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Preparing a Skill Matrix

Sample Skills Matrix

Activities Example SKILLS

Writing and communication skills Innovation and creativity Data Management and Analysis

COURSES/ Class assignment on data analysis

Assignments Performed basic data analysis using statistical
software such as STATA, EPIINFO on open
source data as part of MPH coursework
JOBS/ Dissertation Created automated tool for patient Data analysis during dissertation
INTERNSHIPS/ Drafted a research proposal for master’s flow during work in XXX Would conduct quantitative data analysis and
Dissertation thesis, titled ………… Conceptualized and devised a tool to hypothesis testing for Master’s thesis in the
automate patient follow up and final semester of the MPH program
feedback mechanism for a private
dental hospital in XXX, which led to
successful increase in OP turnover and
online rating of the health facility
SERVICE/ Report- UN Volunteers
VOLUNTEER WORK Wrote a report on ….. as a part of UN

MEMBERSHIPS/ Poster and paper presentation IEC materials- Rotary club

ACTIVITIES Developed concept notes and abstracts for As a member of Rotary club, devised
several award-winning poster and paper innovative ways of communication and
presentations in the field of public health IEC materials to create awareness about
and dentistry for national and international health issues amongst the RWAs at …..
INTEREST/LIFE Poster presentation at ABC conference
EXPERIENCES Presented a poster on ‘XYZ’ at the ABC
conference, at ZZZ institution and was
awarded ‘bestposter’
Prepare your own Skills Matrix
Activities SKILLS
Skill 1 Skill 2 Skill 3
Data management and analysis Monitor and evaluation Advocacy and written skills.

COURSES/ Large data analysis using stata software for Monitor and evaluation assignment Social behaviour assignment
Assignments extracting data from NSSO website.

JOBS/ Performed multiple data analysis on stata Developed a M&E tool with the team Design advocacy plan for migrants who stuck on
INTERNSHIPS software during various assignment and members for government roads due to covid -19.
interpreted the results. Program during the assignment.



INTEREST/LIFE Have an interest in creating awareness about

EXPERIENCES various health programs among population.

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