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ESSAY PART A. (20Marks)

Answer one question only from this part

Your composition should be about 200 words long

1. Write a letter to your headteacher discussing two games that should be encouraged among the students
in your school

2. Write an article for publication in your school magazine on why every student should be computer

3. As the senior prefect of your school, you have been invited to tell the Parent Teachers Association
(PTA) what your school needs most. Write your speech.


4. Read the following passages carefully and answer all the questions which follow

Friends are meant to help each other when the need arises. At school, some people develop friendly
relationship which continue throughout their lives. One thing which helps people to stay together as
intimate friends in the ability to communicate freely among themselves and endeavor to be each other’s
keeper. What destroys friendships mostly is friends being suspicious of each other. That is why a popular
adage says, "Suspicion is the bane of friendship”. People attend school not only because they want to
friends but also to polished in their manners. The school prepares its students to become useful citizens.
At school, Tono was not in the good books of the teachers because he behaved in an unruly manner.
Initially, everyone avoided his company; he could be violent at times. Worst of all, he would refuse to do
his assignment and was a habitual late comer. With the passage of time, he was subjected to strict
discipline. He began to mend his ways and obey the school’s rules and regulations. He realized the need to
work diligently in order to have a bright future. His academic work therefore improved by leaps and
Fortune separated us. I travelled abroad for further studies. I stayed away for two decades. On my return,
I went to my former school for my certificate. There I met a middle-age gentleman who also came to the
office for the same purpose. I could not recognize him because time had wiped off all memories of school
life. However, the names on the certificates revealed that we were classmate.
After further discussions, Tono invited me to be his business partner.

Ai. State one thing which helps people to be close

ii. How can friendships get destroyed?
b. Give two reasons why people go to school.
c.i. Why did people avoid Tono’s company?
ii. State Tono’s reason for visiting his former school.
d. Why could the writer not recognize Tono?
e. For each of the following words, give another word or a phrase that means the same, and can fit into the
i. intimate
ii. adage
iii. acquire
iv. polished


Answer all the questions in this part


5. Questions 5(a) to 5(c) are based on the abridged and simplified version of Charles Dickers’ Oliver


“Stop, thief!” he shouted, thinking Oliver had robbed him. The poor boy found himself being chased by
people and even blogs! Someone in the crowd a young man with purple lips and red sores all over his
hands, grabbed Oliver and knocked him down. (Page 109)

a. The one described as a young man with purple lips and sores all over his hands is ……………………
b. Why did the young man with purple lips and red sores all over his hands want to harm Oliver?
c. How did Mr. Brownlow help Oliver at the end of the story?

Read the following extract carefully and answer questions 5(d) and 5(e)


“Bom, say, our young miss has arrived heavily laden with the good things of this earth. I should think
Dukana will soon float on a sea of wealth. (Page 178)
d. Who is referred to as our young miss?
e. The literary device used in heavily laden with all good things of the earth is …………………….
Read the following extract carefully and answer question 5(f) to 5(h)


“X” it was a couple of days ago that we met. What came out of the meeting is that we must come and ask
you and your wife what is preventing you from giving your grandmother a great-grandchild before she
leave us. (Act 4, pg 66)

f. The speaker represented “X” in the extract is ………….

g. According to Ato, what is preventing him and his wife from having children?
h. The figure of speech that describes she leaves us in extract is ……………..
Read the following extract carefully and answer question 5(i) and 5(j)


“Head bent, rage all around the upside down pan picking her nose, shuffling her feet, oblivious to the
bustle” (Page 158)

i. Write one group of words in the extract that brings out the theme of uncleanliness
j. The words Head bent rage all around the upside down pan appeal to the reader’s sense of.

A. lied B. lay C. lain D. laid
From the alternatives lettered A to D, choose the
one which most suitably completes each sentence 10. Before he entered the classroom, we ………..
the chalkboard
1. Was it not your sister who …………. This hole A. cleaned B. had cleaned
yesterday. C. have cleaned D. are cleaning
A. has dug B. have dug C. dig D. dug
11. The oxen lay the bare floor,
2. The timely arrival of the police saved the thief A. didn’t they B. don’t they
from the C. didn’t it D. isn’t
A. class B. audience C. mob D. army
12. The boy found the assignment …….. to do
3. The case was presided over by a ……….of A. much too difficult B. difficult too much
magistrates C. too much difficult D. much difficult too
A. bunch B. bench C. host D. gang
13. Their sister wore a …….. dress to the party.
4. Edwin prefers fish ……… meat A. silk blue beautiful B. beautiful silk
A. for B. than C. to D. from C. blue beautiful silk D. beautiful silk blue

5. Araba goes to school ……. Foot 14. This phone is not mine, it is ………..
A. on B. by C. in D. with A. mine uncle’s B. my uncle’s
C. my uncles D. mine uncles
6. I don’t understand why many students ……… the
history teacher. 15. Habib goes to school ……… train
A. fear B. fears C. fearing D. feared A. by B. on
C. with D. in
7. Aunt Ekuma ………… be able to solve the
problem SECTION B
A. can B. has C. ought D. will
Choose from the alternatives lettered A to D the one
8. What ……. John and Jeffery doing there at that which is nearest in meaning to the underline word
time of the day in each sentence
A. were B. are C. is D. have
16. The officials made a sudden visit to the school
9. The book had ………… on the bookshelf for A. an unusual B. a strange
many years C. a quick D. an unexpected
A. was depressed
17. Some of the studentsqrumbled about the B. shouted for help
assignment C. had to find another job
A. questioned B. talked D. had to survive on his own
C. complained D. bothered
25. My uncle was to cast his bread upon the
18. It is impolite to take loudly in the presence of waters
the elderly A. behaves strangely
A. incorrect B. improper B. feeds his fish with bread
C. unwise D. rude C. is wasteful
D. loves to help people
19. She is found of taking about trivial matters
A. unpleasant B. unimportant SECTION D
C. unexciting D. unacceptable
From the list of words lettered A to D, choose the
20. This curious child likes to ask a lot of questions one that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the
A. inquisitive B. pompous word underlined in each sentence
C. intelligent D. talkative
26. No one enjoyed old man’s humourless stories
A. funny
SECTION C B. peculiar
C. familiar
In each of the following sentences a group of words D. cheerful
has been underlined. Choose from the alternatives
lettered A to D the one best explains the underlined 27. The result will be released very soon
group of words A. with held
B. confirmed
21. The boy reluctant to go on the errand, walked at C. with drawn
a snail’s pace. This means that the boy walked D. cancelled
A. carefully B. carelessly
C. slowly D. noisily 28. The girl intentionally tore her dress
A. carelessly
22. Academically, the science class is second to B. accidentally
none in the school. This means that the class C. willingly
…………… D. foolishly
A. always takes the second position
B. does not do very well 29. We believe that Ama is guilty of the crime
A. ignorant
C. is the best B. aware
D. is the second largest C. careless
D. innocent
23. I was informed at the eleventh hour about his
decision to leave. This means that I heard about his 30. Imported rice is expensive these days
decision A. free
B. cheep
A. immediately B. at eleven O’clock C. tasty
C. in good time D. very late D. scarce

24. When he lost his job, Yaro was left to sink or

swim. This means that Yaro

ESSAY PART A. (30Marks)
Answer one question only from this part

Your composition should be about 200 words long

1. Write a story that ends with “never will I do that again”

2. Write a letter to your friend in another school, telling him or her how your school is preparing towards
the upcoming athletes competition

3. Describe how you prepare your favorite dish (meal)


4. Read the following passages carefully and answer all the questions which follow

Nobody wanted Ananse to succeed in drinking the cup of hot water and win the chief’s beautiful
daughter. Anansegrabbed the cup of hot water, bowed gracefully as possible and smiled confidently. He
lifted the cup and said, slowly and calmly “Nana look …!” Nana Apo braked “yes, it’s hot drink it right
now”. But Ananse kept a cool head. Then in the full glare all present, he shook the cup vigorously for
some bine in order to cool its content. After this, he began to sip the now like warm water as if it was still
hot. Between the sips, the pain he seemed to be going through made him frown
He shut the left eye and his right eye shone brightly, he deliberately, let his hand drop loosely by his
side. Nana Apo smiled, Queen Amola grimed. Adiefo giggled all in happy anticipation of Ananse’s failure
Suddenly Ananse began to drink the warm water quickly and noisily soon all was gone. He turned the
cup upside down and towards Nana and indeed there was not a single drop in it. Lo and behold,
KwakuAnanse, the notorious trickster had succeed where all other had failed. There was complete silence.
Even the wind seemed to have stopped blowing.
The impossible had happened and people’s expectation that kwakuAnanse would lose the contest had
failed. Eventually, Ananse’s victory had won him the hand of pretty Princess Adiefe, Nana Apo and
Queen Amola with great reluctance led their daughter, Adiefe and handed her over to victorious

a. What was the attitude of people present before the contest?

b. Why do you think Ananse shock the cup?
c. Why did Ananse turn the cup upside down?

di State the three tricks Ananse used to show he was in pain?

ii. What was the mood of Nana Apo and Queen in the end?
e. Explain the following expression in your own words
i. “Ananse kept a cool head”
ii. “all was gone”
iii. The impossible had happened
f. For each of the following words, give another word or phrase that means the same and can fit into the
i. grabbed
ii. barked
iii. deliberately
iv. eventually
v. pretty



5. Answer all the questions in this part


Read the following extract carefully and answer question 5(a) and 5(b)


“I just wish that everyone would stop staring at me through l’ve got two heads”

a. What literary device is in the following sentence?

i. Onomatopoeia
ii. Simile
iii. Alliteration
iv. Theme
b. What was the rumors going round about Abiba’s future husband?
i. He was a kind man
ii. He respected woman
iii. He had five wives
iv. He was irresponsible, a loafer and stingy

Read the following carefully and answer question 5(c) to 5(e)


c. Why did Oliver fight with Noah Claypole?

d. Name four (4) characters in the novel
e. Give a theme to the novel Oliver Twist

Read the following extract carefully and answer question 5(f) and 5(g)


The dream in your mind
fills the shelf
when upon the shelf you gaze
Vacuum stares at you

f. What literary device is in this extract “vacuum stares at you”

g. What dream is being referred to in the line:
“When will this dream in your mind fill the shelf.

Read the following carefully and answer question 5(h) to 5(j)


h. Name four (4) characters in the drama

i. Where did Eulalie come from?
j. “If Nakedness promise you clothes, ask his name”. (p.58)
What literary device is been used in this extract?


From the alternatives lettered A to D, choose the 8. I live with my sister ………… is a nurse
one which most suitably completes each sentence A. whom B. who C. whose D which

1. The …… centre is located on the hill. 9. That girl is allergic ……….. dust
A. woman’s B. women’s C. woman A. with B. to C. against D. about
D. women
10. I saw the dog …………. Out of the house
2. Julie wants to visit a relative of ……………. A. run B. is running C ran D. was
A. hers B. herself C. themselves D. running
11 My brother, with his children … travelling to
3. In attempting to control us, the headmaster gave Salaga next week
……… a great deal of trouble A. is B. are C. was D. were
A. themselves B. oneself C. ourselves
D. yourself 12. Habib goes to school………….. train
A. on B. by C. with D> in
4. Selfish people always consider ………. First
A. themselves B. oneself 13. The phone is not mine, it is …………….
C. yourselves D. himself A. mine uncle’s B. my uncle’s
5. This is my book, that one is ……………. C. my uncles D. mine uncle
A. your’s B. your C. yours D yours’
14. Their sister wore a ……… dress to the party
6. The man is a good friend of ………… A. silk blue beautiful B. beautiful silk
A. me B. myself C. mine D. you C. blue beautiful silk D. beautiful silk blue

7. ……….. and Elizabeth were born on the same 15. Aunt Ekuma ………… be able to solve the
day problem
A. Him B. She C. Herself D. Myself A. can B. has C. ought D. will
24. The car needs a hard push in order to start
SECTION B A. drag B. force
C. pull D. low
Choose from the alternatives lettered A to D the one
which is nearest in meaning to the underline word 25. Applying coca butter to the skin make it smooth
in each sentence A. soft B. rough
C. ware D. dark
16. The officials made a sudden visit to the school
A. an unusual B. a strange 26. The Member of Parliament is very generous: he
C. a quick D. an unexpected has done much for the people
A. unkind B. proud
17. Some of the students grumble about the C. honorable D. talkative
A. questioned B. talked
C. complained D. bothered SECTION D

18. It is impolite to take loudly in the presence of In each of the following sentences a group of words
the elderly has been underlined. Choose from the alternatives
A. incorrect B. improper lettered A to D the one best explains the underlined
C. unwise D. rude group of words

19. She is found of taking about trivial matters 27. When he lost his job, Yaro was left to sink or
A. unpleasant B. unimportant swim. This means that Yaro
C. unexciting D. unacceptable A. was depressed
B. shouted for help
20. This curious child likes to ask a lot of questions C. had to find another job
A. inquisitive B. pompous D. had to survive on his own
C. intelligent D. talkative
28. John had to eat his words when our team won
the match. This means that John
SECTION D A. become very much surprised
B. admitted he was wrong
From the list of words lettered A to D, choose the C. denied all that had said
one that is most nearly opposite in meaning to the D. lost appetites
word underlined in each sentence 29. I was informed at the eleventh hour about his decision to
leave. This means that I heard about his decision
A. immediately
21. She has been told to arrange the books B. at eleven O’clock
A. display B. list C. in good time
C. spill D. scatter D. very late

22. Agnes wanted to know the arrival time of the 30. Araba’s visit was a bolt from blue
A a most welcome one
plane B. short
A. departure B. routine C. a complete surprise
C. scheme D. boarding D. timely

23. This is made from artificial materials

A. new B. wonderful
C. preserved D. natural

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