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Patient presents with altered behaviour, delusions and hallucinations, suggestive of:
a. Psychotic disorder
b. Confirms schizophrenia
c. Korsakoff’s psychosis
d. Obsessive compulsive disorder

2. Which of the following is first rank symptom described by Schneider?

a. Echolalia
b. Thought insertion
c. Autism
d. Suicidal tendency

3. Delusion of infidelity is seen in

a. DeClerambault’s syndrome
b. Couvade syndrome
c. Othello syndrome
d. Ekbom’s syndrome

4. First symptom to disappear with treatment of schizophrenia

a. Apathy
b. Poverty of thoughts
c. Auditory hallucinations
d. Anhedonia

5. 22yr old young person shows aggressive behaviour for last 2weeks, also has auditory
hallucinations not heard by anybody else and suspicious behaviour. Diagnosis is,
a. Schizophrenia
b. Depression
c. Mania
d. Acute psychosis

6. Not a correct match

a. Auditory hallucination-Alcoholism
b. Delusion of infidelity– OCD
c. Thought broadcasting – Schizophrenia
d. Delusion of grandiosity– Mani

7. Visual hallucination without auditory hallucination is seen in

a. Organic brain damage
b. Obsessive compulsive neurosis
c. Agoraphobia
d. Schizophrenia

8. Congenital deafness rules out the possibility of auditory hallucinations.

9. Muller-Lyer illusions are examples of illusions in psychiatric disorders.
10. Space-Occupying lesion in the brain s a contraindication for ECT.

11. A 30-year-old man is brought to consultation with hypersexuality, decreased need for sleep
and excessive spending in the last 3 weeks. The most likely diagnosis is
a. Mania
b. Alcohol dependence
c. Nymphomania
d. Acute Psychosis

12. A perception experienced in the absence of an external stimulus in clear consciousness is

a. Delusion
b. Hallucination
c. Illusion
d. Pseudohallucination

13. Following are standard tests for attention and concentration except
a. 100-7 test
b. Names of days of the week in reverse order
c. Digit span test
d. 3 word recall test

14. Which is one of the commonest cause of confusion/ delirium in an elderly person with
a. UTI
b. Stroke
c. Sepsis
d. Head injury

15. Condition in which the patient feels that unknown people on the street have been replaced by
his close relatives is called
a. Capgras syndrome
b. Folie-a-deux
c. Fregoli syndrome
d. Delusional intermetamorphosis

16. Mental retardation can be diagnosed in persons with IQ of

a. < 85
b. < 70
c. < 50
d. < 60
17. Sleep walking and night terrors are characteristic of
a. Narcolepsy
b. REM parasomnias
c. NREM parasomnias
d. Insomnia

18. Seizures occurs as a result of withdrawal from the following psychoactive substances
a. Cannabis
b. Alcohol
c. Cocaine
d. Heroin

19. A 19 year old college student is brought to the emergency room with a history of
unresponsiveness. On examination he has subnormal temperature, hypotension, bradycardia
and pin point pupils. The likely diagnosis is
a. Alcohol overdose
b. Opioid overdose
c. Paracetamol overdose
d. Cannabis overdose

20. The commonest type of post-partum psychiatric disturbance is

a. Postpartum psychosis
b. Postpartum depression
c. Postpartum blues
d. Postpartum anxiety

21. Which of the following patients are more prone for Alzheimer's like dementia at an early age
a. Asperger syndrome
b. Down syndrome
c. Fragile X syndrome
d. Kleinfielter syndrome

22. In India Cannabis is

a. Banned drug
b. Approved for medication
c. Recreational drug
d. Schedule h drug

23. Tardive dyskinesia is Associated with the use of

a. Lithium
b. Chronic use of antipsychotic medication
c. Use of Parkinson's medication
d. Short term use of antipsychotic medications
24. A 15 year old boy has mental age of 8 years his IQ level falls into
a. Severe MR
b. Borderline MR
c. Moderate MR
d. Mild MR

25. That part of the mind which is working on reality principle is

a. Id
b. ego
c. Super ego
d. None of the above

26. A 21 years boy presents to Emergency Room complaints of diarrhoea yawning sweating
rhinorrhea lacrimation piloerection, the most probable diagnosis
a. Cocaine withdrawal
b. Alcohol withdrawal
c. Heroine withdrawal
d. LSD withdrawal

27. Squeeze technique is treatment for

a. retrograde ejaculation
b. Dyspareunia
c. Premature ejaculation
d. Male orgasmic disorder

28. Milder form/ precursor of conduct disorder

b. Learning disability
c. MR

29. A middle age person complains of fear of leaving home fear of travelling alone and fear of
being in crowd. He develops marked anxiety with palpitations and sweating if he is in these
situations. he often avoids public transport to go his work place. the most likely diagnosis is
a. Generalized anxiety disorder
b. Personality disorder
c. Schizophrenia
d. Agarophobia

30. You are assessing a 21 year old female patient who attempted suicide, which of the following
is least likely to indicate a suicidal intent
a. using a dangerous method in suicidal attempt
b. wishing that she was not saved
c. attempts to obtain help afterwards
d. precaution to avoid discovery
31. A person who laughs one moment and cries next, without any clear stimulus is said to have
a. Incongruent affect
b. Euphoria
c. Labile affect
d. Split Personality

32. Yawning is a common feature of

a. Alcohol withdrawal
b. Opioid withdrawal
c. Cocaine withdrawal
d.Cannabis withdrawal

33. Triad of Wernicke's Encephalopathy includes all except

a. Ataxia
c. 3rd person hallucination
d. VI nerve palsy

34. Methadone maintenance treatment is used for

a. Diazepam
b. Chlordiazepoxide
c. Opioids
d. Cannabis

35. A 22 year old unmarried girl reports of symptoms of galactorrhoea after receiving a drug,
probably it is
a. Agomelatin
b. Risperidone
c. Buspirone
d. Lamotrigine

36. A patient complains that he feels as if his body is made of wood and is quite heavy -The client
is experiencing which of the following symptoms of a mental disorder
a. Compulsion
b. Depersonalization
c. Autism
d. Obsession

37. Somatic Passivity is seen in

a. Depression
b. Mania
c. Schizophrenia
d. Hypochondriasis
38. The latest version of DSM (Diagnostic Statistical Manual) is
a. III
b. IV
c. IV TR
d. V

39. An elderly patient who was treated with amitriptyline for depressive episode presents to the
emergency with urinary retention, constipation and blurring of vision. The likely cause for the
problem is
a. Anticholinergic side effects
b. Prostate enlargement
c. Onset of depressive stupor

40. Bulimia Nervosa is characterised by all except

a. Binge eating
b. Extreme weight loss
c. Purging
d. Misuse of laxatives

41. All are SSRI’S Except

a. Citalopram
b. Escitalopram
c. Fluvoxamine
d. Miansarin

42. As a physician in charge of ICU where a patient is recovering from suicidal attempt, the most
important step for further management would be, interviewing the patient for
a. Cause for suicidal attempt
b. Substance used and its quantity
c. Persisting suicidal ideation
d. Family history of suicide

43. Satyriasis is
a. Decreased sexual drive in male
b. Increased sexual drive in male
c. Decreased sexual drive in female
d. Increased sexual drive in female

44. False about Homosexuality :

a. It is a psychiatric disorder as per ICD 10
b. Prevalence varies between 1-4%
c. Rates are higher in larger cities
d. More likely to have psychiatric disorders like Depression, Substance abuse
45. Antipsychotic drug induced Akathisia is treated by
a. Propranolol
b. Levo Dopa
c. Rivastigmine
d. All of the above

46. EEG with eyes closed in normal alert adult predominantly shows
a. Alpha waves
b. Beta waves
c. Theta waves
d. Delta waves

47. Which of the following chromosomal anomaly is associated with Alzheimer’s dementia
a. Trisomy 18
b. Trisomy 21
c. Turner’s syndrome
d. Patau syndrome

48. Ganja is derived from which part of plant Cannabis Sativa

a. Leaves
b. Flowers
c. Stems
d. Fruit

49. Wernicke’s Encephalopathy involves

a. Mammillary body
b. Amygdala
c. Frontal lobe
d. Arcuate fasciculus

50. Morbid jealousy is seen with

a. Alcoholism
b. Schizophrenia
c. Dementia
d. LSD addiction

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