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zen art of sculpting

Special Edition

São Paulo, 2022

Copyright © 2022 Hakusan Kogen

Frontispiece: BUTSUZÔ 佛像 (seal script)

Pictures MZMV, ES: Irit Tommasini
Pictures KINKAKU-JI, SP: Juvenal Pereira
Pictures on Portfolio: The author

Dados Internacionais de Catalogação (CIP)

Kogen, Hakusan - pseud.

BUSZO: zen art of sculpting / Hakusan Kogen -- 1st
Edition – digital version: Kindle KDP publishing, 2022.
110 pages.: 14 x 21 cm.

ISBN: 978-65-00-47321-6

1. Zen Art 2. Buddhist Sculpture 3. Religion

I. Título.
CDD – 730

Copying or reproduction
unauthorized according to the
Brazilian Law nº 9.610/1998.
Impresso no Brasil
Printed in Brazil

BUDDHISM has brought endless benefits to mankind, leaving

indelible marks on Arts, always spreading its main teaching: the
practice of zazen and good deeds for all Sentient Beings.
In 1989, I began my monastic career at Morro da Vargem
Temple MZMV (Brazil), where I also started sculpting some
buddhist sacred arts, small and simple sculptures all inspired by
humble pictures got from japanese magazines. Until 1993, my main
art had been a 1.7M tall Kanon made of jackfruit-wood.
In 1994, I was sent to Zuiô-ji Monastery to study and practice
deeper Buddhism. At the end of my training in 1997, I went to
Tokyo, aiming an apprenticeship for learning some sculptural
techniques in traditional sacred art led by Itô Kojirô Sensei – a
renowned master of Buddhist Arts.
When I arrived at his studio-house in Nariki, I was wearing a
monk’s robe (koromo) because I thought I would just schedule the
classes. Calmly, I drank some tea … But, soon after the dialogue in
Japanese had developed, Kojirô San said: “At this very moment,
let’s start now!” Then I asked, “But just like that, ‘NOW’!? Gosh, Japan
is extremely fast, huh?” So, he replied “Hayai desu, yo!” and quickly
started preparing my desk and the woods…
Here is the first & everlasting lesson:
‘There are no special clothes for carving a buddha.’
While studying sacred art, I travelled alone on pilgrimage
Takuhatsu around all Kansai region, an unforgettable experience,
especially when I met the Biwa Lake. Anyway, after some months
the apprenticeship was over, and, still in the studio talking with my
teacher Kojirô San, I told him:

— When I’ll say sayonara, I’m going to miss this land too much.
— Hontô ni? Dôushitê? – he asked me.
— Because in Brazil there is no jidôhanbai-ki, and here, wherever I
go there are always these little machines that keep me in good company...
Instantly, he answered:
— Take with you a jidôhanbai-ki!

Maybe I really wanted to take all Japan with me...
In 1998, living again in the MZMV, a project of 4 images was
carved and placed there at the shrines’ altars. Also, I carved the
Avalokiteshvara (4,0M height) for the Kanon Shrine, which opening
ceremony was led in 2000 by the Master Minamizawa Dônin (who
later became Zenji at Eihei-ji Monastery, in 2021).
In 2004, I moved to Busshin-ji Temple SP where, through the
guidance of Kôichi Miyoshi Bishop, I got the Master Kyôshi degree.
In 2007, I moved to Enko-ji (Itapecerica da Serra SP), in a loan
to carve the megaproject 11 Faced Kanon, this project had started in
2002 and ended successfully in 2011 — by then, so, I felt safe that I
had entirely fulfilled my artistic mission.
Anyway, we’d rather remember: Buddhism focuses on the
practice of zazen and good deeds, which means to think about our
attitudes before all Sentient Beings. Trying to accomplish this, I
continue focusing on the essential: support causes for Shikantaza
只管打坐 while living as a homeless Unsui 雲水.

BUSZO 佛像 can provide inspiration and discipline, it has 3

Sections showing my 20-year career as a ‘monk sculptor’:
the 1st Section 1990~2002 and the 2nd Section 2007~2011.
The 3rd Section shows some sculptures among dozens I’ve
donated to lay followers of Buddhism. Finally, a biography
of my master Busshi (Japan 1997) to whom I am eternally
grateful for his teachings & kindness: Itô Kojirô Sensei.

Gasshô 合掌

Hakusan KOGEN
Spring, 2022


Torii 鳥居 MZMV Temple, 2007

1990: first work, a stone buddha (below).
2020: placed at the MZMV Graveyard (above).


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