MKT20031 HS1 2021 Assignment 2

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Faculty of Business and Law

Assessment Task – Assignment 2

Marketing and Innovation

Portfolio Report: Part 2: Business Model Canvas

Assessment Type

Associated Unit Learning

2, 4, 5
Outcomes (ULO’s)
Group or Individual task Individual
Value (%) 20%
Submission details/form 2,000 word document + 10%

 This assignment asks you to build and improve on the innovation idea you have
created in the first assignment, using tools and frameworks that lets you better refine
your idea into a more concrete form.

 You will develop a Business Model Canvas by completing all 9 building blocks of the
Business Model Canvas (BMC) taking into consideration the Service Gaps Theory.
 You will need to elaborate and analyse each building block of your BMC by applying
relevant course concepts and answer questions on how those elements will address
the potential pitfalls from the Gaps Theory.

Assignment Introduction
“Write drunk, edit sober” -anonymous
In assignment one you have identified the problems of a particular market segment, and
designed an innovative solution that addresses their needs. Typically that was the “fun”
part, where fantasies and imaginations are free to roam. Now we have to bring the idea
down for a reality check, which means that the initial idea might change. In other words,
you are not confined to stick with what you submitted for Assignment 1. In fact, we

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encourage you to evolve the innovation as you come across obstacles or issues that did
not cross your mind before you used the frameworks given in this assignment.
In this assignment, you will be using two frameworks (BMC and Service Gaps Model) to
complete the tasks below:
1. Create a complete business model canvas of your proposed innovation
2. Provide an elaboration of your BMC by answering to four questions that
businesses have to be aware of when launching their offering to the market

Assignment Details
Task 1. Creating a complete business model canvas
The Business Model Canvas (BMC) by Osterwalder & Pigneur provides a template of nine
dimensions that is aimed at equipping new ventures before they are launched. You must
complete all nine elements by integrating/using concepts of services marketing provided
from the Lovelock, Patterson, and Wirtz (2014) textbook. The outputs of this task will be
a one-page “canvas” highlighting the summary of your elements.

The one-page canvas does not count as the word count. We recommend you present
this as an image, pasted into your document, or submitted as a separate document.

Figure 1. Example canvas of Netflix and Uber BMC (source 1; source 2)

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Task 2. Elaboration of the BMC by answering the four “gaps” questions

The elaboration of the elements section is where you try to explain, justify, and convince
the reader that your business model is solid. Imagine that the reader is a potential
investor, so you need to “show-off” and demonstrate that each element of your design
has been carefully researched using best-practice theory and examples. For instance, you
might draw on Lovelock et al’s Flower of Service and the recent successes of company X
to justify why you chose to partner with institution Y.
The Gaps Theory highlights six potential pitfalls that may lead to unsatisfied customers.
The framework was originally developed for services marketing, but can be used for
products as well since in today’s world, almost all market offering has some service
elements to it. In this assignment, you must answer four questions relating to your
business model, based on the Gaps Theory.
Explain how your BMC element(s):
1. ensure that management and staff know what customers expect (Avoiding Gap
2. ensure that delivery standards are accurately translating what the managers
believe that customers expect (Avoiding Gap 2).
3. ensure that the ‘ground staff’ can perform to the expected delivery standards
(Avoiding Gap 3).
4. ensure that there is a balance between what is promised to the consumer and
the level of performance that is delivered (Avoiding Gap 4).

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Each Gap above is likely to be addressed by more than one elements of your BMC. Your job
is to ensure you analyse all nine elements and show how some of them address which gap.
Justify your discussion using theory/concepts covered from Weeks 4-6.
The outputs of this task will be an elaboration of the 9 elements of BMC that show the
(i) the innovation concept is solid and fits with reality;
(ii) all 9 elements of your BMC fit with each other; and
(iii) these 9 elements are designed to address the four gaps questions above.
See Figure 2 for a summary of the Gap Model. We strongly recommend you read
Lovelock, Patterson, and Wirtz (2014) chapter 12 (p.349-350) to get a better
understanding of the Gaps theory.

Even though these four questions should be presented after the BMC in the
assignment, you should create the BMC elements with these questions
already in mind. In other words, these questions should drive your BMC
elements creation.

Figure 2. Gap Model from Lovelock, Patterson and Wirtz, 2014, p. 349

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Task 3. Reflections
After elaboration of the BMC above, you need to have a conclusion section where you
discuss how your innovation has evolved from your first assignment to its current form.
What has changed? What has not? Why?

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Assignment Structure and Ingredients

Your assignment should be structured using the following headings, and you should always
check the rubric to see which areas you will be graded on. Below is the recommended
structure of the assignment and what should be included in each section. We encourage you
to be creative and you are welcome to insert images, figures, and graphs to support your
1. Introduction (excluded from the word count)
Restate the Concept Statement developed in Assignment 1 here.
2. Business Model Canvas (excluded from the word count)
 Present the one-page canvas with the name of the company/brand the canvas
belongs to. This canvas replaces ‘executive summary’ as people reading this canvas
should have a clear idea of what your innovation is and the building blocks that
support it.
3. Elaboration of the BMC by answering the Gaps Question
3.1 Elaboration of the BMC elements: (suggested words count: approx. 1200 words)
Present the nine elements of the BMC and analyse how those nine elements are aligned/fit
with each other to create and deliver the proposed innovation.
3.2 Application of Service Gaps Model: (suggested words count: approx. 600 words)

Use the below subheadings to also explain how the elements of the BMC address the
Service Gaps.
3.1. Elaboration on how elements of your BMC has been designed to avoid Gap 1
3.2. Elaboration on how elements of your BMC has been designed to avoid Gap 2
3.3. Elaboration on how elements of your BMC has been designed to avoid Gap 3
3.4. Elaboration on how elements of your BMC has been designed to avoid Gap 4

4. Conclusion (suggested words count: approx. 200 words)

 Discuss how your innovation has evolved from its initial (Assignment 1) format into
what it is now
References (excluded from the word count)
 Harvard system of referencing.
 Be mindful about the quality of your references. Avoid referencing disreputable or
questionable sites such as essay mills.

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High Distinction (HD)/80-100 Distinction (D)/ 70-79 Very Credit (C)/60-69 Pass (P)/ 50-59 Fail (N) /0-49
Exemplary/exceeding high standard good/ Exceeds Good/Well done Acceptable Requires further
Grade >>>> expectations development/needs

Work that exceeds expectations and Very good work. Purposefully and Good work. Generally clear, accurate Satisfactory. Shows basic Unsatisfactory work. Does
may serve as a guide to others as an logically developed. Thoroughly and relevant. Adequately addresses understanding with minimal not address the topic in a
Performance Indicators example of “best practice” addresses all aspects of the task. all requirements of the task. evidence of reflection or meaningful way. May be
Shows evidence of sound Development is generally logical, facts thoughtful analysis. Merely extremely brief, inaccurate,
understanding and thoughtful generally correct. complies with the basic illogical or undeveloped.
Criteria for Assessment
examination. requirements.
BMC CANVAS (15%) The section has all components The section either (1) have The section either (1) have The section either (1) It does not show work
Does the section show done in a way that shows most components done well some components done well does not do an overall that is up to reasonable
the canvas in an mastery beyond what can be or (2) overall gives an or (2) overall gives a decent good job in giving an standard, or shows work
attractive, clear and expected from learners at this excellent overview of the overview of the proposed overview of the proposed that does not sufficiently
insightful manner? level, gives an excellent overview proposed business model business model, and/or (3) it business model or (2) it show understanding of
of the proposed business model, and/or (3) shows extensive shows reasonable effort to only gives a clear the instructions
while showing effort that goes effort to create create explanation of a few
beyond what can be expected. elements and/or (3)
shows minimum effort.

Application of relevant All components present in a All or most components Most components present in a Not all elements are Some components missing
theory/concepts to way that (1) shows mastery present in a way that (1) way that (1) shows more than present, or all elements or done in a way that is
BMC Elements (35%) beyond what can be expected shows excellent surface-level understanding, are present but done significantly below the
Does the section from learners at this level, (2) understanding, and (2) or (2) all components present poorly. Uses very minimal expected standard.
explaining all nine shows comfort and skill in using shows sparks of insights but analysis was done using concepts and theories, or Does not sufficiently
elements of the Business the different theories, and (3) from using different minimal theories and concepts shows very minimal show understanding of
Model Canvas apply show authentic and convincing theories effort to showcase the instructions (e.g uses
relevant theories given “voice” in conveying the results learning. wrong understanding of
in the semester? of the analysis BMC)
Four Gaps Question All four questions were answered All four questions answered Most questions were Only some questions At least two out of four
(30%) in a way that shows mastery of in a way that shows answered in a way that shows were answered answers are either missing
Does the section show BMC design beyond what can be excellent BMC design , with more than surface-level adequately while others or done in a way that is
effort and insight in expected from learners at this answers that shows sparks understanding, or an uneven were done in a way that significantly below the
explaining how their level, using a variety of theories of insights from synthesizing balance between some is at or a little below the expected standard
BMC was designed to and sources convincingly to build different sources and questions that were done well minimum expected Does not sufficiently
avoid the four gaps? persuasive answers theories to build persuasive but others that were not. standard, or answers show understanding of
answers. show minimum effort to the instructions (e.g
use concepts and inaccurate understanding
theories that of concepts)
demonstrate learning

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Conclusion (10%) The conclusion excellently The conclusion solidly The conclusion shows a The conclusion does not The conclusion section is
Does the section highlights how theories and highlights the evolution of reasonably well done highlight show much effort put missing, done very poorly,
combines factual framework shapes the evolution the innovation and of the evolution of the into it, or it gives a very or does not sufficiently
retelling of the of the innovation, written in a accompanied by a reflective innovation and is accompanied basic highlight of the show understanding of
innovation without way that demonstrates honest, component that shows by a component that shows evolution of the the instructions.
personal, subjective insightful reflection. commendable effort. only a basic attempt at innovation, and/or it is
reflection about its reflection. not accompanied by a
evolution? reflective component.
Presentation and A work that can be confidently be Most except one or two Some elements are done in a More than half of the Half or more of the
Expression (10%) referred to as ‘best practice’ in this elements are done in a way way that is comfortably within elements are done in a elements missing or
Does it adhere to word category if we need to display it to that sits on the top range of the standard that can be way that meets the significantly below standard
count? external observers. the standard that can be expected, while one or two minimum standard, or, , or aome elements show
Are the references done expected at this level. others require improvement some elements are done crucial mistakes (e.g
according to well while other significantly more than the
requirement? elements are glaringly allocated word limit; using
Does it use appropriate below standard, but none thesaurus to trick Turnitin),
and understandable has crucial mistakes even though other
language? elements are done well
Does it use appropriate
grammar, and structure?
Does it show effort to
produce a professional
and/or creative

MKT20031 Assignment 2

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