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2022-312 AN ORDINANCE PROMOTING PUBLIC SAFETY BY RESTRICTING PEDESTRIANS AT CERTAIN DANGEROUS INTERSECTIONS. WuteREAs, the Council desires to adopt an ordinance restricting pedestrians on certain ‘strets and roadways located in the city because they pose a danger to themselves and the public at large by interfering with the safe and normal flow of vehicle tafe, and, ‘WuteREas, pedestrians on certain streets and roadways while motor vehicles engaged in travel on roads and are particularly susceptible to serious bodily injury or death due to the speed and number of motorists who operate vehicles on busy roads ofthe city, and, ‘Wuereas, certain streets and roads are primarily designed for vehicular traffic and are not suited to safely accommodate pedestrians, and, ‘WuteREAs, the presence of pedestrians on certain streets and roads interferes withthe safe ‘movement and normal flow of traffic, and, ‘Wutrreas, thee are 4,150 intersections within the ity and of those intersections, 370 are controlled by ull color traffic lights, and, ‘WueREAs, the Springfield Police Department has identified those intersections controlled by full color traffic lights where 14 or more accidents have occurred within a calendar year, and Wnrreas, of the 4,150 intciscetions within the City, 141 of hose interseutious ate highways divided or separated by medians, and Wnereas, it isthe intention of the City Council to use the least restrictive means to advance the significant governmental interests of traffic safety and public safety, and, ‘Witenes, itis the finding ofthe City Couneil that ober alternative and safer streets and roadway’ exist fora person or people who seek oexereise thet First Amendment freedoms, an, ‘Wutereas, the City Couneil desires to protect and preserve the safety and quality of life of its residents and those who use the streets within the city, both pedestrians and motorists alike, and, Wutereas, the City Council has reviewed the proposed regulations provided by this section and finds that such regulations accomplish the intended purposes while utilizing the least resrietive means possible, and, Wuereas, itis the intention of the City Council that this subsection is applied even hhandealy to all pedestrians, regardless oftheir purpose andor message, and, WHEREAS, it isthe intention of the City Council that nothing in this section shall prohibit a person from engaging in other lawful activity or speech on the sidewalks in and around intersections, so long as that person or people comply with all other state and local laws, and, 2022-312 ‘Wueeas, the Cty Council finds that itis in the best interests ofthe residents ofthe city to adopt this subsection NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ‘SPRINGFIELD, ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS Section as follows: a : (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to sit or sland in the roadway within one hundred 100) feet of any intersection, is 1 ‘he following roadways: Section 80.08 ofthe City Code is hereby deleted in its entirety and replaced 1 womie &N 2 2. N-Ditksen & Walton rive 3. N.O" Street & E. Madison Street 4S. MacArthur Blvd & W.Lawrence Avenue 5. S.5" Street & E. Lawrence Avenue 6 SUP Sie &E, Sou Grand Avene 7. S Dirksen Pasay & F South Grand Avenue 8S Marin Luther King fDe-& E, South Grand Avenue 9. N Dirksen Parkway & Clear Lake Avenue 10. N.11* Street & E. Madison StreeV/E. Jefferson Streets. Veterans Parkway & Wabash avoue 11,5. Veterans Parkway Lindbergh Blvd 12, Freedom Drive & Lindberch Blvd 13, Chatham Road & Wabash Avenue 14S, Veterans Parkway. & Old Jacksonville RoadW. Monto Stet 15, N.S! Street & E. Carpenter Street 16, W. Jefferson Steet &N, Walnut Stet (b)_It shall be unlawful for any person to sit or stand upon a boulevard or median located ator within one hundred (100) fet of any intersection on a divided highway controlled by a full color traffic light,_A “divided highway” isa highway with wo or more lanes for vehicular trafic travel in opposite directions which ae divi ed levard ot median, (2)_It shall be unlawful for any person to enter into any street or road at or within one hhundeed (100) fee of any of the intersections listed above in subsevtions (a) and (b) For anv purpose ‘except the following: 1. Crossing such street or road in accordance with all other state and local laws; 2. Entering of exiting public transportation, a tsi or other ride share service: or 3. of a bona fide emergency, 2022-312 Section 2: Section $2.02 ofthe City Code is hereby amended as follows: § 82.02. - Penalties for pedestrian, bicycle, skateboard, human-powered vehicle, and parking violations. (@) In addition to the towing, suspension and impoundment provisions of this Code relating to parking violators, the following penalties will be applicable to the owner or operator who is issued a traffic violation notice for violating any of the provisions listed below, providing the amount listed is paid tothe treasurer of the city within 14 days beginning on the frst day after the issuance of the notice or as specified below. Payments received by mail shall be credited as paid on the date of postmark. (1) Pedestrian violations $ 6 50 Section 3: That the City Clerk is hereby directed to publish this ordinance in pamphlet Section 4: That this ordinance shall become effective immediately upon its passage, recording by the City Clerk and publication in pamphlet form, PASSED: 2022 SIGNED: 2022 2022 Mayor James 0. Langfelder City Clerk Frank J, Lesko Approved as to legal sufficiency: Requested by: Mayor James O. Langfelder 1 Oifice of Corporafia Counsel /Date 2022-312 ORDINANCE FACT SHEET REQUEST FORM NO: DATE OF 1STREADING: | 7EZZ OFFICE REQUESTING: MAYOR, CONTACT PERSON: PHONE NUMBER: EMERGENCY PASSAGE: No [3] Yes] tyes, expan justiaton ‘TYPE OF ORDINANCE: (CODE CHANGE FISCAL IMPACT: (amending 2 previous ordnance, uae atcha copy ote provou oranacs) ‘SUGGESTED TITLE: [AN ORDINANCE PRONOTING PUBLIC SAFETY BY RESTRICTING PEDESTRIANS AT CERTAIN DANEROUS] INTERSECTIONS, Please list supporting documentation (Le, contract, agreement, change order, bid book, ete.) ‘CONTRACTOR / VENDOR NAME: ‘VENDOR No: ‘CONTRACT TERRE ‘CONTRACT # ‘Change in Scope Yeo] No L] ‘Dipralanant Tempe acey | [Change Ora ‘aoa Raa Method of Purchase check one) Previous Ons Dtew aia Dotnee ls Purchasing Agont approval required? No []¥es[] Bitow Bia esting Specs [exceptions te Purchasing Agent approval atached? No []¥es[] [ltowevatusted Bid Cade Provision ‘Accounting information if more than four aecounts, please attach list) REVENUE EXPENDITURE. Fond Rgeney| Org Acti [Soures| Amount anal rg | Aetiviy, [Objet | Amount 4| 1 2] | 3] 4] 4 4 [FONDS CHECK BY. bas IRECTOR SUPERVISOR SIGHATURE Dt [EY PURCHASING AGENT: Date comments. Pris pe rane with {00 ft of cari ntereectons and nteaeatons wih means In order to promete publ salty SIGN OFF: Ber Son Disc TOR 2022-312

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