Management Theory and Practice: Cpu College School of Graduate Studies Master of Project Management (MPM)

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Management theory and practice


Prepared By: ID/Numbers

1,Yohannis Solomon ID/MPM/529/14

SUBMITED TO: Dr. Ashenafi (PhD)

JANUARY21, 2022,


1. Citation

Rudolf R. Sinkovicsa, Khalid Nadvi, Yingying Zhang, RISING POWERS FROM

International Business Review 23 (2014) 675–679 www.els

Rudolf R. Sinkovicsa, a Centre for Comparative & International Business Research (CIBER),
The University of Manchester, Manchester Business School, Boot Street West, Manchester M15
6PB, UK b Lappeenranta University of Technology, Finland

Khalid Nadvi, School of Environment, Education and Development, The University of

Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester M13 9PL, UK

Yingying Zhang, Colegio Universidario de Estudio Financieros, Madrid, Spain

2. Description of the study

The article provides an insight on the issue of contemporary IB situation that known as “Rising
powers from emerging markets” this are countries like china, India, and Brazil specifically
attempts to explore the phenomenon of ‘rising’, what we actually mean by ‘rising powers’ and
provides an overview of IB contributions to emerging country multinationals. In order to
understand this phenomenon, the article study and examine related but different in prospect
articles to give conclusion.

The issue raise by the study is very much significant because of current change in overall set up
of IB environment. This immerging powers are becoming major player and contributors to global
IB and other strategic changes in terms of investment, bilateral interaction and other economic
and political issue of the globe. So studying this help to understand:

• Their contribution to IB
• How to harvest this emerging power contribution for own country
• How to accelerate economic growth and catchup with countries in near future

• Their success factors and filler for lesson learned

2. Study Purpose

The research question is clearly stated in the introduction part of the article “attempts to explore
the phenomenon of ‘rising’, what we actually mean by ‘rising powers’ and provides an overview
of IB contributions to emerging country multinationals.” By stating this the article try to ask and
answer this question: “whether emerging country multinationals are actually ‘rising powers’ and
pose the question whether they are indeed challenging the ‘rules of the game’ or (challenge
existing paradigms regarding firm competitiveness and performance)”

3. Literature review evaluation

The use of recent literature review in the study was relatively most resent unlike the criteria of
our evaluation the article use literatures between 1 to 8 years and try to use old one as needed.

In the attempt to explore and answer the rising powers and their challenge to the rules of the
game in IB the article uses different references and empirical evidence that stated by recent
study’s that make a strong point in supporting his research question significance.

The literature review is directly related and contemporary issue in IB.

4. Methodology

Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework of the study starts from understanding of the concept of the term
rising power from emerging economy. It clarifies and define the term rising power that is what is
rising emerging economy (which is strictly economic sense) while power in emerging economy
(‘‘These powers have significant populations, make increasingly important contributions to the
global economy and have a potential for greater security capability. Their emergence challenges
the preexisting dominance of the OECD countries and will lead to a change in competitive
conditions, global governance and international relations.’’)

It also sees the contribution of IB for rise in power of emerging economy


The samples in the study are three major emerging economies of the world who are not only
economically growing but also becoming world super powers that influence IB of the globe.
Their inclusion criteria are global rising power emerging economies which are differed from
other rising emerging economies like Mexico, Indonesia, and Turkey.

5. Result

The result show that however this rising powers are competitive in the IB lack of globally
recognized brand and lack of investment on branding affect them. This is because of lack of
originality which make them copycats in the IB.

Currently they are have developed the capabilities that ‘match the requirement of the new global
environment’ that make them the rising power of IB. this is backed by development of property
right in china and rise of domestic market innovations in India are examples.

The growing size of the low and middle income segment in the emerging economies is proving a
significant counterweight to the ‘rules of the game’, i.e. strategies that invariably aim for the

6. Discussion and suggestion for future research

The article implies:

First: EMNEs may face challenges in terms of technological endowment, they still have
relatively more positive socio-economic impacts than their AMNEs, even in advanced country
contexts such as Italy and Germany. Hence, their study poses questions regarding the influence
of the technological superiority of MNEs as a key factor shaping the formation of innovative ties
at the local level.

Second: suggests that business model innovation is a key capability that is particularly salient for
emerging country firms.

Third: large Asian manufacturers are taking on roles a coleader in global value chains in the
Apparel industry. They are strategic players in coordinating and exploiting geographically
dispersed production linkages.
8. Synthesis with class material

1 from international market segmentation

Segmenting international markets on the bases of the aforementioned factors assumes that
segments should consist of clusters of countries. However, many companies use a different
approach called inter-market segmentation. Using this approach, they form segments of
consumers who have similar needs and buying behavior even though they are located in different

The predetermined country characteristics of cultural, economic, geographic, technological, etc.

are inadequate for segmentation when considered without behavioral bases like buyers’
responsiveness to the global marketing program.

World markets can also be segmented on the basis of economic factors. For example, countries
might be grouped by their level of economic development and by population income levels. A
country’s economic structure shapes its population’s product needs and therefore, the marketing
opportunities it offers.

In domestic markets, customer characteristics such as age, sex, social class, personality, brand
loyalty, product usage and attitudes toward the given brand are often used as bases for

2. International target market in concentration of market

Market concentration is used when smaller firms account for large percentage of the total market.
It measures the extent of domination of sales by one or more firms in a particular market.

Target market is the group of people you want to sell your product or service to. In ecommerce,
target markets are extensive. With over 220 countries to choose from, to find out which countries
have the target market that will be the most profitable.

Finding target markets for international ecommerce

If you haven't already done this for your domestic audience, start by defining target demographic.
Think about your target customer in terms of the following:

Age, Location, Gender, Income level, Education level, Marital or family status, Occupation, and
ethnic background of your customers

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