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ASSESSMENT 2 – Assignment

This cover sheet is to be completed by the assessor and used as a record of outcome of this assessment task.

Student Name:

Student ID No:

Unit Code: SITHIND002

Unit Title: Source and use information on the hospitality industry

Date of Submission:

Student Declaration I declare that:

● I have read and understood the policy on
● These tasks are my own work, and none of
Plagiarism, cheating and collusion and
this work has been completed by any other
understand that if I am found to be in breach
of this policy, disciplinary action may be
● These tasks are not plagiarised or colluded
taken against me.
with any other student/s.
● I have a copy of my assessment work with
● I have correctly referenced all resources
me, which I can produce if the original is
and reference texts throughout these
assessment tasks.
Student name: Signature:
Date: / /

Assessment Criteria Satisfacto If Not

(did the student demonstrate their ability to do the ry Satisfactory,
following) please
Identify sources of information on the structure and operation of the
❒ Yes ❒ No
hospitality industry.
Access specific information of relevance to the hospitality industry to assist
❒ Yes ❒ No
operational duties.
Obtain information on features of current and emerging hospitality products
❒ Yes ❒ No
and services relevant to job role.
Use knowledge of the hospitality industry and its products and services to
❒ Yes ❒ No
enhance the quality of work performance.
Obtain information on laws specifically relevant to the hospitality industry,
❒ Yes ❒ No
and work compliantly.
Seek information on industry quality assurance schemes and use it to benefit
own organisation. ❒ Yes ❒ No

Access information on career planning and equal employment opportunity

(EEO) law. ❒ Yes ❒ No

Obtain information on ethical industry practices and conduct day to day

❒ Yes ❒ No
hospitality activities according to those practice.
Source and access information on current and emerging technologies that
❒ Yes ❒ No
impact on operational duties.
Use information on technology to suggest new and improved workplace
❒ Yes ❒ No

Use current and emerging technology in day to day work activities. ❒ Yes ❒ No

Identify and use a range of opportunities to update current and emerging

❒ Yes ❒ No
knowledge of the hospitality industry.
Monitor current issues and trends for the industry. ❒ Yes ❒ No

Share updated information with colleagues. ❒ Yes ❒ No

Source and document current and emerging industry information on the

hospitality industry using at least three of the following information sources:
▪ Developers of codes of conduct or ethics
▪ Discussions with experienced industry personnel
▪ Industry accreditation operators
▪ Industry associations and organisations
▪ Industry journals, reference books and seminars
❒ Yes ❒ No
▪ Libraries and media
▪ Networking with colleagues and suppliers
▪ Personal observations and experience
▪ Plain english documents, issued by government regulators,
that describe laws relevant to the hospitality industry
▪ Training courses
▪ Unions
Identify ways to integrate current hospitality industry information into
❒ Yes ❒ No
daily work activities to enhance the quality of work performance.

□ Satisfactory € Not Yet If Not Yet Satisfactory – Please identify the

re- assessment arrangements:
Satisfactory (Please tick the assessment
result for this task)

Comments/ Feedback (If the student is deemed Not Satisfactory the Assessor MUST state the circumstances
and reasons why this judgment has been made):

Assessor Declaration:

I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable, and flexible assessment with this student, and I have
provided appropriate feedback.

Assessor Name: Signature:

/ /
Assessment Guidelines for Student:
Conditions of assessment
 You are required to complete all the tasks listed in this assessment.
 On completion, submit your response as a word document printed on a4 paper to your assessor.
 You are required to answer all the questions that are outlined in this assessment and submit your
evidence to your assessor so that you can be graded as either s – satisfactory or ns – not satisfactory
for this assessment. Your assessor will provide you with feedback.
 Only when all your answers have been assessed as satisfactory will you be deemed s – satisfactory for
this assessment.
 If the evidence is graded as ns – not satisfactory you will be required to re-submit the evidence. In this
case you will be provided with clear and constructive feedback based on the assessment decision so
that you can improve your skills / knowledge prior to reassessment.
 If you require an allowable adjustment to this assessment procedure you should discuss this with your
 If you are dissatisfied with an assessment decision you should make an appeal to glen institute in
writing no longer than 10 days following advice of the assessment decision.

Context of and specific resources for assessment

During the assessment tasks, you will be provided with:

 Printed copy of the Assignment.

Task to be completed by the student:
 This Assessment requires you research information on following topics:
 current and emerging products and services in hospitality industry
 current issues in hospitality industry
 career opportunities in hospitality industry
 relationship between hospitality other related industries
 compliance issues and quality assurance in hospitality industry
 new products, technology, techniques and services in hospitality industry
 work ethic required to work in the hospitality industry
 equal employment opportunity (EEO) law
 you must use at least three sources from the list below for researching information:
 developers of codes of conduct or ethics
 discussions with experienced industry personnel
 industry accreditation operators
 industry associations and organisations
 industry journals, reference books and seminars
 libraries and media
 networking with colleagues and suppliers
 personal observations and experience
 plain English documents, issued by government regulators, that describe laws relevant to the
hospitality industry
 training courses
 unions
 You must provide a reference to the source which you have used to research the information on each
 Identify ways in which you can use the information researched in (new products, technology,
techniques and services in hospitality industry) to enhance quality of work performance in daily
 The information researched must cover all the topics and be submitted in form of a printed word
document on A4 size paper.
 You must also send a copy of the document to your colleagues (students in your group) via email and
submit a printed copy of the screen shot of the email showing the attachment, as an evidence.

Your assessor will be assessing you on the criteria listed in the Assessment
cover sheet.

Evidence to be provided by the student for this assessment:

 Printed word document on A4 size paper containing the researched information on all the topics.
 Printed copy of the screen shot of the email showing the attachment.

Answer :
Unit 2 Assessment 2 – Assignment

Topic 1: Current and Emerging products and services in hospitality industry

Hospitality industry nowadays is using technology in sending/receiving products and providing services.
Such technology makes the transaction easier and comfortable for both the giver and recipient. Through
my research, the following are examples of current and emerging products and services in the hospitality
1. Service Automation

Self-serve is in. Today, many guests prefer technology over human interaction for simple tasks. Remote
check-in and check-out options are becoming popular, and some hotels are beginning to work with apps
that let guests order room service right from their mobile devices.

2. Guest Apps

A smartly designed guest app combines everything from deal notifications to hotel services to loyalty
programs. If you see a guest using the group rate for a conference, you could use the app to
electronically send your guest the event itinerary, complete with a map of meeting spaces where
sessions will be held.

3. Social Listening tools

These tools allow hotels to find out about guests’ wants, needs, desires, complaints and more.

4.People Opt for Natural ingredients/clean menus.

Customers are eating more simply and healthfully when dining out, non-GMOs, no antibiotics, no added
hormones, and no harmful chemicals or pesticides in their food.

5. "Ghost" Restaurants.

redesigning sit-down concepts to incorporate drive-through, curbside pickup, takeout and delivery, and
creating “ghost” restaurants that focus exclusively on takeout or delivery without a front of house to speak
of delivery through GrubHub, PostMates, and UberEats.

Source: and Ma. Graziel Anne Garci report in

Topic 2: Current Issues in hospitality industry

There are a lot of issues in the hospitality industry. These are the following but not limited to:

1. Changing demographics. Elderly people have different interests than those of younger population,
people are traveling internationally from one place to another so exchange of cultures is present
and is challenging.
2. Pandemic Issue (Covid 19) We cannot deny that the current pandemic affects the hospitality industry
greatly. It damages the hospitality industry. Restaurants are shutting down, flights and tourism has
been delayed and hotels are closing.

3. Human Resources Issues. Hiring newly experienced workers might cause differences in services
that customers were used to receiving, so proper turnover must take place, training should be
done and retain valuable employees are necessary.
Sources: and Ma. Graziel Anne Garci report in

Topic 3: Career opportunities in hospitality industry

More and more high school graduates and college-educated adults are discovering the benefits of a career
in the hospitality industry. Indeed, hospitality management careers offer a fun and challenging work
environment, they make it possible to travel and work in cities around the world, and they expose workers
to many different people and cultures. And there are other, more factual reasons to choose a hospitality
management career: it’s a growing employment sector that offers good security and opportunities to
advance in a career for the future.

Consider the diversity of a career in the hotel industry and hospitality industry careers in closely related
sectors like

➢ Hotel operations: front office, rooms division, food & beverage, events
➢ Hospitality management: HR, finance, marketing, real estate, public relations
➢ Entertainment: venue management, event planning, sales, retail, VIP services
➢ Luxury: lifestyle services, private charters, VIP events & services
➢ Food & Beverage: fine dining, catering, culinary arts, sommeliers
➢ Health & wellness: spas, fitness, private clinics, retirement living, hospitals
➢ Online & technology: OTA’s, start-ups, sharing economy
➢ Other roles: hotel openings, hospitality consultancy, project management, R&D


Topic 4: Relationship between hospitality and other related industries

Hospitality includes many sub-sectors. The Accommodation, Food & beverage, Travel, Tourism, Events and
Sports & recreation closely related to hospitality sectors.

The hospitality and all the related sub sectors work hand in hand in providing recreational and leisure
activities wherein the receiver of the service may enjoy his/her stay in a certain place.


Topic 5: Compliance issues and quality assurance in hospitality industry

Quality assurance may include documenting your processes, having a specific organizational structure, or
putting in place policies that guide how your business operates. These give your business a systematic
approach to meeting its professional and legal requirements. Compliance is not something you can choose
to do; it’s legally required by bodies like ASIC. While quality assurance is not demanded by law, it is good
business practice to put programs in place to help you meet your compliance obligations and run your

business. Sometimes, suppliers or customers may even ask your business to have quality assurance
programs in place.

Topic 6: new products, technology, techniques and services in hospitality industry

Consumers are always after for the next best experience, the best reviewed hotel or restaurants. The
general population is always searching for the best or reliable restaurant.

1. The trend
People that travel for work are opting to stay a little longer either side of the trip to experience the cities at
their leisure – not just through the window of a hotel room between meetings. As such, youth of today are
allegedly opting for careers or study where travel is more likely. People want more out of their careers;
their work needs to provide more than an income.

2. Spotlight on sustainability
Many industries are finding new ways to create sustainable and environmentally friendly ways to conduct
their business. Guests and patrons are now expecting to see these changes. From the removal of plastic
straws in restaurants & bars to room lighting that switches off automatically when leaving.

3. Create private experiences

Whether it is an international holiday with friends or a romantic getaway, people all over the world are
looking to create intimate, exclusive and private experiences. In an attempt to get away from the buzz of
the big cities, travelers are looking to enjoy the peace and quiet of peaceful accommodation options,
longer stays, private dining, exclusive use of pools or garden areas and private guided tours. Thus, in order
for hotels and other hospitality providers to supply a balance of local atmosphere with private experiences,
there has been an increase in separate spaces or services available to hire or book.

4. Focus on wellbeing
Our experts explained that with so much emphasis on creating private experiences, it is paramount that
properties will need to invest in the wellbeing of guests. From in-room massages to detox retreats, the
wellness tourism industry has become a billion dollar industry.

5. Provide interesting local food & beverage

The good news is that we are turning to simple, wholesome and local food services, supporting the local
community is so “in” right now.


Topic 7: work ethic required to work in the hospitality industry

According to there are ten basic tenets based on standards identified by the Josephson
Institute of Ethics. These are:
• Honesty
• Integrity
• Trustworthiness
• Loyalty
• Fairness
• Concern and respect for others
• Commitment to excellence
• Leadership
• Reputation and morale
• Accountability

Source: and

Topic 8: equal employment opportunity (EEO) law

Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) is the principle that everyone can have equal access to employment
opportunities based on merit, without fear of discrimination or harassment.

The Australian Federal Government has passed numerous laws which aim to protect people from
discrimination within the workplace. These include the:

➢ Sex Discrimination Act 1984;

➢ Disability Discrimination Act 1992;
➢ Age Discrimination Act 2004; and
➢ Racial Discrimination Act 1975.

These laws, alongside other state laws, are the primary source of EEO obligations. Employers who hire,
manage or dismiss employees are not allowed to discriminate based on race; ethnicity; colour; sex; sexual
orientation; gender identity; relationship status; family or carer responsibilities;pregnancy; mental or
physical disability; religion; political opinion; or age. Discrimination can occur directly or indirectly.



• industry journals, reference books and seminars

• libraries and media
• training courses

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