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Facts Concerning the Solar System

• All the planets roughly orbit the Sun in a plane.

• This plane is roughly the same as the rotational equator of the Sun.
• Planetary orbits are, for the most part, circular.
• The planets all revolve in the same direction about the Sun.
• The Sun and the planets, with the exception of Venus and Uranus, rotate on their
axis in the same direction. With the exception of Uranus, the tilt between the
equator and the orbital plane of the Sun and planets is small.
• The planets differ in composition: the planets nearest the Sun tend to be small,
dense and metal-rich, whereas the planets farthest from the Sun tend to be large,
light and hydrogen-rich.
• Meteorites differ in chemical and geologic properties from planetary and lunar
rocks, but may be similar in composition to asteroids and small moons.
• Planets and most asteroids rotate with similar periods, about 5 to 10 hours, unless
obvious tidal forces slow them, as in the case of the Earth and Venus.
• The distances of the planets from the Sun generally obey Bode’s Law, which is a
simple geometric progression.
• Planet-satellite systems resemble miniature solar systems.
• Cometary orbits, as a group, define a large, almost spherical, cloud around the
Solar System.
• The Sun contains 99% of the mass in the Solar System, but the planets, not the
Sun, contain nearly all the angular momentum of the Solar System. Lattimer, AST 248, Lecture 17 – p.1/22
A Brief History of Solar System Discoveries
300 BC Aristotle – argued the Earth is round because of the circular shadow it cast
during lunar eclipses, and that some stars are not visible from northern locations
270 BC Aristarchus – Earth revolves around Sun; Moon revolves around Earth;
estimated size of the Moon from lunar eclipse; measured relative distances and
sizes of Sun & Moon; concluded Sun was much bigger than the Earth
250 BC Eratosthenes – Measured shape & size of Earth
135 BC Hipparchus – Discovers precession of the equinoxes; provides better estimate of
the Moon’s distance; rejects notion that Earth orbited Sun.
100 AD Ptolemy – Proposed Earth to be at center of Universe (Aristotle)
1473–1542 Copernicus – Earth and planets orbit Sun
1546–1604 Tycho Brahe – Measured detailed planetary positions
1571–1630 Kepler – Analyzed Brahe data and deduced 3 Laws of Motion:
•Each planet moves in an ellipse with Sun at one focus (Wrong: focus is at
• A line between Sun and a planet sweeps out equal areas in equal times
• Orbital period squared is proportional to semi-major axis cubed; 1–2–3 Law as
corrected by Newton: G(M⊙ + mplanet )1 P 2 = 4π 2 a3
1564–1642 Galileo – Laws of motion; telescopic observations proved Copernican theory

1642–1727 Newton – Law of gravity and derivation of Kepler’s 3 laws

1656–1742Halley – First good estimate of size of solar system from Venus transits;
showed that Halley’s comet is periodic and prodded Newton to explain its orbit
1644–1710 Roemer – Measured light speed using Jupiter’s moons Lattimer, AST 248, Lecture 17 – p.2/22
Debris in the Solar System
• “Dirty snowballs”, a mixture of ices and dust,
ejected from solar system when planets formed
• Mass mostly contained in a nucleus (solid dirty
snowball) with km-sized diameter
• Coma, a cloud of H2 O, CO2 and other gases
vaporized from nucleus during close passage to Sun Hally’s nucleus from Giotto
• Hydrogen cloud, a huge but sparse neutral H cloud
• Dust tail, 1–10 million km long, composed of dust driven
off nucleus by escaping gases when close to Sun
• Ion tail, 100’s of millions of km long, composed of plasma,
driven off by solar wind
• Most comets reside far outside the orbit of Pluto, but a few
are occasionally perturbed into orbits that take them near
the Sun; some are in elliptical orbits and reappear
• After a few hundred passages near the Sun, icy material
is lost, leaving a dead comet which can be mistaken
for an asteroid
Shoemaker-Levy 9 before Jupiter impact

Lattimer, AST 248, Lecture 17 – p.3/22

Comet Holmes, Halloween, 2007
V. Peris and J. L. Lamadrid

Fragment G
HST 7/18/1994

Shoemaker-Levy 9
HST 7/7/1994

Lattimer, AST 248, Lecture 17 – p.4/22

• Records of comets exist at least to 1140 BC
• Brahe observed comet of 1577,
proved they are extraterrestrial
• Halley: some comets are periodic
(1531, 1607, 1682)
• Halley’s Comet: 2467 BC (?),
240 BC (China), 1066 (Bayeux Tapestry)
• Motivated Newton to develop gravity theory

• Hyperbolic: pass Sun once, depart forever
• Elliptical: periodic
• Peri-/Aphelion: closest/farthest solar approach

• Short-period come from Kuiper Belt, 35,000
icy bodies larger than 100 km, 30-100 AU
• Long-period come from Oort comet cloud,
∼ 1012 comets, 30,000 AU–1 lt. yr.
• Most formed within inner solar system, then
pushed outwards by repeated near encounters Lattimer, AST 248, Lecture 17 – p.5/22

Also called minor planets or planetoids, largely lying within the orbits of Mars and
Jupiter (main asteroid belt).
• Objects lying outside Neptune are called trans-Neptunian objects, centaurs or
Kuiper-Belt objects.
• The first asteroid to be discovered was Ceres on Jan 1, 1801.
• Total asteroid mass is about 4% of the Moon’s mass. Ceres is about 32% of this.
The first 4 asteroids have 51% of the total.
• Can be roughly classified by spectral type:
C-type carbonaceous, 75%
S-type silicaceous, 17%
L-type metallic, 8%
These percentages do not reflect true proportions, but only observed proportions;
some are easier to see than others.
• About a third of asteroids are members of families that have similar orbits.
Probably they form as a result of collisions between asteroids. They last for about
a billion years.
• Asteroids are slowly lost due to collisions with planets and to gravitational
encounters that eject them from solar system.
• Trojan asteroids collect in Lagrangian points (stable gravitational minima) 60◦
ahead of and behind Jupiter in its orbit. Similarly for Mars, Earth and Venus.
• Asteroids are given a number in order of their discovery and the discoverer or the
IAU may name them. Lattimer, AST 248, Lecture 17 – p.6/22
Lattimer, AST 248, Lecture 17 – p.7/22
Lattimer, AST 248, Lecture 17 – p.8/22
951 Gaspra

243 Ida

433 Eros

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What is a Kuiper-Belt Object?

The Kuiper Belt is a disk-

shaped region past the orbit
of Neptune extending roughly
from 30 to 50 AU from the Sun
containing many small icy
bodies. It is now considered
to be the source of the
short-period comets.
About 1000 are known, and
many (like Pluto) are in
a 3:2 orbital resonance
with Neptune.

Centaur objects, of which 9

are known, orbit between
Jupiter and Neptune.
Their orbits are unstable,
and are probably displaced
from the Kuiper Belt.
Lattimer, AST 248, Lecture 17 – p.10/22
Kuiper Belt Objects

Name Diameter (km)

2003 UB313 2400 ± 100
Pluto 2320
2003 EL61 1200?
2005 FY9 1250?
Charon 1270
Sedna < 1500?
2004 DW ∼ 1500
Quaoar 1200 ± 200
Ixion 1065 ± 165
2002 AW197 890 ± 120
Varuna 900 ± 140

Lattimer, AST 248, Lecture 17 – p.11/22

They Have Moons!

Lattimer, AST 248, Lecture 17 – p.12/22

What are Near-Earth Objects?
• Comets and asteroids deflected into orbits with
perihelion distance q < 1.3 AU
• Made of water ice plus embedded dust
• Originated in cold outer solar system
• Primordial, leftover building blocks of planets
• Classes of Near-Earth Asteroids:
• Atens - Earth-crossing, semi-major axis a < 1.0 AU
• Apollos - Earth-crossing, a > 1.0 AU
• Amors - Earth-approaching but interior to Mars,
a > 1.0 AU and 1 AU < q < 1.3 AU,
• PHAs - Potentially Hazardous Asteroids
• Closest approach to Earth less than 0.05 AU
• Absolute magnitude less than 22.0
• Assuming albedo is 13%, this means diameter
greater than 150 m (500 ft)
• There are currently 773 known PHAs
Lattimer, AST 248, Lecture 17 – p.13/22
Lattimer, AST 248, Lecture 17 – p.14/22
How Do We Find Near-Earth Objects?
• Early efforts relied on comparison photographs taken
several minutes apart
• Vast majority of objects recorded were stars and
galaxies, which don’t move
• Special stereo viewing microscopes pick out NEOs
• Current efforts use CCD cameras
• Computer-aided comparisons of digital images
• NASA’s goal: Find > 90% of NEAs > 1 km within 10
• Total population estimated to be about 1000
• Lincon Near-Earth Asteroid Research (LINEAR)
• Near-Earth Asteroid Tracking (NEAT)
• Spacewatch
• Lowell Observatory Near-Earth Object Search (LONEOS)
• Catalina Sky Survey
• Japanese Spaceguard Association (JSGA)
• Asiago DLR Asteroid Survey (ADAS)
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Lattimer, AST 248, Lecture 17 – p.16/22
Studying Near-Earth Objects in Space
• Typical instruments:
• Imager: Camcorder
• IR and UV spectrometers to infer mineralocgical
and gaseous compositions
• Lidar: Optical equivalent of radar, useful to define
shape of target and aids in navigation
• X-ray, γ-ray and αX-ray spectrometers to infer
chemical/elemental composition of surfae. X-rays
come from Sun, γ-rays from cosmic rays,
α-particles from a spacecraft Curium source
• Dust mass spectrometer detects high-velocity dust
whose impacts produce ions
• Magnetometer to infer magnetic field of target
• Package to measure temperatures/densities of
plasma clouds created as sun’s radiation ionizes
cometary atmosphere. Also used to monitor DS1
spacecraft ion engine drive Lattimer, AST 248, Lecture 17 – p.17/22
Spacecraft Missions
• Near-Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR) 2/17/96 -
• Flyby of 243 Mathilde and 433 Eros, touchdown on
433 Eros
• Deep Impact 11/1/99 - 7/4/05
• Study and excavate a crater on Comet Tempel 1
• Deep Space 1 (DS1) 10/25/98 - 9/22/01
• Flyby of 9969 Braille and Comet Borrelly
• Tested new technology – ion drive rocket,
concentrating solar panel, auto navigation system
using asteroids

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Lattimer, AST 248, Lecture 17 – p.20/22
Spacecraft Missions
• Near-Earth Asteroid Rendezvous (NEAR) 2/17/96 -
• Flyby of 243 Mathilde and 433 Eros, touchdown on
433 Eros
• Deep Impact 11/1/99 - 7/4/05
• Study and excavate a crater on Comet Tempel 1
• Deep Space 1 (DS1) 10/25/98 - 9/22/01
• Flyby of 9969 Braille and Comet Borrelly
• Tested new technology – ion drive rocket,
concentrating solar panel, auto navigation system
using asteroids
• Stardust 2/7/99 - 1/15/06
• 2 interstellar dust collections, flyby of 5535
Annefrank, encounter with Comet Wild 2
• Discovery of olivine and other minerals containing
Ca, Al and Ti, all hi-T condensates, in comet dust
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Lattimer, AST 248, Lecture 17 – p.22/22
More Spacecraft Missions
• Hayabusa 5/9/03 - 9/12/05
• landing on 25143 Itokawa (diameter = 600 m),
planned sample return to Earth in summer 2007
• Suffered fuel leak after successful second landing,
prevents communications to direct rocket’s return
• Dawn
• Investigate in detail Ceres and Vesta
• Originally planned to launch May 2006, but is now
"stood down" for budgetary reasons
• Rosetta 3/2/04 - 2015
• ESA probe to Comet 67 Churyumov-Gerasimenko,
utilizing 3 Earth and 1 Mars gravity assist mvrs.
• To orbit comet toward its perihelion for 17 months
• Includes lander named Philae, island in River Nile
containing obelisk with bilingual inscriptions
providing Champollion with final clues needed to
decipher hieroglyphs of Rosetta Stone
• Flyby 2867 Steins (5/9/08), 21 Lutetia (7/10/2010)
Lattimer, AST 248, Lecture 17 – p.23/22

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