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Equivalence of Quality Control Strains of Microorganisms

Used in the Compendial Microbiological Tests: Are National
Culture Collection Strains Identical?
Anthony M. Cundell, Sonia Chatellier, Peter Schumann, et al.

PDA J Pharm Sci and Tech 2010, 64 137-155

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Equivalence of Quality Control Strains of Microorganisms

Used in the Compendial Microbiological Tests: Are National
Culture Collection Strains Identical?

Merck Research Laboratories, Union, New Jersey, USA; ⫹bioMérieux, La Balme Les Grottes, France;
Deutsche Sammlung für Mikrobiologie und Zellkultur, Braunschweig, Germany; and ‡BTF bioMérieux,
Sydney, Australia ©PDA, Inc. 2010

ABSTRACT: The pharmacopoeias list a number of microorganisms to be used in the compendial microbiological tests for
confirming the growth-promoting, indicative, and inhibitory properties of the media and demonstrating the suitability of the
test for a specific test article. Major national culture collections are specified as the sources for these test strains based on
their history of deposition and maintenance and use in the compendial tests. Using these microorganisms, it has long been
assumed that these strains are interchangeable and that sourcing the strains from different culture collections has no impact
on the result of the media quality control and method qualification tests. In order to evaluate whether this assumption is
correct and to add more certainty to the procedures, we investigated whether there are detectable differences among isolates
of the same strain sourced from different culture collections. Using various phenotypic and genotypic identification and
strain typing methods, nine major pharmacopoeial species were analyzed. As expected, most of the species showed very
uniform patterns across the isolates, indicating that the strains were indeed identical. Surprisingly, the strains of Salmonella
enterica subsp. enterica serotype abony showed distinct differences at both the genotypic and the phenotypic level,
suggesting that the strains sourced from the different culture collections were not identical strains, or that they have
undergone detectable genetic shift from the time they were derived from the original depositor. Irrespective of the level of
genotypic or phenotypic homology identified here, there are no practical consequences on their performance in compendial
assays. It is concluded that the compendial strains investigated in this study are indeed equivalent and will perform
identically in compendial tests, making it safe to base pharmaceutical quality control procedures on the strains sourced from
any of the recognized national culture collections.

KEYWORDS: Microbial identification, Quality control, Strain typing, Pharmacopoeia, MALDI-TOF mass spectrom-
etry, Rep-PCR, Ribotyping, 16S rRNA gene sequencing, Serotyping

Introduction the compendial tests are strictly referee tests that would
be used to assess the microbiological quality of a phar-
The three compendia, the United States, European, and maceutical article, they are typically referenced in regu-
Japanese Pharmacopeia (USP, Ph. Eur. and JP, respec- latory filings, hence becoming product release tests. The
tively), are most widely used as standard-setting organi- tests used in the pharmaceutical industry need to comply
zations to guide pharmaceutical quality control (QC). with the compendia of the country the product is to be
Each of them is recognized by the respective authorities sold in, often resulting in slightly different test needs.
as the official compendium, e.g., in the US by the Federal After many years of effort, the chapters in the compendia
Food, Drug, and Cosmetic (FDC) Act. The compendial for microbial testing of nonsterile and sterile products
standards are used to determine the identity, strength, have been successfully harmonized and are in the pro-
quality, and purity of pharmaceutical articles. Although cess of implementation (1–3). Only the USP official tests
are referenced as representative of the tripartite harmo-
nized tests.
* Corresponding authors: [email protected],
Tel:⫹1908-820-6966;[email protected].
In order to confirm method suitability, different
com, Tel: ⫹61 28877 9150
species of bacteria, yeasts, and molds as well as

Vol. 64, No. 2, March–April 2010 137

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USP-Listed Cultures for the Official Compendial Microbiological Test Methods

Compendial Test Species Compendial Species

具61典 Microbiological Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538, NCIMB 9518, CIP 4.83,
Examination of Non- NBRC 13276
sterile Products: Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 9027, NCIMB 8626, CIP
Microbial Enumeration 82.118, NBRC 13275
Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633, NCIMB 8054 CIP 52.62,
NBRC 3134
Escherichia coli ATCC 8739, NCIMB 8545, CIP 53.126
NBRC 3972
Aspergillus nigera ATCC 16404, IMI 149007, IP 1431.83
NBRC 9455
Candida albicans ATCC 10231, NCPF 3179, IP 48.72,
NBRC 1594
具62典 Microbiological Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538, NCIMB 9518, CIP 4.83,
Examination of Non- NBRC 13276
sterile Products: Tests Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 9027, NCIMB 8626, CIP
for Specified 82.118, NBRC 13275
Microorganisms Escherichia coli ATCC 8739, NCIMB 8545, CIP 53.126
NBRC 3972
Salmonella enterica subsp. ATCC 14028
enterica serotype typhimurium
Salmonella enterica subsp. NBRC 100797, NCTC 6017, CIP 80.39
enterica serotype abony
Clostridium sporogenes (two ATCC 11437, NBRC 14293, NCIMB
different strains listed) 12343, CIP 100651 and ATCC
19404, NCTC 532, CIP 79.3
Candida albicans ATCC 10231,NCPF 3179, IP 48.72,
NBRC 1594
具71典 Sterility Tests Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538, NCIMB 9518, CIP 4.83,
NCTC 10788
Bacillus subtilis ATCC 6633, NCIMB 8054 CIP 52.62,
Pseudomonas aeruginosa ATCC 9027, NCIMB 8626, CIP 82.118
Clostridium sporogenes ATCC 19404, NCTC 532 CIP 79.3
Candida albicans ATCC 10231, NCPF 3179 IP, 48.72
Aspergillus nigera ATCC 16404, IMI 149007, IP 1431.83
For the explanations of the acronyms see Table II.
A name change for this strain from A. niger to A. brasiliensis has been proposed (17).

suitable strains are specified. Moreover, the com- the culture collection that at some point in time the
pendia list a limited number of national culture strains were derived from each other or a common
collections as sources for these strains as equivalent source. There are other well recognized culture col-
(see Table I), with the assumption that the strains lections that make the same strains available and
are indeed identical (i.e., monoclonal) and could be can be identified using the bioportal of the Univer-
used interchangeably in the compendial tests. There sity of Gent ( Further-
is, however, no formal information in the literature more, these stains can be purchased as semi-
to confirm this belief (4). The equivalency is solely quantitative or quantitative prepared inocula from
based on the culture history and the affirmation of commercial suppliers.

138 PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology

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This study investigates whether there are detectable than 30 min. The card, placed on the tray and applied
differences of the same strains sourced from different to the VITEK 2 system, was automatically processed
culture collections and if so whether this has an impact in a vacuum chamber, incubated at 35.5 °C, and au-
on the outcome of the compendial tests. To achieve tomatically subjected to a colorimetric measurement
this, multiple methods generally aimed at the identi- by use of an optical reading head every 15 min for a
fication at the species level (VITEK威 2, Biolog™, maximum incubation period of 8 –18 h depending on
API威, MALDI-TOF MS, and MicroSeq威, Applera the VITEK 2 card used. Data were analyzed using
Corporation) and for typing at subspecies level (Di- VITEK 2 database version 4.01.
versiLab威, riboprinting, and serotyping) were em-
ployed. This study, however, did not attempt to compare API Microbial Identification
the merits and suitability of the different methods avail-
able for species identification and strain typing. In the Some of the isolates were also tested on API strips
case of Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serotype (bioMérieux) according to the manufacturer’s instruc-
abony where appreciable differences could be detected, tions. ID32E was used for Gram-negative bacteria,
the impact on the suitability of the strains in compendial Candida albicans isolates were tested on ID32C strips,
tests such as the growth promotion test was evaluated. Staphylococcus aureus was tested on ID32 Staph, and
Clostridium sporogenes was checked on ID32A.
Materials and Methods
Biolog Microbial Identification
Strains Evaluated
A pure culture, isolated on soybean casein digest agar,
Bacterial and fungal strains (see Table II) were pur- was subcultured onto Biolog BUG agar with 5% sheep
chased from the Australian Collection of Microorgan- blood and incubated at 35 °C for 16 –18 h. From the
isms (ACM, Australia), the American Type Culture Col- subculture, a uniform cell suspension was prepared to
lection (ATCC威, USA), CAB International (CABI, UK), a density of 61 ⫾ 2% light transmittance in Biolog
the Collection de l’Institut Pasteur (CIP, France), the GN/GP-IF (Gram-negative/Gram-positive inoculating
Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkul- fluid) containing 5 mM sodium thioglycolate. A 96-
turen (DSMZ, Germany), the National Biological Re- well microplate was then inoculated with 150 ␮L/well
source Center (NBRC, Japan), the National Collections of the cell suspension. The microplate was incubated
of Industrial and Marine Bacteria (NCIMB, Scotland), at 35 °C for 16 –24 h with readings being taken during
the National Collection of Pathogenic Fungi (NCPF, this time interval.
UK), and the National Collection of Type Cultures
(NCTC™, Health Protection Agency, UK) and were Matrix-Assisted Laser-Desorption/Ionization
subcultured no more than five times prior to testing. Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS)
Please note that since the Japanese Institute for Fermen-
tation (IFO) joined the NBRC, all IFO numbers are Sample preparation for MALDI-TOF MS protein anal-
identical to their respective NBRC numbers. ysis was carried out according to the ethanol/formic
acid extraction protocol recommended by Bruker Dal-
VITEK 2 Microbial Identification tonik (Bremen, Germany) as described previously (7).
First, about 10 mg biomass from agar cultures was
The frozen strains were subcultured twice on Colum- resuspended in 300 ␮L water by careful mixing. Then,
bia agar with 5% sheep blood or Sabouraud dextrose the suspension was mixed with 900 ␮L ethanol. The
agar. All strains but Aspergillus isolates and Clostrid- biomass was collected by centrifugation and the pellet
ium strains were identified by the colorimetric VITEK was resuspended in 50 ␮L 70% formic acid. The
2 cards (BCL, GN, GP, YST cards; bioMérieux, suspension was mixed carefully with 50 ␮L acetoni-
Durham, NC) according to the instructions of the trile. After centrifugation, the supernatant was re-
manufacturer (McFarland standard of 0.5–2 depending moved immediately and aliquots of 1.5 ␮L were
on the card used). A bacterial suspension made in placed on each spot of a stainless steel target plate.
0.45% aqueous NaCl was adjusted to the recom- After air-drying, 1.5 ␮L matrix solution (saturated
mended McFarland standard with a VITEK 2 Den- solution of alpha-cyanohydroxycinnaminic acid in
siChek™ instrument. The time period from prepara- 50% aqueous acetonitrile containing 2.5% trifluoro-
tion of the inoculum to loading of the card was less acetic acid) per spot was applied. MALDI-TOF MS

Vol. 64, No. 2, March–April 2010 139


History of Deposition of Compendial Cultures in Six Major Culture Collections
National Culture Collectionsa


A. niger ATCC 16404 4 Warner IP 1431.83 no history record DSM 1988 4 IFO 9455 4 ATCC 16404 not available NCPF 2275 4
Lambert Res. Inst. ATCC 16404 ATCC 16404
Origin: SM Ringel; (S. M. Ringel)
Isolation: Blueberry, North
B. subtilis ATCC 6633 4 N. R. CIP 52.62 4 R. E. Gordon NJ Agri. DSM 347 4 ATCC IFO 3134 4 Iowa State NCIMB 8054 4 ATCC 6633 NCTC 10400 4
Smith 231 4 K. F. Exper. Stat. 4 K. F. Kellerman 6633 Coll. (1A29) 4 ATCC ATCC 6633
Origin: K. F. Kellerman Kellerman 6633
Isolation: Unknown
C. albicans ATCC 10231 4 NIHA C. IP 48.72 4 ATCC 10231 DSM 1386 4 IFO 1594 4 ATCC 10231 not available NCPF 3179 4
W. Emmons 4 Wright ATCC 10231 ATCC 10231
Origin: Wright
Isolation: Man with
C. sporogenes ATCC 114374 H.D CIP 100651 4 1983, ATCC DSM 1446 4 IFO 14293 4 Daigo NCIMB 12343 4 ATCC 11437 NCTC 12935 no
Vera NCIB 12343 11437 ATCC 11437 Nutritive Chem. (H. history record
Origin: HD Vera [L. S. McClung 2006] Yoshino) 4 ATCC
Isolation: Cotton plant 11437
C. sporogenes ATCC 19404 4 NCTC CIP 79.3 4 1979, ATCC 19404 DSM 1664 4 not available NCIMB 532 4 NCTC532 NCTC 532 4 M.
532 4 M. Robertson, ATCC 19404 Robertson, Lister
Origin: M Robertson Lister Inst.U.K Inst.U.K
Isolation: Gas gangrene
E. coli ATCC 8739 4 I. C. CIP 53.126 4 1953, NCIMB DSM 1576 4 ATCC IFO 3972 4 Takeda Chem. NCIMB 8545 4 ATCC 8739 NCTC 12923 no
Gunsalus strain Crooks 85454ATCC 8739 8739 Ind., Ltd. 4 Univ. Texas history record
Origin: G. C. Crooks 4 G. C. Crooks 4 ATCC 8739
Isolation: Feces
P. aeruginosa ATCC 9027 4 C. P. CIP 82.118 41982, Blanchard, DSM 1128 4 ATCC IFO 13275 4 ATCC 9027 NCIMB 8626 4 ATCC 9027 NCTC 12924 4
Hegarty, RH 813 Specia, France 4 ATCC 9027 9027 C.P Hegarty
Origin: CP Hegarty
Isolation: Outer ear infection
S. enterica subsp. enterica ATCC 14028 4 CDC CIP 104115 4 1994, ATCC 14028 DSM 19587 4 CIP not available NCIMB 13284 4 ATCC 14028 NCTC 12023 4
serotype typhimurium 6516-60 104115 4 ATCC ATCC 14028
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Origin: CDC
Isolation: tissue animal
(pools of heart & liver
from 4 wk old chickens)
S. enterica subsp. enterica not available CIP 80.39 4 Inst. Pasteur 4 F. DSM 4224 4 CIP IFO100797 4 CIP 80.39 not available NCTC 6017 4 F.
serotype abony Kaufmann, K 103 80.39 Kaufmann, K 103
Origin: F. Kaufmann.
Isolation: Unknown
S. aureus ATCC 6538 4 FDA 209P CIP 4.83 4 ATCC 6538 DSM 799 4 ATCC IFO 13276 4 ATCC 6538 NCIMB 9518 4 Diversey (UK) NCTC 10788 4
4 Walter Reed AMC 6538 Ltd 4 Diversey Corp. ATCC 6538
Origin: Walter Reed AMC Chicago 4 ATCC 6538
Isolation: human lesion
Strain numbers in bold were analyzed in this study.
ATCC ⫽ American Type Culture Collection (USA), NCIMB ⫽ National Collections of Industrial and Marine Bacteria (Scotland), CIP ⫽ Collection de l’Institut Pasteur (France), NBRC ⫽ National
Biological Resource Center (Japan), NCTC ⫽ National Collection of Type Cultures (UK), DSM ⫽ Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen (Germany), IFO ⫽ Institute for Fermentation (Japan).

PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology

Since IFO joined NBRC, all IFO strain numbers are identical to NBRC numbers, i.e., B. subtilis IFO 3134 ⫽ NBRC 3134.
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was conducted using a Microflex威 L20 mass spec- priate for the microorganism (Bacterial Barcodes, Inc.,
trometer (Bruker Daltonik) equipped with an N2 laser. Athens, GA) following the manufacturer’s instruc-
All spectra were recorded in linear, positive ion mode. tions. The amplicons were then analyzed using the
The acceleration voltage was 20 kV. Spectra were DiversiLab system including a microfluidics chip
collected as a sum of 500 shots across a spot. A mass (Bacterial Barcodes). Data analysis was performed
range of 2000 –20,000 m/z was used for analysis. The with the Web-based DiversiLab software version 3.3
spectra were analyzed by using the BioTyper software, using the Pearson Correlation coefficient and UPGMA
Version 1.1 (Bruker Daltonik). to automatically compare the rep-PCR-based DNA
fingerprints of unknown isolates.
16S rRNA Base Sequencing
Inter Simple Sequence Repeats (ISSR) and Variable
Sequencing of the 16S rRNA gene was carried out Number Tandem Repeats (VNTR)
either as a partial 5⬘ sequence of 500 bp or the full-
length 1500 bp using the MicroSeq 16S rDNA proto- ISSR and VNTR analyses were performed by CABI,
col (Applied Biosystems, Foster City, CA) and was as described by Grünig et al. (8) and Bridge et al. (9),
conducted at the Australian Genome Research Facility respectively, except that the annealing temperature in
in Melbourne, Australia. the VNTR assays was 45 °C for Aspergillus niger and
48 °C for C. albicans.
Automated ribotyping was performed according to the
Strains of S. enterica subsp. enterica serotype abony
instructions of the manufacturer of the Riboprinter
were subjected to serological typing according to the
microbial characterization system (DuPont Qualicon,
Kauffman-White scheme (6) at the Institute of Clinical
Wilmington, DE) as described previously (5). The
Pathology and Medical Research in Sydney, Australia.
automated process included bacterial cell lysis and
digestion of the DNA by using either the restriction
Growth Promotion Testing
enzyme EcoRI or PvuII. DNA fragments were sepa-
rated by size using agarose gel electrophoresis. The Freeze-dried inocula containing a precise number of
DNA fragments were hybridized with a labeled rRNA viable cells of S. enterica subsp. enterica serotype
operon probe derived from Escherichia coli, and the abony strains ACM 5080 and CIP 80.39 were prepared
bands were detected by a chemiluminescent substrate. using the proprietary BioBall technology (BTF bio-
The image was recorded by using a customized charge- Mérieux, Sydney, Australia) (10). Briefly, cultures
coupled device camera. Data were normalized to a stan- were grown in a modified 2YT medium and counted
dard marker set. The band patterns were compared using and sorted using flow cytometry. Droplets were snap-
the BioNumerics威 software (Applied Maths NV, St- frozen in liquid nitrogen and freeze-dried. The freeze-
Martens-Latem, Belgium) and clustering was carried out dried BioBall was rehydrated directly on xylose lysine
by the unweighted-pair group method with the arithmetic deoxocholate agar (XLD), soybean-casein digest agar
mean (UPGMA) based on Pearson’s correlation coeffi- (SCDA) ⫽ trypticase soy agar (TSA), or nutrient agar
cient (optimization coefficient, 1.2%). (NA) in 100 ␮L 0.9% NaCl solution. For experiments
utilizing non-freeze-dried cultures, the strains were
Repetitive Sequence-Based Polymerase Chain Reaction cultured in 2YT into mid-log phase, counted and
(Rep-PCR) sorted as above, and dropped directly onto the agar
plates. After spreading and drying, the plate was in-
The bacterial isolates were cultured on plates of Co- cubated at 30 –35 °C for the time indicated and the
lumbia 5% sheep blood agar with the exception of C. colonies were counted or their diameter measured.
sporogenes, which was cultured in brain heart infusion
broth. Yeasts and molds were subcultured on Sab- Results and Discussion
ouraud dextrose agar plates. The DNA from each
culture was extracted from a 10-␮L loop of colony Strain Culture History
mass using the UltraClean microbial DNA isolation kit
(Mo Bio Laboratories, Solana Beach, CA). DNA (30 In the past, culture collections would extensively ex-
ng/␮L) was amplified using the DiversiLab kit appro- change strain isolates deposited at only one culture

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collection with others in order to make the strains storage and subcultivation. In order to gain more res-
widely accessible to the research and industry com- olution power, two commercially available strain typ-
munities. In every culture collection, the same strain ing methods were employed, ribotyping (Riboprinter,
assumes a new identity code, and the dependencies DuPont Qualicon) and rep-PCR (DiversiLab, Bacterial
become less apparent. Table II lists the culture history Barcodes). Both methods rely on differences in the
of the deposition of compendial cultures in six major genomic DNA. Although both methods return results
culture collections. For the purpose of this study we that look very similar, there are fundamental differ-
follow the definition of Brenner and coworkers and ences as to how the banding patterns are generated and
define a strain as the descendant of a single isolation in how much information they bear. Briefly, for ribotyp-
pure culture stored in a culture (strain) collection, ing, the extracted genomic DNA is digested with a
typically from a single colony isolated on a plate, that specific restriction enzyme (typically EcoRI) and the
is, monoclonal (11). One strain of a species is desig- resulting fragments are separated by gel electrophore-
nated as the type culture due to its early history of sis and transferred onto a membrane. On this mem-
deposition in the culture collection and its taxonomic brane, the DNA is subjected to Southern hybridization
status, with all other strains sufficiently similar in both using a probe derived from the rRNA operon of E.
phenotype and genotype to be considered within the coli. Hybridization highlights the fragments of
species. For example, Pseudomonas aeruginosa genomic DNA with sufficient homology to the probe
ATTC 10145 is the type strain for both the genus and to create a specific banding pattern. The length of the
species while P. aeruginosa ATCC 9027 isolated from detected fragments depends on the location of the
an inner ear infection was designated as a compendial target sites for the restriction endonuclease used.
QC strain in USP 具61典, 具62典, and 具71典.
Rep-PCR, on the other hand, is not limited to the
Strain Identification Confirmation at Species Level conserved rRNA coding sequences on the genomic
DNA but utilizes repetitive DNA sequences dispersed
In order to confirm the species identity, three commer- throughout the genome. In a PCR reaction utilizing
cially available phenotypic identification methods primers complementary to those repetitive DNA ele-
were employed. API, Biolog, and VITEK 2 identifi- ments, fragments of different lengths are generated.
cation reagents are based on biochemical methods The amplified fragments are separated and detected by
mainly measuring carbon source utilization and enzy- microfluidics-based electrophoresis. Both methods re-
matic activities. While both API strips and VITEK 2 sult in a pattern of DNA fragments, the origin of which
cards contain biochemical substrates, their nature, however is fundamentally different. Comprehensive
concentration, and number in the manual API strip and descriptions of both technologies can be found in the
the automated VITEK 2 card are different, leading to literature (5, 8, 12, 13). As expected, ribotyping the
a large menu of claimed species. As expected, culture strains of Bacillus subtilis, E. coli, P. aeruginosa, and
collection strains were correctly identified and no dif- S. aureus specified in the USP and EP Ph. Eur. re-
ference based on the source of the isolate was noted. sulted in very similar banding patterns, regardless of
The BIOLOG results were not always definitive, as the culture collection from which they were sourced
some strains were identified incorrectly as phenotyp- (Figure 1). This set of ribotyping experiments was
ically related bacteria. Salmonella typhimurium ATCC performed with EcoRI, the restriction enzyme most
14028 was identified as Salmonella gp 1 (cholerae- commonly used for ribotyping. For comparison, an
suis) or Citrobacter sedlakii while S. typhimurium unrelated strain of the same species was chosen ran-
NCTC 12023 was identified as Salmonella gp 1 (chol- domly and subjected to the same ribotyping and
eraesuis). Salmonella abony CIP 80.39, ACM 5080, showed marked differences in the banding pattern.
and NCTC 6017 were identified as Salmonella gp 1 Pearson correlation analysis documented for each spe-
(choleraesuis). cies a very close clustering of the isolates of the same
strain from different culture collections, whereas a
Genetic Typing Discriminates Strains much lower correlation percentage of the unrelated
strain to that cluster was observed. In the case of P.
Despite confirming the species in each case, the phe- aeruginosa, and to a lesser extent S. aureus, two
notypic identification methods did not uncover possi- unrelated strains appeared to be more similar to each
ble subtle differences among strains of the same spe- other than to the other strain cluster (Figure 1, C and
cies or changes that might have occurred during D). It should be noted here that this close clustering in

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NCTC 10788 and ATCC 6538 vs DSM 799 to CIP

4.83 (Figure 1, C and D, respectively). A mutation in
the recognition site of the restriction enzyme on the
genomic DNA will result in the absence of a particular
fragment and possibly the reappearance of a fragment
of a different size. An additional or a missing band
was therefore interpreted as a much more dramatic
change than pattern migration differences.

Ribotyping can be performed using any restriction

endonuclease or even combinations of different re-
striction endonucleases in order to cover more target
sites and potentially to reveal more information. Ad-
ditionally, all E. coli strains were ribotyped using
PvuII as the restriction enzyme (Figure 2A). The many
more fragments detected indicated that there are more
target sites for PvuII present in the rRNA operon of E.
coli than for EcoRI. Despite the increased complexity

Figure 1

Ribotyping of the same strain sourced from different

culture collections. Unrelated strains of each species
were included for comparison. Bacterial cells were
lysed, the DNA extracted and digested with EcoR1.
The resulting fragments were separated using aga-
rose gel electrophoresis, continuously membrane-
blotted and hybridized with a labeled probe derived
from the rRNA operon of E. coli. The banding pat-
tern generated by chemiluminescent detection was
normalized using a standard marker set. The banding
Figure 2
patterns were analysed using BioNumerics software
and clustering was carried out based on Pearson’s
A. Ribotyping of E. coli with the restriction enzyme
correlation coefficient. (A–D) The same strain
PvuII. B. Repeat Ribotyping. (A) Ribotyping of the
sourced from 5– 6 different culture collections was
same set of E. coli strains as in Figure 1B with the
ribotyped. Unrelated strains of each species were in-
restriction enzyme PvuII. Note that the complexity
cluded for comparison.
of the banding pattern is much higher as compared
to the EcoR1-based analysis, however, there is no
the Pearson correlation was observed despite slight significant difference between the compendia strain
differences in the migration distance of the individual cluster and the unrelated E. coli strain. (B) Repeat
isolates (e.g., see the “drift” in P. aeruginosa fragment Ribotyping. P. aeruginosa NCTC 12924 was ri-
migration from NCIMB 8626 to NCTC 12924 or the botyped independently ten times to determine the
slight difference in migration of S. aureus patterns of method-inherent variability.

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of the banding pattern, PvuII was unable to discrimi- be detected (Figure 3). For each strain cluster, the
nate the unrelated strain DSM 1563 from the compen- overall similarity was always above 96%. As the band-
dial strain cluster, whereas EcoRI produced distinct ing pattern is dependent on the location of repetitive
fragment patterns clearly distinguishing these strains elements dispersed throughout the genome and is not
(compare Figures 1B and 2A). In order to gain insight focused on a conserved region, the rep-PCR analysis
into the repeatability of the method, the same isolate offers strain discrimination information distinct from
of P. aeruginosa (NCTC 12924) was ribotyped inde- the ribotyping results. In the rep-PCR results there was
pendently 10 times (Figure 2B). The resulting patterns no evidence of a shift of the banding patterns as seen
were very similar with slight variations in the migra- in ribotyping. The authors contribute this observation
tion distances (Figure 2B). to the different methods used to separate the DNA
fragments in the different systems, as well as the
When the same set of compendial strains was analyzed normalization of the data by the software. In each
using rep-PCR, again no appreciable differences could rep-PCR analysis, at least one strain was included in
duplicate to facilitate the discrimination of true ge-
netic differences from method-inherent variability.
For example, the parallel analysis of two samples of B.
subtilis ATCC 6633 taken from the exact same culture
did not cluster next to each other, whereas the two
samples of B. subtilis NCTC 10400 did (Figure 3A).
The algorithm calculating the similarity takes both the
position and the intensity of the bands into account
and picks up minor differences in band intensities,
which are hard to quantify with the naked eye. This
repeat analysis was expanded using P. aeruginosa as
an example (Figure 4A). Ten independent repeat rep-
PCR analyses resulted in indistinguishable patterns
with only minor differences in band intensity. A com-
plete absence or reappearance of a prominent band
was never observed. While all samples clustered to-
gether, these small method-inherent variations in in-
tensity, which occur in both ribotyping and rep-PCR,
are likely to be the reason why the order of the

Figure 3

Rep-PCR of the same strain sourced from different

culture collections. Bacterial strains were cultured
and the DNA extracted from a 10 ␮L loop of colony
mass. Amplification of the repetitive genomic se-
quences was carried out using a specific reagent set
for each species. The resulting fragments were sep-
arated on a microfluidics chip and the banding
pattern recorded. The banding patterns were ana-
lyzed using the DiversiLab software. Clustering
was carried out based on Pearson’s correlation
coefficient and UPGMA. (A–D) The same strain
sourced from 4 –5 different culture collections was
analyzed. For every panel at least one strain was
included in duplicate to demonstrate the level of

144 PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology

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printer defines 96% similarity as the limit above which

the patterns of this “Ribogroup” are indistinguishable
and isolates are therefore considered identical. In the
daily use in QC of a large national culture collection,
this fixed arbitrary number has proven to be of limited
value (P. Schumann, unpublished results). The con-
cept appears not to be uniformly applicable to patterns
with a large number of bands of varying intensity
(type 1) vs patterns with just a few bands of similar
intensity (type 2). It is also limited by the reproduc-
ibility of the method. For this reason we have not used
Ribogroups in the discussion of the results but calcu-
lated dendrograms instead. Type 1 patterns can pro-
duce a much wider bandwidth of results and are more
likely to be affected by reproducibility issues than
type 2. Accordingly, identical type 2 strains should
cluster with a much higher Pearson coefficient than
type 1 strains. Furthermore, there is no apparent cor-
relation between the typing pattern and the Gram type.
Finally, differences in band intensities will also be
influenced by the number of repeats of the rRNA
operon of different species. On the other hand, the
relative differences of the “out-group pattern” (pattern
of a different strain of the same species) will influence
the level at which identical strains appear “similar”.
Because the diversity of strains within each species is
quite different from species to species it is impossible
to define a standardized out-group across all species.

As with the above bacterial species, no significant

differences between the isolates of the molds and
Figure 4 yeasts were detected when tested by rep-PCR (Figure
4, B and C). In the analysis of C. albicans, an ex-
A. Repeat rep-PCR experiments. B. and C. Rep- tremely low level of variation between the repeats and
PCR of yeast and mold. (A) Repeat rep-PCR ex- within the cluster was observed, leading to an overall
periments. P. aeruginosa NCTC 12924 was ana- similarity higher than 99%. The low sequence homol-
lyzed by rep-PCR ten times in separate reactions to ogy between the rRNA operons of prokaryotes and
determine the method-inherent variability. Rep- eukaryotes does not allow eukaryotes to be analyzed
PCR of (B) Aspergillus niger and (C) Candida albi- with ribotyping. Therefore, in addition to rep-PCR, A.
cans. Note that a name change for this strain of A. niger and C. albicans were analyzed by ISSR PCR and
niger to A. brasiliensis has been proposed (17). VNTR PCR, two specialized genetic fingerprinting
methods different from rep-PCR (8, 9). Distinct fin-
gerprints were obtained for all isolates tested. For A.
samples within each cluster may be different (compare niger, four primer sets resulted in satisfactory ampli-
Figures 1 and 3). fication products. ATCC 16404, NCPF 3179, IP
1431.83, NBRC 9455, and IMI 149007 exhibited no
It would be desirable to be able to set an independent, visible differences in the banding patterns, whereas
universal cut-off limit for similarity or Pearson coef- IMI 91855, an unrelated A. niger strain, displayed
ficient above which different isolates are considered to quite distinct profiles (data not shown). Similar results
be identical across all taxa. The algorithms underlying were obtained from the C. albicans isolates tested.
the output of commercial typing platforms are differ- Again, all strains gave rise to informative fingerprints
ent and often undisclosed. For example, the Ribo- with four primer sets. There were no detectable ge-

Vol. 64, No. 2, March–April 2010 145

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pendial strain cluster using EcoRI-digested DNA.

When the same set of strains was ribotyped utilizing
PvuII as the restriction enzyme, DSM 767 displayed a
clear difference in banding pattern (Figure 5B, arrow).
The banding patterns of the compendial strains were
very similar, and again the electrophoretic mobility
may have caused the remaining variability. In the
interpretation of Southern hybridization experiments
such as ribotyping, one needs to be careful with con-
clusions drawn from bands around 50 kb. An incom-
plete restriction digest will result in partially or undi-
gested DNA. These large fragments tend to have an
electrophoretic mobility in standard agarose gels sim-
ilar to that of DNA fragments of 50 kb in length,
irrespective of their actual length. A hybridization
Figure 5 signal at 50 kb might, therefore, at least partly be
caused by undigested DNA and is therefore not infor-
Riboprinting of C. sporogenes with A. EcoRI and B. mative.
PvuII. Riboprinting of C. sporogenes (A) using
EcoRI and (B) PvuII as restriction enzymes prior to Taken together, the analysis of the compendial strains
blotting and hybridization. A higher variability in of A. niger, B. subtilis, C. albicans, C. sporogenes, E.
the banding patterns was observed for C. sporo- coli, P. aeruginosa, and S. aureus did not reveal
genes when compared to the other bacterial species. significant differences either on the phenotypic or
The unrelated DSM 767 could only be separated genotypic level.
from the compendia strains using PvuII, which
gave a distinctly different banding pattern (see ar- Salmonella Enterica subsp. Enterica Serotype Abony:
row in B). Note that the resulting clustering even Equivalent Strains Are Not Identical
for the compendial strain is different in the PvuII
and the EcoR1 digests, pointing toward a limit of The compendia specify two Salmonella strains as suit-
reproducibility rather than real differences. able for QC of the Microbial Limits Test (USP 62, Ph.
Eur.2.6.13). According to the new nomenclature, both
strains are of the same species and subspecies (S.
netic differences among C. albicans ATCC 10231, enterica subsp. enterica) (14) and differ only in the
NCPF 3179, IP 48.72, and NBRC 1594. IMI 165713, serotype (typhimurium and abony). Initially, there
an unrelated C. albicans strain used as a control, again were concerns whether even genotyping methods
exhibited distinct profiles under the same conditions. would be able to distinguish the two serotypes. How-
The amplification profiles have not been included in ever, both rep-PCR and ribotyping clearly distin-
this publication but can be obtained from the authors guished S. typhimurium from S. abony (compare Fig-
upon request. ures 6 and 7). S. typhimurium clustered very closely in
the rep-PCR and in the ribotyping (Figures 6A and
At first glance, C. sporogenes appears to have a higher 7A).
variability in the ribotyping patterns than the afore-
mentioned microorganisms, leading to a lower per- Unexpectedly, the rep-PCR analysis divided the S.
centage value in the Pearson correlation (Figure 5, A abony strains into two clearly distinguishable groups
and B). This variation appeared to be caused by dif- (Figure 6B), with ACM 5080 and NCTC 6017 dis-
ferences in the electrophoretic separation rather than a playing a different banding pattern than CIP 80.39,
difference in the banding pattern. Furthermore, neither NBRC 100797, and DSM 4224. This distinction could
rep-PCR nor pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) be confirmed by ribotyping (Figure 7B). This finding
displayed significant differences among NCTC 12935, was puzzling because the compendia, the culture col-
ATCC 11437, and NBRC 14293 (data not shown). lections, and probably the overwhelming majority of
Interestingly, even the unrelated C. sporogenes strain the pharmaceutical microbiology community have
DSM 767 could not be distinguished from the com- long assumed that all of these strains were identical. In

146 PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology

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culture collections, NCTC and CIP, where the strain

was first deposited.

Confirming the Differences

In order to confirm the differences between the two

groups of strains, a number of further analyses were
conducted. For the genus Salmonella, serotyping ac-
cording to the Kauffmann-White scheme is the most
widely used method for typing and has a long history
in the field. Serotyping performed for S. enterica
subsp. enterica serotype abony revealed that all iso-
lates tested displayed the exact same antigenic struc-
ture of 1,4,5,12:b:e,n,x (data not shown). This absence
of differences in the antigenic structure of the isolates
was anticipated because, for the genus Salmonella,
culture collections and reference laboratories have tra-
ditionally used serotyping as a means of QC.
Figure 6
Next, sequencing of 500 bp of 5⬘ end of the DNA
coding for the 16S rRNA was conducted. CIP 80.39,
Rep-PCR of Salmonella strains. A. S. typhimurium
B. Two groups of S. abony can be differentiated. (A)
The rep-PCR patterns of S. typhimurium sourced
from ATCC and NCTC do not reveal significant
differences and appear to be highly reproducible.
(B) The same approach differentiated two groups
of S. abony. ACM 5080 and NCTC 6017 appear to
be distinctly different from the strains sourced
from CIP, NBRC, and DSMZ. One strain of each
group was analyzed in duplicate to judge the re-
producibility of this assay.

an attempt to resolve this paradoxical finding, the

culture history of these strains was investigated (Fig-
ure 8). The strain was first isolated by F. Kaufmann
from the Statens Seruminstitut, Denmark. On the April
4, 1940, it was deposited with the National Collection
of Type Cultures (NCTC), UK (B. Holmes, personal
communication), and it was in parallel sent to L. Figure 7
LeMinor at the French Salmonella Reference Labora-
tory. In 1980, LeMinor deposited the strain with the Riboprinting of Samonella strains. A. S. typhi-
Collection of the Pasteur Institute in France. From murium B. Two groups of S. abony can be differ-
these two collections, the strains were distributed to entiated. (A) Riboprinting patterns of S. typhi-
other national culture collections including those of murium sourced from DSMZ, ATCC, and NCTC
Germany (DSMZ), Japan (NBRC), and Australia do not reveal significant differences. (B) Riboprint-
(ACM). The distribution pattern as outlined in Figure ing differentiated the same two groups of S. abony
8 matches exactly the distinction found by genetic as found using rep-PCR. Note the presence of a
typing, with CIP 80.39, DSM 4224, and NBRC band around 15 kb in strains sourced from CIP,
100797 forming one group distinct from the group NBRC, and DSMZ whereas this band is absent in
consisting of NCTC 6017 and ACM 5080. It is there- ACM 5080 and NCTC 6017. The reverse is true for
fore likely that the differences pre-existed at the two the band running close to 5 kb.

Vol. 64, No. 2, March–April 2010 147

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Figure 8

Deposition history of Salmonella abony strain

74K103. The strain was deposited in 1940 with the
National Collection of Type Cultures (NCTC) and
sent to L. LeMinor in the same year, who forty
years later deposited the strain with the Collection
of the Institute Pasteur. From these two culture
collections the strain reached the DSMZ, NBRC,
and ACM.

NCTC 6017, and the NCTC 6017-derived ACM 5080

showed identical sequences. Only one base at position
64 displayed a slight difference between the two
groups. In CIP 80.39, base 64 was determined clearly
as a cytosine, whereas the same position in NCTC
6017 and ACM 5080 resulted in an unclear base
determination, with either a cytosine or a thymidine at
this position (Figure 9). This result might be due to
different rRNA operons (rrn) present in Salmonella.
Most microorganisms capable of rapid growth have
multiple rrn copies to support high levels of ribosome
production. Salmonella, similar to E. coli, retained 7
rrn copies (13, 15). The ambiguous base seen in
NCTC 6017 and ACM 5080 could therefore be the
result of a single nucleotide change in at least one of Figure 9
the rrn copies.
Sequence analysis of the 5ⴕ end of the 16S rRNA of
In an attempt to further confirm the differences be- Salmonella abony strains. Sequencing 500 bp of the
tween the two strains, MALDI-TOF MS of total pro- 5ⴕ end of the 16S rRNA using the MicroSeq 500
tein extracts was employed. In the analysis of whole protocol revealed a single nucleotide difference. At
cell extracts of bacteria, MALDI-TOF MS produces position 64 in CIP 80.39 there is a clear cytosine
spectra based on highly abundant, mainly cytosolic (. . . TTCGC . . .). At this position both of the
proteins, at least half of them very basic ribosomal strains NCTC6017 and ACM 5080 detect a cytosine
proteins (16). In the NCTC 6017 extract, about 20 and a thymidine (. . . TTC/TGC . . .). This could be
peaks in the mass-to-charge (m/z) range of 2000 to interpreted as artifact or that at this position the 7
12,000 could be detected (Figure 10). Interestingly, copies of the rRNA operon are not identical.
two prominent peaks in the NCTC 6017 spectrum at an

148 PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology

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the PCR products and alignment of the sequences

uncovered a 310-bp deletion in the middle of the gene
in the CIP 80.39-derived PCR product. In addition,
multiple single-nucleotide changes could be detected
(Figure 11, black circles). Interestingly, transversions
from thymidine to adenine at position 972 and from
guanine to thymidine at position 973 resulted in the
creation of an additional recognition site for the re-
striction endonuclease EcoRI (Figure 11, open box).
As the 16S rRNA gene contributes less than one-third
to the length of the whole operon, it is conceivable that
similar changes might have occurred in other parts of
the operon not sequenced in this study. The observed
additional EcoRI site might be the reason for the
disappearance of the band around 5 kb that was de-
tected in the ribotyping pattern of ACM 5080 and
Figure 10
NCTC 6017 but not in the other three strains analyzed
(Figure 7B). Similar changes in EcoRI recognition
MALDI-TOF MS analysis of protein extracts from
sites in other parts of the operon could contribute to
Salmonella abony strains CIP 80.39 and NCTC
the band at 14 kb in CIP 80.39, NBRC 100797, and
6017. Total protein of the strains CIP 80.39 and
NCTC 6017 was extracted and subjected to matrix- DSM 4224, which is absent in ACM 5080 and NCTC
assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight 6017 (Figure 7B).
mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). Of the
peaks detected with a mass to charge (m/z) ratio Will the Non-identical “Twins” Perform Differently in
between 2000 and 12,000, a double peak at m/z of Compendial Tests?
6000 – 6100 was prominent in NCTC 6017, whereas
in CIP 80.39 these peaks were only minor. The finding that the equivalent compendial strains of
S. enterica subsp. enterica serotype abony are not
identical leads to the question of whether compendial
assays based on one of the strains should be revali-
m/z of 6008 and 6094 were absent in the spectrum of
dated and, if so, which of the strains should be used as
CIP 80.39 (Figure 10, arrows). Whereas the adjacent
peaks at 6255/6256 could represent the homologue of reference. Firstly, the compendia require the use of
an E. coli large subunit ribosomal protein as identified designated species but not a specific strain. For exam-
by Ryzhov and Fenselau (16), the identity of the ple, the harmonized Chapter 62 of the USP lists “Sal-
protein(s) at an m/z of 6008 and 6094 remains un- monella enterica subsp. enterica serotype abony such
known. It is remarkable, however, that not only ge- as NBRC 100797, NCTC 6017 or CIP 80.39”. Accord-
netic differences between NCTC 6017 and CIP 80.39 ingly, any S. enterica subsp. enterica isolate that bears
could be detected but also that clear phenotypic dif- the serotype abony would satisfy the criteria set out in
ferences exist. the USP and the other compendia. Secondly, and pos-
sibly more importantly, one could ask whether the
Since sequencing 500 bp of the 5⬘ end of the 16S differences seen are influencing the outcome of a
rRNA gene revealed only a minor and possibly am- particular compendial test. For S. enterica subsp. en-
biguous difference (see above), the whole coding re- terica serotype abony, this would be a growth promo-
gion of the 16S rRNA gene of CIP 80.39, NCTC 6017, tion assay. In order to address this question, spikes
and ACM 5080 was sequenced (Figure 11). Full gene containing a precise number of colony-forming units
sequencing confirmed the single nucleotide divergence (cfu) were generated using the BioBall technology
at base 40 (same position as base 64 in the MicroSeq (10). Briefly, liquid cultures of CIP 80.39 and ACM
500 protocol) as seen before (Figure 11, marked in 5080 were subjected to flow-cytometric counting and
black). PCR amplification prior to sequencing re- sorting. Populations of viable single cells were se-
vealed that CIP 80.39 yielded a smaller fragment than lected and sorted into droplets, snap-frozen in liquid
the other two samples (data not shown). Sequencing of nitrogen, and freeze-dried.

Vol. 64, No. 2, March–April 2010 149

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Figure 11

Full sequence alignment of the 16S rRNA of Salmonella abony strains. Most prominently, a fragment of 310 bp in length
is deleted in CIP 80.39 when aligned with NCTC 6017 and ACM 5080. Furthermore, multiple single nucleotide changes
were detected. Two changes at positions 972 and 973 resulted in the appearance of an additional Eco R1 restriction site,
which could be the reason for a specific banding pattern difference in the Riboprinting.
150 PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology
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Figure 11 (Continued)

Vol. 64, No. 2, March–April 2010 151

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Figure 11. (Continued)

152 PDA Journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology

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Figure 12

Growth promotion testing of Salmonella abony strains. Colony numbers of (A) freeze-dried and (B) fresh
cultures. (C) Growth kinetics on different media. The graphs show colony number mean and standard
deviation of triplicate plates. For the colony size, images of the plates were taken at the indicated time points.
The size of all colonies of one representative plate each was measured on calibrated printouts. The graph
represents mean and standard deviation of about 30 colonies each.

For ACM 5080 and CIP 80.39, the batch mean was differences in growth properties might have been ob-
29.0 and 29.2 cfu per BioBall, respectively, measured scured by freezing and freeze-drying, the growth pro-
by plating on nutrient agar. Similar counts were ob- motion assay was repeated, omitting the freezing in
served when plated on SCDA (Figure 12A). Direct liquid nitrogen and freeze-drying (Figure 12B). This
spreading of the BioBall on XLD agar resulted in a time, the droplets containing the flow-cytometric
reduction of colonies for both strains, with CIP 80.39 counted and sorted bacteria were captured directly
recovering slightly fewer colonies than ACM 5080. onto the agar plates, spread, and the plates incubated
The difference in cfu between ACM 5080 and CIP as before. Again, there was no significant difference
80.39, however, was not significant when tested by between the colony numbers recovered from NA,
paired Student’s t-test. In order to investigate whether SCDA, or XLD plates. Finally, the growth kinetics on

Vol. 64, No. 2, March–April 2010 153

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the different media determined by measuring colony This study was limited to the analysis of strains of the
sizes did not differ significantly over a time period of major national culture collections. Subsequent work
72 h on any of the media tested (Figure 12C). In should include strains sourced from other culture col-
summary, growth promotion assays of strains of the lections as well as other microorganisms used in com-
two genetically differentiable S. enterica subsp. en- pendial tests, for example, microbial assay of antibi-
terica serotype abony “lineages” did not reveal signif- otics and vitamins. Moreover, the managers of the
icant differences in growth characteristics. The au- culture collections might be inspired to compare type
thors suspect that the differences will not affect strains held in their collections, which are taxonomi-
suitability testing with specific test articles. cally more important than the QC strains used in the
pharmaceutical industry.
The compendia require standardized stable suspen-
sions of test strains to be used for growth promotion We are grateful to Barry Holmes for detailed informa-
and inhibitory properties testing as well as for method tion on strain culture history, Scott Sutton for valuable
validation. For each test, the compendia suggest a comments throughout the study, and Mimi Healy,
suitable strain for each species and name a number of Mary Jane Hilbert, Danielle Dennis, and Nick Herman
culture collections as sources. Additionally, the same
for excellent technical work and review of the manu-
strains can be sourced from a number of national
culture collections. The compendia require that the
cultures should be removed no more than five passages
from the original master seed lots. This allows for
inocula to be prepared in your laboratory or purchased
1. USP 具61典. Microbiological Examination of Non-
as titrated preprepared inocula without a significant
Sterile Products: Microbial Enumeration Tests.
drift in the genotypic and phenotypic properties of the
US Pharmacopeial Convention: Rockville, MD.

2. USP 具62典. Microbiological Examination of Non-

This study aimed to investigate whether a particular
Sterile Products: Test for Specified Microorgan-
strain held at different culture collections is indeed the
isms. US Pharmacopeial Convention: Rockville,
same strain or whether there are detectable differ-
ences, which could affect the outcome of a compendial MD.
test. Phenotypic and genotypic identification and typ-
ing techniques employed in this study did not reveal 3. USP 具71典. Sterility Tests. US Pharmacopeial Con-
any reproducible differences. There was just one no- vention: Rockville, MD.
table exception: The same original strain of S. enterica
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hence are both considered equivalently suitable for the
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presented strongly suggest that all strains are equiva- Z.; Kovács, A. L.; Márialigeti, K. Wohlfahrtiimo-
lent, regardless of which culture collection they were nas chitiniclastica gen. nov., sp. nov., a new gam-
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