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What Was the Gann Master Time Factor?

By Alexander Straker

The short answer is we may never know with 100% certainty. A lot has been
written on what the Master Time Factor may or may not be. Most published
information describes it as a key cycle such as the 20-year or 60-year cycle.

Over years of research and pondering Gann’s hints I have personally come to
believe that the Master Time Factor is more likely to be some kind of key cycle
ratio or set of ratios (music based) that essentially are used universally to
forecast (or backcast) by either:

a) using simple wave form cycles individually to predict that cycle’s rhythm
going forward, or

b) building a more complex summation of multiple different length wave

forms as a combined forecast wave. Even 2 waves can be very effective.

A ratio could be useful both in finding the correct historical cycles to apply, and
in measuring and building individual cycle forecasts.

In the mathematical structure of music, a limited number of simple ratios such

as 1:2, 2:3, 3:4 are considered perfect in quality. These are known as the Perfect
Octave, Perfect Fourth and Perfect Fifth. No other musical intervals are
considered perfect in quality, all others are known as Major or minor intervals.

As well as these simple ratios, the Golden Mean ratio is extremely important. By
understanding first how simple ratios relate to the musical term for difference
in tuning ‘cents’, this leads us on to discover the Golden Mean. Note the most
important simple ratio in music is the Octave at 2:1, and this is equal to 1,200
cents. Interesting fact that the Octave from like to like notes is a harmonic 12,
same as a clock face & number of zodiac houses in the Astro wheel.

The following table and explanation from Heinz Bohlen on his music theory
website begins with an Octave and continues with a Fibonacci sequence of
simple ratios (also relevant to music), then examines the equal number of cents
for each new interval ratio. The number gradually approaches 833 cents. This
number has its own interesting properties, for example if you double 833 this is October/November/December 2021 17
1666, a harmonic of 3:2 one of the important perfect ratios in music. Applying
833 cents is a 50% harmonic of perfection!
Musical Intervals in Cents

New Interval New Interval

Base Interval
[Ratio] [Cents]
2:1 3:2 701.96
3:2 5:3 884.36
5:3 8:5 813.69
8:5 13 : 8 840.53
13 : 8 21 : 13 830.25
21 : 13 34 : 21 834.17
34 : 21 55 : 34 832.68
55 : 34 89 : 55 833.25
89 : 55 144 : 89 833.03
144 : 89 233 :144 833.11

It is quite obvious that the new-found intervals converge to a value close to

833 cents. That means nothing else than that for instance for an interval of
144:89 (833.11 cents) both the summation and the difference tone appear in
again 833 cents distance from this interval:

55 : 89 : 144 : 233

(833 cents + 833 cents + 833 cents),

thus creating something like a harmonic series. This implies that an 833 cents
chord might sound special, despite representing a gross dissonance in
traditional opinion. Reason enough to investigate this further (It is by the way
unimportant which interval we choose as a starting point for the above
exercise; the result is always 833 cents).

833 cents, an interval with unique properties leading to the Golden Mean

The exact value that the 833 cents interval converges to can easily be
calculated. If we call the two members of the base interval A and B and the
summation tone C as follows (eg 55 : 89 : 144), October/November/December 2021 18
then they have to satisfy the following conditions, with x as the sought after

x = C/B = B/A, and C = A + B

That yields an equation

x = 1/x + 1

with the solutions

x1 = 1/2 + (5/4)1/2 = 1.618034

x2 = 1/2 - (5/4)1/2 = - 0.618034

Of course, this is expected where we have built the ratio from the Fibonacci

From the viewpoint of music theory, both results above are identical, and one
is the inverse of the other. In musical terms this means the note order is
reversed so if we call them A and B, and x1 is the ratio A : B and note A is higher
in pitch than note B, then by transposing note A down an Octave (or note B up
an Octave) this creates an inversion where note B is now the higher pitch.

x1 = 1/|x2| = 1.618034 = Golden Mean

(End of Quoted Explanation from Heinz Bohlen)

The important thing to note here is that in order to separate the two
components of the ratio we need to consider that they have an inverse
relationship equal to the Golden Mean. This is why market applications using
numerical reciprocals & conversions of Price-Time by squaring are effective,
providing we understand that to make the squaring principle work, our scale
must incorporate the Golden Mean ratio between Price and Time components
considered as two multiples of a 360 degree circle/cycle.

Fine Structure Constant and the Golden Mean October/November/December 2021 19

As it turns out the Fine Structure Constant of the universe, and the Golden Mean
are essentially the same ratio, although differing harmonic expressions, FSC
being 137 (1.382). As the Golden Speed chart scale method incorporates this
ratio as a natural relationship between Price and Time, this aligns the chart with
harmonics of the Speed of Light in Nautical Miles, and in turn the price and time
harmonics align with the natural measurements of the earth in terms of degrees
of a circle, very important to achieving correct price-time harmonics. One
nautical mile represents one minute of one degree of the Earth’s circumference.

Speed of Light = 161,874.977 Nautical Miles / Second

By scaling with a Price : Time ratio of 1.618 in relation to a ‘fixed’ natural cycle
(master cycles 1 year and 1 day), this effectively aligns developing Price action
with harmonics of the speed of light. Unity (1, 10, 100 or 0.1, 0.01, etc) is set as
the scale number itself to represent a perfect master cycle (circle = number one)
and the Golden Mean ratio is achieved via bar lengths in time as a fraction of
the 360-degree master cycle.

Important: One Nautical Mile of travel is also defined as a distance of one

minute (1/60th) of a degree of the circumference of earth. A 360-degree circle
in minutes is 360 x 60 = 21,600 = Earth circumference in Nautical Miles.
According to Thomas Graydon’s book New Laws for Natural Phenomenon:

“The mysterious constant F is equal to SqRt(18.5), or the length in Miles the

Earth travels in a single second.”

Graydon presents an alternative mathematics of planetary mechanics in his

amazing book and shows evidence why Gravity does not exist in the form that
science teaches. He also cleans up planetary mathematics with a new way of
establishing numerical relationships between planetary distances and velocities.
This leads him to startling new conclusions about the true nature of gravity and
why planets travel an elliptical path. In calculating his planetary relationships,
Graydon shows how a new Fixed constant for gravity is derived:

F = SqRt(18.5) October/November/December 2021 20

Converting 18.5 Miles to Nautical Miles, this gives a value for velocity of Earth
of approximately 61 Nautical Miles per second. Earth travels velocity equal to
a Golden Mean harmonic, another example of the Golden Speed in nature!

Speed of Light = 161,874.977 Nautical Miles / Second

Speed of Earth = 61 Nautical Miles per second

The chart below is constructed using a Golden Speed scale applying the
number from Graydon’s Fixed Constant Formula F = SqRt(18.5), equal to the
number of miles per second earth travels, and in Nautical Miles this is a
Golden Mean value.

The way it is applied is as the precise number of points advance per bar and
this naturally gives the chart a Golden Mean ratio of price:time considering
price as distance travelled by earth in one second in nautical miles (Golden
Speed!). This particular way to set up the chart scale is ideal for music ratio
analysis methods as well as Gann techniques.

As an Octave in music is made up of 12 semi-tones (think keyboard black and

white notes), the chart below utilizes this scale method, and each box
represents one semi-tone. The 8 main notes of the major scale (most common
to our musical system) are represented by the colored bar lengths as a musical
ratio of the entire Octave. Remember this scale calculation is strictly
mathematical, now take a look at how beautifully the proportions of the
market are captured by this scale combined with the music ratios. This
example shows only price and time ratio lengths, it is also possible to use Price-
Time vectors of the same lengths to measure precise moves from a low to a
high for example. This chart only uses horizontal and vertical ratios to avoid

Notice how the market consistently builds the exact musical note ratios in
price and time, it’s an unbreakable natural phenomenon! Sound mathematics
and in particular the structure of music teaches us the patterns and
proportions of natural growth in any living system including the market. There
are many more on this chart than the ones shown below.

Gold Spot Futures scaled to reveal music interval ratios in price and time: October/November/December 2021 21 October/November/December 2021 22

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