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Clinical Therapeutics

Volume 34, Issue 10, October 2012, Pages 2161-2173

Pharmacokinetics, bioavailability, & bioequivalence

Original research

Effects of Grapefruit and Seville Orange Juices

on the Pharmacokinetic Properties of Colchicine
in Healthy Subjects
Suman Wason MD, MBA 1, 2 , Jennifer L. DiGiacinto PharmD 3, Matthew W. Davis
MD, RPh 1, 2

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The labeling for colchicine (indicated for acute gout flares or prophylaxis)
includes strict advisories regarding drug–drug and drug–food
interactions, including warnings against consuming grapefruit or
grapefruit juice during treatment. Two of the furocoumarins in
grapefruit juice and Seville orange juice can inhibit intestinal cytochrome
P450 (CYP) isozyme 3A4 and P-glycoprotein (involved in colchicine
metabolism and transport). Severe toxicities in patients consuming these
juices while taking other drugs metabolized through these pathways have
been reported.
Two Phase I studies assessed the effects of multiple daily consumptions
of Seville orange juice or grapefruit juice on the pharmacokinetic
properties of colchicine in healthy volunteers.

Healthy volunteers were enrolled in 2 open-label, Phase I studies.
Undiluted juice (240 mL) was administered twice daily for 4 days.
Pharmacokinetic data were obtained following a single 0.6-mg dose of
colchicine before the administration of juice and again following a single
0.6-mg dose of colchicine on the final day of juice administration. In each
study, blood samples for pharmacokinetics were collected before dosing
with colchicine and at 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 12, and 24 hours postdose.
All subjects were monitored for adverse events (AEs) throughout the
confinement portion of the study and were queried at the outpatient
visits. AEs were coded according to corresponding MedDRA-coded
system organ classes.

Forty-four subjects received either grapefruit juice (72.7% male; 90.9%
white) or Seville orange juice (62.5% female; 100% white). Although it is
considered to be a moderate concentration-dependent CYP3A4 inhibitor,
grapefruit juice did not significantly affect the pharmacokinetic
parameters of colchicine. When colchicine was administered with Seville
orange juice, a moderate inhibitor, Cmax and AUC were decreased by
∼24% and ∼20%, respectively. Seville orange juice also caused, on
average, a 1-hour delay in Tmax. Colchicine in combination with
grapefruit or Seville orange juice was well tolerated. There were no
significant treatment-related AEs reported, and the most likely AEs were
general gastrointestinal events.

In contrast to label warnings based on the literature, grapefruit juice did
not affect the pharmacokinetics of colchicine. Seville orange juice
paradoxically reduced absorption of colchicine and increased Tmax, but
the clinical significance of this is unknown. Contrary to the expected
effects of inhibiting the enzymes that metabolize colchicine, neither juice
increased exposure to colchicine. However, the absence of a positive
control in these studies dictates that caution should be used when
applying these results clinically. identifiers:
NCT00960193 and NCT00984009.
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Key words
colchicine; drug interaction; grapefruit juice; pharmacokinetics;
Seville orange juice

Consumption of citrus products in the United States is common, and
grapefruit is consumed for its health benefits as a citrus fruit that is low
in calories and rich in vitamin C, potassium, and dietary fiber. The
potential for grapefruit juice to interact with medications was first
discovered in 1989.1 It was subsequently reported that healthy subjects
who took the calcium channel antagonist felodipine with grapefruit juice
had higher felodipine plasma concentrations than did those who took the
drug with water; the higher plasma felodipine concentrations resulted in
a more pronounced effect of felodipine in terms of decreased blood
pressure and other untoward effects after ingesting as little as a single
240-mL glass of grapefruit juice.2 It has since been established and well
documented in the published literature that grapefruit juice is a
mechanism-based inhibitor of intestinal, and not hepatic, cytochrome
P450 (CYP) 3A4 isozyme (intestinal first-pass metabolism).3 Grapefruit
juice can cause increases in oral bioavailability and prolongation in the
elimination half-life of a wide range of other drugs that are CYP3A4
substrates, which can result in increased systemic drug exposure (for
recent reviews, see Seden et al,4 Won et al,5 and Hanley et al6). It has also
been reported that Seville orange juice has the same potential as does
grapefruit juice for causing food–drug interactions due to the inhibition
of intestinal CYP3A4.7 Both grapefruit juice and Seville orange juice
contain furocoumarins, of which bergamottin and 6′,7′-
dihydroxybergamottin are the main constituents and are presumed to be
the primary compounds effecting CYP3A4 inhibition.7 Both grapefruit
and Seville oranges are believed to be hybrids of pomelo (pummello),8 the
juice of which also contains furocoumarins at concentrations similar to
those in grapefruit juice.9 Medications metabolized by intestinal CYP3A4
enzyme have either a low oral bioavailability or are known to be narrow
therapeutic index drugs and are more likely to have clinically significant
interactions when coadministered with grapefruit juice and/or Seville
orange juice.
Gout, once viewed as a condition of wealthy, overindulging, overweight
men, now affects >8.3 million Americans (3.9% of the adult population).10
Gout is a painful and progressive disease that, if inadequately treated,
may lead to joint destruction and deformity, with severely compromised
quality of life. In most patients experiencing a flare, recurrent flares are
likely and, if untreated, are associated with an increased frequency and
severity of flares.11 The increase in the prevalence of gout has been linked
to increased longevity (urate levels rise with age) and unhealthy dietary
and lifestyle trends.12 The prevalences of associated comorbidities,
including obesity, hypertension, metabolic syndrome, and type 2 diabetes
mellitus, have also increased. Therefore, patients with gout often have a
number of other concomitant conditions that also require medications.

Colchicine is a substrate of P-glycoprotein (P-gp),13 a key protein involved

in the multidrug resistance (MDR-1) transport system located in the cell
membranes of numerous tissues, and is excreted by both renal and
hepatic mechanisms involving P-gp efflux of colchicine across
membranes.14, 15 P-gp also plays a role in the known incomplete
absorption of colchicine (mean absolute bioavailability, ∼45%).16 P-gp–
mediated secretion into the intestine and reabsorption/biliary
recirculation occur, as evidenced by secondary peak plasma
concentrations and the excretion of parent colchicine in feces.16, 17, 18
Absorbed colchicine is metabolized to a lesser extent (<5%) into inactive
oxidative metabolites by intestinal and hepatic CYP3A4.17, 18

Colchicine, used for >200 years to treat acute gout flares, plays a pivotal
role in both the treatment of gout flares as well as long-term prophylaxis.
The approved dosing regimen for acute gout attacks requires a single
dose of 1.2 mg to be taken immediately on the first signs of an acute flare,
followed by a 0.6-mg dose 1 hour later, and the regimen for prophylaxis is
0.6 mg once or twice daily.

Colchicine is generally well tolerated when used at low doses, although

its therapeutic index is relatively narrow. Any interaction that results in
increased plasma colchicine concentrations can potentially lead to
toxicity that may be severe and dangerous. One established cause of
severe colchicine-induced toxicity is the coadministration of colchicine
with other drugs that inhibit the metabolism of colchicine. Patients with
gout are often obese and/or have various comorbidities (eg, renal
impairment, metabolic syndrome, diabetes mellitus, dyslipidemia,
cardiovascular disease) that require medical treatment with other
modalities,19, 20, 21 which can increase the risk for drug–drug
interactions. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Adverse Event
Reporting System database has reported that when colchicine is
coadministered with certain P-gp or CYP3A4 inhibitors, the risk for
serious adverse events (AEs), including fatalities and life-threatening
conditions, is increased.22

As a part of the colchicine drug-development program to identify other

coadministered drugs and foods that may alter colchicine concentrations,
and to further provide clinicians with improved prescribing information
in the product labeling, a series of drug–drug and food–drug interaction
studies have been conducted by the only manufacturer of FDA-approved
colchicine. The intent was to provide clear colchicine dose-adjustment
guidelines to be used in patients in whom colchicine is combined with
various CYP3A4 enzyme and/or P-gp transport inhibitors.23 Two food–
drug interaction studies were included in this program; each evaluated
the effects of multiple daily consumptions of grapefruit juice or Seville
orange juice on the pharmacokinetic properties of a single 0.6-mg oral
dose of colchicine in healthy adult volunteers. The results of these 2
studies are reported here.

The 2 separate studies—study 1 (grapefruit juice) and study 2 (Seville
orange juice)—followed similar protocols. The primary objective of each
study was to determine the effects of multiple daily consumptions of
grapefruit juice or Seville orange juice (240 mL twice daily for 4
consecutive days) on the pharmacokinetic properties of a single 0.6-mg
oral dose of colchicine administered to healthy adult subjects under
fasting conditions. The secondary objective of each study was to assess
the tolerability of a single 0.6-mg oral dose of colchicine administered
with and without multiple daily consumptions of grapefruit juice or
Seville orange juice.

An extraction procedure using solid-phase extraction and analysis of the

extract by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-
MS/MS) was developed and validated for the determination of colchicine
in human plasma containing K2-EDTA as the anticoagulant. The
standard curve ranged from 0.2000 to 40.00 ng/mL. Standards and quality
control (QC) samples were thawed, mixed on a vortex mixer, spiked with
internal standard (colchicine-d3), and extracted. The extracts were dried
under nitrogen, reconstituted, and analyzed using an API 5000 LC-
MS/MS equipped with a turbo ion spray source. The multiple reaction
monitoring mode was used to monitor the precursor and product ions
for the analytes, colchicine, and the internal standard. The analyte and
internal standard peak areas were exported to Watson LIMS (Thermo
Fisher Scientific Inc., Rochester, New York) to create a calibration curve
using weighted (1/x) least squares regression fit to a linear model. The
concentrations of the standards, QCs, and samples were calculated using
Watson LIMS.

The validity of each batch run during subject analysis was determined by
evaluating the accuracy of standards and QCs. A batch run was accepted if
the standards and QCs passed acceptability criteria. The accuracy and
precision of the validation of the bioanalytical method for colchicine was
accomplished by analyzing 3 standard curves prepared in human plasma
and consisting of 9 concentrations prepared in duplicate in 3 separate
batches. QCs were also prepared to assess accuracy, precision, and
stability. The standard curve concentrations ranged from 0.2000 to 40.00
ng/mL. The concentrations of the QCs were 0.2000, 0.6000, 3.200, 16.00,
and 32.00 ng/mL.

Accuracy was defined as the difference between the mean of a set of results
and the “true” value (reported as a percentage; %bias). Precision was
defined as the %CV of individual replicates from the calculated values.
The between-batch accuracy for standards was between 98.57% and
101.92%, while precision was ≤5.60%. The between-batch accuracy of QCs
was between 101.17% and 106.22%, while precision was ≤6.38%. The
between-batch accuracy for standards was between 98.57% and 101.92%,
while precision was ≤5.60%. The between-batch accuracy of QCs was
between 101.17% and 106.22%, while precision was ≤6.38%. Within-batch
accuracy and precision were assessed by analyzing 6 replicates of QCs at 5
different concentrations (0.2000, 0.6000, 3.200, 16.00, and 32.00 ng/mL).
The within-batch accuracy ranged from 96.75% to 109.17%, and precision
was ≤5.93%. This method was demonstrated to accurately and precisely
quantify all standards and QC samples.

Subjects in each study were recruited using identical recruitment criteria.
Nonobese (body mass index, 18–32 kg/m2) adults aged 18 to 45 years of
either sex considered healthy on the basis of medical history, physical
examination, routine laboratory tests (especially for renal and hepatic
function), vital signs, and ECG were eligible for entry into the studies. All
subjects had to be nonsmokers (including use of nicotine-containing
products) for ≥6 months. Women had to be surgically sterile
(hysterectomy or bilateral oophorectomy) or had undergone bilateral
tubal ligation ≥6 months before study entry, be sexually inactive for ≥14
days before the first dose and throughout the study, have sexual activity
restricted to a partner who had undergone surgical sterilization ≥6
months prior, or undertake a reliable method of contraception (oral,
injectable, topical, or intravaginal hormone contraception for ≥3 months;
nonhormonal intrauterine device for ≥3 months and throughout the
study; or a barrier method with spermicide for ≥14 days before the first
dose and throughout the study). Exclusion criteria included known
allergy to colchicine; inability to consume, or food allergy to, grapefruit
juice or Seville orange juice (depending on the study); history or presence
of significant cardiovascular, pulmonary, hepatic, gallbladder or biliary
tract, renal, hematologic, gastrointestinal (GI), endocrine, immunologic,
dermatologic, neurologic, or psychiatric disease; use of any drugs or
substances known to inhibit CYP enzymes and/or P-gp in the 4 weeks
before the first dose and throughout the study; positive test result for
HIV or hepatitis B or C at screening; history or evidence of alcoholism or
drug abuse in the previous 2 years; active sexually transmitted disease;
use of a special diet in the 4 weeks before the first dose; reported
difficulty in fasting or consuming standardized meals; hemoglobin <11.5
g/dL; inadequate venous access for repeated venipuncture; blood
donation of 50 to 499 mL within 4 weeks and >499 mL within 8 weeks
before the first dose; blood donation of >500 mL in 2 weeks, >1500 mL in
6 months, or >2500 mL in 1 year at completion of the study; donation of
plasma in the 4 weeks before the first dose; participation in any other
clinical trial within 4 weeks before the first dose; and pregnancy or
breastfeeding in women.

Study Design
The subjects were recruited and studied at a single US clinical study
center (Cetero Research, Fargo, North Dakota), and the study protocols
received approval from the institutional review board at PRACS Institute,
Ltd (Fargo, North Dakota). All subjects provided written informed
consent before participation in the studies, which were conducted in
accordance with the US Code of Federal Regulations and International
Conference on Harmonisation Guidelines for Good Clinical Practice and
adhered to the ethical principles of the Declaration of Helsinki.

The design of each study was identical except for the type of citrus juice
administered (grapefruit juice vs Seville orange juice) (Figure 1). These
Phase I, open-label, nonrandomized, 1-sequence, 2-period
pharmacokinetic food–drug interaction studies evaluated the effects of
the consumption of 240 mL of citrus juice (grapefruit juice or Seville
orange juice in the respective studies) twice daily for 4 consecutive days
on the single-dose pharmacokinetic properties of colchicine (0.6-mg
tablet) in a fasting state. Following a 4-week screening period (days −28 to
−2), subjects were treated with colchicine 0.6 mg given with 240 mL of
water on the morning of day 1 at 7:15 AM. After a washout period ≥14 days,
subjects received citrus juice (grapefruit juice or Seville orange juice) 240
mL twice daily on days 15 to 18 at 7:15 AM and 7:15 PM; when not confined,
the subjects visited the clinic on a nonconfined basis to receive
administration of citrus juices. Study subjects then received a single dose
of colchicine 0.6 mg in combination with 240 mL of citrus juice on the
morning of day 18. Subjects were admitted to the clinical facility for ∼36
hours (∼12 hours before dosing and through ∼24 hours after dosing) for
each period of colchicine dosing alone and in combination with citrus
juices (days −1 to 2 and days 17 to 19, respectively). Subjects were dosed in
pairs at 1-minute intervals as a single cohort and in the same sequence
during each test period. Colchicine doses were administered after
completing an overnight fast (10 hours). Compliance was confirmed by
oral cavity and hand inspection. No food was permitted until ≥4 hours
after dosing. During clinic confinement on days 1 and 18, standardized
meals and beverages (free from grapefruit, xanthine- and caffeine-
containing products) were provided at 4:25 AM and 10:25 AM, and a
standardized snack was provide at 2:25 PM, after colchicine
administrations. Meals and snacks were identical during each study
period. Water was allowed ad libitum starting 2 hours after colchicine
administration. Grapefruit juice was administered as a commercial brand
Thirster 100% Grapefruit Juice (Rituals Coffee Co, Columbia, Maryland;
lot no.: L 504; expiration date, February 6, 2009), and Seville orange juice
was provided as hand-squeezed juice from fresh Seville oranges that was
sweetened with 1 tablespoon of aspartame (Equal, The Merisant
Company, Chicago, Illinois) to ensure patient compliance. Seville orange
juice was obtained by soaking Seville oranges in tepid water for 20
minutes, at which time the rind was removed using a peeler. After
removal of the rind, the oranges were then put into a juicer, where the
pulp was separated from the rest of the juice. Once juicing was complete,
all Seville orange juice was batch frozen to −20°C. The necessary amount
of orange juice was removed from the freezer and thawed to room
temperature 24 hours prior to administration. Grapefruit juice was
refrigerated at 2.8°C to 4.5°C (37°F to 40°F) until dispensed. Neither juice
was analyzed for inhibitory components.
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Figure 1. Study design.

Subjects were instructed not to take prescription medications, over-the-

counter medications, herbal products, or vitamins or supplements in
suprapharmacologic doses for 28 days before the first dose of study
medication and throughout the study. They were also instructed to
abstain from consuming products containing caffeine, xanthine, and
alcohol for 48 hours and grapefruit or grapefruit-containing products
(apart from scheduled study consumption) for 14 days before the first
study dose and throughout the study. They were requested to refrain
from engaging in strenuous activities at any time during the confinement

Subjects were free to withdraw from the study at any time for any reason.
Furthermore, subjects could be withdrawn by the investigator in the case
of unnecessary risk, AEs, or noncompliance.

Medical history, physical examination, vital signs, 12-lead ECG, routine

laboratory testing, serum pregnancy screening, and urinary drug
screening were performed during the screening period (days −28 to −2).
Medical history, physical examination, vital sign measurements, routine
laboratory testing, serum pregnancy screening, and urinary drug
screening were reassessed at confinement to the clinic on the day before
colchicine dosing (days −1 and 17) and at discharge from the clinic at the
end of the study (day 22). Urinary drug screening was repeated on day −1.
Seated blood pressure and heart rate were measured with the patient in a
seated position for ≥5 minutes immediately before colchicine dosing and
at 1, 2, and 3 hours postdose on days 1 and 18.

Single-dose colchicine 0.6 mg has been studied in several

pharmacokinetic and drug–drug interaction studies23 completed by the
sponsor and, furthermore, total colchicine exposure following a single
0.6-mg dose increased by ∼12% to 200% on the basis of Cmax (maximal
observed plasma concentration) and 40% to 240% on the basis of AUC
values when given with several known CYP3A4 and P-gp inhibitors.23
These studies were completed without significant treatment-related AEs,
with the most likely AEs being general GI events. In addition, the risk for
any serious AEs was considered low, especially given the study entry
criteria. Administration of citrus juices (240 mL twice daily for 4 days) has
been established in other published drug–food interaction studies to be
sufficient for detecting any potential effect on a substrate drug.23 It
should be noted that a positive control was not used in either study.

Pharmacokinetic Measurements
Methods of pharmacokinetic measurement were identical in each study.
Blood (6-mL aliquots) was taken by direct venipuncture before dosing
(time 0) and at 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 12, and 24 hours postdose on days
1 and 18 (during confinement) and at 36, 48, 72, and 96 hours postdose
(returning to the clinic on a nonconfined basis). All blood samples (192
mL) were collected into K2-EDTA tubes, kept on ice, and then centrifuged
at ∼2500g at 4°C for 15 minutes. Plasma samples were stored at −20°C or
colder and transferred to the bioanalytical laboratory (Cetero Research),
where they were assayed, by personnel masked as to the study details or
sequence, for colchicine using a validated method of LC-MS/MS.

Pharmacokinetic properties were determined using WinNonlin version

5.0.1 (Pharsight, Mountain View, California) using standard
noncompartmental methods to determine the following
pharmacokinetic parameters: Cmax, Tmax, AUC0−t (calculated by the linear
trapezoidal method), AUC0−∞ (calculated as AUC0−t + Ct/kel, where kel is
the terminal elimination rate constant), kel (apparent first-order terminal
elimination rate calculated from a semi-log plot of the plasma
concentration versus time curve calculated by linear least squares
regression analysis using the maximal number of points in the terminal
log-linear phase [eg, ≥3 nonzero plasma concentrations]), t½ (apparent
first-order terminal elimination half-life, calculated as 0.693/kel), CL/F
(apparent total body clearance, calculated as the dose/AUC0−∞), and
Varea/F (apparent total volume of distribution, calculated as the
dose/[AUC0−∞ × kel]). Samples with significant deviation from protocol-
schedule times were not included in the analysis.

Statistical Analysis
Statistical analysis was identical in each study. No formal sample size
determination was performed. However, it was estimated that 24 subjects
would be adequate based on sample sizes used in other published drug–
food interaction studies with citrus juices.23 It has also been reported to
be sufficient for detecting significant interactions with colchicine in
drug–drug interaction studies undertaken by the sponsor.23

Descriptive statistics were used to summarize the pharmacokinetic data.

ANOVA were performed using the SAS General Linear Model (GLM)
procedure on the log (ln)-transformed geometric mean colchicine AUC0–
t, AUC0−∞, and Cmax comparing administration of colchicine with and
without citrus juice. The ANOVA model included study drug as a fixed
effect and subject as a random effect. Each ANOVA included calculation
of least squares means (LSM), the difference between study drug LSM and
the SE associated with this difference. Ninety percent CIs for the ratios
were derived by exponentiation of the CI obtained for the difference
between study drug LSM resulting from the analyses on the ln-
transformed geometric mean AUC0–t, AUC0−∞, and Cmax values. The
Wilcoxon signed rank test statistic was used to analyze Tmax, with a P
value <0.05 considered as significant.

In study 1 (grapefruit juice), all subjects received the first dose of study
medication on September 13, 2008, and the last pharmacokinetic blood
sample was collected on October 4, 2008. In study 2 (Seville orange juice),
all subjects received the first dose of study medication on February 19,
2009, and the last pharmacokinetic blood sample was collected on March
9, 2009.

A total of 22 subjects initiated study 1 (grapefruit juice) and 24 subjects

initiated study 2 (Seville orange juice). Despite the protocol requiring 24
participants in each study, the lower number recruited in study 1 was not
considered to have significantly affected the determination of the effect
of consecutive grapefruit juice administrations on single-dose colchicine
concentrations. Subjects enrolled in either study and who took ≥1 dose of
study drug were included in the overall tolerability evaluations for the
relevant study.
One subject was discontinued from each study due to missing a morning
consumption of citrus juice, which was considered a major protocol
violation, in the second period of the study. Therefore, 21 subjects in
study 1 (grapefruit juice) and 23 subjects in study 2 (Seville orange juice)
had paired pharmacokinetic data analyzed in the statistical ANOVA.
There were no other major protocol deviations. Of the number of minor
protocol deviations that occurred during the conduct of both studies,
none were considered to have had an effect on the interpretation of the
study results.

The demographic characteristics of each protocol population in each

study are summarized in Table I. In study 1 (grapefruit juice), the
majority of the subjects were male (72.7%) and white (90.9%). In study 2
(Seville orange juice), the majority of the subjects were female (62.5%),
and all were white.

Table I. Baseline demographic characteristics of the subjects in the studies

of the effects of grapefruit and Seville orange juices on the
pharmacokinetic properties of colchicine.

Grapefruit Juice (Study 1) (n = Seville Orange Juice (Study 2) (n =

Characteristic 22) 24)

Age, mean (range), y 26.9 (21–45) 25.8 (18–40)

Sex, no. (%)

 Male 16 (72.7) 9 (37.5)

 Female 6 (27.3) 15 (62.5)

Ethnicity, no. (%)

 White 20 (90.9) 24 (100)

 Black 2 (9.1) 0

Height, mean (range), in. 70.3 (61.3–75.5) 67.9 (61.9–75.2)

Weight, mean (range), lb 180.3 (128–235.5) 161.8 (116.5–240.0)

Body mass index, mean (range),

lb/in2 25.5 (20.6–31.3) 24.5 (19.2–30.6)

Pharmacokinetic Properties of Colchicine Administered With

and Without Grapefruit Juice (Study 1)
Plasma concentration versus time curves for colchicine appeared
remarkably similar after administration with and without grapefruit juice
(Figure 2A). Nontransformed, arithmetic pharmacokinetic parameters
comparing colchicine administered with and without grapefruit juice are
summarized in Table II. There were scant apparent differences in the
pharmacokinetic properties of colchicine administered with and without
grapefruit juice. Consumption of grapefruit juice slightly decreased the
arithmetic mean colchicine Cmax (1.97 vs 2.17 ng/mL, respectively),
AUC0−t (8.82 vs 9.33 ng  ·  h/mL), AUC0−∞ (10.85 vs 11.08 ng  ·  h/mL), and
kel (0.153 vs 0.171 h–1) and increased Varea/F (433.1 vs 363.9 L). Median
colchicine Tmax was significantly increased with grapefruit juice
consumption (1.5 vs 1.0 hour; P = 0.0156).

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Figure 2. Mean plasma colchicine concentrations after the administration

of a single oral dose of colchicine 0.6 mg with (A) grapefruit juice (n = 21)
and (B) Seville orange juice (n = 23) in healthy subjects.

Table II. Pharmacokinetic properties of colchicine after the

administration of a single oral dose of colchicine 0.6 mg with and
without grapefruit juice in healthy subjects (n = 21).

Colchicine With Grapefruit Juice Colchicine Without Grapefruit Juice

(Test) (Reference)

Property Mean (SD) %CV Mean (SD) %CV

AUC0−t, ng  ·  h/mL 8.82 (3.00) 34.04 9.33 (3.37) 36.10

AUC0−∞, ng  ·  h/mL 10.85 (4.14) 38.14 11.08 (3.95) 35.64

Cmax, ng/mL 1.97 (0.40) 20.23 2.17 (0.65) 30.05

Tmax, h 1.5 (1.0–3.0) – 1.0 (1.0–2.0)

kel, h–1 0.153 (0.05) 34.78 0.171 (0.05) 29.22

t½, h 5.58 (3.51) 62.79† 4.64 (2.52) 54.29†

Varea/F, L 433.1 (117.2) 27.1 363.9 (97.34) 26.75

CL/F, L/h 62.18 (21.42) 34.45 60.25 (21.26) 35.29

Weight-adjusted CL/F, 0.76 (0.29) 37.88 0.74 (0.30) 40.60


CL/F = apparent total body clearance; kel = apparent first-order terminal elimination
rate constant; Varea/F = apparent total volume of distribution.

Median (range).

An underestimation because the majority of plasma concentrations were not
quantifiable by 24 hours postdose.

The following statistical analyses were undertaken to determine whether

a clinically significant food–drug interaction was present in accordance
with FDA guidelines.24 The ln-transformed geometric mean Cmax, AUC0–
t,and AUC0−∞ values for colchicine administered with and without
grapefruit juice are summarized in Table III. The associated 90% CI of
the ratios of the ln-transformed geometric means for Cmax, AUC0–t, and
AUC0−∞ were within the FDA-accepted interval defining “no interaction”
(80%–125%), suggesting that no food–drug interaction is present when
colchicine and grapefruit juice are coadministered.
Table III. Geometric mean ln-transformed pharmacokinetic properties of
colchicine after the administration of a single oral dose of colchicine 0.6
mg with and without grapefruit juice in healthy subjects (n = 21).

Colchicine With Colchicine Without Grapefruit % Ratio

Property Grapefruit Juice (Test) Juice (Reference) (Test/Reference) 90% CI

AUC0−t, ng  ·  8.35 8.81 94.85 86.47–

h/mL 104.04

AUC0−∞, ng 10.21 10.50 97.26 88.08–

 ·  h/mL 107.40

Cmax, ng/mL 1.93 2.07 93.25 83.07–


Pharmacokinetic Properties of Colchicine Administered With

and Without Seville Orange Juice (Study 2)
Plasma concentration versus time curves for colchicine after
administration with and without Seville orange juice showed marked
differences (Figure 2B). Nontransformed, arithmetic pharmacokinetic
properties comparing colchicine administered with and without Seville
orange juice are summarized in Table IV. Both Cmax and AUC appeared
to have decreased during coadministration with Seville orange juice.
Consumption of Seville orange juice decreased arithmetic mean
colchicine Cmax (1.67 vs 2.33 ng/mL, respectively), AUC0−t (7.63 vs 10.26 ng
 ·  h/mL), AUC0−∞ (9.15 vs 12.07 ng  ·  h/mL), and t½ (4.91 vs 5.54 hours)
and increased CL/F (70.14 vs 57.03 L/h) and Varea/F (472.2 vs 413.7 L).
Median colchicine Tmax was significantly increased by Seville orange
juice consumption (2.0 vs 1.0 hour; P < 0.0001). It should be noted that the
t½ and CL/F were poorly estimated because the terminal elimination
slope could not be estimated.

Table IV. Pharmacokinetic properties of colchicine after the

administration of a single oral dose of colchicine 0.6 mg with and
without Seville orange juice in healthy subjects (n = 23).

Property Colchicine With Seville Orange Colchicine Without Seville Orange Juice
Juice (Test) (Reference)
Property Mean (SD)
Colchicine %CV
With Seville Orange Mean
Colchicine (SD) Seville Orange
Without %CVJuice
Juice (Test) (Reference)

Mean (SD) %CV Mean (SD) %CV

AUC0−t, ng  ·  h/mL 7.63 (2.68) 35.08 10.26 (4.31) 41.98

AUC0−∞, ng  ·  h/mL 9.15 (2.74) 29.99 12.07 (4.66) 38.59

Cmax, ng/mL 1.67 (0.42) 25.38 2.33 (0.98) 42.09

Tmax, h 2.0 (1.5–3.0) – 1.0 (0.5–2.0) –

kel, h–1 0.155 (0.04) 26.55 0.146 (0.05) 37.32

t½, h 4.91 (1.87) 38.09 5.54 (2.39) 43.18

Varea/F, L 472.2 (120.4) 25.49 413.7 (137.1) 33.13

CL/F, L/h 70.14 (17.07) 24.34 57.03 (22.01) 38.60

Weight-adjusted CL/F, 0.99 (0.32) 32.03 0.80 (0.30) 37.34


CL/F = apparent total body clearance; kel = apparent first-order terminal elimination
rate constant; Varea/F = apparent total volume of distribution.

Median (range).

The ln-transformed geometric mean Cmax, AUC0−t, and AUC0−∞ values

for colchicine administered with and without Seville orange juice are
summarized in Table V. Peak exposure (Cmax) and extent of exposure
(AUC values) for colchicine were decreased by ∼25% and ∼20%,
respectively, during coadministration with Seville orange juice. The 90%
CI ratios of the ln-transformed geometric means for Cmax, AUC0−t, and
AUC0−∞ were outside of the FDA-accepted interval for “no interaction”
(80%–125%), suggesting that a clinically significant food–drug interaction
was present when colchicine and Seville orange juice were

Table V. Geometric mean ln-transformed pharmacokinetic properties of

colchicine after the administration of a single oral dose of colchicine 0.6
mg with and without Seville orange juice in healthy subjects (n = 23).
Colchicine With Seville Colchicine Without Seville % Ratio 90%
Property Orange Juice (Test) Orange Juice (Reference) (Test/Reference) CI

AUC0−t, ng 7.25 9.42 76.99 65.14–

 ·  h/mL 90.99

AUC0−∞, ng 8.97 11.34 79.07 69.15–

 ·  h/mL 90.40

Cmax, ng/mL 1.62 2.12 76.24 65.83–


All subjects were monitored for AEs throughout the confinement portion
of the study and queried during the nonconfinement visits. Blood
pressure (sitting for ≥5 minutes) and pulse were measured prior to dosing
(time 0) and at 1, 2, and 3 hours postdose on days 1 and 18, as well as at
screening, each check-in, and study exit (day 19 or early termination). All
subjects underwent clinical laboratory testing, including hematology,
biochemistry, urinalysis, and in women, pregnancy testing at screening,
baseline, period 2 check-in (day 17), and prior to discharge from the study
(urinalysis was not done at discharge). A full physical examination was
performed at screening, with targeted physical examinations conducted
at baseline, day 18, and study discharge if needed in response to AEs or
changes in medical history.

Treatment-emergent AEs, defined as those with onset coinciding with, or

subsequent to, the administration of the drug, are summarized in Table
VI. There were no reports of serious AEs, discontinuations because of
AEs, or deaths. All AEs were mild or moderate in intensity. There were no
clear between-treatment differences in either study. In study 1,
treatment-emergent AEs were reported in 2 and 1 patients who received
colchicine with and without grapefruit juice, respectively. In study 2, a
higher percentage of subjects receiving colchicine without Seville orange
juice experienced treatment-emergent AEs compared with colchicine
administered with Seville orange juice (20.8% vs 4.3%). However, 2 of the
5 subjects receiving colchicine without Seville orange juice had multiple
AEs related to upper respiratory infection (cough/diarrhea/headache and
pharyngolaryngeal pain/headache, respectively) and were considered not
related to treatment. There was a report of mild dyspepsia and diarrhea
in 1 subject (4.2%). There were no reports of treatment-related GI effects.
No consistent changes were reported during the study with respect to
laboratory values, vital sign measurements, or physical findings.
Treatment-emergent abnormalities were unremarkable, and none of the
values were outside of normal limits, clinically significant, or directly
attributable to the study medication.

Table VI. Treatment-emergent adverse events following oral

administration of a single dose of colchicine 0.6 mg alone and in
combination with citrus juice (grapefruit or Seville orange) to healthy

No. of Subjects Experiencing AEs (%)

Study 1 Study 2

Colchicine 0.6 Colchicine 0.6 mg + Colchicine 0.6 Colchicine 0.6 mg +

mg Alone (N = Grapefruit Juice (N = mg Alone (N = Seville Orange Juice (N
AE 22) 21) 24) = 23)

Any AE 1 (4.5) 2 (9.5) 5 (20.8) 1 (4.3)

AE by preferred

 Headache 1 (4.5) 0 2 (8.3) 1 (4.3)

 Cough 0 1 (4.8) 2 (8.3) 0

 Dyspepsia 0 0 1 (4.2) 0

 Diarrhea 0 1 (4.8) 1 (4.2) 0

 Chest congestion 0 1 (4.8) 0 0

 Pharyngolaryngeal 0 1 (4.8) 1 (4.3) 1 (4.3)


 Pyrexia 0 0 1 (4.2) 0

 Pain 0 0 1 (4.2) 0

MedDRA = Medical Dictionary for Regulatory Affairs.

According to MedDRA Version 10.1.

Consumption of grapefruit juice (240 mL twice daily for 4 consecutive
days) had no statistically or clinically significant effects on the
pharmacokinetic properties of colchicine following the oral
administration of a single 0.6-mg dose in healthy subjects in a fasted state
except for a marginal but statistically significant increase in median Tmax,
from 1.0 to 1.5 hours (P = 0.0156). Paradoxically, consumption of Seville
orange juice (240 mL twice daily for 4 consecutive days) decreased
colchicine Cmax and overall total colchicine exposure (AUC values) by
∼25% and ∼20%, respectively, on the basis of ln-transformed geometric
mean values. Median colchicine Tmax was also significantly increased,
from 1.0 to 2.0 hours (P < 0.0001), delayed by ∼1 hour during Seville
orange juice consumption. The clinical significance of this finding is
unknown. The findings of these 2 studies were unexpected, because
previous studies and case reports in the literature indicated that both
citrus juices would be expected to increase systemic colchicine exposures.

Mechanistically, it has been well established in the published literature

that grapefruit juice is an inhibitor of the intestinal CYP3A4 and can lead
to clinically significant interaction with certain drugs that are CYP3A4
substrates (eg, felodipine, amiodarone, atorvastatin), resulting in
increased systemic exposure (for recent reviews, see Seden et al,4 Won et
al,5 and Hanley et al6). This is believed to be the primary mechanism by
which grapefruit juice can increase systemic drug exposure. Bergamottin
and 6′,7′-dihydroxybergamottin are believed to be the main compounds
effecting CYP3A4 inhibition induced by grapefruit juice and similarly by
Seville orange juice.7 However, it has also been suggested that inhibition
of intestinal P-gp may also be involved in grapefruit juice–drug
interactions, resulting in increased systemic exposure. Indeed, grapefruit
juice has been reported to inhibit P-gp–mediated efflux transport of
colchicine in vitro.25 More recently, these investigators have reported that
GI absorption of colchicine is decreased throughout the small intestine
by the combined effects of P-gp and multidrug resistance–associated
protein 2 transepithelial efflux dominating the GI permeability process.26
The clinical relevance of this is not known because these findings have
not been reproduced in human subjects or in patients with known P-gp

The paradoxical decrease in colchicine exposure during coadministration

with Seville orange juice was unexpected and raises a number of
questions. Other mechanisms have been implicated in interactions of
citrus juice (grapefruit juice or sweet orange juice) with medications,
including inhibition of uptake transporters such as organic anion-
transporting polypeptides (OATPs) (for reviews, see Bailey,27 Seden et al,4
Won et al,5 and Hanley et al6). Grapefruit juice and sweet orange juice
have been reported to inhibit OATP-mediated drug transport in vitro.28,
29 Naringin has been reported to be one of the components of grapefruit
juice involved in OATP inhibition.30 Inhibition of OATP-mediated
enterocyte drug uptake (ie, active GI absorption) by grapefruit juice
and/or sweet orange juice has been reported to significantly decrease
peak exposures and extent of systemic exposures of certain drugs that
undergo active OATP-mediated GI absorption (eg, fexofenadine,28
celiprolol,31 talinolol,32 atenolol,33 aliskiren,34 ciprofloxacin,35 and

It is unknown whether colchicine undergoes OATP-mediated GI

absorption. Furthermore, grapefruit juice had no effect on the
pharmacokinetic properties of colchicine in the present study. It might
be hypothesized that some other, unknown component of Seville orange
juice not present in grapefruit juice might be responsible for inhibition
of colchicine absorption via the OATP-mediated pathway. There are few
studies on the interaction of Seville orange juice with agents apart from
felodipine,7 where it behaves similarly to grapefruit juice. In addition,
there have been few studies on the composition of Seville orange juice,
although the furocoumarin bergapten has been identified as a
component of Seville orange juice, which is not a constituent in
grapefruit juice.7 These investigators suggested that Seville orange juice
appears to selectively inhibit intestinal CYP3A4 (and not P-gp), whereas
grapefruit juice inhibits both intestinal CYP3A4 and P-gp.7 Both Cmax
and AUC were significantly decreased during coadministration of Seville
orange juice in the present study (ln-transformed geometric mean Cmax
and AUC values were reduced by ∼25% and ∼20%, respectively). Other
PK parameters affected during concurrent administration of colchicine
and Seville orange juice include Tmax, which was increased by 1 hour

Despite no findings of clinically significant interaction between

grapefruit juice consumption and the single-dose pharmacokinetic
properties of colchicine in this study, the FDA has maintained that
grapefruit juice is a moderate CYP3A4 inhibitor in the drug labeling for
approved colchicine, which necessitates adjusted, lower doses of
colchicine because of a potential for increased systemic colchicine
exposure and AEs. Specific recommendations for dosing adjustments
when using colchicine together with moderate CYP3A4 inhibitors (eg,
grapefruit juice) in the prophylaxis or treatment of patients with gout
flares are available in the full prescribing information. Alternatively,
normal doses of colchicine can be used, but grapefruit-containing
products should be avoided.37

Review of the literature reveals few data regarding the potential for
interaction between colchicine and grapefruit juice. A single case report
of near-fatal acute colchicine toxicity with concurrent consumption of
grapefruit juice was reported in an 8-year-old girl with familial
Mediterranean fever.38 This patient had been prescribed colchicine 2
mg/d for 10 months and, during the 2 months preceding hospital
admission, was ingesting 1000 mL/d of grapefruit juice. She developed
fever, recurrent vomiting, severe abdominal pain, and a sore throat. She
was hospitalized 2 days later for an acute attack of familial Mediterranean
fever. By day 2, the patient developed circulatory shock and pancytopenia,
requiring intubation, fluid support, inotropic agents, fresh frozen
plasma, vitamin K, and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor. The
patient's clinical condition improved and stabilized during the following
days. Delayed pathologies present in the second week of hospitalization
included practically total alopecia, atonic falls, weakness, and an elevated
white blood cell count, with no signs of infection. These symptoms
resolved by the patient's discharge from the hospital on day 24. Based on
a thorough search of the published literature, there have been no other
reports concerning the potential interaction between grapefruit juice and
colchicine to the authors' knowledge.

In consideration of the fact that a positive control was not used in either
study, based on mechanism of action as a moderate CYP3A4 inhibitor,
grapefruit juice unexpectedly did not affect the pharmacokinetic
properties of colchicine. Paradoxically, Seville orange juice reduced Cmax
and AUC and increased Tmax. Colchicine administered in combination
with either juice was well tolerated.

Conflicts of Interest
The data and information presented in this manuscript was developed in
accordance with the PRISM (PRogram to Improve the Safety of
Medication) initiative (URL Pharma, Inc, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania). The
provider of study funding did not have influence on study design; data
collection, analysis, or interpretation; preparation or review of the report;
or the decision to submit for publication.

Dr. Wason is employed by Mutual Pharmaceutical Company, Inc, a

wholly owned subsidiary of Takeda Pharmaceuticals Company Limited.
Dr. DiGiacinto is employed by Salamandra, LLC, which provides strategic
and technical advice to the pharmaceutical industry. Dr. Davis is
employed by Mutual Pharmaceutical Company, Inc, a wholly owned
subsidiary of Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited, and is the
inventor of multiple patents pertaining to colchicine.
The authors have indicated that they have no other conflicts of interest
with regard to the content of this article.

Medical editorial assistance was provided by Peter Todd, PhD, and James
A. Shiffer, RPh, Write On Time Medical Communications, LLC, and was
funded by Mutual Pharmaceutical Company, Inc, a wholly owned
subsidiary of URL Pharma, Inc. The authors also acknowledge Thomas
Lauterio, PhD, and Deborah DeMaria, MS (Mutual Pharmaceutical
Company, Inc.), for their review and critical revisions for important
intellectual content. All authors contributed equally to the literature
search, data interpretation, figure creation, and writing of the

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Data from this study were presented in part in abstract and poster format at the Annual
Meeting of the American Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics; March 2–5, 2011;
Dallas, Texas.

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