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eference Guide

Blood Bowl S
An Uno
W henever a player's armour is broken, an Injury roll is made against
them. The coach of the opposing team rolls 2D6 and consults a
simplified Injury table made for Blood Bowl Sevens. Players with the Stunty
W hen a player is Sent-off by the
referee for committing a Foul,
their coach may attempt to Argue the
trait instead roll against the Stunty column as they are more prone to Call. Roll a D6 and refer to the table
breaking when hit! below:
Stunned: The player immediately becomes Stunned, and “You’re Outta Here!”
is laid face-down on the pitch. The referee is enraged! The
Sequence of Play
KO’d: The player is immediately removed from play and
placed in the Knocked Out box of their team dugout. At
7-8 1
player and the coach are both
sent packing! You may no
B lood Bowl Sevens teams are drafted just like other Blood Bowl teams, using the
same team rosters. However, there are a few key differences to be aware of:
the end of each drive, there is a chance any Knocked Out longer Argue the Call and • Team Draft Budget: When drafting a Blood Bowl Sevens team you have a budget
players will recover. must apply a -1 modifier 1. FAN FACTOR of 600 000 gold pieces to spend on players, Sideline Staff, team re-rolls and so forth.
Badly Hurt: The player misses the rest of this game, but when rolling for Brilliant Both coaches roll a D3 and adds it to
• Number of Players: In Sevens, a team may not be drafted with fewer than 7 or
10 suffers no long term effect.
9-10 Coaching. their number of Dedicated Fans. This
more than 11 permanent players on the roster. In addition, a maximum of only 4
becomes each team’s Fan Factor.
Seriously Hurt: The player misses the rest of this game, “I Don’t Care!” “Specialist” players (Any non-Lineman player such as Blitzers, Catchers and so on)
11 but will need more time to recuperate. In league play, the 11 The referee is not interested Both coaches roll a D6, then add the
may be drafted. Regular restrictions regarding the amount of “Specialist” players still
player is not available to play in the team’s next game. 2-5 in your argument. The player results together and consult the apply (For example, the Elven Union team is still only allowed 0-2 Blitzers).
DEAD: This player is far too dead to play Blood Bowl! is Sent-off and a Turnover is Weather table. • Purchasing Team Re-Rolls: Every team may purchase 0-6 team re-rolls when first
12 Dead players are dismissed from the team during Step 1 12 caused. 3. TAKE ON JOURNEYMEN drafted. Re-rolls must be purchased for double the regular purchase price. For
of the post-game sequence. “Well, When You Put It Like If a team cannot field 7 players for a example, if a regular team is able to purchase team re-rolls for 60 000 gold pieces,
league game, the team takes on a then the price is doubled to 120 000 gold pieces in Blood Bowl Sevens.
The referee is swayed by your
number of Journeymen players.
• Hiring Sideline Staff: Just like a regular Blood Bowl team, every Blood Bowl

I f a player lands in the crowd, they risk Injury by the Crowd. No Armour 6 argument. A Turnover is still 4. INDUCEMENTS
Sevens team may hire additional Sideline Staff. However, the quantity and purchase
roll is made against the player. Instead the coach of the opposing team Both coaches decide if they will
caused but the player that price of the following Sideline Staff have been slightly adjusted:
purchase any Inducements for the
rolls immediately on the Injury table to see what damage the crowd does. If committed the Foul is not game ahead. SIDLINE STAFF QUANTITY PURCHASE PRICE
the player is Stunned, they are placed in the Reserves box instead. Sent-off.
5. THE PRAYERS TO NUFFLE TABLE Apothecary 0-1 80 000 Gold Pieces
If one team now has a lower CTV Assistant Coaches 0-3 20 000 Gold Pieces
APOTHECARIES than the other, it may be able to roll
Cheerleaders 0-6 20 000 Gold Pieces
on the Prayers to Nuffle table.

D uring a Blood Bowl Sevens game, a team may use an apothecary to “patch-up” any player (including
Journeymen or Mercenaries) that has been removed from play as a result of being Knocked Out or otherwise
The players will flip a coin or roll dice.
Dedicated Fans 0-6 20 000 Gold Pieces

suffering an injury on the Injury table. The winner then determines which THE WEATHER TABLE
Patching-Up Knocked Out Players: team will kick-off and which will
An apothecary can be used immediately when a player becomes Knocked Out: receive on the opening drive.
Sweltering Heat: D3 randomly selected players from each team that are on
• If the player was on the pitch when they were Knocked Out, they are not removed from play. Instead, they remain
on the pitch and become Stunned. START OF DRIVE 2 the pitch when a drive ends are placed in the Reserves box. They must miss

• If the player was Knocked Out as a result of being pushed back into the crowd, place them directly into the SEQUENCE the next drive.

Reserves box rather than the Knocked Out box. 1. SET-UP Very Sunny: Apply a -1 modifier every time a player tests against their
3 Passing Ability.
Starting with the kicking team, both
Patching-Up Casualties:
coaches set up their teams behind
An Apothecary can be used when a player suffers a Badly Hurt, Seriously Hurt or DEAD result on the Injury table. 4-10 Perfect Conditions: Ideal Blood Bowl weather. No effect.
their own Lines of Scrimmage.
Roll a D6: Pouring Rain: Apply a -1 modifier every time a player makes an Agility test
• On a roll of a 4+, the apothecary has been able to patch up the player and pump them full of painkillers. The 2. THE KICK-OFF 11 to catch or pick-up the ball, or attempt to interfere with a pass.
The coach of the kicking team places
player is removed from the Casualty box and placed in the Reserves box. Blizzard: Apply a -1 modifier every time a player attempts to Rush an extra
the ball, then rolls both a D8 and a
• On a roll of 1-3, the apothecary’s vigorous efforts prove largely futile. The apothecary is unable to patch the player D6 to determine deviation. If the ball 12 square. Additionally, the poor visibility means that only Quick and Short
up and the original Injury table result stands. lands in the Centre Field, no passes can be attempted.
touchback is caused.
The coach on the kicking team rolls
2D6 on the Kick-off Event table.
Agency Cheerleaders 0-2 30 000 Gold Pieces
POST-GAME SEQUENCE 2 Get the Ref: Each team gains a free Bribe Inducement. This Bribe must be used before the end of the game or it is lost.
Part-Time Assistant Coaches 0-1 30 000 Gold Pieces After a match, both coaches should Time Out: If the kicking team’s turn marker is on turn 4, 5 or 6 for the half, both coaches move their turn marker back
run through the full post-game 3 one space. Otherwise, both coaches move their turn marker forward one space.
Bloodweiser Kegs 0-2 50 000 Gold Pieces sequence as outlined below:
Desperate Measures 0-5 50 000 Gold Pieces Solid Defence: D3+1 Open players on the kicking team may be removed and set up again in different locations,
Special Play Inducements 0-5 100 000 Gold Pieces The details of the game, its outcome following all of the usual set-up rules.
Extra Team Training 0-6 150 000 Gold Pieces and each team’s winnings are High Kick: One Open player on the receiving team may be moved any number of squares, regardless of their MA, and
recorded. Winnings are determined by 5 placed in the same square the ball will land in.
Bribes 0-3 100 000 Gold Pieces4
dividing the sum of both team’s Fan
Wandering Apothecaries1 0-2 100 000 Gold Pieces Factor by 2, then adding 10k gold Cheering Fans: Both coaches roll a D6 and add the number of cheerleaders on their Team Draft list. The coach with
Mortuary Assistant2 0-1 100 000 Gold Pieces pieces for each of your Touchdowns. 6 the highest total may immediately roll once on the Prayers to Nuffle table. In the case of a tie, neither coach rolls on the
Plague Doctor3 0-1 100 000 Gold Pieces Prayers to Nuffle table. Note that if you roll a result that is currently in effect, you must re-roll it.
Halfling Master Chef 0-1 300 000 Gold Pieces5 Record any changes to Dedicated Brilliant Coaching: Both coaches roll a D6 and add the number of assistant coaches on their Team Draft list. The
Mercenary Players 0-3 Prices vary Fans based on the game's outcome: 7 coach with the highest total gains one extra team re-roll for the drive ahead. If this team re-roll is not used before the
• The winner rolls a D6. If it is equal end of the drive, it is lost. In the case of a tie, neither coach gains an extra team re-roll.
1.Not available to teams that cannot hire an apothecary. 4.50,000 gold pieces for teams with 'Bribery & Corruption'.
to or greater than their current
2.Only available to 'Sylvanian Spotlight' teams. 5.100,000 gold pieces for teams with 'Halfing Thimble Cup'. Changing Weather: Make a new roll on the Weather table and apply that result. If the weather conditions are “Perfect
Dedicated Fans characteristic, it
3.Only available to 'Favoured of Nurgle' teams.
increases by 1. Otherwise the
8 Conditions” as a result of this roll, the ball will scatter before landing.
Dedicated Fans remain unchanged.
THE PRAYERS TO NUFFLE TABLE • The loser rolls a D6. If it is lower
9 Quick Snap: D3+1 Open players on the receiving team may immediately move one square in any direction.

than their current Dedicated Fans Blitz: D3+1 Open players on the kicking team may immediately activate to perform a Move action. One may perform a
characteristic it decreases by 1. 10 Blitz action and one may perform a Throw Team-mate action. If a player Falls Over or is Knocked Down, no further
Treacherous Trapdoor: Until the end of this half, every time any player
Otherwise the Dedicated Fans players can be activated and the Blitz ends immediately.
1 enters a Trapdoor square, roll a D6. On a roll of 1, the Trapdoor falls open. remain unchanged.
The player is removed from play and suffers an Injury by the Crowd. • In the event of a draw, neither team Officious Ref: Both coaches roll a D6 and add their Fan Factor to the result. The coach that rolls the lowest randomly
Friends with the Ref: Until the end of the next drive, you may treat a roll of changes their Dedicated Fans. selects one of their players from among those on the pitch. In the case of a tie, both coaches randomly select a player.
11 Roll a D6 for the selected player(s). On a roll of 2+, the player and the referee argue and come to blows. The player is
2 5 or 6 on the Argue the Call table as a “Well, When You Put It Like That…”
result and roll of 2-4 as an “I Don’t Care!” result. Placed Prone and becomes Stunned. On a roll of 1 however, the player is immediately Sent-off.
After every game of Blood Bowl
Stiletto: Randomly select one player on your team that is available to play Sevens, one player on your team will Pitch Invasion: Both coaches roll a D6 and add their Fan Factor to the result. The coach that rolls the lowest randomly
3 during the next drive and that does not have the Loner (X+) trait. Until the automatically gain a new randomly
selected skill. Either a single player of
12 selects D3 of their players from among those on the pitch. In the case of a tie, both coaches randomly select D3 of their
end of the next drive, that player gains the Stab trait.
players from among those on the pitch. All of the randomly selected players are Placed Prone and become Stunned.
your choice gains a randomly selected
Iron Man: Choose one player on your team that is available to play during Primary skill, or a single randomly
4 the next drive and that does not have the Loner (X+) trait. Until the end of
this game, that player improves their AV by 1, to a maximum of 11+.
selected player gains a randomly THE RANDOM SKILL TABLE
selected Secondary skill.
Knuckle Dusters: Choose one player on your team that is available to play
4. HIRING & FIRING 1 Catch Block Big Hand Accurate Arm Bar
5 during the next drive and that does not have the Loner (X+) trait. Until the
You may spend any amount of gold
end of the next drive, that player gains the Mighty Blow (+1) skill. 2 Diving Catch Dauntless Claws Cannoneer Brawler
from the Treasury to buy new players
or Sideline Staff. Injured players may
3 Diving Tackle Dirty Player (+1) Disturbing Presence Cloud Burster Break Tackle
Bad Habits: Randomly select D3 opposition players that are available to 1-3
be dismissed. 4 Dodge Fend Extra Arms Dump-off Grab
6 play during the next drive and that does not have the Loner (X+) trait. Until
the end of the next drive, those players gain the Loner (2+) trait. 5 Defensive Frenzy Foul Appearance Fumblerooskie Guard
If you have 100 000 gold pieces or
6 Jump Up Kick Horns Hail Mary Pass Juggernaut
Greasy Cleats: Randomly select one opposition player that is available to
more stored in your Treasury, roll a D6 1 Leap Pro Iron Hard Skin Leader Mighty Blow (+1)
7 play during the next drive. That player had their boots tampered with. Until
the end of the next drive, their MA is reduced by 1. against the Expensive Mistakes Table. 2 Safe Pair of Hands Shadowing Monstrous Mouth Nerves of Steel Multiple Block
3 Sidestep Strip Ball Prehensile Tail On the Ball Pile Driver
Blessed Statue of Nuffle: Choose one player on your team that is available 6. PREPARE FOR NEXT FIXTURE 4-6
4 Sneaky Git Sure Hands Tentacles Pass Stand Firm
8 to play during the next drive and that does not have the Loner (X+) trait. Team Value and Current Team Vale
Until the end of this game, that player gains the Pro skill. are both updated for the next fixture. 5 Sprint Tackle Two Heads Running Pass Strong Arm
6 Sure Feet Wrestle Very Long Legs Safe Pass Thick Skull

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