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Groundwater Potential Zone delineation using GIS and Remote sensing

Techniques in Sululta and Surrounding Watershed, Ethiopia

By: Tamiru Tolcha Bekele

Dr. Daniel Alemayehu (PhD)

A thesis submitted to the School of Graduate Studies of Addis Ababa University

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Masters
Of Science in Geodesy and Geomatics
(Specialized in Geomatics)

October, 2019
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Groundwater potential zone delineation using GIS and RS techniques in Sululta and Surrounding watershed, October, 2019



This is to certify the Thesis Prepared by Tamiru Tolcha Bekele Entitled as “Groundwater
Potential Zone Delineation Using GIS and Remote Sensing Techniques in Sululta and
Surrounding Watershed, Ethiopia.” Is Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements
for The Degree of Master of Science in Geodesy and Geomatics (Specialization in Geomatics)
Compiles with the Regulations of the University and Meets the Accepted Standards with its
Originality and Quality.

Approved By the Board of Examiners:

Dr._________________________ ___________ _______________

Advisor Signature Date

Dr._________________________ ___________ ________________

Internal Examiner Signature Date

Dr._________________________ ____________ ______________

External Examiner Signature Date

Dr._________________________ ______________ _______________

Chairman Signature Date

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Groundwater potential zone delineation using GIS and RS techniques in Sululta and Surrounding watershed, October, 2019


I hereby declare that the thesis entitled “Groundwater Potential Zone Delineation Using GIS
and Remote Sensing techniques in Sululta and Surrounding Watershed, Ethiopia” has
been, carried out by me under the supervision of Dr. Daniel, A. School of Civil and
Environmental Engineering respectively, Addis Ababa University during the year 2018-2019 as
a part of Master of Science in Geodesy and Geomatics (Specialization in Geomatics). I further
declare that this work has not been, submitted to any other University or Institution for the award
of any Degree or Diploma.

______________________________ _______________ _________________

Author Name Signature Date

______________________________ _______________ _________________

Advisor Signature Date

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Groundwater potential zone delineation using GIS and RS techniques in Sululta and Surrounding watershed, October, 2019


First of all, glory and thanks be to God who gives me full health, peace, knowledge and wisdom
to accomplish this thesis work. He have been by my side throughout life and the secret of my
Without the assistance of many people and organization compilation of this thesis would not
have been possible. I would like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation to everyone
who assisted and help me on this thesis work.
Foremost, my appreciation goes to my advisor Daniel. A (PhD) for his kind, continuous support
and care during my study. His support, advice, discussions and suggestions guided me to become
a self-reliant. I appreciate his full time devotion to help and encourage me in every aspects of my
My warmest gratitude also goes to Tsahay Tafa and his secretery for their continuous support as
they were helping me in advising, encouraging, printing, binding and hosting during the research
Special thanks go to Kisu Ragasa, Cala Bayu for their moral supports, encouragements,
discussions during the field study periods and helping me data collection and analysis. I am also
grateful to E thiopia National Metrological Agency, Ethiopia Ministry of Agriculture, Geological
Survey of Ethiopia for giving me neccessary data to my study.
My deepest gratitude goes to my family for their continuous moral and financial support,
encouragements and care. My father Tolcha Bekele, My mother Dasi Jima, and sister Shukare
Tolcha are my role models. The always see the best in me and wish for my bright future. My
parents, I wish long life.
Last but not least, the warmest of gratitude goes to my wife Tadalu Baraka for her persistent
moral support and encouragement during my study. Her tolerance and patience has contributed a
lot towards a successful completion of my study, which without her assistance would have been
much more difficult. Once more, I want to extend my heartfelt appreciations and thanks.

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Groundwater was recognized as one of the most valuable natural resources, immensely
important and dependable source of water supply in all climatic region of all over the world. The
general objective of this study was to delineate groundwater potential zones of Sululta and
Surrounding watershed using Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sensing
techniques. The present study integrated the thematic layers viz., Geomorphology, geology, soil,
slope, Land use/Land cover, drainage density, lineament density, rainfall and other related
features to delineate the groundwater potential zones using geo-informatics techniques.
Integration of various themes was achieved through the development of a models/assigned
weightages delineates groundwater potential zone and finally to generate a composite map.
About 20 bore wells yield data had been collected to quantify the yield from groundwater
potential zone map derived from geo-informatics. The final result map was reclassified into four
groundwater potential zones by integrating GIS and Remote Sensing techniques and weighted
overlay analysis with Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) methods. The classifications are very
high, high, moderate, and low groundwater potential zone. Weight age and ranking scores are
assigned to each thematic layer with respect of influencing rate of water percolation. Finally,
weight age, multiply by ranking and computed all the multiply values for delineation of
groundwater potential zones. The produced result was verified by comparing with the existing
groundwater borehole databases developed by the Department of Minerals and Geoscience,
Malaysia (JMG). The results show that there are good agreement between the predicted
groundwater potential map and the existing groundwater borehole database. The study
concludes that majority of the area covered by very high potential zones as it is supported by the
statistical data of groundwater borehole wells and the new generated predicted groundwater
potential map. The study suggested that, generated GWPZM will serve as useful guidelines for
planners, engineers and decision makers providing quick decision- making in the management of
groundwater resources.
Keywords: Ground water Potential Zone, Remote Sensing, Geographic Information Systems

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List of Abbreviations

AHP Analytical Hierarchy Process

AOI Area of Iterance
ARC Aeronautical Reconnaissance Coverage
DEM Digital Elevation Model

EGS Ethiopian Geological Surveys

ETM+ Enhanced Thematic Mapper plus

ERDAS Earth Resource Data Analysis System

GIS Geographic Information system

IDW Inverse Distance Weight

IWMI International Water Management Institute

JMG Department of Minerals and Geoscience, Malaysia
LANDSAT Land Space Application Technology
LULC Land Use Land Cover
MCDA Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis

MOA Ministry of Agriculture

RS Remote Sensing

SRTM Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission

USGS United State Geological Survey

UTM Universal Transverse Mercator

WOA Weighted Overlay Analysis

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Table of Contents Pages

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ....................................................................................................... iv

ABSTRACT.................................................................................................................................. v

List of Abbreviations ................................................................................................................. vi

LIST OF TABLES ..................................................................................................................... xi

LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................................................. xii

CHAPTER ONE.............................................................................................................. 1
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background ........................................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Statement of the Problems .................................................................................................... 4

1.3 Research Questions ............................................................................................................... 5

1.4 Research Objectives .............................................................................................................. 5

1.4.1 General Objectives ............................................................................................................. 5

1.4.2 Specific Objectives ............................................................................................................ 5

1.5 The Scope.............................................................................................................................. 6

1.6 Significance........................................................................................................................... 6

1.7 Limitations ............................................................................................................................ 6

1.8 Thesis Structures ................................................................................................................... 6

CHAPTER TWO ............................................................................................................ 8

LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................................................. 8
2.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 8

2.2 Definition of groundwater potential zones ........................................................................... 8

2.3 Groundwater in Ethiopia ..................................................................................................... 12

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2.4 Groundwater Potential in the Study Area ........................................................................... 12

2.5 Factors Affecting Groundwater Potential Zonation ............................................................ 13

2.6 Application of GIS and RS for Delineate Ground Water Potential zone ........................... 13

CHAPTER THREE .................................................................................................... 16

METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................ 16
3.1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................ 16

3.2 Description of the Study Area............................................................................................. 16

3.2.1 Location and area ............................................................................................................. 16

3.2.2 Topography ...................................................................................................................... 17

3.2.3 Slope ................................................................................................................................ 17

3.2.4 Soil Data .......................................................................................................................... 18

3.2.5 Generating Land Use/Cover Data .................................................................................... 18

3.2.6 Drainage Network System ............................................................................................... 18

3.2.7 Lineament Density ........................................................................................................... 19

3.3 Data Sources, Materials and Methods ................................................................................ 19

3.3.1 Data Sources .................................................................................................................... 19

3.3.2 Primary Data .................................................................................................................... 20

3.3.3 Secondary Data ................................................................................................................ 20

3.3.4 Building the Research Geodatabase ................................................................................ 21

3.3.5 Data Analysis ................................................................................................................... 22

3.4 Materials ............................................................................................................................. 22

3.5 Methods............................................................................................................................... 23

3.5.1 Data Collection Methods ................................................................................................. 23

3.5.2 Data Analysis Methods .................................................................................................... 24

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3.5.3. Digitizing ........................................................................................................................ 24

3.5.4. Thematic Map Preparation.............................................................................................. 24

3.5.5 Analytical Hierarchical Process ....................................................................................... 24

3.6 Data Preparation Methods................................................................................................... 25

3.6.1 Inputting dataset ............................................................................................................... 25

3.6.2 Deriving Data set ............................................................................................................. 25

3.6.3 Reclassifying Datasets ..................................................................................................... 26

3.6.4 Weighting Overlay and Combine Datasets ...................................................................... 26

CHAPTER FOUR ........................................................................................................ 28


4.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 28

4.2 Data Analysis ...................................................................................................................... 29

4.2.1 Data Interpretation ........................................................................................................... 30

4.2.2 Image Acquiring .............................................................................................................. 31

4.2.3 Image Classification Process ........................................................................................... 31

4.2.4 Accuracy Assessment ...................................................................................................... 32

4.2.5 Analytical Hierarchy Process........................................................................................... 36

4.2.6 Weighted Overlay Method............................................................................................... 40

4.3 Results Interpretation .......................................................................................................... 41

4.3.1 Geomorphology ............................................................................................................... 41

4.3.2 Geology ............................................................................................................................ 43

4.3.3 Land Use/cover ................................................................................................................ 44

4.3.4 Drainage Network and Density........................................................................................ 45

4.3.5 Lineaments Network and Density.................................................................................... 47

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Groundwater potential zone delineation using GIS and RS techniques in Sululta and Surrounding watershed, October, 2019

4.3.6 Soil Map........................................................................................................................... 48

4.3.7 Slope Factor ..................................................................................................................... 50

4.3.8 Rainfall Map .................................................................................................................... 52

4.2.9 Data Integration Analysis in GIS Environment ............................................................... 55

4.2.10 Criteria Weights and Map Scores .................................................................................. 57

4.3.11 GroundWater Potential Zone ......................................................................................... 58

4.3.12 Results Validation .......................................................................................................... 60

4.4 Discussions ......................................................................................................................... 63

CHAPTER FIVE .......................................................................................................... 65

CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ....................................................... 65
5.1 Conclusions ......................................................................................................................... 65

5.2 Recommendations ............................................................................................................... 66

Reference ..................................................................................................................................... 67

Appendix A ................................................................................................................................... 72

Appendix B ................................................................................................................................... 73

Appendix C ................................................................................................................................... 73

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Table 4.4 overall Kappa Statistics Table ……………………………………………………….36

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1.1 Background
Groundwater is one of the most valuable natural resources supporting human health, industrial
and ecological diversity (Waikar & Nilawar, 2014). It is important natural resource in the world
and most fundamental for growth and development of one country. It is also defined as
subsurface water that fills all the pore space of soils and geologic formations below the water
table (Freeze and Cherry 1979). Groundwater flows in the aquifer layers towards the point of
discharge, which includes wells, springs, rivers, lakes, and the ocean. Groundwater makes up
about 60% of the world’s fleshed water supply, which is about 0.6% of the entire world’s water
(EPA 2009). Groundwater is also recognized as one of the most valuable natural resources,
immensely important and dependable source of water supply in all climatic region of all over the
world (Todds and Mays 2005).
Groundwater was one of the most important natural resource occurring both as surface water and
groundwater resources on the surface of the earth’s. Development of our country is dependent on
the reliability and use of adequate water found on the area. The precious is sometimes there is a
lack, sometimes there is abundant but unevenly distributed, both in space and time. It is the
second-most abundantly available freshwater resources and constitutes about 30% of freshwater
resources of the globe (Subramanya, 2008). Around more than 1.5 billion people in the world are
depend on the groundwater for drinking water or for domestic purpose. Generally it is derived
from precipitation and recharge from surface water. Groundwater is water that has infiltrated into
the earth directly from precipitation, recharge from streams and other natural water bodies and
manmade recharge due to action of person.
Ethiopia has a high surface and groundwater resources potential; the preliminary estimated
quantity of yearly groundwater recharge of the country is about 28,000 mm3 (Kuniansky et al.,
2007). Most of the developed groundwater resources are used for domestic and also for industrial
use. Today, more than 80% of Ethiopia’s drinking water supply comes from groundwater
(Awulachew et al., 2007).

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The main sources of groundwater recharge are precipitation and flow and of discharge include
effluent seepage into the streams and lakes, springs, evaporation and pumping. Because of its
continuous availability and excellent natural quality, it becomes an important source of water
supply in both urban and rural areas of any country (Todd and Mays 2005).There are several
methodologies to locate and map the occurrence and distribution of groundwater. Satellite data
provides quick and useful baseline information on the parameters controlling the occurrence and
movement of groundwater even in inaccessible areas (M. Thangarajan, 2007). The information
on the input parameters in the above can be acquired and integrated through remote sensing and
GIS techniques. The concept of integrated remote sensing and GIS has proved to be an efficient
tool in groundwater studies, in facilitate better data analysis and their interpretations (Saraf, A.K.
et. Al. 1998, Krishnamurthy et. al. 1996 and murthy, 2000). In addition, greatest advantages of
using remote sensing data for hydrogeological investigations and monitoring is its ability to
generate information in spatial and temporal domain, which is very crucial for successful
analysis, prediction and validation (Saraf, 1999).
The integration of GIS and remote sensing are efficient techniques in groundwater studies; in
facilitating better data analysis and their interpretations of groundwater potential controlling
parameters. In the present study, an attempt had been made to delineate and classify possible
groundwater potential zones in the Sululta and surrounding watershed using integrated Remote s
Sensing and GIS techniques. The thematic layers considered in this study are geomorphology,
geology, drainage density, lineament density, land use land cover, soil, slope and rainfall were
prepared using the Landsat ETM+ imagery and ArcGIS software. All the thematic layers were
then assigned weights according to their relative importance in groundwater occurrence were
obtained based on the Saaty’s Analytical Hierarchy Process. These weights were applied in
linear summation equation to obtain a unified weight map containing due weights of all input
The thematic layers were finally integrated using ArcGIS and IDRISI Software to produce a
groundwater potential zone map. Thus, four groundwater potential zones were identified,
namely very high, high, moderate and low. The very high potential zones corresponding to flood
plain, ventric cambisols which coincided with the low slope, low drainage density and very high

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lineament density areas. The low groundwater potential zones are present in the structural hills,
chromic cambisols, very high slope, drainage density and low lineament density areas.
Delineation of ground water potential zones using GIS and Remote Sensing is an effective tool
and is very useful in identifying the potential zone also in the arid to semi-arid region
(Ganapuram et al. 2009). The occurrence of ground water, especially in fractured bedrock
aquifers, in a given area is governed by factors such as topography, rainfall, geology,
geomorphology, slope, drainage pattern, lineament density and soil types. As a result, the
groundwater potential zones vary from place to place, sometimes within a few meters and even
within the same geological formation (Dar et al, 2010). In hard rock terrain availability of the
ground water is limited and is essentially confined to fractured and weathered zones. There are
several techniques employed for delineating groundwater potential zones such as geological,
hydrological, geophysical and remote sensing techniques. The Integration of various thematic
maps was results, in the generation of groundwater potential zone map. Today Remote Sensing
and GIS techniques are proved to be cost effective and time- saving tool.
The availability, accessibility, movement and occurrence of groundwater potential depend on
geology, slope aspect, lineaments, drainage density, land- use/land-cover, rainfall, surface runoff
and geomorphology of the area (Shaban et al., 2005). Evaluation, exploitation, delineation and
maps of groundwater potential zone need a serious caution, as it is cost and time effective.
Modern technology such as (GIS) and (RS) is the optional methods to provide all parameters
which influence delineate groundwater potential occurrence and recharge zone of one area and it
can access, manipulate and analysis the spatial and temporal data from satellite image (Kamal,
2017).Today, modern technologies like Geographic Information System is being used for various
purpose such as ground water investigations and many authors (Shahid and Nath 2002; Singh
and Prakash 2002) have attempted to delineate ground water potential zones. GIS techniques
facilitate integration and analysis of large volumes of data, whereas the field studies help to
further validate of the results.
The different inputs taken for GIS analysis were from Geological data, soil data, Landsat images
and SRTM data. Remote sensing with its advantages of spatial, spectral and temporal availability
of data covering large and inaccessible areas within short time has become a very handy tool in
assessing, monitoring, delineating and conserving groundwater resources. Satellite data provides

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quick and useful baseline information on the parameters controlling the occurrence and
movement of groundwater like geology, geomorphology, soil, land use/land cover, in this study;
remote sensing data of LANDSAT image of year 2018 have been used for the preparation of
land use land cover. Thematic layer generated using remote sensing data of land use/land cover,
can be integrate with the reclassified, drainage density, lineament density, slope, Geology, data
in a Geographic Information system (GIS) framework and analyze by using weight overlay
analysis to derive at groundwater potential zones delineation. Data integration and map overlay
is performing through GIS technique (1:50,000 scales).
Weighted Overlay Analysis (WOA) is a simple and straightforward technique for a combined
analysis of multi-class layers. The Weighted Overlay Analysis can be incorporated in the
analysis to consider the relative importance and lead to a better representation of the actual
ground situation (Nag, 2005). Some researchers such as Sarma and Saraf (2002), Muthikrishnan
and Manjunatha (2008) and also have applied this Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
Modeling technique for delineation of groundwater potential zones at Upper Part of Langat
Basin, Selangor, Malaysia, Using GIS and Remote Sensing. This study used GIS modeling
technique of weighted overlay method to delineate groundwater potential zone map.

The study focuses on development of Remote Sensing and GIS based analysis and methodology in
delineation of groundwater potential zones studies in Sululta and Surrounding Watershed. In order to
implement delineate groundwater potential zones, it is essential to delineate groundwater potential
zones. Conventionally, Remote Sensing and GIS methods are deployed to delineate a suitable area
for implementation of groundwater potential zones.

1.2 Statement of the Problems

There was study conducted in the study area and its surroundings by other researcher but, There
was a gap on using modern technology such GIS and remote sensing during previously works in
the study area on delineation of groundwater potential zones. This study fills the gap by applying
GIS and Remote Sensing techniques. These techniques were very easy to access, delineate
groundwater potential zone of large and inaccessible areas and also helps to formulate
environmental protection policy, management policy, the utilization of delineate groundwater
potential zones.

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Integrate approach of remote sensing and GIS can provided the appropriate platform for
convergent analysis of divergent datasets for decision making is not only mapping and planning
of groundwater resources but it is also used for management of groundwater resources for its
efficient and cost effective use for a region and country. In general, there is no scarcity of
groundwater in the study area rather there were the lack of shown that groundwater for
concerned body by delineating the area which having or having not enough groundwater using
modern technology which was time saved and cost effective.
At present, there are still few gaps in knowledge, skills and experiences for a proper assessment
and delineation of groundwater potential zone using GIS and Remote Sensing technology. This
study fills the gap by applying GIS and remote sensing technique and helps to formulate
environmental protection on water resource management by shown the delineating groundwater
potential zones area.

1.3 Research Questions

 Which factors influence the delineation of groundwater potential zones in the study
 Which method integrates all thematic maps in identifying groundwater potential zones
of the study area?
 What is the level of reliability of the delineated groundwater potential zones using GIS
and Remote Sensing Techniques?

1.4 Research Objectives

1.4.1 General Objectives

The general objective of this study is to delineate groundwater potential zones of Sululta and
Surrounding Watershed by using Geographic Information Systems and remote sensing

1.4.2 Specific Objectives

 To identify the factors that influences the delineation of groundwater potential zone of the
study area by using its thematic map.

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 To delineate groundwater potential zones by integrating all thematic maps through

analyzing in GIS environment.

 To validate the delineated groundwater potential zone map of the study area.

1.5 The Scope

The study is limited to delineate ground water potential zones in Sululta and Surrounding
watershed. It focuses on some technical aspects of delineate groundwater potential zones. The
issues under consideration in this study are only delineating ground water potential zones. The
study not includes explore, engineering, supply and design part of the construction. Delineating
criteria is limited to Geomorphology, Geology, Land use Land cover, Drainage Density,
Lineament Density, Soils, Slope and Rainfall. The various methods that are commonly used in
this study was Analytical Hierarchy Process, Weight Overlay Analysis and reclassification will
be adopted for the study.

1.6 Significance

The finding of this study would serve as a worked document for Sululta Water resource and
energy management office in the identification and delineation of groundwater potential zones
for planning the Town in suitable manner. Not only this industrial company and agricultural
participants were also used this document for select the station for their work. The techniques
and procedures used in this study may be used as a reference material for any concerned body or
individual for further study to conduct in other places.

1.7 Limitations

The present study was limited to Sululta and surrounding watershed. There were also many other
limitations in which researcher face challenges during the researching period. From Those the
lack of the whole groundwater inventory data and unevenly distribution of data point are the
major limitation of this study.

1.8 Thesis Structures

This research contains five chapters on ground water potential delineation by using GIS and
Remote Sensing techniques.

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CHAPTER ONE: INTRODUCTION. This chapter mentioned briefly about introduction and
background, the problems statement of the study, research questions, objectives, and scopes of
the study, Significances, limitations and thesis structures.
CHAPTERS TWO: LITERATURE REVIEW. This chapter provides an overview of
groundwater status Sululta and surrounding watershed and previous works of using GIS and
Remote Sensing techniques for delineated groundwater potential zone mapping. Then, discussion
describing Factors Affecting Groundwater Potential Zonation and application of GIS and RS for
delineate ground water potential.
CHAPTER THREE: METHODOLOGY. This chapter was describes in details about the
characteristics of the study area. Then followed by the materials, methodology and methods used
for delineation of groundwater potential zones using GIS and remote sensing techniques, types of
data used in these research and description of the study area such us topographic, slope, climate,
geology, preparation of different thematic maps and reclassification according to standard.
Methods to integrate and analyze the various thematic layers using a GIS and Remote Sensing
are given. Moreover, the steps to generate groundwater potential delineation using in GIS
presented in detail.
CHAPTER FOUR: RESULTS AND DISSCUSSION. This chapter concentrates on outcomes of
the study including results of integration GIS modeling techniques which supporting by figure,
tables, equations and charts. This is followed by data analysis, results interpretations and
discussion of ground water potential zone delineation of the study area.
overall conclusions from this study, recommendation for concerned body and further research for
the study area.

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2.1 Introduction
This chapter provides an overview of groundwater status in Sululta and surrounding watershed
and previous works of using GIS and Remote Sensing techniques for delineated groundwater
potential zone mapping. Then, discussion describing Factors Affecting Groundwater Potential
Zonation and application of GIS and RS for delineating ground water potential.

2.2 Definition of groundwater potential zones

Groundwater is the water that is found underneath the Earth’s surface at profundities where all
the open spaces in the soil, sediments, or rock are completely stacked with water. Groundwater
of any structure whether from a shallow well or a significant well, devises and is refilled
(energized) by rainfall. Groundwater is a piece of the hydrologic cycle, beginning when a piece
of the precipitation that falls on the Earth’s surface infiltrates through the soil and enters diving
to wind up ground. It is the water that found underground in the cracks and spaces in soil, sand
and rock in the study area. It is stored in and moves slowly throughout geological formation of
soil, sand and rocks were called aquifers (Toddy, 1995).
There are different definitions given to groundwater potential zone by different authors in
different time. As (Rashman., 2016), said groundwater is the most important natural resources
found beneath the earth surface stored in void space of geological stratum used in economic
development, domestic life, and ecological diversity. And also he concludes that, the occurrence
and flows system of groundwater is depending on geological characteristics of its porosity and
permeability and the formation of landforms such us high mountains, Rift Valley's and flat areas
and the role of landform on surface runoff and infiltration to the ground.
There were a Varity of researches undertaken in delineation of groundwater potential zone
mapping based on the application of GIS and remote sensing techniques. Very few of the
relevant literatures reviewed are summarized/listed below.
(Deepesh Machiwal et al., 2010) proposed that a standard methodology to delineate
groundwater potential zones using integrated RS, GIS and multi-criteria decision making

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techniques. The methodology is demonstrated by a case study in Udaipur district of Rajasthan,

western in India. Initially, ten thematic layers have been considered. Weights of the thematic
layers and their features then normalized by using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), Mult-
Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) technique and eigenvector method. Finally, the selected
thematic maps were integrated by weighted linear combination method in a GIS environment to
generate a groundwater potential zone map in the study.
(Jobin Thomas et al., 2011) delineation of groundwater potential zone in Tropical River Basin
(Kerala, India) using remote sensing and GIS techniques. The information on geology,
geomorphology, lineaments, slope and land use/land cover was gathered from Landsat ETM+
data and Survey of India (SOI) top sheets of scale 1:50,000 in addition, GIS platform was used
for the integration of various themes. The composite map generated was further classified
according to the spatial variation of the groundwater potentiality. The spatial variation of the
potential indicates that groundwater occurrence is controlled by geology, structures, slope and
landforms of that study area.
(Murugesan Bagyaraj et al., 2012) have carried out groundwater study in the Dindigul district of
kodaikanal hill, which is a mountainous terrain in the Western Ghats of Tamilnadu. Groundwater
potential zones have been demarcated with the help of remote sensing and GIS techniques. All
thematic maps are generated using the resource Landsat (IRS P6 LISS IV mx) data and Inverse
Distance Weight (IDW) model is used in GIS data to identify the groundwater potential of the
study area. For the various geomorphic units, weight factors were assigned based on their
capability to store groundwater potential.
(Prabir Mukherjee et al., 2012) made an attempt to determine the groundwater potential zones
within an arid region of Kutch district, Gujarat. Thematic layers have been generated by using
ancillary data and digital satellite image. The potential zones have been obtained by weighted
overlay analysis, the ranking given for each individual parameter of each thematic map and
weights were assigned according to their influence on groundwater potential.
(M. Thangarajan et al., 2007) showed that, the advantage of remote sensing and GIS science in
resources management.
(Vasanthavigar et al., 2011) delineated groundwater potential zones in Thirumanimuttar Basin
with an integrated approach using Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System (GIS).

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Landsat TM 30m resolution data and topographic maps has been used to generate thematic maps
like geology, geomorphology, lineament and lineament density, drainage network, drainage
density, slope map of the study area. A number of geomorphic units such as Denudation hills,
Structural hills, Bajadas, colluvial plain, Pedi plain, and Alluvial plains have been observed. A
composite groundwater potential map has been generated as very high, high, medium, low and
very low based on the groundwater availability area. The upper, middle and downstream of the
basins have been identified as potential zones. The data generated was validated with field
inventory data checks and observed to be in conformity with the same.
(Ganapuram et al., 2009) explore the groundwater availability for agriculture in the Musi basin.
Remote sensing data and Geographic Information System were used to locate potential zones for
groundwater in the Musi Basin. Different types of maps base, hydro-geomorphological,
geological, structural, drainage, slope, land use/land cover and groundwater prospect zones were
prepared using the Remote Sensing data along with the existing maps. The groundwater
availability of the basin is qualitatively classified into different classes (i.e., very good, good,
moderate, poor and nil) based on its hydro geomorphological conditions. The alluvial plain in
filled valley, flood plain and deeply buried Pedi plain were successfully delineated and shown as
the prospective zones of groundwater.
(Musa et al., 2000) used an integrated Remote Sensing and GIS system to produce various
thematic maps for classifying groundwater potential zones Langat Basin, Malaysia. They used
Landsat TM data, topographic maps, soil map and relevant field data for preparing various
thematic layers such as annual rainfall, lithology, lineament density, drainage density, land use
land cover, slope and soil type, and combined all the layers using a GIS and Remote Sensing
techniques and weighted overlay analysis methods. The polygons in each of the thematic layers
were categorized depending on their suitability/relevance to the groundwater potential and
suitable weights were assigned to them. Finally, all the thematic layers were integrated using a
groundwater potential model to derive the final layer. It was concluded that the integrated
assessment of thematic maps using a GIS-based model proved to be the most suitable method for
groundwater potential zoning in hard-rock terrains.
(Sikdar et al., 2004) used Remote Sensing and GIS techniques to delineate groundwater potential
zone in and around Raniganj coal mining area of Bardhaman District, West Bengal, India.

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Various thematic layers namely geomorphology, lithology, drainage density, slope, lineament
density and current land use and land cover pattern were considered to delineate groundwater
potential zones. These thematic layers were prepared using GIS package, and ranked in a scale of
0 to 5 depending upon their suitability for groundwater potential. The rank of each map was then
converted to a probability weight using Bayesian statistics and finally a multi-criteria overlay
analysis was used to find groundwater potential zones. The groundwater abstraction structures
(i.e., dug wells, mini-deep tube wells or deep tube wells) feasible in each of the delineated
potential zones were also suggested.
(Sujatha Biswar et al., 1999) Used of satellite data to identify various geomorphic features of the
upper Baitarani river Basin of Orissa. Further, the authors have classified the land features into
denudation and fluvial origin and evaluated the groundwater potential of various landforms of
the study area by delineated its occurrence.
(Shanta Kumar et al., 1996) was used Remote Sensing and GIS technique for delineating
groundwater potential zones in the entire state of Tamil Nadu of the study. Thematic maps such
as geomorphology, geology, soil, slope, land use/land cover, drainage density, lineament density,
runoff and depth of water table zones were taken into consideration in the study.
It is estimated that approximately one third of the World’s population use groundwater for
drinking (Jose et al., 2012). Ground water is also the source for irrigation and domestic purpose.
80% of the rural areas are use ground water for domestic purpose and in other way 50% of the
urban areas use the ground water for domestic purpose. Due to more dependent on usage of
ground water for domestic purpose and irrigation and for other sectors may results in exploitation
of ground water resources (Shakak, 2015). Ground water is dynamic and replenish able resource.
The exploitation, occurrence and exploration of ground resources needs to understanding
geology, geomorphology that are found in the study area. The thematic maps of factors such as
satellite images, soil data, geology data, drainage data and rainfall data, are helpful for mapping
ground water potential zones (Giri &Bharadwaji, 2012).
There is the increasing trend of using RS and GIS for the delineation of ground water potential
and other ground water related issues mainly in India and other south Asian countries. The
National Remote Sensing Agency in India was the first to integrate information from remote
sensing and GIS for delineating the ground water recharge potential zone in India at 1987.

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Krishnamurthy et al (1996) used Geographical Information System to demarcate ground water

potential zones of Marudaiyar Basin using different thematic maps such as lithology, landforms,
lineaments, surface water bodies, drainage density, slope classes and soil map.

2.3 Groundwater in Ethiopia

Tamiru (2006) studied groundwater occurrence in Ethiopia and described the most important
factors governing the groundwater flow and storage in volcanic rocks. In addition, he
summarizes that the variation in mineralogy, texture, and structure of volcanic rocks cause the
variation of water bearing capacity of the area.
Seifu (2010) conducted on the groundwater occurrence in Ethiopia, partly divide the source of
groundwater recharge in Ethiopia under flood recharge, Wadi flood recharge, rainfall recharge
and mountain block recharge, runoff and summaries the water isotope is the evidence.
(Yitbarek et al., 2012) describe type and distribution of lithology in Ethiopia and they categorize
sedimentary and Mesozoic sandstone to the southern, karstic rocks to eastern and southeastern,
quaternary volcanic rocks and unconsolidated sediments in rift valley and low land depression
area, fractured intrusive rocks, old Precambrian rocks and metamorphic rocks to western part of
Ethiopia and their aquifer characteristics.
(Adetunji et al., 2011) conducted water balance of upper Awash River basins based on the
satellite data on his MSc thesis, understanding the spatial variations of water balance components
upper Awash River basins was provide full information for the management surface and
groundwater. The results show that the geology of main Ethiopia rifty valley is very complex,
which are difficult to describe the hydrology of the area because of variability and lateral
discontinuity of volcanic rocks (Ernesto et al., 2015).

2.4 Groundwater Potential in the Study Area

The present study focused on the delineation of groundwater potential zone in Sululta and
Surrounding watershed Ethiopia based on integrated GIS and Remote Sensing techniques.
Groundwater in the study area is abundant when it considered with other part of Ethiopia such as
rift valley and other low land parts. This abundant groundwater potential was used in domestic
purpose and in some industrial company. In general, there is no lack of groundwater in the study
area but there are the lacks of shown that groundwater for concerned body by delineating area

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which have and have not groundwater showing its groundwater potential zone mapping by using
GIS and remote sensing techniques.

2.5 Factors Affecting Groundwater Potential Zonation

Groundwater potential zonation means identifying and mapping the prospective ground water
potential zones in an area by qualitative assessment of the controlling and indicative parameters
analysis. In this study the main factors responsible for groundwater potential zone developments
are geology, geomorphology, lineament, slope, soil, drainage pattern, land use and rainfall etc.
Groundwater potential zone was affected by different factors that control/facilitate this process
according to different previous works. As discussed by (Prasad, 2008) on deciphering of the
ground potential zone in hard rock water through the application of GIS. Partly he discussed on
the geology, geomorphology, lineament, slope, soil, drainage pattern, land use and rainfall.
Finally, he summarizes, as those above parameters are very important factors in ground water
potential zone mapping.
(Annesh and Paresh, 2015) Study origin of occurrence and movement location of groundwater
by using remote sensing data based on indirect analysis of directly observable terrain features
like geological structures, geomorphology, Land-use/land-cover, Slope, Rainfall, drainage
density, and lineaments.
The integrated GIS and Remote Sensing are efficient techniques in groundwater delineation; in
facilitate better data analysis and their interpretations of groundwater potential controlling
parameters. In the present study, an attempt had been made to delineate and classify possible
groundwater potential zones in the Sululta and Surrounding watershed using integrated Remote
Sensing and GIS techniques. The thematic map for factors area prepared and all the thematic
layers were then assigned weights according to their relative importance in groundwater potential
zones were obtained based on the Saaty’s Analytical Hierarchy Process.

2.6 Application of GIS and RS for Delineate Ground Water Potential zone

Jose and Antony (2015) Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System has become one of
the important tools in the field of hydro geological science, which helps in assessing, monitoring,
delineating and conserving groundwater resources. It allows manipulation and analysis of
individual thematic layer of spatial data. It is used to analyzing and modeling the

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interrelationship between the layers. The present study mainly deals with the integrated approach
of Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System (GIS) to delineate groundwater
potential zones in Sululta and Surrounding Watershed. The application of GIS tools helps to
increase the accuracy of results in the delineation of ground water potential zones (Rao and
Jugran, 2003). It has been summarized that delineation of ground water potential zones by using
GIS is convenient and times saving as large number of data can be handled in the GIS (Pathak,
The remotely sensed data at the scale of 1:50,000 and topographical information from available
maps, have been used for the preparation of groundwater prospective map by integrating
geology, geomorphology, soil slope, soil, land use of the study area. Further, the data on yield of
aquifer, as observed from existing bore wells in the area, has been used to validate the
groundwater potential map.
Suganthi et al. (2013) delineate the groundwater potential zones of the Coastal part of the Arani
and Koratalai River Basin, Southern India area using Remote Sensing (RS) and Geographic
Information System (GIS) techniques. Weighted overlay analysis was used to demarcate the
groundwater potential zones. Various thematic layers such as geology, geomorphology, soil,
lineament density, drainage density, rain fall and land use maps were prepared for the delineate
groundwater potential zones. The geological map was prepared using a Geological Survey of
India (GSI) district resource map. Satellite imagery was used to prepare the geomorphology, soil,
lineament density, drainage density, and land use maps. The final groundwater potential map was
prepared by assigning appropriate weight age to different thematic maps and adding them to the
final groundwater potential zone map. The derived groundwater potential map was overlaid with
the groundwater level and location of well fields for validation of the results.
Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems are the modern technology which have
proved to be useful for studying geological, structural and geo-morphological conditions together
with conventional surveys. Satellite images are increasingly used in groundwater delineation
because of their utility in identifying various ground features, which may serve as either direct or
indirect indicators of presence of groundwater potential zone. The Geographic Information
System has emerged as a powerful tool in analyzing and quantifying such multivariate aspects of
groundwater occurrence.

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It is very helpful in delineation of groundwater potential zones. Remote Sensing data provide
accurate spatial information and are cost-effective compared with conventional methods of
hydro-geological surveys. Digital enhancement of satellite data improves maximum extraction of
information useful for groundwater studies. GIS techniques facilitate integration and analysis of
large volumes of data through weighted overlay, whereas field studies help to further validate
results. Integrating all these approaches offers a better understanding of features controlling
groundwater occurrence. Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System has become one
of the important tools in the field of hydro-geological science, which helps in assessing,
monitoring, delineating and conserving ground water resources. It allows manipulation and
analysis of individual layer of spatial data. It is used for analyzing and modeling the
interrelationship between the layers. Remote Sensing technique provides an advantage of having
access to large coverage, even in inaccessible areas. It is a rapid and cost- effective tool in
producing valuable data on geology, geomorphology, lineaments, slopes, etc., that helps in
delineate groundwater potential zone. A systematic integration of these data with follow up of
hydro-geological investigation provides rapid and cost-effective delineation of ground water
potential zones. Remote Sensing and GIS are playing a rapidly increasing role in the field of
hydrology and water resources development.

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3.1. Introduction

This chapter describes in detail about the characteristics of the study area. Then followed by the
materials, methodology and method used for delineation of groundwater potential zones using
GIS and remote sensing techniques, types of data used in these research and description of the
study area such us topographic, slope, geology, preparation of different thematic maps and
reclassification according to standard. Methods to integrate and analyze the various thematic
layers using a GIS and Remote Sensing are given. Moreover, the steps to generate groundwater
potential zone delineation using in GIS presented in detail.

3.2 Description of the Study Area

3.2.1 Location and Area

The study area is found in the central part of Ethiopia, Oromia Special Zone Surrounding
Finfinnee and reached via the main high way of Addis Ababa-Bahir Dar. Astronomically, the
study area extends from 9o 5'40"N to 9o 15'15"N latitude and 38o 32'30"E to 38o50'45"E
longitude with the total Area coverage of 328.5 km2 as shown in Figure 3.1. In relative terms, the
study area is located at a distance of 23km along Addis Ababa- Bahir Dar road and in south
direction by Addis Ababa and in the left three directions by Sululta rural woreda. The Universal
Transverse Mercator 37 North (37N UTM) is its Projected Coordinates systems.

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Figure 3.1: Map of the study area

3.2.2 Topography
The topography of the area varies from chains of mountains around entoto ridge in the South to
plain lands in the East, North-West, and North. The average elevation in the Town is 2600m
above mean sea level. The altitude of the study area generally dropdown south-north direction
from 2800m to 2500m above mean sea level. The peak altitude of the area is 2800m at Entoto
ridges and the lowest is 2500m to the north fringe of the study area. The elevation map of the
area will be generating from SRTM of 30m*30m data. The minute elevation difference with in
the whole area contributes a lot for water logging as most of the area is possibly classified as
black cotton soil area.

3.2.3 Slope
In the study area the slope is also another topographical aspect that influences the delineate
ground water potential. HsinFuYeh (2016). Slope is one of the majors factors that controlling
infiltration of water to the ground and the indicator of groundwater potential suitability. Very

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high sloping region causes more runoff and less infiltration and have poor groundwater prospects
when compared to the low slope region. Low slopping regions causes less runoff and high
infiltration rate and has good groundwater potential. The steepest slope in the study area is
situated in the elevation range of 2640m to 2800m almost around the southern ridge of Entoto
and North-Eastern fringes. By implication high run off and lateral erosion is high in these areas
compared to the gentle slope locations. The gentle slope lies mostly in the central part of the
study area within 2580m to 2700m altitude where the existing built up area lies. The flat area of
the Town is found in the altitude of less than 2580m in the East and North-West of the study
area. This area is one of the likely water logging area during the rainy season and potential
grazing land in dry season.

3.2.4 Soil Data

Soils are highly affects the movement and infiltration of ground water (Hornsby, 1986, Maurice
and Courteny, 1990). Soils are the world’s natural resource and a soil map is a spatial
representation of these resources. Therefore, soil map is fundamental and should be the starting
point when ground water potential zone delineation processed. There were three types of soils
found in the study area, viz. chronic luvisols, vertic cambisols and chromic cambisols as shown
in figure 4.7.

3.2.5 Generating Land Use/Cover Data

Land cover plays a significant role in the development of groundwater resources. It controls
many hydro geological processes in the water cycle viz., infiltration, evapotranspiration, surface
runoff etc. Surface cover provides roughness to the surface, reduce discharge there by increases
the infiltration. In the forest areas, infiltration will be more and runoff will be less whereas in
urban areas rate of infiltration may decrease. It is preferable that wetlands/waterlogged areas,
forest covered areas are potential areas for groundwater occurrence.

3.2.6 Drainage Network System

Stream network can be generated from an elevation model (DEM) and satellite image data. A
drainage network density describes the way of streams that feed other larger streams and rivers
branch off in different directions. Thus, major drainage pattern in the study area can be described
as streams and rivers, in which the Streams tend to from about 3 major rivers in the area. These

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are Lega Dima, Orgogo and Billo rivers, as most areas of the town is flat and the rivers transient
through it are narrow in width and shallow in depth, they get over flood. Drainage network or
drainage density is an indicator for the natural infiltration of a terrain. A higher drainage network
density reflects a higher runoff, hence less infiltration; or as stated in the denser the drainage
network, the lower the recharge rate.

3.2.7 Lineament Density

Lineaments are the most obvious structural feature that is important from the groundwater point of
view (Ramasamy et al., 2001). The Lineament map of the study was generated from the
georeferenced Geological map by digitizing and identifying the fault lines in the imagery using
the ArcGIS 10.5.1. The study area is found to have a number of crisscrossed lineaments. The
intersection of lineaments is considered as good occurrence of groundwater potential zones.
Lineaments like joints, fractures and faults are hydro geologically very important and may
provide the pathways for groundwater movement. The density of the lineament is generated
using the lineament map by using line density methods using spatial analyst tool.

3.3 Data Sources, Materials and Methods

3.3.1 Data Sources
To achieve the aim/objectives of this study, both primary and secondary data are used. Some
data used in this research generated from different sources. The major data used in this study
includes Soil data from Ministry of agriculture of Ethiopia, Geological Map of study area from
Geological Survey Ethiopia (GSE), Rainfall data taken from Ethiopia National Meteorology
Agency, Land use land cover, slope, geomorphology and drainage data were generated from
downloaded all land sat 2018 from USGS earth resource observation system data center.
( All images were downloaded at level 1 geotiff format and all the
images are from Landsat ETM+ and all have a 30m spatial resolution.
Rainfall Map prepared from Ethiopia National Meteorological Agency, Lineament density map,
geological map were prepared from Geological Survey of Ethiopia by digitizing after
georeferencing and rectifying is process, drainage density map, Geomorphology map and slope
map prepared from DEM. Soil map of the study area prepared from soil data from ministry of
agriculture, field observation, reports, and journals. All the above data are collected,

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manipulated, and analyzed in GIS and RS Environment to use for further analysis on
determining groundwater potential zone delineation.

3.3.2 Primary Data

The primary data are use Landsat 7 current land use/land cover of the study area and it is
downloaded from U.S. Geological Survey Global Visualization Viewer Website without the
presence of cloud cover. SRTM images derive from USGS with spatial resolution of (30 m *
30m) are used to extract Digital Elevation Model (DEM) of Sululta and surroundings and it is
use to extract slope map, drainage density map, geomorphology map, borehole wells collected
from field and used to validate the predicted groundwater potential zone map with the existing
groundwater potential zone map, rainfall data taken from National Meteorological Agency to
create rainfall map of the study area. Field observation with experts of environmental protection
officers and residents who are near to the study are to get more information.

3.3.3 Secondary Data

The secondary data used in this study includes soil map of the study area from ministry of
agriculture for mapping soil types in the study area and Geological map of study area obtained
from Geological Survey of Ethiopia (GSE). Additionally, secondary data for the study was
gathered from reports, journals and governmental institutions manuals used in the management
of water resource. In general types of data and its sources are listed in table 3.1 below.

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Table 3.1 Types of data and data source

Data Data Scale/Resolution Source Functions
Types /Format
Primary DEM Data SRTM (30m*30m) United States Used to generate Slope,
Data Resolution Geological Drainage and Geomorphology
Survey (2018) map of the study area
Landsat 7 of ETM+ (30m*30m) United States Used to generate Land use
(2018) data (2018 year: path Geological Land cover map of the study
168 and Row 54) Survey (2018) area
Rainfall Excel Format National Used to generate Rainfall map
data Metrological of the study area
Borehole Excel Format Collected by Used to validate the
Data (1998-2003) Handled groundwater potential map
Secondary Geology 1:250,000 Ethiopia Used to generate Geological
Data Map Geological and Lineament Map of the
Survey (2011) study area
Digital soil Shape File Ministry of Used to generate the soil map
Map Agriculture of the study area

3.3.4 Building the Research Geodatabase

In the study area the generated, collected and digitized data was organized into logical groups of
entities concerning geological factors and lineament density, drainage density, physiographic
factors (geomorphology, slope, Land use/ Land cover). Then, individual entities assigned and
converted to characteristic spatial representation format in order to make them suitable for
analysis in GIS environments. After making decision on the research geodatabase, the data sets
prepared so that it help to develop the following maps in the study area.
In order to delineated the groundwater potential zones of the study area different thematic maps
on 1:50,000 scales and 30m*30m cell size prepared from remote sensing and existing maps.

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Drainage density map prepared from SRTM data 3DEM hydro processing, Slope map prepared
using Digital Elevation Model (DEM) from SRTM spatial analyst, and Land use/Land cover map
prepared using supervised classification in ERDAS 2014 Software for Landsat ETM+ Image
2018. Groundwater potential zone map prepared by weight overlay analysis using IDRIS 7.02
and Arc GIS 10.5.1 software’s.

3.3.5 Data Analysis

In this stage, digital image processing of the satellite data carried out for extraction of important
information. The groundwater delineation in the study area involved thematic map generation
and their integration through GIS environments. Prior to integration of different information,
individual class weights and map scores was assessed based on satty’s Analytic Hierarchy
Process where a pair-wise comparison matrix prepared for each map using a nine point important
scale and weighted depending on relative importance .
The result unified weight map containing due weights of all input variables. The weight values
this final map further logically was classified to arrive at delineation of groundwater potential
zone map. This provides a broad idea about the groundwater prospect off the study area. To
achieve the final target of the study, delineation of groundwater potential zones, different
thematic layers; geology, geomorphology, lineament density, drainage density, slope, soil, land
use/land cover and rainfall integrated using GIS and Remote Sensing techniques.

3.4 Materials

This study used different instruments and technology to determining ground water potential zone
site for Sululta and surrounding watershed. With regard to this study for data preparation and
organization, data analysis and output generation computer hardware and software are used for
study. The hardware includes Personal Computer, Printer, and digital camera. The software also
for preparing and analyzing of data in materials are used to collect and store. The software uses
for data pre-processing and preparation, data analysis, editing and output generation are Arc GIS
10.5.1 and IDRISI Selva 17.02. The details information of the application software used in this
study was shown in (Table 3.2) below.

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Table 3.2 List of application software

No Software Purpose Remark

Integration of spatial and non-spatial data,

1 ARC GIS Software Version 10.5.1
thematic map generation and also for map
layout preparation
ERDAS IMAGE 2014 Digital image processing like
image Version 2014
Software enhancement, image preprocessing, layer
stacking, Classification…
IDRISI Selva Software
3 calculate weights for each factors using Version 17.02
relative importance value and combine

Arc-Swat Software
4 Used for watershed delineation data

Google Earth Ancillary data downloaded

5 data

MS word and Writing, chart preparing and statistical Version 2016

MS excel analysis

3.5 Methods

3.5.1 Data Collection Methods

The methods for data collection are dependent on the required data for each specific research
question. Collecting accurate and reliable data is the most determinant factor for any research as
it determines the quality of the research. Data use in this study collects through field observation,
by downloading, by purchasing from different organization, by capturing digital photograph.
Accordingly, the necessary data were collected from the respective sources.

Borehole data like groundwater depth, borehole wells points and borehole discharged/yields
(m3/h) was obtained from Sululta Town Water management office. Geology Map of Sululta
Town was obtained from Geologic Survey of Ethiopia for mapping geologies and Geological
data of the study area are used to extract geology and lineament density of the study area.
Landsat ETM+ of 2018 image of the study area used to map the current land use /cover of the

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study area. SRTM (30m*30m Resolution) were used to extract Digital Elevation Model (DEM).
The DEM was used to extract slope, geomorphology and drainage pattern of the study area. GPS
were used for collecting borehole data like Ground water depth and location of the study area.
All the above data were collected, manipulated and analyzed in GIS environment to be used for
further analysis.

3.5.2 Data Analysis Methods

As it is described in the above section this research benefit from combination of data from
different sources. Likewise, different data analysis methods and tools will be employed in this
study such as methods of GIS operation for suitability analysis. Methods like rectifying,
digitizing, reclassify, Analytical Hierarchy Process and weighted overlay analysis are the major
ones uses in this study to delineate groundwater potential zone maps. In general this chapter
presents methods that are used during the research study.

3.5.3. Digitizing

Digitization is a process to capture an analog signal to a digital form and also it is the process of
drawing or tracing map features to create a new geographic file. The aim of the digitization is to
enhance access and improve presentation. This function of GIS is used to develop features such
as like soil types, Geology and lineament density are produced from the soil map and geologic
map by this digitizing method.

3.5.4. Thematic Map Preparation

Thematic maps are an important source of GIS information. These tools were tools which used to
communicate geographical concepts in the form of map. The thematic maps such as rainfall, land
use land cover, geomorphology, geology, slope, lineament, soil and drainage density map are
prepare by using digitization, overlay analysis with the appropriate criteria.

3.5.5 Analytical Hierarchical Process

Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) is a multi-criteria decision making method developed by

Thomas L Satty in (1980) and this method is used in the study. It is a strategy to get proportion
scales from paired difference. The information has been taken from actual measurements such as
weights, price and from subjective as shown in (Table 3.3) below.

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Table 3.3 Satty’s Analytic Hierarchy Process a nine point important scale
Rating 1/9 1/7 1/5 1/3 1 3 5 7 9
Qualitative Extrem Strong Strong Moder Equally Moder Strong Strong Extrem
Description ely ly ly ately ately ly ly ely
Less importance More importance

3.6 Data Preparation Methods

In present study different polygons in the thematic layers labeled separately and then they were
converted into raster and registered. In the final thematic layer initially each one of the raster
qualitatively the final potential groundwater map.
The methodology of the present study, a delineation of groundwater potential zone for further
hydrogeological investigation selected using GIS and Remote Sensing techniques. The study is
carried out in 4 major steps, in which inputting data sets , deriving data sets, reclassifying data
sets and weighting and combining datasets of the thematic maps are integrating and analysis of
all data will be processing.
The, steps required are discussed as follows:-

3.6.1 Inputting dataset

In this study data sets such as SRTM data, Landsat image and geological data of the area are
identified and used as inputting data sets for further processing. Inputting data sets used for this
study is SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission) 30*30m resolution to generate digital
elevation model of the area, geological data of Sululta town to extract geological data of the area
and Landsat image of year 2018 have been used for the preparation of land use land cover as
inputting data sets, soil data digitized from soil map of ministry of agriculture.

3.6.2 Deriving Data set

In these step data analysis is Applied to extract new information from existing data or input data
to get thematic map. drainage network data generation, computing drainage density, extracting
elevation, lineament data generation, computing lineament density, digitizing geology data, and
generating land cover data are analysis to show the ground water potential zone delineation.

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3.6.3 Reclassifying Datasets

The extract data are reclassified to a common scale giving higher values to more Suitable
attributes and low value to less suitable attribute. Reclassifying slope, soil, land use/land cover,
geology/rock type, drainage density and lineament density, geomorphology and rainfall will be
analysis in general.

3.6.4 Weighting Overlay and Combine Datasets

The present study analysis the reclassified layers by Giving weight value to each reclassified data
sets according to their influence in the suitability mode and combines them to delineated ground
water potential zone of the area. The weight of the parameters can be deriving using weight over
lay analysis. By assigning percentage influence (%) of parameters, and comparing the relative
importance of criteria. Finally, to arrive the groundwater potential map and all the thematic
layers was overlaid using weightage overlay module in Arc GIS 10.5.1 and validated with
ground truth.
In general Remote sensing and GIS techniques were applied to delineate groundwater potential
zone of the Sululta and surrounding watershed through Analytical Hierarchy Process. The
methods used for the study includes following steps/stages: i) identification of criteria, Data
collection, iii) Preprocessing, iv) input dataset, vi) reclassified input layers, vii) pair wise
comparison of criteria and give weight with (AHP), x) weighted overlay analysis ArcGIStools,
Ranking the final value. The general work flow of the study are illustrated as shown in (fig 3.2)

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Groundwater potential zone delineation using GIS and RS techniques in Sululta and Surrounding watershed, October, 2019

First Stage Methodology

SRTM Geologic and

Land sat Image (2018) Metrological
Image soil map

Image preprocessing DEM Georeferencing and

And extracting Digitizing of map

Drainage Elevation
and Enhancement Lineament Geology Soil
Slope Map Map Map

Geomorphology Lineament Rainfall

Density Map
Land use
Land cover


LU/LC Slope Soil Geomorphology Drainage Lineament Rainfall Geology

Map Map Map Map Map Map Map Map

Second Stage Weighted Overlay Analysis

Third Stage Ground Water Potential Zone Map Validation

Figure 3.2: General work flow of the study

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4.1 Introduction

This study conducted in Sululta and surrounding watershed to delineate ground water potential
zones of the area. The chapter concentrates on outcomes of the study including results of
integration GIS modeling techniques which supporting by figure, tables, equations and charts.
This is followed by data analysis, results interpretations and discussion of ground water potential
zone delineation and validation of the results.
To delineate the different ground water potential zones, essential parameters were considered,
and the thematic maps were prepared for each layer. These maps were converted into raster data
sets having the same pixel size (30m*30m) and different weightage were assigned as per their
groundwater potential controlling capacity within the study area and reclassification of each
map was done based on the weight values produced. Accordingly the value 1 was given for very
high controlling units, 2 for high controlling units, 3 for moderate controlling units and 4 for low
controlling reclassified units. Finally, the maps integrated using GIS software and weighted
overlay analysis with the purpose of intended to delineate the groundwater potential areas for the
study region.
Essential parameters considered during delineate ground water potential zones were slope,
Geomorphology and Drainage are extracting by mask from DEM of the area. Geology types area
digitizing from Geological survey map of Ethiopia. Soil types digitizing from soil map of
ministry of agricultural. Land use land cover map prepared from Landsat image (2018). Rainfall
map prepared by calculate Mean Annual Precipitation data (2005-2015) 11 consecutive years
and interpolate using Inverse Weight Distance method. These maps were converted into raster
data sets having the same pixel size(30m*30m) and different weightage were assigned as per
their groundwater potential controlling capacity within the study area and reclassification of each
of map was done based on the weight values produced. Finally, the maps integrated using GIS
software to delineate groundwater potential zones for Sululta and Surrounding watershed by
using the GIS capability and weighting product of AHP method. For geomorphic units, flood

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plains were assigned by highest value, Pedi plains were assigned by high value, denudation hills
were assigned by moderate value and structural hills with low lineament density and higher
drainage density were assigned low values.
For Geology units Cheleka Basalts were assigned by highest value, Middle Basalts/Quaternary
superficial sediments were assigned by high value, Quaternary Basalts were assigned by
moderate value, Trachyte/Entoto Volcanics were assigned low values.

For Land Use Land Cover Water body were assigned by highest value, Forest Area were
assigned by high value, Agricultural Land and Bare land were assigned by moderate value, built
up Area were assigned low values. For Drainage density weightage was assigned in increasing
manner for the (0-7.728)km/km2 very high, (7.729-24.04)km/km2 high, (24.05-49.37)km/km2
moderate, and (49.38-109.5)km/km2 low respectively. For lineament density weightage was
assigned in increasing manner for the (1.73-2.29)km/km2 very high, (1.16-1.72)km/km2 high,
(0.574-1.15)km/km2 moderate, (0-0.573)km/km2 low respectively. The slope percentage between
(0-4.617)% very high, (4.618-10.48)% High, (10.49-18.82)% moderate and (18.83-45.28)%
low was assigned on account of increasing run off and decreasing infiltration respectively. In the
soils types for chromic cambisols low value was assigned whereas chronic luvisols was assigned
by moderate value and ventric cambisols was assigned by very high value for their low water
holding capacity and permeability allow fast percolation (Ayenew, 1998). Similarly owing to
influence the groundwater infiltration and alters the rate of percolation of precipitation in areas.

Finally, high rainfall and recharge values favor groundwater potential and thus, the weightage
was assigned in increasing order of rainfall amount mention in the rainfall map (Figure 4.9). All
the weighted thematic maps were integrated and defined criteria weight using the IDRIS
software and overlay analysis done using ArcGIS software and groundwater potential zones were

4.2 Data Analysis

All the weighted thematic maps were integrated and defined criteria weight using the IDRIS
software and overlay analysis done using ArcGIS software and groundwater potential zones were
delineated. GIS analysis such as geologic structures, drainage density, interpolation of rainfall
point data, extraction of slope from DEM and overlay analysis for producing the groundwater

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potential area were done; moreover Analytical Hierarchy Process and weighted overlay were
done for analysis of the different parameters that control groundwater potential zone delineation.
All data layers derived were converted to raster data sets having the same pixel size. Each data
sets in a single map were given weight by pair-wise comparison in addition the factor maps were
compared each other in pair- wise comparison. Reclassification of each map was done based on
the weights produced.
The eight thematic layers taken for the determination of potential groundwater were drainage
density, slope, land use/land cover, lineaments, geology, soil, geomorphology, and rainfall. GIS-
based mult-criteria evaluation was used to determine rates for the classes in a layer and weights
for each thematic layer based on Saaty’s Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Combination of
the thematic layers was done by Weighted Overlay Analysis (WOA) methods.

4.2.1 Data Interpretation

Giving weight value to each reclassified data sets according to their influence in the suitability
mode and combines them to delineated groundwater potential zone of the study area. The weight
of the parameters can be calculating using AHP weight derivation and followed by weight
overlay analysis. By assigning weight percentage influence of parameters, and comparing the
relative importance of criteria.
The main task in this stage was to carry out analysis and interpretation of satellite data, in order
to produce thematic maps, such as geology, geomorphology, land use and land cover soil, slope,
drainage density, lineament density and rainfall maps. It was followed by processing the digital
images using the various processing techniques such as enhancement, accuracy assessment,
classification and other GIS processes. It was validated through ground truth. All the available
spatial data was assembled in the digital format and properly registered to make sure the spatial
component overlays perfectly. Digitizing of all the maps followed by transformation and
conversion from raster to vector, interpolation and other GIS processes were undertaken. Finally
to arrive the groundwater potential map and all the thematic layers was overlaid using weightage
overlay module in Arc GIS 10.5.1 and validated with ground truth.

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4.2.2 Image Acquiring

The images which used for LULC analysis was downloaded from Google Earth because of to
get reliable data that has high resolution. The raw images were obtained from Earth Explorer
( for free. Prior to the usage of the images, geo-referencing, layers
staked, subset (AOI), accuracy assessment and classification techniques had been applied to get
an image overlay to the study area.

4.2.3 Image Classification Process

First high resolution image downloaded from Google Earth and geo referenced the image. Next
clip the image with the study area boundary and conducted manual digitization techniques for
classifying the image. This method is reliable because the features are clearly identifiable. The
image is classified and to make some correction before accuracy assessment, a post classification
editing method applied to resolve some minor geometric errors. The vector classified image
converted to raster format and in ERDAS Imagine 2014 software were generated and these
points converted to Google Earth format(.kml), which displayed on Google Earth and their
representation taken and performed the accuracy assessment.
The image classification shows to grouping image pixels into categories or classes to produce a
thematic representation. There are two main methods which are called supervised and
unsupervised classification in image classification process. One is supervised classification
which was “A procedure for identifying spectrally similar areas on an image by identifying
‘training’ sites of known targets and then extrapolating those spectral signatures to other areas of
unknown targets”. It can be used to cluster pixels in a data set into classes corresponding to user-
defined training classes. This classification kind requires that researcher select training areas for
use as the basis for classification. Various comparison methods are used to determine if a
specific pixel qualifies as a class member. In order to identify the class features of the images,
due to the visibility of the image and the study area is small, manual digitization techniques has
been applied in this techniques.
It requires the manual identification of Point of Interest areas as reference (ground truth) within
the images, to determine the spectral signature off identified features. This is the most common
types of classification techniques in which all pixels with similar spectral value are automatically

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categorized into land cover classes or themes. So in general land use land cover of project area
classified in 5.
1. Agricultural Land: This may be defined broadly as land used primarily for production of food
and Fiber.
2. Urban or Built-up Land: It is comprised of areas of intensive use with much of the land
covered by structures such as: cities, towns, villages, strip developments along highways,
transportation, power, and communications facilities, and areas such as those occupied by
mills, shopping centers, industrial and commercial complexes, and institutions that may,
in some instances, be isolated from urban areas.
3. Forest Lands: It has a tree-crown areal density (crown closure percentage) of 10 percent
or more are stocked with trees capable of producing timber or other wood products, and
exert an influence on the climate or water regime.
4. Barren Land: This is land of limited ability to support life and in which less than one-
third of the area has vegetation or other cover. In general, it is an area of thin soil, sand,
or rocks. Vegetation, if present, is more widely spaced and scrubby than that in the Shrub
and Brush category of Rangeland.
5. Water body: water bodies are lakes, ponds, streams, rivers can act as recharging zones.

4.2.4 Accuracy Assessment

In thematic mapping from remotely sensed data, the term accuracy is used typically to express
the degree of correctness ‘of a map or classification. A thematic map which derived with a
classification may be considered accurate if it provides an unbiased representation of the land
cover of the region it portray (Foody, 2002: pp 186). Therefore, it is used to measure how many
ground truth geo-spatial classes were classified correctly.
Land use Land cover map was derived from classification of images usually contains some sort
of errors due to several factors that range from classification techniques to methods of satellite
data capture. Accuracy assessment determines the quality of the map created from remotely
sensed data and prepared for any data analysis. It can be qualitative or quantitative, expensive or
inexpensive, quick or time consuming and well designed. The goal of quantitative accuracy
assessment is the measurement of map errors during delineation of groundwater potential zone in
this study.

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Two types of accuracy assessment map which are positional and thematic accuracy assessment.
Positional accuracy deals with the accuracy of the location of map features, and also measures
how far a spatial feature on a map is from its ground truth (Bolstad, 2005). Thematic accuracy
deals with the labels or attributes of the features of a map. It is used to measures whether the
mapped feature labels are different from the true feature label. The accuracy of any map or
spatial data set is a function of both positional accuracy and thematic accuracy.
An error matrix is a square assortment of numbers defined in rows and columns that represent
the number of sample units assigned to a particular category relative to the actual category as
confirmed on the ground truth/real. The rows in the matrix represent the remote sensing derived
land use/land cover map, while the columns represent the reference data that were collected from
field work. Tables produce many statistical measures of thematic accuracy including overall
classification accuracy, percentage of omission and commission error and kappa coefficient-an
index that estimates in the influence of chance (Congalton and Green, 1999).
Omission error is the percentage of pixels that should have been put into a given class but were
not. Commission error was indicated pixels that were placed in a given class when they actually
belong to another. These values are based on a sample of error checking pixels of known land
cover that are compared to classification on the map. Error of commission and omission can be
expressed in terms of user’s accuracy and producer’s accuracy.
Reference data labels: The class label of the accuracy assessment site, which is derived from data
collected that is assumed to be correct.
classified data labels: The class label of the accuracy assessment site derived from the map.
Based on data collected by GPS from field and Google Earth Map, which were not used for
classification purpose, confusion matrix table was produced (Table 4.1). This matrix compares
the relation between known reference data (ground truth) and the corresponding results of the

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Table 4.1 Confusion Matrix Table for 2018 land use and land cover
Reference Data
Classified Data Bare Water Agricultural Built up Forest Total User
Land Body Land Area area
Bare Land 51 1 0 0 1 53
Water Body 0 53 1 1 0 55
Agricultural Land 1 0 57 0 1 59
Built up Area 0 1 1 50 1 53
Forest area 0 0 1 1 55 57
Total Producer 52 55 60 52 58 277
Number of LULC correctly classified=266
Overall Classification Accuracy% = ((51+53+57+50+55)/(277))*100 = 96.03%

As shown in (Table 4.1) the confusion matrix indicates that the overall accuracy assessment is
very strong i.e. 96.03% which is greater than requirement for strongly acceptable classification, i.e.
84% (Anderson, 1997). The users and producer’s accuracy assessment also calculated for each
land classes and indicated acceptable agreement. The kappa hat value of 0.9586 indicates a better
accuracy that the classification that was resulted from random sample classes classification.
Since the kappa hat value fell above 80%, it represents strong agreement.

User accuracy: User accuracy is a measure indicating the probability that a pixel is Class of
sample given that the classifier has labeled the pixel into sample class as shown in (Table 4.2)
Table 4.2 Users Accuracy Table
Class Name Users Accuracy
Bare Land 51/53*100 =96.237%
Water Body 53/55*100 =96.36%
Agricultural Land 57/59*100 =96.61%
Built up Area 50/53*100 =94.34%
Forest area 55/57*100 =96.49%

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Producer accuracy: The producer accuracy is a measure indicating the probability that the
classifier has labeled an image pixel into sample area given that the ground truth of sample area.
Overall Accuracy: The overall accuracy is calculated by summing the number of pixels classified
correctly and dividing by the total number of pixels sample. The ground truth image or ground
truth training area defines the true class of the pixels. The pixels classified correctly are found
along the diagonal of the confusion matrix table which lists the number of pixels that were
classified into the correct ground truth class. The total number of pixels is the sum of all the
pixels in all the ground truth classes as shown in (Table 4.3).
Table 4.3 Producers and Overall Accuracy Assessment
Class Name Producers Accuracy
Bare Land 51/52*100 =98.08%
Water Body 53/55*100 =96.36%
Agricultural Land 57/60*100 =95.00%
Built up Area 50/52*100 =96.15%
Forest area 55/58*100 =94.83%
Overall Classification Accuracy% = ((51+53+57+50+55)/(277))*100 = 96.03%

The kappa coefficient is calculated by multiplying the total number of pixels in all the ground
truth classes by the sum of the confusion matrix diagonals, subtracting the sum of the ground
truth pixels in a class times the sum of the classified pixels in that class summed over all classes,
and dividing by the total number of pixels squared minus the sum of the ground truth pixels in
that class times the sum of the classified pixels in that class summed over all classes as shown in
(Table 4.4). In addition, it is a way to measure the actual agreement and a chance agreement
between the reference data and the classified data.
The Kappa coefficient represents the proportion of agreement obtained after removing the
proportion of agreement that could be expected to occur by chance (Foody, 2002). This would be
expressed in terms of the percentage of strong, moderate and poor agreement i.e. a value >0.80
(80%) strong agreement; a value b/n 0.40 and 0.80 (40 to 80%) represents moderate agreement;
and a value < 0.40 (40%) represents poor agreement.

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Table 4.4 overall Kappa Statistics Table

Land use land cover types Conditional kappa for each LULC class In Percent (%)

Bare Land ( ) ( ) 95.88%

( ) (
= 0.9588

Water Body ( ) ( ) 95.87%

( ) (
= 0.9587

Agricultural Land ( ) ( ) 95.84%

( ) (
= 0.9584

Built up Area ( ) ( ) 95.88%

( ) ( )
= 0.9588

Forest Area ( ) ( ) 95.85%

( ) (
= 0.9585

Overall kappa statistics =0.9586 95.86%

4.2.5 Analytical Hierarchy Process

To determine the relative importance or weights of each thematic map with another paired-
comparison matrix was prepared by pair wise comparison on Satty’s importance scale. These
matrices have the property of consistency known as consistency rations (CR). Satty indicates that
the matrices with CR ratings greater than 0.1 should be re-evaluated. This way it helps to
analyses the matrix to determine the inconsistency in defining the interrelationships. In this case
the consistency value was 0.05 which is accepted (Table 4.6).
The weights were normalized by multiplying with 100 to avoid complexities of computation as
shown in (Table 4.7). These weights were applied in linear summation equation to obtain a
unified weight map containing due weights of all input variables, which was further reclassified
to arrive at groundwater potential map.
The rates for the classes in a layer and weights for the thematic layers were computed based on
saaty’s AHP (Saaty 1980). Saaty’s AHP is the most widely accepted method for scaling the
rates/weights of factors whose entries indicate the strength with which one factor dominates over
the other in relation to the relative criteria (Tesfaye 2010). In this method the relative importance
of individual class within the same map and thematic maps were compared each other by pair-
wise comparison matrices. As such, matrices were constructed, where each criteria was
compared with the other criteria, relative to its importance, on saaty’s scale from 1 to 9. A score

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of 1 represents equal importance between the two factors, and a score of 9 indicates the extreme
important of one factor compared to the other one as shown in (Table 4.5) below.
Table 4.5 Saaty's (2008) Relative Weight Parameters and their explanation
Intensity of the Definition Explanation
1 Equal importance Two elements contribute equally to the
3 Moderate importance Experience and judgment slightly favor one
parameter over another
5 Strong importance Experience and judgment strongly favor
one parameter over another
7 Very strong importance One parameter is favored very strongly and is
considered superior to another its dominance is
demonstrated in practice
9 Extreme importance The evidence favoring one parameter as
superior to another is of the highest possible
order of affirmation
2,4,6,8 Intermediate values Compromising criteria is needed

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Table 4.6 Paired comparison matrix

Drain Lin Geom Geo LULC Soil slope Rain Weight Weight
Den fall
Den (%)

Drain 1 0.35 35
Lin 1/3 1 0.22 22
Geom 1/3 1/3 1 0.16 16
Geo 1/3 1/3 1/3 1 0.10 10
LULC 1/5 1/5 1/3 1/3 1 0.07 7

Soil 1/5 1/5 1/5 1/3 1/3 1 0.05 5

Slope 1/3 1/3 1/7 1/5 1/3 1/3 1 0.03 3

Rain 1/7 1/7 1/9 1/5 1/7 1/5 1/3 1 0.02 2


Table 4.7 Calculated of eigenvector and weights influence in percent

The eigenvector of weights is Weight Weight (%)

Drainage density 0.35 35

Lineament Density 0.22 22
Geomorphology 0.16 16
Geology 0.10 10
Land use and Land cover 0.07 7
Soil 0.05 5
Slope 0.03 3
Rain fall 0.02 2
Total 1 100
Consistency Ratio=0.07 which is acceptable

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Geo = Geology Slope = Slope Geom. = Geomorphology/Land form Soil = Soil Lin =
Lineament density Drain Den = Drainage density LULC = Land use/ Land cover Rain
Fa = Rainfall

Consistency Ratio= 0.07

Consistency is acceptable.

From the table above Geomorphology and Geology hold highest relative to the other parameters
for the complex spatial and temporal distribution and rainfall and slope hold low values.

In this study, a total of eight parameters were used to delineate the ground water potential zones
such as slope, drainage density, lineament density, geology, geomorphology, and land use and
land cover, soil and rainfall pattern. DEM data has been used to create drainage density map,
slope map and Geomorphology map. The LANDSAT ETM images were used to classify the
land use image. Drainage density map is created GIS software and weights are calculated. These
parameters are prepared in GIS environment and weights are assigned for each classes are
assigned using analytical process (Ramu & vinay, 2014). For mapping of ground water potential
zones totally eight parameters are used such as geology, geomorphology, drainage density, slope,
soil, land use and land cover, Lineament density and rainfall map. Digitizing is done in GIS into
vector format and converts into the raster format. The analytical hierarchical process is used to
create thematic layers and weights are calculated and assigned. The ground water potential zones
are classified into four categories are very high, high, Moderate and low (Waikar & Nilawar,
Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) matrix has been developed using set criterions and then
the weight value of each parameter is estimated using IDRISI 17.02 software According to
(Saaty, 1980), the allowable CR value should be less than 0.1. The Comparison result indicates
that the consistency ratio (CR) of 0.07 is by far less than 0.1 and it is acceptable look at table 4.7

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4.2.6 Weighted Overlay Method

In this method firstly the spatial data base has been developed from Landsat 7 ETM+ image.
Various thematic maps such as drainage density, slope, geomorphology, geology, rainfall and
soil are prepared by using GIS and remote sensing. Then the DEM data is used to obtain
geomorphology, drainage density and slope map. The image processing of satellite data is used
for creating land use and land cover. The geological data used to create geology map and
lineament map. Soil data used to create soil map of the study area. Rainfall data used to create
rainfall map of the study area.
Therefore all the thematic maps are used to analyze in overlay and weights are assigned for each
thematic layer and ranks are assigned to evaluate the groundwater potential zone (Waikar &
Nilawar, 2014).
The identification of groundwater potential zones for the study area was made by grouping of the
interpreted layers through Weighted Overlay Analysis and finally assigned different potential
zones. Depending upon the groundwater potentiality, each class of the main eight thematic layers
(geomorphology, slope, geology, drainage density, lineament density, soil, land use/land cover
and rainfall) are roughly placed into one of the following groups viz., 1.very high, 2. High, 3.
Moderate, 4. Low. Suitable weighted on a scale of ‘1 - 9’ has been given to each class of a
particular thematic layer based on their contribution towards ground water potentiality. The
weighted and % of influence assigned for various classes on all thematic layers are shown in the
Table 4.8 All the thematic maps have been integrated. A final groundwater potential map is
prepared with application of above technique. Most of the region in study area concerns good
level of ground water potential zone and hill side areas has low ground water potential zones.
All the reclassified thematic layers were integrated with one another through GIS using the
weighting overlay analysis.

The following equation was used for the generation of the groundwater potential zone map
GPZM = 16 * Geomorphology map+10*geology map + 7* Land use/ Land cover map+ 5* soil
map+35* drainage density map+22* lineament density map + 3* slope map + 2*rainfall map

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From the composite layer, the delineation of groundwater prospect zones was made by grouping
the polygons into different prospect zones: Very high, High, Moderate and low.

4.3 Results Interpretation

The interpretation of this study was depending on the results and finding of the delineation of
groundwater potential zones was involved thematic map generation and their integration through
GIS and Remote Sensing techniques. Thematic maps were prepared in the scale 1:50,000 with a
spatial resolution of 30m*30m pixel size from satellite imagery, geological mapping, soli
mapping and other hydrogeological field data. The maps were developed in a GIS environment
using eight input parameters that indicate the delineation of groundwater potential zones as
shown in the next section.
Groundwater potential zonation means identifying and mapping the prospective groundwater
zones in an area by qualitative assessment of the controlling and indicative parameters. The main
factors responsible for groundwater resource development are rainfall, geology, geomorphology,
land use/land cover, drainage density, slope, soil, and lineament density.
Thematic maps for each parameter prepared as follows:

4.3.1 Geomorphology

Geomorphology was the study of the form of the earth (landforms), its description and genesis
(Gupta, 2003). It is the study of earth structures and also helps in process relating to the delineate
groundwater potential zones and also structural features. The geometric features of different
landforms are created by the dynamic action of several geological processes such as temperature
changes, freezing, chemical reactions and moving of wind and water. Many of these features are
favorable for the delineation of groundwater and are classified in terms of groundwater
potentiality. So this study analysis the cause and effects of this geomorphology on delineate
ground water potential zone. It is mainly depend on geological formation (Waikar & Nilawar,
2014). In general, geomorphology reflects various landforms and structural features (Prasad et al.
2008). The geomorphological features of the area has been identified from DEM and used as the
inputs of geomorphological map. The geomorphological features of the area is classified into
four geomorphological features in order to know about the water resources areas which are
denudation hills, Structural hills, Pedi plains and flood plains. Its details are shown in figure 4.1.

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Flood Plains consist of recent alluvium deposited by the river and generally light blue in the
image. During field investigations, floodplains units are found to have occurred along the Laga
Dema River in the study area. It is considered as good potential areas for groundwater potential
and development because of more recharge in these areas.
Denudation hills are characterized by high topography and high surface runoff zones where the
rate of infiltration is low or negligible with poor groundwater prospects (Rai et al. 2008). A
denudation hill has low groundwater prospects because of runoff zones and low rate of
Generally, for geomorphic units, flood plains were assigned by highest value, Pedi plains were
assigned by high value, denudation hills were assigned by moderate value and structural hills
with low lineament density and higher drainage density were assigned low values.

Scale 1:50,000

Figure 4.1 Geomorphological map of the study area

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4.3.2 Geology

Geology plays an important role in the distribution and occurrence of ground water occurrence
(Krishnamurthy and Srinivas, 1995). The types of geology that exposed to the surface are highly
affect groundwater recharge by controlling the infiltration and flow of water to the ground
Shaban et al. (2005) and geology plays a great role in the occurrence and delineation of
groundwater potentials zone. The geological setting of the study area is generally classified in to
two major groups; namely, Tertiary Volcanic (Plateau Basalts) and Quaternary units (Rift
Volcanic and Sediments). These two groups of geological setting study are influence on ground
water occurrence potential zones. The classification is based on age of eruptions, special
distribution, and mode of occurrence. Tertiary plateau basalts are part of the Trap-series volcanic
products consisting huge accumulation of basaltic rocks with minor silica intercalations, whereas
the Quaternary Rift volcanic and sediments comprise variety of rock units (both acidic and basic)
associated to the formation of the main Rift system during the Quaternary period. However, each
of them has subdivisions; where by Tertiary Volcanic (plateau Basalts) consists of Aiba Basalts,
Alaji Basalt and Chancho Basalt on the other hand a Quaternary unit (Rift Volcanic and
sediments) comprises Adama Group and Entoto silicic (Merga, 2012).

The geological setting of the study area is generally classified in to four subdivisions namely,
Cheleka Basalts, Middle Basalts/Quaternary superficial sediments, Quaternary Basalts and
Trachyte/EntotoVolcanics as shown in (Figure 4.2) below. This four group of geological setting
study are influence on delineate ground water potential zones map. For Geology units Cheleka
Basalts were assigned by highest value, Middle Basalts/Quaternary superficial sediments were
assigned by high value, Quaternary Basalts were assigned by moderate value, and
Trachyte/Entoto Volcanics were assigned low values.

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Scale 1:50,000

Figure 4.2 Geological Map of the study area

4.3.3 Land Use/cover

Land use/cover is an important characteristic of the runoff process that affects infiltration,
erosion and flow of water. The land use/cover map of the area was readily interpreted from
Landsat image of the year 2018 by using visual interpretation, supervised classification using
ERDAS IMAGINE 2014 software. Land use/Land cover Mapping is one of the significant
applications of remote sensing is plays a considerable role in the development of groundwater
resources (Waikar & Nilawar, 2014). Land use/land cover plays a significant role in the
development of groundwater resources (Shaban et al. 2006). The nature of surface materials and
the land use pattern control the infiltration and runoff (Dinesh Kumar et al. 2007).

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Groundwater potential zone delineation using GIS and RS techniques in Sululta and Surrounding watershed, October, 2019

Classification of land use/cover for analysis was done based on their character to infiltrate water
in to the ground and to hold water on the ground. There is a various land use/ land cover classes
in the study area which used to delineated groundwater potential zone. The various classes in the
study area are: bare land, Water body, Agricultural Land, Built up Area and Forest Area as
shown in (Figure 4.3) below in the study area.

Scale 1:50,000

Figure 4.3 Land Use and Land cover Map of the study area

4.3.4 Drainage Network and Density

The drainage is one of the factors which play the important role in groundwater potential zone
delineation. They are reflection of the rate that precipitation infiltrated compared to surface
runoff. Where rocks of the study area are highly permeable, infiltration to groundwater is high,
and less water is transported in rivers as surface water; but where rocks of the study area have
low permeability there is little infiltration and more surface water runoff. Low drainage density

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Groundwater potential zone delineation using GIS and RS techniques in Sululta and Surrounding watershed, October, 2019

is therefore related to higher recharge and results higher groundwater potential (M. Thangarajan,
2007). The drainage density is high in the plateau and escarpment and very low in the rift floor
(Ayenew T., 1998).
Drainage patterns means formation of surface and subsurface characteristic. Drainage density
delineated using 3DEM hydro processing module of SRTM data of the study area after
consecutive processes such as filled sinks for undefined values, created Flow Direction, Created
Flow Accumulation, Created Stream network, generated stream order and finally converted
stream order to drainage density. The stream order values were regrouped to produce a drainage
density map that was reclassified into four categories which are 0 - 7.728 km/km2 (very high),
7.729 - 24.04 km/km2 (high), 24.05 - 49.37 km/km2 (moderate) and 49.38- 109.5 km/km2 (low).
That means the area under 0 -7.728 km/km2 is very high groundwater potential, the area 7.729 -
24.04 km/km2 the groundwater potential is high, the area 24.05 - 49.37 km/km2 the groundwater
potential is moderate and the area 49.38- 109.5 km/km2 the groundwater potential is low. The
high ranks are given to low drainage density due to more infiltrate (Waikar & Nilawar, 2014).
The details shown in (Figure 4.4)

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Groundwater potential zone delineation using GIS and RS techniques in Sululta and Surrounding watershed, October, 2019

Scale 1:50,000

Figure 4.4 Drainage Density Map of the study area

4.3.5 Lineaments Network and Density

The Lineament map is generated from the georeferenced Geological map by digitizing and
identifying the fault lines in the imagery using the ArcGIS 10.5.1. The study area is found to
have a number of crisscrossed lineaments. The intersection of lineaments is considered as good
occurrence of ground water potential zones. Lineaments like joints, fractures crisscross and faults
are hydro geologically very important and may provide the pathways for groundwater
movement. The density of the lineament is generated using the lineament map by using line
density methods. The weights have been given by setting more threat levels to higher lineament

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Groundwater potential zone delineation using GIS and RS techniques in Sululta and Surrounding watershed, October, 2019

density which is groundwater prone. As seen on (Figure 4.5) a very high lineament density of the
study area was found in the center parts of the study area.

Scale 1:50,000

Figure 4.5 Lineament Density Map of the study area

4.3.6 Soil Map

Soils are highly affected the movement and infiltration of ground water (Hornsby, 1986, Maurice
and Courteny, 1990). It is the world’s natural resource and a soil map is a spatial representation
of these resources. Soil map is fundamental starting point when ground water potential zone
delineation processed. In the study area there are two major types of soil which are stated below.
Cambisols are soils with initial stage of soil formation or weakly developed soils relating to their
parent material. The Cambisol in the study area is found distributive in limited places. The soil
texture is loamy to clay and identified on undulating to rolling plateaus in the study area with

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Groundwater potential zone delineation using GIS and RS techniques in Sululta and Surrounding watershed, October, 2019

stony phase and limited in depth. Luvisols are soils whose dominant characteristic is a marked
textural differentiation within the soil profile, with the surface horizon being depleted of clay and
with accumulation of clay in a subsurface. Normally, it is not present as individual particles but
is clustered to aggregates that consist wholly of clay or of a mixture of clay and other mineral
and /or organic soil material. Luvisols are typically a brown to dark brown surface horizon over a
reddish brown to strong brown. As you can observe from the map (Figure 4.6) the large
proportion of the study area is occupied by this type of soil particularly the central part of the
Town where the existing built up area is lied. The water carrying capacity of an area depends
upon the soil types and their permeability. The first infiltration and transmission of surface water
into an aquifer system is a function of soil type and its texture. Three types of soils are found in
the study area, viz. chronic luvisols, vertic cambisols and chromic cambisols (Figure 4.6) which
one type of soil is more dominated by another. The delineation was based on differential
manifestations on the imagery in the form of colour, tone, texture and association.
In the soils types for chromic cambisols low value was assigned whereas chronic luvisols was
assigned by moderate value and ventric cambisols was assigned by very high value for their low
water holding capacity and permeability allow fast percolation (Ayenew, 1998). Similarly owing
to influence the ground water infiltration and alters the rate of percolation of precipitation.

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Scale 1:50,000

Figure 4.6 Soil Map of the study area

4.3.7 Slope Factor

Topography shows the patterns of land features of the area. In the study slope is one factors of
influence the delineate ground water potential zones. It is an important factor in delineate,
because slope determines the amount of runoff in the site. In this study, slope of the study area
generate from DEM and analysis using Arc-GIS technology. The identified slope category varies
from (0-45.28%) in the study area and area classified into four classes like (0-4.617%) gentle,
(4.618-10.48%) moderate, (10.49-18.82%) high, (18.83-45.28 %) steep. Gentle slope (0-4.617%)
indicates the presence of very high groundwater potential zones where as steep slope(>18.82%)

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shows the presence of low groundwater potential zones as water runs rapidly off the surface and
does not have sufficient time to infiltrate the surface, keeping other parameters constant.

The Northern part as well as along the main river of the study area falls under the low degree of
slope (0-4.617%). These flat to gentle slope area is categorized by very high category for
groundwater storage due to the nearly flat terrain, slow of surface runoff allowing more time for
rainwater to percolate (Prasad et al. 2008). The area with slope (4.618-10.48) is considered as
moderate which categorized as high groundwater potential. The area with a steep slope towards
the southern and Northeastern part of the study area is considered as low groundwater potential
due high slope, higher runoff, low infiltration and low rainfall recharge zones. The details are
shown in figure 4.7 below.

Scale 1:50,000

Figure 4.7 Slope Map of the study area

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Groundwater potential zone delineation using GIS and RS techniques in Sululta and Surrounding watershed, October, 2019

4.3.8 Rainfall Map

Rainfall is main source for recharging the groundwater and for all hydrological process. The
annual average rainfall of the study area calculated from Ethiopia National Meteorological
Agency on two rain gauge station one is inside of the study area and one is outside of the study
area. The monthly data is collected from different rain gauge stations for period of 11 years from
Ethiopia National Meteorological Agency. From the rainfall map the results were concluded that
the annual rainfall in elevation regions is more when compared to low elevation (Rahmati et al.,
2015). The Mean Annual rainfall data is calculated from the rain gauge station for past 11 years
and interpolation method has been used to find amount of rainfall has been appeared in the study
area. Monthly data for 11 consecutive years and it is mean annual precipitation is around
1146.46 mm. Rainfall of study area classified in to four classes which ranges from 1146.46 mm -
684.204 mm. Low rainfall value gives low weightage and high value has high weightage.
Rainfall distribution along with the slope gradient directly affects the infiltration rate of runoff
water hence increases the possibility of groundwater potential zones. The zone which gives low
rain fall may results in not useful for groundwater zones (Manap et al., 2013). Rainfall is the
source of recharging groundwater (Musa et al. 2000).
Two rain gauge stations which one is inside of the study area and one is outside of the study area
are shown in the Table 4.8 below.
Table 4. 8 Two Rain Gauge Station Mean Annual Precipitation
No Station Mean Annual Precipitation years
1 Sululta Station 1164.64 2005-2015
2 Addis Ababa Station 1113.3 2005-2015

In the IDW interpolation method, the sample points are weighted during interpolation such that
the influence of one point relative to another decline with distance from the unknown point to be
created weighting is assigned to sample points through the use of a weighting coefficient that
controls how the weighting influence will drop off as the distance from new point increases. The
greater the weighting coefficient, the less the effect points will have if they are far from the
unknown point during the interpolation process. As the coefficient increases, the value of the
unknown point approaches the value of the nearest observational point..

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From the rainfall map the results were concluded that the annual rainfall in elevation region is
more when compared to low elevation (Rahmati et al., 2015).
Monthly rainfall data of study area is taken from National Metrological Agency of Ethiopia as
shown in Appendix (A) for sululta rain gauge station and Appendix (B) for Addis Ababa Rain
gauge station and Calculate its Mean Annual Precipitation using sum all monthly data average of
them. The sum and average of Sululta and Addis Ababa rain guage station are shown in (Table
4.9 and Table 4.10).
Table 4.9 Sululta Mean Annual Precipitation

Name Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec sum
2005 9.6 3.5 33.3 73.9 17.9 41.7 258 250.2 155 24.3 13.7 0 881
2006 2.5 20.3 82.2 74.5 70.8 179 386 272.8 185 26.4 0 14.1 1313
2007 38.6 5.8 41.3 37 112 244 284 372.2 121 5.7 4.7 0 1266
2008 0 19.3 11.9 40.1 66.5 89.3 399 287.4 133 32.9 102 0 1181
2009 24.3 0 5.2 13.2 0 127 362 0 0 0 0 0 531
2010 11.3 118 56.8 59.7 117 268 441 374.3 243 11 22.4 10.1 1732
2011 2.6 5.3 73.8 79.6 0 228 322 375.5 181 0.8 13.6 0 1282
Sululta Station

2012 0 0 37.1 176.3 92.6 124 482 423.6 301 14.9 0 25.2 1677
2013 6.2 0.3 29.1 59.5 51.3 154 253 340.4 146 33.4 13.7 0.5 1086
2014 0 25.2 46 65.8 81 60.4 261 309 121 45 0 0.5 1015
2015 0 28.1 18.7 0.8 83.8 135 219 238.8 98.1 5.4 14.6 2.6 845
Mean Annual Precipitation 1164.64

Source: Ethiopia National Meteorological Agency (ENMA)

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Groundwater potential zone delineation using GIS and RS techniques in Sululta and Surrounding watershed, October, 2019

Table 4.10 Addis Ababa Mean Annual Precipitation

Name Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Sum
1995 0 69 41.5 174.4 68.2 102.9 190 314.9 136.1 0 0 1097.2
2005 45.9 51.6 83.2 160.9 133.7 179.8 246 315.2 162.5 4.4 0 1383.2
2006 0.7 11.2 78.9 74.6 150.1 356 243.6 239.1 54 0.3 8 1216.8
2007 51.3 19.1 59.8 73.8 120.1 262 381.2 147.6 24.8 0 0 1139.5
2008 0 13 0 49.4 94.3 88.9 277 360.9 256.7 88.2 79.4 22.9 1330.7
2009 21.3 2.7 28.4 80.6 58.9 82.6 350 388.3 112.7 45.8 4.4 65 1240.6
Addis Ababa Obs

2010 2.6 79.8 55.5 97.8 74.4 271.1 314 205.8 237.8 1.8 25.7 15 1381.2
2011 14.1 13.1 44.3 22.8 66.1 182 181 340.8 146 0 42.3 0 1052.4
2012 0 0 15.8 50.2 69.4 324 298 215.5 2.3 0 9.8 985.2
2013 4.4 0 92.3 85 153.2 353.2 58.4 22.3 0 768.8
2014 1.7 47.4 61.5 26.2 93.6 66.7 220 262.4 264.7 35 1.7 0 1080.8
2015 0 0 217 309.9 148.9 0 7.7 0.1 683.6
Mean Annual Precipitation 1113.3
Source: Ethiopia National Meteorological Agency (ENMA)

The rainfall factor was calculated according to the equation given by Hurni (1985) which is
derived from a spatial regression analysis (Hellden, 1987) for Ethiopian conditions. It was based
on the available mean annual rainfall data.

R = (0.55*MAP) -24.7……………………………………………………………….equation 4.1

Where MAP is the mean annual Precipitation in mm

In this study, rainfall data of 11 years (2005-2015) was taken from National Meteorological
Agency on two rain gauge stations in and nearby. A rainfall map was generated from the Mean
Annual Precipitation of the two stations by using IDW interpolation technique in Arc GIS 10.5.1
the R-value was calculated from the rainfall map with a cell size of 30m*30m using raster
calculator function of ArcGIS by using the above formula which suggested by Hurni (1985). The
prepared rainfall map is classified into four categories depending on their relation with
groundwater potential zone prospects as shown in (Figure 4.8). These are (1,031.64 -
1,146.45mm) very high groundwater potential zone, (916.803 - 1,031.63mm) high groundwater
potential zone, (801.977 - 916.802mm) moderate groundwater potential zone and (687.149 -
801.976mm) low groundwater potential zone.

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Sululta Rain gauge Station

Scale 1:50,000

Addis Ababa rain gauge Station

Figure 4.8 Rain fall Map of the study area

4.2.9 Data Integration Analysis in GIS Environment

The present study delineates different groundwater potential zones by considered essential
parameters and the maps were prepared for each layer. Theses maps were converted to raster
data sets having the same pixels size and different weightage were assigned as per their
groundwater potential controlling capacity within the study area and reclassification of each map
was done based on the weight values produced.
All the weighted thematic maps were integrated and defined criteria weight using the IDRIS
software and overlay analysis done using Arc GIS software and potential groundwater prospect
zones were identified (Figure 4.1) and its final ranking and final weighting for each themes are
shown in (Table 4.11).

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Overlay analysis is a multi-criterion analysis where in analysis can be carried out with complex
things for finding out the certain theme with the help of assignment of rank to the individual
class of feature and then assigning weightage to the individual feature considering its influence
over theme (Shivaji Govind Patil, 2014) and is presented in (Table 4.9) All the thematic maps
were converted into raster format and superimposed by weighted overlay method, which consists
of rank and weightage wise thematic maps and integration of them through GIS. Integration of
thematic maps for carrying out Analytical Hierarchy Process or overlay analysis in GIS
environmental was done using Arc GIS software. Finally, the maps integrated using GIS
software with the purpose intended to delineate the groundwater potential areas for the study
region. Table 4.11 Final ranking or scale value and Final weightage value for each class
Factors Class Ground water Rank in Influence
prospects number weight (%)
Geomorphic units Flood Plain Very high 1

Pedi Plain Moderate 2

Denudation Hill Low 3 16

Structural Hill Very low 4

Geology Cheleka Basalts Very high 1

Middle Basalts Moderate 2

Quaternary superficial Moderate 2 10


Quaternary Basalts Low 3

Trachyte/Entoto Very low 4
Land use Water body Very high 1
Land over Forest Area Moderate 2
Agricultural Land Low 3 7

Bare land Low 3

Built up Area Very low 4

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Groundwater potential zone delineation using GIS and RS techniques in Sululta and Surrounding watershed, October, 2019

Drainage Density 0 – 7.728 Very high 1

7.729 – 24.04 High 2
24.05 - 49.37 Moderate 3
49.38- 109.5 Low 4
Lineament 1.73 - 2.29 Very high 1
Density 1.16 - 1.72 High 2
0.574 - 1.15 Moderate 3
0 - 0.573 low 4
Slope (0-4.617%) Gentle Very high 1
(4.618-10.48%) Moderate High 2
(10.49-18.82%) High Moderate 3
(18.83-45.28%) Steep Low 4
Soils Ventric cambisols Very high 1
Chronic luvisols Moderate 2 5
Chromic cambisols Low 3
Rainfall 1,031.64 - 1,146.45 Very high 1
916.803 - 1,031.63 Moderate 2
801.977 - 916.802 Low 3
687.149 - 801.976 Very low 4

4.2.10 Criteria Weights and Map Scores

The study determine the relative importance or weights of each thematic map with another
paired-wise comparison matrix was prepared by pair-wise comparison on satty’s importance
scale. These matrices have the property off consistency known as consistency rations (CR). Satty
indicates that the matrices with CR ratings greater than 0.1 should be re-evaluated. This way it
helps to analyses the matrix to determine the inconsistency in defining the interrelationships. In
this case the consistency value was 0.07 which is accepted (Table 4.7). The weights were
normalized by multiplying with 100 to avoid complexities of computation. These weights were
applied in linear summation equation to obtain a unified weight map containing due weights of

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all input variables, which was further reclassified to arrive at groundwater potential map. The
importance matrices and their weights are mentioned as shown in (Figure 4.1).
After categorization, all the reclassified thematic layers were integrated with one another through
GIS using the weight overlay analysis, shown in equation 4.2.
The following equation was used for the generation of the groundwater potential zone map
(GPZM): GPZM = 16 * Geomorphology map+10*geology map + 7* Land use/ Land cover
map+ 5* soil map+35* drainage density map+22* lineament density map + 3* slope map +
2*rainfall map……………………………………………………………………… Equation 4.2

From the composite layer, the delineation of groundwater prospect zones was made by grouping
the polygons into different prospect potential zones: Very high, High, Moderate and low.

4.3.11 Groundwater Potential Zone

The delineation/identification of groundwater potential zones for the study area was made by
grouping of the interpreted layers through Weighted Overlay Analysis and finally assigned
different potential zones. Depending upon the groundwater potentiality, each class of the main
eight thematic layers (geomorphology, Geology, Land use Land cover, drainage density,
lineament density, soil, Slope and Rainfall) are Prepared. The prospect map describing the
ground water potential zone in the study area were identified and presented in (Figure 4.9). From
this study Groundwater potential zones were categorized into four types viz., Low (8.80%),
Moderate (27.63%), High (52.65%) and very High (10.92%). The best suitable areas were
identified in the west direction of the study area because of the presence of flood plain and Pedi
plain with minimum slope. The map indicated that maximum plain areas were identified as
moderate prospective zones, while steep sloping and high drainage density are classified as low
prospective areas like structural hill areas and some places of north-east parts of the study area.
The study suggested that the GWPZM generated will serve as useful guidelines for planners,
engineers and decision makers providing quick decision- making in the management of
groundwater resources, site selection for GW exploration and exploitation. In the study generally
the reason for very high groundwater potential is area which has low drainage density, low slope,
and very high lineament density and flood plain Geomorphological units. The reason for Low

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ground water potential zone is area which has very high drainage density, very high slope, low
lineament density and structural hill geomorphological units shown in (Figure 4.10).

Very high groundwater potential

High groundwater potential
Scale 1:50,000 Moderate groundwater potential
Deep Wells
Low groundwater potential

Figure 4.9 Groundwater potential zones Map

Table 4.12 Area in % and in km2 of groundwater potential zones map

Sr. No Groundwater Potential zones Area in (KM2) Area in (%)
1 Very High 35.87 10.92
2 High 172.97 52.65
3 Moderate 90.77 27.63
4 Low 28.89 8.80
Total 328.50 100%

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Groundwater potential zone delineation using GIS and RS techniques in Sululta and Surrounding watershed, October, 2019

4.3.12 Results Validation

There is comparison of the study between the water level depth data and ground water potential
zones map were done by (Kavitha et al, 2011). It was found that the delineation of ground water
potential zone by integrated GIS and remote sensing techniques was in close agreement with the
available point source inventory data.
For identification of groundwater potential zones, first the individual thematic layers and also
their classes were assigned to various weightage scores. The weightage score of rainfall is very
low when comparing with another factors and Geomorphology has very high weightage than all
factors in this study. ArcGIS weighted linear combination was performed to generate
groundwater potential zones of the study area. Groundwater potential zone map produced in this
study is shown in (Figure 4.9). Classification of each potential zone is based on JMG generalized
groundwater potential classes, i.e., low, medium, high, and very high (JMG 2007).
Analysis of the groundwater potential zones shows that the very high groundwater potential
zones constitute 10.92% of the central part of Sululta and surrounding watershed. High
groundwater potential zones area seen at upper part, central and north part which has 52.65%
area. A moderate groundwater potential zone occupies the 27.63% area of the total watershed
area. Meanwhile the eastern part fall under low groundwater potential zones, constituting about
8.80%. Percentage of each groundwater potential zones is shown in (Figure 4.10).

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Groundwater potential zone delineation using GIS and RS techniques in Sululta and Surrounding watershed, October, 2019

Groundwater Potential Zone Area Percentage

10.92% very high
52.65% high
27.63% moderate
52.65% 8.80% low

Percent (%)

30 27.63%

20 Very high
10.92% Moderate
10 Low

Very high High Moderate Low

Figure 4.10 the percentage of different groundwater potential zones

Map overlay between predicted groundwater potential map and Groundwater storing controlling
parameters found that the area having very high groundwater potential included flat area of
slope percentage ranging from (0 to 4.617)%, low drainage density, and high lineament density.
Flat areas of slope (0 to 4.617)% and low drainage density are favorable to groundwater potential
due to high infiltration rate. Zone of high groundwater potential zones are found also in slope (0-
4.617)%, high lineament density, low drainage density, and geomorphology type of floodplain.
Musa et al. (2000) only found two factors related to high potential of groundwater which is low
drainage density and high lineament density. Zone of moderate groundwater potential zones are
characterized by slope degree ranging from 4.618-10.48, land use type of crop, moderate
drainage density, and moderate lineament density. Lastly, low groundwater potential zones
include geomorphology type of denudation hill, high drainage density, slope degree more than
18.83, low annual rainfall intensity, soil type of clay, and land use type of clear land and urban

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The accuracy of the GIS model of predicted groundwater potential map was determined with the
existing groundwater borehole wells compiled by the JMG (Table 4.10). Furthermore, field
checking was conducted to locate the position of groundwater borehole wells with the help of
rapid geological mapping system (RGMS). RGMS is an integrated system which includes a
portable data assistant, handheld global positioning system (GPS), digital camera, GIS software,
and manual input for geological parameter through a customized user interface. The objective of
the RGMS is to mark field observation and enter information in digital format during the course
of field work.
The borehole wells data used to validate the predicted groundwater potential with the existing
groundwater potential is collected from field and its details information is in Appendix (C). From
the data presented for groundwater borehole wells, there are 20 borehole wells with the yield
ranging from 2.14-71.43m3/h. The minimum deep of borehole wells is 15 m and maximum is
380 m. Average deep of borehole wells is 93.05m. Mean yield of borehole wells in the study area
is 20.27m3/h. It falls under JMG groundwater potential classification as “high potential yield”
(19 m3/h). There are 11 borehole wells with very high potential yield (>20 m3/h).
Model validation of predicted groundwater potential zones with the groundwater borehole wells
data shows 80% of accuracy whereas about 16 borehole wells correctly agreed with predicted
groundwater potential zones. Only four borehole wells were fall incorrect. It means that
generated groundwater potential map has a good agreement with the groundwater borehole
wells. In this study, the statistical method of correlation coefficient was also calculated using
Microsoft Excel. It is used to determine the degree of association between area percentages of
predicted groundwater potential zones vs. mean yield of groundwater borehole wells in the
particular zones. The correlation coefficient has value between −1 and +1. A value of +1
indicated perfect positive relationship, while −1 is a perfect linear relationship. A value of zero
indicates no correlation. The higher the number, the higher the correlation is. The results showed
that the correlation coefficient is 0.80. It means that the strength of correlation is high (Asuero et
al. 2006). The details are shown in (Table 4.13) below.

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Groundwater potential zone delineation using GIS and RS techniques in Sululta and Surrounding watershed, October, 2019

Table 4.13 Model validation using groundwater borehole wells

Disc Yield JMG Predicted Validation
harge (m3/h) Classification GWPZ
Wel T/sourc Dep (Lit/s
l no. e th ec)
1 HDW 42 2.9 10.36 High(10-20m3/h) High correct
2 DW 152 5 17.86 High(10-20m3/h) High correct
3 DW 304 12 42.86 Very high(>20m3/h) Very high correct
4 DW 102 2.4 8.57 Moderate(5-10m3/h) Moderate correct
5 DW 161 20 71.43 Very high(>20m3/h) Very high correct
`6 HDW NA 6.2 22.14 Very high(>20m3/h) Very high correct
7 HDW 15 1.7 6.07 Moderate(5-10m3/h) Moderate correct
8 HDW 35 1.2 4.29 Very high(>20m3/h) Very high Incorrect
9 HDW 85 6.5 23.21 Very high(>20m3/h) Very high correct
10 DW 205 8 28.57 Very high(>20m3/h) Very high correct
11 SPRING NA 0.8 2.86 Very high(>20m3/h) Very high Incorrect
12 DW 108 10 35.71 Very high(>20m3/h) Very high correct
13 SPRING 28 3.4 12.14 High(10-20m3/h) high correct
14 DW 176 8.7 31.07 Very high(>20m3/h) Very high correct
15 HDW NA 1.7 6.07 Moderate(5-10m3/h) Moderate correct
16 HDW 30 1.2 4.23 Low(0-5m3/h) Low correct
17 DW NA 1.36 4.86 Very high(>20m3/h) Very high Incorrect
18 HDW 15 0.6 2.14 Moderate(5-10m3/h) Moderate Incorrect
19 SPRING 20 1.9 6.79 Moderate(5-10m3/h) Moderate correct
20 HDW 380 18 64.23 Very high(>20m3/h) Very high correct

4.4 Discussions
Integration of the Remote Sensing and GIS techniques has proven to be an efficient tool in
groundwater studies (Arivalagan, 2014). This study analyzed hydrologic and geographic
attributes of the study area and identified eight major factors influencing groundwater recharge
potential, viz. geomorphology, geology, land use/land cover, drainage density, lineament density,
soil, slope and Rainfall. Each factor was examined and assigned appropriate rank and weight.
Based on the groundwater potentiality, all thematic layers were quantitatively placed together
and categorized into very high, high, moderate and Low.
The data and thematic maps such as satellite images, soil data, geology data, drainage data and
rainfall data, are helpful for mapping ground water potential zones (Giri &Bharadwaji, 2012).

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Jose and Antony (2015) remote Sensing and Geographic Information System has become one of
the leading tools in the field of hydro geological science, which helps in assessing, monitoring
and delineating groundwater resources. It allows manipulation and analysis of individual layer of
spatial data. It is used for analyzing and modeling the interrelationship between the layers.
Suganthi et al. (2013) delineate the groundwater potential zones of the area using Remote
Sensing (RS) and Geographic Information System (GIS) techniques. Weighted overlay analysis
was used to demarcate the ground- water potential zones. Various thematic layers such as
geology, geomorphology, soil, lineament density, drainage density, rain fall and land use maps
were prepared.
This study mainly deals with the integrated approach of Remote Sensing and Geographical
Information System (GIS) to delineate groundwater potential zones by analyzed hydrologic and
geographic attributes of the study area and identified the major factors influencing groundwater
potential zones delineation. Each factor was examined and assigned appropriate rank and weight.
A final ground water potential map is prepared with application of above technique.
This study has the methodological agreement with the above researchers regarding with use GIS
and Remote Sensing techniques and applies the weighted overlay analysis method to delineate a
groundwater potential zone and get more all less the same finding.

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Groundwater potential zone delineation using GIS and RS techniques in Sululta and Surrounding watershed, October, 2019

The following conclusions and recommendation provides the overall conclusions from this
study, recommendation for concerned body and further research for the study area.

5.1 Conclusions

 Groundwater potential zone was delineated by using GIS and Remote Sensing techniques
through Analytical Hierarchy Process methods were delineated and identified based on the
influential factors for groundwater potential zone. In this research, eight parameters were
selected which have more affects the occurrence of groundwater potential zone prior to
overlay analysis. By assigning quantitative weights, it is possible to make important criteria
that have a greater influence on the result than other criteria. The AHP, methods were
adapted and give the value for each factor. This approach allows decision makers to give
the judgments in order to reduce complexity in decision making processes.
 It can be concluded that integration of GIS and Remote Sensing techniques are very useful,
time and cost effective tool for the identification/ delineation of groundwater potential
zones. This study was focused on the integration of Remote Sensing and GIS technologies
in the identification and delineation of groundwater potential zones in the Sululta and
Surrounding watershed. The remote sensing and GIS is a potentially effective tool and
Very useful in delineation of groundwater potential zones.
 The study concludes that most of the very high potential areas represented by flood plains,
chronic luvisols, low drainage density, very high lineament density, coincide with the low
slope and very high rainfall areas. The study has resulted the groundwater potential zone
map for the Sululta and Surrounding watershed which identified and delineated in four
categories namely very high, high, moderate and low.
 The study concludes that the majority of the area is covered by very high potential zones
(>20 m3/h yields) as it is supported by the statistical data of groundwater borehole wells and
the new generated predicted groundwater potential map of the study area. Model validation
of predicted groundwater potential zones with the groundwater borehole wells data shows

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Groundwater potential zone delineation using GIS and RS techniques in Sululta and Surrounding watershed, October, 2019

80% of accuracy whereas about 16 borehole wells correctly agreed with predicted
groundwater potential zones. Only four borehole wells were fall incorrect. It means that
generated groundwater potential map has a good agreement with the groundwater borehole
 The study confirms that paired comparison matrix analysis indicates that all parameters are
significant but the most effective parameters in the area are: drainage density, lineament
density, Geomorphology and geology. Most of the area, around 52.65% zoned under high
potential and the next high coverage of the area 27.63% is moderate potential zone where as
8.80% is low potential zone.

5.2 Recommendations

Depending on this finding the following recommendations were forwarded.

 The study suggested that depending on the finding, the delineated groundwater potential
map along with other thematic maps forms serve as resource information data base which
can be updated from time to time by adding new information.
 The delineated groundwater potential zone information will be useful for effective
identification of suitable locations for extraction of water which used to for different
purpose. Further, it can be said that the present methodology can be used as a guideline for
further research.
 In the present study, integrated GIS and remote sensing techniques were very helpful, time
and cost effective tools for the identification and delineation of groundwater potential and
analysis. For fast, cost effective and accurate result in delineation of groundwater potential
zones investigations integrated remote sensing and GIS approach is highly recommended.
 The study suggested that the GWPZM generated will serve as useful guidelines for planners,
engineers and decision makers providing quick decision- making in the management of
groundwater resources, on delineate/identify Groundwater potential occurrence zone.
 Finally, further research is also needed to locate a groundwater potential zone using the
model incorporating and more additional boreholes/wells using a combination of visual is

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Appendix A

Name Elevation Geogr1 Geogr2 Element Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Sululta 2610 38.73333 9.183333 PRECIP 2005 9.6 3.5 33.3 73.9 17.9 41.7 257.7 250.2 155.3 24.3 13.7 0

Sululta 2610 38.73333 9.183333 PRECIP 2006 2.5 20.3 82.2 74.5 70.8 178.6 385.5 272.8 185.2 26.4 0 14.1

Sululta 2610 38.73333 9.183333 PRECIP 2007 38.6 5.8 41.3 37 111.6 244.2 284.2 372.2 120.5 5.7 4.7 0

Sululta 2610 38.73333 9.183333 PRECIP 2008 0 19.3 11.9 40.1 66.5 89.3 398.9 287.4 132.8 32.9 102.2 0

Sululta 2610 38.73333 9.183333 PRECIP 2009 24.3 5.2 13.2 126.5 361.5

Sululta 2610 38.73333 9.183333 PRECIP 2010 11.3 117.9 56.8 59.7 117.1 267.8 440.9 374.3 243 11 22.4 10.1

Sululta 2610 38.73333 9.183333 PRECIP 2011 2.6 5.3 73.8 79.6 228.4 321.9 375.5 180.8 0.8 13.6 0

Sululta 2610 38.73333 9.183333 PRECIP 2012 0 0 37.1 176.3 92.6 124.1 481.8 423.6 301.1 14.9 0 25.2

Sululta 2610 38.73333 9.183333 PRECIP 2013 6.2 0.3 29.1 59.5 51.3 153.9 252.5 340.4 145.5 33.4 13.7 0.5

Sululta 2610 38.73333 9.183333 PRECIP 2014 0 25.2 46 65.8 81 60.4 261.1 309 121 45 0.5

Sululta 2610 38.73333 9.183333 PRECIP 2015 0 28.1 18.7 0.8 83.8 134.8 219 238.8 98.1 5.4 14.6 2.6

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Groundwater potential zone delineation using GIS and RS techniques in Sululta and Surrounding watershed, October, 2019

Appendix B
Name tion Geogr1 Geogr2 Element Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

2386 38.7475 9.01891 PRECIP 1995 0 69 41.5 174.4 68.2 102.9 190.2 314.9 136.1 0 0

2386 38.7475 9.01891 PRECIP 2005 45.9 51.6 83.2 160.9 133.7 179.8 246 315.2 162.5 4.4 0

2386 38.7475 9.01891 PRECIP 2006 0.7 11.2 78.9 74.6 150.1 356.3 243.6 239.1 54 0.3 8

2386 38.7475 9.01891 PRECIP 2007 51.3 19.1 59.8 73.8 120.1 261.8 381.2 147.6 24.8 0 0

2386 38.7475 9.01891 PRECIP 2008 0 13 0 49.4 94.3 88.9 277 360.9 256.7 88.2 79.4 22.9

2386 38.7475 9.01891 PRECIP 2009 21.3 2.7 28.4 80.6 58.9 82.6 349.9 388.3 112.7 45.8 4.4 65

2386 38.7475 9.01891 PRECIP 2010 2.6 79.8 55.5 97.8 74.4 271.1 313.9 205.8 237.8 1.8 25.7 15

2386 38.7475 9.01891 PRECIP 2011 14.1 13.1 44.3 22.8 66.1 182 180.9 340.8 146 0 42.3 0

2386 38.7475 9.01891 PRECIP 2012 0 0 15.8 50.2 69.4 324.2 298 215.5 2.3 0 9.8
Addis Ababa Obs

2386 38.7475 9.01891 PRECIP 2013 4.4 0 92.3 85 153.2 353.2 58.4 22.3 0

2386 38.7475 9.01891 PRECIP 2014 1.7 47.4 61.5 26.2 93.6 66.7 219.9 262.4 264.7 35 1.7 0

2386 38.7475 9.01891 PRECIP 2015 0 0 0 0 0 0 217 309.9 148.9 0 7.7 0.1

Appendix C

Well Discharge Yield JMG Predicted Validation

no. Easting Northing Elevation T/source Depth (Lit/sec) (m3/h) Classification GWPZ
10.36 High(10-20m3/h) High correct
1 473304 1015471 2584 HDW 42 2.9
17.86 High(10-20m /h) High correct
2 474222 1010969 2602 DW 152 5
42.86 Very high(>20m /h) Very high correct
3 474515 1013279 2603 DW 304 12
8.57 Moderate(5-10m /h) Moderate correct
4 469352 1007813 2751 DW 102 2.4
71.43 Very high(>20m /h) Very high correct
5 475139 1013343 2591 DW 161 20
22.14 Very high(>20m /h) Very high correct
6 476596 1014584 2636 HDW NA 6.2
6.07 Moderate(5-10m /h) Moderate correct
7 469277 1007361 2724 HDW 15 1.7
4.29 Low(0-5m /h) Very high Incorrect
8 477423 1014882 2583 HDW 35 1.2
23.21 Very high(>20m /h) Very high correct
9 477753 1013625 2603 HDW 85 6.5
28.57 Very high(>20m /h) Very high correct
10 476265 1015642 2748 DW 205 8
2.86 Low(0-5m3/h) Very high Incorrect
11 475835 1013592 2654 SPRING NA 0.8
35.71 Very high(>20m3/h) Very high correct
12 475967 1016072 2676 DW 108 10
12.14 High(10-20m /h) high correct
13 475471 1011475 2561 SPRING 28 3.4
31.07 Very high(>20m /h) Very high correct
14 475247 1010379 2752 DW 176 8.7
6.07 Moderate(5-10m /h) Moderate correct
15 471800 1007540 2570 HDW NA 1.7
4.23 Low(0-5m /h) Low correct
16 464524 1007407 2640 HDW 30 1.2
4.86 Low(0-5m /h) Very high Incorrect
17 474514 1009432 2606 DW NA 1.36
2.14 Low(0-5m /h) Moderate Incorrect
18 471900 1009497 2634 HDW 15 0.6
6.79 Moderate(5-10m /h) Moderate correct
19 473174 1007265 2735 SPRING 20 1.9
64.23 Very high(>20m /h) Very high correct
20 476585 1010336 2597 HDW 380 18

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