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Auditor Name -Dipak Shelke Summary of Findings:

1.6 Store Major Non Conformity

Internal Audit Check list Auditee Name -Omkar Sali,Pratik Chaudhari
Minor Non Conformity
Opportunity for improvement

HIRA / Aspect Impact Explanation and evidence Finding (Name and Text) Rating
- Hazard identification and risk assessment study not inspected
- Aspect Impact study
- Risk reduction improvement project

Powered Industrial Trucks (PIT) Explanation and evidence Finding Rating

- risk assessment (review within 3 years intervall) for all powered truck models not inspected
used on site? JSA or standard work instruction for each available?
- pedestrians separated from PIT aisles ? Physical barriers?
- appropriate signs in place
- speed limit are set?
- any incident within last 12 month?
- operators receive training (retraining after 3 years) and carry licenses that
document the certification and training - check on shopfloor

Ergonomics Explanation and evidence Finding Rating

- ergonomic team established - meetings (at least quarterly) documented? not inspected
- MOC covers ergonomic aspects?
- list of existing machinery, processes…. For each task EJMS is completed?
Behavioral Based Safety (BBS) Explanation and evidence Finding Rating
not inspected
- trained BBS observers at site? How many are active?
- one-to-one evaluation of BBS observers done?
- variety of job-specific checklists available?
- BBS data collected and used as leading indicator?

Accident Investigation and EHS concern and Two way communication

- Last accident happned and it’s detail investigation and CAPA not inspected
- EHS concern tracking and closure status
- Two way communication and recording

8.3 Transport of Hazardous Materials

Requirements according EHS_P_EMEA_210 Transport of Hazardous Materials not inspected
Check on shopfloor level
- check of last transports (papers, inspection checklists)

Requirements according EHS_P_EMEA_IN_SH_032 ( Collection, Handling, 1-checked HIRA register found updated Doc no - OFI not inspected
Storage & Disposal of Waste) fulfilled? EHS_P_EMEA_IN_SH_001
- waste inventory 2-waste inventory checked,also checked Form 3 , Limit mentioned
Check on shopfloor level in form 3 is 5.1KL/month,, actual iss 0.062 KL /month maintained
- waste area(s) inspection within limit under rule 6(5),13(7),14(6),16(5),20(1)
- waste separation? 3-chekced records for training and awareness found maintained
- paper check of disposal aktivities Doc No -EMEA_IN_SH_005_07 4- waste area inspection done
through Gemba walk Doc no -EHS_FOR_EMEA_IN_SH_003_003

General Comments Explanation and evidence Finding Rating

not inspected

Additional Observations Explanation and evidence Finding Rating

not inspected

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