10 Unit2

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5 y = ex

y y = ex y=x

2 y = ln x
y = lnx

Unit -4 -3 -2 -1
1 2 3 4




Unit Outcomes:
After completing this unit, you should be able to:
understand the laws of exponents for real exponents.
know specific facts about logarithms.
know basic concepts about exponential and logarithmic functions.
solve mathematical problems involving exponents and logarithms.

Main Contents
2.1 Exponents and logarithms
2.2 Exponential functions and their graphs
2.3 Logarithmic functions and their graphs
2.4 Equations involving exponents and logarithms
2.5 Applications of exponential and logarithmic functions
Key Terms
Review Exercises
Mathematics Grade 10

Exponential and logarithmic functions come into play when a variable appears as an
exponent, for example, in an expression such as 2x. Such expressions arise in many
applications and are powerful mathematical tools for solving real life problems such as
analyzing growth of populations of people, animals, and bacteria; decay of radioactive
substances; growth of money at compound interest; absorption of light as it passes
through air, water or glass, etc.
In this unit, you will study the various properties of exponential and logarithmic
functions and learn how they can be used in solving real life problems.


2.1.1 Exponents
While solving mathematical problems, there are occasions, you need to multiply a
number by itself. For example,
2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 = 64.
Mathematicians use the idea of exponents to represent a product involving the same
factor. For example,
2×2×2×2×2×2=2 .
Exponents are frequently used in many areas of physics, engineering, finance, biology,
etc., to represent situations where quantities increase or decrease over time.


Ethiopia has a population of around 80 million people and it is estimated that the
population grows every year at an average growth rate of 2.3%. If the population growth
continues at the same rate,
a What will be the population after
i 10 years? ii 20 years?
b How many years will it take for the population to double?
c What will the graph of the number of people plotted against time look like?
It is hoped that after studying the concepts discussed in this chapter, you will be able to
solve problems like the one given above.

Unit 2 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

Exponent notation
The product 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 × 2 is written as 2 : (read “two to the power of six”).
4 5
Similarly, 3 = 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 and 4 = 4 × 4 × 4 × 4 × 4.
If n is a positive integer, then an is the product of n factors of a.
i.e. an = a × a × a × … × a
n factors
n n
In a , a is called the base, n is called the exponent and a is the nth power of a.

1 Identify the base and the exponent and find the value of each of
the following powers:
3 8  2
a 4 b (–2) c   d – (–1)23 e (5t)4
 7
2 Find the values of the following powers:
a (–1)1 b (–1)2 c (–1)3 d (–1)4 e (–1)5
f (–1)6 g (–2)1 h (–2)2 i (–2)3 j (–2)4
k (–2)5 l (–2)6
3 Which ones give you a negative value: a negative base raised to an odd exponent or
a negative base raised to an even exponent?
Example 1 Evaluate:
a (–3)4 b –34 c (–3)5 d – (–3)5
a (–3)4 = –3 × –3 × –3 × –3 = 81
b –34 = –1 × 34 = –1 × 3 × 3 × 3 × 3 = – 81
c (–3)5 = –3 × –3 × –3 × –3 × –3 = – 243
d – (–3)5 = –1× (–3)5 = –1 × – 243 = 243
Remember that, in (–3)4 the base is –3 but in –34 only 3 is the base.
What is the base in (– 4t)3 ? The base is – 4t and (– 4t)3 = (– 4t) × (– 4t) × (–4t) = – 64t3
To what base does the exponent 3 refer in –4t3? – 4t3 = –4 × t × t × t. Therefore the
exponent 3 in –4t3 refers to the base t only.

Mathematics Grade 10

Laws of exponents
The following Group Work will help you recall the laws of exponents discussed in
Grade 9:

Group Work 2.1

1 Simplify each of the following:
3 5 3 8
a 2 ×2 b 4 ×4 c
2 −5
d e (2 × 3)3 f 5–2 × 3–2
2 −9
2 5 2
g (3 ) h   i ac × ad
2 Which law of exponents did you apply to simplify each of the above expressions?
(Discuss with your friends).
If the bases a and b are non-zero real numbers and the exponents m and n are integers, then,
1 am × an = am+n To multiply powers of the same base, keep the base
and add the exponents.
2 a m
To divide powers of the same base, keep the base and
= a m−n
a n subtract the exponents.
m n m×n mn
3 (a ) = a =a To take a power of a power, keep the base and
multiply the exponents.
n n n
4 (a × b) = a × b The power of a product is the product of the powers.
a an
5   = The power of a quotient is the quotient of the powers.
b bn

Example 2 Simplify each of the following:

a (4t)2 × (4t)7 b r8 × r −3 c
 2y 
d (x2)m e 16 × 43t f  
 25 
a (4t)2 × (4t)7 = (4t)2 +7 = (4t)9 b r8 × r −3 = r8+(−3) = r5
c 5
= 103 − 5 = 10−2 d ( x2)m = x2 × m = x2m
3t 4 2 3t 4 6t 4 + 6t  2y  22 × y 2 4 y 2
e 16 × 4 = 2 × (2 ) = 2 × 2 =2 f   = =
 25  252 625
Unit 2 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

1 Evaluate each of the following using the law n
= a m−n :
23 0 105 0
a 3 ; Is 2 equal to 1? Why? b 5 ; Is 10 equal to 1? Why?
2 10
c ; Is (−8)0 equal to 1? Why?
2 From your answers, can you suggest what any non-zero number raised to zero is?
Any non-zero number raised to zero is one.
That is, a0 = 1, if a ≠ 0
Example 3
a 80 = 1 b (−100) 0 = 1 c   =1
d ( 23) =1 e (0.153)0 = 1

Group Work 2.2

Observe the following:
22 2×2 1 1
• 5
= = = 3
2 2×2×2×2×2 2×2×2 2
am 22
• If we use the rule n
= a m−n 5
= 22−5 = 2−3
a 2
a Using the above two steps try to simplify 7 .
b Discuss the relationship between:
1 1
i and 2−3 ii and 3−2
23 32
c What can you conclude about a − n and ?
For a ≠ 0 and n > 0 Any non-zero number raised to a negative exponent is the
1 reciprocal of the same power with positive exponent.
a−n = n
Example 4 Simplify and write your answer as a non-negative exponent.
−3 24 3
a 2 b c  
29 2
Mathematics Grade 10

1 1 24 1 1
a 2−3 = 3
= 9
= 2( 4−9) = 2−5 = 5 =
2 8 2 2 32
−3 3 3
3 1 1 2 2 8
c   = 3
= =1× 3 =   =
2 3 3 3
3 3 27
   3 
2 2 
−3 3
3 2
In Example 4c above you have seen that   =   . Use this technique to simplify
2 3
the following:
Example 5
−1 −4 −2
4 2  3 
a   b   c  
5 5  10 
−1 −4 4 −2 2
4 5 2 5 625  3  10  100
a   = b   =  = c   =  =
5 4 5 2 16  10   3 9
Note: For a ≠ 0, a−1 =
The above examples lead you to the following fact:
If a and b are non-zero real numbers then it is always true that for n > 0,
−n n
a b
  = 
b a

Exercise 2.1
1 Use the laws of exponents to simplify each the following exponential
a t2 × t b t3 × t × t5 c r × r4× r5× r d a3 × a × a−5
76 (−3 y)2 (2x)7
e f g h b2x ÷ b
74 (−3 y)5 (2x)8
i ( 55 )2n j ( by )x k ( 73 )−2 l ( a3x)2

2 Write each of the following with a prime number as their base:

162 x +3 49x
a 81 b c d 64a × 4a
162 x −3 7y

Unit 2 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

3 Remove the brackets from each of the following expressions:

2 6
9  2 
a (xyz)2 b (2ab2 )5 c   d − 
3  2n 
4 Simplify and give your answers in simplest rational form:
8  1 

a   b   c  −3  d (−2)−5 e (3x2)−3
2  3 4 

Rational exponents
So far we have considered expressions with integral exponents. You know what 35, 2−3
1 2
and 70 mean. But what do expressions such as 6 2 and 6 3 mean?
We now extend the laws of exponents to rational numbers.

Using the law a m × a n = a m + n , do the following:
1 a Simplify
1 1
i 6 × 62
2 ii 6× 6
b Compare the result in i with the result in ii . What do you notice?
2 a Simplify
1 1 1
i 63 × 63 × 63 ii 6× 3 6× 3 6
b Compare the result in i with the result in ii. What do you notice?
3 a Simplify
1 1 1 1
i 2 ×2 ×2 ×2
4 4 4 4
ii 4
b Compare the result in i with the result in ii. What do you notice?
4 In general, what do you think is true about a n and n a ?
If a ≥ 0 and n is an integer with n > 1 , a n = a . This also holds when a < 0 and
n is odd. (Read n a as “the nth root of a”.)
Example 6 Express each of the following in the form a n :

a 4
3 b 5
64 c
( 3
32 )
Mathematics Grade 10

1 1
1 1 1 1
a 4
3= 34 b 5
64 = 64 5 c = 1 = 1
= = 3−1
9 3
9 2 (3 ) 2 2

 13  2
 32  2 10

( 3
32 ) =   32 3 2 5 3
 10 10 
 − 
= 10 = 10 = 10 = 2 3 3  = 20 = 1
( )
5 5
4 3
22 3( )
23 23 23
2 2 2
What is the result of 6 3 × 6 3 × 6 3 ?
2 2 2 2 2 2 6
+ +
6 ×6 ×6 =6
3 3 3 3 3 3
= 6 = 62 3

2 2
 2 2
Also 6 × 6 × 6 =  6 3  = 62
3 3 3
…. using the law (am)n = am × n
 
2 1
Therefore, 6 3 = (6 2 )3 = 3 62
m 1 m
In general, If a > 0 and m, n are integers with n > 1, a n = ( a m ) n = n a m = ( a)
Example 7 Express in the form a n , with a being a prime number.
5 3 8
a 64 b 16 c 27
1 1 6 1 1 4
a 5
64 = 64 5 = ( 26 ) 5 = 2 5 b 3
16 = 163 = ( 24 ) 3 = 2 3
1 1 3
c 8
27 = 278 = ( 33 ) 8 = 38

Remember that n a is not a real number if a is negative and n is an even natural number.
However n
a is a real number if a is negative and n is an odd natural number.
4 6 8 3
For example, −4, −5, −9, − 8 , etc, are not real numbers, whereas, −27 ,
5 3 9
−32 , −8 , −81 , etc, are real numbers.
Example 8 Simplify each of the following:
3 7 − 32
a − 27 b − 128 c 3
− 64

Unit 2 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

a − 27 = 3 (−3) × (−3) × (−3) = −3
b 7
−128 = 7
( −2 ) (
= −2 7 7
) = −2
− 32 5
( −2 5 ) −2 1
c 3
= = =
− 64 3
( − 4) 3 −4 2

We conclude our discussion of rational exponents by the following remark:

All rules for integral exponents discussed earlier also hold true for rational exponents.

Irrational exponents
Now consider expressions with irrational exponents, such as 2 5
, 3π , 5 3 2 .
Example 9 Which number is the largest: 3, 2 or 4?
Solution: The answer will not be simple because we do not know the exact value of
2 5.

To approximate the number 2 5 , let us consider the following table for 2x.

x −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5
1 1 1 1
2x 1 2 4 8 16 32
16 8 4 2
From the table we see that for any values of x1 and x2, if x1 < x2, then 2 x1 < 2 x2 .
Therefore, since 2.2 < 5 < 2.3, we have 2 2 .2 < 2 5
< 2 2 .3 .
Let us now take closer approximations to 2 by using a calculator .
2 2.2 < 2 5
< 2 2.3
2 2.23 < 2 5
< 2 2.24
2 2.236 < 2 5
< 2 2.237
2 2.2360 < 2 5
< 2 2.2361
2 2.23606 < 2 5
< 2 2.23607
As we can see from the above list, the numbers 22.2 , 22.23 , 2 2.236 ,… approach to 2 5 .
Similarly, the numbers 22.3 , 22.24 , 2 2.237 ,… also approach to the same number 2 5 .
So 2 5 is bounded by terms of converging rational approximations. Using a calculator
we find that 2 5 ≈ 4.7111, to four decimal places; hence 2 5 is a number between 4.7
and 4.8. So the largest of the numbers 3, 2 and 4 must be 2 5 .
Mathematics Grade 10

Example 10 Give an approximation to 3π .

Solution: Recall that π ≈ 3.1415926. A calculator gives the rounded values:
33.1 ≈ 30.1353
33.14 ≈ 31.4891
33.141 ≈ 31.5237
2 3.1415 ≈ 31.5411
33.14159 ≈ 31.5442
33.141592 ≈ 31.5443
33.1415926 ≈ 31.5443
Hence 3π ≈ 31.5443, rounded to four decimal places. A ten-place calculator actually
approximates 3π by 33⋅141592654 ≈ 31.5442807002 .
The above two examples suggest the following:
x x2
If x is an irrational number and a > 0 , then ax is the real number between a 1 and a
for all possible choices of rational numbers x1 and x2 such that x1 < x < x2.
The above statement about irrational exponents suggests that the expression ax is
defined not only for integral and rational exponents but also for irrational exponents.
Example 11 Simplify each of the following:

3 12 2 5 ×2 20
3 2
× 3− 2
× 27 2
a 4 ×4 b 5
c 8
8 3
3 12 3 3+2 3
a 4 ×4 = 4 × 42 3
=4 = 43 3
= (43) 3
= 64 3

2 5 ×2 20
2 5+2 5
23 5
(2 ) 3

8 5
5 5 5 5 5
8 8 8 8 8
3 2 × 3− 2
× 27 2
30 × 33 2
33 2
33 2
(3 2 −2 2 ) 2
c 8
= 8
= 8
= 2 2
=3 =3
3 3 3 3
The laws of exponents discussed earlier for integral and rational exponents continue to
hold true for irrational exponents.
In general, if a and b are positive numbers and r and s are real numbers, then
1 a r × a s = a r+s 2 s
= a r −s 3 (a r) s = a r s
a as
4 (a × b) s = a s × b s 5   =
b bs

Unit 2 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

Group Work 2.3

Discuss in groups and answer each of the following:
1 a 24 > 23; Is 242 > 232 ?
1 1
b 81 > 16; Is 814 > 16 4 ?
c 20 > 10; Is 20−2 > 10−2 ?
2 2
1 1  1  1
d < ; Is   <   ?
100 10  100  10 
−2 −2
1 1  1  1
e < ; Is   <   ?
100 10  100   10 
2 a Let a > b > 1.
x x
Is a > b , for x > 0?
x x
Is a > b , for x < 0?
b Let 0 < a < b < 1.
x x
Is a < b , for x > 0?
x x
Is a < b , for x < 0?

Exercise 2.2
Simplify each of the following expressions using one or more of the laws of exponents:
a a2 × a × a3 b (2−3 + 3−2)−1 c ( 3
343 )
(3a) 4  a2 
d −3
(2a × b ) 2 −2
e f  
(3a)3  b 
−2 −2
 a3  (n 2 ) 4 × (n 3 ) −2  m −3 m 3 
g  5  h i  −2
b  n −1  n 
−6 6
 −32   −31 12  2
m  a b  (3 ) 2
× 9− 3

j  −1  k  −1 1  l
 n2   a 4 b3  3− 12

   
2 5
× 2− 5 
m (2 ) ÷ (4 )
n  
 2 
2 2
2 × 2− × 32 2
o 8
p 6
64a 6b −2

Mathematics Grade 10

2.1.2 Logarithms
Logarithms can be thought of as “the inverse” of exponents.
For example, we know that the following exponential equation is true: 32 = 9
In this case, the base is 3 and the exponent is 2. We write this equation in logarithm
form (with identical meaning) as log3 9 = 2

We read this as "the logarithm of 9 to the base 3 is 2".

Logarithms were developed in the 17th century by the
Scottish mathematician, John Napier (1550-1617). They
were clever methods of reducing long multiplications into
much simpler additions and reducing divisions into
subtractions. While he was young, Napier had to help his
father, who was a tax collector. John got sick of
multiplying and dividing large numbers all day and devised
logarithms to make his life easier!

Since 24 = 16, we can say that 4 = lo g 2 1 6 .

As 103 = 1000, 3 = log10 1000 .

The following Activity will help you learn how to convert exponential statements to
logarithmic statements and vice versa.

Complete the following table:
Exponential statement Logarithmic statement
23 = 8 log 2 8 = 3
25 = 32
2 6 = 64
log10 100 = 2

2x = y
In general,
For a fixed positive number b ≠ 1, and for each a > 0
bc = a, if and only if c = logb a.
Unit 2 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

Observe from the above note that every logarithmic statement can be translated into an
exponential statement and vice versa.
Note: The value of logb a is the answer to the question: “ To what power must b be
raised to produce a?”.
Example 1 Write an equivalent logarithmic statement for:
4 3
a 3 = 81 b 4 = 64 c 8 =2

a From 34 = 81, we deduce that log 3 81 = 4
b From 43 = 64, we have lo g 4 6 4 = 3

c Since 8 3 = 2, log 8 2 =
Example 2 Write an equivalent exponential statement for:
 1  1
a log 1 2 144 = 2 b log 4   = −3 c log10 10 =
 64  2

a From log 1 2 144 = 2 , we deduce that 122 = 144.
1 −3 1
b log 4 = −3 is the same as saying 4 = .
64 64
c log10 10 = can be written in exponential form as 10 2 = 10.

Example 3 Find:
a lo g 2 6 4 b log 3 c log 10 00 10
a To find lo g 2 6 4 , you ask “to what power must 2 be raised to get 64?”

As 26 = 64, log2 64 = 6 or from the exponential equations discussed in

Grade 9, you can form the equation 2 x = 64 .
Solving this gives 2x = 26 ⇒ x = 6.
… remember that bx = by, if and only if x = y, for b > 0, b ≠1.
1 1
b , we ask “to what power must 3 be raised to get ?”
To find log 3
9 9
1 1 1
As 3 = , log 3 = –2 o r 3 x = ⇒ 3 x = 3−2 ⇒ x = −2.
9 9 9

Mathematics Grade 10

c To find log 10 00 10 , we ask “to what power must 1000 be raised to get 10?”
3 1
As 1000 = 10, log1000 10 = or 1000 x = 10 ⇒ 103 x = 101 ⇒ 3x =1
⇒x = .

Exercise 2.3
1 Write an equivalent logarithmic statement for:
1 −2
2 −51 3
a 100 = 10000 b 2 = c 3
125 = 5 d 8 =
32 4
2 Write an equivalent exponential statement for:
a log10 10000 = 4 b log 7 49 = 1
c log10 0.1 = −1 d log 2 = − 2
3 Find:
a log2 8 b log 9 81
c log 1 0 0 10 000 d log 49 7

Laws of logarithms
The following Group Work will help you observe different laws while using logarithms:

Group Work 2.4

1 Find:
a log 2 8 + log 2 2 ; compare the result with log 2 ( 8 × 2 )
b log10 100 + log10 1000 ; compare the result with log10 (100×1000)

c  1  1
lo g 3 9 + log 3   ; compare the result with log 3 (9 × )
 27  27
From your answers, can you suggest a possible simplification for logb x + log b y ?
2 Find:
a log 2 8 − log 2 2 ; compare the result with log 2   .
 100 
b log10 100 − log10 1000 ; compare the result with log10  .
 1000 
1  1 
c lo g 3 9 − log 3 ; compare the result with log 3  9 ÷ 
27  27 
From your answers, can you suggest a possible simplification for logb x − log b y ?

Unit 2 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

3 Find:
a 3 log2 2 ; compare the result with lo g 2 ( 2 3 ).
b 2 log10 100 ; compare the result with lo g 10 (1 0 0 2 ).
1  
c log 2 16 ; compare the result with log 2 16 2  .
From your answers, can you suggest a possible simplification for k logb x ?
4 Find:
a log3 3 b lo g 8 8 c log 100 100 d log 1
3 3
From your answers, can you suggest a possible simplification for logb b if b > 0
and b ≠ 1?
5 Find:
a log3 1 b log 4 1 c log 1 1 d log1000 1

From your answers, can you suggest a possible simplification for logb 1 if b > 0
and b ≠1?
The following are laws of logarithms:
If b, x and y are positive numbers and b ≠ 1, then
i logb xy = logb x + logb y ii logb   = logb x − logb y
 y
iii For any real number k, logb (xk) = k logb x
Note: If b > 0 and b ≠ 1,then
i logb b = 1 ii logb 1 = 0
Example 4 Use the laws of logarithms to find:
a lo g 2 1 6 + lo g 2 4 b log 4 16 − log 4 4
c 2 ( (log10 100) − 1) d log10 4 0.01
a lo g 2 1 6 + log 2 4 = log 2 (16 × 4) = log2 64 = 6
… using the law logb xy = logb x + logb y
16 4
b log 4 16 − log 4 4 = log 4 = log 4 = log4 1 = 0
4 4
… using the law logb ( ) = logb x − logb y
Mathematics Grade 10

 100 
c 2 ( (log10 100) − 1) = 2( log10 100 − log10 10 ) = 2 log10   = 2 log10 10 = 2
 10 
… using the law logb ( ) = logb x − logb y
1 −2
 1 4
d log10 4 0.01 = log10 ( 0.01) = log10   = log10 10−2
 100 
( ) 4 = log10 10 4

−2 −2 −2 −1
= log10 10 = ×1 = =
4 4 4 2
… using the law ( k ) = k log b x
log b x

Two additional laws of logarithms

If a, b and c are positive real numbers, and a ≠ 1, b ≠ 1, then
logb c log c
b =c
i log a c = (“change of base law”) ii b
logb a
Example 5 Using the above two laws find
a log16 64
b log3 2 (given that log10 2 = 0.3010 and log10 3 = 0.4771 )
log10 7
c 10
log 2 64 6 3
a log16 64 = = = or
log 216 4 2

log10 64 log10 43 3log10 4 3 3

log16 64 = = 2
= = ×1=
log1016 log10 4 2log10 4 2 2
… you can use any base b > 0, b ≠ 1
log10 2 0.3010 log10 7
b lo g 3 2 = = = 0.6309 c 10 = 7
log10 3 0.4771

Exercise 2.4
1 Find:
a log 11 121 b log6 6 c log10 100000 d log 5 125

e log 3 3 f log9 3 g log 100 5 100 h log 1 125


Unit 2 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

2 Simplify:
a log 2 ( 64 ×1024 ) b log 2 c log 2 5123
 128 × 64  1
d log 10 2 × 10 −3
e log 2  512  f log3 9 + log 3
g log 2 642 ÷ log 21287
logb c log c
3 Using the laws loga c = or b b = c find:
logb a
a log 81 b log 1 16
 
c log 1
1 27
3  2 3
   
d 5 log 5 3 e 6 log6 10
4 If log10 2 = 0.3010 and log10 3 = 0.4771, then find:
a log 2 3 b log 1 5 c log 1 0.002
2 3

Logarithms in base 10 (common logarithms)

Our decimal system is based on numbers of the form 10n. For example,
10000 = 104 0.0001 = 10−4
1000 = 103 0.001 = 10−3
100 = 102 0.01 = 10−2
10 = 101 0.1 = 10−1
1 = 100
Also numbers like 10 , 100 , 10 10 and 5
can be written as
1 1 1 3 −1
10 2 , 100 2 , 101 × 10 2 = 10 2 and 10 5 respectively.
In fact, all positive numbers can be written in the form 10n by introducing the concept of
logarithms. The logarithm of a positive number to base 10 is called a common logarithm.
The common logarithm is usually the most convenient one to use for computations
involving scientific notations because we use the base 10 number system.
One important usage of common logarithms is in their use in simplifying numerical
computations. Due to the extensive usage of various advanced calculators, the importance
of the usage of logarithms at present is not as it was in the past. However, there are certain
operations like 51.27 that you are able to perform using common logarithms.
This is due to the fact that any logarithm to base other than 10 can be expressed to a
common logarithm so that one can use the table of common logarithm found in most
standard books and mathematical tables.

Mathematics Grade 10

A common logarithm is usually written without indicating its base. For example, log10 x
is simply denoted by log x.
So if a logarithm is given with no base, we take it to be base 10.

Find the following common logarithms:
a log 10 b log 0.0001 c log1 d log( )
10 n
Example 6 Find the following common logarithms:
a log100, 000 b log 3 100 c log 0.001
5 5
a log100, 000 = 5 because 10 =100,000 or log100,000 = log10 = 5log10 = 5
b log 3 100 = because 3 100 = 3 10 2 = 10 3 or
1 1 2
2 2 2
log 100 = log100 = log (10
3 3
2 3 3
= log10 = log10 = ×1 =
3 3 3
1 1
c log 0.001 = −3 because 0.001 = = 3 = 10 −3 or
1000 10
1 1
log 0.001 = log= log 3 = log10 −3 = −3 log10 = −3
1000 10
Example 7 Find the common logarithm of 526.
Solution: log 526 = log(5.26 ×102 ) = log5.26 + log102 … by logb xy = logb x + logb y
= log 5.26 + 2 = 2 + log 5.26 . Now we still need to find log 5.26.
Since log 1 = 0 and log 10 = 1 , we know that 0 < log 5.26 < 1 .
So, the common logarithm of a number between 1 and 10 is a number between 0
and 1. The specific common logarithmic values for numbers between 1 and 10 are
given in what is called a table of common logarithms.
A copy of the table is attached at the end of this book

From the common logarithm table, we read that log5.26 = 0.7210.

(It should be noted that this value is only an approximate value.)

log 526 = log(5.26 × 10 2 ) = log 5.26 + log102 = log 5.26 + 2 = 0.7210 + 2 = 2.7210
Mantissa Characteristic M C

Unit 2 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

If we write a number x as x = m × 10c, 0 ≤ m < 10, then the logarithm of x can be read
from a common logarithm table. The logarithm of m is called the mantissa of the
logarithm of the number x and c is called the characteristic of the logarithm. Therefore,
the common logarithm of a number is equal to its characteristic plus its mantissa.
Example 8 Identify the characteristic and mantissa of each of the following
common logarithms:
a log 0.000415 b log 239 c log 0.001
a 0.000415 = 4.15 × 10−4
Therefore, the characteristic is –4 and the mantissa is log 4.15.
b 239 = 2.39 × 102
Therefore, the characteristic is 2 and the mantissa is log 2.39.
c 0.001 = 1 ×10−3
Therefore, the characteristic is –3 and the mantissa is log 1 = 0.

Using the logarithm table

The logarithm of any two decimal place number between 1.00 and 9.99 can be read
directly from the common logarithm table (a part of the table is given below for your
x 0 1 2 . . . 9
1.0 0.0000 0.0043 0.0086 . . . 0.0374
1.1 0.0414 0.0453 0.0492 . . . 0.0755
1.2 0.0792 0.0828 0.0864 . . . 0.1106
1.3 0.1139 0.1173 0.1206 . . . 0.1430
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
1.9 0.2788 0.2810 0.2833 . . . 0.2989
2.0 0.3010 0.3032 0.3054 . . . 0.3201
2.1 0.3222 0.3243 0.3263 . . . 0.3404
2.2 0.3424 0.3444 0.3464 . . . 0.3598
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
. . . . . .
9.9 0.9956 0.9961 0.9965 . . . 0.9996

Mathematics Grade 10

Example 9 Use the table of logarithms to find:

a log 2.29 b log 1.21 c log 1.386 d log 21,200
a Read the number at the intersection of row 2.2 and column 9
Reading the number in row 2.2 under column 9, we get 0.3598.
∴ log 2.29 = 0.3598 .
b Reading the number at the intersection of row 1.2 and column 1, we get
∴ log1.21 = 0.0828 .
c 1.386 is between 1.38 and 1.39 .
So, round ( to 2 decimal places) log1.386 as log 1.39 . Reading in row 1.3 under
column 9, we get 0.1430 . ∴ log 1.386 ≅ 0.1430.
d First write 21,200 as 2.12 ×104
∴ log 21,200 = log (2.12 ×104) = log 2.12 + log 104 = log 2.12 + 4
= 0.3263 + 4 = 4.3263.
Note: Numbers greater than 10 have logarithms greater than 1.

Suppose log x = 0.6665. What is the value of x?
In such cases, we apply what is called the antilogarithm of the logarithm of x, written as
antilog (log x). Thus antilog (log x) = antilog (0.6665).
We have to search through the logarithm table, for the value 0.6665 .We find this
number located where the row with heading 4.6 meets the column with heading 4.
Therefore log 4.64 = 0.6665, and we have x = 4.64 .
In general, Antilog (log c) = c.
Example 10 Find:
a antilog 0.7348 b antilog 0.9335
c antilog 0.8175 d antilog 2.4771
a The number 0.7348 is found in the table where row 5.4 and column 3 meet .
∴antilog 0.7348 = 5.43 .
b The number 0.9335 is found in the table where row 8.5 and column 8 meet.
∴antilog 0.9335 = 8.58 .

Unit 2 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

c The number 0.8175 does not appear in the table. The closest value is 0.8176
and 0.8176 = log 6.57.
∴antilog 0.8175 can be approximated by 6.57 .
d Antilog 2.4771 = antilog (0.4771 + 2) = 3 × 102 = 300
(The antilogarithm of the decimal part 0.4771 is found using the table of logarithms
and equals 3. The antilogarithm of 2 is 102 because log102 = 2.)
Example 11 Find:
a antilog 3.9058 b antilog 5.9586. c antilog (−1.0150)
a antilog 3.9058 = antilog (0. 9058 + 3) = 8.05 × 103 = 8050.
b antilog 5.9586 = antilog (0.9586 + 5) = 9.09 × 105 = 909000.
c antilog(−1.0150) = antilog(2 − 1.0150 − 2) = antilog(0.9850 −2)
= 9.66 × 10−2 = 0.0966.
Note: Do not write −1.0150 as 0.0150 − 1. The arithmetic is not correct!

Computation with logarithms

In this section you will see how logarithms are used for computations.
For instance, to find the product of 32 and 128 using logarithm to the base 2, you can do
it as follows:
Let x = 32 × 128
log 2 x = log 2 ( 32 × 128 ) ……………………. why?

log2 x = log2 32 + log2 128 ……………………. why?

log2 x = 5 + 7 ⇒ log 2 x = 12 ……………………. why?
∴ x=2
In the next examples you will see how common logarithms are used in mathematical
Remember that antilog (log c) = c.
In order to compute c you can perform the following two steps:
Step1 Find log c, using the laws of logarithms.
Step 2 Find the antilogarithm of log c.
354 × 605
Example 12 Compute using logarithms.
Mathematics Grade 10

354 × 605
Step 1 Let x =
354 × 605
log x = log
log x = log (354 × 605) − log 8450
log x = log 354 + log 605 − log 8450
log x = (0.5490 + 2 + 0.7818 + 2) − (0.9269 + 3)
log x = 0.4039 + 1
So x = antilog (0.4039 + 1) ⇒ x ≈ 2.53 ×10 ≈ 25.3

∴ 354 × 605 ≈ 25.3

Example 13 Compute 35 using logarithms.
Solution: let x = 35
log x = log 35 ⇒ log x = log 35 2 ⇒ log x = [log3.5 ×10]
log x = [0.5441 + 1] ⇒ log x ≈ 0.77205 ; log x ≈ 0.7721
So x = antilog (0.7721) ⇒ x ≈ 5.92
∴ 35 ≈ 5.92
Example 14 Compute 3803 using logarithms.
Solution: let x = 3803
1 1
log x = log 380 3 ; log x = [log 3.80 × 10 2 ] ; log x = [0.5798 + 2] ;
3 3
log x = 0.8599 So x = antilog (0.8599) ⇒ x ≈ 7.24 ∴ 3803 ≈ 7.24

Group Work 2.5

1 Which base is preferable for mathematical computations?
Why? Present your findings to your group.
2 Approximate 3 using logarithm.
3 Use your result in 2 to compute 10 3 . Compare your results. What differences do
you get?

Unit 2 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

Exercise 2.5
1 Find each of the following common logarithms:
100 1  10 m 
a log(10 × 4 10 ) b log c log d log  n 
10 4
10  10 
2 Identify the characteristic and mantissa of the logarithm of each of the following:
a 0.000402 b 203 c 5.5 d 2190
e f 8 g 23 h 35.902
3 Use the table of logarithms to find:
a log 3.12 b log 1.99 c log 7.2 d log 5.436
e log 0.12 f log 9.99 g log 0.00007 h log 300
4 Find:
a antilog 0.8998 b antilog 0.8 c antilog 1.3010
d antilog 0.9953 e antilog 5.721 f antilog 1.9999
g antilog (−6 ) h antilog(−0.2)
5 Compute using logarithms:
a 6.24 × 37.5 b 9
125 c 21.42
1.3 37.9 488
d (2.4) × (0.12) 4.1 e 3
f 5
In this section you will draw graphs and investigate the major properties of functions of
x −x x
the form f (x) = 2 x , f (x) = 10 , f (x) = 3 , f (x) = ( 0.5 ) , etc.

Suppose an Amoeba cell divides itself into two after every hour.
a Calculate the number of cells created by one cell after one,
two, three, four, five and t hours.
b Complete the following table.
Time in hour (t) 0 1 2 3 4 5 . . . t
Number of cells created (y) 1
c Write a formula to calculate the number of cells created after t hours.

Mathematics Grade 10

The function f (x) = bx , b > 0 and b ≠ 1 defines an exponential function.

The following functions are all exponential:
3 x x
a f (x) = 2 x
b g (x) =   c h (x) = 3 d k (x) = 10
x x x x
1 1 1 2
e f (x) =   f g (x) =   g h (x) =   h k (x) =  
 10  3 2 3

2.2.1 Graphs of Exponential Functions

Let us now consider the graphs of some of the above exponential functions so that we
can explore some of their properties.
Example 1 Draw the graph of f (x) = 2 x .
Solution: Evaluate y = 2x for some integral values of x and prepare a table of values.
1 1 1
For example: f (−3) = 2−3 = ; f (−2) = 2−2 = ; f (−1) = 2−1 = ;
8 4 2
0 1
f (0) = 2 = 1; f (1) = 2 = 2; f (2) = 2 = 4; f (3) = 23= 8.

x −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3
1 1 1
f (x) = 2 x 8 4 2 1 2 4 8
Now plot these points on the co-ordinate system and join them by a smooth curve to
obtain the graph of f (x) = 2
y = 2x

-3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5


Graph of f (x) =2x

Figure 2.1

1 What is the domain of the function f (x) = 2x ?
2 For what values of x is 2x negative?
3 Can 2x ever be 0?
4 What is the range of the function f (x) = 2x?
5 What is the y-intercept of f (x) = 2x?
Unit 2 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

6 For which values of x is 2x greater than 1?

7 What can you say about the value of 2x if x < 0?
8 Does 2x increase as x increases?
9 What happens to the graph of f when we take larger and larger positive values of x?
10 What happens to the graph of f when x is negative and | x | very large?
11 Does the graph cross the x-axis?
12 What is the asymptote of the graph of f (x) = 2x?
Example 2 Draw the graph of g (x) =  
x −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3
x 8 27
3 4 2 3 9
g(x) =   27 1 8
2 9 3 2 4
4 g(x) =  

-3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5

Figure 2.2 Graph of g (x) =  
f (x) = 2x  3
g (x) =   x
4  2

-3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5

x 3
Figure 2.3 Graphs of f (x) = 2 and g (x) =   drawn using the same co-ordinate system
Mathematics Grade 10

In general, the graph of f (x) = bx, for any b > 1 has similar shape as the graphs of y = 2 x
and y =   .
f (x) = bx
b >1

Figure 2.4 Graph of f (x) = b , for any b > 1

Basic properties
The graph of f (x) = bx , b > 1 has the following basic properties:
1 The domain is the set of all real numbers.
2 The range is the set of all positive real numbers.
3 The graph includes the point (0, 1), i.e. the y-intercept is 1.
4 The function is increasing.
5 The values of the function are greater than 1 for x > 0 and between 0 and 1 for x < 0.
6 The graph approaches the x − axis as an asymptote on the left and increases
without bound on the right.
We will next discuss how the graph of the function f (x) = bx looks like when 0 < b < 1.
Example 3 Draw the graph of each of the following using:
i different coordinate axes. ii the same coordinate axes.
x x
1 2
a h (x) =   b k (x) =  
2 3
Solution: As before, calculate the values of the given functions for some integral
values of x as shown in the tables below. Then plot the corresponding
points on the co-ordinate system. Join these points by smooth curves to
get the graphs as indicated below.
x −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3
1 8 4 2 1
1 1 1
h(x)=  
2 2 4 8

Unit 2 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

x −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3
x 27 8
2 9 3
2 4
k(x)=   8
3 4 2 3 9 27
h(x) =  
y 1 x x 5

k(x) =  
2 y
4 2   4


2 2

1 1

-3 -2 -1 1 2 3 x -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 x
-1 -1

x x
1 2
Figure 2.5 Graph of h( x) =   Figure 2.6 Graph of k ( x) =  
2 3
x 5
1 y
h(x) =   4

k(x) =   1
-4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 x

x x
1 2
Figure 2.7 Graphs of h( x) =   and k ( x) =   drawn using the same coordinate axes
2 3
The graph of f (x) = bx, for any 0 < b < 1 has similar shape to the graphs of y =   and
y=   .

f (x) = bx
f(x) = ax
0 < b <1

Figure 2.8 Graph of f (x) = b , for any 0 < b < 1

Mathematics Grade 10

Basic properties
The graph of f (x) = bx , 0 < b < 1 has the following basic properties:
1 The domain is the set of all real numbers.
2 The range is the set of all positive real numbers.
3 The graph includes the point (0, 1), i.e. the y - intercept is 1.
4 The function is decreasing.
5 The values of the function are greater than 1 for x < 0 and between 0 and 1 for x > 0.
6 The graph approaches the x-axis as an asymptote on the right and increases
without bound on the left.

Exercise 2.6
1 Give three examples of exponential functions.
2 Given the graph of y = 2x (see Figure2.9), we can find approximate values of 2x for
various values of x. For example,
21.8 ≈ 3.5 (see point A).
22.3 ≈ 5 (see point B).
Use the graph to determine approximate values of
a 2 2 (i.e. 2 ) b 20.8 c 21.5 d 2−1.6.

5 •



y = 2x

−3 −2 −1 1 2 3

Figure 2.9
Unit 2 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

3 Construct suitable tables of values and draw the graphs of:

x 1
a h (x) = 3 and g (x) =   using the same co-ordinate system.
x 1
b k (x) = 10 and f (x) =   using the same co-ordinate system.
 10 
x 1
c f (x) = 4 and g (x) =   using the same co-ordinate system.
4 Referring to the functions in Question 3.
a find the domain and the range of each function,
b what is the y-intercept of each function?
c which functions are increasing and which are decreasing?
d find the asymptote for each graph.

The exponential function with base e

Until now the number π has probably been the most important irrational number you
have encountered. Next, we will introduce another useful irrational number, e, which is
important in the field of mathematics and other sciences.

2.2.2 The Number e

Do you know that some banks calculate interest every month? This is called monthly
compounding. Other banks even advertise continuous compounding. To illustrate the
idea of continuous compounding, we will study how 1 Birr grows for 1 year at 100
percent annual interest, using various periods of compounding.
In this case, we use the amount formula A = P (1 + i)n, where the principal P = 1.
Taking the annual rate r = 100% = 1, i = if there are n periods of compounding per
year, then the amount after 1 year is given by the formula:
 1
A = 1 + 
 n
The following table gives the amounts (in Birr) after 1 year using various periods of

Mathematics Grade 10

Number of compounding
Amount after one year
periods per year
 1
yearly 1 +  =2
 1
 1
semi-annually 1 +  = 2.25
 2
 1
quarterly 1 +  = 2.44140625
 4
 1
monthly 1 +  ≈ 2.61303529022...
 12 
 1 
weekly 1 +  ≈ 2.69259695444...
 52 
 1 
daily 1 +  ≈ 2.71456748202...
 365 
 1 
hourly 1 +  ≈ 2.71812669063...
 8760 
 1 
every minute 1 +  ≈ 2.7182792154...
 525600 
 1 
every second 1 +  = 2.7182817853...
 31536000 
The last row of the above table shows the effect of compounding approximately every
second. The idea of continuous compounding is that the table is continued for larger and
larger values of n. As n continues to increase, the amount after 1 year tends toward the
number 2.718281828459…
This irrational number is represented by the letter e
e = 2.718281828459…
 1
e is the number that 1 +  approaches as n approaches ∞. Who first discovered e is
 n
still being debated. The number is named after the Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler
 1
(1707 − 1783), who computed e to 23 decimal places using 1 +  .
 n

Unit 2 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

2.2.3 The Natural Exponential Function

For any real number x, the function, f (x) = ex defines the exponential function with base
e, usually called the natural exponential function.
5 5

y = ex y =e-x 4

3 3

2 2

1 1
x x
-4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5 -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5
-1 -1

-2 -2

-3 -3

-4 -4
x −x
Figure 2.10 The graph of y = e . Figure 2.11 The graph of y = e .

The domain of y = ex is R. The domain of y = e− x is R.

The range is (0, ∞) The range is (0, ∞)

y = ex is an increasing function. y = e− x is a decreasing function.
The graph of y = ex intersects the y-axis The graph of y = e−x intersects the y-axis at
at (0, 1). (0, 1).
ex > 1, if x > 0 e −x > 1, if x < 0
0 < ex < 1, if x < 0 0 < e− x < 1, if x > 0

Example 1 Sketch the graph of y = e2x.

Solution: We calculate and plot some points to obtain
y =e2x
the required graph, as shown in Figure 2.12.

x y = e2x
−3 ≈ 0.0025
−2 ≈ 0.0183
−1 ≈ 0.1353
0 =1
1 ≈ 7.7391 Graph of y = e2x
2 ≈ 54.5981 Figure 2.12

Mathematics Grade 10

Exercise 2.7
1 Sketch the graphs of each of the following functions:
a f (x) = 2x−1 b g (x) = 3x−2 c k (x) = 32−x
2 Use the key ex on your calculator to evaluate each of the following expressions to
7 decimal places:
a e3 b e 3 c e−7.3011 d e 5
3 Construct tables of values for some integer values of x and then graph each of the
following functions:
a y = −ex b y = −e−x c y = 10e 0.2x
4 State the domain and range of each of the functions in Question 3.


From Section 2.1.2 you should remember that by = x, if and only if logb x = y
(b > 0 , b ≠ 1 and x > 0)
Hence, the function y = log b x , where x > 0, b > 0 and b ≠ 1 is called a logarithmic
function with base b.
The following functions are all logarithmic:
a f (x) = log 2 x b g (x) = log 3 x c h (x) = log 3 x

d k (x)= log10 x e f (x) = log 1 x f g (x) = log 1 x

10 3

g h (x) = log 1 x h k (x) = log 2 x

2 3

The concentration of hydrogen ions in a given solution is denoted by
[H+] and is measured in moles per liter.
For example, [H+] = 0.0000501 for beer and [H+] = 0.0004 for wine.
Chemists define the pH of the solution as the number pH = − log[H+ ] .The solution is
said to be an acid if pH < 7 and a base if pH > 7. Pure water has a pH of 7, which means
it is neutral.
a Is beer an acid or a base? What about wine?
b What is the hydrogen ion concentration [H+] of eggs if the pH of eggs is 7.8?
Unit 2 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

2.3.1 Graphs of Logarithmic Functions

In this section, we consider the graphs of some logarithmic functions, so that we can
explore their properties.
Example 1 Draw the graph of each of the following using:
i different coordinate systems ii the same coordinate system.
a f (x) = log 2 x b g (x) = log 3 x .

Solution: The tables below indicate some values for f (x) and g (x). Plot the
corresponding points on the co-ordinate system. Join these points by smooth
curves to get the required graphs as indicated in Figures 2.13 and 2.14.
1 1 4 2 3 9
x 1 2 4 x 1
4 2 9 3 2 4
f (x)= log2 x −2 −1 0 1 2 g (x) = log 3 x −2 −1 0 1 2

a b
5 5
y y
4 4
y = log  3  x
 
3 3
y = log 2 x
2 2

1 1
x x
-1 1 2 3 4 5 -1 1 2 3 4 5
-1 -1

-2 -2

Figure 2.13 Graph of f (x) = log2 x Figure 2.14 Graph of g ( x) = log  3  x

 
 2
4 y = log 3 x

y = log 2 x
-1 1 2 3 4 5



Figure 2.15 Graphs of y = log 2 x and y = log  3  x drawn using the same coordinate axes
 
 2

Mathematics Grade 10

Study the graphs of f ( x ) = log 2 x and g ( x) = log 3  x to answer the
 

following questions:
1 What are the domains of f and g?
2 For which values of x is log 2 x negative? positive?
3 For which values of x is log 3 x negative? positive?

4 What is the range of f and g?

5 What is the x-intercept?
6 Does log 2 x increase as x increases? What about log 3 x ?

7 Do the graphs cross the y-axis?

8 What is the asymptote of the graphs?
In general, the graph of f ( x) = log b x , for any b > 1 looks like the one given below .

y = logb x
y y = log b x,
bb >>11

Figure 2.16 Graph of y = log b x

Basic properties
The graph of y = logb x,(b > 1) has the following properties.
1 The domain is the set of all positive real numbers.
2 The range is the set of all real numbers.
3 The graph includes the point (1, 0) i.e. the x-intercept of the graph is 1.
4 The function increases, as x increases.
5 The y-axis is a vertical asymptote of the graph.
6 The values of the function are negative for 0 < x < 1 and they are positive for x > 1.
Unit 2 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

You will next discuss what the graph of the function y = logb x looks like when 0 < b < 1.
Example 2 Draw the graph of each of the following using:
i different coordinate systems; ii the same coordinate system.
a h (x) = log 1 x b k (x) = log 2 x
2 3

Solution: Calculate the values of the given functions for some values of x as shown in
the tables below. Then plot the corresponding points on the co-ordinate
system. Join these points by smooth curves to get the required graphs as
indicated in Figure 2.17 and 2.18.
1 1 1
x 8 4 2 1 2 4 8

h ( x ) = log 1 x
2 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3

27 9 3 2 4 8
x 8 4 2 1 3 9 27

k ( x ) = log 2 x
3 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3

y y

-1 1 2 3 4 5
-1 1 2 3 4 5
-1 y =y =log
log  1x
x y = log  2  x
 
  -2
 2
y = log  2 x 
-2  3
 
 3
Figure 2.17 Graph of h( x) = log 1  x Figure 2.18 Graph of k ( x) = log 2  x
   
2  3

-4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5
-1 y = log  1  x
y = log
  1  x
 2 2 


-4 y = log
y = log xx
 
 

Figure 2.19 Graphs of y = log  1  x and y = log  2  x drawn using the same coordinate axes
   
 2  3

Mathematics Grade 10

In general, the graph of f ( x) = log b x for 0 < b < 1 looks like the one given below .

y = log b x x
y = log b x ,
0 < b0 << b1< 1

Figure 2.20

Basic properties
The graph of y = logb x,(0 < b < 1) has the following properties.

1 The domain is the set of all positive real numbers.

2 The range is the set of all real numbers.
3 The graph has its x-intercept at (1, 0) i.e. its x-intercept is 1.
4 The function decreases as x increases.
5 The y-axis is an asymptote of the graph.
6 The values of the function are positive when 0 < x < 1 and they are negative
when x > 1.

Exercise 2.8
1 Draw the graphs of:

a h(x) = log3 x and g ( x) = log 1  x using the same co-ordinate system.

 
 3

b k(x) = log 10 x and f ( x) = log  1  x using the same co-ordinate system.

 
 10 

2 Referring to the functions in Question 1,

a what are the domain and the range of each function?
b what is the x-intercept of each?
c which functions are increasing and which are decreasing?
d find the asymptotes of the graphs of the functions.

Unit 2 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

2.3.2 The Relationship Between the Functions

y = b x and y = logb x (b > 0 , b ≠1)
Consider the following tables of values that we constructed in the previous section for
y = 2x and y = log2 x .
x −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3
1 1 1
f (x) = 2x 1 2 4 8
8 4 2

1 1 1
x 1 2 4 8
8 4 2
f (x) = log2 x −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3

Refer to the tables of values for y = 2x and y = log 2 x to answer the
following questions:
1 How are the values of x and y related in the functions y = 2x and y = log 2 x ?
2 Sketch the graphs of the two functions using the same co-ordinate system.
3 Find a relationship between the domain and the range of the two functions.
4 Draw the line y = x using the same co-ordinate system.
5 How are the graphs of y = 2x and y = log 2 x related?
6 What is the significance of the line y = x?
Example 1 Let us consider the functions y = 10x and y = log10 x.
The tables of values for y = 10x and y = log10 x for some integral values of x are
given below:
x −2 −1 0 1 2
1 1 1 10 100
y =10x
100 10
1 1
x 1 10 100
100 10
y = log10 x −2 −1 0 1 2
Observe that:
The values of x and y are interchanged in both functions. That is, the domain of y = 10x
is the range of y = log10 x and vice versa.

Mathematics Grade 10
4 y = 10 x y=x

y = log10 x
-2 -1 1 2 3 4 5

Figure 2.21
y = 10 is obtained by reflecting y = log10 x along the line y = x.
In such cases we say one of the functions is the inverse of the other.
In general, the relation between the functions y = bx and y = logb x (b > 1) is shown

y= bx xx y=x
y y=a

y= = log
y log a xb x

Figure 2.22
From the graphs above, we observe the following relationships:
1 The domain of y = bx is the set of all real numbers, which is the same as the range
of y = logb x.
2 The range of y = bx is the set of all positive real numbers, which is the same as the
domain of y = logb x.
3 The x-axis is the asymptote of y = bx, whereas the y-axis is the asymptote of
y = logb x.
4 y = bx has a y-intercept at (0, 1) whereas y = logb x has an x-intercept at (1, 0).
Domain of y = bx is equal to the range of y = logb x.
Range of y = bx is equal the domain of y = logb x.
The functions f (x) = bx and g (x) = logb x (b > 1) are inverses of each other.

Unit 2 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

2.3.3 The Natural Logarithm

If we start with natural exponential function y = ex and interchange x and y, we obtain
x = e y which is the same as y = loge x .
y = loge x is the mirror image of y = e x along the line y = x.
Notation: ln x is used to represent loge x.
ln x is called the natural logarithm of x.
The graphs of y = e x, y = ln x and the line y = x are shown below:
5 y = ex
y y = ex y=x

2 y = ln x
y = lnx
-2 -1 1 2 3 4 5


Figure 2.23
Example 1 Find:
a ln1 b ln e c ln e2 d ln e e ln
a ln1= 0 because e0 = 1 b ln e = 1 because e1 = e
2 1 1
c ln e = 2ln e = 2 × 1 = 2 d ln e = ln e 2 = ln e =
2 2
e ln = ln e –1 = –1ln e = –1
Note: In general, ln ex = x.

Exercise 2.9
1 Sketch the graphs of:
a f (x) = 4x , g (x) = log4 x and y = x using the same coordinate system.
 1
b h (x) =   and k (x) = log  1  x using the same coordinate system.
 4  

Mathematics Grade 10

c How do you compare the domain and the range of the functions f and g
given in Question 1a?
d How do you compare the domain and the range of the functions h and k
given in Question 1b?
2 Find:
a ln 3
e b ln c ln e3x d eln 3
3 Simplify:
 ex 
a ln e a
b ln (e × e ) c x y
ln (e × e ) d ln  y 
e 


An exponential equation is an equation with an unknown in the exponent.
Examples of exponential equations are:
4x = 8 4x − 2x+1 − 8 = 0
23x-2 = 5 9 x + 4 x = 33 x+7
A logarithmic equation is an equation that involves the logarithm of an unknown.
Examples of logarithmic equations are:
4log x = −5 log x ( x − 6 ) = 2
log (x +3) + log x = 1 log 2 x + log 4 ( x + 2 ) = 2

2.4.1 Solving Exponential Equations

Properties of exponents discussed in the previous sections play a major role in solving
exponential equations. Read carefully through the properties below, to refresh your
If a and b are positive numbers, a ≠ 1, b ≠ 1, and m and n are real numbers, then
1 am × an = am+n 2 (am)n = amn
a an
3 (a × b)n = an × bn 4   =
b bn
am 1 1
5 = a m−n 6 a−n = n and −n = an
an a a
−k k
a b
7 It is always true that for k > 0,   = 
b a
Unit 2 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

Additional properties:
Property of equality for exponential equations
For b > 0, b ≠1, x and y real numbers,
1 bx = by, if and only if x = y
2 ax = bx, (x ≠ 0), if and only if a = b
Example 1 Solve for x.
2 x+1 x x −3
1  2  9 1
a x
3 = 81 b x
2 = c   =  d 4 = 
32  3  4 2
a 3x = 81 = 34 … look for a common base
⇒ x=4 … property of equality of bases
b 2x = 5
= 2−5 … look for a common base
⇒ x = −5 … property of equality of bases
2 x+1 x x −3
 2  9 1
c   =  d 4 = 

 3  4 2
2x −2 x
 3 2
2 x +1
⇒   =  =  ⇒ 4x = (2−1)x − 3 = 2 (−x + 3)
3  2 3
⇒ 2x + 1 = −2x ⇒ (22)x = 2 (−x + 3)
⇒ 2x +2x = −1 ⇒ 22x = 2 (−x + 3)
⇒ x =− ⇒ 2x = −x + 3 ⟹ x = 1
If you cannot easily write each side of an exponential equation using the same base, you
can solve the equation by taking logarithms of each side.
Example 2 Solve for x, by taking the logarithm of each side:
a 4x = 10 b 23x −2 = 5 c 22x = 11
a 4x = 10
log 4 x = log10 … taking the logarithm of each side
x log 4 = 1 … since log10 =1, and log ak = k log a
1 1
x= = = 1.6609
log 4 0 .6021
Mathematics Grade 10

b 23x −2 = 5 c 22x = 11
⇒ log 2(3x −2) = log 5 ⇒ log 22x = log 11
⇒ (3x−2)log 2 = log 5 ⇒ 2x log 2 = log 11
log5 log11
⇒ 3x−2 = ⇒ 2x =
log 2 log 2
log5 1  log11 
⇒ 3x = +2 ⇒x=   = 1.730
log 2 2  log 2 
1 log5
⇒ x= ( + 2) = 1.4408
3 log 2

Exercise 2.10
1 Solve for x:
x 3−x 3x − 8 3x + 9
a 5 = 625 b 2 = 16 c 4 =2
1 1 2
d 27 =  9  e 3− = 81 f 2 x −2 = 4
 
x −1 2x
x +x 6(x+2) x+2  27  3  32 
g 7 = 49 h 3 =9 i 3  = 2 
 8   243 
2 Solve for x by taking the logarithm of each side:
x x 3x + 1 x
a 2 = 15 b 10 = 14.3 c 10 = 92 d 1.05 = 2
3x 2x 5x − 2 x
e 6 =5 f 4 =61 g 10 = 348 h 2- = 0.238

2.4.2 Solving Logarithmic Equations

Properties of logarithms discussed in the previous sections play a major role in solving
logarithmic equations. Remember that
If a, b, c, x and y are positive numbers and a ≠ 1, b ≠ 1, then
1 logb xy = logb x + logb y
 x
2 logb   = logb x − logb y
 y
3 For any real number k, logb (xk) = klogb x
4 logb b = 1
5 logb 1 = 0
logb x
6 log a x = … change of base law
logb a
7 blogb x = x
Unit 2 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

Example 1 Solve each of the following for x, checking that your solutions are valid.
a log2 (x – 3) = 5 b log4 (5x – 1) = 3
c log (x + 3) + log x = 1 d log3 (x + 1) - log3 (x + 3) = 1
e log 8x + log ( x – 20 ) = 3
a log 2 (x – 3) = 5 ⇒ 25 = x – 3 … changing to exponential form
Hence, 32 = x – 3
Therefore, x = 35
From the definition of logarithms, we know that log 2 (x – 3) is valid only when
x – 3 > 0, i.e. When x > 3. So {x | x > 3} = ( 3 , ∞) is known as the universe for
log2(x – 3). Since x = 35 is an element of the universe, x = 35 is the solution of the
given equation.
A universe is the largest set in ℝ for which the given expression is defined.
b log4 (5x – 1) is valid when 5x – 1 > 0

so x > . Therefore, the universe U =  , ∞ 

1 1
5 5 
log 4 (5x – 1) = 3
⇒ 5x −1 = 43
⇒ 5x = 64 + 1

= 13.Since 13∈  , ∞  , x = 13 is the solution.

65 1
⇒ x=
5 5 
c Remember that log (x + 3) is valid for x > -3 and log x is valid for x > 0.
Therefore log (x + 3) + log x is valid for x > 0. So U = ( 0 , ∞).
Now log (x + 3) + log x = 1
⇒ log x(x+3) = 1 … since log x + log y =log x y
⇒ x(x + 3) = 10 1
… changing to exponential form
⇒ 2
x + 3x – 10 = 0
⇒ (x + 5)(x − 2) = 0
Thus, x = –5 or x = 2
But –5 is NOT an element of the universe.
So, the only solution is x = 2.

Mathematics Grade 10

d log3 (x + 1) – log3 (x + 3) is valid for x + 1 > 0 and x + 3 > 0,

i.e. for x > −1 and x > −3.
Therefore the U = (–1, ∞).
log3 (x + 1) – log3 (x + 3) = 1
 x +1  x
⇒ log 3  
 x+3 = 1 … since logb ( ) = logb x − logb y
x +1
⇒ x +3 = 3

⇒ x +1 = 3( x + 3) = 3x + 9
Therefore –2x = 8 and x = – 4.
However, – 4 is NOT in the universe. Hence, there is no x satisfying the given
equation and the solution set is the empty set.
e log 8x + log (x – 20) is valid for 8x > 0 and x – 20 > 0; i.e. for x > 0 and x > 20.
So U = ( 20 , ∞).
Now log 8x + log (x – 20) = 3
⇒ log 8x( x – 20 ) = 3 … logb xy = logb x + logb y
⇒ 8x(x – 20) =103 = 1000
⇒ 8x2 – 160x = 1000
⇒ 8x2 – 160x – 1000 = 0
⇒ 8(x2 – 20x – 125) = 0
⇒ x2 – 20x – 125 = 0
⇒ (x – 25)(x + 5) = 0
So x = 25 or x = –5. But –5∉( 20, ∞)
So the only solution is x = 25.
Property of equality for logarithmic equations
If b, x, and y are positive numbers with b ≠ 1, then
log b x = logb y, if and only if x = y.
For instance, if log2 x = log2 7, then x = 7. If x = 7, then log2 x = log2 7.
Example 2 Solve each of the following for x.
a log 3x – log(2 - x) = 0
b log5 (4x – 7) = log5 (x + 5)
c log( x – 5 ) + log ( 10 – x ) = log ( x – 6 ) + log ( x–1)
Unit 2 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

a log 3x is valid when x > 0 and log(2 − x ) is valid when 2 − x > 0 i.e. x < 2.
So U = (0, 2).
Now log 3x – log(2 − x) = 0 gives
log 3x = log(2 - x)
Hence, 3x = 2 – x … property of equality
⇒ 3x + x = 2
So x = is the solution in (0, 2).
b log 5 (4 x − 7) is valid when x > and log 5 ( x + 5) is valid when x > –5.

So U =  , ∞  . Next log5 (4x – 7) = log5 (x + 5) gives

4 
4x – 7 = x + 5 ⇒ 3x = 12 . So x = 4 is the solution.
c The term log (x – 5) is valid when x > 5, the term log (10 – x) is valid when
x < 10, the term log (x – 6) is valid when x > 6, and the term log ( x – 1) is
valid when x > 1.
If we restrict the universe to the set of all real numbers x between 6 and 10
or 6 < x < 10, every term in the equation is valid.
Therefore (6 ,10) is the universe.
log(x – 5) + log(10 – x) = log(x – 6) + log(x – 1)
⇒ log((x – 5)(10 – x )) = log((x – 6)(x – 1))
⇒ (x – 5)(10 – x) = (x – 6)(x – 1)
⇒ –x2 + 15x – 50 = x2 – 7x + 6
⇒ 15x – 50 = 2x2 – 7x + 6 … adding x2 to both sides
⇒ –50 = 2x2 – 22x + 6
⇒ 0 = 2x2 – 22x + 56
⇒ 0 = x2 – 11x + 28 … dividing both sides by 2
⇒ (x – 7) (x – 4) = 0.
⇒ x = 7 or x = 4, but only 7 is in the universe.
Hence x = 7 is the solution.

Mathematics Grade 10

Exercise 2.11
1 State the universe and solve each of the following for x:
a log3 (2x – 1) = 5 b log x = −6
c log3 (x2 – 2x) = 1 d log2 (x2 + 3x +2) = 1
e log2 (1+ ) = 3 f log2 (x – 1) + log2 3 = 3
g log (x – 121) – log (x + 11) = 1 h log3 (x + 4) – log3 (x – 1)
i log (6x + 5) – log 3 = log 2 – log x j log x – log 3 = log 4 – log (x + 4 )
k log3 (x + 1) + log3(x + 3) = 1 l log22 + log2(x + 2) – log2(3x – 5) = 3
m logx (x + 6) = 2
2 Apply the property of Equality for Logarithmic Equations to solve the following
equations (Check that your solutions are valid):
a log3 x + log3 5 = 0 b log3 25 − 2log3 x = 0
c log 5 x + log 5 ( x + 1) = log 5 2 d log 2x – log16 = 0
6(x + 2) x+2
e log4(3 ) – log4( 9 )= 0 f log2(x2 – 9) –log2(3 + x) = 2


As mentioned at the start of this unit, exponential and logarithmic functions are used in
describing and solving a wide variety of real-life problems. In this section we will
discuss some of their applications.
Example 1 Population Growth
a Suppose that you are observing the behaviour of cell duplication in a
laboratory. In an experiment, you started with one cell and the cells doubled
every minute.
i Write an equation to determine the number of cells after one hour.
ii Determine how long it would take for the number of cells to reach
b Ethiopia has a population of around 80 million people, and it is estimated
that the population grows every year at an average growth rate of 2.3%. If
the population growth continues at the same rate;
i What will be the population after
• 10 years? • 20 years?
ii How many years will it take the population to double? (Refer back to
the opening problem)
Unit 2 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

Solution and Explanation:

a i First record your observations by making a table with two rows, one
for the time and the other for the number of cells. The number of cells
depends on the time.
For example, at t = 0, there is 1 cell, and the corresponding point is (0, 1).
At t = 1, there are 2 cells, and the corresponding point is (1, 2).
At t = 2, there are 4 cells, and the corresponding point is (2, 4).
At t = 3, there are 8 cells, and the corresponding point is (3, 8), etc.
This relationship is summarized in the following table:
Time (in min.) (t) 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
0 1 2 3 4 5
No. of cells (y) 1= 2 2=2 4=2 8=2 16 = 2 32 = 2 64 = 26
Therefore, the formula to estimate the number of cells after t minutes is given by
f (t) = 2t
Determine the number of cells after one hour:
Convert one hour to minutes. (1 hr = 60 min)
Substitute 60 for t in the equation, f (t) = 2t:
f (60) = 260 = 1.15 × 1018 = 1,150,000,000,000,000,000
So the number of cells after 1 hour will be 1,150,000,000,000,000,000 = 1.15 × 1018.
ii In this example, you know the number of cells at the beginning of the
experiment (1) and at the end of the experiment (100,000), but you do
not know the time. Substitute 100,000 for f (t) in the equation f (t) = 2t:
100, 000 = 2t
Take the natural logarithm of both sides:
ln(100, 000) = ln(2t) ⇒ ln(100, 000) = t ln(2)
Divide both sides by ln(2):
ln (100,000)
t= ⇒ t = 16.60964 minutes
ln ( 2)
It would take about 16.6 minutes, for the number of cells to reach 100,000.
b i Let p represent the current population which is 80 million = 8.0 ×107;
let r represent the annual growth rate which is 2.3%;
let t represent the time in years from now.
The total population after one year:
A1 = 80 million + 2.3% (80 million) = 8.0 ×107 + 2.3% (8.0 ×107)
= 8.0 ×107(1 + 2.3%)
Mathematics Grade 10

The total population after two years:

A2 = A1 + 2.3% (A1) = A1(1 + 2.3%) = 8.0 ×107 (1 + 2.3% )(1 + 2.3%)
= 8.0 ×107 (1 + 2.3%)2
The total population after three years:
A3 = A2 + 2.3% (A2) = A2 (1 + 2.3%) = 8.0 ×107 (1 + 2.3%)2(1 + 2.3%)
= 8.0 ×107(1 + 2.3%)3
From the above pattern we can generalize:
The total population after t years is given by the formula:
At = p (1 + r)
So the total population after 10 years will be
A10 = 8.0 ×107 (1 + 2.3%)10 = 100,426,036.81
The total population after twenty years will be
A20 = 8.0 ×107 [1 + 2.3% ]20 = 126,067,360.86
ii When will the total population double (be 160 million)? Find the time t.
The total population after t years is:
8.0 ×107 [1 + 2.3% ]t = 160,000,000
160, 000, 000
⇒ [1 + 2.3% ]t = = 2 ⇒ log(1 + 2.3%)t = log2
80, 000, 000
⇒ t log(1 + 0.023) = 0.3010 ⇒ t log(1.023) = 0.3010
0.3010 0.3010
Therefore, t = ≈ ≈ 30.40
log (1.023) 0.0099
Therefore, the current population is expected to double in about 30 years.
Example 2 Compound Interest
If Birr 5000 is invested at a rate of 6% compounded quarterly (4 times a year),
a what is the amount at the end of 4 years and 10 years?.
b how long does it take to double the investment?
 r
Solution: We use the formula A = p 1 + 
 n
Here, p = 5000, r = 6% = 0.06
n = 4 (compounded 4 times)

Unit 2 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

a To find the balance at the end of the 4th year.

nt 4×4
 r  0.06 
A = p 1+  = 50001+  = 5000 (1 + 0.015)16
 n  4 
= 5000 (1.015)16 ≅ 5000 (1.2690) = Birr 6345
The balance at the end of the10th year is
nt 4×10
 r  0.06 
A = p 1+  = 50001+  = 5000 (1 + 0.015)40 = 5000 (1. 015)40
 n  4 
≅ 5000 (1.8140) = Birr 9070
b If the investment is to be doubled, A = 2p = 2 × 5000 = 10,000
 r
A = p 1+ 
 n
 0.06 
⇒ 10,000 = 50001+  = 5000 (1 + 0.015)
 4 
⇒ 10,000 = 5000 (1.015)4t
2 = (1.015)4t … dividing both sides by 5000
log2 = log (1.015) = 4t log (1.015)
log2 0.3010 46.30769
4t = = = 46.30769 ⇒ t = ≈ 11.58 years
log(1.015) 0.0065 4
It takes about 12 years to double the investment.
Example 3 Chemistry (Refer back to Activity 2.8)
The concentration of hydrogen ions in a given solution is donated by [H+] and is
measured in moles per litre. For example, [H+] = 0.0000501 for beer and
[H+] = 0.0004 for wine. Chemists define the pH of the solution as the number
pH= − log[H+ ] . The solution is said to be an acid if pH < 7 and a base if pH > 7.
Pure water has a pH of 7, which means it is neutral.
a Is beer an acid or a base? What about wine?
b What is the hydrogen ion concentration [H+] of eggs if the pH of eggs is 7.8?
a (Test for beer)
pH = − log[H+ ]
pH = − log[0.0000501] = − log[5.01×10−5 ] = −[log 5.01 + (−5)] = −[0.6998 + (−5)] = 4.3
Since pH = 4.3 < 7 beer is an acid.
Mathematics Grade 10

(Test for wine)

pH = −log[H+] = −log[0.0004] = − log[4 ×10−4 ] = − log[4 + ( − 4 )]
= −[0.6021+(−4)] ≈ 3.4 ⇒ pH = 3.4 < 7.
So wine is an acid.
b pH = − log[H+ ] ⇒ − log[H+ ] = 7.8
⇒ log[H+ ] = −7.8 ⇒ [H+ ] = 10−7.8
⇒ [H+ ] = 1.58 ×10−8

Group Work 2.6

Newton’s Law of Cooling states that an object cools at a rate
proportional to the difference between the temperature of the
object and the room temperature. The temperature of the object
at a time t is given by a function
f(t) = cert + a,
where a = room temperature
c = initial difference in temperature between the object and the room
r = constant determined by data in the problem
Problem: Suppose you make yourself a cup of tea. Initially the water has a
temperature of 95oC; 5 minutes later the tea has cooled to 65oC.
When will the tea reach a drinkable temperature of 40oC?
Hint: Assume that the room temperature a = 22 oC. First solve for r and then
find t applying the natural logarithm.

Exercise 2.12
1 Suppose you are observing the behaviour of cell duplication in a laboratory. In one
experiment, you start with one cell and the cell population is tripling every minute.
a Write a formula to determine the number of cells after t minutes.
b Use your formula to calculate the number of cells after an hour.
c Determine how long it would take the number of cells to reach 100,000.
2 Suppose in an experiment you started with 100,000 cells and observed that the
cell population decreased by one half every minute.
a Write a formula for the number of cells after t minutes.
b Determine the number of cells after 10 minutes.
c Determine how long it would take the cell population to reach 10.

Unit 2 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

3 A Birr 1,000 deposits is made at a bank that pays 12% interest compounded
monthly. How much will be in the account at the end of 10 years?
4 If you start a Biology experiment with 5,000,000 cells and 25% of the cells are
dying every minute, how long will it be before there are fewer than 1,000 cells?
5 Learning curve: In psychological tests, it is found that students can memorize a
list of words after t hours, according to the learning curve y = 50 – 50e – 0.3t, where
y is the number of words a student can learn during the t th hour of study. Find how
many words a student would be expected to learn in the ninth hour of study.
6 The energy released by the largest earthquake recorded, measured in joules, is
about 100 billion times the energy released by a small earthquake that is barely
felt. In 1935 the California seismologist Charles Richter devised a logarithmic
scale that bears his name and is still widely used. The magnitude M on the Richter
scale is given as follows:
2 E
M = log Richter scale
3 E0
where E is the energy released by the earthquake measured in joules, and E0 is the
energy released by a very small reference earth quake which has been
standardized to be E 0 = 10 4.40 joules.
An earth quake in a certain town X released approximately 5.96 × 1016 joules of
energy. What was its magnitude on the Richter scale? Give your answer to two
decimal places.
7 Physics: The basic unit of sound measurement is called a bell, named after the
inventor of telephone, Alexander Graham Bell (1847-1922). The loudest sound a
healthy person can hear without damage to the eardrum has an intensity 1 trillion
(1012) times that of the softest of sound a person can hear. The relationship of
loudness of sound L and intensities I and I° is given by
L = 10 log ,

where L is measured in decibels, I 0 is the intensity of the least audible sound that
an average healthy person can hear, which is given by 10–12 watt per square meter,
and I is the intensity of the sound in question.
Question: Find the number of decibels:
a from an ordinary conversation with sound intensity I = 3.2 × 10–6 watt per
square meter.
b from a rock music concert with sound intensity I = 5.2 × 103 watt per square
Mathematics Grade 10

Key Terms
antilogarithm exponential expression logarithmic expression
base exponential function logarithmic function
characteristics logarithm mantissa
common logarithm logarithm of a number natural logarithm
exponent logarithmic equation power
exponential equation


1 If n is a positive integer, then an is the product of n factors of a.

i.e. an = a × a × a × … × a

n factors
n n
In a , a is called the base, n is called the exponent and a is the nth power of a.
2 Laws of Exponents
For a and b positive and r and s real numbers
r s r+s a r -s
a a × a =a b s
c (a r) s = a r s d (a × b) s = a s × b s
a a
e   = s
b b
3 Any non – zero number raised to zero is 1. (i.e. a0 = 1, for a ≠ 0)
4 For a ≠ 0 and n > 0, a − n = .
−n n
a b
5 For a ≠ 0 , b ≠ 0 and n > 0,   =  
b a
6 For any real number a ≥ 0 and any integer n > 1, a n = n a .
n n
a ∈ ℝ if a ∈ ℝ and n is odd ; a ∉ ℝ if a < 0 and n is even .

Unit 2 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

7 If a > 0 and m, n are integers with n > 1, a n = n a m = ( a)
8 If x is an irrational number and a > 0, then ax is a real number between a and
ax2 for all possible choices of rational numbers x1 and x2 such that x1 < x < x2.
9 For a fixed positive number b ≠ 1, and for each a > 0 , bc = a, if and only if
c = logb a. ( c = logb a is read as “c is the logarithm of a to the base b”)
10 Laws of logarithms
If b, x and y are positive numbers and b ≠ 1, then
a logb xy = logb x + logb y b logb   = logb x − logb y
 y
c For any real number k, log b x k = k log b x d log b b = 1
e logb 1 = 0
11 Logarithms to base 10 are called common logarithms.
12 The characteristic of a common logarithm usually comes before the decimal point.
The mantissa is a positive decimal less than 1.
13 If a, b, c are positive real numbers, a ≠ 1, b ≠ 1, then
logb c log c
a log a c = (“change of base law”) b b b =c
logb a

14 loge x = ln x is called the natural logarithm of x.

15 The function f (x) = bx, b > 0 and b ≠ 1 defines an exponential function.
16 The function f (x) = ex is called the natural exponential function.
17 All members of the family f (x) = bx
(b > 0, b ≠ 1) have graphs which y = (0.2)5x y = 5x
y = (0.5) x y y = 2x
 pass through the point ( 0 , 1) 4

 are above the x-axis for all values of x


 are asymptotic to the x-axis


 have domain the set of all real numbers.


 have range the set of all positive real x

numbers. -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5

Figure 2.24

Mathematics Grade 10

18 The function f (x) = logb x, b > 0 and b ≠ 1 is called a logarithmic function with
base b.
19 The function f (x) = loge x = lnx is called the natural logarithm of x.
20 All members of the family y = logb x, (b > 0, b ≠ 1) have graphs which
 pass through the point (1, 0 ) y

 are asymptotic to the y-axis

y = log b x
 have domain the set of all positive real numbers b>1
 have range the set of real numbers. x

y = log b x

Figure 2.25

Review Exercises on Unit 2

1 Write the simplified form of each of the following expressions:
a 25 b −25 c 2−5 d −2−5
2 −2 2
 2  2 2−2  2
e   f   g h − 
 3  3  3
2 Use the laws of exponents to simplify each of the following expressions:
 1
 64 2
a 25 × 22 b 6 2  c d a−3b−3
  3
  8 2

 x  d −4
e (4n )5 2
f   g h (x −3 )2
 2y  d −2

3x −1 4 − x 3x 5x−3 x y z
i e e j k l (2 3 )
31− x 5x−4
3 Change each logarithmic form to an equivalent exponential form:
a log 3 81 = 4 b log 25 5 =
c log 2 1 = −2 d log 1 =2
4 2 4

Unit 2 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

4 Find x if:
a log 2 x = 5 b log 4 16 = x c log 7 7 = x

d log x 16 = 2 e log 8 x = 1 f log 1 9 = x

3 3

1 3
g log 49 =x h log x 1000 =
7 2
5 Use the properties of logarithms to write each of the following expressions as a
single logarithm:
a log 10 2 + log 10 25 b log 5 18 − log 5 3
c 3log 3 5 − 2 log 3 7 d 5log a x + 3 log a y
 b 
e log a x3 + log a   f ln x3 − ln x
6 Use the table of common logarithms to find:
a log 4.21 b log 0.99 c log 8.2
d log 123 e log 0.34 f log 8.88
g log 0.00001 h log 500
7 Find:
a antilog 0.4183 b antilog 0.3507 c antilog 0.5428
d antilog 0.8831 e antilog 5.9736 f antilog 1.7559
g antilog (−10) h antilog (−0.3)
8 Study the following graph (Figure 2.26) and answer the questions that follow:

2 y = bx
-2 2
Figure 2.26

Mathematics Grade 10

a Give the domain and the range of the function.

b What is the asymptote of the graph?
c Is the function increasing or decreasing?
d What is the y-intercept?
e For which values of x is bx greater than 1?
f What can you say about the value of bx if x is negative?
g For which values of x is bx less than zero?
9 Study the following graph (Figure 2.27) and answer the questions given below.

y = bx
0<b<1 1
-2 2
Figure 2.27

a Give the domain and the range of the function.

b What is the asymptote of the graph?
c Is the function increasing or decreasing?
d What is the y-intercept?
e For which values of x is b >1?
f What is the value of b if x is positive?
g For which values of x is b < 0?
10 Sketch the following pairs of functions using the same coordinate system:
a f (x) = 2x - 3 and g (x) = 2x + 3
b f (x) = 3x and g (x) = 3x + 2
x x+1
 3  3
c f (x) =   and g (x) =  
 5 5
x  1
d f (x) = 5 and g (x) =  
 5
Unit 2 Exponential and Logarithmic Functions

11 Study the following graph (Figure 2.28) and answer the questions that follow:
y = logb x
2 b>1

2 4



Figure 2.28

a Give the domain and the range of the function.

b What is the asymptote of the graph?
c Is the function increasing or decreasing?
d What is the x-intercept?
e For which values of x is logb x > 0?

f When is logb x < 0?

12 Sketch the following pairs of functions using the same coordinate system:
a f (x) = log 3 x and g(x) = log3 (x−2)
b f (x) = ln x and g(x) = ln( x + 2)
c f (x) = log5 x and g(x) = log  1  x
 
d f (x) = 5 and g(x) = log5 x
13 State the universe for each of the following functions:
a f (x) = log3 x b g (x) = log 1  ( x + 3)
 
 3

c f (x) = log3 (3− x ) d g (x) = log 9 (7x−12)

e f (x) = log2 (3 – x) + log2 (3 + x) f (
f (x) = log2 x 2 − 2 x )
Mathematics Grade 10

14 Solve each of the following exponential equations:

a 3x = 27 b 23 − x = 16 c 5(4x – 5) =
d 43x − 8 = 23x + 9 e 365x = 6 f 7x +x
= 49
2 
2x  x − 1
6(x + 2) x+2  243   8  3 
g 2 =4 h 2  = 3 
 32   27 
15 Solve each of the following for x, checking validity of solutions:
a log3 x = 3 b log16 x =
c log x e5 = 5 d log3x 2 − log9x = 2
e log x − log 3 = log 4 − log(x +4 ) f ln(x + 3 ) − ln x = 2ln 2
g ln ( 2x + 1 ) −ln( x – 1 ) = ln x h log ( x2 −3 ) = 2log( x – 1 )
i log ( 4 + x )5 = 5 j log2 x + log2 x2 = 15
k log5 ( 3 + x ) − log5 x = 2
16 If 2000 Birr is invested at 4% interest, compounded every year for 5 years, what is
the amount realized at the end of 5 years?
17 Suppose that the number of bacteria in a certain laboratory colony grows at the
rate of 5% per day. If there are 1000 bacteria present initially, then what will be
the number of bacteria present after:
a 1 day? b 2 days? c 3 days? d 10 days? e n days?
18 The population of country A is 8.25 × 107 and that of country B is 1.11 × 108. If
the annual growth of population of countries A and B are 5.2% and 2.6%,
respectively, when will countries A and B have the same population?
19 A car purchased for 30,000 Birr depreciates at the rate of 5% per annum, the
depreciation being worked out on the value of the car at the beginning of each
year. Find its value after 10 years.
Hint: If Vo is the value of a certain object at a certain time, and r % is the rate
of depreciation per year, then the value Vt at the end of t years is given
 r 
by:Vt = Vo  1 −  , where Vo is the initial value.
 100 


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