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Submitted by:
Students Name: Mohd. Ahsan Mubeen
Class: BBA (5TH Semester)
Enrolment no: A7006420016
Under guidance of:
Industry Guides name: Raj Singh Faculty Guide: Dr. Himanshu Rastogi

Designation: Intern. Sales Manager Designation: Associate Professor

Organization: Big Bazaar ABS, Lucknow





Certified that this report iS prepared based on the summer internship project

undertaken by me in BIG BAZAAR from 30th May 2022 to 11th July 2022, under

the able guidance of DR. HIMANSHU RASTOGI in partial fulfillment of the

requirement for award of degree of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)

from Amity University, Uttar Pradesh.

Date – 18 July 2022

Mohd. Ahsan Mubeen Dr. Himanshu Rastogi Dr. Rohit Kushwaha

(Associate Professor) (Director, ABS)

Forwarded here with a summer internship report on “Supply Chain

Management” of Big Bazaar submitted by Mohd. Ahsan Mubeen Enrolment

No. A7006420016, student of BBA 5th Semester

This project work is partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of

Bachelor in Business Administration from Amity University Lucknow Campus,

Uttar Pradesh.

Dr. Himanshu Rastogi

(Associate Professor)

Amity University,
Lucknow Campus

Title of project report – Supply Chain Management

I understand what plagiarism is and am aware of the Amity University’s policy in this regard

I declare that

(a) The work submitted by me in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of
degree Name of the degree assessment in this Name of NTCC is my own; it has not
previously been presented for another assessment.

(b) I declare that this Name of NTCC is my original work. Wherever work form other
source has been used, all debts (for words data, arguments and ideas) have been
appropriately acknowledged and referenced in accordance with the requirements of
NTCC Regulations and Guidelines.

(c) I have not used work previously produced by another student or any other person to
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(e) The work conforms to the guidelines for layout, content and style as set out in the
Regulations and Guidelines.

Date – 18 July 2022

Name of student – Mohd. Ahsan Mubeen
Enrolment no. – A7006420016
Programme Name – BBA

Doing any paintings relies upon upon the capability and active duty of
through a long way most's time and energy. At the factor whilst this
undertaking turned into done, there have been many, and with out
every person is assist my undertakings with having been continually.
Appropriately, I understand all the humans who've generously helped
us through sharing their time, knowledge and facts with us, with out
which the undertaking could not have at any factor been done. I'm
moreover devoted to Dr. Himanshu Rastogi, Associate Professor who
spurred me. There is reliably a bent of appreciation to others for the
obliging and key businesses they deliver in any respect durations of
life. My coronary heart is thankful to my reputable mentor and to the
humans who've been associated with this undertaking in line with
diverse perspectives. Finally, I ought to make connection with that
this undertaking fulfills the informative want simply as allows me in
destiny endeavors for a severe lengthy a really perfect possibility to

 Introduction
 Objective of the study

 Timeline


 Research design
 Process adopted

 Data collection
 Data analysis



Making a client is a significant undertaking of showcasing. However,
getting it done for the client so made is the most basic errand. In the
event that the item isn't accessible when and where the purchaser
needs it, flopping in the market is certain. What's more, it is this
capability, that of making accessible the item at the spot that the
purchaser needs it, at his desired time, which is completed by the
actual dissemination blend, or the spot blend. Cutting edge advertising
likewise calls this capability as Supply Chain Management.
On the off chance that you go to a Supermarket and get a couple of
things of the rack like shoes, garments, extras, gems, sacks or
electronic items and take a gander at the names, you will see that they
have been fabricated in China, Japan or Bangladesh. Assuming that
made in India, they have been produced in Gujarat, Punjab or any
province of India. The common tea leaves you use to make your tea
consistently comes from Darjeeling. PCs have been sent out of South
American Factories and wooden furniture in the different retail outlets
and shopping centers is from Malaysia and China.
Worldwide business sectors are growing past boundaries and this is
the thing is re-characterizing how request and supplies are made due.
Worldwide organizations are headed to source items from business
sectors across mainlands, to hold the expense of assembling down.
Each organization to be cutthroat is compelled to continue to watch
out to set up creation habitats where the expense of unrefined
substance and work is modest.
In the cutthroat worldwide climate, no organization has the advantage
of obtaining supplies through the inside or neighborhood market as it
were. You need to investigate to track down the best and least
expensive sources. In this way obtaining of natural substances and
merchants to supply the right nature of material, the right amount of
merchandise, parts and unrefined components, at the right cost
requires a unique acquisition technique spreading over across
different regions, states and nations.
Today is the standard that organizations grow past the lines of the city
and state as well as the country to source natural substances, parts and
parts for their creation interaction. The completed products so
fabricated are then dispensed through an organization of channels to
the different regions of the planet any place the last client is arranged.
In straightforward language, dealing with each of the above exercises
in a synchronized design and to oversee request and supply on a
worldwide scale is Supply Chain Management.


Supply chain management or SCM is the act of dealing with the
development of items and administrations across various cycles and
areas. It incorporates the capacity and transportation of unrefined
substances, work-in-process stock, completed things, and start to
finish request satisfaction from the starting place to the mark of
SCM includes the preparation, plan, control, and execution of all
business exercises related with an organization's obtainment, creation,
conveyance, and deals request satisfaction capabilities. Subsequently,
it includes the organization of market interest, obtaining natural
substances and parts, assembling and gathering, warehousing and
stock following, request handling and the executives, appropriation
across all channels, and conveyance to the last client.
Inventory network administrators are answerable for creating
successful plans and techniques to guarantee the store network's right
activity. They make obvious activity plans through broad examination
and determining, which bring about better execution all through the
The Supply Chain Management framework is respected to be the
foundation of the present business associations. Providers who stick
to SCM standards are supposed to convey fundamentally more worth
to clients than the individuals who have not carried out SCM ideas
into their activities. Coming up next are the 7 most significant goals
of Supply Chain Management.

1. Improving Efficiency
One of the most urgent goals of Supply Chain Management is
effectiveness. Productivity is inseparable from squander
minimisation. Waste can show itself in various ways, including
squandered materials, squandered cash, squandered individual
hours, burned through conveyance time, and numerous different
structures. Downplaying waste is a basic part of Supply Chain
How might SCM add to squander decrease? It attempts to diminish
squander by overseeing producing, stock, transportation, and
coordinated factors. It does this by distinguishing amazing chances
to further develop frameworks to diminish squander. If, for
instance, your organization imparts stock information to a provider
and keeps it refreshed progressively utilizing ERP programming,
the organization might recharge stock quickly to fulfill purchasers'
need. The course of really dealing with these capabilities can be a
troublesome one to dominate, yet knowing how to do so can be
incredibly valuable to your business' general achievement.

2. Improving Quality
Store network Management isn't exclusively worried about
squander decrease. Another key goal is to guarantee that the item is
of the greatest conceivable quality. Quality Assurance can be
described as adherence to different client determined quality
credits, going from execution to explicit highlights. This
incorporates complying with sanitation guidelines, showing moral
and supportable practices, and other comparative activities. It is
basic to lay out exact norms that include supply accomplices all
along. Being deft in overseeing change and variety to that
particular continuously is fundamental to permit items to keep
streaming across the production network. SCM straightforwardly
affects the nature of an organization's items as well as its general
benefit. To accomplish an upper hand in the market while at the
same time bringing down working costs, quality administration in
the production network is fundamental.

3. Optimising Transportation & Logistics

The streamlining of transportation and strategies is one more
fundamental objective of Supply Chain Management. In a free
business climate, each organization is liable for its own job in
requesting, delivering, and moving products. Costs are generally
higher around here methodology because of unfortunate booking
and coordination. Inventory network Management guarantees that
your cycles stream without a hitch and that providers, producers,
wholesalers, and retailers are dependably in total agreement. SCM
empowers you to advance transportation and operations exercises
with any sellers or buyers with whom you carry on with work.
Orders are naturally placed into a framework, which tells different
offices that extra assets are expected to satisfy this solicitation.
This makes the whole interaction extremely smooth and consistent.

4. Reducing Costs
It is the objective of Supply Chain Management to lessen an
organization's working costs. It brings down the expense of a wide
range of costs of doing business, like the expense of buying,
producing, and conveying products, by laying out an enhanced
store network. It is feasible to abbreviate the holding time of both
unrefined components and completed things by permitting a
smooth progression of natural substances between a provider and
an organization and the development of completed products
between an organization and its clients. This assists with
decreasing misfortunes and keep the general expense of carrying
on with work as low as could really be expected.

5. Enhancing Customer Satisfaction

One fundamental target of SCM is to expand consumer loyalty.
Your inventory network is by a wide margin the best method for
client care. It affects the two most basic parts of client fulfillment:
evaluating and conveyance. Having a proficient production
network empowers you to beat your opposition as far as retail
evaluating and benefit. Having high-performing tasks likewise
assists you with meeting or surpass your clients' assumptions for
item conveyance. Giving your clients what they need, when they
need it, and at the most reduced cost conceivable is basic to
keeping up with their fulfillment.
That is definitively the very thing that successful Supply Chain
Management enables you to do. By choosing the fitting
frameworks, procedures, and accomplices for your store network,
you can offer the outstanding assistance, straightforwardness, and
perceivability that your clients request. You keep up with unlimited
authority over the lifecycle of your items, from origination to
conveyance, by laying out frameworks that limit mistakes and
augment stock effectiveness. The more upgraded your store
network, the better the client experience, the more joyful your
clients will be, and the more probable they will make one more buy
from you.

6. Improving Distribution
Organizations benefit from Supply Chain Management since it
smoothes out the dispersion interaction. To work with the speedier
development of products, it is important to accomplish legitimate
coordination between different transportation channels and
stockrooms. Store network Management empowers organizations
to lessen above costs while likewise conveying things all the more
rapidly. Thus, the whole conveyance framework is improved,
taking into account the conveyance of items at the suitable general
Subsequently, it is shrewd to put resources into successful
innovation that permits you to oversee stock rapidly, produce
exhaustive reports, mechanize conveyance, give ongoing
following, and perform other dissemination capabilities flawlessly.

7. Maintaining Better Coordination

Store network Management endeavors to further develop
coordination between the business' different partners. A channel is
laid out, permitting workers, clients, and providers to productively
speak with the organization. Administrators can rapidly coordinate
their staff, and representatives can speak with their managers
through the laid out divert in case of a crisis. Furthermore, clients
can acquire important data by means of self-gateways laid out as a
feature of the client service framework. It works with data dividing
among all partners and adds to building an association with
uncommon coordination.
Big Bazaar is the leader hypermarket corporate store from Future
Group and is available in north of 150 urban areas the nation over.
The Group additionally works Big Bazaar GenNxt which incorporates
predominant shopping encounters with developments like intelligent
advanced screens, plunk down check outs and shrewd client support.
Big Bazaar vows to offer the ' Har Din Lowest Price ' with a
monstrous cost drop on more than 1,500 regular utilize thing at every
one of the stores in the country. It additionally offers a large group of
significant worth added administrations like home delivery, fast
billing and grinding flour among others. Big Bazaar has made uber
shopping properties like Sabse Saste Din, Public Holiday Sale, Smart
Search, Wednesday Bazaar and Great Indian Home Festival which
engages the clients to shop the best at the most reduced cost.


• Three stores launched inside a range of 22 days in Kolkata,
Bangalore and Hyderabad

• ICICI Bank Card is launched.
• Food Bazaar turns out to be important for Big Bazaar with the send
off of the main store in Mumbai at High Street Phoenix.

• Enters Tier II urban communities with the launch of the store in
• Invites its 10 millionth client at its new store in Gurgaon
• Wins its most memorable honor and public acknowledgment. Big
Bazaar and Food Bazaar granted the nation's most appreciated retailer
grant in esteem retailing and food retailing portion at the India Retail

• Execution of SAP and pilots a RFID project at its focal distribution
center in Tarapur
• Launch of a shopping program: the Big Bazaar Exchange Offer,
welcoming clients to trade family junk at Big Bazaar
• Electronic Bazaar and Furniture Bazaar are opened
• Big Bazaar and ICICI Bank launched ICICI Bank-Big Bazaar Gold
credit program to compensate its dedicated clients.

• Dispatches Shakti, India's 1st credit card program custom fitted for
• Navaras - the adornments store launched inside Big Bazaar stores

• The 50th Big Bazaar is opened in Kanpur
• Accomplices with to lauch India's most famous
shopping entryway
• Starts the "Power of One" mission to assist with raising assets for
the Save The Children India Fund.
• Pantaloon Retail wins the International Retailer of the Year at US-
based National Retail Federation show in New York and Emerging
Retailer of the Year grant at the World Retail Congress held in

• New area, Fashion@BigBazaar, begins
• Casted a ballot among the main ten help brands in the country in the
most recent Pitch-IMRB worldwide overview
• Starts the Mega Saving "Monthly Bachat Bazaar" crusade, to give
bargains on food and food things during the main seven day stretch of
each and every month.

• Launched its second store in Assam at Tinsukia
• Started Maha Annasantarpane program at its stores in South India -
a drive to offer feasts to guests and backing nearby friendly
• Mahendra Singh Dhoni and Asin, youth symbols of India, were
picked as the brand ministers of Big Bazaar
• Declared the launch of 'The Great Exchange Offer'
• Framed a joint endeavor with Hidesign to launch Holii, another
brand of satchels, PC packs and accessories.

• Future Value Retail Limited is framed as an auxiliary to initiate the
gathering's worth retail business through Big Bazaar, Food Bazaar
and different configurations.
• Wins CNBC Awaaz Consumer Awards for the third back to back
year. Decreed the Most Preferred Multi Brand Food and Beverage
Chain, Most Preferred Multi Brand Retail Outlet and Most Preferred
Multi Brand One Stop Shop
• Third store is opened at Z Square Mall in Kanpur.
• Vidya Balan was picked as the brand minister of Big Bazaar's Price
Challenge work out
• Positioned six among the Top 50 Service Brands in India.

• Enters the country discount and dissemination business through
'Aadhaar Wholesale' store at Kalol, Gujarat.
• Enormous Bazaar has come up another logo with another slogan:
'Naye India Ka Bazaar'.

 Big Bazaar opened 29 new outlets in June.

 Future group to launch Big Bazaar direct from Nagpur.

 Big Bazaar aims to lauch 50000 direct oulets by the end of
 New outlet launched in Lucknow.

 Kishore Biyani introduces new generation of Big Bazaar.

 Future group opens 217th branch of the outlet in Vasant Kunj,

 The new outlet in Bistuspur opened in City Center Mall.

 Big Bazaar launched ‘Maha Bachat Offer’ in June 2018.

 Future group spended more than Rs. 200 crore for the opening
of new outlets.

 Big Bazaar is about to open the largest & the first standalone in
New Gurugram.
Supply Chain Management is an organization of offices that produce
unrefined substances, change them into middle of the road
merchandise and afterward eventual outcomes, and convey the items
to clients through a dispersion framework. It traverses acquirement,
assembling and dissemination (Lee and Billington 1995) the essential
target of production network the board is to "upgrade execution of the
chain to add however much worth as could reasonably be expected for
the smallest expense conceivable". At the end of the day, it expects to
connect all the store network specialists to mutually collaborate inside
the firm as a method for expanding efficiency in the production
network and convey the most advantages to every connected party
(Finch 2006). Reception of Supply chain the executives rehearses in
ventures has consistently expanded since the 1980s. Various
definitions are proposed and the idea is talked about according to
numerous viewpoints. Anyway Cousins et al. (2006); Sachan and
Datta (2005); Story et al. (2006) gave incredible audit on store
network the board writing. These papers characterize the idea,
administrators, nature, and improvement of SCM and demonstrate
that a serious exploration is being led all over the planet in this field
they fundamentally evaluated advancements in the hypothesis and
practice of supply the executives.
Gunasekaran and McGaughey (2003) expanded the extent of SCM
past material administration, association, data innovation to the Total
Quality Management regions like administration responsibility,
hierarchical construction, preparing and social issues. As firms'
endurance lies on joining, a decent comprehension of the combination
cycle is a vital perspective in SCM. Mouritsen et al. (2003) talked
about that fundamental speculation "the more coordination (more
extensive the degree) - the better the administration of the chain" isn't
generally evident and demonstrated that it relies especially upon the
"climate" of the production network and the power relations between
the members in the production network. Creators proposed a bunch of
the board procedures and instruments to investigate fruitful SCM
techniques. It is additionally seen that examination isn't restricted to
speculation testing and information examination, however further
developed strategies like recreation, Artificial Neural Network, and
Fuzzy rationale are likewise utilized for streamlining and decision
making in SCM. Koh and Tan (2006) involved the standards of fluffy
rationale for examining and checking execution of providers in light
of the models of item quality and conveyance time where as Chiu and
Lin (2004) showed how the ideas of cooperative specialists and fake
brain organizations (ANNs) can cooperate to empower cooperative
store network arranging (SCP). It shows up from writing survey that
scientists have concentrated on store network the board according to a
framework point of view, or the fundamental qualities of cooperations
between the members of store network are noticed. Albeit various
investigations sees SCM according to alternate points of view, this
paper gives the better comprehension of store network exercises.
Oliver (1977) defines “pleasure is shopper success response. it's a
judgment that a product or
provider feature, or the factory-made from supplier itself, provided (or
is providing) a gratifying degree of consumption
- associated success, comprehensive of stages of beneathneath or over
success.Mr.N.MohammedNizar (2000): analysed"
A have a glance at on shopper offerings at BSNL with distinctive
reference to Coimbatore city" the have a glance at became wont to
apprehend the expectations of shoppers and serve them in a very
higher manner. Mr.N.Kathirvel (2006):
conducted “A have a glance at on shopper pleasure nearer to massive
Bazaar”. the foremost necessary goal of the have a glance at is to
perceive the factor that satisfies the shoppers in AN powerful
manner.Mr.S.Jaishankar (2008):
conducted"“A have a glance at on shopper pleasure nearer to massive
Bazaar”. The goal of the have a glance at became to
perceive the notice amongst shoppers regarding the offerings rendered
through massive Bazaar.
Mr.S.Venkatesh (2010): conducted “A have a glance at on shopper
offerings nearer to surf stand out with distinctive reference
to Erode town”. The goal of the have a glance at became to
understand the extent of enjoyment nearer to offerings
rendered through the corporate. Mr.Y.M.Ramesh (2012): conducted
“A have a glance at on consumer’s opinion and
pleasure nearer to hypermarket- just in case of huge Bazaar, Hubli”.
The have a glance at indicates that shoppers ar terribly
unswerving nearer to massive Bazaar.
The research methodology depends on exact information gathered
through a poll study and individual meetings. The poll based
overview methodology is taken on to test the proposed speculations.
Interview and survey are the fundamental instruments of this review.
Tacitknowledge assortment from customer gadgets industry is another
methodology. The respondents will be mentioned to finish up a study
poll according to the point of view that best caught the supply chain
and coordinated factors issues looked by their association. The target
of the survey will be to distinguish the degree of arrangement of
supply chain procedures, the construction of supply chains in different
industry areas, the issues experienced in sorting out supply chain
systems and the way being taken by associations in fortifying supply
chain management. The goal is to analyze the situation with data
imparting to clients, speculation in supply chain mechanization
apparatuses, Effective method of correspondence in supply chain,
accessibility of supply, determining techniques, supply chain
management, innovation participation, supplier integration and
In this review, observational research is utilized to report the act of
Supply Chain Management in Indian Electronics and Telecom
ventures. Reviews are genuinely normal in experimental research. The
term "exact" (and that implies information in view of certifiable
perceptions) is utilized here to describe field-based research, which
utilizes information accumulated from normally happening
circumstances or experiments. Experimental research gives an
incredible asset to building or checking the hypothesis.
Overview includes the assortment of data from a huge gathering of
populace. It depends on self reports of genuine information, as well as
assessment. Overview research is noticeable as a methodology that
has been utilized to concentrate on unstructured hierarchical issues.


Research design especially depicts the information creation cycle and
strategies applied in detail. It can likewise be perceived as an activity
plan for the entire research process. The research design of this study
conforms to the conventional activity research techniques as per
which the research process is perceived as a cycle that comprises of a
pre-step and three center step activities: planning, activity and reality
finding. The various strides in the research pattern of this study are
(1) pre-grasping
(2) arranging and activity
(3) truth finding and examination and finally
(4) hypothesis building.
The Pre-understanding stage is essentially to expand the
comprehension researcher might interpret the researched peculiarities
in the business setting. This research stage begins with organizing the
research issue and basic research questions. This is trailed by a survey
of the literature in view of which a provisional 'deduced' particular of
research develops are derived. According to Eisenhardt: this sort of
detail is important in light of the fact that it grants researchers to
measure develops all the more precisely, in spite of the fact that it isn't
required in principle constructing research.
The preparation and activity stage incorporates both the planning and
execution of process changes per individual client. By and by, there
are a couple of interaction execution projects going on simultaneously
for the researcher. This research stage begins with the correction of a
client's current supply chain arrangement in light of which a nitty
gritty task plan about process changes is made. Contingent upon the
client's business circumstance, the structure of the project team can
change between various contextual investigations. This is likewise
reflected in the extent of the process implementation. In rundown, the
execution of changes is done during this stage. There se arch
information is gathered all the while.
The reality finding and investigation stage covers the itemized
examination of discoveries and research data from the execution
project. The examination is finished in two stages. The main survey is
conveyed out at the finish of the execution project not long before its
consummation. In the event that there is something fundamentally
amiss with the new cycle, another activity plan for the client is
immediately implemented to tackle the issue. The second, more long
haul, assessment is done months later when the improvement of
functional measures is plainly noticeable. In the event that there isn't
enough evidence to reach determinations from the discoveries, more
top to bottom cases are chosen for additional examination.
The hypothesis building stage is fundamentally to make research
determinations and to make a new theory for the current group of
information. In the first place, the stage actually proceeds with the
examination of research data for additional approving of the
discoveries. This is finished by utilizing information taken from the
customer cases that were not piece of the top to bottom examination.
Second, it presents the research ends and links them to the hypothesis.
The design is to introduce another model for choosing the right supply
chain for a client in an undertaking business. Third, the research stage
examines the use of the new hypothesis.

Research was done in two stages:

1. Secondary research
Information on the products of various players was gathered from
websites and catalogues.
2. Primary Study
Learned about the primary study from the external guide.


1. Acquiring product knowledge at Big Bazaar: The first thing done
was to read up on the products. This not only provided in-depth
knowledge about what other players had to give, but it was also
helpful when creating the questionnaire.
2. Customer surveys: People are crucial since they allow for the
estimation and knowledge of the general public's perceptions of the
product. It is possible to examine how much individuals require
various items. Knowing about the needs of the people was incredibly
On the basis of the findings from the pilot study, the questionnaire's
final draught was created. 100 clients ultimately filled these out for
the concluding study.
Finally, the data was entered into the data analysis programme and
subjected to statistical analysis.

Primary Data Collection Types

• Social and economic traits - Because they characterise the sort of
people, socioeconomic traits are frequently referred to as "states of
being." Work-related aspects are what we are focusing on. A crucial
criterion is the monthly transaction, although it is challenging to
verify. The amount of money a business unit makes in a given month
is an absolute, not a relative, quantity, but it is challenging to estimate
since it is a touchy subject in our culture.
• Attitudes/Opinion - We attempted to capture client desire,
inclination, and necessity through the questionnaire. Since it is widely
believed that attitudes influence client behaviour, attitude is a crucial
concept in marketing literature.
• Motivation - Using the questionnaire, we attempted to uncover any
unmet needs or desires of the respondents and determine whether or
not they could represent potential customers for Big Bazaar.
• Behavior - Behavior refers to what individuals have done or are
currently doing. We attempted to learn about people's attitudes toward
the product and their responses through the questionnaire. The person
can be considered one of our potential clients if the responses are
positive. The primary data is a crucial instrument for assessing the
customer's behavioural trends. It aids in providing answers to some
crucial questions.
• Getting the Main Data - Communication was mostly used to acquire
the data. Using a data gathering tool called a questionnaire,
communication entails asking respondents questions in order to obtain
the needed information. Both the inquiries and the answers were sent
in writing.
• Versatility - Marketers are interested in a technique's capacity to
gather information on a variety of primary data sources. Additionally,
it has been discovered that some people don't always answer
questions honestly, especially when it comes to personal information.


The gear and techniques of statistics series diagnosed in advance have
been hired to acquire statistics at the customer belief on Big Bazaar.
The statistics accrued, particularly from the interviews and
questionnaires circulated, are tabulated and depicted on graphs
withinside the following pages. The statistics accordingly amassed
and tabulated is analyzed. The statistics is then scrutinized and
applicable interpretations are drawn.

The principal targets of evaluation of statistics are:

1. To examine and beautify statistics quality
2. Examine consequences of different applicable factors
3. Customer pleasure ratio,
4. Level of pleasure,
5. Causes of dis-pleasure,
6. Customer responses concerning services.
The statistics series plan, along with approaches, instruments, and
forms, changed into designed and pre-examined to maximise
accuracy. All statistics series sports have been monitored to make sure
adherence to the statistics series protocol and to activate moves to
And clear up lacking and questionable statistics. Monitoring
approaches have been instituted on the outset and maintained at some
point of the study, because the quicker irregularities may be
Detected; the more the probability that they may be resolved in a nice
way and the earlier preventive measures may be instituted.

Q. 1) Age of the respondents.

Age Total
Below 18 30
18-40 45
40-60 15
60 above 10
Total 100

The first criteria respondents were asked to indicate was the age
Group they belonged to. Respondents were asked to choose
Among four age group categories, viz., below 18, 18-40, 40-60, 60 above years.
The age groups were identified as key factors impacting shopping and
purchase decisions of consumers.

From the table, and pie chart depicted above, the distribution of the
population under study is evident. Of the 100 respondents who answered the
questionnaire, 45% indicated that their ages fell in the category 18-40 years
30% indicated below 18, 15% indicated 40-60 year and 10% indicated 60

The highest number of respondents falls in the age group 18-40. It can be
deduced that most of the consumers who visit retail outlets regularly
are the youth. They make up almost more than half of the population who
shop at retail stores.

Q. 2) Gender of the respondents:

Gender Total
Male 65
Female 35
Total 100
No. of customers gender wise




Consumers were asked to indicate their gender. The object of this question is
to understand the demographics of the population under study.


From the table, and pie chart depicted above, the distribution of the
consumers is evident. Of the 100 respondents who answered the
questionnaire, 65 were female and 35 were male. It is evident from the
responses and the subsequent tabulation that the number of female
respondents was higher than that of the male respondents in the population
under study. Female are the major buyers at the Big Bazaar.

The highest number of respondents were female, as is depicted by the graph
and chart presented above. The number of male respondents was less
compared to the female respondents.

Two decisions can be made from the above data collected:

 One, more women visit retail outlets than men.
 Two, more women are willing to fill out questionnaires and take a
survey than men.
Since more women can be inferred to visit retail stores than men, companies
can target their offerings and marketing strategies in two areas. Retail outlets
Appeal to the women customers by offering more products geared especially
towards women. They can provide a shopping experience that women are
particularly attracted to.

Another way that retail chains can use the above data is to think new
techniques so that they can appeal to the men rather than the women. Since,
fewer men visit
Retail stores as against women, the companies have a large base of potential
customers. By providing products that are geared towards men and by
providing a shopping experience that attract men’s they can increase their
loyal customers.

Q.3) how you came to know about Big Bazaar.

Source Total
Electronic media 30
Word of mouth 40
Print media 20
Hoarding 10
Total 100
Source of Knowledge

20% Electronic media
Word of mouth
Print media


Consumers were asked to indicate the source from where they got information
about Big Bazaar. The object of this question is to understand the source of
information of the population under study.


From the table, and pie chart depicted above, the distribution of the
consumers is evident. Of the 100 respondents who answered the
questionnaire, 40% people got information about Big Bazaar from word of
mouth 30% from electronic media, 20% from print media, 10% from


Appropriate decisions can be made keeping these numbers in mind.

 We should increase the quality of service and which we are providing to

customers, so that we can increase loyal customers so that they can
influence more people and our customer base can be
 Secondly we can increase our advertisement on electronic media as now
day’s customers are also influenced by ads on TV, and other electronic

Q. 4) how often do you shop?

Frequency Total
Once a week 45
Fortnightly 30
Once a month 25
Total 100

Shopping Frequency

25% Once a week           


Once a
30% month                      


Consumers approached were asked about their frequency in visits to shops.

The frequency points furnished were: Once a week, Fortnightly, and Once a
month. These frequency points were identified by observation and interview
as the average times that consumers shop.

From the table, and pie chart depicted above, the frequency of shopping of the
respondents is evident. Of the 100 respondents who answered the
questionnaire, 45 indicated that they shopped once a week, 30 indicated that
they shopped Fortnightly 25 who visit shops, malls or retail stores once a


It can be deduced that consumers who shop only once a week, pose very
different challenges to retail stores. Such customers can be presumed to have
a high disposable income and may buy more lifestyle or fashion products. Since
they shop so frequently, they must continually be entertained and attracted to

make repeat purchases at stores. When targeting this segment, companies

must be able to get new stock every week, and update their
marketing strategies continuously.

As monthly customers can buy the products in bulk so they can shop during

(M.B.B) and other offer seasons but we can give every week big

discounts to customers so it’s more difficult to increase the customer base

of weekly customers. It can be increased if employee handle the customer
well, display of the product, and ambience of the retail outlet is good.

Q 5) Why do you shop at Big Bazaar?

Factors Total
Offer 17
Price 23
Easy Availability of 35
Quality 25
Factors effecting Buying

Easy Availability of Product


Consumers approached were asked about their factors effecting their

purchasing decision. The factor points furnished were: Quality, Price, Offer,
and Availability of product


From the table, and pie chart depicted above, the factors effecting purchasing
decision of consumers is evident. Of the 100 respondents who answered the
questionnaire, 35 answered availability of product 25 answered quality, 23
answered price 17 answered offers as their main factors influencing their
buying decision.


This question is aimed at understanding what elements attract the consumer

the most. The preference points laid before the respondent have been the
result of observation and interview. By analysing the responses to this
question, I the researchers, as well as companies, can identify the biggest
factors that influence the consumers in favouring one store over others.

The highest responses and the highest factor have been attributed to
availability of products on sale, when choosing to shop at a particular store.

The quality, price and variety of goods play big roles in the decision
making process.

Q6) During which offer you shop most?

Factors No.
Wednesday Bazaar 30
Monthly Bachat Bazaar 50
Weekend offers 20
Total 100
Offers effecting buying decision

30% Wednesday Bazaar

Monthly Bachat Bazaar

Weekend offers.



Consumers were asked to answer that during which offer they shop most at
Big Bazaar. The object of this question is to understand the type of offers
which affect the sales of Big Bazaar.


From the table, and pie chart depicted above, the distribution of the
consumers is evident. Of the 100 respondents who answered the
questionnaire, 50% customers purchase decision are effected by
M.B.B(Monthly Bacaht Bazaar ) 30% are influenced by Wednesday Bazaar and
only 20% got influenced by weekend offers.


Appropriate decisions can be made keeping these numbers in mind.

 We should increase the no. of offers days as we can give fortnightly

offers, and other additional discounts which are not available outside
of Big Bazaar, so that we can increase loyal customers so that they can
influence more people and our customer base can be increased.
 Secondly we can increase our advertisement on electronic media as now
day’s customers are also influenced by ads on TV, and other electronic
media, about different offers as many customers are not aware of
different offers going on at Big Bazaar.

Q.7) what do you mostly shop at the Big Bazaar stores?

Detail No.
Accessories   25
Groceries 32
Others (specify) 13
Clothing 30

sharing in different parts

32% others

Data Collected

Consumers approached were asked to indicate the types of products they

mostly shopped at Big Bazaar. The types of products presented were Clothing,
Accessories, Groceries and others. These products were identified by
observation and interview as the most popular products that consumers shop
for frequently.


From the table, and pie chart depicted above, the products frequently shopped
for by consumers are evident. Of the 100 respondents who answered the
questionnaire, 32% indicated that they essentially shopped for Groceries, 30%
Clothing, 15% others (Luggage, Footwear etc), and 25% Accessories.

It is evident from the responses and the subsequent tabulation that

consumers, on an average, frequently shop for products in the following
descending order: Clothing, Accessories, Others and Groceries.


The high number of responses indicate that a large number of consumers visit

retail outlets for groceries. Approx One-third of the respondents indicated

that they visit retail outlets to purchase Clothes. To the retail stores, the above
tabulated responses lead to a very important result. Groceries are the fastest
moving consumer good. Retail outlets that provide groceries and apparels can
see a higher rate of turnover and sales volume.
Q.8) Are you aware with Big Bazaar own brands?

Items No.
Food Bazaar 40
Tasty Treat 25
Dj & C 35
Total 100

Awareness about Big Bazaar own Brands

Tasty treat
Food Bazaar
Dj &C


Data Collected

Consumers approached were asked if they were aware about the Big Bazaar
own brands as Food Bazaar, Tasty treat, Dj &C etc.


From the table, and pie chart depicted above, the awareness about big bazaar
owns brands in the consumers are evident. Of the 100 respondents who
answered the questionnaire, 40 replied that they were aware about Food
Bazaar 25 were aware about Tasty treat and 35 were aware about Dj & C


This indicates that although most consumers are aware about the big bazaar
brands Food Bazaar brands are more popular then other brands.

Q.9) Are you satisfied with Big Bazaar own brands (e.g Tasty Treat)?

Details No.
Yes 65
No 35
Total 100
Satisfaction with Big Bazaar brands




Data Collected

Consumers approached were asked about their satisfaction level with the Big
Bazaar own Brands. This question was answered by 100 consumers.


From the table, and pie chart depicted above, the satisfaction level among the
customers about Big Bazaar own brands Of the 100 respondents who
answered the questionnaire, 65 replied yes that they were satisfied with the
big bazaar brands and there were 35 people who were not satisfied with big
bazaar brands.


From the tabulated data depicted above and responses of the consumers, we
can see that to promote own brand we should advertise more and packaging
can be made more attractive.
Q.10) in which area of operation at Big Bazaar improvement is

Detail No.
Cashier Speed 45%
Staff Knowledge 30%
Waiting Time Management 25%

Area of improvement in operations


Waiting Time Management

Cashier Speed
Staff Knowledge



Consumers were asked to answer that in which operation they want

improvement at Big Bazaar. The objective of this question is to understand the
improvement area at Big Bazaar.


From the table, and pie chart depicted above, the distribution of the
consumers is evident. Of the 100 respondents who answered the
questionnaire, 45% customers need improvement in Cashier speed 30% are
not satisfied with the staff knowledge about the product 25% thought waiting
process management is not good at Big Bazaar.
• Generally teens and women’s are the principle clients at Big Bazaar.
• Electronic media has a extraordinary effect on clients they may be
getting privy to new merchandise and associated offers.
• Due to availability of all merchandise beneathneath one roof and
close by their residence allows clients to save weekly and save clean
each time.
• Groceries are the principle gadgets bought through the clients and
they may be privy to large bazaar manufacturers and frequently are
happy with them.
• All the clients need that their time ought to now no longer waste
after shopping, range of cashiers ought to be increased, and ready
manner control ought to be made good.
• The file well-known shows that there may be large scope for the
boom of prepared retailing and development of Big Bazaar Store in
Allahabad city.
• With the converting lifestyle, modernization and westernization
there exists a large scope for the boom of Big Bazaar save and is
consequently a hazard to unorganized retailing.
• Big Bazaar save are capable of offer nearly all classes of gadgets
associated with food, health, splendor products, clothing & footwear,
long lasting items so it emerge as pretty less complicated for the
consumer to shop for from one keep and therefore is a convinient
manner of purchasing whilst in comparison to unorganized retailing.
• Aggressive Marketing is the important thing to growing the
marketplace proportion on this area, for the reason that marketplace
has quite a few ability each in phrases of untapped marketplace.




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