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BBA Unit 1,2,3,4 OB

1) ____means that organizations are becoming more heterogeneous in terms of gender,

race, and ethnicity.
A) Globalization
B) Workforce diversity
C) Affirmative action
D) Organizational culture
Answer B

2) All of the following topics and areas of concentration generally constitute the
field of OB except:
A) international influences.
B) interpersonal communication.
C) group structure and process.
D) leadership.
E) work design.
Answer A

3) The centerpiece of most diversity programs is:

A) Money
B) Employer commitment
C) Training
D) Human resource personnel
Answer C

4). Today’s organization are

A. open system
B. closed system
C. open as well as closed
D. none of these
Answer A

5) ___ is the science or study of individual human behaviour.

A. Chemistry
B. Psychology
C. Computers
D. Mathematics.
Answer B

6) Which of the following forms the basis for the autocratic modelof OB
A. Obedience
B. Authority
C. Power
D. Dependence on boss
Answer D

7) The study of Organizational Behavior is categorized into Micro and Macro OB:) Micro OB
deals with ___ and ___.
A. Individual & groups
B. Groups & teams
C. Teams and individuals
D. organizations and departments,
Answer A

8) Scope of does not include-

A) Leadership
B) Perception
C) Job design
D) Technology
Answer D

9) Scientist of OB recognize that organization are not static but dynamic and ---
A) Processing
B) Systematic
C) Ever-changing
D) Researching
Answer C

10) What is the key word in understanding organization structure?

a. Control b. Change c. Process d. Delegation
Answer: a

11) Organization structures

a. affect group behavior more than individual behavior
b. change rapidly to meet environmental and market changes
c. contribute positively to organizational performance
d. can be defined simply as activities that occur regularly
Answer: d

12) As per _________ Behaviour is not the outcome of stimulus alone, but it is an
outcome which also depends on contingent environmental consequences of a
a) Behaviouristic Framework b) Cognitive Framework
c) Sinner Framework d) Behaviour Theory
Answer: a

13) ____have translated this SCT into the theoretical framework for organizational
a) Stajkovic and Luthans b) Stajkovic and Sinner
c) Sinner and Luthans d) Stajkovic and Pavlo

14) If modern day managers do not positively address and manage work force
diversity of the following may become negative outcomes for an organisation except
a) more difficult communication b) Increased creativity and innovation
c) more interpersonal conflicts d) potential for higher employee turnover
Answer: b

15) The structure of an OB model includes 3 levels of analysis individual, group and
organizational systems. Issues that influence all 3 levels in various ways and thus
affect behavioural dynamics are
a) change and stress b) Organisational culture and commitment
c) Power and politics d) work design and technology
Answer: a

16) some of OB’s challenges and opportunities include all of the following except
a) reinforcing the importance of traditional methods of management
b) offering specific insights to improve interpersonal and people skills
c) helping us learn to cope in a continues changing world
d) facilitating the improvement of quality and employee productivity
Answer: a

17) Individual who achieve the goal through other people is/are
A. Individual

B. Group
C. Manager
D. All of these
Answer C

18) Management skill is associated with

A. Technical Skill
B. Human Skill
C. Conceptual Skill
D. All of these
Answer D

19 An Organization of diversified form have a larger___

A) Technical support
B) Top management
C) Specialized support
D) Administration support
Answer D

20 Each of the independent of the diversified form illustrates

A) Machine Bureaucracy
B) Processional Bureaucracy
C) Entrepreneurial form
D) Adhocracy
Answer A

21) The philosophy that guides an organisation’s policies towards its

employees and customers is an important part of
a. Management strategy
b. Organisation behaviour
c. Organisational culture
d. Organisation development
Answer: c

22) _____________ embodies a team concept, is based on the

principle of mutual contribution by employer and employees
a. Autocratic model
b. Custodial model
c. Supportive Model
d. Collegial Model
Answer: d

23) Forces affecting organisational behaviour are

a. People
b. Environment
c. Technology
d. All of the above
Answer: d

24) Which of the following frameworks is used in the development

of the overall model of OB?
a. The cognitive framework
b. The behaviouristic framework
c. The social learning framework
d. All of the above
Answer: d

25) The field of organisational behaviour examines such questions

as the nature of leadership, effective team development, and
a. Interpersonal conflict resolution; motivation of individuals
b. Organisational control; conflict management
c. Motivation of individuals; planning
d. Planning; development
Answer: a

26)1) The belief that "discrimination is wrong" is a value statement. Such an opinion is the
component of an attitude.
A. cognitive
B. affective
C. reactive
D. Behavioral
Answer A

27. Leon Festinger would propose that the desire to reduce dissonance would be determined by
all of the following EXCEPT----------- .
A.the importance of the elements creating the dissonance.
B. the degree of influence the individual believes he or she has over the elements.
C. the rewards that may be involved in dissonance.
D. the extent to which attitudes are widely held by society
Answer D

28. If attitudes and behavior are inconsistent, individuals will most likely_______ .
A. change their behavior
B, change their attitudes
C. change either their attitudes or behavior
D. do nothing
Answer C

29.________ describes a positive feeling about your job resulting from an evaluation of
its characteristics.
A. enlargement
B. satisfaction
C. engagement
D. Involvement
Answer B

30. Job ______measures the degree to which a person identifies psychologically with his
or her job and considers his or her perceived performance level important to self-worth.
A. commitment
B. satisfaction
C. involvement
D. Organization
Answer C
31. ______commitment refers to an employee's obligation to remain with an organization
for moral or ethical reasons.
A. Affective
B. Continuance
C. Theoretical
D. Normative
Answer D

32. _________refers to an individual's involvement with, satisfaction with, and

enthusiasm for the work she does.
A. Employee engagement
B. Normative commitment
C. Cognitive support
D. Job enrichment
Answer A

33. Quietly continuing to do your work, even though you're dissatisfied, is an example of
response to dissatisfaction.
A exit
B voice
C. loyalty
D. Neglect
Answer C

34) The ____says that internal rewards are obtained by individuals when they learn that
they personally have performed well on a task that they care about.
A) management by objectives plan
B) participative decision making model
C) job characteristics model
D) performance feedback system
Answer C

35) ____ , one of the dimensions of emotional intelligence, is awareness of one's feelings.
A) Self-management
B) Self-awareness
C) Social skill
D) Empathy
Answer B

36) Which of the following lay the foundation for the understanding of attitudes and
motivation because they influence our perceptions?
A) Moods
B) Behaviors
C) Values
D) Customs
Answer C

37) Suggestion boxes, employee attitude surveys, and grievance procedures are
examples of:
A) Downward communication
B) Horizontal communication
C) Upward communication
D) Lateral communication
Answer C

38) Which of the following is NOT one of the scales to measure job satisfaction?
A) Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire
B) The Faces Scale
C) The mentor scale
D) Descriptive Index
Answer C

39) Which of the following is NOT one of the scales to measure job satisfaction?
A) Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire
B) The Faces Scale
C) The mentor scale
D) Descriptive Index
Answer C

40) What do we call the process by which individuals organize and interpret their
sensory impressions in order to give meaning to their environment?
A) Environmental analysis
B) Social verification
C) Outlook
D) Perception
Answer D

41. Self-concept refers to ________.

a) our level of confidence in our own abilities

b) all of our thoughts and feelings about ourselves
c) the belief that we control our own outcomes
d) the belief that our outcomes are outside of our control
Answer B

42. The way a person reacts to the world, starting when they are very young, including the
person’s activity level is known as ________.
a. traits
b. temperament
c. heritability
d. Personality
Answer B

43. Temperament refers to ________.

A. inborn, genetically based personality differences

B. characteristic ways of behaving
C. conscientiousness, agreeableness, neuroticism, openness, and extroversion
D. degree of introversion-extroversion
Answer A

44) All of the following personality attributes have potential for predicting behaviour in
organizations except:
a. Machiavellianism.
b. type A personality.
c. locus of control.
d. conscientiousness.
e. propensity for risk taking.
Answer D

45. Managers should be interested in their employees’ attitudes because:

a) Attitudes influence behavior and perception
b) Attitudes give warning signs of potential problems
c) Attitudes are associated with job satisfaction
d) All of the given options
Answer D

46. According to ---------- the managers and workers should work together as partners and of
equal importance for the organizations success

a. X theory c. Z theory
b. Y theory d. 2 Factor theory
Answer C

47. Which of the following personality characteristics are associated

with people who are likely to exhibit violent behaviour on the job?
a. Neurotic
b. Optimistic
c. Extraverted
d. Type A
Answer: a
48. A study of the culture and practises in different societies is called
a) Personality
b) Anthropology
c) Perception
d) Attitudes

49. The combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual’s distinctive character‖
is the definition of
a) Personality b) Motivation c) Attitude d) behaviour
Answer: a)

50. The family condition and impact of the parents is the main base for the personality of a
person. Later it might change by ______________________.
a) thinking b) external influences c) own ability d) learning experiences
Answer: b

51. Which of the following statements is true concerning the climate of trust?
A) Interpersonal trust among team members inhibits cooperation.
B) Interpersonal trust among team members reduces the need to monitor each others
C) Interpersonal trust at team members bonds members at the belief that others will take
advice of them if given the opportunity.
D) Interpersonal trust at team members increases members' aversion to risk.
Answer B

52 According to LMX theory, which of the following is NOT true of those

individual's who fall into the out-group?
A) They get less of the leader's time.
B) They have leader-follower relations based on formal authority interaction.
C) They are trusted.
D) They get fewer of the preferred rewards that the leader controls.
Answer C

53. Norms that dictate with whom group members eat lunch, friendships on and off the job, and
social games are norms dealing with:
a) appearance factors.
b) social arrangements.
c) ethical issues.
d) group activity.
e) performance factors
Answer B
54. The theory that some people have specific characteristics needed to be leaders while others
do not is called:
A. behavioural.
B. contingency.
C. trait.
D. path-goal.
E. situational.
Answer C

55) If trait research had been successful, we would _________, whereas if behavioural studies
were correct, we would _________.
a) teach people certain traits; teach people certain behaviours
b) select the right person for the job; train leaders
c) change jobs to suit people; change people to suit jobs
d) hire only women; hire either men or women
e) teach people managerial principles; teach people certain behaviours
Answer B

56. The type of leaders who believe that they are empowering their employees by giving up their
responsibility for leading are:
a) transcendent leaders.
b) transformational leaders.
c) transactional leaders.
d) laissez-faire leaders.
e) situational leaders.
Answer D

57. Which of the following focuses on the downward influence on one's subordinates?
a) information
b) communication
c) leadership
d) prestige
e) Power
Answer C

58. It requires the greatest commitment of organizational resources?

a. rules and procedures
b. hierarchy of authority
c. liaison roles
d. task forces
e. integrating departments
Answer E

59. Leadership is widely thought to be an important element in organizational effectiveness.

Which of the following approaches to leadership was developed first?
a. behavioural (‘one best way’) theories
b. contingency (‘it depends on ’) theories
c. trait (‘the great man/woman’) theories
d. structural (‘formal authority’) theories
e. none of ‘a’-‘d’ came appreciably before the others
Answer C

60. Power can be defined as:

A. The ability to influence the behavior of others
B. The right to influence the behavior of others
C. The actualization of the dependency of others
D. Downward influence on one’s followers
Answer A

61. Which one of the following is NOT a characteristic of group in organization?

A. Common goal
B. Interaction with one another
C. Accept expectations and obligations
D. Mutually independent
Answer D

62. Which of the following statements most accurately describes interest groups?
a) They are longer lasting than friendship groups
b) They are formed because of some common objective
c) They are governed by labor laws
d) They are likely to involve great social conflict
Answer B

63. Which one of the following characteristics is not necessarily true about groups?
A) Group members are interdependent.
B) Groups have two or more members.
C) Groups have externally assigned goals.
D) Groups interact.
E) Members come together to achieve particular objectives.
Answer C

64. What sort of groups is defined by the organization's structure?

A) informal
B) task
C) friendship
D) interest
E) formal
Answer E

65. An elementary school principal and her 18 teachers form a(n) ________.
A) informal group
B) friendship group
C) command group
D) interest group
E) normative group
Answer C

66. When do informal groups appear?

A) in response to the need for social contact
B) in reaction to formal groups
C) as a result of social needs
D) most frequently in bureaucracies
E) when formal groups cannot meet their goals
Answer A

67. Julia, Bree and David work in different departments, but often eat lunch together. They are an
example of what type of group?
A) formal
B) informal
C) command
D) task
E) reactant
Answer B

68. Which of the following statements is true?

A) All task groups are also informal groups.
B) All command groups are also task groups.
C) All task groups are also friendship groups.
D) All command groups are also informal groups.
E) All informal groups are also command groups
Answer B

69. The group type that is determined by the organization chart is the ________ group.
A) job
B) work
C) authority
D) social
E) command
Answer E

70. Which one of the following group types is organizationally determined?

A) job
B) task
C) interest
D) authority
E) social
Answer B

71. A group that develops outside of work to support a local sports team is an example of what
sort of group?
A) booster
B) interest
C) friendship
D) sports
E) miscreant
Answer C

72. Employees who band together to seek improved working conditions form a(n) ________
A) union
B) support
C) interest
D) work
E) emancipated
Answer C

73. Which of the following statements most accurately describes interest groups?
A) They are longer lasting than friendship groups.
B) They develop because individual members have one or more common characteristics. C) They
are formed to achieve some common objective with which each member is concerned.
D) They are governed by labor laws.
E) They are likely to involve great social conflict.
Answer C

74. Which of the following is not one of the most common reasons people join groups?
A) security
B) status
C) equity
D) power
E) goal achievement
Answer C

75. A group that is determined by the organization chart and composed of the individuals who
report directly to a given manager is known as a(n) ________.
A) task group
B) command group
C) friendship group
D) interest group
E) informal group
Answer B

76. Which of the following is not a change management process?

A. log the changes
B. estimate impact on effort and schedule
C. review impact with stakeholders
D. none of the mentioned
Answer» D

77. The most crucial challenges to change management in an

A. Human Factor
B. Technological barrier
C. Resource management
D. all of the above
Answer» A

78. Change management can be all expect

A. Reactive & proactive’
B. Internal & external
C. Continuous & acc. To necessities
D. Single disciplinary
Answer» B

79. What are the two types of change management?

A. Real change and superficial change
B. Incremental change and circular change
C. Radical change and transformational change
D. Incremental change and tr
Answer» A

80. In Change Management, Role to position mapping is about:

A. Analysing the current state of the org with reference to the changes it will need
to undertake for the new system
B. Detailed Analysis of what the new system will deliver for the org.
C. Analysing what people do now and seeing how they will fit in with the new way
of doing things
D. Building a detailed map of those who will be affected by the new system
Answer D
81. According to Kurt Lewin, which of the following is not a stage in the change process?
Ans d

82. A company that decides to decentralize its sales procedures is managing what
Ans d

83. In organizations, people who act as catalysts and assume the responsibility for managing the
change process are called ______________.
a.change masters
b.change agents
c.operations managers
d.charismatic leaders
Answer B

84. Managers’ options for change essentially fall into what three categories?
a. environment, technology, and mission
b. structure, technology, and people
c. mission, structure, and people
d.mission, environment, and process
ans b

85.The unfreezing step of the change process can be thought of as ______________.

a. thawing the organization loose from the current status to the new status
b.making the move to the new organizational condition
c.loosening the organization from the old condition and moving it to the new condition
d.preparing for the needed change
ans d

86. When grocery stores installed scanners to read the product price, this was an example
ofmanaging what change category?
Answer A

87. __________ may be necessary when resistance comes from a powerful source.
a.Education and communication
c.Facilitation and support
Answer d

88.______________ is using direct threats or force on those who resist change.

d.Education and communication
Answer b

89.Ideally, growth has to be “sustained”, transformation has to be “created” and decline has to be
a) maintained
b) planned
c) arrested
d) managed

89. Knowledge management is concerned with the emergence, storage and ______________ of
a) Trade
b) Transfer
c) Translation
d) Transcription
ANS: b

90. Organizational change involves 3 generic processes. They are Transformation, decline and
a) turnaround
b) growth
c) downsize
d) mergers
ANS: b)

91. Why might individuals resist organisational change?

a.Lack of interest.
d.All of the above
Answer D
92. Organizations that are good at developing relevant capabilities to respond to a
Changing context are known as:
A. Knowing organizations
B. Stretch organizations
C. Learning organizations
D. None of the given options
ANswer C

93. Which of the following contexts would most suit a transformational leader?
A. An organization that is in trouble
B. An organization that is performing well
C. An organization in a stable environment
D. An organization in a mature industry
Answer A

94. Several mature Indian Organizations have initiated _______change by changing the change
A. growth
B. transformational
C. declining
D. Turnaround
ANswer B

95. The four most common leadership styles include all except:
 a) Authoritarian Style
b) Consensus oriented Style
c) Aggressive style
d) Democratic Style
ANswer C

96.. The 4 Changes in content levers are Technology, marketing, Quality and ____________ :
a) Leadership
b) Strategy
c) Costs
d) Human resource practices
Answer C

97. The Contextual Levers of change are Strategy, Structure, recruitments and __________ :

a) Leadership
b) Strategy
c) Training
d) Human resource practices
ANswer C
98. The 4 changes to Content and the 3 changes to processes are driven by _________ :

a) Value based Leadership

b) Strategy
c) Training
d) Costs
Answer A

99. An individual is likely to resist change because of all of the following reasons except
b.increased productivity
c.concern over personal loss
d.belief that the change is not in the organization’s best interest
Ans b

100. Transnational change in organization refers to ___

A. Complete change in almost all aspects of the organization
B. Incremental change in which necessarily improvement are made in the existing organization
C. No change in any aspects of the organization
D. None of above
Answer A

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