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Synonyms :- expert, proficient, efficient, competent, skillful, versatile, veteran,
dexterous, adept, deft, ept, savant, ingenious, acumen, insight
Antonyms :- maladroit, neophyte, novice, apprentice, beginner, tyro, inexpert,
rookie, greenhorn, amateur, dabbler, inept, inadept, proselyte, ingenuous.
Synonyms :- surplus, plentiful, umpteen, surfeit, copious, plethora, redundant, luxuriant,
bountiful, myriad, abounding, multitude,lush, populous, opulent.
Antonyms :- scarce, deficient, dearth, inadequate, meagre, shortage, paucity, sparse
Synonyms :- Opposer, opponent, competitor, antagonist, rival, contender.
Antonyms :- Supporter, ally/allies, endorser,promoter, follower, accessary.

4. ADVERSITY (Poorcondition)
Synonyms :- Tribulations(trials and tribulations), plight, despair, misery, sufferings, distress, pitiful,
sorrow, grief,predicament, affliction
Antonyms :- Prosperity, opulence, thriving, flourishing, abounding.

Synonyms :- Reject, abjure, denounce, renounce, relinquish, shun, bequeath, acquit, forgo,
disown, forswear, abdicate, forsake
Antonyms:- Accept, adopt, follow, own, retain, uphold, persist, persevere.
Synonyms :- Dismiss, reject, abolish, rescind, repeal, annul, quash, revoke, nullify
Antonyms :- Enforce, implement, ratify, execute, retain, uphold, persevere

Synonyms:- Result (in bad sense), consequences, reaction, effect, outcome, repercussions, upshot, fallout
Antonyms:- Cause, origin, beginning, start.

Synonyms:- approach, arrival, emergence, dawn, onset, outset.
Antonyms:- exit, end, exodus, departure.

Synonyms:- fight, quarrel, duel, brawl, contention, skirmish, stifles, scuffles, fray, discord,
disagreement, feud, brickbat, vendetta, discord
Antonyms:- Agreement, harmony, amity, concord, accord, peace
Synonyms:- sycophant, flattery, cajolery, coax, sycophancy, fawning, blandishment.
Antonyms:- criticism, obloquy, reproach, condemn, despicable.

Synonyms:- washing, baptism, cleansing, purification, purgation.
Antonyms:- pollution, contamination, dirty, adulteration.

Synonyms:- scold, reprimand, reproach, rebuke, chide, ridicule, vilify, defile, ignominy.
Antonyms:- Eulogise, panegyrise, extol, encomium, glorify, magnify, admire, applaud, laudable,
exemplary, commend, adore

Synonyms:- increase, intensify, magnify, enlarge, amplify.
Antonyms:- attenuate, decrease, dwindle, alleviate, mitigate, abate, condense, contract.
Synonyms:- hatred, antipathy, aversion, dislike, loathsome, detestation, repugnance, ill-will,
animosity, abhor/abhorrence, disdain.
Antonyms:- liking, admiration, affectation, propensity, proclivity, penchant, predilection,
fondness, endearment, inclination.

Synonyms:- delay, put off, postpone, defer, procrastinate.
Antonyms:- expedite, advocate, propel speed up.

Synonyms:- clever, cunning, vulpine, foxine, sly, artful, crafty, wily, scheming.
Antonyms:- artless, naïve, innocent, bovine, gullible, stolid, imbecile, crass, credulous.
17. ABET
Synonyms:- encourage, promote, advise, assist.
Antonyms:- discourage, hinder, impede, obstruct.

Synonyms:- miserable, pitiful, mean, deplorable.
Antonyms:- prosperity, thriving, abounding, opulent

Synonyms:- native, ancient, pristine, primitive, indigenous.
Antonyms:- modern, new, novel, current, recent

Synonyms:- improve, upgrade, modify, amend.
Antonyms:- worsen, deteriorate, degrade.
Synonyms:- seize, annex, grab, capture.
Antonyms:- release, absolve, acquit.

Synonyms:- compensation, compromise, retribution, redemption, reparation.
Antonyms:- defiance, estrangement, transgression.

23. APEX
Synonyms:- peak, summit, zenith, pinnacle, top, culmination, acme, culmination
Antonyms:- nadir, plinth, bottom, base.

Synonyms:- suddenly, unexpectedly, accidently, impetuously, brusquely
Antonyms:- gradually, slowly, progressively, gingerly
Synonyms:- active, nimble, alert, vigilant, brisk, prompt.
Antonyms:- lazy, sluggish, slothful, lax, dormant, supine, listless.

Syno:- Hardworking, laborious, diligent, sedulous, painstaking, toilsome, arduous, industrious
Anto:- idle, inactive, lazy, lethargic, listless, lackadaisical, languid, laggard, lax, lassitude, slack, slothful,
sluggish, dormant, regressive, supine, inert, passive, indolent
Synonyms:- balanced, self-confident, sangfroid, nonchalance.
Antonyms:- agitated, excited, imbalance.

Synonyms:- Fearless, valiant, brave, gallant, dauntless, bold, brazen, effrontery, intrepid, candid, impudent,
Antonyms:- timid, timorous, pusillanimous, diffident, coward, meek, fearful, fretful, dauntful, bashful
Synonyms:- friendly, gregarious, sociable, cordial, harmonious, polite
Antonyms:- grouchy, bellicose, belligerent, quarrelsome, cantankerous, choleric, waspish, petulant,
truculent, surly

Synonyms:- active, quick, fast, nimble, swift, brisk, prompt.
Antonyms:- languid, lax, listless, lethargic.

Synonyms:- appreciation, fondness, liking, endearment, admiration, loveliness, affinity, propensity,
proclivity, predilection, penchant, inclination.
Antonyms:- hatred, abomination, loathsome, antipathy, anathema, aversion, disdain, abhorrence, animosity.

Synonyms:- strange, peculiar, weird, preposterous, eccentric, ludicrous, surreal, eerie, outlandish, aberrant,
illogical, abnormal, insane
Antonyms:- normal, sensible, wise, prudent, sane,
Synonyms:- show off, sophistry, flaunt, display, ostentation, hypocrisy, swanky, flaunt, pretence.
Antonyms:- genuinity, reality, authenticity, veracity.

Synonyms:- real, original, factual, genuine.
Antonyms:- fictitious, fake, false, forged, counterfeit, apocryphal, fallacy, spurious

Synonyms:-gather, store, accumulate, garner, assimilate, muster, pile up, hoard, accrue.
Antonyms:- dissipate, disseminate, squander, misuse.

Synonyms:- clever, cunning, sly, wily, crafty, canny, scheming, shrewd, vulpine, artful
Antonyms:- naïve, bovine, imbecile, stolid, gullible, credulous, artless.
Synonyms:- unclear, incomprehensible, unintelligible, vague, esoteric, recondite, nebulous,
implicit, obscure, equivocal.
Antonyms:- comprehensible, intelligible, pellucid, lucid, explicit, distinct, eloquent, expressive,
coherent, transparent, apparent, obvious, perspicuous, compicuous, lumpid.

Syn Happiness, delight, glee, mirth, elation, rapture, ecstasy, jubilation, blithe, jocund,
euphoria, beatitude, delirium, exaltation, frenzy,
Ant Doleful, mournful, sadness, bleak, forlorn, grief, sorrow, dejected, gloomy, morose,
crestfallen, woebegone, dolorous, melancholy, sombre, cast down,

Syn orthodox, fanaticism, staunch, dogmatism, narrow-minded
Ant Tolerance, Broad-minded, fairness, justness
Syn conciseness, briefness, abbreviation, shortness, summary, succinctness, terseness,
Ant Lengthiness, extended, prolonged, vastness, longevity
Syn sterile, dry, arid, nugatory, unproductive, fruitless, infertile, futile, parched, infecund,
Ant Fertile, prolific, arable, fruitful, productive, fecund
Syn weak, breakable, frail, fragile, vulnerable, feeble
Ant Unbreakable, strong, supple, resilient, durable
Syn Arrogant, haughty, vanity, supercilious, egoist, cavalier, conceited, imperious, officious,
immodest, self assertive
Ant humble, modest, subservient, unobtrusive, servile, lowly, deferential,
Syn Boorish, countryside, uncivilized, unrefined, yokel, oaf, clumsy, rustic
Ant Genteel, civilized, refined, sophisticated, urbanite

Syn Wild, uncontrollable, crazy, unsubjugated, unchecked, chagrined
Ant Meek, controllable, subjugated, checked, suppressed
Syn Slavery, confinement, imprisonment, incarceration, captivity, serfdom
Ant Liberty, freedom, emancipation, release

Syn Confused, confounded, muddled, perplexed, puzzled, befuddled, nonplussed, bewildered
Ant eased, comforted, soothed, explicated, facilitated,

Syn Deceive, cheat, dupe, swindle, bewitch, delude, hoodwink, mislead, bamboozle
Ant Faith, loyal, trust, fairness, honesty
Syn Strange, eccentric, peculiar, ludicrous, weird, abnormal, preposterous, awkward, absurd,
grotesque, queer, erratic, insane, aberrant
Ant normal, casual, sane, sensible, logical, reasonable
Syn Forsake, abdicate, renounce, denounce, relinquish, shun, abjure, quit, abandon, abnegate,
forswear, forgo, cast off, repudiate
Ant Accept, adopt, retain, follow, pursue, persevere, persist
Syn Flatter, Coax, Persuade, Tempt, Beguile, Entice, Entrap, Lure
Ant Bully, compel, force, pressurise
Syn Disaster, misfortune, distress, harm, adversity, catastrophe, mishap, affliction
Ant Prosperity, success, boon, welfare, blessing, gratification, pleasure, relief, comfort, bliss
Syn Hide, conceal, wrap, disguise, mask, veil, blind, screen, deceive
Ant Expose, reveal, show, display, exhibit, manifest, divulge
Syn Frank, straightforward, outspoken, open, just, honest, audacious
Ant  shy, coy, fearful, bashful, diffident
Syn Whimsical, eccentric, erratic, idiosyncratic, odd, fanciful, changeable, freakish, vacillating
Ant Steadfast, staid, constant, stanch, firm, rigid, realistic, rational
Syn Fault-finding, cynical, fretful, peevish, petulant, irritable, critical, censorious
Ant Fair, appreciative, considerate, reasonable, encouraging, approving
Syn Imprisonment, confinement, bondage, slavery, incarceration, restriction
Ant Freedom, independence, liberty, licence, emancipation, release
Syn Massacre, slaughter, butchery, destruction, havoc, blood, holocaust, blood bath,
mass murder, assault
Ant friendliness, peace, civility, amity,
Syn  proviso, warning, caution, notice, alert, alarm, threat, omen, augury,
Ant carelessness, rashness, negligence, recklessness
Syn Unrealistic, unreal, imaginary, fanciful, illusory, fantastic, hallucinatory, fictitious
Ant Real, true, actual, factual, authentic, natural, existent, genuine
Syn Angry, fiery, wrathful, cranky, irascible, petulant, truculent
Ant calm, cool, placid, nonchalant
Syn Roundabout, Indirect, devious, labyrinthine, oblique, tortuous, winding, rambling, circumlocution
Ant Direct, straightforward, forthright
Syn Secret, hidden, concealed, stealthy, surreptitious, private, covert, furtive
Ant Open, clear, forthright, aboveboard, candid, straightforward, overt
Syn Sticking together, clear, distinct, vivid, united, congruous, agreeable, consistent, connected,
Comprehensible, intelligible, logical, rational, orderly
Ant Incoherent, disjointed, disordered, unconnected, discursive, inconsistent, illogical, unintelligible
Syn Secondary, subordinate, parallel, accompanying, attendant, assistant, relative, indirect,
related, dependent, allied
Ant Primary, principal, main, independent, direct, unrelated
Syn Huge, immense, enormous, mammoth, vast, prodigious, tremendous, gigantic,
monumental, behemoth, monstrous, grand
Ant Tiny, miniature, miniscule, peewee, minute, microscopic, diminutive, pygmy, little
Syn proportionate, equal, corresponding, equivalent, compatible
Ant Unequal, unsuitable, unfitting, incommensurate,
Syn Sympathise, Console, Pity, Solace, Comfort, Grieve, Condole, agree, understand
Ant Disapprove, Dismiss, Oppose, Ignore, disregard, disagree
Syn Summary, abbreviation, abridgement, compression, curtailment, condensation, synopsis,
conciseness, brevity, briefness, succinctness, terseness
Ant Broadening, enlargement, expansion, prolixity, extension, dilation
Syn Self-satisfied, pleased, contented, smug, stuffy, assured
Ant Dis-satisfied, displeased, discontinued, churlish, grumbling
Syn Polite, courteous, humble, obliging, affable, gracious, graceful, gentle, polished, refined,
accomplished, courtly, urbane
Ant Churlish, brutish, impolite, rude, rough, crabbed, surly, uncivil, mean
Syn Hide, secret, disguise, cover, mask, seal, camouflage, veil
Ant Uncover, expose, divulge, reveal, open, disclose, unveil
Syn Forgive, overlook, excuse, pardon, remit, absolve, disregard, exonerate, exculpate, liberate,
Ant Punish, retaliate, avenge, castigate, smite, convict, condemn, proscribe
Syn Seize, grab, annex, remove, impound, forfeit, preempt, usurp
Ant Restore, return, reimburse, repay, give back, replace, re-establish, put back, bring back,
reinstate, reintroduced
Syn Perplex, confuse, bewilder, astonish, mix up, jumble, disorder, stupefy, dumbfound,
startle, astound, stun
Ant Compose, comfort, soothe, pacify, quiet, calm, appease, assuage
Syn Proper, agreeable, fitting, suitable, matched, consistent, identical, homogeneous, same,
uniform, homologous, analogous
Ant Incongruous, inappropriate, absurd, unsuitable, inapposite, contrary, heterogeneous,
discordant, divergent.
Syn Guess, presume, speculate, assume, suppose, conceive, fancy, hypothesise
Ant Deduce, conclude, derive, infer, draw, resolve, judge, determine
Syn Scrupulous, careful, rational, dutiful, fair, faithful, ethical, upright, principled, honest
Ant Unscrupulous, faithless, immoral, corrupt, dishonest, unjust, unfair, partial, vile, licentious
Syn Sanctify, anoint, bless, honour, ordain, venerate, devote, dedicate
Ant Desecrate, defile, pollute, pervert, profane, violate, blaspheme, abuse, contaminate
Syn Easily seen, clear, vivid, lucid, visible, eminent, famous, prominent, explicit, noticeable
Ant Unseen, hidden, invisible, secret, mysterious, covered, obscure, unknown, ulterior
Syn Intrigue, plot, Machiavellianism, circumvention, design, scheme
Ant Artlessness, innocence, guilelessness, simplicity, honesty, plainness
Syn Explain, interpret, infer, translate, elucidate, decipher, propound, describe,
Ant Misinterpret, misconstrue, misapply, distort, misapprehend, confuse, mystify
Syn Thoughtful, considerate, meditative, ponderous, reflexive, ruminative
Ant  negligent, inconsiderate, heedless, inattentive, unmindful
Syn Scornful, disrespectful, disdainful, insolent
Ant Meek, mild, gentle, submissive, yielding, respectful
Syn  neighbouring, adjoining, adjacent, beside, near, propinquity, proximity,
Ant Remote, far, distant, removed, lonely, secluded, sequestered, isolated, inaccessible
Syn Penitent, remorseful, sorrowful, repentant, regretful, sad
Ant Satisfied, gratified, contented, pleased, happy
Syn Devise, concoct, plan, invent, make, form, plot, frame, execute, carry out, create, fabricate
Ant Ruin, destroy, overthrow, abolish, demolish, smash, shatter, foil, topple
Syn Riddle, puzzle, enigma, paradox, secret, difficulty, labyrinth, maze, imbroglio
Ant Answer, solution, meaning, exposition, explanation, interpretation, openness, axiom
Syn Festive, gay, jolly, cordial, jovial, merry, sociable, hospitable, festal, social, cheerful
Ant Mournful, dismal, gloomy, sad, solemn, severe, staid, depressed, lugubrious, unhappy,
Syn Outcome, result, effect, upshot, sequel, end, termination, consequence, aftermath
Ant Cause, reason, beginning, source
Syn Physical, material, bodily, fleshy, earthly, corporal, worldly
Ant Spiritual, incorporeal, immaterial, supernatural, ghostly, ethereal, intangible, ecclesiastical,
Syn Fat, fleshy, obese, beefy, swollen, stout, ponderous, plethoric, bulky.
Ant Thin, lean, weak, feeble, enervated, debilitated, emaciated, delicate
Syn Association, gathering, club, circle, brotherhood, fraternity, clique, company
Ant loner, individualistic, outcast, pariah, castaway,
Syn Not genuine, forged, pretended, unreal, artificial, sham, fictitious, contrived, phoney,
unnatural, spurious, false, untrue, apocryphal
Ant Genuine, original, real, natural, true, factual, authentic
Syn Agreement, contract, treaty, bond, deal, pact, pledge, promise
Ant disagreement, denial, refusal, misunderstanding
Syn Shy, modest, reserved, quiet, bashful, demure, diffident, timid, shrinking, retiring, skittish,
Ant  impudent, audacious, brash, bold, brazen, cheeky, confident
Syn Grouchy, ill natured, irritable, churlish, acrimonious, bitter, rough, petulant, peevish,
censorious, cantankerous
Ant Genial, cordial, warm, encouraging, inspiring, enlivening, hearty, jolly, jovial, cheering,
Syn  testy, choleric, irritable, petulant, pugnacious
Ant calm, amiable, sociable, good-natured, placid
Syn Stupid, foolish, boorish, coarse, unrefined, obtuse, insensitive, asinine, oafish, insane
Ant Sane, wise, refined, cultured, polished, smooth, sensitive
Syn Cowardly, timid, pusillanimous, vacillating, timorous, faint-hearted, dastardly, fearful
Ant Brave, bold, courageous, heroic, valiant, daring, dauntless, fearless, intrepid, gallant.
Syn Gullible, naive, deceivable, unsuspecting, simple, bovine, artless
Ant Suspicious, crafty, skilful, cunning, deceitful, foxy, vulpine
Syn Burdensome, heavy, difficult, awkward, slow, inefficient, weighty
Ant Light, buoyant, portable, loose, unweighty, imponderous
Syn Guardian, patron, caretaker, benefactor, helper, supporter, upholder, defender, guide,
advocate, leader, friend, protector
Ant Enemy, opponent, adversary, foe, backbiter, traitor, assailant
Syn Usual, habitual, regular, conventional, traditional, common, normal, ordinary, familiar,
popular, accustomed, routine
Ant Unusual, uncommon, extraordinary, unique, strange, peculiar, odd, queer, rare, unfamiliar,
unconventional, untraditional, uncustomary, singular
Syn Disbelief, doubt, distrust, mistrust, scepticism
Ant Belief, trust, creed, doctrine, dogma, faith
Syn Be slow, waste time, idle, dilly-dally, procrastinate, lag
Ant Hurry, speedup, hasten, accelerate, expedite, quicken, urge, drive, move, propel,
Syn Shortage, scarcity, paucity, scantiness, insufficiency, meagreness, lack, want, need,
Ant abundance, plentifulness, profusion, fullness, flood, overflow, excess, deluge
Syn Corruption, perversion, vitiation, defiling, revelry, sensuality, lewdness, lasciviousness,
Ant Restraint, temperance, self control, self discipline, control, uprightness, purity, self restraint
Syn Enfeebled, broken down, worn out, infirm, weak, feeble, aged, crippled, tottering,
doddering, incapacitated, frail, old
Ant Youthful, young, active, energetic, vigorous, fresh, immature
Syn Censure, disapprove, condemn, denounce, depreciate, reject, criticise, belittle, disparage
Ant Praise, extol, exalt, magnify, glorify, eulogize, esteem, laud, approve
Syn Put off, postpone, adjourn, procrastinate, prolong, suspend, linger
Ant Expedite, hasten, quicken, accelerate, stimulate, forward, advance
Syn Regard, respect, reverence, veneration, honour, esteem, homage
Ant Disrespect, dishonour, rudeness, discourtesy, contempt, disregard, neglect, irreverence,
resistance, rebuff, repulsion
Syn Make dirty, make impure, pollute, taint, corrupt, damage, desecrate, vitiate, stain,
contaminate, debauch, spoil, deflower
Ant Clean, cleanse, purify, sanctify, wash, hallow, glorify
Syn Sad, depressed, disheartened, lowspirited, despondent, pensive, gloomy, dark, heavy,
obscure, melancholic
Ant Joyous, cheerful, delightful, merry, gay, frolicsome, hilarious, festive, mirthful
Syn Injurious, harmful, noxious, hurtful, damaging, pernicious, bad, detrimental, destructive
Ant Beneficial, wholesome, healthful, helpful, advantageous, useful, profitable, good,
salubrious, favourable
Syn  lunatic, crazy, frenzied, insane, demented, frantic, wild, mad, ecstatic
Ant Sane, judicious, rational, reasonable, dependable, balanced, normal, moderate, sensible
Syn Deceive, cheat, defraud, mislead, misguide, dupe, circumvent, bamboozle, beguile,
ensnare, entrap, gull, outwit
Ant Assist, help, aid, advise, counsel, guide, succour, assure
Syn inundation, flood, heavy rainfall, cataclysm, rush, overflow, downpour, spate, burst, torrent
Ant Drought, dryness, parchedness, aridity, dehydration
Syn Deception, illusion, unreality, fallacy, error, chimera, figment, misconception,
Ant Reality, actuality, truth, fact, certainty, verity
Syn Quiet, modest, coy, shy, decorous, diffident, reticent, staid
Ant Wanton, brazen, impudent, shameless, rude, violent
Syn Condemn, criticise, accuse, charge, blame, indict, impeach, censure, reprimand, threaten
Ant Praise, applaud, laud, commend, appreciate, eulogize, gratify, extol, glorify, magnify
121. Deplorable
Syn Pitiable, mournful, fretful, sorrowful, bewailing, bemoaning, complaining, lugubrious, cheerless,
doleful, sad, regretful
Ant Joyful, rejoicing, gay, happy, elated, exhilarated, exulted, jolly, playful, merry, triumphant,
Syn Disapprove, reject, protest, belittle, condemn, regret, deplore (Depreciate decrease,
reduce, diminish, dwindle)
Ant Approve, consent, favour, endorse, commend, applaud, praise, eulogize
Syn Hopelessness, dejection, depression, melancholy, gloom, heaviness, obscurity, pensiveness
Ant Joy, delight, cheer, merriment, hopefulness, sanguinity, exhilaration
Syn Hopeless, dejected, depressed, melancholic, gloomy, heavy, obscure, pensive
Ant Joyful, delighted, cheerful, merry, hopeful, sanguine, exhilarated
Syn Impoverished, penniless, penurious, impecunious, poor, poverty-stricken, needy,
distressed, ruined, down and out, hard up, indigent, devoid, deficient, lacking
Ant Rich, wealthy, affluent, well off, opulent, moneyed, sumptuous, luxurious
Syn Bar, curb, difficulty, discouragement, impediment, obstacle, repellent, restraint, obstruction
Ant Encouragement, incentive, impetus, enticement, stimulant, stimulus
Syn Harmful, injurious, baneful, damaging, evil, bad, disadvantageous, wrong
Ant Profitable, advantageous, good, favourable, helpful, advantageous, right
Syn Skill, adroitness, ability, expertness, aptness, tact, cleverness, aptitude, skilfullness
Ant Unskillfulness, stupidity, clumsiness, awkwardness, blundering, obtuseness, inaptitude
Syn Circuitous, roundabout, rambling, indirect, tortuous, deviating, crooked, wandering, tricky,
wily, deceitful
Ant Direct, straight-forward, candid, open, sincere, plain, naïve, honest
Syn Swallow, engulf, eat up, gulp, consume, prey upon, wolf down
Ant Vomit, empty, expel, discharge, eject, save
Syn  shocking, appalling, dreadful, atrocious, vile, damnable, excruciating, heinous,
disgraceful, devilish, hellish, wicked, fiendish.
Ant Angelic, lovely, attractive, alluring, captivating, heavenly, graceful
Syn neglected, decayed, battered, ramshackled, ruined, broken-down, shabby, decaying,
crumbling, run-down, decrepit
Ant Restored, cured, strengthened, reinvigorated, revived, renewed, repaired, renovated
Syn Laborious, industrious, hardworking, assiduous, arduous, sedulous
Ant Lazy, slothful, lethargic, unconcerned, indifferent, indolent, careless, inactive, sluggish
Syn Small, tiny, little, pygmy, lilliputian, miniature, mini, undersized, dwarfish, midget, wee,
Ant Large, huge, enormous, big, great, immense, massive, vast, abundant, heavy, generous,
bulky, stout, full, ample, colossal
Syn Confused, ruffled, agitated, bewildered, perplexed, worried, perturbed, unbalanced,
discomposed, nonplussed
Ant Composed, unruffled, calm, quiet, pacified, mollified, soothed, still, assuaged, tranquilized
Syn Sad, cheerless, gloomy, forlorn, unhappy, dejected, desolate, heartbroken, woeful,
melancholy, inconsolable, wretched, miserable
Ant Joyful, joyous, cheerful, jubilant, happy, pleased, merry, gay, blithe, buoyant, delighted,
elated, gleeful, glad, jocund, jocose, jolly, triumphant
Syn Disagreement, quarrelling, difference, dispute, disturbance, dissention, discordance, strife,
confusion, disharmony
Ant Harmony, peace, concord, amity, agreement, accordance, congruity, unison, union
Syn Difference(in accounts/in statement), variance, inconsistency, contrariness, disagreement,
contrariety, discordance, incongruity, dissimilarity, inequality
Ant Agreement, accordance, concordance, harmony, concurrence, unity, unison, union
Syn Hate, scorn, detest, abhor, despise, abominate, dislike, spurn, reject, ignore, loathe
Ant Approve, like, love, commend, praise, applaud, laud, glorify, eulogize
Syn Disordered, loose, untidy, disarranged, unkempt, disorderly, muddled, slovenly
Ant Tidy, neat, orderly, trim, spruce
Syn Sad, gloomy, dark, dolorous
Ant Happy, glad, joyous, joyful, pleasing, gay, merry, delightful, inspiring, cheerful
Syn Insult, reduce, belittle, decry, discredit, undervalue
Ant Praise, approve, acclaim, eulogize, applaud, esteem, flatter, compliment
Syn Inequality, dissimilarity, difference, unlikeness, gap, dissimilitude, disproportion,
incongruity, discrepancy
Ant Equality, similarity, likeness, sameness, evenness, uniformity, analogy, correspondence
Syn  temper, mood, character, nature, behaviour, tendency, inclination
Ant Unwillingness, reluctance, indisposition, aversion, disinclination, loathing
Syn Contentious, quarrelsome, pugnacious, hostile, petulant, hot-tempered, hostile, aggressive,
disputant, discordant
Ant Agreeing, peaceable, pacific, peace-loving, conciliatory, amicable, friendly, placatory
Syn Disperse, Scatter, dispel, spread, waste, squander
Ant Accumulate, gather, hoard, save, collect, amass, garner, store, muster, accrue
Syn Immoral, loose, licentious, lascivious, profligate, unchaste, obscene, evil, bad, abandoned,
Ant Pure, chaste, upright, moral, virtuous, virginal, immaculate, incorrupt
Syn Twist, deformation, perversion, disfigure, disfigurement
Ant  accuracy, truth, clarity, actuality
Syn Anxiety, suffering, pain, agony, strain, trouble, grief, misfortune, sorrow, calamity
Ant Pleasure, joy, mirth, frolic, gaiety, merriment, gratification, satisfaction
Syn Reveal, disclose, inform, tell, describe, communicate, unveil, uncover
Ant Secret, hide, conceal, veil, cover, mask, disguise,
Syn Meek, mild, submissive, tame, obedient, yielding, pliable,
Ant Stubborn, obstinate, unyielding, firm, inflexible, pertinacious, tough
Syn evade, elude, avoid, trick, device, scheme, machination, manoeuvre, subterfuge, stratagem
Ant face, confront, accept, withstand, endure
Syn Obstinate, stubborn, determined, tenacious, pertinacious, unyielding, persistent, inflexible,
Ant Faltering, wavering, irresolute, undecided, ephemeral, yielding, flexible
Syn Principle, doctrine, opinion, belief, creed, precept, tenet, code, teaching, maxim
Ant Unbelief, disbelief, doubt, heterodoxy, falsehood, scepticism
Syn Sad, doleful, mournful, dismal, sorrowful, distressed, wretched, pathetic, pitiable,
Ant Cheerful, joyous, jolly, jovial, lively, happy, sportive, bright, amusing
Syn Inactive, sedentary, inert, torpid, sluggish, resting, sleeping, quiescent, hibernating
Ant Active, efficient, agile, nimble, lively, vigorous, energetic, industrious
Syn Doubtful, untrustworthy, unreliable, uncertain, equivocal, unclear, uncertain
Ant Certain, sure, clear, undoubtful, pellucid
Syn Astonish, surprise, amaze, bewilder, astound, stagger, stun, confuse, nonplus,
Ant silence, compose, calm, pacify, quiet, tranquilize, appease, encourage, soothe
Syn Lessen, vanish, fall, degenerate, make smaller, cause to shrink, waste, diminish, shrink, reduce,
curtail, abridge, shorten
Ant Increase, augment, grow, multiply, heighten, widen, expand, extend, dilate
160. Ebb
Syn Recede, retire, retreat, subside, abate, lessen, sink, decline, decay, fall, decrease
Ant Flow, increase, climb, rise, proceed, spring, float, stream
Syn Exuberant, enthusiastic, vivacious, excited, effusive, elated, buoyant, exhilarated, irrepressible,
Ant Lethargic, sluggish, torpid, dull, slow, heavy, idle, inactive, inert
Syn Peculiar, odd, strange, uncommon, unusual, abnormal, queer, wayward, anomalous,
capricious, whimsical
Ant Normal, ordinary, plain, customary, formal, usual, natural
Syn Wipe out, do away with, erase, obliterate, rub, scrap out, remove, destroy, annul, expunge,
cancel, blot out
Ant keep, retain, hold, confirm, approve, renew, revive, restore, enforce, endorse, sanction,
Syn Efficient, useful, effective, productive, fruitful, beneficial
Ant Useless, fruitless, barren, infertile, unproductive, inefficient, inoperative
Syn Draw out, evoke, extract, get, obtain, evince, fetch, derive
Ant  suppress, hide, repress, neglect
Syn Fluent, glib, articulate, expressive, persuasive, cogent, expressive
Ant  vague, unclear, implicit, nebulous, opaque
Syn Explain, clarify, illustrate, clear up, illuminate, expound, point out, interpret
Ant Obscure, darken, jumble, puzzle, confuse, becloud, mix, distract, confound
Syn Clasp, hug, espouse, encircle, accept, adopt, cling to
Ant Neglect, ignore, lose, miss, shun, evade, despise, scorn, condemn, waver, hesitate
Syn Departure, emigration, withdrawal, removal, exit, escape, flight, migration, retreat
Ant Arrival, advent, coming, entrance, approach, visit, onset, dawn, beginning, outset
Syn Understanding, comprehension, sensitivity, compassion
Ant Misunderstanding, insensitivity, cruelty, indifference, apathy
Syn  imitate, copy, match, follow, echo, take after, ape, simulate, mimic, replicate
Ant neglect, ignore, disregard
Syn Praise, eulogy, exaggeration, honour, panegyric, laudation, glorification
Ant Condemnation, denunciation, blame, disapprobation, reprehension, censure, reproach
Syn Riddle, puzzle, cryptic writing, cryptic speech, mystery, conundrum, brain-teaser, poser, problem
Ant Solution, answer, resolution, explanation, key, clarification, elucidation
Syn Boredom, listlessness, dissatisfaction, monotony, weariness, languor, tedium, lethargy, lassitude,
tiresomeness, dreariness
Ant Energy, enthusiasm, vigour, ebullience, buoyancy, vitality, stamina, power, force, strength, vivacity,
zeal, dynamism
Syn Huge, immense, outrageous, heinous, atrocious, gigantic, prodigious, monstrous,
ponderous, mammoth, stupendous
Ant Small, little, insignificant, microscopic, inconsiderable, light, paltry, trivial, trifling, petty,
diminutive, Lilliputian, slender, unimportant
Syn Request, solicit, implore, beseech, ask, importune, supplicate, pray, crave, plead
Ant order, command, compel, force, take, rob, snatch, coerce, impel, drive, protest, remonstrate
177. Exiguous
Syn Meagre, scanty, sparse, bare, slight, slender, small, tiny, paltry, thin
Ant Ample, sufficient, plentiful, abundant, copious, big, spacious, large, great
Syn Transient, transitory, temporary, shortlived, momentary, evanescent, fleeting, vanishing,
brief, short, mortal
Ant Long, long-lived, permanent, eternal, perpetual, everlasting, endless, immortal, infinite,
durable, lasting, endurable
179. Exigency
Syn Emergency, urgency, necessity, difficulty, crisis
Ant Normalcy, normality, ordinariness, regularity, commonplaceness
Syn Destroy, uproot, pull up, extirpate, exterminate, annihilate, abolish, devastate, kill, remove,
eliminate, extinguish
Ant Plant, implant, confirm, secure, protect, save, settle, establish, fortify
181. Exhort
Syn Inspire, urge, encourage, appeal, advise, counsel, persuade, stimulate, incite, enjoin
Ant Deprecate, disavow, disclaim, discourage
Syn Learned, scholarly, educated, literate, man of letters
Ant Unlettered, uneducated, illiterate, doltish, ignorant, uninstructed, unlearned, unread,
Syn Everlasting, permanent, unceasing, endless, perpetual, infinite,
boundless, continual, timeless, incessant, immortal
Ant Finite, ending, short, temporary, transitory, ceasing, inconstant,
changeable, transient, ephemeral, momentary, fleeting
Syn Irritate, infuriate, make angry, annoy, provoke, enrage, vex, anger
Ant Mollify, placate, conciliate, assuage, pacify, appease
Syn Torture, oppress, agonize, torment, writhe, wring, pain
Ant Soothe, pacify, appease, mollify, comfort, alleviate, calm, mitigate,
assuage, compose
185. Façade
Syn: front, exterior, show, appearance, mask, semblance, veneer, disguise,
pretence, false appearance
Ant: rear, interior, back, end, posterior
186. Futile
Syn: useless, pointless, trifling, worthless, trivial, frivolous, vain, abortive,
fruitless, valueless
Ant: useful, effective, satisfactory, gainful, beneficial, conducive, profitable,
187. Fanciful
Syn: romantic, fantastical, freakish, whimsical, chimerical, dreamy, visionary
Ant: sincere, serious, resolute, steadfast, grave, real, reasonable, steady,
188. Fathomless
Syn: deep, immeasurable, bottomless, profound, unfathomable, abysmal,
Ant: shallow, superficial, empty, meaningless, petty, frivolous, trivial, trifling
189. Fatigue
Syn: tiredness, weariness, languor, enervation, exhaustion, lassitude,
debilitation, weakness, dullness, feebleness, drudgery
Ant: liveliness, sprightliness, vigour, briskness, force, strength, vivacity
190. Feasible
Syn: practicable, possible, probable, likely, pragmatic, practical, workable,
attainable, achievable
Ant: unfeasible, impractical, fantastic, visionary, unpragmatic, unsuitable,
191. Feign
Syn: pretend, mask, counterfeit, falsify, devise, fabricate, forge
Ant: authentic, natural, real, original
192. Festal
Syn: festive, merry, jovial, jolly, joyous, joyful, mirthful, cheery, gay, hearty,
Ant: mournful, sad, sorrowful, unhappy, tragic, lamentable, plaintive,
sombre, lugubrious, gloomy, melancholy
193. Fury
Syn: anger, wrath, rage, ferocity, violence, turbulence, irk, temper, madness,
Ant: calmness, peace, serenity, quiet, lull, stillness, tranquillity, coolness,
relaxation, placidity, appeasement
194. Fiasco
Syn: failure, disaster, catastrophe, flop, mess, fizzle, washout, defeat,
collapse, breakdown, frustration
Ant: success, prosperity, progress, fortune, luck, achievement, victory,
triumph, accomplishment, attainment, celebrity, fame
195. Flexible
Syn: yielding, pliable, adaptable, pliant, ductile, bending
Ant: inflexible, stiff, unbending, resistant, stubborn
196. Flaccid
Syn: hanging, drooping, limber, soft, weak, lax, loose, flabby, flimsy
Ant: solid, firm, strong, unyielding, sturdy, steady, resisting, tenacious, tough
197. Flagrant
Syn: notorious, scandalous, outrageous, wicked, monstrous, heinous,
atrocious, infamous, disgraceful, egregious
Ant: honourable, graceful, modest, gentle, famous, eminent, kind, kindly
198. Flamboyant
Syn: showy, ostentatious, boastful, pretentious
Ant: humble, modest, unpretentious, reserved, restrained
199. Gab
Syn: talk, chat, gossip, chatter, jabber, prattle, gabble
Ant: silence, taciturnity, muteness, uncommunicative, quiet, reserved,
200. Gainsay
Syn: deny, contradict, dispute, controvert, reject
Ant: affirm, endorse, testify, ratify, asset, vouch, declare
201. Grotesque
Syn: odd, unnatural, ugly, absurd, ludicrous, fantastic, bizarre, strange
Ant: normal, natural, usual, sensible
202. Garnish
Syn: flavour(food), decorate(food), ornament, adorn, beautify, embellish
Ant: spoil, deface, destroy, erase, obliterate, ruin, harm, deteriorate,
203. Garrulous
Syn: talkative, loquacious, prolix, chattering, wordy, gibbering, babbling
Ant: quiet, reserved, silent, laconic, reticent, taciturn, shy, terse
204. Giddy
Syn: dizzy, unsteady, light-headed, doddering, shaky, uncertain, fanciful,
unbalanced, inconstant
Ant: steady, solemn, serious, thoughtful, constant, stable, wise, attentive,
205. Gigantic
Syn: huge, giant-like, monstrous, immense, colossal, enormous, vast,
marvellous, great, stupendous, mammoth, massive
Ant: small, little, short, dwarfish, Lilliputian, diminutive, abridged, limited,
206. Glamour
Syn: charm, attraction, fascination, beauty, shine, magic, aura,
enchantment, spell, glow
Ant: repulsiveness, abomination, darkness, gloominess
207. Gloomy
Syn: dark, dismal, bleak, sad, depressed, sullen, dejected, depressing, lurid,
Ant: joyous, joyful, gay, merry, rejoicing, happy, exulting, lively, jolly
208. Gratify
Syn: please, satisfy, satiate, fondle, grant, coddle, placate
Ant: displease, dissatisfy, offend, deprive, provoke, mock, taunt, ridicule,
scoff, blame, censure, vex, disgust
209. Hackneyed
Syn: common, stale, trite, common, quotidian, sterotyped
Ant: new, fresh, original, creative
Ant: novel, fresh
210. Hamper
Syn: shackle, clog, hinder, hinder, impede, obstruct, deter, stop
Ant: release, accelerate, expedite, accelerate, speed up, propel, trigger
211. Hapless
Syn: unfortunate, unlucky, woeful, miserable, wretched, ill-fated
Ant: lucky, fortunate, privilege, favoured, blessed, forfuitous
212. Harbour
Syn: shelter, lodge, dwell
Ant: eject, banish, remove
213. Harmony
Syn: concord, agreement, accord
Ant: discord, disagreement
214. Hazardous
Syn: adventurous, bold, dangerous, threatening
Ant: timid, safe, protected, safeguarded
215. Heartily
Syn: cordially, ardently
Ant: insincere, cold
216. Heed
Syn: mind, pay attention
Ant: disregard, neglect
217. Herculean
Syn: laborious, colossal, difficult
Ant: slight, easy, simple
218. Homogeneous
Syn: uniform, similar, pure
Ant: heterogeneous, mixed
219. Hobby
Syn: avocation, pastime, sport, recreation
Ant: business, labour, livelihood, profession
220. Humane
Syn: gentle, kind
Ant: cruel, ungentle
221. Hostile
Syn: bellicose, unfriendly
Ant: cordial, friendly, tolerant
222. Humility
Syn: humbleness, modesty
Ant: pride, arrogance
223. Humorous
Syn: comic, comical, funny, jocular, witty
Ant: gloomy, dull, sedate
224. Husky
Syn: beefy, stocky, brawny
Ant: thin, lean, weak
225. Hypocrisy
Syn: deceit, imposture
Ant: honesty, sincerely
226. Hypocritical
Syn: treacherous, disloyal, false, traitorous
Ant: candid, honest, loyal, moral, sincere
227. Heinous
Syn: atrocious, hateful, abominable, odious, reprehensible, nefarious,
wicked, profligate, immoral, bad, evil, vile, outrageous, infamous, awful,
Ant: virtuous, moral, good, praiseworthy, chaste, saintly, ethical, spiritual,
glorious, elevated, dignified
228. Hiatus
Syn: break, gap, interruption. pause, opening, cleft, rift, space, blank, void,
interval, crevice, lacuna
Ant: mend, patch, repair, improvement, correction, betterment
229. Hideous
Syn: ugly, frightful, ghastly, dreadful-horrible, grim, corps-like, cadaverous,
Ant: beautiful, lovely, attractive, charming, delightful, lovable
230. Humbug
Syn: deception, fraud, delusion, trick, imposter, cheater, fraud, deceiver,
betrayer, beguiler, entrapper, ensnarer
Ant: advisor, counsellor, assistant, helper, assurer
231. Impalpable
Syn: imperceptible, incomprehensible, unknowable, intangible, vague,
obscure, shadowy
Ant: Palpable, perceptible, comprehensible, tangible, solid, definite,
material, knowable, clear
232. Impasse
Syn: deadlock, standstill, stalemate, stoppage, halt, cessation, tie
Ant: progress, movement, improvement, breakthrough, headway, growth,
233. I peach
Syn: accuse, blame, charge, discredit, condemn, denounce, censure,
impugn, account, admonish, chide, dishonour
Ant: vindicate, defend, approve, protect, favour, support, admire, praise,
applaud, laud, eulogize, honour, appreciate
234. Impeccable
Syn: flawless, perfect, spotless, immaculate, faultless, accurate,
irreproachable, unblemished, pure, exemplary, innocent
Ant: faulty, defective, imperfect, blameworthy, flawed, erroneous, incorrect,
wrong, fallacious, invalid, weak
235. Imperative
Syn: urgent, essential, unavoidable, commanding, compulsory, obligatory,
mandatory, requisite, exigent, peremptory, authoritative, dictator
Ant: optional, discretionary, deliberate, discretional, voluntary, intentional,
236. Imperil
Syn: endanger, peril, zeopardize, expose, venture, risk, hazard, chance
Ant: protect, guard, watch, preserve, safeguard, defent, secure, shield
237. Imperious
Syn: commanding, haughty, arrogant, tyrannical, overbearing, urgent,
imperative, authoritative, assertive, swaggering
Ant: obsequious, subservient, servile, mean, abased, pliant, soapy, oiy,
238. impertinent
Syn: impudent, saucy, rude, insolent, boor, inappropriate, coarse, vulgar,
abusive, contemptuous
Ant: polite, meek, humble, gentle, refined, courteous, polished, respectful,
submissive, pleasant
239. Impervious
Syn: impenetrable, impregnable, unaffected, uninfluenced, impermeable,
resistant, obdurate
Ant: penetrable, pregnable, permeable, open, susceptible, sensitive,
240. Impromptu
Syn: extempore, without preparation, adlib, offhand, spontaneous,
improvised, off the cuff, impulsive
Ant: rehearsed, premeditated, deliberate, forethought, planned, considered
241. Improvident
Syn: wasteful, imprudent, incautious, heedless, careless, prodigal, lavish,
extravagant, thriftless, unthrifty, spendthrift
Ant: provident, judicious, careful, cautious, wary, sagacious, far-sighted,
economical, thrifty, vigilant, prudent
242. Imprudent
Syn: unscrupulous, foolish, indiscreet, unwise, rash, impetuous, silly,
heedless, hasty
Ant: prudent, wise, careful, thoughtful, sagacious, heedful, cautious, alert,
cool, sensible
243. Inception
Syn: start, beginning, origin, initiation, opening, onset, outset,
Ant: end, close, finish, complete, termination, completion
244. Incessant
Syn: uninterrupted, continuous, perpetual, eternal, unending, ceaseless,
unremittying, endless, continual interminable
Ant: occasional, intermittent, recurrent, periodic, accidental irregular
245. Inclement
Syn: severe, harsh, stormy, unkind, cruel, merciless, pitiless
Ant: mild, soft, kind, benevolent, generous, pitiful, merciful
246. Incongruous
Syn: out of place, not corresponding, disagreeing, incongruent, inconsistent,
absurd, discordant, conflicting, different, repugnant, discrepant
Ant: accordant, suitable, matched, consistent, harmonious, agreeing,
compatible, homogeneous, uniform, unchanging, corresponding
247. Infernal
Syn: hellish, devilish, diabolical, satanic, malicious, atrocious, accursed,
wicked, fiendish
Ant: heavenly, angelic, diving, pure, cherubic, seraphic, holy, sacred,
248. Infructuous
Syn: flowerless, fruitless, good for nothing, useless, barren, infertile,
Ant: Fruitful, productive, flowerful, useful, fertile, profitable, advantageous
249. Inimical
Syn: hostile, pernicious, antagonistic, unfavourable, opposed, contrary,
pernicious, destructive, harmful
Ant: favourable, friendly, welcoming, sociable, kind
250. Innate
Syn: inborn, natural, instinctive, inherent, intrinsic, inbred, inwrought,
immanent, congenital, ingrained, native, latent, internal
Ant: superfluous, redundant, superficial, extrinsic, unnatural, learned,
acquired, superimposed, casual, external
251. Innocuous
Syn: harmless, safe, innoxious, innocent, inoffensive, beneficial, salubrious,
tonic, wholesome, healthy, hygienic
Ant: harmful, injurious, poisonous, noxious, deleterious, malefic, maleficent,
toxic, deadly
252. Inopportune
Syn: inconvenient, unsuitable, untimely, unseasonable, unfavourable,
inauspicious, inappropriate, unfit
Ant: timely, convenient, suitable, seasonable, opportune, fortunate,
auspicious, favourable, felicitous, appropriate, propitious, fit, happy
253. Inqiuistive
Syn: curious, eager for knowledge, searching, scrutinizing, prying, inquiring,
intrusive, meddlesome, aggressive
Ant: careless, supine, negligent, indifferent, bashful, backward, neglectful
254. Insidious
Syn: treacherous, crafty, cunning, artful, foxy, vulpine, tricky, elusive, wily,
feline, sly, knave
Ant: open, frank, aboveboard, candid, sincere, honest, plain, fair,
honourable, guileless, naïve
255. Insolent
Syn: insulting, offensive, presumptuous, abrasive, impudent, rude,
unmannerly, arrogant, bold, haughty, bumptious, saucy
Ant: fawning, abject, servile, slavish, parasitic, beggarly, abased, cowardly
256. Insolvent
Syn: bankrupt, ruined, impoverished, penniless, destitute, impecunious,
moneyless, beggared, poverty-stricken, fleeced, stripped
Ant: solvent, opulent, affluent, wealthy, independent, rich, substantial, well-
off, propertied, comforted, well-to-do
257. Integral
Syn: complete, whole, entire, necessary (for completeness), basic,
essential, full, undivided, fundamental, intrinsic, indispensable
Ant: additional, unnecessary, extra, redundant, superfluous, spare, reserve,
more, ancillary, auxiliary, supplementary
258. Intervene
Syn: interfere, intrude, meddle, inhibit, obstruct, impede, hinder, hamper,
interpose, step in, intercede, arbitrate, mediate, happen, occur, take place,
ensue, befall
Ant: keep off, shun, hang back, refrain from, ignore, avoid, stay away, turn
back to.
259. Intimate
Syn: close, familiar, private, personal, detailed, deep, affectionate, friendly,
Ant: distant, remote, formal, conventional, ceremonious, strange, unfamiliar
260. intractable
Syn: uncontrolled, unbridled, unrestrained, stubborn, obstinate, free,
refrectory, firm, stiff, unyielding, ungovernable, unmanageable, indocile,
Ant: docile, meek, mild, humble, gentle, yielding, submissive, calm, quiet,
261. Intrinsic
Syn: innate, inborn, instinctive, natural, real, true, not learned, genuine,
honest, syngenic, radical, native
Ant: extrinsic, extraneous, external, foreign, unnatural, by chance,
fortuitous, casual, accidental, ventitious
262. Inundate
Syn: flood, overflow, overspread, deluge, swamp, drown, submerge, engulf,
Ant: drain, dry, empty, pump out, evacuate, remove, draw off, tap
263. Invidious
Syn: pinching, odious, hateful, malignant, obnoxious, troublesome, painful,
irksome, envious, wearisome, annoying
Ant: pleasant, pleasurable, delightful, gratifying, consoling, comforting,
soothing, cordial, delectable, attractive, benevolent
264. Invigorate
Syn: strengthen, encourage, vitalise, animate, enliven, brace, refresh,
stimulate, vivify, embolden, harden, energize
Ant: weaken, Debilitate, enervate, devitalize, attenuate, injure, cripple,
265. Itinerary
Syn: guidebook, route, guide, circuit, time table, journey, plan, schedule,
programme, course, tour, trip
266. Jeopardy
Syn: danger, risk, loss, harm, trouble, endangerment, hazard, peril, risk,
venture, exposure, insecurity, liability, precariousness, uncertainty
Ant: protection, safety, security, certainty, surety, preservation, conservation
escape, refuge, asylum
267. Jeremaid
Syn: lamentation, mourning, wailing, moaning, moan, lament, grief, dirge,
complaint, pliant, sorrow
Ant: rejoicing, exultation, revelry, pleasure, gratification, exhilaration, delight,
cheer, cheerfulness
268. Jubiliant
Syn: rejoicing, exultant, gay, celebrating, boastful, joyous, cheerful, happy,
Ant: gloomy, sorrowful, downcast, dejected, sad, disappointed, joyless,
despondent, cheerless, melancholy, unhappy
269. Judicious
Syn: wise, prudent, thoughtful, sensible, discreet, intelligent, circumspect,
sagacious, cautious, discerning, wary, well-guided, well-judged, rational
Ant: silly, foolish, idiotic, fatuous, irrational, maudlin, nonsensical, anile,
puerile, inept, injudicious, ill-advised, ill-judged
270. Juvenile
Syn: young, youthful, immature, boyish, childish, girlish, babyish,
adolescent, undeveloped, tender, growing, callow, juvenescent, infantile,
Ant: old, senile, anile, hoary, decrepit, withered, senescent, doting, old-
womanish, wrinkled, venerable, antiquated, superannuated
271. Juxtapose
Syn: place side by side, associate, corelate
Ant: dissociate, separate, segregate
272. Keen
Syn: sharp, strong, deep, sensitive, acute, responsive, acrid, bitter, eager,
poignant, vivid, lively, sagacious, witty
Ant: blunt, dull, thick, lazy, stupid, pointless, insipid, sluggish, slothful,
273. Knave
Syn: scoundrel, villain, criminal, rascal, rogue, fraud, miscreant, duplicate
Ant: moralist, hero
274. Kudos
Syn: honour, glory, grace, praise, credit, fame, renown, prestige, acclaim,
encomium, appreciation
Ant: disgrace, dishonour, discredit, shame, humiliation, disrepute, ignominy,
275. Lampoon
Syn: Satire, obloquy, tirade, invective, reproach, abuse, innuendo, jermaid
Ant: approval, approbation, praise, applause, adulation, encomium,
eulogium, acclaim
276. Latent
Syn: hidden, invisible, concealed, dormant, unknown, secret, imperceptible,
implicit, unperceived, unseen, recondite, torpid, mystic, cryptic
Ant: obvious, distinct, clear, open, plain, exposed, evident, explicit,
perceptible, visible, undisguised, definite
277. Lethal
Syn: fatal, harmful, deadly, deathly, mortal, poisonous, noxious, dangerous,
devastating, destructive
Ant: Harmless, innocuous, safe, non-toxic, inoffensive, innocent, gentle
278. Lavity
Syn: thoughtlessness, farivolity, jocular, lightness, flippancy, gaiety,
Ant: solemnity, austerity, gravity, sobriety, thoughtfulness, seriousness
279. Licentious
Syn: immoral, lascivious, libertine, libidinous, wanton, profligate, lustful,
Ant: virtuous, chaste, moral, upright, pure
280. Lissome
Syn: limber, lithe, elastic, flexible, supple, plaint, ductile, limp, flaccid, flabby,
Ant: stiff, hard, tense, rigid, inflexible, tight, solid, thick, taut, unbending,
281. Ludicrous
Syn: ridiculous, comical, odd, funny, farcical, bizzare, outlandish, absurd
Ant: serious, solemn, sad, pensive, terrible, mornful, grim, sedate
282. Lugubrious
Syn: mournful, dismal, gloomy, sad, sorrowful, complaining, doleful,
depressing Melancholy
Ant: cheerful, gay, happy, jovial, jubiliant, lively, vivacious, joyous, merry
283. Lurid
Syn: shining, dazzling, glaring, gruesome, horrible, appalling, revolting,
violent, intense, grisly, shocking, vivid, sensational, bloody, loud
Ant: dull, dim, dark, pleasant, pleasing, calm, scerene
284. Luscious
Syn: tasty, sweet, attractive, palatable, fragrant, juicy, adorned, voluptuous,
delicious, succulent, ambrosial, aromatic, appetizing, delightful, pleasurable,
Ant: dry, revolting, abhorrent, abominable, hideous, disgusting, nauseous,
nauseating, repulsive, sickening
285. Lustre/Luster
Syn: brightness, glory, fame, honour, grandeur, brilliancy, glossiness, gloss,
glow, effulgence, luminosity
Ant: Darkness, gloom, obscurity, murkiness, murk, shadow, shade, dimness,
dishonour, disgrace
286. Macabre
Syn: horrible, gruesome, grim, ghastly, violent, fatal, deathly, fearful, grisly,
repulsive, lurid, appalling
Ant: pleasing, attractive, lovable, alluring, enticing, captivating, inviting
287. Machiavellian
Syn: intriguing, insidious, sly, subtle, wily, tricky, crafty, deceitful, cunning
Ant: naïve, artless, simple, plain, ingenuous, upright, truthful, honourable,
288. Maim
Syn: wound, injure, cripple, mutilate, disfigure, mangle, spoil, lame, disable,
incapacitate, hurt, harm, impair, mar
Ant: cure, heal, remedy
289. Manifest
Syn: Reveal, show, display, prove, appear, divulge, disclose, upxover,
unveil, define, explain, undisguise, open
Ant: conceal, hide, bury, veil, cover, cloak, obscure, puzzle, mystify, twist,
290. Marvel
Syn: wonder, astonishment, amazement, bewilderment, miracle, prodigy,
freak, monstrosity, genius, glory, phenomenon, sensation, spectacle,
Ant: unconcern, remoteness, oblivion
291. Massacre
Syn: carnage, slaughter, butchery, killing, murder, destruction, ruin, slaying,
ruin, slaying, blood-bath, holocaust-annihilation, extermination, genocide
292. Masticate
Syn: chew, grind, eat, manducate
Ant: gobble, swallow, gulp, gorge, bolt, engulf, engorge, devour
293. Melancholy
Syn: dejection, depression, sadness, gloom, discontentment, sorrow,
spiritlessness, dullness, dolesomeness
Ant: cheerfulness, happiness, merriment, liveliness, freshness,
294. Mellifluous
Syn: sweet-sounding, sweet, dulcet, euphonic, euphonious, mellow, silvery,
soft, smooth, harmonious, tuneful
Ant: discordant, dissonant, harsh, jarring, unharmonious, repugnant,
contradictory, contrary
295. Memoris
Syn: autobiography, recollections, experiences journals, diary,
reminiscences, annals, chronicles, confessions
296. Menace
Syn: danger, threat, evil intention, intimidation, trepidation, revenge,
vengeance, forecast
Ant: peace, peacefulness, quiet, tranquillity, quietness, poise, equanimity,
298. Mendacious
Syn: Untrue, false, lying, untruthful, dishonest, pretentious, fabricated,
concocted, distorted, invented
Ant: ture, various, real, frank, faithful, honest, trustworthy, sincere, alert
299. Metamorphosis
Syn: transformation, change, conversion, transmutation, transfiguration,
alteration, modification, change over rebirth, regeneration
300. Mirth
Syn: Merriment, Happiness, Laughter, joy, joyfulness, bliss, cheerfulness,
pleasure, glee, levity, jollity, hilarity, pleasure, revelry, festivity, merrymaking,
Ant: melancholy, unhappiness, gloominess, gloom, sadness, depression,
despondency, dejection, blues, sorrow, misery, low spirits
301. Miscontruse
Syn: misinterpret, misapprehend, misunderstanding, mistranslate,
misrender, misconceive
Ant: Interpret, explain, construe, decipher, define, decode, elucidate, render,
expound, translate, unfold, unravel
302. Mulish
Syn: obstinate, stubborn, pertinacious, headstrong, obdurate, recalcitrant,
Ant: decoile, obedient, submissive, yielding, meek, mild, gentle, tractable,
303. Mundane
Syn: worldly, earthly, common, ordinary, imaginative, temporal, carnal,
mortal, secular
Ant: Heavenly, celestial, eternal, infinite, supernatural, unearthly, diving,
blessed, angelic, holy, immortal
304. Munificent
Syn: generous, kind-hearted, liberal, helpful, philanthropic, charitable,
lavish, open-handed, free-handed, prodigal, profuse, ample, unselfish
Ant: miserly, penurious, parsimonious, close-fisted, niggardly, avaricious,
illiberal, chary, cautious
305. Nefarious
Syn: extremely wicked, unlawful, impious, mean, heinous, wicked, sinful,
vile, base, immoral, corrupt, shameless, vicious, evil
Ant: virtuous, good, right, righteous, upright, moral, praiseworthy, noble,
innocent, right
306. Nemesis
Syn: destiny, goddess of vengeance, fate, destruction, punishment,
vengeance, retribution, revenge
Ant: forgiveness, remission, mercy, pardon, absolution, exoneration
307. Nepotism
Syn: favouritism, partiality, bias, injustice, sideness, preference,
partisanship, preferential treatment, prejudice, unfairness
Ant: impartiality, justice, unprejudiced, unbias, fairness, non-partishanship,
justness, equality, openmindedness, disinterestedness
308. Nocturnal
Syn: night, nightly, crepuscular
Ant: diurnal, daily, daytime, quotidian
309. Nonchalant
Syn: careless, indifferent, negligent, uncaring, unconcerned, neglectful,
thoughtless, inconsiderate, reckless
Ant: careful, considerate, thoughtful, cautious, anxious, eager, heedful
310. Noxious
Syn: injurious, harmful, baneful, pernicious, poisonous, pestiferous,
deleterious, deadly, unwholesome, venomous, virulent
Ant: good, healthy, salubrious, wholesome, harmless, innocuous,
invigorating, helpful
311. Nugatory
Syn: valueless, worthless, forceless, effectless, useless, unimportant,
trifling, trivial, futile, vain, ineffective, insignificant, frivolous, paltry, trumpery
Ant: valuable, percious, important, costly, significant, useful, effectgive

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