DMP - 2018 - Nagpur-SECR

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आपदा बंधन योजना – 2018

Disaster Management Plan-2018

Issued by
Safety Organization,
S.E.C.Railway, Nagpur division

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

Description Page No.
Disaster and Train Accidents -

Salient feature of the Disaster Management Act, 2005 1

Definition of a disaster on railways 1
Disaster Management Plan 2
Types of Disasters 2-3
Important provisions of the DM Act 2005 concerning Railways 3-5

Preparedness for Disaster -

Resources available on train 6-7

Accident relief trains 7
Turning out of ART/ARMV 8
Location of ART/ARMV and breakdown cranes of Nagpur division 9
Mobile numbers of ART/ARMV 9
Breakdown equipment of adjoining division/railway 9
Availability of other resources 10
Sounding of hooters 11
Procedure of sounding hooter for Nagpur division 11
Accompanying staff of ART/ARME 12-13
Area Nodal Officers 13-14
Deployment & procedure for use of INMARSAT in the division 14 – 15
Specific DOT telephone number for railway accident information 15
Medical facilities 15
Positioning of ART/ARME/Medical Van at Central Railway, Nagpur 15
Adjacent Break Down train in SC Railway for G-BPQ section 16
Concept of Controlling Station 16
Steps to be taken in the Control 17-19
Steps to be taken at the Site 19

Reporting of Accident -

Reporting of accident 20
Reporting of accident by Chief Controller/Coaching Controller 20
Reporting of accident to Zonal Railway 20-21
Reporting of indicative accident 21
Reporting of accidents at UMLCs 21
Threshold value 21
Disaster Management Plan-
S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

Description Page No.

National Disaster Response Force (NDRF) -

Location, Constitution and Functions 22

NDRF Headquarters 22
NDRF Battalions 23-24
Requisitioning NDRF for relief & rescue operation 25
Accident information (Annexure –I) 26
Jurisdiction of NDRF/NDMA over Nagpur division of SECR. 26

Prevention And Mitigation Plan For Accident -

Objects of mitigation 27
Vision-2020 27
Safety Action Plan initiated to prevent and mitigate disaster 27-29

Phases Of Disaster Management -

Phase – I ( Golden Hour) 30-35

Phase – II ( Arrival of relief train) 35-41
Phase – III (Handling injure passengers) 41
Phase – IV (Restoration of traffic) 41

Functioning of Disaster Management Cell at Division -

Functioning of disaster management cell at Division 42-44

Liaison with Railway Board/Zonal Head quarter 44

Dealing With Natural Calamities – Cyclone & Earthquake etc. -

Weather warning message 45

Action to be taken on receipt of weather/cyclone warning message 45-47
Action to be taken when information is received about earthquake. 47-49

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

Description Page No.

Passenger Care -
General 50
Hospitalization of injured 50-51
Facilities to be made available in the hospital 51-52
Communication 52
Arrival of relatives/dependents 52-53
Taking care of relatives/dependents 53
Single window clearance 53
Withdrawal from station earning 54
Stay of relatives/dependents of dead and injured 54
Performance of last rites 54-55
Departure of relatives/dependent of dead/injured 55
Cremation/disposing off unidentified/unclaimed dead bodies 55
Guidelines for Commercial department at the site of accident to deal with 56
affected passengers
Terms & conditions for payment of Ex-gratia relief 57

Media Management -

Objectives 58
Duties of Public Relation Organization 58
Spokesperson 58
Information to be relayed to Press and Electronic media 59-62
Telephone number for Railway Accident Information 62

Crowd Management Plan -

Crowd Management Plan 63-64

Guidelines for Establishment of Emergency Operations Centre 64-65

Disaster Information Flows And Alerts Of Disaster -

Categorization of alerts 66
Action plan for communication of alert messages 66
Monitoring/reporting of effects of disaster 66
Action on Division on Orange/Red Alert 67

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

Description Page No.

Hospital Disaster Management Plan -

Aim of hospital disaster management plan 68

Hospital DM plan 68-71

Role of Security Department in Disaster Management - 72-73

Guidelines During Chemical Disasters -

Management of chemical disaster 74

Class – II (Gases, Compressed, liquefied or dissolved under pressure) 75-77
Class – III (Petroleum and other inflammable liquids) 77-80
Class – VIII (Acids and other corrosives) 80-83
Phone numbers for emergency services to deal the petroleum hazards 83

Fire and Other Accidents -

Causes of fire in trains 84

Action to be taken in case of fire in train 84-88
Fire fighting 88-91
Other accidents 91 -93

Important Number to Deal the Disaster/Accident -

Contact numbers of Divisional officers of Nagpur division/SECR 94

Contact numbers of Divisional officials of Raipur division/SECR 95
Contact numbers of Divisional officials of Bilaspur division/SECR 95
Contact numbers of Divisional officials of Nagpur division/CR 96
Contact numbers of SECR Headquarter officers 97-98
Contact numbers of railway stations of Nagpur division/SECR 99-101
Important telephone numbers of Secretariat, Govt. of MS & MP States 102
List of Civil Authorities 103-108
Agencies having Road Cranes/Bulldozers 109
Area-wise list of Lighting service providers 110
Details of NGOs Involved in Disaster Management 110
Contact numbers of Civil Defence Volunteer of Nagpur division 111
Contact numbers of Disaster responders team of Bharat Scout and Guide 112
of Nagpur division.
Disaster Management Plan-
S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

Contact numbers of Hospitals in Nagpur division 113-121

Description Page No.


Standard Operation Procedure being followed in SECR in connection with 122-125

Medical/Security Assistance.
Schedule of Power in Disaster Management 126 -131
System Map – Nagpur division. 132
Road Grid Map 133

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division




Salient Feature of the Disaster Management Act 2005.

It is the central legislation on Disaster Management around which all the Disaster
Management related activities revolve since its enactment. It legislates a holistic
approach to Disaster Management; from mere responding to disasters to greater
attention to prevention and mitigation, capacity building and preparedness. The
Disaster Management Plan of the Railways has been prepared by taking relevant
provision of this Act into consideration.

Focus of Disaster Management practice has been shifted from relief and rescue
centric to prevention, mitigation, preparedness and capacity building. It has shifted from
departmental to multi-cultural endeavors and has become synergy of national capacity
and people’s participation.

Definition of a Disaster on Railways:

Based on the definition of the Disaster management Act 2005, Ministry of

Railways has adopted the following definition of Railway Disaster:

“Railway Disaster is a serious train accident or an untoward event of grave

nature, either on the railway premises or arising out of railway activity in that
area, due to natural or man-made causes, that may lead to loss of many lives
and/or grievous injuries to a large number of people, and/or severe disruption of
traffic, necessitating large scale help from other Government/Non-government
and Private Organizations.”

Many serious train accidents are also disasters and hence, every Railway staff
should be in a position to identify the characteristics of different disaster situations.

Hence, Board has approved to nominate GMs, AGMs or CSOs(When

GM/AGM is not available) for declaring an untoward incident as a Railway
Disaster in their Zonal levels.

‘Disaster Management’ means a continuous and integrated process of

planning, organizing, coordinating and implementing measures which are necessary or
expedient for -

1) Prevention of danger or threat of disaster.

2) Mitigation or reduction of risk of any disaster or its severity or consequences.
3) Capacity building.
4) Preparedness to deal with any disaster.
Disaster Management Plan-
S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

5) Prompt response to any threatening disaster situation or disaster.

6) Assessing the severity or magnitude of effects of any disaster.
7) Evacuation, rescue and relief.
8) Rehabilitation and reconstruction.

First four points have to be dealt with service department before any accident is
taking place and last four points have to be dealt with jointly by all departments in
control organization and all officers in the Division. Help from Government, non-
Government and private organization may be taken.

Disaster Management Plan:

Disaster Management Plan is a comprehensive document and includes all line of

actions to be initiated well in advance of disasters and during disasters and after
disaster. This plan has to be actualized during course of time to achieve the goal of
prevention, mitigation, preparedness, relief and rescue operation in efficient and
effective manner to help the affected people of the area.

The plan of the division should contain detail for all types of disaster, and action
to be taken for prevention, mitigation and preparedness measures by the railway and
also the rescue, relief and restoration systems in place to meet with them. Organized
and systematic plan will result in accurate and speedy response.

Types of Disasters

Railway Board have identified three types of Disasters, these are as follow:

(a) Natural Disaster -

Earthquakes, floods, Cyclones, Land slides, Tsunami etc.

(b) Train Accident related Disaster -

Collisions (with a huge number of casualties), Train marooned (flash floods),
Derailments at a bridge over a river, and coaches falling down; train washed
away in cyclone, derailment of a train carrying explosives or highly inflammable
material, tunnel collapse on a train, fire or explosions in trains, and other
miscellaneous cases etc.

(c) Manmade Disasters -

Acts of terrorism and sabotage i.e. causing deliberate loss of life and /or damage
to property, which includes; setting fire to a train, railway installations etc, bomb
blast at railway station/train, chemical (terrorism) disaster, biological and nuclear

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

(d) Chemical Disaster -

Indian Railway’s Rules for carrying dangerous (hazardous goods) by rail have
been legislated in the Railway Red Tariff Rule 2000 as per which dangerous
goods have been classified into 8 classes:

Important Provisions in the DM Act, 2005 Concerning Railways:

Section 35:

The Central Government shall take all such measures as it deems necessary or
expedient for the purpose of disaster management and it shall include: -

(a) Coordination of actions of the Ministries or departments of the government of

India, State Governments, National Authority, State Authorities, Governmental
and Non-Governmental Organizations in relation to disaster management.
(b) Ensure the integration of measures for prevention of disasters and mitigation by
Ministries or departments of the Government of India into their development
plans and projects.
(c) Ensure appropriate allocation of funds for prevention of disaster, mitigation,
capacity building and preparedness by the Ministries or Departments of the
Government of India.
(d) Ensure that the ministries or departments of the Government of India take
necessary measures for preparedness to promptly and effectively respond to any
threatening disaster situation or disaster.
(e) Cooperation and assistance to the State Governments, as requested by them.
(f) Deployment of naval, military, air forces and other armed forces of the Union or
any other civilian personnel as may be required for the purpose of this Act.

Section 36:

It shall be responsibility of every Ministry or Department of the Government of India to –

(a) Take measures necessary for prevention of disasters, mitigation, preparedness

and capacity building in accordance with the guidelines laid down by the National
(b) Integrate into its development plans and projects, measures for prevention or
mitigation of disasters in accordance with the guidelines laid down by the
National Authority.
(c) Respond effectively and promptly to any threatening disaster situation or disaster
in accordance with the guidelines of the National Authority or the directions of the
National Executive Committee in this behalf.
(d) Review the enactments administered by it, its policies, rules and regulations and
incorporate provisions for prevention of disasters, mitigation or preparedness.
(e) Allocate funds for measures for prevention of disaster, mitigation, capacity
building and preparedness.
(f) Provide assistance to the National Authority and State Government for: -
Disaster Management Plan-
S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

(i) Drawing up mitigation, preparedness and response plans, capacity

building, data collection, identification and training of personnel in relation
to disaster management.
(ii) Carrying out rescue and relief operation in the affected area.
(iii) Assessing the damage from any disaster.
(iv) Carrying out rehabilitation and reconstruction.

(g) Make available its resources to the National Executive Committee or State
Executive Committee for the purposes of responding promptly and effectively to
any threatening disaster situation or disaster, including measures for: -

(i) Providing emergency communication in a vulnerable or affected area.

(ii) Transporting personnel and relief goods to and from the affected area.
(iii) Providing evacuation, rescue, temporary shelter or other immediate relief.
(iv) Setting up temporary bridges, jetties and landing places.
(v) Providing drinking water, essential provisions, healthcare and services in
an affected area.
(vi) Take such other actions as it may consider necessary for disaster
Section 37:

1. Every Ministry or Department of the Government of India shall –

(a) Prepare a Disaster Management Plan specifying the following particulars,


(i) The measures to be taken by it for prevention and mitigation of disasters

in accordance with the National Plan;
(ii) The specification regarding integration of mitigation measures in the
development plans in accordance with the guidelines of the National
Authority and the National Executive Committee.
(iiii) Its roles and responsibilities in relation to preparedness and capacity
building to deal with any threatening disaster situation or disaster;
(iv) Its roles and responsibilities in regard to promptly and effectively
responding to any threatening disaster situation or disaster;
(v) The present status of its preparedness to perform the roles and
responsibilities specified in sub-clauses (iii) and (iv);
(vi) The measures required to be taken in order to enable it to perform its
responsibilities specified in sub-clauses (iii) to (iv).

(b) Review and update annually the plan referred to in clauses (a);
(c) Forward a copy of the plan referred to in clauses (a) or clauses (b), as the case
may be, to the Central Government which Government shall forward a copy
thereof to the National Authority for its approval

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

2. Every Ministry or Department of the Government of India shall –

(a) Make, while preparing Disaster Management Plan under clauses (a) of sub-
section (1), provisions for financing the activities specified therein;
(b) Furnish a status report regarding the implementation of the plan referred to in
clauses (a) of sub-section (1) to the National Authority, as and when required by


Union MHA National Disaster

Government Management

NEC Secretaries of
NIDM NDRF all relevant

State DMD State Disaster

Government Management

District SEC Secretaries of

District Disaster all relevant
Government Management Ministries

Panchayats Municipalities

(MHA – Ministry of Home Affiairs, NIDM – National Institute of Disaster Management,

NDRF – National Disaster Response Force, DMD – Disaster Management Department,
NEC – National Executive Committee, SEC – State Executive Committee)

# No Railway official is nominated either in National Executive Committee (NEC) or

State Executive Committee (SEC) though they can co-opted as per need.

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division




Disaster preparedness includes all of the activities those are carried out prior to
the advance notice of a catastrophe in order to facilitate the use of available resources,
relief and rehabilitation in the best possible fashion. It starts at local level, its resources
are insufficient and it would branch out at National level and if needed the International
level. Government, non-Government and private cooperation is organized to save lives
and properties of affected people.

The following resources are available for preparedness to promptly and

effectively respond to any threatening Disaster in Nagpur division of

1. (a) On trains carrying passengers, following resources are available:

• First Aid Box available with the Guard.

• First Aid Box available with Train Superintendent and in the Pantry Car.
• Portable telephones, Fire Extinguishers in Brake van & AC coaches.
• Portable Telephone with Guard and Driver.
• Walkie-talkie with Guard and Driver.
• Cell Phones/Mobile communication with passengers.
• Information collected by Train Superintendent/Traveling Ticket Examiner
about Medical Practiceners traveling on the train.
• Information collected by TS/TTE about Railway Officers traveling on the
• Railway staff traveling on the train either on duty or on leave as
• Passengers traveling on the train who volunteer their help for rescue and
relief work.

(b) Non-Railway resources available nearby:

• Volunteers from nearby villages and town.

• Transport facilities available at site or passing through nearby LC gates.
• Tractors with trolleys from nearby villages both for transport purposes and
for lighting up the accident site.
Disaster Management Plan-
S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

• Station staff and local administration should requisition help from non-
railway sources before railway own rescue team arrives.
• Such local networks are most effective in rushing assistance immediately,
especially with regard to:
 Medical succor,
 Additional manpower,
 Rescue equipment,
 Lighting arrangements,
 Transport services,
 Fire fighting tools etc.

(c) Railway resources available nearby:

• Engineering gangs.
• OHE staff and Signal staff available.
• Other resources such as medical facilities, communication facilities

(d) At adjoining stations:

• Staff available at adjoining or nearby stations.

• Railway resources and Non-railway resources as given in respective DM
• Resources should be mobilized to send medical team at short notice as
given in DM Plan.

2. Accident Relief Trains (ARTs) -

a. ART is stabled on separate sidings having double exit for faster movement in
both directions
b. Rescue / Restoration equipments are kept as per Railway Board’s instructions.
c. Breakdown equipments are available in respective Tool van under custody of the
following officials:
• Mechanical Tool van – SSE/JE (Mech.)
• Electrical (G) tool van – SSE/JE(TL)
• Engineering tool vans – SSE/JE(P. Way)
• Overhead equipments tool vans – SSE/JE(OHE/TRD)
• Signal & Telecom equipment too van – SSE/JE(S&T)
d. Crane Supervisor will ensure availability of adequate fuel in the crane.
Disaster Management Plan-
S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

e. On getting emergency call, the Crane Supervisor must check and ensure correct
marshalling of crane according to site requirement.
The crane has kept at utmost Nagpur end with its boom at BSP end in crane
composition and with this arrangement 140 T crane worked directly for accident
towards NGP & CAF directions without marshalling. Marshalling of the crane
required according to site condition towards DUG end and BTC end to be ensure
nearby station of accident site.

3. Turning out of ARTs/ ARMVs -

Immediately after the accident alarm siren/hooter is sounded, all staff earmarked
for accident relief train shall report at the nominated place and others at the station. All
officials concerned shall report at the Medical Van if ordered, and proceed with the
medical van or to undertake any other duty that may be assigned to them. The
Controllers/SSE(C&W)/Lobby In-charge/CDPC/TPC/TLC on duty shall immediately take
action to:
a. Arrange for locomotive - Any locomotive available should be utilized, preferably
Diesel Loco, in OHE Territory.
b. Call the loco crew and accident train relief staff.
c. Turn out the accident relief train quickly to the site of the accident.

i. Target time for turning out ARME/SPART:

• In case of double exit siding – 15 minutes
• In case of single exit siding – 25 Minutes.

ii. Target time for turning out the ART trains:-

• During Day – 30 Minutes
• During Night – 45 Minutes
Target time for ART/ARME is reckoned from time of last hooter blasted to the
time of dispatch.
iii. An accident relief train when proceeding to the site of accident will have
precedence over all other trains. A breakdown train/ Tower wagon must not be
detained for Guard and must leave with CSM/SM/CLM of station. A guard must
be quickly arranged later.

iv. ARMV & ART would be given priorities in the return journey also as they may be
required at other locations too.

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

4. Locations of ART/ARMVs and Breakdown Cranes of Nagpur Division,

Item Location
ART A- Class (including 140 T crane) G (BG)
ARMV – Scale -I ITR (BG)
HS -SPART (3 coach) G(BG)
ARMV – Scale -II MIB (NG)
B.D.Truck MIB
Tool Vans DGG(BG)
Rly.Phone Number of CDPC /Nagpur. - 52670, TLC - 52643/52644 Dy. CHC -

5. Mobile numbers of ART/ARME -

S/N Location BSNL Airtel Idea Tata Voda

Docomo fone
1 ART-ITR 9421767408 9890645096 9011670864 8237466290 -
ARME/ITR 9422443036 - 9763198666 - -
2 ART/G 9421278948 9561036652 9657883573 - 9673413023
SPART/G 9405124686 - 8888987568 - -
3 ART/MIB 9407386113 9630809534 9754831334 - -
ARME/MIB 9407867584 - 8889242022 - -

6. Breakdown Equipment of adjoining Division / Railways -

Railway Division Station

ART SECR R Bhilai (A’ class ART including 140 T Crane)
WCR JBP Jabalpur (B’ class ART)
CR NGP Ajni (A’ class ART including 140 T Crane)
SCR SC Kazipet (A’ class ART including 140T
WCR JBP Jabalpur
CR NGP Nagpur
SCR SC Kazipet
140 T SECR R Bhilai
Crane WCR JBP New Katni Jn.
SCR SC Kazipet.

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

7. Availability of other resources -

• Tool van is available at Dongargrah (DGG) for BG. This tool van is provided with
jack with traversers and are useful for small derailments and to be worked out in
case of exigency with normal system of sounding hooters.
• Camera will be provided with the break down in-charge (including that of the
break down truck) for taking still photographs of the accident-related evidences.
The break down in-charge shall be responsible for the photographs.
• There will be a common NG & BG hooter at MIB. All the hooters provided at
ITR, G, DGG, & MIB in the division shall be sounded at 07.00 Hrs. every day.
The performance of the hooter will be repeated to the control for necessary
action. All hooters shall be powered by DG set. Sr.DEE (G) is responsible to
ensure stand-by power supply and devise fool-proof testing system so that it
works in case of emergency without fail.
• Road maps shall be kept in the control and in the break down truck for taking
prompt decision on deputing break down truck to the site. This will also help in
reaching to various level crossing gates quickly. These maps should also be
available with all area nodal officers. Engineering department should provide
road maps indicating LC gates to all locations including break down truck.
• Up-to-date telephone directory containing important telephone numbers (BSNL &
Railways), including important civil units such as Police station, fire station
medical services, should be available in control and also with area nodal officer.
• In Nagpur division, Motibagh and Nagbhir are C&W maintenance stations of
Narrow Gauge. For these NG stations, NG ART is kept at Motibagh &
Mechanical Screw Jacks are kept at Nagbhir to re-rail the coaches and wagons.
Officials responsible for proper upkeep of the breakdown equipments, location
wise, are as under -

Station Brake Down In-charge Telephone No. Telephone No. BSNL

Equipment Rly
Off. Res. Office Res.
BG Section:-
ITR ART SSE(C&W)/ 53178 - Mobile -
NGP 9730078424
G ART SSE (C&W)/ G 55170 55171 9730078439 -
DGG Tool Van SSE (C&W)/ 56278 56397 Mobile -
DGG 9752878412
NG section:
MIB ART SSE - - Mobile -
(C&W)/MIB 9730078469
BTC Jacks (15 T 2Nos) Tech-I(C&W)/ Through SM/BTC 07632-244131DOT,
BTC 55079 Rly.
NAB Jacks (15 T 2Nos) Crew Mobile - 9096754328
Disaster Management Plan-
S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

8. Sounding Of Hooters(Accident Manual 7.02)- Sounding of hooters for turning

out of Relief Train/ARME Van will be as follows:

Composition Total No. Duration of Gap bet. two

of blasts each blast consecutive blasts
Accident Relief Train with ARME 5 60 sec 10 sec.
Accident Relief Train 3 60 sec 10 sec.
For tool van of DGG 3 60 sec 10 sec.

a. The SSE(Elect.-G) or any other official in-charge of the hooter is responsible for
its proper maintenance and to keep a trained staff ready, round the clock, for
sounding the hooter at once on receipt of orders from the train ordering officials.
b. Target time for the turn out of ARME & ART -
(i) The Accident Relief Medical Van (ARME) must be dispatched to the site
of accident within 15 minutes from the base station after sounding the
hooter where there is double exit siding and within 25 minutes in case of
single exit siding with the first available engine.
(ii) The Accident Relief Train (ART) must be turned out / dispatched from the
base station to the site of accident within 30 minutes by day / 45 minutes
by night after sounding the hooter.
(iii) Tool van of DGG must be turned out / dispatched from the base station to
the site of accident within 30 minutes by day / 45 minutes by night after
sounding the hooter.

9. Procedure of Sounding Hooter for Nagpur Division -

Station In- charge official for Maintained by Input information for

blasting hooter sounding the hooter
Itwari On- duty Dy.SS/ITR Electrical Dept. Section Controller (BG &
Gondia On-duty Loco Electrical Dept. Section Controller (BG)
booking/ Gondia
Dongargarh On- duty TFR/DGG Electrical Dept. Section Controller (BG)
Motigagh On-duty Dy.SS/MIB Electrical Dept Section Controller(NG)

The hooters are to be tested every day at 7.00AM by the in-charge official. For
testing one blast of 60 seconds duration is to be made everyday at 07.00AM.

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

10. Accompanying staff of ART/ARME:

10.1 Mechanical Department:

S/N Location ART ARME/SPART 140 T Crane Tool Van

Sup. Staff Sup. Staff Sup. Staff Sup. Staff
1 Itwari 2 26 2 17 - - - -
2 Gondia 2 26 2 17 2 14 - -
3 Motibagh 2 26 Combined staff - - - -
for ART &
4 Dongargarh - - - - - 1 14

10.2 Electrical (General) Department:

S/N Location ART/ARME Total

Sup. Staff
1 Itwari 1 8 9
2 Gondia 2 12 14
3 Motibagh 2 7 9

10.3 Electrical (TRD) Department:

S/N Location ART Total

Sup. Staff
1 Itwari 2 6 8
2 Gondia 2 8 10

10.4 S&T Department:

S/N Location ART/ARME Total

Sup. Staff
1 Itwari 1 3 4
2 Gondia 1 2 3
3 Motibagh 1 3 4

10.5 Engineering Department:

S/N Location ART Total

PWI Sup. Staff
1 Itwari 1 1 8 10
2 Gondia 1 1 18 20
3 Motibagh 1 1 13 15

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

10.6 Medical Department:

S/N Location ARME Total

Doctor CMP Heath Pharmacist Nurse staff
1 Itwari 1 - 1 1 1 7 11
2 Gondia 1 1 1 1 1 3 8
3 Motibagh - 1 - - - 8 9

10.7 Security Department: On getting first information about any calamity involving
railway train or at railway premises, the person receiving such information should
muster the maximum available manpower (RPF personnel) within the shortest
possible time and dispatch them to the scene of accident by the quickest means.

10.8 Commercial department: On getting first information about any calamity

involving railway train, sectional Commercial Inspector/ACM will immediately rush
to the site of accident.

10.9 Personnel department: On getting first information about any calamity involving
passenger train, sectional Welfare Inspector/APO will immediately rush to the site
of accident.
10.10 Accounts department: On getting first information about any calamity involving
passenger train, Section Officer/ADFM will immediately rush to the site of
accident for arranging payment at site.
Note: The above mentioned staff are the minimum numbers to be dispatched by
the respective departments to attend in case of a railway accident. In case
of major disaster, more staff can be dispatched to the accident spot based
on site assessment.

11. Area Nodal Officers -

S.No Section Nodal Officer Stand-by Nodal Officer
KT-KWN (Excl.)
3 KWN (Incl.)-BTL (Excl.) ADEN/G ADSTE/G
G-DEW (Incl.)

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division


NAB-URR (Incl.)

Note: In case of non-availability of either, next senior most officials shall take the
responsibility of Area Nodal Officers.

The Area Nodal Officer shall work as site in-charge and keep close liaison with the
Control Office till Sr. Officers reach the site. Before leaving headquarter station, Area
Nodal Officer shall contact the Sr. Subordinates required for restoration work and other
assistance as required at the site of accident. Preferably, the Sr. Subordinates and
other Officers moving from one station should share the transport arrangements which
have to be well coordinated by the Area Nodal Officer.

12. Deployment of ISAT PHONE-2 in the Division –

• One ISAT PHONE-2 each is kept at Gondia (ART/G), Itwari (ART/ITR) & Motibagh
(ART/MIB) with the following numbers.
• Nagpur : ART/ITR: No 8991112842- Custodian – SSE(Tele)/ITR.
• Gondia : ART/G No. 8991112841- Custodian – SSE(Tele)/G.
• Motibagh : ART/MIB: No 8991112843 - Custodian – SSE(Tele)/ITR.
• Testing:- Daily (for a short time) testing shall be done by the official under whose
custody the ISAT phones are kept at Itwari, Gondia & Motibagh respectively in order
to ensure that the INMARSAT phones are kept in good fettle
a) ISAT Phone-2 Numbers of Nagpur Division –
S/No. Base Telephone No.
1 ART/ Itwari 8991112842
2 ART/ Gondia 8991112841
3 ART/ Motibagh 8991112843

b) ISAT Phone-2 Numbers of Adjoining Divisions of SECR -

S/No. Base Telephone No.

1 SECR HQ/BSP 8991112835
2 ART/ Bilaspur 8991112836
3 ART/ Korba 8991112837
4 ART/ Shahdol 8991112838
5 ART/Bhilai 8991112839
Disaster Management Plan-
S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

c) ISAT Phone-2 Numbers of Adjoining Divisions of CR -

S/No. Base Telephone No.

1 ART/Ajni 8991112678
2 ART/ Amla 8991112677

13. Specific DOT telephone number for Railway Accident information –

Three phones of BSNL No. 1072(STD code – 0712) provided in Central

Commercial Control Room/Bilaspur and BNSL No.2546581, 2546562, 2540243 &
2546566 (STD code – 0712) at Commercial Control Room/Nagpur. All these phones of
call center will be activated at the time of emergency situation. For this purpose
Commercial control staffs have been identified for manning of call center. The
Commercial Controller on duty arrange for manning the Call Center immediately after
the occurrence of accident.

List of Staff Manning the Commercial Control Room in shift duties:

Sr.No Name Designation Contact No.

1 Sri D.K.Lanjewar CC/NGP 9420247537
2 Sri C.M.Srivas CC/NGP 9923130285
3 Smt. Sunita Francis Sr. CC/NGP 8087189738
4 Ku. Judith Sr.CC/NGP 9579564450
5 Sri Sushil Sukhdeve CC/NGP 9096014488
6 Sri Vikas Sarjare CI/NGP 8669029847

14. Medical Facilities -

Hospital Location
Railway Hospital/CR Nagpur
Poly Clinic/SECR Motibagh
Dispensaries and Health Ajni, Chhindwara, Dongargarh, Gondia, Itwari,
Units/SECR Nagbhir, Tumsar Road

15. Positioning of ART/ARME/Medical Van at Central Railway, Nagpur -

1 Nagpur Station Scale-I, ARME having Medical Van & Auxiliary
Mechanical Van
2 Ajni Loco Shed Nagpur `A’ class ART with 140 T Break Down crane
siding with Double Exit.
3 Amla Station Self Propelled ARMV.
B’ class ART.
4 Wardha Station B’ class ART.
Scale–I, ARME having Medical Van & Auxiliary
Mechanical Van
Disaster Management Plan-
S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

16. Adjacent Break Down trains in SC Railway for G-BPQ section –

1 Belampalli(BPA) ‘B’ Class ART
2 Kazipeth (KZJ) 3 Coach HS-SPART
‘A’ Class ART with 140 T Crane.

17. Adjacent Break Down trains in WC Railway for JBP-NIR section –

1 Jabalpur (JBP) B’ class ART
Scale –I ARME
2 New Katani Jn. (NKJ) A’ class ART with 140 T crane
3 coach HS- SPART

18. Concept of Controlling Station -

The Station Master of nominated Controlling Station should immediately, on receiving
information of an accident, reach the site with sufficient staff drawn from all departments
of the station, and take all the necessary steps for Rescue & Relief. It should be made
clear to everybody that staff of all departments must follow the directions of the Station
Master of the controlling station and render all help and assistance necessary for
tackling the disaster.

18.1 Controlling Station of NGP Division –

Between Stations Controlling Railway STD Code DOT CUG
Stations Phone
NGP-ITR-KAV-KP ITR 53160 0712 2764324 9561001648
KP-KT (Excl.KNHN, KT) KP 52181 07109 288227 9561001650
KT-K(Excl. K) BRD 52198 07184 285537 9561001176
K-TMR TMR 52194 07183 223413 9561214397
KNHN-RTK KNHN 52190 07102 236217 9561001651
TMR-GDM(Excl.) G 55162 07182 235567 9561006830
GDM-BTL(Excl.) AGN 55004 07189 225254 9561006659
BTL-RJN(Excl.) DGG 56264 07823 232854 9752093808
RJN-DUG(Excl.) RJN 56502 07744 224170 9752093813
BTC - G BTC 55079 07632 244131 9752093817
G 55162 07182 235567 9561006830
G 55162 07182 235567 9561006830
CAF 55405 07172 225018 9561001160
ITR 53160 0712 2764324 9561001648
NAB 55462 07179 240036 9561214408
NIR 52172 - - 9572093826
GGGS 52131 - - 9752093836
NIR 52172 - - 9572093826
BTC 55079 07632 244131 9752093817
CWA-BDKD CWA 55762 07162 230244 9752878910

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

19. Steps to be taken in the control –

• On receipt of information regarding an accident, the Section Controller shall stop
train movement into the affected section. OHE supply shall also be stopped. After
ascertaining that the adjacent line is not fouled, train will be allowed into the section.
• The Chief Controller or the shift in-charge Chief Controller shall immediately take
control of the situation. After obtaining the basic information regarding the accident,
he shall order ART within 5 minutes. Ordering of ART/ARME/140T Crane/Tool van
shall normally be done as per the following instructions-
Station To be ordered for the following sections
Gondia (ART & SPART) G-DGG, G –TMR(Ex.), G-CAF, G-BTC-KGE,
Gondia (140 T Crane) G-NGP, G-DGG (Incl.), G-CAF, G-BTC-KGE,
Motibagh (NG ART) To cover NG section of MIB-NAB (NG).
Break Down Truck To attend minor derailments approachable by
road in:
- NG section of MIB-NAB.
- Sidings & branch lines of NGP-BRD.
- Any other stations as per requirement.
Tool Van at Dongargarh DUG - SKS
ART & ARMVs of other Railway -
ART & ARME/JBP & 140 T JBP-NIR section till completion of GC work from
BD Crane of NKJ/WCR NIR-BTC & for NIR-MFR section.

• Similarly, the shift in-charge Chief Controller shall order ARME in case of accident
involving coaching trains and/or road vehicles, on receipt of first information. Road
maps shall be available in the Control and to the in-charge of break down truck for
necessary guidance.
• In case of capsizing of any rolling stock or in case of major derailment involving
extensive damage, the ARTs at ITR, G & BMY (SECR) and BSL & Ajni(CR) shall be
ordered, if necessary, along with the cranes of 140 T at G, BMY, BSP (SECR) and
BSL & Ajni (CR).
• The Chief Controller, on ascertaining the site conditions of the derailed coach/
wagon, shall instruct the concerned official to carry the screw jack and the necessary
staff to the site by first available means. Giving Relief to affected passengers and
restoration of site is the first priority. This objective should not be lost on account of
any technicalities and formalities.
• All the subordinate in-charges and workers with tools/ equipments required shall
report to the site, where ART is stationed well within time.

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

• The Chief Controller in-charge shall also sound the alarm bell connected with each
control indicating the occurrence of accident. Cancellation of the ART/ARME shall
only be done with the explicit permission of DRM/ADRM/Sr.DOM/Sr.DSO.
• After ordering of ART/ARME, the shift in-charge Chief Controller shall personally
inform Sr.DSO, CMS, DRM, ADRM, Sr.DOM, the other departmental Controls and
Area nodal officer. All other Section Controllers shall report to the CHC who shall
furnish the details of the accident to them, who in turn shall inform the respective
BO's and other concerned officials for necessary action. Also, if the accident
involves suspected causalities or sabotage, the civil authorities as well as nearby
Hospitals shall be informed. A list of important telephone numbers shall be kept with
the Chief Controller. In case of requirement of ARME, CMS, Sr.DMO/IC and
Ambulance Room shall be informed by CHC immediately.
• All concerned Officers shall gather in the control. Sr.DSO, in consultation with
DRM/ADRM, shall decide as to which officer(s) shall proceed to the site. The
nominated officer(s) shall proceed to site at the earliest.
• Sr.DOM shall man the control and in consultation with the Head quarter shall decide
about control/cancellation/diversion of coaching trains. He shall also ensure speedy
movement of ART/ARME and other relief requirements.
• Based on the information received from the site, transportation of the stranded
passengers to nearby stations having catering arrangements etc. shall be arranged
by Sr.DOM.
• In case of serious accident, emergency information booths shall be opened at the
following locations –
Station Telephone no. In-charge
Itwari 0712-2764324 Station Master
Bhandara Road 07184-285537 Station Master
Gondia 07182-235567 Station Master
Rajnandgaon 07744-224170 Station Master
Chanda-Fort 07172-225018 Station Master
Chhindwara 07162-230244 Station Master
Also, Central Railway Commercial Control as well as Nagpur station shall be
informed of the accident and periodic progress. A log of events and important
details shall be available with the in-charge manning the emergency BSNL phone.
Any information passed to Head quarter as well as to outside like press etc, shall
have the clearance of DRM/ADRM.
• In case of serious accidents involving Passenger Trains, DRM along with following
Divisional Head Quarter Officers will attend the accident site: Sr.DSO/DSO, Sr.
DME, Sr.DEE (OP) (in case of derailment/collision involving Electric Loco), Sectional
Sr. DEN, Sr.DEE (G), Sr. DEE (TRD) (For electrified territory), DSC, Sr.DCM, Sr.
DSTE, CMS (in case of reported causalities/injuries). Civil defense personnel
capable of undertaking rescue operations, fire fighting and first aid shall be
accompanied in the ARME.
• In case of accidents involving blockage of any one of the main line, ADRM along
with the following officers will attend the accident site: Sr.DSO/DSO, Sectional Sr.
Disaster Management Plan-
S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

DEN, Sr.DME, Sr.DEE (TRD) (on electrified territory), Sr.DSTE (in case accident
occurred in yard). Any other officer shall be ordered by DRM.
• In case of accident on branch lines Sr.DEN/DEN In-charge, Sr.DME, Sr. DSO and
other concerned official will attend the accident site.
• In case of Yard accidents, AOM, ADME, ADEN In-charge and ADSTE of the
Section, Safety Counselors will attend the accident site, if commercial angle is
involved in the accident, ACM will also attend.
• Till such time the team of officers from the Divisional headquarters reaches the site
of accident, area Nodal Officers shall be In-charge of the site who shall reach the
site of accident by first available means.
• Officers to be present in Control Office: In case of any accident / occurrence
disrupting the traffic on main line, DRM/ADRM shall come to the Control Office along
with the following Officers: Sr. DOM, Sr. DEN (Co.), Sr. DME/DME, Sr. DEE
(TRD)/AEE (TRD) (For Electrified Territory), Sr. DSTE/DSTE, DSC/ASC, Sr.DEE
(OP)/AEE (OP) (In case of Electrified Territory), Sr.DCM/DCM/ACM (In case of
involvement of Passenger Train), CMS/Sr.DMO (In case of reported
19. Steps to be taken at the Site -
• On occurrence of accident, the Driver shall immediately switch on the flasher light;
the Guard shall assume the role of the immediate In-charge of the site. He, with the
help of Driver and Asstt. Driver, shall ensure the protection of the affected and
adjacent line(s). After this, he shall establish communication with the control
through portable telephone, CUG phone & VHF set with the adjacent station. He
shall also try to contact the adjacent station(s) with the help of walkie-talkie set.
Apart from this, with the help of the railway staff available at the site, he shall render
first aid to the injured passengers and try to minimize the suffering of the
• At the site, the site in-charge shall make a quick assessment of the number of
casualties and injured passengers, extent of damage, assistance required and time
required for restoration of traffic.
• Site In-charge shall ensure that the 'Communication Point' – CUG phone or portable
telephone or any other means, as provided at the site - is manned and regularly
updated with information. Communication point shall be constantly in touch with the
control or the adjacent station(s).
• The site in-charge shall ensure that all steps are taken to alleviate the suffering of
the injured and stranded passengers in co-ordination with the control in-charge. He
shall arrange to shift the injured and stranded passengers from the site.
• The site in-charge shall arrange to provide for the preservation of clues. He, in
consultation with other officers at the site, shall give forecast of likely resumption of
traffic. In case of suspected sabotage, police clearance shall be obtained by the site
in-charge before starting restoration work.

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division



1. Reportable Train Accidents:

All accidents falling under the purview of section 113 of the Railway Act of 1989
are termed as reportable train accidents and include the following:
(a) Any accident attended with loss of any human life or with grievous hurt.
(b) Any collision between trains of which one is a train carrying passengers.
(c) The derailment of any train carrying passengers.
(d) Accidents which are attended with loss of human life in passenger carrying trains
due to train wrecking or attempted train wrecking; cases of trains running over
obstructions placed on the line; or passengers falling out of train; fire on train;
grievous hurt as defined in the India Penal Code; serious damage to railway
property of the value exceeding `.2 Crores. Cases of landslides, breaches by
rain/flood which cause interruption of through running on any important route for
at least 24 hours, should also be reported.

2. Reporting of Accident by Chief Controller/Coaching Controller:

Chief Controller/Coaching shall arrange to inform the Divisional Officers in the
following order:

a. Sr.DSO
b. CMS/Sr.MS/MS (in case of passenger carrying train)
c. DRM
e. Sr.DOM
f. Other departmental controls in Control Office. The respective
departmental controls will in turn inform their Branch Officers and other

3. Reporting of accident to Zonal Railway:

A telephonic advice should be relayed by Divisional Control to Central Control of

Zonal Railway Headquarters immediately after the accident in case of following
categories of accidents:
(a) All train accidents,
(b) Any yard accident having serious repercussions on movement of traffic on
through line resulting in dislocation of traffic, for more than the threshold
value as per Para 2.11 of Accident Manual.

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

(c) Landslides, breaches, OHE break down etc., which result in dislocation of
traffic, for more than the threshold value as per para 2.11 of Accident

4. Reporting of Indicative Accidents:

The following ‘Indicative Train Accidents” shall be reported by telephone to Zonal
Railway by Division:
• Averted Collisions.
• Loco Pilots passing signal at Danger.

5. Reporting of Accidents at Unmanned Level Crossings:

A telephonic advice shall be given by the Divisional Control Office to Central
Control of Zonal Headquarters with regard to accidents at unmanned level
crossing; the following information should invariably be furnished in the
telephonic information.
• Whether road signs and whistle board have been provided on either side
of the level crossings approach roads?
• When was the last census taken and whether the level crossing is
amongst those proposed to be manned in the near future?
• Whether the view of the track from the road is clear on either side, and
• Whether in the last two years, has there been any other accident at the
same level crossing?

6. Threshold Value:
For the purpose of reporting of accident, threshold value is a minimum value
beyond which the accident will be treated as having serious repercussion on the
basis of loss to railway property or interruption to through traffic. It shall
constitute two portions –
a) Threshold value of loss of railway property is fixed at one lakh rupees or;
b) Threshold value of interruption to through traffic either partial or total is where
duration of interruption is equal to or more than the number or hours specified
against each column below.

Interruption BG= A,B,C or D BG=D, E spl (in DG=E or NG (in

Spl routes (in hrs.) hrs.) hrs.)
Total 3 4 6
Or Or Or Or
Total + Partial 6 8 12

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division




1. Location, Constitution and Functions:

These have been formed under the Disaster Management Act at 12 selected
locations in the country for dealing with relief and rescue operations related to all types
of disasters. These battalions have been made from para military forces i.e. CRPF,
ITBP and BSF and have been placed in different parts of the country as per the list
below. DG, Civil Defense under MHA in additionally looking after the work of NDRF at
the Center. Each battalion has 6 companies comprising of 3 teams each. Team
comprises of 45 men out of which 24 are for search and rescue and balance 21 for
support functions. Short-listed and trained staff are on deputation in NDRF. These
battalions are also equipped to handle NBC (Nuclear, Chemical and Biological)

Details of NDRF organization and 12 battalions are as under;

2. NDRF Headquarters:


Mob: 09818564455 Mob: 08004042000 Mob: 09968262466
Off. 011-24369280 Off. 011-24363268 Off. 011-24363267
Res. 011-24369278 FAX: 011- 24363261 FAX: 011- 24363261
FAX: 011- 24363261
NDRF Control room Tele: 011-24363260, Fax: 011-24363261, email: [email protected],
[email protected] & [email protected]

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

3. NDRF Battalions:

Telephone Unit Control

Address Fax No. E-Mail
No. Room No.
1st BN NDRF, Patgaon PO - Azara,Distt. 0361- 0361- 2840284 assam01-
Kamrup Metro, Guwahati-781017 2840027 2849080 09401048790 [email protected]
2nd BN NDRF, Near RRI Camp.
033- 033- 25875032 wb02-
Haringhata, Mohanpur, Nadia, (West
25875032 25875032 09474061104 [email protected]
Bengal) Pin - 741246
3rd BN NDRF, PO-Mundali, Cuttack - 0671- 0671- ori03-
Odisha Pin - 754013 2879710 2879711 [email protected]
4th Bn NDRF, PO - Suraksha Campus , 04177-
04177- 04177- tn04-
Arrakonam , Distt. Vellore Tamilnadu- 246594
246269 246594 [email protected]
631152 09442140269

5th Bn NDRF, Sudumbare Taluka, Distt - 02114- mah05-

02114- 02114-
Maval Pune (Maharashtra) Pin - 247000 [email protected]
247010 247008
412109 09422315628 5bnndrf@g
6th Bn NDRF, Chilora Road , 079- 079- guj06-
Gandhinagar, Pin - 382042 23202540 23201551 [email protected]
7th Bn NDRF, Bibiwala Road, Bhatinda ( 0164- 0164 - 2246193 pun07-
Punjab ) Pin 151001 2246193 2246570 0164- [email protected]
8th Bn NDRF, Kamla Nehru Nagar, 0120- 0120 - up08-
Ghaziabad (UP) Pin - 201002 2766013 27666012 [email protected]
9th Bn NDRF, Bihata Patna, Bihar Pin - 06115- 06115- 253939 patna-
801103 253942 253939 08544415050 [email protected]
10th Bn NDRF, ANU Campus, Nagarjuna 0863- 0863-
2293050 ap10-
Nagar, Guntur (AP) Pin - 522510 2293178 2293050
08333068559 [email protected]
11 th Bn NDRF, Sanskritik Sankul, 0542- up-
0542- 0542 -
Maqbool Alam Road, Varanasi, UP - 2501101 11ndrf@gov
2501201 2501101
221002 08004931410 .in
12 th Bn NDRF, Itanagar, Arunachal 03621- 03621- 0360- bn12.ndrf@
Pardesh791112 242940 242940 2277106

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

As per the Disaster Management Act, various Ministries and departments under
Government of India should join hands for mutual assistance in case of a disaster.
Assistance from local government and non-government agencies is invariable required
by the railway administration for prompt relief and rescue operation in case of disaster
affecting railways and, therefore, assistance of NDRF could be of great help to the
railways. The rail infrastructure is not in an island away from the civil areas (of the
Districts/States). In most cases of a disaster, other than a train accident, the State
Government as well as Railway would, therefore, requisition the NDRF simultaneously
(for the same disaster). Coordination amongst the affected agencies (many
departments of the Central Government and the States) is very important before the
help of NDRF is required.
Coordination with NDRF
Railways should get in touch with NDRF offices at the nearby locations to have the first
hand knowledge of the resource available with them and also to familiarize them with
railways related disaster situations and expose them to the issues relevant to the rescue
and relief of passenger during railway accident. It has also been advised to associate
NDRF in full scale exercise that is held once every year. There are no charges for
availing the services of NDRF except the rail transportation which railways may provide
at their cost for attending to rail disasters. Railway may also have to provide rail
transportation logistics for transporting NDRF even in case of non-railway exigencies.

The Railway Board had earlier empowered DRMs to directly requisition the relevant
NDRF battalion for relief and rescue operations depending on the gravity of situation so
that their services could be made available expeditiously without any loss of time.
However, in the cabinet meeting held on 22nd October 2009, the National Policy on the
Disaster Management has been approved. This Policy lays down modalities for the
requisitioning of NDRF as under: -

The general superintendence, direction and control of this force shall be vested in and
exercised by the NDMA and the command and supervision of the force shall vest in an
officer to be appointed by the Central Government as the Director General of Civil
Defense and National Disaster Response Force. Board’s policy directions give to the
Zonal Railways that the DRMs can directly approach for requisitioning the services of
the NDRF now stand revised. The need for the services of the NDRF shall be
communicated in a centralized manner by the Zonal Railways through the NDMA only.

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

4. Requisitioning NDRF for relief and rescue operations in case of serious

railway accidents:
South East Central Railway
Office of the _________
No: ________________________ Date: ____________
The Commandant,

5th Bn NDRF, Sudumbare Taluka, or 3rd BN NDRF,

Distt – Maval, PUNE (Maharashtra) PO-Mundali, Cuttack-
PIN-410507. Odisha Pin-754006

Sub: Request for deputing NDRF personnel for relief and rescue operations.
Dear Sir,
There has been a serious accident on SECR Railway over Nagpur division on ______
station in ________ section at ____ hrs. on ________.
From the information received till now, it appears that the accident is of a serious nature
and could lead to large number of casualties. Although, Railways are making all efforts to take
up relief and rescue operations, it is felt that the participation of NDRF personnel could be of
great help in speeding up the process and reducing casualties.
In view of this you are requested to immediately depute adequate number of men from
your battalion with necessary relief equipments to the accident site at the earliest.

The movement of your battalion indicating the time and route of travel from your place to
the accident site may be intimated to the undersigned by E.Mail/Fax so as to ensure adequate
coordination. Kindly also indicate the contact number of the senior most personnel who will be
traveling with the NDRF Group. Detail information about accident are furnished herewith in a
separate enclosure in Annexure – I.
Encl: As above.
Thanking you,
Yours sincerely,
Mobile No.____
E.Mail ID ___________
FAX No. ___________
Copy to:
1. Adviser (Safety), Railway Board (Fax No.011-23386215) for kind information and
necessary action please.
2. NDMA HQ (Fax No. 011-267017), NDMA Bhawan, A-1, Safdarjung Enclave, NDLS.
3. NDRF HQ (Fax No.011-261059), National Disaster Response Force (NDRF), Sector-I,
R.K.Puram, New Delhi.
Disaster Management Plan-
S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

4. DRMs – Raipur, Bilaspur for information and necessary action please.

Annexure –I
Accident Information

1. Travel Co-ordinate ______________________

2. Name of the District _____________________ (Where accident occurred).
3. Distance from Nagpur ____________________.
4. Name & Contact number of Nodal Officer whom to be approached for co-
ordination ____________________.
5. Timing of placing special train at __________ for swift movement
________________ (will be followed as per advice of 5th Bat. NDRF/PUNE)

5. Jurisdiction of NDRF/NDMA over Nagpur divison of S.E.C.Railway:

(I) Area of responsibility – 3 BN NDRF - Mundali

Sr.NO. Chhatisgarh State Madhya Pradesh State

1 Rajnandgaon Balaghat
2 Chhindwara
3 Mandla
4 Seoni

(II) Area of responsibility – 5 BN NDRF - Pune

Sr.NO. Maharashtra State

1 Nagpur
2 Gondia
3 Chandrapur
4 Bhandara
5 Gadchiroli

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division


Prevention is to ensure that human action/natural phenomena do not result in

disaster/emergency. Primary prevention is to reduce-avert-avoid the risk of event
occurring by getting rid of hazard/vulnerability. Secondary prevention means reorganize
properly the event and to reduce its effects. Prevention is concerned with policies and
programmes to prevent recurrence of disaster and covers long term aspect of such
Mitigation means to reduce severity of human and material damage caused by

1. Objects of mitigation are:

a) Save lives
b) Reduce economic disruption
c) Decrease vulnerability/increase capacity.
d) Decrease chance/level of conflict,
e) Matching increase in maintenance support system (both manpower and

2. Vision -2020:

Vision – 2020 stipulates target Zero accident and target to achieve Zero failure in
equipments and a leapfrogging in technology and to generate committed work force to
meet future challenges. Railway Board has prepared Corporate Safety Action Plan and
on that basis Nagpur division has prepared Corporate Safety Action Plan (2003-2013).
For each year Safety Action Plan was prepared to implement the object of Corporate
Safety Action Plan to prevent any unusual incidents and to mitigate human sufferings.

3. Safety Action Plan initiated to prevent and mitigate Disaster:

Replacement of over-aged and redundant assets is being taken care of by

Railway. Rehabilitation/rebuilding of bridges on the basis of technical obsolescence will
be taken up in phased manner. Over-aged rails, turn-outs, ballasts, wooden sleepers,
ST & CST by PSC sleepers, through weld renewals, CTR, TRR, TSR etc. are done on
regular basis. Maintenance of track and its monitoring are done intensively. Vulnerable
areas are inspected frequently and their patrolling is done in seasonal basis and as and
when required. Sabotage prone areas are patrolled in emergency and anti-sabotage
measures are taken for protection of tracks.

Over-aged locos, coaches and wagons are replaced by Railway in time phased
manner. Four wheeler wagons are phased out from system. Zero defects and Zero
missing safety fittings are ensured at the time of turning out of rolling stock from
workshop, loco shed and sick line. 100% Brake powers are ensured on air brake trains
Disaster Management Plan-
S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

from originating station/yard. Guide line on over due maintenance of rolling stocks are
strictly followed.

Overdue lever frames, signal gears are replaced by panel interlocking. Track
circuiting, provision of BPAC, Data-logger, LED based signal light and interlocking of
L/C gates are being provided through Safety Action Plan.

Manning of unmanned level crossing having heavy road/rail traffic, construction

of ROB/RUB and limited height subways are planned with coordination with State
Government. Some unwanted unmanned and manned level crossings are to be
eliminated. Basic infrastructures are provided at manned and unmanned level crossing

Technological inputs are given priority in maintenance of tracks, rolling stocks,

signals and telecommunications and IT. Instruments/Devices like USFD, GPS, VCD,
Thermit welding, twin beam head light for locomotives, fire retardant materials, provision
of emergency exit, auto flasher light and provision of micro processor-based speed
recorder and electronic brake system etc. are guarantying safety in system. Addition of
technical inputs will be carried in the system of assets maintenance. Equipments like
TAWD, ACD and TPWS are to be planned to plug the human failure and to ensure
safety in due course of time.

Long-hours duty, on- board sobriety tests and filling up the vacancies in safety
cadres are monitored on regular basis. Ten hours rule will be implemented with all

Human resource development is managed through 1) formal training in training

schools. 2) on-job training in workshops, loco sheds and maintenance depots. 3) Safety
seminars are organized to instill safety awareness on different topics. Front line staff
and supervisors are imparted on-job training on newer technology and equipments.
Training on Disaster Management is given to officers and supervisors in different
institutions to meet any emergency. Focus on development of man power through
major improvements in working environment and training will be given priority.

Inspections and counseling are being conducted in regular basis by all the
departmental officers and supervisors and follow up action on field inspections are also
monitored properly. Safety Audit inspections are done on inter-railway and intera-
railway basis of critical Railway establishment.

Alert advices are issued from time to time and safety drives conducted against
the weaknesses of the system for rectification.

Accidents are taken seriously and all accidents are enquired into and remedial
measures are taken to avert the recurrence. D&AR actions are initiated against the
culprit. GM & AGM/DRM are accepting the findings and review of all accidents enquiry
Disaster Management Plan-
S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

Coordination with other government agencies for promoting safety at level

crossing is maintained. Media campaigns are launched from time to time.

In case of any Disaster, Government, Non-government organization and private

agencies are mobilized to meet the emergency jointly to save life and property of people
involved. Civil and Private Hospitals are also tied up with railway medical department to
get medical assistance in met with SOP on Disaster Management. Ultimate motto to
reduce the humans suffering and material damage is always given paramount
importance before and after the accidents. To reduce the vulnerability and to enhance
the capacity are always kept in mind while dealing with prevention and mitigation of


Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division



1. Phase – I (Golden Hour):

In the period immediately after the accident where grievous injuries to Passengers, loss
of property etc. takes place, action has to be taken on war-footing by Railway
Officials/Officers on – board to render definite medical care to gives relief to affected
persons and also help them to overcome the trauma. This first one hour period is known
as the Golden Hour.

During this Golden hour period, following efforts should be made by the First
Railway Responders:
1. Duties of the train Guard: Immediately after occurrence of a serious accident,
the Guard of the train must –
a) Note the exact time of the accident and location.
b) Switch ‘ON’ the Amber light, if provided, in Flashing Tail Lamp in the rear of
brake van.
c) Inform Loco Pilot on walkie-talkie set.
d) Inform Station Master on walkie-talkie set, if possible.
e) Protect the adjacent line(s) if required and the lines on which the accident has
taken place as per GR 6.03.
f) Secure the train and prevent escaping of vehicles.
g) Make a quick survey of magnitude of accident and roughly assess casualty,
damage and assistance required.
h) Send information through quickest means to Control Office and SMs on either
side of the block section. For this purpose –
(i) CUG mobiles/walkie-talkie communication provided with stations should
immediately be used.
(ii) Otherwise field telephone should be used.
(iii) If a train comes on the other line, which is not blocked, the same should
be stopped and information sent through the driver.
(iv) Assistant driver may be sent to the next station to convey information of
the accident.
(v) If all of the above fail, one of the Railway Staff on duty on the train should
be sent on foot to the nearest station.

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

i) Utilize Emergency Train Lighting box to facilitate medical aid.

j) Save lives and render First Aid.
k) Call for doctors and seek their assistance.
l) Seek assistance of Railway staff and other volunteers from train to rescue injured
or entrapped passengers.
m) Direct Railway Staff and other volunteers from train for attending to injured.
n) Ensure that Railway Staff constantly man field telephone.
o) Arrange protection of passenger’s belongings and Railway property with the help
of Railway staff, volunteers on train, RPF and GRP.
p) Stop running trains on adjacent line and utilize resources on that train.
q) In electrified section if OHE is affected, take steps to switch ‘OFF’ OHE supply.
r) Arrange for transportation of injured to hospital.
s) Record evidence or statements, if any, given by passengers.
t) Preserve all clues and evidences regarding probable cause of the accident and
ensure that these do not get disturbed.
u) Log your activities. Do not leave the spot unless & until a competent authority
relieves you.

2. Duties of the Loco Pilot: Immediately after occurrence of a serious accident,

the Loco Pilot and his crew must –
a) Note the exact time of the accident and location.
b) Switch ‘ON’ flasher light of the locomotive and give 4 short whistles.
c) Inform Guard on walkie-talkie set or CUG phone.
d) Inform Station Master on CUG mobile phone/walkie-talkie set, if possible.
e) Protect adjacent line, if required, and the train in front as per GR 6.03.
f) Take necessary action to keep the loco safe.
g) Take necessary action to prevent loco/vehicles/wagons from rolling down.
h) Make a quick survey of magnitude of accident and roughly assess casualty,
damage and assistance required.
i) Send information through quickest means to Control Office and SMs on either
side of the block section. For this purpose –
(i) Walkie-talkie communication provided with stations should immediately be
(ii) Otherwise field telephone should be used.

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

(iii) If a train comes on the other line, which is not blocked, the same should
be stopped and information sent through the driver.
(iv) Assistant driver may be sent to the next station to convey information of
the accident.
(v) If all of the above fail, one of the Railway Staff on duty on the train should
be sent on foot to the nearest station.
j) Render all possible assistance to guard.
k) Preserve all clues and evidences regarding probable cause of the accident and
ensure that these do not get disturbed.
l) Log your activities. Do not leave the spot unless & until a competent authority
relieves you.
m) If necessary detach loco and take it to inform SM.

3. Duties of Assistant Loco Pilot: Immediately after occurrence of a serious

accident, the Assistant Loco Pilot of the train must –
a) Assistant loco pilot should work under the control of the loco pilot with the same
duty list of loco pilot. Loco pilot and Assistant loco pilot should divide the work so
that the duties are carried out within the shortest possible time.
b) The Assistant loco pilot will follow instructions given to him by Loco pilot.
c) To provide First Aid to injured, First Aid box is available with Guard.
d) If necessary use fire extinguishers, which are available in pantry car.
e) In case if the loco pilot is dead or injured, Assistant loco pilot will perform all the
duties of Loco pilot.

4. Duties of Station Master/Dy. Station Master/ Assistant Station Master:

Immediately after an accident or on receiving the report of an accident, the
Station Master/Dy. Station Master/ Assistant Station Master must –
a) Ensure that no other train enters into the affected line/section from either
direction/lock the commutator handle of the Block Instrument controlling the
affected section in “Train on Line” position wherever possible, ensure the signals
giving entry to the line are kept at the “ON” position, ensure putting of “Line
Blocked” lever/slide/button collars on the concerned lever and/ or slide/ route
button (in case of VDU, option for blocking the line to be clicked), ensure that the
points are set against the entry to the affected line and clamped wherever
b) Take action to protect the traffic and safeguard the property.
c) Collect detailed information of the accident such as time of accident, nature and
location of accident, casualties/injuries, obstruction, damages and assistance
Disaster Management Plan-
S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

required and ensure that the adjacent line(s) is/are clear before allowing any
movement on it/them;
d) Inform, giving details of the accident and assistance required to the Control
through the Control Phone or by any other available means of communications;
e) Render first aid to the injured persons taking the assistance of all railway staff,
doctors and volunteers available on train or near the site of accident, if the
accident takes place within the station limits.
f) Arrange to send all available nearest medical assistance to the site of accident, in
case the accident takes place in section and is attended with injury to any
g) Take all possible action to inform all concerned officials including civil and police;
h) See that the injured persons are shifted to hospital with the help of all available
assistance, also see that the detailed particulars of the dead and injured are
i) Arrange to remove the unaffected vehicle of the train, observing all relevant rules,
to facilitate relief operation;
j) Take all measures for the quick movement of ARME and / or ART to the site of
accident and ensure that the caution order etc. are correctly issued to the loco
Pilot and Guard of all trains while allowing movement to the site of accident
clearly indicating the site of accident, the locations where the train must come to
stop and other restrictions to be observed;
k) See that water, tea and other requirements are supplied to the injured and
stranded passengers within his resources;
l) Ensure that all trains for transshipment of passengers are worked to the site of
accident with the engine leading unless there are special reasons or specifically
permitted otherwise by the officer-in-charge at the site of accident;
m) Warn all passengers in advance in case of their transshipment at the site of
n) Ensure preservation of documents of damaged parcels, mail and goods etc.

5. Duties of a Train Conductor/Train Superintendent: Immediately after

occurrence of a serious accident, the Train Conductor/Train Superintendent –
a) Preserve reservation charts of each coach containing names of passengers who
actually travelled with berth number.
b) Avail services of Doctors traveling by the train and render Medical Aid.
c) Render First Aid to the injured.
d) Collect particulars of injured passengers and prepare a list showing exact
position of injured in coaches, from Train Engine to Brake-van. This should be
handed over o Railway Doctors when ARMV arrives.
Disaster Management Plan-
S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

e) Prepare a separate list of dead passengers with address and ticket particulars, if
f) Taken assistance of local people and other volunteers at site.
g) Transport injured passengers by road vehicle, if available, to the nearest hospital.
h) Inform standard passengers about alternative transport arrangement.
i) Record evidences or statement given by passengers/other at site.

6. Duties of a Coach Attendant: Immediately after occurrence of a serious

accident, the coach attendant should work under the guidance of Train
Conductor/Train Superintendent.

7. Duties of a Travelling Ticket Examiner (TTE):

a) The TTE should work under the guidance of the Train Conductor/Train
b) Assist the Guard in rendering First Aid to the injured person(s) and shifting them
to the hospital;
c) Look after the comfort of the passengers, injured and un-injured alike;
d) Assist the passengers for protection of their luggages;
e) Make out a list of injure/dead passengers;
f) Preserve reservation charts to know the particulars on injured/dead passengers;
g) Organize to transship/transfer passengers and their luggages to the passenger
h) Assist Commercial Inspector for arranging the snacks, tea, coffee & drinking
water to the injured persons and other passengers also who are detained at the
site of accident for any reason;
i) Collect the addresses of the relatives of the injured/dead passengers to send
information regarding accident;
j) He should look for the assistance of any Doctor or Para-Medical staff
railway/other than railway traveling in the train.

8. Duties of A.C. Mechanic:

a) Switch ‘OFF’ the power supply to avoid short-circuiting.
b) Assist the TS/TTEs in their duties at the accident site.
c) Report to the guard of the train for assistance.
d) In case of fire, assist the operations by using fire extinguishers provided in the
AC coaches.
Disaster Management Plan-
S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

e) Assist in providing lighting in affected coaches.

f) Blankets and linen of the AC coaches is to be made available for use by
grievously, injured/dead. The record of the same should be kept.

9. Duties of the RPF Officials:

a) Segregate the area of incidence by establishing temporary barriers by use of
nylon ropes (if available) or any other make shift device available at the site to
protect the area against the entry of spectators into the affected place.
b) Baggage of passengers should be isolated and protected and consigned goods
are taken care of till they are handed over to claimants or taken over by the
c) RPF personnel should respond to any call for assistance to rescue victims and
transport them to nearest hospital.
d) They will maintain close liaison and harmony with various departments of the
railways, GRP, Local police and the Civil Administration.

10. Duties of the railway staff travelling in passenger carrying trains whether
on duty or not:
In the event of an accident to a passenger carrying train, all the railway staff
travelling on the train, whether on duty or not, shall present themselves to the
senior most official at the site and in the absence of any such official, to the
Guard of the train and carry out the duties allotted to them.

2. Phase – II (Arrival of Relief Train):

Phase – II begins with the arrival of relief train. The senior most officer who reach
the site first become the Officer-In-charge at Site. All staff and officers should work
as per the directions of the Officer-In-Charge at site.

a. Special Task allotted to different departments:

Department Special task

Medical • Rush adequate men and material to the site of accident with the
Medical Relief Train or by the quickest available means
commensurate with the seriousness of the accident, assess
advise further medical assistance necessary;
• Obtain and transmitting the details of persons involved in the
accident to the Divisional Control Office and in case of an
accident to a passenger carrying train, reportedly attended with
casualties and /or grievous injuries, unless otherwise advised by
Disaster Management Plan-
S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

the Divisional Railway Manager.

• Render medical Aid to the inured carefully as for as possible at
• Make timely and adequate arrangements for shifting the injured
persons to suitable hospitals as considered necessary for
further treatment;
• Keep detailed particulars of the dead and injured e.g. their
name, address etc. as far as available;
• Deal with the dead and injured as per extant rules and
• Coloured photographs of the dead and injured to be taken.
• Dead bodies should be handled with care and respect.
• Cover dead bodies with white shrouds, which should be
available in ARME. A photograph should be fixed on top of the
coffin for easy identification of dead body.
• List of dead and injured must be passed on to control and
disaster management cell at HQs from time to time.
• Coordinating with Civil/Military/State/Public Medical Authorities
and Private practioners for the above purpose.
Commercial • See that immediate arrangement is made to protect the area
and safeguard the property;
• Look after the comfort of the passengers, injured and un-injured
• Ensure prompt supply of refreshments, free of charge, to the
injured persons and also make adequate arrangement for
refreshment and drinking water for the passengers detained at
the site of accident for any reason;
• Ensure, in coordination with Medical Officer(s) at site,
preparation of a complete list of injured and dead, obtaining if
possible, the countersignature of a responsible police official
and that necessary action had been taken in each case.
• Arrange for adequate number of porters for carrying
passengers’ luggage and parcels in case of transshipment etc;
• Have the belongings of the injured and dead collected as
required and ensure preparation of a list including each time.
• See that the doctors are assisted by porters and other staff in
attending to the injured and for shifting them to the hospital;
• Ensure the making over of the dead bodies to the police for
• Arrange preparation of a complete list of damaged
• See that proper arrangements are made for the transshipment
of passengers and their luggage at the site of accident if
Disaster Management Plan-
S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

required, as also for transshipment/unloading of a

parcels/affected wagons, if required.
• Ensure preservation of documents of damaged parcels, mails
and goods etc.
• Arrange for free passes for the relatives of injured/dead to
reach the site/hospitals;
• Organize for making ex-gratia payments as applicable on the
basis of the injury classification given by doctors;
• Coordinate with operating control for the transport of the
passengers of the affected trains. Similarly, organize to
regulate other passenger carrying trains at stations where
catering facilities are available. Alert the catering staff/ catering
contractors at those stations well in advance about the
• Make arrangements so that drinking water is supplied to the
railway staff working at site. Catering arrangements should be
planned well in advance for the railway staff working at site, so
that food reaches site in time.
• Mobilize logistics like vans, staff, etc; for reaching and
distributing food at the site.
• Press and other media should be given correct picture timely.
• Ensure opening of information booth, liaison with Civil
administration, Press and Security etc.
• Arrange reservation chart for locating the name of the
RPF • Segregate the area of incidence by establishing temporary
barriers by use of nylon ropes (if available) or any other make
shift device available at the site to protect the area against the
entry of spectators into the affected place.
• Baggage of passengers should be isolated and protected and
consigned goods are taken care of till they are handed over to
claimants or taken over by the railway.
• RPF personnel should respond to any call for assistance to
rescue victims and transport them to nearest hospital.
• They will maintain close liaison and harmony with various
departments of the railways, GRP, Local police and the Civil
Operating • Ensure that Medical Relief Van and Accident Relief Train leave
within time and reach the site of the accident on top-priority;
• Clear the unaffected coaches in the front and rear to the
nearest convenient stations after transshipping the passengers
from affected coaches;
• Plan for second ARME/ART for reaching the site from other
Disaster Management Plan-
S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

end, if necessary from adjoining Divisions/Railways.

• Plan for trains for prompt transport of stranded passengers at
the site and clearance of passengers held up at other stations;
• Clear the stabled loads from the stations on either side of the
site so that the lines are available for dealing
ARME/ART/Coaching relief train/officers special/material train
/tower-car/light engine, etc;
• Mobilize sufficient number of Guards, TIs, SMs, Pointsman etc.,
and deploy at site and at the adjoining stations for organizing
shunting and quick movement of ARME/ART/coaching relief
train/officers special/material train /tower-car/light engine, etc;
• Deputing officers’ at site to co-ordinate the movements and for
relaying information about progress of relief/restoration;
• Plan for regulation of Passenger, Mail/Express trains,
cancellation, diversion, termination short of destination in
consultation with HQtrs. such that the passengers can get
catering facilities;
• See that chronological log of all items of information and action
taken connected directly or indirectly with accident is
maintained properly;
• Keep liaison with adjacent divisions, site and HQtrs;
• Details of dead, injured sustaining grievous or simple injury,
their originating and destination station, ticket No. Hospitals to
which sent for treatment and also particulars of next kith and kin
to be obtained from the site and relayed to Emergency Control,
Chief Safety Officer etc.
S&T • Make arrangements for installing, Mobile/Railway/BSNL/
Satellite phones at site in sufficient numbers so that
communication from site to control office/divisional office/Zonal
office/other stations, outside agencies takes place smoothly and
without delay;
• Establish communication between the site and divisional head
quarters office;
• Ensure that a detailed record is made of all evidence bearing on the
accident so for as S&T and interlocking are concerned;
• Preserve clues and seal the relevant equipment if required;
• Restore the signaling and interlocking for normal working without
• Collect data logger report and voice records of Section Controller, if
Mechanical • Make out a plan of action for quick rescue of injured and
trapped passengers. Accordingly, call for the equipment,
manpower required;
• Supervise rescue operation;
• Ensure that Speedo meter record, engine log book etc. are
Disaster Management Plan-
S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

seized /sealed.
• Correctly forecast to control as to the sequence of movements
required to site;
• Record the details regarding brake power and other aspects of
rolling stock as per prescribed proforma;
• Have the joint measurements of the rolling stock taken;
• Check the fitness of the stock supposed to move from the site;
• Note down observations; make arrangements to record joint
measurement if loco is involved in accident. If it is not possible
for all types of measurements to be taken on the spot then
these should be taken in the shed. All relevant records should
be sealed in shed.
Electrical (Genl) • Ensure proper lighting arrangements are provided at the site;
• In case of fire in coaches, arrange to immediately collect/record
evidence of passengers.
• Examine the coach to ascertain the cause and damage.
Electrical (TRD) • Arrange for adequate number of OHE breakdown staff, tower
wagon at the site of accident.
• Depute officers/supervisors in control office.
• Ensure that OHE is made dead and OHE is slewed as required;
• Arrange and supervise restoration of OHE, expeditiously.
• Record all relevant information concerning the accident.
Electrical • Where EMU or electric locomotive is involved, call the relief train, if
(OP/TRS) required with adequate number of breakdown staff and proceed to
the site by quickest available means.
• Depute officer in the Control Office;
• Note down joint observation regarding the loco/EMU;
• Ensure that measurements of the loco/EMU are taken on the spot
wherever possible otherwise in Car/Loco shed;
• Ensure that speedometer record for maintenance of engine/EMU
repairs are sealed in the shed;
• Ensure prompt and sufficient arrangement for clearing the line;
• Collect the date of crew from CMS and also their past record of last
one month working.
Civil Engineering • Ensure joint measurements are taken and sketches of the
accident site are accurately drawn out;
• Ensure collection of adequate labour, material and equipment
and their proper deployment for speedy restoration;
• Depute officers in Control office for planning, reinforcement of
labour, material and staff and movement of material train;
• Ensure that inspection notes and diary of officers/supervisors,
gang charts, maintenance records etc. are seized and secured;
• Assist other departments in clearance of line and ensure that
track rendered fit and certified at the earliest.
Safety • Ensure the protection of affected line(s) and adjacent line(s) as
Disaster Management Plan-
S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

per rules;
• See that a proper arrangement is made in rescue and / or relief
• Take all action for preservation of clues;
• See that the assistance, to the extent necessary, is called from
all sources;
• Ensure collection of detailed particulars of accident;
• Record statement of Guard and Loco pilot and subject them to
breathalyzer test and collect blood sample;
• Ensure joint measurements etc., are taken in prescribed
profroma. Recover the speedometer chart, data logger
statement etc;
• Ensure evidence of train staff, station staff and public is taken
on the spot. Addresses of passengers who are willing to give
statements should also be obtained;
• If the accident took place within station section, arrange to
record the knob position on the panels, block instruments
position etc and seize the relevant station records;
• Produce public witnesses in coordination with Superintendent of
Police and District Magistrate in time, issue press notification in
local press when advised the Chief Safety Officer, in case of
CRS inquiry.
Personnel • Attend injured passengers to ascertain if they wish to call their
• Guide the relatives/dependents at the site of accident.
• Accompany the relatives/dependent to the hospital.
• Stay with the relative until they have either found the injured
passenger or identified the deal body.
• Opening of pass counters for issue of return journey passes to
the relatives and next to kin of diseased passenger.
Accounts • Liaise with respective departments in disbursement of payment
to injured/relatives or kin of dead passengers etc.

b. Action to be taken at divisional level -

• Opening up of special enquiry booths at originating, terminating and major
stations en-route by the Commercial department.
• Furnishing updated position of dead, inured and evacuated Passengers to all
concerned by the Commercial and Medical department.
• Help line phone Number should be relayed through TV, Radio and press by the
Commercial department.
• Arrangement for issue of free Railway passes for relatives/dependents of dead &
injured by the Commercial department.
Disaster Management Plan-
S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

• Make arrangement for transportation of evacuated passengers to be sent to

destinations, Transport vehicles can be hired by the Commercial department.
• In case of major disaster, DRM can requisition helicopter.
• Press should be briefed properly and quickly.
• HQ/Board should be advised quickly.

3. Phase – III (Handling injured and dead Passengers) -

Phase – III mainly refers to dealing with injured and dead passengers. Following
action must be planned:
• Relief trains clearing injured/dead or stranded passengers must get overriding
• Road vehicles can also be arranged for stranded passengers.
• List of injured, hospital-wise, should be conveyed to all concerned and displayed
at prominent locations.
• Ex-gratia payment should be arranged.

4. Phase –IV (Restoration of Traffic) -

Restoration operation should be planned and acted upon without affecting the
relief operations. Restoration of passenger services gives a sense of normalcy,
besides providing means to relatives/ dependents of victims to visit them and
attend to them.

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division



Functioning of Disaster Management Cell -

The Disaster Management Cell will operate at Division and shall be attended by
nominated officers.

Safety department-
The Officers representing Safety Department shall coordinate the functioning of
Disaster Management Cell. He shall report the accident to DRM/CSO and update the
restoration details from time to time. He shall also ensure ordering of Relief Train for
evacuation of involved passengers from the site of accident. The officers attending the
Disaster Management Cell shall obtain the full details of the accident from Divisional
Control/Site of accident and shall monitor the movement of Breakdown Train and relief
Train. Top-most priority is to be given for rescue operations, for transferring the injured
passengers from the site of accident to the nearest hospitals, and for sending medical
aid from Civil/Military/private hospitals.

Medical department -
The officer representing Medical Department shall obtain all details regarding
casualties/injuries to passengers involved in the accident and shall maintain liaison with
the Accident Site/Referral hospitals and Dispensaries, and shall consolidate the list of
injured/casualties in minimum time so that the same can be faxed to concerned
station/division for display in Emergency Control and Emergency Information Booths.

Commercial department-
The officer representing Commercial Department shall ensure ordering of refreshment
for passengers of involved train, payment of ex-gratia to the injured and to the next-of-
kin of the dead passengers, arrange for transhipment of goods and passengers
luggage, and hire private buses for transport of passengers from site of accident to the
nearest Rail Head. He shall also ensure transmission of detailed information regarding
injured/casualties to originating / destinations stations, to zonal headquarter, and to HQ
of the originating/destination Railways. He shall also ensure opening of Emergency
information Booths at important junction stations en-route within the Railways.

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

Operating department-
The officer representing Operating Department shall manage relief and restoration
operations at head quarter level. He shall record all events related to the accident
chronologically. He shall ensure regulation and diversions of trains keeping in view the
likely time of restoration at accident site. He shall ensure that the passenger carrying
trains are regulated at such stations where water and catering facilities are available. He
shall also monitor the ARTs/ARMVs/Labour Special trains ordered from the adjoining
division and zones.

Mechanical department-
The officer representing Mechanical Department shall assess the requirement of
additional Medical Vans/Breakdown Trains and shall liaison with adjoining
Railway/Division for ordering the same. He shall also monitor the movement of
Breakdown trains. He shall obtain the details of rolling stock involved in the accident
and its PRO particulars. He shall obtain the restoration details regarding re-
railment/toppling of wagons/coaches done by each individual Breakdown Train. He shall
obtain the bio-data of the crew involved in the accident.

Engineering department-
The officer representing Engineering Department shall obtain the information about
damage to track and shall ensure ordering of material train if required. The details of
track structure and other relevant details such as USFD particulars, last inspection,
profile of the track, etc shall be obtained within minimum time. He shall organize
ordering of additional labour and material specials, as per the requirement at site, from
the adjoining divisions/zones.

Electrical department-
The officer representing Electrical Department shall obtain the details of extent of
damage to OHE/Loco. He shall obtain the bio-data of crew involved in the accident. He
shall assess the requirement of additional material at the site and shall organize
movement of Tower wagon/material special to the site of accident.

S&T department-
The officer representing S&T Department shall ensure efficient communication. A line
should be dedicated for the emergency transmission from the site of accident/divisional
control to Disaster Management Cell at divisoin. He shall ensure installation of
MTNL/Telecom Department Public Phone/Railway phone at the site of accident
involving passenger train. He shall obtain the details of S&T gears involved, if any, in
the accident.

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

Security department –
Segregate the area of incidence by establishing temporary barriers by use of nylon
ropes (if available) or any other make shift device available at the site to protect the
area against the entry of spectators into the affected place. Baggage of passengers
should be isolated and protected and consigned goods are taken care of till they are
handed over to claimants or taken over by the railway. RPF personnel should respond
to any call for assistance to rescue victims and transport them to nearest hospital. They
will maintain close liaison and harmony with various departments of the railways, GRP,
Local police and the Civil Administration.
Personnel department –
Attend injured passengers to ascertain if they wish to call their relatives/dependents.
Guide the relatives/dependents at the site of accident. Accompany the
relatives/dependent to the hospital. Stay with the relative until they have either found the
injured passenger or identified the deal body. Opening of pass counters for issue of
return journey passes to the relatives and next to kin of diseased passenger.
Accounts department –
Liaise with respective departments in arranging of payment to injured/relatives or kin of
dead passengers at site.

Liaison with Zonal Head Quarter-

Disaster management Cell will maintain constant liaison with the Emergency Cell of
Zonal Headquarter for the following activities:
• Movement of Accident Relief Trains / Accident Relief Medical Vans
• Diversion, regulation, cancellation, rescheduling etc. of Mail/Express trains
• Movement of men and material from adjoining Zones/Divisions
• Opening of helpline enquiry booths on other Zonal railways:
o Originating and destination stations of the train involved in accident
o All Major/Junction stations falling on the route of the train
o Divisional headquarter of originating and terminating divisions.
• Movement programme for visit of Minister of Railway /Minister of State for Railway,
Chairman/Railway board and other Railway Board Member and other Railway Board
officers to the accident site.
• Assistance required from Armed Forces, Para-military forces, state Government
should be conveyed to Railway Board.
• Progress of rescue and restoration operation
• Prima-facie cause of the accident
Disaster Management Plan-
S.E.C.R; Nagpur division



Weather warning messages

Metrological departments, Government of India, issues messages of warning whenever

a storm/gale or heavy rainfall is expected. Following conditions are considered

• Dangerous rainfall – when expected amount of rain fall is 5cm or above in 24 hours.
• Dangerous wind velocity – when wind velocity is 65 KMPH or above (Cyclone
Warning Centre is located at Nagpur. Local Weather information Centre is located
at Jabalpur)

Action to be taken on receipt of weather/cyclone warning message-


He should repeat the message to the SMs/ASMs of the stations, which are likely
to be affected. He shall also advice DRM, ADRM, Sr.DSO and controllers of various
branches, who are working in the Divisional Control Office. They shall, in turn, advise
their branch officer who will take action accordingly.
A register shall be maintained in the Control office, showing full particulars of the
warning received.

SMs/ASMs, Loco Pilots, Guards:

• Intimation to officers and Sr. Supervisors - The SM on duty, on receipt of the

message, shall immediately advise the officers and Sr. Supervisors concerned, at
his station.
• Precautions to be taken by SM, Loco Pilots and Guards - In case of strong winds,
the trains should be detained till it is considered safe to proceed further. In the
section, the Loco Pilot and Guard of the train wait till, in their opinion, the intensity of
wind has come down to the level that the movement of train is not endangered.
• The train should not be stopped at places like sharp curves, high embankment,
cuttings and bridges, including approaches.
• The Guard and Loco Pilot of the train, in co-operation with the railway staff and
passengers travelling in the train, shall try to ensure that the doors and windows of
the coaches are kept open by the passengers to allow free passage of the wind
through the coaches.

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

Anemometer indications:

In case, Anemometer is installed at the station and if it is indicating wind velocity higher
than the danger level as prescribed by the special instructions, the SM shall take the
following action:

• He shall inform the controller and the SM on the other side immediately about the
need to control the movement of the trains.
• He shall not start or allow the movement of the trains through his station and also
not grant line clear to the trains waiting at the adjacent station for movement towards
his station.
• He shall resume normal running of trains in consultation with the controller and the
SM at the adjacent station after the wind velocity has gone below the danger level
prescribed by the special instructions.

Action to be taken by engineering staff

• Introduce monsoon patrolling. Advise monsoon Patrolman / Watchman and Gang

Mates to be extra vigilant. Continue monsoon patrolling beyond 48 hours of warning.
• Deploy Watchmen of vulnerable locations and bridges round the clock.

Earthquake -

Impact of earthquake on Railway system may be as under:

Damage to track - Track may to be damaged in form of:

• Misalignment
• Deformation
• Sinking of track
• Collapse of / Damage to Bridges / Girders / Piers
• Falling of Trees / Fixed structures obstructing the track

Damage to service building like:

• Control Office building.

• ASM office, relay room, cabin and gate lodge, etc.
• Office buildings.
• Residential buildings.

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

Damage to signal & Telecommunication installations like:

• Signal posts
• Microwave tower
• Telephone post and wires
• Cables

Damage to OHE installation like:

• OHE Masts
• Portals
• Tower shed

Damage to C&W sick line & Loco shed

• Pit lines
• Sick lines / Shed structure

Action to be taken when information is received about earthquake-

Action by operating staff:

• Stop all trains.

• Inform P. way, S&T, TRD Supervisors for checking track bridges, points, signal &
OHE by light engine / push trolley /motor trolley in each block section of affected
• Inform Civil Authorities regarding any unusual occurrence.
• Arrange stock and power for moving relief/restoration material.
• Arrange additional Operating staff i.e. ASMs, Points men, Guards and Cabin men
from unaffected areas.

Action to be taken by Engineering staff:

• All P. Way supervisors, including PWIs, IOW, BRIs, Gang men, Keymen, and other
staff, should report to the nearest Station Master, who in turn will advise Control
about the availability of P.Way staff and supervisors.
• A team of Gangmen, Keymen and PWI/BRI should be sent on either side of each
block section for checking the track, structure and bridges.
• The checking team should be suitably instructed to protect any undamaged track
structure or bridge in the section.

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

• After checking the whole section, a report detailing the nature of damage, location,
and requirement of men and material should be submitted to SM, on inturn will
advise the control.

Action by S&T staff:

• Overhead and cable communication may be affected due to Earthquake. Immediate

efforts should be made to provide alternative means of communications through
VHF, Microwave, RE cable, Optic fibre etc. between the control and stations.
• SE (Sig/Tele) and ESM/MSM must be available at the stations. After checking all the
S&T installations, details of the damage and additional requirement of men &
material should be given to S&T Control.

Action to be taken by Electrical (TRD) staff:

• On receipt of information about the earthquake, OHE supply on the affected section
should be shut down immediately. All the section in UP & DN directions should be
checked thoroughly by tower wagon. Tower wagon should be run at the restricted
speed so that it can be stopped before any obstruction.
• After checking each section, feedback should be given to TPC who, in turn, will
advise the position to Dy. Chief Controller.

Action to be taken by Electrical (Genl.) staff

• In case of failure of powers supply, DG sets should be arranged at important
installations like control, station etc.

Action to be taken by Commercial staff

• Regular Announcements should be made at the Station explaining the Calamity and
effect on train running.
• Emergency enquiry counter should be opened at Major Stations and at the affected
stations. They should be provided with DOT phone / Cell Phone facility.
• Basic amenities like drinking water, food etc., should be provided to the Stranded
• Additional windows should be opened for refund of tickets.

Action to be taken by Mechanical staff

• Relief coaching stock and relief goods stock available in the system must be made
• In case of electrified territories, DSL power should be made available.
Disaster Management Plan-
S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

Action to be taken by Personnel staff

• Set up a relief cell consisting of CWI/WI and other staff, to assess losses and
damages at stations and in colonies.
• For providing speedy relief, co-ordinate with trade unions, Mahila Samitis, NGO, etc.

Actions to be taken by RPF staff

• Help Railway officials/employees in relief work at stations and in colonies.
• Protect Railway stations, yards and all vital installations and restrict the entry of
• Render necessary assistance to the affected persons.
• Maintain close co-ordination with civil authorities.

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division



General -

• Providing assistance to passengers and their relatives/dependents is of utmost

importance in helping them relieve their misery.
• Injured passengers and their relative/dependents are to be treated with utmost
courtesy and sympathy so as to alleviate their trauma and discomfort.
• For dealing with relatives / dependents arriving from far-flung corners of the country,
staff fluent in local language of the place from where the train originated, should be
used as interpreters.
• Commercial Supervisors and Welfare inspectors should talk to injured
passengers and ascertain if they wish to call their relatives/dependents.
• Injured passengers should thereafter be provided with either mobile or STD phones
to enable them to speak to their relatives/dependents.
• Transshipment of unaffected passengers and their clearance from the accident site
would be arranged quickly. The officer available in the control shall arrange the
transshipment on priority.
• Even in case of worst possible accident with adverse and extreme
circumstances, all injured passengers would be rescued on priority. Site manager as
well as officer in-charge in the control shall monitor the situation to do so.
• In rescue operations, top priority will be given to all passengers in critical condition
for immediate medical attention.
• Even in case of worst possible accident, dead bodies would be extricated at the
fastest possible speed. The ARME in-charge and officials available at the site of
accident should act accordingly.

Hospitalization of the injured -

• General policy, in case of railway accidents involving passengers, is that of rapid

evacuation of the victims to railway hospital after rendering immediate and
necessary first-aid treatment.
• In case there are no railway hospitals nearby, they are to be admitted in the nearest
Government hospitals.
• In the following cases, the injured may be taken to a private hospital:
o When there is no railway or Government hospital available with in a radius of say
8 kms. from the site of accident, or

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

o When the attending doctor certifies in writing that the treatment in private
hospitals necessary in the interest of the patient.
o Except where railway doctor certifies, such injured passenger should normally be
eligible to the class of accommodation in the private hospitals where different
scales are available.
o Where the family of the injured person desires to be provided with a higher class
accommodation, the family should give in writing to pay the extra cost involved
directly to hospital authorities.
• For this purpose, CMS should chalk out a working arrangement with such private
hospitals as may be necessary in areas served by them, so that in an emergency,
injury cases can be referred to hospitals concerned without loss of time.
• To facilitate matters and to avoid misunderstanding, CMS should draw a list of such
private hospitals bearing in mind the railway and other Government hospitals in the
• CMS should also fix the charges to be paid in such cases for each class of
accommodation. Complete medical care will be taken of all injured passengers,
including payment of medical bills till their final discharge from hospitals. Claims
compensation booklets containing forms and other instructions will be distributed to
all injured passengers and next of kin of all deceased passengers by commercial
• Bills by such private hospitals should be submitted through CMS, who will certify the
correctness of charges payable, before forwarding for payment to Accounts.
• Under this Para, payment to private hospitals can be arranged locally by the railway,
and Ministry of Railway’s approval is not necessary.
• If the injured are admitted in non-railway hospitals, railway doctors should be
deputed to these hospitals to render necessary assistance, including supplying the
medicines that are not available in these hospitals.
• They should carefully monitor the medicines that are not available in these hospitals.
• If more than one hospital is involved, apart from deputing doctors to individual
hospitals, a railway doctor should also be deputed to co-ordinate and to maintain the
centralized updated position.

Facilities to be made available in the hospital –

• There should be a separate reception counter at all hospital manned by a

commercial Supervisor or by a welfare Inspector at the entry to the hospital, to deal
with relatives/ dependents of patients.
• A chart should be displayed at this reception counter indicating ward numbers where
the patients are admitted, along with their names, coach number wise.

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

• At the entry to every such ward, a second list should display the name of the patient,
coach number and the bed number inside the ward.
• Commercial staff and Welfare inspectors on duty at that hospital should carry a list
indicting the name, address and telephone numbers of relatives/dependents as
given by the patient, and whether they have been informed or not.
• Arrangement should be made to inform the next of kin or a relative or friend of the
deceased, in case identity of the person involved in accident becomes known.
• As each relative arrives, his name should be marked in the list against the
passenger’s name.
• Reception counter should be provided telephone with STD facility.
• There should be two mobile telephones readily available to be taken to patients
inside the wards for making outgoing calls.
• Complete medical care of all passengers, including payment of medical bills till their
final discharge, should be provided.

Communication -
• Telephone with STD facility should be made available to passengers to
communicate with their relatives/dependents.
• BSNL/Railway telephone available at adjoining stations/cabins/towns shall be
extended to the accident site.
• PCO telephones and other BSNL phones in nearby localities/villages/towns shall be
extended to the accident site by persuading owners of such phones.
• Payments for such telephone connections will be made from station earnings.
• Sr.DSTE should hire some mobile phones to meet the needs of stranded
• Wherever cellular phone connectivity is available, stranded passengers should be
permitted to use these phones free of charge.
• BSNL No. 0712-10721 being activated in Commercial Control Room/Nagpur
connected with 4(four) BNSL No.2546581, 2546562 & 2546566, 2540243 for
collecting information in Disaster or any other major train accidents.
Arrival of relatives / dependents -

• After a few hours, next of kin of the deceased and relatives/dependents of injured
passengers start arriving at the accident site.
• Adequate number of display boards should be available on ARMEs/ARTs for being
put up at the accident site.
• These display boards should indicate the direction of the Assistance Centre at site.
Disaster Management Plan-
S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

• The indication boards should be displayed near those areas where incoming
relatives/dependents arrive and congregate.
• Periodic announcements on loudspeakers should also be made for guiding them to
the Assistance Center at site.
Taking care of relatives/dependents -
• At the Assistance Centre at site, Commercial Supervisors & Welfare Inspectors
should be available to guide the relatives/dependents. They should go through the
reservation charts and list the dead/injured.
• Commercial supervisor or WelIfare Inspector shall depute a railway servant to
accompany the relatives/dependents to the hospital.
• A hired vehicle should be provided for carrying them to various hospitals and
• The commercial supervisor or Welfare Inspector should stay with the relative until
they have either found the injured passenger or identified the dead body.
• Thereafter, they should help them in completing all formalities at the Assistance
Centre at site.
• Commercial Inspector & Welfare Inspector must be nominated for each ARMV/ART.

Single window clearance -

• Assistance Centre at site should provide single window clearance for all legal
formalities and paperwork.
• If should provide the following facilities:
o Reservation chart for locating the name by Commercial department.
o List of dead and injured along with the name of hospital.
o A vehicle, to take the relatives to various hospitals or mortuary.
o Railway doctor for issue of medical Death Certificate.
o Govt. doctor for issue of post mortem clearance.
o Municipality official for issue Death Certificate.
o Local police for handing over of dead body.
o Claim counter for payment of ex-gratia and issue of Claim Compensation Form.
o Counter to help in performing last rites in case relatives/dependents decide to
cremate the body there itself.
o Pass counter for issue of return journey pass by Personnel department.
o Return journey facilitation counter to make arrangements for return journey.

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

Station earnings can be utilized for -

• Departmental expenditure necessitated by floods, accidents and earthquakes etc.
• Handling changes for transshipments due to accidents.
• Cost of transportation of sick and wounded persons to hospitals, when at small
stations ambulances are not available.
• Payment of expenses of special catering, when the imprest is exhausted in
emergency cased only, duly authorized by an officer.
• Refund of fares on un-used and partially used tickets.
• Payment not exceeding ` 1000/- (Rupees one thousand) only in cash for shrouds for
covering and removal of dead bodies from Railway premises. The voucher required
to be submitted along with the cash may be countersigned by GRP officials in token
of his having taken over the dead bodies duly covered with shrouds. (Authority
Rly/Bd. L/No.2002/TG-III/30/4 dtd: 12.03.2013.
• Payment to licensed porters for carrying injure/dead bodies.
• Providing free meal, water, tea snacks to affected passengers, injured, un-injured or
stranded passengers.
• Payment of expenditure towards establishing telecommunication.
• Money can be withdrawn from station earning with personal sanction of a senior
scale officer.
• Station Pay Order (withdrawn from station earnings) should be duly signed with
official designation, indicating his name.
• Proof that the payment has been made and the reason for payment should be kept
payee with revenue stamp.
• The account should be submitted to account officer within 15 days from the date of
withdrawal. (Para 2425 of India Railway Commercial Manual).

Stay of relatives/dependents of dead and injured -

• Commercial supervisor or WI deputed with relatives / dependents should arrange for
their stay and accommodation also.
• Depending upon the need, accommodation in hotels / Dharamshalas should be
hired for accommodating passengers.
• Arrangements should be made for their meals etc.

Performance of last rites -

• In many cases relatives/dependents decide to perform the last rites at the place of
accident itself.
Disaster Management Plan-
S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

• Necessary assistance should be rendered to relatives/dependents in locating:

o The nearest cremation or burial ground as the case may be.
o Shopkeepers who sell necessary material for funeral rites
o Priest for performing the ceremony.
• The above information should be conveyed to relatives/dependents and transport
provided for carrying the body.
• Commercial supervisor or WI should help the relatives/dependents in this endeavor.

Departure of relatives/dependents of dead and injured -

• Assistance Centre at site should have counters to help the relatives/dependents plan
their return journey.
• Personnel Branch staff at the Assistance Centre at site should be available for
issuing complimentary passes for their return journey.
• Reservation of berths should be provided on trains.
• Extra coaches should be attached to trains going to the destination station for the
next two or three days. These extra coaches should be brought in locked condition
from the originating station.
• Space should be reserved in SLRs to carry dead bodies in coffins etc. in case they
so desire.

Cremation/disposing off unidentified/unclaimed dead bodies -

• Before cremation/disposing off all unidentified and unclaimed dead bodies, it should
be ensured that the record of belongings found with dead bodies i.e. ticket, purse,
clothers etc. be taken separately of each dead bodies and their colour photograph
also be taken by the railway authorities and this should be kept in safe custody so
that at an point of time in future body’s identification can be done by their

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

Guidelines for commercial department at the site of accident to deal with affected
passengers -

1. Ex-gratia payment:
i. The amount of ex-gratia relief payment to be paid to the dependents of dead or
injured passengers involved in Train Accidents as defined under sections 124 of
the Railway Act, 1989.
S/N. Typ of accident Amount of ex- Amount of ex- Amount of ex-
gratia for death gratia for gratia for Simple
Grievous Injury Injury.
1 In case of train `.50,000/- `.25,000/- `.5000/-
accident (as defined (`.Twenty-five
under section 124 of (`.Fifty (`.Five
thousand only)
RA) thousand only) thousand only)

ii. The amount of ex-gratia for death/injured in untoward incidents, as defined under
section 124-A of the Railway Act,1989.
S/N. Typ of accident Amount of ex- Amount of ex- Amount of ex-
gratia for death gratia for gratia for Simple
Grievous Injury Injury.
1 In case of untoward `.15,000/- `.5,000/- `.500/-
incidents (as
defined under (`.Fifteen (`.Five (`.Five hundred
section 124-A of thousand only) thousand only) only)

iii. The amount of ex-gratia relief payment to be paid to the road users who meet with
an accident at Manned Level Crossing Gate due to Railway’s prima facie liability.

S/N. Typ of accident Amount of ex- Amount of ex- Amount of ex-

gratia for death gratia for gratia for Simple
Grievous Injury Injury.
1 In case of accident `.50,000/- `.25,000/- `.5000/-
at Manned level (`.Twenty-five
crossing (due to (`.Fifty (`.Five
thousand only)
railway’s prima facie thousand only) thousand only)

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

The terms & conditions for payment of ex-gratia relief:

i. No Ex-gratia payment would be admissible to the trespassers, persons

electrocuted by OHE & road users at Unmanned Level Crossings. (Authority –
RB No. 93/TC111/122/1 dtd:21.08.1995)
ii. The amount of ex-gratia relief admissible to road users who meet with an
accident due to Railway’s prima facie liability at Manned Level Crossing Gate will
be counted towards the amount of compensation payable, if action is tenable
against the Railways under the Law of Torts and an award is actually granted by
a Torts of Law.
iii) Ex-gratia payment should also be made to Railway servants killed or injured by a
moving train while on duty, for example Railway servant working on track run
over accidentally by a moving train. (Authority – RB No. 93/TC111/122/1
vi. Payment should be sanctioned/ arranged preferably on the spot by senior scale
or higher official nominated by the General Manager after making such enquiries
as can be reasonably made on the spot after the immediate need by way of
medical attendance etc. to injured persons are attended to.
v. These ex-gratia relief in case of road users at Manned Level Crossings, are not
to be taken into account at the time of formal claims for compensation.
vi. This ex-gratia relief in case of hospitalization will be exclusively for passengers
who are grievously injured in train accidents or untoward incidents as defined
under Section 123, read with Section 124/124-A, of the Railway Act, 1989.
vii) The period for treatment as indoor patient for more than 30 days would need to
be certified by a Railway Doctor for the purpose of further ex-gratia payment up
to the period of remaining 11 months. In case where the injured is taking
treatment in other than Railway hospital, the treatment has to be certified by
Railway doctor.
viii) Sr. Divisional Medical Officers shall also keep track of such injured person taking
treatment in other then Railway hospitals. Sr.DCM/DCM shall keep coordination
with Sr.DMO for the purpose and arrange payment of ex-gratia as per the
prescribed schedule mentioned in the table in para-2 above at the doorstep of
injured person. Every care shall be taken by Sr.DCM/DCM to avoid any
inconvenience to injured person in such cases.


Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division



Objectives -

• To provide factual information to public with regard to accident

• To convey any other information which is of use to passengers
• To convey specific information which is of use to relatives/dependents of dead and
injured passengers
• To create a positive public opinion,
• To create a healthy relationship with the press and electronic media.

Duties of Public Relations Organization -

• PRO and his team will collect whatever information is available and released it to the
media within 60 minutes of intimation of accident.
• The information shall include telephone numbers of help line enquiry booths.
• Photographers with digital and video cameras should also be taken to the accident
• Responsible PR supervisors should be deputed during nightshift for interacting with
the media, if necessary.
• PRO will organize press briefings at fixed timings.
• PR organization shall monitor various important media channels to keep track of
media reporting. Suitable corrections/clarification may also be issued, if required.

Spokesperson -

• Only GM, DRM, CPRO and PRO are competent to interact with press and electronic
• Apart from the above, any other officer authorized by GM is competent to interact or
give interview to press and electronic media.
• They should ensure that only factually correct and confirmed information is relayed.
• No inflated or exaggerated version of any fact should be relayed to the media. No
railway man shall express or voice any criticism, or express his personal opinion or
views about the accident, at any point of time.

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

Information to be relayed to Press and Electronic Media - Information to be given to

media can be broadly segregated in to following categories:


• Natures of the accident, i.e. date, time, exact location, train number, number of
coaches involved. etc.
• Details of how the accident most probably occurred.
• Prima–facie cause of the accident will be relayed to media only with the approval of
• Sabotage, even if suspected will not be relayed to media, without approval of
Railway Board.
• Regular reports regarding progress of Rescue & Relief work.
• Expected date and time of restoration.

Uninjured passengers:

• Steps taken to provide beverages, refreshments to uninjured passengers.

• Steps taken by railway for clearance of uninjured passengers.
• Expected time of departure of front portion of the affected train.
• Expected time of arrival at the destination.
• Expected time of departure of rear portion of accident involved train.
• Its diverted route and expected arrival at the destination.
• In case empty coaching rakes have been arranged then details of the same.

Dead and injured passengers

• Steps taken by railway to render immediate medical attention

• Number of passengers rescued.
• Breakup of the injured passengers, both grievous and simple.
• Name of the hospitals where injured are being treated.
• Approximately how many patients have been admitted in each of these hospitals
• Names of injured passengers.
• Communication facilities like cell phones, STD phones provided at these hospitals.
• Payment of ex-gratia.
• Facilities offered to relatives/dependents of victims including free pass for journeys.
• Special trains being run for bringing relatives /dependents of dead and injured.
• Number of dead bodies recovered and number of bodies identified.
Disaster Management Plan-
S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

• Identification of dead bodies takes much longer since either:

o They were traveling alone or;
o Their companions are injured and are not in a position to identify them, or:
o Their companions are also injured/dead.
o Under such circumstances it is possible to identify dead bodies only when
relatives/dependents arrive.
o This aspect of identification dead bodies and reasons for delay should be
explained to the media.

Helpline Enquiry Booths:

• Setting up of Helpline Enquiry Booths.
• Details of Helpline Enquire Booths:
o Station where these have been opened.
o Telephone Nos.
o Fax Nos.
o Internet address of SECR on the Railnet website (

Train services:
• Details of train operation with regard to:
o Diversion
o Regulation
o Rescheduling
o Short termination
o Cancellation
• Running of passenger specials for carrying relatives/dependents to the site of
• These trains will be started from the originating and destination stations of the
affected train and will be given some stoppages en-route for picking up
• Expected departure time of relatives/dependents special from their originating
• Refunds being granted in Helpline Enquiry Booths for passengers whose journey
have been interrupted.

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

Casualty figures:
• In all accidents, as long as Rescue & Relief work continues, there is always a
difference between casualty figures given by the railway and casualty figures quoted
by the media.
• The reason for this difference is that railway gives figures based on actual number of
dead bodies recovered, whereas media estimates casualty figures based on the
damage visible.
• During Press briefings, this point should be clarified that till the present time, so
many bodies have been recovered.
• However, it should also be made clear that casualty figures are likely to go up since
rescue work is still continuing.
• Assessment regarding likely number of deaths and injuries may also be made if
considered necessary. Such an assessment should based on:
o Total number of coaches involved.
o Number of coaches searched.
o Number of coaches yet to be dealt with.
• Particular reference should also be made to coaches that are crushed or that have
climbed on top, and have not yet been searched.

Press Briefings at accident site:

• DRM or his authorized representative shall collect factual information from the site
manager and relay the same to the media and HQ. Thus an on-line communication
channel will be established to keep media informed of all the important details.
• CPRO or PRO should be available during press briefings in HQ.
• There should be a fixed time for press briefings so that there is no confusion
regarding different versions given to separate channels at various points of time.
• Simultaneous press briefings should be held at accident site, at HQ and at division,
as per the time intimated, so that the same version is given to all concerned.
• All media releases will be uploaded on the South East Central Railway Website, and
a separate web page will be opened to give specific information with regard to the
accident by Commercial department in liaison with IT department. The priority of
information release to various media will be as under:
o TV channels.
o News Agencies like UNI, PTI.
o Print Media

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

• Convenience of media shall be taken care of by PR personnel with assistance of

Commercial representatives at site. Tour of media persons should be conducted to
hospitals where injured are being treated.
• Commercial department should ensure that list of passengers who traveled by the
accident involved train along with the list of dead and injured reaches the PR
officials at the earliest.

Telephone Numbers for Railway Accident Information:

HQ of SECR and Bilaspur, Raipur are allotted 4 digit DOT telephone No. 1072
whereas Nagpur division of South East Central railway is allotted 5 digit DOT telephone
No. 10721 for giving Railway Accident information. Normally these telephones will be
manned by controllers. During railway passenger train accident, these phones will be
manned by commercial controllers of disaster management cell to provide information
to public regarding type of train accident, place and time of accident, train/trains
involved, affected Coach Nos., injuries/casualties etc.

Public Assistance Telephone

Nagpur. 0712-10721(4 Lines)


Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division



National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has prepared ‘Suggestive Framework
for Preparation of Crowd Management Plan for Events/Venus for Mass Gathering and a
working paper for Preparation of Crowd Management Plan, titled “Managing Crowds – A
Guide for Administrators and Organizers of Events and Venues”. These documents
would enable State Governments/local agencies and the administrators/organizers of
events and venues of mass gathering to prepare appropriate guidelines and plan for
effective and efficient crowd management.

For better effectiveness, RPF, GRP and District Police have to act in a synchronized
manner in consultation with Magisterial Authorities.

One of the intelligence video analytics to be incorporated in the integrated Security

System is related to signal for crowd density within station premises when it exceeds
the prescribed limit. This will enable RPF personnel and railway authorities to get timely
information when heavy crowd builds up within station premises and plan follow-up
action. Pictures stored on CCTV system will be of immense help in identifying
miscreants and in ensuring effective legal action.

Planning provides a methodical way to engage all stakeholders in thinking through the
life cycle of a potential crisis, determining required capabilities and establishing a
framework for roads and responsibilities, taking end objectives into consideration, as a
supplement to the national guide on “Managing Crowd at events/Venues of Mass
Gathering” issued by NSMA, this document provided a quick reference and outline on
preparation risk-informed planning process.

The concise framework navigates the planning process through a mix of instructions
describing the content that each section might have as defined in national guide

This document suggested that the State Government may formulate guidelines for
management of “events/venues of mass gathering” with a cross reference into
SDMP/DDMPs along with description on support mechanism with roles and
responsibilities defined. State having guidelines on mass gathering events/venues may
review their existing guidelines/plan keeping national guide into consideration.
During festival of events attracting mass gathering-railways, road ways and airways etc,
may experience unexpected temporary surge in number of people at such locations.
Agencies responsible for operation and management such places would need to include
‘Crowd’ as one of the hazard while formulating strategic plan for public safety and
implement special arrangement necessary for managing surge in number of people at
railway stations, bus terminals and airports. Framework suggested in this document
paves way in formulating public safety plan by agencies like railways, road transport

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and airways. These plans are to be developed in consultation with local authorities and
even administrator/organizer.

Different event/venues may have different hazard profile and hence resources
requirements will not be uniform. Hence this may be used as a framework and not as a
template. Suitable changes, as required, may be made in the contents.

The events are approved as per local bylaws. In current scenario informations/data
collected by the licensing authority (police at this point) through the application form is
inadequate and does not cover key components like hazards/vulnerabilities/risk – an
event/venue may be susceptible to. Capacity building measures can only be identified if
hazards and vulnerabilities are known. Plan for event/venue of mass gathering will
response and recovery) and will also provide procedures and methodology for putting
those capabilities into action during any severe incident.

Authorities responsible for granting license/registration/permission for events/venues of

mass gathering will need to reconcile their exiting format of “application” by suitably
integrating requirement of a plan on management of mass gathering into it.

Guidelines for Establishment of Emergency Operations Centre:

1. This centre will by far possible, be near to the vicinity of the subject it is going to
2. The centre should be in a safe area where it is not affected by any type of
disasters, both man-made and natural, so that it can exercise control over its task
under any condition.
3. A Grid Map of the entire area under jurisdiction will be prepared to facilitate
accuracy in pinpointing the troubled area and activate appropriate response.
4. This map will contain all relevant data like position of volunteers/police,
ambulance, fire services, medical emergency room, ticket location etc.
5. All the staff involved in this activity will have a particular call sign and the grid
map. This will give them leverage in pre-empting a particular activity that
ensures safety of the crowd or if they are nearest to the spot. It will aid them in
initiating corrective action and feedback to the control centre.
6. This centre will exercise positive control over the crowd movement to and from
the event venue.
7. This centre will not act under pressure of any sort from any individual or agency
requesting speedy access to event/venue. At the time, it will exercise total
discretion in allowing the same only if doing so may lead to safety and security
8. The centre will be the hub for information flow about the crowd movement other
up and down.
9. All emergency support services will be coordinated from this centre.
10. This centre will exercise direct control over the already parked ambulances, fire
services and regulating their movement, in and out of the disaster prone area.

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11. This centre will pre-validate and decide the level and distance of accessibility of
emergency services in the disaster area to avoid congestion and quick
turnaround, there by speeding up the movement of cases and vehicles.
12. The centre is also responsible for validating the main routes for crowd movement
and alternative routes (marked as standby for ingress and egress).
13. The centre will exercise/regulate the positioning of food stalls, public facilities,
watering points, rest areas and display systems for easing the flow of crowd and
their anxiety level.
14. The entire communication network i.e. the public address system, wireless setup,
display system etc. will be controlled by a dedicated team under the supervision
of one competent person, who in turn report to the Chief of Emergency
Operations Centre.

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Categorization of Alerts –
Specific hazards have different categories of Alerts. Accordingly, a uniform
system has been devised by categorizing each type of alert in stages – Yellow, Orange
and Red.

Action plan for communication of alert messages –

Whenever a crisis is about to be faced, Government of India has laid down
systems for warning its respective departments through an ‘Alert’. It should be
understood that mere issue of an ‘Alert’ (Yellow or Orange) is not an indication of the
occurrence of a disaster. This only signified the existence of a crisis for which
provisions of the Crisis Management Plan would come into operation.

The Action Plan for Alert Message lays down as under for Railway-

Category Description Stage

Minor 50 or less casualties (inclusive of death and injuries) Yellow
Medium 51-99 deaths Orange
Major 100 or more deaths or where additional assistance is Red
sought by the Ministry of Railways.

Monitoring/Reporting of Effects of Disaster –

The Safety Directorate in the Board would be given information regarding

Orange/Red Alerts. On the declaration of an incident as a Disaster by a State
government or District Administrator or even by the GM/AGM of the Zonal railway, the
CSO would give time to time updates to the Safety Control in Railway Board of the
situation. Assistance of other departments would be made available by the GM to the
Safety department on the Zonal Railways.

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Action on Division on Orange/Red Alert:

On the issue of an Orange Alert (or of a higher level), the responders have to be
activated as required for relief etc. as under –
• Mobilization of Gang Men.
• Hospitals to mobilize Doctors and Para-medic staff.
• Civil Defence units.
• RPF and RPSF deployment
• Scouts and Guides.
• Operating and manning of the Disaster Control Room.
• Coordination amongst various stake holders through advance warnings.
• Communication system to be ensured and backups to be in readiness for immediate
use when required.
• In case existing railway staff may not be able to maintain train services to be
operational, the TA units have to be mobilized. It takes 2-3 days for the deployment
of the TA unit after issue of their mobilization order; hence an advance warning is of

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Aim of Hospital Disaster Management Plan –

The aim of a Hospital Disaster Plan is to provide prompt and effective medical
care to the maximum possible, in order to minimize morbidity and mortality resulting
from any MCE (Mass Casualty Emergency).

Hospital DM Plan:

There shall be on each Zonal Railways a Hospital Disaster Management Plan

which will be based on the Indian Railways Hospital DM Plan issued by Railway board.

The Hospital DM Plan shall incorporate relevant items given in the DM Plan of
the Railways. It should be clarified that:

“The Hospital DM Plan comes into effect only if the competent authority so
authorized declares on the Zonal railways an incident as a disaster. It can also come
into effect if any Central/State government agency declares a major incident as
Disaster, and where the medical facility of the Railways shall be required assistance”.

Each Hospital has to evolve it’s own plan and it has to be revised from time to
time as each experience will bring new perspectives.

Objective and Goals of a Hospital Disaster Plan –

The Hospital Disaster Plan should address not only mass casualties that has
occurred away from the hospital, but should also address a situation where the hospital
itself has been affected by a disaster such as fire, explosion, flooding or earthquake.

Categorization of Emergencies –

In order to find out what constitutes a disaster or unmanageable incident for the
hospital, the hospital needs to calculate its normal capacity, beyond which it has to act
according to the Disaster Plan. The mass casualty emergencies can be categorized
based on the number and/ or type of casualties.

The categorization is based on the number of casualties coming to a hospital in a

given time and the ability of the hospital to cope with those casualties. Categorization
will differ from hospital to hospital and depend on several factors, such as the number of
doctors and nurses available and the availability of supplies and support services.
Assessment of the capacity of a hospital to respond to a given emergency situation
should be done.
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The Disaster Manual –

The plan should also be written down as a document in the form of a ‘Disaster
Manual’. The reporting, recording, coordinating and evaluating activities associated
with DM should be specified in this Disaster Manual. The Disaster Manual should be
prepared by the CMS or CMD of the Zonal Railway.

Hospital preparedness and Emergency Health Management –

Hospital preparedness is crucial to any Disaster Response System. Each

hospital needs to have an emergency preparedness plan to deal with mass casualty
incidents and the hospital administration/doctors trained for this emergency. The
curriculum for medical doctors does not at present include hospital preparedness for
emergencies. Therefore, capacity building through in-service training of the current
health managers and medical personnel in hospital preparedness for emergencies or
mass casualty incident management is essential.

Hospital preparedness should aim at planning the use of hospital resources in a

well coordinated and simple way with defined roles for all medical personnel. Such
activities will be drafted in the Hospital DM Plan which will be a part of the
Zonal/Divisional DM Plan.

Medical First Responder (MFR) –

Railway is not be expected to be a main stake holder in the DM Plan of Disaster

like CBRN, it can only be assisting agency. This may be specifically clarified in the
Zonal and Divisional DM Plans as to who is considered as MFR. Presently Railway is
first medical responder in case of train accident involving casualty, level crossing
accident involving casualty, stamped at platform, foot over bridge and Railway premises
and any non-railway accident occurring in Railway premises and adjacent to Railway
premises. During such disastrous situation Medical, Civil Defence, St. John’s
Ambulance and Scout and Guides should be summoned by DRM/Sr.DSO as per

Capacity Development –

Capacity development will include training of all stakeholders including doctors,

nurses, paramedics and other resource persons in triage and Basic Life Support (BLS),
and deployment of specialists. Training for Post Trauma Psycho counselling to be
imparted to Civil Defence, Scout and Guides in the respective hospitals of the divisions.

Memorandum of understanding –

The HLC recommended (recommendation No.33) entering into a memorandum

of understanding (MoU) with the State Government so that the Railway administration
could join hands for mutual assistance in case of railway or non-railway disasters. The
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HLC also suggested entering into MoUs with the civil and private hospitals to improve
the response time, with the Armed forces and private air operators for Air support to
access the disaster sites. Presently there is only verbal consent from Government
Hospitals as it is open to general public. Coordination among Railway, Government and
Private hospitals is a must to any medical team to reach a disaster site in a reasonable
time in the vast network of railway route kilometres.

Duties of the Doctors/paramedics involved in rescue operations –

• Keep stretcher and ambulance ready to transport the sick persons.

• Give details of injured persons to the doctor who is preparing the list of injured
• Make detailed search and inspection of all the train compartments including
lavatories to find out any trapped.

Points to be considered while dealing with the affected people –

• Incident command system,

• Communication and information system,
• Telephone desk,
• Patient flow, Triage and category of incidents,
• Drugs and equipments,
• Consumable stock,
• Bed space,
• Temporary morgue,
• Mortuary (AC),
• Linen stores,
• Staff-medicals, nursing and paramedics their well defined duties at the time of MCE,
• Volunteers,
• Foot service,
• Information service,
• Engineering service (for water and electricity supply),
• Security and other matters,
• Discharge procedure.

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Duties of the doctors/paramedics visiting hospitals where the injured persons are
getting treatment –

• There should be one paramedical for one hospital.

• Before leaving accident spot they must collect telephone number of the site and
senior medical officer.
• He should be constantly available at the hospital and he should be in constant touch
with the spot giving the full details of the injured passenger duly updating.
• He should be prepared well in advance to take round the VIPs with all information.
• He should assess the nature of injuries and the capabilities of the hospital to treat
them efficiently. As per assessment if there is a need to shift to higher medical
centre, he will arrange for the shift keeping the senior medical officer in the spot
• He will do regular daily follow-up of the cases and the progress of the recovery and


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The security of Indian Railways is being managed by 3 agencies, the Railway

Protection Force, Government Railway Police and the State Police. State police and
Government Railway Police function under the administrative control of respective State
Governments and their role is prevention and detection of crime (except those covered
by Railway Act and the Railway Property Unlawful Possession Act) and tackling law and
order problems. Due to this coordination amongst the different agencies is very
essential to handle Disaster situation effectively.

Railway Protection Force is an Armed Force of the union constituted by an act of

Parliament (the Railway Protection Force Act 1947), for the protection and security of
railway property, passenger area and passengers and for matters connected therewith.

Role of RPF in Disasters –

In case of any disaster especially serious train accidents, fire incidents, explosion
in trains or on railway premises, terrorist acts, hijacking of train etc. RPF has to play
lead role on coordination with other department of Indian Railways and various
agencies of State and Central Government.

In case of CBRN Disasters, or a natural calamity, RPF has to provide support

services in rescue, rehabilitation and mitigation efforts.

RPF has a major role in crowd control and arranging fire fighting infrastructure by
coordinating with the State Governments/District Administration. The deployment of the
RPF may be done on need basis to provide relief, rescue and rehabilitation consequent
to a Terrorism Disaster. Dog Squads may need to be deployed even for preventive
checks against terrorist activities.

Integrated Security Scheme –

An integrated security has been sanctioned for installation at 195 stations of

Indian Railways. The system envisages multi-layered surveillance of vehicles, luggage
and passengers in station premises. The system comprises of following broad

• Internet protocol based CCTV surveillance system with intelligence video analytics,
• Access control,
• Personal and baggage screening system,
• Bomb Detection and Disposal system,

Disaster Management Plan-

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Crowd Control and Management –

For better effectiveness RPF, GRP and District Police have to act in a
synchronized manner in consultation with Magisterial Authorities.

One of the intelligence video analytics to be incorporated in the Integrated

Security System is related to signal for crowd density within station premises when it
exceeds the prescribed limit. This will enable RPF personnel and railway authorities to
get timely information when heavy crowd builds up within station premises and plan
follow-up action. Picture stored on CCTV system will be of immense help in identifying
miscreants and in ensuring effective legal action.

Explosion in trains and railway premises –

One of the key components of the Integrated Security System is Explosive

Detection and Disposal. It provides for effective detection and disposal capability with
RPF. Explosive detection and disposal, being a highly skilled and challenging job,
requires Bomb Detection and Disposal Squad comprising of personnel. Such RPF
personnel have been identified on Railways and they are being trained in phased
manner by National Security Guard (NSG). Preventives measures to be taken in such
situation, have been separately circulated vide Security Directorate Secret letter No.
2003/Sec(Spl.)200/14 dated 16/01/2008.

Terrorist Acts and Hijacking of Trains –

Procedures have been outlined in the Crisis Management Plans of the

Government of India, of the Ministry of Home Affairs and of the Ministry of Railway to
tackle such situations. Above mentioned secret documents are available with
concerned Authorities and action has to be ensured in accordance with the provisions
mentioned in the above mentioned plans.

Ministry of Home Affairs is the Central Nodal Ministry to tackle hostage to

terrorist situations requiring specialized handling. National Security Guard (NSG) has to
be requisitioned in such situations. Crisis Management Plan of the Ministry of Railway
envisages management of such crisis by the National Crisis Management Committee
(NCMC) and Crisis Management Group (CMG) at the Railway Board level and by the
Zonal Management at the Zonal level.

Coordinated efforts have to be ensured by all security agencies present at the

spot. Senior most officials available at the spot shall handle situations in accordance
with conditions of the crisis at local level and instruction received from concerned Crisis
Management Group at Zonal and National levels. Quick Reaction Teams (QRTs) of
RPF personnel should be available round the clock at major stations which will be of
immense help to tackle such situations during initial phases especially in cases of
terrorist attacks.
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S.E.C.R; Nagpur division



National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has issued guidelines on the

management of chemical disasters. These guidelines are directed more towards their
prevention and mitigation of their effects, if these happen then on rescue and relief
operations afterwards.

Indian Railways have also been transporting chemical and hazardous materials e.g.
petroleum products (petrol, naphtha, HSD etc.), Caustic soda, alcohol, compressed
gases (LPG gas etc.), chemical manures, Acids, Matches etc. These goods are carried
either in the SRs or in the Parcel Vans or in the goods wagons. Quantum and type of
transportation of such hazardous materials varies from railways to railway and different
zonal railways need to prepare themselves based on the type and extent of hazardous
material being handled and transported by them.

Indian Railway’s Rules for carrying dangerous (hazardous goods) by rail has been
legislated in the Railway Red Tariff Rule 2000 as per which dangerous goods have
been classified into following 8 classes:

I. Explosives
II. Gases, compressed, liquefied or dissolved under pressure.
III. Petroleum and other inflammable liquids.
IV. Inflammable solids.
V. Oxidising substance.
VI. Poisonous (Toxic substances)
VII. Radio-active substances.
VIII. Acids and other corrosive.

Chapter I to VIII respectively deal with the above classes of dangerous goods which
include General rules governing acceptance, handling, carriage, storage, delivery and
the list of commodities included in that class. Carriage of Goods of a hazardous nature
other than those specified in these chapters shall not be accepted for transport by rail
unless especially authorized by the railway administration as provided under these

Out of the above 8 classes of dangerous goods, class II (gases, compressed, liquefied
or dissolved under pressed, III (Petroleum and other inflammable liquids) and VIII (Acids
and other corrosive) are dealt in bulk on railways whereas other classes of dangerous
goods are dealt in piecemeal/small quantities in parcel vans/SLRs. Division may refer
to the specific Paras pertaining to all these classes of dangerous goods. However,
important relevant details of the popular classes (II, III and VIII) of dangerous goods are
detailed as under: -

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

1.0 CLASS –II (Gases, compressed, liquefied or dissolved under pressure)

Gases compressed, liquefied for dissolved under pressure, which have been permitted
for their carriage by rail, as per Red Tariff No.20 are given below:

1. Dissolved Gases:
• Acetylene (compressed into porous substances).

2. Compressed Gases:

• Air compressed.
• Argon
• Coal Gas
• Hydrogen
• Methane
• Neon
• Nitrogen
• Oxygen
• Sulphur Hexafluoride

3. Liquefied Gases:

• Ammonia (anhydrous)
• Chlorine
• Liquefied petroleum Gas (Commercial Butane or Propane)
• Carbon dioxide (Carbonic Acid Gas)
• Cyclopropane Gas
• Ethyl Chloride.
• Freon, Arcton or Genetron
• Hydro-cyanic Acid
• Medical Mixtures (oxygen and carbon dioxide & oxygen and helium mixture)
• Methyl Bromide.
• Methyl Chlorine(Chloromethane)
• Nitrous oxide
• Sulphur dioxide Toxic (sulphurous acid gas)
• Liquid Air
• Liquid oxygen
• Liquid Nitrogen
• Liquid Helium

General rules regarding acceptance of above commodities for carriage by rail are given
in Rules 202, 203, 204, 205, & 206 of Red Tariff No. 20.

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1.1 Packing:

Before the above commodities are transported by rail, it must be packed as per rules
207.1 & 207.2 of Red Tariff No.20.

However, Rule 207.2 i.e. rule for protection of cylinder valves during transport shall not
apply to cylinders containing oxygen or nitrous oxide for medical purposes having water
capacity less than 5 litres.

1.2 Marking & labelling of Cylinders or containers:

Rules for marking and labelling of cylinders are given in rules 208 & 209 of Red Tariff
NO.20. It must be ensured that the date of the last hydrostatic test or hydrostatic
stretch test with the code mark of recognized testing station is marked on every
cylinder. In the case of liquefied petroleum gas cylinders, the quarter and the year of
test shall be given additionally in a neck ring or on a shoulder plate.

1.3 Storage (Refer Rule No.211 of Red Tariff No.20):

Following points must be ensured –

• Thin wall cylinders such as liquefied petroleum gas cylinders and dissolved gas
cylinders shall not be stacked in a horizontal position.
• Cylinders containing flammable gases, other toxic gases shall be kept away from
cylinders containing other type of gases.
• Cylinders shall not be stored along with any combustible material.

Precautions in handling and storing gas cylinders or containers (Refer Rule

No.212 of Red Tariff No. 20)

Commodities mentioned in this chapter, shall not be stored or handled with or near
explosives or other dangerous goods. Smoking and carrying any type of fire must not
be allowed near these commodities.

1.4 Modes of Transportation

Regarding modes of transportation refer rules 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218 of Red
Tariff No. 20.

1.5 Stowage and carriage

Stowage and carriage rules of gases, compressed, liquefied or dissolved under

pressure are discussed in rules 219, 220, 221, 226, 227 and 228 of Red Tariff No.20.

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1.6 Additional Rules

Exceptional or additional rules regarding packing, marking and labelling, carriage by

Goods/Mixed/Parcel train and stowage and carriage rules have been specified in Table-
II, Chapter-II of Red Tariff No. 20. Characteristic property of gas and pictorial level
indicating main characteristics of the gas is also indicated in column 2 & column 3 of
table II.

2.0 CLASS – III (Petroleum and other inflammable liquids)

Petroleum and other inflammable liquids i.e mixture of liquids and liquids containing
solids in solution which give off inflammable vapours and is capable of ignition in
suitable concentration of air when exposed to a source of ignition. Petroleum and other
inflammable liquids are considered dangerous as per Railways Act 1989 (24 of 1989)
and have been classified in three classes i.e. Class ‘A’, Class ‘B’ and Class ‘C’.

(i). Class ‘A’ – Petroleum and other inflammable liquids, the vapour of which having
flash point below 23°C.
(ii). Class ‘B’ - Petroleum and other inflammable liquids, the vapour of which having
flash point above 23°C but below 65°C.
(iii). Class ‘C’ - Petroleum and other inflammable liquids, the vapour of which having
flash point at 65°C and above.

A list of items included under above three classes is given in Table III, Chapter III of
Red Tariff No.20.

Rules regarding general restrictions on conveyance and acceptance of petroleum and

other inflammable liquids have been detailed in rules 302, 303, 304, 305 & 306 of Red
Tariff No. 20.

2.1 Packing, Marking and Labelling

It is to be ensured that the words “Highly Inflammable” and “Inflammable” as the case
may be, is marked on every package containing petroleum and other inflammable
liquids. Every tank vehicle used for transportation of petroleum must be marked on
each side, and rear thereof in letters at least 7 cms high on a background of sharply
contrasting colour the word “FLAMMABLE’ and the common name of the liquid being
transported e.g. “MOTOR SPIRIT”, “KEROSENE” etc. For method of packing, marking
and labelling of petroleum and other inflammable liquids, Rules 308, 309 & 310 of Red
Tariff No.20 may be referred.

2.2 Storage

Time of Loading and Unloading: All operations of loading, unloading and handling of
petroleum and other inflammable liquids shall be conducted between sunrise and
sunset. Provided that consignments to be sent in brake-vans of passenger, mixed or
Disaster Management Plan-
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parcel trains and by trans-ship or Road van trains may be handled at any hour, after
due precautions have been taken to prevent accidents. Loading and unloading of
petroleum products shall be allowed at any hour if, adequate electrical lighting and fire
fighting facilities as determined by Chief Controller of Explosives have been made
available at the place of loading and unloading.

Prohibition of smoking, fires etc: Petroleum and other inflammable liquids must not
be stored or handled near explosives and other dangerous goods. Smoking, taking fire,
naked light matches or other articles of inflammable nature is strictly prohibited near
petroleum and other inflammable liquids. All due precautions should be taken at all
times to prevent any escape of petroleum and other inflammable liquids. Rules 312 and
313 of Red Tariff No.20 may be referred for detail.

2.3 Transportation
Subject to the provisions of Rules (i) and (ii);

a. Petroleum and other inflammable liquids, Class ‘A’, shall be transported by goods
trains only.
b. Petroleum and other inflammable liquids, Class ‘B’ and ‘C’ may be transported in
wagons by all trains except passenger trains.
Rule (i) petroleum and other inflammable liquids, class ‘A’ may be transported in
wagons by a mixed or parcel train on any line or section on which goods trains
are not running provided that immediately on entering any section on which
goods trains are running, the wagons containing petroleum and other
inflammable liquids class ‘A’ shall be detached from the mixed or parcel train.
Rule (ii) Carriage in brake-van of passenger, mixed or parcel trains – Except as
otherwise provided in column 5 of table III of Red Tariff No.20, petroleum and
other inflammable liquids shall not be carried in brake-van of passenger, mixed
or parcel train. Whenever these commodities are permitted to be carried in the
brake van, the following points must be ensured.
(a) The total quantity in the brake-van of any one train at any one time shall not
exceed 50 litres.
(b) Petroleum and other inflammable liquids shall not be conveyed in the same
carriage with any matches or fuses or appliances producing ignition, or any
explosives or other dangerous goods.
(c) Packages containing petroleum and other inflammable liquids shall be carried
only in the rear brake-van which shall be well ventilated.
(d) Packages containing petroleum and other inflammable liquids shall be placed
as far as possible from other packages in the brake-van and from the tail light
of the train.

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Conveyance in tank wagons

Tank wagons used for the conveyance of petroleum and other inflammable liquids shall
be of a design approved by the Chief Controller of Explosives.

Precautions to be observed while loading and unloading tank wagons:

(i) Tank wagons used for the conveyance of petroleum and other inflammable
liquids shall be in good condition and free from leakage.
(ii) In filling tank wagons, an air space of more than 5% of the capacity of the tank
wagon shall be left, provided that the prescribed air space may be reduced to –
(a) 2.5% in the case of some important items like:
High speed diesel oil
Furnace oil
Kerosene oil
Aviation Turbine fuel
(b) 4% in the case of some important items like –
Aviation spirit
(iii) All inlets and outlets shall be securely closed.
(iv) Petroleum and other inflammable liquids, class ‘A’ shall not be filled in or
discharged from tank wagons:
(a) At any place where tank wagon is exposed to sparks.
(b) Within a distance of 30m from any fire, furnace or artificial light capable of
igniting inflammable vapour. Distance may be reduced to 9m when the liquid
is filled or discharged under seal and closed vapour return pipe lines are

Empty Tank Wagons: All empty tank wagons which have contained petroleum and other
inflammable liquids shall, except when they are opened for the purpose of cleaning
them & rendering them free from vapour, be kept securely closed unless they have
already been thoroughly cleaned and rendered free from vapour.

2.4 Stowing in wagons, labelling, sealing and locking:

Guidelines regarding stowing, labelling, sealing and locking of wagons have been
discussed in Rules 322 & 323 of Red Tariff No.20. A “DANGEROUS” label as shown in
Rule No.323 of Red Tariff No.20 must be affixed to both sides of every wagon in which
petroleum and other inflammable liquids are stored for dispatch or delivery or while in
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The rules for shunting, marshalling and delivery of consignments have been discussed
in Chapter III of Red Tariff No.20.

2.5 Additional Rules.

Any additional or exceptional rules applicable for any specific item regarding packing,
marking and labelling carriage by Goods Train, Carriage in brake-van of passenger,
mixed or parcel train and stowage & carriage rules have been discussed in details in
Table-III, Chapter III of Red Tariff No.20.

3.0 CLASS –VIII (Acids and other corrosives)

A list of Acids and other corrosives which have been considered dangerous goods are
given in Chapter VIII, Table VIII of Red Tariff No. 20. Only these acids and other
corrosives shall be accepted for conveyance by rail. Regarding general restrictions on
conveyance of acids and other corrosives by rail and notice of despatch to be given by
sender, rules 802, 803, 804, 805 & 806 of Red Tariff No.20 may be referred.

3.1 Packing, Marking and Labelling

Although, acids and other corrosives is to be packed by consignor but more precautions
need to be taken by concerned Railway Officials, that it is packed strictly in the manner
laid down in column 2 of table VIII and as per rules 807 of Red Tariff No.20.

The outermost Package containing acids and other corrosives must be marked with the
word “Corrosive” and name of the acid or corrosive Labelling of package must be done
as per rule 808, 809 & 810 of Red Tariff No.20.

3.2 Handling and Storage

(a) Time of loading and unloading:

All operations of loading, unloading and handling of acids and other corrosives shall be
conducted between sunrise & sunset. Consignments sent in sectional vans may be
handled at any hour by taking all due precautions to prevent accidents, including
provision of adequate lighting.

(b) Handling of Packages:

(i) Packages containing acids and other corrosives not be thrown, dropped down or
dragged along the ground of floor and care should be taken to avoid striking
them against any hard object.
(ii) When loading and unloading heavy drums or casks cushions of a suitable type,
thick coir matting, felt, bags filled with saw dust or similar protection should be
used to avoid damage to the drums or casks and to prevent leakage.

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

(iii) Whenever practicable, packages containing acids and other corrosives shall be
carried or conveyed on trolley or hand barrows.
(c) Acids and other corrosives not to be stored or handled with or near explosives or
other dangerous goods or articles of inflammable nature.
(d) Acids and other corrosives not to be stored or handled with or near foodstuffs or
foodstuffs empties.
(e) The floor of any place or wagon on which acids and other corrosives have been
stored or the wagon or trolley or hand barrow in which they have been carried
shall swept and thoroughly cleaned after removal of the goods therefrom.

3.3 Transportation

(i) Acids and other corrosives in wagons may be transported by all trains including
passenger trains, but not to be transported in the brake van of trains.
(ii) Acids and other corrosives shall be carried in covered iron wagon and tank
wagons. End opening carriages or wagons shall not be used.

Conveyance in tank wagons

Tank wagons used for the conveyance of acids and other corrosives shall be of a
design approved by the Chief Controller of Explosives.

Precautions to be taken while loading tank wagons

(i) Tank wagons used for the conveyance of acids and other corrosives shall be in
good condition and free from leakage.
(ii) In filling tank wagons, an air space of not less than 5% of the capacity of the tank
shall be left.
(iii) All inlets and outlets shall be securely closed subject to provision of vents where

3.4 Storing in wagons

(i) Packages containing acids and other corrosives should be compactly loaded
so that they do not shift during transit.
(ii) Different kinds of acids and other corrosives when loaded together in the
same wagon shall be kept as far apart from the another as may be
(iii) Drums containing acids and other corrosives shall as for as possible, be
loaded on end.
(iv) Bottles, jars and carboys should not be loaded on top of other goods, and the
other goods should not be loaded on the top of bottles, jars and carboys.

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

3.5 Labelling, sealing and locking of wagons

A ‘DANGEROUS’ label shall be affixed on both sides of every wagon in which acids and
other corrosives are stored for dispatch or delivery or while in transit.

3.6 Precautions to be taken during shunting

Shunting of wagons containing acids and other corrosives shall not be carried out,
except under the superintendence of a duly authorized officer who shall ensure that
during shunting operations.

a. The speed of all movements does not exceed 8 Kmph.

b. No rough hump, fly or loose shunting takes place.

3.7 Additional Rules

Any additional or exceptional rules applicable for any specific items regarding Packing,
Marking and Labelling, Carriage etc. have been discussed in details in table VIII,
Chapter VIII of Red tariff No.20.

4.0 Stationary storage of dangerous goods

Some of the dangerous goods like HSD Oil, lubricants etc. are also stored by the
railways for their own consumption in diesel loco sheds, RDIs at stations, store deports
etc. These places of storage of dangerous goods must have sufficient fire fighting
equipments and trained man power to deal with initial phases of fire. All such locations
of storage must also have the road access so that fire tenders can approach in the
event of any major fire. Adequate security arrangements should be made at these
locations to prevent any outside interference which may cause any untoward incident.
The facilities for storage of petroleum products by the Railways should conform to the
Petroleum Rules 2002 notified in the Gazette of India.

In addition to the railways own storage, there are major storage points of dangerous
goods adjacent to the railway infrastructure under the private ownership. Railways
should liaise with such private owners to ensure that adequate safety precautions are
taken and locations are suitably guarded by them to obviate any untoward incident that
might affect railway system.

5.0 Rescue Relief and Restoration Operations

Railway’s expertise in dealing with the mis-happenings like spillage, catching fire etc. Of
these dangerous goods is very limited. It is, therefore, imperative that the respective
zonal railways will develop and nurture coordination with those agencies and
organizations of their system that have expertise in dealing with the hazardous material
being handled and transported on the respective zonal railways. Contact details
e.g.Name, designation, telephone Nos; Mobile Nos; etc. Of such agencies should be
Disaster Management Plan-
S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

available in the divisional and zonal railway Disaster Management Plan so that these
agencies can be called for without any delay during any untoward incident. However,
not to mention the least nominated staff of ARMVs, ARTs and few of the staff
maintaining the rolling stock which is used for transportation of hazardous material may
be trained and equipped with the equipment used for dealing with such material in the

Phone numbers for emergency services to deal the petroleum hazards

Division Designation Mobile No.

Nagpur Area Manager 9422804623
(IOCL)/Gondia 9422804639


Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division



Fire on a running rain is more catastrophic than on a stationary one, since fanning by
winds helps spread the fire to other coaches. Moreover, passengers sometime jump out
of running train on fire resulting in increased causalities.

In case of fire in running train, every railway staff available on the train or at the site
shall immediately try and stop the train and plunge into action to save lives and

A. following sources are main causes of fire in trains:

i) Carrying stoves, sigries, gas cylinders, kerosene oil, petrol, fireworks etc in
passenger compartments.
ii) Making fire/using fire near papers, wood, petrol or such other inflammable
iii) Lighted match sticks, cigarette ends carelessly thrown.
iv) Short circuit in electrical wirings.
v) Using naked light during authority token delivery to the driver, shunting of
inflammable loads, sealing of inflammable wagons.
vi) Use of open fire, smoking near gas/petrol tank.

All railway staff and passengers should take all possible precautions to avoid any
of the above mistakes so that possibility of fire breaking out can be minimized. In
general fire originates in a small level. When burning materials with adequate
supply of air surround it, fire spreads.

B. Action to be taken in case of fire in train:

i) First and foremost immediately summon the fire brigade.

ii) Secondly, if you smell gas or vapour, or even in case of excessive smoke, hold a
wet cloth loosely over your nose and mouth and breath through it in as normal a
manner as possible.

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

1. In case of fire in a passenger train:

i) In case of fire pull the Alarm Chain and stop the train immediately
ii) Try and put out the fire before it becomes a big blaze by using either water
or blankets etc.
iii) More people expire due to suffocation for smoke rather than due to actual
iv) Advice passengers to take a cloth, wet it in their drinking water and cover
their nostrils.
v) Instruct Passenger to go to the other end of the coach, which is away from
the fire and if possible cross over to the next coach through the vestibule.
vi) Insist that passengers should save themselves first and not to bother
about their luggage which can be retrieved later on.
vii) Make sure that no passenger lies down on the floor.
viii) After train has stopped, passengers should come down from the coach
ix) Building up confidence of injured passengers by suitable advice is of great

2. In the event of a vehicle on a train being on fire:

i) Stop the train immediately

ii) Don’t panic
iii) Evacuate passengers from burning coaches
iv) Protect property, valuables & mails.
v) Locate fire extinguishing substances viz, water bucket with water/sand,
fire extinguishers etc.
vi) Use fire extinguisher if any and put out the fire.
vii) Use water from the coaches and extinguish the fire.
viii) Throw earth or sand, if available, on the fire.
ix) Ascertain the type of fire viz; dry, oil, gaseous, electric and use the right
type of extinguishers.
x) Isolate the burning vehicle from other vehicle by uncoupling.
xi) Train to be protected by Driver and Guard at both ends according to the
provisions of G&SR 6.03.
xii) Report it to the nearest station/control/fire station.

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

xiii) Every effort shall be made to extinguish the fire and to save the wagon
labels, seals and contents of the vehicle.
xiv) Fire is discovered when the train is near a tank or watering station, the
Guard and Driver shall use their discretion to proceed there but no such
attempt shall be made until the portion of the train in rear of burning
vehicle has been detached.
xv) Inform all concerned to assist in extinguishing the fire.
xvi) In case of fire from electrical short circuit, switch off the source.

3. In the event of fire on Electric Engine:

i) Driver shall immediately switch off the circuit and lower the pantograph.
The train shall then be brought to stop at once.
ii) After disconnecting the electric supply to affected circuits, driver shall take
necessary action to put out the fire.
iii) If fire cannot be extinguished by the above means driver shall advise TPC
through emergency telephone to arrange for OHE of the affected section
to be switched off.
iv) The guard and any other staff available shall render all possible
assistance to the driver in putting out the fire.
v) Ordinary fire extinguishers or water from a hosepipe shall on no account
be used to extinguish fire on live wire or electrical equipment.
vi) If services of fire brigade are required, fire brigade shall not be allowed to
commence operation until all electrical equipment in the vicinity of the fire
has been made dead.

4. In the event of a fire on a Diesel Engine:

i) The Driver shall immediately switch off the circuit breaker and shut down
the engine. The train shall be brought to stop at once.
ii) The Guard shall give all possible assistance to the Driver in putting out the
iii) Fire extinguishers of approved type shall be provided on each diesel
locomotive when these are turning out from the home shed. The
Foreman/CWS in charge of the shed shall inspect the fire extinguishers
and ensure that these are in good working condition

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

5. When a person is on fire:

i) Approach him holding the nearest available wrap in front of you.

ii) Wrap it round him
iii) Lay him flat and smother the flames.
iv) He may roll on the floor, smothering the flames.
v) On no account should he rush out in the open air.
vi) Call for assistance.

6. Fire caused by Petrol or other inflammable liquids, acids or gases:

i) Segregate the affected wagon, coach or area involved.

ii) On opening a wagon do not enter it immediately. You would thus, avoid
fumes, which may be dangerous.
iii) Use foam type fire extinguishers and sand and not water or soda acid type
fire extinguishers.
iv) Do not bring naked lights near the site of fire.
v) Warn the people living in the surrounding area within one Km Radius.
vi) Stay away from ends of tanks, as tanks normally burst from the ends.
vii) Cool tanks that are exposed to flames with water from the sides only after
the fire is put out.
viii) Withdraw immediately in case of rising sound from venting safety drive or
any discolouration of tank due to fire.
ix) Inform the nearest fire station intimating that Petrol or any other
inflammable liquids, acids or gases, have caused the fire.

7. In case of fire due to Explosives/Inflammables Dangerous Goods:

i) Extinguish by closing the valve or isolating LPG fed to fire by other

suitable controls.
ii) Following steps may be taken if no undue risk is involve:
a) Move unheated cylinders to a safe place after ensuring closing of
b) Cool the hot cylinders by spraying water from a safe position. The
person directing the spray should take up a position where he
would be protected from possible explosion.

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

iii) If cylinder containing inflammable/toxic gas develops leak during

transportation, remove it to an isolated open place away from any source
of ignition and advise the filler or consigner as required.
iv) Inform the Chief Controller of Explosives by fax/telephone.
v) Inform officer in charge of nearest police station.
vi) Inform department officers concerned.
vii) Pending the visit of the Chief Controller of explosives/his representative,
the wreckage and debris shall be left undisturbed except to save lives.
viii) After getting information from the Chief Controller of Explosives that he
does not wish any further investigation, the restoration work may be

C. Fire Fighting:

1. Dry chemical power type fire extinguisher (DCP):

The DCP types FE are suitable for tackling petroleum, gas, electrical fire and
controlling fires of textile fibres, Sodium based chemical powder is used on a fire
which undergo chemical reaction.

2. How to use:
i) Carry to the place of fire and keep it up right.
ii) Remove the safety clip
iii) Strike the knob located in the cap.
iv) Sealing disk of the cartridge gets broken and allows carbon dioxide gas to
escape to the main shell and power is pushed out.
v) Direct the steam of the powder at the base of the flame.
vi) For effective result stand at about 1.5 to 2.5 meter near the seat of the fire.
vii) Move forward with moving the nozzle rapidly from side to side in sweeping
viii) When using on outdoor fires operate from the up wind side for effective

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

3. Building Evacuation:
When the building fire alarm sounds:

i) Immediately evacuate using building emergency plan procedures.

ii) Walk to nearest exit/stairwell (close doors behind you)
iii) Don’t use elevators.
iv) Proceed to the designated gathering area outside the building.
v) Do not re-enter building until cleared by authority personnel.
vi) Assist with evacuation of individuals with special needs.

4. Suspicious substance in Railway premises:

i) Clear and isolate the contaminated area. Do not touch or disturb anything.
ii) Call police/fire service/bomb squad.
iii) Wash your hand with soap and water.
iv) Identify individuals who may have been exposed to the material.
v) Do not leave premise until disposed by authority.

5. Bomb threat/Blast:
Person receiving call regarding bomb threat should

i) Attempt to gain as much information as possible from the caller like type of
device, time set, location, reason/purpose of the act, dialect mannerism
and identity of the caller.
ii) Inform and alert the disaster management team (Bomb detection squad)
iii) Alert police, fire brigade and explosive department.
iv) Pass on the information to all departments concerned.
v) Take initiative for evacuation of all persons from premises.
vi) Persons noticing a bomb like object, should bring it to the notice of the
nearest available officers.
vii) Inform GRP, RPF, and bomb detection squad.
viii) Ensure all persons are away from the spot and avoid unnecessary
crowding near the areas.
ix) Inform control to take further steps for regulating train services.
x) Wait for clearance from the police department to restore normal working.
xi) Utilize “Caller ID” facility if provided to trace the caller.
Disaster Management Plan-
S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

6. Radiation Emergency:

a) Personal injury involving radioactive material contamination:

i) Render first aid immediately for serious injuries, as trained.
ii) Call bomb squad, fire station.
iii) If possible, without causing harm to the victim, monitor the injured; remove
contaminated clothing and gross personal contamination.

b) Radioactive contamination of personnel :

i) Remove contaminated clothing
ii) Call fire station, bomb squad and police.
iii) Skin contamination should be cleaned using mild soap and tepid water.
Use portable survey meter to monitor for remaining contamination. If not
free of contamination, re-wash and re-survey.

7 What to do upon receipt of suspicious letter/package:

i) Handle with care.

ii) Don’t shake or bump.
iii) Isolate and look for indicators.
iv) Don’t open, smell or taste.
v) Treat it as suspect.
vi) Call Police/Fire service/Bomb squad.

8. If parcel is open and /or Threat is identified:

a) For a Bomb:
i) Evacuate immediately,
ii) Call Police/Fire Service/Bomb squad.
b) For Radiological:
i) Limit exposure-don’t handle,
ii) Evacuate area,
iii) Shield yourself from the object.
iv) Call Police/Fire service/Bomb squad

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

c) For Biological or Chemical:

i) Isolate – don’t handle,

ii) Call Police/Fire service/Bomb squad.
iii) Wash your hand with soap and water.

D. Other Accidents:

1. Tampering of Railway fittings causing accident & placing of foreign particle

on track to cause disruption to traffic:
i) A staunch vigil should be kept by introduction of special patrolling over the
area as and when warranted.
ii) Some person to be trained specially and to be drafted for duty over the
area if required.

2. Earthquake:

i) When first tremor is sensed during Earthquake, all personnel should

evacuate buildings and assemble at safe places away from structures,
walls and falling objects.
ii) Emergency shutdown should be declared.
iii) Emergency response plan to be activated.
iv) After status is restored, personnel should inspect all facilities for damage
assessment, cleanup, restoration and recovery.

3. Landslide/Boulder falling:

i) Whenever landslide/boulder falling is expected/ experienced due to heavy

down pour or otherwise all train services should be regulated.
ii) Rescue team to be rushed for restoration work.

4. Flood:

Based on the weather forecast warnings regarding impending flood

condition following steps should be taken:

i) Bridge watchman to be provided at vulnerable points to inform

water flow.
ii) Shifting all personnel and movable equipment around the bank.

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

iii) If time permits sandbag dykes can be constructed to ensure safe

passage of trains.
iv) Regulate train service tili flood recedes.
v) Evacuate people on train /at station and move them to a safer
vi) Contact fire brigade, Navy, Army Air force, local boat man and
arrange diverse and boats.
vii) With co-operation of local authority the Engineering officer/
supervisor or other supervisors at that station shall arrange
temporary shelter in nearby schools, marriage hall, community
centre etc.
viii) If necessary, arrange coaches to accommodate the affected
ix) Seek assistance from voluntary organization and arrange drinking
water, food, medicines etc.
x) RPF and GRP in coordination with local police shall arrange
xi) Keep communication with Divisional Control Office.
xii) When people are marooned by flood, arrange air dropping of food
packets, clothes etc. with the assistance of civil administration.
xiii) Contact St. John, local doctors and provide medical care to the
xiv) Take all necessary action to provide shelter and other assistance
those affected by floods.

5. Cyclone/Storm:
When a train is caught in a cyclonic storm at mid section / station.

i) Stop the train clear of cutting, bridges and embankments.

ii) Guard, Driver and other Railway staff on train shall open all doors
and windows of all coaches.
iii) Station master shall not start trains when the wind velocity exceeds
the permitted level.
iv) Make announcement frequently to warn the public about the
v) Take all necessary action to provide shelter and other assistance to
those affected by cyclone and storm.

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

6. Riots/Strikes: When a train is caught in a riot/Strike mid


i) Stop the train.

ii) Sr.DSC/DSC will coordinate with Local civic authorities to ensure
protection of passengers/railway property.
iii) Sr.DSC/DSC will rush immediate reinforcements to site.
iv) Necessary arrangements viz Barricades etc may be used.


Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division




Designation Railway BSNL Mobile

(Off.) (Res.) (Off) (Res.)
DRM 52200 52201 2561939 2565767 9730078000
ADRM (T) 52202 52203 2565224 2565596 9730078001
ADRM (O) 52206 52207 2544502 2544504 7709260001
CMS 52470 52471 2561016 2542130 9730078500
Sr.DCM 52230 52231 2562868 2565337 9730078950
Sr.DME 52270 52271 2560427 2565604 9730078400
Sr.DME(D) 52274 52275 2562220 2548343 9730078401
Sr.DOM 52260 52261 2564917 2565984 9730078900
Sr.DSTE 52280 52281 2560638 2561191 9730078800
Sr.DEN(Co) 52220 52221 2561435 2561602 9730078200
Sr.DEN(C) 52224 52225 2560430 2551373 9730078203
Sr.DEN(S) 52420 52421 2561377 2557746 9730078204
Sr.DEN(E) 52226 52227 2565851 2561493 9730078201
Sr.DEN(N) 52228 52229 2561723 2043237 9730078202
Sr.DEE(TRD) 52240 - 2544226 - 9730078300
Sr.DEE(OP) 52242 52243 2561667 2565918 9730078375
Sr.DEE(G) 52440 52441 2565850 2565216 9730078340
Sr.DSO 52266 52267 2545608 2543167 9730078550
ADSO 52466 52467 2520253 2539900 9096078300
Sr.DFM 52210 - 2560587 2560161 9730078100
Sr.DPO 52450 52451 2560428 2540899 9730078600
DSC 52250 - 2560707 - 9730078700
Dy. CME (WS) 52272 - 2561429 - 9766372700
STD Code - 0712

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division


Designation Railway BSNL Mobile

(Off.) (Res.) (Off) (Res.)
DRM 72200 72201 2252200 2252870 9752877000
ADRM 72202 72203 2252202 2254243 9752877001
CMS 72500 72501 2252470 2252301 9752877500
Sr.DSO 72266 72267 2252264 2252131 9752877550
Sr.DOM 72260 - 2252260 - 9752877900
Sr.DEN(CO) 72220 72221 2252220 2252481 9752877200
Sr.DME(C&W) 72270 72271 2252270 2252960 9752877400
Sr.DEE(TRD) 72240 75241 2252240 2252630 9752877300
Sr.DEE(OP) 72242 72243 2252242 2252968 9752877375
DEE(G) 72440 - 2252244 - 9752877340
Sr.DSTE 72280 72281 2252280 2252681 9752877800
Sr.DCM 72230 72231 2252230 2884547 9752877950
Sr.DFM 72210 72211 2252210 2252960 9752877100
DSC 72250 72251 2252250 2889940 9752877700
(STD CODE: 0771)


Designation Railway BSNL Railway

(Off.) (Res.) (Off.) (Res.)
DRM 62200 62201 247100 247101 9752876000
ADRM 62202 62203 247102 247103 9752876001
CMS 62470 62471 247081 - 9752876500
Sr.DSO 62266 62267 247166 - 9752876550
Sr.DOM 62260 62261 247160 247161 9752876900
Sr.DEN(CO) 62220 62221 247120 247141 9752876200
Sr.DME 62270 62271 403555 247171 9752876400
Sr.DEE(TRD) 62240 62241 247140 268052 9752876300
Sr.DEE(OP) 62242 62243 247142 243161 9752876375
Sr.DEE(G) 62440 62441 247144 247189 9752876340
Sr.DSTE 62280 62281 247180 247181 9752876800
Sr.DCM 62230 62231 247130 247486 9752876970
Sr.DFM 62210 62211 247110 247113 9752876100
Sr.DSC 62250 62251 247150 247151 9752876700
(STD CODE: 07752)

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division


Designation Railway BSNL Railway

(Off.) (Res.) (Off.) (Res.)
DRM 55000 55001 2565622 2561478 9766342000
ADRM 55002 55003 2561478 2044322 9766342001
CMS 55500 - 2565047 - 9766342250
Sr.DSO 55604 - 2560128 2045702 9766342156
Sr. DOM 55600 55601 2564495 2564123 9766342055
Sr.DEN(Co) 55300 55301 2562713 2542202 9766342040
Sr. DME 55400 55401 2560149 2541582 9766342035
Sr.DEE(G) 55150 55151 2560832 - 9766342030
Sr.DEE(TrD) 55200 55221 2560702 2520392 9766342032
Sr.DEE(TrS) 55250 55251 2745379 2565436 9766342230
Sr.DSTE(Co) 55800 55801 2561072 2553121 9766342060
Sr.DSC 55750 55751 2560717 2545238 9766342168
Rly; Code - 085 STD - 0712

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division


Designation Railway BSNL/AIRTEL Mobile

Office Residence Office Residence
General Manager 64000 64001 247000 269005 9752475000
AGM 64004 64005 247175 247176 9752475002
Secretary 64002 64003 247002 247003 9752475001
SDGM 64006 64007 414229 247023 9752475003
CCM 64300 64301 416285 426825 9752475950
PCE 64200 64201 410885 268133 9752475200
CTE 64202 64203 409009 414286 9752475201
CBE 64204 64205 415572 422943 9752475202
CEE 64400 64401 410305 247363 9752475300
CELE 64404 64405 415547 - 9752475301
CEGE 64402 64403 415533 247170 9752475302
CEDE 64406 64407 415558 247145 9752475303
CME 64700 64701 247158 428998 9752475400
CRSE 64702 64703 414710 414818 9752475401
CME/Plg 64704 64705 415540 415537 9752475403
CMPE 64706 64707 415571 419442 9752475402
CMD 65500 65501 247047 247134 9752475500
CHD 65502 65503 247241 268141 9752475501
COM 64600 64601 410991 415396 9752475900
CFTM 64602 64603 410992 415397 9752475901
CPTM 64604 64605 415584 423281 9752475902
CTPM 64608 64609 415576 415570 9752475903

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

CSO 65350 65351 415404 247044 9752475550
Fax 65378 - 413911 - -
Dy.CSO(Engg.) 65354 65355 415521 247165 9752475551
Dy.CSO(S&T) 65352 - 413911 - 9752475552
Dy.CSO(Traffic) 65356 65357 213022 - 9752475554
SSO(Elect.) 65358 65359 406651 - 9752475553
CSC 64970 64971 414819 420869 9752475700
Addl.CSC 64972 64973 410890 247106 9752475701
CSTE 64800 64801 268059 - 9752475800
CSE 64804 64805 415501 247020 9752475801
CCE 64802 64803 268003 247173 9752475802
DMP Room – 07752-247235, Rly – 075-65010, Fax-07752-247235

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

Contact Numbers (in Alphabetical Order) Of Stations of Nagpur division (SECR) –

S/N Station STD DOT CUG Railway
Code code
1 Alewahi AWH 07179 202184 9561001152 55401
2 Amgaon AGN 07189 225254 9561006659 55004
3 Arjuni AJU 07196 220133 9561214404 55410
4 Bakal BAKL 07744 291503 9752093811 56553
5 Balaghat BTC 07632 244131 9752093817 55079
6 Bhandara Road BRD 07184 285537 9561001176 52198
7 Bhiwapur BWV 07106 232240 9561001178 -
8 Binaiki VNK - - 9752878841 -
9 Birsola BRA 07182 287020 9752093819 55049
10 Bhandarkund BDKD - - - 52166
11 Bortalao BTL 07823 213007 9752093806 56377
11 Brahmapuri BMP 07177 272015 9561214407 55412
12 Burgi BUQ - 9406916432 9752093834 52131
13 Chacher CHCR 07115 287214 9561001655 52195
14 Chanda Fort CAF 07172 225018 9561001160 55405
15 Chhindwara CWA 07162 230544 9752093848 55763
230244 9752878933 55760
16 Darekasa DKS 07180 244532 9752093764 55002
17 Dewalgaon DEW 07196 228031 9561214403 55411
18 Dongargarh DGG 07823 232854 9752093808 56264
19 Dongribuzrug DGBZ 07183 202027 9561214399 -
20 Dumrikhurd DKU 07102 202006 9561001652 -
21 Gangajhari GJ 07182 285029 9561043335 55006
22 Garha GGGS - - 9752093836 52131
23 Ghansor GNS - - 9752093830 52139
24 Goberwahi GBRI 07183 220222 9561214398 -
25 Gondia G 07182 235567 9561006830 55162
26 Gonglee GNL 07199 233704 9561214401 55089
27 Gudma GDM 07182 260031 9561006665 55005
Disaster Management Plan-
S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

S/N Station STD DOT CUG Railway

Code code
28 Gowarighat GRG 07612 9424772753 9752093835 52132
29 Hatta Road HTT 07632 284644 9752093818 55110
30 Hirdamali HDM 07187 291001 9561214400 55088
31 Itwari ITR 0712 2764324 9561001648 53162
32 Jatkanhar JTR 07823 212698 9752093809 56375
33 Kachewani KWN 07198 251041 9561071166 55007
34 Kalumna KAV 0712 2680711 9561005217 53362
35 Kamptee KP 07109 288227 9561001650 52181
36 Kanhan KNHN 07102 236217 9561001651 52190
37 Katangi KGE 07630 250131 9752093820 55068
38 Kelzar KEZ 07174 202381 9561001159 55409
39 Khat KHAT 07115 234242 9561001175 52189
40 Koka KOKA 07184 220013 8600104961 52186
41 Kuhi KUHI 07100 222235 9561001164 -
42 Linga LIG - - 9109112612 52167
43 Motibagh MIB 0712 2549424 8600003946 52361
44 Mulmarora MME 07174 202400 9561001157 55403
45 Mundikota MNU 07198 280356 9561001179 52185
46 Murhipar MUP 07882 111697 9752093815 56537
47 Musra MUA 07744 291412 9752093810 56374
48 Nagbhir NAB 07179 240036 9561214408 55462
49 Nainpur NIR - - 9752093826 52172
50 Paniajob PJB 07823 212517 9752093807 56376
51 Parmalkasa PMS 07744 291413 9752093814 56536
52 Rajnandgaon RJN 07744 224170 9752093813 56502
53 Rajoli ROL 07174 263430 9561001154 55415
54 Ramtek RTK 07114 255002 9561001653 -
55 Rasmara RSM 07882 111500 9752093816 56538

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

S/N Station Station STD DOT CUG Railway

Code code
56 Rewral RRL 07115 233573 9561001657 52193
57 Salekasa SKS 07180 244131 9561001174 55003
58 Salwa SAL 07102 202170 9561001654 52192
59 Sindewahi SYE 07178 288230 9561001153 55407
60 Sondad SNV 07199 232128 9561214402 55087
61 Shikara SKY - - 9752093832 -
62 Sukrimangla SOY - 9424766296 9752093831 52134
63 Talodi Road TUD 07179 232171 9561214409 55406
64 Tharsa TAR 07115 238675 9561001656 52196
65 Tiroda TRO 07198 254022 9561001180 55008
66 Tirodi TRDI 07630 276730 9752093837 -
67 Tumsar Road TMR 07183 223413 9561214397 55362
68 Umranallah ULA - - 9424391757 55783
69 Umrer URR 07116 242008 7387261574 -
70 Wadegaon WDG 07196 227171 9561214405 55402
71 Wadsa WSA 07137 272043 9561214406 55400
72 Waraseoni WRI 07633 253022 9752093906 55067

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

Important telephone numbers of

Secretariat, Govt. of Maharashtra & Madhya Pradesh

Designation Maharashtra Madhya Pradesh

Chief secretary 022-22025042 0755-2441848
022-22028762 0755-2441370
Home secretary 022-22029959 0755-2441816
022-22875930 0755-2204243
Director General of Police 022-22026672 0755-2443500
In-charge Disaster 022-22026712 0755-2461538
Air Force, Nagpur 0712-2512771 --
Exchange -

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division



Balaghat - STD Code-07632

Civil Authority Contact numbers

Collector 240150, 240660,
Addl. Joint Collector 241221, 241599, 241222,
Collector (Office Supdt.) 240150
SDM 248230,
Supdt. Of police 240021, 240020, M- 07049100425
ASP 240320, 241499, 09407091999
Fire Brigade 241377, 247101
Police Control Room 100/ 241800
District Medical Officer(CMO) 241099, 244280
District Forest Officer 248414, 09424790200

Bhandara – STD Code-07184

Civil Authority Contact numbers

Collector 254555(O), 254666(R), M- 07721884455
Deputy Collector 252346, 09423187350
Superintendent Of Police 252440, 252227,
Fire Brigade 101, 252915, 285551-55 (extension sunflag)
Police Control Room 252400
District Medical Officer 252532,2552247
Civil Surgeon M- 09850311675
District Hospital 252247, 252532
Ambulance Service 252247, 108, 102
District Forest Officer 252283, 253303, 252214, 09860137202
Regional Transport Office 258165
Bus Stand Enquiry. 252234, 265250

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

Chandrapur STD Code-07172

Civil Authority Contact numbers

Collector 255300, 255200, M-8390520945
SDO 251401, 8390520945, 8145107336
Supdt. Of Police 255100, 255202, M- 7798885176
Fire Brigade 101, 273258
Police Control Room 100, 251200
District Medical Officer 253331
District Hospital(Civil Surgn) 250400, 252103
RMO 250400, 09422829606
Cries Hospital 264389, 264387
Ambulance Service(Govt.) 250400, 180
District Forest Officer (North) 256279, 255548, 9765599416
Road Transport Corporation Manager 251779
Regional Transport Office 255372
Bus Stand Enquiry (Controller) 252151

Chhindwara STD Code-07162

Civil Authority Contact numbers

Collector 242302, 242303, M- 9425103001
FAX - 244467
Supdt. Of police 242304, 242305, M-7049100431,
07049100431, FAX - 244888
Fire Brigade 101, 244955
Police Control Room 100, 244888, 245473
District Medical Officer(Civil Surgeon) 242892 M: 09407871005
District Hospital 243443
Ambulance Service 243443
District Forest Officer 243457, 244330, 09424791451
Regional Transport Office 220199, M-9425325528
Bus Stand Enquiry. 222384

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

Durg - STD Code – 0788

Civil Authority Contact numbers

Collector 2322655, 2322002, 7999947354
Supdt. Of Police 2322071, 2322003, M-9479192002
Corporation Office, Bhilai 2220125
Fire Station, Bhilai Steel Plant 2852222, 2852223
Police Station, Mohan Nager Thana 2210570
Police Control Room 100, 2283151
District Hospital 2322808
Nehru Hospital, B.S.P (3 Km. ) 2856012, 2859679, 2856011
JJ Nursing Home, Durg. (1/2 Km.) 2323431
Chandulal Chandrakar Hospital 2289212, M:9993095050
Gayatri Hospital 2355383, 2324383, 4010771
Ambulance Service Govt. 2322808

Gadchiroli - STD Code – 07132

Civil Authority Contact numbers

Collector 222001, 222002, M- 7798977831
Dy.Collector 222003, 222004, 222005
Supdt. Of Police 222151, 222152, M- 8652573333
Fire Brigade 101
Police Control Room 100, 222100
District Medical Officer 222320
District Hospital 222340, 222330
Ambulance Service 222340
Road Transport Corporation Manager 232949
Regional Transport Office 222195

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

Gondia - STD Code – 07182

Civil Authority Contact numbers
Collector 236149, 236348, M- 9869405001
Supdt. Of Police 236293, 236494, M- 9823411331
Tehsildar 236703
Fire Brigade 101, 230000, 237601
Police Control Room 100, 236100
City Police 237453
Gramin Police station 237129
Gondia Hospital & Medical research 233828, 233690
Centre Pvt. Ltd.
KTPS(Govt.) Hospital 234130
Road Transport Corporation Manager 251391
Regional Transport Office 237321
Bus Stand Enquiry 250063

Jabalpur - STD Code – 0761

Civil Authority Contact numbers
Commissioner 2679000, 2679001, M-9425019474
Collector 2624100, 2603333, M- 9425802003
IGP 2676103, M - 09981995599
Supdt. Of Police 2676111, 2676333, M- 09425318000,
Fire Brigade 101
Police Control Room 100, 2676100, 2676102
District Medical Officer 2622202
District Hospital 2621831
Civil surgeon 9424307405
Dean Medical Collage 2370951, 9425154800
Civil Surgeon 2621831, M-9424307405
Ambulance Service 102
Red cross 2626106
District Forest Officer 2624195, M: 9424792626
Chief Conservator of Forest 2624341, 2663955, 09424792625

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

Mandla - STD Code - 07642

Nainpur - STD Code - 07646

Civil Authority Contact numbers

Collector – Mandla 250600, 250601, M- 9926386016
SDM/Nainpur 240006, 09754016404, 7898822993
Supdt. Of Police/Mandla 250800, 250801, M- 7049100446,
Fire Brigade/Mandla 251078
Police Chowki/Nainpur 100
Police Control Room/Mandla 100, 250613
District Hospital(CMO)/Mandla 251501 (CMO/Mandla)
Ambulance Service/Mandla 252336 (Civil Surgeon)
District Forest Officer/Mandla 251014

Nagpur - STD Code – 0712

Civil Authority Contact numbers

Divisional Commissioner 2532123, 2531756, M-9423962877
Collector 2564973, 2561755, M- 7758831977
Commissioner of Police 2560601, FAX - 2534716,
M- 9821874000
Inspector General 2560811, 2528318, M-09822943358
Supdt. Of Police 2566662, 2569993, M-9273041847
Police Control Room 100, 2561222
Dean, Mayo Hospital 2725274, 272821
Dean, Medical Collage & Hospital 2746682
District Hospital (Medical Hospital) 2744672, 2744673
District Hospital (Mayo Hospital) 2728621 to 27
Orange city Hospital 6634800
Ambulance Service 6634805
Road Transport Corporation Manager 2726201(MS)

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

Rajnandgaon - STD Code – 07744

Civil Authority Contact numbers

Collector 226236, 226237, M- 8458840000
Superintendent Of Police 226399, 286633, M-9479192100
CSP 286628, M: 9479192102
SP/PTS 224607, 226399, 286633
Fire Brigade 101
Police Control Room 100, 286622
CMO/RJN 224084, M - 9425211974
United Hosp.(Prv.) 224255, 224455, 406155
Ambulance Service 108
District Forest Officer 225059, M – 07587013400

Seoni - STD Code – 07692

Civil Authority Contact numbers

Collector 220444, 220301, M - 940656862
Supdt. Of Police 226689, 225589, M - 07049100459
Fire Brigade 101
Police Station (Kotwali) 220555
Police Control Room 220955, M -7587622616
Civil Surgeon 220358, M-9893667444
Ambulance Service 220222
District Forest Officer (South) 220530
District Forest Officer(North) 220556
Road Transport Corporation Manager 220910, M -9407817666
Bus Stand Enquiry 220500

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division


Station Crane services & Name of Owner Phone NO. Crane

address Capacity

Nagpur R.S.Cranes, Bhandara Sri Sanjay Soni 7887880001 20 Ton to 350

Road, Near Pardi Naka, Ton
Sri Ravi Jain 7887880009
Behind Durga Kata,
Sri Mayank

Tuli Crane Pvt. Ltd, Sri Dalbeer Singh 9420622222 20 Ton to 600
Opposite Automotive Ton
Show room, Kamptee
road, Nagpur

R.D.Cranes, 13, Sahyog Sri Dilawar Singh 9860860666 20 Ton to 300

Nagar, Nari Ring Road, Ton
Sri Gaganpal Singh 9890304036
Near Power Grid, Nagpur

Gondia Bhatiya Building Material Sri Satbeer Singh 9326819000 12 Ton (Hydra)
Supplier & earth mover
Sri Indrajeet Singh 9326810562
contractor, Phoolchur
road, Gondia-441601

Rajnandgaon Garcha Crane Services, Sri Indrajeet Singh 9425240153 12 Ton to 16

House No.1, Chandra Garcha Ton
Colony, Koringhata,
Rajnandgaon – 491441

Chandrapur Kapoor Crane Services, Sri Kapoor 9823456666 30 Ton to 100

Near Kadir Bakery,
Alapalli Road, Ballarpur

Chhindwara Paramjeet Engg. Works, Sri Jaspreet Singh 9993563111 12 to 15 Ton

Sivani Road, Opp. Patni Khalsa
Petrol Pump, Chhindwara
Khalsa Engineering, Old Sri Jaspal Singh 12 to 15 Ton
Bali Bazar, Rajiv Gandhi Bhamra
Automobile Complex,
Chhindwara (M.P)

Jabalpur S.R.L Crane Services & Sri Gurudeep Singh 9301011313 20 to 70 Ton
Satpal Road Lines, near Rajpal
Dr. Lodha Hospital,
Sri Harjeet Singh
Madan Mahal, Nagpur 9300123600
Road, Jabalpur.

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division


S/N Station Name and Address Contact Number

1 Balaghat Pandit Decoration, Ward M - 09893218655
No.16, Durga Chowk,
Kahari mohalla, Balaghat
2 Gondia Alide Electrical Works, 07182-252347, M: 9423176007
Rail toli, Gondia(MS) M:9422830489
3 Rajnandgaon Panchsheel Decoratror, 07744-225088, 408588
Kamptee line, M:9827168688
4 Bhandara Road Sun Flag Iron and Steel 07184-285551, 285555


Station Name of Organisation Contact Number

Balghat Shree Mahaveer International 07632-241752,
Social Org. 09425822575
Chanda Fort
Rotary Club 07172- 255067, 255530
Lions Club 07172-256267, M.9423115989
Red Cross Society 07182-235704, 235706
M- 9225232202, 9422830002
Rotary Main M: 9373117415
Rotary East 0712-2767318, 2761432
Aaghaz – Sri Vivek Panchabudhe, 09370299002, 09370693084
Nagpur Secretary.
Matru Sewa Sangh 0712- 2523596
Sahyadri Foundation 0712- 2293314, 09860998971
One Foundation 9766571452

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

vkink izc/a ku es ukfer Loa;lsodks rFkk vuqn’s kdksa dk fooj.k

(List of Civil Defence Volunteers of Nagpur Division)

dz- deZpkjh dk uke inuke dk;kZy; eksckbZy uacj vkSj

l- jsyos Qksu uacj
1 Jh ;w ih- Hkkaxs eVsfj;y fujh{kd eq[; deZ’kkyk izc/a kd] eksrhckx 9423411622
2 Jh lqfuy xsMke Mh-eSdfs ud eq[; deZ’kkyk izc/a kd] eksrhckx 9561769806
3 Jh vf’ou Qzkufll rduhf'k;u eq[; deZ’kkyk izc/a kd] eksrhckx 8087741841
4 Jh jkts’k ok?kkMs Mh-eSdfs ud ofj- eaMy ;kaf=d bath-@Mh@eksrhckx 9422822706
5 Jh gjhpan lkgw Mh- eSdfs ud ofj- eaMy ;kaf=d bath-@Mh@eksrhckx 8857820601
6 Jh eqd’s k ijnkluh ofj- lsD’ku ofj- eaMy ;kaf=d bath-@Mh@eksrhckx 9730078421
7 Jh f’koyky mbds Mh- esdkfud ofj- eaMy ;kaf=d bath-@Mh@eksrhckx 9860945692
8 Jh larks”k dqekj Bkdqj Mh- esdkfud ofj- eaMy ;kaf=d bath-@Mh@eksrhckx 9175909801
9 Jh nsoUs nz mbZds rduhf'k;u ofj--ls- bath- @dS-oS-@brokjh 9096078410
10 Jh ujsna z ekj’ksVa ~Vhokj LVsªpj okgd eq[; Lok- vf/kd{kd@eksrhckx 9326451994
11 Jh czEgkpkandj lQkbZokyk eq[; Lok- fujh{kd@eksrhckx 7385017625
12 Jh nhid gjh flag lQkbZokyk eq[; Lok- fujh{kd@brokjh 9730603678
13 Jh fouksn lq[knsos dk;kZy; v/kh{kd ofj- eaMy fo|qr bath-@lk-@ukxiqj 9096078389
14 Jh eqd’s k jkor iz- Vad
a d o- eaMy fo?kqr bathfu;j@lkekU; 8605692817
15 Jh vkf’k”k ch- pgkans pijklh ofj- eaMy okf.kT; izc/a kd@ukxiqj 9423630833
16 Jh jktsUnz luksfM;k o- VªSdesu ofj- lsD’ku bathfu;j@jsyiFk@brokjh 9422349201
17 Jh ,l-oh-jko thi Mªk;oj o- eaMy flx-,oa nwjlapkj bath-@ukxiqj 9096078833
18 Jh Jhiar ckjsxs [kyklh AXEN(TM)/MIB 9420085690

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division



Sr.No Name Rank Desig. & Working under Mobile No.

1 Sri. Ramesh Patnaik HQ. Comm. AA/Sr.DFM/NGP 09561012707
2 Manish Bankar District Trg. Comm. Peon/Sr.DFM/NGP 09423111962
3 Sri. Subodh Khandekar Scouter Ch.OS/CWM/W/s/MIB 09881149012
4 Sri. G.N.Patnaik Scouter Dy.CTI/CTI/NGP
5 Sri. Kadir Khan Scouter Comml. Clerk /SS/G 09326483200
6 Sri. Pramod Patil Scouter LRUS/SS/CWA 09752657347
7 Sri. Shashikant Raut Scouter Mate/SSE/ Pway/ SONR 09579866565
8 Sri. Rajesh Warjurkar Scouter Kh/SSE/Pway/ G 09890650785
9 Smt Arti Mudliar DOC (guide) Tech/SSE(W)/MIB 9923399662
10 Sri. Sanjay Sarjare Scouter Mate/SSE/ Pway/ DGG 09691720875
11 Sri. R. Ramlingam Scouter Roster Clerk/SS/ DGG 09752443024
Dist. Org. B/Man/SSE/Pway/CWA 08982401568
12 Sri. Shriniwas Dora
13 Ku. Shivani Bibhar Guider Helper/SSE/MIB 9975284051
14 Sri Sudhir Karosia Scouter Helper/SSE/W/CWA 8871292157

Electrical (TRD)
15 Sri. Manish Gupta Rover Tech/SSE/TRD 09096078123
16 Sri. Y.R.Shukla Distt. Secretary Jr.Clerk/Sr.DME/NGP 09096078403
17 Sri. Vijay Chourasiya Scouter LP-II/CCC/ Loco/MIB 09561005679
18 Sri. Raju Yadav Rover Tech/SSE/C&W/CWA 07566623121
19 Sri. Tarun Meshram Rover Porter/SS/G 09028673016
Signal & Tele.
20 Sri. Shankar Baghel Scouter Kh./SSE/Tele/ G 09850742032
21 Sri Vinod Rahangdale Rover Kh/SE/Sig/NAB 09923069943
22 Ku. Kumud Bargade Group Leader Guide Kh/SSE/Sig/NGP 09579303160
23 Smt. Sunita Sonekar Dist. Org. Comm (G) Helper/Sr.DSTE 09175495328
District Trg.
24 Smt. Pushpa Khandekar Jr.Clerk/Sr.DPO 09881149013
Electrical (G)
25 Smt. A. Uma Guider Tech-II/Sr.DEE(G) 9960994246

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division


Stn Hospital Distance Distance DOT No. Amb X- Lab Routine Mobile
from from of ray surgical
track Stn. beds
TRO PHC/Tiroda 2 2 07198-254118 50 Yes Yes Yes Yes
MNU PHC/MNU 2 2 20 Yes No No Yes 9637762152
TMR PHC / Dewadi 1.5 1.5 07183-223471 12 Yes No No Yes 942213229,
TRDI PHC/Tirodi 3 3 7630279850 6 Yes No No Yes 9575303313
DGBZ PHC/DGBZ 1 1 6 Yes No No Yes
GBRI PHC/GBRI 1 1 07183220263 6 Yes No No Yes 9921804068
TMS SBGH/TMS 0.5 0.5 07183232202 100 Yes Yes Yes Yes
TMR HU/TMR 0.2 0.2 07183223492 2 Yes No No No
KOKA PHC/Betada 2.5 2.5 07184272175 3 Yes No No Yes
BRD Distt. Govt. Hospital 12 12 07184252247 400 Yes Yes Yes Yes
KT PHC/KT 1.5 1.5 07184252247 6 Yes No No Yes
RRL PHC/Kodamedi 8 8 6 Yes No No Yes 9423110318
TAR PHC/Moudha 1.5 1.5 07115281009 50 Yes Yes Yes Yes
LDG PCH / Lodhikhreda 0.5 0.5 20 Yes No No No 8989717142,
(MP) 9827885988
SASR Community Health 0.5 0.5 07165220733 30 Yes Yes Yes Yes 9424810600
Centre Saoser 9424325517
RMO Community Health 10 10 07165220733 30 Yes Yes Yes Yes 9425899504
Centre Saoser
BMC Community Health 12.03 12.03 07165220733 30 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Centre Saoser
KFP Dist Hosp./CWA 35.8 35.8 07162 243442 400 Yes Yes Yes Yes 9424950695
ULA Dist Hosp./CWA 24.1 24.1 71622434443 400 Yes Yes Yes Yes 9407871005

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

Stn Hospital Distance Distance DOT No. Amb X- Lab Routine Mobile
from from of ray surgical
track Stn. beds
ULA Primary Health Centre 3 30 07162257148
LIG Primary Health Centre 3 3 07162 -
Dist Hosp./CWA 17 17 07162 243442 400 Yes Yes Yes Yes 9424950695
CWA Dist Hosp./CWA 4 4 71622434443 400 Yes Yes Yes Yes 9407871005
JLY Dist Hosp./CWA 4 4 400 Yes Yes Yes Yes 9826245350
KRBO Community Health 3 3 1766222030 810988621
Centre , Chourai
Dist Hosp./CWA 34.8 07162 243442 400 Yes Yes Yes Yes 9424950695
071622434443 9407871005
PED & Dist Hosp./Seoni 19 07692220322 400 Yes Yes Yes Yes 9425175827
SEY 9425174767
DGG Rly Hosp DGG 1 1 -- Yes Yes Yes No 9752878503
Bamleshwari trust 100 m 100 m 07823 233917 30 Yes Yes Yes No 9329520148
hosp DGG & 232990
Govt Hosp DGG 1 1 07823 233033 300 Yes Yes Yes Yes 9425560287
RJN Govt Hosp RJN 2 2 07744 - 450 Yes Yes Yes Yes 9424254966
223587 ,
DURG Govt Hosp DURG 3 3 0788-2322808 30 Yes Yes Yes Yes 9893510800
SKS Govt Hosp SKS 1 1 07180-244181 35 Yes Yes Yes Yes --
RJN United Hosp RJN 1 1 9300492551
Redcross Society RJN 2 2 07744 - --
221600 &
ITR I G M C Hospital, 4 07122728622 594 YES YES YES YES 9422147236
KAV I G M C Hospital, 9.4 0712-2728622 594 YES YES YES YES 9422147236

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

Stn Hospital Distance Distance DOT No. Amb X- Lab Routine Mobile
from from of ray surgical
track Stn. beds
KAV G M C, Nagpur 9.4 0712-2701109 1401 YES YES YES YES 7387854275
C Railway Hospital, 8.5 0712-2561886 185 YES YES YES YES
KP Sub. Distric Hospital, 1.5 07109-282660 50 YES YES YES YES 9422122922
ARMY Hospital, 2.5 07109-289133 145 YES YES YES YES 7387626869
C Railway Hospital, 12.5 0712-2561886 185 YES YES YES YES
KNHN Govt. Hospital, 0.5 07102-237473 10 YES NO YES YES 9766915695
W C L , J L Hosp. 3 07102- 50 YES YES YES YES 8275970899
Kandri 234141-43
I G M C Hospital, 26 07122743588 594 YES YES YES YES 9422147236
DKU Govt PHC (Cottage 15 07114-255164 30 YES YES YES YES 7387384108
ANDI Govt PHC (Cottage 11 07114-255154 30 YES YES YES YES 7387384108
RTK Govt PHC (Cottage 3 07114-255154 30 YES YES YES YES 7387384108
SAL Govt. Hospital, 7 0712-237473 10 YES YES YES YES 9766915695
CHCR Govt. P.H.C. Mouda 16 07115-281009 6 YES No YES YES 8308427056
TAR Govt. Hospital, 25 07184-252247 400 YES YES YES YES 9422827478
Govt P.H.C. Mouda 25 07115-281009 6 YES YES YES YES 8308427056
DGY Ayurvedic Dispensary, 1 9011965750
IGMC 45 07122728622 594 YES YES YES YES 9422147236
BMW Govt. Hospital, 1.5 07116-249580
IGMC 45 07122743588 594 YES YES YES YES 9422147236

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

Stn Hospital Distance Distance DOT No. Amb X- Lab Routine Mobile
from from of ray surgical
track Stn. beds
KUHI Z.P Rural Hosp. Kuhi 1.6 07100-222245 30 YES YES YES YES 9422542730
Private Dispensary, 1.6 9975940359
Private Hospi. Kuhi 1.5 2 9423627584
Private Hospi. Kuhi 1.6 07100-222699 5 YES 9423604322
I G M C Hospital 47 07122743588 594 YES YES YES YES 9421094378
URR Z P Rural Hosp. 1 07116-242059 30 YES YES YES YES
I G M C Hospital 55.5 07122743588 594 YES YES YES YES 9422147236
KPKD Govt. P H C, Chichali 1.15 6 YES YES YES YES 8600298111
M S E B Hospitalm 1.05 8805000903 9 YES YES YES YES
I G M C Hospital, 18 07122728624 594 YES YES YES YES 9422147236
G M C, Nagpur 20 0714-2701109 1401 YES YES YES YES 7387854275
PTS Govt, P H C, 0.5 10 YES No No No 9923370268
I G M C, Nagpur 18 0712-2820110 594 YES YES YES YES 9421094378
G M C, Nagpur 20 0712-2701109 1401 YES YES YES YES 7387854275
SONR Govt. Rural Hospital, 0.8 07113-232279 20 YES YES YES YES 9422123822
Private Nursing Home 0.2 07113-232357 10 No No No No 9822945250
Private Nursing Home 0.2 5 No No No No 9922336051
Multi Spl. Pvt, Nursing 1 07113-232464 15 YES YES YES YES 9764677575
I G M C, Nagpur 42.4 0712-2820100 594 YES YES YES YES 9422147236
KLOD Govt. P H C, Kelod 1 10 YES No YES YES 8806288777
LDE Govt. PHC, 0.5 9630224809 20 No No YES YES

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

Stn Hospital Distance Distance DOT No. Amb X- Lab Routine Mobile
from from of ray surgical
track Stn. beds
BMP Chistanand 1 1 07177- 150 Yes Yes Yes Yes -
Hospital/Main Road 272016,
Bramhapuri , Dist- 07177-273068
Chandrapur (MS) , 07177-
Rural Hospital, 1 1.5 07177-272102 30 Yes Yes Yes No -
Bramhapur Dist-
Chandrapur (MS)
NAB Rural Hospital/Nagbhir 2 3 07179-240063 30 Yes Yes No No 8308804344
Near ST Bus
Stand/Nagbhir Dist.
Chandrapur (MS)
TUD Primary Health Centre, 1 1 07179-230111 10 Yes No No No -
Talodhi, Dist -
Chandrapur (MS)
SYE Rural Hospital, 1 1.4 07178-288265 30 Yes Yes Yes No 9373466681
Sindewahi, Station ,
ROI Primary Health Centre, 0.5 0.5 07174-263720 10 Yes No No No 7350849046,
Rajoli Dist. 9096969103
Chandrapur (MS)
MME Rural Hospital, Near 0.25 0.5 7174221402 50 Yes Yes Yes Yes
Rly.,Station, MME ,
Dist- Chandrapur(MS)
KEZ Public Health Centre 1 1.5 7174264481 10 Yes No No No 9423079142
(KEZ)Chiroli, Dist-
CAF WCL Hospital, 4 5 07172- 60 Yes Yes Yes Yes 8275967678
Lalpeth, Dist 225157,
Chandrapur (MS) 225768

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

Stn Hospital Distance Distance DOT No. Amb X- Lab Routine Mobile
from from of ray surgical
track Stn. beds
CAF Dist. Genl. Hospital, 2 3 07172-250400 300 Yes Yes Yes Yes 9420301454
Main Road, Near , 252103
Jatpura Gate , Chhota
Bazar, Chandrapur
WSA PHC, Gadhiroli Road, - 0.4 07137-272425 20 Yes No Yes No -
Wadsa, Dist Gadchiroli
URR Rural Hospital,Budwari 1 1 07116-242059 30 Yes Yes Yes Yes 9960226337
Ward Umred, Dist-
BWV Rural Hospital, Near 0.5 1 07106-232003 30 Yes No Yes Yes 8806991269
Police Stn. , Bhiwapur,
Dist- Nagbhir
BHRH Primary Health Centre, 0.5 0.5 07185-258115 16 Yes No No No 9960144822
Bhuyar, Old Bhandara
AWH Primary Health Cantre, 2 3 07179-255030 12 Yes No No No 9689433632
Alewahi, Dist
Chandrapur (MS)
GMI Primary Health Centre 0.5 0.5 07186-232811 06 Yes No Yes Yes 982353884
Gondumari , Dist
DEW Rural Hospital, 1.5 1.5 07196-228007 30 Yes Yes Yes Yes 9075511984,
Navegaon, Bandh, 8788176405
Dist Gondia.
HDM Rural Hospital, - 1 07187-292334 30 Yes No Yes Yes 9423329573,
Goregaon, Dist- 7378827417
Gondia (MS)
GNL Primary Health Centre, - 23.3 07199-233870 10 Yes No Yes yes 9158181197
P.O. Pandhri
SNV Primary Health Centre, - 07199-232147 10 Yes No Yes No 7588190424
Khodshivni, Tah :
Sadak Arjuni , Dist-
Gondia (MS)

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

Stn Hospital Distance Distance DOT No. Amb X- Lab Routine Mobile
from from of ray surgical
track Stn. beds
WDG Rural Hospital, PO: - 9.5 07196-220166 30 Yes Yes Yes Yes 9404314333
Arjuni,MOR, Dist- 9158679612
Gondia (MS)
AJU Rural Hospital, PO: - 1 07196-220166 30 Yes Yes Yes No 9404314333
Arjuni,MOR, Dist- 9158679612
Gondia (MS)
AGN Rural Hospital, 1 1 07189-225157 30 Yes Yes Yes Yes 9975349078,
Amgaon, Dist - Gondia 9404111484
Primary Helath Centre, - 1 07189-225453 10 Yes No Yes Yes 9637762152,
Bangaon, Dist- Gondia 7709914867
GDM T.B. Hospital, Gondia - 13.8 07182-230346 Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 9405232760,
B.G.W. Hospital - 13 7182237034 135 Yes Yes Yes yes 9923770959,
(Women), Dist- 9823799471
Gondia (MS)
K.T.S. Govt. Hospital, - 13 7182234007 200 Yes Yes Yes Yes 9765623532,
Main, Road , Gondia 9823169131,
(MS) 9421712489
KWN Govt. Hospital, Tirora, 7 07198-254118 50 Yes Yes Yes Yes 9975736319,
Dist. Bhandara 8305166368

TRO Govt. Hospital, Tirora, 0.5 0.5 07198-254118 50 Yes Yes Yes Yes 9975736319,
Dist. Bhandara 8305166368

BRA Primary Health Centre, 0.5 0.5 07182-287029 10 Yes No Yes Yes 9158317222,
Kati Birsola, Dist.- 9421809900
HTT Dist. Govt. Hospital, 11.8 11.8 07632- 300 Yes Yes Yes Yes 9425138768,
Balaghat 240035, 7354210910

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

Stn Hospital Distance Distance DOT No. Amb X- Lab Routine Mobile
from from of ray surgical
track Stn. beds
BTC Dist. Hospital, 3 3 07632- 300 Yes Yes Yes Yes 9425138768,
Balaghat 240035, 7354210910
WRI Govt. Hospital, 1.5 1 07633-254360 50 No Yes Yes Yes 9425447410,
Waraseoni, Dist : 942548164
Balaghat (MP)
KGE CMS Hospital - - 07630-250254 10 Yes No Yes Yes -
PO:Katangi, Dist- , 250694
Balaghat (MP)
CHC PO : - 0.5 07630-250420 30 Yes Yes Yes Yes 8989525031,
Katangi,Dist- Balaghat 9993791982,
G Kanwar Tilak Singh, 1.2 1.2 7182234007 200 Yes Yes Yes Yes 9823169131,
Dist. General 7350257589
Bai Gangabai 0.5 0.5 07182-237034 135 Yes Yes Yes yes 9923770959 ,
Women's Hospital / 9923799471,
Gondia 9823227566
GMC, Gondia (MS) 0.5 7182234007 200 Yes Yes Yes Yes 9422869824
NIR CHC Hosp. Nainpur , 1 1 7646241368 30 Yes Yes Yes Yes 09993461081
Dist . Mandla (MP)
BIV CHC Bamhni Babjar, - 18 7642251096 200 Yes Yes Yes Yes 9424653462
Dist . Mandla (MP)
GDH Mandla (MP) - 18 7642251096 200 Yes Yes Yes Yes 9424653462
MFR Govt. Hospital, Mandla - 5 7642251096 300 Yes Yes Yes Yes -"-
Padriganj Govt. Hospital , 59.4 7632240113 300 Yes Yes Yes Yes 9425138768
Balaghat (MP)
Nagarwada G.D. Hosp. Balaghat 47 7632240113 160 Yes Yes Yes Yes 9425138768
Lamta PCH Lamta , Balaghat - 0.2 7634254111 160 Yes Yes Yes Yes 09406709141
GDH, Balaghat (M.P.) - 38.7 07632240113 160 Yes Yes Yes Yes 09425138768

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

Stn Hospital Distance Distance DOT No. Amb X- Lab Routine Mobile
from from of ray surgical
track Stn. beds
Charegaon G.D. Hosp. Balaghat - 27.9 7632240113 160 Yes Yes Yes Yes 9425138768
Samnapur G.D. Hosp. Balaghat 14.1 7632240113 160 Yes Yes Yes Yes 9425138768,
Balabhat G.D. Hosp. Balaghat 2 7632240113 160 Yes Yes Yes Yes 9425138768,
PDE PHC, Pindrai, 1 1.5 07646- 4 No No Yes No 09425855606
(Dist)/Mandla 274555
GNS CHC, Ghansore 20 Mtrs. 2 07693-220280 30 Yes No Yes No 09827298681
VNK CHC, 20 Mtrs. 9 07693-220280 30 Yes No Yes No 09827298681
SKY SCB Medical 55 07612673645 800 Yes Yes No No 09826152099
College/Hospital, JBP
BUQ PHC Hospital/Bargi, - 2 - 6 No No No No 9425743699
Dist - Jabalpur (MP)
GRG Seth Govind Das - 12 7612621831 500 Yes Yes Yes Yes 9425386173
Govt. Hosp. Victoria
Hospital Jabalpur (MP)
HBG Seth Govind Das - 3 7612621831 500 Yes Yes Yes Yes 9425386173
Govt. Hosp. Victoria
Hospital Jabalpur (MP)
S.C.B. Medical - 7 7612673645, 800 Yes Yes Yes Yes 09826152099
College Hosp. 2673646

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division


(In compliance to Writ Petition (PIL) No.88/2017 before Hon’ble High Court of Chhattisgarh, Bilaspur)

S/ Subject Situations Procedure to be followed Department/ Procedure being followed by Railways (SECR)
No by passenger officials
1 Individual (a) At Station The passenger in trouble Station Every Station Master of all Railway stations is provided with
Medical can inform the Station Master, Any a “First Aid Box”, wheel chair & stretcher. List containing
Emergency Master or any other other Railway nearest hospital and its distance from station, doctor’s name
of any authority (RPF) in the authority and contact numbers is displayed prominently at the
Passenger station about his problem. stations. In case of any eventuality, Station Master will help
the passenger with the help of first aid box. However, if
needed he will contact the nearest hospital and also arrange
for movement of passengers to the nearest hospital with the
help of universal toll free No.108 for medical assistance.
Alternatively, the Commercial On receipt of the call by Commercial Control, concerned
passenger can also call on Controller Station Master will coordinate with medical deptt. For
the railway help line toll providing medical assistance to the patient.
free No.138.
(b) while in Passenger needing Guard, TTE, The Guard is provided with “First Aid Box”, wheel chair and
train emergency medical aid any other stretcher for medical emergency. Guard/TTE tries to give
can inform the Guard or railway medicine from the First Aid Box. If the problem is solvable
TTE for medical authority with the medicine available in the First Aid Box, then it will
assistance. be given otherwise, they will contact Commercial control,
who will arrange medical assistance with the help of railway
hospital and Station Master at the next station where doctor
is available.
In case of any failure on the part of mobile connection,
Guard will inform to the nearest Station Master over walkie-
talkie sets who will in turn inform to the section controller and
then Commercial control comes into action for informing to
Medical deptt. and Station Manager where medical facility is
going to be extended.

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

S/ Subject Situations Procedure to be followed Department/ Procedure being followed by Railways (SECR)
No by passenger officials
Alternatively, the Commercial As soon as the call is received on 138, Commercial control
passenger can also call on Controller responds to the caller and takes note of all details and
the railway help line toll informs to the nearest railway medical authority. It also
free No.138. informs to the Station Manager for necessary coordination
with the patient and Medical authority. Thus the patient is
In case required medical facility is not available with railway
or State Government, the patient is taken to nearest private
hospital for immediate relief.
2 In case of (a) (a) Guard/Loco Commercial (a) To take care of medical emergencies during any accident
collective Passenger Pilot/security personnel Controller, there exist ARMV (Accident Relief Medical Van Scale-I,
emergency Train will intimate the Control Operating ARME Scale-II & Medical Disaster Team ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’.
Accident office. Control, Immediately on receipt of information regarding accident
Guard/Loco pilot also have Security involving passenger trains and also in case of major goods
walkie-talkie and a Control. train accident, a hooter is sounded from Divisional Control
portable telephone kit Office. The team ‘A’ moves with ARME Scale-I whenever
which can be connected at there is hooter sounds. This team moves out of the station
the emergency socket within stipulated time. Team ‘B’ moves by road on vehicle
available enroute at a with ARMV Scale-II. Team ‘C’ will remain in hospital for
specified distance. attending to the patients and further treatment.
(b) passenger can also
directly ring 138 for rescue
and relief.
(b) At stations Station Manager, any Operating Action is being taken as per Disaster Management Plan of
due to any other railway authority control, SECR.
other reason Control

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

S/ Subject Situations Procedure to be Department/ Procedure being followed by Railways (SECR)

No followed by passenger officials
3 Disaster - - Safety deptt. Is (a) SECR Administration has issued a detailed “Zonal Disaster
Managemen overall Management Plan for whole SECR as per the guidelines of
t Plan responsible for National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) and Railway
Disaster Board. This booklet is updated every year.
Management (b) The travelling passenger, in case of any Disaster may
Plan and to contact TTE/Train Superintendent, AC Conductor, AC
coordinate with Mechanic, AC Attendant, Coach Mitra, Pantry Car staff etc. for
respective help. The staff will help them getting medical assistance by
departments sending a message to the Control/next station. Passenger
who will assist can ring up Help Line No.138 also for rescue and relief.
them in (c) As per Zonal Disaster Management Plan of SECR, all
accident/ relief Station Manager of stations maintains the Contact numbers of
operations local administration like Collector/ Magistrate, Superintendent
of Police etc. along with contact numbers of Doctors available
nearby the station is also maintained in a display board of
Disaster Management at all stations of SECR.
4 Awareness Posters/ Passenger help line, toll Commercial (a) This help line No. is printed in Reservation and unreserved
to the printing free No.138 tickets also for information of passengers.
passengers (b) Toll free help line No.138 stickers containing information
for medical will be pasted at all the stations over SECR.
aid. (c) This help line No. is also printed in Zonal Public Time
(d) Time to time, news is published in the newspapers to
inform the general public about availability of toll free No.138.
(e) Efforts are being made to give wide publicity by displaying
posters at stations.
5 Awareness On line Security Assistance Security 182 is widely published toll free contact number. On dialing, it
to te No.182 Controller (RPF connects to the train passing division of respective zonal
passengers staff) railways directly and it is responded by the on duty Security
for security Controller (manned by RPF staff) of the division. On receipt of
aid. message from passengers, the details of the passengers were
collected and instantly provide the assistance.
This toll free No.182 is also published in the Zonal Public Time

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

S/ Subject Situations Procedure to be Department/ Procedure being followed by Railways (SECR)

No followed by passenger officials
6 Awareness Posters/ - Mechanical Safety instructions messages are printed in all the coaches for
to the Labels Deptt. awareness of the passengers in multilingual modes.
passengers Security Deptt. (1) Alarm Chain Pulling (ACP) – ACP is provided in each bay
for Safety of coaches for emergency use of passengers.
instructions (2) Do’s and Don’ts – Safety instructions for passengers in the
mode “Do’s and Don’ts” were written in every coach for
awareness of passengers.
(3) Electrical instructions – How to use electrical equipments
during journey also exhibited for proper use of electricity.
(4) Use of Fire Extinguishers – in case of emergency, fire
extinguishers were provided in all Air Condition Coaches and
the instruction with its availability location was displayed for
passenger’s convenience.

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division


S/ Nature of powers PHOD/ DRM/ADRM, Divisional Remarks

No HOD SAG officers Officers, Extra
in Field Units Divisional
Officers &
Officers in
71 (i) Procurement of Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers 1. Full powers if he is the only Medical Officer available on site.
additional lifesaving 2. Medical Officers to draw money from station collection.
drugs from the Authority:
market by Medical Recommendation of High Level Committee on Disaster
Officers at the site. Management Item No.31.
(ii) On the spot Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers 1. Full powers if he is the only Medical Officer available on site.
payment to Private 2. Medical Officers to draw money from station collection.
Hospital for Authority:
treatment of injured Recommendation of High Level Committee on Disaster
Management Item No.32.
(iii) Cash imprest for Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers 1. Full powers if he is the only Medical Officer available on site.
ARMV in-charges – 2. This power to be implemented when the ARMV has to remain at
for expeditious the accident site for a longer period during exigencies.
procurement of small 3. Up to Rs.5,000/- for food material, fuel etc.
items like fuel, food Authority:
materials etc at Recommendation of High Level Committee on Disaster
accident site. Management Item No.41.
(iv) Purchase of Full Powers Full Powers Full Powers 1. Only for emergency purchases and not for normal day to day
items for ARME requirement.
including First Aid Authority:
Articles. Recommendation of High Level Committee on Disaster
Management Item No.36.
(v) ART Equipment (HRE, 140T Crane and other related equipment). Authority: Recommendation of High Level Committee on Disaster
Management Item No.36.
(a) For planned CME/PHOD Nil Dy.CE/R&L/ 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
procurement of the /CHOD Sr.DME 2. constitution of Tender committee and accepting
spares, Above Above Rs.1.5
consumables, and Rs.25 Lakhs and up Authority:
small tools. Lakhs and to ` 8 Lakhs. (refer to Annexure ‘A’ & ‘C’ of Part-A)

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

up to Rs.
2.5 Crores. EME/Ds/R&L
Up to ` 1.5
CMPE/R&L Lakhs.
Above Rs.8
Lakhs and
up to Rs.25
(b) for emergency CME/ Up to Rs.1 Sr.DME/ in- 1. Cases exceeding Rs.1 Lakh would require GM’s sanction with
repairs and CMPE Lakh per charge of prior finance concurrence.
purchase of spares (R&L) break down ARTs. 2. Procurement of spare parts along with emergency repairs
incidental of such Up to Rs.1 with finance Up to should not be piecemeal in order to avoid finance concurrence and
repairs. Lakh per concurrence `.20,000/- per the purchase should be restored to only when planned
break down break down procurement has not materialized.
with finance without 3. A register showing the details of expenditure incurred on each
concurrenc finance break down should be maintained so as to enable a watch being
e concurrence kept over the ceiling limit prescribed. The overall ceiling limit for
when emergency repairs/purchases for spares should not exceed Rs.20
purchase of Lakhs per annum.
(PAC spares
is not

purchase of
spares is
involved each
Pac item
costing more
should be

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

with prior
(The total
should not
exceed Rs.10
Lakhs per

charge of
Upto `.
10,000/- per
break down
purchase of
PAC spares is
not involved
(The total
should not
exceed `.5
Lakhs per
(c) Scheduled CME Nil Sr.DMEs/ In- 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
overhauling/ Full powers charge/ART 2. Subject to usual procedure of calling of Tender/Quotations etc;
reconditioning Up to being followed as per extant orders.
repairs to machines CMPE/R&L `.30,000/- as
(schedules not Up to Rs. a time.
covered under 50,000/- at DME/In-
Annual Maintenance a time. charge of ART
contract) and not Up to
purchase of spare `.10,000/- as
parts for this a time.

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

(vi) Hiring of vehicle Nil DRM/ADRM Branch 1. The expenditure can be met from cash imprest/station earnings.
for rescue and relief Full powers Officers of 2. Efforts may be made to pool this utilization whenever possible.
operations during Medical,
accidents Mechanical, Authority:
Operating Recommendation of High Level Committee on Disaster
Safety, Safety Management Item No.30.
Full powers
(vii) Sanction of All DRM/ADRM All Mechanical, 1. Vouchers/Bills should be submitted within a Week’s time.
expenditure incurred Mechanical, Full powers Medical,
during relief and Medical, Commercial, Authority:
rescue operations. Commercial Safety, Recommendation of High Level Committee on Disaster
, Operating Operating Management Item No.35.
Safety, Safety and
Safety Electrical
Officers at Officers at the
the site of site of accident
accident Full powers
Full powers
(viii) Procurement of - - - 1. No item/equipment shall be banned while being purchased for
ART/ARMV ART/ARMV/Breakdown Crane. No circulars/orders restricting the
equipments purchase procedures/powers for ART/ARME/Crane equipment
shall be applicable unless issued by Railway Board (MM&FC).

Recommendation of High Level Committee on Disaster
Management Item No.37.
(ix) Sanction of cash CME Nil Nil 1. Finance concurrence is necessary.
imprest for Full powers
maintaining Authority:
ART/ARMVs/Cranes Recommendation of High Level Committee on Disaster
Management Item No.39.
(x) Purchase of ART/ Nil Nil JAG/Sr.Scale/ -
ARMV/Crane Jr.scale
material through Officers in
imprest cash. division.
Full powers to
ART in-

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

charges officer
up to
`.10,000/- per
(xi) Hiring of cell phones at the time of emergencies:
(a) For railway’s user Nil DRM/ADRM JAG/Sr.Scale-
Up to up to ` 5000/-
Rs.5000/- per per occasion.
Manager (Gaz)
- up to `.
2500/- per

Manager (NG)-
up to `. 1000/-
per occasion.
(b) for use of Nil DRM/ADRM JAG/Sr.Scale-
passengers at Up to up to `. 5000/-
accident site, free of Rs.5000/- per per occasion.
charge. occasion.
Manager (Gaz)
- up to `.
2500/- per

Manager (NG)-
up to `. 1000/-
per occasion.
(xii) Nil Nil Nil 1. There powers are left to the discretion of GM. The
(a) Requisition of circumstances under which GM exercise these powers, broadly
Helicopter/ Airplane cover the following types of cases:
to reach the site of i. Where more than 10 casualties (death-cum-serious injuries) are
serious accident. feared and it is difficult to reach the site within reasonable time.
ii. Where heavy damage is caused to Railway installations in
(b) Requisition of Air sensitive and tension filled areas (e.g. wreckage of track, bridges

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

support to dispatch etc. through bomb blast, other means of sabotage etc.)
the rescue teams to iii. Where public reaction in case of late arrival of Senior Officers at
the site of accident. site is likely to be highly adverse.
iv. Normally, in case of an accident, only one helicopter should be
requisitioned by a Zonal Railway, except when there is a serious
passenger train accident involving several casualties when it is
essential for both the GM and the DRM to reach the site at one to
satisfy the Public and the Press. However, for dispatching te
rescue teams to the site of the accident, separate helicopter/
airplane may be requisitioned, if so needed.

The GMs may exercise the above powers personally and may not
re-delegate these powers.
(c) Requisition of Nil Nil Nil 1. GM to personally exercise these powers.
helicopter/airplane to
evacuate injured and Authority:
dead in the event of Railway Board’s Letter No. 2002/Safety-I/6/6 dtd: 13.06.2004.
serious accident

Disaster Management Plan-

S.E.C.R; Nagpur division

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