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PETITIONER, through the undersigned counsel, respectfully alleges:

1. That petitioner is Filipino, of legal age, single, and residing at Matina

Aplaya, Davao City;

2. That he is one of the heirs of Alexander dela Cruz, the registered

owner of a parcel of land with Transfer Certificate of Title No. 123456,
situated at Matina Aplaya, Davao City, and particularly described as
follows: ___________;

3. That on January 5, 2021, while petitioner was arranging the file cabinet
of his deceased father in his office where he keeps all his legal
documents, the petitioner noticed that the Owner’s Copy of Transfer
Certificate of Title No. 123456 was missing.

4. The last time he saw the said document was when he was helping his
father clean his file cabinet in his office on December 31, 2019.

5. That despite all due efforts of the petitioner to locate the same, both in
his father’s office and in his residence, the said Owner’s Copy of
Transfer Certificate of Title No. 123456 could not be found.

6. The petitioner is therefore filing this petition not only to attest to the
loss of the said title but also to request this Honorable Court to allow
the reconstitution of said lost Transfer Certificate of Title, and after due
notice and hearing, order the Register of Deeds of Davao City to issue
a new owner’s copy of said Transfer Certificate of Title No. 123456 to
Alexander dela Cruz, and have on record the fact of loss of the former
owner’s copy of Transfer Certificate of Title No. 123456.

WHEREFORE, it is respectfully prayed of this Honorable Court that

an order be issued ordering the reconstitution of Owner’s Copy of Transfer
Certificate of Title No. 123456 in the name of Alexander dela Cruz, and after
such reconstitution, ordering the Registration of Deeds of Davao City to
cancel the lost owner’s copy of Transfer Certificate of Title No. 123456, and
issue a new Transfer Certificate of Title No. ________ in the Alexander dela

___ John_dela Cruz___

______________________ _______

Notary Public for Davao City Roll No.: 83712 Commission

Serial No. 2020-213-2021 Until December 31, 2021
IBP No. 621721, January 6, 2020, Davao City
PTR No.086344 January 6, 2020, Davao City
CAMACHILE LAW OFFICE Lopez Bldg., Davao City


SUBSCRIBED and SWORN TO before, in __________, this _____ by

John dela Cruz with ID No. __________ issued at _________ on the date
and at the place indicated below. The affiant exhibited to me his competent
evidence of identity as indicated above.


Roll of Attorneys No. ______
IBP No. _________________
PTR No. _________________

Doc. No. 1;
Page No. 1;
Book No. I;
Series of 2020

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