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Advanced Analytics Unlocking the Power of Insight

Advanced Analytics: Unlocking the Power of Insight

April 2010 Sara Philpott, Telco BAO CoE, IBM

A wealth of traceability exists in the growing volumes of digital data as the ability to uncover granular detail becomes attainable. Historically organisations depended on hunches to make important and strategic decisions and perceptions to understand customers attitudes. Advanced analytics is evolving to provide timely, relevant and accurate information to enable real time decision making not only for specialised users but also for all levels of employees within an organisation. This enterprise-wide analytical capability has the power to provide a competitive edge to organisations. This paper examines the latest advancements in analytic tools, practices and techniques..

Table of Contents
1. Introduction 2. The Big Data Age 3. How is Analytics evolving? 4. Competing on Analytics 5. Key Challenges for Organisations 6. Data Integrity 7. Decisions, decisions 8. Developing Insight 9. The right tools 10. Velocity of information and responsiveness 11. Decision Optimisation 12. Conclusion 13. References 2 2 3 5 5 5 6 7 8 10 12 13 13

Sara Philpott, Telco BAO CoE, IBM

Advanced Analytics Unlocking the Power of Insight

1. Introduction
There are some dramatic and fundamental changes happening in our society today, shaped by technology and fuelled by peoples changing behaviours. Communicating by email is now too slow for many of the online society who have grown up with this technology and the mobile phone. They expect information share to be instant and have a need to share and to connect at any time, anywhere with others digitally. As a result, digital data is growing exponentially and with it sophisticated tools that can decipher patterns in seemingly unconnected sources of information. The concept of analysis fuelling a smarter, more informed planet is explained in the IBM Analysis Solution book entitled, New Intelligence for a Smarter Planet, Driving Business Innovation with IBM Analytic Solutions (Oct 2009), when it outlines three key impacts of advanced analytics. 1. Instrumented: Any activity or process can now be measured, better understood, modelled, and improved upon to generate valuable new insight. 2. Interconnected: By tapping into the collective intelligence of the entire value chain through the connection of whole systems, the world can become more highly selfregulated, optimized, and efficient. 3. Intelligent: Every insight derived from this world of smart devices can lead to incremental value by enabling actions to be handled more automatically and with far greater certainty. In this paper we will explore how advanced analytics is evolving to provide enterprise-wide insight and decision making capability in order to engage and interact more effectively with customers.

2. The Big Data Age

Not everything that counts can be counted, and not everything that can be counted counts, Albert Einstein. One of the key challenges facing the modern world is the explosion in digital data. According to the recently published article in the Economist, Data data everywhere (Feb, 2010), the world contains an unimaginably vast amount of digital information which is getting ever vaster ever more rapidly. Despite the abundance of tools to capture, process and share data all this information already exceeds the available storage space Moreover, ensuring data security and protecting privacy is becoming harder as the information multiplies and is shared ever more widely around the world. Every day, it is estimated that 15 petabytes1 of new information is being generated, 80% of which is unstructured according to IBM Research, New Intelligence for a Smarter Planet (Oct 2009). As this torrent of information increases, it is not surprising that people feel overwhelmed, we are told in Economist article, Handling the Cornucopia (Feb, 2010). There is an immense risk of cognitive overload, explains Carl Pabo, a molecular biologist who studies cognition. The mind can handle seven pieces of information in its short-term memory and can generally deal with only four concepts or relationships at once, explains Pabo. If there is more information to process, or it is especially complex, people become confused. So, fortunately for us we have powerful and sophisticated tools to perform the complex analysis as we try to keep our heads above the volumes of data. Processing of data, however, is another concern outlined in the Economist article, New rules for big data (Feb, 2010). Rebecca Goldin, a mathematician at George Mason University, frets about the ethics of supercrunching whereby analysis might discriminate on the basis of correlated information. Examples of analytical discrimination are based on the modelling correlations contrived. What if computers, just as they can predict an individuals susceptibility to a disease from other bits of information, can predict his predisposition to committing a crime? In March 2010, the Ministry of Justice in the UK announced the use of predictive analysis

1000 Gigabytes 1 Terabyte and 1000 Terabytes = 1 Petabyte 2

Sara Philpott, Telco BAO CoE, IBM

Advanced Analytics Unlocking the Power of Insight

of its 4 million records to help predict re-offenders In the case of violent crime, the prediction about reoffending has improved from 68 to 74% whilst the prediction about re-offending in terms of general offences improved from 76 to 80% , by identifying those with specific problems such as drug and alcohol misuse are more likely to re-offend than other prisoners. From a government standpoint, access to data creates a culture of accountability, says Vivek Kundra, the federal governments CIO in the Economist article, The Open society, (Feb, 2010). Recently censorship of data made the headlines when Google, whose motto is Dont be evil, decided to remove censorship on its site for the 384 million Chinese web users, as reported in Google stops China censorship, Beijing condemns move (March 2010). Perhaps one of the key benefits of the growing volume of data is wealth of information available for unprecedented levels of analytic assessment. Paradoxically, the more information produced the more difficult it is to extract relevant insight. More and more information is available, but proportionally less of itand radically less of the information being created in real-timeis being effectively captured, managed, analyzed, and made available to people who need it according to IBMs Smarter Intelligence document (Oct 2009). It is now possible to identify trends and complex patterns from unstructured data, to correlate seemingly unconnected data, to unlock new insight and to predict outcomes and scenarios for nearly all aspects of life. The breath of application of sophisticated quantitative analysis seems endless: environment, geographic, psychographic, lifestyle, retail, meteorological, sports, music, financial, political, business, medical, travel, games and so on The aggregation of data combined with sense making algorithms can produce remarkably accurate predictors for everything from probable purchases to pandemic outbreaks.

3. How is Analytics evolving?

"In God we trust, all others bring data W. Edwards Deming. Organisations, since the 1990s, have analysed historical data reports to understand the what and the why of their business performance. According to analytics expert, Neil Raden, in his article, Get Analytics Right from the Start (Feb, 2010), analytics became synonymous with the term business intelligence which defined this function of analysing historical data reports. Wayne Eckerson, in the paper, Beyond Reporting: Requirements for Large-Scale Analytics (July 2008) defines analytics as a subset of business intelligence (BI), which is a set of processes and tools that enable business users to turn information into knowledge to assist with decisions, enhance planning, and optimize performance. Operations research referred to the application of maths or statistical analysis and about 12 years ago the term data mining entered the telco vocabulary and was used to describe knowledge discovery in databases. Data mining uses mathematical and statistical techniques to understand typically large volumes of data, such as from a data warehouse, though there are many other data sources that are used routinely (Raden, 2010). Today, Raden explains, the terms analytics, descriptive analytics, and predictive analytics are used interchangeably. Distinguishing advanced analytics from traditional analytics can sometimes give rise to confusion due to the fact that data mining, BI reporting, dashboarding tools and indeed, the entire data management system, are required to support advanced analytics. Analysis using quantitative methods such as statistics, mathematical algorithms, stochastic process are normally classified as advanced forms of analysis (however not all are predictive).

Sara Philpott, Telco BAO CoE, IBM

Advanced Analytics Unlocking the Power of Insight

Figure 1: Evolving Analytical Functions

Raden (Feb, 2010) questions however whether dashboards, that employ basic statistics such as mean, median or standard deviation, can be correctly classified as advanced analytics. Given that most people do not understand the difference between the two central tendencies, mean and median, much less the influence of left-or-right skew in a median, in the context of business, any use of statistics, in Radens view, should be considered as advanced analytics. James Kobielus, in the Forresters recently published paper, Predictive Analytics And Data Mining Solutions, Q1 (Feb 2010), is far more exacting when he defines advanced analytics as Any solution that supports the identification of meaningful patterns and correlations among variables in complex, structured and unstructured, historical, and potential future data sets for the purposes of predicting future events and assessing the attractiveness of various courses of action. Advanced analytics typically incorporate such functionality as data mining, descriptive modeling, econometrics, forecasting, operations research, optimization, predictive modeling, simulation, statistics, and text analytics. Kobelius, in a more recent article, How many people are using Advanced Analytics? (March, 2010) estimates that 1 in 3 companies using BI techniques also employ advanced analytics and based on his research, estimates growth of potential advanced analytics users per BIusing organization could be in the region of 15 to 45%. Raden (Feb, 2010) classifies advanced analytics into three main functions: descriptive, predictive and optimisation: Descriptive analytics (data mining and segmentation): employs the classification (types) and categorisation (grouping) of data which may lead to new insight through development of associations, probability analysis and trending. Descriptive analytics provides information on what has happened, how many, how often and where. Predictive analytics: Application of complex math and statistics, and sometimes visualization, to detect patterns and anomalies in detailed transactions. Analysts use patterns into models that can be applied to new transactions to predict behaviour or outcomes (for example, Based on this customers past purchasing history, this credit card transaction has an 85 percent chance of being fraudulent) (Eckerson, 2008) . The goal of predictive models is to understand the causes and

Sara Philpott, Telco BAO CoE, IBM

Advanced Analytics Unlocking the Power of Insight

relationships in the data in order to make predictions (Raden, 2010). Predictive analysis provides information on what will happen, what could happen and what actions are needed. Optimisation analytics:Directs the best possible outcome by assessment of a number of possible outcomes. Enterprise level optimisation models combine descriptive and predictive models, with probabilistic and stochastic methods like Monte Carlo Simulation or Bayesian models to help determine the best course of action based on various what if scenario assessments (Raden, 2010). Optimisation analytics provides information to assess various outcome strategies and identifies the best possible outcome. Furthermore, decision optimisation tools can enable an operator to engage appropriately with customers in real-time, providing the most suitable option to prevent churn or to upsell a service at the customer contact point.

4. Competing on Analytics
The telephone book is full of facts, but it doesnt contain a single idea. Mortimer J. Adler2. Davenport, Cohen and Jacobson, in their white paper, Competing on Analytics, (May, 2005) describe that organisations who depend on facts rather than intuition to decide their future strategies are deemed to be competing on analytics. Organisations, we are told, require extensive data on the state of the business environment and the companys place within it and extensive analysis of the data to model that environment, predict the consequences of alternative actions, and guide executive decision making. In addition, organisations require analysts and decision makers who both understand the value of analytics and know how to best apply these for driving enhanced performance. These businesses, Davenport et al explain, are competing on analytics. What is new, is the spread of this analytical capability to all industries. The telco industry is ideally suited to compete in this manner as it has the ability to harness extensive data, to intuitively perform complex statistical processing and to derive fact-based options for informed decision making.

5. Key Challenges for Organisations

The recent economic recession has highlighted the importance of reading and reacting to early warning signs. To be quick and nimble is vital for survival, and a number of significant factors impact the operators ability to exploit the full potential of analytics. First of all, the quality of data is vital due to the direct impact on quality of decisions. Secondly, factual data guide options available. Thirdly, developing insight requires the correct combination of people, technology and process to identify action required that leads to measured success.

6. Data Integrity
The most important figures that one needs for management are unknown or unknowable, but successful management must nevertheless take account of them, W. Edwards Deming. According to Davenport in his white paper, Competing on Analytics, (May, 2005), the most important factor in being prepared for sophisticated analytics is the availability of high-quality data. The accuracy of input data to any analytical model will influence the models output quality. Building predictive models from inaccurate data or mining inaccurate data for business rules could be fatal for a business because the results build on inaccuracies in the data and produce misguiding predications (Raden, 2010). The more complete the data the more robust the analytical model. Operators understand the power of a complete 360 view of their customers (transactional activity, historical, financial, behavioural, and attitudinal combined with service experience data) in providing a much richer level of information to identify opportunities to engage and strengthen the customer

Source: SAS, Hans-Rainer Pauli, Competing on Analytics or The era of reporting draws to a close 5

Sara Philpott, Telco BAO CoE, IBM

Advanced Analytics Unlocking the Power of Insight

relationship. According to Davenport, (May, 2005), the difficulty is primarily in ensuring data quality, integration and reconciling it across different systems and deciding what subsets of data to make easily available. A strong focus on data quality will significantly increase the value of business intelligence (BI), master data management and other critical business initiatives state Gartner. The Harte-Hanks paper, Creating a Single Customer View: The Importance of Data Quality for CRM, (March, 2010), asserts that competitive companies leverage single, trusted views of customers to drive improvements in product positioning, customer service and support, customer retention and life-time value. These companies target process improvements with precision using consistent, accurate, complete, and up-to-date views of core customer data and present this view to all business-critical applications and systems that rely on correct customer data. A single, trusted view of the customer is leveraged to drive improvements in service positioning, customer service and support, customer retention and life-time value. These companies target process improvements with precision using consistent, accurate, complete, and up-to-date views of core customer data and present this view to all business-critical applications and systems that rely on correct customer data. Grime states Every decision, every strategy, every key business process relies on high quality customer, product, financial and sales data. Better data in your operational systems means that better data drives your business. Success or failure of an operator depends on the accuracy of its data.

7. Decisions, decisions
Intuition becomes an increasingly valuable asset in the new information society precisely because there is so much data. John Naisbett. Decisions, whether tactical or strategic, are critical to the success of every organization says Davenport, in his recent paper, How Organizations Make Better Decisions, (Jan 2010). IBMs paper Business analytics and optimization for the intelligent enterprise, (2009) by Steve LaValle, revealed that 1 in 3 business leaders frequently make critical decisions without the information they need and 53% dont have access to the information across their organization needed to do their jobs. A survey performed by Accenture in 2008 (insert ref) conducted with 250 executives revealed that 61% of executives trusted their instinct as good data was not available and 55% stated their decisions relied on qualitative and subjective factors. The Aberdeen report (Increasing Retail Productivity: Enterprise-Wide Business Intelligence, 2008) highlighted that 36% of executives wanted to replace gut-feel decisions with fact-based ones and 66% recognized their decisionmaking failings and wanted to fix them. David Hatch, research director of the Aberdeen Group, explained "Many organizations spend months and endure significant costs to obtain the reporting and analysis capabilities that BI promises," Hatch writes, "only to find that different 'versions of the truth' still exist without any definite way of determining which one is real or accurate." Thomas Wailgum, created quite a stir within the analytics analysts circles, with his article entitled To Hell with Business Intelligence: 40 Percent of Execs Trust Gut, (Jan 2009). He questioned how executives could report a lack of good data while immersed in a growing deluge of data, suggesting that it is indicative of the sad state of data management inside organizations. Indeed, US Secretary of State Colin Powell once said Experts often possess more data than judgment. Neil Raden in his article, Gut Versus Analytics: What's the Real Story? (Jan 2009) stating that he hoped 100% (not 40%) of execs had trust in their gut, not to the exclusion of fact-based reasoning but rather by using analytics to identify their decision choices and then applying their own experience and instinct to make the final decision. This point is illustrated by the IBM study (2009) by Steve LaValle based on his interviews with 225 business leaders. LaValle highlighted the extent to which executives rely upon personal experience, analytics and collective experience to make business critical decisions. Arguably the best decisions are those made by business leaders, who are well informed, well supported by the team and based on hard earned experience.

Sara Philpott, Telco BAO CoE, IBM

Advanced Analytics Unlocking the Power of Insight


Figure 2: Factors influencing key decisions (Steve LaValle, IBM, 2009).

8. Developing Insight
If one is master of one thing and understands one thing well, one has at the same time, insight into and understanding of many things, Vincent Van Gogh. One of the major barriers to an insight-driven organization is the belief that analytics belong to a specialized group of data mining experts, statisticians and PhDs. Indeed the Accenture survey (2008) reported 23% of executives believed their employees had insufficient analytics skills and 36% said their company "faces a shortage of analytical talent." On this topic, the Aberdeen report (2008), found that 72% of business leaders were striving to increase their organization's business analytics and BI use. The difficulty in developing an enterprise wide analytic capability, is that analytics is perceived to be too technical for most people to master. Raden states in his article Who Needs Analytics PhDs? Grow Your Own, (Oct 2009) The problem with analytics is, who can do it? Numerate people in organizations are as scarce as hen's teeth. According to the conventional wisdom, very special experts, quants we'll call them, are needed because mere mortals can't handle this stuff. However, analytics is becoming more main-stream and user-friendly. Organizations have come to realize that decision-makers at all levels and in all departments need access to timely, relevant information, according to the Qlikview paper, BI for the people and the 10 pitfalls to avoid in the new decade (March 2010). During 2010 complex algorithms will continue to be embedded in analytical systems to detect anomalies in business patterns and to prescribe a set of specific actions to be taken Suresh Kattas article on Top 10 Trends in Business Intelligence and Analytics (Jan 2010). Raden in his recent paper Get Analytics Right from the Start, (Feb 2010), predicts that advanced analytics will be adopted by most organisations but while the majority of people will not become quantitative experts and modellers, the affect of predictive models will be felt across the organisation. James Taylor, in his article To Hell with Business Intelligence, try Decision Management (Jan 2009), highlights the need for user friendly decision management tools when he explains using data to build decision management systems means that the users don't need to be quants. You just need some folks with quant skills to put the right models into your operational systems. This means that the analytical talent you do have is immediately multiplied. Your analytic team build a predictive analytic model, to predict customer churn for example, and that model gets embedded in a decision service that delivers customer retention offers. All your call center representatives now act based on an analytically-enhanced decision without having to have any analytical skills themselves. Raden, in his white paper on The Foundations of Analytics: Visualization, Interactivity and Utility. The ten principles of Enterprise Analytics (Jan 2010), supports the self-service view
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when he states that the key to proliferating the use of these capabilities is to encourage people to discover the benefits through not only training, but through practice. Each person has his or her own particular questions and theories, which are generally not addressed through reporting and canned analysis such as dashboards he explains. Unlocking these observations for examination and discussion is essential. James Kobielus, suggested in Forresters Blog entitled, Advanced Analytics Predictions for 2010 (Dec 2009), that companies are adopting self-service BI to cut costs, unclog the analytics development backlog, and improve the velocity of practical insights. He predicts that predictive analytics will play a pivotal role in day-to-day business operations helping business people to continually revise their forecasts based on flexible what-if analyses that leverage both deep historical data as well as fresh streams of current event data. According to Kobielus, during 2010, user-friendly predictive modelling tools will increasingly come to market, either as stand-alone offerings or as embedded features of companies BI environments. Wayne Eckerson Strategies for Creating a High-Performance BI Team, (March 2010) highlights the need to recruit and develop people who fundamentally believe that BI can have a transformative effect on the business and possess the business acumen and technical capabilities to make that happen. Furthermore, Raden (2010) explains that the success of analytics depends on its adoption and use by a wide cross-section of the user population, an analytics tool must be useful for people with extreme variations in skill, training and application without the intervention of IT. The key to enterprise wide adoption of analytics is to make information derived easy to use, visual and interactive. Visualisation of data enables the onlooker to scan and analyze great volumes of data and to navigate through the data, drawing inferences instantly, he explains.

9. The right tools

The purpose of computing is insight, not numbers, R.W. Hamming. In order to take advantage of good data, an organisation also needs a capable hardware and software environment according to Davenport in his article Competing on Analytics, (May, 2005). BI tools can now enable more people to easily explore their data without limits, providing them with answers to their business questions. But because many companies are still struggling with outdated BI technologies, adoption rates remain low. Only a fraction of the potential users are actually leveraging BI tools mainly because of system cost, complexity and lack of capabilities, according to the Qlikview paper (March 2010). The problem for most organisations, according to the Qlikview paper, is that data is inherently fickle. It enters systems often with inconsistencies and even data that enters as accurate and consistent information is predisposed to degradation, becoming out of date and unreliable. Data updates, database modifications, new transactions and process changes must all ensure that customer data remains accurate and consistent in order to maintain the unified view that required so much effort to create in the first place. To ensure that data is accurate, complete, current, and consistent, organizations benefit from automated discovery and profiling, data quality correction and improvement, and governance of any type of data in real-time and batch environments, according to the Qlikview paper.

Sara Philpott, Telco BAO CoE, IBM

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Figure 3: New Approach to Analysis of Data (adapted from Raden Feb 2010).

Indeed, James Kobielus specifies in Advanced Analytics Predictions for 2010, (Dec 2009) how advanced analytics demands a high-performance data management infrastructure to handle data integration, statistical analysis, and other compute-intensive functions. In-database analytics is when the analysis is performed directly within the database. As Raden explains (Feb 2010), in-database analytics is when the logic is moved to the location of the data, thereby eliminating the need to move unprocessed data from one location to another. By so doing, processing efficiency is increased and data refinement errors are reduced by performing both the processing and the analysis in the one place. One of the great advantages of in-database mining, according to IBMs Smarter Planet document (Oct 2009), compared to mining in a separate analytical environment, is direct access to the data in its primary store rather than having to move data back and forth between the database and the analytical environment. In a data warehousing environment, data mining operates over the data in the database, without expensive and time-consuming extracts to external structures. This approach enables the mining functions to operate with lower latency, supporting real-time or near-realtime mining as data arrives in the data warehouse, particularly with automated mining processes. In 2010, Kobelius states, in-database analytics will become a new best practice for data mining and content analytics, in which the enterprise data warehousing professionals must now collaborate closely with the subject matter experts who build and maintain predictive models. And then there is the cloud. James Kobelius (Dec, 2009) predicts the data warehouse, like all other components of the BI and data management infrastructure, will enter the cloud. He predicts that to support all forms of analytics, the entire data warehouse systems will evolve into a virtualized cloud that allows data to be transparently persisted in diverse physical and logical formats to an abstract, seamless grid of interconnected memory and disk resources that can support diverse workloads, latencies, and topologies. The cloud is maturing in terms of computing services with SaaS (software as a service), PaaS (platform as a service) and IaaS (infrastructure as a service). Using the cloud to store and back up data is a very economical solution for organisations today, as described in the recent announcement by Verizon and IBM, Private CloudBased Managed Data Protection Solution (March 2010) . However data analysis in the cloud poses some legal and social concerns. As noted by Vanessa Alvarez in her article 4 Thoughts From Cloud Connect 2010 (March 2010), there is still a big gap between the fast evolution of cloud computing and regulatory/legal issues, and this may be the one challenge that may be the most difficult to overcome. According to Michael Shynar, in

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his thought provoking article, I Feel Naked in the Database (2009), he describes how companies are tracking information about individuals activities. He also explains how advancement in analytic technologies are an enormous treat to liberty in a more recent article entitled Data-based snooping a huge threat to liberty that were all helping make worse (Jan 2010), outlining how legal governance is perhaps the only protection people have to safeguard their privacy. He promotes the idea of white noise generation, or the provision of false/ misleading information, as an alternative to counter the analytic snooping.

10. Velocity of information and responsiveness

Civilization advances by extending the number of important operations which we can perform without thinking about them", Alfred North Whitehead. One of the main requirements of analytics is that it provides both relevant and timely information to the decision maker. Business intelligence systems and data warehouses are designed around static data models and cannot accommodate a constant flow of new data sources. There is a pressing need to combine different forms and types of data in order to obtain a complete 360 view of the customer. According to Raden (Feb 2010), systems are evolving driven by the need of decision makers to access key data in real time. Sourcing information structured and unstructured data in order to derive complete and relevant insight. Key developments are discussed below. Data Warehouse: The data warehouse attempts to understand the existing data flows first, creates a static data model, then populates and refreshes the structures repeatedly. However, as Raden points out, business opportunities and threats happen in real time, and therefore analytics needs to maintain at least maintain the same pace. Decision makers need to evaluate new information in real-time, visually, and gain an understanding of it as they work. OLAP (On-line Analytical Processing) is the term used to describe multidimensional models and the navigation around them. Dimensional models and OLAP tools are structured based on defined relationships. They are designed to aggregate large volumes of data based on these relationships and provide the ability to drill down into the data (Figure 4). Combining different sources and types of data however highlight the limitation of OLAP tools. To introduce more attributes, for example, combining demographic and transactional data, expands the dimensional complexity of the model and produces an undesirable result called sparsity, limiting the models ability to scale to depth, Raden (Feb 2010). Analytical applications and on-line analytical processing tools are, for the most part, according to Raden, not analytical at all. He believes for analysis to occur, the viewer must follow a thread of reasoning, iterate through possible conclusions, share finding and act with confidence on their results. In order to identify real competitive opportunities, analysis through grouping of behaviours, attitudes and preferences is best performed through an interactive visual model. Ian Tomlin (Gartners Top 10 Predictions 2010, Dec 2009) summarises the evolution of Analytics in his article explaining that at one time it was about massing data into huge OLAP cubes to impart knowledge organizations already owned but couldn't see. These applications are no longer passive, but provide tools for users to serve themselves with new views of information and to simulate 'what if?' scenarios. Advanced Analytics is no longer about OLAP cubes that serve only 15% of the user population; it's about letting decision makers at all levels of the enterprise consume information in new ways to find answers to new questions they've only just begun to think about (Raden Feb 2010).

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Advanced Analytics Unlocking the Power of Insight

Figure 4: Multidimensional spreadsheets in one OLAP cube.

Predictive Modelling: Data mining uses advanced statistical techniques and mathematical algorithms to analyze usually very large volumes of historical data (IBM, Oct 2009). As explained in New Intelligence for a Smarter Planet ,Driving Business Innovation with IBM Analytic Solutions (Oct 2009), the objectives of data mining are to discover and model unknown or poorly understood patterns and behaviours inherent in the data, thus creating descriptive and/or predictive models to gain valuable insights and predict outcomes with high business value. Descriptive mining methods include clustering (segmentation), associations (link analysis), and sequences (temporal links). Once a data mining model has been built and validated using historical data, it can be applied to new or existing records (customer service usage, recent activities, etc.) to predict outcomes or assign probability to next decision or event. Assignment to event probability may be implemented in batch mode or in real-time mode and may be accomplished through an automated process (e.g., website application). Text analytics, which has evolved from data mining techniques, provides the ability to discover a wealth of information in unstructured data and according to IBM Research, 80-85% of data is unstructured. Content Analytic tools are designed to combine both structured and unstructured data, such as email, blogs and social network activities. These tools enable companies combine business intelligence gleaned from transactions running in internal systems, with unstructured data coming from the outside, such customer emails, customer comments on blogs, or market-trend reports prepared by outside organizations. Stream Computing. As more and more decisions are pushed down the organisation, access to real time information and insight is becoming more and more critical according to the IBM Smarter Planet document (Oct 2009). Data streaming enables real time analysis, or liquid analytics to take place. Instead of querying static data, real time data streams are continuously evaluated by static questions (Figure 5). Even with more advanced tools to systematically mine new structured and unstructured data, and to collaborate on sharing insights and decision making, there is still a limit to human capacity. New intelligence will demand that more and more real-time operating decisions be linked to the systems themselves (inventory, flows, hedging). Linking persistent database information with context driven real-time information has the power to insight to transform organisations.

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Figure 5: Stream Computing.

11. Decision Optimisation

Our danger is not too few, but too many options... to be puzzled by innumerable alternatives, Sir Richard Livingstone. Decision analysis draws on the disciplines of mathematics, economics, behavioural psychology, and computer science, according to the Cambridge published book entitled, Advances in Decision Analysis (2007). Organizations can greatly improve the efficiency of processes when they automate even a portion of complex decision-making (IBM, Smarter Intelligence, Oct 2009). An Aberdeen study, Success Strategies in Advanced Sourcing and Negotiations: Optimising Total Costs and Total Value for the Next Wave of E-Sourcing Savings (June, 2005) asserted that the application of optimization tools to analyze total costs, and of flexible bidding functionality to uncover creative supplier solutions has enabled early adopters to identify average incremental savings of 12% above those that basic, price-focused auctions alone have generated. Raden and Taylor, in their white paper entitled Technology for Operational Decision Making 2009. explain that decisions are not static but must be monitored and continually improved. As market conditions and competitors change, the effectiveness of a particular decision approach will also need to change. Tools that make it easy to monitor and improve decisions support more rapid identification of the changing effectiveness of decisions. Being able to conduct impact analysis and understand how decisions were made are advantageous when managing and improving decisions. The business intelligence that results from being able to rapidly evaluate history and present circumstances, even as they are changing, is called situational intelligence, according to the BPM Partners white paper, Situational Intelligence: The Key to Agile Decision Making, Feb 2010. The ideal form of SI is to present the right facts to the right individual at the moment they are needed. Unpredictable learning is made possible by robust data discovery. Situational intelligence, gained through flexible reporting and analysis and/or visual data mining, can bring major improvements in profitability by supporting the thousands of small, daily tactical decisions that managers make. As highlighted in the IBM Smarter Intelligence document, (Oct 09) Business Performance Management (BPM) requires visibility into in-flight processes and enterprise applications due to the risky nature of decision optimisation activities. A real-time view into process performance is essential for smooth operation, Business Activity Management (BAM) involves the investigation of process metrics to analyze the broader implications of process performance. This analysis is extremely helpful when determining corrective actions. For example, a key performance indicator (KPI) displayed on a business dashboard may show customer network promoter scores are operating below service- level goals. To determine corrective action, an analyst can drill down in the process data to see processing customer complaints and the resolution of tickets by volume by customer
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complaint type. At the same time, additional enterprise data delivered through BI can show the impact of processing volume on customer satisfaction, and ultimately churn, thus predicting how process performance may impact financial results. This additional context allows business analysts to accurately weigh the costs and benefits of any response to the KPI alert. BI can also be useful in determining which KPIs are relevant to monitor. By linking process performance with enterprise outcomes, business analysts can see which KPIs have the most significant impact on results, according to the IBM Smarter Intelligence document. The ultimate goal of BI implementations is to leverage insight to improve performance and to enable better strategic decisions by providing a complete and consistent view of the business.

12. Conclusion
It is well understood by organisations today, that advanced analytics can provide a competitive edge by revealing insight and by helping to determine the most profitable and appropriate action. In order to achieve this insight: 1. The data must be accurate, timely, and relevant 2. The Infrastructure and systems must be capable of supporting and processing huge amounts of data in real time to support dynamic decision analysis 3. Visualisation of data is key to enabling mass adoption of analysis throughout the organisation. 4. The production of Insight must be carefully managed and supported by Business Performance Management processes. 5. Decision Optimisation requires careful tuning of information to make it relevant and to ensure insight is converted into profitability. 6. As the volumes of data produced continues to grow, so too the advanced analytic techniques, tools and processes in order to meet with the growing need to feed organisations with relevant insight.

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