Quiz - Chapter 11 Introduction To BMC

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Chapter 11 Introduction to Business Model Canvas

Subjective Questions
1 List all nine elements of the business model canvas introduced by Osterwalder (2008).
2 The diagram below shows the building blocks in a business model canvas. List the business
areas according to the ranking of importance.

5. 6. 2. 4. 1.

7. 3.

8. 9.

True or False Questions

1 The Business Model Canvas, introduced by Osterwalder (2008) is a method of analyzing,
designing, strategizing and testing a business model based on nine business areas.
2 Customer segments refer to the target people and/or organizations you are offering value
3 Value is provided through various elements such as newness, performance, customization,
reliability in ‘getting the job done’, design, brand, price, cost reduction, risk reduction,
accessibility, and convenience.
4 Effective channels will distribute a company’s value proposition in ways that are fast,
efficient and cost-effective.
5 Key partners are the network of suppliers and partners that make the business model work.
Companies forge partnerships to optimize business models, reduce risk, and acquire resources.
6 Key activities are activities that a company must do in order to make its business model work.
7 Key resources are the most important assets needed to make a business model work. Every
business model requires them, and it is only through them that companies generate value
propositions and revenues.
8 The entrepreneur should strategize the best and appropriate cost structure to suit the project
9 Revenue streams represent the cash a company generates from each customer/product
10 Customer relationships may be driven by one or more of these three motivations:
• Customer acquisition
• Customer retention
• Increased sales (upscaling)
11 Business implementation planning for marketing, operation and finance can be forgone by
doing business model canvas.
12 Business concept, models, objectives, strategies and a detailed project implementation plan
for marketing, operation and finance can be developed through Business Model Canvas Chart.
13 The quality of discussion and business strategies development for a business model canvas do
not depend on the quality of input from participants.

Multiple-choice Questions
1 Which of the following statements about Osterwalder’s Business Model Canvas (2008) is
A The Business Model Canvas (Osterwalder, 2008) is a method of analyzing, designing,
strategizing and testing a business model based on nine business areas.
BCustomer segments refer to the target people and/or organizations you are offering value
C Value is provided through various elements such as newness, performance,
customization, reliability in ‘getting the job done’, design, brand, price, cost reduction, risk
reduction, accessibility, and convenience.
D Effective channels will distribute a company’s value proposition in ways that are fast,
efficient and cost-effective.
E Business implementation planning for marketing, operation and finance can be
forgone by doing a business model canvas.

2 Which of the following statements about Osterwalder’s Business Model Canvas (2008) is
A Key activities are activities that a company must do in order to make its business
model work.
B Customer relationship may be driven by the objectives of customer acquisition,
customer retention and increased sales (upscaling).
C Business concept, models, objectives, strategies and a detailed project
implementation plan for marketing, operation and finance can be developed through
Business Model Canvas Chart.
D Key partners are the network of suppliers and partners that make the business model
work. Companies forge partnerships to optimize business models, reduce risk, and acquire
E Key resources are the most important assets needed to make a business model work.
Every business model requires them, and it is only through them that companies generate
value propositions and revenues.

3 Which of the following statements about Osterwalder’s Business Model Canvas (2008) is
A The entrepreneur should strategize the best and appropriate cost structure to suit the
project concept.
B Revenue streams represent the cash a company generates from each customer/product
C Using the Business Model Canvas Chart, an entrepreneur can discuss strategies that
are put up on a board so that the entire model can be seen all at once. This will allow the
entrepreneur to understand each of the strategies and relate it easily to the other strategies
on display.
D The Business Model Canvas enables participants to focus, discuss and develop
business strategies in the nine identified critical business areas.
E The quality of discussion and business strategies development for a business model
canvas does not depend on the quality of input from participants.


Subjective Questions
• Customer segments
• Firm’s value propositions
• Marketing channels
• Customer relationships
• Key partners
• Key activities
• Key resources
• Cost structure
• Revenue streams

1 Customer segments
2 Firm’s value propositions
3 Marketing channels
4 Customer relationships
5 Key partners
6 Key activities
7 Key resources
8 Cost structure
9 Revenue streams

True or False Questions

1 True
2 True
3 True
4 True
5 True
6 True
7 True
8 True
9 True
10 True
11 False
12 False
13 False

Multiple-choice Questions
1 E
2 C
3 E

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