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Green Waste Management

A waste management system is the strategy an organization uses to dispose, reduce, reuse, and
prevent waste. Possible methods of waste disposal include recycling, composting, incineration,
landfill, bioremediation, waste to energy, and waste minimization. There are multiple waste
management strategies and methods available. These strategies can be combined or rearranged to
form a waste management system that suitable for an organization. Modern waste management
strategies focus on sustainability. Other alternatives to waste management include waste
reduction, reuse and recycling. such as green waste and food, can also be recycled, composting
would be a better waste disposal method, as it converts organic waste into nutrient-rich there is high production of green waste in the horticulture organization. We can use
the waste to produce nutrient rich fertilizers by recycling our green this way, we can
protect our environment from pollution and the health and safety of our community from various
However, Herburg roses plc is committed to providing a safe environment for the community to
protect the environment and the health and safety of the community and its employees.

Statement of the problem

Solid waste, especially the green waste, is produced on a large scale our sector and it is
hazardous if we just dispose of it, it causes disease in animals, it pollutes the environment, and
also affects the health and safety of the community. By using environmental sustainable method
(an eco-responsible method),recycling green waste and producing compost, biogas and organic
liquid fertilizer, the impact of solid waste is reduced.

General objective
 To protect the environment, the health and safety of the people by using green waste
management system.

Specific objective
 To use our waste for the generation of compost, biogas and organic liquid fertilizer.
 To improve the soil fertility.
 To decrease our inorganic fertilizer expense.

 To use for energy resource.

Compost production
Composting is an aerobic method of breaking down organic solid waste. It can therefore be used
to recycle organic matter. The process involves the decomposition of organic matter. Known as
compost, which is a good fertilizer for plants.
Purpose of the compost:-

 It supports the retention of moisture. 

 It helps suppress plant diseases and pests.
 Regular use of compost reduces the need for chemical fertilizers.
 It supports the growth of beneficial bacteria and fungus that decompose organic materials
into humus.
 It reduces landfill methane emissions and minimizes carbon footprint.

The process of producing compost are:-

1. Collection of green waste from the greenhouses.
 Green waste is collected in different departments with push carts and disposed of
at the collection point on collection site.
 From the collection site, the green waste goes with push cart to the composting
2. Grind the green waste from the shredder machine (car).
3. Make a bed of shredded green waste with a length of 10m, a width of 4m and a height of
2m (dimension 10m: 4m: 2m).

4. Wet the compost with water for the first week.

5. Turn the compost after 8 weeks.
6. Use the compost after 12 weeks.

Biogas and organic liquid fertilizer production

Biogas and organic liquid fertilizer production process is called anaerobic digestion, and it’s less
harmful to the environment than the processes that use fossil fuel. In simple explanation, bacteria

break down organic matter in the absence of oxygen—a phenomenon we sometimes refer to as
decomposition or fermentation. 
The process doesn’t require massive interventions, and it can easily be replicated in artificial
environments called digesters. These are engineered containers that provide an oxygen-free space
where bacteria can freely do their job. 
The biomass (organic wastes) used to produce biogas can be food waste, agricultural products
(green waste), agro-industrial by-products, animal manure, or water hyacinth. You can use
organic waste to make energy, which means that the process plays a double role. It helps you
generate clean energy while helping you get rid of significant quantities of garbage that would
otherwise end in landfills, with a considerable impact on the environment. 
You can use the biogas to generate energy, while the digestate and pruning residues become
compost and can be repurposed as organic fertilizer. It’s a zero-waste process that enables you to
obtain energy and heat from sustainable sources while also producing natural fertilizer. This way,
you get better crops with no need for unhealthy, chemical substances. 
Biogas is environmentally friendly, renewable energy source composed of mostly methane
(CH4), the same compound in natural gas, and carbon dioxide (CO2).
On average, biogas contains:
 55-80% methane (CH4)
 20-40% carbon dioxide (CO2).
 Trace gases, including toxic hydrogen sulphide and nitrous oxide.
Methane gas is particularly important as its high energy content can be used to produce energy.
Methane has 21 times the power of carbon dioxide to contribute to climate change. Rather than
letting methane from natural putrefaction escape into the atmosphere, it makes sense to capture it
and burn it. Combustion transforms methane into heat and carbon dioxide. In doing so, you can
harvest the energy content of the gas and reduce the impact on climate change.
Purpose of biogas:-
 Used as healthy cooking gas.
 Used for the production of electricity.
 Used for replace compressed natural gas for use in vehicles.
 Reduces soil, water and air pollution.
Organic liquid fertilizer is a fertilizer that is derived from organic sources, including organic
compost, manures, and domestic sewage.

Purpose of organic liquid fertilizer:-

 It accelerates plant growth and enhances the plants’ ability to protect themselves from
 It increases crop efficiency. 
 It improves crop quality. 
 It helps balance soil pH while providing plants with all the nutrients necessary for
 It slows down soil erosion.

The process of producing biogas and organic liquid fertilizer:-

Biogas and organic fertilizer production from agricultural waste is based on the quality of
organic substance to produce biogas when decomposing in anaerobic conditions, i.e. without air.
This process is called methane fermentation and can be divided into three steps as a result of
decomposition of organic substances by two main groups of microorganisms- acidic and methane
Three steps of biogas production
1. Hydrolysis
2. Fermentation
3. Methane formation

1, Hydrolysis: - the organic matter is enzymolyzed externally by extracellular enzymes of

microorganisms. Bacteria breakdown the long chains of the complex carbohydrates, proteins and
lipids into shorter parts.
In this production process, we add chipped green waste, cow-dung, water hyacinth, and water in
a ratio of 5:3:1:10 to an area of 2m3. And it will stay for 24 hours.
2, Fermentation: - acid producing bacteria involve in these step, convert the intermediates of
fermenting bacteria complex organic compositions into more simple compounds. These organic
substances act as nutrients for methane producing bacteria that convert organic acids into biogas.
3, Methane formation: - Methane producing bacteria, involve in these step, decompose
compounds with a low molecular weight. Methane producing microorganisms occur to the extent
that anaerobic conditions are provided. They are obligatory anaerobic and vert sensitive to
environmental changes therefore from the condition created for them depends how intensively
they produce gas.

The second and third processes take place in the digester and after 4 weeks biogas and organic
liquid fertilizer are produced and ready for use.

Department responsibilities
Facility department
 Facilitate the equipment that are useful for the project; push carts, grinding machine.
 Maintain the equipment’s regularly.
 Measure the green waste before grinding.
 Accordingly to the week turn the compost.
 Measure the compost before sending to the farm.
OSH department
 Select appropriate PPE for compost workers.
 Provide the PPE for compost workers.
 Giving training for the workers.
 Monitoring regularly.
Farm department
 Measuring the green waste produced.
 Regularly monitoring the compost.
 Requesting the facility department for the compost.
 Report the effect of compost on our soil and flower.

General Manager

Facility department OSH department Farm department

 Herburg roses plc
 Community
 Environment office
 Government and
 Other related companies.

Project implementation
Team members and their responsibilities
Facility department is in charge of the shredding of the green waste to the point where it is a
compost. There are ten employees under facility department handling the compost. After the
compost is made the farm manager and on employee from the facility department are in charge
of making the liquid fertilizer and the biogas. The OSH department head follows up during the
process to make sure that the right PPEs are being used and make sure the proper precautions are
It takes total of sixty three days for the green waste to be compost and ready to use. The first step
in the process is the shredding of the green waste, after shredding will be added to it, it will be
covered with plastic. After eight weeks it will be stirred and retiled. This will be repeated three
times throughout the sixty three days. After sixty three days the compost will be ready to be
mixed with the soil in the farm.
Production of the biogas and the liquid fertilizer from the hydrolysis to the methane formation
takes total of four weeks. In the process the farm’s assistant manager and one employee from
facility are involved. The head of OSH follows up with precautions and make sure PPEs are
Equipment used through the process are
 1 Tractor
 1 chipper machine
 9 pushing carts
 9 fork hoe
 1 big pushing cart

 Jerry cans to store the liquid fertilizer.

Health and safety precautions when dealing with

Hazard Cause Precaution to follow
Diseases Caused by bacteria, fungus  Always using the right
 Aspergillosis and other pathogens found in PPE properly
 Histoplasmosis compost  Avoiding tiling on
 Legionnaire’s disease windy days
 Paronychia  Not storing compost
Tetanus in airtight containers
 Washing hands after
dealing with compost
If developed severe cough or
skin infection seeking
medical attention properly.
Compost fire  dry materials that go  Adequate ventilation of
unattended; the pile
 dry pockets of debris  Don’t turn a pile that is
among a non-uniform smoldering
mix of materials;   Don’t let the pile get to
 limited air flow; dry
 poor moisture  Monitoring the pile’s
distribution due to temperature.
neglect or oversight in
monitoring; and
 Unknown temperature
within the pile, and time
for the temperature to
build up

Health and safety precautions when dealing with
Biogas and liquid fertilizer.
Hazard Cause Precaution to follow

Fire/Explosion • Under certain • No open flames

conditions, biogas in should ever be near the
combination with air can digester.
form an explosive gas • Equipment such as
mixture. It can occur because large engines and electric
of a gas leak, creation of an generators must be suitable to
explosive zone, welding, the environment so a spark
clogged or frozen pipes or will not ignite the gas.
others. • There must be no
smoking near the digester or
related biogas lines and
Asphyxiation  Biogas generation,  Never enter a facility
transportation and where manure is stored or
where there is a suspected
flaring can lead to biogas leak as natural
oxygen-deficient ventilation cannot be
atmospheres. The trusted to dilute the
biogas accumulation explosion hazard
in a confined space sufficiently.
 Airing out a facility does
can significantly not impart safety, as some
reduce the level of of the gases produced are
oxygen (anoxia) and heavier than air.
result in poisoning or  If a person is found
asphyxiation unconscious in such a
symptoms facility, do not enter the
facility because you may
be overcome as well.
Contact emergency
services so that firefighters
wearing self-contained
breathing apparatus
(SCBA) can safely retrieve

the victim.
Chemical hazard  Due to their  It is essential to
toxicological maintain the threshold
properties, ammonia, limit value (TLV).
hydrogen sulphide or
carbon dioxide expose
operators to safety
Disease  Animal manure  Must use PPE when
contains bacteria, handling
viruses and, possibly,  Washing after
parasites. Biogas is working around the
generated by the digester
anaerobic digestion of  Keeping the digester
manure, which occurs facility clean will
because of the reduce disease
bacteria present in hazards
animal wastes, some
of which can produce
infection. Pathogenic
species that are
regularly present in
animal manures,
slurries and household
waste are bacteria
(e.g. Salmonellae,
Clostridiae, Listeria),
parasites (e.g. Ascaris,
Coccidae), viruses and

General Precautions

 Use corrosion-resistant material to water or Sulphur products
 Equipment should be designed not to let biogas in or out
 Electrical installations must comply with standards and regulations

Manufacturer Warnings

Failure to heed manufacturer warnings may result in death or serious injury. Contact the
manufacturer for maintenance and service requirements and availability of service.

Gas Sensors

Explosion, suffocation, and poisonous gas hazards may be detected using gas sensors. These
sensors include both disposable and electronic sensors. Electronic sensors need testing regularly,
and these sensors may have a disposable component that needs periodic replacement. Only
qualified people should use these sensors to determine if an area is safe.

Personal Protective Equipment

An area where manure is stored should never be entered without the appropriate personal
protective equipment, which may include a self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA). The use
of protective equipment such as an SCBA is covered by OSHA regulations, and the operator
must be certified in its use with equipment-fit testing and medical clearance.

Regarding the fire hazards:

 The constituent materials, in particular digesters or the combustion unit, must be non-
 The installations must comply with the provisions of Article R4216 of the Labor Code:
provide specific extinguishing systems inside the premises of the detection systems.
 Storage inside the premises must be avoided

Digesters, post-digesters and biogas storage tanks

 Install a device to protect against risks of explosion

 Safety valve: digesters and biogas storage tanks must be equipped with safety devices
(safety valves) that prevent excessive vacuum or overpressure
 Sluice gates: have 2 sluice gates for one digester in the case one of them breaks down.
Moreover, there should be a possibility to lock one of the sluice gates manually
 Mixer: get a backup power supply.

Biogas desulphurization through the injection of air

 Inside the digester or post-digester, air metering pump should be set so that the air flow
does not exceed 8% of biogas volume produced at the same period
 Digester inlet piping should be equipped with a check valve that will prevent the biogas
from flowing back.


 Make sure that during steam dump no biogas leaks outside

 Install detectors of high and low levels connected to the pump stop

Digestate storage tank (organic liquid fertilizer storage tank)

 If the tank is covered, it is important to ensure that it is sufficiently ventilated

 Install the detector of high level connected to the digestate supply.


Separate biogas and substrate piping. Biogas piping should be as well:

 Airtight and tested before first use

 Fluid, pressure and corrosion resistant
 Easily accessible and preferably placed on the surface
 Should consist of welded sections and not to go out of confined spaces, especially the
 Provide the slopes to evacuate the corrosive and condensate
 Piping holding the substate should be protected against freezing
 Security valves should be placed upstream of the installations intended for production,
storage, treatment and use of biogas
 Systems that trigger security valves should be installed in easy-to-access places

How to minimize risks and ensure safety during every step of your biogas

The operator and the plant designer have to take certain measures at every step of a project. The
goal is to ensure safety and minimize risks.

Plant design

This step is particularly important to ensure the safety of the biogas plant. The operator and the
plant designer have to pay attention to:

 The norms, guidelines and all other codes that apply to biogas plants
 The classification of explosion zones, since the electric system installed on the biogas
must be suited according to the risks of explosion
 Avoiding confined space
 Potential risks that can happen during the operation of the plant

Project construction

 Make sure to plan the project rigorously

 Hire an onsite expert to insure the workers apply the health and safety measures that are

Biogas plant operation

During this step, a lot of accidents and incidents happen. To avoid them, the operator must:

 Train every operator of the plant for the work in confined space, portable gas detection,
process and equipment use
 Apply strict procedures for equipment locking
 Regularly verify health and safety equipment to make sure they are calibrated and offer
precise measurements
 Do a visual screening of all equipment to detect leaks and verify the state of equipment
 Make sure all workers apply health measures to avoid pathogen diseases
 Train all plant workers for basic firefighting skills and CPR

Monitoring and evaluation

General Manager

Facility department OSH department Farm department

The departments involved in the production of compost, liquid fertilizer and biogas must report
to the general manager. There must be report each week describing the production process what
has been used, what we have in store and when the batch is going to be mixed with soil.
There will be meetings if the management requires an update and the minutes will be recorded by
Admin secretary or Human resources secretaries. The farm assistant manager will make sure to
follow up and gives the approval on how and when to mix the compost with the soil. The entire
process and the reports will be evaluated by the General manager.

Project sustainability
The agricultural waste products by horticultural farms are generally problematic to manage,
especially in areas where production is intensive and under greenhouse. But they can be
appropriately valorized by addressing them in a virtuous compost chain. In fact, through the
realization of an on-farm composting plant, it is possible to produce a quality compost, usable as
a production factor on the holding itself, with the further advantage to close the carbon cycle and,
at the same time, solve the problem of disposing large volumes of agricultural waste. Composting
is an important element of sustainable solid waste management as it offers a way of processing the
biodegradable waste fraction. Converting waste into compost eliminates pollution of the air, water, and
soil. Waste is a reusable resource, and it is a resource if utilized properly. It promotes higher yields of
agricultural crops. Compost can help aid reforestation, wetlands restoration, and habitat revitalization
efforts by improving contaminated, compacted, and marginal soils. Compost can be used to remediate
soils contaminated by hazardous waste in a cost effective manner.

Composting is good for several reasons:

 It saves water by helping the soil hold moisture and reduce water runoff.
 It benefits the environment by recycling organic resources while conserving landfill space.
 Enriches soil, helping retain moisture and suppress plant diseases and pests.
 Reduces the need for chemical fertilizers.
 Encourages the production of beneficial bacteria and fungi that break down organic
matter to create humus, a rich nutrient-filled material.
 Reduces methane emissions from landfills and lowers your carbon footprint.

Organic liquid fertilizer is derived from naturally existing products such as plants and animal manure.
This makes it a sustainable product. Waste from animals is used to make organic fertilizer that provides
much-needed nutrition to plants and soil as well. The green waste and animal waste will always be
available as it renews itself. Since organic farming takes care of the environment, it is safe to say that the
farm is safe for the long run. Organic liquid fertilizer is also made from human waste such as urine and
that is definitely sustainable. The advantages of liquid organic fertilizer are to provide nutrients in
accordance with the needs of plants. Other than that the application can be more evenly and concentration
can be arranged according to the plants requirement. Organic liquid fertilizers are short-acting.
Consequently, they are easier to regulate that dry organic ones which are longer-acting. The ease with
which liquid fertilizers can be used makes them quite popular and therefore sustainable


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