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Stargate skirmish rules

Skirmish rules for playing tabletop games in the world of the TV show

August 2013
Table of contents

Figure costs: .............................................................................................................. 3

Order of play: .................................................................................................................. 3
Movement: . .................................................................................................................... 3
Visibility: ........................................................................................................................... 4
Morale (Not Jaffa):........................................................................................................... 4
Melee: ................................................................................................................................ 5
Shooting:.......................................................................................................................... 5
Effect of hits: ................................................................................................................... 6
Jaffa actions .................................................................................................................... 7
Risk Factors: ................................................................................................................. 7
Stargate operation. ........................................................................................................ 9
Stargate Solo Rules
Figure costs: Figures cost between 1 and 5 points, dependant on:

Fire Actions;

SGC troops have between 1 and 4 actions, costing 1 pt per action.

Specialists have between 1 and 2 actions. Most SGC troops have 3 actions.
Elite SGC troops (EG: SGl) have 4 actions.

Jaffa normally have 2 actions.

Leaders and elite Jaffa have 3 actions


Figures cost their number of actions+/-

+1 pt: If armed with Assault Rifle.
-1 pt: If armed solely with Pistol. (NOT Zatn’kitel!)

NB: No figure can cost less than 1 pt.

Order of play:
(1) Player(s) move their figures, and attempt to spot.
( SGC figures dice to remove suppression if required)

(2) SGC calculate any fire/melee results.

(3) Test morale for any melee loss, or casualties.

(4) Jafar test for order changes if required, shoot and move.

(5) Test morale for any melee loss, or casualties.

NB: figures test morale immediately, if attempting to cross open terrain under fire,
or when they are charged by greater numbers of enemy.

Movement: Up to 3 movement actions may be made a turn.

Figures move 6" normally, or 8" if charging into melee, or fleeing;

-3" If wading through water/rough terrain or if crossing a linear obstacle (e.g.; a

-2" If wounded, or being dragged/carried by another figure.
-1" If 2 figures are dragging/carrying 1 other figure.

(NB: Additional deductions can be made in other circumstances, and the above
can be modified if deemed sensible.)

Figures may attempt to spot once during their own movement, and when enemy
troops move or fire within line-of-sight.
No more than 2 spotting attempts may be made by a figure during any game turn.

NB: Spotting is automatic at up to 20"
Point Blank: up to 8".
(Short range) if target is in the open,
Short: 9"-20".
and in clear sight.
Long: 21"-48".
Extreme: 49"-60".

If troops are unaware of enemy in the area, count +1 range band.

If target in cover, count +1 range band.
If observers suppressed, count +1 range band.
If target unit shooting, count -1 range band.

Throw a D6 and score at least: Point blank: 2

Short: 3
Long: 5
Extreme: 6

Morale (Not Jaffa):

Test when;
: Suppressed by fire/take casualty.
: Charged by greater numbers/lose melee.
: Attempting to cross open ground under fire

Test affects all figures within 3" of each other, if in the same fire team/group. ----
Detached figures test separately.

To test:
Throw a D6,and score less than the Fire point total of the testing group (not
counting wounded/dead).

-if the result is equal or higher, the following occur:

Equal/+1: Retire to nearest cover.

+2: All testers become suppressed.
+3: Become suppressed, may not fire next turn.
Greater: Flee from nearest enemy, Rally on a 6(d6) at the start of any
subsequent movement turn. Routers may not fire.

This occurs when opposing figures are within 1" of each other. Figures within 1"
of enemy may not fire or be shot at.
Compare Fire points of combatants, adding 1 per extra figure in contact with a
single enemy figure. Add 1d6 score;

+1: pushed back 1" (if there is room) or is captured.

+2: wounded and captured.
+3: Disabled and captured.
+4: killed.
More: Killed, other opponents pushed back


May be performed during own movement, or during enemy movement if firers

neither fired nor moved in their previous movement phase.

(U/S) Unaimed shots take 1 action each.

(A/S) Aimed shots take 2 actions each. (Jaffa always prefer these).
(CAS) Carefully aimed shots take 3 actions each.

Figures may fire any mix of the above shots in a turn, up to the total of their Fire
NB: Moving/removing suppression each take 1 action each, and may therefore
reduce actions available for shooting.

May be performed during own movement, or during enemy movement if

firers neither fired or moved in their previous movement phase.

(U/S) Unaimed shots take 1 Fire action each.

(A/S) Aimed shots take 2 Fire actions each. (Jafar always prefer these).
(CAS) Carefully aimed shots take 3 Fire actions each.

Figures may fire any mix of the above shots in a turn, up to the total of their Fire
NB: Moving/removing suppression takes 1 Fire action each, and may therefore
reduce shooting.

Ranges Point blank Short Medium Long

Assault Rifles 1"-6" 7"-18" 19"-24" 25"-60"
Staff Weapons 1"-4" 5"-12" 13"-18" 19"-60"
Pistol/Zat gun/Shotgun 1"-6" 7"-10" 11"-16" 17"-30"
.50 calibre machine gun 1” -8” 9” -24” 25”- 50” 51 – 80”
To Hit:

Throw ID20 per shot, score needed are for (U/S)-(A/S)-(CAS)

Assault Rifle/.50 cal Staff Weapon Pistol/Zat/Shotgun

Point Blank 10/04/02 14/08/04 12/06/03
Short Range 14/08/04 17/12/08 16/10/06
Medium Range 17/12/08 19/16/12 18/16/12
Long Range 19/16/12 20/20/18 20/20/18
Targets in cover count as 1 range band higher.
NB: Hits are automatic at Point Blank against inactive targets.

Fire effect: Throw a D6 for each hit, to gauge effect.

Staff Weapon: 1-3; Suppression. 4; Wound. 5; Disable. 6; Kill.
Conventional Round: 1-2; Suppression. 3-4; Wound. 5; Disable. 6; Kill.

-1 to die roll at medium/long range.

+1 to die roll at point blank range.
+1 to die roll for shotguns / .50 cal MG .
Zat guns disable for 5 turns with 1 hit, kill with 2 hits. (Disintegrate with 3!)

Effect of hits:

Suppression; Troops may not move or fire. (A maximum of 3 suppressions per

figure is allowed)
(To remove suppression: throw d6 + Fps, score 6+.)

NB: Removing suppression attempts take 1 Fire action each.

: Suppression affects individuals, but whole fire team reacts for morale purposes.

Wound; -1 Fire action, disabled for D3-1 turns.

Disable/Kill; May not move/fight.

Other weapons:

Jaffa heavy cannon.

Take 2 actions to shoot. Throw D20.

2-8” – hit on 4
9-20” – hit on 8
21-48 – hit on 12

Effect: Dice for all figures within 2” of hit target figure as though hit by staff blast.
Jaffa actions
These rules work ok for uncommanded SGC teams too…

Jaffa defending a position will remain there until killed, or a morale effect forces
them to move.


Calculate each group of Jaffa, or individual Goa'uld’s Risk factor.

Risk Factors:

RF’s (Risk Factors) are added as indicated below; Note that they will always shoot at the
nearest enemy to them (Measured from the nearest figure)-

-4: No enemy, or friends retreating, in sight.

-1: Goa'uld with unit.

: Unit entirely in cover or advancing.

1: Enemy in clear sight and within their weapons range of the unit
: Raw unit in range of any enemy unit in sight.
: Per 10% of group wounded or killed

2: Enemy to flank or rear and in sight.

: Taking more casualties than inflicted last shooting phase.

3: If running from enemy last turn, or retreating as a result of melee.

And throw a D6:

Cross reference the Risk Factor with the modified D6 roll, this will indicate:

(1) What the unit will try to do.

(2) What Morale effect the situation has on them.

The effect is immediate and simultaneous for all Jaffa / Goa'uld units.

Note that non Player Character SGC or indigenous troops are run using the same system,
but move and shoot as the nearest player wishes where the command is written in Italics.
Actions Table
D6: 1 2 3 4 5 6
Continue current actions, unless a 6 (D6) is thrown, in which case they will move towards the nearest visible enemy.
Up to RF0 They will not move however, from fortified positions they are defending.
Units falling back away from the enemy will halt in the nearest cover facing the last known enemy position (5,6 D6)
Move to take cover
in the nearest Continue current Continue current Continue current
Halt in position Advance towards
terrain within 1 actions facing the actions facing the actions facing the
RF1-2 facing the nearest nearest enemy
move, or away nearest enemy nearest enemy nearest enemy
enemy (Charge?)
from all enemies (Charge?) (Charge?) (Charge?)

Move to take cover

Withdraw towards in the nearest Halt in position Continue current Continue current
Advance towards
cover further from terrain within 1 facing the nearest actions facing the actions facing the
RF3-5 nearest enemy
enemy move, or away enemy nearest enemy nearest enemy
from all enemies (Charge?) (Charge?)

Move to take cover Move to take cover

Withdraw towards in the nearest in the nearest Continue current
Run from nearest Halt in position
cover further from terrain within 1 terrain within 1 actions facing the
RF6-8 enemy facing the nearest
enemy move, or away move, or away nearest enemy
from all enemies from all enemies (Charge?)

Move to take cover Move to take cover

Withdraw towards in the nearest in the nearest
Run from nearest Run from nearest Halt in position
cover further from terrain within 1 terrain within 1
RF9+ enemy enemy facing the nearest
enemy move, or away move, or away
from all enemies from all enemies

(NB – Charge? Indicates the unit will move as fast as possible to engage the nearest enemy in melee if within 12”)

Units will move at up to half speed and shoot if advancing and in range, unless able to charge instead.
Stargate operation.
The following rules are used where a scenario involves using a Stargate.

When a figure is in contact with a DHD (Dial Home Device), a full turn is needed to ‘dial’
an address and open the Stargate. This includes operating any Iris control device too.

Anyone or anything within 4” of the ring is killed if directly in front of it when it is activated.

Once opened, figures and items may pass through it freely. If nothing goes through for a
full turn after opening, or the passage of a figure or item, or unless someone has a hand
in the event horizon (!) – the Stargate will close.

If no DHD is available, so long as the Stargate is charged with sufficient power, a symbol
can be entered by a figure manually moving the ring. This takes 2 actions to do.
6 symbols must be entered before the Stargate opens.
NB: A manual dialer will automatically be moved out of the danger area in front of the
gate by a free move.

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