro,
browse to the registry key
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Esri\ArcGISPro\Settings and set the value of
CheckForUpdatesAtStartup to 0.

ArcGIS Pro The ArcGIS Pro Licensing Service setup is installed with ArcGIS Pro. It is required for a
Licensing Service per user installation of ArcGIS Pro to work offline with a concurrent use license or to
utilize single use licensing.

Esri Technical Paper 87

ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


To install the ArcGIS Pro Licensing Service, run ProLS.msi in "<ArcGIS Pro installation
directory>\Resources\ArcGIS Pro Licensing Service" and follow the prompts. This
requires administrative privileges. The ArcGIS Pro Licensing Service setup installs the
64-bit Flex Net service. The Flex Net service is automatically installed by a per machine
instance of ArcGIS Pro; the Pro Licensing setup is only necessary to support per user

Setup Dependency There are no setup dependencies.

Feature Dependency There are no feature dependencies.

Properties The following properties can be added to the msiexec command line:

Parameter Value Case Required Description

INSTALLDIR %System No No ArcGIS Pro Licensing
Drive%\Program Service installation location
Files\ArcGIS Pro
Licensing Service

Features Available None

Localized Setups ArcGIS Pro Licensing Service is available in Simplified Chinese, French, German,
Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, Czech, Swedish, Korean,
Hebrew, and Finnish. Running setup.exe provides a fully localized installation

Uninstall To uninstall ArcGIS Pro Licensing Service silently, use the following command line:

msiexec.exe /x {62E0CBB6-5DC3-4C5A-B594-DFBF05DBBBCE} /qb

ArcGIS Pro There are 13 language packs available for ArcGIS Pro—Simplified Chinese, French,
Language Packs German, Japanese, Brazilian Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Turkish, Czech, Swedish,
Korean, Hebrew, and Finnish. Use Setup.exe to accomplish a fully localized installation
experience. Setup.exe is a bootstrapper executable file that will run the main product
setup.msi and then run the language pack MSI as a secondary installation. For example, if
you run Setup.exe for ArcGIS Pro in Spanish, both the ArcGIS Pro setup and Spanish
Language Pack setup will be installed. Additional language packs must be installed

While the ArcGIS Pro setup automatically installs the language pack, an Add/Remove
item will exist for both setups. The ArcGIS Pro uninstallation process does not uninstall
language packs, and they will need to be manually uninstalled using the Add/Remove
Programs dialog box. Running setup.exe for a localized setup will upgrade both the main
product installation and the language pack installation.

When running a localized ArcGIS Pro installation, the option to Run ArcGIS Pro when
the setup completes appears on the Ready to Install dialog box. If the option is left
selected, ArcGIS Pro starts after the installation of the core product and its corresponding
language pack. ArcGIS Pro does not start automatically after a silent installation.

March 2017 88
ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


Setup Dependency ArcGIS Pro must be installed on the machine. Installation will follow Installcontext of
ArcGIS Pro. If ArcGIS Pro is installed to per machine, then ArcGIS Pro language packs
can only be installed to per machine. If ArcGIS Pro is installed to per user, then ArcGIS
Pro language packs can only be installed to per user.

Feature Dependency None

Command Line The following properties can be added to the msiexec command line:

Parameter Value Case Required Description

ALLUSERS 1 No No Defines the installation context of the setup.
ALLUSERS=1 specifies a per machine
installation. If a user without administrative
privileges attempts to set this to 1, the
installation fails.
2 No No ALLUSERS=2 specifies a per user
installation. If this parameter is not specified,
the silent installation defaults to per user.
MSIINSTALLPERUSER 1 No No To do a per user installation, specify both
MSIINSTALLPERUSER=1. This property is
ignored if ALLUSERS=1 is specified.

Features Available None

Transforms Changing INSTALLDIR

ArcGIS Pro language packs installs to the Installation directory of ArcGIS Pro. It is not
possible to change this with a transform.

Uninstall To uninstall ArcGIS Pro Language Packs silently, use the following command line:

msiexec.exe /x <Product Code> /qb

The product code changes with every update of ArcGIS Pro Language Packs. The
product code for ArcGIS Pro is found in the registry at either
\Uninstall\<ProductName> (for a per machine installation) or
\Uninstall\\<ProductName> (for a per user installation), in the string value

Esri Technical Paper 89

ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


Language Product Name

Simplified Chinese ArcGIS Pro—简体中文语言包
French ArcGIS Pro—Module linguistique français
German ArcGIS Pro—Sprachpaket Deutsch
Japanese ArcGIS Pro—日本語パック
Brazilian Portuguese ArcGIS Pro—Pacote de Idioma Português (Brasil)
Russian ArcGIS Pro—Русский языковой пакет
Spanish ArcGIS Pro—Paquete de idioma español
Turkish ArcGIS Pro—Türkçe Dil Paketi
Czech ArcGIS Pro—jazyková sada pro češtinu
Swedish ArcGIS Pro—svenskt språkpaket
Korean ArcGIS Pro—한국어 팩
Hebrew ArcGIS Pro—‫תירבע הפש תליבח‬
Finnish ArcGIS Pro—ohjelman suomen kielipaketti

ArcGIS Pro Help For comprehensive information on the installation of ArcGIS Pro Help, refer to the
installation guide at the ArcGIS Resources website. For a list of supported operating
systems and hardware requirements, refer to System Requirements at ArcGIS Pro System

ArcGIS Pro Help setup installs offline help for ArcGIS Pro.

Setup Dependency ArcGIS Pro must be installed on the machine. Installation will follow Installcontext of
ArcGIS Pro. If ArcGIS Pro is installed to per machine, then ArcGIS Pro Help can only be
installed to per machine. If ArcGIS Pro is installed to per user, then ArcGIS Pro Help can
only be installed to per user.

Feature Dependency There are no feature dependencies.

Command Line The following properties can be added to the msiexec command line:
Parameter Value Case Required Description
ALLUSERS 1 No No Defines the installation context of the setup.
ALLUSERS=1 specifies a per machine
installation. If a user without administrative
privileges attempts to set this to 1, the
installation fails.
2 No No ALLUSERS=2 specifies a per user
installation. If this parameter is not specified,
the silent installation defaults to per user.
MSIINSTALLPERUSER 1 No No To do a per user installation, specify both
is ignored if ALLUSERS=1 is specified.

Features Available None

March 2017 90
ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


Localized Setups ArcGIS Pro Help is available in English, Simplified Chinese, French, German, Japanese,
Russian, and Spanish.

Transforms Changing INSTALLDIR

ArcGIS Pro Help installs to the Installation directory of ArcGIS Pro. It is not possible to
change this with a transform.

Uninstall To uninstall ArcGIS Pro Help silently, use the following command line:

msiexec.exe /x <Product Code> /qb

The product code changes with every update of ArcGIS Pro Help. The product code for
ArcGIS Pro is found in the registry at either
\Uninstall\<ProductName> (for a per machine installation) or
\Uninstall\<ProductName> (for a per user installation) in the string value UninstallString.

Language ProductName
English ArcGIS Pro Help
Simplified Chinese ArcGIS Pro 中文(简体)帮助
French Aide ArcGIS Pro en français
German ArcGIS Pro—Hilfe für Deutsch
Japanese ArcGIS Pro ヘルプ (日本語)
Russian Справка ArcGIS Pro на русском
Spanish Ayuda de ArcGIS Pro en español

ArcGIS Pro SDK for For comprehensive information on the installation of ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET, refer to
.NET the installation guide at the ArcGIS Resources website. For a list of supported operating
systems and hardware requirements, refer to System Requirements at ArcGIS Pro System

Setup Dependency ArcGIS Pro must be installed on the machine. Installation will follow Installcontext of
ArcGIS Pro. If ArcGIS Pro is installed to per machine, then ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET
can only be installed to per machine. If ArcGIS Pro is installed to per user, then ArcGIS
Pro SDK for .NET can only be installed to per user.

Feature Dependency  Visual Studio 2013 Editions—This feature requires a supported edition of Microsoft
Visual Studio 2013.

 Visual Studio 2015 Editions—This feature requires a supported edition of Microsoft

Visual Studio 2015.

Properties The following properties can be added to the msiexec command line:

Esri Technical Paper 91

ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


Parameter Value Case Required Description

Drive%\Program installation location
SDK in the case of
a per machine
installation and
in the case of a
current user
ALLUSERS 1 No No Defines the installation
context of the setup.
ALLUSERS=1 specifies a
per machine installation. If
a user without
administrative privileges
attempts to set this to 1, the
installation fails.
2 No No ALLUSERS=2 specifies a
per user installation If this
parameter is not specified,
the silent installation
defaults to per user.
MSIINSTALLPERUSER 1 No No To do a per user
installation, specify both
1. This property is ignored
if ALLUSERS=1 is

To install to per machine, use the following command line:

msiexec.exe /i <setup location>\ArcGISProSDK.msi /qb ALLUSERS=1

To install to per user, use the following command line:

msiexec.exe /i <setup location>\ArcGISProSDK.msi /qb ALLUSERS=2


If ALLUSERS and MSIINSTALLPERUSER are not specified on the command line for a
silent installation, it will default to per user installation.

Features Available None

Localized Setups None

Transforms Changing INSTALLDIR

March 2017 92
ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


For per machine installation

1. In the CustomAction table, add a new row with the following values:


2. In the InstallExecuteSequence table, add a new row with the following values:


For per user installation

1. In the CustomAction table, add a new row with the following values:

Target= [TempFolder]MyProSDK

2. In the InstallExecuteSequence table, add a new row with the following values:


3. In the Property table, change the following properties:


Uninstall To uninstall ArcGIS Pro SDK silently, use the following command line:

msiexec.exe /x {84217415-BBB7-4E15-8A47-3673E6C96746} /qb

The product code changes with every update of ArcGIS Pro SDK. The product code for
ArcGIS Pro SDK is found in the registry at either
\Uninstall\ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET (for a per machine installation) or
\Uninstall\ArcGIS Pro SDK for .NET (for a per user installation) in the string value

ArcGIS Data For comprehensive information on the installation of ArcGIS Data Interoperability for
Interoperability for Pro, refer to the installation guide at the ArcGIS Resources website. For a list of
Pro supported operating systems and hardware requirements, refer to System Requirements at
ArcGIS Pro System Requirements.

Esri Technical Paper 93

ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


ArcGIS Data Interoperability for Pro gives the ability to integrate nonnative data into
your GIS and share it with others who do not use ArcGIS.

Setup Dependency ArcGIS Pro must be installed on the machine in per machine context.

Feature Dependency None

Command Line The following property can be added to the msiexec command line:

Parameter Default Value Case Required Description

INSTALLDIR %System Drive%\Program Files No No Default installation
\ArcGIS\Data Interoperability for location
ArcGIS Pro

Features Available None

Localized Setups None

Transforms Changing INSTALLDIR

For per machine installation

1. In the CustomAction table, add a new row with the following values:


2. In the InstallExecuteSequence table, add a new row with the following values:


Uninstall To uninstall ArcGIS Data Interoperability for Pro silently, use the following command

msiexec.exe /x {573E8E3A-DED3-4559-93D1-0C6C629A755A} /qb

The product code changes with every update of ArcGIS Data Interoperability for Pro.
The product code for is found in the registry at
\Uninstall\Data Interoperability for ArcGIS Pro.

March 2017 94
ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


ArcGIS Pro ArcGIS Pro Coordinate Systems Data can be installed on the same machine as other
Coordinate Systems ArcGIS Desktop releases or on a machine without any Esri products.
ArcGIS Pro Coordinate Systems Data setup can be deployed to a user or computer. Use
the following criteria to decide what option to choose:

■ If all users on the computer need to use ArcGIS Pro Coordinate Systems Data, then
assign to computer.
■ If only a particular user needs it, then assign to user.

Setup Dependency ■ For ArcGIS Pro Coordinate Systems Data to be installed per user on supported
Windows Server operating systems, the registry key
must contain the REG_DWORD data type DisableMSI, with a value of 0. For more
information, see MSDN's topic, DisableMSI.

Feature Dependency There are no feature dependencies.

Properties The following properties can be added to the msiexec command line:

Parameter Value Case Required Description

INSTALLDIR %System No No ArcGIS Pro Coordinate
Drive%\Program Systems Data installation
Files\ArcGIS\ location
Data in the case of a
per machine
installation and
Data in the case of a
current user
ALLUSERS 1 No No Defines the installation
context of the setup.
ALLUSERS=1 specifies a
per machine installation. If
a user without
administrative privileges
attempts to set this to 1,
the installation will fail.
2 No No ALLUSERS=2 specifies a
per user installation. If this
parameter is not specified,
the silent installation
defaults to per user.

Esri Technical Paper 95

ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


Parameter Value Case Required Description

MSIINSTALLPERUSER 1 No No To do a per user
installation, specify both
=1. This property is
ignored if ALLUSERS=1
is specified.

To install to per machine, use the following command line:

msiexec.exe /i <setup location>\ProCoordinateSystemsData.msi /qb


To install to per user, use the following command line:

msiexec.exe /i <setup location>\ProCoordinateSystemsData.msi /qb


If ALLUSERS and MSIINSTALLPERUSER are not specified on the command line for a
silent installation, it will default to per user installation.

Features Available The following features are available for installation. The setup can be modified to install
only specific features by appending the ADDLOCAL parameter to the msiexec command

Feature Feature Title Description

CoordinateSystemsData Coordinate Coordinate Systems
Systems Data Data
NorthAmericaGEOCON CoordinateSystemsData North America This feature contains
GEOCON grid files that convert
between NAD 1983
(NSRS2007) and NAD
1983 (2011).
Vertical CoordinateSystemsData Vertical This feature contains the
US GEOID12B files,
VERTCON files, the
world EGM2008 2.5' by
2.5' geoid model file,
and the EGM84 geoid
model file.
VerticalWorld CoordinateSystemsData Vertical World This feature contains the
1x1 EGM2008 1' x 1' world
geoid model file.
NTv2 CoordinateSystemsData NTv2 Geographic
transformation files
needed by the NTv2

Localized Setups None

March 2017 96
ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


Uninstall To uninstall ArcGIS Pro Coordinate Systems Data silently, use the following command

msiexec.exe /x {2EFA8C05-4B5C-40BD-8A83-E4F89EAFE200} /qb

ArcGIS Earth ArcGIS Earth provides a lightweight, easy-to-use interface for immersible 3D that
complements the capabilities of ArcGIS Pro and the 3D Scene Viewer with a focused
experience for working with geospatial data on the globe. ArcGIS Earth allows anyone in
the enterprise to quickly view 3D maps over the Internet or behind a firewall. For
comprehensive information on the installation of ArcGIS Earth, refer to the installation
guide at the ArcGIS Resources website. For a list of supported operating systems and
hardware requirements, refer to System Requirements at ArcGIS Earth System

ArcGIS Earth can be installed on the same machine as other ArcGIS Desktop releases or
on a machine without any Esri products.

ArcGIS Earth setups can be deployed to a user or computer. Use the following criteria to
decide what option to choose:

■ If all users on the computer need to use ArcGIS Earth, then assign to computer.
■ If only a particular user needs it, then assign to user.

Setup Dependency If the following products are not detected on the machine, setup will not proceed:

■ Microsoft .NET Framework Version 4.5.2

■ For ArcGIS Earth to be installed per user on supported Windows Server operating
systems, the registry key
must contain the REG_DWORD data type DisableMSI, with a value of 0. For more
information, see MSDN's topic, DisableMSI.

Feature Dependency There are no feature dependencies.

Properties The following properties can be added to the msiexec command line:

Parameter Value Case Required Description

INSTALLDIR %System No No ArcGIS Earth installation
Drive%\Program location
Files\ArcGIS\Earth in
the case of a per
machine installation
and %System
IS\Earth in the case of
a current user

Esri Technical Paper 97

ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


Parameter Value Case Required Description

ALLUSERS 1 No No Defines the installation
context of the setup.
ALLUSERS=1 specifies a
per machine installation. If
a user without
administrative privileges
attempts to set this to 1,
the installation will fail.
2 No No ALLUSERS=2 specifies a
per user installation. If this
parameter is not specified,
the silent installation
defaults to per user.
MSIINSTALLPERUSER 1 No No To do a per user
installation, specify both
=1. This property is
ignored if ALLUSERS=1
is specified.
CONFIGFILE UseConfigFile Yes No If importing a
configuration file, specify
gFile" at the command
line. There are no other
valid values for this
CONFIGPATH <Path to Config File> Yes No Used in conjunction with
File, this property allows
you to specify an ArcGIS
Earth configuration file to
be installed to
Note that the file you
select will be renamed in
the bin directory as
config.xml. The
must contain the full path
to and name of the
configuration file.

To install to per machine with a config file, use the following command line:

msiexec.exe /i <setup location>\ArcGISEarth.msi /qb ALLUSERS=1


To install to per user, use the following command line:

msiexec.exe /i <setup location>\ArcGISEarth.msi /qb ALLUSERS=2


If ALLUSERS and MSIINSTALLPERUSER are not specified on the command line for a
silent installation, it will default to per user installation.

March 2017 98
ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


Features Available None

Localized Setups None

Transforms Changing INSTALLDIR

For per machine installation

1. In the CustomAction table, add a new row with the following values:


2. In the InstallExecuteSequence table, add a new row with the following values:


For per user installation

1. In the CustomAction table, add a new row with the following values:

Target= [TempFolder]MyEarth

2. In the InstallExecuteSequence table, add a new row with the following values:


3. In the Property table, change the following properties:


Uninstall To uninstall ArcGIS Earth silently, use the following command line:

msiexec.exe /x {A89D89E6-555F-4628-A784-CB1ED1EFEFB8} /qb

Esri Technical Paper 99

ArcGIS 10.5, ArcGIS Pro 1.4, and ArcGIS Earth 1.4 Enterprise Deployment


Summary Successful enterprise deployment requires good planning and implementation of your
system environment. To successfully deploy a Windows Installer package, you should
have a solid, in-depth understanding of your chosen enterprise deployment tool. This
technical paper does not attempt to introduce or educate you on the usage of SMS,
SCCM, or Group Policy. For more information on Windows Installer, transform files,
.msp files, SMS, SCCM, Group Policy, or Active Directory, see

March 2017 100

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