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1. Which of the following frequency cannot be found in an AM signal

2. An AM broadcast station operates at its maximum allowed total output of 50 kW and at 85%
modulation. How much is the % power of the carrier?

3. The antenna current of an AM transmitter is 10 A when only the carrier is sent but it increases to
10.95 A when the carrier is modulated by a single sine wave. If 85% modulation is desired, what should
be the modulation index of the second wave?

4. If a transmitter supplies 8 kW to the antenna when it is unmodulated, what is the total radiated
power when it is modulated at 60%.

5. An AM transmitter radiates 400 W at 100% modulation. How much power is in the sidebands?
6. An AM DSBFC transmitter with an unmodulated carrier power, Pc = 600 W that is modulated
simultaneously by four tones, m1 = 0.1, m2 = 0.2, m3 = 0.4 and m4 = 0.5, determine the total sideband

7. Which statement is not true about AM?

8. With no modulating signal, what is the output signal of an Amplitude Modulator?

9. A 1000-W carrier is to be modulated to a 90% level. Determine the total transmitted power
10. Which statement is true about index of modulation?

1. An FM signal has an intelligence frequency of 2 kHz and a maximum deviation of 10 kHz. If its carrier
frequency is set at 162.4 Mhz, what is its index of modulation?

2. The phenomenon of a strong FM signal dominating a weaker signal on a common frequency is

referred to as the

3. The amount of frequency deviation is dependent on the intelligence freque ncy in

4. An FM broadcast station produces a carrier swing of 90 kHZ. Calculate the percentage modulation.
Use max frequency deviation as per FCC rule of 75Khz

5. Determine modulation index for a frequency modulator with a deviation sensitivity of 20 kHz/V and a
modulating signal of 5 cos 2π(2500)t

6. Indicate which one of the following is not an advantage of FM over AM:

7. An FM signal has an intelligence frequency of 5 kHz and a maximum deviation of 20 kHz. How many
sidebands are produced with significant amplitudes?
8. An FM transmitter has an output power of 500 W when it is not modulated. When intelligence is
added, its modulation index is 2.0. What is its output power (in Watts) with a modulation index of 2.0?

9. A frequency modulated signal which is modulated by a 3-kHz sine wave reaches a maximum
frequency of 100.02 MHz and minimum frequency of 99.98MHz. Determine the peak frequency
deviation in KH. No unit in the final answer.

10. Carson's rule is used to approximate the necessary


If a transmitter power of 100W is sufficient for reliable communication over a certain path using the SSB,
what is the port required for a double sideband full-carrier AM?

To provide two or more voice circuits with the same carrier, it is necessary to use the

How much is the % power saving if R3E was used at m=0.8

What is not an advantage of SSB AM over DSBAM?

An AM wave has a total transmitter power of 4kW when modulated 85%. What is the total transmitted
power if J3E was used instead?

What type of modulation is used to send the picture portion of a TV signal

In the FCC Emission Designation the first symbol indicates

What is the circuit used to produced DSBSC AM?

CB radios were developed using the full-carrier DSB AM. It operates using 40 channels, each 10KHz wide.
Wen the SSBSC is used, the same carrier frequencies are used as with the conventional AM but the
transceivers are switchable either lower or upper. How many channels are available when the SSB is

Anticipating single sideband AM, what percentage of the total power is saved by suppressing the carrier
and one sideband while transmitting the other sideband only for m=0.75?
ECEA111 Module 2 Practice Quiz 6

Which receiver component limits the image frequency from entering the mixer

For an AM receiver turned to a station at 590kHz with IF=455 kHz, calculate the image frequency
rejection in dB. Assume that the input filter consists of one tuned circuit with a Q of 40.

A superheterodyne receiver is tuned to a frequency of 5MHz when the oscillator frequency is 6.85MHz.
What is the Intermediate Frequency in MHz?

Which of the following is true about image frequency when it is allowed to enter at the receiver

For an IF frequency of 455 kHz, what must be the LO frequency (in KHz) when receiving a 580 kHz
transmission? Assume high side injection. Do not include unit in the final answer.

The higher the quality factor

Which of the following is an advantage of TRF receivers?

The output of a Mixer is called

A receiver for a signal at 150 MHz uses a 10.7-MHz IF and low tracking. Calculate the LO frequency in
MHz. Do not include the unit in the final answer.

A superheterodyne is tuned to 2738 kHz. The IF is 475 kHz. What is the image frequency in KHz. Do not
include the unit in the final answer.

An amplifier is used in receivers to improve

Heterodyning means

Which part of the Superheterodyne receiver provides the initial sensitivity

The ability of a receiver to produce a faithful output with reference to the original information is called

Which is not an example of a receiver

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