Aurora 1200 User Manual V2.0

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Thank you for using this product; the user manual provides relevant information about AURORA 1200 series CTP.
Contents including:
 Chapter 1 Aurora CTP
 Chapter 2 Manual user guide
 Chapter 3 Safety
 Chapter 4 Notices on installation and movement
 Chapter 5 Preparation
 Chapter 6 Operation process
 Chapter 7 Repair and maintenance
 Chapter 8 Troubleshooting
The user manual is for the following users:
 Users and service engineer
Before using the CTP, please carefully read the manual to ensure the proper use; if you have any problems, please
consult the agent or the customer service center of our company.
00 User Manuall

Chapter 1. Aurora CT
TP...................................... .............................................................. ....................................... 1

1.1 P
Providing thee following co
onfiguration . .............................................................. ....................................... 1

1.2 T
The function of Aurora T/U
U 1200 seriess device ................................................. ....................................... 1

Chapter 2. Manual user

u guide........................... .............................................................. ....................................... 3

2.1 M
Manual user object
o ................................ .............................................................. ....................................... 3

2.2 C
Common worrds and sign guide
g ............ .............................................................. ....................................... 3

2.2.1 Symbols ....................................... .............................................................. ....................................... 3

2.3 P
PDF files ............................................... .............................................................. ....................................... 4

2.4 M
More informaation .................................. .............................................................. ....................................... 4

Chapter 3. Safety .............................................. .............................................................. ....................................... 5

3.1 IImportant saffety operation

n rules........... .............................................................. ....................................... 5

3.2 S
Safety inform
mation................................. .............................................................. ....................................... 5

3.2.1 Fire preevention info

ormation ....... .............................................................. ....................................... 6

3.2.2 Installaation ................................... .............................................................. ....................................... 6

3.2.3 Maintenance ................................ .............................................................. ....................................... 6

3.3 S
Safety featurees ....................................... .............................................................. ....................................... 6

3.3.1 Safety protection

p sy
ystem ............ .............................................................. ....................................... 6

3.4 E
Emergency sttop button.......................... .............................................................. ....................................... 7

Chapter 4. Notices on
o installation
n and movem
ment ......................................................... ....................................... 9

4.1 IInstallation annd movementt ................... .............................................................. ....................................... 9

4.2 IInstallation coondition............................. .............................................................. ....................................... 9

4.3 IInstallation sppace ................................... .............................................................. ..................................... 100

4.4 C
Connection of
o ground wirees ................. .............................................................. ......................................111

4.4.1 Way off making speccialized grounnd wires for Aurora

A 1200 series CTP ... ......................................111

4.5 P
Power supplyy and power cable
c ............. .............................................................. ..................................... 122

4.6 C
Compressor ........................................... .............................................................. ..................................... 122

Chapter 5. Preparatioon ...................................... .............................................................. ..................................... 133

5.1 S
Start Aurora 1200 device....................... .............................................................. ..................................... 133

00 User Manuall

5.2 C
Components name ................................. .............................................................. ..................................... 133

5.2.1 The froont left side view .............. .............................................................. ..................................... 133

5.2.2 The bacck right side view

v ............ .............................................................. ..................................... 144

5.3 A
Aurora 1200 system .............................. .............................................................. ..................................... 155

5.3.1 Job imaaging processs ................... .............................................................. ..................................... 155

5.3.2 Plate looading platforrm ................ .............................................................. ..................................... 166

5.3.3 Operatiion panel ........................... .............................................................. ..................................... 166 Start
S button ........................ .............................................................. ..................................... 177 The
T indicator light on the ooperation pan
nel ...................................... ..................................... 177

5.3.4 Buzzerr ......................................... .............................................................. ..................................... 177

5.3.5 Plate ............................................. .............................................................. ..................................... 177 Supported
S plaate size.......... .............................................................. ..................................... 188 Plate
P size ............................ .............................................................. ..................................... 188 Plate
P processiing ................ .............................................................. ..................................... 188

5.4 B
Backup key files
f .................................... .............................................................. ..................................... 188

5.4.1 Saving the device in

nformation fille ........................................................... ..................................... 199

5.4.2 Backupp device param

meters .......... .............................................................. ..................................... 199

5.4.3 Backupp plate param

meter templatee files ..................................................... ..................................... 200

5.5 T
The imaging control progrram Tiffdownnload of Auro
ora 1200 ............................. ..................................... 200

5.5.1 Show thhe device staate ................. .............................................................. ..................................... 211

5.5.2 Tool baar ....................................... .............................................................. ..................................... 211

5.5.3 Introduuction of the state

s .............. .............................................................. ..................................... 222 Prompt
P error information
i .. .............................................................. ..................................... 222 Off-line
O state .....................
. .............................................................. ..................................... 222 Preparing
P statte .................. .............................................................. ..................................... 222 Working
W statee .................... .............................................................. ..................................... 233

5.5.4 Plate looading / unloaading system

m .............................................................. ..................................... 233 LD
L reset ............................. .............................................................. ..................................... 244 Get
G media .......................... .............................................................. ..................................... 244 Feed
F ................................... .............................................................. ..................................... 244

00 User Manuall Load
L ................................... .............................................................. ..................................... 255 Unload
U ............................... .............................................................. ..................................... 255

5.5.5 Charginng managemeent................ .............................................................. ..................................... 255 View
V counter.....................
. .............................................................. ..................................... 255 Charging
C tips .................... .............................................................. ..................................... 266 Charging
C requ
uest ............... .............................................................. ..................................... 266 Charging
C finisshed ............. .............................................................. ..................................... 277 Cancel
C requesst .................. .............................................................. ..................................... 277

Chapter 6. Operationn process ........................... .............................................................. ..................................... 288

6.1 O
Operation proocessing............................. .............................................................. ..................................... 288

6.2 S
Start up Auroora 1200 device................. .............................................................. ..................................... 288

6.3 S
Switch off Auurora 1200 deevice ............ .............................................................. ..................................... 299

6.4 B
Build new paarameter temp
plate ............. .............................................................. ..................................... 300

6.5 M
Modify the teemplate param
meters........... .............................................................. ..................................... 300

6.6 R
Rename of paarameter temp
plate............. .............................................................. ..................................... 311

6.7 D
Delete param
meter templatee.................... .............................................................. ..................................... 311

6.8 P
Plate feeding mode ................................ .............................................................. ..................................... 311

6.8.1 Changee the plate loaading mode .. .............................................................. ..................................... 322

6.8.2 Changee plate feedin

ng mode tempporarily .................................................. ..................................... 322

6.9 A
Add and Prepprocess Jobs ....................... .............................................................. ..................................... 322

6.100 Load plate............................................ .............................................................. ..................................... 333

6.10.1 Load plate

p manually ................. .............................................................. ..................................... 333

6.11 Unload the plate

p .................................. .............................................................. ..................................... 344

Chapter 7. Repair annd maintenancce ................. .............................................................. ..................................... 355

7.1 P
Proposal of thhe maintenan
nce time ........ .............................................................. ..................................... 355

7.2 C
Cleaning proccess ................................... .............................................................. ..................................... 366

7.2.1 Cleaninng the surfacee of the CTP. .............................................................. ..................................... 366

7.2.2 Wipingg the dirt............................. .............................................................. ..................................... 377

7.2.3 Cleaninng the plate gate

g assemblyy ............................................................. ..................................... 377

7.2.4 Cleaninng the plate lo

oading platfoorm ......................................................... ..................................... 377

00 User Manuall Cleaning
C the up
u and down plate gate co
onveyor belt ....................... ..................................... 377 Cleaning
C the plate
p suction hole....................................................... ..................................... 377

7.2.5 Cleaninng the drum assembly

a ...... .............................................................. ..................................... 377 Cleaning
C the drum
d surface .............................................................. ..................................... 377 Cleaning
C vacu
uum hole on tthe drum ................................................ ..................................... 388 Cleaning
C the U groove of pplate edge detection ............................... ..................................... 388 Cleaning
C HC and TEC clam
mps........................................................ ..................................... 399 Cleaning
C drum
m plate rollerr .............................................................. ..................................... 399

7.3 T
The maintenaance of the co
ompressed airr ............................................................. ..................................... 399

7.3.1 Draininng off water ....................... .............................................................. ..................................... 399

7.3.2 Replaciing air filter cartridge

c ...... .............................................................. ..................................... 399

7.4 R
Replacing thee ventilation filter
f ............. .............................................................. ..................................... 400

7.5 R
Replacing thee TEC ................................ .............................................................. ..................................... 400

7.5.1 Replaciing pressure spring and prressure spring

g blocking pieece of the TE
EC.................................. 400

Chapter 8. Troubleshhooting .............................. .............................................................. ..................................... 422

8.1 P
Preparation for
fo remote sup
pport............. .............................................................. ..................................... 422

8.1.1 Networrk security off remote suppport ......................................................... ..................................... 422

8.1.2 Diagnoosis of the gen

neral error .... .............................................................. ..................................... 422 Questions
Q ........................... .............................................................. ..................................... 422 Save
S Log file .................... .............................................................. ..................................... 433

8.2 E
Error informaation .................................. .............................................................. ..................................... 433

8.2.1 Eliminaable errors fo

or operator .... .............................................................. ..................................... 433

8.2.2 Warninng information

n .................. .............................................................. ..................................... 444

8.2.3 Error message

m .............................. .............................................................. ..................................... 444

8.2.4 Error innformation an

nd solutions . .............................................................. ..................................... 444

8.2.5 The claassification off error........... .............................................................. ..................................... 444

8.2.6 Activatte the emergency stop buttton ......................................................... ..................................... 455

8.2.7 Restartt the Aurora 1200

1 CTP ..... .............................................................. ..................................... 455

8.3 T
The problem of exposure error
e ............. .............................................................. ..................................... 455

8.3.1 Exposuure is stopped

d during imagging ........................................................ ..................................... 455

00 User Manuall

8.3.2 Exposuure can't be sttarted ............ .............................................................. ..................................... 455

8.3.3 Imaginng focus is fuzzzy ............... .............................................................. ..................................... 466

8.4 T
The error of loading
l plate.....................
. .............................................................. ..................................... 466

8.4.1 The devviation of theeory and actuaal plate width

h value is too big .............. ..................................... 466

8.4.2 Unloadding plate ........................... .............................................................. ..................................... 466

8.5 T
The error of unloading
u plaate ................. .............................................................. ..................................... 477

8.5.1 Removve the jammed

d plate from C
CTP ....................................................... ..................................... 477 Auto
A unload ....................... .............................................................. ..................................... 477 Remove
R the jaammed plate from the dru
um ...................................... ..................................... 488

8.6 T
The error of starting
s .............................. .............................................................. ..................................... 500

8.6.1 Aurora 1200 device .................... .............................................................. ..................................... 500 Device
D is not online .......... .............................................................. ..................................... 500 The
T device caannot finish thhe initializatio
on ...................................... ..................................... 500

8.7 T
The error of air
a supply........................... .............................................................. ..................................... 500

8.7.1 Air pressure is shorttage .............. .............................................................. ..................................... 500

8.7.2 Air com

mpressor alwaays cannot suupply enough
h air .................................... ..................................... 500

8.8 B
Balance systeem...................................... .............................................................. ..................................... 511

8.8.1 Device can’t find the balance bloock ......................................................... ..................................... 511

Chapter 1. Aurora CTP
Amsky Aurora 1200 series CTP is a brand new generation CTP platform of Amsky. It adapts UV laser with

400~410mm wavelength or 830mm infrared light as light source, and combines directly imaging technology and

superior automatic function together. The Aurora 1200 series CTP can operated under semi-automatically and

full-automatically mode which can be chosen according to your requirement, it has the advantages of upgrade in

anytime, stable and easy maintenance, etc.

Plate size can range from the minimum of 650×550 mm (25.6×21.6in) to the maximum of 1,470×1,180 mm

(57.9×46.4in). The output speed can reach up to 27 pieces per hour.

1.1 Providing the following configuration

 Load plate semi-automatically (manually)

 Load plate full-automatically (automatically)

Autoloader can load and unload the plate to Aurora automatically. With the autoloader, plate can be loaded on the

drum for exposing, and then the exposed plate can be unloaded into the online processor automatically.

1.2 The function of Aurora T/U 1200 series device

Aurora T 1200 series CTP installs thermal 2400 dpi imaging laser head, and Aurora U 1200 series install UV-2400

dpi imaging laser head. Furthermore, there is variety of imaging velocities to be chosen.

Technical parameters table of Aurora 1200 series is shown as below:

Model AURORA T 1200 AURORA U 1200

Exposing Method External Drum

AURORA 1200 User Manual

64-channel 64-channel
Imaging System
Discrete 830nm laser Discrete 400-410nm laser

16 plates/hour 16 plates/hour
Output Speed
1,030mm×800mm 2,400dpi

Plate Size Max. 1,470mm×1,180mm; Min. 650mm×550mm

Exposing Size Max. 1,470mm×1,166mm

Plate Type Thermal plate UV plate, High-sensitive PS plate

Plate Thickness 0.15mm~0.3mm or 0.27mm~0.4mm (Selected when ordering)

Resolutions 2,400dpi

±5μm(Continuous exposure over four times on the same plate with a temperature of
23°C and 60% RH )

Interface USB2.0/USB3.0 (USB2.0 is recommended)

Plate Loading Front-end manually, Load plate automatically

Net Weight 1,400 KG

Device Size 2,355mm×1,910mm×1,217mm (W×D×H)

Power Supply Single phase: 220V; Max power(Peak Value):5KW

Recommended temperature: 21~25℃; Allowable temperature: 15~30℃; Humidity:


Chapter 2. Manua
M al userr guide
The manual iis only the usser guide of th
he Aurora 12200 series CTP, and does not
n contain the
he content of the
t server andd

software. If you want too get the infformation off the server and softwaree, please reffer to the co
ontents in thee

TiffDownloaad (print contrroller) user manual

m of Am

2.1 Man
nual use
er objectt

This manual is used for guiding

g users to correctly operate and maintain Aurrora 1200 serries CTP man
nufactured byy

Guangzhou A
Amsky Technnology Co., Ltd.

This manual is written for

f people wh

 Havve previous prepress

p work
king experiencce

 Havve good know

wledge on Windows operat
ating system
The manuall operation iss under the following
f con
 All hardware, software,
s and
d network ccomponents in
i CTP prep
press plate-m
making system
m have beenn

mally installeed, calibrated

norm d, configured and operated

 Thee output of the plate-makin

ng file shouldd be 1BitTIFF
F without erro
ors of size, diirection and grammar

2.2 Com
mmon words
w and sign g

This section describes com

mmon words and terms inn the manual.

2.2.1 Symb

! Dangeer! This sym

△ mbol represeents a dangeerous situatio
on that serious injury sittuation causeed by wrongg

operationn might happeen!

AURORA 1200 User Manual

! Warning! This symbol represents a dangerous prompt that serious injury situation caused by wrong

operation might happen!

! Attention! This symbol represents a dangerous warning that serious injury situation caused by wrong

operation might happen!

2.3 PDF files

PDF version is available for this manual.

It is more convenient to use PDF files for on-online browsing, or printing and editing with Adobe Acrobat Reader


2.4 More information

Please visit the website of Guangzhou Amsky Technology Co., Ltd. for more information,

download and inquiring.

Chapter 3. Safety

3.1 Important safety operation rules

! Warning! Please read carefully and understand the contents of the manual before using Aurora 1200 series CTP.

Operators must comply with all safety rules and prescriptive process when operating Aurora 1200 series CTP,

meanwhile, carefully study this manual and master it.

Bodily injury may be caused if operators do not correctly study or well use this manual, and operate Aurora 1200

series CTP without complying with the safety rules.

3.2 Safety information

Operators should strictly comply with the following notices and safety rules to operate Aurora 1200 series CTP:

 Only Amsky authenticated plate is permitted

 Do not touch CTP by hands or fingers when it is running

 All maintenance services are permitted only when CTP is power off

 The cover of CTP can be opened only in necessary conditions

 Switch off the induction system first when operating the filter cartridge of CTP induction system

 Correctly place clamp bar assembly for CTP loading plate

 Manufacturer unauthorized maintenance services and changes for CTP are not permitted

 Wear gloves when operating the plate and the clamp bar assembly of CTP

 Prevent water or other liquid from flowing into CTP

 Avoid using the chemical detergent frequently

 Only Amsky authenticated replaceable filter cartridge is permitted for CTP

00 User Manuall

All dangers, warnings andd notices are to provide saafety informaation; bodily injury
i and CT
TP damage may
m be causedd

if ignoring thhese safety waarnings and notices.


3.2.1 Fire p
prevention informatio

If CTP suddeenly emits sm

moke or catches fire, pleasee turn off the power supply to switch ooff the device immediatelyy.

3.2.2 Installation

The installatiion, debugginng and initiallization runniing must be done

d by the engineers
e froom Amsky; please confirm

whether the ssite and envirronment cond

ditions achievve the specificc requirements of Amsky oor not.

3.2.3 Mainttenance

All maintenaance services should be im mplying with the maintenaance contents in Chapter 7.
mplemented byy strictly com

Device damaage or personnal injury maay be caused if opening or

o operating the
t device wiithout complying with thee

contents of the manual; all maintenaance servicess for Amsky

y CTP should be done bby Amsky’s authenticatedd


! Danger! O
Opening CTP
TP cover and
d panel or chhanging the device witho
out permissioon might cau
use injury byy

high-power llaser speed; please do not

n operate oon the hardw
ware or circu
uit without peermission, so
o as to avoidd

p seriious injury orr device dama

3.3 Safe
ety featu

3.3.1 Safetty protectio

on system

Each cover of CTP prottects operatorr from the fo

following inju
uries, please do not openn the cover when CTP is


 Injurry from visibble or invisible high-powerr laser

 Injurry from runniing mechaniccal device

Laser from exposing laserr head is invissible, and thee high-power invisible laseer will serioussly injure skin and eyes.

If you suddeenly open the cover when the CTP is eexposing and the mechaniical part is stitill running, please
p operatee

according to the followingg steps:

1) Turrn off the pow

wer supply of CTP;

2) Conntact Amsky'ss engineers att once.

AURORA 1200 User Manual

Do not try to stop or touch the mechanical components inside CTP.

! Caution! Please pay more attention to the safety cautions about the cover of CTP in this manual; do not open

the cover when CTP is running, otherwise, serious bodily injury or damage to CTP may be caused.

! Danger! Never try to operate CTP without closing all the covers, and never open the covers when the CTP is

running, because high-power invisible laser might cause injury and error of the machine and circuit systems.

3.4 Emergency stop button

Emergency stop button can stop the laser and mechanical movement.

Fig 1 Use emergency stop button to stop the laser and mechanical movement

Emergency stop button will not power off the CTP. Therefore, you can check the error on Tiffdownload to obtain

more about how to solve problems.

If the emergency stop button has been pressed down, you must reset it to restore the CTP to normal operation.

Clockwise rotate the button 90 degrees to reset it, and then operate the device according to the instructions from


The position of the emergency stop button is as follows:

 Locate at the outside of the output device and separately at the upside of the left and right front cover

Fig 2 The position of external emergency stop button on manual loading CTP

AURORA 1200 User Manual

! Warning: Please suppose that there is still laser radiation and damage from machinery after you pressing down

the emergency stop button for a while. Meanwhile, please remember that the power is still on. It may cost at most 5

seconds to stop the moving component when pressing down the button. Exposing to visible or invisible high-energy

laser radiation may cause skin burn and permanent vision recession or loss. Moreover, if you cannot avoid the

damage from moving component, it may cause death or serious injury.

! Warning: Please notice that there will be defect to cause the mechanical movement when pressing down the

emergency stop button. As long as this happened, switch off the CTP and don’t use it until maintenance. If you

cannot avoid the damage from moving component, it may cause death or serious injury.

If there is any question about the emergency stop button, please contact Amsky engineers.

Chapter 4. Notices on installation and movement

4.1 Installation and movement

The installation and movement of Aurora 1200 series CTP should be done by professional company and

maintenance technician appointed by Amsky; Amsky is irresponsible for the damage, fault and error action caused

by the installation and movement completed by persons who are not appointed and does not guarantee their safety.

Please consult Amsky service department or agents when installing or moving Aurora 1200 series CTP.

4.2 Installation condition

For using the device safely, please meet the following installation conditions:

 Overvoltage range: range II (referring to IEC60664-1.EN60664-1)

 Pollution degree: 2 (referring to IEC 60950-1.EN60950-1)

 Site without splashing

In addition, for the installation environment of Aurora 1200 series CTP, the sites with safety problems in the

followings might cause faults or error actions of Aurora 1200 series CTP. Please keep away from them:

 Place with direct sunlight

 Place generating while affected by electric strokes (voltage variation and noise)

 Place near high-intensity magnetic field

 Place with dramatic temperature change

 Place near the heat source

 High temperature and humidity place

 Place with strong vibration

 Place where floor is not horizontal and unstable

AURORA 1200 User Manual

 Place with much dust

 Printing site with a lot of paper powder

 Place with too much condensation

Fig 3 High temperature and humidity Vibration

4.3 Installation space

In order to prevent danger and do the maintenance, please keep 1000mm of space at least around the Aurora 1200

series CTP. Meanwhile, clean the surrounding environment and make sure that there is no obstacle from the left

side to the power supply switch of CTP.

Fig 4 Installation space

00 User Manuall

4.4 Con
nnection of ground wiress

To avoid electric shock caused

c by AC
C power suppply, please co
ompletely shu
ut off Aurora 1200 series device power

switch beforee grounding operation.

o Pleease use spec ialized groun
nd wires for Aurora
A 1200 sseries CTP.

The leakage current of Aurora

A 1200 series
s CTP iss over 3.5mA
A, so please comply
c with the following items to doo

installation aand movemennt before conn

necting with 33-core powerr line cable:

 Groounding first

 Groounding operaation should be

b implementted by electriic constructio
on company oor qualified co

4.4.1 Way of making specialize

ed ground w
wires for Aurora
A 1200
0 series CT

1) Chooose 3-4 steeel angle bars with the sizee of 60×60m

mm, each steel angle bar is about 2-2.5m in lengthh

(steeel angle bar does

d not need
d to be polishhed and coated
d with protecctive paint);

2) Cutt the front ennd of the steel angle bar to sharp, veertically inserrt it into soill; there is 3-3.5m intervaal

ween each tw
wo steel angle bar;

3) Usee 16mm2 coppper cores to connect

c b respectiveely; the coppeer core and th
eachh steel angle bar he steel anglee

bar are tightly prressed and fix

xed by bolts aand nuts;

4) Leaads for conneecting the steel angle baar are jointed

d into one no
ode in the shhortest distan
nce, and thenn

connnected with a main lead which

w m2 copper core;
is 16mm

5) Thee main lead iss laid to param ower supply iin the shortesst distance for
meter voltagee stabilizator or special po

wiree connecting to it;

6) Noddes outdoors are coated with

w Vaseline;; leads are sleeeved with ho
oses; steel anngle bar are im
mbedded intoo

soill; remarkable signs should

d be set underrground;

7) Thee lead resistannce between indoor param

meter voltagee stabilizator and steel anggle bar is smaaller than 1Ω

grouunding resistance is smaller than 3Ω orr zero ground

d voltage is sm
maller than 2V

mm 2 copper ccore

Fig 5 Ground lead picture

AURORA 1200 User Manual

4.5 Power supply and power cable

 The electric construction should be implemented by qualified company

 Please get ready three-phase-four-wire circuit system, 15KW power supply capacity

 Front circuit of watt-hour meter uses 16mm2 cable

 The power supply of Aurora 1200 series device supplies electricity from side power switch independently,

so do not connect other products on the side power switch

 In the area where the voltage is 200~240V, the power supply condition is -10%-+6%, if the voltage

variation is over the value, please use voltage stabilizer

Fig 6 Power distribution picture

Vacuum box in this picture is only for your reference.

4.6 Compressor

It is recommended to use the oil free and water free compressor whose theory flow is not less than 200 L/min, gas

storage capacity is bigger than 50L and the input power is not less than 1200W in Aurora 1200 series CTP.

Chapter 5. Prepar
P ration

5.1 Starrt Aurora

a 1200 device

 Pleaase start comppressed air deevice to provvide air powerr for Aurora 1200
1 series C

 Cheeck air pressuure to ensure it

i matches wiith the deman
nds ≥0.65M
MPa recommennded by Amssky;

 Starrt UPS powerr supply;

 Turrn on the pow

wer supply sw
witch on the leeft side, and start
s the Aurora 1200 seriees CTP;

 Starrt Windows operating

o systtem, and doubble click "TifffDownload" icon on the ddesktop.

5.2 Com
mponentts name

5.2.1 The ffront left sid

de view

Fig 7 The front left side view


No. Descriptionn Remarks

1 Left top sidde cover

00 User Manuall

2 Left cover
3 Power suppply switch
4 Ventilation filter
5 Air pipe
6 Foot marginn
7 Emergency stop button
8 Front coverr
9 Plate door
10 Plate loadinng support
11 Plate loadinng platform
12 Operation panel
13 Emergency stop button
14 Front top coover
15 Right top siide cover
16 Rear top coover

5.2.2 The b
back right side
s view

Fig 8 The back right side vie


No. D
Description Remarks
1 O
Operation pannel
2 E
Emergency sttop button
3 R
Right top sidee cover
4 R
Right cover
5 F
Foot margin
6 U
7 R
Rear cover
8 R
Rear top coveer
9 L
Left top side cover
10 F
Front top covver
11 E
Emergency sttop button

00 User Manuall

5.3 Auro
ora 1200
0 system

Aurora 12000 series CTP uses the bestt laser imaginng technology
y of Amsky and could exxpose UV plaate or thermaal

plate; in addiition, plates can

c be used on
o both traditiional offset printing
p and waterless
w prinnting.; CTP has
h high speedd

output perforrmance and good

g registration precisionn, and is comp
patible with 1Bit
1 TIFF filees.

5.3.1 Job im
maging pro
The output syystem of CTP
P is mainly co
omposed of A
Aurora 1200 series
s CTP, seerver and Tiff
ffDownload (tthe printing
controller) sooftware.

TifffDownload deevice control RIP proccessing

Job queuue

Job imagge


Auutoloader Output D
Device Bridge
B Processor

Fig 9 Job imaging

g process

00 User Manuall

5.3.2 Plate
e loading platform

The plate loaading platform

m is the interfface for the pplate to enter up
u plate gate.. A plate shouuld first be prroperly placedd

on the plate lloading platfo

form, and then
n enter into C
CTP to exposse automaticaally, finally seent back to th
he down platee

gate by CTP.

Fig 10 Plate loading platform


5.3.3 Operration pane


The indicatorr light on the operation paanel representts working co

ondition of CT
TP; when thee indicator lig
ght is blinkingg,

it indicates C
CTP is runninng, or is read
dy for workinng; when the indicator ligh
ht does not bblink and disp
plays constannt

light, it indiccates the indiccator light sho

ows the curreent state of CT

Fig 11 Operation
n panel

No. Descripttion Remarks

1 Plate loaading indicato
or light
2 Imagingg indicator lig
3 Error inddicator light
4 Start buttton

00 User Manuall Start button

Put the plate on the set poosition of the plate loadingg platform, an
nd align to th
he sign positioon, then press start buttonn,

CTP will automatically looad plate and implement exxposing. The indicator lightt on the operaation panel

Indication Function State Illustraation Opeeration guide

Shut offf Standbby Non

ne or plate is being exposeed
Yellow CTP is loading
g or N/A
Light on unloadding
Load loading
Yellow Put the exposingg plate on thee set positionn of
light Indicatte loading the plate loadingg platform, and
a align at the
g labeel position.
Shut offf Standbby N/A
Green CTP is working g of Opeeration is noot needed fo or CTP; yelllow
Exposing light on
n exposinng plate ligh
hting indicatees the plate is being exposeed
indicationn Green N/A
Drum is accelerating or
CTP ccan run norrmally N/A
Shut offf
withouut error
Error Elim
minating erroor according
g to prompt of
indicationn Red lig
ght Stop working when TifffDownload; then errorr light stops
on there iss error blin

5.3.4 Buzzzer
In CTP poweer-up state, iff the system detects
d error, tthe buzzer wiill generate bu
uzzing for 100 seconds to prompt
p error.

5.3.5 Plate

Multiple speecifications plate

p sizes arre supported. The plate size
s for the output
o devicee will be adj
djusted duringg


The plate sizze can be modified

m in TiffDownload
T d (the printin
ng controller)); please refe
fer to the hellp files abouut

TiffDownloaad (the printinng controller) for more info


Please contacct local Amskky authorized

d service agenncy for the lattest informatiion about the supported pllate.

00 User Manuall Supported plate siize

Type Max plaate size Min plate size

Aurora U 1200 series 1,470m

m (57.9in×46.4
4in) 650×550m
mm (25.6in×2

Aurora T 1200 series 1,470m

m (57.9in×46.4
4in) 650×550m
mm (25.6in×2
21.6in) Plate size

The output ddevice is not used

u for deteecting lateral size of plate;; if the plate length
l (size aalong drum) is
i correct, buut

the width (siize around drrum) is not matched

m with the value sett by TiffDow
wnload( printiing controllerr ), the outpuut

device will sstart exposingg directly or report

r a platee detection errror, although
h it will not ddamage the output
o devicee,

but it will noot prompt thatt the exposing

g plate size iss incorrect.

Fig 12 Plate size

e Plate processing

Plate for Aurrora 1200 neeeds to be pro

ocessed afterr exposing. Please
P refer to nufacturer for
o the files froom plate man

more informaation.

5.4 Bacckup keyy files

Users need tto backup keyy files of thee Aurora 12000 CTP which ni file, templaate files, device parameteer
h includes in

files and so on; if the computer

c system is crusshed or the computer haardware is daamaged, you
u can recoveer

TiffDownloaad control proogram quickly


00 User Manuall

! Tips: whenn you don't knnow how to back
b up the abbove key filess, please conssult your servvice representtative.

Backup key files can savve time:

 Savve the key daata of the TiffD

fDownload coontrol program
m for Aurora 1200 CTP

 Wriite the date annd operator ab

bout the last bbackup in thee backup file

 Burrn key file intto CD

5.4.1 Savin
ng the device informa
ation file

1) Pleaase create a device inforrmation file which inclu

udes the follo
owing contennts after com
mpleting eachh


 User name

 Software veersion

 The mainbooard version, kernel, firmw


 The laser coontrol board version,

v kernnel, firmware

 The Spider version, kern

nel, firmwaree of imaging laser
l head

2) Starrt device and launch TiffD

Download proogram;

3) Opeen the menu of

o the “Help > About TiffD

4) Clicck “Save To File”

F button to
t save devicee information
n *. ini file.

5.4.2 Backkup device parameterrs

1) Pleaase backup deevice parameeters which innclude the folllowing conteents after com
mpleting each service:

 Mainboard parameters

 Spider boarrd parameterss

 The laser coontrol board parameters


2) Starrt device and launch TiffD

Download proogram;

3) Swiitch to the maintenance

m interface
i of tthe TiffDown
nload program
m, use the m
menu of the “Parameter >

Expport Parameteer” to backup device param


4) Clicck the “Save”” button to saave device parrameter *.parra * file.

00 User Manuall

5.4.3 Backkup plate parameter template

t filles

1) Pleaase backup thhe plate paraameter templaate files whicch includes th

he following contents afteer completingg

eachh service:

 The edge deetection curve of the platee

 The focus of
o the plate

 The exposuure power of the

t plate

2) Coppy all files in the folder of the “ParaamTpl” temp

plate parameter under thee installation
n directory of

TifffDownload prrogram.

5.5 The
e imaging
g contro
ol progra
am Tiffdo
d of Auro
ora 1200

Tiffdownloadd program is the interface to control thee Aurora 120

00 CTP, the fo
ollowing is thhe introductio
on of the mainn

interface of T
Tiffdownloadd program.

Fig 13 Introducttion of the intterface

A-menu barr B-tool bar C-

C active queeues D- hold
d the queue E-
E printing sttate F- inform
mation bar G-
G status barr

00 User Manuall

5.5.1 Show
w the devicce state

When the deevice is conneected and on

nline, the devvice bar will show
s the corrresponding C
CTP drivers automatically
a y,

and the shorttcut button off “Charging Management”

M ”, “View Erro
ors”, “View sy
ystem info”, and “Show Print
P Assistannt”

will be activaated.

During devicce is working, some inform

mation will shhow on the windows,
w they
y mainly displlay as the folllowings:

 Woorking statuss Show the working

w statuss of the CTP,, its position shows the cuurrent operatiion phase; thee

imaaging progress bar also willl be shown

 mation Show
Waarning inform w some warniings for prom
mpting you th mple, whether
he present errror; for exam

the plate is stuckk on a drum or

o not

 he informatioon about deviice errors or the security aspects; for example, thee
Errror informattion Show th

secuurity door locck of the deviice is opened

5.5.2 Tool b

The tool barr is located on

o the top off the main w
window. Throu
ugh the tool bar, you cann use the neeeded functionn


Fig 14 Tool bar

The tool barss include:

 Opeen file

 Sysstem parameteer

 Paraameter templlate

 Hott folder

 Opeen / close hott folder

 Chaarging managgement

 View errors

 View system inffo

 View printing asssistant

00 User Manuall

5.5.3 Introd
duction of the
t state Prom
mpt error inforrmation

Fig 15 Error info


Error information displayys the current problems occcurring in CT

TP device. Th
he device stopps working at the moment..

1) Whhen the devicee is in errors, the informatiion will be diisplayed in th

he error inform
mation windo

2) Pleaase read the information

i hints
h in the errror information window;

3) If thhe informatioon prompts yo

ou (users) to ccarry out the operation, please do as thee instructionss;

4) If thhe informatioon doesn’t pro

ompt the userrs to do the op
peration, pleaase contact yoour service en
ngineer. Off-liine state

Fig 16 Off-line state


The followin
ng circumstaances will be showed in th
he off-line state:

P device isn’tt started

 Thee emergency stop

s button iss pressed or thhe power sup
pply is switch
hed off

 Imaaging data cabble (USB cab

ble) gets loosee

When CTP device show me functions of the Tiffdoownload program, but noo
ws as off-linee state, you ccan use som

exposing plattes. Prepaaring state

Fig 17 Preparing
g state

You can starrt the operattion of exposing plate w

when CTP deevice is in prreparing statte (the icon of “Chargingg

00 User Manuall

Managementt”, “View Errrors”, “View system

s info”,, “Show Printt Assistant” iss lighting on)). Workking state

Fig 18 Working state

When the deevice doing thhe detection before

b ge detection, plate exposuure and so on
exposuure, plate edg n, it shows thee

current workking state:

1) Shoow the name and size tem

mplate, rotationnal speed, po
ower, attributes and plate qquantity of th
he current jobb

for printing;

2) Prinnting progresss bar display

ys data schedu
dule, printing schedule and
d file name. FFor example,, in the abovee

figuure [3%, 100%

%], 3% mean
ns a file printiing progress, 100% meanss the data proccessing progrress.

5.5.4 Plate
e loading / unloading system

The functionn of plate loadding /unloadin

ng allows youu to execute some
s basic op

1) Swiitch to mainteenance mode and click “D

Load & Unloaad” to open thhe following window:

 LD reset

 Put plate

 Get media

 Feed

 Load

 Unload

00 User Manuall

Fig 19 Load & Unload

U LD reeset

When plate lloading / unlooading is in errors,

e error innformation will
w be showeed on the screeen; at this tim
me, please tryy

to use the funnction of “LD

D Reset” to reeset its state.

Click the “LD

D Reset” buttton in the “Lo
oad & Unloadd” operation window. Get m

Plate stays on the down plate

p gate wh
hile there is nno job waiting
g for exposin
ng in job queuue, and then you may takee

down the plaate.

If you need to take downn the plate sttopping on thhe down platte gate, pleasse click the ““Get Media” button in thee

“Load & Unlload” operation window. Feed

Aurora 12000 uses overlappped ways to

o load/unloadd plate, when
n a plate is ex
xposing on th
the drum, you
u can preparee

another platee for exposingg:

1) If yyou need to prepare anotheer plate for exxposing, pleaase click the “Feed”
“ buttonn in the “Loaad & Unload””

opeeration window;

2) At tthis time the plate

p door is opened;

3) Pleaase put plate on the plate loading

l platfoorm.

00 User Manuall Load

Plate stays onn the plate loading platform, at this tim

me you may leead the plate to
t the drum:

If you need tto lead the plaate to the drum

m, please clicck the “Load”” button in th
he “Load & U
Unload” operaation window

then plate cann be lead from

m the plate lo
oading platforrm to the drum automaticaally. Unloaad

Use the funcction of “Unnload” to unlload the platte from the drum;
d devicee will unloadd plate autom
matically afteer

loading platee in normal operation,

o but sometimes you need to use the “Unload” functioon, for examp
ple, when thee

device cannoot complete exxposure.

When the plaate stays on thhe drum and device can't eexpose normaally, so you need
n to unloadd the plate fro
om the drum.

Click the “Unnload” buttonn in the “Load

d & Unload” operation wiindow.

5.5.5 Charrging mana


If the Aurorra 1200 devicce you bought is the moodel with chaarging manag
gement moduule, please ch
harge in timee

according to the charging tips, or your device will bbe locked and
d cannot be ussed.

Charging Mannagement” in the “Controll” menu.

Select the “C

! Tips: If yoou have any problem in thee operation off charging ma
anagement, please
p consultlt your servicee engineer. View
w counter

Click “Countter View” in charging

c man
nagement to vview the rest of outputting
g count, the tootal printed qu

Fig 20 Outputtin
ng count

00 User Manuall Chargging tips

Click the “Seetup” button in the chargiing managem

ment interfacee to set the alarm conditionns of the resiidual counterr;

we suggest yyou set the alaarm condition

n for 200 plattes minimum..

Fig 21 Charging
g prompt Chargging request

1) Clicck the “Requuest” button in the chargiing managem

ment interfacee, and input counter in th
he pop-uppedd

diallog box;

Fig 22 Incremen
nt counter of plate

2) Clicck the “OK” button; pleasse wait for a few secondss when device is disposingg files and make
m sure thaat

the connection of
o device pow
wer supply andd USB are no
ot disconnecteed, otherwisee serious errorrs will occur;;

Fig 23 Generating files

3) Inpuut file name and select paath to save fiiles after the device completing work, generate upd
dating requesst

file (*. req) and update

u inform
mation file (* . reqinfo);

00 User Manuall

4) Clicck the “Save”” button to co

omplete chargging request;

! Note: pleaase check thee system time of the compuuter when doing charging
g operation; eerror system time will leadd

to failure of ccharging.

5) Com
mpress the geenerated files (.req and .reeqinfo) and seend them to Amsky
A comm
mercial departtment. Amskyy

willl send the chaarging file *.rrack back. Chargging finished

1) Clicck the “Finiish” button in

i the chargging managem
ment interfacce, please w
wait a few seconds whenn

mpted that thhe system is preparing;

Fig 24 Preparation

2) Seleect RACK file, k the “Openn” button; (*. rack file seent back by commerce department
fi and click d o

msky) ;

3) Folllow the screeen hint, and wait

w patiently;;

Fig 25 Analyzing

4) Reqquest finishedd Cancel request

Click the “Caancel” buttonn in the charging managem

ment interfacee to cancel thee charging reqquest.

Fig 26 Cancel re

Chapter 6. Operation process

6.1 Operation processing

Below are the procedures for standalone mode:

1) Build parameter template: Build parameter template in the TiffDownload, set the parameters etc. For
details, please refer to section 6.4;
2) Add and preprocess jobs;
3) Place plates: Place the corresponding plate on the conveyor belt of upper plate gate according to the tips
given by the TiffDownload;
4) Press down the “start” button, then plate loading can be carried out automatically;
5) Exposing plates;
6) Unload plate automatically after exposing finished;
7) Processing plate: Send the plate to the processor for developing, washing, applying glue and drying, etc.

6.2 Start up Aurora 1200 device

Preparation before Starting:
1) Confirm that the air supply system is in working state and the air pressure is 0.65Mpa;
2) Turn on UPS power supply.

Start CTP

Fig 27 Power supply switch

AURORA 1200 User Manual

Fig 28 Power supply switch

1) Start;

The power supply switch is a red rotary switch with yellow background; it is located in outer left side of the

Aurora 1400 series CTP. The CTP can be started for clockwise rotating the switch to “ON” position.

If CTP is not started, power supply switch may be switched off.

2) Launch Tiffdownload.
Please refer to the relative manual of Tiffdownload for more information.
When the output device is ready, the indicator light on the operation panel will show green light.

6.3 Switch off Aurora 1200 device

Generally keep the work station on.
Please refer to the help files of Tiffdownload for more information about how to exit Tiffdownload.

! Attention: Please confirm plate is removed from the drum before switching off the output device.

Switch off the output device

Use power supply switch to switch off the output device.
The power supply switch is a red rotary switch with yellow background; it is located in outer left side of the Aurora

1200 CTP. The CTP can be switched off for counterclockwise rotating the switch to “OFF” position.

Fig 29 Power supply switch

AURORA 1200 User Manual

6.4 Build new parameter template

1) Select “New” button from the “Parameter Template” in the “Setup” menu;
2) Input template name in the “TPL Name”, (such as plate brand + plate size);
3) Input the width and length of the plate in the “Plate” option; [width (size around drum) and length (size
along drum), unit is mm]; In the option of “ Plate Weight”, if the input value is less than 0, the software
will calculate the weight according to the input width and length automatically, If not, please input the
value of weight directly; please choose the type of thickness (including the thickness and denstiy) in the
drop-down menu of “ Thickness”; input the default value of “580” in the option of “ Edge Testing
Pos(mm)”. Edge Testing Pos refer to the distance between the laser carriage and zero position sensor, that
is, the start point of plate edge detection of laser carriage, this value can be set according to actual

Fig 30 Plate parameters

4) In the option of “Margin(mm) & Property”, select maunal as the mode of plate feed.
5) In the option of “Device”, set the exposure power which unit is mW.
6) Click “OK” button;
7) Click “Activate” button in the “Parameter Template”, follow the steps to activate the template;
8) Click “Modi” button in the “Parameter Template”, select “Device Calibrate” to set the focus of the plate,
the pattern position for coarse and fine adjustment, and click “Save as TPL-Focus”;
9) Click “OK” button;
10) Repeat the above steps to set the entire plate templates used.

! Tips: Please use the default values of TPL-angle, time delay, speed of drum. Please refer to the TiffDownload

user’s manual to know the detailed adjustment methods and steps.

6.5 Modify the template parameters

Parameters such as image center, exposure power, speed of drum can be modified in the parameter template.

AURORA 1200 User Manual

If you need to modify parameters in the parameter template, please do as follows:

1) Click “Modi” button in the “Parameter Template”;

2) Select the “Base Parameter”, “Advanced” or “Device Calibrate” in the options;
3) Modify template parameters in the pop-upped parameter option;
4) Then click “OK” button to save.

! Tips: Please modify under the guidance from the service engineer.

6.6 Rename of parameter template

If you need to rename parameter template, please do as follows:

1) Select parameter template whose name needs to be changed in the “Parameter Template”;
2) Click “Modi” button;
3) Input your new name in the pop-upped “Template Name”.

6.7 Delete parameter template

Delete the parameter template that will no longer be used:

1) Select the parameters template which needs to be deleted in the “Parameter Template”;
2) Click “Delete” button;
3) Click the “OK” button in the pop-upped dialog box.

6.8 Plate feeding mode

Aurora 1200 series CTP can feed plate automatically and manually.

Fig 31 The way of feeding plate

00 User Manuall

6.8.1 Chan
nge the pla
ate loading mode
1) Cliick “Set”--“P
Parameter Tem
mplate” to sellect the param
meter template for shiftingg load mode;
2) Cliick “Modi” button;
3) Sellect “Feed moode” from thee “output prooperty”drop-d
down menu;
 Selectt “manual” iff feeding platee manually
 Selectt “cassette 1/2
2/3/4” if chooose feeding plate
p from the autoloader.

! Tips: Afterr set the loadd mode in thee parameter template, thee feeding mod
de for all thee plate will be same underr

this paremeteer template.

6.8.2 Chan
nge plate fe
eeding mode temporrarily
1) Plaate feeding mode
m for the output
o files inn the “Job queeue” can be ch
hanged as folllows;
a) Select the object file in the “Job queeue”;
b) Right clickk, Select “outtput parameteer set” from th
he pop-up meenu;
c) Select “maanual” or “casssette 1/2/3/44” in the “Platte feed”.
2) If a few priorityy jobs need to
o be output, bbut no proper--sized plate iss in the cassettte, please do
o as follow:
a) Select the ouutput file requ
uired in the w
window of “seelect output files”;
b) Select param
meter templatte;
c) Click “Moddi” button, mo
odify the platee feeding mode of the paraameter templlate temporarily;
d) Select “mannual” or “casssette 1/2/3/4” in the “Platee feed”.
e) Click “Outpput” button.

6.9 Add
d and Preproces
ss Jobs
1) Cliick “File” andd select “open
n files” to opeen the interfaace below;

Fig 32 Open file


00 User Manuall

2) Sellect “Parametter template” for the outpuut files;

3) Sellect the TIFF files, click” Add”
A to add tthe file into th
he “Selected files”;
4) Cliick “Output” to add the TIIFF files of “S
Selected filess” to the Job queue;
5) Staart continuouss preprocess, waiting for tthe finish of all
a the added jobs.

6.10 Load plate

6.10.1 Load plate ma

! Attention:: As the edgess of the plate are sharp, peersonal injuryy may be caused without w
wearing glovees.

If preprocesss finished, thee TiffDownload will promp

mpt loading plate of relevan
nt specificatioons.

Fig 33 Plate inputting promp


 Printing console displays
d the pplate loading window which shows siz
ize and type of the loadedd
 The inndicator lightt on the operaation panel bllinks yellow light
 Entrannce and exit of
o the plate ddoor is opened

Load the plaate:

1) Coonfirm the sizze and type off the plate;
2) Weear protectivee glove, then take the platte out of pack
kaging, and remove
r all paackaging matterial adheredd
witth plate;

! Attention:: Remove the interleaving paper
p beforee or after inpu
utting the platte.

! Caution: C
Confirm that all interleaving paper annd packaging material are removed froom the plate surface
s beforee

the output deevice exposingg; otherwise, UV laser willl light up pap

per and cause fire.

AURORA 1200 User Manual

3) Press start button, then the indicator light of loading will be constant on, plate will be loaded

! Important: Do not touch the plate when pressing Start button.

4) After exposure, the plate will return to down plate gate, then the indicator light of loading will blink.

6.11 Unload the plate

Please take imaging plate from the output device when Tiffdownload prompts to unload plate.

Remove the imaging plate from the output device:

1) Confirm the output device has finished the plate imaging; load light blinks green light when finishing

imaging; the imaged plate is returned to the loading platform;

2) Grasp edge of the plate by wearing gloves, and lift it, then take the plate out of the loading platform


! Attention: As the edges of the plate are sharp, personal injury may be caused without wearing gloves.

Chapter 7. Repair and maintenance
The following chart lists the operational maintenance for expressing the optimum device performance. Device

performance might be affected or damaged without the maintenance. It will delay several hours, but it can make

device work in optimum performance and prevent errors.

Please make records of the maintenance; if you have signed service contract with Amsky, device will be maintained

every 3 months by Amsky authorized engineer; more frequent maintenance service is needed in worse work


! Attention: Confirm that device is not exposing before doing maintenance, then switch off it.

! Warning: Do not operate device when the cover is opened, and do not open the cover when the device is running;

serious personal injury might be caused by disturbing the safety protection system of the machine, such as

high-power visible or invisible laser radiation, electric shock or injured by mechanism.

7.1 Proposal of the maintenance time

Components Descriptions Wiping Periodical
Cleaning outer surface Surface of the device Each week
Plate loading platform Surface of plate loading Each week
Cleaning up plate gate Up plate gate conveyor belt Each week
conveyor belt
Cleaning down plate gate Down plate gate conveyor Each week
conveyor belt belt

Plate suction hole Loading plate suction hole Each week

and unloading plate suction

00 User Manuall

Cleaniing the drum surface The drum surfface Each weeek
Cleaniing the drum air hole Air
A hole Each weeek
Cleaniing the U-ggroove of Pllate edge deetection bar of Every 3 months
plate eedge detectionn drrum
Cleaniing the platte clamp HC
H clamps aassembly, TEC Every month
nipple cllamps assembbly
Cleaniing the plate roller
r Pllate roller Every month
Changging the a
air filter Fiilter cartridgee 6m
Water and oil draiin for the Water
W and oil ddrain Every day
air com

7.2 Clea
aning prrocess

Customers annd service enngineers shoulld know the iimportance off the cleaning
g of CTP and surrounding environmentt.

Please follow
w rules to run Aurora 120
00 series devvice in the en
nvironment recommended
r d by Amsky and keep thee

device and thhe surroundinng environment clean.

Please make sure that devvice isn’t runn

ning and is sw
witched off beefore cleaning

7.2.1 Clean
ning the su
urface of th
he CTP

Clean the surrface of the CTP

C once a week.

Clean the suurface of the CTP carefullly, especially some place cumulated by dust easilyy, such as thee fan box sidee

cover, the frront cover annd the back cover,

c entrannces of the plate, etc. It keeps
k the inddicating mark
k distinct andd

prevents dustt into the CTP

P when openiing the coverr.

The reliabilitty and high quuality output of device is rrelated to the cleaning of the
t CTP direcctly.

When cleaninng the CTP surface,

s pleasse use the vaccuum dust piipe to wipe all dust on seaam crossing of
o the surfacee

firstly; if the indoor air is dry and the machine

m is offten wiped, it is enough to wipe with drry cloth.

For better cleeaning result,, please use wet

w cloth and gentle deterg
gent to wipe the
t machine, and use clean
n wet cloth too

wipe the deteergent off.

! Notice: pleease avoid water and deteergent flowingg into the machine to damage people an
and machine.

00 User Manuall

7.2.2 Wipin
ng the dirt

To clean the dirt (such as ink dirt), pleease use wet ccloth or gentle detergent to
t wipe the m
machine, and use clean weet

cloth to wipee the detergennt off.

If the dirt cannnot be wipedd off by deterrgent, please wipe the dirt by cloth with
h alcohol.

7.2.3 Clean
ning the plate gate assembly

Fig 34 Plate gatte

7.2.4 Clean
ning the plate loading
g platform

Wipe the plaate loading plaatform clearly

y by cloth eacch week. Cleanning the up annd down platee gate conveyyor belt

Use cloth to w
wipe the up and
a down plaate gate conveeyor belt cleaan every week
k. Cleanning the platee suction holee

h every week..
Wipe the loading plate suction hole and unloading pplate suction hole by cloth

7.2.5 Clean
ning the drrum assem
mbly Cleanning the drum

m surface

Cleaning thee drum surfacce is to cleaan dust and ddirt on it, so as to preven
nt focus from
m shifting caaused by dusst

accumulatingg when imagiing, and furth

her affect outpput result.

1) Use small handheeld vacuum dust

d pipe to cllean dust from
m the drum su
urface and dru
rum around pllace;

2) Rottate drum mannually (please wear white gloves);

3) Usee cloth dippedd with blendeed liquid of 990% isopropy

yl ketone and
d 10% distilleed water to wipe
w the drum

surfface along thee same directtion;

4) Makke sure the drrum surface is

i with no obvvious dust.

00 User Manuall Cleanning vacuum hole on the drum


Dredge the ddrum vacuum

m hole once a week, and usse non-woven
n fabrics dipp
ped with alcoohol without water
w to cleann

the drum surfface.

1) Straaighten one end of the clip

p, and keep thhe other end original;

2) Inseert the straighhtened end into the vacuum

m hole carefu
ully and clean
n it;

3) Usee non-woven fabrics dipped with blennded liquid off 90% isopro
opyl ketone aand 10% disttilled water too

wippe the vacuum

m hole;

4) Do not let the cliip slip into th

he drum from
m the vacuum hole;

5) Makke sure the vaacuum hole is with no obvvious dust and

d sundries.

Fig 35 Vacuum hole of the drum

d Cleanning the U grooove of platee edge detectioon

In order to m
make the platee image expo
osing in the ccorrect position, the CTP adopts the allgorithm of edge
e detectionn

method. Thiss method depends on the feedback

f dataa from the U groove
g which
h is located beeside the HC.

In order to avvoid the platee detection failure, the platte edge detection groove should
s be cleaaned every 3 months.

1) Use non-wovenn fabrics dipp

ped with blennded liquid of
o 90% isopro
opyl ketone aand 10% disttilled water too
wippe horizontallly;
2) Maake sure no obbvious dust and
a sundries eexist in U gro

Deetective U gro

Fig 36 Plate edg

ge detection U groove

00 User Manuall Cleanning HC and TEC clamps

1) Cheeck HC and TEC

T clamp asssembly, makke sure no sun
ndries in it. Th
he image mayy incline if su
undries exist.

2) Clean all HC andd TEC clamp

p assemblies. Cleanning drum plaate roller

Drum plate rroller can attaach the plate to

t imaging drrum when loaading plate.

Clean the plaate roller oncee a week, or if

i you see tracce of the platte roller on plate.

1) Makke sure outpuut device isn’tt imaging plaate;

2) Usee dry non-wovven fabrics to

o wipe drum pplate roller gently;

3) Donn’t use water,, cleaner or allcohol to cleaan the drum plate

p roller;

4) Donn't press the plate

p roller orr make it bendd, in that casee the drum plaate roller willl be damaged

Fig 37 Drum pla

ate roller

7.3 The
e maintenance of
o the co
ompressed air

7.3.1 Drain
ning off water

In order to pprovide cleann gas without water to thee device, oil-w

water separattor should bee drained offf water once a


7.3.2 Repla
acing air filter cartridg

There is an aair filter system

m in the CTP

00 User Manuall

 Presssing air filteer system has two filter carrtridges in thee oil-water seeparator

The replacem
ment frequenccy of the filteer cartridge ccannot be jud
dged accordin
ng to the appeearance, becaause the largee

dust particless can be founnd while the sm

mall ones cannnot be found
d to the exten
nt of replacingg.

Air filter carrtridge shouldd be replaced every 6 monnths. For the guaranteed customers,
c it w
will be replaced next timee

when the enggineer is preseent.

Fig 38 Oil-waterr separator

7.4 Rep
placing the ventiilation fillter

A fan is instaalled on the leeft front coveer of the CTP

P; a ventilatio
on filter installled in the fann should be reeplaced everyy

6 months.

! Warning: switch off thee power and avoid
a hurtingg the fingers when
w replacin
ng the ventilaation filter.

7.5 Rep
placing the TEC

The service llife of the TE

EC clamp is 60000
6 plates. The service life
l of the blaack TEC seatt is 20000 plaates. The TEC

spring shouldd be replacedd if used for 20000

2 times. Please replacce the TEC in
n time when T
d prompts youu

to do it.

7.5.1 Repla
acing pressure spring
g and presssure sprin
ng blocking
g piece of thhe TEC

1) Usee the menu coommands to put

p the TEC oon the drum;

AURORA 1200 User Manual

2) Switch off the power of the device;

3) Open the front cover and the top cover of the device;

4) Take down the TEC manually;

5) Disassemble the TEC pressure spring with tweezers;

6) Use nipple pliers to disassemble the TEC pressure spring blocking piece;

7) Install new pressure spring blocking piece: keep pressing down the blocking piece with fingers, and press

down all the pressure spring blocking pieces with thumb after one end of the blocking pieces being

installed into the TEC pliers;

8) Prepare new TEC pressure spring, install it into the space between the pressure spring and clamp nipper
with tweezers;

9) Put the TEC on the place for TEC picking up;

10) Start the device;

11) Switch to maintenance menu, and select "Diagnosis > Load & Unload ", click the “Pick up” button in the

option of TEC installation to pick up TEC.

Chapter 8. Troubl
T eshooting

8.1 Prep
n for rem
mote sup

When you neeed a remote technical sup

pport, we sugggest that you
u collect som
me basic inforrmation of th
he CTP devicee

and problems you encounnter which is very importaant for solvin

ng the problem
ms. In order to do remotee support withh

our service engineers, please provide the following help:

 Makke sure that thhere is conneected telephonne next to thee Aurora 1200
0 device

 Thee computer innstalled with the

t TiffDownnload must bee able to conn
nect to Interneet when need

 If nnecessary, we may install remote

r supporrt programs in
i your compu

8.1.1 Netw
work securitty of remotte support

Amsky alwayys work withh you to ensurre your netwoork security and
a system staability.

 Onlly get your aggreement, Am

msky connectss to your netw

 Onlly the authoriized person of the Amsky can access Amsky device data which iss cryptograph

8.1.2 Diagn
nosis of the general error

Before callinng your servicce engineer, please

p follow
w the trouble shooting guiide provided by this manu
ual, and try too

solve the prooblem by youurself. If the problem

p cannnot be solved
d, please answ
wer the follow
wing question
ns and collecct

information, your detailedd and truthfull answers are valuable to the service en
ngineers. Questtions

1) Whhat is the timee of the last no

ormal work oof Aurora 120
00 CTP?

2) Whhat did you doo before the device

d in errorr? For examp

 Whether thhe Aurora 120

00 is moved oor not?

00 User Manuall

 Whether clleaning or maaintenance is done for Aurrora 1200 or not?


 Whether a new batch orr type of platee is used or not?


3) Is thhere any error information

n showed on sscreen? If so,, what do they
y prompt? (E
Error code, etcc.)

4) Whhat is the version of the TifffDownload ccontrol prograam?

5) Erroors happen alll the time (im

maging all thee plate) or jusst in a fixed period? Such aas:

 What is thee brand, type or size of thee particular plate?

 Does the error happen when

w loadingg plate manuaally or automaatically?

6) Doees the troublee happen rand


7) Whhat is the tempperature and humidity

h of th
the environmeent for storing plate?

8) Whhat is the envvironmental teemperature, hhumidity and

d the use dataa for best quaality recomm
mended by thee

platte manufacturrers?

9) Is thhe environmeent temperatu

ure and humiddity of Aurorra 1200 device stable or fluuctuant? Whaat is the rangee

of ffluctuation?

10) If yyou can observve the errors appearing in plate loading

g or unloading, please recoord the speciffic position of

the plate;

i the computer system, pllease record error

11) If errrors appear in e code an
nd prompted iinformation. Save Log file

Log file trackks every execcutive operattion of the Auurora 1200 deevice, when problems
p occcur, the saved
d log files cann

help Amsky sservice enginneers to recog

gnize and solvve the errors quickly.

 Savve Log file

1) Gett into the instaallation directory of TiffD


2) Seleect the "Log"" folder, then copy and com

mpress it;

3) Sennt the Log filee to the Amsk

ky service enggineer.

8.2 Erro
or inform

8.2.1 Eliminable errors for operrator

This section describes thee common errrors and soluttions for Auro
ora 1200 seriees CTP.

When detectiing an error in system, CT

TP will implem
ment one of the
t following
g actions:

00 User Manuall

 Con
ntinuous opeeration

If the devicce is able too continuouslly operate w

without operaator’s interveention, the eerror will bee reported inn

information rrecord of the work station.

 Han
ng up operattion

The device stops running and the errrors are repported in TifffDownload in
nformation bbar; if it neeeds operator’s

intervention, error indicattor light in op

peration interfface will conttinuously blin

Operator shoould eliminatee the hang-up

pped operationn before reco
overing the work.

8.2.2 Warn
ning inform

Warning infoormation prom

mpts operatorr potential facctor existing in device which might cauuse error; butt the exposingg

process will nnot stop at thhat time.

Warning infoormation is reeported in TifffDownload innformation bar.

8.2.3 Errorr message

If system operation is failed, error meessage will bee showed in TiffDownloa

T d and the sysstem will be shut down; if

CTP is runninng when erroor appears, thee partly expoosed plate will be unloaded

8.2.4 Errorr informatio

on and solu

This section describes error informatio

on often show
wed in TiffDownload when
n Aurora 12000 series CTP breaks downn.

! Attention:: If you cannoot find corressponding desscriptions of error informa
ation and sollutions, pleasse refer to thee

steps for elim

minating hangg-up errors to
o operate; if iit is not effecttive, please co
ontact AMSK

! Attention:: It is unavoiddable to open
n panel, pleasse avoid dustt accumulatin
ng on sensitivve components as much ass


8.2.5 The cclassificatio

on of errorr

All error infoormation has an error codee.

Information in TiffDownnload has a prefix,

p such aas “0x9”. It is used for distinguishing
d g information
n of differennt

components w
which causess error of CTP

Such as 0x90004

00 User Manuall

The prefix iss an internal tool for man

naging inform
mation, and it
i is useful fo
or eliminating
ng errors by understanding
u g

different erroor classificatioons.

8.2.6 Activate the em

mergency stop
s button

If the emerge
ency stop buttton (located on the top off the left sidee cover insidee the front covver of the CT
TP) is pressedd

accidentally, please reset it

i to restore th
he machine too normal state.

Fig 39 The eme

ergency stop button

 Reaactivate the em
mergency sto
op button

Clockwise rootate the emerrgency stop button

b 90 deggrees.

8.2.7 Resta
art the Aurrora 1200 CTP

 Resstart the CTP

Switch off thhe CTP, and start it again.

8.3 The
e problem
m of exp
posure e

8.3.1 Expo
osure is sto
opped durin
ng imaging

1) Cheeck whether all the coverrs of the Aurrora 1200 aree closed corrrectly or not,, it may be showed
s in thee

warrning error information;

2) Cheeck whether the

t connected
d data cable (U
USB cable) between
b the computer and device is loo
ose or not;

3) Whhether “Interruupt” button iss pressed or nnot;

4) Whhether emergeency stop buttton is pressedd or not.

8.3.2 Expo
osure can't be started

1) Pleaase click “Preeprocessing halt”

h button too make it get into the “Preeprocessing coontinuous” sttate;

00 User Manuall

2) Cheeck whether the

t “Stop Autto Print” radioo item is seleected or not;

3) Cheeck whether the

t operating environmentt temperaturee and humiditty of the Aurrora 1200 dev
vice meets thee

requuirements or not.

8.3.3 Imaging focus is

i fuzzy

Present blue or white dizzzy marks:

1) Whhether the vaccuum pump of the drum is started or no


2) Whhether the vaccuum hose of drum and thee rotary joint is damaged or
o has phenom
menon of leak
king air;

3) Druum surface isnn’t cleaned reegularly accorrding to main

ntenance requ

4) Druum vacuum hole isn’t clean

ned regularlyy according to
o maintenance requiremennts;

5) If thhe problem caan't be solved

d according too above stepss, please contact your servvice engineer.

8.4 The
e error off loading
g plate

8.4.1 The d
deviation of
o theory an
nd actual p
plate width value is to
oo big

Description of the problem:

The deviationn of theory annd actual platte width valuue is too big and more than
n ± 5EP.


1) Meaasure the actuual width of plate, and chheck whether it is consisteent with the aactual width of
o template or


2) Thee plate size off different battches is not coonsistent.

Tips: Calibraate the plate width

w with sm
maller plate ccan get the ca
alibration resu
ult more accuurately.

8.4.2 Unloa
ading plate

1) Platte size is not consistent wiith the size seet by parametter template;

2) Platte is not plaaced at the plate

p edge deetecting posiition in the range of ± 15 mm reco
ommended byy

paraameter templlate.

00 User Manuall

8.5 The
e error off unload
ding plate

8.5.1 Remo
ove the jam
mmed plate from CT P

Under the coondition of poower failure or pressing th

the emergency stop button
n during the eexposure willl result in thee

plate being jammed on thhe drum and can not beinng removed; The self-testt will promptt that there iss plate on thee


1) Restart the CTP ncy stop buttoon being pressed, please reset the emeergency stop button), thenn
P (if emergen

thee CTP will doo the self-test;;

2) Lauunch the Tiff

ffDownload, and o display the error status window; Thee
a click thee “ View>Vieew Errors” to

inffo prompt “ Please

P confirm
m whether theere is a plate on
o the drum or
o not”;

3) d TEC), “Pleaase synchron

If tthe plate is on the drum (i.e the plate iis nipped botth by HC and nize the drum

andd execute the auto unload to remove thhe plate”.

Fig 40 Plate on the drum-HC

C Fig 41
1 Plate on the drum-TEC
C Auto unload

1) gnosis> Load & Unload(L

Swiitch to “Mainntance-Ctrl” menu, and sselect “ diag L)” to open the operationn

winndow of load and unload;

Fig 42 Load-Unload

2) Clicck “LD Resett” button, the indicator of “ Unload” will be on if LD

D reset is finiished;

00 User Manuall

3) Clicck “Unload” button, then the jammed plate will bee sent to the down plate ggate automatiically, and thee

indiicator of “Plaate Detected on

o D-Path” w
will turn green

4) Rem
move the platte if auto unlo
oad is finisheed and restart the CTP, then the CTP wiill do the selff-test and starrt

initiialization, thee CTP can retturn to normaal if initializattion finished..

Fig 43 Normal status

s Remoove the jamm

med plate from
m the drum


Sometimes, tthe plate mayy be jammed

d on the drum
m. The CTP can
c not return
n to normal iif the jammeed plate is noot


Any error occcuring duringg the processsing of load aand unload, th

he plate should be removeed. And mayb
be you shouldd

reset the TEC

C manually.

! Notices: P
Please keep yoour fingers offf the space bbetween the TEC
T and drum

Please removve the plate frrom the drum

m as the proceedures below::

1) Sw
witch off the power
p supply of CTP ( pleease refer to chaper
c 3 for details);

2) Oppen the front cover

c of CTP

3) Weear protectivee gloves; pleaase confirm thhe gloves are clean an no cotton
c to keepp the internall of the outpuut

devvice clean.

! Notices: The edge of the
t plate is sh
harp. Bodily hhurt may occur if not wearring the proteective gloves..

4) If tthe plate is niipped by the TEC,

T please ddetach the plaate from TEC
C. If not, pleasse ignore thiss step;

AURORA 1200 User Manual

5) Rotate the drum and lead the plate to the position of HC;

Fig 44 Lead the plate to the position of HC

6) Fold the moveable corners of plate;

Fig 45 Fold the plate

7) Grasp the corner of the plate towarding you till the plate detach from the HC;

Fig 46 Pull out the plate

00 User Manuall

8) Preess down the edge of HC to

t open the H
HC and check whether therre is debris orr not;

9) Reconfigure thee TEC;

10) Cloose the top coover and the front

f cover.

8.6 The
e error off starting

8.6.1 Aurorra 1200 de

evice Devicce is not onlinne

“View Errorss” window shhows: “Device is not onlinne” [Return co

ode: 0x83000
0008], UN is nnot connected!”

1) Makke sure the deevice is starteed (the yellow

w light is blin
nking on the main
m board);

2) Cheeck whether the

t USB driv
ver is correct or not, pleasee install the corresponding
c g USB driverr according too

the software verssion;

3) t USB cable connecting device and computer

Cheeck whether the c is lo
oose or not;

4) Repplace USB intterface or US

SB data cable , and try to so
olve the problem. The ddevice cannott finish the in


1) Pleaase observe thhe error warn

ning showed iin “View Erro
ors” window;

2) Pleaase call your service engin

neer for help.

8.7 The
e error off air sup

8.7.1 Air prressure is shortage

“View Errorss” window shhows: “Air prressure is shorrtage”.

1) Whhether the air compressor is started or nnot;

2) Whhether the air supply loop leaks

l gas or nnot;

3) Cheeck whether the

t central airr supply systeem is used, an
nd its capacity
y is enough oor not.

8.7.2 Air co
ompressorr always ca
annot supp
ply enough air

1) Starrt the Air com

mpressor, and
d switch off itts air supply valve;

2) Waiit for finishinng aerating to cylinder;

3) Theen open the aiir supply valv


00 User Manuall

8.8 Bala
ance sysstem

8.8.1 Devicce can’t fin

nd the balance block

If the balancee blocks of thhe same group

p are not in thhe same levell, the sensor can’t
c sense thhe position sim


1) Loccate a horizonntal line (succh as the sam

me edge of HC me edge of balance blocks
C), and then align the sam

andd HC manuallly;

2) Anggle distance between

b two groups
g of ballance blocks cannot
c be less than 50 mm

Fig 47 The balance blocks of

o the same g
group are in the same lev

Guangzhou Amsky Technology Co., Ltd.
Room 1402, Dongshan Ziyuan Commercial Building, No.745 East Dongfeng Road, Guangzhou, China
Code No.: 510080
Revised on 11/1/2016

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