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Monica Muñoz Ramírez a2193410086

Mayo/ 01/ 2020 2B

1. Complete the sentences with the correct verb or noun.

a. We offer a discount for orders over 1,000.

b. I made a complaint about a problem I have with my smartphone.
c. Could you fill in this request from, please
d. The research and Development department improved the desing of the old
e. The company usually take legal action over non-payment.
f. I make a payment for my credit card every month.
g. They repaired the internet connection and it is much faster now.
h. The production department maintain the machinery very carefully.

2. Read the company description and complete the chart.

The chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Grovelans Garage is Mike Taylor .Three people report
to him: Cassie Knight, Derek Reeve and Georgina Newson.

Cassie is the Finance Manager and she has an assistant, Paul Walsh

Derek is the services Manager. He details with customers and manages to mechanics: Ian
Porter and Jeff Barnes.

Georgina is the sales and Marketing manager. There is no one in her team at the moment.

a. Mike Taylor
b. Chief Executive Officer

c. Cassie Knight e. Derek Reeve g. Georgina Newson.

d. Finance Manager
f. Services Manager h. Sales and Marketing

i. Paul Waish k. Ian Porter l. Jeff Barnes

j. assistant mechanic mechanic

Monica Muñoz Ramírez a2193410086
Mayo/ 01/ 2020 2B

3. Complete each sentence with de present simple or present continuous

from of the verb in brackets.

a. I worked in the London offices this week, but usually I work (work)
in Manchester
b. Karen talks (talk) to a customer at the moment.
c. I usually go to the library to study, but today I’ll study (study) at home.
d. Graham studies (study) French History at University. At the moment, he
read (read) about the French Revolution.
e. I’m a temp. I work (work) for a design company.
f. Oli takes (take) the bus to college each day.

4. Match the words with the descriptions.

bonus deductions expenses net pay overtime

a. I get £5,000 a month after tax net pay

b. I work 35 hours a week. Last week I worked 40 hours. Overtime
c. I went on a business trip and spent. £120 on a meal with a customer.
d. The company did very well this year so employees got an extra £150.
e. I pay £300 tax and £110 National Insurance. Deductions

5. Complete the questions with the correct budget item.

a. A. How much do you spend on bills?

B. I spend about £20 on gas and £30 on electricity.

b. A. Do you spend much on travel?

B. Yes £50 on petrol and £90 on train fares.

c. A. How much do you spend on clothes?

B. Very little. I only buy socks. My mum buys my shirts.
Monica Muñoz Ramírez a2193410086
Mayo/ 01/ 2020 2B

d. A. Do you spend much on entertainment?

B. Quite a lot. I got to the cinema or a concert about once a week.
e. A. How about rent?
B. I own my apartment so that’s not a problem.

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