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Learner Assessment Pack

Facilitate continuous improvement
Table of Contents
Assessment Delivery..............................................................................................................................3
Learner Information..............................................................................................................................4
Steps for Learners..................................................................................................................................6
Reasonable Adjustment.........................................................................................................................7
Resources Required for Assessment......................................................................................................8
Accessing Intranet Pages and External Links.......................................................................................11
Assessment Agreement.......................................................................................................................12
Assessment Tasks................................................................................................................................14
Short Answer Questions.............................................................................................................16
Practical Assessment..................................................................................................................21
Workplace Project Assessment....................................................................................................25
Project Overview.....................................................................................................................25
Task 1: Identify Current Continuous Improvement Systems and Processes..........................27
Task 2: Identify and Define Continuous Improvement Needs and Opportunities.................31
Task 3: Develop Decision-Making Processes for Continuous Improvement..........................33
Task 4: Communicate Decision-Making Processes.................................................................35
Task 5: Develop Strategies for Continuous Improvement......................................................36
Task 6: Develop Knowledge Management Systems...............................................................38
Task 7: Develop Processes to Ensure Communication of Continuous Improvement
Task 8: Support Individuals and Teams..................................................................................41
Task 9: Ensure Progress, Insights and Experiences are Captured and Accessible..................43
Task 10: Identify and Evaluate Improvements to Planning and Operations..........................45
Task 11: Recommend Improvements to Planning and Operations........................................48
Task 12: Seek Feedback on Continuous Improvement Systems and Processes.....................49
Assessment Workbook Checklist.........................................................................................................50
Assessment Workbook Checklist................................................................................................51
Record of Assessment.................................................................................................................53

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BSBSTR502 - Facilitate continuous improvement
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Learner Assessment Pack
Assessment Delivery

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4 Learner Assessment Pack V1.1
Learner Information
This Learner Assessment Pack is designed for you to complete the assessment for BSBSTR502 -
Facilitate continuous improvement (Release 1). It may refer to your own workplace/organisation, or
to a simulated business provided by your assessor.
The assessment tasks include Short Answer Questions where you need to demonstrate your
knowledge and understanding of the unit, and the Practical Assessment, where you need to
demonstrate your skills required in the unit. It is recommended that you complete the Practical
Assessments in your own workplace/organisation. If you don’t have access to a real workplace, you
can complete the assessment in a simulated environment where resources and conditions similar to
a workplace must be accessed. Ensure to discuss this with your assessor prior to commencing with
the assessment.

Each Learner Assessment Pack is made up of four parts:

Assessment Delivery
Learner Information
Steps for Learner
Assessment Agreement
Assessment Tasks
Assessment Tasks, including:
 Short Answer Questions
 Practical Assessment
Assessment Workbook Checklist
Assessment Workbook Checklist
Record of Assessment

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Before you commence your assessment, ensure that you have a good knowledge of the subject,
have thoroughly read your Learner Resource, and clearly understand the assessment requirements
and the expectations of the industry to which the assessment is related.
Assessments are designed to be completed using your industry/organisation, but your Registered
Training Organisation (RTO) may assist you by contextualising the unit to be completed in a
simulated workplace environment.
You will be required to demonstrate knowledge and skills which must be observed directly by your
assessor. Where the observation task may be difficult for the assessor to directly observed, a video
recording of the practical observation task must be submitted as supplementary evidence.
Verification from at least one third-party signatory, and preferably two or more witnesses is required
to confirm your demonstration of these practical knowledge and skills. These witnesses would
usually be your current or recent supervisors, or your assessor.
The practical assessment tasks may be completed using your own workplace, a simulated
environment, or a mix of both, as instructed by your assessor. To contextualise this assessment to
your industry/organisation, you may be asked by your assessor to provide additional information
based on your industry/organisation.
Instructions are given for each task. If you have questions, or unclear how to proceed, consult with
your assessor.
Records of all aspects of the assessment must be kept in your Learner Assessment Pack
The record of assessment is a legal document and must be signed, dated, and a copy stored as
required by your Registered Training Organisation (RTO).

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Steps for Learners
Your Learner Assessment Pack:
1. Upon receiving your Learner Assessment Pack, discuss with your assessor the expectations
and requirements of this assessment. You may also need to supply contact details of one or
two work referees who can confirm your skills in the industry.
Discuss with your assessor if you intend to undertake the practical assessment tasks based
on your employing organisation, in a simulated business, or in a mix of both.
2. Your Learner Assessment Pack is where you will get the task information. Complete each
task as instructed using either your own workplace, or using a simulated business, as
discussed with your assessor.
3. After you complete your assessment, gather and submit your evidence documents as
detailed in the task(s) in the timeframe agreed with your assessor.
Your assessor will advise you if there are any further steps for you to take to satisfactorily
complete this assessment.

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Reasonable Adjustment
Adapted Reasonable Adjustment in teaching, learning and assessment for learners with a disability -
November 2010 - Prepared by - Queensland VET Development Centre
Reasonable adjustment in VET is the term applied to modifying the learning environment or making
changes to the training delivered to assist a learner with a disability. A reasonable adjustment can be
as simple as changing classrooms to be closer to amenities or installing a particular type of software
on a computer for a person with vision impairment.
Why make a reasonable adjustment?
We make reasonable adjustments in VET to make sure that learners with a disability have:
 The same learning opportunities as learners without a disability, and
 The same opportunity to perform and complete assessments as those without a disability.
Reasonable adjustment applied to participation in teaching, learning and assessment activities can
 Customising resources and assessment activities within the training package or accredited
 Modifying the presentation medium
 Learner support
 Use of assistive/adaptive technologies
 Making information accessible both before enrolment and during the course
 Monitoring the adjustments to ensure learners needs continue to be met
Assistive/Adaptive Technologies
Assistive/Adaptive technology means ‘software or hardware that has been specifically designed to
assist people with disabilities in carrying out daily activities’ (World Wide Web Consortium - W3C). It
includes screen readers, magnifiers, voice recognition software, alternative keyboards, devices for
grasping, visual alert systems, digital note-takers.

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8 Learner Assessment Pack V1.1
Resources Required for Assessment
To complete the Practical Assessment tasks, you will require access to:
 Computer with internet and email access and a working web browser
 Installed software: Word, Adobe Acrobat Reader
 A workplace, or a simulated workplace environment that will allow you access to:
o Templates for documenting:

 Decision-making processes, such as:

- Decision-making policies and procedures
- Operation plans
- Quality assurance plans
 Continuous improvement strategies, such as:
- Continuous improvement plan
- Continuous improvement policies and procedures
- Continuous improvement register
 Knowledge management systems, such as:
- Customer relationship management plan
- Human resources policies and procedures
- Work health and safety management plan
 Processes to communicate continuous improvement outcomes, such as:
- Continuous improvement plans
- Organisational policies and procedures
 Recommendations for improvement to continuous improvement planning
and operations, such as:
- Continuous improvement register
- SWOT analysis
o Organisational documents relevant to decision-making processes and continuous
improvement such as vision and mission statements, operational plans, business
plans, quality assurance policies and procedures, etc.
o Documents containing knowledge management systems such as, WHS Management
Plans, business plans, record systems

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o The following information from the learner’s workplace/organisation:

 Existing key performance indicators

 Business objectives
o Existing continuous improvement systems and processes, including:

 Decision-making processes
 Continuous improvement strategies
 Knowledge management systems
o Organisational documents with information on organisational sustainability
requirements, such as:
 Policies and procedures
 Sustainability development checklists
 Sustainability plans
o People, including:

 At least two team members whom decision-making processes will be

communicated to in Workplace Project Task 4
This refers to individuals in your work team that are responsible for
implementing and supporting the decision-making processes.
 At least two team members who will receive support for continuous
improvement systems and processes in Workplace Project Task 8
These team members will make up the team who will receive support for
continuous improvement systems and processes in Workplace Project Task
 At least two relevant stakeholders who must access information about the
learner’s work team using the knowledge management systems in
Workplace Project Task 9
Relevant stakeholders refer to individuals or groups that require information
on learner’s team’s progress, insights and experiences.

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 At least two stakeholders whom recommendations for improvement to
planning and operations will be communicated to in Workplace Project Task
Relevant stakeholders refer to individuals/groups who will be directly
impacted by the changes to continuous improvement planning and
 At least two clients who will provide feedback on the
workplace/organisation’s continuous improvement systems and processes
in Workplace Project Task 12
This refers to individuals who are affected by continuous improvement
systems and processes affecting the organisation’s products and services.
o Opportunity to:

 Communicate decision-making processes to at least two team members

 Recommend improvements to planning and operations to at least two
relevant stakeholders
 Seek feedback on continuous improvement systems and processes from at
least two clients

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Accessing Intranet Pages and External Links
Throughout this workbook, you will be asked to access specific pages from the simulated business,
Bounce Fitness. Links to these pages are formatted in Blue Text.
To access these, hold the Ctrl key for Windows users while clicking on these links. For Mac users,
directly click the link.
The simulated business, Bounce Fitness, can be accessed by going to
Login to Bounce Fitness using the username and password provided by your Registered Training
Organisation (RTO).

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Assessment Agreement
Discuss and accomplish this section with your assessor before commencing then sign the
confirmation at the end of this Agreement.

Please tick at least one of the following for each section: 

Delivery Method

Classroom ¨

Small Group ¨

One-on-One ¨

Online ¨

Other (please describe) ¨

Assessment Pathway (for Practical Assessment)

Learner’s Organisation (Pre-assessment meeting conducted) ¨

Simulated Workplace Environment (Contextualised by RTO) ¨

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Assessment Conditions

Skills in this unit must be demonstrated in a workplace or simulated environment where the
conditions are typical of those in a working environment in this industry. This includes access to:

Workplace documentation and resources relevant to performance evidence ¨

Organisational policies and procedures relevant to performance evidence ¨

Assessors of this unit must satisfy the requirements for assessors in applicable vocational
education and training legislation, frameworks and/or standards.

I confirm that the activities and assessment completed as part of this unit are my own work, and
comply with all relevant copyright and plagiarism rules.
I understand that if there is any doubt of the authenticity of any piece of my assessment, I can be
orally examined, and the signatory of evidence records may be contacted.

Learner’s name Justin June Q. Sadicon

Learner’s signature Date June 9, 2022

Assessor’s name      

Assessor’s signature       Date      

End of Assessment Agreement

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Learner Assessment Pack
Assessment Tasks

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Complete all tasks in this assessment as instructed. If you have questions, consult with your assessor.

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16 Learner Assessment Pack V1.1
Short Answer Questions
Question 1

Briefly explain how each step of the decision-making process outlined below is done when
facilitating continuous improvement. Ensure each explanation includes a brief description of each

How Each Step is Done When Facilitating

Steps of the Decision-Making Process
Continuous Improvement

a. Identify the decision to be made Identify the purpose and goal of the decision,
describe where would you like in five or ten
years and how can you achieve it in the best
way possible. Determine why this decision will
make a difference to your customer or clients.
b. Gather relevant information By gathering information, you can choose
what the best for you and for the customers.
Identify what going on to the situation and
how to improve it. Gathering the right
information can give you better ideas on
improving and how to eliminate the issues.

c. Identify the options Ask yourself which decisions aligns best, which
decision will help you improve, and which
decision fells best and easiest to move

d. Evaluate the evidence explain on how it will be done and what the
difference that possibly be when it works.
Make sure the evidence are all there to
support your decision

e. Choose among the options By eliminating options that do not meet a

particular criterion and proceed with the
alternatives that is majority and direct to solve
the problem.

f. Take action This is the time to execute the decision and

find out whether or not the decision is

g. Review your decision By observing of the outcome of the decision

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being executed if it works well or not to
correct any possible issues.

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Question 2

Bounce Fitness is a premier provider of fitness and wellness in Australia. Bounce Fitness follows
established policies and procedures when facilitating continuous improvement for systems and
Access the following Bounce Fitness policies and procedures to assist you in answering questions
for each section:
 For A. Digital Systems
Digital Information Storage and Security Policy and Procedure
 For B. Decision-Making Processes
Policies and Procedures for Meetings
 For C. Continuous Improvement Systems
Continuous Improvement Policy and Procedures

A. Digital Systems

i. Outline at least one policy statement relevant to digital systems.

Digital communication policies and procedure-

it includes proper greetings at the start of each email, follow proper grammar and correct
sentence structures, use polite language in all communications, avoid discussing personal matters
with clients, and limit the use of emojis in communication

ii. Outline at least one set of procedures in Bounce Fitness relevant to digital systems.
Include the title for each set of procedures.

Maintenance of Digital Information

1. Once business information is created, it must be saved into a corresponding folder related
to its purpose and designation.
2. All filenames follow the following format: [Date Saved (DD-MM-YYYY)]-[Document Title]
3. Files must be saved under corresponding to the project and/or business function the
information supports. For example, Information regarding business operation must be
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saved under the folder “Business Operations.”
4. Sub-folders may be made in accordance with need for organisation and efficiency. For
example, an interview transcript for current market research may be saved under
“Transcript” subfolder saved within the “Marketing Research 20XX” folder. 5

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B. Decision-Making Processes

i. Outline at least one policy statement relevant to decision-making processes.

Improvement procedures
1. Consultation- includes client’s consultations and staff meeting
2. Reviewing data- techniques used to accept, reject, or qualify data in an objective and
consistent manner.
3. Implementation and demonstration of improvements- Professional development
activities may also be provided to trainers to allow them to develop their techniques of
delivery and in turn demonstrate improvement in the quality of classes and programs.
4. Feedback- Feedback is a tool for continued learning it helps employees do their best work.
5. Ongoing monitoring- The ongoing monitoring of revised processes will occur in light of
further data collection
ii. Outline at least one set of procedures in Bounce Fitness relevant to decision-making
Include the title for each set of procedures.

a. Implementation and demonstration of improvements- Implementing a decision specially

on improvements requires a step-by-step course of action, as well. It is advisable to create
a framework for action, inform all stakeholders of the final decision that has been made,
and execute.

C. Continuous Improvement Systems

i. Outline at least one policy statement relevant to continuous improvement systems.

1. Feedback- Feedback clarifies expectations, helps people learn from their mistakes and gives a way
to resolves conflicts and improve work environment, and helps build confidence.  feedback is a
useful method for improving employee skills, communication, relationships, and success of an

2. Outline at least one set of procedures in Bounce Fitness relevant to continuous

improvement systems.

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Maintaining good relationship
1. Make yourself pleasant to do business with
2. Make it all about THEM, not YOU
3. Keep in regular contact
4. Listen to your customers
5. Do what you say you’re going to do
6. Resolve problems quickly and efficiently

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Question 3

Briefly explain how each of the following systems are used by businesses during continuous

How Each System is Used During Continuous

Three steps of knowledge management.
A. Knowledge Management System
1. Knowledge Creation: is created
through practice, collaboration,
interaction, and education, as the
different knowledge types are shared
and converted. It can create new
knowledge in endless
combinations, transfer, and conversion
of contrasting kinds of knowledge. It is
a process of creating new knowledge
and acts as the heart of an
organization’s competitive advantage.
2. Knowledge Storage: is a strategy to
improve both individual and
organization performance and
encourage to document soft or hard
style recording and retention of both
individual and organizational
knowledge to be easily retrieved which
is then stored in repositories where it
can be accessed with ease and used by
anyone in the organization who needs
3. Knowledge Sharing: you can come up
with the best solution when you try
sharing ideas with your team than
doing it alone and when employees are
sharing their knowledge, experiences,
and challenges to everyone, it
eliminates future company mistakes
and time wasted.
4. Performance Management System 1. frequent informal as well as formal
reviews and evaluations.
2. Develop an action plan to achieve the
3. Develop process performance metrics
4. Document the solutions(s)
5. Test the changes
6. Implement per the action plan
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Question 4

Assume that you work for Bounce Fitness, a premier provider of fitness and wellness in Australia.
Complete the table below:
 Identify the industry that Bounce Fitness falls under
 Identify an industry-specific standard applicable to Bounce Fitness for each of the following business requirements:
o Quality

o Sustainability

 Explain how each identified standard can be applied to Bounce Fitness

Industry Fitness and wellness

Business Requirements Standard for Each Business Requirement How Each Standard Can Be Applied to Bounce Fitness

b. Quality  1. quality helps save costs & improves productivity. By investing in quality one that can cut down on huge
loses and win a satisfied customer base. Sets minimums
2. Increases customer satisfaction with high quality
standards of quality for processes, products & services
products & services.
and maintaining quality standards increases safety of

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d. Sustainability Equipment’s that can sustain or endure different By choosing the right brand of equipment that is
moods and number of users. And should be safe recommended by many or equipment’s that is proven
and energy efficient. and tested safe and reliable.

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Practical Assessment
The Practical Assessment is a set of tasks that must be completed in a workplace, or in an
environment with conditions similar to that of a real workplace.
To be assessed for this unit of competency, you must demonstrate your skills and knowledge to
lead and manage continuous improvement systems and processes.
The Practical Assessments in this workbook include:
1. Workplace Project Assessment
A series of written practical tests assessing the learner’s practical knowledge and skills
underpinning of the unit of competency. This includes the learner completing workplace
documents or similar as evidence of competent performance.
2. Workplace Practical Observation
A set of assessment tasks where the learner must demonstrate practical skills relevant
to the unit of competency. These skills are to be demonstrated while being observed by
the assessor.
 All signatures/initials in your submissions, including yours, must be handwritten and
dated. Submissions with signatures/initials must be scanned.
 The supervisor/observer who completes and signs your evidence submissions must
provide their real name, contact number, and email address for your assessor’s
 Should you encounter issue or concerns regarding your assessment, contact your
Workplace Project Assessment
Project Overview

This workplace project assessment requires you to establish and implement systems and
processes for continuous improvement.
This assessment is divided into twelve tasks:
 Task 1: Identify Current Continuous Improvement Systems and Processes
 Task 2: Identify and Define Improvement Needs and Opportunities
 Task 3: Develop Decision-Making Processes
 Task 4: Communicate Decision-Making Processes
 Task 5: Develop Strategies for Continuous Improvement
 Task 6: Develop Knowledge Management Systems
 Task 7: Develop Processes to Inform Team Members about Outcomes
 Task 8: Coach Team Members to Implement and Support Systems and Processes
 Task 9: Ensure Progress, Insights and Experiences are Captured and Accessible
 Task 10: Identify and Evaluate Improvements to Planning and Operations
 Task 11: Recommend Improvements to Planning and Operations
 Task 12: Seek Feedback on Continuous Improvement Systems and Processes
This project requires you to complete the assessment tasks in a real workplace, or in an
environment with conditions similar to that of a workplace.
Each task comes with a set of instructions. You are to follow and perform these instructions
while being observed by the assessor and/or submit any required documentation.
Before starting this assessment, your assessor will discuss with you these tasks, including
instructions and guidance for satisfactorily completing them.

BSBSTR502 - Facilitate continuous improvement

Learner Assessment Pack V1.1
You are required to:
 Complete the tasks within the time allowed, as scheduled in-class roll.
 Identify continuous systems and processes currently used in the workplace
 Develop decision-making processes to assist in continuous improvement
 Develop continuous improvement strategies to address improvement needs and
 Develop knowledge management systems to capture team’s progress, insights and
 Develop processes to ensure team members are informed of continuous improvement
 Recommend improvement to continuous improvement planning and implementation
 Identify improvements to continuous improvement systems and processes

Resources Required for Assessment

Resources you need to access to complete the project assessment are outlined in the Resources
Required for Assessment section of this workbook, and in the corresponding Assessor’s
Checklist and/or Observation Form of each task.
Discuss each requirement with your assessor before commencing with each task. They will
organise the resources required for this assessment.
IMPORTANT: Additional workplace resources may be required upon the contextualisation of
this assessment.

Forms and Templates

Generic forms and templates are provided in the project tasks, unless otherwise specified.
These can be accessed from the following link:
BSBSTR502 Forms and Templates
If you are currently in a workplace, use similar workplace templates and forms used by your
organisation to complete each assessment task. Discuss with your supervisor and your assessor
first to ensure that the forms/templates you will use from your organisation cover all criteria
required by each assessment task.
Review these forms and templates with your assessor before starting the task.

BSBSTR502 - Facilitate continuous improvement

Learner Assessment Pack V1.1
Task 1: Identify Current Continuous Improvement Systems and Processes


This task will require you to identify your workplace/organisation’s current systems and
processes for facilitating continuous improvement. This information will be used to improve your
workplace organisation’s continuous improvement processes.
To complete this task, you must:
 Review organisational documents that are relevant to each of the following that are
currently used in your organisation to facilitate continuous improvement:
o Decision-making processes

This refers to step-by-step procedures that helps your workplace/organisation

come into deliberate and thoughtful conclusions to facilitate continuous
o Strategies for continuous improvement

This refers to ongoing processes used by the organisation to ensure continual

improvement of products, services and procedures.
o Knowledge management systems

This refers to platforms or tools that your workplace/organisation uses to gather,

store and access information about your team’s progress, insights and
Organisational documents can include:
o Briefings

o Organisational policies and procedures

o Reports

 Complete the table below about your organisation’s current systems and processes for
facilitating continuous improvement
Ensure to identify the title of the organisational document you used to answer each
question below.

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Learner Assessment Pack V1.1
Review the Workplace Project Task 1 – Assessor’s Checklist before starting this task. This form
outlines the following:
 Resources you are required to access to complete the task. Discuss these resources with
your assessor prior to starting this task
 All criteria your submission must address to satisfactorily complete this task. You
assessor will also discuss with you the criteria outlined in this form prior to the
Your assessor will discuss these resources with you, and the criteria outlined in this form prior to
this assessment.
After completing this task, you must submit organisational documentation used to complete this
task. This can include:
 Organisational documents relevant to decision-making processes and continuous
improvement such as vision and mission statements, operational plans, business plans,
quality assurance policies and procedures, etc.
 Documents containing knowledge management systems such as, WHS Management
Plans, business plans, record systems

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Learner Assessment Pack V1.1

a. Outline your workplace/organisation’s decision-making processes for facilitating

continuous improvement.

Quality of equipment’s and services

Decision-making processes:
Normally in decision making processes we will decide the standard of the equipment’s that we
need to buy so that we can say it passed our quality standard for fitness and wellness for better
satisfactory of our services.
So, below are the list of steps that we need to process.

1. Recognize decision needs to be made.

2. Generate multiple alternatives.
3. Analyse the alternatives.
4. Select an alternative.
5. Implement the selected alternative.
6. Evaluate its effectiveness.
7. Result feedback

b. Outline your workplace/organisation’s existing continuous improvement strategies.

Services improvement strategy.

Continuous improvement strategies:

Create an action plan to improve customer experience and satisfaction. Since we have gathered
feedback from dissatisfied customer, now we will create a plan to improve performance of the
team or individual and we can reduce complaints. Below are the lists of strategies we need to
1. Ensure that we have a website- A website with a strong brand message that allows
prospects to sign up online is an absolute necessity in these days.
2. Keep it local -We will present local directories which is more visible to people looking for
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a gym in their area.
3. Make it social- Every time a member “checks in” at our gym, they are marketing you to
their friends and followers. we can generate even more leads by using hashtags to get
involved in relevant conversations or hand signs.
4. Show of your equipment and floor space- Whenever you get a new piece of equipment,
post a picture of it to your social media to encourage your followers who are not yet
5. Highlight your members- take and post pictures and videos of your happy members using
your equipment It shows those looking for a gym how fun and effective your gym is.
6. Make it easier to sign up- give no hustle to the prospects who wants to be part of our

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c. Outline your workplace/organisation’s knowledge management systems for facilitating
continuous improvement

Title: develop fitness and wellness action plan

Knowledge management systems:

(1-2 weeks) (4-6 weeks) (7-9 weeks) (10-12 weeks)

assessment Procurement and Construction and Test and run

designing installation promotion

Conduct a feasibility Shortlist vendors to Construct multiple Conduct a test and

study to determine procure best quality areas of fitness centre run of the fitness
the financial viability equipment’s & as per floor design. centre to iron out the
of the project. accessories for fitness operational details.

Perform competitive Finalize theme and Install lights, mirror, Execute marketing
assessment to obtain décor for the fitness boards etc to plan for the
thorough centre give it a enhance the outlook promotion of the
understanding of unique vibe. of the fitness centre. fitness centre.
competitor landscape

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Task 2: Identify and Define Continuous Improvement Needs and


This task will require you to identify and define continuous improvement needs and
opportunities in your workplace/organisation.
To complete this task, you must:
 Complete the table below:
o Conduct a SWOT analysis for your organisation

This will require you to outline at least one item for each of the following:
 Strengths
 Weaknesses
 Opportunities
 Threats
o Based on the results of your SWOT analysis, identify at least two of each of the
 Improvement needs
This refers to products, services and procedures that need to be improved
in the workplace/organisation to address an issue or problem (e.g.
upgrading to a newer version of a software after discovering that the
current version will no longer be supported)
 Improvement opportunities
This refers to products, services and procedures that can be improved in
the workplace/organisation to allow the organisation to gain a
competitive advantage or edge. (e.g. switching to another software that
is faster and more efficient than the one currently in use)
Review the Workplace Project Task 2 – Assessor’s Checklist before starting this task. This form
outlines the following:
 Resources you are required to access to complete the task. Discuss these resources with
your assessor prior to starting this task
 All criteria your submission must address to satisfactorily complete this task. You
assessor will also discuss with you the criteria outlined in this form prior to the

BSBSTR502 - Facilitate continuous improvement

Learner Assessment Pack V1.1
Your assessor will discuss these resources with you, and the criteria outlined in this form prior to
this assessment.

BSBSTR502 - Facilitate continuous improvement

Learner Assessment Pack V1.1

Strengths Weaknesses

1. Large customer base 1. Lack of standardization

2. Good location 2. Seasonality of business
3. High level of service quality 3. Lack of government focus
4. Hyped technology 4. Capital intensive
5. maintenance

Opportunities Threats

1. Rising health consciousness 1. High input cost

2. Running or walking club 2. Lack of qualified manpower
3. Zumba classes 3. Newcomers on the market
4. Physical therapist 4. competition
5. Power lifting gym
6. Health and wellness blogs
7. Dance studio

Continuous improvement needs

a. partner with the health insurance carrier to determine wellness components offered by
the insurance carrier.

b. Conduct surveys to determine if employees would be willing to pay for an aspect of the
wellness program such as yoga or exercise classes.

Continuous improvement opportunities

a. Research free community resources or programs to supplement the wellness program.

b. Consider implementing low or no-cost internal activities such as lunch walking group.

BSBSTR502 - Facilitate continuous improvement

Learner Assessment Pack V1.1
Task 3: Develop Decision-Making Processes for Continuous Improvement


This task will require you to develop decision-making processes that will assist continuous
improvement in your workplace/organisation.
To complete this task, you must:
 Review the following:
o Decision-making processes currently used in your organisation as outlined in
Workplace Project Task 1
o The following information identified in Workplace Project Task 2

 Improvement needs
 Improvement opportunities
o Your organisation’s requirements for sustainability

This will require you to access organisational documents with procedures and
guidelines to maintain sustainability.
 Develop new decision-making processes for assisting continuous improvement in your
This must include procedures to:
o Identify what decision must be made

o Gather information relevant to the decision

o Identify what options are available

o Evaluate evidence for and against each option

o Choose among the options

o Take action based on the decision made

o Review the decision made

Review the Workplace Project Task 3 – Assessor’s Checklist before starting this task. This form
outlines the following:
 Resources you are required to access to complete the task. Discuss these resources with
BSBSTR502 - Facilitate continuous improvement
Learner Assessment Pack V1.1
your assessor prior to starting this task
 All criteria your submission must address to satisfactorily complete this task. You
assessor will also discuss with you the criteria outlined in this form prior to the
Your assessor will discuss these resources with you, and the criteria outlined in this form prior to
this assessment.
Review the template you will use to complete this task. Discuss with your assessor to ensure that
the template from your workplace/organisation covers all requirements that apply to this task.
After completing this task, submit your developed decision-making processes to your assessor.
This can include:
 Decision-making policies and procedures
 Operation plans
 Quality assurance plans
You must also submit a copy of the organisational document with information on requirements
for sustainability that you reviewed as supplementary evidence for this task. This document will
also be used in Workplace Project Task 5 and Workplace Project Task 6.
You must also submit organisational documents with information on your organisation’s
sustainability requirements
Organisational documents can include:
 Policies and procedures
 Sustainability development checklists
 Sustainability plans

BSBSTR502 - Facilitate continuous improvement

Learner Assessment Pack V1.1
I. Code of conduct
 Wellness programs should work for the benefit of employees.
 Programs should not single out, fine, or embarrass employees for their
health status.
 Employers should respect and protect employee privacy.
 Employers should measure and report program outcomes honestly.

II. Recruitment policy

 Policy purpose
 Policy scope
 Description of terms
 Roles and responsibilities
III. Smoking policy
 Smoking is prohibited in all areas of the entire workplace with no
 This policy applies to all employees, staffs, customers, and visitors.
 Compliance with the smoke-free policy is mandatory.
IV. Drug and alcohol policy
 committed to ensuring its workers and others are not at risk from misuse of
alcohol and other drugs in the workplace.
 Provide a safer working environment by, as far as is reasonably practicable,
eliminating hazards associated with the inappropriate use of alcohol or
other drugs.
 Provide assistance through a range of preventative, educational and
rehabilitative measures to overcome alcohol and other drug problems that
affect a person’s fitness for work.
V. Health and safety policy

VI. Anti-discrimination and harassment policy

Task 4: Communicate Decision-Making Processes


Your assessor will observe you as you communicate decision-making processes developed in
Workplace Project Task 3 to at least two team members.
You will be assessed on your practical skills to:

BSBSTR502 - Facilitate continuous improvement

Learner Assessment Pack V1.1
 Communicate decision-making processes to at least two team members
During the communication, you must:
o Discuss each set of procedures outlined for decision-making processes
developed in Workplace Project Task 3
o Encourage team members to participate in the implementation of decision-
making processes
o Use structure and language appropriate to your audience

o Use active questioning and listening to confirm understanding of information

Before communicating with your team members, review the decision-making processes
developed in Workplace Project Task 3.
Review Workplace Project Task 4 – Observation Form before starting this task. This form
outlines all the practical skills you need to demonstrate to satisfactorily complete this task. Your
assessor will also discuss with you the practical skills outlined in this form prior to the

BSBSTR502 - Facilitate continuous improvement

Learner Assessment Pack V1.1
Task 5: Develop Strategies for Continuous Improvement


This task will require you to develop continuous improvement strategies to address
improvement needs and opportunities identified in Workplace Project Task 2.
To complete this task, you must:
 Review the following:
o The following information from your workplace/organisation:

 Existing key performance indicators

 Business objectives
o The following information identified in Workplace Project Task 2

 Improvement needs
 Improvement opportunities
o Your organisation’s requirements for sustainability identified in Workplace
Project Task 3
This will require you to review the organisational document submitted as
supplementary evidence in Workplace Project Task 3.
 Develop at least two continuous improvement strategies to address the improvement
needs and opportunities
This must include the following information:
o Scope of continuous improvement

o Continuous improvement objectives

o General strategies for continuous improvement

a. Health and wellness blogs
o content a blog that focuses on clean eating, yoga, fitness, meditation, and mindful
b. continuous improvement objectives
o weight loss/diet blogs- blogs either giving dieting information or a personal journal
of weight loss.
o Training blogs- content about sharing your training ideas and workout advice giving
the viewers of ideas on how to do it.
BSBSTR502 - Facilitate continuous improvement
Learner Assessment Pack V1.1
o Fitness professionals- content from professional trainers, coaches, instructors, etc.
who share information and effective steps of process.
o Healthy living blogs- blogs that contain information about all aspects of living a
healthier life.

c. general strategies for continuous improvement.

 We can use technology or electrical gadgets to engage our client directly and attract our
customers, give customer feedback, and build customer loyalty. By doing these blogs we will
use social media to influence and to be discovered easily where visitors can fill out forms,
submits information, and receives free offer.

a. Rising health consciousness-
o Due to obesity concerns because people staying at home due to global pandemic
b. continuous improvement objectives
o Making them physically active
o More virtual health care trainings
o Health, Wellness & Fitness Expo
c. general strategies for continuous improvement.
o Get a venue for health and wellness event showcasing.
o Create an event for fitness, wellness, nutrition, health, psychology,
education and more

o Key performance indicators

o Action items for each of the following:

 Coaching
 Mentoring
 Providing additional support
 Implementing continuous improvement systems and processes
Continuous improvement strategies developed must adhere to organisational
sustainability requirements.
Review the Workplace Project Task 4 – Assessor’s Checklist before starting this task. This form
outlines the following:
 Resources you are required to access to complete the task. Discuss these resources with
BSBSTR502 - Facilitate continuous improvement
Learner Assessment Pack V1.1
your assessor prior to starting this task
 All criteria your submission must address to satisfactorily complete this task. You
assessor will also discuss with you the criteria outlined in this form prior to the
You assessor will discuss these resources with you, and the criteria outlined in this form prior to
this assessment.
Review the template you will use to complete this task. Discuss with your assessor to ensure that
the template from your workplace/organisation covers all requirements that apply to this task.
After completing this task, submit your developed continuous improvement strategies.
This can include:
 Continuous improvement plan
 Continuous improvement policies and procedures
 Continuous improvement register
You must also submit the organisational documents accessed with information relevant to your
organisation’s key performance indicators and business objectives.

BSBSTR502 - Facilitate continuous improvement

Learner Assessment Pack V1.1
Task 6: Develop Knowledge Management Systems


This task will require you to develop knowledge management systems that will capture your
team’s progress, insights and experiences.
To complete this task, you must:
 Review the following information:
o Tools for record-keeping used in your organisation as identified in Workplace
Project Task 1
o Your organisation’s requirements for sustainability

This will require you to review the organisational document submitted as

supplementary evidence in Workplace Project Task 3.
 Develop new knowledge management systems for assisting continuous improvement in
your workplace/organisation
Knowledge management systems must:
o Capture the following information about your team:

 Progress
This refers to the extent of completion of the tasks and projects assigned
to the team.
 Insights
This refers to the team’s opinions, feedback and inputs regarding specific
topics within the workplace/organisation.
 Experiences
This refers to the knowledge and skills that each team member and the
team as a whole can contribute to the workplace/organisation’s efforts.

■ Capture the following information about your team:

• Progress
Running and monitoring your business’ progress nowadays is a lot easier with the aide of
technology. If it utilized correctly, you can still stay on the top of your projects and be connected
with your team even if you’re a million miles away. You can take advantage with the web-based
project management tools such as Basecamp and Podio, through these tools you can efficiently
collaborate with your team and share necessary documents immediately.
BSBSTR502 - Facilitate continuous improvement
Learner Assessment Pack V1.1
• Insights
Feedbacks and criticisms are fairly relevant in building strength with your team to make necessary
progress in your business. Everything should be taken constructively. Things that were already
agreed in the discussions should be monitored if it is being put into actions or not. Executives or
team leaders can inspire teamwork through defining the goal, purpose, and mission of the company.
As for the business Bounce Fitness, the goal could be the things that the prospects' needs, by
figuring it out team members or trainers should make further improvements in order attain to those
needs and provide great services.

• Experiences
Planning activities that encourage meaning and learning can help employees feel like they are part of
the team. You can learn working norms by just sharing past experiences with your colleagues, such
as their working styles, pitfalls to avoid with a boss or clients, and how to work as a team. As teams
bond through shared experiences, intelligence increases and performance will be elevated, by then
progress will happen.

■ Include the following information:

• Goals for record keeping
 To keep the accounts of progress in an order
 To know the true condition of the business organization
 To facilitate comparisons between different services
 To facilitate the performance of the business functions
 To use the records as written proof of the every business transaction

■ Procedures to:
• Gather relevant information
 Ask the right question
 Find information resources
 Apply your knowledge and experiences
 Consider many sources

• Maintain relevant information

 Identify and prioritize confidential information
 Perform risk assessment
 Make sure the information is complete and correct
 Consolidate a d review the information

BSBSTR502 - Facilitate continuous improvement

Learner Assessment Pack V1.1
• Tools for record keeping
 Manual record keeping
Traditional pencil and paper method, usually use by small business owners. Mostly,
preformatted record book and ledger are being use. It should work fine as long as it is
accurate and can be understood.

 Computerized Record Keeping

With the integration of software programs in a computer the recording of Bounce Fitness
can be done faster and more accurate.

o Include the following information:

 Goals for record-keeping

 Procedures to:
- Gather relevant information
- Maintain relevant information
 Tools for record-keeping
o Adhere to organisational sustainability requirements

Review the Workplace Project Task 6 – Assessor’s Checklist before starting this task. This form
outlines the following:
 Resources you are required to access to complete the task. Discuss these resources with
your assessor prior to starting this task
 All criteria your submission must address to satisfactorily complete this task. You
assessor will also discuss with you the criteria outlined in this form prior to the
You assessor will discuss these resources with you, and the criteria outlined in this form prior to
this assessment.
Review the template you will use to complete this task. Discuss with your assessor to ensure that
the template from your workplace/organisation covers all requirements that apply to this task.
After completing this task, submit your developed knowledge management systems.
This can include:
 Customer relationship management plan
 Human resources policies and procedures
 Work health and safety management plan

BSBSTR502 - Facilitate continuous improvement

Learner Assessment Pack V1.1
■ Customer relationship management plan
- You must provide an enjoyable customer experience at all touch points of the customer
journey. Strengthen collaboration between sales, marketing, and customer service teams in
order to carry out targeted marketing campaigns. Also, produce concrete figures and data
insights to inform and guide your future business strategies.
■ Human resources policies and procedures
 Policy name
 Effective date of the policy (and dates of any revisions or updates)
 Code of conduct
 Recruitment policy
 Termination policy
 Working hours and overtime policy
■ Work health and safety management plans
- A risk assessment should be carried out to address the hazards within the area that could affect
both employees and customers. You must evaluate the things that should be done in order to
resolve the risk. Make a regular staff safety training, so that they can also provide great customer
service. Trainings may include fitness training, health and safety training, and first aide training.

Task 7: Develop Processes to Ensure Communication of Continuous

Improvement Outcomes


This task will require you to develop processes to ensure team members are informed about
continuous improvement outcomes.
To complete this task, you must:
 Develop processes to communicate continuous improvement outcomes to team
This must include:
o Tools to communicate continuous improvement outcomes

o Procedures to communicate continuous improvement outcomes

Review the Workplace Project Task 7 – Assessor’s Checklist before starting this task. This form
outlines the following:
 Resources you are required to access to complete the task. Discuss these resources with
your assessor prior to starting this task
 All criteria your submission must address to satisfactorily complete this task. You
BSBSTR502 - Facilitate continuous improvement
Learner Assessment Pack V1.1
assessor will also discuss with you the criteria outlined in this form prior to the
You assessor will discuss these resources with you, and the criteria outlined in this form prior to
this assessment.
Review the template you will use to complete this task. Discuss with your assessor to ensure that
the template from your workplace/organisation covers all requirements that apply to this task.
After completing this task, submit the developed processes to communicate continuous
improvement outcomes.
This can include:
 Continuous improvement plans
 Organisational policies and procedures

BSBSTR502 - Facilitate continuous improvement

Learner Assessment Pack V1.1
■ Develop processes to communicate continuous improvement outcomes to team members:

• Tools to communicate continuous improvement outcome

-Bounce fitness will use Kanban, to help visualize, manage, and optimize workflows of the
-A3s, to provide vision and structure to big-picture improvements for the clients' sake.
-The 5 Whys, to encourage inquisitive thinking and effective problem-solving within the Bounce
Fitness workplace.

-Value Stream Mapping, to help Bounce Fitness focus on structuring processes around customer

• Procedures to communicate continuous improvement outcomes

-The managers will use range of techniques to make sure that Bounce fitness employees are
encouraged to participate in the continuous improvement process. It could be by having great
communication, brainstorming, using cause and effect diagrams, and gaining team consensus

● Continuous improvement plan

- Managers of Bounce fitness will form a continuous improvement team in which employees will be
actively engaged in achieving the goal. Set up regular meetings, the continuous improvement lead
team should meet at least weekly to track the status of active projects. Weekly meetings will be
warranted when new projects are launched or when obstacles to success are encountered.
Attendance should be required at every meeting.

● Organisational policies and procedures

- Bounce fitness promotes equal opportunity policy, this is to prevents company from discriminating
job applicants or its employees.
- Workplace health and safety, employee’s safety will be at the top of the priorities. Bounce Fitness
will create guidelines on how to create a safe workplace and protect workers from occasional
-Employee code of conduct policy, this is to help employees understand the managers' expectations
in terms of performance and behaviours. This includes the attendance, vacation, and time-off
-Employee disciplinary policy, Bounce fitness will enforce disciplinary actions when appropriate and
it will be base in the employee’s handbook.
BSBSTR502 - Facilitate continuous improvement
Learner Assessment Pack V1.1
Task 8: Support Individuals and Teams


This task will require you to provide support to your work team and at least two team members
to implement and support continuous improvement systems and processes.
Continuous improvement systems and processes can refer to either of the following:
 The following continuous improvement systems and processes developed in this
o Decision-making processes from Workplace Project Task 3

o Continuous improvement strategies from Workplace Project Task 5

o Knowledge management systems from Workplace Project Task 6

 Existing continuous improvement systems and processes in your workplace/organisation

To complete this task, you must:
 Review the continuous improvement strategies that you will implement to support your
This can refer to either of the following:
o Continuous improvement strategies developed in Workplace Project Task 5

o Existing continuous improvement strategies in your workplace/organisation

 Implement the action plan for the following outlined in your continuous improvement
o Coaching for your team as a whole to:

 Implement continuous improvement systems and processes

 Support continuous improvement systems and processes
o Mentoring for at least two team members to:

 Implement continuous improvement systems and processes

 Support continuous improvement systems and processes
o Additional support required by team members

 Update your continuous improvement strategies based on the outcomes of your


BSBSTR502 - Facilitate continuous improvement

Learner Assessment Pack V1.1
Review the Workplace Project Task 8 – Assessor’s Checklist before starting this task. This form
outlines the following:
 Resources you are required to access to complete the task. Discuss these resources with
your assessor prior to starting this task
 All criteria your submission must address to satisfactorily complete this task. You
assessor will also discuss with you the criteria outlined in this form prior to the
You assessor will discuss these resources with you, and the criteria outlined in this form prior to
this assessment.
After completing this task, you must submit an updated continuous improvement strategies
You must also submit at least one evidence for each of the following:
 Providing coaching to the team as a whole
 Providing mentoring to at least two team members
 Providing additional support required by team members
Evidence can include:
 Photos of team receiving support
 Certification showing support provided
 Video recording of support provided
If you use existing continuous improvement systems and processes in your
workplace/organisation, you must submit at least one organisational document relevant to each
of the following:
 Decision-making processes
 Strategies for continuous improvement
 Knowledge management systems

BSBSTR502 - Facilitate continuous improvement

Learner Assessment Pack V1.1
Task 9: Ensure Progress, Insights and Experiences are Captured and


This task will require you to ensure that your team’s progress, insights and experiences are
captured and accessible using knowledge management systems.
This can refer to:
 Knowledge management systems developed in Workplace Project Task 6
 Existing knowledge management systems used in your organisation.
To complete this task, you must:
 Review the knowledge management system that was used to record the following
relevant information about your team:
o Progress

This refers to the extent of completion of the tasks and projects assigned to the
o Insights

This refers to the team’s opinions, feedback and inputs regarding specific topics
within the workplace/organisation.
o Experiences

This refers to the knowledge and skills that each team member and the team as a
whole can contribute to the workplace/organisation’s efforts.
 Ensure that relevant information is recorded according to the knowledge management
 Implement processes to communicate continuous improvement outcomes developed in
Workplace Project Task 7
This is to check that relevant stakeholders can access information about your team using
the knowledge management system
Relevant stakeholders refer to individuals or groups that require information on your
team’s progress, insights and experiences.

Review Workplace Project Task 9 – Assessor’s Checklist before starting this task. This form
outlines the following:

BSBSTR502 - Facilitate continuous improvement

Learner Assessment Pack V1.1
 Resources you are required to access to complete the task.
 All criteria your submission must address to satisfactorily complete this task.
You assessor will discuss these resources with you, and the criteria outlined in this form prior to
this assessment.
Submit the following to your assessor:
 At least one evidence showing that each of the following information about your team
has been recorded in the knowledge management system:
o Progress

o Insights

o Experiences

 At least one evidence showing that relevant stakeholders can access each of the
following information about your team from the knowledge management system:
o Progress

o Insights

o Experiences

Evidence can include:

o Screenshots of the knowledge management system used

o Video recording of the knowledge management system being used

If the knowledge management system used in this task is different to the knowledge
management system developed in Workplace Project Task 6, submit organisational documents
with information on the knowledge management system as supplementary evidence for this

BSBSTR502 - Facilitate continuous improvement

Learner Assessment Pack V1.1
Task 10: Identify and Evaluate Improvements to Planning and Operations


This task will require you to identify and evaluate improvements to continuous improvement
planning and operations.
Continuous improvement planning and operations can refer either of the following:
 The development and implementation of continuous improvement systems and
processes conducted in this practical assessment
 The development and implementation of existing continuous improvement systems and
processes in your workplace/organisation within your assessment period
To complete this task, you must:
 Review the development and implementation of continuous improvement systems and
 Determine recommendations for the improvement of the development and
management of continuous improvement systems and processes
This must include:
o Identifying at least two ways to improve each of the following:

 Development of any of the following:

- Decision-making processes
- Continuous improvement strategies
- Knowledge management systems
 Implementation of any of the following:
- Decision-making processes
- Continuous improvement strategies
- Knowledge management systems

■ Identifying at least two ways to improve each off the following:

Decision making process
-First thing to improve the decision process of the fitness team is to evaluate options, the assigned
decision makers must weigh the possible progress of the things agreed upon. Second way is to
evaluate the whole decisions, this includes the short term and long-term outcome of the business.

BSBSTR502 - Facilitate continuous improvement

Learner Assessment Pack V1.1
Continuous improvement strategies
- The first strategy develop by the manager and the team of bounce fitness is to improve the
customer’s service. Behind every unhappy customer lays a broken business process.
Improving the customer experience begins by aligning internal business processes to
deliver bett er external customer outcomes.  Second strategy is to grow revenues
comes from one of three sources, new customers, higher prices, or greater sales to
current customers. 
Knowledge management system
– Manager of fi tness team will solicit feedbacks and questi ons as this is the best way
to get employees to share their knowledge. Also, encourage employees to generate
new ideas in att racti ng customers by crowdsourcing products, services, and ideas they

● Implementati on of any of the following

– In implementi ng the decision-making process employees are encouraged to
parti cipate in sharing of their ideas. The team will also have weekly meeti ngs to
monitor the progress of the things that were agreed upon the meeti ng, whether they
are being implemented or not.
 Evaluate
- Decision making process
Employees should be dearly encouraged to speak up during the team's open
forum. Every idea given should be acknowledge and considered.
-Conti nuous improvement strategies
Crowdsourcing must be paid att enti on as it is the way to know what the wants
are and needs of the customers.
-Knowledge management system
Should listens to both employees and customers feedback and questi ons as this
will open to new ideas and progress.

o Evaluation of each identified way to determine at least one recommendation for

improvement for each of the following:
 Development of any of the following:
- Decision-making processes
- Continuous improvement strategies
- Knowledge management systems
BSBSTR502 - Facilitate continuous improvement
Learner Assessment Pack V1.1
 Implementation of any of the following:
- Decision-making processes
- Continuous improvement strategies
- Knowledge management systems
 Update your continuous improvement strategies based on the identified
recommendations for improvement
Continuous improvement strategies can refer to:
o Continuous improvement strategies developed in Workplace Project Task 5

o Existing continuous improvement strategies in your workplace/organisation

Review Workplace Project Task 10 – Assessor’s Checklist before starting this task. This form
outlines the following:
 Resources you are required to access to complete the task. Discuss these resources with
your assessor prior to starting this task
 All criteria your submission must address to satisfactorily complete this task. You
assessor will also discuss with you the criteria outlined in this form prior to the
You assessor will discuss these resources with you, and the criteria outlined in this form prior to
this assessment.

BSBSTR502 - Facilitate continuous improvement

Learner Assessment Pack V1.1
Review the template you will use to complete this task. Discuss with your assessor to ensure that
the template from your workplace/organisation covers all requirements that apply to this task.
After completing this task, submit the following to your assessor:
 Recommendations for improvement
This can include:
o Continuous improvement register

o SWOT analysis

 Updated continuous improvement strategies

If you refer to the development and implementation of existing continuous improvement
systems and processes in your workplace/organisation, you must submit organisational
documents relevant to their development and implementation. This must include a copy of the
continuous improvement strategies before they were updated.

BSBSTR502 - Facilitate continuous improvement

Learner Assessment Pack V1.1
■ Recommendations for improvement
• Continuous improvement register
-Bounce fitness should review customer feedbacks and complaints. Ask customers to suggest
improvement opportunities. Review service reports for trends and issues that needs to be

■ SWOT analysis
-Good location
-High level of services given
-Technology integration
-Lack of standardization
-Lack of government focus
-Capital intensive
-Promotes health and wellness
-Rising health consciousness
-Zumba classes
- Job vacancies
- Power lifting gym
• Threats
-Lack of qualified manpower
- competition
-High capital input

■ Updated continuous improvement strategies

- Occasional monitoring of progress should be done. Must have an ongoing process to keep
improving the products and services for the customers of bounce fitness. Implement changes in a
small scale first, analyse the results of the data gathered whether it made a difference. If there's a
change made, it can be implemented in a large scale.

BSBSTR502 - Facilitate continuous improvement

Learner Assessment Pack V1.1
Task 11: Recommend Improvements to Planning and Operations


Your assessor will observe you as you recommend improvements to planning and operations to
at least two relevant stakeholders.
Relevant stakeholders refer to individuals/groups who will be directly impacted by the changes to
continuous improvement planning and operations.
You will be assessed on your practical skills to:
 Communicate recommendations for improvements to continuous improvement planning
and operations identified in Workplace Project Task 10
During the communication, you must:
o Discuss each recommendation for improvement for each of the following:

 Development of any of the following:

- Decision-making processes
- Continuous improvement strategies
- Knowledge management systems
 Implementation of any of the following:
- Decision-making processes
- Continuous improvement strategies
- Knowledge management systems
o Discuss changes made to continuous improvement strategies updated in
Workplace Project Task 10
 Use structure and language appropriate to your audience
 Use active questioning and listening to confirm understanding of information presented
Before communicating with at least two relevant stakeholders, review the following documents
submitted in Workplace Project Task 10:
 Recommendations for improvement
 Updated continuous improvement strategies
Review Workplace Project Task 11 – Observation Form before starting this task. This form
outlines all the practical skills you need to demonstrate to satisfactorily complete this task. Your
assessor will also discuss with you the practical skills outlined in this form prior to the

BSBSTR502 - Facilitate continuous improvement

Learner Assessment Pack V1.1

BSBSTR502 - Facilitate continuous improvement

Learner Assessment Pack V1.1
Task 12: Seek Feedback on Continuous Improvement Systems and Processes


Your assessor will observe you as you consult at least two clients to identify improvements on
continuous improvement systems and processes.
Continuous improvement systems and processes can refer to either of the following:
 The following continuous improvement systems and processes developed in this
o Decision-making processes from Workplace Project Task 3

o Strategies for continuous improvement from Workplace Project Task 5

o Knowledge management systems from Workplace Project Task 6

 Existing continuous improvement systems and processes in your workplace/organisation

You will be assessed on your practical skills to:
 Identify at least one area of improvement for the following from each client’s feedback:
o Decision-making processes

o Continuous improvement strategies

o Knowledge management systems

Areas of improvement refer to procedures, action items or other parts of a system or

process that must be modified or adapted to ensure efficiency, accuracy and
 Identify at least two other areas of improvement for the following:
o Decision-making processes

o Continuous improvement strategies

o Knowledge management systems

Identified areas of improvement must be different from those identified in

clients’ feedback
 Use structure and language appropriate to your audience
 Use active questioning and listening to confirm understanding of information presented
Before seeking feedback from clients, review the continuous improvement systems and
processes that you will seek feedback for.
Review Workplace Project Task 12 – Observation Form before starting this task. This form
outlines all the practical skills you need to demonstrate to satisfactorily complete this task. Your
BSBSTR502 - Facilitate continuous improvement
Learner Assessment Pack V1.1
assessor will also discuss with you the practical skills outlined in this form prior to the

BSBSTR502 - Facilitate continuous improvement

Learner Assessment Pack V1.1
Learner Assessment Pack
Assessment Workbook Checklist

BSBSTR502 - Facilitate continuous improvement

Learner Assessment Pack V1.1
Assessment Workbook Checklist
Your assessor will review your submissions against the checklist below. This section is to be
completed by your assessor.

The learner has completed the Short Answer Questions in this workbook ü

Short Answer Questions ¨

The learner has completed the Practical Assessments in this workbook and has ü
submitted all the required evidence:

Workplace Project Assessment

Task 1: Identify Current Continuous Improvement Systems and Processes

Completed Workplace Requirements table ¨

Copy of organisational documents relevant to each of the following: ¨

b. Decision-making processes ¨

Specify evidence submitted:      

d. Strategies for continuous improvement ¨

Specify evidence submitted:      

f. Knowledge management systems ¨

Specify evidence submitted:      

BSBSTR502 - Facilitate continuous improvement

Learner Assessment Pack V1.1
Task 2: Identify and Define Continuous Improvement Needs and

Completed SWOT Analysis table ¨

Task 3: Develop Decision-Making Processes for Continuous Improvement

Decision-making processes ¨

Specify evidence submitted:      

Copy of organisational document with information on requirements for ¨

Specify evidence submitted:      

Task 4: Communicate Decision-Making Processes

Video recording of the presentation ¨

Only if direct observation is not possible.

Task 5: Develop Strategies for Continuous Improvement

Continuous improvement strategies ¨

Specify evidence submitted:      

Task 6: Develop Knowledge Management Systems

Knowledge management systems ¨

Specify evidence submitted:      

Task 7: Develop Processes to Ensure Communication of Continuous

Improvement Outcomes

Processes to communicate continuous improvement outcomes ¨

Specify evidence submitted:      

BSBSTR502 - Facilitate continuous improvement

Learner Assessment Pack V1.1
Task 8: Support Individuals and Teams

Evidence of providing coaching to the team as a whole ¨

Specify evidence submitted:      

Evidence of providing mentoring to at least two team members ¨

Specify evidence submitted:      

Evidence of providing additional support required by team members ¨

Specify evidence submitted:      

Updated continuous improvement strategies ¨

Specify evidence submitted:      

Task 9: Ensure Progress, Insights and Experiences are Captured and


Evidence showing that each of the following information about ¨

learner’s team has been recorded in the knowledge management

a. Progress ¨

Specify evidence submitted:      

b. Insights ¨

Specify evidence submitted:      

c. Experiences ¨

Specify evidence submitted:      

BSBSTR502 - Facilitate continuous improvement

Learner Assessment Pack V1.1
Evidence showing that relevant stakeholders can access each of the ¨
following information about learner’s team from the knowledge
management system:

a. Progress ¨

Specify evidence submitted:      

b. Insights ¨

Specify evidence submitted:      

c. Experiences ¨

Specify evidence submitted:      

Task 10: Identify and Evaluate Improvements to Planning and Operations

Recommendations for improvement ¨

Specify evidence submitted:      

Updated continuous improvement strategies ¨

Specify evidence submitted:      

Task 11: Recommend Improvements to Planning and Operations

Video recording of the presentation ¨

Only if direct observation is not possible.

Task 12: Seek Feedback on Continuous Improvement Systems and


Video recording of the presentation ¨

Only if direct observation is not possible.

BSBSTR502 - Facilitate continuous improvement

Learner Assessment Pack V1.1
Learner Assessment Pack

BSBSTR502 - Facilitate continuous improvement

Learner Assessment Pack V1.1
Record of Assessment
This section is to be completed by your assessor.

Assessment Details

Learner Justin June Q. sadicon

Course Code BSBSTR502

Unit of Competency BSBSTR502 - Facilitate continuous improvement

Assessor Name


BSBSTR502 - Facilitate continuous improvement

Learner Assessment Pack V1.1
Needs more
Assessment Activity Satisfactory

Short Answer Questions

Short Answer Question 1 ¨ ¨

Short Answer Question 2 ¨ ¨

Short Answer Question 3 ¨ ¨

Short Answer Question 4 ¨ ¨

Workplace Project Assessment

Task 1: Identify Current Continuous Improvement Systems and

¨ ¨

Task 2: Identify and Define Continuous Improvement Needs and

¨ ¨

Task 3: Develop Decision-Making Processes ¨ ¨

Task 4: Communicate Decision-Making Processes ¨ ¨

Task 5: Develop Strategies for Continuous Improvement ¨ ¨

Task 6: Develop Knowledge Management Systems ¨ ¨

Task 7: Develop Processes to Inform Team Members about Outcomes ¨ ¨

Task 8: Coach Team Members to Implement and Support Systems and

¨ ¨

Task 9: Ensure Progress, Insights and Experiences are Captured and

¨ ¨

Task 10: Identify and Evaluate Improvements to Planning and

¨ ¨

Task 11: Recommend Improvements to Planning and Operations ¨ ¨

Task 12: Seek Feedback on Continuous Improvement Systems and

¨ ¨

BSBSTR502 - Facilitate continuous improvement

Learner Assessment Pack V1.1
Needs more
Context Details Satisfactory

¨ ¨

¨ ¨

¨ ¨

¨ ¨

¨ ¨

¨ ¨

Supervisor/Observer Verification Log

Supervisor/ Role in the Contact Date of Observer verifies
Observer Name Assessment Details Contact the learner’s

¨ Yes ¨ No

¨ Yes ¨ No

¨ Yes ¨ No

¨ Yes ¨ No

BSBSTR502 - Facilitate continuous improvement

Learner Assessment Pack V1.1
Assessor’s Comments


Details of further evidence required

Please tick the appropriate box. Yes No

Comments and further action required are noted in the Learner

¨ ¨
Assessment Pack

Results discussed and agreed to by the learner

¨ ¨
You have the right to appeal the outcome of your assessment.

¨ Competent
The Learner is
¨ Not Yet Competent

Assessor’s signature Date signed

I further confirm that I have verified the learner’s submissions by contacting the learner’s
supervisor and/or observer whose names appear in the Supervisor/Observer Verification Log

After reassessment, the Learner is: ¨ Competent ¨ Not Yet Competent

Assessor’s signature Date signed

BSBSTR502 - Facilitate continuous improvement

Learner Assessment Pack V1.1
Learner’s Comments

The signature confirms that I have submitted all my own work, and agree with the assessment
decision and feedback.

Learner’s signature Date signed

BSBSTR502 - Facilitate continuous improvement

Learner Assessment Pack V1.1
End of Document

BSBSTR502 - Facilitate continuous improvement

Learner Assessment Pack V1.1

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