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The Official Publication for Bonanza, Debonair, Baron & Travel Air Operators and Enthusiasts

  2 President’s Comments:
ABS Honors Richard Swenson
by Bob Goff

BonAnzA   4 Operations
by J. Whitney Hickman

& Thomas P. Turner
The Official Publication for Bonanza, Debonair, Baron & Travel Air Operators and Enthusiasts

September 2014 • Volume 14 • Number 9

ABS Executive Director
J. Whitney Hickman
10 On the Cover:
ABS-ASF Executive Director & Editor
Fifty Years in the Family
Thomas P. Turner N5050X 1952 C35
Assistant Editor Managing Editor by Doug Grevatt
Melissa Frisbie Jillian LaCross
Technical Review Committee 28 Baron Pilot: Baron Electric Regulator Systems
Tom Rosen, Stuart Spindel, Bob Butt by Thomas P. Turner
and the ABS Technical Advisors
Graphic Design
Joe McGurn and Ellen Weeks
Printer O W N ER S H I P/ M A I N T E N A N C E
Village Press, Traverse City, Michigan
16 Safety Pilot: You Probably Ought to Replace That
American Bonanza Society magazine (ISSN
1538-9960) is published monthly by the
by Thomas P. Turner
American Bonanza Society (ABS), 1922 Midfield
Road, Wichita, KS 67209. The price of a yearly 20 Avionics: Avidyne’s IFD540 by Geoffrey Ring
subscription is included in the annual dues of
Society members. Periodicals postage paid at 24 Insurance: Understanding Your Aircraft Insurance Policy
Wichita, Kansas, and at additional mailing offices.
No part of this publication may be reprinted by John Allen
or duplicated without the written permission of
the Executive Director. 30 Beech on a Budget:
The Society and Publisher cannot accept
responsibility for the correctness or accuracy
The Ignition Harness “Looked” Just Fine by Mike Caban
of the matters printed herein or for any opinions
expressed. Opinions of the Editor or contributors 42 BPPP: Inspection, Maintenance, and Repair  by Thomas P. Turner
do not necessarily represent the position of
the Society. Articles or other materials by and 44 Member Opinion:
about organizations other than ABS are printed
in the American Bonanza Society magazine Aviation Ground Power System from Audio Authority
as a courtesy and member service. Except by Thomas A. Smithhisler
as expressly stated, their appearance in this
magazine does not constitute an endorsement
by ABS of the products, services or events of 50 Odds and Ends  
such organization. Publisher reserves the right by Geary Keilman
to reject any material submitted for publication.

Annual Membership Dues: 54 Hosting ABS Service Clinics

• Domestic (US/Canada/Mexico) — $65 (US)
• Two Year Domestic (US/Canada/Mexico) — $124 (US)
  by Bob Ripley
• International — $103 (US)
• International (online magazine only) — $65 (US) 56 My Twelve-Dollar Battery Capacity Tester  by Mike Fagan
• Two Year International (online magazine only) — $124 (US)
• Additional Family Members — $27 each 60 Tech Talk: Green Means Stop – Right Now!  by Dick Pedersen
• Life membership — $1200
Contact ABS Headquarters for details.

Postmaster: Send address changes to American

Bonanza Society magazine, P.O. Box 12888, Wichita, D EPAR T M E N T S
KS 67277-2888. © Copyright 2013.
34 Regional News 66 Tech Tips 79 Events Calendar
Send Articles/Letters To: American Bonanza
Society Magazine Publication Office, P.O. Box 39 Surly Bonds 70 New Life Members 80 ABS Contacts
12888, Wichita, KS 67277, Tel: 316-945-1700,
Fax: 316-945-1710, E-mail: [email protected], 48 Forum 73 Classified Ads 80 Display Advertising
Website: Please note: Index
62 Forum 78 ABS Board
Copy & photos submitted for publication become
the property of the Society and shall not be
returned. Articles submitted with pictures receive
publication preference.

The American Bonanza Society serves Beechcraft

enthusiasts by sharing valuable safety, technical, and
educational resources, and by promoting interaction
among and advocacy on behalf of its members.
w w w. b o n a n z a . o r g

A framed, limited edition print

by Michigan artist Jim Dewildt was
given to Dick in honor of his many
contributions to ABS. Dick was un-
able to attend this year’s dinner.
Accepting this honor on Dick’s behalf
was his good friend, Jim Usher of
Fort Worth, Texas.
The generous contributions Dick
ABS President’s Comments Swenson and many others have made
helps keep our Society financially

ABS Honors Richard heathy and allows us to continue

current programs as well as establish

Swenson new ones – all to make us better and

safer pilots. 
By Bob Goff

s president of the American Bonanza Society, one of the enjoyable

tasks I have is honoring our own for their contributions to ABS

that help make our organization the world’s largest and most

successful Type Club. 

This year at the ABS Tuesday night For many years, Dick has made
barbecue dinner in Oshkosh, the generous and substantial financial
American Bonanza Society and the contributions to ABS/ASF each year.
ABS Air Safety Foundation honored His gifts are to be used specifically
member Richard (Dick) Swenson for for ABS’s ongoing pilot training
his philanthropic support of the Air pro­grams. Dick gives these contri­
Safety Foundation. Dick is an ABS butions in honor of his long-time
Life Member and has been an ABS friend, BPPP founder Sam James.
member for nearly 50 years. His mem­ Sam created and led BPPP as a
ber­ship number is 435, among the volunteer, and ABS’s highest award,
original group that joined in the first the ABS Sam James Volunteerism
year of the newly founded American Award, is named in his honor.
Bonanza Society. 

This photo was taken a couple of years ago.

Seated on the right is Dick Swenson. Next to
Dick is Jim Usher. Standing is ABS Executive
Director Whit Hickman. 

Bob Goff is a retired businessman

and has been an active ABS member and
Life Member for more than 25 years.
He flies a 2014 G36.


Operations ABS

2014 EAA
by J. Whitney Hickman

BS has been very visible to the member­ship
during the last four months. First we were in
Jay Burris, incoming ABS board member, greeting members at the
Lakeland, Florida, at Sun ‘n Fun, then hosted ABS hospitality tent.
the ABS Homecoming in Wichita, and we just finished
ABS hosted its annual dinner on Tuesday evening at the
with a great week at EAA Oshkosh. The next stop will Hilton Garden Inn. The dinner was co-sponsored by long-
be Santa Rosa, California, for the ABS Fly-In and Annual time ABS supporters D’Shannon Aviation and RAM Aircraft,
with 310 members and guests in attendance. The evening
Meeting, September 11-14. These are my favorite events
was highlighted by ABS President Bob Goff’s presentation
as we get to visit and talk with our members on a of a Beech painting to Dick Swenson, Life Member and
personal level. long-time philanthropic supporter of the ABS Air Safety
Foundation. Dick’s numerous contributions to ABS are
We arrived in Oshkosh on Saturday morning just in time
greatly appreciated. Accepting on Dick’s behalf was ABS
to watch the B2OSH arrival from Rockford, Illinois. It’s
member Jim Usher. Thank you, Dick, for your generous
always impressive to witness the Beechcraft mass arrival
support in memory of BPPP founder Sam James.
and see them taxi to the North 40 to camp for the week.
I am happy to say that 110 airplanes touched down without
incident. Well done!
At Oshkosh, 694 ABS members signed the register in
our tent, an increase in attendance over last year by 66
members. What a great turnout!
Free popcorn, water, and soda were available at the ABS
hospitality tent. Members and guests were able to step out
of the sunshine, rest their legs, meet old friends, make new
ones, and watch the daily air show. Attendance overall for
the EAA event was up six percent with a 20 percent on the
weekend, according to EAA. I did notice fewer exhibitors
than in past years, however, reports are saying exhibitors
did very well. The USAF Thunderbirds performed Friday-
Sunday. It was a great show and definitely helped boost
attendance. Melissa, Tom, and I were available to answer
membership and program questions, renew existing
members, sign up new members, and sell merchandise.
ABS Technical Advisors Bob Ripley and Curtis Boulware
were very busy answering members’ technical questions
and participated in the member forums and seminars, which
were very well attended.


w w w. b o n a n z a . o r g

Christina Olds was our guest speaker. She’s a

resident of Santa Rosa, California, and is the executive
director of the Pacific Air Museum at the Charles M.
Schulz-Sonoma County Airport. She frequently travels
to speak at aviation museums and air shows around
the country.  Her father, Robin Olds, retired in 1973
from the Air Force as a brigadier general. While caring
for her father during his terminal illness, Christina
promised to complete his half-written memoirs from
his gathered notes. After Robin passed away on June
14, 2007, she spent the next two years researching and
writing the book, including interviewing veterans who
flew with her father in World War II and Vietnam. The
book is called Fighter Pilot: The Memoirs of Legendary
Ace Robin Olds. Christina will join us on Saturday evening
at the ABS Fly-In Santa Rosa for a full program lecture
with  slideshow.
Thank you to all of the members who visited our
hospitality tent, the volunteers and Board of Directors,
staff, and especially Melissa for managing the event (her
first year). Lauren and Coy conducted business as usual
at headquarters while we were gone. We hope you will
join us in Sonoma County, September 11-14, for the ABS
Fly-In and Annual Meeting. Please visit the ABS website
or call 316-945-1700 for more details.

EAA & ABS by the Numbers

• EAA Attendance reached above 500,000 for the week –
6 percent increase over last year and 20 percent better
on Saturday and Sunday.
• 10,000 airplanes flew into the
Oshkosh area.
• The number of show planes
was 2,649 – over 300 more
than last year.
• 694 ABS members signed
the registry – 66 more than
last year.
• 310 ABS members and guests
attended the dinner on
Tuesday evening – 20 more
than last year.
• 110 airplanes flew B2OSH
• 28 new members
• One new life member
• One ABS display plane, a V35B
(the last serial # made)

Whit Hickman, ABS Executive Director,

listening to Old Bob and Thelma Jean


w w w. b o n a n z a . o r g

Operations ASF

By Thomas P. Turner

he ABS Online Pilot’s Operating Handbook Model 35 Bonanzas
(POH) library is now complete. Fifty-eight unique • Model 35 Bonanza D-1 through D-1500
(1947 and 1948 models)
Bonanza, Debonair, Baron, and Travel Air pilot
• A35/B35 Bonanza D-1501 through D-2680; D-15001
manuals are available for study and download onto your
(1949 and 1950 models)
iPad or other documents management system.
• C35 Bonanza D-2681 through D-3292; D-3294 through
Textron Aviation has kindly provided ABS and the D-3400 (1951 and 1952 models)
ABS Air Safety Foundation permission to post these down­
• D35 Bonanza D-3401 through D-3698 (1953 model)
loadable, searchable PDFs of its copyrighted Pilot’s
Operating Handbooks (POHs) for use by members of • E35 Bonanza D-3293; D-3699 through D-3998
the American Bonanza Society and instructors in the (1954 model)
Beechcraft Pilot Proficiency Program (BPPP) and the • F35 Bonanza D-3999 through D-4375; D-4377 through
ABS Flight Instructor Academy. Beechcraft has provided D-4391 (1955 model)
Aircraft Owner’s Manuals for models for which Beech never
• G35 Bonanza D-4376; D-4392 through D-4865; D-15002
created a POH.
(1956 model)
To access and download • H35 Bonanza D-4866 through D-5061; D-5063 through
these manuals: D-5330 (1957 model)

1 Log onto using your ABS
• J35 Bonanza D-5062; D-5331 through D-5725
Member’s Only credentials.
(1958 model)

• K35/M35 Bonanza D-5726 through D-6561
at the top of the menu in the left column.
(1959 and 1960 models)

3 On the pullout menu that results, click on PILOT’S
OPERATING HANDBOOKS. • N35/P35 Bonanza D-6562 through D-7139;
D-7141 through D-7309 (1961 through 1963 models)

4 Click on the link to the manual or manuals you wish
to view or download. • S35 Bonanza D-7140; D-7310 through D-7976
(1964 and 1965 models)
Each distinct Pilot’s Operating Handbook or Aircraft
Owner’s Manual has a dedicated landing page. From there • V35/V35A/V35B Bonanza D-7977 through D-9947
you may access the full manual in a single docu­ment, or (1966 through 1976 models)
each individual section of that manual. Many pilots find it’s • V35TC (Aircraft Owner’s Manual: 1966 and 1967 V35s
easier to manage the manual by individual section using factory-turbocharged per STC SA1035WE)
some document management software.
• V35A-TC (Aircraft Owner’s Manual: 1968 and 1969
Information is presented for educational and instruc­
V35As factory-turbocharged per STC SA1035WE)
tional use only. Refer to the Pilot’s Operating Handbook or
Aircraft Owner’s Manual, as appropriate, for the air­plane • V35B-TC (Aircraft Owner’s Manual: 1970 V35Bs factory-
being flown for flight planning, operating and supple­mental turbocharged per STC SA1035WE)
information. These are the manuals now available in • V35B Bonanza D-9948 through D-10403
the ABS POH Library: (1977 through 1982 models)


Model 33 Debonairs & Bonanzas
• 35-33 Debonair CD-1 through CD-224, CD-233, CD-234,
CD-236, CD-241, CD-246-250 (1960 model)
• 35-A33 and 35-B33 Debonair CD-225 through CD-232,
CD-235, CD-237 through CD-240, CD-242 through CD-245,
CD-251 through CD-813 (1961 through 1964 models)
• 35-C33 Debonair and E33 and F33 Bonanza CD-814
through CD-981, CD-983 through CD-1254
(1965 through 1971 models)
• 35-C33A Debonair and E33A and E33C Bonanza
CE-1 through CE-289, CJ-1 through CJ-25
(1966 through 1969 models)
• F33A Bonanza CE-290 through CE-673;
F33C Aerobatic Bonanza CJ-26 through CJ-128
(1970 through 1976 models)
• F33A Bonanza CE-674 and after; F33C Aerobatic
Bonanza CJ-129 and after (1977 and later models)
• G33 Bonanza CD-1255 through CD-1304 (1972 model)

Model 36 Bonanzas
• 36 and A36 Bonanza E-1 through E-926
(1968 through 1976 models)
• A36 Bonanza E-927 through E-2110 except E-1946
and E-2104 (1977 through 1983 models)
• A36 Bonanza E-1946, E-2104, E-2111 through E-3629 and
E-3631 through E-3635 (1984 through 2005 models)
• A36TC Bonanza EA-1 through EA-272 except EA-242
(1979 through 1981 models)
• B36TC EA-242, EA-273 through EA-388 except EA-320
(1982 and 1983 models)
• B36TC EA-320 and EA-389 and after
(1984 through 2002 models)
• G36 Bonanza E-3630, E-3636 and after
(2006 and later models)


w w w. b o n a n z a . o r g

Model 55 Barons Model 58 Barons

• 95-55/95-A55 TC-1 through TC-349, TC-351 through TC- • 58/58A TH-1 through TH-772
370, TC-372 through TC-501 (1961 through 1963 models) (1970 through 1976 models)
• 95-B55/B55A TC-371, TC-502 through TC-1607 • 58/58A TH-773 through TH-1395 except TH-1389
(1964 through 1973 models) (1977 through 1983 models)
• 95-B55/B55A TC-1608 through TC-2002 • 58/58A TH-1389, TH-1396 through TH-1471,
(1974 through 1976 models) TH-1476, TH-1487, TH-1489 and TH-1498
• 95-B55/B55A TC-2003 and after (1984 through mid-1985 models)
(1977 through 1982 models) • 58/58A TH-1472 through TH-2124 except
• C55/C55A/D55/D55A/E55/E55A TE-1 through TE-942 TH-1476, TH-1487, TH-1489 and TH-1498
except TE-938 (1976 through 1973 models) (Mid-1985 through 2005 models)
• E55/E55A TE-938, TE-943 through TE-1083 • G58/G58A TH-2125 and after
(1974 through 1976 models) (2006 and later models)
• E55/E55A TE-1084 through TE-1196, TE-1198 through • 58TC/58TCA TK-1 through TK-84
TE-1201 (1977 through 1982 models) (1976 through 1978 models)
• E55/E55A TE-1197 only (1982 model) • 58TC/58TCA TK-85 through TK-150 except TK-147
(1979 through 1983 models)
Model 56 Barons
• 58TC/58TCA TK-147, TK-151 (1984 model)
• 56TC TG-1 through TG-68 (Aircraft Owner’s Manual:
1967 through mid-1968 models) • 58P/58PA TJ-2 through TJ-84 except TJ-46, TJ-55 and
TJ-83 (1976 model)
• 56TC/A56TC TG-69 through TG-94 (Aircraft Owner’s
Manual: Late 1968 through 1971 models) • 58P/58PA TJ-46, TJ-55, TJ-83, TJ-85 through TJ-168
(late 1976 through 1978 models)
• 58P/58PA TJ-169 through TJ-443 except TJ-436
(1979 through 1983 models)
• 58P/58PA TJ-436, TJ-444 through TJ-497
(1984 and 1985 models)

Model 95 Travel Airs

• 95 TD-2 through TD-302 except TD-127
(Aircraft Owner’s Manual: 1958 and 1959 models)
• B95 TD-303 through TD-452
(Aircraft Owner’s Manual: 1960 model)
• B95A TD-453 through TD-533
(Aircraft Owner’s Manual: 1961 and 1962 models)
• D95A TD-534 through TD-707
(Aircraft Owner’s Manual: 1963 through 1967 models)
• E95 TD-708 through TD-721
(Aircraft Owner’s Manual: 1968 model)


w w w. b o n a n z a . o r g

BPPP Online now available

with or without flight
Many members have asked to en-
roll in BPPP Online without commit­
ting to BPPP flight instruction. Now
you can!  Choose BPPP Online+Flight
(including up to four hours of flight
instruction with a BPPP CFI near your
home) for the same low $495, or BPPP
Online (without flight) for $150. You
may add-on the flight training later if
you wish ($395 extra), but the bundled
price is lower.
Add the Beechcraft Systems, Proce­
dures, and Techniques course (“BPPP
Initial”) or the Beechcraft Pilot Skills
Enhancement course (“BPPP Recur­
rent”), with or without flight instruc­
tion, to your ongoing pilot training

Houston, Texas
ABS Air Safety Foundation pre­sents
BPPP LIVE in Houston, Texas, November
14-15, as part of the Southwest Bonanza
Society Fly-In. BPPP instructors will be
teaching classes held Friday afternoon
and Saturday morning, to complement
the SWBS social events. Tuition for
BPPP LIVE is free but we request a $50
to $200 tax-deductible donation to the
ABS Air Safety Foundation to cover
ABS’s expenses. Add BPPP flight
instruction for only $395 by choos-
then contact a BPPP flight instruc-
tor to schedule.   See www.south­west for more information
and to register for the SWBS Fly-In
at  Houston,  Texas.

Thomas P. Turner
Executive Director
[email protected]


w w w. b o n a n z a . o r g

On the Cover:
Beechcraft of the Month

Fifty Years in the Fam

N5050X 1952 C35
By Doug Grevatt, Norwalk, Connecticut

uring the summer of 1964, my mom was growing weary of the hours

spent perusing that yellow newspaper we all know so well in search

of a good aircraft. On the drive to go see one particular airplane,

my mother nonchalantly said to my father, “If it’s red, buy it.”

 I am sure angels could be heard singing and a warm glow emanated from

behind that V-tail as the hangar doors slid open to reveal – in all its redness –

what would become a member of the family for 50 years.


w w w. b o n a n z a . o r g

I take a certain amount of pleasure

answering the “how long have you
had it?” question with “all my life …
sort of,” and seeing the perplexed look
on the asker’s face. N5050X and I go
way back. Fifty X came into the family
five years before me, in August of 1964.
I had my first airplane ride in this very
airplane when I was two weeks old. It’s
only fitting to commemorate its 50th
year in the family with a “Beechcraft
of the Month” submission.
N5050X left the factory as N1879D.
It was purchased by the Heathkit
Company in Benton Harbor, Michigan,
through 1930s air racing pilot Roscoe Fifty X took my parents on many
Turner’s Beech dealership. Logbook #1 fun trips, including one to the first ABS
reveals it was a working airplane that Convention in Wichita in the summer of
flew several times each week. After 1969. Mom was pregnant with me at the
Heathkit sold N1879D, it went through time, so I am going to claim I was there.
several owners in the Midwest. One I have many memories growing up at
was a partnership of two individuals the airport working on the plane with
that changed the tail number to my father, Marston “Skip” Grevatt, ABS
N5050X, presumably reflecting their #76. My childhood assignment of climb­
respective half shares. Sadly, there ing into the baggage compartment to
remove the 42 bulkhead screws is one
such memory that comes back every
year at annual time. My flight depart­

ment runs lean, so to keep payroll low
I still have my childhood duties such as
sumping the fuel tanks and removing
and installing all 42 of those screws.
Dad paid for my initial flying lessons
through solo as a high school gradua­
tion gift. College, full-time employment,
a home purchase, and graduate school
kept me busy enough to put flying on
the back burner. I finally got back to
flight training and completed my Pri­
vate Pilot certificate without telling Dad.
My first flight as a licensed pilot was
was a landing gear “event” (there, to the airpark where my parents live,
but for the grace of God, go I) at to surprise him. I still can’t believe I
Meigs Field in Chicago. Fifty X was managed to keep it a secret. It took a
purchased by Dan Towery and flown while for him to come to grips with the
(with the gear locked down we’ve fact that I had just taxied a 152 up to the
been told) to Delaware from Meigs hangar on his home. He had no idea
for repairs. Dad bought the airplane what I had been doing. I also haven’t
from Dan. I recently met Dan and his told him I am submitting this, so I hope
son, also Dan, at Oshkosh. They both he gets a kick out of seeing “Nifty-Fifty”
remembered the airplane well. on the cover of the ABS Magazine.

Volume 14 • Number 9 AMERICAN BONANZA SOCIETY 11

w w w. b o n a n z a . o r g

Continental E-225-8
Beech electric propeller with original
factory Flight Research Auto Prop Control
Garmin GNS430W
King KX155 w/GS
Garmin GTX327 transponder
Garmin GPSMap396 with XM weather
PS Engineering PMA7000MS audio panel
with intercom
S-Tec 30 autopilot with GPSS
Castleberry electric attitude indicator
UBG16 engine monitor with fuel flow, low
vacuum alarm, and data recorder
After the private certificate, I quickly set out to build time and get my Whelen Parametheus LED landing lights
instrument rating. With that complete, Dad wanted me to get a checkout in with max-pulse flasher
the Bonanza. I did the 10-hour check­out over three days with my dad riding
ACK 406 MHz ELT interfaced with
in the back seat and a whopping total of 167 hours logged time under my belt. GNS430W
I was very nervous ! Despite having logged many hours sitting in the left seat
“flying” the airplane in the hangar as a kid, making my first landing with my Evaporative (“swamp”) cooler
father in the back seat was one of the most stressful experiences of my life. 20-gallon aux tank
BAS shoulder harnesses
D’Shannon 20-gallon tip tanks


w w w. b o n a n z a . o r g

pending time with my dad
work­ing on the airplane over
the years motivated me to pur-
sue a mechanical engineering de-
gree, as he had done. It has also
been an excellent classroom for
important life lessons on patience,
thinking things through, and in­
sistence on doing things properly.
I had no expectations of receiving
any awards when I had the airplane
judged on its first trip to Oshkosh in
2008. I was shocked to learn we had
won a Bronze Lindy. When asked
by one judge why I didn’t have a
photo book of the restoration, I
had to concede that the airplane
had never been restored – just
maintained through the years. The
judge nodded his head and com­
mented they could usually tell when
a plane was owner-maintained due
to the extra attention to the details.

Volume 14 • Number 9 AMERICAN BONANZA SOCIETY 13

I firmly believe that Dad’s high I broke the rule about never been some improvements added. I
standard of care, that I do my best buying an airplane without a pre- have tried to keep it a period piece,
to continue (under A&P IA super­ purchase inspection, but it seems to so it remains how I remember it as
vision), was evident to them. It be working out okay for me (knock a kid, while adding capability for
was quite a thrill to call Dad to tell on wood). Since I took over the care real-world operations. The E-series
him about the award. and feeding of Fifty X, there have airplanes have a reputation for being
a challenge to keep in the air, but I
have the benefit of not knowing any
better. I have developed an inventory
of the tough-to-find things (electric
propellers and associated parts,
E-series engine parts, etc.) to help
keep things going long term. I have
been accused of secretly constructing
another airplane part by part. Hey,
Johnny Cash got his Cadillac one piece
at a time and it didn’t cost him a dime!
My wife, Elisa, our dog, Lola, and
I have completed many trips from
Connecticut to her hometown outside
Kansas City, Missouri. The addition of
the tip tanks in November of 2013 al­
lowed us to make the last flight home
in 5 hours 36 minutes non-stop. Travel­
ling in the Bonanza has been a plea­
sure for us as it was for my parents. I
am very lucky to be able to continue
caring for this airplane that safely
transported the family for 50 years. It
often repays me with memories from
my youth.
Happy 50th anniversary of being
in  the  family,  Fifty  X !


w w w. b o n a n z a . o r g

Safety Pilot vibration. Most telling, a large glob of silicone gel was
stuck to the bottom of the clip – someone somewhere

You Probably
had noticed that the clip was broken, and tried to “repair”
it by tacking it down with a dollop of silicone.
“That’s one step this side of sticking it down with

Ought to
chewing gum,” said the local mechanic (who had not
maintained or inspected this Bonanza). He had been in
the hangar near us when we found the problem. With the

Replace That
pilot’s permission he bent his head into the engine area
and looked at the underside of the #5 fuel injector line.
“It’s not rubbing,” he said, seeing no evidence of a flat
By Thomas P. Turner spot on the underside of the fuel line where it crossed the
mounting bracket. The implication was that it was okay to
fly in this condition, but should be addressed soon.

“That’s what I used to think,” I told the pilot and the
was teaching the preflight inspection of an A36 mechanic. “But we’re not going to fly today. I’d ground
Bonanza with a pilot completing BPPP.  When we this airplane until the clip is installed correctly.”  The
pilot and mechanic seemed surprised, but agreed with
opened the right side engine cowling I found the
me. Any doubt was erased when I told them why I made
#5 cylinder’s injector line loose at the point it crosses this decision.
a rectangular bracket between the flow divider and the

any years ago I found a somewhat similar situa­
cylinder’s fuel injection nozzle. The clip that holds the tion while preflighting an A36 with a flight in­
line at the bracket, and the rubber wrap that protects the struc­tion customer at Wichita. In that case the
clip was still holding the fuel injector line in place, but the
line in the clip were missing and the injector line was
rubber wrap was severely cracked and several pieces of
suspended above the bracket (Figure 1). the rubber were missing. The bottom of the injector line
was not protected by wrap at all. Like the mechanic in my
recent experience, I took a close look at the underside of
the injector line and saw no sign of wear. “You probably
ought to have your mechanic replace that rubber wrap
when you get home,” I told the owner. I wrote it on my
clipboard as a reminder for our debrief; we completed
our preflight and began our full day of training.
After about two hours of flying and a lunch break,
we could smell just a little fuel while we flew a series of


Pointing this out to the pilot, we quickly found the

missing clip and rubber wrap. It had come loose from
the bracket and slid down the injector line to the top
of the nozzle (Figure 2). A quick look revealed that
one of the two tines on the bottom of the clip, tines
that spread out after being pushed through a hole in
the bracket to create spring tension that holds the clip
in place, was missing. It had probably corroded and
broken off, or perhaps it had failed from fatigue due to


w w w. b o n a n z a . o r g

While in actual instrument conditions at 4,000 feet on vectors

for the approach, the airplane suddenly decelerated and
the tone of the engine deepened.
practice instrument approaches. Fuel smells in airplanes and propeller controls fully forward we could maintain
come and go (and should be investigated), but I don’t altitude at Best Glide speed, but any increase or decrease
remember it being too bad, just noticeable at times. Our in indicated airspeed resulted in a descent. When the
session was to end with a flight in IMC back to Wichita controller advised we were one mile from the airport we
Jabara Airport, where we had started. While in actual descended out of the bases of the clouds, which were
instrument conditions at 4,000 feet on vectors for the well above minimums, and made an otherwise uneventful
approach, the airplane suddenly decelerated and the tone landing. We could smell fuel as we taxied in. Shutting
of the engine deepened. Airspeed was quickly dropping down and exiting the Bonanza, we found the entire right
while we held the airplane level; I don’t remember the side of the fuselage coated in blue fuel stain.
engine running roughly (I’m sure it did), but I clearly Investigation revealed that the rubber wrap had
recall seeing the indicated fuel flow shoot up well beyond completely separated from around the #3 injector
redline – that confused me a bit. line. The clip was still in place and the line still went
We requested a vector direct to Jabara and told through the clip, but without the wrap the line was
Approach Control we’d stay at 4,000 feet until they told not touching anything and was therefore free to vibrate.
us we were one mile from the airport (this was pre-GPS). The vibration in flight was enough to pull the fuel line
On the way we found that the fuel flow was unaffected out of the top of the #3 fuel injector nozzle, starving that
by moving the mixture control, and with the throttle cylinder of fuel.

Volume 14 • Number 9 AMERICAN BONANZA SOCIETY 17

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With only the factory standard engine indicators we

could not tell that the #3 cylinder was no longer devel­
oping power. The confusing fuel flow indication was the
result of fuel spraying through the disconnected injector
line – there was no back pressure in the line so fuel
was pumping as fast as it could, spinning the fuel flow
transducer wildly and indicating the true rate of fuel loss.
Why the hot engine did not ignite the fuel fumes at some
point in flight or, more likely, during taxi, I’ll never know.

Things I’ve learned

from this experience:
• There is great value in a thorough preflight inspection.
• Any deviation from “normal” warrants immediate
• There is great temptation to dismiss unusual conditions,
thinking you’ll “take care of it later.”
• Even many mechanics don’t fully appreciate the
potential hazards of some failure modes.
• Pilots and mechanics depend on each other to share
our combined experience.
• Pilots and mechanics need to read and participate in
programs such as those made available through ABS, so
we can learn from the experiences of others.
• The obvious function of an item (the rubber wrap
prevents the injector line from rubbing on the bracket)
may not be the only purpose of that item.
• Most pilots, and many mechanics, are not qualified to
defer or dismiss a squawk.

I also learned:
• Fuel smells at any time should be investigated.
• Best Glide speed is also the speed where you can main­
tain altitude with the least amount of power.
• A higher-than-logical indicated fuel flow, and/or the inabil­
ity to control fuel flow with the mixture knob, may be warn­
ing of a massive fuel leak in the engine compartment.
• If I have indications of a fuel leak in the engine com­
partment in flight I might immediately shut down the
engine and glide (in a Bonanza or Debonair), even if
I’m  in  IMC  at the  time.
• If I maintain engine power until landing with indications
of a fuel leak in the engine, I’ll pull the mixture control
on short final and evacuate the airplane as soon as it
comes to a stop.

I firmly believe that my prior experience saved us from

a potential engine failure and in-flight fire during this
more recent flight. We perform preflight inspections for
a reason.


Fuel range rings and top of descent marker. User-defined hold at a waypoint.

Avionics By Geoffrey Ring

As part of Avidyne’s Pilot Program,
I have had the opportunity to install
my two preordered IFD540s in my

Avidyne’s IFD540 F33A and have been flying them

in the system since March 2014. My
installation replaced a GNS430W and
required a clean install of the second

unit. At the time of writing, I have 70
y the time you read this Oshkosh 2014 will be over and Avidyne hours behind the system and have
discussed my experiences in detail
will have its IFD540 FMS/GPS/NAV/COM units certified and
on the BeechTalk website here:
shipping, providing aviation users a genuine alternative to the
Garmin GPS units. Built off the award-winning R9 platform, the viewtopic.php?f=21&t=90279
My experience is that these units
IFD540 provides advanced functions found in this powerful OEM integrated
are very flexible and will enable users
glass panel system not currently available from other manufacturers. The to decide what methods work best
for them through the customizable
IFD540 is a slide-in replacement for the Garmin GNS530W units that so many
options. The IFD540’s Hybrid Touch
of us are familiar with. This unique strategy enables the avionics shop to addresses the “lack of buttons”
install the latest technology with only an hour or two of installation, complaint of the GTN series, and
provides both buttons and touch
configuration, and testing, which significantly cuts down the installation
screen that will perform nearly all of
cost, complexity, and maintenance-induced failure. the functions equally well.


Approach chart in plan view. VOR crossing radial on #2.

With GeoFill, I still use the knobs and buttons over the with the IFD, it is that there are generally multiple ways to
touch screen for data entry, but other Pilot Program users are accomplish the same task and each function provides a
the opposite and report primarily using the touch screen. I larger amount of information than found in other units.
do find panning, pinch zooming, and pressing map features The limited space of this article doesn’t allow for a
for information very usable with the touch screen; and complete descrip­tion of the functionality of the units;
the hybrid touch means the screen works like your iPad. however, I wanted to list a few of the features I find the
The GPS is very fast to acquire satellites and boot up, the most useful (in no particular order).
display redraw from panning or zooming is crisp and quick, Fuel range rings – These have been great when stretching
and I am impressed with the performance and quality fuel and looking for potential fuel stops. You know exactly
construction of the boxes themselves. The best feature, where on the map you will be when you reach your reserves
though, is that Avidyne is committed to open standards. and can begin looking for airports if you haven’t planned
Where Avidyne has created a particular data format, it will a specific stop. (Requires input from a compatible fuel-
provide this to any manufacturer that would like to interface flow system.)
with the Avidyne equipment. This ensures that you won’t
be locked into one particular vendor. iPad/iPhone charging – The USB port in the unit allows
I have experience with both GTN and GNS devices, for charging devices directly from the IFD and eliminates
and flying with the IFD540 provides features and usability the need for separate certified USB ports in the panel.
that I prefer to the other units. It isn’t so much the ability Vertical constraints on waypoints – This is useful for
to fly airways or the touch screen or any of the bigger non-precision approaches and other phases of flight. There
improvements, but rather how seamless the unit is and how is a top of descent (TOD) marker on the magenta line and
well the little details add so much to situational awareness. a chime when time to step down at the prescribed vertical
The device is simple to use and intuitive, with information speed rate. In addition to the TOD marker, the altitude
provided in many different functions. If there is any fault constraint is displayed directly on the map.

Volume 14 • Number 9 AMERICAN BONANZA SOCIETY 21

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Dual IFD interaction – This is perhaps one of the best

features because it allows the two units to behave in a
manner that makes the screen real estate much larger than
it really is. Datablock entry on one of the IFDs results in a
full QWERTY keyboard displayed on the other IFD.

OBS mode and VLOC mode – Both of these modes draw

a line on the screen which you can move with the CDI
indicator on the NAV or HSI head. I tend to put crossing
radials on the units as I fly cross-country, and this allows
for visibility via a green/white line on the screen.

GeoFill – This single feature is responsible for the signifi-

cant reduction of button turns and click for entry of flight
plans. Long flight plans can be entered very quickly.

Victor airways – Finally, we can fly Victor airways on

a current-production GPS (very important to us in the
Northeast). When Victor airways are entered into the
flight plan, they are displayed on the map along with
the waypoints and VORs so you have enhanced situa-
tional awareness.

Flight plan preview – While building the flight plan and/

or when selecting an approach, it is all previewed on the
screen so you get situational awareness when selecting
transitions or IAFs.

Flexible user configuration – Data blocks, screen, and

user options are very, very configurable. This allows users
with different types of equipment to set up the display
to provide information in the most meaningful way. An
Aspen user may use different data blocks than a steam
gauge user, for example.

Informative GPS status page – Not a real big deal,

but this page gives you information on the HPL/VPL and

TAWS-like features – The units have both Terrain

Awareness (TA) and Forward Looking Terrain Alerting
(FLTA). These functions are very useful and are part of
the certified TAWS in other equipment.

Name entry for NAV frequencies – To enter a NAV

frequency, I can enter PWL (Pawling VOR) rather than
114.3 and it will input the correct frequency, decode, and
display in the NAV box.

User waypoints identified as airports – I fly into a

private race track country club and land on the back
straightaway. I have been able to identify the waypoint
as an airport with a specific altitude. This inhibits the
terrain warnings.


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Georeferenced charts – Like R9, the Jeppesen

charts are available with five different views which
allow the user to see only the data necessary for
the phase of the approach they are on.

Chart updates – One subscription for both IFDs.

I download the data on to two USB devices and
upgrade both my IFDs from one subscription.
Uploading to the IFDs takes about 13 minutes, for
Navigation database (5 minutes), charts (8 minutes),
and obstacles (5 seconds).

Calculators – The IFD has several very user-friendly

calculators to show Fuel Planning, Trip Planning,
and Air Data calculations. I use these frequently on
longer flights.

Avidyne’s motto is “Flying made Simple,” and

while the IFD540 cer­tainly packs a lot of functionality
into one tightly integrated package, it does so in
a very user-friendly man­ner. For those who are
receiving and installing their boxes, I’m eager to
see if my excitement of the IFD540 is shared. I look
Virtual keyboard on #1 for flight plan entry on #2. forward to seeing more comments as they begin to
use them.

Volume 14 • Number 9 AMERICAN BONANZA SOCIETY 23

By John Allen

Understanding Your Aircraft

Insurance Policy

hat do you do when your insurance policy arrives? other information – verify this amount
is correct as it is the most the company
Save it to your hard drive? File it with your other documents?
will pay for physical damage in the
Do you read it first? Most of us (including those of us in the event of a total loss. Many companies
show the type of physical damage
insurance business) find reading a policy to be a tedious
coverage (i.e., Full Flight or Ground
task. However, we strongly encourage all of our customers to read their policies Only), so confirm they are providing
– especially when changing carriers. In order to make this process somewhat the level of coverage you want.

easier, we will focus on some of the more important items to look for to make 
3   Deductibles
While you are reviewing the
sure you are covered correctly and that you understand what is and (just as physical damage section, check to
see that the deductibles listed are
important) what is not covered in your aircraft insurance policy.  Here is our
accurate. On fixed wing aircraft,
“top 10” list (these are not necessarily in order of importance, but rather the the deductibles are normally shown
order in which a typical policy is assembled). as two different numbers: one for
“Not In Motion” losses and one for
1   Policy Period
 2   Scheduled Aircraft
 “In Motion” losses. If you purchased
At the beginning of the policy you The aircraft will be listed on the coverage for “full flight and ground”
will find the declarations page. It declarations or coverage summary there should be a listing for each. Most
contains most of the basic information page (or sometimes on a schedule of companies issue their policies with
about the policy. One of the first items aircraft that is attached). Make sure “nil” deductibles. Another example
is the policy period – aircraft insurance the aircraft is recorded properly by would be $50 for Not In Motion and
policies are almost always issued in make, model, and registration number. $250 for In Motion.
one-year increments. The dates should The number of seats in the aircraft is 4   Liability Limits

correspond to the desired coverage generally shown, so be certain that The liability limits are listed on the
year. Note that policies start at 12:01 information is correct as well. The hull coverage summary page or the decla­
AM and end at the same time. value should be listed alongside the rations page just above or below


w w w. b o n a n z a . o r g

the physical damage section. This sec­ Some policies limit the territory of the world.”  The point here is that you
tion will show the amount of lia­- operation to the 48 contiguous states need to know what your policy says
bility coverage that is provided for (CONUS), along with Canada and and operate within that geographical
bodily injury (BI) and property dam­ Mexico. That will leave out Alaska boundary. If you have a loss outside
age (PD), and is one of the most im­ and Hawaii, so if you intend to fly to your designated territory of operation,
portant provisions to comprehend. The either state make sure you add that by your coverage will be void. If you want
limit listed should reflect what you endorsement. Some policies go on to to fly somewhere that is not included,
ordered from your agent. If it does not include the Islands of the Bahamas, contact your agent. Most of the time
or you have questions, pick up the the Western Hemisphere, and areas we can get the territory expanded to
phone and call. Review the limits so broad they include “anywhere in meet your needs.
shown in the “Occurrence” and “Per
Passenger” columns to ensure they are
correct, and that you understand how
they work together. Again, if in doubt,
ask your agent.

5    Pilots
The approved pilot section will be
listed either as a continuation of the
declarations page or as an endorse­
ment. It will list the Named Pilots and
any requirements they must meet (if
any) in order to fulfill the underwrit­
ing requirements. Most of the time,
named pilots are identified without
any additional requirements, but in
some cases they might be required to
attend training every year or be accom­
panied by a CFI for a period of time.
If each pilot’s information is shown
(certificates, ratings and hours, etc.),
make certain it is correct.
Almost every policy comes with
an open pilot warranty. This is the
provision that allows pilots who are
not listed as named pilots to fly the
aircraft as long as they meet the pro­
visions of the open pilot warranty.
Make sure you review and understand
these provisions, and check that all
pilots who fly the aircraft are either
named or meet the open pilot war­
ranty. If training requirements are
listed, confirm all pilots have done
the required training.

6    Territory
Territorial limitations are defined
in every policy. The wording will
usually be listed as part of the insuring
agreement of the policy or shown on an
endorsement. This states where your
aircraft will be covered geographically.

Volume 14 • Number 9 AMERICAN BONANZA SOCIETY 25

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7    Purpose of Use war, radiation, war risk, confiscation, is automatically covered as an insured
The purpose of use is typically strikes, riots, civil commotions, liability under the policy. Under the conditions
located on the declarations page. assumed under a contract, wear and section, the rights and responsibilities
It will likely say something such as tear, and freezing. of each party are defined and the legal
“pleasure and business.” Each use The above is only a partial list; there­ aspects of the contract (such as can­
will be defined in the policy under fore, it is necessary to review the entire cellation and transfer) are discussed.
the definition section. Make certain exclusions section to see what is not

10   Endorsements
your operation of the aircraft is in covered. Some of these coverages such Endorsements are one of the most
compliance with this provision. as war risk and confiscation can be important items to review. While many
bought back. If that happens, there are statutory wordings required by

8    Exclusions
There are some interesting exclu­ would be an endorsement issued delet­ your state, others make important
sions in policies these days. Remem­ ing or modifying the exclusion. A thor­ changes to your coverage. For exam­
ber the Y2K scare? The insurance ough review of this section will help ple, many companies use endorse­
carriers still do. Did you know that you understand what is excluded and ments to add exclusions or other cov­
losses arising from the failure of com­ may just help you avoid some trouble. erage to the policy. They can add back
puters or equipment to recognize or 
9    Definitions/Conditions coverage that is excluded such as war
process a date change are excluded? These sections are contained with­ risk, and many companies include an
In the late ’90s, they put this exclusion in the policy wording and are very “expansion endorsement,” which gives
in the policies in anticipation of the important parts of the contract. For ex­ you extra coverage such as premises
Y2K threat. January 1, 2000, came and ample, the definitions specify what is liability or baggage liability.
went largely without any problems, included as part of the aircraft and, as
but the companies never removed the mentioned earlier, what the approved In order to review the above items,
endorsement from the policies. Other uses include. They also define other I would estimate it taking 30 to 45
typical exclusions include: nuclear terms such as In Motion and list who minutes of your time. The conditions
and definitions of the policy do not
change every year, so after the first
year it would probably go a little
faster and could be done in 15 to 30
minutes. The principal reason we pur­
chase insurance is to transfer some
of our risk as an aircraft owner to an
insurance company that can afford to
pay the claim. In the unfortunate event
that you have a claim, you need to
know what risks you have transferred
and what risks are yours to bear.
So, take the time to review your
policy. If you have any questions
about any of these items, do not hesi­
tate to contact your ABS insurance
representative. An answer is a phone
call away.

John Allen is president and

owner of Falcon Insurance
Agency, which he founded in
1979 in Austin, Texas. Falcon
now has 12 offices across
the country employing over
90 full-time aviation insur­-
ance professionals. Prior to
entering the aviation insurance industry as
an underwriter for USAIG, John served in
the United States Air Force as a pilot.


Volume 14 • Number 9 AMERICAN BONANZA SOCIETY 27
Baron Pilot
Baron Pilot focuses on the unique systems, piloting tech­niques, maintenance and ownership
consider­ations for the entire line of Beech Barons. We’ll include new articles and the best of
Baron- related articles from the archives of ABS Magazine. We encour­age ABS members to submit
your articles about flying, owning and maintaining Beechcraft Barons to [email protected].

Baron Electric Regulator Systems By Thomas P. Turner

here are three distinct electrical systems for Beech Barons. Procedures section of your handbook
you have plenty of time to locate the
All have had two generators or, later, two alternators, one on
checklist and follow it step by step.
each engine. The system for electrical power regulation, The first thing you’ll do is confirm
the warning light with the electrical
however, has changed over the years. monitoring gauges. It’s possible the
Travel Airs and generator-equipped regulator monitors and controls the light may illuminate falsely when
Barons, and Model 58 Barons after output of both alternators. This helps there is not really a problem with the
serial number TH-1376 as well as 58Ps more evenly share the load between charging system. If the alternator or
and 58TCs, have a voltage regulator the two alternators (Figure 2). In generator has indeed failed, you’ll
dedicated to each generator or these airplanes, there is a switch see a discharge on the ammeter or,
alternator. The voltage regulators beneath the pilot’s control yoke that if equipped, a zero indication on the
each work full time, and interface permits selecting one or the other alternator loadmeter and something
with each other to balance the load voltage regulator. To ensure the back- less than normal system voltage on
roughly evenly between the two up regulator is functioning, it’s good the buss voltmeter.
alternators or generators (Figure 1). practice to change the selector before If your Baron has the dual regulator
In normal operation the loads should each flight, once a month, or on some system, turn off the alternator to reset
be within 10% of each other, according other regular schedule. the voltage regulator, then turn it back
to Beechcraft. on and monitor the condition. If the

Model 55 Barons TC-371 and TC- f you notice a Generator Out/ light illuminates again, turn off the
502 and after; all C55, D55, and E55 Alternator Out light or Low Buss switch, monitor the load, and acti-
Barons; and Model 58 Barons serial Volts annunciator, or the loadmeters vate any back-up charging system in
number TH-1 through TH-1376 have themselves read zero, reference the your airplane.
what we might call a shared regulator appropriate handbook checklist. You In Barons with shared regulators, if
system – two voltage regulators, but need to take action, but although a single alternator out condition occurs
only one is active at a time. The active the checklist is in the Emergency turn off the failed unit’s switch and

w w w. b o n a n z a . o r g

Being ready to do the

right thing requires you
know how the system
works in the Baron
you’re flying.

monitor the load (Figure 3). With the

shared voltage regulator, it’s possible
to get a simultaneous shutoff of both
generators/alternators as a result
of a voltage regulator failure. If this
happens, the checklist calls for shut-
ting off both generators/alternators,
switching to the other regulator, and
then turning the generators/alternators
back on (Figure 4). If the condition
recurs, reduce and monitor electrical
load, and land as soon as possible.
G58s have a third style of electri-
cal system with significantly dif-
ferent abnormal procedures. We’ll
cover the G58’s electrical system in
a future article.
A problem with the voltage regu­
lation system is not an immediately
catastrophic condition. You have time
to pull out the checklist and complete
the procedure fully, then evaluate the
results of your actions. Being ready to
do the right thing requires you know
how the system works in the Baron
you’re flying.

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Beech on a Budget
By Mike Caban

Ignition Harness
Just Fine

n prior articles, I’ve written about the importance
of being especially vigilant about external items in
engines that are being operated above and beyond
TBO.  This month, I will share with you a personal
experience involving the wiring harness on my B55
factory reman with about 1900 hours on it.  The harness
was seven years old and had about 1000 hours Time
in Service (TIS).
At the end of May I flew from Appleton, Wisconsin, to
my home base of Denton, Texas, where my annual was
going to begin in the days following my arrival. I had
settled into cruise flight at 10,000 feet, Wide-Open-Throttle,
2250RPM, about 11 gph/side, and had switched the tanks
off the mains to the auxes nearly an hour prior. Out of the
blue the right engine stumbled badly. Then again… and
again… and again. All engine gauges were steady, yet
the stumbling continued. I switched the fuel back to the
main tank and checked the right magneto switch con-
irming that it was on the “both” position. The engine
stumbling continued, unabated. Increasing fuel flow had
no effect.
By this time I began to zoom the ForeFlight screen
on my iPad to identify the nearest airport. Dubuque,
Iowa (KDBQ) was about 30 miles to the west. With a
place to go identified, I began deeper troubleshooting
of the problem with my JPI engine monitor. Fuel flow
and CHTs were steady but the EGT on #6 was fluctua-
ting wildly about 40-60° F.  The #4 EGT was fluctuating
some­what less, maybe about 20-30° F.  With the luxury


w w w. b o n a n z a . o r g


t was annual time so in

B y this time I a few days I set about

all the standard annual
began to zoom open-up activities, including
spark plug removals. I was
the ForeFlight screen most anxious to see the
on my iPad to identify #6 plugs – Figure 1 shows
the bottom plug. Figure 2
the nearest airport. shows the lead fouling with
what appears to be a fourth
of having a second engine electrode … but it is not !
turning, I elected to continue Figure 3 shows the amount
while monitoring engine pa­ of lead that was built up in
rameters without stopping in the plug. I had never seen a
Dubuque. Had I been flying plug this badly lead fouled.
behind just the one stumbling engine, this would have All other plugs were in reasonably good condition.
been a completely different decision with a “direct to” My mechanic and I explored further in the belief that
KDBQ in the GPS in short  order. something upstream of the plug was amiss (pun intend­
For the next couple hours the engine continued to ed). The plug end of the seven-year-old, seemingly good-
stumble in sync with the EGT of #6 fluctuating from about look­ing condition harness appeared to be in good shape.
1270-1310º F.  With the exception of #4,
which also had its own fluctuation,
all other cylinder EGTs varied maybe
2-3° F each.
Upon reaching the Texas-
Oklahoma border and being trans­
ferred to Ft. Worth Center, I received
descent clear­ ance from 10,000 to
4,000 feet. Sometime during the
descent the stumbling stopped and
the EGT fluctuations on #4 and #6
became smaller. Approach and land­
ing were uneventful and 23W went
into the hangar.

Volume 14 • Number 9 AMERICAN BONANZA SOCIETY 31

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Note blackened insulation of #6 as

opposed to others


Upon examining the right Slick magneto (the mag that

fires the #6 and #4 bottom plugs) end of the harness, we
found blackened insulation around the stinger wire entry
into the #6 ignition wire (Figure 4). The stinger wire was
also somewhat loose.
Figure 5 shows the beginnings of the same charring on
the #4 plug wire.
The magneto distributor block and rotor were ex­
amined for any sign of mischief that would impede the
flow of voltage and current. Nothing out of the ordinary
was found here. My mechanic pushed the stinger farther
into the #6 wire, we installed a new spark plug, finished
up the rest of the exhaustive annual (complete overhaul
of right engine fuel system, and mixture and throttle cable
replacements), ran things up, and noted no issues. The
test flight also went well, with no engine stumbling or
other anomalies.
Fast forward to the trip north from Denton to Appleton.
I depart Denton and make a stop at Sherman, Texas,
about 40 miles away, for a little over 100 gallons of <$5/
gallon avgas. There were no issues on the trip to Sherman.
I depart Sherman and get my IFR clearance in the air
“direct to” KATW.
Of course, I was on pins and needles watching all the
engine instruments for the first long flight after annual,
and on guard against the engine stumbling again. Well,
2.5 hours into the ~4:20 flight and the right engine started
stumbling. Same symptoms, same cylinder, and same
large EGT fluctuation. It was somewhat less unnerving
than the southbound leg a month earlier, but I was again
very thankful that I had a second engine turning.
Upon reduction in power and descent from 11,000 feet
around Madison, Wisconsin, the stumbling subsided and
I made another uneventful landing. The new, less than


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55 ohms. All other wire leads measured in the range of

22-25 ohms. The new harness also measured around 25
ohms. This was the problem confirmation I was looking
for – I could not believe that an additional 25 ohms could
wreak such havoc on the spark event. However, this was
in fact nearly doubling the resistance seen by the voltage
and current flowing through the wire.
The new ignition harness was installed and, as of this
writing, nearly 14 stumble-free hours have been flown.
While at EAA last month, I visited the Champion
booth and related my story and resistance measurement
findings. I wanted to understand if they had a published
spec for wire resistance to insure continued airworthi­
ness on a harness that otherwise looked cosmetically
good. I spoke with Kevin Gallagher, Champion product
line manager, who indicated there was no resistance
spec for their harnesses.
This experience has brought home the point that even
five-hour TIS spark plug was removed and it appeared
“good-looking” harnesses can have internal failures. I’ll make
heavily  lead  fouled.
sure to be much more vigilant at annual time on my older
Upon consultations with my IA, a new ignition harness
harness resistance values to catch any brewing problems
was sourced and prior to installation, I had a notion to
before they can lead to a failure to fire a plug properly.
check the wire ends with a digital ohmmeter. The seven-
year-old harness on the #6 and #4 wires measured about Happy skies!

Volume 14 • Number 9 AMERICAN BONANZA SOCIETY 33

w w w. b o n a n z a . o r g

Regional News

Pacific Bonanza Society

Sandpoint, Idaho • JULY 17-20, 2014
By Doug Haughton

n 1972 when the British Rock Band Deep Purple recorded “Smoke on the
Water,” they had no idea they were describing the 2014 PBS Sandpoint,
Idaho, adventure.
Due primarily to the Duncan Ridge Twenty-nine PBS members in 14 air­
and Carlton Complex fires in the planes invaded Sandpoint (KSZT) on
Washington Cascades (over 250,000 Thursday, July 17, to begin a few days
acres total), smoke descended on of good ol’ Idaho mountain therapy.
Sandpoint and Lake Pend Oreille to We were enthusiastically greeted by
make the visibility a bit challenging Emma from Granite Aviation, who
and the sunsets spectacular. The rolled out the red carpet for our arrival
influence of smoke truly made the sky and set up a hospitality area inside
look like it was on fire each evening their beautiful facility. Andy, Granite
as the sun was setting. Aviation owner, provided free parking,


w w w. b o n a n z a . o r g

discounted fuel prices, and anything

else he could think of to make our stay
in the area enjoyable.
We then set up “base camp” at the
Lodge at Sandpoint located on the
shores of Lake Pend Oreille. Each of
our premium rooms overlooked the
lake and simply exuded the feel and
ambiance that you’d expect from a
premier waterfront mountain lodge.
At Thursday evening’s Welcome
Banquet we dined on the shores of
Lake Pend Oreille at Forty-One South,
one of Sandpoint’s finest restaurants.
Rumor has it that many complex world
problems were solved throughout the
evening’s various conversations.
The following morning we split into
two groups, half of the group headed
to the Quest Aircraft Factory tour;
and the others headed to downtown
Sandpoint for some retail therapy,
wine tasting, and caloric intake.

Volume 14 • Number 9 AMERICAN BONANZA SOCIETY 35

We then got all gussied up in our western duds
and danced to the “pickin’ and grinnin’” of Red
Simpson (a country singer-songwriter best known
for his trucker-themed songs) and Desi at a Western
BBQ on top of Barton Mountain in Sagle, Idaho. Our
friends, Wayne and Kathy Barton, are just finishing
their home on this special 40-acre mountaintop. The
western BBQ buffet from Seven Sisters Catering was
a culinary home run.


w w w. b o n a n z a . o r g

from the founder, Dr. Forrest Bird, to

use his private runway at the museum,
and several PBS pilots opted to accept
this once in a lifetime opportunity.
The museum staff provided a tasty
group lunch inside the museum. Dr.
Bird and his wife Pam happened to
be there when we arrived, and most
of the PBS folks were able to speak
with them during our visit. What
wonderful folks, a beautiful facility,
and an awesome experience. Happy
birthday to Dr. Bird, a medical pioneer,
who turned 93 last month.
On Saturday evening we spent
four hours aboard the Shawnodese
– a 15-ton, 40-foot boat that was
When Saturday morning arrived built in 1966 as a Coronado Island
we converged on the Bird Aviation Ferry. We toured Lake Pend Oreille
Museum and Invention Center (a and the islands; saw eagles, castles,
world-class educational experience mansions, naked swimmers; and
centered around the themes of then feasted on a wonderful array
Aviation and Innovation) in Sagle. of culinary delights catered by Pend
We had received a special invitation Oreille Pasta.

Volume 14 • Number 9 AMERICAN BONANZA SOCIETY 37

w w w. b o n a n z a . o r g

Sunday morning arrived all too soon, and it was time once again to bring the Continentals (and one Allison)
to life for the trip back to our various homes. I’d have to imagine that we will not soon forget the wonderful
adventure that we experienced in Sandpoint and Lake Pend Oreille.


The Most Complete,
Most Convenient and
Most Cost-Effective
Beechcraft Training:

ABS extends condolences to
the family and friends of these ABS
members who recently passed away.
ABS’s goal is simple: To protect lives and to
preserve the Beechcraft fleet, by significantly
John R. Funk
increasing the number of ABS members who
receive The Best in Beechcraft Pilot Training.™
A member Here’s How it Works
since 1974, he flew 1. Take the popular BPPP Beechcraft systems BPPP
a 1971 V35B. and techniques classroom training online, Online+Flight
on your schedule
C.G. Rudolph
Los Altos Hills
2. Fly with a BPPP-standardized flight instructor
near your home at a time that’s convenient
Only $495
California for you
A member 3. If you qualify, earn a Flight Review and/or
since 1994, he flew an Instrument Proficiency Check online and
a 1977 58. 4. You’ll receive a BPPP Completion Certificate, up to four hours
which may qualify you for insurance
discounts (ask your agent or broker)
of flight training!
Carlos A. Calderon
Many aircraft insurance companies give
up to a 10 percent discount on your policy
A member
for completing BPPP. For the first time, the
since 1993, he flew EAA Sport Aviation reviews
insurance discount may pay most or even all
a 1960 M35.
the cost of your specialized Beechcraft training! BPPP Online+Flight
BPPP training is fun, informative, convenient “The thoroughness of
Babar Suleman and affordable. It makes you an even more
Plainfield the BPPP program is
capable and safer pilot. For more information
Indiana and to enroll, go to
impressive, and the
A member pilot-training-bppp/onlineflight or professionalism of both
since 2008, he flew call 316-945-1700. the flight and online
a 1967 95-C55. portions is absolutely
top-notch. ABS is
setting the standards
for type club training,
and we can all
learn from its
—J. Mac McClellan,
5000-hour Baron
pilot and editor,
EAA Sport Aviation
Read the full review
in the November
2012 Sport

Volume 14 • Number 9 AMERICAN BONANZA SOCIETY 39

w w w. b o n a n z a . o r g

BPPP By Thomas P. Turner

Inspection, Maintenance,
and Repair

he Beech Aircraft Owner’s Manual for the Model 95 Travel Air
includes this simple but apt statement:
Many shops set a flat rate for an
Preventive maintenance is a program designed to keep things annual inspection on a particular
from going wrong, or not going at all, or quitting before they model of airplane. If you do an
owner-assisted annual, meaning you
should reasonably be expected to quit.
do some of the labor and leave the
There’s a tendency for many air­ inspection (and also a 100-hour in­ inspection itself to the authorized
plane owners and even some me­ spection, if required for the way the inspector, the inspector may give you
chanics to use the terms inspection, airplane is operated) is a thorough a discount on the annual inspection
maintenance, and repair interchange­ inspection of the airplane for the rate. Bear in mind that this is just
ably. These three words have three specific purpose of determining, to the cost of the inspection itself (the
distinct meanings, however, and if the maximum extent possible, that inspector’s fee, including time to
we make the proper distinction it it fully conforms to the requirements do the required items). It does not
may answer a lot of questions many of its Type Certificate (the Federal cover anything extra (oil analysis, for
ABS members have about keeping document that defines what makes a example). And most notably, it does
their Beechcraft safe and airworthy specific model “airworthy”), and any not cover the expense of most items
at the lowest possible cost. Supplemental Type Certificates (STCs, that may be found in the process of
literally, supplements, or changes to the inspection. Those extra charges
Inspection the Type Certificate for approved would be for maintenance or repair.
A common ABS Tech question, as modi­ fications). Conducting an an­
well as frequent topic of discussion nual inspection requires certain ac­ Maintenance
on the Internet chat lines and tions by the inspector, which in turn The inspection determines that
bulletin boards, is “How much does drives certain costs. For example, the the airplane is in conformity with its
it cost to get an annual inspection?” time it takes to remove and reinstall Type Certificate and any STCs.  Main­-
Sometimes this query is part of a the interior in order to gain access tenance includes all those things
pilot’s information-gathering while to items requiring inspection. So the that need to be done to keep it in
determining whether to purchase a shop rate for the time to remove and conformity, by inhibiting wear and
Bonanza or Baron. Many times the reinstall the interior, in this example, staving off the effects of use and
question is really a prologue to a is included in your bill for the annual fatigue. The root word of mainte-
discussion of what it costs an owner inspection. Changing the oil – includ­ nance is “maintain,” and that’s what
to return an airplane to service at ing the cost of the oil and filter itself maintenance is – a continual process
the end of the most recent annual – is another example of an item that to maintain compliance with the
inspection. A variation on this theme is usually included in the annual in­ certification standard. It’s a com­
is “How much did your first annual spection cost. If you choose to send mon first-time-owner fallacy that
inspection cost?” for a specific model a sample off for oil analysis, however, maintenance items are things that are
of airplane (e.g., an A36). the cost of the sampling kit, postage, done during the annual inspection. In
Questions like these show a mis­ and the professional analysis itself most cases, if you wait a year to grease
understanding of what an annual in­ will usually be added to your bill as the landing gear, replace chafing
spection is really about. An annual an additional charge. wires, address a minor valve issue, or


w w w. b o n a n z a . o r g

Most horror stories we hear about at least you won’t have the sticker
the cost of an annual inspection shock of seeing it all on the same
are really tales of the wild expense bill that comes due all at once. You
required to repair discrepancies that may even save money by fixing little
were deferred, often resulting from squawks before they become major
lack of ongoing maintenance. The problems. More importantly, you’ll
total cost may not be very different have a safer airplane that’s ready to
if you maintain your airplane year- fly when you are because you keep
round and repair any broken or out- it in top shape.
of-tolerance items right away, but

some other maintenance task, it will

become much costlier to fix by the
time the next annual comes around.
Think of it like this: Maintenance is
what you do so you don’t have to make
a repair.
The Travel Air handbook and
many other sources add the adjective
preventive to the word maintenance.
In fact, that’s redundant – by defi­
nition, all maintenance is pre­ventive.
If the redundancy makes it easier to
visualize the concept, however, all
the better.
A repair is required when an item
no longer meets its certification
standard, or is worn or fatigued to
the point that it is near the limits of
airworthiness. Except as allowed by
regulations concerning flight with
inoperative equipment, a repair is
something that cannot wait for the
next inspection. In most cases, it will
need to be done before the next flight.
The Airworthiness
The full airworthiness concept is:
n Maintain the airplane continually.
n Inspect the airplane before and
after flight, and more invasively
during annual (or as required) to
see if your ongoing maintenance
efforts are effective.
n Repair anything that’s broken
right away, not waiting for the next
annual inspection.

Volume 14 • Number 9 AMERICAN BONANZA SOCIETY 43

w w w. b o n a n z a . o r g

Member Opinion:
Aviation Ground Power System
from Audio Authority
By Thomas A. Smithhisler

purchased the Aviation Authority Ground Power Unit (GPU) offered by I already owned a BatteryMINDer
Audio Authority in January 2014. I have been doing GPS/MFD database (see Dave Fleckenstein’s May 2014 ABS
Magazine article) and used it regularly.
updates regularly since 2004. However, after a 2013 avionics overhaul to an It did a great job keeping my battery
Aspen 2000/GTN750/650 configuration and two subsequent SD card failures, charged, but it definitely wasn’t de­
signed to be a GPU. Even my new bat­
I decided to always update and run my full avionics package on the ground
tery would drain quickly during these
before flight to verify all updates are not only loaded, but are also accessible. updates, which could take up to 10
This put quite a load on my battery, which was new in 2013 as well. minutes. If I wanted to fly immediately
after database verification, the battery,
despite its youthful enthusiasm, was
noticeably drained. I knew I had to
find a solution for the long term.
I wanted something that was rela­
tively inexpensive. My initial searches
on the web seemed to point me to
commercial solutions that cost, at
best, several thousand dollars, and
were definitely overkill for what I
wanted. One evening, while drinking
a cold adult beverage and reading
my new issue of ABS Magazine, I came
upon a small advertisement directing
me to
It turned out to be exactly what I was
looking for.
There are two basic models:
35 amps (Model #2835A) and 70
amps (#2870A). Each of these can
be ordered with the integrated
BatteryMINDer feature (add $250 to the
list price), #2835A-B1 and #2870A-B1,
respectively. All units come standard
with the AN2551 three-pin oval plug,
have an integrated carry handle, and
side storage bins to hold the cables. All
models are 28-volt. The 2835A weighs
in at about 18 pounds plus cable; all
other models weigh more (see the web
site for specifications). They say the
units are portable, which they are, but


w w w. b o n a n z a . o r g

was a slightly better deal than the

other distributor listed on the Audio
Authority website.

peration is very simple. The
instructions, which are short,
advise the user to ensure the
unit is fully powered up before plugging
it into the airplane power. Conversely, it
should be unplugged before powering
down. This way, the unit’s power is
always stabilized when connected
to the plane’s power. The GPU has a
very bright, large display that shows
volts and amps (no reading glasses
required). The display must strobe
I put mine on a cart and just wheel it because my iPhone photo doesn’t do it
up to my plane. It couldn’t possibly justice. It is bright and clearly shows 28
be easier. volts on the top line. One nice feature
I opted for the model #2835A, which is that I can clearly see how much of
I purchased from Aircraft Spruce an amp load I am pulling when using
(Product #11-10831) for $775, including various combinations of systems and
shipping. This was below the adver­ lights. I’ve been using it regularly since
tised price on the Audio Authority web­ January 2014. It is a very solid unit and
site and, at the time of my purchase, has performed flawlessly.

Volume 14 • Number 9 AMERICAN BONANZA SOCIETY 45

w w w. b o n a n z a . o r g

In addition to easily powering the

avionics database updates, the GPU
allows for several additional benefits.
I can run just about all the major sys­-
tems concurrently on the unit: avionics,
lights, pumps. This makes ground
inspections very convenient while
eliminating any concern about
degrading the battery. For example,
I have a TKS FIKI (Flight Into Known
Icing) system, which CAV Aerospace
recommends running monthly to
keep the membrane wetted. The
GPU works great for that on the
ground in the colder months. During
the winter months, when I think I’m
going to encounter icing, priming
the TKS system on the ground with
the engine running can take 10-15+
minutes depending upon conditions
and previous use. Now, I can include I also have Osborne tip tanks. Once, hadn’t had time to do so inflight. With
that in my preflight (I pull my plane I landed with full tips and wanted to the GPU, I had the option to pump the
out of the hangar for this). pump them to the main tanks but tips to the mains on the ground and
visually inspect/verify that the right
side was pumping slightly faster than
the left.
Overall, I like the options I am now
afforded by the convenience of the
GPU. If I ever need a quick charge
on my plane’s battery, I can hook
up the GPU and turn on the master
switch. You must be very careful,
as this will overcharge the battery
if left on too long. I only do this for
15-20 minutes right before a start if
I suspect it is needed. As previously
stated, I still use the BatteryMINDer if
I know I’m not going to be flying for
a week of two. Again, please refer to
Dave’s article for why this is a good
practice if you want long, productive
battery use.
The bottom line is that the Audio
Authority GPU is a solid unit, reason­
ably priced, and reliably delivers on
the expectation of a personal use
GPU for 28-volt Beechcraft. I highly
recommend  it.


Volume 14 • Number 9 AMERICAN BONANZA SOCIETY 47
ABS Idea and Information Exchange
The Forum section is intended as a space for members to respond to
articles printed in the magazine, or to share their knowledge of a helpful idea for
other members. Send your words and photos to [email protected].

To comment on your recommended sequence of clean up procedure for Although I am not an active BPPP
a go-around, etc. for the Bonanza and other Beech planes (“BPPP: Balked instructor these days, I continue to
Landing Sequence,” May 2014): I do not see mentioned anywhere the need to follow the activities of the program.
re-trim. My experience has been once a go-around is initiated and power is I also read your articles in the maga-
added, if one does not re-trim soon, there is a dramatic nose up attitude that zine and receive your e-mail. The
if not corrected could end up in a power on stall at low altitude … not good. June article addressing Vmc and loss
Just wondering why the trim part of the go-around procedure was not of control in Baron training (“Baron
mentioned? Or maybe I missed something. —John Farrell  Pilot,” June 2014) was very good. I
need to, however, add two points for
Trimming is not specifically mentioned in the Beechcraft Balked Landing the benefit of Baron instructors (and
procedure, but as you say, if the pilot has trimmed for final approach, especially Baron instructors-in-training).
after extending full flaps, the airplane will tend to pitch up excessively when As you know I have been doing
the power applies go-around power. The extent of trim change necessary is Baron training and FAA flight tests for
a function of the specific Beechcraft model, the airplane weight and center of more than 40 years. I have managed
gravity position, the amount of flap deployed when beginning the go-around, to do so without subjecting myself or
the power available (generally a function of density altitude), the indicated my customers to a dangerous loss of
airspeed at which the pilot begins to go around, and the extent to which control during Vmc training. Your pro­
the pilot trims for hands-off flight on final approach. You’re correct – in many cedure for training and mitigating the
cases the pitch up is dramatic. We present this experience in BPPP flight hazards of Vmc demonstrations and
training. —Tom Turner training is right on!


w w w. b o n a n z a . o r g

I add an additional mitigation pro­ I’d be happy to send you all such for an annual subscription fee, keep
cedure. The instructor (or instructor modifications in my possession as any Beechcraft POH/AFM current. I
candidate) must have a mindset that e-mail attachments without charge. presently do so for the A36 at a cost of
demands the instructor immediately, The only condition to doing so is $45/year. Best regards. Hope to hear
totally, and without hesitation termi­ that you make them available to from you. —Norman Leonard Cousins
nate power on both engines by rapidly all ABS members in good standing
moving both mixture controls to the without charge. Thank you, Norman.We will indeed
cut-off position at the first indication ABS members may also be inter­ post your items for the benefit of all
of an unplanned or impending loss ested to know that Beechcraft will, ABS members. —Tom Turner
of control, or inappropriate action by
the PRI. This is, by far, the fastest and
most effective way to stop the rapid
loss of control that results from train­
ing in and around Vmc .  It should also
be noted that Barons equipped with
vortex generators may demonstrate
loss of control at a lower indicated air­
speed. With vortex generators the loss-
of-control event can be more abrupt
and violent when it ultimately does
occur in equipped aircraft.
Vmc demonstrations generally take
place at speeds 20 KIAS below any
speed where meaningful performance
is available in a Baron being operated
on one engine. Vmc demonstrations
are an academic exercise that have
no practical application in normal
operations of a Baron. Train safe.
—John L. Geitz

I was so impressed with ABS’s

availability of Baron, Bonanza, and
Travel Air POH/AFM publications
online without charge that I was
moved to offer the following
without charge: “Supplemental Type
Certificates and Supplemental AFM for
Aftermarket Modifications to Barons,
Bonanzas, & Travel Airs.”
Many of the Beechcraft I’ve flown
have aftermarket modifications with
tip tanks, increased gross weight,
speed mods, etc. When I encounter
such modifications, I make it a
practice to obtain, scan and OCR all
paperwork in connection therewith
either from Beechcraft or directly from
the manufacturer of the aftermarket

Volume 14 • Number 9 AMERICAN BONANZA SOCIETY 49

w w w. b o n a n z a . o r g

Odds and Ends

By Geary Keilman

ftentimes it’s those little things that can add
so much more to our flying experience.  While
perusing a Sporty’s Pilot Shop supplies catalog,
I came across a neat pen holder (item #ID: 6004A
for $6) that has probably been around since Queen Victoria.
It utilizes a wound spring shaped into a loop.  It comes in one,
two, or three loop models – I ordered the two loop model.
I found a nice place for it just below the pilot’s side window near
the instrument panel. It comes with a slide clip that slips under
the upholstery and holds it securely. It is out of the way yet readily
accessible (
To have something to write on, I installed a small writing desk/
chart holder from Cygnet Aerospace ( – P/N:
CA35-236 $250). It utilizes a fixture that mounts onto the control
column arm using the existing screw holes. The desk then slides
Fisher Space-Tec pens in Sporty’s double loop pen holder.
into the fixture, which is a nice feature as it can be easily removed
Cygnet desk installed on fixture.
if not in use. It doubles as an iPad Mini holder. It’s a bit pricey but
very well made. All this is for naught if the pen doesn’t write. This
usually occurs in foul weather while trying to copy an ATC reroute.
The Fisher Pen Co. developed a pen for NASA that writes in zero
G. It doesn’t leak, will write upside down, and will not dry out.
Indeed, while visiting the factory store in Boulder City, Nevada, I
was told the shelf life for the cartridge is one hundred years ! I didn’t
think to ask how they know this as they have only been making
these pens for half that long. They will also write on materials
traditional pens won’t, such as pesky thermal receipt paper. The
Space-Tec model retails for about $12 (
By the way, if you have
a pen that is near and
dear to your heart, they
make refills that will fit
other brands as well. I
keep two of them in the
Sporty’s holder in case
I drop one. With both
front seats occu­pied, it
is nearly impossible to
reach down and pick
the pen up off the floor.
Cygnet desk mounting fixture
on control column.


w w w. b o n a n z a . o r g

Wet Ones hand wipes.

Foam kneeling pad

and mechanic gloves.

I purchased a pair of “mechanic gloves,” which I

Flashlight with battery expiration label.
now wear while servicing the airplane. They keep my
hands clean and provide a modicum of protection
from oil and avgas. They are filled with a neoprene-like
material in the palms and fingers, and provide good
“tactile feel” so you can use the self-service pump card
reader with them on. I keep a pair in my car as well.
Most auto parts stores carry them.  In addition, I keep
Wet Ones towelettes in both the baggage com­p art-
ment and glove box. They come in handy, too, as hand
cleaners. If they are folded after use
and reinserted in the package, they
will stay moist for some time and may
be reused. I prefer the unscented
version, which is a little more difficult
to find, but scented types may be
found at Walmart, Kmart, Target, etc.,
in the picnic supplies area. I obtain
the unscented versions from Amazon.
I keep a small strip of compressible
packing foam in the baggage com­
partment to kneel on when checking
tank and fuel filter drains. It keeps my
trousers cleaner and saves wear and
tear on my knees !
Something that I have just started
doing is writing the expiration date
of batteries on electronic devices
such as handheld radios and flash­
lights. It saves the bother of removing
the batteries to check. Removing the
batteries on or before the expiration
dates reduces the chance of leaks
and damage. I do this on household
and car items as well. Masking
tape and a Sharpie or Space Pen work
well for this.

Volume 14 • Number 9 AMERICAN BONANZA SOCIETY 51

View through windshield with black felt.
View through windshield without black felt. The vertical lines are propeller artifacts.

Last, but not least, is black felt shades the objects to keep them I’m sure other ABS members have
(found at fabric and craft stores). This cooler. Double-sided foam tape can similar uses for common, low-cost
material is used to cover objects (mag be utilized to secure the felt. items. Please share them.
compass, XM Weather antenna, etc.) Except for the writing desk, these
placed on the glare shield. It eliminates items are inexpensive and add much
reflections off the windshield and more than their price would suggest.


The Most My flying experiences include the Air Force,
airlines and general aviation. Early in my

flying career I learned that flying safely
requires knowledge and proficiency. When
I bought my Baron I wanted a training
Most program that would give me what I needed
to be safe. The BPPP Online+Flight course

Convenient was an extremely valuable training program

that helped me achieve that goal. The

and Most Ground School was very informative and

completed at home on my schedule. The

Flight portion was flown with Travis “Buz”
Witherington, a knowledgeable, dedicated
instructor who displayed the highest degree
Type-Specific of professionalism and proficiency. And
this also was completed on my schedule.

Beechcraft I gained an increased knowledge of and a

much higher level of proficiency in flying my

Training BPPP
58P Baron. This was a great experience,
it was fun learning and I strongly encourage
everyone to participate in ABS’ Beechcraft
Only $495 Pilot Proficiency Program. Thanks ABS
Air Safety Foundation!
Includes online and up to
Tony Crescimanno
four hours of flight training!
Thomaston, Georgia

ABS’s Goal is Simple: To protect lives

and to preserve the Beechcraft fleet, by significantly
increasing the number of ABS members who receive
The Best in Beechcraft Pilot Training.™

Here’s How BPPP Online+Flight Works

1. Take the popular BPPP Beechcraft 4. You’ll receive a BPPP Completion or even all the cost of your specialized
systems and techniques classroom Certificate, which may qualify you Beechcraft training!
training online, on your schedule for insurance discounts (ask your BPPP training is fun, informative,
2. Fly with a BPPP-standardized flight agent or broker) convenient and affordable. It makes you
instructor near your home at a Many aircraft insurance companies give an even more capable and safer pilot.
time that’s convenient for you up to a 10 percent discount on your policy For more information and to enroll,
3. If you qualify, earn a Flight Review and/ for completing BPPP. For the first time, go to
or an Instrument Proficiency Check the insurance discount may pay most bppp/onlineflight or call 316-945-1700.
w w w. b o n a n z a . o r g

Hosting ABS Service Clinics

Bob Ripley, ABS Lead Technical Advisor and Service Clinic Inspector

s an ABS Technical Advisor and Service Clinic inspector, I get check – and then provide a printed
asked all the time how to have ABS conduct a Service Clinic at report to the owner. When Continen­
tal is able to send an inspector, this
a certain location. I have conducted a great many Service Clinic is done at no additional charge to the
inspections and have dubbed it an “owner experience,” since the ABS member. ABS Air Safety Founda­
tion pays the Continental inspector’s
majority of people really enjoy the experience and learn quite a lot about their
airline expenses to provide this ad­
aircraft. The cost to the member is $275. ditional service.
To have a Service Clinic conducted the ABS member this low, we must After the inspection is complete, the
at your FBO, all that is required is to inspect at least 19 airplanes to break aircraft owner receives a copy of the
contact the FBO in question and en­ even in most locations. inspection report and the report from
sure they will be able to provide the The ABS inspector will perform a Continental as appropriate. The owner
manpower, equipment, and facilities walk-around with the owner of the is then able to take this information to
to conduct the clinic Thursday through aircraft and complete a detailed exte­ his or her own shop to address as the
Sunday from 7:00am - 5:30pm each rior inspection, paying close attention owner wishes.
day. With a full clinic we will com­ to known problem areas. The owner We encourage airplane owners to
plete six aircraft per day. The FBO will complete the discrepancy sheet bring their mechanics along to help
must provide at least two technicians during the inspection process. In most better understand the Beech aircraft.
to open the aircraft, jack the aircraft cases, Continental Motors sends a We also encourage others to follow
for a landing gear operational check, representative to complete a compres­ along with the inspection to learn addi­
and close the aircraft after the inspec­ sion check, borescope of the engine, tional information that may help them
tion is complete. To keep the cost to and a general overall engine health on their own aircraft.


w w w. b o n a n z a . o r g

long with possible additional
business, the FBO will be paid
$1,000 from ABS to offset some
of the expenses incurred in hosting the
Service Clinic at their location. Some
FBOs make it a real affair by provid­
ing snacks and lunch, and at some
locations vendors are available with
new products for the members to see.
I really enjoy conducting ABS
Service Clinics, mainly because I get
to meet our members and provide
valuable information about their air­
craft that, in some cases, may avert
a possible failure of an aircraft or
en­gine system. We are trying to get
wider geographical coverage in the
Service Clinic locations to provide an
improved benefit to the members. If
your FBO wants to discuss hosting an
ABS Service Clinic, and is in a loca­
tion where we can expect to get at
least 19 member airplanes scheduled
for inspection, please have the FBO’s
owner or director of maintenance con­
tact ABS.

Volume 14 • Number 9 AMERICAN BONANZA SOCIETY 55

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My Twelve-Dollar I pointed this out to the mainte­

nance manager who agreed that the

Battery Capacity Tester

test results I received are useless. At his
suggestion, he traveled to my airport
to pick up the batteries for retesting in
by Mike Fagan his shop in accordance with the ICA.
His verbal report came back saying
one battery passed with flying colors
and the other barely passed. Because
I sometimes fly in hard IFR at night, I
wondered, How barely? The written
sticky note for my maintenance log­
book said only that both passed. Okay,
I guess it was time to handle this myself.

used to replace both batteries
every three years; and it was
three-and-a-half years since then.
That could have been the easy option
for me this time as well, but this was

getting too interesting to do it the easy
he FAA repair station advised me during the annual for my Baron way. The capacity check seemed
simple: Just apply a known constant
to get a battery CAP [sic] check. I didn’t know what could ever go
load (18A for my G25) until the voltage
wrong with the caps – I mean, they screw in fine whenever I check hits 10V, and note the elapsed time.
the electrolyte level – but I said okay if they thought it should be I looked at prices for automatic
battery capacity checkers that would
done. After figuring out they meant a battery capacity check (as required by the supply the known constant load, and
instructions for continued airworthiness [ICA] for the two Gill G25 [lead acid] quickly calculated it would be cheaper
to just buy two new batteries every
batteries in series), I tried to learn more about that process to understand the
three years for the next nine years
results that the test would provide. instead of buying the cheapest capacity
What I found out might be useful able to do that, it passed. (By the way, checker from Aircraft Spruce – and the
to you, because I discovered that Concorde has a similar publication checks still might indicate that I need
my shop did not know how to do a for their flooded lead acid batteries at two new batteries every three years !
battery capacity check. My test results Gill Battery tech support (very,
came back as “passed” with the note ownermanual.pdf.) very helpful, by the way) told me I
stating they applied 15 Amps (A); and It seemed that the shop attempted could provide an improvised load
at 24 minutes, the ending voltage was to run the test for 30 minutes (which (for example, landing lights) of some
10.5V. At first, it seemed this would used to be the Gill procedure) to see if known current, locate the standard
be a result for one battery, but what it would take at least 24 minutes (80% run time for that load in the service
about the other – or did they test them of 30 minutes) before the voltage got to manual, and see if the time it takes
in series down to 10V? Also, I learned 10V. However, the chart in the manual to get to 10 volts is at least 80% of the
from downloading the Gill service says you should get 15 Amp-hours (AH) load. I tried it, but I couldn’t control
manual ( for 30 minutes before hitting 10V, which the load. As the battery voltage de­
pdfs/Flooded_ Service_Manual.pdf ), means you need to draw 30A for a half- creases during the test, the current
they recommend doing the capacity hour test (looking for at least 24 min­ also decreases, which makes it hard
check for each battery at the one-hour utes until hitting 10V). The shop pulled to figure out what the run time should
rate – that is, pulling 18A until the only 15A though, and quit before they be. Also, the decreasing tungsten
voltage goes down to 10V and seeing reached 10V. So, I had no idea whether filament temperature during the test
if it took at least 80% of an hour (48 either of my batteries passed the ICA- decreases the filament resistance,
minutes) before it got to 10V. If it was required capacity check. thereby increasing the current.


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Unfor­tunately, those two constantly me vary the resistance to keep the

moving numbers don’t cancel each current a constant 18A. The wire would
other elegantly enough to result in a get to about 1300°F when loaded, so
constant current. See formula: I suspended it between two metal
Ohm’s law is EIR, which supports. I bought 10 feet of 16-gauge
means that current in Amps nichrome (Chrome C) wire off the
(‘I’ is current) times resistance Internet ($8.50 plus free shipping), and
in Ohms (‘R’ is resistance) equals two inexpensive 12-inch Home Depot
voltage (‘E’ is voltage). angle brackets for putting up wall
shelves ($1.67 each). I had everything

o make my own tester that I else in the hangar or garage.
can control to have a constant 16 ga. nichrome wire is about 0.26
current, I needed a load (resis­ Ohms a foot cold, and about 10% more
tance) I could change during the test than that when hot, so I used 0.286
in order to maintain 18A for an hour Ohms a foot for the calculation. I need-
while the battery went from about ed to start the test with about 0.722
13V to 10V. At the start of the test, I Ohms, so the washer needed to be at
needed about 13V/18A  0.722 Ohms; 0.772/0.286 feet (2.53 feet or about 30
and at the end of the test, 10V/18A  inches) from the end of the nichrome
0.556 Ohms. It also needed to handle wire that is connected to the battery.
a bunch of Watts without burning up. As the battery voltage dropped, I used
Three feet of 16-gauge nichrome a screwdriver to tap the washer along
wire would give me the range of the nichrome wire up toward the other
resistances I needed, and a copper battery connection to keep a constant
spark plug washer sliding along it let 18-Amp load.

Volume 14 • Number 9 AMERICAN BONANZA SOCIETY 57

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I fastened the angles to a piece if the solder would melt. After using the For the test, I set my washer starting
of wood that wasn’t quite three feet setup, I believe that solder might have distance (30 inches from the battery
long; so the supports are about two been okay because the copper washers connection end of the nichrome wire),
feet apart and the wire goes through seemed to dissipate a lot of heat. put a voltmeter on the battery, noted
and past one support by about a foot It would have been perfect to have the time, and hooked up the circuit.
(see photo) while being kept in ten­ a 20A or so ammeter in the circuit to When I reached 10 volts, I unhooked
sion by vice grips (my apologies to know when and how much to tap the the battery and noted the time. The
shop teachers and OSHA inspectors washer along the nichrome wire. But voltage dropped from 10.5 to 10V very
everywhere). I attached a copper wire I couldn’t find mine, so I calculated fast, so it was good that I watched it
(I figured at least 12 ga., but only had the washer position for each 0.2V constantly toward the end. I got 90%
8 ga. available) to the washer using a change in battery voltage, and tapped capacity, so I immediately recharged
clip. The other end went to one of the the washer along the wire using a the battery (very important) and
battery terminals. I attached another screwdriver (remember 1300ºF) every declared success.
copper wire to the nichrome wire time the battery voltage dropped an
sticking out from one of the uprights inch. For example, when the battery
and to the other battery terminal. I got to 12.6 volts, I moved the washer Ed. Note: A certificated mechanic must
didn’t use any solder because the cal­ to 12.6/18/0.286 feet away (about 29 conduct or supervise the test and sign a
culated temperature made me wonder inches), and so on. logbook entry with the results.


Long term care and maintenance
yields many benefits for the aircraft
owner. A Lifetime ABS Membership
will assist you in maximizing your safety
and enjoyment of your airplane.
Don’t Delay,
Sign Up Today.
I did.

Ron Hyde

Your Life Membership Benefits ABS and ASF!

 Supporting aging aircraft
 Working with the FAA to solve safety of flight areas of concern that impact the longevity and value of our fleet
 Delivering BPPP pilot training clinics and new online courses
 Conducting expert service clinic inspections of your Beech airplane
 Maintaining a world class staff of Beechcraft technical experts to research and offer the definitive answers to your questions
 Teaching and offering assistance to mechanics for Bonanzas, Debonairs, Travel Airs and Barons

Your Life Membership Benefits You!

 Monthly ABS Magazine – for the rest of your life
 Part of your Life Membership supports the Air Safety Foundation: an investment in your airplane.
 Framed Life Membership Certificate for your home or office
 Embroidered golf shirt with special life membership recognition design
 Your name will be published in the ABS Magazine yearly
 Never having the hassle of renewing your membership again – saving you time and ABS money
 Join over 500 members who have made a lifetime commitment to ABS

For more information on becoming an ABS Life Member:

Contact Whit Hickman at 316-945-1700 or [email protected]
American Bonanza Society, P.O. Box 12888, Wichita, KS 67277 • Office Hours: 8:30 to 5:00 p.m. US Central Time, Mon.-Fri.
w w w. b o n a n z a . o r g

Tech Talk Tech Talk is a periodic feature written by

ABS’s Technical Advisors.

Green Means Stop – Right Now!

By Dick Pedersen, ABS Technical Advisor

BS Board member Adrian Eichhorn put
together an excellent series of photos showing
exhaust valve coloring, which he calls the
“burnt pizza look,” on valves that are in the
early stages of leakage. He included photos showing more
advanced stages of leakage where the valves exhibit some
green coloring. The green color is a sign of excessive
leakage and overheating of the valve. The green area is that
in which valve failure will most likely occur if the problem
is not discovered and corrected. FIGURE 1

This is one case where green means had been flown 202 hours since the
“stop,” as in “stop flying the airplane” previous annual inspection, when
until the cylinder is removed, the cause the compressions were all good and
of the valve problem is determined borescoping the cylinders did not
and resolved, and the affected valve reveal anything unusual. Fuel flows
is replaced. Adrian’s photo chart is were verified per Continental Motors
available through AOPA. SID 97-3E at that last annual.
Here are some photos I’ve taken At this year’s annual the #6 cylinder
of an exhaust valve that is “off the had 10 pounds of compression (10/80).
chart” so to speak. This valve is out But I didn’t hear the normal hissing of
of a 2004 A36 with an IO-550B engine air coming out the exhaust pipe that is
that has approximately 950 hours Time- normally associated with valve leak­
in-Service since new. The Bonanza age. When I stuck the borescope into


this cylinder I could see why I wasn’t

hearing the hissing noise.  This exhaust
valve is cracked in two places across
the head of the valve, and is slightly
warped. This warping on the valve
head allows compression tester low
volume air flow to flow unrestricted
between the valve seat and valve
face. The hissing sound is normally
caused by air being forced through a
very small opening such as a crack.


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and cylinder, and most likely the

entire engine, causing another
beautiful Bonanza to have a
forced landing somewhere.
I cannot stress enough the im­
portance of performing a com­
pression test and cylinder bore­
scope inspection at regular inter­
vals, along with checking the fuel
flows per Continental SID 97-3E if
you want to reach TBO in any of
our fuel injected engines. Having
The pictures show multiple, parallel this done to your engine to prolong
cracks in the seating area of the valve its life expectancy is sort of like going
face. It’s anyone’s guess how much to the doctor and having your blood
longer this valve would have stayed pressure and cholesterol checked, and
together before a chunk broke off and having a colonoscopy to prolong your
caused mass destruction to the piston own life expectancy.

Volume 14 • Number 9 AMERICAN BONANZA SOCIETY 61

ABS Idea and Information Exchange
The Forum section is intended as a space for members to respond to
articles printed in the magazine, or to share their knowledge of a helpful idea for
other members. Send your words and photos to [email protected].

Using the New less power than the GXM 30. I guess, give an abnormally high reading. The
Garmin GXM 40 XM Weather from my personal use, that it uses point is that the oximeter is notorious
Antenna/Receiver with the between one half and one third less for being inaccurate.  When someone
Garmin 396 and 496 power. Another advantage over the is flying and their oxygen (O 2) satura­
The Garmin GXM 30 and GXM 30A GXM 30 is it no longer contains has tion begins at 98% on takeoff and now
XM Weather antenna/receivers that those pesky magnets. is reading 92%, this suggests that that
came with Garmin 396/496 models —Geary Keilman person’s O2 saturation is too low – even
are no longer available from Garmin. if 92% is “in the normal range.” There­
However, the GXM 40 model is com­ To Tom Turner: I enjoyed your fore, I have been recommending that
patible with the 396/496. The unit’s (Oshkosh) presentation regarding if there is any O 2 saturation that de­
operating software must be updated to Single-Pilot IFR. I would like to add creases more than 5% and/or is less
accommodate the GXM 40. The operat­ one additional comment regarding than 92%, it is a good idea to begin
ing system upgrades are available at use of pulse oximeters. use of supplemental oxygen. 
no charge on Garmin’s website. The oximeter, as you know, deter­ My comment is based upon years
The GXM 40 currently retails for mines oxygen saturation based upon of comparing oxygen saturation
around $250. I purchased mine from color. As you pointed out, that is why as seen on an oximeter and actual
Aircraft Spruce. The GXM 40 uses CO (carbon monoxide) exposure will oxygen saturation obtained from
patient’s blood gasses at the same
time. In other words, if a patient’s
O 2 saturation is less than 93%, I in­
rease the amount of oxygen they
receive until oxygen saturation is
greater than 95%. 
Now this is not a controlled study. It
is only an observation based upon my
years of experience managing patients
in an ICU (Intensive Care Unit).
On top of that, personal experience
has shown me that late night flight
above 5000 feet MSL is less tiring, and
I am much less prone to nod off, when
I am using oxygen from an oximizer
device delivering at least 2 liters per
minute via a nasal cannula. If I am
above 8000 feet MSL, three liters/
minute appears to be better for me.
When I am up flying at 13,000-15,000
feet MSL, I personally require four
liters/minute via nasal cannula. Plus,
no headache.
—Tom Pelz


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I thoroughly enjoyed Jim Herd’s an exclusive organization, entrance to with others I encourage the continuing
editorial “Reviving Personal Avia­ which requires time and money beyond dialog, but I will argue that to affect
tion” (ABS Magazine, July 2014). The most ability, creating a perceived value change our interests must move
hill is up and the grade is steep. The from which members derive a status beyond the local and immediate, past
shame is a perception his commentary of sorts, social or otherwise. This is an individual return on investment, and
reflects provocative or new contem­ not necessarily a bad thing as pride evolve from calculated per-hour costs
plation. We have had this discussion in accomplishment is well deserved and arbitrary expectations. We have
in one form or another since the hay and should be celebrated. But here is to explore avenues outside the norm
days, with the lack of action or even where a sea change must come – once that where and when appropriate may
consensus contributing to our current status is achieved, we need to engineer include a shift in individual priority or
situation. Jim’s dozen-plus solutions our own extinction. The torch pass to economic model, comfortable or not. 
are an excellent distillation of the is­ our next generation has to not only Before calling me crazy or a heretic,
sues, and in turn create a wonderful be within a lifetime, but handed off please recognize that efforts to add
list of talking points that ultimately several times within that span. Am I to the community do not dilute its
must be addressed. But within the preaching to the choir? I would hope value or nature. Quite the contrary,
multitude of concerns I believe the so, yet I pose the question “is anyone they strengthen the voice and improve
core issues of culture and economics listening?” the economics. Again, it’s not a
have to hold our focus. As the scope We all have some personal con­ revelation but at times an ideal lost in
is broadened, so too the goals expand nection to general aviation, and the contentious static: the wider the
beyond reach. whether passion or profession want audience, the greater an attraction to
At this moment in history the it to “live long and prosper.” I do not join the audience. What a concept.
piloting community continues to be pretend to have all the answers and as —Peter Durbin

So you fly your Bonanza 100+ hours

every year. You think you are a pretty
good pilot. You read the POH once in
a while and can recite the emergency
procedures and speeds. Why not take
the opportunity to see if you can fly
what’s in the book? We are lucky
we’re flying Beechcraft because ABS’s
BPPP offers that experience. It is not
a check ride, just two pilots spending
time together doing what they love
to do – to fly. I flew with Geoff Nye
(Allentown, PA). It was a great ex­
perience. It was focused and fun.
Geoff is very experienced both as a
Bonanza pilot and former professional
pilot. I can highly recommend him. So
what are you waiting for? Sign up with
BPPP now. You owe it to yourself and
your family.
—Michael Madigan

Volume 14 • Number 9 AMERICAN BONANZA SOCIETY 63

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A letter of thanks,
I’d like to take this opportunity Green Lake we got our sequence to
to express my gratitude to some RW36 for a “purple-dot” arrival. 
superb people I had the good for- T he ground handler s with
tune to deal with this past AirVenture.  their orange wands were as well
As (bad) luck would have it, within choreographed as any Broadway
about a minute of shutting down production and we were smoothly
I promptly ruptured an Achilles vectored to our assigned parking
tendon and my foot folded under me spot towards the west end of the
as I was pushing my Bonanza into North-40.  At that stage I was being
its temporary home on row-535. Our accorded the excellent treatment
original plan was to arrive between accorded to any other arriving atten-
the afternoon and evening shows dee.  But a moment later the true depth
on Wednesday to take advantage of “The Oshkosh Experience” came to
of the mid-week turnover in the the forefront.
North-40 camping area.  As always, Within moments of getting injured
the patience and professionalism members of the EAA, CAP, and ABS
exhibited by the controllers through were there to offer assistance.  An
RIPON and FISKE should be held ambulance was in front of our plane
up as an example to every other to whisk me off to a local ER in
member of their profession through- moments.  The doctor on call, Nels
out ATC.  After four loops around Rose, splinted me up, provided an

adequate supply of medication to get

me through the week, and even came
out to AirVenture on Friday to listen
to one of my presentations.
While I was being treated, the true
quality of the people in the North-40
really began to shine.  My wife (not
a pilot) was immediately surrounded
by knowledgeable and helpful
people, from the EAA and American
Bonanza Society (ABS) in particular,
to help secure our plane and pitch
camp.  Paul Carroll from Rhode
Island, and Barry Otto from New
Hampshire, amongst many others we
regrettably never caught names of,
went above and beyond to help out
a complete pair of strangers in need.
The next morning, with the help
of a few ‘waved-down’ golf carts, I
arrived at the Museum in plenty of
time to make my F-117 presentation
to a standing room only crowd in


w w w. b o n a n z a . o r g

to get us to the communications

booth.  We wouldn’t have made it
on time without her help.  My after­
noon presentation was in the Honda
Pavilion Forum-7 following the legen­
dary Bob Hoover (talk about a tough
act to follow!).
Commitments complete, it was
time to hobble home. The next
morning a Bonanza couple from
Bourland, TX, Mary Jane and Bob Butt
(a current American Airlines pilot,
and a former multi-time National
Sky Diving Champion respectively)
graciously helped ferry our Bonanza
back to Wichita Falls, TX.
While disappointed that I wasn’t
able to visit all of the impressive
hardware around me (I had especially
been looking forward to seeing the
WB-57), I came away with a much
greater appreciation for the community
of aviators that make up the Oshkosh
and ABS families.  There are no better
people in the world.
To one and all that helped – my
heartfelt thanks.  I look forward to
the SkyScape Theater.  As an added
seeing you all next year.
bonus I had the honor of meeting
—Brad “Yukon” O’Connor
former WASP Betty Strohfus outside. 
The exceptionally talented aviation
artist Kristin Hill had already gra-
ciously offered me space in her
booth in Hangar-A to both meet
the public and sign a few of my
books. By evening, we had run
into a fellow former F-117 pilot, J.J.
Johnson, who scooped us up to
the Warbird camping area for some
1930’s mobster-themed dinner
festivities, and arranged transpor­
tation back to our camp at the end
of the night.
Friday morning I had been
scheduled for a 10:00 interview
on EAA Live Radio that we were
in danger of missing.  But a lovely
FAA photographer named Laura
(Yes! Another kind and helpful FAA
employee!) commandeered a cart

Volume 14 • Number 9 AMERICAN BONANZA SOCIETY 65

Tech Tips
Tech Tips are answers to questions about a specific airplane,
system or operation presented by an ABS member, and are
the opinion of the Technical Advisor.  Answers are the best IO-550R hot in climb
information available based on indications presented by the
ABS member asking the question.  Actual inspection of the Kurt Larson
aircraft or system in question may change an initial Tech Tips Fredericksburg, Virginia
opinion.  Aircraft owners, pilots and readers are advised to

physically present airplanes and indications to a qualified
mechanic before choosing a course of action. I have an F33A with 453 hours on an Atlantic Aero IO-550R STC. Over
the past 50 hours my #6 cylinder runs about 30° hotter on takeoff
Bob Ripley power and 10-15° more than previously. My mechanic found no issues
retired from Delta Airlines as
a manager of line mainte­nance
during the annual inspection 20 hours ago. A borescope inspection was
(Atlanta) and has run an not performed. A warm-engine compression on this cylinder was 72/80. I
FBO focusing on Beech inserted a borescope and found the exhaust valve looked fine based on
maintenance for 20+ years.
Mike Busch’s online presentation. The piston did have carbon deposits.
Should I be concerned?

Curtis Boulware has managed

a Bonanza, Baron, and T-34
Mentor-specific shop for 13
A:  The #6 cylinder is a usual suspect for running warmer than the rest.
I know it is counterintuitive because the cylinder sits up front, but the
incoming air is least likely to get down around the #6 cylinder. The high
years, winning numerous national
awards for T-34 restorations. velocity incoming air doesn’t want to make an immediate 90° downward
He earned his Private in a T-34 turn to go around that cylinder.
and enjoys flying all models of
the Beech piston family. Look at the cooling air flow from back to front and as a pressure
differential issue. As the air enters the cowling it would most desire to move
John Collins
has previously owned an
straight aft and not change direction at all. This would put it through the
FBO and avionics shops, and oil cooler first. As the pressure differential across the oil cooler builds, the
for several years has been incoming air pressure simply can’t push any more through, so the next path
ABS’s Avionics columnist.
He owns a Bonanza and is
of least resistance are cylinders 1 and 2 (the rear two). The air doesn’t want
a CFI/CFII. to make the 90° turn, but now it’s easier than getting more air through the
cooler. Again, as the volume through 1 and 2 reaches its limit, it becomes
Dan Honeycutt
easier for the air to get through 3 and 4. Lastly, the incoming air finally relents
is an A&P/IA with over 20 and makes the 90° turn to push through 5 and 6.
years experience. He owns
There are baffle modifications offered by GAMI and D’Shannon that solve
a California-based FBO
specializing in Bonanzas this issue. They have small blast tubes that put high velocity air below the
and Barons. #6 cylinder to lower the pressure below the cylinder and draw more air
down sooner (this makes the incoming air more willing to make the 90° turn
sooner). It usually results in a 20-30°F temperature drop in #6.
Arthur Miller A sudden increase in cylinder temperature over a short time suggests
has won numerous FAA
awards as a mechanic, something changed, either to air flow, fuel flow, or ignition. If the baffles
and runs a Beech specialty don’t fit tightly the air that does get around the #6 may be reduced. With
shop in central Florida. your airplane in a dark hangar, close the cowling tightly. Insert a shop
light through the cowl flap opening and look into the air inlets on the
front of the engine. If you see light, that’s a gap in the baffles that should
be fixed. Next, have your mechanic clean the injector nozzle for the
Tom Turner,
ABS-ASF Executive Director, # 6 cylinder. Make sure that if you have tuned fuel injectors that the
holds a Master’s degree in correct injector is in the #6 cylinder. Check the spark plugs and ignition
Aviation Safety. He has harness to the #6. If none of these ideas works, have your mechanic check
specialized in Beech pilot
instruction for over 20 years. the ignition timing. Timing of the spark can result in changes in cylinder
temperature. —CB


w w w. b o n a n z a . o r g

V-Tail cuff
Richard Haupt, Edina, Minnesota

Q:  I’ve been looking at Model 35 Bonanzas to purchase.

On one I found something interesting and a bit
alarming to me. It is a beautifully updated H35 and the
leading edge V reinforcement “cuff” had no doubler and
cherry max rivets installed. It had the cuff bucked to
existing stringers, which, in my mind, is not an adequate
modification. I suspect there are several STCs that cover
the cuff addition, I just hadn’t seen this one before. Is it
legal and safe?

A:  AD 94-20-04 revision 2 applies to this aircraft.

The AD references Beech Service Bulletin 2188
for this required modification. When the cuff kits were
installed, they were attached with flush cherry max
rivets. The only STC permitted to remain was the Mike
Smith Aero stub spar mod, and all other modifications
should have been removed. The airplane as you describe
does not comply with the Airworthiness Directive. —BR

Auxiliary fuel pump rebuild

George Hall, Coronado, California

Q:  My A36’s auxiliary fuel pump is admitting air into

the fuel system. I am advised by my mechanic that
rebuild is more expensive than new, at $1,500 with a $400
core. Do you have a more economical shop for a rebuild?

A:  Unfortunately, the increase in price is a direct result

of Dukes increasing the price of its rebuild kits. I
normally use CJ Aviation out of Miami, Florida, as they offer
new, rebuilt, or STC’d pumps at different price levels. You
can contact them at 305-378-9458. —CB

Prop heat ammeter

Simon Miles, Glendale, California

Q:  My 1983 B36TC’s original prop heat ammeter needs

to be physically tapped to register an indication of
current. Can I replace it with an ammeter from Davtron? They
have several models available, with and without a shunt.

A:  As long as the replacement unit is TSO’d you can

replace the original with an aftermarket part and
a logbook entry. Based on the wiring print for your serial
number, there is an external shunt attached to the back of
the ammeter. If you can separate the existing shunt from
the existing ammeter, you can replace just the ammeter
with a non-shunted part number. If you want to replace the
complete assembly, you will need an internally shunted
ammeter. The prop de-ice system is a 20 amp system, so
choose an appropriately rated shunt. —CB

Volume 14 • Number 9 AMERICAN BONANZA SOCIETY 67

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Magneto drop Eyebrow lights Main gear lock tab

Harvey Kriegsman Michael Brooker Michael Uhlken
Palm Bay, Florida Guelph, Ontario Scottsbluff, Nebraska

Q:  I have a B55 Baron. One engine

has two Slick magnetos, about
350 hours on them since an engine
Q:  My 1986 B36TC’s eyebrow light
lens under the glareshield Q:  I have an E35. I am looking for
a lock tab or lock pin that goes
is cracked and broken in multiple in the top of the main gear strut that
major overhaul. It has new BG341 places. Besides Beechcraft, is there keeps the plug from turning and is held
plugs. Timing checked perfect. I any other source for this part? I in place with the snap-ring that holds
was getting smooth but 200 rpm mag appreciate any information you have the plug in also.
drop before installing new plugs, and

(part #, price, etc.). There is no lock tab for the
the same after. Any ideas as to the
problem ?
A:  I have made them in the past plug in the top of the strut. You
will need to use a spanner wrench

very inexpensively. You can buy
It’s been my experience that in the two holes in the top plug. I do
an opaque/white acrylic sheet like
when you get an even but not have a specific spanner wrench
excessive mag drop on both mag- to recommend for this as most of the
netos it can be an indication of a shops I know of are using military
mixture problem at that particular surplus tools for this, or homemade
If you use the “sign white” it provides
RPM. Try leaning the mixture to tools. —AM
a nice glow when lit. Simply cut to size
about best power, 80°F to 150°F rich
and shape, drill, and install. —CB
of peak, prior to doing the mag check
and see what you get. You can also try Flyover noise
doing the magneto check at a couple Geoff Semler, United Kingdom
Where’s the valve?
hundred higher RPM and see what
it does.
The other possibility that comes
Aaron Wright
Carmel, Indiana Q:  FAA AC91-86 requires aircraft
operating outside the U.S. to
carry Noise Certification Documen­
to mind is that both magnetos have
drifted off on the internal magneto Q:  My V35TC’s parking brake is not
working. The mechanic suspects
the parking brake valve. I see it in the
tation on board the aircraft. I own a
1977 F33A. Could you please advise
timing. This would be a rare happening me whether there is any noise certi­
and would require repeated retiming parts manual but don’t know where it fication data, and if so how I obtain
of the magnetos to the engine for them is located. a copy of it?
to still be set correctly to the engine.
Check your logs to see if timing has
been adjusted and, if so, how many
A:  The parking brake valve is
mounted on top of the nose
landing gear well just forward of the
A:  Per the 3A15 Type Certificate,
for an aircraft issued an
Airworthiness Certificate before
times. —AM firewall. —DH January 1, 1980, no noise certification
data exists and they are not required.
The only exception to this is if your
aircraft has been modified with an
“acoustical change” as described in
14 CFR 21.93 (b) – a voluntary change
that increases the noise level).
Because of this, use form Appendix
3 of AC91-86, following the instructions
in Appendix 1. The Appendix 3 form
has a pre-entered statement in block
18 that your aircraft pre-dates noise
requirements for certification.
Aircraft certificated after January 1,
1980, that have noise levels listed in
accordance with Part 36, will have
those levels listed in the Aircraft Flight
Manual. —AM


w w w. b o n a n z a . o r g

Servicing Ruddervator hinge play

landing gear struts Bernie Willis
Dauphin Womack Wasilla, Alaska

Higden, Arkansas
I know the ruddervator inboard hinge tolerance is zero for looseness. But

Q:  How do I service my N35’s land- what about the outboard hinge, bolt bushing, and bracket?

ing gear struts? All of the ruddervator hinges are a ZERO tolerance fit. If you remove the

A:  Servicing the landing gear can

be found in the Maintenance
Manual under chapter 12, “Servicing.”
ruddervator, always replace the bearing and the bushing. —BR

Assuming you only need to service the Window curtain hardware

struts with dry nitrogen, attach your Jerry Osborne
regulated high pressure tank of nitro­ Prescott Valley, Arizona

gen to the filler valve located at the
Where can I go to find out about the subject of window curtains for a
top of the strut. Increase the applied
J35 Bonanza? I would like to investigate how the hardware is fixed to
pressure to approximately 450-500 lbs.
the window frames, which windows are affected, cost, and where to purchase
Gently lift the wing at the wing tip until
the hardware. Also, I’d like to know where to select and purchase the curtains.
you achieve the desired strut height,
i.e., the amount of “chrome showing.”
If you need to add fluid and nitro­ A:  The Illustrated Parts Catalog for the J35 would be your best bet in finding
part numbers and assembly drawings for the curtains and mounts. I do not
have a source for these items other than the aircraft salvage yards around the
gen, your strut has seal problems and
may need to be disassembled and country. They have usually been removed and thrown away, so very few spares
resealed. —CB still exist. A good seamstress should be able to fabricate the curtains with little
trouble using FAA-approved fabrics. —CB

IO-520 fuel pump

Ted Leng, Palo Alto, California

Q:  Today I asked my IA to increase

the takeoff fuel flow to my IO-
520Cs on my 1966 C55 Baron. One
engine adjusted just fine, but the
other was difficult to adjust and the IA
thought that it was old and suggested
replacement. How can you tell if an
engine-driven fuel pump needs to be
replaced? Are there warning signs of
it dying, or will it just suddenly quit on
me? If I want to get a good overhauled
unit, where can I find one?

A:  Have your mechanic refer to

Continental Service Information
97-3F, which covers adjustment of the
fuel injection system. Under normal
operations, the pump will last until
engine TBO. If you cannot adjust the
fuel pressure up to the specs in 97-
3F, the pump probably needs to be
overhauled. I have had great results
with Dave at Great Planes Fuel
Metering in Tulsa, Oklahoma (918-
619-9600). —BR

Volume 14 • Number 9 AMERICAN BONANZA SOCIETY 69

w w w. b o n a n z a . o r g

landing gear issue
Darwin Engen
Spokane, Washington

New Life Q:  I have an intermittent issue with my 58P’s landing gear. It hesitates to
come up when I raise the landing gear switch: It takes five to 60 seconds
Membership before the landing gear motor starts running. Mechanics have checked every
ABS extends a warm welcome wire and switch in the circuit. The gear motor brushes seem okay.
to these members who have recently
become ABS Life Members.
A:  It sounds to me like a gear motor issue. Can the problem be duplicated
with the airplane on jacks?
While on jacks with the gear handle in the up position, battery master on,
Joseph L. Palazzi
Wallingford, Connecticut and aircraft in the “failed” condition you describe:
● If there is voltage at the motor, but the motor will not move, turn off the power,
David A. Dye
engage the emergency hand crank, turn it clockwise 1/2 a turn, stow the crank,
Daphne, Alabama
and turn on the electrical power. If the gear motor then runs, you know you
Thomas A. Stayer need to replace the motor.
Omaha, Nebraska ● If there is no voltage at the motor and the motor is not running, you will need
to troubleshoot the system further.
Cindy A. Stones
Lebanon, Kansas Contact us if you don’t resolve the issue and we’ll help your mechanic
troubleshoot it further. —CB

Learn “How to Teach Beech” with the American Bonanza Society’s

ABS Flight Instructor Academy

ABS $125
Instructor See Instructor Training
A c a de my

● Computer-Based Training on Instructional Techniques for Beech Bonanzas & Barons

● Aircraft Systems, Procedures, Techniques and Flight Maneuvers Guides
● Academy Graduates are Listed on the ABS Website Instructor Referral List for Over 9000 Beech Pilots
● ABS Flight Instructor Mentor Program to Answer Your Questions About Teaching in Beechcraft
● Opportunity to Become Accredited in ABS’ Industry-Leading Beechcraft Pilot Proficiency Program (BPPP)


w w w. b o n a n z a . o r g

Classified Advertising
Classified Advertising Rates: Members 75¢/word; $5/month for Web placement. Terms: Prepaid with order, no agency discounts.
Non-members $1.25/word; $15/month for Web placement. 25 word minimum. Closing Date: Must be received by 5th of month before placement.
Display Classified Advertising Rates: $195 per month. Ad size is 3-3/8" To Place: Ads need to be submitted in writing. Mail to P.O. Box 12888,
by 2-7/8". Include a full color picture of your item along with up to 50 words. Wichita, KS 67277; Fax to 316-945-1710; or use the ABS Advertising Links
Format: Grouped initials count as one word. Telephone numbers and e-mail at
addresses count as two words. All other words count as one. Questions: If you have questions call 316-945-1700.


68 V35 Bonanza – IO520
Consultation on your purchase of a Bonanza or Baron before you
with IFR Collins Flip/Flop
Pre-Buy. Visit my web site at Or call
Microline, King DME,
850-240-7243.  7/476
Strike Finder, 4 Place In­
Thinking of selling your Bonanza? Call me; I have buyers tercom 3 Blade, Large
looking for good clean Bonanzas.; Baggage Door, 5 Seats,
850-240-7243.   45/478 Clevelands, Brittan Wing
1983 Be-36TC 3930TTAF, 1440SMOH, 500SPOH, KFC-200, Leveller, Ramp Um­brella,
KI-225HSI, GNS-530, JPI701, Oxygen, Fresh Annual $174,900 All Logs, Always Hang­
Contact Brian @ 541-420-2638.   472 ered. Paint and Interior
Excellent. Nov annual all
***** Bonanza 3 Place Bench STC – $500 ***** Turn
compressions 72 -> 78.
your 4 place V-tail Bonanza into 5 place with this NEW STC!
June Compressions 70 ->
[email protected], (817) 528-4638.  471
78. 2575 Total Time, 870
1953 D-35 E225-8, Speed Slope w/s, Cleveland wheels and brakes, since reman. vcian@net
Beech electric prop, nice interior, good paint, Rams horn wheel; 330-207-9535.
w/aileron trim, King, Collins, Narco radios. 40 gals fuel, plumbed $65,000.  468
for tip tanks and 20 gal aux tank 6800TT, 1490SMOH $25,000.
770-487-4322.  470 1960 M35 Bonanza – 1335 hours total time since new, 333 SMOH
including prop & injection system. Has all available D’Shannon
1980 Beech Baron 58 – 5192 TTA 1344-SFRM L (Continental
upgrades including tip tanks, one piece windshield. Dual Controls,
Gold Medallion Factory Reman, CB Heavy Case series) 235 –
never damaged and has been hangared all of its life with only 3
SFRM R (Continental Gold Medallion Factory Reman, CB Heavy
owners – $70,000.  Contact Terry Ray 956-592-8000.  461
Case series) 642 SPOH-L (October 2000) 642 SPOH-R (October
2000) AVIONICS King Silver Crown Equipped King KMA-24 Audio 1969 V35A Bonanza – 5300-TT, 1620-SMOH, 135-SPOH, 3-Blade
Panel w 3LMB King KY-196A Comm King KY-196A Comm King Prop, Garmin 530W, GAMIs, EDM700, Brittain A/P, Backup
KNS-80 RNAV System w VOR/LOC/GS/DME+ King KN-53 Nav w Air Pump, AeroLEDs Landing Light, Paint-8 (Imron), Interior-8
VOR/LOC King KR-87 ADF King KT-76A Transponder IDC Encoding (leather), NDH, Hangared, Excellent condition and Beautiful Paint,
Altimeter Garmin 155-XL GPS System (IFR Enroute and Approach 78/80 compressions,  Annual due 6/15,  IFR Cert.,  Brian – 916-709-
Authorized, Coupled to AP) Bendix King RDR-150 Color Weather 1999 [email protected], NorCal (KGOO).  467
Radar Insight Strikefinder PM-1000 II 4 Place Voice Activated
Intercom System + King KFC-200 Autopilot/Flight Director Sale/Trade – 1975 E-55 Baron, TT4950, 525 SMOH (Penn Yan),
new leather seats, Garmin stock w dual G430 (WAASx1), Century
King KCS-55 Slaved HSI and Compass System OPTIONS/FEATURES
IV (freshly overhauled), dual yolk. Annual, IFR due 4/2015. Very
Wing and Empenage De-Ice Boots Ice Light 3 Bladed Hot Props
nice and well maintained. Always hangared. $125K. Contact:
Streamline Alchy Windshield Streamline Bottom Beacon Heated
[email protected], 901-413-1752.  437
Fuel Vents Long Range Fuel (200 gallons) VG’s Stainless Steel Kit
$235,000 586-945-5411.  466
1975 V35B – TT3280, SMOH 465, No
Damage, 3 blade Hartzell scimitar, Gami
injectors, King Digital, slaved HSI, radar,
yaw damper, strike finder,JP EDM 700,
dual yokes, Tanis heater, Bruce’s covers
fuselage, tail, and wings. $89,000, 860-
318-5253.  464
64 S 35 368 factory reman – 4600tt.
very clean , corrosion free . Sweet running
with three blade McCauley. King radios ,
Century 1,intercom 403,strobe ,Cleveland
brakes,Gami injectors . $69,500. 360-432-
8292 [email protected]. Based Shelton,
WA.  450

Volume 14 • Number 9 AMERICAN BONANZA SOCIETY 73

w w w. b o n a n z a . o r g

For Sale: 1990 F33A – 1390 TTAF. 900 STOH. NDH. Always 1984 Beech – F33A Bonanza, 1996-TT, 237-SMOH, A/P, DME, Flight
hangared. Avidyne MFD. Garmin430W. Traffic. XM Weather. Director, King Avionics, Stormscope, HSI much more! Owner (NW
KFC150 autopilot. Strikefinder and more. $190,000 OBO. Email: Chicago), Call Ted (847) 683-9349 after 12:00 PM Central.  458
[email protected].  449
Partnership 1973 F33A – Based Chicago 1C5. Reposition
1977 BE55 – Price Change, please call. 2940TT, 110 SMOH both, possible. 7500TT. Engine, Prop OH, Annual Complete 10APR14,
110 SPOH both (3 blade), GNS430, EX500, color radar, C IV A/P, IO-550B, Hartzell Three Blade, Dual Yolk, HSI, AP, 530WAAS,
slaved NSD360, GTX327, VGs, dual yoke, GAMIs. co-pilot inst, KX155, XMWX, Storm Scope, JPI700, GAMI Inj, Strobes, Vortex
hangared. Contact Ed: 205-807-5800 and [email protected].  348 Gen, Tanis, etc. Always hangared. Jerry 312-656-8636, jloftus@  430
F33A 1987 1920hr IO550 with Hartzell scimitar prop. Both with
180hr. Aspen1000 PDF, garmin 430W and 530W, King150 all linked. 1983 B36TC – TTAF -1975 HRs, 392 SMOH, 392 SPOH, looks 8/8
GDL 69, GTX330, Avidyne TAS610, JPI 800 engine monitor, A.C. KFC-200, GNS 430 WAAS, GEM Engine Monitor, Fresh Annual,
systems climate control (2011 same as new factory Bonanza). Always hangared, Fantastic Traveling Machine. 541-601-8292.  427
Brand New All leather interior with wool carpets by Ambience
1967 C33A – 2945 TT, 1343 TSOH w/GAMI’s; 3 blade Hartzell
Interiors). Paint 7plus. Always Hangared. Last 10 yr cared for
270 TSN; BDS Tip Tanks; S-TEC 55X with Alt. Preselect; KNS-525A
by Bob Ripley and Kalamazoo Aircraft. Outstanding aircraft
HSI; GTX 330 w/S; Electric backup Attitude Indicator; Shadin
with no issues. Recently completely gone over by Kalamazoo
Miniflo-L; JPI EGT/CHT; GNS-530W WAAS IFR; KX-155; Insight
Aircraft with all the minor issues made perfect. Annual due July.
Strikefinder; Dual Ram’s Horn yoke; BDS speed slope WS, 2nd
$223,900 Bruce Evans. 248 321 9401. Hangared in Harbor Springs
and 3rd windows; Cleveland brakes; Rosens; Gapseals; Gray
or Howell, MI.  454
leather interior and powder coat panel; Always Hangared; NDH;
63 DEBONAIR $69,900 B33 N315NF CD-657 Total time since new complete logs/Adlog; Fuel:104 gals.; 1340 lbs. useful load; Call
airframe 3420 total time since overhaul eng 600 lower overhaul Tim @ 321-591-9229; [email protected] for pxs. 424
120. ALL DONE in 2013 injection system , prop, bladders, all gear
1981 A36TC EA-245. 3053 TT 1219 SMOH Garmin 530 WAS
overhaul , tires , all glass, interior, JPI, seat belts , door steward,
JPI Hot Prop, 2 Owners Clean. New ELT, Lost Medical. Robert
ext. oil filter , spark plugs, baffling, brakes, gas caps, ALL new oil
(360)713-8077, [email protected].  386
and fuel lines, , overhauled fuel selector and boost pump, all new
wiring, dual joke, all led lights on all instruments I am retiring BEECH WANTED!!! All models, run-outs OK, needing P&I/Radio
and going to Mexico don’t wont to sell but have no place to put upgrades OK, fast discriminate transaction on your ramp 20 years
it. 760-609-6010.  451 experience/references. Jim 760-803-3093, [email protected].  459


w w w. b o n a n z a . o r g

INSTRUCTION Instrument Rating in Ten Days – Earn your instrument rating

in only ten days. Glass or traditional instruments. $9995 includes
aircraft and Redbird full-motion simulator training). Details at
877-212-0951 or  438
Complete the ground portion of your Flight Review – in your
own home, on your schedule. Logbook endorsement guaranteed
for only $29.95! Visit  394
Southwest Beechcraft Instructor: All models. Available in
Las Vegas, Phoenix, Flagstaff, and all surrounding airports
– will travel. Initial and recurrent training, flight reviews,
Bonanza/Baron initial + recurrent programs. Train in IPCs, insurance checkouts, additional ratings, and assistance
FAA approved model specific simulators based on BE36 and with sales/purchases. BE-58/F33A owner. CFI/CFII/MEI
BE58 aircraft. Located in Seattle’s Ballard community, our with ATP, call Troy Dixon (602)628-2314, TroyJasonDixon@
programs fulfill insurance requirements and are taught by  64/484
instructors with thousands of hours of experience. Luxury
hotel accommodations available at discounted rates. www. EQUIPMENT, PARTS, SERVICE; 888-751-1011.  375 Wanted: Dual control yokes, single control yoke, handle, or any
parts to them laying in your hangar. Have some avionics, may
Bonanza, Baron and P-Baron Instruction – Gold Seal and trade. Call 580-430-1414, email: [email protected]. (00)
Master CFI. Insurance approved P-Baron initial and recurrent
Elevators, 33 thru Baron. FAA-approved repair station #209-53.
training, Garmin and G-1000 instruction, insurance check-outs,
Biggs Aircraft, 405-258-2965, Fax 405-258-3016.  67/486
instrument and ME ratings, assistance with purchases. Gerry
Parker, 713-826-6663 (TX), [email protected].  5/475 Lightly used collision avoidance device ZAON MRX for sale.
In excellent condition. Sold aircraft. $395.00 cbrucemc@gmail.
Baron and Bonanza Instruction – Tennessee based (will
com or 518-669-2999.  (00)
travel) Stephen Hammers, CFI, CFII, MEI, ATP – 25+ yrs. Exp.
BPPP Instructor. Baron E55 and 58P Owner, Initial and Recurrent Complete NIB D’Shannon A-36 Glass Kit 1/2 Front, 3/8 side
Training, Instrument Competency Check or Insurance Checkout. with vents, 1/4 rear Gray color. W/ Instructions & STC. $2500,
Call 615-479-7195.  54/479 call 310-980-0301.  469

Volume 14 • Number 9 AMERICAN BONANZA SOCIETY 75

w w w. b o n a n z a . o r g

FLIGHT CONTROLS RESKINNED: Flaps, Bonanza Parts – Specializing in 35 Cylinders – Hard to find E-Series
Ailerons and Ruddervators 33 to King and 36 Bonanzas. We dismantle many Cylinders, plus IO-470 & IO-520 Overhauled
Air. Exchange and Paint available. One Bonanzas for parts! A thru P, M thru Stud Assy One Stop Aviation 760-721-1389
price covers all. Built in certified Fixtures V35A-B, A36, B36, Debonair, A-F33. or email [email protected].  377
by Experienced Technicians. FAA CRS Email bonanzaparts or
U5LRO68X FAA-PMA. 877-364-8003 or call requests to 530-661-1696. Visit our web Spar Mod. Kit Installation Bonanza/
952-447-7737 Email: [email protected], page,  65/485 Baron. Calkins Aero Service, Inc. –
Web:  462 Houston, TX. 281-579-6674, caero@
A-33/36 Elevators, $2275. Ruddervators,  79/491
Experienced Technicians FAA CRS $3550. Visit our website regarding recent
U5LRO68X FAA-PMA (877)364-8003 or parts price increase for Beech skins. Mike’s Upholstery: Custom interiors,
952-447-7737 Email: [email protected] Aero Surfaces, singles-light twins. FAA certified. Same
Web:  463 FAA Repair Station OG3R735L, 530-893- location since 1968. North Omaha Airport
5416.  101 (3NO). Omaha, NE. Mike Roney, 402-572-
8788.  74/490
Fast Aviation has BE35 Parts! – Air­frame
to Powerplant – lots of BE35 parts! We Engine Upgrade? STC’d IO-550-B Engine
specialize in early V-tails. Call us with your Conversions for S35, V35, V35A, V35B,
needs! Electric prop, hard to find parts, C33A, E33A, E33C, F33A, F33C, G33, 36,
etc.  447 and A36 Bonanzas. IO-470C or IO470-N
Engine Conversions for A35 thru G35
FLIGHT CONTROLS. We re-skin Elevator
Bonanzas & 33 thru F33. Other Mods,
Flaps and Ailerons for 33 to King Air 300.
shoulder harness assemblies, instrument
All flight Control are built in a Fixture
panel conversions, SS battery boxes, seat
by FAA Cert Technicians. Call Davis
conversions. All Bonanza Mods. Hammock
Martin, Structures DBA Control Center LLC,
Aviation Services, Inc. 972-875-4279. Ennis,
405-401-7757.  255
TX.  69/487
SmartSpace Extended Baggage – for
Beechcraft 36/A36 – New STC/PMA give Bonanza Inspections, maintenance,
your pre-1979 A36 the same baggage and repair. Quality service with reason­
capabilities as the latest G36! Installs able prices. Owner assists available.
in 1-2 days with minimum effort. www. Dynamic Propeller Balancing. Bonanza; 978-314-4626. 425 owner with 25+ years experience. Brian
Stout, A&P, IA. Flying S Aviation. RHV,
ENGINE BAFFLE: Replace your 470 San Jose, CA. 408-258-9462.  81/481
series or E225 engine Baffle with PMA
Engine Baffle, Twice as thick As OEM. RIGGING TOOL RENTAL. Increase
Also available are PMA Push Pull handles safety, performance and control with
(Aluminum). FAA CRS U5LRO68X FAA- ABS rigging tools $100 plus two-way
PMA 877-364-8003 or 952-447-7737. Email: shipping for 12-day rental. Available
[email protected]. Web: www.srs tools are an Aileron travel board and one  405 each Ruddervator (D-1 through D-2680)
and Ruddervator (D-2681 and after)
ENGINES-IO-550-B 1200 SNEW, “special”
travel boards. RESERVE AHEAD for
edition, ‘0’ SMOH, complete with acces­
your inspection /repair.  ABS HQ 316-
sories, outright or exchange; will take
945-1700.  483
trades. One Stop Aviation 760-721-1389 or
email [email protected].  378 Fuel Gauge Printed Circuit Modules
Rebuilt F33, V35, A36 Bonanza and
Barons. Guaranteed. Replaced if defective.
$525.00 ea. Exchange. Send old unit or
call: Birks Aviation Products, 3520 W
Saymore Lane, Peoria, IL 61615. 309-686-
0614. Email: [email protected].  70/488

Dual & Single Control Yokes large

handles, trim knobs, all misc. parts for
control yokes, exchange your faded &
cracked handles for our like new refinished
ones. Exchange singles for dual & vice
versa. Call for quote, we buy any duals,
singles or any parts. Air Mech, Inc., 580-
430-1414 email: [email protected].
For 20 years: Being your best source for
affordable yokes is our specialty. 66/474


w w w. b o n a n z a . o r g

Cover-Ups by Denise. Expanded vinyl Blakely Island, WA. No tourists on this

gear & flap actuator covers for Bonanzas private island in the San Juan Islands NE of
and Barons. Uplock cover – $38.00. Seattle. Enjoy marina, 2 lakes, community
Retract rod cover – $40.00. Steering rod beaches & lush forest. Private paved &
cover – $20.00. Wing Flap actuator cover lighted runway. Nicely wooded lot with
set – $47.00. NEW!!!! Chamois main gear a beautiful water view. $250,000 photos
cover set – $69.00. Charge for shipping available [email protected], 503-639-
and handling. Call or fax Denise at 321- 4593.  457
725-9226.  72/489
Threshold Ranch Residential Airpark
Seat Specialists – Seat recline cylinders Brief description: Premium Texas
repaired, seat repair, seat replacement residential airpark in NW San Antonio/
parts. Call Chuck at AvFab 660-885-8317 Boerne area. Large 3/4 to 1 acre lots
or [email protected].  63/482 starting in the 80’s. Gated, City water,
underground electric/gas, curbed streets,
Tables, new and used available.
paved backyard taxiways. IFR full service
Contact Chuck 660-885-8317 or chuck@
airport (5C1).  61/483
Kevin Best 210-260-5111 Contact e-mail:
Dual Yoke Rental. Baron/Bonanza. [email protected].  240
$300 plus shipping for first 2 months, $125/
Real Estate – Greers Ferry, AR. House/
mo thereafter. Steve Weaver 843-475-6868.
Hangar for sale on 3000’ lighted grass
(WV).  59/481
strip. $290,000. Call for Details, 501-250-
BARON A/C STC KITS FOR SALE! Cool 3334.  445
Air™ approved for 55 thru 58TC series
Barons. Total electric, remote mounted. WANTED
Capable of ground cooling, light weight
BE B-55 Partner Wanted – BE B-55 1/3
R134 certified. Call Gary Gadberry at
partner wanted based in Addison, Texas @
Aircenter, Inc. 423-893-5444 (TN) or
KADS. Two partners looking for additional
email [email protected], www.aircenterinc.
1/3 partner, in aircraft to be acquired. Call
com.  57/480
Bill at 972-740-2620 or e-mail bphillips@  460
GETAWAYS Powertow 40EZ 10 yrs old, like new,
SPRUCE CREEK FLY-IN REALTY – runs great, has adapter for Beech and
RESIDENTIAL AIRPARK, for SE Cessna. Located in Toledo, OH.
Daytona Beach, Florida. ABS Sponsor, Cannot ship it, must pick it up. I can
members. Home of over 60 Bonanzas and bring it to the airport to meet you. $750.00.
Barons. Gated Country Club Community 239-220-0683.  452
with its own Airport, 4000' paved runway
x 180' wide, 5/23. Private GPS approach.
(7FL6). Taxiway Homes from $540,000,
condo’s from $130,000. Golf/Nature Homes
from $180,000. Lenny Ohlsson, Broker,
4437, e mail: [email protected].  16/477

Volume 14 • Number 9 AMERICAN BONANZA SOCIETY 77

w w w. b o n a n z a . o r g

ABS Board Term

President Paul Damiano (Area 1) 2016
Bob Goff (Area 3) *2015 513 Forest Lake Rd.
1963 South Creek Blvd. Dalton, NH 03598
Port Orange, FL 32128 Phone: 860-306-3441
Phone: 231-342-8040 [email protected]
[email protected]
Adrian Eichhorn (Area 2) 2016
724 E. Genesee St.
Vice President
Frankenmuth, MI 48734
Ward Combs (Area 6) *2015
Phone: 703-731-8262
10474 Stardust Lane
[email protected]
Blair, NE 68008
Phone: 402-426-8041 Ron Hyde (Area 5) *2014
[email protected] PO Box 569, #1 Airport Rd.
Kenedy, TX 78119
Treasurer Phone: 830-583-5930
Cameron G. Brown (Area 4) *2016 [email protected]
150 Riverside Rd., Rockford, IL 61114 John Annable, M.D. (Area 8) *2015
Phone: 815-490-6750 20911 Earl St. #440
[email protected] Torrance, CA 90503
Phone: 310-542-0455
[email protected]
Tom Rosen (Area 7) *2014
633 Rustic Ranch Ln. Stuart Spindel (At Large) 2014
Lincoln, CA 95648 P.O. Box 484, Hawesville, KY 42348
Phone: 916-408-8666 Phone: 270-316-7537
[email protected] [email protected]
* Second and/or final term

Area 1: Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire,

New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Vermont.
Area 2: Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Maryland, Michigan, Washington, D.C.,
West Virginia, Canada, and all other foreign countries except Mexico.
Area 3: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina,
Tennessee, Virginia.
Area 4: Illinois, Iowa, Missouri, Minnesota, Wisconsin.
Area 5: Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Texas, Mexico.
Area 6: Arizona, Colorado, Kansas, Idaho, Nebraska, Nevada, North Dakota,
Montana, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming.
Area 7: Alaska, Oregon, Washington, northern California counties north of the
northern boundary of Kern, San Luis Obispo, and San Bernardino
Area 8: Southern California, including the counties of Santa Barbara, Ventura,
Kern, San Luis Obispo, Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Diego,
San Bernardino and Imperial Counties, plus Hawaii.

Past Presidents
1967 - 1971: B.J. McClanahan, MD 1993 - 1994: John H. Kilbourne
1971 - 1973: Frank G. Ross* 1994 - 1996: Barrie Hiern, MD*
1973 - 1975: Russell W. Rink* 1996 - 1997: Ron Vickrey
1975 - 1976: Hypolite T. Landry, Jr., MD 1997 - 1998: Willis Hawkins*
1976 - 1977: Calvin B. Early, MD, PhD 1998 - 1999: William C. Carter
1977 - 1978: Capt. Jesse F. Adams, USN(R)* 1999 - 2000: Tilden D. Richards
1978 - 1979: David P. Barton* 2000 - 2001: Jon Roadfeldt
1979 - 1980: Alden C. Barrios 2001 - 2002: Harold Bost
1980 - 1981: Fred A. Driscoll, Jr.* 2002 - 2003: Jack Threadgill
1981 - 1983: E.M. Anderson, Jr.* 2003 - 2004: Jack Hastings, MD
1983 - 1984: Donald L. Monday* 2004 - 2006: Craig Bailey
1984 - 1985: Harry G. Hadler* 2006 - 2007: Jon Luy
1985 - 1986: John E. Pixton* 2007 - 2008: Arthur W. Brock
1986 - 1987: Charles R. Gibbs 2008 - 2009: Bill Stovall
1987 - 1988: Joseph McClain, Ill 2009 - 2010: Ron Lessley
1988 - 1989: Lee Larson* 2010: Stephen Blythe
1989 - 1990: William H. Bush* 2010 - 2011: Lorne Sheren, MD
1990 - 1991: Ray L. Leadabrand* 2011 - 2013: Keith Kohout
1991 - 1992: James C. Cassell, III* * Deceased
1992 - 1993: Warren E. Hoffner


Additional details are available
at, under News & Events.
More extensive coverage of “regional” fly-ins can
be found on their websites (see web addresses below).

ABS Events
Please post all your events on the ABS website

ABS Fly-In/Wine Country with the Pacific Bonanza Society – Sonoma County, CA (KSTS)

ABS Maintenance Academy at Poplar Grove Airmotive – Poplar Grove, IL (C77)

ABS/ASF Service Clinic at Aero Kinetics – Denton, TX (KDTO)

BEECH PARTY at William Northern Field – Tullahoma, TN (KTHA)

ABS/ASF Service Clinic at George Baker Aviation – New Smyrna Beach, FL (KEVB)

ABS/ASF Service Clinic at Cruiseair Aviation – Ramona, CA (KRNM)

BPPP LIVE with the Southwest Bonanza Society – Houston, TX (location TBA)

Regional & International Societies

Visit these websites for more information.



Volume 14 • Number 9 AMERICAN BONANZA SOCIETY 79

Display Advertising Index
Display Advertising Director: John Shoemaker
2779 Aero Park Drive, P.O. Box 968; Traverse City, MI 49684
Ph: 1-800-327-7377, ext. 3017 • Fax: 231-946-9588
E-mail: [email protected]

AmericAn NOTICE: ABS assumes no responsibility for products or services herein advertised, or for claims or actions
of advertisers. However, members who are unable to get satisfaction from advertisers should advise the ABS.

BonAnzA Any references made to the ABS or BPPP, Inc. in any advertisements in this magazine do not indicate or
imply endorsement of or recommendation by the American Bonanza Society or the BPPP, Inc. organizations.

ABS Store . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 Insight Instrument, Corp. . . . . Inside Back Cover
Aero Technologies, LLC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   2 J. L. Osborne Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Aero/Mechanical Technologies. . . . . . . . . . . . 65 J. P. Instruments Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
ABS exists to promote aviation safety Air Mod . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Kalamazoo Aircraft Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5
and flying enjoyment through education and Air Parts of Lock Haven . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 Kings Avionics Inc. – KS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
information-sharing among owners and Aircraft Covers, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Knisley Welding Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
operators of Bonanzas, Barons, Debonairs Aircraft Door Seals, LLC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Knots 2U Ltd.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
and Travel Airs throughout the world. Aircraft Insurance Agency by Duncan. . . . . . . 18 Lighthawk. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32, 76 Aircraft Specialties Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Lincoln Skyways, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
1922 Midfield Road, P.O. Box 12888 Aircraft Spruce & Specialty Company. . . . . . . 27 Main Turbo Systems, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51
Wichita, KS 67277 AKG Aviation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Marsh Brothers Aviation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
Tel: 316-945-1700 • Fax 316-945-1710 Alpha Aviation Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 McCauley Propeller Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
e-mail: [email protected] American Bonanza Society. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Mena Aircraft Engines, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Arrell Aircraft Sales Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Microaerodynamics Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
Office Hours:
Aviation Design. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 Mountain View Aviation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Monday thru Friday; 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
(Central Time) Aviation Research Systems, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . 61 Murmer Aircraft Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   7
Avstar Aircraft of Washington. . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 National Airparts Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61
ABS Executive Director Avstat Aviation Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 Niagara Air Parts Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
J. Whitney Hickman, [email protected] B & C Specialty Products Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Oilamatic Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77
ABS-ASF Executive Director B/E Aerospace Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 P2 Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73
Thomas P. Turner, [email protected] Barrett Precision Engines Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . .   7 Parts Exchange . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
BAS Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Penn Avionics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Technical Questions
Beaver Air Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Performance Aero Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40-41
[email protected] or 316-945-1700
Beechcraft Corporation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3 Performance Aircraft Parts Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . 75
BPPP Questions Biggs Aircraft. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57 Pilots N Paws. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78
[email protected] or 316-945-1700 Bonanza/Baron Pilot Training. . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Membership Carolina Aircraft Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Poplar Grove Airmotive Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
[email protected] Cincinnati Avionics / Sporty’s Pilot Shop . . . . . 45 Precision Avionics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 
Continental Motors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Precision Engines, LLC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48
Cool Travel Stuff. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Precision Propeller Service Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . 79
[email protected]
Crosswind Coolers LLC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 Ram Aircraft LTD Partnership. . . . . . Back Cover
ABS Store Cruiseair Aviation Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27  Rocky Mountain Propellers Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . 37 or 316-945-1700 Cygnet Aerospace Corp. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47  Ryan Machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
D’Shannon Aviation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Select Airparts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36  
Membership Services DBM. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Shoreline Aviation Insurance. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43
Monthly ABS Magazine • ABS Technical Eagle Fuel Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26   Sky-Tec Flyweight™ Starters . . . . . . . . . . . . .   9 
Advisors • Beechcraft Pilot Proficiency Falcon Insurance Agency. . . . Inside Front Cover SoundEx Products. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Program • Aircraft Service Clinics • Air
Flight-Resource, LLC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   5 Superior Air Parts Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 
Safety Foundation Research • Annual
Floats & Fuel Cells . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17  Survival Products Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68
Convention • Affiliated Aircraft Insurance
Flying Colors Aviation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Textron Aviation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   3
with Falcon Insurance • Members-only
G & D Aero Products, Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Tornado Alley Turbo Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
Website Section • Regulatory & Industry
General Aviation Modifications Inc.. . . . . . . . . 67 Tubreaux Aviation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
Representation • ABS Platinum Visa®
(with Beechcraft Parts Discounts) • George Baker Aviation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Vac-Veterans Airlift Command . . . . . . . . . . . . 71
Educational Books, Videos & Logo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Val Avionics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Merchandise • Tool Rental Program • Great Lakes Aero Products Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Waypoint Aviation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
The ABS Flyer a monthly e-newsletter Hartwig Aircraft Fuel Cell Repair. . . . . . . . . . . 34 Windward Aviation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .   8
• Professionally Staffed Headquarters Hartzell Propeller Inc.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25


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