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MA1001: The Role of Managers and Leaders: Describe the effects of managerial and leadership roles and approaches on

employees and on diverse organizations

Written Response Submission Form

Your Name: First and last

Your E-Mail Address: Your email here

Write your responses where it reads “Enter your response here.” Write as much as needed to satisfy the requirements indicated. Each
item contains the Rubric, which will be used to evaluate your responses.

©2019 Walden University 1

Item 1

Briefly define management and leadership and explain at least three differences between them. Your response should be 75–150
words (1–2 paragraphs). Be sure to reference at least one scholarly source to support your answer.

Your Response
Management is the procedure and operation of attaining organizational goals in a problem-solving process. It brings forth a
conducive working surrounding for people to cooperate towards achieving a collective
objective (Three differences between managers and leaders, 2014).Leadership is the capacity of social influence to utilize the
endeavor of a group by making sound and strenuous determinations to realize goals.Management focuses on the good organization to
maintain what has been established.
Leadership focuses on innovations, nurtures new ideas, and the development of new techniques.Leadership concentrates on
inspiring and encouraging a group to do their best (Llopis,2016). Management centers on the dominance of a group to facilitate the
adequate performance of a group.Leadership is futuristic and visionary while management focuses on the current setting, measuring
and achieving organizational goals.

©2019 Walden University 2


Module 1: Leadership Versus Management

0 1 2
Not Present Needs Improvement Meets Expectations
Define management and Definitions of management and Response provides clear,
leadership and explain at leadership, including accurate, and complete
least three differences explaining at least three definitions of management and
between them differences between them, are leadership, including a detailed
vague, inaccurate, and explanation of at least three
LO1.1: Explain the difference incomplete. differences between them.
between leadership and

©2019 Walden University 3

Item 2

Describe the following five leadership styles and provide an example of a situation in which each style would be most effective to lead
individuals and groups. Your response should be 375–450 words (5–6 paragraphs) total. Be sure to reference at least one scholarly
source to support your answer.

 Transformational leadership
 Servant leadership
 Charismatic leadership
 Transactional leadership
 Visionary leadership

Your Response
Transformational leadership is a concept of leadership where the leader in charge of the organization or the institution takes
control by their actions that their followers emulate.Transformational leadersinspire and motivate their followers to achieve
outstanding resultsbeyond expectation (Andriani, Kesumawati, & Kristiawan,2018). The followers strive to achieve the high
butreasonable standards set by the leader without feeling coarse arelosing their sense of dignity and esteem. Transformational leaders
have these four distinctive traits, inspirational motivation, idealizedinfluence, intellectual stimulation, and focusing on individuals, to
identify their weaknesses and strengths to make them more accomplished. A good example where transformative leadership is most
appropriate during the political revolution, an excellent example of a leader who used transformative leadership is Martin Luther King

©2019 Walden University 4

Jr. During the civil rights movement in the USA, he used persuasive and inspirational motivation to transform civil liberties in the

Servant leadership is a concept of leadership where the main objective of a leader is to be of service to others rather than being
served, as the traditional leadership concept. To the servant leaders, the well-being of those they are leading and the customers are
more paramount. A servant leader delegates powers to those they lead, creating more leaders for the sector and the future. A servant
leader is approachable and takes the lead beyond the call of duty. Robert Greenleaf founded this principle of servant leadership; he
stated that "a servant can onlybecome a leader if a leader remains a servant.”( Heyler, S. & Martin 2018). Servant leadership has the
following principles: listening, empathy, healing, self -awareness, persuading, conceptualizing, foresight, stewardship, committing
to others, and community development. An excellent example of servant leadership is the religious leaders' scenario, and servant
leadership is applicable here effectively.
Charismatic leadership depends on the ability of the leader to charm the audience and persuade them. A key component of
charismatic leadership is the eloquence of the leader. It is the conviction of theleader that drives the vision. A charismatic leader
focuses on making the status quo better, not forcing everyone to fit in the leader's vision likeother cases of leadership.( rabo, Spisak &
van Vugt, 2017). A good example Charismatic leader is Sir Winstone Churchill was a great communicator, very eloquent; he wasa
war correspondent in WW 1; he also legislated for parliament as a member. He used his eloquence in radio speeches to fire up British
resilience during ww2 bombing in England.
Transactional leadership strongly relies on order and structure. They are likely to be found in the military, service, or leading
international corporations. Transactional leaders may not be suitable for industry or fields that require creativity and innovation, they
cherish and flourish in structures that have already been established. They conform with existing structures. A good example of a
transaction( Ma, X., & Jiang, W. 2018). A leader is Bill Gates, the leader of Microsoft, he started the company in 1975, windows was
launched in 1985; as a transactional leader, he has a habit of visiting new team members and tasking then demanding tasks until he is
satisfied they are in tandem with the dreams, structures, and plans of the organizationas laid down.

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Visionary leadership is the kind of leadership with a mental picture of how the future will look like and pursues its ruthlessly to
ensure itsfruition. Innovative leaders see the world and how it should exist, and they take necessary measures to achieve it (Boss.,
Duel, Memon Treur& van der Wal 2017). A clear example of avisionary leader is the father of USA George Washington; he led
Americans into war against the British, though they didn’t win immediately. Washington had a vision of a New America, which was
achieved through his eyes.

©2019 Walden University 6


Module 1: Leadership Versus Management

0 1 2
Not Present Needs Improvement Meets Expectations
Describe transformational Description of transformational Response provides a clear,
leadership style and provide leadership style and the accurate, and complete
an example of a situation in example of a situation in which description of transformational
which it would be most it would be most effective to leadership style and a relevant
effective to lead individuals lead individuals and groups are and specific example of a
and groups. vague, inaccurate, and situation in which it would be
incomplete. most effective to lead
LO1.2.1: Describe various individuals and groups.
leadership styles and their
effectiveness in specific
business situations.
Describe servant style and Description of servant Response provides a clear,
provide an example of a leadership style and the accurate, and complete
situation in which it would be example of a situation in which description of servant
most effective to lead it would be most effective to leadership style and a relevant
individuals and groups. lead individuals and groups are and specific example of a
vague, inaccurate, and situation in which it would be

©2019 Walden University 7

Module 1: Leadership Versus Management

0 1 2
Not Present Needs Improvement Meets Expectations
LO1.2.2: Describe various incomplete. most effective to lead
leadership styles and their individuals and groups.
effectiveness in specific
business situations.
Describe charismatic style Description of charismatic Response provides a clear,
and provide an example of a leadership style and the accurate, and complete
situation in which it would be example of a situation in which description of charismatic
most effective to lead it would be most effective to leadership style and a relevant
individuals and groups. lead individuals and groups are and specific example of a
vague, inaccurate, and/or situation in which it would be
LO1.2.3: Describe various incomplete. most effective to lead
leadership styles and their individuals and groups.
effectiveness in specific
business situations.
Describe transactional style Description of transactional Response provides a clear,
and provide an example of a leadership style and the accurate, and complete
situation in which it would be example of a situation in which description of transactional
most effective to lead it would be most effective to leadership style and a relevant
individuals and groups. lead individuals and groups are and specific example of a

©2019 Walden University 8

Module 1: Leadership Versus Management

0 1 2
Not Present Needs Improvement Meets Expectations
vague, inaccurate, and/or situation in which it would be
LO1.2.4: Describe various incomplete. most effective to lead
leadership styles and their individuals and groups.
effectiveness in specific
business situations.
Describe visionary style and Description of visionary Response provides a clear,
provide an example of a leadership style and the accurate, and complete
situation in which it would be example of a situation in which description of visionary
most effective to lead it would be most effective to leadership style and a relevant
individuals and groups. lead individuals and groups are and specific example of a
vague, inaccurate, and/or situation in which it would be
LO1.2.5: Describe various incomplete. most effective to lead
leadership styles and their individuals and groups.
effectiveness in specific
business situations.

©2019 Walden University 9

Item 3

What is the Leadership Grid (based on the work of Blake, Mouton, and McCance), and what is its application to business practice? In
your answer, describe the five leadership/management styles presented in the grid and provide examples of situations in which each
style could prove beneficial and/or detrimental. Your response should be 375–450 words (5–6 paragraphs). Be sure to reference at
least one scholarly source to support your answer.

Your Response
Leadership Grid was developed at the start of the 1960s and is more focused on a leader's degree of task-centeredness contra person-
centeredness. It sheds light on the leadership designs portrayed by the two and shows their five different dissimilar blends (Muff.,
Liechti, & Dyllick,2020). They include impoverised management, task management, middle-of-the-road, country club, team
management. The leadership grid helps managers to analyze their leadership style and know their position with regards to production
and employees in the business. In improvised management style leaders have minimal bother for the people and production and the
employees. They give squat effort to get the task needed done and keep inter-personal relationships constant (Johnson & Hackman
2018). The style enables managers not to be held responsible for mistakes; however it portrays leaders as ineffective as it breeds
dissatisfaction,disharmony, and disorganization. In Country club management style leaders pay more attention to the harmony, well-
being, security, and needs of the subordinates. Managers believe when associates experience contentment, it gives rise to increased
performance (Vidyaka, 2020). This style constructs respect, motivation hence excellent results. However, there can be unsatisfactory
results if there is less focus on production. In middle of the road management style high focus is on production and very minimal
concentration on subordinates' concerns and needs. Procedures, policies, and rules are laid down, and punishment is also meted out
(Rasul, Rogger, & Williams 2021). It can result in impressive production and lead to a short period of sound output as the strict rules
can lead to a decrease in the labor force It is whereby managers try to strike a balance between results and the needs of the

©2019 Walden University 10

subordinates. Leaders don't go out of the way to achieve results, leading to median production (Johnson, & Hackman, 2018). Neither
the employees nor production needs are fully met. The middle-of-the-road style causes hindrance in performance due to the managers'
incessant compromise as there is less motivation towards production and no total commitment towards people's needs. Its merit is that
it avoids conflicts with the subordinates. Team management stlye involves a highly effective as a leader endeavors his/her best for the
people. There are investments of concepts and good sentiments to resolve problems through teamwork since the leader is concentrated
on having the perfect solution (Tabassi, Abdullah, & Bryde, 2019). Obstacles that may hinder employees are identified, and
innovative solutions to tackle the predicament are immediately employed. There is a total commitment to the organization's missions
and goals in conjunction with the people's motivation at heart. People are encouraged to do their level best to deliver outstanding
results. There is a sense of respect and empowerment from the subordinates. This brings forth massive productions in this style. .


Module 1: Leadership Versus Management

0 1 2
Not Present Needs Improvement Meets Expectations
Describe the Leadership Grid Description of the Leadership Response provides a clear,
and its application to Grid and its application to accurate, and complete
business practice. business practice is vague, description of the Leadership
inaccurate, and/or incomplete. Grid and its application to
LO1.2.6: Describe various
business practice.
leadership styles and their
effectiveness in specific
business situations.

©2019 Walden University 11

Module 1: Leadership Versus Management

0 1 2
Not Present Needs Improvement Meets Expectations

Describe the impoverished Description of the Response provides a clear,

management style presented impoverished management accurate, and complete
in the grid and provide an style, including an example of description of the impoverished
example of a situation in a situation in which it could management style, including
which it could prove prove beneficial and/or an example of a situation in
beneficial and/or detrimental. detrimental, is vague, which it could prove beneficial
inaccurate, and/or incomplete. and/or detrimental.
LO1.2.7: Describe various
leadership styles and their
effectiveness in specific
business situations.

Describe the country club Description of the country club Response provides a clear,
management style presented management style, including accurate, and complete
in the grid and provide an an example of a situation in description of the country club
example of a situation in which it could prove beneficial management style, including
which it could prove and/or detrimental, is vague, an example of a situation in
beneficial and/or detrimental. inaccurate, and/or incomplete. which it could prove beneficial
and/or detrimental.

©2019 Walden University 12

Module 1: Leadership Versus Management

0 1 2
Not Present Needs Improvement Meets Expectations
LO1.2.8: Describe various
leadership styles and their
effectiveness in specific
business situations.

Describe the task . Description of the task Response provides a clear,

management style presented management style, including accurate, and complete
in the grid and provide an an example of a situation in description of the task
example of a situation in which it could prove beneficial management style, including
which it could prove and/or detrimental, is vague, an example of a situation in
beneficial and/or detrimental. inaccurate, and/or incomplete. which it could prove beneficial
and/or detrimental.
LO1.2.9: Describe various
leadership styles and their
effectiveness in specific
business situations.

Describe the middle of the Description of the middle of Response provides a clear,
road management style the road management style, accurate, and complete
presented in the grid and including an example of a description of the middle of the

©2019 Walden University 13

Module 1: Leadership Versus Management

0 1 2
Not Present Needs Improvement Meets Expectations
provide an example of a situation in which it could road style, including an
situation in which it could prove beneficial and/or example of a situation in which
prove beneficial and/or detrimental, is vague, it could prove beneficial and/or
detrimental. inaccurate, and/or incomplete. detrimental.

LO1.2.10: Describe various

leadership styles and their
effectiveness in specific
business situations.

Describe the team Description of the team Response provides a clear,

management style presented management style, including accurate, and complete
in the grid and provide an an example of a situation in description of the team
example of a situation in which it could prove beneficial management style, including
which it could prove and/or detrimental, is vague, an example of a situation in
beneficial and/or detrimental. inaccurate, and/or incomplete. which it could prove beneficial
and/or detrimental.
LO1.2.11: Describe various
leadership styles and their
effectiveness in specific

©2019 Walden University 14

Module 1: Leadership Versus Management

0 1 2
Not Present Needs Improvement Meets Expectations
business situations.

Item 4

Describe four main functions of a manager and why each function is critical to an organization. Your response should be 300 words (4
paragraphs). Be sure to reference at least one scholarly source to support your answer.
Your Response
Planning entails laying out and devising ways on how to achieve the organization's goals and missions. It gives a draft of tasks
is to be followed with necessary details (Wulfmeier, Wang, Ondruska, & Posner, 2017). Employees are allocated resources, and
responsibilities delegated to them and have realistic timelines and standards for completion. Planning permits managers to continually
check on team advancement and check any accommodations needed. Managers should have aback up a plan in case the first plan
doesn't work. Planning enables organizations to have a set-out steps and road map towards achieving needed goals and missions.
A manager's organizational expertise is instrumental towards a company's success. Organization skills layout a foundation for
an effective internal procedure and compositions of the best-suited employees for a particular task and have all needed to attain the
tasks at hand (Daft, 2021). It equips managers with reorganizing abilities in retaliation to new problems. Organization skills ensure
coordination of necessary undertakings and capital at the distribution of the organization.

©2019 Walden University 15

For organization and planning to work, it needs to be boosted by a sense of quality leadership. High-performance goals require
to be passed on to the team by creating a typical value and culture, creating devotion to a shared vision, and inspiring high
performance (Ameen, Ahmed, & Abd Hafez, 2018). Leading involves motivating, communicating, guiding, and encouraging abilities.
Managers need to coach, assist and problem solve. Through leadership, conflicts between employees can be handled decisively and
tell when employees require additional supplementing.
Controlling is the procedure of gauging the scheme's performance and creating adaptations to ensure the proper realization of
organizational goals. At this stage, the managers' training is needed by the managers, so that meeting of deadlines is met. Employees need
evaluation and monitoring to ensure the quality of their performance( Singh, Tabassum, Darwish, & Batsakis, (2018). Performance
appraisals are in order at this stage. Control warrants organizations to meet their ultimate goals and foster the execution of vital revamping when
most imperative.


Module 2: Roles and Functions of Managers

0 1 2
Not Present Needs Improvement Meets Expectations
Describe the planning Description of the planning Response provides a clear,
function of a manager and function of a manager and why accurate, and complete
why it is critical to an it is critical to an organization description of the planning
organization. is vague, inaccurate, and/or function of a manager and why
incomplete. it is critical to an organization.

©2019 Walden University 16

Module 2: Roles and Functions of Managers

0 1 2
Not Present Needs Improvement Meets Expectations
LO2.1.1: Describe the
functions of a manager within
an organization.
Describe the organizing Description of the organizing Response provides a clear,
function of a manager and function of a manager and why accurate, and complete
why it is critical to an it is critical to an organization description of the organizing
organization. is vague, inaccurate, and/or function of a manager and why
incomplete. it is critical to an organization.
LO2.1.2: Describe the
functions of a manager within
an organization.

Describe the leading function Description of the leading Response provides a clear,
of a manager and why it is function of a manager and why accurate, and complete
critical to an organization. it is critical to an organization description of the leading
is vague, inaccurate, and/or function of a manager and why
LO2.1.3: Describe the
incomplete. it is critical to an organization.
functions of a manager within
an organization.

Describe the controlling Description of the controlling Response provides a clear,

©2019 Walden University 17

Module 2: Roles and Functions of Managers

0 1 2
Not Present Needs Improvement Meets Expectations
function of a manager and function of a manager and why accurate, and complete
why it is critical to an it is critical to an organization description of the controlling
organization. is vague, inaccurate, and/or function of a manager and why
incomplete. it is critical to an organization.
LO2.1.4: Describe the
functions of a manager within
an organization.

©2019 Walden University 18

Item 5

Explain how managers can contribute to an organization’s strategic and operational planning. Your response should be 75–150 words
(1–2 paragraphs). Be sure to reference at least one scholarly source to support your answer.

Your Response
Strategic planning and operational planning are both essential to the running of an organization, and managers play a pivotal role in
ensuring these two work successfully to the success of the organization. Strategic planning is a long term plan mostly between 3 to 5
years, hence needs the input of the senior managers as the vision carriers of the organization. While Operational planning needs the
information of junior managers, such as departmental managers, because its shorter, requires day to day operation, and is usually a one
year’s plan. Strategic planning requires senior management input because its about the whole company’s goals while operational
planning is departmental because its about department goals.The the strategic plan is generated by the executive management of the
organization while the the operational plan is generated by different departmental heads( Ameen, Ahmed, & Hafez, 2018).The senior
managers allocate departmental heads.Senior managers report quarterly and annually on the strategic plan while departmental
managers report monthly on operational planning..


Module 2: Roles and Functions of Managers

0 1 2
Not Present Needs Improvement Meets Expectations
Explain how managers can Explanation of how managers Response provides a clear,
contribute to an can contribute to an accurate, and complete

©2019 Walden University 19

Module 2: Roles and Functions of Managers

0 1 2
Not Present Needs Improvement Meets Expectations
organization’s strategic and organization’s strategic and explanation of how managers
operational planning. operational planning is vague, can contribute to an
inaccurate, and/or incomplete. organization’s strategic and
LO2.2: Explain how managers operational planning.
contribute to planning within
an organization.

©2019 Walden University 20

Item 6

Describe what an organizational chart is and provide a written example of how an organizational chart could be used within an
organization. Explain how organizational charts can benefit managers. Your response should be 150 words (2 paragraphs). Be sure to
reference at least one scholarly source to support your answer.

Your Response
An organizational chart is an illustration that bears a company’s leadership composition. It characterizes responsibilities, roles,
and correlations between persons in an organization and paints a comprehensible picture of various people's pecking order,
departments, and posts.(Baligh, Burton & Obel, 2018). It dispenses the general organizational construction of an organization.
Furthermore, it can depict the all-inclusive possession of leadership and outline correlations amongst entities. It works as an employee
index and facilitates easy access to contacts.
Organizational charts helps managers manage workload by aiding in envisioning persons' jobs, hence proper control of work
capacity. Work arrangement has been made uncomplicated through a visualized structure that enhances upcoming plans for resource
allocation. It helps managers by acting as a managerial tool, pinpointing each position's sovereignty and commitments. (Kryscynski,
Coff, Campbell, 2021). Deficiencies and mistakes are brought out through organizational charts; hence efficient steps can be taken if
there is a void.It prevents duplication of duties therefore managers are spared the stress of ork repetition.

©2019 Walden University 21


Module 2: Roles and Functions of Managers

0 1 2
Not Present Needs Improvement Meets Expectations
Describe what an Description of what an Response provides a clear,
organizational chart is and organizational chart is, accurate, and complete
provide a written example of including a written example of description of what an
how an organizational chart how an organizational chart organizational chart is,
could be used within the could be used within the including a written example of
organization. organization, is vague, how an organizational chart
inaccurate, and/or incomplete. could be used within the
LO2.3.1: Describe organization.
organizational charts and their
benefits for managers within an
Explain how organizational Explanation of how Response provides a clear,
charts can benefit managers. organizational charts can accurate, and complete
benefit managers is vague, explanation of how
LO2.3.2: Describe inaccurate, and/or incomplete. organizational charts can
organizational charts and their benefit managers.
benefits for managers within an

©2019 Walden University 22

Module 2: Roles and Functions of Managers

0 1 2
Not Present Needs Improvement Meets Expectations

©2019 Walden University 23

Item 7

Describe the four dimensions that are measured in a balanced scorecard (BSC). Explain what purposes a BSC can serve for a manager.
Your response should be 75–150 words (1–2 paragraphs). Be sure to reference at least one scholarly source to support your answer.

Your Response
A flat scorecard is measured by the following four dimensions: financial dimension, customer dimension, internal process
dimension, and the learning and growth dimension (Mehralian, Nazari, & Ghasemzadeh, 2018). Under financial dimension the
following factors are considered, cost saving, profit margin and revenue sources. Customer dimension considers the following factors,
customer service and satisfaction, market share and brand awareness.Within the scope of internal process dimension, more emphasis is
on process improvement, quality optimization and capacity utilization. learning and growth dimension considers the following human
capial,information and organizational capital.
A Balanced Score Card helps managers in an extensive manner. Translating vision is one area where BSCs help managers; this
allows the vision of the organization to be understood by the employees (Alsharari, Eid, & Assiri, 2019). Linking, also helps the
management plan for the future and learn and get feedback about the market.

©2019 Walden University 24


Module 2: Roles and Functions of Managers

0 1 2
Not Present Needs Improvement Meets Expectations
Describe the four dimensions Description of the four Response provides a clear,
that are measured in a BSC. dimensions that are measured accurate, and complete
in a BSC is vague, inaccurate, description of the four
LO2.4.1: Explain how balanced and/or incomplete. dimensions that are measured
scorecards (BSCs) benefit in a BSC.
managers within an organization.
Explain what purposes a BSC Explanation of what purposes a Response provides a clear,
can serve for a manager. BSC can serve for a manager is accurate, and complete
vague, inaccurate, and explanation of what purposes a
LO2.4.2: Explain how balanced incomplete. BSC can serve for a manager.
scorecards (BSCs) benefit
managers within an organization.

©2019 Walden University 25

Item 8

Define organizational culture and provide three examples of different types of corporate cultures. Your response should be 150–225
words (2–3 paragraphs). Be sure to reference at least one scholarly source to support your answer.

Your Response
An organizational culture refers to the norms, beliefs, characteristics, and values that distinguish modes of interaction in a particular
organization. There are three types of organizational cultures: clan culture, market culture, and hierarchy culture (Elsbach, & Stigliani,
2018).Clan culture consists of members sharing similarities and a sense of belonging to one vast family and are vigorously engaged in
the family's undertakings. Dedication and heritage serve as the organization's binding factors, while management takes the form of
coaching and mentorship. Concurrence and communication form the foundation of the fundamental principles in an organization.
Over and above, market culture is founded upon the contest's changing aspects of attaining perfect results. There's much attention put
on achieving the organizational goals with the aid of firm leaders on achieving the main goals and results-oriented. The quest for
achievement and accomplishment acts as the primary unifying factor for the organization. Profit and market share are the force behind
evaluability. Hierarchy culture is based on formations and authority. With their clear flow of command with several administration
layers and distinct subordinates and managements, this culture stresses capability, efficacy, and forecast. Hierachy's culture is
anchored on stability and steadiness..

©2019 Walden University 26


Module 3: Shaping Organizational Culture and Promoting Positive Social Change

0 1 2
Not Present Needs Improvement Meets Expectations
Define organizational culture Description of organizational Response provides a clear,
and provide three examples culture, including three accurate, and complete
of different types of examples of different types of description of organizational
corporate cultures. organizational cultures, is culture, including three
vague, inaccurate, and/or examples of different types of
LO3.1: Describe different incomplete. organizational cultures.
types and examples of
organizational culture.

©2019 Walden University 27

Item 9

Explain the roles of leaders and managers in establishing and maintaining an organization’s culture. Provide at least two sources to
support your statements, as well as specific examples from your own experience where applicable. Your response should be 150–225
words (2–3 paragraphs). Be sure to reference at least one scholarly source to support your answer.

Leaders and managers play a pivotal role in establishing and maintaining an organizations culture. They affect the confidence of
employees positively hence boosting their morale. A Leader inculcates theurge for continuous learning by leading as an example.A
leader through their actions is a true reflection of the change they want to see (Warrick, 2017). Change and evolution is instrumental
for the progress of any company.
Leaders focuses on the developing a suitable culture for the employees and the clients. A good example is the leadership of Coca-Cola
company. It has numerous social and economic programs that benefit their clients and the general public. Such programs include the
coke studio music contest, where music talents are natured and young talents exposed by mingling with established musicians and
producers on that platform. Development of programs that ensure development of social and economical programs also helps to boost
the management image and help to improve the outlook of the company in the general public.


Module 3: Shaping Organizational Culture and Promoting Positive Social Change

0 1 2
Not Present Needs Improvement Meets Expectations
Explain the roles of leaders . Explanation of the roles of Response provides a clear,
and managers in establishing leaders and managers in accurate, and complete

©2019 Walden University 28

Module 3: Shaping Organizational Culture and Promoting Positive Social Change

0 1 2
Not Present Needs Improvement Meets Expectations
and maintaining an establishing and maintaining an explanation of the roles of
organization’s culture, organization’s culture, leaders and managers in
including at least two sources including at least two sources establishing and maintaining an
and specific examples from and specific examples from organization’s culture,
your own experience. your own experience, is vague, including at least two sources
inaccurate, and/or incomplete. and specific examples from
LO3.2: Explain how leaders your own experience.
and managers affect
organizational culture.

©2019 Walden University 29

Item 10

Explain how managers and leaders can promote positive social change from within their roles in diverse organizations. Provide at least
two sources to support your claim, and be sure to include specific examples from your own experience where applicable. Your
response should be 225–375 words (3–5 paragraphs). Be sure to reference at least one scholarly source to support your answer.

Your Response
Managers and leaders can promote positive social change by encouraging employees to volunteer. Being ethical and ambitious
goes down deep beyond the mere focus on dedication to the organizational level (Wickert, & De Bakker, 2018). Through mutual
respect and consideration of the employee's needs and contribution, it's pertinent to share in the company’s vision and inspiration for
transition. Employees' morale is boosted by being encouraged to take part in the company's initiative. The workforce in companies can
be emancipated to dwell on matters that shed light on their well-being by cultivating a custom that inspires members to give back and
aid the organization. Developing your team as a leader requires the organization can bolster accomplishment by utilizing gifted and
skilled collective team works and internal resources. Interior links assist in staff cooperation, hence eradicating hierarchical
governance that is outmoded and hinders member learning.Leaders should be willing to collaborate: managers and leaders can achieve
a considerable deal of success if organizations network to bolster social dynamism. In addition to that, multiple team members who
are enthusiastic about nurturing a feasible social value for the organization make up effective collaborative initiatives. Leaders can
promote positive social change by improving workplace culture. Policies that support fair play should be supported by workplace
cultures that focus on boosting those policies. Flexible working practices and parental leaves are a perfect example that epitomizes
these. Equal access to parental leave enables members of the organization should take parental leave, positively impacting the
employees as parents and organizations. Flexibility in  career responsibility involves flexible working hours for employees enable
them to spare some time for parenting and the availability of equal split for parenting and career responsibility. .

©2019 Walden University 30


Module 3: Shaping Organizational Culture and Promoting Positive Social Change

0 1 2
Not Present Needs Improvement Meets Expectations
Explain how managers and Explanation of how managers Response provides a clear,
leaders can promote positive and leaders can promote accurate, and complete
social change from within positive social change from explanation of how managers
their roles in diverse within the roles in diverse and leaders can promote
organizations, including at organizations, including at positive social change from
least two sources and specific least two sources and specific within the roles in diverse
examples from your own examples from your own organizations, including at
experience. experience, is vague, least two sources and specific
inaccurate, and/or incomplete. examples from your own
LO3.3: Explain how leaders experience.
and managers can promote
positive social change within a
diverse organization

©2019 Walden University 31


Three differences between managers and leaders. (2014, August 07). Retrieved from

Llopis, G. (2016, August 09). 5 ways leaders enable innovation in their teams. Retrieved from

Andriani, S., Kesumawati, N., & Kristiawan, M. (2018). The influence of the transformational leadership and work motivation on
teachers performance. International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research, 7(7), 19-29.

Muff, K., Liechti, A., & Dyllick, T. (2020). How to apply responsible leadership theory in practice: A competency tool to collaborate
on the sustainable development goals. Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 27(5), 2254-2274
Johnson, C. E., & Hackman, M. Z. (2018). Leadership: A communication perspective. Waveland Press..

Vidyakala, K. (2020). A conceptual study on managerial grid approach. Aut Aut Research Journal, 11, 117-122.

Rasul, I., Rogger, D., & Williams, M. J. (2021). Management, organizational performance, and task clarity: Evidence from ghana’s
civil service. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 31(2), 259-277.

Johnson, C. E., & Hackman, M. Z. (2018). Leadership: A communication perspective. Waveland Press.

Tabassi, A. A., Abdullah, A., & Bryde, D. J. (2019). Conflict management, team coordination, and performance within multicultural
temporary projects: Evidence from the construction industry. Project Management Journal, 50(1), 101-114.

©2019 Walden University 32

Wulfmeier, M., Rao, D., Wang, D. Z., Ondruska, P., & Posner, I. (2017). Large-scale cost function learning for path planning using
deep inverse reinforcement learning. The International Journal of Robotics Research, 36(10), 1073-1087.

Daft, R. L. (2021). Management. Cengage Learning.

Ameen, A. M., Ahmed, M. F., & Abd Hafez, M. A. (2018). The impact of management accounting and how it can be implemented
into the organizational culture. Dutch Journal of Finance and Management, 2(1), 02.

Singh, S., Tabassum, N., Darwish, T. K., & Batsakis, G. (2018). Corporate governance and Tobin's Q as a measure of organizational
performance. British Journal of Management, 29(1), 171-190.

Heyler, S. G., & Martin, J. A. (2018). Servant leadership theory: Opportunities for additional theoretical integration 1. Journal of
Managerial Issues, 30(2), 230-153.

Grabo, A., Spisak, B. R., & van Vugt, M. (2017). Charisma as signal: An evolutionary perspective on charismatic leadership. The
Leadership Quarterly, 

Ma, X., & Jiang, W. (2018). Transformational leadership, transactional leadership, and employee creativity in entrepreneurial
firms. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 54(3), 302-324.

Bosse, T., Duell, R., Memon, Z. A., Treur, J., & van der Wal, C. N. (2017). Computational model-based design of leadership support
based on situational leadership theory. Simulation, 93(7), 605-617

Ameen, A. M., Ahmed, M. F., & Abd Hafez, M. A. (2018). The Impact of Management Accounting and How It Can Be Implemented
into the Organizational Culture.

©2019 Walden University 33

 Dutch Journal of Finance and Management, 2(1), 02 Baligh, H. H., Burton, R. M., & Obel, B. (2018). Devising expert systems in
organization theory: The organizational consultant. In Organization, management, and expert systems (pp. 35-58). de Gruyter.

Kryscynski, D., Coff, R., & Campbell, B. (2021). Charting a path between firm‐specific incentives and human capital‐based
competitive advantage. Strategic Management Journal, 42(2), 386-412.

Mehralian, G., Nazari, J. A., & Ghasemzadeh, P. (2018). The effects of knowledge creation process on organizational performance
using the BSC approach: the mediating role of intellectual capital. Journal of Knowledge Management.

Alsharari, N. M., Eid, R., & Assiri, A. (2019). Institutional contradiction and BSC implementation: comparative organizational
analysis. International Journal of Organizational Analysis.

Elsbach, K. D., & Stigliani, I. (2018). Design thinking and organizational culture: A review and framework for future
research. Journal of Management, 44(6), 2274-2306.

Warrick, D. D. (2017). What leaders need to know about organizational culture. Business Horizons, 60(3), 395-404.

Wickert, C., & De Bakker, F. G. (2018). Pitching for social change: Toward a relational approach to selling and buying social
issues. Academy of Management Discoveries, 4(1), 50-73.

©2019 Walden University 34

©2019 Walden University 35
Professional Skills Assessment

In this Competency Assessment, you will be assessed on the following Professional Skills: Written Communication and Information
Literacy. These skills count toward your achievement of the Competency and the Professional Skills.

0 1 2
Professional Skills Assessment
Not Present Needs Improvement Meets Expectations
Written Communication: Write with clarity, coherence, and purpose.
LO1: Construct complete and Sentences are incoherent and Sentences are incomplete Sentence structure effectively
correct sentences (AWE 2; impede the reader's access to and/or include fragments and conveys meaning to the
Sentence Level Skills) ideas. run-on sentences, limiting the reader.
reader’s access to ideas.
LO2: Demonstrate the effective Multiple inaccuracies in Some inaccuracies in The use of grammar and
use of grammar and mechanics grammar and mechanics grammar and mechanics limit mechanics is straightforward
(AWE 2; Sentence Level Skills) impede the reader's access to the reader's access to ideas. and effectively conveys
ideas. meaning to the reader.
LO3: Create cohesive Paragraphs, or lack of Construction of main idea Main idea and/or supporting
paragraphs with a clear central paragraphs, impede the and/or supporting paragraphs paragraphs effectively convey
idea (AWE 2; Paragraph-Level reader's access to ideas. limit the reader's access to meaning to the reader.
Skills) ideas.
LO4: Use supporting material to Supporting materials are not Supporting material is used Supporting material is used to
support a claim (AWE 2; Use of present. inconsistently or enhance meaning. Writing is

©2019 Walden University 36

0 1 2
Professional Skills Assessment
Not Present Needs Improvement Meets Expectations
Evidence) inappropriately. appropriately paraphrased and
uses direct quotes as
Information Literacy: Apply strategies to evaluate information in order to effectively analyze issues and make decisions.
LO1: Identify and locate No sources or non-credible Sources are inconsistently Sources are mostly credible,
credible sources sources are present. credible, appropriate, and appropriate, and relevant to
relevant to the topic and/or the topic and/or assessment.
LO2: Analyze information Analysis is not present. Analysis superficially applies Analysis thoroughly and
sources aspects of sources that are clearly applies aspects of
most relevant to the topic sources that are most relevant
and/or assessment and/or to the topic and/or
analysis is unclear. assessment.

Mastery Rubric

In order to achieve mastery of this Competency, you must achieve a “2” on every rubric row in addition to meeting the additional
expectation indicated in the Mastery Rubric.

Mastery Rubric No Yes

©2019 Walden University 37

Exceeds Expectations: In-Depth Analysis
LO1: Analyze multiple, relevant Responses to the items do not use information Responses to the items use information from
sources to explain principles and from relevant sources to demonstrate a relevant sources to demonstrate a thorough
concepts related to roles and thorough understanding of important roles and understanding of important roles and functions
functions of managers and leaders functions of managers and leaders. of managers and leaders.

©2019 Walden University 38

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