Ancheta, Mark Honey M. CE175-3C/A73 Course Expectation Sir. Timothy Daniel Felicia

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Ancheta, Mark Honey M.

Sir. Timothy Daniel Felicia

a.) First and foremost, I anticipate that this course will provide me with
knowledge that will help me advance in my career, particularly in the areas of
costing and accounting systems used in many construction projects. I’m hoping
that we will not just learn about what the subject but also expound in affected
aspects and areas of the said subject including implementations and financing a
project. I'm also looking forward to being educated on some topics that I should
know about but don't, such as software that allows me to easily estimate costs
and anything about cost engineering in all stages of construction so that I'm
aware of costs in any project I take on in the future.

b.) I am looking forward to having a good professor this term; according to

most of my friends at this university, I received good and substantial professor
feedback, which is why I am very confident that I will be able to unleash my full
potential in this course because I already knew I would be able to communicate
with my professor. I'm hoping that not only my potential will be realized, but that
my knowledge will be maximized, which is the main goal of this course. I'm also
hoping that having thesis, correlation, and specialization subjects at the same
time will not be more of a hassle for the professor in this class, who graduated
from the same university as us and shares the same fate. Knowing that, I'm a
little more confident that having thesis, correlation, and specialization subjects at
the same time will be mentally, physically, and emotionally draining. I'd like to
express my gratitude in advance to the subject professor, as I am confident that
this course will not be a burden but rather a learning generator in which we will
enjoy our time with him.
c.) I'm expecting to get the grades I deserve, and for the past three terms, I've
had professors who the majority refer to as "magician," and to be honest, I've
been one of the victims, wherein I did my best, I deserve that uno, having good
and high quizzes and exams, participating in class and being very active in a way
that I make the class interesting through my questions, making it interactive for
both me, my block mates, and our professors. I'm still don't get the grade I
expected and am demotivated because of the result. I'm not sure how I didn't get
a good grade and am beginning to accept the fact that should I still do my best?
So, in this class, I hope that I get what I deserve; even if I don't have everything
this term, I can accept that I just want to have fair grades, and if the professor is
truly concerned about the students' grades and wants them to have high grades
in the section, I will be grateful.

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