Percentage, Rate, and Base

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Finding the Percentage when the Rate and Base are Given

I. Learning Objectives
Cognitive: Find the percentage when the rate and base are given
Psychomotor: Write the data for rate and base using Techan’s triangle
Affective: Strive for one’s best

II. Learning Content

Skill: Finding the percentage when the rate and base are given
Writing the data for rate and base in the Techan’s triangle
Writing an equation or preparation in solving problems
Reference: LM- 21st Century MATHletes, p. 112
TG- 21st Century MATHletes, p. 37
LG- Elementary Mathematics 6 (Ateneo, 2012), p. 316
Value: Striving for one’s best/perseverance

III. Learning Experiences

A. Preparatory Activities

1. Mental Computation (MC) Drill on changing percent to ratio, decimal to present, fraction to
percent, and vice versa

a. Strategy 1 – Relay
Materials: 15 flash cards (each card has a ratio, decimal, percent, or fraction)
5 sets of answer sheets posted on the board
1) Have four (4) lines of pupils with the same number of members, if possible.
2) Each pupil in front of the line renames the ratio to percent, decimal to percent, fraction to
percent, or vice versa by writing the number on the board as the teacher flashes the cards.
3) The teacher fastens the card on the board in the column it belongs.
4) As soon as the pupil writing his answer on their sheet finishes, he has to touch the second pupil in
the line and goes at the end of the line.
5) The teacher flashes the next card and repeat numbers 2 to 4.
6) The teacher checks the answers and adds the scores after the last card is flashed.

2. Motivation
Ask the pupils about their target/aim in answering a 20-item test. “What’s your target score in a
20-item test? What passing grade is it?” (75%, 80%, 90%, or 100%). The pupils have the freedom
to choose.

B. Developmental Activities

1. Presentation

a. Activity 1 – Use of Compatible Number through Manipulatives (Counters)

Pablo listens very well to the teacher during the discussion of the lesson. When they were
given a 5-item test his grade was 80%. How many correct answers did Pablo get?
1. Ask the following questions:
a. Who listens very well to the teacher?
b. How many items was their test?
c. What was his grade in the test?
d. If you were Pablo, will you be listening intently to the teacher? Why?
e. Do you think you can get a higher grade than Pablo? Why do you think that you can get a
higher grade than Pablo?
2. Ask them to answer the following questions.
a. What are the given data?
Lead the pair of pupils point which among the given data can be rate, baes, and
percentage through the use of Techan’s Triangle. Let them get 80% of 5 counters through
the teacher’s guidance starting from having a 5-item test as 100%.
b. Lead the pairs of pupils to decide what to do to arrive at the answer.
c. What is the equation of the problem?
Have the pairs of pupils write the proportion to arrive at the answer. Let them use the
manipulatives in relating to the formulated proportion and the solution as in the
5 = N. 5 = N.
100 80100 80 5:100 = N : 80 = N : 80
100 x N = 5 x 80 100 x N = 5 x 80
100 x N = 5 x 80 100 x N = 5 x 80
100 N = 400 100 N = 400
100 N = 400 100 N = 400
N = 400 N = 400
N = 400 N = 400
100 100
100 100
N=4 N=4
N=4 N=4
b. Activity 2 – Use of real situation problems as opener
Sample: Angel, a son of an overseas worker, spends time studying his lessons and
helping his mother do the household chores. As a result, he gets 98% out of a 50-
item test in Math. What is his real score?
1. Ask the following questions.
a. Who is the son of an overseas worker?
b. What describes Angel as a pupil?
c. What does Angel do to help his mother?
d. How many items is their test in Math?
e. What rating does Angel get in the test? Is this a high rating? How do you know?
f. If you were Angel will you be doing the same? Why?

2. Have the pairs of students solve the problem by answering the following questions:
a. What does the problem ask for?
b. What facts are given?
c. What are the needed data?
Have the pairs of pupils use the Techan’s triangle to identify the rate, base, and
d. How will you find the answer to the question?
e. What equation best suits the problem?
Guide the pairs of pupils to write the equation to solve the problem?
98% x 50 = N
0.98 x 50 = N
49 = N
f. What proportion represents the problem?
g. Let each pair of pupils write the proportion to arrive at the answer.
9898= =NN. .
100 5050 98:100= =NN: 50
98:100 : 50
100 x Nx N= =9898x x50
100 50 100 x98
100 N ==98N.x 50
100 N x N= =4 98
100 900 x 50 100
100 x NN= 98
= 4x 50
100 N = =4 4900900 100 N =N4=900 4 900
N =100
4 900 N = 4 900
N = 100
49 N = 49100
N = 49 N = 49
c. Activity 3 – Use of word Problems

Sample: What is 90% of a 50-item test?

90% of a 50-item test is what?
N is 90% of a 50-item test.
____ is 90% of a 50-item test.

1. Ask the pair of pupils to answer the following questions.

a. What facts are given?
Have the pairs of pupils identify the rate, base, and percentage using the Techan’s
b. What will you do to find the answer to the problem?
c. What equation best transforms the problem?
Lead the pupils to write the equation to compute for the answer.
0.90 x 50 = N 0.90 x 50 = 45
d. What proportion translates the problem?
Ask the pairs of pupils to write the proportion to find the answers to the problem.
90 = N.
100 50 90:100 = N : 50
100 x N = 90 x 50 100 x N = 90 x 50
100 N = 4 500 100 N = 4 500
N = 4 500 N = 4 500
100 100
N = 45 N = 45

2. Practice Exercise/Fixing Skill

Solve for the percentage.

a. 36% of 95 is N.
b. 48% of 290 is what number?
c. N is 20% of 8?
d. What is 20% of 8?
e. 60% of 80 is _____.

3. Generalization

How do you find the percentage when the rate and base are given?

C. Application

a. There are 40 pupils in a class. Seventy-five percent of them are present. How many are present?
How many are absent?
b. Rhoda’s allowance for the day is ₱250. She spends 80% of it and saves the rest. How much does she
spend? How much does she save?

IV. Evaluation

A. Answer the following:

1. What is 25% of 4?
2. N is 50% of2?
3. 200% of 3 is what number?
4. 75% of 12 is _____.
5. 60% of 30 is N.
6. 30% of 600 is what number?
7. 230% of 90 is N.
8. 150% of ₱400 is _____.
9. _______ is 10% of ₱1,000,000.
10. What number is 1% of ₱1,000.

B. Read, Analyze, and Solve.

1. Cesar invited 300 kids to his birthday party. Only 15% of the kids did not showed up. How many kids
came to the party?
2. There were 50 pupils in Grade III. If 28% of the pupils were absent, how many pupils were present?

V. Assignment
Complete the table.

Base Rate Percentage

1 30 10%
2 50 60%
3 60 30%
4 180 150%
5 200 75%
6 700 65%
7 900 8%
8 1260 33%
9 6000 2%
10 10, 000 275%

Date: March 24, 2021

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