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Unit 8 Test Name: / 28

page 1

A Circle. / 6
1. (A) ride a horse 2. (A) take a boat ride
(B) go on a bus tour (B) go on a bus tour
(C) see a show (C) swim in the ocean
(D) stay in a hotel (D) stay in a hotel
3. (A) swim in the ocean 4. (A) see a show
(B) ride a horse (B) swim in the ocean
(C) see a show (C) ride a horse
(D) take a boat ride (D) take a boat ride
5. (A) ride a horse 6. (A) see a show
(B) swim in the ocean (B) go on a bus tour
(C) stay in a hotel (C) stay in a hotel
(D) go on a bus tour (D) take a boat ride

B Look at the pictures and write. / 2

1. What’s he going to do on vacation?
He’s going to

2. What’s he going to do on vacation?

C Listen and circle. 12

02 / 4
1. (A) next weekend 2. (A) tomorrow 3. (A) next weekend 4. (A) next Monday
(B) next week (B) next Tuesday (B) next month (B) tomorrow
(C) next month (C) next month (C) next Saturday (C) next weekend
(D) next Monday (D) next week (D) next Friday (D) next Friday

Everybody Up  4 © Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for instructional use.

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Unit 8 Test Name:
page 2

D Write. tent towel sleeping 
bag money swimsuit flashlight / 8

1. What’s he going to take 2. What’s she going to take

with him? with her?
He’s going to take a She’s going to take a

3. What’s he going to take 4. What’s she going

with him? to take with her?
He’s going to take a She’s going to take a

5. Are they going to take 6. Are they going to take a

with them? with them?

E Match. / 4

1. Bye. Have a great time! a I’m going to ride a camel.

2. We’re going to miss you. b Thank you. See you next week.

3. What are you going to do next
c Good luck in the play!
week on vacation?
4. I’m going to be an actor in a play. d I’m going to miss you, too.

F Write. / 4

1. How’s he going to get to his job? 2. How is she going to visit her cousin?
subway. ferry.
3. How are they going to the museum? 4. How are they going to go to the zoo?
taxi. bus.

© Oxford University Press. Permission granted to reproduce for instructional use. Everybody Up 4

EU2e_TRC4_UT8.indd 149 6/8/16 10:22 AM

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ffi Whqt qbout you? Write.
I . Are you going lo ride o horse tomorrow?

2. Are you going lo swim in lhe oceon on your vocotion?

3. Whot ore you going to do on your vocotion?

Lesson 3O
1(� a Listen and write the answers.)
Robert's favourite game
Example Name of game: Silver Moon
1 When got this game: last ................................
2 Played this game with: his ..................................
3 Name of alien in game:
4 Colour of alien's feet:
s Alien likes finding:

2 E Find the answer to each question. Draw lines.

1 How do you get to school in the a I think it's blue, but I like black, too.
morning? b I like jeans and T-shirts best.
2 Do you play video games in your c Our favourite place is the
classroom sometimes? playground.
3 What do you and your friends like d We can't do that in the lessons.
chatting about? e Our newest apps and the people in
4 Where do you like going with your our class at school.
friends? f I ride my bicycle, but not every day.
5 Which clothes do you like wearing No, my friend likes yellow most.
6 What's your favourite colour?

F Let's say!
d I
� Read the story. Choose a word from the box. Write the correct word
next to numbers 1-5.
Daisy ...... ..l:C?Y.�........ animals. Lots of her friends had pets and Daisy wanted one
too. One day she read a story in a < 1) ..•......•......•..•..• about a boy who had a donkey.
Daisy had an idea. 'Mum,' she said, 'Donkeys are so funny! Can we <2) ...........•........... a
'Sorry, Daisy,' her mother answered. 'We can't have a donkey. We haven't got a field.'
'What about a kitten or a penguin, then?' Daisy asked. 'My friend, Sally, has got a cat.'
'No!' her mother said. 'Don't be silly, Daisy. We <3> ....................... in a flat. Cats like
being in gardens and penguins like being near water. Sorry!'
Daisy went and sat on the balcony. She wasn ! t happy. She sat down on the ground
next to a snail. 'Snails aren't very good pets,' she thought. But then she saw a really
sweet grey lizard between the two pretty green <4) ••••••••.••.•••.••••••• there. 'Hello!' she
said. 'Do you want to be my new pet?' The lizard looked at Daisy and moved its
<5> ..............•........ up and down. 'Wow! It's saying yes!' laughed Daisy. 'It's different
from all my friends' pets, but that's OK!'

loved plants grey cloudy

downstairs comic live

(6) Now choose the best name for the story. Tick (v) one box.
Sally moves to a different flat DA Daisy finds a pet DB Mum writes a story DC
� Choose words for the donkey and the cat.
Daisy's lizard was really sweet and the plants were pretty and green.
Now choose words for the boy's donkey and Sally's cat:
nice big black
Daisy read a story about a boy who had little brown donkey.
beautiful strong grey
1 I I clever orange cat.
Daisy's friend Sally has got
2 an ugly naughty
b) white
3 c)
4 d)
5 e)
6 f)
7 g)

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