P6MATHS - Mid Year Set 1

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Primary 6



PAPER 1 (The use of calculators is not allowed.)

Total time for Booklets A and B: 50 min

PAPER 2 (The use of calculators is allowed.)

Time for Paper 2: 1 h 40 min
SHORT-ANSWER [10 marks]


A / 20
B / 20
/ 10
/ 50
TOTAL / 100

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Questions 1 to 10 carry 1 mark each. Questions 11 to 15 carry 2 marks each. For each
question, choose the correct answer and write its number (1, 2, 3 or 4) in the brackets
provided. [20 m]

1. 5 hundreds, 28 ones and 321 thousandths written in numbers is .

(1) 52.8321 (3) 528 321
(2) 528.321 (4) 532 128 ( )

2. Which of the following nets cannot form a solid?

(1) (3)

(2) (4)

( )

5 3
3. __
​ 12   ​ of Denise’s money is fifty-cent coins, __
​ 7 ​ of the remaining money is twenty-cent coins and
the rest of the money is ten-cent coins. Find the ratio of the number of fifty-cent coins to the
number of ten-cent coins that Denise has.
(1) 3 : 4 (3) 5 : 3
(2) 3 : 5 (4) 5 : 4 ( )

4. Round off 3 142 589 to the nearest ten thousand.

(1) 3 140 000 (3) 3 150 000
(2) 3 143 000 (4) 3 153 000 ( )

5. The breadth of a rectangle is 2m cm. Its length is twice its breadth. Find its perimeter.
(1) 6m cm (3) 12m cm
(2) 8m cm (4) 18m cm ( )

6. Which of the following is not a common factor of 12 and 24?

(1) 2 (3) 6
(2) 3 (4) 8 ( )

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7. Find the value of 12x + 28 – 13 + __
​ 2 ​when x = 4.

(1) 29 (3) 65
(2) 31 (4) 6 ( )

8. The ratio of the number of red hula hoops to the number of blue hula hoops is 4 : 5. The ratio
of the number of blue hula hoops to the number of yellow hula hoops is 2 : 3. Find the ratio
of the number of red hula hoops to the number of blue hula hoops to the number of yellow
hula hoops.
(1) 4 : 7 : 3 (3) 10 : 8 : 15
(2) 8 : 10 : 15 (4) 12 : 15 : 9 ( )

9. In the figure shown below, ABC is an isosceles triangle. Find ∠BCD.


(1) 24º (3) 114º

(2) 66º (4) 132º ( )

10. There are 20 stamps in 16 envelopes. How many stamps are there in 5n envelopes?
(1) __
​ 25  ​stamps (3) 4n stamps
n 25n
(2) __
​ 4 ​stamps (4) ___  ​ stamps
​  4    ( )

11. Find the average of 108, 305 and 79.

(1) 123 (3) 246
(2) 164 (4) 492 ( )

12. Mrs Watson used 45% of the flour to bake a cake. She used __
​ 5 ​of the remaining flour to make
some bread. What percentage of the flour had she left?
(1) 18% (3) 33%
(2) 22% (4) 67% ( )

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13. Ruth and Alison shared a sum of money in the ratio 4 : 7. Alison received $60 more than
Ruth. Alison gave $35 to Ruth. Find the new ratio of the amount of money Ruth had to the
amount of money Alison had in the end. Express the answer in its simplest form.
(1) 9 : 35 (3) 23 : 21
(2) 21 : 23 (4) 35 : 9 ( )

14. 28% of the people at an opening ceremony were men. The number of men was 220 fewer
than the number of women and children. The ratio of the number of women to the number of
children was 2 : 1. How many children were at the opening ceremony?
(1) 120 children (3) 264 children
(2) 240 children (4) 360 children ( )

15. Find the product of 35 and 208.

(1) 173 (3) 7280
(2) 243 (4) 7820 ( )

Questions 16 to 25 carry 1 mark each. Questions 26 to 30 carry 2 marks each. For questions
26 to 30, show your working clearly in the space given. Write your answers on the lines
provided. For questions that require units, these units are provided. Give your answers in
the stated units. [20 m]

16. Simplify 6a + 15 + 3a – a +18.


17. How many hundreds are there in 43 500?

Ans: hundreds

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18. Six years ago, Anthony was p years old. How old will he be in 4 years’ time?

Ans: years old

19. The sum of 31 tens and 50 hundreds is tens.


20. Find ∠a with the use of a protractor. ∠a = .

a Ans: º

21. Olivia bought 16 apples at 4 for $1. How much did she pay for the apples?

Ans: $

25c – 12
22. Find the value of  _______
​  3     when c = 6.


23. Shade the unit shape in the tessellation below.

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1 3
24. Add 1​__
 2 ​and 8 ​__
 5 ​ .


25. The length of Ribbon A is __
​ 11  ​ the length of Ribbon B. Find the ratio of the length of Ribbon A
to the total length of both ribbons.


26. Mr Spencer sold a massage chair to his friend, giving a 10% discount. If the massage chair
was sold at $2790, what was the original price of the massage chair?

Ans: $

27. Find 80% of 41 kg.

Ans: kg

28. Jerome has some fifty-cent coins and one-dollar coins. He has 3 more one-dollar coins than
fifty-cent coins. If he has $13.50, how many one-dollar coins does he have?

Ans: one-dollar coins

29. Gabriel had $50. He paid $20 for a pair of boots and $12 for a few pairs of socks. What
percentage of his money had Gabriel left?

Ans: %

30. A pack of candies was shared among Angel, Helen and Rachel. Angel had __
​ 8 ​of the candies
while Helen and Rachel shared the rest of the candies in the ratio 3 : 7. If Angel received 24
more candies than Helen, how many candies did Rachel receive?

Ans: candies

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Questions 1 to 5 carry 2 marks each. Show your working clearly in the space given. Write
your answers on the lines provided. For questions that require units, these units are
provided. Give your answers in the stated units. [10 m]

1. Miss Brown bought 24 dozen pineapple tarts. If each pineapple tart cost $0.15, how much
change would she receive if she gave the cashier $50?

Ans: $

2. The ratio of the 3 sides of a triangle is 2 : 4 : 7. If the sum of the shortest and the longest
sides of the triangle is 27 cm, find the perimeter of the triangle.

Ans: cm

3. Fiona earns $2000 a month. She spends 20% of her monthly salary on rent, 50% on other
expenses and saves the rest. If Fiona saves an equal amount of money every month, how
much can she save in a year?

Ans: $

4. In a school hall, the number of boys is __
​ 8 ​the number of girls. If there are 240 girls, what is the
ratio of the number of boys to the total number of children in the school hall?


5. Jerry spent $m on a pair of shoes and $120 on a pair of jeans. He had $75 left after paying
for both items. How much money did Jerry have at first?

Ans: $
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For questions 6 to 18, show your working clearly in the space and write your answers on
the lines provided. The number of marks available is shown in brackets [ ] at the end of
each question or part-question. [50 m]

6. A televison set costs $3700. If Mr Philip has to pay 7% GST on the television set, how much
does he pay in all? [3]


7. Rebecca’s marbles is __
​ 2 ​ of Aaron’s marbles. Rebecca has 895 marbles. How many marbles
do they have altogether? [3]


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8. 35% of a pole was painted green, 30% of it was painted yellow and the rest was painted
(a) What percentage of the pole was painted red? [1]

(b) The length of the pole was 2.5 m. What was the length of the part of the pole that was
painted red? Express the answer in centimetres. [2]

Ans: (a)


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9. Alan, Bob and Carrie shared some marbles. Bob had 40% more marbles than Alan. Carrie
had __
​ 10   ​ what Bob had. If Carrie had 1176 marbles, how many marbles did they have
altogether? [3]


10. The average height of four different plants is 164 cm. The total height of three of these plants
is 445 cm. Find the height of the other plant. [3]


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11. A laptop costs 7 times as much as a mobile phone. If the total cost of the laptop and 2 such
mobile phones is $3825,
(a) find the cost of the laptop. [2]

(b) Find the cost of 4 such laptops. [2]

Ans: (a)


12. Three years ago, Alex was x years old. His brother is thrice as old as Alex now.
(a) How old is his brother now? Express the answer in terms of x. [2]

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(b) What will be their total age in 7 years’ time? [2]

Ans: (a)


13. Eric, Fred and Gary shared some comics in the ratio 4 : 3 : 2.
(a) What fraction of the comics did Eric receive? [2]

(b) When Fred gave half of his comics to Eric, Eric had 56 more comics than him. How
many comics did Fred have in the end? [2]

Ans: (a)


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14. There were 3 glasses containing the same volume of milk. Allen poured 210 ml of the milk
in glass A into glass C, and 150 ml of the milk in glass B into glass C. In the end, the ratio of
the volume of milk in glass A to the volume of milk in glass B was 3 : 8. What was the volume
of milk in each glass at first? [4]


15. Benedict bought a car. He paid a deposit of 30% and paid the remaining amount in 84
monthly instalments of $588. How much was the car? [4]


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16. A group of girl guides sold m boxes of cookies on Monday. They sold twice as many boxes
of cookies on Tuesday than on Monday. They sold 15 more boxes of cookies on Wednesday
than on Tuesday.
(a) How many boxes of cookies did the girl guides sell over the three days? Express the
answer in terms of m. [2]

(b) What was the average number of boxes of cookies that the girl guides had sold over the
three days? [2]

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(c) If m = 6, find the average number of boxes of cookies that the girl guides had sold. [1]

Ans: (a)



17. Geraldine had some stickers. She gave 15% of her stickers to Gloria, __
​ 5 ​ of the remaining
stickers to Jacklyn and had 306 stickers left. How many stickers did Geraldine have at
first? [5]


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18. A rectangular tank, measuring 40 cm by 38 cm with a height of 30 cm, is filled with water to
a height of 10 cm.
(a) Find the volume of water in the tank. [2]

(b) When 5 identical iron balls are dropped into the tank, the water level increases to half
the height of the tank. Find the volume of each iron ball. [3]

Ans: (a)


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Solutions to my1

Paper 1 14. (1)

1. (2) 100% – 28% = 72% (women + children)
2. (3) 72% – 28% = 44%
3. (4) 44% → 220
___ 5 1% → 220 ÷ 44 = 5
​ 12   ​ ( 50¢ coins)
__ 5 __ 7 72% → 5 × 72 = 360
1 – ​    ​ = ​    ​ 
12 12 3 units → 360
​ 37 ​ × __ 7 __
​ 12 3
  ​ = ​    ​ (20¢ coins)
1 unit → 360 ÷ 3 = 120
__ 7 __ 3 __ 4 15. (3)
​ 12   ​ – ​    ​ = ​    ​  (10¢ coins)
12 12
2 0 8
___5 4
​ 12   : ___
  ​ ​ 12   ​  × 3 5
5 : 4
4. (1) 7280
5. (3)
16. 8a + 33
Breadth → 2m
6a + 3a – a + 15 + 18 = 8a + 33
Length → 2m × 2 = 4m
2m + 4m + 2m + 4m = 12m 17. 435
6. (4) 18. p + 10
7. (3) p + 6 + 4 = p + 10
12x + 28 – 13 + ​   ​ 
2 19. 531
= 12 × 4 + 28 – 13 + __ ​ 42 ​ 310 + 5000 = 5310 = 531 tens
= 48 + 28 – 13 + 2 20. 215
= 65 360º – 145º = 215º
8. (2)
21. 4
red :  blue : yellow
16 ÷ 4 = 4
4 : 5
2 : 3 22. 46
25 × 6 – 12 ________
___________ 150 – 12
8 : 10 : 15 ​   ​ = ​ 
3 3
9. (3) 138
(180º – 48º) ÷ 2 = 66º = ​ ____
∠BCD = 180º – 66º = 114º = 46
10. (4) 23. (Accept other correct answers.)
​ 20
​ 25n
  ​× 5n = ____
11. (2)

​ 108 + 305 + 79 ____
​ = 164
= ​     
3 3 1
24. 10​ ___  ​ 
12. (3) 10
100% – 45% = 55% 1 3 5 6
1​ __ ​ +   1​ ___  ​ +
  8​ __ ​ =   8 ​ ___  ​ 
_​ 2 ​ × 55%
11 2 5 10 10
= 22% 11
5 = 9 + ​ ___ ​ 
55% – 22% = 33% 10
13. (3) = 9 + 1​ ___  ​  
3 units → $60
1 unit → $60 ÷ 3 = $20 =10​ ___  ​ 
4 : 7 25. 7 : 18
+ 35 80 : 140 Ribbon A : Ribbon B : Total (A + B)
– 35
115 : 105 7 : 11 : 7 + 11 = 18

23 : 21

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26. 3100 4. 5 : 13
100% – 10% = 90% 8 units → 240
1 unit → 240 ÷ 8 = 30
90% → $2790
5 units → 30 × 5 = 150
1% → $2790 ÷ 90 = $31 240 + 150 = 390
100% → $31 × 100 = $3100 boys : total
150 : 390
27. 32.8 kg
15 : 39
____ 328
  41 = ​ ____
​    ​ × ​
5 : 13
= 32.8 kg 5. m + 195
$m + $120 + $75 = $m + $195
28. 10 = $(m + 195)
3 more $1 coins → 3 × $1 = $3
6. $3959
$13.50 – $3 = $10.50 100% + 7% = 107%
​    ​ × $3700 = $3959
$1 + 50¢ = $1.50 100
He pays $3959 in all.
​   ​ =
 7 7. 1253
Rebecca : Aaron : total
Number of $1 coins = 7 + 3 = 10
5 : 2 : 7
5 units → 895
29. 36
1 unit → 895 ÷ 5 = 179
$50 – $20 – $12 = $18 7 units → 179 × 7 = 1253
2 They have 1253 marbles altogether.
​   ​ ×
  100% = 36%
8. (a) 35%
30. 56 100% – 35% – 30% = 35%
3 6
Angel → ​ __  ​ = ​ ___  ​  35% of the pole was painted red.
8 16
Helen + Rachel → 1 – ​ __ ​  (b) 87.5 cm
5 5
= ​ __ ​  ____35
​    ​ ×
  250 cm = 87.5 cm
8 100
10 2
= ​ ___ ​  87.5 cm of the pole was painted red.
Angel : Helen : Rachel 9. 4536 marbles
6 : 3 : 7 6 units → 1176
3 units → 24 1176
1 unit → 24 ÷ 3 = 8 10 units → _____
​   ​ ×
  10  = 1960 (Bob)
7 units → 8 × 7 = 56
140% = 1960
Paper 2 14
1. 6.80 100% = _____
​   ​ ×
  100 = 1400 (Alan)
24 × 12 = 288 1176 + 1960 + 1400 = 4536
288 × $0.15 = $43.20 They had 4536 marbles altogether.
$50 – $43.20 = $6.80 10. 211 cm
2. 39 164 cm × 4 = 656 cm
2+7=9 656 cm – 445 cm = 211 cm
9 units → 27 cm The height of the other plant is 211 cm.
1 unit → 27 ÷ 9 = 3 cm
2 + 4 + 7 = 13 11. (a) $2975
13 units → 3 × 13 = 39 cm laptop

3. 7200 mobile $3825

100% – 20% – 50% = 30% mobile

​    ​ ×
  $2000 = $600
100 9 units → $3825
$600 × 12 = $7200 1 unit → $3825 ÷ 9 = $425
7 units → $425 × 7 = $2975
The laptop costs $2975.

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(b) $11900 (c) 15

$2975 × 4 = $11900 5m 5×6
​ ____   5 = ​ _____
 ​ +
   ​ +
4 laptops costs $11900. 3 3
12. (a) (3x + 9) years old = ​ ___ ​ +
Now, = 10 + 5
Alex → x + 3 = 15
x + 3 + x + 3 + x + 3 = 3x + 9 The girl guides sold an average of 15 boxes of
His brother is (3x + 9) years old now.
(b) (4x + 26) years 17. 600 stickers
100% – 15% = 85%
(x + 3 + 7) + (3x + 9 + 7) = 4x + 26
2 __ 3
Their total age will be (4x + 26) years old in 7 1 – ​ __ ​ = ​ 
 ​ (left)
5 5
years’time. 3
​    ​ × 85% = 51%
13. (a) ​ __  ​ 51% → 306
9 1% → 306 ÷ 51 = 6
4+3+2=9 100% → 6 × 100 = 600
Eric received ​ __  ​ of the comics. Geraldine had 600 stickers at first.
(b) 21 comics 18. (a) 15 200 cm3
Eric : Fred : Gary 40 cm × 38 cm × 10 cm = 15 200 cm3
4 : 3 : 2 The volume of water in the tank is 15 200 cm3.
Before 8 : 6 : 4 (b) 1520 cm3
After 8 + 3 = 11 : 6 – 3 = 3 : 4 30 cm ÷ 2 = 15 cm
11 units – 3 units = 8 units 40 cm × 38 cm × 15 cm = 22 800 cm3
8 units → 56 22 800 cm3 – 15 200 cm3 = 7600 cm3
1 unit → 56 ÷ 8 = 7 7600 cm3 ÷ 5 = 1520 cm3
3 units → 3 × 7 = 21 The volume of each iron ball is 1520 cm3.
Fred had 21 comics in the end.
14. 246 ml
A 210 ml

B 150 ml

8 units – 3 units = 5 units

5 units → 210 – 150 = 60 ml
1 unit → 60 ÷ 5 = 12 ml
3 units → 12 × 3 = 36 ml
36 + 210 = 246 ml
There were 246 ml of milk in each glass at first.
15. $70 560
100% – 30% = 70%
70% → $588 × 84 = $49 392
100% → ​ ____ ​ ×
  $49 392 = $70 560
The car was $70 560.
16. (a) 5m + 15
Monday → m boxes
Tuesday → 2m boxes
Wednesday → 2m + 15
m + 2m + 2m + 15 = 5m + 15
They sold (5m + 15) boxes of cookies over the three
(b) ​ ____
 + 5
5m + 15 ____ 5m
​ ________  ​ = ​ 
    ​ +
3 3
The average number of boxes of cookies that the
girl guides had sold over the three days is ​ ____
 ​ +

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