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Associate professor & Head
Department of Physics
Thiagarajar College of Engineering
Science of sound that deals with origin,
propagation and auditory sensation of sound.
Sound production
Propagation by human beings/machines

Classification of Sound waves

Infrasonic audible ultrasonic
Inaudible Inaudible
< 20 Hz 20 Hz to 20,000 Hz ˃20,000 Hz
Music – The sound which produces rhythmic
sensation on the ears
Noise-The sound which produces jarring &
unpleasant effect
To differentiate sound & noise
 Regularity of vibration
 Degree of damping
 Ability of ear to recognize the components
 Sound is a form of energy
 Sound is produced by the vibration of the body
 Sound requires a material medium for its
 When sound is conveyed from one medium to
another medium there is no bodily motion of the
 Sound can be transmitted through solids, liquids
and gases. Velocity of sound is higher in solids and
lower in gases.
 Sound travels with velocity less than the velocity
of light. c= 3x 10 8 V0 =330 m/s at 0° degree
 Lightning comes first than thunder
 VT= V0+0.6 T
 Sound may be reflected, refracted or scattered. It
undergoes diffraction and interference.
 Pitch or frequency
 Quality or timbre
 Intensity or Loudness

Pitch is defined as the no of vibrations/sec.

Frequency is a physical quantity but pitch is a
physiological quantity.

Mosquito- high pitch Lion- low pitch

Quality or timbre is the one which helps to
distinguish between the musical notes
emitted by the different instruments or voices
even though they have the same pitch.
 Intensity or loudness It is the average rate of
flow of acoustic energy (Q) per unit area(A)
situated normally to the direction of
propagation of sound waves.
Intensity= Q/A
I∝(n2 a2 ρv)/x2
n=Frequency of the sound waves
a= amplitude of the wave
ρ= density of the medium
v= velocity of sound in that medium
x= distance from the source of sound to the
receiving end.
The loudness of sound sensed by the
ear is directly proportional to the
logarithm value of intensity.
L ∝Log I L=k Log I

sensitiveness of ear= dL/dI

Using the law dL/dI=k/I
Sensitiveness of ear decreases with increase in
More sound in a room /hall the sound is not
heard properly.
Decibels db
The maximum Intensity level
I L = 10 log (1/10-12) dB Max level: 120 dB
LP= 10 log I+120
Here I= Intensity of sound in decibel
 Sound waves have freq 20 to 20,000 Hz
means they have λ from 15 μm (3x108
/20)to 15,000 m (3x108 /20,000).
 Sound waves undergo reflection & obey laws
of reflection.
 Convex surface scatters sound.
 Concave surface focuses it.
whispering galleries- Golgonda Fort
Reflection of sound causes two effects
1. Echoes
2. Reverberation
Echo: Reflection of sound when the time interval
between the original sound & its reflection is
long enough. Both( original & reflected)are
heard distinctly.
Echo results when we have multiple reflective
surfaces Ex: Thunder ( Mountains, clouds,
buildings, land…)
 Reverberation
Persistence of sound in a room due to multiple
reflections, even when the source stops emitting
the sound.
Large no of echoes which are closely spaced
causes reverberation.
Ex: large hall without furniture /audience ,New
 Reverberation time
The time taken by the sound in a room to fall
from its average intensity to inaudibility
The time interval during which the sound
intensity falls from its steady state value to one
millionth value after the source is shut off.
 The property of a surface by which the sound
energy is converted into another form of
 Absorption coefficient a= sound energy
absorbed by the surface/ total energy
incident on the surface
 A unit area of a open window transmits all the
sound it absorbs.
 unit for measuring “a” is OPW or Sabine .
 RT= Volume of hall/ Total absorption area

T=k V/A

T= 0.161 V/A

T= 0.161 V/ ( a1S1+a2S2+a3S3+….+anSn)
a1, a2, a3…= absorption coefficients of various materials
S1, S2, S3..= Respective surface area of the materials
 The sound from the source should be of adequate
 The sound should spread evenly and heard loud in any
part of the hall.
 The sound of speech or music should be clear and
words or musical notes must be distinctly audible.
 Any undesired or extraneous noise must be reduced so
that it will not interfere with normal hearing of speech.
 The structure of the wall, ceiling and floor should be
designed for uniform focusing of sound through the
entire hall.
 The optional level of reverberation and echo should be
measured and considered during the design of the hall.
 Proper site selection (Airport, rail track,
 Volume of the hall (Concert hall 4-5.5 m3,
Theatre 4-5 m3, Public meeting 3.5- 4.5 m3)
 Shape of the hall ( Curved surfaces-
convex/concave, parallel walls –splayed side
 Use of absorbers ( false ceiling, floor carpet,
drilled fiber boards on side walls, perforated
 Reverberation( not too short or too large, check
total absorption coefficient of the wall)
 Seating arrangement
 Echelon effect –reflection of sound from floor or
stairs due to poor finishing-structural effects
Ultrasonics deals with sound waves having frequency
beyond audible range
Properties of Ultrasonic waves:
 Highly energetic, Freq >20,000 Hz ,Intensity 10
KW/m-2, ,
 Exhibit negligible diffraction effect due to smaller λ.
 Can be transmitted over long distances with min
energy loss.
 Produce alternate compression and rarefaction like
sound waves
 Can propagate through liquid and gaseous medium
 Velocity of US waves increases with increase in
frequency. v= nλ
 When absorbed by a medium produce heating effect.
 US waves produce cavitations in liquids
 Magnetostriction oscillator
 Principle: magnetostriction effect
Principle: Inverse piezo electric effect
Diagrams: Piezo electric effect
 Sensitive flame method
 Thermal detector method
 Quartz crystal method
 Acoustic grating method

Sensitive flame method:

When a sensitive flame is moved in the path of
the US waves the flame will flicker when it
crosses the node & no change in the flame
when it crosses the anti nodes.
 Thermal detector method
A Pt wire in a Calender & Garrifihs bridge is
moved in the path of US waves. Due to
compressions & rarefactions temperature
changes occur & in turn R of the wire
Anti nodes-no temp change
Nodes-temperature changes
 Quartz crystal method
One pair of opposite faces of a quartz crystal
is exposed to US waves in the other pair of
opposite faces charges of varying polarity
When us waves are passed through a liquid, the density
of the liquid varies layer by layer due to variation in
pressure and the liquid acts as a diffraction grating.
When light from a monochromatic source is passed
through this liquid column, diffraction takes place.
Using condition for diffraction the velocity of US
waves can be determined.
λ = 2d
v= 2Nd
N= resonant frequency of the piezo electric oscillator
d= distance between two adjacent nodes or anti nodes
 Depth of sea
 NDT-Non Destructive Testing
 US welding/cutting drilling
 US cleaning
 US soldering
Ultrasonic cleaning is an environmentally
friendly alternative for the cleaning of
continuous materials, such as wire and cable,
tape or tubes.
US waves in the field of Medicine:

 Diagnostic sonography
 Ultrasound cardiograph
 Obstetric ultrasound
 Ultrasound therapeutic
 Ultrasonic guidance for blind

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