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Band 4 3 2 1

Criteria (Excellent) (Good) (Poor) (Very Poor)

1. Pronunciation (Stress) The speaker fluently The speaker appropriately The speaker demonstrates The speaker weakly
demonstrates all the stress demonstrates the stress the stress placement of demonstrates the stress
placement of words. placement of words but words with 4-5 errors. placement of words with 6
has 2-3 errors. and above errors.

The speaker proficiently The speaker sufficiently The speaker generally The speaker has lot of
portrays the weak syllables shows the weak syllables portrays the weak syllables errors in portraying the
of conjunctions and of conjunctions and in sentences with 4-5 weak syllables in
prepositions in sentences. prepositions in sentences errors sentences with 6 and
with 2-3 errors. above errors.

2. Pronunciation (Rhythm) The speaker fully The speaker appropriately The speaker was able to The speaker failed to put
demonstrates the rhythm demonstrates the rhythm portray some rhythm in any rhythm in his/her
of his speech; the of his speech; prominence his/her speech but was not speech which made
prominence is evidently to lexical words, strong enough to creates interest her/his speech too boring
given to lexical words, to syllables of polysyllabic to the listener. to the listener.
strong syllables of words, and to elements
polysyllabic words, and to he/she wants to
elements he/she wants to emphasize are slightly
emphasize. Thus, her/his evident but still her/his
speech melody creates speech melody was not
interest to the listener. too dull to the listener.
Pronunciation The speaker fluently The speaker appropriately The speaker can generally The speaker has lots of
(Intonation) demonstrates all the demonstrates the demonstrate the mistakes towards the
placement of rising and placement of rising and placement of rising and placement of rising and
falling intonation in falling intonation in falling intonation in falling intonation in
sentences. sentences. sentences. sentences which needs
further improvement.
Speaking Rate The speaker delivered The speaker delivered his The speaker delivers The speaker speaks too
his/her speech comfortably speech smoothly in which his/her speech either slow fast or too slow. Lots of
and intelligibly. His/her the listener can or fast. Further, pauses in pauses in his/her speech
speech is not too fast nor comprehend her/his her/his speech was delivery was observed,
too slow in which the speech. However, there observed. Thus, the and mostly his/her speech
listener was able to are some pauses in his/her listener cannot understand sound monotonous in
understand. speech. some of the speaker’s which the listener difficult
speech. to the comprehend the
speaker’s speech.
Band 4 3 2 1
Criteria (Excellent) (Good) (Poor) (Very Poor)
Fluency The speaker can express The speaker can express The speaker was able to The speaker weakly
herself/himself herself/himself fluently. express herself/himself but express herself/himself -
spontaneously at length He/she can almost sometimes the speaker is long pauses is observe
with a natural colloquial effortlessly articulate backtracking and due to lots of backtracking
flow, the speaker can sounds and avoid articulating sounds of words, and difficulty of
articulate sounds backtracking. However, wrongly. Hesitations and articulating sounds. Lots of
proficiently, and able to hesitation and pauses are pauses are observed. hesitations and pauses are
avoid backtracking. Thus, observed. observed.
hesitation and pauses are
hardly observed.
Accuracy The speaker can employ The speaker can employ The speaker can generally Mostly, the speaker cannot
the full range of the full range of use appropriate word and use appropriate word and
phonological features of phonological features of sentence stress, rhythm, sentence stress, rhythm,
English with a high level of English with sufficient level intonation and articulate and intonation; accents
control in word and of control in word and sounds clearly; accents tends to be influenced by
sentence stress, rhythm, sentence stress, rhythm, tends to be influenced by first language which has
and intonation so that the and intonation to ensure first language but has little great effect on intelligibility.
finer points of his/her intelligibility throughout. effect on intelligibility. Accuracy of the speaker
message are clear and needs more improvement.
The speaker can articulate
virtually all the sounds of
Intelligibility and effective English; some features of
conveyance of and accent retained from
enhancement of meaning his/her first language may
aren’t affected in any way be noticeable but it does
by features of accent that not affect intelligibility.
may be retained from the
speaker’s first language.

TAEC Erasmus + project (2017-2020) EMI Handbook
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IELTS (n.d.) SPEAKING: Band Descriptors (public version)

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