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Essay on “Why I am interested in Medicine and How I Will Use It to Provide

Good Health Care for the People of Indonesia in the Future”

When I was 3 years old, I was rushed to the UGD because of an asthma attack, I
thought I was in good hands, but my wrist was full with bruises that caused by
unexperienced nurses, who randomly poked my veins and no pediatrician came to
my aid for hours. My parents were terrified because my nails were turning blue due
to lack of oxygen, it was such a traumatizing experience for me and I was terrified of
any thoughts of visiting a doctor. Hence, my experience as a child sparked my
interest in how we could improve and alleviate Indonesia’s medical care for children
and adults, both in psychological and emotional support for children who are facing
medical conditions. I want patients who are experiencing attentive medical
conditions to experience first-handedly the power and compassion of medicine in
every aspect, including healing, treating, and service that we let the patients
experience. It was this thinking, that began to unlock my interest in becoming a
doctor as I do not want any children or even adults to experience such a dreadful
treatment when they are in need of medical attention.

Fortunately, I was raised with a good-sheltered family and I didn’t have trouble
growing up, but I grew up with being observant and cautious of others. With time, I
always have the urge to help people who are in need because I have always wanted
to help, even though it won’t be much but I have always thought that I could heal
patients and return them back to their family.

Furthermore, the biggest contributor to my aspiration to pursue a doctor as my

career is to help people and our community. I graduated from Singapore, and I have
decided to return to Indonesia to take medicine here because I want to help our
developing country. From my observation, there are many Indonesians that goes
outside the country to seek for treatment, and I ask them for the reasons. It seems
that, there are a lot of mistrust between the patient and the doctor in Indonesia.
Many of us are not confident with our local doctor skills and knowledge because of a
bad experience in the past that prevents many patient to let our local doctor to help.
Therefore, I am eager to change this conception when I have pursue my medical
career by being compassionate towards our patient, and to involve cultural, social,
emotional, and psychological approach to them as well.

Overall, I would like to provide a deep level of caring towards my future patients. I
turned my childhood trauma, into an inspiration for my future path. I am driven and
passionate person. I have set my goal in my life to become a helpful and
compassionate doctor. In order to do that, this is why I have chosen medicine as my
first choice.

*Ketika aku berusia 3 tahun, aku dilarikan ke UGD karena asma akut, aku piker aku
berada di tangan yang tepat, tapi pergelangan tanganku penuh dengan memar itu
karena perawat yang tidak berpengalaman, yang seara aak menusuk pembuluh
darahku dan tidak ada dokter anak yang dating membantuku selama berjam-jam.
Orang tuaku ketakutan karena kuku ku membiru karena kekurangan oksigen,, itu
masih menjadi pengalaman yang membuat trauma untukku dan aku sangat takut
dengan banyak pikiran Ketika pergi ke dokter. Kerena itu, pengalamanku sewaktu
kecil itu memicu minat untuk bagaimana kitab isa meningkatkan dan meringankan
kepedulian Kesehatan Indonesia untuk anak keil dan dewasa, seara pisikologi dan
emosional mendukung anak kecil untuk mengedepankan kondisi kesehatannya. Aku
ingin pasien memiliki pengalaman diperhatikan kondisi Kesehatan untuk pengalaman
pertama merasakan kekuatan dan kasih saying dari obat di setiap aspek termasuk
penyembuhan, pengobatan, dan pelayanan itu kita membiarkan pengalaman pasien.
Itulah yang ku pikirkan, itu berawal untuk membuka kunci minat itu menjadi dokter
yang tidk ingin semua anak atau remaja berpengalaman mengerikan tentang
pengobatan Ketika mereka membutuhkan perhatian unuk Kesehatan.

Untungnya, aku tumbuh di keluarga yang penyayang dan tidak punya masalah dalam
pertumbuhan, tapi tumbuh dengan taat dan perhatian dari yang lainnya. Dengan
waktu, aku selalu punya keinginan untuk menolong orang yang memerlukan bantuan
karena aku selalu punya keinginan untuk menolong, sekalipun tidak terlalu ingin aku
selalu punya pikiran itu bisa menyembuhkan pasien dan mengembalikan mereka ke

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